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LAS LEÑAS – Salida el 01- 07 – 15 – 16 – 23 de Junio

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daimar tour dosep


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Somos un emprendimiento familiar que se inició en 2008 y que año tras año fue capacitándose, para brindar a los pasajeros la mejor experiencia. Hoy, después de 10 años de experiencia podemos decir que amamos este rubro y cada una de las personas que lo conforman.

Fue gracias al apoyo de todos los pasajeros que confiaron en nosotros que pudimos cumplir este sueño y por eso estamos infinitamente agradecidos con cada uno.

Hoy en día, nuestra misión es seguir consolidándonos como el equipo de trabajo que somos y que podemos comparar con una gran familia. 

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Agencia de Noticias San Luis


Miércoles, 21 diciembre de 2022 | 17:11, comenzó el operativo dosep turismo en la ediro, villa mercedes y merlo.

El trámite se realiza en la terminal de San Luis, de 9:00 a 13:00. En el interior de la provincia, en las delegaciones de Villa Mercedes y Merlo, en sus horarios habituales de atención, de 8:00 a 14:00.

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Este miércoles arrancó el operativo de DOSEP Turismo. En el primer día, unas 100 personas concurrieron a la EDIRO a realizar el trámite y de esta manera adquirir el paquete elegido, para disfrutar de las vacaciones.

El horario será de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 13:00, incluso los días 23 y 30 de diciembre . En el interior de la provincia, el trámite se hace en las delegaciones de Villa Mercedes y Merlo, donde hoy ya recibieron unas 50 solicitudes, de 8:00 a 14:00.

Los requisitos a presentar son los siguientes: DNI del titular y de los familiares que viajen, el presupuesto de la agencia y el último recibo de haberes. Es importante destacar que primero deben pasar por las agencias para elegir el paquete turístico que más les interese. Hay cinco empresas habilitadas. En la capital están: Daimar Tour, ubicada en Rivadavia 560; Lourdes Tour, en Junín 862; y Semardic Viajes, en Bolívar 935. En Merlo la agencia es Mystic Viajes, ubicada en Los Almendros 560; y en Villa Mercedes, Babel Viajes, en Lavalle 357.

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El programa de turismo social que lanza todos los años DOSEP es muy esperado, ya que los afiliados y afiliadas pueden viajar a los destinos turísticos más importante del país a un precio accesible y financiado por la obra social en diez cuotas sin interés que se descuentan del recibo de haberes. La gran mayoría elige viajar en familia.

En esta edición el principal destino elegido es la costa argentina: Mar del Plata y Villa Gesell lideran el podio. También el sur, como Las Grutas o Puerto Madryn; las Cataratas del Iguazú; y localidades de provincias vecinas, como Mina Clavero, La Falda, y Villa Carlos Paz, de Córdoba; o San Rafael, en Mendoza. Para turismo interno, hay opciones para viajar a Merlo.

Los precios para la costa, por ejemplo, oscilan entre $ 50.000 y $ 117.000 por persona dependiendo de las características del paquete (hotel, duración del viaje, régimen de comidas y fecha del viaje). Para los destinos de provincias vecinas, los paquetes rondan los $ 50.000.

Nota y fotos: Prensa DOSEP.

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Daimar Tour

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Afiliados de DOSEP tienen ocho destinos para elegir durante el 2022

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La operatoria de Turismo Social 2022 de la obra social DOSEP se puso en marcha el pasado 27 de diciembre, con paquetes en la provincia de San Luis, Córdoba y en la Costa Atlántica. De este modo sus afiliados y afiliadas podrán viajar, abonando los paquetes turísticos hasta en doce cuotas sin interés, que se descontarán de sus recibos de sueldo.

Hay tres empresas habilitadas para brindar los servicios, son:  Lourdes Tour, Daimar Tour y Semardic Viajes.

Para acceder a la operatoria, los interesados deberán dirigirse o comunicarse con cualquiera de las tres empresas y elegir el paquete deseado.

Con el presupuesto y código otorgado por la empresa, deberán concurrir a las delegaciones habilitadas por DOSEP, que son la de EDIRO en San Luis, la delegación de Villa Mercedes en el Hospital Viceintendenta Verónica Bailone y la de Merlo en la Terminal de Ómnibus. En los horarios de 9:00 a 13:00 horas.

