tour quebec new york



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Voyage en autocar à New York

Forfait découvertes - 4 étoiles, 3 jours, 2 nuits.

Forfait 4 étoiles de 3 jours offrant un  hôtel 4 étoiles avec piscine intérieure à moins de 20 minutes de Manhattan. Idéal pour une première fois à New York. Inclus 8 visites guidées, dont une croisière privée de 75 minutes commentée en français pour voir la statue de la Liberté et  l'ascension de la One World Trade Center. Un voyage que vous n'oublierez jamais.  

  • NOUVEAU  : Rabais Réservez-tôt de  20$  par passager pour une réservation à plus de 45 jours de la date du départ
  • NOUVEAU  :  Protection Suprême 2024  incluse sans frais pour chaque passager
  • NOUVEAU  : Chèque cadeau transférable de 25$ / 50$ remis à chaque passager pour un prochain voyage
  • NOUVEAU   : Exclusif: Numéro d'urgence en cas de besoin la nuit du départ
  • Croisière Privée en français de 75 minutes  pour voir la Statue de la Liberté  ( valeur 45$ cnd )

Rythme du circuit

Aucuns frais cachés !

À partir de 645 $ Par personne | Taxes incluses

Occ. simple

Occ. double

Occ. triple

Occ. quadruple

Occ. enfant

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Le One World Observatory, situé aux 102 étages au sommet du One World Trade Center, offre une vue à 360 degrés sur les toits de New York depuis le point culminant de la ville. Commencez votre voyage vers le sommet en seulement 47 secondes dans les ascenseurs SkyPodTM. L’ascension est incluse dans nos forfaits Découvertes & Panoramique.

tour quebec new york


Montez à bord d’un yacht de 120 pieds pour une croisière PRIVÉE. Pendant plus de 75 minutes, notre guide vous présentera New York sous un tout autre angle. Et au final, un arrêt sera fait à proximité de la statue pour vous permettre de bien l'Admirer et de prendre une multitude de photos souvenirs.

tour quebec new york


Un oasis de verdure d'environ 4 kilomètres de long par 800 mètres de large en plein cœur de Manhattan. C'est aussi un sanctuaire pour les oiseaux migrateurs. Pendant près de 75 minutes, votre guide vous fera voir plusieurs des merveilles installées à l'intérieur du parc.


tour quebec new york

VOTRE HÔTEL : DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Newark Airport 4*

  • Hôtel 4 étoiles récemment rénové des aires communes.
  • Déjeuners avec plats chauds
  • Cafetière directement dans votre chambre
  • Internet WIFI GRATUIT à l'hôtel
  • Restaurant,  bar sportif, dépanneur, casse-croute et café Starbucks directement à votre hôtel
  • EXCLUSIF : Piscine intérieure ouverte jusqu'à 23H00 (exclusif à nos clients à partir de 22H00)
  • Situé au New Jersey à moins de 20 minutes de Manhattan
  • Facilement accessible par le transport en commun pour ceux qui désirent * veiller * tard.
  • IMPORTANT : Tous les passagers de votre autobus et votre guide logent à votre hôtel.  AUCUNE  perte de temps en déplacements inutiles entre plusieurs hôtels.

tour quebec new york


Cette nouvelle inclusion exclusive vous protège maintenant contre presque toutes les malchances qui pourraient survenir avant votre voyage. C'est gratuit et cela complète très bien vos assurances voyages. Il ne faut surtout pas vous en priver.


Toutes vos inclusions, vos inclusions principales.

  • Ascension de la  One World Trade Center  (valeur 61$ cnd)
  • Croisière  privée  en français  de 75 minutes pour voir la Statue de la liberté (coût 45$ inclus )
  • WIFI illimité gratuit  à bord de l'autocar et Audio-guide  professionnel lors des visites guidées ( coût 40$ inclus )
  • Visite guidée de Central Park en français d'une durée de 75 minutes.
  • Visite de la grande bibliothèque publique de New York
  • Visite guidée du Quartier des affaires incluant Wall Street
  • Temps libre dans le Quartier chinois et la Petite Italy
  • Visite guidée du  Grand Central Terminal
  • NOUVEAU :  Promenade sur le High Line avec vu (e)  du quartier Hudson Yard (Vessel)
  • Visite guidée du quartier historique de Harlem
  • NOUVEAU : Arrêt au théâtre Apollo et à la fresque de Martin Luther King de Franco.
  • Visites au mémorial 9/11 et à  l'Oculus
  • Sièges GARANTIS ENSEMBLE sans  aucuns frais!


  • Guide francophone d'expérience logeant  toujours  à votre hôtel.​
  • Transport en  autocar Grand Tourisme  avec toilette et vidéos
  • Carte de poche de la ville de New York 
  • Paiement en 3 versements  sans frais, sans intérêts disponible
  • Possibilité de payer avec jusqu'à 4 cartes de crédit ​
  • Pourboires optionnels  non inclus

Taxes et OPC inclus

Numéro de téléphone en cas d'urgence durant tout le voyage

AUCUNE excursion facultative et/ou payable sur place.

  • Aucuns frais cachés! Aucune surprise!

tour quebec new york

Départ dans la nuit pour New York. Après le passage des douanes, vous aurez un premier arrêt pour relaxer et bouger un peu. Quelques heures plus tard, vous profiterez d'un arrêt pour prendre votre petit déjeuner ($). Tout au long de la route, votre guide vous partagera une foule d'informations sur votre voyage. Une fois aux États-Unis, vous pourrez utiliser le WIFI disponible gratuitement à bord de l'autocar. Votre arrivée à New York est prévue en début d'après-midi. Les activités au programme de la journée débuteront alors et vous aurez vos premiers contacts avec les attraits de la "grosse pomme". L'arrivée à votre hôtel est prévue vers 20h00.

Activités de la journée

Visite guidée de plus de 75 minutes dans le magnifique Central Park, oasis de beauté en plein centre de Manhattan. Arrêt à l’incroyable bibliothèque publique de New York que vous pourrez admirer à votre rythme, lieu de tournage de plusieurs films dont "Le jour d'après" et de Bryant Park, un magnifique jardin entouré de gratte-ciel. En compagnie de votre guide, direction Times Square pour une période de temps libre ou vous pourrez prendre un excellent repas dans l'un des nombreux restaurants et profiter de toute l'effervescence de Times Square, ses boutiques et son animation. Temps libre approximatif : Autour de 17h00 jusqu’à l’heure du départ donnée par votre guide Voici quelques activités suggérées durant la période de temps libre en fonction de votre point de débarquement du jour: Times Square et ses grands magasins, M&M, Hôtel Marriott Marquis, Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, NBC studio, Cathedrale St-Patrick, etc. Note:  Ce programme est préparé plusieurs mois à l’avance et peut être mis à jour  durant l’année lorsque de nouvelles informations nous sont communiquées de la part de nos fournisseurs et partenaires.  Notez que les itinéraires présentés, activités et inclusions de ce forfait sont sujets à changement sans préavis en fonction  d’impondérables hors de notre contrôle  comme la température, la circulation, la fermeture temporaire ou permanente d’une activité ou d’une visite guidée, les parades, les bris, les marathons, etc. Aucun remboursement ne sera possible en cas d’impondérables hors de notre contrôle.

tour quebec new york

Après une bonne nuit de repos dans un lit super confortable, un déjeuner chaud vous sera offert. Par la suite, vous quitterez votre hôtel pour passer toute la journée directement à Manhattan. Les nombreuses activités au programme de la journée se suivront l'une après l'autre pour vous faire découvrir le maximum d'attraits. Vous aurez aussi vos moments libres pour faire vos propres découvertes. L'arrivée à votre hôtel est prévue vers 22h00.

Croisière de 75 minutes privée en français, où vous pourrez voir de très près la Statue de la Liberté, en plus d'admirer les gratte-ciel de New York dans toutes leurs splendeurs. Ensuite débutera la grande visite guidée en français de toute l'île de Manhattan où vous découvrirez tous les principaux attraits touristiques de la "grosse pomme". Vous verrez entre autres les quartiers de SOHO et Greenwich, le Flatiron building, etc. Temps libre dans la "Petite Italie" pour prendre un bon repas et dans le fameux "quartier chinois" pour magasiner et prendre un bain de foule typiquement new-yorkais. Visite guidée en français du quartier des affaires incluant le fameux Wall Street et son taureau ainsi que le site du Mémorial 9/11, en souvenir des événements tragiques du 11 septembre 2001. Vous ferez l'ascension de la One World Trade Center. En l'espace de 47 secondes, vous atteindrez l'observatoire situé au 102e étage. Un incontournable qu'il faut absolument voir. Vous pourrez admirer Manhattan et prendre des photos incroyables. (valeur de 45$ USD par personne inclus dans ce forfait) Pour terminer la journée, temps libre pour apprécier le charme du Rockefeller Center et son environnement... Et pourquoi pas, un retour toujours aussi impressionnant à TIMES SQUARE ou des visites de musées (Madame Tussauds, Ripley's, National Geographic) Temps libre approximatif : Autour de 18H jusqu’à l’heure du départ donnée par votre guide Voici quelques activités suggérées durant la période de temps libre en fonction de votre point de débarquement du jour: Macy's, 34ième rue, Highline, cathédrale Ste-Patrick, NBC studio, Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, magasins de la 5ième avenue. Note:  Ce programme est préparé plusieurs mois à l’avance et peut être mis à jour  durant l’année lorsque de nouvelles informations nous sont communiquées de la part de nos fournisseurs et partenaires.  Notez que les itinéraires présentés, activités et inclusions de ce forfait sont sujets à changement sans préavis en fonction  d’impondérables hors de notre contrôle  comme la température, la circulation, la fermeture temporaire ou permanente d’une activité ou d’une visite guidée, les parades, les bris, les marathons, etc. Aucun remboursement ne sera possible en cas d’impondérables hors de notre contrôle. NOTE IMPORTANTE: En cas de non-disponibilité du Majestic Princess et pour les départs de janvier et février, cette croisière sera remplacée par un embarquement sur le traversier de Staten Island.

tour quebec new york

Après votre déjeuner, vous prendrez la route pour une visite guidée du quartier de Harlem et ses alentours. Le départ pour le Québec est prévu en début d'après-midi, suivi d'un arrêt en route pour le souper ($). Arrêt à la boutique hors taxes (si les conditions le permettent - non disponible aux fériés). Arrivée aux douanes canadiennes en début de soirée.  

