Alhijra Travel

Alhijra Travel

al hijra travel agency rotterdam

Informatie over Alhijra Travel


  • maandag: 10:00–17:00
  • dinsdag: 10:00–17:00
  • woensdag: 10:00–17:00
  • donderdag: 10:00–17:00
  • vrijdag: 10:00–17:00
  • zaterdag: Gesloten
  • zondag: Gesloten

Ervaar de betovering en ziel verrijkende Umrah en Hadj reis. Bereid je voor op een onvergetelijke Umrah, Hadj en Aqsa reis voor en emotionele transformatie.

Alhijra Travel: Meningen

Fantastische ervaring: Maashaa allah

Fantastische ervaring: Ik ging op umrah met familie van 5. De jongste is 14 maanden oud en uit mijn eigen ervaring, ik vind Al Hijra professioneel en niet zo duur te vergelijken met andere Umrah reisbureau. We sliepen bij Swissôtel Makkah (Binnen de complex The Clock Tower) en Al Aqeeq Madinah, beide hotel zijn loop afstand van de Haramayn. Echt top kwaliteit! Ronald, onze begeleider, is een storyteller. Hij neemt je diep in het verhalen van de profeet SAW en zijn sahabah. Ook is hij behulpzaam en zorg voor de kleine reizigers op onze groep.

Fantastische ervaring: top travel alles goed geregeld

Fantastische ervaring: Assamuakaykum wr wb. Beste broeder en zusters, Ik wil iedereen bedanken voor deze bijzondere reis. Ik heb mooie mensen ontmoet met een prachtige ziel waar hun harten op de juiste plek zitten. Ik wil Ronald, Mummin & de zusters Chaeron bedanken voor alles! Jullie inzet wordt zeer gewaardeerd en moge Allah swt jullie rijkelijk belonen voor jullie goede daden. InsyaAllah worden al onze gebeden/dua’s en umrah geaccepteerd. Wassalaam,

Fantastische ervaring: Voor de tweede keer mee gereisd met Alhijra Travel. Ook voor de tweede keer zeer tevreden met de goede zorgen en oplettendheid van de organisatie zowel voor de groep als voor de individu. jazakkallahu khairan katsiran...

Fantastische ervaring: We hadden een hele goede ervaring met alhijrah en onze reisleider Ronald. Hotel, vlucht en transport tijdens de reis waren van tevoren goed gecommuniceerd en de reisleiders waren bereid om alle reizigers bij te staan bij kleine en grote ongemakken. Tijdens de reis was er ook een whatsapp groep waar alle informatie duidelijk en tijdig werd opgestuurd, zoals tijd en precieze plek van ontmoeten. Kortom, een hele goede ervaring gehad en ik 100% voor herhaling vatbaar

Fantastische ervaring: Echt een top en professioneel team Ma’shaa Allah Alles tot het puntjes verzorgd, begeleiding was altijd bereikbaar tijdens onze Umrah. Binnen enkele seconden vragen beantwoord, problemen zo snel mogelijk opgelost.

Fantastische ervaring: In oktober voor de 2e keer met Alhijra Travel de Umrah verricht. Super goede ervaring zoals ik gewend was. Begeleiding en verduidelijking van A tot Z. Zeker een aanrader!

Fantastische ervaring: Was top

Fantastische ervaring: Effectieve communicatie en goed geregeld

Fantastische ervaring: Ik kan met volle overtuiging zeggen dat onze reis met Alhijra travel een ongeëvenaarde ervaring was die mijn verwachtingen heeft overtroffen! Zeer fijne ervaring gehad met Alhijra travel naar umrah samen met mijn vrouw en 2 kinderen, zijn wij vanaf het begin tot het eind goed begeleid door ustads Ronald. Beide hotels (in Makkah en Madinah) waren heel dichtbij de moskee. Ik zou zeker nog een keer op reis gaan met deze organisatie.

Fantastische ervaring: Een betrouwbaar reisbureau! Vriendelijke mensen.

Fantastische ervaring: Was een leerzame en gezegende umroh , we hadden een leuke en gezellige groep en goede begeleiding door Ronald en mevrouw Wati

Fantastische ervaring: Hele fijne ervaring gehad met Alhijra Travel. Professionele team, super goed begeleiding. Zeker een aanrader

Fantastische ervaring: alhamdulillah perjalanan umroh pertama saya dan istri sangat dimudahkan.. hotel dekat kabah dan mesjid nabawi dimana kami juga ada banyak waktu untuk sendiri atau bersama istri melakukan ibadah prive. bersama alhijra travel mengunjungi tempat2 bersejarah dengan penjelesan sangat jelas

Fantastische ervaring: Wij zijn gisteren terug gekomen van onze Umrah en alles was goed geregeld! Hotels, transport etc helemaal goed. Remy je bent een topper! Bedankt voor de goede begeleiding.

Fantastische ervaring: Een fijne ervaring gehad met Alhijra travel naar umrah samen met mijn ouders, zijn wij vanaf het begin tot het eind goed begeleid door broeder Ali Allkhattab. De hotels waarin we verbleven en de excursies die ze hadden geregeld waren top! We hadden ook een hele leuke groep waardoor de saamhorigheid en gezelligheid veel heeft bijgedragen aan deze best wel intense reis. Namens mijn ouders en mij, wil ik de begeleider broeder Ali alkhattab bedanken voor alles. Moge Allah SWT jou rijkelijk belonen voor je werk in deze Dunya en Akhirah!

Fantastische ervaring: Masa allah moge allah de organisatoren in de hemel plaatsen

Fantastische ervaring: Beste reisbureau

Fantastische ervaring: Beste ervaring ooit dankzij broeder Ali, Moge Allah hem Djanat al Firdaws al a3la schenken en al zijn wensen doen uitkomen. Ik raad iedereen, jong, oud vrouw, man, gezinnen... aan om door deze broeder begeleid te worden of dit nu uw 1ste keer is of de zoveelste keer. Deze broeder weet wat hij doet. Je kan op je beide oren slaapt als je ouders of kinderen onder zijn begeleiding laat vertrekken. Ik heb al een umrah verricht met n andere organisatie maar dat is dag en nacht verschil. Deze broeder doet zijn taak met hart en ziel en is zeer georganiseerd Allahoema Baarik. Ik zal bij geen andere organisatie boeken na deze ervaring met Broeder Ali. Een Prachtige mens vanbinnen en van buiten Allahoema Baarik. Moge Allah hem succesvol maken in alles wat hij doet. Barak Allahoe fiek broeder. In Schaa Allah tot de volgende, groetjes uit België Ook dank Aan Al Hijra zelf voor hun sadaqa voor ons reisbus te betalen. Moge Allah jullie hiervoor belonen.

Fantastische ervaring: Masha Allah umra 2023 is heel goed gegaan met dank aan Alhijra travel de beste professionele rijbureau voor Umrah en Hadj

Fantastische ervaring: Mooie prijzen. Duidelijk en goeie servic

Fantastische ervaring: Dit is mijn tweede umrah. Het was een bijzondere ervaring om nooit te vergeten. En hierbij wil ik graag mijn complimenten uitdelen aan de reisleiders Abdellatif en Moustafa voor hun inzet. Alles was goed geregeld. En service en begeleiding was uitstekend. Had het naar me zin alhamdoulilah. Nogmaal bedankt en tot snel in shaa Allah

Fantastische ervaring: Een onvergetelijke umrah meegemaakt, al hijra travel nummer 1

Fantastische ervaring: Broeder Mustafa en Abdelatif zijn super toffe begeleiders. Ze doen dit werk met hun hart en hebben ons constant geholpen om een leuke umrah te hebben. Inshallah komen we elkaar in de toekomst weer terug.

