Ogólnopolska Sieć Biur Podróży

Ponad 50 biur podróży w Polsce

Zaufało nam 260.000 Klientów

Oferujemy wiedzę 70 doradców wakacyjnych

Odwiedziliśmy 14.000 hoteli na świecie

  • Hotele - nasza baza
  • Przed podróżą
  • Nasze biura
  • Certyfikaty
  • Travel Shops
  • Oferujemy wycieczki w cenie organizatora.
  • Sprawdzamy dostępność oferty w systemie on-line.
  • Z nami wybór jest prosty i bezpieczny.

Nasze atuty

Ogólnopolska sieć biur podróży.

Travel Shops jest Siecią biur utworzoną przez renomowane, wiodące na rynkach lokalnych biura podróży. Nasze biura podróży funkcjonują na rynku turystycznym wiele lat, co dało nam olbrzymie doświadczenie oraz znajomość potrzeb naszych Klientów.

Profesjonalny zespół kilkudziesięciu konsultantów

Konsultanci Travel Shops sprzedają produkty i usługi turystyczne tylko najlepszych organizatorów turystyki w Polsce. Każda oferta wyjazdu jest starannie wybrana i aktualizowana na bieżąco przez 24 h/dobę.

Gwarancja jakości oferowanych usług oraz bezpieczeństwo podróżowania

Oferując wycieczki zapewniamy naszym Klientom bezpieczeństwo i jakość wypoczynku. Każde ze współpracujących z nami Biur Podróży posiada niezbędne zezwolenie, licencje i ubezpieczenie.

Doświadczona grupa 70 wyspecjalizowanych doradców wakacyjnych

Doradca Travel Shops porównuje oferty i pomaga w wyborze najlepszej, uwzględniając także oceny i opinie naszych Klientów. Możemy tak czynić, bowiem w ciągu kilkunastu lat odwiedziliśmy każdy region świata, zwiedziliśmy dla Was ponad 14.000 hoteli.

Nasze biura podróży odwiedza w każdy sezon ponad milion osób

Swoje wakacje powierzyło nam do tej pory ponad 260.000 Klientów i większość z nich powraca do nas. Tajemnicą zaufania Klientów jest pełne zrozumienie ich preferencji i oczekiwań oraz wybór tylko sprawdzonej oferty.

Rezerwacja wycieczki w wygodny dla naszych klientów sposób

W dobie internetu i anonimowej obsługi, oprócz możliwości dokonania rezerwacji przez stronę internetową lub call center, możecie Państwo odwiedzić nas w naszych biurach i zamówić lub sfinalizować telefoniczną lub internetową rezerwację wycieczki, dokonać płatności lub odebrać dokumenty.

Serdecznie zapraszamy na nasz portal www.travelshops.pl oraz do naszych biur. Wszystkim życzymy słonecznych wakacji.

Anida Bogdanowska Prezes Zarządu

Skontaktuj się z Travel Shops

Dla tel. komórkowych 733 730 700 733 730 700

Dla tel. stacjonarnych 42 632 04 64

Obsługa klienta pon - pt: 9:00 - 21:00 sobota: 10:00 - 18:00 niedziela: 10:00 - 18:00

Ogólnopolska Sieć Biur Podróży Travel Shops to ponad 50 biur podróży na terenie całej Polski.

  • Płatności online

Warto wiedzieć: Wycieczki last minute to może być niezwykła, niezapomniana przygoda. Taka podróż jest w zasięgu naszych marzeń przez cały rok, wystarczy tylko przejrzeć ofertę wycieczki last minute i zarezerwować hotel (także z opcją all inclusive), w wybranym miejscu na Ziemi. Klientom, którzy mają ochotę wyjechać nagle na rodzinne wakacje lub z przyjaciółmi, polecamy właśnie wycieczki last minute. Ceny wczasów last minute są znacznie niższe, a oferta last minute krajów i regionów, do których można wykupić przelot samolotem lub dojazd własny, jest bardzo szeroka. Zapewniamy, że wycieczka last minute wykupiona nawet na dwa dni przed wyjazdem będzie równie satysfakcjonująca jak wakacje zaplanowane z kilkumiesięcznym wyprzedzeniem, a atrakcje, jakie proponujemy spontanicznym klientom, nie odbiegają od tych oferowanych wszystkim, którzy lubią planować zakup first minute. Wycieczki last minute to nie tylko propozycja wczasów dla singli. Wolne miejsca w hotelach znajdą się także dla rodziny z dziećmi, i tutaj szczególnie polecamy wycieczki last minute z opcją all inclusive.

Informacje i ceny opublikowane na stronach www.travelshops.pl nie stanowią oferty w rozumieniu przepisów kodeksu cywilnego. Copyright © 2010-2024 Travel Shops sp. z o.o. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.


Aktualne opinie z GOOGLE

Córki pojechały w 2020roku na jeden obóz, były zachwycone. W wakacje w 2021roku wybrały już 4 obozy i na każdym b awiły się super. Kadra najlepsza z najlepszych. Dzieci nie mają czasu na nudę, ani na tęsknotę za domem  Już nie możemy doczekać się kolejnych wakacji i wyjazdów z Travel Shopem :):):) Z całego serca polecam…

Po zdrawiamy całą Kadrę 

Magdalena Lasek

Kolonia jest super bardzo mi i mojej psiapsi się podobało pani Paulina jest najlepsza i inni wychowawcy tak samo

Zośka Huzar

Kolejny raz obóz w Niechorzu i kolejny raz słowa: „…mamo dlaczego tak krótko ja chcę za rok jeszcze raz jechać…” to  chyba najlepsza recenzja dla wakacji z Travel Shop Szczecin .

Agnieszka Maciejewska

Moje dzieciaki kolejny raz jadą z Travel shop Szczecin na kolonię. Super kadra. Klasyczne podejście do wypoczynku….bez zadecia w stylu zdobywamy mount everst albo uniwersytet na wakacjach. Bezpiecznie, prosto, z orientacją na integrację grupy i normalną kolonijną dyscypliną. Mój syn raz pojechał z inną firmą i powiedział że nigdy więcej. Co roku dzieciaki czekają na nowy katalog od Travel shop  dodatkowo duuuuzy plus za elastyczne podejście do zeszłorocznej kolonii na którą dzieci nie pojechały w związku z pandemia…zaliczka została przeksiędowana na ten rok w wartości 105 %. Jeżeli szukacie dla swoich pociech fajnego wypoczynku, bez elektroniki i w duchu kolonii czy obozów z dawnych lat to szczerze polecam…

Od pięciu lat jeżdżę na obozy travel shop, za każdym razem było wiele frajdy. Opiekunowie są mili, luźni, ale profesjonalni (na przykład pełen energii, charyzmatyczny i najlepszy opiekun Pan Adam). Na koloniach travel shop nie ma czasu na nudy, każda chwila jest zajęta ciekawymi atrakcjami, takimi jak wyjazd do Energylandii, wyprawy nad Morskie Oko lub spływ Dunajcem. Gorąco polecam zarówno młodym jak i starszym obozowiczom.

Cudowna atmosfera, dużo zabaw, gier i bardzo fajni opiekunowie, ogolnie polecam, i napewno jeszcze skorzystam

Martyna Dąbrowska

Polecam serdecznie. Czas tak zapełniony aktywnościami, że dzieci nie mają czasu się nudzić. Dobra opieka, córka bardzo zadowolona.

Magdalena Sulich

Mój wnuczek był na wspomnianym powyżej obozie i wrócił wręcz zachwycony. Opowiada do dziś jak bardzo interesujące były tam prowadzone zajęcia z kadrą obozu. Nawiązał kilka bardzo ciekawych znajomości i już teraz twierdzi że na przyszły rok chce jechać z tym biurem ponownie na jakiś kolejny obóz. Jeśli chodzi o kadrę i organizację obozu, to po moich dość dociekliwych pytaniach na ten temat, określił je jako bardzo dobre i dopasowane do oczekiwań dzieci. Dlatego z dużym zdziwieniem przeczytałem opinię jednego z uczestników ( czy aby na pewno ???? ) która tak jednoznacznie krytykuje biuro Travel Shop i organizację oraz kadrę. Być może ta osoba pomyliła obozy lub własne oczekiwania?? Ale to tylko tak na marginesie. W każdym razie nasz Mateusz wrócił super zadowolony.

