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Jakie jest tłumaczenie "tour" po polsku?

"tour" - polskie tłumaczenie, tour {czas.}.

  • volume_up zwiedzić
  • ruszyć w objazd

tour {rzecz.}

  • volume_up wycieczka
  • oprowadzanie
  • trasa koncertowa

concert tour {rzecz.}

  • volume_up trasa koncertowa

guided tour {rzecz.}

  • volume_up zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem
  • wycieczka z przewodnikiem

package tour {rzecz.}

  • volume_up wczasy zorganizowane
  • wycieczka zorganizowana

"tour manager" - angielskie tłumaczenie

  • volume_up tour manager
  • volume_up Grand Tour

Tłumaczenia na język polski dostarczane przez Oxford Languages

Tour transitive verb, tour intransitive verb, tłumaczenia, tour [ toured|toured ] {czasownik}, tour {rzeczownik}.

  • open_in_new Link do źródła
  • warning Prośba o sprawdzenie

concert tour {rzeczownik}

Guided tour {rzeczownik}, package tour {rzeczownik}, tour manager {męski}, grand tour {męski}, przykłady użycia, english polish przykłady kontekstowe "tour" po polsku.

Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. bab.la nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie.

Przykłady jednojęzyczne

English jak użyć "tour" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "concert tour" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "guided tour" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "package tour" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "trasa koncertowa" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "tournée" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem" w zdaniu, "garden tour" - polskie tłumaczenie.

  • volume_up wycieczka po ogrodzie

"ghost tour" - polskie tłumaczenie

  • volume_up wycieczka duchów

"give a tour" - polskie tłumaczenie

  • volume_up oprowadzać
  • volume_up dać wycieczkę

Synonimy (angielski) dla "tour":

  • term of enlistment
  • tour of duty
  • package holiday
  • tougher sanctions
  • tougher sentencing
  • tougher standards
  • toughest endurance
  • toughly-worded
  • tour a month
  • tour artist
  • tour circuit
  • tour culminate
  • tour de force
  • tour depart
  • tour destination
  • tour extensively

Więcej w słownik polsko-rosyjski .

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Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus
  • Wyloguj się

Znaczenie słowa tour w języku angielskim

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  • break-journey
  • circumnavigation

Możesz również znaleźć pokrewne wyrazy, zwroty i synonimy w kategoriach:

  • She spent three months touring her empire .
  • The prime minister toured the flooded regions .
  • I spent a month touring round Europe .
  • around Robin Hood's barn idiom
  • communication
  • public transport
  • super-commuting
  • transoceanic
  • well travelled

Powiązane słowo

Tour | american dictionary, tour | business english, przykłady tour, kolokacje z tour.

Są to słowa często używane w połączeniu z tour .

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Tłumaczenie tour

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on the road

If a vehicle is on the road, it is working as it should and can be legally used.

Apples and oranges (Talking about differences, Part 2)

Apples and oranges (Talking about differences, Part 2)

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  • Świeże i godne polecenia {{#preferredDictionaries}} {{name}} {{/preferredDictionaries}}
  • Definicje Jasne wyjaśnienia naturalnego, mówionego i pisanego języka angielskiego. angielski Learner’s Dictionary Essential British English Essential American English
  • Gramatyka i tezaurus Objaśnienia naturalnego użycia języka angielskiego w piśmie i mowie gramatyka Tezaurus
  • Pronunciation British and American pronunciations with audio English Pronunciation
  • angielski–chiński (uproszczony) Chinese (Simplified)–English
  • angielski–chiński (tradycyjny) Chinese (Traditional)–English
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  • angielski–polski polski–angielski
  • angielski–portugalski portugalski–angielski
  • angielski–hiszpański hiszpański–angielski
  • English–Swedish Swedish–English
  • Dictionary +Plus Listy słów
  • angielski    Noun Verb
  • amerykański    Noun Verb
  • biznes    Noun Verb
  • Translations
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Creating a Successful Book Tour: Five Tips from an Indie Author

When I decided to organize a book tour to promote my memoir, Getting Naked for Money: An Accidental Travel Writer Reveals All, I worried that self-publication might work against me. This was all terra incognita. I'd done signings and readings for my four previous books , put out by traditional presses, but never planned a book tour for a self-published title. Now I was planning an ambitious trip covering four states.

Self-publishing wasn't really an issue, I discovered. Bookstores are more concerned about your book bringing in an audience than how it was published.

These tips for planning a book tour apply not just to indie authors but to anyone looking to hit the road in support of a new title.

1. Target indie bookstores—and not just because of good publishing karma.

Small local bookstores have devoted followers and mailing lists tailored to promoting intimate author events. You can expect social media love and personalized attention from them, too.

2. Contact bookstores as far in advance in possible.

I started sending out emails in late February for a book tour starting in mid-June. Not only was I able to get the initial dates I wanted, but starting early gave me the time and space to juggle the schedule.

3. Give bookstores both general and specific reasons to host you.

I sent out detailed pitch emails, individualized for each bookstore. I included an up-to-date press release, a picture of my book cover, and—assuming my press release might not be opened—a few blurbs and a link to Amazon , where I have many five-star reviews. I then emphasized that, as a humorous memoir about travel, my book was a great summer vacation read—thus perfect for a June or July event. Finally, I leveraged ties to individual stores and cities. For example, as the author of Frommer's San Antonio and Austin , I promised potential hosts in both cities behind-the-scenes information about the writing of that guidebook.

