Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

My Best 61 Travel Tips to Make You the World’s Savviest Traveler

61 Travel Tips to Make You the World's Savviest Traveler

Most people aren’t born savvy travelers. It’s something that only comes with on-the-road experience. Travel savviness is a process born of missed buses, foolish behavior, cultural unawareness, and countless tiny errors. Then, one day, you begin to seamlessly move through airports and integrate yourself into new cultures like a fish to water.

In the beginning, you just make a lot of travel mistakes.

But I want to help speed up the process and help you avoid my mistakes ( and I often make a lot of them ), so I put together this giant list of my best travel tips that cover everything under the sun to help you reach your full travel ninja potential.

I’ve learned these tips over the last sixteen years being a nomad.

These tips for traveling will have you saving money, sleeping better, getting off the beaten path more, meeting locals, and just being a better traveler.

So, without further ado, here are the best 61 travel tips in the world:

1. Always pack a towel. It’s the key to successful galactic hitchhiking – and plain common sense. You never know when you will need it, whether it’s at the beach, on a picnic, or just to dry off after a shower. While many hostels offer towels, you never know if they will or not, and carrying a small towel won’t add that much weight to your bag.

Make sure it’s a lightweight, quick-drying towel since regular towels are too bulky and heavy (and they take a long time to dry). Dry Fox travel towels are my favorite (use the code “nomadicmatt” for 15% off your purchase)!

Nomadic Matt posing for a photo in Hawaii while traveling

My favorite bag is the Flash Pack from REI . Other companies offering high-quality bags are Osprey, Nomatic, and MEC (for Canadians).

This article has more tips on finding the best travel backpack for your needs.

The same rule applies to suitcases. Don’t take a huge suitcase because they are a pain in the butt to lug around, especially if you’re traveling long term (short term, not so much). I like Level 8 suitcases. They are durable, quite spacious, nicely designed, and well-priced (luggage can be pretty damn expensive). Plus, they have a TSA lock built into the zipper. You can click here to learn more and buy one .

I also recommend packing cubes , which are essential if you’re going to be living out of a backpack for a few weeks (or months), or you just want to keep your suitcase better organized. They come in a variety of sizes, allowing you to store items big and small. They’re great for making it easy to find everything in your backpack or suitcase.

3. Pack light. Write down a list of essentials, cut it in half, and then only pack that! Plus, since you bought a small backpack like I said above, you won’t have much room for extra stuff anyways! Take half the clothes you think you will need…you won’t need as much as you think. It’s OK to wear the same t-shirt a few days in a row.

I love Unbound Merino , as their travel clothing can be worn daily for weeks without getting smelly. They are super light and they look sylish too. I really love the material, they’re comfortable, they hardly ever need a wash, and they last forever!

Click here for more packing tips .

4. But take extra socks. You’ll lose a bunch to laundry gremlins, wear and tear, and hiking so packing extra will come in handy. Take a few more than you need. Trust me on this. Nothing beats a fresh pair of socks!

A room of empty bunk beds in a hostel in Spain

Here’s a list of all my best hostels around the world . If you’re planning on backpacking Europe , it’s worth getting HostelPass , a card that gives you up to 20% off hostels throughout Europe. It’s a great way to save money, and they’re constantly adding new hostels too. I’ve always wanted something like this and so I’m glad it finally exists. Use code NOMADICMATT for 25% off.

6. Take an extra bank card and credit card with you Disasters happen and things get stolen or compromised. I once had a card duplicated and a freeze put on it. I couldn’t use it for the rest of my trip. I was very happy I had a backup. You don’t want to be stuck somewhere new without access to your funds. This happened to a friend once and they had to borrow money for me for weeks while they waited for their new card to arrive.

Here are some helpful articles on banking:

  • How to Avoid Banking Fees While Traveling
  • 22 Ways to Cut Your Expenses and Have Money for Travel
  • How to Pick the Best Travel Credit Card

7. Make sure to use no-fee bank cards. Don’t give banks your hard-earned money. Keep that for yourself and spend it on your travels. Get a credit card and debit card that doesn’t charge a foreign transaction fee or an ATM fee. Over the course of a long trip, the few dollars they take every time will really add up!

Here’s an article that will tell you how to do that.

8. Don’t fly direct. When booking flights, sometimes it is cheaper to fly in to airports close to your final destination, and then take a train, bus, or budget airline to where you need to go.

To use this method, find out how much it is to go directly to your destination. Then, look at prices to nearby airports. If the difference is more than $150 USD, I look to see how much it is to get from the second airport to my primary destination.

My favorite flight search engine is Skyscanner . This is my go-to website for finding cheap flights. It searches a lot of different airlines, including many of the budget carriers that larger sites miss.

Here are some more tips on finding cheap flights!

Nomadic Matt posing at the Villandry chateau in France during the summer

Here are some helpful articles on solo travel:

  • Why I Travel Alone
  • The Joy of Solo Travel
  • Travel: The Ultimate Personal Development Tool
  • How to Overcome Being Alone
  • Reading People: One Skill Travel Has Taught Me

10. Always visit the local tourism information center. This is probably one of the most underused travel tips in the world. Tourism information centers know about everything going on in town. They can point you to free activities, special events happening during your stay, and everything in between. They even offer discounts on attractions and transportation. It is their job to help you experience the destination better. It’s amazing how many travelers skip this when they are visiting somewhere but, as a savvy traveler, you know to use this resource!

11. Take free walking tours. Besides being free, these tours will give you a good orientation and background of the city you are visiting. I love, love, love taking walking tours when I travel. You pass the time, you get to pepper the guide with questions, and you get to learn so much about where you are. Here are some of my favorite walking tour companies around the world:

  • The Best Walking Tours in New York City
  • The Best Walking Tours in London
  • The Best Walking Tours in Paris
  • The Best Walking Tours in Berlin
  • The Best Walking Tours in Amsterdam

And while free walking tours are great, sometimes it’s worth it to take a paid walking tour if you’d like to dig deeper into a particular aspect of the destination. Walks is one of my favorite paid walking tour companies, offering in-depth history and cultural tours in cities around the world (especially Europe). Its small-group tours also tend to offer exclusive behind-the-scenes access you can’t get elsewhere.

For fellow foodies, Devour Food Tours has all kinds of amazing food tours around Europe.

12. Don’t be afraid to use a map. Looking like a tourist isn’t as bad as getting really lost and ending up in the wrong neighborhood. Don’t be afraid to use a map or ask for directions and look like a tourist. After all, you are one!

13. But don’t be afraid to get purposefully lost. Wandering aimlessly through a new city is a good way to get to know it, get off the beaten path, and away from the tourists. You might be surprised by the hidden gems you find. I like to wander around and try to find my way without using Google Maps. Travel is the art of discovery and you never know what cool little spot you’ll come across.

14. Ask hostel staff for information — even when you aren’t staying there. Hostel staff deal with budget travelers all day, every day. They know exactly where to go for cheap meals and attractions. They also tend to be locals so they know the city very well. Ask them for all sorts of information. Even if you aren’t staying in one, just pop in and ask for help. They’ll usually give it.

15. Sign up for flight deals. When it comes to travel, your flight(s) will likely be your biggest expense. Save money by signing up for flight deal websites. You’ll get epic flight deals straight to your inbox, saving you time and money. Also be sure to sign up for airline newsletters, since that is where they will announce their sales first. The best websites for finding travel deals are:

  • Going (formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights) – The BEST for upcoming US flight deals.
  • The Flight Deal – Great for global flight deals.
  • Holiday Pirates – The best for European flight deals.
  • Secret Flying – A great site for flight deals from around the world.

16. Don’t buy a money belt — they’re stupid. Thieves know they exist and being seen with one basically shouts, “Look at me, I’m a tourist with money! Rip me off!” The more you can blend in and act like a local, the easier it will be to get deals and avoid touts. If you’re worried about pickpockets, keep a better eye on your stuff!

17. When you go out, take only what you need. Limit the amount of cash and bank cards you carry with you when you go out, so if something does happen, you can easily recover. Never take more than one credit card or ATM card with you. My rule for cash is to limit what I carry to $50 USD.

18. Always carry a lock. Carry a small combination lock with you when you travel. They come in handy, especially when you stay in dorms. Most hostels use lockers, so budget travelers need to provide their own travel lock to keep stuff secured. While you can usually rent or buy them at hostels, it’s much cheaper just to buy one before you go. (Just don’t use one with keys because if you lose the keys, you’re screwed!)

19. Make extra copies of your passport and important documents. Don’t forget to e-mail a copy to yourself too. You never know when you might need to have some sort of documentation with you and might not want to carry your original. Additionally, if your passport gets stolen having a copy will come in handy for your police report.

20. Learn basic phrases in the native language of your destination. The locals will appreciate it and it will make your interactions easier. You don’t need to master the language but learning a few things like “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Thank you!”, “Where’s the bathroom?” will go a long way to endearing yourself with the locals. They’ll like that you tried.

Here are some tips on how to learn a language .

Nomadic Matt reading a travel book at a desk

Here are some posts that highlight my favorite reads:

  • 13 Travel Books That Will Give You Serious Wanderlust
  • The Best Travel Books
  • 12 Books to Take You Around the World

22. Don’t be ashamed to walk into a Starbucks or McDonald’s. Sometimes familiarity is comforting and both places have free wifi and public restrooms you can use. (Just don’t eat the food at McDonald’s! That shit is gross and unhealthy for you! You can get it back home!). Libraries and most modern coffee shops also have free Wi-Fi too.

23. Always get behind business travelers when in security lines. They move fast since they are usually in a rush and travel light. They know the drill. Line up behind them as much as possible. You’ll speed through the line!

24. Never get behind families in airport security. They take forever. It’s not their fault. They just have a lot of stuff because of the kids. Try to avoid getting in lines with lots of kids. It’s going to take a while.

25. When you check in to the hotel, don’t be afraid to ask for an upgrade. They have a lot of flexibility when it comes to assigning upgrades at check-in. It never hurts to ask. Often times they can accommodate you if the hotel isn’t full. Just be super nice!

Note: If you stay in hotels frequently (or want to), it might be worth it to get a hotel credit card . You can earn points on your everyday spending at home and convert those points into free stays. The best cards come with status, making upgrades more likely too!

26. Write down your experiences. Even in this hyper-technological age, I think everyone needs to write more during their travels so they have something to look back on. I never leave home without a journal. Not only do I use them for work (I’m constantly taking notes and writing down ideas) but I also use them to keep track of my travels.

Simple travel journals work great for journaling during your trip as well as for writing down logistical information like directions, contact information, and language tips.

If you want a travel journal that isn’t just blank pages but rather has space for itinerary planning, places to jot notes in the local language, inspirational quotes, and more, grab our new travel journal. It was designed specifically with travelers in mind, so you can take notes as well as write down stories and reflections during your travels.

27. Lunchtime is the best time to visit historical sites. Be a contrarian. You’ll have fewer crowds getting in your way as big tour buses, groups, and most travelers head to lunch. It’s always best to visit an attraction super early, late, or when people eat. You’ll have even the most popular places to yourself!

28. Never eat in a touristy area or near a tourist attraction. As a general rule, I walk five blocks in either direction before I find a place to eat. The closer you are to tourist attractions the more you are going to pay and the worse the food (and service). Use websites like Yelp , Google Maps , or Open Rice to find some delicious and popular restaurants around you.

Additionally, never eat anywhere the menu is in like 6 languages! That means the restaurant is just for tourists!

29. Locals don’t eat out every night and neither should you. Go grocery shopping. You can learn a lot about locals’ diets by seeing the type of food they buy. Plus, it will save you a lot of money. You won’t regret it. Cook your food, save money, and surprise yourself!

30. Eat at expensive restaurants during lunch. Most expensive restaurants offer lunch specials featuring the same food they would serve for dinner but for a fraction of the cost! That’s the best time to eat out when you travel.

I share more tips on how to eat cheaply around the world here.

31. Pack a headlamp. This is a handy tool for both backpackers and anyone looking to do any hiking or camping. If you’re going to be staying in a hostel, having a headlamp is helpful when you need to check in or out but don’t want to disturb your fellow travelers by turning on the lights. They’re also helpful in emergencies.

32. Carry a basic first-aid kit. Accidents happen, so be prepared. I always take band-aids, antibacterial cream, and ointments for minor cuts and scrapes. You never know when you’re going to need it and you can’t always get it when you travel.

You can either assemble a first aid kit yourself ( here are some tips for doing so ), or purchase a pre-made kit online .

33. Don’t believe the cheap flight myths. Don’t drive yourself too crazy trying to get the absolute cheapest fare. There are a lot of myths online about how to find cheap flights, but there is no magic bullet or one secret ninja trick. It’s not cheaper to book on a particular day of the week, or if you search in an incognito window.

Spending five hours to try to save $10 will cause you a lot of stress. Once you find a flight deal that you’re happy with, book right away, as airfares change by the minute. Remember, you usually have a 24-hour window to cancel in case you need to.

Here are some article on how to save money on flights:

  • 5 Steps to Booking a Cheap Flight Online
  • How to Always Find a Cheap Flight
  • Where I Find the Best Travel Deals

34. Use Meetup, the sharing economy, and hospitality websites to meet locals. These websites will help you get an insider’s perspective on your destination by connecting you with locals in the places you visit. The sharing economy has changed the way people travel allowing you to meet locals, get off the tourist travel, and save mega money! It’s a triple win – and I use these resources all the time when I travel.

Here’s an article on how to use the sharing economy (and what websites to use) when you travel.

35. Be open to strangers. Not everyone bites. Say hi to people on the road. Turn strangers into friends. Remember they are just like you! They want to live a happy, full life and have hopes and dreams too! You never know. You just might make some lifelong friends.

36. But keep your guard up. Some people do bite, so keep a healthy level of suspicion. You don’t want to fall for any travel scams or get yourself into uncomfortable situations. Be open but cautious. Here is a list of travel scams to avoid.

A delicious, fresh Greek meal while looking out over the ocean in the Greek Islands

  • My Favorite Restaurants in Europe
  • The Best Places to Eat in NYC
  • How to Eat Cheap Around the World
  • 30+ Places to Eat in Tokyo
  • How to Eat Around the World on a Vegan Diet

38. Avoid taxis. They are always a budget buster. Never, ever take a taxi unless you absolutely have too!

39. Take a reusable water bottle through airport security and fill it up at your gate. Single-use plastics are common in a lot of countries around the world. They’re also polluting our oceans and destroying the environment. Drink from the tap when you can — you’ll save money and help the environment. If you’re going somewhere where you can’t drink the water, be sure to get a water bottle with a filter. I love Lifestraw .

40. Get city attraction cards. If you are going to visit a lot of museums and other attractions in a short period of time, a city pass is going to save you money on admission (plus most provide free public transportation too!).

41. Take pictures of your luggage and clothes. If your bag gets lost, this will help identify it more easily and speed up the process of having your travel insurance reimburse you.

42. Carry emergency cash. Because emergencies happen, like that time in Romania when I couldn’t find an ATM and needed money for the bus to the hostel. I usually try to keep around $200 USD in emergency cash in case something happens!

43. Get good shoes. You walk a lot when you travel. Don’t beat up your feet. Love them as much as they love you, and they’ll take you to amazing places.

My favorite shoes for traveling are Suavs shoes , which are versatile and durable. They’re comfortable and great for exploring a new city all day, but also look nice enough that you can dress them up if you want to at night.

44. Get vaccinated. Because falling prey to an illness in a foreign country is not fun — and many countries require you to get vaccinated in order to visit them. So regardless of your opinion on the subject, you just might have to.

Here is an article on how to stay healthy on the road.

45. Learn to haggle. Haggling is a fun, playful way of not getting charged the foreigner price. It’s the art of negotiating and one that will help you throughout all of life, not just at the market.

A TSA Pre-Check sign at a US airport

Here are some articles to help you get started with using points and miles:

  • Points and Miles 101: A Beginner’s Guide
  • How I Earn 1 Million Frequent Flier Miles Every Year
  • The Best Travel Credit Cards
  • The Ultimate Guide to Picking the Best Travel Credit Card

47. Take a jacket. Nights get chilly.

48. Eat street food! If you skip the street food, you miss out on culture. Don’t be scared. If you’re nervous, look for places where kids are eating. If it’s safe for them, it’s safe for you.

49. Get travel insurance. Travel insurance is the most important thing to get that you never want to use. If something goes wrong, you don’t want to be out thousands of dollars in bills. Travel insurance will be there if you get robbed, flights get canceled, you get sick or injured, or have to be sent home. It’s comprehensive and, for just a few dollars a day, one of the best investments you can get for a trip.

You may think you’re superman/woman but so did my friend who broke her arm, didn’t have insurance, and had to pay thousands out of pocket. Insurance was there when I had to replace my camera and when I popped an eardrum scuba diving! Get it! Here are some tips on how to find the best travel insurance.

My favorite companies are:

  • SafetyWing – A budget-friendly choice for travelers who need basic coverage. They are affordable, have great customer service, and make it easy to make a claim. If you’re on a tight budget, go with SafetyWing!
  • Insure My Trip – The best insurance for those over 70 years old.
  • Medjet – This is a membership program that provides emergency evacuation coverage should you get into a dire situation while traveling and be hospitalized. Medjet is meant to supplement your regular travel insurance.

50. Be patient. Things will work out in the end. No need to rush. You’ll get to where you are going in due time. Travel is about the journey, not the destination.

51. Be respectful. Locals are willing to help you out, but there’s probably a language barrier, so keep your cool when something doesn’t go your way. If you don’t, you’ll end up just looking like an asshole tourist.

52. Don’t over plan your trip. Let your days unfold naturally. Schedule two or three things and let the day fill in the rest on its own. It’s less stressful, and letting the day just take you is one of the best ways to travel. Here’s my advice on how not to over plan your travels!

53. Relax. See Be patient .

54. Be frugal — but not cheap. Don’t be pennywise but pound-foolish. Look for deals and don’t waste money, but don’t miss out on great experiences or walk 10 miles to save a couple of dollars. Time is money. Spend them both wisely.

55. Take earplugs. Anyone who has ever stayed in a hostel knows that earplugs are a necessity. Snorers are everywhere and you need your sleep.

But even if you’re not going to be in a hostel, they’re still helpful for sleeping well if your accommodation is located on a busy street, or for sleeping in buses, overnight trains, and other types of transportation. A good night’s sleep is priceless — be prepared!

These earplugs are reusable and work much better than the cheap foam ones, blocking out any distracting noises.

56. Always carry a power bank. Batteries die. Your good mood shouldn’t.

We all travel with numerous electronic devices like phones and tablets, but it can be hard to keep them all charged. An external battery solves that problem.

57. Remember that you’re not alone even if you’re traveling solo. Traveling alone never means you’re really alone. Wherever you go, there is a network of travelers who will be your friends, give you advice or tips, and help you out. They will guide you, point you in the right direction, and be your mentors. You aren’t out there on your own. You’ll make lots of friends and tons of memories.

If you’re not sure about traveling on your own for the first time, you can always join a group tour, such as those we offer at The Nomadic Network . I’ve designed all the itineraries myself to ensure they cover the highlights, get you off the tourist trail, and connect you with friends and locals.

Christmas dinner in Ko Lipe with new friends

59. Pre-book your tickets to attractions, activities, and excursions online. If you’re planning to do any activities or excursions on your trip, book them online. Companies usually offer a discounted price when compared to buying in person. Not only that but you’ll be able to pay with a credit card, giving you some extra protection as well as more travel points!

Many major attractions also allow you to reserve your spot and skip the line. Always look online to see if this is an option. This will you to avoid wasting time in multi-hour lines and go right in. I’ve seen people wait hours for the Paris Catacombs, Louvre, London Churchill War Rooms, churches, temples, historic fortresses, and more. Pre-book the day before, skip the line, get to see more during your day!

Get Your Guide is my favorite place to book activities in advance. It’s a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions, with tons of options in cities all around the world, including skip-the-line attraction tickets, cooking classes, walking tours, and more!

60. Avoid TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor is fine when you need opening hours or an address, but when it comes to reviews I ignore it completely. People always leave a negative review when something bad happens but rarely leave a positive review when something good happens so the reviews tend to be skewed.

On top of that, it’s very easy to create fake reviews and make a place seem better than it is. Many hotels and restaurants hire firms to artificially inflate their reviews on the platform. Additionally, TripAdvisor has been known to take down reviews that are overly negative as well as reviews on sexual assault. Use TripAdvisor with caution. Or better yet, don’t use it at all.

61. Finally, wear sunscreen. For as the Baz Luhrmann song “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” goes:

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience.

*** There you have it! My top travel tips! Follow them and you’ll be the best traveler you can be in no time flat!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • InsureMyTrip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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A Canadian flag waving in the mountains


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9 Ways To Travel More Safely

Profile photo of Lee Huffman

Many, or all, of the products featured on this page are from our advertising partners who compensate us when you take certain actions on our website or click to take an action on their website. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Whether you're traveling within the U.S. or to a foreign country, you should take extra precautions to stay safe. Distractions born of travel — such as taking in the sights, eating delectable food and exploring new cities — can increase your risk.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

These international and domestic travel safety tips will help you reduce your risk so you can enjoy your vacation and avoid trouble as much as feasible. Here's how to travel safely — ranging from actions that can be implemented on the fly and ones that require a bit more preparation.

1. Digitize important documents

Your wallet or purse is filled with important documents that criminals can exploit. Leave unnecessary items at home (like your Social Security card) and make copies of everything else you would need in an emergency, like prescriptions, a backup credit card (so you can at least make a digital purchase in a pinch) and your passport.

Take a picture and upload them to a secure folder on the web. This way, if anything is stolen, you can easily take steps to reduce the damage that criminals can cause. You can easily call the bank to cancel debit and credit cards and request a new ID from the embassy. You can also use a secure digital vault system like 1Password or LastPass to store these documents.

2. Minimize how much cash you carry

It is important to have a little cash when traveling, but most retailers accept credit cards, even abroad. Not having cash minimizes your wallet's value to a thief, and you can dispute unknown charges from a card. Just make sure to carry a card that has no foreign transaction fees when traveling internationally.

3. Look less like a tourist

The more you dress and act like a local, the less risk there is from criminals targeting you as a tourist. Adapting your style to that of the locals, walking with confidence and keeping maps hidden can help you blend in. When using directions on your phone, only look at it briefly while walking.

Further, familiarize yourself with the city and your route before leaving the hotel. If you do need to look up directions for an extended period of time, consider stepping into a store or cafe to do so, rather than staying outside.

4. Share your itinerary with someone you trust

Whether you're traveling alone or with others, share your itinerary with someone you trust back home. Check in once a day to let them know that you've made it to your next destination or back to your hotel. These small steps increase your safety during travel.

It's also wise to create and share a safe word so that family or friends would know if you're in trouble, even if the conversation seems normal to someone else who may be listening. You can take this a step further and consider sharing your live location with a trusted friend or family member via your smartphone.

5. Research travel advisories for destinations

According to the U.S. Department of State, "conditions can change rapidly in a country at any time." Its website keeps a continuous list of travel advisories in destinations around the world. While these advisories don't always mean that you shouldn't travel, they do help make you aware of the potential conditions you'll find when you arrive, or areas to avoid.

Check the State Department website before making travel plans, and again before you depart. Somewhere that may have been safe when you booked your trip may have deteriorated since then.

6. Sign up for Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program , or STEP, is a free service from the State Department that allows citizens traveling or living abroad to receive the latest security updates. The information that you provide also makes it easier for the nearest U.S. Embassy or consulate to contact you in an emergency.

7. Notify credit card companies of your travel plans

Because you may be traveling to cities outside your normal spending patterns, let your bank know your dates and destinations of travel. Many banks allow you to notify them via your online banking portal.

This will minimize the potential of the bank locking your account due to perceived fraudulent transactions, which could leave you stranded.

Additionally, consider bringing a backup credit card.

8. Be careful with public Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi can open your devices and sensitive information to hackers. Using a VPN service is one of the best ways we know of to stay safe in an airport, when exploring your destination or at your hotel. VPN services create a secure connection to protect your personal information when browsing the internet or using web-connected apps on an open connection. , a security product review site, conducted a study in June 2020 and found that just 31% of U.S. internet users use a VPN service for public Wi-Fi connections. That means almost 70% of public Wi-Fi users are at risk of being hacked.

9. Get travel insurance

To improve both your physical and financial safety, consider purchasing a travel insurance policy ahead of your trip. This safety net is helpful in avoiding out-of-pocket expenses for emergency medical treatment, trip delays, cancellations or interruptions, lost luggage or evacuations.

Most policies will reimburse travelers for unused accommodations, transit or activities that were nonrefundable but had to be canceled for a covered reason. Similarly, if your luggage is lost by an airline or train company, you’ll likely get reimbursed through the baggage protection on your policy. Plus, if your policy has emergency medical coverage, you won’t be hit with a huge bill for medical attention overseas (where your U.S.-based health insurance is likely not useful).

Some credit cards come with built-in protections, whereas others don’t — in the case of the latter, you will need to purchase a stand-alone policy .

If finding ways to travel safely is your goal …

Now that we've shared some tips on how to travel safely, you can travel with more confidence and less risk. Though implementing most of these tips has little or no cost, they may take time to set up. Investing the time to increase your travel safety will be well worth it if you can avoid dangerous situations that can interrupt or ruin your next trip.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels, vacation rentals and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options

75,000 Enjoy $250 to use on Capital One Travel in your first cardholder year, plus earn 75,000 bonus miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within the first 3 months from account opening - that’s equal to $1,000 in travel.

9 tips to travel

9 tips to travel

Key travel tips you need to know — whether you’re a first-time or frequent traveler

Clint Henderson

Editor's Note

Travel demand is on fire.

The Transportation Security Administration expects to screen a record number of passengers this summer. According to the TSA, seven of the 10 busiest days for screening passengers occurred in the past month alone.

As millions of travelers take trips by plane , cruise ship or car , we've gathered some essential travel tips on how best to book and enjoy your journeys.

Whether you're an occasional road-tripper or a frequent globe-trotter, these TPG-backed top travel tips can help you avoid unnecessary headaches when you spend time away from home.

How to find travel deals

9 tips to travel

Flexibility is key when it comes to finding cheap airfare any time of year. Changing your arrival or departure date by a single day can save you hundreds of dollars on airfare. If you don't mind altering your family's plans slightly, consider booking travel directly on major holidays like the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas for cheaper prices and thinner airport crowds.

One of TPG's favorite tools for finding deals is Google Flights . You can use the search field to find the cheapest (or best) flights. Google will also give you a historical view of past price ranges, and it will even send you email alerts if fares jump or drop on specific routes you've selected.

It also has some fun tools for finding a cheap destination. By clicking the "Explore" button on the sidebar and entering your departure airport, Google Flights will give you a map or list of the most wallet-friendly destinations.

9 tips to travel

However, Google isn't the only place to find deals: TPG publishes regular deal alerts. You can sign up for alerts on X and subscribe to our daily newsletter for the latest deals news.

Don't sleep on mileage awards, either. If you've been hoarding miles since the beginning of the pandemic, it's time to spend them. Cash prices are high, so it can be a good time to burn those miles.

No matter how much you think you know about redeeming miles for flights , there are always new tips and tricks for turning those earnings into dream trips. Turn to TPG for guidance on sweet spots for redemptions. Sites like ExpertFlyer (owned by TPG's parent company, Red Ventures) supply additional redemption ideas or even business-class upgrade inventory.

You may even want to consult a travel agent to get access to special deals that aren't available anywhere else. Travel agents can sometimes get extra perks at hotels or even cheaper business-class airfare to your dream destination.

Be your own best advocate

Because there are still air traffic controller shortages and there's little room for error in the system these days, travelers have to be their own best advocates.

There are ways to get ahead of any possible travel nightmares.

First, be smart when booking. Try to find a nonstop flight rather than one with connections, even if it costs a little more. You'll eliminate the risk of missing connections and lessen the chance of an airline misplacing your luggage during a transfer.

You could also take one of the first flights of the day, as those are least likely to face afternoon thunderstorms and most likely to depart on time. We've even compiled five reasons to book the first flight of the day with all the data.

Related: Your flight is canceled or delayed — here's what you should do next

Download your airline's mobile app to keep track of potential flight delays in real time. The airline app is a secret weapon in case things go wrong. Not only will you know when boarding starts, but you'll also learn of any delays first. Some airlines even allow you to rebook yourself in the app.

If your flight is canceled, you'll want to beat everyone else on your flight who is also looking to get rebooked.

We recommend heading to the customer service desk (or lounge desk if you have access). If there's a delay, you could also get on the phone with the airline or contact them via social media . Sometimes, an airline's representative on X will help you faster than a phone or in-person agent can. You have to use every tool at your disposal when things go south.

Many airlines now have live chat capabilities to help navigate delays and cancellations.

I always have an alternate plan (or two) in the back of my mind in case a flight gets canceled or delayed. I also look to see what other airlines are flying the route I'm booked in case something goes awry. This way, I'll know what to ask for if I need to be rebooked.

Also, save all the receipts for the expenses you incur during delays or cancellations. You'll want excellent documentation in case of meltdowns like the one Southwest Airlines passengers experienced during the 2022 holiday season .

If you're stuck at an airport for an extended period, seek out your airport's secret quiet spaces for a brief escape from the travel chaos.

Get Global Entry and/or TSA PreCheck

9 tips to travel

One of our favorite ways to speed through the airport and avoid those summertime megalines is via Trusted Traveler programs like TSA PreCheck and Global Entry .

Essentially, the government prescreens you for security, saving you a bit of time during your travels. You'll need to apply ahead of time and pay a fee. The great news is that many credit cards will give you a statement credit for these fees. TSA PreCheck is a $78 application fee for five years, and Global Entry is $100.

Related: Ways to get Global Entry, TSA PreCheck and/or Clear for free

TSA PreCheck allows you to speed through airport security without removing your shoes, laptops or liquids. With Global Entry , you can breeze through customs when you return from an international trip.

If you have the time, it makes sense to go for Global Entry rather than simply TSA PreCheck . Global Entry requires an interview with Customs and Border Patrol ahead of time, but once you're approved, TSA PreCheck will be included.

One other hack to mention is Mobile Passport . You don't even need to be preapproved for the service, and it can speed you through customs at some airports.

Related: Here's what you need to know about Mobile Passport

Get Clear for the ultimate security trifecta

9 tips to travel

The other security tool we recommend you have in your travel toolbelt is Clear .

Related: Why you should get TSA PreCheck and Clear

The expedited security program allows you to bypass long security lines by using a separate lane at many airports. You'll approach a kiosk that confirms your identity via an iris scan or fingerprint. A Clear employee will then escort you to the front of the security screening line.

A Clear membership combined with TSA PreCheck will enable you to go to even shorter lines at some airports with designated Clear/PreCheck lines. Clear isn't perfect at all airports where it's very popular and there are now long lines (cough, Atlanta). However, it will still lead to shorter lines overall.

Related: Guide to using the Amex Platinum Clear benefit

Make copies of your important documents

Make digital and hard copies of all your important travel-related documents. Start by photographing your driver's license, your state ID and/or your passport.

You should have copies of your IDs in your phone's library in case you get separated from the actual document. Sometimes, it also helps in a pinch if you are asked for ID but didn't bring the hard copy. For example, I was recently asked for my ID to enter One Vanderbilt to have dinner at the new American Express Centurion Lounge in New York. The receptionist would have accepted a photograph of the ID if I didn't have the physical document.

TPG also recommends having an actual photocopy in a separate place. TPG editor Kristy Tolley said she stores a hard copy in a separate place from where she keeps her passport in case she loses a bag. "I also leave a copy of it at home if I'm traveling alone," she said.

Check expiration dates

9 tips to travel

If you aren't 100% certain of the expiration date of your passport and other travel documents, go check them now. Renewing passports takes time, and some countries require six months of future passport validity to allow entry. Remember that child passports expire every five years, which can sneak up on you.

Related: How and when to renew your passport

Double-checking the expiration dates for driver's licenses and state IDs is also a good idea. Remember that TSA checks the expiration dates on your documents when they screen you for security. Don't forget to check the expiration dates for your Trusted Traveler programs like Global Entry, Clear and TSA PreCheck, too. It can take a while to get a Global Entry interview appointment if you need one to renew.

No one wants to get to the front of the security line only to realize that the PreCheck mark is gone from their boarding pass.

Finally, check the entry requirements if you are traveling internationally. Some countries require visas that you must acquire before arrival.

Consider travel protection

When booking your travel, try to use a credit card that offers some built-in travel protection . Many credit cards, including TPG favorites like The Platinum Card® from American Express , offer this when you use those cards to purchase your airfare and similar travel.

Related: Best credit cards for trip delays and cancellations

If the coverage offered by your credit card isn't enough, you might also want to purchase travel insurance . These policies can sometimes go beyond trip cancellations to cover things like medical evacuations. Warning: Carefully read the fine print on any extra policy to ensure it covers the situations that matter the most to you.

Those who frequently travel abroad may want to consider purchasing an annual travel insurance policy instead of buying one on a trip-by-trip basis. Some TPG staffers purchase annual policies because of the cost savings for multiple trips. Some will find having an annual policy is easier than juggling separate policies or various credit card coverage terms and conditions.

Tips for your luggage

9 tips to travel

TPG has a ton of tips when it comes to luggage.

First and foremost, try to be on Team Carry-On whenever possible. If you don't check baggage, you are much less likely to become separated from it. Many of us at TPG refuse to check luggage except under extreme circumstances.

Of course, other folks with families or those embarking on long journeys may still want to check bags. If that's the case for you, you can still do many things to lessen the chance you get separated from your stuff. For example, make sure your luggage is in good working order, your contact information is attached and the bag is within the weight limits. You should get to the airport early (but not too early) to check your luggage and confirm it is tagged to the right destination or connection.

Related: Tips to keep the airline from losing your luggage

After recent baggage delays and luggage disasters , we strongly suggest you put Apple AirTags (or the Android equivalent ) into your luggage to track your items if they go missing .

If you check a bag, keep extra medicine or medical supplies in your carry-on bag in case your luggage goes missing or gets delayed. "As a diabetic, I keep a tiny emergency kit in my backpack with enough supplies to keep me going in an emergency," TPG writer Tanner Saunders said.

Former TPG credit card writer Ryan Smith also offered words of advice regarding luggage. "The last items you pack in your carry-on will be most accessible, so use this for your passport, ID, ticket, headphones or whatever else you need during the trip," he said. By making sure those items you'll use most are easiest to reach, you'll save yourself the hassle of having to dig around (or partially unpack) your bag to grab what you need.

Finally, be sure to get compensated if your bags are late or lost. Many airlines will give you points or even cash for delayed bags, and the government has rules on compensation if your bags are lost.

Staying safe on your journeys

9 tips to travel

From potentially getting robbed while on the road to experiencing bad weather or natural disasters while traveling, many scenarios could arise when you're away from home.

To mitigate those risks, pay attention to U.S. Department of State warnings about the destination you plan to visit. Also, check local sources for the latest news from that country or region for additional context. Although the State Department tends to err on the side of caution with its warnings, it's still best to be aware of what you may face during your trip.

Also, know the local number in case of emergencies. In many places, including Mexico and much of Europe, dialing 9-1-1 on your cellphone will connect you to emergency services like in the U.S. However, you should know the local emergency numbers of whichever country you visit.

Let people at home know your itinerary and stay in touch with them throughout your trip. If something goes amiss, at least someone will know where you're supposed to be or the last place you visited.

If you're arriving at night, contact your hotel or home-share host to ask about the best way to get there and the safest ways to travel at night in that area.

Also, be strategic about how you check into a hotel. Some solo travelers request two keycards to imply someone else is on the trip. Giving thought to the hotel room's security swing bar can also make sense; some travelers place a hand towel over it to make it harder to dislodge from the outside.

