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expert forestier tours

François du CLUZEAU

Expert forestier.

Les Experts et Gestionnaires Forestiers du 37 – Indre et Loire

– société forestière de la cdc – selvans –.

– Société Forestière de la CDC – SELVANS –

Camus Jean-Charles

De la motte jean-françois, delaunay eric, d’andigné constantin, veauvy nicolas.

expert forestier tours

Expert forestier Bechon

La forêt un milieu durable

Un écosystème complexe combinant l'environnement, la production et la récréativité.

L'Expert forestier

Professionnel reconnu, indépendant et responsable, spécialiste de l'arbre et de la forêt.

La forêt, un enjeu mondial

Le cabinet Bechon contribue par ses actions, sa disponibilité et sa présence au niveau mondial à la valorisation et la préservation des ressources forestières.

La propriété forestière

Une diversification patrimoniale transgénérationnelle.

Cabinet Bechon Expertise forestière

Présent sur l'ensemble du territoire National et à l'International, le Cabinet Bechon dispose d'un réseau d'Experts compétents et reconnus sur les sujets liés à la foresterie. Il a pour vocation de servir, aider et conseiller l'ensemble des personnes ayant une relation directe ou indirecte avec l'écosystème forestier.

Forêts à vendre

expert forestier tours

Dernières actualités

Résultats des ventes groupées des coupes de bois du second semestre 2022 des experts forestiers de france.

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Pour consulter l'évolution ainsi que les résultats des ventes groupées des coupes de bois du second semestre 2022, merci de cliquer sur le lien suivant :

Rapport annuel d'activité FSC 2021-2022

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Pour consulter notre rapport annuel d'activité FSC 2021-2022 merci de cliquer sur le lien suivant:

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre cabinet ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter !

Cabinet Bechon

Tél. +33 5 45 68 23 16 [email protected]

Siège social Région Centre 65, avenue de Romorantin 41300 SALBRIS

Services administratifs Région Poitou-Charentes 27, rue de Montbron 16000 ANGOULÊME

Antenne Rua 7 de setembro 1183 SALA B Centro Santo Antônio da Platina Paraná CEP 86430-000

Antenne IFAC 71 Aviator Petre Cretu, App. 1, Sector 1 Bucarest ROMANIA

  • Expert forestier
  • Vente de forêts
  • Partenaires
  • International

Site Internet par Web Impulse

Notre équipe

Mixez passion, savoir-faire forestier et diversité des parcours de chacun et vous obtenez une équipe harmonieuse et solide .

expert forestier tours

Chez Racines, les experts associés — les plus expérimentés — ont toujours mis en œuvre un tutorat pour former les plus jeunes. Ceux-ci se spécialisent sur certains sujets ou outils spécifiques : cartographie, progiciels forestiers, drone en forêt, carbone forestier, etc.

expert forestier tours

Agence Centre Ile de France


expert forestier tours

Agence Grand Ouest

expert forestier tours

Bureau de Sologne

Bureau de mazamet, agence grand est nord, agence grand est sud, agence bourgogne, bureau de charolles, les associés.

expert forestier tours

Aurélien Barthelemy

Expert forestier associé - président.

expert forestier tours

Benjamin Goutorbe

Expert forestier associé.

expert forestier tours

Quentin Beurier

expert forestier tours

Antoine Quelet

Nos agences.

Pour être à la fois proche des clients et de leurs massifs, le cabinet est structuré en cinq agences et trois bureaux. Dans chacune de ces structures, chaque associé est épaulé par de jeunes ingénieurs, techniciens et assistantes.

Boulogne, Mazamet et Sologne

Antoine Quelet : Expert forestier associé – IHEDREA Cécile Goutorbe : Directrice administrative et financière Paul Carteron : CTO Ingénieur forestier – AgroParisTech Quentin Merceron : Ingénieur forestier Dorothée Hoffstetter : Assistante

Agence Grand-Est Nord

Aurélien Barthélemy : Président - Expert forestier associé – IHEDREA Matthieu Chevereau : Ingénieur forestier – AgroParisTech Romain Bonnefon : Ingénieur forestier – AgroParistech Lionel Kiesmann : Ingénieur forestier – AgroParisTech François de Ravinel : Technicien forestier Marion Choquenet : Assistante

Agence Grand-Est Sud

Jacques Rousselin : Expert forestier – Ingénieur agronome Cyril Brochier : Ingénieur forestier – AgroParisTech Nicolas Dulion : Technicien forestier Magali Kirsch : Assistante

Agence de Bourgogne

Alluy et charolles.

Benjamin Goutorbe : Expert forestier associé Mickaël Gambier : Technicien forestier Benoist Guyet : Technicien forestier

Quentin Beurier : Expert forestier associé – Ingénieur AgroParisTech Paul-Henry de Poix : IHEDREA Corinne Leduc : Assistante

expert forestier tours

​Spécialiste de la gestion forestière durable, de l'arbre en milieu urbain et de l'écologie forestière, Dryades sprl est au service des particuliers, professionnels et collectivités.

