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Compared: Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS in 2022

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Safari vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Edge on macOS, compared.

safari vs firefox for mac

The truth is, the perfect browser doesn't exist. Each of the four most popular macOS browsers has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, just based on the engine that's used for web rendering, and what the developers of the big-four have prioritized.

While the best browser for the individual varies on use case, and which websites behave the best on any given browser, there are a series of benchmarking tools that can measure performance on synthetic tasks.

Browser benchmarks

We tested each browser on three different testing platforms: JetStream 2, Speedometer, and MotionMark.

JetStream 2 is a JavaScript-benchmark that scores browsers based on how quickly they can start and execute code, which translates to faster JavaScript performance. Since JavaScript is used on most web browsers, it's a good test of snappiness for code-intensive sites.

MotionMark is a graphical browser testing suite that measures the ability to render complex web pages. Think a page that has complicated graphics and animations. A higher score results in smoother transitions and animations.

Speedometer 2.0 determines the responsiveness of a browser when running web applications. Among the three, it's the truest option for testing real-world performance across many popular websites and online services. A good example is adding tasks to a to-do list in a web app.

JetStream 2 browser benchmarks

Chrome came out on top in JetStream 2 testing, while Safari took second place.

MotionMark browser benchmarks

Safari was the fastest in MotionMark benchmark testing.

Speedometer browser benchmarks

Speedometer testing showed off interesting results, with Firefox and Edge coming in first and second, and Safari in last place.

Different testing platforms result in different scores, so your own mileage may vary. Safari was the best for graphical performance, for example, but its responsiveness lagged behind others. Choose what specific metrics are most important to you.

For Mac users, Safari is an institution. It's the default browser on Apple platforms and is generally lightweight and efficient. As you'd expect for an Apple product, Safari also emphasizing privacy while you browser online.

From the very first boot on a new Mac, Safari is instantly available and configured for easy, private browsing. That makes it the best choice for the most non-technical among us, since you won't need to download and install anything. Safari "just works" out of the box.

It also features the tighest integration across Apple's other devices and systems. You can use Continuity to easy hand-off your browsing between your Mac and any iPhone or iPad you have around. If you need to buy something with Apple Pay , you can authenticate purchases with Face ID or Touch ID.

Apple Safari

Safari also features some strong privacy protections, including mechanisms aimed at mitigating cross-site tracking and ad targeting. It features a built-in password manager that allows you to save and store passwords — with easy autofill options — across your Apple devices.

As an Apple-made product, Safari is the most convenient option on this list for Mac users — particularly those who own multiple Apple devices. It's also a good choice for the privacy conscious, though it isn't the fastest and it doesn't yet have a strong extension marketplace.

  • Default Mac browser with effortless setup
  • Strong privacy protections
  • Integration with other Apple products
  • Not the fastest or most responsive browser in some testing
  • Lackluster support for add-ons and extensions

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a massively popular browser, and a particular favorite of those who routinely use extensions to customize their web experience. It's the most-used web browser in the world, and it's faster and more RAM-efficient than it used to be. Chrome is even currently speedier than Safari on macOS.

The browser also has one of the world's most extensive list of add-ons, plug-ins, and extensions. From plugins focused on online privacy or to video content downloaders, there are around 190,000 extensions in total to choose from. You can also choose from a number of different themes and customization options.

Google Chrome

Intelligent Google-made features include automatic site translations and deep integration with the company's online tools and services — so it's great for those who rely on Gmail, Google Docs, or another Google service. Syncing between Google apps on different devices is also top-notch.

However, Google is a data company that relies on collecting information about its users. While the company has taken steps to bolster its privacy reputation, it's still a company that makes money on harvesting data. Those who are particularly privacy-conscious will probably want to look elsewhere.

It's hard to go wrong with the world's most popular web browser, particularly with its seamless workflow features and customization options. However, if you are even slightly concerned about online privacy, you may want to go with another option.

  • Simple to learn, fastest option in some cases
  • Syncs your Google account across other devices
  • Extensive list of extensions and add-ons
  • It's Google — so not that private
  • Is a RAM and CPU hog

Mozilla Firefox is one of the only popular and mainstream browsers to have started life as an open source project. It's still a free and open source browser with a hefty focus on privacy and security, which could make it a good fit for those who want a Google Chrome alternative.

Because of its open source nature, users are free to explore Firefox's code — and they do. The browser doesn't have any hidden secrets or data-harvesters. It also features some excellent built-in privacy and security protections, including Enhanced Tracking Protection and an extensive list of customizable permissions.

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox was also the first browser to actually offer third-party extensions and add-ons. Although it might not have as many extensions as Google Chrome, you'll still find a hefty list of options ranging from privacy add-ons to customizable themes for your browser.

Although Firefox has some cross-platform integration between its app and built-in Pocket support, it isn't as seamless as Chrome or Safari. If speed if your primary concern, it's also important to note that Firefox isn't the fastest browser by most metrics.

Users who want an open source browser or are committed to Mozilla's mission of keeping the internet open and free will find a browser after their own hearts here. For the average user, however, another browser on this list might be a better fit.

  • Completely free and open source
  • Extremely customizable with extensions, themes, etc.
  • The best option for hardcore privacy
  • Not the fastest or most RAM efficient
  • Synchronicity isn't as robust

Microsoft Edge is the spiritual successor to Internet Explorer that was first released in 2015. Originally HTML-based, Microsoft overhauled the browser to be based on Chromium, which is the same underlying software used to make Google Chrome.

As such, Microsoft Edge is now much more competitive than it used to be. It's far from a Google Chrome clone, but you should expect a similar level of performance from it. Some users believe that Microsoft Edge even feels snappier than Chrome on a Mac.

Microsoft Edge

Because it's Chromium-based, Microsoft Edge also has a list of extensions similar to Chrome. It also sports a number of unique features, such as a "Collections" ability that lets you save information like text or webpages to a built-in notebook. There's also a vertical tab bar, a built-in read aloud feature, and an easy native screenshot tool.

It's a solid option for anyone that doesn't like Safari and wants an alternative to Google Chrome because of privacy reasons. If you use a Microsoft account like some use a Google account, then Edge might also be a solid option.

  • Snappy, lower RAM and CPU usage
  • Unique features like Read Aloud and Collections
  • Good performance in most metrics
  • Can be slower than Chrome in terms of pure performance
  • Syncing isn't as strong as Safari or Chrome

The perfect browser doesn't exist, but you can pick and choose what you need

There's no clear answer for what the "best" browser on macOS is. However, some browsers are better suited to specific tasks than others.

When it comes to smooth JavaScript execution, Chrome is in the top spot with Safari a close second. Safari, according to the MotionMark testing, handles complex web pages better than any other browser.

Firefox, interestingly enough, may be the fastest when it comes to general everyday web apps.

Of course, there's also the issues of extension support, privacy, and synchronization across other devices. Many of the browsers are evenly matched on these metrics, but some excel in specific areas like privacy or cross-platform integration.

But, unlike on iOS, you aren't effectively stuck with one browser core technology. These four browsers, and several more, are available on macOS, and can be run in parallel.

While we don't recommend running all four unless you're a web developer or unit case tester, two or three different browsers can be run at-will, if any given browser doesn't handle your work case well.

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The 7 best browser for mac in 2024: safari, chrome, firefox & more. may earn a small commission from some purchases made through our site. However, any earnings do not affect how we review services. Learn more about our editorial integrity and research process .

Best Browser for Mac

If you’ve been using Safari on your Mac and are wondering whether there’s something better out there, we’re here to tell you that there is. Though Safari is a secure and relatively fast browser, there are faster, more secure options. Here’s our editor’s choice of the best browser for Mac.

Grace Micere

Last Updated: 27 Feb'24 2024-02-27T14:40:46+00:00

All our content is written fully by humans; we do not publish AI writing. Learn more here.

  • Vivaldi — The best web browser for MacOS that’s highly customizable, secure and loaded with features.
  • Brave — The most secure web browser that’s efficient and easy to use.
  • Chrome — The most popular browser globally, offering multiple extensions and integrations to Mac users.
  • Safari — A lightweight, default browser for Mac that uses less RAM than other browsers.
  • Firefox — A veteran browser with solid privacy and security features that safeguard your browsing activity.
  • Opera – Loaded with built-in features because it strives to work without external add-ons.
  • Edge — Second-fastest browser on the market, with fewer extensions than competitors.

Facts & Expert Analysis

  • Most Efficient Pick: Vivaldi is our top choice since it’s safe and efficient, uses less RAM and can sync seamlessly across multiple devices.
  • Best for Blocking: Brave is the most secure browser for Mac due to its advanced, built-in ad-blocking capabilities.
  • Standard But Secure: Safari is more secure than Chrome but offers fewer extensions. Recent updates make it adequate for everyday users.

Logo: Vivaldi

Everyone’s looking for a smooth and fast browser that doesn’t compromise their privacy or data security. Your computer’s default browser doesn’t always offer the best browsing experience, so it’s worth considering other options. If you’re a MacOS user and are looking for the best browser for Mac, we have seven great options for you to consider.

We have updated our list of the best browsers for Mac.

Article rewritten to include up-to-date information about features and company news.

Cloudwards Editor’s Choice: Vivaldi

Vivaldi won this roundup of the best browser for Mac, especially since it recently launched the long-awaited iOS version. Our editorial team found it to be secure and loaded with features, and it seldom required extensions or add-ons. 

Vivaldi is highly customizable, and we were able to sync our settings and customizations across devices. It’s ideal for both power and non-power users. Try it out for a seamless, secure and highly personalized browsing experience.

The Best Browser for Mac: Our Top 7 Choices

There are several browser options that you can try out for your Mac. You may be seeking one that offers the best security and speed. Maybe you’d like the fastest one that offers integrations with iOS tools. You may also want one with an appealing user interface and user experience. Our roundup of the top seven best browsers for Mac will help you settle on the best one for you.

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1. Vivaldi — Best Browser for Mac

vivaldi homepage

  • Highly customizable UI
  • Tracker & ad blocker
  • Android & iOS apps
  • Compatibility issues
  • Slower than basic browsers

Vivaldi is a highly customizable browser that’s loaded with features and caters to both power and non-power users. You rarely need to add any extensions because of its extensive feature set. However, if you do need additional capabilities, you can access all the extensions available on the Chrome Web Store. 

A Vivaldi account can accommodate multiple user accounts, allowing each user to keep their data and unique settings separate from the rest. You can also sync your browser data and settings across all your devices to switch between them seamlessly. You get basic cookie-blocking capabilities, and your data isn’t sent to Vivaldi’s servers or third parties.

One of the biggest downsides of using Vivaldi was the absence of an iOS version. That changed when Vivaldi launched its iOS browser in September 2023 , elevating it from second place to first place on our list. Our Vivaldi review has more details about this effective browser.

2. Brave — Most Secure Browser for Mac

brave homepage

  • Memory efficient
  • Ad blocker available
  • Advanced privacy & security
  • Limited built-in VPN
  • Infrequent updates
  • Few site compatibility issues

Brave is a Chromium-based browser that offers more advanced security than Chrome and other browsers. It has a built-in ad, tracker and cookie blocker that ensures advertisers aren’t tracking your online activity. What’s more, the “forgetful browsing” mode automatically clears all cookies once you leave a site. 

Brave runs its own advertising model that prioritizes user privacy more than other browsers do. Users can earn “Brave rewards” and get paid for watching ads. They can also choose which ads to watch, giving them a sense of control over the kind of marketing they view. However, Brave rewards are only accessible in a few geolocations.

Due to its ad-blocking capability, Brave interferes with the layout of some web pages, inhibiting their usability. It also gets fewer updates than its competitors, making it lag behind whenever new technologies emerge. Overall, we find Brave to be the most secure browser for Mac and deserving of the second-place ranking on our list. Our Brave review has more details.

3. Chrome — Fastest Browser for Mac

chrome homepage

  • Efficient performance
  • Minimalistic design
  • Multiple extensions 
  • Data & browsing concerns
  • Few customization options
  • Inefficient memory usage

Google Chrome is a lightweight, efficient browser that is easy to install and use. It’s one of the most commonly used browsers for Mac and other operating systems globally, offering multiple integrations and extensions. You can sync the browser between your Mac and iOS device using your Google account, making it easy to use across devices.

Chrome has a minimalist design that’s easy to use for kids, adults, pros and novices alike. It quickly loads web pages and has a “reading list” feature that downloads pages in advance for you to view while offline. Chrome’s software (Chromium) is the building block for many other browsers on the market, such as Opera, Vivaldi and Brave.

As we noted in our Google Chrome Review , it uses more RAM and CPU than other browsers despite recent updates, which affects other apps you need to use simultaneously. It has limited themes and customization options compared to competitors like Brave or Vivaldi. Google Chrome is notorious for tracking user activity. Your data is not safe and will likely end up in the hands of a third-party company. 

4. Safari — Default Browser for Mac

safari homepage

  • Lightweight user interface
  • Advanced privacy protection
  • Secure Apple Pay payments
  • Only on macOS & iOS
  • Fewer customization options
  • Limited extension options

Safari is the default browser for Mac and iOS and works seamlessly across Apple devices. It stores data in the cloud rather than on your device, helping save space on your gadgets. iCloud’s “private relay” makes it more secure than Chrome , as no single party can see the sites you visit or who you are — not even Apple. It also requires comparatively less RAM to run.

The iCloud “keychain” stores all your passwords in one place, eliminating the need to download a password manager extension. You can use touch ID to pay in online stores that accept Apple Pay. This means you no longer have to manually input your card details each time you want to make a payment. It’s also a more secure way to pay online. 

Safari’s customization features are hard to find and less dazzling than open-source competitors like Firefox or Chrome. It also has fewer extensions. If you’re an Apple enthusiast who needs a simple browser for personal use, Safari is your best bet. However, if you’re a power user or into gaming, you may want to look elsewhere. Our full Safari review has all the details.

5. Firefox — Safe Browser for Mac

firefox homepage

  • Vast add-on library 
  • Solid privacy & security
  • Many customization options
  • Inefficient RAM usage
  • Slower than competitors
  • Incompatible with some web pages

Firefox uses malware protection to block cross-site tracking cookies, crypto miners, fingerprinting and social media trackers, making it a great choice for security-minded users. It keeps you safe from most ads and malicious trackers without compromising website functionality. 

Firefox is the only major contemporary browser that’s not based on Chromium. Websites that use certain Microsoft technologies or nonstandard Google features may not be compatible with Firefox. 

Our tests showed that Firefox’s RAM usage was high, but still only half as high as Chrome’s. The Quantum updates launched in 2017 transformed the browser’s design, reduced RAM usage and boosted browser speed. We tested Firefox against competing browsers in our Firefox review and found it to be slower than most, which is fine for basic browsing.

Firefox’s Mac and iOS versions are both easy to use and quite similar to each other. If the mobile version appears different from the desktop version, you can use the “request desktop site” feature to align them. You can also download several add-ons and extensions from the library to enhance Firefox’s functionality.

6. Opera — Browser With the Most Built-In Features

opera homepage

  • Multiple built-in features
  • Fast & responsive
  • Built-in ad blocker
  • Privacy & security concerns 
  • High RAM usage

Opera is a veteran browser that later adopted the Chromium base. It strives to be a browser that needs no extensions, so it comes loaded with all the essential features built in. If you can’t find what you need while using it, you can download extensions and add-ons to fill in the gaps. Its intuitive design makes it easy to use on Mac.

In our full Opera review , we tested its speed against that of other famous browsers and found it to be among the top three. However, Opera does take up a lot of your Mac’s RAM to reach those speeds. Only Android users have access to Opera Mini, which is lighter and prioritizes saving memory.

Opera has a built-in ad blocker, and you don’t have to download an extension for it like you do with Chrome. However, some privacy and security concerns have emerged with Opera — it uses less effective malware blockers than Google Safe Browsing. What’s more, several apps on Opera come from third-party developers, so your data will probably end up with them.

7. Edge — Second-Fastest Browser for Mac

edge homepage

  • Quick lookup feature
  • PDF reader with markup
  • Fast loading speeds
  • Fewer extensions 
  • Privacy concerns
  • Cluttered homepage

Microsoft Edge is one of the fastest web browsers for Mac and other operating systems, coming in second behind Google Chrome. It has a lightweight design that uses less memory, cutting down on initial load time. Edge upgraded from Internet Explorer’s slow, stop-motion scrolling to a smoother motion to elevate the user experience.

Edge has an intuitive PDF reader that competes favorably with add-on readers like Javelin PDF Reader. When you highlight text or annotate it, it remains that way when you reopen the PDF reader. 

There have been privacy concerns about Edge sharing user data with third parties like Facebook. It also collects data from Windows users even after they’ve restricted it on their browser. In addition, the curated news and other content shown on the feed after the homepage loads makes the browser seem cluttered. 

You can download extensions from the Chrome Web Store onto Edge, but you’ll need to manually set them up before using them. Overall, it’s easy to use on Mac but is ideal for Windows users. You can find additional details in our full Edge review .

