Star Trek: Kelvin Timeline explained

We've remodulated our tricorders to help you make sense of the Star Trek Kelvin timeline from the recent Star Trek movies.

Star Trek: Kelvin Timeline explained

Our Star Trek: Kelvin Timeline explained article is here to tell Spock from Spock.

How do you reboot a franchise that’s been around more than 50 years old and whose fan base is, shall we say, passionate about the accuracy of its canon? If you wipe the slate completely clean and start afresh, you lose the benefit of five decades of lore from which to draw inspiration and characters. If you keep the continuity, you’re shackled to decades of details from which you can’t escape. What can you do? If you’re Star Trek, you create the Kelvin Timeline.

The Kelvin timeline, or "alternate universe Trek", creates a new environment in which the events of the more recent Star Trek films (Star Trek, Into Darkness, Beyond) won’t contradict those that came before. It’s also how Spock ended up meeting himself. 

If you want to rewatch the new Star Trek movies, our Star Trek streaming guide will show you where to watch them all online. And if you're curious to see how the new movies stack up against the classics, check out our Star Trek movies, ranked worst to best article. Now, let's dive into the Star Trek Kelvin timeline.

Event One: Nero Travels Through Time 

Star Trek What is the Kelvin Timeline: image shows Eric Bana as Nero in Star Trek (2009)

According to Star Trek (2009), the planet Romulus was destroyed by a supernova in the year 2387. Ambassador Spock attempted to use "red matter", a substance so powerful that a single drop can destroy a planet, to save Romulus by destroying the supernova. He did indeed manage to destroy the supernova, but not in time to prevent the planet’s destruction. To make matters worse, both his ship, the experimental Jellyfish, and the Romulan mining ship Narada were pulled into the black hole’s wake and sent hurtling backwards in time. Spock emerged in 2258 while the Romulans landed in 2233. 

The Narada’s captain, Nero decides to use this opportunity to take out his grief on the organization he holds responsible for the ruin of Romulus and, by extension, the death of his family: the Federation. One of his first acts is to destroy the U.S.S. Kelvin, captained heroically to the very last minute by George Kirk, who lives just long enough to name his newborn son James.

And thus begins the Kelvin timeline. 

Spock, Meet Spock 

Star Trek what is the kelvin timeline: image shows Spock in Star Trek movie (2009)

Jim Kirk grows up as a rebellious punk constantly trying to outrun his father’s long shadow. Christopher Pike sees something of value in him and urges him to join Starfleet, which he eventually does. Through a contrivance of events, he ends up aboard the Enterprise along with Spock, Bones McCoy, Uhura, and the rest of the Original Series crew. 

It’s now 2258 and Ambassador Spock emerges from the black hole just in time to be scooped up by Nero, who keeps the Jellyfish — and its cache of red matter — for himself while abandoning Spock on the frozen planet of Delta Vega. He wants Spock to bear witness as the Narada drills a hole into the center of Vulcan and releases red matter at the planet’s core. The Enterprise tries to stop him and fails, though they do manage to rescue Spock’s father, Sarek. Nero is eventually defeated, and Spock's young and old take a moment to reflect on their coexistence

Enter Khan, Exit Kirk 

star trek what is the kelvin timeline: image shows Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Nero’s too-close-to-success-for-comfort attempt to destroy Earth shifts Starfleet’s ethos from one of discovery to one of protection. They still want to "seek out new life forms," but only to find out how dangerous they are. In Into Darkness (2013), Alexander Marcus, leader of the secretive Section 31, finds the SS Botany Bay, stuffed to the rafters full of augmented humans in cryostasis. He wakes one of them up — Khan Noonien Singh — and forces him to build weapons that Earth could use to defend itself against alien threats. 

Huge surprise, Khan betrays Marcus, exacting vengeance on various Starfleet targets. In doing so, he kills Kirk’s father figure Christopher Pike. Marcus tries to leverage Kirk’s hot-headedness by sending Kirk after Khan, who has fled to the Klingon homeworld of Kronos. He figures Kirk will kill, not capture, Khan, thus removing a threat and evidence of Marcus’ secret project.

Kirk goes off script and keeps Khan alive, much to the chagrin of Admiral Marcus, who tries to blow them all the heck up. The sacrifice that leads to victory happens just as in the original, except in the Kelvin timeline it’s Kirk who gives his life to save his crew. In the prime timeline, Genesis brought Spock back to life, but here it’s Khan’s blood that gets the job done.

That bit of ugliness behind them, the Enterprise receives its five-year-mission. You know the one.

Farewell to Spock 

Star Trek what is the Kelvin Timeline: image shows Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) in Star Trek Beyond (2016)

In Star Trek: Beyond (2016), the Enterprise discovers the USS Franklin, a Federation ship that had been lost for decades. Here’s what’s fun about that: the Kelvin timeline doesn’t start until 2233. The Franklin disappeared before that, so it exists in both timelines, which means a different version of it could theoretically pop up in Star Trek media that doesn’t adhere to the Kelvin timeline. 

In Kelvin, however, the Franklin is half-buried after crashing into the surface of the planet Altamid. Few of its former crew remain, and those that do are unrecognizable, having been transformed by technology they’ve used to keep themselves alive. The Franklin’s captain, Balthazar Edison, now known as Krall, rejects Starfleet ideals of peace. He’s a soldier and he believes that he should be allowed to do what he does best. He returns to starbase Yorktown with the goal of commandeering it to launch an attack on the Federation, but first he’ll have to kill every living thing in residence. Kirk et al save the day, of course. 

This is also the point at which Ambassador Spock leaves the timeline due to the passing of the peerless Leonard Nimoy. Kelvin Spock had been planning to rejoin what remains of the Vulcan people, but instead chooses to honor his other self by remaining in Starfleet.

Crossover With the Prime Timeline 

Keeping track of the Kelvin timeline is important because there are still Star Trek properties operating in the prime timeline, such as Picard . However, there has been a little bit of crossover between the two. Picard takes place long after the titular character has quit Starfleet, and early on we discover the destruction of Romulus was why. 

Picard wanted to launch a rescue mission to save as many Romulans as possible before the detonation of the supernova, but Starfleet pushed back. He went forward with it anyway, but when his ships were decimated by a fleet of rogue synths, Starfleet gave up all rescue efforts. Picard resigned in disgust. Everything that happens after that — and therefore everything taking place in the show — is part of the prime timeline, despite being kicked off by Event One.

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Susan Arendt is a freelance writer, editor, and consultant living in Burleson, TX. She's a huge sci-fi TV and movie buff, and will talk your Vulcan ears off about Star Trek. You can find more of her work at Wired, IGN, Polygon, or look for her on Twitter: @SusanArendt. Be prepared to see too many pictures of her dogs.

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The Star Trek Kelvin Timeline Explained

Chris Pine in Star Trek Into Darkness

In 2009, Paramount Pictures released Star Trek , the first film in what would become a new action-oriented trilogy to reinvigorate the franchise at the worldwide box office. Directed by J.J. Abrams and starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and Zoe Saldana, Star Trek introduced the world to new versions of classic characters like Kirk, Spock, and Uhura, and it took us back to their earlier days in Starfleet. This wasn't just another reboot, though. Thanks to the heavy sci-fi influence of the original series, this version of Star Trek was actually presented in the form of an alternate timeline, with its roots in events of the original universe and one of the franchise's original characters.

Later dubbed "the Kelvin timeline" because of its connection to a destroyed Federation starship called the U.S.S.  Kelvin , this alternate reality set the stage for three different Star Trek feature films, all of which remixed original series continuity in some form or another. Plus, in recent years, the inciting incident for this reality has become a jumping-off point for more stories in the Prime Star Trek reality, making it a major influence in two different universes. From its explosive origins to its broader implications, this is Star Trek 's Kelvin timeline, explained

The real-world origins of the Kelvin timeline

In the late 2000s, Star Trek was in need of a re-invigoration. The last feature film in the franchise, Nemesis , came out in 2002, and the prequel TV series,  Star Trek: Enterprise , went off the air in 2005, leaving the legendary sci-fi property without a major live-action media presence for the first time in years. Ultimately, Paramount Pictures decided the way to bring Trek back was a prequel film ... but not just a typical prequel. The film that would become 2009's Star Trek fell into the hands of screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, who decided to use time travel to create an alternate reality that would both raise the stakes for their "prequel" concept of a younger Kirk and Spock and also allow them to take some creative liberties with the well-worn characters.

Speaking with Sci Fi Wire in 2009 , Kurtzman explained, "Yeah, the biggest thing I think we all hiccuped on, just conceptually, when Trek was presented to us was, 'Well, we know how they all died. We know what happened to them.' And when you know that, it's very difficult to put them in jeopardy in a way that feels fresh or original. How do you ever have real stakes to your characters?" Well, the answer was the introduction of an alternate reality that would link the new Star Trek film series to past canon, while also allowing filmmakers to go their own way.

The Kelvin timeline has its roots in tragedy

The story of Star Trek 's Kelvin timeline began in the Prime Star Trek universe in the 2380s , when it became clear that the Romulan sun presented a major danger not just to the Romulan Star Empire but to a whole quadrant of the galaxy. The sun was nearing the end of its life and would soon go supernova, which would in turn destroy Romulus and other nearby worlds. Desperate to save their people, the Romulans asked the United Federation of Planets for help.

When evacuation efforts failed, Spock — now an ambassador from his homeworld of Vulcan — intervened in 2387 with his own attempt to halt the supernova through the use of red matter. Spock was able to stop the supernova's expansion but not before Romulus was destroyed, something he'd promised he could prevent. Enraged, a Romulan mining ship captain named Nero sought vengeance, and he attacked Spock's one-man vessel with his own ship, the Narada . During the pursuit, both ships were pulled through the black hole left in the wake of the supernova, which sent them back in time.

The fate of the U.S.S. Kelvin

Unbeknownst to Nero, when the Narada was drawn into the black hole, the Romulan ship was sent back to 2233, more than 150 years in the past. But the dude was still very angry. Nero's rage then focused on the first Federation vessel he found, the U.S.S. Kelvin . As the Romulan vessel attacked, First Officer George Kirk took command of the Kelvin after the death of his captain, and he sacrificed the ship to protect the escape shuttles fleeing the area, including the one carrying his wife and newborn son, James Kirk. The Kelvin was destroyed, and Nero's reign of terror continued in what was now an alternate reality. 

As you've probably guessed, the Kelvin Ttmeline is so named because the destruction of the Kelvin is the event triggering the alternate reality. In the Kelvin timeline, life unfolds in a way that's quite recognizable for longtime Star Trek fans but with many differences interspersed throughout the universe. The starships look similar, for example, but the designs are altered in many ways, and the same is true of things like phasers, communicators, and Starfleet uniforms.

A different Kirk

In the Prime Star Trek timeline, James T. Kirk's path to captaining the U.S.S. Enterprise is noteworthy but very conventional. Kirk entered Starfleet in part because of his father, but George Kirk was still very much alive when he signed up, and once Kirk was a part of Starfleet, he spent quite a bit of time doing other things before joining the Enterprise , including a stint as an Academy instructor and serving on the U.S.S. Farragut .

In the Kelvin timeline, though, the absence of Kirk's father sent him off on a very different path, one with much less conviction and certainty early on. This version of James T. Kirk was a rebellious young man, joyriding in stolen cars as a teenager and getting into bar fights in his 20s. His Starfleet journey actually began when one of these fights was broken up by Captain Christopher Pike, a Starfleet officer familiar with Kirk's history and his father's heroism. Pike — who was also Kirk's predecessor as captain of the Enterprise in the Prime timeline, under very different circumstances — urged young James to do something with his life because his father sacrificed himself to make sure Kirk would live and accomplish something meaningful. Spurred on by Pike, Kirk joined Starfleet and eventually tricked his way onto the newly launched Enterprise  after cadets in the Academy were called into service to help battle Nero.