Some final tips

9 tips to travel

  • For cruisers, TPG principal cruise writer Gene Sloan suggests arriving in port at least a day in advance (if not several days ahead of time). This will eliminate the risk of missing your ship's departure time and help you acclimate to the local time zone.
  • When taking road trips to out-of-the-way destinations, go old school and bring paper maps or download offline maps from Google. Using a paper map or an offline version means you always have a way to navigate around your chosen destination, even if you lose cellular service.
  • You should reserve airport parking ahead of time during peak travel times. Some airport parking areas fill up fast around holidays, so reserving your spot ahead of time will save you from wasting time looking for a space when you need to catch a flight. You can also sometimes save by booking online in advance, too.

Bottom line

9 tips to travel

Whether you're fresh to the world of traveling or a seasoned expert, you can always learn new tips to maximize your time away from home. The more research and preparation you do before your trip, the better your experience will be — especially if things go wrong, as they sometimes do.

Some of our favorite tools are deal alerts, Google Flights , sign-up bonuses and credit card rewards . Learn those tools and use them for better travel every time.

Remember that these days, when things go wrong, you have to be your own best advocate. For more travel tips and tricks, read the stories below.

Related reading:

  • Your flight is delayed or canceled: Here's what to do next
  • The best travel credit cards
  • 6 real-life strategies you can use when your flight is canceled or delayed
  • 8 of the best credit cards for general travel purchases
  • Here's how to get through airport security faster

Simple yet effective: the only travel tips you'll ever need

Emma Sparks

Nov 26, 2018 • 4 min read

9 tips to travel

Travel advice, solicited or otherwise, can range from the misguided (‘Don’t eat the street food!’) and well-meaning (‘Don’t go alone’) to the downright mystifying (‘Don’t go there ’). Often based on unfortunate-yet-uncommon personal experiences, or worse – no experience at all, there’s a lot of naysaying nonsense out there.

So what do you do if you’re looking for reliable trip tips? Ultimately, you’ll pick it up as you go – but it helps to start with the basics. Most true travel wisdom falls into one of six categories, which we’ve summarised below – and you can find the full gamut of our expert advice in the brand new edition of Lonely Planet’s Best Ever Travel Tips .

Best travel tips - a flat lay of someone's travel gear

Pack like a pro

First, nail down the essentials. Does arriving at the airport only to realise your passport has expired sound like fun to you? Don’t be that guy. Get your documents in order, pre-book anything that will make your trip less stressful (eg parking, transfers, insurance) and store the details in a travel app, or print them out, old-school-style, if you are that way inclined.

When it comes to luggage, packing light is usually preferable. Use a checklist to help you pack. Items will differ depending on the type of trip you’re going on; do you need  hostel-hopping essentials , or  kit for hiking in the Himalayas ? The contents of festival and family beach trip bags will likely look very different – apart from the abundance of wet wipes, of course.

Singapore's skyline at night

Did you know that on average, the best time to book a flight is five weeks in advance of travel? This excludes peak holidays, where high demand means you’re better off booking as early as possible.

But before you start splashing the cash, consider your budget and be realistic. Choosing a good-value destination can make the world of difference, but flashy cities like New York , Singapore and even Monaco can be tackled on a shoestring, if you know where to look. And as Lonely Planet staffers know, a budget trip can bring big rewards .

Cleopatra pool at Pamukkale, Turkey

Stay safe and healthy

Jet lag, motion sickness, mozzie bites and more – travel can have its health hurdles, particularly if you have kids . Do your research in advance; get the necessary inoculations, don’t cut corners on travel insurance (ie. read the small print) and eat right on the road to ensure you’re protected. You could centre a trip around wellness itself, choosing peaceful pursuits , testing out traditional saunas or joining a local race .

A couple driving a 4x4 take a break on a dusty roadside

Avoid pitfalls

We all make mistakes while travelling. From regrettable packing errors and solo travel mishaps to road trip disasters , trust us, we’ve been there. Scams and thefts do happen, so stay vigilant, hold on to your valuables and be aware of pickpocket tactics, such as pretending to wipe bird poo off your shoulder while they swipe your wallet.

Lentil as Anything, a not-for-profit community restaurant in Melbourne, Australia

Do the right thing

There’s more to responsible travel than reusing your hotel towel. There are myriad ways to do some good for the places you visit and the world as a whole. For starters, choose a truly eco-friendly hotel and a responsible tour operator ; consider alternatives to flying such as overnight buses, long-distance trains and car shares, where possible; ditch the plastic and pack environmentally-friendly kit ; and give back to local communities by supporting social enterprises .

When it comes to connecting with locals, learning a few phrases in their language never goes amiss, while a genuine smile can get you a long way. Read up on cultural faux pas in your chosen destination and research their tipping etiquette – in some countries tipping is not expected and may even be considered inappropriate.

A photographer captures a body of water as the sun goes down

Enjoy every minute

Good weather is never guaranteed, but you can aim to travel during the ideal conditions for you. Remember: the best places to go in November are not necessarily the best places to go in April , so read up on weather patterns wherever you’re going and have a backup plan in case Mother Nature refuses to play ball.

If you’re travelling with kids, let them take the reins for a while. If you’re gearing up for a long-term adventure, keep your ‘Big Trip’ worries in check . Whatever it is – taking a digital detox , practising your smartphone photography or sketching your travel experiences – take the time to focus on the things you enjoy and let go of negative thoughts to make the most out of your travels.

Travel tips from our Facebook community

Take a picture of your luggage before checking it in. This makes it easier if it gets lost – Angela Mallon Make a plan but don’t be afraid to deviate from it. – Paige Belford Authement Learn even a little bit of the language the locals speak. – Robert Wilson Don’t wait for ‘one day’. Go NOW! - Amy Griffey

Make sure you're ready for anything with  travel insurance from our trusted partners.

First published in October 2018.

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Our 15 Best Travel Tips from 15 Years on the Road

Picture of Alesha and Jarryd

  • Last Updated: March 30, 2024

Here’s our list of the best travel tips to help you travel like a pro.

We’ve been lucky enough to be travelling the world for over a decade, living a semi-nomadic life, and in that time we’ve picked up quite a lot of travel tips along the way.

Rather than write out a list of generic travel advice or life lessons, we wanted to put together this article with a bunch of actionable and not-so-obvious tips to help you make the most of your adventures.

Table of Contents

1) Travel Slow

2) think outside the box when booking flights, 3) learn some of the local language, 4) buy travel insurance, 5) ask for prices before you agree to anything, 6) get a vpn, 7) apply for a credit/debit card that has zero international transaction fees, 8) never exchange money in your home country, 9) have multiple copies of your important documents, 10) abc – always be charging, 11) save money (and time) – do your own laundry, 12) get quick-dry clothes, 13) pack ear plugs, 14) always bring a water bottle, 15) get a local sim card for your phone, here are our top travel tips.

Whether you’re planning on travelling for a week or a year, we hope these great travel tips will make your next trip go much more smoothly.

Whenever somebody asks what our number one travel tip is, we always reply with the same bit of advice – slow down.

It’s totally normal to try and fit in as many exciting destinations and incredible activities as possible when you’re on vacation. After all, your time away from work is precious. But we can promise you that you’ll gain so much more valuable experiences and memories if you travel slowly.

The truth is that unless you’re staying at an all-inclusive resort and have no intentions of leaving the property, travel is exhausting. Your sensors are firing on all cylinders, constantly taking in the new sights, smells and tastes of wherever you are.

If you’re anything like us too, the moment you leave the hotel you’re out on your feet all day, visiting museums, climbing viewpoints and winding your way through narrow alleyways. Yes, you’re on holiday, but you’re not exactly taking a rest!

Throw in that if you’re on a long-term trip as well, you need to be constantly thinking about how to get to the next place, where you’re going to stay, how to get a visa on the road, managing finances, etc.

READ MORE – Check out our guide on how to be a responsible traveller .

The best way to not get completely burnt out from all of this is to simply slow down.

Give yourself more time in each city you go to. Spend the mornings sightseeing, but leave the afternoons free to chill out in a cafe. Don’t try and jam pack a million things to do into a few hours.

Staying in places longer also gives you a chance to find hidden gems, try different restaurants and sometimes even get better deals on your accommodation.

We’ve done it all – tried to fit in everything into one week, spent 7 months wandering one country, and everything in between. We can promise you that slow travel is much more rewarding, and better for the soul.

Best Travel Tips Slow

Depending on where you are going, flights can be the most expensive part of your trip. If you’re planning on going somewhere slightly obscure, the prices might even be astronomical.

That’s why we always try to think outside of the box when it comes to searching for our airfares.

The first thing to do is try a whole bunch of different websites to find the cheapest options. You can save money on flights with Wego  as an example, or do simple online searches.

For example rather than just punching ‘Sydney to London’, try going ‘Sydney to Singapore/Kuala Lumpur/Bangkok’ or any other major hub, then from there to London to see if there’s specials on airlines that aren’t part of the same alliance.

Or if you want to have a layover somewhere, look at multi-trip tickets. That’s how we ended up giving ourselves 3 days in New York City for the same price as transiting through.

Have you ever had somebody walk up to in your home town and ask a question in a language you don’t know? If you live somewhere like Australia or the United States, the chances are not likely, or if it has happened, very rarely.

It’s just not something that would happen, and in some places it’d even be considered completely unacceptable.

Now let’s flip the coin – have you ever travelled to a place where you don’t know a single word in the local language? Where you just walked up to a local and blurted out a query or question in English, expecting or hoping them to understand?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say yes. We’ve all done it.

There seems to be a double standard when it comes to speaking local languages, depending on whether you are on vacation, or you are at home. The fact of the matter is though it’s almost impossible to learn an entire language for a place you only plan on visiting for a couple of weeks.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least try though.

Our next best travel tip is to make an effort to learn the basics of the local language for where you are visiting. Try to pick up words and phrases such as ‘hello’, ‘thank you’, ‘good bye’, ‘where is the bathroom?’ and ‘how much?’ so when you communicate with a local, you are making an effort to do so in their language.

Showing this level of respect will go a long way in making positive interactions between tourists and local communities. If you don’t have time to learn from various apps before you leave home, on your first day in a new country ask a local to write down those keywords into a notebook, and keep that on you at all times.

Local Language

If you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel. It’s a saying that has been used thousands of times, and that’s because it’s entirely true.

A lot of the people we know who have refused to buy travel insurance do so because they feel it’s a waste of money, or they don’t travel with anything valuable, or believe that medical care wherever they are going is cheap.

We can tell you from experience that none of that matters. Alesha visited a hospital in Thailand with severe stomach pains one day, and after only spending a few hours there we were handed a bill for USD$1000.

Our old roommate broke his leg rock climbing in Canada and ended up getting a blood infection in the hospital. He spent 6 weeks confined to a bed getting treatment, and his bill came to $150’000.

Even if you don’t think you’ll get sick or aren’t planning on doing any extreme activities, accidents do happen.

READ MORE – Do you really need travel insurance?

Never, and we mean never, get into a cab, sign up for a tour, order a meal at a local restaurant or agree to anything that involves money without knowing exactly how much it will cost you.

Unfortunately in quite a few countries, unscrupulous locals may see tourists as a walking money bag (especially taxi drivers, don’t get us started on taxi drivers), and if you haven’t determined how much something is worth beforehand, they may feel they can make up a higher price at the end.

At this point you’ve already received your product or service, and can find it hard to argue a lower price, even if you know they are trying to rip you off.

So our big travel tip is to always negotiate and agree on a price beforehand, and make sure you iron out all of the finer details first (one-way or both ways, per person or total, etc).

Agree Price Taxi

If you’re like us and are constantly connecting to random wifi networks around the world, you need to learn to protect your sensitive data when browsing the web.

Hackers are getting smarter and more cunning, and might be monitoring web traffic on an unprotected network, and if you happen to punch in your bank login or credit card details on a compromised network, you could be at risk of having your accounts cleared out.

For this reason whenever we are doing anything involving money, we use a VPN to create a secure connection.

Some countries as well block access to various social media platforms and websites, and you can get around these restrictions by using a VPN.

Beyond that, this is also very handy if you are trying to use a website that is geo-restricted, or perhaps has different prices for people buying products outside of their home country.

(For example we’ve seen websites try to charge us up to 25% more for something because we’re trying to buy it in Australia. Change location to the US, and get the same thing for cheaper!)

We personally use ExpressVPN and have done so without issue since 2014. Use this link to get your first 30 days for free .

Did you know that many banks will charge you a fee for making purchases in a foreign currency, or using an international ATM?

This is usually 3% for a currency conversion, plus $5 (more or less) for using your card overseas. It might not seem like a lot, but if you’re on a long trip, or making regular purchases in different currencies, this is going to add up.

For this reason we always carry a bunch of different debit and credit cards that offer zero international transaction fees to keep our needless expenses down. Because at the end of the day, who really wants to give banks more money?

You’ll need to do your own research to see which banks offer these products in your own personal country, but here in Australia we’ve found a couple of great ones:

Bankwest have a Platinum MasterCard with zero annual fee and zero overseas transaction fees.

CitiBank has a debit card that doesn’t charge you anything to withdraw money at an overseas ATM (you still pay the local ATM fee though).

ANZ also have a ‘Travel Rewards’ Visa credit card that doesn’t charge any fees for overseas credit transactions, plus it lets you collect frequent flyer miles.

Note – we are not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the above banks in any way.

Save Money Exchanging

Speaking of money, one common question we get from readers, friends and family is what to do about having access to cash when they travel. We always tell them over and over again, just get your money there in the country.

Gone are the days of needing traveller’s cheques or having to exchange your money in your home country before you start the vacation.

In fact these methods will actually end up costing you money!

Airports and banks offer horrible exchange rates on international money, and you’ll up losing a lot of money in currency conversions if you give them your business.

Instead we recommend waiting until you are in the country and withdrawing money at an ATM. Remember how you picked up that awesome debit card without international transaction fees? Yep, it’s going to work wonders here.

Even if you don’t have one of those awesome cards, getting money out an ATM will almost always be better value than exchanging money at the bank or airport.

For those that always want local money as well for when they land, most airports have ATMs in the terminal, and while they might have higher ATM fees, you’ll usually get the current market rate for currency conversions.

You’ll be surprised how many places ask for a photocopy of your passport, or in some places like Iran perhaps even to see you wedding certificate if you’re sharing a room with your significant other.

Rather than always having these important documents on you at all times, we recommend having a number of photocopies that you stick into your backpack and can show if ever asked (without presenting the real versions).

It’s also a good idea to take photos of these and save them everywhere – email them to yourself, upload them to Google Drive or Dropbox, and keep them in an easy-to-find folder on your phone.

Documents Travel Tip

This one is particularly important for people like us, who always have laptops, cameras and phones in constant use. Keep them charged!

There’s nothing more frustrating than being out for a full day of exploration, and finding out that your phone/camera is flat.

You never know when you’re going to get a chance to charge your electronics, so if you find yourself somewhere with a spare powerpoint and a bit of time to kill, throw everything you can on charge.

Another great accessory to pick up is a USB battery pack, so you can charge your smaller items throughout the day without needing to find an electrical outlet.

You definitely don’t want to be ‘that smelly backpacker’ when you travel, so make sure you bathe regularly, and always have clean clothes.

The thing about travel though is you rarely have time to look for a laundromat and wash your clothes, and getting your hotel to do it for you can be very expensive (it’s 2019, why do they still charge per piece??), so we recommend doing your own laundry.

For years we’ve always hand-washed our clothes (in sinks or in the shower), then hung them up using a pegless clothesline in our room

There’s a couple of reasons we do this. First of all it saves money. While some hostels and hotels charge a reasonable price of only a few dollars for laundry, or have washing machines guests can use themselves, a lot charge insane prices.

Another reason is it also guarantees we won’t lose any bits of clothing. We’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve picked up laundry only to find socks, underwear and even t-shirts missing.

Third, time. We can wash our clothes at night, hang them up, go to bed and in the morning they’ll be dry.

Recently we’ve just picked up a Scrubba ‘travel washing machine’ to make the task of doing laundry easier. So far we’re loving it.

Laundry While Travelling

This travel tip follows on from the laundry one above. Always travel with quick-dry clothing. The reasoning is pretty self explanatory.

Quick-dry clothing is just what it sounds like – made of material that dries quickly. This is awesome if you’re doing your laundry in a hurry or do a lot of outdoor activities where you might sweat (or end in a rain shower).

Just hang it up for an hour or two with a bit of sun or a breeze, and it’ll be fully dry. Or you can do what we do and put on a damp shirt and let your body heat dry it out for you.

Our all-time favourite brand for quick-dry clothing is Kathmandu .

Even if you’re the world’s heaviest sleeper, having ear plugs in your bag can be the single best (and cheapest) item you travel with.

From loud music on overnight buses to heavy snorers in the tent next to you, you’ll never know when you’ll find yourself trying to catch some z’s in place that is just too noisy to crash out.

You don’t need to have anything fancy. Just the standard foam ear plugs you get from a hardware will do.

Band Playing

If you care about the environment at all, then you should travel with a reusable aluminium water bottle.

Rather than always buying plastic bottles for drinking water as you walk around a town, carry a metal bottle with you and fill it up on the go.

You can drink the tap water in most of Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, and also in some parts of South America, Asia and Africa (just ask the locals first).

If you happen to be travelling in one of the very lucky countries that have drinkable water coming straight from the tap, there’s no excuse to buy bottled water.

If you do happen to be somewhere that you can’t drink the tap water, then we recommend buying the biggest water bottle you can find (5L, 10L, etc) and refilling your metal one before going out for the day. This way you’ll minimise your plastic use.

Some places like Thailand have reverse osmosis machines on every block, or most bars and hotels will have water dispensers and will happily fill up your water bottle for a small fee.

In this day and age, having access to the internet while you travel is almost essential. From booking last-minute accommodation to checking Google Maps, to posting your best travel photos to social media, there’s a million reasons to want to have phone data at all times.

Unless your mobile phone plan has free international data roaming, chances are the moment you turn your phone on in a new country you’re going to start getting hit with crazy fees.

Even if your mobile phone provider offers a deal such as $5-10 a day for international roaming, this is going to add up quickly if you’re on a long trip.

What we personally do is pick up a prepaid SIM card with data in every country that we’re going to be in for a week or more. You might be surprised at how cheap this can be!

For example in Kyrgyzstan we got a 30-day prepaid sim card with 50gb of 4G data for $7. In Romania 10gb was about $10. In fact most countries except for Canada offer really good prepaid deals.

If you have the time we recommend going into a phone shop directly to get the best deals, rather than buying the airport SIM deals, as they’ll almost always be cheaper.

Your phone has to be unlocked for this to work. Do a little bit of Googling before buying a SIM card to make sure you find the best deal as well.

Travel Tips Disconnect

Alesha and Jarryd

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Wow, this article is full of great travel tips! I’ve been lucky to go on a few adventures myself, and I completely agree with the idea of learning some local language basics. It’s amazing how even a few words can open doors and make your travels more special. Plus, it’s a way to show respect for the local culture, and you can have some really heartwarming interactions.

All of these tips are fantastic and show a lot of travel wisdom built up over the years. Thanks a bunch for sharing your valuable insights.

Cheers, Femi.

Fifteen years of travel distilled into a priceless collection of tips. These battle-tested insights offer a shortcut to mastering the art of exploration and turning your journeys into unforgettable adventures.

This article has many helpful and realistic travel tips. I enjoyed the tips to travel slow, learn some language and get a VPN. You are very knowledgeable and inspiring. Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to read more. Great job!

Your travel tips are practical and insightful. Thank you so much for your suggestions.

Very practical tips! I am very much in unison with buying a travel insurance. It helps in dealing with unforseen situations.

Great post! I found the information you shared to be really helpful and informative. One suggestion I have for future posts is to maybe include more real-life examples or case studies. It would be interesting to read about how others have applied the concepts you’ve discussed in their own lives or businesses. Additionally, it might be helpful to break up the text with more visuals or subheadings to make it easier to read and navigate. Keep up the good work!

Nice and interesting post

Thank you so much 🙂

These are very useful tips. I am planning to take a trip very soon and these will surely be handy. Thanks for sharing it with everyone.

I loved the way how you wrote these tips. I’m a beginner at traveling to a different country. Thank you for sharing.

So glad you enjoyed the post. All the best with your travels. 🙂

I am a photographer whose is been travelling for years. I love to explore new adventures people and places. thank you for the tips. This helped me. thank you 🙂 Keep updating!

I bet you have seen some wonderful places. All the best with your future travels. Glad the article was helpful. 🙂

I love traveling, I’m glad to across your blog. Very helpful. Thank you!

Thank you so much. Glad you liked the post. 🙂

Very interesting, Please share more.

This is an excellent article. Thank you for sharing your travel tips with us. I adored the way you presented yourself. Thanks for the useful information and advice provided in your article, I’ve learned a lot.

Hi Alesha and Jarryd, This is channa.Nice to bump on to you here.I am in Sydney for a vacation and going through your travel blog is a big help to plan my vacation.Thanks for the good information and advices provided. Hope you remember me some years back you stayed in my home stay in Galle,Sri Lanka.

I love travelling and I make 2 family overseas trips a year. I thank you for giving incredible advise on every single details of travelling. Despite my own travel experience I have learned so much from your article. The most useful is first one (to make travelling top priority ) . I have 2 kids, and my next trip will be very much different with your great tips.

Thank you for reading. We are happy to help. Happy future travels. 🙂

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Vacation Vibes: 13 Travel Tips for a Relaxing and Stress-Free Trip

Traveling is an exciting and enriching experience but can also be stressful and overwhelming. Many factors can contribute to a less-than-ideal vacation, from packing and planning to navigating unfamiliar destinations.

However, with the right strategies and travel tips, you can ensure your next trip is smooth and enjoyable. This article will explore some of the best ways to minimize stress and maximize enjoyment so you can make the most of your time away.

1. Prepare Your Home Before Going on Vacation

home security

Preparing your home before an extended vacation or work trip is important for several reasons: it wards off burglars, prevents damage to your home, and saves money. 

  • Security: Turn on security cameras, set alarms, and put lights on timers
  • Access: Put away your hidden spare key or give it to someone you trust
  • Refrigerator: Leave it running, but clean it out
  • Thermostat: 5 degrees higher in the summer and 5 degrees lower in the winter
  • Appliances: Unplug all other appliances to save on your electric bill
  • Valuables: Hide your valuables or lock them up in a safe
  • Mail: Use the USPS Hold Mail service (up to 30 days)

Knowing that your home is safe and secure will give you peace of mind while you’re away. 

2. Handling Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and Cash

passport credit cards

No matter which form of payment you choose, always notify your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans so they can monitor your account for unusual activity and help prevent fraud. You’ll also what to inquire about foreign transaction fees if you travel abroad. 

Using a credit card on vacation can have advantages over using a debit card. First, many credit cards offer rewards or cashback for purchases, which can help offset your vacation costs.

As well, credit cards offer more protection against fraud and unauthorized charges. If your credit card is lost or stolen, you can usually dispute the charges and not be held responsible. With a debit card, if someone gets hold of your card and PIN, they can empty your checking account.

How Much Cash Should You Travel With? The amount of cash you should bring on vacation depends on several factors, including your destination, trip length, budget, and personal preferences. A general rule of thumb is to get enough cash to cover your expenses for the first few days of your trip in case your credit cards are not accepted, or there’s a problem with your account.

Keeping Your Money Safe While Traveling . Keep cash, credit cards, and essential documents in a hidden pouch or money belt worn under your clothing to keep them safe from pickpockets. Also, be discreet when using cash or credit cards, and do not flash large amounts of cash publicly to avoid catching a thief’s eye. 

3. Preparing and Using Your Mobile Device Abroad

effiel tower photo

Contact your mobile carrier to inquire about international roaming plans, data usage rates, and other related charges that may apply when using your device abroad. Here are a few tips for preparing and using your cellphone while abroad:

  • Some mobile carriers offer international roaming plans that allow you to use your existing SIM card or an eSIM card while traveling abroad. These plans may include additional charges and limits on data usage.
  • In some countries, purchasing a local SIM card may be more cost-effective. This can be a good option if you plan to use your phone frequently and want to avoid high international roaming charges.
  • Download offline maps and translation apps before your trip so you don’t have to waste your data. 
  • Make sure you have a travel adapter compatible with the outlets in the country you’re visiting, so you can charge your device.

Generally, checking with your mobile carrier and researching your options before traveling is the best course of action.

4. Get Travel Insurance: It’s Worth The Peace of Mind

travel insurance

Travel insurance provides financial protection in the event of unexpected situations or emergencies while traveling. 

  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption: Travel insurance can cover costs incurred if you cancel or interrupt your trip for a covered reason, such as illness, severe weather, or a death in the family.
  • Medical Emergencies: Travel insurance can cover medical expenses if you become ill or injured while traveling. This can include emergency medical treatment, evacuation, and repatriation.
  • Lost or Stolen Luggage: Travel insurance can cover lost, stolen, or damaged luggage and personal items.
  • Emergency Assistance: Travel insurance can provide access to emergency assistance services, such as help with finding a doctor, arranging transportation, and providing translation services.

Be sure to read the policy’s fine print to understand what is covered and what is excluded before purchasing a travel insurance policy.

5. Research the Destination: Safety, Culture, and Laws

travel planning

Researching your destination before vacation can help you better prepare for your trip and get the most out of your experience. Here are a few travel tips to consider during your research:

  • Safety: Researching a destination can help you understand the safety risks and precautions you should take while traveling. This can include information on crime rates, dangerous locations, natural hazards, and political instability. Check out the U.S. Travel Advisory website.
  • Culture and Customs: Understanding the culture and customs of a destination can help you better appreciate the local way of life and avoid any unintentional cultural mistakes.
  • Laws and Regulations: Researching the destination’s laws and regulations can help you understand any restrictions or requirements you need to be aware of while traveling, such as visa requirements or local laws.

6. Create a Loose Travel Itinerary

travel books

Creating a travel itinerary can help you make the most of your vacation time and ensure that you get all the important sights and activities. It can help you budget your time and money by allowing you to plan out your activities and expenses in advance. It can also help you avoid rushing from place to place or feeling overwhelmed by too many options. 

7. Make Copies of Your Important Travel Documents


One of the most important travel tips is making copies of important travel documents, such as a passport, ID, and credit cards, before going on vacation. If the original documents are lost or stolen, having copies can help with replacement or verification processes. It’s also important to keep these copies in different places. Consider keeping a digital copy, a paper copy, and leaving a copy with a trusted friend or family member.

8. Stay Organized With A Travel Packing Checklist

woman suitcase luggage

A travel packing checklist is a great way to ensure you remember all necessary items before and after your vacation. It allows you to make a comprehensive list of everything you need to bring and to check off items as you pack them. This can save time and reduce stress by eliminating the need to constantly second-guess yourself about what you need to bring.

Additionally, a travel packing checklist can help you stay organized and ensure you have all the essentials, such as your passport, tickets, and medications, that you’ll need for your trip. Using a travel packing checklist can also help you avoid overpacking and reduce the chance of leaving something behind, saving you money and hassle in the long run.

9. Airport Travel Tips


Airports can be stressful, but there are steps you can take to make your experience as smooth as possible. By planning ahead, packing wisely, arriving early, staying organized, and being mindful, you can reduce stress and ensure a more pleasant airport experience. Additionally, staying calm and patient can help keep things in perspective when unexpected issues arise.

Here are several airport travel tips you can use to travel a little easier:

  • Arrive Early: Give yourself plenty of time to check in, clear security, and find your gate.
  • Check-In Online: Many airlines allow you to check in and print your boarding pass at home, saving you time at the airport.
  • Pack Smart: Pack only what you need and be mindful of the size and weight of your luggage. Check with your airline for their carry-on and checked baggage allowances.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothes: Dress comfortably for your flight and wear shoes that are easy to slip on and off for security.
  • Knowing What You Can Bring: Be familiar with the TSA’s guidelines for carry-on and checked baggage and what items are prohibited.
  • Stay Organized: Keep your travel documents, ID, and other important items easily accessible and organized.
  • Stay Connected: Keep your phone and other devices charged, and consider a portable charger or battery pack.
  • Be Patient: Air travel can be stressful, but stay patient and calm. Remember that things may not always go as planned, but you’ll reach your destination eventually.
  • Research the Airport: Learn about the layout, amenities, lounges, and services available at your airport so you know where to go and what to expect.

10. Take A Guided Tour With A Local Expert


Going on a tour during your vacation can be a great way to experience a destination in a more authentic and meaningful way. A tour can provide a deeper understanding of a place’s history, culture, and customs and offer unique and off-the-beaten-path experiences that may be difficult to find on your own.

Tours are often led by local experts who can provide valuable insights and information about the places you visit. They can also introduce you to local people, customs, and traditions, giving you a more authentic and memorable travel experience.

Going on a tour can also save you time and hassle, as they often include transportation, guides, and admission fees, making your trip more efficient and hassle-free.

Additionally, tours can be a great way to meet other travelers and make new friends, especially if you’re traveling solo. They can also be a great way to discover new places and try new activities you might not have considered.

It’s important to note that there are many types of tours, from big bus tours to small group and private tours. It’s worth researching and choosing the right tour that aligns with your travel style, interests, and budget.

My go-to online tour booking platform is . I’ve been on walking tours, mural tours, canal, and river tours, and day trips booked through Viator, and I’ve never had an issue within the US or abroad!

11. Use Public Transportation When Available

Vacation Vibes: 13 Travel Tips for a Relaxing and Stress-Free Trip

Using public transportation on vacation can be a great way to save money , avoid the stress of driving, and experience a destination like a local. Public transportation options, such as buses, subways, and trains, can be much cheaper than renting a car, taking taxis, or using a ride-share app. They can also provide a more immersive travel experience.

Additionally, many cities around the world have excellent public transportation systems that are reliable, efficient, and easy to navigate. They often offer a convenient way to get around and see the sights without needing a car, which can save you money on parking and gas.

Moreover, public transportation can also be a more environmentally friendly option, reducing your carbon footprint and supporting sustainable travel practices.

12. Relax and Practice Self-Care

self care spa

Setting realistic expectations for your vacation and avoiding over-scheduling or feeling like you need to be doing something constantly. Self-care is crucial to maintaining overall well-being, and it is vital to include self-care activities during a vacation.

Self-Care Travel Tips Include:

  • Packing snacks in case you have to miss a meal
  • Always carry a water bottle to keep you hydrated
  • Make sure that you are getting adequate sleep
  • Stay active or schedule time to exercise.
  • Add a few healthy meals to your diet

Taking time to rest and rejuvenate can help you return to your daily life feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

13. Use Your Out-of-Office Reply

Aruba - Dutch Carribean Island

Yes, setting an out-of-office reply is one of the essential travel tips and will ensure you can fully disconnect and enjoy your vacation. This will let anyone who contacts you via email know that you are away and when they can expect a response from you. It also can avoid the unnecessary stress and pressure of checking and responding to emails while you are away. This will help you relax and enjoy your vacation without worrying about work-related matters.

Use These Travel Tips For a Stress-Free Trip

traveler in london

With these travel tips, you can make your trip or vacation a hassle-free and enjoyable experience. From using a packing list and credit card rewards to using public transportation and going on a tour, these strategies can help you make the most of your time away. Remember to plan ahead, stay organized, and be open to new experiences, and you’ll be sure to have a memorable and stress-free vacation. Bon voyage!

This article Travel Tips: 10 Strategies for a Stress-Free, Enjoyable Trip originally appeared on Wander With Alex . Photo Credit: [@Rawpixel/DepositPhotos]


Vacation Vibes: 13 Travel Tips for a Relaxing and Stress-Free Trip

Alexandrea Sumuel Groves is a nationally syndicated travel writer and founder of the Wander With Alex travel blog. Her work has appeared on MSN, YAHOO!, Euronews, and FOX, ABC, and NBC affiliates across the United States. 

Alex travels to experience, eat, explore, and occasionally escape! She collaborates with destinations, vacation property management companies, and hospitality technology firms to provide her readers with exclusive insights and information.

50 of the Most Useful Travel Tips

12/12/2021 by Kristin Addis 3 Comments

As I approach 10 years since starting this blog and embarking on an endless journey around the world, I’m reflecting on the things I’ve learned along the way that weren’t obvious to me before I started traveling.

The best part about exploring the world is the unexpected – the things you didn’t know would leave a lasting impression and potentially change your life. That said, getting caught totally off-guard is never fun, so here are my 50 best tips from 10 years of traveling the world from packing to prepping, safety, and more:

Table of Contents

Kristin Addis backpacker

50. Pack LIGHT

For the first two years that I traveled solo in Southeast Asia, I only had a 35 liter carry-on backpack and a sling purse for my camera and wallet, and that was it. This gave me the ultimate freedom to walk when possible, to carry everything I had on my own, and to easily keep everything contained and within my sight. I never had to check a bag and never dealt with lost luggage or baggage fees, and I never regretted packing so light!

The key to packing carry-on only is bringing items that have multiple uses. Bring clothes that are easy to layer and mix and match well.

49. Bring extra underwear and socks

Even though packing light is important, if there’s anything you should bring extra of, it’s underwear and socks. Undergarments that you can’t wear multiple times without washing should always be plentiful when you travel. I always bring a pair of socks for every day I’ll be away, plus more undies than I think I’ll need. Being able to change into a new pair without worrying about running out brings me peace of mind when I’m on the road.

That said, I bring far fewer socks in tropical places where I’ll be wearing flip flops most of the time.

48. Use a carry-on backpack instead of a suitcase

Even if you aren’t necessarily doing the whole “backpacking” thing, traveling with a backpack as opposed to a suitcase is a game-changer. Backpacks allow for much more mobility and help you get through the airport faster. The only time I prefer a suitcase is when it’s going to be a quick trip that’s straight from home to airport to hotel, and even then, I often regret the suitcase since I almost always encounter stairs somewhere along the way.


Minimalist packing: how to go carry-on only

47. Pack your own travel towel

You might be thinking that having fresh towels in your hotel or Airbnb is a given, but that isn’t always the case. Especially if you’re traveling on a budget and staying in hostels, the towels can be less than desirable or you might even have to pay to use one. Bring a travel towel with you that you can use post-shower, at the beach, or wherever you need to dry off.

46. Leave room in your bag

9 tips to travel

Being able to bring back one-of-a-kind travel relics is a must for me. You never know what kind of art pieces, clothing, or other souvenirs you’ll want to bring home, so leave a bit of space in your bag to be able to fit in anything you buy.

While traveling carry-on only, this usually ends up being little pieces of handmade jewelry or clothing for me – something functional that I can utilize while I’m still on the road.

45. Solid beauty products

Many travelers swear by solid shampoo and conditioner bars. Not only are they low-waste, but they’re awesome to bring with when traveling because there’s no risk of spillage while en route to your destination.

You can find solid shampoo, conditioner, body soap, even shaving soap at Lush. Nowadays there are plenty of zero waste shops online where you can get almost anything in bar form, like Wild Minimalist .

My favorite natural travel toiletries

44. Trade clothes on the road

eagle beach aruba

Even though I only had about a week and a half’s worth of clothes in my carry on during that year I was in Southeast Asia, I switched out parts of my wardrobe frequently by trading with other travelers. Sometimes I’d donate something I was tired of and buy a new tank or dress on the road. It doubled as a souvenir and a functional item!

9 tips to travel

43. Book in the local language

If your flight doesn’t originate in your home country or you’re booking domestic flights in your destination, it’s often much cheaper to book on the country’s local website. For example, when I was flying from Berlin to Johannesburg, it was about 30% less to book on the German site (which means it’ll be in the German language, so ask a friend to help or use Google Chrome, which has a translate feature on the top right of the browser window). It’s also about a quarter of the price to book inter-country flights within Chile on the Chilean LATAM site, in Spanish.

42. Be as flexible as possible with dates (and even destinations)

I’ve gotten some amazing deals by using the Kayak explore function and inputting my departure airport, a date range, and letting it come back with flight options for all over the world. You can be narrow or cast a very wide net depending on how flexible you’re feeling.

