enjoy travel vip s.l

Destacados de la semana

Escapadas de Fin de semana

Escapadas de Fin de semana

Especial Canarias

Especial Canarias

Todo Incluido

Todo Incluido

City Breaks

City Breaks

Los chollos de la semana

Los chollos de la semana

Costa Cruceros

Costa Cruceros

¿A qué destino me voy?

enjoy travel vip s.l

Disfruta del maravilloso arte romano en la ciudad eterna

Visita la bella capital de Italia y déjate cautivar por todas las alternativas turísticas que posee. No pierdas la oportunidad de conocer el Foro Palatino, el Coliseo Romano, la Iglesia del Gesú, el Domus Aurea, el Museo Vaticano, el Panteón, la basílica de San Pietro in Vincoli, la Fuente de Trevi ...

enjoy travel vip s.l

Quintana Roo

En el sureste de México

Descubre un destino único que ofrece una combinación impresionante de arqueología maya, cultura, cenotes y ríos subterráneos, buceo en arrecifes de coral, pesca en alta mar y actividades ideales para viajes en familia. Además, su gastronomía yucateca te deleitará con sabores auténticos en el entorno...

enjoy travel vip s.l

Es la localidad más visitada de República Dominicana, situada al este de la misma

Punta Cana, que se encuentra entre los mejores destinos de golf del mundo, es la viva imagen del ocio. Algunos cursos los han diseñado golfistas profesionales, por lo que plantean al viajero un sereno desafío con el que disfrutar de este deporte en plenas vacaciones.

enjoy travel vip s.l

La Isla reúne en su mesa los mejores ingredientes del Atlántico, marinados con excelentes vinos y malvasías

En las Islas Afortunadas, las Hespérides, o más comúnmente conocidas Islas Canarias se encuentra la volcánica isla de Lanzarote, perteneciente a la provincia de Las Palmas. Dicen que ninguna isla es igual a otra y que entre todas se conforma una paisaje variopinto.

enjoy travel vip s.l


También es conocida como “La Playa de Canarias”

Es un destino ideal para toda la familia que sorprende con más de tres mil horas de sol al año. Compagina zonas de actividad turística con pueblos pesqueros o rincones vírgenes en los que el tiempo se detiene. La isla es un paraíso para los amantes del surf, famosa en toda Europa. También ha sido de...

enjoy travel vip s.l

Un gran número de atractivos para el deleite de los turistas

Es el lugar ideal para poder disfrutar de unas vacaciones de primera en compañía de los amigos o de la familia. Por esta razón, anímate y ven a pasar los mejores de tu vida en esta ciudad inglesa. No te arrepentiras, asegurado.

enjoy travel vip s.l

Bella isla del mediterráneo, en el archipiélago Balear

Aquí, en el afamado “centro de turismo mundial” vas a encontrar todo tipo de atracciones que harán de tus vacaciones en Mallorca una experiencia inolvidable. ¿A qué esperas para visitarla?

enjoy travel vip s.l

Sumérgete en la aventura y la naturaleza de Costa Rica.

Explora selvas vírgenes, conquista cascadas ocultas y observa la vida silvestre en su hábitat natural. ¡Descubre un paraíso de aventura en cada rincón de este hermoso país!

enjoy travel vip s.l

República Dominicana

¡Explora República Dominicana porque lo tiene todo!

Desde el vibrante estilo de vida en Santo Domingo hasta las emocionantes rutas de aventura, pasando por los exquisitos sabores de nuestra gastronomía y los paisajes que te dejarán sin aliento. ¡Sumérgete en una experiencia inolvidable donde cada momento es único!

enjoy travel vip s.l

Conoce todo sobre las atracciones, lugares de interés y los mejores destinos en la linda isla de Ibiza... ¡Diversión total!

