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tour de teotihuacan

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visita guiada a teotihuacán desde ciudad de méxico-1

Visita guiada a Teotihuacán desde Ciudad de México

  • Puedes cancelar estas entradas hasta 24 horas antes del comienzo de la experiencia y recibir un reembolso completo.
  • Experimenta la grandeza de las pirámides prehispánicas de Teotihuacán con esta visita guiada de ida y vuelta.
  • Únete a esta visita guiada (en inglés) a la zona arqueológica de Teotihuacán y contempla las emblemáticas pirámides prehispánicas.
  • Disfruta de un transporte sin complicaciones desde el centro de la Ciudad de México y prepárate para desentrañar todos los secretos de esta fascinante ciudad.
  • Tendrás la oportunidad de ver las pirámides más conocidas: la del Sol y la de la Luna.
  • Después del recorrido, haz una parada en un taller de licores donde probarás licores mexicanos tradicionales como el tequila, el mezcal y el pulque.
  • Entrada a Teotihuacán
  • Guía de habla inglesa
  • Degustaciones de licores elaborados con cactus
  • Traslados de ida y vuelta desde el punto de encuentro
  • Propinas opcionales
  • Nota: las únicas zonas que estarán abiertas serán la calzada de Los Muertos, así como las plazas y explanadas, por lo que no podrás subir a la Pirámide del Sol ni a la Pirámide de la Luna.
  • La zona arqueológica está restringida y cierra a las 17:00.

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Tour guiado a Teotihuacán

  • Explora el mágico yacimiento arqueológico de Teotihuacán con un guía
  • Una vez en el yacimiento, descubre la zona arqueológica a tu aire: pasea por el yacimiento, empapándote de la serenidad del entorno mientras lo haces.
  • Conoce la ciudad sagrada de Teotihuacán - conocido por ser el lugar donde fueron creados los Dioses.
  • Este lugar declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO contiene el Templo de Quetzalcóatl, las Pirámides del Sol y de la Luna, y mucho más.
  • Este poderoso centro cultural de Mesoamérica extiende su influencia artística, cultural e histórica por toda la región ¡y más allá!

pirámides de teotihuacán: tour guiado por la tarde-1

Pirámides de Teotihuacán: tour guiado por la tarde

  • Dirígete al subvalle de Teotihuacán para contemplar las vistas sin obstáculos.
  • A la sombra del Cerro Gordo se encuentran las increíbles pirámides de Teotihuacán, la Pirámide del Sol y la Pirámide de la Luna, ambas de inmensa relevancia histórica.
  • Adéntrate en la arquitectura y el diseño urbano de Teotihuacán, que representa la cosmovisión mesoamericana en su máxima expresión.
  • Tu guía experto te contará sobre la historia de la ciudad mientras pasas por diversos puntos de interés del lugar.
  • Por último, cuando las multitudes empiecen a salir, búscate un lugar acogedor y contempla el atardecer sobre las grandes pirámides.
  • El transporte de ida y vuelta desde el punto de encuentro designado facilita un viaje sin complicaciones.
  • Guía experto (inglés/español)
  • Traslados desde el punto de encuentro
  • Traslados de hotel
  • Comida y bebida
  • Las únicas zonas que estarán abiertas serán la calzada de Los Muertos, así como las plazas y explanadas, por lo que no podrás subir a la Pirámide del Sol ni a la Pirámide de la Luna.
  • La zona arqueológica está restringida y cierra a las 17:00
  • Este lugar no es accesible para sillas de ruedas.

méxico: tour a teotihuacán, tlatelolco, basílica de guadalupe y cata de tequila-1

México: tour a Teotihuacán, Tlatelolco, basílica de Guadalupe y cata de tequila

  • Visita Tlatelolco, el mayor yacimiento arqueológico de Ciudad de México, donde estuvo el mercado principal del Imperio azteca.
  • Dirígete a la basílica de Guadalupe, uno de los lugares de peregrinación católica más populares del mundo, y observa el manto con la imagen de la Virgen.
  • Aquí es donde se cree que la Virgen María se apareció a San Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin.
  • En Teotihuacán, la "ciudad de los Dioses", contempla algunas de las pirámides más grandes del mundo.
  • Conoce las numerosas leyendas que rodean el lugar. Por ejemplo, se dice que los dioses se reunieron aquí para planificar la creación del hombre.
  • Descubre la influencia artística, cultural e histórica que este lugar declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO tuvo en su entorno.
  • El guía local experto te garantizará una atención personalizada y un gran servicio.
  • Guía bilingüe experto
  • Degustación de tequila y mezcal
  • Visita a la basílica de Guadalupe y Tlatelolco
  • Comida y bebidas
  • Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

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Ciudad de México y pirámides de Teotihuacán: tour guiado de 2 días

  • El primer día del viaje, comienza en el Museo Nacional de Antropología, hogar de las culturas étnicas prehispánicas de México.
  • Conoce la herencia indígena mexicana mientras paseas por 22 salas de exposición con piezas de arte del pasado.
  • Adéntrate en el vibrante centro histórico de México y descubre dónde estuvo asentado el imperio azteca.
  • Busca pruebas de la existencia de la Gran Tenochtitlan.
  • Admira los llamativos monumentos de México desde el exterior, como la catedral metropolitana, el Palacio Nacional y el Palacio de Bellas Artes.
  • El día 2 comienza bien temprano en la impresionante Ciudad de los Dioses , Teotihuacán
  • Contempla el amanecer sobre las preciosas pirámides de Teotihuacán antes de que empiecen a llegar las multitudes de turistas.
  • Admira este renombrado yacimiento arqueológico, así como los antiguos edificios, plazas y murales.
  • Escucha al guía, que te contará las historias místicas del pasado de esta ciudad.
  • Este billete tiene dos variantes: tours guiados en inglés y en español.
  • Guía certificado bilingüe
  • Entrada a Teotihuacán (Día 1 - Teotihuacán)
  • Traslados de ida y vuelta desde el punto de encuentro (Día 1 - Teotihuacán)
  • Entrada al Museo Nacional de Antropología (Día 2 - Tour por la ciudad)
  • Entrada al Museo del Templo Mayor (Día 2 - Tour por la ciudad)
  • Traslado en transporte público (Día 2 - Tour por la ciudad)

Las visitas a Teotihuacán reabren tras el COVID-19

Con la relajación de las restricciones del COVID-19 en todo el mundo, las visitas a Teotihuacán han vuelto a abrir sus puertas al público con un estricto cumplimiento de los protocolos de seguridad. Se han establecido varias medidas para garantizar que todos los visitantes tengan una experiencia segura y agradable.

¿Por qué visitar Teotihuacán?

Antigua ciudad mesoamericana situada cerca de Ciudad de México, Teotihuacán fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1987. Su historia y origen siguen siendo desconocidos incluso después de tantos años. Se dice que la ciudad obtuvo su nombre en el año 1400 de los aztecas, que la bautizaron como Teotihuacán, que significa "el lugar donde se crearon los dioses". 

Un tour por Teotihuacán te permitirá entrar en el misterioso emplazamiento arqueológico y explorar las grandes pirámides construidas con rocas volcánicas. Podrás pasear por la Avenida de los Muertos, subir a las pirámides y contemplar la mágica vista de la ciudad desde lo alto y explorar la Flor de Teotihuacán, que simboliza el centro del mundo.

Visitas y boletos para Teotihuacán

Puedes elegir entre una gran variedad de opciones para visitar Teotihuacán, desde visitas guiadas hasta boletos combinados. Veamos en detalle cada una de las opciones.

Boletos para Teotihuacán

Visita autoguiada a Teotihuacán

Si no te atrae la idea de esperar a tu guía, haz una visita autoguiada a Teotihuacán y explórala a tu propio ritmo. Puedes subir a las pirámides, contemplar la Flor de Teotihuacán y explorar la Avenida de los Muertos, ¡todo por tu cuenta! Cuando estés listo para regresar, te llevarán de vuelta a tu hotel en la ciudad.

Boletos para Teotihuacán

Visita guiada a Teotihuacán

Dirígete a Teotihuacán, la ciudad de los dioses, en una visita guiada y explora el sitio arqueológico con la ayuda de un guía profesional. Si optas por el tour de acceso temprano, tendréis todo el recinto para vosotros, antes de que se congreguen las multitudes. Deja que tu guía te deleite con anécdotas, teorías y contemplaciones mientras tratas de desentrañar el misterio de Teotihuacán.

Boletos para Teotihuacán

Excursión de un día a Teotihuacán

Las excursiones a Teotihuacán desde Ciudad de México te permitirán explorar múltiples atracciones en el mismo día. Podrás visitar atracciones históricas como Teotihuacán, Tlatelolco y el Santuario de Guadalupe. Estos recorridos por Teotihuacán desde Ciudad de México son perfectos para quienes buscan una visita completa a la ciudad.

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de comprar boletos para visitar Teotihuacán?

En el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19, es aconsejable que compres tus boletos para Teotihuacán online antes de llegar al recinto. Esto no solo te ahorrará una cantidad considerable de tiempo, sino que también garantizará que no haya aglomeraciones en el recinto.

¿Por qué reservar boletos para Teotihuacán por internet?

Comodidad: La visita a Teotihuacan es una de las atracciones más populares de la ciudad. Al reservar tus boletos a Teotihuacán por internet, no solo podrás hacerlo desde la comodidad de tu casa, sino que también evitarás las largas filas de acceso a la atracción.

Reserva por adelantado: Al reservar tus boletos para Teotihuacán por internet, puedes planificar tu visita y reservar tus boletos con mucha antelación. Ya no tendrás que preocuparte de que se agoten los boletos para la visita a Teotihuacán.

Descuentos: Si reservas tus boletos para Teotihuacán por internet, a menudo encontrarás atractivos descuentos de los que podrás aprovecharte.

Explora la visita a Teotihuacán

Avenida de los muertos.

La Avenida de los Muertos atraviesa la ciudad de sur a norte a lo largo de más de 2,5 kilómetros y fue en su día la calle principal de Teotihuacán. Está salpicada de pirámides, conjuntos de apartamentos y el complejo de la ciudadela. Los aztecas la llamaron Avenida de los Muertos porque pensaron erróneamente que las pirámides eran tumbas.

Boletos para Teotihuacán

Pirámide del Sol

Sin duda la mayor estructura de Teotihuacán, la Pirámide del Sol se levanta a 60 metros sobre el nivel del suelo. En el lado oeste de la pirámide hay 248 escalones desiguales que llevan a la cima de la estructura. Aunque es una subida fácil, los escalones pueden ser empinados en algunos lugares.

Boletos para Teotihuacán

Pirámide de la Luna

Similar a la Pirámide del Sol, la Pirámide de la Luna también está hecha de rocas volcánicas y tiene casi el mismo aspecto. Sin embargo, es más baja y cuenta con un templo en el sur. En el templo puedes observar el motivo del talud-tablero, frecuente en la cultura teotihuacana.

Boletos para Teotihuacán

Pirámide de la Serpiente Emplumada

La tercera pirámide más grande de Teotihuacán, el templo de la Serpiente Emplumada o Palacio de Quetzalcóatl es una de las estructuras más importantes de la era teotihuacana. Aquí los arqueólogos han encontrado pruebas de sacrificios humanos.

Museo Arqueológico de Teotihuacán

Justo a la salida del sitio arqueológico, encontrarás el Museo Arqueológico de Teotihuacán, que presenta una serie de interesantes artefactos. La visita a este museo te proporcionará más información sobre la antigua ciudad mesoamericana de la que no se sabe mucho.

Planea tu visita a Teotihuacán

Boletos para Teotihuacán

El horario de apertura de Teotihuacán es el siguiente:

De lunes a domingo de 9:00 a 17:00.

Teotihuacán está abierto todo el año.

Boletos para Teotihuacán

Teotihuacán se encuentra en San Juan Teotihuacán, a unos 50 km de Ciudad de México.

Se recomienda llegar a Teotihuacán justo a la hora de apertura. No solamente hay menos gente por las mañanas, sino que también hace menos sol. Evita visitarla alrededor del mediodía, ya que es la hora más concurrida.

Se puede acceder a Teotihuacán tanto en autobús como en taxi.

Puedes tomar un autobús a Teotihuacán desde la Central de Autobuses del Norte. Los autobuses salen cada 20 minutos.

Consejos para visitar Teotihuacán

  • Como la mejor forma de explorar Teotihuacán es a pie, no olvides llevar calzado cómodo para caminar, sobre todo si quieres subir a las pirámides.
  • Lleva protector solar, gafas de sol y sombrero.
  • Puedes llevar una botella de agua o comprarla en uno de los puestos cercanos.
  • Encontrarás muchos vendedores a lo largo del camino que venden diferentes tipos de souvenirs.
  • Evita visitar Teotihuacán los domingos porque suele estar muy concurrido, ya que ese día los mexicanos pueden acceder gratis al recinto.
  • Los boletos al museo arqueológico están incluidos en el precio del boleto. Si deseas saber más sobre Teotihuacán, no olvides dar una vuelta por el museo.

Visitas a Teotihuacán: preguntas frecuentes

Sí. En el contexto de la pandemia del COVID-19 es aconsejable comprar los boletos para la visita a Teotihuacán por internet.

Los boletos de la visita a Teotihuacán tienen un horario asignado y son válidos solo para la fecha y la hora seleccionadas.

El boleto a Teotihuacán te permitirá acceder a la atracción y explorar sus diversas pirámides, palacios, etc.

Sí, el boleto para la visita a Teotihuacán incluye el acceso al museo arqueológico situado cerca de la entrada.

Una visita a Teotihuacán puede costar entre 29 y 64 dólares.

Sí, hay varias visitas guiadas a Teotihuacán.

Reserva al menos 4-5 horas, ya que subir a las pirámides y explorar todo el sitio arqueológico a pie lleva tiempo.

Sí, se puede. Es una subida fácil, pero los escalones son irregulares, por lo que los visitantes deben tener cuidado al subir a la pirámide.

Los visitantes deben llevar ropa holgada y cómoda, así como calzado de montaña, al visitar Teotihuacán.

Teotihuacán se encuentra a una distancia de 50 km de la Ciudad de México. Se puede llegar al conjunto arqueológico en autobús o en taxi.

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Home » Travel Guides » Mexico » 15 Best Teotihuacan Tours

15 Best Teotihuacan Tours

Teotihuacan, located around 40km away from Mexico city, was once the largest city in North America. It is now a world archaeological site, containing the largest existing ancient pyramid in North America, fascinating multi-family compounds, and colourful murals that have miraculously survived to the present day. It is a place known as the home of the Gods and is highly significant in the history of Mexico.

Its reputation as a famous tourist attraction is well deserved, and any visitor could be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed at the sheer number of tours available.

Luckily, we are here to help you make sense of it all. Here are the 15 best Teotihuacan tours to help you make the most of your visit.

1. Teotihuacan Afternoon Tour

Teotihuacan, Mexico

Discover the popular archaeological site of the City of Gods on this 6-hour guided afternoon tour. This tour starts with a ride to this site from a pickup location, during which your tour guide briefs you about the history of this place.

On arrival, tourists visit the Pyramid of the Sun and then the Pyramid of Moon. Here you will learn all about the pyramids, from the history and culture to their purpose and significance. After this, you will find yourself a spot to enjoy the sunset over the Pyramids.

This tour is a great choice for budding archaeologists and history buffs.

2. Mexico City and Teotihuacan Full Day Tour


Get to discover the city of Mexico and Teotihuacan all in one go. This tour starts from Zocalo, the center of the city, and includes a visit to the ruins of Templo Mayor as well. Here, the visitors can see the Metropolitan Cathedral and the national palace. It is an amazing opportunity to enjoy learning about the city.

After a break, the tour will take you to the zone of Teotihuacan in the afternoon. Here, you will see the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, the Avenue of the Dead, the temples of Quetzalcoatl and Butterflies and the ancient fortresses. These are all amazing places to click pictures and study the archaeological site.

The last destination is the shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe back in the city.

The tour is led by a guide and lasts for about 11 hours.

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3. A day tour to Teotihuacan, Shrine of Guadalupe and Tlatelolco

Our Lady of Guadalupe Basilica

This 9.5-hour tour includes sites that cover three distinct periods in the history of Mexico.

This tour first visits Teotihuacan, where you can climb the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. Here you can also get to learn about their history and significance to the Mexican culture. Next, the tour takes you to the Lady of Guadalupe Basilica site, and then to Tlatelolco, once a pre-Columbian city-state and then established as the capital city by Spanish colonialists.

Reviewers loved the knowledgeable tour guide.

4. 2-Day Tour to Teotihuacan, Xochimilco and the Guadalupe Shrine


This 2-day guided tour is a complete tour package and a really good option if you love to see the historical sites all in one go.

