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The Palace of Parliament

"people's house".

One of the most interesting to visit tourist objectives in Bucharest is the Palace of Parliament . No matter how many other palaces have you visited in your lifetime, this grand edifice will impress you with its size and its architectural style. Did we say „architectural style”? In fact, most architects blame this palace for not having one but more architectural styles. Also called the People's House , during Ceausescu’s regime, this building is, in fact, a symbol of the old communist times, an extravagance if you want to put it that way. Thanks to its solid wood furniture, crystal chandeliers, impressive dimensions, huge marble columns and other carefully chosen interior design elements for each room, this palace is one of Bucharest's most visited tourist objectives.

Nowadays, the Palace of Parliament is the scene of interesting new media events, such as iMapp Bucharest . 

The Beginnings

Shortly after the earthquake in 1977, the Romanian communist leader of the time, Nicolae Ceauşescu, initiated the plan to build a new political-administrative center in Bucharest, in the area of the Uranus hill, the higher part of the Dâmboviţa hill, area which was confirmed by specialists as being safe for the construction of monumental buildings. This plan started as a consequence of the urbanization campaign and it was influenced by the friendship with the North Korean leader at that time, Kim Ir Sen.

Starting in 1980, 5% of the Bucharest area was demolished. An area almost equivalent to the total surface of Venice. This was the end of Uranus neighborhood, the end of those small streets paved with cubic stone, with old and quaint Romanian houses with bohemian glamour, many of which brought to light by architects from that time. 20 churches were destroyed, 8 were moved, 10,000 homes were demolished, and over 57,000 families were evicted. Brâncovenesc Hospital which was the first forensic medicine institute in the world was demolished, also.

But this was only the beginning: People's House, the current Palace of Parliament, took almost 10 years of hard work that brought together over 100,000 workers, more than 20,000 persons working 24 hours three shifts per day. Between 1984 and 1990, 12,000 soldiers took part in the construction works, as well.

The building was erected with construction materials produced in Romania, amongst which: 1,000,000 cubic meters of marble, 550,000 tons of cement, 700,000 tons of steel, 2,000,000 tons of sand, 1,000 tons of basalt, 900,000 cubic meters of rich wood, 3,500 tons of crystal, 200,000 cubic meters of glass, 2,800 chandeliers, 220,000 sqm carpets, 3,500 sqm leather.

Interesting is the fact that, for the construction of the Palace of Parliament, all the foam models were made on a scale of 1/1000 presenting the entire Bucharest city, including the streets, plazas, buildings, houses and monuments, also with certain details. Some parts of the building, like stairs, for example, were made on a scale of 1/1! The Ceaușescu couple could not understand the architectural plans and this was the handiest plan for architects to show their plans. The couple was walking over the models on a rolling bridge, giving instructions. Every 7 days, the plans changed according to the new instructions given by the ruling couple.

In 1989, when the Revolution started, only 60% of the building was finalized. At that moment, giving the resentfulness of the population against the symbols of the past era, the demolition of the building was taking into account. Yet, following the economic considerations, it was decided to complete the construction as it was cheaper than demolishing it. Thus, between the years 1992 and 1996, the construction started again.

Now, when you are looking at this massive construction, you can see:

  • the largest administrative building (for civil use), as confirmed by the Guinness World Records Book
  • the 3rd place worldwide by its volume
  • the heaviest and the most expensive building in the world

Sounds great, right?

So, let's have a look inside...

Inside the Building

We recommend you to quickly make a reservation for a tour. Worth a visit because what you will see here you will not see anywhere in the world!

Palace of Parliament Map Plan

Before presenting you a short description of each area that you are going to visit, let's show you the plan of the building. You will find this symbol inlaid in marble on the floor almost everywhere. Most people think it's just an intricate paint on the floor, but now you know it's not only that!

bucharest palace tour

Palace of Parliament Official Entrance

With approximately 1000 rooms of which 440 are offices, more than 30 ballrooms, 4 restaurants, 3 libraries, 2 underground parking lots, 1 big concert room, 1 unfinished pool, and thousands of square meters in which no one knows what is happening, the Palace of Parliament offers you contradictory feelings every time you step on its doorstep.

