Egina je ostrvo obraslo jelama, među čijim vrhovima izviruju ostaci čuvenog hrama boginje Atine Afaje smeštenog na uzvišenju 160 m iznad mora. Nalazi se u samom srcu Saroničkog zaliva, izmedju Atine i Argolide. Ovo neveliko ostrvo od svega 83 km kvadratnih još je u drevnim vremenima steklo prvenstvo u odnosu na druga ostrva istog zaliva jer su ga Atinjani zavoleli i pretvorili u omiljeno mesto odmora i rajskih zadovoljstava. Egina je nekada bila pravi izvor mitova, legendi i spekulacija a danas je koloritno ostrvo sa ogromnim kulturnim i istorijskim nasledjem. Pored veličanstvenog hrama pažnju zaslužuju i tajanstveni akropolj u Paleohori kao i centar religioznog života, crkva Svetog Nektariosa. Odlikuje se toplim morem, čistim peščanim plažama, borovima i jelama koji se spuštaju gotovo do same obale. Idealno je mesto odmora za one koji žele da borave u blizini velikog grada a da im mir i tišinu ništa ne narušava, da uživaju u domaćoj hrani i vinima i u čuvenim „pistaćima sa Egine“. Do ostrva se može stići feribotom iz atinske luke Pirej za 1.15 h (prevozi i kola) ili “letećim delfinom” iz iste luke za 35 minuta (ne prevozi kola).


Grad Egina ima mnogo znamenitosti, vožnja kroz grad kočijama je lep doživljaj i dobar način za uživanje u prizorima glavnog grada. U mestu ima mnogo zanimljivih građevina i neoklasičnih kuća, među kojima je zgrada prve grčke vlade, sirotište koja je osnovao prvi guverner Grčke Ioannis Kapodistrias, kuće vođa grčke revolucije, i kuće grčkih političara Spyridona Trikoupisa i Harilaosa Trikoupisa.



U gradu Agia Marina možete posetiti drevni hram Aphaea, u čijoj se blizini nalazi lepa plaža. Agia Marina je jedino mesto Egine koje privlači agencijski turizam zbog blizine Starog hrama i razvijene turističke infrastrukture. U mestu Souvala, 10 km od grada Egina, nalazi se čuvena Banja Souvala, kao i lepe plaže i brojni smeštajni kapaciteti.


Grčka ostrva su omiljena destinacija za letovanje velikog broja turista. Ono što turiste najviše privlači su fenomenalne plaže, toplo more, ljubazni domaćini, bogata istorija i nezaboravan provod.


Ukoliko iz mnoštva fascinantnih različitosti Grčke nameravate da odaberete najupečatljiviju, onda bi ovo ostrvo Kiklada bila jedna od njih. Divlje, neovozemaljsko, nastalo u vreme smirivanja vulkana koji i danas miruje… Ogromna stena u nijansama crne, crvene i sive, kao da se ljubi s morem. A visoko iznad vode, poput gnezda, carstvo tišine. I baš tu, 260 metara iznad nivoa vode, stoji venac beline sastavljen od kuća, crkava, terasa, kupola, lukova… Fira, glavno naselje ostrva ili mesto na kome je po legendi čovek ukrotio čudovište i drsko odlučio da baš tu stanuje u okruženju nestvarnih pejzaža s veličanstvenim pogledom na morsko plavetnilo… Čarobna Fira ili od vulkanskog pepela oslobodjeni minojski Akrotiri su delić tog mozaika. A deo upečatljivog utiska je i kupanje na plažama Kamari ili Perise, prekrivenim crnom lavom…


Ostrvo Evija tek počinje da se otkriva strancima neponovljivim prirodnim lepotama, životom koji još nema naznake savremene užurbanosti, brižnim negovanjem starih praznika i važnih istorijskih datuma i čuvanjem drevnih tradicija. Neverovatno živopisne plaže, listopadne i borove šume na strmim liticama planina, mineralni izvori poznati još od davnina – sve to i još mnogo drugog učinili su ostrvo idealnim mestom za razvoj turizma. Na 680 km razudjene obale, svako može da nadje svoj čarobni kutak. Udaljeno je od Soluna 480 km južno, od Atine 80 km severno, povezano mostom sa kopnenim delom Grčke i veoma lako dostupno. Evija može postati omiljena letnja destinacija za svakoga…


Lefkada je ostrvo Jonskog arhipelaga sa bogatim mediteranskim rastinjem, zlatnim plažama duž obale i upečatljivim pejzažima. Nekada poluostrvo, koje je još u 7 veku veštački odvojeno od kopna prokopavanjem kanala, danas je ponovo spojeno sa njim, ali mostom. Dobila je ime po belim okomitim stenama, koje se uzdižu visoko iznad mora, posebno sa zapadne strane.Po predanju, upravo se sa tih stena bacila u more čuvena pesnikinja Sapfo zbog nesrećne ljubavi prema Faonu. I pogled sa Lefkade je poseban: severno je božanstveni Krf a na jugu su Kefalonija i Odisejeva Itaka. Ono što ovo ostrvo čini omiljenom destinacijom brojnih turista jeste nestvarni mir upotpunjen prelepim plažama, čistom, smaragdnom vodom i toplotom grčkog podneblja.


U samom centru Jonskog mora leži ostrvo Kefalonija, veličanstveno, tajanstveno, s bogatim istorijskim i kulturnim nasledjem. Čarobne bele plaže, stotine malih peščanih zaliva, strme stene utopljene u visoke čemprese, maslinjaci, vinogradi i bele usamljene kuće, plaža Mirtos najpoznatija u Jonskom moru, privlače znatiželjnike sa svih meridijana. Na severu ostrva je nekadašnje ribarsko selo Fiskardo, danas stecište svetskog džet-seta, na istoku gradić i luka Sami sa dve svetski značajne pećine, Melisani i Drogarati u blizini, Liksuri – gradić na zapadu koji još nazivaju „malim Parizom Kefalonije“ sa raznobojnim kućama, živopisnim crkvama i lepim trgovima prepunim kafeterija i prelepi glavni grad Argostoli sa najboljim sladoledom u Grčkoj pravljenim od kozijeg mleka… Sve to i još mnogo sto šta drugo su pravi magnet ovog ostrva, najvećeg u Jonskom arhipelagu.


Grad Skopelos je administrativni centar istoimenog ostrva i njegov najživopisniji grad. Jedan je od najzelenijih u Grčkoj. Ljubitelji prirodnih lepota ga svake godine prosto opsedaju. Grad se u obliku amfiteatra spušta sa obronaka brda prema zalivu. Sasvim uske ulice, istureni balkoni sa puno cveća, mnogobrojna stepeništa i fontane, ne dozvoljavaju nikakav saobraćaj u starom delu. U gradu je odličan izbor hotela, konfornih apartmana i mnogobrojnih restorana, taverni i barova. Prepun je i malih belih crkava, starih kuća sa crvenim krovovima a u blizini grada je i nekoliko manastira. S obzirom da je Skopelos lučki grad, sve bolje plaže su na periferiji ili van naselja.


Plavo i belo, boje Grčke zastave. Snežnobele kućice na usamljenim brežuljcima,desetine crkava, vetrenjače, tirkizne plaže, pesak i plavi krovovi, Mikonos očarava svojom panoramom.


Slikovite livade i planine, beskrajne peščane plaže i šarmantna kikladska sela, venecijanske tvrdjave, drevne crkve i konačno tajanstveni mermer, nedovršene statue bogova ostavljene u antičkim kamenolomima, sve je to Naksos, najveće ostrvo Kiklada. Geografski se nalazi u centru arhipelaga i udaljeno je 210 km od Pireja. U susedstvu su popularni Paros i elitni Mikonos. Medju ostrvima je dobra brodska veza i uvek postoji mogućnost da se ode u komšiluk na kafu. Vizit karta Naksosa su vrata Portara smeštena na nevelikom ostrvcetu Palatia. Nekada su služila kao ulaz u Apolonov hram koji datira iz 6. veka p.n.e. Plaže Naksosa je ocenio Lord Bajron, veliki engleski pesnik, boraveći tu još u 19. veku. Posebno su mu se dopale one na zapadnoj strani i dve druge Ormos Avram i Mucunu. Najveći grad je istoimeni gde vredi posetiti crkvu Svetog Jovana Zlatoustog i Arheološki muzej grada.


Kikladsko ostrvo Paros idealno je za romantike. Sastoji se iz dva dela: iz samog grada Parikie, smeštenog na kamenitom poluostrvu i beskonačnih, peščanih plaža sa zelenim štitom od borovine. Već odavno je postalo omiljeno mesto odmora zbog blage klime, najčistije vode mora kao i bogate istorije. Mnogobrojni manastiri, srednjevekovne tvrdjave, antički i vizantijski spomenici, cele godine primaju goste. Od drevnih vremena sa njega stiže širom Grčke čuveni beli mermer od kog su napravljena mnoga značajna dela antičke umetnosti. Glavni i najveći grad je Parikia, na padini brda, odakle se prema moru spuštaju redovi kuća pastelnih boja, prepletenih lavirintom uskih, strmih uličica. Poznata je, izmedju ostalog, i zbog najstarije aktivne crkve u zemlji – Ekatontapiliani (Crkva sto vrata). Paros je živopisno ostrvo prepuno palmi, plodnih dolina, čudesnih plaža i još boljeg vina. Još jedan od idiličnih zaliva je Nausa, sa čuvenim plažama Piperi i Agia Anargiri i sa neobičnim formama stena koje ih okružuju. Na ostrvu ima još mnogo toga interesantnog i dostojnog pažnje.


