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430+ New Baby Quotes and Sayings to Express Congratulations

Celebrate the joyous occasion of the arrival of a new baby with heartfelt quotes and warm wishes! As a family blossoms and embraces the magic of a growing household, the journey of raising children unfolds with endless possibilities.

In this momentous time, shower the newborn and their family with wishes that reflect the joy, love, and excitement that come with this beautiful addition.

A man and woman holding a baby in a white room.

Table of contents

New baby quotes to write in a new baby card, funny baby quotes, inspirational quotes for a sweet baby, wishes to include in a new baby card, cute baby quotes, quotes for new parents, first baby quotes, new baby girl messages, new baby boy messages, final thoughts, baby quotes.

These quotes for a baby are more than just words. They are tiny, heartfelt whispers that capture the essence of parenthood and the extraordinary journey that unfolds with the arrival of a little one.

Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! Welcoming a new baby into the world is a joyous occasion that calls for celebration.

  • “A baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. LeShan
  • “A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.”
  • “Tiny fingers, tiny toes, a world of wonder as a new chapter unfolds.”
  • “Welcome to the sweetest symphony, little one, where love knows no bounds and every heartbeat is a melody of joy.”
  • “A new baby is like a burst of sunshine, filling every corner of your world with warmth, laughter, and a love so pure that it transcends all boundaries.”
  • “Like a gentle breeze announcing the dawn of joy, a new arrival graces our lives with the promise of endless love and infinite possibilities.”
  • “In the cradle of a new beginning, a baby arrives, carrying with them the dream of possibilities.”
  • “Tiny toes and a world of wonder—welcome, little one!”
  • “A baby’s laughter is sunshine in the soul.”
  • “In the heart of a newborn, dreams take their first breath.”
  • “Love wrapped in a blanket—a newborn’s embrace.”
  • “Life’s greatest masterpiece—a sleeping baby.”
  • “A baby is a blessing, a gift from heaven above.”
  • “Little hands, big miracles.”
  • “Every child begins the world anew.”
  • “A new adventure begins with the smallest of feet.”
  • “Tiny miracles whispering promises of love.”
  • “A baby is God’s way of saying the world should go on.”
  • “Newborns bring the promise of tomorrow’s dreams.”
  • “Little feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”
  • “From the moment they arrive, babies fill the world with love.”
  • “The tiniest feet leave the biggest imprints on our hearts.”
  • “Babies are the sweetest gifts life has to offer.”
  • “The joy of a newborn is a melody that never fades.”
  • “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.”
  • “Welcome to the world, where love knows no bounds.”
  • “The world just got a little brighter with your arrival.”
  • “Every child begins as a story waiting to be told.”
  • “A baby’s smile is a glimpse of heaven.”
  • “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”
  • “A baby is nature’s way of reminding us that life is beautiful.”
  • “In the eyes of a newborn, we find the purest reflection of love.”
  • “Babies are a link between angels and humans.”
  • “A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, and a dream of possibilities.”
  • “Life’s sweetest moments are born with a baby’s arrival.”
  • “Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.”
  • “A baby’s yawn is a reminder that even the smallest things are precious.”
  • “Your little hands stole my heart, and your little feet ran away with it.”
  • “With a baby’s arrival, the ordinary becomes extraordinary.”
  • “A baby fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty.”
  • “Babies are the poetry that we never tire of reading.”
  • “The best things come in small packages—welcome to the world, little one.”
  • “Babies are like a new sunrise, bringing warmth, hope, and a brand-new day.”
  • “A baby’s laughter is the sweetest symphony.”
  • “The world may be full of uncertainties, but the love for a child is unwavering.”
  • “Babies are the anchors that hold a family together.”
  • “A baby’s arrival is a gentle reminder that miracles still happen.”
  • “A baby’s first breath fills the world with endless possibilities.”
  • “Babies are the ultimate expression of love’s capacity to grow.”
  • “From the first cry to the first smile, a baby’s journey is a masterpiece in the making.”

A woman laughing with her baby on a couch.

  • “Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, joy, and happiness into our lives. Also, they occasionally emit explosive bursts of cuteness.”
  • “A baby is a little bit of heaven from Earth to make us question our sleep choices and wonder if coffee is a sustainable form of hydration.”
  • “Babies are like tiny comedians who don’t know any jokes but manage to make you laugh with their adorable antics and unexpected burps.”
  • “Life with a baby is like a comedy show where the main act refuses to stick to the script and improvises with giggles, gurgles, and a surprising amount of spit-up.”
  • “Babies are proof that even the smallest creatures can create the biggest messes. It’s a good thing they’re cute enough to forgive.”
  • “Having a baby is like having a tiny boss who can’t talk but somehow manages to get their point across through a series of cries, coos, and well-timed diaper explosions.”
  • “Babies are the only ones who can make you go from ‘Aww, how cute!’ to ‘Oh no, where’s the wipes?’ in a matter of seconds.”
  • “Sleep is like a distant memory when you have a baby. It’s that thing you used to do before becoming a 24/7 milk dispenser and diaper changer.”
  • “Babies are like alarm clocks with no snooze button. They don’t care if it’s 3 AM; if they’re awake, so are you.”
  • “Parenting is the only job where hearing ‘ma-ma’ and ‘da-da’ can be both heartwarming and a battle cry for who has to change the diaper this time.”
  • “Babies have this amazing ability to turn the most mundane objects into fascinating toys. Forget expensive gadgets; just hand them a crinkly piece of paper, and you’ve got hours of entertainment.”
  • “Babies are like tiny scientists conducting experiments with food, toys, and the limits of your patience.”
  • “Sleeping like a baby: waking up every two hours, crying for no reason, and wondering why everyone else is so tired.”
  • “Babies are the ultimate multitaskers – they can eat, sleep, and fill a diaper all at the same time, and they expect you to be just as efficient in your response.”
  • “Parenthood: where going to the bathroom alone feels like a luxury, and a hot cup of coffee is a distant dream.”
  • “Babies are like tiny Zen masters, teaching you the art of patience, the importance of flexibility, and the joy of finding cheerios in unexpected places.”
  • “The only time a baby is quiet is when they’re asleep. And even then, you’re afraid to make a sound in case you wake the adorable beast.”
  • “Babies are born with a natural talent for making laundry day a thrilling adventure filled with surprises in every onesie.”
  • “Parenthood is a crash course in time management. You learn to do everything with one hand while holding a baby in the other.”
  • “Babies are the original influencers – they can make you change your entire schedule with just one adorable smile.”
  • “Babies are like tiny detectives, always exploring the world and investigating the mysteries of what’s edible and what’s not.”
  • “Babies have a sixth sense for knowing when you’ve just changed their diaper and decided it’s the perfect time to fill it up again.”
  • “Parenting is a constant battle between wanting your baby to sleep so you can rest and wanting them to wake up so you can see their precious face.”
  • “Babies are the true MVPs of multitasking – they can eat, sleep, and soil a diaper simultaneously, leaving you in awe of their efficiency.”
  • “Babies are the ultimate alarm clocks – forget snooze buttons, they have the power to wake you up with the cutest, loudest cries at any hour.”
  • “Being a parent is like being a stand-up comedian: you have to be ready for anything, and able to handle a heckler who’s throwing peas at you.”
  • “Babies have a talent for making you feel like a gourmet chef when they happily devour mashed bananas as if it’s the most exquisite dish in the world.”
  • “Babies: the only creatures on Earth who can turn a quiet, peaceful house into a chaotic, giggling circus in a matter of seconds.”
  • “Parenting is a delicate balance between trying to keep your baby entertained and desperately searching for the off switch on their favorite noisy toy.”
  • “Babies are like little philosophers, contemplating the meaning of life while staring at their own toes in amazement.”
  • “Parenthood is the ultimate reality show – no scripts, no retakes, just unfiltered chaos and unexpected plot twists.”
  • “Babies are natural yogis, mastering the art of the downward dog during diaper changes and the cobra pose when reaching for their favorite toys.”
  • “Parenting is like a never-ending game of 20 questions, except the answers are all in a language only your baby understands.”
  • “Babies have a unique talent for making you forget about the sleepless nights and endless diaper changes with just one adorable, toothless smile.”
  • “Babies are like tiny comedians, testing out their best material on a sleep-deprived audience that’s too in love to give anything less than a standing ovation.”
  • “Parenting is a crash course in negotiation skills – you learn to barter with snacks, toys, and the promise of a trip to the park to get your baby to cooperate.”
  • “Babies are like little magicians, making toys disappear and reappear in the most unexpected places, like behind the couch or inside your shoe.”
  • “Parenthood: where every day is a new adventure, and every night is a quest to find the pacifier that mysteriously vanished into the abyss of the crib.”
  • “Babies have a special talent for turning a simple trip to the grocery store into a high-stakes game of strategic snack placement and distraction tactics.”
  • “Parenting is like a roller coaster – it’s thrilling, occasionally terrifying, and involves a lot of screaming, but in the end, you wouldn’t trade the ride for anything.”
  • “Babies are like tiny chefs experimenting with the fine art of food throwing, turning mealtime into a performance art piece.”
  • “Parenthood is the only job where you can experience every emotion in the span of five minutes – from frustration to laughter to overwhelming love.”
  • “Babies are like little detectives on a mission to find the most dangerous objects in the room and put them directly into their mouths.”
  • “Parenting is a constant battle between wanting your baby to say their first words and praying those words aren’t ‘no’ or ‘mine.'”
  • “Babies are like tiny superheroes – they may not have capes, but they have the power to melt hearts with a single gurgle.”
  • “Parenthood: where ‘sleeping in’ means waking up at 6 AM instead of 5 AM, and ‘date night’ means watching a movie on the couch after the baby finally goes to sleep.”
  • “Babies are great listeners because they usually laugh at anything you say, and sometimes, they even laugh at you.”
  • “I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” – Ernest Hemingway
  • “People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” – Leo J. Burke
  • “Having a baby is like living with a tiny DJ who specializes in the genre of ‘Makes So Much Noise,’ with hit singles like ‘Midnight Crying Symphony’ and ‘Diaper Drum Solo.'”
  • “You are a little miracle, bringing joy and love to everyone around you.”
  • “In your small hands, holds the potential to touch the world with greatness.”
  • “Dream big, little one, for your journey has just begun.”
  • “You are a bundle of joy wrapped in endless possibilities.”
  • “May your days be filled with laughter, your heart with love, and your future with endless possibilities.”
  • “Little one, you have the power to change the world with your kindness.”
  • “Your tiny footsteps leave imprints on our hearts, guiding us to a future filled with love and hope.”
  • “As you grow, may you always embrace the wonder and magic that life has to offer.”
  • “In your eyes, we see the reflection of a world that can be shaped by love and kindness.”
  • “May your days be as bright as your smile, and your dreams as boundless as the sky.”
  • “Little one, you are a shining star in a world full of possibilities.”
  • “You are a tiny miracle, destined for greatness and surrounded by love.”
  • “Your arrival has filled our lives with sunshine and sprinkled stardust on our dreams.”
  • “Each day with you is a gift, a chance to witness the beauty of a new beginning.”
  • “May your journey involve love, laughter, and endless adventures.”
  • “In your innocence lies the wisdom to see the world with fresh eyes and a pure heart.”
  • “Your presence is a reminder that life is a beautiful gift to be treasured.”
  • “Little one, you are a precious chapter in the story of our lives, and we can’t wait to see the adventures unfold.”
  • “With every giggle and coo, you paint a canvas of joy in our hearts.”
  • “Your laughter is like music, playing the sweetest melody that fills our lives with happiness.”
  • “May your days be as sweet as your smile, and your nights as peaceful as your slumber.”
  • “You are a tiny miracle with the power to create ripples of love that touch the hearts of many.”
  • “Your innocence is a gentle reminder that goodness and purity exist in this world.”
  • “Little one, may you always find joy in the simplest moments and beauty in every step.”
  • “Your journey is a blank canvas; paint it with the colors of love, laughter, and dreams.”
  • “With your arrival, a garden of love has blossomed in our hearts.”
  • “May your heart always be as pure and bright as it is today.”
  • “You are a little spark that will ignite a flame of love and kindness in the world.”
  • “In your tiny hands, holds the potential to shape a world filled with compassion and understanding.”
  • “Your innocence is a beacon of light, illuminating the path to a future filled with possibilities.”
  • “May you always dance to the rhythm of your heart and follow the melody of your dreams.”
  • “Little one, you are a small but mighty force of love that will leave a lasting impact on the world.”
  • “With your arrival, the world became a brighter and more hopeful place.”
  • “May your life be a symphony of joy, with each note played by the love that surrounds you.”
  • “You are a tiny bundle of joy, a reminder that even the smallest things can bring the greatest happiness.”
  • “Your laughter is the sweetest melody, echoing the joy that you bring into our lives.”
  • “May your journey come with love, warmth, and the gentle embrace of those who cherish you.”
  • “Little one, your presence is a gift that continues to unwrap itself in the hearts of those who love you.”
  • “In your eyes, we see the promise of a bright future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.”
  • “You are a tiny beacon of hope, lighting up the world with the promise of a better tomorrow.”
  • “May your life be a story of triumph, filled with chapters of joy, love, and achievement.”
  • “Little one, you are a masterpiece in the making, and each day adds a brushstroke of love to your canvas.”
  • “With your arrival, the world gained a little more kindness, a little more joy, and a lot more love.”
  • “May your days be as sweet as your laughter and your nights as peaceful as your dreams.”
  • “In your innocence, lies the strength to face the world with courage, kindness, and an unwavering spirit.”
  • “Little one, you are a treasure trove of love, and your presence enriches our lives in ways words cannot express.”
  • “May your journey come with the warmth of love, the brightness of hope, and the joy of endless possibilities.”
  • “A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic.” – Sigrid Leo
  • “Babies are an amazing thing about becoming a parent. They immediately make you feel responsible and want to be a great role model.”
  • “You learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Jones

