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22 things you need to know before going to Sri Lanka

Emma Boyle

Oct 14, 2023 • 11 min read


Get to grips with Sri Lanka's complex culture with these top tips on health, safety and etiquette © Cavan Images / Getty Images

Floating in tropical waters off the southern tip of India, Sri Lanka is defined by its gentle Buddhist culture, friendly people and laid-back way of life despite its troubled recent history.

A little knowledge goes a long way when it comes to having an easy trip to this Indian Ocean island. For such a small nation, Sri Lanka is hugely diverse. Surf-pounded coastlines rise to forested national parks , temple-studded plains and jungle-covered highlands – with the added perk that nowhere is that far from a  beach .

Most visitors start on the coast and duck inland to tea gardens, ancient cities and national parks, but navigating Sri Lanka 's frenetic public transport system and cultural sensitivities can be confusing for new arrivals. To help you out, here are some of the things you need to know before traveling to Sri Lanka.

1. Apply for a visa in advance

As a first step, check the latest visa requirements for Sri Lanka. Most nationalities need an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) in advance of travel, but fortunately, they're not hard to get.

2. Check your travel vaccinations

Sri Lanka is a tropical destination, so check with your doctor to make sure you're up to date with your travel vaccinations. Recommended vaccinations for Sri Lanka include diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B and polio. Long stayers might also consider getting vaccinated against typhoid and rabies (although rare, rabies can be fatal, and it's carried by dogs, cats and monkeys in Sri Lanka).

3. Plan your trip according to the monsoons

Between May and September , the south coast and west coast of Sri Lanka are lashed by the southwest monsoon, which brings plenty of rainfall and choppy seas, while northern and eastern parts of the island are fine and dry. When the northeast monsoon hits Sri Lanka between November and March, the south and west are at their best, and it's the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka that see the showers.

In fact, monsoon rainfall in Sri Lanka is quite sporadic – expect short, sharp downpours interspersed with long, hot sunny spells. Traveling to different parts of Sri Lanka during their rainy "off-seasons" has its rewards – visitor numbers fall and hotel rates drop quite significantly.

Sri Lankan Buddhists gather at a temple building in front of burning insence

4. There's no alcohol for sale on full moon days and religious events

Sri Lanka has a huge number of bank holidays, and almost half of these are poya days, marking the arrival of the full moon, an auspicious event in Sri Lankan Buddhism. All poya days are dry days – alcohol is not sold in shops, restaurants or bars (though you can still access your hotel room’s minibar). The ban on alcohol also extends to other religious events such as the Buddhist festival of Vesak in May.

5. Carry cash: the currency is the Sri Lankan rupee

Stock up on rupees on arrival in Sri Lanka (not before), and don't change more than you need. Sri Lankan rupees are hard to exchange outside of Sri Lanka. ATMs are widespread all over the country – stick to Bank of Ceylon ATMs where possible as they don't charge a fee. Card machines are common in larger hotels, restaurants and tourist-oriented shops.

Try to build up a stash of lower denomination notes wherever possible (for example, withdraw LKR5900 rather than LKR6000). You'll need small bills to pay for tuk-tuks, to buy things from local shops and markets, and for tipping. Carrying some cash in dollars, euros or pounds sterling is also useful – all are widely accepted in tourist areas.

6. Be realistic about how much ground you can cover

It takes a surprising amount of time to travel around Sri Lanka thanks to winding routes and the limited number of roads crossing the island's interior. Traffic also has to navigate a variety of hazards including badly surfaced roads and roaming wildlife (buffaloes, cows, feral dogs and even elephants). To do Sri Lanka justice, don’t rush. You’ll need at least a month for a circuit of the island with detours to national parks, ancient cities and tea plantations.

Thanks to Sri Lanka’s improving expressway network, road travel from Colombo to southern towns such as Galle ,  Matara and  Tangalla is fairly rapid. With its twisting, congested roads, the  Hill Country is the most time-consuming region to navigate (consider taking trains to explore instead).

