An Introduction to Africa's Big Five Safari Animals

african lion safari kangaroo

 TripSavvy / Vin Ganapathy 

If you're planning an African safari , you'll know that the term 'Big Five' is one of the most commonly used marketing slogans in the safari industry. Game reserves that host the Big Five will usually use this fact as their most significant selling point—but what does it mean? In the game reserves and national parks of Southern Africa , the Big Five represents safari royalty: the African lion, the African leopard, the African elephant, the Cape buffalo, and the rhino (either white or black).

The phrase was initially coined by early game hunters who recognized that these species were the most challenging and most dangerous animals to hunt on foot. This made them the biggest prizes, hence, the Big Five. Today, the phrase has come to represent the most sought-after safari sightings—although, in reality, this is a matter of personal preference. Some of the most endangered, beautiful, or charismatic African animals don't feature on the Big Five list, including the cheetah , the African wild dog, the giraffe, and the hippo.

African Elephant

The African elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) is the world's largest and heaviest land animal, with the biggest individual on record weighing in at over 10 tons/22,000 pounds. They are found in 37 sub-Saharan countries and can survive in a wide range of different habitats, from lush wetlands to arid deserts.

African elephants are supremely well adapted to their environment, from their inch-thick skin (which protects them from the sharp thorns of the bush) to their enormous ears (which help to disperse heat and regulate body temperature). They can consume up to 50 gallons of water and 375 pounds of vegetation every day.

Elephants are very social animals. They live in matriarch-led groups that often number more than 100 individuals and communicate using a variety of low-frequency rumbles that can travel for many miles. Female calves usually stay with the herd throughout their life, while young males leave to form bachelor groups and eventually create herds of their own.

In the 1970s and '80s, the global demand for ivory led to a dramatic decrease in elephant numbers. A ban on all ivory trade has helped stabilize the population to around 600,000 in the last decade. However, poaching is still a major issue, especially in parts of Africa where there is political instability. The African elephant is listed as Vulnerable on the  IUCN Red List .

Where to See Elephants:   Chobe National Park , Botswana; Addo Elephant National Park , South Africa; Hwange National Park , Zimbabwe; South Luangwa National Park, Zambia.

African Lion

The African lion ( Panthera leo ) is the undisputed king of the sub-Saharan savannah and is the world's second-largest cat after the tiger. Although lions sometimes hunt during the day, they are typically more active at night which is why most daytime safari sightings are of cats sleeping in the shade. Lions can sleep for up to 20 hours a day.

Unlike other cats, lions are very social animals. They live in prides, usually consisting of one (or sometimes two) males, several females, and their cubs. Lionesses typically do the hard graft when hunting, often working together to bring down larger prey. They are ambush hunters, using their tawny coloring as effective camouflage.

In the wild, lions can live to around 14 years, although most prides experience a high rate of cub mortality, while males often die while fighting to protect their territory. Female lions can synchronize the birth of their cubs to help each other raise them. Cubs are born with rosette markings that fade over time.

Lions have few natural predators, although buffalo will often trample cubs. Predictably, man is the species' biggest threat.  Traditional hunting customs , big game hunters, and large-scale habitat loss have contributed to declining lion populations in Africa. The lion is also classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

Where to See Lion: Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa; Okavango Delta , Botswana; Maasai Mara National Reserve , Kenya, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania.

African Leopard

The African leopard ( Panthera pardus ) is the most elusive of the Big Five animals. Naturally shy and exclusively nocturnal, leopards spend the daylight hours hidden from view. They are excellent climbers, using trees to scan for prey and store fresh kills away from scavengers like lions and hyenas. If you're looking for a leopard, remember to look up.

Leopards are superbly camouflaged with a series of black spots or rosettes. They have large territories and seldom stay in the same area for more than a few days. Males range more widely than females and mark their presence by urinating and leaving claw marks. They are powerful and can take down prey much larger than themselves.

Their hunting prowess relies on their ability to run at speeds of over 35 miles per hour. They can also jump over 10 feet into the air and are excellent swimmers. Leopards are distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the few big game species still found outside national parks.

White spots on the tip of their tails and the back of their ears make mothers visible to their cubs even in the long grass. As with the other Big Five species, leopards are threatened by humans. Encroaching farmlands have reduced their habitat, while farmers often shoot them to stop them from killing their livestock. They are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

Where to See Leopard: Londolozi Game Reserve, South Africa; Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana; South Luangwa National Park , Zambia; Samburu National Reserve, Kenya.

Cape Buffalo

Cape buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ) are found in water-rich game reserves and national parks throughout sub-Saharan Africa. There are four sub-species of Cape buffalo, the largest of which is the one most commonly seen in East and Southern Africa.

Cape buffalo are formidable creatures and have earned themselves a reputation as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. They are often bad-tempered, especially when threatened, and are equipped with a fused set of deadly curved horns. Male buffalo can weigh as much as 2,000 pounds.

Despite their fierce reputation, buffalo are relatively peaceable with one another, sometimes congregating on the open grasslands in herds of over a thousand individuals. They are protective of their weaker members, often forming a defensive circle around sick or young animals when under attack from prowling lions.

Cape buffalo need to drink every day and are often found close to water. They eat tall, coarse grass and bushes, and as such cannot live in the desert. Cape buffalo continue to be one of the most sought-after trophy animals for big game hunters. They are exceptionally susceptible to domestic cattle diseases like rinderpest and bovine tuberculosis.

Where to see Cape Buffalo: Kruger National Park, South Africa; Chobe National Park, Botswana; Katavi National Park , Tanzania; Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.

White and Black Rhino

There are two rhino species in Africa: the black rhino ( Diceros bicornis ) and the white rhino ( Ceratotherium simum ). Both are at risk of extinction due to the poaching epidemic caused by the demand for rhino horns in Asian cultures. It is estimated that there are around 5,000 black rhinos and 20,000 white rhinos left in the wild.

Three subspecies of black rhino have been declared extinct, while the northern white rhino is now extinct in the wild. Conservationists are working tirelessly to protect the remaining sub-species, but their futures are far from secure. The black rhino is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.

Despite their names, there is no difference in color between the black and the white rhino. The easiest way to tell the species apart is to look at their lips—the black rhino's are pointed and prehensile, while the white rhino's are flat and wide. The Dutch word for "wide" is "wijd," and it is a mispronunciation of this word that gives the white rhino its name.

Black rhinos are usually solitary and have a reputation for being bad-tempered, while white rhinos often live in pairs. Black rhinos prefer desert and scrubland areas and are herbivorous browsers, while white rhinos graze on open savannah areas. It is thought that rhinos have roamed the African plains for 50 million years.

