I realize you all are back together and just wanted to stated that I am so happy to have you guys together making the music to my life

i guess this is hello this time

Took me until 2022 to write something. Was going to say how great it was you went out the right way with an announced tour but now, you’re back, and that’s awesome too.

I realize I’ve taken an inordinately long time to post this, and I’m not really sure why. Perhaps life got in the way. Perhaps I didn’t want to accept that one of my all-time favorite bands was really gone. Whatever the reason, I’m here now.

Back in 2005, an ex-girlfriend introduced me to Yellowcard. I was immediately drawn to their sound not least because, a violinist myself, I thought it was super cool that a rock band had a violin as an integral part of its sound. It showed me that the instrument had more potential beyond stuffy concert halls and Nashville honky-tonks, and set the stage for artists that would follow in their footsteps.

Sure, I liked the band then, but they would become one of my all-time favorites during their second life starting in 2011. That’s when they released the album “When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes.” The second, third, and fourth tracks of that album struck such a personal chord that I felt like I could have written them myself. “For You, and Your Denial” told the story of a falling-out I had with a friend almost perfectly. “With You Around” was “our song” between me and another ex-girlfriend. “Hang You Up” mirrored another dynamic between a friend and I well. It’s for this reason that that album will always be among my favorites. Sure, the band had plenty of highlights…”Ocean Avenue,” “Back Home,” “Shrink the World,” “Here I Am Alive,” “Convocation.” I could go on. But “Say Yes” got me through some tough times, and I will love it till the end.

It’s been 2 years and 9 months since the final show in Anaheim. Every time I think about what I’d want to write on here, I’m still at a loss for words. I jokingly always tell people that the Yellowcard break up is the one thing I can’t get over from 2017, but, in fact, it’s the truth. Yellowcard has been there for me through every moment in my life: from small things, such as late night study sessions, to bigger things, like getting out of a toxic relationship or death in the family. Yellowcard has been there when I couldn’t open up to my friends while I was struggling to come to terms with my grandfather’s passing. They were there for me after long days of work when my students acted up and made my life a living heck (literally, they were there. I had a picture of them hung up on my wall beside my desk). They’re here for me now while I’m trying to hold back all the tears while writing this. Words cannot properly convey the impact they’ve had on me and so many others.

Although it still hurts to believe this is a goodbye (actually, I’m still in denial they’re broken up), I’m proud of how far they’ve all come since the last show. However, with all of the bands getting back together, I’m still holding onto hope that Yellowcard will announce a reunion tour again soon.

It’s 2018 now and i’m reminiscing on yellow card and i wanted to stop by and leave a message. Yellow card was from my home town Jacksonville so that’s pretty dope and they made some really dope music.

Over a year has past since the final show and I still wished it never did. It’s hard saying goodbye to something that meant the world to me and meant the world to tens of thousands of people world wide. I have so many memories of this amazing band, the amazing people beyond the band and the friendships I have built because of them. Here is my story…

Before Ocean Ave came out I started working for Capitol Records on the weekends and some nights. I was in 10th grade at the time, only 15 years old. I was a fan for almost 2 years already and it was amazing that one of my favorite bands was on the label I was working for. The sad day of 9-11 struck and I remember it being my last day of high school forever as I had my first panic attack from watching the towers fall from my high schools roof. Shortly thereafter I was given the opportunity to work full time helping promote Yellowcard in the NorthEast region of US. Traveling, going to concerts every night slinging those Yellowcard stickers to every concert goer and going into the countless record shops putting up CD stands, posters and other material. I was so proud to be doing that. It was the coolest job a 16 year old could ask for and hell I was even being paid! My fondest memory of that time was chouffered to Looney Tunes in Long Island to help set up an acoustic show they were going to be performing that evening. I was shy, I looked up to these guys, they were my idols. My girlfriend at the time and I loved the song October Nights and we made it our song. After that show the guys were signing autographs and I thought, heck wouldn’t it be awesome if I could get Ryan to write out the lyrics for October Nights. I got the courage to ask him and I awkwardly tried to pass Ryan $100 in crumbled up 10 dollar bills. He threw it back to me, said something cool and then wrote out those lyrics. She still has them 17 years later.

Fast forward 16 years… I was absolutely devastated when I learned that the band that I loved was breaking up….again. I knew it was real. I also knew I was growing up. I was getting married to the girl I had been with for 13 years and I knew I needed one last hurrah. I made it a point to make sure that my bachelor party was in Vegas for their final show there. I even brought my dad along for the ride so he could experience them for real instead of just hearing me rock out to them in the house or the car. We all got Yellowcard Tshirts from the concert and made it a point that we were going to wear them under our suits for the wedding. We have amazing wedding photos with our YC shirts hanging out. Google search it. What an amazing party we had in vegas!

November rolls around and they are playing in NY and NJ. In the middle of all the wedding chaos, which was less than 2 weeks away, my fiance and a friend drove to NJ to say our goodbye. It was an amazing show at Starland. Our friend has a 2 year old and on the ride over there we were all talking about having kids and growing up. I remember saying that I wished I had a kid and she replied, in due time when the time is right. Week and a half later I’m married and 3 weeks after that I find out my wife is pregnant. I’ll never forget that convo in the car to the show.

Low and behold I’m married now with a kid on the way and I remembered that I bought VIP tickets to their final 2 shows in LA and Anaheim. I was going to surprise my wife with them but because of the circumstances she wasn’t able to go and I just chalked it up to a few hundred bucks I’d never see again. I remember my wife telling me that I should go and not waste the tickets, that was on a Saturday. On Sunday I was asking people if they wanted to fly cross country for a few days. My business partner at the time agreed to go. By Monday night I was on the road driving to Los Angeles from NYC for what was my last hurrah before my son was born. Left Monday night and arrived in LA on Friday afternoon. It was a trip I would never forget. It defined me as a person. It gave me one last chance to say goodbye to the band I grew up idolizing. It gave me peace at heart. I was 31 years old living it up as if I was a teenager again. Buying thousands of dollars in merch and throwing it out into the crowd was my way of saying thank you. I didnt have any YC stickers to hand out and it only seemed fitting that I end it the way I started it. Promoting the band I loved.

Just like how the band will never know how much we still miss them to this day, we will still go on rocking out to their songs.

I could have written 20 more pages but I’ll stop.

I wish you all the best of luck in all your future endevours. I will support each and everyone of you all no matter what you guys have chosen to do. Thanks so much for the memories and for the lifetime of rocking out.

I’ve been avoiding doing this message for way too long because that last show meant the world to me and I’m so sad to see you go. It brought so many emotions out in me, reliving a huge chapter of my life that Yellowcard help me get through with your amazing music. I couldn’t thank you enough for being there and helping me rock my problems away to those beautiful tunes.. And to everyone who thinks you’re just Ocean Avenue, they have no idea what wonders they missed out on.

Yellowcard, my life will forever be changed because of your music. I will never forget listening to Ocean Avenue for the first time on a drive with my family in the car to Salt Lake City as a 14 year old boy. Your lyrics were my daily motivation in high school and part of the reason I picked up guitar. Later in life, I met a special lady. On our very first date, we learned Ocean Avenue together on the guitar. That date started the journey to marriage and many front row experiences at your concerts in The Complex and at the Warped Tour. Your gifts and talents are not only enjoyable to listen to, but have shaped my life into who I am today. Thank you for the many memories of albums, lyrics, music, and leaving songs that help us thrive from day to day. Best of luck to y’all, your families, and where ever life may take you. ”I heard a song playing, brought by the wind. I got myself lost and found you again.”

To think it has been a year since the final show.

The last three shows of the final tour was tough for me. There were so many tears shed. We all didn’t want to say goodbye, not here. Not now. People teased me about how sad I was about the announcement, how much of a fan I was, and how broken I was after the last show. But I disregarded it all. You guys got me through the hardest of times. “Everything is gonna be alright, be strong, believe.” And I’ll hold everything this band has given me close and dear to my heart.

I was ten years old at the time when I was first introduced to them on MTV. I’d watch the Ocean Avenue music video on YouTube on repeat for hours and days on end on my desktop while doing homework. For my eleventh birthday party, I even made all my friends sit on the couch and watch the Beyond Ocean Avenue – Live at the Electric Factory with me. Growing up, I followed their music, album after album, anxiously awaiting when I’d be able to see them live. When they annouced their hiatus, I was afraid I’d never be able to. Fast forward to Vans Warped Tour 2012. They announced that they’d be playing, and I recall that I was studying at my local Starbucks and I screamed and jumped for joy, startling customers, but happily purchased my ticket. I was finally going to see my all-time favorite band play, live.

I remember when I first met them at VWT I cried and vowed that every time they’d play in San Diego, California, that I’d go and see them perform. So, I went to every SD show after that and when I got my license, went to just about every SoCal show. I wasn’t able to travel farther than that like others (due to being as young as I was, money, school, work, etc) but hey, seventeen times isn’t too bad, although I wish I could have traveled with the friends I had made along the way through social media. I spent several of those shows on the barricade with those friends and loved ones, and I’ll never forget the memories we all made together, all thanks to you guys.

Thank you so much for all the love. You’re always in my heart.

Sincerely, Michelle Molina (@chellemolina)

Tomorrow it will have been a year since your last show, and I think I’m finally ready to write this. I’m trying to find out who I am without you as a part of me. In 2007 when tv stations still played music videos, a 13 year old girl from rural Nova Scotia paid attention to the band with a violin’s music video, and thought they were something special.

You’re so much more than just a band; it’s unfair to put that much weight on you, but here we are. You’ve introduced me to friends all over the country, continent, WORLD, and although it’s hard for me to admit I’ll never hold onto that barricade again, the people I’ve met through you I’m going to hold onto forever.

There’s so much wrapped into this band for me. Essentially my longest relationship, one of the main reasons I decided to go to school halfway across the country, ‘the band’. I’m from Nova Scotia. Bands like this don’t play, so I left.

There were no Canadian dates on the final tour. Instead of complaining, I started taking shifts left and right, and set alerts for flights. I did 14 dates on that final US tour, and your final two in California. There was no such thing as a hometown show, no venue that I saw you perform when I was younger; everybody had one except for me. I was a tourist in every city.

So many pivotal moments are wrapped up in you: 2012/11/16 at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia when Holly Wood Died started. In Jersey on the final tour where everyone was chanting and wouldn’t let you speak, wouldn’t let you finish, were so thankful they kept on screaming it; one of the most important nights you’ve spent on a stage. In Detroit where the venue started a red wings chant, in New York where Believe felt so heavy, yet so light at the same time. In Orlando on the Ocean Avenue date, where I pulled my friend through three rows of people to be up front, beside each other, together, for her last show; arms pressed together screaming I need you now, we’re miles apart, I’ll keep you deep inside.

You’ve introduced me to places, people, and experiences I wouldn’t have had, and for that, I thank you.

You say thank you, and I laugh to think how much (or little) of my money, both directly and indirectly, have gone to you, how much the CAD-USD exchange rate killed me. I say thank you because I do not think I would have left Nova Scotia. I don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t turn on the tv that day. I say thank you because the friends I’ve met because of you are some of the best, even if they’re all over the US, all over the world, and I have a couch to crash on because we started talking online, or in line at the show, or in the crowd between sets, or on the forums (remember those?).

13 year old me would never have thought I would end up seeing you 25 times, or that I would make it out to California for your final show with friends from all over 8 deep on barricade I never would have met if it wasn’t for you. Singing. Screaming. Crying. Holding hands, together. One last time. To others, you were a summer road trip hit; a band with a violin that wanted to leave this town and run forever. To me you were everything.

I won’t be with you, but I won’t be far away – this is goodbye.

– Meg (@megwinsor), love you forever.

I will always remember buying my first ever album, Ocean Avenue, and going to my first Yellowcard show, and wearing the hell out of my Yellowcard shirt.

I am so happy I was able to go to each of your shows every time you played in my city, and I am grateful for the few times I got to meet and hang out with you guys.

Thank you for all the memories, all the good times, and helping me get through the hardships of life.

Good luck to you all on the next chapter of your lives, whatever and wherever that may be!

You’ve changed my entire life and I couldn’t thank you enough for all the experiences you’ve enhanced my life with! I’ll always love you guys and you’ll live on with me forever, unfortunately only in sound. I will always miss you! <3

Thank you for all the wonderful memories that you’ve created the background music for. I remember the first time I heard the song Keeper. I was still in high school at the time and I had just thrown all your music onto my Ipod which I was using as an alarm clock ring. My friend shared with me my first and favorite album: Paper Walls, and since then I shared him all your latest ones and we got to see you in concert; for the first time and the last time. I’ll pass this music collection on so that Yellowcard lives on forever!

I’ve found it hard to put this into words, as shown by the fact that I’m writing this in 2018. Yellowcard has been my favorite band ever. I cried for 24 hours straight upon the breakup announcement, Your music has been where I go when I’m excited more than anything, extremely sad, and everything in between. Since the final tour, I’ve had a hard time listening to your music without absolutely breaking into tears. It’s still hard to believe that I won’t be making any new Yellowcard memories, but I will always cherish the memories I have. Thank you for everything.

I was 9 when I first heard you, “Way Away” on The O.C. Loved your sound so I followed your music throughout the years. In college, 2013-2017 I listened to you more than usual. My morning music to my studying music. I never felt more appreciative of your lyrics. I’ve seen you guys twice live, Lift A Sail and Farewell tour. Amazing! Btw Ryan if you’re down, would you play a song at my future wedding? (I’m serious, I’ll fly you out)

You may be done touring, but your CD’s will forever live in my .stereo. There is no better way to say how I feel than through your own words- You were inspiration When no one else believed You showed me strength in my skin That no one else could see Your music is all I need Breathe it in and I can see Canvasses behind my eyes All the colors of my life Thanks for the amazing music, Yellowcard. You have been and always will be the Soundtrack to these stories that I tell.

Your music has been part of the soundtrack to some of the best times of my life. I can’t express how much your songs mean to me. Meeting you guys during the final tour was an amazing experience! I’m so happy I got to hear my favorite songs live, one more time. Keep rocking out! “It’s always Summer, in my heart and in my soul.”

Yellowcard, thanks for giving me hope when everything falls apart. For giving me the biggest adventure of my life. Thanks for Telescope, Lift A Sail and The Hurt Is Gone. Thank you for everything. I miss you so much and it still hurts like hell, but I know everything will be alright. “So take hold of me and hang on ‘till the hurt is gone”

Still cant say how sad i am that the band that got me through so many hard times have split. Dont know where id be without your amazing music!! Yellowcard always xxx

I want to say thank you for being a huge part of my life for so many years. As a music lover, I love a lot of different bands and artists, but you have always been MY band. I always come back to your songs because those are the lyrics that resonate with me and relate to whatever I am feeling at the time. You gave me music that speaks the words I could never find. Thank you for also allowing me to create some of the best memories of my life at your shows. There is such an amazing energy and passion from the crowd and the band that I have never experienced anywhere else. To me, for those few hours the whole world stops and we are in our own Yellowcard world. Most importantly, thank you for following your dreams and passions to create something so amazing and sharing it with the world. While it has been bittersweet to say goodbye to Yellowcard, I know the appreciation for what you guys do will never die.

This band has been a huge influence on my life. Thank you for making music that speaks to so many. I wish you guys the best in everything else you do.

Meeting Yellowcard and sharing their last concert with my best friend was to be one of the best experiences in my life. Now I can officially check off meeting Yellowcard and seeing a concert in Detroit from my bucket list. Thank you Yellow card for all these memories. I will always remember this concert and will be a fan for life.

Yellow card will always have a place in my heart. In high school they were my go to band when I was having a rough day. When I saw them at warped tour it was a goal of mine to see them in concert. Seeing them on their final tour will be one of my absolute favorite memories. Thank you for all of your hard work and life changing songs!

Thank you, Yellowcard, for picking me up when I was down and pushing me through when times were hard. Every single record that you made helped me become the person that I am today. Yellowcard may be gone, but your music will live on forever, running though my veins for as long as I’m alive. You are, and always will be, the soundtrack to the stories that I’ll tell.

Yellowcard representa parte de nuestras vidas. Me inspiró y sigue inspirandome a tocar guitarra. Conocer a Yellowcard es hasta ahora una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido. Thanks for your music, I think there wont be another band that can use the violin as you guys did. Yellowcard will be in my heart Forever. Sean, Ryan, Josh and Ryan M, THANKS!! YC RIP. – G & K

It’s amazing how much music can fuse itself with pieces and memories or your life. Yellowcard was a big part of my soundtrack growing up, and I’m glad to have caught a few of the final shows to say goodbye. Thanks for the music and best of luck in your next endeavors!

Thank you. Thank you for singing the words that I always had trouble saying. Thank you for making me feel less alone in this world. l’ve never been good at goodbyes and therefore this won’t be one, because your music will live on, in me and someday in my children. Thank you for always being there.

For my 16th Birthday I received Ocean Avenue. It was a new album at the time and I had really fell in love with the song mainly because… Well… I was 16 and it felt so right, sleeping all day, staying up all night! The lyrics really appealed to my thoughts that I was an adult already and could run off and do what I wanted.

Over the many, many years since I’ve matured and so has the sound of YC. It’s always managed to fit into whatever life is throwing at me. I’ve loved every album but I never had the chance to see them live. When I heard that this was my last shot I spent every dime I had available to get VIP tickets to my closest show. It’s right there beside the birth of my son and meeting my wife as the best moments of my life. I know this is goodbye but just like losing a close friend or relative, life goes on. You have to just hold those memories close to get you through.

I could spend hours typing out my thoughts but it would be nothing you have not heard before. All I can say is Thank you! You will never be forgotten by me, I’ll keep your music running in my playlist until I’m old and I sound like the man in “Dear Bobbie”, and just like the song, when I die then I die loving you.

I don’t know how I can explain what this band means to me in just 65 words. My best friend introduced me to Yellowcard and brought me to see them for the very first time. . I have never seen such passion and excitement from musicians before. Each lyric and song means something and you can feel the emotion in each one. I am thankful to have been able to attend a concert during their final tour. Their music has helped me through some hard times and will continue to throughout my life. Thank you for everything 🙂

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the wonderful years of music. From being an Underdog back in the day to traveling all over these past two years to see you. I have so many great memories. I am so sad to see it all come to an end, but am forever grateful that I will always have the music and great memories. Thank you for being so kind to me the past couple of years. I am happy that I was able to fly to California to say goodbye and cry with you all on that last night. Much love, Christina (St. Louis, MO)

Yellowcard has always and will always be my favorite band. I’ve grown up listening to you and of course it’s bittersweet that it has to end. But this amazing group of guys has inspired whatever musical talent I have and I couldn’t be more thankful. I have found such happiness through your music and again it means the world to me. Thank you for being my favorite band. It’s been an amazing ride ❤️

I refuse to say goodbye to music that shaped the last 15 years of my life. Yellowcard will live on forever in my heart, my home, my car, my workplace, etc. I look forward to one day sharing this music with my children, passing it on to future generations. Again, it’s not over – Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 “Slow steady hands waving their last goodbye, They’ve come a long way They’ve carried me, they’ve carried me through waking dreams And soft whispered words echoing all this time, Speaking a strange tongue But somehow I have recognized it all along”

“Maybe someday I will see you again and you’ll look me in my eyes and call me your friend’ will always be my favorite line. All these years, your music have always been the only thing that gets through me. You and your music will live on forever.

A fist bump to each of you as I bid farewell to the best band ever, and thank you for rocking my world! \m/

It’s sad to see you guys go but I understand that you are human beings who have your own lives to lead. It was an honour to meet you all on your final tour. Take care of yourselves and continue to inspire and create!

I have never had to live in a world without Yellowcard before this year which has totally sucked, but I still will love them forever and nothing will ever change that. My older sister introduced them to me and I am so glad that I got to share that with her. It brought us closer. Thank you Yellowcard for bring me closer to my sister and always being there when I fall. You will always be my #1

From high school, to our wedding, to our first child, you guys and your music have been a constant in our lives! We are forever grateful for the music and amazing concerts you’ve given us over the years! It won’t be the same without you guys putting out awesome new records and coming to Orlando to do badass shows, but maybe one day you’ll surprise us all! I wish you all nothing but the best and thank you for all the memories!

Simply put, thank you for all you have done. Words cannot describe how awesome this entire adventure was.

Stay Positive.

Hey guys, I am finding it hard to find the words to express all that you have meant to me. I guess that is why I am so grateful that you have always found the words to speak to me. Your music has gotten me through some tough times, some lonely times and some of the best times. Thanks to you I have some amazing memories (not to mention a kick arse soundtrack to go with them). I will forever be grateful for your farewell tour and the chance to say goodbye properly (even if my hearing will never be the same). All my love.

I’ve been a big fan of Yellowcard for a long time, I remember being hearing Ocean Avenue on the radio in 2003 when it came out. Then I hadn’t really listened to them for a while til I saw them at Warped Tour in 2012. Since that show I’ve seen them so many times. Yellowcard will always be one of my favorite bands of all time. Gonna miss them.

It’s still not quite real that there will be no more Yellowcard. Your music got me through all of the ups and downs ever since I heard Ocean Avenue way back in 2003. Thank you all for being you and sharing your music with us.

