Log into your Miles & More account

Please enter your Travel ID (email address) or service card number.

Your service card number consists of 15 characters and can be found on your Miles & More card or your service card in the Miles & More app. You created your User ID (4-16 characters) when you registered.

Please enter your password.

Your password contains at least eight characters. Your PIN consists of the numbers 0-9.

Forgot your PIN?

Confirm your personal data

  • E-mail address
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number

I accept the  Miles & More terms and conditions of participation  and the  Travel ID terms and conditions of use . The  Miles & More Privacy Policy  and the  Travel ID Privacy Policy  apply.

Travel easier - with the Lufthansa Group's digital travel companions

lufthansa.com travel id

When traveling on business there are numerous factors to consider, from finding the right gate to selecting from the in-flight menu and reserving your favorite seat. You know that better than most. But it doesn't have to be complicated:

With the exclusive benefits provided by the Lufthansa Group Airlines apps in conjunction with your personal Travel ID , you can save more time and focus on preparing for your appointments and business at your destination in peace.

You and your travelers can look forward to more services, more information, more convenience and most importantly, significant time savings . Simply download the app of your Lufthansa Group Airline and log in with your personal Travel ID. Here we show you how it works:

The Lufthansa Group Airlines Apps

From booking to mobile check-in even upon arrival, the app keeps you and your employees informed with timely updates on your flights and matching offers through push notifications and real-time information. Download the Lufthansa Group Airlines apps now and look forward to your digital travel companion.

Don't forget: Log in to the app with your personal Travel ID, and benefit from additional useful services. Feel free to pass on this tip.

  • To the ​ Lufthansa App
  • To the ​ Austrian App
  • To the ​ SWISS App
  • To the ​ Brussels App

One Travel ID - a lot behind it

The personal Travel ID offers you many possibilities. With a single login, users can access all Lufthansa Group channels and Miles & More. Benefit from practical services such as personalized offers and faster booking processes. For instance, you or your employees can conveniently access saved travel documents . In combination with the app of your Lufthansa Group airline, your business trip becomes an all-around comfortable travel experience.

To the Travel ID

  • ​ Lufthansa

Published 16.06.2023

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Häufig gestellte fragen und antworten zur travel id, allgemeines, was ist die travel id.

Die Travel ID ist Ihr Zugang zu den digitalen Kanälen der Lufthansa Group Airlines und Miles & More.

Welche Vorteile bietet mir die Travel ID?

  • Einfach: einheitliche Anmeldung mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse.
  • Umfassend: Zugang zu den Kanälen der Lufthansa Group Airlines.
  • Schnell: dank vorausgefüllter Formulare.
  • Übersichtlich: persönliche Daten, aktuelle Informationen und Empfehlungen rund um Ihre Buchung auf einen Blick.
  • Individuell: maßgeschneiderte Angebote für Sie.
  • Plus: auf Wunsch alle Vorteile von Miles & More nutzen.

Wie kann ich mit der Travel ID Meilen sammeln?

Indem Sie Miles & More für Ihre Travel ID aktivieren. Entweder bei der Registrierung oder (in wenigen Wochen) nachträglich in Ihrem Travel ID Profil. Danach sammeln Sie Meilen und Points, wenn Sie mit Ihrer Travel ID buchen oder Ihre Miles & More Servicekartennummer bei der Buchung angeben.


Warum wird mein passwort bei der registrierung nicht akzeptiert.

Ihr Passwort muss sich von Ihrem Nutzernamen unterscheiden und darf nicht zuvor verwendet worden sein. Zusätzlich besteht es aus:

  • mindestens 8 Zeichen
  • mindestens 1 Großbuchstabe
  • mindestens 1 Kleinbuchstabe
  • mindestens 1 Ziffer
  • mindestens 1 der folgenden Sonderzeichen: §!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<>?_@\

Warum wird meine E-Mail-Adresse bei der Registrierung nicht akzeptiert?

Wahrscheinlich existiert bereits ein Travel ID Konto für Ihre E-Mail-Adresse. Da je E-Mail-Adresse nur ein Konto angelegt werden kann, müssen Sie für die Registrierung eine andere E-Mail-Adresse verwenden.

Alternativ können Sie das Passwort zurücksetzen und das bestehende Konto nutzen.

Warum ist mein Aktivierungslink für die Travel ID abgelaufen/nicht gültig?

Der Aktivierungslink Ihrer Travel ID ist 24 Stunden gültig. Danach müssen Sie die Registrierung von vorne beginnen, um einen neuen Aktivierungslink zu erhalten.

Warum habe ich keine E-Mail mit einem Aktivierungslink erhalten?

Überprüfen Sie Ihren Spamordner. Sollte dort keine E-Mail mit dem Aktivierungslink eingegangen sein, registrieren Sie sich bitte erneut.

Warum ist meine Travel ID nicht aktiv?

Bevor Sie sich mit Ihrer Travel ID einloggen können, müssen Sie den Aktivierungslink anklicken. Sie finden diesen Link in der E-Mail, die an Ihre angegebene Travel ID E-Mail-Adresse gesendet wird.

Was kann ich tun, wenn ich meine Zugangsdaten vergessen habe?

Klicken Sie auf "Passwort vergessen", geben Sie Ihre Travel ID E-Mail-Adresse ein und folgen Sie dem weiteren Prozess.

Welche Login-Optionen habe ich für meine Travel ID?

Je nach Art Ihrer Travel ID (mit oder ohne Miles & More), haben Sie folgende Login-Möglichkeiten:

  • ohne Miles & More: Travel ID E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort
  • mit Miles & More: Travel ID E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort oder Servicekartennummer und PIN

Warum kann ich mich nicht mehr einloggen?

Wahrscheinlich wurde Ihr Profil noch nicht aktiviert.

Falls weniger als 24 Stunden seit der Registrierung vergangen sind, überprüfen Sie Ihr Postfach und Ihren Spamordner. Dort finden Sie eine E-Mail mit dem Aktivierungslink. Wenn mehr als 24 Stunden sind seit der Registrierung vergangen sind, registrieren Sie sich erneut und aktivieren Sie Ihre Travel ID mit dem Link den wir Ihnen per E-Mail senden.

Kann ich mich mit meiner Travel ID auch bei anderen Airlines der Lufthansa Group einloggen?

Ja, sie können sich zukünftig bei allen Airlines der Lufthansa Group einloggen. Dazu gehören die Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, SWISS, Brussels Airlines, Eurowings und Discover Airlines.

Warum kann ich mich in mein Lufthansa iD Profil nicht mehr einloggen?

Die Lufthansa iD wurde zum 31.01.23 abgeschaltet. Die Lufthansa iD wurde von der Travel ID abgelöst. Falls Sie sie die Informationen dazu übersehen haben, legen Sie sich bitte eine Travel ID neu an.

Falls Sie aktive Buchungen haben können Sie diese unter My Bookings zu Ihrem Travel ID Profil hinzufügen.