Firstly, visitors are taken to Tlatelolco which is the largest archaeological site in Mexico City. Then they are taken to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Teotihuacan.

Lastly, you will get to see the National University, the Frida Kahlo Museum and the colorful houses of Coyoacan.

5. Hot air balloon tour over the Pyramids of Teotihuacan.

Pyramid of the Sun. Teotihuacan

Enjoy a one-hour tour over the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in a hot air balloon. Have a look at the site from an entirely different perspective and make lifelong, everlasting memories.

On this tour, you can enjoy the amazing view of the entire archaeological site from above in the clouds, and even see the top of the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon.

Additionally, you can even be a part of the team and get the hot air balloons ready for the flight. This tour includes pick up and drop off from central Mexico City hotels.

6. Full day tour of the Guadalupe Shrine and the Teotihuacan Pyramids.

Teotihuacan Tour

Discover the awe-inspiring Pyramids of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan, and get to know about their 2500 years of history.

This tour also enables visitors to see the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the old and new Basilicas of Guadalupe, and even learn about the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations.

Additionally, visitors get to visit the place where some people believe that the Gods were born.

This 8-hour guided tour is a really good tour to opt for if you love visiting archaeological sites.

7. 9-hour guided tour to the Pyramids of Teotihuacan and Guadalupe Shrine

Pyramids of the Sun and Moon on the Avenue of the Dead, Teotihuacan

By opting for this tour, you can visit the most important and popular archaeological site in central Mexico, i.e., Teotihuacan. Here, you will get to see the impressive Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, and learn about the Mesoamerican civilizations as well.

The visitors then get to see the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the old basilica along with the new church there.

This 9-hour guided tour is an amazing option to opt for if you love to visit significant historical sites, and is available as a private or small-group tour.

8. Private tour to Teotihuacan and Guadalupe Shrine

Teotihuacan, Mexico

Get yourself a private guided tour from Tlatelolco to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and then Teotihuacan.

Visit all these places at your preferred pace, and get to discover a plethora of things about them.

This is a guided tour lasting for about 6 hours.

9. Early access with an archaeologist to Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan Early Morning

This tour allows you to beat the crowds and visit the site of Teotihuacan in the early hours of the morning, with a knowledgeable local guide.

Here, visitors will climb the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and learn about the site. The tour also includes a tasting of tequila, mezcal, and pulque after your visit to Teotihuacan.

This tour spans takes between 6 and 9 hours.

10. Full day Tour to Teotihuacan and Basilica Guadalupe

Basilica Guadalupe

See the majestic site of Teotihuacan on this 8-hour guided tour. At this site, you can learn a lot about the history, culture, and significance of Teotihuacan from the local guide. Tourists often love to climb the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon here and enjoy the view from above.

During this tour, you will also visit the Basilica of Guadalupe and the Mantle of Juan Diego.

11. Teotihuacan and Family Dinner tour

Hidden Teotihuacan Tour And Family Dinner

This 9-hour guided tour takes visitors to the majestic Teotihuacan, where they will be able to climb the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and learn a lot about the history and significance of this place from a local guide.

The tour then leads you to explore a local town and visit two family-run businesses. Alongside this, you get to taste samples of the foods and drinks.

At the end of the day, you and your family will dine with a Mexican family in their home, eating food from organic local farms and learning more about the Mexican culture and traditions.

12. Balloon Flight over Teotihuacan with transfers

Balloon Flight With Transfer

This tour provides the opportunity to enjoy the aerial view of the world-famous archaeological site, Teotihuacan.

On this 9-hour guided tour, a certified hot air balloon pilot that keeps you safe up in the clouds while you enjoy an aesthetic view of the surreal Teotihuacan.

Because of the nature of this tour, the departure time may be changed or the tour could be cancelled due to the weather.

13. Flexi Pass for Mexico City Attractions

This admission ticket allows access to a number of attractions in the city of Mexico while saving up to 50 percent. Seems pretty amazing, don’t you think?

This pass includes admission to attractions like the Teotihuacan Pyramids tour, National Palace And Anthropology museum, and a lot more.

This flexi pass is usable for 5 days.

14. Private Mexico City tour & Teotihuacan and Basilica with a local guide

Centro Historico, Mexico City

Discover the heart of this ancient Mexican city at your own pace with this private tour, accompanied by a local guide.

Get to see the site of Teotihuacan which is indeed a highly visited archaeological site and a very famous tourist attraction. Tourists often climb the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon there and love to learn about the significance and history of the place.

Next, visit the historical Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and learn about its importance in Catholicism.

15. 29 Attractions Admission Pass in Mexico City

City Pass

Get an admission ticket and choose your favorite 29 destinations, saving a huge sum of money for yourself. These attractions include the Teotihuacan Pyramids tour, the Catina’s tour, and a lot more.

This admission ticket is valid for up to 5 consecutive days after purchase and can be used for unlimited access to the 29 sites you choose from the given list. It also enables you to tour these places at your own pace with complete privacy.

15 Best Teotihuacan Tours:

  • Teotihuacan Afternoon Tour
  • Mexico City and Teotihuacan Full Day Tour
  • A day tour to Teotihuacan, Shrine of Guadalupe and Tlatelolco
  • 2-Day Tour to Teotihuacan, Xochimilco and the Guadalupe Shrine
  • Hot air balloon tour over the Pyramids of Teotihuacan.
  • Full day tour of the Guadalupe Shrine and the Teotihuacan Pyramids.
  • 9-hour guided tour to the Pyramids of Teotihuacan and Guadalupe Shrine
  • Private tour to Teotihuacan and Guadalupe Shrine
  • Early access with an archaeologist to Teotihuacan
  • Full day Tour to Teotihuacan and Basilica Guadalupe
  • Teotihuacan and Family Dinner tour
  • Balloon Flight over Teotihuacan with transfers
  • Flexi Pass for Mexico City Attractions
  • Private Mexico City tour & Teotihuacan and Basilica with a local guide
  • 29 Attractions Admission Pass in Mexico City

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tour de teotihuacan

Visiting Teotihuacan: Tickets & Tips, Guided Tours & Day Trips

Jump to: Tickets & Tours • Visiting Teotihuacán • Accessibility at Teotihuacán • What is there to see? • Map of Teotihuacán • Guided Tours & Balloon Rides

Ethan Doyle White

  • Last Checked and/or Updated 26 January 2024
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Teotihuacán Tickets & Tours Options

Fast track entry.

A straight-forward, fast track entry to the archaeological area. It does not include transport to the site, or a tour guide.

From Mexico City, Entry & Guide

Take a day trip from Mexico City, get fast track into the archaeological area and enjoy a guided tour with an archaeologist.

Balloon Ride at Dawn

Make your experience of the Teotihuacán pyramids extra special with a dawn balloon ride before exploring the site. 

Or, continue reading this page for all the information you need in preparation for your visit to Teotihuacán.

Teotihuacán is one of the finest archaeological sites of pre-Columbian Mexico. From around 600 BC until 200 BC the area was little more than a series of scattered villages. From about 100 BC to 650 AD Teotihuacán reached its peak, covering an area of 21 square km and supporting a population of at least 100,000 people. Until the 14th century, it was the largest city in the western hemisphere. At the heart of the city arose a complex ceremonial and civic centre crammed with ornate stone palaces and dramatic pyramids. Today, the square mile around this centre is preserved as the Zona Arqueológica de Teotihuacán – the Teotihuacán Archaeological Zone.

There is still much that remains a mystery about the people who built and lived at Teotihuacán. They were clearly a powerful society that exerted an influence across a wide area of Mesoamerica. Many archaeologists believe that as a major urban centre, the city would have been home to a range of ethnic and linguistic groups. After a serious fire in the 7th century, the city centre was largely abandoned. As it began to fall into the realms of legend, it was the later Aztec people who gave the ruined city the name of ‘Teotihuacán’ that in their Nahuatl language meant “the place where the gods were created.”

Antiquarians and then archaeologists began exploring the ancient city from the 19th century onward, revealing more about its fascinating history. Reflecting its importance not just for Mexico but internationally, Teotihuacán is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Visiting Teotihuacan

Official Website for the Zona Arqueológica de Teotihuacan . That website is intended for visitors, for anyone who would like to know more about the history of the site and the research carried out there, see the detailed information supplied on the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México website (in Spanish only)

Opening Hours

The site is open everyday throughout the year: from 09h00 – 16h00 Last entry is at: 15h00

What is the Best Time to Visit Teotihuacan?

As early as you can, get there before opening time at 9am. Not only do you avoid the heat and the crowds (that tend to build up mid-morning), but you also might get to see the  last of the balloons flying over the site. 

If at all possible avoid Sundays. This is the on which the archaeological zone is often more crowded than normal because entry is free for locals.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are generally the least busy days.

How Long do You Need at Teotihuacan?

A visit to Teotihuacan usually takes about two to three hours. The site custodians have produced a number of set routes around the site: general routes that take 2 hours, with some very specific thematic add ons that take 60 minutes, download itineraries for Teotihuacán .

Although if you have a deep interest in Mesoamerican archaeology, you could easily spend longer, particularly if you take a break for lunch.

Ticket Prices

Standard Entry Fee: 90 Mexican Pesos Individuals who prove residence in Mexico are exempt from these payments on Sundays.

Buy a fast track entry ticket online, in advance .

What is Included in the Cost of Entry Tickets for Teotihuacán

Standard entry to the Teotihuacán Archaeological Zone (90 pesos) includes entry to the onsite Teotihuacan Culture Museum , as well as the Museum of Teotihuacan Murals (Beatriz de la Fuente).

Entry is free for certain groups of Mexican citizens, including children under the age of 13, individuals over the age of 60, students and teachers.

Tickets can be purchased at the five entrance gates. Your ticket allows you to leave and re-enter on the same day. You can go out of the archaeological zone for a break or lunch and then return. 

There are five gates, each with a ticket office to pay for entry. Each gate has parking facilities (for which there is an extra charge), and all but Gate 4 has toilet facilities. There is a bookshop at Gate 5, where you can purchase books about the site as well as tourist guides.

Accessibility at Teotihuacán

Provision is made for wheelchair users throughout the site, where possible. There is reserved parking at Gates 2, 3 and 5 for visitors with disabilities. Specifically, at Gate 3 there are ramps and walkways for visitors with mobility difficulties or who use wheelchairs.

How to Get to Teotihuacán

Teotihuacán is only 50 kilometres, or 25 miles, northeast of Mexico City. The Teotihuacán Archaeological Zone is in the town of San Juan Teotihuacán, which is in the federal state of Mexico State (Central Mexico). There are a number of highly rated hotels (for a list of hotels and other accommodation near the site, see ) in the town, to suit all budgets. Some of these are within walking distance of the archaeological site, perfect if you want to get an early start at the ruins to beat the crowds and the heat.

Teotihuacán By Bus from Mexico City

Buses to San Juan Teotihuacán run from Mexico City’s north bus terminal ( Terminal del Norte ), which is served by the city’s metro system – the station has the same name. Tickets are cheap (a little more than $50 Pesos ), making this a good option for travellers on a tight budget. Departures for Teotihuacán are usually at the north end of the station, near Peurta 8 , and are clearly marked ‘ Piramides ‘.

Be aware that return bus journeys to Mexico City stop in the early evening. 

How to Get to Teotihuacán with a Private Car

You could hire a car in the city and drive there. Take Highway 85D and following the signs to San Juan Teotihuacán . Traffic permitting, this journey takes about an hour , passing through impressive scenery. Part of the journey is a toll road , so have your change ready. 

How to Get to Teotihuacán by Taxi or Uber

Taxi services from Mexico City to the site, including Uber, are a popular option, costing anywhere between $450 – $800 Pesos one way , or around $30 to $45. Some visitors to the site report having difficulty getting an Uber back to Mexico City. Having taken Uber to reach the site, you could consider getting the bus back to Mexico City. In which case, go to Gate 2 to catch the bus. You do not need to have purchased a return bus ticket to return by bus. 

Parking at Teotihuacán

There are five large car parking areas around the archaeological site, Gates 2 and 5 are the most popular.

What Should I Take?

Although there are small trees scattered about the site, the main archaeological attraction is under the glaring sun with no shade . You need to be prepared for a day under the harsh Mexican sun. Be aware that temperatures at the site are usually higher than in nearby Mexico City. A hat/umbrella, sun lotion, and sunglasses are strongly advisable . And take plenty of water with you.

It is also a good idea to take some food, although eateries are available outside the archaeological site. Check the forecast beforehand as the area does experience rainy and windy days – in which case a poncho and umbrella are recommended.

Although some visitors choose to wear flip-flops due to the heat, sturdy shoes that you can walk around in all day are better. In past year, visitors have been able to climb several of the main pyramids, although this is not possible at present. It is unclear when it will be reinstated. Other pyramid sites in Mexico have permanently banned visitors from climbing their stone structures.

The dramatic structures at Teotihuacan are great for photographers , so do not forget your camera! Photography is also permitted in the on-site museum, although flash is prohibited in certain areas to protect the artworks on display. Those wanting to use electronic video recording equipment in the Zone must purchase a permit. As of 2019 this cost 45 pesos (approximately US$2.11, €1.80, or £1.63) although this cost is prone to rise. There are additional restrictions on the use of tripods and some professional-level photographic equipment.

Is it Worth Visiting Teotihuacán?

Potential visitors have always, and always will, want to know if it is worth visiting Teotihuacán or not. A new version of the question these days is “is it still worth going to Teotihuacán if you cannot climb the pyramid anymore?” Climbing the pyramids at many archaeological sites in Mexico has stopped, for justifiable conservation reasons. As a result of the global pandemic, climbing the pyramids at those sites where it was still allowed was stopped. At Teotihuacan it has remained so. We were informed that the site managers are doing some much needed restoration, and hope to have the Pyramid of the Sun accessible towards the end of the year.

As you will see on many social media channels, for some people climbing “the pyramid” at Teotihuacan is one of the, for some even the most, important reasons for visiting the site. We all engage with archaeology sites and the world’s histories in different ways. But one response summed up my feelings quite accurately, this is like asking if it is worth climbing the Acropolis in Athens even though you can not go inside the Parthenon temple. Or any of the temples for that matter. People climb the Acropolis in their millions each year. And I am sure millions of people go to Teotihuacan each year whether they can climb the Pyramid of the Sun or not. 

But if you need them, here are five reasons to visit Teotihuacan :

First, there is so much more to the archaeological site than the Pyramid of the sun. There are other pyramids and temple platforms. These line the Avenue of the Dead in perfect symmetry. Together these features make up what was the ceremonial centre of a city that was an estimated 36 square km in size – and influence further beyond. What we see today only represents about 10% of that settlement. 

Besides the ruins, that have been worked on by archaeologists since the middle of the 19th century, there are also two onsite museums. Entry to both is included in the entry ticket to the site.

Teotihuacan is unique for its architectural and artistic achievements. Not only or its size, but also for the well developed plan. At its height it was the largest city in the Mesoamericas, and would remain unmatched until the 15th century.

At over 70 m high, the Pyramid of the Sun is largest pyramid in Mesoamerica. And the Pyramid of the Moon is the second largest. Their sheer size is something to behold, not only from their bases, but also from nearby monuments. 

The art of the people who created this site is amongst the most developed in all of Classic Mesoamerica. Most of the monuments were decorated with paintings that represented their world view. Some of these murals have been preserved in situ , such as the Puma Mural on the Avenue of the Dead, many others can be seen in the Museo de Murales Teotihuacanos “Beatriz de la Fuente” – one of the two onsite museums.

A busy day on the Avenue of the Dead at Teotihuacán.

Interactive Map of Teotihuacán?

Teotihuacán tours & experiences.

Most visitors to Teotihuacán come from Mexico City. There is a diverse range of activities for visitors to experience Teotihuacán, from Guided Tours at Dawn, an In-depth Guided Tour With an Archaeologist to Hot Air Balloon Rides Over the Archaeological Site. One thing to look out for when choosing between seemingly similar activities: some activity providers include hotel pick up, for others you are required to get to Teotihuacán yourself.

Balloon Teotihuacan

Teotihuacán Hot Air Balloon Sunrise Tours

Walking about the extraordinary site of Teotihuacán is one thing. To float above the pyramids and the Avenue of the Dead during a hot air balloon ride is something else altogether. The flight itself lasts around 50 minutes, but depending on the weather conditions it could be a bit shorter.

As balloon rides start around 7 am, you will need to be up early, particularly if you are staying in Mexico City. Hotel pick-ups for Mexico City are between 5 and 05h30.

There are a number of different options to choose from, and the price varies quite considerably. So when choosing a company check and compare what is included and what is not. For example, if you are staying in Mexico City and want to be picked up at your hotel, you need to ensure that hotel pickups are included in the service and price. If you are staying in San Juan Teotihuacán and do not need a pick up service, and do not want to go into the archaeological site after your balloon ride, a balloon ride without pickup and entry tickets is what you need.

