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Road trip dans l’Hérault : visiter les incontournables

Dernière mise à jour le 6 février 2024 par Fab

Vous avez envie de découvrir le département de l’Hérault lors de vos prochaines vacances ? Excellente idée ! Mais pourquoi ne pas faire un road trip dans l’Hérault à la découverte de ses lieux incontournables ? L’Hérault offre des paysages incroyables, des sites naturels extraordinaires, des villes fascinantes, des villages plein de charme, et des lieux culturels intéressants… Après avoir sillonné la région durant 2 semaines, nous vous donnons tous nos conseils pour visiter l’Hérault et ses plus beaux sites à votre tour !

Que visiter dans l’Hérault ? Les lieux incontournables

L’Occitanie est une région qui regorge de sites d’intérêts , ceux de l’Hérault nous ont complètement conquis. Il y a une grande variété de lieux à visiter, et la proximité de la mer y ajoute du charme. L’arrière pays n’est pas en reste avec ses villages de caractère et ses gorges absolument magnifiques.

Pour explorer tous les lieux incontournables de l’Hérault, ce circuit représente près de 260 kilomètres et 5h30 de route.

  • Sète, France
  • Béziers, France
  • Agde, France
  • Montpellier, France
  • Pézenas, France
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, France
  • Villeneuvette, 34420 Villeneuve-lès-Béziers, France
  • Olargues, France
  • Roquebrun, France
  • Lac du Salagou, Hérault, France

Les grandes villes

  • Montpellier
  • Street art à Sète
  • Le Cap d’Agde
  • La cité d’Agde

Les villages de charme

  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert
  • Villeneuvette
  • L’Abbaye de Valmagne

Les sites naturels

  • Les Gorges de l’Hérault
  • L’Etang de Thau
  • Le Cirque de Mourèze
  • Le lac du Salagou
  • Le Canal du Midi
  • La Grotte de Clamouse
  • Les Gorges d’Héric

Où dormir durant votre road trip dans l’Hérault ?

Vous devrez choisir vos hébergements à proximité des villes et des points d’intérêts que vous souhaitez visiter. Nous avons fait toutes les visites de cet article sur 2 semaines, avec quelques jours de pause pour souffler un peu. Mais vous pouvez tout à fait enchainer ces visites sur une durée plus courte. Peu importe que vous choisissiez le même hébergement pour tout le séjour ou que vous préfériez changer d’hébergement, les sites visités ne sont pas si éloignés les uns des autres.

road trip van herault

Quel programme pour un road trip dans l’Hérault ?

Voici un planning optimisé pour visiter l’Hérault :

  • Jour 1 : Montpellier
  • Jour 2 : Saint Guilhem + les gorges de l’Hérault et le Pont du Diable + La grotte de Clamouse
  • Jour 3 : Sète (visite de la ville + musées) + l’étang de Thau en soirée
  • Jour 4 : Jour de repos
  • Jour 5 : Béziers + Canal du midi
  • Jour 6 : Le Cap d’Agde + la Cité d’Agde
  • Jour 7 : Pézenas + l’Abbaye de Valmagne
  • Jour 8 : Jour de repos
  • Jour 9 : Cirque de Mourèze + Villeneuvette + Lac du Salagou
  • Jour 10 : Street art à Sète + excursion sur l’étang de Thau à la découverte des parcs à huîtres
  • Jour 11 : Roquebrun + Olargues + Les Gorges d’Héric
  • Jour 12 : Jour de repos

Quelles villes visiter dans l’Hérault ?

1. montpellier.

Montpellier est la préfecture de l’Hérault. C’est une ville chic, avec un beau patrimoine et de nombreux hôtels particuliers, qui ne sont pas sans rappeler Paris . On y découvre ses incontournables : la Place de la Comédie, l’Allée Paul Boulet, le Musée Fabre, la magnifique cathédrale Saint Pierre, la Place du Peyrou, l’Aqueduc Saint Clément…

Et on erre avec plaisir dans les ruelles de charme de l’Ecusson, le centre historique de Montpellier, à la découverte d’un charme ancien, mais aussi de petites places accueillantes à souhait pour boire un verre ! J’ai été charmée par cette grande ville, qui finalement dans son centre historique piétonnier nous embarque dans une ambiance plutôt pittoresque.


  • Découvrez la gastronomie du sud avec une visite gastronomique de 3 heures à Montpellier.
  • Astuce économique : achetez le pass Montpellier City Card . Bénéficiez d’entrées gratuites dans les principaux musées et sites touristiques de la ville, et d’un accès illimité aux transports en commun. 
  • Excursion d’ une journée à Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert
  • Excursion d’ une journée au Cirque de Navacelles
  • Visite d’une demi-journée au départ de Montpellier pour une découverte des vins et des huîtres à l’étang de Thau.

Dès notre arrivée à Béziers , nous avons été surpris par cette ville décorée. De surcroît, une ville dotée d’un magnifique patrimoine : la cathédrale Saint Nazaire placée sur sa montagne vous attire déjà de loin et vous donne envie d’en voir plus !

Béziers est une ville qui a du charme : superbe cathédrale, vieilles pierres, hôtels particuliers, jolis jardins, et magnifiques trompe-l’œil. Sans oublier bien sûr, un de ses atouts majeurs : le canal du Midi et les 9 écluses de Fonséranes !

Visiter l'Hérault : Béziers

La ville de Sète est pour moi un vrai coup de cœur ! Surnommée ‘la Venise du Languedoc’ , Sète est entourée par la mer, l’étang de Thau et les canaux. Ses ports et ses phares lui apportent une touche de charme, et sa montagne, le Mont Saint Clair, la surplombe et vous offre une superbe vue si vous osez la gravir.

Sète est aussi reconnue pour ses musées et son côté artistique : peintres, chanteurs, poètes, sculpteurs, metteurs en scène. Elle a inspiré de nombreux artistes , le plus connu étant bien sûr Georges Brassens. Quand on arrive à Sète, on est forcément charmé par les quais, les bateaux colorés, et les petites terrasses où il fait bon se poser juste pour observer ce décor de film !

Visiter l'Hérault : Sète

Pensez à réserver votre promenade en bateau de 2 heures dans les canaux et sur l’étang de Thau :

  • Découvrez Sète autrement
  • Profitez d’une vue sur le Mont St Clair
  • Observez les parcs à huîtres

4. Street art à Sète

Pour les amateurs de street art, profitez de votre passage dans l’Hérault pour explorer le MaCO – Musée à Ciel Ouvert – de la ville de Sète. Constitué d’une trentaine de fresques, on y trouve des grands noms de la discipline. Le MaCO de Sète a débuté en 2008 autour du concept original du festival K-LIVE qui réunit tous les ans art urbain, art contemporain et musiques actuelles. Depuis cette période, les artistes se succèdent et viennent laisser leurs empreintes sur les murs de la ville.

Si vous êtes fan de street art, votre road trip dans l’Hérault vous mènera forcément à Sète. C’est une ville où les fresques sont superbes, il y a une vraie diversité des œuvres, des styles différents, et le nombre d’œuvres est relativement intéressant pour une vraie balade street art. Et le charme de la ville rend la balade encore plus agréable.

Street art à Sète

5. Le Cap d’Agde

Le Cap d’Agde est très connu pour ses plages naturistes qui ont fait sa renommée internationale. Mais c’est une ville qui possède aussi quelques trésors culturels et naturels et un patrimoine super intéressant. Je vous conseille de vous y rendre pour admirer la plage volcanique de la Grande Conque : spot photo très sympa pour cette crique de sable noir et galets sculptée dans la roche sombre d’un ancien volcan.

Le port du Cap d’Agde est également à voir pour son charme. Et enfin, coup de cœur pour le Musée de l’Ephèbe, unique en France . On y trouve une superbe collection d’archéologie sous-marine trouvée dans les eaux aux alentours du Cap d’Agde dont les 3 fameuses statues de bronze l ‘ Ephèbe, Césarion et Eros aux ailes arrachées qui dateraient vraisemblablement du Ier siècle avant ou après Jésus-Christ.

Road trip dans l'Hérault : Cap d'Agde

6. La Cité d’Agde

Surnommée Perle Noire de la Méditerranée , la cité d’Agde a comme particularité la couleur noire de ses maisons et bâtiments. Cette couleur est due à la pierre noire d’origine volcanique utilisée il y a quelques siècles pour la construction. Le centre historique de Agde n’est pas très étendu mais on se perd facilement dans ce dédale de petites ruelles.

Cette ville est surprenante, l’ambiance y est tranquille, on visite, on se pose, on boit un verre en terrasse… J’ai découvert une ville très plaisante, j’ai beaucoup apprécié le patrimoine ancien et atypique en basalte mais aussi les maisons de toutes les couleurs, la magnifique cathédrale Saint Etienne et les bords de l’Hérault avec ces petits bateaux colorés qui ajoutent forcément du charme à la ville.

Road trip dans l'Hérault : Agde

Road trip dans l’Hérault : quels villages visiter ?

1. saint-guilhem-le-désert.

Saint-Guilhem le Désert est un magnifique village pittoresque perché sur les flancs d’une montagne, et classé parmi les ‘ Plus Beaux Villages de France ‘. Cette cité médiévale, très prisée des touristes, se trouve sur les Chemins de Saint Jacques de Compostelle. Son abbaye de Gellone, véritable joyau de l’art roman du XIè siècle est classée à l’Unesco et attire chaque année de nombreux pèlerins.

Saint Guilhem le Désert, ce n’est que charme et authenticité ! On a l’impression que ce petit village a été taillé directement dans la roche des falaises. Un charme fou se dégage de ces lieux, c’est fleuri de partout, on adore ! Dans ce dédale de ruelles, on trouve  de nombreuses échoppes d’artisans d’arts et créateurs . Au centre du village, voici la place de l’Abbaye, avec de nombreuses boutiques, et des terrasses à l’ombre d’un platane géant où il est agréable de se poser pour un déjeuner.


Pézenas a le charme d’une ville hors du temps ! On a l’impression de faire un retour dans le passé, et on ne serait pas surpris de voir Molière surgir au détour d’une ruelle pavée. Pourquoi Molière ? Parce qu’il y a fait de nombreux séjours et y a joué quelques pièces de théâtre. Pézenas et Molière, c’est une grande histoire !

La ville de Pézenas a un patrimoine exceptionnel, 39 bâtiments sont classés aux monuments historiques . La balade est agréable, la ville est animée par les nombreux restaurants, les chanteurs de rue, et les boutiques de souvenirs, objets d’art, bijoux, et spécialités régionales. J’adore ce genre de village où on s’émerveille dans chaque ruelle et où on a l’impression de se retrouver au XVIIè siècle. Pézenas, c’est un vrai voyage dans le passé !


3. Villeneuvette

Villeneuvette est un joli village qui se trouve sur le site Salagou-Mourèze et qui vaut le détour. La visite est courte, certes, mais ce petit village a une histoire et un patrimoine bâti exceptionnel. Villeneuvette a en effet été une manufacture royale de draps en 1677 sous Louis XIV , et ses bâtiments sont classés aux Monuments Historiques.

Le village se trouve dans une enceinte, à l’intérieur de laquelle tout était dédié à la manufacture : une place centrale, une église, des logements ouvriers, une maison de maître, des bâtiments industriels, des ateliers et une ancienne chaufferie. Même si la visite est rapide, elle est intéressante car cette manufacture royale est bien conservée. C’est un endroit bucolique et charmant à voir lors d’un road trip dans l’Hérault .

Visiter l'Hérault : Villeneuvette

4. Roquebrun

Roquebrun est un village de l’arrière-pays héraultais. Il est surnommé ‘le Petit Nice de l’Hérault’ pour son climat méditerranéen qui lui permet d’être bien fleuri. Partez explorer ses petites ruelles étroites et admirez les superbes points de vue sur la vallée de l’Orb. N’oubliez pas de jeter un coup d’œil à l’église, et au pont en contrebas du village.


5. Olargues

Non loin de Roquebrun, au pied du massif du Caroux, voici le petit village d’Olargues, classé parmi les ‘Plus Beaux Villages de France’ . Olargues vaut le détour pour son architecture de village médiéval fortifié du XIIè siècle , avec à son sommet l’ancien donjon du château, et en contrebas le Pont du Diable. Du haut du village, la vue sur la nature environnante est à couper le souffle.