Where to See Rhino: Etosha National Park , Namibia; Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park, South Africa; Lewa Wildlife Conservancy , Kenya; Mkomazi National Park, Tanzania

15 Animals to See on an African Safari

The Top 5 Places to See Lions in Africa

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Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, South Africa: The Complete Guide

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South Luangwa National Park, Zambia: The Complete Guide

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Africa Freak

Are there any kangaroos in Africa?

Eastern grey kangaroo portrait in perfect sunlight

What do you think when you hear the word ‘kangaroo’?

You’re probably picturing Australia .

You’re likely  not  thinking of Africa.

Africa is home to a wealth of wildlife. Its diverse habitats include tropical rainforests, open grasslands, and deserts.

Are there any kangaroos in Africa, though?

Kangaroos are iconic Aussie animals . Probably the most famous of many marsupials on the continent.

But kangaroos’ ancestors weren’t from Australia. And other continents have marsupials.

Would it be a stretch to see kangaroos sharing the savanna with springbok ?

Okay, so there aren’t any kangaroos in Africa. There’s something quite similar , however.

Are Kangaroos Native to Africa?

Curious kangaroos on Kangaroo Island, South Australia

No . Kangaroos aren’t native to Africa. Kangaroos and wallabies are a type of marsupial called a macropod. Macropods only exist in Australia, New Guinea, and a few nearby islands.

Marsupials originated in North America . The earliest marsupial fossil was found in modern-day Montana and is 65 million years old. Many marsupials spread down into South America, and several survive to this day.

Kangaroos’ ancestors are some of those South American marsupials. Scientists believe they travelled to Australia via Antarctica  before these continents broke apart.

Kangaroos evolved in modern-day Australia. With no non-marsupial mammals, they evolved to occupy various niches.

In Africa, some of the continent’s most iconic mammals were emerging. Majestic elephants . Long-necked giraffes . Fearsome big cats. But Africa didn’t ‘pouch’ any marsupials .

Quickfire Kangaroo Facts

Your safari guide probably won’t be telling you many kangaroo facts. Here are some to be going on with.

Kangaroo speed

Mother and baby kangaroo hopping along at full speed in the Australian outback

Red kangaroos can hop along at over 35 mph (56 km/h), and cover 25 feet in a single leap . Not bad, but plenty of African animals would leave them in their dust !

Kangaroo babies are tiny

I’m sure you know that marsupial mothers carry their young in a pouch. These young are all called joeys . (It must get confusing.)

New-born joeys are tiny compared to most mammal young. A baby kangaroo is just 0.2-0.9 inches long when it is born. The joey then climbs from the birth canal to the pouch.

Kangaroos vs wallabies

The only real difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby is size (a kangaroo is larger)

There are only four species generally called ‘kangaroos.’ These are the red kangaroo , the eastern grey kangaroo , the western grey kangaroo , and the antilopine kangaroo .

The only real difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby is size . The largest species are called kangaroos, and smaller ones are called wallabies.

Confusingly, there are some species called wallaroos. Wallaroos are in-between kangaroos and wallabies in terms of size.

The smallest macropods go by different names like quokkas and pademelons , but they’re still members of the same family. There are even some tree-kangaroos in northern Queensland and New Guinea.

But none of these wallabies, wallaroos, or kangaroos live in Africa. Sorry .

Can Kangaroos Survive in Africa?

Can kangaroos survive in Africa? Importing species is usually a bad idea for ecosystems. I don’t think there are any plans to move the roos to another continent.

A better question might be: could kangaroos survive in Africa?

In terms of habitat and food, many kangaroo species might enjoy parts of Africa. They would find plenty of vegetation to munch on. That’s if Africa’s herbivores hadn’t eaten it all first!

Some species can even cope with tough conditions like drought . Red kangaroos, for example, occupy some of Australia’s deserts.

Maybe some of them could survive in the Kalahari , with its semi-arid climate. Even the Namib desert supports a few large grazers like oryxes .

The main issues would be competition and predators . Kangaroos have evolved without much competition for food. They have their own niche in Australia. Africa, on the other hand, is so rich in life. There’s always a fight for resources.

Kangaroos also lack large predators in Australia. A lion is a lot more formidable than a dingo!

They do have powerful legs and long claws. Even so, the largest kangaroos would still be no match for Africa’s top carnivores .

Better not try this experiment, then. The only ones in favour would be the predators!

The Closest Thing to Kangaroos in Africa – The Springhare

A nocturnal South African springhare photographed in its natural habitat

So, there aren’t any kangaroos in Africa.

Why do people wonder, then?

It could be because of the springhare. This African animal closely resembles the Aussie critter .

With its long hind legs and hopping gait, the springhare looks a lot like a small kangaroo . Despite appearances, it’s not related. And despite its name, it’s not in the rabbit family.

What is a springhare?

This mysterious mammal is a rodent , but it has confused scientists trying to classify it.

Springhares have been grouped with jerboas, then porcupines , then scaly-tailed squirrels. Now, they’ve been allotted their own family .

There are two living species of springhare. These are the South African springhare and the East African springhare .

No prizes for guessing where they live. East African springhares live in Kenya and Tanzania . South African springhares live in several countries in southern Africa.

Fun springhare facts

Springhares use their powerful legs to hop around and can leap impressive distances.

They’re mostly nocturnal . At night, they forage for vegetation and the occasional insect. During the day, they sleep in burrows they’ve dug themselves.

Like some marsupials, the springhare has a fluorescent coat under UV light.

No Kangaroos in Africa, But Plenty of Native Wildlife

Eastern grey kangaroo mother and joey in Victoria, Australia

Are there kangaroos in Africa?

Not in the wild, at least.

You’ll have to hop on a plane down under if you ever want to see them. And that’s probably for the best.

Introducing non-native animals usually ends badly . Australia itself has suffered from invasive species like rabbits and cane toads.

And many African animals are already at risk. Conservationists have a hard enough job protecting Africa’s native wildlife.

Africa may not have kangaroos, but it’s packed with amazing animals. Head to Eastern or Southern Africa, and maybe you’ll even spot the kangaroo’s look-alike , the springhare.

If not, you can always have plenty of amazing encounters with African wildlife on safari .

About The Author

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Alex Cooper

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What To Expect On A Canadian "Lion African Safari" In Ontario

About 62 miles outside of Toronto sits the African Lion Safari zoo, ready to give visitors an authentic safari experience without ever leaving Canada.

To say that international travel has been complicated during the pandemic would be the understatement of the century. Almost everyone wants to go on a Safari and see Africa's many wild animals - lions, and tigers, and bears (joking about the latter two). But instead of traveling on an expensive trip over to Africa to see these remarkable animals one can go on an African safari north - in Canada. The African Lion Safari is a zoo with large reserves where guests drive their cars all around the enclosures. In addition to African animals, they have animals from around the world.