Ostrvo Milos se nalazi u Egejskom moru, na pola puta između Atine i Krita.Pripada grupi Kikladskih ostrva , među koje spadaju i Santorini, Mikonos, Ios.. Milos je ostrvo koje je karakteristično po tradicionalnoj grčkoj arhitekturi sa šarmantnim kućicama, plavim prozorima, balkonima punim cveća, , mnogobrojnim plažama i neopisivim plavetnilom mora. Sastoji se od vulkanske stene i bogato je mineralima. Prilično je razuđeno i planinsko u većem delu ostrva. Jedna od najpoznatijih plaža je Apollonia. Udaljena je 13 km od glavnog grada-Plake.U pitanju je velika, peščana plaža. Nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini istoimenog ribarskog sela, koje je drugo najpopularnije turističko mesto na Milosu. Selo je dobilo ime po hramu Apolonu, koje se nekada nalazilo na obližnjem poluostrvu Pelekouda, na mestu gde je danas svetionik.


Tinos se nalazi u Egejskom moru i spada u jedno od najvećih ostrva Kiklada.Tinos je poznato kao ostrvo Device Marije. Njena crkva se nalazi na brdu, u glavnom gradu ostrva. Svake praznik Uspenja Bogorodice ostrvo prima desetine hiljada hodočasnika. Ljudi iz cele Grčke dolaze samo da bi se poklonili ikoni Bogorodice u crkvi. Na ostrvu, pored glavnog grada Tinosa, postoji i oko 40 sela. Sela su postala glavna atrakcija zbog svoje lepote zelenila, čistoće i mirnog životnog ritma. Posebno se izdvajaju sela Isternija, Skalades i nezaboravni Pirgos, koji je postao neka vrsta nezvaničnog muzeja arhitekture Kiklada.


Ostrvo Hios ( Chios) se nalazi u Egejskom moru, pripada arhipelagu Kikladi, i zauzima peto mesto po veličini ostrva u Grčkoj. Udaljen samo 7 km od Turske obale i gleda na Češme i Izmir. Najbliža okolna ostrva su Lesbos i Samos.


Amorgos je ostrvo koje se nalazi u Egejskom moru, i pripada arhipelagu Kiklada. Amorgos važi za jedno od većih Kikladskih ostrva, i poznato je po svojo živopisnoj arhitekturi.Sa tradicionalno izgrađenim kućama, skrivenim plažama, ovo je fantastično mesto za potpuni odmor i privatnost. Često je opisivan kao raj od strane posetilaca. Ostrvo Amorgos je poznato po predivnim plažama i čistoj vodi. Nudizam se često praktikuje na ovom ostrvu, s obzirom na to da nudi potpunu privatnost. Ovo je idealno mesto i za planinarenje.Chora je najpoznatije mesto ovog ostrva. Prepoznatljivo je zbog tradicionalne arhitekture, belim kućama , i predivnim pogledom na more. Druga dva najpoznatija mesta na ovom ostrvu su Aegalis i Katapola, koja takođe predstavljaju glavne turističke odrednice na ostrvu. Mnogi hoteli i privatni smeštaj se nalaze u ovim mestima.


Karpatos je ostrvo u Egejskom moru, koje je tek nedavno uvučeno u turističku industriju a ipak je uspelo da zadrži svoju originalnost i prirodnost. Uprkos činjenici da je okruženo poznatim susedima Kritom i Rodosom, ima izuzetnu privlačnost za putnike. Njegova neponovljiva atmosfera sastoji se iz slikovitih pejzaža voćnjaka i vinograda, tajanstvenih dubokuh pećina i malih usamljenih luka. Ovo usko i dugačko ostrvo je treće po veličini u arhipelagu Dodekada. Najveći grad je Pigadija, kulturni centar nekadašnja prestonica Aperi, koji čuva svoje vekovne tradicije a selo Ofos na planini jevečito sakriveno u oblacima. Plaže vrhunskog kvaliteta se protežu svuda uz obalu. Po dolinama se uzdižu visoki čempresi, zeleni borovi i bujni maslinjaci i sve miriše na nove sorte loze i fine začinske trave.


Bajkoviti Zakintos, ušuškan u vodama Jonskog mora, za Mlečane je bio cvet istoka. Iz vazduha, ukrašen zelenom odorom maslinjaka i nestvarnim koloritom lavande i mirte, deluje kao da pluta beskrajnim plavetnilom mora. U mnogo čemu autentičan i čaroban, oduvek je bio više od inspiracije za one koji su ga posećivali. Njegov ukras je fascinantna plaža Navagio s tepihom od belih kamenčića. Jedini put do nje je – morem. Ali to je samo delić iz ponude ovog nestvarno lepog ostrva.


Ostrvo Tasos se nalazi na severoistoku Grčke, u pokrajini Makedonija, nadomak lučkog i turističkog grada Kavale. Ne tako veliko, Tasos je ostrvo skoro savršenog kružnog oblika, nešto manje od 100 kilometara u obimu, okruženo prelepim peskovitim plažama. Čak i u najtoplijim danima, kada sve vrvi od turista, u nekoj od tirkiznih uvala naći ćete mirnu plažu. Unutrašnjost ostrva je potpuno netaknuti planinski predeo sa raštrkanim selima koje ni vreme nije promenilo. Bogate šume crnog i makedonskog bora prekrivaju celo ostrvo. Zeleno ostrvo ili „Šuma koja pluta“ epiteti su za najšumovitije i nama najbliže grčko ostrvo. Plavetnilo mora, zelenilo šuma i blistavo beli mermer, obala isprepletana skivenim zalivima pružice Vam nezaboravno iskustvo.

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  • VAŽNO OBAVEŠTENJE T.A. "Aleksandrija" je shodno preporuci Vlade Republike Srbije privremeno obustavila svoj rad do okončanja vanrednog stanja. Obaveštavamo vas da su sva ugovorena turistička putovanja sa realizacijom do 31.05, usled nemogućnosti ispunjenja, otkazana. Sva pitanja u vezi sa otkazanim turističkim putovanjima biće rešavana na jedinstven način u skladu sa odredbama Uredbe o ponudi zamenskog putovanja ( https://mtt.gov.rs/vesti ). Uredba je usvojena od strane Vlade Republike Srbije (Službeni glasnik RS, br 63/2020), te vas ovim putem obaveštavamo da je još uvek u toku usaglašavanje i definisanje procedura radi primene Uredbe. Nakon ukidanja vanrednog stanja u toku su pripreme za početak rada naše agencije koje podrazumevanju kontaktiranje organizatora putovanja i nadležnih organa, kao i komunikaciju sa našim inopartnerima radi prikupljanja neophodnih informacija o uslovima za nastavak naše delatnosti. T.A. "Aleksandrija" će najverovatnije sa strankama početi da radi 18.05.2020, a o radnom vremenu ćete naknadno biti obavešteni, uz napomenu da smo u obavezi da poštujemo preporuke i odluke nadležnih organa, tj. Gradskog zavoda za javno zdravlje, a koje se tiču zaštite zaposlenih i stranaka i boravka više lica u jednoj prostoriji. Shodno tome, preporučujemo da se do tada informišete putem mejla [email protected] i dežurnog telefona 064 6391906, dok će nakon 18.05. biti aktivni i naši fiksni telefoni 036/33 44 44 i 036/32 36 37. S obzirom na to da se još uvek ne zna kada i koje države planiraju da otvore granice, pratimo situaciju i o svim novostima bićete blagovremeno obavešteni. Hvala na razumevanju. T.A. "Aleksandrija"
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Explore the dc region: a 7-day itinerary.

Old Town Alexandria - People walking across street

Voted one of Travel + Leisure’s Best Cities in the U.S. 2023 and one of  The South’s Best Cities 2024  by  Southern Living , historic Alexandria, Virginia, is the ideal home base to spend a week exploring America’s capital region. Situated minutes from Washington, D.C. along the Potomac River, you can venture out for the day and then wind down at Alexandria’s award-winning independent restaurants and hotels . Start your weeklong adventure in buzzing Alexandria, then hop across the river to D.C.’s museums and monuments, visit the first president’s estate, savor stunning wine country and so much more. Plan your perfect trip with our itinerary below.

Day 1: Alexandria

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Discover King Street’s History

Stroll through Old Town’s walkable King Street mile, lined with 200+ independent shops and restaurants set inside historic buildings, red-brick sidewalks and a free trolley. Stop at historic site museums like the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum and peruse centuries-old medicinal treatments, including dragon’s blood.

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Embark on an Old Town Food Crawl

Satisfy your hunger and curiosity on Carpe DC’s Boutique Old Town Alexandria Food Tour. You’ll sample five of Alexandria’s culinary hotspots while hearing about the neighborhood’s history.

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See Art in Action

A munitions plant during World War II, the riverside Torpedo Factory Art Center now houses seven galleries and 82 artists’ studios. After your behind-the-scenes peek at the creative process, walk outside to the waterfront and explore its many offerings.