Visiter l'Hérault : Olargues

6. L’Abbaye de Valmagne

L’abbaye de Valmagne est une petite merveille de l’Hérault classée aux Monuments Historiques depuis 1947. Elle a un magnifique cloître et une fontaine digne d’un conte de fée. Son église transformée en chai la rend absolument atypique. Elle a une histoire de quelques siècles et est même une des abbayes cisterciennes les plus vieilles de France. Son cloître est absolument magnifique et que dire de sa fontaine lavabo qui ne peut laisser personne insensible. On y ressent une sérénité incroyable ! Ce lieu est pour moi un véritable coup de cœur.

L'Abbaye de Valmagne

Quels sites naturels voir dans l’Hérault ?

1. les gorges de l’hérault.

Poursuivez votre road trip dans l’Hérault à 3 kilomètres de Saint Guilhem le Désert. Il vous faut absolument aller découvrir le Pont du Diable ! Construit au XIè siècle pour faciliter le trafic des pèlerins de Compostelle, il est classé aux Monuments Historiques pour être un des ponts médiévaux les plus anciens de France .

Au pied du pont, une grande plage est aménagée pour la baignade. Mais surtout, c’est un excellent spot photo car vous avez ici une vue à couper le souffle sur l’entrée des gorges de l’Hérault.

Les Gorges de l'Hérault

2. L’Etang de Thau

L’étang de Thau est surprenant car il est capable de montrer 2 facettes totalement différentes selon que vous vous y rendiez en journée ou en soirée. Il est donc intéressant d’aller à la découverte de ses parcs à huîtres en journée, puisque c’est la grande spécialité de l’étang, mais aussi d’aller y observer le coucher du soleil …. car c’est un excellent spot photo. Un moment magique.

L'Etang de Thau

3. Le cirque de Mourèze

Le cirque de Mourèze offre un paysage grandiose, qui n’est pas sans rappeler la Cappadoce…. Ce site est en effet bien connu pour ses dolomites, constituées il y a quelques 160 millions d’années . On part pour une rando sympa au travers d’une multitude de rochers, un lieu exceptionnel.

Le paysage qui s’offre à nous est impressionnant au fur et à mesure que l’on s’enfonce dans le cirque, la vue sur le village de Mourèze est juste à couper le souffle ! On se balade au milieu des orgues, on a l’impression d’être entouré de statues immenses, certaines ayant une forme qui nous fait penser à un personnage, un monstre ou un animal. C’est le moment de laisser libre cours à votre imagination…

Le cirque de Mourèze

4. Le lac du Salagou

Endroit assez mystérieux que ce lac entouré d’une terre rouge ! Le lac du Salagou est un site protégé pour sa géologie et sa biodiversité qui sont très particulières . La terre rouge appelée ‘ruffe ‘ lui donne un côté vraiment étrange voire lunaire. Pour admirer le lac du Salagou, vous pouvez déjà vous rendre au petit village de Liausson. Ce village offre en effet une vue panoramique sur le lac.

Le lac du Salagou

  • Découvrez le lac du Salagou autrement avec une randonnée de 3h30 en quad
  • Profitez d’ une journée d’excursion en 2 CV à la découverte du lac du Salagou, et d’une production de lavande. Déjeuner inclus.

5. Le canal du midi

Naviguer sur le canal du midi vous offre une vraie parenthèse de relaxation et de détente ! Je vous propose d’aller découvrir ce mythique canal au départ de Béziers. Cela permet de profiter de ses points clé : les 9 écluses de Fonséranes, le pont canal, l’écluse d’Orb (la plus haute du Canal du Midi), et une vue magnifique sur la cathédrale Saint Nazaire de Béziers !

Le canal du midi

6. La Grotte de Clamouse

Surnommée ‘Cathédrale du Temps’ , la grotte de Clamouse est classée depuis 2005 ‘Site scientifique et pittoresque’. Vous allez partir pour une visite guidée d’1h30 dans les entrailles de cette grotte, et découvrir ses orgues gigantesques, ses aragonites, ses stalagtites et stalagmites. C’est une merveille !

C’est une des rares grottes qui se retrouve envahie par les eaux souterraines en cas de crue , ce qui permet aux concrétions de se former en permanence. Au cours de la visite, vous assisterez à une mise en scène avec musique et jeux de lumière, c’est le petit côté magique de Clamouse !

La Grotte de Clamouse

7. Les Gorges d’Héric

Un site exceptionnel caché dans le Massif du Caroux. Evasion garantie dans ce lieu magnifique où les cascades dévalent la montagne et forment des piscines naturelles dans lesquelles vous pourrez vous adonner à la baignade. Un lieu idyllique et encore un coup de cœur !!

Les Gorges d'Héric

Que faire, que visiter à proximité de l’Hérault ?

  • Profitez de votre escapade dans la région pour partir à la découverte des 5 plus beaux sites antiques du Sud de la France . Le Pont du Gard, les Arènes de Nîmes, le Théâtre antique d’Orange, les Arènes d’Arles ou encore le site de Glanum n’auront plus de secret pour vous.
  • Continuer votre séjour par un road trip en Provence , à la découverte de ses incontournables : ses villes, ses villages, et ses sites naturels préservés.
  • Pour des vacances en famille, testez le Languedoc-Roussillon en camping village !

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road trip van herault

J’aime ça :

Vous aimerez aussi, 10 commentaires sur “road trip dans l’hérault : visiter les incontournables”.

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Beau billet bien documenté (textes et photos) .

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Merci pour ce retour positif! 😉

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Très bel article (très utile !) illustré de superbes photos. Tous ces villes sont tellement connues et pourtant je n’en ai visité aucune ! (D’où l’utilité de ton article ! 😉). Moi qui n’en peux plus du boulot-métro-dodo là tout de suite, je te remercie pour ce magnifique road-trip même virtuel ! Bisous

Ravie de t’avoir embarqué dans ma visite virtuelle dans le sud, sous le soleil et le ciel bleu….En effet, ça nous sort de notre quotidien tristounet. 😁 Je te souhaite un bon week-end! Bisous

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Bonsoir, J’habite pourtant près de ce département et il y a quantité de sites que je ne connais pas.. J’ai très envie d’une petite escapade le week end prochain dans les Gorges d’Héric..

Bonjour Julie. C’est une très belle région, et les Gorges d’Héric, un endroit idyllique! 😉

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C’est un beau florilège de ce que nous offre l’Hérault. Pour le moment, je ne suis allé qu’à Montpellier, à Béziers, à Sète et à Pézenas. Mais, Villeneuvette et Roquebrun me tente beaucoup 🙂

Villeneuvette et Roquebrun sont en effet 2 charmants villages. Je ne peux que t’encourager à les visiter si tu es de passage dans l’Hérault. 😉

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Jolie découverte et jolie région a visiter après confinement! Belle journée

Une région que j’ai sillonné pendant 2 semaines et que j’ai adoré ! Bonne soirée à toi et à bientôt

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Located between the departments of the Gard and Hérault , this weekend tour allows you to discover this amazing region filled with outstanding nature and historical sites .

After picking up your keys at the Montpellier van rental agency on Friday afternoon, you can either choose to spend the night in Sommières (Aire de la Royalette), Quissac or Sauve … don’t miss out on a stroll around the village before you turn it. Each of these villages is bursting with charm!

Our favourite is Sommières , a small medieval village built around a big Roman bridge over the Vidourle. It’s definitely worth a visit and the view from the top of the château over the village is awesome!

Sounds good? Contact your agent who will give you plenty of tips on where to park for the night and what to do during the day throughout your island road trip.



If you have chosen to spend the night in Sommières, take the opportunity to buy fresh produce at the market for your lunchtime picnic.

Head for the Grottes des Demoiselles via the D35 and then the D999 (about 1 hour’s drive). This is one of the most beautiful caves in France. You should allow about 1 hour and 15 minutes for a guided tour from the underground funicular, the first in Europe.

The site is in a very pleasant setting for a lunch break or to spend the night. Enjoy your lunch!

For climbing enthusiasts, there is a via ferrata and numerous climbing spots.

After lunch, departure for the Cirque de Navacelles (45min), in the Cévennes National Park. A foretaste of the Grand Canyon of the American West!

You must discover the natural cirque of Navacelles from the top (from Blandas) to get a good view, then go down the laces. Be careful, on foot, the walk to the little hamlet at the bottom of the valley is long and steep (to be reserved for children over 12)

The best option is to drive down into the cirque for about 4km until you reach a hairpin bend where you can park. There, a superb 1.5km descent begins, relatively easy. The path is very pretty and after a 30 minute walk you will arrive at the Moulin de la Foux at the foot of the river Vis.

Visit the mills and rest on the tree trunks and rocks before tackling the slightly uphill climb….

Back to your vehicle, head for the Hérault gorges via the D9. The road from the Navacelles cirque to St Guilhem le désert is magnificent (1h). You will discover a wild and unspoilt nature. At the bottom of the descent, you must stop in the village of Arboras to take a break at the restaurant/workshop “Les Hommes d’Argile”, a timeless place with a superb view over the whole valley.

Then the last stop of this first day in a campervan in the Hérault: direction St Guilhem le désert, elected “most beautiful villages of France” and classified as a UNESCO heritage site.

To spend the night, the cheapest option is to choose one of the car parks in Aniane and return to the Pont du Diable car park the next day, or alternatively to park at the Pont du Diable car park (5€ for the day and 8€ for the night) or to set up camp along the Hérault river below the Pont du Diable.

Jour 2 – St Guilhem du Désert, Lac du Salagou, Cirque de Mourèze and Pézenas

Wake up on the banks of the Hérault, near the Pont du Diable.

To visit St Guilhem, the easiest way is to park at the Pont du Diable and take the free shuttle bus to St Guilhem.

A spiritual stop on the Camino de Compostela, this small medieval village is famous for its abbey and its narrow streets. You will be amazed by the beauty of this place!

To appreciate the beauty of the Hérault gorges, it is best to hire canoes at the Pont du Diable.

Continue on to lunch at the magnificent Lac du Salagou. A surprising 750ha artificial lake in the middle of red rock hills, called “ruffes”, a little bit like Bolivia! Exceptionally photogenic thanks to the mix of blue water, red soil and green flora, it is a source of inspiration for remarkable shots.

There are many parking options around the lake. Choose the shoreline on the Liausson side.

After lunch, leave the red rocks of the lakeside to discover the almost white rocks of the Cirque de Mourèze. Another classified site, among the great sites of France, it is in contrast to the lake of Salagou a purely natural site!

Surprising, astonishing, this landscape, sometimes lunar and sometimes worthy of a western setting, leaves us speechless. An exceptional site, erosion has sculpted extraordinary shapes in the limestone rocks. To each his own imagination! The Sphynx, the Bear and the Shepherd, the Turtle.

Park in the car park at the bottom of the village and ask for a map at the office at the car park entrance.

Park in the car park at the bottom of the village and ask for a map at the office at the entrance to the car park.

I recommend the “Circuit des Courtinals”, an easy 45 minute walk (2kms), which starts opposite the car park (stages 1-2-3-8). If you have more time and are in good shape, two medium difficulty routes of 3h and 3h30 await you. In any case, the walk ends in the village centre where you can refresh yourself.

On the way back to Clermont l’Hérault, stop to discover the hamlet of Villeneuvette, a former royal cloth factory: an atypical and timeless village that has been preserved. It takes 2 hours for the guided tour. In season, guided tours are organised from Tuesday to Friday at 10.30 am and 3.30 pm and on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays at 3.30 pm. Prices: adults €4 and €2 for children under 12, €3 for groups.

Another option, on the way back to the agency, if you still have some time, stop to discover the town of Pézenas.

A town of art, crafts and history, it is full of treasures around every corner. I loved the charm of its cobbled streets, its private mansions, vestiges of an exceptional and preserved past. However, it must be said that for lovers of crafts and art, Pézenas alone is worth a day’s exploration!

You will leave with a head full of beautiful memories of the Hérault, which you will not soon forget!

Other possible stops on the route:

The Clamouse cave, near St Guilhem le Désert. Plan a visit of at least 1 hour and 20 minutes to cover the 900 m For those who like more sensations, the Speleopark activity has been set up. This is a fun introduction to climbing and caving techniques through an unforgettable 2-hour adventure for explorers or 3 hours for the more athletic. Ideal to discover the cave in a different way!


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road trip van herault

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Idées de road-trips

Circuits en voiture en occitanie.