Andrzej Kaszkowiak

Chciałam serdecznie podziękować za zorganizowanie wyjazdu i chciałam podzielić się naszymi wrażeniami. Wyjazd był bardzo dobrze przygotowany, wszyscy wrócili zadowoleni. Chciałam w szczególności podkreślić, że podziwialiśmy profesjonalizm pana Marka – pilota. Dbał o nas w sposób wyjątkowy. Wyróżnia się wysoką kulturą osobistą i obszerną wiedzą. Z pewnością w przyszłości będziemy korzystać z usług Państwa biura. Jeszcze raz dziękuję i pozdrawiam

p. Małgorzata Grześkowiak-Wasela, LO w Tranowie Podgórnym

Transparentność działania – oto, co najbardziej kojarzy mi się ze sposobem przygotowania wyjazdów przez Travel Shop. Ale lista zalet jest znacznie dłuższa: zawsze można liczyć na konstruktywną współpracę w przygotowaniu optymalnego programu imprezy – od gotowej propozycji do realizacji przedsięwzięć autorskich, od wyprawy krajoznawczej po szkołę przetrwania lub oferty atrakcyjnej dla maluchów. Wysoki poziom erudycji pilotów, piękna polszczyzna, świetny kontakt z młodzieżą, ucho wrażliwe na potrzeby uczestników, elastyczność działania i gotowość pomocy przez 24 godziny każdego dnia wyjazdu. Jeśli dodać do tego entuzjazm i pogodę ducha – czego jeszcze można wymagać jako gwarancji udanego wyjazdu ….?

Renata Kuśnierczak, SSP Dębinka w Poznaniu

Do tej pory z rozrzewnieniem i uśmiechem wspominamy wyjazd do Lwowa – czerwiec 2009. Współpraca z Travel Shop to sama przyjemność, przemiła i kulturalna obsługa, wszystko zapięte na przysłowiowy ostatni guzik. Wszelkie propozycje z naszej strony zostały uwzględnione, a opisany w ofercie program całkowicie zrealizowany. Owszem czekało na nas kilka niespodzianek, ale tylko miłych. Wieczór pełen tańca i humoru wspominany jako jedną z wielu atrakcji pobytu. Szczęśliwi i zadowoleni już planujemy kolejny wyjazd, tym razem do Sankt Petersburga. Oczywiście tylko z Travel Shop :).

Teresa Hewelt, Koło Bibliotekarzy Polskich

Biuro Travel Shop realizowało dla mojej klasy program dwujęzycznej zielonej szkoły. Przedstawiono nam innowacyjną  ofertę dostosowaną do naszych oczekiwań i możliwości. Zajęcia były bardzo urozmaicone, plan dnia dokładnie przemyślany, nie było czasu na nudę, a dzieciaki z wielkim zaangażowaniem uczestniczyły w różnorodnych zabawach, czy to sportowych, artystycznych, czy krajoznawczych, a wszystko to przeplatane było nauką języka angielskiego. Była to najlepsza zielona szkoła, w której brałam udział. Bardzo cenię sobie współpracę z biurem Travel Shop nie tylko za profesjonalnie przygotowane imprez i wycieczek, ale również indywidualne podejście do klienta i sprawne załatwienie wszelkich formalności. Mam nadzieję kontynuować współpracę już z nową klasą.

Cecylia Baran, Szkoła Podst. nr 59 w Szczecinie

„Na zespół Biura Podróży Travel Shop mogę liczyć nie tylko w kwestii niepowtarzalnych wyjazdów, ale także gdy może „zadziać się” coś dobrego a przydałoby się wsparcie. Dziewczyny są tymi, które pomogły kilkorgu dzieciom przeżyć wspaniałą kolonijną przygodę mimo przeciwności finansowych. Podczas bożonarodzeniowej aukcji Aniołów szczodrze wsparły nasze przedsięwzięcie. Kiedy przyszły do szkoły, oczywiście za uśmiech, porozmawiać z dziećmi o aktywnym spędzaniu czasu wolnego – oj, dużo się działo… Sądzę, że również w tym roku dla wyróżnionych w moim anielskim konkursie dzieciaczków będę miała dzięki Travel Shop super nagrody. Kochani, Travel Shop to nie tylko biuro podróży!”

Iza Dolinna, Szkoła Podst. nr 1 w Szczecinie

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Ogólnopolska Sieć Biur Podróży

260 tys. klientów od 1999 roku

Ponad 50 biur podróży w całej Polsce

Blisko 70 doradców wakacyjnych

  • Nasze biura
  • Hotele - nasza baza
  • Last minute
  • Wakacje na Raty
  • Wakacje w Polsce
  • Wycieczki objazdowe
  • Zwiedzanie i wypoczynek
  • Bon turystyczny
  • Wakacje na raty
  • Wycieczki fakultatywne
  • Przewodniki
  • Praktyczne porady
  • Relacje z podróży
  • Dojazd własny

Wyszukiwanie po destynacji

  • 3. Liczba osób
  • 4. Miejsce wylotu
  • 5. Wyżywienie

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Bez paszportu

  • Blisko i tanio
  • Lot do 5 godzin

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Miejsce wylotu:



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Rodzaje wyżywienia:

bez wyżywienia

bez wyżywienia


śniadanie i obiadokolacja

pełne wyżywienie

pełne wyżywienie

wszystko w cenie

wszystko w cenie

według programu

według programu

Przedsprzedaż Lato 2025

Polecane oferty

Zima z Itaką

Zima z Itaką

O! ZIMA 24/25 Rezerwuj do 30 września 2024 i zyskaj: -- komfort -- nielimitowane zmiany rezerwacji do 22 dni przed rozpoczęciem podróży (dot. imprez czarterowych i autokarowych) -- oszczędność -- teraz zapłacisz tylko 15% ceny, a resztę dopłacisz 22 dni przed rozpoczęciem podróży -- spokój -- rezygnacja do 22 dni przed podróżą, to obciążenie tylko do 15% ceny (dot. imprez czarterowych i autokarowych)

Zimowy urlop z Sun&Fun

Zimowy urlop z Sun&Fun

ZIMA Z SUN&FUN! Zaliczka - tylko 10%, dopłata do całości na 30 dni przed wylotem -- Multizmiana rezerwacji - do 30 dni przed wylotem - tylko 29 zł/os. -- Gwarancja niezmienności ceny - tylko 29 zł/os. -- 3% rabat dla Stałych Klientów -- PROMOCJA TRWA DO 30.09.2024

Zimowy Urlop z JoinUP!

Zimowy Urlop z JoinUP!

Follow the Sun z JOINUP! Promocja trwa do dnia 30.09.2024! Skorzystaj z atrakcyjnych okazji w ramach promocji Zima 2024/2025! Pakiet FLEXI bez opłaty. Gwarancja Niezmienności Ceny bez opłaty. Zaliczka tylko 10%! Dziecko do ukończenia 2. r.ż. płaci jedynie 99 zł!

Rainbow na Zimę 2024/2025

Rainbow na Zimę 2024/2025

Zimowy wypad? Śledź zimowe Hity Tygodnia i zyskaj: -- parking za 1 zł -- -- RABATY DO 1500 ZŁ -- !Uwaga! - co tydzień nowy kierunek staje się egzotycznym HITem! W tym tygodniu: *INDIE - GOA* rezerwuj do 17.09.2024 i zgarnij bonusy! Odkryj nowe lądy i wyrusz w egzotyczną wyprawę z Rainbow!

Wielkie Greckie Wakacje z Grecos

Wielkie Greckie Wakacje z Grecos

Wymarzone wakacje w Grecji? Rezerwuj już dziś i poleć na swój urlop w rytmie siga-siga! F!RST DEAL! Lato 2025 z Grecos z warunkami promocji do 17.09.2024! Zaliczka 15% -- UBEZPIECZENIE KOSZTÓW REZYGNACJI od 49 zł -- 3 BEZKOSZTOWE ZMIANY REZERWACJI GRATIS -- GWARANCJA NIEZMIENNEJ CENY 39 ZŁ/OS. -- POBYT 1 DZIECKA W HOTELU GRATIS -- RABAT 3% DLA STAŁYCH KLIENTÓW -- RABAT 3% DLA MINIGRUPY

Zimowe przygody z Exim Tours

Zimowe przygody z Exim Tours

Poznaj wszystkie korzyści promocji na zimowe wyjazdy z EXIM: zaliczka - tylko 15% -- gwarancja niezmienności ceny - 59 zł

Zima z Anex!

Zima z Anex!