Now, there are two Spocks

While Nero arrived in the Kelvin timeline in 2233, Spock didn't actually emerge from the black hole until 25 years later, and he found the vengeful Romulan waiting for him. Nero captured Spock's ship, the Jellyfish , and left the Vulcan stranded on the icy planet Delta Vega, with the intention of making Spock watch his own homeworld perish just as Nero had to watch Romulus fall. Nero achieved this by drilling into Vulcan's core with his ship's machinery, then shooting red matter into it. Vulcan collapsed as the Kelvin timeline version of Spock attempted to evacuate as many of his people as he could. He was able to save his father but not his human mother, who fell just as they were preparing to beam back up to the Enterprise .

A short time later, Kirk was also marooned on Delta Vega by an irate Spock, who was acting captain of the Enterprise and had already discerned Nero was a time traveler. Here, Kirk met the Prime timeline version of Spock, who used a Vulcan mind meld to reveal to him the explanation for Nero's presence, including the destruction of Romulus and the black hole he journeyed through. Eventually, both Spocks met each other and attempted to rebuild Vulcan culture through their shared knowledge and experience. With Spock Prime's help — including the introduction of transwarp beaming to the Kelvin timeline — Kirk and Spock were able to make amends and defeat Nero before he could destroy Earth, cementing the dynamic of the Enterprise crew.

A warlike Federation

The sudden destruction of Vulcan and the losses in the Federation fleet during the battle with Nero, coupled with the growing hostility of the Klingons, spurred certain factions within Starfleet to seek a more militaristic approach to dealing with the future of the galaxy. In 2258 and 2259, Admiral Alexander Marcus went to great lengths to pursue this more warlike approach in secret, and he began exploring the galaxy for various resources to use for the defense of Starfleet. Marcus' search eventually led to the discovery of Botany Bay and a group of enhanced superhumans in cryogenic stasis.

Desperate to advance his cause, Marcus roused the leader of the group, Khan Noonien Singh, and held the rest of Khan's people hostage while Khan himself was forced to develop advanced weapons for the Federation under the secretive Section 31. This included the development of the Vengeance , a powerful new Federation warship, and a new advanced torpedo design that Marcus hoped to use against the Klingons.

Khan tried to smuggle his people out of Marcus' care by hiding them, still in stasis, in the torpedoes, but Marcus discovered this plan. Certain that the admiral had already killed his people, Khan set out to become a one-man vengeance machine and destroy the Federation from the inside.

The wrath of Khan

Operating under the name John Harrison, Khan staged successful attacks on Starfleet facilities that resulted in the death of Admiral Christopher Pike. After this attack, Marcus saw a path to killing his former hostage and covering up his military conspiracy at the same time. He dispatched Kirk and the Enterprise to capture "Harrison" on the Klingon world Kronos, believing Kirk would simply kill the terrorist as an act of revenge. This set Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise crew on a new, alternate trajectory to a confrontation with their old Prime universe foe.

At fist, Harrison/Khan tried to present himself as an ally to Kirk and Spock before finally turning on them when he felt he could safely extract his still-living crewmates from their torpedoes. The resulting confrontation led to Kelvin timeline Spock seeking the advice of Spock Prime, who recalled the deadly consequences of battling Khan. In the Prime timeline, it was Spock who paid with his life before being revived. In the Kelvin timeline, though, it was Kirk who sacrificed his life in the battle with Khan. Fortunately, Spock was able to defeat Khan through some clever deception, and Dr. Leonard McCoy was able to use Khan's blood, which had strange restorative properties, to revive Kirk.

The clash with Krall in the Kelvin timeline

After the battle with Khan, the Enterprise crew in the Kelvin timeline set out for their own version of the five-year mission we saw in Star Trek: The Original Series , and three years into that mission, they encountered something interesting (particularly from our perspective as observers), something with a backstory that extended far back into the timeline, before the universes diverged.

In Star Trek Beyond , the Enterprise crew discovers the buried U.S.S. Franklin , a Federation starship that was lost decades earlier, in an era before the Kelvin incident diverged the timelines. That means that, since the alternate reality doesn't really split until 2233, the loss of the Franklin is something we can consider to exist in both timelines. What happens after that — including the Enterprise 's encounter with Krall, the mutated former captain of the Franklin  — is part of the Kelvin timeline only, which means another version of Starfleet could encounter the Franklin in the Prime universe and theoretically have a different outcome. It's an intriguing idea spinning out of the fun sci-fi adventure story that  Beyond offers.

Star Trek Beyond also offers another intriguing detail regarding the Kelvin timeline's Spock. Early in the film, he's considering leaving Starfleet to have a more direct role in redeveloping Vulcan culture. After learning that Spock Prime has died, though, he chooses to honor his alternate self's memory by remaining in Starfleet, as it's what Spock Prime was doing at the same age.

How the Kelvin timeline has impacted the Prime timeline

The Kelvin timeline of Star Trek is fascinating for a number of reasons, including the fact that it didn't have to exist this way at all. The writers of 2009's Trek film could have simply said, "We're starting over, but the other films and shows are all still there for you to watch." They didn't do that, instead leaning into the science fiction of it all. That means we have an inciting incident for the Kelvin timeline that also exists as a major, galaxy-altering event in the Prime timeline, and that means there are consequences for both realities.

For a long time, those consequences weren't directly explored in Star Trek live-action storytelling, but that changed with the 2020 series Star Trek: Picard . Set in the decades following Star Trek: The Next Generation , the series follows the latter-day adventures of Jean-Luc Picard , and it reveals that his departure from Starfleet was directly tied to the Romulan sun disaster. Though many in the Federation opposed it, Picard spearheaded a massive evacuation effort to get as many people off Romulus as possible in the years before the supernova, only to have his rescue fleet destroyed by a surprise attack from a group of rogue synths. Starfleet dropped the rescue effort entirely in the aftermath, and Picard resigned.

Prime, Kelvin, or something else - Which universe is Star Trek Discovery actually in?

Is Star Trek Discovery in the Prime or Kelvin timeline? Why nothing adds up in the latest TV show

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One of the biggest questions around Star Trek Discovery has been what universe it’s in? That’s actually not as easy as you might think to answer, despite what the showrunners and cast might say. Star Trek is a world where anything could happen because... physics. There’s a Prime timeline, a Kelvin one, the Mirror Dimension and more time travelling and universe hopping than several other shows combined. 

For example, Beverly Crusher once spent an episode of The Next Generation on a version of Enterprise that existed in a pocket universe only 705 meters wide. While, canonically, Spock has existed on four separate timelines: the Original Series, an animated series timeline where time traveling saw him die as a child, requiring him to nip back in time to pretend to be his own cousin to fix it. Plus , the J.J. Abrams reboot’s divergent timeline where a future and current version of the same character co-exist. 

The series has ripped reality apart for dramatic impact over the years and then scrambled to explain away the inconsistencies. And let’s not forget Discovery is built on lies regarding the whole Tyler/Voq story arc and casting . The creative team behind Discovery has been very careful in stating how the show will “respect canon”, but often outright avoid saying explicitly that Michael Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery occupy the same specific universe or dimension as the Archer, Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway we know and love. Technically the Kelvin timeline and Prime timeline coexist and run concurrently together, so why not other variations? (More on this in a moment.) 

First things first

Establishing what universes actually exist is probably the best place to start. In the beginning, there was just Star Trek, now referred to as The Original Series (or TOS). That’s the Prime timeline - along with the Mirror Universe (the evil dimension where everyone’s bad), first introduced in a 1967 TOS episode called Mirror Mirror. Star Trek, Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and Enterprise, all take place there. 

Then there’s the Kelvin timeline which was established in J.J. Abrams’ first movie when the Romulan, Nero, travelled back from the future and destroyed the USS Kelvin a little under 30 years before TOS originally took place. In doing so he created a divergent timeline that was subtly different to the Prime one (and cleverly explained why so much was different in the reboot). There are many notable differences: Kirk’s father died on the Kelvin, and he joined Starfleet three years later than in the Prime timeline. The Enterprise was built a decade later, the Vulcan homeworld was destroyed, Chekov’s birthday even slipped a few years. 

It’s basically like the bit in Back to the Future when Biff gets the almanac and messes up the future by creating a new one alongside the old one. 

universo kelvin star trek

As I mentioned a moment ago, like Doc’s chalkboard drawing, both the Prime and Kelvin timelines coexist in the same universe, the latter a quantum reality existing alongside the former. This is something more or less signposted in an early draft of the first Abrams’ movie, which includes dialogue where a young Spock is asked what the main assumption of quantum cosmology is and he answers, "everything that can happen does happen in equal and parallel universes." 

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Star Trek Discovery - every Easter egg and secret reference hidden in season 1

Co-writer for the 2009 Star Trek movie Roberto Orci backed this up in an interview when asked if the new timeline had wiped out the old one, answering, “it continues. According to the most successful, most tested scientific theory ever, quantum mechanics, it continues.” In that same interview he also points to The Next Generation episode Parallels (where Worf slips from one reality to another after passing through a quantum fissure). There, Data again talks about how “all possibilities that can or could happen, do happen in alternate quantum realities.” That episode sees numerous, slightly different versions of the Prime reality, separated by imperceptible differences (the colour of a cake, for example). 

The implication is that there could be numerous Prime and Kelvin realities, basically identical, but separated by a haircut here, or a coffee instead of an Earl Grey there. In fact, 2009 film writer and Discovery producer Kurtzman has explained the Prime and Kelvin’s similarities and improbable coincidences as “the timestream’s way of trying to mend itself” a line that was at one point written for Prime Spock in the movie when he impossibly meets Kelvin Kirk in a cave. The idea floated is that there is a ‘most probable’ version of reality that happens more than others, despite minor differences. 

So, where the hell does that leave Discovery? Early Tweets from Anthony Rapp, who plays astromycologist Lieutenant Paul Stamets in the show, seemed to clearly state Discovery is Prime timeline

Yes it is in the Prime timeline. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. September 15, 2017

While author David Mack who was ‘in the loop’ during Discovery’s development also said the show’s Prime, while adding that “‘discrepancies’ will be addressed/resolved.”

What Anthony said. Yes, Discovery is in the Prime timeline. It fits w/canon. Apparent "discrepancies" will be addressed/resolved. It works. September 15, 2017

That might seem cut and dry if it wasn’t for the fact that these tweets went out before the show aired, as fans reacted more to the look of the show than the content:

Have faith; look past the surface, past the superficialities of aesthetics. See the HEART of @startrekcbs: it's real STAR TREK to its core. September 15, 2017

There’s no arguing that Discovery is ‘Star Trek to its core’ but there’s still so much that doesn’t add up. On the surface, the appearance and some of the more advanced tech matches the Kelvin timeline, with its more contemporary uniforms and more advanced ship. Plus, there are some huge inconsistencies with either timeline beyond the basics of Burnham being Spock's previously unmentioned half-sister, the fundamentally different looking Klingons (especially as this is the peak time for the more ordinary looking Klingons of the TOS, explained by a virus created from augmented human DNA), or the apparent near destruction of the Federation. (I barely even want to mention the Spore Drive, as it's so canonically inconsistent.)

universo kelvin star trek

Some things are clear contradictions. For example, at one point in Discovery we see Burnham replicating a uniform, the fabric being constructed at an atomic level. This contradicts previous canon that Replicators were a Next Generation era technology - Captain Janeway, in an episode of Voyager, states that in Captain Kirk’s time there were “no replicators. No holodecks.” There were devices called protein resequencers that could make food, essentially organic 3D printers, but these were a world away from the teleporter tech apparently forming Burnham’s clothes atom by atom. Janeway’s statement obviously also makes the holodeck training program we see Lorca and Ash using slightly awkward. TOS did have Rec Rooms that were capable of holographic projections but these were more movie-like projections that simulations. 

Such huge discrepancies have been waved away by fans saying the Discovery’s status as a military vessel gave it access to technology other ships of the time didn’t have. It’s a stretch though. The Next Generation establishes that replicators weren’t really on ships until the 24th century, some 110 years after the events of Discovery. (There was replicator-like tech in TOS but it was used by aliens or entities from the future.)

While we’re talking about time periods it’s worth mentioning just how cleverly the show is set to avoid specifically identifying a Prime or Kelvin timeline outright. The attack by Nero that created these two divergent realities happened in 2233, the end of season 1 sees the Discovery make contact with the TOS-era Enterprise in 2257 when Commander Pike is still captain. This date’s beautifully placed, as it’s just close enough to some big events without clearly picking a side. 

