Audiocipher Icon - white vector.png

Midjourney Music: How To Extract Audio & MIDI From Pictures

When MidJourney first came out in February 2022, it was the only major competitor to Dalle-2. Text to image workflows were still brand new and many of today's popular text to music apps had not reached the public yet. They were still quietly under development under the end of 2022 through middle of 2023.

Two years later, we find ourselves faced with Midjourney V6 and a variety of competing image creation services including Dalle-3, Leonardo AI, and countless others. AI song generators like Splash Music , Suno , Udio and Riffusion are all generating images to go along with their musical output.

Yet there's one remaining link that was yet to be solved until very recently. How exactly does one go about turning an image into music ? The video below holds the answer to that question:

In January of 2024, we saw the first signs of gen AI companies turning images directly into audio, including both music and sound effects. The comparison video above show five examples of Midjourney images being converted to music.

We've found SoundGen to be the best service for converting AI images into accurate musical representations, while Audio-LDM2 seems to be the best for turning pictures into sound effects.

In this article we'll share a quick overview of Midjourney V6 so that you're up to date on the latest version. We'll also have a little fun and show you how to go on your very own MIDI-Journey with Midjourney, using audio-to-midi converters like RipX and Samplab.

Table of Contents

Quick overview of Midjourney V6

How to make Midjourney Music

MIDI Journey: Starting your audio to midi side quest

Quick Overview of Midjourney V6

Let's start with a few basics for those who aren't familiar with how the service works. Midjourney runs in a Discord server and paid users get access to a private chatbot, where they can issue special commands to retrieve imagery in any style.

The most straightforward command is /imagine , triggering a text area where users can describe exactly what they want to see. If you're curious to learn more about the kinds of prompts people are using in 2024, check out this new guide .

Midjourney V6 can be accessed by adding the flag " --v 6" to your text prompt. Doing so leads to higher image quality and better prompt coherence, meaning that you're more likely to get precisely what you asked for than in previous versions.

Of the four images that it creates, v6 will upscale at a rate that's measured to be two times faster than before. It's almost instantaneous. Text rendering improved dramatically as well, and it's possible to get stylized phrases by including the words in quotes.

Midjourney music preparation

In the example above, we demonstrate what happens when you use a prompt like A neon blue sign that says "hello" --v 6. As you can see, the model successfully captured the look and feel of a modern, cursive neon sign and provided four variations to choose from. Here's what the fourth option looks like once it's been upscaled:

Midjourney image example

The results are great, but now the real question is how to go about turning your fancy neon blue sign into a song. We'll get into that next.

How to make Midjourney music

Creating music with Midjourney will require a simple modular approach. The AI image generator does not include an music model on its own, but it's easy to do with SoundGen's image-to-music feature.

To get started, sign up for free at and log into your account. We've highlighted the picture icon in yellow below, so you know where to click. Pick a MIdjourney image that's saved on your local machine and SoundGen will automatically add captions.

AI image to music generation in SoundGen

I uploaded the blue neon sign and a moment later the image appeared along with a short caption describing the picture. This kind of image-to-text service is actually available in Midjourney as well, using their /describe prompt. But it's a bit easier and more fun to upload the picture directly to SoundGen.

Turning Midjourney images into text captions

At this point you can either hit generate to turn it into music, or you can expand on the prompt using the magic wand icon located to the right of the image icon. SoundGen will interpret the image and create musical parameters to pass into the AI music generation model. I recommend trying this process with and without the magic wand, across several pictures, to decide which approach you like more.

Enhancing your text prompt in SoundGen

We'll keep the 15 second default duration for this demo, but you can expand it up to 30 seconds for the first creation. There's an additional expand feature in SoundGen that you can run repeatedly to make the track as long as you want it to be.

Listening to your Midjourney Music

Just like that, we've created a piece of Midjourney music. As the screenshot above shows, you'll have the option to regenerate as many times as you like, using the expand button to build upon your favorite versions. There's a lot more to SoundGen, but in the interest of time I want to move on to another interesting phase of this journey.