I also like to look at the calendar view on Momondo or Google flights to see if shifting things one day can make a big price difference. If you have any room for flexibility, you can save hundreds of dollars.

41. Track flight prices

Whether you’re trying to decide which dates to travel or you’ve already picked your travel dates, consider tracking flight prices before you book to get the best deal. If you start this process early, you can save a lot on your flights. I use the app Hopper to track flight prices. Hopper sends you notifications on when flight prices change and gives advice on whether to wait or book your flights ASAP.

40. Check all nearby airports

9 tips to travel

Before you book your flight, check to see if your destination has different airport options. For example, Chicago has two airports and many cities have airports surprisingly close to one another. If you can swing a few extra hours of travel, booking your flight to a cheaper city nearby and then taking a bus or renting a car can save you money.

39. Use a variety of travel websites to check prices, but always book with the airline

Momondo, kayak, and Google flights could all potentially have different prices that they display. If you’ve been doing a lot of searching lately, cookies can also impact the prices you see. I like to use different browsers when I am ready to book just to see if the price is any different, which it often is!

Even though I may use third-party websites to do my research, I almost always book directly with the airline. Otherwise it will become a HUGE pain if you encounter any issues or need to make changes, because you’ll then be dealing with the middleman you booked with rather than directly with the airline. If a deal seems too good to be true on an intermediary website, check Trust Pilot to see how people actually feel about their booking experience with that company.

How I found a flight from Europe to US for $400 on Skyscanner

How to make your (economy) long haul flight more comfortable


9 tips to travel

38. Check different websites for the best deal, and book directly

When I planned a trip to Myanmar in early 2020, I found significant price differences between Agoda and Each time I found a hotel I liked, I’d cross check it with other booking sites to see if I could get the same room for cheaper, and I often could.

It’s also worth checking to see if you can just book directly with the hotel. Sometimes in South America at smaller hostels that didn’t have their own websites, I would just book the first night on and then ask to book the rest of the nights I wanted directly when I arrived. This usually saved me about 20% on the room, as that’s how much charges the accommodation owners!

This will not work well around the holidays or busy times when you need to book ahead of time to secure a room, but you can always check the hotel or hostel’s website to see if they have deals or will offer you a better rate.

37. Use Airbnb for unique stays

9 tips to travel

I first used Airbnb to find a much cheaper accommodation option for my mom and I when we visited Auckland in New Zealand in 2013. Thus began the love affair. Although Airbnb has gotten a lot more expensive over the years, I still love it for unique accommodation around the world. I’ve used it for tree houses in Washington, more local accommodations with kitchens in Europe, and for unique, sustainable desert dwellings all around the American Southwest.

I like Airbnb a lot more in Europe and North America and prefer hotels and hostels in Southeast Asia and South America where the value is better and I eat most of my meals out anyway.

36. Be a Worldpacker to stay for free

If you are looking for a less-than-traditional travel experience and want to learn something while you visit a new place, consider volunteering as a Worldpacker . The basic premise is that you volunteer at a site in exchange for your room and board. You do have to pay for the annual membership, but it’s totally worth it considering the money you can save on accommodation (get $10 off your membership with discount code “BMTM”).

If you’re curious about being a Worldpacker, you can read all about team member Emily’s experience here.

35. Try staying outside the city center

If you’re traveling to a new city, chances are that most of the attractions you’ll want to see are in the center. Hotels take advantage of their superb location to charge more for their rooms. However, you can often find better accommodations outside of the city center. Plus, staying in a more residential area can give you a better idea of how people in that place actually live their daily lives.

If you do decide to stay in a lesser-known area, make sure to do some research beforehand to make sure it’s a safe neighborhood and that you’ll have easy access to transportation.

Is it weird to stay in hostels past 30?

How to cook great meals in hostel kitchens

9 tips to travel

34. Cook meals from local ingredients

If you are staying somewhere that has a kitchen, consider cooking a few meals while you’re there – especially breakfast. You’ll save money, plus hitting up the local market and cooking with local ingredients is a fun way to learn about the culture of the place you’re visiting.

33. Do fancy restaurants for lunch instead of dinner

Being a huge foodie myself, I don’t want to cook all of my meals myself – I want to experience the culture through the food, too! I’ve learned that many expensive restaurants that are more crowded during dinner hours and usually have lunch specials with nearly identical offerings as dinnertime at a fraction of the cost. It’ll also be much easier to get a table at lunch as opposed to dinner when the restaurant is usually full.

32. Try street food

vegan indonesia

Street food gets a bad rap, but it shouldn’t! I almost exclusively ate street food while in Southeast Asia (and so do the locals!), and live for roadside tacos in Mexico. Street food is almost always much cheaper than eating in a restaurant and often just as delicious and even more authentic. Especially if you want to grab something quick while you’re out and about, stopping at a food stall is an excellent choice.

Ingredients for street food are often bought that morning and the food is cooked right in front of you. Especially in Southeast Asia, going to a restaurant often means eating the exact same things but without being able to see it made in front of you, and paying more for the experience.

One pro-tip with street food safety is to look for the stalls where there are plenty of locals eating or in line. That tells me it’s safe AND delicious.

31. Avoid eating near tourist attractions or in city centers

You’ll spend way too much money for a sub-par meal if you opt for the closest restaurant to the city’s hottest tourist attraction.

My MO is always to walk a few streets away from the main square or touristy place to find the good stuff. Again, I’m always looking for something that appears to be popular with locals. I’ve had some amazing experiences this way, including being invited to a local coconut brawl ceremony in Nepal (I’m totally serious) when a local saw us eating some local food and was so delighted he invited us to go. We were the only foreigners there!

30. Ask locals for suggestions

Locals know where the best food is, so don’t be afraid to ask for suggestions at your hotel, hostel, or Airbnb. My trick is not to ask them where I should eat, because then they may make automatic suggestions that they think would appeal to a tourist, but where they like to eat. Once at the restaurant, I always ask the staff, if language allows, which dish is their personal favorite.

29. Try things that scare you

I would never have found out that I freaking love wood ear mushrooms had a not tried that random, leathery looking brown thing on my plate in China, nor would I have discovered that I am obsessed with oysters on the half shell if I hadn’t tried them in Taiwan.

There are so many dishes that I have been able to discover by being willing to try them abroad, and my palette has expanded so much as a result. Plus, honestly, it makes me more worldly and easier to please. Locals absolutely love sharing the dishes that they grew up with, and being willing to try things, even if you don’t think you will like rabbit or you have never had that type of fish before, can go a long way.

It’s definitely happened that I don’t like things from time to time, but as long as you’re polite and can laugh about it, people are usually very understanding and happy that you tried.

28. Find out what the national dish is

Khao Soi Top Ten Dishes in Southeast Asia

If you’re traveling internationally, find out what your destination’s national dish is and try it. Especially in Latin America, locals have a lot of pride for their local specialties. Whenever I am in a new place, I ask what the quintessential dish is and I make it a point to have it. Trying the national dish is a great way to get acquainted with the country’s gastronomy and many dishes have a unique story behind them.

Keeping Your Belongings Organized and Safe

9 tips to travel

27. Make copies of important documents

It’s important to always have a back up plan in case things get lost, so make a copy of your documents: passport, visa or tourist card, vaccination card, etc. and store the copies in a different place than the originals. That way, you lessen the risk of losing everything all at once.

Have specific places that you keep certain things as well so that you can stay organized. For example, keep all of your chargers and electronic accessories in one place and your toiletries in another.

26. Use lockers or a mesh wire bag protector

When I was traveling in Asia and staying mostly in hostels, I would use a wire mesh bag protector to lock up my backpack when I was out. I brought it with me in South Africa and locked up my bag in the trunk between accommodations as well. Not every hostel will have lockers and not every long haul train will provide an area to keep your things safe, and this gave me peace of mind.

Although someone with wire cutters could still access my bag, sure, I made myself the most annoying person in the whole hostel to rob, so it worked well for me!

25. Use a dummy wallet in high-crime areas

When I’m in the big cities of South Africa or South America, I use a dummy purse. My dummy purse has some canceled cards, petty cash, and the look of being my actual purse just in case I get mugged and need to hand something over quickly. The thief gets what they want – a quick getaway with something they think is worthwhile – while the real goods – my phone, keys, and money, are stashed in my boots, bra, or a hidden pocket within my clothing.

24. Check travel requirements well ahead of time

Especially now, every country has different travel requirements and some require health surveys and other documents that you’ll need to provide up to a month in advance.

If you don’t check these well ahead of time, completing as much as you can before arriving at the airport, you run the risk of being denied boarding. For example, for a recent BMTM Adventures trip to Patagonia, we had to submit vaccination proof a month before the trip, get a PCR test three days beforehand, and fill out an affidavit no more than 48 hours beforehand. Traveling internationally these days often requires multiple steps and it’s easy to get confused, so stay on top of it by checking early!

It’s also great to do all that you can prior to boarding. I was able to skip several lines when returning to the US after a trip in the Bahamas because I completed my health surveys ahead of time and didn’t have to do it before the security line, saving me literal hours. I had to download an app and submit results first, and honestly wondered if I should even bother, but when I got to skip a several hundred person line at the airport, I knew it had been worth it!

Personal Safety

golden gate highlands national park

23. Be aware

This might sound really obvious, but one of the biggest mistakes that people make with regards to their safety, particularly when traveling alone, is having headphones in, or being head-down in their phone when they should be looking all around them. If I am walking through a city, or in an area where I know I have to be a bit more vigilant, I’m looking around, I’m listening, I’m ducking into shops if I’m afraid someone is following too closely. I’m especially not being flashy, and I’m not giving in to distractions.

22. Know about scams and dangers before you go

photo muse masterclass

Before I land in a new place, one of the first things that I do before I leave home is a quick Google search on common scams, especially at the airport. This is often one of the first places that scammers will try to overcharge unsuspecting tourists. If you know what to expect, you can avoid the most common issues. It only takes a few minutes of research and can save you hundreds of dollars.

I have saved so much money and stress throughout the years by knowing about common scams before even boarding the plane. Know how much a taxi should cost, know where to find it, and keep your phone away when wandering through big cities where it could be snatched out of your hand.

21. Don’t get too intoxicated, especially alone

Most of the biggest issues that befall travelers happen when they are intoxicated and unable to make the right decisions or defend themselves. I know everyone wants to just let loose and have fun when they travel, but remember that you have to still behave abroad like you would at home. That means keeping your wits about you and taking a taxi late at night rather than walking alone.

20. Download maps before you go

I always download an off-line map, usually on the free app, before boarding my flight. You can use this without WiFi or connection to track where you’re going and avoid getting lost.

19. Use ridesharing apps instead of taxis

Ridesharing isn’t available in every country, but it is a safer alternative to taxis. Services like Uber or Grab Taxi are much safer for solo female travelers, especially. You already have a pre-arranged route, no money needs to be exchanged, and the driver is pre-identified.

Naturally you’ll need connection for this. Sometimes you can use airport WiFi once you land, but I personally like to also get an international SIM card that can be activated as soon as I land. It’s often much cheaper and works better than roaming with your home plan, which can cost upwards of $10/day. Most airport SIM sellers offer the same deal as you can find in town, but some, like Bali, charge way too much. This is also part of my scams research before I depart.

41 safety tips for solo female travlers from the experts

9 tips to travel

18. Bring backup batteries

A power bank for your phone and an extra camera battery can be game changers while you’re on the road. Being without a cell phone can be annoying at best, dangerous at worst. Most power banks are small and carry several charges, so it’s worth bringing along and having fully charged before you leave home.

17. Remember to check if you’ll need an adapter

You’d be surprised how often travelers forget that they will need an adapter when they travel. If you’re going somewhere remote, don’t count on getting one when you land or borrowing from your accommodation. I like universal adapters that can work for any country and have just about every potential output option you could need. Extra points if it’s the kind that has USB charging ports, too!

16. Download important apps ahead of time

If you know which ridesharing or navigation app you will need for your trip, download it onto your smartphone ahead of time to avoid fumbling around to get it installed last minute. You never know when you might be without strong Wifi and using your data to download an app is a waste. Also make sure your phone has enough memory to download the app, too.

I also highly recommend downloading Google translate and downloading the language for the country that you will be traveling in before you leave home. That way, you can use it off-line if needed. In a bind, it’s a great way to ask a question if there’s no other way to communicate.

The best electronics bag for travel

Navigation and Language

sri lanka train

15. Look up important routes beforehand

If you’ll be arriving to a foreign country where you can only use your phone on Wifi, map out important routes ahead of time. On, you should be able to track your location without having phone signal. If you have the route already programmed, you’ll be able to make sure that your taxi or rideshare is taking you to the right place.

14. Download public transportation maps

Having a map of public transportation is a huge help when visiting a new city. When I went to Mexico City solo the first time, I was overwhelmed by the gigantic metro system but it was totally doable with the digital map I downloaded.

13. Learn a little bit of the local language

9 tips to travel

One of the most common questions I get is how to handle the language barrier. This is rarely a big problem for me, because so much is indicated already by context and miming goes a long way. That said, people love when visitors at least learn simple greetings and thanks. Knowing a little bit of the language is a great way to show respect and kindness to local people .

How to say “Hello” in 100 of the world’s most spoken languages

How to say “Thank you” in 100 of the world’s most spoken languages

12. Brush up on local history

While going to a new place totally fresh is cool, knowing a little about a city or country’s historical context can add a level of depth to your trip. It also might help you understand cultural nuances and connect with locals in a more authentic way.

I think it also helps us travelers to be more conscientious people. Knowing the struggles and experiences that people have had is an important way to be respectful while you travel.

Avoiding Crowds

9 tips to travel

11. Visit during shoulder season

Shoulder season is the sweet spot between high season and low season when prices are affordable, the weather is still nice, and there are fewer tourists. Usually high season in a given place coincides with better weather, but that often means peak pricing and crowds.

That said, I also love off-season travel, too. Alaska is amazing in the winter , and I enjoy the lushness of Southeast Asia in the rainy season . East Africa during the rainy season, however, has resulted in less than ideal situations . For this reason, I aim for a shoulder season whenever I can.

10. Be willing to get up early and explore during dinnertime

glacier national park things to do lake mcdonald

When visiting national parks and major tourist attractions, you’ll find me exploring during sunrise, taking star photos, and going back for sunset, even if it means I’m hiking down in the dark or missing dinnertime. Even for popular parks or attractions, that means I often get things all to myself.

It can be tempting to resist that seductive snooze button in the morning, but getting to popular places right when they open (which is how I got El Gran Cenote, one of Tulum’s most popular cenotes , all to myself), or before sunrise can often mean you get to experience it without anyone else, and in its best light, too!

9. Look for off-the-beaten-path gems

Sometimes the best places are the ones that few travelers go to. This is definitely the case in many beach destinations where tourists tend to gather in one specific spot, leaving other, just as beautiful, beaches untouched. The example of San Pancho vs. Sayulita in Mexico comes to mind.

Sure, some of these places will be more difficult to find and get to, but having a gorgeous beach, waterfall, or overlook to yourself is totally worth it.

Meeting People

womens spiritual retreats

8. Take a class

A great way to meet locals and other travelers is to take a class while you’re in a new place. Whether you’re into yoga, cooking classes, language, pottery, etc., keep an eye out for flyers around town for classes or look at Trip Advisor. I’ve noticed that a lot of cafés tend to have a board for this sort of thing. If not, check Google Maps for any cultural centers or gyms that offer classes to the public.

7. Stay in social accommodation

the Pai family

Even though I don’t stay in hostels much anymore, as I feel I’ve ‘aged out’ of them at 35, I used to LOVE them in my 20s. You have a built in network of people to hang out with right off the bat.

Just because a place is a hostel doesn’t have to mean you’re too old, as well. They tend to skew much younger in New Zealand, Europe, and Southeast Asia, but people of all ages stay in ‘backpackers’ in Africa, the age range is much more varied at hostels in Central America, and you’ll find multi-generational families in hospidajes in South America.

6. Sign up for day tours

Even though I tend to opt for hotels or Airbnbs that aren’t as social now during my travels, I still want to meet people. I find day tours are a perfect way to do that, and a good way to split costs, as well.

For example, even though I had private accommodation in Siargao in the Philippines , I took a day tour to Sugba Lagoon and met an awesome fellow traveler whom I hung out with for the rest of my time there, and we even met up when she moved to Berlin (my former home), too!

Mindset + Keeping Calm

9 tips to travel

5. Don’t overplan

When I first began my solo trip around the world back in 2012, I bought a one-way ticket to Bangkok and didn’t even have my first night of accommodation booked. Nothing was planned at all as I just wanted to have total freedom, meet people along the way, and make plans as I went. These days, I tend to take much shorter trips and plan more of the major stops, but I still leave a lot of room in my schedule for serendipity.

I know some people are planners by nature, but whatever your style may be, avoid overwhelming yourself with an endless list of activities and instead give yourself ample idle time during your day. This way, you can go with the flow and have a more spontaneous trip. Sometimes the best experiences happen unexpectedly and you won’t have that if you build a strict schedule for yourself.

How do you know when to plan ahead or wing it?

4. Stay active

If you live an active lifestyle, don’t let travel stop you from moving your body. Go for a hike, opt for walking instead of taking a car, or join a workout class. These are all great ways to take care of your mind and body while you travel.

I love going to places that have a specific activity as the main draw, like diving, hiking, or surfing. This way, I meet plenty of other travelers, and I have a built-in activity, too.

3. Put your phone down

This used to be a bit easier 10 years ago when many places I traveled to had terrible WiFi and social media was not as ubiquitous, but make the most of your time by putting your phone down. Don’t spend the whole trip scrolling social media as it will take you out of the experience. This may seem obvious, but so many people spend their trips checking email or seeing what other people are up to when they could be taking in the sights and smells of the cafe they’re in, starting up conversations with strangers, or welcoming a moment of calm. This is your big chance to be present, so take it!

2. Remember that things will go wrong

No matter how long you’ve been traveling. Having things go wrong is inevitable. It’s still life! Things will get delayed, weather will impact your plans, and you may have to make changes.

The key here isn’t avoiding any kind of mishap. It’s being mentally and emotionally prepared for when things will go wrong and being able to roll with the punches. Sometimes the result is better than what you envisioned, anyway.

Most recently, a friend and I got stranded on a tiny, remote island in French Polynesia due to rain. So we negotiated with a local fisherman to bring is by boat to Bora Bora instead. It ended up being a fantastic adventure, and a way more memorable experience!

My best advice is to avoid dwelling on the frustrating aspects and get straight to problem solving. This has actually become a valuable life skill that I’ve noticed I’m more adept at than others who don’t travel much. I think more quickly, am more resourceful, and am more confident in myself. I owe this all to things going wrong on the road!


What to do when things go wrong when you solo travel

1. Travel Alone

Over the past 10 years, the majority of my trips have been solo ones. That’s not how I ever envisioned it going when I first started planning my big trip to Southeast Asia that sparked the previous decade of traveling. I had no interest in traveling alone because I assumed it would be lonely. Now I know that traveling solo means meeting tons of other people, provided you’re willing to put yourself out there. It has meant the best adventures and freedom and most of all, my confidence in myself has skyrocketed. I don’t even know who I would be without solo travel.

We’re all about solo travel here at BMTM. That’s because traveling solo can be a liberating experience for anyone. Moving at your own pace, choosing your next adventure, and being able to enjoy your own company can be life-changing. Some of my absolute favorite travel memories happened when I was out exploring on my own.

Although I could write a book on the topic of travel tips (oh wait, I have! ), these are the top ones that I have learned throughout the years and that I keep coming back to.

What are some that you would add?

Pin me for later:

9 tips to travel

About Kristin Addis

Kristin Addis is the founder and CEO of Be My Travel Muse, a resource for female travelers all around the world since 2012. She's traveled solo to over 65 countries and has brought over 150 women on her all-female adventure tours from Botswana to the Alaskan tundra.

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Magdalene says

12/18/2021 at 11:44 pm

This post is so exhaustive and super useful for solo travellers like me. Some of this tips I swear by that I actually use.

I plan ahead a lot. However on a recent trip I didn’t check how close the places I wanted to explore is. This I learnt a harsh lesson to check first before setting out

Engaging the locals is super fun and useful. They tell you how to navigate their city. Downside is that some locals may ask for tips (some cash) for the help.

Freddy joe says

07/06/2022 at 4:03 am

love those tips, Thanks for the Share.

12/23/2022 at 5:23 am

High key practical advice, as always. Amazing. Nice smile too 🙂

Where in the World is Nina?

100+ Best Travel Tips After Over a Decade of Traveling

After traveling for over ten years, it was about time I came out with a massive article on all of my best travel tips! Here is everything I have learned along the way, after six continents, 11 years, and nearly 50 countries…

I know not every single tip will apply to every single person or every country out there but it’s all here anyway! Some are just reminders, some are absolutely essential, and some are for your safety. So at the least, do a quick scan so you’re prepped with the best travel tips out there for your next journey!

Table of Contents

1. Travel Insurance

2. anti-theft gear, 3. travel banking cards, 4. car rental, 5. free accommodation, 7. best budget travel tip, 8. staying connected, 9. how to travel longer, 100+ top travel tips, top money travel tips, haggling and local money travel tips, top travel tips for accommodation, top travel tips regarding scams, safety, and rip-offs, top travel tips regarding electronics, top travel tips for food abroad, top travel tips for things to do, clothing travel tips, best travel tips for apps, hacks, internet and more, bags and packing travel tips, best tips for when to travel, top travel tips for transportation, top travel tips for making friends, logistics travel tips, general and random travel tips, top travel tips for being bold, traveling the world alone tips: solo travel for women, travel safety tips—no matter where in the world you're going, 11 ways to get free accommodation while traveling the world, carry on essentials + how to pack a carry on bag, quicky run down of my top 9 travel tips.

Want my top tips really quick? Here are my 9 most essential helpful travel tips to arm yourself with before hopping on a plane !

Honestly, having travel insurance is a must! Being covered for major medical needs, catastrophic accidents and occurrences abroad will give you peace of mind. One of the cheapest and most traveler-friendly insurance out there is Safety Wing . It’s what I use anytime I set foot outside the US! (They cover Covid too!)

Another item to have for peace of mind is anti-theft bags . It’s the easiest way to keep all your important things safe and literally the only bags you’ll need for years.

To get money out of an ATM, you NEED a bank that doesn’t charge you fees. Charles Schwab is my bank of choice. A travel credit card is a way to go for collecting miles and points. Grab yourself a Chase Sapphire Reserve or Venture X card.

Are you renting a car? This is where I usually have the most luck! Want to rent a cool van or RV? Outdoorsy is THE place to start an epic road trip adventure!

With , if you book 10 nights and your 11th night is free! No catch, and nothing else to know! It couldn’t be easier. Who says no to free hotel stays!?

Want even more nights for free? Try out…

  • Worldpackers – it’s a work exchange that can use to get free accommodation!
  • Trusted Housesitters – you can take care of someone’s pets while staying at their house for free!

Want to book the best tours out there ahead of time? The best sites to do so are Get Your Guide and Viator . This way, you can book ahead and not have to worry about booking once you’re on the ground.

The #1 best travel for saving money is being flexible. Be flexible with flights, the time of year you’re traveling, your dates, literally everything… If you’re flexible, you’ll have a better time and get better deals.

The two best ways to stay connected is either purchase a local SIM card once you land (the cheapest option) or use GoogleFi , which is a SIM card that works in over 100 countries (the most convenient option).

Want to travel longer? Don’t want to figure out everything yourself? Want someone to tell you precisely what you need to do to live your best travel lifestyle? Want to live, travel, and work around the world for cheaper than your living costs right now?

Grab your Live Around the World Shortcut ! It was made just for you!

If you want AAALLLL of the travel tips I’ve gathered during my travels, I got you! It’s A LOT. These are general travel tips. I’m not really speaking about anything country-specific. Take everything in but don’t be overwhelmed. I’m literally dumping over 100 travel tips on you right now so read through it but don’t worry, a lot of these are just general things to keep in mind.

Also, not every tip here is meant for every person and for every situation! These are all things I have learned over the course of ten years and have helped me in one way or another along the way. I hope they help you too!

  • Get a Charles Schwab card –  Charles Schwab has the best card for Americans and they don’t charge international charges or ATM fees, and refund any ATM charges you encounter. There’s also Revolut and Starling for the UK and Wise is great for transferring money when different currencies are involved.
  • Alert your bank and credit card company – When you travel, it is always wise to alert your bank and credit card company about your plans and what countries you are likely to be visiting. It won’t take long, and will just give those companies a heads up so they won’t freeze your card when they see foreign transactions being made. Notify every bank card you’ll be traveling with. Even the one you don’t plan on using. You never know when you’ll need your extra card in an emergency and that’s the worst time to get flagged.

Currency exchange board best travel tips

  • Don’t do currency exchanges if you can avoid it – If you have a bank card that doesn’t charge fees, going to ATMs are your best bet for a fair exchange rate.
  • Don’t exchange money at the airport – If you need to exchange money, don’t do it at the airport. The airports know that many people will need to exchange money last minute, therefore will bump up their exchange rates and you’ll be paying a lot more. Either wait until you get to your destination, or change some funds up before.
  • Carry some USD on you – No matter where you’re from or where you’re going, having a few bucks in another currency, mainly USD, is a good idea. You never know when you’ll be in a bind that requires cash. 

Phnom Penh market Cambodia

  • Get a travel rewards credit card – Not everyone will want a credit card , but if you do, it may be worth doing a little research to find the one that will give you the best travel rewards. You just have to make sure that you pay off the card everyone month. With the right card, rewards can build up quickly, with points that you could put towards flights and hotels and perks such as early or late check-in and airport lounge access.
  • Always choose local currency – When using your credit card to purchase things, always make sure you choose to be charged in the local currency. Your bank will give you the best rate. If you choose to be charged in USD (or your home country’s currency), you’ll be getting a worse deal. It’s also best to always pay in local currency even if they advertise they accept USD.
  • Plan your post airport travel – The moment you leave an airport, you are the most vulnerable. At this point, you have no idea what a fair price for a ride is and what is the cheapest mode of transport. Do a little planning beforehand so you won’t have to worry about it when you arrive. For example, know if there’s Uber available or what bus to take to get to the city center. If you forget, ask the tourist info kiosk that many major airports have for assistance.

Pile of different currency notes top travel tips

  • Get to know the local exchange rate – Understanding the exchange rate can help when trying to work out exactly what you are paying for things. It will still take a little getting used to, but a bit of research is sure to give you a head start. XE is also an excellent app to have on your phone for quick currency conversions.
  • Eat at restaurants at lunchtime – In many cases, some of the most expensive restaurants serve the same food at lunch as they do in the evening, just at half the price. This way you can treat yourself for cheaper!
  • Ask for advice regarding prices – Always ask a neutral party for a price if you’re unsure about what price to expect. For example, ask a waitress how much they pay for a taxi from A to B to get a base price for a taxi negotiation.

Going shopping in Panajachel is one of the popular things to do in Lake Atitlan

  • Shop locally – Be sure to shop locally for everything you buy abroad, particularly food. Farmer’s markets, mom and pop markets, and whatever produce is in season. This is the best way to stock up on food for less, pretty much how the locals would.
  • Don’t be a cheapskate – It’s OK to be frugal and haggle and know the value of something, but being a total and complete cheapskate will be foolish, and you’ll waste time. You don’t want to offend anyone by asking for one of their products for a super cheap price; this is how they make a living. Make sure to haggle, because it’s appropriate in many countries, but don’t be an @$$ about it.
  • Use a City Pass – Cities all over the globe have City Passes, which are a great way to see all the city has to offer at a reduced rate to what you would pay if you visited all the attractions separately. You usually get a few free attractions, discounts to attractions and eateries, airport transfers, and free transport for one fee. They also sometimes allow you to skip the line at some more touristy places. It’s worth looking into to see if it’s a deal for you.

Cafe in Montmartre Paris best travel ti[s

  • Don’t eat near a tourist attraction – This is one of the top travel tips that people know, but it’s worth repeating. Unless you are happy to pay exorbitant amounts for your food and drink, eateries around tourist attractions should be avoided at all costs. Usually, the closer you are to an attraction, the more expensive the food will be, and it can be of worse quality.
  • Take it slow – Travel slower if you’re low on dough. Slow travel is a sure way to spend less as you won’t be trying to cram a lot of attractions into one day, and the benefits are getting to know a country better. This is my favorite way to travel.
  • Don’t book everything in advance – If you’re OK with being a bit spontaneous to save some cash, don’t book much ahead of time. 90% of the time, a place is cheaper when you’re a walk-in but of course, it’s a risk they could be booked, and “shopping around” can be time-consuming. Gamble wisely. This works very well in some areas of the world like Southeast Asia. This will also work best if you travel for a more extended period . If you’re abroad for just a week, this travel tip might not make sense for you.
  • Join an accommodation rewards program – If you frequently use the same booking site when you book accommodation, check out if they have a rewards or membership program. You could end up getting a free stay now and again. My favorite one is using simply because after every 10 nights; you get your 11th for free!
  • Rent a place with a kitchen – Kitchens save money. Buy groceries, cook easy stuff, save a ton of cash! Even just cooking your breakfasts could save a lot of money and even time.

kitchen furniture

  • Save the address to your place somewhere – Write it down, take a picture, pin it on your Google Maps, whatever it is, you’ll need the address later that day, and it’s an easy thing to forget. If you are staying in a hotel, ask for one of the hotel’s business cards that you can carry around with you.
  • An apartment/house is usually cheaper – When staying somewhere long term, aim to get a house or apartment. Hotels will always be more expensive. Long-term apartment rentals can easily be found by word of mouth, asking the guy at the coffee shop because his mother’s, sister’s, cousin probably has a place for rent and even Facebook groups for city-specific places. Even the monthly option on Airbnb is often heavily discounted. If it’s not, it doesn’t hurt to ask either.
  • Location is key – You may have found what you think is some incredible accommodation at a great price, but if it’s so far out of town you’ll have to use public transport to get there, you may not be saving any money at all. Plus, it will be a lot of effort and a waste of precious time to travel to the city center every day.
  • Avoid the ground floor – When checking into a hotel or hostel, one of my best travel tips is asking for a room that’s not on the ground floor. Ground floor rooms are a lot easier to break into, are often noisier, and you won’t have any sort of view.

Worldpackers work exchange for housing

  • Get free accommodation – Yes, I said free! There are a few ways, but these are two favorites:
  • Worldpackers – Do a work exchange and get a free place to stay!
  • Trusted Housesitters – Take care of someone’s pet while the are away and stay at their house for free!
RELATED: 11 Ways to Get Free Accommodation While Traveling The World!
  • Stay away from the desperate – For example, a taxi driver in your face begging you to take his taxi. A random person is telling you to book with their tour… Anything desperate—stay away from.
  • Too good to be true type situations – Check yourself and don’t fall for it. I think this just goes for life in general, right?! An example is a “free tuk-tuk ride” in Southeast Asia. It’s free because they’ll take you to some shops hoping you buy their friend’s overpriced goods.
  • Make sure tickets are official – Be wary of purchasing “tickets” off people. Make sure it’s official – a website, an official-looking stand that has locals buying things…etc. Not just your random new friend.

tuk tuk scam Bangkok

  • Be careful of food scams – Be suspicious when someone REALLY wants you to eat at their friend’s place, offers to take you there, etc… Sometimes they are taking you to a place known for being overpriced, and they will get a commission for bringing you there. Of course, read the situation, it could be genuine, but this is a popular scam.
  • Don’t buy things on the ‘tourist street’ –  Restaurants in touristy areas will be more expensive than those a few streets away, but even worse than that is purchasing tours or bus tickets. They may actually be cheaper on this street, but you’ll pay in other ways. The bus will be crappy, take ten times longer, and the worst part, there will be thieves on the bus. Where do the locals buy their bus tickets? The bus station! Go there. Your hotel might charge a bit more, but they sometimes sell tickets too for convenience, it can often be fine, but sometimes you still might find yourself on the shittier bus.
  • Never order off a menu without prices – If a menu doesn’t have prices, then it will likely be expensive, and even worse, if the restaurant owner can tell you are a tourist, there is a chance they will bump the final bill up further, and there is nothing you can do about it. On this same note, sometimes they have two menus, one with inflated prices.
  • Don’t take up random offers – One of my most important travel tips is never take anything that’s offered to you. YOU ask for something. When someone out of the blue asks if you want something, like someone insisting you put a bracelet on, or being tempted by a local offering a super cheap tour out of the blue, be very wary, this can be the start of a scam. Only trust those whom you ask for things.

Use these tips for driving in Morocco.

  • Take pictures of your rental vehicles – And video too. Everything you rent, make sure to thoroughly document by taking pictures and video so the company can’t try to charge you for a dent or scratch that you didn’t do.
  • Avoid the night – Honestly, if you want to be safe when traveling abroad, you’ll be better off not doing anything at night. It’s unfortunate, but if you eliminate going out at night, you’ll be way more likely to be safe and not have anything terrible happen. If you go out at night, make sure you’re with other people. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid arriving late at night. Make sure you land or your bus arrives or whatever it is during the daytime for extra safety.

9 tips to travel

  • Avoid getting wasted – I know, unfortunate, you should be able to party without worries, but honestly, you’re opening yourself up for trouble if you’re drunk. And you’re likely to be drunk at night too… it’s simply when most bad things happen even if you weren’t traveling. You have bars at home, spend time getting to know a country instead.
  • Do a quick Google – Always do a quick Google on top scams for *insert country* before jetting off. There are tons of general tips and things to keep in mind sometimes, there are country-specific travel tips to keep yourself safe.
  • It stays on you – Electronics should always be on your carry-on bags . When you fly or take a bus. No matter what or where make sure these stay on you at all times until they are safely locked in your room.
  • Back up everything –  Don’t lose those memories. Back them up on different devices! Backblaze and Google Drive are good options.

9 tips to travel

  • Bring a Kindle instead of books – I know, real books are great, but the weight is unbearable. Plus, if you’re an avid reader, you’ll never run out of books with a Kindle , or need to find a store that sells books in English/your language.
  • Pack a power cord –  If you have more than a phone, you’ll be happy to have numerous plugs to play with. If you’re in a dorm or traveling with a friend, you’ll be a savior for having one of these. Make sure it has surge protection too.
  • Pack electronics wisely – When going through security at the airport, you’ll be asked to remove your electronics from your hand luggage. Stay ahead of the game and have all your electronic devices at the top of your bag/easily accessible. Don’t be that person who has to empty half their bag when going through security!

Woman working on laptop with view of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

  • Get a portable phone charger – A power bank will keep your phone charged which is AKA your maps, telephone, contact with the outside world, camera, probably has your list of activities for the day too… So yeah, don’t let your phone die. It’s also great to make sure you’re charged for long buses etc.
  • Don’t plan on buying electronics abroad – Depending on where you go, you’ll either get a fake item, which can be common in Asian countries or get charged more, like in New Zealand and Australia. This travel tip is highly relative and depends on which country you’re from and going to, but it’s something to think about. I paid a few hundred more for my Macbook when I had to get one in South Africa.
  • Ask where the locals like to eat – Don’t ask “where should we eat” because they may direct you to the touristy/western/expensive place. Ask where they eat.
  • Buy fresh – Market food is my fav, but I rarely buy from the people who’ve had their food sitting out/ones that clearly don’t reheat it. There are many people in markets whipping up fresh food or, at the least, reheating.

The 7 Best Travel Water Filters

  • Stay hydrated when you travel – It is imperative to stay hydrated when you travel, especially on long flights. This not only will you feel more alert and have many health benefits. Make sure you bring your water bottle to cut down on plastic waste.
  • Don’t drink tap water – When traveling in developing countries, always avoid tap water. They may be contaminated with bacteria or viruses that your gut isn’t used to and could leave you feeling pretty ill. Google, ask around and find out before sipping even just a little bit. The best way to save on plastic use and make sure your water is clean is using a filter water bottle. I use Grayl , and it’s saved me a million times!
  • Ask about the ice – It is easy to forget when ordering a cocktail, but the ice in developing countries can sometimes be made with tap water. On a similar note, don’t go overboard and don’t have ice ever; just ask to make sure! The most likely situation will be the ice is fine, so don’t skip out on delicious smoothies or an icy beverage in sweltering weather!
  • Make your own meals – Sure, it is nice to dine out whenever possible when traveling, but it is not always the kindest on your wallet. Making your meals is cost-effective and allows you to have control of what you are eating.