bucharest palace tour

This is the official entrance. Often used as an official entrance when fairs, exhibitions or other events take place here, the entrance fascinates with the red carpet, the huge chandelier, and, especially, with the stairs you will see: one on the left and one on the right. Built-in a mirror, the two stairs were created especially so that the Ceaușescu couple could use them when they were to receive their guests. One would descend on one side, the other on the other, and meet in the middle. The steps are 13 cm high, less than the usual dimensions and this was also done on purpose. Thus, you could descend naturally, without looking at your feet and without taking bigger steps to climb them. Remember what we have told you about foam models of stairs that were made on a scale of 1/1? These are the stairs we are talking about! In front of each staircase, there is a window covered with curtains. These curtains hold the record for the tallest curtains in the world in an administrative building. Their weight exceeds 250 kg each!

bucharest palace tour

Nicolae Titulescu Hall

This Hall is currently used by the President of the Chamber of Deputies and President of the Senate during the official meetings. The French style was chosen to decorate this room. The color used for this camera was not randomly chosen. Pink is a neutral color and is not used by any political party. So, apart from the fact that it inspires calm, no one can accuse anyone of being subtly influenced in decision-making.

bucharest palace tour

Human Rights Hall

This hall is one of the most impressive that you are going to see. It was projected in order to hold the meetings of the Executive Political Committee of the Communist Party. You will see here a huge round table, 60 identical chairs for the Executive Political Committee members (the armchair for Nicolae Ceaușescu was never finished), and the second-largest chandelier in the Palace of Parliament.

bucharest palace tour

Take Ionescu Hall

This Hall does not have natural light, but the 12 chandeliers and the over 20 sconces manage to illuminate the room, highlighting the beauty of the columns that support it. Pay attention to the ornaments on the ceiling. They are covered with gold leaf. You will notice that the acoustics in this room are special and even the whispers are echoed. In this room, Ceausescu was to be received on the occasion of various events. At his entrance, everyone had to applaud enthusiastically. The echo would have made the applause louder, the effect becoming one with great impact.

bucharest palace tour

This is the largest hall in the building. It has 2200 sqm. The carpet you will see in this room (most of the time it is rolled because it is a room where many events take place) has 1100 sqm and weighs 3 tons. It was woven directly inside the room, being too big to be transported. On two of the walls of the room, on the left and your right, you will see the place where the portrait of Nicolae Ceaușescu should have been on one side and a huge mirror in which it should be reflected on the other side.

bucharest palace tour

Alexandru Ioan Cuza Hall

At the end of your visit, you will see the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Hall. This hall is impressive due to its' highs (it is the highest in the Palace of Parliament), but also due to its balcony. From here you can see Unirii Boulevard. The only person who addressed the crowd speaking from this balcony was Michael Jackson in 1992. He addressed to his fans "Hello, Budapest!" instead of "Hello, Bucharest!", but he wasn't the first or the last personality to confuse the two capitals.

bucharest palace tour

Would you like to learn more about the curiosities that make the Palace of Parliament one of the most impressive buildings in the world?

Opening hours & ticket price

  • March - October, daily 09:00 am - 5:00 pm  (last round at 4:30 pm )
  • November - February , daily 10:00 am  - 4:00 pm (last round at 3:30 pm )

Ticket prices:

Standard tour.

  • Adults: 40 lei / person ~ 8 euro
  • Students: 20 lei/person (19 - 26 years old, with student card approved) ~ 4 euro
  • Children: 10 lei / person (7-18 years) ~ 2 euro

Standard tour + basement (2 stairs descent)

  • Adults: 45 lei / person ~ 10 euro
  • Students: 23 lei/person (19 - 26 years old, with student card) ~ 5 euro
  • Children: 15 lei / person (7-18 years) ~ 3 euro

Tour Panorama of the city - Terrace (elevator access)

Maximum 6 people / group

  • Single rate: 600 lei / tour ~ 125 euro

Standard Tour Package 35

  • Single rate: 1400 lei / tour ~ 290 euro

Standard tour package + Basement 35

Single rate: 1575 lei / tour ~ 330 euro

Free admission for:

  • children aged 0-6 years , accompanied; persons with disabilities (with evidence) and their companion; accompanying guide (for organized groups, minimum 10 adults).
  • Professional photo shooting: 300 EURO/hour
  • Professional film shooting: 5000 EURO/hour
  • For professional photography and shooting, please send your request to [email protected] or to the fax number: + 40 21 312 09 02.

The tickets for the visit of the Parliament Palace are purchased on the day of the visit, only from the ticket office inside the Exhibition Hall "Constantin Brâncuși", Izvor Street, no. 2-4 . Payment can be made in cash or by bank card.