Visite guidée en français du quartier de Harlem et de ses alentours. Vous verrez Columbus Circle, Lincoln Center, musée d'histoires naturelles, la 5ième avenue des musées, etc. De plus, vous ferez un arrêt pour visiter à pied l'Université Columbia, Riverside Church et le Memorial Grant. Les visites se termineront à la superde gare centrale avec un arrêt a son * mur des secrets *. Débarquement à Times Square pour du temps libre pour compléter vos visites ou votre magasinage. Au retour, arrêt à la boutique hors taxes, si les conditions le permettent.  Temps libre approximatif : Autour de 11h00 jusqu’à l’heure du départ donnée par votre guide Voici quelques activités suggérées durant la période de temps libre en fonction de votre point de débarquement du jour: musée de madame Tussauds, Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, NBC Studio, retour à Central Park, Plaza hôtel, etc. Note:  Ce programme est préparé plusieurs mois à l’avance et peut être mis à jour  durant l’année lorsque de nouvelles informations nous sont communiquées de la part de nos fournisseurs et partenaires.  Notez que les itinéraires présentés, activités et inclusions de ce forfait sont sujets à changement sans préavis en fonction  d’impondérables hors de notre contrôle  comme la température, la circulation, la fermeture temporaire ou permanente d’une activité ou d’une visite guidée, les parades, les bris, les marathons, etc. Aucun remboursement ne sera possible en cas d’impondérables hors de notre contrôle.

Bon à savoir

Petits détails


Lors de votre achat, en plus de tenir compte de toutes les inclusions et du montant que vous allez investir dans ces belles vacances, ce sont souvent les petits détails que l’on oublie de regarder qui font parfois une très grosse différence dans la réussite de votre voyage.   Pour votre information, en voici quelques-uns relatifs à ce forfait : Votre guide loge toujours au même hôtel que vous . Votre guide est TOUJOURS présent à votre hôtel quand vous y êtes pour répondre à vos besoins. Vous le retrouverez au moins 20 minutes chaque soir dans le hall d’entrée pour régler tout problème. Il sera aussi toujours là au déjeuner pour bien planifier votre départ de l’hôtel. Chez, on appelle ça du SERVICE. Carte HELP ME : Vous recevrez une carte de poche avec le numéro de votre guide que vous pouvez appeler en tout temps durant le voyage. Pas de stress inutile Guide facilement identifiable : Ce qui peut sembler anodin ne l’est pourtant pas du tout. Tous nos guides portent fièrement notre polo bleu durant votre voyage. Vous êtes perdu? Avez-vous besoin d’informations?  Cherchez autour de vous les polos bleus jaimontour! Toujours un superviseur durant votre voyage : Tellement important pour vous! Il y a toujours en poste un superviseur pour soutenir le travail des guides durant tout votre voyage.

Information importante


POURBOIRES : À titre informatif pour les passagers n'ayant pas l'habitude des voyages en autocar, il est habituel de récompenser votre guide et votre chauffeur par des pourboires, si vous avez apprécié la qualité de leurs services. L'industrie suggère 5.00$ par jour au guide et le même montant pour le chauffeur. Ces pourboires sont optionnels et laissés à la discrétion de chaque passager. PASSEPORT NON CANADIEN :  L’Autorisation électronique de voyage (ESTA) est indispensable pour tout passager détenant un passeport NON CANADIEN désirant se rendre aux États-Unis. En effet, l’ESTA permet de séjourner ou de transiter sur le territoire sans avoir besoin d’obtenir un visa ou un visa transit. Vous devez effectuer les formalités d’entrée aux USA directement par Internet en cliquant sur le  formulaire en ligne , dans les délais indiqués, au risque de vous voir refuser l'accès aux États-Unis, et ce, sans aucune possibilité de remboursement. LANGUAGE DU FORFAIT:  Veuillez noter que toutes les informations fournies par votre guide durant ce forfait seront en français seulement. La MEILLEURE OFFRE de l'industrie avec PLUS d'inclusions pour MOINS CHER!   Pas seulement un slogan, mais une réalité pour chacun de nos voyageurs .  C'est une grande priorité pour de vous assurer d'obtenir en tout temps le meilleur produit au meilleur prix.   IMPORTANT Les activités au programme de chaque journée peuvent varier et être déplacées en fonction de la circulation, des activités en ville , des délais aux douanes, etc. Votre guide est très expérimenté et a l'habitude de travailler malgré ces inconvénients.  

Protection Suprême


La PROTECTION SUPRÊME 2024 est la plus grande sécurité que vous devez avoir pour tout voyage suite au COVID-19. Maintenant, il n’est pas seulement nécessaire, mais presque obligatoire d’avoir le maximum de sécurité et de flexibilité pour vos investissements vacances. La PROTECTION SUPRÊME 2024 est une exclusivité canadienne de inclus dans les avantages de votre forfait. Prenez le temps d’apprécier tous les avantages de cette protection.  

tour quebec new york


Tout au long de votre weekend, vous aurez un accès gratuit et illimité dans l'autocar pour prendre vos messages, envoyer des courriels, écouter des films,  visiter Facebook, vous informer avec Google, etc. est le seul tour opérateur au Québec à offrir un VRAI WIFI ILLIMITÉ GRATUIT lors de votre voyage aux États-Unis. +DÉTAILS  

tour quebec new york


Chez, nous proposons la meilleure expérience voyage pour tous nos clients. De ce fait, lors de votre prochain weekend en autocar, vous obtiendrez gratuitement un audioguide qui vous permettra de vous déplacer librement sans manquer une seule parole de votre guide, et ce, jusqu'à plus de 150 mètres (450  pieds) de distance de votre guide. Cet appareil est moderne, léger et très facile à manipuler. Pour connaître tous ses avantages,  CLIQUEZ ICI  .  

Les activités au programme de chaque journée peuvent varier et être déplacées en fonction de la circulation, des activités en ville , des délais aux douanes, etc. Votre guide est très expérimenté et a l'habitude de travailler malgré ces inconvénients.  


Guides d'achats

Rythme du circuit

Nous joindre


New York vous attend! Suivez Vicky lors de son séjour avec JAIMONTOUR.COM. Nous vous présentons 5 moments magiques ainsi que notre super hôtel HILTON qui accueille tous nos passagers de nos forfaits 4 étoiles.

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Départ vers New York

Jour 1 à New York

Croisière à New York

Jour 2 à New York

Coup de coeur New York

Hôtel Double tree


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Vacances Dragon

New York 3 Days Guided Tour

tour quebec new york

  New York 3 Days Guided Tour  

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Single Double Triple Quad $539.99 $359.99 $309.99 $279.99

Tour details.

* For international tours, valid passport (valid for 6 months after the return date) and valid visas are required. For passports from Visa Waiver program, an ESTA is required. If you are a Canadian citizen, a valid Canadian passport is sufficient to enter and leave the United States. For Chinese citizens with a 10-year visa for the United States you must request an EVUS at least 72 hours before departure. And you must renew the EVUS every two years. Dragon Travel Bus Tour accepts no liability for customs delay.

99 Viger Ouest,Montréal,QC, H2Z 1E9

6855 Boulevard Taschereau,Brossard,QC, J4Z 1A7

2700 Boulevard Laurier (devant le panneau Laurier Québec),Québec,QC, G1V 2L8 + Additional $50.00 for this departure (Only for specific dates)

5901 Boulevard Jean-XXIII,Trois-Rivières,QC, G8Z 4N8 + Additional $50.00 for this departure (Only for specific dates)

Day 1 Montreal - New York City

1, Departure from Montreal. Drive all the way till Albany to take a rest and lunch in Albany, the capital of the State of New York.

2, Then continue to the second largest city in the world - New York City. expected arrival time to Manhattan: 15:00- 16:00. Upon arrival, star our visit by the famous Times Square, visit the famous Wax Museum Madame Tussaud, or free time to stroll round for shopping and diner.

3, Around 8:00 pm, head to the hotel in New Jersey. (Back to hotel earlier for long weekend and high season because of the ealier departure)

Hotel: Sheraton Edison / Best Western Ramsey / Holiday Inn Piscataway or similar in New Jersey

Day 2 New York City Tours

1, Start off to the South Street sea port in New York after breakfast. A cruise tour on water to see the world’s famous Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Ellis Island, skyscrapers of Manhattan, then a walking tour through the Wall Street and Ground Zero – the site of 911.

2, After lunch, take the elevator to the top of the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, on levels 100, 101, and 102 of the 1,776 foot tall One World Trade Center building. One World Observatory provides unique, panoramic views of New York City, its most iconic sites, and surrounding waters.

3, At the afternoon, continue visiting Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum where you have the chance to discover the famous aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the submarine USS Growler and army helicopter the real American space shuttle. Then, visit the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). It plays a major role in developing and collecting modern art, and is often identified as one of the largest and most influential museums of modern art in the world.  

4. In the end of afternoon, return to Times Square: free time for shopping and diner.

5, Back to the hotel in New Jersey around 08:30 pm or you can go back to hotel by yourself if you would like stay in New York until later.

*Return to the hotel at 1 am on January 1st. 

Day 3 New Jersey - Woodbury - Montreal

1, After breakfast, leave for Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, the biggest and most famous outlet in North America, where you will find the items from all the famous brands at very favorable price in the Mall (closed on Christmas day December 25th).

2, After lunch, leave for Montreal and stop at the duty free store (American side).

3, Pass the border back to Canada and we will arrive in the Chinatown of Montreal.

Price Includes

Tour Leader (English/French)

Transportation (Coach)

Hotel (3stars)

Breakfast in hotel

Taxes and FICAV (the client's contribution to the Indemnity Fund amounting to $3.5 per $1,000 of travel services purchased)

Free internet access in hotel

Free change of passenger's name

Price Excludes

Service Charge (for Driver & Tour Leader): US$9/adult per day, US$7(0-11 yrs)/child per day

Entrance fees

Meals (lunch & diner)

Travel insurance

Personal consumption

Entry tickets

Special notes.

