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The top 10 cheapest places to visit from the UK right now

  • The top 10 cheapest places to visit from the UK right now
  • < Travel inspiration

Travel inspiration

By David Szmidt September 7, 2022

By David Szmidt | September 7, 2022

Last update: October 5, 2022

With autumn approaching, we’ve found the best low-cost flights to European cities. Kiwi.com helps you to save money on budget city breaks to cool destinations, so here are our top 10 cheap trips available now

Kiwi.com has some outstanding late-season deals to some of the coolest cities across Europe and beyond; in fact, some of these trips could cost you less than a meal and a couple of drinks at the airport. Read our picks below, then grab yourself a deal ASAP, because seats at these prices are going fast!

Kraków, Poland

Exterior of restaurant in Kazimierz — Shutterstock

A city of two fairly distinct halves, Poland’s second-largest has been trying to balance its history and cultural heritage with its popularity with the weekend parties and stag-do crowds that also flock here. If that’s not your thing, though, Kraków has more than enough to keep you occupied. If that is your thing, well, you keep reading too!

The two areas you’ll see the most of — especially if you’re only on a short break — are Stare Miasto, the Old Town, and Kazimierz, south of the city center and the former Jewish ghetto . The Old Town is undeniably beautiful, with its huge square dominated by the market in the middle selling amber jewelry and other souvenirs, and the mismatched towers of St. Mary’s Basilica. Wawel Castle, on the way from Kazimierz to the Old Town, is a huge, red-brick affair guarded by a dragon that really breathes fire (no, really!). Kazimierz, as mentioned, is the former Jewish ghetto with tiny streets that are now a jumble of artisan shops and cafés , a central square that’s almost entirely bars and restaurants, and a bunch of new brewpubs , one located in the old municipal tram shed. All aboard for Kraków, then!

Dublin, Ireland

Neon window sign that reads 'Live Irish Music' — Shutterstock

Famous for its friendly atmosphere, laid-back locals, musical culture, and of course, Guinness, Dublin is on many a traveler’s to-do list. Makes sense: it’s got a great live music scene (both trad. and modern), a huge student population, and manages to be both multinational and singularly Irish in one go.

It’s also got a bunch of great ways to rejuvenate yourself after the excesses of the previous night. Walk along the breezy banks of the Liffey, make your way out to the huge Phoenix Park , or simply explore Dublin’s inner city. Helpfully, each area is named to give you a fair idea of what you’ll encounter — the Medieval Quarter, the Georgian Quarter, the Docklands Quarter, the Cultural Quarter and the Creative Quarter — so if you’re looking for the castle, elegant avenues and squares, the waterfront, pubs and bars, or galleries and boutique shops, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find exactly what you’re looking for. Useful if you’re still slightly sore in the head.

Oslo, Norway

View of Oslo's modern architecture over pedestrian bridge — Shutterstock

A city of parks and gardens, Oslo is also modern, sleek, smart, and very cool indeed. The glass towers on the waterfront tell of a city that’s forward-looking, clean and well-mannered, and all the other Scandinavian stereotypes that are prevalent because they’re true. The city center is compact and easy to navigate by foot or by bicycle , and is home to boutique shops, local cafés, and a selection of excellent venues and museums.

You can get to know Norway ’s artsy, literary side by visiting Edvard Munch’s estate at Ekely, visit the Henrik Ibsen museum in his old apartment in one of the grand, 19th-century buildings at the southern end of the Slottsparken (also home to the Royal Palace), or admire the art in the vast Nasjonalgalleriet (National Gallery). Discover the history of the country during World War II at the Hjemmefrontmuseum (Resistance Museum), or simply wander about the city looking at the beauty of the buildings and the elegant, happy people.

Once you’ve booked your cheap flight to Oslo on Kiwi.com, we also have an extended guide on how to visit Scandinavia on a budget .

Venice, Italy

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Sam 🌎Travel & Fashion (@sammcclendon)

Ah, Venice, as Indiana Jones once sighed. And sigh he very well might, as it is still one of the world’s most recognizable, most romantic , and most visited cities. Its network of canals winds through six districts, known as sestieri , and most of the tourists tend to stay in just two: San Marco and San Polo. You’ll visit these too, of course, but away from the crowds — and at the right time of day — you can find a bit of Venice to call your own.

More than any other place on this list, Venice rewards those who get up early, stay up late, or both. Early mornings bring silence, other than the clattering of shop awnings and the fluttering of pigeons, while nighttime is when the locals emerge, after the majority of tourists have gone to bed or are safely back on their cruise ships. Explore early, head to the islands or lesser-visited sestieri during the day, and find a tiny backstreet bistro in the evening. That’s the ultimate Venetian experience.

For more information and ideas, we’ve got an extended guide to Venice right here . 

Madrid, Spain

Sunset over Gran Vía street — Shutterstock

A slight curio in that when visitors head to Spain , it’s less likely that they’d think of the capital as their first port of call. Barcelona , surely? Maybe Sevilla? Valencia, even? Well, we’re here to convince you Madrid is well worth your time. It’s got all the foodie credentials, nightlife, history and culture of all the places mentioned above, and a couple of surprises as well!

Start your trip off right with an ir de tapas , or what could be described as a “tapas crawl”. Not content with one venue, your average Madrileño will range from one place to the next; indeed, whole afternoons are taken up on streets like Cava Baja which seems to be nothing but tapas bars . Explore the beautiful parks including the famous Retiro, ride the cable car for amazing views, or head underground to the Chamberí “ghost station” — an abandoned station, now restored, that tells you the history of the Madrid Metro. For even odder things to do, check out the grisly Forensic Museum, or have your photo taken with the statue of la abuela rockera (the rocker grandma), an old woman who became famous in Madrid when she started attending metal concerts … at the age of 70. That’s Madrid: less rocking chair, more rocking out.

Faro, Portugal

Belmarco Mansion in Faro's Old Town — Shutterstock

The capital of the Algarve region was once a byword for cheap package holidays to the surrounding area, and the ring of concrete apartment blocks that surround the town does give it a bit of a 1960s impression upon arrival. However, you’ll soon find it friendly , interesting, historic, and with a great nightlife scene, particularly during term time when the student population moves back in.

The Old Town ( Cidade Velha ) is small but pretty. The settlement actually goes back as far as the Romans, but an earthquake destroyed virtually all of what was once theirs. There are Roman ruins nearby if that floats your boat — try the excavation at Milreu, north of Faro. Otherwise, Faro offers some impressive churches, a massive sweep of beach west of the airport with windsurfing and kitesurfing, and the network of streets around Rua de São Pedro, Rua Conselheiro Bívar, and Rua do Prior offer scores of bars, clubs, cocktail places, rooftop bars, pubs and live music venues.

Vienna, Austria

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Vienna can come across as rather an austere place. Geographically pretty much halfway between the bouncing energy of Budapest and the flighty beauty of Prague , it seems more grown-up, more likely to have a coffee and a discussion than a pint and a party. However, do a bit of scraping below the surface and you’ll find it has more to offer.

Once you’ve walked around the edge of the roughly circular center and dutifully seen the major sights (Rathaus, tick; Hofburg, tick; Opera House, tick), it’s time to dive in properly. Check out the numerous flea markets that pop up around the city for everything from clothes to LPs, ornaments to pictures to musical instruments to books . Head to the Prater, a huge green space home to a wonderfully kitsch amusement park dating from the end of the 19th century. Finally, when night falls, find one of the rooftop bars for cocktails, or experience one of the Volksgarten outdoor club nights. You’ll discover that Vienna really can let its hair down.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Colorful building facades with boats and yachts in the Old Town of Copenhagen, Denmark — Shutterstock

Copenhagen went through an upsurge in tourist interest a while back when the concept of hygge was unleashed on a world craving coziness, warmth, contentment, good conversation and all the other things it stands for. That feeling still exists in spades in its native country, of course, and Denmark has a reputation as one of the safest, friendliest, and happiest countries in the world.

Rent a bicycle and cycle the city center, then out into the surrounding forests (and it’s remarkable how quickly you’ll be out in them — the city isn’t a sprawler). Sit by the water in the shadow of tall, handsome Hanseatic townhouses with coffee and cake. Discover royal palaces, Viking treasures, modern art, bespoke designer clothes and vintage record shops, all within minutes of each other. Finally, if you’re feeling like it, take a dip in the harbor. The city is so incredibly proud of its commitment to sustainability and environmental forward-thinking that its water is amazingly clean. You can even help to keep it that way, if you’d like. Find out how towards the end of this article .

Budapest, Hungary

Interior of Szimpla Kert ruin bar

Budapest feels, more than anywhere in Europe, the junction point between east and west. Its grand, 19th-century boulevards lined with designer shops might put you in mind of Paris or Milan, while its narrow, rattling trams, slightly tatty side streets, and slight sense of chaos, hark back to a time when Hungary was one of the more volatile members of the Warsaw Pact states.

Today it’s a place tourists come to go wild, completely relax, or — more probably — a combination of the two. No night out in Budapest is complete without visiting its famous ruin bars, scattered around the old Jewish quarter. No day out is complete without taking a dip in the Széchenyi thermal baths. Between the two there’s the castle district and Fisherman’s Bastion to explore, for fabulous views of the national parliament building. Climb the steep hill to the statue of victory and reward yourself with an ice cream, explore the park-like Margitsziget, dodge the tourist traps of Váci utca, and generally lose yourself in this fun, fascinating city.

Palermo, Italy

View down colorful street in Palermo — Shutterstock

The capital of Sicily was traditionally — and still is — the meeting point of Europe and Africa. It’s a young, lively, multicultural city that runs on art, music and food , and is also an excellent base from which to explore the rest of the island. It’s a mashup of the best of Italy and the best of North Africa , with piazzas, churches, statues and the like, coupled with markets that resemble souks, with amazing food, the heady smell of spices, and more colors than you can take in.

It’s also only 20 minutes or so from a number of quieter coastal villages — small collections of houses with beautiful beaches, so if you’re feeling a touch overwhelmed, it’s easy to have a day of peace and quiet as well. Further west is the city of Trapani, precarious on a spit of land making a wide, blue bay; while east is the fortress-like, 12th-century town of Cefalù, also basking in coastal glory. Meanwhile, at the other end of the island (and another very cheap destination at the moment) is Catania. But that’s another story .

@kiwi.com Toxic trait: Book every cheap flight I find 💁🏼‍♀️ #cheapflights #freetravel #budgettravel #cheaptravel #wehacktravel #travelhacks #wehackthesystem #kiwicomtravel @Sabina | travel + food ♬ I Wanna Go Home – Fat Cat

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David Szmidt

David is a lead writer for Kiwi.com, as well as a football-watcher, music-listener and beer-appreciater. @UtterBlether

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Here are 19 of the cheapest destinations to fly to from London's airports

Aaron Hurd

It's great when you've got money to spare and you're willing to spend on a far-flung destination for a once-in-a-lifetime trip, or shell out for a luxury flight experience in a costly first class cabin. Sometimes, though, you just want a cheap getaway that won't break the bank (or dip into your Avios).

That's why we've taken a look at some of the cheapest destinations you can fly to from five of London's airports: Gatwick (LGW) , Heathrow (LHR) , Stansted (STN) , City (LCY) and Luton (LTN) . We've looked for destinations that consistently pop up with low (starting) return fares from each airport, by scouring the flights listed on Skyscanner from December 2022 to November 2023.

For more TPG news delivered each morning to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

Note: Southend (SEN) isn't included in this list, as its starting prices weren't listed on Skyscanner.

Is this an exact science? Err, not really. Flight prices go up and down constantly, new routes are added, and some flights for later in 2023 may not yet be for sale. And of course, starting prices are just that: starting prices. The definition of 'cheapest' varies by airport, too – City's cheapest flights, for example, are more expensive than the options from budget havens Stansted and Luton (served by the likes of Ryanair and Wizz Air).

Of course, if you start searching, you'll find plenty more affordable flights for countless destinations for your chosen airport or month of travel. Think of this piece as inspiration – a starting point – if you're looking for one of the cheapest destinations to reach from London.

Let's take a look...

London Gatwick (LGW)

Milan Old Town

Milan, Italy

The Italian fashion capital popped up in the search time and time again, with prices starting from £21 return (flying Wizz Air). Low fares popped up over eight months of the year, starting from the £20s to £60s mark, though obviously it's on the cheaper side in winter.

Still, it doesn't need to be scorching to soak up the city's art (including Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper), culture, famous shopping, or to admire the Duomo di Milano up close. Day trips to Bergamo, Verona, and even Lake Como are all possible, meaning its a useful starting point for further exploration.

Malaga, Spain

From £22 return, the Andalusian city of Malaga proved to be one of the cheapest 'from London' destinations. Starting prices ranged from £23 to £42 over 10 months of the year when we looked, so you should be able to bag a bargain flight from Gatwick without much trouble – flying a mix of either Wizz Air, Vueling, BA or easyJet.

Weather-wise, you're looking at average highs of 25C in July and August, and 13C in December and January, to London's respective 16C and 7C/5C (according to Holiday Weather ). In addition to the tapas and nightlife the city is known for, you'll have the Costa del Sol's beautiful beaches at your feet. If you like to rove museums, you'll like it here too – there's even one devoted to Picasso, who was born there.

Faro, Portugal

Portuguese gem Faro was also consistently cheap over 10 months, with fares starting from £28 in winter and heading into the £30 to £50 region. For the cheapest fares, you'll likely fly Wizz Air both ways, or Wizz Air and easyJet.

As the capital of the Algarve, you can land and drive to along the coast relaxing holiday at the beach – stunning Albufeira is just 40 minutes away by car – or enjoy a low-key city stay with strolls through cobbled streets and the city's charming Old Town. Positioned near the tip of southern Europe, you're also looking at pleasant weather all year round, with mild winters to shake off the U.K. cold.

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Bilbao, Spain

Over five months, we spotted low fares to the port city of Bilbao in northern Spain, starting from as low as £36 to £52. You'll be flying Vueling.

Perhaps Bilbao is best known for the attention-grabbing Guggenheim Museum, famed just as much for its titanium Frank Gehry architecture as it is for the contemporary art it houses. Still, there's more to the city than this: green space, great music, a love of football, fine dining, the list goes on. It's also part of the Basque Country, known for its stunning stretches of coast, and is one hour, 15 minutes away from San Sebastian by car.

Special mention... Podgorica, Montenegro

OK, so Podgorica isn't one of the very cheapest places you can fly from LGW. However, it did keep catching our eye as we trawled through the many, many (many) fares on offer. We clocked starting prices for returns ranging from £42 to £55 over six months of the year, flying Wizz Air.

If you're looking for somewhere a tad less well-trodden than Spain, Portugal or Italy, then a trip to the Balkans may suit. In Podgorica – Montenegro's capital – you can explore old churches, monasteries and bridges. However, it's well worth getting out of the city into nature –tripping to the surreally beautiful Lake Skadar, and bussing it over to the mountainous coastal towns of Budva and Kotor.

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London Heathrow (LHR)

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Dublin, Ireland

Dublin could have landed on this list three times over. It frequently popped up month after month among the cheapest options from LHR, LGW and LCY (with the cheapest fare from Gatwick, and City being slightly more expensive).

From LHR specifically, BA flights to the Irish capital started from £48 to £51 over all 12 months. So, a stroll over the 200-year-old Ha'penny Bridge and an afternoon in an Irish pub, touring the Jameson distillery or watching the local sport, hurling, at Croke Park is within easy reach for travellers on a budget.

Related: How to save big by starting your journey from mainland Europe

Oslo, Norway

A trip to Norway won't break the bank, as return flights from Heathrow start from £54. We spotted that fare and starting prices up to £68 over seven months of the year, with BA and SAS among the airlines offering the lowest prices.

That's a bonus, because it's not the cheapest city to actually visit. Still, you can make the most of the free Vigeland Park, home to 200 sculptures, its many free museums, or enjoy a wander along the harbour. P.S. If you fancy Scandinavian capitals Stockholm and Copenhagen, flights from LHR can be reasonable at certain times of year, with starting prices from £59 and £61, respectively.

Glasgow, Scotland

If you don't fancy the train to Glasgow – a lengthy five hours, 45 minutes – a flight will drop you off in Scotland's cool second city in one hour, 30 minutes. From LHR, you're looking at fares starting from £51 to £68 (with BA), over 11 months of the year.