In the Prime timeline Kirk doesn’t take over the Enterprise until somewhere in the 2260s when Pike is promoted, before the TOS episode The Menagerie brings him back hideously disabled in 2267. However, in the Kelvin timeline Kirk is on the Enterprise in 2258 when Nero attacks Vulcan, and Pike is later killed in 2259 by KHAAAAA… sorry, Khan. Remember that in the 2009 film, while the Enterprise’s maiden voyage was in 2258, a year after it meets Discovery in the show, all ships go through ‘shakedown’ - a series of test flights and voyages to rattle the bits and make sure nothing falls off before being declared operational. A malfunction there would certainly fit in with the priority one distress call the season ends on.

“You have to understand the timelines and what the different universes were and how they all worked together.” Discovery co-creator, Alex Kurtzman

So season 1 interestingly ends juuust at the point where it would have to conclusively prove which universe it’s in. As I mentioned before, series’ co-creators, like Alex Kurtzman, have been very good at talking around settings without being completely definite. “You have to respect canon,” stated Kurtzman in this interview . “You have to understand the timelines and what the different timelines were and what the different universes were and how they all worked together.” In the same interview he also says “we are adhering to a timeline and sticking to the rules”. In another interview he also says, “We’re certainly endeavoring to be entirely consistent with Original Series canon.” 

All that talk of “respect” and “consistency” still leaves room for surprises. And, after the Ash/Voq twist and Lorca’s Mirror Universe reveal, it’s pretty clear the show isn’t afraid of pulling some pretty big twists. But if we’re going to get any answers it’s going to happen in season 2. You don’t end on a ‘meeting TOS-era Enterprise’ cliffhanger without people expecting you to deliver the goods. The question is what that’s going to be?

Season 2 you say?!! Sounds good to me!! CAN’T WAIT to see what comes next!! #StarTrekDiscovery @StarTrekRoom @startrekcbs 🤣❤️🖖✨ October 23, 2017

Interestingly, when interviewed about season 2 , co-creator Alex Kurtzman addressed the idea of who might be on the Enterprise, stating “I think there will be some surprises there. We will maintain consistency with canon, but there will be surprises.” That would seem to suggest an unexpected, but familiar name or face, although he also goes on to say, “if we bring in characters from the Original Series, they have to adhere to canon. So anything that’s been mentioned in TOS, either storyline or character-wise, we have to stay consistent with.” Note that he still doesn’t actually say the show is the TOS universe, just that they might use characters from it. Technically, even the Kelvin timeline Sarek is ‘a character from the TOS universe’, first appearing in the 1967 episode Journey to Babel. 

The practical upshot of all this is that, yes, all the talk seems to say that Discovery is in the Prime timeline. Although we’re still really lacking any real definitive event or character to incontrovertibly prove it - there are huge inconsistencies we’ve still yet to see explained and all the talk from the showrunners still leaves room for a new universe or timeline. Perhaps from an event yet to happen in season 2 that creates a third timeline, and will finally explain the inconsistencies. Whatever happens, season 2 has reached a point in Star Trek history where Discovery will have to decide once and for all. 

Leon Hurley

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content . I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website. 

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The Kelvin Timeline Films – A Study of Collective Trauma and Recovery

The Kelvin Timeline Films – A Study of Collective Trauma and Recovery

Over the years, many things have been said about the Star Trek films of the Kelvin Timeline. Debates still rage on over whether they are “true” Star Trek stories or just popcorn flick fun. However, one of the things I rarely ever see addressed in any discussion of the Kelvin films is the core theme of trauma and recovery, specifically “collective trauma”.

In fact, the stories of trauma are so pervasive and ingrained across its three film instalments, I am often perplexed that such a fundamental part of these films are overlooked. And in the times that we are all currently living in with everything that has been happening, I think it’s now more important than ever to discuss how the Kelvin Timeline films teach us about how to recover from collective trauma through compassion, unity, and love.

What is Collective Trauma?

Collective Trauma refers to the impact or effect of a traumatic experience involving entire groups of people, communities, and societies. This type of trauma doesn’t just bring distress and negative consequences to individuals but can also change a society’s culture, governmental policies, and mass actions.

Throughout human history, there have been numerous cases of collective trauma. But the events of September 11, 2001, clearly reverberate through the core of the Kelvin Timeline films. And perhaps that is not a surprising one. After all, the main production team behind the new films like JJ Abrams, Roberto Orci, and Alex Kurtzman were in their late 20s and early 30s when the attacks took place. They would have been at an age to be able to recognize and process the trauma of the events and felt the effects of the fallout in the years to come when the US became embroiled in wars and systemic government changes.

Just 6 years after the attacks as they start production on a new Star Trek film, the shadow of 9/11 would have still loomed over them.

Kelvin Timeline

Star Trek 2009: A Traumatic Beginning

The Kelvin Timeline is a world born out of trauma. The film even begins with the attack on the U.S.S. Kelvin , resulting in a dramatic split between this timeline and the Prime Timeline of previous Star Trek stories. And our protagonist, James T. Kirk, is born amid this collective trauma, a survivor of something he doesn’t remember yet still has irrevocably changed his life with the death of his father. In fact, the attack on the Kelvin changed more than just Kirk’s life, it affected how Starfleet would operate. Captain Pike speaks to Starfleet losing that instinct to leap without looking and we see the Enterprise much larger in size than her Prime counterpart. These are all legacies of the Narada’s attack on the Kelvin, leading the Federation to grow weary of the world around them and trying to bulk up its ships to compensate for enemies with much larger ships and weapons than they had before. Even before the destruction of Vulcan, we see a galaxy that is already reacting to collective trauma, trying to protect itself in the same ways that we have seen reflected in our real world.

And it isn’t only the destruction of Vulcan later that changes the status of the galaxy with the massive loss of Vulcan lives, nearly an entire graduating class of young Starfleet cadets are wiped out during the battle at Vulcan too. Millions of futures that could play big parts in the Federation are gone, their potentials unrealized. And left behind to deal with that reality are what amounts of a group of “children”, the survivors of a generation now forced to face the trials of combat that they are not entirely prepared for. Numerous times throughout the movie, the command of the bridge is handed to Chekov, a 17-year-old young Ensign. And while Chekov is smart and capable, it doesn’t change the fact that this is a child thrust into the theatre of war, something that should not be Starfleet’s prerogative. When you look at this, it is hard to not see a reflection of the reality that the bulk of wars fought post 9/11 had been by young people believing in the rhetoric of defending their homeland.

But how does all of this address the themes of trauma and recovery, you may ask? To look at that, we must examine the three tales of trauma that this film explores, as it is through the individual stories, we see the message that the film is trying to tell us on a grander scale.

Nero’s backstory is one of a negative response to trauma after facing the destruction of his home planet Romulus and the death of his wife and child. His single-minded determination for revenge not only pulled him away from his timeline but in many ways doomed himself and his crew. He walks the path of the cycle of violence that leads to no catharsis, as nothing he does to Spock would bring back his home or his wife and child. And as he dictatorially controls everything on his ship, giving commands instead of listening to the people around him, he removes from himself the chance for empathy and connection. His inability to imagine a future, to build a new narrative and identity to manage the trauma, leads to his eventual downfall. Even as he is defeated, he refuses to accept the help offered, he refuses to rehabilitate his present by reconciling with his past. Responding to trauma isn’t just about restoring one’s self to the way it was before because healing demands for there to be a complete sense of reinvention. Something that Nero adamantly refuses to do.

Kirk and Spock, however, represent the other side of the coin. Both start their respective stories alone, standing apart. Their trauma pushing them away from letting others in. Kirk was a brash arrogant lone wolf. Spock was refusing to recognize his own emotions. Yet through a strong support system, they are repeatedly inundated with empathy and compassion. Pike not giving up on Kirk. McCoy not leaving Kirk behind. Uhura being there for Spock to lean on. Sarek admitting the truth of his love for Amanda. And Prime Spock sharing the mind-meld with Kirk. We see how empathy and compassion break through the darkness of trauma. We see how the crew standing together as a team gave them ideas that they never could stand alone. We see the values and ideals of the Federation play out in clear and effective ways as our heroes are time and time again saved through their abilities to connect with others and work together. Whereas Nero refused to reconcile with the past, Kirk and Spock both did. They didn’t simply restore themselves to who they were before, they reinvented their identities, they built a new future and new narrative for themselves to operate in.

Even as Nero accepts his fate in his final moments, he still did not recognize how his anger and desire for retribution doomed himself and his people. But as Spock and Kirk stood on that bridge together, we see a crew bonded through blood and fire, building a relationship that will define all of them.

However, while the characters themselves have learned the importance of empathy and unity as a response to trauma, Kirk being given the Captaincy as just a barely graduated cadet with only battle experience speaks to what is the beginning for the Federation and Starfleet’s slide into militarization. An ominous sign of things to come.

universo kelvin star trek

Star Trek Into Darkness: How Trauma Compromises Our Values

While Star Trek 2009 showed us more individual responses to collective trauma, this second film tackles the question of how we respond to a world and an institution still marked by that trauma, especially when the morality of our leaders start to waver from stated ideals.

Once again, we see villains motivated by trauma. Admiral Marcus would not have found Khan if Starfleet hadn’t responded to the destruction of Vulcan by aggressively searching distant quadrants of space. Khan wouldn’t have attacked if he hadn’t thought Marcus killed his crew. Pike’s death becomes the collateral damage between two men’s angry responses to traumatic events and is later used by Marcus to manipulate and exploit Kirk. Khan himself even exploits the health of a Starfleet officer’s daughter to attack a Starfleet data archive. People’s trauma becomes a weapon to be wielded by an institution that allowed compromises of values to satisfy a desire a safety. A mirror to our real world where we were told our safety justified a war, justified persecution of innocent minorities, and justified vast changes to government policies.

We even see Kirk falling into the rhetoric of safety over values as he struggles to maintain a grip on what kind of person he should be and what kind of Starfleet officer he should be. The things he had learned from the previous film about unity and empathy are clouded by grief at the loss of Pike. He dangerously skids the lines of dictatorship that we saw in Nero, that we see in Marcus and Khan. We see him clashing with his crew, who try to remind him of his morality. Scotty flat out refuses to sign for the torpedoes, pointing out how Starfleet confiscated his transwarp equation to only end up being used by a murderer and how they are explorers, not soldiers. Spock consistently tries to inform Kirk about the regulations and values that Starfleet deems to uphold.

It is because of the morality of the people around him who can speak sense through his trauma, that Kirk doesn’t simply do what Marcus asked of him and just fire the torpedoes and inevitably start a war. And it is because of Kirk’s capacity to listen, to reconcile with the past and build a new narrative, that he isn’t lost to trauma the way Marcus and Khan are. They are two men stuck in the past, but Kirk isn’t. He uses that past to remind and teach himself of who and what he can be, reconciling with it to find new identity and meaning.

Anger and fear can be blinding, we start to think the ends justify the means. Marcus sees an inevitable war. Fears that their way of life will be decimated. Yet because he doesn’t reconcile with his past to build a new narrative, he cannot imagine a future where war would not be inevitable. And because he’s decided war is inevitable, he is destroying the Federation’s way of life without even recognizing it. Khan’s anger and arrogance refuse to allow him to accept change and reinvention, much like Nero before him, Khan’s decided he knows best and that’s it. Both Marcus and Khan are two men who resolutely think they are right, mired in their respective solo agenda, and never exercising empathy and connection with others.

When our institutions fail, when our leaders fail, we must all stand up and say no. We must hold to our moral fortitude and help others keep theirs when they stumble. After all, even real-life soldiers must disobey unlawful orders. Kirk would not succeed if he did not listen to his people if he didn’t have empathy, trust, openness, and awareness that morality still has to matter. In fact, Kirk would not even be alive if the people around him hadn’t all worked together to ensure his survival because of that love and trust. We are not an island; unity is our strength. Our heroes win the day not because they were busy getting revenge, but because saving lives and holding onto their values are more important.