** Admission tickets bought through sellers other than Dragon Travel  (e.g. City Pass) are not applicable.

For more information and updates, please check here:

 * Price per person in Canadian dollars taxes included

 * early booking discount: $20/p.p. for reservations 60 days or more in advance; $10/p.p. 30 days in advance..

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Reviews background

I highly recommend Tourika; the trip was very well organized, the customer service was impeccable, the hotel "Home2 Suites By Hilton" was great. But most of all, the driver Ali was a real gem. He made all the difference on this trip! And the guide Nicolas was just as exceptional. Thank you Tourika :)

Amélie Hébert

Audrey Soucy's Avatar

We just returned last night from a 2-night/3-day stay in New York (Manhattan) with Tourika in the prestige package. It was simply magical! The guide, Normand, is super friendly, funny, patient and knows the city so well. He had lots of anecdotes to tell us too! We really enjoyed his company. The driver, too, Ali, was super nice, punctual and quite a driver; we were impressed to see him go with ease through the sometimes narrow and rather crowded streets of New York. The hotel in New Jersey was very good; clean, comfortable and the breakfast included is good and varied. The tour is very complete and well organized. The activities are relevant and we had several free times as well. I highly recommend 😊👌!

Audrey Soucy

France Rondeau's Avatar

A beautiful trip in prestige mode, with Julien Pilote as our guide. We had a lot of fun and his explanations were very interesting. On-time departures and excellent organization. I recommend TOURIKA and thank you Julien for your passion for New York :)

France Rondeau

Jacques Simard's Avatar

We took a family trip (2 adults and 2 children) to New York for New Year's Day. Superb organization. The guide Julien is really excellent at showing us around the city. He knows it inside out and always has good advice for the group he's with. The pre-trip chat is efficient and the answers are quick. I recommend Tourika for their professionalism.

Jacques Simard

Sammy-Jo Harrisson's Avatar

We just got back from a 3-day trip to NYC with Julien and Ali! What a great trip we had! Julien knows his stuff! I loved all the history of the Big Apple and the anecdotes he told us! You can tell he does it with passion and loves to share it! The online booking was super simple, the 2-bed request was respected and the customer service is very good. I recommend travelling with Tourika! Thanks again Julien!

Sammy-Jo Harrisson

Alain Levesque's Avatar

We took a trip with Tourika to New York (Manathan) last August and we loved it! A special thank you to our guide Julien who was wonderful and passionate! He knows NYC and its history and it was interesting. I recommend Julien as a guide. He is simply the best!

Alain Levesque

Tony Cardazzi's Avatar

I went to New York with my son for the Easter weekend via Tourika tours. I gave a 5-star rating, but if I could give more, I would thanks to our guide Denis. We couldn't have asked for more. Not only did he know the itinerary well, he was very accommodating to everyone's needs and made sure we were all safe throughout the weekend. We got our money's worth with all the excursions included. I wouldn't hesitate to book another trip with them.

Tony Cardazzi

Majda Kurjakovic's Avatar

Super trip with a great group. Great, hassle-free organization with an extraordinary guide (Nicole J.) whose knowledge made this trip more than interesting. She shared her passion for New York with us and was always full of great anecdotes! The trip went off without a hitch! I recommend it to everyone!

Majda Kurjakovic

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Ready to start your adventure?

Tours to New York

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New York City 3–Day Trip from Quebec City

tour quebec new york

  • Complimentary pick up and drop off from downtown within 20 KM radius to the departure place
  • One-hour Statue of Liberty Cruise
  • Hotel accommodation for 2 nights
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Entrance fees of the attractions not listed above
  • Food and drink not listed above
  • Personal expenses
  • Travel insurance
  • Entry/Admission - Madame Tussauds New York
  • Entry/Admission - Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square
  • Entry/Admission - Rockefeller Plaza Manhattan New York City
  • Entry/Admission - Statue of Liberty
  • Entry/Admission - Intrepid Museum
  • 830 Boulevard Charest E, Québec, QC G1K 3C8, Canada 830 Boulevard Charest E, Québec, QC G1K 3C8, Canada (Chez Restaurant Ashton 24/24)
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Not recommended for travellers with back problems
  • Not recommended for pregnant travellers
  • No heart problems or other serious medical conditions
  • Most travellers can participate
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s cancelled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund
  • This experience requires a minimum number of travellers. If it’s cancelled because the minimum isn’t met, you’ll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund
  • This tour/activity will have a maximum of 50 travellers
  • If you cancel at least 7 days in advance of the scheduled departure, there is no cancellation fee.
  • If you cancel between 3 and 6 day(s) in advance of the scheduled departure, there is a 50 percent cancellation fee.
  • If you cancel within 2 days of the scheduled departure, there is a 100 percent cancellation fee.

More to explore in Quebec City

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New York City 3–Day Trip from Quebec City provided by Maple tour

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East Coast USA and Canada

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End New York

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East Coast USA and Canada end New York Guided Tour

14 Day USA and Canada Tour starting and ending in New York

14 days, 2 countries and 11 cities


13 Breakfasts, 1 Welcome Reception, 3 Lunches, 3 Dinners

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Perfect for history lovers, you’ll connect with the heritage of two nations, exploring Washington D.C.’s White House and Lincoln Memorial, a simpler Amish way of life, strolling Canada's Ottawa, Toronto, and French inspired Montreal, and the thunderous Niagara Falls on this East Coast USA and Canada tour.

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14 days itinerary trip from New York City to New York City visiting 2 countries and 11 cities Choose Your End Location

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Sightseeing highlights.

Explore Washington D.C., Amish Country in Lancaster County, Oakville Hockey Academy, Quebec City, Montreal and The Sugar Shack with a Local Specialist 

Discover New York City, Toronto, Ottawa, Boston

Visit The Smithsonian Institution, Ferme Guyon Farmers Market, Notre Dame Basilica, Liberty Bell Centre, Corning Museum of Glass, Niagara Falls

View Time Square, the Empire State Building, White House, Lincoln Memorial, Independence Hall

Scenic Cruise Cruise Niagara Falls and embark on an exhilarating boat ride to the base of Horseshoe Fall

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Three local female weavers in colourful traditional local dress including festooned hats, weaving colourful alpaca wool on the ground


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The Family Voyage

An Incredible New York & Canada Road Trip

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If you’re looking for one of the best summer road trips in North America, look no further than a leisurely exploration of New York state and Canada! You’ll enjoy beautiful places, wonderful food and varied cultures and more as you go through this ~two week summer trip.

In this Canada and New York road trip guide, I’ll show you how to put the puzzle pieces together to plan your own incredible adventure.

Quick Overview

Days 1-4: Finger Lakes Days 5-6: Thousand Islands Days 7-10: Quebec City Days 11-12: Montreal Days 13-14: Prince Edward County Days 15-16: Toronto Days 17-18: Niagara Falls

You can use this itinerary as a general guide, but feel free to modify it to suit your needs. It would be easy to expand this to a three week summer road trip itinerary by adding time in Montreal and Toronto, though harder to cut it down to exactly two weeks.

If you’re pressed for time, consider starting with Day 7 by flying into Quebec City and then flying out of Syracuse or Rochester after spending a few days in the Finger Lakes. While you’d miss Thousand Islands, you’d also save yourself more than 6 hours of driving.

Of course you can always reverse the order of this Canada & New York road trip itinerary if it’s more convenient for you.

New York State + Canada Road Trip Logistics

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Our family did almost exactly this itinerary, departing from our home in Columbus Ohio. It’s a loop, so you can begin pretty much anywhere. For those who live outside of the area, you’ll want to price out flights to Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse on the US side and Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City on the Canadian side.

If you’re American and planning for a summer road trip with kids, know that your children do need a passport if flying to Canada. However, if you fly in and out of New York state your children can cross the border with only a birth certificate. If your kids don’t already have passports, be sure to factor in the costs ($135 for standard/$215 for expedited processing+delivery) and lead time (6-13 weeks) required as you decide where to begin.

The other option to consider is whether you want to fly roundtrip in and out of a single airport or if it makes more sense for you to book either an open-jaw (in/out of different cities) or even two one-way tickets. Why might you want to do that? Maybe one of the destinations isn’t interesting to you, or you can get a better deal or save time by skipping a connecting drive. One example might be flying into Buffalo and out or Toronto – you won’t miss anything except an hour or two of traffic. Be sure to factor in one-way drop fees on your rental car if you do this!

New York & Canada 2+ Week Itinerary

Time to get into the details of our New York & Canada road trip itinerary!

4 Days in Finger Lakes, New York

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The Finger Lakes region of western New York is the perfect place to disconnect from daily life and reconnect with what you really love. It has something for everyone: eleven beautiful lakes, hundreds (or even thousands) of waterfalls of all sizes, wineries, museums, historic sites, cute towns and more. Check out my reel to see how much fun you can cram in!

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Things to do in Finger Lakes

In my complete guide to Finger Lakes with kids you’ll find plenty of inspiration for your own trip, but there are a few things you have to do when you visit this area:

  • Explore waterfalls – It’s hard to beat Watkins Glen , but if accessibility is important put Taughannock Falls near Ithaca on your list! Our favorite waterfall in the Finger Lakes is Letchworth State Park, which you’d want to visit as you enter the region from the west.
  • Corning Museum of Glass – You’ll be blown away but the world’s largest collection of art glass, and don’t miss the excellent demonstrations and workshops to make your own glass souveniers!
  • Lake life – Whether you kayak, go on a tour boat or just enjoy splashing in one of the lakes you can’t miss getting out on the water.

Where to stay in the Finger Lakes

  • Best Western Plus Vineyard Inn & Suites
  • Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel
  • Seneca Lake Effect
  • Merlot Bungalow

2 Days in Thousand Islands

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You’ll make the easy 3 hour drive from Finger Lakes to Thousand Islands today, landing you on the US side of the St. Lawrence River. If you get an early start, stop at Green Lake near Syracuse or Fort Ontario in Oswego (only open select days) along the way depending on your interests.