Fantastische ervaring: Top organisatie. Alles goed geregeld. Ik heb genoten van mijn eerste umra. Al khattabi ali hij heeft ons goed gezorgd. Bedankt

Fantastische ervaring: Top organisatie! Ik ben nu in Mekkah met ze. Beste service. Wij gaan in de toekomst al onze Hajj en Umrah reizen hier boeken. Ik raad ze van harte aan! Top personeel. Alles tot in de puntjes geregeld. Mijn dank is groot. Alhamdolillah

Fantastische ervaring: Wij zijn nu in Mekka via Alhijra. Alles maar dan ook ALLES is TOP geregeld! De groepsleiders - Abdelatif / Mustapha / Ronald zijn alle 3 TOPmensen. Die voor je klaarstaan, en waar je alles aan kunt vragen. Ben jaren geleden met een ander reisbureau hier ook geweest en die ervaring was bijzonder slecht! Alhijra krijgt van mij 5 STERREN Wij zijn nu in Mekka via Alhijra. Alles maar dan ook ALLES is TOP geregeld! De groepsleiders - Abdelatif / Mustapha / Ronald zijn alle 3 TOPmensen. Die voor je klaarstaan, en waar je alles aan kunt vragen. Ben jaren geleden met een ander

Fantastische ervaring: Duidelijk en held

Fantastische ervaring: Mijn moeder is naar Umrah gegaan met Alhijra travel. Onze conplimenten naar broeder Ronald en broeder Mustapha zij hebben goede dienst bewezen mijn moeder heeft zich geen sec onzeker gevoeld. Van begin tot eind goede begeleiding en beste prijs vergelijken met andere. Ik raad Alhijra Travel 100% aan.

Fantastische ervaring: Best travel experience!

Fantastische ervaring: Hele fijne organisatie met zeer goede begeleiding op reis

Fantastische ervaring: You get the cheapest tickets you want around the world.

Fantastische ervaring: Alles ging vlekkeloos. We hebben een geweldige mooie Umrah reis beleefd. Alhamdulillaaah. De medewerkers van Al Hijra waren profesioneel en oplossingsgericht. Het was een zeer fijne ervaring.

Fantastische ervaring: Fantatich

Fantastische ervaring: Mashaallah, Beste reisbureau van heel Nederland!!

Fantastische ervaring: Allah Akbet goeie preizen.

Fantastische ervaring: Top reisbureau! Zeer behulpzaam.

Fantastische ervaring: top reisbureau

Fantastische ervaring: Fijne mensen die ook aldaar in mekka voor je klaarstaan. Absoluut een aanrader voor eenieder die hadj of umra wilt doen en op zoek is naar een betrouwbare partner!

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al hijra travel agency rotterdam

Verwachte pakketten 2024

al hijra travel agency rotterdam

Hadj Comfort

Vertrekdatum: 19 Juni / 9 Juli 2023 ( +- 2Dagen ) Hotels: 5* hotels in Azizya en Mekka en Medina

al hijra travel agency rotterdam

Hadj Express

Vertrekdatum: 19 Juni / 4 Juli 2023 ( +- 2Dagen ) Hotels: 5* hotels in Mekka en Medina

al hijra travel agency rotterdam

Hadj Budget

Vertrekdatum: 22 Juni / 13 Juli 2023 ( +- 2Dagen ) Hotels: 4* hotels in Mekka en Medina

Prijzen per persoon:

al hijra travel agency rotterdam

Veelgestelde vragen Hadj

Kan ik gebruik maken van de hotels tijdens de manasek.

Ja, het is mogelijk om tijdens de Manasek gebruik te maken van uw hotelkamer. Echter zullen er geen bussen beschikbaar zijn om van/naar de hotels te reizen.

Ben ik medisch verzekert tijdens mijn verblijf in Saoedi-Arabië?

In geval van een noodsituatie waarvoor ziekenhuisopname vereist is, geeft uw Hadj-visum u het recht op diensten die worden aangeboden door de medische faciliteiten van de Saoedische overheid. Wij raden hierom aan om een kopie van je paspoort en Hajj Visa te maken en te allen tijde bij je te houden.

Welke vorm van de Hadj doet Alhijra Travel?

Bij Alhijra Travel doen wij de Hadj al-Tamattu’. Bij de Hadj al-Tamattu’ wordt eerst de Umrah en daarna de Hadj verricht, waarbij bij beide keren de intentie wordt opgezegd en de staat van de Ihram wordt aangenomen. . Degene die voor de Hadj al-Tamattu’ kiest spreekt op de Miqat plek de intentie uit voor de Umrah en neemt de staat van de Ihram aan.

Bij aankomst wordt de Tawaaf en de Sa’y van de Umrah gedaan. Na het scheren van het hoofd wordt de staat van de Ihram verlaten. De staat van de Ihram wordt weer in Mekka aangenomen wanneer men de Hadj plicht gaat vervullen. In de staat van de Ihram gaat men dan naar de vlakte van Arafat. Na het verblijf op de vlakte van Arafat, wordt er gestenigd, een offer uitgebracht en hoofd geschoren waarna de staat van de Ihram wordt verlaten. Na de bezoeksTawaaf en de Sa’y wordt de Hadj compleet.

Als u vragen heeft, stel ze dan gerust. Bel ons of e-mail ons voor een bezoek om er zeker van te zijn dat u bediend wordt met onze beste diensten.

+31 (0)10 226 20 98 +31 (0)10 226 20 98 [email protected]

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al hijra travel agency rotterdam

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al hijra travel agency rotterdam

Mosque Dar-al-Hijra Moskee in Rotterdam (3072 CK)

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  • Mosque Dar-al-Hijra Moskee

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  • Friday prayer No
  • Women room No
  • Open between prayers No
  • Arabic school No
  • Omra/Hajj travel? No


  • Address Putselaan 223a Rotterdam, 3072 CK, Netherlands
  • Itinerary Open the map
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Mosques near this place, putselaan 223a, rotterdam 3072 ck, boudewijnstraat 57, rotterdam 3073, kocatepe cami, afrikaanderplein 40, 3072 ce, rotterdam 3072 ec, polderstraat 135, 3074 xh, rotterdam 3074 xh, 7 vredesplein, rotterdam 3074 sn, oranjeboomstraat 295, 3071 sp, rotterdam 3071 sp, stampioenstraat 2, rotterdam 3071 tj, why should your mosque be on local masjid , share your news.

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Umrah Packages


We create these packages by utilizing 10 years of experience, sophisticated ticketing algorithms, affiliation with hand-picked hotels & transportation providers, and authorization with Ministry of Hajj & Umrah.