Ich habe die Umstellung meiner Airline ID auf die Travel ID verpasst. Was kann ich tun?

Ihre Airline ID wurde gelöscht. Bitte registrieren Sie sich neu für die Travel ID. Falls Sie aktive Buchungen haben können Sie diese unter My Bookings zu Ihrem Travel ID Profil hinzufügen.


Wie kann ich die e-mail-adresse ändern, die ich zum einloggen nutze.

Fügen Sie zuerst die neue E-Mail-Adresse in Ihrem Profil unter "Kontaktinformationen" hinzu. Bestätigen Sie die Änderung mit dem Aktivierungslink, den wir Ihnen per E-Mail zusenden. Kehren Sie zu Ihrem Travel ID Profil zurück und ziehen Sie die bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse an den Anfang der Liste.

Kann ich meinem Profil mehrere Vielfliegerprogramme hinzufügen?

Nein, Sie können Ihrem Profil nur ein Vielfliegerprogramm hinzufügen. Wenn Miles & More für Ihre Travel ID bereits aktiviert ist, können Sie kein weiteres Vielfliegerprogramm hinzufügen.

Kann ich meinem Travel ID Konto eine E-Mail-Adresse hinzufügen, die bereits in einem anderen Travel ID Konto verwendet wird?

Eine E-Mail-Adresse kann nur in einem Travel ID Konto hinterlegt sein. Wenn Sie mehrere Travel ID Konten angelegt haben, müssen Sie Ihr nicht verwendetes Konto löschen. Danach können Sie diese E-Mail-Adresse zu Ihrem aktiven Travel ID Konto hinzufügen.

Datenschutz, Werbung und Löschung von Konten

Wie kann ich mein travel id konto löschen.

Ihr Travel ID Konto löschen Sie in Ihrem Profil unter "Ihre Profilinformationen". Wenn Sie eine Travel ID mit Miles & More haben und Sie beide Konten löschen möchten, müssen Sie zuerst die Teilnahme am Miles & More Programm kündigen. Hierzu wenden Sie sich bitte an das Miles & More Team.

Wie kann ich werbliche Kommunikation abbestellen?

Sie können den Erhalt von werblicher Kommunikation abbestellen, indem Sie in Ihrem Profil unter "Kommunikationseinstellungen" Ihre Präferenzen ändern.

Wie kann ich der Nutzung meiner Travel ID Daten widersprechen?

Sie können der Nutzung Ihrer Daten widersprechen in dem Sie in Ihrem Profil unter "Kommunikationseinstellungen" die "Erlaubnis zur personalisierten Kommunikation" deaktivieren.

Wie nutzt die Lufthansa Group meine Daten?

Datenschutz ist uns besonders wichtig. Die Lufthansa Group verkauft keine Kundendaten und wird die Daten nicht an Dritte weitergeben.

Kann ich meine Travel ID Login-Informationen Dritten weitergeben?

Ihre Travel ID ist personenbezogen. Um Missbrauch zu vermeiden, sollten Sie Ihre Login-Informationen nicht weitergeben. Dies wird auch in unseren Datenschutzrichtlinien empfohlen.

Flüge und Buchungen

Warum erscheint mein bereits gebuchter flug nicht unter "meine buchungen".

Die Buchung erscheint automatisch in Ihrem Travel ID Profil, wenn Sie die Buchung eingeloggt auf lufthansa.com oder in der Lufthansa App tätigen. Eine Buchung können Sie auch später jederzeit Ihrem Konto hinzufügen.

Wie kann ich einen Flug in meinem Travel ID Konto zu meinen Buchungen hinzufügen?

Loggen Sie sich auf lufthansa.com mit Ihrer Travel ID ein. Klicken Sie oben rechts auf Ihren Namen. Ein Feld erscheint, klicken Sie dort auf "Meine Buchungen". Sie gelangen zu Ihren Buchungen und können dort Buchungen hinzufügen.

Lufthansa 12+

Check-in, boarding & flying, deutsche lufthansa ag.

  • #80 in Travel
  • 4.7 • 54.9K Ratings



Book flights, reserve seats and manage your boarding passes – the Lufthansa app offers you all this and much more. The Lufthansa app: your mobile travel companion for smooth and seamless journeys with Lufthansa Group Network Airlines. With push notifications and real-time flight information, relevant flight status updates and offers will be sent directly to your smartphone. This way you’ll be up to speed throughout your entire flight. The Lufthansa app keeps you informed during your journey, from the moment you book your flight to when you arrive and even after you have landed, ensuring everything runs as smoothly as possible. With your personal profile, you can conveniently manage your data and personalized services. In short: With the Lufthansa app, you’re well taken care of during your travels. The key features of the Lufthansa app: Before the flight • Book flights, reserve seats and add baggage: Book your desired flight and rent a car if you need to. You can also reserve or change your seat and add extra baggage. • Online check-in: Use the Lufthansa app to check in for all flights operated by Lufthansa Group Network Airlines. You will receive your digital flight ticket on your smartphone and can conveniently access your mobile boarding pass from the app. • Travel ID and Lufthansa Miles and More: With the new digital wallet, you can store multiple payment methods in your Travel ID account, allowing for seamless and easy payment any time and from anywhere. Use your Travel ID or Lufthansa Miles & More login for personalized services. For a greater level of convenience, you can save your personal information in the Lufthansa app. • Real-time information and flight status: Your personal travel assistant provides you with important flight details and updates about your trip starting 24 hours before your flight departure. You’ll receive push notifications for check-in and the flight status and any gate changes will be displayed clearly on your home screen. This way you are able to keep track of your flights and prepare for them accordingly so you can start your trip feeling as relaxed as possible. During the flight • Flight ticket and onboard services: With the Lufthansa app, you always have your mobile boarding pass and onboard services at your fingertips – even when you’re offline. Access all relevant flight information as needed and always stay informed about any changes, without having to ask the flight crew. After the flight • Track baggage: Your digital travel companion is still there to support you even after you’ve landed. Conveniently track your checked-in baggage in the smartphone app and stay informed about the next parts of your journey. The Lufthansa app is the complete solution for a smooth travel experience. Conveniently book your flights and rental cars via the app, receive automatic notifications and updates about upcoming flights, and manage your personal data conveniently on the go. Download the Lufthansa app now and enjoy your trip! Your personal travel assistant is there for you before, during and after your flight. Find out about our flight offers at lufthansa.com and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and X to stay up to date with the latest news. If you have any questions or need support, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can get in touch with us at lufthansa.com/xx/en/help-and-contact.

Version 9.420.0

Introducing live chat support in our Help Center! Now you can chat directly with an agent for instant assistance with your travel inquiries. Available now: Simple and secure payment via Apple Pay with credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express)

Ratings and Reviews

54.9K Ratings

good app but could be better to manage family

family functions: - being able to take care of family members checkin at once instead of having to do this individually for each person traveling - seat assignments — if i have to do this for each family member one by one, no guarantee we will get paid seats next to each other because let’s say i pay for seat selection for myself and then i have to do the same thing for my wife, what if the adjacent seat is taken by somebody else before I do the seat selection for my wife? — somehow miles&more cannot be easily added to profile. and so, have to go thrpugh the painful process of scanning boarding passes to get miles.

