Shop Online for Shamanism Journeywork Audio

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Michael Harner's Journeywork® Recordings: Shamanic Journey CDs, Shamanic Drumming CDs and Shamanic Drumming MP3s — improved and digitally remastered. Each one of these MP3s/CDs has been specifically designed for serious shamanic journey work — shamanic drumming, rattle, singing for long journeys, musical bow, and didjeridu — as explained by Michael Harner in his classic work The Way of the Shaman. Powerful and effective recordings for shamanic healing, power animal retrieval, soul retrieval, and shamanic journeys — wherever live shamanic drumming might be used. (Not for recreational use or for listening to while driving.)

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1) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Solo and Double Drumming™

Solo drumming sound sample, double drumming sound sample.

The solo drumming is in the classic mode by Michael Harner using a single-headed, round-frame, hand drum. The double drumming, which some journeyers prefer, is also by Michael Harner, assisted by David Corbin. Both are using single-headed, round-frame drums.

The drums are beaten facing each other at a slight angle, about four feet apart, to produce the maximum effect without excessive reverberation. The compact disc offers the opportunity to program 15 and 30 minute solo or double drumming play with callback. State-of-the-art recording, digitally remastered June 2010.

CD, All Tracks $15.50

MP3, All Tracks $10.98

2) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Didjeridu™

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Didjeridu Sound Sample

The incredible sound of the aboriginal Australian didjeridu (an ancient hollow tube drone), accompanied by click sticks, carries one into an extended Dreamtime journey. The didjeridu is played masterfully by Stephen McDonnell. The compact disc, as in the case of the others in the series, is for serious work, not for recreation.

3) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Singing Chorus™

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Singing Chorus Sound Sample

This CD is inspired by an ancient northern European method for long journeying, the singing journey methods of the last of the traditional European shamans among the Sami (Laplanders) of northern Scandinavia. Drumming is followed by a women's chorus to provide gentle support for the shamanic journeyer.

4) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Musical Bow™

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Musical Bow Sound Sample

Bow & rattle sound sample.

The musical bow is the percussive sound of a single plucked string stretched tautly between the ends of a bowed stick, an instrument once utilized by many tribal shamans in different parts of the world. Here the Brazilian berimbau is played by Susan Mokelke, alone and with a rattle, providing a unique, effective sound for journeying.

5) Michael Harner's Shamanic Double Drumming™

journey drumming music

The use of two drums, played facing each other, creates more reverberations and overtones than are usually produced by one drum alone. The slower measured beat of this recording is useful for many shamanic practices, such as calling in the spirits, and may also be used for journeying.

6) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Rattle™

journey drumming music

Rattle Sound Sample

The rattle, in various forms, is used by shamans in many parts of the world. Here, Michael Harner shakes a single rawhide rattle to provide a higher frequency sound than the drum, which requires less volume to be effective for journeying.

7) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Multiple Drumming™

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Multiple Drumming Sound Sample

Unified, driving, shamanic journey drumming by the four Bridgewalker Drummers using cottonwood double-headed round-frame drums. The disciplined drumming in unison produces a full range of the auditory spectrum. The compact disc offers the opportunity to program 15 and 30 minute multiple drumming sessions with callback.

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Society for Shamanic Practice

Drumming for a Shamanic Journey

by Lena Stevens Apr 18, 2018

This audio offers a meditative drum journey to support you on an ongoing basis with attending to any particular intention that may arise. You can always drum along, or use it in situations where you are unable to drum yourself. Blessings on your journey.

About the author

journey drumming music

Thank You Lena Stevens. Your guidance is just right for my newbie level of experience. This experience allowed me to gain more confidence in journeying. By having the guide with me from the beginning helped to be more readily moving down the tunnel. The active scene builds and becomes detailed as my personal relaxation grows. The drumming sound fades in and out as attention moves between the intent and the information or scene unfolds. This is a very helpful resource you have created. Thank You Very Much. Steve

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30 Minute Shamanic Journey Drumming With Callback

by Michael Drake

Shamanic drumming awakens your ability to commune with your inner self and retrieve information. You need only journey within to find answers to any question. For a journey to the Lower World, visualize an opening into the earth that you remember from sometime in your life. The entrance could be an animal burrow, hollow tree stump, cave and so on. When the journey begins, you'll go down the hole and a tunnel will appear. The tunnel often appears ribbed and may spiral around. This tunnel-like imagery is related to the central axis that links the three inner planes of consciousness. Enter the tunnel and you will emerge into the Lower World, the realm of power animals, spirit guides and ancestral spirits. When you hear the sound of the callback, begin your return journey. Try to retrace the same route back; otherwise you might have trouble remembering the details of your journey.