Let me light up the sky Light it up for you Let me tell you why I would die for you

After 5 shows and 3 meet and greets, my favorite concert is still my very first YC show. It was for the Southern Air tour at the House of Blues in Chicago, I had been a fan for over five years before that and I couldn’t believe I was finally going to see you live. Even though I didn’t have meet and greet for that show, I found myself there 4 hours early. I proudly waited, first in line, I could hear the soundcheck from downstairs, I couldn’t stop smiling. Finally when we were allowed in I parked myself front and center on the barricade. Even though I didn’t get to meet you guys that day, it brought me so much joy that I was standing right in front of you, singing along with you, jumping and screaming with you. It was the most amazing feeling! Even though I have seen my last Yellocard show, I know I will always always have that memory. Thank you for being my favorite band <3

Yellowcard is like a pretty redhead in heels, there’s just nothing better.

Thank You. Thank you for helping me explore my highest highs and my lowest lows though 12 years and 7 shows, including one of your last shows in LA where I flew from Boston to see. Thank you for your music being there for me when no one else was. Thank you for teaching me about the phases of life and how to move forward despite the past that haunts us. And above all else, thank you for leaving one last emotion for me to explore: “Forgive each other for the things we haven’t done right”.

Thank You. Thank you for helping me explore my highest highs and my lowest lows for 12 years and 7 shows, including one of your last shows in LA where I flew from Boston to see. Thank you for your music being there for me when no one else was. Thank you for teaching me about the phases of life and how to move forward despite the past that haunts us. And above all us, thank you for leaving one last emotion for me to explore: “Forgive each other for the things we haven’t done right”.

I’ve been a huge fan from Ocean Avenue all the way till the end of the journey. Thanks for all the great music, great lyrics, and great memories. You’ll always be my go-to band for jamming out. Be Strong, Believe.

Every Yellowcard concert I have been to has taken me to a place of comfort, love, and given me a sense belonging. Your music will forever play in my heart, mind, and car CD player. Thank you for sharing the good and bad times with your fans. Your music has changed my life and millions of fans across the globe. Love you guys always!

Yellowcard, thank you for being part of life! Your music has helped me from middle school to today. You guys will always be my favorite band! I wish each and everyone of you guys good luck in the future! Thank you for gracing us with awesome music!

I listened to Yellowcard when I was too young to know what the songs meant but when I grew up you taught me what love is, what loss is, and how to get through it all. You were there when I needed something to hold on to but also helped me let go. Thank you for everything.

Your music literally saved my life. I’ve never been able to thank you in person. Thank you. No matter where you are in the world or where your careers take you, I am forever a fan and I will never stop listening to your music. Keep on rockin and livin and lovin. Love you guys <3

I remember when my brother Carleon introduced me to Yellowcard, and ever since then I’ve been completely hooked! Yellowcard, thank you, so much. Absolutely thrilled to have met these guys! Ocean Avenue was the soundtrack to my life growing up, wouldn’t change it for the world. Still one of my all-time favourite bands. Pretty damn amazing live too. Love you guys always – forever grateful! X

Yellowcard, THANK YOU! Thank you for the music and all of the memories you have given to the world. Your music was there from my adolescent years and will continue to be played throughout my lifetime. Cheers and all the best for all of your futures! Forever Yellowcard!

You guys have made such a impact with your music! I am so glad to have heard yoy guys and see you live. I will continue to always play your music on repeat!

I wrote a poem using titles of Yellowcard songs. Although it falls short of how I truly feel, it is just a glimpse of how my heart has become empty with this loss. I’m grateful to have had a chance to say goodbye, but in my human nature, I feel greedy and want more.. I hope to find you all again some time in the near future. I wish I had more time to make it fancier but it’s the thought that counts LOL. Please enjoy – I miss you guys.

This awakening hides my shadows and regrets Miles apart through paper walls What appears as gifts and curses I feel Hollywood died under the surface of the sun.

Breathing in the southern air This transmission home is of a vicious kind Looking for a place to set afire I lift a sail to leave a light on

Heartbroken, you sing for me I long for lights and sounds with you around Yet I sleep in the snow way away An empty apartment where the hurt is gone

You are my only one I believe we will meet again on ocean avenue Rest in Peace

Thank you Yellowcard for being such a big part of my life! For 15 years you have given me music that makes me smile and speaks the words that I could never find for how I feel. Every concert was so full of energy and absolutely amazing! Those memories are some of my favorites and will stay with me always! Love you all!!!

Your songs have lifted my spirits whenever I was down, they guided me whenever I lost track in life and they wrote stories of moments I couldn’t put into words. It’s rare for a band to meet that trifecta, but when it comes to you guys, it’s easy. I’ll forever be grateful for everything. Thank you.

Thank god i made the trip from Sonora, Mexico just to watch you for your last time in Arizona, thank you for your music, god bless you!

What an amazing 20 years it has been. Yellowcard, you have always been my favorite band. I’m not sure who I’ll wait anxiously for a tour announcement from, or a new album announcement. I was heartbroken when you went on a hiatus after Paper Walls. I was 16 at the time, and was not allowed to see you in Milwaukee at the Rave that year as my parents decided that I was too young. You can understand my joy when the hiatus was lifted and you guys jumped on tour with All Time Low. That was the first live show of yours that I got to see, and it was amazing. I went with my twin sister, and we left after your small set. The bouncers, tried to stop us telling us that the show hadn’t started. To us, we had already gotten what we paid for. I saw you every time after that, when you came to Milwaukee. I don’t think I could pick a favorite show except for the farewell tour. I sprung for VIP passes with my sister, and it was so great to meet you all. I hope for nothing but continued success in your future projects and endeavors and I hope that our paths cross again in one way or another.

With love from Wisconsin,

Thank you! Thank you for the many years of amazing music, thank you for your ever evolving music. Thank you for saving my life, your music helped me battle my suicidal thoughts. My lyric tattoos remind me everyday to keep fighting. Thank you isn’t enough, but I am forever and always a Yellowcard fan.

The first song I ever heard was For Pete’s Sake in 2001. I was young and trying to find my way through life. It only took one song to make me a fan. And through the last 16 years the music you’ve created has gotten me through so much. Whether it was my first heartbreak, my wedding day, a deployment or even during 24 hours of labor. The music helped me through it all. I’ll forever be grateful for the happiness you’ve brought in my life with your music. This will always be my favorite band. Thank you for everything.

Thank you to Ryan and the whole band for helping me get through the passing of my father and other challenging moments in my life. Music can be a salvation and provide a layer hope, joy, sorrow and all ranges of emotion. You’ve made a difference in people’s lives. Your shows were always incredible including Ventura on the final tour. I hope we can continue to hear you all play music in some fashion.

You guys were there for me from falling in love for the first time when I was 12 years old to losing my mom to cancer with 22. It’s been 15 years since I’ve heard you for the first time and I still can’t get enough. I’ll forever be hoping for a reunion and even though this might never happen, I know I won’t be with you, but you won’t be far away. So, with all my heart, I want to say a huge THANK YOU. Words can’t ever express all the love I have for literally every single one of your songs and the whole band. You will always be the soundtrack to these stories that I tell. Thanks for teaching me how to be strong and believe. Yes, I miss you still. And probably always will. Saudades!

Words can’t express how much your music has done for me. You will always have a place in my heart.

You guys were always there when I needed Something stronger than me to Believe in

When I needed my Paper Walls to burn down When I told the world, “I am ready now”

You conquered the demons that lived in my mind And you saved me from myself a few times

It’s hard to say goodbye, it takes effort RIP Yellowcard, I love you forever

I’ve known about Yellowcard since middle school. Back then, they were just awesome music to listen to. Now, 6 years after graduating high school, there’s a substantially deeper meaning to some of those same songs I started out listening to. ‘When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes’ and ‘Southern Air’ got me through the death of my ex almost entirely on their own. There isn’t any other music that gets me so emotionally and at my core as well as what you’ve produced in the time I’ve been listening to you. I’ll miss listening to new Yellowcard songs, but I’ll always have the old ones to make me reminisce about happy times. I am beyond elated that I got to see you not once, but twice in the year before you disbanded. Regardless of the band being broken up, through your music you will live on in our hearts, and especially mine, forever.

I only heard about you in 2013 from my partner and went to your concert in 2015 (which were our first time), I had so much fun. I am glad I got to see your last show as well and I will miss you. I hope you guys have a beautiful future and hope you all do well ❤

There is an undescribable feeling that can be felt in music and at a show, You guys did that every time I listened to a song or went to a show. Its sad to think there will be no new music from you, but whenever I want to re-live those feelings, all I have to so is press play. Thank you for giving your lives that day…

Yellowcard has meant so much to me over the years helping me through the best and the worst of times. There are always lyrics I can look into in order to help me out. It’s sad to see it’s over. Thank you for it all. I wish them all the best with their next step in life.

In the past few years my best friend and I have made two crazy road trips to Seattle just to see one of our all time favorite bands (Yellowcard of course) rock. Thank you for your music and the memories you helped create.

Your last show was amazing! I’ve never been more proud of the band you’ve become over the years. My sister & I drove 6hrs to see you in person….we would do it again in a heart beat! 💕

Thank you for writing good music. Your songs literally defined both my life and my girlfriend’s roller coaster college life. When we got back together some two and a half years ago, your song Always Summer retold our story; that forgiveness will always be the key to finding your way back home…

Just want to say a massive thank you for your dedication to the fans over all the years. Your music has lifted me up through many low moments but also reminds me of many great memories. Forever my favorite band. You will forever be in our hearts. RIPYC

There’s so much I would love to say that 65 words are not enough. but I’ll do my best! I started writing my novel more than a year ago and if it weren’t for this incredible band I would never have found inspiration. Those incredibly romantic melodies and lyrics made my imagination fly and awakened creativity in me. I’m very sad because I will never hear anything new from them, but I have the beautiful and magnificent memory of having been at their last show. Thanks for everything guys! You will always have a very special place in my heart and for me, you’re a classical band, a cult and certainly you’re the definition of new millennium pop-punk..

Hello, I saw you guys perform at San Francisco and it was amazing. You guys are the best and have helped me get through hard times mentally. Thank you guys for making music for what feels like forever. Thank you for the best night ever. October 22 2016

Yellowcard past and present, thanks for your music, the memories, and your love and dedication. You were/are a part of my life and so many others, and am grateful for that. Thanks for the amazing tunes; you’ll live on forever!!! ROCK ONNNNNNNN

Yellowcard is the band that gets me out of my comfort zone, which gives me the guts to travel alone. The band that make me trust in myself and keep me always strong and help me to continue to believe that everything can get better, after the darkness, the sun shines again …

Yellowcard will naturally continue to be a part of my life. They will continue to take an important place in my mind and in my heart. I do not see my life without their music, it’s too important for me! ❤

Thank you for being in my life! ❤

Firstly, congratulations on this new chapter in your life! And as always, thank you. Thank you for all the smiles, tears, laughter, and perfect songs through the years.You were there for the wort years of my life; your music saved my life. We love you, we will miss you, but most of all we wish you luck! You’ll never really be gone. Yellowcard forever!

Thank you, Yellowcard, for including Hawaii in your final tour and for an unforgettable last concert. You’re one of my favorite bands (especially one with a kickass violinist) since middle school. I’m grateful to have your music in my life. I’m sad this is goodbye, but your music will live on. I’m excited for what the future holds for you all. Mahalo & good luck!

I have been a fan since Ocean Avenue! Never thought that my love would grow into having to road trip multiple times a year to see you guys play whenever I could! Have loved this crazy journey of yours and your music will live on!

Thank you Yellowcard for your music. It had made such a huge impact throughout my life. It also makes me feel how special I am inside and out. and I’m SO grateful. From junior to senior year of high school, I was isolated by my peers because of my learning disability. However, listening to “Here I am Alive”, and “Believe” made me realize that I am confident I can achieve my goals and dreams. I just have to be strong and believe in myself.. Now that I am in college, your music has brought such a huge change to my lifestyle in how I do things in a good and positive way. Like most fans, I am truly blessed and honored and so thankful I get to meet you all.! So kindhearted and talented! Thank you! ♥

Thank you for everything, Yellowcard. You’ve given me so much hope through the years. You’re the reason I believe again. I will never forget meeting you or singing at the top of my lungs at your shows. I will forever be grateful for you and your music. I wish you all the best in whatever the future holds. “We’ll be miles apart, I’ll keep you deep inside, you’re always in my heart.” <3

Metro Theatre in Sydney…front row…bucket list…amazing…tears…smiles…laughs. I loved you guys first, I always will! Thank you for two fantastic shows in Sydney! Good luck with whatever you pursue and thanks for the memories.

from the midst of sean playing violin in the light and sounds music video to, experiencing the entire playlist of ocean avenue in melbourne Australia, i could not ask of anymore of my favourite band, wish you guys the very best!

“We’ll be miles apart, I’ll keep you deep inside, you’re always in my heart.” Your own lyrics sum up my feelings better than anything else I could say. Thank you for all your wonderful music and fantastic shows, Yellowcard.

Ocean Avenue how I initially found out about Yellowcard, but I was only in first grade when it came out. My YC experience begins with “When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes.” It was the first album I ever bought, and it helped me through heartbreak and loss while also accentuating the good times I had. Since then, each new album was there for every new chapter in my life, and I want to say thank you to Yellowcard for all the moments you didn’t know we shared. Your last Tempe show was my first concert ever, and it was easily one of the best nights of my life. Screaming my lungs out with everyone in that crowd was an incredible experience and I was even lucky enough to leave that night with one of Ryan Mendez’ picks. After all the time I spent listening to every one your records over the years, I’m grateful to have had the chance to say goodbye. Thank you for everything Yellowcard!

I’ll miss you guys. You guys helped form my relationship withy boyfriend. Love you tons but next time maybe pretend you’re​ happy to see your fans. We spent a lot of money to meet you, thanks. See you during your reunion tour!

From the first tour to the last, thanks for all the memories and for being there as the soundtrack to our lives and love. We’re beyond happy we got to be there for the final show in Boston. Until next time friends, love Jeff and Sandy

Yellowcard’s Ocean Avenue was the very first album I bought on my own and what began my love for music. The music became the soundtrack to my life throughout high school, college and beyond. Since then, I’ve gotten into many different bands and genres of music, but Yellowcard always held a special place in my heart and always got excited when a new album came around. Yellowcar’d’s music spoke to me in a way nobody else could.Now that Yellowcard is going their separate ways, it’s bittersweet. I’m sad that they are gone, but happy for all the memories they gave me and for the hell of a final show they gave! I finally got a change to meet my idols in person through the meet and greet and I could not have been happier! Thank you. Thank you for everything! Farewell, Yellowcard! You may be gone, but your music will be with me forever! “We don’t have to say goodbye, but we can’t get lost in time!”

Yellowcards music has been an awesome part of my life. I can always listen to a Yellowcard song and be brought back to great memories. The experiences I had and memories I made seeing you guys live throughout the years I will never forget. #RIPYC

Thanks for emptying your souls into a heartfelt discography spanning across 20 years! your music has accompanied me across the darkest days and fondest of memories, and I’m sure will continue to do so indefinitely. All the best with your future endeavours and families.


I just want to say thank you Yellowcard. Your music has been there for me through the best and worse times of my life and I am so happy I got to see and meet you guys.

Thank you for bringing us your melodic sounds, energetic beats and beautiful lyrics for all these years. Your music has touched my life in so many ways and will continue to get me through the good and the bad times. Thank you and good luck with your next chapters. ‘Slow steady hands waving their last goodbye’…..

There are moments in our lives that are defined by music. Yellowcard is part of what defines me. On my 14 year journey with YC, I have seen you at the Troubadour, on Sunset-HB, Las Vegas, San Fran, LA. Ryan talking about his Aunt Stephanie driving with him to “Rock Star Land” in tears between songs that night on Sunset, (then “Sing for Me”) is an amazing moment of my life. Today, when I hear Sean’s opening violin of “For You and Your Denial” …then it kicks in, it takes me to a place that I want to be………Thank you YC…………

thank you for the music and the memories. seeing you perform in sydney twice on your last tour will forever be the best birthday ive ever had, and the hardest goodbye to make. listening to yellowcard while going through highschool gave me the perfect soundtrack for my teenage years, and you can bet it’ll still be in the soundtrack for my adulthood thank you endlessly, yellowcard.

My first introduction to Yellowcard was a cover song. I heard their cover of ‘Everywhere” by Michelle Branch and fell in love with their style, and Ryan Key’s voice. I bought every album I could find and became a life long fan. Their music helped me through a lot of hard times, and I still turn to them now when I need a lift up. I am now a mommy to 3 kids – all who love Yellowcard too. My daughter was devastated that the final show in Dallas was 16+ because she wanted to meet them so bad. She puts on rock shows in her room singing to their music. I will continue listening, and always hold them in my heart as my favorite band. Meeting them, and seeing them live in concert was a bucket list item for me, and I could not have enjoyed it more. Thanks for doing what you’ve done. <3

Yellowcard, you guys created such wonderful, relatable music. You all have helped your fans through much adversity by sharing your own lives with us. The rock band with the violin, you guys will always be my favorite rock band. I wish you all the best of luck!

Thankyou so much for everything, you all mean the world to me and to be able to meet you at the very last Australian show was a dream come true!

You guys are one of my favorite bands of all time fan since I was 14I cant believe I’m 25 and listening to you guys still.. You guys always rocked out in every show I attended! Always rocking out while I’m driving to work and in the office. YC FOREVER!!

Thank you Yellowcard for all of the great music over the years, and thank you for repeatedly coming to Hawaii for concerts. I’m glad that I was able to watch you twice and able to meet you guys the second time. Mahalo, and good luck to all of you in the next phase of your careers!

Your music has helped me and continue to help me through life. Every time I listen to your songs I feel better. When I sing to your songs I understand the lyrics. Thank you for everything, see you on Ocean Avenue.

You are my favorite band! I will miss hearing new music from you. Thank you for an amazing run.

It is the parallel between Yellowcards last twenty years and my life that will live with me forever. As I spent two nights this fall saying goodbye in NYC and NJ, I was flooded with wonderful memories all brought back by the music and for that I will forever be grateful.

You guys did such an amazing job in LA, I am so grateful to share that experiance with the love of my life with me there. Good luck in your endeavours!

You guya did such an amazing job in LA, I am so grateful to share that experiance with the love of my life me there. Good luck in your endeavours!

Thank you Yellowcard for all that you’ve done. Your music has gotten me through good and bad times and I am honoured to have met you and gone to your concerts. Best of luck with the future. I’ll miss you guys.

Your music has been like a constant companion for 10+ years. Together we have gone through happiness, triumph and heartbreak. The songs you’ve given us will be with us for the rest of our lives, and I cannot thank you enough. All the best for the future- may all your endeavours be met with glowing success.

Yellowcard has united us as a family for the last decade. By now, we have seen them live countless times…but never enough. Although, as a dad, I’m happy for them moving on naturally to the next stage in life, all of us here will miss you sincerely. Thanks for the music, and the memories. “And after living through these wild years, and coming out alive, I just wanna lay my head here, and stop running for a while.” Congrats gentlemen…

Thank you for the memories. Thank you for creating a space my brother and I could enjoy together and look forward to every tour. Thank you for creating music that will live on in my heart for the rest of my life. Just thank you. I wish all of you the best <3

Thank you boys. For all the music you have gifted us. For all the hard times your words have gotten us through. I am sad to see you go, but I am honored to have been there for the journey. Yellowcard forever. ❤️

We will miss Yellowcard forever. They were always the perfect music at the right time. They will live on and will be known as one of the most inspirational bands of our generation. Years from now, up and coming artists will site them as their inspiration. ❤️❤️

Words cannot express how I feel about this band. Yellowcard will forever be number one in my heart. Thank you for the perfect music and the amazing times.

Although I loved your other works, Ocean Avenue will forever remain one of my favorite albums of music of all time. So many songs hold such relatable significance to my life, and I thank you guys for that.

Thank you for inspiring me; for going against the grain of pop punk and playing the hell out of a violin. For singing your heart out to the point of needing vocal cord surgery. For creating unforgettable riffs that will live on in the hearts of millions and for making me want to play the guitar.. Thank you, Yellowcard.

Thank you for writing music that so many people could relate to. YC has been something I could enjoy since I was in middle school (10 years ago), and it’s something I will always cherish. You not only wrote music that could lift spirits, but you brought people closer through playing music. Your music will always be something my love and I will listen to together, and we will always reminisce on our trips we made to see your shows. Best of luck with all your future endeavors, and once again, thank you!

Thank you for all of the time, effort, and emotion poured into your music. It was a cathartic outlet for us all.

Ryan Key Josh Portman, Sean Mackin, LP, and Ryan Mendez. How to thank you guys. I drove 10 hours to Chicago from Arkansas to come see you on your farewell tour. What a night it was. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting y’all. You are amazing artists and your music has gotten me through some hard times. Life can be a crazy road but listening to you for 11 years sure did help. Thanks for the amazing memories and one of the best nights of my life. I wish you all luck and strength in your future endeavors. Forever a fan for the rest of my life. When life gets difficult i’ll always remember those 4 words. Here I am Alive. Peace Out, Ian Kirkpatrick Lee

First of all, congratulations on this new chapter of your life! And as always, thank you. Thank you for all the time, dedication, smiles, tears, laughter, and perfect songs throughout the years. The world is forever better because you dared to raise your voice and be heard. We love you, we’ll miss you, but we wish you luck! You’ll never really be totally gone. Yellowcard Forever!