These are some of the options:

  • Hotel pick up in Mexico city, no entry to the archaeological site
  • Hotel pick up, entry to the archaeological zone 45 minute balloon ride
  • Hotel pick up, balloon ride and walking tour of the archaeological site
  • Hotel pick up, balloon ride followed by a tour of Teotihuacán by bike

Guided Tours of Teotihuacán

As with the balloon rides at Teotihuacán, there are many options available to you if you are interested in a guided tour of the site. Probably more so, given that this is the most popular attraction in Mexico. The choice can be daunting. But first, you may be wondering if you need a guided tour of Teotihuacán, and if it is worth it .

Answering the second part of the question is easier than the first. As long as you have a good guide (check the reviews), I believe a guided tour to most sites is always worth taking . A well informed guide who engages well with their group can impart knowledge and experience very difficult to get on your own or out of a book. Do you need a guide? This will always differ from person to person, and depends on a range of factors such as how much do you know about the site before you visit, how much do you want to learn about he site during your visit. And even how much time you have to explore the site. If you have little or no prior knowledge, only a short time and want to see the highlights, a good tour guide can get you to those places much quicker than you can on your own. If you have already read a lot about the site, have a lot of time, taking a good map and exploring the site yourself can be just as enjoyable and rewarding.

That said, here are a handful of guided tours that meet differing needs:

  • Hotel pick-up from Mexico City, private tour including entry tickets
  • Hotel pick-up, skip the line entry, small group walking tour at dawn
  • Hotel pick-up, entry tickets, full day private tour of the site with added experiences
  • Hotel-pick-up, entry tickets, walking tour of the site, bike ride around the Teotihuacan Valley

If those do not appeal to you, or you would like to consider more, check out the offerings from the following ticketing and activity providers: Tiqets , GetYourGuide , Civitatis , Headout and Viator .

Combine Teotihuacán With More Great Sites

Given that two or three hours is a good amount of time to see quite a bit of the archaeological site of Teotihuacan, it makes a lot of sense to include other archaeological and/or historic sites in your day trip from Mexico City. And in many cases, particularly for private tours, it does not cost a lot more to combine Teotihuacan with other places.

One popular attraction is Tlatelolco, the remains of another pre-Columbian city-state that was uncovered during urban development in Mexico City. Founded shortly after Tenochtitlan (at the centre of modern-day Mexico City), after Templo Mayor this is the second most important site in the city. Visit Templo Mayor while you are in Mexico City , and then combine Teotihuacan with Tlatelolco . You will have seen three spectacular and important Mesoamerican archaeological sites in Central Mexico.

For those with an interest in more recent history, the Guadalupe Shrine is part of a Roman Catholic church dating from the 18th century. It houses a famous relic associated with the Virgin of Guadalupe that continues to attract many pilgrims in this deeply religious country. From Mexico City, you can take a private day tour of Teotihuacan and the Guadalupe Shrine . You can also combine Teotihuacan and the Guadalupe shrine with Tlatelolco .

The Toltec capital Tula is another wonderful archaeological site that makes for a good day trip from Mexico City, particularly when combined with another site. Tula is the site that has those iconic Atlantean columns thought to represent Toltec warriors. You can see both the Pyramids of Tula and Teotihuacan on one day trip from Mexico City

Add Teotihuacán to Your Itineraries & Travel Lists

If you are planning a trip to Mexico you can create your own travel lists (such as places you have been to, places you would like to visit) and an itinerary for your trip. These can also be shared with your friends and on social media. You can see how this is done by watching our Using the Itinerary video on YouTube , or reading the Using the Itinerary page .

For more sites and museums in Mexico, see our Mexico Travel Guide .


The ‘place where the gods were made’ was not only one of the largest pre-Hispanic cities in Mesoamerica, but also one of the largest urban centres anywhere in the ancient world. Known for the vast size and number of its monuments, including the Temple of Quetzalcoatl and the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, it is now one of Mexico’s most popular tourist attractions and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A settlement existed here from around 400 BC, although population growth only became substantial between the first and seventh centuries AD.

Archaeology Travel Writer

tour de teotihuacan

Tour a pirámides de Teotihuacan

La ciudad de los dioses, ¡vive la mejor de las experiencias, vuelo en globo aerostático, vive, siente y saborea, teotihuacan bajo la tierra, vuelo en globo, aventura en cuatrimoto, aventura en bici, tour privado a pirámides de teotihuacan.

  • Descripción
  • Recomendaciones

El paseo más interesante que puedes hacer desde la Ciudad de México y que no debes perderte por ningún motivo.

Un viaje a la Ciudad de los Dioses, que conserva los vestigios arqueológicos de una de las civilizaciones antiguas más importantes de Mesoamérica.

Nuestro servicio Incluye: - Pickup & Drop-off en tu Hotel partiendo desde Ciudad de México (Consulta tu zona),visita a tienda de artesanías, guía certificado durante el recorrido en zona arqueológica y boleto de entrada al sitio arqueológico.


Así es nuestro plan...

* 8:00 hrs. - Salida desde la comodidad de su hotel con dirección al taller de artesanías en Teotihuacán

* 09:00 hrs. - Llegada al taller de artesanías para conocer proceso creativo de piezas y bebidas

* 09:40 hrs. - Acceso a la Zona Arqueológica para tour guiado

* 12:30 hrs. - Salida del sitio arqueológico y traslado a restaurante la cueva Teotihuacan (no incluye consumo)

* 14:00 hrs. - Traslado de regreso a su hotel en CDMX

- Estar puntual a la hora de la cita.

- Usar ropa comoda y ligera.

- Traer gafas de sol y protector solar.

- Usar zapato comodo o tenis.

- Traer dinero en efectivo para gastos no contemplados en el servicio como souvenirs, alimentos, etc.

Otras Actividades

Vuelo en globo aerostático.

Te invitamos a vivir una experiencia única y emocionante sobre los hermosos paisajes de las pirámides de Teotihuacán.

Descubre conduciendo un ATV todo terreno los bellos secretos de Teotihuacán, paisajes, veredas, flora y fauna que encontraras en la ruta que hemos preparado para tu espíritu aventurero.

Precios especiales para grupos y empresas

¡Personalizamos tu visita de acuerdo a tus necesidades!

Travel Mexico Solo

17 Best Teotihuacan Tours from Mexico City in 2024

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looking for the best Mexico City to teotihuacan tours?

You’re in the right place for Teotihuacan tours info, because I live in Mexico City and have personally visited the Teotihuacan Pyramids — both on a tour and on my own . The verdict: I can’t stress the tour enough!

As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Teotihuacan ties with the Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins as the two most important and most-visited of all Mexico Ruins.

With such a historically important place, the best way to visit Teotihuacan Ruins is with a qualified Teotihuacan tour guide to explain everything. (Otherwise, you’re really just looking at rocks rocks 🗿).

Best Mexico City Hot Air Balloon Tours

Don’t have time to read the whole article? The Best Teotihuacan Tour is this Tour and Balloon Ride Over Teotihuacan , with a near-perfect Five Star Rating.

The 17 best Teotihuacan tours featured here are a mix of different experiences — including this Teotihuacan scavenger hunt , and an authentic lunch at grandma’s house .

If you’re looking for a private tour of Teotihuacan Ruins , or a Teotihuacan hot air balloon tours , you’ll find those here as well.

Regardless of the experience you’re after, there’s a Teotihuacan tour for everyone. Ready to discover the best Mexico City Teotihuacan tours? Let’s get to it!

Quick Guide: Best Teotihuacan Tours


tour de teotihuacan

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tour and Balloon Ride over Teotihuacan ✔️ Teotihuacan entry tickets ✔️ Transportation

people right next to a hot air balloon

Balloon Flight with Transportation from CDMX ✔️ Breakfast at local restaurant ✔️ Transportation

riding a hot air balloon

Teotihuacan Balloon Ride Tour ✔️ Breakfast after the flight ✔️ Champagne toast 🥂

Best Hot Air Balloon Teotihuacan Tours

1. tour and balloon ride over teotihuacan.

🎟 NAME: Tour and Balloon Ride Over Teotihuacan | ⭐️ RATING: 4.97 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 10 hours

What’s Included in this tour

  • Hot air balloon ride
  • Tour of Teotihuacan Ruins & Pyramids
  • Tour of Basilica Guadalupe Church
  • Breakfast buffet
  • Transportation

This tour takes the top spot because it’s the best, most complete Teotihuacan Tour there is — with everything included and no pesky hidden costs.

Some tours don’t include transportation, or aren’t transparent that it’s not included, so you end up having to find your own way to Teotihuacan at 4:30am!

With this hot air balloon flight tour, you get picked up from your accommodation at about 4:30am — which is standard for Teotihuacan balloon tours, as they only fly in the early morning.

After seeing the sunrise from your hot air balloon over Teotihuacan, you’ll enjoy a buffet breakfast.

Teotihuacan Hot Air Balloon Tour from Mexico City

Next, tour the Teotihuacan Ruins, and climb the three pyramids: Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon and Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (pronounced quetz-al-coh-uh), named after the Aztec god.

Walk the Avenue of the Dead, explore the Teotihuacan Museum & Sculpture Garden, and more — on your private, guided tour.

If I could give six stars I would. Ale and Montse were a delight to explore with and visit. Highly recommended, would absolutely tour with them again. —Mike (see more reviews )

One the way back to Mexico City, you’ll make one final stop at the Basilica of Guadalupe. This is one of the biggest churches on the entire continent, and considered among the most beautiful churches in Mexico.

Millions make an annual pilgrimage here for the Día de Guadalupe holiday in December.

Best Teotihuacan Tours from Mexico City

2. balloon flight with transportation from cdmx.

Teotihuacan Hot Air Balloon Tour from Mexico City

🎟 TOUR: Balloon Flight with Transportation from CDMX | ⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 4 hours

  • Sparkling wine toast
  • Breakfast at a local restaurant

You will be picked up from your Mexico City accommodation at 5:30am — which is a nice perk!

After arriving at Teotihuacan, you’ll get to see the balloon inflation process before taking flight over one of the most important archeological sites in the world.

Couldn’t have gone with a better option, one of the best experiences. Made memories for a lifetime! Would 100% recommend booking this experience if you haven’t already. —Angeline (see more reviews )

After about 45 minutes in the air, you’ll enjoy a sparkling wine toast as the balloon makes its way to the ground.

After your unforgettable Teotihuacan hot air balloon ride, you’ll head to a local restaurant in the San Juan Teotihuacan pueblo magico (magic town) for breakfast, before heading back to Mexico City.

3. Teotihuacan Balloon Ride Tour

teotihuacan hot air balloon tours

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan Balloon Ride Tour | ⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 3 hours

If you don’t mind getting to Teotihuacan from Mexico City on your own ( here’s how ), you can do this balloon ride, then tour the site yourself.

For those who would find group tours in Teotihuacan too restrictive, this is a great option. There are Teotihuacan tour guides you can hire on site, if you do want a guide to take you around.

Wonderful experience, the view was amazing, we felt safe all the time and had a great time. The breakfast right around the corner was really good as well. —Malte (see more reviews )

Once you arriv e , you’ll complete the tour registration, then take off on your Teotihuacan hot air balloon tour to see the pyramids from above as the sun rises behind them.

Enjoy a toast with Cava Freixenet , a sparkling wine made in Queretaro, Mexico , before descending back to Earth. When you land, breakfast will be there waiting for you.

After enjoying a nice meal, you can stay at Teotihuacan Ruins and tour the site on your own, make your way back to Mexico City, or enjoy the day as you’d like.

Note: There’s a cool restaurant nearby called La Gruta Teotihuacan , located inside a cave! It’s one of the best things to do do near Teotihuacan Ruins.

Unique & Highest Rated Teotihuacan Tours

4. teotihuacan & my grandma’s food.

grandma cooking food on one of the Best Teotihuacan Tours from Mexico City

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan & My Grandma’s Food | ⭐️ RATING: 4.95 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 8.5 hours

  • Teotihuacan admission
  • Private tour guide
  • Lunch at Grandma’s House ❤️
  • Mezcal & Pulque (liquor) tasting

Meet in the popular La Condesa neighborhood at 7:30am to board your private transportation bound for Teotihuacan. On the way to the pyramids, there will be a stop for coffee shop ☕️

Your private tour of Teotihuacan lasts from about 9am-12pm — enough time to see all the pyramids, and beyond.

I can’t recommend this experience enough. It was THE BEST! This experience was the highlight of my trip… You have to go on this tour! —Barbara (see more reviews )

After a long day of exploring, hosts Hugo and Gabriel will take you to their grandmother’s house for an authentic Mexican lunch!

Enjoy grandma’s 52-ingredient mole (moe-lay, a traditional Oaxaca food ), which is a fifth generation recipe, and more favorites like chilaquiles .

After a satisfying lunch, enjoy your Mexican liquor tasting of mezcal and pulque , and if time permits, you’ll play the festive La Loteria game . (🎲 Love games? Check out this cool Teotihuacan board game !)

From here, you will head back to La Condesa Mexico City for a 3pm-4pm drop off, depending on traffic.

5. Teotihuacan Scavenger Hunt

tour de teotihuacan

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan Scavenger Hunt Tour | ⭐️ RATING: 4.94 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 8 hours

  • Scavenger hunt

Meet at the beautiful Monumento a la Revolución near Centro Historico Mexico City at 8:15am, and head to Teotihuacán Pyramids in your private, comfortable transportation.

At the site, enjoy an amusing guided tour and Scavenger Hunt — on one of the most fun tours of Teotihuacan!

Wow. This was the best experience I have ever done. The pyramids themselves were breathtaking, but Jane’s interpretation took it over the top… it’s clear that she has, and continues to study this place in great depth, but she also makes this a very, very fun experience. —Kerry (see more reviews )

Look for clues to win the Scavenger Hunt all over the site, including the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon and Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl.

After that, head to the “Teotihuacan Underworld” to explore the off the beaten path tunnels and caves in the non-touristy areas.

After a long day of exploring, enjoy a traditional Mexican food lunch in a unique place that only locals know about!

After eating and relaxing, you’ll head back to Mexico City and be dropped off at the Monumento a la Revolución (Revolution Monument) at about 4:30-5:30pm, depending on traffic.

6. Experience With a Teotihuacan Native

Teotihuacan Tours Avenue of the Dead Pyramids

🎟 TOUR: Experience With a Teotihuacan Native | ⭐️ RATING: 4.95 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 8 hours

  • Chocolate tasting
  • Pulque (liquor) tasting

As they say, having a local is a travel game changer! Join host Alejandro, a Teotihuacan native, as he takes you through his magical homeland to see the area and its famed Mexico City pyramids.

Transportation is included, and you’ll be picked up from the Reforma 222 Mexico City Mall, located on Avenida Reforma.

This experience was magical with a perfect balance of history and the meaning behind where we were standing. It exceeded all expectations… Will take this experience with me forever. —Nori (see more reviews )

Spend the day at Teotihuacan, climbing the pyramids, but also getting a deeper look into the history and spirituality of the site. After the tour, you’ll head to a nearby restaurant for a traditional Mexican food lunch.

After eating, Alejandro will take you to his village and into his home for a chocolate tasking with his family. You’ll also enjoy a sample of pulque , a prehispanic liquor made from the agave plant.

7. Teotihuacan, Tlatelolco, Guadalupe Shrine & Tequila Tasting

tour de teotihuacan

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan, Tlatelolco, Guadalupe Shrine & Tequila Tasting | ⭐️ RATING: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 9 hours

  • Tlatelolco Ruins
  • Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
  • Tequila tasting

Hit three top historical attractions on this full-day guided tour from Mexico City : Tlatelolco Ruins, the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and Teotihuacan Ruins.

Tlatelolco and the Plaza of the Three Cultures is a lesser-visited pyramid Mexico City has, but a true hidden gem for Aztec history buffs.

This was a great trip… You can tell the guide loves the subject material and made it interesting to us. He took care of us very well and we saw a lot. The tequila tasting was a lot of fun, as was the rest of the trip. —Richard D. (see more reviews )

From there, you’ll head to the giant Basilica of Guadalupe church — the biggest church in Mexico City.

The final stops on the tour are the Teotihuacan Mexican Pyramids, where you’ll explore the site with your knowledgeable guide, and a private tequila tasting at a local shop.

8. Magic Teotihuacan & Chocolate Tour

Teotihuacan Tours pyramid of the moon and sun

🎟 TOUR: Magic Teotihuacan & Chocolate Tour | ⭐️ RATING: 4.89 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 7 hours

This tour combines the best of all worlds — an amazing archeological site and Mexico, and chocolate!