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AlHaram Travel – The Most Trusted Hajj & Umrah Agency in USA


We at AlHaram Travel offer a wide range of Umrah Packages & deals including 125+ all-inclusive Umrah Packages, 220+ reasonably priced Umrah Packages, 315+ affordable Umrah Packages, 400+ cheapest Umrah Packages and many more.

Our dedicated team of IATA certified travel advisors are specially trained, utilize past experiences, make notes of customers’ feedbacks, and design these Umrah Packages included with all the required facilities.

5 Star Packages


10 Nights 5 Star Umrah Packages 2024

Makkah Hotel: (5 Nights)

Madinah Hotel: (5 Nights)

  • 888-608-1057

5 Nights 5 Star Umrah Packages 2024

5 Nights 5 Star Umrah Packages 2024

Makkah Hotel: (3 Nights)

Madinah Hotel: (2 Nights)

10 Nights 5 Star Umrah Packages 2024

7 Nights 5 Star Umrah Packages 2024

Makkah Hotel: (4 Nights)

Madinah Hotel: (3 Nights)

4 Star Packages

10 nights 4 star umrah packages 2024.

10 Nights 4 Star Umrah Packages 2024

7 Nights 4 Star Umrah Packages 2024

Makkah Hotel: (4)

7 Nights 4 Star Umrah Packages 2024

5 Nights 4 Star Umrah Packages 2024

5 Nights 4 Star Umrah Packages 2024

3 Star Packages

5 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages 2024

5 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages 2024

7 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages 2024

7 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages 2024

10 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages 2024

10 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages 2024

10 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages 2024

AlHaram Travel – A Trustworthy Pilgrimage Travel Agency


Thinking why we are always the first choice of USA pilgrims to Book Umrah Packages? Take a look below:

Associated with ICAO registered airlines, we compare & reserve the best yet cheapest direct & indirect flights from any airport in USA to KSA.


Partnered with 750+ 3-star, 4-star to 5-star hotels around Haram, we arrange any hotel at any date & month of the year at prescribed budgets


Collaborated with transportation service providers in KSA, we organize on-time transportation from airport to Holy cities including Ziyarats.


Our IATA-certified mavens discern pilgrims’ traveling needs & help them find the most suited airport to fly from, flights, hotels, & stopovers.


Plan Umrah in advance or on a whim, we offer all from pre-bookings to last-minute deals, thanks to our allied hotels & airlines.


From Economy to business-class Umrah deals, 4-days to 21 days Umrah offers, & January to December Umrah packages, we provide all!

Sign-Up and Discover Latest Offers

New deals arrive every month. Subscribe now and get them right in your inbox.

Customize Your Own Umrah Packages


  • Include Ziyarat: Yes


All-in-one Umrah Service Provider – AlHaram Travel

Every Muslim wishes to perform Umrah at least once in their lifetime. But they face a lot of psychological, financial, time management, & social barriers that restricts them to fulfil their hearty desire of performing Umrah. Are you the one concerned about cost of Umrah trip? Facing issues due to busy schedule? Looking to gain more spiritual benefits? Require comfort when traveling with family? Going alone? Wishing to travel together in Group? Experiencing difficulty in booking the best hotels & flights? Seeking to enjoy holidays with your loved ones along with performing Umrah? Or planned to perform Umrah on a whim? AlHaram Travels’ dedicated team of IATA certified travel advisors are specially trained, utilize past experiences, make notes of customers’ feedbacks, understand their concerns, & design such a huge collection of exclusive Umrah packages included with all the required facilities that are sure to solve all these travel related problems in minimum timeframe with maximum efficiency. They design cheapest Umrah packages by finding & comparing affordable flight & budget friendly hotels. They help you design a 3-day Umrah package to better utilize your long weekends. They arrange last 10 day Ramadan Umrah packages including Iʿtikāf arrangements in Al Masjid an Nabawi. They book family Umrah packages including nearest to Haram hotels with all-inclusive facilities. They design group Umrah packages with hotels having spacious quad-sharing rooms. They also provide step by step assistance in booking all-inclusive Umrah deals with desired hotels, flights & Ziyarat. They help plan a multi-destination Umrah package with stopover in HALAL holiday countries. They also support you in crucial times by creating last-minute Umrah deals.

Book Carefully Designed All-Inclusive Umrah Packages with AlHaram Travel From New York, New Jersey, Texas, California, Georgia and Florida

Delay in visa processing, discrepancy in flight reservation, trouble in suitable hotel booking or even a slight mismanagement in transportation arrangement will result in great dissatisfaction. Put away all these concerns and enjoy a hassle-free umrah experience as we at AlHaram Travel offer specially crafted all-inclusive umrah packages ranging from low-priced Umrah deals with cheap desired facilities to deluxe umrah packages with luxury assuring hotels, flights & transport options. We offer a wide range of flights for umrah from world class airlines, hotel reservations and multiple travel services. We are an ARC certified Umrah travel agency authorized with Ministry of Hajj & Umrah KSA to ensure quick and timely visa processing, affiliated with all top 100+ airlines with 1000+ flights of economical to business-class that fly towards Jeddah & Madinah from your respective cities all over USA, collaborated with top 750+ hotels from cheap to luxury ones in both Makkah & Madinah and partnered with the leading ground transport service providers for arranging standard to comfort assuring vehicles to design these Umrah packages with your desired facilities. We in-house 150+ IATA-certified Umrah booking experts who have years of experience in the field, utilize their knowledge, training & experience, consider your travelling requirements, keep your budget limit in mind, reserve the direct or indirect flight tickets at cheap & affordable prices, find best hotels near Haram with all the desired facilities, arrange luxury transport and ensure fast processing of visa to design these all-inclusive Umrah packages.

AlHaram Travel offer a huge range of Airlines operating between USA and Saudi Arabia for Umrah Flights

In the past 10 years of providing Hajj & Umrah Services to USA Muslims, AlHaram Travel has developed close associations with all top airlines operating from the United States to Saudi Arabia and offering luxurious business class flights to economical and cheap flight tickets. We offer you a large flight options of various airlines ranging from Air France, American Airlines, British Airways, EgyptAir, Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, Flynn’s, Gulf Air, Iceland air, Lufthansa, Nile Air, Pegasus Airlines, Qatar Airways, Royal Air Marco, Royal Jordanian, Saudi Airlines, Swiss, Turkish Airlines, United Airlines to Virgin Atlantic. You can choose any flight of any airline from the available range and with our advanced real-time ticketing systems we can arrange your selected flight ticket for you at cheapest available rates. If you have any confusion about which airlines suits you best, do you want direct or indirect flight, or which airline is operating from your nearest airport, our experienced travel experts thoroughly assist in this process and help you choose the best flight of world-class airlines departing from your nearest airport.

