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List of Star Trek Characters


Embark on an intriguing exploration of the beloved Star Trek constellation of characters, seamlessly woven in our specially curated list. From Captain Kirk's indomitable spirit to Spock's logical brilliance, absorb the enthralling essence of these timeless personalities from one of science fiction's most enduring enterprises.

Diving beyond the surface, our list traces the intricate pathways of each character's narrative journey. Grasp the transformational arcs and pivotal roles of these fascinating individuals who have defied space and time and entered the panorama of popular culture.

Our meticulous, well-researched explorations are founded on extensive knowledge providing a broad-view perspective of their strengths, weaknesses, and alliances, as well as the antagonistic relationships within the Starfleet universe. Immensely engaging, this list will satisfy the curiosity of those seeking depth and perspective into their favorite characters while tracing the cherished legacy of Star Trek.

However, this engaging exploration isn’t just a monologue. We want our opinion. Are you fascinated by the stoicism of Jean-Luc Picard or intrigued by the duality of Data? Here, your opinion matters. Cast your vote for your favorite character and become a part of an enriching, collective conversation on this beloved franchise.

Commence your celestial journey with us as you dig deeper into the intricacies and marvels of the Star Trek universe. Participate, discover, and contribute to the shared passion for one of sci-fi’s greatest phenoms. 

James T. Kirk

James T. Kirk

Captain James T. Kirk, the iconic protagonist of the Star Trek universe, is a highly innovative and passionate leader who never shies away from taking risks. Known for his unwavering dedication to his crew and the ideals of the United Federation of Planets, Kirk's cunning mind, strategic thinking, and exceptional diplomatic skills set him apart from other Starfleet captains. His ability to think outside the box and make split-second decisions in critical situations solidifies his reputation as one of the most legendary characters in the Star Trek franchise.


The half-human, half-Vulcan First Officer of the USS Enterprise, Spock represents the epitome of stoicism, logic, and reason. Often struggling with the dichotomy between his Vulcan and human heritage, he brings an unparalleled level of intellect and curiosity to the crew while grappling with his emotions. His unwavering loyalty and deep understanding of both cultures make Spock not only a vital asset to the crew but also a symbol of unity and harmony between two seemingly disparate worlds. His unique upbringing and commitment to logic have made Spock one of the most beloved and enduring characters in the Star Trek universe.

Montgomery Scott

Montgomery Scott

Affectionately known as "Scotty," Montgomery Scott is the brilliant and resourceful Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise. With his unmistakable Scottish accent, wit, and humor, Scotty consistently saves the day by performing seemingly impossible engineering miracles. His uncanny ability to push the boundaries of the ship's systems, coupled with his unwavering loyalty to Captain Kirk and the rest of the crew, makes him an indispensable member of the Enterprise. Scotty's optimistic attitude and steadfast dedication to his work have endeared him to Star Trek fans throughout the years.

Nyota Uhura

Nyota Uhura

A groundbreaking character for her time, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura serves as the Communications Officer aboard the USS Enterprise. Her linguistic and interpersonal skills play a significant role in fostering understanding between different races and cultures. As one of the first Black women to hold a central role in a major television series, Uhura broke barriers and shattered stereotypes during the height of the Civil Rights Movement. Her poise, intelligence, and strength continue to serve as an inspiration for women and people of color in the science fiction genre and beyond.

Hikaru Sulu

Hikaru Sulu

As the talented Helmsman of the USS Enterprise, Hikaru Sulu is known for his calm demeanor and exceptional piloting abilities. His passion for botany, fencing, and astrophysics showcases his well-rounded personality and diverse interests outside of his Starfleet duties. Sulu's portrayal as a competent Asian character during a time of Hollywood whitewashing broke racial barriers, paving the way for greater representation and diversity onscreen. His quiet confidence, strong moral compass, and ability to navigate complex situations make Sulu a fan favorite and a staple of the Star Trek universe.