Final Thoughts

These seven best browsers for Mac offer a smooth browsing experience depending on the use case. We prefer Vivaldi or Brave because of their strict security policies, effective ad blockers, efficient RAM usage and seamless browsing experience. They are also easy to use and have a minimalistic design with no clutter.

Chrome outperformed Safari due to its multiple extensions and seamless integration with a myriad of third-party apps. However, Safari is more secure than Chrome and works just fine for non-power, everyday users. Firefox, Opera and Edge are also effective and worth trying out.

Which browser have you been using on your Mac? What makes you want to find a new browser? Which of the seven browsers listed here do you consider the best for your Mac? Let us know in the comments, and thank you for reading.

FAQ: Mac Browsers

Chrome is better for Mac because it offers many more integrations and extensions than Safari does. However, if you’re an Apple product enthusiast who’s not a power user, the updated version of Safari will do just fine.

Vivaldi is the preferred browser on Mac because it is fast and secure, has efficient RAM usage and allows you to sync browser data and settings across devices.

Chrome is the fastest browser on Mac, closely followed by Edge.

The best browser to use on Mac is Vivaldi. It’s great for both power and non-power users, has great data security and offers a seamless browsing experience across synced devices.

Well I used to use safari with mac or Monterey, And when I download something, most of the time, the format would be correct but when I try to open it, it would say that this is not compatible. But everything worked super with brave, especially with no ads on youtube, now I am revealed to watch videos on youtube too, and chrome used to be laggy and slow, for my windows and mac laptops both! Chrome is great over all, but through many perspectives, it lacks many useful needs.

My experience with must browsers mentioned on this review has been mixed. I have no opinion on Brave & Puffin as I had not tested them.

In regards of resources utilization, the worst have been Chrome and IE (even the newer version of IE).

In regards of security, the worst are Chrome and IE, despite of improvements.

On a positive note, the Safari, Opera, Firefox and Vivaldi, with these one is able to: see, experience, and delight how developers put their efforts improving their browser. It is quite ironic due to the fact 3 of these mentioned are Chromium based. I pretty much fall back to 3 browsers: Safari, Firefox, and Vivaldi. Vivaldi being my goto and 2nd being Safari. All depends on the Sites visited, which many are not Safari friendly.

Common to all (Safari, Opera, Firefox, and Vivaldi) is the ability to open several windows with 40 Sites each, prior seeing reduce performance on my systems. Vivaldi is the best performer when I open so many Sites; actually, with Vivaldi I had been able to open 5 windows/w over 50 Sites per window, at this max is when Vivaldi will behave like Chrome (2 windows with 25 Sites each).

For private browsing I like the performance of Vivaldi, Firefox and then Opera. This has been my experience. I am not able to speak to anyone else experience.

I have suddenly lost the ability to link to an embedded url in an email. I’ve used ms outlook thru firefox for years on a macbook pro and now on a macbookair. What have I misconfigured to cause this? This problem appears if the full hyper link is there or if it’s an underlined word like unsubscribe, or if it’s a “button” like “more info.”

My parents have an older iMac (2.5 GHz i5 , 4 GB DDR3 ram) that they do not want to change; the most updated Mac OS they can run is Sierra; thus the latest version of Safari they can run is 12.1.2 (the current is 16.1). Is there a more modern browser they can run?

I need help figuring out if someone is using a computer in my house. I’ve been told that safari is Mac default web browser. So when I see “ Logged in on a Mac. Does that mean she’s on a actual computer?

Is the article’s “Last Updated” date autogenerated to be the current date? The article is listed as updated today, but it still lists Vivaldi’s sole “con” as a lack of an iOS version, which has been available for a few months now

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Best web browser for Mac

Martyn Casserly

We spend a lot of our time on browsers. Whether it’s using communcations apps to talk with friends, family or colleagues, searching for things online, streaming entertainment, using services for work or doing a bit of shopping. So, it makes sense that you’d want to use a browser that can make this experience as good as it can be. Many people stick with Safari on their Mac, as it’s already there and works well. But, if you’re willing to look beyond Apple’s favoured child, then there are plenty of interesting alternatives available. With this in mind, we round up the best alternatives to Safari and see what they have to offer.

If you want to increase the privacy and security on your browser then you should also read Best VPN for Mac and How to use a VPN on your Mac .


  • Built-in to every Mac
  • Syncs very well with other Apple devices
  • Good performance
  • Less extensions that Chrome-based rivals
  • Doesn't play well with non-Apple devices

Apple’s Safari browser has been around for a long time, and over the years it’s been improved to the point where it’s now a very solid choice for most people. As you’d expect, it boasts the standard features found on most modern browsers, including bookmarks, tabbed browsing, a password manager, private browsing options, a dark mode, read later list, plus a Shared with You section on the Home page that lists links you’ve been sent in Messages. 

The reading mode is still one of Safari’s hidden gems, as it turns any webpage into a clean, clear article devoid of ads, links, and other distractions. There’s also now the Quick Note feature which, as the name suggests, allows you to instantly grab text or images from a webpage and have them appear (complete with links) in the Notes app.

With macOS Monterey, Apple introduced Tab Groups, a feature that gained even more capabilities in Ventura. It is a handy feature that allows you to collect particular tabs together by a category of your choosing, so you don’t have to search for them among your other open tabs. This is useful if you’re planning a holiday, event or researching another interest. Best of all, the Group Tabs sync to Safari on your iPhone, iPad or other Macs. Apple built on this in macOS Ventura by making these Tab Group shareable, so you can send them to friends, colleagues or family who can instantly see all the pages and links – perfect if you’re all collaborating on a project. You can also pin tabs within these groups and give them customised start pages too.

Privacy is an important part of Apple’s offering, with Intelligent Tracking Protection there to stop advertisers from watching what you do. This is accompanied by anti-fingerprinting settings that prevent sites from looking at your hardware and software configuration to work out who you are online, plus security features that block sites that could contain malware.   

The newest weapon in this armoury is PassKeys. This is an encrypted login that seeks to eventually do away with passwords althogether. It’s a little fiddly to set up initially, but after that it’s very easy to use. You can check out more details in our how to use PassKeys guide.

There’s also full integration for Apple Pay, making it easy to buy items online either through the Touch ID sensor in Macs with Touch Bars or via your iPhone. See our How to use Apple Pay on a Mac for more details. 

In its current form Safari is better than ever, and that’s before you start exploring the available extensions that can increase its capabilities even further. The truth is, the best browser for your Mac is probably already installed.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome

  • Huge selection of extensions
  • Cross-platform
  • Loads of features
  • Traditionally a memory-hog
  • Requires Google account

Google’s Chrome remains the world’s most popular desktop browser by quite a margin, although that does encompass Windows users too. This success isn’t hard to fathom, as Chrome is an excellent tool which has an entire ecosystem of plug-ins and extensions, ranging from privacy monitors to ones that fix your grammar.

Multiple tabs are handled very well, although it can lead to RAM being hogged by Chrome if you like to leave a huge amount open at the same time, but this is often true of most browsers. Google has recently addressed this though, allowing users to now set memory and energy use filters that should improve performance.

In use, it’s fast. Pages are rendered quickly and there’s a global setting for the zoom, which can be handy if you find text a bit small on modern sites. 

As you’d expect, being a part of the same family, Chrome dovetails effortlessly with Google’s online apps – Drive, Docs, Calendar, Photos, Translate etc – allowing users to launch them from an app tray in the menu bar. You can also utilise the extensions available to create reminders directly from the browser thanks to the likes of Google Keep. A new feature we’ve found very helpful is a quick price comparison guide that’s built right into the browser. Great way to save money when shopping.

The extensions are the things that differentiate Chrome from other browsers, with a bewildering 150,000+ to choose from. You can use password managers like Dashlane , discount coupon checker Honey , Grammarly to improve your writing, and so much more. To see our pick of the crop read Best Chrome extensions . As with Safari, there’s also a group tabs feature in Chrome that can keep your window tidy and make it easy to quickly find related webpages among your open tabs.

Password storage is secure, and you can keep your payment details in Chrome so that it’s easy to make payments online, albeit not through Apple Pay. 

Google uses high-levels of security to ensure you don’t access sites that contain malware and also isolates each tab to prevent any kind of cross infection should you stumble into something nasty.

Of course, this is Google we’re talking about, so you’ll be giving your data directly to the company as you use Chrome, including your online habits, so just be sure you’re ok with that before you begin.

Edge Chromium

Edge Chromium

  • Uses Chrome extensions
  • Built-in PDF editor
  • Quick access to Microsoft services
  • Design can be cluttered
  • Works best with Microsoft account

Microsoft initially launched Edge with its own engine, but after a while decided to adopt the Chromium one that drives Google’s Chrome browser. Since then, the app has grown into a very good option for the those who want the Chrome experience but with it’s own distinct flavour. 

The design on Edge is modern and tidy, albeit a little cluttered at times, with plenty of powerful features built into the main menu. Collections opens up a side bar where you can drag web pages or add notes. It’s a great way to use Edge to plan for a trip or research a major purchase. Alternatively you can use the Tab Groups that are similar to the ones on Safari and Chrome. These are displayed on the tab bar along the top, with ones you’ve assigned to group all colour coded so you can see them instantly. Then, if you want to focus on something else, click the group name and all the tabs are collapsed into that, ready to reopen when you want to see them again. Vertical tabs also lets you instantly switch the open tabs from along the top of the page to a list in a column on the left. It’s a nice little feature that can make it easier to find what your looking for quickly.

You’ll also find a reader mode that reduces a page down to just the words, plus Edge can read aloud the contents if you prefer that approach. A very useful addition is a built-in PDF editor that can make filling out online forms a doddle, and the Web Select feature allow you to copy and paste contents from a page while retaining all of the formatting.

As with most major browsers, Edge has a password manager that can store you details for web sites and online accounts, plus it offers a Password Health and Password Monitor feature so you know if your details could be compromised. 

If you use Outlook, then you’ll find the quick access to mail, calendar appointments and To Do items very handy. Those with a Microsoft 365 account can also launch free versions of MS Office apps from within the browser, much like with Google apps on Chrome. There’s also a grammar and spelling checker borrowed from Microsoft 365 that helps improve your writing when online in Edge. This new Editor works across social media sites or pretty much anywhere you can enter text. 

Microsoft also includes various privacy features, all of which can be tweaked in the settings, plus you have access to the thousands of extentions that come with Chrome. If you’ve dismissed Edge in the past as just Internet Explorer with a facelift, we think you should reconsider that opinion.  


  • Focus on privacy
  • New Firefox view feature
  • Loads of themes and plug-ins available
  • Not as many features as Safari or Chrome

Another stalwart that’s received some much-needed spit and polish recently is Firefox. There was a time when this was one of the major players in the browser field, but time hasn’t been kind to Mozilla’s creation and Google Chrome has been one in particular that tempted people away. That’s a shame, as today’s Firefox version is slick, smart, and provides a worthy alternative to its higher profile competitors. 

Mozilla takes privacy seriously and has a range of features to keep you safe online. Tracking Protection stops websites from following you around the web and collecting data that can be used to serve ads. There’s also ad and script blocking that speed up webpage loading times. There’s even an extension that sandboxes Facebook so it can’t follow your activities around the web. Whatever the tweaks under the hood, our experience with the app proved it to be rapid and reliable. 

Firefox has always been a browser that lets you personalise things, so be sure to take a look at the various themes and extensions available that can decorate the menu section of the browser or add additional features. The menu bar itself has a number of functions that you can easily access by dragging icons onto it, providing quick links to things such as emailing links, saving the page to Firefox’s Pocket app to read later, or sending pages directly to your phone.

Some new features worthy of note include a built-in PDF editor, plus Firefox View which allows you to pick up on your Mac from whether you may have been on a webpage on another device. A bit like Handoff on Safari.

The extensions might not be as plentiful as they are on Chrome, but there’s lots of useful add-ons that can tailor your Firefox experience to just the way you like it. Mozilla also offers various tools such as Relay (similar to iCloud Private Relay) that creates email alisases you can use for signing up to online services or giving to people that you don’t want to know your real address. A VPN that can hide your location, plus Monitor that watches out for password breaches that may have included any of your accounts and passwords.

It may not be the force it once was, but there’s plenty of life left in Firefox yet. 


  • Quick access to messaging apps
  • Group Tabs and Pinboards
  • Interface can look busy

Opera is built on the same foundations as Chrome, giving it a familiar feel in terms of features and performance. That doesn’t mean it’s a clone with a different badge though, as the app comes with some interesting design choices and handy tools that make it a solidly modern browser.

The first is a column on the left side of the screen that contains shortcuts to various options. Top of the list are Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram and Instagram, all of which can be logged into and used while browsing the web. There’s also an option to add a Twitter account too, all of which is very useful if you don’t want to keep picking up your phone.

Another icon is for My Flow, an Opera specific feature that allows users to send webpages directly to their iPhone. At the bottom of the column are three dots that open the options menu. In here you can add or remove lots of other icons that take you to your bookmarks, a news section that collates the latest stories from your favourite outlets, a speed dial for commonly used sites, and plenty of other goodies. 

Opera also has some privacy tools that make life easier when browsing, including a built-in ad blocker and a free VPN. The latter is great for keeping yourself safe when using public WiFi, even if the choice of server locations is limited.

Extensions are available in aplenty, thanks to the Chrome heritage, as are themes to personalise the aesthetic. You can also use Workspaces now, which is essentially the same as Group Tabs in Safari. Here you add new Workspaces (giving them names and choosing a relevant icon), then open various tabs in each one. This means you can quickly switch between themed webpages, simplifying things and stopping you having a million ones open at the same time. There’s also Pinboards, which is essentially a built-on version of Pinterest that lets you collect images from around the web and build them into mood boards.

If you’re looking for a browser that not only protects your privacy online, but also reduces the need for other apps on your system, Opera has much to offer.


  • Great privacy features
  • Ad-free browsing
  • Limited features compared to Safari and Chrome
  • It can be a bit obsessed with Crypto currencies

Brave is a relative newcomer when compared to all of those listed above, making its debut as recently as 2016. Since then it’s gone from strength to strength, powered by its focus on removing all ads from the pages you visit. From a creator’s point of view this can be problematic, as most sites (including this one) rely on advertising in order to pay the writers and technicians who produce the content you’re reading. But for consumers, the freedom from intrusive ads can make the web a place where you can breath once more. 

Brave takes things one step further by giving users the option to view ‘privacy-respecting ads’ that will pay them for the honour. This is all done via the Brave Rewards scheme, which is an innovative idea and has the added bonus of allowing users to essentially pay tips to sites they enjoy.

All that aside, Brave is a slimline app that speeds its way around the web. You’ll find plenty of settings to hone its performance to your whims, plus there’s the normal collection of password managers, bookmark menus, and accompanying mobile apps that can sync your profile. You can also avail yourself of a built-in Crypto wallet, plus there’s a Brave VPN, although that will cost you $9.99 per month or $99 for a year.

Brave offers its own Independent Search function that won’t track your enquires, there’s a private video-conferencing feature, the new Playlists capability with which you can compile videos and tracks from the web and have the playlist automatically available to enjoy on your iPhone, plus a customisable news feed that again won’t track your reading activities online. Have you gotten the idea yet? Brave is all about privacy, but not at the expense of functionality.

As it’s built on the Chromium engine, you’ll find all the normal Chrome features, but without some of the ads and tracking behaviour. Whether you support the idea of a total ad-blocking browser or not, there’s little argument that Brave gets the job done in style.


  • Fast performance
  • Swiss army knife approach to app integration
  • New features added regularly
  • Almost too many features

There’s a good chance you haven’t have heard of Vivaldi, or at least the browser rather than the 17th century Venetian composer. It’s a name you should familiarise yourself with though, as the company was started by Jón von Tetzchner, who co-founded Opera back in 1994. 

Vivaldi has some two main focusses: privacy and customisation. So, if you want to take control of your browsing experience in a granular fashion then it may well be the grail at the end of your quest. 

At its heart, Vivaldi is similar to Opera as it uses the Chromium engine. This gives it the advantage that you can use Chrome’s plugins. Where it differs is in its attitude to your data. Once you set up a password on your Mac you can sync your devices (only macOS, Windows, Linux or Android at present) knowing that everything in protected by end-to-end encryption that not even Vivaldi can see. Abusive ads that track you are blocked by default and there are various other settings to minimise any intrusions to your privacy. 

Like Opera, Vivaldi has a side bar containing various options such as downloads, bookmarks, history, plus a few innovative options. One is Notes, which allows you to quickly jot down information without having to leave the browser and you can even include screenshots. This is great if you’re researching something or just want to remember a quote. You can also create tab groups and stack them on two levels in the menu bar. That’s not all though! Vivaldi lets you set whether the tab bar appears in the traditional vertical position at the top of the page or move it to the the flanks or along the bottom. You can also open multiple tabs at once in a split screen view, so you can work on them at the same time. 

Web panels is another clever feature, in that it enables users to setup mini versions of webpages that can be accessed by clicking on its panel name. This is best suited to messaging services but also for Twitter and mobile optimised sites, as they will fit into the single column view. 

