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avion travel viaggi

L'Avion Travel è una azienda altamente specializzata nel noleggio con conducente di autobus GT di recente immatricolazione e dotati di tutti i comfort e delle migliori dotazione di sicurezza.

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Avion Travel, un viaggio lungo 40 anni nell'Opplà Tour

Fabrizio Basso

avion travel

Il tour, annunciato per il 2020 e più volte rimandato a causa della pandemia, partirà  in questa estate 2021 e riprende il nome dall’album Opplà  del 1993, che simbolicamente racconta e rappresenta il periodo creativamente più fertile della band campana nel decennio 1990/2000. Il 28 giugno alle ore 20 saranno a Bollate, al Festival di Villa Arconati FAR

Quarantun anni sono passati dalla nascita degli Avion Travel e uno solo da quel quarantesimo anniversario che si disponevano a festeggiare con un lungo tour. Un tempo anche di riflessione, durante il quale il gruppo ha lavorato su un’idea di canzone più essenziale e agile, più adatta allo spirito di questi tempi difficili. Così il loro suono inconfondibile, quell’impasto di sapienza e ironia, leggerezza e profondità, carezze e carreggiate, prenderà un nuovo corpo in questo tour 2021 simbolicamente intitolato Opplà , come l’album del 1993, periodo fertile e creativo come pochi.

Un’occasione molto aspettata per festeggiare insieme una delle band più longeve e raffinate del nostro Paese. Ne ho parlato con Peppe D'Argenzio , il sassofonista (e non solo) della band. Quando avete saputo che la musica ripartiva quale è stata la prima reazione?

Molto pragmatica e realista, ci avevamo creduto anche l’estate scorsa. Abbiamo esitato l’anno scorso ma stavolta ci siamo detti comunque vada partiamo. Una mossa rigenerante per noi. Come è strutturato il concerto? Ci saranno le chitarre o rispetterete ancora la scelta fatta in onore di Fausto Mesolella? Le chitarre rientrano timidamente perché sono parte della nostra storia, rientrano con umiltà perché non si può recuperare quella mancanza, ma ora abbiamo elaborato il vuoto ed è un omaggio dovuto. E’ divertente anche scambiarci i ruoli sul palco, è un mettere a fuoco una idea che vorremmo utilizzare in passaggi successivi. Visto che è il tour dei 40 anni seguirete un ordine cronologico dei brani? No, sarebbe da lezione di storia mentre la scaletta deve avere una sua drammaturgia; ci sono pezzi che aprono o chiudono e altri che voltano pagina. Qualche pezzo è rimasto fuori, ovviamente. E’ anche la raccolta dello scontento del tempo nel senso che proporremo brani poco noti del nostro repertorio. Dunque l’ Opplà Tour è anche una occasione per proporre brani negli anni dimenticati? Te ne cito un paio: Orlando curioso e Via delle Indie . Poi ci sono alcuni pezzi ai quali non possiamo rinunciare. Esistono pezzi che per consuetudine ci venivano bene e li abbiamo messi sempre in prima fila. Faremo riassaggiare cose messe in disparte con nuovo musicista, Duilio Galioto. Bellosguardo è considerato l’incipit della vostra storia ed è del 1992: del periodo precedente cosa resta? Poco, c’è una grande distanza, quei dieci anni li consideriamo la nostra prima gavetta. Abbiamo anche inediti degli anni Ottanta ma la distanza è tanta e andrebbe inquadrata se no è spiazzante. Definire il vostro manifesto la trilogia dell’Omino non è un po’ limitante? E’ per noi un motivo di affetto ed emozione, quella trilogia è rievocare un periodo, siamo consci della nostra storia e della nostra situazione attuale. Non strepitiamo per la popolarità, ci poniamo solo la questione di suonare, ci legano la storia e la curiosità di trovarci ogni tanto e vedere che ognuno si mette in gioco. Alla trilogia aggiungo Cirano: quello è il nostro decennio chiuso con vittoria a Sanremo. Quando parlate del 1993 e dell’album Opplà vi guardate con tenerezza o siete solo lontani parenti? Ci guardiamo con tenerezza perché abbiamo imparato tante cose da quel periodo, ce la siamo cavata anche con tanti limiti, l’esperienza ce la siamo fatta sul campo, il musicista si mette sempre in discussione e studia, cambiano anche strumenti e competenze ma il candore è il punto di riferimento. Il tour all’estero da cui è nato Vivo di Canzoni vi ha dato un respiro internazionale: vi considerate degli apripista? C’è anche il Best Of dei primi anni Duemila solo per il mercato estero. E’ stato un momento importante perché ci ha fatto mettere a fuoco su un orecchio internazionale, per capire se il nostro suoni poteva essere riconosciuto come prodotto italiano ma con originalità. C’erano meno interferenze individuali private epiù libertà poi la vita è cambiata con le famiglie e i figli. Tenevamo concerti nei club con costi molto bassi, lo facevamo a condizioni militanti. L’eco di quel lavoro si ritrova perché restano i contatti, penso ai concerti a Parigi e Bratislava. Poi resta la riconoscibilità di un prodotto italiano. Raccontare 40 anni abbondanti di storia in due ore non è facile. Ci sono stati periodi di crisi personale ma mai abbiamo creato una scaletta con manuale Cencelli. Prima c’era la sala prove oggi c’è una individualità. Manteniamo la libertà di scegliere le canzoni con coerenza. Il corso del nuovo fiume parte da Buenos Aires: perché? Il singolo Il Fiume è una coincidenza che racconta chi siamo adesso. La suggestione è nata a Buenos Aires a Peppe Voltarelli. Si sono aperte delle strade nelle nostre vite e abbiamo conosciuto musiche, storie paesi…una cosa comincia dove ci sono suggestioni. L’estate oltre che un tour sarà lavoro in studio? Speriamo ci si riesca perché viviamo un incrocio di calendari. Viviamo con amore ritrovarci in sala prove, c’è un clima bello. Duilio so è subito integrato, non volevamo un turnista ma un musicista che avesse con noi affinità di gusti. Appena possibile uscirà il disco. 

