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Test de l’Acer Aspire 3

Mathilde Vicente

Note de l’expert

  • Clavier spacieux avec pavé numérique
  • Performances solides en matière de lecture vidéo
  • Performances décentes des applications professionnelles
  • Autonomie d’une journée
  • Puissance graphique médiocre pour les jeux
  • Écran 1080p basique
  • Petit disque de stockage de 128 Go

Notre verdict

L’Acer Aspire 3 est un compromis bien pensé. C’est l’un des PC portables les mieux construits que nous ayons testés pour moins de 500 euros, avec un design solide, un clavier et un pavé tactile spacieux. Bien qu’il ne fasse pas le bonheur des joueurs, c’est une machine de travail tout à fait compétente qui vous fait profiter d’une une belle image et d’un bon son pour les appels Zoom.

Les meilleurs prix : Acer Aspire 3

Sur le marché très encombré des ordinateurs portables abordables, l’Acer Aspire 3 fait bonne figure, avec un style simple et discret, un clavier accompagné d’un pavé numérique et un large écran sur lequel il est agréable de travailler et passer des appels vidéo, entre autres.

Bien que quelques compromis aient été faits, Acer a pris des décisions judicieuses pour produire une machine qui en met plein la vue pour relativement peu d’argent.

Sinon, pour plus de choix, jetez un œil à notre comparatif des meilleurs PC portables pas chers ou pour étudiants .

Acer Aspire 3 Front

Le grand clavier de l’Aspire 3, avec son pavé numérique, est très agréable à utiliser.


PCWorld / Robert Strohmeyer

Avec un poids d’un peu moins de 2 kg, l’Aspire 3 n’est ni lourd ni léger. Il vous fait profiter d’un large écran de 15,8 pouces et accueille un large clavier doublé d’un pavé numérique, une bonne chose pour la productivité.

Son clavier donne une sensation de solidité sous les doigts, sans trop de flexion lors d’une frappe intensive. C’est important, car les appareils à bas prix sacrifient souvent la structure du châssis pour réduire les coûts, et le résultat peut sembler fragile, ou encore conduire à un rebond sur le pavé tactile se répercutant aussi sur le curseur de la souris. Heureusement, ce n’est pas le cas de cet Acer qui offre une superbe expérience utilisateur.

Devant ce large clavier, nous trouvons un pavé tactile relativement spacieux de 3 pouces par 5. Contrairement à celui des autres ordinateurs portables Acer que nous avons essayés, il est ferme et doux au toucher, et répond par un clic décisif mais silencieux. Nous avons trouvé qu’il suivait bien les gestes multi-touch.

Bien que l’Aspire 3 soit un peu encombrant avec une épaisseur d’environ 2,5 cm, il s’agit d’une machine adaptée pour travailler, et non d’un gadget en plastique et bon marché. Le seul reproche que nous pouvons faire sur sa qualité de fabrication est que l’écran oscille un peu lorsque nous le déplaçons une fois ouvert, au lieu de rester fermement en place, notamment lorsque vous utiliserez la webcam comme cela a été le cas lors de nos tests.

Affichage et audio

Les PC portables de milieu de gamme d’Acer, dont l’Aspire 5, se distinguent depuis longtemps par leur écran 1080p. L’Aspire 3 est équipé de la même manière, bien qu’avec l’évolution du marché, la concurrence apporte une résolution similaire à ses gammes économiques, ce qui fait qu’il ne se démarque plus sur ce point.

Cela dit, en 2023, 1080p est la résolution la plus basse qu’un acheteur puisse accepter, car 768p correspond à peine à la plupart des pages web modernes dans leur résolution native. Le responsive web design, c’est bien beau et pratique, mais si l’écran de votre PC portable de 15 pouces déclenche une mise en page minimisée avec la fenêtre du navigateur maximisée, autant naviguer sur un iPad Mini.

Vous l’aurez compris, Aspire 3 se situe dans la fourchette de résolution acceptable. Dans l’ensemble, nous avons apprécié l’aspect de l’écran de l’Aspire 3 pour les films et les vidéos, la qualité des couleurs est décente, bien que peu remarquable, et la luminosité est suffisante pour une utilisation confortable en plein soleil.

Une paire de petits haut-parleurs orientés vers le bas émet un son assez fort, que nous avons trouvé bien adapté pour les appels vidéos ou YouTube, mais un peu faible et avec beaucoup de basses pour la musique.