Dear Yellowcard,

I absolutely do not know what to say here other than thank you. Thank you for being the amazing musicians that you are as I’ve grown up with you since like… middle school. You’ve made the world of music and live concerns experiences enjoyable for my husband and I for over a decade. Just. Thank you. So much. We love you. And your music will live on in our lives forever.

Thank you guys so much for doing all that you have! You have gotten me through so many good and bad times in my life! I’ll always remember you forever, siempre!

What a rockin ride!? Yellowcard truly made the soundtrack to my life from teenage summer days to adult party nights, you encompassed true CA sounds that brings this SoCal girl to tears knowing that it’s over. So thank you for the past 20yrs of rad music! #RiPYC #tbt #circa2007

You guys have been around through so many phases of my life. Ocean Avenue in Middle School, Lights and Sounds album when I started college, California when my dad died, and finally the Yellowcard album. Love you guys. Enjoy retirement!

Yellowcard will forever be my favorites. They are the reason I have chosen to pursue becoming a musician. Thank you for everything.

You’ve been my favourite band for 10+ years, supporting me with your songs, through depression and a pituitary tumour. You’ve helped me find strength when I couldn’t. You’ve given me joy, including your final Sydney show. Thanks for the memories, strength, music and for being YOU! Reflect on your success, progress onto new adventures. If you ever return, I’ll be here. Thank you for everything.

Your music will live on through my heart for ever, it’s been there for years already. I’m so glad that I was able sing loud and be a part of the final world tour in Adelaide, Australia. Best show ever. Thank you for getting me through the worst times of life, and thank you for being there through the best times too. I’ll miss you guys xxx

I’ve been listening to you guys since I was 9 years old(probably even younger) and I don’t regret anything. Have a wonderful life because you definitely gave us fans one. <3

I haven’t been ready for this to end, and now that is has, I’m not equipped to deal with it. Thank you for being the soundtrack to my life. Thank you for giving me a song to walk down the aisle to. Thank you for giving me songs with meaning. Thank you for five concerts, and one unforgettable meet and greet. Thank you.

Your fans will truly miss the band, their dedication and their talent. What an amazing laidback bunch of guys. So glad I got to meet you guys before the band laid to rest.

It was super amazing to be able to see Yellowcard live on their last tour! Grateful to have met them as well! Farewell, Yellowcard!!

There are some really great bands out there. But only a few great bands happend to make exactly the music that you need in a certain stage of your life. That makes you love a band and for me that was Yellowcard. Loved the music when I heard it for the first time and it still accompanies me. Can’t thank you enough for that!

Music is a very important thing in my life and being able to meet four amazing men, that create sounds and words I could never shape myself, is life changing. I am forever grateful to be able to meet my favorite band. You’re always in my heart. <3

A clip of Ocean Avenue as intro music to a Bruins game (sorry it wasn’t a Wings game, Ryan) and the commentators saying, “Isn’t that the band with the violin? Wonder where they’re at now…” is how I found Yellowcard. I connected from my first listen. Energetic, emotional, relatable, moving, and tying in the same beautiful violin sound I had been working hard at since age 5: that is Yellowcard to me. I endured two more years of being bullied in high school after I found your music, and it’s what got me through. And each of you in the band are examples of hard work, perseverance, and self-respect that continue to encourage me now as much as then. I made it out of high school in 2014, and I made it to college and my first rock show that year too. I sang every lyric with you at your show in Chicago then. And again in 2015. And for the final tour in 2016. Then lastly spring of 2017 in AZ. You helped me define my independence, and are still helping me do that now. To put it in your words, “Growing up has just begun.” Thank you, Yellowcard.

I was intrigued by a violin in a rock band. Then I discovered your entire music library rocked! Each new album brought excitement and I have never tired of listening to them. Your live shows highlighted that year’s concert schedule for me. Thanks for the music and the memories.

You guys were the first band I ever got into as a kid, I looked you up after hearing Breathing and Lights and Sounds in the old Burnout games when I was around 9. Lights and Sounds was the first album I ever bought and that will always be special to me. I’m so grateful I was able to see you perform live before you disbanded. I had never had the means to come to a show before last year. Thank you for all of your music and the memories you’ve given me. Rock on and I wish you all well in your future endeavors.

Yellowcard have been such a massive influence on my life. They are such a big part of who I am and I am going to miss the guys so much. Wish you guys all the best in the future though. There is always a house for you guys in Canberra Australia

I want to personally thank all of you because your music has been there for me for so long and you’ve inspired me to do so much! Your legacy will live on in my memory. So glad I could see you in Charlotte even if it was the first and last time. Thank you! (P.s. Sean, I’m trying to learn the songs for my violin, could you hit me up with some sheet music and tutorial vids, thnx!) Love you all and good luck on the next chapter of your journey through life!


Never could I ever put into words what Yellowcard’s impact has left upon me. I remember being a miserable kid who couldn’t connect to anything. I found their music and fell in love with the words I was hearing, and the moment I picked up the pen and put down the knife was when I found self expression and to them I am eternally grateful. Yellowcard will always be my favorite band and I feel blessed to have all these amazing memories. This band has allowed me to truly experience happiness and I can’t thank you guys enough.

I drove seven hours to be a part of the final tour. I’ve been a fan since the first time I heard “Way Away” and your music was the soundtrack to every major moment in my life. My wife and I danced to “Dear Bobbie” on our wedding day, and I will be eternally grateful for the music you made. Thank you for everything!

You can always anticipate getting a great (and long) set with Yellowcard, no matter the city. Favorite show was Houston HOB 2011, probably the smallest turnout I’ve ever seen for Yellowcard and you still killed it. Thank you – You guys rock!

My teenage years would have been empty without you. Thank you for playing the one of the hottest, sweatiest shows of your careers in Brisbane. I gave it my all and lost my voice by the end of the night. Thank you again and again!

Guys, thanks for the memories that will stay with me forever and the music that I’ll still be listening to in 20 years time.

You guys have gotten me through a lot of times, both good and rough. Thanks for everything, and wishing you the best!

Even though I didn’t get to see you guys in person, I still had an amazing night. I wish each and everyone of you guys the best of luck. And thank you again for the great memories.

Any emotion I ever felt, Yellowcard was there for me to provide the perfect soundtrack. You have been an inspiration musically and personally. I am forever grateful.

I remember listening to Ocean Avenue for the first time in 2009 (I joined the party pretty late) and became a fan ever since. Your music helped me to appreciate life outside my hometown during my college years. Yellowcard’s music will always be remembered by the fans. The band may “leave this town” but the music will “run forever”. Thank You.

Yellowcard’s music was there for my family and I after my Dad had passed in ’05. No words could explain how much every lyric from this band has meant to me over the years. It’s with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to one of the most important times in my life. Thank you for being there, Yellowcard.

No words can describe the emotions I experienced at your final show. I felt so close to everyone in that room. As if we were all apart of something great & bigger than ourselves. You guys are to thank for that. Thank you for allowing me to sing my heart out at every show amongst people I’ve never yet I feel are my family.

From Ocean Avenue to its 10th year anniversary and The Final World Tour, thank you for 2 decades of music. This band has helped me through tough times and will continue to keep me going.

I will never forget the first time I heard Ocean Avenue and wanted more! Your music was truly inspiring, you guys rock and wish you all the best and luck in the future. I’m honored to have met you and got to experience your show!

I remember listening to you guys on my high-school commute nearly every day and learning to play your songs as I learnt to play guitar. Your music has literally soundtracked my adolescent days!

I’m glad i got to meet you guys one last time when you were down here in Australia on your farewell tour. You guys will definitely be missed! Cheers YC!

I saw you for the first time ever in Vans Warped tour 2016, but this last concert was so very special for me. Because you guys form a very importanat part of my life.. Thank you so much!

I remember hearing my first Yellowcard song. And I’ll always remember it. It was Gifts and Curses back when Spider-Man 2 came out. Since then I couldn’t stop listening to you guys. You’ve helped me through tough times in my life and I know your music will always be there for me.. I’ll miss you guys. Thank you for all the wonderful music and I wish you all the best. Yellowcard will live on forever!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful music over the years. You won’t be forgotten and I’m sure we’ll all be looking forward to the reunion tour someday. You are a wonderful band and you touched so many hearts! Be strong, believe.

I just want to thank you and everyone that has been apart of Yellowcard for always being the one band I could relate to, the one band that got me thru my teenage years into becoming an adult. Thru breakups to hard times in life, you were always there for me. You guys were the reason I learned how to play guitar. I will never forget seeing you live for the first time in 2006 to seeing you the last and maybe 8th time on your final world tour. You could always “make me feel like I’m at home, and I am not alone.” Thank you so much! You guys will truly be missed!

Thanks Yellowcard for some of the best concerts of my life, and for all the awesome memories over the years! #BeStrongBelieve

I don’t have the right words to say how I feel about each and every one of you because each of you have made a difference in my life since I was 12. Looking back now I am so grateful to be apart of your journey. You guys deserve everything and more. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for the opportunity of a lifetime. And thank you most of all for making me feel at home. I would hold on to the many memories and keep you guys alive through all your songs. You have touched my heart in more ways then one and I will be forever grateful. Love, @msbbycakes91 P.S I am excited for each and every one of you guys and can’t wait to support your future endeavors.

Your music meant a lot to me and some of my friends. It was a great connector, and holds a lot of meaning in my heart that I won’t ever forget. Thank you!

Thank you so much guys for all that you have done! I will miss the shows and music so much but every song will live on through us fans! Can’t wait to see where life takes you guys! #YCForever

You’ll hear it over and over. Your music saved my life. It will live on forever with us all.

I was introduced to you guys by one of my best friends back in sophomore year of high school about 5 years ago now you guys were my first punk/rock band I’ve listened to and ever since I fell in love with you guys even though i havent been a fan as long as others thank you for helping me through some dark and tough times in my life I’ll miss you and maybe we’ll meet again 🙂

You’ve given me the courage so many times to push on and I know you will continue to do so. My ears will never get tired of all the pictures in the words. You are in them, still.

I’ll always remember the first time I heard yellowcard, and I’ll never forget the last time I’ll see them! “Maybe someday i will see you again and you’ll look me in my eyes and call me your friend” <3

Thank you to everyone who was ever a part of this band. Thank you for being the soundtrack to our lives, and our relationship. It seemed that every album and every song resembled what we were going through in that time. The warped tours, the acoustic set at THB in Hollywood and the final show in Atlanta will be stories we will tell to our children. This is not goodbye and never will be as you will always be the songs we are singing, laughing, dancing, and humming to. So again from the bottom of our hearts, Thank you, TandB

I will definitely miss you guys, I own every album from Ocean Avenue onward and I came to every concert when your made a visit to Hawaii. You will always be one of my favorite bands ever, especially one that incorporates a violin. Good luck as you move on with your future endeavors!

You guys have been the soundtrack to my summers for as long as I remember! You’ll be missed

I remember the first time I heard Yellowcard. It was a moment that changed my life forever, for the better. I’m #blessed to have had the many opportunities to see you and meet you. I will cherish those experiences forever. Thank you Yellowcard for the most amazing years and music of my life. From the bottom of my heart, always, there will be music in my life because of you.

My words will never do justice to how I’m feeling. Yellowcard has always been more than just a band to me. More than music, more than 5/4 guys, more than just words. You guys have been a lifeline for me ever since Ocean Avenue came out. From all the shows, to the multiple meet and greets, you have never once disappointed. You’ve been there through it all with me, and have always seen me through my darkest and my lightest days. Thank you will never be good enough. My heart breaks saying goodbye, but your music will forever live on in me, and also my children (whether they like it or not!) You are my heroes; the soundtrack to my life. And if a cold wind starts to blow, I am ready now. Thank you for the memories…

I first found out about Yellowcard when I saw Ocean Avenue on MTV for the first time when I was 8 years old. I remember watching that video constantly and signing along to it every chance I got. Ever since I’ve been hooked. This band has meant more to me than words can ever explain, and I’m so grateful to have had your music to help me in my life. The ride may be over but that doesn’t mean the fun stops here. I still listen to Yellowcard everyday and will continue to lose my mind to it in my car for as long as humanely possible. To the band, thank you for everything. Because of you guys, you got me through the death of my father with “See me Smiling”, every heartbreak I’ve ever had with “When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes”, reminded me I’m not as far from home as I think I am with “Always Summer”, made me remember that “Here I Am Alive” and everything else life has thrown at me. You need to know that you matter to people and have touched more lives than you know. I’m truly grateful for all of the amazing music you’ve put out over the years, and I’ll never forget it. Yellowcard Now, Yellowcard Forever.

Thank you. – Kat, Tempe AZ

Hey guys, thank you so much for making music. It has meant so much to me and all of your fans. When I needed something to relate to in my darkest times, I had Yellowcard. Your records will live forever in our lives.

I definitely can’t believe it’s the end. It’s really heartbreaking, but every happy at the same time. You’re music will always be apart of me. I will never forget when I first listen to “Something of Value”, “Drifting” and “Rough Draft”. Take care, with much love❤️

Where do I begin? I have seen Yellowcard perform from stadiums to small club venues, and every show has been amazing. Thank you for being so good to your fans. The music speaks to my soul. I have so much meaning and memory for each song from every album that I will carry with me, honestly for the rest of my life. Thank you, thank you!

you guys were there when I needed you the most. Your music got me through the darkest times of my life. For that I’m forever grateful. Thankyou, for being a part of my life. You guys will forever be my favorite band. I can’t bring myself to say farewell so I hope I see y’all again soon. -Nick(person who got his face signed by y’all)

I grew up with Yellowcard: First show was 2006 at Freebird Jax (carefree college years). Kept going to shows once I moved to Chicago (young professional years)- I punched a guy (who shoved me) at your 2011 show at the Congress Theater, and finally met you at House of Blues in 2012 (went to both shows that weekend plus the acoustic set at Reckless Records. Incredible!) Final concert was right after I moved back to FL and was pregnant (“Omg I’m an adult now” years)- you guys met baby and I during the meet and greet at the Jax Farewell show (where you played my favorite song ever, October Nights- brought me back to those college years!). He and I will always be fans, and will miss you so much!

You guys were the very FIRST rock band I ever got to see back in Oct 2016, thanks to my gf, who has SO much love for your music. I’m very fortunate to have seen you guys one last time. <3 thank you guys for your music <3

Your music got me through some of the worst times in my life, and you still remained my soundtrack during the best time. Your song California was what I chose as my first dance at my wedding. Thanks for all memories and being there for me!

Thank you for making me never forget who I am, and where I’m going…. For every song you wrote and I sang with you guys all along… Thank you for being part of my life! Juan Becerra Mexico City

When I listened to your final album, I only cried once…for the entire album. Thank you for everything. Be strong. Believe.

From when I first started listening to Yellowcard 4 years ago till now, you’ve always been there for me. I’ll miss you guys more than you could know.

Your music will always live in my heart when I’m on a long road trip to NYC or headed towards warped with some friends. Thanks for the memories.

Thank you for everything you did for me. We’ll miss you.

Your song believe is the reason I became a firefighter and many of your other songs kept me company in deep depression.

Thank you all for everything . You changed my life for the better in so many ways. Paper Walls literally saved my life. I cannot express in words how much I will miss you guys.

Thank you for everything. Because of you, I got through many of hard times in my life. “Everything is gonna be alright. Be Strong. Believe.”

Thank you for giving me the strenght to forgive the universe, it took away the love of my life, the one I never met, thank you for the smiles through the tears and thank you for all the love through the lyrics. I’ll never regret I’ve been part of this amazing YCFamily, and of course I’ll never forget, thank you.

From my teens until my thirties, your lyrics narrated my life and your melodies were my soundtrack. As a single mom, I raised a daughter with your music and watched her grow into a fan in her own right. You invested so much of your hearts and your lives in to mine over the years. Saying “thank you” just isn’t enough! <3 YELLOWCARD forever!

I’m a French fan! I saw Yellowcard for the first time in July 2006 the day of my 17th birthday and for the last time 10 years later in December 2016. I will never forget your band and your music!

YC is the only band I’ve ever described as “emotionally intelligent”. I’ve grown so much as a person from the lessons realized in every album and still find new connections despite how much I’ve listened to all of them. My favorite brought me the boy who created this for me over 8 years ago and I can’t thank you enough for that.

Dear Yellowcard, Thank you for everything. I first heard Breathing on Burnout 3 Paradise. I became an instant fan. Sharing my story with you in Denver meant the world to me. I’ve seen you perform 5 times over the course of 3 years. On March 24th, I flew from Denver, CO to California to witness your last shows as a band. During your set, I cried during View From Heaven and Inside Out because I had lost my dad a few years back. Also, I just got out of a relationship. Those songs made me feel I wasn’t alone. Thank you, Yellowcard <3

How do you say Thank you and goodbye to a band who defined your teens & twenties? Who introduced you to other people who love them and the music as much as you do? Yellowcard, no matter the year, or the record is the one band who I could always connect with. From the first time I heard SureShot, and looked the band up to find out there was a violinist in the lineup, Yellowcard has always held a special place in my heart. I’ve been lucky enough to see you numerous times — 10 states & Canada as well. I’ve had some amazing adventures thanks to the band. Thank you for making music as long as you did and coming back in 2011. Thank you Ryan, Sean, Dez and Josh for always being the constant in my life, for encouraging me to to take a leap of faith and move across the country to find something new, for always having the words when I didnt. You are truly the soundtrack to my life. Thank you!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Without Yellowcard I wouldn’t be the person I am today, I discovered you guys when I was just 9 years old, you’re the reason I got into pop punk and started playing guitar. I grew up listening to Yellowcard, their music has been the soundtrack to my life and while I’m devastated to say goodbye, your music will always be with me. Thank you.

Best wishes for everyone in the YC team. You’ve all been so amazing over the past years and I couldn’t thank you enough for it all. Best of luck in the future

Yellowcard was the first band I ever loved. From happiness or heartbreak, to any amount of triumph or turmoil, this band has always been there for me when I needed them most. The music has shaped so many moments in my life, it’s almost as if Yellowcard is a part of me. I don’t have the words to express how difficult it is to say goodbye. Thank you. For everything.

Though they journey of Yellowcard as a band is over, the music will live on for the rest of my life. Yellowcard has gotten me through some tough times and enhanced good times. Yellowcard’s music will stay with me and still be a part of my life for many years to come. Thank you for everything.

Thank you will never be enough for the first band I ever considered a favorite band. The obsession began in middle school, as a violinist who related WAY too much to the song “Underdog”. Your music has always been a constant in my life and has gotten me through so much over the past 15 years. I will never forget my first Yellowcard show at the House of Blues Chicago, deliriously happy with my friends, losing our voices, and all the wonderful shows since then. I feel so lucky to have gotten to be at the final show. Thank you for the music and memories. Yellowcard love forever! 💛

My dearest of friends, ‘The time has come,’ the walrus said, ‘to talk of many things. Of ‘Be the Young’ & ‘Rough Draft’, ‘Keeper’ & ‘Empty Street”…. *sigh* How can I even begin to write words for the most heart wrenching goodbye I’ve EVER had to do? I can’t. I won’t. So for now, it’s ‘see you soon’…. The greatest adventure my 💛 has ever been on started in 2001 when this heartbroken 16 year old fell in love with a little diddy called ‘Rough Draft’. Fast forward to April 2004 when I finally got to see you for the 1st time live on the Something Corporate/YC tour in Seattle, WA. My soul awakened that night. Truly felt fire, and from then on, my heart has traveled near & far to get to you. Since 2004, I’ve seen 37 shows in 6 different states (WA, OR, CA, UT, GA, & FL), traveling tens of thousands of miles, and I’m so lucky to have been able to spend the last 16 years loving this band. Every time I hear your music it’s like….’thank you YC, for saying what my brain never knew it could say, and making me feel what my heart never knew it could….’ You guys have lyrics for feelings I didn’t even know could be put to actual words. Writing this, my thoughts are scattered and aren’t making sense, but all and all, please know that you guys will ALWAYS be my heart, and each of you have healed my soul. Thank you Ryan, Sean, Dez, and Josh. Thank you. For everything. #bestrongbelieve #RIPYC

Thank you, Yellowcard, for everything. You have made me cry sad and happy tears. I have met a lot of people who like Yellowcard, and they are one of the nicest people out there (it tells a lot about their idols/role models! #YCfam).

I don’t think I can love other bands as much as I love YC. You may be leaving but you’re always in my heart 💛

I will forever be thankful for all the memories and friendships I’ve made because of this band. I’m going to miss trying to find the perfect outfit for a show, crafting shirts and signs, being bruised and sore from being crushed in the pit, losing my voice after screaming the lyrics to every song. But most of all I’m going to miss these amazing guys that helped me make these memories that I will forever have. THANK YOU!

I never thought I could love a band as much as I have love you. I had the chance to see you 13 times in 4 states and “I’d give it up for just one more day with you” in a heartbeat. You’re gone but I’ll keep screaming along to all your songs until the day I die. I know “We’ll be together for one more night somewhere somehow.” Thank you Yellowcard for being part of my family!