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Grab Dinner and a Show

Wrap up your evening at one of Alexandria’s late-night hubs. Catch a show at The Birchmere: America’s Legendary Music Hall. Or, nurse a nightcap or decadent dessert at riverfront Blackwall Hitch while grooving to the live tunes.

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Day 2: Washington, D.C.

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Cruise to D.C.’s Monuments

Sightsee via water taxi as you head into Washington, D.C. and spend a day traversing the nation’s capital. Meet America’s icons at moving and memorable landmarks including the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial and more.

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Tour Smithsonian Museums

Enjoy free admission and absorb all there is to see and learn at immersive Smithsonian Museums like the National Air and Space Museum and the National Museum of American History.

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Sample Southern Cuisine

After a day of sight-seeing, taste Alexandria’s Southern credentials with some authentic takes on American comfort cuisine like award-winning barbecue or Cajun shrimp and grits. Or, branch out to other innovative plates, from creative eggrolls to grown-up grilled cheeses.

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Ghost Tour group

Get Spooked on a Ghost Tour

Hear the city’s more haunting history on one of Old Town’s ghost tours. A colonial-costumed, lantern-wielding docent will guide you through the twilight, sharing ghost stories, legends and folklore.

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Day 3: George Washington’s Mount Vernon

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See the First President’s Home

George Washington’s Mount Vernon is just a bike or boat ride from Old Town. Explore the historic estate and take part in immersive activities including a 4D film, interacting with period interpreters, hearing tours from lesser-heard perspectives (such as “Herstory”) and exploring Washington’s Distillery and Gristmill.

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Snap Picturesque Photos

Scope out share-worthy shots of charming rowhouses along cobblestoned Captain’s Row. Strike a pose in front of the skinniest historic house in the U.S. Discover hidden gems like Wales Alley and scenic Jones Point Lighthouse.

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Relax at Port City Brewing Company

Unwind at Port City Brewing Company, an award-winning craft brewery in Alexandria’s West End. You’ll find tours, tasting flights and tons of events, from trivia nights to Beer Yoga.

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Grab a Late-Night Snack

For enticing late-night eats, head to Old Town’s Urbano 116 and choose sweet and spicy dipping sauces to accompany fresh fried churros. Or, pair The People’s Drug’s vibrant craft cocktails with savory bites to share.

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Day 4: Wine Country

alexandria travel egina last minute

Take an Electric Bike Tour

Start your day with an endorphin boost by running or walking on the Mount Vernon Trail. Or, zip along on a Pedego Electric Bike. Riders of wide-ranging abilities can cruise along an Old Town tour to see the city roll by.

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Book a Winery Tour

Sit back and let the Reston Limousine spirit you away to a safe and luxurious tasting experience at wineries across Northern Virginia. Sign up for a public tour or customize a private outing for you and your fellow sommeliers.

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Shop for Curated Keepsakes

Discover the perfect mementos along Old Town’s King Street mile, the D.C. region’s largest collection of independent boutiques, along with national favorites. Step inside local shops offering curated selections of stationery, vintage barware, sustainable fashion and more.

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alexandria travel egina last minute

Enjoy Regional Oysters

After a day spent spinning, sipping and shopping, refresh yourself by the water and sample regional oysters under the red umbrellas at Vola’s Dockside Grill. Or, enjoy the briny delicacies at the acclaimed Hank’s Oyster Bar.

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Day 5: Shenandoah National Park and Luray Caverns

alexandria travel egina last minute

Cruise along Skyline Drive

Rent a car and wind along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains on Skyline Drive for spectacular views of the rolling peaks and valleys.

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Soak Up Views from Mary’s Rock

Stretch your legs with a hike up Mary’s Rock. The moderately-difficult, 3.7-mile ramble rewards you with sublime views of the lush Shenandoah valley below.

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Roam Through Luray Caverns

Pull over again and experience jaw-dropping Luray Caverns. See four million centuries-old subterranean rock formations, cathedral-high chambers, shimmering pools, optical illusions and the world’s largest musical instrument, the “Great Stalacpipe Organ.”

Be Amazed >

Dine in Historic Hotspots

Back in Old Town, decompress and dine in style at one of Alexandria’s historic hotspots, such as Virtue Feed & Grain or Columbia Firehouse, both housing gorgeous interiors, an upbeat ambience and stellar American cuisine within their 19th-century walls.

Bon Appétit! >

Day 6: Baltimore

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Explore Inner Harbor

Rent a car for an adventure in downtown Baltimore’s buzzing center. Stop by the architecturally-stunning Visitor Center for ideas and expert advice for where to eat, explore and be entertained.

Explore Inner Harbor >

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Discover the National Aquarium

See the giant turtles, dolphins, electric eels and more at Baltimore’s beloved National Aquarium. Get up-close-and-personal with guided opportunities like the Shark Tour or the Icky, Creepy, Slimy, Cool Tour.

See the Sharks >

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Visit Fort McHenry

During the War of 1812, the defense of Baltimore’s Fort McHenry inspired Francis Scott Key to compose the “The Star-Spangled Banner” lyrics of America’s national anthem. Partake in historical exhibits and outdoor programs for the whole family.

Visit Fort McHenry >

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Partake in Presidential Dining

Back in Alexandria, visit one of Alexandria’s presidential favorites. The Obamas dined in Vermilion’s luxurious, lantern-lit interior and enjoyed The Majestic’s funky neon lights and bistro menu.

Try Their Faves >

Day 7: National Harbor

alexandria travel egina last minute

Take a Water Taxi

Enjoy a 25-minute cruise across the Potomac from Alexandria’s Marina to National Harbor in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Follow the bright lights of the Capital Wheel and spend the day exploring the waterfront district, all with Alexandria in eyesight.

Cross the Potomac >

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Shop at Tanger Outlets

Find a bargain at Tanger Outlets, which boasts something for everyone among its dozens of stores, from Kate Spade to Brooks Brothers. For a new outfit, home décor, chic shoes and more, Tanger Outlets has you covered.

Start Shopping >

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Experience MGM National Harbor

From world-class acts to thrilling casino games, entertainment abounds at MGM National Harbor. Widespread dining options invite you to linger and soak in the extravagant interior.

Be Wowed >

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Grab Drinks and Dessert

Head back to Virginia for a satisfying end to your day. Alexandria has long been known as a dessert destination, and Sugar Shack Donuts lets you blend sweets and spirits with their own speakeasy, Captain Gregory’s, hidden inside the donut shop.

Treat Your Sweet Tooth >

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48 Hours in Old Town Alexandria

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The Egyptian Traveler

Alexandria Travel Guide: A 48-Hour Travel Itinerary For The Ultimate Experience 🇪🇬

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Pearl of the Mediterranean ; Alexandria is a Mediterranean port city in Egypt. Alexandria was the home to one of the old seven wonders - The Lighthouse - as well as its Great Library which was reincarnated in the disc-shaped Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Part of the ancient city of Alexandria disappeared under the sea and other parts disappeared under the modern city, but you can still find some visible remains of the glorious past as well as recovered items from the sea.

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1. Roman Amphitheatre - Ancient Roman Theatre

Start your day early with this archeological site which features the remains of an ancient Roman theatre, baths, and a villa with a mosaic. It was built in the 4th century AD and it was a common feature of the Greco-Roman period. Opening hours are from 08:00 until 17:00, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes less than 30 minutes to see.

2. Temple Of Serapeum & Pompey’s Pillar

Next, visit Pompey's Pillar is a massive 30 meters column which located in the debris of the ancient settlement of Rhakotis which is the original township form each Alexandria grew. The Pillar rises on the ruins of the Temple of Serapeum which was a magnificent structure that stood there in ancient times. Opening hours are 09:00 and 16:30, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes less than 30 minutes to see.

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3. Catacombs Of Kom El Shoqafa

Within a walking distance from Pompey's Pillar, you will find Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa (Be careful around this area, you can also take an Uber or Careem if you want, it will take you less than 5 minutes). These are a Roman underground burial chambers that were built in the 2nd century AD, entry is through a spiral staircase and the bodies of the dead were lowered on a rope through the circular shaft. Opening hours are between 09:00 and 16:00, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes about an hour to see.

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4. Abu Al Abbas Al Mursi Mosque

Next, visit this beautiful mosque which was built over the tomb of a revered Sufi saint, Abu Al Abbas Al Mursi from Murcia in Spain, the current structure is modern and the interior is eye catching and beautiful. Al Mursi is one of the four master saints in Egypt so his tomb is a pilgrimage place. It is open 24/7 so visit whenever you want but avoid prayer times. The mosque is on-route to Citadel of Qaitbay.

Good to Know : It is appropriate for women to dress modestly and maybe even wear a scarf loosely around the head.

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5. Citadel Of Qaitbay

This is a defensive fortress located on the Mediterranean sea and was built back in 1480 by the Mamluk Sultan Qaitbay on the remains of Alexandria's lighthouse. The Citadel is open from 08:00 until 17:00, and you can buy tickets at the entrance. It takes about an hour to see.

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6. Cavafy Museum

Cavafy was an Alexandrian-Greek poet who spent his last 25 years in an apartment on the former Rue Lepsius, and this apartment is now preserved as a museum with two of the six rooms arranged like Cavafy kept them. You will find portraits and paintings of the Cavafy and also editions of his publications and photocopies of his manuscript. Opening hours are from 10:00 until 17:00, and it is closed on Mondays. You can buy tickets once you make it to the apartment and they cost EGP 25. It takes less than 30 minutes to see.