Además del presupuesto y el código, el afiliado debe presentar como requisitos el DNI o CIPE del titular y de las personas que viajan, el último recibo de haberes del titular y de un garante (que debe acompañarlo a hacer el  trámite) y debe ser planta permanente o contratado, con antigüedad mayor a un año y que no acceda al beneficio de Turismo.

Previo al otorgamiento del voucher, DOSEP evaluará la situación de cada una de las solicitudes, de acuerdo al cumplimiento de los requisitos a fin de aprobar o rechazar el servicio de Turismo Social.


La cuota del viaje no puede superar el 20% de lo haberes, teniendo en cuenta además si tiene otros descuentos por planilla. Quedan excluidos de esta operatoria los afiliados que pertenecen a extraña jurisdicción, Plan de Inclusión, voluntarios y funcionarios.

A tener en cuenta:

Puestos de atención y emisión:

San Luis – EDIRO Terminal de Ómnibus (Delegación DOSEP).

Villa Mercedes – Hospital Viceintendenta Verónica Bailone (Delegación DOSEP) Merlo – Terminal De Ómnibus de Villa de Merlo (Delegación DOSEP.)

Horarios: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 13.00.

El servicio contratado se descontará en 12 cuotas sin interés, teniendo los afiliados la opción de realizar una entrega a fin de poder disminuir el valor de las mismas.

Los afiliados solicitantes titulares del servicio de Turismo Social NO podrán a su vez ser garantes de otros servicios de turismo de DOSEP.

Los afiliados que posean deuda de Turismo Social, deberán cancelar las cuotas adeudadas, previa autorización para acceder a un nuevo plan.

Los afiliados tendrán un plazo de siete días para presentar el desistimiento y/o renuncia del viaje desde la fecha de formulado el plan, caso contrario se considerará que el mismo se realizó y se completó de forma satisfactoria.

Las empresas autorizadas a ofrecer sus servicios a los afiliados de DOSEP son:

LOURDES TOUR : Junín 862 / Tel. 4420391 / 266 4447374

Mar del Plata.

Villa Gesell.

Villa Carlos Paz (Córdoba).

Merlo (San Luis).

DAIMAR TOUR: Rivadavia 560 / Tel. 266 5004612

Las Grutas.

La Falda (Córdoba).

Mina Clavero (Córdoba).

SEMARDIC VIAJES : Bolívar 935 / Tel. 266 4367920

San Clemente del Tuyú.

Fuente: agenciasanluis.com

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Moscow Vibes – Three Day City Escape

Duration 3 days

Price from USD $730 ? Currency Conversion Converted from USD based on the latest exchange rate. Final amount and payment will be in USD. Final conversion rate is determined by your bank.

Trip Style Sightseeing

Time of year All Year

Home / Moscow Tours / Moscow Vibes – Three Day City Escape

  • Dates & Prices

This short Moscow tour will give you a true taste of the history, culture and incomparable urban vibe that define one of the world’s largest metropolises. In just three days, this Moscow itinerary takes in all the most iconic sights of this attraction-packed destination. After two and half days getting acquainted with the city, we’ve set time aside for you to explore Moscow your way and discover your own favourite hang-outs in a city overflowing with hidden treasures

3-Day Moscow Tour Highlights:

  • Panoramic Tour of Moscow: See Moscow beyond the postcard images on a private excursion by car through the city streets including a drive along the banks of the Moskva River. Visit the famous Bolshoi Theatre, pass by Gorky Park and the Novodevichy Convent, and admire the city from on high at the Sparrow Hill observation platform.
  • Moscow Historical City Centre Guided Walking Tour : Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the world’s biggest metropolises and discover local haunts on foot, including the Red Square, the Kremlin and the multi-coloured domes of St Basil’s Cathedral.
  • Armory Chamber tour: Explore the endless treasures of this unique museum, displaying the wealth accumulated by Russian rulers from the 12th century until the October Revolution of 1917. Walking through the exhibition halls is a journey through the centuries.
  • Moscow Metro Tour : Go deep underground on a subway tour of the famous Moscow metro. The world’s deepest metro system is renowned for its palatial, art-adorned stations, complete with marble columns and chandeliers.