Meet your Teacher

Michael Drake is an internationally regarded writer and recording artist. He is the author of The Shamanic Drum: A Guide to Sacred Drumming, Shamanic Drumming: Calling the Spirits, I Ching: The Tao of Drumming, Shamanic Drumming Circles Guide, Riding Spirit Horse: A Journey into Shamanism and Shamanic Journeys: An Anthology. His musical albums include Shamanic Journey Drumming and Power Animal Drumming. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Sacred Hoop and Mother Earth News.

Your Guide to Shamanic Drumming

By Michael Drake

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Shamanic Drumming

What is Shamanic Drumming?

Shamanic drumming is drumming for the purpose of inducing a range of ecstatic trance states in order to connect with the spiritual dimension of reality. Practiced in diverse cultures around the planet, this drum method is strikingly similar the world over. Shamanic drumming uses a repetitive rhythm that begins slowly and then gradually builds in intensity to a tempo of three to seven beats per second. The ascending tempo will induce light to deep trance states, and facilitate the shamanic techniques of journeying , shapeshifting , and divination . Practitioners may progress through a series of trance states until they reach the level that is necessary for healing to occur. When ready to exit the trance state, the practitioner simply slows the tempo of drumming, drawing consciousness back to normal. Shamanic drumming continues to offer today what it has offered for thousands of years: namely, a simple and effective technique of ecstasy.

Ecstatic Trance. Photo by Yaroslav Astakhov

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is universal and not bound by social or cultural conditions. It is the most ancient and most enduring spiritual tradition known to humanity. Shamanism predates and constitutes the foundation of all known religions or religious philosophies. In essence, shamanism is the spiritual practice of ecstasy. Ecstasy is defined as a mystic, prophetic, or poetic trance. One of the core beliefs of shamanism is that innate wisdom and guidance can be accessed through the inner senses in ecstatic trance. Practitioners enter altered states of consciousness in order to experience direct revelation from within. Shamanism is about remembering, exploring, and developing the true self. Shamanism places emphasis on the individual, of breaking free and discovering your own uniqueness in order to bring something new back to the group. Shamanic practice heightens the ability of perception and enables you to see into the deeper realms of the self. Once connected with your inner self you can find help, healing, and a continual source of guidance. To practice shamanism is to reconnect with your deepest core values and your highest vision of who you are and why you are here.

Begin Your Shamanic Journey

We invite you to try a shamanic journey and browse our articles , online course and blog to learn more about shamanism and shamanic drumming. Our mission is to create a vibrant international community devoted to shamanic drumming as a vehicle for healing, consciousness expansion and community building. We also offer shamanic drumming instructional books and CDs in our store . Click on the store buttons below to preview our digital books and music.

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High Vibration Station

7 Best Shamanic Drum Styles for Journey, Trance, & Ceremony

7 Best Shamanic Drum Styles for Journey main

The shaman’s drum is a vehicle, a boat if you will, used to travel to the spirit world. The drum stick is the boat paddle creating the beat that induces the trance enabling passage from one world to another.

Shamans all over the world are aware of the sacred drum’s power to shuttle one from this realm to other realms.

You too can use the shaman drum for journeying, all it takes is a little practice.

Here are the 7 best shamanic drum styles you will find in various cultures around the world. This gives you an idea of what is available and allows you to feel out the style you connect to most.

Shamanic Goat Skin Frame Drum

Shamanic Goat Skin Frame Drum

Frame drums exist in cultures worldwide and may be the most primitive, original drum style.

They are easily the most popular style shamanic drum thanks to their simplicity, availability, portability, and beautifully resonant sound.

Frame drums are generally made from a hoop or frame of wood, with an animal hide drum surface, tacked or secured over a wooden frame on one side of the drum only.

The drum is held in the left hand by the wood frame or handle and tapped or played with your bare hand, a beater, or a mallet.

The animal hide is usually fixed in place, but some frame drums can be tuned. One example of a tunable frame drum is the Bodhrán used to play Celtic music. The hide is tacked on using a hex key or tunable crossbars that can be used to tighten or loosen the skin.

The round frame supports the spherical nature of sound waves. This is one of the best shamanic drum styles, thanks to its simplicity, availability, and affordability.