¡Playa, sol y fiesta! Visita la bella isla de Ibiza, una de las más bellas islas del archipiélago balear, el destino ideal para disfrutar de las mejores celebraciones en Europa y vivir inolvidables momentos en las preciosas playas de esta maravillosa isla.

enjoy travel vip s.l

Viaja a las playas de la Costa Esmeralda, Capriccioli, Liscia Ruja, Spiaggia del Principe y muchas otras

El tramo de hermosa costa, conocida como la Costa Esmeralda tiene algunas hermosas playas y calas y aguas cristalinas excelentes para el buceo. Porto Cervo es el puerto principal, que resplandece con magníficos yates.

enjoy travel vip s.l

La capital de Francia posee un gran número de encantos turísticos para el deleite de los viajeros que arriban hasta su territorio

Esta ciudad es el destino perfecto para poder disfrutar de unos días de relax y confort en compañía del glamour y la cultura. Por este motivo, anímate y ven junto a la familia o los amigos, a conocer sus restaurantes, sus tiendas y sus bares.

enjoy travel vip s.l

Estados Unidos

Descubre su historia

Estados Unidos ofrece rutas de lo más variadas con las que conocer su historia, empaparse de su cultura, sorprenderse con la inmensidad de sus paisajes naturales, divertirse en numerosos parques temáticos y espectáculos… Un país para todo tipo de viajeros. Aquí te dejamos algunas recomendaciones, a ...

enjoy travel vip s.l

Ven a visitar sus numerosos monumentos patrimonio de la Humanidad y entender su cultura local, única en el mundo.

Marrakech está dividida en dos partes, al igual que otras ciudades imperiales marroquíes. Su centro con la gran Medina, lugar conocido como la ciudad vieja, es un lugar que se encuentra rodeado por bastiones espectaculares de tierra roja, y fuera de las murallas, la ville nouvelle o ciudad nueva, ci...

enjoy travel vip s.l

Es conocida como la joya del Mediterráneo por sus magníficas costas

En Malta hay gran cantidad de playas; muchas de ellas son de roca, pero también es posible encontrar preciosas y amplias playas de arena dorada, bañadas por las aguas azules del Mediterráneo, como si de un paraíso se tratara.

enjoy travel vip s.l

¡Explora A Coruña y déjate hechizar por su encanto!

Desde la imponente Torre de Hércules hasta sus festivales de verano que te harán vibrar de emoción. Sumérgete en su cultura, saborea su gastronomía y déjate llevar por la magia de esta ciudad gallega. ¡Ven y descubre la cultura de vivir de A Coruña!

enjoy travel vip s.l

País de contrastes

Pocas civilizaciones han logrado armonizar fascinantes y misteriosas tradiciones centenarias con la más rabiosa modernidad tecnológica como la nipona...

enjoy travel vip s.l

La sorprendente Arabia es el duodécimo país más grande del mundo. Cuenta con islas idílicas en el mar Rojo y aguas cristalinas para bucear hasta cumbres montañosas y oasis en el desierto. Un país lleno de sabores, vistas y sonidos intensos que deleitarán tus sentidos de la mano de música, baile, caf...

enjoy travel vip s.l

Marruecos ¡Descúbrelo!

Marruecos ofrece una experiencia completa con su excepcional gastronomía de sabores únicos, sus tradiciones culturales reconocidas por la Unesco y sus impresionantes paisajes donde realizar actividades emocionantes.

enjoy travel vip s.l

El Salvador

¡Descubre El Salvador!

Desde las olas de Oriente Salvaje hasta las vibrantes calles de Surf City. Explora nuestra historia en las rutas arqueológicas y disfruta del auténtico sabor de la Ruta del Café. ¿Listo para una aventura inolvidable?

enjoy travel vip s.l

Riviera Maya

Puro Caribe

Riviera Maya es la joya del turismo de costa en México. Sus playas paradisíacas de arena inmaculada, los arrecifes de coral, los cenotes, la gastronomía, las imponentes ruinas de la antigua civilización maya y el buen clima hacen de esta parte del estado de Quintana Roo uno de los destinos imprescin...

enjoy travel vip s.l

Costa Cálida

Región de Murcia

Costa Cálida, en la Región de Murcia es un destino conocido por sus hermosos paisajes naturales, experiencias inolvidables y una rica tradición gastronómica.

enjoy travel vip s.l

La isla más visitada del Archipiélago Canario

Tenerife, ubicada en el Océano Atlántico, es conocida como “la isla de la eterna primavera”. Esta isla volcánica se presenta como un maravilloso destino reconocido internacionalmente, por sus maravillosas playas y sol casi todo el año.

enjoy travel vip s.l

¿Te apetece conocer esas playas paradisíacas, templos y paisajes tropicales?