Get Considerably Compiled Family Umrah Packages to Travel with Families Without Any Hassle

Performing Umrah with infants, children & families is a dream come true for every Muslim brother & sister to visit Allah (SWT)’s Abode on Earth and worship with entire family. If you are a Muslim wishing to accomplish this dream, the variety of family Umrah packages available exclusively at AlHaram Travel are sure to facilitate you in performing Umrah without any trouble or worldly worries. Our family Umrah specialists have designed these family Umrah packages ranging from economical family Umrah packages, luxury 5-star family Umrah deals and holidays Umrah offers for families to all-inclusive family Umrah packages to facilitate all families to perform Umrah. Our well-experienced Umrah agents have applied their 20+ years of expertise & knowledge of serving 15k+ Muslim families to include all necessary amenities suited for the infants, children, adults & disabled pilgrims & consider the age groups of all family members to arrange every facility in these Umrah packages. Our capable experts also keep sessional, term & seasonal school breaks of children in mind & include public holidays for traveling schedule in these family Umrah packages. Additionally, our Umrah specialists utilize our affiliation with 100+ airlines to include the best flights tickets in top airlines that charge nominal for infants & children, take advantage of our association with 750+ top hotels to make luxurious accommodation in near-to-Haram hotels with all amenities for family members & use our direct contacts with top transport service providers to arrange comfortable SUVs for Ziyarat & inter-city traveling of families while designing these family Umrah packages. Our Umrah advisors who have traveled themselves for Umrah with families, understand every family’s traveling needs, reckon every family member’s need in mind, consider the school holidays of children, and contemplate the family’s set budget in mind to design these family Umrah packages that coincide with school holidays, fall during public holidays & include desired level of amenities.

Experience Spiritual Benefits of Umrah With Near & Dear Ones by Booking Group Umrah Packages Particularly Created by AlHaram Travel

Muslim families, friends or co-workers often plan to perform Umrah in groups to remain connected with other companions or dear ones as it gets easier to fulfill Umrah rituals along people you know. This is why AlHaram Travel offers a huge variety of well-catered group Umrah packages ranging from 3-star group umrah packages for low budget groups, affordable 4-star Umrah deals for groups that want to enjoy blend of affordability with luxury to business class group Umrah packages for ultimate comfort & worry-free traveling. By serving 50,000+ satisfied pilgrims out of which 10% consisted of groups of 4 people or more & physically traveling for Umrah in groups, our IATA certified group Umrah experts regularly study the feedback of all group members after their return & combine this knowledge with their expertise to design these group Umrah packages that facilitate each member of group. From reservation of tickets in same flights to booking of accommodation on quad-sharing basis in same near Haram hotels & arrangement of special buses for transportation, our agents utilize extensive affiliations with 100+ top airlines, networks with 750+ best hotels and contacts with popular transportation providers to arrange all facilities in these group Umrah packages. Not only that, our Umrah consultants also consider your group’s budget, preferred traveling schedule & number of members to design these group Umrah packages for traveling in most suitable month without breaking their banks.

Relish a Spiritually Gaining Time with Your Better Half Through Our Specially Designed Couple Umrah Packages

Whether you are a newly-wed couple that wishes to start the new life by performing Umrah or just parents looking for a quality time alone that will include gaining blessings of Umrah, AlHaram Travel offers plenty of specifically crafted couple Umrah packages including luxury 5-star couple Umrah packages, affordable 4-star couple Umrah deals, 7 days Umrah packages for couples & 14 days holiday Umrah packages for couples. These packages have been devised with extreme caution by our expert Umrah agents who take extra measures for couples, keep all budget-tiers in mind, consider best traveling months & events to let couples relish every moment, contemplate all potential durations to extend their ability to gain spiritual satisfaction, assess & include the best Islamic countries for Umrah-cum-holiday with significant other. Our proficient agents utilize direct connections with 100+ airlines to find & reserve business-class flights from nearest airport, search luxurious accommodation with all facilities and Haram-view window from our 750+ partnered hotels and go one step ahead to pre-include luxury transport for comfortable Ziyarat or traveling between Makkah & Madinah when designing these couple Umrah packages. Our Umrah booking specialists also understand the traveling needs of couples, help them plan a perfect Umrah getaway that matches their budget & book these couple Umrah packages that meet their traveling schedule and desired level of comfort.

Experience A Hassle-Free Umrah Journey by Booking Our Adroitly Arranged Senior Citizen Umrah Packages

As an elderly Muslim, are you traveling for Umrah alone? Or disabled pilgrim planning to perform Umrah by traveling with your family members? But, worried about the non-availability of all facilities & Traveling necessities to make this pilgrimage possible? To honor the teachings & preaching of Islam regarding senior citizens & disabled pilgrims, the cautiously designed senior citizen Umrah packages offered by AlHaram Travel ranging from all-inclusive Umrah packages with special facilities for disabled pilgrims to luxury Umrah deals with wheel-chair accessible flights & hotels to resolve every disabled or senior Muslims’ problems. Our experts devise these senior citizen Umrah packages with special cautions, take extra care to include flights of airlines that offer wheel chair facility & book hotel rooms right next to Haram to minimize traveling for Ta’waf or prayers. Our specialized Umrah advisors who are expert in transport facility utilize their direct contacts with top transport services providers in KSA to arrange spacious SUVs or buses for hassle-free movement of disabled pilgrims or senior citizens when creating these Umrah packages for senior citizens. Not only that, our capable Umrah specialists listen to your requirements & resolve any problem that might be preventing your from going for Umrah & book these senior citizen Umrah packages that include all required facilities.

Book Specifically Crafted Ladies-Only Umrah Packages to Avail All Facilities While Traveling with Only Females

Under certain circumstances Muslim women aged 45+ want to perform Umrah by traveling with other women family members or female friends. The knowledgeable female Umrah advisors of AlHaram Travel understand this Muslim sisters’ concerns and have devised a huge collection of 20+ ladies-only Umrah packages ranging from economical ladies only Umrah packages, affordable Umrah deals for women, luxurious Umrah offers for women, cheapest ladies-only Umrah deals to group Umrah offers for women. They take extra measures while crafting these ladies-only Umrah packages, talk directly to our returning female pilgrims to inquire & solve the issues faced by them, conduct deep research & find solutions to troubles faced by Muslim women during pilgrimage & consider best traveling dates to avoid crowds in holy cities. Moreover, our flight specialists find comfortable flights to include in these packages from your nearest airports by looking from 100+ affiliated airlines & 1000+ flights for reservation or arrange direct or connecting flights to Jeddah or Madinah. Our hotel booking experts find the best accommodation from 750+ affiliated hotels to book female-only quad-sharing accommodation in close proximity to ladies-only gate of Haram while designing these ladies-only Umrah packages. Our Umrah advisors also listen to your requirements, consider your traveling schedule, bear your budget in mind & hear about your desired level of comfort to create these best ladies-only Umrah packages that meet all your set standards and traveling expectations.

Perform Umrah In the Most Virtuous Month of Islam By Reserving Our Well-Arranged Ramadan Umrah Packages

Ramadan – A month full of blessings from Allah (SWT) in which every good deed earns double reward to Muslims and help them purify their souls. This is the reason why millions of Muslims wish to travel to Makkah and Madinah and perform Umrah in month of Ramadan. We at AlHaram travel as a customer loving company ensure that this wish of Muslim brothers and sisters from USA come true to life by offering a huge variety of well-catered Ramadan Umrah packages ranging from luxury to economy Ramadan Umrah deals, Ramadan Umrah offers for families and groups and Umrah deals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ashra of Ramadan. From this available range, choose luxury Umrah packages for last 10 day of Ramadan with special arrangements for Iʿtikāf in Al Masjid an Nabawi, pick cheapest Ramadan Umrah deal with all the amenities included in lowest price, select family Umrah packages to spend a quality time with your loved one, children and parents in Allah (SWT) Abode during Ramadan or opt for all inclusive Ramadan Umrah packages to become tension free of all worries of separately booking hotels, flights, visa and transportation, choice is all yours. We with the help of our committed travel experts design all these packages with immense expertise & adroitness. We make sure that all these packages include nearest to Haram hotels, comfortable flights and luxury transportation to save you from hassles faced by pilgrims due to massive crowd in Month of Ramadan. Our supportive customer care agents always stand with you and guide you at every step in hectic situations caused because of large crowds in Makkah and Madinah.