Join host, Noa, for a truly locals’ experience, starting at the ruins and ending at a traditional chocolate shop in the city of San Juan Teotihuacan, the small town the Teotihuacan Ruins are located in.

This experience was top notch in so many ways… Noa is a wonderful tour guide, [she] took us to a great lunch spot… the food was very delicious and authentic… I would highly highly highly recommend this experience to any and all! —Nour (see more reviews )

🍫 Mexico fun fact : The Maya in Mexico were the first to cultivate the cacao tree, from which comes chocolate.

It has been consumed throughout Mexico for centuries, and has many preparations, including in traditional Mexican drinks . You’ll love the chocolate tasting at the end of this tour to learn more.

9. Teotihuacan Pyramids & Local Families Tour

dog on a pyramid at Teotihuacan Tours

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan Pyramids & Local Families | ⭐️ RATING: 4.89 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 8.5 hours

“This was a great tour… Our tour guide Leonardo was VERY knowledgeable about [ the indigenous tribes of Mexico ] and happy to share all kinds of stories… Along the way we had a tequila tasting and had some delicious food. 100% recommend this tour!” —Jenny T. (see more reviews )

Teotihuacan Private Tours from Mexico City

10. private day tour to teotihuacan from mexico city.

Aztec pyramid and some cacti

🎟 TOUR: Private Day Tour to Teotihuacan from Mexico City | ⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 5 hours

  • Tasting of traditional Mexican drinks

Enjoy the comfort of door to door service on this tour! Get picked up at your Mexico City accommodation in a comfy van, sit back, and enjoy the ride to Teotihuacan Ruins.

Once there, your private guide will show you around and answer all your questions about this fascinating place.

Highly recommend booking this tour if you want a private, efficient and convenient way to visit Teotihuacan! Our guide was incredibly friendly, knowledgeable and had a true passion for history. —Amanda T. (see more reviews )

As a private tour, you decide what comes next.

With the standard tour, you’ll head back to Mexico City and arrive by about 1pm, so enjoy a nice dinner or nightlife. They also offer tasting of traditional Mexican drinks like tequila and Mezcal.

11. Private Tour to Teotihuacan, Tula & Anthropology Museum

tour de teotihuacan

🎟 TOUR: Private Tour to Teotihuacan, Tula & Anthropology Museum | ⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 9 hours

  • Full day guided tour
  • Visit to the Toltec Ruins in Tula
  • Anthropology Museum Tour

Explore the two most important archeological sites in Central Mexico — Teotihuacan and Tula — on your private tour.

You’ll also visit the National Museum of Anthropology , the largest museum in Mexico which boasts the biggest collection of pre-Hispanic artifacts in the world.

Magical visit to the archeological site at Tula, we were the only ones there making for some great pictures of the ruins. Tepotzotlan is also a nice small town with a very lively colonial main square. —Juan (see more reviews via TEOTIHUACAN TOURS TRIPADVISOR)

While Teotihuacan is certainly the most visited ruins site in Central Mexico, the Tula Ruins are incredibly fascinating in their own right.

Located in the city of Tula de Allende, Hidalgo , the ruins feature fearsome 15-foot-tall (4.5m) stone warrior figures atop an ancient Toltec Pyramid.

12. Teotihuacan Pyramids with Tequila Tasting Private Tour

Teotihuacan Tours - private tours of teotihuacan

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan, Tlatelolco, Guadalupe Shrine and Tequila Tasting Tour | ⭐️ RATING: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 5-7 hours

  • Archeologist tour guide
  • Visit to Tlatelolco Ruins
  • Visit to Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe
  • Visit to Obsidian Workshop

You’ll pack a lot into this private tour with a visit to two Mexico City archeological sites — Tlatelolco and Teotihuacan. You will also get to visit Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe, an important religious building in Mexico.

With an archeologist as your guide, you’ll learn so much about prehispanic cultures, and have the best time touring since you set the pace.

Our driver and guide were wonderful. They had a fantastic knowledge of the history of Teotihuacan and the science behind the architecture… Highly recommend this tour! —Sean (see more reviews )

After visiting Basilica de Santa Maria de Guadalupe, you’ll visit an obsidian workshop to see local craftspeople turning this volcanic glass into pieces of art.

The shop also offers a tequila tasting, with local and artisanal Mexican tequilas. You then have the option to dine at a local Tlacaelel Mexican cafe.

Short Half Day Teotihuacan Tours

13. teotihuacan bike and walking tour.

Teotihuacan pyramid

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan Bike and Walking Tour | ⭐️ RATING: 4.76 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 5 hours

  • Bike & Safety equipment
  • Transportation is available for an additional fee

Enjoy one of the most unique Teotihuacan Mexico tours available!

You’ll spend the first two hours of the tour visiting Teotihuacan itself, exploring the ancient buildings, climbing the pyramids and more. After this, you’ll jump on your bike and start exploring the surrounding towns in the Teotihuacán Valley.

“The bike tour is an amazing way to see Teotihuacan and all of its surroundings, so you really get the full experience!! I would recommend this tour to everyone!!” —Julia (see more reviews )

In the Mexico pueblo magico (magic town) of San Martín de las Pirámides, you’ll visit a local clay workshop and learn about its importance in the Teotihuacan culture.

From there, head to an old pre-Hispanic observatory inside a cave, followed by a meal in a local Teotihuacan restaurant.

14. Teotihuacán Express Tour

Teotihuacan pyramid

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacán Express Tour | ⭐️ RATING: 4.92 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 8 hours

  • Certified tour guide

The perfect tour for those who don’t have a lot of time, or want to get back to Mexico City early enough to still enjoy a nice dinner and some nightlife.

Though it’s an express tour , you won’t feel cheated as it’s led by a certified guide from the National Institute of Anthropology and History of México.

This experience was perfect. We wanted to visit the pyramids with enough understanding of what we were looking at and enough time at the end of the day to still be able to return to Mexico City for more activities. — Maithe (see more reviews )

You’ll be picked up from your accommodation at about 6:30am and driven straight to Teotihuacan — beating all the traffic!

Enjoy a tour with your private guide, and also some time to explore Teotihuacan on your own. The last stop is at a local Teotihuacan restaurant, to enjoy tacos and other favorites.

Teotihuacan Tours with Archeologists

15. mexico teotihuacan vip exclusive access.

tour de teotihuacan

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan VIP Exclusive Access Tour | ⭐️ RATING: 4.94 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 8 hours

  • Mezcal (liquor) tasting

Led by husband and wife team, Jane and Sergio, this is a truly unique tour of Teotihuacan Ruins.

As a historian studying the site, Jane has exclusive access to areas other guides aren’t allowed to visit — like the sacred tunnels and mystical caves at Teotihuacan!

Jane is a wealth of knowledge and information. It was an extremely insightful experience. I learned so much about the Mayans, Aztecs and Teotihuacan people and their culture. Lunch at our hidden restaurant was fantastic!!! It was a full day, but a great investment of my time. —Derrick (see more reviews )

After seeing the Teotihuacan temples, caves and other unique places, you’ll head to a local family-run restaurant to enjoy traditional Mexican food (vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options available).

After that, enjoy a mezcal tasting at a community craft shop to sample some locally-made liquors.

16. Teotihuacan Early Access Tour with Tequila Tasting

Teotihuacan tours Pyramid of the Sun

🎟 TOUR: Teotihuacan Early Access Tour with Tequila Tasting | ⭐️ RATING: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 8 hours

  • Tequila, Mezcal & Pulque (liquor) tasting

One of the best experiences for those who love ancient ruins, and want to see more than just the Teotihuacan Ruins.

Start the day on your private transportation as you head to the Tlatelolco Ruins. From there, you’ll head to Teotihuacan, where you’ll spend the bulk of the day.

The tour guide was very informative. The tour was excellent. I would strongly recommend! The ruins were breathtaking. —Jorge R. (see more reviews )

You’ll of course see and climb the Teotihuacan Pyramids, but also spend time at the smaller monuments to see their intricate murals and architectural nuances — with special insights from your archeologist guide.

End the day with a Mexican liquor tasting, to sample local tequila, mezcal and pulque .

17. Teotihuacan Archaeology Tour

Archeology on Teotihuacan Tours

🎟 TOUR: Archeology Tours Teotihuacan | ⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH: 2-4 hours

What’s Included in this mexico city tour

This tour is led by Jorge Archer, a researcher and author with a Master’s Degree in Anthropology and about 15 years of experience studying the Teotihuacan Ruins.

What a thrill to explore such an incredible sight with someone who actually works on it. —Chaney K. (see more reviews )

History and architecture buffs, and those interested in prehispanic ruins and Teotihuacan Aztec history, will love joining an expert to tour Teotihuacan.

Teotihuacan Frequently Asked Questions

Is teotihuacan open right now.

Yes — Teotihuacan is open every day of the year, 9am-5pm.

The Teotihuacan Culture Museum is open daily, from 9am-4:30pm, and the Museum of Teotihuacan Murals is open Tuesday through Sunday, 8am-5pm.

Does Teotihuacan have a capacity restriction ?

No — In 2020 and 2021, Teotihuacan had a limited capacity of 30%, which is only 3,000 visitors per day. However, after 2022, these restrictions lifted.

Do I have to wear a mask at Teotihuacan?

No — Masks at Teotihuacan are optional (and all public places in Mexico City), there are no capacity restrictions, and you can climb the pyramids while touring Teotihuacan Mexico City.

What does Teotihuacan mean?

In the Nahuatl (Aztec) language, the Teotihuacan meaning is “ the place where the gods were created ,” or “ the place where men become gods .”

If you have ever seen Teotihuacan called the Mexico City of the Gods, now you know why! This is just one of many fun facts about Teotihuacan you’ll learn on your tour .

Where is Teotihuacan Mexico City?

Wondering, How far is Teotihuacan Pyramids from Mexico City? Teotihuacán Ruins are located about 25 miles (40 km) northeast of Mexico City.

🗺️ Teotihuacan map & Teotihuacan location

If you’ve heard called the “pyramids in Mexico City,” that’s a bit of a misnomer. While these are the best pyramids near Mexico City, they aren’t located in the city itself.

The Teotihuacán Archaeological Zone is in the town of San Juan Teotihuacán, a pueblo magico (Mexico magic town) in Estado de México. This is one of the 32 Mexico states , seen in the map of Teotihuacan above.

In fact, if you have the time on your Mexico City itinerary , spend some of it exploring San Juan Teotihuacan.

Some of the tours on this list, like this Teotihuacan Tour & Lunch at My Grandma’s House , include excursions in Teotihuacan town itself.

How do you get to Teotihuacan?

When traveling from Mexico City to Teotihuacan Ruins, you have four options: 1) Take a Teotihuacan tour , 2) rent a car in Mexico City and drive, 3) take the bus, or 4) take a taxi or Uber to Teotihuacan.

Of course, the tours to Teotihuacan from Mexico City listed above will be the easiest, most stress free way to visit Teotihuacan Pyramid Mexico City archeological site — but there are other options.

🚙 Mexico City Rental Car

Driving in Mexico City is not for the faint of heart!

However, for those who want to rent a car in Mexico and drive to Teotihuichan, it’s an easy drive if you follow this route to Teotihuacan from Mexico City, which will take about 1.5 hours.

The Teotihuacan parking fee is $3 USD.

🚕 Taxi or Uber to Teotihuacan

pink and white mexico city taxi

Wondering, Can you Uber to Teotihuacan from Mexico City? Yes, you sure can! You can also take a taxi to Teotihuacan from Mexico City as well.

In fact, besides taking a tour, an Uber ot taxi is the most convenient way to get to Teotihuacan. Prices will vary, but figure about $1,000 pesos ($50 USD), round trip.

There is a designated Uber Zone at Teotihuacan, which has the best cell signal and where Uber drivers know to pick passengers up.

🚌 Teotihuacan Bus from mexico city

The bus from Mexico City to Teotihuacan departs about every 30-45 minutes from Terminal del Norte (North Terminal). If you’re trying to save money, or will be visiting Mexico City on a budget, choose this option.

When you arrive at the bus terminal, look for Gate 8, and buy your ticket from the booth near the end of that concourse. Round trip tickets are about $200 MXN pesos ($10 USD).

Teotihuacan Travel Tips: Make sure your bus is going to the Teotihuacan archeological site — not the pueblo of San Juan Teotihuacan.

What’s the best time to visit Teotihuacan?

The best tip for visiting Teotihuacan is to arrive early. They open at 9am, and it’s best to arrive at that time.

Arriving early to Teotihuacan serves two practical purposes. First, you beat the traffic driving to Teotihuacan. Though it’s only about 25 miles from Mexico City, it can take up to two hours to drive there in bad traffic.

Getting to Teotihuacan early also means you beat the midday sun as best as possible.

As such an important archeological site, most trees at Teotihuacan have been cleared so archeologists, historians and anthropologists can conduct studies. While great for them, it means shade is at a premium for visitors.

🌡️ What’s the Teotihuacan weather like?

Teotihuacan Ruins near Mexico City

Central Mexico has what’s known as the Eternal Spring climate, so the Teotihuacan weather feels like it’s springtime year-round. The rainy season lasts from April to September, and it will likely rain each afternoon for an hour or two.

What should I bring to Teotihuacan?

A water bottle is essential — and these Water-To-Go Bottles not only keeps you hydrated but will also filter your drinking water so you don’t get sick in Mexico .

This Water Buffalo Hydration Backpack , a combo water bottle and backpack, is the most practical of all things to take to Teotihuacan.

You can store your things, and keep it on your back so you’re hands-free when climbing the pyramids, and use the handy straw to take sips of water when needed.

water bottles

You’ll want to wear light, breathable clothing because it’s hot year-round at Teotihuacan Ruins. Oh, and don’t forget your sunglasses and sun hat with a strap (→ here’s a sun hat for men ).

The site is very large, so wear your most comfortable sneakers — and consider gel inserts — the perfect accessory to tour Mexico!

Don’t forget your oil-free, sweat-proof sport sunscreen !

FURTALK Womens Wide Brim Sun Hat with Wind Lanyard UPF Summer Straw Sun Hats for Women A-Khaki

What are the Teotihuacan opening hours?

Teotihuacan City of Gods is open daily, 9am-5pm . The last Teotihuacan admission at 3pm, so you must arrive by 3pm or you won’t be allowed in.

The adjusted Teotihuacan hours during Covid were 9am-3pm, and only 3,000 were people are admitted each day. However, these restrictions were lifted in 2022.

How much is Teotihuacan admission?

Admission to Teotihuacan City of the Gods costs $80 MXN pesos ($4.50 USD). You can buy your Teotihuacan Pyramids tickets when you arrive.

Accessibility & Facilities at Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan Hot Air Balloon Tour from Mexico City

There are five entry gates at Teotihuacan Ruins, and you can buy admission tickets at each. The restrooms are located near these entry gates, as are the small refreshment snack stands.

If you didn’t bring your own water bottle , make sure to buy one before heading inside.

Much of the site is paved, and accessible for wheelchairs and strollers.

There is reserved parking at Gates 2, 3 and 5 for visitors with disabilities, and Gate 3 has ramps and walkways for visitors with mobility difficulties or who use wheelchairs. Teotihuacan parking fee is $3 USD.

Teotihuacan Facts About the Mexico Ruins

What is teotihuacan.

Teotihuacan is an ancient, prehispanic city and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has some oof the most famous and best ruins in Mexico.

This archeological site dates back to the mysterious Teotihuacan civilization and the Teotihuacanos. This civilization predates the Aztecs, though archeologists say the Aztecs did inhabit Teotihuacan in the 1400s.

How do you pronounce Teotihuacan?

Wondering, What’s the Teotihuacan pronunciation?! That’s a common question, so let’s clear it up. The correct Teotihuacan pronunciation tay-oh-tee-wok-on .

How old is Teotihuacan Ruins archeological site?

The exact age isn’t known, but many Teotihuacan Pyramids history experts say it was founded as early as 400 BC — making it about 2,500-years-old.

At its peak, the Teotihuacan population was as high as 200,000 people, one of many cool Teotihuacan history facts!

Teotihuacan pyramid

Who built Teotihuacan?

Though it’s attributed to the Teotihuacanos and named Teotihuacan, no one knows for sure that they built the site.

Since little is known about these ancient peoples, the best guest historians have ( at least for now ), is that the Teotihuacano civilization built it, and the Toltec and Aztec civilizations later inhabited it.

How many pyramids are at Teotihuacan Ruins?

There are three Teotihuacan pyramids : Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon and Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl (quetz-al-co-wat-ull).

The Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid at Teotihuacan, but the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon is only slightly smaller.

The Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl is the smallest of the three Teotihuacan pyramids in Mexico. It is dedicated to the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent god.

What’s the largest pyramid in Mexico?