En route pour sillonner l'Occitanie, découvrir ses trésors cachés et ses grands sites, avec nos suggestions de circuits. A faire en voiture, en van ou camping-car, selon vos envies, votre budget et le temps dont vous disposez (2 jours ou plus). A chaque étape, vous pouvez choisir où dormir, où manger, que faire. Bonnes adresses et plan de l'tinéraire en plus ! Pratique et tellement simple à organiser ... Prêts à prendre le volant et à brancher votre GPS  ?

La route des géants

Viaduc de Millau

Bastides et villages perchés

Cordes sur Ciel © CRTL Occtanie / D.Viet

Crédits photo Cordes sur Ciel

Circuit randos et spas dans les Pyrénées

Road trip bien-être et rando

Crédits photo Road trip bien-être et rando, CRT Occitanie / Patrice Thébault

De Toulouse à Montpellier sans autoroute

Le Canal du Midi

Crédits photo Le Canal du Midi, CRT Occitanie / D.Viet

De Montpellier à Toulouse par le Haut-Languedoc

Road-trip Montpellier à Toulouse, vignoble Saint-Chinian

Crédits photo Road-trip Montpellier à Toulouse, vignoble Saint-Chinian, CRT Occitanie / G.Deschamps

Toulouse - Albi - Carcassonne : le triangle d'or

Hôtel d'Assézat Toulouse

Crédits photo Hôtel d'Assézat Toulouse, CRT Occitanie / D.Viet

Pour voyager en mode slow et durable, avez-vous pensé au train ?

Découvrez l'Occitanie Rail Tour

Logo pass Occitanie Rail Tour

Au fil du Lot, de Cahors à Mende

Hôtel le Viguier du Roy à Figeac

Crédits photo Hôtel le Viguier du Roy à Figeac, Loic Bel / Bel et bien Vu

Le circuit des peintres

Musée Toulouse Lautrec

Crédits photo Musée Toulouse Lautrec @ Thebault

Les grands sites du littoral, de Sète à Gruissan


Crédits photo Sète, G.Delerue / ADT Hérault

Road-trip entre Causses et Gorges

Causse Méjean - Lozère

Crédits photo Causse Méjean - Lozère

Road-trip entre Lot, Aveyron et Lozère

Road-trip itinérance douce - 46,12 et 48

Crédits photo Road-trip itinérance douce - 46,12 et 48, P.Thébault / CRT Occitanie

Tourisme Hérault

Escapade #14 – Roadtrip en vallée de l’Orb

  • # Envie de vous détendre ?

Crédits photo bandeau L'orb à Roquebrun © E.Brendle

Vue sur le Caroux depuis la vallée de l'Orb

Vue sur le Caroux depuis la vallée de l'Orb © Olivier Diaz de Zarate

road trip van herault

Les Escapades de Plaisirs d'Hérault Départ : Le Pont de Tarassac

Envie de prendre l'air, de profiter des beaux paysages de l'Hérault, ou simplement de souffler, lâchez-tout ! On vous emmène en roadtrip au coeur de la vallée de l'Orb. Petits villages, gorges escarpées, et autres paysages envoutants seront au rendez-vous !

  • Au moins 1/2 journée
  • Faisable en famille

Eric Brendle

Le conseil d'Éric Prenez votre temps. C'est le conseil permanent pour savourer au mieux ces "Escapades de Plaisirs d'Hérault". Soyez curieux, et même entre les spots proposés, n'hésitez pas à faire une halte découverte qui pourrait vous intéresser.

  • 01 L'Orb, un fleuve fougueux
  • 02 Vieussan
  • 03 Roquebrun
  • 04 La Statue de la Liberté
  • 05 Cessenon
  • 06 Le chaos dolomitique de Réals

Partir maintenant ! Accès et topoguide

Vignette vidéo

Le Pont de Tarassac sur l'Orb © E.Brendle

Temps fort 01 L'Orb, ce fleuve fougeux

L'Orb est connu pour être un fleuve plutôt fougueux.

Pensez donc, il lui arrive parfois d'avoir un débit supérieur à celui de la Seine à l'entrée de Paris ! Comme tous les fleuves côtiers méditerranéens, il fait preuve de caractère et son cours est marqué de " plusieurs vies ". C'est l'une d'entre elles que nous vous proposons de découvrir aujourd'hui à travers cette Escapade.

Point de départ de ce roadtrip, le pont de Tarassac , à l'entrée nord des gorges de l'Orb, au pied de la Montagne-Lumière, le Caroux . C'est à cet endroit que les eaux du Jaur viennent rejoindre l'Orb, pour une course qui oblique vers le sud-est.


Vieussan © E.Brendle

Temps fort 02 Vieussan L'autre village perché

Accroché sur un piton rocheux, au coeur d'un méandre de l'Orb, Vieussan connait une situation exceptionnelle. Entouré de vignobles et offrant une vue magnifique sur le Caroux et sur les gorges de l'Orb, ce village aux ruelles caladées se visite au rythme de vos pas.

Calme et quiétude sont les principales caractéristiques des lieux. Montez jusqu'à l'ancien donjon ! La vue y est splendide.

Panorama sur Vieussan et le Caroux

Panorama sur Vieussan et le Caroux © E.Brendle

Roquebrun, le

Roquebrun, le "Petit Nice" © E.Brendle

Temps fort 03 Roquebrun Le "Petit Nice"

Roquebrun , c'est évidemment "le Petit Nice". Un village des plus pittoresques, ouvert vers le sud, et baigné par l'Orb. Le micro-climat y est réputé, et a conféré au village sa renommée et son surnom.

La Tour Carolingienne veille sur le Jardin Méditerranéen . Ce dernier existe depuis une trentaine d'années . Certes, y monter n'est pas de tout repos, parce que les étroites ruelles du village sont plutôt escarpées, mais il offre un panorama somptueux sur l'Orb et le village. Par ailleurs, le nombre d'essences et de plantes présentes en font un "jardin remarquable" ... un label qui vient en reconnaissance de la passion et du travail déployés ici depuis sa création

L'Orb et la Tour Carolingienne de Roquebrun

L'Orb et la Tour de Roquebrun © E.Brendle

Le saviez-vous ?

Le Jardin Méditerranéen de Roquebrun offre aux visiteurs la plus importante collection de plantes succulentes et exotiques vivant en milieu naturel dans la région du Languedoc. Le sentier botanique, représentant la flore locale, de nombreuses variétés de mimosas, ainsi qu’un verger méditerranéen complètent ce jardin.

Statue de la Liberté de Lugné

Statue de la Liberté de Lugné © E.Brendle

Temps fort 04 La Statue de la Liberté

Insolite autant qu'inattendue ! La Statue de la Liberté de Lugné , un peu à l'écart de la route trône fièrement sur l'une des places du village.

En 1986, nombre de VIP ont été transportées d'Europe vers le nouveau continent, pour fêter le centenaire de la Grande-Dame. Cette "petite soeur" avait alors été installée sur la proue du paquebot le " Maxim's of the Seas ". Quelques mois plus tard, les festivités ayant pris fin, le capitaine du paquebot, originaire de Lugné, a souhaité récupérer cette statue, pour l'installer dans son village natal ... et voilà pourquoi le visiteur curieux pourra admirer cette réplique, au coeur du Parc Naturel du Haut-Languedoc .

Cessenon sur Orb, vu du ciel

Cessenon sur Orb © E.Brendle

Temps fort 05 Cessenon-sur-Orb

Cessenon-sur-Orb est l’une des plus anciennes cités du Languedoc. Préhistorique, Wisigothe, Sarrazine et Romaine… ici, les époques se croisent et les ambiances se mêlent à chaque coin de rue.

Son ancien donjon attire l'oeil, et attise la curiosité, d'où qu'on vienne. Mais nombreuses sont les curiosités "moins visibles" que le donjon ! C'est ce que quelques itinéraires de balade vous proposent au coeur du village... et dans ses environs proches.

Des hauteurs, un panorama envoutant se porte sur tout le territoire traversé au cours de ce roadtrip, avec au loin, les montagnes du Caroux et de l'Espinouse.

Le chaos dolomitique de Réals

Le chaos dolomitique de Réals © E.Brendle

Temps fort 06 Le Chaos de Réals Dernier caprice de l'Orb

Mais nous avons voulu poursuivre cette Escapade encore un peu, et profiter d'un des derniers caprices de l'Orb , avant qu'il ne s'assagisse dans les plaines du Biterrois : le chaos de Réals .

Avant Cessenon-sur-Orb, le cours de l'Orb s'élargit. C'est la fin des gorges. Mais quelques kilomètres plus loin, un chaos dolomitique impose un rétrécissement de la largeur du fleuve. Le courant s'accélère, quelques rapides rappellent le caractère impétueux de l'Orb. Nous sommes à Réals.

Ici, le domaine départemental et ses nombreuses tables de pique-nique vous accueillent toute l'année, dans un cadre où la nature peut encore montrer sa puissance. Les plus actifs en quête d'adrénaline pourront profiter de la base et d'un parcours de canoë  kayak .

Vignette vidéo

Pour ce nouvel épisode de notre série "Les Escapades", nous vous convions à découvrir toutes les richesses géologiques et paléontologiques du Lodévois-Larzac.

Vignette vidéo

C'est sous le signe des contrastes que nous allons vous présenter cette Escapade. Nous remonterons le temps, entre le Montpellier du XXIe siècle et le Moyen-âge. Mais en parallèle, nous tâcherons aussi d'apprécier les contrastes entre la vie de la ville et l'immersion nature.

Vignette vidéo

Des paysages rebondis, entre la plaine du Canal du Midi et les piedmonts rocailleux du Haut-Languedoc. Pas de doute, le Minervois se découvre via ses petites routes tortueuses... et ses vignobles !

La crique de Bellevue sur l'étang de Thau

Les abords de l'étang de Thau ! Voici l'endroit idéal, où se marient les saveurs de la terre et celles de la mer. Cette escapade se place sous le signe des terroirs, de la gastronomie, des saveurs... mais pas que 🙂

Comment venir ?

En voiture : à 2h de Toulouse et Marseille, et à 3h de Barcelone, Lyon, Grenoble et Nice, par l’A9 sortie N°33, et à 3h30 de Clermont-Ferrand par l’A75 et le viaduc de Millau. Pour se garer gratuitement : parking du Mas Coulet à l’entrée de la ville.

En train : à 3h40 de Paris (TGV direct), 2h de Toulouse et Marseille, 2h40 de Grenoble et 4h de Genève.

En avion : Sète est à 30 mns de l’aéroport de Montpellier-Méditerranée et 45 mns de l’aéroport de Béziers-Cap d’Agde

Rome to Rio

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Un groupe de jeunes sur un bateau-catamaran en train de regarder le coucher du soleil sur l'étang de Thau, devant les parcs à huîtres et Sète en toile de fond

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Our top tips to plan a road trip in France in a camper van


Le voyage en van entre amis à Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, en Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Reading time: 0 min Published on 21 March 2024, updated on 17 April 2024

Some people like deciding where to go at the drop of a hat, and this is what is so appealing about a holiday in a camper van. But just like any other holiday, it still requires some planning. Road trips around France in a van are becoming more and more popular. There’s no better feeling than waking up with a view of the dunes in the Landes or across the Alpine peaks. So follow this guide!

Choose a specialist hire company

In France, specialist van hire companies can provide you with a top-quality service (fully comprehensive insurance cover, recent vehicles that are kept in good condition, etc.). Some of the most well-known companies are Blacksheep , We Van and Van-Away .

  • Good to know: some hire companies offer unlimited mileage, others don't. Some allow a second driver free-of-charge, for others this is an extra option that will cost you more, etc.

Rencontre insolite au sommet de l'Artzamendi, au Pays basque lors d'un voyage en van.

Another option is to hire from a private individual (or a car-sharing scheme)

© Wikicampers – Expérience du voyage nomade dans les Landes à Seignosse

Wikicampers , Yescapa , Ouicar... Private van owners usually offer their vehicles for hire via one of these platforms, which also takes care of the management, security, insurance cover and deals with the transactions between the owner and holidaymaker.

The advantage of this option is that the rental price is usually more competitive. The condition of the vehicle is usually checked via the platform application, in your presence. Another top tip: if you are looking to try out a vehicle because you’d like to buy one, it would probably be easier for you to find the right model if you go through a specialist hire company. Last but not least, this is the most eco-friendly option because you won’t be hiring a van from a fleet that is only used for rental purposes.