Webcam et microphone

Lors des tests, l’Aspire 3 a dépassé nos attentes pour un appareil économique. La webcam HD produit des vidéos claires et nettes, le micro capte et filtre très bien les voix.

Comparé à un Macbook Pro, nous avons préféré les performances de sa webcam dans des conditions de faible luminosité. Grâce à la réduction temporelle du bruit, la caméra haute définition nettoie les vidéos qui seraient autrement granuleuses et augmente les niveaux d’exposition pour offrir une image claire et nette. Elle surpasse la plupart des autres webcams concurrentes, même sur des ordinateurs beaucoup plus coûteux.

De même, le micro est appuyé par le logiciel Acer PurifiedVoice qui filtre les bruits et envoie un son clair et net à votre destinataire.

Acer Aspire 3 left side

Sur le côté gauche, l’Aspire 3 dispose d’un port d’alimentation CC, d’un USB-C, d’un HDMI et d’un USB-A.



L’un des avantages avec un ordinateur portable plus grand est la possibilité d’accueillir plus de ports. Le long du côté gauche, il y a une prise DC, un port USB-C unique, un HDMI de taille normale et un USB-A.

Sur la droite, vous disposerez d’un port de verrouillage Kensington, un second port USB-A et une prise casque. Qu’est-ce qui manque ici ? Peut-être un lecteur de carte SD et un second port USB-C. Pour remédier à cela, vous pouvez toujours brancher un adaptateur.

Pour la plupart des utilisateurs, cela convient très bien.

Acer Aspire 3 right side

Le côté droit de l’Aspire 3 offre un port de verrouillage Kensington, un port USB-A et une prise casque.



Si vous dépensez 500 € pour un ordinateur portable, vous devriez considérablement revoir vos attentes en matière de performances. Avec son processeur AMD Ryzen 7320U à quatre cœurs cadencés à 2,4 GHz et sa carte graphique Radeon, l’Acer Aspire 3 ne fait pas exception, offrant des résultats décents pour les tâches professionnelles de base, mais nettement inférieurs pour les graphiques et les jeux.

Acer Aspire 3 PCMark 10 Score

En matière de productivité professionnelle, l’Acer Aspire 3 se situe dans la moyenne des ordinateurs portables abordables.


Notre test PCMark 10 mesure les performances de l’ordinateur dans les tâches bureautiques quotidiennes, du traitement de texte aux feuilles de calcul en passant par la vidéoconférence. L’Aspire 3 a obtenu un score moyen de 4 284 comparé à un ensemble de machines un peu plus chères testées ces derniers mois, dépassant notamment le score de 3 902 de l’Aspire 5 équipé d’un processeur Intel.

C’est une bonne chose, car cette machine est plutôt conçue pour séduire les étudiants et les petites entreprises.

Pour le streaming, l’Aspire 3 surpasse à nouveau ses rivaux. Lors de notre test multithread Cinebench 15, il est arrivé en tête avec un score de 1 925. Sur le test Cinebench à un seul thread, son score de 435 l’emporte sur tous les autres.

Cinebench R15 All Threads

Les performances vidéo de l’Acer Aspire 3 dans notre test Cinebench sont nettement meilleures que celles de ses rivaux.


Comme pour le test “all-threads”, les performances de lecture vidéo de l’Aspire 3 sont supérieures à celles des PC portables économiques.


Là où l’Aspire 3 n’est pas à la hauteur, c’est au niveau de ses performances graphiques pour les jeux. Dans notre test 3DMark TimeSpy 1.2, il a reçu un score de 584, soit moins de la moitié de celui de l’Aspire 5. Le caractère acceptable ou non de ce résultat dépend de votre perception du jeu, bien entendu. Si vous l’achetez pour écrire ou surfer sur le web, vous ne vous en soucierez pas. Mais s’il s’agit d’un ordinateur portable pour étudiant, disons que vous ne devriez pas être concerné par des jeux qui vous distraient de vos études.

Acer Aspire 3 3DMark TimeSpy

L’Aspire 3 n’est pas un PC portable de jeu, avec le score 3D le plus bas de tous nos récents tests de PC portables pas chers.


L’autonomie est un autre point positif de l’Aspire 3. Lors de nos tests de lecture de film en boucle et jusqu’à ce que la batterie s’épuise, elle a tenu environ huit heures.