When I was 14 years old I heard a song on the radio. “If I could find you know things would get better.” The words, melody really stuck with me. I looked this band up, bought the OA album and was hooked. I then researched their discography, and bought their previous music. Every song was truly relatable. I saw Yellowcard live for the 1st time in 2006 and fell more in love. There is a connection that is hard to explain. I may not know you all personally but you gave me such an amazing gift. New music and new tours is something I’m going to miss looking forward to. Thank you for the great memories and music that will live close to my heart forever. I love you guys.

Thank you for creating music that I can safely say I will never stop listening to and for being the soundtrack to some of my fondest memories. Thank you for creating music that has helped me connect and bond with so many incredible people. I can’t even count the amount of times that someone has told me they’ve never heard of Yellowcard so I’d start playing Ocean Avenue and watch as their eyes lit up with recognition and a smile would appear across their face. Some of my favorite memories and greatest friendships have formed because of that exact scenario. Thank you for creating so many amazing albums (seriously, there isn’t a single Yellowcard album that I even remotely dislike). Thank you for creating music that defined every single summer of my life. There isn’t enough space for me to elaborate on just how much of an impact Yellowcard has had on my life, but I just wanted to say thank you for everything.

Long story short, I can never thank this band enough for everything they have done, they mean the world to me, always will. Thank you so much for all the incredible memories, I will miss you so much and you will always be home. Rest In Peace Yellowcard. Good luck with whatever comes next for you all. <3 #RIPYC

To the band that saved my life? Who’s music changed my world? Thank you will never feel like enough, but it’s all I’ve got! I am forever grateful! I love you and thank you!

This band is one of the best things that I could have stumbled across back in 2003. Since then your music has gotten me through ALL of life’s ups and downs. There is a song or a line of lyrics applicable to almost every moment or feeling in life. The best part though, you’re not only talented musicians, but each of you are amazing, special individuals this world has been lucky to know. There is no way I could EVER thank you guys enough for all that you have given me. “You showed me strength in my skin when no one else could see..” You’ve brought some amazing friends into my life that share the same crazy love for this band and given me so many memories that I will cherish forever. I’m gonna miss you everyday, but I wish you all the best of luck and great success in whatever you pursue next. I love you, guys. Thank you for writing the soundtrack to our lives. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I don’t think words can describe how much Yellowcard has meant to me. I have driven countless miles and have lost sleep just to see these guys play from Nashville to their final show in Anaheim. From when I was 14 listening to Way Away on Fuse to listening to Be the Young while being deployed in Afghanistan. Thank you Yellowcard for the 14 years that I have spent listening to every song that has made each chapter in my life important..

To the men of Yellowcard: Thank you not only making music that has had affected me deeply, but also for being kind and humble people who generously allowed me to be a tiny part of your world.. From the first time you told me to “Be Strong, Believe,” I’ve tried to do just that. That mantra has sustained me through some very challenging times. Thank you so much. Best wishes – John

Years ago, a friend of mine played me some Yellowcard. We don’t talk much now but this is something I will always be grateful for. It was the start of a decade long journey up to now and I don’t think there was a single day that went by where I didn’t listen to Yellowcard at least once. Yellowcard have done so much for me and so many others. They have inspired, helped and healed through their music – music that I know I will listen to to my last day. There is a real sense of family when it comes to Yellowcard and their fans and I think that’s because there has always been something special about their music. Perhaps not everyone in the world understood it, but those that did will never forget.

Legends, Idols, Saviours, Teachers.

Thank you, Yellowcard.

Yellowcard was the only worthwhile reason to ever go to Albuquerque.

I can’t put the emotion I’m feeling into the words of what 15 years of music from Yellowcard has meant to me. From the first time I heard a Yellowcard song in 2002 from the Underdog EP, to the last Yellowcard concert I’ll ever go to in 2017. I’ve had so many great memories listening to your music, getting to meet you and see you live. I’ve rocked out in the summers of life, gotten chills and cried in the winters, you’ve carried me through rough times, family passings, and life changes. I’ve had the privilege of listening to beautiful sounds, lyrics and violin melodies that I will always listen to every single day and will miss you wholeheartedly until the end of my days. Thank you for bringing your art to our world. It’s made it a better place. I’ll miss you, with all my love.

Thank you, Yellowcard, for being with me all these years. It’s been a blast being your fan. Thank you for the music, the lyrics, the friends I’ve made and the experiences I’ve lived in relation with you. It’s been an amazing life. The best to your future endeavors. Thanks for making me feel like I’m at home and I am not alone.

Through all of the emotions that I’ve felt since the announcement of Yellowcard’s break-up, I’ve been told many times how they’re “just a band.” That may be true to some, but they are so much more to me…and for that, I am thankful. I am thankful for the thirteen years of memories and music that Yellowcard has given me. I am thankful for every lyric, every melody, and every song. I am thankful for the angry songs, the happy songs, and the sad songs. I am thankful for the break-up songs, the “it’s complicated” songs, and the love songs. above all, I am thankful for the hope that was written into each and every one of those songs, hope that pushed me to stay strong, hope that struck back at the words that others used to tear me down…and worse, the words that I sometimes used to tear myself down. I am thankful for the opportunity to see them on their Final World Tour not once but four times. I am thankful that I was able to meet them two of these times and hopefully show them how much they mean to me. I am thankful for these memories that, with their music, will live on forever…in my heart and in my soul.

Thank you, Yellowcard for all the beautiful memories that I shall cherish forever! You guys will always be my favorite band. Have been for many, many years. You guys helped me fight through my depression and bipolar issues. You helped me get through my toughest times. I’ll never forget being at the barricade while singing my voice away to every song. I attended as many shows as I could! Two were even birthday shows. I’ll never forget those. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You’ll always remain a very special part of my life. Love you guys, always and forever.

Thank you guys so incredibly much for everything you’ve done for the band, the fans, and for rock music as a whole. You all inspire us to achieve our goals, bring passion into what we do, and most importantly, be the best people we can be. Yellowcard will forever be missed, but never forgotten, and I wish you guys the absolute best in your lives going forward. Thank you once again for everything, and we all love you!

Thank you for your inspiration and memories that will last forever!

A simple “thank you” isn’t enough praise for the incredible music you’ve created over the years. Thank you, Yellowcard, for getting me through my first heartbreak, my first breakup, but most importantly for helping me find myself in a time where I was falling apart. Your music is a constant reminder to keep fighting, keep believing, and to remain strong through every trial of life. I hope to be as strong as each and every one of you. Thank you for all the memories; I will hold on to them and cherish them forever. The best days of my life have been rocking out to your music <3 and though I am incredibly sad over the disbandment, I am so blessed to say that I played a part in this journey. Yellowcard will live on forever. RIPYC.

I was late to the party. I became a fan shortly after “Lift a Sail” was released, but when I fell for you guys, I fell hard. You sang to me thoughts and emotions I could never before convey. You became my favorites. Though I sometimes feel like I missed out, I’ll be with you till the end of time. Thank you for being everything.

This is the band I will tell my children about, and the band that will always be a part of me. Thank you, Yellowcard, for all the wonderful music and heartfelt lyrics that have grasped every emotion I am feeling. Ryan Key, I look up to your free spirit attitude and talent.. Sean, I look up to your kindness and generosity. Josh, I aspire to be as funny and collected as you are & Ryan Mendez, I aspire to be as sweet and thoughtful as you. Thank you all for the wonderful memories. I am forever blessed by Yellowcard’s music and I know that it will always live on. “You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours, maybe in another life.” RIP Yellowcard <3 I love you all so much. Best of luck in the future. Thank you for teaching me what Rock N Roll is all about.

Thank you guys for being a big part of who I was and who I grew up to be. I’ll always keep the music and the words with me wherever I go. Glad the wife and I got to say goodbye in the crowd for a show we’ll never forget!

I’m thankful for Yellowcard being part of my life. I grew up with their music, ever since I wanted to become a violinist -which I did.- They were my first concert and I got to meet them for their final tour after attending all concerts performed in my city. 💛 Thank you for making me a stronger person.

Yellowcard was my first concert ever in 2006 at 8 years old and I saw them at the electric factory which is the same place I saw them for my last time this year. This band has been a huge part of my life for 11 years and inspired me to learn many instruments and I’m sad to see them go but wish them the best of luck in whatever else they do.

Thank you for putting the guitar in my hands. Thank you for making me fall in love with music. Thank you for inspiring me to pursue my dreams even when the world was against me. You guys changed my life forever and I couldn’t image what my life would be like without your music being the soundtrack to it. Thank you for everything.

I’ve followed you since One for the kids and never looked back. Each stage from being a boy to a man is linked to one if your songs and I have so many incredible memories thanks to you. This is over too soon but good luck and enjoy your family time…you deserve it. Your music will always live on!

I cannot fully put into words how much Yellowcard’s music has meant to me since I first heard Ocean Avenue in 2003. YC has been a part of my life since then-I walked down the aisle to MSK at my July 2016 wedding. Thank you so much for all of the great music, it means so much.

Simply put, thank you for all the music and memories.

Thank you never seems like it’s enough but thank you. Thank you for being someone I could lean on for 14 years of my life and getting me through every tough time. I’m still here because of the friendships I’ve made with you guys and the friends that your band has brought into my life, you are the reason I’m still here. So from the very very bottom of my heart thank you. It’s been a hell of a ride and I wouldn’t change it for the world

There are a few reasons why Yellowcard is one of my all time favorite bands. One of which, is their ability to capture the feeling of being lost. To travel the world, hoping to find a place to call home. Only to realize that home is where the heart is, it’s the people you surround yourself with. I’ve had a difficult time finding the right words, to say goodbye. I’ll leave you with a line from a song I wrote, inspired by this incredible band. Because the legacy you’ve left behind is forever instilled within me.

“The hung up capes doesn’t mean you stopped saving the world.”

I know it probably gets said a lot, but thank you guys. There’s not a day I can think of in the last 15-20 years that I didn’t listen to a YC song or Album.. last nights final show was incredible I’m so happy I was able to be there to say good bye! Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with us! Best of luck in your future plans!

“Cause when I die, then I die loving you.’ En mi corazon eres mio para siempre. Beebs.. RIPYC.. Your music touched everyone’s heart.

Thank you for the creating the soundtrack of my life! I’ve been a fan ever since I was 9 years old when the “Way Away” video came on the jumbotron at a Mighty Ducks game. You won’t be with me, but you won’t be far away. Good luck Ryan, Sean, Ryan M, and Josh.. -Dominick

“Everything is gonna be alright. Be strong. Believe.” Those words have gotten me through some tough times. Whenever I’ve been down, you were always there to pick me up. Your music is just special. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Yellowcard will always live on. We don’t have to say goodbye because Yellowcard, YOU are my only one. Thank you and good luck!

Thank you Yellowcard for a lifetime of great memories and music to hold onto for the rest of my life.

I really wish you return and lunch another album. As you have saw, you have full support from your fans. Thanks for so high quality music. Have a good life!

Thank you for being the soundtrack to my youth and my escape when life gets overwhelming. Yellowcard’s always been my constant. I’m forever grateful for the privilege of seeing Yellowcard live 10 times and meeting you twice. I will follow each of you in whatever future endeavors you may pursue because each one of you is an amazingly talented person. Yellowcard will always be home.

Thank you for being the soundtrack of the last 15 years of my life and for allowing us to carry pieces of each of you with us forever. All my love- AB

Your songs and lyrics inspire me. They give me hope, make me reminisce and cry, and most of all put me in a good place. You don’t know how much your music has done for me. So thank you for more than you’ll ever know. While it absolutely kills me to say goodbye, I wish you the best. Thank you for everything Yellowcard

From the first time I heard “Holly Wood Died” you have been one of my favorite bands, and your music has carried me through many ups and downs in my life. I’m sorry to see you go, but I’m so thankful you were here.

It’s hard to put into words how much your music has done for me. Thank you for making such inspirational music, and for helping me to have more determination to accomplish my goals. Your music has gotten me through some very difficult experiences in my life (my parent’s divorce, etc.). You guys truly rock! I will ALWAYS be a huge Yellowcard fan! 🙂 #RIPYC

Thank you for the hugs, the love, the songs, the tears, the nights that I’ll never forget, the words for tattoos, and the reminder to be strong. All my love <3

Your lyrics about the ups and downs, falling in love, experiencing loss, late night thoughts and the rollercoaster called life have all been embedded into who I am today. I’ll always remember you guys and even show you to my kids one day. Thanks for everything. Much Love.

I have been a Yellowcard fan from the very beginning. When I first heard the song Ocean Avenue in 2003, I knew I had to get their CD. I would listen to that CD nonstop. This is one of my favorite CDs. I have seen them in concert many times. My favorite time was when they opened for All Time Low. I was watching the AP awards and heard that Yellowcard was going to be retiring, but they were going to have one last world tour. I told my best friend, Brittany who I have gone to over 40 concerts with, that we needed to go. I wanted to meet them before they retired. Since Detroit was the closet tour stop, that is where I got tickets. I got two VIP passes for Detroit, November 5, 2016 tour. I live in Cincinnati and Brittany lives in Cleveland and we met up for the show. Meeting Yellowcard and sharing their last concert with my best friend was to be one of the best experiences in my life. Now I can officially check off meeting Yellowcard and seeing a concert in Detroit from my bucket list. Thank you Yellowcard for all these memories. I will always remember this concert and will be a fan for life.

Bound to every song is a memory. This is the final tour, sure, but this is not the end – your music will live on, and so will those ridiculous, incredible, hilarious memories. You have all given so much of yourselves to us. “Thank you” doesn’t even begin to cover it. You’re all truly amazing, and we’ll miss you.

You guys mean the world to me ever since I heard your music and met you guys early in 2000s And signed a shirt back then I stil have embroidered. Recently found out about the final tour I couldn’t miss the opportunity, you guys made a big impact on me with all songs one that hit me was “Sing for me” it will always be the song for my kid because he is the only thing in life that I got right, which will forever be my favorite quote. I took my son for his first concert 10-15-16 in Santa Ana he was the only kid there. My five year old was estatic to see you guys in person and you all made a great impact on my son making him feel amazing and seeing his eyes light up with seeing all of you ….Ryan k. especially talked to him like he was his best friend and then kneeling down to take a picture with my son that was priceless!!! …we were lucky enough to see you again ending In north park San Diego 3-18-17. He wore the yellow shirt that you guys signed I had it embroidered for him, he was so proud to wear it last night!! I wish you guys all the happiness and you deserve to spend every minute with all your loved ones. I’m sure it took a toll on family and friends not seeing you, but I appreciate you all. Thank you for all your hard work that you guys have done and I’m proud of all your accomplishments. Be safe. I wish you nothing but the best in life !!!

Mindi & jaidyn

to the band that helped me through the bad times, celebrated with me through the good, and was there every moment in between – thank you for everything you’ve done. because of you, here i am, alive.

Your music has been a part of my life for so long and I’m going to miss the excitement of knowing that a new Yellowcard album is coming out. Meeting you in Seattle on my birthday was the best present I’ve ever given myself. I hope your lives are as happy as you’ve made your fans’. Feel free to do a reunion tour someday!

I had this for a while and didn’t know what to say to the band that saved my life on multiple occasions but thank you and enjoy the next step in all your lives

1st concert alone, 1st Warped Tour in Montréal… Finishing the journey by taking the 6h bus to New York City all on my own!! I’ve been lucky to follow you for several years.. Thank you “Always Summer” for starting it all on May 2012, thank you Yellowcard for the memories. You’ll be missed!!!

“I loved you first, I love you still, I always will.”

The shows may be over but the music will forever live on in us!

I only became a fan after Slamdunk ’16 and managed to say farewell in the Manchester show in December. Though I’m a new fan, your music and story will stay close to my heart. <3

I remember riding in my dad’s car through Jacksonville listening to One For The Kids when I was in second grade and Yellowcard becoming the first band I ever loved. And just like any love, through the good and bad times, I always had Yellowcard there for me. Although it took until college for me to go to shows, those nights will forever be some of the best of my life. The past 16 years and 10 albums will forever hold a special place in my heart. I can’t thank the guys enough for truly changing my life.

It’s so hard to say goodbye to one of the bands that shaped me into who I am today. If I hadn’t found a stumbled onto Ocean Avenue when I was in middle school, I don’t know where I’d be now. “I won’t be with you, but I won’t be far away.” It rings true…you’ll always have a place in my ears and my heart. xoxoxo

Your music was there through the struggles of high school, memorable road trips I took with my college girlfriend, during the eventual breakup and recovery, and even though my challenging grad school career. No other band’s music has had such an inspiring and driving effect on me, and I know it will continue to move me in the future. I’ll remember your songs even when I’m too old to remember my own name.

Thank you for everything, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. (pic: attempted Zoolander “Blue Steel” because who needs a normal picture?)

So happy that I was able to see you guys twice; once at Binghamton University and one in NYC! Your music got me through a lot and I plan to get lyrics from Believe tattooed on my arm! Thanks for everything and best of luck to your future! ONLY Regret: Waiting for my late friend the day of your tour, causing me to miss my picture opportunity with you! I still am thinking of disowning her!

I have so much to say. Thank you isn’t enough. I cannot accurately describe the impact you guys & your music has had on my life. I feel so lucky to have found this band early on, so I could follow the musical journey from OFTK to Yellowcard. I will be a fan forever & I will cherish your music always. I miss you already!

Thank you for your amazing and beautiful music that I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. Thanks for all the fun I had seeing and meeting you in Stockholm, Orlando, Jacksonville and Leeds. I’ll forever remember and appreciate what you’ve done for me, I’m here today thanks to you. You’ll always have a place in my heart. Much love now and forever.

We required our DJ to play Yellowcard at our wedding reception. Yellowcard will always hold an extra spot in our hearts as a reminder of a wonderful day. Both of us grew up with Yellowcard, the band meaning something different for each of us. Thank you for all the music over the years and all the nostalgia that comes every time we hear Ocean Avenue.

I just want to thank each of you for inspiring me to be a better musician and for your music overall in the past two decades. Yellowcard has had a special place in my heart for years and even though the end is bittersweet, I’m extremely glad to have known and made memories with this amazing group of guys.

Thank you guys for making music. You were one of the first bands I really got into as a kid. Your music helped me through some tough times. Especially “When You’re Through Thinking Say Yes”. Thank you for doing one last album and tour. You’ll go down with Anberlin as one of my all time favorites. Yellowcard Forever

To the band I’ve loved since I was 9 years old, thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for always being there through my adolescence, my teenage angst, and through my young adulthood. I will miss you beyond words can describe, but Yellowcard will live on forever through your music and through the hearts of all of your fans like this forever fan.

Your songs carried me through tough times in life and every time i listen to them i feel full of…life. I’m sure i will see you again, some day….All the best and thank you for your music !

Although I don’t express this, every one of you mean a lot to me.

Grew up listening to you guys and coming to your gigs. Will be sorely missed and it was great to get all my friends together to come to your last show in Manchester. All the best of luck in your future ventures and thanks for all the amazing songs and memories!

Words can’t explain how much your music has meant to me and has inspired me. Just, thank you. .

Dear Ryan, Sean, Josh, & Ryan, Thank you for the years of amazing music, performances, and meet & greets. All five times I saw you in concert were absolutely phenomenal and you were all so sweet and wonderful all four times I met you. Yellowcard has been such a huge inspiration to me musically ever since I first picked up a guitar and always will be.

I appriciate everything about you guys and thank you that you did this one last tour together!

Thank you for being a huge part of my life, and thank you for letting me be a portion of yours.

I’m so glad I got to see you live one last time. Your music has been a inspiration and has made me a better person.

I was awkward and so weird in High school. I never felt like I belonged I was so shy. Then I heard a band that would change my life. I’d make my bestest friends connecting with such an amazing melodic wonderful band. The lead singers voice smooth as velvet and lyrics that were gut wrenching and pure beauty. I was no longer alone and my broken pieces of my life came together Yellowcard gave me my bravery my fun adventures my friends and shaped me into who I an. There will never be enough thank you’s or words to express my gratitude. This will never be good bye say tomorrow I can follow you there forever in my heart and soul.

The impact of Yellowcard’s music in my life goes far beyond what this message holds. Still, thanks for all the awesome music and for the Fort Lauderdale show in November – one of the best nights of my whole life! You guys will always be among my favorite bands and your music will still be melting faces for years to come.

Thank you for all the great songs. Yellowcard will live forever!

What a show this final one was. Thank you for your music, I have loved it and will continue to love it. I am so glad that I came out to the final tour.. Love you always, Yellowcard. It’s been a good run. XO

You guys mean so much to me, thank you for the music that you make and the smiles you create, You’re all amazing inspirations and one day I hope to make a band of my own. Rock on forever!

You guys are amazing! The stuff you’ve done, your music, and what you’ve shared with it is always going to be important to lots of people. It’s been really important to me. Thanks for everything! 🙂

One of my favorite quotes is: “often we say goodbye without wanting to, though that doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped loving them or we’ve stopped caring. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you.” I cannot express how much Yellowcard means to me but I know this isn’t goodbye forever. Thank you for all your music and all the great memories. Until we meet again. 🙂

I’ll never forget all the hugs, love, post-show hangs and drinks. You all have made my life infinitely better. I’ll love you forever. Thank you for everything; you will never know how much you’ve changed my life.

