American Express Global Business Travel

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01530 VANTAA

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Tilikauden tulos.

American Express Global Business Travel on perustettu vuonna 1951. Se on osakeyhtiö,  jonka kotipaikka on Helsinki , ja pääasiallinen toimiala Matkatoimisto .  

Yhtiön toinen toimiala on tapahtumat .

Viralliselta nimeltään yhtiö on GBT Finland Oy.

Yhtiön American Express Global Business Travel liikevaihto oli 11,56 miljoonaa ja tilikauden tulos 784 tuhatta. Liikevaihto nousi 16%. Liikevoittoprosentti oli 2,1%. Tiedot perustuvat yhtiön viimeisimpään tilinpäätökseen vuodelta 2023.

12/2023 päättyneellä tilikaudella yhtiöllä oli 148 työntekijää.  Työntekijämäärä kasvoi 2,8% edelliseltä tilikaudelta.

Tietojen lähde: Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä (YTJ), Fonecta, Suomen Asiakastieto

  •  American Express Meetings & Events Auki 09 427 491 Näytä numero [email protected]
  •  Aurinkomatkat Vantaa
  •  Shout! CVT Tmi Jyväskylä
  •  Tjäreborg Oy Ab Helsinki
  •  HouseLux Oy
  •  CWT Kaleva Travel Helsinki
  •  Matkatoimisto CWT Helsinki

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American Express Global Business Travel

Tietotie 9, 01530 Vantaa




Olemme onnistuneet rakentamaan innostavan ja energisen voittajakulttuurin. Uudella tavalla näkeminen ja tekeminen näkyy henkilöstö- ja asiakastyytyväisyydessä sekä tuloksessa. Tavoitteenamme on ylittää asiakkaiden odotukset ja tehdä kohtaamisista tuloksellisia. Asiakkaidemme päättäjistä 93 % suosittelisi meitä kumppaniksi. Meitä on Suomessa noin 200 liike- ja ryhmämatkojen sekä tapahtumien asiantuntijaa. Toimitusjohtajana toimii Kirsi Paakkari.

Meillä on liikematkakeskukset Helsinki-Vantaalla, Vaasassa, Turussa ja Oulussa. Autamme asiakkaitamme vuoden jokaisena päivänä 24 tuntia vuorokaudessa.

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American Express Meetings & Events

Kun tapahtumasi jättää haluamasi muistijäljen,olemme onnistuneet. Tapahtumien konseptoinnissa vain taivas on rajana ja tässä duunissa hulluus on hyväksi ja rohkeus on edellytys. Meillä on loistava tekemisen fiilis ja viimeisimmät sähköiset vimpaimet. Teemme yritystapahtumia godzilla-kokoisista tapahtumista pikkuriikkisiin bileisiin ja asiakkaistamme 93 % suosittelisi meitä. Saat meistä taloudellisesti vahvan kumppanin. Meidät tunnetaan jatkossa nimeltä American Express Meetings & Events, jossa toteutetaan maailmanluokan yritystapahtumia. Niitä tehdään myös Suomessa.

Suunnittelusta tuotannoksi. Kipinästä roihuksi. Pyydä meiltä ehdotus seuraavasta tapahtumastasi.

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08:00 - 17:00


GBT Finland Oy

Päätoimiala: Matkatoimisto

Y-tunnus : 02152075

Puhelin : 010 8261

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Business Travel Made Simple

Experience moments that matter, with american express global business travel, at gbta 2019.

  • August 5-7, 2019
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • McCormick Place Convention Center

With Business Travel Made Simple, we make business travel easy. For you and for your travellers.

We listened carefully to what is needed for a successful business travel programme and created Business Travel Made Simple. Quite simply, it’s business travel in a box. An end-to-end solution that brings together the best in travel technology and services and is packed full of products that give you exactly what you need to take the hassle out of your business travel programme. KEY HIGHLIGHTS Business Travel Made Simple will have your travellers booking travel and saving you money in no time at all. PRICING Want to push your online adoption? Prefer to pick up the phone? We provide simple and straightforward pricing based on how you and your travellers like to book. IMPLEMENTATION From start to finish, we will provide you with a dedicated team as well as a complete suite of tools to make sure you are up and running quickly and efficiently. CHANGE MANAGEMENT Easy-to-tailor employee communication tools will help you educate your travellers about your new business travel programme. KNOW-ME TECHNOLOGY A personal, seamless experience for every traveller, whether booking online or speaking to one of our consultants, 24/7/365. SAVINGS AND COMPLIANCE Encourage your travellers to only book within your business travel policy, maximising your savings and making sure you know where your travellers are, giving you peace of mind. REPORTING A clear and comprehensive dashboard gives you access and reports when you need them so you’ll know how to optimise your business travel policy. ON THE ROAD When your travellers face delays, we contact them and provide the right support to get them moving again as quickly and as safely as possible.