Flight delayed from BLR india, no communication from Lufthansa whatsoever

Lufthansa needs to improve by a large margin with regards to the communication The flight from India took off 2 hours late, we assumed the pilot would recover from the delays, sometimes they do catch up. Upon landing the gate at FRA, was B26 and my connecting flight to DEN was Z21, there was ample time for Lufthansa to assign a near by gate so the passengers could easily board than the endless running from one gate to other which was a mile away, (imagine families with kids and seniors). The worst part was none of the floor escalators were working - everything was under maintenance and why was there a need or another security check? All these delayed significantly. When I reached the gate after all the troubles, the flight was still there the staff told me the gate and system is closed and asked us to rebook(so easy did not care) she said the LH service is just down the corner …honestly it was a long walk again ..nothing close by and then stand in an endless queue and the staff sitting right in the entrance to the queue was so rude. After 45 min of wait, it was my turn and I was assigned a flight but waitlisted, thankfully made it and reached Denver just 2 hrs late from the original schedule. All these would have easily avoided if LH was better planned, it’s turning out to be a worst airline at least for me. I’ll have to reconsider using LH again.

Lufthansa theft

Avoid Lufthansa and avoid this app. You can’t actual contact anyone to complain about their booking or service. Lufthansa removed my business seat and won’t refund. I am told to submit a complaint for the error on their website, but their is no form. I can only send an email to customer relations. No good since I am checking in now. They acknowledged their mistake but did nothing. They have my money but didn’t refund. Plus, I have spent hours on the phone complaining, and now have a huge international phone bill because their system auto hangs up after about 30 minutes. We all know they delay resolving the problem so the system will hang up and you have to call back and start over with a new person. I used to fly Lufthansa a lot. Never again. I will fly Air France before I fly this airline. No matter the cost. Horribly run company and the app is useless for getting assistance. Currently, $1200 in the hole. Now I will battle for weeks to get my money back and all I get is,”my apology.” If you can’t execute customer service, close the company and allow others to provide service. Where is Qatar or Etihad airlines when I need them? Recommendation to all, pay more in the beginning with a better airline and avoid spending more later with Lufthansa.

App Privacy

The developer, Deutsche Lufthansa AG , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Search History
  • Identifiers

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Financial Info

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish

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  • App Support
  • Privacy Policy

lufthansa.com travel id

Get all of your passes, tickets, cards, and more in one place.

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Hallo, wie können wir Ihnen helfen?

Alles wissenswerte zur travel id.

Die Travel ID ist Ihr einheitlicher Zugang zu den digitalen Kanälen der Lufthansa Group Airlines und Miles & More. Das Kundenprofil bietet Ihnen innerhalb der Lufthansa Group die Möglichkeit, Leistungen so komfortabel wie möglich zu nutzen und ein Reiseerlebnis zu erhalten, das vom ersten Besuch der Websites oder App bis über das Ende der Reise hinaus auf Ihre persönlichen Wünsche und Erwartungen zugeschnitten ist.

Gute Gründe für die Travel ID

Mit der Umstellung auf die Travel ID profitieren Sie von vielen Vorteilen und nützlichen Services. Dazu gehört zum Beispiel die Möglichkeit, personalisierte Flugangebote und Zusatzleistungen auf den Buchungsplattformen von Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa und SWISS zu erhalten. Meilen sammeln Sie mit der Travel ID in gleicher Weise wie bisher mit Ihrer Servicekartennummer, einfach indem Sie sie bei der Flugbuchung angeben. Stellen Sie mit wenigen Klicks auf die Travel ID um.

Dies sind die Vorteile im Einzelnen: 

Einfaches Login mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse und gewähltem Passwort

Einheitlicher Zugang zu den Kanälen der Lufthansa Group Airlines

Persönliche Daten und Aktuelles rund um Ihre Buchung auf einen Blick

Lesen Sie jetzt die Datenschutzhinweise und die Nutzungsbedingungen der Travel ID.

So stellen Sie auf die Travel ID um, wenn Sie bereits ein Miles & More Profil haben

Ab sofort können Sie sich bei Miles & More ganz bequem mit einer von Ihnen gewählten E-Mail-Adresse und einem Passwort einloggen – mit Ihrer Travel ID. Diese ist zusätzlich Ihr einheitliches Login zu Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa und SWISS und damit zu allen Buchungen bei diesen Airlines. Die Anmeldung mit Servicekartennummer und PIN ist weiterhin möglich.

So funktioniert die Umstellung:

Melden Sie sich wie gewohnt in Ihrem Miles & More Konto an.

Sie werden automatisch aufgefordert, auf die Travel ID umzustellen.

Legen Sie Ihre gewünschte E-Mail-Adresse und das Passwort fest.

Fertig! Nun können Sie bequem alle Möglichkeiten der Travel ID auf den Kanälen der Lufthansa Group und bei Miles & More nutzen.

Wenn Sie sich heute schon mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse und Ihrem Passwort anmelden können, haben Sie die Travel ID bereits. In diesem Fall müssen Sie Ihr Profil nicht umstellen.

So erhalten Sie Ihre Travel ID, wenn Sie noch kein Miles & More Profil haben

Nur wenn Sie weder bei einer Airline noch bei Miles & More ein Profil haben, müssen Sie sich für die Travel ID registrieren. Für Ihre Registrierung legen Sie selbst eine E-Mail-Adresse und ein Passwort fest. Dieses muss mindestens 8 Zeichen haben, davon 1 Großbuchstaben, 1 Kleinbuchstaben, 1 Ziffer und 1 Sonderzeichen. Sie erhalten dann per Mail einen Aktivierungslink, der 24 Stunden gültig ist. Prüfen Sie Ihren Spam-Ordner, wenn Sie keinen Link erhalten haben. Sollte Ihre E-Mail-Adresse nicht akzeptiert werden, haben Sie wahrscheinlich bereits ein Travel ID Profil. Pro E-Mail-Adresse kann nur ein Profil angelegt werden. 

So verbinden Sie Ihre Travel ID mit Ihrem Miles & More Konto

Wenn Sie sich bereits über Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa oder SWISS für die Travel ID registriert haben und zusätzlich ein Miles & More Profil haben, können Sie beide Profile ganz einfach zusammenführen. Loggen Sie sich dafür auf einem Airline-Kanal mit Ihrer Travel ID ein und verbinden Sie die Konten auf der Profilseite im Bereich Vielfliegerprogramm.

In Ihrer Region stehen relevante Angebote für Sie zur Auswahl. Leider liegen diese teilweise auf Englisch und nicht in Ihrer ausgewählten Sprache vor. Weitere Funktionen und Informationen können Sie selbstverständlich in Ihrer gewohnten Sprache nutzen.