For reservation:

  • Bookings for 1 to 9 people can be made only by phone, 24 hours prior to the visit, between 09:00 – 16:00, at the following telephone numbers: + 40 733 558 102 or +40 733 558 103
  • Bookings for groups of 10 people + can be made at the following email address: [email protected]
  • Requests for bookings made via email for 1 to 9 people will not be taken into consideration
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bucharest palace tour

How to Visit the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest

bucharest palace tour

Bucharest’s Palace of the Parliament, formerly known as “The House of the People” (“casa poporului”), is one of Romania’s most iconic landmarks. The socialist-era building is the second-largest government building in the world and will likely be at the top of your to-do list if you’re planning a trip to Bucharest.

The Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest welcomes tourists all throughout the year, seven days-a-week. To visit, you’ll need to schedule your tour in advance, bring proper identification, and carry adequate cash to pay for your tour.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through planning your tour to this socialist relic and give you a glimpse of what you can expect from each tour package. I’ll also provide information that doesn’t appear on the building’s official tour site, like how to find the entrance (seriously, how did they leave this out).

Hours of Operation

Impressively, the Palace of the Parliament is open seven days-a-week year-round, though it is closed for government holidays. This site provides a list of government holidays in Romania.

It is important to note that the Palace of the Parliament is a functioning parliament building, so you cannot simply wander around on your own. As a tourist, you are only permitted in the building if you are taking part in an official, scheduled tour.

The building’s operational hours vary according to the time of year:

  • March-October: Open daily from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
  • November-February: Open daily from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

The last tour of the day begins thirty minutes before closing time, so keep this in mind when scheduling your visit.

Additionally, visitors are required to be at the information desk at least 15 minutes before their scheduled tour begins, otherwise the tour may be canceled without notice. Plan your trip so that you will have plenty of time to get to the building and find the information desk.

Tickets and Packages

Standard tour.

Adults:       40 lei ($10 USD)/person

Students:   20 lei ($5 USD)/person (19 – 26 years old, with a valid student ID)

Children:    10 lei ($2.50 USD)/person (7 – 18 years old)

Standard + Underground Tour (access 2 floors on stairs)

Adults:       45 lei ($11 USD)/person

Students:   23 lei ($6 USD)/person (19 – 26 years old, with a valid student ID)

Children:    15 lei ($4 USD)/person (7 – 18 years old)

Panoramic Tour – Terrace (lift access)

Maximum 6 people/group

Admission price: 600 lei ($150 USD)/tour

Scheduling your Visit

One cannot visit the world’s largest monument to Socialism without encountering some form of post-socialist bureaucracy.

Anyone who has visited Rome, where the Colosseum or Vatican can be visited on a whim, will be surprised by the amount of fussing it takes just to visit a landmark in this part of the world.

Before you can tour the Palace of the Parliament, you must schedule your tour, by phone, with a live operator, at least 24 hours beforehand. For most of you, this means you will have to make an international call in order to schedule your visit.

If your telephone provider does not allow international calls to Europe or if they charge an arm and a leg, then I recommend using Skype to place the call. I’ve used Skype many times in the past to make calls to landlines and cellphone numbers in Europe without any hassle. Simply create a Skype account, add $10 of credit, and place your call. It couldn’t be simpler, really.

You must schedule your tour by dialing either of these lines during operational hours:

  • + 40 733 558 102

Luckily, the tour staff speaks English so you should be able to communicate easily when you call in. The scheduler should let you know if they have availability on the date you are requesting and what type of tours are being offered that day.

Finding the Entrance

Finding the entrance to the Palace of the Parliament can be quite daunting. The grounds are completely walled off except for a few designated places. Complicating matters further, the grounds are bordered by busy boulevards with few crosswalks.

The entrance you must use to arrive at the information desk is located on the north side of the palace, across from Izvor Park (Parcul Izvor). If you are traveling via metro, you’ll want to exit at Izvor station, located in Izvor park. From the station, you’ll have to walk through the park and toward the Palace.

Using the designated crosswalk, traverse Izvor Boulevard and enter the palace grounds where the car approach and security booth are located. Walk up the long sidewalk toward the building’s facade and enter through the doors at the center of the building.

Once inside, you will have to undergo a brief bag check and metal detector screening. Be careful not to bring anything sketchy (knives, lighters, fireworks, etc.). You will also be asked to present a recognized form of identification.

You must bring your valid passport in order to enter the Palace of the Parliament and participate in a tour.

Is It Worth It?

At a price point of just $10, it would be hard to argue against visiting the Palace of the Parliament.

The sheer scale of the Palace speaks to the grandiose vision of Romania’s brutal dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, who demolished entire historic neighborhoods to make space for his grand tribute to socialism, the House of the People.