Sin lugar a dudas Tailandia es uno de los lugares más visitados de Asia, esto se debe a la combinación perfecta entre infraestructura para el turismo y su exotismo como destino para todos los occidentales.

enjoy travel vip s.l

Te sorprenderás al ver las grandes extensiones floridas del interior de la isla y de sus acantilados

Antiguamente la isla estaba cubierta por esta especie casi en su totalidad, pero los colonos portugueses prendieron fuego a las extensiones para establecer granjas y cultivos.

enjoy travel vip s.l

La isla tranquila del archipiélago Balear, más sencilla que sus islas vecinas ofrece maravillosas playas y calas rocosas

Menorca es un destino ideal para familias con el deseo de descansar, realizando visitas culturales y descubriendo maravillosas playas donde reina la tranquilidad. Menorca tiene sitios estupendos que visitar como Ciudadela, Fornells y Binibeca. Sin lugar a dudas se trata de un destino apto para todos...

enjoy travel vip s.l

¡Descubre la magia de Berlín!

Sumérgete en la rica cultura de esta ciudad vibrante, explorando museos de renombre mundial. Saborea la deliciosa cocina alemana en acogedores restaurantes locales y disfruta de los colores cálidos del otoño en los hermosos parques de la ciudad. ¡No te pierdas los emocionantes eventos culturales y f...

enjoy travel vip s.l

¡Descubre un Brasil espectacular en cada experiencia!

En Brasil, la sostenibilidad es nuestra esencia, la cultura es nuestra identidad, la naturaleza es nuestra riqueza, el deporte es nuestra pasión, la aventura es nuestro espíritu y la gastronomía es nuestro deleite.

Te puede interesar

República Dominicana, lo tiene todo

6 razones para reservar tus viajes en nuestra agencia




100% dinámico

Enjoy Travel VIP - Tu agencia de viajes en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

En Enjoy Travel VIP, ubicada en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (PALMAS (LAS)) te ofrecemos una amplia y completa oferta de viajes: Paquetes, Circuitos, Cruceros, Escapadas, Grandes Viajes,... y todas las opciones en hoteles y servicios de transporte (vuelos, trenes, ferries, rent a car,...). Realiza tus reservas o presupuestos on-line, y si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en contactar con nuestros agentes expertos.

Información de Enjoy Travel VIP

Calle Buenos Aires 3 - 35002 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

De lunes a viernes: 09:30h - 13:30h/15:00h - 19:00h

Título agencia:


Agencia de viajes en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Información legal.

Travel Agencies Management Services S.L.U.- Todos los derechos reservados

Kit Digital

Suggested companies

Discovercars.com, vipcars.com, holidaycars.

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EnjoyTravel.com   Reviews

In the Car rental company category

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Write a review

Reviews 3.8.

5,212 total

Most relevant

Nathalie made the experience of making…

Nathalie made the experience of making a few changes to the booking extremely smooth and deserves a big pay rise in my opinion.

Date of experience : 23 August 2024


JOHN TODAY IS THE BEST!!!!! SE POSSO IN ITALIANO....Complimenti per la Sua chiarezza, professionalità, gentilezza, disponibilità, pazienza, preparazione.

Date of experience : 22 August 2024

Reply from EnjoyTravel.com

Due to changes in the way TRUSTPILOT share information about the origin of the review we are unable to validare that reviews left on this site are genuine. We would ask genuine customers to use the FEEFO feedback forms sent after their initial booking and after the rental completion date. FEEFO attributes the rental number to each review allowing only validated and real reviews allowing us more information to deal with the service levels provided by EnjoyTravel.com and our rental providers.

Efficient service, good rates

Nathalie dealt with my query efficiently and my deposit for a cancelled booking was refunded promptly. Rates also appear to be extremely competitive.

Nathalie was very quick and resolved my…

Nathalie was very quick and resolved my query brilliantly. Definitely recommend the service instead of a phone call

Date of experience : 20 August 2024

Made a booking back in May and after…

Made a booking back in May and after reading some of the reviews today I decided to check the price again. It was substantially lower so I contacted John via the Online Chat and within 5 minutes I had received my new booking and the new cheaper price. Very efficient and helpful

Date of experience : 12 August 2024

Great company to book a car with

Great company to book a car with. The car I boked had limited mileage and they were very swift in attending my request for a car with unlimited mileage. They adjusted my deposit against the new booking.