WinterFest - Zima 2024/2025 - Zarezerwuj swoje wymarzone wakacje już dziś! ❄️☀️ RABATY AŻ DO 40% -- GWARANCJA NIEZMIENNOŚCI CENY 100 zł/os -- GWARANCJA BEZKOSZTOWEJ ZMIANY 100 zł/os -- i wiele więcej! Promocja trwa do 30.09.2024 r. lub do wyczerpania miejsc przeznaczonych do sprzedaży.

travel shops opinie

Wakacje na Raty

Minimum formalności, dogodna liczba rat i okres spłaty

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Alert cenowy

Ustaw alert cenowy i rezerwuj oferty najtaniej

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Porównywarka ofert

Porównaj oferty i wybierz najkorzystniejszą

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  • Gwarancja Najniższej Ceny

Wszystkie oferowane wycieczki w cenie organizatora

Twój styl podróżowania

Dla zwiedzających

Dla zwiedzających

Dla wymagających

Dla wymagających

Nocne życie

Nocne życie

Dla wielbicieli egzotyki

Dla wielbicieli egzotyki

Sporty zimowe

Sporty zimowe

Bez paszportu

Sporty wodne

Dla aktywnych

Dla aktywnych

Dla golfistów

Dla golfistów

Spa & Wellness

Spa & Wellness

pokaż więcej kategorii »

Nasze biura podróży

Odwiedź nas w jednym z miast w Polsce lub umów się z jednym z naszych mobilnych doradców.

znajdź biuro podróży

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Nie przegap okazji

  • All inclusive


Sharm Inn Amarein

Egipt > Sharm El Sheikh > Szarm el-Szejk

od 1458 zł / os.


Bułgaria > Słoneczny Brzeg > Słoneczny Brzeg

od 1475 zł / os.


Sharming Inn

od 1525 zł / os.


Diamond (sunny Beach)

od 1550 zł / os.


Maria Palace

od 1612 zł / os.

od 1659 zł / os.


Scylax Family Club (kargicak)

Turcja > Alanya > Mahmutlar

od 1683 zł / os.


White Valley Palace (ex. Emerald Beach & Resort)

Egipt > Hurghada > Hurghada

od 1838 zł / os.


Grand Cortez

Turcja > Alanya > Alanya

od 1867 zł / os.


First Class

od 1878 zł / os.


Club Anjeliq

od 1893 zł / os.


El Mouradi Mahdia

Tunezja > Mahdia > Mahdia

od 1899 zł / os.


Grand Millenium

Emiraty Arabskie > Dubaj > Dubaj

od 2173 zł / os.


Jumeira Rotana

od 2436 zł / os.


Millennium Place Barsha Heights

od 2570 zł / os.


Emiraty Arabskie > Sharjah > Szardża

od 2646 zł / os.


Al Khoory Courtyard


Park Rotana Abu Dhabi

Emiraty Arabskie > Abu Dhabi > Abu Zabi

od 2649 zł / os.


Medyny, Mozaiki I Meczety

Tunezja > Wyc. objazdowe > Wyc. objazdowe


Egipt - Potęga Południa Z Marsa Alam - Light

Egipt > Wyc. objazdowe > Wyc. objazdowe

od 2001 zł / os.


Poznaj Nieznane

Albania > Wyc. objazdowe > Wyc. objazdowe

od 2137 zł / os.


Turcja - Smak Orientu

Turcja > Wyc. objazdowe > Wyc. objazdowe

od 2171 zł / os.


Egipt - Hurghada Holiday Tour

od 2307 zł / os.


Orient Express

od 2339 zł / os.


Litwa > Wilno > Wilno

od 749 zł / os.


Węgry > Budapeszt > Budapeszt

od 829 zł / os.


Czechy > Praga > Praga

od 839 zł / os.


Austria > Wiedeń > Wiedeń

od 909 zł / os.

od 919 zł / os.

od 929 zł / os.


Baba (gumbet)

Turcja > Bodrum > Gumbet

od 2228 zł / os.


Hiszpania > Costa Blanca > Benidorm

od 2246 zł / os.


Poseidon Playas De Guardamar

Hiszpania > Costa Blanca > Guardamar del Segura

od 2287 zł / os.


La Estacion

od 2288 zł / os.

od 2322 zł / os.


Tropicana (monastir)

Tunezja > Monastir > Monastyr

od 2371 zł / os.

więcej ofert Last minute »

Wakacje last minute z biurem podróży Travel Shops

Marzy Ci się magiczna wycieczka do takich egzotycznych i ciepłych krajów, jak Egipt, Tunezja lub Turcja? A może chcesz poznać smak czasów antyku odwiedzając pełną starożytnej kultury Grecję? Biuro podróży w centrum Łodzi - Travel Shops - to wybór wakacji, które mogą stać się prawdziwą przygodą Twojego życia. Pozwól sobie na wczasy all inclusive lub first minute i ciesz się gorącym dotykiem słońca na plażach śródziemnomorskiej Chorwacji lub badaj tajemnice ukryte w Bułgarii.

Poznaj pełną paletę możliwości, którą oferuje nasze biuro podróży w centrum Łodzi. Jeśli cenisz sobie luksus i wygodę postaw na wczasy all inclusive. Z kolei dla tych, którzy stawiają przede wszystkim na ekonomiczne podejście do urlopu oferujemy wakacje first minute. Nie czekaj, już teraz zobacz bogatą ofertę wyjazdów i wylotów zarówno dla całych rodzin, grup, jak i pojedynczych osób. Niech ten wyjazd okaże się niezapomnianym przeżyciem dla każdego uczestnika wycieczki.

W ofercie biuro podróży w centrum Łodzi - Travel Shops – oferuje również wczasy first minute i all inclusive na... statku! Wybierz się w rejs i podziwiaj niesamowite, zapierające dech w piersiach widoki z poziomu morza lub ogromnego, wręcz bezkresnego oceanu. Postaw na wycieczki, które zapiszą się w Twoich wspomnieniach na bardzo długi czas. Działamy zgodnie z powiedzeniem - "co zobaczysz, to Twoje".

travel shops opinie

gratis otrzymasz katalog Travel Shops

Dla tel. komórkowych 733 730 700

Dla tel. stacjonarnych 42 632 04 64

poniedziałek - piątek: 9:00 - 20:00

sobota: 10:00 - 14:00

niedziela: nieczynne

Ogólnopolska Sieć Biur Podróży Travel Shops to ponad 40 biur podróży na terenie całej Polski.

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Odkrywaj świat z TUI. Wakacyjna oferta w ponad 90 krajach oraz setki wycieczek fakultatywnych, które dostarczą niezapomnianych wrażeń. Last Minute i First Minute. Oferta samolotowa oraz z dojazdem własnym. Najpopularniejsze kierunki w najlepszych cenach. Zaplanuj swój wyjazd już teraz.

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Travel Shops sp. z o.o.     ul. Andrzeja Struga 5     90-420 Łódź     Województwo łódzkie     tel. 733 730 700     [email protected]     NIP 611-263-54-74

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Copyright © 2010-2024 Travel Shops sp. z o.o. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

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Oferta TUI w Travel Shops

Odkrywaj świat z TUI. Wakacyjna oferta w ponad 90 krajach oraz setki wycieczek fakultatywnych, które dostarczą niezapomnianych wrażeń. Last Minute i First Minute. Oferta samolotowa oraz z dojazdem własnym. Najpopularniejsze kierunki w najlepszych cenach. Zaplanuj swój wyjazd już teraz.

Zapytaj o ofertę TUI już dziś! Zapraszamy do kontaktu.

  • 15% zaliczki
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  • koszty rezygnacji – tylko 250 zł/os.
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Oferta ważna tylko do 30.04.2020 r. i obejmuje wyjazdy w terminie 01.05 - 31.10.2020 r.

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Editoral Review of Travelshop Turkey

Headquartered in Istanbul but with offices in Brooklyn, New York, decade-old Travelshop Turkey is a major online purveyor of tours, lodgings and cruises in Turkey as well as Greece, Egypt and other international destinations. 

What Makes Them Stand Out?  

They offer a wide variety of Turkey tours, from specialty tours to luxury tours of the entire country to cruises along the Turkish coast and tours that combine Turkey with neighboring countries. 

Who Travels With Them?

The general public – you can find a wide variety of tours on their website or design your own itinerary with their consultation.

Where Do They Operate?

Turkey, Egypt, Greece and beyond, primarily Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Black Sea region. 

How Does It Work?

Travelshop Turkey is an online agency. You can email, phone, or fax them for bookings or to ask any questions you may have. They promise prompt, friendly service, so you aren’t just dealing with an impersonal entity, and they encourage customer feedback. 

Why Travel With Them? 

They offer a wide variety of travel options to Turkey, from renting a villa to taking a cooking or religious tour of the country (the latter may be Christian, Jewish or Islamic), as well as more general interest tours. They emphasize their commitment to environmentally sensitive, authentic and ethical travel practices.

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About the company.

TravelShop Turkey wishes you a warm welcome. We are the main tour operators, Travel Agency, member of TURSAB Turkish Travel Agents Association, ASTA American Society of Travel Agents member, ETOA European Tour Operators Association, ATTA Adventure Travel Association and WRTA World Religious Travel Association member located in Turkey.