Walking through the building’s unused chambers and empty halls inspire visions of a different Romania, one far removed from the bustling shopping malls and commercial centers that now dot the cityscape. A visit to this monument allows for moments of reflection, fascination, and learning from the past.

Happy exploring.

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Bucharest: Palace of Parliament Guided Tour

  • 8.20 / 10 74 reviews | 726 travellers We appreciated the availability of the person in charge of managing the receptions as well as his responsiveness to the difficulties we encountered in getting to the site. As for the guide, he was very good, very professional in his way of leading the visit. Attentive and caring. For both, maximum score. 8 Yannick Gallais
  • Free cancellation up to 48 hours before the service starts
  • X (Twitter)

Did you know that the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest is the largest administrative building in the world ? On this guided tour, we'll visit the most iconic and important parts of this architectural landmark – a real privilege!

Admire the various rooms

Palace of Parliament Guided Tour

At the indicated time, we'll meet at  Bulevardul Natiunile Unite 4 . From there, we'll walk towards the Palace of Parliament , an a rchitectural gem of Bucharest .

From the entrance to the foyer, we'll start the visit by walking through the Hall of Honour , decorated with several busts of Romanian kings . This image will give us an introduction to start immersing ourselves in the historical importance of the building.

We'll continue the tour in one of the most prominent halls of the Parliament, the Balcescu Room , which is currently used for international conferences . Then, we'll reach the  Kogalniceanu Room  and the Music Hall , where renowned musicians from all over the world have performed.

Afterwards, we'll see the famous Pink Room , also called the Nicolae Titulescu Hall , used for meetings between public officials. You'll see that it actually is all pink, it's like a fairytale palace !

Our penultimate stop will be at the Ballroom of the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest , the largest in Europe. Did you know that it's the size of 4 football fields?

We'll finish the guided tour on the balcony , with magnificent panoramic views of Piața Constituției . Finally, on the way to the exit we'll walk through corridors housing paintings by Romanian artists .

After an hour-long tour inside the building, we'll say our goodbyes and put an end to the tour. See you next time!

More Information

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English.

English–speaking guide

Admission to the Palace of Parliament

Not included

Food and drinks

When to book?

You can book up until 4 hours before the activity as long as there are still places. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


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  • No printing of documentation required.
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Not permitted.

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Q - How to book?

A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

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Meeting point.

Bulevardul Natiunile Unite 4

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bucharest palace tour

Place of the parliament

Palace of parliament tour in bucharest.

bucharest palace tour

The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest is a must-see landmark and renowned worldwide. It is the second-largest administrative building in the world.

Spanning 365,000 square meters, this magnificent building was constructed during Romania's communist era under the rule of Nicolae Ceaușescu. Visiting the Palace of Parliament offers a profound opportunity to delve into Romania's rich history.

Tour Highlights

Bucharest Parliament Tickets and Guide

Explore the stunning Palace of Parliament with a knowledgeable guide. Marvel at the grand halls, opulent rooms, and the Chamber of Deputies. Learn about its history and significance. This guided tour provides exclusive access to some of the most impressive parts of the building.

Bucharest: Communism and History Guided City Walking Tour

Dive deep into Bucharest’s communist history. This tour covers key sites linked to the communist party and Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu. Visit the former headquarters of the communist party, Revolution Square, and other significant landmarks. This tour gives a detailed insight into Romania's turbulent past.

Bucharest: The Underdog of Europe Evening Sightseeing Tour

Discover Bucharest's charm by night. This evening tour showcases the city's sparkling landmarks. See the Palace of Parliament, the National Museum of Contemporary Art, and the vibrant old town. Perfect for capturing stunning nighttime photos.

Bucharest Communism: From Lenin to Ceaușescu

Understand the influence of communism in Romania. This tour traces the journey from Lenin to Nicolae Ceaușescu. Visit key locations and hear stories about the communist era.

Day Trip: Snagov Monastery and Mogosoaia Palace

Escape the city with a short day trip. Visit the serene Snagov Monastery, rumored to be Vlad the Impaler’s final resting place. Explore the beautiful Mogosoaia Palace, a masterpiece of Romanian architecture.

Bucharest City Bike Tour

Cycle through Bucharest’s streets. This guided bike tour covers major attractions like the Palace of Parliament, Cismigiu Gardens, and Victory Avenue. A fun and active way to see the city.

Relax in the nearby Izvor Park, a peaceful green space perfect for unwinding. Enjoy a picnic on the grassy areas or take a leisurely walk along the tree-lined paths. The park offers a great escape from the bustling city.