On your first day, you’ll be treated to a panoramic, drive-by tour of Moscow to get a feel for the immense scale of one of the world’s most rapidly developing urban centres. The city’s history unfolds in real-time as you pass lavish imperial mansions, solemn Soviet structures and luxurious modern shopping centres.

Day two kicks off exploring Moscow’s historic centre on foot, followed by a tour of the Kremlin, the seat of Russian power and political intrigue for centuries. Stand in the Red Square, surrounded by the stunning architecture as you hear stories of the people and events behind many of Moscow’s most iconic landmarks.

On your final day, we’ll head beneath the city for a tour of the Moscow Metro and its famously ornate underground stations. Art lovers should hit up one of Moscow’s many world-class galleries such as the Tretyakov State Gallery, the Pushkin Museum or Garage, Moscow’s cutting-edge contemporary art museum. History fans can follow a Soviet trail through the city including Stalin’s Bunker, while those seeking a more indulgent experience can browse trendy neighbourhoods like Kitay Gorod or shop for everything from fashion to kitsch souvenirs at the enchanting Izmaylovo Flea Market. Foodies can head to one of the countless speciality stores sampling vodka, caviar and chocolate.

If you only have a few days to spend in Moscow, this tour will ensure you make the most of your time in the city. Let the experts navigate you through this complex and occasionally overwhelming capital, giving you plenty of time to soak up the city’s most unmissable attractions.


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Type of tour

3 days / 2 nights

Private - Any Date

Russia Moscow Tour

Day 1 Panoramic city tour

Welcome to the glorious capital of Russia, Moscow! You’ll be met by your driver at the airport and taken to your centrally located hotel.

After check-in and rest, meet your private guide at the hotel lobby for a comprehensive tour of Moscow by car. Visit the starkly contrasting Theatre Square to see the stunning Bolshoi Theatre, pass Tverskaya Street, the city’s main boulevard and home to the landmark Yeleseyevskiy Grocery Store.

You’ll enjoy a panoramic drive along the Moskva River, where a huge, controversial state of Peter the Great was erected. Pass by the legendary Gorky Park and the White House before a stop at the architecturally stunning Novodevichy Convent, and the observation platform at Sparrow Hills, for a bird’s eye view over this staggering megalopolis.

Day 2 Red Square and Kremlin

After breakfast at the hotel, your guide will take you on a walking tour of the historical city centre. Stroll through the Red Square, the hub of cultural life in Moscow, with its elaborate ‘stone flower’ fountain and fantasy-like St Basil’s Cathedral – a postcard-perfect symbol of the nation. Admire the grandiose façade of GUM, the city’s most luxurious shopping centre, and visit Alexander’s Garden, with its eternal flame and the chance to watch a changing of the guards.

Break for lunch before continuing on a tour of the Kremlin and Armoury Chamber, famous of its collection of tsarist fashion, with regalia such as jewel-encrusted crowns, orbs and sceptres as well as arms and armour, exotic gifts from the leaders of faraway lands, and an illustrious case of Imperial Faberge eggs.

As an option* spend an evening on a sumptuous dinner cruise, taking in the stunning sights and city lights of this mesmerising metropolis by night.

Day 3 Metro and Arbat Street

Start a day with a tour of Metro, stopping on the way to marvel at some of the most elaborately decorated stations of the world-famous Moscow subway system. Take a stroll along Old Arbat street - the most famous street in Moscow. Through the centuries Arbat used to be one of the most bohemian places in Moscow. Today Arbat is a promenade full of small cozy cafes and street life.

The afternoon is free for you to either enjoy the rest of the day on your own or choose among optional excursions to explore more of Moscow. Visit the Tretyakov Gallery or Pushkin State Museum to admire Russian art. Join locals for a stroll at the Gorky or VDNH park.

Visit beautiful Kolomeskoye Estate or Izmailovo Kremlin, or spend a day exploring the beautiful city of the Golden Ring (Russian province) - Sergiev Posad. In the evening you will be transferred to the airport for your departure to your next destination.