Our Licence number is 5291, registered under TravelShop Turkey & Murti's Tour alliance group. We are also proud members of the world's oldest and largest international ecotourism association The International EcoTourism Society. TIES seeks to be the global source of knowledge and advocacy uniting communities, conservation, and sustainable travel.

We offer over 800 different tours, 2000 Hotels, 500 Villas and 200 Yacht Cruises to different destinations in Turkey, Egypt and Greece.

Our tours and itineraries are prepared in accordance with the views and critics of more than 6000 tourists. We have taken into account and considered every single email, fax and feedback form to refine existing tours and developed new tours to meet your expectations.

When you book your tour with us you have our guarantee that no promise will be broken every aspect has been taken into account for your enjoyment, and all the hard work is done on your behalf. Please consider TravelShop Turkey.

We are friendly and at your disposal. We are also here to listen to your ideas, to help improve our quality of service and create future tours. We encourage criticism and feedback. To make your dreams come true in Turkey, choose Travel Shop Turkey it's our life!

What we can do:

With our online site, booking information and consultant services we are able to handle your requests on a global scale either via email, fax or phone. We are always available and encourage any questions.

We are dedicated to providing the very best in quality service. Our team is a wonderful group of travel professionals all with their own specialized areas. You can be sure at least one of us has the knowledge that you need. Our tours have been tailor made with this knowledge and our quality of service is next too none.

Throughout Turkey we offer tours, hotel bookings and transportation within Turkey and to neighbouring Islands. We are committed to finding the very best value for money with out losing quality of service and product while enhancing your experience and time in Turkey bringing you the very best that Turkey has to offer.

Environmentally Responsible Travel:

TravelShop Turkey insists on ethical and eco-friendly business practices, providing ethically and ecologically sound holiday packages and authentic local accommodation all over Turkey. It is our policy to benefit the local economy, promote and support ethical labour practices and work in line with conservation and sustainable environmental policies. TravelShop Turkey offers beautiful holidays full of character and charm, at great value for money and with the reassurance of grass-roots responsible tourism.

Our Future:

Travel Shop Turkey 's aim is to become the leading tour company within Turkey, utilising and enhancing technology, information, and resources from around the globe and within Turkey. Our online project aims to be the most innovative and informative reference guide for anyone interested in Turkey and what it has to offer for the traveller.

Most importantly we want to offer the best and the most efficient travel tours throughout Turkey, whilst maintaining quality of service, quality of life and value for money.


In addition, Travel Shop Turkey offers many unique products, such as Hop on Hop off packages all around Turkey all the year around. By taking the Hop on Hop off service you will enjoy a flexible trip, leaving the bus in any of our destinations and just taking the next bus available.

Travelshop Turkey Trips & Specials

10 Days Turkish Delight Tour

10 Days Turkish Delight Tour

12 Days Luxury Merhaba Turkey Tour

12 Days Luxury Merhaba Turkey Tour

10 Days Luxury Gold Anzac Day Tour

10 Days Luxury Gold Anzac Day Tour

7 Days Women Art Tour Istanbul And Cappadocia

7 Days Women Art Tour Istanbul And Cappadocia

8 Days Yacht Charter Antalya - Kekova - Antalya

8 Days Yacht Charter Antalya - Kekova - Antalya

No Specials at this time. Please check back later!

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The Best Travel Steamers To Keep Clothing Wrinkle-Free On The Go

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The best travel steamers refresh your clothing and make your outfits look more presentable—especially after hours of being rolled up or folded in your suitcase. We scoured the market for the highest-rated travel steamers and assessed their performance, ease of use, portability and value. We determined that the Electrolux Portable Garment Steamer is the best travel steamer overall due to its impressive tank capacity and powerful steam that cuts through stubborn wrinkles and creases.

The best travel steamers are lightweight and portable, effectively removing wrinkles from your ... [+] clothing.

While travel steamers and irons both remove wrinkles from clothing, steamers are a better choice for delicate or thin fabrics such as silk, satin, cashmere and velvet. A travel steamer should be lightweight, portable and remove wrinkles without scorching the fabric. From a steamer-iron hybrid to a versatile option that can safely be used on a large variety of fabrics, we’ve rounded up more of the best travel steamers of 2024 below.

  • Best Travel Steamer Overall: Electrolux Portable Garment Steamer
  • Best Budget Travel Steamer: OGHom Steamer
  • Best Travel Steam Iron: Nori The Nori Press
  • Best Travel Steamer And Iron: Steamery Cirrus 3 Steamer
  • Most Versatile Travel Steamer: Conair Turbo ExtremeSteam Garment Steamer
  • Best Lightweight Travel Steamer: Nesugar Steamer

Best Travel Steamer Overall

Powerful, compact and simple to use, electrolux portable garment steamer.

I am a commerce editor for Forbes Vetted covering beauty, fashion, travel and home. Prior to joining Forbes, I held positions at BuzzFeed and Dotdash Meredith where I was responsible for curating lifestyle content and testing products for real-world insights. My work has appeared in Women’s Health, Men’s Health, BuzzFeed, Brit + Co, Everyday Health and more. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in English/Creative Writing from Marist College and currently reside in Brooklyn, New York.

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Dimensions:  6 x 5 x 10 inches | Weight: 2 pounds |  Tank   capacity: 10 ounces |  Cord length: 12 feet

  • Heats up quickly
  • Suitable for a variety of fabrics
  • Automatic shut-off feature
  • Heavier than other options on our list

If you’re looking for a powerful, compact and versatile steamer, the Electrolux Portable Garment Steamer is an excellent choice. It weighs 2 pounds and measures 6 x 5 x 10 inches, so it’s easy to throw in a bag or suitcase when you’re on the go. The 10-ounce water tank is detachable for easy filling, and users can expect about 18 minutes of continuous use. What’s more, you can steam garments hanging vertically  or horizontally without worrying about spills. Although it’s a bit heavier than other options on our list, reviewers give it high marks for its ability to remove wrinkles and precise controls.

Best Budget Travel Steamer

Lightweight and affordable, oghom steamer.

Dimensions:  Not listed   | Weight: 1.3 pounds |  Tank   capacity: 8 ounces |  Cord length: 9 feet

  • Lightweight
  • Safe on all fabrics
  • Doesn’t come with many attachments 
  • Can only be used vertically 

For those who don’t want to spend more than $50, the OGHom Steamer offers great value without sacrificing functionality. Along with being compact and lightweight, it provides noteworthy performance comparable to other steamers twice its price. It heats up quickly, is safe on all fabrics and the powerful steam makes quick work of wrinkled garments. I’ve owned this steamer for several years and reach for it on long-haul trips and weekend getaways. It does a great job of removing wrinkles, and its petite size doesn’t take up too much room in a backpack or duffle bag. However, users should be wary of using this steamer at an angle, as the manufacturer recommends only using it vertically (using it horizontally will cause leaking).

Best Travel Steam Iron

Sleek and well-designed, nori the nori press.

Dimensions:  14 x 3.2 x 4.7 inches   | Weight: 1.4 pounds |  Tank   capacity: 0.9 ounces |  Cord length: 8 feet

  • Sleek, modern design
  • Six fabric settings
  • Dual voltage (120/220V-60Hz)
  • Cord length is shorter than most options on our list
  • Its dimensions make it better suited for checked bags

If you prefer the sharp finish of an iron, The Nori Press simulates the experience (and results) of a traditional iron—but in a much smaller package that doesn’t require an ironing board. Its design resembles a hair straightener, with two aluminum plates attached to elongated arms so you can reach across wide garments. There are six fabric-specific settings and a tiny LED screen for selecting your desired setting. Although it doesn’t weigh much, its shape can feel bulky, and the size (14 inches long) is better suited for checked bags. 

Best Travel Steamer And Iron

Two options in one, steamery cirrus 3 steamer.

Dimensions: 9.7 x 5.2 x 3.2   inches   | Weight: 1.9 pounds |  Tank   capacity: 3 ounces |  Cord length: 7.5 feet

  • Attractive design
  • Auto shutoff feature
  • Comes with a wearable ironing tool
  • Smaller tank capacity

Although irons and steamers have the same function, they remove wrinkles in slightly different ways, and each has its own benefits. Irons provide crisp edges and can better navigate tight areas like shirt collars, while steamers are better on delicate or thin fabrics like silk and satin. With the Steamery Cirrus 3, you can enjoy the best of both in one compact device. It heats up in under 30 seconds, automatically shuts off after 30 minutes of inactivity and has a heated ironing plate that gives garments more of a pressed look. It also comes with a wearable ironing tool, allowing you to safely steam hems or collars.

Most Versatile Travel Steamer

Tackles a wide variety of fabrics, conair turbo extremesteam garment steamer.

