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The Story Of AJALA TRAVEL, Africa’s Most Legendary Traveler


  • August 3, 2016

Kunle Shobo

Europe had Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Marco Polo, Asia had its Ibn Battuta and Zheng He and Africa had OLABISI AJALA. He was one of the foremost Nigerian icons of cultural history, the quintessential explorer.

A very Nigerian man at heart and a proud African in soul, Ajala shattered all records of travel, voyaging into lands that no black person had ever seen not to talk of setting their feet there. Ajala had the world in his pockets and the world bowed at his guts. From the physical boundaries of nations to the piercing demarcations of racism, Ajala tore through them all.

Birth And Early Days

Ajala birth

Born Moshood Adisa Olabisi Ajala in Ghana to an African Muslim father with four wives, Ajala grew up in a large family. He was one out of 25 children. In his own words in his legendary book, An African Abroad, he said: ‘I was born in Ghana, of Nigerian parents, and brought up in Nigeria, where I had my schooling at the Baptist Academy, Lagos, and Ibadan Boys’ High School. At the age of eighteen I went to America to further my studies. My father, a traditionalist who belongs to the old school…’

Ajala’s initial goal was to study medicine and as a matter of fact, he was the first black student to be pledged by the Delta Upsilon Pi ‘fratority’, a co-educational Greek-letter organization at De Paul University in Chicago in January 1952 where he was a pre-medical student. He was so active that he was made the feature editor of the campus newspaper, the De Paulian. Ajala said at that time that once he became a medical doctor he was going to return to Africa to in his words ‘wage war on voodoo and other superstitions.’ He said he was proud of his 24 siblings, one of whom was a student in England. He  never fulfilled his dream of becoming a medical doctor as he stumbled on something far more enchanting.

Love And Marriage

Ajala love n marriage

Charismatic and charming, Ajala was a man of so many women.

In early 1953, a baby boy weighing six pounds and eight ounces was born to a former Chicago nurse named Myrtle Bassett who was residing in Los Angeles. This lady said Ajala was the father of the baby and had previously filed a paternity suit against him when he flatly refused he was the father. But the mother of the child countered saying Ajala did not only name the baby (Oladipupo), he also signed the birth certificate. Ajala stuck to his guns and insisted he was not the father. He told Jet that time that: ‘1. The mother had refused to have blood tests for the baby so he could prove he was not its father. 2. He had contributed $300 to cover the medical and hospital expenses to cancel a restraining order against his $300-a-week salary at 20th Century-Fox Studio, where he completed work in the movie White Witch Doctor and 3. He had given her $150 after the child’s birth and promised $200-a-month for support, pending settlement of the case.’ Ajala was scheduled to begin work in Columbia Studio’s movie Killer Ape on the 2nd of February 1953 when all this allegations and court issues about paternity came. In fact, Ajala planned to launch a countersuit to the paternity case saying:

It is the only way I can prove that I am innocent of the charges. She refuses to submit the baby to a blood test. I think it is a trick.

Eventually, when the lady in question said she was ready for the blood tests, Mr. Ajala was nowhere to be found and the court had to rule against him. In March 1953, a Los Angeles domestic court ordered Ajala to pay Myrtle Bassett the sum of $10 per week for support of her baby boy, Oladipupo.

In August 1955 in London, United Kingdom, Ajala revealed to journalists that he and his American wife, Hermine Aileen were divorced and that he was planning to marry his 19-year-old white London radio-TV actress Joan Simmons in December of the same year. Hermine had divorced him over adultery and when Ajala was questioned about the philandering charges pressed by his wife, he said curtly: ‘This, I am not contesting.’

§  When Ajala passed through Australia in his trip, he met and fell in love with a local girl, whom he married. This union sparked the interest of many because as at that time, only about 100 blacks (Aborigines) had become Australian citizens and most of them did so via marriage.

In 1955, he married a British actress Joan Simmons aged 19.

Ajala children

Recall that Ajala had many children from his various romantic liaisons with women. One of the most striking stories of his children includes that of the child mentioned earlier on, the one he had with Myrtle Bassett. Ajala did not set his eyes on the child for 23 years and when he finally met him in December 1976, he was ecstatic with joy. This was how it happened. After the court ruled in Bassett’s favor, Ajala soon disappeared from the radar and when he turned 46, he was overwhelmed with so much guilt that he said of the meeting with Oladipupo (then called Andre). Ajala explained: ‘I was very happy to find Andre. He is my oldest son and he is so full of life. Im overjoyed that I found him.’

Ajala was just 24 and a student at Roosevelt University in Chicago when he met a student nurse there and later moved to Los Angeles with her and shortly gave welcomed the baby boy. But a couple of months after Andre was born, Ajala had ajala-ed himself back to Nigeria, leaving his family behind. But the shame was too much for him as a father and decided to return to the United States to find his son whom he found in New York already working as a musician and a guitarist. An excited Ajala said he would love his son to visit Nigeria the following year (1977) and perform at the World Black Arts Festival (1977).

Bicycling Across The United States

Ajala Bicycling

Fame came to Moshood Ajala in 1952 when he decided to embark on a lecture tour across the United States from Chicago to Los Angeles, all on a bicycle. Aged 22, Ajala set out on the 12th of June 1952 from Chicago on a bicycle tour covering an incredible 2,280 miles. He arrived the Los Angeles City Hall on 10thof July, two days ahead of his 30-day schedule. Upon arrival, Ajala was received by the city mayor Fletcher Bowron. While narrating his experience of the cross-country tour, Mr. Ajala said everything was generally fine and the only nasty incident was a time in Topeka, Kansas where he was jailed for 44 hours after the white YWMA refused him a room and called the police when he protested (kindly note that that was time when the United States of America was bitterly divided with segregation politics gaining ground).  A man not to be cheated, Ajala filed a suit against the Topeka YMCA and its secretary via the Nigerian ambassador in Washington. He was determined no one was going to mess with a Nigerian citizen and get away with it, not even a band of unruly Americans in Kansas.