Thank you for becoming a part of me and helping me grow into the man I’m today. Your music and lyrics really helped me through tough times, will always be thankful and keep you in my heart. Wherever you go, keep rocking and touching lives, you 4, and the past members, are awesome human beings and deserve the best. Sincerely, your best fan since 03

Yellowcard was with me as a kid, through to my adulthood, and will always be with me in the future. While it’s sad to say goodbye, I’ll always cherish the memories and the person you’ve made me!

Year after year, Yellowcard would release a new album, and every time it’d be like we were friends catching up. We grew up together; your music found me at every key chapter in my life. I’m sad this was the last time we’ll get to catch up. Thank you, Yellowcard. You set the standard for what it means for me to connect to music.

Your music has been a part of my life ever since as a kid in middle school, we played Ocean Avenue as a cover band back in 2004. Loved your music and loved the connections I made because of your music. I have not missed a show at home since your return back from your hiatus and I will miss your shows a ton as they have been places to relieve my stress and worries and sing my throat out.

Yellowcard was definitive for me in my teenage years. Listening to them always brings back so many memories & feelings that I will never forget! So glad I got to see them in concert twice (in the same year) & got to meet them all. Awesome concert, wonderful experience, good luck in every future pursuit!

Your music can change minds. And someone’s life. Your concerts filled me up with light and sunshine. Every song either funny or sad is bright and encouraging . I hope to see you again all together on stage to scream my lungs out singing your songs and lose my voice. But now goodbye and thank you for everything.

I’ll never forget seeing Yellowcard live for the first time in Milwaukee, WI. Fall Out Boy’s “Sugar We’re Going Down” was playing in-between acts and it was cut short for the band to come on but Ryan Key was like “wait, we need to finish that chorus” and everyone sang along and it was amazing. I’ll also never forget crowd surfing for the first time to Ocean Ave later that year at Warped Tour and at every Yellowcard show I attended after that. And finally I was able to meet them on their final world tour after being a fan for over a decade! Thank you for everything you’ve done, I will always love you guys!

I LOVE YOU YELLOWCARD!!!!! Yellowcard has been my favourite band for over a decade. I absolutely love the music, the lyrics, the band members, the instruments, everything about this group. My heart sank when I read that they were coming to an end. I thought back to so many songs that helped me get through different struggles, and other songs that I just loved to turn up and jam out to. I will never stop loving you guys <3 Stay strong, believe 🙂

I’ve hung on every note/lyric ever released for 20 years. No band has or will ever capture my attention like you guys. Your music is the soundtrack to my life and I will miss the excitement of new music and live shows for the rest of my days. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into an unmatched career. I will miss it greatly.

I will be forever grateful and in awe for the good times and memories I have shared with Yellowcard over the years, Words will never be enough. I will forever keep their music in my ears and heart. Always. Thank you for everything x

Thank you. For everything <3

My favorite person and I became close because of this band. He may not be here right now, but the lasting impression he’s left on my heart and life will always be to the tune of Yellowcard. Forever thankful for that.

You guys have been my favorite band for almost 15 years. About half my life I’m 30 now. Your music has changed my life and I just wanna thank you for the memories. You’ll never know how much your music has meant to me. First time seeing you gravity games 2003 in Cleveland to seeing you for the 17th and last time in Jacksonville Florida in November of 2016. Thank you! Your music will live on forever!

Yellowcard: Ryan, Sean, Ryan, Josh… The past members… and the unsung heroes Neal, Christine, Rodney, and the others. Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart in soul. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and can never repay you for all the memories and emotions you’ve been able to invoke within my life. Thanks for saving me!

I’ve made so many friends and memories thanks to you that I could talk about for hours, I cannot thank you enough for the happiness you’ve brought me and tough times you’ve got me through. I’ll always support you all in whatever you do next, and I’ll continue loving your music until the day I die! Yellowcard will live on forever in all our hearts<3

I started listening to YC to impress a boy when I was in High School… Who knew they would turn out to be my all-time favorite band and bring me closer with so many people! Thankful to hear October Nights (favorite song) live during the final tour! Good luck with all future endeavors and Thank You for bring everyone years of amazing music & memories! <3

Sometimes it’s not the song that makes you emotional, but it’s the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it. Yellowcard will always be one of my favorite bands and they will always hold a special place in my heart. xoxo

This is goodbye, the last thing we get to say to you. I feel so lucky. Lucky that I found your music, lucky to have been a part of something incredible, lucky to have some of the best memories of my life at your shows. Yellowcard truly is my favorite band. I will miss the new music I always anxiously awaited, but we got 8 beautiful albums. That’s a lot more than some fans can say. This has been the perfect farewell tour. I know that you are no longer with us, but I know I can always find you in every song and every note.

I just wanted to thank you guys for the music you’ve shared with the world. It has been the soundtrack to literally half of my life and I have loved every moment of it – the ups and the downs. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do and truly hope that you keep making music, it would be heartbreaking to not hear anything from you guys again. It’s been one hell of a ride. Cheers, Carissa

I first started listening to Yellowcard back in high school in the Philippines, sometime in the early 2000s. I clearly remember the song Only One from the album, Ocean Avenue, being my first favorite. I didn’t have any fancy music players back then, but I did have a radio and I would send a text to the radio station again and again to play Only One. I also remembered watching the music video of Ocean Avenue on TV and I would be excited whenever either the video to Ocean Avenue or Only One would play. Since then, Yellowcard has become my go-to band whenever I would pick out music to bring for when I travel, or when I study, or when I just relax. Yellowcard’s music stuck with me all the way through college, until when I got my first job and was working on my master’s degree.

In 2013, I got invited by friends to join them in Circuit Fest Manila – it was a bit of a random invite and I didn’t know who was playing, but I was so starstruck when I realized that Yellowcard was playing live. That was the first time I saw Yellowcard live and it was absolutely amazing. It was raining that night and the music festival was outdoors, so we got wet and cold, but it was still an amazing experience finally seeing Yellowcard live for the very first time ever.

Fast forward to April 2015. I’ve moved to the US for my PhD and I saw Yellowcard perform live at the State Theatre in Portland, Maine. That was the second time I saw them live. My boyfriend got me tickets as a gift and I was so happy and excited about it. Not only was I seeing Yellowcard live for the second time, I was going to see them in a different country this time. Later that year in October, I got to see Yellowcard live for a third time at the Worcester Palladium and that was also the first time I got Yellowcard merch – a hoodie featuring their album, Lift A Sail.

On June 2016, I read on Yellowcard’s Facebook page that they will be breaking up after a final tour. That broke my heart because I never thought of the band ever breaking up and not producing any more music. Without second thoughts, I bought a deluxe package to see their performance at the House of Blues in Boston in November that included a meet and greet. I couldn’t let this chance of finally meeting the band in person pass. In a lot of ways, I could say that they’ve been a part of my life story as they’ve been the music I’ve been listening to for a long time and they’ve been with me as I’ve grown and traveled and lived my life.

Finally meeting the band in Boston on the 7th of November 2016 was an experience like nothing I’ve ever had. I met them – for real! It was great talking to them and learning about what they think about their careers, their performances, and even extremely random things such as whether creamy peanut butter is better than crunchy peanut butter. I had my photo taken with each band member and it was such an exciting experience. Even now, looking at our pictures together, I’m still amazed that after all these years, I’ve finally met and talked with the people who have shared in my various experiences in life, in both the amazingly joyful and the very sad days, the ups and the downs, the exciting adventures and the quiet relaxing moments. With a very, very happy and grateful heart, I thank Ryan Key, Sean Mackin, Ryan Mendez, and Josh Portman for the amazing experience of getting to know you and for sharing your music.

The members of Yellowcard may be moving in new directions with their lives, but in a lot of ways they are also still together through the music they’ve produced and the many many fans who have enjoyed and loved their music. For many people including myself, Yellowcard’s music and performances have been transformed into many feelings, experiences, and life stories. The band and their music have taken a variety of forms and in this way, they remain with their fans forever. As a line from One Bedroom sings, “We will always be here forever”, and to Yellowcard from the song that started it all for me, “You are my only, my only one~”.

Finally meeting the band in Boston last November 07,2016 after all these years listening to their music and seeing them perform live three other times before (Manila, Portland Maine, Worcester Massachusetts!) in two continents was an absolutely amazing experience! Very gratefully, I thank Ryan Key, Sean Mackin, Ryan Mendez, and Josh Portman for the experience of getting to know you and for sharing your music.

Yellowcard has meant a lot to me ever since I was in 7th grade. I ended up being depressed and also looking for new music. Yellowcard ended up being one of those bands. Honestly hearing their music just made me happy. The concert in San Francisco was my first and of course my last. I hope these guys are happy what they do afterwards. Good luck to all.

Yellowcard has been there for good and bad times. I’ve seen them in almost all venues in Milwaukee’s Eagles Club and it’s always an amazing show. Every show I’ve attended has made my top concert list, along with the band showing me the best circle pit I’ve ever seen. You will be missed. I cannot thank you enough for teaching me to be strong, believe

Yellowcard – I will miss you dearly. You have brought me happiness ever since I first saw you at the Warped Tour in Jacksonville, FL so many years ago. Thank you for the memories – I will cherish them forever.

Yellowcard, I may have only met and seen you perform once, but it was worth it. Thank you for making amazing music, the kind I go back and listen to all the time, the kind I’ll continue to listen to in the future. I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to see you perform live and meet you in person. Thank you for everything!

Yellowcard has probably been the most important thing in my life ever since I caught the Ocean Avenue music video in between episodes of Degrassi. A part of me has died with the band’s breakup, but I will always and forever be an Underdog. Love you guys!

First heard you guys in 2004 at a San Antonio Spurs game. Have been listening every since. Best of luck in the future!

2003: I listened to Yellowcard for the first time. My friends all loved you.

2015: I saw Yellowcard in Vegas. I’m still friends with the girl who gave me her extra ticket.

2016: I saw Yellowcard again in Chicago. I brought one of my closest friends who loves you now, too.

20XX: My friends and I still listen to Yellowcard. We still love you.

The first time I heard Believe I thought, “Is that a violin? In a rock song?” I knew then that Yellowcard was different, and I was in love. I matured with the music, and it continued to hit me in just the right place. It will always do that and I will be forever grateful. Thank you for the music. I will forever believe…

Your lyrics and music were, still are, and will forever be a landmark in my life. Thank you for being part of the soundtrack to it! You made me feel like I’m at home.

I met you guys for the first and last time in Dallas, and all I could do was sing along and beg you not tonight, not here, not now.

I’ve been a fan of Yellowcard since I was a child. I’m 21 now and I still love you all. I love Punk and Rock and always liked your style. I also like classical music and really liked that you had violin in your music. It makes your songs more unique than they already are. Thank you for the great music. We’ll never forget you.

Thank you for all the awesome music and memories! Your music will always be a big part of my life!

I first heard the band thanks to ‘Breathing’ being on the Burnout 3 soundtrack and from then I was hooked, my favourite songs of yours are Keeper, Always Summer, For you and your Denial. All the best guys

From first hearing ‘One for the Kids’ in Florida I’ve loved hearing your songs, eagerly awaiting album releases and UK tours. Your music has seen me through high school, university, distance marriage, separation, joy and loss. Thanks for so many favourite songs and songs my family/friends love. The farewell show in Manchester was a brilliant fitting farewell.

Starting when I was 10 I grew with you music and went through various phases of my life with it. So reading you were about to quit was shocking but also gave me the chance to attend at the best concert I’ve ever been and even meet you in VIP. These memories will last forever. ‘This is goodbye’

Thanks for all these years your music carried me through good and bad times and helped me become who I am today. Thanks also for being my main inspiration to write and play my own songs.

Each and every Yellowcard album and each and every Yellowcard song is plainly amazing. I’ve been listening to them for 13 years and will keep blasting these melodies through my stereos for many years to come! 🙂

Cheers from Belgium

I’ve only ever seen Yellowcard live twice: Once in the photo pit at last year’s Warped Tour and during this final tour. Their music has been with me for years through every high and low point of my life. Even though their touring days are done, the music will live on in all of us. Thank you for everything Yellowcard. You are my only one.

Yellowcard’s music has always been there for me. Through both life’s struggles (such as the passing of my own aunt to cancer-Sing for Me hits so close, thank you Ryan) and the happiest days of my life (Only One at my wedding & listening to Yellowcard with one of my daughter’s during her time in the NICU when she was born), your music has always resonated perfectly for every situation I’ve come across in life. While I will miss seeing you all tour, you have given us the gift of music to last forever that I can introduce to my own children (and they already love you guys too!) Thank you for being such an intricate part of my life, always putting on amazing shows in Salt Lake City, and for truly touching my life through your incredible musical gifts. You will be missed, but I am excited to see what new opportunities life has in store for each of you. Rock on my friends.

Yellowcard’s music has always been there for me. Through both life’s struggles and the happiest days of my life, your music has always resonated perfectly. While I will miss seeing you all tour, you have given us the gift of music to last forever that I can introduce to my own children (who already love you guys too!) Thank you for touching my life through your incredible musical gifts.

It’s almost impossible to put any kind of message into words. I’ve been following this band for years, grew up to y’all; from band member changes to hiatus, Yellowcard has come a long way and will forever have a special place in my heart. I’ll forever be sad I never got to meet ya’ll. I didn’t attend my VIP meet and greet due to a panic attack and will regret that for ever. Music changes lives, music creates safe spaces, music says the words you can’t and Yellowcard was all that for me. Thank you for everything

You will forever be a part of my life!

Your concert at the Paramount in Huntington New york was awesome! It was such an honor to meet you all! Ive been listening to your music before Ocean Avenue and own all of your CD’s you guys had a unique sound and will truly be missed!

Yellowcard was never my favorite band, however only they could create the memories shared between me and my best friend Cory Every MA show we would go to together and every show we created more and more memories. I will never have a concert experience like a YC show again. .

Where’s the “Rewind” button, please? Time flies… I regret not being able to tell you how important for me your music was, is and will be. Thank you for everything. YC will live forever in my heart! I wish you the best for your new life and hope we’ll meet again. I’ll miss you. #LOVE

Great guys, great band, great music

It was awesome to meet you guys in person at the Ace of Spades in Sacramento. Wasn’t the biggest fan compared to a lot of the folks there that night but its a night I’ll never forget. I’m glad I was able to reconnect with your music. You guys may be breaking up but your music will live on. Thank you and best wishes in all your future endevours

Fourteen years and one second. I discovered Yellowcard fourteen years ago, and it took one second to change my life. I can’t tell you in words how thankful I am to have your lyrics in my ears to pull me through hard times and to enjoy time and time again. Whatever your next journey brings, you have a fan for life. Thank you all.

If it wasn’t for Yellowcard, I wouldn’t have the relationship with my sister that I have today. Over the years, we’ve rocked out seeing Yellowcard together every time they were in town, and those concerts have made our sisterly bond so much stronger! Thanks for all of the fun times and unforgettable memories, Yellowcard, you’ll always be in our hearts!

We will never forget all of the concerts over the years. It brought us together. Hanging out backstage in your Final World Tour was easily our favorite experience. We will miss you. We hope your future is bright; “leave this town and run forever.” Thank you.

I will always remember listening to Yellowcard 10 years ago and how i went to their concert for the first time a few years back. I love every single song this band has made and while i’m heartbroken that you guys are disbanding, i’m so thankful to be apart of this journey.

“With the last sail lifted high, I am ready now, I am ready now…”

20 Amazing years! Thank you for every second!

Yellowcard is and always will be one of my favorite bands. I grew up listening to them, and will always remember how important they were to me. It was always a life goal of mine to go and see them in concert, and I am so glad that I finally got the chance. Yellowcard Rocks Forever!

You’ve been the soundtrack to my life. Love, loss and hope. Thank you so much for everything.

For all you guys have done for me and so many other people, I just want to say thank you guys so much. You guys got me through a really rough 2 years of my life and the escape your music provided me was lifesaving. Love you forever <3 Rest in peace xx

For all the years you spent touring the world for us. For all the music. For all the kindness. For all the tears and the laughs. For all the hope you gave to us. For everything you did in the past years… Just thank you!

I remember being 13 and hearing Ocean Avenue for the first time. At that moment, I fell in love with Yellowcard. Now, funnily enough, 13 years later the band is coming to an end. Thank you Yellowcard, for providing the soundtrack to half of my life. I found you then, and things DID get better. I’ll miss you.

Little did I know how much music I heard first in a video game would mean to me. Your music has always given me so much energy. through the years I’m happy I got to meet you guys at the final world tour. I will always look back at them as some of the best days of my life. Best of luck to you all.

Hey guys, a huge thank you from the UK here! Watched you every time you’ve been over here and loved every minute of it. So sad for this to end, but it has to happen at some point right? Wishing you all the best in the future and thank you once again.

Where do I even begin? Yellowcard has been a huge part my life since the start. You’ve been there for me through all the ups and downs. I’ll miss seeing you guys live but your music will live on forever. Thank you for so many amazing years of music and memories! Best of luck with everything in the future! Bottoms up!

Thank you Yellowcard for being such an important part of my life. I discovered the Ocean Avenue album during a very difficult time in my life and it saved me. I am so sad to see you go! Thanks for the memories! I miss you already! “I don’t hear music anymore/My ears are tired of all the pictures in the words/’Cause you are in them, still”

Thank you for building the soundtrack of my life. It’s so bittersweet thing to have a band that has written about my loves and losses with such profound accuracy that it almost feels like I’ve been followed around all this time. The last album was a perfect transition to a new chapter. Thank you for all of the years and all of your music. <3

At 21 years old, I love Yellowcard as much as I did when I was 8. I basically grew up with Yellowcard. Their music was always there for me whenever I needed it. They’ve always inspired me and motivated me to write my own music and start my own band, Painted Young. Thank you, Yellowcard, for inspiring myself and many others to express ourselves with music.

you guys have been with me through every part of my life, every smile and every dark moment. I couldn’t thank you enough if i tried, but here’s an attempt. can’t wait to see what all of you do in the future!

I just wanna say thanks, I love you guys so much and your music makes me incredibly happy. Yellowcard has definitely impacted my life in the best way possible, I don’t even want to imagine a world where I cant listen to your music daily. Saying goodbye to you is really hard for me but Yellowcard will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.

Every time I’ve seen Yellowcard, It was the best concert I’ve ever been to. I’ve been a fan since Ocean Avenue and everyday fell more in love. I’m heartbroken Yellowcard is ending, but I understand why, and only wish them the best. I’m honored I’ve met them and will always cherish the memories and Music. Yellowcard will forever have a place in my heart. Thankyou♥

I started dating my bf almost a year and a hlave ago. The first thing i found out about him is that his favorite band was Yellowcard. I didnt listen to any bands until him. He told me how you guys made him who he is today bc he listened to your music till he was very young. He didnt grow with society;being basic like all the other teenagers. Thank you so much ❤ You guys guided him the right way. We are engaged and we always talk about how our babies first shirt is going to be a yellowcard shirt 😂💓!!! You will be missed 😟 And let me tell you YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN is MARCO PEREZ !

Growing up alongside Yellowcard was incredible and the fondest of memories were made at your shows. You guys opened the door to the scene of pop-punk and forever changed music for us both. The power behind every lyric, melody, and drum fill in every album has impacted our lives more than you’ll know. “I will not forget the sound of you and me.” Farewell!

You guys were my music growing up through my teenage years and even now as I approach my thirties. Your songs is why I play air guitar and air bass and air drums and air violin. I’ll never forget the impact your music has had on me. God Bless Yellowcard. #yellowcardrock #yellowcardforever

I’m very sad to see you guys go, but so incredibly blessed to have seen you live at both warped tour in Portland and live at the roseland theater. Ocean avenue like everyone else’s was my 8th grade jam and since then all your music has made some sort of impact on my life. Whether I’m sad or jamming out in my car, yellowcard is my go to band. You have never disappointed. You all are so talented and a put on an unforgettable live performance. Thank you for the memories and I hope one day you do a reunion tour!

Music from these talented guys from the other side of the world has been there for me through the good, the heatbreak & loss. Seeing them live in December with my bestfriend was the perfect end to a rollercoaster of a year. I wish YC weren’t ending and while all good things must come to an end I guess, their music will live on forever.

ryan, sean, ryan, and josh…your music has been my everything; from my very first concert at the electric factory (yes your live DVD you recorded there!), to losing my best friend, losing my father, to having my son and all the ups and downs in between…your music has always been there to support me and I can’t thank you enough. I wish you all much rest and relaxation! love you guys. and can’t wait for the reunion tour (fingers crossed) =D

I can’t thank you enough for shaping my teen years, and for giving me music to love more than I’ve ever loved anything. So glad to meet you as many times as I have, and to see you kill the stage time and time again. Good luck with everything you decide to do in the future. I love you guys.

Thank you, Yellowcard. For bringing people together. For giving me a friend. You have no idea how much your music has affected my life. Memories were made, many tears shed. I’ll cherish the hours I spent in my car listening to your music. I don’t know what to do next, but for now I’ll be watching Star Wars with my PJs on.

“Southern Air” helped me during a tough time, and it remains my go-to album whenever I’m feeling down and it never fails to pick me up. I saw you twice on the farewell tour, playing in Glasgow and Manchester – and meeting you in Glasgow! – both wonderful evenings I won’t forget, giving it laldy singing along. Best wishes to all of you in future endeavours.