MIDI Journey: Starting your Audio to MIDI side quest

Now that you've created a track in SoundGen, you can download it locally and run it through an audio to MIDI service like RipX or Samplab . Both services are great but I have personally been using RipX more often because it offers a broader feature set and higher quality MIDI editing capabilities.

RipX MIDI daw

Here's what our blue neon sign Midjourney music looks like as a spectrogram in the RipX DAW. Stem separation has been performed automatically, removing troublesome percussion layers that don't necessarily translate to the MIDI notation format.

Tonal content, like the synths and lead melody, are correctly represented on the audio piano roll. You can move individual notes up and down, ala Melodyne 5, retaining the timbre of the original instruments. This gives you maximum control over the sound.

Any of the instrumental layers can be exported by RipX as MIDI or Audio files. Bring the MIDI files directly into your DAW to assign virtual instruments and make use of your plugin collection.

If the chain of text-to-image-to-audio-to-midi feels too modular, you can also try out AudioCipher . Our text-to-MIDI generator turns words into melodies and chord progressions in the key of your choice. Apply layers of rhythm automation and drag ideas from the plugin directly into your DAW.

That's the whole workflow in a nutshell. There's lots more to explore but we'll leave the rest up to your imagination and experimentation!

audiocipher text to midi

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5 commentaires

As a composer I would like to feed Audiocipher with a (short) MIDI melody. The output should also be MIDI. Then I could use it in my DAW. I would like to choose parameters like: duration, speed, number of voices, instruments, counterpoint(yes/no, percentage), confine to notes (C, D#, F, G, ...), scale, Beethoven(yes/no, percentage), John Williams(yes/no, percentage), Beatles (yes/no, percentage), standard song template(yes/no, percentage), ... This could create very interesting mixtures. A more complex version could have an interface like Native Instruments Reaktor.

(You can contact me if you want me as a consultant. :D)

Hey Wolfgang, what you're describing is pretty much how a neural network trains on music and composes. Check out Jukebox, I think it may be close what you have in mind.

In the visual art space, this tech has already come so far that it is arguably super-human while retaining a human-like quality. For the musical art space, I think that musicnet is going in the right direction, having MIDI as its output, which an artist would then use in a composition to make the final product. What is lacking in this space is a large MIDI dataset that is labeled very richly in terms of what matters to humans. That includes subjective and emotional labeling, which is hard to do, but would not really be about band or composer names. Pandora has started down that road for regular audio, but not MIDI. If such a MIDI dataset were to exist,…

I think a good approach would be a dataset of harmonic relativities and their emotional impact. And another dataset for speed and instruments and their emotional impact.

A compelling article! I love that AudioCipher continues to originate methods for composing music, offering flexible and creative systems to its clients. Your article made a good point: to clarify that AI's modus operandi generates music from text while AudioCipher works to generate music from MIDI files. Seems like a viable business plan too, one that producers can build upon.

Let's Try Ai

Midjourney Prompts for Album Covers (14 Prompt Examples)

Creating album covers got way easier thanks to AI and Midjourney. Just follow some basic rules and let your imagination run wild.

Photo of author

Written by: Milan K

Published on: June 29, 2023

Artificial intelligence will transform most industries akin to how the Internet completely changed the world. This effect can already be felt in certain industries.

I think that the music industry will change a lot in the future as a result of our advancements in AI. We've already begun to see what type of power artificial intelligence can have in music.

In April 2023, a song featuring AI-generated voices from Drake and The Weeknd went viral . It received millions of plays across different social media platforms.

Apart from voice cloning, one of the things I also see happening in the very near future is that a lot of musicians will want AI-generated artwork for their album covers. If you practice prompting in Midjourney, I think you should take some time to focus on creating album covers. You never know who might like what you made.

In this article, I'm going to talk about how to write Midjourney album cover prompts. I'll also share some prompts for album covers that I've written, along with the images Midjourney generated from them.

midjourney album covers prompts

How to Write Midjourney Prompts for Album Covers

Regardless of whether or not you're a musician, you have to put yourself in the mindset of one when you're writing prompts for album covers. Think of how you would describe the concept behind the artwork to a designer.