Street food in Mexico City

  • Don’t be afraid of street food – Street food can be some of the tastiest, cheapest and freshest food available when traveling, and you shouldn’t be scared of it! Try to only go to vendors with a crowd around it, as you’ll know that these are the most trusted. Again make sure they are cooking it up fresh or reheating. And not trying to turn anyone off of meat, but nine times out of ten, meat is what is going to make you sick. Trust me as a pescatarian/mostly vegetarian of over 12 years and queen of eating at street stalls ! I was ALWAYS the person who wasn’t sick in the group that ate together at street stalls. Guess what the others ate? Yep. Meat.
  • Try the local food – Food is a great way to get to know the local culture better, and you’ll get to try hundreds of new amazing dishes that you would never be able to if you just played it safe with a burger or chips every night. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new!
  • Find a vista – Most cities will have tall buildings that you can climb and see the city sprawled out around you. When out and about in the great outdoors, a clifftop, hill, or even mountain may be your best option! Look for the highest point to see that sweeping view.

One-Week Road Trip Croatia Itinerary, 7 days in croatia, one week croatia, croatia itinerary for 7 days, zadar

  • Get lost – Ditch the map for the day and see where your feet take you. It is on these little ventures that you might find some of the most incredible things on your trip. Just make sure to pin your hotel/familiar area on your map, and then get wonderfully lost! It’s my favorite thing to do in each town I visit.
  • People watch – Sometimes, all you need is to sit in a town square or on a balcony and watch the world go by. It is one of the best ways to feel as though you are part of the local life, even though you are a tourist creeping on others… Just kidding 🙂 
  • Free walking tours – These are a great way of seeing the city when you first arrive. You’ll likely visit all the main attractions in a short space of time with someone who knows their stuff. You know it will be a quality tour as the tour guides just rely on tips.
  • Use Atlas Obscura – I always check Atlas Obscura – it’s packed full of ideas for things to do and see that you wouldn’t find in your usual guidebook or things that are a little off the beaten path. I love the wonderfully weird, so this is fun to give you something unusual to do.

sagada philippines hanging coffins

  • Be flexible – Things are not always going to go as planned when traveling, which you need to expect. Just plan for delays and don’t be upset if things go wrong, as it is almost inevitable that they will.
  • Visit sights at sunrise – Visiting a site a sunrise (or at the least early) means it is likely to be less crowded as everyone is busy getting their beauty sleep. This is also a good time for photos as the lighting is great.
  • Visit the tourist office – The staff here will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have free of charge, and at the very least, you will be able to pick up a free tourist map. They can give you the best travel tips for the area, activities, and events, help you with public transport, and much more.

Beach Hammock at the Driftwood Hostel in El Paredon

  • Relax – There are so many things to see and do in the world that you may forget to find time for yourself. Relaxing is a massive part of the traveling experience, just pause for a moment and take it all in. There is nothing wrong with having a beach day or just sitting around on a hammock with a good book. This can be the best way to recharge and prepare yourself for the adventures to come.
  • Hostel activities – It may not be for everyone, but some hostels have organized activities, which can be a great way to meet people. From beach picnics to rooftop yoga sessions, it is something to consider when looking at which hostel to go with. If all else fails, at least you have the hostel bar crawl!

You make friends quick on a group trip

  • Best tours to book through – The most reliable tour operator sites are Get Your Guide , Viator , Klook (mainly Asia), and G Adventures (multi-day group trips). If you want to book tours online to get everything reserved, these are the ones to use.
  • Use a laundry mesh bag – I use a laundry mesh bag for dirty clothes; they can come in handy when on the move and to separate items. It’s also used for my delicates in the wash, so they don’t get gross and too “used” looking.
  • Be ready to wash clothes on the go – Don’t pack something that can’t be washed in the sink. No joke, if you can’t wear it three times, then wash it in a sink, then leave it behind. Bring easy to wash, not super wrinkly material, durable, sensible clothing. Nothing dry clean, no special need clothing!

Jacket for Europe packing list

  • It’s OK to hand wash – You’re not being cheap, you’re being thrifty and skeptical if you’ll get everything back, and you are watching out for how your clothes are handled. I’m a little OCD with how things are washed, and I rarely like my things going through a hot dryer. Use your hands and the sun… it’s OK. Keep in mind that most other countries worldwide don’t use dryers either, so even if you take it to get washed, they will likely use the sun to dry your stuff.
  • Use Merino when in cold weather – There’s something about Merino wool that just works for cold climates. I guess it’s the quick-drying, lightweight, comfortable, and smell-free features… Buy them if you’re hiking especially.
  • Bring a sarong – For an item that won’t take up much room in your bag, a sarong will undoubtedly come in handy in multiple situations. If you are cold, you can put it around your shoulders for an extra layer, they can be used as protection from the sun, plus if you are going to a place of worship, it is respectful to have your shoulders covered in many countries. I use it as a beach towel, a bathroom towel if one isn’t provided, a swimsuit cover-up, and even a “blanket” on a chilly bus ride. I like this better than a quick-dry towel because I feel like those often get a bit smelly, and they often can’t be used in all the other ways I mentioned either!
  • Choose clothes that do double duty – As with the sarong, try to choose other items of clothing that can serve multiple uses. Use a tank top that can be worn during the day and as PJs (or sleep half naked as I do), and don’t pack anything that is used in one specific way. If you’re worried about getting bored with what you wear, consider multi-wear clothes to switch things up. (I have reversible swimsuits that are amazing!)

Roy's Peak

  • Good shoes – Shoes should not be underestimated when it comes to travel. You will be wearing them all the time, and chances are you will be doing a lot of walking. Invest in some good shoes before your trip and be ready for anything. I usually travel with flip-flops , a closed-toe casual walking shoe, and either a sandal or hiking shoes , depending on my destinations. Usually no more than three pairs.
  • Download an offline map – My go-to map app is There are cool things to discover on the map, and it has GPS functions all offline. Just download it all while on wifi. I also download Google Maps offline as a backup, particularly if I need driving directions.
  • Buy a one-way ticket – You don’t always need to fly roundtrip. Particularly if you’re on the road for a bit longer, buying one way can often be cheaper and more adventurous. But with that said, don’t forget about buying an onward ticket depending on where you’re going if it’s a requirement for entry.

airplane engines in the sky

  • Look for other nearby flights – You don’t always need to fly direct. Sometimes flying into the main city and taking a bus will be significantly cheaper. Or flying to a nearby area and then buying a separate leg could be more affordable as well.
  • Flexibility with flights – Being flexible is the #1 travel tip for flying! This is how you find the cheapest flight. I know tons of others try to tell you to book on a Tuesday, use a VPN, etc and those could work, but the only guaranteed 100% way to save on flights is being flexible with your dates and even the place you fly to.
  • Get a VPN – While away, you will be using a load of unprotected WiFi networks, and a VPN is a great way to ensure that you stay protected. It will also allow you to change your location as you move around. this can be handy for remote work situations or even trying to see if a flight is cheaper when “you’re in another country.” But ultimately, it should be used on sketchy wifi, like the free wifi in airports or cafes. Lastly, a fun tip is to use a VPN to get different choices on Netflix too!
  • Investigate using GoogleFi – This could be the answer to having wifi everywhere. I use GoogleFi because I love having internet straight off the plane and never have to worry about topping up. I’m covered in over 100 countries. It’s not always the fastest, but it’s the most convenient SIM I’ve owned so far. If you’re in very cheap countries, the local SIM should be fine, but GoogleFi is so you don’t need to purchase a new SIM in every country. Do note you will have to pop in and out of the US otherwise, they flag your account if you’re abroad too often. I haven’t been flagged yet but I’m visiting the US at least once a year.
  • Invest in a SIM abroad – Buying SIM cards isn’t that scary. Many countries worldwide have extremely cheap SIM card options for your phone. Don’t be afraid to just buy them straight off the plane. They are often easy to top up, and this will be the cheapest option. GoogleFi is best if you’re country-hopping a lot, but if you’re going to be in one place for just a few months, a local SIM will be the cheapest.

I figured out how to be a social media manager and I love my job.

  • Make sure your phone is unlocked – Don’t leave your home country without an unlocked phone. It’s the only way to travel and get SIM cards along the way.
  • Use Google translate – Download Google translate for offline use. The camera setting is invaluable, and you can even save a few phrases and things to be offline so that you can use them later.
  • The power of Skype – Download Skype and put $10 on it. If you ever need to call your bank, parents, a friend, you can reach them without a $2894894 phone bill. Just get on wifi and give them a ring. I had to call my bank and only used a dollar or two for a 20 min convo. If you’re on a local SIM or have an expensive carrier for phone calls, this travel tip is perfect for you.
  • Never use an “open” or over-the-shoulder bag – Ever. Anywhere. They get in the way, increase the chance of your goods getting stolen, and overall is just not a great accessory for travel. It’s common in areas of the world for motorbikes to swoop past and grab them off shoulders.
  • Be careful in crowds – I always have my bag in front of me, or my backpack turned around and worn in the front. On crowded transport, in markets, in any area where people are close together—always have your bag in front and even place your hand over it. This is a prime opportunity for pickpocketing.
  • Use cross-body bags – This is the only type of purse I use. A crossbody bag or a crossbody fanny pack of some sort. Something that zips close, and something that is securely around your body. It’s the safest bag to use.

Best Anti Theft Backpacks & Travel Bags + Tips for Keeping Your Stuff Safe!

  • Use a backpack – Backpacking is sometimes the best answer. No matter how great wheelie suitcases are, it’s sometimes literally better to travel with a backpack or, at the least, be mentally prepared to drag your wheelie suitcase around cobbled streets, across a beach, or held above your head as you walk to a small boat… Keep in mind the type of traveling you’ll be doing to decide which one is best.
  • Invest in anti-theft gear – Buy yourself some anti-theft gear for your sanity. Get yourself an anti-theft backpack, purse, or even both. I’ve been traveling with both for years, and it’s great for peace of mind and safety.
  • Grab yourself a dry bag – I’ll recommend dry bags until the day I die. It’s a beach bag, rainy day purse, a dry place for electronics, a laundry bucket, a souvenir bag… I have traveled with one for ten years now.

woman with a dry bag

  • Use a bag – Actually, use your bag, not your pockets. Things in your pocket are an invite to thieves to take them… Keep your pockets empty and your bag close to you at all times. If you’re a dude, keep things in your front pockets only and be on alert.
  • Make your luggage noticeable – If you are traveling with baggage that you need to put in the hold or check-in, a quick tip is to wrap a colorful band or ribbon around it. Make yours stand out from the rest so that you’ll quickly be able to spot it when it gets unloaded from the plane. This is particularly true if you have a basic black bag like the thousands of others traveling that day!
  • Pack cards and money separately – Hide a bit of each in a few bags and always have more than one card. That way, if one gets lost, you have the other as a backup in another bag.

The locks of love around Cologne

  • Carry a padlock – Always carry a padlock with you when you travel; you never know when it may come in handy. It won’t take up much room in your bag, and when you stay in dorms, it can be a necessity. One with a combination lock usually works best as then you don’t have to worry about losing keys.
  • Pack a water bottle – Preferably with a filter so you can use less plastic when you travel. Some water bottles are better than others, so make sure you research. I use Grayl ; these water bottles save my life and save me from wasting so much plastic.
  • Bring some earplugs – Even if you’re not a light sleeper, new places will have noises you’re not used to. Whether it’s other people in a shared hostel room, or just unfamiliar traffic sounds, a good set of earplugs will help you wake up fresh and ready for adventuring.
  • Use vacuum/compression bags – These are ideal if you need more space. Packing cubes or vacuum bags can make your stuff shrink with a few squeezes of the bag (no, you don’t need a vacuum) or an extra zip for compression. I’ve used both, and both work for me. I use compression bags more nowadays simply because the vacuum bags eventually get worn and get a hole in them, rendering them useless.
  • Wear your heaviest and bulkiest items – Even if you may look a little silly in the process, every piece of luggage weight is precious, so by wearing your heaviest items, you may just open up a little space to fit in another outfit or save in overweight fees.

packing a carry on clothes

  • Don’t pack toiletries if you’re tight on space – You can buy these very easily at your destination. So if you’re looking for some extra room, leave the toiletries at home and purchase them when you land. Unless you need super specific things, this is easy to save some room in your bag.
  • Fill dead space – Make use of every little space in your bag that you can. That means rolling all your smaller items up, such as socks and underwear, and stuffing them into shoes and all the nooks and crannies you can find.
  • Know your limits – There is nothing worse than a surprise hefty fee at the airport when your bag weighs too much. One of the best travel tips for saving money is to double-check your baggage limits and weigh them at home first.
  • Pack some hand luggage – Even if you are checking in your main bag when you travel, always pack the necessities and a change of clothes in your hand luggage . Sometimes the unthinkable happens, and your main luggage may go missing for a few days at the airport. That way you won’t have to run to the shops as soon as you arrive at your destination to buy replacement clothing. Your electronics should ALWAYS be in your carry-on only and anything else of value.

9 tips to travel

  • Packing for multiple seasons – I honestly simply don’t. I’ve avoided winters all my life up until recently. The easiest way to pack is to make sure you’re staying in similar climates so you don’t need so many types of clothes. If I travel to a place where I need warm items, I make it a round trip. Sometimes you can’t help it and in that case, pack multi-use items and layers like when I went to Iceland .
  • Check the season of your destination – No matter when you travel, check the season. It’s easy for someone from New York to forget to pack winter gear when visiting Australia in June. Make sure you’re not getting your hemisphere’s weather mixed up.
  • Try traveling in low or shoulder season –  Not only are prices lower, but there are fewer tourists, making sightseeing easier. This is your best bet for getting the cheapest accommodation, flights, and tour packages. The only risk is you may not get the best weather 24/7, but this could be a risk worth taking.

The best time to visit Morocco is in March!

  • Just do it – There will never be the ideal time to go traveling, be it because of work, family or friends, but sometimes you have just to get up and go instead of sitting around waiting for that ‘perfect’ time. Chances are, you’ll be waiting for a very long time!
  • Flexibility – We talked about this already, but it’s worth mentioning again flexibility will be your best for finding the best deals.
  • Avoid taxis if possible – Taxis are usually a budget buster. Is there any other way to get from A to B? Double check, as taxis are a headache to haggle with and may overcharge you once they realize you are a tourist. If it’s inevitable, ask a neutral person how much it should be for a base price to negotiate. Google taxi scams for XYZ country too to be double aware. Follow them on your phone through Google maps.
  • Download Grab/Uber – Grab is an excellent app in countries in SE Asia, as you can hail a cab to wherever you are and know how much it will cost you before you accept it. You probably know about Uber. And Lyft works abroad too!

Travel safety tips include using a taxi or Uber when possible.

  • Lounge on a layover – If it’s long enough, explore; if it’s not, use it as a time to stretch, journal, get work done, make the random friend at the coffee shop or bar… Better yet, treat yo’self and go to a lounge. You could get Priority Pass or may potentially have it through your credit card . If not, you can buy day passes for many of them as well. Lounges are great if you get to the airport early or on layovers, in fact, it’s life-saving! It includes better bathrooms and wifi, free food, and even booze!
  • Take into account transit days – Just because you have 14 days of vacation, it doesn’t mean all of those days are fun. Some of those days will be entirely spent on transposition or jet-lagged. Add day accordingly and perhaps don’t go TOO far from home if you don’t have a lot of time.
  • Arrive at the airport with plenty of time – One of the most stressful things in life is getting to the airport with only a little time to spare. Many things could take longer than you think, and you never know how long the lines can be. Missing your plane is not like missing a bus; you can’t just hop on the next one that easily.

thailand transportation train

  • Check-in online – Many flights allow you to check-in online, which will save you precious time at the airport. Sometimes the check-in queue can be scarily long.
  • Make use of sleeper train/buses – Don’t be scared to use a sleeper train or bus to get from A to B. They may take a bit longer than a flight, but are likely to be considerably cheaper and will save you the cost of one night’s accommodation.
  • Talk to people – You might make friends for life on your travels, but to do that, you can’t be afraid to talk to people. The easiest way to do this is to join an organized tour or stay in a hostel, it is likely that others will be in the same boat as you and want to make friends. Just be brave enough to strike up a conversation, and you may be surprised by how much you have in common.
  • Talk to the locals – If there is anyone who will know the best things to see and do in a new location, those who live there. The chances are the locals will be more than happy to provide advice, and you may even come across a hidden gem that you otherwise would not have discovered and get to know the country better.

People sitting around table at Skybar in Antigua Guatemala

  • Show respect – No matter what. Never let a situation get you so angered you disrespect the other party. You are a guest in another country, which can cause an even bigger issue. Always remain calm.
  • Keep an open mind – When traveling, it is a chance to meet people you probably wouldn’t speak to at home. Differences such as age and culture become irrelevant as instead, you’ll bond over things like shared experiences.
  • Keep your guard up – Although you should be open to strangers, this doesn’t mean letting loose and forgetting all potential red flags. Be in tune with your gut and go with it. Your sub-conscience usually can sniff out a sketchy situation; listen to yourself.

A travel safety tip is to always watch your drinks.

  • Staying in a hostel isn’t always fun – This is coming from someone who isn’t a fan; I need my space. Hostels aren’t always your only option sometimes a one-bedroom in a hostel or a guesthouse is only a few bucks more. Making friends is fun, but not having stuff stolen and getting sleep is more fun in my eyes. I can be social in the common rooms!
  • Join Facebook groups – This is one of the best tips for traveling if you want to make friends and be in the know about what’s going on in certain places. There are thousands of Facebook groups, some for particular countries, some for specific towns and cities… Join the ones you’re interested in visiting, and you’ll find out about tons of events and find others who are looking to make friends.
  • Check your passport expiration and pages – Some countries won’t let you in if you have three-six months or less until you’re due for a new one. If you don’t have enough pages to stamp, you’ll also be denied entry. Some countries won’t let you in with less than two pages free. Plus, some visas take up an entire page!
  • Check the visa requirements – Never assume you can just land and enter a country. Always double-check the requirements for visas. All of this is Googleable, and it depends on what country you are from as well.

9 tips to travel

  • Get travel insurance – This is very important; too many people think they will be fine without it. Accidents can happen, and for the sake of some pocket change, you could save yourself some hefty hospital bills. The easiest travel insurance and one I use is Safety Wing . This is particularly the best one for people traveling for longer. Read more about travel insurance.
  • Photocopy important documents – You should always keep a photocopy of your essential documents in a separate bag from the originals, just in case they get lost! It could get you out of a sticky situation for something that can take seconds to do, and it is always good to have a backup as an extra sense of security. I carry them in my bag, have them in an email to my mom, and have a document folder saved on my computer. Passport, ID, visa info…
  • Leave the guidebook at home – Rather than lugging a whole guide around with you, why not just take photos or download an app? Saves both space and weight. Also, travel blogs like the one you’re reading now often have better info than a guidebook that may have been written two years ago by a person that visited a place for 36 hours.
  • Don’t bring your passport –  I never carry my passport with me. Even if it’s a requirement, it’s safer hidden in the hotel than on me, in my opinion.
  • Ask a hotel if you are lost –  Walk into any hotel or store and ask for directions; they will be the most trustworthy and gain nothing from lying to you.

Sunset and Rosetta Stone

  • Learn a little of the local language – There is no way you will be able to learn the language of everywhere that you go, but there is no harm in learning a few choice phrases of the local lingo to help you get by. A few good phrases include, ‘hi,’ ‘please,’ and ‘thank you, but the words for ‘bathroom’ and ‘beer’ may also come in handy!
  • Watch a documentary – Sometimes, before visiting countries or popular places, watching a documentary is a great way to get educated before arriving. Having a bit of a visual will often make you more aware of what to expect of your destination than simply reading a travel guide.
  • Make use of McDonald’s – If you’re in a city and are dying for a toilet… run into a McDonald’s and do your thing. They usually have free wifi too but buy some fries and don’t take total advantage.

Night market in Pai

  • Say no to as much plastic as possible – Some countries are obsessed with plastic. 711s in Southeast Asia will give you a bag for your small snack and water and a plastic straw on top of it. Refuse the extra plastic.
  • Don’t be the over-planner – It will only lead to delusional plans, disappointment, and stress.
  • Don’t have too many expectations – Having crazy expectations is a recipe for disaster. Go in with low expectations and be blown away. Nothing will go perfect; accept that things will go wrong.

Pouakai circuit Taranaki Sunrise side

  • Get up early – Yes, the early bird indeed gets the worm. It’s worth making the most of your day when you don’t have much time in a place, and getting up early means fewer crowds and better pictures. Not only that, but you’ll also have the rest of the day to do other awesome things.
  • Travel with a smile – It’s cheese AF, but it’s so true. Smile more, randomly smile to locals, have a smile even when a situation is frustrating; it’s part of the journey. Smiles go a long way. Wear it often. Everyone is willing to help but not if you’re an angry asshole.

Two women smiling at camera at New Years Eve party in Koh Lanta

  • Vaccinations – Always get a doctor’s advice if you are traveling somewhere where there may be a vaccine requirement. There will likely be a vaccination you can get to protect you from most nasty things, and if it’s a requirement, the airline will probably ask you for proof before you even board the plane!
  • Write things down – You may think you’ll remember every aspect of your traveling experience, but it is scary how quickly you can forget the little things. If you wrote something down, even just a line or two a day, it can be a great thing to look back on in a few years and may help jog your memory about other events that occurred on your trip.
  • Wear sunscreen – It is such a simple tip that so many people tend to ignore. Even if you are hoping to catch a tan, sun cream is vital and has many long-term benefits associated with it. Some places may have an intense sun that you are not used to. On a similar note, sunscreen is often one of the most expensive toiletries abroad! So bring it from home!

Olon, Ecuador has beautiful beaches for surfing!

  • Tell people where you are – For safety reasons , it is always best to ensure at least one person knows where you are and when. An excellent way to do this is to send an itinerary home to your families, such as your upcoming flights and accommodation; that way, if you disappear for a few days, someone will always know where you should be. Before venturing in nature alone, always tell someone.
  • Wear flips flops in the shower – Imagine how many people use the hostel showers every day! Ew! Stay protected and wear flip-flops ; you won’t regret it! This is more often for those staying in hostels or in places where many people share bathrooms.
  • Learn something new – Go surfing in Morocco or ride a motorbike in Thailand. Go diving in Indonesia or hike a volcano … Traveling is all about new experiences, and the opportunities are endless out there in the big, wide world.
  • Embrace the nerves –  It’s OK to feel nervous and excited. The nerves will pass, you’ll have fun and everything will be OK. Don’t let nerves hold you back; it is entirely normal!
  • Travel solo at least once – For many, traveling alone can seem like a pretty scary experience, but there are so many perks when it comes to solo travel ; it should be done at least once. You’ll learn about yourself, how to be independent, how to overcome obstacles, and overall do everything that you want to without having to think about anyone else. You’ll also learn some valuable life skills along the way.

Solo female Morocco tips that you need for your trip!

  • Step out of your comfort zone – There are not many other opportunities in life where you can step out of your comfort zone and do something that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Traveling is the perfect time to do something that you would never usually do at home; you’ll likely be surprised about how exhilarating it can be.
  • Get a job to stay abroad longer – If you think you will struggle with the fact of coming home, there is no problem with staying abroad! Yes, it’s true, it’s possible to stay abroad longer, and no, you do have to be rich! There are tons of travel jobs out there, both work abroad and remote work . If you want to stay abroad longer and keep traveling, you’re in the right place. This is the blog to read! I have been blogging for about ten years on exactly how to do this. Head here for more info on working, living, and traveling the world .

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Nina Ragusa is an adventurer, messy bun master, breakfast fan, and full-time travel blogger. She's been abroad since 2011 and blogging on Where in the World is Nina? for nearly as long. Nina helps people like you move around the world while making money. She loves talking about how to work abroad and online to travel longer! Read more about Nina

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The Vacationer • Travel Guides • Travel Tips

49 Best Travel Tips to Save Time, Money, & Stress in 2024

Best Travel Tips

Traveling locally, across the country, or to another continent is an exciting way to form memories and experience other cultures. But an awry trip can usher in unnecessary stress, expenses, and potential regrets.

These travel tips can help you have a successful trip from the initial planning stages, as you pack your bags, and once you reach your destination. 

Table of Contents

Best Travel Tips While Preparing for a Trip

This collection of tips covers just about everything you should consider when traveling and before you go. You are most likely practicing some of them, making them a good reminder, and others can help prevent uncommon travel surprises.

1. Book At Least Six Weeks in Advance

Instead of carving time out of your schedule to book your trip at a specific date or time (such as Tuesdays at 3 a.m. using a private browsing session to find discounted fares), a more effective strategy is researching travel options at least four to six weeks in advance.

You can still find cheap flights and ideal flight times at least six weeks before departure. Getting on the hunt two or three months before major holidays is also good.  

Last-minute travel savings are possible but you may be unable to get a desired departure time, layover window, or destination. Waiting until the final days can be worth it if you have a flexible schedule and are open-minded about where you travel to.

Learn More: Best Days and Times to Book Flights

2. Travel in the Off-Season or Shoulder Season

Avoiding the peak travel season is one of the easiest ways to pay less for flights and lodging. You also will enjoy smaller crowds and the weather can still be decent for your intended activities.

For example, visiting Spain is delightful in March and April but travel prices are elevated during Semana Santa (Holy Week) when most cities have processions that virtually shut down the city.

Another example is visiting a beach town during the shoulder season. The shoulder season is the time between the peak and the offseason. So you could take a trip to Cape May, NJ from the middle of May to the end of June instead of during the July/August peak. The weather is still good enough during the shoulder season to enjoy most peak-season activities.

3. Compare Multiple Booking Sites

Comparing prices from several travel booking sites can help you find the best rate within minutes. Airlines, hotels, and rental cars offer several slots to third-party booking sites and you can pay less than booking directly from the carrier.

It’s worth your time to check prices directly from the carrier website but also from one or more third-party booking sites (online travel agencies or OTAs) like , Kayak , or Google Flights .

The Vacationer Tip

Along with looking for the best flight schedule and prices, you can use our guide to help find the best seats on the plane and book them for cheap or for free.

4. Book Directly from the Travel Provider

While you can find discounted prices through online travel agencies and third-party booking sites, booking directly from the airline, hotel, or rental car agency provides more protection if you must cancel or reschedule. This is especially important for flights and the 24-hour cancellation rule .

With third-party reservations, you may be locked into a particular itinerary that could be non-refundable or non-changeable. You will need to call the booking site to determine what your alternatives are. If you’re eligible for a refund, it can take longer to receive your funds.

5. Stay at a Hostel to Save Money

Hostels are a common and safe way to secure affordable lodging in Europe and Asia. If you’re traveling solo or in a group and okay with not having as much privacy, a hostel helps keep your travel costs down. 

Despite many misconceptions, most establishments are well-run with clean bathrooms and bedding. You may also be able to get a basic breakfast at some. With that said, be sure to research your options and consider paying a little more to get more luxurious accommodations.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Staying in a Hostel

6. Consider Vacation Rentals for Extended Stays

Vacation rental websites like Airbnb and VRBO have become immensely more popular since the pandemic as people yearned for privacy. While hotels are usually better for shorter stays as you avoid expensive cleaning fees and service fees, a vacation home or villa can be more cost-effective for extended stays.

At a minimum, a rental or an extended-stay hotel is more likely to offer a full kitchen suite that allows you to cook full meals instead of relying on packaged snacks or what fits inside the hotel mini-fridge. 

Vacation rentals can also be cheaper per square foot if traveling as a family. Instead of squeezing into a hotel suite or booking multiple rooms, you have spacious accommodations. If you have small children, the extra space can keep you from losing your mind on rainy days.

The Vacationer’s Tip: While many people focus on spending less for flights, hotels and vacation rentals can have variable pricing. Here is how to find and book cheap hotels to enjoy clean and spacious lodging on a budget.

7. Buy Travel Insurance for Expensive or International Trips

Travel insurance is inexpensive on most itineraries and can save you thousands of dollars if your non-refundable travel is canceled or delayed for qualifying reasons. 

Obtaining coverage is a good option for expensive trips. Picking up a policy can also be worth it when traveling outside the United States as you can have medical coverage and emergency evacuation benefits that your ordinary health insurance may not provide outside the country.

You should also consider booking your trips using credit cards with travel insurance coverage . These benefits are sufficient for low-cost excursions and can activate before your standalone travel insurance policy can. They can also provide complimentary rental car coverage .

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® offers the best credit card travel insurance benefits. Namely, you can be eligible for trip interruption and cancellation coverage of up to $10,000 per person ($20,000 per trip), primary auto rental collision damage waiver, up to $500 per ticket in trip delay reimbursement, and up to $100,000 in emergency evacuation  Learn How to Apply Here

8. Consider Annual Travel Insurance Plans

If you travel regularly, an annual travel insurance policy covers multiple trips at a lower premium than buying a new policy for each trip. This is an excellent option for frequent leisure travelers and business travelers.

9. Review Airline and Hotel Cancellation Policies

Your travel plans may change unexpectedly for personal or work reasons. Before you book, take the time to review the cancellation and modification policies just to make sure they are reasonable.

You want to make sure you have a strong possibility of getting a refund or a travel credit to redeem later. Being locked into a non-refundable itinerary may not be worth the savings unless you’re booking right before you go or your travel insurance may issue a refund.

In addition to researching the cancellation policy, be sure to review an airline’s seating and carry-on policy to avoid add-on fees and restrictions. 

10. Choose Early Flights

Early morning flights are the best time to fly for several reasons. First, these departures are less likely to be delayed as it’s a new travel day with rested crews and minimal weather-related interruptions. 

Additionally, these flights can be cheaper as you need to arrive at the airport a little earlier. Routes popular with business travel can be an exception to this rule, but you can anticipate paying less than for a mid-day sortie.

Learn More: How to Avoid Flight Delays and Cancellations

11. Arrive at the Airport Early

Best Travel Tips - Arrive at the Airport Early

Photo: Pixabay

Getting to the airport at least an hour before departure for domestic flights at small airports or when you’re not checking luggage. Plan on arriving at least two hours for domestic flights at busy airports, if you’re checking a bag, or traveling with small children.

What about international flights? Plan on arriving at least three hours before departure to allow additional time for a potentially longer check-in time.

Learn More: How Early Should I Get to the Airport?

12. Qualify for Expedited Airport Security 

If you fly several times a year, obtaining expedited airport security credentials can help you avoid long airport security lines. 

The first step is applying for a federally-administered Trusted Traveler Program, such as:

  • TSA PreCheck : Enjoy expedited security at domestic airports only.  
  • Global Entry : Get expedited processing at customs lines on international flights plus TSA PreCheck benefits. 
  • NEXUS : Ideal for travel between the U.S. and Canada. It also includes Global Entry and TSA PreCheck benefits. 

Several rewards credit cards are offering free Global Entry and TSA PreCheck application fee credits to save a few dollars.

In addition to Trusted Traveler programs, you can also shave a few minutes off security wait times with CLEAR at select major airports and stadiums. Where available, this pre-security program can help you reach the expedited TSA security lines sooner. 

Getting a Redress Number can help those who frequently have boarding pass issues, are subject to additional security screenings (including having SSSS on their boarding pass ), and those who experience delayed or denied boardings.

Learn More: How to Get Through TSA Airport Security Faster

13. Relax at an Airport Lounge

If you have a long layover or arrive at the airport several hours later, visiting an airport lounge (like a Centurion Lounge ) can help you grab a complimentary meal and drink, and recharge your devices. You can also have a comfortable place to sit and the luxury lounges offer spa treatment, sleeping rooms, and shower suites to clean up.

Single-day passes are pricey but there are several credit cards with lounge access . Most lounges allow entry for the primary cardholder and up to two guests complimentary up to three hours before your next flight’s departure.

Airport lounge access is just one way to reduce air travel stress . Check out our article for additional suggestions. 

14. Check Your Passport Expiration Date

Some countries and airlines won’t let you travel if your passport expires within six months. If you’re planning a trip, see if your passport is expiring soon to prevent delaying your trip.

Consider renewing your passport early if you’re approaching the six-month expiration window as the passport processing times can take up to 13 weeks to receive your new document. You can pay extra for expedited processing but the process can still take several weeks.

After submitting your renewal request, you can check your passport application status online .

Finally, use our How to Take Your Own Passport Photo guide to simplify things when applying or renewing.

15. Don’t Go Into Debt for Vacation

As much as you’re earning to get away on a dream trip, it’s probably not worth going into debt for. Whether your bank is offering a vacation loan or you intend on carrying a credit card balance (even with a 0% APR), borrowing money to travel can backfire.

Instead, look for the best options within your spending power. Consider setting aside money each month and delaying your trip if necessary.

In addition to saving up for travel in a dedicated savings account, you can use travel rewards credit cards to redeem points to defray purchases. Some cards offer annual statement credits that reimburse eligible travel bookings. 

Additionally, airline credit cards and hotel credit cards also offer complimentary benefits to spend less.  

Making a travel budget can help you plan for travel expenses so you’re not nervous about running out of cash while you travel or having regrets once you return home.

16. Exercise and Stretch

Once you depart for your trip, be sure to stretch and perform basic exercises as time and space permit. It can be as basic as stationary stretches while sitting in your seat to walking the airport terminal. If driving, stay outside for a few extra minutes at the gas station or rest area.

Stretching and being active once you arrive is also beneficial and can help you sleep better.

Best Travel Tips for Packing

17. only bring a carry-on.

When possible, only bring a carry-on to avoid lost or missing checked luggage. You can also avoid checked baggage fees and excessive weight charges if you overpack. Using the best carry-on can help you find the perfect soft or hard-sided luggage to fit your travel gear.

If you need to check a bag, it most likely won’t get lost but could get delayed. Here’s our helpful guide on what to do during baggage delays .

18. Pack as Light as Possible

Packing is stressful; Many people overpack to ease their anxiety, which sometimes means bringing extra suitcases or paying to check a bag. Write down everything you think you need on your packing list. After it’s complete, cut it down to the bare minimum.

Pack underwear and socks for the number of showers you expect to take; Add an emergency pair for every five or so days of your trip. Shirts and pants can usually be worn multiple days in a row. If your accommodation has a washing machine, you can pack even less.

19. Carry-On Overnight Travel Essentials

You never know when a flight delay will turn into spending the night in the terminal or at a nearby hotel. While the airline may provide meal vouchers, you should pack these travel essentials to freshen up:

  • A change of clothes, especially extra underwear and socks
  • Powerbank (they cost about $20 and have several phone/tablet recharges)
  • Travel charger

Even if you’re not stuck somewhere overnight, these small and compact items can also help you rest while on the road:

  • Earplugs (great for plane rides and noisy hotels)
  • Noise-canceling earbuds or headphones
  • Travel blanket
  • Travel pillow (see the best travel neck pillows )

Adding these carry-on essentials to your packing list can prepare you for nearly any change of plans and to weather a long layover or flight. 

20. Don’t Forget a Power Adapter

A power adapter is essential in most foreign destinations to charge your devices. Traveling to Canada or Mexico is an exception as the standard voltage is 120v and these countries have the same outlet design as the United States. Check to see the adapter requirements for the country you are visiting before leaving.

The Vacationer’s Phil Dengler recently visited South Africa and needed a Type M adapter. He purchased this Ceptics International Power Plug Adapter Travel Set , which includes 13 adapters for just about every foreign country.

21. Use Packing Cubes

There are a couple of ways to organize your travel luggage to squeeze everything in. Your bag may include built-in storage compartments or you might roll up clothing and put them in packing cubes or vacuum storage bags. If you’re on a budget, rubber bands or plastic bags can also do the job. I recommend the following packing cubes: Veken 6 Set of Various Colored Packing Cubes .