Choose the right van that is suited to your needs

© Wikicampers – Camping-car sillonnant entre les montagnes pyrénéennes

A combi van, utility vehicle or a pop-top camper van? An over-cab or low-profile motorhome? For every trip, there is a perfect van. Before setting off, make sure you take the time to choose the right vehicle for the number of people and with the right level of comfort to suit your needs.

Choosing a van with or without toilets might seem like an amusing detail, but it could make a big difference to your trip. And insulation and heating would be important factors to consider in winter.

A van adapted to off-road terrain would be better suited to trips off the beaten track than a motorhome that is more difficult to manoeuvre. In some vans you can stand up, in others you can't. This might seem insignificant for some travellers, but for others it would make a big difference.

Download useful applications

© Vanlifegoeson x WeVan – Chambre avec vue sur le lac du Salagou au coeur du département de l’Hérault

Any seasoned fan of the van life will tell you that the top priority is finding the perfect place to sleep. There’s no better feeling than waking up with a view of the dunes in the Landes or the Alpine peaks to start off your day with a smile. In France, some destinations are more welcoming than others when it comes to camper vans and motorhomes. Wild camping is subject to regulations.

In the Basque Country or Brittany, you might not always be able to stay overnight along the coast for free, especially during the peak season. Don’t panic, wherever you are, there’s always a plan B. Use the Park4night application to find an authorised parking area near you. It was designed specifically with this use in mind. Use the filter to search for the type of location you’re looking for (campsite, staying with the locals, free parking area, rest area, etc.). You’ll find plenty of useful reviews to get an idea of these locations before choosing one, and many of the reviews include photos. You can get any extra information you might need from maps.me and Google maps, and these applications will also help you if you want to venture off the beaten track.

  • Top tip: choose the locations that have been given the least number of reviews. If you are looking for some peace and quiet, opt for a parking area that is at the departure point of a hiking trail, rather than alongside a busy road. It’s often a good idea to spend the night away from the main roads.

Plan your route

© Atypix x WeVan – Préparer son itinéraire dans un champ du Haut-Doubs

Just like your luggage, the route needs to be as simple as possible. The advantage of a road trip in a camper van is the freedom it gives you. You don’t need to plan the entire route out in advance but you can use the apps we’ve mentioned to decide on the mileage you’re aiming for each day. As a general rule, try not to plan too many miles on your road trip in France. A good indication is to spend around 2-3 hours on the road each day. This will limit fatigue. And you’ll have more time to make the most of a place you’d like to explore. There’s nothing like changing your plans to suit your needs, and adapting to the weather!

Be aware of the basic rules

On a trip in a camper van in France, you’ll be embarking on a whole new experience, where you are free to travel around as you please. But this independence does not mean you need to be completely self-sufficient.

The number one rule to respect for a successful trip is to travel light. Leaving your belongings and your daily comfort behind you is all part and parcel of the experience. For example: choose to use backpacks and lightweight camping gear rather than suitcases and fancy camping equipment than is better suited to staying in one place. And you’ll be delighted to be reminded that the lighter the camper van, the less fuel you’ll consume!

Another basic rule is to respect the locals: avoid making excessive noise at night (this also applies to other tourists nearby) and leave your overnight locations exactly as you found them, i.e. clean. It’s all about being respectful. For example, you should avoid using parking areas that are used by the locals to do their shopping, or those used by holidaymakers to go to the beach during the day.

Other useful precautions include being aware of any regulations regarding forest fires. A campfire might add a magical touch to your experience, but in France, you are not permitted to light fires in a national park, a protected nature reserve or in forests during the summer or in periods of drought. In any case, if you are not sure of the rules, it is better to avoid lighting fires.

Take what you need for the vehicle with you

© Vanlifegoeson x WeVan / Pause déjeuner dans un van

If you hire your vehicle from a professional company, chances are you won’t have much to think about, if anything at all (read the following paragraph). Pretty much everything you need for cooking will be provided. You’ll also most likely be provided with bed linen, a camping table and chairs (make sure you check before setting off).

The most organised of travellers will bring a toolbox, engine oil, a piece of cloth to wipe your hands after checking the oil levels (when the engine is cold and the ignition is switched off), a small air compressor for the tyres, etc. But with the breakdown cover, you’re not likely to need any tools whatsoever!

A checklist of the essentials you’ll need:

© Vanlifegoeson x WeVan / Bien équipée pour un café au grand air

Paper versions of a travel guide and road map, a Swiss army knife, a camping stove, USB chargers and plug strips, plenty of water, solar- or battery-powered torches, head lamp, hammock, microfibre towel, Tupperware boxes and containers, bin bags, etc.

Are you still with us? If so, that means you’re ready to set off on the roads of France for your first trip in a camper van. All that’s left for us to do is wish you “Bon voyage”!

  • Tips and suggestions:

Are you planning on travelling in an electric van? You'll need to find out how far you can go with a full charge. Depending on the model, this can vary from a hundred kilometres to almost 800 km, which would have a huge impact on how you plan your trip and your route in the camper van. There are plenty of tools you can use to plan your route, and they will suggest the best places to stop and charge your vehicle along the way: A Better Route Planner or Charge Map . To benefit from an overnight charge, opt for campsites with electric charging terminals. This is the ideal solution so you don’t need to worry about it overnight. Getting around the local area by bike is always a good idea, especially if you are staying on a campsite or with the locals. If you’re planning on cycling, you’ll need a bike rack. This can be booked as an option from your hire company

Further reading :

Insolite : 6 écrins de verdure pour jouer les Robinsons modernes

8 réflexes pour voyager durable en France

road trip van herault

By Alicia Munoz

Alicia, a journalist with a passion, writes about sustainable development, the environment and travel. Her love of nature, sports activities and the great outdoors becomes obvious in her articles.

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40 Best Stops Between Eguisheim and Clermont l'Herault

Navigate forward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

Navigate backward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

How long is the drive from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault?

The direct drive from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault is 473 mi (761 km) , and should have a drive time of 6 hrs 32 mins in normal traffic.

If you’re going on a road trip from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault, we did the research for you and compiled some great stops along the way — with Lyon , Avignon , Montpellier , Basel , Arles , Nimes , Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer , Vallon-Pont-d'Arc , Besancon , and Mulhouse , as well as top places to visit like Zoo Basel and Musée National de l'Automobile, or the ever-popular Basel Minster.

road trip van herault

Top cities between Eguisheim and Clermont l'Herault

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road trip van herault

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road trip van herault


road trip van herault


road trip van herault

Best stops along Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault drive

Basel minster.

road trip van herault

Musée National de l'Automobile

Cité du train, lac de gérardmer, the lion of bartholdi, creux du van, la citadelle, saline royale d'arc-et-senans, cascades du hérisson, royal monastery of brou, touroparc zoo, musée cinéma et miniature, basilica of notre dame of fourvière.

road trip van herault

Don’t forget to pack anything

Stay organized with a to-do list, packing list, shopping list, any kind of list.

road trip van herault

Confluences Museum

Palais idéal, château de grignan, vaison-la-romaine, abbaye notre-dame de sénanque, triumphal arch, théâtre antique d'orange, l'isle-sur-la-sorgue market, jardin des doms.

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road trip van herault

Pont Saint-Benezet

Palais des papes.

road trip van herault

Carrières des Lumières

Château des baux-de-provence, other popular road trips from eguisheim, explore nearby places.

  • Clermont l'Herault
  • Villeneuvette
  • Saint-Felix-de-Lodez
  • Saint-Guiraud
  • Saint-Andre-de-Sangonis
  • Saint-Saturnin-de-Lucian
  • Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve
  • Montpeyroux
  • Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquiere
  • Usclas-d'Herault
  • Saint-Jean-de-Fos
  • Saint-Privat
  • Lezignan-la-Cebe
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert

All related maps of Clermont l'Herault

  • Map of Clermont l'Herault
  • Map of Lacoste
  • Map of Villeneuvette
  • Map of Saint-Felix-de-Lodez
  • Map of Canet
  • Map of Saint-Guiraud
  • Map of Saint-Andre-de-Sangonis
  • Map of Moureze
  • Map of Jonquieres
  • Map of Saint-Saturnin-de-Lucian
  • Map of Le Pouget
  • Map of Celles
  • Map of Cabrieres
  • Map of Puilacher
  • Map of Lagamas
  • Map of Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve
  • Map of Paulhan
  • Map of Montpeyroux
  • Map of Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquiere
  • Map of Gignac
  • Map of Fontes
  • Map of Octon
  • Map of Usclas-d'Herault
  • Map of Saint-Jean-de-Fos
  • Map of Aumelas
  • Map of Aniane
  • Map of Saint-Privat
  • Map of Lodeve
  • Map of Caux
  • Map of Lezignan-la-Cebe
  • Map of Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert

Clermont l'Herault throughout the year

  • Clermont l'Herault in January
  • Clermont l'Herault in February
  • Clermont l'Herault in March
  • Clermont l'Herault in April
  • Clermont l'Herault in May
  • Clermont l'Herault in June
  • Clermont l'Herault in July
  • Clermont l'Herault in August
  • Clermont l'Herault in September
  • Clermont l'Herault in October
  • Clermont l'Herault in November
  • Clermont l'Herault in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Clermont l'Herault?

Get inspired for your trip to Clermont l'Herault with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Clermont l'Herault Itinerary

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i drive from eguisheim to clermont l'herault.

Yes! You can drive from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault.

How far is Clermont l'Herault from Eguisheim by car?

The drive from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault is 473 miles (761 km).

How long does it take to drive from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault?

Driving from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault should take you 6 hrs 32 mins in normal traffic.

How much would gas cost from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault?

Gas from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault would cost around $41 to $97 , depending on your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

Where should I stop on the way from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault?

You could check out Zoo Basel and Musée National de l'Automobile, or the always popular Basel Minster!

What are the best cities to visit between Eguisheim and Clermont l'Herault?

People love visiting Lyon, Avignon, and Montpellier, among others.

What's the weather like in Eguisheim?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Eguisheim in January
  • Weather in Eguisheim in February
  • Weather in Eguisheim in March
  • Weather in Eguisheim in April
  • Weather in Eguisheim in May
  • Weather in Eguisheim in June
  • Weather in Eguisheim in July
  • Weather in Eguisheim in August
  • Weather in Eguisheim in September
  • Weather in Eguisheim in October
  • Weather in Eguisheim in November
  • Weather in Eguisheim in December

What are some other road trips from Eguisheim?

There are plenty! Below you'll find links to all the road trips we've assembled for Eguisheim.

  • Eguisheim to Paris drive
  • Eguisheim to Geneva drive

road trip van herault

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Road Trip Alsace – Itinerary & Map

Article written by Elisa - Travel Writer & Local in France This article may contain compensated links. Please read disclaimer for more info.

Here’s the Ultimate Alsace Road Trip

The historic region of  Alsace , today part of the region of  Grand Est   in  Eastern France , is a land rich in natural wonders, picturesque small towns, and good wines. The Alsatians are amicable and welcoming people, the  Alsace Christmas Markets  are the best in France, and the Alsace food is excellent too!

The best way to explore the region of Alsace is by car. This  Alsace Road Trip   from Mulhouse to Strasbourg  (or vice-versa) covers part of the  Alsace Wine Region , but it also visits other interesting sites near this route.

Colmar - Alsace

This road trip Alsace itinerary takes seven days, and it is a good itinerary for those who love history, sightseeing, outdoor activities, and wine.

This Alsace trip by car is one of the best road trips in France . Read more about road-tripping in France:

France by Car

Alsace Road Trip Overview

  • Start: Mulhouse
  • Finish: Strasbourg
  • Duration: 7 days
  • Suggested route: Mulhouse – Colmar – Strasbourg
  • Total distance: 155Km, 2,5 hours drive in total
  • Region covered: Grand Est
  • Best for: history, sightseeing, nature, small towns, food & wine

Road Trip Alsace Map

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Click here to see this Road Trip Alsace Map on Google

Road Trip Alsace Itinerary

This Alsace road trip starts from  Mulhouse , the second most important city in Alsace. If you don’t have a car, you can travel to Mulhouse by train and then rent one in Mulhouse (click here for our best tips for renting a car in France ). The chances are that car rental in Mulhouse is cheaper than in Paris, plus you avoid the hassle of driving from Paris or any other city to the east.