Date of experience : 16 August 2024

Good and efficient

Have used Enjoy Travel several times and found them to be courteous and efficient. I booked a 3-week rental back in March and just noticed the price has now dropped by half on comparison sites. Nathalie issued a refund after I made the cheaper reservation with no quibbles. Very impressed.

Date of experience : 07 August 2024

We rented a car through Enjoy travel, and were directed to Italy Car Rental . The car was picked up on time , and it had some scratches . I did as I was told , and took photograps of them . On return the agent claimed we had damaged the car , and allthough we could prove that the scratch was present at pick up, they still charged 200 euros. Enjoy travel doesn´t seem to care and haven´t done anything allthough we sent them the documentation. Don´t ever rent anthing from them !

Date of experience : 12 July 2024



Date of experience : 17 August 2024

Cross border charges

Trying to find out the cost for cross border charges and Nathalie was very helpful and send the query off and will get back to me via email.

Date of experience : 14 August 2024

The company cancelled our booking

The company cancelled our booking without advising us prior because we arrived late. The actual car rental company said they would have been willing only it was no longer registered. I tried to contact the rental company but they had already closed so there was no one to help us. We were stranded at the airport with a young baby. We had to book another rental car which left us out of pocket. Customer service when they eventually responded to numerous emails weeks later were extremely unhelpful and without any flexibility at all. I would avoid at all cost and use a reliable company like Sixt, Herz. Enjoy Travel do not care about their customers.

Date of experience : 05 August 2024

I have just booked a car through…

I have just booked a car through EnjoyTravel, and just wanted to make sure that I did not need the International Driving License. Nathalie responded very quickly on chat and send the enquiry to the rental agency.

Excellent customer service over live…

Excellent customer service over live chat, easy to rebook if needed. Phone line sadly was not working even though called within the working hours stated on the website.

Date of experience : 09 August 2024

I had a problem when booking car hire

I had a problem when booking car hire - there was an error message saying that the booking could not be confirmed due to a server error, however I then received an email saying my booking WAS confirmed, so I was unsure what to believe. I didn't want to arrive at the car hire desk and be met with a blank stare. I used the chat tool, and with my name and email address, Nathalie very efficiently confirmed that my booking was all good. Thank you Nathalie!

Date of experience : 29 July 2024

Scam, no response to refund request. We booked a rental car with enjoy travel. Quite the mistake as we did not get the car from the rental agency. Even though we had several debit and credit cards available, none of them seemed good enough for the car rental company. We then had to book another car with another car rental company. Considering it was high season that turned out to be pretty expensive. I then requested a refund from enjoy which was simply ignored. Use a reputable company instead. ENJ-11765051

Nathalie was super helpful to help me…

Nathalie was super helpful to help me change my reservation !

SCAM and refuse to refund (Against their policies)

I booked a car last week which is due in a month from now.. Yesterday I had to cancel it for some emergencies, and it was fully paid in advance but I didn't get any refund confirmation. I tried to reach their chat support with no luck, and I sent an email and they eventually responded with this "We are sorry but cancelled bookings can no longer be refunded"!!!! Is that some kind of scam?? Their policies mentions that fully paid bookings are fully refundable up to 48 hours before pick up!

Date of experience : 19 August 2024


THIEVES - AVOID!! I booked a car, I received a cancellation WHILE I WAS FLYING, and was still charged money. I contacted support which say the amount was refunded, but today (two days AFTER the cancellation) instead of being refunded, the pending transaction got completed, with them bloody taking my money.

I had a complicated last minute change…

I had a complicated last minute change to my booking which Srabana from Enjoy Travel catered for very quickly and efficiently. I was extremely surprised I was able to make the changes so effortlessly, so a big thanks. Happy Customer

Date of experience : 22 July 2024

Made an error while booking and got…

Made an error while booking and got efficient speedy help from Nathalie who resolved the issue. She was excellent!

Date of experience : 08 July 2024

enjoy travel vip s.l

Preguntas Frecuentes

Si, para ser Socio de Enjoy Travel Vip se debe ser mayor de edad. Durante el proceso de registro se comprueba si se es mayor de edad a la hora de introducir la fecha de nacimiento.

