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Appendix A: CRA Kilometric Rates

Effective: April 1, 2024

The kilometric rates (payable in cents per kilometre) below are payable in Canadian funds only. Rates are reviewed on a quarterly basis.

These rates are guided and established by the National Joint Council (NJC) and adopted by the Canada Revenue Agency for application of the Directive on Travel. For more information on how these rates are established and adjusted by the NJC, please see Kilometric Rates - Questions and Answers .

  • Rates are payable in Canadian funds only.
  • The kilometric rate payable when a Canadian registered vehicle is driven in more than one province or in the USA shall be the rate applicable to the province or territory of registration of the vehicle.

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CPA Guide

CRA Mileage Rate 2024: Guide to Tax-Free Vehicle Allowances For Business Travel

Cra mileage rate 2024.

Are you an employee, small business owner, or self-employed individual looking to understand the rules and regulations of CRA mileage rate this 2024 ? Canadian taxpayers need to be aware of what they can expense on their taxes as entertainment, such as meals or kilometres travelled in a car.

We will discuss all relevant to ensure you maximize your deductions for businesses travelling while remaining compliant.

Key Takeaways

  • 70¢ per kilometre for the first 5,000km driven
  • 64¢ per kilometre after that
  • 74¢ per kilometre for the first 5,000km driven
  • 68¢ per kilometre after that

Changes to the CRA mileage rate for 2024

When reimbursing employees for business travel, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has set out a specific set of rules that employers must adhere to. Canadian taxpayers should be aware of these rules when managing their business expenses to avoid any penalties from the CRA.

The 2024 standard CRA mileage rate per kilometre is currently 70 cents with a 4-cent per kilometre reduction after the first 5,000 kilometres driven yearly.

Here’s the CRA’s Automobile Allowance Rates for the past five years:

This is a CRA mileage rate 2024 table. It shows the CRA mileage rates for first 5,000km  and over 5,000km in provinces and territories from 2020 to 2024.

You can report any tax-subjected automobile allowances paid to employees or officers on Form T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment .

Employers can claim input tax credits based on reimbursements made for these expense claims but must ensure they keep detailed records alongside invoices related to any incurred costs.

Businesses must recognize reimbursement requirements, as failure to comply could result in CRA-implemented fines and other financial penalties, which will financially affect both employers and their staff.

What is CRA mileage allowance and tax-free vehicle allowance in Canada?

The CRA mileage rates are a guide set by the Canada Revenue Agency to reimburse taxpayers for vehicle expenses incurred for business use. They calculate the deductible expenses related to operating a vehicle for business, medical, moving, or charitable purposes. Taxpayers can use these rates to calculate their deductible vehicle expenses when filing their income tax returns.

How to use the 2024 CRA mileage rate and automobile allowance: Salaried workers, Self-employed, and Employers

Mileage reimbursement rules for salaried workers.

Employees may be eligible to claim allowable motor vehicle expenses on their income tax return if they incurred these expenses under the terms of their employment contract. For instance, if an employer agrees to reimburse travel expenses for using one’s personal vehicle for work-related tasks.

However, it’s essential for employees to maintain accurate records and evidence to substantiate that the kilometers claimed were indeed for business purposes.

Mileage Reimbursement Rules for Self-employed

Self-employees can also deduct business-related vehicle expenses. This also applies to personal cars used for business purposes such as purchasing supplies for your businesses, meeting with clients, attending conferences, or visiting customers. Other expenses may also include:

  • License and registration fees
  • Fuel and oil expenses
  • Insurance fees
  • Maintenance and repairs expenses
  • Leasing costs
  • Capital cost allowance

The allowance will be deducted in the annual tax returns. But remember, self-employees must keep receipts and invoices in order to get deductions. Expenses incurred for personal use of their personal vehicle will not be eligible for coverage under the allowance.

Mileage Reimbursement Rules for Employers

There is no law mandating that employers must compensate employees for using their personal vehicles for business purposes – this depends on individual company policies or contracts.

Nevertheless, implementing a mileage allowance using Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) standards can make a job offer more attractive to potential employees, as it compensates for their personal vehicle usage.

With a CRA mileage allowance, employers are obliged to cover employees’ work-related vehicle expenses. This reimbursement also provides a tax benefit for the company. To qualify as legitimate and tax-deductible, the reimbursement should:

  • Cover the yearly amount of kilometres driven solely for business purposes
  • Be based on a reasonable per-kilometre rate or slightly lower than the official CRA vehicle allowance rates
  • Be for the employee who hasn’t already been reimbursed for the same use of their vehicle.

If these conditions are met, the mileage reimbursement is considered a non-taxable benefit for employees.

Eligibility For CRA Mileage Rate 2024 And Tax-Free Vehicle Allowances

The CRA provides rules and regulations for claiming tax-free vehicle allowances and mileage rates when travelling for business purposes.

You are also eligible if you use your car to attend conventions, seminars or meetings, and other activities with work-related purposes away from home. But travelling from your home to your normal place of work is not considered business-related driving.

The type of transportation used is essential—employees using public transport, such as buses and subways, do not qualify for any reimbursements. At the same time, those who choose personal cars will receive a predetermined per-kilometre rate (according to the CRA standard mileage rate as shown above).

4 Types Of Business Travel Eligible For CRA Mileage Rates And Tax-Free Vehicle Allowances

  • Regular Work Locations
  • Temporary Work Locations
  • Home Office as a Regular Work Location
  • Commuting to Work

Whether travelling for regular work locations, temporary work locations, home office or commuting to work, you’ll find everything you need to know about the CRA mileage rates and tax-free vehicle allowances here.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) defines regular work location as any workplace that the employee visits at least once a week on a sustained basis for a purpose related to their employment.