The largest Mexico pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Cholula in the town of Cholula, Puebla. It is actually the largest pyramid in the world by volume.

💀 Avenue of the Dead at Teotihuacan Ruins

From the Teotihuacan entrance to the pyramids, you’ll walk down the 1.25-mile-long (2km) Avenue of the Dead.

There are about 10 smaller structures with Teotihuacan art along the way, so it might be more accurate to say Teotihuacan has three large pyramids, and about 10 smaller pyramid structures.

Note: In Spanish, you’ll see this site called Piramides de Teotihuacan, Piramides Teotihuacan, Pirámides Teotihuacán, Teotihuacan Piramides, Teotihuacan Pirámides — though they all refer to the Teotihuacan Ruins.

Can you climb the pyramids at Teotihuacan?

Yes — You can climb the most of the structures and the majority of pyramids at Teotihuacan.

There are a few smaller structures roped off, but all the three large pyramids are open for those who want to climb some ancient ruins in Mexico !

Do note, it’s a much steeper climb than it looks, so be extra careful when climbing the pyramids.

tour de teotihuacan

🤔 Do I need travel insurance for mexico?

Many wonder, Is travel insurance mandatory for Mexico? While Mexico travel insurance isn’t mandatory, it’s certainly something you will want.

World Nomads , one of the biggest names in the business, has plans that cover adventure activities (like climbing pyramids in Mexico ) for a few dollars a day.

Final Thoughts: Best Teotihuacan Tours from Mexico City

teotihuacan tours of the pyramids

When planning out an itinerary to visit Mexico City , you’ll want to include the one of these amazing tours to Teotihuacan. For most visitors, a Mexico City pyramids tour is a must.

A Teotihuacan small group tour is the way to go because without a knowledgeable guide explaining everything to you — you’re essentially just looking at rocks 🗿

hot air balloon in the air from teotihuacan best hot air balloon tours

For my money, the best Teotihuacan Pyramids Tour is this Teotihuacan Day Tour and Hot Air Balloon Ride with a near-perfect 5 Star rating.

With an accredited guide (or even an anthropologist guide ), your Teotihuacan tour from Mexico City will really come to life.

For more information, visit the Teotihuacan Pyramids official website here . This site offers a wealth of info about the most visited archaeological site near Mexico City.

Mexico Travel Planning Guide

Should i buy mexico travel insurance.

YES — With basic coverage averaging just $5-10 USD per day, enjoy peace of mind with a plan from Travel Insurance Master , one of the biggest names in travel insurance. ( Read more )

Can you drink the water in Mexico?

No — You’ll want to buy this Water-To-Go Bottle , which filters your drinking water so you don’t get sick from drinking water in Mexico.

Also, it helps keep you hydrated while traveling Mexico. ( Read more )

Is it safe to rent a car in Mexico?

Yes — Renting a car in Mexico is one of the best ways to see the country! I always rent with Discover Cars , which checks international companies and local Mexican companies, so you get the best rates. ( Read more )

Will my phone work in Mexico?

Maybe — It depends on your company, so check with your provider. If you don’t have free Mexico service, buy a Telcel SIM Card . As Mexico’s largest carrier, Telcel has the best coverage of any Mexico SIM Cards. ( Read more )

What’s the best way to book my Mexico accommodations?

For Mexico hotels, is the best site , but for hostels, use Hostel World . If you’re considering a Mexico Airbnb, don’t forget to check VRBO , which is often cheaper than Airbnb.

What do I pack for Mexico?

Head to the Ultimate Mexico Packing List + FREE Checklist Download to get all the info you need on packing for Mexico.

What’s the best site to buy Mexico flights?

For finding cheap Mexico flights, I recommend using Skyscanner .

Do I need a visa for Mexico?

Likely Not — U.S., Canadian and European Passport holders don’t need a visa for Mexico; but check here to see if you need a Mexico travel visa. Most travelers will get a 180-Day FMM Tourist Visa passport stamp a upon arrival.

Stylewalk MX

  • Teotihuacán Pyramids Tour | Private Guide-Driver


pyramids in mexico

Take your time at Teotihuacan. It's a private tour so you won't ever "hold up" the group!

 The Teotihuacán pyramids are a MUST-SEE for anyone visiting Mexico City and one of the most popular archeological sites in the whole of Mexico. Our advice? Don't be dragged around by a robotic guide, who says the same thing to everyone. And don't have your experience hijacked by a group.  Our guides are up-to-date & bilingual. They adjust the pace & feel to you, and they truly know how to make your day at Teotihuacán come alive.   ​ ​ With luxury   door-to-door transport & an informed history expert   at your side, this succinct SIX hour private tour is the optimal way to fall in love with the pyramids and really let the moment shine. 

teotihuacan pyramids

Teotihuacán has the honour of being one of the most popular  archeological sites in the whole of México.

And with good reason. It is breathtaking in scope and vision, and easily accessible no matter your level of mobility. The good news is Teotihuacan operates 7 days a week  - including the days when the city museums and galleries are closed - offering you maximum flexibility for planning your trip.

pyramids in mexico

When you visit Teotihuacan you also have the chance to see beautifully restored murals and carvings, as well as an onsite museum.  (and If the Virgen of Guadalupe shrine interests you, this is also an itinerary option!)

pyramids mexico

My husband, adult son and I took the 6 hour tour to Teotihuacan with Javier as our guide. The entire experience, from my initial email conversations with the Tour Coordinator, to pick up and drop off at our hotel, was easy and professional. Javier was an excellent guide, providing information about Mexico City on the drive to the temples as well as giving us great insight into the massive archaeological sight itself. ​

Donna C, Calgary


The city of teotihuacán was mysteriously abandoned around 700 a.d. at that time, it measured a mammoth14 square miles of development..

teotihuacan from mexico city

Teotihuacan means 'The City of the Gods' in indigenous Nahuatl, which gives a strong hint about its importance and significance.  It has been a UNESCO cultural heritage site since 1987, and as it is conveniently located an hour out of central Mexico City it is in the TOP TEN THINGS TO DO and  MUST SEE LISTs of Mexico.   The most famous structures at Teotihuacan are the massive Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon (these are on par with the size of the pyramids in Egypt). Both pyramids are found on the same site -  an amazing prehispanic urban layout called the Avenue of the Dead. 

The monumentally-sized Pyramid of the Sun is one of the largest in the whole Western Hemisphere.

Abandoned in the 8th century, this beautifully preserved pre-Hispanic city and its sacred & religious ceremonial grounds are still being excavated - both by humans and robots. Because of this new discoveries are still being made about the function, urban design, and sophisticated architecture of the ancient city. These advancements are very important because the origins of the site are a mystery. There are theories that it was built by the Mayans and Zapotec peoples, but no-one understands why it was suddenly abandoned and left vacated until the Aztecs stumbled upon it many years later.

pyramid of the moon

We believe the Teotihuacán Pyramids are a truly compelling pre-Aztec site that should be enjoyed, contemplated, and be given the time and space to evoke inspiration.

travel pyramids young children mexico city teotihuacan

Having a private guide is absolutely key to understanding the archeological, architectural, and anthropological significance of what you are seeing.

If not, it's just another pretty background.

mexico city pyramids

Excellent option if you are looking to visit Teotihuacan from CDMX, worry-free. Yes, the tour is pricier than other  options that you could choose from. However, you absolutely get what you pay for on this tour -- a professional experience that would hold up as such in any country. For example, Javier arrived 10 minutes early to our pick up location and proceeded to wipe down the (already spotless) car. He knew how to get access to blocked off parking spots literally right next to the Basilica. When we were watching a Danza de los Voladores near the pyramids, he quietly intercepted the tip collector and tipped for the group. It's the little things like that which made this a completely seamless experience, and I would absolutely use this tour company again.

Tizzle T - San Diego>>

Our tour prices are scaled according to the size of the private vehicle you require. Good news, entry fees to the UNESCO Teotihuacán site ARE included in your tour price.

tour de teotihuacan

Total for group of 1- 4 people = US$357 Total for group of 5 -7 people = US$478 Total for group 8 -11 people = US$595 ​

*Prices stated above are in US dollars & do not include tax. Prices do not include food, drink, or random shopping spree purchases! Your entrance tickets to the pyramids IS included however. **We recommend contacting your bank BEFORE trying to book. Overseas banks frequently have an auto-block / high alert for any payments linked to Mexico.

certificates of excellence stylewalk

​"My family of 2 adults and 2 children (ages 7 & 15) had an amazing tour. Given we were touring with a 7 year old, our tour guide paced our movements well; so that she had time to rest, play in the park as we talked about the surrounding graffiti and art pieces etc. My 15 year old's attention was kept; as well as the adults in our group.  As we visited during an election season, we were able to discuss some politics too and in the context of the art seen on the tour. Definitely suggested; even and especially, if you have children. ​ P Lao


Our teotihuacan pyramid guides are licensed, and extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of aztec & pre-aztec history. visiting teotihuacán is not a sushi-train run for them. they are excited as you to be there & to share their knowledge with you..

mexico city pyramids

Our guides Javier, Cesar, Carlos, and Santiago JNR & SNR each have over 20 years experience guiding in Mexico City. They have personality. They are NOT cardboard cut-out guides delivering robot speeches. They know their job is to give you solid information on anything and everything that interests you, be it a random question, or something specific (like: Did the Aztecs ever met the Mayans,?) BUT they also know that people don't want to be talked at all day long! That is to say, the overall flow and feeling of the tour is as important as the number of facts you acquire. Our guides inherently understand that giving you the chance to pause, and observe, and absorb are important too. That's why they are on the Stylewalk MX team. Anyone can churn out facts, but these guys are cool. They are real people, with real lives. They love their city, but they are not in love with the sound of their own voices! They are flexible to YOUR needs. The focus is YOU and YOUR experience. We call it being professional. You will call it relaxing, informative, and fun.

best things to do in mexico city book guide javier private city tour

Javier Tapia is our Director of Transport and Cultural Tours. Javier is a professional licensed guide (officially authorised by the Mexican Government) and has been working as a tour guide in his hometown of Mexico City for over 20 years. He has a really great attitude, his tours always have great flow and he is highly respected in the tour community as the Treasurer of the Tourist Guides Union. When Javier is not on tour, he is found out walking his SIX (!) dogs, or going for a country cruise on one of his many Harley Davidson motorbikes (yes, like all fanatics, he collects them!)

professional culture history guide mexico city

César Tapia is Javier Tapia's younger brother. César has been working as a professional licensed guide (officially authorised by the Mexican Government) alongside Javier since 2002. César is best known for his great sense of humour, his readiness to adapt to any situation, and his deep passion for Mexican history. When he is not on the job, he loves to take his dog for a walk and, like Javier, he has a definite soft spot for taking his cruiser style motorbikes out for a spin in the country.

You can ask your guide as many questions as you like because we DON'T DO canned speeches or canned answers!

mexico city highlights city tour guide Santiago senior

Santiago is our most experienced guide. Don't let his age fool you. He has the physical and mental stamina of the Energizer bunny. Not that he has anything to prove. If you want get take your time to get more in-depth into local history, or you are traveling with a family that takes things slowly, Santiago is well accustomed to adjusting to you. Santiago loves meeting new people and he loves his city, so being a guide is the perfect job for him. It's just as well he discovered that so early on in life. We think it's kept him in great shape!

tour de teotihuacan

​ ​Yup, you guessed it! Santiago Jnr learned the ropes from his dad, Santiago Guerrero SNR (see above), and frankly there is no better person in the world he could have learned from! Santiago Jnr has over 25 years experience as a guide. He specializes in pre-hispanic and colonial history and is adored by our visitors who have toured with him. Like all of our guides, he is GLTBi friendly and is used to touring with alternative family configurations.

mexico city professional guide stylewalk mx Carlos Calleja

As an official licensed guide, Carlos has over 30 years experience providing tours for the St Regis, Hyatt Regency and the Four Seasons. Another history buff and collector of strange and interesting facts, he never stops researching new findings in the city or exploring new options for his return clients.. You should also ask him how many Harleys he owns. Or maybe ask him about where he took David Bowie. back in the day....

pyramid of the moon 14

Hundreds of pyrite spheres were recently discovered in three hidden burial chambers of The Temple of the Feathered Serpent. Ask your guide about this!

teotihuacan mexico

I took a tour to the Pyramids with three friends. Santiago was our tour guide and he was amazing and gave us such wonderful historical information. He was also extremely patient with us as we wandered off several times taking pictures. I can't recommend this tour company enough. This was my third tour with them and each one was wonderful. Thank you Stylewalk and Santiago. ​ Sandy M


Our driver comes to collect you at either 8 or 9am. other departures can be arranged by special request. your round-trip experience takes six hours in total..

Our 9am departure time is designed to allow you to enjoy breakfast at your hotel/bnb, but still enables you to avoid the harsh afternoon sun at the pyramids and peak hour traffic. Due to client demand we now offer an 8am departure time, but please be aware that the total travel time can take longer at this time of day due to traffic. The UNESCO Pyramids site officially opens at 8am.

Great news!! Teotihuacan IS open on MONDAYS (which is the day that all the Mexico City museums are SHUT).  ​ You won't have access to the pyramid interior museum, but the rest of the site is totally accessible!

pyramid of the moon 8


mexico city to teotihuacan experience Tripadvisor private tour with brother

Way beyond our expectations and would love to reconnect with Javier the next time we are in town. His knowledge has inspired to come back. Juanita G


Got a large group and want a private tour service the the pyramids, mexico city you've come to the right place.

pyramid in mexico city private vehicle toyota commuter

Our Toyota Commuter takes up to 14 people.

When travelling in a large private group, please consider what configuration would help your guests feel comfortable and engaged. ​  How many guides do you want with you??? Do you prefer two SMALLER vehicles with TWO guides? Would one LARGE vehicle with one private guide-driver be better?

private luxury transport mexico city

The Mercedes Sprinter comfortable accomodates 18 people, a driver-guide and an extra guide.

excellent guide la roma walking tour

"Laura and the other helpful guides at Stylewalk MX Tours took excellent care of us from start to finish....This tour was great for team bonding and I would highly recommend it for individuals or corporate group alike when visiting Mexico City!"

Mariah Terhaar - FACEBOOK Latin America


Your last, or first, day in mexico city short on time .

tour de teotihuacan

Don't miss out! We can arrange an Airport-Teothuacan service.

We can: 1) pick you (and your luggage) up from your hotel , 2) take you straight to the Pyramids, and then... 3) deliver you DIRECTLY to the airport . The price will depend on how many people are travelling with you. And if you have extra luggage. Please ask us for a quote. 

NOT doing a stopover, but still short on time?  ​ ​ We can collect you from the airport,  drop your luggage at your hotel/bnb, and then take you straight to the pyramids.

mexico city professional driver airport transfer service

Talk to us about your tour

tour de teotihuacan

We did a 6 hour tour with Javier to Teotihuacan, he was very nice and imparted so much knowledge about the history of the pyramids, we had a really fun day and it was amazing to drive north of the city and see the landscape. Both tours picked us up and dropped us off at our hotel which was also very convenient. Booking with this company was a breeze and they quickly answered any questions I had through email before I booked. The Stylewalk tour guides were so kind and knowledgeable. We left Mexico City feeling like we really got to know the heart, soul, and history of the city. Thank you Santiago and Javier for making our experience memorable! ​ Sara O


You're traveling halfway across the world to see the pyramids, right so are you sure you want to sabotage your pyramids experience with an random guide and their same worn out speech.

mexico city pyramids

The Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun afford panoramic views from their summit. Climbing is optional however. We follow your call.

Yes, there are guides for hire spontaneously on site at Teotihuacan. But think about this. Once they have signed you up and given you their robot version of the Teotihuacan story, they KNOW you are going to disappear into the world and they will never see you again. There is zero accountability for the quality of their work or their professionalism. If you thought their guiding was terrible, what could you do? Nothing. You couldn't write a bad'd have nowhere to post it. You couldn't complain to your hotel. it wasnt their fault. And you most certainly wouldn't want to try hiring another one just in case they were any better! The fact is you would have wasted precious time, in a one-off moment in your life. in our heart of hearts, we don't believe that that is a risk worth taking. And that is exactly why we have created an alternative for you. It's called giving a damn about what happens.

pyramid in mexico city pyramid of the moon happy visitors

Our guides  know how to balance listening & walking, and will follow your pace.

pyramids in mexico guide javier with happy clients

Our private Pyramids tour is 100% for you. It is designed to meet your pace, mobility level, and your specific interests. We believe the Teotihuacán Pyramids are a truly incredible pre-Aztec site that should be enjoyed, contemplated, and be given the time and space to evoke inspiration. Having a private guide is absolutely key to understanding the archeological, architectural, and anthropological significance of what you are seeing. As you will see from our countless Tripadvisor reviews, our professional guides help bring the site alive. They love their jobs, they remain fascinated in the subject, and keep up to date on current research. When you come on tour with us, we enjoy the experience WITH you. We don't do robotic spiels or cookie cutter presentations. We prefer to inject some joy into this archeological wonder.

mexico city pyramids tour

With a private tour, you won't be made to rush, or be told you are 'slowing down the group' because there is NO group! ​ We believe a tour should be an experience you share. Not something you are subjected to.