1000 Islands is even quieter than the Finger Lakes and many of its visitors stay for the full summer in vacation homes, so its infrastructure isn’t geared as much to those planning a brief stay. But it has one can’t-miss attraction for your full day in the area: Boldt Castle . The restoration of this incredible American castle is second to none, so be sure to book a Boldt Castle and Two Nation Tour .

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The boat will take you up and down the St. Lawrence River’s Millionaires Row past some of the most spectacular homes in the US and Canada before you bringing you to Heart Island, home of Boldt Castle. You’ll explore Heart Island on your own with the excellent audioguide app – I recommend bringing headphones and a splitter if you want to share, as it’s extremely informative! I recommend taking the earlier tour boat so that you have plenty of time to explore the island.

When your boat returns, cross the bridge to picture-perfect Wellesley Island where “summer” is a verb. Hit up Wellesley Hotel & Restaurant for dinner and then stroll through Thousand Islands Park as you watch the sun set.

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Things to do in Thousand Islands

  • Boldt Castle and Two Nation Tour
  • Wellesley Island for dinner and sunset

Where to stay in Thousand Islands

We based ourselves in Alexandria Bay, but in retrospect I wish we had stayed in nearby Clayton. It’s cuter and has higher quality food options. The dining and atmosphere in A-Bay were somewhat disappointing.

  • Top vacation rentals in Clayton, NY
  • 1000 Islands Harbor Hotel

4 Days in Quebec City

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The furthest destination on this road trip is a truly special one, Quebec City. It has maintained its distinctive French-Canadian culture over the centuries and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into 17th century France rather than a modern North American city. On day 7, you’ll be spending 5-6 hours driving so you’ll arrive in the evening.

tour quebec new york

Things to do in Quebec City

There are so many incredible activities that I’ve put together a detailed guide to help you plan your day-by-day Quebec City itinerary . Here are a few highlights to be sure you include:

  • Quebec history walking tour
  • Citadelle de Québec tour
  • Montmorency Falls
  • Saint-Louis Forts and Châteaux National Historic Site
  • Musée de la Civilisation
  • Whale watching tour

You may notice that some of the suggestions on that list aren’t in Quebec City. That’s because there are so many wonderful day trips from Quebec that will show you a completely different side of the province!

Where to stay in Quebec City

  • Save: Hôtel Manoir Vieux-Québec
  • Splurge: Fairmont Le Château Frontenac

2 Days in Montreal

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Get an early start on day 11 to head down to Montreal, one of the coolest places in Canada (at least in my personal opinion). The drive is an easy 2.5 hours so you’ll have most of the day to explore Montreal in addition to all of day 12 and the morning of day 13 if you want it!

Spend the afternoon when you arrive strolling the city, enjoying St. Catherine Street, the Old Port and more. If you have kids with you, consider visiting the excellent Montreal Science Center – free if you’re a member of a local ASTC museum.

Evening is a perfect time to explore the cobbled streets of old Montreal, which was founded in 1642.

tour quebec new york

The next morning kick off your day with an Old Montreal walking tour – you can choose between three different options depending on which sites are most interesting to you and how much time you have. At mid-day, head to Marché Jean Talon to load up your bags with incredible breads, produce, local cheeses and more to bring to Mount Royal Park for a picnic. While you’re there you can enjoy amazing city views, take a hike or row a boat around Beaver Lake.

You can also consider taking a Montreal food & drink tour in the evening. Montreal’s food scene is amazing and brings in traditions from all around the world. There are tons of options for Montreal food tours !

For your final half-day in Montreal (Day 13 if you’re keeping track), visit the excellent Éspace Pour La Vie . It’s home to the Biodôme, Botanical Gardens and Insectarium. It’s located on the site of the former Olympic campus. Rather than leaving the site to waste, it’s been transformed into an incredible place to explore the natural world. If you have time, I’ve heard that the planetarium is well worth visiting – be sure to check the English schedule in advance, as show times are limited.

tour quebec new york

Things to do in Montreal

  • Shopping on St. Catherine Street
  • Stroll the Old Port
  • Old Montreal walking tour
  • Montreal food & drink tour
  • Éspace Pour La Vie, which includes the amazing Botanical Gardens pictured above

Where to stay in Montreal

  • Old Montreal “apart-hotel” – We stayed here and it was fantastic! Great location and in-unit laundry, which was important for such a long trip.
  • Hotel Place D’Armes

Want more suggestions? I have an entire article dedicated to where to stay in Montreal with kids !

2 Days in Price Edward County

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Around mid-day on Day 13, hop back in the car and keep driving south until you reach lovely rural Prince Edward County – locally referred to simply as “The County”. PEC is known for lovely beaches and high-quality agriculture.

In the town of Picton, Ontario you’ll find plenty of tasty restaurants and small shops. Don’t miss Bocado for excellent Spanish food!

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For activities, spend Day 14 hopping between the beach at Sandbanks Provincial Park and the numerous wineries and cideries scattered around the County.

tour quebec new york

Things to do in Prince Edward Country

  • Stroll through Picton’s stores and enjoy its restaurants
  • Hit the beach at Sandbanks Provincial Park
  • Go wine and cider tasting

Where to stay in Prince Edward County

  • PEC vacation rentals
  • Picton Harbour Inn

2 Days in Toronto

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On Day 15 you’ll drive the easy 2.5 hours to Toronto, though be warned that the drive time can creep up during high traffic times.

Torontonians may be offended that I’ve only given their incredible city a day or maybe a day and a half. It’s not because I dislike the city or there aren’t enough things to do in Toronto. But the reality is that it has a big city vibe that will feel familiar to visitors who have spent time in places like New York and Chicago without some of the unique cultural aspects of Montreal and Quebec, and it’s also simply easier to access than everything else on this road trip thanks to its robust international airport.

tour quebec new york

Things to do in Toronto

Since your time in Toronto is limited, you’ll have to pick and choose how to spend your visit. I’ve put together a detailed play-by-play Toronto one day itinerary to help you maximize your experience.

If you’d rather build out your own itinerary, be sure to include some of the following in your ~day and a half in Toronto:

  • Eat as much Asian food as you can – 30% of the city’s residents are Asian immigrants representing all of the continent’s nations, so you’ll find plenty of great options
  • Ride up the CN Tower at sunset
  • Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada
  • Visit the Hockey Hall of Fame
  • Enjoy the views and architecture of Casa Loma

tour quebec new york

Where to stay in Toronto

  • Amazing Toronto apartment – the picture above is from our window!
  • Delta by Marriott
  • Fairmont Royal York

2 Days in Niagara Falls

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Day 17 is the home stretch! In the morning you’ll drive from Toronto to Niagara Falls – but stay on the Canadian side. It has better views than the American side, plus plenty of unique attractions to keep you busy. Just be sure not to make these Niagara Falls mistakes during your visit. You’ll get to enjoy the best of Niagara Falls on the afternoon of Day 17 and the first half

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Things to do in Niagara Falls

  • Niagara City Cruise
  • Niagara Park Power Station
  • Skylon Tower
  • Bird Kingdom

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Where to stay in Niagara Falls

  • Embassy Suites Niagara Falls/Fallsview
  • Radisson Hotel & Suites Fallsview – that’s our amazing view above, but Embassy Suites is still my top choice if it’s in your budget
  • Map view with more options

What to Pack for a New York & Canada Road Trip

There are a few things you’ll definitely want to pack for a summer road trip in New York and Canada. We brought these and found them very helpful!

  • A paper map – Some of these areas, particularly Finger Lakes, don’t have great phone service because they’re remote and mountainous. I suggest downloading maps to use offline in the Google Maps app, but also bringing this paper map as backup. You may also want to grab a Quebec driving map and an Ontario driving map though we didn’t need them.
  • A cooler – This route covers about 1,000 miles so there are plenty of days when you’ll wind up driving around mealtime! We were really happy to have this adorable (and effective) cooler and these serious ice packs (2 of the XL size) with us for picnic lunches, quick hotel breakfasts and snack breaks. Everything stayed cold when we needed it to and the cooler has enough organization to consolidate paper plates, utensils, paper towels and even a bottle opener.
  • Summer clothing (mostly) – We were able to get away with almost exclusively summer clothes – you can see that I wore the same two dresses many times in the photos above! In addition, we each brought one pair of jeans, one pair of hiking pants, a long sleeve t-shirt and a fleece or sweatshirt. Thankfully it’s a pretty easy trip to pack light for.

Planning Your Canada and New York Road Trip

Don’t miss these helpful resources as you plan your road trip through New York State and central Canada:

  • 8 Awesome Things to do in the Finger Lakes with Kids this Summer
  • Watkins Glen State Park Hiking Tips
  • Quebec City Itinerary: 3 Days of History, Beauty and Beyond
  • Whale Watching in Quebec: The Perfect Day Trip
  • Where to stay in Montreal with kids
  • 10 Unmissable Things to do in Montreal With Kids
  • How To Make The Most Of One Day In Toronto
  • Niagara Falls: 4 Mistakes to Avoid & What to do Instead
  • How to road trip with a toddler and a kid

What to read next

2 thoughts on “an incredible new york & canada road trip”.

What is the place in the 1st picture on top, white house with red roof on the lake?

Hi Suzanne, Thanks for stopping by! It’s a mansion on Millionaire’s Row in the Thousand Islands. You’ll see it from this boat tour .

Have a great trip!

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Quebec City Tours & Trips

Find the right tour for you through Quebec City. We've got 147 adventures going to Quebec City, starting from just 4 days in length, and the longest tour is 41 days. The most popular month to go is September, which has the largest number of tour departures.

147 Quebec City tour packages with 2,250 reviews

Canadian Capitals ( 8 days ) Tour

  • Sightseeing

Canadian Capitals ( 8 days )

Essence of Eastern Canada (End Toronto, 8 Days, Toronto Airport And Post Trip Hotel Transfer) Tour

Essence of Eastern Canada (End Toronto, 8 Days, Toronto Airport And Post Trip Hotel Transfer)

Essence of Eastern Canada (End Montreal, 8 Days) Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Coach / Bus

Essence of Eastern Canada (End Montreal, 8 Days)

The main thing to be aware of is that they reduce costs by selecting hotels that are outside of the downtown areas.

