FCM Travel Solutions Utazási Iroda Budapest

  • Utazási iroda
  • Pest vármegye
  • VI. kerület - Terézváros

FCM Travel Solutions Utazási Iroda Budapest

Magántulajdonban lévő utazási iroda, amely a vállalati üzleti tevékenységre összpontosít. Az üzletfilozófia az volt, hogy megbízható, hatékony szolgáltatásokat, hosszú távú kapcsolatokat nyújtson üzleti utazók és partnerek számára.

FCM Travel Solutions Utazási Iroda Budapest


A CM Hungary számos vállalati utazási és költségkezelési szolgáltatást kínál, többek között:

  • utazási foglalások légi / szárazföldi / földi szállításhoz
  • több lehetőség a legjobb áras ajánlathoz
  • 24 / 7 sürgősségi segítség
  • helyi és multinacionális számlavezetés
  • vállalati utazáspolitikai tanácsadás
  • találkozók,  konferenciák és események
  • csoportos foglalások, charter szolgáltatások
  • online foglalási eszköz támogatás
  • utazók biztonsági szolgáltatásai
  • VIP végrehajtó szolgáltatás
  • szabadidős utazási szolgáltatás
  • MIS jelentések
  • háztól házig transzfer, reptéri találkozás és üdvözlet
  • vízumokkal, útlevelekkel és utazási biztosítással kapcsolatos segítség
  • tanácsadás a vállalati törzsutasok és jutalmazási programokról

Alice Hotel Budapest

Alice Hotel Budapest

A negyvenegy szobás Alice Hotel otthona az az 1800-as évek második felében épült Kallina Mór által megálmodott villa, amely eleganciájával tökéletesen illeszkedik az UNESCO által védett Andrássy út varázsához, miközben modern felszereltségének köszönhetően korunk minden elvárásának megfelel.

Bliss Hotel & Wellness Konferenciahotel**** Budapest

Bliss Hotel & Wellness Konferenciahotel**** Budapest

A Bliss Hotel & Wellness budapesti szálloda egy csendes mellékutcában található, csupán pár lépésre a Világörökség részét képező Andrássy úttól, a város luxus bevásárló utcájától, 1 percre a Budapest legdivatosabb éttermeit és kávézóit tömörítő Liszt Ferenc tértől, az Oktogontól, valamint az ...

Casati Budapest Hotel*** superior

Casati Budapest Hotel*** superior

A 25 gondosan megtervezett, tágas szoba biztosítja az Ön kényelmét ebben a XVIII. századi épületben. A Budapest építészetére nagyon jellemző, fölfelé nyitott, szépen rendezett belső udvar valódi oázis vendégeink számára.

Crowne Plaza Budapest

Crowne Plaza Budapest

Az IHG hotellánc legújabb szállodája Budapesten, kifejezetten üzleti utazóknak kialakított szolgáltatásokkal. A Crowne Plaza Budapest, az IHG Hotel épülete központi helyen, a Nyugati pályaudvar és metróállomás mellett található. A szálloda közvetlenül kapcsolódik a Westend bevásárlóközponthoz.

Hotel Benczúr*** Budapest

Hotel Benczúr*** Budapest

Jó helyen jár, egy igazi kis zöld szigeten, a forgatag zajától elzárva, de mégis a belvárosban, jó megközelíthetőséggel. Magas színvonalon, és személyes törődéssel gondoskodunk arról, hogy jól érezze Magát és felfedezze az izgalmas Budapest klasszikus vagy trendi élménytárát. Szállás-, rendezvény- és ...

K+K Hotel Opera**** superior Budapest

K+K Hotel Opera**** superior Budapest

A szálloda elhelyezkedése is kivételes: a város többi látnivalójához hasonlóan a bevásárló és a sétálóutcák leghíresebbje, a Váci utca csak rövid sétára van, ahogy a földalatti „Opera” megállója is a szálloda mellett található. A K+K Hotel Opera tágas és fényűző. Ez a rendkívül népszerű szálloda ...

Mamaison Hotel Andrassy Budapest

Mamaison Hotel Andrassy Budapest

Az ötcsillagos luxus kategóriájú boutique hotel Budapest üzleti, kormányzati és turisztikai negyedében található. A Bauhaus stílusban épült egyedülálló épület csúcsminőségű szállást és egyedi, családbarát szolgáltatásokat kínál.

Mamaison Residence Izabella Budapest****

Mamaison Residence Izabella Budapest****

Felső-középkategóriás szállodánk mindössze 20 méterre található a történelmi Andrássy úttól. A művészeti és kulturális látnivalók sokasága mellett élvezze az üzletek, éttermek, kávézók és bárok széles skáláját. A Hősök tere gyalog körülbelül 15 perc alatt elérhető, a Dunán átívelő Margit híd pedig körülbelül 2 ...

Opera Garden Hotel & Apartments**** Budapest

Opera Garden Hotel & Apartments**** Budapest

Az Opera Garden Hotel & Apartments harmonikusan egyesíti egy négycsillagos szálloda exkluzív szolgáltatásait és egy apartman szálloda családias hangulatát. Nagyszerű választás üzleti célú utakra is, hiszen minden szoba széles-sávú internet-kapcsolattal rendelkezik, a földszinten pedig egy jól ...

Radisson Blu Beke Hotel**** superior Budapest

Radisson Blu Beke Hotel**** superior Budapest

A Radisson Blu Beke Hotel Budapest belvárosában található a Nagykörúton, az üzleti negyedben, közel az Operához, a Hősök teréhez és a híres Andrássy úthoz. Szállodánk egyedi kombinációja a klasszikus eleganciának és a kényelemnek, az épület egész területe pedig nemdohányzó.

360 Bar

Amikor már nem elégít ki a földönjárás, és kell valami, ami az egekbe emel, akkor nézz fel hozzánk! Budapest legmagasabban berendezett rooftop bárjában 360 fokos panorámával várunk. A 360 Bár immár negyedik éve fogadja vendégeit a híres Párizsi Nagyáruház tetőteraszán, az Andrássy úton. Vendégeinket ...

Apacuka Kávéház Étterem

Apacuka Kávéház Étterem

Van egy hely a belvárosban, ahol a nyüzsgéstől egy lépésre évezheted a mediterrán hangulatot, a friss házi tésztákat és szezonális különlegességeket, a lámpafüzéres nyárestéket, a leanderes madárcsicsergést és a legfinomabb borokat. Nálunk igazi dolce vita az élet, amibe érdemes belekóstolni! Az ...

Ape Regina Restaurant & Bar Budapest

Ape Regina Restaurant & Bar Budapest

Vendégeink az egyedülálló látványkonyha mellett a belső terek különleges forma- és színvilágában is gyönyörködhetnek, ha ellátogatnak hozzánk. Széles választékunk magában foglalja a tradicionális, valamint a dél-olasz és mediterrán konyha remekeit is. Gazdag büféválasztékunk olasz előételeket, desszerteket, ...

Coffee Cat

Gyere és kezd a napod a Coffeecat-ben! Finom kávézó Budapesten az Ó utcában.

El Asador de Pata Negra Étterem Budapest

El Asador de Pata Negra Étterem Budapest

Az asadorok világában a hússütés szertartás, a vendéglátás életfilozófia. Ezt hoztuk magunkkal Spanyolországból Budapestre, otthonról haza. Spanyolországban évszázadok óta áldoznak a minőségi sült húsok oltárán. A hagyomány és a szakértelem találkozásából a spanyol gasztronómia olyan emblematikus ...

Ezaz Bisztró

Ezaz Bisztró

Az Ezaz Bisztró közvetlenül a Szent István Bazilika szomszédságában található, a Bajcsy-Zsilinszky úton. Tágas teraszáról csodálatos panoráma nyílik a Bazilikára.

Haldi Pakisztáni és Indiai Gyorsétterem Budapest

Haldi Pakisztáni és Indiai Gyorsétterem Budapest

Kóstolj bele a Közel-kelet varázslatos ízvilágába, melyet minden nap a Westend bevásárlóközpontban, az éttermeknél elérhetsz. Javasoljuk tégy egy próbát. Különleges, ínycsiklandó fűszerezésű ételeink között a húsimádók és vegetáriánus is megtalálják a megfelelő ételt. Folyamatos menükínálatban kedvező ...