Nordic and Russian Sami drums can have the frame drum style and can be either round or elliptical.

Some Examples of the Shamanic Frame Drum:

Elk hide frame hand drum.

Elk Hide Frame Hand Drum

Deer Hide Frame Drum

journey drumming music

8 Sided Drum, 8 Corner drum, Octagon Drum

Traditional Native American shamanic drums were often hexagonal or octagonal shape.

The hexagon and octagonal shapes are important in sacred geometry and those shapes are important to Native Americans.

The shapes are reflected in the shape of the traditional Tipi and Hogan, both Native American dwellings. These dwellings had entrances that faced east, suggesting that the octagon and hexagon were related to the heavens.

Example of an 8 corner Shamanic Octagon frame drum:

Shaman drum 8-corners with goatskin.

Shaman drum 8-corners with goatskin

Siberian Tambourine style Shaman Drum- My choice of best shamanic drum

The tambourine-style shamanic drum is used by several shamanic cultures worldwide. The Siberian Shamanic tambourine drum is a well-known drum in this style. Siberians to this day continue to prefer this style of drum.

This tambourine is generally quite large and can be oval, egg-shaped, or round. The animal hide skin covers the drum head and resonator tubercles and these drums have a pleasing deep low frequency that you can both feel and hear.

They are my favorite style of shamanic drum as they are drums you can feel their vibration and resonance through your entire being and easily become entranced.

Some Examples of Siberian Tambourine style Shaman Drum

30″ tambourine siberian shamanic egg drum.

33inch Tambourine Siberian Shamanic Egg Drum

Siberian round shaman drum

Siberian round shaman drum

Siberian Shamanic Circle Drum Goat Skin Frame drum

Siberian Shamanic Circle Drum Goat Skin Frame drum

20″ Tambourine Siberian Shamanic Egg Drum

20inch Tambourine Siberian Shamanic Egg Drum

Native American Hoop Drum

A shamanic hoop drum is similar to and sometimes indistinguishable from a frame drum. They are made with a wood hoop covered with an animal hide on one side. They have a handle on the back and usually come with a beater.

Here are a few great examples of the best shamanic drums in the Native American Hoop Drum Style:

Native american deer hide hoop drum 12″ -cherokee.

Native American Deer Hide Hoop Drum 12inch -Cherokee

Shaman drum round with goatskin

Shaman drum round with goatskin

Sami Style Drum, Samis Drum Lapland Drum

Sami shaman and Sami people believe that all elements of nature have a soul, and therefore, all of nature is to be respected.

The Sami drum has a long history and encountered a painful clash with the Christian religion in the 16th to 19th century. Many Sami were persecuted and even killed for practicing their form of spiritualism, and many Sami drums were destroyed. The Sami culture was pushed underground, but thankfully not lost.

In the Sami tradition, the shaman is considered a Magician, who would use the monotone beating of their Sami drum to go into a trance during their ceremonies. The Sami shaman used the drum trance to travel into the spiritual world, using the drum as a map and a guide while traveling to the other side.

There are two types of Sami drums, a bowl style, and a frame style.

The Sami frame drum

The Sami frame drum is a single strip of wood bent into a circular or oval shape with a hide stretched over the top.

The Sami bowl drum

The bowl style Sami drum is smaller than a frame drum because it is made from the burl of a tree.

Sami drum Symbols

The Sami drum is traditionally decorated with symbols that are there to speak to the shaman. The pictures on the drum may depict Gods, goddesses, animals, plants such as trees, the sun and other stellar entities, secret symbols, artifacts, people, weapons and tools, boats, abodes, and the world tree.

A Sami drum may be decorated with three layers depicting the underworld and other realms or upper, middle, and lower worlds.

Today shamans use the Sami drum for trance, meditation, divination, ritual ceremonies. Sami drums may be one of the best shamanic drum styles due to their rich heritage, interesting shape, and meaningful art and symbolism, but be aware, the Sami drum is hard to find. The best place to find replicas or modern drums made in the sami style is on Etsy .

Some Examples of the Sami style drum are here:

Rumpu okku sami drum- frame stylenative american deer hide hoop drum 12″ -cherokee.

This large Sami frame drum is built in the traditional Lapland Sami frame drum style. It features

It is made from reindeer and birch plywood and includes a beater.