Leonard McCoy

Leonard McCoy

Gruff yet compassionate, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy serves as the Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer. A skilled physician with a penchant for metaphors, Bones is often the voice of reason and humanity on the crew, reminding them of the ethical implications of their actions. His tumultuous yet endearing friendship with Spock provides a unique balance between logic and emotion that is rarely seen on television. Despite his grumbles and sharp wit, McCoy's unwavering concern for the wellbeing of his patients and crewmates solidifies him as a beloved and integral character.

Pavel Chekov

Pavel Chekov

The young and enthusiastic Russian navigator of the Enterprise, Ensign Pavel Chekov brings a vibrant energy and eagerness to the crew. With his thick accent and unwavering patriotism, Chekov often serves as comic relief while providing valuable insights and ingenuity in critical situations. His youthful perspective and relentless loyalty to the crew, coupled with his exceptional problem-solving abilities, make him an indispensable and charismatic addition to the Star Trek universe.

Christopher Pike

Christopher Pike

Captain Christopher Pike, the original captain of the USS Enterprise before James T. Kirk, is a thoughtful and decisive leader with a strong moral compass. Known for his keen ability to judge character and motivate his crew, Pike serves as a mentor and guiding force for the younger members of Starfleet. His willingness to take risks for the greater good and unwavering dedication to the Starfleet ideals set an inspiring precedent for future captains. With his calm demeanor and tactical prowess, Captain Pike remains a revered and influential figure in the Star Trek universe.


A prominent Vulcan ambassador and Spock's father, Sarek embodies the intellect and stoicism characteristic of his race. Though he struggles with the emotional consequences of marrying a human woman, Amanda Grayson, his commitment to diplomacy and the pursuit of knowledge remains steadfast. Sarek's influence on Spock's upbringing is evident in his son's sense of honor and dedication to reason, making him an essential figure in shaping one of the franchise's most enduring characters. Despite his cool exterior, Sarek's complicated relationship with his family adds depth and complexity to his persona, solidifying his status as a beloved Star Trek character.

Amanda Grayson

Amanda Grayson

The human wife of Sarek and mother of Spock, Amanda Grayson is a symbol of the potential for unity and understanding between different species and cultures. Her compassion, empathy, and love for her family serve as a powerful contrast to the Vulcan detachment and logic that often surrounds her. Amanda's influence on Spock is evident in his emotional growth throughout the series, as she encourages him to embrace his humanity and become a more well-rounded individual. Her quiet strength and unwavering love for her son make Amanda Grayson an essential and compelling character within the Star Trek universe.

Starfleet Computer

The Starfleet Computer is an indispensable component of the USS Enterprise, providing crucial information and analysis to the crew in their various missions and adventures. Capable of processing vast amounts of data in mere seconds, this advanced artificial intelligence (AI) system exemplifies the technological prowess of the Star Trek universe. With its neutral yet authoritative voice, the Starfleet Computer serves as a reliable source of knowledge and guidance for the crew, often assisting them in navigating complex situations and overcoming challenges. While not a typical character in the traditional sense, the Starfleet Computer is an iconic presence that greatly contributes to the distinctiveness of the franchise.

George Samuel Kirk, Sr.

George Samuel Kirk, Sr.

The father of James T. Kirk, George Samuel Kirk, Sr., plays a pivotal role in shaping his son's character and values, even though his presence in the series is brief. As the First Officer of the USS Kelvin, George demonstrates bravery, self-sacrifice, and dedication to his crew by staying behind during the evacuation to save countless lives, including his wife and newborn son. His heroic actions leave a lasting impression on Kirk, inspiring him to follow in his father's footsteps and join Starfleet. The legacy of George Samuel Kirk establishes a strong foundation for the protagonist's journey, making him a significant figure within the Star Trek canon.