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Main content

lufthansa.com travel id

One login, lots of options

With Travel ID, you have access to the services of Brussels Airlines and of all the other Lufthansa Group airlines – even to Miles & More if you wish – with just one account.

  • Your access to all services
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Travel ID?

From booking to check-in and beyond – with Travel ID, you can now travel even more easily. It is your login for all our digital services. You can use it to quickly and easily access your data and enjoy relevant information and personalized services at any time. And that’s with any airline in the Lufthansa Group.

Fast & secure

Book and check in in no time at all: simply save your personal details, payment information and important travel documents in your profile where they will be stored securely and can be retrieved at any time.

Exclusive promotions

With your Travel ID, you can benefit from special offers and promotions and from information tailored to you – exactly when you need it.

Activate Miles & More for your Travel ID and earn miles directly – when you fly, travel and shop. You can redeem these for great awards, special experiences, or your next trip.

Your access to all our services

Always well informed: stay logged in and receive appropriate information at the right time and in the right place.

The Travel ID as a single point of access to various platforms: website, Chat Assistant, app, internet on board/FlyNet, Miles & More


After logging on to our website, you will have access to all your bookings and will receive helpful information about your journey in the Travel Cockpit. In your profile, store personal data, preferences and payment information and deposit travel documents. This will enable you to book and check in even faster. All your flights from the past 10 years will be available at a glance in Travel Insights.

Chat Assistant

Brussels airlines chat assistant.

Quick and targeted help for your request: after you have logged in with your Travel ID, our Chat Assistant, Charlie, will have all the necessary information and will automatically keep you updated on your current trip. Should your flight be delayed or cancelled, look for alternatives and we will rebook you – all without you needing to enter additional details.

Young man with smartphone in his hand. He is using the online Chat Assistant who is helping him with a concern about his trip.

Brussels Airlines App

Your benefits when logging in with Travel ID: look forward to automatic information about your current flight and find out where you are in your travel process. The app will remind you of every single step. Check in easily online, personalise your flight with options such as individual food preferences and book your next trip straightforwardly whenever you wish.

Young woman with smartphone in her hand. She is using the Lufthansa app to view information about her trip.

Miles & More

If you wish, you can also earn miles with your Travel ID. To do so, activate Miles & More as soon as you register or in your account at a later date.

With Miles & More you can earn award and status miles with 40 airline partners and award miles with hotel and rental car bookings, when you shop online and in daily life. You can redeem these miles for great awards, unique experiences, or your next trip to your dream destination. 

If you fly often, you can look forward to a status as a frequent flyer and enjoy even greater comfort on your travels.

Person with smartphone in their hand. They have opened the information on their Miles & More account.

Frequently asked questions about Travel ID and Miles & More

How can I change the email address I use to log in? How can I add a flight to “My bookings” in my Travel ID account? And why are the flights I’ve already booked not showing in “My bookings”? We’re happy to help—we’ve listed these and lots of other common questions for you in our FAQs.

Good to know

Lufthansa group airlines.

If you have given your consent to digital communication, you will also receive advertising content from the following companies of the Lufthansa Group:

Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Austrian Airlines AG, Swiss International Air Lines AG, Brussels Airlines SA/NV, Eurowings GmbH and EW Discover GmbH.

Partner companies

If you have given your consent to digital communication, you will also receive advertising content from the following Lufthansa partner companies:

AIG Versicherung, Booking.com, Deutsche Bahn, Europcar, GetYourGuide, Hertz, Worldshop, Park.Aero, Porsche Deutschland GmbH, ShareNow and Sixt.

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lufthansa.com travel id

Travel Guidelines

Benefit from the travel guide with valuable tips and useful services.

lufthansa.com travel id

Digital Services

Take care of the most important things for your trip while you are still at home.

lufthansa.com travel id

Find out about all the steps during your trip and personalise your experience – it’s all very easy in the app.

lufthansa.com travel id

Online Check-in

Check in conveniently for your next flight from home or the office.

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You’re our first priority. Every time.

We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. And while our site doesn’t feature every company or financial product available on the market, we’re proud that the guidance we offer, the information we provide and the tools we create are objective, independent, straightforward — and free.

So how do we make money? Our partners compensate us. This may influence which products we review and write about (and where those products appear on the site), but it in no way affects our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in thousands of hours of research. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. Here is a list of our partners .

A Points Collector’s Guide to Lufthansa Miles & More Loyalty Program

June Casagrande

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Table of Contents

How to earn Lufthansa Miles & More miles

How to redeem lufthansa miles, lufthansa’s elite status program, what it's like flying on lufthansa airlines, using the lufthansa airlines app, lufthansa’s miles & more, recapped.

As Europe’s second-largest airline, Lufthansa and its subsidiaries own around 700 aircraft and partner with dozens of other airlines that can get you almost anywhere in the world — including in the well-regarded Lufthansa business class.

Whether you're flying to Germany or elsewhere in Europe (or even somewhere else in the world with a stopover in Europe) — and you want to go there for free, you should sign up for Lufthansa’s Miles & More loyalty program . There, you'll collect miles — and joining won't cost you anything aside from handing over your name and a few other personal details such as your email address.

And because Lufthansa is also part of the Star Alliance (which includes major airlines like United Airlines), you can earn and redeem miles through other Star Alliance members for Lufthansa flights or on those partner airlines too. Some elite status benefits carry over.

So if your goal is elite status, free trips to Europe, or both, here’s what a strategic points collector needs to know and understand about Lufthansa Airlines and its loyalty program, Miles & More.

» Learn more: The best airline credit cards right now

lufthansa.com travel id

Photo courtesy of Lufthansa.

Flying Lufthansa

Once you join Miles & More, you’ll earn points every time you fly Lufthansa — just supply your member number when you book your flight.

So how many Lufthansa miles do you earn per flight? Figuring out the number of miles you’ll earn for your flight can be a little complicated. Depending on how you booked, you might earn miles based on the amount you paid for your ticket or how far you flew and in what class of service.

If you book a flight on Lufthansa through Lufthansa’s own website, it will tell you how many miles you’ll earn for every euro you pay for your ticket. Then, you’ll have to calculate the total number of miles yourself.

The easiest way to know how many miles you earn per Lufthansa flight is by using the animated calculator on Lufthansa’s website . Answer a few questions about your flight, and the Lufthansa mileage calculator tells you the method Lufthansa will use to pay you miles. Annoyingly for English speakers, the calculator is in German. But there are enough photos that should make the translation easy enough to figure out.

If your German translation skills aren't up for the task, there's also a more basic version of the mileage calculator on Lufthansa's Miles & More app, which is available from the App Store or Google Play.

lufthansa.com travel id

The Lufthansa app has a basic version of its mileage calculator. Photo courtesy of Lufthansa.

Flying partner airlines

You can also earn Lufthansa miles by flying any of its nearly 40 partner airlines, including all 26 Star Alliance members like United , ANA , Turkish Airlines , Air Canada , Singapore Airlines , Brussels Airlines and Egyptair.