Old Town Bucharest Parliament Tour

Visit the historic Old Town, a vibrant area full of charm and history. Enjoy local shops, cafes, and restaurants offering delicious Romanian cuisine. Marvel at the beautiful old buildings and churches, each with its unique story and architecture.

National Museum of Contemporary Art

Located inside the Palace of Parliament, the National Museum of Contemporary Art showcases modern art from Romanian and international artists. Wander through its galleries and discover a diverse range of artworks. It's a great spot for art lovers and curious minds alike.

Visit Carol Park, a picturesque green space just a short distance from the Palace of Parliament. The park is perfect for a relaxing afternoon stroll. Don’t miss the impressive mausoleum, which is a significant historical monument. It offers a great view of the city.

Cismigiu Gardens

Take a walk in Cismigiu Gardens, the oldest and one of the most beautiful parks in Bucharest. Rent a boat and paddle on the serene lake, surrounded by lush greenery. It's a wonderful place to enjoy nature and escape the city hustle for a while.

Visitor Highlights

A Unique Historical Journey

Visitors will delve into the rich history of Romania. The guided tour of the Palace of Parliament offers insights into the legacy of Nicolae Ceaușescu.

You'll learn about the construction of the heaviest building in the world. Know about its role as the second-largest administrative building. The tour is educational and intriguing.

Beautiful Architecture

The palace itself is a wonder of architecture. Spanning an area of 365,000 square meters, it's a testament to grandiose design. See lavish interiors, grand staircases, and the impressive Chamber of Deputies. The building's sheer scale and opulence make it a highlight of any visit to Bucharest.

Cultural Insights

Explore the cultural side of Bucharest at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, housed within the palace. The museum showcases modern Romanian art and offers a contrast to the historical grandeur of the palace.

Memorable Experiences

The various tours available provide memorable experiences. From the evening sightseeing tour to the in-depth communism history tours, each offers unique perspectives on Bucharest. Visitors can also enjoy a peaceful day trip to Snagov Monastery and Mogosoaia Palace, adding variety to their journey.

Convenient and Accessible

With options for guided tours and independent exploration, the Palace of Parliament is accessible to all types of travelers. Whether you book a tour that starts within 24 hours or plan a day trip outside the city, the experience is flexible and convenient.

Stunning Panoramic Views

Experience breathtaking panoramic views from the upper floors of the Palace of Parliament. From this vantage point, you can see the sprawling city of Bucharest, its parks, and significant landmarks.

Impressive Art Collection

Inside the Palace of Parliament, you'll find an impressive art collection. This includes intricate tapestries, exquisite sculptures, and grand murals that depict Romania's history and culture. Each piece adds to the palace's opulent atmosphere.

Educational Exhibitions

The palace holds many educational exhibitions throughout the year. These displays cover a wide range of themes. Visitors will know Bucharest from the nearest and understand its history.

Special Events and Conferences

The Palace of Parliament frequently hosts special events and international conferences. Grab a unique opportunity to experience the palace's glory in a dynamic setting. Check the schedule to see if any events coincide with your visit.

Architecture Tours

Take a specialized tour to learn about the design and construction of the palace. Know the technical aspects of the building including materials used and the engineering marvels.

Green Energy Initiatives

Learn about the palace's green energy initiatives. These initiatives aim to reduce its environmental impact. Discover how modern technology integrates into this historic building to make it more sustainable and eco-friendly.

Interactive Displays

Engage with interactive displays and presentations that bring the history of the palace to life. These installations make learning fun and accessible, especially for younger visitors.

Luxurious Interiors

Marvel at the luxurious interiors, including richly decorated rooms and halls. The palace features intricate woodwork, plush carpets, and elaborate chandeliers that showcase Romanian craftsmanship at its finest.

Travel Tips

Book in Advance : Reserve your tour online to secure a spot, as tours can fill up quickly.

Bring ID : You need a valid photo ID (passport or national ID) for entry.

Wear Comfortable Shoes : The tour involves a lot of walking, so comfortable shoes are a must.

Arrive Early : Arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled tour time for security checks.

Dress properly : Wear respectful clothing; no shorts or sleeveless tops.

No Large Bags : Do not bring large bags or backpacks.

Photography : Check the rules for photography. Some areas may restrict camera use.

Guided Tours : Opt for a guided tour to learn more about the history and architecture.

Language Options : Check tour availability in your preferred language.

Check Hours : Verify the opening hours and tour schedule, especially on holidays.

Explore Nearby : Plan time to visit nearby attractions like Cismigiu Gardens.