The Romulans, an enigmatic and cunning race, serve as one of the most formidable adversaries in the Star Trek universe. Characterized by their pointed ears, sharp eyebrows, and militaristic society, Romulans are driven by a desire for power and territorial expansion, often employing deception and subterfuge to achieve their goals. Despite their antagonistic role, the complex and nuanced portrayal of individual Romulans, such as Commander Sela and Senator Vreenak, adds depth and intrigue to the franchise. Ultimately, the Romulans represent the darker side of ambition and secrecy, albeit with glimmers of hope for peace and understanding.


Nero, a Romulan mining ship captain turned vengeful villain in Star Trek (2009) , serves as a testament to the devastating influence of grief and loss on an individual's actions. Driven by the destruction of his home planet and the death of his family, Nero's quest for vengeance against Spock and the Federation leads him down a path of ruthless destruction. His single-minded obsession and disregard for the lives of others makes him a formidable antagonist. However, the emotional backstory underlying his actions also highlights the complexities inherent in all beings, regardless of their race or allegiance.

Nero's wife

Although her presence is brief and mostly in flashbacks, Nero's wife Amandine plays a vital role in the development of Star Trek (2009)'s primary antagonist. Her tragic death during Romulus's destruction serves as the catalyst for her husband's descent into madness and vengeance, fueling his desire to punish the world he sees as responsible. The deep love and devotion Nero feels for his wife are testaments to the character's humanity, providing a glimpse of vulnerability beneath his hardened exterior. As such, Amandine serves as a symbol of the transformative power of love and heartbreak within the Star Trek universe.

Vulcan Bully #1

Appearing in Star Trek (2009) , the character of the Vulcan Bully illustrates the challenges faced by young Spock in his formative years, highlighting his struggle to reconcile his dual heritage. Despite the common perception that Vulcans are solely driven by logic and devoid of emotion, the bullies reveal that even this seemingly stoic race can fall prey to more base instincts such as prejudice and cruelty. The actions of the Vulcan Bully push Spock to explore his human side and ultimately become the multifaceted character we know and love. The presence of this character underscores the complexities that lie beneath the surface of the Vulcan race.

Captain Robau

Though his time onscreen is brief, Captain Richard Robau of the USS Kelvin plays a crucial role in the opening moments of Star Trek (2009) . When faced with the threat of Nero's ship, Captain Robau demonstrates bravery and selflessness by agreeing to leave his crew and board the enemy vessel in an attempt to negotiate peace. His unflinching dedication to his command and willingness to sacrifice himself for the safety of others serve as a prime example of the leadership qualities that define Starfleet captains. Robau's actions set a tone of heroism and duty that resonates throughout the film and the franchise as a whole.

Barracks Leader

The Barracks Leader in Star Trek (2009) serves as an authoritative figure within the Starfleet Academy, responsible for maintaining order and discipline among the cadets. While his role may be minimal, his presence establishes the structured environment and expectations placed upon those training to join the ranks of Starfleet officers. As a supportive figure, the Barracks Leader helps to guide young cadets like James T. Kirk on their paths to becoming the leaders and heroes of the future. His role underscores the importance of mentorship and guidance in the development of the franchise's beloved characters.

Winona Kirk

Winona Kirk

As the mother of James T. Kirk, Winona Kirk's influence on her son's life cannot be overstated. In the face of tragedy and loss, Winona demonstrates resilience and courage, raising Kirk and his brother in the aftermath of their father's death. Her strength and fortitude in the face of adversity inspire Kirk's own determination and drive to succeed in Starfleet. Although her appearance in the series is limited, Winona Kirk stands as a testament to the power of maternal love and endurance in shaping the lives of her children.


Gaila, an Orion woman attending Starfleet Academy in Star Trek (2009) , is a minor character who adds an element of intrigue to the film. As the roommate of Uhura, Gaila represents the diversity of species and cultures present within the Star Trek universe, particularly within the ranks of Starfleet. Her brief interactions with Kirk and Uhura also serve to showcase her intelligence and ambition, traits essential for success in the demanding environment of the Academy. Gaila's presence, though fleeting, highlights Star Trek's commitment to inclusivity and the celebration of unique individuals from all walks of life.