But what was the purpose of his travel? Ajala was a psychology junior at the Roosevelt College in Chicago and his goal for the tour was to educate the American public on the progress made by his native West African country of Nigeria. The tour included stops to deliver lectures at 11 major cities. Ajala also did his tour wearing native Nigerian costumes described as ‘elaborately flowered robes with a felt-like head-dresses to match’, to which Ajala said:…will show and prove to Americans that we do not go about nakedly in loin clothes.’

Ajala The Actor

Ajala d actor

Following his daring bicycle trip across continental United States, Ajala became the darling of many. Newspaper journalists besieged him and he was made a celebrity overnight. Deals, endorsements and contracts came flying at him. One of such was the movie contract he signed with Eagle-Lion Studios in Hollywood in August 1955, the deal involved making a series of drama and spy films with European and African backgrounds.

After his deportation from the United States, Ajala proceeded to Canada and spent nine months perfecting his acting skills. It was while he was there that he starred in the stage play Lost In The Stars.

Brushes With American Law And The Deportation

Ajala brushes wit US

A free-spirited individual known for crashing into movies amongst other interesting ways of expressing his liberty, it was not long before Ajala surfaced on the American security radar. In July 1953, things had taken turn for the worse for Ajala. But what happened?

In March 1953, the police of Beverly Hills, California arrested and jailed Ajala on three felony charges. He was accused on one count of forgery, two grand theft and three, worthless cheque charges. To add to his trouble, he had also been sued by a former Chicago nurse for refusing to accept paternity of his child. Back to the forgery case, specific charges against Ajala indicated that he made attempts to work a ‘bunko’ game by opening a savings account at a branch of Bank of America under the fake name of ‘Edward Hines’ then made deposits at other branches with worthless cheques. Officials said Ajala made five of such phony deposits of about $450.

He was eventually found guilty of forgery and deported from the United States of America, he was aged 24, an exchange student from Africa and an actor. Ajala was not really deported solely because of the grand theft charges (to which he pleaded not guilty before Judge Orlando H. Rhodes), he became a subject of deportation also because he failed to maintain his studies at the Santa Monica Junior College, thus invalidating his visa. For the forgery and grand theft charges, Ajala pleaded not guilty saying with all firmness and seriousness that he was duped by Arnold Weiner, a white male ex-bank accountant. Weiner said while it was true that he showed Ajala how to write cheques, he did not dupe him in anyway.

However, it must be stated that Ajala’s deportation was not without drama. After he was convicted of passing bad cheques in Los Angeles, Ajala was ordered by the American authorities to be deported to England from Ellis Island, New York but Ajala resisted and you know what he did? While awaiting deportation at the Terminal Island in Los Angeles after he was given a one-year suspended jail term, Ajala climbed an 80-foot radio tower and threatened to kill himself . From atop the tower, Ajala screamed that he ‘would rather leap to my death’ than be deported. Mr. Ajala was on the tower for almost 24 hours while the immigration authorities pleaded with him. Finally, Ajala fell to the ground from a height of 15 feet. He was examined by doctor at the island’s hospital and they said all he suffered was just a sprained back. Immigration authorities said Ajala made the death threat because he feared what they called ‘tribal execution’ if he was packaged back to Nigeria.

Immigration officials said Ajala dreaded tribal execution so much so that when the judge sentenced him to a one-year suspended sentence, Ajala dropped to his knees two times and touched the floor with his forehead saying he was ‘calling on Allah’ to bless the judge for the ‘mercy’ shown as the sentence might just save him from execution back home in West Africa.

When Ajala noted that his protest at the order of the immigration authorities did not work, he embarked on a 30-day fast which  the immigration officials translated it to mean a hunger strike to stop his deportation, while Ajala insisted he was simply observing his Ramadan fasting as dictated by his Islamic faith. Whatever the case, Mr. Ajala was deported and gallantly flown to London. Immigration officer Justin Bennett confirmed his deportation without any fear of any execution and also stated that Ajala’s request to be sent to Canada was rejected because Canada has refused to approve his application.

Upon arriving in the United Kingdom, Ajala said he was going to work on a new movie at the Ealing Studios in London and talked of his plans to return to the United States.

By September 1954, Ajala was back in the United States with his American-born wife, Hermine Aileen. He explained to reporters that the deportation order only banned him from stepping on American soil and his plan was to resume his acting career in California.

The Global Travel

Ajala Global travel

He visited nations such as India, Russia (then the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR), Jordan, Iran (not an Islamic Republic then but a monarchy and America’s greatest ally in the region headed by a monarch), Jordan, Israel and Australia using nothing but a motor-scooter (popularly called Vespa) and met with some of the most powerful people in the world.

These included personalities like Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa who was Nigeria’s first prime minister, Marshal Ayub Khan of Pakistan, Golda Meir of Israel (she was the first female prime minister of the nation), Makarios III of Cyprus, Jawarhalal Nehru of India, Nikita Khrushchev of the USSR, the Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi), Gamal Nasser of Egypt, General Ignatius Acheampong of Ghana, Odinga Oginga, former vice president of Kenya and others. Ajala released a book titled An African Abroad documenting all his experiences on the trip, the book was supposed to be the first volume of a trilogy. In all, he visited over 85 countries with his scooter over a period of six years.

Slide Into Penury

Ajala had seen it all, from the greatest displays of wealth to the stupefying corridors of power. But somehow, by the time death came knocking, he was one of the poorest Nigerians alive.

On February 2, 1999, the man fondly known as “Ajala travel” died. He died in penury. The world famous Ajala died unsung and unrecognized.

His grave in central Lags is no different from any other. For more than a year, Ajala suffered. He had a stroke which paralyzed his left limb. But his army of children were not there to give him succor. He only had two of them around, Olaolu Ajala, a 20-year-old student of Baptist Academy, Lagos and Bolanle Ajala, his 17-year-old daughter who had just finished her senior secondary education at the Baptist High School, Bariga, Lagos. With him also in his last hour was another teenager, 14-year-old Wale Anifowoshe. Wale was especially fond of him. He kept all Ajala’s money, the little there was.