New Baby Wishes

A group of women having a baby shower party.

Sending heartfelt baby wishes is a joyous expression of love and excitement as a new life joins the world.

With every tenderly crafted wish, we extend our warmest congratulations to the proud parents, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their bundle of joy.

In these messages, we encapsulate the magic of new beginnings, the sweetness of little baby giggles, and the profound sense of wonder that a newborn brings into our lives.

As you start this incredible journey of parenthood, may you be blessed with all the love, joy, and happiness a new baby brings. Congratulations!

  • “Congratulations on your precious arrival! May every day come with love, laughter, and endless joy.”
  • “Wishing your little one a lifetime of health, happiness, and boundless adventures.”
  • “Welcome to the world, little one! May your journey be surrounded by warmth, love, and countless beautiful moments.”
  • “Sending heartfelt wishes to the new parents and their adorable bundle of joy. May your home be filled with love and laughter.”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby! May parenthood be a wonderful and rewarding adventure for you both.”
  • “Warmest wishes to the newest member of your family. May each day bring you more reasons to smile.”
  • “May your little one grow up surrounded by love, kindness, and the magic of a happy home. Congratulations!”
  • “Wishing your family endless blessings and unforgettable moments with your precious new addition.”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your little miracle. May your days be filled with love, laughter, and baby cuddles.”
  • “May the love you feel for your new baby grow with each passing day. Congratulations on this beautiful journey!”
  • “Sending lots of love and warm wishes to the new parents. May your baby bring you a lifetime of joy and happiness.”
  • “Congratulations! May your home fill with the sweet sounds of laughter and the pitter-patter of little feet.”
  • “Wishing your family a future filled with precious moments, shared smiles, and endless love. Congratulations on your bundle of joy!”
  • “May your baby’s laughter be infectious and may your hearts fill with love that knows no bounds. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on your beautiful blessing! May parenthood be as amazing and rewarding as you’ve dreamed.”
  • “May your little one bring you a lifetime of happiness, love, and incredible memories. Congratulations on your new adventure!”
  • “Warmest congratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby. May your days be filled with the purest love and the brightest smiles.”
  • “Wishing your family a world of love, joy, and unforgettable moments with your precious new arrival.”
  • “Congratulations on your new little family member! May the days ahead be filled with love, laughter, and sweet baby snuggles.”
  • “May your home be forever filled with the delightful laughter and happiness that your sweet baby brings. Congratulations!”
  • “Sending love and joy your way as you welcome your beautiful baby into the world. Congratulations on this incredible journey.”
  • “May your days be filled with the magic of parenthood. May your hearts be forever touched by the love of your little one. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your precious baby! May your home carry love, laughter, and the sweetest baby giggles.”
  • “Wishing your family a future filled with love, laughter, and countless beautiful memories. Congratulations on your bundle of joy!”
  • “May the arrival of your sweet baby bring an abundance of joy, love, and happiness to your hearts. Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on becoming a family!”
  • “Wishing your family a lifetime of love, happiness, and wonderful adventures with your beautiful new addition. Congratulations!”
  • “May your home carry an enchanting melody of baby laughter and the warmth of parental love. Congratulations on your little one!”
  • “Sending heartfelt wishes to the proud parents and their adorable new arrival.”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby! May your family be blessed with a lifetime of love and unforgettable moments.”
  • “Wishing you endless nights of peaceful sleep, days filled with baby giggles, and a lifetime of joy. Congratulations on your little miracle!”
  • “May your days involve tiny toes, baby giggles, and the sweet scent of newborn innocence. Congratulations on your beautiful blessing!”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! May your home fill with the love and laughter that babies bring.”
  • “Wishing you joy, love, and countless blessings as you embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood. Congratulations on your sweet baby!”
  • “May your day involve tender moments and the delightful chaos that parenthood brings. Congratulations on your new adventure!”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your precious baby! May your hearts be filled with love, and your home with happiness.”
  • “Wishing your family a lifetime of love, laughter, and endless joy with your beautiful new addition. Congratulations!”
  • “May your little one bring sunshine into your lives and fill your home with the sweetest laughter. Congratulations on your bundle of joy!”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby! May each day be a new adventure with love and beautiful moments.”
  • “Wishing your family a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness with your beautiful new baby. Congratulations on this joyous occasion!”
  • “May the days ahead involve baby smiles, warm cuddles, and the purest love. Congratulations on your precious little one!”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby! May your home come with the joy and wonder that parenthood brings.”
  • “Wishing your family a lifetime of love, happiness, and magical moments with your adorable new addition. Congratulations!”
  • “May the journey of parenthood be as sweet and rewarding as your new baby. Congratulations on the arrival of your little one!”
  • “Congratulations on becoming parents! May your days involve incredible love and joy that your baby brings.”
  • “May your hearts be forever touched by the love of your little one. Congratulations on the arrival of your precious baby!”
  • “Wishing your family a lifetime of love, laughter, and sweet moments with your beautiful new addition. Congratulations!”
  • “May your home carry the warmth of parental love, the sweetness of baby giggles, and the joy of parenthood. Congratulations on your little miracle!”
  • “Welcoming your new addition to the family! Wishing you all the love and happiness that your heart can hold.”

A pair of hands holding a small foot.

  • “Babies are nature’s way of proving that miracles still happen.”
  • “Tiny toes and button noses – that’s the recipe for pure adorableness.”
  • “A baby’s smile can light up the darkest corners of your heart.”
  • “Cuteness overload: brought to you by the tiniest humans on Earth.”
  • “Babies: where every yawn is a silent scream for cuteness.”
  • “Adorable from head to toe – that’s the baby code.”
  • “Babies are a daily dose of cuddles and cuteness.”
  • “With a baby around, every day is a new adventure in adorable.”
  • “Babies are the masterpieces of innocence and sweetness.”
  • “Cutie-patootie: the scientific term for every baby on the planet.”
  • “A baby’s laugh is like a melody that plays on a loop in your heart.”
  • “Small in size, big on adorable.”
  • “Babies: turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories since forever.”
  • “A baby’s giggle is the purest form of contagious happiness.”
  • “When it comes to being cute, babies wrote the rulebook.”
  • “Babies are tiny bundles of joy wrapped in layers of cuteness.”
  • “Adorable level: off the charts, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood baby.”
  • “Babies are proof that a little bit of heaven exists on Earth.”
  • “Life is better with chubby cheeks and baby giggles.”
  • “Babies are the living embodiment of love, joy, and all things cute.”
  • “Big eyes, tiny toes, and a heart full of love – the baby trifecta.”
  • “Babies: the reason why ‘cute overload’ is a daily occurrence.”
  • “Who needs a teddy bear when you have a baby to snuggle with?”
  • “Babies have the magical ability to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.”
  • “If cuteness were currency, babies would be the wealthiest beings.”
  • “Babies make ordinary things extraordinary just by being their adorable selves.”
  • “Little hands, big dreams – that’s the magic of a baby’s world.”
  • “Babies: where every hiccup is a tiny burst of cuteness.”
  • “Cuteness is a language, and babies are the fluent speakers.”
  • “A baby’s laughter is the sweetest melody in the symphony of life.”
  • “Babies: the reason why ‘aww’ was invented.”
  • “Adorable is an understatement when it comes to describing babies.”
  • “Tiny feet leave the biggest imprints on our hearts.”
  • “Babies have this extraordinary talent for turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.”
  • “Cute as a button, and twice as adorable – that’s a baby for you.”
  • “Babies are little bundles of joy that make the heart smile.”
  • “Babies are the architects of love, building bridges with their adorable giggles and toothless grins.”
  • “In the world of cuteness, babies reign supreme.”
  • “A baby’s hug is the ultimate cure for a bad day.”
  • “Babies are like little love notes from heaven – sweet, pure, and absolutely heartwarming.”
  • “Babies: the living embodiment of sunshine and rainbows.”
  • “Cuteness is the baby’s secret weapon, and they wield it expertly.”
  • “Babies are the VIPs of the cute club – Very Irresistible and Precious.”
  • “Adorable alert: baby on board, prepare for a cuteness overload.”
  • “Babies are the small wonders that make life a big adventure in cute.”
  • “With babies around, every day is a masterclass in adorable moments.”
  • “Babies are the tiny miracles that remind us of the beauty in every little thing.”
  • “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts, and a baby brings a little bit of heaven down to earth.”
  • “A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase.” – Mark Twain

Baby Shower Ideas

Baby showers provide a joyous platform for creating lasting memories, sharing parenting advice, and expressing collective excitement for the newest member of the family.

From whimsically themed decorations to games that evoke smiles and chuckles, these celebrations are a beautiful prelude to the journey of parenthood.

Whether it’s a baby girl or a baby boy, a baby shower is an exciting way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of your little bundle of joy.

A baby shower filled with boxes and decorations.