Admiral Richard Barnett

As the Superintendent of Starfleet Academy, Admiral Richard Barnett serves as an imposing presence and symbol of authority in Star Trek (2009) . His stern demeanor and high expectations for new recruits showcase the level of dedication required for a successful career in Starfleet. Additionally, his ability to recognize potential in cadets, such as Kirk, speaks to his keen understanding of the qualities necessary for leadership. Admiral Barnett's role is essential in reinforcing the discipline, commitment, and determination that define the Star Trek universe's most respected officers.

The Wrong Orion

The Wrong Orion, played by Rachel Nichols in Star Trek (2009), is an intriguing character who serves as an essential catalyst for the film's events, making her one of the best Star Trek characters to date. As the enigmatic and exotic green-skinned beauty, Nichols expertly captures the allure associated with the Orion race. However, she also brings a sense of vulnerability and depth to her character, highlighting the fact that she is more than just a stereotype. The Wrong Orion's presence on-screen not only adds intrigue and excitement to the plot but also challenges our preconceived notions of the Orions, enabling her character to leave an indelible mark on the Star Trek universe.

Ayel, Nero's second-in-command in Star Trek (2009) , serves as a loyal and ruthless supporter of his captain's quest for vengeance. The unwavering devotion he displays toward Nero's cause, even in the face of destruction, speaks to the strong bonds formed among Romulan comrades in their militaristic society. Ayel's fierce fighting skills and cunning tactics make him a dangerous adversary for the Enterprise crew. This character's blind loyalty serves as a stark contrast to the more nuanced relationships and moral compasses exhibited by the protagonists, emphasizing the complexities of friendship and allegiance within the Star Trek universe.


In Star Trek (2009) , Johnny is a childhood friend of James T. Kirk, providing insight into the protagonist's early life and experiences. Growing up in rural Iowa, Johnny's rebellious nature and youthful antics are mirrored by Kirk, offering glimpses of the future captain's defiant spirit and daring attitude. This character serves as a reminder that even legendary figures like Kirk have humble origins, highlighting the potential for growth and development in anyone. Although a minor character, Johnny's role in shaping Kirk's formative years adds depth to the franchise's beloved protagonist.

Kelvin Doctor

The Kelvin Doctor, portrayed by Sonita Henry in Star Trek (2009), is a fantastic character who proves that even small roles can have a significant impact. As the chief medical officer aboard the USS Kelvin, her character represents the compassionate and capable nature of Starfleet medical officers, despite the chaos unfolding around them. Henry's powerful portrayal of the Kelvin Doctor in the opening scenes provides the audience with an incredibly intense and emotional introduction to the rebooted Star Trek universe. This incredible performance cements the Kelvin Doctor as a standout character among the pantheon of Star Trek greats.  

The Iowa Cop in Star Trek (2009) represents authority and law on Earth, contrasting with the interstellar focus of most characters in the series. Encountering a young James T. Kirk during one of his more reckless moments, the interaction between the two showcases Kirk's defiance and struggle to find his path in life before joining Starfleet. The Iowa Cop's presence emphasizes the importance of choices and consequences in shaping one's future, a theme that resonates throughout the Star Trek universe. Though a minor character, his brief appearance reminds audiences that even Earth-bound concerns play a role in the larger narrative of the series.

Med Evac Pilot

In Star Trek (2009) , the Med Evac Pilot's role is small but significant, as he helps transport an injured George Samuel Kirk, Sr. to safety. Despite the chaos and uncertainty of their circumstances, the pilot demonstrates courage and professionalism under pressure. His actions contribute to the foundations of the Kirk family saga and the heroics that would define James T. Kirk's life. In the grand tapestry of the Star Trek universe, characters like the Med Evac Pilot emphasize the importance of teamwork and bravery in the face of adversity.