About the African Lion Safari

Flying to Africa, paying for the safari, paying for the park fees (that can be in the thousands of dollars) is incredibly expensive. But one can see most of the best of the animals on a self-drive safari from the comfort of one's own car at the African Lion Safari near Toronto in Canada.

  • Open: Canada Is Now Open To Fully Vaccinated Americans

The African Lion Safari park is a family-owned safari park about 62 miles west of Toronto ( see here for a weekend itinerary for Toronto ). They have seven-game reserves that are open for guests to tour and have many of the world's key animals. So this is a kind of reverse zoo, where guests are encaged in their cars (one can not leave one's car) and the animals are free to roam about the reserve.

  • Size: Around 300 Hectares or 740 Acres

Related:  Things To Do In Africa (Other Than Go On Safari)

When visiting, guests drive around the park in their own vehicles into the enclosures where the animals roam freely or they can go around in the park's tour buses if they prefer. There are also walking sections where one can see exotic birds and various primates - one can also walk up close to their herd of Asian elephants.

The park also has gift shops and plenty of activities to keep the whole family entertained. There are shows by the experienced animal handlers with their elephants and rides for the children. There is of course plenty of dining options onsite. There are bus tours of the reserves for those not confident with driving amongst the animals or afraid that the animals may damage their cars (e.g. giraffes can put their heads through the open windows and baboons climb onto the cars).

Reserves Of The Lion African Safari

Nairobi sanctuary .

  • Type Of Reserve: Large And Grassy Field
  • Animals: Llama, European White Stork, Watusi Cattle, East African Crowned Crane, Egyptian Goose

Cheeta Breeding Center

  • Type: Several Enclosures Where The Cheetahs Live Together or Separately
  • Animals: Cheetahs

Simba Lion Country

  • Type of Reserve: Large And Grassy Field With A Notable Rock Structure For The Lions to Rest On
  • Animals: African Lions

Timbavati Lion Country

  • Type Of Reserve: Grassy With A Rock Structure
  • Animals: White Lions
  • Special Tour: From 109.00 Canadian Dollars Or $86 USD

For those wanting to get up really close and personal with the lions, there is the special "Wake Up the Wild" tour. This is a privately guided tour with a Game Warden to see the pride of lions at the most active time of day as they enjoy and devour their morning meal. Afterward, the tour takes the guests to within a meter of the rhinos, zebras, and ostriches. Guests are given the opportunity to hand feed the giraffes. The dates for this tour are from July 24 to September (exact dates may vary by year).

Wankie Bushland Trail

  • Animals: Olives Baboons, Bongo, Malaysian Tapirs, Miniature Zebu
  • Caution: Baboons Are Likely To Climb Onto One's Car And Go For A Ride

Rocky Ridge Veldt

  • Type Of Reserve: Grassy With Shelters And Shape Protection And Pile of Rocks For Animals To Shelter and Climb On
  • Animals: Addax, White Rhinoceros, Ostrich, Grant's Zebra, Rothschild's Giraffe, Wildebeest, Eland, Barbary Sheep, Scimitar-Horned Oryx
  • Caution: If The Windows Are Open, The Giraffes May Stick Their Heads Inside The Car Looking For a Treat

Australasia Reserve

  • Type of Reserve: Mix of Trees, Grasses, And Ponds
  • Animals: Tibetan Yak, Nilgai, Indian Rhino, Sicilian Donkey, Himalayan Tahr, Red Kangaroo, Western Grey Kangaroo, Red-necked Wallaby (Separated Are Also Sichuan Takin and Turkmenian Markhor
  • Misnomer: Most Of These Animals Are From Asia and Not From Australasia

North American Reserve

  • Type Of Reserve: Large Grassy Fields
  • Animals: North American Elk, Spotted Fallow Deer, Markhor, And American Bison

Related:  20 Stunning Sights That Can Only Be Seen In An African Safari

Visiting The African Lion Safari Park

Cost of Admission (Online) - Plus Taxes and Fees

  • Adult:  $36.95 Canadian, $29 USD
  • Children: $24.95 Canadian Dollars, $20 USD

Cost of Admission (At The Gate) - Plus Taxes and Fees

  • Adult: $39.95 Canadian Dollars, $32 USD
  • Children:  $27.95 Canadian Dollars, $22 USD
  • Open Daily: From May 2 To September 27 (Exact dates May Vary By Year)
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Africa’s Big 5 Safari Animals and Where to See Them (Plus Other Iconic Species!)

If you’re considering taking your family on an African safari, but still can’t decide where to go, why not base your trip around the wildlife you want to see?

With the many safaris we’ve taken ourselves, and the ones we’ve organized for families like yours, the team at Elevate has plenty of knowledge about where to spot Africa’s Big 5 safari animals – the lion, rhino, elephant, leopard, and Cape buffalo.

Below you’ll find some of Africa’s most iconic animals and where to find them.

african lion safari kangaroo

The world’s fastest land animal, reaching speeds of up to 70 mph/ 112 kmph, the cheetah is an exceptional animal to see on your safari, especially if you’re lucky enough to witness one on the hunt. Mostly docile during the heat of the day, the cheetah prefers to be active post-sunset. 

Best Places to See Cheetah: 

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Masai Mara National Park, Kenya 

Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Botswana

The Okavango Delta, Botswana

Etosha National Park, North West Namibia

Private Reserves and Eastern Cape of South Africa 

african lion safari kangaroo

Africa is home to two out of five varieties of rhino, the black and white rhino, identified not by their color, but by the shape of their bottom lip. Weighing up to 5,100 lbs / 2,300 kg, they’re the second-largest land mammal after the elephant. Through poaching and habitat loss, white rhinos are considered near threatened, and black rhinos critically endangered, though with the gracious work of conservancies throughout southern Africa, the population is slowly increasing.

Best Place to See Rhino:  

Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya

The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Northern Kenya

Kruger National Park, South Africa

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

african lion safari kangaroo

Currently, there are only around 880 mountain gorillas left in Africa, found in two predominant areas. You can find one community within three national parks of East Africa, and the remainder are located in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Hike through the undergrowth of the African bush with guides to track these beautiful creatures who live in groups of up to 30, led by a dominant male, the silverback. 

Best Place to See Gorillas:

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Uganda

african lion safari kangaroo

Arguably the most iconic of African animals, the noble lion can be found throughout numerous countries in the continent. Like many house cats, lions spend up to 20 hours a day resting, so to catch one hunting is a rare sight. Despite this, seeing a lion pride or hearing their roar is likely to be a highlight of your safari. Tanzania contains the largest population in Africa, but Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda is home to a fascinating sub-species of tree-climbing lions who lounge in the branches of fig trees to escape the midday sun.