  • Decorate the venue with a beautiful combination of pink and gold hues, creating a warm and elegant atmosphere.
  • Embrace a princess theme with crowns, wands, and tiaras as decorations. Consider a “Welcome to the Royal Family” banner.
  • Decorate the main table with a tutu-inspired table skirt for a touch of whimsy and charm.
  • Use fresh flowers or floral arrangements throughout the venue, incorporating shades of pink and white for a classic and feminine look.
  • Set up a onesie decorating station where guests can personalize onesies for the baby girl with fabric markers, iron-on patches, and cute embellishments.
  • Have guests write down their advice or well wishes on small pieces of paper and place them in a decorative jar for the mom-to-be to cherish.
  • Have a wishing well where guests can drop in their wishes for the baby girl. Consider providing small cards or paper in the shape of baby onesies for guests to write on and address the card.
  • Decorate the venue with a classic combination of blue and gray for a timeless and charming atmosphere.
  • Create a nautical-inspired baby shower with anchors, sailboats, and navy blue and white stripes. Consider a “Ahoy, It’s a Boy!” banner.
  • Embrace a royal theme with crowns, castles, and banners proclaiming the arrival of the little prince.
  • Celebrate the baby boy’s future sports adventures with a sports-themed shower. Incorporate elements from his parents’ favorite teams or sports.
  • Create a cozy and cute atmosphere with a teddy bear picnic theme. Use teddy bear decorations and set up a picnic-style area with blankets and cushions.
  • Feature a diaper cake adorned with baby essentials like socks, onesies, and pacifiers as a charming centerpiece.
  • Celebrate the little superhero with a comic book-inspired theme. Use superhero logos, capes, and masks as decorations.
  • Create an adorable animal safari theme with cute jungle animals and greenery. This theme works well with soft and neutral color palettes.

Being a New Parent

Congratulations on becoming new parents! The journey ahead is filled with laughter, tears, and endless love.

Embarking on the journey of parenthood is a whirlwind of emotions, transforming a couple into a family as they navigate the adventure of bringing up baby. Amidst the sleepless nights and endless diaper changes, the joy that accompanies every milestone is immeasurable.

As the new parents navigate this uncharted terrain, the household transforms into a symphony of love and chaos, where the pitter-patter of tiny feet and the delightful babble of their little one make so much noise.

A man holding a baby.

  • “A baby is a blessing, a gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and love.”
  • “The moment a child is born, the world is graced with a masterpiece of love and joy.”
  • “In the quiet whispers of a newborn’s breath, we find the melody of love that will last a lifetime.”
  • “With the arrival of your little one, the world becomes a more beautiful place filled with endless possibilities.”
  • “Tiny fingers, tiny toes, and a heart that grows and glows—welcome to the world, little one.”
  • “The smallest feet leave the biggest imprints on our hearts.”
  • “In the eyes of a newborn, we see the promise of a brighter tomorrow and the beauty of a new beginning.”
  • “A baby is a small miracle that fills the heart with immeasurable joy and gratitude.”
  • “Babies are like stars; you may not always see them, but you know they’re always there, lighting up your world.”
  • “The sweetest sounds are the coos and laughter of a newborn, a symphony of love that plays on in our hearts.”
  • “A baby’s cry is the most beautiful sound, for it signals the beginning of a new chapter filled with love and endless possibilities.”
  • “Your little one has arrived, bringing with them a world of wonder and a lifetime of love.”
  • “Babies are the living poetry that dances in the hearts of new parents, a beautiful rhythm of love and discovery.”
  • “A baby is the greatest joy, the sweetest smile, and the most magical chapter in the story of a family.”
  • “Your baby is a small wonder, a miracle wrapped in blankets, and a bundle of joy sent from above.”
  • “The laughter of a baby is a melody that brings warmth and happiness to every corner of your home.”
  • “In the gentle gaze of your newborn, you find the reflection of love, a love that will only grow with each passing day.”
  • “A baby is the purest form of joy, a little piece of heaven that has found its way into your arms.”
  • “With the arrival of your baby, life becomes a tapestry woven with threads of love, laughter, and countless precious moments.”
  • “Babies are the anchors that hold the family together with their tiny fingers and hearts full of love.”
  • “The sweet scent of a newborn is the fragrance of love, a perfume that lingers in the hearts of those who cherish them.”
  • “A baby is the definition of love at first sight—a moment that changes your life forever.”
  • “In the embrace of parenthood, a baby is the masterpiece that completes the canvas of your family.”
  • “Babies are the flowers in the garden of life, blooming with innocence, sweetness, and the promise of a beautiful future.”
  • “With your baby’s arrival, the world becomes a canvas, and every smile, every milestone, is a stroke of love.”
  • “A baby’s laughter is the sweetest music, a lullaby that echoes through the halls of your heart.”
  • “In the journey of parenthood, a baby is the compass that guides you to the true north of unconditional love.”
  • “Babies are the poets who write their own verses of love on the parchment of your heart.”
  • “The arrival of your baby is like the sunrise of a new day, bringing warmth, hope, and the promise of a beautiful journey ahead.”
  • “A baby is the bridge between the past and the future, a living legacy of love that continues to grow.”
  • “With the birth of your baby, life becomes a dance of love, a rhythm that beats in the hearts of the new parents.”
  • “Babies are the stars that twinkle in the midnight sky of parenthood, casting a gentle glow on the path of love.”
  • “In the miracle of birth, we witness the extraordinary beauty of life and the creation of a new family.”
  • “A baby is a chapter in the book of love, a story that begins with a whisper and unfolds with every beat of your heart.”
  • “With your baby’s arrival, a garden of love blossoms, and the fragrance of joy fills the air, creating a paradise on earth.”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your precious bundle of joy!”
  • “A new adventure begins, and with every precious moment, our hearts expand, creating a melody of joy that resonates in the symphony of our growing family.”
  • “With every tender touch and every adorable coo, a new chapter begins, unveiling the beauty of things you will never experience the same way again—the overwhelming joy of a baby’s first smile, the softness of their tiny fingers, and the unparalleled love that grows with each passing day.”
  • “Babies are to our lives what stars are to the sky – tiny, twinkling miracles that light up our world with boundless love and infinite possibilities.”
  • “With the arrival of your little one, a new chapter begins – a chapter filled with love, laughter, and the joy of building a beautiful new family.”
  • “The child’s birth is not just the beginning of a new life; it’s the dawn of a love story that will unfold with each precious moment shared in this beautiful journey called parenthood.”
  • “In the quiet whispers of a nursery and the gentle lullabies, the most magical things you hear are the sweet coos and laughter of a precious baby filling your world with joy.”
  • “With the first baby drops, a symphony of love begins, each tiny tear a note, every giggle a melody, creating a beautiful composition that plays in the hearts of new parents.”
  • “In the tender embrace of parenthood, the baby becomes first priority — a precious heartbeat that echoes love, joy, and the promise of a beautiful journey ahead.”
  • “Baby and motherhood: where every coo, every gentle touch, and every sleepless night are woven into the beautiful tapestry of an everlasting bond.”
  • “Like you for always, love you forever, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”
  • “The days are long, but the years are short. Enjoy every moment of this new adventure called parenthood.”
  • “The first baby: a masterpiece of love, a bundle of joy that forever changes the canvas of our lives.”
  • “Your first baby is like a love letter written with tiny fingers and sealed with the warmth of baby snuggles.”
  • “In the hush of the first baby’s breath, we find the sweet melody of parenthood beginning.”
  • “The first baby is the catalyst for a lifetime of ‘firsts’ – first smiles, first steps, and first glimpses into an infinite love.”
  • “With the first baby, every day becomes a new page in the storybook of parenthood, filled with wonder, excitement, and love.”
  • “The first baby is a tiny revolution that turns a couple into a family and a house into a home.”
  • “With the arrival of the first baby, a symphony of joy begins, conducted by the soft notes of a newborn’s cry.”
  • “The first baby is a tiny explorer, turning the uncharted territories of parenthood into a beautiful adventure.”
  • “With the first baby, love multiplies, and hearts expand to accommodate the beautiful new addition.”
  • “The first baby is like a sunrise, bringing warmth, hope, and a brand-new beginning to your world.”
  • “In the tender moments with the first baby, we discover that love has a whole new dimension.”
  • “A first baby is a whisper of eternity, a promise of love that echoes through generations.”
  • “The first baby: where every sleepless night is a small sacrifice for the overwhelming joy of parenthood.”
  • “With the first baby, every heartbeat is a lullaby, and every touch is a gentle stroke on the canvas of love.”
  • “The first baby turns ordinary days into extraordinary moments, filled with the magic of innocence and discovery.”
  • “In the soft coos of the first baby, we find the language of love, spoken fluently from the heart.”
  • “With the first baby, you realize that love has a way of growing exponentially, with each tiny addition to your family.”
  • “The first baby is a chapter in the story of love that you never knew your heart was writing.”
  • “With the first baby, you learn that love is not divided; it’s multiplied, creating an infinite bond that ties your hearts together.”
  • “The first baby: a masterpiece of tiny fingers and tiny toes, creating an artwork of love that lasts a lifetime.”
  • “With the first baby, life is painted in new hues of love, laughter, and the sweet fragrance of baby powder.”
  • “The first baby is like a burst of confetti in the celebration of life, bringing joy, excitement, and a world of possibilities.”
  • “With the first baby, you discover that the heart has the incredible capacity to love beyond measure.”
  • “The first baby is a milestone that marks the beginning of a lifetime of love and treasured memories.”
  • “With the first baby, every day is a lesson in patience, a dance of joy, and a celebration of unconditional love.”
  • “The first baby is the composer of a new melody, turning the rhythm of your life into a beautiful and harmonious song.”
  • “With the first baby, you realize that love is not just a feeling; it’s a journey of discovery and endless wonder.”
  • “The first baby is like a blooming flower in the garden of your life, adding color, fragrance, and infinite beauty.”
  • “With the first baby, every milestone is a triumph, every giggle is a victory, and every day is a celebration of love.”
  • “The first baby is the architect of dreams, building a future filled with laughter, joy, and the pitter-patter of little feet.”
  • “With the first baby, every challenge is a lesson, every tear is a reminder of love, and every smile is a gift from heaven.”
  • “The first baby is a revelation, uncovering the depths of your heart and teaching you the true meaning of unconditional love.”
  • “With the first baby, you embark on a journey where each step is a milestone, and each moment is a precious memory.”
  • “The first baby is a spark that ignites the flame of family, creating a warm and comforting glow that lasts a lifetime.”
  • “With the first baby, you realize that love is not just a chapter; it’s an everlasting story, beautifully written with each passing day.”
  • “The first baby is a miracle that turns the ordinary into extraordinary, the mundane into magical, and the everyday into an adventure.”
  • “With the first baby, you become witnesses to the miracle of life, and every day is a testament to the beauty of parenthood.”
  • “The first baby is a journey into the heart, discovering a love so profound that it becomes the foundation of a lifetime of happiness.”
  • “With the first baby, you learn that love is not bound by time or space; it’s a timeless, boundless force that connects hearts.”
  • “The first baby is a revelation, unraveling the mysteries of love and creating a tapestry of joy that weaves through the years.”
  • “With the first baby, every cry is a lullaby, every fear is replaced by courage, and every day is an opportunity to love unconditionally.”
  • “The first baby is a magical chapter that transforms a couple into a family, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.”
  • “With the first baby, you embark on a journey where the destination is love, and every step is a discovery of the depths of your heart.”
  • “The first baby is a symphony of love, where the soft notes of baby giggles and the gentle hum of lullabies create a beautiful melody.”
  • “With the first baby, you realize that love is not a destination; it’s a journey of a lifetime filled with endless moments of joy.”
  • “The first baby is the author of a love story that unfolds with each passing day, creating a beautiful narrative of family, happiness, and boundless love.”
  • “A baby is a circular business – they give love, and in return, they receive the warmth of a thousand hearts, creating an endless loop of joy and boundless affection.”
  • “A baby is one of the most beautiful things you will ever hold in your arms, a tiny miracle that fills your heart with an extraordinary love you never knew was possible.”
  • “If you could ask a fairy godmother for the greatest gift, she’d sprinkle stardust and gift you a baby—a bundle of joy, laughter, and dreams come true.”
  • “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.”