Fondé par Olivier Baudry , expert forestier depuis 2009, le bureau DRYADES sprl est actif, en Belgique, en France et au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg , dans les domaines liés à la connaissance et gestion de l'arbre , tant dans les milieux urbain, agricole que forestiers.

expert forestier tours

En ville, nous évaluons les états sanitaires et de stabilité des arbres isolés, en alignements ou en massifs. Nous réalisons des inventaires, cartographies, plans de gestion de parcs et accompagnements de gestion de propriété, y compris dans l'introduction de permis d'urbanisme.

Nous avons plus de 6.000 analyses à notre actif, et l'aménagement de 15 parcs urbains tant privés que publics.


expert forestier tours

En forêt, nous assurons la planification, la gestion quotidienne, les ventes de bois, l'appui aux actes et travaux forestiers ainsi que l'expertise et l'évaluation des biens boisés.

Notre approche est fondée sur l'écoute des besoins des propriétaires, le respect de l'environnement et la vision à long-terme.


expert forestier tours

En champ, nous élaborons des projets agroforestiers en réfléchissant sur les meilleures opportunités d'associations entre les arbres et les productions agricoles.

Choix des espèces, modalités de plantation, demande de subsides, choix d'entrepreneurs seront discutés pour répondre aux objectifs de l'agriculteur et/ou du propriétaire, à court et à moyen terme.


Forestiere Underground Gardens

Forestiere Underground Gardens

In fresno, california, featured tours.

  • Coming back in 2024!
  • User All Ages
  • Tags 3 hours

Underground Folk Music Festival

Join us for an evening of music to celebrate the first day of Autumn at the Underground Gardens!

  • Tags 1 Hour

Halloween at the Forestiere Underground Gardens

Join us for a spooktacular evening at the Forestiere Underground Gardens! Visitors will be able to enjoy a self-guided underground trick-or-treating tour, photos with favorite characters, Reptile Ron Animal Presentations, and more family-friendly Halloween fun!


Guided Tour of Forestiere Underground Gardens

Visitors will learn the history of Baldassare Forestiere and his underground home, gardens, and creations! This is a walking tour through underground passageways, rooms, and courtyards. Guests will be walking on earthen terrain and should dress accordingly.

a close up of a rock next to a tree

See the beauty of Forestiere Underground Gardens!

Take an hour-long guided walking tour through Baldassare Forestiere’s creation.

See a hand-built network of underground rooms, courtyards, and passageways reminiscent of the ancient catacombs.

Unique fruit-producing trees, shrubs, and vines growing underground — some over 90 years old!

Ancient Roman architecture: arches, vaults, and stone-built walls.

Underground micro-climates — temperature variations of 10 to 20 degrees!

Underground home of Sicilian visionary and self-taught artist/builder Baldassare Forestiere.

a bird sitting on top of a tree

In the early 1900s, Sicilian immigrant, citrus grower and visionary Baldassare Forestiere began turning what was useless farmland into a vast network of rooms, tunnels and courtyards as a subterranean escape from the sweltering Central Valley summer heat.

Using only shovels, picks and other hand tools, Baldassare was inspired to excavate for forty years, going as deep as 25 feet underground and spanning over 10 acres. He grew fruit trees and grapevines underground — many of which are still thriving today!

Today, guests from around the world tour through his grottos, passageways and underground homes at his underground gardens in Fresno. Although he never officially opened the Mediterranean resort of his dreams, we think Baldassare would be thrilled by all of the guests marveling at his life’s work today and finding inspiration underground.

Why our visitors love us!


"What a unique experience and interesting history of Fresno agriculture. This man was driven and thanks to his relatives, it’s still there to witness and enjoy. Our tour guide, Spencer, was a wonderful host and guide."


"Much more expansive than I expected with a fascinating story of the creator's life and ambitions. The tour guide did a fine job telling the story and pointing out the details. I plan to return with visiting guests."


"If you ever come to fresno, you definitely have to visit it. The underground gardens are so special and beautiful. Glad that we came!"


"The most unique underground gardens and home I have visited in the states. A must see. Incredible what this man did over a 40 year period. Must see!!! Excellent tour guide."


"What a cool place !! Our tour guide Latishka was phenomenal! Truly could tell she enjoyed telling the story of the garden !! I highly recommend going."

Experts Forestiers de France

Experts Forestiers de France

6-8 rue Chardin 75 016 Paris Tél : 01 40 50 87 34 Fax : 01 40 50 87 43 Email : [email protected]

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Société des Experts Bois

Société des Experts Bois

6-8 rue Chardin 75 016 Paris Tél : 01 40 50 34 42 Fax : 01 40 50 87 43 Email : [email protected]

Mentions légales

EFF - Experts Forestiers de France est une marque déposée, propriété de la CNIEFEB (Compagnie Nationale des Ingénieurs et Experts Forestiers et des Experts Bois)

SEB - Société des Experts Bois est une association regroupant les Experts Bois, affiliée à la CNIEFEB

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Gestionaire de partimoine forestier

expert forestier tours

Expert/e forestier/ère

  • Univers métier : Gérer et exploiter la forêt


Témoignages, sources et liens, description de l'activité.