Some of his children who could not be with him include Dante, Femi, Lisa and Sydney all of whom are based in Australia. They are the children of his Australian wife, Joan. Some of his other children are also spread around the globe. There are Taiwo and Kehinde in the United States as well as Bisola in England. But all were not around to bid their father a final goodbye except Olaolu and Bolanle.

Indeed it is a sad end for a man whose scooter is now a national monument. Noone oof his numerous wives was around to bid him goodbye to the world beyond.

His first wife, Alhaja Sade, could not find time during the year-long sickness of her husband until he finally died. She lives in Ikotun, a suburb of Lagos. “We told her that he was sick and she told us she would come, but we never saw her, “ Olaolu said. He was not sure whether she is aware that her husband is dead. Joan only got in touch with him through correspondence. There are also Mrs. Toyin Ajala in England and Mrs. Sherifat Ajala, mother of his last daughter, Bolanle. But they were not around to tend to the man when he was battling with his sickness. A neighbor in Bariga who spoke on condition of anonymity said “he could have survived if he had had adequate care.” Adequate care was indeed far from the late globe-trotter. In no other place was this manifested than his residence, a rented apartment in a two-storey building on Adeniran Street, Bariga . Climbing two flights of stairs to the top floor, one is immediately confronted with the way life had treated Ajala. A passage leads into a 16-by-12 feet sitting room.

The sitting room, devoid of carpet, has a table with about five locally made iron chairs in a corner which serves as the dining table. An old black and white television set sits uncomfortably in an ill-constructed shelf. The cushion on the sofa hurts the buttock as it has become flat. The curtains on the windows of the two bedroom flat shows signs of old age. It is indeed a story of penury.

Legacy And Honours

Ebenezer Obey immortalized him in his song below through which many Nigerians first heard of him.

Olabisi Ajala was more than an inspiring compatriot; he was the very personification of adventure. A truly thrilling a pan-African voyager who made the best of his time the way he deemed best, he remains a global citizen and a legend in his own right. At a time when millions of Nigerian youths are scared and utterly petrified of anything that even remotely reeks of exploration or adventure, the story of Ajala Travel should be more than an inspiration to conquer the world. He conquered the world the way he could, let us do the same and leave our marks in the warps of time.

  • Olabisi Ajala, An African Abroad, (Jarrolds, London, 1963).
  • Deported Nigerian Actor Returns To US With Wife, page 58, Jet, 16th September 1954.
  • African Actor To Wed White British Actress, page 19, Jet, 25th August, 1955.
  • Moshood Olabisi Ajala, People Profile, Jet, 7th August, 1952.
  • African Cyclist Near End of ‘Cross Country’ Tour, Jet, 17th July 1952.
  • James Olney, Tell Me Africa: An Approach to African Literature, page 47.
  • Jet, 25th December, 1952, page 54.
  • Pause For Globe-Girdler, Jet, 18th September, 1958.
  • Oladipo GB Ogunseitan, Be Afra, Volume 1, page 528-530.
  • Tunji, Bolaji. ‘Sad End of Olabisi Ajala.’, The Guardian, 20 February 1999, pages 8-9.

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The story of ajala travels.

Published by Temiloluwa oyeniyi on 14th June, 2022

If you are someone who travels a lot and enjoys it, that a week doesn’t go without you having to travel, then you must be familiar with people calling you “Ajala Travel.” On one or more occasions, people must have given you a compliment or eulogized you with a sigh or a thumbs up with ‘ hmm… you can travel for Africa, M.r Ajala travels ” and then with a nod to indicate that you will never listen even if they make an attempt to talk you out of traveling.

You must be wondering why the name ‘Ajala’ best suits the context of your love for traveling- many people grew up knowing that, but do not know the significance of the character and the story behind the context. Even though traditional history ignores Olabisi Ajala, the phrase “Ajala the traveler,” a moniker for the free-spirited and adventurous in Southwest Nigeria, ensures that he will never be forgotten.

In this piece, Naijabiography narrates the story behind the name ‘Ajala Travels’, who Ajala was and why people use him in that context, and of course, why people call you Ajala travels.

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Moshood Adisa Olabisi Ajala, popularly known in his hometown as Ọlábísí Àjàlá. Ajala was a Nigerian journalist, travel writer, actor, and later a Lagos socialite. He is known for his adventures in Israel , Egypt , Palestine , India , the United States , and other countries. His lone book, An African Abroad, was released in 1963 and chronicled his travel adventures. His name is now synonymous with ‘travel’ in Nigeria. In Nigeria, his name is still used as a slang term to ridicule people who can’t seem to remain still. They’re known as ‘Ajala the Traveller.’

History of Ajala

Olabisi Ajala was born to a Nigerian family in Ghana in 1929 or 1934 . With roughly thirty offspring and four marriages, it was a polygamous family. The twenty-fifth was Olabisi. His family relocated to Nigeria when he was a child. In Lagos, he attended Baptist Academy, and in Ibadan, he attended Ibadan Boys’ High School.

In 1952 , he traveled to the United States at the age of eighteen to study pre-medicine at the University of Chicago. He was the first black student in the Delta Upsilon Pi fraternity , a co-ed Greek-letter organization , at the time. Later, he transferred to Roosevelt University (formerly known as “Roosevelt College”) to pursue a degree in psychology.

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Ajàlá dreamed of a cross-country bicycle ride from Chicago to Los Angeles . The journey according to him was 28 days , and he travelled 2,280 miles . He set out on his journey on June 12th, 1952, and arrived at Los Angeles City Hall on July 10th . He received numerous honors as a result of the journey, including publicity in the main publications of the day. Ajàlá was greeted by Los Angeles mayor Fletcher Bowron when he arrived two days ahead of schedule. History has it that he never returned to Chicago.