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Group airport/train-station arrival and departure transfers

All transportation according to the itinerary with a private driver

4* hotel accommodation in the historical city center (twin/double)

Local licensed English-speaking guide

All activities, indicated in the itinerary, except optional

Entry fees according to the itinerary (skip-the-lines policy)

Russian visa support document

Travel insurance

Russian visa and visa fees. Russian visa can be arranged by 56th Parallel for an additional cost (for Australian citizens only). Apply for concierge visa service here .

Optional excursions/activities

*Private tour. Price is per person, based on min 2 people

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Why travel to Russia with 56th Parallel?

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Destination Specialists

Our team offers over 18 years of experience travelling and planning travel in Russia. Delivering outstanding travel experiences in Russia’s capitals and in some of the most stunning & remote locations takes experience, special access and the right connections. We make sure that all the fine details are handled perfectly so you can enjoy your Russia travel experience.

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Group & Private Tours

The choice to join a small group on a guaranteed departure or chose to travel on your own dates with your own mates. Each destination we travel to in Russia offers an option between private tours and small group tours. Please note: on our adventure tours in remote destinations, we mostly run group tours to keep the cost down.

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Bonded & Licensed

56th Parallel is a fully licensed, insured and accredited travel provider.

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From USD $730

Day 1: Panoramic city tour

Day 2: red square and kremlin, day 3: metro and arbat street, not included, start planning your tour.

A destination specialist will follow up on you enquiry shortly. Prefer to chat? Call us on +61 412 587 785 we will be delighted to be of service.

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If you have any urgent questions or enquiries, please give us a call +61 412 587 785

Put-in tours

Original tour agency in moscow and st petersburg..

Onboard a Soviet van!

Welcome to Russia!

We are Sergey and Simon, a Russian and a Frenchman, both  passionate about Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and classic cars. Together, we have created Put-in tours. Our goal is to help you experience Russian culture off the beaten path. Join us onboard our classic Soviet van and let’s get rolling!

In Moscow we offer you a city tour to discover most of the city in an original way as well as a night tour to admire the lights. Our pubcrawl is ideal to explore Moscow’s night-life and have fun. If you are craving to discover Russian culture, come impress your senses during our monastery diner or join our 100% Russian Banya Excursion . The latest will also bring you to Sergiyev Posad and it’s famous monastery!

For the most extreme travellers, our shooting tour will deliver your daily dose of adrenaline whereas our tank excursion will let you ride a real tank and shoot a bazooka.

We also offer help to receive your visa , safe and multilingual airport transfers , as well as organisation services for team-building events or bachelor parties .

All our excursions (but the monastery diner) happen onboard our Soviet military vans and can be covered by our  professionnal photographer or videographer.

In Saint Petersburg

We welcome you in Saint Petersburg onboard our Soviet van to discover the imperial city with our city tour and night tour .

Continue your discovery in style! The adrenaline lovers will like our shooting tour  which brings 3 Russian weapons to the tip of your trigger finger.

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© Copyright 2021 - Put-in tours Designed by SD Marketing & Design

At Put-in tours, we put you in our classic Soviet vans to go explore Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Russian culture off the beaten path. Discover our Moscow city guided tour, visit Moscow by night, join our banya & Sergiyev Posad excursion, visit and dine in one of Moscow's oldest monastery or even Luzhniki stadium, before you party on our famous pubcrawl! Original and atypical tours : Shoot AK47 and a bazooka after riding on a tank with our tank & bazooka excursion ! Extreme tours: Fly a fighter jet in Moscow onboard a L-29 or L-39 aircraft!

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Moscow Tours

Our 20 Best Moscow Tours of 2022

Join us on an unforgettable tour to Moscow, the capital of Russia. Imagine visiting Red Square, St. Basil’s the Kremlin and more. Moscow is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities and one of Russia’s most historical. All of our tours to Moscow are fully customizable and can be adjusted to fit any budget. Our most popular tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Moscow tours using the form at the side of the page. You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

Moscow Kremlin, photo by Walkerssk on Pixabay

Classic Moscow

This is our most popular Moscow tour that includes all the most prominent sights. You will become acquainted with ancient Russia in the Kremlin, admire Russian art in the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to street musicians as you stroll along the Old Arbat street, and learn about Soviet times on the Moscow Metro tour.