4. Promote creatively.

After I'd pinned down dates and locations and started promoting them on Facebook, I noticed that the pictures I posted of my dog, Madeleine, got far more "likes" than status updates about the tour. Then I had a eureka moment. Many people know my writing from my last book, Am I Boring My Dog: And 99 Other Things Every Dog Wishes You Knew , and from my dog blog, WillMyDogHateMe.com . I'd been planning to take Madeleine on the book tour anyway, because she's excellent company. Why not capitalize on that?

Thus the Author & Her Dog Book Tour was born.

This sparked ideas for related cross-promotions, including one with a pet-friendly hotel in Austin , and another with a humane society in San Antonio ; I pledged 15% of all book sales to the rescue. This also helped nab me a spot on a San Antonio morning TV show. When your book has the word "naked" in the title, it doesn't hurt to include a cute dog and a family-friendly topic like pet rescue in your pitch.

5. Keep on top of your tour dates and publicity.

I didn't hire a publicist for my tour. I couldn't imagine that the cost would have been offset by additional sales and no one knows my book and my social media strategy better than I do. But sometimes I did make mistakes—for example, I gave a local reporter who wanted to cover my reading the wrong date for it.

Nevertheless, I consider my tour a success. I had fun seeing old friends and making new ones; I learned a lot; and, most of all, I gained confidence in my book—and in myself.

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What is a Book Tour

Written by: Laura Carpenter

April 24, 2024

Time to read 0 min

A book tour is a promotional event organised by a publishing house to promote a newly released book or an author's work. During a book tour, the author travels to different cities or countries to engage with readers, booksellers and the media. Book tours typically include book signings, readings, interviews and panel discussions.

Book tours are an essential part of book marketing and promotion, as they help generate buzz and excitement around a new book. They also provide authors with the opportunity to connect with their readers and build a loyal fan base. In addition, book tours can help increase book sales and visibility, as well as establish the author as an authority in their genre.

For readers, book tours offer a unique opportunity to meet their favorite authors in person, ask questions, and get their books signed. Attending a book tour can be a memorable and enriching experience, as it allows readers to gain insight into the author's creative process, inspiration and personal story.

Overall, book tours play a crucial role in the success of a book and are a valuable tool for authors and publishers alike. If you are a book lover, be sure to check out upcoming book tour events in your area to support your favorite authors and discover new literary talents.

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Everything you need to know about book tours.

The idea of planning a tour to promote your book can be very exciting but especially daunting. With a vision in mind, you are likely to have plenty of questions: What exactly is a book tour? How do I plan one? When should I do it? What do I do while on a tour?

These are all very good questions, and ones we hear from our authors often. We’ve put together the ultimate guide so you can choose the option that’s right for you!

What exactly is a book tour? What do I do while on a tour?

A book tour is a wonderful method to connect with your network in person and attract new readers. Social and digital media promotions are great for spreading the word and announcing updates about your book, but it’s also rewarding to get out there and share your message or story in a more personal or long-form way.

You can sign copies of your books, hold a party to celebrate the initial launch, read a chapter for attendees, or book interviews and speaking engagements. There are many combinations of what your book tour or single event can look like based on the scale of these events and size of your network.

Book Launch Event

Many authors plan a single event to celebrate their initial launch. If you want to keep your book launch event more personal, you can choose almost any venue to invite your network and encourage online sales or bring signed copies of your book to sell directly to guests.

You can also increase the potential for new readers by collaborating with your local bookstore. Whether you approach your neighborhood indie shop, or reach out to the local Barnes & Noble, many bookstores love working with local authors to schedule launch parties and signings. This is also a great opportunity to form a relationship with that bookstore to get copies of your book on their shelves!

Touring Local Bookstores

If your personal network is nearby, reaching out to local bookstores is a smart way to spread the word across your community. By connecting with multiple stores to schedule events during the months following your book’s release, you can increase your readership, build buzz in your city, and increase local demand for your book! Coordinate multiple events—the more interviews you do, the more opportunities you have to advertise your book and show all the milestones and accomplishments you achieve.


Perhaps your network spans multiple cities. Planning events outside of your own neighborhood, where members of your network are ready to show up and lead the charge in supporting your book, allows you to increase your readership on a larger scale. It takes further coordination and more resources, but with more effort comes satisfying rewards. Larger bookstores appreciate seeing not only the hard work put in by the author, but also the multiple places and local stores your book receives attention. This not only increases the magnitude of your campaign and number of eyes on your book, but also shows those larger bookstores that readers are excited about your book!

Podcasts/Virtual Events

Maybe you prefer the digital landscape. Speaking about your book on podcasts helps you grow awareness for both your book and your brand. Whether you are a first-time fiction author or an established thought leader, a podcast tour can provide a platform for you to share your work. Some authors primarily focus on podcasts as a way to promote their book online, while others coordinate in-person events and podcast events congruently.

In the same vein, since 2020, virtual book tours have become more popular. They existed before the pandemic, but understandably grew in popularity during that time. You can schedule a reading or Q&A via your website with a link for people to join at a certain date and time, or you can partner with a bookstore that conducts virtual events for the community. It’s all about what works best for you. You can also coordinate any cross-country event by taking the virtual approach if that’s more convenient for your schedule.