He became a minor celebrity in Los Angeles and did numerous interviews. He was later cast in the film White Witch Doctor , produced by 20th Century Fox and based on the 1950 novel by Louise A. Stinetorf. Ronald Reagan , whom he had met three years before, had offered him the recommendation.  He was also cast in the film “ Killer Ape ,” but he never started filming.

Many women surrounded him because of his stature. One of them was Myrtle Basset, a Chicago nurse who gave him his first child, ládipupo Andrei Ajala , who was born on January 21, 1953 . In Yoruba, the word ládipupo means “ wealth has multiplied. ” Ajàlá, on the other hand, had initially disputed the fatherhood of the child. When he refused to show up in court to take the blood test he had requested, the courts ordered him to pay ten dollars per week to the mother. Olaábisi then vanished, and ládipupo was not seen again until 1976 when he had become a pianist. Ládipupo passed away on January 19, 2020.

Why Ajala Travels?

He was sentenced to a year suspended jail term later after the court ruling, following a series of run-ins with American immigration for minor violations such as issuing fake checks. He was also ordered to be deported to Nigeria because he had abandoned his schoolwork—he had reportedly gone to Santa Monica Junior College but was not keeping up with his studies. He objected to the deportation order, claiming that he would be executed by his father in accordance with tribal custom. First, he scaled an 80-foot radio tower , threatening to commit suicide if the order was not overturned. He leapt down from around fifteen feet after nearly 13 hours and hurt his back. He was eventually deported, albeit to London rather than New York.

After some months, Ajala returned to the United States in December 1954 with a new wife, Hermine Aileen, a New York model . They made their home in Chicago. She divorced him in 1955 after accusing him of philandering and adultery, which he denied. He remarried in December 1955 , this time to Joan Simons, a 19-year-old London actress.

Ajàlá embarked on a “ round-the-world ” journey from London on April 27, 1957 . These would serve as the foundation for his biography, “An African Abroad,” published in 1963 with a preface by Tom Mboya. He intended to travel to 40 different countries but later toured about 87 countries on a motorcycle in the 1950s .

He wore his agbada – a Yoruba flowing gown – and a cap in every location he visited, a combination characterized as “elaborately patterned robes with a felt-like headdress to match.” Ajàlá travelled to India, the Soviet Union, Iran, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, and eventually Australia in order to write the book. 

He toured them all on his Vespa scooter, which was adorned with notable autographs from the celebrities he had met. He met many more people throughout his tour around the world, including Jawaharlal Nehru, Golda Meir, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Shah of Iran, and Nikita Khrushchev. Poland, Germany, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Turkey were among the countries he visited.

If Mungo Park toured the African coast to “discover” the Niger River and Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigated the globe to prove the planet was spherical, Ajala travelled the globe to show the world African culture and Nigerians’ can-do élan.

As a result, Ajala represents Africa in the same way that Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Marco Polo represent Europe, and Ibn Battuta al-Tanji and Zheng . He represented Asia , and his motorcycle was his compass, which he used to cross borders and confront racial intolerance’s harshness.

However, he also had run-ins with the authorities, first in the Soviet Union, when he was accused of attempting to assassinate Nikita Khrushchev by being too close to him in public, and again on the Israel-Palestine border, where he was almost shot for speeding across without authorization. 

Later, the book was written as both a travelogue and a journalistic work. He shared his thoughts on how people lived in the countries he visited, as well as his thoughts on the political situation in Israel and Palestine and the world leaders he met.

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Ajala Travel in Nigeria

Ajàlá afterward returned to Nigeria and became a well-known socialite. He went on to serve as an entertainment promoter and publicist for artists such as Sikiru Ayinde Barrister. They later had a squabble, which resulted in the end of their relationship.

Ebenezer Obey , for example, lauded him in song with the lines “You’ve visited every country on the planet. Ajàlá went on a round-the-world trip…” The phrase “Ajàlá travels” became associated with wanderlust and extended travel after it. This is why most Nigerians imbibed the phrase and instead of saying ‘you travel a lot they say “ájala travel.” 

Because Ajala was influential, he became every lady’s man and he had women all around him from one state to another. In Sydney where his book was published, he married Joan and had three children with her. In subsequent years, especially when he dwelled in Nigeria, he married Alhaja Sadé and was said to have had children with a few more women in Nigeria.

Although he sustained his legacy and he’s been remembered for his ventures and adventures with his scooter, Ajàlá had a stroke in the early days of 1999 while living in Lagos and did not obtain sufficient treatment. Thus, on February 2, 1999 , he died of a stroke, but his children are in different parts of the world.


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Quantum travels marks 20th anniversary, re-launches ajala.ng.

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Chinedu Eze

One of the major travel agencies in Nigeria, Quantum Travels has reintroduced its iconic travel platform, Ajala.ng as it marks 20 years of operations.

Quantum Travels enjoys envious niche of managing business travel and it is Nigeria’s representative of BCD Travel, the third largest travel management company in the world reputed for corporate travel management and represented in over 97 countries.

This gives Quantum Travels a global presence and reach to care for its clients. The company said it has over a decade of knowledge of providing unique services tailored to its clients’ travel budgets, so, the clients are assured of prompt and memorable experience that gives them control over cost.

The company said that it is a leader in the leisure travel and provides Visa application services for clients.

Speaking about its unique travel platform, Ajala.ng, the Assistant General Manager and the Chief Operating Officer of Ajala.ng, Olamide Babayemi, explained during the ceremony to mark the 20 years of Quantum Travels that the re-launch of the platform was to deliver a unique service to its clients.

“This two-decade milestone represents an illustrious journey marked by unparalleled service, boundless exploration, and relentless innovation. Tonight, as we reflect on our remarkable past, we also gather here to embrace the dawn of a new chapter—the relaunch of Ajala.ng, a visionary platform that will redefine the very essence of travel. In a world constantly evolving, the need for travel is growing more than ever. Ajala.ng envisions a future where travel is not just a means to an end but an immersive experience that enriches the traveler’s soul,” she said.

Babayemi assured that as the company re-launched Ajala.ng with renewed vision and targeted milestone, it is poised to give its clients IT-driven services that would be unmatched in the industry.