You’ll also find further options in the bar across the bottom of the page, including the ability to capture a screenshot, adjust the zoom level via a slider, turning off images and videos on a page, as well as a comprehensive list of page actions you can instantly enable or disable by clicking a tickbox. 

Vivaldi is now offering integrated Mail and Calendar apps that can help you stay organised without ever needing to leave the browser, plus the Vivaldi Translate feature means you can look up words and phrases not in your native tongue, but without Google getting to see what you’re translating. 

Keeping the open source spirit alive is the recent integration of Mastodon, the federated alternative to the hate-filled Twitter bonfire of Elon Musk’s vanity.

There’s so much to explore in Vivaldi and it keeps growing at a steady pace. It might be one of the newest browsers around, but we think it could well be the way they all go in the future. 

Avast Secure Browser

Avast Secure Browser

  • Slim-line and secure
  • Built-in VPN
  • A bit basic

Although this browser remains in a beta stage at the moment, it’s another interesting option to those looking for a Chrome-style browser but with beefed up security and privacy. Avast is a name that will be familiar for anyone who has looked at antivirus software in the past, and its putting those years of data security to good use in its Secure Browser. 

Using the built-in tools you can have your browsing protected by the included VPN, manage and monitor your passwords, stop trackers from using digital fingerprinting techniques to identify your device, plus a variety of other security features. 

Of course, as the Chromium engine is underneath, you can use all the standard Chrome features such as bookmarks, private modes, dark modes, not to mention the wide wealth of extensions available. Syncing all of your data and settings across devices is also available, with the Avast Secure Browser also available on iOS. 

It doesn’t have the bells and whistles of Opera, Vivaldi or Brave, but if you want a fast, simple, secure browser for your Mac, it’s well worth a look. 

Duck Duck Go for Mac

Duck Duck Go for Mac

  • Safe and secure
  • Blocks most trackers
  • Very stripped back
  • Doesn't work with some plug-ins

Another new entry that still remains in beta is the browser from Duck Duck Go. You may recognise the name from the aponymous privacy-focussed search engine, but now you can use a dedicated browser whose mission it is to stop you being tracked while online. Based on the WebKit engine that powers Safari, DDG is a stripped back experience that gets out of the way and lets you swiftly find the content you want, while stopping anyone else watching. Although it shares the Apple build, DDG is equipped with purpose built password management, bookmarks and tab coding, which does have the knock-on effect of making it incompatible with a lot of plug-ins, most frustratingly password managers.

That being said, if you want a second browser for quickly and securely navigating the web, then the Duck Duck Go beta is well worth consideration. If you want to know more, you can check out our Duck Duck Go for Mac review .

Author: Martyn Casserly , Contributor

safari vs firefox for mac

Martyn has been involved with tech ever since the arrival of his ZX Spectrum back in the early 80s. He covers iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, writing tutorials, buying guides and reviews for Macworld and its sister site Tech Advisor.

Recent stories by Martyn Casserly:

  • How to edit a PDF on iPhone
  • How to find and delete duplicate files on Mac
  • Best password managers for Mac and iPhone

How-To Geek

The best browser for mac users (and safari alternatives).

Is Safari really the best choice, and what are the best alternatives?

Key Takeaways

  • Safari is highly optimized for Apple hardware, but it may have limited web app compatibility and fewer extensions compared to browsers like Chrome.
  • Firefox is a privacy-conscious alternative to Safari, offering features like Do Not Track and blocking invisible trackers. Chrome is the most popular browser, known for its compatibility and wide range of extensions, but it may compromise privacy. Consider trying other browsers like Edge and Vivaldi, or unique options like Arc for a different browsing experience.

Your choice of web browser can have a big impact on your Mac experience. From integration with the services you use to power efficiency and reliability, here’s how to decide which is best for you.

Safari is (Arguably) the Best Mac Browser

There are a few good reasons to pick Safari as your browser of choice if you’re a Mac user, especially if you use other Apple devices like an iPhone or iPad . It might surprise you to find out that you’re not alone, with Safari being the second most popular browser on the web thanks to its inclusion on both mobile and desktop devices.

Apple tightly optimizes Safari for use exclusively on Apple hardware. This means that Safari is highly power efficient on a Mac. When Apple gives an estimate of battery life on its latest Mac models for performing activities like “wireless web” they’re specifically referring to the use of Safari. The company is in a position where both the hardware and the software are designed in unison, so Apple is not bound by thousands of different hardware possibilities.

That helps Safari remain performant on Apple hardware too, a fact you can see for yourself using browser benchmarks like Speedometer 2.0 . In use, Safari feels snappy. The UI is small and non-intrusive, and you can even customize the toolbar using the right-click menu as you can other native Apple apps.

Safari is also loaded with familiar features and technology. iCloud makes it possible to share tab groups, browsing sessions, bookmarks, a Reading List, and even extensions with your iPhone or iPad. The Share menu works just as it does on the iPhone. Continuity makes it possible to quickly jump between devices by placing a small icon in your Mac dock.

Apple’s services work especially well in Safari. You can log in with your Apple ID using your fingerprint, pay for items using Apple Pay right in your browser, and use a variety of Shortcuts actions to build workflows that work using Safari .

Apple also makes it easy to add extensions using the Mac App Store. This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it adds an additional layer of protection against potentially harmful extensions. You can still choose to install unsigned extensions by enabling the Develop menu if you want.

In terms of privacy, Safari isn’t the best browser you can get your hands on but it’s far from the worst. The browser works with Apple’s iCloud Private Relay for iCloud+ subscribers, which anonymizes web requests using a two-step process . Do Not Track is enabled by default, and it provides partial protection against trackers.

You can’t get rid of Safari from your Mac, so it’s ready and waiting for you with every new Apple computer purchase (or every time you reset the operating system ). Apple is always updating and building upon Safari with enhancements, like macOS Sonoma’s ability to turn websites into app-like instances.

Want to Ditch Safari? Here's What to Use Instead

Though Safari is suitable for a wide range of users, it’s far from the last word when it comes to web browsers. It’s convenient and always there if you want it, but it’s not without its critics. One reason you might want to switch is web app compatibility, which can be limited on Safari due to its relatively narrow user base. A lot of Safari users are mobile users, and many services prefer to funnel these users into dedicated apps.

Safari lacks the compatibility of a browser like Chrome or Edge, which means some web apps will simply refuse to work in Safari and demand that you use something else instead. Perhaps worse still, some websites won’t warn you before they refuse to function as intended. You might get glitchy behavior that can be avoided by using another browser.

Safari also isn’t a “platform” quite in the same way that Chrome and similar browsers are. There is a huge range of extensions made with Chrome in mind (including browsers like Edge and Vivaldi), which might make such a platform more desirable if you live inside of browser extensions.

You may even find yourself with no choice but to use an alternative for work or education purposes. Some institutions refuse to support certain browsers, and since Safari is limited to Apple devices it’s easier to tailor an experience to a browser that has cross-platform compatibility.

If privacy is your main concern, Safari might not go far enough to protect you, and you may be tempted to move to something like Firefox instead.

Firefox is the Privacy-Conscious Safari Alternative

Mozilla’s browser is a solid alternative to Safari, with some excellent privacy considerations. Firefox enables Do Not Track by default and blocks both invisible trackers and tracking ads. Firefox even uses DuckDuckGo as its default search engine.

Firefox tests slower than Safari and Chrome in many benchmarks, but how much time this will save you during your daily surfing sessions is up for debate. The browser also enjoys a far wider range of extensions than Safari, though it still falls short of the Chromium family.

Like Safari, Firefox Sync allows you to share browsing sessions and bookmarks with other devices including Windows PCs and mobile platforms like iOS and Android. Firefox remains a browser of choice for those mostly concerned with web privacy and enjoys a loyal (if small) base of users.

Chrome is Number One for Compatibility and Extensions

Google Chrome is the behemoth of web browsers, with more than 60% of all web users choosing to use it. As such, it enjoys excellent compatibility with most websites and web apps, and some even insist on its use (or a similar Chromium-based browser).

Google Chrome fares poorly from a privacy standpoint , with Do Not Track disabled by default, and both invisible trackers and tracking ads able to track you unless you limit this behavior with extensions. On the plus side, there are a huge number of extensions and apps available for Chrome that can help remedy the problem.

Though Chrome has a bit of a reputation for being a resource hog, Google has attempted to address the problem with a feature called Chrome Memory Saver that is designed to purge websites from memory after a period of inactivity. The company also improved Chrome’s energy efficiency with Chrome Energy Saver Mode .

Chromium-Based Browsers Offer Unique Alternatives to Chrome

Chromium is the core open-source browser core on which Chrome and similar projects are built. This means you can have Chrome’s speed, compatibility, and even the full range of extensions without having to use the Google-branded variant.

There are plenty of other Chromium-based browser to choose from, such as Microsoft Edge which falls into the same privacy pitfalls as Chrome; Vivaldi with its customizable interface and email client; and Brave Browser which delivers a slightly confusing combination of cryptocurrency features, opt-in adverts, and privacy considerations.

For a no-frills experience, there’s also vanilla Chromium , the open-source version of Chrome to which Google contributes. Then there are projects like Ungoogled Chromium , which removes dependency on Google services and makes tweaks to enhance privacy.

Alternatively, Try Something Completely Unique

Arc is a browser that does things a little differently than most. Not only does it cull your tabs for you, but it also includes some unique features like side-by-side tab mode, note-taking and whiteboard functionality within the app, and a macOS Spotlight-esque command interface for getting around without touching your mouse.

We reviewed Arc in March 2023 and loved it, though the fledgling browser wasn’t without issues surrounding power consumption and general jitteriness. It’s now out of beta and things have settled down somewhat, so it might be worth a shot if you’re looking for a web browser that helps you stay neat and organized.

It’s far from the only weirdo browser out there though. Colibri is a browser that lacks tabs and emphasizes an uncluttered experience. It’s designed to force you into more mindful browser sessions. Tor is a browser designed for browsing the dark web , but there are other private browsers like Mulvad and Waterfox that you might want to use instead.

The Case for Multiple Browsers

There are so many compelling reasons to use Safari that we think it’s the best choice for most users. Failing that, Firefox offers a solid browsing experience that respects your privacy.

It’s a good idea to have more than one browser installed for those times when you encounter difficulties with your primary choice. On top of this, you can kit a second browser out with extensions that might make certain web operations easier to complete.

Firefox is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

Download Firefox ESR 64-bit

Download Firefox ESR 32-bit

Firefox is no longer supported on macOS 10.14 and below.

Firefox Browser

Get the browser that protects what’s important.

No shady privacy policies or back doors for advertisers. Just a lightning fast browser that doesn’t sell you out.

safari vs firefox for mac

Latest Firefox features

safari vs firefox for mac

Pick up where you left off

Firefox View lets you see your tabs open on other devices and recent history.

safari vs firefox for mac

Edit your PDFs directly

Forget printing a PDF ever again. Start editing forms in Firefox directly.

safari vs firefox for mac

Browse knowing you’re protected

Firefox’s Total cookie protection gives you outstanding privacy by default.

See Release Notes

Do what you do online. Firefox Browser isn’t watching.

We block the ad trackers. you explore the internet faster..

Ads are distracting and make web pages load slower while their trackers watch every move you make online. The Firefox Browser blocks most trackers automatically, so there’s no need to dig into your security settings.

safari vs firefox for mac

Firefox is for everyone

Available in over 90 languages, and compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux machines, Firefox works no matter what you’re using or where you are. Make sure your operating system is up to date for the best experience.

Review system requirements

safari vs firefox for mac

Put Firefox on all your devices

Take your privacy with you everywhere. Firefox Browsers for iOS and Android have the same strong privacy settings to block trackers from following you around the web, no matter where you are.

Get it on Google Play

Do it all with Firefox

safari vs firefox for mac

Search smarter, faster

  • Search from address bar
  • Search engine options
  • Smart search suggestions
  • Bookmark, history and open tab in results

safari vs firefox for mac

Boost your productivity

Works with google products.

  • Built-in screenshot tool
  • Bookmarks manager
  • Autosuggest URLs
  • Sync across devices
  • Reader mode
  • Spell check
  • Pinned Tabs

safari vs firefox for mac

Stream, share and play

  • Block Autoplay of video & audio


  • Curated content on new tab
  • Share links

safari vs firefox for mac

Protect your privacy

  • Third Party Cookie Blocking
  • Fingerprinter Blocking
  • Cryptominer Blocking
  • Private Browsing mode
  • Individual protections report

safari vs firefox for mac

Secure your personal info

  • Breached website alerts
  • Built-in password manager
  • Clear history
  • Form autofill
  • Automatic updates

safari vs firefox for mac

Customize your browser

  • Library of extensions
  • Adjust search bar settings
  • Change new tab layout

Make Firefox your own

safari vs firefox for mac

Extensions for every interest

From security to news to gaming, there’s an extension for everyone . Add as many as you want until your browser is just right.

Change up your look

Go from light mode to dark mode depending on your mood or preference, or liven things up with a custom theme (rainbow unicorn, perhaps).

Tweak your settings

There’s no need to settle. Change up the new tab page, search bar, bookmarks and more to explore the internet the way you want.

Backed by the non-profit that puts people first

safari vs firefox for mac

Challenging the status quo since 1998

Firefox was created by Mozilla as a faster, more private alternative to browsers like Internet Explorer, and now Chrome. Today, our mission-driven company and volunteer community continue to put your privacy above all else.

safari vs firefox for mac

Your privacy comes first

As the internet grows and changes, Firefox continues to focus on your right to privacy — we call it the Personal Data Promise : Take less. Keep it safe. No secrets. Your data, your web activity, your life online is protected with Firefox.

Keep all your favorite browser features — and discover new ones.

safari vs firefox for mac

All your favorite Google tools (like Gmail and Docs) work seamlessly in the Firefox Browser.

safari vs firefox for mac

Facebook Container

Download this browser extension to stop Facebook (and Instagram) from tracking you around the web.

safari vs firefox for mac

Sync your devices

Firefox is available on all your devices; take your tabs, history and bookmarks with you. All you need is a Mozilla account and you’ll get access to syncing and more Mozilla products.

safari vs firefox for mac


Grab a high-resolution image of anything online with our screenshot tool built right in the browser

safari vs firefox for mac

Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP)

Firefox automatically blocks many third party trackers from collecting and selling your web activity.

safari vs firefox for mac

From watching a web tutorial to keeping an eye on your favorite team, your video follows you while you multitask.

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Apple Safari vs. Mozilla Firefox

Both browsers have strengths and weaknesses

safari vs firefox for mac

In This Article

Jump to a Section

Overall Findings

  • Availability
  • Page Load Speed
  • Final Verdict

If you're a Mac user, two of the most powerful web browsers are available to you: Apple Safari  and  Mozilla Firefox . Both are free of charge, and each has distinct advantages. We compared both to help you decide which web browser will give you the best web experience.

These features were tested on Safari 13 and Firefox 67 in macOS Catalina, but are generally applicable to all recent versions across macOS and Windows desktop platforms.

Integrated with most macOS programs and devices.

Faster page loading.

More extensions available than Safari.

Open-source platform.

Available on more operating systems, including Windows and macOS

The Apple Safari browser, now a key piece of macOS, is seamlessly integrated into some core Apple applications, including Apple Mail and Photos . This is one of the advantages of Apple having an its own browser.

Mozilla Firefox is a popular alternative to Safari. Although it may not be as fast, the difference isn't enough to discount Firefox as your browser of choice. Although Safari's speed and integration with the operating system may give it a leg up at first glance, Firefox has some appealing features.

Availability: Safari Is Mainly an Apple Thing

Developed primarily for Apple devices.

Also available for Windows.

Available for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, Android, Windows, and Linux.

Because Safari is Apple's proprietary web browser, it mainly exists on Apple products. It comes pre-installed on Macs, iPads, and iPhones. You can download it for Windows machines, but it doesn't have an official release for Android phones.

Firefox was not initially available on iOS devices , but it's now available in the App Store for iPhone and iPad. It's also available for Android and Linux, so if you use several platforms, Firefox works with all of them.

Page Load Speed: Safari Is Faster

1.4 times faster page loading than Firefox.

Slower page loading than Safari.

The developers at Apple did not rush the planning of the Safari infrastructure. This attention becomes apparent when you first launch the application and notice how quickly the main window and home page load. Apple has publicly benchmarked Safari as having HTML page load speeds at 1.4 times that of its Firefox counterpart.

Add-Ons: Firefox Offers More Extensions

Smaller selection of extensions.

Built-in parental controls.

Thousands of extensions from third-party developers.

Parental controls.

Along with all of the features expected in a modern browser, such as tabbed browsing and privacy settings, Safari offers additional functionality.

Safari features parental control settings that are easy to customize, allowing you to facilitate a child-safe environment. In other browsers, these controls are not easily configurable and usually require third-party downloads. If you use Safari on a Mac, parental controls are set in the Settings menu under Screen Time.

Apple exerts the same control over Safari as it does over its other software, so it isn't open-source like Firefox. However, it does offer a section in its App Store that allows developers to create plug-ins and add-ons to enrich the browsing experience.