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7. Alexandria National Museum

If you still have time, visit this museum which offers a summary of Alexandria's history, it is housed in a beautiful restored Italian villa, and even though it is small, but it is well organised and well-labeled. If you didn't have enough time to visit the museum; you can do it the next day. Opening hours are from 09:00 until 16:30, and tickets can be bought at the entrance and they cost EGP 100 for adults and EGP 50 for students (For Egyptian tickets cost EGP 20 for adults and EGP 5 for students). It takes an hour to see.

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1. Monataza Palace

Start your second day by visiting the royal palace that was built back in 1932 as a summer palace for the Khedive, even though the palace itself is off-limits, but you can still visit it's surrounding gardens. There is also a beach there, and you will find a lot of cafes and restaurants. You can opt to go on a picnic there if you want as well, this is the best place to relax and enjoy the beautiful lush gardens and the sea. The Montaza Palace is open from 08:00 until 00:00, and entry tickets cost EGP 25. It can take you from 15 minute to 1.5 hours to visit, depending on what you do there.

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2. Royal Jewellery Museum

Next stop is the Royal Museum which is an art and history museum, this was the former palace of princes Fatma Al-Zahraa and it was built in 1919. The museum contains a huge collection of jewellery and jewels from Muhammad Ali dynasty. Opening hours are from 09:00 until 17:00, and tickets can be bought at the entrance. It takes 1 to 1.5 hours to see.

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3. Bibliotheca Alexandrina

End your trip by visiting Bibliotheca Alexandrina. One of the largest and most important libraries in the world was the Great Library of Alexandria, which is why Alexandria was known as a capital of knowledge and learning. The library was reincarnated and is now a modern library and museum. Within the library you can find museums such as: Antiques Museum , Manuscript Museum , and Planetarium . Opening hours are from 10:00 until 19:00, on Fridays from 14:00 until 19:00, and on Saturdays from 12:00 until 16:00. Tickets can be bough at the entrance. Aim to spend between 1 to 3 hours there.

What To Do Before Travelling To Egypt

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How To Get To Alexandria

If you are coming from Cairo, then it is easy to get to Alexandria by train, bus, or even plane. Train is the best option to get there from Cairo, you will find several trains on a daily basis between the two cities between 06:00 and 22:30, there is also two different classes - First & second class - to choose from. Make sure to pick a train that doesn't stop anywhere else to save time on your journey. It takes around 2.5 hours to get there when there is no stops, and 3.5 hours when there is stops in between.

Note: It is best to buy your ticket the day before to avoid any chaos and stress! When arriving in Alexandria, be aware that there are two different main train stations, If you want to go east of the city then get off at Sidi Gaber Station , and if you want to go to central city then get off at Misr Station .

If you are looking to go to Alexandria from Cairo as a day tour, then it is best to book with a private tour. This is the no-stress way to visit Alexandria. If you want to get there by bus, you will find a lot of variety of bus companies that offer services between the two cities. Services are usually between 05:00 and 23:00, but be aware that the stations in Alexandria aren't centrally located. You can choose companies like Blue Bus, Go Bus, West Delta, and Super Jet.

You can also take a plane as you will find daily domestic flights between the two cities, but Borg El Arab International Airport  is located about 40 Km from the city centre, and flights take about 45 minutes. You can also opt for a private taxi/car for more flexibility, or you can rent a car but be aware that driving in Egypt is hard.

If you are not arriving from Cairo, you can still find a lot of trains and buses depending on where you are, and if you are not in Egypt, check which international flights arrive at Borg El Arab International Airport, but if you are planning on visiting Egypt, then it is best to go to Cairo first and then visit Alexandria.

How To Move Around Alexandria

Moving around Alexandria is easy since services like Uber  and Careem  are accessible and cheap as well so it will be easy to hop from one place to another. You can also use a taxi but you will need to pay in cash as they do not accept credit/debit cards. You can also hop on the Sightseeing Red Bus!

Best Time To Visit Alexandria

The best time to visit Egypt in general is between October and April, but when it comes to Alexandria, the best time to visit is in spring and autumn - September to November & March to April - it gets hot during the summer and humid, and during the winter it rains a lot, but if you don't mind both then you can visit any time. Be aware that high season is in mid-summer so it will be crowded during that time and also prices such as hotel prices will be high.

Accommodations In Alexandria

There is a vast variety of accommodation options in Alexandria depending on your budget. Even though most people opt for a day tour, but if you plan to stay longer then you will need to look for an accommodation that suits you. When it comes to hotels, if you are looking for a luxury hotel then your bets options are along the Corniche such as the Four Season Hotel , Hilton Alexandria Corniche , and for something more central opt for Steigenberger Cecil Hotel . If you are looking for mid-range hotels, then you options would be Paradise Inn Windsor Palace Hotel , and Romance Alexandria Hotel . For budget friendly hotels, you can go with Alexander the Great Hotel , as it is one of the cleanest ones.

If you prefer to stay in an Airbnb then you will be able to find a lot options that suits your budget, you will find a lot of hostels if you prefer to stay there. Your options are endless in Alexandria, and it doesn't matter where you stay since you will enjoy it regardless.

You can book your accommodation through Booking.com , which is the one I use the most, or if you wan to stay in a hostel you can book through HostelWorld . You can also use Agoda , Trivago , or Vrbo  to book your accommodations. I know most people have a favourite website or app to use, so just choose what you prefer best.

Best Cafes & Restaurants In Alexandria

Trianon (Patisserie near El Raml Station)

Délices (Patisserie owned by the same Greek family since 1922)

Greek Club: White & Blue Restaurant (Greek cuisine & seafood)

Mohamed Ahmed (Authentic Egyptian food, best option for breakfast)

Chez Gaby (Italian cuisine)

Teatro Eskendria (Egyptian cuisine)

Sky Roof (Nighttime spot, on the rooftop of Windsor Palace)

If you wan to find more cafes & restaurants to try, then you can do so through TripAdvisor .

  • Guides & Itineraries

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Discovering Alexandria: A Comprehensive Travel Guide To The Top 10 Must-See Attractions In Egypt's Coastal Gem 🇪🇬

Essential Tips For Travelling To Egypt: 15 Things To Know + Cultural Do’s & Don’ts 🇪🇬

Top Attractions & Must-See Sights: Maximising Your 24-Hour Trip To Alexandria, Egypt 🇪🇬

Ostrvo Egina letovanje

PutujSigurno » Grčka » Egina

Egina letovanje – aranžmani: Kao jedno od Sakronskih ostrva u Egejskom moru , ostrvo Egina mami pažnju turista, ali i stanovnika Grčke , i predstavlja jednu od omiljenih destinacija za godišnji odmor. Ukoliko ove godine letujete na ostrvu Egina putovanje ćete provesti na mestu koje mnogi nazivaju rajem za hedoniste . Pogledajte ponude aranžmana i saznajte šta vas očekuje na ovom ostrvu.

Egina letovanje – odmor na peščanim plažama

Ukoliko je vaš izbor za godišnji odmor Egina putovanje ćete dobrim delom provesti na plažama, na kojima ćete se zaista i odmoriti. Kao najpopularnija se ističe plaža Agia Marina – duga i peščana plaža koja je idealna za opuštanje kraj mora ali i letnje sportove.

Kada je u pitanju sadržaj ovog tipa koji nudi Egina ostrvo raspolaže sa veoma lepim plažama u istoimenom gradu. Takođe postoje i plaže u mestima Marathonas, Vagia, Suvala i Perdika.

Egina putovanje – za prave hedoniste

Osim što turisti za svoj godišnji odmor često biraju plaže koje nudi ostrvo Egina letovanje na ovom mestu je takođe izbor mnogih Atinjana , koji se odlučuju i za produžene vikende i izlete na ovom ostrvu.

Poseta ovom ostrvu se najčešće vezuje za ture do hrama Svetog Nektarija u Kamarizi, kod grada Lavirona. Pejzaži ovog ostrva oduševljavaju putnike, što ne čudi s obzirom na činjenicu da je zemljište ovde izrazito plodno, puno zelenila i mirisnih borovih šuma.

Ulice Egine su bogate kafićima, restoranima, tavernama, ali i klubovima. Osim što nudi pregršt opcija za izlazak, Egina predstavlja i raj za gurmane, koji ovde mogu uživati u najboljim morskim specijalitetima, maslinama i, naravno, vinu.

Egina hoteli – Egina last minute, regularne i first minute ponude

Ukoliko vas zanima smeštaj koji nudi Egina hoteli, kao i apartmani su vam dostupni u okviru ponuda koje nudimo. Za one koji planiraju letovanje na ostvu Egina last minute i first minute ponude su posebno dobra opcija, pa se preporučuje da budete u toku sa aktuelnostima i pratite popuste. Regularni aranžmani su vam dostupni tokom cele sezone (u skladu sa smeštajnim kapacitetima), pa pogledajte ponude i rezervišite letovanje na Egini.


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Last Minute Hotels in Alexandria

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Best Alexandria last minute deals

Most recommended alexandria last minute hotels.

Hotel Indigo Old Town Alexandria - Alexandria - Bedroom

Search by stars

Search by review score, search by price, search by freebies, good to know, top tips for finding last minute alexandria hotel deals.