Packing for a vacation can feel like a fine art at times, even as a seasoned traveler. Our travel packing list can cover everything you need to bring so you don’t forget and have to buy something along the way.

22. Bring an Empty Water Bottle

For over 20 years, it’s become ingrained for air travelers to pack liquids in containers containing no more than three ounces. This security rule means you can’t bring a filled water bottle through airport security, but you can bring an empty one.

Most airports have filtered water dispensers in the post-security terminal that you can fill up your bottle with and avoid paying big bucks for bottled water. You also won’t struggle to stay hydrated during your journey.

If you’re driving, consider bringing a travel water filter or a portable filter that you can use in your hotel room to pay pennies for filtered water.

23. Dress Comfortably for the Flight

You should dress comfortably for the plane ride. Dressing in layers with a light jacket or a travel blanket can help you stay warm if the cabin is cool. Bringing travel slippers or slip-on shoes on long-haul flights is another overlooked comfort hack. Wear sweatpants instead of jeans.

24. Bring Duplicate Travel Documents

Take a few minutes to photocopy your critical travel documents such as your government-issued IDs and passport. Be sure to keep these papers separate from your originals in case one set gets lost.

Once you arrive at your destination, you may decide to go out in public with your duplicates and keep your originals plus at least one payment card in the room safe. That way, a pickpocket doesn’t run off with the more valuable set and you still have a way to make purchases. 

Taking it a step further, write down your credit card numbers and the emergency contact number if you need to call and cancel if your plastic goes missing. If you don’t have a phone number, you can also look for a pay phone that should have a toll-free number to contact Visa or Mastercard to cancel your card.

25. Keep Valuables at Home and Bring a Lock

Unless it’s necessary to bring them along for a business function or a personal event, leave your valuables at home. The hassle of keeping them secure and the risk of losing them may not be worth the replacement cost. 

This includes your fine jewelry, watches, and high-end electronics that are nice to use but optional for this trip. Additionally, these items can make you a target for thieves.

The Vacationer’s Phil Dengler also recommends bringing a luggage lock or a standard combination lock.

Best Travel Tips Luggage Lock & Tracker

26. Install a Luggage Tracking Device

Bluetooth tracking devices like the Apple AirTag are a small and easy way to see where your carry-on and checked luggage are at all times. A single piece is about the size of a coin and costs $30 or less.

27. Bring Comfy Walking Shoes

Most of the world walks more steps than we do daily. Therefore, it’s essential to pack at least one pair of comfortable shoes or sandals to stroll the streets of your destination. Comfortable footwear is also a must-have if you’re staying stateside.

28. Keep a Travel Journal

Consider packing a notebook or diary into your carry-on. Handwriting your favorite travel memories in a journal is an easy way to remember the intricacies that you may struggle to remember years later when you reflect. 

For example, you can write down what you did each day along with exciting facts. Having everybody share their favorite activity for the day is another way to use this journal.

Best Travel Tips for Once You Arrive

29. learn the local customs.

Words and expressions can have different meanings where you’re traveling to. It’s also a good idea to know some of the common phrases and customs the locals practice so you can have a basic conversation.

You can research these details online or in a guidebook.

Best Travel Tips Local Customs

30. Dress As a Local

Blending in with the crowd can help prevent unwanted attention from panhandlers and pickpockets. For example, don’t wear revealing clothing when the culture favors pants or long dresses. Researching fashion advice for your destination is your best option.

31. Be Wary of Local Scams

Brushing up on the latest tourist scams can help you avoid bad situations. A recent travel guidebook is a reliable way to find the most common tactics for your destination. Two to look out for are unofficial taxis and fake wifi hotspots. 

32. Consider Wearing a Money Belt

Long-time travelers have a love-hate relationship with money belts as they point you out as a tourist if you’re constantly reaching for it in public. Additionally, wearing the belt all day can be a nuisance as it’s an extra layer of fabric you’re not used to.

At the same time, it’s harder to steal a money belt than to grab something from your pockets or purse. They are also inexpensive to buy on Amazon and don’t take up a lot of suitcase space if you decide not to use it.

33. Download Travel Apps

Smartphones make international travel substantially easier as you can download various apps before leaving home so you can hit the ground running.

Some types of apps you may consider downloading for these purposes:

  • Offline Maps: Many consider to be the best offline maps app and more user-friendly than Apple Maps or Google Maps. You may still try getting paper maps from a local tourism office or bookstore once you arrive though.
  • Translation: A translator app for traveling can be pre-loaded with basic phrases with offline access. It may also be able to interpret voice recordings and photographs.
  • Jet Lag: Flying to the other side of the world takes a toll on your body and sleep cycle. Timeshifter can help you conquer jet lag quicker while traveling and upon returning home.   

Downloading apps for your airline, hotel, and travel booking sites will help you access your digital reservation information and receive itinerary updates. Some travelers also enjoy downloading tourism apps like Tripadvisor or Yelp to quickly access ratings for attractions.

34. Get an International Sim Card or Phone Plan

Your stateside phone carrier may offer an international plan that you can upgrade to while you’re out of the country. Contract carriers and prepaid providers offer this overseas coverage.

Alternatively, an international sim card can be a budget-friendly and reliable option if you visit multiple countries. Just make sure your device is unlocked and GSM-compatible.  

35. Avoid Eating in Touristy Areas  

You’re likely to pay more and potentially get lower-quality food when eating in touristy areas. This isn’t always the case. For example, dining within sight of Rome’s Pantheon is an exception as there are well-rated restaurants for a memorable ambiance.

However, going a few streets over or to an adjacent community can be the ticket to finding authentic food. Asking your hotel or trustworthy locals can help you find a good spot in addition to researching places to eat online.

36. Lunch Can Be Cheaper than Supper

If you’re only planning on eating out one meal per day, your mid-day meal can be more affordable than in the evening. 

Depending on the restaurant, there can be separate menus for the bar and dining room. Staying in the bar can be more affordable and your meal options can be similar.

37. Use American Chains for Public Restrooms and Wifi

Finding a public bathroom can be challenging in foreign destinations. American restaurants like McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Taco Bell are more likely to offer public access to restrooms and wifi, although you may need to make a small purchase.

38. Look for Free Walking Tours

Free walking tours are common in popular tourist destinations both stateside and internationally. These tours can last a couple of hours and hit the cultural and historical points of interest. They can provide an idea of what you want to spend more time exploring later.  

While these tours don’t have an entry fee, nothing in life is genuinely 100% free ,and leaving a tip is expected in most situations. You may decide to tip more if the guide is knowledgeable and engaging.

39. A Paid Tour Can Be Better Than a Free Tour

Best Travel Tips for Tours

You should also compare the free tours to private, guided tours. A paid tour can provide more hands-on support and access to more landmarks. 

In addition to researching the traditional tour providers, the experiences section in Airbnb can also provide curated opportunities to see the sights, enjoy culinary delights, or do physical activities like paddleboarding or folk dancing. 

Further Reading: Best Websites for Booking Cheap Tickets, Tours, & Activities

40. Look for Discounted Sightseeing Passes

Museums and entertainment attractions offer discounted and priority admission with sightseeing pass companies. So, instead of buying tickets directly from the tourist attractions you wish to visit, purchasing a city attraction card in advance can save money and means you won’t need to wait for hours (potentially) to buy a ticket at the door.

For domestic trips, CityPASS® offers discounted packages in approximately 15 major U.S. cities. can also help you save on experiences in the United States and Canada.

If you’re flying to the “Eternal City” of Rome, Italy, the Roma Tourist Card is worth the upfront cost as you can enjoy these benefits:   

  • Skip-the-line access at the Roman Colosseum
  • Guided tour of St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Access to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel
  • Audio guides for the Pantheon and Rome
  • Free return transfer to or from Rome’s international airports (Ciampino and Fiumicino)
  • 10% discount on other attractions, museums, and tours

Depending on the program, you may need to book your pass weeks in advance.

41. Get an Interrail Pass for a Eurotrip

If you’re backpacking Europe or touring several countries, an Interrail Pass from Eurail can make it easier to finalize your transportation plan using an interactive map. This platform lets you visit up to 33 countries by rail with a single pass. 

42. Have a Flexible Travel Schedule

Mapping out an initial plan for each day can help you seize the day and optimize your time of playing tourist. Meanwhile, remaining flexible is pivotal as several variables can alter your itinerary such as:

  • A change in the weather
  • Accomplishing more than you originally scheduled 
  • Making friends with other travelers and having dinner with them
  • Realizing a planned activity isn’t as appealing once you arrive 

Another related suggestion is to get out and explore the city and the immediate area on your arrival date (time permitting) so you have a better idea of what to do the next day.

43. Wear Sunscreen Early and Often For Beach & Outdoor Trips

There is nothing worse than getting a bad sunburn at the beginning of a trip. Find a good facial sunscreen and buy a travel-sized container. Apply it to your face and neck a few times per day. For beach trips, either cover up with a hat and clothing or apply strong sunscreen to your body multiple times per day. While it may be annoying, it is much better than dealing with painful and peeling sunburn.

Sunscreen is usually marked up at typical tourist spots. If you check a bag, consider buying what you need before leaving and packing it.

44. Use an ATM Instead of a Currency Exchange Booth

Instead of heading directly to the currency exchange booth at the airport or train terminal, look for an ATM instead. Several should be in the public terminals or you can look for a local bank branch to find a secure location.

Why? ATMs provide better currency exchange ratios than the money exchange booth. Even if you pay foreign transaction fees and non-network ATM fees, you will most likely come out ahead financially speaking.

45. Use a Credit Card With No Foreign Transaction Fees

Many travel-focused credit cards like the Chase Sapphire Preferred , the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card , and The Platinum Card from American Express do not have foreign transaction fees. Use cards like those when traveling internationally to avoid potentially expensive fees.

46. Bring at Least One Backup Credit Card

Getting stuck on vacation with no access to money (besides cash) is not something you want to experience; Your main credit card could get lost or stolen. Carry at least one backup credit card (ideally with no foreign transaction fees if overseas) on all trips.

Phil Dengler’s Favorite Travel Tips

Here are a few of Phil’s favorite travel tips.

47. Be Very Flexible – Pick Your Travel Dates Based on the Cheapest Days to Fly

Flights are usually the most costly part of a vacation. I recommend using Google Flights calendar view to find the cheapest days to fly to and from your destination. After identifying those days, book your airfare. You must be flexible, but it can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars planning a vacation this way.

Further Reading: How to Find Cheap Flights and How to Use Google Flights

48. Book the Aisle and Window Seats When Traveling in Pairs

I always book the aisle and window seats when flying with my girlfriend or a friend. No one wants to sit in the middle seat, so people rarely select it. Doing this usually gives us the entire row to ourselves.

It does not work on full flights, however. The good news is people are usually willing to trade their middle seat. Simply offer them your aisle or window seat and you still get to sit next to your significant other or friend.

Further Reading: Can You (and Should You) Change Airplane Seats With Someone Else on a Flight?

49. Follow Proper Airline Etiquette

Knowing how to properly act on a plane can better your flying experience. See our following guides for more information.

  • Airplane Seat Reclining Etiquette
  • Overhead Bin Space Etiquette – Who Does it Belong To and How to Avoid Fights

The Vacationer’s Final Thoughts

Taking the time to plan for a vacation, whether it’s the annual beach trip or you’re trying some new place, lets you practice these travel tips and not stress before or during your expedition. 

The best part is that you don’t need to be a travel pro to successfully implement these suggestions. If you’re a beginner, try adopting several more each time you leave home.

Josh Patoka The Vacationer Bio

By Josh Patoka

Josh Patoka writes about maximizing travel rewards for The Vacationer. As well, he contributes to several personal finance sites specializing in making money, paying off debt, and investing.

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Travel Tips: The Best 99 Travel Tips You’ll Ever Need

Photo of author

August 30, 2023

Traveling is something that you can only learn with experience. The more you travel, the more you experience and learn.

If you are new to traveling, you are most likely to make a whole lot of mistakes at first and that’s okay.

With time, you’ll know all the things to do and all the things to avoid when planning a trip somewhere or visiting a foreign land.

There are a ton of mistakes you can make as a first-time traveler. These include being reckless, being culturally offensive, missing buses, etc.

You have to think about traveling as you did your first time in a new school. It will take some time but eventually you will get used to how things work.

Meanwhile, here are my 99 travel tips to get you started as a traveler.

The journey might be long and bumpy so hold on tight and brace yourself;

1. Find Photogenic Places & Spots Using Instagram

2. learn common phrases of the local language, 3. read a history book about the place you are visiting, 4. get to know local customs before you go, 5. don’t be afraid to take your kids with you, 6. get vaccinated, 7. let your family and friends at home know your plans, 8. if you plan to visit someone/staying with someone, during your trip, then get them a present, 9. don’t go into debt for travel, don’t spend beyond your means, 10. research your destination, 11. be flexible and don’t over-plan, 12. book early for cheap flights, 13. use points and miles for discounts and even free travel, 14. use a vpn to potentially get a discount on flights, 15. avoid expensive hotels and accommodations, spend your money on experiences not on sleeping, 16. write down your hotel address and phone number.

  • 17. Get a VPN for Travel to Protect Your Internet Connection While Abroad (I Personally Recommend ProtonVPN and NordVPN)

18. Take Cash with You and Extra Credit/debit Card

19. let your bank know you’re traveling, 20. pack light, 21. but take extra underwear and socks, 22. pack a pair of sneakers, 23. carry a first-aid kit, 24. always get a compeed for your feet – thank me later, 25. bring your normal clothes you’re comfortable in with you, 26. wear comfortable shoes you already broke into, 27. don’t bring clothes that need ironing, 28. always pack a hat and a sarong/scarf, 29. mark your luggage and write your name and contact information on them, 30. take pictures of your luggage and clothes, 31. take a photo and make copies of your passport and important documents, 32. get your phone unlocked before you leave, 33. invest in a good travel camera, 34. bring an extra camera battery, 35. bring a powerful power bank, 36. put electronics, medications, and extra clothes in your carry-on, 37. go to the airport early, 38. go to the bathroom right before boarding on a plane or taking a bus, 39. get a window seat so you can lean against the wall when you sleep, 40. get the closest seat possible from the doors on the plane, this will save a huge time going through customs, 41. stay hydrated on the plane and on the road, 42. get a water filter bottle and drink tap water whenever you can., 43. don’t change your currency at the airport, 44. track your spending, 45. don’t be afraid to pay to get your laundry done, it’s totally worth it, 46. wake up early, 47. try to exercise during your trip, 48. eat local food frequently, 49. don’t be ashamed to buy souvenirs, 50. visit famous and touristy places, 51. but don’t hesitate to get off the beaten path, 52. also, don’t eat at restaurants in touristy places, 53. wear sunscreen, 54. always have snacks with you, 55. put down your cellphone and enjoy the moment, 56. visit historical places at lunchtime, they are usually less crowded between 12:30 and 13:30, 57. go to local markets, 58. try new food, even if you think you won’t like it, 59. go on free walking tours, 60. make friends with locals, 61. make friends with other travelers, 62. break out of your comfort zone, 63. get lost on purpose, 64. do something that scares you, 65. be spontaneous. say yes to interesting opportunities and don’t stick blindly to your plans, 66. experience traveling alone from time to time, 67. go somewhere new every year, 68. if it feels wrong, it’s probably wrong. don’t take unnecessary risks, 69. abc: always be charging charge your power-bank and your devices whenever you have the chance, 70. get a local sim card with internet data for your phone, 71. always take your camera with you, always, 72. don’t forget to take epic photos of what you’re seeing, 73. take plenty of photos at sunrise and sunsets., 74. cloudy days are actually excellent for portrait photos, 75. take more photos of yourself in those places, 76. take more photos of and with locals, 77. save memories, don’t fake memories. your photos are meant to remind you of good times, not for showing off to others., 78. don’t wear your purse on one shoulder. rather, wear it around your body, 79. never carry your wallet in your back pocket., 80. be aware of pickpockets and scams, 81. use public transportation in big cities, 82. if you need a car then rent it. it’s cheaper than hiring a driver or taking taxis every time, 83. if you hired a driver, take pictures of the car, the license plate, and relevant details about the car and the driver. just in case, 84. never leave any valuables in your car, ever, 85. check if you forgot something in your hotel room before leaving, 86. don’t throw trash on the street, 87. be eco-friendly and minimize your trash, 88. also don’t buy anything made of animal parts, 89. don’t take your trip too seriously., 90. expect everything to go wrong, 91. don’t lose your temper when it does, 92. be kind with your travel partner. try to understand each other and avoid getting into an argument or a fight., 93. also, a fight doesn’t mean the end of your relationship/friendship. don’t be too proud to apologize, 94. compromise, compromise, compromise, 95. slow down to enjoy your vacation and never let yourself be in a rush, 96. keep an open mind and don’t judge other cultures, 97. don’t assume that you know more about a country or a culture than the people who actually live there, 98. be polite, smile often, and be friendly, 99. always, always, be respectful., i- travel tips before you go.

use instagram to find great places to travel to or to visit during your trips

Instagram is one of the most popular social media applications you can resort to if you want to stay updated with the best places in town to visit.

Before you plan a trip to any destination, make sure to check Instagram for all the most scenic places you must visit in that particular town and city.

Each city in every country has certain must-see tourist spots, including places of worship, museums, or even landscapes full of natural beauty that you must visit. Instagram can be pretty useful as a starting point for pinning down which places you should necessarily add to your itinerary.

Visiting a new place will always be easier if you have some knowledge of the local language.

This doesn’t mean that you have to spend weeks picking up the new language. It simply means that you can take out a few hours each week before your trip to learn some common phrases in the local language that will help you when in the foreign land.

Such phrases include “I’m sorry” , “hello” , “thank you” and anything else that you feel is necessary to get you through your trip.

As an example I wrote an article that compiles the must-known phrases when visiting Japan . Check it out.

More knowledge never hurt anyone. It’s only human to be curious about a place before you visit it. For the sake of both your curiosity and for efficiency purposes, try to grab a hold of a history book about wherever you plan on visiting.

Anywhere you decide to travel will most likely have a rich history and heritage and it only makes sense to read up on some of this so that you enjoy your trip even more.

Read our guide on the best travel books to read that give intense wanderlust.

The one mistake you want to avoid as much as you can when in a new place is to be culturally insensitive or offensive in some way to the locals.

If you are unaware of their culture entirely, you are quite likely to make this mistake. This is why it makes sense to read up a little on the traditions and customs of a place before you visit so that you understand them better and don’t risk acting in an insensitive manner.

Some people are afraid of traveling with their children, especially if their children are pretty young. Although traveling with toddlers or even infants can be exhausting and even terrifying at times, this is no reason to avoid it altogether.

In fact, traveling helps increase knowledge and if a child is made to travel from a younger age, they develop cultural awareness from that tender age and this shapes them up to be informed, educated, and sensitive adults.

Some countries have strict travel policies and will not allow you to enter their land until you are properly vaccinated. The reasoning behind this is simple – they wish to prevent the spread of diseases from one country to another.

Even if it is not required of you by the country according to its travel policies, it is always a good idea to get yourself vaccinated before boarding the plane to another country. Why risk passing on some sort of infection or disease to another land when you can easily avoid it altogether?

This is perhaps the simplest of all travel tips and is understood even without mentioning. Unless, of course, you have absolutely no friends or family that you are in contact with, it’s always a good idea to inform your close relatives and friends about your travel plans.

This is important because visiting a new place is always risky, and it’s good to know that someone knows exactly where you are in case you need any help or encounter some sort of an emergency.

This shouldn’t be too hard to understand. It’s only common decency that if you plan on living with someone during your travels, or even just visiting them, you should buy them a present in advance of your trip.

It’s best to not leave this till the last minute when you will be chaotic and in a rush. Buy these presents at least two weeks before your intended date of travel to avoid any last minute anxieties.

Traveling can be pretty expensive. The actual costs that you will incur depend on where you are traveling, for how long, and whether or not you opt for any travel packages.

It is never a good idea to spend so much that you are in debt after your trip. If you can’t afford to stay in luxury hotels then don’t include them in your itinerary.

As fun as traveling can be, it won’t be much fun if you can’t afford basic necessities for months after your trip.

II- Travel Planning Tips

9 tips to travel

Before you begin packing your bags and booking your flights, it’s important to do some research on your destination. This will help you better understand the culture, customs, and norms of the place you are visiting, and ensure that you are prepared for what to expect.

Some things you might want to research include the climate and weather, local laws and regulations, the cost of living and common expenses, and any potential health or safety concerns.

This will help you plan and pack appropriately, and also give you a sense of what activities or sights you might want to see while you are there.

Traveling anywhere requires at least a certain degree of flexibility. It is a basic rule of life that everything is more fun when you don’t plan it down to every little detail.

While it is important to be organized and responsible when visiting a new place, you should always be open to spontaneity.

If things don’t go exactly as you planned, don’t be too disappointed because this will most likely ruin the rest of your trip.

Once you have made up your mind about where you are traveling, it only makes sense to book your flights as soon as you can.

You can hire a travel agent, book a package, or even plan the entire trip by yourself, but whatever you choose to do, make sure to get a head start on the process.

No point paying extra when you can get much lower prices by just being responsible enough to book the flights well in advance.

Once you become a frequent flier, you are likely to receive flying points and miles. The more points and miles you gather, the more likely you are to get a discount on your flights. Sometimes, once you have accumulated enough points, it’s even possible for you to travel completely free of cost!

Generally speaking, travel websites tend to track your IP address and the prices that they offer you are based on where you are browsing from.

Using a VPN for travel , you can hide your IP address and consequently, you might be able to benefit from lower flight prices. For example, if you were to set your IP address to a lower income country, you may be able to book a flight at a lower price.

Similarly, you may be able to set your IP address to the country from which that particular airline operates, and thereby save on flight costs.

Yes, traveling is expensive; but it doesn’t always have to be! There are countless ways you can save money during your travels using hacks such as choosing budget-friendly hotels as opposed to luxury, five-star hotels if you can’t afford it.

Remember that the whole point of traveling is to gain new experiences. If you want to sleep comfortably, you can do that in your own home. Make sure that when you do travel, spend on exploring and discovering new places, rather than on comfort.

In fact, the whole point of traveling is to step outside your comfort zone!

Before you set out for your travels, it is pertinent to do some research well in advance. You need to know exactly which hotels you will be staying at, and the smart thing to do is to write down the contact number and address of wherever you will be staying.

This information is important to keep for yourself, as well as for giving it to a close family member or friend lest they have to contact you in case of an emergency.

17. Get a VPN for Travel to Protect Your Internet Connection While Abroad (I Personally Recommend ProtonVPN and NordVPN )

A VPN protects the privacy of your internet connection when you’re away from your home country. When in a new country, it makes sense to install a VPN well in advance of your travel for the sake of internet privacy.

There are certain websites that you are accustomed to using that may even be blocked in the country you are traveling to. A VPN can make sure that you can access your favorite sites regardless of where you are.

ProtonVPN and NordVPN are two reliable VPNs you can install before your travel dates.

Remember that when traveling, it’s always good to be prepared for the worst. Anything can happen during your travels, things can go wrong and you must be prepared.

As such, always make sure to travel with your debit and credit cards, along with cash. It’s important to have both options in hand because depending on where you are traveling, one option might work while another might not.

For example, if you are in a particular city, some areas such as large malls and restaurants might accept a card while marketplaces and bazaars etc. might only accept cash.

Never make the mistake of limiting your options to only one of the two.

It’s always a good idea to inform your bank that you will be traveling and give them your travel dates. This is important because it’s possible that your ATM card or debit card might not work in a foreign country unless your bank allows it.

You might get into a very sticky situation if you somehow run out of cash sooner than you expect and your debit card refuses to work. So make sure to get these technical processes sorted out well in advance of your trip to avoid any inconveniences during the trip.

III- Packing Tips for Travel

Packing Travel Tips

He who travels happily must travel light. Antoine de Saint-Exupery – One of the best travel quotes out there

When going on a trip, it makes sense to pack as light as you possibly can. The more things you carry with you, the more inconvenient things are likely to be for you.

Let’s say your trip comprises of visits to a number of different cities or even countries. The fewer things you carry with yourself, the easier it will be for you to maneuver and move around.

Additionally, the fewer things you carry, the less likely you are to lose things.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand why this is so important. Remember that no matter how much you pre-plan, it isn’t possible to think of almost every possible thing that can go wrong in the trip.

You also don’t know if your plan might somewhat change along the way. For example, let’s say you decide to extend your trip by a few days.

The smart thing to do is to avoid all these problems and simply pack a few extra pairs of socks and some extra underwear.

The most important thing to keep in mind while packing is that your comfort must be your first consideration.

If you aren’t comfortable with the clothes you have packed or the things you have kept with you, your entire trip might get ruined.

You also generally have to walk a lot during trips as you go about exploring and discovering new cities and towns.

This is why it’s always a good idea to pack at least one pair of sneakers with you, wherever you go. Sneakers are comfortable, durable, and perfect for walking long distances.

Whether you are traveling alone or with a group of people, you alone are responsible for your health along the way.

It is possible for you to encounter any number of accidents or incidents on your trip. You could get a small injury like a broken nail or stubbed toe, or a bigger injury, such as a fracture.

In any case, having a first aid box with you at all times of your travel is absolutely essential.

Compeed dressings are meant to relieve you of the pain of blisters on the feet. When traveling, there are usually such large distances to cover that you can get blisters very easily.

Blisters are naturally painful and uncomfortable and can potentially make the rest of your trip not as much fun for you.

So do remember to keep some compeed with you at all times during your travels.

No matter where you are traveling to, you aren’t likely to have too great a time if you aren’t comfortable.

While fashion is important, the first rule of fashion is that you must be comfortable in what you wear. So make sure to at least bring two to three outfits that you know you are 100% comfortable in.

It’s common knowledge that new shoes can be pretty uncomfortable the first few times you wear them. This is why it’s never a good idea to take new shoes that you haven’t worn too often along with you on a trip.

It’s possible that the new shoes start to dig into your toes, or hurt the back of your heel.

Old is gold, so stick to what’s comfortable!

While it is possible for you to take a steam iron along with you on your travels, it will just be an added inconvenience.

Ironing also takes up a whole lot of time you could have spent exploring the new land you are in.

The solution is simple – simply make sure to take clothes that you know for a fact won’t require ironing.

There are certain accessories that prove to be very useful during traveling. A hat or a cap is one such accessory. Hats can protect you from the sun, particularly if you are heading out towards a tropical climate. Hats also look stylish.

A scarf can also serve multiple purposes. If you are going to a country where you are required to dress ‘modestly’, a scarf can be pretty useful. Scarves can also sometimes look very fashionable.

Similarly, if you are going to a beach location, a sarong is a necessary item to pack.

If you have ever traveled on a plane before, you will realize just why this is so important. Flights nowadays are often booked. Among so many passengers, it’s very easily to lose some or your entire luggage along the way.

This can easily be avoided. All you have to do is make sure that all pieces of your luggage have your name and proper contact information on them.

This way, even if you do lose your luggage, you can be assured that it will always make your way back to you.

This is purely a precautionary measure. Just writing your name and contact information on all pieces of your luggage sometimes isn’t enough.

It’s also a good idea to take pictures of all pieces of your luggage and clothing just in case something goes wrong.

This is one of the most important pre-travel steps you need to take.

It’s always a good idea to have copies of each of your important travel documents including your passport, your tickets, hotel bookings, and any other crucial pieces of information or documents you need to travel.

IV- Travel Tips for Packing Tech

Packing tech gear for travel

Make sure that your phone is unlocked before you leave for any trip. You don’t want to face any complications accessing your phone when in a completely foreign land.

There is little point of traveling if you aren’t going to make a whole lot of memories and make sure that at least some of those memories are caught on camera and preserved for you to keep for years and years.

This is why it is always worth investing in a decent travel camera well in advance of your trip. The Canon G5X M2 is one camera certainly worth investing in before your travels.

Cameras usually come with batteries.

It’s possible for those batteries to run out or for something else to go wrong with those batteries.

As such, always make sure that you carry extra camera batteries with you each time you travel.

A power bank is a device that can help you charge your phone when on the go. This device is particularly useful during traveling because even if you do take your phone charger with you, a number of things could go wrong.

It’s possible that the charger begins to malfunction or that you are on some cruise or on an exotic island where there is no way for you to charge your phone.

That’s why I actually have 3 or 4 myself 😀

A carry-on bag serves many purposes during traveling. This bag is where you store all of the extra things that are very useful to you such as necessary medications, electronic items such as your laptop and laptop charger, power bank etc.

You might even want to put a few pairs of extra clothing inside your carry on, just in case you need to freshen up during the journey.

Opening the main suitcase mid journey is impossible, so all of the important things that you might need should be stored in your carry on.

V- Travel Tips While on the Road

Travel tips at the airport

This is perhaps the number one rule of traveling – you must get to the airport well in advance of your flight.

It’s always better to be early rather than late. So quit being lazy. On the day that you have to travel, wake up extra early, have a good breakfast, make sure all your stuff is with you and is sorted out, then head on over to the airport!

One of the most uncomfortable aspects of traveling is not having access to one’s own bathroom. Since traveling is all about stepping outside your comfort zone, you must not mind this too much.

In order to avoid having to go to the bathroom while traveling, make sure you use the bathroom right before boarding a plane, a ship, a bus, or any other vehicle where it might be difficult to use the washroom.

Although this isn’t necessary, the window seat is always a good seat to select, when on a bus or plane.

Not only is this a more comfortable seat because you can lean against the window and fall asleep, the window seat also offers the best views, especially from an airplane.

If possible, make sure to get a seat as near to the doors of the plane as you possibly can.

The nearer you are to the exit of the plane, the earlier you can exit the plane, and the sooner you can get clearance from customs.

This is particularly important if you have to take a connecting flight because you cannot afford to get late for it.

When traveling, it’s sometimes impossible to remember to drink enough water.

Always make sure that whether you are flying or on the road, you have water with you.

Traveling to another country is scary enough, especially for first timers. You don’t need the added stress of encountering any health problems when in a foreign land.

So drink as much water as you can!

It may not be possible for you to find mineral or bottled water easily when on the go.

The easiest thing to do is to simply carry around a water bottle (with an included filter) with you and fill it up with tap water wherever you may find it.

VI- Travel Tips when Arriving at Your Destination

Travel tips at destination

If you are a frequent traveler, you may have realized that it is never a good idea to get your currency exchanged for the foreign currency when at the airport.

This is because the airport often tends to overcharge and give you a rate higher than what you would get from anywhere outside.

Each time you travel, you will have a fixed amount of money with you. As such, you need to spend it wisely.

Make sure you keep a track of all the money you are spending on internal commute, food etc.

Carry a small notebook in your handbag, or use a dedicated budgeting app, and make a note of each time you spend money so that you don’t go overboard or run out of cash.

Whichever hotels you choose to stay at will most likely have a laundry service. You may be unwilling to use the service because of the money you will have to pay for it.

It’s best to however pay that money and get your clothes laundered because you will be saved from a whole lot of inconvenience later.

Fresh, clean clothes are definitely a blessing, especially when you’re in a foreign land.

VII- Travel Tips During Your Trip

Travel tips during your stay

The whole purpose of travel is to explore and discover new places. As such, you want to make the best of your time in the foreign land.

Make sure that you plan out activities for each day of the trip in advance and during the trip, wake up bright and early each day so as not to waste any precious trip time.

Remember, you can always sleep once you’re back home!

Because traveling can be so chaotic in itself, you may forget to care about your physical and mental health. A little bit of exercise goes a long way in this regard.

You can wake up early and do some morning stretches and yoga before starting your day. Alternatively, you can even use an application to keep a track of the number of steps you walk each day. Set a target number of steps and make it your goal to meet your target each day.

There is little point visiting strange new lands if you aren’t willing to step outside your comfort zone. When in a new place, make sure to try out all the local delicacies instead of sticking with food that is readily available.

It can be tempting to buy souvenirs such as bells, magnets, decorative items, or T-Shirts when in a new place.

It’s always a good gesture to buy such things for your family and friends back home or even just for yourself so that you remember this trip for a long time to come.

As obvious as this sounds, some people visit a place and miss out on some of the most famous places to visit because they aren’t aware of them.

Do your research in advance or talk to local tour guides and make sure you visit all the must-see places when in a new place.

While touristy spots are always a delight to visit, sometimes, there are places that no one talks about or visits about are pretty charming. In fact, if you want to get an authentic vibe of the place, its best to sometimes visit places that aren’t particularly famous among tourists.

The problem with only sticking to spots and restaurants that are ‘touristy’ is that these places often tend to get pretty crowded. You also won’t get a feel of the local culture and cuisine if you only stick to restaurants specifically designed to cater to tourists.

This is particularly relevant if you are visiting a tropical region or island. The rays of the sun tend to be pretty strong in these places so make sure to apply sunscreen on all parts of your body that will be exposed to the sun.

Traveling tends to make you pretty hungry, especially when your trip involves a whole lot of adventure an if you’re constantly on the move. Because you can’t always stop at restaurants it’s best to keep some snacks with you on hand in case you get hungry.

The one mistake you should never make when on a trip is to be constantly using your phone. In fact, you should try to avoid social media as much as you can when on vacation. Put your cell phone away, talk to those around you, and enjoy each little moment to the fullest!

If you are in a town or city that is home to a number of historical landmarks that are open for tourists to visit, make sure you plan your visit around lunchtime. This is the time when these landmarks are least crowded and you can even manage to get decent photographs.

Local markets everywhere have a charm of their own. No matter where you are, make sure to visit the night markets and day markets because these can both be pretty interesting in their own ways.

Some places even have floating markets – markets built over flowing water. If you come across any of these, make sure to explore well.

There is little to no point in traveling if you’re only going to stick to what’s considered ‘safe’. Each place you visit will have certain local culinary delicacies that you should at least try out, even if you think you might not like them. Traveling is about collecting new experiences after all!

If the city or town you are visiting has the option of availing free walking tours, make sure you go for these. These walking tours generally tend to be guided and can tell you a lot about the history and culture of the place you are visiting. It’s always good to learn!

Making friends with the locals has a whole lot of advantages of its own. For starters, you can learn some of the local language. More importantly, the locals can guide you on the best places to visit in town and perhaps tell you where you can get the best local food.

It’s always a good idea to befriend those you are traveling with. Not only does this give you a certain support system when in a new land, you can also explore and discover new parts of the city with the other travelers. It’s always more fun when there are more people.

You can even get to know more about the travelers’ home county and this in itself is a learning experience.

VIII- Travel Tips to Live Unforgettable Experiences

Travel tips do what scares you

The number one rule of traveling is that you step outside your comfort zone and are willing to have all sorts of new experiences.

During your travels, you might sometimes face situations that are entirely unfamiliar and where you may feel where you are uncomfortable and that is perfectly okay.

Strange as it sounds, sometimes, the best way to discover yourself is to get lost deliberately. When in a new, strange land, try to be as adventurous as you can, and what’s more adventurous then getting lost?

So shut your phone and aimlessly walk the streets of a foreign city until you don’t know where you are.

At home, it’s okay to stay away from the things that tend to scare you, but not while you are traveling. During your travels, make sure to do things you were otherwise too scared to do. For example, if there’s something you always wanted to try but never got around to it, make sure you go for it when you’re on your trip.

The only thing you need to ask yourself is, what’s the worst that can happen?

Life is supposed to be an adventure, more so when you are traveling. During your travels, make sure to be as spontaneous as you can.

While it’s important to plan out your activities for each day, it’s equally important to take life as it comes to you and not be too stringent if things don’t work out exactly how you plan them.

While it’s always fun to travel in groups, it’s also sometimes fun to travel by yourself. Traveling by yourself can sometimes help you gain a whole new perspective on life. It can also be enriching for your soul to travel alone.

Being by yourself and discovering new places is fulfilling in itself.