Like Safari, Firefox provides a platform that allows developers to create powerful add-ons and extensions . Firefox's selection is much greater than Safari's, and developers have added a wealth of new functionality to the browser.

Final Verdict: It's All About Preference and Availability

These browsers have many similar features, as well as some unique functions. When choosing between the two, here are some factors to consider:

  • If you use Apple Mail as your email client and want to perform several email tasks from the browser, Safari may be the best choice.
  • If you want to use Automator for everyday browsing tasks, Safari may be right for you.
  • If you search sites such as eBay,, and Amazon often, Firefox may make more sense as your primary browser.
  • If you like to take advantage of add-ons and extensions to customize and supercharge your browser, give Firefox a try.
  • If you have children who use your computer and you need to enforce parental controls, Safari is your best bet.
  • If the only thing you care about is speed, go with Safari.

If none of these features stand out, your choice may be a toss-up. In this case, try both for a couple of days. You can install and run Firefox and Safari at the same time without conflict. Eventually, you'll discover that one is more preferable than the other.

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  • What Is Safari?
  • The 5 Best Free Email Clients for Mac in 2024
  • The Top 10 Internet Browsers for 2024
  • How to Use Firefox for Mac
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  • Mozilla's Firefox Web Browser
  • How to Cast Movies to Chromecast From Firefox
  • How Do I Update Firefox?
  • How to Manage Extensions in Popular Web Browsers
  • How to Turn on Incognito Mode in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari and Opera
  • Firefox Quantum vs. Google Chrome
  • How to Increase Web Browser Security
  • What's the Best Mobile Web Browser?
  • How to Change Search Engines on a Mac
  • Microsoft Edge vs. Google Chrome
  • How to Prevent Firefox From Using Too Much Memory

firefox vs safari

Firefox vs Safari: An In-Depth Browser Comparison

A web browser, also called an Internet browser or simply a browser, is a software application that allows you to access the World Wide Web. With a web browser, you can easily visit any page on the web (or almost any page). Thanks to the interpretation of HTML code, web browsers can display almost any web page on your screen, allowing you to interact with its content and navigate through it.

But which browser is a better option: Firefox or Safari? Safari and Firefox offer unique features and advantages for various users. Find out which browser is right for you, depending on your specific needs and preferences!

Overview of Safari

Overview of firefox, interface design and layout, navigation and usability, customization: firefox vs safari, speed and efficiency, resource management, privacy protections, security protocols and extensions, comparative analysis: is firefox better than safari in security, desktop and mobile compatibility, integration and syncing across devices, safari vs firefox on mac: a detailed look, firefox's extension ecosystem, safari's extension offerings, comparison: safari firefox extension versatility, why choose stands adblocker, advantages of stands adblocker in firefox and safari, impact on browsing speed and security, final verdict: firefox or safari, recommendations based on the use case, safari browser vs firefox: deciding the right browser for you, how does energy consumption compare between firefox and safari, which browser offers better support for older operating systems: firefox or safari, what are the differences between safari and firefox concerning bookmark management.

First released in 2003, Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. compatible with iOS and macOS devices. Its intuitive interface is known for its solid performance and compatibility with other Apple products. In addition to providing browsing functions such as tab management and private browsing, Safari also offers features such as reading mode, which makes it easy to view content without distractions. With an emphasis on speed, solid security, and privacy features, no browser like Safari for Apple products exists. 

Firefox is an open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation that enhances privacy, security, and user browsing experience customization. It offers a range of privacy features, a customizable browsing experience, and an active community of extension developers. Mozilla Firefox also prioritizes user privacy, offering a private browser and tracking protection, remaining a reliable web browsing alternative. 

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safari vs firefox

User Experience: Comparing Firefox and Safari

  • Firefox:  Firefox browser has several user interface options and different browser functionalities. Within the user interface options, we find different accessibility guidelines, browser styles, and various elements such as action popups, sidebars, and options pages. Firefox proposes, for example, keyboard shortcuts that provide an easy way to activate extension functions and improve accessibility, toolbar button icons for themes with light and dark text, and direct access to the button action. You can use the WebExtensions APIs to extend the developer tools built into the browser.
  • Safari:  The Safari browser offers a user interface that focuses on ease of use, intuitive functionality, and integration with other Apple devices. It provides an intelligent search bar, the ability to open multiple tabs, a sidebar for tools such as bookmarks and history, an intuitive back and forward button, reading mode, private browsing, and iCloud integration. It also offers extra Face ID protection. As an Apple user, Safari is often the best browser option for iPhone and Mac. 

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  • Firefox:  Firefox also offers a highly customizable browsing experience, advanced tab management, excellent privacy protection, fast and efficient performance, read-only mode, and cross-platform support, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. In addition, Firefox enhances user privacy by blocking third-party trackers from following you online and providing private browsing, as it does not save browsing history and cookies.
  • Safari:  The browser offers fast and efficient performance. It is optimized for fast and smooth browsing, fast load times, agile response to user actions, and an efficient rendering engine. In addition, Safari offers tight integration with the Apple ecosystem, including synchronization of bookmarks, history, and open tabs through iCloud, enabling better accessibility across multiple devices, such as iPhones, iPads, and Macs.
  • Safari:  Safari provides various customization options to help you achieve a more customized browsing experience. Its customization features include a personalized bookmarks bar, organized folder bookmarks for quick access, and adapting privacy and security settings to suit the user's browsing habits. Furthermore, Safari permits users to download third-party extensions from the Mac App Store to incorporate extra functions. Although its customization features are less extensive than competitors, Safari is known as the favorite among individuals seeking straightforward browsing on Apple devices.
  • Firefox:  The Firefox web browser is known for its extensive customization options, which allow users to personalize their browsing experience according to their needs. These customization features include add-ons and a selection of extensions offering additional functions such as ad blockers, password managers, and productivity tools. Furthermore, users can modify the toolbar and menus for quick access to specific functions. Additionally, Firefox offers a range of advanced customization options through its "about:config" page, enabling users to modify the browser's internal settings, which we recommend only doing with sufficient technical knowledge.

Performance Analysis: Safari vs Firefox

  • Safari:  Safari is a browser that offers excellent speed and efficiency on Apple products for two reasons: first, its optimized rendering engine (WebKit) ensures fast page load times, and second, its architecture minimizes the consumption of system resources. In addition, Safari uses JavaScript optimization to speed up web page loading and improve overall browser responsiveness. 
  • Firefox:  Firefox is also considered a fast and effective Internet browser. The Mozilla Foundation has developed its rendering engine called Gecko, which is used in many applications and devices, including Firefox. Gecko was created to improve browser performance. In addition, Firefox uses strategies to manage memory, improve performance, and optimize the browser's loading speed and responsiveness.
  • Safari:  Safari efficiently allocates and manages system resources such as CPU, memory, and network bandwidth to ensure efficient performance. On the one hand, Safari employs various techniques and optimizations to achieve efficient management by freeing resources when they are no longer needed, prioritizing processes based on their importance, and optimizing the use of network resources by implementing techniques such as predictive preloading and intelligent caching.
  • Firefox:  Firefox employs several strategies for efficient management. It uses a multi-threaded architecture (Electrolysis) that separates web content and the browser user interface into separate processes, isolating potential memory issues in individual tabs and improving overall stability. Firefox also prioritizes tasks based on their importance. It optimizes the use of network resources by implementing features such as HTTP caching and power-saving features such as reducing CPU usage during periods of inactivity.

firefox safari

Privacy Settings and Controls: Safari and Firefox Compared

  • Safari:  Safari features Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) that prevents tracking cookies from following users across multiple sites and blocks trackers on various websites. It also includes privacy reporting features that make tracker blocking easy to understand. 
  • Firefox:  What sets Firefox apart? It provides Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) as a default built-in security feature, blocking known trackers to give users greater privacy during their browsing experience. In addition, Firefox offers features to enhance protection against fingerprinting and cryptomining scripts.
  • Safari:  Browser Sandboxing is implemented in Safari as a security measure to isolate web processes and prevent malicious code from accessing sensitive system data. It also allows the installation of extensions from the Mac App Store, including security-oriented extensions such as password managers and anti-virus software.
  • Firefox:  Firefox uses several layers of security measures, such as the sandbox app and anti-phishing technology. It also offers several security add-ons, such as anti-virus software, password managers, and ad blockers, giving users additional security options.
  • Firefox:  Firefox is recognized for its strong emphasis on protecting user privacy and security. It offers features like improved tracking protection and substantial security extensions, giving users significant control over their privacy and security settings online.
  • Safari:  Safari focuses on working well with Apple devices and highlights privacy tools such as Intelligent Tracking Prevention. While it offers robust security features, some users may choose Firefox for its wide range of customization options and additional security add-ons. 

Cross-Platform Availability: Firefox vs Safari Mac

  • Firefox:  Firefox is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android. It also offers syncing features that allow users to seamlessly access their browsing history, bookmarks, and open tabs across desktop and mobile devices.
  • Safari:  Safari is designed primarily for the Apple ecosystem and is pre-installed on macOS and iOS devices. Although it is not officially available for Windows or Android, Safari users can enjoy the benefits of Safari integration with other Apple devices.
  • Firefox:  Firefox Sync allows users to synchronize their browsing data, including history, bookmarks, passwords, and open tabs, across desktop and mobile devices while ensuring user privacy. In addition, Firefox offers integration with various third-party services and platforms through extensions and add-ons, allowing for further integration with other applications.
  • Safari:  Safari offers synchronization features for users within the Apple ecosystem only. With iCloud integration, Safari users can sync their browsing history, bookmarks, open tabs, and reading lists between macOS and iOS devices. 

So, Firefox vs Safari for Mac? For Mac users, choosing between Safari and Firefox involves considering several factors, including performance, features, privacy, and compatibility. While Safari may be the default browser on macOS, offering tight integration with Apple's ecosystem, Firefox may provide a better customizable, privacy-focused alternative with cross-platform availability. 

safari or firefox

Extending Capabilities: Add-Ons and Extensions

Firefox provides users with a wide range of add-ons to customize their browsing experience, such as ad blocker extensions, password managers that facilitate login, privacy and security extensions, VPN services, anti-tracking tools and encryption utilities, productivity tools, user interface tweaks, and even web development. Overall, Firefox's wide range of extensions is broad and diverse compared to the Safari browser.

Safari offers a variety of extensions through the App Store on macOS and iOS, providing users with additional functionality and customization options. These extensions include content blockers, password managers, productivity tools, and security extensions. Safari also offers extensions to adjust browser settings, customize the appearance of websites, or add new features to the Safari interface.

While Safari's extension offerings may not be as extensive as those of other browsers, users can find helpful extensions for Apple devices.

Regarding extension versatility, Firefox offers a more comprehensive range of options than Safari due to its open ecosystem and broad extension market. In summary, while Safari and Firefox have extensions to enhance browsing, Firefox offers a more comprehensive range of privacy settings due to its open ecosystem and broad extension market. 

However, Safari's strong connection to Apple's ecosystem could make it an attractive option for users heavily involved in Apple's ecosystem, even with its fewer extension options. Ultimately, the decision to use Safari or Firefox for various extensions will vary based on personal preferences and needs. 

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  • 100% Free solution for blocking ads:  Stands AdBlocker can be easily installed and set up, is user-friendly, and offers all its blocking features for free without requiring a paid membership. 
  • Broad compatibility:  Available for Safari, Firefox, Brave, Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Vivaldi, Stands AdBlocker is compatible with the most widely used browsers. 
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  • Browse smoothly with Stands:  Enjoy a seamless browsing experience while keeping all platform features intact. Also, by blocking all ads, Stands enhances faster and more efficient browsing so you can surf the Internet quickly and safely.

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firefox vs safari mac

Concluding Thoughts: Safari or Firefox?

The decision between Firefox and Safari depends on individual preferences and priorities. Safari stands out for its performance and integration into the Apple ecosystem, making it ideal for users with Apple devices. Its optimization for macOS and compatibility with other Apple services offer an excellent browsing experience. In contrast, use Firefox if you want robust privacy features, extensive customization options, and cross-platform compatibility. The browser is a versatile choice for users who prioritize privacy, customization, and flexibility across devices and operating systems without needing to be Apple users only. 

  • Performance:  Safari has been designed explicitly to improve MacOS performance compared to Firefox. The coordination between Safari and macOS allows for efficient utilization of system resources, resulting in smoother browsing. However, Firefox constantly improves its features and provides competitive performance on macOS, thanks to its updates and optimizations.
  • Features:  Safari and Firefox have similar features, including tabbed browsing, bookmarks, reading lists, private browsing mode, and a vast developer community. However, Firefox provides a greater variety of customization options and add-ons through its extensive collection of extensions. 
  • Privacy:  Safari and Firefox focus on user privacy and provide features to increase privacy protection. Safari comes with an Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) to block cross-site tracking cookies and prevent advertisers from tracking users across websites. Firefox provides Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP), giving users greater control over their privacy.
  • Compatibility:  Safari integrates tightly with macOS and is compatible with Apple's devices and apps. However, Firefox has wider cross-platform compatibility with Windows, Linux, and Android versions, enabling the synchronization of browsing user data across devices and operating systems. 

In conclusion, the choice between Safari and Firefox on Mac depends on individual preferences and priorities. Safari offers tight integration with macOS and superior performance, making it an excellent choice for users deeply embedded in the Apple ecosystem. However, Firefox offers a customizable, privacy-focused alternative with cross-platform availability, a better choice for users who value customization, flexibility, and privacy protection.

FAQ: Firefox vs Safari

Firefox is a speedy browser; recent updates have only improved its performance. The browser's engine has significantly improved page rendering and overall speed. On the other hand, Safari also performs well in speed and load times, but it is only available on Apple devices.

If you're using an older operating system and require continued browser support, Firefox is likely the better choice due to its robust backward compatibility and longer-term support for older platforms. However, checking each browser's specific system requirements and supported operating systems is essential.

Both Firefox and Safari offer features for bookmark management, syncing across devices, and additional features like bookmark tags (Firefox) and a reading list (Safari). The specific features and tools available may vary slightly between the two browsers, so users should choose the browser that best suits their needs.

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Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, or Safari: Which Browser Is Best for 2024?

Don't take your browser for granted we help you narrow your options by comparing the best web browsers on speed, privacy, and other important features..

Michael Muchmore

Most people browse the web using Google Chrome without really thinking about their options. Gmail or YouTube or some other site once suggested they use Chrome, and perhaps they never questioned it. The truth is you do have options when it comes to your web browser, and you may find another that serves your needs better. Browsers offer varying levels of privacy, security , performance, and power efficiency. They differ even more when it comes to unique and helpful features beyond merely displaying websites.

Here we examine the top five browsers in the US, in order of popularity. That criterion rules out  Brave  and  Vivaldi , with usage rates hovering near or below 1%, even though they are both first-class browsers. If you're interested in those two, check out our article on the  best alternative web browsers . Or, if your utmost concern is security, see what makes the best private browsers different.

Below are short reviews of the top five browsers. After that, keep reading for more information about the browser landscape, additional details about our testing, and advice on what you should take into consideration when choosing a web browser.

Google Chrome

safari vs firefox for mac

Google Chrome Web Browser

Most people need no introduction to the search behemoth's browser, Google Chrome. It’s attractively designed and quick at loading pages. Most website codes now target Chrome, so compatibility is seldom an issue. Chrome is available for all major platforms, and the mobile version offers syncing of bookmarks, passwords, and settings.

Chrome doesn't have many unique browsing features, however, and it's the only browser included here that you won't find in the desktop app stores for macOS and Windows. There’s no built-in VPN, no cryptocurrency locker, no note feature, and no screenshot tool. Google has announced a feeble gesture towards adding a reading mode; feeble because it will only be in a sidebar, with the full, noisy distracting page still displaying in the main central browser window. The lack of a true reading mode makes sense for a company that earns its keep through web ads since reading modes hide them. All the other browsers here have full-page reading modes.

Chrome allows multiple user profiles, meaning different users of the same computer can have their own browser settings, history, and favorites. The browser also finally caught up with others by adding a Share icon to the address bar that eases sending sites via social media or email.

A few years ago, Google controversially announced it would be removing the API function that allowed ad-blocker software to fully block ads. As of now, it seems ad blockers may be limited starting at some point in 2024. Some Chrome development, though, has centered around security and privacy, notably among them a plan to kill off tracking cookies in favor of Google's tracking mechanisms. The company's Privacy Sandbox initiative (in development) tries to cater to both  ad targeting and user privacy . Some worry both of these developments will only result in more consolidation of the company's grip on web advertising and user profiling.

Apple Safari

safari vs firefox for mac

Apple Safari 5

The default Mac and iOS browser is a strong choice, though its interface has some nonstandard elements. Safari was a forerunner in several areas of browser features. For example, it was the first with a Reading mode, which cleared unnecessary clutter like ads and videos from web articles you want to read. That feature debuted in 2010 and has made its way into all other browsers except for Chrome.

