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If You’ve Lived with T1D for 10, 25, 50, or 75 Years… 

lilly diabetes journey award

“Every day with type 1 diabetes is an accomplishment,” says Jeff Hitchcock who founded Children with Diabetes (CWD) after his daughter, Marissa, was diagnosed in 1989 at just two years old.   

Today, Hitchcock says his favorite part of the day is reading the submissions for a “Journey Award” , then shipping the beautiful coins to recipients across the United States. REQUEST a JOURNEY AWARD HERE !

If you have at least a decade of type 1 diabetes (T1D) behind you, you might consider requesting a “Journey Award” . Journey Awards recognize people who’ve lived with T1D for 10, 25, 50, and 75 years with a coin made with real precious metals:  

  • 10-year coin: made with bronze  
  • 25-year coin: made with silver   
  • 50-year coin: made with gold   
  • 75-year coin: made with silver and gold

CWD Journey awards for those living with t1d

When you’ve been managing this disease for even just a couple of decades, it’s easy to forget how much work you do every single day to stay alive.  

Recognizing the work of staying alive with T1D  

lilly diabetes journey award

Your request for a Journey Award invites you to share a brief story about your life with T1D, which CWD is in the process of organizing to share on their website .  

“The stories I read, they are the highlight of my day,” says Hitchcock. “I read one the other night from a man who said, ‘I’ve had type 1 for 31 years, I’m really struggling with burnout, I hope this remotivates me.’ I wrote him a personal note, hoping this recognition of all the days he’s lived with this disease shows the incredible accomplishment it is, and gives him the motivation to keep going.”   

Hitchcock recalled another story from a young woman with T1D who was once told she’d never be able to have children — but today she’s a mother of two.  

Five Decades with Type 1 Diabetes  

Being diagnosed with T1D in the 1950s, 60s, or 70s often included a warning from your doctor that your days are numbered, you may not live to see your 40 th or 50 th birthday. Fortunately, many people diagnosed in those years have proven those warnings wrong.  

Receiving requests for 50 and 75-year coins reminds Hitchcock how lucky his daughter is to be diagnosed in 1989.  

“By the time Marissa was diagnosed, her pediatrician told us, ‘Don’t worry, everything is going to be okay,’ because we could check her blood sugar and manage her insulin. Today, children with T1D can live as long as if they were never diagnosed — if they have access to insulin, testing supplies, and they participate daily in managing their disease.”  

You might request an award for someone else who’s living with T1D.  

“Sometimes I get requests from a parent with a child who is passing the 10-year mark with T1D, or a spouse whose partner just passed 25 years. There was one from a family for their grandfather who’s lived with type 1 for 50 years. They said he carried his award with him for days.”  

“It’s too special — it must continue.”  

“For those who’ve lived with type 1 day after day, you deserve the recognition. It’s pure good. This program must continue,” says Hitchcock. “And I’m very grateful that Lilly felt CWD could take this on and continue that mission. Anyone living with type 1 diabetes in the U.S. passing these milestones can be recognized.”  

As a parent of a child with T1D, and as a man who’s built his entire life around supporting families and individuals affected by this disease, Hitchcock knows that every single day requires effort, courage, and persistence.  

“The Journey Award,” says Hitchcock, “is really honoring that you stayed in the game.”  

Cannabis Side-Effects Can Mimic DKA in People with Type 1 Diabetes

Do you ever change your lancet.

lilly diabetes journey award

Ginger Vieira

Related stories, living with t1d: real stories from registry participants , from diagnosis to today: two hispanic women’s nutrition stories , treshawn gause: professional basketball player, business owner, and person with t1d , the work of living with type 1 diabetes , qualifying for the ironman world championship with type 1 diabetes  , diagnosed with t1d in 1972: i believed i wouldn’t live past 45 years old .

lilly diabetes journey award

I was hospitalized and started on insulin March 2. 1943. I have seen many, many changes in treatment, types of insulin, etc. and am greatful for all God has let the medical profession learn during my lifetime. My father’s mother died when he was about 5 years old and insulin had not been discovered yet. I have now out-lived my parents and my husband. I am blessed with 2 grown sons, an adopted daughter, 7 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Both diabetes and cancer tend to be hereditary, but it does not always happen that way. God has a plan for every life and we cannot see the future! My husband died of cancer and our youngest son had bone cancer at 10 years of age and his left leg was amputated above the knee. He is now 68 and I am ;91. We both are grateful to God and for the advances made in the medical profession. I am now on a Tandem insulin pump and a Dexcom CGM.