Dimensions:  8 x 5.6 x 13.6   inches | Weight: 2.3 pounds |  Tank   capacity: 7.3 ounces |  Cord length: Not listed

  • Great for thicker fabrics
  • Can be used horizontally or vertically
  • The heaviest option on our list

The Conair Turbo ExtremeSteam is worth considering if you need a tool to effortlessly remove wrinkles and creases from thicker fabrics like denim. It features a larger steam area and higher wattage that makes it easy to cover more ground with one pass. Five different settings cater to different fabrics, and the tank provides roughly 20 minutes of continuous steaming. It can also be used vertically or horizontally, allowing greater flexibility when steaming.

Best Lightweight Travel Steamer

Ultra lightweight and easy to pack, nesugar steamer.

Dimensions:  3.1 x 1.7 x 8.9 inches | Weight: 0.8 pounds |  Tank   capacity: 2.4 ounces |  Cord length: 6 feet

  • Adjustable head
  • Extremely lightweight
  • Includes a wall mount 
  • Only one setting
  • Small tank capacity

If you have limited space in your bag or carry-on or are worried about baggage weight restrictions, the Nesugar Steamer is a lightweight option that heats up quickly and delivers impressive results. Even though this weighs less than a pound, it produces a good amount of steam and doesn’t leak. It heats up in 15 seconds and can be used at an angle without leaking or sputtering. It also comes with a wall mount bracket and adhesive, so it can be stored easily and accessible the next time you need it. Keep in mind that this steamer has a smaller tank capacity, so if you have to steam multiple items (or one very wrinkly article of clothing), you might have to refill the tank more than once.

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The Forbes Vetted team consists of avid travelers who are passionate about sharing their luggage shopping tips with readers. We’ve published dozens of in-depth roundups on travel products , including the best travel totes , best packing cubes and more.

  • This article was overseen by senior travel editor and globetrotter Astrid Taran , who has used travel steamers on countless trips to more than 35 countries.
  • Katherine Louie , the author of this piece, is a lifestyle editor with extensive experience covering travel and lifestyle topics. She owns the OGHom Steamer and always brings it with her when traveling to ensure her clothing is wrinkle-free.
  • This story is regularly checked to ensure that all prices and information are as current as possible.

How We Chose The Best Travel Steamers

To find the best travel steamers, we researched dozens of best-selling options, compared features and asked our team of experienced staffers for insights.

  • We relied on expert advice, independent reviews, research and personal experience to make our recommendations. Louie personally used one of the steamers on this list and spent more than seven hours researching the best options on the market before making her final selections.
  • We analyzed several important features, including dimensions, weight, tank capacity and included attachments to help readers pinpoint the best option for their needs.
  • The final products on this list reflect in-depth research conducted by our writer and meticulous vetting by the editorial team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does tsa allow steamers.

You can bring a travel steamer in your carry-on luggage and checked bags, but the liquid must be removed from the water tank. If you’re worried about baggage weight restrictions, the  Nesugar Steamer , which weighs less than one pound, is a great option.

Is A Travel Iron Or Travel Steamer Better?

Both travel irons and steamers are excellent for travel because they quickly and effectively refresh garments. Keep in mind that irons and steamers are better suited for different fabrics. If you own delicate fabrics such as silk, satin or cashmere, a travel steamer (like our top pick, the  Electrolux Portable Garment Steamer ) might be a better choice. Steamers don’t come into direct contact with the fabric like irons, and the water vapor released is usually at a lower temperature that won’t burn or scorch thin textiles.

Is A Portable Steamer Worth It?

A portable steamer is a great investment because it’s capable of quickly removing wrinkles and creases from garments, curtains, bed skirts and other household items. If you’re traveling for business or a special occasion, such as a wedding or graduation, it can be helpful to bring a steamer so your clothing looks presentable. Even when you’re not traveling, portable steamers are useful tools that can tackle a variety of everyday tasks, from refreshing curtains to removing labels from glass jars or windows.

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The 8 Best Travel Clothing Brands, Tested and Reviewed

From swimwear to loungewear, we’ve got you covered from your hometown to your final destination.

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Travel + Leisure / Jackie Cucco

A travel wardrobe is different from a regular wardrobe. How so? It should include comfy, breathable pieces made of stretchy, flexible fabrics while also being versatile, layerable, and suitable for different activities, climates, and occasions.

Finding items that check all the boxes can be challenging. To make it easy, we’ve rounded up the best travel clothing brands that carry casual, professional, weather-friendly, and active pieces alike.

The Travel + Leisure team not only trusts these featured brands but has also personally tried many of their best-selling, highly rated clothes, outerwear, and shoes firsthand. We used our extensive apparel testing process — and frequent trips — to come up with the best places to shop online for all types of travelers.

Best Athleisure: Alo

The brand's active-meets-casual pieces are just the thing for travel days and sporty weekend looks.

You'll mostly find athletic and loungewear clothing, but there are some good trousers and knitwear items, too.

Alo is technically a yoga apparel brand, but we can't get enough of its excellent athleisure while at home and on the go, too. Whether we're planning a workout or power walking through a new city on vacation, we reach for the brand's tanks, joggers, and active dresses time and time again.

We especially love Alo's 7/8 High-waist Airlift Legging on account of its extra-wide waistband and soft fabric that lifts and sculpts your curves. When going for a more laid-back look, we'd rock the slouchy Accolade Sweatpant with a pair of sneakers. The brand has also expanded its offerings to include things like work-ready trousers , knit sweaters , sleek bodysuits , and day-to-night dresses for times when loungewear simply won't do.

And, when temperatures drop, we can't help but reach for the Foxy Sherpa Jacket which is "extremely comfortable, warm, and cozy," according to testing editor Jackie Cucco. "This is a high-quality jacket that has held up well after five months of use, making it worth the price," she adds.

Travel + Leisure / Jackie Cucco

Best for Capsule Wardrobes: Everlane

Its impressive collection of classy, neutral, travel-ready clothes are easy to mix and match.

The brand has some colder-weather pieces available, but likely won't be your best bet for temperature extremes.

Everlane carries a mostly seasonless collection of travel-ready apparel, including everyday crewnecks , elegant tops , and on-trend jeans . The minimalist designs are great whether you're packing light or dipping your toe into the capsule wardrobe concept, as it's easy to mix and match the mostly neutral palette.

The Dream Pant is a go-to pick and has gotten us through a 12-hour day while away and a full day at the office without wrinkling, making it an ideal pair to wear just about anywhere. Another favorite is The Easy Pant , which proved to be incredibly comfy even after one of us was caught in a 4-hour flight delay and left snuggling on airport seats at 12 a.m.

We also love the versatility of many of the brand's basics, especially when it comes to layering. One standout is The ReNew Long Liner which has made several coast-to-coast trips and compresses seamlessly. "Although the jacket is quite long, I was floored at how easy it was to pack it down into a packing cube or small corner of my carry-on bag," associate editor Anna Popp says.

Travel + Leisure / Anna Popp

Best Value: Quince

Quince works directly with factories to offer lower prices on luxury items without any middlemen.

The many cashmere and silk items are machine washable, but the brand still recommends hand washing.

Quince is a relatively new clothing brand but has gained a loyal following since its 2020 launch. When you browse the site, you'll find pieces made from premium materials, like supersoft cashmere , natural silk , and sustainable linen with prices that may surprise you. There's even a chart on each product page that breaks down exactly how the brand keeps costs so low. Despite the price, these high-quality, multi-season garments are meant to last. In fact, Quince also has an almost unheard-of 365-day return window to back things up.

It's hard to beat the $50 Mongolian Cashmere Crewneck Sweater , which is the perfect weight to wear on a chilly summer night and to layer as temperatures drop. We're also big fans of the Washable Stretch Silk Blouse because it's not only machine washable, but it can also easily serve as a multipurpose nice top when packing light for a weekend away.

When it comes to one must-pack item for all summer trips, our hands-down favorite is the comfortable and versatile 100% European Linen Smocked Midi Dress (which several members of our team own). "I've worn it in every situation from plane rides to exploring new cities, as a beach cover-up, and as work attire," editor Taylor Fox shares. "It matches with just about everything and I love that I can dress it up with a pair of wedges or go for a more casual look with a cute pair of sneakers."

Travel + Leisure / Tiffany Salter

Best Size-inclusive: Girlfriend Collective

Many styles run from XXS to 6XL, plus they're made of stretchy, flexible fabrics that won't wrinkle in your suitcase.

The brand suggests using a wash bag or microfiber filter when washing and hanging items to dry.

Girlfriend Collective has one of the most inclusive size ranges out there — many of its styles come in 11 sizes, running from XXS to 6XL. The brand carries fitness apparel from sports bras to tennis dresses along with a wide range of relaxed joggers and full-length windbreakers – all stretchy, breathable, wrinkle-resistant, and packable. Most items are made of fabrics sourced from recycled plastic bottles, and you can even recycle the pieces you're done wearing through the ReGirlfriend program.