Click here to rent your car in Mulhouse

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Day 0 | Arrival in Mulhouse

Arrive in Mulhouse the day before the start of this Alsace road trip. For your night in Mulhouse, Hotel Bristol is comfortable, beautiful, and very central.

Click here to book your stay at Hotel Bristol

Day 1 | Mulhouse – Colmar

Morning in Mulhouse

Mulhouse - Alsace

The first day of this road trip Alsace starts by exploring the city of Mulhouse . After a good breakfast with no rush, spend the morning visiting the Old Town. Mulhouse has a beautiful central square ( Place de la Réunion ) dominated by the Temple St. Etienne and the Town Hall. The surrounding streets are also interesting to explore too.

Afternoon at La Cité de l’Automobile

Cité de l'Automobile - Mulhouse

Mulhouse’s main attractions are the Automobile Museum ( Cité de l’Automobile ) and the Railway Museum ( Cité du Train ). These two top museums reflect the history of the city, which is strongly influenced by industry.

If there’s time to visit only one museum in Mulhouse, we recommend La  Cité de l’Automobile.  Also known as Musée National de l’Automobile , this fantastic museum is built around the Schlumpf collection of classic automobiles.

The Schlumpf brothers were two businessmen with a passion for cars living in Mulhouse. Their collection, located in one of their former factories, contains the largest and most comprehensive collection of  Bugatti cars  in the world. The museum displays not only some of the very first Bugatti cars but also racing cars and luxury cars. It is amazing!

TIP: This museum is huge! When you arrive, it is a good idea to take the free little train (with a commentary), which meanders around the museum to get an overview of the collection and the different sections.

Cars at Cité Automobile - Mulhouse

The  Cité du Train  is an excellent museum to visit too. The Cité du Train is the biggest train museum in Europe, and it displays more than 100 French trains from all periods.

Evening and Night in Colmar

After visiting the museum of your choice in Mulhouse, drive to Colmar, where you will spend three nights. For your stay in Colmar, we recommend the  Hotel Le Colombier , a charming property located in the district of Little Venice. This hotel has spacious and stylish rooms, a bar, and a garden in which to relax.

Click here to book your stay at Hotel Le Colombier

Day 2 | Colmar 

Colmar - France

Day 2 of this Alsace road trip is dedicated to visiting Colmar. Located in the center of Alsace, between Strasbourg and Mulhouse, the oh-so-pretty  Colmar  is one of the must-stops of any Alsace itinerary. This medium-sized city is frequently voted as one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, and it has many monuments and typical neighborhoods.

You are going to love walking around Colmar. The Old Town of Colmar is very picturesque, with half-timbered houses, cobblestone lanes, and quaint canals. Don’t miss La Petite Venise , Colmar’s most picturesque neighborhood built along the main canal.

In Colmar, you have one of the best museums in the region, the  Unterlinden Museum . Once a monastery, it is now filled with masterpieces of art from the Middle Ages to Modern Art.

A signposted walking trail leads visitors in a 6.1km loop around the city (estimated time: 2.5 hrs). The route is outlined on the free Colmar Old Town Map from the tourist office, or follow the golden triangles along the way (embossed with Lady Liberty) to the top Colmar sights.

The list of fun things to see and do in Colmar includes:

  • The Unterlinden Museum
  • The Bartholdi Museum
  • The Little Venice
  • The Food Market (consider having lunch inside for a super local experience)
  • The Toy Museum
  • The Choco Story Colmar

FUN FACT: Artist  Auguste Bartholdi  – The man who created the Statue of Liberty – was born in Colmar in 1834. As a Colmar claim-to-fame, Lady Liberty appears throughout the city.

Day 3 | Colmar – Eguisheim – Colmar

Morning in Eguisheim

Eguisheim - Alsace, France

From Colmar, consider a half-day or a day trip to Eguisheim, located just out of Colmar. Eguisheim is one of the most beautiful villages in Alsace , and it is a wonder. Eguisheim is only a 10-minute drive from Colmar, and some people like to take this excursion to Eguisheim by bike.

Eguisheim   has a unique layout, where the streets are arranged in concentric circles around the Eguisheim Castle. Wander around the narrow cobbled streets, flanked by the beautiful architecture of half-timbered houses with balconies and windows full of flowers. Don’t miss the central square with its magnificent stone fountain and the colorful Saint Leo Chapel inside.

One of the best things to do in Eiguisheim is to visit one of the many cellars in the Old Town , where you can learn more about the local grape varieties and do some tastings. After some research, we recommend the wines from Eichberg and Pfersigberg , which reveal aromas of fruit, honey, and wood.

Afternoon Hike Up to the Three Towers

3 Castles- Eguisheim

The Three Castles   on the Schlossberg Hill (591m) is a beautiful trail to walk, and it starts from Eguisheim. The Castles were built during the 11th and 12th centuries by three families of the region. All three Castles were destroyed in 1466 during the War of the Six Oboles.

The ruins of the Castles per se are nothing spectacular, but the hike up to the hill is beautiful and easy to walk (1.5 hr uphill). Take the trail starting at the camping site “Les Trois Chateaux” in Eguisheim. On the way, you will cross vineyards, the small town of Husseren-Les-Châteaux, and a bit of forest at the end of the hike.

Moreover, this path offers an exceptional panorama of the whole valley and its three Castles. The views from the top of the hill are also great.

3 Castlees - End of Hike

Day 4 | Kaysersberg – Riquewihr

Morning in Kaysersberg

Kaysersberg - Alsace

Day 4 of this Alsace itinerary by car explores two of the prettiest Alsace villages. From Colmar, drive to  Kaysersberg Vignoble , a small town nestled at the entrance of a Vosges Valley, only a few kilometers from Ribeauvillé and Riquewihr. Kaysersberg is built next to the River Weiss, which flows between the houses.

You are going to love Kaysersberg, with its beautiful historic center, its many half-timbered houses from the 15th – 16th centuries, and a unique fortified bridge built in 1514 in pink sandstone from the Vosges. Kaysersberg means “the Emperor’s mountain,” and the ruins of the imperial castle that dominates the city have an incredible charm.

TIP: don’t miss the stone decoration on houses and public buildings and the old shop signs.

Afternoon in Riquewihr

Riquewhihr - Alsace

From Kaysersberg, drive to  Riquewihr , another picturesque town where you will spend one night. For your stay in Riquewihr, book the charming  Hotel à l’Oriel , located in the heart of the Old Town. The hotel proposes individually decorated beautiful traditional rooms, a good breakfast, and private parking.

Click here to book your stay at Hotel à l’Oriel

If you only have time to visit one village in Alsace,  Riquewihr has everything to fall in love with it. This fortified village, surrounded by vineyards and listed among the Most Beautiful Villages of France, was built in the 16th century, and it is as if time has slowed down in this town.

Apart from its beautiful half-timbered houses and picturesque alleys, Riquewihr has no less than 40 classified Historical Monuments. Follow the town’s walls and visit the village’s three defense towers, some of the oldest fortifications here. The famous Thieves’ Tower was the former prison of Riquewihr.

At the entrance of Riquewihr, you will find several wine producers offering wine tastings and their best bottles of Alsace wine. We bought a couple of bottles of muscat and crémant at Domaine Dopff au Moulin (2 Avenue Jacques Preiss, Riquewihr). Then, within the walls, you will find many wine shops.

Day 5 | Riquewihr – Strasbourg

Morning at Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg

Château de Haut-Koenisgsbourg - France

Day 5 of this road trip Alsace starts with a visit to Château du Haut Koenigsbourg , one of the most fascinating castles in France . This is a fortified castle built in the 12th century but deeply transformed over the centuries. It dominates the Alsatian Plain from the Buntsandstein Rock.

The Hohenstaufen family built the castle as part of a defense line to reinforce their power in Alsace. Over the centuries, the castle was disputed by different families and nations until it was severely damaged during the Thirty Years’ War and was subsequently abandoned.

In the 20th century, the castle went through an extensive restoration under the direct supervision of the German Kaiser William II, who visited the works regularly. For the Kaiser, this castle marked the western boundary of the German Empire.

Visit the castle inside (ask at the ticket control for the free guided tours), and if you have time, explore a bit of the surrounding forest.

Afternoon at Mont Sainte-Odile

Mont Saint Odile - Alsace

After visiting the Château, drive to Mont Saint-Odile , in the heart of the Vosges. The mountain (764 m) is named after Saint-Odile, the Saint Patron of Alsace, and it has a monastery/convent, the Abbey of Hohenburg .

Drive to the summit of Mont Sainte-Odile to take in the views (and perhaps a little prayer). You can also visit some parts of the monastery. Before leaving, make sure to check out the Pagan Wall , a series of stone fortifications built in 1000 BC.

After visiting Mont Sainte-Odile, drive to Strasbourg, the last stop of this Alsace road trip. In Strasbourg, book two nights at the  Hotel Cathédrale , located just opposite Notre Dame de Strasbourg. Some rooms come with incredible and spectacular views over the Cathedral.

Click here to book your stay at Hotel Cathédrale

Days 6 -7 | Strasbourg

Strasbourg - France

Days 6 and 7 of this Alsace itinerary explore the city of Strasbourg, so you won’t need the car. 

Strasbourg , the capital of Alsace, is also known as the Capital of Europe because of both its central location and it plays host to more than 20 European institutions. Strasbourg has an immense historical and architectural heritage, making it the wealthiest city in Alsace. Its city center, developed on the River Ill banks, not far from the Rhine River, is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

If you are visiting Strasbourg for the first time, we recommend this  Strasbourg itinerary for 2 days which covers the main sights and comes with some good tips.

The list of fun things to see and do in Strasbourg includes:

  • Notre Dame Cathedral
  • The Petite-France, a picturesque district
  • The covered bridges and the barrage Vauban
  • Strasbourg river cruise
  • History Museum
  • The European neighborhood

So, what are you waiting for? Book your Alsace road trip today!

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10 Best Adventure Vans Of 2023

If you’re nursing a bite by the wanderlust bug, the best home base for your wanderings might just be an adventure bus. After all, the only thing better than a road trip is doing it with the comforts of home in tow!

Today, we’re taking a close look at ten of the best adventure vans we’ve seen out on the road or on the Internet. If you’re planning an off-grid adventure, peruse our list for ideas to complete your own camper conversion . 

The Best Adventure Vans for Off Grid Living

Imagine pulling up to a beautiful view, putting it in park, and really savouring it as long as you want, cup of tea in hand. That’s the adventure van lifestyle, that allows off-grid adventures to continue indefinitely. 

But which is the best adventure van for you? It all depends on your budget, lifestyle, and destination. The ultimate camper will look different for everyone; it may be an all terrain camper , compact camper van , or maybe a stealthy pop top camper . 

Regardless of your situation, there’s a solution out there for you. To help you get the wheels turning, we’re looking at ten of the gnarliest off-road camper conversions to serve as the best van for your next adventure. 

1. Storyteller Overland MODE

Best Adventure Vans - MODE exterior

First up on our list of the best adventure vans is the MODE 4×4 by Storyteller Overland . This epic Mercedes Sprinter conversion  embodies the six essential qualities of an off-grid home on wheels: it’s safe, simple, fun, flexible, rugged, and most importantly, ready to go.

With these factors as the basis of the build, you’re getting a vehicle that’s purpose-built for all stripes of life. Whether you’re barreling down dirt tracks or just making a run to the grocery store, the MODE camper is up to it.

MODE interior

Inside, the Overland MODE has everything you need to live comfortably. There is enough storage onboard for all the gear you’ll need to live life on the wild side. Beneath the bed at the back is a “garage” area large enough to store travel bikes, climbing gear or blow up paddle-boards.

If you need even more space, then the bed can fold away, allowing more storage area when in transit. In the living space, you’ll find a galley kitchen, a seating area that converts into a second bed, storage, and a toilet. There is even a hidden camper shower system, giving you the luxury of a hot indoor or outdoor shower after a day on the trail!

The Storyteller Overland MODE would make a great van for any vandwellers wanting to upgrade to a monster camper off-road rig. 

2. Winnebago Revel 4×4

Best Adventure Vans - Winnebago Revel exterior in mountains with kayak on roof

The Winnebago Revel 4×4 is another all terrain camper that has earned a spot on our list of the best adventure vans of 2020. It’s chock-full of off-road capabilities that allow you to easily take the road less traveled.