To earn Lufthansa miles when flying a partner, provide your Lufthansa Miles & More member number when you're booking. Lufthansa calls your member number a “service number.” This ID can be accessed via your digital service card in the Miles & More App.

If you forget to enter your Miles & More membership number when you book your partner flight, you can also show your digital service card during check-in at the airport to get credited with Lufthansa miles.

» Learn more: Your guide to the Star Alliance

Booking hotels and rental cars

Lufthansa's hotel partners include Hilton Honors , Best Western , IHG and Marriott .

To earn Lufthansa miles through hotel stays at those brands and dozes other, head to the Miles & More website . Select “Earn miles” then navigate to “Hotels.” There, you’ll see multiple ways to earn miles through lodging. After being redirected to a booking engine, log in with your Lufthansa service number and enter your dates and destination. You'll then see the cost of different hotel rooms and how many Lufthansa miles you’ll earn if you book.

Some offers apply to specific hotel groups, like a chance to earn 2 miles per dollar at Holiday Inns or 1,500 miles when staying at Best Westerns.

Rental cars work the same way. Just browse the Earn Miles section of the Miles & More website to see all the ways to earn miles by renting cars. Lufthansa rental car partners include Hertz and Europcar.

You’ll find the widest selection of miles-earning hotels by clicking through to Hotels & Cars by Points.

Spending on a Lufthansa Miles & More Credit Card

Barclaycard Miles & More® World Elite Mastercard®

The fastest way to start building a stash of miles is with the Miles & More® World Elite Mastercard® , issued by Barclays. The card offers a tidy welcome bonus: Earn 50,000 miles if you spend $3,000 in purchases and pay the annual fee, both within the first 90 days. After that, you’ll earn 2 miles per dollar for every purchase from Lufthansa or affiliated airlines and 1 mile per dollar on all other purchases.

After your first purchase with the card, you’ll get a companion ticket that covers the price of airfare (less taxes and fees) for another person accompanying you on an economy class flight on Lufthansa. Then, every account anniversary, you’ll get two passes to Lufthansa Business Lounges, plus another companion ticket.

A few other easy ways to earn Lufthansa miles

Download the Miles & More app: The first time you log in, you’ll get a welcome of 500 bonus miles

Earn miles with books & subscriptions: Get smarter and earn points when you subscribe to the Economist.

Notable ways Lufthansa miles can’t be earned

Unlike other airline frequent flyer programs, there are a few usually-standard ways to earn airline miles that don't apply to Lufthansa.

No other points or miles transfer to Lufthansa. A big drawback of the Lufthansa Miles & More program is that you can’t build up your points balance by converting points from other major programs into Lufthansa miles. This is a rare downside. Many other airlines partner with American Express , Chase or Citi — or with a hotel group like Marriott or Hilton — to let you convert their points into miles or vice versa. No such luck if you’re looking to convert points into Lufthansa miles.

You can’t buy Miles & More miles. With most airlines, if you have almost enough miles for a flight, you can just buy more. Not so with Lufthansa. So if you can’t fly enough, use a credit card enough or stay enough nights in hotels, you’re almost out of ways to get Lufthansa miles.

The number of Miles & More miles you need to book a flight depends on where you’re going and when.

Fly Lufthansa

If you’re flying Lufthansa, you can see in advance how many miles you’ll need by using its handy award calculator .

Select “Spend miles” then enter your trip details.

lufthansa.com travel id

You’ll then see how many miles you’ll need for the flight in economy, business or first class, one way or round trip. Scroll down a little farther and you’ll see how many miles you need to upgrade to business or first class .

Fly a partner airline

It’s even easier to use your Lufthansa miles to fly a partner airline, as Lufthansa publishes a chart showing exactly how many miles you need to get where you’re going.

For example, if you’re in North America and want to fly to India on one of Lufthansa’s partners, just follow the chart to see you’ll need 100,000 miles for a round trip in economy, 192,000 miles for the same route in business class or 302,000 in first class.

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Use Lufthansa miles to pay fees for some European award flights

Fees, taxes and surcharges on otherwise “free” award flights are famously frustrating and sometimes expensive. Usually, there’s no way around them, but if you’re flying a Lufthansa award flight within Europe and have an extra 15,000 miles, you can use them instead of cash to pay all fees and surcharges. Just add 15,000 miles to the award price of your ticket and you’ll pay $0 out of pocket for the flight.

Because fees and taxes can vary, so can the value of this points redemption option. But when the out-of-pocket costs for your flight are high, this could be a welcome benefit.

Other ways to redeem Lufthansa miles

Hotel stays: At the Hotels & Cars by Points website, you can search for hotels all over the world that you can book with Lufthansa miles.

Rental cars: Also at the Hotels & Cars by Points website, search for rental cars you can pay for with miles.

Gift cards: Trade miles for gift cards from three dozen big-name merchants including Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Gap, with some starting at 3,000 Miles & More miles.

lufthansa.com travel id

Miles & More members can attain elite status at one of three levels, depending how much you fly the airline.

The three elite status tiers of Miles & More are:

Frequent Traveller: Accumulate 35,000 status miles or fly 30 segments in a year.

Senator: Accumulate 100,000 status miles in a calendar year.

HON Circle: Accumulate 600,000 HON Circle miles over the course of two years.

At every level, you enjoy perks like more miles earned for every qualifying flight, but more perks pile on as you climb the status ladder. Here's what you need to know about each tier of Lufthansa elite status:

Lufthansa Frequent Traveller status

How to earn Lufthansa Frequent Traveller status: Accumulate 35,000 status miles or fly 30 segments in a year.

Top benefits:

Business-class check-in.

Access to the Business Lounge.

Higher baggage allowance.

Miles don’t expire.

You’ll also earn higher waiting list priority, Star Alliance Silver Status and access to a service hotline.

Lufthansa Senator status

How to earn Lufthansa Senator status: Accumulate 100,000 status miles.

Top benefits (in addition to all of the Frequent Traveller benefits):

First-class check-in.

Access to Senator Lounges and Star Alliance Gold Lounges.

Two upgrade vouchers.

Senators likewise have access to booking guarantees up to 48 hours before departure, mileage advances, Star Alliance Gold status, increased flight award availability and higher waiting list priority.

Lufthansa HON Circle

How to earn Lufthansa HON Circle status: Accumulate 600,000 HON Circle miles over the course of two years.

Top benefits (in addition to all of the Senator benefits):

Access to First Class Lounges and First Class Terminals.

Limousine transfer service.

Free Senator status for your spouse or partner.

Six upgrade vouchers.

Members also receive 50% reduction on flight awards for your companion, a 24-hour service line in selected markets, booking guarantees up to 24 hours before departure, the highest waiting-list priority and the best flight award availability.

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A Lufthansa first class cabin. Photo courtesy of Lufthansa.

Lufthansa is generally considered one of the higher-end airlines out there.

The four Lufthansa cabins

When you fly Lufthansa, you have four types of cabin options, which are:

Lufthansa economy.