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avion travel viaggi

Frequently asked questions

avion travel viaggi

Avion Travel

Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel, knownas Avion Travel , was founded in Caserta in 1980 and during the years crossed rock, pop, and new wave with incursions in the cinematic hemisphere, theatre, and Italian musical tradition.

Avion Travel participated in the Sanremo Festival in 1987, winning the rock section with the song “Sorpassando”. In 1992 they released their first album Bellosguardo which, together with Opplà in the following year and Finalmente Fiori (1995), symbolized one of the cornerstones of the historic band’s music together with the beginning of their success. During these years, the Piccola Orchestra was formed by Peppe Servillo (vocals), Fausto Mesolella (guitar), Mario Tronco (keyboard), Mimì Ciaramella (drums), Ferruccio Spinetti (double bass), and Peppe D’Argenzio (sax).

From 1995 Avion Travel started a series of parallel projects which merged music, cinema, and theatre. The first one was La guerra vista dalla luna , a single-act musical play starring the famous Italian actor Fabrizio Bentivoglio. The play debuted at Teatro Parioli (Roma) in May 1995 and was then staged in major Italian and foreign cities.

After curating the soundtrack of the film Hotel Paura by Renato De Maria (1996), they embarked on national and international tour in the summer of 1997. From that tour was released their first live album, Vivo di Canzoni (1998).

That same year they participated in the forty-eighth edition of the Sanremo Festival with the song “Sleep and Dream” that won the Premio della critica e della giuria di qualità. The jury was chaired by English composer Michael Nyman who expressed great admiration for Avion Travel in an article for the Financial Times.

One year later, Avion Travel started an innovative project: together with producer Arto Lindsay , father of New York’s new wave, they produced Cyrano, in which they mixed the harmony and the voice of Peppe Servillo with Lindsay’s typical guitars and electric keyboards.

In 2000 they were once again on the Sanremo Festival’s stage, where they won with the song “Sentimento”.

Between 2003 and 2007, the Orchestra ’s components engaged in individual experiences until returning together with a new formation: Peppe Servillo on vocals, Fausto Mesolella on guitar, Mimì Ciaramella on drums, Vittorio Remino on bass, and Flavio D’Ancona on keyboards. In 2009, Avion Travel published L’amico magico , a collection of compositions by Nino Rota revised with original arrangements.

Sadly, in 2017, Fausto Mesolella – historical guitarist of the group and prominent Italian musician, composer, and arranger – passed away, leaving behind a career rich in collaborations and awards.

In 2020, Avion Travel participated in La Musica dei Cieli festival , in collaboration with BeatMi. This was a special edition, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: eight international artists were asked to perform in places of worship or in theatres in Milan and Lombardy. Their exhibitions, however, were live streamed on the website of Corriere della Sera .