Two young children run out of the sea towards their parents on a sandy beach backed by palm trees

7. Pack the right clothing for Sri Lanka’s hills and religious sites

Sri Lanka’s mountains reach elevations of over 2,000m (6,560ft) and temperatures are lower in the highlands than on the coast. Pack a light jumper for cooler nights and early morning starts (particularly between December and March). Also bring a sarong – you can use it as a beach blanket or towel, as a shawl or skirt to cover your shoulders or knees when visiting temples, and as a warm layer when traveling on air-conditioned buses or for pre-dawn safari jeep drives.

When making trips to religious sites, wear clothing that covers the legs and upper arms and shoulders. Remove your shoes and headwear before entering any Buddhist or Hindu temple or mosque, even if the site is a historic ruin. Socks are allowed (and you'll need them on scorching hot sunny days).

Tourists are less common in  Jaffna and the north where a distinct Sri Lankan Tamil Hindu culture predominates. Respect local etiquette when visiting Hindu temples – ask for permission before entering as non-Hindus are barred from entering some shrines. Some temples also require men to remove shirts and enter bare-chested (for example, Jaffna’s vast Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil ).

8. Plan ahead for the hill country trains

Sri Lanka Railways runs the nation's trains, including services on the spectacular Main Line that slices east from Colombo  through the island’s highest mountains, cloud forests and tea estates. It’s a stunning journey and hugely popular with tourists and locals alike, particularly the section between Kandy and Ella .

Book tickets in air-conditioned first class or fan-cooled second class well ahead to guarantee a seat, either in person at stations or online via booking sights such as 12GoAsia . Tickets are released 10 days prior and sell out quickly.

9. Swimwear is for the beach only

For the most part, Sri Lankans are socially conservative and deeply religious. Swimwear is fine for the beach, but not when wandering about town. Going nude or topless is not permitted on any Sri Lankan beaches.

10. Avoid public affection and disruptive behavior

Public displays of affection are frowned on, as is loud or brash behavior and losing your temper in public. Keep the latter in mind when haggling – this should never be an angry process.

Two bare-foot monks enter the ruins of a temple building

11. Show respect to Buddha images

Sri Lankan Buddhists take depictions of the Buddha very seriously and these should always be treated with respect. People have been deported from Sri Lanka for displaying "disrespectful" Buddha images, so avoid wearing clothing with Buddha images and if you have tattoos of Buddhist iconography, keep these covered. The same rules apply to statues – posing for selfies with a Buddha statue is a definite no-no, as is turning your back toward a Buddha image.

12. Be considerate when taking photographs

When photographing people, always ask for permission first. Note that if you photograph the famous stilt fishers at Koggala, you may be asked for payment (genuine stilt fishers are a rare breed nowadays). Flash photography isn’t allowed in temples (nor in the vicinity of military sites) and taking photos may be banned entirely at some Hindu sites. If you are photographing temples, be careful not to stand with your back toward a Buddha statue while you are snapping.

13. Use your right hand to eat

Traditionally, Sri Lankans eat with their right hand, using the tips of their fingers to mix rice and curry into little balls, and their thumb to gently push the food into their mouths. You may be encouraged to try this if you are invited into a local home for a meal, but always wash your hands first. Avoid eating (or shaking hands) with your left hand as it is used for less sanitary tasks such as personal ablutions.

14. Tipping is customary

Tipping is a way of life in Sri Lanka and many restaurant workers rely on the extra income this practice brings. Most larger hotels and restaurants add a 10% tip as standard; use this as a guide for how much to tip in places that don’t. 

Tourists photographing elephants from vehicles in grassland

15. Give wildlife space

In 2017, a British journalist died after being snatched by a crocodile at a lagoon near  Arugam Bay . Such attacks are rare, but they happen, so be vigilant in rivers and lagoons. Dangerous sharks are not a problem in Sri Lanka, but poisonous snakes are found in waterlogged areas like paddy fields. 