St. Basiils Cathedral, Moscow, Photo by vierro from Pexels

A Week in Moscow

This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing.

Photo by Andrey Omelyanchuk on Unsplash

Weekend in Moscow

This tour is a great way to get acquainted with the capital of Russia if you are short of time. You will see all the main attractions of the city, the most important of which is the Kremlin - the heart of Russia. The tour starts on Friday and can be combined with a business trip.

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Group Tour Moscow Break by Intourist

Russia's capital has so much to offer, from the Kremlin and the Metro to the Old Arbat street and the Tretyakov Gallery. Besides these sites, you will also visit a fascinating country estate which today is quite off the beaten path, Gorky Estate, where the Soviet leader Lenin spent the last months of his life.

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Tours by car

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Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Armory Tour

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Walking tours

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Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals, Armory, Diamond Fund Tour

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Old Arbat walking tour

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Tour to Sergiev Posad with transport

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Tour to Kuskovo with transport

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Tour to Tsaritsyno with transport

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Moscow Metro and Old Arbat Tour

The Moscow Metro is one of the largest and most grandly built metro systems in the world. It was meant to be a showcase of the Soviet Union’s achievements for both the Russians...

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Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion and vodka tasting)

Vodka is an important component of Russian life, an element of national identity and everyday culture. We invite you to visit the Vodka Museum and feel the atmosphere of long-gone...

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Mikhail Bulgakov Apartment Museum

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Spasskaya Tower,Moscow Kremlin, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Diamond Fund Tour

Portrait of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin (1887)

The State Museum of Lev Tolstoy Tour

Take this opportunity to learn more about the Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. During the visit to the museum you will see part of a vast collection of exhibits connected to Tolstoy...

Novodevichy convent, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Novodevichy Convent Tour with transport

Tour of the Novodevichy Monastery. Founded in 1524 by Grand Prince VasiliIoanovich, the original convent was enclosed by fortified walls and contained 12 towers. The structure...

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

City Tour with Visit to St. Basils & Red Sq. with transport

Panoramic City Tour. This Moscow tour is a great start to your trip and the best way to get acquainted with many of the city’s major highlights. Our professional guide will...

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City Tour of Moscow

Head to the heart of Moscow with a professional guide on a 4-hour private walk through the city center. See Tverskaya and Old Arbat streets, Theatre Square with the world-famous...

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Moscow Metro walking tour

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

Kremlin, Red Square and Cathedrals Tour

daimar tour dosep

KGB Tour with transport

This is a very interesting and insightful tour. You will visit places connected with Stalin’s terror - a time of great repression and fear. You will be shown monuments to...

daimar tour dosep

Soviet and Post-Soviet Moscow Tour

The tour begins with a drive or walk down Tverskaya Street – a Soviet masterpiece. In the years of Soviet power, Tverskaya began to undergo a transformation: it was widened...

Girl with Peaches by Alexander Serov

Tretyakov State Gallery Tour

This world-famous gallery contains masterpieces of Russian art beginning in the 10th century up until today. You will view exquisite Russian icons and paintings from the 18th and...

daimar tour dosep

Jewish Heritage of Moscow Tour

This tour offers a detailed look into the history and present-day life of the Jewish community of Moscow. On the tour, you will visit sites connected with the cultural and religious...

Vodka, photo by Detonart at Pixabay

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion only)


Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

Tours to Moscow

Our Moscow tours are land only meaning that you arrange your own air travel to Russia and our expert staff meets you at the airport and handles everything else from there. Our online Airline Ticket booking system offers some of the most competitive rates to Russia available on the web so if you need tickets, please visit our Russian air ticket center . Rest assured that you will be taken great care of on one of our Moscow tours. Express to Russia has a fully staffed office in Moscow that will help to make your visit fun, informative and unforgettable. Please remember that of all these tours are private and can be adjusted to your taste. You can add, replace or skip some sights; you can add more days to the package or cut the tour short. Our specialists will be glad to help you create the tour of your dreams!