Get In Touch * Denotes required field.

The power behind the trip..

Our innovative suite of booking solutions gives travelers and travel managers the ability to seamlessly book business travel.



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CONTACT SALES To find out how we can help you optimise your business travel programme, gain visibility into travel spend, improve your traveller experience and more, complete the form on the right and we’ll be in touch.

At American Express Global Business Travel (GBT), we believe in the strength of meaningful connections because when people are in front of people, anything can happen. We’re capturing these moments that matter at GBTA. Come join us and see how we’re propelling businesses forward with breakthrough technology, proven savings methods, best-in-class traveler care, and global consistency and security.

Don’t miss the opportunity to snap and share a selfie on your public Twitter or Instagram using #momentsthatmatter, for the chance to be part of our mosaic – a one-of-a-kind work of art. While you’re at the event, you’ll find out how the travel landscape is evolving, network with travel professionals, see live demos, and enjoy refreshments.


Monday, august 5, 2:30pm to 6:00pm, tuesday, august 6, wednesday, august 7, 9:00am to 11:30am, click here to access the full convention schedule.

american express global business travel vantaa

Let’s meet one-on-one

Arrange a meeting with one of our consultants and enjoy a surprise gift.


american express global business travel vantaa


August 5, 2019, field museum, enjoy an unforgettable evening with dancing, open bar, and live performances., better than ezra, and featuring dj madrid.

Arrive early! We expect a packed party.

GBTA badge required for admission

american express global business travel vantaa

We make business travel easy

  • for you and for travellers.

See how easy business travel can be:

We understand that business travel isn’t always easy. After speaking to businesses like yours, we created a unified end-to-end travel and expense solution, designed on a single platform to minimise your costs and help you manage of your business travel programme.

american express global business travel vantaa


Spot cost saving opportunities quickly. Our unified platform offers accurate forecasting and visibility of spend BEFORE and AFTER travel. It helps you see what your travellers are spending, meaning you can make informed decisions to set spending limits and optimise your business travel policy.


Eliminate travel and expense separation. We provide one place where all business travel and related expenses can be easily managed. Door-to-door booking via our online booking tool means you have sight of total trip activity and a smart graphical timeline to help you keep track of compliance and spending.


Put your travellers at the heart of the business travel experience with intelligent caller ID and designated support at their fingertips or just a phone call away 24/7. Proactive disruption management also anticipates your travellers’ needs and gets them where they need to be with minimal fuss.


Tools configured to your policy help locate your travellers, to identify where they are in case of disruption in their journey. Plus, we offer support with destination-specific advice, especially in emerging regions where your travellers may need extra guidance.


See a clearer picture. And act decisively.

Knowledge is power. And our analytics and reporting products deliver through robust data, insights, and benchmarking so you can clearly understand your entire travel program— including your carbon footprint.

A tool built for you and your team:

american express global business travel vantaa

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Authorise spend requests with pre-and post-approval.

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american express global business travel vantaa


Did you know Europe is experiencing a hotel development boom?

Our latest Hotel Monitor report examines how the region is responding to traveller demands despite an uncertain global economic outlook.


Do your travellers demand a consumer experience when using your OBT?

They aren’t alone. In this whitepaper we’ve partnered with ACTE to explore the issues, concerns, and objectives around online booking.



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The Business Travel Account with Virtual Payments

Introducing virtual accounts for the reality of travel., how do you keep control of travel spending as corporate travel continues to change.

With constant change in the corporate travel industry, and the evolving needs of business travelers, containing and managing travel spending is difficult. The Business Travel Account with Virtual Payments offers a solution - allowing you to centralize more types of spending for more types of business travelers.

More options, more control. A quick look at how it works.


Book Travel as Usual for Air and Rail:

Use a Virtual Account Number (VAN) that sits with your Travel Management Company (TMC) to pay for air and rail.