While traveling anywhere is a learning experience, the more places you discover, the more you are likely to learn. As such, make it a point to visit a whole new place each year.

The more places you travel, the more you learn about different cultures, histories and traditions, the more foods you discover and the more lifestyles you experience.

Remember that are instincts are almost always right. If you are in a new place or situation that doesn’t feel right to you, get out of those situations as soon as you possibly can. Taking risks is important but taking unnecessary risks is stupid.

Remember that if you mess up, no one can come to your rescue so far away from home. So be smart and careful whenever required.

IX- Travel Tips for Photography & Tech

Travel photography tips

You want to make sure that you don’t run out of charge in your phone or any of the other essential devices you need to carry with yourself. The easiest thing you can do is charge your phone and power bank overnight each day of the trip. You don’t want your phone to be off when you are out and about taking pictures!

This will be useful in case you need to contact friends and family back home. Remember, anything can happen when you are on a trip, far away from all that is familiar. This is also particularly important if you are traveling alone.

Furthermore, data is important even just to access GPS settings on your phone. Imagine that you are in a new place and get lost only because you cannot access maps on your phone.

Make sure that wherever you go, you carry your camera with you and that your camera is fully charged. You might not realize the importance of a camera today, but someday, years from now, when you want to look back at the memories from the trip and you have only the photographs you took, you will realize just how important a camera is.

Photographs will be the only memories of your trip for years to come. Even when you are old and wrinkly, photographs remind you of the places you have visited and the people you have seen,

So make sure that whichever photographs you do end up taking are memorable and epic!

Sunrises and sunsets are two of nature’s most incredible phenomena. Some of the best pictures you can capture are those of the sun rising and setting because this is when the sky is in stunning shades of orange and pink. So make sure to get plenty of these if and where possible!

Many people believe that only sunny day pictures turn out decent and avoid taking pictures when the sky is overcast.

Contrary to popular belief however, cloudy days actually make for excellent backgrounds for photographs, particular portrait photographs .

So next time the sky is cloudy, there is no need to shy away from pictures!

Remember, it’s not all about landscape photography. It’s also somewhat about taking pictures of yourself in whichever place you are visiting.

Years from now, you will want to remember the time you were visiting that place. So make sure to get great shots of yourself with the most popular landmarks of that city.

These are important because years from now, these will make for excellent memories. Make sure that each town or city you are visiting, you get at least a few shots of and with the locals.

Locals everywhere are different from each other. They may for example have a unique style of dressing that you want to capture, for memory’s sake.

Remember that the purpose of taking pictures on a trip is to preserve the memories from the trip, for your own sake, and no one else.

If you spend most of your trip going around taking ‘aesthetic’ or ‘Insta-worthy’ pictures then you might as well not go.

X- Travel Tips for Security & Transportation

Be aware of the pickpockets in the metro and on the streets

This is a safety precaution. While traveling, as you go about exploring and discovering a new town or city, it is common that your things may get stolen or misplaced.

As a result, it’s always best to make sure that your stuff is tightly strung across your body. That way, you can keep an eye on your valuables at all times.

If you are visiting a town or city where theft or pick pocketing is common, you don’t want to risk your things getting stolen. As a result, you must take all necessary safety precautions.

Keeping your wallet in your back pocket is never a good idea because a thief may easily steal it, so avoid this as much as possible.

In some countries and cities, street crime and theft is pretty common. If you are visiting any such city, you must be sure to be as careful as you possibly can. Always be on the lookout for pick pockets and don’t trust anyone blindly when in a foreign land.

If you are visiting any of the major cities of the world such as Tokyo, Paris, London, or new York, it’s always best to stick to public means of transportation such as buses.

Public transport generally tends to be much safer than private taxi services.

If for some reason, public transportation isn’t an option for you and you would much rather travel by car, make sure you rent out a car. Renting a car is much more practical and affordable option than taking taxis all the time. Taxis can sometimes be really expensive and even unsafe in certain situations.

When in a completely new land, there aren’t a lot of people you can trust. Anything can go wrong and you always need to be on your guard. When traveling by taxi, make sure you have pictures of the driver, the car and the license plate, just in case.

While you can afford to be reckless when you’re at home surrounded by friends and family who love you, you must always be extra careful during your travels.

Never forget any of your valuables in a public place.

You most likely won’t get them back.

XI- Common Sense


It doesn’t take a genius to understand why this is so important.

It’s possible that you may not gather all your things before leaving and forget some things in the hotel room, so always double check.

You wouldn’t like it if someone came to your country or city and littered the streets. Littering is extremely disrespectful and ill-mannered so make sure to avoid it.

Each place you visit is likely to have dustbins where you can throw your trash, so follow rules and be on your best behavior.

It’s never too late to start thinking about your planet. During the course of your trip, try to minimize your trash in as many ways as you possibly can. A good start would be to carry around a single water bottle with you instead of buying plastic water bottles all the time.

Caring about animals goes hand in hand with caring about the planet.

Avoid at all cost buying anything that is made up of animal parts. Such as handbags made from crocodile leather, lined with tiger fur, or anything made from giraffe parts, for example.

Purchasing souvenirs made from animal skin to bring home with you is ill-advised, just DON’T do it.

Remember that the primary purpose of your trip is to have a ball. Stop trying to take each aspect of the trip too seriously. Let loose, have fun, and treat everything as an adventure.

If you get lost on your way back to your hotel, stay calm, enjoy the moment while it lasts. You will find your way back eventually!

It’s always best to be prepared for the worst. Remember, any number of things can go wrong during your trip, from the time you board your flight till you come back. Mishaps are simply a part of life. Take them as you come and try to enjoy the journey regardless.

When things don’t seem to be going your way, remember to stay calm. Have faith that everything will work itself out eventually.

There is no need to get wound up about things that are beyond your control and the least productive thing you can do is get angry or lash out on others when things don’t go your way.

During traveling, it’s fairly common for people to get irritable with those they are traveling with. It’s possible that the people you travel with have personality differences to you.

Don’t let this ruin your trip however. Be understanding of everyone’s wishes.

Checkout this wonderful video of the Flying The Nest channel where 4 couples share their best advice about How to travel better as a couple:

Even if you do end up having a fight or two with your travel partners, this is perfectly okay. It doesn’t have to imply the end of your friendship or relationship. It is a fight and you will get over it.

A squabble or two are common when traveling with people. Just remember to not take it to heart or let it ruin your trip, or even worse, your relationship.

The key to a successful trip is to compromise as much as you can with those you are traveling with. Remember, they may have preferences you have to take into account.

This is particularly relevant when you are traveling with your partner our with a group of friends. Each person may have a different place they may want to visit, and you may sometimes have to give up some of the places on your ‘must visit’ list for them, even when you don’t want to.

While you do have to cover a lot of places and activities during you travels, make sure to take things slow at times and enjoy yourself thoroughly.

It does make sense to plan out your itinerary well in advance, but you don’t always have to be on the move. Allow enough time for yourself to soak in each moment so that you enjoy to the fullest.

Simply running from one tourist attraction to the next isn’t always important. What’s important is to make sure to enjoy yourself, wherever you are in that moment.

A lot of tourists make the mistake of being judgemental and insensitive when visiting a new place.

If you want people to welcome you to their country, you need to be sensitive towards their culture, heritage, religion, and traditions.

Avoid doing anything that might be offensive. For example, do not visit a mosque or temple with light clothes as this may be considered disrespectful.

No one can know more about a place than its inhabitants. Be very careful to not act arrogant when visiting a new place.

Locals will consider this to be tactless and disrespectful.

Remember, you are only a tourist, not a resident. You should be open to learning new things, but always remember, you know less than them. It is their country after all!

This is a good idea regardless of where you are traveling. Always appear a friendly as you possibly can.

You must be friendly to the locals as well as to your fellow travelers. People always love to be around friendly people and the more kind and outgoing you are, the more you are likely to enjoy your trip!

This is something you must always remember, regardless of where you are traveling. Make sure you are respectful at all times during your travels. Each place you visit has a unique culture, heritage and traditions. In order to learn about these, you must first and foremost be respectful of these differences.

If someone welcomes you with open arms into their country, you don’t want them to think that you are being offensive to their history, culture or traditions.

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Travel Reporter & Editorial Director

Ph.D. in Geography, Travel Photographer, and Software Engineer. Been on 4 continents and loved them all.

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99 Travel Hacks To Make Your Next Trip A Little Easier

Henah - Headshot

I’ve never cared about brand-name purses or clothing, much less cars or makeup. Instead, I spend whatever leftover money I can on travel. Traveling has exceptional “memory dividends” long after the money’s gone and is the best way to experience all the world has to offer (at least, in my humble opinion).

I’ve now been to 30+ countries and hundreds of cities—from rural northern Thailand to Moorea in French Polynesia to most of the United States—so I’ve picked up quite a few hacks here and there to make traveling the best experience it can be. Below, I’m sharing 99 of my best tips so you can spend less time planning and questioning and more time experiencing and enjoying. Got more? Share them in the comments; we don’t gate-keep here!

Wherever you’re heading—whether by plane, train, or bus—safe travels and happy exploring! 🌍

1. To save time, only pack a carry-on ; no more waiting at baggage claim! 

2. If you decide to check a bag in, throw an Airtag into your suitcase, so you can always track where it is and ensure it’s reached your destination.

3. For the best possible travel deals, be flexible on your destination and dates. I’ve scored deals to multiple European cities for under $200 by leveraging that flexibility.

4. Perhaps the most important tip of all: Always buy travel insurance . Always.

5. Allocate all your spending on a credit card that racks up points which can later be redeemed for travel—my preferred option is Chase Sapphire Reserve or the AmEx Gold.

6. Sign up for credit card bonuses that offer up to 150,000 points once you hit a minimum spending bonus—I like to check Nerdwallet’s top credit card offers (updated monthly) to see the best bonuses.

7. Search for flights leaving at off-peak times (for example, mid-week, red eyes, or with a layover) if you’re trying to save money.

Prioritize early morning flights; they’re the least likely to be delayed or canceled.

8. If convenience is more important than money, prioritize early morning flights; they’re the least likely to be delayed or canceled.

9. Use Google Incognito or a VPN to search for flights. Searching on the same browser and internet connection tells the airline that you’re looking to book and allows them to hike the price up. 

10. Once you find a flight you like—if you’re not ready to book—set up an alert to be notified if the price changes. If it drops, great! If not, you’ll know to book soon or keep an eye on it in case it comes back down.

11. Not sure when to go? Check out apps like Skyscanner or Hopper to find the best prices and times of year to head to your destination.

12. Sign up for loyalty programs with every airline you can; you never know when you’ll need to use them, and you can rack up miles for later use.

13. If you’re used to one specific airline, see if they have an airline-specific credit card for additional bonuses and perks. For example, United Airlines has major hubs in both our hometowns and our current cities so we have the United MileagePlus cards, which offer early boarding, free baggage, and 60,000 points each.

14. Keep an eye out for points sales , like Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals, 30% off transfer premiums, and more. (This is always a good option to keep in mind if you just need a few more points for a mostly-free flight!)

15. Look into mistake fares (deeply discounted fares mistakenly shared by an airline). They can sometimes be canceled or refunded, but many times, airlines will honor them anyway. One time, I was able to travel to Milan, Prague, and Amsterdam for $197 one-way from New York.

16. Subscribe to real-time alerts from The Points Guy , The Flight Deal on Twitter, and more.

17. If you have a few bucks to spare, sign up for flight deals from Going (previously known as Scott’s Cheap Flights). You’ll share your departure airports of choice, and you’ll receive deals right in your inbox.

18. Sign up for TSA PreCheck, CLEAR, or Global Entry to expedite the security process.

19. Once you’re past security but before you get to the gate, check out the Priority Pass, which will give you access to hundreds of lounges around the world. Both Chase and AmEx offer cards with Priority Pass access, and once you get to a lounge, you can stock up on free food, drinks, WiFi, and more.

20. Heading abroad? Use a third-party encrypted program like WhatsApp, Viber, or Signal for international texts and calls—you can avoid extra data and call charges!

Alert your credit and debit card companies about your travel so you don’t get flagged for fraud.

21. If you need access to international calls, buy a SIM card locally—you can usually find kiosks in the airport after arrival, or sometimes your carrier will offer a global SIM card for temporary use.

22. Alert your credit and debit card companies about your travel so you don’t get flagged for fraud.

23. Get a no-fee ATM for international destinations; my favorite is the Charles Schwab.

24. Only ask for ATM withdrawals in the local currency, not your native one.

25. Same for credit card charges; if you’re in Italy, pay with your card in Euros, not USD (for example). Then you’ll avoid fees and often score better conversation rates.

26. Download the airline app before you fly for easy access to your boarding pass, checking in, and seat or meal selection.

27. While you’re at it, you can check out the seat map on most flights to see what’s open and change seats accordingly.

28. You may even find an open seat in First or Business Class—consider politely asking for an upgrade. You never know if they’ll say yes!

29. If your travel plans are flexible, volunteer for a later flight when they’re offering compensation to offset the cost of the airfare.

30. If you decide to volunteer, try and wait to see if they’ll increase the compensation before you agree. Sometimes, you can get thousands of dollars in flight vouchers if you hold out long enough.

31. Buffer in extra time for delays—always.

32. Have a connecting flight? Aim for at least a 90-minute layover in between to avoid missing your flight in case of delays, security issues, etc.

33. Travel during shoulder season (i.e., not quite peak time yet). For example, if June-August is the best time of year to visit Greece, consider going in May or September for lower prices but still preferable conditions.

34. Don’t cut costs over convenience either, though—if you know you suffer from insomnia and back pain, taking a red eye in economy to save $100 may not be worthwhile. Similarly, don’t go for the cheapest hotel without thorough vetting; you don’t want to be stuck three miles from the beach without a bike because you didn’t know how far it was!

35. Check out alternative modes of transport besides the typical plane or car: Trains, bikes, public transportation, buses…the list goes on. These are often cheaper, better for the environment, and more accessible.

Create a default packing list for yourself that you can copy and tailor for each trip.

36. Create a default packing list for yourself that you can copy and tailor for each trip. This way, you’ll know you’ve included all the necessities most important to you, like specific medications, chargers, and toiletries.

37. Wear layers while in transit—it’s easier to pack your luggage, and you can stay warm (or cool) as needed.

38. If you suffer from swollen ankles or potential blood clots when sitting in one place for hours, get a pair of compression socks. There’s a reason many travel pros swear by them!

39. Another must? A reusable water bottle. Perfect for refilling inside the airport after security, carrying with you on tours, and having in case of emergency.

40. Heading to a place without clean, potable water? Don’t forget to bring a water filter or purifier for when you’re on the go.

41. Easily organize your suitcase (and save space!) with packing cubes .

42. If you’re really in need of space, consider vacuum bags to compress all your clothes.

43. If you know you’ll want to shop or bring back many souvenirs, get a secondhand suitcase at your local thrift store for cheap and fill ‘er up.

44. Don’t bring too many valuables. Many women travel pros will wear fake wedding rings to avoid burglaries or attacks.

45. Always tell someone at home what your itinerary is and where you’ll be. Even better if you can tell someone you trust locally in case of an emergency. #safety

46. Turn on location services and sharing, too, for good measure.

Print out extra copies of your passports and travel docs; keep digital copies in your email as well.

47. Print out extra copies of your passports and travel docs; keep digital copies in your email as well. Losing your passport is all too easy! 48. Need to drive worldwide? Don’t forget to pick up an International Driver’s Permit , which are readily available at most AAA locations.

49. Want to save money or avoid excess noise? Stay slightly away from downtown city centers and tourist spots—usually going even two or three blocks away can make all the difference.

50. Another way to cut costs is to consider house-sitting or couch surfing, depending on your level of comfort. 

51. Hostels are another great budget-friendly accommodation option; it’s also a wonderful place to meet like-minded people and organize local tours.

52. Weigh the cost of laundry versus the cost of a checked bag. Sometimes packing light and doing laundry will be far cheaper than paying for an extra suitcase.

53. Pack a capsule wardrobe for easy mix ‘n matching for your daily #lewks.

54. Think about items you may need at a destination that you’ll end up paying a premium for later and see if you can get them beforehand. For example, sunblock at a tropical destination will be far more expensive than getting it in the off-season in the Midwest.

55. Pack an essentials kit in case you need certain toiletries or accessories while in transit—for example, a small bag with spare underwear, ear plugs, eye mask, tampons, and charging wires.

56. Carry a purse or travel bag that you can keep close on your body, closed with zippers rather than buttons or flaps. This will help stop pickpockets!

57. Pack extra snacks. Just trust me on this one! You never know when you may need sustenance and can’t find anything worthwhile.

If you can, take the day off after you get home so you can ease back into everyday life.

58. If you can, take the day off after you get home so you can ease back into everyday life. Then you can finish up any chores or errands like laundry, grocery shopping, and more without worrying about rushing back into the office.

59. In your carry-on backpack or purse, keep an extra set of clothes, a toothbrush, and undies in case your luggage gets lost. (Which is another reason why you always want travel insurance!)

60. If you’re not using data and/or are heading to a remote area, download offline versions of Google Maps and take screenshots of any information you need.

61. If you’re heading to a foreign country and the local language isn’t one you speak, download the Google Translate app. You can then converse with locals, take photos of written text to translate, and more. (This was an invaluable tool when I was stranded in northern Thailand during a downpour once!)

62. Download media a day or two before you leave, so you can access it while traveling—think audiobooks, ebooks, Netflix, etc.

63. Get the best portable charger you can afford if you know you’ll be relying on your phone throughout the trip. You’ll never regret it.

64. Pack a universal adapter so you can use your electronic devices around the globe.

Pack a universal adapter so you can use your electronic devices around the globe.

65. Don’t forget a converter too, if your electronics’ voltage doesn’t match up to the outlets abroad.

66. Getting a rental? Book the reservation on a credit card like Chase or AmEx, which offers auto insurance and collision insurance for rentals.

67. If that’s not an option, it’s well worth getting auto insurance from the rental company. 

68. Take photos of everything important: The condition of your rental when you pick it up/drop it off, receipts if you’re going to be reimbursed or splitting costs, WiFi passwords, and so on.

69. Make sure you’re up-to-date on your vaccinations and shots , which vary by country. (And don’t wait until the last minute to book your appointment!)

70. Read. The. Reviews. Make sure you look for any bots or planted reviews, and keep an eye out for any red flags, whether you’re searching for accommodations, a tour, or restaurants.

71. Similarly, seek out vetted tour groups if you’re traveling alone. A few of my favorites for women include El Camino Travel , Stellavision Travel , and G Adventures .

72. Sometimes DIYing a trip can be helpful, but other times, a good travel agent is the most valuable. They’ll get access to exclusive discounts, tours, or accommodations that you couldn’t leverage otherwise.

73. If you’re considering traveling with a friend or partner, ensure your travel priorities are aligned before leaving. Nothing will be more frustrating than having a companion sleep in when you’re a morning person or dealing with a racket first thing in the morning if you’re a night owl.

74. In the same vein, learn many of your destinations’ cultural nuances and customs—it’s important to be considerate and mindful of the communities you’re visiting.

75. Heading to a faraway destination? Try pairing nearby cities together on this trip so you knock out two at once.

76. Stay hydrated, especially when traveling. We’re already adjusting to new environments, time zones, etc., and hydration is key for our bodies to adapt.

Get sunlight as early as possible when you’re in a new time zone to help reset your circadian rhythm. 

77. Get sunlight as early as possible when you’re in a new time zone to help reset your circadian rhythm. 

78. Napping to adjust a timezone is okay, but try staying awake the whole day and sleeping at night to beat jet lag once and for all.

79. Chew gum while taking off or landing if your ears pop while in flight.

80. Invest in a quality skin mask or moisturizer, lip balm, and lotion during and post-flight when our skin is driest.

81. Luggage scales can be clutch—if your baggage is overweight and you can’t rid yourself of any items, you’ll be on the hook for hefty excess fees.

82. Traveling with kiddos? Bring a “busy bag” to keep them entertained throughout the day, stocked with coloring books, toys, a tablet, snacks, and whatever else your little one prefers.

83. If you’re dealing with long-haul travel, you’ll want a quality neck pillow—this is mine and I’m obsessed.

84. If you can , opt for a backpack over a suitcase or duffel. There’s a good chance transportation carriers won’t bother to weigh your backpack!

Whatever you’re budgeting for your trip, add another 10-20% in case of emergency.

85. Whenever you get samples like shampoo, moisturizers, or sunscreen, throw them in your travel toiletry bag. That way, you don’t need to bring the bulk items or worry about the liquid limit.

86. Throw a lavender satchel or a dryer sheet in your bag to keep things smelling…fresh. 🙂

87. Pack at least two extra large plastic or ziplock bags for shoes, dirty clothes, etc.

88. Opt for a bright-colored suitcase so it’s easy to spot at baggage claim or while in transit.

89. If you’re flying with another person and can book your seats in advance, one of you can take the window and the other can take the aisle. That way, the middle seat will likely be left open for you both to enjoy.

90. Always keep a spare pen on you, especially if you know you’ll have to fill out customs forms or write down directions.

91. Take a picture of your car or write down where it is in your notes app so you don’t forget where you’ve parked, whether at an airport parking lot or a new hotel.

92. Bring extra wipes or a sanitizer spray for when there’s no washroom or when things need some tidying…like your tray table.

93. Whatever you’re budgeting for your trip, add another 10-20% in case of emergency.

94. Check out local walking tours in big cities; they’re often free or pay-what-you-can and are a great way to see the most important sights and get acquainted.

95. Some businesses offer deals if you book with a partner company—for example, United MileagePlus members earn savings if you book a car rental through Avis or Budget.

Travel is one of the most valuable experiences there is in life. Enjoy every moment, be mindful and respectful, and explore as much as you can.

96. Don’t forget to check if you’ll need a visa for specific countries! Or, prioritize countries where you won’t need one for ease of access and to save money.

97. Eat street food (as long as it’s cooked in front of you and looks safe!). It’s often one of the best ways to enjoy a local culture.

98. Make lunch your biggest meal—it’s usually cheaper than dinner while being just as filling.

99. Most importantly, remember: Travel is one of the most valuable experiences there is in life. Enjoy every moment, be mindful and respectful, and explore as much as you can.

Henah Velez  (she/her) is a Contributing Editor at The Good Trade. She is the Executive Producer at  Money with Katie  at Morning Brew, a personal finance brand for women including a chart-topping podcast, blog, and newsletter. She’s also a long-time writer at The Good Trade. Henah holds a Master’s in Social Entrepreneurship and is a proud Rutgers grad. Originally from NJ, Henah’s now in Atlanta where she loves shopping small, hanging with her pets, or traveling.   Say hi on  Instagram !


Person standing with a wheeled suitcase on a gritty pavement, viewed from above, showing one foot and part of a cane.

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90 travel tips & tricks to save you time, money & stress.

Cazzy Magennis

After more than 5 years spent travelling the world, visiting many of the best backpacking destinations you can think of, we figured it time to put together our top travel tips!

These are all tips we’ve used over the years and are planning to use on our future travels. 

Many have been hard learned after making plenty of mistakes over the years!

So if you're just starting out on your world travel adventures, take note to help you avoid making the same mistakes.

They should help you with everything, right through from planning your adventures, to saving money and even how to stay safe on the road!

Plus, we’ve split this guide into different sections to help you out, you're welcome!

Want our overall top 10 best tips? Here they are ...

Travel insurance tip


Travel planning tips

1. take out annual travel insurance .

It’s important to ALWAYS travel with travel insurance. 

It’s a silly risk to take if you’re not covered and you’ll soon find that paying for healthcare out of your own pocket is very very expensive. 

If you’re taking more than one trip a year, it’s often more feasible to take out an annual policy. Or one that auto-renews each month; but allows you to pause when not needed (which is what SafetyWing offer)

You also need to make sure it includes covid cover which limited travel policies still do.

Luckily, SafetyWing offers both of these things. We have used them and can recommend them as an awesome policy for most travellers. So be sure to check them out and get a quote . They have very straightforward pricing and policy details.

2. The earlier you book, the cheaper the flights 

Most flight companies release their flight schedule a year ahead of time, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best deal. 

There seems to be a sweet spot when it comes to booking flights, and that tends to be around 4-6 month mark.

That's not to say that you can’t bag some great last minute deals!

However if like us you like to be a little prepared when booking long haul flights, then this is a good guideline to aim for.

Sure, you may be able to save a little more closer to the time, but you could also end up being forced to pay a lot more!

finnish lakeland

3. Book refundable hotel rooms

You’ll soon find that when travelling (especially when backpacking), your plans don’t always play out. 

This means you’ll need to cancel hotel bookings last minute. 

Rather than losing out on that money, it's great to use a website like or Airbnb, who (most of the time) offer free cancellations (sometimes even on the day you’re due to arrive!) 

This has proven really useful for us in last minute situations where circumstances have changed. 

To save even more time with this process, I recommend using a price comparison site like CozyCozy which compares properties around a given location.

They rank all properties across both Airbnb &, making this search process 10 times easier. And even have the option to only show properties with flexible cancellation terms.

We've got plenty of other travel tips on how to get cheap hotel rooms if you're interested...

Flexible bookings tip

4. Start preparing your trip at least 6 weeks before you go

We love a last minute trip, and whilst they are great, if you’re going somewhere that requires a specific visa, then some visa applications can take up to 6 weeks, so bear this in mind when you’re planning your travels. 

There are lots of great services online, like Natvisa which take much of the stress out of visa applications and show you exactly what you need to do and how far in advance.

Plus, it’s the same with vaccinations and planning certain tourist sights. 

For example, getting tickets for hot spots like the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam , or the Statue of Liberty in New York require booking at least a few weeks in advance. 

5. Book vacation time well before you go 

Most people aren’t digital nomads who work whilst travelling, so remember to book your vacation time well before you go. 

If you can, build up your vacation time so that you can really make the most of your trip!

If you’re heading on a city break try and book a Thursday and/or Monday off, so that you can turn it into a long weekend. 

A city like Barcelona only needs 2 nights to discover the highlights!

6. Bookmark posts on Instagram to remember great places to visit

This is such a great travel tip and something I’ve started doing in more recent years. 

Instagram is a haven for travel inspiration, and you can discover some pretty awesome places, both popular and remote.

If you save those travel photos , you can go in search of them when you visit a location, and lots of time people tag the location in their photos which is super helpful. 

I found myself with a lot of places to discover from Instagram when we visited The Philippines . 

It was awesome! 

relaxing in manquit hot springs

7. Bring more than one credit/debit card with you 

Don’t make the mistake of just travelling with one bank card. 

It’s too easy for it to go missing, to break, be stolen, and there is even the chance that the ATM will not accept it (or eat the card!). 

Prepare for this by bringing at least 2 or 3 cards with you. 

This could be one debit card, one credit card, and a travel card. 

If you’re from the UK (like us) then you should check out Monzo and Revolut .

Here are some guides that you might find helpful if you're looking to get a travel card:

  • Monzo Vs Revolut Which Is Best For Travel? [Full Comparison]
  • Wise Vs Revolut: Which Is Better? [Detailed And Unbiased]

8. Purchase a quality backpack or suitcase

Before you head off on an adventure, it’s a good idea to research different backpacks and suitcases that will perform well in the environment you’re visiting.

Of course if you’re just visiting one destination that’s quite tourist friendly, then you’ll probably not need something robust and sturdy, but if you’re backpacking for long periods of time in different terrains and places, then you’re going to need a backpack that can handle that environment.

‍ Typically, higher quality backpacks are a little more expensive, BUT, they last a lot longer!  My top recommendation at the moment would be the Tropicfeel Shell backpack .

As an added tip, ask for your bag as a Christmas/birthday backpacking gift . Our parents paid for our first backpacks as a Christmas gift before we first set off to South America.

9. Allow at least 1.5 hours between connection flights

Bradley and I have taken a lot of connection flights over the years, and I’ve learnt that there is a perfect balance when it comes to a connection time.

Clearly you don’t want it to be too long, because the wait is just annoying, but you also don’t want it to be too short, because that means there is no room for error. 

We’ve often had flight connection times that were 45 minutes, and when our first flight landed 15 minutes late, and we still have to go through security, run to a different boarding gate, or get on the next flight, there suddenly is NOT a lot of time! 

We’ve found that a 1.5 hour connection time seems to work well. You’ll have time to go to the toilet and catch a coffee before your next flight. 

10. Use Skyscanner before booking any flight

We have never booked a flight without using Skyscanner . 

Skyscanner is a flight comparison website and it shows you the best possible flight combinations, in terms of time and price. 

You’ll never definitely get it cheaper searching direct (unless you have points of course), so Skycanner is the best way to find the best deals on flights all over the world. 

Plus you can set up price alerts if you’re looking to buy flights at the cheapest price! 

11. Book tickets online when possible 

Booking tickets online for all aspects of travel has become very popular. We are in a digital age where paper isn’t really necessary. 

With regards to travelling, this is really useful. 

There’s less complication and confusion when everything is online. 

Plus, you’ll often see that when you’re booking tourist attractions online, you can get discounts, coupon codes and flash deals that will allow you to save money. 

We typically use GetYourGuide & Klook for all our tour needs.

12. Compare tour sites before booking (Klook/GYG/Viator)

On the same note … there are a lot of tour companies online offering different deals and experiences, but you’d be surprised at just how much the difference in price can be between some of these companies.

We always cross-check different websites for the same tour or experience, to see who is giving the best deal.  

Sometimes this might only be a couple of dollars, but if you’re on a budget, this will add up! 

Here’s all the tour sites we have used and recommend:

  • GetYourGuide
  • Forever Vacation
  • 12Go ← Not for tours, but excellent on transfers

day trips in marrakech

13. Use Rome2Rio to make planning transfers a LOT easier

Rome2Rio is a fantastic website which lets you type in any two locations in the world and it will give you all the options of getting there, alongside the estimated cost.

This is really good, not only for planning a travel route , but also for quickly working out a rough budget.

The one thing I will say is to never take their prices as a firm answer.

When it comes to actually booking, prices on your chosen days can be a lot different, so instead use them as a rough estimate.

14. Check into your flight as soon as it opens to get seats together 

It’s really annoying when you book flights with your friends or partners and the airline wants to charge you $30 a seat each so that you can sit together. 

I don’t think it’s justifiable. 

But there is a way around it. 

All airlines will tell you the exact time their check-in will open for a flight.

I suggest you set an alarm and check it right at that moment, and you’ll likely get to sit next together. 

This has always worked for us, especially on long haul flights. 

Some airlines, like Ryanair, purposely seat you away from each other because you didn’t pay for extra seats, but they’re a short haul airline, so it’s fine! 

15. Use Facebook groups for local experiences 

A great way to discover local experiences that are low-cost, or free is via Facebook groups. 

Most popular destinations will have a Facebook group that’s dedicated to sharing information about travelling around that destination.  

We found this group super useful when planning our visit to Sri Lanka.

At the time, drone laws were incredibly vague in Sri Lanka and this group was vital in helping us to find out if we could take our drone and also to providing unique spots to film.

Here’s 2 other groups we’ve used regularly over the years:

  • Travel Around the World - Backpackers
  • Backpacking Europe

Packing tips

16. plan your clothing for all the seasons you’ll be experiencing .

If you’re doing an adventure trip but you're only going to warm destinations, then you certainly won’t need a thick jacket, jumpers or a hat. 

So don’t pack those unnecessary items. 

BUT if you’re planning on visiting somewhere like South America , where you will pass through a variety of climates from very hot to very cold, then you’ll want to plan for that. 

Especially in that continent where buying warm clothes isn’t cheap. 

I remember being stood outside of Ushuaia airport in southern Argentina, shivering under a blanket because we hadn’t brought any cold weather clothes with us!

sightseeing in Indonesia

17. Don’t bring more than 2 pairs of shoes 

When we first started backpacking, I’m pretty sure I took 4 pairs of shoes with me! 

I had hiking boots, I had trainers, I had a pair flip flops and I had a pair of Skechers. 

This is WAY too much. I now carry two. 

I always have my water shoes, and a pair of Skechers or Tropicfeel shoes which work well for walking and day-to-day outfits. 

If I need other shoes, such as flip flops, I’ll buy a cheap pair in the country I’m visiting. 

If you’re heading on a shorter trip, then sure, you can throw in your favourite pair of sandals or boots, but not when you’re backpacking for a longer period of time.

tropicfeel shoes

18. Bring enough underwear for at least a week 

I guess this also applies to all clothing. 

Basically pack enough clothes for a week. 

I’m not talking about full outfits either, it’s easy to bring 2 pairs of shorts and a couple of tops and suddenly you’ve got like 5 different outfits. 

But always pack a week's worth of underwear. I actually bring about 10 days worth, simply because I always seem to lose something.

19. Bring ear plugs 

Ear plugs are really useful for a lot of occasions when travelling. 

They’re perfect for plane travel, when you want to get some sleep, they’re really good for hostels, perfect for busy cities when the walls can’t drown out that city noise, and super long bus and train journeys throughout the country. 

Or, if your partner simply snores a lot! 

If you struggle sleeping in different light conditions, then an eye mask might be a good idea too. But these are typically provided on long-haul flights so you can just take it off the plane with you. 

20. Pack a small towel with you

When we first started travelling we used to bring a big towel each. 

Turns out, it just took up too much room and it was unnecessary as every hotel we have ever stayed in has provided us with towels. 

But bringing a small towel is a great idea for the days you are chasing waterfalls or by the beach and need to dry yourself off. 

Here’s a great lightweight, fast-drying towel .

21. Don’t bring lots of hair products/body wash products with you 

Lots of people make the mistake of bringing shampoo and conditioner, body wash, and maybe some lotion. 

This really isn’t necessary. 

Firstly, it takes up valuable space, and valuable weight from your luggage.

Rather, most hotels and hostels will provide you with these, and if you wish, you can pick up a smaller version of them at the airport, or even in the country you're visiting. 

There is no real need to bring your own with you (unless you have a specific skin condition). 

hotel complimentary products

22. Use packing cubes 

Packing cubes are an excellent way to maximise the space in your suitcase or backpack. 

They are also very useful for bringing some sort of organisation when travelling. 

You’ll also find you can fit more in when you use packing cubes, because you become strategic with how you pack. 

Again these are easily purchased online .

23. Always pack a sarong

This is more relevant for women, but it also is necessary for men in quite a few countries. 

A sarong is required at a lot of religious sites across Asia. 

When you’re travelling in a hot continent like Asia, naturally you want to have lightweight clothing on, which usually means your shoulders are exposed. 

This is a big no-no if you want to enter certain religious sights, so having a lightweight sarong with you is an easy way to cover up . 

Plus they’re great as cover ups by the beach, or or lie on instead of a towel. 

travelling with a sarrong

24. Bring a small travel first aid kit

We always travel with a small first aid kit that’s packed with the essentials. 

This includes paracetamol, flu tablets, tablets to help your tummy when issues arise due to food, plasters, antiseptic cream and a couple of bandages.  

You may wish to put more or less in, but that tends to be a good start and will help you with any minor issues. 

25. Pack your backpack, then remove a third

Overpacking a backpack is so easy to do. I mentioned above that a week’s worth of clothes is enough, but naturally when you start packing, you’ll do more than that- trust me. 

So I suggest you pack your backpack with everything you think you need, then you get rid of a third of it.  

You will thank me later when your back isn’t killing you and you realize having an extra 3 dress, or shorts is unnecessary. 

For more of an idea what to bring, check out our travel packing list ! 

26. Bring extra memory cards

Travel is all about creating memories and most people don’t travel with a laptop like Bradley and I do. 

So you’ll not have a way to back up your photos and delete them to create space on your memory card. 

So rather than having to delete precious photos, I suggest you bring extra memory cards with you . 

This means you never have to miss out on an epic photo. 

Here’s the memory cards we use (oh, and be sure to grab a hard case as well so as to keep them all safe and organised!)

27. Bring a light jacket 

Always bring a light jacket when travelling. 