Eastern Canada Adventure (Summer, 9 Days) Tour

Eastern Canada Adventure (Summer, 9 Days)

You really can individualize your itinerary with the various add-ons. Also enjoyed some quiet time to myself.
  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Best of Eastern Canada (End Toronto, 9 Days, Toronto Airport Departure Transfer) Tour

Best of Eastern Canada (End Toronto, 9 Days, Toronto Airport Departure Transfer)

Very nice tour. Would have liked more time in a place or two but, overall, good.

Montreal and Quebec Tour

Montreal and Quebec

Ontario & French Canada (6 destinations) Tour

Ontario & French Canada (6 destinations)

Good tour would recommend

Best of Eastern Canada (End Montreal, 9 Days) Tour

Best of Eastern Canada (End Montreal, 9 Days)

Optional excursions were reasonably priced. Suggest you put together other places in each city as a walking guide.

Historic Cities of Eastern Canada Tour

Historic Cities of Eastern Canada

The group size was around 30 people (mainly couples), in total there were four single travellers on the holiday, most people on the holiday would have been over 50 years old.

Eastern Canada Discovery (Classic, 8 Days) Tour

Eastern Canada Discovery (Classic, 8 Days)

Eastern Journey Tour

Eastern Journey

Great itinerary, hotels were generally basic, comfortable with good breakfasts.

Ultimate Canada (19 Days) Tour

Ultimate Canada (19 Days)

Eastern USA & Canada Escape (16 destinations) Tour

Eastern USA & Canada Escape (16 destinations)

we will definitely be doing it again.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Indulgence in Eastern Canada (Small Groups, 8 Days, Door To Door) Tour

Indulgence in Eastern Canada (Small Groups, 8 Days, Door To Door)

Eastern US & Canada Grand Vacation Tour

Eastern US & Canada Grand Vacation

The places visited, the Autumn colour, and the great local guides made it a success.

What people love about Quebec City Tours

I LOVED this tour. This was my first time as a solo traveller. The tour guide and the driver were both excellent. The experiences were incredible. Trying to arrange the amount of cities, and experiences solo, with hotels, travel etc is not possible for anywhere near the amount paid. Value for money is excellent. Hotels overall were good. There were some that were a little out of the cities, however the tour guide and driver did their best to accommodate by driving everyone back into the city if they wanted to go. Most of the experiences were really good. The Montmorency Falls as an extra trip with meal was a little pricey. There was not enough time at the Falls and the best view would be down the bottom. This could have been a free trip, without the meal, I would suggest this is looked at. Also in Montreal the tour guide who took us round, was not very engaging and it was difficult to hear her. Everything else was spot on. Well organised, excellent value for money, lovely people, beautiful country, wide range of experiences. LOVED IT. Will definitely be doing another tour.
It was a great experience and the add on’s that Contiki offered were amazing adventures. The price of the tour was also great and completely worth it for what they gave you.

Top operators

Fresh Adventures

"Great trip Fresh Adventures! Well organized tour, wonderful resorts with powder skiing, nice breakfast, lunch and dinner venues. Nice accommodation. Fantastic guides both on and off the mountain. They knew the best places to ski and enjoy. I really enjoyed skiing together, dining together and hot pools as a group. Thanks Sam and Laurence!

Fresh Adventures is an expert in:

  • Hiking & Trekking


"I had a great experience on this Colette tour with Bernadette and Dave. They were excellent guides and drivers, and the tour was well-organized. I would recommend it.

Collette is an expert in:

  • River Cruise

G Adventures

"The tour length was ideal for us, We had one day of porr weather at Whistler which curtailed us but otherwise it was very good. The hotels were all good and the camp at Golden was a nice contrast Our guide/driver (simon) was great, friendly, very helpful and professional, and went out of his way to ensure we had a great trip.

G Adventures is an expert in:

  • to North America
  • Canada Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • 10 Best Stargazing Tours & Trips 2024

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Tauck Adds New York to Quebec Cruise Tour for 2023

Travel New York Quebec City Cruise Tour Tauck

Quebec City. Photo: Tauck

Tauck is expanding its 2023 cruise tour offerings with a new small-ship sailing from New York City to Quebec City in fall 2023.

The 13-day tour will start with an overnight stay at the New York Marriott Marquis before hosting guests aboard Silversea’s Silver Shadow . The ship will head out on a 10-night cruise to Quebec City, stopping along the way in Newport, Boston, Bar Harbor, Halifax, Prince Edward Island, and Saguenay.

After arriving in Quebec City, guests will get a chance to see the city on a sightseeing tour and then experience the island Ile d’Orleans and Montmorency Falls. The tour concludes with a farewell reception, dinner, and an overnight stay at Quebec City’s Chateau Frontenac.

The tour is priced from $8,990 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare, with all gratuities, airport transfers, luggage handling, port charges, taxes, shore excursions, and more included.

According to Tauck CEO Dan Mahar, the company is adding the tour after it received a large amount of interest for other cruise itineraries, including its “Cruising the Great Lakes: Chicago to Toronto” tour, which was introduced in 2019, and its Grand Alaska cruise tour.

“We’ve seen tremendous interest in our Alaska and Great Lakes programs – we essentially sold out across the board this year – and we’re excited to expand our domestic cruise offerings for next year with this wonderful new journey,” said Mahar.

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How to Sell Villas

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New York City

There’s always something to do in New York City, home of the American Dream: visit one of the many museums on a rainy day, stroll in Central Park on a sunny one, go shopping if it’s chilly, catch a musical or sports event in the evening, or spend a morning wandering in the public markets.

What are the Big Apple’s attractions? Start with its hustle and bustle, its forest of skyscrapers, ethnocultural neighbourhoods, and emblematic symbols like Times Square, Wall Street and the Statue of Liberty, mainstays of film and TV. Explore it by yourself, with friends or with the whole family!

Spring or fall, to avoid summer heat waves and winter’s chill.

Where to stay

Opt for a hotel in Manhattan to be where the action is and enjoy New York City by night.

What to eat

Taste the Shack Burger at one of the city’s Shake Shack restaurants.

Getting around

On foot or by subway, which is easy to use. To be avoided: by bicycle.

Important information about this destination

Planning to visit soon? Below are full details on the country’s entry requirements and health restrictions.

Read the legal notes

CAA-Quebec Travel has partnered with Sherpa to offer an information portal, for reference purposes only.

Third-party site subject to Sherpa policies. The Sherpa tool is a guide to help you understand the key requirements for your planned itinerary. When you visit the Sherpa website and guide, you are leaving the CAA-Quebec website environment. CAA-Quebec does not control the Sherpa website or how your personal information and data are collected, stored, used, shared, and disclosed. CAA-Quebec cannot be held liable in any way when you are redirected to this third-party website. You must read the terms of use and the privacy and cookie policies specific to the site and tool before deciding whether to submit your information.

Information not guaranteed to be accurate. While Sherpa works hard to keep the information in the guide up to date, global geopolitical and regulatory developments continue to occur and the implications of COVID-19 continue to evolve. Official guidelines and requirements in many countries are changing rapidly. We strongly recommend that you check the official entry requirements for your destination country and your situation prior to travel (types of vaccines accepted, predeparture and/or post-arrival testing, quarantine requirements, etc.) and that you regularly check the Canadian government website , the official site of your destination or transit country, and the IATA travel centre .

Your responsibility: It is your responsibility to ensure that you and everyone travelling with you, including children, meet all entry, transit, and exit requirements for all countries and regions of your itinerary, as well as the requirements for leaving and returning to Canada. The final decision on whether you are allowed to enter or transit a country rests with that country’s government and officials. CAA-Quebec Travel is not liable for how complete or accurate the information provided by Sherpa is. CAA-Quebec Travel and its employees cannot be held liable in any way for damages, claims, losses, costs, expenses, or any other issue arising from the consultation or use of information found on the Sherpa website.

Rainy-day New York

Even when it rains, New York City teems with things to do. It’s home to several prestigious museums for all tastes, like the Met, MoMA and the Guggenheim. The Big Apple, of course, is also all about shows and entertainment, from impressive Radio City Music Hall in the heart of Rockefeller Center to the big Broadway musical theatres. Buy your tickets ahead of time online and get attractive discounts!

Shopping is an absolute must in this extravagant metropolis, from world-famous Macy’s department store to M&M’s World to the giant Toys ‘R’ Us – complete with a Ferris wheel! –, in Times Square, the chic boutiques of Fifth Avenue, or Chinatown for all kinds of little souvenirs.

New York at Easter

Easter Weekend is one of the best times to visit the city. Rockefeller Center rolls out its themed garden, featuring an Easter Bunny topiary and giant Easter eggs. There’s also the famous Easter Parade and Bonnet Festival on Sunday, along Fifth Avenue, with participants decked out in crazy hats, and Easter egg hunts in public parks. And don’t forget to stop by the flagship Macy’s store at Herald Square for the colourful Flower Show!

Christmas in New York

The sight of the enormous lighted Christmas tree and skating rink at Rockefeller Center alone is worth the trip. Window-shopping is another must during the Holidays, with each retailer trying to outdo the next with imaginative storefront displays. At Macy’s, for example, a magical Christmas village takes up an entire department. And why not stick around until December 31 and usher in the New Year with the famous Ball Drop celebration in Times Square!

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Tourist attractions

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New York from on high

The Empire State Building is the most well-known edifice in the city, and one of the tallest. Two observation decks, on the 86th and 102nd floors, offer spectacular views of the iconic Manhattan skyline.

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A panoramic view of Central Park

Top of the Rock, the 70th-floor observation deck at Rockefeller Center, provides a 360-degree view of the New York City—and the line-up is often shorter than at the Empire State Building.

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Commemorating September 11, 2001

An indoor observation deck, One World Observatory, features a panoramic view of the city from the 102nd floor of One World Trade Center, built on the site of the fallen Twin Towers.