Now you can also pay for Hotel and Low-Cost Carrier Airlines:

Use a Dynamic VAN including start and end-dates for each transaction for hotel and low-cost air carrier reservations.


Centralized Bill:

Get one monthly statement for all Business Travel Account transactions, so you can track and conveniently pay for air, rail, hotel and low-cost-carriers ‡ .


EReconcile Transactions:

Use this single statement, data from client-defined fields for each transaction as well as improved data files and reconciliation tools to quickly allocate charges.

In the end, you capture more of your spending in a centralized account, so you have the ability to control more of your travel expenses.

*Currently, to use BTA with Virtual Payments for hotel and low cost carrier airline bookings, a third party service provider, with whom your TMC has a separate agreement, is required to automate the distribution of virtual account numbers. American Express has chosen to work with Conferma, an unaffiliated third party, to provide virtual account number services in connection with BTA with Virtual Payments

Features & Benefits

Centralize more spending into a single account.

Set parameters around time, cost, and suppliers for employee travel to help control costs and reduce non-compliant spend.

Simplify reconciliation

Consolidate booking and reconciliation into a single platform with one monthly payment. 

Improve the traveler experience

Get up to 55 cash flow days 1 by centralising all travel bookings into one payment to American Express.

Travel With More Confidence

Earn accelerated On Business Points on your British Airways flights with the British Airways American Express Business Travel Account.


♦AMEX Assurance Disclosure

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Business Wire

From savings to service, your needs drive our solutions.

Businesses that want to transform their corporate travel experience choose Select. And for good reason. With Select, the travel products and services help meet the needs of your company. Whether you’d like a cost-efficient travel program, or consultative advice, you can count on us for help.

american express global business travel vantaa

Get up and running with a self-service online booking tool pre-loaded with booking options at preferential rates. You can access those same options through our travel counselors.

american express global business travel vantaa

Meet the diverse needs of your business with scalable solutions that work for you and your teams. Select also easily integrates with your existing travel program and tech.

american express global business travel vantaa

Streamline processes with automated tools that use your program data to help enhance your savings, simplify workflows, and keep travelers in the know.

american express global business travel vantaa


Support travelers on a personal level with itinerary-specific information and 24/7 digital assistance, delivered by our travel counselors.

american express global business travel vantaa

Manage travel your way.

Get the right mix of corporate travel solutions to balance the needs of your business with the needs of your travelers.

american express global business travel vantaa

Insights to savings

Quickly spot opportunities to save through easy reporting tools that show your travel program data. Put the data in context by comparing your travel spend to industry peers so you can activate change and boost savings.

american express global business travel vantaa

Booking and expenses

When combined with our travel and expense tool, Amex GBT Neo, Select lets you manage bookings and expenses in a unified platform. Take advantage of over 2 million accommodations and preferential rates on everything from flights to hotels to car rentals.

Risk Management

Rest easy knowing travelers get a proactive flight disruption service, complete with notifications and rebooking assistance. Managers can also pinpoint a traveler’s location to minimize risk, make them feel supported, and fulfil the company’s duty of care responsibility.

Want to learn more?

We're here to help. Whether you’re considering business trips or you already have a travel program in place, get in touch today about our corporate travel solutions and services.

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American express and american express global business travel launch new integration to help streamline spend management for small businesses.

NEW YORK, March 04, 2024 --( BUSINESS WIRE )-- American Express (NYSE:AXP), American Express Global Business Travel (NYSE: GBTG):

What it is:

American Express, a leader in global business payments, and American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) 1 , a leader in B2B software and services for travel and expense, announce a new integration to help small and mid-sized businesses manage their spend and expenses.

American Express is making it possible for businesses to issue a virtual Card (a dynamic payment option that replaces a physical card number with a digital Card number) for their employees via Amex GBT Neo1 , a spend management platform. U.S. Card Members must enroll in Amex GBT Neo1. Once enrolled, Card Members can simply add eligible American Express® Business or Corporate Card accounts into the platform 2 .

The seamless integration of American Express virtual Cards into the Amex GBT Neo1 spend management platform supports automated expense management processes by combining the capabilities of an expense system, procurement platform, online business travel booking tool, and virtual Card issuance into a single smart ecosystem.

Why it matters:

The new American Express and Amex GBT integration provides small and mid-sized businesses with better visibility and control over a range of employee spend including budgeting, purchasing with virtual Cards, booking business travel, and streamlined expense processing.