It includes both long-term and short-term job positions or assignments. The employer must be able to provide sufficient proof of attendance; records such as timesheets should help demonstrate this.

In addition, travel expenses associated with these locations are only eligible for reimbursement if they are located more than 80 km (one way) from the primary place of business or residence of the employee.

For example, an accountant who works in Toronto but travels to Ottawa each weekend would likely qualify for CRA mileage rate reimbursements since it’s more than 160 km one way between cities—even if he has not been assigned there permanently yet.

Any work location other than an employee’s regular place of employment is considered a “temporary” work location and would be eligible for mileage rate and tax-free vehicle allowances.

According to CRA guidelines, temporary locations last up to four weeks or have been pre-approved by the employer in writing. Considering all surrounding circumstances, the employer must demonstrate why the travel was reasonable.

Any expenses related to this travel, such as lodging, meals, allowance and specific motor vehicle rates, can be deducted from income if proven to be necessary business or relocation expenses incurred during that journey.

  • Home Office As A Regular Work Location

Home offices may qualify for either CRA mileage reimbursement or tax-free vehicle allowance when it is determined to be a regular work location.

To qualify as a regular work location, the home office must be used for working with clients or customers more than 50% of the time each month and must meet specific criteria, such as having private entrances, separate telephone lines and an exclusive portion of the residence dedicated solely for business activities.

  • Commuting To Work

Commuting expenses incurred while travelling to and from work regularly are usually not eligible for mileage rate or tax-free vehicle allowance benefits under the CRA.

However, Canadian taxpayers can claim certain commuting expenses for business activities associated with their job or profession that require them to travel and attend industry events or other such engagements away from their workplace.

To be eligible, the primary purpose of this travel must be generating income by performing duties related to your job/profession rather than commuting between home and work.

LEARN MORE: How to Find the Best Tax Accountant Near Me

Mileage Reimbursement Implications

Tax implications.

In Canada, tax deductions are available to businesses for business travel expenses, including mileage and car allowances. Mileage allowance paid to employees or officers is treated as a taxable benefit subject to the employer’s income tax withholding at source.

If an employee is provided with the use of a company car, this will be presented as part of their salary, and taxes will be deducted accordingly. For employers, eligible expenditure on providing car allowances to employees may also qualify for input tax credits if applicable according to prevailing rules in each province or territory.

Accurate tracking and record-keeping are essential when claiming CRA mileage rates and tax-free vehicle allowances for business travel. Recent changes have been implemented regarding the supporting documentation that employers must keep to claim certain deductions from their business’s income taxes relating to these types of expenses (e.g., a detailed log that includes the date of travel, route taken, and distance travelled).

If you need clarification about the tax implications, you can always consult a tax accountant who can help you with personal and corporate tax matters.

External Influences

  • Economic Conditions : Rates might be adjusted to align with prevailing economic conditions.
  • Cost of Fuel: Fluctuations in fuel prices may cause the allowance rate to increase or decrease.
  • Inflation Rates: General inflation can affect the cost of vehicle maintenance, repairs, insurance, and other related expenses. CRA might adjust the mileage allowance accordingly.
  • Policy Changes: Any new regulations regarding business expenses and reimbursements might necessitate changes to the allowance.
  • Technological Advancements: The increase in electric and hybrid vehicles can affect the per-kilometre cost calculation regarding vehicle expenses, which could potentially impact the CRA mileage allowance.

3 Tips For Managing Business Travel Expenses and Mileage Tracking

– Provide clear guidelines for employees to follow when tracking and recording business travel expenses, such as keeping detailed records and utilizing technology.

1. Keep Detailed Records

Keeping detailed records of business travel expenses is essential for Canadian taxpayers. It helps to accurately calculate CRA mileage rates and tax-free vehicle allowances and avoid potential issues during an audit from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Taxpayers need to keep records such as:

• Gas receipts

• Oil changes

• Car maintenance & repair costs

• Insurance payments

• Any other related out-of-pocket expenses

By keeping these mileage records, Canadian taxpayers can easily track their business travel expenses and ensure everything is accounted for correctly. Further, it provides evidence that any vehicle deductions are legitimate, so there are no problems or additional costs associated with CRA audits. Technology can also help Canadians monitor their spending by using various automatic mileage tracking tools, such as Driversnote’s expense reimbursement system and tracking tool – perfect for managing business trips abroad or just around town!

2. Use Technology To Track Vehicle Expenses

Technology can be a valuable tool for managing business travel expenses associated with CRA mileage rates and tax-free vehicle allowances. Mileage tracking apps and other tools can enable accurate record-keeping and precise calculations, which can help taxpayers claim total tax deductions. Keeping a detailed log of trips is still necessary, but using technology reduces the need for manual tracking of odometer readings while adding convenience.

Examples of mileage tracking apps include TripLog , MileIQ , QuickBooks Self Employed , etc. Additionally, businesses may install GPS units on employee vehicles to keep track of automobile-related expenses for various purposes, including deduction claims at year-end taxes or providing client billing information when required.

Using these apps or tools can make managing business travel expenses in different locations within Canada easier by automatically tracking all drives based on time spent driving as per kilometre rate set by the CRA standard mileage allowance (SMA). It saves time to manually enter odometer readings every time an individual travels between two points, ensuring that no detail remains unaccounted during tax filing or claiming expenditures from bosses/employers, respectively.

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3. Reimburse Employees Promptly

Employers must ensure that employees are reimbursed promptly and accurately for travel expenses on business trips to avoid any potential complications or legal ramifications.

Promptly reimbursing employees helps maintain employee morale and makes them feel empowered and valued, primarily if the employer guides them in navigating the expense system. Hence, they know exactly what to do when their reimbursements will be delivered and why it’s crucial.