Hello Baby Bar & Club Budapest

Hello Baby Bar & Club Budapest

Palotahomlokzat, erkélysor, kőbábos korlát és monumentális gömbök. Izgalmasan hangzik? Az Oktogonnál az Andrássy úti villa falai között vár a sejtelmes hangulatú Hello Baby Bár két tánctérrel, 5 bárpulttal, profi személyzettel, nemzetközi fellépőkkel és változatos zenei felhozatallal!

Kogart Ház

Kovács Gábor Gyűjtemény, múzeum shop, Gróf Buttler Borászat bemutatóterem.

Két Szerecsen Bisztró és Kávéház

Két Szerecsen Bisztró és Kávéház

Nemzetközi konyha, reggeli, jeges hűsítők, finom borok. Új színekkel, hangulatos környezetben várunk mindenkit.

  • Népszerűség

Agykontroll tanfolyam gyerekeknek 2024

Agykontroll tanfolyam gyerekeknek 2024 2024. szeptember 28. (szombat) - 2024. szeptember 29. (vasárnap)

Tanfolyamok 7-10 éveseknek.

A tanfolyam hatására a gyerek várhatóan magabiztosabb lesz, eredményesebben tud tanulni, képes megszüntetni fájdalmai zömét, betegség esetén gyorsabban meggyógyul, megtanulja céljait elérni, képes lesz megszabadulni rossz szokásaitól, képes jobb döntéseket hozni, nyugodtabb és energikusabb lesz. Ma ...

Felnőtt úszásoktatás Budapest 2024. Úszás tanfolyamok kezdőknek, középhaladóknak, haladóknak

Felnőtt úszásoktatás Budapest 2024. Úszás tanfolyamok kezdőknek, középhaladóknak, haladóknak 2024. október 1. (kedd)

Felnőtt fejjel könnyebb megtanulni úszni, hiszen felnőttként az ember az ész-érveket, magyarázatokat jobban megérti, mint ahogy azt gyerekkorban. Te is hamar és magabiztosan úszhatsz mellúszásban, gyorsúszásban vagy háton. Felnőtt úszásoktatás 120 és 240 perces kurzusok formájában exkluzív környezetben a ...

100. Food Truck Show 2024 Budapest. A legfinomabb autós találkozó a mobil street food legjobbjaival!

100. Food Truck Show 2024 Budapest. A legfinomabb autós találkozó a mobil street food legjobbjaival! 2024. október 5. (szombat) - 2024. október 6. (vasárnap)

100, az gombócból is sok, Food Truck Show-ból viszont nem! Van 99 tapasztalatunk ahhoz, hogy ezt úgy összerakjuk, hogy tökéletes legyen. Az elmúlt 10 évben minden évben megválasztottuk a közönség kedvencét, a szakmai elismeréseket is átadtuk, és ezeken felül még volt számos különböző díj is, ami a ...

Budapesti Étterem Hét 2024

Budapesti Étterem Hét 2024 2024. október 10. (csütörtök) - 2024. október 27. (vasárnap)

Étkezni egy igazán jó minőségű étteremben általában drága, kivéve a Budapesti Országos Étterem Hét ideje alatt. 2024. október 10. és 27. között a DiningCity megrendezi a XXVI. ORSZÁGOS ÉTTEREM HÉT gasztronómiai programot! A mostani alkalommal ismét 18 napon át! Ezen a héten több, mint 100 magyarországi TOP ...

Vasvári Pál utcai Zsinagóga programok 2024

Vasvári Pál utcai Zsinagóga programok 2024 2024. szeptember 22. (vasárnap)

Ősanyák 3 - bathseva.

Programok, események a Vasvári Zsinagógában. “Ez az épület az Istentiszteletre épült, és a Tóra tiszteletére a budapesti Sász Chevra által az egylet vezetői által. A Sász Chevra azt jelenti: Talmud Egylet, ezért nagyon fontos hangsúly van itt a tanuláson.” – mondja Oberlander Báruch rabbi, a Vasvári vezetője ...

Zsinagógák Hete 2024 Budapest

Zsinagógák Hete 2024 Budapest 2024. szeptember 28. (szombat) 23:30

Szlichot, az éjjeli imádság.

A Zsinagógák Hete 2024-ben már negyedik alkalommal kínál betekintést az ortodox zsidóság életébe, ünnepeibe, szent tereibe, tradícióiba és életigenlésébe szeptember 19 és október 7-e között. Legyen szó a világraszóló magaskultúráról vagy autentikus haszid dalokról, ros hásánáról – a zsidó újévről – ...

Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeum programok 2024

Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeum programok 2024 2024. szeptember 20. (péntek)

Szútra | dezső csaba: buddhista elbeszélő irodalom gandhárában a saka és kusán korban.

Programok a Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeumban Budapesten, mely Magyarország egyetlen keleti művészeti múzeuma. Tárlatok, gyűjtemények, könyvtár, múzeumpedagógiai foglalkozások várják a látogatókat. Ázsia Budapest szívében – karnyújtásnyira tőled. Mi a Hopp Múzeum? Egy ódon, szerethető műemlék épület, ...

Kulturális Örökség Napjai Budapesten 2024. A Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeum programjai

Kulturális Örökség Napjai Budapesten 2024. A Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeum programjai 2024. szeptember 21. (szombat)

Kulturális Örökség Napjai programok Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeumban. A Kulturális Örökség Napjai hétvégéjén mindkét napon izgalmas előadásokkal, vezetésekkel, programokkal készülünk.

Japán teaszertartás 2024. Autentikus program a Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeumban

Japán teaszertartás 2024. Autentikus program a Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeumban 2024. október 17. (csütörtök)

A japán teaművészet, mint a hagyományos japán művészetek döntő többségét magában foglaló művészeti ág alkalmas arra, hogy mélyebben megértsük a japán kultúrát, vallást, történelmet, életfelfogást.

Menyasszonyi Ruha Vásár 2024

Menyasszonyi Ruha Vásár 2024 2024. szeptember 14. (szombat) - 2024. szeptember 20. (péntek)

Menyasszonyi bizományi ruha vásár.

Minden évben sok száz menyasszony vásárolhatja meg álmai ruháját, hihetetlenül alacsony árakon. A legszebb menyasszonyi ruhák között szeretnének azok a lányok is válogatni, akik kevesebb költségvetéssel tervezik az esküvőjüket. Az akcióban lévő esküvői ruhák ebben nyújtanak a menyasszonyoknak segítséget. ...

AETHER Club programok 2024

AETHER Club programok 2024 2024.08.30. (péntek) - 2024.09.20. (péntek)

AETHER Club programok, koncertek, rendezvények. Budapesten, a Király utcában, a belváros szívében, a bulinegyedben várja a klub a kikapcsolódni, szórakozni vágyókat!

Operaház látogatás 2024 Budapest

Operaház látogatás 2024 Budapest 2024. szeptember 16. (hétfő) - 2024. szeptember 22. (vasárnap)

Az Operaház várja az építészet és a kultúra iránt fogékony látogatóit vezetett túrák keretében. Ismerje meg, miként született újjá az opera- és balettjátszás fellegvára, hogyan nyerték vissza eredeti fényüket az épület csodás terei, és milyen korszerű újítások várják az előadásokra érkező közönséget! ...

fcm travel hungary

Európai Mobilitási Hét 2024 Budapest 2024. szeptember 16. (hétfő) - 2024. szeptember 22. (vasárnap)

Az EURÓPAI MOBILITÁSI HETET minden évben szeptember 16 és 22 között rendezik meg Európa-szerte. Ezen a héten az európai városok és nagyvárosok fokozott erőfeszítést tesznek a fenntartható közlekedési megoldások bevezetésére, népszerűsítésére. Az Európai Mobilitási Héten az európai nagyvárosokhoz ...

Capa Központ programok 2024 Budapest

Capa Központ programok 2024 Budapest 2024.09.20. (péntek) - 2024.12.15. (vasárnap)

A Robert Capa Kortárs Fotográfiai Központ korszerű kortárs vizuális intézmény. Megalakulása óta a fotográfus szakma és a fotográfia iránt érdeklődő nagyközönség érdekeit és igényeit hivatott szolgálni. A vizuális intézmény feladatrendszerébe tartozik hazai és nemzetközi kiállítások, szakmai ...