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Up-in-the-air park

The High Line is an elevated linear park in Manhattan, built on a former rail line, with gardens and other greenery. Visitors can walk along it for 2.33 km from Gansevoort Street to West 34th Street.

tour quebec new york

New York City’s “lungs”

More than a public park, Central Park is a living space where you can picnic, listen to a concert, see a show, and enjoy a unique vantage point on Manhattan’s majestic buildings. Tip: rent a pedicab—the park won’t seem as vast, and your visit will be less tiring!

Guided walking tours on themes ranging from chocolate to photography

Hop on the staten island ferry for a return trip (it’s free) and see the statue of liberty, stroll through famous cultural districts like chinatown, little italy or harlem, hang out in gansevoort market in the meatpacking district, see locations where popular films and tv series like sex in the city and seinfeld were shot, we love these addresses.

Eataly at 200 Fifth Avenue, where you can sip the best cappuccino in the city and taste or buy great Italian fare.

Washington Square Park in the heart of Greenwich Village, with its marble arch modelled after the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. It’s the place to hang out, have a coffee, enjoy activities or play an outdoor game of chess.

Ellen’s Stardust Diner at 1650 Broadway, a retro eatery with a one-of-a-kind concept: don’t be surprised, while awaiting your food, to see your server mount a stage and become the star of the moment singing a solo.

Strong points

  • Many pedestrian walkways.
  • Continuous police surveillance.

Keep in mind

  • The large crowds can be intimidating at certain times of year, so try to schedule visits to the most popular attractions at the end of the day or during mealtimes, when the line-ups are often shorter.

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Before any foreign trip, visit the Government of Canada’s Travel Advice and Advisories page to find out about the current situation in the country you wish to visit.

Travel insurance: Don’t leave home without it!

Costs for medical care in the United States are very high—among the highest in the world, in fact. Protect yourself with Emergency Medical Care coverage. That way, if an unexpected event lands you in the hospital, you won’t come home to a huge medical bill. Medical coverage is actually a must whenever you leave the province, even for a short stay.

Fleet Week NYC 2024: See massive warships sailing around New York to honor service members

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Fleet Week is setting sail in New York City from May 21 to May 27 to honor those who serve and protect the United States seas.

Nearly 3,000 Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen will be honored at the Hudson River during Fleet Week, which began in 1988.

"Fleet Week New York, now in its 36th year, is a time-honored tradition for the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast team to visit New York City over the Memorial Day weekend,” Director of Public Affairs and Fleet Week New York, Beth Baker, said in a statement to USA TODAY.

“The week-long event provides us an opportunity for the citizens of New York City and the surrounding area to meet their service members and see firsthand the latest capabilities of today's maritime services," Baker said in the statement.

At the Hudson River on Wednesday morning, crew members were getting ready to kickoff the annual event.

Here are some of the things you should know about New York’s Fleet Week:

Fleet Week schedule

Fleet Week will run from May 22 until May 28. See below for information about tours.

How can I watch the celebration in New York?

USA TODAY provided a livestream of Fleet Week in New York City. Watch a replay above.

Photos and videos show the kickoff to Fleet Week 2024

Fleet week tours.

People can also participate in a public tour of ships including the U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5), a Baden-Württemberg-class frigate and a German Berlin-class replenishment ship. You'll just need to have a valid ID.

A full schedule of the tours can be found on the Navy Region Mid-Atlantic's website .

Ahjané Forbes is a reporter on the National Trending Team at USA TODAY. Ahjané covers breaking news, car recalls, crime, health, lottery and public policy stories. Email her at  [email protected] . Follow her on  Instagram ,  Threads  and  X (Twitter) .


New york rangers at florida panthers game 4 odds, picks and predictions, share this article.

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The New York Rangers and Florida Panthers meet Tuesday in Game 4 of their best-of-7 Eastern Conference Final, which the Rangers lead 2-1 after back-to-back overtime victories. Puck drop from Amerant Bank Arena in Sunrise, Fla., is scheduled for 8 p.m. ET (ESPN/ESPN+). Below, we analyze BetMGM Sportsbook’s lines around the Rangers vs. Panthers odds , and make our expert NHL picks and predictions.

After splitting a pair of low-scoring games at Madison Square Garden and the Rangers losing home-ice advantage, they responded with a wild 5-4 victory in overtime Sunday in Game 3 to seize back that home-ice advantage.

C  Alex Wennberg provided the heroics Sunday 5:35 into OT, earning the Rangers their 1st series lead. C Barclay Goodrow remained hot with 2 goals, while LW Alexis Lafreniere joined him in the 2-goal club with a pair of even-strength goals in regulation.

Despite a 5-goal outburst against Panthers G Sergei Bobrovsky , the Rangers were unable to strike for a power-play goal. New York is 0-for-8 on the man advantage in this series, although it does have a shorthanded goal.

Florida has been involved in 5 one-goal games in the past 6 outings, losing 3 of those contests.

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Rangers at Panthers odds

Provided by BetMGM Sportsbook ; access USA TODAY Sports Scores and Sports Betting Odds hub for a full list. Lines last updated at 5:17 a.m. ET.

  • Moneyline (ML) : Rangers +145 (bet $100 to win $145) | Panthers -175 (bet $175 to win $100)
  • Puck line (PL)/Against the spread (ATS) : Rangers +1.5 (-175) | Panthers -1.5 (+145)
  • Over/Under (O/U) : 5.5 (O: +105 | U: -125)

Rangers at Panthers projected goalies

Igor Shesterkin (10-3-0, 2.33 GAA, .925 SV% — 2024 playoffs) vs. Sergei Bobrovsky (9-5-0, 2.31 GAA, .903 SV%, 1 SO — 2024 playoffs)

Shesterkin let in 4 goals on 37 shots in the Game 3 overtime victory, and he has made 24 or more saves in 8 consecutive outings. After winning the first 7 games of these playoffs, he is 3-3 and 4 of his last 5 wins came in overtime. In fact, he is 4-0 when games have been decided in OT this postseason.

Bobrovsky was good for just 18 saves on 23 shots in Game 3, his most goals allowed since Game 4 of the Tampa Bay series when he conceded 6 goals on 32 shots. Game 3 was a giant change from his first 2 starts at MSG when he allowed just 2 goals on 54 shots, including a 3-0 Game 1 shutout victory.

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Rangers at Panthers picks and predictions

Panthers 4, Rangers 3

The PANTHERS (-175) are a little on the pricey side, but they are a good play in Game 4 for the bounce back.

The Rangers (+145) have won 5 of their 6 playoff games on the road, so they’re tempting to play in Game 4. However, the Panthers went 26-13-2 at home in the regular season, and 4-3 at home in the postseason. While Florida has dropped 3 of the past 4 games, including the past 2 outings, don’t look for Bobrovsky to struggle again like he did in Game 3.

Puck line/Against the spread

The Rangers +1.5 (-175) will cost nearly 2 times the potential return. That’s too much risk for not enough reward.

If you like New York, just bet it straight up.

OVER 5.5 (+105) is a strong play at plus-money.

The Under cashed in the first 2 games at Madison Square Garden, but there were 9 total goals in Game 3 to hit the Over (5.5).

The Over is 20-2-1 in the past 23 meetings between these teams dating back to 2016.

For more sports betting picks and tips , check out and BetFTW .

Follow Kevin J. Erickson on Twitter/X . Follow SportsbookWire on Twitter/X and like us on Facebook .

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Scarlett Johansson and OpenAI’s Trust Issues

The actress, who criticized the use of a soundalike voice for ChatGPT, is the latest to raise concerns about the artificial intelligence start-up’s practices.

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By Andrew Ross Sorkin ,  Ravi Mattu ,  Bernhard Warner ,  Sarah Kessler ,  Michael J. de la Merced ,  Lauren Hirsch and Ephrat Livni

Scarlett Johansson, in a white dress, looks up and to her right and smiles.

OpenAI’s Scarlett Johansson problem

When OpenAI unveiled the latest version of ChatGPT last week, a chatbot that can listen to spoken questions and respond verbally, many users had one question: Is that Scarlett Johansson?

The actress, who provided the voice for an A.I. assistant in the movie “Her,” has now made clear that she did not do the same for OpenAI — and she demanded that the company stop using the sound-alike . It’s another sign of eroding trust in OpenAI, which has taken fire from creative industries and former employees.

“I was shocked, angered and in disbelief,” Johansson said in a statement on Monday, days after OpenAI’s product announcement kicked off debate about one of ChatGPT’s new virtual assistant voices, which is called Sky. The company wouldn’t confirm who provided the vocals, though Sam Altman tacitly encouraged the comparison, plugging the announcement with a single word — “her” — on social media and writing that the new ChatGPT “ feels like A.I. from the movies .” (OpenAI’s chief technology officer, Mira Murati, said that was a coincidence .)

In her statement , Johansson shed more light on the matter:

Last September, I received an offer from Sam Altman, who wanted to hire me to voice the current ChatGPT 4.0 system. He told me that he felt that by my voicing the system, I could bridge the gap between tech companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift concerning humans and A.I. He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people.

Altman tried again two days before the ChatGPT product announcement, she added, but released the service before they could connect. Johansson — no stranger to waging war against big companies — suggested that she was ready to take legal action.

OpenAI backed down. While Altman said after Johansson’s statement that the actor behind the Sky voice had been cast before he reached out to the movie star, his company was pausing the use of Sky.

“We are sorry to Ms. Johansson that we didn’t communicate better,” he added.

The spat is another sign of eroding trust in OpenAI. Johansson explicitly linked her dispute to the fight over “deepfakes and the protection of our own likeness, our own work, our own identities.” (Though the fight in this case was over a sound-alike, not over an A.I.-generated copy.)

It was also reminiscent of fears among Hollywood writers, news publications, authors and others about A.I. being trained on their work without their permission — or compensation — or replacing humans. ( The Times and other newspapers have sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement.)

And the controversy emerged after some former OpenAI employees publicly accused the company of caring more about doing business than about ensuring its products don’t harm humanity.


Jamie Dimon suggests he’s closer to stepping down. At JPMorgan Chase’s investor day on Monday, the bank’s C.E.O. of 18 years said that the timetable for his retirement “ isn’t five years anymore .” The comment puts succession at JPMorgan back in focus; potential replacements include the senior executives Jennifer Piepszak, Marianne Lake and Troy Rohrbaugh.