Apple has brought up the topic of fingerprinting protection—preventing web trackers from identifying you by your system specs. Unfortunately, the EFF's Cover Your Tracks test site only shows partial protection from trackers in Safari, while several competitors get a result of Strong protection. Other benefits include Apple Pay support and a "Sign in with Apple" feature to replace Facebook and Google as web account authorizers.

In macOS Monterey, the browser gained a compact tab bar with floating tabs like Firefox's and Tab Groups that live in a convenient sidebar, and with Ventura , they become shareable and pinnable. Safari also supports Apple's proprietary Shared with You feature in its proprietary iMessage system. For iCloud+ subscribers, a Private Relay obscures your IP address, similar to a VPN.

If you use an iPhone and a Mac, Safari integration makes a lot of sense, since Apple’s Handoff feature lets you continue your browsing session between devices. Safari trails other browsers on support for emerging HTML features, but we haven’t run into or heard of any major site incompatibilities with it.

Microsoft Edge

safari vs firefox for mac

Microsoft Edge Web Browser

The latest version of Microsoft Edge uses Chrome’s webpage-rendering code, Chromium, guaranteeing site compatibility and freeing up its developers to add unique features. You won’t run into the site incompatibilities users of the previous incarnation of Edge occasionally encountered, and the browser performs snappily. Edge now runs on Apple macOS and Windows 11 and earlier. Mobile versions for Android and iPhone let you sync history, favorites, and passwords.

Edge is a leader in performance, thrifty memory management, and disk usage. Startup Boost technology reduces the time it takes to open the browser, and sleeping tabs save memory on tabs you're not viewing. Edge's Efficiency mode can extend laptop battery life. The initial focuses for the browser were privacy, the customizable start page, and the intriguing Collections feature for web research. For enterprise customers who still rely on Internet Explorer to run legacy programs, Edge offers an IE Mode .

The Collections feature uses a sidebar onto which you can drag webpages and images, write notes, and then share the whole assemblage to Excel, OneNote, or Word. It's a great organization and planning tool . Edge's Immersive Reader mode not only offers distraction-free web reading, stripping out ads and nonessential eye candy, but it can also read webpage text aloud using lifelike Neural Voices. It's worth trying because it reads with sentence intonation, rather than simply word by word, as we’ve come to expect text-to-speech audio.

Other notable Edge options include built-in web sharing, tabs down the side rather than across the top, a built-in screenshot tool, automatic coupons for shopping sites, and timely themes to dress up your browser. Recent additions include a side panel that integrates the new Bing AI chat search , game controller haptic feedback, and a multitasking side toolbar that lets you access first- and third-party services for social networking, search, messaging, search, and productivity.

Mozilla Firefox

safari vs firefox for mac

Firefox Web Browser

Firefox, an open-source project from the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation, has long been a PCMag favorite. The browser has pioneered many web capabilities and the organization that develops it has been a strong advocate for online privacy. It’s also notable for its wealth of available extensions. The unique Multi-Account Containers extension lets you sequester multiple logins to the same site on different tabs. Without it, you'd have to open a private browsing window or another browser to sign out of all your web accounts and start a fresh session.

Mozilla’s browser is in the vanguard of supporting new HTML and CSS capabilities, and the company is working on open-source AR and speech synthesis standards. The organization now offers a full password management service called Lockwise, which can generate complex passwords, sync them between devices, and secure everything under a strong master password. That and the organization's VPN offering are paid extras.

The mobile Firefox apps offer excellent interfaces, and you can send a webpage tab from any device to any others that are logged into your syncing account. That’s right: You can be reading a webpage on your desktop PC, and have it instantly open on your iPhone or vice versa. It's a slick and useful feature.

If that’s not enough, Firefox has a Pocket button in the address bar, letting you save a page for later viewing anywhere with one click. The Reader View button declutters a webpage loaded with ads, promos, and videos, so you can peruse it with no distractions. PiP video supports closed captions and HDR and AV1 video formats. The browser is ultra customizable, letting you select and arrange buttons on the toolbar to taste, as well as select from a large number of Theme add-ons that change window border patterns and colors.

Recent additions include PDF editing and the Firefox View feature, basically a pinned tab of recent sites that syncs between the desktop and mobile versions of the browser.

safari vs firefox for mac

Opera Web Browser

Perennially hovering around the 2% usage level, the Opera browser has long been a pioneer in the segment, inventing basic browser innovations like tabs, CSS, and the built-in search box. Opera can make a bigger privacy claim than the other browsers here—if you’re a believer in VPNs. It includes a built-in VPN (actually an encrypted proxy server) that protects and reroutes traffic from Opera to cloak your IP address. Opera uses the Chromium page-rendering engine, so you'll rarely run into site incompatibilities, and performance is fast. It's available for all major platforms, and the Opera Touch mobile browser is a beautifully designed app that connects (via quick QR scan) to your desktop.

Beyond the VPN, another unique feature in Opera is its built-in ad blocker, which also blocks crypto-mining scripts and trackers. Ad blocking also means less data consumed, especially of interest to those using metered connections or mobile plans with data caps.

More unique features in Opera include its Speed Dial start and New Tab page, as well as its quick-access sidebar of frequently needed services like WhatsApp or Spotify. My Flow lets you send webpages and notes between devices easily. The browser also includes a video pop-out window, a Pinboard feature similar to Edge's Collections, and a Workspaces feature that lets you create function-based tab views. Opera uniquely offers a cryptocurrency wallet as an option, which supports most popular tokens.

Opera offers a gaming version called Opera GX , and the company recently bought a gaming engine , moving into that specialty even further. The company also offers a futuristic secure Crypto Browser for navigating Web3 . And like Edge, Opera is adding AI ChatGPT capabilities to the browser , starting with a summarizer tool for text you highlight or even full sites.

More Inside

  • Stop Trackers Dead: The Best Private Browsers for 2024
  • Go Beyond Google: The Best Alternative Search Engines
  • Has Chrome Lost Its Shine? These Are the Best Alternative Web Browsers

About Michael Muchmore

PC hardware is nice, but it’s not much use without innovative software. I’ve been reviewing software for PCMag since 2008, and I still get a kick out of seeing what's new in video and photo editing software, and how operating systems change over time. I was privileged to byline the cover story of the last print issue of PC Magazine , the Windows 7 review, and I’ve witnessed every Microsoft win and misstep up to the latest Windows 11.

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  • How to Connect Your Android Phone to Your Windows 11 PC
  • Good Luck Escaping AI: At Build 2024, Microsoft Leans Hard Into Copilot
  • How to Watch the Microsoft Build 2024 Keynote and What to Expect
  • Everything We Saw at Microsoft's AI Event: Copilot+ PCs, Recall, Surface, More
  • How to Add Custom Icons and Widgets to Your iPhone Home Screen

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The best web browsers for 2024

All web browsers have the same basic function, and yet, the choice between them has always been one of the most contentious in tech history. You have more options these days than ever before, whether you’re looking for the best web browser for privacy , the best for speed, or perhaps something a bit more adventurous.

To help you decide on the best web browser, we grabbed the latest browsers and put them through their paces. Even if some could use a complete overhaul, these options are your best chance for a great online experience.

The best web browser: Google Chrome

Chrome is ubiquitous — and for good reason. With a robust feature set, full Google Account integration, a thriving extension ecosystem (available through the Chrome Web Store), and a reliable suite of mobile apps, it’s easy to see why Chrome is the most popular and the best web browser.

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Chrome boasts some of the most extensive mobile integration available. Served up on every major platform, keeping data in sync is easy, making browsing between multiple devices a breeze. Sign in to your Google account on one device, and all Chrome bookmarks, saved data, and preferences come right along. Even active extensions stay synchronized across devices.

Chrome’s Password Manager can automatically generate and recommend strong passwords when a user creates a new account on a webpage. Managing saved passwords and adding notes to passwords is even easier. The search bar, or Omnibox, provides “rich results” comprised of useful answers, and it now supports generative AI capabilities. Favorites are more accessible as well, and they’re manageable on the New Tab page. And it’s now easier to mute tabs to avoid unwanted sounds.

Other updates have included a Dark Mode for Windows and macOS , better New Tab customization and tab group creation, tab hover cards, and an in-browser warning if your password was discovered in a data breach. There’s a price tracking feature that can help locate the best deals. Android users will appreciate the Phone Hub for linking and monitoring their phones. There’s also the ability to quiet notifications, so websites don’t bombard you with requests to enable in-browser notifications.

What’s the bottom line? The Google Chrome browser is fast, free, and even better looking than before. With a thriving extension ecosystem, it’s as fully featured or as pared-down as you want it to be. Everything is right where it belongs, privacy and security controls are laid out in plain English, and the browser just gets out of your way. While it can be a little RAM-hungry at times , Google is working to make it more efficient — like Microsoft’s Edge, Google can now hibernate tabs in the background to stop them from using too many resources.

Overall, Chrome remains the best web browser download for the average user.

And, things are looking to get even better. Google announced some significant upgrades to the browser that haven’t gone live yet, to celebrate Chrome’s 15th birthday . A Material You design language will allow users to customize Chrome’s look and feel and attach themes to profiles to make it easy to tell them apart. The menu system will be revamped to provide easier access to a variety of settings and features including Extensions, Password Manager, Translate, and others. The Chrome Web Store will be redesigned using Material You to be easier to use, and AI will help identify useful extensions. And finally, Safe Browsing will now work in real time to protect against threats.

The best Chrome alternative: Microsoft Edge

In response to the market’s rejection of its original home-grown Edge browser, Microsoft rewrote Edge using the open-source Chromium web browser engine. The new Edge launched on February 5, 2020 , as a separate, stand-alone browser that replaced the integrated version. It became part of Windows 10 with the May 2020 update, although you can still download it for Windows 10 builds prior to version 2004. Of course, it’s the default web browser for Windows 11.

At first glance, the new Edge browser looks and feels like Google Chrome. It prompts you to import Chrome’s bookmarks toolbar and other settings. This is great if you hated the old Edge browser and want to give Microsoft’s new browser another shot. It also supports Chrome extensions , though the browser leads you to the Microsoft Store for add-ons. You must manually load the Chrome Web Store to install anything not listed in Microsoft’s repository.

However, it’s not Chrome with a Windows 11 theme. Microsoft reportedly disabled many features, including Google’s Safe Browsing API, ad blocking, speech input, Google-centric services, and more. In return, the company worked to optimize Edge and reduce its footprint while continuing to add new, Microsoft-oriented features. As of January 2023, Edge is the most efficient browser in terms of memory usage. It also allows sleeping tabs, to let tabs release their resources when they haven’t been used for some time.

Features launched since its release have included the new Edge Sidebar that provides easy access to various tools, more flexibility in managing how Edge starts up, Citations to make it easier for students to cite sources, and various other updates to make the browser more productive. Edge Workspaces lets users organize tasks into dedicated windows, and Microsoft has continuously tweaked various features, like the Edge Sidebar, to make them more user-friendly.

Microsoft Edge also provides simpler privacy settings and security updates. Microsoft Edge uses a graphically friendly interface that displays three security levels: Basic, Balanced, and Strict. With Balanced set as the default, many sites request you to disable your pop-up blocker even though one isn’t manually installed. All in all, we’re very optimistic that Edge is on its way to challenging Chrome as the best web browser.

The best Chromium alternative: Mozilla Firefox

Firefox is the best browser that’s not based on the Chromium browser engine. Mozilla has taken real strides to make its browser a truly modern way to surf from site to site, thanks to efforts like its upgrade to Firefox Quantum , its VR alternative Firefox Reality , and password-free browsing .

It wasn’t too long ago that Mozilla rebuilt the browser’s interface, offering a cleaner, more modern take on what a web browser should be. The changes weren’t just skin-deep, however. There’s some impressive engineering going on behind the scenes.

For example, Firefox Quantum is designed to leverage multicore processors in ways that its competitors just aren’t doing. It was not designed to make a huge difference in your day-to-day browsing, but Mozilla hopes this design will give Firefox Quantum an edge moving forward. By engineering for the future now, Firefox Quantum is in a better position to take advantage of quicker processors as they emerge.

Some Firefox strengths include privacy protections with SmartBlock anti-tracker support, improved password syncing across devices, enhanced readability, integrated breach alerts, and a Protections Dashboard that provides a summary of how Firefox protects your privacy behind the scenes. WebRender improves the graphics performance on Windows PCs with Intel and AMD CPUs.

Recent updates include easier download management, captions, and subtitle support on YouTube, Prime Video, and Netflix videos watched in picture-in-picture mode, HDR support in macOS, and the ability to edit PDFs with text, drawings, and signatures. Firefox can also recognize text from an image, which is copied to the clipboard when selected. Finally, Firefox Colorways provides new options for optimizing how Firefox looks on-screen.

Beneath those changes, Firefox remains a comfortable, familiar standby. It’s a capable browser with a deep catalog of extensions and user interface customization. While managing settings across platforms isn’t as seamless as Google Chrome , the mobile browser app lets you share bookmarks between devices when using a free Firefox account.

There’s a bit of a fringe benefit, too. Since it’s been around longer than Chrome, some older web apps — the likes of which you might encounter at your university or workplace — work better on Firefox than they do on Chrome. For that reason, it never hurts to keep it around.

Overall, Firefox is more privacy-centric than Chrome and comparably fast, but its feature set isn’t quite as expansive elsewhere. If you like the sound of this, download the Firefox browser today.

The most innovative web browser: Opera

Another venerable browser and popular alternative, the Opera browser shares much of Chrome’s DNA and deserves its place as one of the best web browsers. Like both Edge and Chrome, Opera is built on Google’s open-source Chromium engine and, as a result, they all have a very similar user experience. Both feature a hybrid URL/search bar, and both are relatively light and fast.

The differences appear when you look at Opera’s built-in features. Where Chrome relies on an extension ecosystem to provide functionality users might want, Opera has a few more features baked right into the browser itself. It introduced a predictive website preload ability, and an Instant Search feature isolates search results in their separate window while the current page fades into the background, letting users more easily focus on the research task at hand.

You can install extensions from the Opera Add-ons store , which are just like Chrome extensions. Similar to Google’s browser, you’ll find useful tools like Giphy, Amazon Assistant, Avast Online Security, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and more. If Chrome’s wide variety of extensions is important to you, then Opera becomes an intriguing alternative. It might just be one of the best browsers for quickly navigating web pages.

Opera also features a built-in “Stash” for saving pages to read later. There’s no need to sign up for a Pocket or Evernote account to save a page for later reading. Similarly, Opera features a speed-dial menu that puts all your most frequently visited pages in one place. Google Chrome also does this, but only on a blank new tab. Finally, Opera has a built-in unlimited VPN service, making it a more secure browser option.

The biggest changes came with Opera 60 and Reborn 3, a complete revamp that brought a new borderless design, Web 3 support, and a Crypto Wallet, allowing users to prepare for blockchain-based sites. With version 69, Opera became the first browser with a built-in Twitter tool, and the company has added others as well including Instagram and TikTok. Just click the icon on the toolbar, log in to your account, and tweet away right from within the slide-out menu.

Other recent advancements include Lucid Mode, which sharpens video playing on a variety of platforms, supports emojis instead of web links, and other enhancements. The Opera Sidebar adds new functionality much like Edge’s Sidebar, allowing quick access to various Opera features. And Opera Aria adds new generative AI capabilities built right into the browser.

You can see that we’re well into hair-splitting territory, which is why it’s important to remember that your choice of browser is, more than any other service or app you use each day, entirely dependent on your personal preferences — what feels most right for you. The Opera web browser has a unique look and feel, and it combines some of the best features of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Alternative browsers

While the preceding browsers will meet most users’ needs, other alternatives exist for anyone looking for something different. This section is for those who have a more niche preference in web browsers  or want to try something new.

Apple Safari

If you use Apple devices exclusively, Safari is already your default browser. It’s also significantly faster than in the past, surpassing Chrome in its quickness. It’s integrated into iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, and you’ll likely get better battery life thanks to Apple’s in-house optimizations and the underlying hardware.

Safari also focuses a great deal on privacy and security. If you want to minimize how you’re tracked and whether Big Brother is looking over your shoulder, then Safari is a good choice. If you also use an iPhone and/or an iPad, then using Safari on your Mac will make for the most seamless transition between platforms. Open websites on an iPad or iPhone are carried over to macOS.

Safari is not offered outside the Apple ecosystem.

Vivaldi Browser

The Vivaldi browser is truly unique. No two Vivaldi users will have the same setup. When you run it for the first time, you’re guided through a setup process that lays out your browser in a way that makes sense for you. You choose where your tabs and address bar go and whether you want browser tabs displayed at the top of the page or in a separate side panel. This is a browser built from the ground up to deliver a unique user experience, and for the most part, it succeeds. Vivaldi 2.0 enhanced the customization features and made them easier to access.

This browser excels at customization, and you can choose from a variety of tasteful themes that don’t feel dated or out of place on a modern PC, in addition to the aforementioned UI choices. It also has some standout privacy-enhancing features, like its team-up with DuckDuckGo to make the non-tracking search tool the default option when in privacy mode.