Stay Hydrated : Bring water, especially in summer, as the tour can be lengthy.

Know Before You Go

What to Bring

Valid ID or Passport : Necessary for identification and bookings.

Comfortable Sportswear : Wear breathable, flexible clothing for comfort during activities.

Sturdy Hiking Shoes or Sandals : Essential for walking on various terrains.

Sunscreen and Sunglasses : Protect your skin and eyes from the sun's rays.

Hat or Cap : Provides extra sun protection.

Reusable Water Bottle : Stay hydrated without creating plastic waste.

Light Snacks or Energy Bars : Keep your energy up with portable snacks.

Small First Aid Kit : Handy for minor injuries or ailments.

Waterproof Bag or Cover : Protect your belongings from rain or splashes.

Camera or Smartphone : Capture memories and scenic views.

What not to Bring

Heavy or Bulky Items : Pack light to stay mobile and comfortable.

Excessive Cash or Valuables : Minimize risk by carrying only what you need.

Jewelry or Expensive Accessories : Leave these at home to avoid loss or damage.

Non-Essential Electronics : Keep gadgets to a minimum.

Glass Bottles : Opt for safer, non-breakable containers.

Overloaded Backpacks : Pack only essentials to avoid strain.

Unnecessary Documents : Keep your load light by leaving non-essential papers at home.

Getting There

Pick-up service from the hotel:

There are a lot of places in Bucharest that can pick you up for trips. Talk to your hotel ahead of time to make this happen. Most of the time, the transfer service includes getting to and from the Palace of Parliament.

How to Get to Meeting Places :

By Metro : Izvor (M1 line) is the metro stop closest to the Palace of Parliament. It's only a short walk from there.

By Bus : Several bus lines stop close to the Palace. Take bus 136, 385, or 136; they all stop close.

By Taxi : There are a lot of taxis in Bucharest. To get to the Palace, use a reliable company or an app that lets you share a ride.

For Independent Travelers

The Palace of Parliament is easy to get to on foot if you are staying in the city center. From Unirii Square, it takes about 20 minutes to walk there.

Public Transportation: The public transportation system in Bucharest is cheap and works well. The metro and bus lines are properly connected.

Biking: To get around the city, you might want to rent a bike. There are places to rent bikes and bike lanes on some streets.

Car Rentals: If you want to be free, you could rent a car. Just make sure there are parking spots close to the Palace.

Places Nearby : After your walk, you can go to interesting places nearby, like the Romanian National Museum of Art. You can easily get to the old Lipscani area on foot or by public transportation.

To make sure your trip goes smoothly, make sure you check the most up-to-date routes and plans before you go.

bucharest palace tour

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Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest

Small group

Discover the best of Bucharest on a Half-Day guided tour starting from your hotel. Explore the iconic Parliament Palace, the world’s second-largest administrative building, and visit the charming Village Museum, showcasing traditional houses from across Romania. Capture stunning photos as you pass landmarks like the Arch of Triumph and Revolution Square, where you’ll learn about the Romanian fight against communism. This tour offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and local charm, with stops at key squares and monuments of the city once called “The Little Paris”.

Small group (no more than 16 people) shared tour by car/minibus

€49 /adult,  €39 /child 7-11

Groups discounts

5% for 3 people, 8% for 4 or more people traveling together (call us for a discount code)

Additional benefits for our customers

  • 10% discount at best restaurants in Bucharest including famous locations as Hard Rock Cafe, Caru’ cu bere, Hanu’ lui Manuc, Pescarus
  • 20% discount at Museum of Senses
  • 25% discount and a free group photo at 3D Museum

Departure & Return Location

Pick-up & drop-off at your hotel (or any address in the city)

Departure Time

English (other languages available on request for an additional fee)

Price Includes

  • Transportation by A/C van/minibus
  • Certified English speaking tour guide
  • Hotel pick-up & drop-off
  • Entrance fees at the Palace of Parliament (60 lei per adult) and the Village Museum (20 lei per adult)

Cancellation policy

For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the activity starts

Tour Highlights - Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest, Romania

  • Small Group Tour: No more than 16 people for a more personal and intimate experience. A chance to discover Bucharest while making new friends.
  • Friendly, Experienced Guide: Feel welcome, relaxed, and able to enjoy the tour to its fullest. Ask your burning questions and learn from your knowledgeable guide.
  • Visit the Palace of Parliament, the second largest administrative building in the world after Pentagon
  • Discover Village Museum, learn about the Romanian countryside in the open air museum
  • Explore Revolution Square on foot and hear the story of the Romanian Anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.
  • Get a comprehensive introduction to the city of Bucharest from historical, architectural, and social perspectives.
  • Take breathtaking photos in front of the city's most interesting monuments

Know before you book - Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest, Romania

  • At least 2 people are required for this activity to take place
  • The Village Museum is closed on Mondays and it will be replaced by a short walking tour in the old town.
  • An original ID is mandatory to visit the Palace of Parliament. However, the visit is not guaranteed as the institution is sometimes closed for meetings and conferences.