She said the new platform involves seamlessly blending technology, sustainability, and personalization to provide travelers with journeys that transcend traditional boundaries.

“Our aim with Ajala.ng is to eliminate the friction often associated with travel. We aspire to handle the nitty-gritty, ensuring that our clients are solely immersed in the experiences that inspire and rejuvenate them. From securing the most favorable and affordable travel and accommodation rates, to offering unmatched customer support, visa processing assistance, travel financing through Ajala Pay Easy, and orchestrating destination events, we envision a seamless voyage for our clientele,” Babayemi said.

She further said: “Today, as we reignite the essence of Ajala.ng, we are not merely launching a digital platform; we are ushering the core values of Quantum Travels into the digital realm. Our vision is clear – to excel in creating superior and seamless travel experiences. Our mission is defined – to simplify travel, exceeding our customers’ expectations every step of the way. As we unveil Ajala.ng, we are not just celebrating the advancement of Quantum Travels, but the embodiment of a promise to our clients, a promise of unparalleled service, unending exploration, and an unwavering commitment to making travel an enriching chapter of their lives.

“With your support and collaboration, we are poised to redefine the way we explore the globe, one quantum leap at a time. Sit back and watch me unfold Ajala.”

Welcoming invited guests at the ceremony held in Lagos to mark the 20 anniversaries of Quantum Travels, the Managing Director of the company, Michael Otubu, said Quantum Travels was spurred by the joint circumstance of the visioners, adding that a few were sanguine that the company would metamorphose into a renowned travel company it has become today as it turned 20 years.

“Today, a dream borne out of a pure attempt at survival and driven by the facts of our joint circumstances, marks its 20 years of existence. very few gave this uncommon union a chance of survival, let alone its propagation. It is a testament to the power of two, walking in agreement, that today’s celebration becomes a reality.

“Who better to share this occasion with than all the family, friends, industry partners, customers and colleagues assembled here today. Some of you have walked with us these last 20 years, or at least most of it while others have partnered with us in the last decade or so. What is incontrovertible is that every step of the way, you have held our hands and challenged us to be a better version of ourselves, partnering with you to give vent to your travel needs and pushing us to dare to continue to dream. To all of you, we declare our undiminished passion to continue to be and do better as we project into the next 20 years. We have seen great metamorphosis of the travel space in the last two decades and weathered some challenges that have threatened the soul of our business and industry, but we still stand strong through it all. As Charles (Obioha, Executive Director) and 1 are wont to say always, plan A always works where no plan B exists,” he said.

Otubu said the 20 years celebration of the company was also to celebrate all those who have contributed in various ways to sustain the company and make it what it has become today.

“So tonight, we celebrate you all and welcome you to the unfolding of our vision for the next 20 years, driven by an active succession plan as we position ourselves for the flexibility that the new world ultimately demands together with our airline partners. Truly, there is power in the united resolve of two. Hope, faith and concerted action will drive the potential of our great country into the era of its fulfillment, in our lifetime,” he added.

In addition to managing travels for guests, the company also plans exciting and fun cruises in partnership with its cruise line partners. Such cruises are personalised to the budget and desire of the clients as well as many more tour packages and tourists’ attractions.

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Tours By Ajala

Tours By Ajala

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Accommodation as per the itinerary; Meals as per the itinerary; Ground transfers as per the itinerary; Scheduled Tours as per the itinerary.

Any services not mentioned above; Any items of personal expense, i.e. drinks, telephone calls, laundry etc.

Day 1: Sunday, April 12

Overnight Travel

Day Itinerary

Today you will board your flight to Dubai.

Day 2: Monday, April 13

Rove Downtown Dubai, Dubai

Set in the United Arab Emirates, the luxurious city of Dubai is synonymous with size and pushing the limits – first, largest, tallest. Aside from this, the pull of Dubai is a dreamy world of attractions and unheard of luxuries; shopping centres, nightlife and cutting-edge hotels. Famous constructions include Burj Khalifa, The Palm, Burj Al Arab, The World Island. Although Dubai strictly safeguards its traditional practices, it allows space for other religions to breathe, a rare quality amongst the conservative Arab world. The combination of all this means Dubai has emerged as a cosmopolitan metropolis, a global city and a travel, business and cultural hub of the Middle East.

Upon arrival in Dubai, you will be met and transferred to your hotel.

Overnight: Rove Downtown Dubai

In Dubai’s pulsating heartbeat, discover the perfect jump-off point for urban exploration. Located right across the road from the city’s most happening neighbourhood, Rove Downtown Dubai is a short stroll to the iconic Burj Khalifa and the world’s largest shopping and entertainment destination, The Dubai Mall.

Bed & Breakfast

Day 3: Tuesday, April 14

Old and Modern Dubai City Tour with Burj Khalifa Meet and greet our guide who will enthusiastically take you around the city. Dubai Sightseeing Tour: Zabeel Palace Your first stop will be Zabeel Palace, the official residence of the ruler of Dubai. You will stop here and enjoy an overview sightseeing of the palace from the garden. You will proceed to the Palm Shaped artificial island, Palm Jumeirah. Upon reaching here you will photo stop at the most stunning architectural piece of Art, Atlantis the Palm. Then you will stop at Burj Arab to capture your photos on its background. From here we will drive along the Sheikh Zayed Road to the creek, Abra Ride Abra is a traditional wooden boat. and enjoy taking water on your hand when you get on abra to cross the creek. This boat ride will give you the view of Dubai as a whole. After crossing the creek, you will walk into the knowledge about the traditional Dubai’s marketplace and business processes. Next, we are going to the most important and signature destination of your tour and that is nothing but the megatall, astounding Burj Khalifa. With your entry ticket, you will get on the escalator, which will take you to the 124th and 125th floor within a fraction of seconds. When you reach the observation deck, you will get 30 minutes to roam around. You can click photos and enjoy the complete aerial view of Dubai and that is going to be a great experience. You will enjoy this Visual treat and  see the 360 degree of Dubai- the unforgettable moments of your life. You will cherish this sightseeing tour as it is extraordinary and appealing, beyond your expectations! Once the sightseeing is over, we will drive you to your stay.