Lufthansa premium economy.

Lufthansa business class.

Lufthansa first class.

Even in economy class, passengers are served a 3-course meal. On long-haul flights, the wide seat cushions measure over 40 cm, headrests are adjustable and there are seat back screens with complimentary entertainment. And as you progress in fare type up to first class, the amenities increase.

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Lufthansa first class passengers get valet parking service for rental or private cars at the Frankfurt and Munich airports, a personal assistant and — depending on your flight — first Class limousine service for routes boarding at Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich, Geneva or Vienna. Passengers in first class also get lounge access.

Lufthansa fare types

Within the service class you book comes different vary options. Within those cabin classes, fare types include iterations of "Classic," "Flex" and "Saver," which function pretty much as they sound. Saver fares can be cheaper but have more limitations than, say, Flex fares.

Generally speaking, the cheapest Lufthansa fare type is Economy Basic. While it allows you to rebook without a fee, you'll owe the fare difference if your new flight is more expensive. Refunds are not possible.

For more flexibility, opt for Economy Flex, which allows for refunds without a fee (as is common with many other airlines).

Green fares: If you want to pay a little more in an effort to help the environment, you can opt for a Green Fare. When you book one of these (more expensive) fares, Lufthansa promises that it will reduce 20% of flight-related CO emissions by the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and offset the remaining 80% of the CO emissions by an equivalent contribution to climate protection projects. 

Green Fares are not booked as extras, but rather are independent and directly bookable fares alongside the other fare types. When you book Economy Green and Business Green fares, you get the same exact benefits of the Economy Classic or Business Saver fare, but with more flexible rebooking options and an extra 20% status and award miles on European routes.

Europe fares: Lufthansa also sells “Europe fares” for flights operated by Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines and SWISS within Europe. These fares offer three levels of economy-class fares (light, classic or flex) and are designed to allow customers to only pay for the services they want to use.

Places where Lufthansa flies

Lufthansa is the flag carrier of Germany, with corporate headquarters in Cologne. Lufthansa serves nearly 80 countries, and within them it serves more than 200 destinations (about two dozen of which are in the U.S.).

U.S. routes: Lufthansa flies into about two dozen U.S. airports that span the entire country. Beyond New York-JFK and Los Angeles (LAX), you can also fly Lufthansa from smaller cities like Tampa (TPA) and Charlotte (CLT).

lufthansa.com travel id

When flying Lufthansa, it can be helpful to download the Lufthansa app, which is available from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

You can use it to book (or adjust reservations), to get real-time updates on your flight, and to receive offers. Its got virtual check-in features to help you avoid lines at the airport.

There's also a digital wallet inside, making it easier for inflight purchases.

Of course, use it to scan your Lufthansa boarding pass, and avoid the need to worry about a paper boarding pass.

lufthansa.com travel id

Lufthansa’s Miles & More frequent flyer program is not without its pitfalls. The fact that you can’t get miles by transferring any other currency is rare and, for some travelers, renders the whole loyalty program useless.

But if you travel Lufthansa or any of its nearly 40 partners regularly, signing up for Miles & More lets you earn miles redeemable for flights anywhere Lufthansa or its partners fly. You can also use the miles to pay for hotels, rental cars or even gift cards.

If you're deciding whether or not Lufthansa's loyalty program is right for you, look at the partner redemption chart to see how many miles you'll need to get where you want to go, or use the tool to look up long-haul flights in Lufthansa business or first class. Then, consider the ways you could earn enough miles by signing up for the credit card, flying, staying in hotels or renting cars. If your earning potential outweighs the cost of the flight in miles, joining this loyalty program can make a lot of sense.

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One of Lufthansa's Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft. Photo courtesy of Lufthansa.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

On a similar note...

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myIDTravel: smart management for ID travel

There is an easy way to manage staff ID travel: Airlines use myIDTravel to manage their employees’ ID travel cost-efficiently. IT departments using this SaaS solution benefit from the advantages of a pay-per-use SaaS, and staff appreciates the application’s intuitive handling via smartphone, tablet or computer.

With increased economic pressure, airlines are looking to reduce the cost of providing ID travel benefits to their employees. At the same time, employee satisfaction and employee benefits play an important in maintaining a highly skilled and motivated workforce.

More than 300 customers of all sizes put their trust in myIDTravel. From all the leading airlines of the world to innovative small regional airlines, they value the cost efficiency and easy connectivity of a central ID travel platform.

Using the cloud to manage travel above the clouds

Airlines can use the cloud-based solution myIDTravel to manage complex interlining processes for business-related and private staff travel intuitively and efficiently. Provided as software as a service (SaaS), myIDTravel can be easily integrated into existing IT environments. Employees simply help themselves using their preferred desktop browser or on their smartphones or tablets.

Lufthansa Industry Solutions developed myIDTravel together with a large customer community, which means that it has a myriad of functions that cover almost all requirements. As a standard solution, the cloud service supports all relevant functions for the management of ID travel. But myIDTravel can also be custom integrated into any normal operating process, such as payment solutions or employee information systems. In addition to this, myIDTravel can process any booking segment in connected computer reservation systems (GDS) of the airline operating the flight or individual flight stage. This means that flights like these no longer have to be settled between airlines, which leads to substantial savings in terms of both costs and time.

The myIDTravel application by Lufthansa Industry Solutions stands for particularly intuitive and innovative travel management. This means that airlines can use our solution to conclude an ID agreement with a new partner in just a few clicks. myIDTravel has an interface that provides access to all of the common reservation systems, HR systems and payment providers for industry discount travel.

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8 tips for getting through airport security lines faster

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The Transportation Security Administration is expecting some potentially long security lines this summer, especially leading up to Memorial Day weekend.

But the TSA also has eight tips to help keep those lines moving, including how to pack smart and be prepared.

Here are those tips:

1. Put it in the reservation

When you make your flight reservation, make sure you enter your full name, date of birth, and — if you’re are TSA PreCheck — your Known Traveler Number. If you aren't in PreCheck, you can enroll in TSA PreCheck, which costs $77.95 for five years.

Most enrollees receive their KTN within three to five days.  

More information on PreCheck enrollment and renewal can be found at www.tsa.gov/precheck .

2. Have an acceptable ID

If you are 18 or older you must show a valid ID to travel. Starting on May 7, 2025, your state-issued ID must be what is called a REAL ID . It has higher security features. If you don’t have one, there is no additional cost for a new card. You can also use another form of authorized ID, like a passport.

3. Follow the guidelines

When it comes to the security line, the first step is ID confirmation. You just need your ID, not your boarding pass. Some lines use the first-generation ID machines, which the airport calls the Credential Authentication Technology , others use the second-generation machines, CAT-2, for prescreening.

The second generation uses a camera and uses facial recognition.

The photos — with a few exceptions for testing — are not stored or saved. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, ask the Transportation Security Officer for a manual ID check. You should not be penalized — or lose your place in line.