The one band I’ve always kept up to date with since I was in grade school. 13 years later, I had to say good bye. From love songs to some of the best songs about family I’ve ever heard, I’ll always come back to Yellowcard. Thank you, I hope your next adventure will bring you more stories I hope to hear from all of you someday, somehow.

Thank you for being one of the best bands on Earth. You have changed the lives of countless young people in ways that you may never know. Congrats on making music and entertaining fans for 20years!!!

I’d like to thank you for transform music in good feelings. You are the best band of my life, that represents so many important moments and feelings. Thanks! Tks for the best shows! Obrigado pelos shows no Brasil!!!

I will forever remember this band and this concert. You have an amazing gift of making people feel and relate to your music. Thank you very much!

So many personal memories that tie in with Yellowcard gigs and albums it feels strange thinking there won’t be new ones coming. Thanks for such incredible music and moments to carry my journey on with and such a great tour to finish-don’t be strangers, be as proud and happy of what you gave us as we are of you!

I can’t thank you guys enough. For every song you’ve written, to how friendly you were at the meet and greet (Even if I was a little shy), thank you so much. Paper Walls is one of my favourite albums of all time and to now have it signed is such an amazing feeling! I wish you all the best of luck for the future

I don’t think you guys could ever understand the profound impact you have had on my life. You have found me in such a terrible time, and have stayed with me through it all. I will forever love, and forever be grateful for this band. It’s always been more than just music for me. Thank you for the memories.

My dad and I have been listening to you guys for AWHILE. We saw you guys in Birmingham,UK and it was great. I am 12 years old and I love your music! You guys will be missed dearly. I wish you guys the best luck in the future! – Joeanne

Your music and words have pulled me through really dark times. My dad passed a month before “Through with thinking” came out. Thank you for being my light, when the world is dark. Also, Ryan will forever be babe. haha.

Thx for making such awesome music, it really was/is the soundtrack of my youth. Much love! x

Nothing could truly prepare us for the inevitables in life – love, loss, heartbreak, demise. Though… there are a few things that make all of these predestined situations easier – friends, family… Yellowcard. I’m forever in-debt to your music, which took me across the country on my own in 03, helped me fight depression throughout high school, and helped me marry my now husband this past summer – just a month after you announced your break up. I will never forget Warped Tour (6/17/16) – we had just chosen “With You Around” as our song the night before and you opened with it (which I’ve never experienced in my MANY Yellowcard shows). I laughed and choked back tears in true disbelief. Thank you for helping me fight my own battles. Thank you for the long car rides, where I’ll always “scream my lungs out and try to get to you”. Thank you for being so loyal to your fans. Thank you for being my most favorite band for so many years. And most of all, thank you for some of the best music & memories of my life. I will always love you guys.

I’m gonna miss you guys. Yalls music was a huge part of my growing up. Thank you for everything, I’ll see y’all down on Ocean Avenue.

Here I go, scream my lungs out! At your concerts as you tell me everything is going to be alright, Be strong, believe! Cuz with the morning i will open my eyes. You were there for me in my darkest of times and brightest of moments. I still remember the first concert I went to in middles school. My dad picked me up early and drove me to Orlando to see you on a school night. Since that concert, my life has changed. You helped me become the person I am today because you’d sing for me, and through your lights and sounds you are my only one. Forever. It is with a heavy heart to know there will be no more concerts, but so happy to have had all the experiences with you. I have made some of the most amazing friends at your concerts. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Yellowcard you will forever be, MY ONLY ONE I love you to the stars and the moon and back.

Yellowcard has meant more to me than I can put into mere words. From the moment my neighbor across the street lent me his Ocean Avenue CD in April 2004 to now, Yellowcard has been an instrumental part of my life through the ups and downs of growing from a teen to an adult. Every album helped me gain perspective on the various things going on in my life. I will miss you guys so much. Thank you for everything!! Way Away will always be the defining song of my life.

Thank you guys for 20 years of great music and for inspiring young musicians like myself and I’m sure as well as many others to go pick up an instrument and start their own bands! This might be goodbye but your sound will continue to sing throughout the years to come.

Here’s to what lies ahead! Good luck guys and once again thank you!

Massive thanks to you guys for the past 20 years! The tour was awesome and Nottingham was immense.

“If I could I would do all of this again Travel back in time with you to where this all began”

Thank you! You will never know just how much your music meant to us. Your songs always had the words we had in our hearts and definitely brought us closer to one another. Your music will be missed. ~ 3

I remember first hearing WayAway on SSX when I was young. It was the only song on that game I ever wanted to Hear. Now I’m an adult still rocking out to that song and so many more. Thanks for making such great Music!

The many hours of my life I have spent wasting my time on the internet are worth it for the one time I clicked on a suggested video called Ocean Avenue. Thank You.

I can’t even begin to tell you guys how much you and your music has helped me through some tough times. Yellowcard is my favorite band and I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you! I wish you all the absolute best in whatever comes next! Thank you all so much for everything!

Sincerely Charlie

Thank you for being one of the first bands I ever loved. Thank you for bringing me hope in times of pain. Thank you for inviting me into the music world, and making every concert a worth while and loved experience. Thank you for your time, dedication and passion to your art. Thank you for all of this and more, and know that you will forever be one of my favorite bands.

2003 at the age of 15, I first heard Ocean Avenue, since then you’ve been my favourite band and have been the soundtrack to my life. From my teenage years through college and university into adulthood you’ve been there so thank you. There’s a good reason you’re my no one played artist on Spotify & will continue to be for many years to come. @SGSmallman

You guys truly are my favorite band. You will be missed!! Thank you for everything!!

Forever Be The Young

You never forget your first concert. For me, that means that I will never forget Yellowcard performing “Lift a Sail”. It was an honor to be able to meet the band during the final world tour. Though I have only been a fan for a brief time, Yellowcard has brightened my life. I will miss you, but I am ready now. Goodbye, and thank you.

I’ve not the words to thankyou for the years or express my sadness for your departure, my love for the band has been emense attending 30+ gigs shows that Left with memories noone can take I’ve seen you in 6 countries never been disappointed Meet and greets Sean back stage Tattoos Best of luck to you all #Bonjuice

Your music got me through the worst years of my life and pushed me towards some of the best. Thank you so much.

I’m so grateful for your music. Going to your shows have been some of my favorite memories. <3

Thank you guys for sharing your love of music with me and everyone else. I got to meet you guys on your last tour in Salt Lake City and it was absolutely an amazing show, thank you very much for that. It is truly sad to see Yellowcard go but you will never be forgotten.. Thank you!

“One more show, One last time. We are ready” – Yellowcard

Sincerely, Jaden Quintana

Legends Never Die. From backyards to stages all around the world. You guys really are my inspiration. Long live Yellowcard.

Was a wish that came true watching you guys perform. As a Bolivian Fan I had very few chances to actually go to a concert. The first time I listened to EA I was immediately in <3with Sean’s violin and became a Fan. And the only thing left to say to you guys is THANK YOU, thank you for the greatest night of my life!

The most important thing I could ever say is thank you. Thank you for giving my best friend and I something to bond over when we first met, you’re the reason we became friends. Thank you for helping me get through my Dad’s death. Thank you for giving me so many amazing memories over the past 14 years. Ryan M, thank you for being an amazing friend. Sean, thank you for always caring and asking how I was doing. Ryan Key, thank you for your lyrics and your stories. These words will never be enough. You’re forever in my heart. I love you.

Hey Yellowcard, thanks for blessing us with a diverse range of heartfelt, mellifluous songs throughout the years! You guys helped me through my middle school, high school, undergraduate and now graduate school years, i.e. most of my life. I’ll never forget my very first concert experience where I met and watched you perform in Lincoln in 2015. Keep rocking and throwing those shakas!

Yellowcard was the first band I ever discovered on my own, the first I truly loved. I’ll miss you, but the music will never leave me.

We’re sad that our son will never be able to see you live. He’s a marine biologist studying in the Swiss Alps. He also works as a janitor for NASA on the side.

Like many others, I was introduced to Yellowcard by seeing the video for Ocean Avenue premier on MTV in junior high. It is saddening to know that there will not be any new albums but I look forward to the new projects that will come from this. Thank you for everything, Ryan, Ryan, Sean and Josh. Yellowcard will forever live on.

Although i first listen to your songs in high school, i finally came to see you live for the first time in the final Houston show. I took my girlfriend at the time and it was just magical. A beautiful bittersweet memory. Thank you for memories. Thank you for everything.

I believe everybody has certain bands that really define a specific period of lfie for themselves. For me, YC is, and will always be the soundtrack to my teenage years and me growing up. I connect so many memories, both beautiful and tough ones with their music. But they always bring me back to these times like no other band does. And therefore, I just want to say THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. #RIPYC

Thank you for all the memories, laughs, cries, anger, frustration and joy. Yellowcard has always been there for me, my family and friends, and those memories will be with us forever, thank you for sharing you music.

-Steve (New Mexico, USA)

Thank you for all you’ve done. Seeing you at slam dunk I was like ‘I have to see these again and again’. Sadly we only did one more show. But I will forever be grateful for view from heaven as it helped me through a good friends death and my dads. I hope our paths cross again one day

Thanks for 20 years of great music and emotions! With Ocean Avenue you changed my musical tastes, since then I love punk-rock and always will. But it wouldn’t be fair to remember you just for that album because you have been amazing until the end and Rest in peace is the proof: magnificent song, excellent closing point after an amazing career. Wish you well for all your future plans!

Thanks for 20 years of great music and emotions! With Ocean Avenue you changed my musical tastes and since then I love punk-rock and always will!! But it wouldn’t be fair to remember you just for that album because you have been great until the end and Rest in peace is the proof: magnificent song, great closing point after an amazing career. Wish you well for all your future plans!

Thanks for everything, guys! Your music really helped me through some rough times. Grew up listening to Yellowcard and I wish I’d grown old doing the same, but I know nothing lasts forever… I’m happy I saw you live in Amsterdam, having come from Romania for the show. An epic experience! P.S.: Ryan M, we’re still waiting for you to come visit. 🙂

I listen Yellowcard for over ten years and want to say thank you for every second of your songs. From “One For The Kids” to self-titled album it was the best journey in my life. Thank you and goodbye! “It was the best that you could be for me”.

Thank you for all the music over the years. Whether happy or sad you always provided just enough to get me through a day, month or a year. Having the chance to see you guys live and meet you is an ultimate experience I’ll never forget. I’m glad to know the feeling of what it’s like to have a favorite band of all time

Constant rain and lightning for almost 2 hours, rumors of the shows cancellation echoed in the crowd., Sean talking to fire marshals all night to give them more time.. After a long wait, at 10pm they came out. And played the greatest 57 mins in punk rock history. Worth the wait

6/24/11 Tampa FL

Yellowcard has been my favorite band since i was in high school. I’ve always believed that music can inspire you and help you through the worst of times, even if it only brightens your mood. Your music has done that for me over and over again. So thank you, sincerely, for every thing you’ve ever made for you fans!

From the first time I heard Sureshot on my MP3 at 8yrs old to choosing your lyrics as my senior quote this year, you guys have always put my thoughts and feelings into words, that means a lot to me. Although I’ve only seen you once in Charlotte, you guys have had a tremendous impact on me and many others. To say thanks I’m learning your songs on my violin, and guitar (just need sheet music). Thank you, I wish you all a safe journey, this is the beginning of a new chapter in life, so do as you taught me and be strong, believe!

P.S. if you have any sheet music for either instrument, could you send it [email protected]_129

2003. 14 years old. I bought my first ever album. That album was Ocean Avenue. Yellowcard are the reason I’m the musician I am today. Yellowcard’s music will stay with me until the day I die. Lyrically brilliant. Musically outstanding.

From listening to Breathing at the age of 8 in a video game, to meeting you back stage for the first (and last time) at the age of 18. It has been a pleasure knowing you guys and the listening to the music you have created. I had the perfect hello and goodbye in Glasgow and a show that I will never forget. Much love to you guys and best of luck to the future. You will always remain in the hearts of the fans #YellowcardRock

Since I was a 10 year old kid, you were my favorite band, when I felt alone, angry, happy or just relax, you always been there.. Thank you for let me express with your songs all this time, and for one last concert, that moment will live in me forever.. This is not a good bye because your music will always be in my hearth.

Yellowcard has been a huge influence in my life, because of them, I’m trying to follow my dream, so I just want to thank you for being awesome, thank you again. 🙏

Your concert in Groningen(NL) was my first, the best concert I’ve been to. Your final show equalled it. Thank you all so much for making the soundtrack to me growing up.

Hello my friends, I just wanted to thank you for your music, for your live shows, for being the greatest of humans. Thank you for the opportunity to meet you and see you live 3 times – they were 3 of the best nights in my life. After those shows I finally come to peace with it and understand your decision. I’m forever grateful for Yellowcard.

Your music helped me get through one of the darkest parts if my life when I was hiding that I was gay from my family and struggling with it. Thank you.

Thank you for such an epic show! So happy you all found your way to London to give us a night we’ll never forget!

Words can never express how much this band means to me, I’m beyond grateful for the last 13 years, Yellowcard will ALWAYS be my favorite band. Thank you so much for the killer live performances and impeccable discography. Good luck with the next chapter of your lives!

The way I felt in the last concert is something I can not describe. Yellowcard will always be in my heart.

Lift a sail and live forever yellowcard!

How do I generalize? You all have meant so much to me, and I will keep your music with me to the end of my days. Thanks for the adventure; now go have another one.

Growing up, everyone needs a “something” to keep everything alright. That “something” for me always has and always will be Yellowcard. The memories will last with all the music and I’m grateful for every last thing. Thank you for giving me the chance to say goodbye in the best way. I love you still, I always will.

I wasn’t a fan since day 1 of Yellowcard but once I discovered them, they became my #1 band. It isn’t easy to pick one band above all to be your favorite but listening to Yellowcard has always been different. The passion that comes through the songs and the energy I get from listening to a Yellowcard song is unique. #ForeverYoung

You guys changed our lives, even though we discovered you quite late. Meeting you in Manchester was brilliant and my daughter’s most treasured memory. Thanks for everything.

\m/ Cut Me, Mick \m/

I’ve literally grown up with the band and followed them since their early days. I had the pleasure of having beers at Highland Tap with Ryan after a show in Atlanta years ago and hearing about the life of being in a rock band. My wife is from Jacksonville, so that made the connection even more fun. The music has helped me get through tough times with a death in the family and all the ups and downs. Thank you to all the members of the band for your impact that you’ve had on my life. Creating music is a unique way of making a difference in people’s lives.

Words cannot express how much your band and your music has meant to me over the years. Thank you for helping me become who I am as a person today.

I have been a fan for about 20 years. Time sure does fly. I have been to your concerts in over 6 different cities over the years. Your music has been a part of all my life changes. Your music makes people feel a little less alone and that is an amazing thing. I love you guys and wish you all the best, Oh and if you have a comeback tour I will definitely be there!

Your music made me who I am today. It kept me going when things were falling apart. It was empathetic, loving, and motivating. Your live shows were electrifying and some of the most fun I’ve had in my life. Thank you for pouring your hearts out to your fans and for making a difference. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you so much for the gift that is y’all’s music! Yellowcard has given me and my best friend such wonderful memories going to y’all’s concerts, after which we always left feeling as if we literally screamed our lungs out. Nothing will be able to replace that. Yellowcard will always have a special place in my heart!

Thank you guys for sharing your gifts with all of us for so long. Thank you to your families for sacrificing their time with you, so you could perform & make memories with all of us. You will truly be missed. Best of luck to you all.

You guys have been my favorite band since I was 11 years old. Your music has been there for me through the worst and best parts of my life. I don’t know what I would have done with you. Thank you for everything.

Each and every time I meet you guys I always get nervous. This time I got the courage to ask you to write the lyrics to “Rivertown Blues.” on a poster I received. You did and it made me so happy that I began to cry. My words will never be enough to tell you how much you mean to me. Yellowcard you are one for the history books. xx

I been thinking about what i would say off and on since the week of the announcement. I never been good with words or emotions, Even when i meet you, i cant form the words or express the level of gratitude i have towards your music and how it has helped me through these last 10 years. Your music helped me through difficult events, whether it was a difficult decision i had to make or change i wasn’t ready to face. Your music helped me celebrate the good like jamming on my way to graduation, and the bad like mourning the loss of a loved one. This past year was one of my hardest and i have had to say goodbye in more ways than i can begin to explain in limited characters but with each goodbye i had to face, i learned that with an ending comes a new beginning. Thank you for everything i can’t say that enough. Good luck on your new beginnings.

Yellowcard, They have some powerful music. This is how I can escape from everythings . Its so deep inside my soul. This band gave me faith in myself All this together is making me stronger than I’ve never be before. I will keep thoses wonderful moments forever in a memory.

Thank you YC, you’re music has been there for me year in and year out, seeing me through many highs and lows. You’ve been my soundtrack and my inspiration, and always will be. I fell, I hit the ground, yet here I am alive. Thank you!

Yellowcard was the first band I discovered on my own, and they became that one band that defined my taste in music. They’re the one band I didn’t go a day without listening to, and the one band I would never miss a tour cycle for. You’ve kept me strong the past 17 years, and there’s no other band that will ever replace you guys.

you guys have made a huge impact on my life, and have touched the lives of many others. your music gives inspiration and hope to those who may not have any… thank you for everything, and keep on rocking.

It’s hard to say how much this band means to me. I’ve been following you since your inception. You’ve been there when I’ve been down and it’s possible that without you I wouldn’t be here today. Your music will forever live on and be the soundtrack to my days. You’ve been a constant inspiration and I wish you the best of luck in the future.

Thank you all for articulating and playing out my greatest hopes, deepest fears, strongest loves, and momentous dreams. The feeling at your live shows was palpable- the energy experienced happened because all spectators became participants of the music. It’s a feeling my soul will never forget. For the rest of my life I will spread thin what I’ve got saved. I am ready now.

Thank you guys for giving us music that’s helped so many of us get through some tough times and celebrate the good ones. I hope all of you are enjoying whatever life ahead brings you. We’re always still your fans. Long live Yellowcard!

So glad to finally have met you! Thank you for everything! I will never stop being a fan! Best of luck guys!

I’ll never play another album front to back more than I did with ocean avenue. You guys got me through a lot. Your music will truly be missed.

Thank you for everything!

I spent seven hours on the road to see the Farewell Tour. Your music has been a huge part of my life since I first discovered “Way Away” all those years ago. Your music was there for my first heartbreak, and I danced to your music on my wedding day. Thank you for every single song. My life wouldn’t be the same without them.

First time I heard you guys I was thirteen almost fourteen. Finally got to see you twice in 2016 at 23. You will always have a place in my heart as my first real band in the scene, even when I’m old and gray. Much love to you all

From the time I discovered Yellowcard in 2008, you have always been my favorite band. Your music resonates with me in a way that no one else’s does. I had a great time seeing you perform live twice, and meeting you in person before the final concert in San Francisco was an even bigger thrill. Thank you Yellowcard!

I bought tickets to the Ocean Avenue Orlando show right before finding out I was expecting. Needless to say being 6 months pregnant didn’t stop me from going. What an incredible show it was. This is a band I grew up with and will dearly miss!

I am so incredibly happy I was able to meet you guys and listen to you perform one last time. I’ve listened to you over half of my life and you have helped me pull through depression, losing a parent, and my fight to continue to help others with my eventual degrees in clinical psychology and art therapy. Thank you for being you and showing us all that it’s worth the fight. ❤

I can’t even begin to say how grateful I am to have this band in my life, or how lucky I feel. You’ve given me so much: positivity, acceptance, understanding, contentment, happiness. I’ll never forget any of this, or any of the experiences you have brought me. You’ve truly changed my life. I’m gonna miss you so much, but you’ll be in my heart forever.

I fell in love with your guys’ sound when I was in Germany in 2003. Now I’m in North Pole, Alaska still listening to your music. You’ve been a large part of my life and I’m so blessed to have shared your farewell tour experience. God bless you and your families! I’ll miss you and you’ll be in my prayers! Thank you for everything!

Very happy to have gotten to see you guys live so many times. I’ll always listen to all my YC records. Farewell….for now

Thank you for the best song on the ssx3 soundtrack. Thank you for Paper Walls, what should have been the soundtrack to Paper Towns by John Green. Thank you for being there at my first Warped Tour. I was born in ’97, so thank you for being there my whole damn life, and THANK YOU for leaving a chance to say goodbye. f*****g thank you.

Music says what people can’t say and your words have touched me more than you know. You have helped me through several difficult times in my life and I will continue to listen to you always. I was so happy to see you play one last time and wish you the best that life has to offer.

If there was one word I could use for your music, it would be life-changing. The first cd I ever owned was a burned copy of Ocean Avenue. Little did I know how much your music would come to mean to me over the years and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you for being the soundtrack to the stories I will tell.

First heard Way Away in SSX 3 when I was 9. Now I’m 22 and have seen the band the last 6 tours. Never has a band meant so much to me. The Sound of You and Me, Martin Sheen or JFK, Trembling, When We’re Old Men, Three Flights Down, Soundtrack, Be The Young, AWOL, even Millennium Changed. New album might be the best tho.