Avion Travel performed with their newest formation, composed by Peppe Servillo (vocals), Peppe D’Argenzio (sax), Flavio D’Ancona (keyboards), Duilio Galioto (piano and keyboards), Ferruccio Spinetti (double bass), and Mimì Ciaramella (drums).

avion travel viaggi

September “Chez Ponderosa”. Summer Is Not Over Yet

This September, Ponderosa ends the summer with a bang, welcoming autumn with a string of festivals and concerts

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Thirty-one days, sixteen artists artists and sixty-one concerts

Thirty-one. Sixteen. Sixty-one. Thirty-one for the days in the month of July. Sixteen for the number of artists from the Ponderosa team who will play live on tour throughout the course of this month. Sixty-one, for the number of concerts they will perform all around Italy. These are blessed numbers for live performers, who were hit hard by the lockdown and color-coded restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

[email protected]

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Best ways to earn:

Best ways to redeem:.

RBC Avion points are an incredibly useful, transferrable reward currency for Canadians.

Its diverse suite of transfer partners and ease of earning make it a great program to include as part of your points-earning endeavours.

Before we go further, it’s important to distinguish between the different tiers of RBC Avion Rewards. There are subtypes of Avion points: Avion Select, Avion Premium, and Avion Elite.

Avion Elite is the highest Avion Rewards tier, and has the most redemption flexibility. Both Avion Elite and Avion Premium points are earned through RBC credit cards, and can be transferred from one account to the other, if you hold a credit card that earns Avion Elite points.

Comparatively, Avion Select points are a recent addition to the RBC Avion program, and these aren’t nearly as valuable as the other two tiers.

Avion Select points are earned through applicable shopping activity, and can’t be combined with Avion Elite or Avion Premium points.

In this guide, we’ll be focusing on Avion Elite points, while exploring the possibilities of earning Avion Premium points for the sole purpose of converting the Premium points into Elite points.

Earning RBC Avion Points

The main way to earn RBC Avion points is through RBC credit cards. You can rack up Avion points through credit card welcome bonuses and through everyday spending.

Credit cards will earn either Avion Elite points or Avion Premium points.

The credit cards that earn Avion Elite points include all from the RBC Avion lineup.

Meanwhile, the cards that earn Avion Premium points are from the RBC ION lineup.

As long as you have at least one of the RBC Avion cards from the first list, you’ll be able to freely transfer Avion Premium points earned from the ION cards in the second list to your Avion Elite rewards account.

Transferring Avion points from Premium points to Elite points will give you a lot more redemption options.

Credit Card Welcome Bonuses

The best way to earn RBC Avion points is through welcome bonuses.

Welcome bonuses fluctuate depending on the current promotion. However, you can usually expect an RBC Avion card to come with a welcome bonus of 15,000–35,000 Avion points, with the bonus sometimes getting as high as 55,000 Avion points if you’re able to meet the associated spending requirements.

Despite having similar welcome bonuses, the Avion cards do all have slight differences in the benefits they offer, their earning rates, and their annual fees.

The RBC® Avion Visa Platinum†, RBC® Avion Visa Infinite†, and RBC® Avion Visa Business  all have an annual fee of $120 (all figures in CAD).

Meanwhile, the RBC® Avion Visa Infinite† Business has an annual fee of $175, and lastly, the RBC® Avion Visa Infinite Privilege† card has the highest annual fee at $399.

With the higher annual fees, you can usually expect to also see additional benefits, such as higher earning rates and access to airport lounges.

By comparison, the RBC ION cards seriously lag behind in terms of welcome bonuses offered, often ranging from 3,500–7,000 Avion Premium points.

However, the ION cards do have minimal annual fees, with the RBC® ION Visa having no annual fee, and the RBC® ION+ Visa charging a fee of only $4 per month.

Credit Card Spending

In addition to earning the welcome bonus, you’re also able to earn Avion points on your day-to-day purchases.

The RBC Avion-branded credit cards come with the following earning rates on daily spending:

RBC® Avion Visa Infinite†

  • 1.25 Avion points per dollar spent on all travel purchases (flights, hotels, car rentals, etc.)
  • 1 Avion point per dollar spent on all other qualifying purchases

RBC® Avion Visa Platinum†

  • 1 Avion point per dollar spent on all qualifying purchases

RBC® Avion Visa Infinite Privilege†

  • 1.25 Avion points per dollar spent on all qualifying purchases

RBC® Avion Visa Business

RBC® Avion Visa Infinite† Business

The RBC ION cards, earning Avion Premium points instead of Avion Elite points, have better earning rates than the cards above, despite fetching little to no annual fees.