Think about an image that would represent an album. Say the concept is searching for meaning in life. Think of a scene that would represent that feeling. Otherwise, you can also use "search for meaning" in your prompt and see what Midjourney will generate.

Since Midjourney has a soft cap of 60 words, you should keep your prompts concise . If you can't explain what you want to create in 2-3 sentences, then you should try creating something else.

It's also important to be mindful of the keywords you use in your prompts. For instance, sometimes it's a great idea to let the model know you want to design an album cover. In other cases, you might find that leaving this keyword out of your prompt will give you the best results.

One more thing I feel like mentioning - you should use the default aspect ratio in Midjourney when making album artwork .

14 Midjourney Prompts for Album Covers

I've decided to split the prompts in today's article into multiple categories. These categories represent some of the most popular music genres today. I'll do two prompts per genre.

Now, let's see how good Midjourney is at creating album covers.

Midjourney Prompts for Rock Album Covers

/imagine album artwork, man holding a rock guitar sitting on a barrel of gasoline with fire around him, photorealistic, full HD, photograph --v 5

midjourney prompt for rock album cover 1

I know there are certain flaws to this image (the face and the fingers), but it could be reworked in Photoshop. Everything else in the image is awesome. It's crazy what Midjourney can make from only a short text prompt.

/imagine rock album cover, rebel, outcast, wolf, lone wolf, morals, principles, honesty, values, the good fight, inspiring --v 5

midjourney prompt for rock album cover 2

In this prompt, I specifically mentioned that I wanted to create a rock album cover. I specified the music genre to see what type of aesthetic the AI model would use. I have to say that Midjourney did a really good job with this cover.

The model also included some weird letters in the image, which you could easily remove if you wanted to.

Midjourney Prompts for Rap Album Covers

/imagine rap album cover, turning a dollar to a million, motivational, pursuit of your goals and dreams, inspirational --v 5

midjourney prompts for rap album cover 1

I like this artwork. It's interesting to see such great outfit choices for this cover even though I didn't mention them in my prompt at all. I love the jacket he's wearing. I could easily see this being a rap album cover.

/imagine rap album artwork, photorealistic, award winning photo, urban city environment, concrete jungle --v 5

midjourney prompts for rap album cover 2

It's not really as photorealistic as I wanted it to be, but that's okay. If it was a real photo, it would look like it was heavily edited in Photoshop. It's easy to tell that this image was generated in Midjourney, but that doesn't change the fact that it would make for a solid album cover.

Midjourney Prompts for Pop Album Covers

/imagine pop album cover, young female singer posing and showing her confidence knowing that she's going to become the biggest celebrity on the planet --v 5

midjourney prompt for pop album covers 1

When musicians are releasing their debut album, they should be on the cover so people can remember what they look like. This would be an excellent cover for a debut album by a pop musician.

/imagine pop album cover artwork, colorful, paintballs, creative, trending --v 5

midjourney prompt for pop album covers 2

I decided to do something different with this prompt. I wanted to only include a few keywords to Midjourney and let the AI model do its thing. The only thing I mentioned that I wanted to see was paintballs.

This is a very experimental type of prompting because the randomization is significantly increased when you don't give clear instructions on what you want to be featured in the image. But the result came out great. It's something I'd love to see as an album cover.

Midjourney Prompts for Metal Album Covers

/imagine metal music album cover, album artwork, becoming the ruler of the underworld, illustrated, creepy, dark --v 5

midjourney prompt for metal album cover 1

This is such good artwork. I couldn't wait until I got to the metal music section of the article because the two images for this genre are breathtaking. I love how this was illustrated. If I had a metal band, I would definitely use this image.

/imagine metal album cover, mystical forces, communication with the dead, supernatural powers, horrorcore, darkcore, spooky --niji 5

midjourney prompt for metal album cover 2

I wanted to use the Niji Model 5 here because I think it works great with the aesthetic that's generally seen in the metal album artwork. If you don't know, the Niji Model 5 is a Midjourney model for anime that you can activate by typing /settings in the Midjourney Discord server and pressing the Niji button.