Get Soul Revitalizing Experience Through Your Lesser Pilgrimage by Booking Our Well-Catered Rabi ul Awwal Umrah Packages

Rabi ul Awwal is probably the third most important Islamic month after Ramadan & Dhuʻl-Hijjah. It is considered important as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) illuminated this world when he was born on 12 of this month & the first mosque Quba and second mosque Al Masjid an Nabawi were also established in this third month of Islamic calendar. Due to this significance, every Muslim desires to perform Umrah in this significant Islamic month. To fulfill this desire of Muslims, AlHaram Travel offers a huge variety of Rabi ul Awwal Umrah packages ranging from family Umrah packages with luxurious 5-star hotels & direct flights in Rabi ul Awwal, affordable group Rabi ul Awwal Umrah deals with affordable accommodation to October Rabi ul Awwal Umrah packages with term holidays. Our experts devise these Rabi ul Awwal Umrah packages with special care, carefully consider date to include stay in Madinah on 12th of Rabi ul Awwal, take extra care to include flights of airlines from nearest airports & book hotel rooms right next to Haram to let families travel for prayers & taw’af quickly without any hassle. Our specialized Umrah advisors utilize their direct contacts with top transport services providers in KSA to arrange luxurious transportation to include in these packages for visiting the historical sites including Masjid Quba which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visited or spent time in. Not only that, our capable Umrah specialists carefully listen to your requirements, arrange traveling on suitable dates for spending birthday of Prophet while worshipping in Al Masjid an Nabawi & book these Rabi ul Awwal Umrah packages that include all required facilities.

Fruitfully Spend Your Vacations with a religious Touch by Reserving Well-Planned Holiday Umrah Packages with AlHaram Travel

Whether you are looking to spend new year holidays of January in Allah (SWT)’s abode on Earth? Wishing to spend February winter break holidays in Makkah & Madinah with your kids? Desiring to get the most religious benefit out of your Easter holidays in April? Deciding to go for a religious getaway during thanksgiving holidays in November? Or planning to spend quality time by performing Umrah during Christmas holidays in December? At AlHaram Travel we offer specially designed Holiday Umrah packages ranging from affordable January umrah deals from 3-star to 5-star, Family February umrah packages from cheap to business-class, all-inclusive Easter umrah offers with premium to low-priced facilities, Cheapest Thanksgiving Umrah packages from economical to affordable hotels & flights, to group Christmas umrah packages from affordable to first-class facilities & luxury assuring December Umrah Deals with top-notch accommodation, flight & transport. Our in-house IATA certified tour advisors use their vast experience to address your concerns regarding stays in hotels whether you are travelling alone, with family, or in groups. How they do it? They use our alliance with numerous 3-star, 4-star & 5-star hotels with single, dual & quad sharing rooms in both Makkah and Madinah to find & select the best accommodation option with cheap & luxury facilities for groups and families to include in these umrah packages. Moreover, we are affiliated with multitude of airline companies flying from USA that enable us to compare & find the best, cheap, affordable & business class flights for you and add them in these holiday Umrah deals. Additionally, we use our partnership with best transport service providers in KSA to reserve a car service for you to go for Ziyarat & travel between Makkah & Madinah hassle-freely with ensured comfort. So, what are you waiting for? Book your holiday umrah package now with us and leave all the worries of finding hotel, choosing flight and arranging transport to our well-trained IATA certified travel advisor & destination experts and enjoy a spiritually gaining time with your kids, groups or even if you are travelling alone.

Immerse in Obtaining Spiritual Benefits During HALAL Christmas Holidays by Booking Specially Arranged December Umrah Packages from AlHaram Travel

People living in USA relish a holiday season towards the end of December, Muslims can make full use of these Christmas holidays by travelling to Makkah and Madinah to perform Umrah. So, don’t miss this grand opportunity and get expertly intentioned December Umrah packages from AlHaram Travel ranging from affordable group December Umrah packages, luxury December Umrah packages for families, all-inclusive December umrah packages with desired cheap facilities, economical December Umrah packages with affordable hotels & flights, to business-class December Umrah packages for individuals. By making full use of our years of link with various 5 star, 4 star hotels and 3 star hotels in Makkah and Madinah, our in-house IATA certified destination experts assist you to the best of their ability to find, list down and select the most excellent accommodation option to add in these December Umrah packages whether you are travelling in groups, alone, or with your family. Moreover, our association with plentiful airline companies gives us the ability to compare the fares of multiple flights and put forward the most suitable options to include in these December Umrah packages that flies from your respective city in USA to avoid hassle of travelling to any other airport. Furthermore, our partnership with the leading ground transportation service providers allows us to arrange and include the vehicle of your choice in these packages to make your visit to holy sites in Makkah and Madinah during Christmas holidays as comforting as possible. All you have to do is just choose dates, specify flight, add destination stop if required to any city of your choice like Dubai, Morocco, Antalya and many more, select hotel, pick vehicle for Ziyarat if required and our knowledgeable travel advisors include everything in your December Umrah deals as per your preferences to make your holy pilgrimage in December holidays a memorable one.

Enjoy Leisure & Religious Time with Your Loved Ones through Well-Arranged Multi-Destination Umrah Packages from AlHaram Travel

Make your Umrah journey this year more memorable by adding a destination stopover in HALAL vacation countries. At AlHaram Travel we offer specially designed multi-destination Umrah Packages ranging from cheap Dubai stopover Umrah packages, luxury Umrah deals with a detour from Morocco, business-class Umrah offers with few days’ stopover in Antalya, to affordable Umrah packages with destination stop in Pakistan and many more. No need to fret about your stay, as we have a vast connection with affordable yet best hotels not only in KSA but all over the world that allows us to arrange budget saving to luxury accommodations for you and add them in these Umrah packages. Our links with transport service providers enable us to arrange a cab and include it in your multi-destination Umrah packages that pick you up right from your designated hotel, take you for sightseeing in your desired stopover destination & and also for Ziyarat in Makkah and Madinah, act as your guide throughout the journey and then drop you off right in front of your hotel.