Microsoft builds artificial intelligence into laptops. The tech giant announced new computers featuring chips that can run A.I. applications natively. Locally powered A.I. is the newest focus for hardware companies; Apple, which has touted the A.I. capabilities of its latest iPad Pro models , is expected to make a similar announcement for its Mac computers later this year.

Janet Yellen seeks Europe’s help in combating excess Chinese goods. The U.S. Treasury secretary said in a speech in Germany on Tuesday that a wave of cheap Chinese exports represented a huge threat to the global economy . Expect it to be a topic at a meeting of Group of 7 finance ministers this week.

Donald Trump and Republicans raise more than President Biden. The Trump campaign and the Republican Party collected $76.2 million in April, according to officials; the Biden campaign said it had raised $51 million with the Democratic National Committee, about half of what it raised in March. Still, Trump remains well behind Biden in overall money accumulated.

Fixing the F.D.I.C.

In the end, the heat was too much for Martin Gruenberg, who struggled last week in congressional hearings to answer for the toxic “boys’ club” culture at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, of which he is chairman.

Gruenberg said on Monday that he was “ prepared to step down ” after losing support from a key Democratic senator, Sherrod Brown of Ohio. That would force the White House to find a successor to help oversee the nation’s banks and lead an agency that insures over $10 trillion in consumer deposits .

Gruenberg isn’t leaving immediately; he will depart only when a replacement is confirmed. (The White House says it will name a successor “soon.”) That would preserve the Democrats’ 3-2 majority on the agency’s board, at least through Election Day.

That’s important: The F.D.I.C., along with the Fed and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, is tasked with drafting tough new capital requirements for banks that Wall Street and Republicans strongly oppose.

The writing was on the wall. Gruenberg took fire from the Senate Banking Committee last week during a hearing prompted by a Wall Street Journal investigation into hostile working conditions.

While Gruenberg apologized, he declined to step down, and he won public support from high-level Democrats, including Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. But that changed on Monday when Brown, the committee’s Democratic chairman who is facing a tough re-election fight, reversed his position and called for his ouster.

Republicans are putting up the fight. The chair of the House Financial Services Committee, Representative Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, called on Gruenberg to step down immediately, saying “this announcement is too little, too late.”

Sheila Bair, a Republican former F.D.I.C. chair, also called for an immediate change: “It’s untenable. If this was a bank C.E.O., they’d be so gone,” she told DealBook.

The PGA Tour’s Saudi deal is far from dead

There have been a series of setbacks in the year since the PGA Tour and Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund agreed to combine forces in the professional golf world, including missed deal deadlines and the resignation of leaders .

When the PGA Tour secured a huge investment in January from U.S. investors, including the hedge fund mogul Steven Cohen, the question was whether the Saudi deal was dead.

But negotiations are still very much alive, two people familiar with the talks told DealBook’s Lauren Hirsch. The Saudi Public Investment Fund, which bankrolls LIV Golf, and the PGA Tour exchanged term sheets in recent days for a potential deal in which the Saudis would inject $1.5 billion into the tour’s for-profit arm. Representatives both from the fund and from the PGA Tour declined to comment.

U.S. investors have already invested $1.5 billion in the PGA Tour. In the January deal, those investors, led by Fenway Sports and including Cohen and fellow billionaires Marc Lasry and Arthur Blank, took a minority stake in a commercial venture created by the tour. The cash infusion was seen as a way to help the tour better compete with the Saudis in the golf world or to make a Saudi investment more palatable to regulators.

The deal now on the table would give the tour $3 billion in new funding, with the Saudis and U.S. investors each kicking in half. The PGA Tour would retain majority control.

Major questions remain. A deal between the Saudis and the PGA Tour is far from certain, and one of the biggest unresolved issues is LIV Golf’s future. The upstart circuit has spent heavily to lure top golfers away from the tour, but it has yet to prove it is a viable business. If a transaction led to LIV’s disappearance, that could draw scrutiny from the Justice Department, which plans to look into any deal on antitrust grounds.

The Justice Department may also question any arrangement that gives the Saudi wealth fund seats on the PGA Tour board, given the agency’s concern over interlocking directorates .

“All that mattered to Ivan Boesky was making money … He found a path to that and he abused it badly.”

— Jeff Madrick , the author of “Age of Greed.” Boesky, who amassed great wealth before becoming a symbol of Wall Street avarice after his arrest and conviction for insider trading, died on Monday. He was 87.

An offer to debate Tesla gets ugly fast

David Einhorn, the hedge fund mogul known for betting against companies, including Lehman Brothers a year before its collapse, has been shorting Tesla again.

That wager has drawn criticism from Tesla’s legions of supporters. It has also led to a public fight between Einhorn and a former employee.

Einhorn has long been skeptical of Tesla’s prospects. The short-seller, who profits when a target company’s stock declines, has accused Elon Musk — in colorful terms — of misleading investors about the capabilities of the company’s autonomous vehicle software. A bet against Tesla lost Einhorn a lot of money in 2020, but his Greenlight Capital revived it two years later.

A former Greenlight employee has challenged his former boss over the matter. Last week, James Fishback, who now runs Azoria Partners, called for a debate with Einhorn on the merits of Tesla’s business:

“I’ve been critical of Tesla shorts like @davidein because they fundamentally misunderestimate Tesla’s core value driver: autonomy.”

Einhorn dismissed his former employee. After declining to participate, he questioned Fishback’s professional credentials:

I am not aware that you have ever spent any time analyzing Tesla or its fundamentals — or really any other equity position for that matter. Certainly not during the 2 years while you were a macro research analyst at Greenlight.

Fishback got feisty, sharing documents from his defamation lawsuit against Greenlight that he said showed he was in fact the firm’s head of macro. In the legal filing, Fishback said that he “excelled in his work” and generated “over $100 million in profits” over two years ending August 2023. It was when he resigned, according to Fishback, that Greenlight began claiming that he never held the head of macro title.

In short: Don’t expect that debate anytime soon.


Google will invest €1 billion ($1.27 billion) in a data center in Finland, a country with ample access to wind power, to help support its artificial intelligence services. (Reuters)

Legal & General Investment Management, a top investor in Anglo American, is backing the mining giant’s breakup plan that’s meant to ward off BHP Group’s hostile $43 billion takeover bid. (FT)

Economists are forecasting that new tariffs proposed by Donald Trump will cost the U.S. economy $500 billion annually . (FT)

CalPERS, the big California public pension fund, will vote against re-electing Exxon Mobil’s board at the oil giant’s annual shareholder meeting next week. (CNBC)

Best of the rest

Michael Sonnenshein, chief of the crypto asset manager Grayscale , is stepping down and will be replaced by a Goldman Sachs executive. (WSJ)

Paul McCartney is the first British musician to become a billionaire — thanks in part to Beyoncé . (Fortune

We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected] .

Andrew Ross Sorkin is a columnist and the founder and editor at large of DealBook. He is a co-anchor of CNBC’s "Squawk Box" and the author of “Too Big to Fail.” He is also a co-creator of the Showtime drama series "Billions." More about Andrew Ross Sorkin

Ravi Mattu is the managing editor of DealBook, based in London. He joined The New York Times in 2022 from the Financial Times, where he held a number of senior roles in Hong Kong and London. More about Ravi Mattu

Bernhard Warner is a senior editor for DealBook, a newsletter from The Times, covering business trends, the economy and the markets. More about Bernhard Warner

Sarah Kessler is an editor for the DealBook newsletter and writes features on business and how workplaces are changing. More about Sarah Kessler

Michael de la Merced joined The Times as a reporter in 2006, covering Wall Street and finance. Among his main coverage areas are mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcies and the private equity industry. More about Michael J. de la Merced

Lauren Hirsch joined The Times from CNBC in 2020, covering deals and the biggest stories on Wall Street. More about Lauren Hirsch

Ephrat Livni reports from Washington on the intersection of business and policy for DealBook. Previously, she was a senior reporter at Quartz, covering law and politics, and has practiced law in the public and private sectors.   More about Ephrat Livni

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

Google’s A.I. capabilities that answer people’s questions have generated a litany of untruths and errors  — including recommending glue as part of a pizza recipe and the ingesting of rocks for nutrients — causing a furor online.

News Corp, the Murdoch-owned empire of publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, announced that it had agreed to a deal with OpenAI to share its content  to train and service A.I. chatbots.

The Silicon Valley company Nvidia was again lifted by sales of its A.I. chips , but it faces growing competition and heightened expectations.

The Age of A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.

Publishers have long worried that A.I.-generated answers on Google would drive readers away from their sites. They’re about to find out if those fears are warranted, our tech columnist writes .

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.

Grayson Murray, a two-time PGA Tour winner, dies at 30

The parents of Murray, who died Saturday after withdrawing from the Charles Schwab Challenge, said in a statement that “life wasn’t always easy” for their son.

The parents of Grayson Murray, the two-time PGA Tour winner whose death Saturday stunned the golf community, spoke of the anguish of their loss, saying in a statement, “Life wasn’t always easy for Grayson and, although he took his own life, we know he rests peacefully now.”

Eric and Terry Murray said in a statement issued by the PGA Tour: “We have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone. It’s surreal that we not only have to admit it to ourselves, but that we also have to acknowledge it to the world. It’s a nightmare. We have so many questions that have no answers. But one. Was Grayson loved? The answer is yes. By us, his brother Cameron, his sister Erica, all of his extended family, by his friends, by his fellow players and — it seems — by many of you who are reading this. He was loved and he will be missed. We would like to thank the PGA Tour and the entire world of golf for the outpouring of support.”

In asking for privacy, his parents asked people to “please honor Grayson by being kind to one another. If that becomes his legacy, we could ask for nothing else.”

A statement below from Grayson's parents, Eric and Terry Murray. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call the national suicide and crisis lifeline in the United States at 988 or visit their website at . — PGA TOUR (@PGATOUR) May 26, 2024

The death of the 30-year-old was announced during the third round of the Charles Schwab Challenge on Saturday in Fort Worth.