According to Canadian tax laws, employers who provide an automobile allowance must maintain documents clearly outlining this arrangement and documenting all claims made by employees against it via an expense reimbursement form.

Furthermore, failure to automate the process in some way may lead to delays with repayment — another aspect that should be addressed in such arrangements.

  • Understanding Provincial/Territorial Allowances and Mileage Rates in Canada

Canadian taxpayers are responsible for understanding the differences between federal and provincial/territorial allowances when claiming expenses related to business travel.

The CRA has a standard mileage rate of $0.70 per kilometre for the first 5,000 kilometres driven each year; however, some provinces or territories might have additional tax-free vehicle allowance amounts based on their accommodations, cost of living or other particular circumstances that could increase the amount an individual can claim up from CRA’s base rate.

CRA Mileage Rate 2024 Conclusion

As business travel can be complicated and expensive, understanding the CRA mileage rates and tax-free vehicle allowances is essential. Following the rules prescribed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can save time, money, and energy when preparing your taxes.

The key takeaway from this article is to keep records of all your travels—including destinations, distances travelled, and dates—and submit accurate expense reports for CRA mileage reimbursement or claim for a business vehicle allowance as per eligible criteria as soon as possible.

Common questions related to CRA Mileage Rates this 2024 And Tax-Free Vehicle Allowances For Business Travel relate to eligibility criteria for claiming deductions on taxes relating to business trips; applicability of different rates in various provinces/territories; use of technology tools for tracking expenses; etc., all of which have been addressed throughout this article.

It’s also essential to remember that expenses must adhere to guidelines set forth by the Canada Revenue Agency’s prescriptions for deductions to apply on personal income tax filings.

1. What are the CRA mileage rates for business travel?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) sets a mileage rate for business travel for automobile and bicycle use. Currently, the kilometric rate is set at $0.70/km (2024)for taxis, cars or vans leased or owned by employees.

2. How do you calculate vehicle allowances provided by employers through CRA?

To calculate vehicle allowance amounts provided by employers using the CRA mileage rate, multiply an employee’s total business kilometres driven during a given tax year with the corresponding kilometric rate of ($0.70 per km 2024 for the first 5,000km and $0.64 thereafter). This amount should be included in Box 14 on their T4 slip from the employer to declare it as income when filing taxes every year unless the allowance meets certain criteria and is considered “reasonable.”

3 . Are car expenses covered under my prescribed mileage rates allowance?

Yes – once you met CRA’s conditions, reimbursed car expenses such as insurance costs and eligible lease payments are intended to be covered by your prescribed mileage rates allowance according to CRA guidelines.

Are you looking for assistance with your personal or corporate taxes? Look no further than CPA Guide. Our network of top accountants and accounting firms in Canada will help you find the best CPA to suit your needs. Get started today with CPA Guide .

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  • Per Diem Lookup

FY 2025 per diem highlights

We establish the per diem rates for the continental United States (CONUS), which includes the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. Federal agencies use the per diem rates to reimburse their employees for subsistence expenses incurred while on official travel.

Federal per diem rates consist of a maximum lodging allowance component and a meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) component. The standard rate of $178 ($110 lodging, $68 M&IE) applies to most of CONUS. For fiscal year (FY) 2025, there are 296 non-standard areas (NSAs) that have per diem rates higher than the standard rate.

Since FY 2005, we have based the maximum lodging allowances on average daily rate (ADR) data. ADR is a widely accepted lodging industry measure derived from a property’s room rental revenue divided by the number of rooms rented. This calculation provides us with the average rate in an area. For more information about how lodging per diem rates are determined, visit Factors influencing lodging rates .

We remind agencies that the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) allows for actual expense reimbursement when per diem rates are insufficient to meet necessary expenses. Please see FTR § § 301-11.300 through 11.306 for more information.

FY 2025 results

The standard CONUS lodging rate increased from $107 to $110. The M&IE rate tiers were revised for FY 2025; they were last revised in FY 2022. The standard M&IE rate increased from $59 to $68, and the M&IE rate tiers for non-standard areas increased from $59-$79 to $68-$92.

The following locations that were NSAs (or part of an established NSA) in FY 2024 moved into the standard CONUS rate category:

  • Ft. Wayne, IN (Allen County)
  • Canton, OH (Stark County)
  • Mentor, OH (Lake County)
  • East Greenwich / Warwick, RI (Kent County)
  • Waco, TX (McLennan County)
  • Wisconsin Dells, WI (Columbia County)


1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2022 and 09/30/2025.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.

Annual Salary Of Chrystia Freeland: A Detailed Analysis

  • 03 Jul 2024
  • importantreading8

How much does Chrystia Freeland make?

Chrystia Freeland is a Canadian politician who has served as Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Finance since 2020. Her annual salary is $263,400, which is set by the Salaries and Allowances Act.

The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is equal to that of other cabinet ministers, and is based on the recommendations of the Independent Commission on the Remuneration of Public Office Holders. The commission is responsible for setting the salaries of all federal government officials, including the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, and members of Parliament.

The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister has been the subject of some controversy in recent years, with some critics arguing that it is too high. However, the commission has defended the salary, arguing that it is necessary to attract and retain qualified individuals to serve in government.

The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is just one of the many factors that contribute to the overall cost of government. However, it is an important factor to consider when discussing the issue of government spending.

  • Amount: $263,400
  • Currency: Canadian dollars
  • Frequency: Annual
  • Source: Salaries and Allowances Act
  • Taxable: Yes
  • Comparable to: Other cabinet ministers

Personal details and bio data of Chrystia Freeland: | Name | Date of birth | Place of birth | Occupation ||---|---|---|---|| Chrystia Freeland | September 2, 1968 | Peace River, Alberta | Politician |

The amount of $263,400 is the annual salary of Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Finance. This salary is set by the Salaries and Allowances Act and is comparable to the salaries of other cabinet ministers.