L’expert forestier, est le spécialiste de l’arbre et de la forêt :

·          Assure la gestion indépendante de patrimoines forestiers

·          Conduit des expertises, des audits et des évaluations

·          Réalise des études sur la filière et les politiques forestières

·          Est mandaté en France et à l’étranger

De formation ingénieur ou technicien forestier, il apporte des réponses inventives et concrètes aux propriétaires. Il instaure avec son client une relation durable, basée sur l’échange et une confiance réciproque.

Par sa démarche pluridisciplinaire, il aborde les aspects juridiques, fiscaux et patrimoniaux en plus des enjeux sylvicoles. Il réalise également des études sur la filière, tant en France qu’à l’étranger. 

Compétences requises

L'estimation d'une forêt est une opération délicate qui requiert à la fois une solide formation d'homme de terrain et de bonnes connaissances forestières. Il convient, en effet, d'être capable :

·         d'analyser la composition et la structure des peuplements

·         d'apprécier la qualité des produits et leurs débouchés

·         d'identifier les scenarii de gestion

·         d'être tout à fait familiarisé avec les techniques de comptage, de cubage et d'inventaire.

Homme de terrain et de réseau, l'expert forestier est parfaitement informé de l'évolution des marchés du bois et du foncier forestier

Parmi les multiples missions de la profession d’Expert Forestier, celle d’Expert de Justice est peu connue. Elle est cependant importante. Elle requiert finesse d’analyse, discipline et une solide expérience.

Diplôme d'ingénieur Agronome spécialisation Management forestier et logistique d’approvisionnement en bois

Diplôme d'ingénieur agroparistech dominante forêt, diplôme d'ingénieur du corps d'etat des ipef (ingénieurs des ponts, des eaux et des forêts), doctorat en biologie forestière ; biodiversité et écosystèmes ; sciences du bois et des fibres ;, mastère spécialisé forêt, nature et société - management international.

Experts forestiers de France

Liens Utiles

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Expert forestier

Niveau Scolaire

Secteur d'activité

Métiers du bois et de la forêt , écologie , Environnement

1540 € / mois à 3000 € / mois

Qu'est ce que le métier Expert forestier ?

Que fait un expert forestier , qualités pour être expert forestier, comment devenir expert forestier , combien gagne un expert forestier , ces métiers peuvent aussi t'intéresser.

expert forestier tours

Consultants - Experts forestiers

Sylvagri sarl est implanté en région forestière et est actif dans plusieurs aspects de la filière Forêts-Bois-Environnement, au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, en Belgique et en France.

Sylvagri Consult est agréé par la Fédération des Experts Forestiers de Belgique (F.E.F., Bruxelles), ainsi que les tribunaux au Luxembourg et en Begique. 

Profession d'Expert forestier  


N'hésitez pas à nous contacter



Prepare to find your wild, whether that’s in the steppes of Mongolia, the lively cities of India or the rainforests of Costa Rica. Using our wealth of knowledge and expertise, we have created an exciting range of tours worldwide, all with an emphasis on leaving a long-lasting positive impact on both the people and places we visit. Whether you prefer to travel as part of a small group or independently, contact our experts today to find your wild. 


Why travel with wild frontiers.

We specialise in immersive and responsible small group tours and tailor-made vacations worldwide. We have drawn on our extensive knowledge and local expertise to create extraordinary travel experiences in some of the world’s most captivating destinations.

Winners of the Guardian/Observer 'Best Ethical Tour Operator' Award, we are committed to the environment and communities we are privileged visit. This ethos was re-enforced when we set up our own charitable foundation, enabling us to channel funds into sustainable community initiatives.


Trending tailor-made holidays, inspiration at your fingertips.

Expert Travel Guides

Expert Travel Guides

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Top tips for traveling in Peru

Giving back, responsible travel at our hearts.

At Wild Frontiers we do more than pay lip services to Responsible Tourism. Find out more about the Wild Frontiers Foundation and how we design our adventures with the local people, culture and eco-system in mind.

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Authentic Travel Experiences

For Every Adventurous Spirit

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Find Your Trip

A group of people hiking in Patagonia.

Travel with the Experts

Pioneering Adventure Travel for 45 Years

Since 1978, we’ve remained dedicated to designing innovative trips to the most fascinating corners of the world. Our adventures offer something for every adventurous spirit—from African safaris to hiking odysseys in the Alps to expedition cruises in Antarctica. We invite you to join us!

Award-Winning Journeys

Travel + Leisure award

Crafting Trips for Every Travel Style

Browse our trips based on your specific interests. Whether you are looking for hiking and trekking adventures, snorkeling excursions, in-depth cultural encounters, or more, we have the trip for you.

A group of people hiking.