Welcoming the Bundle of Joy

Welcoming your new baby girl or boy is the beginning of a beautiful and incredible journey filled with love, joy, and fulfillment.

A baby girl is laying on a blue blanket with her mouth open.

  • “Welcome to the world, little princess. May your days be filled with joy, your nights with peaceful sleep, and your heart with boundless love.”
  • “A baby girl is like a sprinkle of stardust – tiny, magical, and destined to light up your world with love.”
  • “In the tapestry of life, a baby girl is the most beautiful thread, weaving her way into the hearts of those who are blessed to know her.”
  • “To the sweetest little lady who has graced us with her presence, may your journey through life be as enchanting as your first smile.”
  • “A baby girl is a bundle of firsts that excite and delight, giggles that come from deep within, and love that knows no bounds.”
  • “With the arrival of your baby girl, the world gains a new ray of sunshine, a tiny dancer in the ballet of life.”
  • “Your arrival has turned ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, and our hearts into a garden of love.”
  • “A baby girl is the promise of love in a pink blanket, a gift that brings warmth, laughter, and a lifetime of precious moments.”
  • “To the tiny angel who now graces us with her presence, may your days be as sweet as your laughter and your dreams as big as your beautiful eyes.”
  • “A baby girl is a gentle reminder that the world is full of beauty, sweetness, and endless possibilities.”
  • “Hello, little one! Your presence has added a touch of pink to our lives, filling our days with the sweetness only a baby girl can bring.”
  • “A baby girl is a little bit of heaven sent down to Earth, a sprinkle of fairy dust that transforms every moment into pure magic.”
  • “With the birth of your baby girl, a new chapter begins – a chapter filled with love, laughter, and the joy only a daughter can bring.”
  • “Tiny fingers, tiny toes, and a heart full of love – your baby girl has brought a world of joy into your arms.”
  • “Welcome to the world, little sweetheart! May your days be filled with love, laughter, and all the pink wonders life has to offer.”
  • “A baby girl is like a daisy in the garden of life, bringing beauty, joy, and a touch of sweetness to everyone she meets.”
  • “To the parents of the precious baby girl, may your days be filled with diaper changes, lullabies, and the purest form of love.”
  • “Hello, little sunshine! Your laughter is a melody that fills our hearts with happiness, and your presence is a gift that brightens our days.”
  • “A baby girl is a tiny miracle that never ceases to amaze, bringing happiness and love with every adorable gaze.”
  • “With the birth of your baby girl, the world becomes a canvas, and every moment is a stroke of beauty painted with the colors of love.”
  • “A baby girl is the embodiment of dreams come true, a precious gem that sparkles in the tapestry of life.”
  • “To the family of the beautiful baby girl, may your days be filled with cuddles, kisses, and the magic only a daughter can bring.”
  • “Your tiny presence has filled our hearts with immense joy, and we can’t wait to watch you grow into a wonderful young lady.”
  • “A baby girl is a masterpiece, a creation of love and joy, sculpted by the hands of destiny and placed into the arms of adoring parents.”
  • “Hello, little princess! May your journey through life be adorned with love, laughter, and all the pink wonders that make it truly special.”
  • “A baby girl is the sweetest addition to any family, a blessing that brings warmth, love, and the promise of a beautiful future.”
  • “To the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl, may your days be filled with the delightful giggles and endless cuddles that only daughters can bring.”
  • “Welcome to the world, precious one! May your life be as enchanting as a fairy tale and as sweet as the first taste of cotton candy.”
  • “A baby girl is a tiny wonder that fills our hearts with big dreams and endless love.”
  • “Hello, little sweetheart! Your arrival has added a touch of sweetness to our world, and we can’t wait to watch you bloom into a remarkable young lady.”
  • “A baby girl is like a little butterfly, bringing beauty and joy as she flutters into our hearts.”
  • “To the family of the adorable baby girl, may your home be filled with the pitter-patter of tiny feet, the melody of baby laughter, and the warmth of parental love.”
  • “Welcome, little princess! Your presence is a gift that brings immeasurable joy, and we can’t wait to see the incredible journey life has in store for you.”
  • “A baby girl is a treasure, a little explorer ready to embark on the adventure of life, bringing joy to all who have the privilege of witnessing her journey.”
  • “Hello, little angel! Your arrival has turned our world into a canvas of love, painted with the vibrant hues of joy and the soft strokes of baby giggles.”
  • “To the parents of the adorable baby girl, may your days be filled with tender moments, sleepless nights, and the purest form of love a daughter can offer.”
  • “A baby girl is the sweet promise of tomorrow, a gentle reminder that the future is brimming with love, laughter, and countless precious moments.”
  • “A baby girl is a joy that can’t be measured. Her laugh is infectious and her smile so sweet. She is a cherished princess for her parents and a source of love and joy for her family.”
  • “A baby girl is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.”
  • “May your journey be as enchanting as a field of wildflowers, and every step you take as a toddling little girl be filled with the magic of discovery and the sweetness of endless giggles.”
  • “In the tender embrace of life’s melody, this little baby girl would dance, pirouetting through the joyous rhythms of laughter and twirling amidst the sweet cadence of love.”
  • “A baby girl is one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter, and happiness in your world today.”
  • “A baby girl is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.”
  • “Welcome to the world, little buddy! May your journey through life be as adventurous as your first moments and as joyful as your first smile.”
  • “A baby boy is like a burst of sunshine, bringing warmth, laughter, and boundless joy into the hearts of those lucky enough to know him.”
  • “In the tapestry of life, a baby boy is the vibrant thread that adds color and excitement to the beautiful story that unfolds with each passing day.”
  • “Hello, little prince! Your arrival has turned ordinary days into extraordinary memories, and our hearts into a kingdom of love.”
  • “A baby boy is a bundle of firsts – first smiles, first laughs, and the first beat of a heart that will surely leave a lasting imprint on the world.”
  • “With the birth of your baby boy, the world gains a new superhero, a tiny champion ready to conquer hearts with love and endless charm.”
  • “Tiny fingers, tiny toes, and a heart that grows and glows—welcome to the world, little dude.”
  • “A baby boy is a little miracle sent to make the world a brighter, happier place. His giggles are the sweetest notes in the symphony of life.”
  • “To the little man with the biggest heart, may your days be filled with adventure, laughter, and the warmth of family love.”
  • “A baby boy is a promise of love that continues to grow with each new smile, every tiny step, and the countless dreams that will fill his heart.”
  • “Hello, little explorer! May your journey through life be filled with discoveries, wonders, and the love that only a son can bring.”
  • “A baby boy is the embodiment of dreams come true, a tiny prince who will grow to leave a lasting legacy of love and joy.”
  • “With the birth of your baby boy, life becomes a grand symphony, and every giggle and coo is a sweet note that contributes to the melody of love.”
  • “Welcome, little buddy! Your laughter is the magic that brightens our days, and your presence is the joy that fills our hearts.”
  • “A baby boy is a little piece of heaven that has found its way into your arms, bringing with him the purest form of love and endless possibilities.”
  • “To the parents of the handsome little guy, may your days be filled with diaper changes, lullabies, and the incredible journey of parenthood.”
  • “Hello, little gentleman! Your presence has added a touch of blue magic to our lives, and we can’t wait to watch you grow into an amazing young man.”
  • “A baby boy is like a precious gem, a treasure that fills your heart with warmth, joy, and the promise of a beautiful future.”
  • “With the birth of your baby boy, the world becomes a canvas, and every moment is a stroke of beauty painted with the colors of love.”
  • “A baby boy is a masterpiece, a creation of love and joy, sculpted by the hands of destiny and placed into the arms of adoring parents.”
  • “To the family of the handsome baby boy, may your home be filled with the pitter-patter of tiny feet, the melody of baby laughter, and the warmth of parental love.”
  • “Hello, little dude! Your laughter is a melody that fills our hearts with happiness, and your presence is a gift that brightens our days.”
  • “A baby boy is a tiny wonder that fills our hearts with big dreams and endless love.”
  • “Welcome to the world, little buddy! May your life be as exciting as the first touchdown and as filled with joy as the sweetest victory.”
  • “A baby boy is like a little superhero, ready to conquer the world with his adorable smile and the boundless love he carries in his heart.”
  • “Hello, little champ! May your days be filled with victories, your nights with peaceful dreams, and your heart with the love that surrounds you.”
  • “A baby boy is the sweetest addition to any family, a blessing that brings warmth, laughter, and the promise of a beautiful future.”
  • “To the proud parents of a handsome baby boy, may your days be filled with the delightful giggles and endless cuddles that only sons can bring.”
  • “Your presence is a gift that brings immeasurable joy, and we can’t wait to see the incredible journey life has in store for you.”
  • “Hello, little adventurer! May your journey through life be as thrilling as the first ride on a carousel and as enchanting as the tales you’ll discover.”
  • “To the family of the adorable baby boy, may your home be filled with the pitter-patter of tiny feet, the melody of baby laughter, and the warmth of parental love.”
  • “May your days be filled with joy, your nights with peaceful sleep, and your heart with boundless love.”
  • “Little hands and tiny feet, a baby boy is oh so sweet.”
  • “A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather.” – Tanya Masse
  • A baby boy may leave smudges in the house and also on your heart.” – Anonymous
  • “A baby boy is a little miracle that you never knew you wanted until he was yours.”
  • “A baby boy fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.”

The decision to have a child opens the door to boundless love and immeasurable joy. As you celebrate the arrival of a new baby, honor the profound beauty of babyhood and motherhood—the exquisite dance between a mother’s heartbeat and her child’s first cries.

Even if you’re a godmother, seeing a new baby come into your life is one of the best things you will ever experience in life.

These sweet sayings encapsulate the magic of parenthood, where every coo, every cuddle, and every sleepless night becomes a testament to the great things about babies. 

If you hear about someone having a new baby, use these quotes for added warmth and happiness.

New baby quotes and sayings to express congratulations.

Get the scoop on more quotes below:

  • 50+ Mother’s Day Quotes for Niece: Messages and Wishes
  • 400 Short Thankful Boyfriend Quotes and Sweet Messages
  • 230+ Motivational Sister Quotes That Celebrate Sisterhood

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Hi, my name is Alexis, and I am an Assistant Editor for Sarah Scoop! When I'm not writing about lifestyle or the latest entertainment news, you'll find me cuddling on the couch watching k-dramas and horror movies.

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84 inspirational baby quotes and sayings.