In Glasgow, you can expect to indulge in great food, shop at independent retailers, enjoy a themed walking tour or two, and explore museums, galleries, its cathedral and the Glasgow Necropolis. We should note that flights to Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Inverness had similar return fares over several months of the year, so your options for a Scottish city break from LHR are plentiful. U.K. cities Newcastle and Manchester were also comparable.

Billund, Denmark

For an unexpected Danish trip, we spotted return fares from LHR to Billund starting from £62 to £68 over seven months of the year via BA.

The birthplace of LEGO, you can expect a few LEGO-themed things to do in this Danish town, from the LEGO House museum to LEGOLAND Billund (which, to be fair, Londoners can experience close to home in Windsor). There's also a family-friendly holiday area complete with water park called Lalalandia. Museums, a sculpture park and nearby Engelsholm Castle offer more to see.

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London Stansted (STN)

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Nantes, France

The French city of Nantes appeared month after month with cheap fares in our search of Stansted's cheapest destinations, starting from £19 return, rising to £27 (with Ryanair). Naturally, it seems to be cheaper in autumn/winter.

Nantes is the sixth largest city in France, historically part of the Brittany region, and is known for its historic castle Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne, its Old Town and white Muscadet wine. That's a big check mark next to the usual 'things to do' on a European city break – but, somewhat unexpectedly, on the Île de Nantes in the city centre is a huge, mechanical elephant you can ride on.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Flights to Edinburgh from STN start from around £22 (with Ryanair), meaning a visit to Scotland's capital is well within reach in one hour, 20 minutes, a touch faster than the train's average four hours, 50 minutes (and, unless you're really good at nabbing train tickets, probably a bit cheaper).

Here, you can ascend a hilltop to reach the stunning Edinburgh Castle, shop til you drop on Princes Street, drink on The Royal Mile, stop in a cosy café (such as The Elephant House, where JK Rowling wrote some of Harry Potter) or pub, or mosey past the Old Town's stone buildings.

Related: The whisky drinker's guide to Scotland

Toulouse, France

Toulouse is also a good option from STN, with return fares starting from around £19 to £25 (with Ryanair), seen over several months of the year.

The city – France's fourth largest – is sometimes known as La Ville Rose, thanks to its terracotta architecture and peach-hued Neoclassical palace, Place du Capitole. An excellent choice for snap-happy travellers, it's also a wonderful place to visit for art and museums. If you want to explore further, a UNESCO World Heritage Site – the Medieval citadel Cité de Carcassonne – is one hour, 10 minutes away by car.

London City (LCY)

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The cheapest flight we found from LCY via Skyscanner was to Luxembourg, starting from £78 return (with LUXAIR). Starting fares appeared pretty fixed for this destination on our search, varying from £78 to £81 for 10 months of the year, and at they are cheapest in June, July and October.

Perhaps this petite European country, nestled between Belgium, Germany and France, hasn't topped your travel wish list – but there's plenty to see and do. You fly into LUX, near the capital Luxembourg City, and find there's more to see than you might expect, from the picturesque Grund quarter to Pétrusse Casemates tunnels. Beyond the city, there's Vianden (home to the namesake castle and a Victor Hugo Museum) and the nature-packed 112km Mullerthal hiking trial.

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Rotterdam in The Netherlands makes a great city break – and return fare starting prices from LCY hover around the £110 to £125 mark over 11 months of the year (with KLM or BA).

A major European port city, you'll often find you're near the water while roaming Rotterdam. It's a design enthusiast's dream, too, with its yellow Cube Houses, Erasmus Bridge and striking, dome-like Markthal, housing endless grocery and street food options. The Netherlands has an excellent train network, too, meaning you can easily hop around on day trips. The traditional town of Delft, famed for its blue-and-white china, is less than 15 minutes away by train, while The Hague is just 30 minutes and student city Leiden around 35 minutes. Even the train to Amsterdam is fast at around one hour, 15 minutes.

Geneva, Switzerland

Over nine months of the year, we spotted flights from LCY to Geneva, starting from as low as £87 (flying SWISS). Starting prices did creep up heading into the summer months, up to £113, tending to be cheaper in autumn/winter.

Fortunately, Geneva is lovely in the sun and a suitably wintery place to spend a few days during the colder season. Blessed with beautiful views of the surrounding Alps and Mont Blanc, this pretty Swiss city is also home to the United Nations building, a museum devoted to watchmaker Patek Philippe, its sky-high water fountain – and is famous for its chocolate. One downside if you're on a budget? Geneva is pretty expensive.

Related: 5 winter wonderland escapes in Switzerland to visit now

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam needs little introduction and is similarly priced to Rotterdam from LCY. We found it popped up with starting prices from £113 to £125 over 11 months of the year, with low fares available flying KLM or BA.

A dizzying mix of glistening canals, peaceful boat rides, purple houses, bustling shopping streets (De 9 Straatjes) and quieter side ones – not to mention all the locals whizzing around on bikes – there's a lot of Amsterdam to take in just walking around it, before you even get to any of the places that make it one of the world's most popular city breaks, including Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Vondelpark and Anne Frank House.

Related: 13 tips for travelling Europe on a budget

London Luton (LTN)

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Cork, Ireland

Ireland's second city frequently popped up as we scoured for the cheapest destinations at LTN, with return fares starting from £18 in January, and heading up to £29 (with Ryanair). When prices started climbing slightly in the summertime, Cork was still among the lowest price destinations we could find.

What a relief – because, when you arrive, you'll soon find out you're in the so-called 'food capital of Ireland', and find the contents of your wallet suddenly disappear on countless pub trips, quality restaurants and multiple visits to foodie paradise English Market. Beyond that, a trip to Blarney Castle & Gardens is on order. So is a jaunt across the harbour to Cobh, particularly as the colourful town was the last port of call for the doomed Titanic, as highlighted in the 'Titanic Experience'. Interestingly, both Cork and Cobh offer prison tours – the former of a 19th-century jail called Cork City Gaol and the latter of an ex-island prison called Spike Island.

Krakow, Poland

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Polish city Krakow appeared to be one of LTN's cheaper destinations year-round, excluding July and August. Starting return fares stayed low at £20 to £29 over seven months of the year (flying Wizz Air). Other Polish cities showed several months of low fares, with Poznan, Lublin and Rzeszow showing low starting fares around the £20s mark for various airlines. In January, February and March (post-Christmas market?), Wroclaw proved cheap with starting return fares of £21 to £22.

Krakow is an easy city break option, though. It has a large market square, Rynek Glowny, dating back to the 13th century. There's Wawel Castle, which has a statue of the legendary Wawel Dragon that breathes actual fire, and a cathedral of the same name. A short visit away are the Wieliczka Salt Mines.

Special mention... off-beat Europe

Though not the very cheapest we could find, it's hard not to notice some of the affordable fares for some lesser-known destinations in Europe from LTN.

For March 2023 alone, we spotted return fares for Ljubljana in Slovenia from £32, from £34, Debrecen in Hungary from £35, Pristina in Kosovo from £37, and Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina from £35 (often flying with Wizz Air) . Sure, it might be a bit cold or mild, but... London will probably be cold in March, too.

Related: How to Transfer Your Avios Between British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus Accounts

Prices correct at time of writing. Featured image of Bilbao by LEONARDO DE LA CUESTA/GETTY

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Find cheap flights to England from $129

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from the united states to england departing on 7/21. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to england.

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Best England Flight Deals

Cheapest round-trip prices found by our users on KAYAK in the last 72 hours

Good to know

Faqs - booking england flights, what kind of visa do i need to travel to england.

American passengers traveling from the United States don’t need a visa if they’re not planning to stay in the country for more than six months. All you need to enter the country is a valid passport.

I’m traveling to Liverpool. Which airport do I choose?

The airport serving Liverpool is Liverpool John Lennon Airport. However, although this is the most convenient airport, keep in mind when searching for flights to England that there aren’t direct flights from the United States to this destination. Alternatively, you can book a flight to Manchester and take a 1h train ride to Liverpool. A one-way ticket starts at £6 (approximately $8).

I’m traveling to London and I want to stay near downtown. What’s the best airport?

At just 7.3 mi from the city center, London City Airport (LCY) is the closest airport to the city center. However, it's also the airport in London with the fewest flights. Alternatively, you can look for flights to Heathrow Airport. Although 14.6 mi from central London, this airport is served by a very efficient network of public transportation that takes you to the city in less than 45m.

I’m traveling to Bath. What’s the nearest airport?

The airport closest to Bath is Bristol Airport (BRS), about 20 mi from the city center. The 1h trip between the airport and the city can be done on the Air Decker bus. A one-way ticket costs £14.00 (approximately $18). Flights from the US to Bristol depart from Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Orlando, and Washington.

How long is the flight to England?

An average nonstop flight from the United States to England takes 9h 15m, covering a distance of 4075 miles. The most popular route is Newark - London with an average flight time of 6h 40m.

What is the cheapest flight to England?

The cheapest ticket to England from the United States found in the last 72 hours was $141 one-way, and $310 round-trip. The most popular route is Newark to London Heathrow and the cheapest round-trip airline ticket found on this route in the last 72 hours was $456.

Which airlines fly to England?

American Airlines, British Airways & Finnair fly the most frequently from the United States to England. The most popular route is from New York to London, and Austrian Airlines, Air Canada and United Airlines fly this route the most.

What are the most popular destinations in England?

Based on KAYAK flight searches, the most popular destination is London (91% of total searches to England). The next most popular destinations are Edinburgh (6%) and Manchester (2%). Searches for flights to Southampton (0.6%), to Birmingham (0.4%) and to Liverpool (0.2%) are also popular.

How does KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to England

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest England flight deals.
  • If you’re thinking of London when searching for flights to England, Heathrow Airport (LHR) and Gatwick Airport (LGW) are the two airports with the most flights to and from the United States. An efficient public transportation system connects both airports to London’s city center.
  • If you’re planning to visit more than one city in England, you can use London as your base from where you’ll travel into and out of the country, and then visit the rest of the country by train or bus. If you prefer flying, you can check out low-cost airlines like Ryanair and easyJet, which have frequent flights from London to other English cities like Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol and Birmingham.
  • While most people traveling to the north of England choose to land at Manchester Airport (MAN), consider looking for flights to England that land in Leeds Bradford Yorkshire’s Airport (LBA) and Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LPL) as alternative flight options. Both cities are a little over 1h from Manchester.
  • For Shakespeare fans, Birmingham is a good gateway into the country for its closeness to the sites associated with the famous playwright. International flights land at the Birmingham Airport (BHX), 25 mi from Shakespeare’s birth town, Stratford-upon-Avon.
  • If you’re planning a trip to Southampton, be it for its coastal charm or for the city’s historical relevance, there are no direct flights from the US landing at the Southampton Airport (SOU). However, with Air France you can fly into Southampton with a layover in Paris and then go to Southampton airport.

Top 5 airlines flying to England

Delayed departure. Delayed after landing pulling into gate. Delay due to sky bridge malfunction

Great. Loved that there was WiFi on flight to keep in touch and excellent service of beverages and snacks.

Business class is great. New airplane, very comfortable, better than some of the major airlines I am used to

Terrible. Flight was cancelled due to the weather in the east and sout east(florida). Did not get any compesation of any kind. According to them, it was not under their control so I lost all the money paid for the 2 fairs from Raleigh, NC to Orlando, Fl.

great flight. Pilot was communicative, flight attendants were excellent. Really nice experience except my tv didn’t work.

Overall, the flight was better than the flight I took to go to Florida, which had a bunch of problems. The crew is really nice and the plane was new so it had a small problem when we were on the runway, but the flight itself was great. They even made some time back up, which is always a good thing.

at the time for boarding the lady just call Group A and no other goups and everybody from A to F go inside without the right turn,and when we get in theres no more spsce for carry on , the ones that get in at not correct group from the back occupy our space !!!!! a mess !!!!

There were multiple delays but JetBlue tried to make the boarding and departure process as quick and efficient as possible. The crew was as detached from reality as could be, meaning: not very friendly and just doing things by the numbers.

I had back trouble prior to my flight and everyone was great about helping me.

Jetblue needs to improve on Onboarding as it seems to always be behind on departing. It never leaves on time. I would recommend to have an earlier Onboarding in order to leave on time and respect your customers time as well.

We ended up with seats in the very back. So they did not recline. Have no idea why, we reserved and checked in very early. The isles were very narrow and the seats had very little leg room. But they did give us water, and a snack.

Energetic crew - flight full of swiftied going to Taylor's opening show in Paris! Long lines for bathroom made out kind of suck though

Check in etc was very good. As for on the plane, it was like flying in a freezer. It was so cold, i have flown for years and never been so cold on a plane. Staff on board said its always cold when flying which is a load of rubbish. They wouldnt put any heating on and now i have the flu because of this .

I’ve had a couple flights this week on United that were delayed by an hour or more

Flight was delayed 2.5 hours - a big deal on an overnight when you plan to sleep.

I feel like they have upgraded the app since I last flew United and I found it to be super helpful. I had stopped flying United unless absolutely necessary and my experience on this trip indicates they have been working hard to improve their services.

Surprisingly easy! I was hesitant to try this, but the cost swayed me. I actually felt like I had less stress than all the taxiing and possible delays that occur with short regional flights where you spend less time in the air than getting to and from the plane..

This flight was delayed multiple times and eventually canceled around 2-3ish. Original take off time was around 10:30am. By 3, there were no other options out of Houston, so stuck in Houston for from 3pm - 11am the next day.

Should have video screens Plane audio was poor and without wired connection hard to understand crew. Should serve more than just cups of water and pretzels on six hour flight. Did not see crew rest of flight. Fix charging sockets to retain charging blocks.

I paid $380 for my one-way ticket from California to Minnesota. The fair did not include online check-in. I received instructions from their app to check in at a kiosk. At the kiosk, the boarding pass would not print until an actual person came to verify that I had a personal item and not a carry-on item, On the plane, the person next to me was drunk and allowed to continue to order alcohol. United is garbage I’d rather fly spirit.

Liked - nothing. Disliked - delayed 35+ min sitting on the plane. Caused me to miss my connection in Charlotte. American Airlines is the worst US Air Carrier company with atrocious customer service.

Worst situation ever! I booked my tickets for this trip on Alaska Airlines. I guess AA is a partner and we flew nonstop from Eugene to PHX on an AA jet. I had to pay for luggage from PHX to EUG. And this was an Alaska Airlines reservation paid for with Alaska airlines credit card! Got to the PHX airport and was not able to check bags because of some weird issue with the AA software. My reservation had to be the-entered by the agent. I will never pick another American Airlines flight on the Alaska Airlines website. While on vacation, I tried to upgrade our seats for the trip home. The request just buffered and never went through. I tried four times and was charged four times on my credit card. The card was charged but the seats were never changed. What a wreck!

Terrible boarding , Business class seats are sub standard. As usual crew will miss your food too

Just get Economy Plus for international flights, so worth it the extra room, bigger seats…

The return trip was a customer service disaster. American Airlines needs an overhaul of how they treat their customers.

Was flying in premium eco and there were around 5-6 movies I wanted to watch and none of those could I play for some reasons. Not just me we checked w the person sitting next to me. Few of the movies were only playable :( Also that was not great that we couldn't upgrade to business however tried to, many times before the flight :(

You cancelled my flight by email then made it very difficult to get in contact with you. Then put me in a flight with a long layover in Mexico returning to the wrong airport in uk. Mind blowing my stressful. I missed see my grand dad because of you.

This was not the BA business class it used to be. Mediocre food, attendants seemed stretched thin. All the little luxuries that used to make BA business fun were missing. Flight delayed and the explanation given was they forgot to pick up crew - I hope I misheard! Transfer in LHR “sticky” - we thought we had way too much time at 3hours but it was needed. Next time will try different route.

Always getting updates by email very easy to check in on line. There was plenty of checking in staff to get you all through. It was nice that the flight attendants took time to talk to you and were interested in your holiday.

Flight from Phoenix to London was very quiet. Excellent space available for comfort, couldn't fault

They stuck us with multiple extra fees. I will never fly spirit again

Arrived 3 hours early and never made it past baggage drop

Flight delayed then canceled! I will NEVER fly Spirit Airlines again and will tell all my friends!

Absolutely terrible. The boarding process had zero organization. Mobs of people trying to board. People were climbing over my child's stroller with her in it. No families were boarded first. Boarding was delayed with no reasoning or notification that it would be late. We were then stuck on the plane for 45 minutes after landing. Then waited over two hours for our luggage. There was zero communication with the travelers. Never have I experienced such I professionalism and disgrace of others. Extremely disappointed.