How do I plan one? When should I do it?

If a book tour on any scale is of interest to you, there are a variety of ways to start planning.

It’s best to start sooner rather than later in order to have the luxury of an open calendar for both you and the venue. You should promote the event in advance to your network on social media and/or your newsletter.

If you approach local stores, which many authors do, we suggest you send them an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) or sales sheet with essential information at least 2–3 months in advance of when you would like to hold an event. Our Print-on-Demand titles are submitted to retailers much closer to publication, so it’s imperative to keep in mind when your book will be available for bookstores to order and when you’ll be able to order copies yourself. It’s important to let bookstores know that you are a local author, share any planned PR and marketing coverage for the book to show the demand you will be generating, and express your interest in working with them on an event around the time of your book’s release. Every store works differently, so whether they want to order copies of your book for the event via a wholesaler or you need to bring physical copies to the store, your Greenleaf team can help make sure you have the books on hand.

If you are working with a publicist, they can help coordinate a tour for you. Talk with your publicist about signings, speaking engagements, and event promotions as you build your campaign with them.

Once you have the venue, bookstore, or podcast booked, make sure you let your network know! The more support you receive at these events, the better. A good turnout and/or high engagement in podcast episodes can open more doors for you and your book. You may also want to promote the event in local new outlets. Whether you take out an ad in the newspaper or radio station or work on cross-promotion with the bookstore, it’s important to let as many people know about your book as possible.

As you are preparing for your book tour, remember that promoting your book is a marathon, not a sprint. Yes, it is important to plan events as close to the initial launch as possible, but they don’t have to, and likely won’t, happen all in the first month. If you choose to host a single event to celebrate the launch, we recommend doing this the same week the book releases. If you are coordinating an entire tour, in person or virtually, you can plan these events and interviews for the weeks and months after release. It’s important to inform your Greenleaf Marketing and Distribution teams, as well as your publicist, about your event plans to generate the most impact and exposure. A book tour is a fantastic way to continue to build upon the momentum of your book launch, reach new readers, and grow the visibility for both you and your book.

Written by Greenleaf's Marketing Strategist, Madelyn Myers

Madelyn is responsible for the execution of marketing strategies to increase visibility and readership for Greenleaf authors and their books.

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What do I need to use My Tour Book?

Any PC or Mac with a fairly up to date browser (Google Chrome, Firefox etc) is all you need to build your tour. The main website is desktop based, with a mobile version for viewing your tour as a tour member. You can also access the tour and other features as a tour member via the tour member app, and you can manage your tour on the go via the tour manager app. Both of these apps are available for Android and iOS.

Click here for links to the apps

Can you help me build my tour?

Yes, contact us via the contact page and we can assist you, or for a small fee we can just build the tour for you.

What is the best place to start?

The best place to start is with our tutorial guide on YouTube. We have videos on each section of the site and also some brief overviews for those that want to dive in.

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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

A book tour may sound like some fanciful dream for an indie author, the kind of thing that’s only available to traditionally published authors with six-digit advances. But plenty of independent authors plan and execute successful book tours. In the end, bookstores don’t care if your book was published by one of the Big 5 publishers or if you self-published it; they only care that you can drive traffic to their store.

Table of Contents: • Before contacting bookstores • Create a sell-sheet • Scaling your tour • How can I find suitable venues for my book tour? • Schedule way in advance • Collaborate with other writers or influencers • Create promotional campaigns • Adapt to the ambiance • Rehearsal and dry runs • Day of the event • You need books for your tour!

Book tours offer independent authors a chance to forge partnerships with bookstores, libraries, and other venues. They also offer opportunities to meet their readers, find new ones, and get a better sense of how their writing connects with their audience. So how do you plan a successful book tour?

Before contacting bookstores

Before you start calling bookstores to schedule dates, you’re going to need some essential information on hand. When is your exact release date? How can the store get copies of your book?

A good idea is to create a sell-sheet you can deliver to venue owners so they will have everything they need in one organized, complete document.

Create a sell-sheet

A sell-sheet should include:

  • A prominent image of your book’s cover.
  • A three-to-five sentence blurb describing your book.
  • General information, including your release date, publisher/ imprint , the book’s ISBN, page count, and purchasing info.
  • A short about the author paragraph introducing who you are. Mention anything that will make you look great, like other published books or awards.
  • Your contact information, including website, email address, and phone number.
  • Any testimonials or reviews you’ve amassed that can vouch for the quality of your book and writing.

Here is an article that offers up great design ideas for sell-sheets. If you’re not a designer, consider hiring one.

Scaling your tour

The words “book tour” tend to evoke images of flying off to distant and glamorous locales across North America, but if this is your first tour, think locally. Start with a library, bookstore, and school in your hometown and branch out from there. Draw a circle around your house and find appropriate venues within an hour’s drive so you’re not dealing with hotel and travel expenses.

Also, by keeping it local, you are more likely to be a draw — and you’re more likely to know people who can come out to your event. Once you’ve hit all the places in your region, you’ll have a better sense of how well your tour is going and how people are reacting to your live event. Then you’ll be in a better place to expand your tour to other regions.