Written by  Shutterfly Community Last Updated: Sep 1, 2023

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Cute Baby Quotes

Quote above background image: 'For all the things my hands have held the best by far is you. '

  • “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” —Elizabeth Stone
  • “There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings.” —Hodding Carter Jr.
  • “Like stars are to the sky, so are the children to our world. They deserve to shine!” —Chinonye J. Chidolue
  • For all the things my hands have held the best by far is you.
  • “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” —Tina Brown
  • “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” —Jared Padalecki
  • “What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.” —Benjamin Spock
  • “It’s a good thing babies don’t give you a lot of time to think. You fall in love with them and when you realize how much they love you back, life is very simple.” —Anita Diamant
  • “Children have neither past nor future. They enjoy the present, which very few of us do.” —Jean De La Bruyere
  • “I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.” —Vincent Van Gogh
  • It is a moment of pure ecstasy and satisfaction when you see a smile flicker on baby’s lips, just as they gently pass into a deep slumber.
  • “All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood—all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience.” —Penelope Cruz
  • “And I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time. That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals. That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered.” —Nicholas Sparks
  • “You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket.” —Lish McBride
  • “Babies control and bring up their families as much as they are controlled by them; in fact, the family brings up baby by being brought up by him.” —Erik H. Erikson
  • “I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop. The more you give the more you get and the more you get the more you feel like giving.” —Penelope Leach
  • “This is a place where grandmothers hold babies on their laps under the stars and whisper in their ears that the lights in the sky are holes in the floor of heaven.” —Rick Bragg
  • I loved you from the very start. You stole my breath, embraced my heart. Our life together has just begun. You’re part of me, my little one.
  • “Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me.” —Maria Jose Ovalle

Funny Baby Quotes

Quote above background image: 'You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. -Franklin P. Jones '

  • “Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky.” —Fran Lebowitz
  • “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” —Milton Berle
  • “Perfection only exists in babies and pastries.” —Gayle Wray
  • The most precious jewels, you’ll ever have around your neck, are the arms of your children.
  • “Make no mistake about why these babies are here—they are here to replace us.” —Jerry Seinfeld
  • “I always wondered why babies spend so much time sucking their thumbs. Then I tasted baby food.” —Robert Orben
  • “When your first baby drops her pacifier, you sterilize it. When your second baby drops her pacifier, you tell the dog: ‘Fetch!’.” —Bruce Lansky
  • And then my soul saw you and it kind of went “Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.”
  • “You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” —Franklin P. Jones
  • “A child enters your home and for the next twenty years makes so much noise you can hardly stand it. The child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you are going mad.” —John Andrew Holmes
  • You’re my favorite reason to lose sleep.
  • A parent is someone who carries pictures where their money used to be.
  • “Before I got married I had six theories about raising children. Now, I have six children and no theories.” —John Wilmot
  • A toddler can do more in one unsupervised moment than most people can do all day.
  • “The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.” —Olivia Wilde
  • You’ll learn to lower your expectations about what you can accomplish in a day. Some days, it will be all you can do to keep baby safe, warm, and fed. And that will be enough.
  • A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.

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Short baby quotes.

Quote above background image: 'Fairy tales do come true. Look at us, we had you. '

  • “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” —Carl Sandburg
  • Your first breath took ours away.
  • “Flowers are words which even a baby can understand.” —Arthur C. Coxe
  • “It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into.” —Terri Guillemets
  • Fairy tales do come true. Look at us, we had you.
  • A baby’s smile is an antidote to melt your day’s stress away.
  • “A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.” —Frank A. Clark
  • Something tells me I am going to love him forever.
  • Happiness is homemade.
  • “Children make you want to start life over.” —Muhammad Ali
  • Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.
  • “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.” —Victor Hugo
  • “A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic.” —Sigrid Leo
  • Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.
  • While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
  • Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.
  • “A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” —Eda J. Le Shan
  • Babies smile in their sleep because they’re listening to the whispering of angels.
  • Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, fill our hearts with love that overflows.
  • “Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth.” —Roland Leonhardt

Baby Boy Quotes

Quote above background image: 'Your baby boy will hold your hand only for a little time, but he will hold your heart for a lifetime. '

  • The very first moment I beheld him, my heart was irrevocably gone.
  • “And she loved a little boy very, very much, even more than she loved herself” —Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree
  • “Little boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older.” —J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
  • Little hands and little feet, little toothless grins so sweet, little eyes that shine so bright, little arms to hug you tight, everything’s little except your joy when you have a new baby boy.
  • “A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather.” —Tanya Masse
  • Baby boys have a pocket full of mischief and a saddle always overflowing with joy and excitement.
  • A baby boy may leave smudges in the house and also on your heart.
  • His little hands stole my heart. His little feet ran away with it!
  • A baby boy always is that anchor of your life, even through rough tides of life.
  • Sometimes when I need a miracle, I look into my son’s eyes and realize I have already created one.
  • Your baby boy will hold your hand only for a little time, but he will hold your heart for a lifetime.
  • “If I have a monument in this world, it is my son.” —Maya Angelou
  • A baby boy arrives, and just like that, everything changes. The world gets bigger, hearts grow fuller, and life means more because he’s in it.
  • You’ll be his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, you are his momma, and he is your whole world. He is your little boy.

Baby Girl Quotes

Quote above background image: 'A daughter is one of the best gifts this world has to give. - Laurel Atherton '

  • A baby girl is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous.
  • “A daughter is one of the best gifts this world has to give.” —Laurel Atherton
  • Giggles, curls, ribbons, and bows! Our baby girl is so adorable from head to toe.
  • Babies are a link between angels and man.
  • And though she be but little, she is fierce.
  • “Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of.” —Bethany Hamilton
  • “There’s no better feeling than making your little girls laugh.” —Jerry O’Connell
  • A baby daughter is always a Daddy’s girl and Mommy’s world!
  • You are still so young, baby girl, you have a lot of potentials just waiting to be explored today.
  • A baby girl would dance her way into your heart, whirling on the tips of angel wings, scattering gold dust and kisses in your path.
  • A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice—especially when she’s taking a nap.
  • Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move mountains.
  • My baby girl is one of my greatest treasures in life and I would give her the world if I can.
  • “A tiny daughter gives parents a life in a climate of perpetual wonder.” —Pierre Doucet
  • I want to live forever to watch you grow, to see what a great woman you will surely become.

Resources Related to Baby Quotes

  • Baby Photo Books
  • Baby Cards & Stationery
  • Custom Board Books

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100+ Sweet New Baby Quotes to Celebrate Your Newborn

The arrival of a new baby is a precious moment to cherish! So, put those new baby feels to words with these new baby quotes that perfectly capture the joy, wonder, and love that a newborn baby brings.

new baby quotes

New Baby Quotes

Any new parent will tell you that the arrival of a baby is an exciting, emotion filled moment, especially if you are a mother for the first time .

After all, the birth of a baby represents life, hope, and the promise of unconditional love. 

So, to help you welcome your new baby into the world, I have put together these beautiful new baby quotes that are perfect for capturing those heartfelt new baby moments.

  • “The first day of your life, was the best day of mine.”
  • “So tiny, so small, so loved by all…”
  • “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”
  • “How wonderful life is now that you are in the world.”
  • “May you always know, little one, that you were wished for, longed for, prayed for, and will be forever loved.”

New Baby Quotes | May you always know, little one, that you were wished for, longed for, prayed for, and will be forever loved.

  • “A new baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.”
  • “You’re my definition of perfect.”
  • “We made a wish and you came true.”
  • “Your first breathe took ours away.”
  • “These are the days I never want to forget.”

best baby quotes

Cute New Baby Quotes

  • “You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete.”
  • “For all the things my hands have held the best by far is you.”
  • “A baby has a special way of adding joy to your life each and every day.”
  • “From the moment I held you in my arms, you held a special place in my heart.”
  • “And suddenly, you were my everything.”

Newborn Quotes | And suddenly, you were my everything.

  • “Happiness is…holding your baby in your arms for the very first time.”
  • “When I look at my newborn baby, I know a little bit of heaven is looking back at me.”
  • “There is no better feeling in the world than holding your precious child.”
  • “A baby will make your heart fuller, your home happier, and your future brighter.”
  • “Sometimes, it’s the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”
  • “There is nothing quite like that perfect moment when your holding your baby in your arms and realize you would do absolutely anything for them.”
  • “Every good and perfect gift is from above. – James 1:17”
  • “My baby has no idea of the lifetime of love that awaits them.”
  • “Hold on to the tiny moments and cherish the little snuggles. Babies grow up so fast.”
  • “Every baby born gives us a chance to make the world a better place.”
  • “I know I only get one shot to raise my baby, so I am going to give it everything I’ve got.”

Short New Baby Quotes

  • “Twinkle Twinkle little star, I want you always know just how loved you really are.”
  • “Our life together has just begun, and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things that await us.”
  • “The most valuable gift in life is a child to call your own.”
  • “I don’t know who you’ll be, but I know you’ll be my everything.”
  • “A child is the most beautiful gift this world has to give.”
  • “Babies just make the world a better place.”
  • “A new baby changes everything in you life; in the best way possible.”
  • “A new baby is perfection. And even that is understatement.”
  • “There is something intoxicating about the smell of a newborn baby.”
  • “A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it.”
  • “Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, a new baby fills your hearts with love that overflows.”

Quotes About New Babies | Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, you fill our hearts with love that overflows.

  • “I carried you every second of your life and I’ll love you every second of mine.”
  • “It makes me smile knowing that my sweet little baby is half me and half the person I love.”
  • “You’re the best thing I have ever waited for.”
  • “My life made sense the moment I saw you.”
  • “You are truly loved little one.”
  • “Loving you is a wonderful way to spend a lifetime.”

Inspirational Newborn Baby Quotes

  • “When a baby is born a life of endless possibilities lays ahead.”
  • “Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.”
  • “Just when you think you know love, someone so little and precious comes along to remind you just how big love really is.”
  • “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”
  • “If my baby grows up knowing just one thing, I hope that they know just how loved they really are.”
  • “A baby is every beautiful word that you can possibly think of.”
  • “The day you came into my life, I knew what my purpose was. To love and protect you with everything I have.”
  • “No one ever wanted anything more than we wanted you.”

No one ever wanted anything more than we wanted you.

  • “Raising a baby is the hardest thing that you will probably do in your life, but it will also be the most incredible thing you will ever do.”
  • “When they finally place your new born baby in your arms and you study their tiny face, it is like all the pain just disappears and is replaced with this surge of overwhelming, unconditional love that you never felt before.”
  • “Having a new baby is the start of your very own love story. From the moment you meet them you instantly know that person is going to be someone you love your whole entire life with everything you’ve got.”
  • “You never realize how much you were missing a baby in your life until you have one.”

Sweet New Baby Quotes

  • “Your baby may not understand when you tell them that you love them, but they certainly will feel the immense love that is in your heart.”
  • “My baby is 50 percent me, 50 percent daddy, and 100 percent perfect.”
  • “It’s an incredible feeling when you realize you are holding everything you every wished for in your arms.”
  • “A baby is the purest form of love that you can ever know.”
  • “I might not be able to give my little baby everything they want in life, but what I can give them is my unconditional love, plenty of hugs and kisses, and a happy home.”
  • “My sweet baby, when I look at you, I am constantly reminded of how much love there is in my life.”
  • “A baby always finds a way of adding joy to your every day.”
  • “It’s an incredible moment holding you baby for the first time, knowing that this is just the start of all the incredible moments you are going to share together.”
  • “Having a baby changes in more ways than you could ever imagine. This tiny person instantly becomes the most important thing in the world to you. They become the reason why you want to wake up every day.”

My Baby Quotes | Having a baby changes in more ways than you could ever imagine. This tiny person instantly becomes the most important thing in the world to you. They become the reason why you want to wake up every day.

  • “Up until this point in my life, everything I did was for me, now everything I do in life is for my little family.”
  • “No matter what happens, my babies will always come first. It is that simple.”
  • “Perfection is a newborn baby.”
  • “Shower your new baby with your time, love, and care, then watch them bloom into something more beautiful than you could ever imagine.”
  • “Babies are precious gifts, wrapped in love with futures tied with dreams.”
  • “When you meet your new baby for the first time, it is like meeting your reason to live.”
  • “A new baby is a little bit of heaven sent down to earth.”