  • Components of the Salary: The salary of $263,400 is made up of a base salary, a representation allowance, and a car allowance. The base salary is the largest component of the salary and is set at $184,700. The representation allowance is a taxable allowance that is meant to cover the costs of official duties, such as travel and entertainment. The car allowance is a non-taxable allowance that is meant to cover the costs of a car for official use.
  • Comparison to Other Cabinet Ministers: The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is equal to the salaries of other cabinet ministers. This is because the Salaries and Allowances Act sets the salaries of all federal government officials, including the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, and members of Parliament.
  • Tax Implications: The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is taxable. This means that Chrystia Freeland must pay income tax on her salary, just like all other Canadians.
  • Controversies: The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister has been the subject of some controversy in recent years, with some critics arguing that it is too high. However, the Independent Commission on the Remuneration of Public Office Holders, which is responsible for setting the salaries of all federal government officials, has defended the salary, arguing that it is necessary to attract and retain qualified individuals to serve in government.

The salary of Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Finance, is $263,400 per year. This salary is set by the Salaries and Allowances Act and is paid in Canadian dollars.

The use of Canadian dollars as the currency for Chrystia Freeland's salary is significant because it reflects the fact that she is a Canadian citizen and that her salary is paid by the Canadian government. The Canadian dollar is the official currency of Canada and is used for all government transactions.

The value of the Canadian dollar fluctuates against other currencies, such as the US dollar and the euro. This means that the amount of money that Chrystia Freeland receives in Canadian dollars will vary depending on the exchange rate.

For example, if the Canadian dollar is strong against the US dollar, then Chrystia Freeland will receive more US dollars for her salary. Conversely, if the Canadian dollar is weak against the US dollar, then she will receive fewer US dollars for her salary.

The value of the Canadian dollar is influenced by a number of factors, including economic growth, interest rates, and global demand for Canadian goods and services.

The frequency of Chrystia Freeland's salary is annual, meaning that she is paid once per year. This is significant because it affects the way that she budgets and plans her spending. For example, she needs to ensure that she has enough money to cover her expenses for the entire year, including taxes, insurance, and other fixed costs.

The annual frequency of Chrystia Freeland's salary also affects the way that she is taxed. In Canada, income tax is calculated on an annual basis. This means that Chrystia Freeland's salary is taxed once per year, based on her total income for the year. The annual frequency of her salary also affects the way that she is eligible for certain benefits, such as employment insurance and pension benefits.

Overall, the annual frequency of Chrystia Freeland's salary is an important factor that affects her financial planning and budgeting.

The Salaries and Allowances Act is a Canadian law that sets the salaries and allowances of all federal government officials, including the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, and members of Parliament. The Act also sets the salary of the Deputy Prime Minister, which is currently $263,400 per year.

  • Statutory Authority: The Salaries and Allowances Act is the legal authority for setting the salary of the Deputy Prime Minister. This means that the salary cannot be changed without amending the Act.
  • Independent Commission: The salaries of all federal government officials are set by an independent commission, the Independent Commission on the Remuneration of Public Office Holders. This commission is responsible for making recommendations to the government on the appropriate level of salaries for all public office holders.
  • Comparability: The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is comparable to the salaries of other cabinet ministers. This is because the Salaries and Allowances Act sets the salaries of all cabinet ministers at the same level.
  • Taxable: The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is taxable. This means that Chrystia Freeland must pay income tax on her salary, just like all other Canadians.

The Salaries and Allowances Act is an important piece of legislation that ensures that the salaries of all federal government officials, including the Deputy Prime Minister, are set in a fair and transparent manner.

The fact that Chrystia Freeland's salary is taxable is a significant consideration when discussing how much she makes. This means that she must pay income tax on her salary, just like all other Canadians. The amount of income tax that she pays will depend on her total income for the year, as well as her tax bracket.

For example, if Chrystia Freeland has a taxable income of $263,400, she will pay approximately $63,000 in federal income tax. This is a significant amount of money, and it is important to factor it in when considering her overall compensation.

The fact that Chrystia Freeland's salary is taxable also has implications for her retirement planning. When she retires, she will be eligible to receive a pension from the government. However, the amount of her pension will be based on her taxable income during her working years. This means that the higher her taxable income, the higher her pension will be.

Overall, the fact that Chrystia Freeland's salary is taxable is an important factor to consider when discussing how much she makes. It is important to factor in the amount of income tax that she will pay, as well as the implications for her retirement planning.

Comparable to

The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada is comparable to the salaries of other cabinet ministers. This is because the Salaries and Allowances Act sets the salaries of all cabinet ministers at the same level.

  • Rationale: The rationale for setting the salary of the Deputy Prime Minister at the same level as other cabinet ministers is to ensure that all cabinet ministers are compensated fairly for their work.
  • Responsibilities: Cabinet ministers are responsible for overseeing the operations of their respective departments and for developing and implementing government policy. They also represent the government in Parliament and to the public.
  • Experience and Qualifications: Cabinet ministers are typically experienced politicians or public servants who have a proven track record of success.
  • Workload: Cabinet ministers have a heavy workload and are often required to work long hours.

Overall, the fact that the salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is comparable to the salaries of other cabinet ministers is a reflection of the importance of the role and the responsibilities that come with it.

FAQs on Chrystia Freeland's Salary

Here are some frequently asked questions about the salary of Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Finance:

Question 1: How much does Chrystia Freeland make?

Answer: Chrystia Freeland's salary is $263,400 per year.