Midjourney Prompts for EDM Album Covers

/imagine cognitive dissonance, thoughts shattered to a million pieces, modern artwork, dystopian, abstract --v 5

midjourney prompts for edm album covers 1

I feel like abstract prompts work best when you're creating an EDM album cover. I literally couldn't pick out one single image from this set, so I decided it was best to show you all four generated results. If I really had to pick one, I think the first image is the best.

/imagine album cover, sonic waves flying throughout the boundless universe, acidwave aesthetics, abstract --v 5

midjourney prompts for edm album covers 2

This time, I had no trouble picking out the best image from the set. There is something special about this design. I can't really explain it, but this is without a doubt one of my favorite images that I generated using Midjourney so far.

Midjourney Prompts for R&B Album Covers

/imagine r&b album cover, young woman on a search for love, feminine, beautiful, inspiring --v 5

midjourney prompt for rnb album cover 1

I left a lot of room for Midjourney to randomize the outputs for this prompt. I gave a generic theme for the album and this is what the AI model created. Midjourney is usually not too good with hands, but there are no issues with that in this image.

/imagine r&b album cover, the main theme of the album is getting over a hard breakup and adjusting to the single life, there are many sad songs on the album about breaking up with a partner --v 5

midjourney prompt for rnb album cover 2

I took a different approach here compared to the previous prompt. In this prompt, I gave more information about the album. I mentioned that there are many sad songs on it. The generated output was quite good.

Midjourney Prompts for Country Album Covers

/imagine country album artwork, old country singer sitting in front of an old diner, both have been around for several decades, iconic --v 5

midjourney prompts for country album covers 1

This is the type of country album cover you'd see from a local legend that has been making music for decades. I wanted an iconic photo and I got it. The only thing I'm worried about is where his other hand is, but let's forget about that detail.

/imagine country album cover, young blonde female country singer, becoming a star, success, wholesome, portrait, photorealistic --v 5

midjourney prompts for country album covers 2

Taylor Swift, I think there's a new singer you should be worried about. This honestly got me thinking about how difficult it is to create a viral song performed by a fictitious character where the voice is AI-generated. You might see me trying something like that in the future.

Final Thoughts

I'd like to think that these were all great potential album covers. As long as you upscale the images using some other piece of software, you'll have a truly high-quality image that could be used as an album cover.

I feel like there is a certain aesthetic to every music genre, but really there are no rules when it comes to making art. You simply create what you think is cool.

That's why I would encourage all my readers to get as creative as possible when they're writing prompts (as long as you don't cross the 60-word soft cap). Set your thoughts free and write whatever pops up in your mind.

You can also make other cool stuff in Midjourney. For instance, I have a great article on Midjourney prompts for logos . There is also one where I made book covers using this AI model. I suggest you check out both of these articles to see some cool prompt examples that could inspire you.

There are endless possibilities when you're using this artificial intelligence model. And the best part is that it's only going to get better from here.

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About Milan K

Midjourney Prompts for Existing Images (+ Prompt Examples)

How to use the weird parameter in midjourney (quick guide).

How to use Midjourney

Create anything you can imagine when you know how to use Midjourney

A dinosaur on a skateboard created via midjourney

You need to know how to use Midjourney if you want to create some of the most exciting AI art possible. As a self-described “independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species,” Midjourney lets users create anything they can imagine from just text and can now also create text prompts from existing images using the "describe" function. 

You might be a little confused as to how to go about using Midjourney to create those awesome AI-generated pieces of art you see — this may be because you need to use Discord instead of a standalone app or webpage. Don't worry though, it's all simple enough to do, and this guide is here to show you how.

Before we get started, make sure you sign up on Midjourney’s website , then sign into Discord . We’ll talk you through the rest, so get your imagination whirring because if you can picture it and describe it, Midjourney can probably draw it.

Midjourney used to other a free limited trial but now it is accepting paid members only, membership starts at $10 for the basic plan, which will get you around 200 image generations a month.  

How to use Midjourney 

How to use midjourney — text to image.