No. Pero si quieres obtener mayores beneficios es muy recomendable hacer Socio Travel .

Si. Cuando una persona adquiere su licencia de Socio es de carácter indefinido y está sujeta a los términos y condiciones propios que se aceptan durante el proceso de registro.

Efectivamente. Usted tendrá un teléfono de asitencia para la contratación de viajes y aclaración de todas sus dudas, además disponemos de un sistema de tickets de soporte y un equipo de personas altamente cualificado para atender todas sus necesidades.

Por supuesto, usted dispondrá de una Oficina Virtual donde entre muchas otras cosas tiene un link para enviar directamente a cualquier persona que esté interesada en formar parte de nuestro Club de Viajes .

No. Usted puede hacer cuantas reservas necesite para cualquier viaje grupal de la #MareaAmarilla desde su propio usuario, sin necesidad de dar de alta a su pareja.

Si bien somos una empresa constituida en España y con licencia de Agencia de Viajes expedida en España, tenemos presencia principalmente en el resto de Europa, América y África.

No. Usted puede reservar un viaje de la #Mareaamarilla cuando lo desee o realizar una reserva desde nuestro buscador siempre que lo necesite, sin cumplir ninguna obligación.

Enjoy Travel Vip S.L. tiene el código de licencia I-AV-0004692.1 como agencia de viajes.

Como Socio tiene muchas más beneficios que puede ver en el apartado beneficios desde este enlace (haz click aquí) .

El horario es de 09:30 a 13:30 y de 15:00 a 19:00 de lunes a viernes.

Los meses de Julio y Agosto, los viernes el horario es de 08:30 a 15:00.

Aunque tenemos viajes todos los años a sitios recurrentes, vamos incorporando nuevos destinos en base a la demanda de nuestros propios Socios .

Como cualquier viaje, cada uno tiene sus propias políticas de cancelación, reembolsos y calendario de pagos.

No, tanto la atención telefónica como vía ticket puede ser en Español e Inglés.

¿Un WhatsApp?

enjoy travel vip s.l

We are Enjoy Travel Group. Creating a Travel Content and Booking Revolution!

At Enjoy Travel Group, we are committed to delivering world-class travel content alongside a cutting edge booking experience.

Our Enjoy Big 7 Travel blog offers original and traveller-centric guides, written by our in-house writing team who are themselves avid and experienced travel enthusiasts.

Through our booking websites, we offer the widest range of bookable travel products across Car Rental, Hotels, Tours & Attractions, Airport Parking & Airport Hotels, and Vacation Rentals (Holiday Lettings).

All our products are available through our Universal API and Universal Booking Journey, making our Travel Technology Stack truly unique.

The travel platform designed by avid travellers for avid travellers!

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Compare travel essentials with EnjoyTravel.com, airport parking, car hire and van hire offers worldwide.

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From inspirational destinations to city guides, Big7 help millions of people travel the world.

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FHR Offers Fantastic Deals on Airport Parking, Airport Hotels and Lounges with a wide selection across the UK, USA and Australia.

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Look up and book tickets, tours, activities, excursions, day trips, and much more with DoTravel.com.

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HolidayCars.com compares 800+ rental car brands worldwide offering some of the best price available.

enjoy travel vip s.l

Rentalo.com makes it easy to find vacation rentals, hotels and bed and breakfasts across the world.

Suggested companies

Discovercars.com, vipcars.com, holidaycars.

enjoy travel vip s.l

EnjoyTravel.com   Reviews

In the Car Rental Agency category

Visit this website

Company activity See all

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Write a review

Reviews 3.8.

5,212 total

Most relevant

Nathalie made the experience of making…

Nathalie made the experience of making a few changes to the booking extremely smooth and deserves a big pay rise in my opinion.

Date of experience : August 23, 2024


JOHN TODAY IS THE BEST!!!!! SE POSSO IN ITALIANO....Complimenti per la Sua chiarezza, professionalità, gentilezza, disponibilità, pazienza, preparazione.