For it to have left on time! Instead of two hours early with zero notice

Flight kept delayed from morning to late afternoon so I had to make other arrangements

Crew was nice, explained emergency protocol very well. Flight took off and arrived on time. Pilot explained the small delay that occurred with docking and providing updates. I would definitely fly spirit again.

Terrible… missed our flight due to ridiculously long time to go thru baggage check-in!

The crew was not great or professional. It seemed like they didn't really want to be there. A true lack of effort for accommodating customers.

Everything was really good but the seats are not very comfortable.

Over an hour delay in departure but I was notified beforehand. Another delay on tarmac upon arrival at LGA. We ended up departing the plane almost 2 hours later than expected

I fly Frontier because it’s affordable. I understand that the seats are tight and not the most comfortable…but that’s part of it. The problem with this flight was that there was a group of travelers directly behind me at the back of the plane who were ridiculously loud and obnoxious the entire flight. I’m pretty sure they were drunk and I could periodically smell an odd odor that I believe was one of them using a smokeless vape pen. The stewards had to remind them to keep quiet during the pre-flight instruction, but that was it. They never said another thing to them for the rest of the flight. It was a miserable.

I checked a bag because it was $5 less than carry on. They managed to lose my bag on a 2.5 hr direct flight! Frontier has no airport staff at baggage claim to help. As soon as I got home around 11 pm I tried to use their online system to file the claim for lost bag - system wouldn't take the # on my baggage claim ticket - said it was not the correct number. Also said that I had not checked a bag, which wasn't true - even my online boarding pass showed that I had checked a bag. Wasted about an hour on that process with no luck. Tried again in the morning - same thing. So tried online chat with Frontier bot - waited 35-40" twice to be connected to a baggage agent and it never happened. Eventually drove to PDX after work and waited 2 hrs for the Frontier ticket agents to arrive prior to the next Frontier flight out of PDX and FINALLY got some help from one of them, to take me to lost luggage area where I was able to retrive my bag. Probably took 4-5 hrs. of my time and endless frustration to get my bag. This was my first -- and LAST -- experience flying Frontier Airlines. Check-in was also extremely difficult and time consuming. The flight itself (and staff) were fine but everything else about the experience was a total disaster! The fact that Frontier literally has NO WAY to connect to a human voice for customer service (in this case for lost luggage) is the WORST!!!!!

Frontier is a crappy airline nothing about it is honest

I didn't get to do this flight l, hard to review

Not good 😐 Over priced baggage fees Small hard seats No wifi or entertainment options 😕

Didn't like anything!! Horrible flight. Small seating area and hard seats. Butt was sore after 2 hour flight to Seattle No entertainment or free refreshments No wifi or USB charging receptacles to charge phone entoute like other airliners Luggage rates were 3 times as much as competitors. Difficult to navigate online luggue process to pre pay before flight Overall bad experience WILL NEVER RIDE OR RECOMMEND FRONTIER TO FRIENDS OR FAMILY MEMBERS!!! THIS IS A SHAME!! MOST MESERIBLE FLIGHT OF MY LIFE!! AND I THOUGHT SPIRIT WAS 👎 YOU GOT THEM BEAD HANDS DOWN!!

Flight was a little late taking off. Seats are too upright, no ports to charge devices, no wifi, no entertainment

Six hour delay. Poor customer service. No voucher. Bad communication. Missed important appointments.

Our flight was delayed an hour, then when we got to board our flight finally, we were waiting in our seats for take off for 45 minutes before it was communicated that there was a maintenance issue therefore we waited on the plane for over an hour while that was resolved. We did not get to Phoenix until almost 3 hours after we were originally supposed to. This was the first and last time I will be flying Frontier.

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Cheapest places to fly from London

Cheapest Places to Fly from London

London is the ultimate hub for a European exploration with budget flights across the continent. Here are our favorite getaways.

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London is always abuzz with its old streets battered with the scampering of thousands of feet and its most famous sights unfailingly full of tourists. But, while it may be one of the most famous cities in the world, it’s also one of the biggest hubs, serving multiple flights from all continents, and naturally, it’s one of the most popular starting points (or ending points) for tours traveling through Europe. 

Travel to: UK and Great Britain

Great deals, therefore, can be found on flights to amazing destinations, especially in neighboring European countries. If you’re planning to visit London, or maybe you’re unsure of where in Europe you should start your next tour, these are  15 of the cheapest places to fly to from London. Consider this your unofficial compass to guide where your next tour should be. 

1. Oslo , Norway 

  • Typical flight price: from $29 (£23)
  • Food: Picked herring, brown cheese, potato lefse, reindeer meat
  • Drink: Aquavit, mjød

Norway’s Viking capital is also its center of stunning architectural creations and the heart of its modern culinary scene. There are many things to do in Oslo during your tour – the least of which is exploring Oslofjord – that you might have to extend your stay.

The sweet spot here is doing a mix of everything: seeing the architecture, eating the food, communing with nature, and learning about Viking history.

Travel to: How to Enjoy Norway on a Budget

See all tours to Norway…

enjoying Norway on a budget

2. Stockholm , Sweden 

  • Typical flight price : from $40 (£32)
  • Food: Raggmunk, Pyttipanna, räksmörgås, cinnamon roll
  • Drink: Beer, brännvin, akvavit

You might be pleasantly surprised to find out, as your plane makes its final descent in Stockholm, that Sweden’s capital city is, in fact, made up of several islands and home to an archipelago well worth a boat excursion when visiting in summer. That alone hints at the many things you can see and do in the city, perfect for a long weekend.

As for the essentials? Stroll through the iconic Old Town, check out the subway where every station is a work of art, get your dose of Scandinavian design, visit the ABBA museum if you’re a pop history aficionado, and most definitely have ‘fika’, the Swedish tradition of a big cup of coffee and a pastry to go with it, preferably a Swedish classic like a cinnamon roll or a slice of decadent Princess-cake.

See all tours to Sweden…


3. Dublin , Ireland 

  • Typical flight price: from $25 (£20)
  • Food: Irish stew, cottage pie, bacon, and cabbage
  • Drink: Guinness beer, Bailey’s, Irish cider

Dublin will set you up for idyllic explorations. Get ready for long-winded yet boisterous conversations with the friendly locals and for night-long drinking at pubs. It’s ripe with fascinating history and atmosphere for you to take in while gawking at its dramatic structures of Trinity College and Dublin Castle. Extend your weekend getaway to a two-week tour, as there are so many more things to see in the rest of the green isle with dramatic nature and cozy B&Bs. Trust us; you won’t regret a tour through Ireland.

See all tours to Ireland…

Ireland Vs Scotland

4. Warsaw , Poland 

  • Typical flight price: from $35 (£28)
  • Food: Zapiekanka, Pączek, Polskie naleśniki, pierogi
  • Drink: Vodka, Czech beer

Get ready for heated discussions. The denizens of Poland’s intellectual capital love talking about everything under the sun (yes, including politics). A visit to Warsaw is a trip into history with its atmospheric Old Town and more modern downtown – you’ll come back feeling smarter and more cultured and with huge helpings of delicious food and many shots of vodka in your stomach.

Travel to: Best Small Towns in Europe for Authentic Local Experiences

See all tours to Poland…

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5. Ibiza , Spain 

  • Typical flight price: from $100 (£81)
  • Food: Ensalada Payesa, Sofrit Pages
  • Drink: Vin Payes, Hierbas Ibicencas

If you need to unwind, at least for the weekend, then the stunning coast of Ibiza is the perfect place to let loose. Spend the day lounging by the pool with a cocktail in your hand, running at the beach, or going on a sailing tour through the islands, then enjoy the famous nightlife.

See all tours to Spain…


6. Copenhagen , Denmark

  • Typical flight price: from $45 (£37)
  • Food: Smørrebrød, Frikadeller
  • Drink: Akvavit, Carlsberg beer

It’s one of the cleanest and greenest cities in the world, and it’s bike- and pedestrian-friendly as well. Whether you love theme parks (Tivoli in central Copenhagen is the oldest in the world), have a passion for arts and architecture, or you simply like to meander about an idyllic city, a tour through Copenhagen is calling out your name.

Visit Rosenborg Castle, a renaissance beauty in downtown, or the more recent Amalienborg Castle, home of the royal Danish family, where you can see the royal guards with their iconic bear fur hats.

See all tours to the Nordics and Scandinavia…

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7. Baden-Baden , Germany

  • Typical flight price: from $37 (£30)
  • Food: Rehrücken Baden-Baden (Roe deer roast), Kirschenmichel
  • Drink: Spätburgunder or Grauburgunder from the Baden wine region

The pretty spa town in the northwestern section of the Black Forest oozes with charm, with its 19th-century storybook architecture, Roman bath ruins, fountains, and gardens all nestled in a verdant valley. A quick weekend getaway or a short multi-day tour for cosseting in one of its spas is just the ticket here, and maybe even a cycling tour through Schwarzwald.

See all tours to Germany…

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8. Cologne , Germany 

  • Food: Himmel un Ääd, Schweinshaxe
  • Drink: Kölsch beer

Set on the banks of the Rhine, the city of Cologne is one of Germany’s most picturesque cities. It’s a mixture of the appealingly old and the modern, the skyline dominated by the Gothic spires of the Cologne Cathedral. It’s a city for admiring art and architecture, but it’s also for indulging: in chocolate, in beer, in river cruises under the stars.

cheapest travel from uk

9. Madrid , Spain

  • Typical flight price: from $60 (£48)
  • Food: Cocido Madrileño, Churros con Chocolate, Callos a la Madrileña
  • Drink: Tinto de verano

While travelers flock to good ol’ Barcelona , many discerning visitors prefer the less Gaudi-adorned streets of Madrid for its more urbane and sophisticated air. See its busy squares and affluent neighborhoods, admire its sophisticated architecture, shop at its outdoor markets, and then go on a tapas and drink bonanza in this colorful metropolis.

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10. Carcassonne , France 

  • Food: Cassoulet
  • Drink: Local wine

Combine French medieval history and exquisite wine in Carcassonne, an hour’s drive southeast of Toulouse in Southern France . Its stunning wall city, set atop a hill, is famous the world over and is the venue for many explorations. But take to the Lower City as well, sample the marvelous reds made in the area, and indulge in the local cuisine.

See all tours to France…

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11. Bordeaux , France

  • Typical flight price: from $45 (£36)
  • Food: Agneau de Pauillac, Canelé de Bordeaux, Magret de Canard
  • Drink: Bordeaux wine

The center of one of France’s most famous wine regions is hardly a secret. Bordeaux, whose historical part has made it to the UNESCO World Heritage list, is full of grand architecture, delicious food, and of course, glorious wine. Go around by bike, as it is one of Europe’s most bike-friendly cities, and indulge. And do carve out time to photograph Place de la Bourse during your tour. 

cheapest travel from uk

12. Milan , Italy

  • Typical flight price: from $27 (£22)
  • Food: Risotto alla Milanese, Cotoletta alla Milanese, Cannoncino, Ossobuco alla Milanese
  • Drink: Aperitivo

Whether you’re visiting for the exquisite art and stunning architecture— Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, for example—or you’re partaking in la vita moda , Italy’s cosmopolitan city is a place you mustn’t miss out on. Visit its many galleries, and admire its Medieval and Renaissance structures, then do some retail therapy, indulging in delicious food in between.

See all tours to Italy…

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13. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

  • Typical flight price: from $37 (£xx)
  • Food: F’rell Am Rèisleck, Bouneschlupp, Gromperekichelcher, Paschtéit
  • Drink: Luxembourg wine, crémants, viz

The heart of the European country sandwiched by Belgium, Germany, and France, Luxembourg City is a hodgepodge of cultures, architecture, and cuisines. Take a languid pace but allot some time; the country may be small, but there’s much to do. Visit the Museum of Modern Art, hosted in the reconstructed Fort Thüngen, to get both history and modernity in one blow. Once you’ve had your fill of the city, head to the town of Vianden for a feast for the eyes.

See all tours to Luxembourg…

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14. Brno, Czech Republic 

  • Food: Traditional Czech dishes
  • Drink: Vodka, Starobrno beer, kofola

Brno’s red-roofed city has often been where people retreat to when they need a break from Prague’s busy streets. This city, almost halfway between Prague and Vienna, might be calmer, but it also holds its own, thanks to its large student population that help bring in innovation and creativity. 

See Also: Your Essential Guide for How Much You Should Tip in Europe

See all tours to the Czech Republic…

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15. Basel , Switzerland

  • Typical flight price: f rom $55 (£44)
  • Food: Basler Leckerli, raclette, rösti
  • Drink: Swiss wine

Set along the Rhine at the point where Switzerland meets Germany and France, Basel isn’t just another pretty face. It’s also an amalgamation of cultures and a hub for arts and architecture, drawing in travelers with more discerning tastes. There’s much to do here than just rambling about visiting its many, many museums to start. 

See all tours to Switzerland…

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So, are you ready to explore the best of Europe? Take a look at the most popular tours in Europe starting and ending in London . 

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Michelle Rae Uy

Michelle is Los Angeles-based writer, editor, and photographer with a bad case of wanderlust. Her dream, next to travelling the world, is to own her own funky, boutique hotel with a small animal sanctuary so she can spend the rest of her days chilling with cats and hedgehogs. Follow her on Instagram .

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26 of the best affordable holiday destinations for 2024

Turkey’s a steal, india offers serious value and packages to the gambia are absurdly cheap. these are the destinations where your pound will go further.

The Goddess of Mercy Temple in George Town, Penang, Malaysia

H ow to unearth a bargain? You could look for somewhere with a favourable exchange rate. You could delve into the cost of staples such as sandwiches, sun cream, buses and beach umbrellas. Or you could trust us, and our sources. Pulling together the latest research by the Post Office, currency specialists and others, we’ve listed 2024’s best-value places to visit. They range from Sri Lanka, Egypt and Turkey to the lesser-sung likes of North Macedonia, Ikaria and Bolivia — via a few surprising candidates in Spain, France and Portugal. Each comes with the typical prices for coffee, food and, of course, a beer.

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1. Ikaria, Greece

Seychelles beach in Ikaria

Lonely Planet recently ventured to name the globe’s ten best-value destinations (in no particular order). One of them was this teeny-tiny Greek island, which is especially good for budget-friendly rooms, even if other costs are hardly low. Best accessed via a flight from Athens, Ikaria hitherto had various other claims to fame: it’s of the world’s four original blue zones, where people live longer than average; it’s where Icarus is said to have crashed after cockily flying too close to the sun; and it’s supposedly the birthplace of pleasure god Dionysos, which perhaps explains all the wineries. The big draw, however, lies in beaches such as Seychelles, christened for its Indian Ocean-esque white sand, pale pebbles and turquoise waters.

Average prices Coffee £3, evening meal £15, beer £4

• Best beaches in Greece • Best affordable villas in Greece


2. penang, malaysia.

A rickshaw ride through George Town in Penang

For its Holiday Money Report, another annual publication, Post Office Travel Money analyses the costs of eight typical items — among them a three-course dinner for two, sunscreen and insect repellent — in 40 global destinations. Many of the top performers in 2024 have become more expensive than in 2023, but not so Penang, off Malaysia ’s northwestern coast. A large island where pure shores and rainforests sit alongside Buddhist temples and hawker street food, it has lots of beach hotels happily available in three-figure, flight-inclusive package deals from Britain. At less than £7 for a queue-jump pick, the Penang Hill funicular is similarly economical.

Average prices Coffee £2, evening meal £6, beer £3

• Best islands in Malaysia • Best destinations for June

3. Czech Republic

The town of Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

It’s always nice — for us, at least — when the pound soars in value against another currency, meaning lots more bang for the same buck. That’s the case right now with the Czech koruna, versus which sterling soared by more than 12 per cent since early 2023. As such, you’ll be able to afford more walnutty trdelnik pastries in saintly Cesky Krumlov, extra pints in Pilsen, an additional wine tour in student-powered Brno and a bonus castle visit in Prague. In general, try to limit your time in the capital — which is predictably the most touristy Czech destination — in favour of exploring the rest of this underappreciated, frequently fairytale Central European country.

Average prices Coffee £2, evening meal £10, beer £1.50

• Best things to do in Prague

4. Tokyo, Japan

Shibuya, Tokyo city

Tokyo has a reputation for being expensive — and it certainly can be, especially compared to other parts of Asia — but it’s also great at catering to travellers of every budget. Its capsule hotels, for example, offer horizontal cubicles at prices comparable to a bed in a hostel dorm room but with considerably more privacy, while a piping hot bowl of ramen in a typical restaurant costs as little as £4. There’s plenty to see without spending a penny, from the busy crossing at Shibuya to the Buddhist temple at Senso-ji.