Reviews for the Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest, Romania

Photos of the half-day city tour of bucharest, romania.

Tours in Bucharest Romania. Visit Romania

Itinerary of the Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest, Romania

The Half-Day Tour of Bucharest will start in the morning at your hotel.

Following a four-hour sightseeing itinerary, we will show you the most interesting attractions of Bucharest with an inside, guided visit to the Parliament Palace – the world’s second-largest administrative building after The Pentagon and The Village Museum – the charming open-air museum which reunites original houses that belonged to the Romanian peasants, being brought here from all the regions of the country: Transylvania, Valachia, Dobrogea, and Moldavia.

The village museum hosts many traditional fairs, where you can find traditional food and crafts. And for souvenirs, here is definitely the most inspiring place from where you can buy authentic and handmade for you and your beloved ones.

Learn the secrets of the city, on a rounded panoramic tour with breathtaking views of the most interesting monuments and iconic buildings in Bucharest, be ready to take pictures.

During this tour, apart from the visits to the Parliament Palace and the Village Museum, there are two major stops, one in the Revolution Square, the place where the Romanians fought against the communist regime, and one in the Constitution Square, where you will hear the story of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

The itinerary of the Half-Day Tour of Bucharest depends on your hotel’s location and it will include:

Free Press Square (Piata Presei Libere) – The Arch of Triumph (Arcul de Triumf) – Victoriei Square (Piata Victoriei) – Calea Victoriei – Revolution Square (Romanian Atheneum, Revolution’s Memorial) – The Palace of Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului) – Union Square (Piata Unirii) – University Square (Piata Universitatii) – Romana Square (Piata Romana) – Victoriei Square (Piata Victoriei) – Charles de Gaulle Square (Piata Charles de Gaulle) – The Village Museum (Muzeul Satului).

Map of the Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest, Romania

FAQ - Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest, Romania

What is the tipping policy.

Our guides do accept tips, and they are greatly appreciated. Tipping is left up to the individual, but as a general practice, 10% – 20% of the trip cost is the common gratuity in Romania.

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The Parliament Palace from Bucharest: Ceausescu’s Final Dream

Home » Attractions » History & Culture » Landmarks » The Parliament Palace from Bucharest: Ceausescu’s Final Dream

  • Attractions in Southern Romania
  • Southern Romania

bucharest palace tour

Diana Condrea

bucharest palace tour

Discover our Communist Bucharest Tour . 

The Parliament Palace from Bucharest is one of the most important communist-built monuments in the entire world. The gigantic and controversial concrete dream of one of the most dreaded communist dictators – Nicolae Ceausescu – the Parliament Palace is a World Record construction with over 1,000 rooms and a must-see for all those interested in the history of communism, the regime that changed the history of the world.

parliament palace from bucharest

The Palace of the Parliament

Ceausescu’s megalomaniac vision was based on destruction

Located on Arsenalului Hill, very close to the central Unirii Square, the Palace of the Parliament or the House of the People is one of the highlights of Ceausescu’s megalomaniac vision of how the capital was to transform if his dictatorship would have lasted. The capital was supposed to be an example of the new society Ceausescu wanted to build, the devastating earthquake from 1977 giving him the perfect excuse to systematize the city.

His plans involved destroying the Old Town as its presence was a vivid reminder of a historical time the regime wanted to erase from the collective memory. Overall, one-fourth of the historical center was destroyed and no doubt the process would have continued if the regime would have lasted beyond 1989.

parliament palace from bucharest

The first step in the remake of Bucharest was to build a monumental construction – the House of the People, known back then as the House of the Republic – even with the price of substantial shortages for the entire population. The construction works started in 1984, in a decade when Nicolae Ceausescu decided to pay all the country’s debt to the International Monetary Fund even if that meant rationalizing food, heating, electricity, and the penury of basic goods.

But the harsh daily life of most Romanians was not about to stop Ceausescu’s cult of personality from finding new ways of expression. The communist dictator was among many superlatives also ‘the first architect of the country’.