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45 years with diabetes for me. Going strong!

lilly diabetes journey award

I was 8 when dx with T1D in April, 1955. It’s been a long adventure. I’m very grateful for the many people along the way who offered support that allowed me to continue my journey.

lilly diabetes journey award

I have been a type one diabetic, four fifty five years. My sister, who’s diagnosed with it at age four. My father had to boil our needles. My mom started a diabetic group in the city we lived in. I was told I could not go to college because my dad could not come with me to boil my needles. Thankfully, they came out with the disposable ones. And I was able to start college at seventeen. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes at the age of fourteen. My sister and I were fortunate enough to go to josilin clinic And I was able to go out twice, and also was fortunate enough to go to clara barton camp. Life has been and up-and-down. Rollercoaster for me and I am now on. The dexcom g seven, which has helped, but with other issues, things have begun to go downhill again. I never used to really mind being a diabetic. But now it’s just on my mind all the time. And I believe i’m losing my fighting battle. Let’s be coming very difficult. However, I do believe it is easier to be A. Type one rather than a type two because for the most part, if they have a high blood sugar, it is harder to deal with. 5 years ago I asked my Doctor to. Please get me a 50 year pin. When I found out there was such a thing. About five years later, I do not have one. It would really mean a lot to me to be able to receive one just to show what I have gone through. And acknowledge what I have gone through for fifty five years. My sister, twenty years ago had to get a pancreatic and kidney transplant. She is very fortunate that she has had no real complications, but she had to go through that surgery. I just can’t understand why we cannot find a cure for this. I know someday there probably will be, but not in my lifetime.

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lilly diabetes journey award


lilly diabetes journey award

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Diabetes Solutions of Oklahoma

About CWD Journey Awards

Living with type 1 diabetes can be incredibly challenging and the work required for daily life deserves special recognition. As such, Children with Diabetes is excited to share that through the CWD Journey Awards program, there will continue to be a recognition of the work required to thrive with type 1 diabetes.

Children with Diabetes depends on the support of individuals like yourself to fund our programs. Please consider a tax-deductible donation in support of the CWD Journey Awards program

CWD Journey Awards


Jasmine’s Corner

  • Aug 1, 2020

Kern awarded 50 Year Lilly Diabetes Journey Medal

lilly diabetes journey award

By Jasmine Willis

ATLANTA — A local woman was awarded the Lilly Diabetes Journey Medal for 50 years of living with type-one diabetes.

Peggy Sue Kern, 61, of Atlanta was one of the first in her area to be diagnosed with type-one diabetes in 1970. She was a fifth grader in Wayland Central School at the time she was given the diagnosis. In those days type-one diabetes was rare, and treatments were fairly new. She had to start out on glass syringes. For the last 25 years she has lived with an insulin pump that gives her the medicine she needs to survive at a much easier pace.

Eli Lilly and Corporation reached out to Kern via mail and presented her with this prestigious award on Feb. 14. The foundation established this award by the founder’s namesake and grandson Col. Eli Lilly in 1975. They award people who have successfully managed their diabetes with insulin for 50 years.

“Each person’s journey with diabetes is unique, and maintaining an active life along with a daily diabetes regimen takes constant effort and great discipline. We at Lilly hope that our innovations in diabetes treatment, including the introduction of commercial insulin more than 90 years ago, as well as recent advancements, have provided support to you along the way,” David Ricks, Eli Lilly and Corporation chairman wrote. “It is my sincere pleasure mark this milestone with you. Your success is inspirational and strengths our own resolve as we continue to seek ways to make life better for you and others around the world.”

The world in which Kern received the life sentence of type-one diabetes didn’t have throw away syringes or those devices you check your sugar on. In 1970 the 11-year-old had to use big glass syringes and pee on a stick to check her sugar intake. Her mother was constantly worried about her daughter’s illness. Kern had to eat lunch twice at school to keep her sugar balanced, once with the other children and once with the lunch ladies in the afternoon.