When choosing your next region, hit areas where you have friends first, or bring friends with you and make it a road trip.

How can I find suitable venues for my book tour?

Bookstores seem like the most logical venues for hosting a book signing or reading, but that may not be the only or best place for you. (Not to mention, bookstores tend to book up, especially in the holiday season.) If you’re a children’s book author, you might want to focus on schools. Libraries are always open to hosting events, especially if the author is local and especially for nonfiction authors who can work educational angles into their presentations.

Cafes, community centers, art galleries, museums, and universities can also be excellent places to host an event. Consider the demographics of your target audience as well as the subject matter of your book. Tailoring your venue choices to your readers’ preferences will enhance the overall experience and boost attendance.

Research local book festivals and conferences to see if you can attend as a reader, panelist, or judge.

Schedule way in advance

If you wait until the last minute, you’re not going to have many options available to you. You also won’t have time to promote your appearance. Consider booking your tour four-to-six months ahead of time. Not only will you be more likely to get the dates you want, but you’ll have time for promotion and more flexibility should plans change.

Collaborate with other writers or influencers

Consider teaming up with other authors or influencers who share your target audience. Collaborative events can draw a larger crowd and provide a dynamic experience for attendees. Plus, these joint efforts will lighten the workload for you when it comes to promotion and planning.

Create promotional campaigns

six months to publishing

Adapt to the ambiance

Each venue has its ambiance, and you should tailor your event to match. If you’re in a cozy cafe, an intimate, conversational format might be suitable. In contrast, a bookstore might accommodate a larger crowd for readings and Q&A sessions.

Rehearsal and dry runs

If you’ve never read your work out loud before, you will definitely want to practice. If possible, conduct dry-run events with a small group of friends or colleagues to gather feedback and identify spots to address in your presentation. Or try recording yourself and review to determine what works and what doesn’t. Make sure you are confident and rehearsed when it comes to showtime.

Day of the event

On the day of any of your tour events, arrive early to set up. Greet attendees with warmth and enthusiasm and create a welcoming atmosphere. Engage in meaningful interactions, sign books, and make an effort to connect with your readers. Capture the moments through photos and videos to share on your social media platforms and keep the tour’s momentum alive.

You need books for your tour!

Planning a book tour requires meticulous preparation and creativity. And if this is your first book tour, keep your expectations realistic — it’s not likely you’ll have 400 people showing up for each stop. Your goal with this first tour is to plant the seeds for your future tours: form personal connections with readers and venue owners, showcase your work, and build your email list. These should be the hallmarks of a successful tour.

Of course, the first thing you need for a book tour is your physical books, and BookBaby’s Complete Self-Publishing Packages have everything you need to publish printed books that will impress your readers at every tour event.

Related Posts The Power of Self-Publishing: Why It Outshines the Big 5 Publishers What is Imprint Publishing? About the Author Examples to Get You Inspired Common-sense Tips To Get People To Your Book Signing 10 Book Launch Don’ts

Thank you. I didn’t know I needed this!

Thanks so much for this advice!!!

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Czym są i do czego służą systemy Tour Guide

WAGO ELWAG sp. z o.o..

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18-11-2016, 00:00 Systemy tour-guide powstały z myślą o turystyce. Ich pierwotnym przeznaczeniem było umożliwienie komunikacji przewodnika z grupami turystycznymi lub pielgrzymkowymi. Coraz częściej znajdują swoje zastosowanie w innych dziedzinach życia, na przykład w biznesie, przemyśle, czy kulturze, i cieszą się rosnącą popularnością.

Systemy tour-guide

Jak działa tour guide system i z czego się składa?

Typowy tour guide system składa się z nadajnika radiowego oraz kieszonkowych odbiorników ze słuchawkami. Osoba posiadająca nadajnik (np. przewodnik wycieczki) za pomocą bezprzewodowego mikrofonu przekazuje informacje do pozostałych członków grupy. Istnieją też systemy audio-guide, które polegają na odsłuchiwaniu nagranych wcześniej wypowiedzi lektora oraz systemy do komunikacji dwustronnej, które umożliwiają prowadzenie dyskusji.

Systemy audio tour guide umożliwiają przekazywanie informacji dużej grupie odbiorców w zatłoczonych, hałaśliwych miejscach, bez konieczności przekrzykiwania się. Są lekkie, niewielkie i wygodne, a ich obsługa jest prosta i nie sprawia kłopotów użytkownikom. Nie wymagają instalowania żadnego oprogramowania, ani stałego dostępu do źródła zasilania.

Gdzie można stosować tour guide system?

Pierwotnym przeznaczeniem systemów tour guide była turystyka. W ostatnich latach stały się też popularne w innych branżach. Jakich? Oto kilka przykładów.