The Revel 4×4 features a rugged roof rack to transport any adventure gear that won’t fit inside the camper van. You can access it via ladder, which is where you’ll also find solar panels to fuel your gadgets on the go. Finally, an electronic awning doubles your living space and gives you some shade from the elements. 

Winnebagod Revel view out of back doors with bed down

One of the most unique features of this adventure bus is the power lift bed. This allows you to raise the comfortable double bed to the ceiling of the van. At the press of a button, you open up a massive 140 cubic ft. garage, perfect for all your van life essentials.

The rest of the interior clearly keeps adventure firmly in mind; the flooring, cabinets, wall coverings, and seats are all made out of easy-to-clean materials, so don’t worry too much how wet or muddy you are when you get back to your home base. As well as the bed, this camper features a full kitchen with hob, sink and fridge, seating areas with table and front swivel seats, gear closet and wet bath, as well as overhead storage.

The Winnebago Revel 4×4 starts at $163,292.   

3. Adventure Truck XT 

Best Adventure Vans - Adventure Truck XT

Next up on our list of the best adventure vans we have the Adventure Truck XT . Aptly named, these off road trucks are built with a long expedition in mind and are perfect if you’re planning a long overland trip to remote corners of the earth.

The Adventure Truck XT is ideal for living off the grid long term, as they can be fitted out and upgraded to suit your needs. Whether your camper base model is a pick-up truck or something a little larger, the modular Adventure Truck XT kit attaches directly to the vehicle. 

Interior of Adventure Truck XT

The spacious interior of the Adventure Truck XT is perfect for full-time truck life . There’s enough room to compare directly to a small apartment!

An over-cab sleeping area allows the main space of the camper to be utilised as a living space. And the camper comes complete with a full kitchen, bathroom, a dining area that converts into an extra bed, plus heaps of storage.

The Adventure Truck XT also has heating and air conditioning that runs off of the solar electrical set up. This camper can even be fitted with a washing machine, which is perfect if you plan on living off grid for months on end.

Prices for the Adventure Truck XT start at $368,000.

4. Mitsubishi 4WD Terrain 

Best Adventurew Vans - Mitsubishi 4WD Terrain exterior by river in snowy mountains

Small campers have many benefits; they’re often more affordable, more fuel-efficient, and are easy to drive and park. Pair the benefits of a compact driving experience with a full 4×4 conversion, and you have the perfect adventure campervan for exploring those off-road tracks. 

Enter a treat for the small van fan, the Mitsubishi 4WD Terrain .

This Mitsubishi camper van is built on a Delica base, with a switchable 4WD option to give you full control on and off the road. 

Interior of Mitsubishi 4WD Terrain

While the Mitsubishi 4WD Terrain may be small, it still has room to sleep and seat four–ideal for traveling with kids or friends.

Two can sleep on the double bed in the pop-top roof, with two on the rock and roll bed downstairs. That rock and roll bed also doubles as a seat-belted seating area, providing a safe space for extra passengers.

The kitchenette can be used to whip up campervan recipes either inside or out, meaning you can create delicious meals on the go no matter what the weather throws at you.

This great little camper is affordable too, coming in at a starting price of £27,995. 

5. Cascade by Outside Van

  Best Adventure Vans - Exterior of Cascade by Outside Van with roof tent open and awning out

We’re halfway through our list of the best adventure vans, and at number five we have the Cascade by Outside Van ! These folks are the masters of custom vans , letting you control exactly what you would like in your conversion.

A Ford Transit chassis constitutes the base for this camper. It comes complete with a 4×4 conversion, tyre and wheel upgrades, safari roof rack, extra exterior lighting, ladders, and an L-track mounting system. Outside Van have also mounted a roof tent to the top of the camper, creating an extra ‘bedroom’ perfect for kids or friends to come on the road with you. 

Interior shot of Cascade

Inside the camper is plush yet rugged, with all of the comforts of home ready and waiting for your next road trip. At the back of the van is a large double bed with a garage storage area below.

This storage tucks away from the rest of the van behind the two extra passenger seats at the foot of the bed. Beyond the seats is the kitchen which includes a sink, hob, fridge, and storage space.

We love the materials and colours used in this van; it stands out from the crowd and looks more homely than many off road campers  that prioritise function over form.

Prices vary depending on conversion, so contact Outside Van for more information!   

6. Zion by Roadtrek

Best Adventure Vans - Intgerior of Roadtrak Zion

At number six on our list of the best adventure vans, we have Zion from Roadtrek . The Zion is built on a Ram Promaster chassis, seats up to five, and can sleep three (unlucky if you’re passengers four and five!)

This build is perfect if you are looking for a more versatile interior space in your campervan and need less storage for gear.

The bed at the back of this camper van converts into a large seating area, with two comfortable bench seats running along both walls. These seats are perfect for lounging around in the day, with more space to entertain friends (or keep your kids occupied on a rainy day). At night, the benches can be flattened into a comfortable double bed, with a single bed set up in the cab are. 

Interior of zion with bed out

Beyond the bed is a kitchen and lots of storage cupboards for clothes and other essentials. If you do need to carry gear on board, this can be stored in the central aisle of the camper and removed once you park up.

Roadtrek’s Zion camper is great for trips all year round with a propane furnace to keep your warm in the colder months. After all, a good heating system in a camper is essential to stop the cold becoming a barrier to getting outdoors.

The Zion camper van starts at $101,681.

7. Project M by Four Wheel Campers

Best Adventure Vans - Project M exterior with SUP on roof and gear on back

Pop up campers are perfect for anyone who just wants to get out into the wild and isn’t too bothered about having all the bells and whistles. And that’s exactly what you get with the Project M Truck Camper by Four Wheel Campers: Simplicity.

Moreover, this is an affordable adventure vessel for exploring the world, ideal for the outdoorsy (but cash-strapped) younger generation. The Project M slides onto your truck bed, so if your vehicle is compatible, there is no need to splash out on another truck. This drastically undercuts the cost of buying an RV, making road tripping more accessible to all.

Interior of project M

The Project M gives you an over-cab bed, which can be extended to comfortably sleep two while the roof is popped open. In the most basic model, this is the main feature of the Project M–a true adventure crash pad!

The rest of the interior space is dedicated to storing your gear, or building out your conversion piece by piece. Optional extras include pre-wiring for power and lights, a roof rack for even more gear and L-track on the interior walls.

Four Wheel Campers ‘ Project M starts at just $8,995 and is a great base to use to be able to get outside. 

8. Chinook Countryside

Best Adventure Vans - exterior of Chinook Countryside

The Chinook Countryside  is a luxury RV built to be the best on the road. This swish campervan may not be to everyone’s taste, but if you’re looking for a bit of decadence, then this is the camper for you.

Sporting cream leather seating and glossy veneer cabinetry, the interior of the Chinook Countryside feels like a luxury yacht. There’s plenty of seating for extra passengers, and the bench at the back folds down into a bed when it’s time for a snooze.

Interior of Chinook Countryside

A full bathroom takes up one side of the camper, complete with a porcelain toilet, shower, and a retractable clothesline. Opposite this is the kitchen, where you can whip up anything from a quick snack to a full three-course meal. The kitchen comprises of a dual microwave/convection oven/grill, two-burner cooktop, sink, and fridge.

The Countryside’s Mercedes Benz Sprinter chassis can be upgraded to a 4×4 conversion, allowing you to combine luxury with the dirt road. What’s not to love!

9. Sportsmobile Classic 

Exterior of Sportsmobile Classic in rocky mountains with roof popped

We’re coming to the end of our list of the best adventure vans, and at number nine we have my all-time-favourite: the Sportsmobile Classic 4×4. This is a great vehicle if you like your road trips with no limitations.

Built on a 4×4 Ford Cutaway chassis, this heavy-duty adventure van’s body is moulded with a steel-reinforced fibreglass shell for maximum durability. And, this camper has a complete and extensive off-road conversion; you can travel over dirt roads, up mountains, through ravines, and across any terrain!

Interior of Sportsmobile Classic

For all its muscle, the Ford Cutaway is a relatively small vehicle. To make up for its compact size, Sportsmobile include a pop top penthouse roof. There’s more than enough space to stand up and move around inside.

The interior layout is customisable depending on what your needs are. Nevertheless, conversions typically include a full kitchen, a cosy sleeping area, dining area, plus plenty of space to store gear and added extras.    

10. Timber Den by Outside Van 

Timber Den by Outside Van exterior in the snow with snowmobile in front

Our last camper on our list of best adventure vans is the Timber Den by Outside Van . This another excellent example of the kind of custom off-grid-paradise that the company can produce.

The Timber Den is the ultimate gear-hauling camper, with space to carry an extensive amount of equipment inside–including a motorbike! This comes thanks to an open-plan layout, with minimal ‘home comforts’. Meanwhile on the exterior, there are surf/SUP racks, plus solar panels for off-grid power. 

Interior of Timber den with one bunkbed down and snowmobile and skis inside

Aside from the storage space, the interior of this campervan features two different sleeping layouts: bunk beds or a double at the back. The double bed is ideal when there is enough room around the gear; but, the bunk beds work just fine if you need the space for all of your snowboards or skis.

The camper doesn’t have a full kitchen, but it does come with a fridge for storing tasty snacks. If you want a suitable base that is well-equipped for all manner of outdoor sports, from then the Timber Den is for you. 

Final Thoughts…

There are so many different adventure vans out there to suit your individual lifestyle and budgets. While the vans on this list may all vary in shape, style, size, and cost, they do have one thing in common: they will help you to get off the sofa and out there into the world! 

Sure, choosing the right adventure van is important; but not as important as the journey that you will find yourself on when you’re out on the road. So what are you waiting for? Choose a van and start exploring!

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  • Meet the adventure bus that’s taking Instagram by storm!
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Russian Far East: top 10 experiences

Aug 10, 2018 • 6 min read

The limestone Lena Pillars are a popular cruise trip from Yakutsk © Vicky Ivanova / Shutterstock

The limestone Lena Pillars are a popular cruise trip from Yakutsk © Vicky Ivanova / Shutterstock

The Russian Far East has a mystique that’s been luring travellers for generations. With the volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, ancient stone pillars on the Lena River and some of the world’s coldest and remotest human settlements, as well as the cosmopolitan cities of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, the region has something for everyone. Russia’s poignant past is present here too, from the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) railway to the infamous Kolyma Highway that runs to Magadan, the most notorious outpost of the Far Eastern Gulag system.

Night falls over the suspension bridge across the Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok © Ovchinnikova Irina / Shutterstock


The ‘Master of the East’, a hip, dynamic city with an impressive setting in the Golden Horn Bay, Vladivostok is the unofficial capital of the Russian Far East and a cultural heavyweight in its own right. St Petersburg’s renowned Mariinsky Theatre has inaugurated the Primorsky Stage in the city in recent years, joining the new Hermitage Vladivostok branch and the stellar Zarya Centre for Contemporary Art as the city’s premier cultural attractions. Meanwhile, the S-56 Submarine , Fort No 7 and the Vladivostok Fortress Museum pay homage to the city’s background as Russia’s most important eastern naval base. Vladivostok’s dining scene is second only to Moscow and St Petersburg, and numerous cocktail bars and pubs attract night owls. If the frenetic pace is a little overwhelming, you can always escape to the beaches on Russky Island and Popov Island .

Right in the heart of the legendary Kamchatka peninsula, the little town of Esso is the jumping-off spot for some terrific hiking, soaking in the istochniki (hot springs) and rafting on the nearby Bystraya River. Charming  izbas (wooden cottages) sit in a pine-scented valley, surrounded by forested mountains. A well-marked network of hiking trails threads its way through the surrounding Bystrinsky Nature Park, ranging in difficulty and in length – the shortest is 2km, the longest 42km.

One of Kamchatka’s highlights, the steaming Valley of Geysers can be accessed only by helicopter © Alla / Shutterstock

Valley of Geysers, Kamchatka

Accessible only by a helicopter tour from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the smoking Dolina Geyzerov is the star attraction of  Kamchatka – the volcano- and geyser-studded peninsula that has the most dramatic, volatile topography in all of Russia. This 8km-long valley, bisected by the Geysernaya River, is dotted with several dozen geysers that sporadically blast steam, mud and water towards the sky. Some of the more colourful ones can be admired while strolling along a specially made boardwalk.