The brand's Compressive Pocket Legging is a stellar choice for travel. We like how the soft yet sturdy fabric holds you in without restricting movement, and the deep side pockets are big enough for a phone or passport. We also approve of the brand's many bodysuits , such as the Marlow High Neck Bodysuit (with an option of a brief or thong bottom) as this shirt style can match nearly any vacation wardrobe.

Travel + Leisure / Stormy Miller

Most Versatile: Spanx

Spanx offers thoughtfully designed clothing items you can wear while traveling, to work, and on weekends, with many styles offered in regular, short, and tall lengths.

Many items come in limited colors, but the selection is getting broader.

Spanx is almost synonymous with shapewear. The brand carries a comprehensive selection of undergarments that hold you in, smooth certain areas, and enhance your curves — think high-rise underwear, compressive shorts, sleek camis. However, they bring that classic design to clothes you can — and want to — wear on the outside, too. We love that there's core-smoothing in their workout clothes (like the Booty Boost Active Leggings ) and going-out pieces including the Suit Yourself Boat Neck Ribbed Bodysuit which we love as a sleek long-sleeve shirt you can style many ways.

Beyond the fitted items, the brand's made-for-travel AirEssentials Collection will remain the first answer many of us give when asked what's the best material to wear on a long flight . It can be found in a range of styles from sleep-ready half-zip sweatshirts to full-length jumpsuits that we've even worn out with heels.

And, while it may not be the first brand you think of when it comes to work attire, we're here to tell you otherwise as The Perfect Pant is simply perfect at looking like pants but feeling like pajamas. "After a full day at the office, they were so comfortable, I didn't immediately want to change out of them when I returned home either," associate editorial director Morgan Ashley Parker shares.

Travel + Leisure / Morgan Ashley Parker

Best for Hiking: Patagonia

This outdoor apparel brand has all types of hiking clothes, from pocketed pants and shorts to layering pieces and weather-ready, stuffable outerwear.

Patagonia doesn't make hiking shoes or boots.

If you're planning a hiking trip, Patagonia likely has almost all the apparel you need. We're talking sweat-wicking layering pieces , pocketed rain pants and shorts, packable puffer coats , and quick-dry socks .

Of course, we'd not be able to discuss this brand without mentioning the always-trending Baggies shorts which come in a variety of colors with inseams ranging from 2.5 inches up to seven inches long .

We've also tested the Women's Chambeau Rock Pants and love the elastic waistband, adjustable cuffs, ample pockets, silky-soft fabric, and true-to-size fit. The material is also breathable and stretchy, preventing you from overheating while offering a full range of movement on the trail. These pants did a great job repelling water, too, so you can definitely wear them on a drizzly day at your destination.

  • PHOTO: Travel + Leisure / Lisa Pezzuto

Best Outerwear: Columbia

Columbia makes a myriad of weather-ready pieces, like vests, pullovers, stuffable puffers, rain jackets, and windbreakers.

The outerwear options are more for outdoor activities than professional or formal occasions.

Columbia has been making outdoor apparel and accessories for nearly a century. When you shop the collections, you'll find everything from sun-protective clothing to camping gear . However, the brand really stands out for its outerwear offerings, which include fleece pullovers , insulated vests , down jackets , and ski pants . Some options like the Heavenly Hooded Jacket feature Omni-Heat technology, a foil-like lining that essentially reflects your body heat back onto itself to keep you toasty when the temperatures drop while others are three jackets in one with a liner and a shell that can each be worn separately or paired together on trips where temperatures may vary drastically.

We've tested out much of their outerwear and clothing over the years — and Columbia also remains one of our favorite hiking boot brands — but our favorite item would have to be the Carson Pass Interchange Jacket . We were thoroughly impressed with its warmth and how easy it was to layer over various shirts, including bulkier sweatshirts. What's more, it has fleece-lined pockets, sleeves with thumbholes, and a hood that actually stays in place when you put it on.

Travel + Leisure / Maria Rowella

Best Swimwear: Andie

The brand has bikinis and one-pieces in a range of fits and coverage options, including long-torso styles and various bottom cuts.

Some styles may not fit or be supportive enough on larger chests, and only one bikini style goes up to DD.

Andie is a prime place to shop for swimsuits. The brand is known for its well-made one-pieces with flattering cuts and comfortable designs that don't require constant adjusting — including options for long torsos and plus-size bodies . You'll also find bikinis, cover-ups, and various other travel accessories like towels for women, like hats, sunglasses, and beach bags.

We love that you can opt for a plunging one piece or one with a higher neckline , and choose from a range of bikini types, including The Bermuda Bikini Top offered in a range of colors and fabrics up to size DD. You'll also find other beach accessories like colorful sarongs , gauzy minidresses , and palazzo pants .

Of all the styles we've tried, the The Amalfi One Piece tops our list as our favorite one-piece swimsuit . We fell in love with the thick, durable ribbed fabric. It's exceptionally comfy, even when soaking wet, and dries quickly, so you're never soaking wet for long. Though the thin straps may not be supportive enough for those with large chests, we appreciate that you can choose from three coverage options on the bottom: medium, cheeky, or full.

Travel + Leisure / Frances Crouter

Our in-depth testing process for clothing involves carefully inspecting the garments, assessing the materials, trying them on to evaluate the fit, and wearing them for various activities for multiple hours at a time. We rate apparel based on factors such as fit, comfort, breathability, moisture resistance, stretch, durability, care requirements, and overall value. The results for this article were compiled from multiple team members who used each brand's products in real-life settings, often for ongoing, months-long periods.

Tips for Buying Travel Clothing

Choose versatile items.

When buying travel clothes, look for versatile pieces you can dress up or down, mix and match with different outfits, and wear on numerous occasions. Like a capsule wardrobe , this will allow you to pack fewer items and re-wear certain garments. The best apparel for travel is also suitable for multiple seasons, meaning you can layer pieces under or over it for cooler or warmer weather.

Look for travel-friendly features

We recommend prioritizing odor-resistant, breathable, and wrinkle-resistant materials, such as wool, cashmere, lyocell, performance fabrics, and cotton blends containing a stretchy fiber, like spandex or elastane. Some fabrics have built-in sun protection listed as UPF (ultraviolet protection factor).

You'll also be glad to have clothing with pockets. These will come in handy on travel days when you need to quickly stash your phone, boarding pass, ID, or cards. Strategically placed pockets can also allow you to forgo a purse or backpack (or at least bring a smaller one) on some outings.

The best material for travel clothing is stretchy, breathable, and moisture-wicking, meaning it'll draw sweat away from your body to prevent you from overheating. It should also be wrinkle-resistant, so you can pack it in your suitcase without worrying about creases. Fabrics that check all the boxes include wool, cashmere, lyocell, some cotton blends, and performance fabrics.

While you have lots of options for what to wear on a plane, it’s most important to be comfortable and able to move freely, with layers you can take off or throw on if you get hot or cold. Sweats or joggers are a great choice, as is athleisure or a matching loungewear set . Some people prefer flying in a loose maxi dress whereas others like stretchy jeans or trousers with a simple tee or long-sleeve top. No matter what you wear, we'd recommend bringing a warmer layer like a crewneck sweater, half-zip sweatshirt, or button-down flannel since the cabin can get chilly.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Theresa Holland is a freelance commerce writer, editor, and product reviewer specializing in travel, apparel, accessories, footwear, and consumer goods. She has worn multiple pieces from every brand on this list and is personally familiar with the fabrics, quality, comfort features, and wearability. This list features brands handpicked by Travel + Leisure editors and writers with shared insights on the pieces they've tested, worn, and reworn on trips around the world.

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A History of Moscow in 13 Dishes

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  • Shopping In Moscow: 14 Top Places That Will Make You Believe The City Is As Classy & Chic As Milan!

The cities in Russia may not be as popular as the fashion capitals Milan and Paris, but if you go for shopping in Moscow , your opinion will change, pockets will feel lighter, and heart happier than ever. Home to both high-end brands and stylish street styles, Moscow offers just the ideal shopping therapy you might need. Though what makes shopping there a one-of-its-kind experience is the fact that the city has something for every type of a shopaholic, and never disappoints.

From chic to classy, it has got it all and we can vouch that after shopping at these 14 best places in the city, even you would agree that Moscow is as good as Milan or Paris.

14 Best Places For Shopping In Moscow

Here’s a list of 14 places for shopping in Moscow city which you must include in your bucket list. Take a look and note them down for your next Holiday to Moscow!