  • Przemysł. Podczas oprowadzania gości po hali produkcyjnej, czy prowadzenia szkoleń na terenie zakładu, hałas może stanowić barierę komunikacyjną. System tour guide pozwala unikać podnoszenia głosu i zwiększa komfort wypowiedzi. Dzięki temu goście czy prelegenci nie mają problemówz odbiorem komunikatów. Szczególnie efektywny jest system tourguide full duplex, który umożliwia komunikację dwustronną.  
  • Muzea. Panuje tam zazwyczaj cisza, więc gdy w jednym pomieszczeniu spotkają się dwie grupy turystów, mogą przeszkadzać nie tylko sobie nawzajem, ale też pozostałym odwiedzającym. W takich przypadkach system audio guide powoduje, że każdy uczestnik wycieczki może wysłuchać przewodnika lub lektora w komfortowych warunkach.  
  • Tłumaczenia. Podczas wycieczek, delegacji, na międzynarodowych targach, konferencjach, a nawet spotkań o charakterze rządowym – wszędzie tam tłumacze odgrywają ważną rolę. Systemy tour guide sprawdzają się doskonale, ponieważ pomagają usprawniać przebieg wydarzeń. Organizatorzy międzynarodowych spotkań mogą zdecydować się na systemy mobilne lub systemy stacjonarne, które wykorzystywane są zazwyczaj w profesjonalnych salach konferencyjnych, na uczelniach oraz w biurach tłumaczeń.  
  • Audiodeskrypcja. Jest to sposób werbalnego przekazywania wizualnych treści osobom niewidomymi niedowidzącym. Służy do relacjonowania wydarzeń sportowych, kulturalnych, czy artystycznych.Tour guide system pozwala aktywnie uczestniczyć w życiu społecznym osobom z dysfunkcjami wzroku.

Zastosowań systemów tour guide z pewnością jest dużo więcej, a sposób ich wykorzystania zależy często od fantazji użytkowników. Na rynku dostępnych jest wiele rodzajów systemów, które dają przeróżne możliwości. Mnogość rozwiązań powoduje, że systemy audio tour guide zyskują coraz więcej zwolenn

Polecane strony

W naszym serwisie możesz złożyć zapytanie do wielu firm. Zapytanie możesz wysłać bezpośrednio do firmy lub o wybrany produkt a nawet całą kategorię produktów. Poniżej w kilku krokach pokazujemy jak wysłać zapytanie.


1. Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki wpisując czego szukasz.


2. Zaznacz na liście wyniku wyszukiwania wybrane pozycje.

Możesz także wejść bezpośrednio do katalogu firm lub katalogu produktów i dokonać wyboru.


3. Twój wybór będzie pokazany w górnym pasku portalu. Najedź myszką i kliknij.


4. Następnie kliknij przycisk „Wyślij zapytanie do firm”.


5. Jeżeli nie jesteś zalogowany to włączy się strona z możliwością wyboru w jaki sposób chcesz korzystać z serwisu.


6. Włączy się formularz składania zapytania. Miejsca, do których składasz zapytania zostały podzielone na zakładki. Na czerwono podświetlone są liczby wybranych firm, produktów itd. Tutaj możesz jeszcze dokonać zmian wyboru. Wpisz swoje zapytanie, podaj dane kontaktowe i wyślij.


7. My roześlemy Twoje zapytanie do wybranych przez Ciebie firm, a Ty czekaj na odpowiedzi.

8. Chcesz złożyć zapytanie? Kliknij tutaj i wpisz czego szukasz.

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Te pliki cookie są niezbędne do działania strony i nie można ich wyłączyć. Służą na przykład do utrzymania informacji o wybranym mieście, które ma być uwzględniane podczas wyszukiwania firm/produktów.

Analityczne pliki cookie

Te pliki cookie pozwalają liczyć wizyty i źródła ruchu. Dzięki tym plikom wiadomo, które strony są bardziej popularne i w jaki sposób poruszają się odwiedzający stronę. Te informacje pomagaj nam w ulepszaniu funkcjonowania i dostosowania serwisów do potrzeb Użytkowników. Wszystkie informacje gromadzone przez te pliki cookie są anonimowe.

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Reklamowe pliki cookie mogą być wykorzystywane za pośrednictwem naszej strony przez naszych partnerów reklamowych. Służą do budowania profilu Twoich zainteresowań na podstawie informacji o stronach, które przeglądasz, co obejmuje unikalną identyfikację Twojej przeglądarki i urządzenia końcowego. Jeśli nie zezwolisz na te pliki to wyświetlane reklamy nie będą oparte na Twoich zainteresowaniach.

How to Plan a Book Tour

By vivek shraya & submitted by kevin.


As grateful as I am for the vast reach that the internet provides artists, every time I tour I am reminded of the value of real life human connection and interaction. Being able to travel with my art is a privilege, and I always look forward to opportunities to share a new project or book with as many people as I can.

That said, planning a book tour can feel daunting, especially if you have never done it before. Where do you start? Who should you contact? Who is going to pay for it? These are all great questions! I thought I would share what I have learned and strategies I have employed since my first book tour in 2010.

Make Your Dream List Where would you love to take your book? What cities would you love to read in? What audiences would you like to reach? Make your dream list and then organize the list of cities geographically ie Western Canada, Eastern Canada.

Make A Budget Determine how much you can afford to invest in a tour. Consider not only travel and accommodation costs, but also daily living costs like food and a small budget for items you forget to pack. Input all of this information into a spreadsheet.

Having a day job is largely what allows me to fund touring. But where possible, it is worth looking into grants such as The Writers’ Union of Canada’s National Public Readings program. Ask your publisher if they have a tour budget. Some writers are able to crowdfund their their tours.

Remember that touring is expensive and generally not a money-making endeavor. However, making a budget is a vital step towards at least breaking even.