Book Well-Catered and Reasonably Priced Cheapest Umrah Packages with AlHaram Travel from Illinois, Virginia, Michigan, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland

Regardless of the financial conditions, it’s a wish of every Muslim to perform Umrah and get spiritually cleaned from sins. But financial restrictions are not the thing that can be ignored and put on the backend. AlHaram Travel knows that everyone is not capable of purchasing such Umrah Packages that have all the luxury amenities and high-class facilities. That’s why, we put constant efforts to provide our customers the most budget friendly, satisfactory and unique Umrah deals. Our well-trained agents conduct deep research to find cheapest days to fly to KSA, compare hundreds of flights to find the cheapest one, utilize our affiliation with 750+ hotels to avail the promotional discounts on room rents, use advanced systematic approaches & arrange ground transportation at extremely affordable prices to design a huge range of cheapest Umrah packages ranging from 3 star cheapest Umrah packages to 5 star cheapest Umrah deals for our customers. You can choose such cheapest Umrah packages from available range that have all the necessary amenities included in it but its cost is as low as it will not become a burden on pockets. Confused about what type of package you should choose? Get help from our dedicated customer care representatives that assist you in making selection by considering your budgets, required amenities and details of passengers.

Avail Our Affordable and Reasonably Priced 5 Star Deals and Perform Umrah With Extra Bit of Comfort, Luxury & Lavishness:

Extreme indulgence in religious task of Umrah reap you more spiritual benefits rather than being distracted because of hassles and difficulties occurs due to less facilities. In simple words, one can perform Umrah in better manners if all the facilities are on high-end level with immense lavishness and comfort. To conquer this need, AlHaram Travel offers you an extensive range of marvelously designed 5 star Umrah Packages with all the luxury facilities included in them. We let you choose the duration of your stay in Makkah and Madinah, pick 5-star hotel of your choice from the list we arrange for you, select flights of premium airlines and opt for transportation options of your preference to create your own 5-star Umrah package. Our experienced tour organizers utilize their massive contacts with 5 star hotels in both holy cities and include such accommodation in these packages that have spacious rooms, extraordinary room services, gymnasiums, family halls, Free Wi Fi facility and best of all these hotels are situated just few steps away from Haram. We also use our advanced real-time ticketing systems to include such flights in these Umrah deals that have comfortable cabin seats and matchless services. Fast Visa processing and transportation services in a Luxury Sedan or SUV are also included in these 5-star Umrah packages through our partnerships with leading transport service providers in KSA.

Book Marvelously Customized 4-Star Umrah Packages with AlHaram Travel to Reap the Benefits of a Comfortable Umrah Trip at Affordable Prices

Travelling is hectic in every aspect. Everybody wants to experience comfort and peace during it which is only possible by availing luxury amenities by paying high prices. Do you also believe in this myth? But we don’t. We at AlHaram Travel dedicatedly work to ensure that every customer feel comfortable during Umrah journey without paying too much prices. For that purpose, we have designed a massive variety of 4 star Umrah packages ranging from 3 days affordable Umrah deals, 14 days 4 star Umrah packages and 21 days all-inclusive Umrah packages with competitive prices. We let you choose such package from this available range that is affordable and have luxury amenities at same time. We have strong business relationship with almost 330 4-star hotels in Makkah and Madinah and our alliance with top rated airlines let us find business class flights at affordable prices that allow us to create these packages at affordable rates. We also shortlisted some 4 star hotels of Makkah and Madinah from you can choose your favorite one and create your own 4 star Umrah Packages with all luxury amenities at affordable prices.

AlHaram Travel offers Exclusive Deals for Economy Umrah Packages from USA

Want to go for Umrah pilgrimage but running really tight on budget? Don’t worry at all! We at AlHaram Travel have the right Umrah offers for you. We offer you a huge range of specially designed 3 star Umrah Packages that are an economical option to perform Umrah with necessary facilities. Whether you are planning to go solo or travelling with family or group to perform Umrah, we have got you covered through this huge range of 3 star Umrah Packages that include 3 star Umrah deals for lone goers, 3 star Umrah packages for families and 3-star Umrah offers for groups. You can pick any package from this range as per your required amenities & budget and also get help of our supportive CSRs in making selections. Our experienced tour operators design these packages with help of our alliance with 3 star hotels in Makkah and Madinah and make sure to arrange flights and transportations at low prices to keep the cost of these packages reasonable for everyone. Rest assured that offering 3star Umrah packages at economical prices doesn’t mean that they have nothing but low-class hotels, flights of low-rated airlines and uncomfortable transportation. AlHaram Travel is a leading Umrah service provider in USA from a decade and we always use customer centric approach to design all of our Umrah Packages. Our 3 star Umrah packages are designed with such hotels that have comfortable rooms at low prices. Economy flights of top-rated airlines are included in these packages. We also ensure that these Umrah packages include such transportation for Ziyarats & between cities that is comfortable enough to save pilgrims from fatigue.

Avail Last-Minute Umrah Deals from AlHaram Travel to Never Let Any Religious Opportunity Get By

Made a sudden plan to visit Kaaba and perform Umrah? There are a lot of concerns regarding this in the minds of pilgrims like whether they will be allotted hotels with best single, dual & quad sharing rooms, will they be provided with desired cheap or luxury flights or whether their visa will be approved or not. Then there is nothing better than booking carefully crafted last-minute umrah deals by AlHaram Travel. We are authorized with Saudi Ministry of Hajj & Umrah that enables us to do quick visa processing and ensure approval even on urgent basis. Our association with top class hotels in KSA enables us to squeeze out a comfortable room of your liking and last but not the least, our alliance with the best airline companies allows us to compare & find the affordable flights to include in these last-minute Umrah packages that fly to Saudi Arabia right from your respective cities in USA.

Contact AlHaram Travel and Avail Special Offers and Deals at Cheapest Prices:

We at AlHaram Travel love our customers and strive hard to solve their every travel related need. We craft packages to fit the various budget and schedules. We offer our customers a huge range of discounted Umrah packages including cheapest 3-star Umrah deals, all-inclusive 4-star Umrah packages and luxury 5-star Umrah offers that are all specially designed by our experienced travel consultants and have all the facilities like flights, visa, hotel, transportation and Ziyarats included in them. We can arrange any dates in USA including holiday seasons of December, Easter, February winter breaks or Thanksgiving holidays. Be it for the lone-goers or first timers, we ensure highest comfort for all valued customers by offering large variety of budget-friendly deals. We can cater for any customizable family and group packages, starting from economy Umrah packages for 2 persons, 3 persons’ Family Umrah deals including 2 adults and a child or up to 7, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50 persons group Umrah packages are also available. So, what are you waiting for? Pick your phone now and dial 888-608-1057 to consult with our experienced travel agents to book your umrah packages or you can send your queries at [email protected].

Real Reviews by Real Customers

We are an accomplished Travel Agency that has sent 55000+ pilgrims from USA to Allah’s abode on Earth. Discover below what customers have to say about our Hajj Umrah packages:


I was a lone goer and it was my first time to perform Umrah, that’s why I was really confused and nervous about what to do and how to do. I was concerned about how I would travel from Jeddah airport to Makkah, how I will find my hotel in both holy cities, or will I receive guidance during Ziyarat. But to my surprise, all my worries immediately vanished when a representative of AlHaram Travel was at the airport to meet and assist me in my holy journey ahead. He greeted me with open arms, dropped me right in front of my hotel in Makkah and took me to do Ziyarat in both Makkah and Madinah. Other than that, whenever I required assistance in any other on-trip circumstances, the travel agents of AlHaram were friendly and always stood by my side to guide me at every step.