Question 2: What is the source of Chrystia Freeland's salary?

Answer: Chrystia Freeland's salary is set by the Salaries and Allowances Act, a Canadian law that sets the salaries of all federal government officials.

Question 3: Is Chrystia Freeland's salary taxable?

Answer: Yes, Chrystia Freeland's salary is taxable. She must pay income tax on her salary, just like all other Canadians.

Question 4: How does Chrystia Freeland's salary compare to the salaries of other cabinet ministers?

Answer: Chrystia Freeland's salary is comparable to the salaries of other cabinet ministers. The Salaries and Allowances Act sets the salaries of all cabinet ministers at the same level.

Question 5: What are the benefits of Chrystia Freeland's salary?

Answer: Chrystia Freeland's salary provides her with a comfortable living and allows her to focus on her work as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

Question 6: What are the drawbacks of Chrystia Freeland's salary?

Answer: One potential drawback of Chrystia Freeland's salary is that it could be seen as excessive by some people.

In summary, Chrystia Freeland, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Finance, earns an annual salary of $263,400. Her salary is set by the Salaries and Allowances Act and is comparable to the salaries of other cabinet ministers. Chrystia Freeland's salary is taxable, and she must pay income tax on her salary, just like all other Canadians.

The salary of the Deputy Prime Minister is an important factor to consider when discussing the issue of government spending. However, it is important to remember that Chrystia Freeland's salary is just one of many factors that contribute to the overall cost of government.

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United Carry-on Size & Luggage Allowance in 2024 - An Overview

 The clock is ticking down to the day of your holiday, but you’re still in the dark about United Airlines 2024 carry-on size and luggage allowance. Here’s a comprehensive and updated guide on United Airlines' baggage policy for you.

There are too many questions that can arise from just the words “packing for flying” alone. What is not allowed in a carry-on? How much extra is oversized luggage? Should I check my bags or carry them on ? How strict are baggage limits? And so on.

This makes this process a headache for some. But if you spend a bit of time going over your airline luggage guide, it shouldn’t be a problem at all. In fact, it’s going to be just as easy as zipping your suitcase.

In this United Airlines 2024 carry-on size and luggage allowance guide, we will answer all your questions about how to become a pro in handling your luggage when flying with United Airlines.

United Carry-on Size - Your Key To Hassle-Free Travel

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United carry-on bag policy allows each passenger to bring one (01) carry-on bag and one (01) extra personal item on the plane for free.

  • Carry-on: must fit in the overhead compartment | 22 x 14 x 9 inches (56 x 35 x 22 cm) - wheels and handles included. 
  • Personal item: must fit under the seat in front of you | 17 x 10 x 9 inches (43 x 25 x 22 cm).

For most passengers, the standard weight limit for a carry-on bag is 50 pounds (22,7 kilograms). However, this weight limit varies depending on your ticket type. 

What Extra Items Can You Bring On Board?

Along with your carry-on bag and a personal item, you can bring these items without extra charges: 

  • Jacket or coat
  • Things to read
  • Food and drinks bought at the airport
  • Mobility devices, such as wheelchairs, canes and crutches.
  • Child stroller
  • Safety harness for children
  • A diaper bag

Is United Strict With Carry-On Size?

All airlines demand passengers to strictly follow their baggage policy. Some people think this is the airline’s way to make you pay extra on top of your ticket, but in reality, it helps keep you safe while flying and ensures that you don’t take up other passengers’ space unfairly. 

United Airlines tickets have a variety of baggage allowance options. If you’re travelling with more stuff than average, you can consider upgrading your ticket or checking your bags. That way, you don’t have to worry about United carry-on size requirements anymore.

Does the Basic Economy Allow A Free Carry-On?

Basic Economy, as its name suggests, is pretty basic in terms of what you can bring on the plane. For domestic flights, no carry-ons are allowed. You’re only allowed one free personal item in that case. This means that any baggage you have with you except for your personal items will have to be checked and charged as such. 

Do I Have To Pay For Overweight And Oversized Carry-On United Airlines

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Travel light, travel right. IG: @ineescosta

Overweight and oversized carry-ons are always subject to extra fees. This is to ensure all space on the aircraft, including the overhead compartment, is fairly occupied by all passengers. If you exceed the United carry-on size and weight limits:

  • An overweight bag is a bag that exceeds 50 pounds (22,7 kilograms). 
  • An oversized bag is a bag that measures more than 17 x 10 x 19 inches (43 x 25 x 22 cm). 

Depending on how overweight and oversized your carry-on is, the extra charge can reach 200 dollars (162 pounds). If your carry-on is both overweight and oversized, the fee might add up. 

Some destinations and special aircraft models also have special instructions for overweight and oversized carry-ons. It’s best to check with United regarding United carry-on size before travelling. 

However, keep in mind that not all overweight and oversized carry-ons are approved for flying, even if you have the money to pay. Bags that weigh more than 100 pounds (45 kilograms) and are larger than 115 cm  will not be accepted.   

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Finding a perfect sized backpack, and keep it under weight limit is a way to guarantee safety for both you and other passengers during the flight. The exceptions to this policy include musical instruments or assistive devices. United Airlines can take them on board for free.

What if My Cabin Bag Is 2cm Bigger?

If your cabin bag is 2cm bigger than the United carry-on size restrictions, it may or may not be allowed on board. The decision of whether or not to allow your bag on board will be made by the gate agent at the time of boarding.

If your bag is only slightly over the size limit, say .5 inches too big, the gate agent may be more likely to allow it on board. However, if your bag is significantly over the size limit/too bulky and obvious, it is more likely to be checked. Thus, the key here is choosing a “squishable” c arry-on or personal item .