  • The cheapest 3-star last minute hotel room in Alexandria booked on KAYAK in the last 2 weeks was $92, while the most expensive was $400.
  • If you’re looking for a bargain, the cheapest price found on KAYAK for a last minute hotel in Alexandria was $92.

FAQs when booking a last minute hotel in Alexandria

How much does a last minute hotel in alexandria cost.

The latest prices from KAYAK for a last minute Alexandria hotel are $92 for tonight, $98 for tomorrow and $87 for this weekend.

How much does a last minute hotel in Alexandria cost for tonight?

The latest price for a last minute hotel in Alexandria for tonight is $109 for a 3-star hotel and $109 for a 4-star hotel.

How much does a last minute hotel in Alexandria cost for tomorrow?

The latest price for a last minute hotel in Alexandria for tomorrow is $109 for a 3-star hotel and $109 for a 4-star hotel.

How much does a last minute hotel in Alexandria cost for this weekend?

The latest price for a last minute hotel in Alexandria for this weekend is $113 for a 3-star hotel and $109 for a 4-star hotel.

Is it better to book a hotel early or last minute in Alexandria?

On average, bookings made 90 days before arrival in Alexandria cost $222/day, while bookings made last minute cost $237/day.

Where to stay in Alexandria?

Popular in alexandria.

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Stays in Alexandria

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Airports in Alexandria

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  • Hotels near Baltimore/Washington Airport
  • Hotels near Washington, D.C. Reagan-National Airport
  • Hotels near Frederick Airport

Neighborhoods in Alexandria

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  • Hotels in Eisenhower West, Alexandria
  • Hotels in Old Town, Alexandria
  • Hotels in Old Town North, Alexandria
  • Hotels in Old Town West, Alexandria
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Alexandria Vacations from $1,670

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Your Alexandria Vacation

Choose a Alexandria vacation package and you can focus on what matters — enjoying yourself. There's no more planning stresses, just more free time to savor what's special about this lively city, such as its rich history and coastal scenery. Every trip to Alexandria needs a well-crafted itinerary. Fill yours with leading attractions like Bibliotheca Alexandrina , Pompeys Pillar and Qaitbay Fortress . Don't put off your visit to this city any longer. Your dream Alexandria vacation is a few clicks away with Expedia.

The Latest Alexandria Vacation Packages

Seven Seasons Hospitality

Seven Seasons Hospitality

Reviewed on May 31, 2024

Paradise Inn Beach Resort - Maamoura

Paradise Inn Beach Resort - Maamoura

Reviewed on May 27, 2024

Tolip Alexandria

Tolip Alexandria

Reviewed on May 26, 2024

Sunny 4-Bedroom Townhouse Families Only

Sunny 4-Bedroom Townhouse Families Only

Marseilia Beach 3

Marseilia Beach 3

Where to stay in alexandria.

Default Image


While visiting Al-Muntazah, you might make a stop by sights like Montazah Beach and Montazah Palace.

If you're spending some time in Sidi Jabir, Smouha Sporting Club and Green Plaza Mall are top sights worth seeing.

If you're spending some time in Bab Sharqi, Alexandria National Museum and Mamoura Beach are top sights worth seeing.

San Stifano

While visiting San Stifano, you might make a stop by sights like San Stefano Grand Plaza and Royal Jewelry Museum.

Al Maamourah

Al Maamourah might not have many top sights, but Montazah Beach and Montazah Palace are two attractions nearby that you can check out.

Alexandria Beach Vacation

Recline on the shore and gaze at the sunlight flickering across the water during your Alexandria vacation. If you're hoping for a full beach experience, a trip to Alexandria always delivers. You've most likely heard about Montazah Beach (12 miles (20 km) away). We recommend booking accommodations close by. However, loads of sightseers also go for Alexandria vacation packages closer to El Alamein Beach or Marassi Beach, two other great nearby options.

Things You Should Know About Alexandria

  • If you want to stay just moments from the shoreline, check out what's available at these Alexandria beach hotels . You're sure to find something that suits your style.
  • Lots of travelers also base themselves in hotels around these parts. Eastern Al Montazah Hotel and Porto Marina Resort & Spa are a few options that'll make your stay comfortable.
  • Alternatively, go for our All-Inclusive hotels in Alexandria . They make budgeting a breeze. Leave your wallet safely in your room and enjoy the freedom that comes with the all-inclusive way of vacationing.
  • Alexandria, population 3,811,500, is popular for so many reasons. Discover some useful tips on our Alexandria things to do page .
  • Save a pretty penny on amazing experiences with our Alexandria vacation deals. See Montazah Palace, along with other top attractions, with the extra dollars in your wallet.

Alexandria Essential Information

Alexandria hotel deals.

SUNRISE Alex Avenue Hotel

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024

Four Seasons Hotel Alexandria at San Stefano

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024

Hilton Alexandria Corniche

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024

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All Inclusive Vacations

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Golf Vacations

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Cheap Vacations

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Solo Vacations

Frequently asked questions, discover the most popular places to visit in alexandria, bibliotheca alexandrina.

After visiting Bibliotheca Alexandrina, make a plan to see the other sights and activities in Alexandria. Wander the seaside and beautiful beaches in the area.

Pompey's Pillar

You can find out about the history of Alexandria with a stop at Pompey's Pillar. While you're in the area, stroll along the seaside.

Qaitbay Fortress

Find out about the history of Alexandria when you spend time at Qaitbay Fortress. While you're in the area, stroll along the seaside.

What to do in Alexandria

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Alexandria Travel Guide

Alexandria – egypt’s mediterranean gem.

Last Updated: 25 Feb 2023.

Like a miniature and more-manageable version of Cairo on the Mediterranean coast, Alexandria is sadly overlooked by many travellers to Egypt.  The city has a wonderful mix of historic sites, crumbling old colonial buildings, a long seafront and, of course, the modern library of Alexandria, one of the largest libraries in the world.  This guide contains everything you need to know to visit the city, including the best sights, where to eat, where to stay and how to get there.

Note : Some prices are in US dollars to ensure they stay current given the high rate of inflation in Egypt.  Expect to pay approximately the equivalent amount in EGP at the current exchange rate.

Top Places to Visit in Alexandria

Alexandria is a historic city and its location on the coast is beautiful, so there are many things to see and do.  These are my particular recommendations.  However, if you have the time, just randomly strolling through the city is a wonderful way to experience it.  Everywhere you go, you will find crumbling old buildings and the hustle and bustle of ordinary Egyptian life – which is anything but ordinary.

A colourful market stand with piles of fresh garlic.

Alexandria’s markets are a mass of colours and intrigue.

Qaitbay Citadel and the Site of the Lighthouse of Alexandria

Qaitbay Citadel is a surprisingly modern looking citadel standing in a beautiful spot at the western end of the corniche.  However, looks can be deceiving, and it was actually built by a sultan in the 15th century.  The main building has three levels and a small but beautiful mosque that extends up from the ground floor to a beautiful dome built into the roof. 

The rooftop is not open to the public.  However, you can walk the city walls, which extend around all four sides of the grounds, offering beautiful views of the Mediterranean, the Eastern Harbour and the city itself.  

The citadel was built right on the purported spot of the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World .  Similarly to the Tower of Babel, the site of which I visited in Iraq , no one is quite sure of the original location of the lighthouse now.  However, the most likely site is a location underneath one of the walls of the citadel.  You can even visit some ancient foundations that have been excavated, and may or may not have been part of the original structure.  

Entrance to Qaitbay citadel is EGP 70 (€2.17/$2.30) and it’s clearly marked on Google Maps .  The walls of the citadel also house a maritime museum, if that’s what floats your boat.  

Me, standing in front of Qaitbay citadel in the sunshine

Qaitbay Citadel is a popular destination for locals as well as foreign tourists.

Underground stone foundations.

The foundations purported to be the remains of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

The Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque

The Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque is actually a group of three ancient Islamic buildings clustered together and is the most spectacular mosque complex in Alexandria.  Unlike mosques in many countries, men and women can both enter the main chamber.  The inside is beautifully decorated in a similar style to other Egyptian mosques, with rings of lanterns hanging from the ceiling.  Foreigners are welcome and no one minded us taking a few photos while we were there (actually, some of the locals were doing the same).  

Be respectful and quiet while inside the mosque.  Shoes must be taken off before entering.  There is no entrance fee, but if you leave your shoes in the boxes at the door, the man who watches them expects a tip (he asked for EGP 1, about €0.03/$0.03).  The mosque opens around midday until late in the evening, when it’s lit up beautifully.  It’s located near the western end of the corniche and clearly marked on Google Maps .

The incredibly ornate inside of the mosque dome.

The main dome of the Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi mosque is incredibly ornate.

The Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque at night, lit up with green lights.

The Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi mosque is at least as beautiful at night as it is during the day.

The Serapeum of Alexandria and Pompey’s Pillar

Pompay’s Pillar is an archaeological site containing the towering namesake pillar and a collection of smaller statues, including a pair of sphinxes.  Funnily enough, the pillar has nothing to do with Pompey whatsoever.  It was built in honour of Roman emperor Diocletian between 298 and 302 AD.  However, the inscription was badly damaged and a Greek word on it was mistaken for a dedication to a first-century BC general called Pompey.  The name has stuck ever since.