Detroit Metro also uses Computed Tomography machines to scan bags. They do not require you to remove liquids or laptops, but you must place every carry-on item, including bags, into a plastic bin for screening through the machine.

You should have only one carry-on and one personal bag.

4. Pack, but declare firearms

Firearms are prohibited at security checkpoints, in secure areas of the airport and in the passenger cabin of aircraft, even with a concealed carry permit. However, passengers can pack a firearm in baggage, unloaded, in a hard-sides case, and if it is declared to the airline when checking in at the ticket counter.

TSA will not confiscate or seize firearms. If you bring a firearm to the checkpoint or put it in carry-on luggage, the officer will contact local law enforcement to take possession of it. You might be arrested or ticketed, with a civil penalty of nearly $15,000.

For the first offense, you’ll lose Pre-Check eligibility for five years.

Second offense will result in permanent disqualification with additional civil penalties.

5. There's a liquid limit

Know what you are allowed in your carry-on bags and what you aren’t. Any liquids, gels, creams, pastes, and aerosols less than 3.4 ounces are allowed in checked bags and should be placed in a one-quart-sized bag. You are allowed on a quart-size bag.

6. Leave enough time

Plan and allow at least two hours before takeoff. This will give you time to park, return a rental car, take a shuttle, check-in, drop off your bags – and make it through the security checkpoint. You can save time by removing items in your pockets and putting them in your bags.

7. Show a little respect

Don’t insult — or assault — TSA employees. It can result in fines, penalties, or even arrest.

8. Questions? Just ask

If you have questions, you can contact TSA by sending a text to 275-872 or @AskTSA on X of Facebook messenger. You can also call the TSA Contact Center at 866-289-9673. If you need assistance during screening, you can ask TSA for a support specialist.

Contact Frank Witsil: 313-222-5022 or [email protected].

North America Chevron

United States Chevron

The Real ID Deadline Is Approaching—Here’s How to Be Prepared

By Jessica Puckett


In less than one year, a major change is coming to the airport security process. Starting in the spring of 2025, all US fliers will need a new type of identification in order to make it past the TSA checkpoint and board their flights.

The new federal identification rules, called Real ID, are set to go into effect on May 7, 2025. After that date, travelers will only be able to use certain enhanced forms of identification at airport security. The new policies will apply to all flights, including domestic ones . The biggest change for fliers will be that a driver’s license will no longer be valid ID to present to TSA. Instead, all airline passengers in the US will need to show a Real-ID compliant driver’s license—which requires a few extra steps to get than a standard license—or another approved ID, like a passport or Global Entry card.

Although the rollout of Real ID has been postponed many times (it was originally supposed to be enforced way back in 2008), the May 2025 date seems to be more firmly set. So if you don’t have a Real ID-compliant form of identification, now is definitely the time to get one.

Fortunately, it’s possible to get a Real ID driver’s license at most local DMVs throughout the 50 states and the five US territories. The only catch is that it does require you to present additional paperwork and pay a little more than a standard license renewal.

Below is a complete guide to the new Real ID rules, including how to obtain a compliant driver’s license, what other forms of identification will be accepted, and what will happen if you show up at the airport unprepared.

What is the new Real ID requirement?

The regulation is part of a law passed by Congress in 2005, which set new federal security standards for driver’s licenses and other forms of identification used to board planes in the US. The new standards apply to all states and territories. After the rules go into effect, driver’s licenses and other IDs that don’t meet the new requirements will not be accepted by TSA for passing through airport security checkpoints.

Even if you have a TSA PreCheck or a Clear membership , you will need a Real ID-compliant form of identification to make it past airport security. A Global Entry card is considered Real ID–compliant and will be accepted under the new rules. Children under 18 get some leeway, as TSA does not require them to present identification when traveling with a companion within the US. As always, on an international trip, passports and other documents may be required by the airline or other agencies.

When is the Real ID deadline?

The new rules will go into effect on May 7, 2025. That's the date that all US residents need to have a Real ID-compliant driver’s license or other approved identification in hand to make it past airport security.

How do I get a Real ID driver's license?

All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five US territories (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands) are now all issuing driver's licenses that are compliant with the new rules. You simply need to visit your DMV in person to renew or replace your old license with a Real ID version.

It's important to note that, confusingly, states that are Real ID compliant are also still allowed to issue licenses that are not considered Real IDs, so be sure to clarify with your DMV that you are requesting a Real ID.

Applying for a Real ID usually requires more documentation to prove your identity—and sometimes costs more—than obtaining a regular driver's license. Your state's DMV website should have a list of the required paperwork. Typically, the required documents include a birth certificate or passport, social security card, multiple proofs of residence in your state (like a utility bill or bank statement), and proof of US citizenship, lawful permanent residency, or temporary lawful status.

Depending on whether you already have a license or other factors like citizenship status, additional documents may be required or you may be eligible to substitute other documents for ones you may be missing (for instance, you may be able to show a W-2 form with your full social security number in lieu of a SSN card). Be sure to read the list of required documents carefully. The Department of Homeland Security has an interactive map tool on its site that navigates users to each state's individual requirements.

What other forms of identification work to board a plane under the new rules?

Valid passports or passport cards will still work to get you through security for domestic flights, and passengers will still need them to board international flights . Global Entry membership cards are also valid for domestic flights under the new regulations, as are various forms of military ID, tribal-issued ID, and other government-issued IDs. You can see a full list of accepted documents on the TSA’s website.

How do I know if my current driver’s license is acceptable under Real ID rules?

Real ID driver’s licenses are marked with a star in the top corner. (It’s worth noting one confusing state policy: Ohio's old licenses have a gold star, while its Real IDs have a black star.) Enhanced driver’s licenses—which are slightly different, but are issued by some states in addition to Real IDs and are also acceptable under the new rules—have a flag in the corner.

What about airports that accept mobile driver's licenses?

Earlier in 2022, TSA began allowing fliers with PreCheck to use a mobile driver's license uploaded to their iPhone at certain airports. However, the agency says that any passenger using a mobile driver's license still needs to carry a physical ID with them as a backup. So even TSA PreCheck passengers opting to use their iPhone to get through security will still need to have a Real ID-compliant form of identification on them.

What if my airport uses TSA’s new facial recognition technology?

Travelers flying out of the growing number of airports with facial scanners at the TSA checkpoint will still be required to present a Real-ID compliant form of identification. TSA’s facial recognition system, also called CAT-2, requires passengers to scan both their IDs and their faces, and the algorithm matches the biometric scan to the photo on the ID.

Does my child need a Real ID to fly?

According to the TSA, children under 18 are not required to show identification at the security checkpoint when flying with a companion. (The companion, however, needs a valid form of ID.) The agency does encourage travelers to double check their airline's identification rules for minors before arriving at the airport.

What happens if I show up at the airport without an acceptable ID under the new rules?