Mai Manó Ház programok 2024 / 2025

Mai Manó Ház programok 2024 / 2025 2024.09.15. (vasárnap) - 2025.01.12. (vasárnap)

Magyar Fotográfusok Háza - Mai Manó Ház fotóművészeti kiállításai, programjai Budapesten. Kortárs és történeti, hazai és nemzetközi trendeket bemutató, egyéni és csoportos fotográfiai kiállítások, tárlatok várják a látogatókat.

Kertvárosi Időutazás 2024. Budapesti és főváros környéki városnéző séták

Kertvárosi Időutazás 2024. Budapesti és főváros környéki városnéző séták 2024.01.01. (hétfő) - 2024.12.31. (kedd)

Több mint 40 féle különleges séta Budapest 16. kerületében, és múzeumi szerdák az ismeretlen főváros felfedezésére. Túravezető: Benedek Ágnes helytörténész.

Terror Háza Múzeum állandó kiállítások Budapest

Terror Háza Múzeum állandó kiállítások Budapest 2024.01.01. (hétfő) - 2024.12.31. (kedd)

A Múzeum állandó kiállítása négy szinten tekinthető meg. A második emeletről egészen a pince szintig termeken folyosókon, labirintuson és szobákon követhetjük végig Magyarország véres megszállásának történetét.

VR Vidámpark interaktív kiállítás és családi program

VR Vidámpark interaktív kiállítás és családi program 2024.01.01. (hétfő) - 2024.12.31. (kedd)

Ajándékozzon VR élményt szeretteinek! Az Európában is egyedülálló VR Vidámparkban 2000 négyzetméteren, 3 szinten várjuk látogatóinkat, akik egy speciális felszerelés segítségével ismerhetnek meg különböző világokat.

Banksy Budapest 2024. The World of Banksy - Az utca a festővásznam

Banksy Budapest 2024. The World of Banksy - Az utca a festővásznam 2024.05.03. (péntek) - 2024.09.22. (vasárnap)

A világhírű brit street art művész, Banksy máig sikeresen titkolja kilétét. A világ egyik legbefolyásosabb embereként tartják számon, egyedülálló alkotásai beépülnek a városképekbe, akcióinak, tetteinek híre bejárja a világot. Május 3-án Budapesten nyílik a “The World of Banksy – Az utca a ...

Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeum

Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeum

A Hopp Ferenc Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeumot 1919-ben alapította az optikusból cégtulajdonossá lett világutazó, műgyűjtő és mecénás Hopp Ferenc, aki végrendeletében mintegy 4000 darabból álló keleti gyűjteményét keleti művészeti múzeum alapítása céljából az államra hagyta.

Vasvári Pál utcai zsinagóga Budapest. Budapesti Talmud Egylet a Vasváriban

Vasvári Pál utcai zsinagóga Budapest. Budapesti Talmud Egylet a Vasváriban

A lakóházak közé ékelt épületet 1886-ban emelték, a Budapesti Talmud Egylet (Sász Chevra) számára. A kétszintes zsinagógát Felnner Sándor tervei alapján építették, a korai szecesszió jegyeit ötvözi a neogótikus és neoreneszánsz stílussal. 2022-ben a zsinagóga belső terét gondos feltárás és tervezés ...

Barcsay Terem Budapest

Barcsay Terem Budapest

A Barcsay Terem a magyar művészeti felsőoktatás egyetlen nagyméretű kiállítótereként kiemelkedő szerepet játszik magyar és nemzetközi viszonylatban is.

Budapest Poster Gallery

Budapest Poster Gallery

A Budapest Poster Gallery 20. századi papír alapú műtárgyakkal kereskedő galéria. Tevékenységünk fókuszában a magyar plakátművészet áll – nyomatok és tervek egyaránt -, de kínálatunkban megtalálhatóak avantgárd könyvek, fotográfiák, sok egyéb műtárgytípus mellett. A galéria része a Plakátbolt.

Fabrika Mid-Century Bútor és Lakberendezési Studió Budapest

Fabrika Mid-Century Bútor és Lakberendezési Studió Budapest

A Fabrika a huszadik századi régiségek, elsősorban ikonikus vintage bútorok, lámparitkaságok és lakberendezési tárgyak lelőhelye. Art deco, bauhaus, század-közepi modern, space age, még folytathatnánk a sort. A Fabrika értékmentő tevékenysége során a húszas évektől a hetvenes évekig gyűjti azokat a ...

Hercules Villa Budapest

Hercules Villa Budapest

Az aquincumi helytartóság nem csak a helytartói palota egyetlen reprezentatív épületéből állt, hanem ide sorolhatók mindazok a díszes paloták, fürdők, szentélyek és gazdag lakóházak, amelyek a Duna-ág óbudai oldalán a helytartói palotával szemközt, az egykori katonaváros északkeleti és északi sávjában ...

Illúziók Múzeuma Budapest

Illúziók Múzeuma Budapest

A budapesti Illúziók Múzeuma garantáltan élvezetes programokat kínál minden korosztálynak: élvezzétek egymás társaságát, és mi elkalauzolunk az illúziók világába! Tökéletes hely ahhoz, hogy barátaiddal, családoddal kikapcsolódj és közben új tapasztalatokat szerezz. Nem csak a gyerekek fogják élvezni ...

Inda Galéria

Inda Galéria

Az Inda Galéria 2006 óta a kortárs képzőművészek alkotásaival foglalkozó for-profit galériaként működik. A galéria a műkereskedelmi piac által támasztott követelményeket egyezteti össze az esztétikai minőséggel.

Knoll Galéria Budapest

Knoll Galéria Budapest

Nemzetközi kortárs művészettel foglalkozó Knoll Galéria Budapesten. A galéria nem csak Magyarországon, hanem az egész korábbi keleti blokkban az első magán galériaként nyílt meg 1989. szeptemberében - még a berlini fal leomlása előtt- és kezdettől fogva jelen volt a nemzetközi színtéren is.

Kodály Zoltán Emlékmúzeum

Kodály Zoltán Emlékmúzeum

1990 tavaszán a magyar zenetörténet legfontosabb alkotóműhelyeinek egyike nyílt meg Budapesten a hazai s a külföldi látogató előtt - az egyetlen e fő műhelyek között, mely lényegében úgy maradt fenn, ahogy halhatatlan lakója, Kodály Zoltán elhagyta.

  • Utazási Iroda
  • Még több a településen: Budapest VI. kerület - Terézváros
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Kiemelt ajánlatok

Újra vár mindenkit az ősz legjobb gasztrofesztiválja, a siófoki Halfesztivál!

Közeli ajánlatok

Vasvári Pál utcai Zsinagóga programok 2024

Érdemes felkeresni!

Vasvári Pál utcai zsinagóga Budapest. Budapesti Talmud Egylet a Vasváriban

Ez is érdekelheti!

1000 Út Utazási Iroda

  • V. kerület - Belváros-Lipótváros

AB AGRO Utazási Iroda Budapest

  • II. kerület

Abádszalók Tourinform

Kapcsolat, elérhetőség

fcm travel hungary

6. kerületi programturizmus

  • Gasztronómia

Országos eseménynaptár

Prémium program.

A tizenötödik Honvédfesztivál kicsiknek és nagyoknak egyaránt változatos programokat kínál.


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Warnings and insurance

Heavy rain and flooding.

Heavy rain and flooding is causing disruption, particularly in Budapest. Check before you travel ( Budapest public transport , Nationwide road closure information , coach services ).

Following disruption to international train services to Vienna, services have resumed, but delays and cancellations are still possible. Check before you travel ( Timetables , Hungary state rail customer service ).

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide. You may also find it helpful to: 

  • see  general advice for women travellers
  • read our guide on disability and travel abroad
  • see  general advice for LGBT+ travellers
  • read about  safety for solo and independent travel
  • see advice on volunteering and adventure travel abroad

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

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Travel Advisory August 21, 2024

Hungary - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued after periodic review without changes.

Exercise normal precautions in Hungary.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Hungary.

If you decide to travel to Hungary:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  X/Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Hungary.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel. 
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Six months validity recommended; three months validity beyond planned departure date from the Schengen Zone required.

One (1) page per stamp.

Not required for stays under 90 days.