Average prices Coffee £1.80, evening meal £5.50, beer £3

• Best hotels in Tokyo • Best things to do in Tokyo

5. Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

Jerez de la Frontera

Home of sherry wines, Jerez is a vibrant Andalusian city that’s managed to escape most of the tourist hordes of nearby Seville, which means prices here are comparatively modest too. At restaurants like Tabanco Plateros, for example, you can get a flight of five sherries with matching cheese and charcuterie for around €10. And of course you can take advantage of the menu del dia , a set lunch menu that generally costs around €15 for two courses plus wine. Touring and tasting through the bodegas in the city is an essential part of any visit here, but otherwise this is a laid-back city where people watching from a terrace cafe is greatly encouraged.

Average prices Coffee 90p, evening meal £12, beer £1.70

Turunc Bay in Marmaris

Despite sterling’s well-documented struggles, it has gained ground on some other faltering currencies. Easily the biggest leap concerns Turkish lira; in 2023 for example, you could get more than twice as much for each pound as you could in 2021. Even allowing for soaring inflation, that means huge savings. The obvious places in Turkey to splash such bonus cash are buzzy, beach-speckled Turquoise Coast resorts such as lively Marmaris, busy Bodrum and quieter Dalyan.

Average prices Coffee £2, evening meal £6.50, beer £2.50

• Best all-inclusive hotels in Turkey • Best hotels in Bodrum

7. Lisbon, Portugal

Tapas Bar 52 in Lisbon

The Post Office’s Travel Money department produces an annual City Costs Barometer charting the best-value European centres. In the most recent edition, Lisbon came top, having barely seen any rise in prices; the average total cost of two nights’ three-star accommodation over a weekend is now estimated to be £121. Aiding the Portuguese capital’s status as western Europe’s most wallet-friendly option are numerous bars serving filling petiscos (small plates) such as octopus salad.

Average prices Coffee £1.50, evening meal £14, beer £2.50

• Best affordable hotels in Lisbon • Best things to do in Lisbon

8. Sri Lanka

The coastal fort city of Galle in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka ’s still-recovering currency is offering astounding value to visitors, who are being welcomed back with open arms. In the capital Colombo, opulent hotels with 40m rooftop infinity pools are barely £50 a night. Trains to the Portuguese-era fort city of Galle cost around £5 — in first class — while you can pay around £40 to look for leopards in Yala National Park or take a whale-watching cruise. Then, after glorious days on white-sand beaches, the finest crab curries should bring change from a tenner.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £4, beer £1

• Best hotels in Sri Lanka • Best beaches in Sri Lanka

9. The Gambia

The beach at Serekunda in the Gambia

Mainland Africa’s smallest country packs plenty in. Spellbinding sandy beaches are the Gambia’s most famous attribute, with Cape Point the most Instagram-worthy, but there’s much more to relish: bird, hippo and chimp-watching cruises in River Gambia National Park, leopard-patrolled wetlands and mysterious stone circles. Nevertheless, and despite some excellent beachfront hotels, winter sun packages to this West African country are absurdly cheap. With the shared GMT time zone, you needn’t even worry about jet lag.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £7.50, beer £1

10. Bali, Indonesia

Mount Batur in Bali

This volcanic, tropical Indonesian island can be startlingly affordable — especially if you travel in its shoulder seasons of April to June or September to October, when the weather is usually getting gradually drier or wetter. High-quality budget hotels proliferate, most of Bali ’s beaches are free and activities tend to be a bargain: less than £30 for cookery classes or guided sunrise treks up Mount Batur. Taxis also cost little, as does zooming around on a rented scooter. Food-wise, stick to classic streetside snacks such as nasi jinggo (rice and side dishes such as sambal-fried peanuts, all wrapped in banana leaves) or dine in the affordable restaurants of Canggu and Ubud.

Average prices Coffee £2, evening meal £6.50, beer £3

• Best hotels in Bali

A beach bungalow in Placencia, Belize

In the pint-sized Central American country of Belize you’ll find jaguar-filled jungle, marvellous Maya ruins, caves, coffee farms, Caribbean beaches and, to enable splendid snorkelling and diving, a portion of the world’s second-longest barrier reef. Alongside some eye-wateringly expensive resorts for dot-com squillionaires come excellent boutiques in chilled-out beach towns. A good bet is Placencia, from which a two-dive outing will set you back as little as £125.

Average prices Coffee £3, evening meal £8, beer £3

• Best hotels in Belize

12. Jamaica

Montego Bay beach in Jamaica

According to the Post Office’s 2023 Long Haul Holiday Report, Jamaica remained the best-value destination in the Caribbean. That ranking was based on prices surveyed in the north-coast hub of Montego Bay, a destination for beach-goers, snorkellers and rainforest explorers. The reggae-loving Caribbean island also lays on waterfalls galore, with Viator tours starting from £40. Even Jamaican rum is inexpensive at the airport duty-free.

Average prices Coffee £3, evening meal £13, beer £2.50

• Best all-inclusive hotels in Jamaica • Best things to do in Jamaica

13. Bolivia

Lake Titicaca and Copacabana in Bolivia

Sightseeing trips are shockingly cheap in this landlocked country. Multi-day tours in cross-country vehicles to the epic Salar de Uyuni salt flats (that are turned by rains into a surreal mirror from January to April) can be priced as low as £80. Voyages on Lake Titicaca, taking in floating villages, are often less than £10, while Amazon jungle lodges tend to be more affordable than anywhere else in South America. In fact, the only expensive thing about Bolivia is getting there in the first place. A two-week tour with Exodus will deliver all the highlights; transport and most meals are included.

Average prices Coffee £2, evening meal £5, beer £2.50

• Best places to visit in South America

14. Hong Kong, China

The night market in Kowloon

According to currency-card provider FairFX, sterling has enjoyed great recent growth versus Hong Kong ’s dollar. Although bars and restaurants are often pricey, the vast array of accommodation allows for budget-conscious stays that can be fuelled by the output of the city’s sizzling street-food stalls; the likes of skewered curry fish balls, egg waffles and stinky tofu are wonderfully affordable. Taxis in Hong Kong are also cheap compared with Europe or North America.

Average prices Coffee £4, evening meal £16, beer £5

• Best hotels in Hong Kong • Best things to do in Hong Kong

15. Tallinn, Estonia

The cobbled streets of Tallinn

In the Gonsiori branch of La Prima Pizza, which has topped TripAdvisor’s rankings as the best restaurant in the Estonian capital, those titular pizzas cost from around £8. Serving a wider Italian cuisine than its name implies, the cosy venue also offers homemade limoncello. Elsewhere, you’ll find Nordic-inspired high-end dining — try Rataskaevu 16 — at prices considerably lower than for the same fare in western Europe, plus some superb rates at very cool design hotels. Most are close to the 14th-century old town in Tallinn — 2023’s European Green Capital — and its many free walking tours.

16. Albania

The beach at Dhermi in Himare

Everyone knows that eastern Europe is cheap — yet, even by those standards, prices in Albania are absurd. At a perfectly decent bistro here, couples can eat three courses of traditional food (try tave kosi — baked chicken or lamb in yoghurt), throw in a bottle of wine, and still struggle to spend a tenner. The same goes for entrance fees to the castle of national hero Skanderbeg or sunbeds on the Albanian Riviera amid Himare’s blissful, sandy shores. Luxury stays generally cost a pittance too.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £7, beer £1.50

• Best things to do in Albania

17. Brittany, France

Roscoff in Brittany

Crêpes. Together with their savoury, buckwheat galette counterparts, these omnipresent pancakes are a key reason why Brittany is so doable on a budget. Open at all hours and never expensive, crêperies allow you to save up for splashier seafood dinners. Also helping to cut costs are direct ferries from Portsmouth, Plymouth or Poole, lower petrol costs and an abundance of self-catering accommodation including holiday parks. While here, spend your days on sandy shores or admiring standing stones older than the Pyramids.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £16, beer £5

18. Hoi An, Vietnam

Traditional houses in Hoi An

Frugal travellers are thrilled by large portions of southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Laos and the original backpacker destination, Thailand. But, according to the 2023 Post Office Long Haul Travel Report, Vietnam brought the best value of all — indeed, the city of Hoi An was named the year’s cheapest long-haul destination. Because everything else is so cheap, it’s possible to stay in top-notch hotels and still subsist on £100 a day, including sunscreen, cocktails, coffees and a three-course dinner for two. Local draught beers are especially cheap, while renting a moped will cut taxi costs and help you get to the nearby beaches. Cua Dai’s stretch of white sand is only a couple of miles to the east.

Average prices Coffee £1.50, evening meal £5, beer £1

Kumarakom Lake Resort in Kerala

In a 2023 study, travel-money specialist Eurochange compared the pound’s strength against various countries’ currencies, looking at its value in late 2022 in comparison to the two preceding years. One of its tips was for India , where British currency converters benefitted from an additional £217 worth of rupees for every £1,000 exchanged. From the beach resorts of Goa to Keralan canal cruises or boutique hotels in pink-hued Jaipur, the south Asian country is a great option for anyone economising — aided by its affordable, excellent vegetarian food.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £3.50, beer £2

• Best hotels in Goa • Best places to visit in India

20. Andorra

A mountain restaurant at Comallempla in Andorra

According to the 2023 Post Office Ski Resort Report, prices at most European pistes are steadily increasing. Brilliant value for families, however, is Vallnord-Pal Arinsal in Andorra — a petite, Pyrenean principality wedged between France and Spain — courtesy of free pre-booked lift passes for children aged under 11. These allow a family of four to save over £400, and reduce the weekly cost to an estimated total of £1,784. Not bad for somewhere with a decent range of runs across handsomely wooded slopes.

Average prices Coffee £2, evening meal £14.50, beer £2

21. Bamburgh, UK

Bamburgh Castle in the early morning sunlight

Among more than 100 seaside towns investigated by the consumer body Which? in 2023, Bamburgh was one of just four to receive five stars for value for money. Dramatically overlooked by its namesake Norman castle, Northumberland’s most memorable resort also scored full marks for the quality of its sandy beach, for its tourist attractions — including a golf course — and, unsurprisingly, for that scenery. On days out, visitors can go dolphin-watching in the Farne Islands or cross the causeway to mystical Lindisfarne.

Average prices Coffee £2.50, evening meal £14, beer £3

22. Marrakesh, Morocco

The Koutoubia mosque in Marrakesh

Having analysed 41 prominent holiday locations, the money-saving website Savoo named Morocco ’s most famous city as the cheapest all-inclusive destination outside Europe in 2023. Overlooked by the Atlas Mountains, Marrakesh offers affordable riads around its souks, then bigger, resort-style places in leafier suburbs. Petits taxis are a cheap way to get around and haggling on every price is positively expected.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £9.50, beer £3

• Is it safe to travel to Morocco right now? Latest travel advice

23. North Macedonia

The Church of Saint John on Lake Ohrid in North Macedonia

North Macedonia delivers canyons, mountainous national parks and Ottoman-era villages announced by narrow minarets. The standout sight is beach-lined Lake Ohrid, below its clifftop church, with the possibility of biking jaunts, kayak hire or waterside wine tasting. Just as enjoyable is kayaking through the quiet, spellbinding Matka Canyon and looking for lynx around the forests and waterfalls of Mavrovo National Park. Despite all of that, few tourists come, meaning absurdly low prices for Britons, further helped by the absence of the euro.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £6, beer £2

A restaurant in Dahab with views of the Red Sea

Avoid peak season (December to February) and holidays in Egypt can be extremely cost-effective, especially with the pound strong against the local dollar. From £2 shakshuka breakfasts to 50p fava bean falafel wraps, meals sell for a song. Cross-country trains are not only eco-friendlier than flying but far cheaper — 12-hour Cairo to Aswan services can begin at £36, for example. Shop around for well-reviewed excursions — a Nile sunset cruise or a Luxor tour — and consider the Luxor Pass; it’s both decent value and mighty convenient. As for the Red Sea, skip pricey hotspots such as Sharm el-Sheikh in favour of more authentic Dahab.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £5, beer £1.50

• Best hotels in Egypt • Best all-inclusive hotels in Egypt

25. Mombasa, Kenya

Diani beach, south of Mombasa

Rather overshadowed by the country’s safari offerings, Kenya ’s stunning coast ranked as second cheapest in the Post Office’s 2023 Long Haul Travel Report. A string of gorgeous, pearl-white beaches await in and around the city of Mombasa, as do plenty of other cost-efficient options: an old town with elegantly carved wooden doors, diving in the Mombasa Marine National Park and Reserve (entry £14pp), crocodile farms and giraffe-filled wildlife sanctuaries. Use Ubers to get around and visit in October, November, March or April for the best rates.

Average prices Coffee £1, evening meal £5.50, beer £1.50

26. Cape Town, South Africa

On the Rock viewpoint overlooking Camps Bay in Cape Town

South Africa’s most popular city is another place where prodigious Ubers are a cheaper bet than taxis. There’s no charge to walk up Table Mountain (though cable car return tickets from £16 will tempt) and a staple “Gatsby” (a long sub with salad, fries and, often, masala steak) provides stodgy fuel for a song. In July and August many Cape Town restaurants offer special deals, perhaps helping you afford a Winelands tour or trip to see Boulder beach’s penguin colony.

Average prices Coffee £1.50, evening meal £11, beer £2

• Best hotels in Cape Town • Best things to do in Cape Town

Additional reporting by Qin Xie

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Best Europe Flight Deals

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Good to know - Cheap tickets to Europe

Faqs - booking europe flights, what are some popular airports to fly in and out of europe.

Along with London Heathrow Airport (LHR), popular airports in Europe include Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) in France, Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS) in the Netherlands and Frankfurt Am Main Airport (FRA) in Germany. These hubs are also good airports to fly into if you’re planning on visiting other places around each country, with excellent train and bus links available to other cities.

Which cities in Europe can you fly directly to from London?

London Heathrow Airport (LHR) offers direct flights to popular destinations like Paris with Air France, Rome with British Airways, and Amsterdam with KLM. London Gatwick Airport (LGW) has direct flights to Barcelona with easyJet and Lisbon with TAP Air Portugal. Alternatively, London Stansted Airport (STN) offers direct flights to Dublin with Ryanair, while London Luton Airport (LTN) has direct flights to Berlin with easyJet.

What’s a good way to find cheap flights to Europe?

If you’re looking for cheap flights to Europe, tickets to any destination are generally cheaper when booked in advance. Secondly, it also helps if you’re flexible on your travel dates; some dates you’ll find are cheaper than others.

Which airlines offer Business Class flights from the UK to other European cities?

British Airways provides Business Class service on routes such as London to Paris and London to Rome. Air France offers Business Class flights between London and Amsterdam, while Lufthansa operates Business Class routes from London to Munich. Turkish Airlines provides Business Class service on routes between London to Istanbul.

What visa do I need to fly to Europe?

Though the UK is no longer part of the EU, as a UK citizen visiting Europe on holiday, you will not require a visa to travel; you will only require a valid passport. Upon arrival at your destination airport, you will be granted a 90-day stay at a time, within the Schengen area.

Which airlines offer the best accessibility services for flights to Europe?

Several airlines prioritise accessibility services for flights from the UK to Europe. British Airways offers special assistance, including wheelchair services and priority boarding. Similarly, Virgin Atlantic provides accessible facilities and medical equipment when needed. KLM also offers support, such as on-board wheelchairs and assistance with mobility devices.

Which airlines fly directly from the UK to the Canary Islands?

You can fly directly to Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Las Palmas and Lanzarote with low-cost airlines such as Ryanair, TUI Airways, Wizz Air and Jet2. UK origin airports for this route include London Stansted, London Gatwick (LGW) and London Luton, as well as Manchester Airport (MAN) and Glasgow Airport (GLA), amongst others. British Airways also runs services from London Heathrow, but these flights are generally more expensive.  

Which low-cost airlines travel from Birmingham to other cities in Europe?

The majority of airlines flying from Birmingham are major airlines rather than low-cost carriers, but a few low-cost airlines operate in conjunction with other airlines to provide flights. Wizz Air Malta and Lufthansa team up for flights to Munich via Cluj Napoca (CLJ). Ryanair and EasyJet work together to offer flights to Athens Airport (ATH) via Lisbon (LIS). Jet2 and Vueling combine forces to offer flights from Birmingham to Munich Airport (MUC) via Barcelona (BCN).