Pyramid of the Moon steps Teotihuacan

Javier, our tour guide, was knowledgable and affable. But even more, he had clearly put thought and effort into timing our trip to make the best use of the short day. The Basilica de Guadalupe was a beautiful experience and the pyramids were awe inspiring. ​ Dave T


All guests have the option of seeing the iconic basilica of the virgen of guadalupe and/or the historically charged zone call the plaza of 3 cultures during their six hour teotihuacán tour..

AWESOME gif Laserles !! [CC BY-SA 3.0 (


  • 9am:   Pick-up from your  central hotel /bnb belt (La Roma, San Rafael, Juarez, Cuauhtémoc, Condesa, Polanco, and Centro Historico >> If you are outside of these areas, please advise us when you book!)
  • Your guide-driver checks in with you and asks if you'd like to include the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe and/ or the Plaza of the 3 Cultures during your tour schedule as well. These are en route and can be easily accommodated.
  • Travel safely and smoothly to Teotihuacan. This is about a one hour  drive. Your guide informs you of interesting urban, political and social features of Mexico City as you pass by. This is NOT wasted, or lost, time!

pyramids mexico city 55

  • 10am:    You will walk the Avenue of the Dead and see the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. Climb the pyramids is optional. If you want to give up for the climb,  your guide will accompany you .
  • Your guide brings alive the history of the pre-hispanic cultures that travelled through and occupied the Teotihuacán Pyramids. You can also learn all about the current findings that scientists are still discovering in their research and excavation.
  • Pause whenever you want to - be it to rehydrate, rest, or try a mezcal at the tours end.
  • Ask Q's, be curious about anything, learn some expert history and culture in an easy-going, approachable way
  • See the compelling the scaled model of the layout of the ancient city and the preserves painted jaguar mural at the small on-site museum. (The museum is shut on Mondays, but it is not a huge part of the itinerary, so a Monday trip is still worthwhile! Especially as almost all museums are shut in Mexico City on Mondays!)
  • 1:30pm:   LUNCH OPTIONAL >> have snacks/coffee/tamales on the go OR a beer/margarita and some hearty eating at a nearby garden setting, traditional MX restaurant before heading back to Mexico City. (see photo above) ​ ** If you want to eat lunch at a specific place, please let us know BEFORE your tour so we can adjust the timing. *** If you prefer to stay on site at Teotihuacan, and not stop for lunch, this is completely your prerogative!  Let your guide know! Just be aware,  there are no snack vending machines, or quick-cup-of-coffee type places on site.
  • 3pm:   Hotel/bnb drop-off in private transport with your personal guide -chauffeur

 teotihuacan mexico lunch stop

Unlike group tours, we treat the hour spent traveling from Mexico City as part of the tour.   This is an excellent moment to discuss life in modern Mexico....Trump, local  politics, daily life, & the urbanization happening  en-route  ! (And yes, if you prefer to sleep that's absolutely fine by us too!)

pyramid of the moon driving back to mexico city

When we were watching a Danza de los Voladores near the pyramids, Javier quietly intercepted the tip collector and tipped for the group. It's the little things like that which made this a completely seamless experience, and why I would absolutely use this tour company again. ​ Cortney Dawn - USA


We don't do third party handshakes with any local vendors. that is not the purpose of a private tour. we are there for you, not for anyone else..

pyramid of the moon

 We only work with guides who are committed to keeping our tours honest and straight-down-the-line. We love supporting local designers, local crafts people and local food suppliers. But we never take a cut on taking a client to a local business.  YOU are our client. Not anyone else.

This means if you want to try a mezcal at the little shops just outside the pyramids, you are welcome to. If you don't want to, just say no.

We screen your tour route at much as is humanly possible, but if you feel even slightly uncomfortable with a local interaction, please quietly tell your guide, or ask for their advice. They will be there to intercept and be at your side!  ​ A part of your guide's job is managing hawk ers or buskers, or general people in the vicinity. Please do remember though, some visitors really enjoy interactions with shopkeepers and locals! There is no hard and fast rule about this, so we try not to make too many assumptions about you and what you want. The good news is, unlike India or some Asian countries, Mexican people usually respect a simple 'No thanks' as a response to their offer and leave you to it.  In any case, your guide is always there to represent you, whenever you wish. To check on a price, an origin of a product, or to say no thanks in Spanish. The flipside of our no-special-handshakes policy is if we don't like the attitude of a provider (no matter how cool or uncool they may be), or we have had negative reports about their integrity or innovation, then we won't take you there also. We provide tours so we can showcase the best of the country, and to champion what we personally love as locals who live here..

" When we were watching a Danza de los Voladores near the pyramids, Javier quietly intercepted the tip collector and tipped for the group. "

pyramids in mexico

Our guide, Santiago SNR spoke fluent English, and gave us a lot of good information along the way. We had a driver as well, Juan, so Santiago could concentrate on us instead of driving. ​ Rush B Illinois - USA


Mexico city weather is extremely variable. and because teotihuacan is not very far from mexico city, its weather likewise changes continually throughout the day. get ready for anything and everything.

The main thing to be aware of is the sun. Be it a hat, sun umbrella or sunblock, you'll want to be protected. Cloud formations move in and out a lot at the pyramids and the UNESCO site is very exposed. One minute it is overcast. The next you are in full sun. And frequently the UV INDEX is off the charts.

See our Mexico City Weather and Mexico City Altitude tips for more info. Here is the Teotihuacan Pyramids hourly weather forecast for you in English


Your teotihuacan pyramids booking can be reserved via our secure online booking platform. here's what to expect....

  • ​ Click on the orange booking button.
  • Identify which tour slots are available in our live bookings calendar. Remember these are private tours. Once you book a time slot, the tour is yours and yours alone.
  • Reserve your preferred time/day with our Norton secured online payment gateway.
  • Receive an instant tour booking confirmation in your inbox!
  • Our tour coordinator will also write to you to confirm your tour day and time and to see if you have any special requests.
  • The night before your tour, you will receive a personal email from the Tour Coordinator with guide's name, photo &  mobile number so that you can be directly in touch.
  • The day of your tour, your guide and vehicle is waiting for you at your Air bnb/hotel. Set to go!

tour de teotihuacan

If you need to change the DAY or time of your tour after booking, just let us know!

Cesar was the perfect guide, giving us enough information without overwhelming us with details. My husband and I climbed the pyramids but my sister in law stayed below and somehow Cesar managed to keep an eye out for all three of us!

Lisa H >>>


Here's how to dress for a great day out.

teotihuacan mexico 14

The main thing to be aware of when getting ready for your Teotihuacan visit, is the sun. Be it a hat, sun umbrella or sunblock, you'll want to be protected. Cloud formations move in and out a lot at the pyramids and the UNESCO site is very exposed. One minute it is overcast. The next you are in full sun. And frequently the UV INDEX is off the charts. Remember you are at high altitude, so a pleasant mild sunny day will still burn the hell out of you! See our Mexico City Weather and Mexico City Altitude tips for more info. So, what to wear...? 1) Comfortable walking shoes or sneakers. Beach thongs, sandals or jandals are NOT appropriate for climbing the pyramids because the steps are very skinny. 2) Layers. In general, you will find the weather changes quickly at the pyramids.. Rain clouds float in and out, so so do showers. Usually there are no heave rainstorms un til the late afternoon. A light parka wrapped around your waist does the trick. And if the weather really turns bad, you are never that far from your private vehicle. Our driver always brings extra umbrellas ifor guests n any case.. 3) Long sleeve shirts are a good way to avoid lathering on sunblock every hour. Here is the Teotihuacan Pyramids hourly weather forecast for you in English One last thing. The pyramids are obviously steep but the actual larger area is relatively flat. The only time you'll be climbing is if you choose to go up the pyramids (and this is entirely optional!) Apart from scaling the pyramids, you probably won't sweat much! This is not a hard-core trekking activity.

what to wear teotihuacan

Our tour guide Santiago from Stylewalk was fabulous. He was so knowledgeable and friendly. Most of all he was patient with our family that included 4 kids 8 and under.

Vinnie - Los Angeles


Absolutely if you need a child seat for your vehicle, it will be pleasure to arrange this for you.  please allow three days advance notice..

pyramid of the moon visitors

Thank you Javier for an amazing morning explaining and exploring with us through the Basilica of Guadalupe and then through to the pyramids of Teotihuacan. Your great demeanor, knowledge of the sites, and willingness to take our picture at every corner 🙂 made for an amazing morning! We can't wait to come back to Mexico City and join Stylewalk MX for another tour soon.


Our professional guides take their  job seriously. there are over 200 glowing tripadvisor shout-outs to prove it.

see the stylewalk reviews on tripadvisor

Our guide, Javier, was knowledgeable and friendly, and our visits to both sites were very much enhanced by the information he provided us. Regina F ​


Some travel tips, our philosophy and a bit about our clients.....


Create your own review

Our group of 10 had a great time on this tour. Santiago picked us up in a comfortable van in front of our Airbnb in CDMX and took us directly to the Teotihuacán pyramids. The pyramids were amazing and were made even better by Santiago's incredible wealth of knowledge about their history and cultural significance. Santiago is truly an exceptional guide and we could not recommend him enough. After our tour, Santiago recommended a great nearby restaurant (in a cave) for lunch. He was also accommodating throughout and was not pushy with the add-on activities that so often accompany these kinds of tours. For example, when we told him that we did not want to go to the pulque demonstration/tasting as we had already done something similar in Oaxaca, he was completely understanding and took us back to the Airbnb. Overall a great tour with a great guide!
I highly recommend using Stylewalk for visiting Teotihuacan. We had a private tour for 11 adults and the transportation was on time, very clean and comfortable. Our guide, Santiago, was very nice and a pleasure to work with. He was knowledgeable on all sites and was very flexible with our group as for how long we stayed at certain attractions and timing for lunch and breaks. Very glad we chose Stylewalk!
We organized a tour guide to bring us see the pyramids.We did this at the check in counter at our hotel. We went in a very comfortable vehicle which accommodated the 7 in our family group.It takes around 45 mins from the city center.Our guide pointed out places of interest enroute.When we arrived near the pyramids he brought us to a small settlement where locals showed us how tequila was made and how some of the cactus are used to make traditional blankets and ponchos. It was very interesting and there was also a good shop where you could buy souvenirs and local crafts.It was then a short walk to the pyramids. Our guide brought us to the pyramid of the sun first and then the moon. You can walk up to the top via deep steps which are not for the faint hearted.The view from the top is amazing and worth the trek up.
Excellent option if you are looking to visit Teotihuacan from CDMX, worry-free. Our group had somewhat complicated needs regarding pick up and drop off, and everything was sorted out ahead of time via email, including a fully customized quote. They were very responsive and the process was easy to manage. The tour itself was fantastic as well. Our guide Javier was professional and knowledgable, the car was modern and spotless, and everything was on time as promised. He gave us a great overview of the sights and walked us through Teotihuacan and the Basilica of Guadalupe, but also gave us plenty of opportunity to roam freely and explore. Yes, the tour is pricier than many similar options that you could choose from. However, you absolutely get what you pay for on this tour -- a professional experience that would hold up as such in any country. For example, Javier arrived 10 minutes early to our pick up location and proceeded to wipe down the (already spotless) car. He knew how to get access to blocked off parking spots literally right next to the Basilica. When we were watching a Danza de los Voladores near the pyramids, he quietly intercepted the tip collector and tipped for the group. It's the little things like that which made this a completely seamless experience, and I would absolutely use this tour company again.
Santiago was the best tour guide and cannot say enough about this tour. It was the best part of our trip to Mexico City. He took us to the Pyramids on this private tour and showed us so many unique aspects along the way. He also took us to the Basilica which was supposed to be scheduled but was not communicated to him but he fit it in and did not make us feel rushed at all. He was so knowledgable and when we go back, I will request him. Fantastic tour all around...and definitely do the private tour..worth the money.
The Pyramids are very interesting, and Santiago was an excellent tour guide for our group of 8 adults. He is very knowledgeable, speaks excellent English, is good at reading his audience and is an interesting person.
This tour was a really wonderful way to see the pyramids and the Basilica. Our guide, Cesar, was incredibly informative and friendly. He answered all our questions about the history of Mexico and present-day life as well. He was accommodating about a stop we had to make, and let us set our own pace while exploring the sites. The pyramids themselves are spectacular, and it enriched the experience to have someone tell us the history while we were exploring. We didn’t want to do a tour where we were forced to visit souvenir shops or go to places that didn’t interest us. If you want a guided tour that allows you to really chart your own course, this is a good fit. I tried to get in touch with the company the day before to change the pickup location, but the phone number given by TripAdvisor didn’t work. Despite some difficulty contacting the company, the entire experience was smooth, and well worth it.
Javier, our guide, picked us up at our hotel at 9:00. He is a friendly, very professional and knowledgeable person. We stopped at the Basilica of Guadeloupe on the way which was interesting--so glad he suggested it. At the pyramids, we were glad to not be in a large group so that we could move at our own speed. We opted to climb only the smallest of the 3 pyramids--we just took pictures of the other two. Well done!
I took a tour to the  Pyramids  with three friends. Santiago was our tour guide and he was amazing and gave us such wonderful historical information. He was also extremely patient with us as we wandered off several times taking pictures. I can't recommend this tour company enough. This was my third tour with them and each one was wonderful. Thank you Stylewalk and Santiago.


tour logistics ninja mr fixer mexico city

Stylewalk Tour Coordinator   Victor Tristan

  [email protected]

tour de teotihuacan


1. Check out our partner hotel list. It is drawn from four years of direct feedback from our personal tour clients.

Where you stay in Mexico City can make a HUGE difference to your stay.  Many people think the Frida Kahlo neighbourhood of Coyoacan is the epi-center of CDMX. Logistically speaking, nothing could be further from the truth!  We have partnered with the   bnbs and hotels  that our tour guests consider to be  fantastic Mexico City accomodation options  - be it for mid or upscale budgets.

2. Gay marriage is legal in CDMX.  (And it goes without saying, we are a LGBTTI friendly company. )

We are a  LGBTI  friendly company.  Every sexual, religious, or political orientation is welcome on tour with us. We only work with tour guides who naturally relate well to new people and different lifestyles.. Our guides are openminded, cosmopolitan people, who know that colour and diversity make the world a better place!

glbti mexico city

3.  Stylewalk does NOT accept any third party commissions from any restaurants or shops.  BEWARE, however, many companies do.. . 

We are travellers too and have been on tours in foreign parts of the world where it is obvious that the guide in cohoots with a shop or restaurant for tourist patronage. The experience is horrid. We don't want to be on tours like that so accordingly  we only work with guides who are 100% free of shams and paybacks  . Read more  here...

4. Giving back. Being socially responsible is built into Stylewalk's business model.

Aside from directly supporting the best local Mexican businesses, a percentage of your tour payment goes directly to  sustainable development projects.   and  a local legal movement dedicated to stamping out corruption in government. 

5. FAQs: essential travel & safety tips

Have questions about  estimating traffic travel times, currency, airport pick up/drop off, tour refunds or safety in  Mexico City???   Check our  common visitor FAQs.

6. The weather is not quite what you might imagine! 

It rains a lot. The altitude in Mexico City  is 2,259 metres/7,411 feet! Think a little higher than Kabul, Afghanistan and you'll get the picture....

Check the   annual weather chart for Mexico City !

  • Mexico City
  • Copper Canyon
  • Guadalajara
  • Huasteca Potosina
  • San Cristóbal de las Casas
  • San Miguel de Allende
  • 5-Day Mexico City Itinerary
  • 10-Day Baja California Road Trip
  • 10-Day Chiapas Road Trip
  • 10-Day Copper Canyon by Train
  • 10-Day Guanajuato Road Trip
  • 10-Day Yucatan Road Trip
  • 10-Day Oaxaca Road Trip
  • Cozumel Island
  • Isla Mujeres
  • Holbox Island
  • Playa del Carmen
  • Punta Allen
  • Puerto Escondido
  • Hot Springs
  • Mayan Ruins
  • Mountains and Valleys
  • Wildlife Experiences
  • Best Mexican Foods
  • Best Mexican Movies
  • Best Books about Mexico
  • Mexican Artists
  • Mexico Fun Facts
  • Mexico Historical Facts
  • Mexican Holidays
  • Day of the Dead in Mexico
  • Pueblos Mágicos in Mexico

Visiting Teotihuacan: My Guide to the Mexico City Pyramids

  • by Jake Perry

Did you know there are 2000-year-old pyramids near Mexico City? Here’s a detailed Teotihuacan travel guide, with everything you’d need to know about visiting Teotihuacan.