Yes, there will always be those who wish to do us harm, who causes trauma and makes us question our values. And to stop them, we risk awakening that same darkness and evil within ourselves. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when the people we love are taken from us but that’s not who are. Star Trek tells us of a future where our morality and our ideals matter, where we live up to the best of who we are. And this film shows that in our darkest times, it’s when we must hold onto our ideals most of all and remember who we are.

universo kelvin star trek

Star Trek Beyond: Recovering Who We Are

Recovering from trauma is not a linear line. Sometimes in the normalcy and mundaneness of our everyday lives, a blast from the past can come out of nowhere and make us unsteady again and question ourselves. One cannot run from trauma, in order to move on, we must confront it and work through it to reaffirm our recovery and our future.

But the villain of this story, Krall or Balthazar Edison , is very much a man living in the past, refusing to move on. Instead of learning to confront his past so that he could face a new future, he has decided to make the future fit his past. He cannot let go the feelings of abandonment, he cannot let go of the trauma of war and having to break bread with the enemy, and most of all, he sees the Federation’s unity with others as a lie and a weakness. And through him, this film tells a grander story of how a society can face the traumatic events of its past. To not ignore who we were, but to acknowledge how we have changed to make the world better.

Kirk and Spock also face their own pasts. Kirk, now a year older than his own father, wondering what it means to be Jim Kirk instead of his father. He even thinks that perhaps space is not where he belongs, but rather behind a desk. Spock is once again torn between his Vulcan side and his Human side, made more conflicted by the passing of Old Prime Spock. This leads him to even break off his relationship with Uhura. Yet unlike Krall, both Kirk and Spock do confront their past, and through compassion and unity, they find a way to move on. Kirk faces off with Krall, a man who also feels lost and without a sense of purpose, and through that confrontation, Kirk comes to realize his purpose, reaffirming his faith in the Federation, Starfleet, and his crew. Spock is reminded of how unity with others instead of him standing alone is what brings him fulfillment. And in a somber moment as he sees the picture of the Enterprise crew from another timeline’s future, he sees where that unity and love can lead him to build a new future with the crew and Uhura in his timeline.

Because of the way trauma can destroy a person’s relationship with time, causing an inability to imagine a future, it’s imperative that empathy, support, and care exist in a person’s environment. Collective Trauma must be recognized, our experiences validated and honoured. Grieving for that trauma takes time, organization, and vision in understanding how to respect the process of grieving and how to foster a sense of hope so that a community or a person can rebuild. And in this film, empathy is everywhere. Krall calls unity a weakness, yet the crew of the Enterprise shows time and time again that unity, empathy, and compassion are what makes them strong. Jaylah helps the crew because Scotty and the others extend their empathy and understanding towards her. When she’s afraid and withdrawn, they listen to her, and they make sure to let her know that she is a part of something bigger and that they won’t give up on her. Spock’s love and affection for Uhura, represented in a necklace that he gives her, ends up helping to find the location of the rest of the captured crew. And the crew’s refusal to give up on each other and their willingness to sacrifice themselves to protect each other’s lives all inch them ever closer to escape and saving Yorktown, the physical manifestation of that unity.

Krall says peace is not what he was born into. He lets his past define him and his crew, refusing to extend empathy and instead holding onto anger and violence. But James T. Kirk, a man born amidst trauma and violence, looks at his past and realizes the way to reinvent his future. Peace is not what he was born into either, but he was also born while his father saved lives, including his own, and that is the value he must carry forward.

This film asks us to look at our past trauma and confront it, to grow and change because we must, or else we will spend the rest of our lives fighting the same battles.

universo kelvin star trek

The Lessons We Must Continue To Learn

Some may say to forever let our stories live under the shadow of the trauma of 9/11 is tired and overdone. Yet when our real-life still have not let go of the past, when we still have not learned those lessons, then it’s important for our stories to continue to teach us how to move forward and recover who we really are.

The foundations laid in the Kelvin Timeline films are still felt in today’s modern Star Trek shows. We see it in Paul Stamets , defiant and angry that his spore drive research for exploration was co-opted for war. We see it in Michael Burnham and her crew, steadfastly holding Starfleet to its morality. We see it in Captain Christopher Pike calling out that giving up our values in the name of security is to lose the battle in advance. We see it in Jean-Luc Picard wisely reminding us that secrecy, fear, and anger is nothing against openness, compassion, empathy, and the spirit of curiosity.

The Kelvin Timeline films do not presume that trauma and violence will never reach us. Instead, they show us how unity, love, compassion, and empathy are important in the face of that traumatic violence. The world may get dark, but we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel when we hold onto our higher ideals and to each other. And with everything that is still going on in the world today, that is a valuable lesson for Star Trek to continue to teach us.

  • Tags - Star Trek Films , Star Trek: Universe

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Published Apr 5, 2023

My First Contact: How the Kelvin Universe Led Me Back to the Beginning

One fan shares how she charted a course of strengthening her bond with her mother through Star Trek.

First Contact logo for Lillyan Ratcliffe featuring Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek (2009) / Rob DeHart

As we grow ever closer to the canon date of First Contact Day in real time, I admit a part of me still feels sadness that my mother won’t live to see the celebration and whatever special episodes or specials are produced for it. Her death still stings nearly two years later, but by remembering how we managed to bond over Star Trek even though we were approaching it from different perspectives and with different interests, I can feel closer to her. My unique way into Star Trek fandom compared to my mother’s more direct path also says something about us as individuals.

Opening shot of Space Seed with the Enterprise Bridge crew and Kirk in the Captain's chair

While most fans, who were raised by parents who loved Star Trek , watched reruns with their parents or watched it alongside their parents, I was not one of them. My mother was born in the 1960s, right as The Original Series started, so she grew up watching reruns of it and watched Star Trek: The Next Generation as it aired. Motherhood disrupted her viewing, and I grew up with LeVar Burton as the " Reading Rainbow Guy” not Geordi La Forge. Even the episode where he showed the Reading Rainbow audience behind the scenes of The Next Generation didn’t change that for me nor did I begin watching Star Trek because of that episode. Neither did I start watching Star Trek: Voyager when UPN started, bringing the total number of channels accessible to our middle of nowhere town in Florida to 10. As a child, I was determined to be taken seriously. I was raised by my grandparents — as my mom worked long hours as a single mother — and grew up knowing that I was autistic in a world that was not easy for autistic people to navigate. I was determined to prove the naysayers wrong – yes, my brain was different from theirs, but who else read a decent chunk of the standard classics before middle school? Who could talk about the problems of succession various monarchies faced over centuries? Cultural osmosis did allow some Star Trek to enter my mind unknowingly throughout the years and I remember my mother mentioning when various cast members died.

Star Trek 2009

Yet it took until the announcement of the first J. J. Abrams film for me to watch any Star Trek . I remember my mother being excited for the film. She was never a purist when it came to media. If someone could reinterpret something in fun new ways or to fix something from the original that hadn’t aged well, my mother was for it. As someone who originally got inspired by the scientific future of The Original Series, she understood things would, could, and should change as new needs arose to improve things for everyone. My diagnosis of type 1 diabetes as a preteen and the subsequent decades plus of new science rewriting my retreatment plans and options would echo the scientific progress Star Trek would show. On the other hand, I still get irritated by changes in media, not quite to purist levels, but I do notice them and will mentally shake my head at the ones that seem pointless or that take away from the better parts of the original. My mother found DVDs for The Original Series at our local library because I wanted to see the source material for the new movie.

Spock holds an Alfa 177 canine in

Years of thinking Star Trek was what anti-fans sometimes dismiss it as — odd plots, bad costumes, gender inequality, questionable scripts — gave way to a show that clearly had been made with talent and effort, even if time made somethings odd or awkward. Yes, sometimes my mother and I would share a look at some special effect that was laughable to modern audiences or groan when writing could have been better, but as someone raised on older PBS specials and original Scooby Doo , The Original Series hit my nostalgia buttons hard. Costumes that were made of placemats, papier-mâché everywhere, dogs in bad Halloween costumes; it felt right. Combined with writing that had hidden depths most of the time, where social issues that I was watching unfold in real time, seeing technology come to fruition decades after it was first imagined, knowing how such a diverse cast inspired so many who are still underrepresented in media to this day, and the sheer fun most of the performers had working on the show made it even more impactful than I thought it would.

Star Trek: The Animated Series -

Star Trek: The Animated Series though might edge The Original Series out as my favorite. The sometimes-clumsy animation feels right to me — it's not about the glitz and glam; it's about pushing the envelope, not only in terms of storytelling, but in terms of creativity. Finally getting other species as main members of the cast, seeing designs that would never have been possible within the budget or available technology of the live-action shows, and more made it feel like MY Star Trek . Let’s throw in underwater scenes; we don’t have to worry about the logistics of filming! Have an anthropomorphic cat woman on the Bridge; save a ton on makeup and time! Uhura and Chapel saving the men and solving the mysterious disappearances of thousands of Starfleet crews; awesome! Even as technology made it easier to replicate these ideas in its live-action counterparts, that odd little animation gave Star Trek its first Emmy and set us up for the future. My mom never got into this series as much as I did, but we could laugh about the weird color choices and over how many times the same person voiced different characters in one episode.

Star Trek: The Next Generation,

The Next Generation was also close to my mother’s heart. It echoed many of the things that she loved about The Original Series — a crew of unique individuals working together as equals to explore space, seeing creative species designs, exploring issues in ways to leave the viewer talking, and more — while adding in things that appealed more to my personal tastes — seeing characters undergo long-term character development, blending comedy with drama to make each more poignant, and actually getting more characters to focus on than the main crew. We still groaned over weird costume designs — RIP to all those bowling alleys that were invaded by Romulans — and tried to count all the Shakespeare references that could fit in one episode. We cheered for Spot, our beloved space cat, and debated the ethics of the Prime Directive.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -

The next several series were ones we watched more as equals as my mother hadn’t been able to watch these as frequently. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was more appealing to me, as a young woman who loved the intricate pacing and rich character dynamics that evolved nearly weekly. For my mother, it felt a bit too dark overall, as it seemed like Sisko and company kept fighting to make a better future for Bajor yet it seemed progress was much too slow and too minute. The Ferengi Feminist Revolution became one of our favorite plotlines as we got to see Ishka lead a social revolution, plus make enough Princess Bride jokes to make anyone think we had memorized the full script.

Kathryn Janeway sits in the captain's chair aboard Voyager

Seeing Janeway take charge to lead her crew home will always remind me of my mother — it often felt like she was trying to do the best she could in less-than-ideal circumstances — as the Voyager captain embodied the determination and inner steel my mom developed when trying to navigate an ever changing pharmaceutical landscape where new unexplored medications lay ahead of her much like the Delta Quadrant did for Janeway. Star Trek: Voyager gave us bits of old favorites — callbacks to other series, exploring what it means to seek out new worlds, debating the ethics of leadership, and developing deep bonds with the crew that would help them survive.

Scott Bakula as Captain Jonathan Archer of Star Trek: Enterprise

Unfortunately, my mother died before we could finish Star Trek: Enterprise together. She wanted to see Scott Bakula in her favorite science fiction franchise while I was invested in the Xindi plotlines. Yet we agreed that getting to see more ‘first contacts’ while humanity grew into the idealized utopia of The Original Series was really at the heart of what we wanted to explore — seeing what led to the Prime Directive being so important to Federation exploration and debating the ethics of that.

Star Trek: The Next Generation -

Although some Star Trek memories now tug at my heartstrings due to how they have become entangled with memories of my mother, my First Contact has also given me even more happy memories as I can recall our shared jokes about the franchise — Porthos just needing cheese-flavored dog food not actual cheese, Sisko refusing to play Q’s games, the sheer weirdness of species costuming versus barely any makeup to differentiate them from humans, Data being almost too human when it came to Spot, and more. Rest in the stars, Mom.

Lillyan Ratcliffe (she/her) is a fairly new Star Trek fan and very excited with the new directions it continues to take. She has a BA in History from Stetson University, a MA in Global History from APUS, and a MLIS from USF. She has written about Trek for WomenAtWarp and loves exploring the nuance of Star Trek.

Stay tuned to for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram .

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By Any Other Name

  • Episode aired Feb 23, 1968

Star Trek (1966)

Galactic alien scouts capture the Enterprise for a return voyage and a prelude to invasion. Kirk's one advantage - they're not used to their adopted human form. Galactic alien scouts capture the Enterprise for a return voyage and a prelude to invasion. Kirk's one advantage - they're not used to their adopted human form. Galactic alien scouts capture the Enterprise for a return voyage and a prelude to invasion. Kirk's one advantage - they're not used to their adopted human form.

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Barbara Bouchet and Warren Stevens in Star Trek (1966)

  • Captain James Tiberius 'Jim' Kirk

Leonard Nimoy

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DeForest Kelley

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Eddie Paskey

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Did you know

  • Trivia While drinking with Tomar, Scotty finds a bottle of unidentifiable alcohol, and when Tomar asks, "What is it?" Scotty hesitates for a moment and finally says "It's green." This has become an iconic Scotty moment, and is even spoofed in Relics (1992) .
  • Goofs While Scott and Tomar are drinking various liquors, Scott tosses an empty bottle to the floor off-camera and the sound of it breaking is heard. Later, when Scott passes out, the discarded bottle is at his feet, intact.

Scott : [Trying to drink Tomar under the table, Scotty enters, a bit tipsy, with a bottle of green liquid] I found this on Ganeroo... Ganimera... mee.

Tomar : What is it?

Scott : It's,

[looks for a label]

Scott : um,

[looks under the bottle; sniffs it]

Scott : ... It's green.

  • Alternate versions Special Enhanced version Digitally Remastered with new exterior shots and remade opening theme song
  • Connections Featured in Star Trek Logs: An MTV Big Picture Special Edition (1991)
  • Soundtracks Theme Music credited to Alexander Courage Sung by Loulie Jean Norman

User reviews 30

  • Sep 14, 2021
  • February 23, 1968 (United States)
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  • Official Facebook
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Paramount Television
  • Norway Corporation
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 50 minutes

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Star Trek and the birth of the Kelvin Timeline

By david milburn | may 8, 2019.

universo kelvin star trek

May 8 marks the 10 year anniversary since the birth of the Kelvin Timeline, so we take a look back at one of the best entries in the Star Trek filmography.

In February 2007 J.J. Abrams , the man behind the hugely successful Lost and Alias TV series as well found footage creature feature Cloverfield , accepted an offer from Paramount to direct a new vision of Star Trek.

Abrams, a self confessed Star Wars fan took on the mantle to direct the film because he “would be so agonizingly envious of whoever stepped in and directed the movie” after initially agreeing to produce what would be the 11th entry into the franchise’s big screen outings. At the time he accepted the offer, Abrams and his writing staff, Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman , could not have know the impact the film would have not only on the franchise as a whole but with the fan base.

That impact was very divisive with many fans refusing to accept the new film as part of the canon of Star Trek while others embraced it as it was meant to be, a new vision and interpretation of the characters that we have known and loved over the course of 43 years (at the time of release).

It was a controversial announcement to recast The Original Series characters and set it during the early years of their Starfleet careers. However, it was the revelation that this entry would be set in a different timeline that really caused a stir, a decision that was the only one they could have made and which ended up creating a action packed, fun filled re-imagining of the Enterprise and her crew which drew in fresh audiences and generated a new enthusiasm for the franchise.

So why the need to change it all? Well when you consider that Star Trek ‘s main bulk of action is set in 2255, this causes all kinds of issues relating to what has been established already in canon which Orci and Kurtzman needed to be free of in order to tell the underpinning element of their story; the crew coming together on the Enterprise .

Let’s focus on Kirk for a moment. In the Prime Timeline Kirk has a relationship with his father who he has cited as being his inspiration on joining Starfleet, which he did three years prior to when the reboot film is set. Kirk has a whole history before joining Starfleet including surviving the mass murder of starving colonists by Governor Kodos on Tarsus IV. During his Academy days he is promoted to ensign within three years and assigned to serve on the USS Republic andby 2257 Kirk is Lieutenant and exploring space on the USS Farragut .

For Bad Robot, J.J. Abrams’ production company, to set a Star Trek film within these years they would need to fit it around the already established canon which does indeed restrict the stories that they can tell. And this is just Kirk! When you factor in the whereabouts of the other bridge crew it becomes even more complicated and it’s not for another ten years before they are all due to arrive on the Enterprise under Kirk’s command.

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An easy route they could have taken would have been to focus on one or two characters and create an origin type story, maybe focus on Kirk during those years at the academy and his early assignments. But let’s be honest, Star Trek is not just Kirk and is nothing without those characters all together.

Faced with this issue the guys at Bad Robot did what needed to be done and created a cataclysmic event that would change Trek forever and spawn a new timeline. A timeline in which Kirk was raised without his influential father, a timeline in which a pair of Russian lovers decide to have a child six years early (to allow Chekov to be 17 in 2255), a timeline that had an impact on all the core characters in one way or another, allowing Orci and Kurtzman to bring the crew together on the USS Enterprise a good ten years before canon.

What follows is an action packed 2 hours and 8 minutes of Star Trek action that never really seems to relent. From its opening sequence that spawns the alternative timeline, the death of George Kirk and the destruction of the USS Kelvin , to Spock and Kirk rebelling in their youth… and then rebelling in adult hood. Fist fights, tense space sky diving, sword fights on a giant laser beam, more fist fights, phaser battles and the USS Enterprise kicking some Romulan arse come together to create some fantastic set pieces and help develop our new look characters.

Yes I can agree it goes against type from the film’s predecessors but when you factor in that Star Trek: Nemesis , the last entry in the films series which followed Insurrection , are often mentioned as two of the least favorable features to come from the franchise, was it so bad to throw in a little more action? I also think it’s worth mentioning that at the time it was made in 2009 audiences had moved on. Don’t forget that Star Trek was now having to compete against the newly formed Marvel Cinematic Universe following the 2008 success of Iron Man .

Next. 2009’s Star Trek was exactly what the franchise needed. dark

The Star Trek 2009 reboot isn’t perfect, I get it, but lens flares, iBridge and the destruction of two major planets aside it helped bring Trek to a modern audience wrapping it up in a great onscreen adventure without taking anything away or impacting on what came before it.

Unfortunately the same can’t be said for its sequel.

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USS Enterprise (NCC-1701 Universo Kelvin)

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El USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) fue una nave espacial Clase Constitución de la Federación del siglo 23 operada por la Flota Estelar . Lanzada en 2258, la nave se convirtió oficialmente en el buque insignia de la Federación y la primera nave espacial de la Federación en llevar el nombre de Enterprise. ( Star Trek Beyond )

En 2260, el Enterprise se convirtió en la primera nave espacial asignada por la Federación para realizar una misión de exploración de cinco años en el espacio profundo inexplorado. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Después de casi cinco años de servicio, el Enterprise fue destruido durante la Batalla de Altamid en el 2263, cuando fue atacado por Krall y sus naves del Enjambre, un año despues se creo en su honor la nueva USS Enterprise-A. ( Star Trek Beyond )

  • 2.1 Construccion
  • 2.2 Primer Viaje
  • 2.4 Caza de "John Harrison"
  • 2.5.1 Mision en Teenax
  • 2.5.2 Viaje Final
  • 2.6 Ultima vista
  • 4.1 Apocrypha
  • 5 Links Externos

Vease en: Historia del Enterprise

Historia [ ]

Construccion [ ].

USS Enterprise (alternate reality) under construction

The Enterprise under construction in Iowa

El Enterprise estaba en construcción alrededor de las 2255 en el Astillero de Riverside, en Iowa, y se puso en servicio desde Sector Espacial de San Francisco, Tierra. ( Star Trek (film) )


Primer Viaje [ ]

En 2258, el viaje inaugural planeado de la nave, bajo el mando de Christopher Pike , se adelantó después de que la Tierra recibió una llamada de socorro de Vulcano mientras la mayor parte de la flota estaba comprometida en el sistema Laurentiano. Como resultado, la tripulación del Enterprise estaba compuesta principalmente por cadetes de la Academia de la Flota Estelar.

La nave despegó desde la Base Estelar 1 con otras 7 naves espaciales para responder a la llamada, incluidas el USS Farragut , el USS Truman y el USS Hood . Sin embargo, su salida se retrasó porque el timonel Hikaru Sulu olvidó desactivar el amortiguador de inercia externo, lo que en realidad salvó al Enterprise (o tal vez no :v) ya que entre el tiempo en el que el resto de la flota llego a Vulcano hasta cuando arribo el Enterprise, esta habia sido destruida por la Narada.

El resto de la flota da un salto warp a Vulcano mientras que el Enterprise no por un fallo de configuracion de Sulu

El Enterprise demostró no ser rival para los misiles tecnológicamente avanzados del Narada. Afortunadamente, Nero reconoció al Enterprise como el barco en el que sirvió Spock. Eligió no destruir el Enterprise para permitir que Spock viera la destrucción de Vulcano.

Enterprise descubrió que no podía ponerse en contacto con la Flota Estelar ni comenzar a evacuar a los habitantes de Vulcano, ya que la plataforma de perforación de la Narada, mientras estaba en funcionamiento, impedía las comunicaciones y el uso del transportador. A pesar del sabotaje de la plataforma de perforación, Nerón lanzó un contenedor de materia roja al núcleo del planeta, lo que creó una singularidad que provocó que Vulcano implosionara, matando a todos menos a unos diez mil vulcanos salvados en la naves estelares.

El Enterprise en orbita de Vulcano esquiva los restos de las primeras naves estelares en enfrentarse a la Narada

Tras la destrucción de Vulcan y la captura del Capitán Pike, el Capitán interino Spock tenía la intención de llevar el Enterprise a reunirse con el resto de la flota en el sistema Laurentian, pero el Primer Oficial interino Plantilla:Alt pensó que era mejor intentar detener a Nero primero. Se produjo una pelea y Spock luego abandonó a Kirk para amotinarse en Delta Vega, cosas cosas pasaron ajaksjds y Kirk logró regresar a bordo con la ayuda de otro Spock y Montgomery Scott . Spock se vio obligado a renunciar a su mando en Kirk de acuerdo con la Regulación 619, y el Enterprise cambió de rumbo en un intento de interceptar el Narada antes de que pudiera golpear la Tierra.

USS Enterprise (alternate reality) hides in Saturn's rings

The Enterprise rises above Titan

Arsenal del Enterprise usado para terminar por destruir a la Narada

Al emerger de la deformación en la atmósfera de Titán, el Enterprise se escondió de los sensores de Narada usando la distorsión magnética de los anillos de Saturno, mientras transportaba a Spock y Kirk a bordo de la nave romulana antes de que su taladro pudiera activarse. Sin embargo, el dúo no pudo ser rescatado ya que el taladro se encendió poco después de su llegada. Luego, Kirk rescató a Pike , mientras Spock tomo la Medusa y la usó para destruir el taladro.

Spock then warped out of the system, with Nero pursuing. Spock set a collision course, and Nero launched his remaining missiles to defend the Narada . Unexpectedly, the Enterprise then warped in, firing phasers full spread, destroying the missiles, and allowing Spock to continue. Shortly before impact, Spock, Kirk, and Pike were beamed out by Scott onto the Enterprise .

USS Enterprise pulled in

El Enterprise a Maximo Warp lucha para evitar ser engullido por el Hoyo Negro

El impacto encendió la materia roja a bordo de la Jellyfish, creando un agujero negro que provocó que la Narada se quedara atascada. Cuando Kirk ofreció ayuda, Nerón se negó, diciendo que "sufriría la muerte de Romulus mil veces" y que "preferiría morir en agonía que recibir la ayuda de la Federacion".

Kirk reconoció la negativa y el Enterprise apuntó con todos sus fáseres y torpedos de fotones al Narada, disparó contra el barco y lo hizo estallar en pedazos, provocando que el enorme barco colapsara y fuera arrastrado hacia el agujero negro. Durante el intento de escapar de la gravedad del agujero negro, el Enterprise también casi fue arrastrado hacia el agujero negro, incluso a través de la deformación. Sin embargo, la nave se salvó cuando el núcleo warp de la nave fue expulsado y detonado; la onda de choque resultante impulsó al Enterprise a un lugar seguro.