Although the ION cards earn less valuable Avion Premium points, you can easily transfer the Avion Premium points earned through ION cards to Avion Elite points at a rate of 1:1, if you hold one of the Avion cards listed above.

The two cards through which you can earn Avion Premium points have the following earning rates:


  • 1.5 Avion points per dollar spent on qualifying grocery, gas, rideshare, daily public transit, electric vehicle charging, streaming, digital gaming, and digital subscriptions

RBC® ION+ Visa

  • 3 Avion points per dollar spent on qualifying grocery, dining, food delivery, gas, rideshare, daily public transit, electric vehicle charging, streaming, digital gaming, and digital subscriptions
  • 1 Avion point per dollar spent spent on all other qualifying purchases

Avion Rewards

A relatively recent addition to the RBC Avion program is Avion Rewards, which is open for RBC clients and non-clients alike.

avion travel viaggi

Since all points transactions are made under its platform, those with an Avion or ION card product have automatically been registered to Avion Rewards, while those with other RBC products may use their existing RBC credentials to enroll.

Under Avion Rewards, you may benefit from two types of offers: “save & earn” offers, and “shop now” offers.

The former lets you earn Avion points, discounts, and cash back when you use your eligible RBC card at participating online and in-store establishments. Meanwhile, the latter lets you earn cash back on online purchases, akin to the Aeroplan eStore and Rakuten.

Examples of save & earn Avion points offers are as follows:

  • Earn 1,000 Avion points when you spend $300 or more at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels in Canada
  • Earn 10x Avion points on Lyft rides
  • Earn 2x Avion points on eligible Apple purchases

For save & earn offers, you must opt into each offer by logging into your Avion Rewards account.

avion travel viaggi

Redeeming RBC Avion Points

The best feature of the RBC Avion program is the flexible nature of Avion points.

Avion Elite points can be transferred to airline loyalty programs, redeemed through RBC’s Air Travel Redemption Schedule , or cashed out through gift cards or statement credits.

Comparatively, Avion Premium points aren’t quite as valuable on their own.

Avion Premium points can only be transferred to WestJet Rewards , or they can be cashed out for statement credits and gift cards. Notably, Avion Premium points cannot be transferred to any other airline loyalty program and can’t be used to book travel through RBC’s Air Travel Redemption Schedule.

Given this, the best use of RBC Avion Premium points is simply to transfer them to RBC Avion Elite points, which you can easily do as long as  you have a Avion credit card.

Even if you don’t currently have an Avion credit card, it’s still best to save your Avion Premium points, and make plans to get an Avion credit card in the future.

For this reason, we’ll look exclusively at the redemption options for RBC Avion Elite points.

Transferring to Partner Programs

You can transfer your RBC Avion Elite points at a 1:1 ratio to British Airways Executive Club (Avios) and Cathay Pacific Asia Miles, and to WestJet Rewards at a rate of 1 Avion point = $0.01 in WestJet Dollars (WSD).

You can also transfer Avion Elite points to American Airlines AAdvantage at a rate of 10 Avion points = 7 AAdvantage miles.

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British Airways Executive Club is great for short-haul journeys, as well as long-haul trips in economy class.

One amazing sweet spot is transferring British Airways Avios to Qatar Airways Avios at a 1:1 ratio. From there, you can book Qatar Airways QSuites one-way from North America to Doha for only 70,000 Qatar Airways Avios.

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It’s also worth noting that RBC regularly offers transfer bonus promotions from Avion to British Airways Executive Club. Historically, the most common promotional offer is a 30% bonus on point transfers.

Lastly, keep in mind that there are a few restrictions on the ability to transfer points to these partners. In particular, for British Airways Avios, American AAdvantage, and Cathay Pacific Asia Miles, you need to transfer a minimum of 10,000 Avion points at a time. However, there is no such restriction for transfers to WestJet Rewards.

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RBC Air Travel Redemption Schedule

If you’re not interested in transferring your Avion points to an airline loyalty program, you can still get great value by redeeming points through the RBC Air Travel Redemption Schedule.

While you won’t be able to get outsized value for your points, you’ll still get more value through this avenue than if you redeemed Avion points for a statement credit or for gift cards.

Through the Air Travel Redemption Schedule, you’ll be able to redeem Avion Elite points at a fixed rate for the base fare of any flight booked through the Avion Rewards portal, powered by Expedia.