Keep a keen lookout for elephants on roads leading to national parks when walking or driving in the hills. If you see one, keep your distance and be ready to back away. Never feed a wild elephant – this habituates elephants to associate humans with food and act aggressively.

16. Take standard safety precautions

Sri Lanka is one of the safest countries in Asia when it comes to petty crime. Violence against tourists is very rare, and theft and robberies are uncommon, though they do happen occasionally. As a precaution, wear a money belt and use your hotel safe.

Female travelers should avoid traveling alone at night, particularly on public transport, and take care walking alone on empty beaches. Given Sri Lanka’s conservative culture, long sleeves and dresses are culturally appropriate and will reduce the chance of being harassed.

17. Do not drink the tap water

Sri Lanka's tap water could theoretically be used for brushing your teeth but we don't recommend it, and it's certainly not safe for drinking. Bottled water is plentiful and better hotels provide clean drinking water for guests. If you do buy bottled water, check that the seal is intact and look for the Sri Lanka standards certification mark. Always dispose of empty bottles responsibly – filling your own drinking water bottle from a large bottle is better than buying lots of small plastic bottles.

A beachside fort with a tall watch tower

18. Beware of scams and pickpockets

Scammers are active in  Galle Fort , Kandy and Colombo’s Galle Face Green . Never buy gems hawked on the street – they will almost certainly be convincing fakes made from colored glass – and be dubious of any shop trying to sell you gems to "sell at a profit back home." Seek out information from official tourist offices and directly from operators rather than trusting agents, particularly if they seek you out first.   

Keep your money and valuables out of sight when on busy trains and buses, and when exploring crowded areas streets such as Colombo’s Pettah market district . Tuk-tuks have a habit of overcharging tourists – ask drivers to use the meter (and take another tuk-tuk if they refuse), or order a ride via Uber or local app,  PickMe .

19. Protect yourself against mosquitoes

Mosquito bites are one of the biggest health concerns in Sri Lanka. Although malaria has been eliminated, mosquitoes can carry debilitating dengue fever, a painful illness that can have serious side effects. No vaccinations are available for dengue and treatment can only reduce symptoms. Protect yourself by covering up at dawn and dusk, sleeping under a mosquito net and wearing strong repellent containing high levels of DEET ( diethyltoluamide ).

20. Be road-safe in Sri Lanka

Traffic is one of the biggest dangers facing visitors to Sri Lanka. Accidents involving motorcycles and trucks are common, and bus collisions – often involving pedestrians – are also a problem. Common causes of accidents include dangerous overtaking, overloading and pulling in suddenly to pick up passengers on the roadside.

Private bus company drivers tend to drive more recklessly than their government-run, SLTB counterparts. Don’t expect vehicles to stop at pedestrian crossings and keep your wits about you when walking beside any roads (sidewalks are rare in Sri Lanka).

A surfer stands on the edge of a sandy beach looking out to sea

21. Never underestimate the ocean

Sri Lanka's beaches may be idyllic, but there are few lifeguards and strong currents are a danger (particularly during the monsoon seasons). Many beaches shelve steeply and drowning is the second most common cause of death among tourists after road accidents. Seek local advice before swimming in unfamiliar water.

22. Natural disasters are a risk

Sri Lanka was one of the countries worst affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which swept away more than 35,000 people and devastated many coastal areas. Following the disaster, early warning systems have been put in place in major towns and resorts, but not in rural, isolated areas, so be alert to signs of earthquakes and tsunamis.

The most common natural disaster in Sri Lanka is localized flooding during the southwest and northeast monsoons, which can cause landslides in highland areas. Sri Lanka is also vulnerable to tropical cyclones and periods of drought. For up-to-date weather warnings and situation reports, bookmark the country’s Disaster Management Center website .

This article was first published Mar 7, 2022 and updated Oct 14, 2023.

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SLTB long distance time table digitalised

The Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) yesterday launched a mobile and web-based application to make it easy for passengers to find out the timetables for long-distance buses.


makubura Online

The Sri Lanka Transport Board, has recently launched a new project that enables passengers to reserve their bus seats online with the assistance of the private sector.