Cela correspond à peu près à une journée de travail complète, et avec quelques pauses, cela devrait être plus que suffisant. Si vous avez besoin de recharger votre ordinateur, le chargeur de l’Aspire 3 est l’une des plus compactes qui soient, de sorte qu’il se glisse dans votre sac sans prendre trop de place.

Adaptation du  test paru sur notre site sœur PC World

Fiche technique

  • CPU : AMD Ryzen 7320U à quatre cœurs cadencés à 2,4 GHz
  • Mémoire : 8 Go
  • Graphique/GPU : AMD Radeon
  • Écran : 15 pouces LCD rétroéclairé par LED de 8 pouces
  • Stockage : 128 Go
  • Connectivité : 1 port HDMI, 2 ports USB 3.2 Gen 1, 1 port USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C
  • Mise en réseau : Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ax
  • Biométrie : Aucune
  • Capacité de la batterie : 40Wh
  • Dimensions de l’appareil : 32,8 x 23,6 pouces x 19,9 cm
  • Poids : 1,78 kg

Auteur : Mathilde Vicente , Rédactrice

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Attractions and Places To See in Perm Krai - Top 20

Attractions in perm krai.

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Pedestrian bridge made of logs over a stream

Bike Touring Highlight

There used to be a simple bridge made of planks (if I remember correctly how it was there), but now it is a more serious structure made of logs. If … read more

Parking lot "U Yolochky"

Mountain Biking Highlight

A traditional skiing place that does not lose its relevance in the summer. There is a gazebo with a roof and a table, as well as organized garbage collection.

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Bridge over the Lasva River

The road after the bridge goes to the right to Lasva, and straight to the marshland towards the Kuria station.

Tip by Egor Pigalev

Beautiful views

Road Cycling Highlight ( Segment )

An asphalt road with a small number of cars and great views, I advise you to go at sunset in the direction of Mysy-Lasva

Kama foresters' trail

Mountain Biking Highlight ( Segment )

Ecotrail of small length. On the way, there are many places for parking and information stands dedicated to the protected area "Zakamsky Bor". The trail is predominantly sandy, there are no deep puddles and swamps on the way.

Uslonnaya River

Road Cycling Highlight

Nearby there is a slide where you can rest and have lunch.

Layout of the Iversky temple

The construction of this layout was carried out by Archigroup. The scale of the layout is only 10 times smaller than the original. This is a whole building with a … read more

Bike jumping spot

Great place for mtb jumping. Apparently someone created it with their own hands. We kindly ask you to be careful and do not use the track for riding motorcycles, because … read more

Bridge with a small swampy area

Merchant Sinakevich's dacha

Hiking Highlight

The dacha of the merchant Sinakevich is a house and an outbuilding standing on the high bank of the Kama. At the end of the 19th century, the dacha was … read more

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THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Perm