Each redemption option allows you to use the specified number of points towards a listed maximum base fare.

It’s important to note that you’ll be responsible to pay for any base fare amount that’s over the maximum base fare listed in each category, as well as for the taxes and additional fees.

If you wish to redeem Avion points for the additional costs, you can choose to do so, albeit at the lower redemption rate of 1 cent per Avion point.

When using RBC’s Air Travel Redemption Schedule to book a flight, you’ll get a value of up to 2.3 cents per Avion point, depending on the origin and destination of your trip and the cost of the base fare.

The maximum value of 2.3 cents per Avion point can be found in the “Quick Getaway” category when you redeem 15,000 Avion points for the maximum return-trip base fare of $350.

In all the other categories, the maximum value you’ll be able to extract is 2 cents per Avion point, when booking a round-trip for the maximum base fare amount.

As an example, if you were to redeem 100,000 Avion points for a round-trip flight from Toronto to Lima with a base fare cost of $1,700, you would receive a value of 1.7 cents per point.

Notably, with the Air Travel Redemption Schedule, the number of Avion points required for a redemption in each category doesn’t fluctuate with the cost of the base fare.

Using the above example of the round-trip flight between Toronto and Lima, even if the base fare was only $900, you would still need to redeem 100,000 Avion Elite points.

Based on this, to extract maximum value from your Avion points when using the Air Travel Redemption Schedule, you’ll want to aim to redeem for base fares that are as close to the category’s maximum base fare as possible.

avion travel viaggi

For this reason, the fixed-rate redemption chart can be particularly valuable for bookings during busy times of year, such as holiday seasons, when travel costs are elevated.

This is because the fixed-rate nature of the Air Travel Redemption Chart allows you to book these more expensive dates of travel for the same number of points as a cheaper date of travel (assuming the base fare remains below the maximum threshold for the category).

avion travel viaggi

Travel Credit

Another option for redeeming your Avion Elite points is for fixed-rate travel statement credits through the Avion Rewards platfo.

By booking through this avenue, most cardholders will receive a fixed rate of 1 cent per point, and if you hold the RBC® Avion Visa Infinite Privilege† or the RBC® Avion Visa Infinite† Business , you’ll have access to a fixed rate of 2 cents per point if you’re booking a business class or First Class flight.

When compared to the Air Travel Redemption Schedule , this may seem like a similar or even slightly worse valuation; however, it can actually prove to be better in certain scenarios.

As we mentioned above, when redeeming Avion points through the Air Travel Redemption Schedule, you are required to redeem the set number of points regardless of the cost of the base fare, as long as it’s under the maximum amount.

Looking at the “Explore North America” category from the Air Travel Redemption Schedule, this means that even if the base fare ends up being less than the $750 maximum listed, you’ll still have to pay the full 35,000 Avion points.

Taking a deeper dive, based on the redemption rate of 1 Avion point = 1 cent, the 35,000 Avion points required for this booking is equal to $350.

This means that if you’re looking at redemptions using the Air Travel Redemption Schedule and you find a base fare within this category for less than $350, you’ll be better off booking the flight on your own and then redeeming your Avion points for a travel credit.

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Other ways to Redeem Avion Points

Beyond what’s already been mentioned, RBC provides a number of additional options for redeeming Avion points through the Avion Rewards platform. However, these options are not particularly valuable.

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For example, you can use points to send e-transfers, pay bills, add to your existing investments, make a mortgage payment, or even pay off your credit card.

For most of these financial redemption options, you’ll get a value of 0.83 cents per point, and if you want to pay your credit card directly, the value is only 0.58 cents per point.

You can access better value than this by redeeming Avion points for gift cards, with some options offering value as high as 1 cent per point (and occasionally higher during promotions), but the best value can still found by transferring Avion Elite points to partner airline loyalty programs.

avion travel viaggi

One additional option is to redeem Avion points for merchandise, but similarly to the other non-travel redemption options, this doesn’t offer nearly as much value for your Avion points.

RBC Avion is an important rewards program that can help unlock some amazing sweet spots through transfers to partnered airline loyalty programs, such as British Airways Executive Club and Cathay Pacific Asia Miles.

Thanks to its unique set of transfer partners, the relative ease of accumulating points via RBC’s Avion- and ION-branded credit cards, and the frequency of transfer promotions, Avion points are extremely useful to collect as a way to supplement the other major Canadian points programs.