Rumpu Okku Sami Drum- Frame style

Handmade Sami Bowl drum

Handmade Sami Bowl drum 02

Handmade Sami Bowl drum (not for sale)

Handmade Sami Bowl drum (not for sale) 02

Siberian Shaman drum Goat Skin 20 inch Sami Saami Style

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Pow Wow Drum – Tarahumara Ceremony Thunder, Grandmother Drum

Powwow drums are used in Native American ceremonies and group gatherings. The pow wow gatherings are assembled for social reasons and often include singing and traditional native American dance. Powwows can be large events with many drums held all day or even all week.

A Pow wow drum has a frame with a hide on each side. The hide on the bottom is a thinner skin that acts as a resonator for the beats on the top hide of the drum. The top hide is typically thicker.

Some styles of pow wow drums are shown below:

Pow wow drum: ceremonial pow wow drum.

Pow Wow Drum: Mission Del Rey Cedar Pow Wow Drum

Ceremonial, Grandmother, Council, Powwow Drum

Ceremonial, Grandmother, Council, Powwow Drum

Sweat Lodge Drum

Native Americans in many regions have sweat lodge ceremonies for religious rites of penance and purification.

Traditions using the sweat lodge drum vary among different groups of Native Americans. Some ceremonies include prayer and singing, making offerings to the spiritual world, and of course, the sweat lodge ceremony includes drumming.

These sacred ceremonies are led by a properly trained and authorized traditional Native American ceremonial leader. An impromptu or improperly built sweat lodge can cause illness, heat stroke, and even suffocation from smoke and heat.

Some examples of sweat lodge-style best shamanic drums include:

Native american style sweat lodge drum buffalo hide.

Native American “Style Sweat Lodge Drum

Native Yaqui Deer Dance Drum from Mexico

Native Yaqui Deer Dance Drum from Mexico

Shamanic Drum Buying Guide

What material should i be looking for while searching for the best shamanic drum, different animal spirit options for drum hides.


Elk hides drums are thinner and may produce a higher pitch than cow or buffalo. An elk hide may be used on the backside of a drum as a resonator layer.

Traditionally, elk hide is associated with the shadow side of us and helps us navigate the darkness to bring healing from fears, past trauma, addiction, and loss. Elk hide allows us to face the shadow side and come through the other side with more trust and connection to spirit.

Cow or Bull Hide

Cow or Bull Hide

A cowhide drum is easy to source, inexpensive relative to other hides and may contain unique patterns, and is reasonably thick and good for deep tones.

Cowhide is common in frame drums, as it is soft, thick, durable, and inexpensive.

The Cow represents Mother Gaia, Mother Earth.

The cow is a universal and metaphysical symbol of motherhood, fertility, nurturing, survival and protection.

They are a symbol of protecting the vulnerable, safeguarding humanity, and providing sustenance such as milk and meat.

The Hindu revere the cow as sacred for this reason and will not eat or harm cows.


Buffalo hide drums are thick and stand up to humidity and use. They are common for sweat lodge drums .

Buffalo hides, also sometimes called Bison Hide are often dark-colored and thicker than other hides. The thick hides produce deep resonant tones.

The buffalo drum is used to seek knowledge, add wisdom, and promote abundance.

The buffalo drumming calls on masculine sky energy joining with sacred feminine earth energy. Shaman drumming rituals with a buffalo hide drum call to mind the connection between the spirit world (masculine sky energy) and the physical (sacred feminine earth energy).


Moosehide is usually dark in color and thicker than cow, deer, or goat hide. Moosehide is a bit rarer, but it has a nice rich deep sound and withstands humid conditions and locations where the weather changes frequently or where humid is encountered

The moose calls the feminine energy empowering her. The moose is a water lover and drumming with a moose hide drum allows us to swim through our feelings and encounter the release of emotional honesty. Moosehide encourages us to feel and trust our feelings, honor and is proud of who we are, getting validation from the inside, not seeking it externally. It teaches us to trust ourselves and be confident in who we are and helps us protect and feed our inner self.


Hose hide has specific properties not found in other hides. Specifically, horsehide is more elastic than other hides. It is also usually thicker and provides a deeper sound. It withstands humid environments.

The horsehide drum will take you on a journey, just like a horse can take you for a ride in the physical world, the horsehide can carry you to the spirit realm to seek healing for yourself and those in your care.

The horse has an abundance of energy, making it a lightning-fast leader to the spirit side, trance states, and higher vibrations.


Goat hide is cheap and widely available. It is a popular choice for beginners shaman drums because goatskin drums are easy to play and tune. It is thought, lightweight and supple, perfect skin for a shaman drum.