Amounts of more than 10,000 Euros (or equivalent currency) must be declared.

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Budapest

Szabadság tér 12 H-1054 Budapest Hungary Telephone: +(36) (1) 475-4400 Email: [email protected]

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Hungary is a party to the Schengen Agreement, which allows for free movement between certain European countries. U.S. citizens may enter Hungary for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa. If you plan to stay longer, please visit the Embassy of Hungary for the most current visa information.

Traveling Through Europe : If you are planning to visit or travel through European countries, you should be familiar with the requirements of the Schengen Agreement. Please review our U.S. Travelers in Europe page .

  • Your passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the period of stay .
  • You will need sufficient proof of funds and a return plane ticket .
  • For additional information about visas for the Schengen area, see the Schengen Visa page .

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Hungary.

Find information on dual nationality , prevention of international child abduction and customs regulations on our websites.

Safety and Security

Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to more effectively target crowds. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as:

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.)
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists
  • Places of worship
  • Shopping malls and markets
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and scheduled commercial flights) 

Terrorism: Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad, including in Europe. For more information, see our Terrorism page.

Crime: Although Hungary is generally a safe place to visit, you should use caution and stay alert. Be especially careful in crowded tourist areas, train stations, buses, trams, and metros.

Passports, cash, and credit cards are favorite targets of thieves. The Embassy regularly receives reports of pickpocketing on the trains between Budapest and Vienna, so please be especially mindful of your belongings when traveling this route. There have been some instances in Budapest where U.S. citizens were overcharged exorbitant prices for food, beverages, or taxi services. Always verify the cost before making a purchase.

There have been incidents, although rare, where U.S. citizens were unknowingly drugged. Do not accept food or drink from anyone but a server. Additionally, the Embassy has received reports of racially motivated assaults. Please report all crimes to the local police. In an emergency dial 112 for help and contact the U.S. Embassy for follow-up assistance.

General tips to avoid becoming a victim of crime:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not walk alone at night.
  • Be vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Stay alert in crowded locations frequented by tourists.
  • Always keep your belongings secure.
  • Do not accept food or drink from anyone but a server.

Victims of Crime: Hungarian authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes committed in Hungary. Report crimes to the local police by calling 112 .

U.S. citizen victims of violent crime and sexual assault are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance. See our webpage about help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

See our webpage on help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care 
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion
  • Provide a list of local attorneys 
  • Provide our information on victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport

Demonstrations: Political gatherings and protests occur frequently in Hungary, mostly in Budapest. They may take place in response to political or economic issues, on politically significant holidays, and during international events. Ethnic nationalist groups have gained popularity in Hungary in the past years, in some cases advocating intolerance towards migrants and minorities, including Jews, Roma, and LGBTI+ individuals. Although these far-right groups do not engage in violence and are not explicitly anti-United States, you should avoid public demonstrations and confrontations with their members.

  • Demonstrations can be unpredictable, avoid areas around protests and political rallies. 
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.
  • In a few instances where demonstrations have turned violent, authorities have used riot police to control crowds.

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Embassy for assistance.

International Financial Scams: See the  Department of State  and   FBI webpages for information.

Tourism: The tourism industry is generally well-regulated and rules enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are identified with appropriate signage and professional staff is typically on hand in support of organized activities. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is generally available throughout the country. Outside of major metropolitan centers, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned.  Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

  • Always carry your passport with you in Hungary. Local police may require you to show documentation to establish your identity upon request. Hungarian police may take you into custody if you attempt to prove your identity with documents other than a passport.
  • Hungary has a zero-tolerance policy for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Penalties are severe, including significant jail time.

Some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on crimes against minors abroad and the Department of Justice website.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our webpage for further information.

Special Circumstances regarding Banking and Customs:

  • Travelers’ checks are not universally accepted in Hungary. ATMs are readily available.
  • It is not possible to cash personal checks in Hungary without a local bank account, which requires residency.
  • Western Union is the most prevalent international money transfer company and has many locations throughout Hungary. You must have photo identification to receive a wire transfer.
  • Visit the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary for information about import and export of potentially restricted items.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods: Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the U.S. Department of Justice website for more information.

Faith-Based Travelers: See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report – see country report
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers: There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTQI+ events in Hungary. However, organizers may encounter disruptive behavior by far-right wing extremists at events supporting the LGBTQI+ community.

See our LGBTQI+ Travel Information page and section 6 of our Human Rights Report for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities: The law in Hungary prohibits discrimination against persons with physical or mental disabilities, and the law is enforced. Social acceptance of persons with disabilities in public is as prevalent as in the United States. The most common types of accessibility issues may include accessible facilities and ease of movement. Expect accessibility to be limited in public transportation, lodging, and general infrastructure. There can be a significant difference in accessibility between Budapest and the rest of the country.

Students:   See our Students Abroad webpage and FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers: See our travel tips for Women Travelers .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also provides Traveler Health Information for Hungary .

For emergency services in Hungary dial:

  • 104 for Ambulance Services
  • 107 for the Police
  • 105 for the Fire Department
  • 112 for English-Speaking Emergency Responders (All Types of Emergencies)

The U.S. Embassy maintains a list of doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Ambulance services are widely available in Hungary, but training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards. All ambulances may not be equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.

Adequate health facilities are available in the capital and other major cities, but health care in rural areas may be below U.S. standards. Medical staff may speak little or no English. Generally, in public hospitals only minimal staff is available overnight in non-emergency wards. Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in the larger cities, with hospital-based care only available through government institutions.

Some hospitals and doctors require payment “up front” prior to service or admission. Credit card payment is not always available. Some private clinics and hospitals may require advance payment or proof of adequate insurance before admitting a patient. Travelers should make efforts to obtain complete information on billing, pricing, and proposed medical procedures before agreeing to any medical care. Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals.

We do not pay medical bills. Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance coverage overseas. Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas. We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Prescription Medication: Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with the government of Hungary to ensure the medication is legal in Hungary. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. Prescription and over-the-counter medicines are widely available at pharmacies.

Vaccinations: Be up-to-date on all vaccinations recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy: If you are considering traveling to have a child through use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) or surrogacy, please see our ART and Surrogacy Abroad page . Hungarian law forbids surrogacy arrangements.

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety: Roadside assistance, including medical and other services, is available. Dial 112 to speak to English-speaking emergency operators.

Highways and urban roads are generally in good condition. As in most European countries, you must pay a toll to use Hungary’s highways. Payments must be made either at a gas station or online .

  • Areas under construction are not always adequately marked.
  • Be on the alert when driving in rural areas. Rural roads are often narrow and poorly lit.
  • Pedestrians, tractors, and farm animals often share the use of rural roads.
  • Train crossings are not always well-designated.

Additional information on road conditions is available from “ Útinform ” at +36-1-336-2400.

Traffic Laws: Hungary has zero tolerance for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. Prison sentences for DUI violations or accidents caused by impaired drivers are severe.

  • Police often conduct routine roadside checks and administer breath-analysis tests.
  • Police stop vehicles regularly to check documents.
  • Use of hand-held cell phones while driving is not permitted.
  • Car seats are required for infants.
  • Children under the age of 12 may not sit in the front seat.
  • Seat belt use is mandatory.
  • You can drive in Hungary with a valid U.S. driver’s license for one year as long as you have a certified Hungarian translation of the license attached. After one year of residence, you must obtain a Hungarian driver’s license.
  • International driver’s permits (IDP) issued by the American Automobile Association (AAA) are acceptable when used with a valid state driver’s license.

Hungarian police issue traffic violations in the form of a postal check that reflects the amount of the fine. You may pay the fines at any Hungarian post office. Police will confiscate the passport of a person who chooses to contest the fine and issue the person an “invitation letter” to appear at the police station to resolve the dispute. Police will return the passport after resolution and/or payment of the fine.

Public Transportation: Public transportation in Budapest is excellent. Budapest’s tram, subway, and bus service are reliable. Find more information online: Budapest Public Transport . Public transportation outside of Budapest is not as dependable.

  • To avoid being a subject to on-the-spot fines in public transportation, you must follow rules for purchasing and properly validating your ticket.
  • Taxis in Budapest are plentiful and generally inexpensive. All taxis are yellow, marked accordingly, and should have meters. The Embassy urges all travelers to insist on using a metered taxi, and to avoid entering into agreements with taxi drivers to an unmetered fare.
  • Hungary’s train service is generally reliable. The Embassy regularly receives reports of pickpocketing on the trains between Budapest and Vienna. Be mindful of your belongings when traveling this route.

Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Hungary’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Hungary’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the FAA’s safety assessment page .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Hungary . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, hungary map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

Hungary Travel Guide

Last Updated: September 12, 2024

a colorful town in Hungary

Hungary is one of the many underrated gems of Europe . Compared to pricey Western Europe, Hungary offers incredible value. It boasts beautiful landscapes, rich history, hearty food, and affordable nightlife ( Budapest is one of the best nightlife spots on the continent).

You’ll also find fewer crowds, cheaper prices, beautiful national parks, historic city centers, and friendly people. It’s one of my favorite countries in Europe.

While most visitors only visit Budapest, there is so much to see elsewhere around the country. It always surprises me that, for a country in the middle of Europe, so few people actually bother to explore it! Get out of Budapest and see this beautiful place!

This travel guide to Hungry can help you visit the country on a budget and ensure you have an epic trip without breaking the bank.

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Where to Stay
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • How to Get Around
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Hungary

Click Here for City Guides

Top 5 things to see and do in hungary.

A bright orange sunset over the Danube in beautiful Budapest, Hungary

1. Explore Budapest

With its cheap accommodation, a multitude of thermal baths, and historic castles, Budapest is always a big hit with travelers. On a visit to Hungary’s capital city, you can explore underground caves, marvel at the stunning architecture, and enjoy the incredible nightlife. Cruise the river Danube on a riverboat to check out the views during the day, and then dance the night away when the boats turn into some of the city’s best late-night clubs. It has lots to do, cheap food, and a lively atmosphere. It’s one of my favorite cities in the world!

2. Visit the ruin bars

After World War II, many buildings in the city were left ruined and abandoned. Squatters, then artists, and now hipsters moved into them and have turned them into eclectic “ruin bars” that even the locals love. The atmosphere is grungy and unique with rundown exteriors that open into hip spaces for dancing, performance art, and theater. Decorated with reclaimed materials and quirky antiques, the ruin bars are an iconic part of Hungary’s nightlife. Szimpla Kert and Fogasház are among my favorites.

3. Soak in the largest thermal lake in the world

Hévíz is located near Lake Balaton and is home to the largest swimmable thermal lake in the world, Lake Hévíz. Whatever the season, the lake remains a perfect temperature for taking a dip in the therapeutic waters which are rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and hydrogen carbonate (Hungary’s thermal waters have been used for thousands of years for their health benefits). In the early 1900s the area became a popular spa resort destination, with visitors flocking from all around Europe. There isn’t much to the town beyond this, but it makes for a neat day trip if you’re in the area. Single entry tickets are 4,500 HUF for three hours and there is a range of spa services available too.

4. Hike Gulács Hill

This inactive volcano stands around 400 meters (1,312 feet) high and makes for a wonderful hike. The path is rugged and often covered in dense forests or fallen trees, so it’s not ideal for children. Various trails snake up the mountain, and on the way, you can visit other landmarks like an old, abandoned quarry. Mysterious paths continuously intersect and lead to nowhere, so it’s easy to get a little lost, and dense woods add to the mystique of the hike. From the first observation point, you can see all the way to Lake Balaton. You’ll get stunning views of the entire area and it’s only a 3-kilometer (2-mile) trek. It makes for an easy day trip from Budapest.

5. Take a trip to Eger

Tucked away in northern Hungary near the Bükk Mountains, this town dates all the way back to the 10th century. It is known for its historic castle, which was originally a manor house and chapel that overlooked the valley. Throughout the 11th and 12th centuries, the castle suffered major damage and was rebuilt and fortified multiple times until the church began to demolish the structure in the late 1700s. Luckily, the demolition was stopped, and archeological digs and excavations began in the 20th century. Today, visitors can explore the remains of the medieval bishop’s castle for 4,000 HUF. Eger is also famous for its stunning Baroque and architecture and Turkish ruins, thermal baths, and the best red wine in the country. You can buy wine directly from those who make it, so this is an excellent place for souvenirs — or to stock up for yourself!

Other Things to See and Do in Hungary

1. dance at the sziget music festival.

The Sziget Music Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Europe. It takes place every August for one week on Margaret Island in Budapest, right on the Danube River. Because of its size and international popularity, tourists and locals alike flock to Budapest to take in the scene. The little island takes on a new look with inflatable sculptures and sci-fi tunnels of light leading festival goers from stage to stage. With over 1,000 performances, there is something for most musical tastes. There are also dance troupes, along with circus and theatrical performances. You can book tickets online. Prices start around 145,000 HUF for a full festival pass.

2. Relax at Lake Balaton

Lake Balaton is the biggest freshwater lake in Central Europe and is known affectionately as the Hungarian inner sea. It’s a popular tourist destination both for visitors and nationals thanks to its beaches and volcanic hills. In Tihany, you can visit a Benedictine Abbey that dates to 1065 CE (admission is 2,200 HUF). Towards the north of the lake is a wine-growing region, wetlands, and some epic hiking trails. For those looking for more relaxation, you’ll find over 1,000 hot springs famed for their medicinal properties here. One of the most popular is Héviz Lake (mentioned above) which also offers visitors a whole range of different spa treatments. Treatments start from 3,700 HUF for a 35-minute massage.

3. Cruise along the Danube

The Danube River is the second-longest river in Europe (the Volga is the longest). The river runs through the entire country and you can visit many of the small towns that line its coast by taking a boat cruise (you can even cruise into Germany if you have time). Expect to pay around 37,000 HUF for a full-day cruise that includes lunch. For a shorter one-hour cruise with a welcome drink, prices start around 4,000 HUF.

4. Visit the Necropolis in Pécs

Located just a couple hours from Budapest, this UNESCO World Heritage Site dates to the 4th century. The decorated tombs were created by Romans living in Sopianae (now Pécs). The murals inside the tombs depict various scenes from Christianity. It’s the largest necropolis in Europe, with several burial chambers open to the public, including multi-level chambers. Admission is 3,400 HUF.

5. Take a food tour

Hungarian cuisine is both delicious and hearty. If you’re a foodie like me and want to sample the country’s most popular dishes (while learning about their cultural importance), take a food tour. Food Tour Budapest runs in-depth guided tours around Budapest that can introduce you to the region’s best dishes and teach you how they came to be. They offer tours that explore various neighborhoods, markets, and the café culture. There’s even one for a dinner cruise on the Danube. Tours last a few hours and start at 25,600 HUF.

6. Admire the National Gallery

Established in 1957 and located in the Royal Palace in Budapest, the National Gallery is home to works from prominent Hungarian and European artists. This was one of the most opulent royal residences in the 1300s and was updated in the 1700s with Baroque architecture. It was restored again in the 1960s after significant damage during WWII and turned into the National Gallery in the 1970s. There are a lot of paintings and sculptures here, as well as a collection of altarpieces from the 1400s. You can also tour the building’s dome for views of the city. It’s not a huge gallery, so you only need a few hours to take it in. Admission to the gallery is 3,400 HUF per person and an audio guide is 800 HUF.

7. Go birdwatching

Hungary is home to a surprising number of bird species. Hot spots for birding include Hortobágy, Lake Ferto, Kiskunság, Lake Tisza, Bükk, and the Zemplén Mountains. In these places, you have a fair chance of seeing great bustards, sakers, imperial eagles, pygmy cormorants, woodpeckers, and even Ural owls. There are several companies that can arrange small group trips to these places (often combined with other activities, like wine tastings). Tours aren’t cheap, though — multi-day tours cost upwards of 350,000 HUF — so consider a self-guided trip if you’re on a budget.

8. Visit the House of Terror Museum

Hungary is infamous for the brutality of its leaders under the Nazi and Soviet regimes. This building is both a museum and a memorial paying homage to the thousands of people who were tortured and brutally killed here. You’ll see exhibits that show deportation and resettlement that happened during these periods, which include an interrogation chamber. There are also reconstructed prison cells and displays showing the propaganda these regimes used up until the revolution in 1956. It’s not a light way to spend your afternoon, but you’ll get heaps of insight into Hungary’s complex history. Admission is 4,000 HUF.