What Not To Pack In Your United Carry-On?

Carry-on is more restrictive in terms of items you can pack, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to inconvenience you. Apart from items that are completely banned when flying, there are items you cannot bring in your carry-on but can be in your checked bags. According to United Airlines’ guidelines , these include:

  • Liquids exceeding 3,4 ounces (100 millimetres)
  • Sharp objects like knives and scissors with blades longer than 4 inches
  • Bulky sports equipment like baseball bats, golf clubs or ski poles
  • Tools like hammers and wrenches longer than 7 inches can be used as potential weapons.

Does A Backpack Count As A Carry-On On United Flights?

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Backpacks make perfect carry-ons. 

Your backpack can be a carry-on as long as it does not exceed the weight and dimension limit. Your backpack can be a carry-on or a personal item if it fits the United carry-on and personal bag description. Besides a good backpack for your essentials , here are some types of bags you can bring on a plane as a personal item:

  • Purse or similar small handbag
  • Laptop bag/pouch
  • Pet carrier (needs to be approved beforehand).

CabinZero’s advice : We suggest flying with a backpack that is spacious enough for your personal items as well. Doing this can save you some time at security checkpoints. Also, if your things are packed in one single big backpack, your chances of forgetting or dropping small items like your purse are lower, especially if you’re in a crowded airport.

United Airlines Checked Bag Allowance and Fees - Tips To Save Your Money

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Your checked bags must follow the size and weight limits. Photo by Charnchai saeheng -

  • The dimensions of your checked bag should not be larger than 30 x 20 x 12 inches (76 x 52 x 30 cm), including wheels and handles.

United Airlines checked baggage weight, which varies depending on flight ticket, destination, and membership status. Here’s a simple breakdown of the checked bag limit in terms of cabin and membership status:

How Much Do I Have To Pay For United Checked Bags?

United Airlines checked bag fees depend on where you’re travelling (international or domestic) and which cabin class you’re in. The general note is that the lower the fare, the more (likely) you will have to pay for your baggage due to restricted United carry-on and hold bag allowances.

For Domestic Flights

The standard checked bag fees (with the exception of first class, business class and premium economy flyers) for domestic flights of United Airlines are: 

  • 35 US dollars for the first bag
  • 45 US dollars for the second bag
  • 150 US dollars per bag after that

United Airlines allows passengers to prepay their checked luggage ahead of their travel day, so if you’re thinking of travelling with checked bags, consider paying in advance to get a bit of money back. 

For International Flights

Checked bag fees for international flights depend largely on your cabin and your destination.

Does United Allow Two Free Checked Bags?

Generally, you’re allowed two (02) free checked bags if you’re travelling in a business cabin and three (03) free checked bags for First Class and up. If you’re flying with an economy fare, you will need to pay a fee for your checked luggage.

Basic Economy fare allows zero (0) checked bags and zero (0) carry-on, except on international flights across the Pacific. 

For MileagePlus Premier and Star Alliance Gold members, you’re allowed one (01) checked bag flying economy fare and two (02) checked bags for business fare.

How Can I Check My Bags With United Airlines?

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There are many ways to check your bags with United Airlines. Photo by brostock on Adobe Stock.

You can check your bags at the United Airlines check-in counter at the airport. Remember to be on time for this part, as you will not be able to check your bags if your counter is closed.

Your bags will be weighed and measured. If it’s oversized and overweight, you will be asked to pay the fee. You will receive your claim check, and you will have to keep it to reclaim your bags later. 

How To Avoid Checked Bag Fees With United Airlines

Travelling on a budget needs a bit of strategy. One of the best ways you can lower the cost of your trip is to avoid additional fees for your luggage as much as possible.

Though it seems like a good deal to snatch a Basic Economy fare, which is the cheapest there is for United Airlines, it can still be a two-edged sword if you don’t know how to pack or are not sure about your destination. 

  • Know your fare: the first tip is to know the United carry-on size and allowances. As you can see, United charges different rates for different international routes.
  • Travel with only carry-ons : this second tip is also the best tip, Except for Basic Economy, all fares of United Airlines allow one free carry-on and personal item. If you do it right, you can avoid all sorts of fee and hassle.
  • Pack your bags to comply with United Airlines baggage allowance : this third tip is obvious but tends to be overlooked often. Avoid overweight and oversized bags so you don’t incur any fees. By learning how to pack smartly and efficiently , you can take advantage of this and travel free of baggage charge.
  • Use United Airlines co-branded cards : Some cards allow free baggage for the cardholder and even their companion, and some have money-back programs for checked bags. 
  • Join the United MileagePlus program: if you’re a frequent United flyer, consider becoming a member to receive checked-bag benefits. 
  • Share your stuff with your travel buddies : if one or two of you are packing lighter, you can share the weight with one another.
  • Buy a higher fare : the last tip is not always doable with travellers on a budget. But sometimes you can score the higher tiers for less if you know how to do it .

CabinZero’s advice : We advise our globetrotters to opt for a carry-on-only trip. This is the safest and quickest way to avoid getting charged extra for your baggage. Invest in a spacious, cabin-size and hassle-free carry-on bag , and you’re pretty much good to go. 

How To Book Ticket And Check-In With United Airlines

You can book a United Airlines ticket online, offline or through phone. The best way is to do it online because it’s faster and more convenient. There are many class fares to choose from. More affordable tickets, like Basic Economy and Economy, are sold out quite fast, especially during peak travel season .

Where To Buy Ticket

Tickets for United Airlines are available for booking on their official booking site . You can either pay with mileage or money. There are roundtrip tickets, one-way tickets and multi-city tickets. United also provides flight-only booking alongside flight and hotel reservations. 