Best Places to See Lions: 

Mara North Conservancy, Kenya

Okavango Delta, Botswana

South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

Kidepo Valley National Park, Uganda

Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

African Elephant

african lion safari kangaroo

African elephants are adaptable to different terrains, living in forests, the desert, and savannah. Elephants consume between 300-400 lbs of vegetation a day, mostly eating leaves, roots, grass, and bark. You aren’t likely to forget the moment you first set your eyes on a herd in the wild; their size and grace are enchanting.

Best Places to See African Elephants:

Chobe National Park, Botswana

Amboseli National Park, Kenya

Tarangire National Park, Tanzania

Damaraland, Namibia

African Leopard

african lion safari kangaroo

One of the more elusive African animals, the leopard mostly appears at night to hunt. During the day, they prefer to lounge in trees to keep cool, for protection, and to use the height advantage for surveillance. Leopards are sensitive to sounds and can hear five times better than humans, so the help of your safari guide may be needed to spot these wary creatures.

Best Places to See Leopard:

Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana Maasai Mara National Park, Kenya

Okonjima Bush Camp, Namibia

Cape Buffalo

african lion safari kangaroo

The Cape buffalo live in herds, often in the hundreds or thousands. The Cape buffalo is one of the more abundant of large mammals in Africa, mostly located in forests and on the plains of the savannas. Both males and females have horns, but the male’s range up to four feet across. The dream of many safari goers is to witness massive herds taking part in the Great Migration.

Best Places to See Cape buffalo:

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african lion safari kangaroo

African Wildlife Safaris Logo

Wildlife to see on safari

The Cape buffalo is a member of Africa’s “Big 5” and therefore a must-see for any safari-goer.

Cape Buffalo

The Cheetah is the fastest land animal on the planet and one of Africa’s most well-known and sought-after sightings when on safari

African elephants are the world’s largest land mammal and were once numerous, roaming across the whole African continent.

With their unique and beautiful colouring, giraffes are one of Africa’s most recognised animals.

Grizzly bear or grizzly is the name given to the subspecies of brown bear that inhabits North America.

Grizzly Bear

The largest cat in the Western Hemisphere, jaguars are strongly built, well-muscled predators native to the Americas

King Penguins don’t actually live on the Antarctic ice shelf, instead they prefer the sandy snowless beaches of the Sub-Antarctic islands.

King Penguin

Lemurs are endemic to the island nation of Madagascar where 107 species can be found. However each individual species is often only found in a

Leopards are graceful cats and still geographically wide-spread across Africa, including isolated parts of Morocco and Egypt.

A member of the “Big 5” and perhaps Africa’s most iconic species, the African Lion is a highly sought after sighting while out on safari.

Meerkats are found in Southern Africa and they are often seen standing on their rear legs, forever gazing out over the sweeping plains.

Orcas, informally referred to as killer whales because of their fearsome reputation, are majestic mammals.

Polar bears are found in the Arctic regions of Canada & Europe. The majority of their population are found in Canada, particularly around the

Impressively large and with horns for a nose, these prehistoric looking creatures are one of the most iconic African animals.


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african lion safari kangaroo

Lion Safaris

Africa's best authentic tailor-made safaris.

The Lion truly is the king of all safari experiences. The only cats in the world that have a social structure, lion sightings are often spectacular in their interactions. Be warned: lions will sleep a lot during the day, so don’t be disappointed if you catch them out for the count. Early mornings and evening are the best times to see their big prides active and hunting.

The Serengeti, Kenya’s Masai Mara, Botswana’s Duba Plains, the Kruger National Park in South Africa and Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater are the best places in Africa to see these incredible species in their natural habitat.

The strongest of Africa’s cats by far, the mighty lion never fails to produce a memorable sighting

Popular Lion Safaris

Each of our popular itineraries can be tailor-made to suit your budget as well as your specific interests..

african lion safari kangaroo

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From $ 2745 /USD

african lion safari kangaroo

Zambia Safari Adventure

Southern Africa Zambia South Luangwa Lower Zambezi Victoria Falls

From $ 6515 /USD

african lion safari kangaroo

Botswana Highlight Safari Collection

Southern Africa Botswana Chobe Moremi Okavango Delta Makgadikgadi Pans

From $ 4640 /USD

african lion safari kangaroo

Affordable South Luangwa Safari

Zambia South Luangwa

From $ 1890 /USD

african lion safari kangaroo

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The Big Five Animals

All about ‘the big five’ animals – african elephant, cape buffalo, leopard, lion, rhinoceros, the big five animals of africa are african elephant, cape buffalo,  leopard, lion, and rhinoceros.

These five types of animals were named ‘the big five’ by big game hunters from African’s colonial era, as they were considered the most difficult and dangerous African beasts to hunt on foot. These days, of course, any shooting of Africa’s big five tends to be more about choosing the right lens ( photo safari anyone? )!

Jump to a section: African Elephant | Cape Buffalo | Leopard | Lion | Rhinoceros |  Big five quotes | Best places to see the big five | Other wildlife ‘5s’

Read on below for a more in-depth look at each of the big 5 animals:

1. African Elephant

elephant - one of the big five animals - standing in river looking directly at the camera head-on

African elephants are the largest of the big five animals

The African elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) is the largest and heaviest land animal in the world, weighing up to 6 tonnes, and eating massive amounts of food each day.

Their distinguishing features include the dexterous trunk , large ears that cool the body when flapped, and elongated incisors in the form of tusks. There are actually two species of African elephant – the African bush elephant and the smaller African forest elephant. Both are herbivores that live in large groups, whilst the African bush elephant is the larger of the two species, and typically the species referred to as a member of the big five animals.

A bull elephant can be dangerous, as can herds or mothers with young elephants. Keep your distance from them, and if in a vehicle ensure that you have the means to drive away forwards – elephants can run faster than a car can reverse. An elephant flapping its ears, kicking up dust, and/or trumpeting is probably about to charge.

Group name: Herd

Size: Up to 3.3 meters tall, weighing 6,000kg.

Speed: Up to 40 km per hour.

Diet: Elephants are vegetarians, eating up to 160kg per day, made up of savannah grasses, bushes, small plants, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and roots. Read more about what elephants eat .

Range & Habitat: African Elephants are found across sub-Saharan Africa – from Mali in the north, through the central and west African forests, down to South Africa. They are adaptable animals, capable of surviving in many habitats, from lush wetlands to arid African deserts . Despite this, both species of African elephants are considered endangered species , and on the list of Africa’s most endangered animals .

Best places to see African elephants: Addo Elephant Park, South Africa,   Chobe National Park , Botswana , Etosha National Park, Namibia , Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe , South Luangwa National Park, Zambia .

Read more about African elephants .

2. Cape Buffalo

cape buffalo - one of the big 5

A grumpy African buffalo

Weighing in at not too far short of a ton, the African buffalo ( Syncerus caffer ) has a reputation for being bad-tempered and dangerous. Whilst a solitary African buffalo is one of the most unpredictable safari animals (and dangerous, hence their inclusion in the term big five animals), they are usually a docile beast when in a herd… aside from their tendency to stampede en masse when alarmed.