Private Journeys

A coral reef.

Special Events

A monkey in a tree.

Exploring Top Destinations

We have more than 200 trips in over 80 countries throughout the world. Check out some of our most popular destinations below or browse our full selection.

Experience Tanzania

Take a classic wildlife safari with skilled trackers in Serengeti National Park or climb Kilimanjaro—the roof of Africa! Enjoy expert guides, exclusive private camps, and luxury lodges.

A group of people enjoying wine during a safari in Tanzania.

Join us in the Alps

Experience the Alps the right way with our world-class mountain guides. Hike among soaring peaks, hidden hamlets, and lush valleys—this is the way to see the Alps.


Explore Peru

Savor fine hotels and cultural exploration in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, hike the classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and trek the spectacular alpine trails of the Cordillera Blanca.

A group of people hiking a mountain range in Peru.

Discover Egypt

Enter a mysterious world of soaring temples in a timeless desert landscape, from the Great Pyramids to Abu Simbel to a luxury cruise on the Nile.

The pyramids in Egypt.

Hike the Himalayas

Be welcomed in tiny villages and mountainside temples, meet red-robed monks, explore colorful markets, and discover a unique Shangri-La kingdom.

Tengboche monastery in front of Ama Dablam.

Providing Unparalleled, Best-in-Class Service

A group of people enjoying a meal together.

Thoughtful Itinerary Design

Meticulously planned and artfully executed itineraries, perfectly paced and with the ideal balance of activities, including unique off-the-beaten-path experiences.

A clown fish.

Sustainable & Meaningful Travel

We are committed to environmentally conscious, locally focused travel, offsetting our trips’ carbon emissions and working to preserve the cultures and ecosystems we visit.

Two safari leaders smiling.

Best Trip Leaders in the Industry

Our Trip Leaders all have an extraordinary knowledge of their destinations, and a passion to share their worlds with you.

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Request a Free Catalog

Get inspired for your next journey with our 2024-2025 Catalog of Adventures! With award-winning photography and over 200 journeys around the world, it is truly a Dream Book that will grace your coffee table and feed your wanderlust.


“Absolutely EVERYTHING about this trip was perfect: itinerary, food, lodgings, trip leaders, educational opportunities. A perfect example of why Wilderness Travel will always be our first choice when planning adventures.”
“We were taught so much beyond the usual viewpoint given to a tourist that I felt I had a much deeper understanding of the culture and history than I would have if traveling with a different company.”
“An incredible variety of activities was packed into the trip, yet we never felt rushed. It would be impossible to do what we did in the same period of time without the expertise of WT guides.”
“I have dreamed of taking this trip for years. Truly this journey exceeded my expectations on all fronts. The wildlife, terrain, people, staff and fellow trip mates made it an adventure to always treasure. I feel blessed and fortunate. Thank you Wilderness Travel. You have my complete confidence.”
“Because of our Trek Leader’s vast experience in the area, we used several trails that aren’t known to many trekkers and we were invited into Sherpa homes, which was wonderful. I had been dreaming of this trip for 30 years and now those dreams are fulfilled.”
“Couldn’t have asked for a more interesting trip and two outstanding guides, accommodations, and meals. This was our fourth trip with Wilderness Travel and one of the best (although we say that about every trip we have been on!)”
“I love Wilderness Travel! You select the best guides, a variety of special places to stay, the food is always plentiful and cultural, and the adventure is top drawer! Thank you for offering trips that expand one’s knowledge of other cultures while making it enjoyable and fun.”
“We are still on a high a month after the trip, having had wonderful guides, camp crew, co-travelers, and the right mix of comfort and authentic experience.”
“WOW! This was an extraordinary trip. It was meticulously planned, but allowed for many spontaneous interactions and delightful surprises. Another WT success story.”
“This was my first trip to India and I cannot imagine a better introduction. Because of the care with which the trip had been planned and organized, I was able to relax, enjoy, and try to fully absorb the experience without spending even a moment concerned about the quotidian details of the trip. What a luxury.”
“Everyone was so thorough and helpful. It was like being whisked around on a magic carpet. Doors opened, every wish fulfilled, amazing service!”
“It was an indescribable, life-affirming experience that I will always cherish. In particular, I wanted to commend your selection of Trip Leaders. Their skill, thoughtfulness, and dedication made the entire trip seem effortless even though the challenge was great.”

Talk to an expert

Our Area Specialists know every detail about our adventures around the world. They will be happy to answer any questions and help you choose the journey that’s right for you. Contact us to learn more or book your trip today!

Aoraki / Mount Cook mountain in New Zealand

Short-eared owl by Greg Smith

Welcome to Naturalist Journeys !

Nature, birding & ecotourism, (866) 900-1146.