Finally, recent updates added more powerful tab management, enhancements like Web Panels that make for smarter browsing, and (as mentioned) even more powerful customization options. Other new updates include a built-in ad blocker, a built-in tracker blocker, a clock in the Status Bar, a new Notes Manager, and a Break Mode for pausing the internet while keeping the browser open.

Brave Browser

One of the most unusual browsers around is Brave — or, perhaps, it’s Brave’s business model that’s the strangest. Brave blocks all ads on all web pages by default, which makes it arguably the fastest browser around. Ads are a huge portion of how many websites make money — block these ads, and suddenly the most important web financial tool is eliminated.

That’s where the Brave Rewards program comes in. Users receive Basic Attention Tokens (BATs) when they view alternative ads that Brave places in the browsing stream. Users can pass along a portion of their tokens to publishers. As of January 2021, there were over 70,000 websites that supported BAT-based transactions through the Brave browser, including Wikipedia, The Guardian, WikiHow, MacRumors, and more.

What’s in it for users? Simply put, if you’re not waiting for ads to download along with website content, then your web experience will feel much faster. Brave performs no user tracking, making it ideal for private browsing as well.

Tor Browser

The Tor Browser is a version of Firefox that serves one very specific purpose: A simple entry point for The Onion Router, or Tor .

Tor is software combined with an open network aimed at making you invisible by routing your traffic through several anonymous servers. While it’s not foolproof, it’s very difficult for someone to identify you when you’re properly configured and using something like the Tor Browser to surf the web — especially if combined with a VPN .

There are many legitimate uses of the Tor Browser and the Tor network. It’s a good choice for people who live in countries with repressive governments, as well as journalists and activists. The dark web is also one of the destinations for people using Tor, which includes many nefarious and illegal sites.

In any event, if you want to remain completely anonymous while surfing the web, the Tor Browser and network are for you. If you want a more mainstream alternative, Opera includes a VPN component, but it’s far less private.

Avast Secure Browser

Avast Secure Browser first arrived as the Opera-based Avast Safezone Browser in 2016 as part of the Avast Antivirus paid bundle. It was revised and rebranded in 2018 as a free stand-alone product based on Chromium. Originally the “SafeZone” aspect kicked in when users visited websites to make purchases or manage money.

Avast Secure Browser provides several built-in tools to protect your data and privacy. These include an anti-phishing module, fingerprinting and online tracking prevention, an ad blocker, and a Webcam Guard tool to control which websites can access your camera. The Hack Check tool will determine if your info was leaked in a data breach.

Avast Secure Browser is a stand-alone download for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. The desktop version doesn’t include an integrated VPN but instead directs users to download the company’s separate SecureLine VPN software. The listed Bank Mode — part of the Avast Free Antivirus client — flips on when users load a banking website.

Best web browser features — what to look for

Benchmark tests.

Notice we don’t include Safari in our main comparison. Apple’s Safari web browser is unavailable on Windows, Android, or Chrome OS, so we removed it from our primary list.

Most browsers are compatible with web standards and handle performance with relative ease. A casual user probably won’t notice a difference in the rendering speed between today’s modern browsers, as all six are much faster and leaner than those of a few years ago.

We ran the following benchmarks on a desktop with an AMD Ryzen 7 5800X processor, 32GB of RAM, a 1TB M.2 PCIe NVMe solid-state drive, and Windows 11. All browsers were clean installs of the most current production versions as of January 2023, and all were run at their default settings.

First, JetStream 2 is a JavaScript and WebAssembly benchmark. It tests how quickly a web browser can start and execute code, and how smoothly it runs. Higher numbers are better.

Notice how all three Chromium-based browsers outperform Firefox. In fact, there’s very little difference between them, while Firefox’s performance is quite poor by comparison.

The next test we ran was Speedometer 2.0 . It measures how responsive a browser is to web applications by repeatedly adding a large number of items to a to-do list. Higher numbers are better.

Here, Opera led the pack, with Chrome and Edge running nearly neck to neck. Firefox came in last here with a relatively low score.

Finally, we tested how much RAM each browser uses, both with no tabs open and then with 10 tabs open accessing the same popular sites. We made sure that each browser had no extensions running, and we let each browser settle in before looking at its memory use. For the test with 10 tabs open, we averaged memory use when all the tabs were opened and then five minutes later to account for any variability.

It’s not a scientific test, but it should be sound enough to give you an idea of which browsers are the most and least efficient in terms of taking up your RAM. We found Opera to use the least amount of RAM when first opened, barely ahead of Edge, while Chrome used the most. Edge used the least with all 10 tabs loaded by a significant margin, a third or less than the other browsers. Chrome used the most with all 10 tabs open, and Firefox and Opera weren’t far behind.

Security and privacy

The most valuable tool for secure and private browsing is user discretion, especially when you consider that every web browser has encountered security breaches in the past. In particular, Internet Explorer and Chrome’s reputations for protecting users’ security and privacy credentials are spotty at best.

Chrome, Safari, Vivaldi, Opera, and Firefox all rely on Google’s Safe Browsing API to detect potentially dangerous sites. Thanks to constant updates, Mozilla, Chrome, and Opera all make constant security improvements. Microsoft disabled this API in Edge.

All browsers offer a private session option, too. Private sessions prevent the storage of browsing history, temporary internet files, and cookies. Browser support for Do Not Track remains spotty.

Mozilla made some strides in differentiating itself from others with a real focus on privacy in recent years. It even debuted a Facebook Container  in 2018 to make it harder for the social network to harvest user information.

Frequently asked questions

Do you need to use a VPN when browsing the web? 

You do not have to use a VPN when browsing the internet. However, a VPN can be a good tool to use as it protects your privacy and data by creating a secure and encrypted data tunnel between your browser and a VPN server. In turn, that server creates a secure and encrypted connection between it and the target website.

As a result, the website can’t identify you personally, nor can it see your true geological location or internet address. Not even your ISP knows where you’re surfing or the device you use with a VPN enabled. Some VPN services are free while others require a subscription. We have a list of the current best VPN services .

Which browser is most used in the world? 

Google Chrome leads the web browser market with a 64.68% share, according to Statcounter . Apple Safari follows with 18.29%, Edge at 4.23%, Mozilla Firefox at 3.01%%, and Opera at 2.25%. Internet Explorer is still in use with 0.81%, while Microsoft Edge “Legacy” is fading out at 0.32%.

What are the best ad blockers to use for your browser? 

We have a guide on the best ad blockers for Google Chrome , but here’s a short list:

  • AdBlock and AdBlock Plus
  • AdGuard (Chrome only)
  • CyberSec by NordVPN
  • Poper Blocker (Chrome only)
  • Stands Fair AdBlocker (Chrome only)
  • uBlock Origin (Chrome and Firefox only)

What is browser fingerprinting and how can you prevent it? 

Websites want to know everything about you: Your tastes, your habits, and where you like to surf. When you load a website, it quietly runs scripts in the background that collect information about you and your device. The operating system, the web browser, all installed extensions, your time zone — all of this information is strung together to create a “fingerprint,” which in turn can be used to trace you across the internet via cross-site tracking.

Avast provides a detailed explanation and outlines various forms of fingerprinting. For example, the “canvas” method forces the browser to draw an image or text in the background, without the user knowing, to determine the operating system, web browser, graphics card, installed drivers, and the current font style. Device fingerprinting determines all internal and external device components.

As your fingerprint is tracked across the internet, this “profile” can be sold to data brokers, who then resell the data to advertisers. It’s a more silent means of gathering information about you versus using cookies that require your consent. The problem is, browser fingerprinting is still perfectly legal.

The best way to prevent browser fingerprinting is by randomizing and generalizing data. Third-party software like Avast AntiTrack does this by inserting “fake” data when website scripts try to collect your information. However, this tool allows scripts to continue running in the background so the website doesn’t “break.”

Many browsers offer some type of anti-fingerprinting protection. These include Avast Secure Browser (see above), Brave Browser (randomization), Mozilla Firefox (blocks fingerprinting scripts), and Tor Browser (generalization).

Editors' Recommendations

  • 9 best 2-in-1 laptops in 2024: tested and reviewed
  • The 23 best Google Chrome themes in 2024
  • The best Chrome VPN extensions for 2022
  • Best Products
  • Google Chrome

Mark Coppock

Mark has been a geek since MS-DOS gave way to Windows and the PalmPilot was a thing. He’s translated his love for technology into a marketing, consulting, and freelance writing career aimed at helping people use technology to enhance their lives. At Digital Trends, he reviews laptops and desktops, including the latest from HP, Dell, Lenovo, Apple, and more, and writes news and easy to understand how-to articles about the computing industry as a whole.

When he’s not writing, you’ll find him reading and watching science fiction, taking photos with his family, and obsessing over Indiana University basketball.

Laptop Reviews

Best Budget Laptops Best 2-in-1 Laptops Best Business Laptops Best Laptops Under $1,000

If you're going to pick up a new gaming laptop, then you may want to opt for one of the best laptop brands on the market, and with names like Alienware and Lenovo in the mix, there's quite the competition. That said, HP makes some great gaming laptops as well, and if you're looking to upgrade or buy something new, this early Memorial Day sale on the Victus 15 is worth considering, especially with the sort of specs you get under the hood. While this configuration usually goes for $1,000, HP has discounted it down to just $700, so you save yourself an extra $300 with this deal.

Why you should buy the HP Victus 15 One of the most important things when it comes to any gaming computer is the GPU, and we're happy to report that this HP Victus 15 comes with an RTX 3050, which is a solid entry-level GPU that's good for casual, indie, and older games. That said, you can do an upgrade to an RTX 4050 for an extra $90, which we'd strongly suggest since it gives you a bit more power, plus access to DLS 3, a tech that some games have implemented to get smoother framerates. Another thing we'd probably suggest as a must-have upgrade is going from the base 8GB to 16GB, and at $70, it's well worth it in the long run for a higher quality of life.

If you have one of the best GPUs on the market, such as the RTX 4080, then you're going to need to back it up with a powerful gaming monitor like the Samsung Odyssey Neo G8. Samsung makes some of the best gaming monitors on the market, and while they can be pretty expensive, luckily, there are some great early Memorial Day deals you can take advantage of. For example, you can snag the Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 right now from Samsung for just $850 rather than the usual $1,300 it goes for.

Why you should buy the 32-inch Odyssey Neo G8 The Samsung Odyssey Neo G8 has a lot of excellent features, which is great given it has a pretty high price tag too. Probably one of the most impressive parts is the fact that it can hit a whopping 240Hz refresh rate at 4K, which is rare for that resolution and perfect if you're running something like an RTX 4090. Of course, even with the most powerful graphics card on the market, it's doubtful you'll hit that refresh rate at the highest graphical settings, but at least you do have the option to prioritize refresh rate or graphics. The high specs also make the monitor pretty future-proof, at least for the next generation of GPUs, maybe even two.

We were just inundated with a whole slew of new Windows laptops. These aren't your average notebooks, though -- they're part of Microsoft's new Copilot+ PC program -- built from the ground up with AI and ARM chips in mind.

A lot of these laptops emphasize the same performance and battery life gains caused by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X chips. Those are impressive, but comparing all these laptops against each other, it's Samsung's entry that makes me the most excited. Design efficiency

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Mozilla Firefox vs Safari: A Comprehensive Browser Comparison

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When it comes to choosing a browser, there are plenty of options on the market. Two of the most popular browsers are Mozilla Firefox and Safari, both offering unique features and benefits to users. In this article, we'll take a closer look at both browsers to give you a better understanding of which one might be right for you.

Introduction to Mozilla Firefox and Safari

Mozilla Firefox is an open-source browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Its development began in 2002, and since then, it has become one of the most popular browsers out there. Firefox is known for its speed, privacy features, and customization options. It is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it a versatile choice for users across the globe.

Firefox offers a range of features that make it a popular choice among users. One of its most significant advantages is its privacy features. Firefox has built-in tracking protection, which blocks third-party trackers from following you around the web. It also has a private browsing mode, which doesn't save your browsing history, cookies, or temporary files. Firefox also has a range of add-ons that can be used to further enhance your browsing experience.

Safari, on the other hand, is a browser developed by Apple exclusively for their devices. It was first released in 2003 and has since become a well-known browser among Apple users. Safari is known for its speed and energy efficiency. It is available on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS, making it a popular choice for Apple users across devices.

Safari offers a range of features that make it a popular choice among Apple users. One of its most significant advantages is its integration with the Apple ecosystem. Safari can sync your browsing history, bookmarks, and tabs across all your Apple devices, making it easy to pick up where you left off. Safari also has a range of privacy features, including Intelligent Tracking Prevention, which blocks third-party trackers from following you around the web.

Both Firefox and Safari have their advantages and disadvantages. Firefox is a versatile browser that is available on multiple platforms and offers a range of customization options. Safari, on the other hand, is a browser that is optimized for Apple devices and offers seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem. Ultimately, the choice between the two browsers comes down to personal preference and the devices you use.

Browser Performance

When it comes to browsing the internet, the performance of your browser can make a significant difference in your overall experience. Two popular browsers, Firefox and Safari, have both made strides in improving their performance in recent years.

Speed and Load Times

One of the most crucial aspects of browser performance is speed and load times. Firefox has a reputation for being a speedy browser, and recent updates have only improved its performance. The browser's Quantum engine has made significant improvements in page rendering and overall speed. On the other hand, Safari also performs well in terms of speed and load times, particularly on Apple devices. Safari's use of Apple's Nitro JavaScript engine and hardware acceleration has made it one of the fastest browsers available.

However, it's important to note that the speed and load times of a browser can be affected by various factors, such as internet connection speed and the complexity of the website being accessed.

Memory Usage and Efficiency

Another significant factor that can determine a browser's performance is memory usage and efficiency. Firefox has improved in this area with recent updates, but it does tend to use more memory than Safari. This can be a concern for users with limited RAM on their devices, as it can slow down overall performance. Safari, on the other hand, tends to be more efficient in its memory usage, making it a better option for users who have limited RAM on their devices.

It's worth noting that both browsers have implemented features to reduce memory usage, such as Firefox's "performance" settings and Safari's "energy-saving" mode. These features can help improve browser performance and reduce memory usage.

Stability and Reliability

When it comes to stability and reliability, both Firefox and Safari are relatively stable and reliable. However, Firefox does have a reputation among some users for occasional crashes. This can be a concern for users who rely heavily on their browser for work or other tasks. On the other hand, Safari is often praised for its stability and rarely experiences crashes or other issues.

Overall, both Firefox and Safari are popular and reliable browsers with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the right browser for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Security and Privacy Features

In today's digital age, security and privacy are of utmost importance to internet users. With the rise of cyber attacks and data breaches, it's crucial to have a web browser that offers robust security and privacy features. Two of the most popular web browsers, Firefox and Safari, offer a range of built-in security measures and privacy controls to ensure safe browsing.

Built-in Security Measures

Firefox and Safari both have their own set of built-in security measures to protect users from online threats. Firefox, for instance, has its own certificate authority, which helps to verify the authenticity of websites and ensure secure connections. The browser also offers phishing and malware protection, which helps to prevent users from falling victim to malicious attacks.

Similarly, Safari has an anti-phishing feature that warns users when they come across suspicious websites. It also has a secure password manager that helps to keep passwords safe and secure.

Privacy Settings and Controls

Privacy is a growing concern for internet users, and both Firefox and Safari offer a range of privacy settings and controls to help users protect their data. Firefox, in particular, has been focusing on enhancing its privacy features in recent updates. The browser now offers encrypted DNS, which helps to prevent third-party entities from tracking user activity. It also has remote anti-tracking, which helps to prevent websites from tracking users across the internet.

Safari, on the other hand, has been improving its intelligent tracking prevention feature, which helps to prevent cross-site tracking. The browser also has a range of privacy settings that users can customize to their liking.

Third-Party Extensions and Add-ons

Both Firefox and Safari allow users to install third-party extensions and add-ons to enhance their browsing experience. Firefox tends to have a wider selection of add-ons, which can be both a blessing and a curse. While users have more options to choose from, some add-ons may not be secure and could potentially compromise user data.

Safari, on the other hand, has a more curated selection of extensions and add-ons. This helps to ensure that users are installing only secure and trustworthy add-ons.

In conclusion, both Firefox and Safari offer a range of security and privacy features to ensure safe browsing. Users can choose the browser that best suits their needs based on their preferences and priorities.

User Interface and Customization

When it comes to user interface and customization, there are many factors to consider. While both Firefox and Safari have a clean and straightforward design, there are some notable differences between the two.

Design and Layout

Firefox and Safari both have a modern and sleek design, but Firefox takes it a step further with its customization options. Users can enable dark mode for a more comfortable browsing experience in low light environments, and they can choose from a variety of themes to personalize the look of their browser.

On the other hand, Safari has a simpler design with fewer distractions, which may be more appealing to users who prefer a streamlined interface. The minimalist approach of Safari also makes it easier to focus on the content of the webpage without any distractions.

Customization Options

Firefox offers a wide range of customization options, including the ability to move menus and toolbars to different locations on the browser window. This level of customization can be useful for users who want to optimize their browsing experience to fit their specific needs.