The goat spirit provokes a childlike spirit. Have you ever seen baby goats playing? They are some of the most playful, fun animals I know of.

The goat can help you navigate rough terrain with grace and nimble movements. If you find yourself on a rocky path and in need of and seeing from a fresh perspective of the world like a kid again, choose a goatskin shamanic drum.


Deerskin is thin and good voice in dry or moderate climates. It is not suited to humid weather or wet climates.

The deer is related to the heart chakra and opening or seeking the heart. The deer hide can help you get out of your head and into your heart. It helps us seek and discover love and wisdom.

The deerskin drum is an instrument for dropping a scarcity mindset and embracing abundance and the infinite resources of the universe.

There is abundant love in the universe, abundant time, and scarcity does not exist.

The deer teaches us we have more than we know and the best is yet to come.


Bear hide is thinner than most other hides and can vary tone depending on the weather. They are prone to humidity. The tone of a bearskin drum has a higher pitch.

Bear hide drums have a sacred and set apart use for bear as medicine ceremonies.

The bear stands for introspection. Looking inside yourself. The bear encourages you to feel, trust and use your instinct.

The bear is utilized for awakening and diving into the deep unconscious and waking up. The bear symbolizes awakening as they hibernate deeply each winter symbolizing death and awaken symbolizing rebirth in the spring.

The bear is renowned as a great healer, bringing harmony and balance.

How to start shamanic drumming

If you are looking to get into shamanic drumming a focus on repetition helps. Something like this Shamanic Journey Drumming repetitive style of drumming is what you are after to induce a trance state.

The physical act of drumming must be done with a free spirit. So just lose yourself in the drumming and swaying with the rhythm, allowing yourself to merge with the beat and move with the tempo.

The movement ad repetition is what promote the trance state. If you have others in the ceremony, your movement and freedom of expression encourage and allows them to join in. It is a natural human quality to move with the rhythm, something in us designed by source.

You are free to find your own movement, rhythm, and style, as each shaman is unique. The following video is one of the best shamanic drum examples portraying the Russian shaman drumming and dance tradition.

How to care for your Shamanic Drum

How to care for your Shamanic Drum

Traditionally a shaman connects with his shamanic drum through ritual. Your drum is an extension of your body. You can sanctify it, smudge it instilling your intentions for the drum, Carry it with you everywhere and even keep it with you as you sleep.

To care for your drum when you are not using it, keep it wrapped or in a cloth or leather bag or shaman drum case .

shaman drum case

Do not let the drum touch the ground, just like you would not set your purse on the ground because your purse is a symbol of your abundance, and placing it on the floor invites bad luck.

Putting a purse or your shaman drum on the ground has negative connotations subconsciously because it displays disrespect disregard for your abundance and wealth. Do not set your sacred drum on the ground to show respect for the gifts and journeys it allows you.

Always keep a blanket or cloth under it when you store your shaman drum.

If and when your drum wears out or breaks and is no longer useful, treat it as you would a good friend. Give it a proper burial and ceremony, just as you would a good and faithful companion.

Can I make my own shaman drum? Crafting a shamanic drum

Can I make my own shaman drum? Crafting a shamanic drum

Making your own shaman drum is an excellent way to connect with the drum and build a drum that perfectly suits you.

After all, the best shamanic drum is the one you make yourself and put your heart and essence into.

See this article on Crafting a Shamanic Drum . It will show you how to make a simple shaman drum in the frame drum style. A few things you need to build your own drum are:

Items you need to build your own shaman drum:

Wooden hoop for the frame

Rawhide strip for the lacing

Drum stick Mallet Soft beater

Soft leather hide

Water & large container

Scissors & sharp knife

Small chisel & mallet

Water-soluble artist’s pencil

With a little research, patience, and investment you can have a shaman drum you made yourself.

Shamanic Drumming FAQs

What is a shaman.

7 Best Shamanic Drum Styles for Journey

Does Shamanic Drumming work?

Does Shamanic Drumming work

Will Humidity affect my shamanic Drum?

Does Shamanic Drumming work 02

What are the Best Shamanic Drum Styles?

The Frame Drum The Irish Bodhran The 8 Sided or 8 Corner Drum The Siberian Tambourine Drum The Native American Hoop Drum The Lapland Samis Drum The Ceremonial Tarahumara, Grandmother or Powwow drum The Sweat Lodge Drum

Thank you for traveling with me to the end! I hope you learned more about the best shamanic drum styles and have a better feel for the style that is right for you.