USA Today 10Best Readers’ Choice 2019 - Best Educational Tour Company - #2 Naturalist Journeys

We are a top nature and birding tour company that offers exciting Guided Group Tours for small groups, Independent Birding Ventures, and Relaxing Eco-lodge Stays. We feature worldwide destinations, from Alaska to Africa, that include wildlife cruises and safaris. Our many returning travelers enjoy learning, experiencing new places, photography, and fun. Join expert guides for nature and birding tours that expand their focus to geology, splendid scenery, and on some tours, culture.

Join us to discover the world’s best nature destinations! USA, Caribbean, Central America, South America, Galapagos, Antarctica, Africa, Madagascar, India, Australasia, and More!

Our Mission

Through exceptional experiences, we strive to share our knowledge and provide quality experiences that foster a deep respect for nature, inspire wildlife conservation, and enrich and renew lives through shared exploration.

Upcoming Nature & Birding Tours!

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Bryan Shirley

Photo credit: Short-eared owl by Greg Smith.

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Walking Luxury Tours

A group walking.

The World’s Best Walking Tours.

Meet the locals, on foot, at eye level..

If you’re like us, you think of travel as more than just a check-list. When you strike out, it’s because you crave experience and discovery, not just monuments and museums. You want to understand what’s behind the touristic façade that most people never penetrate. You travel, because you want to step outside of your life and engage with people of other cultures. That’s why Classic Journeys handcrafts the world’s best walking tours—to immerse you into the history and culture of the places you visit.

Local culture is just two feet away.

Walking is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in a local culture. When you’re on foot, the world can’t slide past you faster than you can absorb it. You’ll have time—and proximity—to smell lavender lingering on your clothes even after you return home from Provence. Join us to encounter rainforest tribespeople you never would have met and cottage gardens you never would have seen. Experience the tempo of a Mediterranean village in the hour before sunset in a way you never would have noticed if you breezed through in a vehicle or traveled on your own.

So, what is a walking tour?

We’re glad you asked! Spend part of each morning and afternoon with your feet on the ground, getting up close to the region’s culture and natural history. Your walks might include a village tour, a seaside stroll, or a local guide’s favorite path through an oasis, vineyard, or red rock canyon. Because your group averages just 8-10 guests, your footprint is small. And since your Classic Journeys guide knows all the locals, you can take your time and blend in with the world around you.

Forbes magazine “Luxury Walking Favorites”

If all of this sounds like a great way to explore, you’re in good company. Forbes magazine loves this way of traveling, too, and has called our Tuscany & the Cinque Terre and Morocco tours their “Luxury Walking Favorites”. Join us to see for yourself why the best walking tours in Europe, the U.S., South America, Asia and Africa all have one thing in common; the guests who choose to travel with Classic Journeys.

Choose Your Trip of a Lifetime

Costa Rice Man and Woman walking on a hanging bridge

Central & South America

Lap up Latin America’s incredible culture from Patagonia to Panama, and Cuba to Colombia. Featuring must-see’s like Machu Picchu, Easter Island, and the Galapagos.

USA in Autumn.

The National Parks like never before. Cities and countryside in a whole new light. Spend your days with natives, naturalists, fishermen, artisans and local guides, and your nights in America’s most heavenly hotels.

Aurora borealis (the northern lights) in Iceland.

Walk on black-sand beaches, emerald lava fields and electric-blue glaciers. Lunch with the local police chief, and meet a shark fisherman. Last but not least: the northern lights.

A ruin in Italy.

Italian culture at its most deliciously colorful. The coastal charm of Amalfi. Tuscany’s rustic vineyards. The history of Venice, Florence and Rome. Fairytale Puglia. The Grandeur of the Italian lakes. The sun-kissed isle of Sicily. And the coast and countryside of Sardinia.

Building and landscape in Morocco

Ride camels across the desert. Barter with traders in the maze-like Medinas of Fes and Marrakech. Dine under desert stars with Berber tribes. Meet snake charmers. Explore magical gardens.

A woman in Asia.

Experience the culture and cuisine of Thailand. Or if one country isn’t enough, tour Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Witness the ancient wonders of Japan. See India’s iconic Taj Mahal, and the pink city of Jaipur.

South African city landscape.

  • South Africa

Devour Cape Town cuisine. Meet the playful penguins of Bolder Beach. Walk through vineyards in the winelands. And spot the Big 5 (plus many more) on the safari of a lifetime.

Related Trips

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Costa Brava Cultural Walking Tour

  • Starting at $5,995

expert forestier tours

London & Paris Cultural Walking Tour

  • Starting at $6,395

expert forestier tours

New Zealand Cultural Walking Tour

  • Starting at $6,495

Frequently Asked Questions

Culture + walking tours, what are walking tours.

Walking tours are vacations where travelers explore their destination on foot, whether a city, village, national park or rural landscape.

How are walking tours conducted?

Our walking tours are led by a local guide, who knows the area you’re visiting inside out. They’ll arrange your walks for the perfect timing so that you can enjoy the surroundings, and avoid the crowds. While you’re walking, our guides always have fascinating information and stories to share.

What makes a good walking tour?