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow, a City Like No Other

Moscow is Russia’s largest city with a population of between 12 and 13 million. It is also Europe’s largest city and when you visit Moscow, you can feel it. The layout and architecture of the city is eclectic, ranging from crooked, ancient streets and alleyways to wide, bustling boulevards, from medieval churches to Stalin skyscrapers and to modern, glass buildings towering over everything and of course in the center of it all is the Kremlin and the magnificent Red Square. Moscow is also home to a fantastic, efficient and very beautiful metro system – each station having its own special design. In fact, Express to Russia’s Moscow metro tours and excursions are some of our most popular attractions that we offer. On our Moscow tours, you will see this and more.

Moscow Kremlin in the times of Ivan III

Moscow Tours centering on Russian History

Moscow has a long and interesting history and has been the capital of Russia in many of its different iterations – capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow , the Russian Empire and of course the Soviet Union (who could ever forget the Soviet Union?). Moscow, was founded in the 12th century by Prince Yuri Dolgaruki (Yuri of the long arms – he really did have long arms!). From that time on, it was home to the Russian Tsars until Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1703. The city has survived invasions and sieges from the Mongols, the Tartars, the Poles, Lithuanians and Napoleon but has always persevered. Our Moscow tours will enlighten you on this great history and give you insights into Muscovites and their unique culture. Our Moscow tours show you what the city is like today but also brings to life the past. Moscow never seems to sleep and is bursting with energy. A Moscow tour with Express to Russia is truly the best way of getting to know Russia’s largest and most vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

What is the best time to visit moscow.

Any time of year is fine depending on what you plan to do. Summertime is pleasantly warm, ideal for exploring the city and its vibrant atmosphere, but Moscow will be much busier and accommodation is more expensive. Winter can be quite cold but beautiful nonetheless, and this is unproblematic if you intend to spend most of your trip in museums and galleries. There are also various festivals and events organised throughout the year. For more information about the best time to visit, read our guide

How many days are enough in Moscow?

If you plan your itinerary strategically and aren’t averse to a packed schedule, you can cover Moscow’s main sights over a long weekend. Most popular attractions are in the city centre, and the Moscow Metro allows you to cover much ground in a small amount of time. Ensure that your accommodation is fairly central and book tickets in advance, so that you can make the most of your days. For an informative and well-organised day out, check out our Moscow day tours with options to suit all interests.

Do they speak English in Moscow?

As Russia’s capital city, tourists are well accommodated in Moscow. There should be English-speaking staff in restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and attractions in tourist hotspots, and there are also English-speaking tourist police. Transport services have English translations on their maps and English announcements via intercom; alternatively, order taxis from the Yandex Taxi app (Russian Uber), though it’s unlikely that your taxi driver will speak English. If you get stuck and cannot communicate, it’s fine to use Google Translate.

Is it safe to travel to Moscow?

It is no less safe to travel to Moscow than to any European city if you exercise common sense and look after your belongings. As with every city some regions can be more unsavoury than others, but no tourist attractions are located there. The traffic in Moscow is notorious, so exercise caution when crossing roads. Do not take unlicensed taxis; book in advance or take public transport, which is widespread and perfectly safe. If you encounter any problems, look for the special tourist police who can help you. For more information, read our guide about staying safe in Russia .

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12° SAN LUIS - Viernes 12 de Julio de 2024

Los Fundamentalistas del Aire Acondicionado en La Pedrera

El cierre de Turismo Social de Dosep perjudica a las agencias

Aseguran que por la suspensión del programa se cancelan destinos y crecen las pérdidas. el gobierno provincial impulsa el turismo religioso.

Una de las medidas más esperadas por los afiliados a la Obra Social Dosep (Dirección de Obra Social del Estado Provincial), el Turismo Social, este año no se llevará a cabo. Así lo confirmó su coordinadora, Teresa Nigra, porque dijo que "hay otras prioridades". Estos anuncios generaron que las agencias de viajes tuvieran que buscar opciones a último momento para paliar la situación, ya que la suspensión del programa les genera importantes pérdidas y trastornos.

La dueña de Lourdes Tour (agencia que hace más de diez años trabaja con este programa), Romina Flores, dijo que tuvieron que cancelar destinos y unificar fechas para cumplir con los compromisos asumidos desde septiembre.