Not only do they class up an outfit (when needed), but even if you’re visiting the hottest of countries, it tends to get chilly in the evenings. 

You’ll also notice that when your body starts adapting to the heat, you’ll feel colder at temperatures you never thought you could! 

They’ll also keep you warm on the plane and bus journeys that are typically cold from air conditioning.

28. Test the weight of your backpack and make sure you can actually carry it

This goes hand-in-hand with your overpacking. 

But whilst avoiding overpacking is important, it’s also important to consider the weight of what you are packing. 

Remember, you’re going to be carrying your backpack around with you. 

And if you’re on a real low budget, then you’ll probably be walking from train stations to your accommodation.  

It’s therefore important to test the weight against what you can actually carry. 

Pop your backpack on and go for a 10 minute walk, you’ll soon find out whether it’s too heavy or not. 


29. Carry a small bag within your backpack for dirty laundry 

Keeping your clean and dirty clothes separate is not only great for your sanity but for obvious cleanliness reasons too. 

Just bring a small extra bag that you can pop your dirty clothes in, then this is the bag you can send to the laundry room when washing clothes! 

Bradley and I share the same bag to save space. 

30. Bring toilet roll tissues with you

In a lot of countries, toilet roll is a luxury, and if you’re doing some serious travelling you will find yourself going to the bathroom in a hole in the ground where there is no form of toilet paper. 

Just the classic bucket of water situation. 

I always suggest you carry a roll of toilet paper, or if on day-trips then a packet of tissues that you can use when necessary. 

31. Use a packing list to help you pack 

Packing lists are a really useful way to visually see and check off everything you need to bring with you on a trip. 

You can either create your own, or use an online list and combine it with yours to make sure you’ve covered all angles. 

We’ve actually created some pretty cool packing lists for certain destinations that you can check out below.

  • Sri Lanka Packing List
  • Thailand Packing List
  • Bali Packing List
  • India Packing List

32. Bring an universal adapter

You can’t travel without a universal adapter. 

It’s an absolutely travel necessity! 

Adapters can change from country to country, so a universal adapter will allow you to stay charged whilst travelling the world. 

We recommend this one here.

Sightseeing travel tips

33. don’t overplan every detail (learn to go with the flow) .

I LOVE to plan, but sometimes that’s actually a downfall. 

Sometimes when you overplan everything, you become rigid and restricted in what you can and want to do. 

This means if something doesn’t go to plan, you’ll be disappointed or frustrated. 

Well, things will not go to plan all the time, so it’s important to learn to go with the flow. 

Some of our best travel adventures and memories were completely unexpected.

34. Wake up early to beat the crowds 

If you wonder how people take great travel photos with no one else in the background, it’s the art of getting up early. 

Most people often think “oh it’s just Photoshopped”, not always true. 

If you’re one of the first people to arrive at a destination, then you’ll easily beat the crowds! 

It’s really nice having a spot to yourself before others arrive, it gives you a sense of peacefulness and excitement. 

You’ll really have the chance to appreciate your surroundings.


35. Only carry what you need when sightseeing 

Only take the bare essentials when you're sightseeing. 

If you’ve got a lot of important documents and items with you, you’ll spend most of your time worried that something will be stolen, or has gone missing. 

Take only what you need and it’ll be a lot less stressful. Don’t flash your cash or fancy jewels either. 

It just puts you at increased risk from thieves.

day bag for sightseeing

36. Eat local 

Now, I can’t say that I’ve never been to a Mcdonalds in a foreign country. 

It’s a great place to pee and get a coffee or a snack at night, but don’t let that replace the amazing local cuisine that will surround you!

Try new foods, ask locals for food recommendations and support the local businesses. 

I have to say our favourite country for amazing local food is India . 

India has the best food in the world, and after 3 weeks of eating there we never got the dreaded Delhi Belly .

eat local food when travelling

37. Bring a decent camera to take amazing photos

Whilst you don’t need a super expensive camera to take great photos , it’s still worth having a phone or camera that can take good quality pictures. 

You will constantly be surrounded with the opportunity to take pictures and you should! 

Photos are the best way to capture a memory and look back on it in the future.

When we travel, we take:

  • Our blogging cameras
  • Our travel drone
  • GoPro/Alternative action cam

mount bromo

38. Bring a GoPro if you’re going somewhere water-based

If you’re travelling somewhere that’s famous for it’s waters, then you’re going to want to bring a GoPro - trust me. 

We didn’t bring a GoPro to The Philippines and honestly it’s one of the biggest travel regrets we have!

If you want awesome underwater footage, great snorkeling pictures etc, then bring your GoPro! Or a great quality GoPro alternative that can capture epic places in just as much detail.

We now have the GoPro Hero 9 and the quality is just fantastic. 

39. Don’t be afraid to get lost 

Getting lost often leads you to new places and new adventures, so don’t be worried when you do. 

When you get lost for real in a destination, locals are more than happy to help you find your way back. 

So enjoy the experience of where you are and take the unknown road. You never know where it could lead! 

atlantic road in norway

40. Try new things (but don’t be afraid to say no)

Travelling is all about pushing yourself to try new things and new experiences in a new country. This is fantastic, but don’t be afraid to say no.  

If you’re terrified of something, don’t just do it because you feel like you have to because you’re travelling, or it’s “for the Gram”. 

Only do things you are genuinely interested and comfortable doing. 

Just because someone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you need to either. 

Especially if said thing is unsafe. 

9 tips to travel

41. Get friendly with locals 

Some of our favourite travel moments are from making friends with locals. 

We’ve met some amazing people over the years and chatting with people who live and breathe the country you're visiting is such an amazing way to get real insight into what the country is like, rather than just what’s in the guidebooks. 

Some of my favourite moments are enjoying a fire with the locals outside in Nagarkot (Nepal) , chatting about life and learning about Nepaliese pop music, and meeting awesome locals in El Salvador who invited us for surfing and a really great night out. 

They’ll also find you locations to discover that you didn’t know existed! 

meeting locals when travelling

42. Be respectful & mindful 

Different countries have different religions and rules that need to be abided. 

Just because it’s something you’re not used to, or you don’t necessarily agree with, doesn’t mean you just blatantly ignore it. 

For example, in Muslim countries it’s important not to go around showing off loads of skin. 

Local people are tolerable to a certain extent of course, but it’s nice to be respectful of a culture and to reflect that in your actions when visiting their country. 

Failing to do so could land you in a lot of trouble.

43. Ask permission when taking pictures of locals 

It’s important to remember that when you’re a new destination, the people of that country aren’t zoo animals that you’re looking at. 

So what I mean is, that you can’t just take close up pictures of them without asking. 

You’ll often find most people say yes to pictures being taken, but just ask first. 

This is especially true if you’re taking pictures of local children. Just be wary of what you’re doing. 

I have to say, I wish this worked the other way. 

When in India I felt like I had the paparazzi with me anywhere I went. 

People were constantly taking my picture, to the point crowds would form and I would be overwhelmed. I’m not joking . 

But, I realise I look unique to them, so I accept it to a certain extent, but say no when I feel uncomfortable.

taking photos with locals

44. Bring a power bank with you when on long day trips 

When you’re using your phone to navigate yourself, taking pictures and using Instagram or other apps, you’ll find that your battery is going to drain pretty quickly. 

This can often be really frustrating, so I suggest bringing a power bank with you so that you can keep your phone charged when out on your adventures. 

Better yet, grab a solar powered one that recharges itself throughout the day!

45. Google translate can be useful when you’re struggling to communicate 

Google translate has saved us quite a few times! 

It’s all well and good knowing little bits of the local language, but if you need to ask something specific, you’ll run into problems. 

A great way to overcome this is simply by using Google translate.

It’s also a good way to learn new phrases too! 

46. Don’t be afraid to see the generic tourist attractions 

There seems to be some sort of stigma when it comes to sightseeing certain attractions. 

So you’ll often see bloggers and travellers stating things about getting off the beaten track, and “alternative things to do in, such and such”. 

Well, that’s great, but it’s also completely fine to see the generic popular sights of a city or country. 

They are popular for a reason. 

I wasn’t disappointed by a single sight when we visited Rome , but they were all very touristy. Who cares! It’s your trip, see and do whatever makes you happy. 

generic tourist attractions

47. Rent a car at your destination when possible 

There is no better way to explore a country than with a set of wheels. 

Whether it’s a car, moped, or a tuk-tuk ( like we had in Sri Lanka! ), having your own vehicle allows you to explore far more than you ever could on a tour. 

Even just driving the local roads will give you a whole new perspective on a country.

We always suggest that if it’s possible, then rent a car for at least a day and head out and find new things to discover. is a great website to compare rental car prices around the world. 

renting a car in malta

48. Or better yet, a campervan!

If the opportunity is there, then 100% get a campervan.

Our favourite trips around the world have been in campervans and it’s our go-to form of transport when planning most new trips .

We’ve had the opportunity to wild camp in some of the most epic locations around the world. 

The most memorable being around Norway when we saw the Northern Lights almost every night! 

A campervan is a great way to just emerge yourself in the nature and surroundings of a country and it can be a useful way to save money as you’ll be combining accommodation, cooking and travel costs into one. Living and travelling from a campervan is also becoming more and more common .

Useful guides:

  • Best campervan rentals in Norway
  • Best campervan rentals in Portugal
  • Best campervan rentals in France
  • Best campervan rentals in Scotland
  • Best campervan rentals in Ireland

driving a car i ireland

49. Use Atlas Obscura to find cool sights off-the-beaten-path

Atlas Obscuras has proved extremely useful is finding the most random attractions, but also great fun.

For example, when road tripping Sweden , two of our favourite spots were found through Atlas Obscura:

  • Esrange Space Centre ← Yes, we got to visit a space centre!
  • Lovikkavanten ← The world’s largest hand-knitted mitten .. I know, jealous much!?

They weren’t mentioned on any other travel blogs so we’d have missed them otherwise!

If you’re revisiting a destination you’ve been to before, or you’ve managed to see all the sights you want to see and still have some time left, then this is a fantastic way to discover even more. Seriously a lot of the time you wonder how these places were even found! 

worlds largest mitten

Budget travel tips

50. don’t be afraid to haggle  .

In many countries, when you’re at a market or even trying to buy a tour from a local street vendor, haggling is expected.

Of course there is a fine line between getting a great deal and offending someone. 

Naturally, when locals expect you to haggle, they start you off at a price that’s crazy high (something you would never pay back home), that’s because they expect you to cut it by half and start your negotiations from there. 

Sometimes, if you’re haggling for the sake of a couple of dollars it’s not worth it, so you may just want to pay the little extra.

But haggling can be a lot of fun once you get the hang of it, and a great way to share a joke with a local! 

haggling at markets

51. Lunchtime always has the best meal deals in restaurants 

We’ve found this to be the case in many countries all around the world, such as Bolivia, France, Ireland , Peru, and Spain.

Lunch time is the time of day you can get great meal deals in restaurants.  

Typically it could be a set menu for a low price (in Bolivia it’s $2 for a 3 course meal!), or all lunch dishes are $5, and things like that. 

So if you want cheaper food, then have your bigger meal at lunch time and something smaller for dinner. 

lunchtime deals in ireland

52. Book a hotel/hostel that includes breakfast

Tonnes of hotels and hostels include breakfast in their rate, but if they don’t, you’ll often have the option to add it on. 

In Asia, this typically costs an extra $1-2 so it’s worth doing. 

When possible, we try and choose an accommodation option that includes our breakfast. 

That’s one less meal we have to worry about paying for! 

If you’re really tight on money, you could also book accommodation that has cooking facilities so you can cook your own lunch and dinner. 

hotels with breakfast

53. If you’re still a student - don’t forget your student card for discounts

We aren’t students any more, but when I went to South America , I still had a valid in-date student card and was able to get some great discounts, especially on famous sights in Rio de Janeiro. You’ll also get lots of discounts throughout Europe, so it’s definitely worth bringing your student card with you on your travels. 

54. Take advantage of free walking tours/travel experiences

Most cities nowadays seem to offer some form of free walking tour and over the years Bradley and I have partaken in quite a few. 

They are a great way to get some extra insight into a destination and work out sights you want to return too. 

We did one in Rome which was excellent, and in Buenos Aires which was fantastic! Of course when they mean free, it doesn’t mean totally free. 

You should give your guide a tip, as that’s what their earnings are based on! It’ll always cost less than actually forking out for a tour. 

55. Shoulder season is the BEST time to travel 

Shoulder season is brilliant for a variety of reasons. 

Firstly there are less people and the weather is usually still great, but the most appealing reason is that it’s always cheaper. 

You’ll get cheaper flights, cheaper accommodation and even cheaper entrance fees. 

So shoulder season is the sweet spot for anyone wanting to save money whilst travelling. 

shoulder season for travel

56. Travelling with a friend or partner is always cheaper 

Whether it’s a romantic partner or a great friend, travelling with someone else always seems to work out cheaper. 

You’ll be able to get a twin room/double room often for less than it costs for two dorm beds, you’ll be able to haggle for better prices on tours, and you can split food bills and taxis. 

It’s one of the reasons Bradley and I love travelling as a couple !

travelling with a partner

57. Carry one laundry soap bar and wash the basics yourself

Laundry soap bars are very cheap and a great way to keep on top of your washing. 

When travelling, doing the laundry is actually time consuming, so we often try to do it once a week, or every 10 days, but this means we might run out of basics, like underwear. 

When you’ve got your own laundry soap bar, you can clean these yourself to stay on top of things. 

58. Use Revolut/Monzo for the best exchange rates (avoid airport exchanging)

Monzo and Revolut are two digital banking systems that offer the best exchange rates on the market. 

There is no hidden detail or charges, it’s very basic and you get the best exchange rate available.

You also get no charges for withdrawals up to a certain amount, which in the UK is £200 per month on each card.

So we often travel with two cards each, which means we get £800 worth of free withdrawals between us monthly. 

You’ll find that most places take cards nowadays anyway, so you never really go over the limit. But even if you do, it’s only a small percentage (2%). 

Exchanging at the airport is a waste of time and money. 

Just withdraw your money from the ATM at the destination you’ve arrived at with your travel card.

REMEMBER, when the ATM asks you to choose either the ATMs exchange rate or your bank’s, you choose your bank’s. 

This option is sometimes called: “continue without conversion”.

59. Couchsurfing is a great low-budget accommodation option 

We’ve only done couch surfing once, when in Chile, but it was amazing. 

We ended up staying with a wonderful couple who we are still in touch with today. 

Staying with locals allows you to really see more of a country from a local perspective and it’s a great way to make new connections. 

Plus, couchsurfing works on a free basis. 

You stay at the hosts home for free, and in return, you are typically just expected to spend some time with and get to know them. 

You really never know just who you might meet!

60. Use local transport to save money

Local transport is always cheaper because locals use it. 

It’s true, in some countries local transport is over-crowded, not very safe, and just very manic.

But if you like a challenge, then it’s always fun to use and the cheapest way to get around. 

It’s always best to just ask a local for advice with local transport. 

Tell them where you want to go and they’ll point you to the right train or bus. 

local transport

61. Pick up a Handpresso and still have great coffee every day

This is an awesome device I recently discovered as Bradley got me one for my birthday! 

This nifty device allows you to make real espresso on the go! 

All you need is your coffee and hot water and you’re ready to make great coffee.

I’m a coffee lover, and sometimes I miss espresso coffee when travelling, especially when on a road trip , so this is a brilliant alternative and a great way for me to get my caffeine fix! 

It also means you can pick up local coffee from around the world and try it when travelling. Central America is a great place for this since it has so many amazing coffee regions including, Nicaragua , Honduras, Guatemala , Costa Rica & El Salvador .

62. Make full use of sign up codes

Sign up codes are a great travel tip when you want to save money for travel !

Lots of accommodation websites use sign up codes to entice you into your first booking, and if a sign up code requires an email address, remember you can use different email addresses to reuse the code on different occasions. 

Here are a few of our sign up codes you can use to get started:

Be sure to pass your own referral code onto friends and relatives so you can benefit again and again!

Travel safety tips

63. always bring a lock for your bags/items .

A lock is a good way to help keep your items more secure. 

I do think that they aren’t full proof, because if someone wants to steal your stuff, then a lock won’t stand in their way. 

But it can act as a deterrent. Locks are cheap, just make sure you don’t lose the keys! 

64. When carrying medical supplies: split between two bags 

Since I have type 1 diabetes, this is an important factor for me, but lots of people travel with some sort of condition or illness and if that applies to you, then make sure you split your important supplies between two different bags. 

It could be your bag and your travel partners bag, or a day bag or a main bag. 

This means if something gets stolen (or ruined), you have a backup plan.

65. Ask locals for advice on the local safety 

No one knows the safety of a city or country better than the locals themselves.

Ask your hotel staff or guy at the coffee shop if the area is safe. 

Ask if there are anything extra precautions you should take, can you walk alone at night, should you trust the taxi drivers, etc.  

You’ll often find that locals want to keep you safe, so that you can encourage others to visit, so they’ll be open and honest. We’ve always found this. 

sugba lagoon in siargao

66. Be careful with who you trust 

Unfortunately not everyone you meet will have your best interests at heart. 

So, you need to find the balance between trusting people and having your guard up. 

This is actually a pretty difficult balance to find, especially when you’re approached by locals in the street. 

You just need to keep common sense. 

If you ask for directions and you know it’s somewhere left, and the person you ask is directing you another way, then the chances are, they’re not trying to help. 

This happens in Marrakech a lot. Some people are genuine, but you just need to be wary. 

67. Let someone else know your travel plans 

This is pretty easy to do if you’re sharing your travels on social media. 

Often I’ll say on Instagram stories what the plans are for the day, where we are going, and this is really useful if suddenly we were inactive, someone would know the last place we said we were. 

This also works for if you’re travelling solo, tell someone at the hostel desk where you’re planning on heading out to, or let your friends and family know back home, so that if they don’t hear from you, then they have a starting place on where to look. 

making friends when travelling

68. Don’t put all your money/bank cards in one bag 

I’ve mentioned before the importance of taking more than one bank card with you when travelling, but it’s also smart not to place them altogether. 

You should separate your cards into different bags so that if one bag goes missing, you’ve still got another. 

69. Plan your routes (at least roughly) before you go on an adventure

This is more applicable to daily days when travelling. 

If you’re heading out for the day it’s a good idea to plan your route before you leave. 

This means you’ve got an idea of when places close, and ensure you’re closer to your hotel/hostel before dark. 

It also allows you to feel secure in where you’re going, so if someone tries to offer you advice that throws you off track, you can stick to the route you had planned. 

Of course things change, but it’s good to be prepared. 

sunsets in bali

70. Save the address of your accommodation on your phone 

Always save your hotel or hostel on Google Maps . 

This means if you get lost, or you need to show someone where you’re staying, you can show on Google maps rather than trying to explain verbally in a language you probably don’t speak. Locals can often work out where your hotel is once you show them a map, or if not, you can direct the taxi driver yourself to ensure you get back okay. 

This is another reason why we love ; their mobile app syncs up to Google Maps; so once you’ve made a booking, you can quickly click through from the app to the exact location of the property on maps.

Other general travel tips

71. learn common phrases in the language of the country your visiting .

Not only is this a very useful travel tip, it’s actually pretty fun! 

I really enjoy trying to learn basic phrases in the language I visit. 

And honestly, this is one of the reasons I love visiting Central/South America, basically anywhere that speaks Spanish, because I love learning the language! 

You don’t need to know a lot, just basic, “hello”, “thank you”, “do you speak English”, tend to be useful and the locals really appreciate it.  

the philippiness

72. Make photocopies of important documents & digital copies 

This is really important.

Your passport is pretty much your most important document when travelling, you’ll need it to get into and out of a country. 

Sometimes it’s required in certain countries that you carry your passport with you daily for random spot checks. 

I can tell you that in all my years of travelling, this has never ever happened. 

So, instead I would carry a photocopy of my passport, and if they need further information, then I’ll just have to bring my actual passport to a station at a later date. 

With regards to health insurance documents and visa documents, make sure you have digital copies of those with you that are easily accessible.

73. Always carry extra passport photos

This is a really useful travel tip, that I only learnt from experience. 

You’ll need passport photos for random things, it could be a visa application at a border, or it could be to get a local sim card (this happened in India ). 

It’s really useful to carry just one or two passport photos with you and I usually keep mine in the back of my phone for safekeeping and easy access! 

74. Make sure your phone is unlocked to use local sims 

Local sims are the easiest and cheapest way to stay connected when travelling abroad. 

We’ve used local sims all around the world, from Nepal the USA, and they’ve always proven to be better value for money. 

You just need to ensure that your phone is unlocked, which basically means your phone will allow you to use another sim. 

Speak with your phone provider to find out if your phone is locked or unlocked. 

75. Plan for the unexpected 

We always plan for the “what could go wrong” before we head off on a big trip. 

You can’t predict absolutely everything, but it definitely brings you more confidence if you’re ready to accept some of the potential mishaps that could happen. 

For me, I like to have a rough idea of how I can get a hold of type 1 diabetes supplies, just in case something bad happens and my supplies get lost or broken.

If you like to be particularly cautious, you could always go ahead and download important local numbers, such as health services or the police.

northern lights norway

76. Bring your own water bottle with you 

In the eco-friendly world we live in, or aspire to live in, this is definitely a great tip.

Bringing your own water bottle with you will ensure you use less plastic, and it also means you’ll save money on buying countless bottles of water. 

Lots of cities have water fountains, and typically if you ask your hostel/hotel or a cafe to fill up your water bottle, they will! 

You can get water purifiers too (if you’re worried about the quality of water you’re drinking).

77. Bring your own coffee cup with you 

I’m a coffee fanatic, and this is something I’ve started doing on my recent travels.

I now bring my own little pop up travel coffee cup that I use daily. 

This is perfect if you want to bring your coffee with you on the go, and if you’re grabbing a coffee from a cafe, you can use your own cup.  

It’s also handy for it to be collapsible as it saves space in my bags.

78. Slow travel is better than fast 

Slow travel is not only cheaper, but it’s just an all round better experience. 

You’ll get the chance to really immerse yourself in a new culture and way of life, and you’ll feel much more relaxed when sightseeing and visiting a country. 

There’s nothing worse than being super stressed that you’ve only got a day to see all the best sights in one location, then rushing through them and not really admiring or connecting with what you’re actually visiting. 

We’ve learnt this over the years, and I much prefer to give myself extra time than rush through a destination. 

After all, our mission is to see every country in the world, but we have a lifetime to do it!

nusa pendia island

79. Listen to your body & know when to rest

Travel burnout is a real thing and when you’re constantly on the move, constantly taking in new situations, experiences, your brain is on overdrive a lot of the time. 

Eventually you’ll just feel overwhelmed or super tired and you lose interest in what you're seeing. These are all signs that you just need to take a day or two to do nothing. 

Just relax, reconnect your thoughts, and then you’ll be ready to take on the world again! 

80. When flying, only sleep when your destination is sleeping (jet lag tip) 

I never get jet lagged (well, hardly ever) and it’s because I stick to this one rule:

I only sleep when my destination country is sleeping. 

So if I’m on an overnight flight, but my destination is awake, then I’m awake too and if I arrive in a country and I haven’t slept in hours but it’s not bedtime yet there, I force myself to stay awake. 

It’s a challenge, but it means you reset your body right away, so when you wake up, you’re already connecting to the new time zone.

I sleep really easily, so this marks it easier for me. But, it’s a good travel tip that genuinely works! 

For more flying tips, check out my guide on the best things to do on long flights .

81. Wear sunscreen!

It’s really important you protect your skin when travelling. 

The sun is a powerful thing and damage to your skin, and skin cancer is a real possibility if you do not wear suncream. 

If you’re going to be swimming and snorkelling, then opt for reef safe sunscreen when possible. But don’t let yourself burn! 

Suncream will be more expensive in hotter countries, so if you can get a great deal for suncream online, or in your hometown, stock up there. 

wear suncream in the sunshine

82. Move your feet and legs regularly on long haul flights 

People actually underestimate how easy it is to get blood clots in the legs when flying long haul. It’s really important to keep your feet moving. 

My legs have swollen a few times, and it’s not great! Wear flight socks when flying long haul, and get up and walk around the cabin. 

If you don’t want to get up a lot, then just do little feet exercises at your seat.

83. Carry hand sanitizer with you

This is a pretty basic, but important travel tip … always carry hand sanitizer! 

A lot of the toilets you’ll be visiting if you’re backpacking will not have any sort of cleaning facilities in place, and it’s super easy to pick up infection. 

Clean your hands before you eat too, as again, you don’t know what you’ve been touching all day. 

84. Download offline maps for your chosen country 

This is really useful when you don’t want to drain your battery with your internet data on whilst sightseeing. 

Mark all your sightseeing locations on Google Maps and download offline maps so that you access directions without the internet. 

This has been super useful for us when travelling and I can’t imagine how we survived without it before! 

lakes in udaipur

85. Carry small change 

Whilst a lot of places accept card payments nowadays, when you visit very local places, the chances are, no cards will be accepted. 

So it’s good to have a small change with you.

Small change is also useful for local transportation. 

For example tuk-tuk drivers can’t break large notes, and it’s also good for restaurants and cafes when you’re leaving a tip! 

Try to use larger supermarkets and stores to break change, rather than a local market which will be less willing or able. 

86. Always check under the bed when leaving a hotel room 

As you travel more frequently, you’ll begin to develop your own little routine for hotel check-outs. But one tip I can give you is to always check under the bed! 

Stuff constantly falls underneath or even between the bed and you could misplace it easily. Bradley will confirm this, but we always find one sock under the bed before we leave hotel rooms...and that leads me to my next tip ...

9 tips to travel

87. Accept the fact you will loose socks

I don’t know why I keep losing socks, I don’t do it intentionally, I try to keep track of them, but I always end up losing my socks when travelling! 

They’re either stuck in between the beds, or they go missing when laundry is done, but you’ll just have to accept that those darn socks will disappear. 

88. Use a VPN to maintain access to your favourite sites

VPNs are not only a great way to protect yourself online, especially when using the internet in foreign countries where connections might not be as secure. 

But, it’s also perfect for being able to access websites that may not be accessible in your destination.

For example, in China where a lot of social media networks sites are blocked. Or if you just want to access Netflix movies from another region! 

There are lots of great VPNs on the market, but we can recommend this one for your travels. 

89. Keep in touch with family and friends (but not too much!)

It’s important to strike a balance when it comes to staying in connection with your friends and family. 

If you’re in touch too much then there is a good chance you will start to get homesick, whereas if you ring them weekly it’s fun to catch up on all the awesome activities and things you’ve seen that week.

Don’t feel guilty either, you’re family and friends want to have fun on your trip of a lifetime! 

I find that Instagram story updates are a great compromise.

That way, your friends and family can see what you’re up to every day and you don’t have to repeat the same stories for everyone!

nusa pendia bali

90. Make sure you vaccinated

Lots of people decide to take the risk when it comes to travelling and vaccinations, but I think this is a silly attitude.

The conditions you’re getting vaccinated for can kill you, so why would you take the risk . 

Most vaccinations last a couple of years, and some a lifetime, so it’s an investment into your future travels. 

To find which vaccines you need for different countries, it’s always best to visit a travel nurse before you leave!

Oh, and make sure you visit at least a month in advance (ideally 2) so that you have enough time to receive the different vaccines needed.

Digital nomad?

Do not leave home without ensuring you have access to good quality internet, regardless of where you travel with a wifi hot spot .

GlocalMe are a great option for this, they have a range of devices to help you stay connected throughout the world.

We've been using their Numen Air, which is truly the best global 5G portable WIFI hotspot we've used!

If you're interested in being a digital nomad there are plenty of fantastic travel-related jobs out there...

What is your top travel tip?

So there you have it, our ultimate travel tips that will hopefully help you plan the perfect trip and ensure you have a fantastic time on your adventures! 

Now over to you ...

Drop a comment below letting me know either:

  • What travel tip you found the most useful
  • What is your top travel tip that you think I missed out from this post!

I'm always keen to pick up new travel tricks so would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

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9 Important Holiday Travel Tips for 2021

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Caroline Morse Teel

Caroline Morse Teel is the Executive Editor for SmarterTravel Media. Caroline has a passion for adventure travel and has hiked to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro and the bottom of the Grand Canyon in pursuit of a good story. Follow her around the world on Instagram @TravelWithCaroline .

Travel Smarter! Sign up for our free newsletter.

Summer has barely ended, but it’s already time to start planning your holiday travel for 2021. The pandemic adds a complication to this already hectic travel season, but here are nine tips that can make your holiday travel cheaper and easier this year.

9 tips to travel

Holiday travel will only get more expensive the longer you wait. According to travel site Hopper , you should book no later than Halloween to score the best prices for Thanksgiving travel. Starting in November, domestic airfare prices are estimated to increase by about 40 percent. 

For Christmas travel, Hopper recommends booking no later than Thanksgiving, in order to avoid the biggest price spikes. 

The 8 Cheapest Places to Fly This Fall

Be Flexible With Travel Dates

Take advantage of flexible work-from-home policies and extend your holiday trip if possible. You’ll save a lot of money if you can avoid flying on the most popular travel dates like Sunday November 28 and Sunday December 26. 

Use Google Flight’s calendar feature which will show you airfare prices for an entire month at a glance, letting you easily see which dates are the cheapest to fly.

Prepare for Long Lines

9 tips to travel

The TSA has suffered from staffing shortage this year, and with a high volume of travelers predicted for holiday travel, you can expect long lines at airport security. Staffing shortages have impacted nearly all aspects of the travel industry, which will likely cause long lines at all points of the travel process, like rental car counters and hotel front desks, so be sure to leave plenty of extra time for car returns and checking out. 

International travelers should also be ready for long lines at airport check-ins. As many destinations (including the U.S.) require COVID-19 tests and forms to be verified before boarding, the days of online check-ins for international flights are pretty much gone. Leave plenty of time to check-in in person, and know that the process will take much longer as documents are manually evaluated.

Invest in TSA PreCheck

Even if you’re fully-vaccinated, you should still make an effort to social distance wherever possible—which isn’t an option in a crowded airport security line. Minimize your time spent in line by signing up for a TSA PreCheck membership now.  

TSA Rules: Airport Security Frequently Asked Questions

Reserve Your Rental Car Now

Need a rental car for your holiday travel? Book it now—but hedge your bets with a refundable reservation. According to Expedia , average rental car rates for the holiday time periods are currently trending downward, but historically, prices have increased closer to the holidays. If you book a refundable rate now, you can keep an eye on rental car prices and rebook if prices continue to drop—but you’ll also have that low rate locked in if prices spike.

Consider Travel Insurance

9 tips to travel

Travel insurance probably won’t be economical if you’re only protecting a $200 domestic flight, but if you’re splurging on a pricey international vacation, travel insurance is a good idea this year. Just make sure your policy will cover your trip if you have to cancel due to illness, changes in entry requirements, or if you get stuck abroad due to a positive COVID-19 test. 

The Ultimate Guide to Travel Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

Pick Flexible Fares

A growing number of airlines are offering free changes on even basic economy fares, so try to book with one of those carriers if you can, even if it means paying a little more than the competition. This will give you much-needed flexibility in case your holiday plans have to change this year. With free changes, you won’t need a reason or any kind of documentation to make a change to your ticket. 

Which Airlines Are Allowing Free Changes to Basic Economy Tickets?

Always Check Travel Requirements

Keep an eye on travel requirements at your destination up to the day that you depart, as regulations are constantly changing. You don’t want to find out at the airport that you needed a negative COVID-19 test to travel. Check the U.S. State Department website as well as the website of the airline you’re traveling on to find the most up-to-date requirements. 

Where Can Americans Travel Right Now?

Follow CDC Travel Guidelines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released their guidelines for holiday travel. The guidelines are:

CDC recommends delaying travel until you are fully vaccinated .

  • If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel , follow CDC’s Domestic Travel or International Travel recommendations for unvaccinated people.
  • If you will be traveling with unvaccinated people, such as children younger than 12 who are not eligible for vaccines, follow recommendations for unvaccinated people and choose the safer travel options .
  • Everyone, even people who are fully vaccinated, will still be required to wear a mask on public transportation.
  • If you are considering traveling for a holiday or event, visit CDC’s Travel page to help you decide what is best for you and your family.

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87 Unique Travel Tips & Hacks You Can’t Afford to Miss Out On

By: Author Aly Smalls

Posted on Published: October 23, 2023  - Last updated: October 31, 2023

87 Unique Travel Tips & Hacks You Can’t Afford to Miss Out On

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After years of travel (and now full-time travel curator), I’ve put together my ultimate collection of unique travel tips, hacks and advice to help you plan your next trip with ease.

You’ll find everything from packing advice, the best travel apps, building the best travel itinerary, in-flight comfort tips, how to get through airport security in a breeze, budgeting & saving money, in-destination advice and more. 

I think these genius travel tips are pretty unique, so here’s the full list!

In this post, you’ll find:

Packing tips, travel planning and trip research, finding things to do, itinerary building, hotel booking tips, accommodation tips, booking flights, airport & security screening tips, in-flight comfort, best travel apps, budget tips, before trip departure, in destination tips, cultural tips.

This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click through and make a purchase I may make a small commission. I only share information about things I know, love and trust!

DIY Clothing Hack for Packing Light

Mix Febreze and wrinkle release in a travel-sized spray bottle. This method allows you travel with fewer clothes and maximize a compact wardrobe.

It also prolongs the freshness and usability of your garments, which is especially helpful in humid climates.

Packing Cubes Help Keep Things Organized & Easier to Find 

9 tips to travel

Packing cubes are especially useful if you’re moving hotels every couple of days.

Make sure you get cubes with compression , and you can almost double the amount of clothing you bring.

Also, if your bag gets searched at the airport, everything stays together and it’s so much quicker to repack.

Split Your Clothing Up

If you’re traveling with a partner, split your clothes between both of your checked bags.

That way, if one of the bags goes missing, you both have clothes in the other bag.

Pack a Full Outfit in Your Carry-on

If you don’t want to split up your clothing, pack a full outfit in your carry-on.

 This is one of my favorite travel tips that has saved me more than once. 

In the event your bag does get lost, you’ll still have a full set of fresh clothes.

If I’m traveling to a warm destination, I always pack a swimsuit and a beach/pool outfit in my carry-on.

Even if my bag isn’t lost, sometimes you can’t check into your room for a few hours but can still use the pool/beach area while you wait.

Instead of digging through your tightly packed suitcase, you can quickly pull out your swimsuit from your carry-on and get down to the pool faster.

Pack Slippers

9 tips to travel

Hotel room floors are never as clean as they look, even the nice hotels.

I always pack a pair of thin memory foam slippers to wear in the room.

Especially helpful if the floors are cold or tile (like in Mexico, Caribbean, etc.).

Use the Rubberized Luggage Tags

Don’t use the belt buckle-style luggage tags which fail more often.

I like these rubber luggage tags that are one piece so you don’t have to worry about it breaking, and they come in bright colors for easy spotting.

Use a Quart-sized Ziploc bag for Packing Liquids in Your Carry-on 

Don’t waste money on “TSA approved” liquid bags (they’re often too big).

All you need is the quart-sized Ziploc bags, which also seal water tight. 

9 tips to travel

Pack Necklaces Inside Metal Straws

They’ll never get tangled.  

Compeed Blister Patches

If you’re prone to blisters, didn’t get the chance to break in a new pair of shoes you’re brining, or you know you’re going to be walking a lot – get Compeed .

These blister patches will save your vacation and you’ll never travel without them again.

Use Lotion Sticks Instead of Liquid Lotions or Creams

This helps reduce your amount of liquids.

I even do this when checking a bag because there’s no risk of it spilling or exploding in your bag.  

9 tips to travel

If You’re Going on a Long Trip, Get Yourself a Scrubba wash bag  

You put your clothes, soap and water in the bag, and swish it around for a bit.

Then wring out your clothes and hang and dry.

Sinks aren’t always practical for washing clothes or if you’re camping or backpacking, these work great. 