Tough Love Your Dream List Look at your dream list alongside your budget and determine how many cities you can actually afford to visit. Highlight the cities where you know people will come out to support you and where you have access to a friend’s or relative’s couch to crash on, so you won’t have to shell out for a hotel. These cities are more worth investing than places where you have no connections.

Again, touring is expensive and expenses add up quickly when you are on the road. As ambitious as I am, I always aim to be realistic when planning a tour. It is better to do three gigs with a higher possibility of a good turnout, than to tour fifteen cities where you don’t know anyone.

Choose The Right Venue I strongly believe in supporting independent bookstores whenever possible, so once I have my revised list of cities, I start researching their local bookstores. Being queer, I also look for local queer-friendly bookstores. Turning to your online networks for suggestions is useful, as your friends in Calgary might know where all the cool book readings take place.

Bookstores are perfect venues for book tours because they will stock your book in advance ((if you book a reading at a cafe, you have to carry and sell your books yourself), and will often promote the event on their website and social media. They are also generally cozy enough that even fifteen or twenty people attending your reading can feel like a full audience, as opposed to a giant bookstore like Indigo that can be harder to fill (if you aren’t J.K. Rowling - yet). Do keep in mind that most bookstores don’t have a budget to pay writers, although some will pass around a hat at the end of a reading and give the money collected to the author.

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Partner With Organizations Aside from bookstores, do some research to find out whether the city in question has a regular reading series or festival that you could join. Or look for certain organizations or collectives that might be interested in hosting you because of your identities or because of the content of your book. For my first book tour, I ended up reading at several Pride events across Canada. For my many of the events on my recent book tour, I partnered with various people of colour collectives as the main theme of my new book is racism.

Reach out to relevant student groups at colleges and universities to see if they are interested in hosting a reading. Make sure your introductory email is short and clear, with very few attachments. Many organizations are over-worked and under-staffed, so your email should create a sense of excitement or curiosity as opposed to feeling like more work to navigate.

Because art is seldom valued as labour, asking for an honourarium will often fall on your shoulders, but remember to do so if you partner with an organization. Some organizations, especially post-secondary institutions, will be able to provide some funding which will help with your tour costs. A simple “Is there a possibility of an honourarium” works.

Partner With Authors - Pt 1 Whenever I am planning a tour, I pay attention to other local writers who are releasing new books and reach out to see if they would like to tour together. Touring can be lonely, but touring with another author means you have someone you can lesbian-process with, as Farzana Doctor and I did on our “God Loves Pavement” tour in 2012 , and with whom to split driving duties and tour costs.

Touring with other writers also a wonderful way to build community. I learned so much about the Vancouver literary scene from touring with Amber Dawn and Leah Horlick in 2015 , and seeing them share their poetry every day for a week inspired me to rediscover poetry for myself.

Lastly, touring with another author helps increase the draw for your gigs. When I toured with Elisha Lim in 2014, there were certain cities where people attended because they were familiar with Elisha’s work and vice versa. If we had toured separately it is unlikely that we would have had the opportunity to reach the same mix of audience members.

Partner With Authors - Pt 2

Imani Sims

Once I have booked dates for a tour, I research (via Google and again by asking my online networks) and invite one or two local writers in each city, ideally who write in a similar genre, to join the bill. Again, this builds a sense of community. I have met so many incredible writers across North America this way, including Imani Sims , Kym Nacita , and Indira Allegra . The hope is also that these writers will each bring a couple of their friends to the event to help bolster attendance. As a small gesture of appreciation, I often gift these writers with a free copy of my book where possible.

Promote Promote Promote Now you have an amazing tour planned - but don’t forgot to promote it! Ideally all of your events will be packed with excited audiences.

● Come up with a short, relevant and catchy name for your tour. For many of my past tours, a tour name has been created by combining the book titles of the authors I am touring with (i.e. “God Loves Pavement Book Tour” or “When The Mountains End Book Tour”)

● Create a hashtag with this name that you can use everytime you post about the tour (and when you are on tour, let your audience know what the hashtag is so when they post their selfie with you, they include the tour hashtag).

● Create a colourful poster that can be adapted for every city on the tour. If you don’t have visual arts skills yourself, hire a designer to create a poster for you. This can then be printed and displayed by the venue, and utilized in your online networks.

● Create Facebook event pages for each of your tour dates so you can invite all of your Facebook friends in each city. Facebook event pages are also easily shareable too, so your friends can readily invite their friends!

Farzana Doctor

● Send a press release with all the details about the event to each city’s local press, especially their weekly / alternative newspapers. Include at least one high resolution image (such as the tour poster) just in case the outlet decides to write a story. Again, keep these emails short and clear.

● At the end of each gig, let your audience know where you are heading next as they might have friends in that area and might be inclined to let them know of your arrival.

● Build a promo squad (see this helpful how to guide from writer Farzana Doctor - pg 10).

In short, be tenacious and creative in your promotion. For our “Crushes and Mountains” tour, Elisha reached out to professors at post-secondary institutions who were teaching subjects that related to our books in each city we visited, and in Pittsburgh, a whole class attended our reading!

Happy Touring!

The views expressed by Open Book columnists are those held by the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Open Book.