“I went through all of the changes in type-one diabetes treatment. I was the only one in my school who had it. I was picked on by the other students since they didn’t understand what my illness was about. I had lunch at 11 am with the other students. I had a sandwich with the lunch ladies at 2 pm so I would keep my sugars balanced,” Kern said. “I remember when I was diagnosed. I had been feeling really dizzy at school. At first, we thought it was my anxiety. It was the third week of June and we were taking our finals. I found when I was given milk and crackers at the office I felt better. My parents took me to St. James Hospital and my sugar was 800. It was supposed to be 100. I was kept there for two weeks.”

Kern’s doctor was Dr. James Pullman (famous actor Bill Pullman’s father) who taught her how to use the glass syringes on an orange before using them on herself. Kern said she has always taken her own insulin shots. She never made anyone else do it for her.

“I have always taken my own insulin shots. My mother always wanted to help me when I was a kid. I just felt like it was always my responsibility. I was told by Dr. Pullman I had to do this for the rest of my life to stay alive. I felt like it was up to me to keep myself alive. All the normal illnesses like colds and the flu hit my harder than anyone else. I would be sick for much longer,” Kern said.

When the insulin pumps came out this was a blessing for those with type-one diabetes. Kern was one of the first in the area to get one. She had to go up to Strong Memorial Hospital to figure out how to use it. She had to see several other doctors in order to use the pump. A small tube goes into the stomach and gives the patient insulin doses as needed. It is changed every three days to avoid infections.

Kern said she is very proud to have the Lilly Diabetes Journey Medal. She hopes to get the 75-year Lilly Diabetes Journey Medal next. Not many with type-one diabetes made it 50 years on insulin.

“You can live with this illness and still have a good life. I am living proof of that. I want to help inspire others who are battling diabetes to take care of themselves. I have known many who had it half as long as me who have already lost limbs and fingers since they refused to take their medicines. I haven’t lost any limbs. I take my insulin every day. I have had it most of my life. This is all I have ever known,” Kern said. “I am a member of the Atlanta Fire Department and Cohocton Valley Ambulance. I was a girl scout leader, part-time librarian, and election inspector. You can have a fulfilling life with type-one diabetes. I never felt sorry for myself. I never gave up. It is a chronic illness, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live a long time. Don’t let it stop your life.”

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The story of jack hughes, lilly diabetes journey awards, the lilly diabetes journey awards program recognizes people with type 1 diabetes who have successfully managed diabetes with insulin for 10, 25, 50, or 75 years.

At Lilly Diabetes, we recognize that every person with type 1 diabetes is on a unique and challenging lifelong journey. But they’re not alone—and while we work hard to equip people with the resources they need to help overcome challenges, we’re also here to celebrate the successes.

The Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards program has recognized thousands of individuals who have successfully managed their diabetes for 10, 25, 50, even 75 years. The awards are meant to honor those who have long been successful, but also to inspire others to believe they can do it, too.

Healthcare professionals can also support and honor patients in their community with a live presentation Journey Awards ceremony.

Those who receive Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards are a testament to all people with diabetes that learning how to manage their health and adapting to the ever-changing technology of diabetes care can lead to a long and successful diabetes journey.

The CWD Journey Awards

Children with Diabetes Journey Awards

Request for health care professionals.

Living with type 1 diabetes can be incredibly challenging and the work required for daily life deserves special recognition. As such, Children with Diabetes is excited to share that through the new CWD Journey Awards program, there will continue to be a recognition of the work required to thrive with type 1 diabetes. Medals marking 10, 25, 50, and 75 years of daily life with diabetes will serve as an inspiration to everyone in the type 1 community.

This page is for health care professionals to request multiple  CWD Journey Awards to give to their patients. If you are a person living with type 1 diabetes, or care for someone living with type 1 diabetes, you may request one  CWD Journey Award using our online request form .

CWD is deeply grateful to Lilly for their support for the CWD Journey Awards program.

The CWD Journey Awards were formerly known as the Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards.