1. Once you’ve joined the Midjourney Discord select a server to join , to start it’s best to select a “Newbie” server (these servers are recommended for casual users as they help users get to grips with the AI generation process).

The first step to using Midjourney

2. Select the chat box at the bottom , and type "/imagine" , then click the Imagine command .

The second step to using Midjourney

3. Type in the prompt for the art you wish to create (the more detail the better) and hit enter . 

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The fourth step to using Midjourney

4. Wait a few moments for the bot to work and keep an eye on the chat where it will be posted.  

The fourth step to using Midjourney

5.  To produce variations or upscale an image, select t he buttons below the images — V (and then the number of the photo) for variation and U for upscale. 

The fifth step to using midjourney- selecting upscales and variations

How to use Midjourney  — Image to text

1. In the same room Select the chat box at the bottom, and type "/describe", then click the describe command.

Midjourney describe feature 1

2. Attach the image that you want to be described and hit enter .

The Midjourney describe feature 2

3. Wait a few moments for the bot to work and keep an eye on the chat where it will be posted. You can now tweak this prompt or copy and paste it to see if the AI creates something similar. 

Midjourney describe feature 3

Simple, right? Da Vinci never had it this easy. Make sure to remember, however, that Midjourney is currently only in Beta so don’t expect it to be perfect every single time. Being able to see everyone else’s creations is a great source of inspiration and the Midjourney community even has daily themes to experiment with. 

If you're interested in creating AI art on your phone learn how to use Starry AI on iOS, learn everything you need to know about Discord and how to link discord to PlayStation . If you'd rather have a go at how to make memes , then good luck!.

Andy is Tom's Guide Staff Writer for VPNs and privacy. Based in the UK, he originally cut his teeth at Tom's Guide as a Trainee Writer (go and click on his articles!) before moving to cover all things Tech and streaming at T3. He's now back at Tom's Guide to keep you safe online, and bring you the latest news in VPN and cybersecurity. 

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Midjourney for Music


Table of Contents

Midjourney but for music?

Midjourney is basically an AI-powered image-generating tool that has been booming lately and is very popular among people all around the world. But you can use Midjourney for generating images, and it cannot help you through the music-generating process. However, there are other AI tools out there that can be used to create music tracks. In this blog post, I will introduce you to some of the best AI music generators that will work for you. Let’s get into it!

I want to quickly remind you that you can create beautiful songs or album covers or get inspired using Midjourney and different Midjourney image prompts to develop your image-generating process.

AI music generators

AI music generators use algorithms to analyze and replicate existing music patterns to create new original compositions. These tools can be used for music production, recommendation, and live performance. Here are some excellent “Midjourney for music” tools that you can use to generate music for different purposes. 


Soundful is one of the top-rated AI-powered music generator software that can help you create music quickly and easily. It has an easy-to-use interface, and you can choose from different instruments and genres to create royalty-free background music. This can even be useful for freelance YouTube video editors !

AIVA is the platform when you just need a straightforward tool to create music! All you need to do is sign up, choose some parameters and then boom! You have a track according to your needs.

With Boomy , you can access an extensive library of pre-made audio samples that you can use and customize to create your own unique piece. Boomy is free and very fast. Give it a shot if you’re into AI music production.

  • OpenAI–MuseNet

Yes. This is the OpenAI! The ChatGPT one. Undoubtedly, this product is a high-quality one in the music-generating field. With MuseNet , you can generate music tracks with different ARTISTS’ styles! This tool has profound knowledge and brings some creativity to the process.

Soundraw comes in handy when you need analysis and creation together. Soundraw uses artificial intelligence technology and its great database to analyze and create tracks for different projects.

How can musicians use AI?

Musicians can use artificial intelligence in many ways. Although musicians think of AI differently, and some don’t believe in using AI, some are fond of using new technologies in their work to boost their art. Apart from musicians, many people hire audio engineers that use AI in their job, and they’re also pretty good! In the following, I will name six ways musicians and people who work in music can use AI. 