Which airlines have specials during European festivals?

Several airlines offer specials during popular European festivals. Ryanair often provides discounted flights during Oktoberfest in Munich and La Tomatina in Spain. EasyJet may offer deals during Carnival in Venice, while British Airways sometimes offers promotions during St. Patrick's Day in Dublin.

Which European airports have the most frequent flights?

When it comes to frequent flights from the UK to Europe, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS), Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG), and Frankfurt Airport (FRA) are popular hubs. Airlines like KLM and British Airways operate regular flights connecting the UK to various European destinations via these airports, ensuring convenient travel options.

How long is the flight to Europe?

An average direct flight from the United Kingdom to Europe takes 2h 30m, covering a distance of 854 miles. The most popular route is London - Istanbul with an average flight time of 3h 45m.

What is the cheapest flight to Europe?

The cheapest ticket to Europe from the United Kingdom found in the last 72 hours was £6 one-way, and £26 round-trip. The most popular route is London Heathrow to Istanbul and the cheapest round-trip airline ticket found on this route in the last 72 hours was £125.

Which airlines fly to Europe?

British Airways, American Airlines & easyJet fly the most frequently from the United Kingdom to Europe. The most popular route is from London to Istanbul, and Sichuan Airlines, IndiGo and Pakistan International Airlines fly this route the most.

What are the most popular destinations in Europe?

Based on KAYAK flight searches, the most popular destination is Istanbul (17% of total searches to Europe). The next most popular destinations are Málaga (9%) and Paris (9%). Searches for flights to Lisbon (9%), to Milan (8%) and to Barcelona (8%) are also popular.

How does KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travellers know whether to wait or book now.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Europe

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest Europe flight deals.
  • If you want to visit Eastern Europe on a backpacking trip and visit several countries, it’s worth flying to airports such as Krakow John Paul II Balice Airport (KRK) or Warsaw Modlin Airport (WMI) in Poland with Ryanair or easyJet, from London Stansted (STN) or London Luton Airport (LTN). These flights are usually cheap, and you can connect to other European cities like Prague and Vienna easily by train.
  • When flying from the UK, cities in Europe like Paris, Amsterdam, and Dublin are among the easiest to reach. These flights offer benefits such as weekend getaways, business trips, and the opportunity to explore diverse cultures, culinary delights, and iconic landmarks close to home. Ryanair is one of the most common airlines operating flights within Europe and has the most affordable rates.
  • When flying from UK cities such as London, Manchester and Glasgow to any European destination, unlike long-haul flights to other continents, direct flights are cheaper, so try to avoid flights with layovers if possible to get a better price.
  • When booking flights with low-cost airlines like EasyJet and Ryanair from the UK to other parts of Europe, there are a few things to consider. Look out for additional fees for baggage and seat selection, as these can quickly increase the overall cost. If there are stopovers en route, check whether they're self-transfer stops or if luggage transfer is included.
  • If you’re travelling on a budget and want to save money on flights from the UK to Europe, it’s recommended to check out flights with airlines such as Wizz Air, easyJet and Ryanair, through KAYAK. These airlines provide good deals. You’ll find that most major European cities are serviced by these airlines.
  • Those of you needing to stay connected in-flight should consider major airlines like British Airways, Air France, and Aegean Airlines, which offer onboard connectivity throughout their flights. You'll find flights with British Airways between nearly every major European city and the UK.
  • If you want to visit mainland Europe, sometimes it’s best to check for flights to neighbouring countries, which may provide cheaper and more regular flights. For example, if you’re visiting Slovakia, you can fly to Vienna instead and reach Bratislava easily by bus or train, while Austria is well connected to other countries like Germany and Switzerland.
  • Should you be planning on visiting countries such as Denmark and Sweden in one trip, a good way to save money would be to fly to Copenhagen in Denmark and hop on a train to Malmo in Sweden, generally arriving within 30min; that way, you won’t need to book another flight.

Top 5 airlines flying to Europe

No hot drinks but otherwise a good flight with decent leg room

The boarding at both ends good, the seats were a tad hard for any long flight, but okay for short haul, 2A and 2B had good leg room. On the return flight we landed at terminal 2 as opposed to where we should have land at terminal 1, so we had a bit of a wait for a bus, which delayed the onward journey. But all in all a good flight.

The flight was okay, seats slightly more comfortable than Easy jet, but wouldn’t want to fly much more than 3.5 hours in those seats, hard and uncomfortable for further journeys. Boarding was okay, never eat or drink on Eco airlines, food not good and expensive for what you get. But it is what it is, and for the price one can not really complain.

Excellent outbound flight to Arrecife on a new very clean Airbus with great flight crew. Flight was only delayed around 10-15 mins and boarding was very good. Comms from pilots and crew was very welcoming and excellent throughout flight.

Flight was ok with a great landing. What could have been better would have been sitting away from the lady behind me who was coughing and sneezing all through the flight. I have been ill with a very bad cold ever since and can only put it down to being sat in front of that lady!

I liked boarding the crew were excellent but the seats are too close together for such a long flight.

The seats could be better as they’re not very comfortable and the arms would be better padded. Only place we found to fill our water bottles was at the Castle Rock bar who had one small sticker on one pillar saying they would refill your bottles with tap water for free! Need some/more refill stations around the departure area.

Boarding went well, seats could have been a little more comfortable

Great flight from malta airport, all on time & no delays, Birmingham Airport a little confusing with the ongoing upgrades!

The plane was late in so we were late leaving. The plane had been cleaned and was tidy, the staff were welcoming. Our standard seat had good legroom but after an hour or so of sitting, the Seat started to feel uncomfortable. We didn’t have any food so can’t comment on that and there was no entertainment available. We did buy some duty-free goods and the prices are good. We made up the lost time and landed slightly early.

The trip itself was good. I have given only good as rating, because my first flight has been cancelled by a different airline and that caused disruption in my trip. I spent over ten hours in Luton airport and that caused me high tiredness, sickness, because of the very early initial trip. easyJet staff has been professional and friendly.

Very pleasant crew, working hard on a full plane. Delay by a broken seat. However crew made back 60% of the delay.

Delayed and then further delayed with no announcement made so that all the passengers (who were standing in the jetty) could hear. We stood there for well over 20 minutes. We were further delayed through weather but no one explained that to us until the pilot made an announcement when finally on board

easyJet need to ensure that whether pre-booking seats or not children aren’t split from their parents the crew spent the majority of boarding asking passengers to move to accommodate two families. Surely the system identifies minors on a booking !!!!! It was all very frustrating to watch and caused delays which I’m sure cost easyJet more in the long run rather that automatically allocating families with minors seats together automatically.

Not great! Rude staff in London and the worse baggage reclaim I’ve ever seen. Great staff in flight but doubt I’ll fly with them again

Staff had been really impolite at the boarding area and for both ways charged high extra fees without a reason. For the check-in luggage which was measured 3.5 kg and was confirmed by the stuff to cost 40 € , 60 Euros had been purchased from our credit card. When confronted staff did call us both liars and claimed to never have announced anything. Flight back , when not wanting to press a backpack in a measuring metal instead of hand measuring , staff got angry that one did not follow her order, which was than escalated by the team. Although carrying a baby anyways staff did not offer any help in the unreasonable process and than charged again extra money. Cabine crew has been friendly but this experience LL lead to not booking easy jet at all in the future. Check in process in Edinburgh anyways chaotic,to the family check-in and disabled check-in everybody else was guided for check in process, so people just getting in between each other, not possible to monitor your own stuff.

As you would expect from a budget airline Left and arrived on time, no frills, not even a glass of water offered But you get what you pay for

I had an emergency escape seat. The attendant gave the extrA briefing to my side of the aisle but didnt direct it at all to the other where my wife was sitting

Boarding great. Didn’t eat or drink so can not comment.

Total jobs worths over carry on bags, charged £96 extra for bags that were clearly hand luggage

flight delayed, no information given until late on, Ryanair app said "on time" until 5 minutes before expected departure time, crew rushed us to board, when it was already 3 hours late

I got denied boarding bevause they said they "ran out of seats on a plane"

Speakers were blaring. It's like being in a Moroccan market and you keep getting shouted at with what's for sale

What can you say Ryanair get you there,no frills Not so cheap anymore ..... but what is now days! Would use again as always. Good flight times for us.

Very unpleasant staff, disgusting service, ignoring requests, refusal to help

Late again rude staff at gate bullying passengers made us stand in the cold 3degrees for 40 mins before they let us board

The usual average Ryanair flight, but we landed 20 min before due time, which was very good.

Enjoyed our flight with Ryanair to Arrecife. Flight boarded pretty much on time, crew were welcoming and very good. Generally good for a frequent low cost flight, Seats could however have been more comfortable.

I wouldn't like to fly with them anymore, I don't like their service, you can hardly take carry-on luggage because they charge you for everything, you can't ask for a glass of water, and the flight attendant tells you that they don't have any, that you have to Paying 3 euros for a bottle of water horrible, I don't recommend it, and they don't have anything low cost, because the plane ticket may not be expensive but what they charge you later for the rest, the flight becomes more expensive, it's the only airline that I don't like it so far, and I traveled a lot.

Staff were friendly and flight was on time. Free drink and snacks would have been appreciated.

Our flight was delayed by over 6 hours. We then had to deplane, stay overnight in a hotel then fly out the next day, 23 hours late.

I would have preferred something lighter for the second meal. Maybe a small sandwich .

They cancelled our flight the morning of departure at 4:30am.

Flight bumpy but good. 1 hr 20 mins for luggage not so good.

We were told to check our bags at the last minute, and the communication was poor.

Lost our luggage in Heathrow. Showed up 3 days into a 7 day vacation. Very inconvenient and disappointing!!

My luggage never arrived to Zurich. They can't confirm when it will arrive

Late again. 3 out of 4 late. One cancelled flight and one lost bag.

Charged an extra 65 pounds for overweight suitcase, Not told how much overweight but had no choice but to pay the price. Compare to Delta Airlines where I flew internationally a few days before with this suitcase and no extra charge by Delta. Comfort was horrible. I am just under 6 feet tall, and good that the flight was only 1 1/2 hours, because my knees were in the seat back in front of me the whole flight. I felt that my knees were part way up to my chest. No reason to have the seats that close. I will say to the positive was the flight crew, very friendly and efficient.

The flight was delayed as they were waiting on catering. Catering. Was eventually delivered but they still had no food. No meals for us in business class - just a bag of nuts.

The flight was delayed 5 hours and I'm and invalid,I wan a refund for this

The cabin crew on that flight were super fantastic and super helpful. They were so polite and considerate that i felt i travelled with a 5star airline.

Delayed delayed delayed - always with Wizzair. Staff were friendly and well mannered but clearly the company is unorganized and the aircrafts are outdated.

It's a budget airline. Great for short flight. Smooth landing.

4 hr delay and only told less than 2hrs before. Only given water and nuts on the flight as complimentary service. Left to wait in rain before boarding.

To be honest I did not like anything. Communication to why my flight was cancelled mid air 2 and half hours into my flight. Customer service desk were not helpful with providing information or a solution on what can be done.

I have been treated unacceptably by WizzAir aircraft crew in a previous flight, they threatened me and abused me, and I received an OFFICIAL written apology, but only two (2) months later. This flight had no such unacceptable behaviour, but it's not nice to be left waiting in the walkway (from gate to aircraft) for a long time, just so that the 'boarding' appears to be early, even if actual departure is not.

What I liked new airplane Sitting was extremely uncomfortable! Crew not smiley at all Always chewing gum

The flight was cancelled just 4 hours before the take off...

No food on board. Not comfortable. Had to move seats was delayed more than 3 hours.

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Creative Travel Guide

The cheapest way to travel ENGLAND ON A BUDGET

By Author Katie

Posted on Last updated: May 6, 2024

The cheapest way to travel ENGLAND ON A BUDGET

Along with the rest of Europe, the UK is known for its expensive train fares and pricey domestic flights. As Brits, we wanted to share our top tips on the cheapest way to travel England on a budget. 

Growing up in England, we spent many hours working out the cheapest ways to get around the country.

With bustling cities like London, seaside locations like Brighton and Tenby , historic cities like Oxford and Cambridge and miles and miles of gorgeous countryside, the UK offers so much more than a red phone booth and black cab.

So here are our tips on how to travel to England on a budget.

Bath places to go for a weekend away in england

How to Travel England on a Budget – Planning Tips

  • Sign up for updates – Groupon, Hot UK Deals, Holiday Pirates and Secret Escapes are great websites to sign up for before any travel around the UK. We bagged ourselves £1 train tickets from London to Birmingham because of the Hot UK Deals updates. You may also wish to sign up for myvouchercodes.co.uk, vouchercode.co.uk and discountcodes.co.uk to get some great offers and browse the voucher codes on Stena Line Voucher Codes for deals too.
  • Book in advance – Whether you are planning to catch a plane, bus or train; booking your ticket early almost always works out cheaper. A lot of companies will sell a certain about of tickets for the cheapest price before the price begins to rise.
  • Be flexible – Whether it’s a bus, plane or train, be flexible on the stations/airports you fly in between. Trains to and from major cities around the UK can be much more expensive than a train from a lesser-known station nearby the major cities.
  • JourneyPro – This app allows you to plan a journey anywhere in the country but is perfect for navigating the London Underground. It is free to download and a bit of a lifesaver when you are lost in the big city.

weekends away in uk

  • Holiday Pirates – The team at HotUKDeals has launched the Holiday Pirates website in recent years, offering cheap, last-minute deals on holidays and hotels around the world but also across the UK. Not only do they offer some great trips and hotels but you can also get cheaper attraction tickets!
  • Go in the Off Season – January through to March is cold and wet – the perfect time to save money on travel in the UK. Hotels, buses, trains and flights are a lot cheaper during these months than during the summer.

Travel around England on a budget

  • Travel Smart – The train is usually the most efficient way of getting around the UK.

It is cheaper than flights, offers more stops at those less known towns and cities and is faster than a bus journey. Tickets can be booked in advance and various railcards can be purchased to give you further discounts on individual journeys.

If you are travelling for some time in the UK, you may wish to look into getting yourself a BritRail  card, that will also give you deals on attractions around the UK.

Use National Rail to find the best route for you then head to websites such as virgin trains and Megatrains to bag a cheap fare.

Often, the cheapest fares can be found on The Trainline’s Fare Finder.

Cheapest way to travel England

  • Get the bus – Buses are not my favourite form of transport but they are normally the cheapest way to travel around the UK.

Booking early with Megabus can bag you £1 for journeys although at unusual times. National Express bus routes offer better times and comfortable coaches at a higher price.

These buses are worth using for short, 3-4 hour journeys! You can even choose to upgrade your bus to the Megabus Gold for a more luxurious bus ride.

  • Fly – Flying around the UK can be expensive but is useful if you are travelling long distances from one side of the country to another.

Smaller airports can offer cheaper flights around the UK, look out for; Stansted and Luton (when travelling from London), Bristol, Prestwick, East Midlands and Belfast. Stick with budget airlines and unusual flight times to get the best deal.

Kayak and Momondo are the best sites to browse but EasyJet offers some good prices but aren’t listed on these sites.

Why not fly over to Edinburgh from London? Emily Luxton shares how you can make the most from a weekend in Edinburgh. 

travel England

  • BlaBlaCar – Lift share your way around the UK with BlaBlaCar. Search the journey you wish to take across the country, along with your chosen date and get cheap journeys.
  • Drive – The best way to get around the UK is to drive. Compare rental car costs on GoCompare and choose a company that allows you to pick up and drop off your car at different locations.

Driving around the UK travel tips

Petrol is more expensive than in Asia and America but is about the same as in most places across Europe.

The UK is connected by so many motorways with service stations to make your journey a more pleasant one! Just bring change and check for toll charges; some tolls require a pre or post-payment online or a massive fine!

Plus, if you are driving, you can access the random but fun attractions and things to do along the way to each city and also take advantage of the cheaper, free parking chain hotels that are normally found on the outskirts of towns and cities.