Just log into their booking site, choose the best flight plan for your trip, and voila , there is your ticket. You can download your boarding pass to your phone. For groups of nine and above, you’ll need to contact the United hotline at 1-800-UNITED-1 (1-800-864-8331), which is available within the US and Canada.

Another way to grab your tickets is by phone. Contact United’s Customer Contact Centre and pick your location. Online ticketing is free of service charge, but phone ticketing will cost you 25 USD in the US and Canada. The cost doubles if you purchase tickets at the airport.

One other way to get your flight tickets is through a City Ticket Office, for a 10 USD service fee. Depending on your location, service fees may vary.

United Check-In Process

United Airlines offers several convenient ways to check in for your flight. Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

There aren’t that many differences between domestic check-in and international check-in. Both processes are pretty comprehensive and quite linear, even for first-time fliers. However, there are still certain points you should take into consideration for cheaper, faster and more hassle-free travel.

For domestic check-in

For international check-in, check-in type.

Online check-in : To speed things up and avoid long queues at the airport, you can check in online through the United check-in website or mobile app. Online check-in usually opens 24 hours before departure time. You can print your boarding pass and pre-pay your baggage fees.

Counter check-in : Face-to-face check-in is easier if you’re not tech-savvy but can be a nuisance if it’s peak tourist season when the airport is crowded in every corner. Airline staff will assist you in getting your boarding pass and baggage handling.

Self-serve kiosk check-in : It’s pretty much like counter check-in, but you’re going to proceed at a kiosk instead of at the counter with an airline staff. It’s perfect for those who don’t like online check-in but still want to keep things contactless.

Premier Access check-in : Premier Members, United Club Members, and premium cabin travellers are allowed priority access to counters, security lines and boarding.

FAQs - United Airlines Carry-on Size and Checked Bag Allowance

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Carry-on should fit in the overhead compartment. Credit: BERT SMITH

Here are some other questions you may have about the United carry-on size and checked bag allowance.

1. Can I Bring A Full-Size Carry-On United Economy?

You’re allowed ONE FULL-SIZE carry-on (not exceeding 22 x 14 x 9 inches in dimension) on United Economy. Additionally, you are allowed ONE EXTRA personal item, such as a laptop pouch, purse, or a small backpack. 

2. Can I Take a 22.5-inch Carry-On Bag?

Yes, United Airlines allows one full-size carry-on bag and one extra personal item on most flights. However, carry-on bags must not exceed 22 x 14 x 9 inches (56 x 35 x 22 cm) . Oversized bags have to be checked in.

3. Can I Bring Two Carry-On Bags United?

The maximum number of carry-ons is one per person, with the addition of one extra personal item. If you upgrade your seat, the difference is in the size and weight, not the quantity of bags. You can read more about United carry-on size restrictions in the previous section.

If you’re carrying more stuff than usual, you can check your bags or upgrade to receive more weight and size allowance and fit your stuff in one single carry-on bag.

4. When Do I Have To Check My Carry-On?

When it is overweight and oversized to the point that it cannot fit in the overhead compartment, your bag will be required to check-in, charged and handled as a regular checked bag.

One scenario where you can check your carry-on (as long as they comply with the United carry-on size limit) free of charge is when the aircraft is fully booked and out of space. Of course, it’s not your fault, so they can’t charge you. 

This is often carried out at your boarding gate, and you can pick up your bag when you leave the plane without going through baggage claim.

5. Do I Have To Recheck My Bags In A Layover?

Yes. United Airlines keeps bags on the same plane as the travellers. If you switch planes, you have to claim and then recheck your bags. For most connecting flights, you only have to reclaim your bag at the last stop. This can be a nuisance for those who are in a hurry, so it’s best if you’re travelling with carry-ons only. 

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United Airlines Carry-on Size and Checked Bag Allowance - In Summary

United’s carry-on size and checked bag allowance are easy to follow and flexible as the airline offers multiple fares. Most fares, except for Basic Economy, are quite generous in terms of allowance. 

One carry-on and one personal item are the standard carry-on allowance. Checked bag allowances differ depending on your cabin and fares, but the higher the fares, the more bags you’re allowed. Destinations also determine the number of your checked bags.

CabinZero’s advice is to optimise your packing game and switch to carry-on-only trips if you can. This can save you time and money. 

Last but not least, if you find this article helpful, don’t forget to hit the like and share buttons. We love to hear your stories and cheer for your journeys, so please leave a comment or tag us on social media on your next holiday. 

Nguyen Tran Gia Khanh

What you wrote may be all true. The problem is that the flight attendants do NOT enforce the policies of the airlines. I travel frequently and time and time again passengers are allowed to board with huge pieces that take up much space and also carry more than one carry on. I have stopped stressing about finding space for a carry on because I now only carry my purse. My luggage is checked.

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What to Know About the Updated COVID Vaccine for Fall, Winter 2024–25

The updated COVID vaccine provides safe, effective protection against current variants for everyone 6 months and older.

Aliza Rosen

Amid an unexpectedly large surge of summer COVID infections in the U.S., and with the fall/winter virus season around the corner, updated COVID vaccines have arrived.

COVID vaccines are one of the best and safest ways to protect against severe illness and hospitalization. Updated COVID vaccines are chosen to target the variants currently circulating and are recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older.

In this Q&A, Andy Pekosz , PhD, a professor in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology , discusses who the updated vaccine is recommended for, when to get yours, whether it’s safe to get it alongside other seasonal vaccines.

What’s new about this year’s updated COVID vaccines?

The updated mRNA COVID vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer are based on the KP.2 strain, one of the FLiRT variants that have been spreading since early spring. These variants and their sub-variants have caused the majority of infections during this summer’s COVID wave.