I subscribed to their newsletter, next day I got an e-mail that included last-minute offers, seasonal specials, exclusive perks & discounted Umrah deals. Fortunately, in the very next mail, I received an irresistible offer that had a flight departing from my nearest airport, perfect for my strict budget limit, included hotel I had my eyes on, and even ground transportation was of my standards. I booked it without a second thought as me and my mother were looking to travel and this deal helped us fulfil our desire to perform Umrah. Great prices and excellent service.

I've used AlHaram Travel in the past and found their services to be reliable and professional. They saved me as I was having a lot of financial crisis and could not pay lump sum amount. They resolved my worries by suggesting me to pay amount in equal installments and offer me an easy to follow installment plan that did not prove to be a burden on my pocket and helped me fulfil my hearty desire to perform Umrah. They didn’t even charge me a single penny above the original package price.

Last month, my family event got cancelled at very last moment, so we planned to go for Umrah but knew that it was very late and booking Umrah trip in last moments was very difficult. But my colleague suggested me to contact AlHaram Travel and I was really impressed with their exceptional services. Their team was dedicated to cater my needs even at such short notice and brought a perfect last minute deal that has everything included I required for me and my family during an Umrah journey. Thank you for such an outstanding service.

Traveled with AlHaram Travel in three different months and diverse requirements. And I am delighted to say that their services were stellar & professional every time. They always have plenty of packages pre designed for every month and after listening my needs, they provided me the best package that had all the things I preferred to receive and perform Umrah with a peaceful mind.

Super impressed by the customer service I received from the team of AlHaram Travel and its team. They went an extra mile to understand my travel requirements and suggested me the nearest airport to fly from, assisted me to find hotel that had all amenities I needed to make my Umrah journey comfortable, provided on-trip support and arranged inter-city transport for hassle-free traveling. Really thankful for their cooperation at every step.

Have Any Queries?

Below you'll find answers to some common questions revolving around our Hajj Umrah Packages, services, quality standards & pricing policies. Every human psyche is different though, so don't hesitate to reach out to us and get answers regarding anything else you might be wondering.


Yes, absolutely! Each all-inclusive Umrah package you book with us includes complete visa processing without any excessive charges or hidden costs. However, you can still avail our visa processing services at minimal charges even if you do not wish to book a complete Umrah package with us.

No it isn’t. But you can include sightseeing of the holy sites in your Umrah package by inquiring with our experienced travel advisors who use their alliance with the best transport service providers and arrange a cheap yet comfortable car service for you that will pick you up from right outside your hotel, take you for sightseeing and then drop you at your designated hotel. Moreover, the driver appointed for you will be educated enough to act as your tour guide for better Ziyarat experience.

No, to keep the prices of Umrah packages low & affordable, we do not include ground transport in them. But no need to worry as we can arrange it for you and include it in your Umrah packages on special request. Whether you need comfortable Sedan for couples, luxury SUV for family, or spacious buses for whole a group of friends & colleagues, we use our partnership with the best transportation service providers in KSA to arrange a comfy ride for you as per your requirements.

With the help of our experienced agents of ticket reservation department, & up-to-date real time ticketing system, we design your Umrah packages with cheapest flights of top-rated airlines departing from airport of your respective cities no matter where you are in USA.

It all depends upon what type of package you select, what is your budget and what kind of amenities you are looking for. However, due to our alliance with 750+ handpicked hotels in the nearest vicinity of Kaaba and Al Masjid an Nabawi, all our Umrah packages include top class hotels with all necessities at affordable prices. But if you want to change the hotel included in your Umrah Package, we have shortlisted some of them from which you can choose one that best suit your needs.

We have all types of well-catered & expertly arranged Umrah packages for every month of the year available in our vicinity ranging from cheapest Umrah deals, 3star economical Umrah Packages, 4star affordable Umrah offers, to 5star luxury packages. Our IATA certified travel advisors use their extensive industry knowledge and expertise to pre-design special Umrah packages to facilitate our huge customer base of every norm and perfectly cater to their need of performing Umrah pilgrimage without excess worries or paying more than standard prices. No matter what your requirements maybe, we are sure to have a suitable Umrah package to cater your pilgrimage needs.



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20 Epic European Marathons That Are Worth the Trip

D oesn’t a European vacation sound nice? The Eiffel Tower. Big Ben. The Colosseum. Float down a Venice canal in a gondola, race down the Alps on a snowboard, speed down the Autobahn in a Mercede Benz. Not to mention the fish and chips, croissants, schnitzel, and ravioli you can delight in.

But of course wherever there’s an opportunity for a vacation, there’s also an opportunity for a runcation. Why stroll through ancient European streets when you can run down them in a marathon ? And while America may have plenty of races to offer, there’s something extra special about jogging on a road that’s also been traversed by kings and queens for hundreds of years. Plus, Europe has some of the best marathons in the world (it’s got two of the six World Majors !)

If you are looking to take a European runcation, there are plenty of marathons across Europe for you to choose from. From the northern Scandinavian courses to races in the south of France, Europe has plenty to offer marathoners. To that end, we’ve scoured the race calendar for 2024 and picked 20 of the best marathons Europe has to offer. So get your passport renewed, book your tickets, pack your quintessential American sneakers, and let’s get running.

Rome Marathon

Date : March 17, 2024 Location : Rome, Italy

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We’ve all been thinking about the Roman Empire for several months now, so it only feels right that we pack our bags and head there. Rome’s marathon should be at the top of your European bucket list, as the historic city is brimming with landmarks, and the the course designers have put most of them along the race’s path. Plus there’s a grand finish near the Coliseum providing you with some incredible photo opportunities and carb loading has never been easier.

Paris Marathon

Date: April 7, 2024

Location: Paris, France

The Paris Marathon is very similar to Rome’s in a number of ways. While neither are World Marathon Majors, both are massively popular and send runners past a who’s who of landmarks. Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Palais Garnier, and of course the Arc de Triomphe are on the loop course. You’ll get an incredible tour of the city’s various arrondissements and you can celebrate with champagne and baguettes.

Rotterdam Marathon

Date: April 14, 2024

Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands

If you’re looking for a fast course on the European racing circuit, Rotterdam is a popular choice (especially for those looking to nab a PR). With cool weather and a flat course, the race draws plenty of top tier runners. While Amsterdam does have its own marathon, Rotterdam’s is the largest in the Netherlands and includes plenty of parks and bridges as well. The figure-8 course gives runners a nice view of the city with two trips over the famous Erasmus Bridge.

London Marathon

Date: April 21, 2024 Location: London, United Kingdom

Of course self respecting list of European marathons would be complete without London. It’s one of the six World Marathons, and no shade to Berlin, but it is THE European marathon. It’s nearly impossible to win the lottery and gain entry because of how popular it is with thousands of international runners trying to gain access each year. The point-to-point course starts on the city’s east end and follows the Thames into the heart of city, crossing the Tower Bridge, passing Big Ben and the London Eye and eventually finishing in front of Buckingham Palace. STUNNING!