“We were devastated to learn — and are heartbroken to share — that PGA Tour player Grayson Murray passed away this morning. I am at a loss for words,” PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan said in a statement. “The PGA Tour is a family, and when you lose a member of your family, you are never the same. We mourn Grayson and pray for comfort for his loved ones.”

Murray had withdrawn from the second round of the tournament Friday, citing an illness. He was 5 over par with the final two holes remaining in the round at Colonial.

A North Carolina native, Murray grew into a standout golfer in his youth, becoming the second-youngest player to make the cut on the Korn Ferry Tour at 16 and playing as an amateur in the U.S. Open at 19. After attending Wake Forest, East Carolina and Arizona State, he earned full status on the PGA Tour for the 2016-17 season. He won the 2017 Barbasol Championship, earning his first victory on tour at 23.

Murray struggled in subsequent seasons and publicly discussed his battles with alcoholism and mental health. He said he received treatment for addiction and worked to return to form.

He twice won on the Korn Ferry Tour last year and reclaimed his PGA Tour card that fall. In January, he won the Sony Open in Hawaii. That win elevated him to a career-high 46th in the Official World Golf Ranking. Murray ranked No. 58 at the time of his death.

Monahan said he reached out to Murray’s family to offer his condolences. During that conversation, Monahan said Murray’s parents “asked that we continue with tournament play.”

“They were adamant that Grayson would want us to do so,” Monahan said. “As difficult as it will be, we want to respect their wishes.”

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    Videos and Webinars Explore helpful videos and webinars with virtual tours of our rail journeys. Blog Articles Learn from our experts with insider tips, read helpful suggestions, ... Montreal and Quebec City Roundtrip from New York City Onboard. Accommodations Get a good night's sleep onboard the train! Amtrak's private sleeping rooms ...

  5. De Québec à New York

    En début d'après-midi, rendez-vous au port de Québec et embarquement à bord du pour votre croisière de 7 nuits en direction de New York. (S) Départ à 17h00. Arrivée à 08h00. Départ à 16h00. Arrivée à 07h00. Départ à 18h00.

  6. Quebec City Tours & Vacation Packages from Montreal Toronto New York

    Canada Quebec City tours from Toronto, Montreal, New York at affordable prices. Explore the Quebec ice hotels, Old Quebec, Place Royale, Chateau Frontenac, Parliament Building with professional guides. ... 5-Day Niagara Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City Canada Tour from New York/New Jersey. Posted on: 2022-10-22 Name: George Rating:

  7. Quebec to New York

    Air Canada, American Airlines, and United Airlines fly from Quebec (YQB) to New York La Guardia (LGA) every 4 hours. Alternatively, you can take a bus from D'Youville to New York via de l'Église, Quebec, QC - Shell, 2831 Boulevard Laurier, Longueuil, QC - 1225 St. Charles 0 Street #250, and Longueuil in around 13h 18m.

  8. Tours to New York, Boston, Toronto and Niagara Falls

    Book a tour to New York, Boston, Toronto and Niagara Falls with Tourika. Call us at 514-643-2248 or chat with us. ... I went to New York with my son for the Easter weekend via Tourika tours. I gave a 5-star rating, but if I could give more, I would thanks to our guide Denis. We couldn't have asked for more.

  9. Quebec City Tours from New York with Discounted Prices and Deals

    Your recent search: Quebec City Tours from New York Change Search Change Search- TakeTours > USA > East Coast Tours > New York, NY > Quebec City Tours. Filter Your Search. Visiting (1) Quebec City, QC New York, NY Washington, DC Boston, MA Toronto, ON Philadelphia, PA Niagara Falls, NY Ottawa, ON ...

  10. 2024 New York City 3-Day Trip from Quebec City

    Amazing Old Quebec City Classique Walking Tour with 1 Funicular Ticket included. 150. Historical Tours. from . C$45.00. per adult. Quebec City : Guided E-bike food Tour on Ile d'Orleans. 72. Food & Drink. from . C$169.00. ... New York City 3-Day Trip from Quebec City provided by Maple tour.

  11. East Coast USA and Canada

    14 Day USA and Canada Tour starting and ending in New York. 13 nights. 13 Breakfasts, 1 Welcome Reception, 3 Lunches, 3 Dinners. Perfect for history lovers, you'll connect with the heritage of two nations, exploring Washington D.C.'s White House and Lincoln Memorial, a simpler Amish way of life, strolling Canada's Ottawa, Toronto, and ...

  12. An Incredible New York & Canada Road Trip

    Quick Overview. Days 1-4: Finger Lakes Days 5-6: Thousand Islands Days 7-10: Quebec City Days 11-12: Montreal Days 13-14: Prince Edward County Days 15-16: Toronto Days 17-18: Niagara Falls You can use this itinerary as a general guide, but feel free to modify it to suit your needs.

  13. 10 Best Quebec Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Browse 18 tours from the best tour operators in Quebec with 85 reviews visiting places like Quebec City and Montreal. Compare & book now! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on ... New York City, Boston, Woodstock, Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Thousand Islands National Park, Toronto +7 more Age Range up to 85 year olds

  14. Voyage organisé à New York

    Découvrez-y nos nouveautés comme nos incontournables, nos offres spéciales comme nos dernières chances, nos concours comme nos conseils ! Bref, tout pour vous rapprocher de votre prochain voyage. Explorez New York en groupe grâce à nos voyages organisés en autocar, une expérience inoubliable accompagnée par nos guides experts.

  15. Vols de Québec (YQB) vers New York (NYC) à partir de 364

    Voyagez avec Air Canada de Québec vers New York (YQB - NYC) à partir de. 325 $ CA*. †Les réservations de vols Aéroplan sont actuellement disponibles uniquement au point de vente canadien. .

  16. Montreal and Quebec City Roundtrip from New York City

    Roundtrip Amtrak® in Coach from New York City to Montreal on the Adirondack®. Roundtrip VIA Rail® in Economy from Montreal to Quebec City on the Corridor Service®. 1 meal included (1 dinner) *Montreal city tour operates daily late March to early November and on specific weekdays in the remaining months.

  17. Cruises from New York to Quebec City

    Cruises from New York to Quebec City Are you looking for a cruise from New York to Quebec City? September is the most popular month to cruise between New York and Quebec City and there are 14 departures available from five of the world's leading cruise lines.

  18. Cruises from Quebec City to New York

    September is the most popular month to cruise between Quebec City and New York and there are 11 departures available from four of the world's leading cruise lines. GLOBAL JOURNEYS. AUD . TOURS ; CRUISES ; RIVER CRUISES ; TRAVEL STYLES ; ... Alaska Tours Canada Coast to Coast Tours Canada East Coast Tours Canada & Alaska Tours Canada West Coast ...

  19. Quebec → New-York bus

    Find bus tickets from Quebec to Montreal to get to New York We take you from Montreal to Percé via Quebec City, Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, and much more! View Network Map View Schedules. Thank you for travelling with us! 2019 with figures: 38994 25$ Travels from MTL to QC

  20. New York to Quebec

    The best way to get from New York to Quebec is to fly which takes 7h 26m and costs $230 - $700. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $90 - $220 and takes 12h 40m, you could also train, which costs $45 - $240 and takes 15h 33m.

  21. 10 Best Quebec City Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Quebec City Tours & Trips. Find the right tour for you through Quebec City. We've got 147 adventures going to Quebec City, starting from just 4 days in length, and the longest tour is 41 days. ... New York City, Boston, Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Niagara Falls (USA), Lancaster, Washington DC, Philadelphia +10 more Age ...

  22. Tauck Adds New York to Quebec Cruise Tour for 2023

    Tauck is expanding its 2023 cruise tour offerings with a new small-ship sailing from New York City to Quebec City in fall 2023. The 13-day tour will start with an overnight stay at the New York ...

  23. New York, the Big Apple has it all

    Medical coverage is actually a must whenever you leave the province, even for a short stay. 1-844-869-2439. New York, capital of the world, charms travellers of all ages with its museums, skyscrapers, Central Park, Times Square and Broadway musicals. Visit the Empire State Building, the deck of the Rockefeller Center and the indoor observation ...

  24. Fleet Week NYC 2024: See photos, schedule as ships sail near New York

    Fleet Week tours. People can also participate in a public tour of ships including the U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5), a Baden-Württemberg-class frigate and a German Berlin ...

  25. Grayson Murray, Winner of Two PGA Tour Titles, Dies at 30

    Grayson Murray, the professional golfer who won two PGA Tour titles and was outspoken about his battles with depression and alcohol, died on Saturday. He was 30. His death was confirmed in a ...

  26. New York Rangers at Florida Panthers Game 4 odds, picks and predictions

    The New York Rangers and Florida Panthers meet Tuesday in Game 4 of their best-of-7 Eastern Conference Final, which the Rangers lead 2-1 after back-to-back overtime victories. Puck drop from Amerant Bank Arena in Sunrise, Fla., is scheduled for 8 p.m. ET (ESPN/ESPN+). Below, we analyze BetMGM Sportsbook's lines around the Rangers vs. Panthers odds, and make our expert NHL picks and predictions.

  27. Madonna's Celebration Tour Proves She Won't Quit

    According to Billboard, her six-month, 80-show tour grossed $225.4 million, making her the only woman in history to gross more than $100 million during each of six concert tours. (The only solo ...

  28. Scarlett Johansson and OpenAI's Trust Issues

    The deal now on the table would give the tour $3 billion in new funding, with the Saudis and U.S. investors each kicking in half. The PGA Tour would retain majority control. Major questions remain.

  29. Grayson Murray, a two-time PGA Tour winner, dies at 30

    Grayson Murray earned PGA Tour victories at the 2017 Barbasol Championship and the 2024 Sony Open. (Chuck Burton/AP) Listen. 3 min. Share. Add to your saved stories. Save.

  30. Trump trial: Closing arguments in hush money case

    Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche said there was "not a shred of evidence" that the former president falsified business records in connection with Cohen's reimbursements, per the New York Times. "[Cohen's] the human embodiment of reasonable doubt, literally," Blanche argued, per the Washington Post. "He lied to you repeatedly, he lied many, many ...