Date of experience : August 22, 2024

Reply from EnjoyTravel.com

Due to changes in the way TRUSTPILOT share information about the origin of the review we are unable to validare that reviews left on this site are genuine. We would ask genuine customers to use the FEEFO feedback forms sent after their initial booking and after the rental completion date. FEEFO attributes the rental number to each review allowing only validated and real reviews allowing us more information to deal with the service levels provided by EnjoyTravel.com and our rental providers.

Efficient service, good rates

Nathalie dealt with my query efficiently and my deposit for a cancelled booking was refunded promptly. Rates also appear to be extremely competitive.

Nathalie was very quick and resolved my…

Nathalie was very quick and resolved my query brilliantly. Definitely recommend the service instead of a phone call

Date of experience : August 20, 2024

Made a booking back in May and after…

Made a booking back in May and after reading some of the reviews today I decided to check the price again. It was substantially lower so I contacted John via the Online Chat and within 5 minutes I had received my new booking and the new cheaper price. Very efficient and helpful

Date of experience : August 12, 2024

Great company to book a car with

Great company to book a car with. The car I boked had limited mileage and they were very swift in attending my request for a car with unlimited mileage. They adjusted my deposit against the new booking.

Date of experience : August 16, 2024

Good and efficient

Have used Enjoy Travel several times and found them to be courteous and efficient. I booked a 3-week rental back in March and just noticed the price has now dropped by half on comparison sites. Nathalie issued a refund after I made the cheaper reservation with no quibbles. Very impressed.

Date of experience : August 07, 2024

We rented a car through Enjoy travel, and were directed to Italy Car Rental . The car was picked up on time , and it had some scratches . I did as I was told , and took photograps of them . On return the agent claimed we had damaged the car , and allthough we could prove that the scratch was present at pick up, they still charged 200 euros. Enjoy travel doesn´t seem to care and haven´t done anything allthough we sent them the documentation. Don´t ever rent anthing from them !

Date of experience : July 12, 2024



Date of experience : August 17, 2024

Cross border charges

Trying to find out the cost for cross border charges and Nathalie was very helpful and send the query off and will get back to me via email.

Date of experience : August 14, 2024

The company cancelled our booking

The company cancelled our booking without advising us prior because we arrived late. The actual car rental company said they would have been willing only it was no longer registered. I tried to contact the rental company but they had already closed so there was no one to help us. We were stranded at the airport with a young baby. We had to book another rental car which left us out of pocket. Customer service when they eventually responded to numerous emails weeks later were extremely unhelpful and without any flexibility at all. I would avoid at all cost and use a reliable company like Sixt, Herz. Enjoy Travel do not care about their customers.

Date of experience : August 05, 2024

I have just booked a car through…

I have just booked a car through EnjoyTravel, and just wanted to make sure that I did not need the International Driving License. Nathalie responded very quickly on chat and send the enquiry to the rental agency.

Excellent customer service over live…

Excellent customer service over live chat, easy to rebook if needed. Phone line sadly was not working even though called within the working hours stated on the website.

Date of experience : August 09, 2024

I had a problem when booking car hire

I had a problem when booking car hire - there was an error message saying that the booking could not be confirmed due to a server error, however I then received an email saying my booking WAS confirmed, so I was unsure what to believe. I didn't want to arrive at the car hire desk and be met with a blank stare. I used the chat tool, and with my name and email address, Nathalie very efficiently confirmed that my booking was all good. Thank you Nathalie!

Date of experience : July 29, 2024

Scam, no response to refund request. We booked a rental car with enjoy travel. Quite the mistake as we did not get the car from the rental agency. Even though we had several debit and credit cards available, none of them seemed good enough for the car rental company. We then had to book another car with another car rental company. Considering it was high season that turned out to be pretty expensive. I then requested a refund from enjoy which was simply ignored. Use a reputable company instead. ENJ-11765051

Nathalie was super helpful to help me…

Nathalie was super helpful to help me change my reservation !

SCAM and refuse to refund (Against their policies)

I booked a car last week which is due in a month from now.. Yesterday I had to cancel it for some emergencies, and it was fully paid in advance but I didn't get any refund confirmation. I tried to reach their chat support with no luck, and I sent an email and they eventually responded with this "We are sorry but cancelled bookings can no longer be refunded"!!!! Is that some kind of scam?? Their policies mentions that fully paid bookings are fully refundable up to 48 hours before pick up!