9. Cycle the countryside

There are over 2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles) of cycling paths in the Hungarian countryside (and 200 kilometers/125 miles around Budapest). Lake Balaton has a popular cycling route that runs all the way around its perimeter. For those looking to go further afield on a multi-day excursion, the paths in Hungary also connect with routes in Germany and Austria . The routes are easy to navigate, though if you prefer to take a guided tour there are plenty available. A one-day guided tour costs between 22,220-55,550 HUF per person. If you are traveling with a bicycle, it can be transported by train within Hungary.

10. Explore Tengerszem Nature Preserve

This nature preserve is in an old stone mine, which closed in 1907. Nature has slowly reclaimed the area and water has filled the massive gorge. The site was turned into the country’s first national park in 1985 and designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995. The park was declared the most beautiful area in all of Hungary in 2011. It’s a unique location to spend the day as its protected status means there are all kinds of incredible flora and fauna to be seen. The preserve is near Sarospatak in the northeast of the country (it’s just 20 minutes from the border with Slovakia ).

11. Soak in the baths

Thermal baths are a big part of Hungarian culture and date back hundreds of years. The waters in the thermal pools are rich in calcium, magnesium, and zinc and are believed to improve skin, relieve muscle soreness, and help with inflammation. Whether you’re relaxing in the famous Szechenyi Baths in Budapest or checking out a small hot pool in the countryside, you can’t leave Hungary without partaking in this local pastime (there are over 1,300 thermal baths in the entire country). Weekday admission is around 4,800 HUF per person, with prices rising slightly on the weekend.

12. Visit the Royal Palace (Buda Castle)

They call it a castle, but the Royal Palace in Budapest is more of a palace complex than a proper ‘castle.’ Though it was originally constructed in the 13th century, the huge Baroque complex you see today was built between 1749 and 1769. The palace’s days of being a luxurious living space ended in World War II when Nazi (and then Russian) troops looted it. Today, it’s home to a collection of museums including the House of Houdini, Hungarian National Gallery, Museum of Miliary History, Museum of Music, Budapest History Museum, Golden Eagle Pharmacy Museum, and Museum of Telephones. Beneath the castle, there is a spooky labyrinth that tourists can explore for 5,000 HUF.

13. Wander the Great Market Hall

At the head of Budapest’s Vaci Utca, the kitschy shopping street in town, is the Great Market Hall. Built in 1897, this is the oldest and largest indoor market in the country. Its incredible exterior is covered in the same ceramic tiles as are on the roof of Matthias Church on the top of Buda Hill. Walk the aisles and check out local produce and artisanal crafts, buy local spices like paprika, and sample the tasty food stalls. This is the perfect place to people-watch, have lunch, and pick up souvenirs. Food tours are also available at 11am every Saturday and cost around 10,200 HUF for a two-hour tour. The market is open Monday-Saturday.

14. Soak in the Cave Bath

If you enjoy spas and are in need of some pampering, the Cave Bath at Miskolctapolca is a must. Located within a natural cave system two hours east of Budapest, here the water is rich in natural minerals and is said to contain healing properties. The water is a relaxing 30°C (86°F) and there are several different pools to enjoy as well as reasonably priced spa treatments available. The baths are open year-round (except January) and admission starts at 4,800 HUF.

15. Attend the Busójárás Festival

This slightly scary festival happens annually in the lead-up to Ash Wednesday in the town of Mohács. During this time, locals parade through the town dressed in traditional clothing and wearing demonic face masks. No one is 100% certain where the tradition comes from as there are two very different stories, so it really depends on who you ask. One story is that it stems from an attempt to frighten off the Ottoman invaders. The other is that it’s part of a pagan tradition to frighten away the winter. Either way, it’s an interesting festival to witness. The dates of the festival change each year to coincide with Easter.

16. Tour the wine region

If you are a wine fan, the region of Eger in northern Hungary is where you’ll find the country’s best wines. There are many vineyards here where you can take a tour as well as sample and buy wine. A private wine tour and tasting costs upwards of 60,000 HUF so if you are on a tight budget keep an eye out for special wine-tasting evenings. Here you can tour the cellars and enjoy plenty of samples at a discount. Two of the most popular wineries to visit are the Gál Tibor winery and Bolyki Pincészet.

17. Explore the Caves of Aggtelek Karst

The Caves of Aggtelek Karst are part of Aggtelek National Park, one of the only UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the country. There are 712 caves spread out over 138,000 acres that run along the border of Hungary and Slovakia. The site is made up of seven areas with five in Hungary and two in neighboring Slovakia. Within the caves, you can see some of the largest stalactites and stalagmites in Europe. You can also book a tour that takes you across the border to see the caves in Slovakia. To enter the caves, you must be part of a guided tour. Admission is 2,600 HUF. For more information on tour times, check the official website .

18. Go hiking in Hortobágy National Park

Located in the eastern part of Hungary, this is the largest protected landscape in the country. The park was created in the 1970s and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. The grassy plains (also known as a steppe) are home to all sorts of domestic animals, including cattle, horses, and water buffalo tended to by traditional herdsmen. Some of the rarest animal breeds can be found here, including great bustards, lesser white-fronted geese, white-tailed eagles, and falcons. The landscape is incredibly stunning.

19. See the Bokod Floating Houses

Bokod and Oroszlány are two towns located outside Budapest. The towns are home to a collection of cottages and cabins on stilts that line the coast of Lake Bokodi. The cabins and cottages are popular with the locals in the summer months, though there are some fishermen who spend time here in the winter as well (the lake is famous for almost never freezing, even though Hungary has cold winters). The “lake” is actually a cooling pond for the nearby powerplant so the water is continuously circulated which keeps it from freezing. It’s an off-the-beaten-path destination that few tourists visit.

20. Visit the Hungarian Versailles

Eszterháza is a vast palace located near the border with Austria and is often considered the Hungarian version of France’s Versailles . Constructed in the late Baroque style, the palace was built throughout the 18th century after being commissioned by Prince Nikolaus Esterházy, who wanted a palatial getaway for his hunting expeditions. There are 126 rooms in the palace and the library houses over 22,000 books. Daily tours are available in English if you want to see this decadent getaway with your own eyes. Admission is 7,500 HUF and guided tours are 8,650 HUF.

How to Stay Safe in Hungary

Hungary is a safe country and travelers shouldn’t worry about violent crimes here. However, in the tourist areas of Budapest (as well as on crowded public transportation), scams and pick-pocketing can occur. Avoid flashing your valuables around and always keep an eye on your things when on the bus or train.

If you head out to the ruin bars, only bring enough cash for the night. Take a taxi home if you’re intoxicated.

For more information on potential scams in Hungary, here is my list of common travel scams to avoid .

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here. Make sure to follow standard safety precautions (never leave your drink unattended at the bar, never walk home alone intoxicated, etc.). For specific information about a place, check out one of the many incredible solo female travel blogs on the web. They’ll give you tips and advice that I can’t.

If you rent a vehicle, don’t leave any valuables in it overnight. Break-ins are rare but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Members of the LGBTQ community will want to be mindful here as the government has been cracking down on the LGBTQ community in recent years.

If you experience an emergency, dial 112 for assistance.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase quality travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Where to Stay in Hungary

Hungary has lots of great budget accommodation. Here are some of my suggested places to stay in Hungary:

  • Carpe Noctum Original (Budapest)
  • Wombats City Hostel (Budapest)
  • Tisza Corner (Szeged)
  • Active Hostel & Guesthouse Keszthely (Keszthely)
  • Nap Hostel Pecs (Pécs)

For more of my recommended places to stay in Budapest, this article has the best hostels and this post has excellent hotels . If you’re not sure which neighborhood is best for your trip, this article will help you decide.

Hungary Travel Costs

a colorful and historic town in Hungary, with a reflection over the calm waters


  • Hostel dorms – 4,000 HUF per night
  • Hostel private rooms –  9,000 HUF per night
  • Budget hotels – 9,800-15,300 HUF per night
  • Airbnb private rooms – 7,000-15,000 HUF per night
  • Airbnb apartments – 15,000-20,000 HUF per night
  • Campsite – 3,500 HUF per night
  • Sit-down restaurants – 3,000-6,000 HUF
  • Casual take-out places – 2,900-3,600 HUF
  • Fast food (think McDonald’s) – 2,500 HUF
  • Beer – 500 HUF
  • Cappuccino/latte – 650 HUF
  • Bottled water – 375 HUF
  • Groceries for a week – 12,000 HUF

Hungary Suggested Budgets

Backpacker – 17,500 huf per day.