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What travellers are saying

Marina K

Perm, Russia General info on the city of Perm A short intro... Perm is the most Eastern city of Europe, and therefore its province is often referred to as Eurasia. Having a population of 1 million, Perm' is one of the largest cities in Russia and the second largest in the Urals. The city was formerly called Molotov, after the minister of foreign affairs during Joseph Stalin's ruling. Perm stretches 65 km along the impressive Kama River - Europe's 4th largest river by length. The Perm province, "Permskiy Krai", or "Prikamye", is around two-third the size of the United Kingdom and covers a great area in the very heart of the Ural Mountains. Perm is internationally known as the name for the geological period (290 - 245 million years ago) in which the Ural Mountain Range was formed. In contrary to the Urals, Perm itself is rather young. Although the first settlement of Perm dates back to 16th century, officially it got its city status in 1723. Citizens still loudly celebrate Perm's birthday on 12th of June, with street parades, concerts and fireworks throughout the whole city! In spite of being a relatively young city, Perm played an important role in the history of Russia. Not the least part of this role was played by Ermak, who was from the Perm Province. Ermak, by order of the Stroganov family, gathered an army here and led it through the Urals, later to succesfully conquer Siberia for Russia. Afterwards, when a road was needed to connect Siberia with the west, construction was started in Perm, which was at that time the capital of the Ural region. The new road, together with the construction of the Trans Siberian Railroad, allowed development of the places east of the Urals - current big cities such as Ekaterinburg, Omsk and Novosibirsk, were merely peasant or miners' towns by that time. Nowadays, Perm basically owes its existence to two factors. Firstly the large amounts of natural resources (minerals, oil and timber) that are present in the region, and secondly (but not less important): its location. The mighty Kama River, the Great Trans Siberian Railroad and main motorways from Moscow/Kazan to Siberia all cross in Perm, making Perm a main Russian transportation hub. The city is the doorway from Europe to Asia and to Siberia in particular. During Soviet times, Perm was a proper fortress because of the huge military industry in its region. All artillery and rocket vehicles, as well as (intercontinental) ballistic rocket launching systems, engines for MiG jetfighters and canons of all ranges were (and in less proportions still are) produced in Perm. The Soviets did an excellent job in hiding Perm and keeping it secret. Most people from outside the Urals simply did not know of the existence of the - at that time - 1 million citizens of Perm. Until the end of the cold war, Perm did not appear on certain Soviet-made maps, nor did the roads towards it. Nowadays, Perm is obviously accessible to all. Actually, it currently is one of Russia's fastest growing cities because of its economical prosperity. Click here for specific information for visitors: Perm sightseeing / excursions and Perm hotels . Perm - 101% Russian, yet multicultural For Russian standards, Perm is one of the most multicultural places in the whole country; it is a home of many ethnic groups who have lived together in Perm ever since its existence. While taking a walk through Perm’s huge central bazaar one can easily distinguish Russians at the many typical small kiosks, Georgians and Armenians selling their original spicy kebabs and shoarmas straight from the barbecue and Tatars operating from most of the simple but colorful jewelry stands. Furthermore, Russian orthodox churches, a mosque, a synagogue and several Catholic churches (some dating from the 17th century) all exist next to each other in Perm. The multicultural character of Perm also shows in its dining possibilities; one does never have to go far to experience the Russian, Uzbek, Georgian or Caucasian cuisine. In spite of its multicultural character, Perm is “Russian till the bone”. Wide avenues, big squares and parks, many statues, dominant Soviet architecture, countless little kiosks, huge theatres and trolley busses everywhere - all make Perm as Russian as Russian can be. Being some 1400 kilometers away from the big influential cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Perm is a relaxed place, where people have kept the typical Russian way of life and traditions. The Perm opera and ballet theatre After St. Petersburg and Moscow, Perm is Russia's leading city for opera and ballet theatre. Not only has the city got a wide range of stages and theatres, its educational bodies like the Russian Academy of Theatre Art and Institute for Culture and Art as well as its many international relations in theatre performances and education still give Perm the name of theatre city. One of the most famous stages is the Chaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre Perm. Among its repertoire are internationally known performances (for example Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra, Aida, Cinderella, Le Nozze di Figaro) as well as Russian ones: most works of Chaikovsky have been staged here. Since 1948 the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre has been on tours throughout the whole world, performing in countries such as UK, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Germany and China. During its history, the theatre has received numerous (inter)national prizes. Another leading stage is the Perm Academic Drama Theatre, founded in 1927. Like the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Acamedic Drama Theatre has staged the world’s most prestigious Drama plays (for instance Ostrovsky, Shakespeare, Gorky and Tolstoy) and has it won many prizes for its work. Museums The Perm Art Gallery boasts a large collection of arts. Apart from numerous paintings of Flemish, French and Italian masters, it also has modern art collections on exhibition. The museum's collection is among the very largest ones in Russia. The museum is located in a former cathedral, now a landmark of Perm in the centre of the city. For those who are interested in the history and the culture of the Urals, the Regional Museum of Local Studies and History (founded in 1890) is definitely worth to visit. The museum boasts a wide variety of armory, coinage, pottery, handicrafts, archeology and minerals. It also tells about the Permian period, the geological era in which the Urals were formed. The partly open-air artillery museum at the northern end of the city centre displays all generations of rocket and artillery (vehicles), as constructed in Perm, as well as a wide range of information of the history of the industry. Actually, the city is known for its large war industry ever since late 1800’s. All cannons and artillery of former Soviet Union as well as engines for Tupolev and MiG aircrafts were (and in less amounts still are) manufactured in Perm. The museum offers detailed information on its