Use Toiletry Skins

For leak-proofing your bottles and containers, just stretch these toiletry skins overtop of the bottle. Works great for shampoo, sunscreen, micellar water, makeup, etc. 

9 tips to travel

Refill Travel Toiletries Bag Before You Pack it Away

Your bag will be ready to go for your next trip. One less thing to do when you’re stressed about packing!

Read the rest of my packing guides here:

  • 13 Things You Should Never Travel Without if You’re Staying in a hotel
  • My best travel tips for packing toiletries if you’re flying carry-on only

People always ask how I plan my itineraries – here’s what I do to get started.

Use Tour Company Websites as a Starting Point

To get me started with a rough idea of what I should include in my itinerary, I always start out by browsing websites like Exoticca, Intrepid Travel, Gate 1 Travel, G Adventures, or whatever your preferred tour operator is.

I scan the itineraries for the destination I’ll be traveling to, and this gives me a really quick rundown of the top places to visit and top things to do. As well as what’s realistic for traveling between different areas. 

Read the YouTube video comments

I always watch a few YouTube videos when I’m starting to plan a trip.

But make sure you read the video’s comments – they’re usually full of additional helpful tips from locals or seasoned travelers. 

Join Facebook Groups

9 tips to travel

You can find a Facebook group for almost every travel destination out there. In the search bar, type in your destination and then filter by ‘Groups.’

These groups are full of people who have taken trips similar to the one you’re planning, and I always find them so helpful.

If you’re traveling to another country, use an e-sim card 

I use Airalo , and all you do is purchase the sim card for what country you’re traveling to and you can purchase as much data as you want.

If you need more while you’re on your trip, you can reload more data with one click. 

9 tips to travel

Use Viator to Look for & Book Tours

Not only is this the biggest source of finding all available tours in whatever region you’re traveling to, you can use the “book now and pay later” feature.

This really helps with budgeting.

I’ve booked some of my favorite travel experiences through Viator, such as natural hot springs in Mexico and a sunrise horseback ride through the desert.

The majority of tours also offer free cancellation 24 hours before.

Use Airbnb Experiences

Often you’ll find much more local & immersive experiences.

If you’ve traveled to a destination before and are looking for more unique things to do, you’ll find them here. 

One of my favorite Airbnb experiences was sandboarding in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico !

Use ChatGPT

You can use ChatGPT to help you build an itinerary for free. Here’s a prompt to get you started: 

  • “Create a [duration] day itinerary for my trip to [destination]. My interests include [list of interests], and my budget is [budget]. I will be staying at [type of accommodation] in [preferred neighborhood or area]. Please consider the [season/weather] and any [additional information] that might be relevant to this trip.”

Use Thatch Guides

9 tips to travel

Thatch is where you can browse unique travel guides and services curated by travel experts around the world.

Many of the guides, maps and itineraries are free, or you can purchase custom itineraries.

Check out my Thatch profile for inspiration! 

Maximize your time as it relates to geography

Group your must-visit stops and restaurants together by geographic area.

By planning ahead and mapping out your route ahead of time, you can fit more in your schedule.

The Thatch map feature is great for this!

Build in Flex Time

There is always something that is going to go wrong when you travel.

Whether its delayed flights, lost luggage, bad weather, someone gets sick, etc., it’s important to be flexible.

Leave some wiggle room each day in your itinerary in case something happens. 

The best way to experience a place is through its food! 

Look up 1-3 local dishes before you go so you feel prepared to order something new & delicious.

Choosing a hotel to book is often the most stressful part of travel planning.

Here’s some advice to help you choose the best place to stay. 

Zoom in on Google Maps

Often you’ll want to stay somewhere that’s close to all the places you’ll be visiting and the attractions you want to hit.

Once I have an area narrowed down, I usually do a quick browse on Booking or Expedia to give me an idea of prices.

Then, I open up Google maps and zoom in on the neighborhood I want to stay in. This way I can see all the reviews to help me narrow things down. 

Price Things Out With Uber

9 tips to travel

If I won’t be renting a car, I usually open up Uber and plug in a few of the places I’ll be traveling to, which gives me an idea of how much the rides will cost.

This helps me choose whether to spend more money and stay closer to the action, or save a ton by staying somewhere a little further out and taking Ubers. 

9 tips to travel

Here are my best tips & things to do when you check into your hotel. 

Check Your Hot Water 

I like to make sure I have hot water and that the shower works properly as soon as I get to my room.

This way if I happen to take a late night or early morning shower and something doesn’t work, I’m not going down to the front desk at odd hours (especially if I’m on a schedule).

Luggage Storage

If you have a late flight and need to check out of your hotel by a certain time, hotels will hold your bags for you.

This also works the opposite way – if you arrive early but can’t check in. Saves you from hauling your luggage around all day.

Sink Stopper

Pack a universal sink stopper so you can wash your clothes in the sink or fill it full of ice to keep your drinks cold.

I do this in places like Las Vegas that never have mini-fridges in hotel rooms.

Read more of my essential items to pack for a hotel stay to help me feel comfortable and get a good night’s sleep.

9 tips to travel

You can save hundreds of dollars on flights just by setting cheap flight alerts with Faredrop .

It sends me notifications when flights drop in price from my home airport so it creates a lot more opportunity for budget travel! 

My favorite part is the flight deals on business class flights, like this recent deal for lie-flat business class fares from Calgary to Hawaii for $618, $1200 lower than the average price of $1900. 

Google Flights

9 tips to travel

If you have some flexibility with travel dates, the Google Flights ‘Explore’ feature shows you the cheapest airfare around the world.

If you’re eyeing up a destination, you can also set free price alerts to be notified when the price changes.

It’s also a great tool to show you the cheapest dates to travel as well as whether or not prices are currently, high, normal or low based on the flights you’re looking to book. 

Flight Connections

This website shows all non-stop flights from every airport to help you plan a long-haul trip. 

Flight Aware

FlightAware provides accurate, real-time flight tracking information.

It will typically show if your flight is canceled/delayed BEFORE your airline sends you a notification.

You can also track where your plane departs from to anticipate delays ahead of time.


9 tips to travel

Roame simplifies credit card rewards – helps you find the best redemptions for your credit card points and airline miles.

Just input your origin and destination airports and your date of travel, and the search engine will show you how many points it will cost to fly via different loyalty programs.

In the example above, it shows that you can fly first class from Las Vegas to New York City for $5.60 and 41,500 points.

Finding Cheap Business Class Flights Without Credit Card Points

While it’s very possible to fly business class solely on credit card points, not everyone wants to accumulate credit card debt or has the necessary credit score to apply for a premium credit card.

And depending on your home country, you might have limited options.

As a Canadian, I don’t get access to nearly as many travel rewards programs and credit cards as my American friends.

So, I wrote a guide on how to score cheap business class airfares like a pro, without having to churn credit card points by comparing the best flight deal tools, apps, websites and services.

dog in pink sweater in airport

If you’re parking at the airport…

Take a photo of which section you parked your car in to easily remember where your car is after your vacation. After a long flight, you’ll be tired and just want to get home.

Security Screening Tetris Tip #1

Put your possessions through the scanner in the order you need them to come out so they can easily be re-packed.

For example, send your backpack through first, so that as your items come out you can just place them right into your bag. 

Security Screening Tetris Tip #1.5

If you have a laptop or a valuable electronic, place it in the middle or second bin.

For example, I sandwich my valuables in between my personal item (first tray), and my carry-on luggage (third tray).

This keeps your valuable stuff safe from getting mixed up with other items, but it also makes it simpler when you need to pack everything back u

Luggage Cupholders are a lifesaver

If you aren’t an octopus and only have two arms, get yourself one of these luggage cupholders .

You just slip it over the handle of your suitcase and you can travel through the airport with ease when you’ve got a cup of coffee, water bottle, snacks, baby supplies, your phone, and anything else you need quick access to – now you’re hands free and not fumbling around.

Beware of Juice Hacking

DO NOT use one of the USB charging outlets at the airport.

Use a power bank to charge your phone instead.

Hackers are now using the public charging-USB ports at airports to infect your phone with malware and then steal your personal information.

The solution?

Use a power bank instead (handy to have when traveling anyway) or a charging-only data blocker cord .

Foot Hammock 

9 tips to travel

Nothing worse than a long flight where you can’t elevate your feet.

I always pack my trusty foot hammock which attaches to the seat in front of you for an instant foot rest. 

Just make sure you’re mindful of the person in the seat in front of you and avoid swinging your feet or moving them around too much.

Or Bring a Deflated Beach Ball

It packs flat and once you’re in the air, blow it up and now you have a foot rest.

Choose a larger size and only partially inflate it so that it’s a bit flat for more stability.

OR Use a small, folding step stool

As another way to prop your feet up on long plane rides – it feels like you’re in first class (and no risk of bothering the person in front of you).

Try this stool which folds up flat & is lightweight. Easily fits in your carry-on or backpack. 

For long-haul flights, bring a spare pair of dry socks to wear once you’re settled in on your flight. Makes a world of a difference for feeling fresh. 

Brushing your teeth…

is the quickest way to feel human again after a long flight.

Bring your own tea bags for the plane

Cabin air is dry and dehydrating, so bringing your own herbal tea helps so much.

You can usually get a cup of hot water for free (although I won’t be surprised if and when they start charging for that), but then you can have a nice soothing cup of mint or eucalyptus tea.

Emergency Row Exit Tip #1

9 tips to travel

Are you someone who likes to board the plane first ?

Purchase an emergency exit row seat – not only do you get more leg room, but guests in these seats get priority boarding so you can be first on the plane.

Emergency Row Exit Tip #2

If you’re on a plane with two rows of exit seats, the first row of emergency exit row seats don’t recline because they could obstruct the row behind them.

So if you plan on reclining your seat a bit, go for the second row.

Middle Seat Hack

Try the middle seat hack. If you’re traveling with a partner, try booking an aisle seat and a window seat.

There’s a big chance no one will book the middle seat and you’ll get the whole row to yourselves. 

Overhead Bin Tip

9 tips to travel

Put your carry on in the bin or rack across from your seat.

It’s much easier to grab at the end of the trip or to keep an eye on if you are nervous.

Here’s a list of my favorite travel apps that are a complete game changer.

9 tips to travel

Google Maps Offline

Make sure to download your map area to use offline, then you’ll never need WiFi or cell service to access where you are.

Make sure you’ve saved things like your hotel or Airbnb, restaurants and attractions so you can get directions any time. 

Another great use for Google Maps is when you’re on a bus in a foreign country where you’re not familiar with the language or if it’s loud and you can’t always understand the next stop announcement.

You can use maps to put in your destination and follow the route on your phone, so you know when to get off.

I also follow along when I’m in a taxi , so you can make sure you’re going in the right direction. 

Google Translate

Download the language of the country you’re visiting for offline use on Google translate. Just in case you need it and don’t have a connection.

My favorite features are the conversation mode for real-time interpretation and translating text – just point your camera at a sign or a menu and your translated text is displayed overtop.

An audio tour guide app with perfectly timed stories, tips & directions that matches your location.

A must-have if you’re on a scenic road trip, or traveling through national parks.

9 tips to travel

Faredrop is one of the best flight deals apps on the market. Get notified when flights drop in price from your home airport. 


Browse unique travel guides, itineraries and maps curated by travel experts around the world. 

TripIt keeps all your reservations and bookings in one spot.

Keep track of your flights, hotels, car rentals, confirmation numbers, and other details – all in one place – so you don’t have to search through multiple emails or apps to find what you need. 

PackPoint you organize what you need to pack in your luggage and suitcase based on length of travel, weather at your destination, and any activities planned during your trip.


The jet lag app that creates a personalized plan to minimize jet lag using the latest sleep and circadian neuroscience.

These are user generated maps to help  you navigate cities like a local – indicating things you should know about certain neighborhoods.

I find it’s useful when I’m traveling somewhere that I have very little knowledge about, and want to know about safety, where the super touristy spots are, or low key spots where locals hang out.

Even if you don’t plan to use Uber, it will give you an idea about how much a typical fare costs for your route.

For example, when I’m traveling in a country where I feel more comfortable using a taxi, I check a few Uber prices before negotiating with the taxi driver about how much the fare will be.

9 tips to travel

Numbeo is the world’s largest cost of living database.

Use it to help determine how much things cost in any city such as housing, restaurants, transportation, etc.

Use Cashback Programs 

Cashback programs work like a digital rebate where once you make a purchase, you get a percentage of your money back.

Popular cashback sites for travel bookings include WayAway, Rakuten and CapitalOne Shopping. 

Read more details about How to Get Cashback on Flights (+ other travel saving tips)

Sign Up for Flight Alerts

9 tips to travel

Want to find flight deals with minimum effort?. Instead of searching the internet for flight deals, have someone else find deals for you.

One of the most popular flight alert programs is FareDrop , which regularly sends out deals like this one:

  • $516 round trip flights from San Francisco to Tahiti, French Polynesia.

Utilize Positioning Flights

A positioning flight is a separate, cheaper flight taken to reach your main destination, typically from a nearby airport.

Taking one of these flights allows you to access more affordable airfares from larger airports (and maybe snag those flight deals on business class fares from FareDrop ). 

Rick Steves’ Books 

Are a wealth of information, especially for European travel.

He’s got tons of advice on saving money when it comes to booking hotels, free self-guided tours & avoiding overpriced tourist traps.

View his travel guide book collection here

Stay in One Place Longer

Traveling in between locations eats up your budget (the more you move the more you spend). 

Often it’s much cheaper to stay in a central point and focus more on day trips. 

Swiss Half Fare Card 

If you’re planning a trip to Switzerland, you can use the half fare card for all public transportation (trains, trams, buses, etc.) in Switzerland and can also be used for some attractions.

The card does exactly what the name implies, so if you’re doing a lot of train travel you can save a decent amount of money.

Saving on Car Rentals

If you’re renting a car – check to see if there’s a rental agency that’s a short cab or Uber ride from the airport. These places are usually significantly cheaper and have shorter wait times.

Open a Wise Account

If you haven’t yet, open up a Wise account .

The Wise card is a prepaid debit card attached to your Wise multi-currency account – you can load up multiple currencies and pay local like a local when you’re abroad. 

Save money on international travel by changing your money into a different currency without paying a lot of extra fees and getting better exchange rates.

Learn more about Wise here . 

Embrace Shoulder Season

To save money and travel at an affordable price, find out the off season of your planned destination and travel then. You also get the added bonus of fewer crowds. 

Become a House Sitter

9 tips to travel

Save money on accommodation by house-sitting and pet-sitting for locals while they’re away on vacation.

Trusted Housesitters is one of the best platforms to start house sitting. 

Stay Somewhere With Kitchen Amenities

Even if you book a hotel room or an Airbnb with a small kitchen that’s a little more expensive, you can save a ton of money by cooking your own meals.

Often when we travel, we make our own breakfast and lunch, and only go out for dinner. 

Go Where the Locals Eat

9 tips to travel

If you’re visiting a popular tourist city, do a little research beforehand to find out where the locals eat.

These restaurants will be a little outside of the main tourist spots, but 9 times out of 10, the food quality is much better and prices are a lot lower. 

Multi-attraction passes can save you tons

If you know you’re going to be hitting several main tourist attractions in the city you’re visiting, it can be worthwhile to purchase discounted access passes to multiple attractions.

GoCity is one of the best and is currently available in over 30 cities around the world. You often save up to 50% vs buying individual attraction tickets.

Do you get anxious or a little nervous leaving for a trip? Here are a few tips that help me feel better about being away from home: 

Get a Wyze Camera

Get an inexpensive camera that you can install either inside or on the exterior of your home.

You can check up on your place from wherever you are in the world for peace of mind. 

Do a weird dance…

when you lock the door so you’ll never forget that you locked it!

For real, do a shake, throw your hands up, whatever you have to do.

(works for other things too, like turning off the stove, etc.)

Confirm With Your Hotel

9 tips to travel

Email the hotel in advance of travel just indicating you’re double-checking your reservations.

If there are any issues when you arrive, you now have someone you’ve corresponded with at the hotel.

Once you’ve arrived at your destination and you’re officially starting your trip, here are my top pieces of advice to help you enjoy and navigate things smoothly. 

Foreign Currency 

The best way to get foreign currency (cash) is by withdrawing from an ATM on arrival (just avoid the ones at the airport). There will still be a fee, but it’s usually much better than the banks back home or currency exchange offices.

You can also use your Wise debit card for this, or if you’re from the United States, you can sign up for a Charles Schwab account, which gives you a rebate on foreign ATM fees at the end of each month.

Walking Tours & Food Walking Tours are Your Friend

9 tips to travel

As one of my favorite travel tips, I always recommend joining a free walking tour or food walking tour. 

Make sure to do it early on in your trip.

These are the best ways to get acquainted with the city.

Having a local guide take you to some local food joints is a great way to not only become familiar with the local cuisine, but can help you step out of your comfort zone.

Food vs. Views

When choosing a restaurant, remember that if the view is great, the food doesn’t have to be. 

Finding a Bathroom

If you need a bathroom, find a hotel, and walk in confidently like you’re a guest.

Bathrooms are usually located on the main floor somewhere near the elevators, at the beginning of a hallway or beside meeting rooms. 

Early Arrivals

If you have an early flight where you’re arriving in a city in the morning, take one of the hop on hop off city tours.

They start early and are a great way to spend a couple hours getting a lay of the land and familiar with the main parts of the city. 

Always try the local food! 

9 tips to travel

It’s often the best and the cheapest. Not sure where to go?

Look for places that have lineups – that also means food will be fresh.

Take Photos of Landmarks

When traveling in unfamiliar places or a busy city that you’ve never been to, use your phone to take pictures of landmarks that stand out.

That way if you want to get back to a certain place you have a picture on your phone to match with your map pin.

This is helpful when you’re getting an Uber or a taxi to drop you off in a certain pickup area – or if you parked your car somewhere.

Works great if you’re traveling around a downtown area and you want to meet back at a certain spot.

Ask for a Sunroof

9 tips to travel

If you’re renting a car and taking a scenic road trip, try to get a car with a sunroof – you’ll be able to see so much more of the scenery. 

Learn Basic Phrases in the Local Language

Before your trip, try to learn a few key words and phrases in the local language and practice them at home.

Look up basic greetings, please and thank you, and how to ask where the bathroom is located. 

Learn the local tipping customs to show appreciation without inadvertently causing offense.

More Helpful Travel Tips:

My biggest list of Mexico travel tips (that saved me so many times)

How to book a perfect Airbnb/vacation rental every time

How to plan a trip from start to finish (the easy & organized method)

How to Find Cheap Business Class Flights Without Credit Card Points

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Nicholas Kristof

My Travel Tips for Seeing the World’s Best Places

A photograph of a road stretching toward mountains in the distance.

By Nicholas Kristof

Opinion Columnist

’Tis the season for vacations, so let me make my pitch that the best travel is not lounging at a beach resort but rather journeying into a different world. We all need relaxation at times, but nothing beats the thrill of a trip of discovery and the education that comes with it.

Mark Twain once observed that “travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.” In that spirit, I’ve long urged young Americans to take gap years before college or junior years abroad . (One high school reader of such an essay, Spencer Cohen , ended up taking a gap year partly in Japan, became an Asia hand and is now a colleague at The Times.)

Still, there are risks, less of violence (the U.S. has more guns than other countries) than of having your passport and credit cards stolen. So I preach both travel and prudence, and on a recent book tour , I found myself often asked about travel advice I had mentioned in my memoir. So let me share a few tips for the vacation season:

1. The most memorable travel often involves encountering something unfamiliar, so consider escaping the herds parading through Paris. Indonesia, Ghana, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Morocco and Bolivia are generally safe, far cheaper than Europe and offer indelible experiences. I’ll never forget venturing deep into the Potosí silver mines in Bolivia, exploring a grim slave castle in Ghana that dispatched prisoners to slavery in America, learning how to use a blowgun while staying with families in their longhouse in Indonesia’s Borneo rainforest. The world awaits us!

2. Some of the places that you find most culturally distant may be right here in the United States. A teenager from an affluent family in the New York or Boston areas would step into a different world by taking a ranch job in Wyoming. And this is the kind of travel that is not only affordable but actually pays for the experience.

3. Be spontaneous. As a law student in 1982, I spent five weeks backpacking through the Middle East and met a couple of Palestinian students on a West Bank bus; I jumped off at their stop and spent a memorable day with them in their refugee camp hearing about their frustrations and dreams (I wrote about reuniting with them last fall). And while on a bus in the Sahara, I accepted an Algerian man’s invitation to visit his village — which turned out to be a warren of underground burrows to protect families from the extreme heat, the most unusual residential architecture I’ve ever seen. In each case, I was with a couple of friends, which made it seem safer to put myself in the company of people I’d just met, and obviously one should be as judicious as one is spontaneous.

4. One occasionally hears that adventurous travel is just for men, but some of the most accomplished foreign correspondents and overseas photographers are women, as are a majority of Peace Corps volunteers. As a man, I don’t face the same risks that women face, but I have seen female travelers — disproportionately from Australia and New Zealand — thriving as they backpack through the most remote places. Some have suggested the purchase of a cheap wedding ring; a $20 band and a fabricated husband can help keep pests away.

5. Carry a decoy wallet. If pickpockets grab it, let them run off — only to discover that it contains just a bit of cash for street purchases, a day pass for the subway and an expired credit card. But do remember to let the pickpockets escape. Years ago, in Lima, Peru, I instinctively jumped a pickpocket who was trying to grab my friend’s decoy wallet, forgetting that he had nothing much in it; next thing I knew we had a melee and a gun was being fired.

6. Carry your passport and valid credit cards and cash in a pouch that loops on your belt and is tucked inside your pants. Travelers often carry travel pouches round their necks under their shirts, but these are visible and sometimes get stolen. While I’ve had bandits make me take off my shoes and socks while searching for cash, nobody has found my pouch in my pants (I dare mention this only because I assume robbers are not big readers of my column).

7. Carry a small cable lock (those for skis are perfect) to lock your bags together so one doesn’t run off while you’re sleeping in a train or on a bench at the train station.

8. Never check a bag for a flight because then it will get lost. That means packing light and taking quick-dry clothes suitable for washing in a hotel sink. I’m fond of travel clothing from a company called Clothing Arts , and I also rely on ultralight backpacking gear such as a tiny Black Diamond or Petzl headlamp that is invaluable when the power goes out.

9. If you’re getting into a taxi or other car in a location that seems at all dubious, use your phone to photograph the license plate before you get in. The driver may wonder if you’ve texted it to a friend. And women can look for female drivers if they exist.

10. My editor doesn’t want me to say anything that might encourage readers to try something dangerous, so I won’t suggest that there is nothing like the view while riding on the top of a train in Sudan . (That was in my dissolute youth, and today I definitely disapprove of riding on top of trains.)

11. People worry about terrorists, but the most likely serious risk is probably a vehicle accident. Motorcycle taxis common in low-income countries can be perilous, while buses and trains are safer (inside trains only!).

12. Now forget all the fears this article has conjured. Go have fun. Travel should be as enjoyable as it is eye-opening. If you take precautions it will be.

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Nicholas Kristof became a columnist for The Times Opinion desk in 2001 and has won two Pulitzer Prizes. His new memoir is “ Chasing Hope: A Reporter's Life .” @ NickKristof


Travel safety: 17 CIA tips, advice to think like a spy on vacation

Editor's note: This story was originally published on July 9, 2022.

TEL AVIV, Israel – Before I hit the bike path for a long sightseeing excursion in this international hotspot, dressing down in muted colors, a nondescript baseball cap and a relatively cheap watch and shoes was as second nature to me as applying sunscreen.

As a longtime national security journalist who has traveled to some of the world’s grittiest corners, I learned long ago to make sure I’m that person who doesn’t stick out in a crowd and become a target for thieves, terrorists, or kidnappers – whether I’m on an assignment or a family vacation. 

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Central Intelligence Agency operatives on assignment overseas call it “being the gray man” who blends in and doesn’t alert the world to their American citizenship and all of the assumed wealth and baggage that can bring. I learned about this valuable safety tip during many “Hostile Environment Training” courses I’ve taken over the decades, including some I helped design for young journalists flying off to destinations overseas.

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I was already thinking of brushing up on my travel safety tips when preparing to come to Tel Aviv when I happened upon a new CIA web posting with advice from its officers on how to travel safely and with confidence. 

The CIA released these tips – or travel tradecraft, in spy parlance – as part of its ongoing effort to demystify its work in assisting the American public, according to agency spokesperson Walter Trosin.

I found the CIA's best practices, culled from the experience of its officers in the field, are exceptionally helpful, easy to adopt and especially relevant to Americans in these fraught times.

Here’s how to think like a spy on the ground overseas, with some annotation based on my travels as anything but an American James Bond:

Objective one: Getting there

▶ CIA tip:  Make a paper and digital copy of your passport. While traveling abroad, it might literally be your ticket home if problems arise. If a hotel desk clerk asks to hold on to your passport, see if they’ll accept the paper copy. While you’re at it, write down some important phone numbers on the hard copy, including emergency contacts and the local U.S. embassy just in case.

Josh's tip: Email yourself the digital copy in case your phone goes missing along with your passport.

▶ CIA tip:  Register with your embassy. Think of it as establishing communications with your home base. This enables embassy staff to contact you if there’s an emergency or unfolding crisis. U.S. citizens can also sign up with the  State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program .

▶ CIA tip:  Learn some local lingo. Bring a pocket guidebook or phone app so you can pick up key words and phrases.

Josh's tip: My go-to essentials include “thank you,” “please,” “hello,” “goodbye,” “yes/no,” “help,” “bathroom” and “police.” In worst-case scenarios, yelling out “no cash” helps if you believe you might be getting robbed, and “medic” and “hospital” if someone is hurt.

▶ CIA tip:  Know your destination. Bone up not just on travel books but also try to get a sense of the place and the geopolitical issues at play there. The  CIA World Factbook  is very helpful and publicly available for basic information. The CIA's World Factbook team also has created special travel briefings for many countries.

Josh's tip:  Look up the State Department Travel Advisories for your destination, though they often tend to be overly scary and alarmist.

▶ CIA tip:  Scout out local transportation. Upon arrival, ask an airport official or travelers’ aide how much it should cost to catch a public shuttle or taxi to your hotel. Check online sites too. Be sure to negotiate the taxi price before loading your baggage and getting inside. Only use cabs from the official queue – or ride-hailing services from official apps – that are clearly marked and have a functioning meter and the driver’s ID displayed inside.

Josh's tip: Ask ahead of time if they take credit cards or American currency. Even better, stock up on the local currency, preferably at an ATM where you can use a credit card that gets you a better rate than the money changers at the airport.

▶ Josh's tip:  Keep all your luggage close. This is especially the case when getting to and from your hotel. Bags can disappear at the luggage carousel, the taxi stand, hotel lobby, or any number of other places.

Story continues below.

Objective two: Settling in

▶ CIA tip:  Know your escape route from your hotel room too. Familiarize yourself with emergency evacuation plans. And do a run-through to determine how many doors there are between your room and the nearest stairwell. Could you find it in the dark? While holding your breath in a smoky haze?

▶ CIA tip:  Use the elevator, unless it’s an emergency. Using the stairs may be great for exercise, but crimes frequently occur in isolated stairwells.

▶ CIA tip:  Try to reserve a room on a middle floor. Being on the ground floor can leave you vulnerable to break-ins, but many countries’ emergency response personnel aren’t equipped to reach higher than a few floors off the ground.

Josh's tip:  If you’re in a particularly strife-torn locale, consider a room in the back of the hotel if you’re worried about car bombs or terrorist attacks. And just know that in some hotspots, bad actors will target hotel restaurants and other places where tourists congregate.

▶ CIA tip:  Lock it up. Automatic locks on hotel room doors can often be forced open, and the chains cut. Use the deadbolt if there is one. Better yet, invest in a cheap and easily portable rubber doorstop; they work amazingly well.

▶ CIA tip:  Beware of unsolicited knocks. Don’t open your hotel door unless you know or can verify who’s on the other side. Be especially wary of unrequested special delivery, maintenance calls, turndown service, or room service. Don’t be shy about calling the front desk to confirm.

Objective three: Going out and about

▶ CIA tip:  Lock it down. Whether renting a car or taking a taxi, lock the doors and keep the windows rolled up if you sense any danger – or crowds. Carjackers and snatch-and-grab thieves often prey on simple mistakes like an open door or window.

▶ Josh's tip: When using Uber, Lyft and many other ride-hailing apps, make sure you are getting into the correct car. If something feels wrong, don’t get in.

▶ CIA tip:  Stay alert. CIA officers (the real term for overseas spies, not agents) are trained to be highly attuned to their surroundings to constantly maintain situational awareness. Use all five senses to pay attention to what’s happening around you, and you’ll not only spot telltale signs if something is amiss but retain more of your destination’s unique atmosphere.

Josh's tip: You don’t always need to sit with your back to the wall like Jason Bourne but being able to see the entrances – and know the exits – is important if you need to get out quick.

▶ CIA tip:  Be mindful when drinking adult beverages. Spies might swill martinis in the movies, but alcohol impairs alertness and judgment and could put you at risk, especially in an unfamiliar country. Learn the local customs and restrictions on alcohol consumption and follow them closely.

Josh's tip: Make sure you can see your drinks being poured and transported to you to make sure no one is adding any intoxicants. Avoid using or purchasing recreational drugs even if locals insist they’re safe and legal.

▶ CIA tip:  Walk the walk. Your confident demeanor on the street is often the best deterrent against criminals. Be the gray man or woman and you won’t look like an easy target. Don’t attract attention by looking confused, lost, or distracted. Avoid poring over maps and phone apps in busy areas. And don’t be flashy. Flaunting extravagant watches and other personal items or cash will attract thieves and opportunists.

▶ CIA tip:  Plan your route and reroute as necessary. Whether traveling by foot, car, or public or private transit, prepare in advance. Bone up on the potentially dangerous parts of town so you can avoid them. Don’t walk alone at night, stick to well-lit areas that aren’t too isolated if you can and know the number of the local authorities just in case. Avoid crowd commotion, as it could mean escalating danger or even a distraction designed to help someone target you.

Josh's tip:   Carry an emergency whistle handy to scare off potential assailants.  

With these tips, I spent the day biking throughout Tel Aviv and the nearby port of old Jaffa, home to a vibrant multiethnic community of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. The city was on edge a bit due to a recent wave of terrorist attacks , but I thoroughly enjoyed my time chatting up the locals and sampling their food and drink knowing I was doing everything I could to stay safe.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Travel safety: 17 CIA tips, advice to think like a spy on vacation

The Central Intelligence Agency offers web posting with advice from its officers on how to travel safely and with confidence.

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By the time you heard about Dimes Square, it was already over. The neighborhood is still booming, of course, but what was once an organic meeting ground for skaters and artists and journalists and gallerists is now a magnet for tourists who’ve only recently learned of it. There’s been a vibe shift, to use the parlance of our times. Google “Dimes Square” and you’ll find dozens of articles about the transition. It’s a typical New York story of gentrification and the thing that happens after, when a place becomes too popular and no one can afford to live there anymore and the new crowds come for the wrong reasons, chasing the fumes of an earlier, more eccentric scene. It’s almost painful in its predictability. But as history has shown us, it can be the perfect place for a hotel. And what a beautiful new hotel Nine Orchard is. On most maps, Dimes Square resides in Chinatown, historically part of the Lower East Side. Chain stores are few and far between. Boutiques and trendy outlets sit behind classic facades; Chinese lettering mixes with English. And then, rising above the row homes and tenements, a tripartite limestone and beige brick building towers over the neighborhood. This is Nine Orchard — opened in 2022, at the height of the Dimes Square media explosion. Comfortably incongruous with all the other goings-on, the hotel isn’t a case of development outpacing its community. The building at 9 Orchard St. has always been out of place; a century-plus of elegant dissonance that helped it earn official landmark status.

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“It appeared on the scene as the tallest and fanciest building in the neighborhood,” goes one history of 9 Orchard Street, “offering a taste of uptown living to a … downtown crowd.” Built in 1912 and recently restored to its former elegance by the long-awaited Nine Orchard hotel, it’s not just the exterior that sets this place apart from its contemporary neighbors. The gorgeous, sunny restaurant seems more like something you might find in the West Village. And the bar, serving 25-dollar cocktails under an ornate, Grand Central–style ceiling, might seem more at home near its cousin in midtown. But this is, without a doubt, a return to form and feeling for a long-neglected building. The letters above the tinted double doors still spell the name of S. Jarmulowsky. A Jewish immigrant who made his fortune selling discount steerage tickets to passengers across the Atlantic, Jarmulowsky’s banks were the gold standard for tenement-bound New Yorkers who didn’t have the credit to run their finances anywhere else. After a career of unparalleled success, the commissioning of this building was the pinnacle of Jarmulowsky’s life’s work. A “showcase of what an immigrant could achieve,” set amidst the slums. The Nine Orchard hotel deserves endless credit for the building’s renaissance. When the hotel team found it, the former bank had been ravaged beyond imagination. A false ceiling hid the former bank lobby’s true top, and when they broke that down, they found the gorgeous white detailing had been swathed in baby blue paint. An architectural historian used one of the very few remaining photographs as a reference to direct the restoration as faithfully as possible. The result is a true gem. Guests enter into a small and quiet lobby. Look up, and the ceiling is low and smooth. Turn right, however, and you’ll enter the historic bank lobby in all its vaulted wonder. A clever choice, the hotel gets the best of both worlds. Guests enter an intimate space, while the neighborhood has access, through another entrance, to the high-end cocktail bar and neck-craning view of Jarmulowsky’s New York fantasy. On the upper floors, guest rooms take the place of what were once manufacturing lofts. Today, they’re gorgeous spaces full of custom furniture (much of it based on one-of-a-kind found antiques), high-end sound systems, and references to the Lower East Side. Turndown service brings cookies by Mel bakery on Division Street; volumes from Sweet Pickle Books on Orchard decorate the windowsills. The concept is meant to evoke something like your own apartment in the city. Room keys come with hefty keychains. An apple awaits on the table when you open the door.

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Most rooms are bright, sunny, and perched gloriously above the hectic city below, while the several massive suites have the kind of layout and terrace that make any self-respecting New Yorker try to guess the square footage. On the roof, you can see up close what you can see for blocks down below. A replica of the giant domed tempietto that was once removed entirely. Rebuilt with typical fidelity to the original construction, it was this feature that once truly cemented the Jarmulowsky bank as a marvelous outlier in an immigrant neighborhood. “New York buildings like the original Madison Square Garden and the Manhattan Municipal Building had used domed spires before, but this was its first appearance on the relatively modest Lower East Side,” writes the Museum at Eldridge Street. (That museum is housed in the equally architecturally incongruous synagogue, just across the block, that Jarmulowsky helped build as well.) Meanwhile, the Nine Orchard roof, originally meant to host a public bar, has been scaled back to a private event space — in deference to community groups’ concerns over noise pollution. The hotel stands out, but it’s choices like those that have built excitement, rather than dread, over this luxury boutique hotel’s arrival at Dimes Square. Inside the hotel, you’re largely shielded from the din that defines this neighborhood of New York. The warm, minimalist furnishings are buffeted by a visual motif — the perhaps greco-inspired urns and statues that constitute lamps and decor in public spaces. If you avoid the views of iconic buildings through the windows, the comfort here is so all-encompassing you could imagine yourself almost anywhere. And still, or perhaps for that very reason, it is a hotel that has consciously ensconced itself in its setting and history. In a Vanity Fair article that asks, rather apocalyptically, What Was Dimes Square? , the piece finishes with a quote of nodding approval. “We signed the lease here in 2005 and we were always told a hotel was going to be there,” said Kama Geary, owner of Bacaro, a nearby restaurant whose atmosphere makes you feel like you’ve stumbled into Venice. “And they did it so well. They’re the kind of neighbors that you want. And it’s a great neighborhood — it was great then, and it’s great now.”

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