A local guide! With local insight, you’ll be able to tread the routes less traveled, that most visitors haven’t heard of. And for more popular ‘must do’ walks, your guide will know the right time and direction to take avoid crowds and make the most of the surroundings. If for whatever reason the initial route isn’t available, they already have a plan B, even C, ready, so that you can still enjoy your vacation.

How much walking do your walking tours include?

Don’t worry, “walking tour” doesn’t mean you’ll hike, trek or hoof it from inn to inn. Only that you’ll spend part of each morning and/or afternoon with your feet on the ground getting up close to the region’s culture and natural history. That usually adds up to two or more optional daily walks.

Are meals included in the walking tours?

Yes, we’ve tested every hotel for the quality of their catering, planned gourmet pop-up picnics, arranged lunches with locals, and reserved tables in the region’s finest restaurants.

How difficult are the walks on Classic Journeys walking tours?

Our expert local guides will describe walks before they occur; in regions where more strenuous walks are possible, they’ll be offered as alternatives. Often, our vehicle is nearby in case you have a change of heart.

What do Classic Journeys walks include?

The outings might include a village tour, a seaside stroll, or a local guide’s favorite path through an oasis, vineyard, or red rock canyon. Because we average just 10 guests in each group, our footprint is small. We can take our time and blend in with the world around us.

Are your walking tours suitable for solo travelers?

Traveling solo? Walk this way! Nearly a third of our guests are solo travelers who want the thrill of exploration minus the what-ifs of going it all alone. You’ll enjoy the camaraderie of your full-time guide and like-minded travelers. And to make your solo sojourn practical, we offer the lowest single supplements you’re likely to find.

What should I bring on my walking tour?

Your packing list will depend on where you’re traveling, but generally it is worth packing:

  • Walking shoes or boots
  • Comfortable socks
  • Comfortable pants or shorts

What accommodation do walking tours include?

On our luxury walking tours, you’ll be staying in the very best hotels, villas and lodges each destination has to offer. We’ve hand-picked the finest places to stay, so that after each day of culture and walking, you can relax in complete comfort.

What’s included in a Classic Journeys walking tour?

  • Luxury accommodation, with our signature invisible check in
  • Transport around your destination
  • A knowledgeable local guide
  • Entry to attractions, national parks, etc
  • Food and drink

What are the best walking tours in the world?

  • Morocco: Marrakesh, Sahara & Fès
  • Galápagos & Machu Picchu
  • Italy: Amalfi Coast & Capri
  • Chile: Lake District & Patagonia
  • Peru & Machu Picchu

What are the best wildlife walking tours?

  • Yellowstone & Grand Tetons
  • Hawaii Big Island
  • India with Ranthanbore extension

What are the best walking tours for children and teenagers?

Our family tours include world class walks with engaging local guides who communicate with children and teens on their level. Youngsters can enjoy other activities too, like bike rides, rafting and zip lining.

What are the best walking tours for seniors?

Classic Journeys culture and walking tours are perfect for seniors. Whatever your age, and wherever you are in the world, you can explore on walks that are as smooth or strenuous as you want them to be. Enjoy the company of your local guide and fellow travelers, as well as wonderful immersion in the culture and landscape of your destination.

What are the best walking tours for foodies?

  • France: Bordeaux & the Dordogne Valley
  • France: Loire & Burgundy
  • France: Provence
  • The French & Italian Riviera
  • Greek Isles
  • Italy: Tuscany & the Cinque Terre

Browse our culinary tours

What are the best city walking tours?

  • Charleston & Savannah
  • Prague to Budapest
  • Cuba: A Long Weekend In Havana
  • Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia
  • Québec & Charlevoix

What are the best walking tours for history?

  • Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast
  • Cuba: Cienfuegos, Trinidad & Havana
  • France: Normandy & Brittany
  • Cotswolds, Stonehenge & London

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expert forestier tours

Expat Explore offers great value for all they provide on their trips. Some of the nicest people I know I’ve met on Expat Explore tours. The tour leaders are friendly professionals who know their jobs inside and out and are great travelling companions as well. Expat Explore does all the work, including great bus drivers, hotels, breakfasts, and many dinners, while customers like me just sit back and enjoy some of the best experiences of a lifetime!

expert forestier tours

I actually did a little bit of travelling before the tour began without an organised tour and at times it got really stressful. I was a lot more tired and there is a lot of work to be done outside the sightseeing. I will definitely be back with Expat Explore. I find comfort in knowing I only have to make it to the coach each day. If the rest doesn’t go to plan, that’s ok because I’ll be on the bus experiencing it with everyone else.

expert forestier tours

Going somewhere new can be scary because you don’t always know what to expect and there may be language barriers. Travelling on a tour just makes the most sense and is also more affordable. To recreate the same itinerary ourselves would have been more expensive. Group rates are awesome! You always have something to do and plenty of free time to do your own thing. You also meet great people along the way. We also felt very safe with a tour leader.

expert forestier tours

A few years ago, a family member told me the story of two South Africans who had started a travel company together in London with the aim of making travel more accessible. The story made an impression on me and, not long after, I booked my first tour with them. Choosing Expat Explore this time around was a no-brainer. In fact, we’d settled on Expat Explore before deciding on a destination!

expert forestier tours

I absolutely LOVE Expat Explore for the ease provided in regards to transportation to each and every location. Expat Explore is able to squeeze in the most activity possible for your time there! Forever grateful to Expat Explore for the unique opportunity to immerse into a country’s culture with thoughtful itineraries and memorable experiences that push outside one’s comfort zone.