wide range of warfare. The outside part of the museum can be entered free of charge at any time. This museum is a part of our city excursion . “ Khokhlovka ” (Open-air museum of and Wooden Architecture and Ethnography) is in fact a collection of original structures as they existed in the 17th century. Inside the buildings, all kinds of tools, handicrafts and clothes of that time are exposed. The guide will take you around the museum, telling about the hard life 300 years ago. You will be amazed by the beauty of the site; Khokhlovka is located on a green hill and offers great views over the Kama river and nearby villages. Architecture As for architecture, most profound buildings are situated in the city centre. The heart of the city is very unlike what one can expect from a city of over one million inhabitants. It completely lacks the usual modern glass buildings and tall skyscrapers that make up for most big cities’ centres. In fact, Perm’s centre is mostly made up by colorful, classic 3-storied mansions of Soviet architecture, making the centre breath a rather relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Among the most prominent buildings in the city are the centrally located "Young people's theatre", the Feodalyevskaya Church and the Dyagiliev Mansion. Furthermore, the Perm I train station is worth a look, as it is proper ancient (17th century). In the provincial towns surrounding Perm, such as Kungur, Solikamsk, Usolye and Osa, architectural highlights are dominated by mansions and factories which were built by the Stroganovs and Demidovs in the 17th century. In similar style, a large number of remarkable churches and cathedrals can be found throughout the Perm Province. Famous people In spite of Perm being a relatively unknown city, the city and its region brought forward many famous people. Ballet impressario Sergei Dyaghilev was born in Perm and spent early years of his life here. He became a sensation in Europe during 2 decades of his "Ballets Russes". Dyaghilev's former mansion in the centre of Perm is now a museum. Chaikovsky, one of the greatest composers ever, was born in a small town just south of Perm. Furthermore, Perm was home of Popov, the inventor of radio, and of Boris Pasternak, who wrote Dr. Zhivago here. The Stroganovs, the Demidovs and Tatishchevs in Perm make up for Russia's famous industrials. Ballet impresario Sergei Diaghilev wrote history when he produced the ballet sensation "The Rites of Spring" in Paris in the early years of the 20th century. Sports For those who are more into sports rather than theatre, Perm has many possibilities. Especially in weekends, the offer is large. Football games of Amkar (promoted to Russia’s premier league in 2003) and “Molot-Prikamiye” (see club logo on the right) ice hockey matches take place frequently. Click here for all matches of Perm sports teams. Shopping Shopping in Perm is an experience on its own. Like most other cities in Russia, Perm has not got obvious Western-style shopping streets, although the central “Komsomolsky Prospekt” is steadily developing into one. New and modern stores are appearing in and around this proper avenue at a fast rate, among which mostly fashion, jewelry and dining places. For daily needs, the huge central bazaar is the most popular place. For any tourist, a visit to this site of countless little stands, shops and kiosks simply cannot be missed. The whole city comes together here, making the bazaar probably the most vivid place in Perm. Fruits, vegetables, clothes, cleaning products, tools, audio, sunglasses, kebabs, carpets, almost ANYthing can be purchased here, and usually for very little money too. The large building in the centre of the bazaar is the place where all kinds of meat and milk products are sold. For those looking for cheap clothing, the Chinese-Vietnamese market is the place to go. Decent but cheap is the main subject among the mainly Chinese trade-people at the market. Furthermore, several smaller markets (“rinki”) can be found all over the city, mainly at the crossings of major streets. A number of shopping malls serve those who like to have everything in one building. The biggest one is “Univermag” on the corner of Lenina and Komsomolsky Prospekt. Just across the road are many bakeries, cafés and kebab stands for a short break and a quick snack. Public Transport Perm has an extensive public transport system, operated by busses, taxi busses, trolley busses and trams. They take you to wherever you want to go in the city, even to far outskirts. The standard fare for any means of public transport is 13 rubles, to be paid to the conductor on entrance. Taxi busses start around 6:30 am and stop at 21 pm. All the other transport starts at 5:30 am and goes until 0:30 am. Taxis, naturally, drive 24 hours. If you do not know the city well, it might be difficult for you to find your way through the complicated public transport network. The best thing you can do is to ask the hotel receptionists or your host family which bus or tram number you need. Just remember the name of the stop you departed from, so it will be easy for people to give you directions back, just in case you are not sure which one to take. It is also possible to buy a city transport map at any paper/magazine kiosk, they cost around 2 euro. Events in Perm Events in form of sports and theatre take place nearly every day, one shall not get bored! Most interesting performances of ballet, drama and opera are staged at the Drama Theatre, which is located on Lenina Street, at the central square. The Perm Academic Theatre offers all kinds of famous plays, both Russian and international, and has a full events calendar every day of the month. Matches of Molot Prikamye (ice hockey) take place at the Molot Stadium, which is loacated in the eastern part of Perm. Amkar plays Russian premier league football in stadium "Zvezda", which is in the city centre. Celebrations throughout the city often take place on Russian national holidays: December 31st, New Year January 7th, Orthodox Christmas February 23rd, Day of Defender of Motherland (fireworks) March 8th, Women's Day May 1st, Spring and Labour Day May 9th, Victory Day (military parades in city centre) June 12th, Independence Day and birthday Perm city! (huge fireworks at midnight) November 4th, National Accord Day Furthermore, several occasional as well as annual music, theatre, folklore and anniversary festivals take place in Perm and its region. There is always something to celebrate in Perm! Perm city map A map of Perm city centre, as well as a province map, you'll find on a seperate page. Click here for Perm city map . Perm Weather & Climate Russia is renowned for its long and cold winters. In case of Perm in particular, this is only partly true. Perm has a temperate continental climate: winters are by far not as harsh (average day temperature in January is -15C) when compared to the more eastern parts of the country. Summers are usually very sunny and warm, averagely +25C in July- and August day times. During those months, many citizens can be found sunbathing on the Kama beaches. Current weather:   -->