Tips for visiting London

  • Bike it – When staying in London, rent a Boris bike and explore the great city at a cheap price.
  • Get an Oyster Card – If you plan on staying in and around London for some time, it is worth getting yourself an Oyster card. The card itself costs £3 and you can top it up as you go. You use this card for the underground train and buses around London, with a £6.60 cap on it, meaning you will never spend more than £6.60 getting around this expansive and expensive city.
  • Railcards – For those living, studying, or working in the UK, you can get yourself a Railcard . There are railcards offering discounts for students, families, couples, and seniors as well as those just travelling in the South East. A yearly fee gets you discounted prices on all train rides across the country.
  • Walk – UK cities are accessible and easy to walk around. Opt for a walking tour to save money and see all your favorite sites.
  • Flying to the UK – One option to save money, if you have plenty of time for your trip, is to fly via a different European city first. If you plan on travelling around Europe for an extended period of time, fly into a city like Amsterdam, Paris, or Ukraine (with the national airlines) to get cheaper prices to Europe. You can travel via train or bus to England afterwards.
  • Omio – Check out the Omio website to compare the best ways to travel the country. If you want to head from one area of England to another, or even travel across the UK, head to Omio and search your journey. This website will tell you the best options for you to choose from, comparing trains, flights, buses and coaches as well as the best times and prices to travel. 
  • Use the buses – Every city and town will offer some type of bus service and you can find these simply by googling the city or town and bus service. These buses get you around a place but often can take you from one town to another. Make sure you have change for your ticket though!
  • Avoid express – There are a handful of airports in and around London, with many of them offering ‘express’ trains into the city centre. It will cost a lot more for this ticket and won’t save you much time either.


Heathrow – £36 for an express return taking 15 minutes or £21 for a standard return taking 30 – 40 minutes.

Gatwick – £35 for an express return taking 30 minutes or £20 for a standard return taking 35 – 45 minutes. 

  • Book trains in advance – Use websites like Train Line to book your train ticket in advance. On-the-day tickets can be twice as expensive and good discounts can be found online

the cotswolds best day trips from London

Save money on accommodation in England

  • Stay at Universities – This was a fairly new concept whilst I was at University but it seems to be getting more and more popular.

Websites like University Rooms help you find university rooms in cities and towns across the UK; the best deals are found in the summer months (June – September) and over Christmas and Easter when students aren’t at University.

  • YHA – YHA offers cheap hostels across the country and is known to be clean and fairly modern. Many of their hostels offer family rooms as well, ideal for families or group travellers on a budget.
  • Chain hotels – Travelodge and Premier Inn are your cheap but clean, spacious and comfortable hotels in the UK. Head to their websites in advance of your trip and you can snag a room for as little as £29 a night. These hotel chains are in all major cities and towns and can also be found at the service stops off major motorways.
  • Pay in dollars – If you are American, you may be able to save some money by booking in dollars. Many high-end hotels like Egerton House Hotel and Milestone Hotel offer guaranteed dollar rates, so check your hotel’s website for this first before booking. 

weekends away in uk

  • Air B’n’B – Just like the rest of the world, there are some great Air B’n’B options in the UK with some great prices to match. Plus, if you click here you can get £30 off your booking!
  • Outskirts – When planning a trip to one of the small cities and towns, try looking at hotels just slightly on the outskirts. Local buses are convenient and inexpensive so booking hotels on the outskirts of towns may work out quite a bit cheaper.
  • Caravans – Think of an RV – but smaller. In the UK, Caravans are popular for those wanting to park up on the coast or in national parks. Caravan Parks are cheap and often offer restaurants, cafes, bars, and even performances. There are lots of websites that allow you to search for the perfect Caravan for your trip.
  • Camp in a garden – That sounds crazy, right? Camp in My Garden offers travelers a place to set up a tent or park a caravan in the homes of locals.
  • Guest Houses – Cheaper than hotels but often with a lot more character, Guest Houses offer cheaper options yet still offer similar amenities.
  • Do your research – There are some amazing, cheap hotels around the UK. Do some proper research, using TripAdvisor, booking.com and Air B’n’B to help you choose the perfect place to stay. But also use cozycozy to find cheap accommodation options and check out the deals on Agoda.

St Ives places to go for a weekend away in england

Save money on attractions in England

  • English Heritage Pass – If you intend to visit some of the historical sites around the UK, you can save money on all the entrance fees and ticket costs by purchasing English Heritage Pass . There is a yearly fee but if you are here for some time, it may be worth the price.
  • Historic Scotland Explorer Pass – Scotland is an incredible place with so many castles, abbeys, ancient sites and museums. So save money by purchasing an Explorer Pass!
  • The National Trust Touring Pass – With so many National Trust properties across the UK, it is hard to make a decision on which places to visit. Pick up a pass to save money if you plan to visit a few.

travel England

  • Pass cards – The London Pass and the Edinburgh Pass are attraction cards that allow you entry into multiple tourist attractions in the chosen city but also offer great discounts in restaurants and theatres. We personally love the Go City Pass for London, as you can edit the amount of days you want to spend in the city.
  • Free Attractions – Like everywhere in the world, the UK offers some amazing FREE attractions. Museums in London are completely free to enter as are many castles, National Parks and Hike trails around the country. There are lots of free things to do in London to enjoy and explore.
  • Book online – If you are visiting a popular attraction, it is worth looking at ticket prices online before you go. Prices online can be purchased at a reduced rate whilst also saving your ideal time slot
  • Coupons – Coupons are popular in the UK. Travel by train and pick up the 2 for 1 booklet from stations outside of London or head over to VoucherBin to get discounted deals.
  • Walking tours – Take advance of the free walking tours around the major cities; find a local free tour on Free tours by foot. 
  • Visit the Cathedrals – Whilst in the UK, make sure you visit the stunning cathedrals in every city! Fun fact – cities in the UK can only be called a city if it has a cathedral. Anyway, these can date back all the way to the 15th century and offer stunning architecture for absolutely nothing!
  • Shopping – If you want to enjoy a bit of shopping in the UK, there are plenty of options to choose from. If you are looking for luxury brands and designers, head to one of the many outlet malls around the country to save money on good-quality items. Alternatively, if you are in the UK and find you need to make a quick purchase – maybe you forgot a scarf or need more socks, head to Primark. This is a very cheap store for quick, easy clothing items – just don’t expect them to last for more than a few months.

UK restrictions for visitors

How to save on Food and Drink in England

  • Taste of UK card

These little gems get you discounts and deals across a selection of restaurants in the UK. You can get yourself a card from the website and the first 90 days cost just £1 – perfect for those touring the country.

  • Walk away from the tourist attractions

This is the same in many places around the world, but to find the best and cheapest restaurants, pubs, hotels and hostels you’ll need to look further away from the central tourist attraction.

Travelodge and Premier Inn can be found in and around most towns and cities across the UK with decent private rooms at affordable prices.

Wetherspoon pubs offer cheap alcohol and food whilst chain restaurants are unfortunately often cheaper than independently run restaurants in the smaller cities around the UK.

Travel England

OK, I can promise you that during your stay in the UK, there is a 90% it will rain! When it rains, it pours and puts you off getting all dressed up for a fancy dinner.

JustEat and HungryHouse are websites that allow you to search the menus of nearby restaurants that will deliver to your address.  You can compare prices and read reviews on the website before ordering anything.

  • TablePouncer

Get the TablePouncer app. Available in major cities, this app is ideal for last-minute dining. It offers you great discounts and deals at top local restaurants and reserves your chosen restaurant in seconds – helping you save money and time.

Travel England

  • Plan your food

One of the most exciting things to do when you travel is to wander the streets and walk into any restaurant, bar or cafe that takes your fancy.

Food in England is ridiculously expensive compared to most other countries in Asia, the Americas and even Europe. Plan ahead and use TripAdvisor, blogs and google maps to locate and choose one or two great restaurants in your chosen area in your price range.

Have a look for the nearest supermarket (Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda are all budget-friendly places) to stock up on snacks and breakfast/lunch food. Food at service stations is also expensive so make yourself sandwiches or budget for these extra prices.

The food court in Marks & Spencers offers high-quality food but at higher prices than most supermarkets.

Pubs offer daily specials and most towns and cities have magical Wetherspoon’s (a chain of British Pubs) that offer reasonably priced meals.

Travel England

Like many places in Europe, there are some amazing restaurants in the UK, especially when you head into Central London. If you want a treat, head to these restaurants at lunch for a cheap lunch menu!

  • Voucher Cloud

Another great app to use when searching for the best deals and prices. Voucher Cloud uses your location to share restaurant and attraction offers as well as supermarket deals.

  • Eat Ethnic food

Scattered around the UK are some excellent ethnic restaurants, from Chinese to Indian, Middle Eastern to Pasta – there are foods from all over the world. These are often tasty, interesting and a lot cheaper than fine dining options.

Travel England

  • Dine at a pub

For a decent, hearty meal, head to the pub! Alcohol can be pricey in the UK but there are some great meal options for a pie and pint! Plus, you get to eat the delights of British food.

My personal favourite has to be Wetherspoons! A chain of pubs around the UK that offer cheap meals – A burger, chips and beer for £5.49!

  • Fish’n’Chips

One of the UK’s most popular meals is, of course, Fish and Chips!

Whilst you are in the UK, you need to stop and try this infamous meal whilst saving money – a bag of chips and a cod really don’t break the bank.

When visiting any of the University cities and towns, head to the bars. Many offer great promotions and happy hours, especially on the weekends.

weekend in London

Creative Tip: Afternoon teas are a must whilst in the UK and they aren’t just limited to London. You can find some great Afternoon Tea outside of London for cheaper prices and even ones that cater to Vegetarians and Vegans.

  • Enjoy the chains – I know many people may disagree but when you are travelling on a budget, it is worth making use of chain restaurants. Nandos is a popular choice in the UK whilst Pizza Express has some great two-course deals. Also, don’t forget to head to Wetherspoons for a pint and a greasy plate of British food – it sounds awful but doesn’t knock it before you try it!
  • Meal deals – Head to any supermarket and you will find some type of meal deal.  These often include some type of salad, sandwich or pasta with a snack and drink for less than £4. This makes for a cheap, quick lunch or even a chilled-out dinner with a few extra snacks. 
  • Use the markets – To travel to England on a budget, make sure you visit the markets. Most cities will have some type of market (it may only be on for the weekend) and here you will find great food but fair prices. Don’t expect to find super cheap food here but expect good value.
  • Pub food –  can’t stress this enough, if you want a good, sit-down meal, head to the local pubs. Not the pub opposite Big Ben or the one in Covent Garden, head down the quieter streets and find local pubs. Food is good value and often very British!

Travel London on a budget

  • Staying in London – Stay near the underground but don’t worry about the city centre. London has a comprehensive underground system that can be used to get everywhere. Use the Underground map to help you get around and don’t forget to down the map on your phone to help you when you are out and about. 
  • Thames Clipper – The Thames Clipper is a public ferry service that costs around £8 for a full journey; a much cheaper experience on the Thames compared to the tours available.
  • Cycle – Whilst in London, you can choose to cycle using the Santander Cycle Scheme. You will notice bikes dotted around the city and for £2 for 24 hours, you can cycle between the sights.
  • Get an Oyster card – Whilst in London, get yourself an Oyster card. This means you can travel around the underground without having to buy an individual ticket each time but also, these journeys are capped so you don’t spend more than a set maximum. If you have a contactless card, you could use this on the underground and on buses too.
  • Skip the Shard and head to the Sky Garden – Skip the Shard, it is overpriced. Instead, opt for the Sky Garden, offering stunning views completing for free.
  • Theatre tickets – There are lots of great websites that help you get discounted theatre tickets. Head to the theatre of your chosen show at 9.45/10 am to see if they have any last-minute tickets for that day or use websites like Last Minute or London Theatre Tickets.

Read here for more London Travel tips and Free things to do in London.

Don’t forget to visit some of my favourite places in the UK: Liverpool , Bristol, Brighton and Chichester are some of my top picks!

So these are the main ways we use to save money whilst living and travelling around the UK. Do you have any other suggestions? Share your ideas in the comments below!

weekend romantic breaks in the uk

Travel in England FAQ

How much should I budget for a trip to England?

A week in England will cost around $1500 – $2000, for a solo traveller, depending on where you are staying. London hotels are more expensive than in other cities but you can visit the UK on a budget and spend as little as $100 a day. 

What is the cheapest month to travel to London?

The cheapest months to travel to London and England are September to the start of October and January to March. You can find cheaper flights to the UK during these months and there are fewer tourists, so you will find a budget hotel easily and attractions will be quieter. 

What is the best way to travel around the UK?

The train is the easiest way to travel the UK but catching buses with Megabus or National Express is often the cheapest way to travel the UK. 

Is the train cheaper than the bus in England?

Often the bus is cheaper, especially when moving between smaller cities. However, the underground is much quicker than buses around London’s city centre and train travel around the UK is more reliable than buses. 

Is food expensive in England?

Food prices vary in England but an average sit-down meal is more expensive in England than in Eastern Europe cities but similar to prices in the US and Western Europe. You can find cheap food in supermarkets and chain restaurants and decent-priced meals in pubs. 

How much money do I need for 2 weeks in London?

If you are a budget traveller and intend on cooking for yourself in a hostel and visiting the free attractions, you can visit London for under $50 a day. However, if you want to eat out more and visit some paid attractions, you will need around $100 a day whilst those looking to go shopping, watch a theatre show or football game, expect to budget around $150 a day. 

How do I get cheap London tickets?

Cheap London train tickets can be found when purchasing tickets in advance, online. Use Nationalrail.com to compare prices. Also, avoid travelling between 6.30 – 9.30 and 15.30 – 18.40; this is peak travel time and prices are higher. Also, sometimes 2 singles can be a better value than a return. 

For cheap flights to London, compare prices on Skyscanner and check flight prices to London Stansted, Gatwick and Luton; these smaller airports can sometimes be cheaper than Heathrow.

Is it worth renting a car in England?

If you are staying in a city, no, it is not worth renting a car. However, if you plan on travelling the country a lot, then it can work out cheaper to rent a car. However, compare prices on Avis and Europcar and make sure to book your car hire online as far in advance as possible; prices rise as you get near the pick-up date. 

How do I plan a road trip UK?

  • List the places you want to visit
  • Plot these destinations on google map to work out the most efficient routes
  • Compare rental prices using Travel Supermarket.  
  • Don’t pay for a GPS (car companies overcharge and you can use your phone GPS instead).
  • Be flexible with your dates but book accommodation in advance. 
  • Stick to the speed limits and laws
  • Enjoy your travels

How many days are enough to visit the UK?

If you are only visiting London, you can spend 3-4 days seeing the most popular attractions. If you want to visit other cities and sites in the UK such as Bath, Stonehenge, Oxford and Liverpool, plan at least 10 days in the UK. 

How much is a meal in London?

Budget restaurants in London (ethnic or chain restaurants) will cost between £6 – £10 whilst mid-range restaurants will cost you around £15 – £25 for a main meal and drink. High-end restaurants in London can cost anything between £40 to $140+ per head. 

How much should I budget for food UK?

If you are staying somewhere with a kitchen, you could budget as little as £20 for food. However, if you will be eating out 2-3 times a day, you will need at least £35 a day, presuming you are picking up a light breakfast or lunch from the local supermarkets. 

Do I need cash for London?

You will need some cash, mainly for buses and cabs. However, credit and debit cards are widely accepted. 

What is the cheapest airport to fly into England?

  • London Gatwick
  • London Heathrow
  • London City Airport

What is the cheapest day to fly to the UK?

Friday is consistently the cheapest day to visit the UK. 

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How to plan your first trip to LONDON - Creative Travel Guide

Thursday 18th of May 2023

[…] a vast transportation system, it’s important to research the best ways to get around and the cheapest ways to travel England. This will save time and money, especially during peak travel seasons. Make sure to consider […]

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[…] the Clifton Suspension Bridge and the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. If you are looking to visit England on a budget, this is a great option as it is cheaper than other cities like Liverpool and […]

HOW TO TRAVEL ENGLAND FAQ - Creative Travel Guide

[…] on where you are staying. London hotels are more expensive than other cities but you can visit the UK on a budget and spend as little as $100 a […]


[…] is another popular spot to visit. This is also a great place to visit if you are looking to save money in England, this city is much cheaper than others in the […]

Josephine Jewkes

Saturday 15th of April 2023

Thank you so much! My daughter is so keen to visit Britain with me and this gives us an idea of how to start planning and budgeting!

The cheapest places to fly to this summer – and the most expensive

Still haven’t booked your summer holiday? We can reveal the cheapest destinations for flights – plus the best-value airports and airlines


The school summer holidays are just 11 weeks away. But if you haven’t booked your flights yet, fear not – there are still some excellent value options available during the peak months of July and August.