Herds have clearly defined home ranges, the size of which is determined by the amount of food and water available.

Size: Up to 1.8 meters tall, and 800kg in weight.

Speed: They can run at speeds of up 57 kilometers per hour.

Diet: Cape buffalos are strictly herbivores and eat a wide variety of grasses, leaves, and other plants.

Habitat & Rage: Cape buffalo thrive in all sub-Saharan grasslands with access to water – from dry savanna to lowland floodplains.

Best places to see African Buffalo: Chobe National Park , Botswana , Katavi National Park, Tanzania , Kruger National Park, South Africa , Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.

Learn more about Cape Buffalo.

leopard - member of the big 5 - lies on the branch of a sparse tree, with blue sky behind

A stunning African leopard lounges in a tree in Kruger National Park, South Africa

Slightly smaller than their lion cousins, African leopards ( Panthera pardus ) are less rare than you might think, but rely on their animal camouflage and being active at night to stay hidden. Leopards are solitary, independent creatures, and rarely seen together except during mating, or a mother with cubs. As such they are totally self-reliant, and expert hunters – sometimes killing prey up to twice their size. During the daytime they often lounge around in trees and come to the ground after dark to hunt, taking their prey up into a tree to eat at their leisure.

Group name: Leap

Size: 1 meter high, weighing up to 100 kg.

Speed: 56 kilometers per hour.

Diet: Leopards are opportunistic carnivores and hunt a wide range of prey such as jackals , antelopes, gazelles , African monkeys , duiker, eland , impala , wildebeest , and more.

Range & Habitat: African leopards live in more places than any other types of big cat in Africa, and are comfortable in almost any habitat, including deserts, rainforests, woodlands, grassland savannas, mountain, scrub, and swamps. Leopards are one of the few big game species found outside national parks.

Best places to see Leopard: Londolozi Game Reserve, South Africa , Moremi Game Reserve , Botswana , Samburu National Reserve, Kenya, South Luangwa National Park, Zambia .

Learn more about leopards.

pair of lions lying in the grass - members of Africa's big five

A male African lion and lioness relaxing

The African lion is the largest and most sociable of Africa’s cats , and one of Africa’s most dangerous animals . At up to 225kg, the lion  ( Panthera leo ) really is the king of the savanna (it’s not a jungle animal !). Living in prides of up to 40 lions, it’s the lionesses who do all the hunting, usually sharing with the males of a pride. Lions are very territorial, and the females generally spend most of their lives within their home ranges.

If you encounter an African lion on foot don’t turn and run (easier said than done), as a running target that looks like prey will probably be viewed as such. Instead, try to make yourself look big, and back away gradually.

Group name: Pride

Size: 1.2 meters, weighing up to 225kg.

Speed: At a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour, the lion is the second fastest land animal in Africa .

Diet: African lions are apex predators and generally hunt the larger animals in their surroundings – buffalo, rhino, zebra, giraffe, and antelopes. Learn more about what lions eat .

Range & Habitat: Lions tend to prefer grassland, savanna, dense scrub, and open woodland. They are found across sub-Saharan African national parks, and also in a small part of north-east India.

Best places to see Lion: Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa, Kruger National Park, South Africa , Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya , Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania , Okavango Delta, Botswana .

Read more about lions.

5. Rhinocerous

Big five candidate - rhinocerous, with three buffalo weavers on its back

A white rhino walking in the bush

Once widespread through sub-Saharan Africa, the rhino has been hunted to the brink of extinction, and is probably the hardest of the big five to spot in the wild.

There are two species of rhinoceros in Africa – the critically endangered black rhino ( Diceros bicornis ) and the white rhino ( Ceratotherium simum ). Whilst white rhinos have made a comeback through conservation efforts across the continent, black rhinos are still very much one of Africa’s endangered animals . The fundamental differences between the white rhino and black rhino are not color, but rather size, temperament, food preference, and mouth shape. White rhinos have a flat, wide mouth, and their name comes from a mispronunciation of the Afrikaans word wide – “wijd”.

Both black rhinos and white rhinos tend to be wary of humans, but occasionally charge vehicles that get too close. If you’re on foot, then their bad eyesight should work in your favour – if they do charge you the apparent life-saving technique involves letting them get as close as possible, then stepping aside at the last second.

Group name: Crash

Size: 1.9 meters high and weighing up to 2,300kg

Speed: 50 kilometers per hour

Diet: All species of rhino are herbivores, grazing on a wide variety of fruits, stems, twigs, grasses, and leaves.

Range & Habitat: White rhinos are found throughout Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in habitats ranging from dense rainforests and swamps to grassy plains.

Best places to see Rhinoceros: Tends to be in Southern Africa – Etosha National Park , Namibia , Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park, South Africa , Kruger National Park , South Africa, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya , Mkomazi National Park, Tanzania.

Learn more about rhinos.

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 1

Best places to see all of the big five animals

Whilst we’ve highlighted national parks above to see each of the members of the big five animals, the ultimate thrill is to see all five animals on one safari. It’s not easy – not least because even if all five animals are present in an area they can still be very difficult to see! However, it is possible, as there are a number of hotspots in southern and east Africa that are rich in variety and can support an extremely dense wildlife population. Our top picks to see all of the big five together are:

  • Chobe National Park, Botswana
  • Etosha National Park in Namibia
  • Kruger National Park in South Africa
  • Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa
  • Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
  • Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana
  • Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
  • South Luangwa National Park in Zambia

5 great quotes about each of the big five animals

Elephant quotes.

safari quotes on elephant in river backgroud

“They say an elephant never forgets. What they don’t tell you is, you never forget an elephant.”

Bill Murray

“Nature’s great masterpiece, an elephant; the only harmless great thing.”
“If anyone wants to know what elephants are like, they are like people only more so.”

Pierre Corneille

“He who mounts a wild elephant goes where the elephant goes.”

Randolph Bourne

Lion quotes

safari quotes about lions

“Do not try to fight a lion if you are not one yourself.”

African proverb

“You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.”

Isak Dinesen

“Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”

Zimbabwean proverb

“Lions make leopards tame.”

William Shakespeare

“In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight.”

Solomon Lina, “Mbube”

Leopard quotes

safari quotes on leopards

“At the top of the mountain we are all snow leopards. “

Hunter S. Thompson

“The leopard does not change his spots.”

King James Bible

“This world without a leopard…I mean, who would want to be here?! “

Diana Vreeland

“Leopard is an animal design, and my designs come from nature. “

Roberto Cavalli

“A leopard feels at home with leopard. “

George Eliot

Buffalo quotes

buffalo quote

Cows run away from the storm while the buffalo charges toward it – and gets through it quicker. Whenever I’m confronted with a tough challenge, I do not prolong the torment, I become the buffalo.