Yellowcard, your music has inspired my life so much! it’s going to be hard not to have new music from you. But you will always be my favorite band.

Never thought this would happen but nevertheless, y’all are the greatest band I’ve listened to ever. Thank you for making the best music I have listened to. Your music will live on and be played again and again. I’m just glad I got to see y’all play for the last time live. It was an amazing experience. I loved it!

This is the band that got me to want to play music. This band is a good reason why i’m still giving it my all to reach my dreams of becoming a musician. So I thank all of you guys for putting all the work you guys do into the music you make to rock the world. You guys will be missed.

Thank you Yellowcard.

Thanks for the memories, boys. You’ve been the band that has been there for us through it all. Wish you nothing but the best. Much love from, Boston!

I was at the Baltimore show, which was my third time seeing you play. I was part of the sit down meet and greet. I will never forget meeting such down-to-earth, talented people. Thanks for being there when I needed you. Your music has inspired me, and helped me get through tough times. YC, here’s to an amazing run, and thank you for the memories!

You have been with me through so many stages of life, it’s hard to think you won’t be there for stages to come. But I will keep you with me through the wonderful music you have made. If only I could hang on till the hurt is gone. It’s true though, change comes for you even when you’re hiding out. The lights are on I wait for you year after year, come back if ever you please. As for now I will just have to let this rest in peace. Thank you for everything guys. My kids will hear your music and their kids will hear it too. Good luck on all of your future projects, I wish you love and happiness.

Thank you ❤

In 03 Brian played Ocean Ave from VA to DE and I was falling in love with him and you all! In 07 your music got us through the toughest time in our marriage and we got to see you later that year in Portsmouth. In 2010, we saw you at the Norva and it was the best damn show we had ever been to up until that point. Until we drove to JAX. Best show ever. You have been a huge part of our lives. Thank you for the memories and good luck to all of you in the future!

Dear yellowcard, I cannot describe the amount your music means to me. The fondest memories in my life have your music somewhere in them. It doesn’t matter when or where. You have shaped my life the same way the Beatles shaped my fathers back in the 70’s. Your legacy shall not die and the music you left me will forever represent the best parts of my life. Thank you so much I hope you continue to rock your own worlds the way you rocked mine.

Alright, I’m sure no matter what I come up with here, I’m not gonna think it’s good enough so I’m just gonna keep it nice and simple. No band ever has, and probably never will affect me and my life quite like Yellowcard did. But hey, I’m not gonna try to go back now, I’m just gonna let it rest in peace. <3

There are more than 8 billion bands in the world, but Yellowcard has been there. There music gives me so much emotional feeling that helps me get through the day. Everyone has been kicked down, bullied, suicidal. I have gone through these things but every time I listen to Yellowcard. They make me smile, love, sing and lose control. They will always be my #1 band. Thank you for these 15 years of great helpful music. RIPYC

Thank you for make such a great music along the years, every album you made came with a lot of good moments and just at the right time, each song is now part of my life and holds such a great memories that will live forever just like your songs.! Muchas gracias Yellowcard! Always a fan, Juan Becerra

You’ve been an inspiration to rock on with upbeat lyrics and rhythm. I’ve known you guys for 13 years and did not expect to become so attached. I melted every time I saw you live, and I’ll smile on even if your journey is over. You’ll still be a part of mine. Take care, rock on!

Yellowcard was the first concert I had ever seen, back in 2004 at the Warfield in San Francisco. It was an amazing experience. So glad I got to see you guys one last time at the Catalyst. It was an awesome show! Thanks for all your awesome music over the years. It’s helped me through a lot off tough times, songs like “Life of a Salesman,” and “View From Heaven,” took on new meaning for my after my father had passed away.

So thanks again for your music. Yellowcard Rocks!

While listening to any Yellowcard record, I get the same feeling most would get looking through an old photo album. Every song is a snapshot of my life. There are emotions and memories that will be forever intertwined with each and every one of those melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. Thank you helping me become who I am. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

My boyfriend loves your band and I loved being able to attend one of your final concerts with him. It was very emotional and the time there was amazing. Thank you for the time well spent.

Your music has been the soundtrack to so much of the last 12 years of my life. One special YC CD (and an awesome Grad Nite set!) even led me to my soulmate and lifetime show partner! From Warped to Freebird, Cinderella’s Castle, HOB, and Hard Rock..thank you for sharing so much of yourselves with us and rocking EVERY show. We’ll miss you so!

You guys have change my life completely. You have brought me out of all the dark times and have gotten me to where I am today. Everytime I think about you guys I cry to think its over but I will always have your music to remeber you guys. I will never forget how you affected my life. You will be missed dearly

Thank you for your inspiration, your melodies, your humbleness and most of all, your love. Your music has helped me through life’s toughest times and always rough me joy and happiness. I wish this wasn’t goodbye. Love you guys!

I only just started listening to Yellowcard about a year or two ago and they already became my favorite band. Since I started listening to you guys so late I only got to see you at warp tour and at your final concert (Which all happened in 2016). I wish I could have seen you guys more in concert, but I am still grateful to have seen you guys perform. In the short amount of time that I have been a fan the band has helped me get over my break up with my first girlfriend and the death of my cousin Vinson in March of 2016. Ryan, Sean, Ryan Mendez, Josh, Longineu and every other previous band member thank you so much for all you have done! Your music is so inspiring and uplifting. Thanks to your music I have been able to get over big obstacles in my life and I am sure that I am not the only one who feels this way. It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye. I will miss you guys and will always be a lifelong fan. I continue to listen to all your albums (especially your last one) and I am always filled with joy. You guys have made an amazing impact on the world and have managed to spread so much happiness through your music. I hope and pray that I am able to help others one day like you have helped us. I hope that all of you have great lives and maybe we will see you guys comeback together one day. I hope you guys stay connected with the fans so we don’t have to actually say goodbye. I love Yellowcard so much and I thank you for everything you have done for me! Rest In Peace Guys, Yellowcard forever!!!!

Thank you so much for coming to Dallas. I got to see your final performance. It will forever be a part of me. It was so unreal. I had an amazing time. Thank you so much for the memories. Maybe one day you guys can come back together and throw down for old time sakes.

Thank you for always inspiring me to be the best musician and person I could be. I’ve been playing Violin for over 19 years and will miss hearing new music from you guys. Thanks for the memories.

On a summer road trip, I hear “Believe” for the first time. Four years later, I’m playing violin, my cousin’s playing guitar, our close friend’s playing bongos, and we all sing harmoniously to “Paper Walls”. Four years later, we’re both playing again for our close friend’s funeral. Four years later, Yellowcard’s signing the same violin I’ve played all these years.

Thank you. Love you JJ.

Thank you for the last 15+ years of incredible music. You guys got me through life. I can never thank y’all enough. I wish you all the very best. Know you’ll be incredibly missed!

Ryan, Ryan, Sean, and Josh, With a heavy heart I’d like to say thank you for being more than just a band for me. Over the years you have helped, inspired, and touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people and myself included. I wish you all the best of luck and happiness in your future endeavors. Rest in Peace my friends.

I don’t even know where to begin. Thank you guys so much for all the great music you’ve put out. Thank you for all the great shows that i’ve been able to attend. Thank you for all that you’ve done for all of us. i am so grateful that i got the chance to see you perform multiple times, and happy to have met you not once but twice. You guys will forever be my favorite band. You will be missed. Good luck to all. I’ll keep you deep inside, you’re always in my heart. A new life to start, I may be leaving but you’re always in my heart. <3

I remember meeting Yellowcard at Warped Tour when I was 17 and had a button of Ryan’s face on my t-shirt, and Sean happened to point it out, and I thought I was going to die because it was amazing. And then I saw you live for the last time, got to take pictures with Yellowcard and hugged Sean after going through the autograph line, and I thought to myself how amazing loving Yellowcard has been. After all this time? #always #illmissyou

Thanks for being with me on my hardest times your music will always make me feel alive! Cheers from ecuador

I’ve listened to your music from beginning to end. Sean’s boldness on the violin inspired me to step beyond classical norms in my own music. Ryan’s lyrics and singing style will stick with me forever. This band has changed me for the better!

I’ve been a Yellowcard fan since I was 14. I’m 21 now and still love their music. It’s hard to say goodbye with just a few words, but if their is one thing I’d want the band to know is how much their music has meant to me in my life. Thank you guys. With much love and respect, Forever fan, -Tyler Benak

Yellowcard’s music always pulled me through those difficult moments when no one ever understood how I felt. I remember driving late at night for hours, listening to Paperwalls and WYTSY after the worst break up I ever had. It always gave me the strength to keep on going, to keep up fighting. Thank you for everything, I am ready now.

In 2001 I stumbled across a song called October Nights by Yellowcard while searching for new music. The second I heard a violin accompanying solid guitar riffs I was hooked. A year later I picked up Ocean Avenue and it has been my all-time favorite album since. Thank you guys so much for all the great music over the years. Best wishes for the future!

Since I discovered Yellowcard at Circuit City at age 6, they’ve always been there for me. Thank you for everything over the years. See you at the final show.

Yellowcard was my first favorite band. They were the first band that I was really a fan of and not just a casual listener. They spurred my interest in music, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Your songs will forever be my anthems and soundtrack to life, and I know the music will live on long after we’re all gone. “You can’t be immortal, but you can make people remember you for hundreds of years.”

P.S. – Sean, you will always be my favorite musician and I will never forget grabbing your butt in Baltimore at the final tour. Story for the grand-kids <3

Thank you guys for the years of music that got me through so much, my best memories were at all the yellowcard shows I went to over the years! You all will be missed so! I will also always treasure how amazing each of you have been to us fans! Xoxox

Thank you for being a MAJOR part of THE SOUNDTRACK of my life (especially high school & college). I will do my best to pass on such a masterpiece to both of my kids when their time comes

you may rest in peace but you’ll be forever in our hearts! And if you see Holly Wood, tell her we say hi!

Yellowcard. A name that is etched into my heart. A band that has shaped the person I am today. A love that I have cherished for the past fifteen years. A way of life I have endlessly pursued. A history we will never forget. Thank you, from every single corner on this planet, for everything you have done for us. We will miss you dearly.

I cannot thank you guys enough for everything you gave us. You’ve gotten through some hard times and my life and I am grateful that I got to see you guys live one more time was able to buy all of your albums. I will continue to listen to your music and will always be thankful that i have you guys in my life.

Thank you for being my favorite band over the years. Your music helped me get through some hard times in my life. I’m so glad I got to see you on the last tour and Warped tour. I’m glad I got to meet you and thank you for being a band.

What a ride it was. Ocean Avenue came out right when I started high school. They say you find your taste in music around 14. Well you guys kicked that off for me. Going to miss looking forward to a new album and the next show. Keep rockin fellas.

Thank you for everything you guys have done the past 20 years, and for what you have given us as fans! Words can’t describe how lucky we are to have supported you! The songs mean so much to me personally, and helped get me through some tough times, and gave a voice to hope! First concert in 13 years was a blast!

Thank you for filling my life with amazing music. It’s because of Yellowcard that I started playing the violin in 4th grade and was introduced to so much music. You opened up my world and I’m so grateful to call Yellowcard my favorite band. From warped tour, to your own tours I’ve been there for the ride and I’ve loved every minute of it. I’ve met the most amazing friends and made great memories through Yellowcard. My heart wouldn’t beat the same without you. I’ll forever enjoy listening to your music and reminiscing of all the shows I was able to go to, including the final one. I will continue to support you all in whatever you do that’s beyond Yellowcard. But know Yellowcard will always have a piece of my heart and so I end this with the biggest thank you! Peace, love, music 💛

Thank you for all the years of music, it has molded me and helped me become a better person and meet incredible people. See you later space cowboys

Thank you for everything. For the amazing shows, for the heartfelt lyrics, for the nonstop hard work you did for us, and for your friendship. Meeting you guys and getting to know you a little was an honor. I’ll never forget you, I’ll never stop telling people about you, and I’ll never stop listening. Love y’all. Best wishes for your futures. 🙂

You guys rocked so hard everytime I came to see you. (7x) I’m gonna miss my yearly trip to NYC to see my favorite band play.

Much love, Ryan (@shockwave315)

Guys, thank you so much for all the awesome memories of shows and new music! It’s been a pleasure to have met y’all everytime through Dallas! I wish you all 4 the best and can’t wait to see what you all do on the next chapters of your lives. YC will live on through us loyal fan! All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Although Yellowcard is being laid to rest, their music will live on through their fans and all the other musicians they have inspired over the years. Thank you for everything.

You have truly saved my life. Without your music I would still be down that self destructive path. You guys will never know how much you mean to me. Thank you for everything. I wish you the best. With love always

My boyfriend and I attended your concert on Long Island and we both had such a blast! It was for his birthday and I’ve never seen him smile so much in my life. Your music did that. Take care guys, you will be missed, but your music and your memories will live on for generations to come. 🙂

The first song I ever heard from you guys was October Nights, and somehow one song that made you guys my favorite band for the past 15 years. I’ve been to a lot of your shows but the farewell show was the best show I’ve ever been to. Stay awesome!

YC is the only band that gives me the ability to reminisce about life events (big/small) while listening to their music. Every song brings up a different memory.

April 8th, 2011 to October 8th, 2016. 8 full sets & 1 acoustic. Thank you for all the lights and sounds. Thank you for lighting up my sky when I felt darkness. You gave me the words, now it’s time for me to sing for you. Thank you for every memory and giving me hope.. #WellForeverBeTheYoung #Dallas

Words cannot express how happy I am to have your music in my life, and how sad that this is farewell! I know that the music of Yellowcard will live in the hears and minds of fans forever. Thank you for all the amazing years of powerful, influential music!

You guys have been in my life since I was 12. It breaks my heart that ill never see Only One live again. Thank you for being such a big part of my life. I love you all so much. Okay…im going to go on living in denial that this is happening!!!

I remember my first show. It was Vans Warped Tour on my birthday and I got the chance to meet you. I snuck back stage and met my hero, LP3, who gave me sticks and a phenomenal memory. Thank you YC

For me, Yellowcard’s music was “love at first listen.” Several times in my life, it put my feelings into words when I couldn’t. The music has filled me with inspiration and hope, and the words have kept me sane and boosted me up during hard times. I can’t begin to thank y’all enough. Best wishes for the future. I’ll leave a light on.

Yellowcard, from a very young age you touched my life. I have been a fan since I was 5. You were my first concert, and I’m glad I got to see one of your last. Forever in my heart, you guys are something special. You’ve helped me through some really tough times but most importantly my self harm and attempted suicides. You guys will never know how much your music means to me. Thank you for all your hard work and love. You will always be a beautiful band to me. Love you guys, good luck out there!

My wife and I grew up with you guys from high school and through college going to every tour; it’s only fitting that we jump into new parts of our lives together. Thank you for all the memories.

So much love, James L

Thank you YC for all the memories.You helped me through good times as well as bad times .I even met my current wife thanks to attending a yc concert

The most important thing I could ever say to you guys is Thank You. Thank you for everything you have given us for the pas 20 years. I’ll be listening to your music for the rest of my life. Wishing you the best in everything you pursue!

Thanks for many great years of some of the best music out there. Fighting has and always will hold a special place in my heart. Glad that we made it to Detroit for one hell of a goodbye! We’ll miss you guys!

You guys will never know how much you’ve meant to so many people. The way you’ve touched our hearts and lives will always be remembered through your amazing music. Thank you so much, and I wish all of you happiness in your future endeavors!

I followed your music since Ocean Avenue. LP got me to play drums for the first time. Thank you for having my back when others didn’t.

Before I was a fan of you guys, I didn’t have that band to listen to, the band to help me get out of my own head. But with you, I get to do that every time I turn on your music. I appreciate the clarity and love and friends you’ve brought me throughout the years and the kindness you’ve shown me. Your concerts are my happy place and I will ALWAYS cherish the memories I’ve had with you. You will always be my favorite band. Best of luck, I love you.

Thank you for being in my life for all the good times and the bad. You truly have no idea how much you guys mean to me and how wonderful it is to see you every time, lifting my soul and helping to let my grudges against people “Rest In Peace” and for once say “Here I Am Alive”. I love you guys and forever it will be just you and me and one spotlight @stellabella914

It’s not really goodbye if we get to hang onto your music for years to come. Even our kids have taken to your music. Thank you for playing what all of our hearts lack the courage to say out loud.

Thank you guys for everything. The music you guys wrote has and always will mean the world to us fans. Thank you!

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. – Victor Hugo

This band changed my life. You may not be a band anymore, but I’ll always be listening to your music. Thank you. ❤

You guys were such a sight to see. I didnt make it to a lot of your shows, but the handful I did attend were always a blast. I will never forget those memories. I wish you all the best!

thank you for all the amazing records throughout the years.

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Yellowcard + Hammock

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Clear vinyl with pacific blue splatter. Vinyl jacket has orange and yellow clouds with "YELLOWCARD. HAMMOK, A HOPEFUL SIGN" printed in the center in small white font.

MEMBERS William Ryan Key - Vocals/Guitar Sean Mackin - Violin Ryan Mendez - Guitar Josh Portman - Bass

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When Yellowcard broke up in 2017, that was meant to be the end. It wasn’t like 2008 when the band went on hiatus. This was different. This time the four-piece, who formed in 1997 and is now comprised of Ryan Key (vocals/guitar), Sean Mackin (violin/vocals), Ryan Mendez (lead guitar) and Josh Portman (bass), was actually done. After two decades, they’d reached the end of the line. They played one final concert on March 25 2017, then put the band to bed.

Of course, everybody knows the story doesn’t end there.

Almost exactly five and a half years after that gig, Yellowcard got back together in 2022 for Riot Fest, running through Ocean Avenue (and then some) to celebrate that iconic record’s 20th anniversary. When the band first reunited, the idea of new music was floated and then dismissed. However, a month after the festival, buoyed by having reunited onstage, the four members rented an Airbnb in Austin, TX with the intention of writing some new material. Most importantly, they were incredibly excited to do so again. The session in Austin also marked the first time in a long time that the band had collaborated and written together as a unit. While doing so, they were starting work on this next phase of their career, but actually found themselves walking back in time a little to move forward. Not, as you might think, to 2003 and Ocean Avenue—the album that had brought them back together—but rather to 2007 and their sixth studio album, Paper Walls.

“When we got to Austin,” says Key, “we sat down and poured some whiskeys and we started talking about what we wanted to do and what we wanted out of it. We knew we were writing an EP which meant we only got five songs, so we had to really make them special. And I think there was an immediate sense of bringing it back to Paper Walls—the idea that we need to make something that we’re proud of, but also something that gets Yellowcard fans excited about what we’re doing. So at that point, we picked up the guitars and started demoing and, honestly, I think these five songs could have just been on that record in 2007. And I love that.”

While the five songs that make up Childhood Eyes absolutely capture the spirit and essence of that record—its powerful yet tender anthems, its open-hearted emotional vulnerability, its sense of wide-eyed wonder against the odds—they’re also riddled with the band’s experiences of the decade and a half since it came out. Indeed, as much as it’s an EP that looks back to that time, it’s one that couldn’t have been made without the intervening years. Take, for example, how opener “Three Minutes More”—a breakneck, breathless burst of impassioned, youthful vigor—references ‘a radio repeating hooks of my own’, or how final song “The Places We’ll Go”—a gorgeous, plaintive look back at a life that both was and could have been—ruminates on how fast time flies. ‘Twenty years passed/It’s wild how fast/Were we ever that young?’ sings Key with sad resignation, but also optimism. Both his voice and the song itself swell with hope for what’s still to come despite all that’s gone. At the same time, it’s infused with the passion and enthusiasm that drove that writing session, and you can practically feel the excitement of that time, that room, throughout the five tracks of this EP.

Executive produced and mixed by longtime collaborator Neal Avron, it was recorded at a number of studios across the US and bursts with a renewed sense of unity and cohesion, chemistry and collaboration. That all flows through its songs, as does the band’s excitement that, after all these years, Yellowcard not only still get to do this, but do so with youthful exuberance and vitality. Interestingly, it’s perhaps “The Places We’ll Go” that serves as the best example of that refreshed spirit and best symbolizes where the band are on Childhood Eyes, and just how well they’re working together now. An altered version of a song Key wrote for a longtime fan, it was re-recorded for this EP, although the choruses are all the original vocals that Key recorded at his home studio back in 2015. This version, however, features Chris Carrabba in its climactic crescendo. The Dashboard Confessional singer was instrumental in encouraging Yellowcard to get back together. It’s no coincidence, then, that the aforementioned opener “Three Minutes More” includes a Dashboard reference. It also contains another guest vocal, this time from Pierce The Veil’s Vic Fuentes. That revitalized enthusiasm for collaboration overflows on the title track, too. Tinged with hyperactive electronic flourishes, it’s a song that was initially born in the middle of the night after Key woke up with the first lyrics and the melody of the chorus ringing in his head. But while the frontman knew how that part went, it wasn’t until Yellowcard got to Austin and the band put their heads together that it all came to fruition.