Sign In to Avion Rewards

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If you have a personal credit card or deposit account, you need to enrol in RBC Online Banking to enjoy Avion Rewards. It’s easy and secure.

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Join the millions of people already shopping and saving with Avion Rewards

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Cash back percentage varies by brand and is subject to change.

Not all rewards are available for all members.

To participate in this offer, you must have an RBC debit or credit card which is issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“RBC Card”). RBC Business Clients will only be able to link up to two (2) Business Credit Cards and one Business Debit Card to a Petro-Points card.

Any/every/your card means an RBC Card that is linked to a Petro-Points card. A linked RBC Member means you have an RBC debit or credit card issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“RBC Card”) that is linked to a Petro-Points card.

You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app in order to link your RBC Card to your Petro-Points card. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before savings and bonus points can be applied to purchases. A Linked RBC Card means an RBC Card linked to a Petro-Points Account. Your Linked RBC Card acts as your Petro-Points card. You will automatically earn Petro-Points when you pay for qualifying purchases with your Linked RBC card at Petro-Canada Locations and you do not need to swipe your Petro-Points card before you pay. You can redeem your Petro-Points at Petro-Canada using your Linked RBC Card.

Each time you use your Linked RBC Card to purchase any grade of gasoline, or diesel, at a Petro-Canada Location, you will save three cents ($0.03) per litre at the time of the transaction.

Each time you use your Linked RBC Card to pay for qualifying purchases at a Petro-Canada Location, you will earn a bonus of twenty percent (20%) more Petro-Points than you normally earn, in accordance with the Petro-Points terms and conditions available at .

Petro-Points are not awarded on tobacco products, vaping products, gift cards, transit tickets and taxes on non-petroleum purchases.

To participate in this offer, you must have an eligible RBC Debit Card, Personal Credit Card or Business Credit Card which is issued by Royal Bank of Canada (excluding RBC commercial credit cards) (“RBC Card”). RBC Business Owners will only be able to link up to two (2) Business Credit Cards and one RBC Debit Card to a Be Well Card.

Eligible RBC Debit Cards are debit cards tied to a personal banking or savings account or a business banking or savings account in good standing that is set up to pay for goods and services at a store or merchant that has point of sale or other designated debit card terminals that accept debit card payments.

You must be enrolled in RBC Online Banking in order to link your RBC Card to your Be Well Card. Card linking may take up to 2 business days to process before Be Well points can be applied to purchases. Each time you scan your Be Well Card and pay with your Linked RBC Card, you will earn 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible purchases at Rexall Locations, in accordance with the Be Well Terms and Conditions available at .

Be Well points are not awarded on taxes; tobacco products; products containing codeine; lottery tickets; alcohol; bottle deposits; gift cards; prepaid cards and wireless or long distance phone cards; event tickets; transit tickets and passes; post office transactions; stamps; passport photos; cash back; gifts with purchases; delivery charges; environmental levies; Home Health Care services/rentals and any other products or services that Rexall / McKesson Canada Corporation may specify from time to time or where prohibited by law.

To receive a complimentary DashPass subscription for $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more at eligible restaurants when you pay with your Eligible RBC Credit Card, you must subscribe to DashPass by adding an Eligible RBC Credit Card, accept the DoorDash terms and conditions, and activate your benefit by clicking “Activate Free DashPass” before July 5, 2023 (“Offer Period”). If you are an existing DashPass subscriber and have already added an Eligible RBC Credit Card to your account you must activate your benefit by clicking “Activate Free DashPass” during the Offer Period. If you have been charged for DashPass you will receive a refund to the method of original payment, in the amount of the monthly subscription fee for the month you activate your complimentary subscription. For all clients, by clicking on “Activate Free DashPass” you agree to the DoorDash terms and conditions which can be found at (opens in a new window)

Existing Cardholders: Get 10% in statement credits on your first $250 of qualifying purchases, and 5% in statement credits on your next $1,250 of qualifying purchases, after taxes and shipping, when you pay with your eligible RBC debit or credit card from now until July 31, 2023 (“Offer Period”) at participating RONA stores and online. No minimum spend required. Statement credits limited to the first $1,500 of total spend during the Offer Period. This offer is not transferable. To take advantage of this offer, you must activate the offer by clicking the “Load Offer” button in RBC Online Banking before you make your purchase.