CWD HCP Journey Award Request

  • Your Name (Required) Please let us know your name. ("Suffix" is for things like Jr., III, and the like.) Dr. Prof. Mrs. Ms. Miss Mr. Prefix First Last Suffix
  • Your Hospital or Clinical Care Practice Please tell us where you work, caring for people with type 1 diabetes.
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  • Please let us know how many of each CWD Journey Award you would like.

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  • 10 Year CWD Journey Awards Requested (Required) For people who have lived with type 1 diabetes for at least 10 years Please select 0 5 10 15 20 25

lilly diabetes journey award

  • 25 Year CWD Journey Awards Requested (Required) For people who have lived with type 1 diabetes for at least 25 years Please select 0 5 10 15 20 25

lilly diabetes journey award

  • 50 Year CWD Journey Awards Requested (Required) For people who have lived with type 1 diabetes for at least 50 years Please select 0 5 10 15 20

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  • 75 Year CWD Journey Awards Requested (Required) For people who have lived with type 1 diabetes for at least 75 years Please select 0 1 2 3
  • Would you like to be added to our Weekly Diabetes mailing list? (Required) The Weekly Diabetes is sent each Wednesday and includes important news about CWD, our Friends for Life conferences, and the broader type 1 diabetes community. If you don't already subscribe, please sign up. You can unsubscribe easily with just one click if you don't find the newsletter to be of interest. Please select Yes, please add me to the Weekly Diabetes No thank you I'm already subscribed
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  • We use this treatment for diabetes: Please select Takes insulin injections Uses an insulin pump Takes oral diabetes medications Takes insulin and oral medications Uses diet and exercise only Diabetes, without medications : Has diabetes but doesn't take any medications Diabetes, no treatment plan : Has diabetes but doesn't have a treatment plan Doesn't apply Other
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Privacy Overview


  1. CWD Journey Award Request

    CWD Journey Award Request Living with type 1 diabetes can be incredibly challenging and the work required for daily life deserves special recognition. The CWD Journey Awards provide that recognition of the work required to thrive with type 1 diabetes. Medals marking 10, 25, 50, and 75 years of daily life with diabetes will serve as an inspiration to everyone in the type 1 community.

  2. If You've Lived with T1D for 10, 25, 50, or 75 Years

    Journey Awards recognize people who've lived with T1D for 10, 25, 50, and 75 years with a coin made with real precious metals: 10-year coin: made with bronze. 25-year coin: made with silver. 50-year coin: made with gold. 75-year coin: made with silver and gold. These awards were first managed by Lilly Diabetes, but CWD recently adopted this ...

  3. Diabetes Medications and Support Programs

    FDA approves Lilly's Mounjaro™ (tirzepatide) injection, the first and only GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist for the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes. Lilly's AWARD-PEDS trial investigating use of Trulicity® (dulaglutide) in youth and adolescents with type 2 diabetes showed superiority in A1C reduction vs placebo.

  4. Lilly Journey Awards

    A forum thread where people with type 1 diabetes share their experiences and opinions about the Lilly Journey Awards, a program that offers medals to people who have lived with diabetes for 10, 25, 50, and 75 years. The thread also provides a link to the application procedure and some tips for US citizens.

  5. Eli Lilly honors diabetes patients at Diabetes Journey Awards

    Eli Lilly and Company presented the Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards to 25 individuals at Deaconess on Thursday evening. Before insulin was developed in the 1920s, patients diagnosed with type 1 ...

  6. Lilly Diabetes

    The Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards program recognizes thousands of individuals who have successfully managed their type 1 diabetes for 10, 25, 50 and 75 years. We welcome healthcare professionals, caregivers and people with type 1 diabetes in the United States to submit for an award today:

  7. Lilly Diabetes Journey Award

    The Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards program recognizes diabetes patients who have successfully managed their disease with the help of insulin for 25, 50, or 75 years or more. These individuals serve as an inspiration to all people affected by diabetes, for learning how to manage their disease and adapting to the ever-changing technology of ...