Heartfelt new baby quotes

  • “In the journey of life, the sweetest moments are often found in the smallest gestures of love, like the touch of your baby’s hand.”
  • “A baby is a precious gift, a tiny miracle that fills our hearts with boundless love and fills our lives with endless blessings.”
  • “With your arrival, the world became a brighter place, filled with hope, joy, and the promise of new beginnings.”
  • “From the moment you were born, you became the center of our universe, our reason to smile, and our greatest source of happiness.”
  • “Your first breath took ours away, and every moment since has been filled with wonder, love, and endless gratitude.”
  • “With every tiny yawn and precious sigh, our hearts are forever changed by the miracle of your arrival.”
  • “Babies are proof that even the smallest things can bring the greatest joy.”

Heartfelt new baby quotes

  • “Your tiny fingers and tiny toes have already left a big imprint on our hearts.”
  • “In the eyes of a newborn, we see the promise of tomorrow and the beauty of today.”
  • “With each precious cuddle and gentle coo, you remind us of the wonder and innocence in the world.”
  • “Your arrival has brought sunshine into our lives, lighting up even the darkest of days with your adorable smile.”

Funny New Baby Quotes

  • “A new baby is a lot like a wishing well because everyone likes to put their hopes, wishes, dreams, and two cents into it.”
  • “Becoming a parent is like folding a fitted sheet. No one really knows how.”
  • “A baby fills a hole in your heart that you never knew was there, but also a hole in your wallet that you definitely knew was there.”
  • “Parenting is 50% feeling like you’re doing everything wrong and 50% pretending you know what you’re doing.”
  • “You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Jones
  • “Make no mistake about why these babies are here – they are here to replace us.” – Jerry Seinfeld
  • “Life doesn’t get more real than having a newborn at home.” – Eric Church

Famous New Baby Quotes

  • “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown
  • “All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood—all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience.” – Penelope Cruz
  • “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” – Carl Sandburg
  • “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone
  • “A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic.” – Sigrid Leo
  • “The days are long, but the years are short.” – Gretchen Rubin
  • “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold
  • “Babies are always more trouble than you thought and more wonderful.” – Charles Osgood
  • “I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.” – Vincent Van Gogh
  • “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” – Jared Padalecki
  • “There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written.” – Toba Beta
  • “A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower.” – Debasish Mridha

Final Thoughts on New Baby Quotes

Welcoming a new baby into the world is a momentous occasion filled with love, joy, and anticipation. Whether you’re a new parent, a family member, or a friend, sharing heartfelt new baby quotes can help convey the depth of emotions surrounding this special milestone. From expressing love and excitement to offering encouragement and humor, I hope you found the perfect new baby quote to share.

New Baby Quote Images

Prefer to share these new baby quotes as images? Then check out all my beautiful newborn baby quote images right below. Don’t forget to tag me at @proudhappymama

Quotes About A New Baby | So tiny, so small, so loved by all…

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Home / Newborn Baby / 210 New Baby Quotes For Expecting Parents For Positivity And Encouragement

210 New Baby Quotes For Expecting Parents For Positivity And Encouragement

Offering highlights the importance of words during pregnancy, providing emotional support, inspiration, and a sense of connection. Readers will find various types of quotes, tips on incorporating them into daily life. Additionally, it includes resources for finding more new baby quotes , ensuring parents have a constant source of positivity and encouragement throughout their journey.

Expecting a baby is a joyous and transformative experience. The anticipation of welcoming a new life brings unparalleled excitement and a sense of wonder.

For many parents-to-be, this period is filled with dreams and hopes for the future, creating a bond with their unborn child even before birth. New Baby Quotes cherish these moments; every milestone is celebrated as they prepare for this significant life change.

This article aims to highlight the significance of baby quotes for expecting parents. Words can uplift and inspire, offering comfort and strength during this special time.

Baby quotes can serve as daily affirmations, motivating parents and providing emotional support. By sharing various quotes—from humorous to heartfelt—we aim to help parents connect deeply with their unborn child, making the pregnancy journey even more memorable and enriching.

New Baby

Celebrating Life During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique journey that celebrates the miracle of life . Each day brings new experiences, as parents feel the baby’s first movements and witness the growth of a new life within.

This period is marked by excitement, hope, and profound love , creating a special bond between parents and their unborn child.

Celebrating life during pregnancy involves cherishing these moments, embracing the changes, and preparing for the future with joy.

From baby showers to capturing milestones in photos, every celebration enhances the anticipation and joy of welcoming a new family member . It’s a time to reflect on the beauty of creation and the incredible journey of bringing new life into the world.

The Importance Of Words During Pregnancy 

Words hold significant power during pregnancy, offering much-needed emotional support . Quotes can comfort expecting parents, providing reassurance during moments of uncertainty and reminding them of the joy ahead.

These quotes foster a deep connection and bonding, helping parents feel closer to their unborn baby by expressing their love and anticipation. Inspirational quotes can also motivate and uplift parents, guiding them through the challenges and joys of pregnancy .

By reading and reflecting on these words, parents can find strength, encouragement, and a renewed sense of purpose, making the journey more meaningful and joyous. The right words can transform the pregnancy experience, providing a source of constant support and inspiration .

210 New Baby Quotes Collection For Expecting Parents

Expecting a baby is a magical journey filled with joy and anticipation . New baby quotes can uplift and inspire, providing comfort and strength to parents-to-be.

This collection of heartfelt, funny, and motivational quotes celebrates the beauty of new life and journey of pregnancy with positivity and love.

30 Inspirational Quotes 

1. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.”

2. “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.”

3. “Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.”

4. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.”

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5. “Every child begins the world anew.”

6. “A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.”

7. “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”

8. “Life doesn’t get more real than having a newborn at home . “

9. “A baby is a bundle of joy, wrapped in love.”

10. “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.”

11. “You are the closest I will ever come to magic.”

12. “Babies are the reason why we live and love.”

13. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”

14. “Your first breath took ours away.”

15. “A baby’s smile is an antidote to melt your stress away.”

16. “In a world full of trends, you are a classic.”

17. “The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.”

18. “A baby’s arrival is a moment of pure magic . “

19. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”

20. “Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth.”

21. “Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, make this world a beautiful garden.”

22. “A baby is an inestimable blessing and bother.”

23. “Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.”

24. “A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.”

25. “Babies are a link between angels and humans.”

26. “From the moment you were placed in our arms, you snuggled right into our hearts.”

Inspirational Quotes

27. “A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.”

28. “Your arrival has made the world feel brand new.”

29. “The love for a baby is one of the most powerful emotions in the world.”

30. “Babies are such a nice way to start people . “

30 Funny Quotes 

31. “People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.”

32. “A perfect example of minority rule is a baby in the house.”

33. “Babies are always more trouble than you thought—and more wonderful.”

34. “A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.”

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35. “A baby is a loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”

36. “Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories.”

37. “When your first baby drops her pacifier, you sterilize it. When your second baby drops her pacifier, you tell the dog: ‘Fetch!’”

38. “Having a baby is like taking your heart out of your body and watching it learn to walk.”

39. “The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable.”

40. “A toddler can do more in one unsupervised moment than most people can do all day.”

41. “90% of parenting is just thinking about when you can lie down again.”

42. “The only time your baby doesn’t cry is when you want them to . “

43. “Parenthood: the scariest ‘hood’ you’ll ever go through.”

44. “A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.”

45. “Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare.”

46. “When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.”

47. “Babies are the worst roommates. They’re up all night, never clean up after themselves, and they always talk about when they lived in your belly.”

48. “Having a baby changes everything. Your hair, your body, your clothes, your bank account, your sleep schedule, and your sanity.”

49. “The easiest way to get a baby to sleep is to try to watch a show or talk on the phone.”

50. “Babies don’t come with instructions, but they do come with a mother who is usually winging it.”

51. “The hardest part of raising a child is having to stick to all these rules yourself!”

52. “A baby’s cry is precisely as serious as it sounds.”

53. “A baby’s laughter is like music to a parent’s ears, but their cries can shatter eardrums . “

54. “Parenthood: where your Saturdays go to die.”

55. “You know you’re a mom when you understand why Mama Bear’s porridge was too cold.”

56. “Babies: tiny humans that are infinitely more demanding than your boss.”

57. “The art of parenting is figuring out how to make sure your kids don’t find out what you really did at their age.”

58. “Why do people say ‘sleep like a baby’? Babies wake up every two hours!”

59. “A baby is like a tiny, drunk person. A very cute tiny, drunk person.”

60. “Parenting without a sense of humor is like being an accountant who sucks at math.”

30 Sentimental Quotes

61. “A baby is a blessing, a gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.”

62. “The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.”

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63. “From the moment you were placed in our arms, you snuggled right into our hearts.”

64. “A baby’s tiny feet leave the biggest footprints in our hearts.”

65. “Before you were born, I loved you.”

66. “The love for a baby is one of the most powerful emotions in the world.”

New Baby Quotes

67. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.”

68. “There is no greater joy than holding your baby for the first time.”

69. “A baby’s smile can melt even the coldest of hearts.”

70. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”

71. “You are our greatest adventure . “

72. “Your first breath took ours away.”

73. “You are the answer to our prayers, a miracle we dreamed of.”

74. “Babies are a gift from heaven to remind us of what really matters.”

75. “Every child begins the world anew.”

76. “In your little arms, I find my greatest peace.”

77. “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”

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78. “You were a wish that came true.”

79. “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.”

80. “You are our sun, our moon, and all our stars.”

81. “A baby’s laugh is an angel’s voice.”

82. “The love between a parent and child is forever.”

83. “We made a wish, and you came true.”

84. “Your tiny hand holds my heart forever.”

85. “The sweetest sounds are those of a sleeping baby’s gentle breath.”

86. “A baby is a piece of heaven on earth.”

87. “You are the rainbow in our sky, the light of our lives.”

88. “In your smile, I see my heart reflected.”

89. “You are loved more than you will ever know.”

90. “Holding you in my arms is the most precious gift I could ever receive.”

30 Quotes From Famous Figures For Expecting Parents

91. “Every child begins the world anew.” – Henry David Thoreau

92. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. Le Shan

93. “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone

94. “You are the closest I will ever come to magic.” – Suzanne Finnamore

95. “Having a baby is to deciding to forever let your heart walk around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone

96. “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” – Carl Sandburg

97. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold

98. “Life doesn’t get more real than having a newborn at home.” – Eric Church

99. “The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.” – Johnny Depp

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100. “A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it . “ – Frank A. Clark

101. “Children reinvent your world for you.” – Susan Sarandon

102. “A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic.” – Sigrid Leo

103. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

104. “Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth.” – Roland Leonhardt

105. “A baby is an inestimable blessing and bother.” – Mark Twain

106. “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” – Jared Padalecki

107. “Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last.” – Charles Dickens

108. “A baby is a blank cheque made payable to the human race.” – Barbara Christine Seifert

109. “The birth of a baby is God’s way of saying the world should go on.” – Carl Sandburg

110. “Babies are a link between angels and humans.” – Unknown

New Baby

111. “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.” – Rabindranath Tagore

112. “A baby’s smile is an antidote to melt your stress away.” – Unknown

113. “A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it . “ – Frank A. Clark

114. “A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before.” – Unknown

115. “You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Jones

116. “A baby is a loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.” – Ronald Knox

117. “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown

118. “Before you were born, I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart.” – Mandy Harrison

119. “A baby’s laugh is like an angel’s voice.” – Unknown

120. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)

20 Special Quotes 

121. “Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.” – Anne Geddes

122. “A father’s love is eternal and without end.” – Unknown

123. “To be a father requires patience, love, and giving up the ‘all about me’ attitude.” – Catherine Pulsifer

124. “The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” – Antoine François Prévost

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125. “A father carries pictures where his money used to be.” – Steve Martin

126. “The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams, and aspirations he sets not only for himself but for his family.” – Reed Markham