Image Source

Located in the Red Square’s eastern side, the GUM is the most famous department stores and shopping malls in Moscow. Due to its 19th century architectural style, it looks like a royal palace and indeed offers an experience that’s no less than royalty-like. With brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino, Saint Laurent, Jimmy Choo, Emilio Pucci, and more, you’d surely end up having the most classic shopping experience in Russia.

Timings: 10 AM to 10 PM on all the days Location: Red Square, 3, Moskva, Russia What To Buy : Apparels

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2. Arbat Street

Arbat Street

Situated in the historical centre of the city, this is the best Moscow shopping street . From classy souvenirs to innumerable elegant stores, you’d end up finding a lot that you didn’t even want to buy in the first place. But, we can vouch that there wouldn’t be any regrets since the Arbat Street is the oldest and most popular place for cheap shopping in Moscow .

Timings: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Location: Arbat Ulitsa | Arbatskaya Metro, Moscow, Russia What To Buy : Antique items and souvenirs

Tsum departmental store

For shopping in Russia, Moscow is indeed the best place to be and TsUM proves that well. Situated on Petrovka Street, this high-end mall can be reached on foot from most of the popular tourist attractions like Red Square and the History Museum. It is home to around 1,000 brands of clothing, footwear, accessories, and cosmetics. So, if you’re on a shopping spree and wish to give your wardrobe a makeover, this is the place where you need to stop by.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM from Monday to Friday, and 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM on every Sunday Location: Petrovka Ulitsa, 2, Moskva, Russia What To Buy : Apparels, accessories and cosmetics

4. Izmailovo Market

Izmailovo Market

Located near the Partizanskaya metro station, this craft, flea, art & antiquity market is undoubtedly the best place to buy Moscow souvenirs and Russian handicrafts. Classic paintings, icons, handmade items, books, fashion wear, bags, and furniture are some of the things that you can buy here. Also, if you wish to shop more and spend less, visit here between 10 to 3.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM from Monday to Friday, and 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday Location: 2, Moskva, Russia What To Buy : Handicrafts and paintings

5. Kuznetsky Most

Kuznetsky Most

Famous for its boutiques and bookstores, Kuznetsky Most is indeed a famous shopping street in the city. From German fashion to French styles, you can find the best of everything chic here. Trendy accessories, top-notch fragrances, and elegant apparel are some of the things to look forward to if you’re visiting this popular place.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM on all the days Location: Ulitsa Kuznetskiy Most, Moskva, Russia What To Buy : Fragrances and apparels

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6. Aviapark


Located in the northern part of the city in the Sokol district, Aviapark Mall is one of the newly opened shops in Moscow . It has gained popularity for being the biggest mall in Europe till now and we bet you won’t be disappointed once you’re here. With innumerable high-end brands under one roof, top-notch restaurants, and cinemas, it makes for the perfect place to pamper or treat yourself.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM on all the days Location: Khodynskiy Bul’var, 4, Moskva, Russia What To Buy : Shoes, clothes, bags

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7. Okhotny Ryad

Okhotny Ryad Mall

Okhotny Ryad is yet another popular shopping mall in Moscow , but the largest. It has innumerable brands where you would easily find everything you’d be looking for. You can go around and shop everything that you desire until you find yourself in the need for a relaxing break. And when you do, just visit this mall’s food court which will pamper the foodie in you equally.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM on all the days Location: Manege Square, 1, Moscow What To Buy : Bags, shoes, clothes

8. Flacon Design Factory

Flacon Design Factory

Once known as a perfume factory, Falcon is now an amazing place that houses high-end clothing stores, trendy local shops, classic restaurants, entertaining fairs, and more. With so much to do and see, ‘what to do in Moscow’ would never be your concern if you are spending a day at Falcon. This place is not only a great place to shop, but indeed an impeccable spot to catch a glimpse of the Russian culture & lifestyle.

Timings: Open for 24 hours Location: Bol’shaya Novodmitrovskaya Ulitsa, 36, Moskva, Russia What To Buy : Gift items

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9. Gorbushka Market

Gorbushka Market

Home to a countless number of stores and stalls selling all kinds of electronics, Gorbushka in Moscow is the place to visit if you’re looking for anything like gadgets, home appliances, or cheap DVDs. While there is no significant difference in the prices, the variety is endless. Also, the CDs or DVDs sold here are mostly pirated, so be careful about buying them or carrying them out of the country as it is illegal.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM on all the days Location: Ulitsa Barklaya, 8, Moskva, Russia What To Buy : Electrical appliances and gadgets

10. Tverskaya


Tverskaya is amongst the most famous Moscow shopping streets where you can find everything from a gem on the street to a jewel in a store. This radial road is a mecca for Shopaholics and there is no reason why you should not visit this place. With hundreds of luxury stores and mid-range shops, you’d surely end up with a lot of bags in your hand and gleam in your eyes.

Timings: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM on all the days Location: Tverskaya ulitsa, Moscow, Russia What To Buy : Jewelry

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11. Artplay Design And Architecture Centre

ArtPlay Design

Earlier, this center was a factory which is now converted into an art and culture center. It comprises a diverse range of shops, bars, galleries, cafes, music clubs, a cinema, and book shops among others. If you are deciding to explore Moscow then you must visit this center as it houses several decor items and gift items.

Timings : 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM Location : Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya St., 10, Moscow 105120, Russia What To Buy : Gift items, home decor items and local art

12. Vintage Voyage

Vintage Voyage

Located at the heart of the town, Vintage Voyage offers some of the most charming clothes. The pieces are not produced in bulk, instead, you will find handmade masterpieces ranging from traditional to contemporary. Due to its high-quality clothes and brand recognition among people, Vintage Voyage is one of the top places for clothes shopping in Russia.

Timings : 12:00 AM to 9:30 PM Location : Kuznetskiy Most st., 9/10, Moscow, Russia What To Buy : Clothes

Suggested Read: Villas In Moscow: 7 Places That Offer Unparalleled Luxury In The Heart Of Russia

13. Central Children’s Store

Central Children's Store

If you are visiting Moscow with your family, then the Central Children’s Store is the place to do all the shopping for your kids. It is not famous for shopping but also as an educational arena and entertainment for children. It was inaugurated in 1957 and has been recently renovated.

Timings : 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM Location : Teatralny Drive, 5/1, Moscow 109012, Russia What To Buy : Toys for children

14. European Mall

European Mall

Located just beside the Kievskaya metro station, the European Mall has eight floors and offers luxury shopping in Moscow. You can easily locate different brands like Zara, Mango, Promod, and many more. Apart from clothes, the mall also provides home decor items, jewelry, kitchenware, and furniture. After a hectic day of shopping, you might want to savor some food at the traditional cafes.

Timings : 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM Location : Kiyevsky Station Square, 2, Moskva, Russia, 121059 What To Buy : Clothes, shoes and bags

Suggested Read: 7 Theme Parks In Moscow To Make Your Trip To The City Worth Cherishing

Most Exclusive Things To Buy In Russia

faberge replicas

While Russia houses almost every high-end brand or an exquisite new store, it also offers some pretty unique things, especially for tourists to take home as souvenirs. Some of these exclusive things that you must buy while shopping in Moscow, Russia are imperial porcelains, Russian shawls, gzhel ceramics, palekh miniatures, Faberge replicas, Russian chocolate, and space food. Since these things are definitely items you wouldn’t find anywhere else, make sure you pick them first!

Suggested Read: Starting Next Year, You Could Walk Through Space, And Here’s How!

Tips For Shopping In Moscow

  • While buying historical artwork and artifacts, make sure you check with the seller how old is the item and get a certificate as a Russian law prohibits the export of such items.
  • During shopping in Russia, you may definitely want to splurge on high-end brands. But don’t forget to buy the unique gems in the country like the space food, Faberge replicas, imperial porcelains, and more.
  • Bargaining is not something that you can do at every place in Moscow. So make sure to look around for any ‘Prices are fixed’ signs before you try and make a bargain.
  • Try to learn some important Russian words that help you while you’re shopping in the malls or the famous markets.
  • Don’t forget to take a look at the duty-free allowance before you make your purchases.
  • Check the weather and wear comfortable clothes before you head for street shopping.

Further Read: Moscow In Winter: 10 Things To Do In The City That Holds To The Key To Russia’s Past

So, the next time you’re planning a vacation to Russia or are looking for the best places across the world to fulfil your shopping desires, make sure you count Moscow in it. Also, don’t forget to carry this Moscow shopping guide with you for having the most impeccable experience!

Disclaimer: TravelTriangle claims no credit for images featured on our blog site unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to its respectful owners. We try to link back to original sources whenever possible. If you own the rights to any of the images, and do not wish them to appear on TravelTriangle, please contact us and they will be promptly removed. We believe in providing proper attribution to the original author, artist or photographer.

Please Note: Any information published by TravelTriangle in any form of content is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of medical advice, and one must not take any action before consulting a professional medical expert of their own choice.