Tras la exitosa misión del Enterprise, Pike fue ascendido a almirante y Kirk fue asignado al mando del Enterprise como su relevo. Posteriormente, Kirk eligió a Spock como su primer oficial. ( Star Trek (film) )

El Enterprise sale del mar de Nibiru

En 2259, el Enterprise fue enviado a estudiar el planeta Nibiru cuando la tripulación descubrió que una erupción volcánica extinguiría a los primitivos nibiranos. Kirk estacionó el Enterprise bajo el agua donde el y un grupo de comando iniciaron una mision para estallar una bomba criogenica en el volcan, todo salio bien hasta que Spock quedo atrapado en el volcan y decidio sacrificarse para activar la bomba, el Enterprise no podia teletransportarlo por estar bajo el agua y la tormenta volcanica, a pesar de las protestas de Scott, Kirk ordena exponer el barco a los nativos para transportar a Spock fuera del volcán antes de que detone el dispositivo de fusión fría que colocó.

Después de aparecerse a los nativos, en violación de la Primera Directiva, los nibiranos dibujaron un boceto del Enterprise en el suelo y comenzaron a adorar el barco como a una deidad. Al regresar a la Tierra, Kirk fue degradado, pero Pike convenció al almirante Marcus para que le permitiera nombrar a Kirk como su primer oficial.

El Enterprise da un salto warp despues de la mision de Nibiru

Caza de "John Harrison" [ ]

Esa noche, durante una reunion de emergencia del Comando de la Flota Estelar, el agente rebelde John Harrison atacó el Cuartel General de la Flota Estelar para asesinar al Almirante en Jefe Alexander Marcus , causando un caos en el lugar y matando a varios mandos de la Flota incluyendo Pike. Marcus le dio permiso al vengativo Kirk para llevar el Enterprise a Qo'noS , donde Harrison había huido, al Enterprise se le dio 72 torpedos avanzados para usarlos contra Harrison. El ingeniero jefe Scott protestó por la carga de los torpedos de fotones a bordo del Enterprise sin tener la oportunidad de examinarlos y ofreció su renuncia, que Kirk aceptó. Chekov fue designado como reemplazo de Scott.

USS Enterprise and USS Vengeance face off

El Enterprise y el Vengeance cara a cara

Tras un choque en Qo'nos, Harrison se dejo capturar y fue llevado al calabozo. Harrison se mostró reticente sobre sus motivos, pero sugirió que Kirk examinara los torpedos que le dio Marcus y también le dio un conjunto de coordenadas, que el capitán envió a Scott para que las investigara.

La hija de Marcus, Carol Marcus y McCoy abrieron un torpedo y descubrieron que contenía a un hombre en estasis criogénica. Harrison reveló que en realidad era Khan Noonien Sing y los torpedos retuvieron a sus compañeros Aumentados, con quienes Marcus lo había amenazado para que cooperara. Antes de hablar mas, Marcus llegó en el USS Vengeance y exigió que Kirk entregara a Khan, pero Kirk se negó, con la intención de exponer la conspiración llevando a Khan a juicio en la Tierra.

El Vengeance ataca al Enterprise en warp

Antes de poder llegar a la Tierra, el Vengeance alcanzó al Enterprise en warp y disparo con su arsenal dañando severamente una gondola warp, el casco del cuerpo, dos sectores del platillo y colapso el nucleo warp del Enterprise que quedo varado cercas de la Tierra. Marcus transportó a su hija antes de prepararse para eliminar a todos los demás testigos de su complot, pero Scott, que se había subido sigilosamente a bordo del Vengeance en las coordenadas dadas por Khan, desactivó temporalmente sus armas. Kirk y Khan se pusieron trajes propulsores para partir por el espacio desde el Enterprise hacia el Vengeance, mientras Spock ordenó a McCoy que retirara los tubos criogénicos de los torpedos tras recibir una advertencia del Spock Prime

A bordo del Vengeance, Khan mató al almirante Marcus y exigió a Spock que le entregara los torpedos con sus compañeros a cambio de Kirk, Scott, Carol y la seguridad del Enterprise. Tan pronto fueron teletransportados, Khan ataco con el arsenal del Vengeance al Enterprise, Spock previniendo algo asi, exploto los torpedos que ya no tenian los tubo criogenicos con los demas aumentados. El daño infligido provocó que ambas naves se precipitaran hacia la Tierra: los motores de la Vengeance quedaron comprometidos mientras que el núcleo warp del Enterprise se desalineó, provocando pérdida de potencia y propulsión. Mientras la nave caía en picado hacia la Tierra, tras una travesia por la nave, Kirk realineó el núcleo warp de la nave a pesar de la advertencia de Scott sobre los altos niveles de radiación.

El Enterprise sin energia cae a la Tierra

Gracias a esto, el Enterprise logro tener energia para encender sus gondolas y propulsores sub-luz que detuvieron su caida libre a la Tierra, salvando a la nave y la tripualcion.

Mision de Cinco Años [ ]

USS Enterprise's upgraded impulse drive

Las gondolas del Enterprise se preparan para entrara velocidad warp

En 2260, después de casi un año de reparaciones, la Enterprise fue rebautizada y reacondicionada para convertirse en la primera nave espacial en embarcarse en una misión de cinco años de exploración inexplorada del espacio profundo.

Durante su misión de cinco años, el Enterprise hizo una parada en Thasus y recogió un suministro de brandy saurio. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Mision en Teenax [ ]

En 2263, casi tres años después de su misión de cinco años, el Enterprise visitó el planeta Teenax, donde el Capitán Kirk tenía la tarea de negociar la paz entre los Teenaxi y los Fibonanos. Después de esa misión fallida, el Enterprise viajó a la Mega Base Estelar de Yorktown para reabastecerse. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Viaje Final [ ]

Vease en: Batalla de Altamid

USS Enterprise at Yorktown

El Enterprise en fila para entrar al 2263

A las pocas horas de haber atracado, la Enterprise fue comisionada para atravesar la Necro Nube que estaba en cercanias de Yorktown para llegar a Altamid, donde segun Kalara, su nave con su tripulación habia caido. La Enterprise con sus sitemas de navegacion y escaneres mas avanzados de la Flota logro atravesarlo y llego a Altamid. Al llegar a orbita del planeta y inicio los escaneos planetarios.

USS Enterprise alt, 2263

La Enterprise en la Necro Nube

El Enjambre empieza a impactar al Enterprise

Pero tambien se detecto una nave gigante desconocida que avanzaba hacia ellos, no hubo comunicaciones pero si se detecto una especie de sonda/sumbido de baja frecuencia que estaba escaneando a la Enterprise, rapidamente el Capitan Kirk ordeno Alerta Roja y la gran nave se fragmento en miles de naves enjambre que se avalanzaron hacia el Enterprise. La Enterprise lanzo todo su armamento, bancos faser y misiles de foton avanzados, pero eran tantas naves que el daño al enjambre era minimo y los misiles eran evadidos y ninguno daban en el blanco.

El Enjambre llego al Enterprise y varias ramas empezaron a impactar en la nave, destruyendo sus bancos faser y antena principal, Kirk ordeno un salto warp de emergencia, pero al ver que el Enterprise se preparaba para saltar , dos ramas del enjambre se impactaron en las conecciones de las gondolas warp a la nave y las desconectaron, provocando un colpaso del nucleo y que quedaran varados.

Ante esto se activo el Protocolo de Asalto y la tripulacione entro en acciones de combate. Naves enjambre se empezaron a estrellar en el cuello y platillo del Enterprise donde solto decenas de droides enjambre que empezaron tiroteos con la tripulacion de la nave con fuertes bajas en ambos lados. Manas y Krall, este ultimo el lider del ataque entraron en la nave, Manas dirigia el ataque y Krall llego los Archivos del Enterprise y tomo el Abronath, una arma que el buscaba. Spock vio todo y se lo comunico al puente mientras era perseguido por los droides.

Oficiales del Enterprise toman posiciones para enfrentar a los droides de Krall

El Enjambre da el golpe final al Enterprise

Kirk y otros dos oficiales acudieron a interceptar a Krall, mientro Scotty hacia lo imposible para recuperar energia para la Enterprise. En el tiroteo solo Kirk y Krall quedaron en pie, pero este ultimo se habia sobrepuesto a Kirk, en ese momento Soctty logro reiniciar el nucleo y dar energia a la nave, rapidamente Sulu ordeno que los motores sub-luz a maxima potencia para regresar a la Necro Nube, dando tiempo a Kirk a escapar con el Abronath. Krall viendo esto ordeno un ataque fulminante, filas y filas de naves enjambre alcanzaron al Enterprise y se estrellaron repetidamente en su cuello logrando separar el platillo y el cuerpo. Dando la estocada final a la Enterprise que ahora sin energia de reserva estaba siendo atraida al planeta.

Kirk ordeno la evacuacion de los sobrevivientes y con apoyo de Uhura separo el platillo del cuello restante para obtener energia para la evacuacion, pero Uhura se quedo atras con Krall para salvar a Kirk. El puente fue asaltado y en un corto tiroteo los asaltantes fueron eliminados. Sin posibilidades de salvarse tambien iniciaron a evacuar el puente. En la caida del platillo al planeta dejaron de ser seguidos por el enjambre que capturaron a todos menos a Kirk, Chekov y Kalara. El platillo del Enterprise cayo en un valle quedando inclinado incrustado en el suelo. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Ultima vista [ ]

Kirk, Chekov y Kalara en un intento de buscar ayuda y encontrar a los oficiales secuestrados por Krall regresaron al Enterprise.

El Enterprise antes de impactar en el suelo vista por Kirk

USS Enterprise wreck on Altamid

Kirk y Chekov ven al platillo del Enterprise tras su impacto

Pensando que obtendria ya el Abronath oculto por Kirk, esta se develo como traidora, aun que Kirk y Chekov se le habian adelantado y la habian engañado, el Abronath no estaba en la Enterprise. Un grupo de droides llegaron y emepezaron una persecucion contra los oficiales de la Flota Estelar. Sin salida al borde de la sala de maquinas, Kirk disparo a los controles para encender los propulsores del platillo, lo que les dio tiempo de escapar al puente seguidos por Kalara y sus droides mientras el platillo del Enterprise empezaba a levantarse. Kirk y Chekov lograron saltar del puente y deslizarse hasta el suelo y escapar, Kalara y sus droides fueron aplastados por el platillo cuando este termino por darse la vuelta en su eje y terminar estampándose en el suelo de forma invertida, siendo la ultima vez que seria vista PERO POR LA PVTA MADRE QUE CINE Y QUE TRUSTE VER ESTO DE NUEVO. ( Star Trek Beyond )

USS Enterprise Saucer, alternate reality

Ultima vista del platillo del Enterprise tras darse vuelta en si

Construccion del USS Enterprise-A en los Astilleros de Yorktown

Como buena nave insinea de la Flota Estelar, semanas despues de la Batalla de Altamid , en los Astilleros de Yorktown iniciaron la construccion del nuevo y mejorado USS Enterprise-A , uma delicia.

Informacion de Contexto [ ]

En el guión de Star Trek, el Enterprise, en su estado listo para su lanzamiento, era referido como "milagroso" y "la reina de la flota". Al final del guión, la nave fue descrita además como "la nave estelar más grande jamás construida". [2]

USS Enterprise in Sledgehammer

Vista del Enterprise en la Cancion de "Sledgehammer" de Rihanna

Para su aparición en Star Trek Beyond, Sean Hargreaves reacondicionó el Enterprise. Según Hargreaves, el rediseño consistió principalmente en modificaciones proporcionales, incluida la colocación de las góndolas warp más separadas y el barrido hacia atrás de los pilones warp para retirar los motores del borde del platillo.

El Enterprise revisado apareció en el vídeo musical de la canción "Sledgehammer", el sencillo de Star Trek Beyond de Rihanna .

Apocrypha [ ]

STCTD-USS Enterprise alternate reality 2230s

El diseño orginal del Enterprise en el Universo Kelvin

Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness, número 2 muestra que el Enterprise tuvo otro predecesor después del Enterprise NX-01 en la realidad alternativa. Esta nave estuvo en servicio desde, al menos, el año 2239, durante el cual estuvo bajo el mando de Robert April (β) de la realidad alternativa, quien abandonó la nave y desapareció durante ese mismo año. Posteriormente, el barco fue dado de baja en 2257. Según la biografía de la aplicación de la película Star Trek, Christopher Pike fue nombrado capitán de este USS Enterprise (β) en 2254.