The remote capital of the Sakha Republic, Yakutsk is both the world’s coldest city and a marvel of Soviet engineering, built entirely on permafrost. Its tangle of overground pipes, carrying water and gas, is a peculiar sight, but Yakutsk is a surprisingly cosmopolitan place despite its isolation. A visit to the quirky  Permafrost Kingdom is particularly worthwhile, with its never-melting sculptures of pagan gods and mythological characters, while the National Art Museum introduces you to the mammoth tusk carvings and paintings by Sakha artists. The best places to try Sakha delicacies such as indigirka (raw, frozen fish), reindeer and zherebyatiny (colt fillet) are Chochur Muran and Makhtal restaurants.

Features - The signage of BAM railway, a marvel of engineering and an alternative to the Trans-Siberian Railway © Philip Lee Harvey / Lonely Planet

Riding the BAM railway

Stretching for some 4324km from Severobaikalsk (on the northern shores of Lake Baikal) to the Sea of Okhotsk, the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) is a triumph of railway engineering (and convict labour) and the less-taken alternative to the Trans-Siberian Railway. With its bridges spanning the mighty Lena and Amur rivers, its tunnels blasted through kilometres of sheer rock, and its tracks running through dense spruce forest and taiga, riding the BAM is a wonderful way to get to know ordinary Russians. You might find yourself sharing a beer or hot tea and heaped spoons of caviar with miners or lumberjacks, who’ll be intensely curious about you. It’s worth disembarking in Tynda, where travel writer Dervla Murphy got stuck while writing Through Siberia by Accident, to visit the BAM Museum, and in Komsomolsk-na-Amure, to check out the grand Soviet-era mosaics and the riverside beach.

Some 650km east of Yakutsk, the tiny reindeer and silver fox breeding station of Oymyakon (population around 500) is the coldest permanently inhabited place on Earth, with temperatures in the nearby valleys dropping as low as -82°C. Various travel agencies in Yakutsk, including Visit Yakutia , organise week-long tours to Oymyakon to attend the annual Pole of Cold Festival in late March, featuring reindeer races, outdoor concerts and other festivities.

The golden domes of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk are dazzling in the winter sunset © Konstantin Baidin / Shutterstock

Whether you come here in winter for the ice sculptures, or in summer for the lively nightlife and the Amur River beach, Khabarovsk is a breath of fresh air, especially if you’ve spent days cooped up on the train before getting here. Its wide boulevards are lined with stately, tsarist-era buildings (spot the Far Eastern State Research Library and the Tsentralny Gastronom), and there are numerous green walkways for strolling around the city, including those on Amursky bul and Ussuriysky bul. The burgeoning dining scene’s highlights are Georgian cuisine at Satsivi  and fusion at Farsh ; some good bars are dotted around the city centre, including the hipster Brozbar , with a good range of craft beer.

Magadan and Kolyma Highway

Surrounded by snow-capped mountains and hemmed in by the Sea of Okhotsk, Magadan is a surprisingly pleasant city, given its dark past. Described as the ‘pole of cold and cruelty’ in Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago, it was the most notorious of the Stalinist forced labour camps from the 1930s to mid-1950s. The harsh sub-Arctic climate and dreadful work conditions are believed to have killed over a million prisoners in the Kolyma region, commemorated by the giant Mask of Sorrow monument on a hillside above Magadan, as well as at the Magadan Regional Museum . You can get here by air, or via the Russian Far East’s most ambitious road trip – a three- or four-day journey from Yakutsk by 6WD vehicle or truck along the Kolyma Highway, aka the ‘road of bones’, built on the backs of countless Gulag labourers.

The limestone Lena Pillars in the Sakha Republic are a popular cruise trip from Yakutsk © Vicky Ivanova / Shutterstock

Lena Pillars

The Russian Far East’s most popular cruise is the two-day jaunt from Yakutsk to the Lenskie Stolby (Lena Pillars) along the mighty Lena River. Resembling a petrified forest, the 80km-long, 35-million-year-old limestone pillars reach for the sky along the riverbank – a startling sight after you’ve spent many hours floating through impenetrable spruce forest. Lena Tur Flot  runs 36- and 46-hour cruises here aboard its two comfy cruise ships; you’ll even get to see a shaman ceremony.


A remote Russian outpost since 1644, this frontier town faces its rather more modern Chinese neighbour, Heihe, across the Amur River. However, it’s worth making the detour 110km south of the main Trans-Siberian Railway line to Blagoveshchensk to check out the charming tsarist-era architecture that dots the town centre; another highlight is the extensive  Amur Regional Museum . Blagoveshchensk is also one of the easiest places in Russia from which to enter China (though you’ll need to organise your visa in advance).


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The missing link: driving one of Russia’s newest roads

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The Boutique Hotel has parking and gorgeous rooms for $100 a night. Try one of the city’s many Chinese or Japanese restaurants.

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From the Dormition Cathedral, drive up ul. Muravyov Amursky several blocks and take a left on the M-58. Follow the road to the Khabarovsk Bridge, once the longest bridge in Asia. It is featured on Russia’s 5,000-ruble banknote.

Driving from Khabarovsk to the city of Chita is a 2,100-kilometer journey on the newest section of the Trans-Siberian Highway. Many sections are unpaved and villages can be far apart.

Carry extra food and water in case of a break down. This is harsh country, but don’t be surprised if the first passing trucker stops and offers to help if you have car trouble.

You don’t need four-wheel drive for the M-58. Many Siberians buy used Toyotas from Japan in Vladivostok and resell them back home. These intrepid car salesmen stand out because they often cover the front of their cars with masking tape to protect them from dents caused by rocks in the road. You might want to do the same.

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White steps lead up a hill here to a monument for those who died in the fighting. It is on the right from the M-58.

From Volochaevka you’ll soon reach Birobidzhan (2 hours, 145 kilometers), the capital of the Jewish Autonomous Region, established as a new Jewish homeland in 1934. Birobidzhan is a good option to stop for the night.

Although most Jews left Birobidzhan long ago, signs in Yiddish and images of menorahs and dreidels on Birobidzhan’s bus stops remain. The Regional Museum has great exhibits on the region’s unique history. You can find rooms at the Hotel Vostok for about $70 a night.

West of Birobidzhan, the land becomes more mountainous and the villages further apart. Located about an hour west of the M-58, Blagoveshchensk (7 hours, 500 kilometers from Birobidzhan) is a charming city on the Amur and a good place to load up on supplies before tackling the most challenging section of the M-58.

road trip van herault

Pack camping gear and a warm sleeping bag for this part of the trip. With a good vehicle, it is possible to travel on the back roads to hike through the mountains and camp. In this stretch you’ll reach a village about every hour. Most towns have a roadside cafe where you can buy a hot meal and travelers can usually camp outside.

The city of Tynda (12 hours, 800 kilometers from Blagoveshchensk) is a few hours north of the M-58. Once a booming railroad town, Tynda is a good place to stop on the drive to Chita. The city’s BAM museum has exhibits on the Baikal-Amur Mainline, a northern line that runs parallel to the Trans-Siberian Railroad. The Hotel Yunost has rooms for about $50 a night. Sokol Tours can arrange a tour of Tynda and the surrounding area.

The small cities of Magdagachi, Skovorodino and Chernyshevsk are all located about a day’s drive from one another on the M-58 and have hotels in the center.

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road trip van herault

Roadsurfer Camper Van: A Road Trip Companion Families Will Love

I t has long been a dream of mine to hit the road and head off into the sunset in my very own campervan. Sadly, I still don’t own one. Instead, I am relegated to renting them when I can. One of the best rental companies Los Angeles has to offer in this realm is RoadSurfer Camper Vans. 

I have tried various other companies in California and even though they all have good qualities, the number one thing that sold me on the RoadSurfer camper is their beautiful vans with no mileage limits. Often campervans have limited mileage, which means that you can’t go very far, or if you do, you then have to stay put once you have reached your destination. For me, this defeats the purpose of having a campervan as I want to explore and be able to come and go as I please without constantly worrying about mileage. 

On our recent Redwoods Road Trip up the coast of California, we put the RoadSurfer van to the test! Below is our review of the van and why your family will love this road trip companion!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

What is a Roadsurfer Camper?

Roadsurfer is a German company with an extensive network of campervan rentals throughout Europe. In 2022, Roadsurfer opened its first US location in Los Angeles, bringing their much loved vibe across the pond. Their near to LAX based hub makes it super easy for both locals and out of town visitors to rent a van for their California adventure. 

And of course, we might be a bit biased, but California is one of the best locations for road tripping as you can find somewhere to go all year long! From desert escapes in Joshua Tree to a variety of beautiful California ocean getaways along the Pacific Coast Highway . 

Roadsurfer offers 2 models of camper vans in the Los Angeles location.  The Couple Condo or the Roadhouse XL. For our adventure, even though we are only 2 people and could have used the Couple Condo, we decided to check out the XL version as it is the best option for most families. 

This XL camper was still only 22 feet long making it super easy to drive and park in most places. This van is considered to be a Class B RV, but rest assured you do not need a special license to drive a Class B RV rental vehicle. 

For me, the van drove much like my regular SUV, just a bit higher off the ground. I could occasionally feel the wind a bit more than I might have in my car, but it handled the curvy roads up and down the coast like a dream. It comes with all the perks you might be used to in your own car or other rentals like a backup camera, bluetooth, Apple CarPlay and many places to charge your devices including wireless charging! 

Ins & Outs of Renting a Roadsurfer Camper

Additionally, we loved having the the ability to be flexible traveling where we wanted with no set plans. We stayed at a HipCamp spot, regular state park campgrounds as well as tried our hand at wild camping off the roadside!

Having the campervan really offered such a unique camping experience that now we are spoiled and want one even more!

Roadsurfer camper van prices fluctuate throughout the year based on the demand. Rates for the Couple Condo start at $159 per night while the Roadhouse XL starts at $169 per night. During peak summer or high demand days, you can expect to pay around $250 a night.

In addition to the nightly rate, there is a service fee of $149 charged per rental which is added to the total price.

What this includes is unlimited mileage, space for 2 (Couple Condo) or 4 (Roadhouse XL), camping gear such as table and camp chairs, and a kitchen box with cups, plates and cookware needed during your adventure.

As they are still new in the US,  you can often find a discount code on their website that will help reduce the cost. Definitely sign up to their newsletter so you can keep up with any specials they are running. (Right now, they have  a summer deal for both their US rentals and their European rentals).

Extras Available for Rent

There are a few extras also available for rent with your campervan hire if needed. These include bedding for each person on your trip. This includes a flat sheet, duvet and duvet cover and pillow.

Each rental comes with 2 camping chairs and a camp table to sit outside, however you can rent additional chairs and a table if more are needed.

Lastly, you can also hire a bike rack to add to the back of the van so that you can bring your bikes with you for the journey. 

Additional Costs Apart from Rental Fees

In addition to the cost of the van itself, it is important to know that you will incur a few other additional costs during your rental. This includes things like refilling the propane tank and emptying the dirty water and wastewater. All of these things must be done before returning your van or else you will be fined a lot more than the cost to do this on your own!

From our experience, refilling the propane can cost anywhere from $15-25 dollars depending where you go. Additionally, you will need to visit a dump station to dump the grey water tank and toilet waste. Some places are free, but more often than not you will be required to pay. This can run up to $40 per dump station. 

Rental Days & Customer Support

Currently Roadsurfer is closed on Sundays and holidays which means vans cannot be rented or returned on these days. This is important to be aware of when planning your camping holiday. 

Additionally, at the time of our rental, there was not a convenient system of customer support for non-emergencies while on the road, as they are still working out the kinks on being based on two continents. The station team where we picked up the van were great, but unfortunately there is no way to contact them while on the road. Instead, you are directed to email the main account, which states that it could take a few days to get a response from. There is an emergency roadside assistance number, but for the non emergencies, there isn’t a clear way to contact people in real time.

While we did not have any problems ourselves while out on the road, in returning the vehicle we had an issue refilling the propane tank and could not get in touch with anyone to discuss what we should do. I have great hope that this will work itself out quickly as they further establish their team in the United States.

Let’s Look Inside a Roadsurfer Camper Van

Ok, now that we have gone through the nitty gritty of how to rent a van, how much it will cost and what extras you should budget for, we want to share the super fun bit.. the inside of the van!

Check out this video my son made while we were on the road in our Roadhouse XL.