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    Parcourez la gamme d'ordinateurs de bureau, de tours et d'ordinateurs tout-en-un d'Acer. Nos ordinateurs de bureau sont équipés de processeurs Intel MD et AMD MD et sont parfaits pour la maison et le bureau.

  9. Test et avis sur l'Acer Aspire 3

    Notre verdict. L'Acer Aspire 3 est un compromis bien pensé. C'est l'un des PC portables les mieux construits que nous ayons testés pour moins de 500 euros, avec un design solide, un clavier et un pavé tactile spacieux. Bien qu'il ne fasse pas le bonheur des joueurs, c'est une machine de travail tout à fait compétente qui vous ...

  10. Ordinateur portable ACER Aspire 7 A715-76G-53BH

    L'écran 15,6 pouces Full HD de l'ACER Aspire 7 A715-76G-53BH, avec sa technologie IPS et un taux de rafraîchissement de 144Hz, offre des images nettes et un affichage sans décalage, parfait pour les sessions de jeu intenses ou le montage vidéo. La technologie Acer BluelightShield™ réduit la fatigue oculaire lors d'une utilisation prolongée.

  11. Attractions and Places To See in Perm Krai

    Our Tour recommendations are based on thousands of activities completed by other people on komoot. Learn More. There are plenty of places to see and visit in Perm Krai. Whether you love hiking or cycling, Perm Krai is a region where 20 hidden gems are waiting to be explored and visited. Check the top places to visit in the region and plan your ...

  12. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Perm

    Top Things to Do in Perm, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 20,140 traveller reviews and photos of Perm tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in August. We have reviews of the best places to see in Perm. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  13. Perm, Russia

    Perm is the most Eastern city of Europe, and therefore its province is often referred to as Eurasia. Having a population of 1 million, Perm' is one of the largest cities in Russia and the second largest in the Urals. The city was formerly called Molotov, after the minister of foreign affairs during Joseph Stalin's ruling.

  14. Aspire TC

    Profitez d'un son ambiophonique intégré haute définition 5.1 canaux réglé avec précision pour transformer votre audio en une expérience inoubliable. 1. L'ordinateur de bureau Aspire TC d'Acer est un ordinateur préfabriqué doté de matériel puissant comme des processeurs Intel Core et une carte graphique RTX GeForce 4060 de NVIDIA.

  15. Great Perm

    Great Perm is a historical region in Russia located at the very edge of Europe, west of the Ural Mountains. Now it is Perm Krai with its capital in the city of Perm as part of the Russian Federation, but as a historical territory Perm goes beyond the federal subject and has no clear boundaries.

  16. Assistance produit

    Assistance produit - Aspire AL16-51P | Acer Canada. ... Aspire tout-en-un Ordinateurs de bureau Aspire classique Nitro Ordinateurs de bureau professionnels Veriton Veriton tout-en-un Add-In-One Chromebase Chromebox. Windows. Par catégorie. Entreprise Jeux en nuage Essentiels Éducation.