Wilma Mankiller

The buffalo is a surprisingly stupid animal.

Ellsworth Huntington

So is the savage buffalo, especially delighting in dark places, where he can wallow in the mud and slake his thirst without much trouble

John Hanning Speke

At the rate science proceeds, rockets and missiles will one day seem like buffalo – slow, endangered grazers in the black pasture of outer space.

Bernard Cooper

The coat of the buffalo never pinches under the arm, never puckers at the shoulders; it is always the same, yet never old fashioned nor out of date.

Theodore Parker

Rhino quotes

rhino quote

A charging black rhinoceros is nothing to mess with. When it is headed straight toward you, it is the ultimate exercise in sphincter control.

Boyd Norton

It is one thing to be amazed at gorgon or a griffin, creatures which do not exist; but it is quite another and much higher thing to be amazed at a rhinoceros or a giraffe, creatures which do exist and look as if they don’t.


The only way to save a rhinoceros is to save the environment in which it lives, because there’s a mutual dependency between it and millions of other species of both animals and plants.

David Attenborough

The rhinoceros stood about five hundred yards away, not a twentieth-century animal at all, but an odd, grim straggler from the Stone Age.

Winston Churchill

A rhinoceros is as ugly as a human being, and it too is going to die, but at least it never thinks that it is beautiful.

Peter S. Beagle

Other wildlife ‘fives’

Have you seen the big five animals and are are looking for a new wildlife challenge – other animals to hunt for your photo safari?  For safari aficionados up for ticking all the ‘I’ve seen’ boxes, have you heard about the other groups of 5 animals?

Illuminated netdevil

World’s Ugliest Fish

Elephant seal

Ugly Animals

Leopard lying in tree at Kruger

Best Places For The Big 5 In South Africa

southern right whale breeching, with green land behind

The Big Seven Animals – What They Are & Where To See Them

A maribou stork (of the ugly five) head and shoulders in profile with long speckled yellow beak

What Are ‘The Ugly Five’ Animals?

3 meerkats standing and looking - part of the shy five group of animals

What Are ‘The Shy Five’ Animals?

Discover more of our wildlife posts…, the smallest mammals in the world, why do flamingos stand on one leg, collective nouns for birds, animals that live the longest, african vs asian elephant, which is which, fastest snakes in the world, understanding keystone species, toad vs frog: how to tell the difference.

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 2

I like the big five very much, but alittle bit surprised. The hippo i big than lion and leopard why is it not on the list. We heard that hippos are one of the animals which kills more people than elephants and rihnos

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 3

Hippos mainly live in the water, the Big Five live on land.

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 4

Hi Martin, the name is not everything! Hippos weren’t in the group of animals hunted for their skin or heads, so didn’t make the big five list ;)

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 5

The Big five are the animals that i love so much but they left the TIGER and its deserves to be on of them… if one could make them pets i’d long had one.

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 6

Unfortunately tigers are not native to Africa.

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 7

The big five is found all over Kenya and other parts of Africa.

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 8

Big five are found in Africa most distinctive in Tanzania, am proud of it.

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 9

My best animals are the big five

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 10

In my opinion the “Big Five” and all other wild animals wherever they are in the world should not be hunted down by big game hunters or poachers and the cowards who carry out these atrocities should themselves be hunted down and prosecuted to the fullest by the governments of those countries in which those activities occur.

Absolutely agree Eric – big game hunting is not something I can say I’m a fan of…

What Are 'The Big Five' Animals? 13

very useful to my resarch…

Glad to hear it Ryan ;)

Top countries for safaris

  • Botswana safaris
  • Kenya safaris
  • Namibia safaris
  • South Africa safaris
  • Tanzania safaris
  • Uganda safaris

Safari basics

  • Safari animals
  • How to find the right safari company
  • When to go on safari
  • What to take on safari
  • Safari clothing – what to wear
  • Safari rules & etiquette
  • Wildlife spotting tips

Most read articles

  • All about the ‘big five’ animals
  • Collective nouns for animals
  • Safari movies to watch before you go
  • The world’s fastest land animals
  • Apex predators
  • 10 Fascinating African tribes
  • The biggest animals in the world
  • 17 Epic hybrid animals
  • The world’s ugliest animals
  • Why are flamingos pink?

Africa’s best game reserves

  • Chobe National Park, Botswana
  • Etosha National Park, Namibia
  • Kruger National Park, South Africa
  • Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
  • Okavango Delta, Botswana
  • Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

leopard lies on the branch of a sparse tree, with blue sky behind

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African Lion Safari facts for kids

African Lion Safari is a family-owned safari park in Southern Ontario , Canada, straddling the cities of Hamilton and Cambridge , located 100 kilometres (62 mi) west of Toronto . Guests may tour seven game reserves, with a total area of about 740 acres (300 hectares), on tour buses or in visitors' own vehicles, where animals roam freely in contained areas. Accompanying the game reserves is a walking section where exotic birds and primates, as well as the park's herd of Asian elephants, are on display.

African Lion Safari is an accredited member of the CAZA , and is also a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) as well as the International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators (IAATE).

Breeding programs

Images for kids.

This safari park was founded by Gordon Debenham "Don" Dailley, a retired Canadian Army colonel, and opened its doors on August 21, 1969. Dailley initially partnered with the Chipperfield family from England to purchase four farms in the Rockton, Ontario area totaling 250 hectares (620 acres). He bought out the Chipperfields in the early 1970s. It remains privately owned, and the only significant feature was the drive-through reserve. In 1971, the park began working with Asian elephants , and in 1985 they started to make a concentrated effort to breed Asian elephants. Over the years, successful breeding of 30 endangered species and 20 threatened species has occurred in the park.

Common Eland African Lion Safari

On any of the seven reserves, visitors are caged in their car and the animals roam in large enclosures that range from 2 to 20 hectares (4.9 to 49.4 acres).

African lion safari Lions

In the Nairobi Sanctuary , visitors can see Watusi cattle , llama , European white stork , Egyptian goose , and East African crowned crane . The reserve consists of a large grassy field.

Between the Nairobi Sanctuary and the Simba Lion Country is the Cheeta breeding Center , which is home to cheetahs . This preserve features several enclosures where the cheetahs live either separately or grouped.

Simba Lion Country is home to African lions . The reserve consists of, like the other reserves such as the Nairobi Sanctuary, a grassy field. This reserve is notable because it has a structure made out of rocks so the lions can rest.

Timbavati Lion Country is home to white lions , also known as Timbavati lions. This reserve also has a rock structure for the lions to rest or play on.

Wankie Bushland Trail is home to olive baboons, bongo , miniature zebu , and malaysian tapirs . The baboons' tower is a house and a playground for them.