  • Music creation: AI can generate melodies, harmonies, and even entire songs.
  • Music analysis: AI can analyze music to identify patterns and trends, which can help musicians improve their compositions.
  • Music recommendation: AI can recommend new music to listeners based on their listening habits and preferences, just like how Spotify uses AI!
  • Music production: AI can assist with mixing and mastering, making the production process faster and more efficient.
  • Live performance: AI can be used to create visual effects and interactive experiences during live performances.
  • Music transcribing: Artificial intelligence can be your music transcriber and convert any sound to music notes.


Can AI take over music?

This question has occurred to many of us at least once. The power of AI sometimes hits us so hard we start worrying about it taking our professions away. This subject is so bold in our lives that I’ve written another post on whether Midjourney replaces artists . AI can assist and enhance music creation, analysis, recommendation, production, and live performance but cannot completely take over music. Music is a human phenomenon , and a non-human thing can never fulfill the true mission of music nor create soulful and creative pieces of music. Human creativity, emotion, and interpretation are integral to the art of music, and AI cannot replicate or replace these aspects.

What are the disadvantages of AI music?

Here are seven potential disadvantages of AI-generated music:

  • Lack of emotional depth and human interpretation
  • Limited creativity and originality
  • Overreliance on data and algorithms
  • Inability to capture cultural and societal context
  • Limited ability to improvise and adapt to changes in musical dynamics
  • Dependence on pre-existing music and genres
  • Potential job displacement for human songwriters and musicians

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Midjourney Album Cover Art Prompts That Rock!

Album Cover Art

Midjourney can help you create the most awesome and professional album cover art you’ve ever laid eyes on. And with the right prompts, you can tailor it specifically however you’d like it to look.

This can be extremely helpful for starving artists, bands, graphic designers, or really anyone who’s a fan of music and/or cover art.

Personally, in high school, one of my dream jobs was to become a graphic designer who specialized in creating album cover art. I loved music and I loved art, so the fusion was natural. So naturally, when I discovered Midjourney could let me live out this fantasy while running the prompts, I was ecstatic.

Let’s get started on creating music album covers that rock.

1. Rock Album Cover Art – Midjourney Prompt

Multi Genre Album Cover - Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney) In a punk and gritty style, a rock album cover depicts homeless individuals defiantly seated at an upscale penthouse restaurant. Vibrant, chaotic brushstrokes and bold, contrasting colors convey their rebellious spirit as they disrupt the opulent setting with unruly gestures and unapologetic stares, cinematic, in the style of John Carpenter

Check out this rock album cover. It looks like a rock cover to me, but really it could be used for any music with dark undertones.

It’s gritty and menacingly dark. But the best part? It’s open to interpretation. You can stare at this thing for hours and come up with a million different meanings. Go ahead and try it.

If you’re looking for an album cover that’s as mysterious as your ex’s sudden disappearance, look no further. This cover’s got you covered.

By the way…the initial image from Midjourney is below. I used the Vary (Region)/Inpainting feature to select the area around the subject’s head and entered “black ski mask robber” as the Inpainting prompt.

Goth Music Album Cover

2. Rap Album Cover Art – Midjourney

Rap Album Cover - Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney) rap album cover, turning one dollar into a million dollars, cash everywhere, gold everywhere, motivational, cinematic –s 200

This is how I feel every time I sit down and write a Run The Prompts article. Let’s just say I get paid a LOT to do this, okay?

If you’re a rapper, and you need album art, use Midjourney. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought this was a real album cover for a real rapper. All of the variations were really good, and it was tough to choose which one I wanted to upscale.

3. Pop Album Cover Art – Midjourney Prompt

Pop Music Album Cover - Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney) pop album art cover, smiling bubblegum princess, colorful, high contrast, giant shapes, happy thoughts, uplifting, inspiring, heartfelt, cliche, wonderful thoughts

For the most part, I hate pop music. I know you don’t care, so I’ll end it there without ranting.

This album art is as cliche and bubblegum as I could possibly make anything without giving someone a cavity. The prepubescent teenage girl demographic would probably be proud of my little creation here.

By the way, I used the “Zoom Out 2x” option to get the final image that you see here. The initial image was a closeup of the woman.