"Nosotros, previamente, tenemos que hacer un montón de contrataciones para poder entrar en el sistema de Dosep. Lo que pasó es que ya teníamos muchas contrataciones hechas, lo cual son pérdidas. Porque los hoteleros nos piden entrar desde diciembre a marzo y no es que te reservan porque sí, sino que las agencias solventamos todo eso. Ahora nos encontramos con esta noticia y se nos está complicando mucho", indicó.

"La semana pasada tuvimos que tomar muchísimas decisiones para no quedar mal con los grupos hoteleros, con los transportistas. Hubo que dar de baja muchas reservas y unificar programas. Todavía estamos intentando reacomodarnos un poco en todo esto", agregó.

Además, el recorte del programa desembocó en que mucha gente deje sus vacaciones de lado. "Esto la verdad nos complicó todo el panorama. Significa pérdida porque Dosep es un sistema que funciona donde se les hace el descuento por planilla entre 10 y 12 cuotas, pero somos las agencias las que solventamos todo eso, porque cobramos a pagos diferidos. Estábamos dispuestos a hacerlo más allá de todo y la complicada situación del país, porque es un sistema que venimos manteniendo y que muchos hoteleros ya lo conocen", apuntó Flores.

Los principales destinos eran la Costa Argentina, algunos lugares de Córdoba y atractivos en la provincia de San Luis. Las salidas se realizaban en enero y febrero, y podían pagarse en cómodas cuotas para los afiliados, con posibilidad de adelantos.

"A esta altura ya solíamos empezar a trabajar con Dosep y se ha notado mucho la diferencia en cuanto a la cantidad que está contratando servicios. Muchos han venido a consultar por el tema de los viajes con Dosep, porque es un programa que les facilita mucho el tema de los pagos. Se siente bastante la falta y estamos tratando de manejarlo con otras opciones, pero la gran mayoría de los que viajaban en esta temporada era con Dosep", afirmó la empleada de la agencia Daimar Tour, Leslie Torres. 

De igual forma, las agencias armaron promociones para aquellos vecinos de la provincia que quieran viajar y descansar en sus vacaciones. Las opciones más solicitadas son la Costa Argentina, el sur y Cataratas. Los precios van desde los 100.000 pesos en adelante, dependiendo el tipo de servicio que se requiera.

Turismo religioso

En contraposición al cese del programa de Turismo Social, el gobierno provincial sí parece mostrarse interesado en impulsar el turismo religioso. El ministro de Turismo y Cultura, Juan Manuel Rigau, mantuvo una reunión con el Obispo de San Luis para potenciar la oferta en el sector.

Entre los proyectos está la creación del Camino de la Fe del Padre Pío, la colocación de cartelería para el Vía Crucis de Villa de la Quebrada, la puesta en marcha de la Ruta Brocheriana y desarrollar actividades culturales con temas religiosos en el sur de la provincia.

daimar tour dosep

Temas de nota:

  • turismo social

Se congeló el lago Potrero de los Funes

Una familia villamercedina murió intoxicada con monóxido de carbono, los empleados públicos reafirmaron la continuidad del plan de lucha, suspendieron al fiscal que condujo ebrio, a contramano y chocó una camioneta, clínica aconcagua inauguró veinte consultorios en san luis.

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Nba trade grades: demar derozan to kings in three-team deal.

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NBA: Atlanta Hawks at Chicago Bulls

Apr 1, 2024; Chicago, Illinois, USA; Chicago Bulls forward DeMar DeRozan (11) brings the ball up court against the Atlanta Hawks during the first half at United Center. Mandatory Credit: Kamil Krzaczynski-USA TODAY Sports

Kamil Krzaczynski-USA TODAY Sports

A handful of trades each year have clear winners and losers, but most are more murky, with maybe a clear winner but also a lot of mid.

Which pretty much describes the DeMar DeRozan three-team trade announced on Saturday . Let’s grade this trade out to see who did well and who is mired in mud. First, let’s break out how this three-team trade shook out.