While Safari doesn't offer as many customization options as Firefox, it still provides enough flexibility to make it a viable option for many users. The simplicity of Safari's interface can be appealing to those who prefer a more straightforward browsing experience.

Accessibility Features

Accessibility is an important consideration for many users, and both Firefox and Safari offer features to make browsing more accessible to everyone. For example, users can enable voice commands to navigate the web using their voice, and they can enlarge the font to make it easier to read.

Firefox also offers a range of accessibility features, such as high contrast mode and the ability to change the font size and type. These features can be particularly useful for users with visual impairments or other disabilities.

Overall, both Firefox and Safari have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to user interface and customization. While Firefox offers more customization options, Safari's simplicity may be more appealing to some users. Regardless of which browser you choose, both Firefox and Safari provide accessibility features to make browsing more accessible to everyone.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Cross-platform compatibility is a critical factor for users who want to access their browsing history, bookmarks, and preferences across multiple devices. Both Safari and Firefox offer integration between their desktop and mobile versions, allowing users to sync bookmarks and browse seamlessly between devices.

Desktop and Mobile Integration

Firefox Sync offers seamless integration between desktop and mobile versions of the browser. Users can access their browsing history, bookmarks, and preferences across multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Similarly, Safari offers integration across Apple devices, including macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. This means that users can access their bookmarks, browsing history, and preferences on their iPhone, iPad, and Mac without any hassle.

Syncing and Cloud Services

Safari has its own cloud service, iCloud, which allows users to integrate across Apple devices. With iCloud, users can sync their bookmarks, browsing history, and preferences across all their Apple devices. Firefox also offers syncing options, including the ability to sync add-ons and bookmarks to the cloud. This means that users can access their favorite add-ons and bookmarks on any device with Firefox installed.

Supported Operating Systems

Firefox is compatible with a range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it a versatile browser that can be used on a variety of devices. Safari, on the other hand, is exclusively available on Apple devices, including macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. This means that if you want to use Safari, you need to have an Apple device. However, if you do have an Apple device, you can enjoy the benefits of seamless integration across all your devices.

Developer Tools and Support

Developing a website can be a complex and challenging process, but luckily there are many tools and resources available to make it easier. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the developer tools and support offered by two popular web browsers: Firefox and Safari.

Built-in Developer Tools

Firefox and Safari both offer built-in developer tools that allow developers to debug and test their websites easily. These tools include a variety of features such as a console for logging errors, a network tab for monitoring network activity, and an element inspector for examining the HTML and CSS of a web page.

Firefox's developer tools are particularly robust, with a wide range of features and customization options. In addition to the standard tools mentioned above, Firefox also offers a responsive design mode for testing how a website looks on different screen sizes, a JavaScript debugger for finding and fixing errors in your code, and a performance tool for optimizing website speed.

Safari's developer tools are also powerful, but they have a simpler interface and fewer customization options than Firefox. However, Safari does offer some unique features such as a timeline tool for visualizing website performance and a canvas inspector for examining HTML5 canvas elements.

Extension and Add-on Development

Firefox has long been a favorite among developers, thanks to its wealth of add-ons and extensions. These add-ons can enhance the functionality of the browser itself, as well as provide tools for web development. Firefox's add-on development platform is open and flexible, allowing developers to create a wide range of extensions and customize the browser to their needs.

Safari, on the other hand, has stricter rules and guidelines around add-on development, making it a more curated experience. While this means there are fewer add-ons available for Safari, it also ensures that the ones that do exist are high-quality and well-maintained.

Community and Documentation

Firefox has a large and active developer community, offering a wealth of resources and support. The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is a comprehensive resource for web developers, with documentation, tutorials, and forums for asking questions and getting help. Firefox also has a strong presence on social media and hosts regular events and meetups for developers.

Safari also has developer resources available, but not to the same degree as Firefox. Apple's developer website offers documentation and guides for web development, as well as forums for asking questions and getting help. However, Safari's community is smaller and less active than Firefox's.

In conclusion, both Firefox and Safari offer powerful developer tools and resources, but Firefox has a more robust and active developer community, while Safari has a more curated approach to add-on development. Ultimately, the choice between these two browsers will depend on the specific needs and preferences of each individual developer.

Conclusion: Which Browser is Right for You?

Ultimately, the choice between Firefox and Safari comes down to personal preference and needs. Firefox may be a better choice for users who value customization and add-ons, while Safari is ideal for those in the Apple ecosystem who prioritize stability and security. Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of what each browser offers, helping you to make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a browser.

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Safari vs Firefox: Which browser is better for Mac?

Safari vs. Firefox: Which browser is better for Mac?

When it comes to a comparison between Safari and Firefox, which of them is better for the macOS? Mac users get the default Safari browser built into their devices. But it might not be the most popular one around. Firefox has its fair share of browser loyalists who choose them over Safari. Privacy is another reason Mac users look elsewhere. If you too are concerned about privacy, you might want to use a private browser like Kingpin. Kingpin has a default incognito mode and an inbuilt ad block feature to keep away trackers.

We have already listed the differences between Safari and Chrome as alternative Mac browsers . We’ve also shown you how Firefox compares to Chrome . Now it’s time for a showdown between Safari and Firefox. Let us see how availability, speed, features, interface, security, and privacy affect the final choice between the two contenders.

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#1 Firefox is available on all devices, including Mac

While Safari comes paired with Mac and is available on Apple’s devices alone, Firefox has a wider reach. Even if you pick up other devices, you can find Firefox on it and use it as a browser on that device. You can use Firefox even on your Mac. Mac users can make Firefox their default browser from within Mac and enjoy the benefits that come with an open-source platform.

Winner: Firefox

Firefox comes with a Reader View button that turns a webpage look neater. It strips away unwanted ads, videos, and such, making the basic version load faster. Yet, when it comes to fast browsing, Safari takes the lead. On a Mac, Safari can load web pages 1.4 times faster than Firefox. Besides, Safari comes enabled with a reading mode that effectively makes web pages lighter. When you switch to this mode, the browser shows you a slimmer version of the page without distracting images, or texts, comments, social media buttons, graphics, or other avoidable media.

So, is Firefox slower than Safari? In one word, yes.

Winner: Safari

Firefox and Mozilla Foundation, the organization behind the browser, are champions of user privacy. There are many privacy features that have been pioneered by Mozilla. You can limit or allow cookies, ads, and tracking when browsing on Firefox on Mac. But you will find it hard to stop tracking altogether. Safari, on a similar note, offers little privacy to users. Although it has Parental Controls to restrict what minors do online, it does not actively block marketers from targeting you.

In such cases, Mac users often switch to another browser. Kingpin, for example, provides excellent privacy. Unlike Firefox or Safari, it does not save cookies or caches. Once your session is up, browsing data is erased. To show how serious Kingpin is about user privacy, it offers PIN protected tabs. If you accidentally or intentionally close tabs in a hurry, the browser will ask for a 4 digit PIN to reopen tabs. It noticeably reduces the chances of snooping. Besides, an inbuilt ad block feature ensures that marketers are not trailing you from session to session and website to website.

So when it comes to privacy, Safari is prone to leaking user data. Firefox performs slightly better owing to the non-profit organization that developed it. Both browsers gather user statistics for development.

Winner: Firefox .

#4 Features

When it comes to features, both Firefox and Safari offer users a rich experience. They have been on the scene for decades. Firefox as well as Safari receive updates regularly, outfitting them with better functioning and bug fixes. Let us see how the two browsers compare.

  • Customization

Both Safari and Firefox offer excellent customization options for Mac users. From changing themes to selecting font sizes to apply a favorite color palette, users are spoilt for choices. Firefox goes out of its way to let users go back to the drawing board and develop custom themes.

  • User Interface

Both Safari and Firefox come with easy-to-navigate interfaces. Safari displays a list of most-visited sites, website suggestions, and frequently opened tabs – your browsing history, bookmarks, and preferences. You can also access these using keyboard shortcuts. The interface is like a comfort zone for users, having incorporated little change over the years. You look for and find buttons, links, and menu items at expected places. The Dark Mode is a cool new addition.

Firefox, on the other hand, has changed its Interface to keep pace with time and draw away users from other browsers. One issue with the interface is that useful buttons like the sync button are often hidden in the Menu. But this is usually not a problem. With the Pocket tool, Mac users can now save pages for later. Moreover, the inbuilt screenshot feature makes it easy to save any online article or information on the browser and go back to it later.

Firefox has an extensive collection of Extensions and add-ons to bring to Mac users an unforgettable browsing experience. Open-source and developer friendly, Firefox regularly adds to its collection of add-ons, plug-ins, or pop-ups.  The same cannot be said of Safari. Being controlled by Apple with an iron fist, Safari extensions on Mac are few and far in between. To find them, visit the Safari Extensions on the browser and download them.

It helps to note that sometimes extensions may cause your browser to malfunction – crash, freeze or get a virus. Hence, keeping an additional browser is handy. Kingpin , for instance, auto disables Extensions to ward off malware attacks.

So, in the features area, we see the two browsers going head to head. Safari has an easier Interface, while Firefox excels at features and add-ons.

#5 Security

Once again, both browses offer solid security to users. Take Safari for instance. Backed with Apple’s fingerprinting guard, the browser makes it challenging for web marketers to infer your identity from the Mac specs. It also comes with a password lock and stores usernames and passwords on the cloud.  You don’t need to remember them individually.

Firefox uses Google Safe Browsing and protects Mac users from malware attacks. It also has a password saver but the feature is not auto-enabled.

So, at the end of this round, Safari is back in the game and has taken the lead.

Final score

So, which browser is best for Mac users? It all comes down to what you need at the end of the day.

  • If you want a fast and familiar browsing session, Safari is the obvious choice. Safari on Mac has superior speed and brilliant security features.
  • If you want more customization and minimized risk of tracking, Firefox is your friend.

But if you want to sail past privacy breaches while still enjoying lightning fast browsing and unbeatable security, choosing a different browser like Kingpin makes sense. It is also low on RAM consumption which makes it light and efficient.

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How to update the Safari browser on your Mac

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The Best Browsers for Mac (Alternatives To Safari)

Safari is Apple’s default browser in macOS but is it necessarily the best? Here I’ve looked at a selection of the best browsers for Mac, all of which are excellent alternatives to Safari.

Safari isn’t a bad browser and is the natural choice for anyone using an Apple product.

Safari is made by Apple so you can expect it to be optimized for macOS and iOS like no other browser.

However, with the browser market becoming more and more competitive, many other browsers have really upped their game.

Especially when it comes to privacy and tracking, there are now browsers that arguably look out for your interests more than Safari.

Here’s my selection of some excellent alternatives to Safari that you might like to consider.

Quick Navigation

2. DuckDuck Go Private Browser

safari vs firefox for mac

Launched in 2016, Brave is based on the Chromium engine meaning it has has all the normal Chrome features you might already be familiar with (without actually having to use Chrome).

However, it has a much stronger focus on privacy with its own search tool that won’t track your search history.

It also has a built-in ad, tracker and cookie blocker which automatically clears all cookies when you leave the site.

However, as with many browsers that feature built-in ad blockers, this sometimes has the unintended consequence of blocking-out native video players on sites and some may not play properly as a result.

This setting can however be turned off if it causes too many problems.

Another feature of the desktop version is that it comes with a built in crypto wallet . Brave has quite a strong focus on cryptos and is ideal for those that need added security when using crypto trading platforms.

As a privacy conscious company, Brave also offers its own VPN service that is built in in the browser, but this costs an extra $9.99/month.

safari vs firefox for mac

The DuckDuckGo Browser is developed by DuckDuckGo, which is known for its privacy focused Search Engine.

Just like Orion and Firefox (see reviews below), it is based on the WebKit layout engine.

However, the browser tabs, bookmarks, password management is completely custom code by DuckDuckGo, which is what allows them to fully focus on their main selling point; privacy.

The DuckDuckGo browser uses an ad blocker which blocks ads even before the page loads, which not only makes the loading time a lot faster, but it also automatically clears the whitespace where the ads are giving you a cleaner, less distracting experience.

Another great feature is the Duck Player, which is a feature that protects the user from targeted ads and cookies while watching YouTube videos.

There is also a “Fire Button” in the browser, which is a one click button that erases all browsing and history data immediately.

DuckDuckGo Private Browser is still a very young browser with its own teething issues.

The ad blocking is sometimes a bit too good, meaning it also sometimes blocks out native video players on websites, although there are settings you can change to allow them to play.

In addition, plug-ins don’t always work properly and many users have had problems syncing bookmarks and passwords between devices (although recent updates have improved this).

There was also some controversy in May 2022, when it became apparent that the DuckDuckGo browser was not blocking tracking scripts from Bing and LinkedIn.

The CEO explained this was due to a contractual restriction by Microsoft although since August 2022, the company announced it will also block Microsoft trackers in the browser.

safari vs firefox for mac

Firefox is probably the most well known free and open-source browser that was first released in 2009.

Firefox uses the Gecko rendering engine to display web pages and is available for all versions of macOS.

A version of Firefox is also available for iOS but instead of using Gecko, it uses the WebKit layout engine instead (just like all other iOS web browsers).

One of the biggest advantages of using Firefox has always been how customizable it is.

There are different themes, dark/light mode, lots and lots of extensions, adjustable search settings and you can change the tab layouts easily.

Firefox also has lots of built in features making your day to day browsing life a lot easier.

For example, it has a built in screen shot tool, bookmarks manager, synchronizer across devices, spell check and pinned tabs just to name a few.

It even has a PDF editor that can do basic editing of PDFs in the browser removing the need for using PDF editing software .

Another effective feature is the built in automatic ad tracking blocker which blocks intrusive ads without affecting your browsing speed.

Not only does it block ad trackers, it also blocks cross-site tracking cookies, crypto miners and social media trackers, making it one of the strictest browsers out there when it comes to privacy.

Although Firefox has quite a few add-ons and extra features, it doesn’t have as many as Safari. And although it doesn’t happen very often, you may find some websites that simply aren’t compatible with third party add-ons in Firefox.

safari vs firefox for mac

Opera is definitely a browser veteran as it has been around since 1995.

Although it looks very different now than when first released, it has built up a loyal fan base and is starting to gain recognition with new users too.

Opera is based on the same Chromium engine as Chrome and Brave, as a matter of fact, it was the first non-Google browser to adapt it.

The most common features such as ad, tracking and cookies blocker are already covered but there are some more obscure, cooler aspects to it too.

Mouse Gestures is one of them which allows you to navigate the web by clicking the right mouse button while moving the cursor in a certain pattern.

Popular communication apps like Facebook messenger and WhatsApp are also built directly into the browser.

Twitter (or X as it’s now known) can also be added, making sure you can keep full focus on your computer without having to switch between your Mac and mobile device.

Opera also has its own media player that allows you to connect your Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music and other accounts so that you can listen to music without having any of those apps open.

The Opera browser also offers a free VPN and although the amount of servers are limited, it offers some protection while browsing.

In terms of speed, Opera is very fast although some Mac users find it can be a bit of a memory hog.

Opera does not use Google Safe Browsing (GSB) to protect you from malware on websites but uses Yandex and Phistank instead which may not be as reliable as GSB.

safari vs firefox for mac

If it’s battery life you’re concerned about, then Orion is about as lightweight as you can get and also incredibly fast.

Orion has been developed by Kagi which built the browser on WebKit.

It works natively on both macOS and iOS giving you a seamless experience switching between your Mac and your iPhone.

One of the best features of Orion is Low Power mode. It extends the battery life by reducing Orion’s power consumption by up to 90%.

Orion also uses an automatic Ad blocker that blocks both first -party and third-party scripts or requests.

Orion claims that this blocks 99.9% of all ads, including YouTube ads on both desktop and mobile.

Although its nothing new to browsers, Orion also has a Focus Mode which allows you to remove all toolbars to minimize distraction.

The way Orion handles tabs is also unique as it uses vertical collapsible tabs that are organized in a tree format. For many users, this is easier to handle than multiple tabs along the top of your screen.

One neat touch is that Orion also supports both Chrome and Firefox extensions which is good because the browser itself doesn’t have many extensions itself.

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Blazing fast. Incredibly private.

safari vs firefox for mac

Safari is the best way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices. It brings robust customization options, powerful privacy protections, and optimizes battery life — so you can browse how you like, when you like. And when it comes to speed, it’s the world’s fastest browser. 1


More with the battery. less with the loading..

With a blazing-fast JavaScript engine, Safari is the world’s fastest browser. 1 It’s developed to run specifically on Apple devices, so it’s geared to make the most out of your battery life and deliver long-lasting power.

safari vs firefox for mac

Increased performance

We’re always working to make the fastest desktop browser on the planet even faster.

safari vs firefox for mac

Improved power efficiency

Safari lets you do more online on a single charge.

safari vs firefox for mac

Up to 4 hours more streaming videos compared with Chrome 3

safari vs firefox for mac

Up to 17 hours of video streaming 3

Best-in-class browsing

Safari outperforms both Mac and PC browsers in benchmark after benchmark on the same Mac. 4

  • JetStream /
  • MotionMark /
  • Speedometer /

JavaScript performance on advanced web applications. 4

Safari vs. other Mac browsers

Safari on macOS

Chrome on macOS

Edge on macOS

Firefox on macOS

Safari vs. Windows 11 browsers

Chrome on Windows 11

Edge on Windows 11

Firefox on Windows 11

Rendering performance of animated content. 4

Web application responsiveness. 4

4K video streaming

See your favorite shows and films in their best light. Safari supports in-browser 4K HDR video playback for YouTube, Netflix, and Apple TV+. 5 And it runs efficiently for longer-lasting battery life.

safari vs firefox for mac

Privacy is built in.