4. Metal Album Cover Art – Midjourney

Metal Album Cover - Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney) Metallica by harryfinney, in the style of pop art-inspired visuals, album covers, bold manga lines, rtx, metal –s 400 –c 40

I literally included “Metallica” in this prompt.

Experiment with different band names and styles in the prompt to make it your own.

This image is the visual equivalent of a mosh pit on fire. When I said this page would have prompts that rock, now you can tell that I meant it.

5. Punk Album Cover Art – Midjourney Prompt

Punk Album Cover - Midjourney

Does this prompt look familiar? I hope so, because it’s the same prompt as #1. It can be used for rock and punk.

You might be wondering why you’d want to use an album cover with some random character’s face on it. That horrible problem can be solved using a Midjourney face swap . It will allow you to swap your face with anyone you’d like. Your face on your own music album cover. Isn’t life great?

6. Hard Rock Album Cover Art – Midjourney

Hard Rock Album Cover - Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney) hard rock album cover, grunge, 90s, oily, dark colors, depressing, cinematic, 8k

This guitar is sitting in the middle of the street waiting for the perfect riff to come along. Is it yours?

The initial image from Midjourney had a piece of gibberish text across the center of the image, but I easily removed it using Photoshop Generative Fill with two clicks. So can you.

7. Electronic Music Album Cover Art

Electronic Music Album Cover Art - Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney) In a pulsating realm of vibrant energy, an ethereal shape harnesses the power of soundwaves. Bioluminescent wires intertwine with a futuristic city, casting a lustrous glow. Colors of neon cyan and vivid green electrify the scene, cinematic, dark colors, vibrant colors

The album cover art is an electrifying representation of a musical journey through the concrete jungle.

8. Midjourney Mashup! Album Cover Art for Any Celebral or Dark Music

Dark Music Album Cover Art - Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney) awesome album cover, cinematic, dark colors –no words

If this one looks familiar to you, that’s because it’s a mashup of a few of my favorite album covers: Eminem’s “The Slim Shady LP,” Highly Suspect’s “The Boy Who Died Wolf,” and Kid Cudi’s “Man on the Moon: The End of Days.” Here they are…

Album Covers

The three URLs you see in the prompt are the URLs of the three images above. So, it was a triple reference image prompt to combine the artistic elements of all three albums into ONE . Awesome, right?

9. Bonus! Take Your Album Cover Art to Another Level with Custom Zoom and Inpainting

So you have your shiny new album cover design.

I took the liberty of solving that problem for you with all kinds of creative applications. That’s how nice I am. Enjoy!

A. Put it in a Compact Disc Case

Rock Album Cover in CD Case - Midjourney Inpainting

To do this, click the Inpainting AKA “ Vary (Region) ” button after upscaling your image.

Next, just select the left side of the image as shown and use this prompt: “Plastic black hinge side of a CD album case.”

Rock Album Cover in CD Case - Midjourney Inpainting UI

B. Smash it in a Glass Window with a Tack Hammer

Rock Album Cover in Shattered Glass - Zoom Out Feature - Midjourney

Who wouldn’t want to put their new prized piece of art for their music behind a glass window and smash it with a hammer?

All you have to do is click the “ Zoom Out 2x ” button and type this prompt: “On a cracked window.”

After you get the smashed window effect, you can easily crop the image and keep the shattered glass included in your album art! If your music is edgy, it’s actually a slick look.

C. Put it in a Car’s MP3 Player/Console

Rock Album Cover in Car Dashboard Center Console - Zoom Out Feature - Midjourney

While it might not have the standard play, pause, or other buttons on the screen, this is still pretty awesome. You can easily add those using Adobe Photoshop with just a bit of tinkering.

All you have to do is click the “ Zoom Out 2x ” button and type this prompt: “Playing on a car’s mp3 player screen.”

D. Put it in a Drive-in Movie Theater

Pop Album Cover in Drive-in Movie Theater - Zoom Out Feature - Midjourney

Who wouldn’t want to see their new album cover on a drive-in movie screen?

All you have to do is click the “ Zoom Out 2x ” button and type this prompt: “Playing on a drive-in movie screen.”