Once the offer has been activated you will receive a Statement Credit, calculated on the final price of your Qualifying Purchases after taxes and shipping fees at participating RONA stores in Canada and Qualifying Purchase made during the Offer Period with any RBC Royal Bank personal debit or credit card, other than an RBC US Dollar Visa card, (“Eligible RBC Card”) to receive:

  • 10% in statement credits on the first $250 spent on Qualifying Purchases, and
  • 5% in statement credits on the next $1250 spent on Qualifying Purchases (i.e., spend between $250.01 - $1,500)

(collectively, Statement Credits”).

There is no minimum spend required. Statement Credits are limited to the first $1,500 of total Qualifying Purchases during the Offer Period. Qualifying Purchases exclude payments made through PayPal for online orders, payments by Gift Cards and purchases of items that are out of stock and/or not ready for shipping within the Offer Period.

Please allow up to 30 days from transaction, provided your debit or credit card account was in good standing at that time, for the Statement Credit to appear on the account statement tied to your Eligible RBC Card. Please note that if you paid for your Qualifying Purchase using an Eligible RBC Card that is a credit card, the Statement Credit will not be applied as a payment towards the balance of your credit card account.

This offer may be combined or used in conjunction with any other offers, but cannot be applied retroactively to previous purchases. Returns or price adjustments of your Qualifying Purchase may cancel your Statement Credit.

“Qualifying Purchase” is the final price of your purchases after taxes and shipping fees at participating RONA stores in Canada and , but exclude payments made through PayPal for online orders, payments by Gift Cards, and purchases of items that are out of stock and/or not ready for shipping within the Offer Period.

RONA inc., not Royal Bank of Canada (“RBC”), is responsible for the sales, returns and shipping terms and conditions applicable to your Qualifying Purchase. RBC reserves the right to cancel, modify or withdraw this offer at any time, even after you have activated it.


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  1. AAA: Flight bookings have tripled since last year

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  3. More people taking flights on vacation this summer

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  1. Avion Travel Viaggi

    Avion Travel è da oltre 25 anni agenzia di viaggio e turismo/tour operator. Siamo altamente specializzati in Viaggi D'istruzione, Mini stay, Alternanza scuola lavoro,Estate Inpsieme, Vacanze Studio Pon/Por C1 e C5 ed altro ancora. Disponiamo di una flotta autobus GT (N.C.C.) tutti di recentissima costruzione e dotati di tutti i comfort per garantire viaggi sicuri e rilassanti..

  2. Avion Travel

    Avion Travel - Pagina Ufficiale. 10,649 likes · 87 talking about this. Gli Avion Travel nascono a Caserta nel 1980. Negli anni si sono ritagliati uno spazio importante sulla scena della canzone... Avion Travel - Pagina Ufficiale. 10,649 likes · 87 talking about this. Gli Avion Travel nascono a Caserta nel 1980.

  3. Avion Travel Viaggi

    L'Avion Travel è una azienda altamente specializzata nel noleggio con conducente di autobus GT di recente immatricolazione e dotati di tutti i comfort e delle migliori dotazione di sicurezza. La nostra Flotta è costituita da Autobus da 19 a 83 posti a sedere, tutti affidati ad esperti autisti che vantano esperienza ventennale, fidati ...

  4. Book flights, hotels and more on points

    When you book your travel through Avion Rewards, you may redeem Avion points at the rate of 100 points per CAD $1.00 to pay for any taxes and service fees (including sales, GST, departure and transportation taxes and fees, airport improvement fees, or other taxes), excess baggage charges, immigration fees, governmental fees and levies, customs charges and passenger facilities charges, health ...


    Gli Avion Travel si sono ricongiunti in formazione originale per quello che è stato il Retour nel 2014, poi protrattosi fino agli inizi del 2017. Nell'estate dello stesso anno dopo la scomparsa ...

  6. Avion Travel

    Gli Avion Travel nascono a Caserta nel 1980. Negli anni si sono ritagliati uno... Avion Travel - Pagina Ufficiale. Mi piace: 10.631 · 2 persone ne parlano. Gli Avion Travel nascono a Caserta nel 1980. Negli anni si sono ritagliati uno spazio importante sull ...

  7. Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel

    La Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel (conosciuta anche con il nome Avion Travel) è un gruppo italiano di musica pop-jazz formatosi a Caserta nel 1980.Il nome della banda deriva da quello di un'agenzia di viaggi della città della Reggia. Sono stati i vincitori del Festival di Sanremo 2000 con il brano Sentimento e nel 2007 del Premio Lunezia per il valore musical-letterario dell'album Danson ...