127. “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song.” – Pam Brown

128. “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” – Unknown

129. “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” – Billy Graham

130. “Becoming a father is a momentous occasion and should be celebrated as such.” – Unknown

131. “Fatherhood is the best thing that could happen to me, and I’m just glad I can share my voice.” – Dwyane Wade

132. “The best fathers have the softest, sweetest hearts. In other words, great dads are real marshmallows.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

133. “Fatherhood is not a matter of perfect men but of men committed to perfecting their love for their children.” – Unknown

134. “Fatherhood is a lifetime of promises kept . “ – Unknown

135. “The birth of a child is a joy to the father, who witnesses the miracle of life firsthand.” – Unknown

136. “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” – Theodore Hesburgh

137. “To be a father requires love, not DNA.” – Unknown

138. “Being a father means you have to think fast on your feet. You must be judicious, wise, and have eyes in the back of your head.” – Unknown

139. “Becoming a father will change your life forever and for the better.” – Unknown

140. “Fatherhood is the great thing that could ever happen. You can’t explain it until it happens; it’s like telling someone what water feels like before they’ve ever swum in it . ” – Michael Bublé

20 Quotes For Baby Showers

141. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. Le Shan

142. “Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.” – Larry Barretto

143. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

144. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)

145. “A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.” – Unknown

146. “Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.” – Unknown

Quotes For Baby Showers

147. “A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.” – Frank A. Clark

148. “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.” – Unknown

149. “Your first breath took ours away.” – Unknown

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150. “A baby’s smile is an antidote to melt your stress away.” – Unknown

151. “A baby’s arrival is a moment of pure magic.” – Unknown

152. “You are the closest I will ever come to magic.” – Suzanne Finnamore

153. “A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.” – Unknown

154. “Babies are a link between angels and humans . ” – Unknown

155. “From the moment you were placed in our arms, you snuggled right into our hearts.” – Unknown

156. “A baby’s laugh is an angel’s voice.” – Unknown

157. “In a world full of trends, you are a classic.” – Unknown

158. “A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before.” – Unknown

159. “Your tiny hand holds my heart forever.” – Unknown

160. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold

25 Great Quotes For Social Media

161. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.”

162. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)

163. “You are our greatest adventure . “

164. “From the moment you were placed in our arms, you snuggled right into our hearts . “

165. “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts.”

166. “Your first breath took ours away.”

167. “A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.”

168. “A baby’s smile is an antidote to melt your stress away.”

169. “You are the closest I will ever come to magic.” – Suzanne Finnamore

170. “A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier.”

171. “Babies are a link between angels and humans.”

172. “A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.” – Frank A. Clark

173. “A baby’s laugh is an angel’s voice.”

174. “In a world full of trends, you are a classic.”

175. “A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before.”

176. “Your tiny hand holds my heart forever.”

177. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold

RELATED: 175 Mothers Love For Child Quotes For Her Enduring Love And Care

178. “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.” – Rajneesh

179. “A baby is a blank cheque made payable to the human race.” – Barbara Christine Seifert

180. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. Le Shan

181. “A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.” – Carl Sandburg

182. “Every child begins the world anew.” – Henry David Thoreau

183. “Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.”

184. “Before you were born, I loved you.”

185. “Your first breath took ours away.”

25 Quotes For Supporting Motherhood

186. “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother . “ – Theodore Hesburgh

187. “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning

188. “A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” – Princess Diana

New Baby Quotes

189. “Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.”

190. “Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mother.”

191. “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Mermillod

192. “Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.” – Ricki Lake

193. “The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” – James E. Faust

194. “There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood.” – Elder M. Russell Ballard

195. “A mother’s love is more beautiful than any fresh flower.” – Debasish Mridha

196. “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had.” – Linda Wooten

197. “To the world you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.”

198. “A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty

199. “The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children.” – Elaine Heffner

200. “A mother understands what a child does not say.” – Jewish Proverb

201. “Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.” – Unknown

202. “There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill

203. “Motherhood is the greatest adventure of all.”

204. “A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go.”

205. “Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you’ve gained from having one.”

206. “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” – St. Therese of Lisieux

207. “A mother’s love is endless, selfless, and enduring.”

RELATED: 135 Mother Grieving Loss Of Son Quotes That Resonate With Her Pain

208. “Motherhood is the ultimate call to selflessness.”

209. “A mother’s love is the heartbeat in the home.”

210. “Motherhood: The journey that starts with a single step and continues for a lifetime.”

How To Use Baby Quotes?

  • Daily Affirmations: Incorporate baby quotes into your daily routine by writing them on sticky notes and placing them around the house. Use them as morning affirmations or bedtime reflections to stay motivated and connected to your baby.
  • Decor And Nursery Ideas: Integrate quotes into nursery decor by framing them as wall art or printing them on pillows and blankets. Use them in baby shower decorations, such as banners or table centerpieces, to add a heartfelt touch.
  • Social Media And Announcements: Share baby quotes on social media to announce your pregnancy or the birth of your baby. Use them in photo captions or as part of your birth announcement cards to add a special memorable touch .

Best Baby Shower Gifts For Expecting Parents

  • Diaper Bag : A stylish and functional diaper bag for on-the-go essentials.
  • Baby Monitor: A high-quality baby monitor for peace of mind.
  • Swaddle Blankets: Soft, breathable swaddle blankets for comfort and security.
  • Baby Carrier: A comfortable baby carrier for hands-free convenience.
  • Nursery Decor: Personalized nursery decor, such as custom wall art or name plaques.
  • Memory Book: A baby memory book to capture milestones and memories.
  • Clothing: Adorable baby clothing sets in various sizes.
  • Diapers And Wipes: A practical supply of diapers and wipes.
  • Baby Bathtub: A safe and easy-to-use baby bathtub.
  • Teething Toys: BPA-free teething toys for soothing relief.

Key Takeaways

  • Baby quotes provide emotional support, inspiration, and a sense of connection for expecting parents.
  • Quotes can uplift and motivate parents, making the pregnancy journey more memorable and enriching.
  • “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” Encourage parents to find or create quotes that resonate with their unique experiences and feelings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are baby quotes important for expecting parents.

Baby quotes provide emotional support, inspiration, and a sense of connection for expecting parents. They offer comfort during challenging times and celebrate the joy of welcoming a new life, making the pregnancy journey more memorable and enriching .

How Can I Use Baby Quotes In My Daily Routine?

Incorporate baby quotes into your daily routine by writing them on sticky notes and placing them around your home. Use them as morning affirmations or bedtime reflections to stay motivated and connected to your baby.

What Are Some Creative Ways To Use Baby Quotes In Nursery Decor?

You can frame baby quotes as wall art, print them on pillows or blankets, or use them in baby shower decorations like banners and table centerpieces. Personalized nursery decor adds a heartfelt touch to your baby’s space.

How Can I Share Baby Quotes On Social Media?

Share baby quotes on social media by using them in photo captions or as part of your birth announcement cards. This adds a special, memorable touch to your posts and helps celebrate your journey with friends and family.

Where Can I Find More Baby Quotes?

You can find baby quotes in books, online resources, and apps dedicated to parenting and pregnancy. Websites, social media platforms, and quote collections are excellent sources for discovering more inspiring and heartfelt quotes .

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100 New Baby Wishes And Quotes For The Perfect Baby Card

By Author Emma Martinez

Posted on Last updated: January 11, 2021

100 New Baby Wishes And Quotes For The Perfect Baby Card

Has a loved one recently welcomed a baby into their family? In that case, congratulations are in order!

And is there a better way to show your love and support than through thoughtful new baby wishes?

​ The best part about new baby wishes is that you can express your love and appreciation to the family without overwhelming them.

Simply write them in a card without bothering the new parents who have a lot on their plate already.

When writing the perfect baby card, take into account how close you are with the parents, and what would be appropriate.

If you are close, you can even let them know to get in touch if they need any help.

I hope you find these wishes and quotes inspiring and that the proud parents love them, too.

Meaningful messages and wishes for a new baby card

Sometimes it can be hard to find the right words to describe the arrival of a new baby.

From inspirational quotes to funny and heartfelt messages, I’ve got you covered for the perfect newborn baby wishes to write in a card.

Baby shower wishes

friends having a baby shower

A baby shower is a great opportunity to shower mom and baby with thoughtful and practical baby gifts, And including a card with your gift is always a welcome gesture.

Here are some ideas of how to congratulate mom and dad on their new baby in a baby shower card.

1. “Thanks for inviting us along to share in the excitement of your soon to be new arrival. Wishing you all the best with babyhood. I’m sure you will be amazing parents! Congrats!”

2. “Here’s to smiles, laughter, patience, and joy. We hope you get a healthy baby girl or boy.”

3. “Soon, your house will be filled with giggles and laughter. My wish to you both is that you thoroughly enjoy the joys of parenthood.”

4. “I am looking forward to meeting the little one and want to remind both of you that I am always here for you.”

5. “Thank you for inviting us to your baby shower celebrations! We can’t wait to see your baby boy/girl.”

6. “He/She will be the little prince/princess of your house, he/she will change your life forever, and you will love him/her with all your heart. Congratulations! We can’t wait to meet your beautiful baby.”

7. “Wishing you both well in these upcoming months. We can’t wait to meet the little one – good luck!”

8. “Once the baby arrives, you will begin to see the world differently. All you will think of is your baby. The new mom phase is a bliss – enjoy it!”

two friends cuddling pregnant woman

9. “All our best wishes are with you! And we’re happy that you invited us to share this wonderful moment with you. Congrats, new parents – we wish you a lifetime of happiness.”

10. “As you prepare for the sleepless nights, busy days, and endless love, we want to let you know that we are there to support you at every step. Congratulations on becoming a mom!”

11. “What a lucky baby to have you as a mom!”

12. “You are bringing new life into the world. You are creating a miracle. You are becoming a mom. Congratulations and best baby shower wishes!”

13. “Your home will soon be filled with toys and will never be quiet again. Your house will often be a mess, and you’ll frequently be tired. But there will always be love and laughter. All the best and many happy memories.”

14. “A grand adventure is about to begin. Wishing you a safe delivery.”

15. “Sending happy thoughts your way as you prepare to welcome a little someone new to your family. This little miracle will soon make your world more beautiful and happy.”

16. “Hip, hip, hurray! You are both going to make such amazing parents. Congratulations!”

smiling man hugging pregnant woman belly

17. “Little hands, little feet, and a little trouble are all on the way. Congratulations!”

18. “Looking forward to being a part of the new journey. I can’t wait to meet your little bundle of joy.”

19. “Good health to the happy parents and best wishes to you on your delivery day.”

20. “What an exciting time for your family! A precious little bundle of joy is on the way. We hope he/she will have your smile and his/her dad’s sense of humor.”

21. “Well, little one, this is your first ever party. May you have many more celebrations and moments of joy.”

22. “I couldn’t be more excited to shower you and your new baby in love today. Congratulations!”

23. “Parenthood is one of the best journeys in life. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.”

24. “I look forward to being a part of this new journey. I can’t wait to help you with your little bundle of joy. Congrats!”

25. “May you and your baby be showered with a lifetime of great happiness and blessings. Happy baby shower!”

26. “May the joy of parenting bring you even closer together. All the best in your pregnancy!”

27. “Enjoy this wonderful and exciting baby shower, because it’s the last party you’ll have for a long time!”

New baby wishes and baby congratulations messages for cards

smiling woman writing congratulation card

Crafting the perfect new baby wishes can be a struggle, especially if you’re suffering from a bad case of writer’s block.

Get inspired with some of these wishes and messages to congratulate your loved ones on the arrival of their baby.

28. “Today, you hold the most precious miracle in your arms. Congratulations on your beautiful new baby!”