We looked at the 30 most in-demand European summer holiday destinations for British holidaymakers . We also looked at a selection of 10 other popular cities and found the cheapest and most expensive prices for flights departing on Saturday, July 27 and on Saturday, August 24, both for a week.

Despite the school holidays being just around the corner, you can still find return flights on the most popular dates of the year for less than £100, if you know where to look. We also identified the month and time of day for the cheapest flights and the airlines and airports that serve up the best-value options for the summer of 2024.

We used the flight search website Skyscanner for this study. Prices are dynamic and can go up and down, so bear in mind that while the below is an accurate snapshot of prices that were listed at around midday on May 9, 2024, prices may have changed when you search for them.

The small bay Cala Llombards on Majorca, Spain

The cheapest flights? Look to the Balearics

The most cost-effective holiday destination for a July 27 departure, returning a week later, is Majorca (£89, flying with Ryanair from Leeds Bradford). Barcelona (£92), Ibiza (£99), Valencia (£102) and Malta (£104) also come with surprisingly low prices. The cheapest flights in late August are to Menorca (£74, with easyJet from Belfast International), plus Valencia (£84), Ibiza (£94), Majorca (£119) and Malta (£136). So anyone looking for an affordable beach getaway this summer should look first to Spain, and particularly the Balearic Islands, for the best bargains. For a city break, Venice (£70 in August) and Copenhagen (£66 in July) are among the cheaper options.

At the more expensive end of the scale, we found steeper prices for trips to Greece. The cheapest return flights to Crete are £417 (July 27) and £343 (August 24), while flights to Zakynthos (£327/£346) and Kos (£291/£396) are also high. This is in part because flight times are generally one or two hours longer than those to Spain; although the best flights to Bodrum, even further away than Greece, are still around £100 cheaper on average than the most inexpensive flights to the main Greek islands. It is likely that high demand and low availability is what’s driving up prices.

Ryanair is the cheapest of the bunch

Of the 80 cheapest flights to 40 destinations surveyed across July and August, almost half (37) were with Ryanair. EasyJet offered 27 of those flights, with Wizz and Jet2.com on five apiece. Not one of the 80 cheapest fares we found was with British Airways. 

This doesn’t mean that low-cost airlines always offer affordable options, however. Some 25 of the most expensive available flights were listed by easyJet and 20 were with Jet2.com – more than BA, which had 14. Only Ryanair, with just four of the 80 most expensive flights and the greatest quantity of cheapest flights arguably lives up to the low-cost moniker. We also found that some of the most exceptionally expensive flights were with Tui, including a £1,012 flight to Mallorca in August from Bournemouth and a £956 flight to Fuerteventura from Birmingham in July.

The best-value airport (and it isn’t Luton)

Edinburgh (16 out of 80) and Belfast International (12) had the greatest share of cheapest flights. Of the English airports, Gatwick came up 10 times, whereas Heathrow didn’t have a single cheapest offering across the routes we surveyed. Luton and Stansted came up four and seven times, respectively.

However, Gatwick also had the greatest number of most expensive flights (20) followed by Birmingham and Manchester, both with 10. Teesside, Liverpool and Luton only served up on one occasion each.

The cheapest month and time of day to fly

While package holidays are traditionally cheaper towards the end of the summer holidays – with families keen to jet off as early as possible – our research found that slightly cheaper flight deals can be found in July. On average, the most affordable flights leaving on July 27 to our 40 destinations cost £224; however, the cheapest flights departing on August 24 were on average £243. Similarly, the most expensive flights in August (averaging £535) were higher than those in July (£483).

Across our study, we found that the cheapest flights tend to be later in the day. The average departure time of the cheapest flights was 6.07 pm, while the average most expensive flight was at 12.54 pm. This is likely because later flights mean later arrival times, sometimes after dark, which is unappealing – it also means losing almost a full day of holiday time, so demand is naturally higher for earlier departures. Earlier flights are also less likely to be subject to knock-on delays.

Some out-of-the-box destinations

If you are willing to shop around for an alternative destination this summer, you could turn to Zadar in Croatia, where we found flights departing on July 27 for £99 with Ryanair from Leeds Bradford. Other cheap alternatives include flights to Perpignan (£128), Girona (£112), Agadir (£112), Santander (£122), plus options in northern Europe including Aalborg in Denmark for £58, and Oslo for £80. Take a look on Skyscanner.net, searching for “Everywhere” as the destination, and you may well find some other good options yourself.


Europe's last great cheap cities – with £2 beers and lunches under £5

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This is the cheapest week to book flights for your 2024 summer getaway

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Landscape with Candelaria,Tenerife

It’s that time of year when we start dreaming of cocktails on the beach – but it’s no secret that holidays are expensive, and we’re always on the hunt for a bargain .

Now, new research has revealed the cheapest week to travel – and you might want to start packing your bags.

The best week to book a flight to Europe on a budget is between 23 June and 29 June.

Travel experts, Kayak , analysed average return flight prices for each week of summer , from anywhere in the UK to destinations in Europe, and the rest of the world. 

And, it pays to travel in ‘shoulder season’, when popular tourist hotspots are a little quieter.

Two friends are diving in the sea from a cliff

According to their data, if you travel in that last week of June, you could save an average of £73 per person on flights compared to other dates during the summer .

Return flights around Europe during the last week of June are on average just £205, compared with £278 in the week beginning 22 July, and £261 if you wanted to travel in August.

If the end of June feels a little too soon – and not nearly enough time to get that holiday wardrobe sorted – never fear. September is also a wallet-friendly month, when return flights from the UK to Europe are around £209.

If you’re looking to travel further afield, the best weeks to travel outside of Europe are again at the start and end of the season.

Need some travel inspo? Head to the Italian hidden-gem city of Trieste

Hop across the Adriatic sea from  Venice  and you’ll find Trieste , a unique border town that you’ve probably never heard of – but one you’re going to want to add to your city-break hit list.

Ever since neighbouring Slovenia’s popularity began to boom with travellers, tourism has picked up in the Italian town. There’s now a thriving foodie and arts scene, and the uber cool hotel chain, 25hours, is set to open in Trieste next year. Not to mention, its stunning.

‘A beautiful place both during the day and at night but it never feels crowded or overrun. Simply stunning,’ wrote one TripAdvisor reviewer. While a second described it as ‘so serene and beautiful’.

Trieste lighthouse Phare de la Victoire and cityscape panoramic aerial view

There’s lots to do in the literary town (that once counted James Joyce as a resident). For views that stretch across the sea, visit the Faro della Vittoria, a lighthouse which is open to the public (for free), and head to the must-visit fairytale castle, Miramare Castle, which sits atop a rocky cliff.

For a more quirky stop, Stazione Rogers is an abandoned petrol station, which swapped serving up unleaded for aperitifs, and is now a thriving cultural centre. As well as being the perfect place for sundowners overlooking the water (with DJs and live music until 2am) there’s also a space for art exhibitions, performances and gigs.

And make sure you get a seat at a restaurant serving up a buffets – a tradition which harks back to when the city was under Austrian rule. Think cured meats, smoked sausages and cheese. It’s said you haven’t really been to Trieste unless you’ve indulged at a buffet.

Kayak found that flight prices to the rest of the world are a whopping £300 cheaper in early June and September than if you chose to travel in July.

The travel site also found that Brits are heading East, with the most searched travel destination from the UK being Bangkok in Thailand.

Your Daily Horoscope

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Meanwhile, the hottest trending destinations in Europe are Dusseldorf, Munich and Cologne in Germany – likely due to football fans heading to the continent for the Euros.

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Cheapest week to book summer flights for 2024 and it's sooner than you might think

If you're like us and could do with basking in some sunshine and topping up your vitamin d then you might want to make note., jane mcdonald previews her latest travel series.

The warm weather over the weekend has made us think we could do with plenty more of it.

Unfortunately, parts of the UK are now experiencing rain and even hailstorms, so we only got a glimpse of the sunshine .

If you're like us and could do with basking in some sunshine and topping up your vitamin D then you might want to make note as new research has found the cheapest week to book your flights this summer .

Some of you might have a place in mind to go already, or you could be up for somewhere new. Either way, you'll pleased to know that the ideal time to book is sooner than you might think.

Bargain hunters, you might want to get your outfits planned and your suitcase at the ready because the cheapest week to go is between 23 June and 29 June.

Happy mother and daughter on the beach

Leading travel experts Kayak have looked at the average prices for a flight each week during the summer in the UK.

They looked at destinations across Europe and the rest of the world where the researchers found it pays to travel in "shoulder season". This is where it is slightly quieter during this time before in more popular tourist destinations.

The data found if you travel on these particular dates you could save on average £73 per person, compared to the rest of the summer.

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Beautiful Asian Woman with Sunglasses Using Phone and Credit Card for Online Transaction at A Nicely Decorated Beach Club

Return flights on the last week of June are on average £205 compared with £278 in the week starting 22 July. Meanwhile, if you wanted to travel in August it will set you back a staggering £261.

However, if you're not too keen on travelling last minute and worry about the thought of finding an affordable place to stay then September could be the answer.

If you're looking to travel post-school holidays then flights from the UK to Europe are slightly lower at £209 on average.

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But if you're looking to go outside of Europe then the best to time to go will be at the start and the end of the summer season.

Researchers found destinations around the rest of the world can be £300 cheaper in June and September than if you choose to fly in July. And we can see why as this is when families will be travelling.

Kayak also found that Brits are looking to go East with the most Googled travel destination being Bangkok in Thailand.

They also saw trending destinations in Europe were Dusseldorf, Munich and Cologne in Germany. Probably due to the fact that the Euros are taking place next month and football fans want to go to the game.

Do you have a summer holiday booked this year?

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The often-ridiculed city with UK’s cheapest beers and unusual Hollywood trail – that’s now 2024’s top place to visit

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WHEN I told friends and family that I was spending the weekend in Hull, I was met with puzzled looks and bemused questions like “Why are you going there?”

But while Hull has been the object of ridicule in recent years - when it was crowned 2017's UK city of culture it faced a torrent of snide jokes - it's experiencing something of a renaissance and was even named one of Time Out's best places to visit in 2024 .

From its maritime history to its free walking tours another other cultural attractions, Hull has it all

As part of our new Best of British travel series , we're visiting some of the country's most underrated cities and towns - and showcasing some of the best they have to offer.

This week we're in Hull, a port city in East Yorkshire that overlooks the Humber Estuary.

It takes just two hours and 45 minutes to reach Hull on a direct train from London Kings Cross, and it's even closer to the likes of Sheffield and Birmingham.

In recent years, Hull has enjoyed a taste of showbiz with the Old Town being used a backdrop for blockbusters and hit Netflix TV shows like The Crown and Bodies.

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In fact, it’s now so popular with film and television directors, that the city has launched It Must Be Hullywood - a walking route that's been designed so visitors can find exactly where their favourite show was filmed.

The Old Town’s cobbled high street has four stops on the tour alone, featuring in everything from Enola Holmes 2, starring Millie Bobby Brown and ITV’s Victoria, starring Jenna Coleman .  

And the William Wilberforce House Museum doubled as a background for Dickensian London in the Personal History of David Copperfield movie, starring Dev Patel,  Hugh Laurie, Tilda Swinton, Peter Capaldi and Game of Thrones actress Gwendoline Christie .

Armed with a map of the It Must be Hullywood Trail, I made a beeline for the cobblestone high street to ogle at the filming locations.

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Despite sets and props being added, it was easy to imagine the hit TV shows playing out before my very eyes.

Visitors to Hull can download a guide or grab a leaflet to follow the It Must Be Hullywood Trail at their own pace.

Long before it gained popularity as a top filming location other celebrities also found themselves heading to Hull, including The iconic TV star Timmy Mallett .

The '90s TV presenter and I have something in common - we've both climbed Hull Minster 170 steps to reach its roof.

While Timmy Mallett treated Hull locals to a rendition of the hit song, ‘Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini’ on the church bells, I climbed Hull Minster for its panoramic views for just £7.50. 

The grand medieval building, which was built more than 700 years ago, was England’s largest parish church until recently, when it became a minster.

The William Wilberforce House Museum doubled as a backdrop for Dickensian London in the Personal History of David Copperfield

Gasping after climbing the 150-foot church tower’s 170 steps , we were rewarded with a bird’s eye view across the Humber Estuary . 

The view was magnificent, thanks to the sun finally showing its face in 2024 on my weekend break.

Paying to tour the tower was the only time I found myself reaching for my purse on my bargain weekend getaway in Hull, as the other attractions in the old town are completely free.

A Bargain Break

Hull used to be a wealthy English port town, fuelled by trade routes with the Dutch in the 13th and 15th centuries,.

You can still see that in the imposing, Dutch-influenced architecture buildings that line the streets of the quaint Old Town. 

The city was heavily bombed in WW2 , but they rebuilt some buildings brick by brick, and in parts you feel like you could be in Dickensian London… with a Netherlands twist. 

To avoid aimlessly gazing at buildings, I booked myself onto a free guided walking tour .

The tour are led by some of the most enthusiastic locals I’ve ever met. 

My own tour guide Dave, who has lived in Hull for more than 80 years, took me all across the city at a pace that left me out of breath - despite being 50 years his junior - and taught me more than a museum exhibition ever could about the area, in just 60 minutes. 

Little details, like the lines worn into the Old Town’s cobblestones from hundreds of years of horse and cart traffic, would have totally passed me by otherwise. 

The Museums Quarter is home to the city's free museums

Key stops along the way include the William Wilberforce House Museum , the Museums Quarter Gardens, Trinity House , Hull Marina and Humber Street , with Dave sharing pieces of local history at each stop.

After being led through Hull's key landmarks by Dave, I'd safely worked up an appetite, so stopped for a bite to eat at  Trinity Market - Hull’s indoor food market that’s home to street food from around the world. 

Just like the line of locals, I made a beeline for Caffeinated where I opted for a chai latte and croissant.

On another morning, I made a quick pit stop at the Wonky Tulip Coffee House for breakfast, where a cappuccino and a cheese and tomato toastie set me back an affordable £8.30.

Independent Shopping

Humber Street is one of my favourite places in the city, a road near the marina that used to be lined with fruit and veg traders, who’d buy their produce from the docking ships in the 19th and early 20th centuries and transport it across the country. 

But after the area went into decline at the end of the last century, it gained new life as a shopping and bar district. 

Nowadays, it houses a range of cool independent clothing and homeware shops, an art gallery and some of the city’s trendiest restaurants, including Hygge. 

I found myself drawn to 19Point4, a colourful boutique clothing shop, while I didn't find my dream dress, I did snap up two silver rings, which were just £4.50 each.

A nice quirk is that most of the stores have maintained the old fruit and veg shop signs, giving the street a unique feel. 

The standout piece had to be the giant inflatable artwork of Jason and the Argonauts by Jason Wilsher-Mills

Amusing attractions

Humber Street is also home to Dinostar , an interactive dinosaur museum designed specifically for inquisitive kids - i.e, there’s nothing you can’t touch. 

They have everything from a Tyrannosaurus Rex skull to Triceratops bones, and a virtual sandpit where visitors can create mountains and even volcanoes by shifting the sand around the box. 

Dinostar costs £4 to enter, but the rest of the city’s museums are free, including the Streetlife Museum , the William Wilberforce House Museum and the Hull & East Riding Museum of Archaeology . 

The William Wilberforce House Museum was the birthplace of the famous anti-slavery campaigner, and it has now been turned into a museum, winning several awards for its exhibitions that chart the harsh realities of the transatlantic slave trade. 

I also paid a visit to the Hull & East Riding Museum of Archaeology , which does a fantastic job of engaging children - and journalists - with the wonders of archaeology. 

It has collections of everything from Roman mosaics to the only dinosaur bones to have been discovered within East Yorkshire, and a life-sized replica of a woolly mammoth.

I'm a sucker for a Roman mosaic - let's just blame that on the endless amounts of Time Team I watched as a child - and I could've spent hours staring at the Rudston Venus Mosaic.

Its intricate and detailed design was simply mesmerising, and helped to satisfy my urge to fly to Italy for at least one weekend.

You can book free guided tours of both the museums and the Ferens Art Gallery , which is located alongside Queen Victoria Square.

Regarded as one of the best regional art galleries in the country, Ferens is home to a huge collection of paintings from the Dutch Masters - thanks to its links with the Netherlands from the old trade routes.  

The standout piece had to be the giant inflatable artwork of Jason and the Argonauts by Jason Wilsher-Mills, simply because I had to suppress a child-like urge to jump headfirst into the installation every time I walked by.