Rhino at the African Lion Safari

The Rocky Ridge Veldt includes Rothschild's Giraffe, Grant's zebra, Wildebeest , Eland, Barbary sheep, Ostrich , White Rhinoceros , Addax, and Scimitar-horned Oryx . This reserve is grassy with shelters and shade structures and several piles of rocks for animals to climb on.

The Australasia reserve includes Himalayan Tahr, Tibetan Yak , Nilgai , Indian Rhino , Western Grey Kangaroo , Red Kangaroo , Red-Necked Wallaby , and Sicilian donkey . In smaller fenced areas on the periphery of this reserve are enclosures for Turkmenian (Bukharan) Markhor , Sichuan takin, This reserve is a mix of trees, grass and pond.

The North America reserve is home to American bison , North American elk , Spotted fallow deer , and Markhor . This reserve is grassy.

The African Lion Safari offers two tours for no additional charge; the first one is by boat around a lake whose islands are inhabited by various primates, and the second by train through a natural wetland.

There is a boat ride called the African Queen . On the African Queen, visitors will see Black-handed Spider Monkey, White-handed Gibbon , Siamang , Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur , Marabou Stork , Ring-tailed Lemur , Robust Black Spider Monkey, Pink-backed Pelican, and black swan .

The Nature Boy is a scenic railway that travels through natural forest where visitors see native wildlife and several exotic species such as Fallow Deer and reindeer .

African lion safari Petting Zoo

The park is involved in the International SSPs for Asian elephants , cheetahs , white rhinos , and cinereous vultures . It has provided captive bred barn owls , burrowing owls , trumpeter swans , ferruginous hawks , and a bald eagle to reintroduction programs for release into the wild.

The park currently claims to have the most successful Asian elephant breeding program in North America, and in 2008 became home to the first third generation Asian elephant in North America. It has received several CAZA awards, including those recognizing outstanding achievements in the care of both cheetahs and giraffes.

In 2010, "Jake" became African Lion Safari's first successful Asian elephant birth from an artificial insemination, and the first birth of this kind in Canada.

African lion safari demonstration

Demonstration of Asian elephants skills by staff

  • This page was last modified on 25 December 2023, at 04:05. Suggest an edit .

2024 Season

Open daily may 4 – september 15 & select dates september 18 – october 13.

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Common questions, who can i contact if i have more questions.

Please call  1-800-461-WILD(9453)  or email  [email protected]  and we would be pleased to answer any additional questions you may have.

What else do I need to know?

  • Guests will complete a i) Waiver and ii) Photography Agreement prior to experience.
  • Tour itinerary, content, duration and availability are subject to change without notice. Due to the unpredictability of animals, tour experiences and animal interactions may vary.
  • Animal feeding opportunities are not guaranteed.

Wake Up The Wild Refund, Cancellation, and Rescheduling Policies

  • Wake Up The Wild tours are non-refundable, and non-transferable; however, if it becomes necessary to reschedule your tour for another date, you may do so by calling 72 hours before the tour.
  • Rescheduling of tours will only be accommodated once and only rescheduled during the current operating season.

What if I miss my tour, can I take another tour that day?

There is only ONE tour departure offered daily. Please arrive at African Lion Safari at 8:45 a.m. SHARP. Unfortunately, those arriving late cannot be accommodated on another tour that day. Guests forfeit the entire price of the tour if they do not show up for the tour. No refunds or rescheduling opportunities will be given for no shows.

Will my Wake Up The Wild experience proceed during inclimate weather?

This exclusive experience occurs rain or shine, with the exception of severe weather or lightning. African Lion Safari reserves the right to cancel due to inclement weather, animal health, and/or safety concerns. In the event of cancellation, efforts will be made to reschedule another date. No refunds. During cold periods and/or severe weather some species may not be on display. Animal feeding opportunities are not guaranteed.

Can I buy Wake Up The Wild as a gift?

Yes! This unique exclusive experience makes an amazing gift for birthdays or special occasions.

Can I take photos?

Yes! Don’t forget your camera! We ask that you familiarize yourself with African Lion Safari’s Photography Agreement before arrival.


No Commercial photography permitted. All photography, video, digital, and/or film taken by customers of 1) African Lion Safari’s birds and animals and 2) property and premises must be for personal use only. Any use, reuse or reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited by African Lion Safari without written consent and specific license from African Lion Safari.

What should I wear for Wake Up The Wild?

All participants must wear closed-toed shoes, no open – toed shoes are permitted.  Be prepared with a jacket for cooler mornings and rain coats for predicted rain days.  Ensure appropriate attire is worn for this outdoor, all-weather experience.

What time does it start and how long will it take?

This is an early morning tour.  Arrival time is 8:45 AM and the experience will be completed by 11:00 AM.  Plan to stay after and enjoy the rest of the park.

Who can experience Wake Up The Wild?

  • Guests must be a minimum of 8 years of age to participate in this experience and must be accompanied by an adult. For safety reasons, children under 8 years of age are not permitted. Proof of I.D for children is required on the day of the tour.
  • For guests own safety, they should be in good physical health, have full body control and hand-eye coordination.
  • Guests must be able to walk independently, without walking aids or medical devices.

How can I book Wake Up The Wild?

Advanced reservations are required. Please click this link to reserve your tickets and time.

What does the Wake Up The Wild experience include?

Your experience will take place throughout three of our seven Game Reserves

  • Witness a pride of lions at their most active time of day
  • Going off road in our open-air truck to see the endangered rhino, zebra and ostrich
  • Opportunity to hand feed our herd of giraffe
  • Exclusive photo opportunities
  • Personal guide on the tour
  • Admission to African Lion Safari*

*To visit the rest of the Game Reserves after the tour, you can drive through in your own vehicle.  Please review our vehicle restrictions prior to your arrival.

african lion safari kangaroo


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  4. Zoo Safari Diorama and Animal Figurines, Tiger, Monkey, Rabbit, Zebra, Lion, Kangaroo, Giraffe

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  1. African Lion Safari

    African Lion Safari's drive through Game Reserves operate rain or shine. Why isn't my credit card approved online? Please ensure that all billing information is correct and accurately reflects the address that your issuing bank/credit card company has on file. Address verification requires an exact match and slight variations may result in ...

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    The African lion (Panthera leo) is the undisputed king of the sub-Saharan savannah and is the world's second-largest cat after the tiger. Although lions sometimes hunt during the day, they are typically more active at night which is why most daytime safari sightings are of cats sleeping in the shade. Lions can sleep for up to 20 hours a day.

  3. African Lion Safari

    African Lion Safari is a family-owned safari park in Southern Ontario, Canada, located between the cities of Hamilton and Cambridge, located 100 kilometres (62 mi) west of Toronto. Guests may tour seven game reserves, with a total area of about 740 acres (300 hectares), on tour buses or in visitors' own vehicles, where animals roam freely in ...