Manual employee expense management processes cost businesses significant time and money and are prone to human error - issues that are only magnified for small and mid-sized businesses with more finite resources. More than a third (37%) of financial leaders say processing expense reports is a drain on time, according to Amex GBT .

Digital payments like virtual Cards can help address these issues, as they help automate the expense management process, including employee spend management, with the option for employers to set specific spending controls and permissions.

Businesses are looking for a seamless management solution that minimizes the traditional complexities of manual expense processes.

H ow it works:

With the new integrated features in Amex GBT Neo1, businesses can set budgets, and issue American Express virtual Cards as payment options with controls that support their business needs and help make better, faster purchasing decisions.

The new integration provides customers with:

All-in-one platform: Businesses can approve and manage budgets, connect accounting systems, efficiently submit, reconcile, and approve payments in one place, and configure visual dashboards for greater visibility into company spend.

Travel: Businesses can access Amex GBT’s marketplace, with comprehensive and competitive air, hotel, car and ground transportation services along with exceptional 24/7 traveler support.

Virtual Cards: Businesses can generate and assign American Express virtual Cards to specific users with flexible parameters to control employee spending, while also enabling individuals to spend online or at point-of-sale through their mobile wallet.

Transaction Data: Businesses get near real-time visibility to review and reconcile spend within a single platform.

Built-In Integrations: Businesses have the ability to access built-in integrations to leading supply marketplaces and finance systems without the need for complex system integration.

Mobile App: Businesses have app access to capture receipts and book travel on the go.

Who it’s for:

American Express’ integration with Amex GBT Neo1 is available for small to mid-sized U.S. businesses with eligible American Express® U.S. Business or Corporate Cards that are seeking an easy way to plan, monitor, purchase, approve, and reconcile employees’ business spending.

American Express and Amex GBT on-the-record:

"American Express and Amex GBT are coming together to help improve spend management for small businesses. We know managing employee expenses is becoming more complex, and our small business customers are looking for a solution that combines a range of features and capabilities," said Dave Holmes, Vice President, Enterprise Strategic Partnerships, American Express. "Now, for the first time, businesses have access to American Express virtual Cards within Amex GBT's Neo1 platform, providing a better way to manage a variety of business expenses."

"We see businesses of all sizes facing increased complexity managing growth, spending and productivity," said Fiona Hastings, Vice President of Neo1, Amex GBT. "Growing businesses simply don’t have time for cumbersome expense reports, disjointed budgeting processes, and the hours it takes to rebook and support more frequently disrupted travelers. Amex GBT is excited to bring Neo1 to more small and mid-sized businesses through our partnership with American Express, to help them overcome today's spend management challenges while paving the way for a smart, more efficient future where all employee spending needs can be serviced in one place," added Hastings.

Learn more:

To learn more about the American Express and the Amex GBT Neo1 integration or to register, visit here .


American Express is a globally integrated payments company, providing customers with access to products, insights and experiences that enrich lives and build business success. Learn more at and connect with us on , , , , , , and .

Key links to products, services and corporate responsibility information: personal cards , business cards and services , travel services , gift cards , prepaid cards , merchant services , Accertify , Business Blueprint , Resy , corporate card , business travel , diversity and inclusion , corporate responsibility and Environmental, Social, and Governance reports .


American Express Global Business Travel (GBT) is the world’s leading B2B travel platform, providing software and services to manage travel, expenses, and meetings & events for companies of all sizes. We have built the most valuable marketplace in B2B travel to deliver unrivalled choice, value and experiences. With travel professionals in more than 140 countries, our customers and travelers enjoy the powerful backing of American Express Global Business Travel.

1 GBT Travel Services UK Limited (GBT UK) and its authorized sublicensees use the ["American Express Global Business Travel"/"American Express GBT Meetings & Events"] trademark under a limited license from American Express. "American Express" and the American Express logo are trademarks and the property of American Express Company or its affiliated or related companies (American Express). GBT UK is a subsidiary of Global Business Travel Group, Inc. (NYSE: GBTG). American Express holds a minority interest in GBTG, which operates as a separate company from American Express.

2 Card enrollment required for eligible American Express Business and Corporate Cards. Separate enrollment with each of Neo1 and American Express is required to utilize combined product offering. There is no fee to generate American Express virtual Cards. Other fees on the Neo1 platform may apply. For you to make a Card payment through the service, the supplier must be an American Express accepting merchant. Please contact your Neo1 representative or email [email protected] to learn more.