Vienna Marathon

Date: April 21, 2024 Location: Vienna, Austria

If however, you want to be in Europe running a marathon on April 21 and you can’t get into London, a lovely second choice would be Vienna. The spiral-shaped course winds through Vienna, showcasing the timeless architecture the city has to offer. You’ll pass multiple palaces, run through several gardens, and finish in the heart of the city. Not to mention, you’ll pass the famous Weiner Riesenrad Ferris wheel in Prater and can celebrate with wienerschnitzel. You also won’t have to enter the lottery ever year for five decades in order to run this one.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Madrid Marathon

Date: April 28, 2024 Location: Madrid, Spain

While the Rock ’n’ Roll running events that got their start in San Diego pairing road races with concerts are predominantly based in the U.S., they do have one marathon in Madrid. If you’d rather pass on the Running of the Bulls, but still want to get some miles in while visiting Spain, this could be a great choice for you. With plenty of musical entertainment before, during, and after the race, it’s also one of the more entertaining events on this list.

Prague International Marathon

Date: May 5, 2024 Location: Prague, Czech Republic

While Madrid may be a part of the Rock ’n’ Roll series, that hasn’t stopped Prague’s marathon from staking its claim as Europe’s music marathon. The race, which traces the city’s Vltava River up and down, is lined with musical acts and includes a Marathon music festival with multiple bands performing after the race. Runners also get to vote on their favorites once they’ve finished, with the winners getting preferred spots in the following year’s race.

Luxembourg Night Marathon

Date: May 11, 2024

Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a tiny country wedged in between Belgium, France and Germany. The tiny nation boasts three official languages. It also happens to be the host of one of Europe’s few major after hours marathons. The Luxembourg Night Marathon, which winds its way through the country’s capital (also called Luxembourg), begins at 7 p.m., meaning you’ll be running through sunset into the dark. Don’t worry though, the city is aglow with lights, so you won’t have any trouble seeing where you’re headed.

Stockholm Marathon

Date: June 1, 2024 Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Of the major cities in Europe, Stockholm is unique in that it sits on 14 different small islands in the Baltic Archipelago, meaning that much of the city is connected by a series of small bridges connecting the island together. Stockholm’s marathon course weaves its way through the maze-like city, crossing the bridges back and forth on the way to the finish. This, of course, includes the famous Vasterbron. The only trouble is that most bridges are just hills in disguise making this course slightly challenging at points.

Midnight Sun Marathon

Date: June 22, 2024 Location: Tromso, Norway

Most of Europe’s summer marathons are in Scandinavia, which is a blessing given how harsh the winters there can be. One of Norway’s most interesting races is the Midnight Sun Marathon, which is run in Tromso, a city in the far north reaches of the country within the arctic circle. Being so far north, the sun never really sets there in the summer, which is the point of the Midnight Sun Marathon. The race is run on the longest day of the year—the summer solstice, and starts at 8:30 p.m. so that most runners will still be heading toward the finish line around midnight.

Reykjavik Marathon

Date: August 24, 2024 Location: Reykjavik, Iceland

The Reykjavik Marathon is really a perfect vacation race, because not only does it give you a beautiful tour of Iceland’s capital, but it also coincides with Culture Night, one of Iceland’s most popular events. Run the marathon in the morning and then attend the concerts and festivities in the evening. Most marathons are purposefully held during times when other events aren’t taking place in the city, but Reykjavik is determined to let you see everything the city has to offer. The night always ends with fireworks too. No better way to celebrate a 26.2.

Helsinki Marathon

Date: August 24, 2024 Location : Helsinki, Finland

On the same day that Reykjavik is holding their marathon, at the other end of Europe, Finland is hosting their premiere race. The Helsinki Marathon takes great advantage of its waterfront views on the Gulf of Finland (the same body of water that St. Petersburg sits on). The course consists of multiple loops of different lengths, all of which trace the city’s waterfront. That means you’ll have some great breezes to cool you down as you run as well.

Jungfrau Marathon

Date: September 7, 2024 Location: Jungfrau, Switzerland

Without a doubt, the toughest marathon on this list (and one of the toughest in the world) is the Jungfrau Marathon. That’s because it’s basically just a run straight up the side of the Alps. The mountainous course starts at the base of the mountain and forces runners to run 26.2 miles on a course that almost completely goes uphill. Not an easy race, but certainly one you’ll feel accomplished finishing.

Vilnius Marathon

Date: September 8, 2024

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

One of Europe’s hidden gems is Vilnius, Lithuania. Vilnius is one of the oldest capitol cities in Northern Europe, and one the largest Baroque old towns in Eastern Europe. Between the baroque architecture, the tree-lined river, and the medieval buildings, the city has plenty to offer (just be glad that the course doesn’t take you over any of the city’s famed cobblestone streets). Plus you can seem way cooler than your friends when you’re the first to take a vacation to Lithuania.

Berlin Marathon

Date: September 29, 2024 Location: Berlin, Germany

Along with London, the only other World Marathon Majors in Europe is the Berlin Marathon. The loop course through a variety of the city’s neighborhoods is famously flat, bringing in marathoners from all around the world hoping for a PR (including legend Eliud Kipchoge, who set the world record for the fastest marathon there). If you’re trying to nab a Six Star Finisher medal, you’ll have to run Berlin, and while you’re there you can check out their incredible museums (and sausages).

Lisbon Marathon

Date: October 6, 2024

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Seemingly overnight the vacation destination in Europe is Portugal, and if you’re looking to visit, there’s no better time to go than when they hold their marathon each October. The point-to-point course starts on the coast miles outside of Lisbon and slowly traces the sea into the city’s downtown. When you finish you can treat yourself to some of the city’s delicious seafood or their famous custard pastries.

Zagreb Marathon

Date: October 13, 2024 Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Ever since Game of Thrones shot much its Kings Landing scenes in Dubrovnik, Croatia has become a popular tourist destination for Americans. While the inland capital Zagreb, is very different from the Mediterranean seaside, it hosts the country’s major marathon. The course weaves through historic town, giving you a thorough tour of the neighborhoods. Zagreb is also the location of the Museum of Broken Relationships, so if you love a little heartbreak, this race might be for you.

Ljubljana Marathon

Date: October 20, 2024 Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia

Another thing to consider when selecting a marathon is cost. While major marathons (especially ones like London where you might need a charity bid) can costs runners thousands of dollars to enter, where marathons like Zagreb and this Slovenian option are much cheaper. This flat course is a loop of the city, beginning and ending downtown with a stent through the city’s massive Tivoli Park. The city is also only a couple hours from Venice, so if you’re looking to build out a vacation, this could be a great way to boost the itinerary.

Istanbul Marathon

Date: November 3, 2024 Location: Istanbul, Turkey

The Istanbul Marathon is always reminding runners that it is the only marathon in the world that spans two continents given that the Turkish capital is one of the few cities that straddles Europe and Asia. You don’t need much more of a reason to run a race than that, especially because the transition between the two continents takes place atop the splendid Bosphorus Bridge. If you thought crossing state lines was exciting, this takes it next level.

Athens Marathon

Date: November 10, 2024 Location: Athens, Greece

And somehow, we’ve saved the best, and most historic, and oldest for last. Of course the original marathon run back in ancient Greece, and the basis of the modern marathon, was that of Pheidippides, who supposedly ran from Marathon to Athens with news of victory only to die upon arrival. Now every year thousands of people retrace the route, running 26.2 miles across Greece to honor the story that started it all.

Take your running overseas with these 20 epic European marathons.


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