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    Not bad, but plenty of African animals would leave them in their dust! Kangaroo babies are tiny. I'm sure you know that marsupial mothers carry their young in a pouch. These young are all called joeys. (It must get confusing.) New-born joeys are tiny compared to most mammal young. A baby kangaroo is just 0.2-0.9 inches long when it is born ...

  5. Kangaroo

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  6. Admissions

    Unlimited admission to African Lion Safari during the 2024 season. 20% off food and non-alcoholic beverages at all on-site food service locations (excluding vending carts) 20% off gift shop merchandise at all on-site Safari Gift Shops (excluding batteries or sale items) Discounts to select off-season events, hosted by our onsite catering ...

  7. African Lion Safari: Absolute Explanation In 5 Points

    Embark on a wild adventure at the African Lion Safari! Explore its 50-year legacy and witness the awe-inspiring creatures in their natural habitat. ... Australian Reserve includes other exotic animals like Western Grey Kangaroo, Red Kangaroo, Tibetan Yak, Indian Rhino, Sicilian donkey, and Red-necked Wallaby. 2.3.7. North America

  8. What To Expect On A Canadian "Lion African Safari" In Ontario

    The African Lion Safari park is a family-owned safari park about 62 miles west of Toronto ( see here for a weekend itinerary for Toronto ). They have seven-game reserves that are open for guests to tour and have many of the world's key animals. So this is a kind of reverse zoo, where guests are encaged in their cars (one can not leave one's car ...

  9. The African Lion

    Common Name - African Lion. Scientific Name - Panthera Leo. Current IUCN Red List Status - VU. Estimated no. of mature individuals - 23,000 -39,000. Lions are capable of living in a wide variety of habitats and are found across parts of sub-Saharan Africa (mostly Southern and Eastern Africa). Lions generally stick to areas such as ...

  10. Africa's Big 5 Safari Animals and Where to See Them (Plus Other Iconic

    Lion. Arguably the most iconic of African animals, the noble lion can be found throughout numerous countries in the continent. Like many house cats, lions spend up to 20 hours a day resting, so to catch one hunting is a rare sight. Despite this, seeing a lion pride or hearing their roar is likely to be a highlight of your safari.

  11. Seeing the Big Five on a Luxury Safari in Africa

    THE BIG FIVE - Coined by big-game hunters as the 5 most difficult animals to hunt in Africa: the African lion, the African elephant, the African leopard, the Cape buffalo and the rhino. Today, the concept of safari has greatly evolved - ridding of its hunting connotation and affirming itself as a socially and environmentally-conscious trip ...

  12. Exploring the Unique Springhare: Africa's Kangaroo-Like Rodent Species

    The African kangaroo, also known as the springhare, is a fascinating and unique creature that calls South Africa its home. ... The Mighty Kalahari Lion: Surviving and Thriving in the Desert; Exploring the Fascinating Kalahari Desert: A Guide to its Wildlife, Climate, and Culture ... From Africa's majestic safari trails to Asia's bustling ...

  13. Lion, Leopards, Cheetah, Elephant

    A member of the "Big 5" and perhaps Africa's most iconic species, the African Lion is a highly sought after sighting while out on safari. Lion Meerkats are found in Southern Africa and they are often seen standing on their rear legs, forever gazing out over the sweeping plains.

  14. Werribee Open Range Zoo

    Werribee Open Range Zoo is an African themed zoo in Werribee, about 32 kilometres (20 mi) south-west of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.It is part of the Zoological Parks and Gardens Board or Zoos Victoria, which also includes Melbourne Zoo and Healesville Sanctuary.It is situated on approximately 225 hectares (560 acres) and is located on the Werribee River in Werribee Park, adjacent to the ...

  15. 99 Best Africa Lion Safaris for 2024/2025

    Zambia South Luangwa. From $ 1890 /USD. per person per tour. VIEW SAFARI. 5 DAYS. Affordable Greater Kruger Safari Combo. Southern Africa South Africa Timbavati. From $ 1900 /USD. per person per tour.

  16. Lion Safaris

    Lion Safaris. The Lion truly is the king of all safari experiences. The only cats in the world that have a social structure, lion sightings are often spectacular in their interactions. Be warned: lions will sleep a lot during the day, so don't be disappointed if you catch them out for the count. Early mornings and evening are the best times ...

  17. The Big Five Animals Of Africa: Big 5 Info, Pics & Quotes ️

    The African lion is the largest and most sociable of Africa's cats, and one of Africa's most dangerous animals. At up to 225kg, the lion (Panthera leo) really is the king of the savanna (it's not a jungle animal!). Living in prides of up to 40 lions, it's the lionesses who do all the hunting, usually sharing with the males of a pride.

  18. African Big Five Safari: Lion, Elephant, Rhinoceros, Leopard and

    The chance to watch the African Big Five in their natural habitat is always a sight to behold. The Big Five comprises of the lion, buffalo, elephant, rhino and the leopard. They are considered the big five due to their dominance and assertiveness in the wilderness in comparison to other animals. Tourist from all over the world travel to Africa ...

  19. Attractions

    DRIVE THROUGH GAME RESERVES Get closer than you ever imagined to majestic birds and animals from around the world as you drive along 9 kilometres of trail, through 7 large Game Reserves featuring Nairobi Sanctuary, Simba Lion Country, Timbavati Lion Country, Wankie Bushland Trail, Rocky Ridge Veldt, Australasia and The Americas. Weekdays: 10:00am - 4:00pm […]

  20. African Lion Safari Facts for Kids

    African Lion Safari is a family-owned safari park in Southern Ontario, Canada, straddling the cities of Hamilton and Cambridge, located 100 kilometres (62 mi) west of Toronto.Guests may tour seven game reserves, with a total area of about 740 acres (300 hectares), on tour buses or in visitors' own vehicles, where animals roam freely in contained areas.

  21. About

    African Lion Safari® is a Canadian owned family business created in the name of conservation by the late Colonel G.D Dailley. The park opened its gates to the public on August 22, 1969 with 40 lions in 3 reserves; today the park houses in excess of 1,000 animals comprised of over 100 species. Our manner of exhibiting animals is completely ...

  22. The KangaZoo Club

    The KangaZoo Club was an educational program about wild animals produced by Quadramedia Management, Inc., recorded in Toronto in front of an audience (the kangaZoo Club), and aired on Global TV in 1984. 26 episodes, each 24 minutes long, were recorded. The show was hosted by Russel Chong and Melissa Glavota, and featured a big kangaroo costume ...

  23. Wake Up The Wild

    Admission to African Lion Safari for the day. Access to park before it opens to the public. Witnessing a pride of lions at their most active time of day - walking, running, devouring their morning meal. Going off road, in an open air truck, to come within a metre of the endangered rhino, zebra and ostrich. Hand feeding Canada's largest herd ...