What to Expect Inside a Roadsurfer Camper Van

A Roadsurfer camper van is around 22 feet long, but they sure pack in the features. In our campervan, we had a large bed that could be folded up in the day to provide more inside space to get into the cabinets, or you could leave it folded out if you didn’t need much space or access to the things below. 

We also had a small, but functional kitchen space with a 2 burner stovetop, a mini fridge and a microwave. Across from the kitchen is the small bathroom with shower and toilet. I will admit it isn’t always pleasant to have the bathroom door closed while going to the restroom as the space is tiny, the door does close and you have space to still sit comfortably. And how amazing to not have to go outside in the middle of the night!

Across from the kitchen is a small table with a 2 seater bench. The front seats can also turn around to face and use this small table as a dining area. Since we were just two people, we often only swiveled one chair and left the driver’s seat in driving position. 

Apart from the “household” functions that we needed each day there was also a TV (which we never even turned on!) and a ton of storage. We managed to fill it up with food, pots and pans, clothes and more, but we brought a lot since we are locals and could drive it all to the rental pickup.

There is also a manual pop up roof on top that sleeps two more people. My son loved climbing up to that area to have his own personal space at camp. 

List of Amenities

There are so many amazing amenities and various features to these RV campervans. I thought I would list them out for ease with a few notes as well.

  • Toilet and shower (both indoor and an outdoor shower – great for beach camping to wash off the sand)
  • Mosquito nets for the back door and the side door (you can leave these on for your whole trip which makes it easy to stay bug free!)
  • Magnetic and/or velcro window coverings for the night
  • Electric powered sun awning  
  • Manual pop-up roof sleeping area on the Road House XL van
  • Off grid power supply plus hookups (we never used the hookups and never ran out of power in a week)
  • Solar panels
  • Tons of electrical outlets throughout the van
  • Decent space in the kitchen to prep and cook meals
  • Included Kitchen box (small pots/pans, mixing bowl, dishes for 4, plus plastics for kids)
  • Extra rental options – Bedding, Bike rack
  • Many vans come with a hitch if you have your own bike rack
  • Camping table plus 2 camping chairs are also included
  • Van is equipped with both air conditioners and heaters

Being Off-grid in the Roadsurfer Campervan

The water refill is super easy and we did it at the local campground using the included water storage bucket. We also emptied our waste at a campground pit toilet when we were not near to any dump stations. Being able to just pull out the ‘cassette’ and dump was super convenient. 

Note: we did not use the air conditioner during our trip as it was nice and cool out at night. With the nets and the screens on the back windows, you can easily keep a window open at night. If  you have electrical hookups at your campsite, you can run the AC all night long. However, if you are like us and off grid, you can use the generator for about 2 hours of cooling. 

Tips to Enhance Your RV Camper Van Trip

1. limit driving distances.

If we were to rent another Roadsurfer camper van, I think that I would not drive as far as we did in the short amount of time that we had. I wanted to maximize our time and the free mileage, but we drove way too much. It would have been better to just stay put in places longer.

2. Bring Your Own Bedding

During our trip, we rented our bedding from Roadsurfer, which was great. But to save money, I would bring our own bedding next time. While their bedding was comfortable, I could have easily just bought a queen sheet and our duvet and pillows from home to save money. If I were flying in, I would consider bringing (or buying) a fitted sheet and using our sleeping bag/quilts which fold up small.

3. Bring Lightweight Camping Chairs

During our trip, it rained almost every night so we didn’t get to utilize the included camping chairs like we had envisioned. Even though they were super comfortable, during the day they were a bit cumbersome in the back of the van. While our backpacking chairs are not as comfortable, I would probably bring my own smaller lightweight chairs and leave the bulky ones behind if given the option to save space in the van.  Again this is me, coming as a local. When flying in, you will be happy to have the included chairs! And, if you plan to camp off grid a lot, you will want the included chairs/table much more than if you are camping at established campgrounds every night.

4. Bring Kitchen Supplies

One of the things I did do and would repeat was bringing my own kitchen supplies. Obviously if you are flying from out of town, this is not a good option, but for locals who have specific pans they know and love, you might consider bringing it! While the kitchen box is quite inclusive of items you would most likely need, I am glad I brought my  large pan (which granted was probably too large for the tiny stove top) and my favorite egg pan. I also brought a cheese grater, peeler, spatula and tupperware bowls for extras. Many people may not cook as much as we did, but we were trying to save money where we could and that meant eating at “home” as much as we could. We made breakfast and dinner every day and usually made lunch in the van as well. 

5.Bring Cleaning Supplies

One of the things I was glad that we brought and that I would recommend to others is to bring a few kitchen size garbage bags . We hung ours on the side of the kitchen with our dish towels. It was so helpful to have a few of these to collect our trash and food waste every day. Additionally having a roll of paper towels and a few hand towels was great. We used them to clean up spilled water when we left a pot on the stove and took off driving (oops! lesson learned), used them to dry our hands and to clean up the kitchen as needed. Additionally, our van did not have a small hand broom . We were told they normally do come with one, but I would bring one just in case next time as we really needed it to get out the miscellaneous dirt and sand that followed us in. 

Road Trip Routes to Consider While one of the only restrictions is that you cannot take the vans to Death Valley in the summer, you are free to explore as your heart desire. Our dream route is driving up the California PCH like we did on our adventure. Another great road trip route to consider would be to the area around Zion , where there are so many cool and unusual camping spots to explore. You could also recreate our favorite Arizona-Utah road trip in the campervan. You can have so much fun researching the best places to stay or wing it until you roll up on the perfect spot!

Concluding Thoughts

We have looked at so many companies that rent campervans, but what sold us on Roadsurfer was that they allow unlimited mileage. This meant that we could plan the trip we wanted to take without worrying about extras such as daily mileage limits. We cannot wait until we can hit the road again in another Roadsurfer camper van.

Have you rented a camper van before? What is holding you back?

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The post Roadsurfer Camper Van: A Road Trip Companion Families Will Love appeared first on No Back Home .

It has long been a dream of mine to hit the road and head off into the sunset in my very own campervan. Sadly, I still don’t own one. Instead, I am relegated to renting them when I can. One of the best rental companies Los Angeles has to offer in this realm is RoadSurfer ... Read more


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    Road-trip entre Lot, Aveyron et Lozère. Découvrez nos idées de circuits en voiture à la découverte de l'Occitanie. A faire en toute liberté, selon vos envies, votre budget et le temps dont vous disposez (2 jours ou plus). A chaque étape, vous pouvez choisir où dormir, où manger, que faire. Bonnes adresses et plan de l'itinéraire en plus.

  6. The 17 Best Places To Visit in Languedoc-Roussillon, France

    The Stevenson road, now the GR 70, connects the Massif Central to the Cevennes valleys, over 272 km. ... Unless you let yourself be tempted by a road trip in a van or motorhome? Let's go, let's go to Languedoc-Roussillon! Al Amin Sagor. Hi, I'm Al Amin Sagor. Join me as I share travel tips, personal insights, and amazing experiences that ...

  7. Escapade #14

    Les Escapades de Plaisirs d'Hérault. Départ : Le Pont de Tarassac. Envie de prendre l'air, de profiter des beaux paysages de l'Hérault, ou simplement de souffler, lâchez-tout ! On vous emmène en roadtrip au coeur de la vallée de l'Orb. Petits villages, gorges escarpées, et autres paysages envoutants seront au rendez-vous !

  8. Visiter l'Hérault

    On t'embarque pour visiter la Haute-Marne le temps d'un road trip en van. Au programme : un itinéraire dans le département en passant par le Parc national de Forêts, mais aussi par la ville fortifiée de Langres. Dans cet article de blog tu découvriras des lieux nature, de charmants villages, et des activités à faire en famille.

  9. Be well organised for your camper van trip in France

    The advantage of a road trip in a camper van is the freedom it gives you. You don't need to plan the entire route out in advance but you can use the apps we've mentioned to decide on the mileage you're aiming for each day. As a general rule, try not to plan too many miles on your road trip in France. A good indication is to spend around 2 ...

  10. 40 Best Stops Between Eguisheim and Clermont l'Herault

    Read about the 40 best attractions and cities to stop in between Eguisheim and Clermont l'Herault, including places like Lyon, Basilica of Notre Dame of Fourvière, and Palais des Papes ... If you're going on a road trip from Eguisheim to Clermont l'Herault, ... Creux du Van is an amazing place for a low altitude hike in the Western part of ...

  11. Idée de Road-trip : A la découverte de l'Hérault

    A la Bricole : A la Bricole est un petit atelier polyvalent situé en plein centre-ville de Montpellier. L'idée est de partager des outils et un local, pour réaliser des meubles en bois de récup, réparer son vélo ou son enceinte portable, fabriquer un portefeuille en cuir… bref, bricoler !. En particulier, l'atelier propose de découvrir la saponification à froid pour fabriquer ses ...

  12. road trip van herault

    Bonnes nouvelles ! Arts & Culture; Divertissements; Écologie & Éthique; Innovations; Santé & Psychologie; Vie pratique; Voyages & Découvertes; What the fu*** ?! Plan du site;

  13. Location van aménagé et fourgons pour road trip

    Découvre l'expérienceBlacksheep. Découvre nos vidéos. Location vans aménagés et fourgons aménagés en France, au Portugal, en Suisse, en Belgique et en Irlande pour vivre la vanlife Road trips Dès 79€ / jour Experts disponibles.

  14. Road Trip Alsace

    Here's the Ultimate Alsace Road Trip. The historic region of Alsace, today part of the region of Grand Est in Eastern France, is a land rich in natural wonders, picturesque small towns, and good wines.The Alsatians are amicable and welcoming people, the Alsace Christmas Markets are the best in France, and the Alsace food is excellent too!. The best way to explore the region of Alsace is by car.

  15. Road trip hérault

    Road trip en mai.cirque de navacellelac du salagoucirque de mourèze et montagne de liaussonMillau

  16. ROAD TRIP EN 125 cm3 DANS L'HERAULT (2015)

    Pont du Diable (st-jean-de-fos)/Mont St Baudille/Cirque de NavacelleDu 02/07/15 au 05/07/15Avec :Honda CB Twin, CB K5, ShadowYamaha R125

  17. Road Trip Planner

    Planning a road trip? Get advice from people who have done the same trip. The Trippy road trip planner automatically calculates the optimal itinerary including stops recommended by Trippy members, favorite restaurants and hotels, local attractions and things to do based on what people who live in the area have suggested, and more.

  18. Road Trip Planner

    Keep exploring with the Roadtrippers mobile apps. Anything you plan or save automagically syncs with the apps, ready for you when you hit the road! Plan your next trip, find amazing places, and take fascinating detours with the #1 trip planner. Every trip is a road trip.

  19. 10 Best Adventure Vans Of 2023

    2. Winnebago Revel 4×4. The Winnebago Revel 4×4 is another all terrain camper that has earned a spot on our list of the best adventure vans of 2020. It's chock-full of off-road capabilities that allow you to easily take the road less traveled.

  20. Russian Far East: top 10 experiences

    Lena Pillars. The Russian Far East's most popular cruise is the two-day jaunt from Yakutsk to the Lenskie Stolby (Lena Pillars) along the mighty Lena River. Resembling a petrified forest, the 80km-long, 35-million-year-old limestone pillars reach for the sky along the riverbank - a startling sight after you've spent many hours floating ...

  21. How To Check Your Van Before A Road Trip

    It might be a good idea to bring it forward and get it done before the trip. Check your levels. All the different fluids in your engine need checking. Check your oil with the dipstick; if it's running low, top it up. (If you've been putting off an oil change, get it done now.) Check the windscreen washer fluid, and top it up if you need to.

  22. GoRoadtrip.nl

    Rental company for vans and campervans. Are you going for that long road trip to the middle of nowhere or a weekend away close to home. Young or old. Summer or winter. Your adventure starts here at GoRoadtrip. Let us inspire you or book directly your 6-person van, 9-person van or camper. Guaranteed the lowest price and best conditions.

  23. The missing link: driving one of Russia's newest roads

    The road beyond Khabarovsk was only finished a decade ago and for centuries was the missing link needed to complete a road across Russia. Khabarovsk is one of the most attractive cities on the ...

  24. Roadsurfer Camper Van: A Road Trip Companion Families Will Love

    This XL camper was still only 22 feet long making it super easy to drive and park in most places. This van is considered to be a Class B RV, but rest assured you do not need a special license to ...