Vivek Shraya  is a Toronto-based artist whose body of work includes several  albums ,  films , and  books . Her first novel,  She of the Mountains , was named one of The Globe and Mail’s Best Books of 2014. Her debut collection of poetry,  even this page is white , was released this spring, and her first children’s picture book,  The Boy & the Bindi , was published this fall. Vivek has read and performed inter­nationally at shows, festivals and post-secondary institutions, including sharing the stage with Tegan & Sara. She is one half of the music duo  Too Attached .

Vivek is a 2016 Pride Toronto Grand Marshal, a three-time Lambda Literary Award finalist, a 2015 Toronto Arts Foundation Emerging Artist Award finalist, and a 2015 recipient of the Writers’ Trust of Canada’s  Dayne Ogilvie Prize  Honour of Distinction.

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"wild" po polsku — Słownik angielsko-polski | zobacz "wild" po angielsku

obrazek do "wild" po polsku

  • dziki (roślina, zwierzę) Tigers are wild animals. (Tygrysy to dzikie zwierzęta.) These wild plants may be poisonous. (Te dzikie rośliny mogą być trujące.) Wild animals are dangerous. (Dzikie zwierzęta są niebezpieczne.)
  • dziki , w pierwotnym stanie The island was wild and beautiful. (Wyspa była dzika i piękna.) Just look at this wild landscape. (Spójrz tylko na ten dziki krajobraz.)
  • niepohamowany , nieokiełznany (śmiech) She uttered a wild laugh. (Ona wydała z siebie nieokiełznany śmiech.) His wild laugh woke up my children. (Jego niepohamowany śmiech obudził moje dzieci.)
  • hulaszczy , szalony (np. zachowanie) She is wild, we do something new every day. (Ona jest szalona, robimy coś nowego każdego dnia.) Your wild behaviour will bring you trouble, you'll see. (Twoje hulaszcze zachowanie sprowadzi na ciebie kłopoty, zobaczysz.)
  • dziki , szaleńczy (np. zabawa) potocznie That party was wild, I came back home at 7 a.m! (Ta impreza była szalona, wróciłem do domu o 7 rano!) His wild laughter scared me. (Jego dziki śmiech wystraszył mnie.)
  • szalony , niedorzeczny (np. plan) That idea is wild, we cannot jump into the lake! (Ten pomysł jest niedorzeczny, nie możemy wskoczyć do jeziora!) His plan to make a million dollars was wild. (Jego plan na zarobienie miliona dolarów był niedorzeczny.) His plan to make a million dollars was wild. (Jego plan zarobienia miliona dolarów był niedorzeczny.)
  • wzburzony , burzliwy (np. morze) A wild ocean is both beautiful and scary. (Wzburzone morze jest piękne i straszne jednocześnie.) No, you can't go swimming, the sea is wild today. (Nie, nie możesz iść popływać, morze jest dziś wzburzone.)
  • wpieniony , wściekły potocznie My father is wild because I crashed his car. (Mój ojciec jest wściekły, bo rozbiłem jego samochód.) My girlfriend will be wild when I tell her I cheated on her. (Moja dziewczyna będzie wściekła, kiedy jej powiem, że ją zdradziłem.)

wild przymiotnik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

And they may not care enough to keep them wild .

My eyes were wild by the time the woman got to me.

Much more of a wild west feel about the place.

Yeah well you couldn't put them back in the wild now.

For one wild moment, all she could think was Yes!

I never see a man look so wild in the eyes.

The wild light had left his eyes for a moment.

They can live up to 10 years in the wild .

But I should like to see the wild man again.

But you better hope he's not the wild one again.

You know what our idea of a wild time was?

I let some into the wild to see what happened.

I've been wild for you to see the new place.

She's new here and the people are wild about her.

In the wild they may live up to 35 years.

Once inside, they tell their parents about the wild man.

In the wild they live for between 12 and 15 months.

They have been living in the wild at least since the 1970s.

In the wild they only live for about 3-5 years.

IE8 has been out in the wild for a while now.

The program in the wild still is years away, he said.

What would they say if he came back with some wild story?

And then they go wild to get at you, as now.

His eyes were wild when he looked up at me again.

You're always saying how much you like to support wild life.

  • karta dżoker (zastępująca dowolną kartę) The wild has won this game for me. (Karta dżoker wygrała za mnie tę grę.) If you don't know what to do, play a wild. (Jeśli nie wiesz co zrobić, zagraj dżokerem.)

wild rzeczownik

No one was quite sure where in the wilds they were.

The idea was for me to see what they were up to in the wilds .

Or been able to go far away, out into the wilds where no one would find me.

They might have even got a little lost, way out there in the wilds .

"If this were the old days, we could run away together to the wilds ."

"So love brought you back from the wilds of Africa."

Sent off to fight for her life in the wilds of space?

"I had not expected to leave you for these wilds ."

As you say, we lie among the people of the wilds .

But seeing them there in the wilds was a very different matter.

She had never been so far into the unknown wilds .

Most city folk had no business being in the wilds .

In these damp wilds they were not the only people.

To his right, the ground rolled off into the wilds .

I fought for a time up north, near the wilds .

She was having a great time in the wilds of Peru.

Not so far to the north were the wilds of Scotland.

"And then on to the wilds of the north for me.