Just 1 hour outside of Mexico City stands the most impressive archaeological site in Mexico : the Teotihuacan Pyramids. Teotihuacan was one of the largest cities in the pre-Hispanic Americas, at one point housing over 150,000 people.

Walking through the Teotihuacan Pyramids is like taking a step back in time – you can almost feel the energy of this ancient city back in its heyday. However, little is known about the city and archaeologists still have not come to any conclusion after years of research. This is what makes Teotihuacan such a fascinating place to visit!

To help you plan your trip to the Teotihuacan ruins, I’ve written this detailed guide to share how to visit Teotihuacan, including the best way to get there, best spots to visit, and best place to eat there.

visiting teotihuacan - pyramids near mexico city

Table of Contents

Why Visit Teotihuacan Ruins?

Best time to visit teotihuacan, mexico city travel guide: practical resources, by taxi/uber, by day tour, cost of visiting teotihuacan, teotihuacan hours, how much time to visit teotihuacan, mexico travel requirements, how to get around teotihuacan, best teotihuacan tours from mexico city, visiting teotihuacan with kids, climb the pyramid of the sun, walk along the avenue of the dead, see the pyramid of the moon, stroll through the palace of the jaguars, la ciudadela, mural of the great goddess, tepantitla palace, visit the teotihuacan museums, where to eat at teotihuacan, where to stay near teotihuacan, what to pack for teotihuacan, rules at teotihuacan , final tips for visiting teotihuacan.

The Teotihuacan Pyramids are THE most popular day trip from Mexico City , for good reason . The Teotihuacan pyramids are some of the largest in the world and the entire complex is incredibly well preserved. Because of its historical significance, Teotihuacan was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site . 

What’s most impressive about Teotihuacan is the sheer size of its monuments – in particular, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl and the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon. Not only that, these monuments are laid out on geometric and symbolic principles, bearing testimony to the engineering skills and advancement of ancient Mexico.

hot air ballooning - best teotihuacan tours

Teotihuacan Pyramids Facts

Translated to mean ‘ the place where the gods were create d’, Teotihuacan was once a powerful center in Mesoamerica. The Teotihuacan civilization mysteriously declined around 650 A.D., and the city was eventually abandoned. It’s theorized that a combination of environmental and social issues could have led to the decline, but no one knows for sure.

It’s not fully known who founded Teotihuacan and constructed its immense pyramids and temples. But some archaeologists speculate that it was likely the Toltecs or the Totonacs. Hailing from central Mexico, the Toltecs were well known for their ridiculously huge statues and head carvings. The Totonacs came from the state of Veracruz and the people, who still exist today, believe that their ancestors were the ones who built Teotihuacan.

However, evidence shows that Teotihuacan was home to several civilizations, including the Toltecs, Totonacs, Mayans, Mixtecs, and Zapotecs. To add to the mystery, the people who inhabited Teotihuacan had a written language, but researchers have yet to decode it.

teotihuacan pyramids

Teotihuacan is one of the most visited ancient ruins in Mexico ; it can get busy on weekends, particularly on Sunday when it’s free for citizens and residents of Mexico. The best time to visit Teotihuacan is during the lower season months (April-September).

During high season it gets a little overrun with visitors, which somewhat takes the wow factor out of the place. Avoid visiting Teotihuacan during peak travel season – Christmas, New Year, Easter (Holy Week), and other Mexican holidays. Another busy period is during Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) – 26 Oct to 2 Nov – when many flock to Mexico City for the vibrant celebrations. [Read more about Day of the Dead !]

In general, Teotihuacan is warm and sunny all year round. Its high elevation keeps the temperature pretty mild though the sun does beat down hard. The coolest months are between December and February, although temperatures still average around 72°F (23℃) in the day. Read my guide on when to visit Mexico City .

when to visit teotihuacan

  • ✈️ Book affordable flights to Mexico City on Skyscanner for $100+
  • 🏥 Insure your trip with Safety Wing , a global travel insurance company.
  • >🛏️ Read our guide on the best places to stay in Mexico City
  • 🚗 Rent a car in Mexico City on Discover Cars
  • 🚌 Reserve bus tickets from Mexico City on Bookaway for the best rates
  • 📷 Book your day tours from Mexico City on Viator or GetYourGuide
  • 🧳 Pack a quick dry towel , dry bag , and waterproof phone holder
  • 📱 Get an eSIM on Airalo to get cheap internet data

How to Get to the Teotihuacan Ruins

Teotihuacan is located about 30 miles (50 kilometers) northeast of Mexico City , and it takes just 1 hour to get there. You can easily include it in your Mexico City itinerary even if you only have 4/5 days in the city.

The easiest way to get there is by bus, which takes around 60 minutes from Terminal Central del Norte station. The bus costs around $50MXN/$2.40USD each way . The first bus to Teotihuacan departs at 6am with more departures about every 20 minutes thereafter until 2pm. I recommend getting a SIM card to get around; read my guide on how to get a Mexico SIM card .

You could take a taxi or an Uber, but this will inevitably be more expensive. We booked an Uber from our hotel in the Centro Historic, and spent around 800 MXN (US$50) each way . Initially we were worried about not finding an Uber back as we’d read that there’s no cell signal in most of the complex. But we walked to Gate 5 and it just took us 10 minutes to get one.

Another way to get there is to book a day tour from Mexico City that includes transportation, admission, and a guide. It’s a great option if you want to learn more about Teotihuacan and have someone else handle the logistics. You can even book a Teotihuacan hot air balloon flight that includes a visit to the archaeological site.

how to get to teotihuacan ruins

The cost of visiting Teotihuacan is relatively cheap. Admission to the site is 80 MXN (US$4) for adults and free for children under 13 years old. The entrance fees cover the entrance to the site, Teotihuacan Culture Museum, and the Museum of Teotihuacan Murals.

Tickets can be purchased at any of the entrance gates to the Mexico City Pyramids. Your ticket allows you to leave and re-enter during the same day, so you can go out of the archaeological zone for a break or lunch and then return.

If you’re looking to take a tour here they start from around $650MXN/$33USD per person. Here’s a look at the Teotihuacan tours available. Read more to find out which tours I recommend.

Teotihuacan is open every day from 9AM to 5PM, 365 days a year. Teotihuacan Culture Museum is open 9AM to 4:30PM every day and the Museum of Teotihuacan Murals is open 8AM to 5PM, Tuesday through Sunday.

The best time to visit Teotihuacan is early in the morning, around opening time. This is when the site is the least crowded and you can avoid the heat of midday.

Make sure to arrive before 3PM however as this is the time of last entry. The site staff don’t allow any leeway for this time. Gates close at 3PM sharp.

visiting teotihuacan - mexico city pyramids

You could easily spend a whole day at the Teotihuacan Pyramids, but if you’re short on time, I would plan at least 3 hours. Of course, this all depends on your interests and how much detail you want to go into while exploring the site.

The museums themselves can take up to an hour or so each. If you are planning on visiting them, then make sure to plan this into the trip. Plus, if you’re looking to spend time getting lunch at the site restaurant that will extend the trip too. 

visiting teotihuacan - mexico city pyramids

  • Mexico has no travel restrictions, and there’s no need for proof of vaccine or PCR tests on the plane. Anyone is welcomed to travel to Mexico.
  • However, I always recommend travelers to buy travel insurance, whether you’re traveling for a year or a week. These days, it is particularly important to have travel insurance that covers COVID-19. Read my travel insurance guide.
  • Safety Wing  is the most popular travel insurance company for COVID19-coverage. I use their  Nomad Insurance plan , which covers COVID-19 as any other illness as long as it was not contracted before your coverage start date.

When you reach the site, there are 5 different entrances. If you’re looking to do a full tour of the site then the best entrance for this will be at the south of the site (entrance gate 1).

From here you’ll walk through the site restaurant, then come out onto the Avenue of the Dead which consists of a 2km stretch, passing all of the main monuments of the site. I suggest leaving through gate 5 as that is where you’ll find the best restaurant in Teotihuacan (more on this later).

teotihuacan hot air ballooning

I always say the best way to travel is independently as it allows you to go at your own pace and make changes on the fly. That said, Teotihuacan can be challenging to visit on your own as there’s not a lot of information available in English and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the size of the site.

If your budget allows, I highly recommend the Teotihuacan Tour with a Hot Air Balloon Ride . This tour ($137) includes transportation from Mexico City, admission to Teotihuacan, an English-speaking guide, and a hot air balloon ride over the pyramids. It’s an incredible experience and one that I think everyone should do at least once in their life.  Read about my experience on a Teotihuacan hot air balloon flight.

Alternatively, this early access tour is great for those who want to enjoy the archaeological site without the crowd. It also includes tequila tasting at a family-run workshop in Tlacaelel. This tour is US$39 and lasts for around 8 hours.

There’s also a night show at Teotihuacan where you can experience the Teotihuacan ruins after dark . It begins with a guided tour of the park and ends with a light and sound show. You’ll need to book tickes in advance online at the  Ticketmaster webpage  and pick them up at any Ticketmaster outlet.

tour de teotihuacan

Teotihuacan is a huge complex and there’s very little shade, so it can be tricky for families traveling with young kids. That said, it’s absolutely doable if you plan in advance or book a private tour which will give you more flexibility.

Nellie, the founder of this blog, visited Teotihuacan with her daughter when she was 6 years old and had a great time! Kids at that age can walk long distances and can handle the heat, so it’s not a problem.

If you’re traveling with younger kids, I suggest carrying them in a sling or hiking carrier. It would be a pain to transport tiny toddlers in a stroller, with the ground paved in ancient, uneven stones. Pack lots of water, hat, and maybe an umbrella for kids who don’t do well in the sun.

visiting teotihuacan with kids - mexico city pyramids

Things to Do at Teotihuacan

Here are some of the highlights that I would make sure to tick off first during your visit:

At 213 feet tall, the Pyramid of the Sun is the largest structure at the Teotihuacan ruins and one of the highest pyramids in the world . Built around 200 A.D., the Pyramid of the Sun is actually made of six pyramids, each one stacked on top the other. And underneath it all is a cave.

Located on the east side of the Avenue of the Dead, it’s set between the Pyramid of the Moon and the Ciudadela. Just like many of the mysterious Teotihuacan safeguards, it’s still not fully known the original reasons why this structure was erected. It’s been theorized that it was constructed for a deity. 

In normal circumstances, you can actually climb the pyramid and feast on the views from above. Sadly, it was closed for climbing during our last visit in November 2021. But rules are constantly changing, so make sure to check before climbing.

pyramid of the sun

The Avenue of the Dead (Avenida de los Muertos) is the main thoroughfare through Teotihuacan and it’s lined with pyramids on both sides. The long, broad thoroughfare goes from the Pyramid of the Moon on its north end to the Ciudadela complex on the south end, near the main entrance to the park.

On the way, the Avenue of the Dead passes many ceremonial platforms that house intricate murals and carvings. Back in the heydays, the road was 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) long.

avenue of the dead teotihuacan

The Pyramid of the Moon is the oldest structure in Teotihuacan, and it’s located at the northern end of the Avenue of the Dead. It’s thought to have been built around 150 A.D. At 147 feet, this is the second highest structure in the complex.

Archeologists have found a significant number of sacrificed remains inside this pyramid, including 12 human bodies and a range of animal cadavers. From this, it’s believed to have been a site of religious significance and for public ritual purposes.

Normally, it’s also allowed to climb the Pyramid of the Moon (but was also closed during our last visit). Just be prepared for a bit of a workout as they’re quite steep!

pyramid of the moon

The Palace of the Jaguars is one of the most impressive buildings in Teotihuacan. It’s covered in reliefs of jaguars, eagles, and other sea creatures. Apparently, it’s the most sacred place in the whole of Teotihuacan.

This building has a large courtyard surrounded by small rooms with magnificent remains of mural paintings. It’s presumed to be a planning place for temple events and special occasions. 

tour de teotihuacan

Across the Pyramid of the Moon stands La Ciudadela (the Citadel), a large ceremonial courtyard that contains the Temple of Quetzalcoatl.

The temple is one of my favorite spots at Teotihuacan. Quetzalcoatl was the Feathered Serpent and an important god to most Mesoamerican cultures. His temple is decorated with large carvings of toothy snake heads with slithering bodies, along with images of marine life, such as clams and conch shells.

visiting teotihuacan - mexico city pyramids

The Great Goddess, a mysterious deity of the Teotihuacan civilization, can be found depicted in several locations at the Mexico City Pyramids. The most striking mural is at the Tetitla compound. 

Often depicted with an elaborate jade nose-bar through her septum, the Goddess has become known as the “Spider Woman of Teotihuacan.”  On the mural of Tetitla, the Goddess wears an extravagant headdress reminiscent of those worn by dancers at Brazilian carnival. It is made of long green quetzal feathers, which fan out around her which are believed to represent the rays of the sun.

visiting teotihuacan - mexico city pyramids

To the east of the Pyramid of the Moon, the Tepantitla Palace is quite a walk away from the Avenue of the Dead, but it’s definitely worth a visit. From the outside, the building looks like a stable, but upon entering the walls reveal traces of elaborate paintings.

One mural particularly stands out, and is lauded as the most impressive mural of all Teotihuacán: the mural of Tlālōcān. In Aztec mythology, Tlālōcān was the marvelous underworld ruled over by the water deity Tlaloc. Tepantitla is believe to have been a palace, a priest’s house, or the opulent residence of an aristocrat.

tour de teotihuacan

I highly recommend making time to visit the museums, which are actually easy to miss as they’re tucked behind the cacti gardens. They have interesting exhibits and informative explanations, along with air conditioning, which can be a godsend on hot days.

There are two museums at the ruins of Teotihuacan; entry is included with your ticket.

  • The  Teotihuacan Murals Museum (near Gate 3A)  houses over fifty millennia-old murals along with several artifacts recovered from on-site temples and palaces.
  • The  Teotihuacan Cultural Museum (next to Gate 5) displays more than 600 artifacts found in the archaeological site, from over the ten centuries the city lasted. The museum also has a sculpture garden and a botanical garden.

visiting teotihuacan museums

There are a few different places to try authentic Mexican food at Teotihuacan: If you’re looking for something quick and affordable, there’s a row of food stands near the entrance 4 and 5.

But I strongly suggest heading to  La Gruta Cave Restaurant  which is just a 10-minute walk away from Gate 5. This was easily the best meal we had in Mexico City! We visited during the Day of the Dead , and were impressed to find an atmospheric ofrenda (altar) set up in their cave.  Reservations, especially when visiting on a weekend, are highly recommended.

The underground restaurant serves contemporary Mexican cuisine in at atmospheric volcanic cave illuminated by candles. The menu is made of traditional Mexican dishes with a modern twist. My  panceta  (pork belly) with mole sauce was out of this world, and Alberto’s  barbacoa  lamb meat was divine. Their mezcal cocktails also hit the spot.

tour de teotihuacan

Teotihuacan isn’t jam-packed with hotels, because most people come for a day trip from Mexico City. Check out our complete guide on where to stay in Mexico City. For those who prefer to stay near the Teotihuacan pyramids, I’ve put together some recommendations and included a mix suitable for all traveler’s budgets. 

Luxury: Lujosa Villa

This place is a private villa, suitable for up to 6 people. It’s ideal if you’re traveling with your family or friends as it has a private pool as well as cable TV. Rates start at around 1950 MXN/US$94 per night.  Book here.

Luxury: Hotel y Suites Osdan

This is another apartment that can sleep up to 4 people. They have a fitness center within, a fully equipped kitchen, and car parking spaces. It’s situated close to Avenue Tuxpan for easy access to the pyramids. Rates start at around 20,100 MXN/US$102 per night. Book here!

Mid Range: Hotel Boutique Rancho San Juan Teotihuacan

We stayed at this gorgeous ranch/boutique hotel and loved the green space and country style! It’s a bit outside Teotihuacan but they offer a shuttle to the pyramids. The rooms are nice and spacious with a beautiful garden setting. Rates start at around 1250 MXN/US$60 per night.  Book here!

Mid Range: Hotel Palmas Teotihuacán

Roughly 3km from the pyramids, this place is a little bit away from the tourist’s murmurs. It’s got a nice garden for you to catch some sun plus an on-site restaurant and bar. Rates start at around 1450 MXN/US$71 per night.  Book here.

Budget: Hotel Fer  

This is a simple but still comfortable place to stay. They offer free parking and 24-hour reception as well as being located close to Teotihuacan’s main gate for easy access into the complex. Rates start at around 520MXN/US$25 per night.  Book here.