Lew the Bartender

Lew the Bartender, played by the late Jeremy Roberts in Star Trek: Voyager, is a unique addition to the long list of memorable Star Trek personalities. Providing a human touch within the heart of the Delta Quadrant, Lew's character exemplifies the idea that despite being lightyears away from home, some things remain constant - like a friendly face tending the bar. The engaging storytelling nature of his character manages to create a profound connection between the crew and the audience. Through Lew the Bartender's warm demeanor and quick wit, Roberts brings a sense of warmth and familiarity to the otherwise unpredictable and often hostile environment of the Delta Quadrant.  

Kelvin Helmsman

Kelvin Helmsman, portrayed by Greg Ellis in Star Trek (2009), is an exceptional character you can't help but appreciate. As the helmsman aboard the USS Kelvin, his character showcases a combination of unwavering loyalty and dedication to duty, even in the face of imminent danger. In what could have been a minor role, Ellis manages to imbue the character with a sense of purpose and skill that makes him stand out among the crew. Furthermore, the Kelvin Helmsman's actions under pressure leave an indelible mark on the audience, reinforcing his position as one of the best Star Trek characters of all time.  

Romulan Helmsman

The Romulan Helmsman serves as an integral member of Nero's crew in Star Trek (2009) , expertly navigating the villain's formidable ship through challenging situations. Although not a primary focus of the story, his contributions to Nero's destructive mission hint at the skills and cunning of the Romulan race. As a loyal supporter of his captain's cause, the Romulan Helmsman's role showcases the strength of the bond between comrades in the face of adversity. His presence offers yet another dimension to the complexity and depth of the Star Trek universe.

Burly Cadet #1

The burly cadet in Star Trek (2009) serves as a foil to the protagonist during an intense confrontation at the Starfleet Academy bar. This character's aggression and short temper contrast sharply with the poise and restraint demonstrated by Captain Pike as he intervenes in the situation. The burly cadet's presence highlights the diverse range of personalities that coexist within the Star Trek universe and the challenges faced by those attempting to navigate such a complex social landscape.

Kelvin Alien #2

As a crew member aboard the USS Kelvin in Star Trek (2009) , this unnamed alien character exemplifies the diverse range of species that come together under the banner of Starfleet. Although only a background character, their presence adds to the rich tapestry of cultures that intersect within the Star Trek universe, demonstrating the commitment to inclusion and cooperation that defines the Federation. This alien crew member serves as a reminder of the infinite possibilities and inherent unity of the franchise's vision of the future.

Long Face Bar Alien

Adding a touch of the bizarre and captivating to the bar scene in Star Trek (2009) , the Long Face Bar Alien is a visually striking creature whose presence underscores the sheer diversity of life within the franchise's universe. Though not a central character, its unique appearance and otherworldly demeanor hint at the boundless array of stories and experiences that exist beyond the immediate focus of the film. The Long Face Bar Alien serves as a testament to Star Trek's enduring ability to capture the imagination and transport audiences to a future filled with awe, wonder, and endless possibility.

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Published Sep 3, 2024

Remembering James Darren, 1936-2024 honors the late actor and his contributions to the Star Trek universe.

Black and white photo of James Darren performing on stage with a mic in hand

Getty Images is saddened to report the passing of James Darren, who played the charismatic lounge singer, Vic Fontaine, across seven episodes for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's last two seasons. He passed away on September 2, 2024, at the age of 88.

Born June 8, 1936, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as James William Ercolani, Darren knew early on he wanted a career in show business. His father would take him to local bars and nightclubs in Philly where he would get up on stage and sing a song or two.

Darren would go on to have a multifaceted career spanning film, television, and recording music. His teen heartthrob image landed him the breakout role as the leading man, the surfer/singer Moondoggie, in Gidget (1959) alongside Sandra Dee and Cliff Robertson. Following his crooner role in Gidget , which included the film's theme song, Darren would go on to record several pop hits for Colpix Records, garnering a gold record for his "Goodbye Cruel World." He would reprise the role in Gidget Goes Hawaiian (1961) and Gidget Goes to Rome (1963). Other noteworthy theatrical films during this time included All the Young Men (1960), Let No Man Write My Epitaph (1960), The Guns of Navarone (1961), and Diamond Head (1962).