The pillar itself is nothing special, but the juxtaposition between the ancient artefacts and the surrounding modern apartment blocks is an interesting sight.  It’s worth exploring the site thoroughly, as there’s also the remains of the Serapeum of Alexandria, an ancient Greek temple that contained an offshoot of the ancient Library of Alexandria.  A couple of tunnels of the underground section of this structure have been excavated and are open for viewing.  

Entrance costs EGP 80 (€2.50/$2.60) and the location is clearly marked on Google Maps .  Inside the site, from Pompey’s Pillar, head towards the back corner, away from the main entrance, to find the Serapeum. 

Me, leaning against statue of a sphinx with Pompey's Pillar and a lot of apartment blocks in the background.

The juxtaposition between the ancient Pompey’s Pillar and the apartment blocks in the background is striking.

The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa

For me, the Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa was the most impressive of all the sights I visited in Alexandria.  They consist of an extensive labyrinth of underground passages spread over three levels.  The mishmash of different architectural styles reflect the different civilizations that buried their dead there.  Influences include Pharaonic funerary cult, including paintings similar to those widely seen in Luxor, Hellenistic and early Imperial Roman.  Some of the carved reliefs are particularly impressive.  There are also several tombs above ground, which are worth a quick look.

Entrance costs EGP 80 (€2.50/$2.60) and the location is clearly marked on Google Maps .

Me sitting on a rock with a beautiful carved wall of the catacombs behind me.

The architecture of the catacombs is exquisite.

Rows of burial underground chambers.

The catacombs are big enough to house a whole army of the undead.

The Roman Theatre

This ancient Roman theatre is the centrepiece of a larger archeological site, including an ancient hamman (bathhouse) and the Villa of the Birds, which contains a beautiful collection of mosaics.  The theatre itself is quite small and I found the mosaics to be the most interesting thing here.  However, the site is quite a nice park, so if you want somewhere to take a break away from the hustle and bustle of the city, this is a great spot.  It also seems to be a popular location for Alexandrians to take wedding photos.

An Alexandrian couple take wedding photos inside the Roman theatre.

The Roman theatre is a popular location for Alexandrian couples to take wedding photos.

A mosaic containing 7 bird mosaics.  Two others are broken.

The Villa of the Birds houses several beautiful mosaics, including this one.

The Modern Library of Alexandria

The Egyptian government completed the building of the modern Library of Alexandria in 2002 as a modern library and cultural centre, commemorating the original Great Library of Alexandria, which was destroyed in the third century AD.  The project was begun all the way back in 1974 and supported by UNESCO, UNDP and, critically, former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.  

The modern library is absolutely huge, housing over 8m books, as well as rare scrolls, a planetarium and several museums.  From the outside, you can see the beautiful facade covered in writings in 150 different scripts from around the world.  Inside, you’re free to wander many parts of the library and admire historical items, such as the first printing press in Egypt.

The entrance price of EGP 70 (€2.17/$2.30) includes a free guided tour in English, Arabic or French, although these are not mandatory.  Some museums housed inside the library, such as the museum of ancient scrolls, have separate entrance tickets.  The location of the library is clearly marked on Google Maps, although the visitor’s entrance at the back of the building is not so obvious.  It is located here .  

A huge stone facade of the modern Library of Alexandria.

The facade of the modern Library of Alexandria contains inscriptions in 150 different scripts from around the world.

Me, sitting on a bench shaped like a book in the modern Library of Alexandria.

Taking a rest on Shakespeare’s bench.  The text contains passages from his plays.

Alexandrian Markets

Alexandria is full of vibrant and colourful markets.  They’re great places to do a bit of shopping, chat with a few locals and witness the organised chaos that is everyday Egyptian life.  One particular feature of Alexandrian markets is the abundance of fresh fish and seafood.  If you’re staying somewhere with cooking facilities, the markets are a great place to pick up some of the day’s catch to take back for dinner.  

One of the best markets I found, completely by accident, is on Zawiet Al Aarag street, quite close to the Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque.  It’s chock full of a colourful array of groceries.  If you want to check it out, start from the junction here on Google Maps , and then follow Zawiet Al Aarag street until you reach the roundabout at the other end.  

A fishmonger pets her cat lovingly on a table piled high with fresh fish.

The look of adoration in the fishmonger’s eyes as she pets the cat is beautiful. I’m not sure I’d eat the fish it’s been sitting on though.

Eastern Harbour and Corniche

The weather in Egypt is lovely compared to my native Scotland, but the heat can sometimes get a bit much.  One of the things I love about Alexandria is the fresh sea breeze that blows in from the Mediterranean.  A relaxing stroll along the corniche is a great way to spend an hour or two, maybe with a stopoff for tea at a local cafe.  

Alexandria actually has two harbours – eastern and western.  The western harbour is an industrial area, so the eastern harbour, or Al Mina’ ash Sharqiyah, is where you’ll spend a lot of your time, and it’s beautiful.  The corniche runs right along its length.

Directions : Follow the fresh sea air!

The harbour with turquoise waters, as seem from Qaitbay Citadel

The outer wall of the Western Harbour, as seen from the windows of Qaitbay Citadel.

Suggested Itineraries in Alexandria

One of the great things about Alexandria is that it’s quite compact.  Most of the historic sights are clustered within walking distance of each other not too far from the bay.  Walking also has the big advantage that you get a real feel for this beautiful old city as you move between the sights.  

I was a bit pushed for time during my visit, only having two nights in the city, but I managed to squeeze in everything I’d planned.  However, for a more relaxed experience, I would recommend 2-3 days.  

The attractions of Alexandria are roughly grouped into three areas, which means you can easily visit several together.  Each of these groupings needs about half a day.  Ideally, visit areas 1 and 2 on different days, as seeing all the sights takes quite some time and energy under the hot Egyptian sun.  

Area 1: Western End of the Eastern Harbour – Visit Qaitbay fort at the far western end of the harbour and walk back along the corniche to the Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque.  If you need a break, stop for a traditional tea or coffee at Farouk Café 1928 before exploring the local market on Zawiet Al Aarag street.  You can also stop in at the Fish Market restaurant and enjoy the day’s catch with a wonderful view of the Eastern Harbour.

Area 2: Ancient Archaeological Sites – Three of Alexandria’s most interesting archeological sites are situated between the city’s two railway stations.  These are the Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, Pompey’s Pillar and the Serapeum of Alexandria, and the Roman Theatre.  Walking through these areas is also a nice opportunity to see a more local side of the city, away from the corniche.  

Area 3: The modern Library of Alexandria – The library is located at the eastern end of the Eastern Harbour, far from the other sights of the city.  However, don’t let this put you off, it’s a lovely stroll along the corniche from the rest of town.  

An ornate shopfront on a random street in Alexandria, with two cars parked out front.

Randomly strolling the streets of Alexandria, you’ll come across all sorts of interesting sights, such as this incredible shopfront.

Places to Eat in Alexandria

  There are loads of local places to eat in Alexandria, so wander around and see what takes your fancy.  Even upmarket restaurants are very cheap by international standards.  These are a couple of particular recommendations:

Fish Market – As its name suggests, this is a seafood restaurant inside Alexandria’s fish market on the corniche.  Being on the Mediterranean coast, Alexandria is one of the best places in Egypt for fresh seafood, and Fish Market is a great example.  

The day’s catch is displayed on ice on a large counter in the centre of the restaurant and you can literally just point at the particular fish or other seafood you want to eat.  The waiters also speak a bit of English, which makes ordering easy.  Being on the second floor, there’s a beautiful view over the Eastern Harbour to boot.  

The entrance to Fish Market restaurant is located on the left side of the building that houses the actual fish market.  A meal for two, including a big main, a couple of side dishes and non-alcoholic drinks cost us less than $20.  It opens at noon.

A big plate of fish in a sauce with potatoes.

Catch of the day at Fish Market restaurant.

Awesome little breakfast place – There are many little local places to eat breakfast in Alexandria, but I mention this one because their foul (Arabic dish of fava beans) is one of the best I’ve ever had.  And that’s after living in Lebanon for two years!  This place is really a hole in the wall with a table and standing space out front where you can eat.  Many locals come to buy breakfast and take it away with them.  

There is no marker for this place on Google Maps, but the location is here .  Breakfast for two, including a second helping of foul and extra bread, costs about $1.

Farouk Café 1928 – This is supposedly one of the oldest tea houses in Alexandria.  The really special thing about it is they still make tea and coffee in the traditional way, by placing the pot in hot sand to heat the water.  Coffee is about $0.60.  The location is clearly marked on Google Maps .

Me, eating foul and falafel for breakfast, while standing outside with two local guys.

Breakfast doesn’t get more local (or delicious) than this!

A machine for heating water using hot sand, with a metal water tank at the top and a fire underneath to heat the sand.

Making coffee the traditional way using hot sand at Farouk Café 1928.

Places to Stay in Alexandria

There are loads of places to stay in Alexandria.  The best area is near the Eastern Harbour corniche.  A quick search on any booking site will show up loads of options.

For budget travellers, the only hostel is Ithaka Hostel.  If you want other options, AirBNB can be a good way of finding budget accommodation.  We stayed at a hotel called Suez Hotel Canal that I haven’t found on any of the usual booking apps.  It was basic, but cheap and clean, with a private bathroom and hot water.  The location is here on Google Maps .