Massive relocations and demolished neighborhoods disfigured Bucharest

Tens of thousands of people were relocated and entire neighborhoods from Bucharest, including the stylish Uranus, were destroyed as well as hundreds of years old monuments to make room for the Parliament Palace and the new Civic Center. Among the demolished churches and monasteries were also the 18th-century Monastery of Vacaresti and the 17th-century Saint Spiridon Church.

Despite the political risks involved, eight churches were saved from a similar faith with the help of civil engineer Eugen Iordachescu. He designed and implemented a procedure through which the churches were moved even 300 meters away from their original place, hidden completely after the tall blocks of the communist Civic Center.

Mihai Voda Church

Mihai Voda Church

Making their presence as less visible as possible was the only chance of survival. Some of the churches were moved in only a couple of hours at -20 or -25 degrees. The heaviest part moved weighed 9,000 tonnes and was part of Antim Monastery.

World Records and key facts about the Parliament Palace

With its 365,000 square meters surface, the Palace of the Parliament is the second-largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon. The construction also has the third biggest volume (2,550,000 cubic meters) after the Rocket Assembly Building at Cape Canaveral in Florida and the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in Mexico.

parliament palace from bucharest

Interior detail, the Palace of the Parliament

The building is 86 meters tall above ground level and has a depth of 14 meters, it’s 270 meters long and 245 meters wide. The quantity of raw materials used is impressive: 1 million cubic meters of marble, 900,000 cubic meters of the finest woods, 700,000 tons of steel, 3,500 tons of crystal for 2,800 chandeliers, 100 kg of gold, 3,500 meters of leather, and 220,000 square meters of carpets. The results are spectacular as the decorations, no matter how big and elaborate, are hand-carved and personalized according to the theme and purpose of the room.

At least 700 architects worked on the construction site together with 20,000 workers. Work took place in three shifts, 24 hours, every day of the week, for seven years. The magnitude of the work effort was unparalleled, possible only in a communist country. All the materials, as well as the workforce, were brought only from Romania.

Palace of the Parliament

One of the thousands of chandeliers of the Parliament

Photo credits Antony Stanley

It is hard to estimate the total costs of the palace as the state was the sole owner of the resources used for the construction, and the communist regime was anything but transparent with its bills.

Famous urban legends

The Parliament Palace from Bucharest is the main protagonist of many urban myths, from the ghosts of the dead workers to the secret subway line that connected the building to the airport. If it’s certain that the construction site had its share of fatal work accidents, the existence of the subway line is hard to prove.

What’s almost sure is that two underground water channels were executed to allow Ceausescu to escape in case of a revolution. Two anti-nuclear shelters were also built in the underground. However, it’s not likely that this part of the Parliament Palace will be open for visits anytime soon.

The Parliament Palace today

Ceausescu didn’t live enough to see his final dream come true. The Parliament Palace from Bucharest was only 70% finished in December 1989 when he was rapidly executed after the uprising street protests that started the Revolution. In 1994, this oversized symbol of communism became the headquarters of a key democratic institution, the Parliament, in an ironical twist of history.

While in the early 90s some angry voices supported extreme actions like demolishing the monument because it was such a major symbol of communism, the former House of the Republic survived. It is today one of the top attractions in Bucharest and one of the key representations of a regime that completely changed Romania.

Book your visit and enjoy one of the best things to do in Bucharest .

Where to stay in Bucharest

If you prefer a central hotel, our recommendations are Hilton Garden Inn Bucharest , Mansion Boutique Hotel , Grand Boutique Hotel , Grand Hotel Continental,   Epoque Hotel , Cismigiu Hotel , all splendid buildings from the glory days of Bucharest.

Booking an apartment is also a popular and more budget-friendly option in Bucharest. While there are hundreds of choices, we can help narrow down your list to the best. Our suggestions are Vila Cotroceni Boutique Apartments , University Central by Orchid Garden , Bucharest Residence , Diana’s Flat Bucharest , Cismigiu Orchid Garden , Studio Old Town , Elysium .

If hostels are your thing, try Umbrella Hostel located in a 1920s building, Podstel Bucharest close to the beautiful Carol Park or First Hostel Bucharest .

Travel tips

You can visit the Parliament every day from 9 am to 4 pm.

Be sure to bring your passport or national ID with you for the security check.

It’s best to book your visit in advance. For more details, check  cic.cdep.ro

Visit also Ceausescu’s Mansion .


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Location: Izvor 2-4, Bucharest

Nearby attractions: the Old Town, Carol Park

Access: Subway station Izvor or bus line 385

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