Vic Fontaine smiles and points a finger out in 'It's Only A Paper Moon'

"It's Only A Paper Moon"

Darren would soon pivot to the small screen, starring as the leading actor in the sci-fi, time-traveling series The Time Tunnel . He would continue to book guest star roles in a number of popular series such as S.W.A.T. , Police Woman , Charlie's Angeles , Police Story , Hawaii Five-O , The Love Boat , Fantasy Island , and Melrose Place , while he pursued his love of live musical performances. Darren would then try a hand at directing television episodes for series such as The A-Team , Walker, Texas Ranger , Silk Stalkings , Beverly Hills, 90210 , Savannah , and Melrose Place .

Darren would secure a regular role on the police drama T.J. Hooker , from 1983 to 1986, playing the role as Officer James Corrigan, alongside William Shatner, who shared a tribute on X (formerly Twitter) , "What a wonderful man – so talented; so loving. I had the best time with him. The world is less because of his loss."

Fans of Star Trek knew Darren best as the fan-favorite Vic Fontaine, an entertainer who ran the popular holoprogram at Quark's, Vic's Last Vegas Lounge , in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . His warm, self-aware, and sophisticated programming made him a favorite among the crew of Deep Space 9, most notably providing Dr. Julian Bashir dating advice, and helping Nog cope with PTSD following his service in the Dominion War.

In a 2019 interview with , Darren expressed, "Vic Fontaine was like – what can I say? – it was a dream come true for me. It was one of the most enjoyable roles for me to have played."

On recording the series finale with the cast, he shared, "The finale was hard to do. The cast had been there forever, so it was hard for them, and it was hard for me, too, because my relationship with everyone had grown instantly. I loved that entire cast. When it was ending, it was so sad, sad for them and extremely sad for me, too. I’d sing that song ("The Way You Look Tonight") to Nana Visitor... and she'd start crying. And when she'd start crying, I'd start crying. It was tough getting through it."

Darren is survived by his wife Evy; sons Jim Moret, Christian Darren, and Tony Darren; five grandchildren, and one goddaughter.

The entire Star Trek family sends their condolences to Darren's family, friends, loved ones, and fans around the world.

Vic Fontaine - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's Most Famous Hologram

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Morre James Darren, ator de ‘Star Trek’ e diretor de ‘Barrados no Baile’, aos 88 anos

Informação foi confirmada pelo filho do artista, jim moret, que afirmou que o artista faleceu enquanto dormia no centro médico cedars-sinai, em los angeles, estados unidos.

  • Por Jovem Pan
  • 03/09/2024 11h15


O ator James Darren , conhecido pelo trabalho em Star Trek e a direção de “Barrados no Baile”, morreu aos 88 anos nesta segunda-feira (2). A informação foi confirmada pelo filho do artista, Jim Moret, que afirmou que Darren morreu enquanto dormia no Centro Médico Cedars-Sinai, em Los Angeles, Estados Unidos . O artista deu entrada no hospital para um procedimento de substituição da válvula da artéria aorta, disse Moret ao portal americano The Hollywood Reporter, mas “estava muito fraco para realizar a cirurgia”. “Eu sempre achei que ele iria superar […] Porque ele era muito ‘maneiro’. Ele sempre foi ‘maneiro'”, completou. Lembrado pela atuação em Star Trek: Deep Space Nine como Vic Fontaine, o ator iniciou sua carreira nas artes com o filme Rumble on the Docks, de 1956, ganhando destaque também por seu papel como o Dr. Tony Newman em Túnel do Tempo, série que durou de 1966 a 1967.


A carreira como diretor também foi recheada, tendo participado de séries como “Melrose Place” e “Barrados no Baile”. Como cantor, ele participou da trilha sonora de Gidget, filme de 1959 que também protagonizou. Darren, cujo nome verdadeiro é James William Ercolani, nasceu na Filadélfia, Pensilvânia, em 8 de junho de 1936, mas se mudou para Nova York para seguir a carreira de artista logo cedo. O ator foi casado com Gloria Terlitsky de 1955 até 1958, e com Evy Norlund, de 1960 até sua morte. Ele deixa a mulher, três filhos e vários netos.