Frequently Asked Questions About Shopping In Moscow

What are the best things to shop in Moscow?

Moscow will present you with some of the best shopping options such as trendy accessories, top-notch fragrances, gadgets, home appliances, clothes, luxury shopping with brands like Promod, Zara, Mango, etc, Moscow souvenirs and Russian handicrafts.

What are the best places to shop from in Moscow?

You will find some of the best places to shop from in Moscow as this is the place that is every shopaholic’s dream come to life. You will get plenty of options such as Okhotny Ryad, Flacon Design Factory, Arbert Street, Kuznetsky Most, Aviapark Mall, Gorbushka Market, GUM, TsUM, Izmailovo Market, etc.

What are the best things to take for friends and family from Moscow?

You can pack some Moscow souvenirs and Russian handicrafts for your friends and family back home. This way you will be taking a little bit of Moscow with you back home to your loved ones!

What is the best time to visit Moscow?

The best time to visit Moscow is from the month of April to May, this is the time when the temperature is between 50-60 degrees. The sun is at its brightest best and you get to see the true Russia through your eyes. But make sure that you book your hotel in advance if you are planning a summer trip to Moscow!

What are the best places you cannot miss out on in Moscow?

You will find some of the most amazing places in Moscow such as Kremlin, Gorky’s House, Lenin’s Tomb, Patriarch Ponds, Moscow Conservatory, Gorky’s House Museum of Russian Impressionism, etc.

Do they speak English in Moscow?

Yes, the locals in Moscow speak English and you can easily shop all around the city without getting tensed about the language you have to use while conversing.

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Reema Arora

A writer at heart with the soul of a traveler is pretty much who she is. Besides, she also loves treating her taste buds to different cuisines, binge-watching almost all sorts of series and movies, and indulging in new experiences every now and then. Also, languages and cultures fascinate her to a great extent, which is why currently she is brushing up her Spanish.

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Russia: One Week Itinerary

Russia , the largest country in the world has been on my bucketlist for the longest time. This is where the first ‘women only’ tour of Ticking the Bucketlist is headed. We are off tomorrow and would be spending one week in this enchanting land!

Here is what our ‘one week in Russia’ itinerary looks like….

Day 1: Moscow – Izmailovsky Flea Market and ‘Moscow by Night’

We start our trip from Delhi on an Aeroflot flight and reach Moscow at about 0835 in the morning. We head straight to our hotel to stretch our legs and get some shut-eye. We need to charge our batteries for the Russian sojourn. We are staying in the Best Western Vega at the Izmailovsky area, which is very famous for its local flea market. The  Izmailovsky Market is the best place in Moscow for souvenir shopping …dolls, porcelain, jewelry boxes…we will buy them all from here.

Day 2: Moscow – Moscow City Tour and Kremlin Tour

A red building at the Red Square of the Kremlin

Having seen the city’s light the previous night, it is time to see the city’s colours this morning. We will set off on the Moscow City Tour shows us the highlights of city, starting with the Red Square. This is our day to click a 1000 pictures in front of all the monuments that represent Moscow…St Basil’s Cathedral, the Bolshoi theatre, the Olympic Stadium and the Sparrow Hills.

Exploring the Kremlin

Today is also the day to visit and learn more about the most famous monument in Russia. Kremlin, literally means a fort inside a city. Dynasties built on the site, one century after another and the site came to known as the Kremlin in the 14the century. The walled structure of the Kremlin includes palaces and cathedrals… and a historical past!

Later in the evening, we will enjoy the Russian circus that many of us have seen to television ever so often. Acrobats, clowns and animals….its is time to let the little girl in you come out and clap her hands!  

Day 3: Moscow – Metro Stations and Arbat Street followed by the Bolshoi Ballet 

Mosaics on the walls of the metro station

Today, we set out to explore the metro stations of Moscow, each of which is a stellar work of art. Stunning frescos and chandeliers in marble surroundings… it’s a work of art! We will then walk along the Arbat street, which is the city’s only pedestrian street, lined with shops and cafes.

As the night unfolds, I intend to don a classy dress and get set to watch one of the finest shows on earth at the Bolshoi Theatre. I have always been awestruck by the art form and would love to see some of the best performers in the world move gracefully. A performance that is rated as one of the best in the world has to be ticked off my bucketlist!

Day 4: Moscow – Day Tour to Sergiev Posad followed by a crazy bar hopping night!

Sergiev Posad is one the strongest spiritual centres in Russia. Home to stunning churches, Sergiev Posad will give us a flavour of the famous ‘Golden Ring’ of Russia. The tour will take 5-7 hours and we will be back at the hotel in second half.

Exploring Sergiev Posad

This will be our last night in Moscow, and we are not going to leave the city without sampling some fine Russian vodka. So, this night is dedicated to bar hopping and pub crawling. Hope to meet some travellers and make new friends.

Day 5: Saint Petersburg – Sapsan train experience to Saint Petersburg and Matryoshka Doll painting class

Saint Petersburg , our next destination, is at least 700 km away from Moscow… and we will zip zap zoom on the Sapsan (the high speed train) to get there in about four hours! The high speed trains are engineering marvels, worth experiencing and we ride this iron horse in the afternoon, reaching St Peterburg in the evening.

As a group, we also join a masterclass to paint our own nested Matryoshka dolls… our own little souvenir to carry and remind us of a fun week in Russia.

With our very own Matryoshka dolls!

Day 6: Saint Petersburg – City Tour and Peterhof Palace

The day starts with a city tour of Saint Petersburg that will give us a peek into what this city has… many bridges, stunning castles, colourful cathedrals and fortresses.

Post lunch, we will head to the Peterhof Palace, also called the Russian Versailles. With spring having set in, the gardens would be green and the fountains will put up a show…I am excited!

Peterhof Palace

Day 7: Saint Petersburg – Hermitage Museum and Shopping

The highlights tour on the previous day will surely make us want to see more of Saint Petersburg…and we will do so by visiting the Hermitage Museum, which is also called the ‘Louvre of Russia’. The Hermitage complex itself is of architectural delight … and the collections have stories to speak which will hopefully, spike our interest enough to make to go back read our history textbooks.

The Hermitage Museum

The rest of the day is totally free to visit any of the other monuments or simply shop … it’s every girl’s favourite sport, isn’t it?

Our last night Russia… Oh Russia!!!! Tonight we will explore the party scene in SPB … or maybe … pack for the next day?

Day 8: Saint Petersburg …Bye Bye Russia

Memories, souvenirs and new friendships… it’s time take them all back to India! We check out of our hotel and take the flight from SPB to Delhi, via Moscow.

Farewell Russia!

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About post author, 11 responses.

Your photos are beautiful! I have always wanted to visit Russia, especially after seeing Anastasia (the Disney movie) 🙂 I can’t believe those mosaics are on the walls at the METRO STATION! How unreal. Great stuff, thanks for sharing.

Wow that is quite an awesome itinerary. I mean… huge Russia in 1 week. I am still dreaming of St. Petersbourg. So many people told me that it is gorgeous. And I would die to see the Ballet

You know I have never considered Russia but this itinerary looks amazing. St. Petersburg looks beautiful. I will certainly consider a trip there now

I’ve only been to St Petersburg so far, and did a few tours in the city and around. But I have a good friend in Moscow, so the incentive is definitely there to go back. I enjoy doing those by night experiences and see how cities transform in different times of day – especially if it’s topped with a circus visit, amazing 🙂

We are thinking of heading to Russia next Summer so will deffo use this itinerary, looks amazing! Would love to visit the Kremlin in Moscow! Thanks for sharing!

I have always been fascinated by Russia. I like the colourful rounds domes on the Palaces just like an Aladin’s Palace. FIFA Football World will be held in Russia next year and I will try my best to visit this beautiful country and will follow your itinerary and contact you. 🙂

Moscow and Kremlin city tour looks amazing. Your one week itinerary is helpful and complete tour of Russian delights. St.Petersburg city tour is also enchanting and splendid. I really want to have Russian vacation now after seeing your pictures

Wow, this is awesome. Well weaved itinerary! We had always dreamed of taking pictures of those onion-domed palaces and those colors on the palaces are just mind blowing. We didn’t know that there is a Versailles in Russia the exterior paint and the colors look much similar. We had loved it in France and would love to visit it in Russia too.

The Peterhof Palace is a delight to visit. Highly recommend it if you are in SPB

I haven’t visited Russia, but it’s definitely on the list! This a great itinerary, I love how you included things to do but also gave some leeway to do things on your own as well (like shopping haha). Beautiful pictures, the buildings and Russian dolls are stunning! I wonder if they’re all hand painted.

The dolls are all hand painted. The cost increases depending on the quality of work and the artist.

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