Forget that this car is oddly missing its back window. If the same issue happens to you, you can probably add one with Photoshop’s Generative Fill.

E. View it on a TV Screen

Pop Album Cover on a TV Screen - Zoom Out Feature - Midjourney

To view it on a TV screen, all you have to do is click the “ Zoom Out 2x ” (noticing a pattern yet, dummy?) button and type this prompt: “Playing on a TV screen.”

Wrapping it up

So, there you have it! With Midjourney, you can now unleash your creativity and design your own album cover art that perfectly captures the essence of your music or artistic taste. Whether you’re into rock, pop, rap, or metal, Midjourney has got you covered. And if that wasn’t enough, you can also add a CD case, view it on a big screen, or even smash it with a tack hammer.

So, what are you waiting for? Create your masterpiece today.

Did you discover a new prompt or Zoom/Inpainting method for album cover art? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Nick Smith, Founder/CEO/Content Creator/God

Nick Smith enjoys talking in the third person. He is the founder and CEO of Run The Prompts. His extensive background in marketing is impressive, although he typically forgets his employees' names. His obsession with AI makes people smile.

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mid journey music

Journey Midi band info

Journey  is an American rock band that formed in San Francisco in 1973, composed of former members of Santana and Frumious Bandersnatch. The band has gone through several phases; its strongest commercial success occurred between 1978 and 1987, after which it temporarily disbanded. During that period, the band released a series of hit songs, including 1981's "Don't Stop Believin'", which in 2009 became the top-selling track in iTunes history amongst songs not released in the 21st century. Its parent studio album,  Escape , the band's eighth and most successful, reached No. 1 on the  Billboard  200 and yielded another of their most popular singles, "Open Arms". Its 1983 follow-up,  Frontiers , was almost as successful in the United States, reaching No. 2 and spawning several successful singles; it broadened the band's appeal in the United Kingdom, where it reached No. 6 on the UK Albums Chart. Journey enjoyed a successful reunion in the mid-1990s and later regrouped with a series of lead singers.

Sales have resulted in two gold albums, eight multi-platinum albums, and one diamond album (including seven consecutive multi-platinum albums between 1978 and 1987). They have had eighteen Top 40 singles in the US (the second most without a  Billboard  Hot 100 number one single behind Electric Light Orchestra with 20), six of which reached the Top 10 of the US chart and two of which reached No. 1 on other Billboard charts, and a No. 6 hit on the UK Singles Chart in "Don't Stop Believin'". Originally a progressive rock band, Journey was described by AllMusic as having cemented a reputation as "one of America's most beloved (and sometimes hated) commercial rock/pop bands" by 1978, when they redefined their sound by embracing pop arrangements on their fourth album,  Infinity . According to the Recording Industry Association of America, Journey has sold 47 million albums in the U.S., making them the 28th best-selling band. Their worldwide sales have reached close to 90 million records, making them one of the world's best-selling bands of all time. A 2005 USA Today opinion poll named Journey the fifth best American rock band in history. Their songs have become arena rock staples and are still played on rock radio stations across the world.

mid journey music

100 Best Midjourney Prompt Modifiers: Visual Guide (+300 Copy-Paste Prompt Ideas)

mid journey music

Some of the best Midjourney prompts need just a single style modifier.

Midjourney can easily handle prompts written in natural language, which makes the popular practice of “ splatterprompting ” completely unnecessary.

Every month, I share five new Midjourney prompt ideas. So the list below is constantly growing. Check back now and then…or subscribe to get my future posts in your inbox:

Why Try AI? is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Remember that all of the individual prompt modifiers on this list can be combined in any number of ways to create a unique look. Try to experiment!

Prompts shared before March 2023. Sample images are Midjourney Version 4 .

1. “Exploded [subject] by Nychos”

Nychos is an illustrator and urban artist known for visually striking cross-section and X-ray images, often with gory details. Using the word “exploded” adds a sense of motion.

Sample images:

MJ Prompt: Exploded guitar, banana, and planet.

Copy-paste prompt ideas:

This post is for paid subscribers


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