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We are a Member of ABTA, membership number Y6593. We are obliged to maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTA’s Code of Conduct. We can also offer you ABTA’s scheme for the resolution of disputes which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. Read More


Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust (ABTOT)

The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for Expat Explore Travel, membership number 5517. Read More


Old Forester Tour

In 1870, George Garvin Brown signed and sealed Old Forester with a promise: a guarantee of the finest quality and utmost consistency. Five generations and 150 years later, we’ve returned to Whiskey Row. On your tour, see fermentation, distillation, barrel making, maturation & bottling. Tasting rotation changes and includes (4) expressions.

We are booking out 3 months in advance. Please check back within 3 months of your date of preference. We only allow 14 guests per tour at this time.

Old Forester tour guests walking in distillery

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Old Forester Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky, 43-57.5% Alc./Vol., Old Forester Mint Julep Cocktail, 30% Alc./Vol. Old Forester Distilling Company at Louisville in Kentucky. OLD FORESTER is a registered trademark. “AMERICA’S FIRST BOTTLED BOURBON” is a trademark. ©2024 Brown-Forman Distillers. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

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  1. Expert forestier : gestionnaire de patrimoine forestier

    expert forestier tours


    expert forestier tours

  3. Expert Forestier

    expert forestier tours

  4. Le métier d'expert forestier

    expert forestier tours

  5. Interview de François du Cluzeau, expert forestier pour EcoTree

    expert forestier tours

  6. Votre guide forestier

    expert forestier tours


  1. Kenya : Safaris Leboo safari tours

  2. Littérature : Forêt des Livres 2012

  3. 2022 Subaru Forester Wilderness review (with real forest)

  4. Expert Forestier & Bureau d Etude

  5. 🌳8/8 Pourquoi mettre du bois dans les constructions des JO 2024? #ConsoMag

  6. Le Wood Wide Web ! Par Foad Spirit


  1. Nos Experts: François du CLUZEAU

    Expert forestier. Zone géographique Ile-de-France, Centre, Val-de-Loire, Pays de la LOire. [email protected] • 06 79 88 42 60 ... 37100 Tours Estimation forestière Conseil en gestion forestière Conseil en vente et coupes de bois Conseil en vente et achat de patrimoine forestier

  2. Les Experts et Gestionnaires Forestiers du 37

    37000 TOURS • Expert Forestier Afficher les coordonnées. Vous venez de consulter la liste des experts et gestionnaires forestiers et du département Pour plus d'information au sujet de cette page, contactez-nous. Recherche. Nos Partenaires Plan du site. Toutes nos Adresses ...

  3. Trouver un expert forestier

    Les experts forestiers Notre profession Nos missions Notre organisation Trouver un expert Télécharger l'annuaire des experts Vente de bois Agenda des ventes Résultats des ventes ... Nom de l'expert ou cabinet.

  4. Accueil

    Les Experts Forestiers de France vous accompagnent dans la valorisation des aspects patrimoniaux, productifs et environnementaux de votre massif. Écrivons ensemble l'histoire de votre forêt. Notre profession. Une profession règlementée Une profession indépendante ...

  5. Cabinet Bechon

    Expertise forestière. Présent sur l'ensemble du territoire National et à l'International, le Cabinet Bechon dispose d'un réseau d'Experts compétents et reconnus sur les sujets liés à la foresterie. Il a pour vocation de servir, aider et conseiller l'ensemble des personnes ayant une relation directe ou indirecte avec l'écosystème forestier.

  6. Racines

    Chez Racines, les experts associés — les plus expérimentés — ont toujours mis en œuvre un tutorat pour former les plus jeunes. Ceux-ci se spécialisent sur certains sujets ou outils spécifiques : cartographie, progiciels forestiers, drone en forêt, carbone forestier, etc.

  7. Nos missions

    Les cabinets d'experts forestiers sont organisés pour répondre à toutes les dimensions de la gestion forestière : conception et maîtrise d'œuvre de travaux (forestiers, sylvicoles, infrastructures…) marquage des coupes et mise en marché des bois. rédaction des PSG et cartographie des peuplements. inventaires forestiers.

  8. Ventes informatisées EFF

    Vous souhaitez acheter du bois sur pied ou des parcelles forestières ? Découvrez les ventes informatisées organisées par les Experts Forestiers de France, un réseau national de professionnels indépendants. Pour accéder aux offres, consultez le calendrier des ventes et inscrivez-vous gratuitement sur notre plateforme.