Source: American Express

Location: U.S.

View source version on

American Express Megan Hunsicker, [email protected]

Amex GBT Taylor Aaron, [email protected]

American Express Global Business Travel - M&A Summary and Business Overview

Business services company, american express global business travel m&a summary.

American Express Global Business Travel has acquired 5 companies, including 2 in the last 5 years. A total of 1 acquisition came from private equity firms .

American Express Global Business Travel’s largest acquisition to date was in 2024 , when it acquired CWT for $570M . American Express Global Business Travel has acquired in 2 different US states, and 4 countries. The Company’s most targeted sectors include business services (40%) and information technology (20%) .

American Express Global Business Travel Business Overview

Where is american express global business travel headquartered.

American Express Global Business Travel is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

What sector is American Express Global Business Travel in?

American Express Global Business Travel is a business services company.

M&A Summary

  • M&A Buy Activity 5
  • Total Sectors Invested 4
  • Total Countries Invested 4
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 3

American Express Global Business Travel

Gbt iii b.v..

Magnus Ladulasgatan 5, Stockholm, SE-106 82 Sweden ,

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American Express Global Business Travel is a provider of travel solutions, integrated consulting services, proprietary research, and end-to-end meetings and events capabilities.

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  1. American Express Global Business Travel Company Locations

    Tietotie 9, Vantaa, FI-01530, Finland. France. Global Business Travel France. Immeuble La Noda, 11 Chemin de Bretagne, Issy Les Moulineaux, 92130, France. Egencia Europe SAS Egencia France SAS Klee Data System SAS. ... 以 American Express Global Business Travel 營運 ...

  2. American Express Global Business Travel

    Specialties: American Express Global Business Travel on maailman johtava liikematka- ja tapahtumatoimisto. Suomeen se rantautui kirjaimellisesti 29.10.2018, kun sitä vuosikymmeniä edustanut SMT muutti nimensä. Meillä on yli 100 vuoden kokemus liikuttaa ihmisiä Suomessa ja muualla. Teimme viime vuonna pelkästään Suomessa 2 400 tapahtumaa ja lähetimme maailmalle yli 100 000 ...

  3. American Express Global Business Travel

    Yhtiön American Express Global Business Travel liikevaihto oli 11,56 miljoonaa ja tilikauden tulos 784 tuhatta. Liikevaihto nousi 16%. Liikevoittoprosentti oli 2,1%. Tiedot perustuvat yhtiön viimeisimpään tilinpäätökseen vuodelta 2023. 12/2023 päättyneellä tilikaudella yhtiöllä oli 148 työntekijää.

  4. Business Travel, Meetings, and Spend Management

    American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) is a leading B2B travel platform, providing software and services to manage travel, expenses, and meetings & events for companies of all sizes. Business and Corporate Travel . The right solution is as distinct as your business. Explore Amex GBT's suite of solutions to see which can best help ...

  5. chat-icon

    American Express GBT Services. Make Managing Business Travel Easier. Whether you need an all-in-one platform, a customized approach, or a simple business travel spend management tool, you'll have a solution for booking trips, managing expenses, and looking after travelers.

  6. American Express Global Business Travel Finland

    Who is American Express Global Business Travel Finland. American Express Global Business Travel is the world's leading business travel and event agency. It came to Finland literally on October 29, 2018, when SMT, which had been representing decades, changed its name. We have over 100 years of experience in moving people in Finland and elsewhere.

  7. American Express Global Business Travel, Vantaa

    Tarkista American Express Global Business Travel paikassa Vantaa, Tietotie 9 Cylexista ja etsi kontaktitiedot, ⌚ aukioloajat.. Kirjaudu; Rekisteröidy. Mikä? (esim. lääkäri) ... American Express Global Business Travel, Vantaa . Soittakaa. Web-sivu. Ajo-ohje. American Express Global Business Travel . Tietotie 9, 01530 Vantaa. 010 8261 .

  8. American Express Global Business Travel

    American Express Global Business Travel on maailman johtava liikematka- ja tapahtumatoimisto. Suomeen se rantautui kirjaimellisesti 29.10.2018, kun sitä vuosikymmeniä edustanut SMT muutti nimensä. ... Tietotie 9, 01530 Vantaa. Y-tunnus: 02152075. Puhelin: 010 826 1. Email: [email protected].