Getting Around Alexandria

The sites of Alexandria are grouped into three areas.  If you enjoy walking like me, you can walk between them, but otherwise Alexandria has a range of different transport options:

Walking : This is a great way to see any city, as you’ll notice so many more things on foot than you would from a car window.

Taxi: One of the traditional yellow taxis is the easiest option if you don’t feel like a long walk.  Be careful to negotiate the price before setting off, as they’re not metered.  

Ride hailing apps : If you don’t feel like haggling, Uber and Careem both operate in Alexandria and are a good alternative.

Local buses : There are various local buses in Alexandria.  The difficulty is knowing where they’re going.  If you want to try this option, stick out a hand to stop the bus and say your destination.  The driver will then tell you whether he’s going there or not.  It’s generally best to check the price as well.  This can be tricky depending on how much English the driver speaks, but I always managed with a bit of sign language.  

One of the best places to take a local bus is for travelling along the road by the corniche.  If the driver doesn’t understand you, you can always point across the harbour at your destination!

An ornately decorated tomb at the Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, with colourful paintings

A beautiful pharaonic painting on a tomb at the Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa.

How to get to Alexandria

There are several options for reaching Alexandria, as follows:

Train : Since January 2023, Egypt started charging foreigners in USD for train tickets and prices increased significantly.  However, train is the most comfortable option.  From Cairo, a second-class seat costs $15-20 and a first-class seat $20-25.  The journey time is around 3.5 hours, depending on the train, but the problem is that they’re very often late.  My evening train took over 6 hours and the hotel had given away my room to someone else by the time I arrived, because they didn’t think I was going to turn up (nevermind that I’d prepaid!).   

Bus : Long-distance buses connect Alexandria with Cairo and other parts of the country.  Buses are generally comfortable, although you will have less space than on the train.  Ticket prices start at around $5.50 from Cairo, depending on the bus company.  The main advantage of the buses is that they’re far more reliable than the trains.  

Several companies run the route between Cairo and Alexandria, including the West and Middle Delta Bus Company and Go Bus.  Both companies have ticket offices here in Cairo .  In Alexandria, West and Middle Delta’s Office is here and Go Bus has an office at the main bus station .  Go Bus also has a decent online booking website .  The West and Middle Delta Bus Company also has buses from Alexandria to the Siwa Oasis .

Minibus : Regular informal minibuses run from beside the main train station in Alexandria to Ramses Railway Station in Cairo.  They are cheap, fast and have the advantage that the departure location in Alexandria is much closer to the corniche, where you’ll likely stay, than the actual bus station.  The only downside really is that some drivers drive like total maniacs.  

The price between Cairo and Alexandria is about $3.50 and minibuses depart when full.  As Alexandria-Cairo is a major route, there are usually plenty of passengers, so you won’t wait long.  I waited 20 minutes – just time for a tea.  The exact departure location in Alexandria is here on Google Maps .

Air : Alexandria is connected by air to Cairo and other cities throughout Egypt.  This is the fastest way to travel, but obviously one of the more expensive options too.  To be honest, the distance is so short it’s hardly worth the hassle of going through airport security.

Dangers and Annoyances in Alexandria

Egypt is generally a safe country to travel in.  Many people will try to rip you off, but it’s very much against the culture to steal and violent crime is rare.  That said, it’s always best to be careful and we did face one issue in Alexandria with some aggressive teenagers.  This is, unfortunately, not an isolated incident in Egypt, as shown by this news article that appeared just after we left .

In our case, we were walking through a poor neighbourhood near Pompey’s Pillar on busy streets in broad daylight.  We passed a group of teenage boys and I noticed them looking at us.  A few seconds later, two of them started following us down the street and asking for money.  We politely told them that, sorry, we would not give them money, but they were very persistent.  

As English had no effect, I eventually tried telling the boys in Arabic (I know a few words), “la, shukran” – “no, thank you.”  To my surprise, this provoked a very different reaction and it seemed that to them it was now personal.  They started hurling abuse and swearing at us in English.  We kept walking briskly while they followed us and kept swearing.  Eventually, an older man on the street told them to stop.  They ignored him initially, but a couple of minutes later finally gave up and stopped following us.

Unfortunately, this kind of situation happens from time-to-time in Egypt.  While I don’t think we were ever in any real danger, it’s good to be prepared for how to deal with such a situation if it occurs.

The other minor issue we faced was Anna receiving a lot of stares and some of what sounded like derogatory comments while walking on the corniche one morning.  After a while, she put on a headscarf and the comments stopped.  Many Egyptians are very conservative, so it’s worth being aware that for women, if you feel you are receiving unwanted attention, a headscarf can be a good way to blend in.

Me, standing in front of a wall taking a photo with two local boys we met on the street.

Most of the locals are extremely friendly.

More about Egypt

I’ve spent a total of about a month in Egypt on four separate trips, so I’ve seen a large part of the country.  The major draw is, of course, its incredible history and amazing cultural sites, but it’s also a great place to chill out.  For more travel tips and off-the-beaten track ideas, check out my other articles on Egypt:

Aswan Travel Guide: The Best Off-the-Beaten-Path Sights

Aswan Travel Guide: The Best Off-the-Beaten-Path Sights

Off-the-Beaten-Path Aswan Last Updated: 25 Feb 2023. Aswan is one of the most touristy cities in Egypt and for good reason.  Its relaxed atmosphere, beautiful location on the Nile and the chill Elephantine Island make it the ideal place to hang out for a few days. ...

Siwa Oasis Travel Guide

Siwa Oasis Travel Guide

Everything you need to know to enjoy travelling the Siwa Oasis, including the old town, the hot springs and delicious Egyptian cuisine.

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alexandria travel egina last minute

alexandria travel egina last minute

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Vila Pelagos, Agia Marina

Početna / Leto / Grčka / Egina / Vila Pelagos, Agia Marina

alexandria travel egina last minute

  • Najam studia/apartmana na bazi 10 noćenja/11 dana

Autobuski prevoz

  • Trajekt do ostrva Egina
  • Usluge predstavnika agencije
  • Troškove organizacije
  • Zdravstveno osiguranje
  • Boravišna taksa 0.5eur/dan u apartmanima svih kategorija
  • Održavanje higijene studija u toku boravka kao i sredstva za higijenu.
  • Korišćenje klima uredjaja u studijima.
  • Opis smeštaja

Način plaćanja

  • Mapa smeštaja

Vila Pelagos se nalazi u mirnijem delu Agia Marine, na uzbrdici, u blizini borove šume na oko 200 m od plaže (plaža Sotos bar-ploče) i oko 500 m od centra mesta. Sve smeštajne jedinice se nalaze na prvom spratu sa prelepim pogledom na more. Vila poseduje dvokrevetna studija. Svaki studio ima kompletno opremljen kuhinjski deo, kupatilo/TWC, TV, Wi-Fi, terasu sa garniturom za sedenje i klima uređaj (uz doplatu na licu mesta od 5 eur dnevno). Menjanje posteljine i peškira je na 5 dana.

Agia Marina  je malo mesto na istočnoj obali ostrva. Plaža u Agia Marini je najduža peščana plaža na ostrvu, koju odlikuje bistra voda i ne velika dubina mora, tako da je idealna za porodice sa decom. Na samo 4 km od mesta nalazi se čudesni manastir Svetog Nektarija, zasigurno najveće znamenitosti ovog prelepog ostrva.

  • 30% prilikom rezervacije, a ostatak 20 dana pre polaska na put.
  • 30% prilikom rezervacije, a ostali iznos u jednakim mesečnim ratama čekovima građana do 20.12.2020. uz uvećanje od 1,5% na mesečnom nivou.
  • Platnim karticama (VISA, DINA, MASTER, MAESTRO).
  • Administrativnom zabranom 30% prilikom rezervacije, a za ostatak iznosa na mesečne rate do kraja godine.

Program putovanja

1. dan Polazak iz Beograda u 12:00 h

2. dan Dolazak na odredište u prepodnevnim časovima. Smeštaj u izabrane objekte od 14:00 h

12. dan Napuštanje smeštaja do 9:00 h, po lokalnom vremenu.

13. dan Dolazak u Beograd u podnevnim časovima.

  • Povratna karta – odrasli 120 €, deca 80 €.
  • Jedan pravac – odrasli 90 €, deca 70 €.
  • Dete do 2 godine u pratnji dve punoplative osobe ne plaća ni smeštaj ni prevoz i nema mesto u autobusu.
  • Dete od 2-7 godina ne mora imati sopstveni ležaj u pratnji dve punoplative osobe, plaća samo prevoz 80 €.
  • Dvoje dece od 2-7 godina u pratnji dve odrasle osobe u 1/3 apartmanu plaćaju tri pune cene i prevoz za dete 80 €.
  • Za sopstveni prevoz cena se umanjuje za 30 € po osobi (ne važi za smene sa zvezdicom *).
  • Za spajanje dve ili više smena u slučaju cene na bazi paket aranžmana, cena dodatnih smena se umanjuje za 30 € ( ne važi za smene sa zvezdicom*)
  • Doplata za jednokrevetnu sobu je 80% od cene aranžmana.
  • Sedišta u autobusu su numerisana i zavise od vremena prijave.