Date of experience : August 19, 2024


THIEVES - AVOID!! I booked a car, I received a cancellation WHILE I WAS FLYING, and was still charged money. I contacted support which say the amount was refunded, but today (two days AFTER the cancellation) instead of being refunded, the pending transaction got completed, with them bloody taking my money.

I had a complicated last minute change…

I had a complicated last minute change to my booking which Srabana from Enjoy Travel catered for very quickly and efficiently. I was extremely surprised I was able to make the changes so effortlessly, so a big thanks. Happy Customer

Date of experience : July 22, 2024

Made an error while booking and got…

Made an error while booking and got efficient speedy help from Nathalie who resolved the issue. She was excellent!

Date of experience : July 08, 2024

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Perm Krai, Russia

The capital city of Perm krai: Perm .

Perm Krai - Overview

Perm Krai is a federal subject of Russia located in the east of the European part of the country, in the Volga Federal District. Perm is the capital city of the region.

The population of Perm Krai is about 2,557,000 (2022), the area - 160,236 sq. km.

Perm krai flag

Perm krai coat of arms.

Perm krai coat of arms

Perm krai map, Russia

Perm krai latest news and posts from our blog:.

1 August, 2018 / Berezniki - the City of Sinkholes .

12 October, 2017 / Northern Urals: Manpupuner Plateau and Dyatlov Pass .

3 March, 2016 / Winter in Perm city - the view from above .

18 January, 2016 / Holy Cross Cathedral on the White Mountain in the Perm region .

3 September, 2015 / The giant sinkhole near Solikamsk tripled .

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History of Perm Krai

For the first time the word “perm” was mentioned in “The Tale of Past Years”, a fundamental source in the interpretation of the history of the Eastern Slavs created in the early 12th century. Perm were one of the peoples who paid tribute to the Kievan Rus. They were found by the first Russian expeditions to the Urals, to the north of the Kama River basin. Later, in Russian chronicles, this territory was called Old Perm or Perm Vychegodskaya.

Unlike Perm Vychegodskaya, the land along the upper reaches of the Kama River became known as the Great Perm. This name is often found in the written monuments of the 14th century. In the 14th - 17th centuries, the Great Perm included extensive lands along the Kama from its origins in the west to the Ural mountain range in the east, and from the upper reaches of the Pechora River in the north to the Chusovaya River in the south.

Novgorod merchants were the first ones who got interested in the Great Perm (furs and tributes). In the 14th - the first half of the 15th centuries, the Grand Duchy of Moscow began to encroach on the lands in the upper Kama. In the early 15th century, the first Russian settlements were founded in the Great Perm.

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In the second half of the 15th century, after the Novgorod Republic ceased to exist, the area became part of the united Russian state. Russia significantly expanded its borders to the east and gained access to new natural resources.

In the 17th century, the town of Sol Kamskaya (Solikamsk) became an important center of military, economic and cultural assimilation of the Middle Urals in the north. In the south-east, the newly constructed town of Kungur played the same role. In the first quarter of the 18th century, about 46,000 people lived on the territory of Great Perm, about 65% of them were Russians.

Until 1727, the Middle Urals was part of Siberian gubernia with the center in Tobolsk, then Perm was part of Kazan gubernia, and, from 1781, by order of Catherine II, the Perm region ruled by a governor-general was formed.

It remained the main mining area of the Russian Empire until the end of the 19th century. There were more than 110 mining plants producing cast iron, iron, steel. For a long time, it was the main provider of copper. Salt production was also developed. In the east of the Urals large deposits of platinum were discovered. By the end of the 19th century, gold mining grew twice.

The 20th century was marked by intense growth of the local industry: engineering structure became more complex and rich. During the Second World War, more than 120 plants were evacuated in the Western Urals. Such branches of industry as chemical, non-ferrous metallurgy, oil-processing developed intensely; oil deposits prospecting began; a number of pulp and paper mills was concentrated in the region; new towns grew on the basis of new industries.

In 1938, Perm Oblast was formed. In 1940-1957, it was called Molotov Oblast. In Soviet times, the Komi-Perm Autonomous District was part of Perm oblast. In 1993, with the adoption of the Constitution of Russia, it became an independent subject of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, a referendum was held in which the residents of Perm Oblast and the Komi-Perm Autonomous District supported the unification of the two regions into one. In 2005, these two administrative regions ceased to exist and the united Perm Krai was formed.