On a backpacking budget, you can stay in a hostel dorm, cook most of your meals, limit your drinking, use public transportation to get around, and do mostly free activities like walking tours and hiking. If you plan on drinking, add another 600-1,200 HUF to your daily budget.

Midrange – 35,500 HUF Per Day

On a midrange budget, you can stay in a private hostel room or Airbnb, eat out at cheap restaurants serving traditional cuisine, enjoy a few beers, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like visiting museums and lounging in the thermal baths.

Upscale – 55,000 HUF Per Day

On a “luxury” budget, you can stay in a hotel, eat out anywhere you want, drink as much as you want, rent a car for day trips, and do more guided tours and paid tours. This is just the ground floor for luxury, though. The sky is the limit!

Hungary Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

Hungary is a very affordable destination. It’s hard to spend money here unless you’re out partying all the time or splashing out on spa visits and nice hotels. That said, it never hurts to save more money! Here are some tips to help you make the most of your budget in Hungary:

Bring a water bottle – The tap water here is safe to drink so bring a reusable water bottle to save money and reduce your plastic use. LifeStraw is my go-to brand as their bottles have built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe.

Take a free walking tour – Free walking tours are available in Budapest and are the best way to get the lay of the land for cheap. You’ll learn a lot about the city and get access to an expert local guide who can answer your questions. Be Original Tours runs an interesting tour to get you started. Just be sure to tip your guide!

Stay with a local – Staying with a local via Couchsurfing is an easy way to save money and meet a knowledgeable local who can share their insider tips and advice.

Cook your own meals – While eating out isn’t too expensive here, if you’re on a budget it’s cheaper if you cook your own meals. Head to a local grocery store and save money!

Rideshare – Ridesharing apps like BlaBlaCar allow you to share rides with locals in order to get around the country (it’s best for medium and long distances). Everyone is registered and verified so it’s quite safe, and while it isn’t free it’s likely more interesting (and faster) than taking a train or bus.

Redeem hotel points – Be sure to sign up for hotel credit cards so you can use those points to pay for accommodation on your trip. You’ll get at least 1-2 nights free with most cards, which can significantly lower your costs. This post can help you understand the basics so you can start earning points today and have plenty by the time you travel.

Walk everywhere – Most cities in Hungary are quite walkable (even Budapest). Plan your days strategically so you can limit your use of public transportation and capitalize on the opportunity to explore on foot.

Get the Budapest Card – The Budapest Card is a travel pass that provides discounts and deals on attractions and activities in the city. You get free public transport, entry to the Lukács thermal baths, and entry to 17 museums. A 24-hour card costs 15,350 HUF, a 48-hour card costs 20,835 HUF, and a 72-hour card costs 27,125 HUF.

How to Get Around in Hungary

A view overlooking Budapest, Hungary from above, featuring historic buildings and the beautiful Danube

Public transportation – Public transport is well developed in Hungary. Most cities have buses and trams, and Budapest has an underground. Single-journey tickets vary by city but expect to pay around 450 HUF, while a day pass costs around 2,500 HUF.

When using the local public buses in Hungary, you need to validate your ticket when you board. Traveling without a ticket is a fineable offense so be sure to validate your ticket before you ride.

Train – Hungary’s train network is still being modernized and there is a big difference in comfort between local trains and long-distance and international trains. As the Hungarian rail network was built around Budapest, most long-distance journeys take you through one of the capital’s three train stations (Keleti, Nyugati, or Deli).

When traveling by rail in Hungary you can choose to take the cheaper and slower local trains, or pay extra for more modern and faster InterCity rail services (be sure to reserve a seat in advance if you’re taking the InterCity train).

From Budapest to Lake Balaton, the train takes around 90 minutes and costs 6,000 HUF. From Budapest to Pécs, the journey takes around 2.5 hours and costs just 5,000 HUF. If you want to take the train into Slovakia, the train from Budapest to Bratislava takes around 2.5 hours and costs 12,500 HUF.

To find routes and prices for trains around Europe, use Trainline .

Bus – Volánbusz is the main bus company in Hungary. It’s cheap and is sometimes even faster than the train. Flixbus also has routes that connect to nearby countries like Austria, Czechia, and Slovakia.

The ride from Budapest to Pécs takes around 4.5 hours and costs around 4,000 HUF. The 2.5-hour bus from Budapest to Bratislava costs around 5,800 HUF.

To find bus routes and prices, use BusBud .

Flying – Flying around Hungary will not save you any time or money compared to the train so I’d avoid it. You can fly to nearby countries though, such as Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, and Poland, for under 18,000 HUF with Ryanair or Wizz Air (if you book early).

Car rental – Car rentals can be found for as little as 6,500 HUF per day for a multi-day rental, though this isn’t necessarily the most economical way to get around as the buses and trains here are super affordable. If you’re driving, make sure to bring an International Driving Permit (IDP) — you’ll need one for any car rental.

For the best car rental prices, use Discover Cars .

Hitchhiking – Hitchhiking is safe and relatively common in Hungary. Check out Hitchwiki for more tips and information if you plan on hitchhiking here.

When to Go to Hungary

The most popular time to visit Hungary is June-August. Temperatures in most areas hover around 23-29°C (73-84°F) and Hungary (especially Budapest) experiences an influx of visitors. Prices increase during this time as well, but the cities are lively and there are lots of events and festivals. In the mountainous areas around Eger, temperatures are a bit cooler in the summer with daily averages between 19-21°C (66-70°F). Summers are fairly rainy with 7-9 days of rain each month.

Winter stretches from November to March. Expect rain and snow, with many tourist attractions shutting down for the season. Temperatures drop below freezing so it’s too cold for hiking and exploring on foot. However, if you enjoy winter sports, you’ll find places for skiing and sledding in the mountains. That said, November-December brings Christmas markets galore, so it’s a fun time for shorter city trips.

Personally, I think the best time to visit Hungary is the shoulder season in the spring and fall. Temperatures hover between 10-17°C (50-62°F) in the lower elevations so it’s still warm enough to hike and explore but prices are a little lower and there are fewer crowds. There’s also less rain that in the summer, which makes it easier to enjoy outdoor activities. In the mountains temperatures are still pleasant, ranging between 11-16° (52-60°F). It cools off significantly at night, so you’ll definitely want to pack layers.

Hungary Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • Booking.com – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • HostelPass – This new card gives you up to 20% off hostels throughout Europe. It’s a great way to save money. They’re constantly adding new hostels too. I’ve always wanted something like this and glad it finallt exists.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • The Man in Seat 61 – This website is the ultimate guide to train travel anywhere in the world. They have the most comprehensive information on routes, times, prices, and train conditions. If you are planning a long train journey or some epic train trip, consult this site.
  • Rome2Rio – This website allows you to see how to get from point A to point B the best and cheapest way possible. It will give you all the bus, train, plane, or boat routes that can get you there as well as how much they cost.
  • FlixBus – Flixbus has routes between 20 European countries with prices starting as low 5 EUR! Their buses include WiFi, electrical outlets, a free checked bag.
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!
  • BlaBlaCar – BlaBlaCar is a ridesharing website that lets you share rides with vetted local drivers by pitching in for gas. You simply request a seat, they approve, and off you go! It’s a cheaper and more interesting way to travel than by bus or train!

GO DEEPER: Nomadic Matt’s In-Depth Budget Guide to Europe!

Nomadic Matt's Guide to Paris

There’s a lot of free information online but do you want to spend days searching for information? Prob not! That’s why guidebooks exist.

While I have a lot of free tips on Europe, I also wrote an entire book that goes into great detail on everything you need to plan a trip here on a budget! You’ll get suggested itineraries, budgets, even more ways to save money, my favorite restaurants, prices, practical information (i.e. phone numbers, websites, prices, safety advice, etc etc), and cultural tips.

I’ll give the insider view of Europe that I got from years of traveling and living here! The downloadable guide can be used on your Kindle, iPad, phone, or computer so you can have it with you when you go. Click here to learn more about my book on Europe!