Who should be getting an updated COVID vaccine?

Everyone 6 months and older should get vaccinated against COVID, according to the CDC’s recommendations .

For children ages 6 months to 4 years: Vaccination is recommended, but the number of vaccinations is based on which vaccine they receive, their age, and whether they’ve received a previous COVID vaccine. Parents and guardians should refer to CDC guidance and check with their pediatrician to see what’s recommended for their child.

For people ages 5 years and up: One dose of the updated COVID vaccine is recommended, regardless of whether they’ve been vaccinated previously. If someone has received a COVID vaccine recently, they should wait at least two months before getting the updated one for this season.

According to updated CDC guidelines, individuals who are immunocompromised may receive additional doses with their health care provider’s guidance.

When is the best time to get vaccinated?

This summer’s surge has been larger and lasted longer than many experts anticipated, making it a little trickier than years past to determine the best time to get vaccinated.

People who have not had COVID in the past few months have a couple options:

  • Get the updated COVID vaccine as soon as it’s available  (late August, early September) to protect yourself as the wave of summer infections continues.
  • Get the updated COVID vaccine around mid-October to build protection in time for the rise of cases that typically occur around November through January.

People at higher risk of severe illness should consider getting an updated COVID vaccine as soon as possible. Everyone who is eligible should get an updated COVID vaccine by mid-October in order to build immunity ahead of holiday travel and gatherings. Remember, it takes about two weeks to build up immunity following a vaccine, so schedule your vaccination accordingly.

How long does protection last after I'm vaccinated?

Broadly speaking, the COVID vaccine provides strong protection against infection for up to three months and protection against severe disease out to six months. That said, there are a lot of variables that can affect duration and strength of protection, including any new variants that may emerge and how different they are from the vaccine formulation.

If I had COVID recently, when should I get the updated vaccine?

If you’ve had COVID this summer, you’ll have strong infection-based immunity and can wait a few months after your infection before getting the vaccine. According to the CDC, you can wait three months since your symptoms began or, for asymptomatic cases, since you first tested positive.

There’s some evidence to support waiting as long as six months after a COVID infection to receive an updated vaccine. Waiting longer than the CDC’s guidance of three months is not recommended for high-risk groups, but it’s something people can discuss with their doctor.

How should I choose which COVID vaccine to get?

Between the two mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, there is no reason to get one over the other. They target the same KP.2 variant, are similarly effective, and elicit similar side effects.

Is the COVID vaccine free?

The COVID vaccine is free under most health insurance plans and Medicare.

If you don’t have insurance to cover the cost of the COVID vaccine, look for vaccination clinics run by your local or state health department. Children under 18 may also be eligible to get a free COVID vaccine through the CDC’s Vaccines for Children Program .

You can find local pharmacies offering COVID vaccines at or by contacting your health care provider or local health department.

Are there any side effects to the updated COVID vaccine?

The common side effects are the same as with previous COVID vaccines. Symptoms like soreness at the injection site, achiness or joint pain, fatigue, slight fever, chills, or nausea are normal and not cause for concern. These side effects are a sign that your body is mounting an immune response—exactly what it’s supposed to do following a vaccine. Side effects generally subside within a day or two.

If I haven’t gotten any COVID vaccines yet, can I start with this one?

If you’ve never been vaccinated against COVID, now is a great time to start. People 5 years of age and older are considered up to date on COVID vaccination once they receive one dose of an updated mRNA COVID vaccine.

How well does the vaccine protect against the variants currently circulating?

The vaccine is a close match to variants currently circulating and provides good protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death. While KP.2 is not causing a significant number of infections, the most prevalent variants circulating right now are very closely related to them. The vaccine will never be a perfect match to the circulating variants because it takes 2-4 months to make the vaccine, and during that time the virus continues to change as it infects people.

Is vaccine-induced immunity better than immunity from infection?

Vaccine-induced immunity is better because it’s safer. When you get infected with COVID, symptoms from the infection wreak havoc on your body. Whether or not you’ve been infected or vaccinated previously, the updated COVID vaccine is going to strengthen your immune responses to high levels and do so in a safe way.

Can I still get COVID if I’m vaccinated?

People who are vaccinated can still get COVID, but it is much more likely they will experience mild symptoms. Vaccinated people are much less likely to experience severe illness or get so sick that they need to be hospitalized. Data continue to show that those who are hospitalized with COVID are largely people who have not received a COVID vaccine within the past 12 months.

Particularly for people at higher risk of severe COVID, vaccination is an essential tool for reducing COVID complications, hospitalization, and death.

Can you get the flu shot and the COVID vaccine at the same time?

Yes! In fact, studies have shown that people who decide to spread out their vaccines into separate appointments often don’t follow through with getting both. We’ve also seen that the immune response generated by each vaccine does not change based on whether they are administered at the same time or separately.

It’s important to remember that many of the same populations at high risk of experiencing severe illness from COVID are also at high risk of severe influenza. Especially for these vulnerable populations, it’s a good idea to time your vaccines together.

When might we see a combined COVID and flu vaccine?

Some vaccine manufacturers have been working on developing a combined vaccine for COVID and flu, but we’re not there yet. We certainly won’t see a combined vaccine this year. It’s possible one will be ready in time for fall 2025, but we won’t know for sure until more clinical trial results are available.  

Aliza Rosen is a digital content strategist in the Office of External Affairs at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Related Articles:

  • Understanding the CDC’s Updated COVID Isolation Guidance
  • What to Know About COVID FLiRT Variants
  • The Long History of mRNA Vaccines

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  13. High Level, AB

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  14. Federal Register :: Maximum Per Diem Reimbursement Rates for the

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  15. This is good news for those of us that travel for work. I could always

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