TSA says you will not be let through security, and you will not be able to fly. In rare occasions in the past, if a flier forgot their ID for a domestic trip, TSA might have worked with them to verify their identity in a different way—like by asking them certain questions about their personal information. But the agency says that after Real ID is implemented, those days will be over. "TSA has no plans to provide an alternate verification process to confirm a traveler’s identity," says TSA spokesperson Lisa Farbstein. "Counting on TSA to provide that option to travelers who do not have a Real ID-compliant driver license or identification card is not a good strategy."

This article has been updated with new information since its original publish date.


American Beech Hotel

American Beech Hotel

Pig Hill Inn

Pig Hill Inn

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North America Travel Guide

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  1. Travel ID

    What is Travel ID? From booking to check-in and beyond - with Travel ID, you can now travel even more easily. It is your login for all our digital services. You can use it to quickly and easily access your data and enjoy relevant information and personalized services at any time. And that's with any airline in the Lufthansa Group.

  2. Travel ID

    With Travel ID, you can make the most of lots of benefits and useful services. For example, you'll receive personalized offers on all Lufthansa Group Airlines booking platforms, or you can keep an eye on your personal details and current updates to your bookings at all times. What's more, if you'd like to take advantage of additional ...

  3. Travel ID

    Entdecken Sie die Vorteile der Lufthansa Travel ID - Ihrer persönlichen Identifikationsnummer für schnelleres und einfacheres Reisen.

  4. All you need to know about Travel ID

    Travel ID gives you universal access to the digital channels of Lufthansa Group airlines and Miles & More. The customer profile gives you the ability to use services within the Lufthansa Group as conveniently as possible and to enjoy a travel experience tailored to your personal wishes and expectations, from your first visit to the website or app until long after your journey has ended.

  5. Travel ID

    Kostenfreies Messaging über den Wolken. Travel ID- und Miles & More-Kunden können auf ausgewählten Flügen der Lufthansa-Familie mit Konnektivität (Internet an Bord) von kostenlosem, unbegrenztem Messaging im FlyNet®-Portal profitieren. Bleiben Sie mit Ihren Liebsten über den Wolken in Kontakt und entspannen Sie sich während des Fluges.

  6. myIDTravel

    myIDTravel is a platform that allows airline employees and their families to book discounted flights on participating airlines. You can access your account, check availability, make reservations, and manage your bookings on this website. Join myIDTravel and enjoy the benefits of flying around the world.

  7. Connect

    ConfirmCancel. Please confirm your mobile phone number. Enter your mobile phone number here so that we can send you your verification code by text. Once you have confirmed your number, this will be registered as your preferred mobile phone number for using two-factor authentication. Preferred mobile phone number.

  8. Travel ID

    The personal Travel ID offers you many possibilities.With a single login, users can access all Lufthansa Group channels and Miles & More.Benefit from practical services such as personalized offers and faster booking processes.For instance, you or your employees can conveniently access saved travel documents.In combination with the app of your Lufthansa Group airline, your business trip becomes ...

  9. Lufthansa

    Use your Travel ID or Lufthansa Miles & More login for personalized services. For a greater level of convenience, you can save your personal information in the Lufthansa app. • Real-time information and flight status: Your personal travel assistant provides you with important flight details and updates about your trip starting 24 hours before ...

  10. Lufthansa Group

    Travel ID is the new joint customer profile for Austrian, Brussels, SWISS, Lufthansa and Miles & More. Help us improve Travel ID and understand what's important to you.

  11. FAQ Travel ID

    Die Lufthansa iD wurde zum 31.01.23 abgeschaltet. Die Lufthansa iD wurde von der Travel ID abgelöst. Falls Sie sie die Informationen dazu übersehen haben, legen Sie sich bitte eine Travel ID neu an. Falls Sie aktive Buchungen haben können Sie diese unter My Bookings zu Ihrem Travel ID Profil hinzufügen.

  12. ‎Lufthansa on the App Store

    Use your Travel ID or Lufthansa Miles & More login for personalized services. For a greater level of convenience, you can save your personal information in the Lufthansa app. • Real-time information and flight status: Your personal travel assistant provides you with important flight details and updates about your trip starting 24 hours before ...

  13. Alles Wissenswerte zur Travel ID

    Alles Wissenswerte zur Travel ID. Die Travel ID ist Ihr einheitlicher Zugang zu den digitalen Kanälen der Lufthansa Group Airlines und Miles & More. Das Kundenprofil bietet Ihnen innerhalb der Lufthansa Group die Möglichkeit, Leistungen so komfortabel wie möglich zu nutzen und ein Reiseerlebnis zu erhalten, das vom ersten Besuch der Websites ...

  14. Travel ID

    What is Travel ID? From booking to check-in and beyond - with Travel ID, you can now travel even more easily. It is your login for all our digital services. You can use it to quickly and easily access your data and enjoy relevant information and personalized services at any time. And that's with any airline in the Lufthansa Group.

  15. TravelID: common sign on to all M&M and LH Group websites/apps

    The new Travel ID enables customers to create a profile with which they can log in to all platforms of the Lufthansa Group. In addition, the customer profiles of different companies are merged into a single login, which creates a seamless user experience and increases the share of profiles. All passengers now have the option of creating a ...

  16. myIDTravel

    Airline? myIDTravel @ 2024

  17. Lufthansa Miles & More Loyalty Program Guide

    The card offers a tidy welcome bonus: Earn 50,000 miles if you spend $3,000 in purchases and pay the annual fee, both within the first 90 days. After that, you'll earn 2 miles per dollar for ...

  18. myIDTravel: smart management for ID travel

    The myIDTravel application by Lufthansa Industry Solutions stands for particularly intuitive and innovative travel management. This means that airlines can use our solution to conclude an ID agreement with a new partner in just a few clicks. myIDTravel has an interface that provides access to all of the common reservation systems, HR systems ...

  19. Can't register for Travel ID : r/Lufthansa

    It has been a few days that I am trying to register for Travel ID (both Lufthansa and Swiss airlines). It is always the same, I go all the steps to the end of the registration, however I never receive the e-mail to confirm my registration/e-mail. When I try to register again, it is said that the e-mail has already been registered.

  20. TSA PreCheck, valid ID can help airport wait times: 8 travel tips

    If you are 18 or older you must show a valid ID to travel. Starting on May 7, 2025, your state-issued ID must be what is called a REAL ID . It has higher security features.

  21. The Real ID Deadline Is Approaching—Here's How to Be Prepared

    Real ID driver's licenses are marked with a star in the top corner. (It's worth noting one confusing state policy: Ohio's old licenses have a gold star, while its Real IDs have a black star.)

  22. Here's Where You Can Fly With A Digital ID On Your Phone

    Major airports in 20 US states and Puerto Rico now accept digital ID in lieu of physical driver's licenses. TSA. Where can you fly in the U.S. with a mobile ID stored on your phone?For tens of ...

  23. What's inside SFO's $2.4 billion renovation

    Lufthansa said the headsets will be provided on "selected flights" of Allegris aircraft on a test basis. Simple Flying said this will be the first use of the Quest 3 headsets at any airline.