Publicado por Luisa Cardoso *Com informações do Estadão Conteúdo

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'Luke, I'm your father': James Earl Jones, ator que deu voz a Darth Vader, morre aos 93 anos

Ícone da cultura pop, ator interpretou vilão da franquia 'star wars', foi mufasa em 'o rei leão' e marcou época com 'a grande esperança branca'.

09/09/2024 18h27 Atualizado 09/09/2024

James Earl Jones, a voz de Darth Vader e ator premiado

James Earl Jones já era um ator conhecido quando em 1997 deu voz a Darth Vader, o grande vilão da franquia Star Wars , e cinco anos depois disse a frase que o tornaria famoso no mundo inteiro: " Luke, I'm your father " - "Luke, eu sou seu pai", um dos maiores plot twists dos cinemas. O veterano, ganhador do Tony, Grammy, Emmy, Globo de Ouro e um Oscar honorário (EGOT), morreu aos 93, nesta segunda-feira (9), em sua casa em Nova York, nos Estados Unidos, e deixou um legado de personagens inesquecíveis.

Pioneiro entre os atores negros estadunidenses, Jones tinha um vozeirão, que fez com que se tornasse muito requisitado para dublagens - é dele o Mufasa de Rei Leão (1994), e seu conselho para Simba: "Lembre-se de quem você (" Remember who you are "), papel que repetiu no live-action de 2019. Mas bem antes de virar um ícone da cultura pop, ele já tinha trilhado um caminho sólido no cinema.

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Nascido no Mississipi, filho de um boxeador que abandou a família e uma empregada doméstica, Jones serviu na Guerra da Coreia, e queria ser médico - chegou a cursar a Universidade de Chicavo. Gago quando criança, ele contava que a poesia e a interpretação o ajudaram a estabilizar a voz e, em 1957, aos 26 anos, fez sua estreia na Broadway, onde interpretou diversas peças de Shakespeare . O ator ganhou seu primeiro Tony em 1968, por A Grande Esperança Branca , papel que repetiu no cinema em 1970.

A estreia no cinema tinha sido em 1964, com Dr. Strangelove , de Stanley Kubrick , seguido de produções como Rei Lear ( 1977), Jardins de Pedra (1987), Campo dos Sonhos (1989), Jogos Patrióticos (1992) e muitos outros. Ganhador de dois Emmy, 1991, de Melhor Ator em uma série dramática para Gabriel's Fire e Melhor Ator Coadjuvante em Minissérie ou Especial para Onda de Calor, ele teve um segundo Tony, por Fences, e levou um Grammy pela narração em audiolivro, de Great American Documents (1977) .

Na televisão foram mais de 70 papéis, inclusive em séries populares como Os Simpsons , The Big Bang Theory e Lei & Ordem , algumas vezes como ele mesmo - queridíssimo pelos fãs, era extremamente popular em convenções e autorizou, em 2019, que a tecnologia de IA usasse gravações antigas de sua voz para a nova série de filmes Star Wars . Jones dizia que o segredo da carreira era entender que nada do que um ator fazia era seu melhor ou pior momento, mas parte de uma jornada.

O ator foi casado com a atriz e cantora Julienne Marie e perdeu a segunda esposa, a atriz Cecilia Har t, com quem ficou por 34 anos, em 2016. Ele deixa um filho, Flynn Earl Jones.

James Earl Jones, a voz de Darth Vader e ator premiado — Foto: Getty Images

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JonBenét Ramsey Miniseries Fills Its Title Role — See Who Else Is Joining the Paramount+ Cast

Rebecca iannucci, managing editor.

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Paramount+’s JonBenét Ramsey miniseries has found its leading little lady.