Hungary Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more tips for your trip? Check out all the articles I’ve written on Hungary travel and continue planning your trip:

A quiet street in the historic center of beautiful Budapest, Hungary after sunrise

The 6 Best Hotels in Budapest

The stunning parliament building along the Danube in Budapest, Hungary

Where to Stay in Budapest: The Best Neighborhoods For Your Visit

The interior of a ruin bar in Budapest, Hungary

The Best Ruin Bars of Budapest

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Travelling to Hungary: What You Need to Know Before You Go This November 2021

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Hungary has registered a total of 960,844 COVID-19 cases of infections and 32,171 deaths since the start of the pandemic, based on the official data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO).

However, despite such figures, authorities in the Central European country have started to ease their preventive measures imposed to halt the further spread of the virus and its new strains, especially for vaccinated travellers and permit them to enter its territory even for tourism purposes.

Who Can Travel to Hungary?

Following the path of other countries worldwide, authorities in Hungary imposed entry bans and other restrictions, at the very beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, as part of their efforts to prevent a surge in the number of infections. However, despite the restrictions, there are some general exemptions applied.

According to the European Union official website, citizens who fall under the following categories are not required to follow entry requirements, regardless of their citizenship;

  • Persons who have recovered from the virus in the past months from the date of entry
  • Persons who obtain a Hungarian immunity document and their accompanying minor children, if they travel together
  • Holders of immunity documents approved by authorities in Hungary based on unilateral or bilateral agreements, and their accompanying minor children, in case, that they travel together
  • Persons who arrive in Hungary through land borders with Serbia, except the entry by civil aircraft
  • Crossing the border for freight traffic or with a diplomatic passport, service and seaman’s passport

“Travellers fulfilling one of the criteria mentioned above do not need any permission, nor prior PCR tests in order to enter Hungary, they do not need to go into isolation, and their length of stay is not limited,” the statement clarifies.

Earlier this month, the Hungarian Gazette announced that since August 7, travellers from several territories worldwide would be eligible to travel to Hungary, provided that they present a negative result of the PCR test when flying to the country.

The same source revealed that passengers reaching Hungary from the following countries are allowed to enter if they meet the testing requirement:

  • European Union and Schengen Area Member States
  • All territories mentioned in the decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs concurring with the Ministry of Public Security
  • North Macedonia
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • United Arab Emirates

Other exemptions may be applied for business travellers as well as a few other categories.

What About Travellers Who Do Not Fall Under the Exemption Category?

fcm travel hungary

Travellers who do not meet the requirements mentioned above must follow special measures imposed by the Hungarian government, taking into account travellers’ citizenship and the purpose of their stay.

Following the recommendation of the European Union, currently, citizens of Hungary are permitted to enter their territory, without entry permission or PCR test result, regardless of the purpose of their stay, if they follow a ten-day mandatory quarantine rule or until they show two negative PCR tests results taken two days apart.

As for non-Hungarian citizens, they are allowed to enter Hungary only for specific cases, based on their purpose of stay.

“The entry of non-Hungarian travellers not falling into the general exemption categories (see above), or the essential and special entry purpose categories (listed below) is currently not allowed. Tourism is considered as a non-essential purpose of entry,” the statement clarifies.

Travellers from other countries can enter Hungary for any of the purposes mentioned below if they hold an entry permit issued by the Hungarian Police without being obliged to present a COVID-19 PCR test result:

  • attending a court hearing
  • medical treatment purposes
  • pursuing studies or other reasons justified by competent authorities.

However, travellers allowed to enter must stay self-isolated for ten days upon their arrival in the Central European country. Still, the quarantine period can be shortened by performing two PCR tests in Hungary.

Which Vaccines Are Accepted by Hungarian Authorities?

Hungary introduced the COVID EU Vaccine Passport on June 30 to ease the travel process for vaccinated passengers, even though it foresaw that such a certificate would be ready by June 15.

The European Commission allowed EU Member States to launch such documents for travellers who have been vaccinated against the virus with any of the vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Still, each Member State can decide if they want to permit the entry of passengers vaccinated with vaccines that EMA does not approve.

At present, the vaccines recognized by EMA are Comirnaty (BioNTech, Pfizer), Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), and Moderna, Vaxzevria ( AstraZeneca, Oxford).

Whereas the vaccines approved by Hungary are Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Sinopharm (Beijing), Sinovac (CoronaVac), CanSinoBio, Janssen, and CoviShield.

However, Hungary and Russia are currently discussing the possibility of licensing production of Russia’s Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine in Hungary, which could start from the end of 2022, according to the country’s Foreign Minister, Peter Szijjarto, as Reuters reported.

In addition, authorities in Hungary have also announced that all persons vaccinated against the virus with any of the vaccines approved by WHO will also be exempted from additional requirements such as testing or quarantine upon their arrival in Hungary.

At present, the following vaccines are approved by the World Health Organization:

  • Pfizer/BioNTech (Comirnaty)
  • AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria)
  • Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
  • Moderna (Spikevax)
  • AstraZeneca-SK Bio (Vaxzevria)
  • AstraZeneca-Serum Institute of India (Covishield)
  • Sinopharm BIBP
  • CoronaVac by Sinovac Life Sciences

Travellers who have completed their immunization process against the Coronavirus and hold an immunity certificate issued by one of the following countries would be permitted to enter Hungary without being subject to additional requirements: Andorra, Albania, Bahrain, Croatia,  Czechia, Cyprus, Faroe Isl., India, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan.

Those who have been vaccinated against the virus and hold a valid proof of their vaccination issued by the following countries, will also be permitted to enter Hungary; Kyrgyzstan, Moldova Monaco, Montenegro, Mongolia, North Macedonia, Morocco, Panama, Russia, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey,  Uzbekistan or Vatican City (Holy See) as well as minors under age 18.

Travel Insurance for Hungary

Passengers are strongly encouraged to purchase travel insurance to help them save their money, especially amid the ongoing pandemic, if the trip gets cancelled or delayed due to the COVID-19 situation or other purposes.

At the same time, travellers are very likely to experience unforeseen medical emergencies due to the spread of the virus or even accidents and other health issues. Being covered with health insurance while travelling to Hungary means receiving the right care while spending very little money.

Hungary’s travel insurance measures can be purchased from or  Europ Assistance .

What to Expect When Heading to Hungary?

fcm travel hungary

As the country is currently highly affected by the spread of the Coronavirus, there is not much that travellers can currently do.

“Indoor sport and cultural events or outdoor events with over 500 people can only be attended by people with immunity certificates. People under 18 can only attend these events with an immunity certificate or being accompanied by a person with an immunity card,” the statement published by Wego Travel Blog reads.

Even though the epidemiological situation in the country this summer was considered relatively stable, the delta variant’s rapid spread led to an upsurge in the number of infections lately; therefore, the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) issued a new statement calling on citizens to be more careful.

In order to increase the vaccination rate and prevent another upsurge in the number of COVID-19 infections, authorities in the Central European country announced that they would take a vaccination action week between 22-28 November.

“Unvaccinated people can exceptionally arrive at the vaccination points without prior registration. In this case, they will be registered on-site and vaccinated on a first-come-first-served basis. For those who have previously registered online it is still recommended to make an appointment, whether they want to take the first or missed second or third vaccination,” the statement published by the University of Dunaújváro.

As the COVID-19 cases started to increase again, authorities in Hungary decided to take other preventive measures. The Head of the Prime Minister’s Office, Gergely Gulyás, stressed that the following three measures became effective at the beginning of this month.

  • The face mask has become compulsory on public transport
  • The government decided to give employers the right to require vaccination as a precondition of employment
  • Hungarian hospitals imposed a ban on visitors due to the COVID-19 situation

Current Coronavirus Situation in Hungary

According to the figures published by the World Health Organization, a total of 345 new COVID-19 infection cases were recorded in Hungary in the past 24 hours, while three patients died due to the virus.

Whereas data by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shows that Hungary has so far vaccinated 64.9 per cent of the population.

NOTE : This article was originally published on September 9. Since then, the same has been continuously updated with the most recent changes. The last changes to the article were made on November 17, in line with the most recent updates of the Hungarian authorities.

  • Hungary Travel Restrictions Due To Coronavirus

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