Kings receive: DeMar DeRozan Bulls receive: Chris Duarte, two second-round picks, cash Spurs receive: Harrison Barnes, 2031 unprotected pick swap with the Kings

DeMar DeRozan: A

DeRozan is the big winner in this trade — he gets a three-year, $74 million new contract to play in Sacramento. While the third year of that is only partially guaranteed, at a minimum DeRozan will make close to $50 million over the next two seasons at age 34 and 35.

The Lakers were among other teams pitching DeRozan, but even with LeBron James offering to take a significant pay cut all Los Angeles could offer is the $12.8 million mid-level exception, about half of what DeRozan makes per year in this deal. DeRozan may have liked the idea of going home to L.A., but he’s still showing up in Kendrick LaMar videos no matter where he plays, so it’s all good.

Sacramento Kings: C

Usually, the team that gets the best player in a trade is a big winner, and DeRozan is not only the best player in this draft but also a talent upgrade for Sacramento. The fans in SacTown are already embracing him.

DeMar DeRozan was just introduced to the crowd in Sacramento to the tune of Kendrick Lamar’s “They Not Like Us.” pic.twitter.com/yhFu6hy1m7 — Jason Anderson (@JandersonSacBee) July 7, 2024

That’s all great, but DeRozan’s fit with the Kings is questionable. First, bringing in DeRozan adds a weak defender to a team that already struggles on that end of the court.

Second, DeRozan is a brilliant isolation scorer in the midrange, but playing to his strengths takes the ball out of the hands of other quality shot creators in De’Aaron Fox, Domantas Sabonis and Malik Monk (who the Kings re-signed this summer). DeRozan doesn’t space the floor when Sabonis and Fox are running dribble hand-off sets, and when he and Sabonis are on the floor the Kings need to make sure shooters like Kevin Huerter are for the spacing.

Sacramento is going to be a good team this season and with DeRozan its floor is higher. The Kings got better with this trade, but not meaningfully. In a very deep West that likely only lands them somewhere between seeds 6-10, and they have the kind of roster with a lot of places for an elite team to target in the playoffs. They are still headed for the low-to-mid 40s in regular season wins and a first-round playoff exit.

San Antonio Spurs: A

The Spurs need shooting to go around Victor Wembanyama and they just added some — Barnes averaged 12.2 points a game last season for the Kings knocking down 38.7% from 3 on nearly five attempts a game. Put him in the mix with Devin Vassell, Keldon Johnson and just drafted Stephon Castle and the Spurs have a lot better floor spacing built into this roster.

Barnes has two seasons left on his contract. If he has a solid season next to Wembanyama, the Spurs could trade him and his then-expiring $19 million contract next summer.

What made this an “A” for the Spurs is the 2031 pick swap. Who knows how good the Kings will be seven years from now, possibly very good. However, with Wembanyama, the odds are that the Spurs will be elite in seven years, so chances are good that the Kings’ pick will be the better one in 2031. It’s a way to add talent in the middle of the Wembanyama era on the cheap.

Chicago Bulls: Incomplete

I’m tempted to give the Bulls a “D” for this trade because if they had made it a year ago, or even at the last trade deadline, they would have gotten a much larger haul for DeRozan. Instead, they decided to chase the play-in, so here we are.

Still, let’s be kind and say it’s too early to judge this trade for Chicago because it is just one step in an ongoing youth movement. So far this offseason, Chicago has moved on from Alex Caruso and DeRozan, and we can only assume Zach LaVine (if Chicago can find a taker, they reportedly are shopping him with a first-round pick and still finding a lukewarm market) and Nikola Vucevic will follow. Josh Giddey is in and will be a primary shot creator along with Coby White, and the Bulls re-signed Patrick Williams (and need him to step up).

At least the Bulls are not staying the course for another year. Change needed to happen, and that change is in progress. I’d like to do something seemingly rare in today’s media landscape: wait to see what the entire picture looks like before forming an opinion and giving their end of this deal a thumbs up or down.

DeMar DeRozan.png


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    A handful of trades each year have clear winners and losers, but most are more murky, with maybe a clear winner but also a lot of mid. Which pretty much describes the DeMar DeRozan three-team trade announced on Saturday.Let's grade this trade out to see who did well and who is mired in mud.