Young actress Emily Mitchell — who has appeared in episodes of Ghosts and What We Do in the Shadows , and recent films including Priscilla — will fill the title role in JonBenét Ramsey , an upcoming limited series chronicling 6-year-old Ramsey’s tragic murder in 1996.

In addition to Mitchell as the young beauty queen, the project has also added Garrett Hedlund ( Tulsa King ) as seasoned detective Steve Thomas; Alison Pill ( Star Trek: Picard ) as Colorado police detective Linda Arndt; and Owen Teague ( The Stand ) as tabloid reporter Jeff Shapiro.

They join previously announced stars Melissa McCarthy and Clive Owen, who will play Ramsey’s parents, as well as Shea Whigham ( Gaslit ) and Will Patton ( Outer Range ), respectively playing District Attorney Alex Hunter and law enforcement official Lou Smith.

Production on the eight-episode miniseries is slated to begin soon in Calgary, Canada.

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Not really into murder corn, thank you.

Garrett Hedlund is still such a handsome guy and good actor, I can’t believe these tiny parts are all he does now. I guess I’ll take it.

Are they gonna invent a killer? Seems anti-climatic to have this series without a resolution… unless it’s mostly about how the parents were mistreated by the cops/press.

Judging by the synopsis that’s actually part of the article, that’s what it’s about, yes.

If they were hoping to evoke, “She’s so cute…I can’t believe they’re going to (fake) kill her!”, they win. :(


How does a child prepare for a role like this? It was such a disturbing case.

Bear in mind that for her it’s ancient history. It’s almost completely abstract.

Like the Menendez Brothers, do we really need a re-re-re-re-retelling of this story?

Ew to the miniseries in general. I hope Emily has a bright future though.

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Star Trek - Chronological order

Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Connor Trinneer, and Linda Park in Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)

1. Star Trek: Enterprise

Wilson Cruz, Robinne Fanfair, Doug Jones, Anthony Rapp, Blu del Barrio, Sonequa Martin-Green, David Ajala, and Mary Wiseman in Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

2. Star Trek: Discovery

Rebecca Romijn, Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, and Celia Rose Gooding in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022)

3. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Rebecca Romijn, H. Jon Benjamin, Doug Jones, Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, Rainn Wilson, Kenric Green, Rosa Salazar, and Mary Wiseman in Star Trek: Short Treks (2018)

4. Star Trek: Short Treks

Walter Koenig, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, and Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek (1966)

5. Star Trek

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, and DeForest Kelley in Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973)

6. Star Trek: The Animated Series

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, and Persis Khambatta in Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

7. Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Kirstie Alley, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, and Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

8. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, Merritt Butrick, and Robin Curtis in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)

9. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Walter Koenig, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, and Nichelle Nichols in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

10. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

11. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, and DeForest Kelley in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

12. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

13. Star Trek: The Next Generation

William Shatner and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: Generations (1994)

14. Star Trek: Generations

Alice Krige, Brent Spiner, and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

15. Star Trek: First Contact

F. Murray Abraham in Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

16. Star Trek: Insurrection

Brent Spiner, Patrick Stewart, and Tom Hardy in Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)

17. Star Trek: Nemesis

Michael Dorn, Terry Farrell, Colm Meaney, Nana Visitor, Avery Brooks, Armin Shimerman, Rene Auberjonois, and Alexander Siddig in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)

18. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Robert Beltran, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan, Roxann Dawson, Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, and Garrett Wang in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

19. Star Trek: Voyager

Jerry O'Connell, Dawnn Lewis, Jack McBrayer, Eugene Cordero, Noël Wells, Jack Quaid, Gabrielle Ruiz, and Tawny Newsome in Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020)

20. Star Trek: Lower Decks

Star Trek: Prodigy (2021)

21. Star Trek: Prodigy

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Patrick Stewart, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Todd Stashwick, and Ed Speleers in Star Trek: Picard (2020)

22. Star Trek: Picard

23. star trek: discovery.

Star Trek (2009)

24. Star Trek

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

25. Star Trek Into Darkness

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