El juego de batalla de cartas coleccionables virtuales de 2013 Star Trek: Rivals tiene el USS Enterprise como tarjeta número 108.

El Enterprise, o más bien la clase Constitución de realidad alternativa, está disponible como un barco jugable en Star Trek Online con el lanzamiento del paquete de expansión Agents of Yesterday, a través de jugadores que abren cajas de seguridad Kelvin Timeline en el juego que tienen la posibilidad de tener el barco. adentro. Se le conoce en el juego como "Crucero de comando pesado Kelvin Timeline". Los jugadores del juego, que interpretan a capitanes de naves estelares en el universo "principal", también participan en misiones que visitan la realidad alternativa, interactuando con la nave clase Constitución USS Yorktown (β) y el miembro de la tripulación 0718.

La clase Constitución de la realidad alternativa es significativamente más grande que la versión de la línea de tiempo principal, y es a la vez más larga y "más alta" que una nave de clase Galaxia del universo principal. Las referencias en el juego afirman que gracias al rápido desarrollo de la tecnología militar en la realidad alternativa, sus armas y otros sistemas son comparables a los utilizados por las naves estelares del universo principal a principios del siglo 25, a pesar de haber sido desarrollados más de un siglo "antes".

La serie de cómics Star Trek: Boldly Go reveló que la tripulación del Enterprise tomó caminos diferentes mientras se construía el USS Enterprise-A. James Kirk recibió el mando temporal del USS Endeavour (β) con Leonard McCoy y Pavel Chekov uniéndose a él. Spock y Nyota Uhura se ausentaron de la Flota Estelar y vivieron en Nuevo Vulcano con Spock, concentrándose en la construcción de una nueva Academia de Ciencias de Vulcano. Montgomery Scott dividió su tiempo entre supervisar la construcción del Enterprise-A y enseñar en la Academia de la Flota Estelar. Hikaru Sulu fue ascendido a teniente comandante y asignado al USS Concord (β) como primer oficial bajo el mando de Clark Terrell (β).

Links Externos [ ]

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701 Universo Kelvin) en Memory Beta

IDW Kelvin Universe

Back to Story Count

  • Countdown, Part One
  • Countdown, Part Two
  • Countdown, Part Three
  • Countdown, Part Four
  • Nero, Part One
  • Nero, Part Two
  • Nero, Part Three
  • Nero, Part Four
  • Where No Man Has Gone Before, Part One
  • Where No Man Has Gone Before, Part Two
  • The Galileo Seven, Part One
  • The Galileo Seven, Part Two
  • Operation: Annihilate, Part One
  • Operation: Annihilate, Part Two
  • Vulcan's Vengeance, Part One
  • Vulcan's Vengeance, Part Two
  • The Return of the Archons, Part One
  • The Return of the Archons, Part Two
  • The Truth About Tribbles!, Part One
  • The Truth About Tribbles!, Part Two
  • The Redshirt's Tale
  • Keenser's Story
  • Mirrored, Part One
  • Mirrored, Part Two
  • Countdown to Darkness, Part One
  • Countdown to Darkness, Part Two
  • The Voice of a Falling Star
  • Countdown to Darkness, Part Three
  • Countdown to Darkness, Part Four
  • Red Level Down
  • After Darkness, Part One
  • After Darkness, Part Two
  • After Darkness, Part Three
  • The Khitomer Conflict, Part One
  • Khan, Part One
  • The Khitomer Conflict, Part Two
  • Khan, Part Two
  • The Khitomer Conflict, Part Three
  • Khan, Part Three
  • The Khitomer Conflict, Part Four
  • Khan, Part Four
  • Parallel Lives, Part One
  • Khan, Part Five
  • Parallel Lives, Part Two
  • I, Enterprise, Part One
  • I, Enterprise, Part Two
  • Lost Apollo, Part One
  • Lost Apollo, Part Two
  • The Q Gambit, Part One
  • The Q Gambit, Part Two
  • The Q Gambit, Part Three
  • The Q Gambit, Part Four
  • The Q Gambit, Part Five
  • The Q Gambit, Part Six
  • Behemoth, Part One
  • Behemoth, Part Two
  • Eurydice, Part One
  • Eurydice, Part Two
  • Eurydice, Part Three
  • The Tholian Webs, Part One
  • The Tholian Webs, Part Two
  • Green Lantern: The Spectrum War, Part One
  • Deity, Part One
  • Green Lantern: The Spectrum War, Part Two
  • Deity, Part Two
  • Green Lantern: The Spectrum War, Part Three
  • Live Evil, Part One
  • Green Lantern: The Spectrum War, Part Four
  • Live Evil, Part Two
  • Green Lantern: The Spectrum War, Part Five
  • Live Evil, Part Three
  • Green Lantern: The Spectrum War, Part Six
  • Starfleet Academy, Part One
  • Reunion, Part 1
  • Starfleet Academy, Part Two
  • Reunion, Part 2
  • Starfleet Academy, Part Three
  • Legacy of Spock, Part One
  • Starfleet Academy, Part Four
  • Manifest Destiny, Part One
  • Legacy of Spock, Part Two
  • Starfleet Academy, Part Five
  • Manifest Destiny, Part Two
  • Legacy of Spock, Part Three
  • Manifest Destiny, Part Three
  • Manifest Destiny, Part Four
  • Legacy of Spock, Part Four
  • Connection, Part One
  • Connection, Part Two
  • Boldly Go, Part One
  • Boldly Go, Part Two
  • Boldly Go, Part Three
  • Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Part One
  • Boldly Go, Part Four
  • Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Part Two
  • Boldly Go, Part Five
  • Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Part Three
  • Boldly Go, Part Six
  • Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Part Four
  • Murder at Babel, Part One
  • Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Part Five
  • Murder at Babel, Part Two
  • Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds, Part Six
  • Welcome to New Vulcan!
  • Whom God Destroys, Part One
  • Whom God Destroys, Part Two
  • IDIC, Part One
  • IDIC, Part Two
  • IDIC, Part Three
  • IDIC, Part Four
  • IDIC, Part Five
  • IDIC, Part Six

Comic Adaptations

  • Star Trek, Part One
  • Star Trek, Part Two
  • Star Trek, Part Three
  • Star Trek, Part Four
  • Star Trek, Part Five
  • Star Trek, Part Six

Comic Stories

  • Star Trek #400
  • Meanwhile...

universo kelvin star trek

"What Is Happening?": Is Whoopi Goldberg In The Next Star Trek Movie?

  • Whoopi Goldberg's possible return to Star Trek was teased by Joy Behar during Zoe Saldaña's appearance on The View.
  • Uncertainty regarding Goldberg's involvement in the next Star Trek movie creates confusion during the exchange.
  • The exchange on The View hints at Goldberg's potential role in Star Trek 4, leaving fans wondering about her return.

Is Whoopi Goldberg going to be in the next Star Trek movie? Zoe Saldaña's recent appearance on The View raised the possibility, but also created confusion about Whoopi returning to Star Trek . An Academy Award winner, Whoopi Goldberg played Guinan on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Picard. Goldberg appeared in two Star Trek movies as Guinan, 1994's Star Trek Generations and 2002's Star Trek: Nemesis .

Zoe Saldaña and her husband, Marco Perego, appeared on The View to promote their new film, The Absence of Eden . When The View co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin asked Saldaña about the possibility of the long-delayed Star Trek 4 happening, Zoe asked her fellow Star Trek actor Whoopi if she was "excited" , which then prompted this exchange with Joy Behar that raised the question whether Whoopi Goldberg "got the job" in another Star Trek movie :

Zoe Saldaña: Are you excited? Whoopi Goldberg: Maybe, just a little. Zoe Saldaña: Just a little, right? Just a little. Joy Behar: Don’t tip your hand yet. Whoopi Goldberg: Say what now? Joy Behar: Don’t tip your hand yet. Don’t tell them you got the job yet. Whoopi Goldberg: Okay. Joy Behar: Did you get the job? Zoe Saldaña: (gasps) For Star Trek? Oh my god! Whoopi Goldberg: What is happening right now?… I have no other work. I’m trying to get home to Sardinia. Alyssa Farah Griffin: Do you have it or doesn't you? Whoopi Goldberg: I don’t know!

You can watch the exchange in the video below starting at the 8:39 time stamp:

Zoe Saldaña also told The View that she "would love" t o play Lt. Uhura again in Star Trek 4 :

I just found out simultaneously with you guys that they hired a new writer [Steve Yockey] and they’re working on a fourth script. I would love to go back. It was a wonderful experience getting to incarnate these characters as part of such a legendary show that marked people’s lives, and it continues to do that. And I love to be in space, you guys. I love [Uhura], don’t get me wrong, but I love to be in space.

Star Trek 2009 Cast & Character Guide

What is happening with the next star trek movie, there are two movies whoopi goldberg could possibly appear in..

Whether or not Whoopi Goldberg has a role in the next Star Trek movie is unclear, and the confusing conversation on The View could have just been much ado about nothing blown out of proportion. However, if Goldberg does reprise Guinan or plays a new character, there are two different Star Trek movies in development at Paramount that the Oscar winner could appear in. The long-delayed Star Trek 4, which would reunite the USS Enterprise cast led by Chris Pine and includes Zoe Saldaña, has a new screenwriter in Steve Yockey. Produced by J.J. Abrams, Star Trek 4 is "the final chapter" of the Enterprise crew of the alternate Kelvin Timeline.

Theoretically, Goldberg could appear in either new Star Trek movie as Guinan.

At CinemaCon, Paramount officially announced an Untitled Star Trek Origin movie directed by Toby Haynes ( Star Wars: Andor ), which is targeting a 2025 theatrical release. Haynes' origin is set "decades before" J.J. Abrams' Star Trek (2009), and it could very well be a prequel to both Star Trek timelines, Prime and Kelvin. Theoretically, Goldberg could appear in either new Star Trek movie as Guinan since the extremely long-lived El Aurian made her home on Earth for decades. There could also be a version of Guinan in Star Trek 's Kelvin timeline. While Whoopi Goldberg may be keeping a potential Star Trek movie role close to the vest, like everything about the next Star Trek theatrical movies, fans won't believe it until they are sitting in a theater watching it.

Source: The View

Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness, and Star Trek Beyond are streaming on Paramount+

Studio(s) Paramount

Distributor(s) Paramount Pictures

Writers Steve Yockey

Cast Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, John Cho

Franchise(s) Star Trek

prequel(s) Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Beyond

"What Is Happening?": Is Whoopi Goldberg In The Next Star Trek Movie?

Screen Rant

Star trek origin movie officially announced by paramount for 2025 release.

Paramount Pictures officially announces the next Star Trek movie at CinemaCon, which will arrive in movie theaters in 2025.

  • Paramount Pictures announces new Star Trek movie for 2025, directed by Toby Haynes and written by Seth Grahame-Smith.
  • Chris Pine-led Star Trek 4 remains in development, while the new film is an origin story set decades before Abrams' 2009 movie.
  • Alongside the Star Trek origin movie, Paramount reveals a packed slate of exciting films for 2025-26 at CinemaCon in Las Vegas.

Paramount Pictures officially announces the next Star Trek movie, which is scheduled to arrive in theaters in 2025. As reported in January, the next Star Trek movie isn't the long-delayed, Chris Pine-led Star Trek 4 produced by J.J. Abrams, which remains in development at Paramount. Rather, the next Star Trek movie is an origin story directed by Toby Haynes ( Star Wars: Andor ) and written by Seth Grahame-Smith (A braham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter ).

Screen Rant' s Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) is at CinemaCon in Las Vegas where Paramount Pictures confirmed the next Star Trek movie , currently called Untitled Star Trek Origin Story , to be released in 2025. J.J. Abrams is also producing Untitled Star Trek Origin Story, which takes place decades before Abrams' Star Trek 2009 movie. See Rob Keyes' Tweet below:

Paramount also confirmed Untitled Star Trek Origin Story will begin production later this year for theatrical release in 2025.