  8. Recipient of the Lilly Diabetes Journey Award

    The Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards program recognizes people with Type 1 Diabetes who have successfully managed it with insulin for 10, 25, 50, or 75 years. I'm getting ready to enter into my 20th year so not quite to 25 yet, but since I just recently learned of this program I was able to submit an application for my 10-year award and I received it today. It's an absolute honor to receive this ...

  9. More Than 100 Capital Region Residents to be Honored at Lilly Diabetes

    The Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards program celebrates the journeys made by individuals with type 1 diabetes who have managed their illness, with the help of insulin, for 10, 25, 50, and 75 years.

  10. T1D Awards

    A program that honors people with type 1 diabetes who have lived with the condition for 10 years or longer. Supported by Lilly Diabetes and INTEGRIS Health, the awards include a medal, a certificate and a letter of recognition.

  11. Does anyone know if Lilly Diabetes still does the Lilly Diabetes

    After almost 50 years of honoring people with diabetes with anniversary medals, Lilly Diabetes is phasing out the Journey Awards. Awards were given to patients for 10, 25, 50 and 75 years. A Lilly spokesperson confirmed the news to me today.. saying "We periodically need to re-assess and prioritize programs as the environment and our business shifts. We believe our decision will allow us to ...

  12. Children With Diabetes

    About CWD Journey Awards Living with type 1 diabetes can be incredibly challenging and the work required for daily life deserves special recognition. As such, Children with Diabetes is excited to share that through the CWD Journey Awards program, there will continue to be a recognition of the work required to thrive with type 1 diabetes.

  13. Kern awarded 50 Year Lilly Diabetes Journey Medal

    Peggy Sue Kern, 61, of Atlanta was one of the first in her area to be diagnosed with type-one diabetes in 1970. She received the prestigious award from Eli Lilly and Corporation for her 50 years of living with insulin and inspiring others.

  14. Diabetes Journey Award

    Lilly Diabetes has a wonderful recognition program for people living with diabetes called the ' Lilly Diabetes Journey Award'. This award is (well was) given to people who reached the milestones of 25, 50 and 75 years or more of living with diabetes.  I said "well was" because

  15. CWD Journey Award

    The CWD Journey Awards provide recognition of the work required to thrive with type 1 diabetes. Medals marking 10, 25, 50, and 75 years of daily life with diabetes will serve as an inspiration to everyone in the type 1 community. Request a CWD Journey Award for yourself or a loved one using the CWD Journey Award Request form.

  16. Announcing the CWD Journey Awards

    Living with type 1 diabetes can be incredibly challenging and the work required for daily life deserves special recognition. As such, Children with Diabetes is excited to share that through the new CWD Journey Awards program, there will continue to be a recognition of the work required to thrive with type 1 diabetes. Medals marking 10, 25, 50, and 75 years of daily life with diabetes will ...

  17. Eli Lily Award

    The Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards program recognizes people with type 1 diabetes who have successfully managed diabetes with insulin for 10, 25, 50, or 75 years At Lilly Diabetes, we recognize that every person with type 1 diabetes is on a unique and challenging lifelong journey.


    Mark For: LILLY DIABETES JOURNEY AWARDS® trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of awards recognition program for insulin users, namely, providing recognition and incentives by way of awards to diabetes patients who have successfully managed their disease through the use of insulin.

  19. Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards honor long-time insulin users

    The journey is one Paul has in common with most of the men and women who attended the ceremony Tuesday night. The Lilly Awards, named in honor of the founder of Eli Lilly Co., recognizes those who ...

  20. Patients Receive Lilly Diabetes Journey Award

    A local news report on a celebration for patients with type 1 diabetes who have managed their condition for decades. The Lilly Diabetes Journey Award honors their achievements and resilience since 1975.

  21. Visiting Lilly

    We were invited to present Journey Awards to a handful of Lilly employees who live with diabetes. Lilly was the first pharmacy company to make insulin in the early 1900's.

  22. CWD Journey Award Request for HCPs

    If you are a person living with type 1 diabetes, or care for someone living with type 1 diabetes, you may request one CWD Journey Award using our online request form. CWD is deeply grateful to Lilly for their support for the CWD Journey Awards program. The CWD Journey Awards were formerly known as the Lilly Diabetes Journey Awards.