He wasn't going to leave for the wilds of Wales until morning.

However pleasant the morning might seem to them, he knew they were still in the wilds .

Step outside and the wilds of Wales are at your feet.

I am not letting you walk off alone into the wilds .

"The one you told me about, come from beyond the wilds to the south?

"Animals that grow up with people don't know how to look after themselves when they go back to the wilds later."

It was something from home for Edna to take into the wilds .

  • dziko (np. żyjący) I saw a wild-living lion. (Widziałem dziko żyjącego lwa.) This is a rare wild-living tribe. (To jest rzadkie dziko żyjące plemię.)
  • środowisko naturalne

She has also been in a relationship with Wild Child.

Decided he'd finally take a look at the Wild West museum.

He had a pretty decent night against the Wild , 2 assists and a goal.

Mendes took a step forward, but Wild shook his head.

Powiązane zwroty — "wild"

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Nicki Minaj Appears to Have Been Detained by Amsterdam Police Over Claims of Drug Possession

The 'Pink Friday 2' pulled out her cellphone to record while having trouble with law officials during the international leg of her tour.

Nicki Minaj seems to be having trouble overseas during the Pink Friday 2 World Tour.

Following a multi-post rant on X regarding law officials who stopped her ahead of the Manchester date of the tour, Minaj recorded herself being detained.

"Where am I going? I have no idea where I'm going," the 41-year-old artist asked the police in the clip below.

Nicki Minaj shared an Instagram Live video of herself seemingly getting arrested. pic.twitter.com/hDMN8DJU4v — Andrés Tardio (@AndresWrites) May 25, 2024

After the two men gave her directions as to where they were taking her, they confirmed that she was being arrested. "I'm under arrest for what?" she asked before requesting a lawyer and asking who else would be in the vehicle with her.

Before the end of the video, the police shut the doors on Minaj, who sat alone in the vehicle.

In another video Minaj shared on Saturday via her instagram, she recorded an incident in which she claimed "they took my bags before I could see them."

View this photo on Instagram

"They’ve been trying to stop me from coming to every show. They took my bags before I could see them. Put it on the plane," she captioned the post. "Now saying they’re waiting on customs. This is what it looks like when ppl are paid big money to try to sabotage a tour after all else failed. Everything they’ve done is illegal."

While the Barbz continue to seek answers about Minaj's arrest, she's kept them updated on X about the Manchester police conducting a search and causing a concert delay, suggesting that they're attempting to stop the show altogether.

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"They’re being paid big money to try to sabotage my tour b/c soooooo many ppl are mad that it’s this successful & they can’t eat off me. They got caught stealing money from my travel/jets. Got fired. Got mad. Etc," the "FTCU" rapper wrote in one pointed post.

She added that while Minaj plane was being held up, the pilot had pre-rolls on him and was allegedly upset about her Instagram post during the ordeal, asking her to delete it. Concerning the marijuana discovered on the pilot, while the substance is decriminalized in designated coffeeshops in the Netherlands, where Minaj will perform on June 2, cannabis is illegal to possess and distribute in Manchester.

The Manchester concert could have a longer delay and a possible cancellation if Minaj and the police are unable to find a resolution. Read more of her posts below.

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  7. Znaczenie TOUR, definicja w Cambridge English Dictionary

    TOUR definicja: 1. a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and…. Dowiedź się więcej.

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  11. What is a Book Tour

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    www.stuff.co.nz. After an unknown amount of codes were entered, the tour date would be unlocked. en.wikipedia.org. It was played in the 1979, 1980 and 1981 tours, and was also rehearsed for the 2002 tour. ... They dealt with theatrical managers and were able to book a year's tour for the manager, but any length of time after that became ...

  13. What is an Online Book Tour? And Why Do I Need One?

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  15. FAQ

    The main website is desktop based, with a mobile version for viewing your tour as a tour member. You can also access the tour and other features as a tour member via the tour member app, and you can manage your tour on the go via the tour manager app. Both of these apps are available for Android and iOS. Click here for links to the apps.

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    Vivek Shraya is a Toronto-based artist whose body of work includes several albums, films, and books.Her first novel, She of the Mountains, was named one of The Globe and Mail's Best Books of 2014.Her debut collection of poetry, even this page is white, was released this spring, and her first children's picture book, The Boy & the Bindi, was published this fall.

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  22. wild

    niepohamowany, nieokiełznany (śmiech) She uttered a wild laugh. (Ona wydała z siebie nieokiełznany śmiech.) His wild laugh woke up my children. (Jego niepohamowany śmiech obudził moje dzieci.) hulaszczy, szalony (np. zachowanie) She is wild, we do something new every day. (Ona jest szalona, robimy coś nowego każdego dnia.)

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    The Basic Questions of Philosophy Nagel presents this book as a direct introduction to a selection of nine philosophical problems which the reflective human mind finds naturally puzzling, each of which can be understood in itself, without reference to the history of thought — so Nagel opts to omit discussion on the great philosophical writings of the past or the cultural background of those ...

  24. Nicki Minaj Appears to Have Been Detained by Amsterdam Police ...

    Nicki Minaj seems to be having trouble overseas during the Pink Friday 2 World Tour. Following a multi-post rant on X regarding law officials who stopped her ahead of the Manchester date of the ...