Beautiful nature of Perm Krai

Chamomile field in Perm Krai

Chamomile field in Perm Krai

Author: Igor V. Kuznetsov

Perm Krai nature

Perm Krai nature

Author: Vasiliy Mitryushin

Perm Krai scenery

Perm Krai scenery

Author: Sergey Timofeev

Perm Krai - Features

The territory of Perm Krai is located in the basin of the Kama River, which provides access to 5 seas (the Caspian, Azov, Black, Baltic, and White). The length of Perm krai from north to south is 645 km, form west to east - 417.5 km.

The climate is temperate continental. Winters are long and snowy. The average temperature in January is minus 18.5 degrees Celsius in the north-east and minus 15 degrees Celsius in the south-west, in July - plus 18.6 degrees Celsius.

The largest cities and towns are Perm (1,043,000), Berezniky (134,700), Solikamsk (91,000), Chaikovsky (81,300), Kungur (63,600), Lys’va (58,800), Krasnokamsk (51,000), Chusovoy (42,700). The national composition according to the 2010 Census: Russians (87.1%), Tatars (4.6%), Komi-Permians (3.2%), Bashkirs (1.3%), Udmurts (0.8%).

Perm Krai is rich in various natural resources: oil, natural gas, coal, mineral salts, gold, diamonds, bog iron ore, peat, limestone, precious and decorative stones, construction materials. One of the largest deposits of potassium salts in the world - Verkhnekamskoye - is located here. It occupies about 1,800 sq. km., the thickness of salt-bearing layers reaches 514 m. Forests, mostly coniferous, cover about 70% of the territory.

This region is one of the most economically developed regions in Russia. The basis of the local economy is highly developed industry. The main branches are as follows: oil, chemical and oil chemical, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, wood processing. All potassium fertilizers in Russia are produced here.

Attractions of Perm Krai

The most famous museum in Perm Krai is the Perm Art Gallery that has the world-famous collection of Perm wooden sculpture and one of the richest in Russia collections of masterpieces of Russian icon painting. The museum of local lore in Perm has a number of interesting exhibits telling about the nature of the Kama region, its rich historical past from prehistoric times to the present day.

Not far from Perm, on the high bank of the Kama River, you can find “Khokhlovka” - an architectural and ethnographic museum covering an area of 42 hectares. The museum has unique wooden buildings of the 17th-19th centuries. Every summer, various folk festivals are held in the territory of this open-air museum.

In the south-eastern part of the region, in the town of Kungur, there is a unique natural monument of nationwide importance - Kungur Ice Cave. This is the only cave in Russia adapted for excursions. The old town of Kungur, founded in 1663, is a historical town with about 70 monuments of architecture.

Solikamsk is one of the oldest towns in the Urals. There is a unique museum of salt here. The town’s architecture reflects the techniques of Moscow architecture of the mid-17th century and the local tradition dating back to pagan times.

There is a number of interesting places along the Chusovaya River connected with many historical events, well-known figures of Russian history (Ermak, Stroganov, Demidov, Emelyan Pugachev). On its way the river crosses several mountain ranges, therefore, on its banks there are many picturesque rocks.

There are several architectural monuments in the towns of Osa, Usolye. Belogorsky Monastery and Gubaha Ski Resort are also worth mentioning.

Perm krai of Russia photos

Pictures of perm krai.

Winter in Perm Krai

Winter in Perm Krai

Author: Boris Busorgin

Village in Perm Krai

Village in Perm Krai

Paved road in Perm Krai

Paved road in Perm Krai

Perm Krai views

Wooden church in the Perm region

Wooden church in the Perm region

Author: Nadezda Shklyaeva

Church in Perm Krai

Church in Perm Krai

Village in the Perm region

Village in the Perm region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

Churches in Perm Krai

Cathedral in Perm Krai

Cathedral in Perm Krai

Orthodox church in the Perm region

Orthodox church in the Perm region

Author: Andrey Omelchenko

Winter in Belogorsky Monastery in Perm Krai

Winter in Belogorsky Monastery in Perm Krai

Author: Craciun Alexandru

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