  9. Dryades sprl Olivier Baudry Gestion et expertise forestières

    Spécialiste de la gestion forestière durable, de l'arbre en milieu urbain et de l'écologie forestière, Dryades sprl est au service des particuliers, professionnels et collectivités. Fondé par Olivier Baudry, expert forestier depuis 2009, le bureau DRYADES sprl est actif, en Belgique, en France et au Grand-Duché de Luxe

  10. Forestiere Underground Gardens

    Take an hour-long guided walking tour through Baldassare Forestiere's creation. See a hand-built network of underground rooms, courtyards, and passageways reminiscent of the ancient catacombs. Unique fruit-producing trees, shrubs, and vines growing underground — some over 90 years old! Ancient Roman architecture: arches, vaults, and stone ...


    Experts Forestiers de France. 6-8 rue Chardin 75 016 Paris Tél : 01 40 50 87 34 Fax : 01 40 50 87 43 Email : [email protected] Accéder au site. Société des Experts Bois. 6-8 rue Chardin 75 016 Paris Tél : 01 40 50 34 42 Fax : 01 40 50 87 43 Email : [email protected]

  12. Expert/e Forestier/ère

    Description de l'activité. L'expert forestier, est le spécialiste de l'arbre et de la forêt : · Assure la gestion indépendante de patrimoines forestiers. · Conduit des expertises, des audits et des évaluations. · Réalise des études sur la filière et les politiques forestières. · Est mandaté en France et à l'étranger.

  13. Métier : expert forestier

    L'expert forestier n'a pas seulement de bonnes connaissances forestières (biologie végétale et animale, phytopathologie, entomologie, pollution des eaux, technologie du bois…). Il est également incollable sur des matières aussi diverses que le droit rural, la gestion de sociétés civiles, la fiscalité, le droit de l'environnement, le droit des contrats…

  14. Expert Forestier

    Sylvagri sarl est implanté en région forestière et est actif dans plusieurs aspects de la filière Forêts-Bois-Environnement, au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, en Belgique et en France. Sylvagri Consult est agréé par la Fédération des Experts Forestiers de Belgique (F.E.F., Bruxelles), ainsi que les tribunaux au Luxembourg et en Begique.

  15. Adventure Tours and Holidays

    Find out more about the Wild Frontiers Foundation and how we design our adventures with the local people, culture and eco-system in mind. Award Winning Adventure Tours and holidays to the world's most fascinating destinations. We specialize in small group tours and tailor made holidays.

  16. Wilderness Travel

    Get inspired for your next journey with our 2024-2025 Catalog of Adventures! With award-winning photography and over 200 journeys around the world, it is truly a Dream Book that will grace your coffee table and feed your wanderlust. request Print Catalog. Digital Catalog.

  17. Birding Tours

    Kenya Wildlife Safari. Birds & Mammals of Ecuador's Andes. Belize: Birding and Nature. Arizona Monsoon Madness. Naturalist Journeys is a top nature and birding tour company offering Guided Group Tours worldwide. Visit our website for destinations! Great for small groups, Independent Birding Ventures, and Relaxing Eco-lodge Stays.

  18. The World's Best Luxury Tour Specialists (and Their Top Trips)

    Round out the journey with cheetah and elephant tracking by day and honing your cooking skills by night, before the grand finale of a Bedouin-style candlelight dinner in the bush. From $13,775 per ...

  19. Walking Luxury Tours

    Spend part of each morning and afternoon with your feet on the ground, getting up close to the region's culture and natural history. Your walks might include a village tour, a seaside stroll, or a local guide's favorite path through an oasis, vineyard, or red rock canyon. Because your group averages just 8-10 guests, your footprint is small.

  20. Notre organisation

    EFF est le syndicat professionnel des experts forestiers. Il rassemble 200 membres répartis aux quatre coins de la France, dont 140 titulaires, 50 stagiaires et 10 honoraires. Ces membres se rassemblent lors de l'Assemblée Générale pour élire un Conseil Supérieur, dont le rôle est de déterminer la politique générale des experts ...

  21. Adventure Tours

    Overall winner of National Geographic's Best Tour Operator Award, Exodus Adventure Travels is the original activity & adventure travel company. Choose from a wide range of cultural, walking, cycling, photographic, wildlife safaris & family adventure vacations.

  22. Group Tours

    We offer fun, easy & affordable travel with our wide selection of group tours. Visiting Europe and more in one trip. Travel made possible by Expat Explore. Guided tours across the globe, designed by expats. Thank you for 240 000 likes! ... Our coach tours are led by expert tour leaders and passionate local guides. Read More. 30-Day Money Back ...

  23. Old Forester Tour

    In 1870, George Garvin Brown signed and sealed Old Forester with a promise: a guarantee of the finest quality and utmost consistency. Five generations and 150 years later, we've returned to Whiskey Row. On your tour, see fermentation, distillation, barrel making, maturation & bottling. Tasting rotation changes and includes (4) expressions. We are booking out...