If you like these types of guides, I have more!

In addition to my guide to crystal singing bowls and my HUGE article introducing folks to the ethereal music of the handpan , here at High Vibration Station we have all kinds of articles to raise your vibe.

If you love to read, I have a great list of books that helped me through my spiritual awakening . I am still learning and plan to add to the list as I work through more books and gain a deeper understanding.

I also have an awesome guide with 7 ways to remove negative energy , and I use these methods a lot so I highly recommend you learn a few ways to shoo away bad vibes in your home or when you encounter them while you are out and about.

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“Radio Frequency” is my email list reserved for Fellow Travelers, Matrix Escapees, Psychonauts, Shamanic Journeyers, Alchemists, Interdimensionals, Inquiring Minds, & Mad Hatters; those who dare to join & explore wonderland with me.

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19 thoughts on “7 Best Shamanic Drum Styles for Journey, Trance, & Ceremony”

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journey drumming music

Getting To Know Your Shamanic Drum

Shamanic Drum

So this morning over tea, I got a chance to catch up on one of the blogs I read, Shamanic Drumming by Michael Drake. We’ve known Michael for years and enjoy his blog and the book ( The Shamanic Drum: A Guide To Sacred Drumming ) and CD ( The Shamanic Drum Instructional  ) he has on shamanic drumming.

As you all know, we do drum making playshops/workshops and help people create their own drums. Many of these drums are used for shamanic healing and some are simply instruments used to make joyful sounds (hmm…I bet that’s still a form of shamanic healing…)

During our drum making playshops we introduce ceremony many times during the workshop, offering thanks and healing to the spirits that offered themselves to be used in creating the drum, and welcoming the spirit of the drum.

By the way, Gary will be facilitating Creating the Sacred Drum – A Drum Making Playshop in Mt. Laurel, NJ in July. You can check it out on our website.

Now back to the Shamanic Drumming blog…Michael has written a great blog that I’m including here (with permission of course). It’s a great introduction on how to get to know your drum.

How to Connect with Your Shamanic Drum by Michael Drake As a drum circle facilitator, I get asked a lot about how to work with shamanic drums. Drums are an essential part of shamanic work; we use them for journeying, healing and celebration, both for ourselves and for the community. Additionally, the shamanic techniques of extraction, soul retrieval and divination can all be performed with the drum. Yet many people I meet who acquire a drum say they want to work with it but they are not sure how to. Connecting with the spirit of the drum is the first step in learning how to work with it. There are many ways to connect with a drum. Some shamanic practitioners craft their own drums. A drum of your own creation will be imbued with your own unique essence. It will become a powerful extension of your essential self. Moreover, the spirit of a drum will pass through your hands into the drum as you make it. Other practitioners may choose to purchase drums, and then decorate them in ways that infuse their own energy into it. One of the best ways to connect with a drum is by journeying to meet the spirit of your drum. Begin by smudging the drum, and then call upon the spirit of the drum and ask it to come to you and become your ally. To support your journey, you can play the drum you are working with or listen to a  shamanic journey drumming recording while holding the drum. When you meet the spirit of the drum, it may teach you some special ways you can use the drum for your shamanic work that you did not know before. It may have a specific name, purpose or type of energy (for example some feel very grounding, others more ethereal). Your drum may wish to be played, decorated or stored in a particular way. It may teach you a rhythm for invoking and enlivening it. When a helping spirit is invoked, there is often an accompanying rhythm that comes through. Be open to the possibilities. If the initial communication with the spirit of the drum is not very clear, that’s OK. Journeys like this can be repeated a number of times, in fact it is a good thing to do just to develop an ongoing relationship. You can journey to connect with the spirit of your drum as often as you like. To learn more, read “ Waking the Drum .”

I hope you find this blog helpful in getting to know your drum’s spirit.

Until next time –

Pleasant Journeys — Debbie

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Shamanic Journey Multiple Drumming

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Shamanic Journey Multiple Drumming

  • Audio CD $5.65 13 Used from $4.18 3 New from $5.65

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Shamanic Journey Multiple Drumming

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  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.59 x 0.51 x 4.88 inches; 3.07 ounces
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ FSS
  • Item model number ‏ : ‎ 35446873
  • Original Release Date ‏ : ‎ 1990
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ November 5, 2006
  • Label ‏ : ‎ FSS
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00007BKHU
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
  • #4,206 in New Age (CDs & Vinyl)

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