Bus Fares Slashed

NTC Chairman told the Daily Mirror that a bus fare revision can only occur if there is a 5% reduction in diesel prices, as stipulated by the national bus fare revision policy.

Eseat is revolutionizing Sri Lankan travel with the nation's leading online bus reservation platform.

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Country in South Asia

Sri Lanka: A Land of Myth and Adventure

Sri Lanka, an island nation rich in myth, legend, and history, is one of the hottest travel destinations, appealing to adventurers of all kinds. Whether you seek the tranquility of nature on scenic trails, wish to relax on sun-kissed beaches, or crave the excitement of nightlife and casinos, Sri Lanka has something for everyone.

Known as Ravana’s Lanka, the country boasts over 2,000 years of written history and is referenced in the ancient epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The influences of Portuguese, Dutch, and British colonization are evident in the colonial architecture, Catholic traditions, and linguistic nuances you’ll encounter during your visit.

Despite its small size, Sri Lanka is home to eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites, alongside numerous religious sites, national parks, and lush tea estates. A scenic train ride through picturesque plantations and hills offers breathtaking views, while the vibrant local cuisine, featuring rich curries and unique dishes like polos and wood apple, is a culinary adventure in itself.

With a wealth of diversity and culture, Sri Lanka promises unforgettable experiences and memories. If you’re considering your next travel destination, this beautiful island is sure to captivate and inspire you!

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The Norwegian way of life

Norway is mostly known for its natural beauty , fjords and mountains, the amazing Northern Lights and the Midnight Sun. The Kingdom of Norway is a constitutional monarchy located in Northern Europe, the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Geographically Norway is located about as far north in Europe as you can get, and hosts the northernmost point of Europe- the North cape cliff. It is part of the Scandinavian peninsula.

Norway has a population of about 5 million , and it is the second least densely populated country in Europe, with a majority living in Oslo and the eastern parts of the country. Norway has a very elongated shape , one of the longest and most rugged coastlines in the world, and some 50,000 islands off this extremely indented coastline.

A vast number of fjords are cutting their way from the coastline into the country , carved out by the ice. The fjords are quite unique and beautiful, but naturally they have also been a challenge for the road planners… thus a ferry crossing the fjord is a typical sight in Norway. In fact, the ferries are defined as part of the road systems.

The Arctic northern part of Norway is densely populated, with no railroad connections north of Bodo, and few roads, which are often closed during the winter due to heavy snowfall. One might expect the sea to be frozen during the winter months due to the northern latitude, but the sea is in fact always open thanks to the Golf current passing along the coast. Naturally the sea has been the “main road” for the population along the coast.

Fish has always played an important part in Norway’s economy , due to the vast coastline and mountains covering large areas of the country. Only the eastern parts of southern Norway has a topography suited for agriculture and larger farms. Along the coast people typically had a minor piece of soil for a cow and some potatoes, combined with fishing.

Thus for centuries Norway was the “poor little brother” of the Scandinavian countries, and was in fact first absorbed into a union with Denmark for centuries, and then into a union with Sweden. In 1814 Norway stood up against the union and adopted a new constitution, but had to wait until 1905 for a full independence. Being poor for centuries, Norway did not have the opportunity to build monumental buildings, like those you find in Sweden and Denmark.

However, in the 1970’ies a new era began when it was discovered that the North Sea was filled with basins of black gold – the oil, and these days Norway is one of the richest countries in the world, due to the oil industry, which nowadays is the most important part of Norway’s economy. The oil has contributed to a high level of general welfare , and Norway has set off on a new path towards monumental buildings, like the amazing Opera house in Oslo, opened in 2008. Oslo has in 2013 decided to build a new and modern home to the famous painter Edvard Munch’s paintings, located nest to the Opera house at the Bjorvika waterfront. The spectacular Astrup Fearnley Museum of contemporary art, designed by the famous Italian architect Renso Piano, was opened in Oslo in 2012.