*These are daily rates per room, not per person. Most hotels have rooms ranging from single to quadruple rooms.

where to stay near teotihuacan

Unlike the Palenque ruins that are shrouded in forest, there is very little shade and it can get very hot. Make sure you pack a hat, lots of water, and light, airy clothes. Otherwise, there are several souvenir shops within the archaeological site that sell hats, sunscreen, and water.

The walking isn’t too difficult as it’s mostly flat. You won’t need hiking boots. I wore my Teva sandals for the whole day and they were fine. Here’s the list of what I packed/wore:

  • KEEN Sandals
  • Hiking t-shirt
  • Hiking shorts
  • Lightweight daypack
  • Sunscreen – SFP50+ if possible
  • Wide-rimmed hat 
  • Water bottle (2 liters)

visiting teotihuacan - mexico city pyramids

During our visit, both the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon were closed for climbing and museums were closed too, due to COVID19. The guards explained that they’d been closed since March 2020 and there’s no update on when they’ll reopen.

It is disappointing not to be able to climb the Mexico City pyramids, but there are still elevated spots from which you can get great views of the site. The lookout point next to the Pyramid of the Moon for instance is an excellent spot. [You can still climb the pyramids at Palenque ruins in Chiapas .]

It goes without saying that you need to be respectful of the site. This is an ancient archaeological site and it’s important to remember that. Make sure you stay within the boundaries and not wander into forbidden areas. Drones are not allowed in the area.

visiting teotihuacan - mexico city pyramids

I hope you found this Teotihuacan travel guide helpful and that it has inspired you to visit the Mexico City pyramids.

Here are a few final tips for your trip:

  • Arrive just as gates open at 9am to avoid the crowds. Book an early access tour if you want to be the first through its gates!
  • Take plenty of water and snacks with you. There are many vendors selling cold drinks in the archaeological site, just make sure the bottled drinks are sealed before opening them.
  • Wear sunscreen, a hat, and comfortable shoes – it gets hot!
  • You will need cash for the entrance fees, so make sure to bring some Mexican Pesos with you.
  • Teotihuacan is full of street vendors selling all kinds of souvenirs. They’re obviously more expensive here than elsewhere, so avoid buying souvenirs here. The vendors are usually not too pushy, just smile and say “no gracias” and walk away.

Thank you for reading this far. If you have any questions or tips of your own, please leave them in the comments below and I will be happy to reply to any questions you have.

Read my articles on Mexico City below:

  • Teotihuacan Hot Air Balloon Guide
  • 15 Best Mayan Ruins in Mexico
  • Best Time to Visit Mexico City
  • Where to Stay in Mexico City
  • 22 Best Day Trips from Mexico City
  • 30 Best Museums in Mexico City
  • Day of the Dead in Mexico City: My 2022 Guide
  • The Ultimate Day of the Dead Guide
  • Palenque Ruins: My Guide to Chiapas’ Pyramids

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links i.e. if you book a stay through one of my links, I get a small commission at NO EXTRA COST to you. Thank you for your support!

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visiting teotihuacan - mexico city pyramids

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5 thoughts on “Visiting Teotihuacan: My Guide to the Mexico City Pyramids”

tour de teotihuacan

Hello. Planning our first trip to Mexico City and came across your web page on the Teotihuacán Pyramids. I found your site very informative and wanted to say “thank you” for putting in the time and effort. If we don’t squeeze this pyramid trip on our upcoming weekend trip, then we’ll definitely do it on the next one.

Sincerely, Jason Logsdon | San Antonio, TX

tour de teotihuacan

Aww thank you Jason, so kind of you!

tour de teotihuacan

I echo what Jason said! Very helpful and informative! Thank you so much for putting this together. I’m traveling to CDMX for my first time in October! This is #1 on my list!

Thank you Abby, much appreciated! Enjoy Teotihuacan!!!!

tour de teotihuacan

Most beautiful places, I really want to go there. Thanks

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TeoTours Mx

Teotihuacan Pyramids Tour

friends with the guide

Tour with a Certified Professional Guide -Round trip transfer from Mexico City. -Tickets to the archaeological site and museum -Visit to handicraft stores. (OPTIONAL) -Bottled water -Tasting of local drinks. (OPTIONAL) -Mexican food after the tour (Options for vegetarians and vegans. Please let us know if you have any special diets)

-Alcoholic drinks (available to buy) -Tips -Souvenirs

What places will you visit?

  • The avenue of the dead.
  • The Citadel.
  • Temple of the feathered serpent (Quetzalcóatl).
  • Pyramid of the Sun
  • Pyramid of the Moon.
  • Quetzalpapálotl Palace.
  • Teotihuacan Culture Museum.
  • Tasting of local drinks. (OPTIONAL)
  • Craft shops. (OPTIONAL)
  • Archaeological complexes outside the site (Teotihuacan paintings).
  • Food in our restaurant.


Please make sure your accommodation is in the service area or we will meet you at an agreed meeting point. Accommodations in CONDESA, ROMA NORTE, POLANCO, REFORMA AND HISTORICAL CENTER.


-Wear comfortable shoes and clothing -Bring sunscreen, hat or umbrella -Bring extra money if you want to make a purchase or leave a tip. Preferably national currency

Find us also in:

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Frequent Questions

-Not accessible for people in wheelchairs.

–  We do not recommend this activity for children under 6 years and people with walking difficulties, because it is a long walking experience.

-No heart problems or other serious medical conditions.

-Not recommended for pregnant women.


Any refund (partial or total)  will generate an administrative expense of 10% of the total value of the contracted services in addition to the penalty assigned by the corresponding provider.  (if applicable).

Cancellation due to weather

In case the weather creates a safety issue before beginning the experience. We will cancel the experience and you will receive a full refund, considering the collection of commissions generated by transfer and currency exchange.

We will cancel the experience and receive a partial refund, in case the weather changes and creates a security problem during the experience.

The partial refund percentage will be obtained according to the services that have been provided to you during the time that the experience has lasted, including the commissions generated by transfers and currency exchange.

* This applies to any event beyond our control that prevents us from carrying out activities.

When TeoToursMx cancels a tour or service for reasons beyond the control of the client, it will be obliged but limited to refund all payments made.

Cancellations due to minimum number of travelers in Shared Tour

Does not apply.

You can reschedule the date or time of your experience (or add or remove participants) within 24 hours of booking and up to 72 hours before the scheduled start of the experience. (Subject to availability)

If you reschedule an experience, the cancellation policy is based on the original purchase time and start date of the experience.

To protect your information, we advise you to book in  or in any of the links provided on this page, which will direct you to our products listed on other platforms safely.

Our official email is:  [email protected]  

Additional mail:  [email protected]

We are not responsible for reservations made through sites not provided on this page or with unauthorized providers.

Get in Touch If you want us to organize your experience with the services that adapt to your plans. We will confirm availability and send you a detailed quote.

Do you want to book this experience?

Enjoy this incredible cultural experience.


tour de teotihuacan

Teotihuacan Afternoon Half-Day Tour

Quick Details

  • Globe Region: Mexico
  • Map Marker Location: Mexico City
  • Hour Glass Duration: 5 hours
  • Tag Tour Type: Shared Tour

E njoy this incredible archaeological site as the sunset approaches!

Excursion to Teotihuacan Afternoon Tour from CDMX, the ¨ City of the Gods ¨: Come and be amazed by the intense colors of the afternoon on the pyramids. You will live a unique experience in a magical moment! The pyramids will take on a special color, leaving a magical and mystical atmosphere that will allow us to have a more authentic experience in this city of ancient Mexico .

As you embark on your Teotihuacan Tour you will discover the 2,500-year-old Aztec settlement , a mythological ‘Birthplace of the Gods´. Follow our local guide as you wander through the fascinating complexes of the city.

Discover the Wonders of Teotihuacan in the Afternoon with this Tour

Be amazed by the 243 steps of the Pyramid of the Sun , traverse the 2.5-mile (4 km) Avenue of the Dead, and admire the obsidian and jade artifacts in the Pyramid of the Moon . Observe the ornate bird and butterfly decorations that decorate the columns of the Palace of Quetzalpapalotl , and see the carvings of a serpent and bird deity in the Temple of the Feathered Serpent.

After this experience, we will go to eat at a restaurant where you can taste typical Mexican food, as well as enjoy local products in an iconic obsidian workshop . Here you will have the opportunity to learn about the materials and the different techniques that locals use to make their products.

In short, a unique experience full of culture, history, and gastronomy that will not leave you indifferent!

The Teotihuacan Tour is a unique experience that you cannot miss!


  • Embark on a half-day tour to Teotihuacan Pyramids in the afternoon
  • Visit the most iconic points and learn the history of the Mesoamerican world
  • Enjoy a full guided tour around the archeological site together with your guide
  • Visit an obsidian workshop run by a Teotihuacan family and l earn about local products
  • Indulge in the purest Mexican flavors with a Tequila, Mezcal and Pulque tasting


  • Round transportation from the meeting point
  • Entrance to Teotihuacan Pyramids
  • Professional bilingual guide
  • Tasting of liqueurs made from cactus


  • Optional tips

Meeting point:

Behind the Palacio de Bellas Artes, on Avenida Hidalgo 2, Centro Histórico, at 12:45 pm.

In the afternoon, the sun is quite strong, so please bring with you some solar protection, like an umbrella, a hat or cap, sunscreen, water, and comfortable shoes.

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  • Tag Shared Tour
  • Map Marker Mexico City , Teotihuacán
  • Globe Mexico

Teotihuacan Tour

Discover the magic of Teotihuacan and Basilica of Guadalupe with our Mexico City Tour! Explore the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon, walk through the ancient ruins. Then, visit the stunning Basilica of Guadalupe, one of the most important religious sites in Mexico.

  • Combo Tour!
  • Hour Glass 2 days

Teotihuacán & Basílica de Guadalupe + Xochimilco, Coyoacán & Frida Kahlo

Make the most of your trip to Mexico City with this Super Saver tour that includes the main attractions in the city and its surroundings in two days.

  • Special Offer
  • Hour Glass 11 hours
  • Map Marker Mexico City

Puebla, Cholula & Tonantzintla Day Trip Tour

Join us on a full-day tour to the two beautiful and important historical sites of Cholula and Puebla, about two hours from Mexico City. Enjoy amazing views, food, and culture.

tour de teotihuacan


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  6. Teotihuacan, Mexico City

    After a convenient hotel pickup, see the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at the legendary Teotihuacan, stop by Basilica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, the country's largest shrine to the beloved Lady of Guadalupe, and explore the pre-Columbian trading center of Tlateloco. 7 hours. Free Cancellation. from. $59.00.

  7. Teotihuacan Half-Day Tour with Tequila tasting 2024

    Avoid the crowds on this early morning tour of the Teotihuacan pyramids, also known as the City of the Gods. On this tour, an archeologist takes you around the UNESCO World Heritage Site and gives you insight into the majestic plazas and murals. Snap memorable shots of this remaining Mayan heritage as the sun goes up. Then cap off your day trip from Mexico City with a visit to an obsidian factory.

  8. Zona Arqueologica Teotihuacan

    El mejor Tour Privado, Piramides de Teotihuacán y Basílica. ! 2. Historical Tours. from . $199.99. per adult (price varies by group size) Teotihuacan Private Tour. Bus Tours. from . $135.00. per adult. Teotihuacan Pyramids tour. 1. Historical Tours. from . $170.00. per group (up to 5) Teotihuacan and Tula Private Archeology Tour from Mexico City.

  9. Teotihuacan Tours with Local Private Tour Guides

    Start with our Find a Tour tool. If you need help from the ToursByLocals Support Team, you can contact us anytime. Find a Tour CONTACT US. Take a private Teotihuacan tour and learn about the city from someone who knows it best - a friendly local guide.

  10. Mexico: Full-Day Teotihuacan & Basilica Guadalupe Tour

    The tour would have been preferable without the touristic gift shop visit, but fortunately it is quite fast. The restaurant for the lunch stop is not very good. All visits, starting from Plaza de las tres culturas, then Teotihuacan and Basilica de Guadalupe were very insteresting and worth the stop. On the whole, the tour was a good experience ...

  11. Tours a Pirámides de Teotihuacan, Teotihuacan Tours

    09:00am— 08:00pm. +52 5543813393 / +52 1 56 2081 4422. Whatsapp. Principal. Vuelo en Globo. Tour a pirámides de Teotihuacan. La ciudadde los dioses. ¡Vive la mejor de las experiencias! Vuelo en globo Aerostático.

  12. Turitour CDMX: Tour Pirámides Teotihuacán

    *09:00 a.m. - Departure from the Zócalo of the CDMX to the handicrafts workshop in Teotihuacan * 11:00 a.m. - Arrival at the handicrafts workshop to learn about the creative process of the pieces and beverages * 12:00 p.m. - Access to the Archaeological Zone with a guided tour * 01:30 p.m. - Free time * 02:00 p.m. - Transfer to Tlaxco Internacional restaurant

  13. Teotihuacan and Basilica of Guadalupe 2024

    Hit three top historical attractions on this full-day guided tour from Mexico City: Tlatelolco, the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Teotihuacan. See where the main market of the Aztec empire once stood in Tlatelolco. At the Shrine of Guadalupe, one of the most popular Catholic pilgrimage sites in the world, see a cloak with an image of the Lady Virgin on display. Stroll through the ...

  14. Early & Express Tour

    Me siento muy agradecida por todo lo que aprendí en el tour. El conductor Víctor es muy profesional conduciendo, puntual y el coche estaba muy limpio y en muy buen estado. Nos recogieron a las 7:00 y a las 13:00 ya estaba en mi hospedaje de vuelta. Recomiendo el tour 100% No hubiese tenido una experiencia tan linda sin ellos dos. GRACIAS !!!

  15. 17 Best Teotihuacan Tours from Mexico City in 2024

    When traveling from Mexico City to Teotihuacan Ruins, you have four options: 1) Take a Teotihuacan tour, 2) rent a car in Mexico City and drive, 3) take the bus, or 4) take a taxi or Uber to Teotihuacan. Of course, the tours to Teotihuacan from Mexico City listed above will be the easiest, most stress free way to visit Teotihuacan Pyramid ...

  16. Teotihuacán Pyramids Tour

    Our private Pyramids tour is 100% for you. It is designed to meet your pace, mobility level, and your specific interests. We believe the Teotihuacán Pyramids are a truly incredible pre-Aztec site that should be enjoyed, contemplated, and be given the time and space to evoke inspiration.

  17. Visiting Teotihuacan: My Guide to the Mexico City Pyramids

    There are many day tours to the Teotihuacan Pyramids, ranging from early access tours to tours with tequila-tasting. If your budget allows, I highly recommend the Teotihuacan Tour with a Hot Air Balloon Ride. This tour ($137) includes transportation from Mexico City, admission to Teotihuacan, an English-speaking guide, and a hot air balloon ...

  18. 15 Things to KNOW Before Visiting Teotihuacan, Mexico

    Teotihuacan is a historical wonder where you can still view ancient murals and pyramids created by a Mesoamerican indigenous civilization. We recommend signing up for this guided tour where you'll get invaluable insight into the culture of those that once roamed the ancient city. 1. About Teotihuacán, Mexico.

  19. Tour en Teotihuacan

    The avenue of the dead. The Citadel. Temple of the feathered serpent (Quetzalcóatl). Pyramid of the Sun. Plaza de la Luna. Pyramid of the Moon. Quetzalpapálotl Palace. Teotihuacan Culture Museum. Patio de los Jaguares and Substructure of the Feathered Snails.

  20. Private tour to Teotihuacán from Mexico City 2024

    Full-Day Teotihuacan & Basilica Guadalupe Tour. 296. from $36.60. Mexico City, Central Mexico. Private ATV tour in the archaeological zone of Teotihuacán. 2. from $118.00. Special Offer. Mexico City, Central Mexico.

  21. Teotihuacan Tour in the Afternoon

    Meeting point: Behind the Palacio de Bellas Artes, on Avenida Hidalgo 2, Centro Histórico, at 12:45 pm. Note: In the afternoon, the sun is quite strong, so please bring with you some solar protection, like an umbrella, a hat or cap, sunscreen, water, and comfortable shoes. Visit Teotihuacan, the "City of the Gods," in the afternoon and ...

  22. Turitour CDMX: Tour Teotihuacán Express

    1ra. Salida programada. * 08:00 h Salida desde el Zócalo de la CDMX con dirección al taller de artesanías en Teotihuacán. * 10:00 h Arribo al taller de artesanías para conocer proceso creativo de piezas y bebidas. * 11:00 h Acceso a la Zona Arqueológica de Teotihuacán con recorrido guiado. * 12:30 h Tiempo libre.