While the essence of that song—and the creative process that led to it—is the very essence of the EP, it’s tempered by those 20 years of experience which add extra perspective and nuance. The same is true for “Hiding In The Light”—a blistering blast of emotive alternative rock (replete with stunning, and very ’80s-esque, dual guitar and violin solo)—and “Honest From The Jump”, a beautifully epic (or perhaps epically beautiful) song that borrows its chorus from “Brighton”, a track on Key’s 2022 Everything Except Desire solo EP. That it does so cements the creative fluidity and the collision of past and present at the heart of this EP—it truly resounds with the unity, band brotherhood, and creative influence of the Paper Walls-era that drove its creative process. At the same time, this is a new version of the band, one that’s once again found itself at the peak of their creative powers.

“Although we knew we were trying to capture the spirit of Paper Walls,” says Key, “we didn’t want to literally recreate it. I got to write from where I am right now, and I’m particularly proud of these lyrics, because they’re 43 year-old Ryan writing, not 23 year-old Ryan writing. And that’s kind of the mission statement of this whole thing—I found this again and I’m not going to give up.”

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Yellowcard Reunite for 20th Anniversary ‘Ocean Avenue’ U.S. Tour Dates

" If I could find you now, things would get better ." Well, Yellowcard fans, you'll be able to find the band back on the road, reuniting for their first concert tour in over six years, and it comes while supporting the 20th anniversary of the band's breakout album, Ocean Avenue .

The four-piece of Ryan Key, Sean Mackin, Ryan Mendez and Josh Portman first got together last fall, playing a headlining slot at Chicago's Riot Fest. From there, they felt there was some unfinished business and here we are in 2023 with the band celebrating the 20th anniversary of Ocean Avenue .

“Announcing a Yellowcard tour is something I never thought we would get to do again, much less, a tour with bands of this caliber made up of such amazing people and good friends,” says Key. “Being given the opportunity to play music together again is truly a gift that we are not taking for granted. We are going to make these shows extremely special for all of the fans who we have missed so much these last six years.”

Ocean Avenue was Yellowcard's fourth studio album, but it gave them their big break thanks to the title track, as well as the singles "Way Away," "Only One" and "Believe." The album has been certified double platinum in the U.S.

The tour gets underway July 5 in Baltimore, Md., with dates keeping the group on the road through Aug. 8 in Denver. Joining them on the run will be a wide variety of support acts. Mayday Parade, Story of the Year, Anberlin, The Wild Life and Emo Night Brooklyn will all spend time warming audiences up on select dates. See the full itinerary and who is playing with Yellowcard on what night in the tour listing toward the bottom of this post.

Tickets and VIP packages will be offered via a Yellowcard presale starting this Wednesday (Feb. 15) at 10AM local time. Additional presales will also be offered in the lead up to the Friday (Feb. 17) general public on sale, which also starts at 10AM local time. Visit Ticketmaster for your ticketing details.

Yellowcard Ocean Avenue 20th Anniversary 2023 U.S. Tour Dates

July 05 - Baltimore, Md. @ Pier Six Pavilion ^* July 06 - Asbury Park, N.J. @ Stone Pony Summer Stage * July 08 - New York, N.Y. @ The Rooftop at Pier 17 * July 09 - Boston, Mass. @ MGM Music Hall at Fenway ^* July 11 - Philadelphia, Pa. @ Skyline Stage at the Mann *+ July 12 - Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio @ Blossom Music Center ^* July 13 - Detroit, Mich. @ Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre at Freedom Hill ^*+ July 15 - Minneapolis, Minn. @ The Armory ^* July 16 - Chicago, Ill. @ Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island ^*+ July 18 - Charlotte, N.C. @ Skyla Credit Union Amphitheatre ^* July 20 - Atlanta, Ga. @ Cadence Bank Amphitheater at Chastain Park ^* July 22 - Jacksonville, Fla. @ Daily’s Place ^*+ July 23 - Tampa, Fla. @ Yuengling Center ^*+ July 25 - Houston, Texas @ 713 Music Hall ^* July 27 - Irving, Texas @ The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory ^# July 29 - Phoenix, Ariz. @ Arizona Financial Theatre ^#+ July 30 - Los Angeles, Calif. @YouTube Theater ^#+ Aug, 01 - San Diego, Calif. @Petco Park - Gallagher Square ^# Aug. 02 - San Francisco, Calif. @ Bill Graham Civic Auditorium ^#+ Aug. 04 - Seattle, Wash. @ WAMU Theater ^# Aug. 06 - Salt Lake City, Utah @ USANA Amphitheatre #+ Aug. 08 - Denver, Colo. @ Levitt Pavilion Denver #+

^ signifies dates with Mayday Parade * signifies dates with Story of the Year # signifies dates with Anberlin + signifies dates with Emo Night Brooklyn DJ set All dates with This Wild Life

Your Guide to Rock + Metal Bands Touring in 2023

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Yellowcard - Officially Licensed Merchandise

Yellowcard was an American pop punk band that formed in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1997. Members have included Ryan Key, Sean Mackin, Ryan Mendez, Josh Portman, Ben Dobson, Todd Clary, Warren Cooke, Ben Harper, Longineu W. Parsons III, Peter Mosely, Alex .... Show More Lewis and Sean O'Donnell. Discography includes: Midget Tossing (1997), Where We Stand (1999), One for the Kids (2001), Ocean Avenue (2003), Lights and Sounds (2006), Paper Walls (2007), When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes (2011), Southern Air (2012), Lift a Sail (2014) and Yellowcard (2016). Tours include: 2014 Fall Tour, 2015 Tour, Circuit Fest: Music & Skate, Counter Revolution 2011, Deconstruction Tour, Dirty Work, Fall Tour 2015, Lights and Sounds, Ocean Avenue Acoustic, Oppikoppi Bewilderbeast, Paper Walls, Southern Air, The Final World Tour, Vans Warped Tour 2002, Vans Warped Tour 2003, Vans Warped Tour 2004, Vans Warped Tour 2007, Vans Warped Tour 2012, Vans Warped Tour 2014, Vans Warped Tour 2016, Vans Warped Tour Germany, Velocity Tour, Warped Jr., When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes and X96 Big Ass Show. Show Less

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2024 Summer Gods Tour with Yellowcard & A R I Z O N A

Third Eye Blind is excited to announce the fourth edition of the Summer Gods Tour. Produced by Live Nation, the tour will begin June 8 in Spokane through August 3 in Houston, with special guests Yellowcard and A R I Z O N A. 

Tickets will be available for presale Tuesday, January 9 with Citi, and additional presales throughout the week. General onsale will begin Friday, January 12 at 10:00am local time at ThirdEyeBlind.com .  

On Wednesday, January 10 catch a special performance and interview on “Good Morning America.”

“I have this sense that I am feeling the same way everybody else is—that we need a summer tour so badly, like more than ever,” says Stephan Jenkins. “We need the lights, the noise, the heat and everybody up close to each other, singing as one. Can't wait." 

“Third Eye Blind self-titled is a masterclass in songwriting that blew all of our minds when it released in 1997,” says Ryan Key of Yellowcard.  “As 90s kids we were gifted with so much incredible music in our formative years and we are all such massive fans of the band because of that record. It doesn’t feel real yet that we will be sharing the stage with one of our all time favorite bands every night this summer.”

“Third Eye Blind was the soundtrack to so many summer adventures during high school!” adds Nate Esquite (A R I Z O N A). “My friends and I would drive up and down the NJ Parkway blasting “Semi-Charmed Life” out the windows and dreaming about one day playing PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel as we passed. To be a part of this tour is a dream come true in so many ways - being able to sing our hearts out to 3EB every night and playing so many incredible venues along the way.”

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The Summer Gods tour poster was designed by Charlie Benante, the founding drummer of Anthrax and member of Pantera’s touring band. 

Third Eye Blind Summer Gods Tour 

June 8  Spokane, WA  BECU Live at Northern Quest

June 9  Nampa, ID  Ford Idaho Center Amphitheater 

June 13  Seattle, WA  WAMU Theater 

June 14  Bend, OR  Hayden Homes Amphitheater

June 15  Mountain View, CA  Shoreline Amphitheatre

June 20 Los Angeles, CA  Greek Theatre

June 21  Chula Vista, CA  North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre

June 22  Las Vegas, NV  Fontainebleau Las Vegas 

June 25  West Valley City, UT  USANA Amphitheatre

June 26  Morrison, CO  Red Rocks Amphitheatre

June 28  Chicago, IL  Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island

June 29  St. Louis, MO  Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre

June 30  Franklin, TN  FirstBank Amphitheater

July 2  Cincinnati, OH  Riverbend Music Center 

July 3  Buffalo, NY  Darien Lake Amphitheater

July 5  Cuyahoga Falls, OH  Blossom Music Center

July 6  Noblesville, IN  Ruoff Music Center

July 7  Clarkston, MI  Pine Knob Music Theatre

July 9  Burgettstown, PA  The Pavilion at Star Lake 

July 11  Gilford, NH  BankNH Pavilion 

July 12  Camden, NJ  Freedom Mortgage Pavilion 

July 13  Mansfield, MA  XFinity Center

July 14  Holmdel, NJ  PNC Bank Arts Center

July 16  Saratoga Springs, NY  Broadview Stage at SPAC

July 18  Wantagh, NY  Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater

July 19  Columbia, MD  Merriweather Post Pavilion 

July 20  Virginia Beach, VA  Veterans United Home Loans Amphitheater

July 21 Raleigh, NC  Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek

July 23  Charlotte, NC PNC Music Pavilion 

July 25  Tampa, FL  MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre

July 26  Jacksonville, FL  VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena

July 27  Alpharetta, GA  Ameris Bank Amphitheatre

July 28  Birmingham, AL  Oak Mountain Amphitheatre

July 31  Rogers, AR  Walmart AMP 

August 1  Dallas, TX  Dos Equis Pavilion 

August 2  Austin, TX Germania Insurance Amphitheater

August 3  Houston, TX  The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion 

Ticket information and more at  ThirdEyeBlind.com



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Swifties dress in 'Tortured Poets' themed outfits for Eras Tour kickoff in Paris

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PARIS — La Défense Arena is crawling with tortured poet outfits as Taylor Swift begins the sophomore year of her behemoth Eras Tour .

Swift added her 11th studio era, "The Tortured Poets Department," to the set list after the record-breaking album came out on April 19. That didn't give much time to get an outfit ready for devout poetry fans like Sanne Wit.

"I am absolutely in love with the new album," says Wit outside the stadium in a black dress similar to the one Swift wears in the "Fortnight" music video . The Swiftie flew in from the Netherlands with her friend Lotte Lutjes to watch the concert.

"I make outfits all the time," says Wit, who only had about a fortnight to sew the black dress, "but I thought this was very suitable for France so that's why I wore it."

Seven of the 31 "Tortured Poets" tracks were incorporated into the new set . The singer dubbed the album "Female Rage: The Musical."

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"I like how it's kind of a journey of her previous work with references from past albums," says fan Lena Valence, dressed in a ruffled and tulle black dress.

Valence is referring to parallels found in previous songs. For example in "So Long London," Swift sings "and I'm just getting color back into my face" as an answer to a line in her song "You're Losing Me": "My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick."

Valence added five diamond-esque bobby pins in the shape of XIII, the roman numeral for "13."

Other fans searched Etsy to nab last-minute tees like sisters Morgan and Kendall Kutzavitch. Sporting their white tees with "But Daddy I Love Him" in bold red letters, they anticipated hearing the track live.

"I was gonna wear an 'I Love Taylor Swift' T-shirt, and then I had this idea once "Tortured Poets" came out," Morgan says. When asked about her reaction to Swift singing the song Kendall jokes, "I'll be like, oh my God, my voice will be gone. My voice will be absolutely gone."

Don't miss any Taylor Swift news; sign up for the  free, weekly newsletter This Swift Beat.

Follow Taylor Swift reporter Bryan West on  Instagram ,  TikTok  and  X as @BryanWestTV .

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Switzerland wins eurovision song contest, israel comes fifth – amid protests and controversy, taylor swift kicks off european ‘eras tour’ in paris, changes a few songs and outfits.

By Bruce Haring

Bruce Haring


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Taylor Swift opens in Paris

After a two-month hiatus, Taylor Swift is back on the road with the European leg of the Eras Tour . This time, there are songs from the new album, The Tortured Poets Department , and some splashy new outfits (see below.) There will be 18 cities on the list of tour stops, and already reports are circulating of a heavy U.S. fan presence at the shows.

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Taylor Swift Wows Paris Fans On Night Two With Change To Setlist And A Brand New Mash-Up

'taylor swift vs scooter braun: bad blood' doc set at discovery+ uk.

Adding songs, of course, meant saying goodbye to some favorites, even in a 45-song set list, at least on this first night. Cut from the show were The Archer, Long Live, The 1, Tolerate It, The Last Great American Dynasty, and Tis the Damn Season.

Swift’s new stage outfits included a new  Lover  bodysuit, a Fearless  dress, and an Enchanted  gown, accompanied by a new t-shirt for the  Red  era, saying, “This is Not Taylor’s Version.”

Saluting the  Folklore  era, she wore a new yellow dress, while 1989  was changed to a blue-and-pink sequined ensemble.

The order of the set list changed as well. Evermore  came after  Fearless , followed by  Red  and then  Speak Now .  Evermore  and  Folklore  merged into one era.

Swift stuck to her original set list at the start of the Midnights era by singing Lavender Haze, Anti-Hero, and Midnight Rain.

Overall, Swift played these songs from her newest album: But Daddy I Love Him , So High School, Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me, Down Bad, Fortnight, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, and I Can Do It with a Broken Heart.

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  1. Yellowcard Tour Merch and VIP Items : r/YellowcardRock

    Yellowcard Tour Merch and VIP Items. For those curious here is the tour merch and VIP items. The items came in a plastic bag that says Yellowcard Ocean Avenue 2023. The plastic can is nice but not entirely worth a ticket upgrade. 9.

  2. Yellowcard Tour VIP Package : r/YellowcardRock

    Last year I went to the Yellowcard Tour and purchased the VIP Package. With that came an autographed poster, VIP Cup (hard to even find online), VIP Laminate, access and Q&A with the band during rehearsal, Meet and Greet with individual photo and they were nice enough to sign my vinyl. Really cool laid back guys and actually have conversations.

  3. New "The Eras Tour" merch including the 'The Tortured Poets ...

    Prices are the same but here in Melbourne, Aus they only had merch stalls outside so by night 3 (my night) all of the t-shirts were sold out and only big sizes in the jumpers. Thankfully I wanted a big jumper but it was really disappointing.

  4. Yellowcard 2023 Tour Thread : r/YellowcardRock

    r/Yellowcard is a subreddit devoted to the musical genius behind the Florida-originated band, Yellowcard. Yellowcard is a pop-punk band that resides in Los Angeles and has gained several million fans worldwide. Yellowcard 2023 Tour Thread. Alright, let's get this party started. Despite an album or something big being teased, what's everyone ...

  5. US summer tour! : r/YellowcardRock

    54 votes, 44 comments. 1.6K subscribers in the YellowcardRock community. r/Yellowcard is a subreddit devoted to the musical genius behind the…

  6. Merch

    Accept. Yellowcard band merch - hoodies, t-shirts, vinyl records & more.

  7. Yellowcard

    Not only was I seeing Yellowcard live for the second time, I was going to see them in a different country this time. Later that year in October, I got to see Yellowcard live for a third time at the Worcester Palladium and that was also the first time I got Yellowcard merch - a hoodie featuring their album, Lift A Sail.

  8. New 'The Eras Tour' merch that includes Tortured Poets in ...

    The "logo" is actually the type lockup you see that says "The Eras Tour" under the large collage graphic. The photo collage is usually just called a "brand graphic" or in this case, maybe "tour graphic." A logo almost always involves typography—when you see something like the target or apple icon used as a standalone, it is called an "icon."

  9. Yellowcard

    "You bring me down from my cloud. You keep my feet on the ground. Bring me back to life. Bring me back to life. "

  10. Yellowcard

    Yellowcard • Lotus • Black • T-Shirt. from $25.00 Quick Shop. Yellowcard. A Hopeful Sign • CD. $10.00 Quick Shop. Yellowcard. Childhood Eyes • Coke Bottle Clear • Gatefold W/ Etched B Side • Limited to 1,000. ... TOUR. BIO. When Yellowcard broke up in 2017, that was meant to be the end. It wasn't like 2008 when the band went on ...

  11. Framed my Laufey Tour Merch Bag : r/laufey

    Reddits Home for HOUSELESS Travelers! Created by Vagabonds, for Vagabonds! Hitchhikers / Trainhoppers / Rubbertramps / Vandwellers / Skoolies / Backpackers / Biketramps / Boatpunks / Dirty Kids / Crustpunks / Squatters / All Houseless Travelers Feel free to share stories and pictures about your adventures on the road, or share advice and tips with newbie greenhorns, and curious lurkers!

  12. Yellowcard Reunite for 20th Anniversary 'Ocean Avenue' U.S. Tour Dates

    Yellowcard Ocean Avenue 20th Anniversary 2023 U.S. Tour Dates July 05 - Baltimore, Md. @ Pier Six Pavilion ^* July 06 - Asbury Park, N.J. @ Stone Pony Summer Stage *

  13. Yellowcard Merch Store

    Officially licensed merch from Yellowcard available at Rockabilia. Officially licensed merch from Yellowcard available at Rockabilia. ... (2011), Southern Air (2012), Lift a Sail (2014) and Yellowcard (2016). Tours include: 2014 Fall Tour, 2015 Tour, Circuit Fest: Music & Skate, Counter Revolution 2011, Deconstruction Tour, Dirty Work, Fall ...

  14. 2024 Summer Gods Tour with Yellowcard & A R I Z O N A

    Third Eye Blind is excited to announce the fourth edition of the Summer Gods Tour. Produced by Live Nation, the tour will begin June 8 in Spokane through August 3 in Houston, with special guests Yellowcard and A R I Z O N A. Tickets will be available for presale Tuesday, January 9 with Citi, and additional presales throughout the week. General onsale will begin Friday, January 12 at 10:00am ...

  15. As Reunion Tours Rise, Yellowcard Makes Record Comeback

    AUBURN, WA - AUGUST 12: Sean Mackin and Ryan Key of Yellowcard perform at the Vans Warped Tour at ... [+] Riding on the heels of the pandemic's rise to all things nostalgic, reunion tours are ...

  16. Yellowcard

    Yellowcard. 1,453,651 likes · 7,567 talking about this. Ocean Avenue (Yellowcard + Hammock) out now. Full album "A Hopeful Sign" out Feb 9. Catch us this summer on the Third Eye Blind Summer Gods tour!

  17. Yellowcard Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Los Angeles, CA Greek Theatre Third Eye Blind with Special Guest Yellowcard - Summer Gods Tour 2024. Find Tickets 6/20/24, 6:30 PM. 6/21/24. Jun. 21. Friday 06:30 PMFri 6:30 PM 6/21/24, 6:30 PM. Chula Vista, CA North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre Third Eye Blind with Special Guest Yellowcard - Summer Gods Tour 2024.

  18. New 'The Eras Tour' merch with updated logo! : r/TaylorSwift

    141 votes, 12 comments. 2.4M subscribers in the TaylorSwift community. A subreddit for everything related to Taylor Swift

  19. Yellowcard

    People are clearly preparing themselves now for a lifetime of Yellowcard merch judging by the insane line — it goes all the way up the stairs and curves into the lounge. Full Review. ... artists on tour. Hozier. 161 critic concert reviews. blues. Jonas Brothers. 73 critic concert reviews. pop. Brimheim. 10 critic concert reviews. rock ...

  20. Third Eye Blind with Special Guest Yellowcard

    Buy Third Eye Blind with Special Guest Yellowcard - Summer Gods Tour 2024 tickets at the Riverbend Music Center in Cincinnati, OH for Jul 02, 2024 at Ticketmaster.

  21. Taylor Swift Eras Tour: Catch up on set list changes, 'Tortured Poets'

    Check out the entire new set list here.. Songs cut from the Eras Tour set list. Swift gave a preview of the songs cut from her show in the first release of her Eras Tour movie.

  22. What are Taylor Swift's tour dates in Europe?

    Paramore launched the Eras Tour in Glendale, Arizona, in March 2023, so it's fitting the American rock band is opening the tour's second year. The act will open for Swift for 51 shows across Europe .

  23. Shows

    Not Just A "Phase" Fest: Kansas City 2024 @ 2:00pm. Kansas City, KS, United States. Tickets RSVP. Jun 8 Sat. Northern Quest Resort & Casino @ 6:30pm. Airway Heights, WA, United States. Tickets VIP RSVP. Jun 9 Sun. Ford Idaho Center Arena @ 6:30pm.

  24. Taylor Swift's Eras Tour live from Paris as new set list debuts

    PARIS, France — The Chairman jump-started her tour after a two-month hiatus, and anticipation was high over whether Taylor Swift would incorporate her 11th era album into the Eras Tour set at La ...

  25. Swifties dress in 'Tortured Poets' outfits for Eras Tour in Paris

    The 31 tracks on Taylor Swift's double album inspired concert outfits as her Eras Tour resumed in Paris. ... Love Taylor Swift' T-shirt, and then I had this idea once "Tortured Poets" came out ...

  26. Taylor Swift Kicks Off European 'Eras Tour' In Paris ...

    Adding songs, of course, meant saying goodbye to some favorites, even in a 45-song set list, at least on this first night. Cut from the show were The Archer, Long Live, The 1, Tolerate It, The ...