Day 4: Wednesday, April 15

Spend the day at leisure. This evening you will be met at your hotel for your evening desert safari.


Evening Desert 

Evening Desert Safari features a 6-hour tour across the desert of Dubai in a 4 wheel drive vehicle. The first destination is the camel farm after which there will be a stop to watch the beautiful sunset before reaching the campsite. At the campsite, tourist will have the opportunity to enjoy activities such as camel riding, sand boarding and even try out a henna design on the hands or feet. After working up an appetite, tourist will enjoy a delicious barbeque dinner and shisha. At the end of the tour, tourists watch a belly dancing show around the campfire before returning to Dubai/Sharjah.

Day 5: Thursday, April 16

Dhow Cruise with Dinner, Deira Creek

  • 2 hours cruising Buffet dinner
  • Unlimited soft-drinks
  • 1 glass of beer or house wines.
  • Additional alcoholic beverages (available upon direct payment on-board).

Dhow Dinner Dubai Creek Cruise

Dhow Dinner Dubai Creek Cruise features a two-hour cruise along the Dubai Creek for sightseeing of the Deira and Bur Dubai waterside buildings and other points of interest. This evening cruise is accompanied by a complimentary international buffet dinner, soft drinks, mineral water and light fusion music to set the tone. The dhow is safety fitted and fully air-conditioned. Ladies and gents washrooms, as well as an open-air upper deck, are also part of the facilities.

Day 6: Friday, April 17

Full-day Abu Dhabi city tour (08 hrs) 

  • Pick up from Abu Dhabi Hotel
  • Tour of Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
  • Photo stop at Emirates Palace Hotel
  • Drive along Abu Dhabi Corniche and visit to Heritage village
  • Visit the Souks at Mina Zayed
  • Drive along Yas Island
  • Visit Louvre Museum on Sadiyaat Island (supplemental charge)

Day 7: Saturday, April 18

Day at leisure.

Day 8: Sunday, April 19

End of Itinerary

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Dubai12-Days / 11-Nights

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Dubai Adventure  

Travel Dates 

April 12, 2020 - April 19, 2020

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE), in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, extends along part of the Gulf of Oman and the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. From glittering first-world cities to rich cultural history and breath-taking nature, the UAE provides something for every type of traveller. Chic, fast-paced Dubai provides every modern (and futuristic) comfort; Abu Dhabi is a capital of culture with its galleries, museums and traditional food; and Ajman and Fujairah offer incredible swimming, diving and water-sports in their clear, warm waters. The country boasts many world records: the world’s fastest roller coaster, the tower with the greatest lean, and the largest cluster of 21st-century cultural buildings. The green Mangrove National Park, sprawling orange Dubai desert, and dramatic cliff faces of the Snoopy Islands plunging into turquoise water are only a few of the spectacular natural wonders of this abundant country.

Banking and Currency

The UAE dirham (AED) is divided into 100 fils. Coins are in 5, 10, 25 and 50 fils and AED1. Notes are in denominations of AED5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000. $1 = AED3.6727 and currently £1 = AED5.9465.

It’s wise to have some local currency when you arrive to cover small purchases and taxi fares, although you might well be met at the airport by your sponsor’s staff or your new colleagues.

Currency exchanges and banking facilities are available at most major airports and many are open 24 hours a day. Exchange rates, however, are unlikely to be favourable at these outlets. More competitive rates can be obtained from city-centre financial establishments. You should avoid changing money at your hotel, as hotel rates are probably the worst on offer.

Travel, Transport and Getting Around

The main hub for air transport in the United Arab Emirates is Dubai airport, which is served by several major airlines, most notably Dubai-based Emirates. Direct flights connect Dubai to Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town, London, Sydney, Melbourne, Karachi, Tehran, Riyadh, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hong Kong, Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt, Houston, Milan, Madrid, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, São Paulo and many other major cities in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America and Africa.

After Dubai, the airport at Abu Dhabi has the next best international connections. Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways now offers direct flights from New York, Toronto and many other airports in Europe and Asia.

Other major airlines serving Abu Dhabi include British Airways from London-Heathrow, KLM from Amsterdam, Lufthansa from Frankfurt and Singapore Airlines from Singapore and Jeddah.

For low-cost flights, Air Arabia has set up a hub at Sharjah airport (which is very close to Dubai), and flies there from many cities in the Middle East and India.

There is road access to the United Arab Emirates from Saudi Arabia in the south and Oman in the east. All highways in the UAE are in excellent condition, but there is a huge amount of traffic between Sharjah and Dubai, as well as a 4 AED charge to cross the Salik toll gate. A prepaid Salik Tag is required for this.

There is a large network of dhows which transport goods throughout the Gulf and India. It may be possible to buy passage on one of these boats. They call at all coastal cities in the UAE, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Public transportation within most cities remains rudimentary. Dubai is building extensive Metro, monorail and tram networks, and has invested heavily in the local bus network in recent years. The other emirates offer very little public transportation. Abu Dhabi has a network of city buses that cost Dh2 per trip and are fairly reliable, but can be overcrowded for male passengers. Intercity bus services are fast, comfortable and reasonably frequent.

In the cities of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah, taxis are widely available. They are relatively cheap in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. A ride to anywhere within the city of Abu Dhabi will cost approximately US$10, as they charge solely by distance travelled. A night surcharge of US$3 may be added after 10PM, depending on your driver.

The legal driving age in the United Arab Emirates is 18 . The UAE has a modern road system. Renting a car or driving in the UAE requires an international driver's license, which is simply a translation of your standard license and can be acquired at a local automobile association. If you have UAE residency status, you must obtain a local driver's license. This can be a simple process that must be completed and can be done in 20 min but only if you are from a specific list of countries (predominantly Western). If you are from an Asian country, you currently have to undergo 40 classes at a local driving school and get through a pretty tough license exam. This is changing, though, and it may apply to all nationalities soon.