The drawback is that the increasing wages in the oil industry has influenced the general level of wages, thus making Norway an expensive country for people from abroad.

Norway & the Vikings. During the Viking Age (800-1050 AD) the Norwegian Vikings explored Europe through trade and warfare. With their Viking ships they traveled to the Mediterranean countries, to England, Scotland & Ireland, and as far as to America. The Viking age was characterized by expansion and immigration. Many Norwegians left the country to live in Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and parts of Britain and Ireland. The modern-day Irish cities of Limerick, Dublin, and Waterford were founded by Norwegian settlers. Oslo is often called the Scandinavian Viking capital. Oslo has a magnificent Viking Ship Museum with the Norwegian Viking history and the magnificent Viking ships

Norway climate. Due to the Gulf Stream ocean current Norway experiences warmer temperatures than expected at such northern latitudes, especially along the coast, with summer temperatures of around 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, and winter temperatures mostly above zero degree Celsius (+32º F). Even the Arctic city of Tromso does not have very cold winters, with a mean temperature in January of -3 degrees Celsius. The mainland experiences colder winters with snow, excellent for winter activities.


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    Private Bus Seat Booking and Reservation System for Highway and Luxury buses in Sri Lanka

  2., Colombo, Sri Lanka. 963 likes. We are the largest online Bus seats booking company in Sri Lanka with more than 100 private busses.


    දැන් ඔබට වෙබ් අඩවියට පිවිස අධිවේගී මාර්ගයේ බස් රථයක ආසනයක් වෙන් කර ගැනිම ඉතා පහසුවෙන් කර ගත හැක. කිසිදු ගැටලුවකින් තොරව ඔබගේ ගමනාන්තයට යෑමට ...

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    Easy විදිහට SITHARA Express ඒකෙන් කුරුණෑගල ඉදන් කතරගම යන්න Easy Travel වලට log වෙන්න. #easytravel #travel #transport #bus #bustransport #publictransport #privatebus #ticketbooking...

  6. ලේසියෙන්ම බස් ගාස්තු බලන්න පුළුවන් විදිහක්

    ලේසියෙන්ම බස් ගාස්තු බලන්න පුළුවන් වෙබ් සයිට් එකක් ගැන අපි අද කතා කරනවා #bus # ...

  7. 23 things to know before traveling to Sri Lanka

    To help you out, here are some of the things you need to know before traveling to Sri Lanka. 1. Apply for a visa in advance. As a first step, check the latest visa requirements for Sri Lanka. Most nationalities need an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) in advance of travel, but fortunately, they're not hard to get. 2.

  8. The Ultimate Sri Lanka Travel Guide: What to See, Know and Do

    Sri Lanka's currency is the Sri Lankan Rupee. The currency code is LKR. Denominations include ₨10, ₨20, ₨50, ₨100, ₨500, ₨1000, ₨2000, ₨5000. The exchange rate currently is 1 USD = 177 LKR & 1 GBP = 216 LKR. From tuk-tuk drivers to restaurants, and grocery stores to tour operators, this is a country that runs on cash.

  9. Easy Travel and Tours Tanzania

    Reviewed December 14, 2018. Note: I copied and edited this review from someone else as it was absolutely spot on. The four of us spent five days with Easy Travel & Tours and visited Lake Manyara, Serengeti Ngorongoro and Tarangire parks in Tanzania. From pick up to drop off at the airports we had an amazing experience which far exceeded our ...


    Hands Global Holdings (HGH) is Sri Lanka's largest bus travel partner, boasting a fleet of over 1,000 buses. They are passionate about transforming the travel experience for all passengers, ensuring seamless and efficient journeys across the island nation. Their commitment to innovation is reflected in their flagship platform,, Sri ...


    Easy විදිහට Highway බස් එකෙන් කොලඹ , මාකුබුර ඉදන් වැල්ලවාය , මොනරාගල යන්න Easy Travel එකට ඇවිත් බලන්න Makumbura- Monaragala Highway Bus #easytravel...