  8. Avion Travel

    Avion Travel - Pagina Ufficiale. 10,526 likes · 21 talking about this. Gli Avion Travel nascono a Caserta nel 1980. Negli anni si sono ritagliati uno spazio importante sull

  9. Avion Travel, un viaggio lungo 40 anni nell'Opplà Tour

    Avion Travel, un viaggio lungo 40 anni nell'Opplà Tour. Il tour, annunciato per il 2020 e più volte rimandato a causa della pandemia, partirà in questa estate 2021 e riprende il nome dall ...

  10. Travel

    Pianifica il tuo viaggio con Google. Trova voli, hotel, case vacanze, cose da fare e altro ancora.

  11. Avion Rewards

    Book through Avion Rewards Travel or contact the Avion Rewards Travel Call Centre at 1-877-636-2870 (additional service fees apply). To book a new flight using an airline travel credit. If you have an airline credit due to a flight cancellation that you'd like to use, contact the Avion Rewards Travel Call Centre at 1-877-636-2870. ...

  12. Travel

    Plan your trip with Google. Find flights, hotels, vacation rentals, things to do, and more.

  13. Avion Travel s.r.l.

    Avion Travel Viaggi di Caserta storica agenzia con cui ho fatto tutti i miei viaggi e i miei spostamenti in bus, non mi ha mai deluso sempre disponibili a tutte l'esigenze della Mia famiglia. Viaggiare in mano a specialisti del settore non ha prezzo, non cambierei mai la mia agenzia viaggi.

  14. Google Flights

    Use Google Flights to explore cheap flights to anywhere. Search destinations and track prices to find and book your next flight.

  15. Flights, Hotels, Car Rentals & Cruises

    Whether you need a flight, hotel, cruise, car rental, a combination of these or a full-blown family vacation package, Avión Travel can sure be able to help you set it up. Avión Travel is owned by an independent travel agent, and is located in the beautiful Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA. Please call us to request an apointment: If no answer ...

  16. Avion Travel

    Bio. Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel, knownas Avion Travel, was founded in Caserta in 1980 and during the years crossed rock, pop, and new wave with incursions in the cinematic hemisphere, theatre, and Italian musical tradition. Avion Travel participated in the Sanremo Festival in 1987, winning the rock section with the song "Sorpassando".

  17. See How Many Points You Need To Travel

    Avion credit card holders can also redeem for all type of travel, using this simple conversion: Redeem points using this conversion rate for hotel stays, car rental, cruises, and more. You can also use it for flights when you don't want to redeem from the Air Travel Redemption Grid above. See all the ways you can use your points for travel.

  18. Review: RBC® Avion Visa Infinite†

    Consistently High Welcome Bonus. One of the most attractive features of the RBC® Avion Visa Infinite† is the consistently high welcome bonus.. The welcome bonus tends to fluctuate between 35,000 and 55,000 Avion (Elite) points, with 55,000 points being the card's all-time high offer.. Typically, a large portion of the welcome bonus is awarded upon approval or upon making your first ...

  19. Frequently Asked Questions

    The chart below outlines any Avion Rewards Travel booking fees or charges that may be applicable if you need to change or cancel your travel plans. In addition, the travel supplier for your reservation (i.e. airline, tour operator, etc.) may also impose change or cancellation fees. Contact Avion Rewards Travel at 1-877-636-2870 to find out more.

  20. The Essential Guide to RBC Avion Rewards

    1.25 Avion points per dollar spent on all travel purchases (flights, hotels, car rentals, etc.) 1 Avion point per dollar spent on all other qualifying purchases; RBC® Avion Visa Platinum† 1 Avion point per dollar spent on all qualifying purchases; RBC® Avion Visa Infinite Privilege† 1.25 Avion points per dollar spent on all qualifying ...

  21. Redeem your points for gift cards, merchandise, travel ...

    Avion Elite members can travel more for less. Avion Elite members can use fixed points pricing to book deals to top destinations - any airline, any flight, any time. Explore travel. Do it all with points in the Avion Rewards app. The Avion Rewards app lets you access your account quickly and easily. Use your points for gift cards, merchandise ...

  22. Avion Rewards

    Earn Avion Rewards points on debit and credit purchases. Redeem them for flights, hotels, tech, financial rewards, and much more. ... I was able to find what I was looking for in the travel section! I recently bought a pair of sneakers through the app's Shop the Web section. I found a good deal and earned some cashback! Go to previous slide.