Free guided walking tours start from Museums Quarter

Pubs and pints

After all of that culture, I deserved a pint. 

Thankfully, Hull has masses of great pubs , both on the waterfront and tucked into the quaint alleyways of the Old Town. 

Two of my favourites were the Lion and Key , an old school-style pub with walls lined with old shop signs and maritime memorabilia, that serves proper pub grub, cask ales and craft beer. 

I ate a fantastic pepper and potato curry with rice, chips and a slice of naan, washed down with a £4 pint of local ale.

Hull was crowned the UK's cheapest place for beers last year and my not-entirely-scientific research into this fact did not leave me or my purse disappointed.

Equally great was my £4 lager at The Minerva pub at the top of the marina, with views over the Humber. 

The TripAdvisor Traveller’s Choice boozer does a mean "Haddock and Mushies" and a great pint of local bitter. 


GETTING THERE:  Hull Trains operate direct from London Kings Cross to Hull from £34 each way. See  hulltrains.co.uk . 

STAYING THERE: Double rooms at the Hideout Hotel are from £110 per night. See  hideouthotel.co.uk/   

OUT & ABOUT:  Tickets to Hull Minster Tower Tour are £7.50 per person. See  hullminster.org/towertours . Tickets to The Deep are from £21 per adult. See  thedeep.co.uk/ . 

MORE INFO:  See  maritimehull.co.uk/  and  visithull.org/  

Aside from great pubs, Hull is rightfully also proud of their Hearth Restaurant & Bakery , which is even listed in the Michelin Guide. 

It’s a must for foodies, with standout dishes including the linguine topped with pistachio and a huge plate of sea bream. Mains range from £19 to £34.

Thanks to its size, Hull is very easily walkable. But it helped that I was based right in the middle of the Old Town. 

The Hideout Apartment Hotel is a boutique hotel with fantastic views of Hull Minster and the picturesque Trinity Square - and I could even hear the church bells from my bedroom (although if that’s not your thing, they thoughtfully supply some earplugs). 

Decked out in neutral colours, my standard suite was spacious with a king-size bed, ample wardrobe space, a comfortable sofa, a coffee table and a fully equipped kitchen. 

The bathroom had a walk-in shower and large sink, with plenty of shelf space for toiletries. 

Even my hotel had a touch of TV stardom, having previously featured on Channel 4 as a winner of the Four In A Bed show. 


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From its maritime history to its free walking tours another other cultural attractions, Hull has it all for a great weekend break.

After 48 hours in the city, I could see why the locals I met are so proud to come from Hull - I would be, too.

Hull is also home to The Deep, a giant aquarium

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Young homebuyers are being forced to gamble with their retirement prospects by taking on ultra-long mortgages, according to a former pensions minister.

Sir Steve Webb described data - supplied by the Financial Conduct Authority to the Bank of England - as "shocking".

It suggests that more than one million new mortgages have been issued over the past three years with end dates beyond the state pension age.

The ex-Liberal Democrat MP, who is now a partner at the consultancy firm LCP, voiced fears that borrowers could be forced to raid their pension savings to clear their mortgage in a worst-case scenario.

Sir Steve saw the potential for harm in any case, as longer-term mortgages deprive people of a period running up to retirement when they could be mortgage-free and boosting their pension.

What does the data say? 

  • 42% of new mortgages in the fourth quarter of 2023 - or 91,394 - had terms going beyond the state pension age;
  • In the final quarter of last year, people aged 30 to 39 accounted for 30,943 new mortgages lasting beyond state pension age;
  • People aged 40 to 49 accounted for 32,305;
  • Under-30s made up 3,676 of these mortgages;
  • People aged 50 to 59 accounted for 18,854, and there were 661 who were over 70.

Mortgage rates have been rising since the end of 2021 when the Bank of England began action to tackle rising inflation.

Taking home loans with longer maturity dates tends to be more attractive when interest rates are high, as monthly repayments are lower.

You can read more on this story below...

Waitrose has become the only supermarket to receive a royal warrant from the King. 

The recognition means the company has regularly provided the royal household with products for at least five years. 

It also means it can use the King's coat of arms on packaging, as part of advertising or on any stationary it creates. 

Waitrose was first granted a royal warrant in 1928 for supplying King George V with groceries and cleaning materials.

"We are honoured and proud that His Majesty has granted us his warrant," James Bailey, executive director of Waitrose, said. 

"It means the world to all of us, and our farmers and suppliers. There couldn’t be a more powerful symbol of our commitment to service and quality, and our determination to have the highest environmental and animal welfare standards." 

Waitrose was previously granted a royal warrant by the late Queen in 2002 and the King when he was Prince of Wales in 2010.

The Queen has also granted her first royal warrants, picking seven companies, including luxury department store Fortnum & Mason and the florist that supplied her coronation flowers, Shane Connolly & Company. 

The royal nod could be bad news for customers, however, with a brand finance expert telling Sky News that having a royal warrant allows firms to charge a price premium.

David Haigh said his company's research estimated this to be "between 10% and 25%".

A royal warrant says a company or a product is luxurious, high quality and sustainable, he explained. 

He estimates the scheme is "worth billions to UK companies and… therefore it's a very high value to the UK economy".

"And one of the reasons for that is that a lot of foreign tourists and buyers have a preference for royal warrant holder products. We found that 100% of Chinese buyers would pay in excess of 10% for a royal warrant holder product."

Read more on the Queen's choices here :

Gordon Ramsay's restaurants tripled losses to £3.4m last year, as the chef warned businesses in the industry were facing a "challenging" climate. 

The chef's group spent millions opening five new restaurants in 2023, including a Lucky Cat in Manchester, a Bread Street Kitchen in Battersea Power Station and a Street Pizza in Edinburgh. 

Sales at his wide-ranging establishments rose, however, by 21% to £95.6m in the year to August, according to The Telegraph. 

"It's been a really hard-fought year, but at the same time an exciting year, and in tough times it amazes me how strong and vibrant our industry is," Ramsay told the news outlet. 

"It's challenging out there and businesses are battling to stay afloat, rising costs, rent and food costs, multiple strikes. It's a battle" 

He was optimistic, however, saying there hasn't been "so much passion and vibrancy" in the industry since he opened his first restaurant in 1998.

"We've still got something wonderful to celebrate, and I truly believe the industry has never been so exciting."

Once the UK's favourite alcoholic beverage, beer's popularity seems to be fading among the younger drinking generation... 

In fact, only 30% of people aged 18 to 24 ever drink it, according to a study commissioned by the Society of Independent Brewers. 

Instead, younger drinkers say they prefer drinking spirits, wine and cider. 

Pub visits appear to be suffering as well, with almost a quarter of the 2,000 people surveyed saying they have never visited their local. 

SIBA's 2024 Craft Beer Report paints a more positive picture for small and independent brewers, however, with more than 55% of beer consumers saying they now drink "local craft beer". 

It also found average beer production volumes among independent breweries has risen by 14% since last year - a return to pre-pandemic levels for the first time in 4 years. 

"Demand for local, independently brewed beer in the UK is strong, with independent brewers reporting production volumes up by 14%, meaning they have returned to 2019 volumes again," Andy Slee, SIBA's chief executive, said. 

But, he said, it's time for "cautious optimism" only, with the industry still plagued with a number of issues. 

"The short-term issue for small independent breweries isn't demand; it's profitability, rising costs and financial pressures such as lingering COVID debt," he said. 

"Far too many breweries are simply trying to survive rather than thrive, so while there are many positives signs highlighted in the report, for now it's cautious optimism."

Earlier this year, our Money reporter Emily Mee explored whether the UK's big night out culture was dying out. 

Nightlife experts warned we're losing one club every two days at the moment - and if we stay on this trajectory, we will have none left by 2030.

You can read more about her findings here...

A total of 583 skyscrapers are "queuing up in the pipeline" to be built across central London, a development thinktank has said. 

That is more than double the 270 built in the past decade. 

In the eastern borough of Tower Hamlets alone, 71 tall buildings were completed in that time that time, the report by New London Architecture found. 

A further 24 were in the City of London and 27 in Canary Wharf and Isle of Dogs. 

The report said the rapid change has been fuelled by a "burgeoning demand" for office and residential space, overseas investment and a supporting planning environment. 

"Tall buildings have changed the face of London substantially over the last 20 years and will continue to do so - the pipeline that NLA has tracked means there is at least 10 years' supply that has already been defined," Peter Murray, the organisation's co-founder, said. 

"London's population continues to grow, passing the 10 million mark at the end of this decade.

"We'll still need tall buildings; and NLA will continue to keep a close watch on what's going on." 

Restaurants might only be able to open three or four days a week due to staffing problems, Michel Roux Jr has warned. 

Speaking to The Telegraph as he gears up to open his new restaurant Chez Rouz, the Michelin starred chef admitted the industry needs to change to accommodate flexible working hours. 

"Just because I worked 80 hours a week or more doesn't mean the next generation should," he said. 

"Quite the contrary. That is something that we have to address in our industry."

But, he warned that the move will come at a cost... 

"It will mean ultimately that going out is going to be more expensive, and that maybe your favourite restaurant is no longer open seven days a week - it's only open three or four days a week," he said. 

The industry is known for its long, unsociable working hours, and Roux Jr explained that the real issue hit after the pandemic, with people no longer wanting to work weekends. 

"People don't want to work unsociable hours and would rather work delivering parcels as and when they want to. It's as simple as that," he added. 

Earlier this year, Roux Jr said goodbye to his famous restaurant Le Gavroche in London. 

It had been opened by his father Albert Roux and uncle Michel Roux in 1967. 

Now, he said it's "brave" to open a new restaurant, with the market "very, very tough". 

"I really feel for anyone that is brave enough to open up a restaurant now. It's incredibly difficult," he added. 

Chez Rouz at The Langham in Marylebone, central London, is due to open on 22 May. 

By James Sillars , business news reporter

A pause for breath on the FTSE 100 after a 3% gain over the course of past week that took the index to a fresh record closing high.

The rally of recent weeks - significant for London's standing and pension pots alike - has been broad based and reflects several factors.

A major driver has been sterling's weakness versus the US dollar.

The US currency has been strong as the Federal Reserve, its central bank, has hinted it will be some time yet before it begins to cut interest rates.

Language out of the Bank of England last week sparked a flurry of bets that UK rates could be cut as early as next month.

A weaker pound boosts dollar-earning constituents on the FTSE 100 because they get more for their money when dollars are converted to pounds.

Also at play is the view that UK stocks represent good value, as they are cheaper compared to many of their international peers.

A few moments ago, the FTSE 100 was trading 6 points lower at 8,423.

A major talking point is the possibility of the Chinese fast fashion firm Shein listing in London.

According to Reuters, the company has shifted its focus to the UK after receiving a lukewarm reception in the United States.

The news agency, citing two sources, reported that Shein was stepping up its preparations for an initial public offering in London that would be expected to be one of the biggest carried out globally this year.

By Emily Mee , Money team

No one likes the date in their calendar when their MOT rolls around. 

But to make things a little less stressful, consumer expert Scott Dixon - known as The Complaints Resolver - has given us some tips on what to look out for to help your vehicle pass with flying colours. 

Some of the most common failures are faulty steering, brakes, suspension, worn or damaged tyres, cracked windscreens and faulty lights. 

Mr Dixon recommends you get your car serviced a couple of weeks before your MOT, in case there are any complex or costly issues. 

This will give you time to get them fixed and get your car through first time without any advisories. 

Aside from taking your car for a service, there are also some easy checks you can run yourself... 

Listen for unusual clunks while you're driving - this could be a sign of a damaged suspension. 

You could also check by pushing the car down on each corner. It should return to normal without bouncing a few times. 

Another option is to look with a torch under the wheel arch, as this should reveal any obvious defects. 

Blown bulbs are a common MOT failure, but they're cheap to fix. 

Walk around your car and check all the bulbs are working - this includes the headlights, sidelights, brake lights, indicators and the number plate bulb.

Mr Dixon says it's "not an easy job" to change the lightbulbs yourself on most modern cars, as the MOT will also check the positioning of the light. Therefore he recommends getting this done professionally. 

Squealing or grinding noises may be a sign your brake pads need replacing. 

You should also check whether your car stops in a straight line, or whether it pulls in different directions. 

Don't forget about the handbrake, too. Test it out on a slope and see if it securely holds the car. If it doesn't, you should get it adjusted. 

It's easy to check if your wipers work okay, but you should also make sure to inspect the blades for tears and rips. 

They should be able to clean the windows with no smears. 

Mr Dixon says you don't need to pay Halfords to change your wiper blade as you can "do it yourself in seconds". All you need to do is look for a YouTube tutorial. 

He also recommends buying the Bosch wiper blades, as he says these are good quality and will also be a sign you've looked after your car well when you come to sell it. 

One thing to look out for is tread depth. You can do this by looking for the "wear bar" that sits between the tread. 

If it's close to 1.6mm and is low, you should get the tyre replaced so it's not flagged as an advisory. 

Also check for perished tyre walls, which can happen when a vehicle is standing for any length of time. 

Uneven tyre wear is another potential issue, and if there are signs of this you should get the tyre replaced and tracking and suspension checked. 

These must be in good condition and working order, with no tears or knots. 

Registration plates

Your number plates should be clean and visible with a working light bulb at the rear. You may need to give them a wipe and replace the bulb if necessary. 

This should be in good condition, without damage such as loose bumpers or sharp edges. 

Mr Dixon advises against using automatic car washes during your car's lifetime, saying they "wreck your car". 

"It's not just your paintwork but they can also damage the wiper blades and the bodywork," he says. 

Check for warning lights

You'll need to take your vehicle to a trusted garage or mechanic for this. 

Exhaust emissions

Some diesel vehicles can fail their MOTs based on emissions. To avoid this, you can buy a fuel treatment pack and take your car for a good run to clear the fuel lines and tank.

Driving for at least 30 to 50 minutes at a sustained speed on a motorway or A-road should help to clear the filter. 

You should make sure the driver's view of the road isn't obstructed, so check for stone chips at eye level and remove any obstructions such as air fresheners and mobile phone cradles. 

What else should you think about? 

Make sure your car is clean beforehand, as a tester can refuse to do your MOT if the vehicle is filthy and full of rubbish. 

Giving your car a clean can also give you a chance to inspect it, Mr Dixon says. 

Another thing to do is to check last year's MOT for any advisories that might crop up this time. 

These potential issues will still be there - so it's best not to ignore them. 

You can check your vehicle's MOT history using  https://car-check.co.uk . 

Every Monday we get an expert to answer your money problems or consumer disputes. Find out how to submit yours at the bottom of this post. Today's question is...

I have worked at a bank for 24 years - the facilities are outsourced. This new company is bringing in a system where the staff have to click in and out and are then paid by the minute? Is this allowed? Amber

Ian Jones, director and principal solicitor at Spencer Shaw Solicitors, has picked this one up...

Your rights depend on your contract and what it says about payment. Does it specify an annual salary, or payment by time? Does it allow for changes to how payment is calculated?

If the contract does not allow for this type of payment, your employer may be trying to vary the contract of employment unlawfully.

If you're directly employed by the bank, and your pay arrangements are changing because of a new monitoring system, this would be an internal contract variation. If you work in the facilities department and the new contractor is taking over as your employer, the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) 2006 may apply. 

In this case, your current terms, conditions and previous service will transfer to the new employer.

TUPE may make the issue sound more complicated but, in practice, either way the changes will be valid only if the employee agrees to them.

If you have not agreed to the change, then this could be a breach of contract. This could give rise to a successful claim in the civil courts or the employment tribunal. 

If the breach is serious (for example, you're paid less than agreed in the original contract) and you resign in response, this could amount to constructive dismissal for which a claim can be made in the employment tribunal. 

It would be sensible to get the contract reviewed by a solicitor for advice. But act swiftly - if you continue working for the employer, you are effectively waiving the breach and accepting the change to your contract.

To make it possible to pay by the minute, employees may be monitored while at work. When collecting and processing data and using it to make a decision, the employer must comply with data protection laws. If not, the employee could be entitled to compensation, depending on the breach, or the employer could be at risk of a sanction by the regulator the Information Commissioner's Office.

This feature is not intended as financial advice - the aim is to give an overview of the things you should think about.  Submit your dilemma or consumer dispute via:

  • The form above - make sure you leave a phone number or email address
  • Email [email protected] with the subject line "Money blog"
  • WhatsApp us  here .

Please make sure you leave your contact details as we cannot follow up consumer disputes without them.

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