  12. Sri Lanka

    Easier reason to travel any season

  13. Contact number for Easy Travels Sri Lanka ️

    About Easy Travels Sri Lanka. contact number Easy Travels Sri Lanka you can find in here . Easy Travels Sri Lanka contact number is 0774952651.Easy Travels Sri Lanka hotline number is 0774952651.. how to contact Easy Travels Sri Lanka . help you to find important document like contact number, phone nimber and user reviews. contact number of Easy Travels Sri Lanka is 0774952651.

  14. Easy Travel

    Easytravel by Hakvar Turizm Ltd. Şti. Travel Arrangements Şişli, İstanbul Balder Expert

  15. Easy Travel

    Easy Travel. Nabízíme zájezdy od více než 88 českých a 5 polských prověřených cestovních kanceláří. Svou dovolenou si můžete u nás rezervovat a zakoupit buď osobně v naší agentuře nebo on-line z pohodlí Vašeho domova. Zaručujeme rychlé vyřízení zájezdu a pokud si nevíte rady, ochotně Vám poradíme s výběrem ...

  16. Easy Travel Ltd tour operator and DMC in Rovaniemi, Lapland

    Follow your instincts. Koskikatu 12, 96200 Rovaniemi, Finland. +358 40 829 0676. info (at) Show opening hours. Finnish tour operator Easy Travel Ltd. has been providing the best services for travelers in Northern Europe since 2005.


    Easy විදිහට NISHANTHA TRAVELS බස් එකෙන් ගම්පහ ඉඳන් මාතර යන්න Easy Travel වලට ඇවිත් බලන්න.. easytravel #travel #transport #bus #bustransport #publictransport #privatebus #ticketbooking #bookings...

  18. Easy Travel and Tours Ltd

    From the moment of their first enquiry, until the departure from the airport, every visitor will be made to feel that Easy Travel is truly their 'Tanzanian friend.'. Street/Address: P.O. BOX 1912, Ground Floor New Safari Hotel. City: Arusha. Region: Arusha. Mobile: +255754400141. Phone: +255 686374363.

  19. Norway

    It is part of the Scandinavian peninsula. Norway has a population of about 5 million, and it is the second least densely populated country in Europe, with a majority living in Oslo and the eastern parts of the country. Norway has a very elongated shape, one of the longest and most rugged coastlines in the world, and some 50,000 islands off this ...


    Easy විදිහට VIKASITHA SPEED CRAFT ඒකෙන් කොළඹ ඉඳන් ඇඹිලිපිටිය යන්න Easy Travel වලට log වෙන්න. #easytravel #travel #transport #bus #bustransport #publictransport #privatebus #ticketbooking #bookings...

  21. Solved: easyTravel Documentation and Download

    easyTravel is a multi-tier application implemented in .NET and Java. The starting of the various tiers and the enabling/disabling of different problem pattern plugins is done via a separate easyTravel Launcher. The Launcher allows the user to conveniently switch between different demo scenarios.

  22. Easy Upgrade : Oman Air

    Upgrade your Economy Class ticket to our luxurious Business Studio cabin with just a few clicks. Use our Upgrade Bid feature to enhance your travel experience. Check your flight eligibility, place a bid, and enjoy award-winning Business Studio services. Get ready for a seamless and comfortable journey with Oman Air's easy upgrade options.

  23. Easy Travels Sri Lanka

    Easy Travels Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 568 likes. Come and explore Sri Lanka with us! We use our unique TOD (Trip On Demand) service so you can design your own trip.


    පොදු ප්‍රවාහනයේ අලුත්ම විප්ලවය!! Easy Travel එක්ක ඔන්ලයින් විදිහට බස් එකේ ආසනයක් වෙන් කරගෙන බස් ගාස්තුවෙන් 15% ක් අඩුවෙන් ගෙවන්න. Newest revolution in...