Car rentals are slightly cheaper than in the US There is a flat fee per day for renting a car, based upon the car's size. Petrol (gasoline) is, by US and European standards, inexpensive. The road system is based along European standards, with many roundabouts and highly channelled traffic. But the signs are readily understandable and are, in most places, clear and coherent. Drivers in the UAE, particularly in the urban areas, tend to be highly aggressive and often use tactics that range from the stupid to the disastrous. This may perhaps stem from the traffic, which can be extremely congested in the urban areas, or from other factors.

People in the UAE drive extremely fast, and some are completely reckless: overtaking by the right is the rule, speed limits are ignored by many, even heavy trucks. Last-second lane change seems to be a national sport. The UAE has the third-highest death rate from traffic accidents in the world (just behind Saudi and Oman).

Be especially careful when you spot a tinted-window SUV at night: the black windows make the driver not see you and change lanes. Theoretically forbidden, tinting windows is widespread among young Arabs and is generally associated with poor driving skills and fast driving.

There are now some good local city maps, particularly for Dubai (the Explorer series of books). Be aware that construction is on-going, sometimes rapidly changing the road networks, so maps capture only a "point in time." Sharjah remains poorly mapped. A website offered the first decent online maps of the UAE. Google Earth does offer solid satellite pictures but at a level of detail good mainly for broad reference purposes. The lack of good maps or signage makes the use of a compass or GPS sometimes useful if you want to get off the highway.

Desert safaris or "wadi bashing" are good attractions in the vicinity of Dubai, but great care needs to be taken while choosing a hired vehicle; it should be a four wheel drive. Desert safaris are also generally pre-designed with travel agents and can give you good deal as well on quantity.

Health and Medical Information

General medical care in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah is quite good, with clinics for general and specialized care widely available, including some which are now open 24 h. Hospitals in the major centers are well-equipped to deal with any medical emergencies. There is an ambulance system in all major population centres; however, coverage can be patchy in the more remote areas. Ambulances are designed for transportation rather than providing care as first responders, so don't expect top-flight on-site care.

The main government hospital in Abu Dhabi is one of the best in the Middle East; as is the Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, now managed by Cleveland Clinic.

In Dubai, the government hospitals are Rashid hospital, which has a new Trauma Centre and Dubai Hospital which are very good. Welcare Hospital American Hospital Zulekha Hospital NMC Hospital, and Belhoul Hospital in the private sector all have a good reputation. The country is free of malaria and prophylaxis is not needed. In Sharjah, the Kuwaiti (Goverrnment) Hospital accepts expatriates. The private hospitals in Sharjah are the Zahra hospital, Zulekha Hospital and Central Private Hospital. Prices including healthcare are generally cheaper in Sharjah and although all hospitals meet the Ministry of Health standards the Central Private Hospital and Zulekha Hospitals are considered more affordable.

Al Ain is served by a number of modern hospitals and care centers: Tawam Hospital, now managed by Johns Hopkins, and host to the UAE University Faculty of Medicine and Health Science; Al Ain Hospital (also called Al Jimi Hospital as it is in the district of Al Jimi), now managed by the Vienna Medical University; and the private Oasis Hospital, previously known as Kennedy Hospital, which was founded and run by Christian missionaries, and which was the first hospital in the city.

The water is safe to drink in the UAE, although most people prefer bottled water for its taste. The food is clean and in most restaurants is served to Western standards, particularly in tourist areas; however, hygeine can be an issue in some establishments outside, particularly roadside stalls. That said, food poisoning does happen, so use your common sense!

The heat in summer can reach 50°C (122°F), so avoid outdoors activity at the height of the day and watch out for signs of heat stroke. Be sure to drink lots of water as dehydration happens easily in such heat. If travelling off road (most of the country is desert), ensure you carry sufficient water to allow you to walk to the road should vehicles become bogged.

Although the UAE is somewhat more accommodating to handicapped travellers than other countries in the Mideast, it would nonetheless be a difficult country to navigate in a wheelchair. Curbs are high and there are few, if any, ramps or other accommodations.

Food, Drink and Cuisine Advice

Dubai and, to a lesser extent, Abu Dhabi offer a vast spread of food from most of the world's major cuisines. By Western standards most restaurants are quite affordable although it is easy to find extremely expensive food too. Most upper-end restaurants are located in hotels.

Due to the large expat populations, Indian and Pakistani restaurants abound, offering affordable and succulent choices. Also popular are Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian cuisine restaurants.

A popular favourite is grilled chicken, available at most of the open-air cafeterias by the roadside which can be relished with other accompaniments like Khubz (Arabic Bread), hummus, etc., and the most popular rice dish is Biriyani, with grilled chicken or fish or lamb. Traditional Shawarma and falafel sandwiches are readily available and are quite cheap and delicious.

Very few traditional Emirati dishes are served at restaurants; and the closest is the Mendi-style cuisine of Yemen, in which platters of fragrant rice are topped with lamb, chicken or fish that has been slow-roasted in a pit

The legal drinking/purchasing age of alcoholic beverages is 21.

Dubai has a burgeoning nightlife scene and even formerly straitlaced Abu Dhabi has loosened up and tried to catch up. Alcohol is available in alcohol stores, 5-star hotel restaurants and bars in all emirates except Sharjah, where you can only drink in your home or in an expat hangout called the Sharjah Wanderers. As a tourist, you are permitted to buy alcohol in bars and restaurants to drink there. If you are a resident, you're supposed to have a alcohol license (never asked for in bars) which also allows you to buy alcohol at alcohol stores (they do check).

During Ramadan, no alcohol is served during daylight (fasting) hours. Dubai and Abu Dhabi permit bars to serve alcohol at night, but bands stop playing, background music is off or quiet, no dancing is allowed and nightclubs are usually closed. On certain holy days in the Islamic calendar, no alcohol is served publicly in any of the UAE.