Online privacy isn’t just something you should hope for — it’s something you should expect. That’s why Safari comes with industry-leading privacy protection technology built in, including Intelligent Tracking Prevention that identifies trackers and helps prevent them from profiling or following you across the web. Upgrading to iCloud+ gives you even more privacy protections, including the ability to sign up for websites and services without having to share your personal email address.

safari vs firefox for mac

Intelligent Tracking Prevention

safari vs firefox for mac

Safari stops trackers in their tracks.

What you browse is no one’s business but your own. Safari has built‑in protections to help stop websites and data-collection companies from watching and profiling you based on your browsing activity. Intelligent Tracking Prevention uses on‑device intelligence to help prevent cross‑site tracking and stops known trackers from using your IP address — making it incredibly difficult to learn who you are and what you’re interested in.

Privacy Report

Safari makes it simple to see how your privacy is protected on all the websites you visit. Click Privacy Report in the Safari menu for a snapshot of cross-site trackers currently prevented from profiling you on the website you’re visiting. Or view a weekly Privacy Report to see how Safari protects you as you browse over time.

safari vs firefox for mac


Putting the you in url..

Safari is more customizable than ever. Organize your tabs into Tab Groups so it’s easy to go from one interest to the next. Set a custom background image and fine-tune your browser window with your favorite features — like Reading List, Favorites, iCloud Tabs, and Siri Suggestions. And third-party extensions for iPhone, iPad, and Mac let you do even more with Safari, so you can browse the way you want across all your devices.

safari vs firefox for mac

Safari Profiles allow you to separate your history, extensions, Tab Groups, favorites, cookies, and more. Quickly switch between profiles for topics you create, like Personal and Work.

safari vs firefox for mac

Web apps let you save your favorite websites to the Dock on Mac and to the Home Screen on iPhone and iPad. A simplified toolbar and separate settings give you an app-like experience.

safari vs firefox for mac

Safari Extensions add functionality to your browser to help you explore the web the way you want. Find and add your favorite extensions in the dedicated Safari category on the App Store.

safari vs firefox for mac

Save and organize your tabs in the way that works best for you. Name your Tab Groups, edit them, and switch among them across devices. You can also share Tab Groups — making planning your next family trip or group project easier and more collaborative.

safari vs firefox for mac

Smart Tools

Designed to help your work flow..

Built-in tools create a browsing experience that’s far more immersive, intuitive, and immediate. Get detailed information about a subject in a photo with just a click, select text within any image, instantly translate an entire web page, and quickly take notes wherever you are on a site — without having to switch apps.

safari vs firefox for mac

Notes is your go-to app to capture any thought. And with the Quick Note feature, you can instantly jot down ideas as you browse websites without having to leave Safari.

safari vs firefox for mac


Translate entire web pages with a single click. You can also get translations for text in images and paused video without leaving Safari.

Interact with text in any image or paused video on the web using functions like copy and paste, translate, and lookup. 6

safari vs firefox for mac

Visual Look Up

Quickly learn more about landmarks, works of art, breeds of dogs, and more with only a photo or an image you find online. And easily lift the subject of an image from Safari, remove its background, and paste it into Messages, Notes, or other apps.

safari vs firefox for mac

Surf safe and sound.

Strong security protections in Safari help keep you safe. Passkeys introduce a safer way to sign in. iCloud Keychain securely stores and autofills passkeys and passwords across all your devices. Safari also notifies you when it encounters suspicious websites and prevents them from loading. Because it loads each web page in a separate process, any harmful code is always confined to a single browser tab so it won’t crash the entire application or access your data. And Safari automatically upgrades sites from HTTP to the more secure HTTPS when available.

safari vs firefox for mac

Passkeys introduce a more secure and easier way to sign in. No passwords required.

Passkeys are end-to-end encrypted and safe from phishing and data leaks, and they are stronger than all common two-factor authentication types. Thanks to iCloud Keychain, they work across all your Apple devices, and they even work on non-Apple devices.

Learn more about passkeys

safari vs firefox for mac

Apple Pay and Wallet make checkout as easy as lifting a finger.

Apple Pay is the easiest and most secure way to shop on Safari — allowing you to complete transactions with Face ID or Touch ID on your iPhone or iPad, with Touch ID on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, or by double-clicking the side button on your Apple Watch.

Learn more about Apple Pay

With AutoFill, you can easily fill in your previously saved credit card information from the Wallet app during checkout. Your credit card details are never shared, and your transactions are protected with industry-leading security.

Same Safari. Different device.

Safari works seamlessly and syncs your passwords, bookmarks, history, tabs, and more across Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. And when your Mac, iOS, or iPadOS devices are near each other, they can automatically pass what you’re doing in Safari from one device to another using Handoff. You can even copy images, video, or text from Safari on your iPhone or iPad, then paste into another app on your nearby Mac — or vice versa.

safari vs firefox for mac

When you use Safari on multiple devices, your tabs carry over from one Apple device to another. So you can search, shop, work, or browse on your iPhone, then switch to your iPad or Mac and pick up right where you left off.

Save web pages you want to read later by adding them to your Reading List. Then view them on any of your iCloud-connected devices — even if you’re not connected to the internet.

iCloud Keychain securely stores your user names, passkeys, passwords, and credit card numbers and keeps them up to date on your trusted devices. So you can easily sign in to your favorite websites — as well as apps on iOS and iPadOS — and quickly make online purchases.

safari vs firefox for mac

Designed for developers.

Deep WebKit integration between Mac hardware and macOS allows Safari to deliver the fastest performance and the longest battery life of any browser on the platform, while supporting modern web standards for rich experiences in the browser. WebKit in macOS Sonoma includes optimizations that enable even richer browsing experiences, and give developers more control over styling and layout — allowing for more engaging content.

Make Safari your default browser

Customize your start page, view your browsing privacy report, monitor your saved passwords, use apple pay in safari, view your tabs across all your devices, read the safari user guide, get safari support.

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Safari vs Firefox

  • Brave vs Safari
  • Opera vs Safari
  • Safari vs Google Chrome
  • Opera vs Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge vs Safari
  • Edge vs Firefox
  • DuckDuckGo vs Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox vs Brave
  • DuckDuckGo vs Mozilla Firefox
  • Targeting only Firefox with CSS
  • Mozilla Firefox vs Google Chrome
  • Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox
  • How to Install Older Version of Firefox?
  • How to Use Profile Manager on Firefox?
  • How to Manage Themes on Firefox?
  • How to Refresh Firefox to Reset?
  • Apple Safari Browser
  • How to Manage Add-Ons on Firefox?
  • What is Mozilla Firefox Monitors?

Safari is also a web browser used for surfing the internet and it was built by Apple. It was mainly used on the Mac operating system but it can also be used on Windows operating system. Initially, it was released in 2003, just like chrome it is also freeware. It is open source and is written using different programming languages like C++, Swift etc.

Firefox is one of the widely used web browsers as it is free for everybody means you don’t need to pay any money for its use but you should follow the licence agreement and community guidelines for its use. Development credit for this software goes to Mozilla Foundation.

safari vs firefox for mac

Following is a table of differences between Firefox and Google Chrome:

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How to Use Inspect Element in Chrome, Safari, & Firefox

Jamie Juviler

Published: May 20, 2024

When I started my coding journey, I couldn’t always pinpoint what made a web page great — all of the code underneath that craft a well-designed experience. So, I would use the inspect element on my browser to peel back the curtain. Here, I could see how pages were coded so I could understand how to recreate elements for my own projects.

pair learns how to how to inspect element on a mac

The inspect element feature lets us view and even modify any website’s front end. This simple trick can help you understand how websites work and even help you build your own.

In this post, I’ll discuss what it means to “inspect” page elements and how to do so on three common web browsers. If you’re in a pinch, jump ahead to what you’re looking for.

Table of Contents

How to Inspect Elements in Chrome

How to inspect elements in safari, how to inspect elements in firefox, get a closer look with inspect, what does “inspect element” mean.

Inspect element is a feature of modern web browsers that enables anyone to view and edit a website’s source code, including its HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files. When the source code is modified with the inspect tool, the changes are shown live inside the browser window.

Inspect is a web professional’s scout team. Developers, designers, and marketers frequently use it to peek inside any website (including their own) to preview content and style changes, fix bugs, or learn how a particular website is built. For instance, if I find an intriguing interface on a competing website, the inspect element lets me see the HTML and CSS that make it up.

I also think of my browser’s inspect feature as a “sandbox” of sorts. I can play around with a web page as much as I want by changing content, colors, fonts, layouts, etc. When finished, I just refresh the page to revert everything to normal.

Inspect doesn’t change the website itself — only how it appears in your browser. You can then experiment without worry!

Inspect is also an incredibly valuable tool for those learning web development. Instead of viewing plain source code, I can use the inspect element to interact with the page and see how each line of code maps to an element or style.

By better understanding what constitutes the typical web page, I can communicate effectively with developers in the case of an error or if I want to make a change.

Inspect may be a “developer tool,” but you don’t need to write any code or install any additional software to use it. You can do everything I’ve described right inside your browser. Let’s learn how.

How to Inspect Elements

To inspect elements, you have to right-click any part of a web page and click Inspect > Inspect Element. Alternatively, you can press Command+Option+i on your Mac or F12 on your PC to do the same.

Every modern web browser has a native tool for inspecting elements. It can be accessed in any browser, but some browsers like Chrome and Safari have slight differences. Let’s discuss how to use the inspect tool in three desktop web browsers: Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.

Chrome comes with a handy developer tool that allows you to inspect individual elements. This allows you to see the code behind a web page and even edit it on your own browser. (Note that the changes are only visible to you, not to anyone else across the web.)

Here's how to get started.

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1. Launch Chrome and navigate to the page you want to inspect.

To use the element inspector in Google Chrome, I first navigate to any web page. In these examples, I’ll be using .

2. Open up the Inspect panel.

Once I arrive at my desired page, I have several ways to open Chrome's Inspect tool.

  • Option 1 : I can right-click any part of the page and choose Inspect . Right-clicking a specific page element will open that element in the inspector view.
  • Option 2 : In the top menu bar, I can select View > Developer > Developer Tools .
  • Option 3: I can click the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the browser window. From there, I can choose More Tools > Developer Tools . Then, I can click the Inspect tab in the popup.
  • Option 4 : I can use the shortcut control-shift-C on Windows or command-option-C on macOS.

3. Change the location of the inspect panel.

To better view the code, I can change the position of the inspector window.

The Chrome Developer Tools panel will open at the bottom of the browser window, but sometimes it opens in a separate window altogether.

If I want to change the location of the panel, I can click the three-dots icon in the top right corner of the panel (next to the X icon), and then choose my preferred dock position.

Pro tip: Choosing Dock to right makes it easier to view the rendered page and its source:

the hubspot homepage with the chrome inspect element tool open

Along the top of the inspect panel, I see tabs for Elements , Console , Sources , etc. These are all tools I can use to assess a page’s contents and performance. However, everything I need to inspect is under the Elements tab.

4. Look at the source HTML code of the page.

The biggest area of the panel will contain the source HTML of the current page. I always spend some time exploring this region. Hovering the cursor over the piece of code highlights the corresponding element on the page.

Blue indicates the contents of an element, green corresponds to padding, and areas in orange are margins.

Pro tip: If you’re a beginner and want to learn more about the different elements you’re inspecting, check out this HTML guide for beginners.

5. Select a specific element to inspect.

Rather than trying to read through the code to find an element, I can also do the opposite. I can locate a piece of code by hovering over the page element itself. To do this, I click the Element select icon in the top left corner of the panel.

the element select icon in the chrome inspect element tool

8. Edit the page's CSS code.

Moving down the Chrome inspect panel, I see the Styles tab. This shows me what CSS styling has been applied to the selected element. I can click on lines of code to rewrite them, or I can activate/deactivate certain declarations by checking/unchecking the boxes next to them. I’ll do this for my <h1> element’s font-weight property:

9. View the page's mobile version.

Finally, let’s cover one more feature of Chrome’s inspect feature: mobile view. When building a site, designers need to consider how its pages appear on desktop, mobile, and tablet screens alike.

Fortunately, Chrome lets me preview the same web page in multiple screen resolutions. Start by clicking the Toggle device icon in the top left corner of the panel:

the toggle device button in the chrome inspect element tool

Now, when I click a page element, the Web Inspector reveals the corresponding source code.

7. Edit, add, or delete page elements.

Like Chrome’s inspector, Safari lets me modify, add, and remove page elements. To edit the page, I can right-click an HTML element in the inspect panel. I can then choose an option from the Edit menu.

Web Inspector will prompt me for a new text input and then display my changes in real time:

how to inspect element on mac, the hubspot homepage with the heading text changed in safari inspect element tool

If I want to delete a page element, I just select some code and delete it. Or, I can right-click and choose Toggle Visibility to hide an element without deleting it.

8. Activate or deactivate the page's CSS code.

To the right, I have the Styles column, where I can change or activate/deactivate CSS declarations for any element, like so:

When testing content and style changes, I want to see the effect on mobile screens as well as desktops. I’ll cover that next.

Pro tip: When seeking inspiration from other web pages, I always take advantage of the Styles tab in my browser’s developer tools to tailor the CSS according to how I envision it on my own page. Try it out. This allows you to refine and adapt design elements to suit your specific preference before moving forward with coding it in your own workspace.

Safari’s Responsive Design Mode allows me to preview a website across common devices.

To view the page in a mobile viewport, I choose Develop → Enter Responsive Design Mode . In this mode, I can use the same inspector tools on pages formatted for Apple devices or set the dimensions myself:

how to inspect element on mac, the mobile view in the safari inspect element tool

What I like: Safari’s responsive design tab not only lets you test your web page’s responsiveness on devices, but you can also test its behavior across different browsers. Serving as a one-stop-shop for testing responsiveness, the Safari dev tools are a huge time saver.

Firefox is another great option for inspecting a web page in either macOS, Windows, or Linux. Here’s how to get started.

1. Open Firefox's inspect element tool.

To open the Firefox Inspector, I have several options:

  • Option 1: I can right-click any part of the page and choose Inspect Element . Right-clicking a specific page element will open that element in the inspector view.
  • Option 2: I can select Tools → Browser Tools → Web Developer Tools from the top menu bar.
  • Option 3: I can use the shortcut control-shift-I or press f12 in Windows or command-option-I in macOS.

Next, I go to the web page I’d like to inspect. I’ll be using again.

3. Change the location of the inspector panel.

The Firefox inspector appears along the bottom of the window by default. To change its position, I can select the three-dots icon in the top right corner of the inspector, then choose an alternative display option.

the inspect element tool in the firefox browser

4. Look at the HTML code of the page.

Firefox’s inspector panel is comparable in features to Chrome’s and Safari’s. The HTML source code indicates the corresponding page element with color codes — content is blue, padding is purple, and margins are yellow:

I can also find code by selecting elements on the page. To enter selection mode, I click the cursor icon in the top left corner:

the select element button in the firefox inspect element tool

I can then click any page element to reveal its source code in the inspect panel.

6. Modify or delete page elements.

To modify or delete a page element, I select its code in the inspector. Then, I can either double-click to change the text, right-click and choose Edit as HTML, or click Plus Button next to the “Search HTML” bar to add code. Or I can simply delete the code and see the resulting changes on the page.

the firefox inspect element text editor

7. Toggle the page's CSS styles.

To toggle the CSS styling of an element, I use the Filter Styles region at the bottom of the inspect panel. There, I can uncheck the box next to a CSS declaration to deactivate it (or write in new code myself):

8. View the page's mobile version.

Finally, Firefox’s tools also come with a mobile preview option. To use it, I can click the Responsive Design Mode icon in the top right corner of the panel:

the mobile view button in firefox developer tools

Responsive Design Mode lets me choose from several preset screen resolutions or set my own. I can also toggle connection speed and device pixel ratio:

the responsive design editor in firefox inspect element tool

What I like: As a software developer, it is very important that I make web pages that can be easily used by anyone. Firefox’s accessibility tab in its inspector tool allows me to check if my nodes accessibility tree is missing any important properties. I can verify color contrasts too.

The quickest way to access this feature is by right clicking on the page → choose Inspect → select the two arrows next to debugger → select Accessibility .

Once you learn the basics of your browser’s inspect tool, you might realize just how much information about your favorite websites is publicly available. With a few clicks, you can explore how exactly web pages are built, what styles they use, how they optimize for search engines, how they format on mobile screens, and a lot more.

Editor's note: This article was originally published in December 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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