Every Upcoming Star Trek Movie & TV Show

Star trek's new movies in theaters and paramount plus explained, star trek is finally making movies again.

After nearly a decade, Star Trek i s back to making movies. Star Trek on Paramount+ has created a television renaissance for the franchise, but the theatrical side of Star Trek overseen by Paramount Pictures has languished in development hell since Star Trek Beyond bowed in the summer of 2016. Toby Haynes' Untitled Star Trek Origin Story is yet another prequel, but as it's said to be set decades before Star Trek 2009, it could very well be set after Star Trek: Enterprise 's mid-22nd century voyages but otherwise be an origin story for both Star Trek 's Prime and alternate Kelvin timelines .

Meanwhile, J.J. Abrams' Star Trek 4 , which is the "final chapter" of the USS Enterprise crew led by Chris Pine's Captain James T. Kirk and Zachary Quinto's Spock, has seen some movement with a new screenwriter, Steve Yockey ( The Flight Attendant ), tackling the long-delayed sequel. Pine and his fellow Star Trek actors, including Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, and Sofia Boutella, have all expressed their eagerness to return if Star Trek 4 can come together.

It's a positive sign that Star Trek movies are finally coming back.

Paramount+ is making their own Star Trek movies, with the recently-wrapped Star Trek: Section 31 awaiting a release date. Starring Academy Award-winner Michelle Yeoh, Section 31 i s the first made-for-streaming Star Trek movie, and it is reportedly set during Star Trek 's "lost era" with connections to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Section 31 could get a sequel if successful, and the Star Trek: Picard spinoff dubbed Star Trek: Legacy may also become a streaming movie instead of a series. However all this shakes out, it's a positive sign that Star Trek movies are finally coming back.

Source: Rob Keyes Twitter


  1. La línea Kelvin en el universo Star Trek

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  2. Star Trek USS Kelvin Wallpapers

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  3. Star Trek Trilogy: The Kelvin Timeline [Blu-ray]: DVD et Blu-ray

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  4. The Art of Star Trek: The Kelvin Timeline @ Titan Books

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  5. Star Trek USS Kelvin Wallpapers

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  6. New Kelvin Universe Star Trek Movie Announced

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  1. The Cosmic Journey with Exploring Stellar Evolution and the Intriguing Life Cycle of Stars

  2. Why the Kelvin Star Trek Films FAILED

  3. Kelvin Fans #startrek #trekkies #startrekmovie #comedy #shorts #chrispine #ussenterprise

  4. Star Trek Online Kelvin time line enterprise

  5. STAR TREK ONLINE kelvin timeline kirk

  6. STAR TREK ONLINE kelvin timeline kirk


  1. Star Trek: Kelvin Timeline explained

    The Kelvin timeline, or "alternate universe Trek", creates a new environment in which the events of the more recent Star Trek films (Star Trek, Into Darkness, Beyond) won't contradict those that ...

  2. The Star Trek Kelvin Timeline Explained

    The story of Star Trek 's Kelvin timeline began in the Prime Star Trek universe in the 2380s, when it became clear that the Romulan sun presented a major danger not just to the Romulan Star Empire ...

  3. Kelvin timeline

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. The Kelvin timeline or alternate reality was a parallel universe created in the year 2233 with the temporal incursion of the Narada, a Romulan civilian mining vessel under the command of Nero, from the year 2387. The alternate reality differed from the primary reality in a number of capacities...

  4. Prime, Kelvin, or something else

    In the beginning, there was just Star Trek, now referred to as The Original Series (or TOS). That's the Prime timeline - along with the Mirror Universe (the evil dimension where everyone's bad ...

  5. J.J. Abrams Star Trek Universe Is The Kelvin Timeline

    The modern Star Trek films, which began in 2009, are officially dubbed the Kelvin Timeline in order to distinguish it from previous iterations. Fans of J.J. Abrams' filmography know that the director loves to pay tribute to his grandfather Henry Kelvin by mentioning him in his movies. Last year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens included "Kelvin ...

  6. How was the KELVIN TIMELINE Created In Universe?

    The Kelvin Timeline is the the set of films from JJ Abrams that started in 2009. Although these films, at first glance may just seem like a simple reboot, th...

  7. Star Trek's Kelvin Timeline Accomplished a Major Starfleet First

    The Kelvin timeline, which began with JJ Abrams's big-budget reimagining in 2009 and concluded with 2016's Star Trek: Beyond, helped change the face of the franchise.Thanks to time travel, a new Star Trek timeline was created, one that was not bogged down by almost 50 years of stories. The movies were all box office successes, and helped keep interest in Star Trek alive during the ...

  8. The Kelvin Timeline Films

    Star Trek 2009: A Traumatic Beginning. The Kelvin Timeline is a world born out of trauma. The film even begins with the attack on the U.S.S. Kelvin, resulting in a dramatic split between this timeline and the Prime Timeline of previous Star Trek stories. And our protagonist, James T. Kirk, is born amid this collective trauma, a survivor of something he doesn't remember yet still has ...

  9. Discovery Reveals Star Trek's Multiverse (Beyond The Mirror Universe)

    But Star Trek canonically existed in the Prime Universe along with the Mirror Universe as its dark offshoot until 2009, when J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movie introduced the alternate Kelvin Timeline. With that, Star Trek now had three canonical timelines, and Star Trek: Discovery season 3 even revealed a 24th-century time soldier named Yor made the ...


    A decade since it was announced, the first Star Trek novel set in the Kelvin Timeline finally beams onto novel readers' bookshelves this month.. Alan Dean Foster's The Unsettling Stars — previously announced under the titles Refugees and The Order of Peace — has finally been released ten years since it was pulled from planned publication.. At the time, it was rumored that Bad Robot ...

  11. My First Contact: How the Kelvin Universe Led Me Back to ...

    Years of thinking Star Trek was what anti-fans sometimes dismiss it as — odd plots, bad costumes, gender inequality, questionable scripts — gave way to a show that clearly had been made with talent and effort, even if time made somethings odd or awkward. Yes, sometimes my mother and I would share a look at some special effect that was laughable to modern audiences or groan when writing ...

  12. USS Kelvin

    The USS Kelvin (NCC-0514) was a Federation Kelvin-type starship operated by Starfleet during the 23rd century. In 2233, the Kelvin was under the command of Captain Richard Robau, while his first officer was Lieutenant George Kirk. During his time on the Kelvin, Kirk became the youngest first officer in Starfleet history. (SNW: "Lost in Translation") On stardate 2233.04, the Kelvin was on a ...

  13. Kelvan

    The Kelvans were an intelligent and rigidly disciplined non-humanoid species from the planet Kelva, located in the Andromeda Galaxy, and masters of the Kelvan Empire. Only a few Kelvans were known to have traveled to the Milky Way Galaxy. Described by Spock as "immense beings", Kelvans were in one form at least twice the size of an adult Klingon male. (DS9: "Time's Orphan") Their complex minds ...

  14. "Star Trek" By Any Other Name (TV Episode 1968)

    By Any Other Name: Directed by Marc Daniels. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, Warren Stevens. Galactic alien scouts capture the Enterprise for a return voyage and a prelude to invasion. Kirk's one advantage - they're not used to their adopted human form.

  15. How The 'Star Trek' Kelvinverse Movies Parallel Prime Trek

    In 2009, Director J.J. Abrams brought the Star Trek franchise back into the movie theaters, seven years after the final The Next Generation movie, Nemesis, ended The Next Generation era of films and four years after the last remaining Star Trek series on the air, Enterprise, ended abruptly after only four seasons.The first of the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek films, Star Trek (2009), was both a ...

  16. Star Trek and the birth of the Kelvin Timeline

    May 8 marks the 10 year anniversary since the birth of the Kelvin Timeline, so we take a look back at one of the best entries in the Star Trek filmography. In February 2007 J.J. Abrams , the man behind the hugely successful Lost and Alias TV series as well found footage creature feature Cloverfield , accepted an offer from Paramount to direct a ...

  17. Star Trek: Kelvin Timeline (IDW) Series by Roberto Orci

    26 primary works • 27 total works. Collected editions of the comic series published by IDW Publishing set in the Kelvin Timeline, in reading order. For the other Star Trek series by IDW: The Original Series, The Next Generation, Picard, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Discovery. More.

  18. Category:Kelvin timeline starships

    Starships from the Kelvin timeline. A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic ...

  19. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701 Universo Kelvin)

    El diseño orginal del Enterprise en el Universo Kelvin. Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness, número 2 muestra que el Enterprise tuvo otro predecesor después del Enterprise NX-01 en la realidad alternativa. Esta nave estuvo en servicio desde, al menos, el año 2239, durante el cual estuvo bajo el mando de Robert April (β) de la realidad ...

  20. Star Trek

    Star Trek is an American science fiction media franchise created by Gene Roddenberry, which began with the eponymous 1960s television series and became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon.Since its creation, the franchise has expanded into various films, television series, video games, novels, and comic books, and it has become one of the most recognizable and highest-grossing media franchises ...

  21. It looks like the prequel film will in fact be set in the Kelvin ...

    According to The Wrap, the film is in fact set in the Kelvin Timeline, and they note that before Star Trek was given to J.J. Abrams in 2009, there was a film in place to be made called Star Trek ...

  22. Star Trek: The Kelvin Timeline Should Be The New Mirror Universe

    Star Trek's Kelvin Timeline may be done on the big screen, but the franchise can still utilize the world of J.J. Abrams' films by making it a recurring alternate reality - just like the Mirror Universe.The Kelvin Timeline films - which take place outside of the continuity of all other Star Trek films and series - have seemingly met an abrupt end with Star Trek 4 being canceled, and Paramount ...

  23. Star Trek Comic List- IDW Kelving Universe

    List of rebooted Star Trek comics published by IDW Publishing.

  24. Star Trek 4 Has To Happen In 2026

    Star Trek 4 is still in development, but J.J. Abrams' sequel needs to make a 2026 release date to celebrate a huge Star Trek milestone. ... a movie continuation of the alternate Kelvin Timeline ...

  25. Anton Yelchin's Chekov Accent In Star Trek Was Inaccurate On Purpose

    This situation led to the creation of the Kelvin-verse, a "Star Trek" continuity that took place in a parallel timeline. The 2009 "Star Trek" movie featured the same ships and characters as the ...

  26. Star Trek 4 Has To Leave The Kelvin Timeline Behind

    By John Orquiola. Published Feb 21, 2022. Star Trek 4's best move would be to ditch the Kelvin Timeline and use sci-fi means to bring Kirk, Spock, and Enterprise into the Prime Universe. The best move Star Trek 4 could make is to leave the Kelvin Timeline behind and bring the Starship Enterprise and crew commanded by Captain James T. Kirk ...

  27. "What Is Happening?": Is Whoopi Goldberg In The Next Star Trek Movie?

    Haynes' origin is set "decades before" J.J. Abrams' Star Trek (2009), and it could very well be a prequel to both Star Trek timelines, Prime and Kelvin. Theoretically, ...

  28. Discovery Was Built On Earth Like USS Enterprise In J.J. Abrams' Star Trek

    However, the USS Discovery and the Kelvin Timeline USS Enterprise are still unique, because the majority of Star Trek's starships are built in space. Star Trek: Discovery was the first Star Trek show in 12 years, released after the three J.J. Abrams movies, which may account for season 1's reference to the Earth-based construction seen in Star ...

  29. Star Trek's Section 31 Are Becoming a Literal God-Level Villain

    Section 31 first appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's sixth season, in the episode "Inquisition."Created by Deep Space Nine's creative team to explore the darker sides of Federation life, Section 31 works to keep the Federation a paradise.However, their means are extreme. Section 31 has been responsible for assassinations and staging coups.

  30. Star Trek Origin Movie Officially Announced By Paramount For 2025 Release

    Paramount+ is making their own Star Trek movies, with the recently-wrapped Star Trek: Section 31 awaiting a release date. Starring Academy Award-winner Michelle Yeoh, Section 31 is the first made-for-streaming Star Trek movie, and it is reportedly set during Star Trek's "lost era" with connections to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Section 31 could get a sequel if successful, and the Star Trek ...