Do not under any circumstance drink and drive in the UAE. If by chance you are in an accident, this becomes a card for going directly to jail — especially during Ramadan. Taxis are widely available if you have been drinking and are a much safer and wiser option given the insane driving habits in the region.

Climate and Weather

The country is extraordinarily dry, getting only a few days of rain a year. Despite that, Emiratis use water at an alarming rate: there are broad swaths of grass in the major public parks, for example, and landscaping can be extensive in the resorts or other public places. The majority of this water comes from desalinisation. Visitors do not pay for their water use. The weather from late October through mid-March is quite pleasant, with high temperatures ranging from around 27 °C (85 °F) to lows around 15°C (63 °F). It is almost always sunny. Rain can happen between November and February, and can cause road hazards when it does. In the summer, the temperatures soar and humidity is close to unbearable — it is widely suspected that the officially reported temperatures are "tweaked" to cut off the true summer highs, which can reach 50 °C (122 °F), or even higher!

Clothing and Dress Recommendations

Layering is your best bet; wear light clothing outside and bring a jumper or sweatshirt for the heavily air-conditioned buildings around the cities. During November to March, warmer clothes are advised for the evenings. A hat and high factor sun block is also advisable - a day on the beach in the strong summer sun is an easy recipe for sunstroke and sunburn. If visiting during the summer, make like the residents and visit the beaches early in the morning and later in the evening.

Please note:  Dubai and the UAE have varying degrees of tolerance to clothing styles from around the world and how to dress in the UAE. There are legal guidelines as to what is not acceptable, especially in Sharjah which has its own decency laws, but in general, residents, visitors, and tourists can mostly wear what they like within reason.

In general, most ‘normal’ clothing is tolerated as long as it is not too revealing, however, to be respectful of the UAE culture, it is better to cover knees and shoulders and everything in between.

Electricity and Plug Standards

For the most part, electrical sockets (outlets) in the United Arab Emirates (Al-Imārāt al-‘Arabīya al-Muttaḥida) are one of three types: the "Type C" European CEE 7/16 Europlug, the "Type G" British BS-1363 or the "Type D" Indian 5 amp BS-546. It's just anybody's guess as to which of the three types will be installed at any given specific location. If your appliance's plug doesn't match the shape of these sockets, you will need a travel plug adapter in order to plug in. Travel plug adapters simply change the shape of your appliance's plug to match whatever type of socket you need to plug into. If it's crucial to be able to plug in no matter what, bring an adapter for all three types. 

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Travel Notes

  • Travel Insurance is Recommended.
  • Itinerary Details are Subject to Change.
  • Call to Arrange Your Private Group Trip.
  • Golf and Fishing Excursions are available (Cuba, Jamaica and Costa Rica).
  • Airfares are Subject to Re-confirmation.
  • Ask about our Early Booking Discount ($50.00).

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Tours By Ajala


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Moscow-Saint Petersburg tour package 7 days/6 nights including tank riding and Stalin Bunker visit


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We provide authentic, informative and memorable tour packages and city tours, at very competitive prices. Visit Moscow Tours are available not only in Moscow, but also in other cities: Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Suzdal and Sergiev Posad.  We also organise customised individual programs tailored just for you.

Our guests come in large groups, small private groups, as couples or as single travellers. We take care of and treat our guests with respect in a friendly and warm family environment. We show people our beautiful cities with passion and deep knowledge of their history, culture and traditions.

Our guides are extremely hospitable, helpful and well-informed. They are simply the best because only by providing the best services can we make the world fall in love with Russia. And we are very happy when our guests say that they will definitely come back to Russia and that they will tell all their friends how great Russia is! That is what inspires us to put even more dedication and hard work into our tours, knowing that what we do is positive and meaningful.

Our classic tours include tours of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, two main Russian cities.

Moscow is a big and busy  megalopolis and Russia’s capital city, where more than 12 million people live and work. Our capital city is happening place; it is mysterious, elegant, luxurious, fashionable, clean and bright, with its unique legends, traditions and events. It is with great pride that we show the Red Square and the Kremlin, our Underground and Tretyakovskaya Gallery, among other stunning attractions.

Saint Petersburg is our second capital,  the second largest city in the Russian Federation. This wonderful city has a strong and lively aristocratic spirit, uniquely Russian royal architecture, magnificent museums and theatres. Saint Petersburg bears the royal heritage of Russia, which can be felt in its air, its streets, parks, monuments, museums and citizens.  In Saint Petersburg tours, we will take you to the Hermitage, Peter and Paul Fortress, Faberge Museum and Orthodox Cathedrals. We’re sure you will love it!

If you have a few more days to spare, venture into the dreamy Russian countryside in Suzdal or Sergiev Posad. Suzdal is a small town with a population of about ten thousand people, situated on less than 15 square kilometres. This tiny area is home to 53 historic cathedrals, five monasteries and a kremlin. Church domes are visible like mushrooms from anywhere and everywhere in the town like in a fairy tale. No wonder Suzdal is called the ‘Town Museum”.  It is definitely worth visiting!

Just try any of Visit Moscow Tours’ tour packages or any individual city tour, and we promise that you will want to come back to Russia again.  Russia is huge with countless amazing places to visit. There are so many unique experiences to be had and energies to be felt that one tour is definitely not enough to explore this vast land. It is also a very safe destination to travel, and we have a tradition of warm hospitality. Our people adore and take care of visitors as our own guests, and even if they do not know your language very well, they still try to be helpful and hospitable.

Our guides will show you the most interesting attractions and historical places, taking you on a journey to the past to enjoy stories of medieval times, the Romanov monarchy, the Soviet Era. And of course, we will show you the contemporary life of our country through authentic local experiences.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

8 interesting facts about the Hermitage


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    Ajala was a Nigerian journalist, travel writer, actor, and later a Lagos socialite. He is known for his adventures in Israel, Egypt, Palestine, India, the United States, and other countries. His lone book, An African Abroad, was released in 1963 and chronicled his travel adventures. His name is now synonymous with 'travel' in Nigeria.

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