  9. American Express Global Business Travel

    Owner verified. Get coupons, hours, photos, videos, directions for American Express Global Business Travel at Tietotie 9 Vantaa 18. Search other Travel Agency in or near Vantaa 18.

  10. Business Travel Made Simple

    At American Express Global Business Travel (GBT), we believe in the strength of meaningful connections because when people are in front of people, anything can happen. We're capturing these moments that matter at GBTA. Come join us and see how we're propelling businesses forward with breakthrough technology, proven savings methods, best-in ...

  11. Global Business Travel

    We're the solution for you. 1 Amex GBT Internal Reporting, over three years from 2020-2022. 2 Based on American Express Global Business Travel internal reporting, January - December 2022. Savings reflect GBT Preferred Extras air program results across Amex GBT Select SME/MM clients. Individual results may vary.

  12. American Express Global Business Travel

    Business Travel News Europe's annual ranking of the leading travel management companies across the continent. LinkedIn Twitter Facebook. AMERICAN EXPRESS GLOBAL BUSINESS TRAVEL. 1 st in Europe / €10.08 billion gross European sales (2023) 1 st in the UK / £2.11 billion gross UK sales (2023 ... Vantaa, FI-01530, Finland Tordenskioldsgate 8 ...

  13. Business Travel Account

    With constant change in the corporate travel industry, and the evolving needs of business travelers, containing and managing travel spending is difficult. The Business Travel Account with Virtual Payments offers a solution - allowing you to centralize more types of spending for more types of business travelers. More options, more control.

  14. Egencia joins American Express Global Business Travel

    London, UK; Seattle, Wash - November 2, 2021 American Express Global Business Travel (GBT), the world's leading business partner for managed travel, has successfully completed the acquisition of Egencia, the leading digital travel management platform. As part of the transaction, Expedia Group has become a shareholder in GBT. Expedia has also entered into a long-term agreement to provide ...

  15. American Express Global Business Travel

    American Express Global Business Travel is the world's leading B2B travel platform, providing software and services to manage travel, expenses, and meetings & events for companies of all sizes ...

  16. chat-icon

    Tell us your area of interest so we can connect you to the right person. If a hotel, please provide your two-letter GDS code: If you need support, please get in touch using the American Express GBT mobile app or call the number on your itinerary. Don't have the app? Our dedicated client managers are on hand to answer all of your account queries.

  17. American Express Global Business Travel Corporate Headquarters ...

    American Express Global Business Travel is headquartered in New York, 666 3rd Ave, United States, and has 34 office locations.

  18. American Express and American Express Global Business Travel Launch New

    American Express Global Business Travel (GBT) is the world's leading B2B travel platform, providing software and services to manage travel, expenses, and meetings & events for companies of all ...

  19. Global Business Travel

    We're the solution for you. GBT internal reporting in 2021. 1) Amex GBT Internal Reporting, over three years from 2020-2022. 2) Based on American Express Global Business Travel internal reporting, January - September 2022. Savings reflect GBT Preferred Extras air program results across SME/MM clients. Individual results may vary.

  20. American Express Global Business Travel Reports Strong Q2 2024

    NEW YORK, August 06, 2024--American Express Global Business Travel Reports Strong Q2 2024 Financial Results and Raises 2024 Free Cash Flow Guidance. News. Today's news; US; Politics; World;

  21. American Express and American Express Global Business Travel ...

    A merican Express and American Express Global Business Travel, have agreed a new integration to help small and mid-sized businesses manage their spend and expenses. American Express is making it ...

  22. American Express and American Express Global Business Travel Launch New

    American Express and American Express Global Business Travel Launch New Integration to Help Streamline Spend Management for Small Businesses Business Wire Mon, Mar 4, 2024, 9:00 AM 6 min read

  23. American Express Global Business Travel

    American Express Global Business Travel delivers unrivaled value, choice and experiences through its leading B2B travel platform American Express Global Business Travel and Apollo Strategic Growth Capital to combine at pro forma market capitalization of $5.3 billion Transaction to provide up to $1.2 billion of gross proceeds, including an upsized and oversubscribed fully committed $335 million ...

  24. American Express Global Business Travel

    American Express Global Business Travel has acquired 5 companies, including 2 in the last 5 years. A total of 1 acquisition came from private equity firms. American Express Global Business Travel's largest acquisition to date was in 2024, when it acquired CWT for $570M. American Express Global Business Travel has acquired in 2 different US states, and 4 countries.