Pogledajte još:

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Vila Isidora, Agia Marina

Udaljenost od plaže: 100m

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Vila Periklis, Agia Marina

Udaljenost od plaže: 180m

alexandria travel egina last minute

Vila Ksanti, Agia Marina

Udaljenost od plaže: 200m

alexandria travel egina last minute

Vila Maria, Agia Marina

Vi ste ovde: Početna / Leto / Grčka / Egina / Vila Pelagos, Agia Marina

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Exclusive Egypt Tours & Packages | Unforgettable Egypt Luxury Tours

Top Egypt Tours Packages

Full Day Tour in Alexandria

alexandria travel egina last minute

Experience the charm of Alexandria , Egypt, with our Full Day Tour. From the stunning Mediterranean coastline to historical landmarks and vibrant markets, this tour provides an immersive journey into the heart of this coastal gem. Book now to explore Alexandria’s captivating beauty, culture, and history in a single day!

Our Full Day Tour in Alexandria offers a comprehensive exploration of the city’s renowned landmarks, enchanting Mediterranean vistas, and hidden gems. You’ll be guided through the city’s rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning coastal landscapes.

Highlights of the Tour:

  • Qaitbay Citadel: Visit the iconic 15th-century fortress overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Alexandria Library: Explore the modern reincarnation of the ancient Library of Alexandria.
  • Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa: Descend into the historical underground tombs.
  • Montaza Palace: Stroll through the royal gardens and admire the grandeur of the palace.
  • Alexandria Corniche: Enjoy a leisurely walk along the beautiful Mediterranean waterfront.
  • Local Markets: Explore bustling bazaars with colorful goods, spices, textiles, and artisan crafts.
  • Expert Guides: Gain insights into Alexandria’s history, culture, and local traditions.


  • Time Efficiency: Maximize your day with a well-structured itinerary covering essential attractions.
  • Effortless Booking: Secure your tour with ease and receive instant confirmation.
  • Expert Guidance: Our local guides provide a wealth of knowledge about Alexandria’s history and culture.
  • All-Inclusive: Transportation, entrance fees, and refreshments are included.
  • Morning flight from Cairo to Alexandria.
  • Visit Qaitbay Citadel and the Alexandria Library.
  • Explore the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa.
  • Lunch at a local restaurant.
  • Visit Montaza Palace and its gardens.
  • Stroll along the Alexandria Corniche.
  • Explore local markets and shops.
  • Evening flight back to Cairo.

Tour Inclusions:

  • Professional, English-speaking guide.
  • Round-trip flights between Cairo and Alexandria.
  • Entrance fees to the mentioned attractions.
  • Refreshments (bottled water and snacks).
  • Air-conditioned transportation in Alexandria.

Tour Exclusions:

  • Gratuities (optional).
  • Personal expenses.
  • Meals (except for lunch at a local restaurant).

Pricing Information:

Tips and Advice for Travelers:

  • Dress comfortably for a mix of cultural and outdoor activities, and wear suitable walking shoes.
  • Carry a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated during your tours.
  • Respect local customs and regulations when visiting historical sites.
  • Bring local currency for shopping at the markets.
  • Can I customize the tour to focus on specific attractions in Alexandria? The tour can be tailored to emphasize specific sites or activities based on your interests.
  • Are meals included in the tour price? Lunch at a local restaurant is included, but other meals are not. You can explore local dining options in Alexandria.
  • Is this tour suitable for children? Yes, this tour is family-friendly, and we offer child pricing for kids aged 6-12.
  • Should I tip the guide? Tipping is optional but appreciated. If you’ve had an informative and enjoyable experience, consider showing your gratitude.

Traveler’s Guide: Read This Before You Embark on Your Trip

alexandria travel egina last minute

The Top 25 Types of Egyptian Food

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Egypt Travel Tips 2023/2024/2025

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List of Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Egypt

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Best Time to Visit Egypt

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Egypt Travel Visa

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Everything About the Weather in Egypt

alexandria travel egina last minute

How to Plan A Trip to Egypt

alexandria travel egina last minute

Best Activities In Egypt

Egypt Tours Tips

  • Footwear Comfort : Ensure you wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll be doing a lot of walking and exploring.
  • Local SIM Card : Consider purchasing a local SIM card for convenient and affordable access to mobile data and calls.
  • Currency : Carry some Egyptian pounds as the local currency, which will be widely accepted in most places.
  • Basic Arabic Phrases : Learning a few Arabic phrases like “Shokran” (Thank you) and “Mn Fadlak” (Please) can go a long way in communication and showing respect to the local culture.
  • Culinary Adventures : Don’t miss out on trying traditional Egyptian dishes like Ful and Ta’meya, which are both delicious and a cultural experience.
  • Stay Hydrated : It’s important to stay hydrated, especially during the scorching summer months. Carry a water bottle with you.
  • Weekend Days : Note that the weekend in Egypt is on Friday and Saturday, so plan your activities and visits accordingly.
  • Metro Travel : The Cairo Metro is one of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to get around the city, so consider using it for transportation.
  • Tour Guide : Having a knowledgeable tour guide can enhance your experience in Egypt, as they can provide insights into the history and culture of the places you visit.

General Highlights

  • Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx : Explore the iconic Pyramids of Giza, including the Great Pyramid, and visit the enigmatic Sphinx nearby.
  • Khan El Khalili Bazaar : Shop for souvenirs and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the Khan El Khalili Bazaar in Old Cairo.
  • Islamic & Coptic Attractions : Experience the rich history and spirituality of Old Cairo by visiting its Islamic and Coptic attractions, including mosques and churches.
  • Luxor’s Majestic Temples & Tombs : Witness the grandeur of Luxor by exploring its magnificent temples like Karnak and Luxor Temple, as well as the Valley of the Kings and Queens.
  • Egyptian Museum : Rediscover Egypt’s fascinating history at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, home to countless ancient artifacts, including Tutankhamun’s treasures.
  • Philae and Abu Simbel Temples : Visit the stunning temples of Philae in Aswan and the colossal Abu Simbel temples, known for their incredible architecture and history.
  • Nile Cruise : Take a picturesque Nile Cruise from Luxor to Aswan, or the reverse journey, to witness the beauty of the Nile River and explore historical sites along the way.
  • Egyptian Oases : Discover the natural allure of Egyptian oases like Siwa and Bahariya, where you can experience a tranquil desert landscape and unique culture.
  • Red Sea Adventures : Enjoy water activities like swimming, diving, and snorkeling in resort cities along the Red Sea, such as Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh, known for their beautiful coral reefs and marine life.


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  2. Travel to Alexandria, Egypt

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  3. Alexandria Egypt Travel Guide: Things To Do and Places To Visit

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  4. Desde Atenas: Excursión privada de un día a la isla de Egina

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  5. Overview of the City of Egina on Aegina Island Stock Photo

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  6. Desde Atenas: excursión privada de un día a la isla de Egina

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    2. Temple Of Serapeum & Pompey's Pillar. Next, visit Pompey's Pillar is a massive 30 meters column which located in the debris of the ancient settlement of Rhakotis which is the original township form each Alexandria grew. The Pillar rises on the ruins of the Temple of Serapeum which was a magnificent structure that stood there in ancient times.

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    Za one koji planiraju letovanje na ostvu Egina last minute i first minute ponude su posebno dobra opcija, pa se preporučuje da budete u toku sa aktuelnostima i pratite popuste. Regularni aranžmani su vam dostupni tokom cele sezone (u skladu sa smeštajnim kapacitetima), pa pogledajte ponude i rezervišite letovanje na Egini. PRIKAŽITE CEO TEKST.

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    last minute - ostrvo egina, od 2. do 12. avgusta, 160 € do 175 €, prevoz i smeštaj!!! novo u turistiČkoj ponudi!!! ostrvo egina kod atine. Čudesno ostrvo svetog nektarija! vile nektarija i saronis, u agia marini, na samo 50 m od plaŽe, paket aranŽman, 10 noĆenja 11 dana, prevoz i smeŠtaj od 2. do 12. avgusta

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    First Minute leto 2024, letovanje 2024 Grčka, Turska, Egipat, Tunis, hoteli, apartmani. Španija, Italija... Obaveštenje. Pristupili ste sajtu preko pretraživača koji ne podržava napredne tehnologije, usled čega ne možete koristiti sajt i njegove funkcije.

  21. Alexandria Travel Guide: Where to Go and What to See

    Breakfast for two, including a second helping of foul and extra bread, costs about $1. Farouk Café 1928 - This is supposedly one of the oldest tea houses in Alexandria. The really special thing about it is they still make tea and coffee in the traditional way, by placing the pot in hot sand to heat the water.

  22. Vila Pelagos Agia Marina, Egina, Grčka 2024, Leto 2024, Stavros

    Vila Pelagos, Agia Marina, Egina, Grčka 2024, Leto 2024, Egina plaže, First Minute, Stavros, Last Minute, Halkidiki, Apartmani, Smestaj. Radnim danima: 09:00h - 20:00h | Subotom: 09:00h - 15:00h | Nedeljnom: Ne radimo ... Trajekt do ostrva Egina; Usluge predstavnika agencije; Troškove organizacije ... Uz ovaj program putovanja važe opšti ...

  23. Full Day Tour in Alexandria

    Morning flight from Cairo to Alexandria. Visit Qaitbay Citadel and the Alexandria Library. Explore the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa. Lunch at a local restaurant. Visit Montaza Palace and its gardens. Stroll along the Alexandria Corniche. Explore local markets and shops. Evening flight back to Cairo. Tour Inclusions: Professional, English ...