29. “Welcome to the baby club, a world of sleepless nights, unrelenting days, and endless washing. You’ll love every single minute of it!”

30. “I can’t wait to help you with the baby. If you need anything at all, just give me a call!”

31. “Goodbye tummy! Hello mommy!”

32. “A small baby is able to make lots of noise and get into trouble constantly, but also brings huge joy and pleasure to his/her parents. Enjoy raising your baby and give him/her as much love as is possible. Congratulations!”

33. “Sometimes 1 + 1 = 3. Congratulations on your new baby!”

34. “There is nothing sweeter than a baby’s smile. Nothing cuter than a baby’s laugh. And definitely nothing more ear-piercing than a baby’s cry. But I’m sure you will be able to cope with the downsides, enough to be amazed by the positives of raising a baby. Welcome to the most tiring heaven on earth. It’s called parenthood. Congratulations!”

cute newborn baby sleeping

35. “Congratulations! May God bless, guide, and watch over you, your baby, and your family!”

36. “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”

37. “You’re going to give him/her the best life, and you deserve all the happiness he/she is going to bring you both. So proud of you all.”

38. “The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts. Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby!”

39. “Parenthood is a wild ride full of love, laughter, questions, anxiety, learning, excitement, craziness, hugs, kisses, and so much more. Congratulations on your baby girl / baby boy!”

40. “This is always wonderful news – a new baby! We’re excited for you and truly thankful that your new baby arrived safe and healthy. Praying for joy, peace, and some quiet nights for your family.”

41. “Wishing all the best to you and your teeny-tiny one. Enjoy every minute of this amazing adventure.”

42. “There are two gifts we should give to our children – one is roots, the other is wings. Congratulations on your new arrival – I hope you always find a way to give your child both roots and wings!”

mother holding little baby

43. “Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! I can’t wait to be part of his/her life and watch him/her grow into the beautiful person I know the two of you will help him/her to become. ”

44. “Welcome baby! Sending lots of love to you, daddy, and especially mommy – we hope she has a quick recovery. Let us know if you need anything at all or if there’s anything we can do.”

45. “A sweet little treasure sent from above, a coo and a smile, wrapped up in love. Congratulations on your new baby!”

46. “Congratulations on your new baby girl/boy! This is such a wonderful time for your family and we hope that babyhood is filled with lots of fun, love, and cuddles. All the best!”

47. “There is nothing like the love a parent has for their child. We know you will be the best parents this baby could ever want.”

48. “For all the joy and smiles they bring, a new child is worth everything. Congratulations on your new arrival.”

New baby boy wishes

little baby boy sleeping on the bed

49. “Congratulations on the arrival of your little boy! At last, all your wishes have come true. May the little guy be blessed with good health, happiness, and wellbeing throughout his life.”

50. “No moment is more life-changing than when you hold your new baby boy for the first time and you realize he is going to change your life forever! We welcome this new little man into your family with all the dirty handprints and surprises he brings.”

51. “Are you ready to play cowboys and indians for many years to come? Congrats on your newborn baby boy!”

52. “Your baby boy is a gift sent from above, and I cannot think of two more deserving people. May your little man grow up and bring you joy and happiness.”

53. “I am so excited that he is finally here! We prayed and prepared for this day and finally, we can smile in relief because [baby name] is alive and healthy. Hugs and kisses to you all as you start this great journey.”

54. “And so the adventure begins… I can’t think of two people better suited to bring up this amazing baby boy. Congratulations and warmest wishes for the future!”

55. “A son is mommy’s little angel and daddy’s little man. Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy!”

56. “Little boys bring hope and joy into the world, spreading laughter and fun wherever they go. He’s guaranteed to keep you both on your toes! Wishing you all the best on your newest family member.”

New baby girl wishes

little baby girl sleeping

58. “Congratulations on the safe and happy arrival of your new baby girl. As new parents, may your hearts be filled with much love and joy raising this little girl. We are excited to watch her transform into the amazing woman that she is sure to be!”

59. “The boss lady has arrived! Can’t wait to see her grow up and take over the house. She will be the apple of your eye.”

60. “Congratulations on the birth of your much-anticipated baby girl. May she grow up with love and a gracious heart. Welcome to the world, little one.”

61. “I’m wishing you the very best on the arrival of your baby girl. She is destined to bring more joy to the family, more laughter, and more happiness to you and everyone around her. Cheers to more blessings and more bliss.”

62. “I’m so excited for you two! Parenthood is hard, but not for someone like you. You were born to be the best parents in the whole world. This little lady is so lucky to have you as role models. Congrats!”

New baby wishes for adoption

young parents standing with their baby

64. “Your child is truly blessed to have been adopted by parents as loving as you. Congratulations and best wishes to the entire family!”

65. “I am so happy to see your dream come true like this. Congratulations to the proud parents – he/she was worth waiting for!”

66. “Being a mom is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park that is. Congratulations on your sweet baby and remember that I’m here for you!”

67. “Adoption is an act of true love and selflessness. You’re a truly special couple and deserve so much happiness. Best wishes and huge congratulations!”

68. “I was so happy to hear the wonderful news! Congratulations on doing an amazing thing, changing a child’s life, and giving him/her all the love you have to give.”

69. “The warmth and love of a family is such an amazing thing, and to give it to a child is absolutely wonderful. Best wishes to the proud parents on the new addition to your family!”

New baby wishes for twins and multiples

little baby twins lying on the bed

71. “Raising twins is like going through a mesmerizing hurricane. It will turn your life on its head but you’ll come out smiling with beautiful memories.”

72. “Congratulations on the arrival of your double barrel of fun. You have been twice blessed with your newborn twins. It’s going to be a double dose of fun, laughter, love, and dirty diapers. Enjoy it all!”

73. “Congratulations on the birth of your baby – times two! Yes, you’ll have to change two diapers instead of one. But you’ll have four arms hugging you instead of two.”

74. “Life with twins is definitely going to be a challenge. But I just know your experience is going to be incredible, because you are going to be the most loving, giving, and nurturing parents in the whole world.”

75. “Not all parents have the skills to take care of just one child, let alone three. Life gave you triplets because it knew that there was no one else more capable of raising them but you.”

76. “Triple congratulations are in order! Wishing you all the best for the arrival of your new bundle of joy – times three.”

77. “Get ready for double diaper changes and double trouble. But you will also receive double kisses and double happiness.”

Meaningful quotes to celebrate the little bundle of joy

little baby smiling on the bed

78. “A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower.” – Debasish Mridha

79. “A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.” – Carl Sandburg

80. “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown

81. “We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves.” – Henry Ward Beecher

82. “Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom.” – Harriette Hartigan

83. “Children reinvent your world for you.” – Susan Sarandon

84. “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone

85. “Just like a plant needs light and space to grow, a child needs love and freedom to unfold.” – Sigrid Leo

86. “Anyone who’s looked into a newborn’s innocent eyes should realize how incredible it is to be blessed with a new life.” – John Kennedy

87. “Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives.” – Kartini Diapari-Oengider

88. “Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.” – Henry Ward Beecher

89. “Of all the joys that lighten suffering earth, what joy is welcomed like a newborn child?” – Caroline Norton

little newborn sleeping

90. “You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete.” – George Strait

91. “Babies are always more trouble than you thought – and more wonderful.” – Charles Osgood

92. “Becoming a parent is the moment when all of life’s battles suddenly seem worth fighting for.” – Unknown

93. “Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – A. A. Milne

94. “When in doubt, choose the kids. There will be plenty of time later to choose work.” – Anna Quindlen

95. “Parenting: Strip it down and what do you really have? A relationship with a unique little person that God entrusted to you, to nurture, love, and raise.” – Matthew L. Jacobson

96. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold

97. “Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, fill our hearts with love that overflows.” – Unknown

98. “Until you have a baby, you don’t even realize how much you were missing one.” – Jodi Picoult

99. “You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket.” – Lish McBride

100. “You’ll learn to lower your expectations about what you can accomplish in a day. Some days, it will be all you can do to keep baby safe, warm, and fed. And that will be enough.” – Unknown

Thoughtfully signing off

woman writing congratulation card

• Hugs and kisses

• All the best

• With love

• Wishing you beautiful times ahead

• All my love

Make sure that the tone of your message is appropriate for the relationship you have with the parents and that the closing line fits too.

Final thoughts

The best cards are a perfect combination of new baby wishes and inspirational quotes that make the new mom and dad feel loved and supported by those around them.

Don’t forget to offer your help with anything the new family might need – as someone who has been through this experience twice, I know it’s appreciated!

A baby is truly a little miracle, and these wishes and quotes will help the parents feel proud of their achievement. Until next time!

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100 New Baby Wishes And Quotes For The Perfect Baby Card

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​Congratulations On Your Baby! 55 New Baby Wishes, Messages and Quotes

​Congratulations On Your Baby! 55 New Baby Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Posted by Milk and Love team on Jul 30, 2023

A new baby arriving earth side is cause for so much celebration. The beginning of new life, of new possibilities and dreams all at once. The tiny little fingers and toes, scrunched up, and those gorgeous eyes that have so much to take in. 

At the same time the new parents are starting a completely new phase in their lives. Whether this is their first baby, or fifth baby, or twins or an adoption, their life is changing dramatically. It's big, it's exciting, and it's probably also a little scary. 

Sending baby congratulations to the new parents on such a momentous occasion can be challenging to find the right words. We've put together 65 different ways to say congratulations on the arrival to help inspire you and help you put your new baby wishes into words. 

Whether you want to post on social media, send a greeting card, or add it to a  New Baby Gift Box , or even just to tell the parents in person, we've got you covered!

We'd love to see your new baby greeting messages! Share with us  @milkandloveaus

What To Write in a New Baby Card

There are four key elements to include in a new baby card, although you can express them in your own unique way:

1. Address the recipient/s. You need to work out if you're sending your card to both of the parents, or just to one of them (e.g. if you want to send something especially for the new mum). For example "Dear Abby and Joseph" or "To the worlds most amazing new parents" or "Dearest darling Susie"  

2. Add your baby congratulations , for example "Congratulations on your new bundle of joy". 

3. A message of support for the proud parents . For example "We wish you all the very best"

4.  Remember to sign off so they know who the card is from! For example "With all our love and prayers, the Thompson Family".

Optional : You might like to include a quote for new parents for inspiration as well, or some other special baby congratulations that are meaningful to you.

Congratulations on your new baby wishes - Magical

How to Congratulate Someone on a New Baby

We like to include a message of best wishes and support for the proud parents on their new bundle of joy. It is an exciting and overwhelming time full of emotion, and your words of support will be appreciated. 

Here are some of our favourite ways to congratulate someone on their new baby:

  • "Welcome to the world little one. Many congratulations to you all on the safe arrival of your newborn baby. We wish you all the very best." 
  • "We are so excited for you! You two are going to make wonderful parents and your new baby is so blessed to have you" 
  • "You have a magical journey ahead of you with your precious baby. We are here for you and know that you are going to be the most amazing family" 
  • "That one tiny baby can bring so much joy and love into your life is truely remarkable. We hope and pray for happiness and health for you and your newest member." 
  • "A warm, happy welcome to your new baby and lots of love and healing thoughts to Mum! We hope everyone recovers soon." 
  • "You are going to be amazing new parents, you're so full of love and warmth. We hope you enjoy these newborn days, and cherish every moment. Raising kids is so rewarding and incredible for all of you". 
  • "Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. We wish you all the very best in your new journey" 
  • "Warm wishes to you all on the arrival of your newborn baby. We can't wait to meet the little guy and hope are all well and happy" 
  • "This is one lucky baby to have you as his/her parents! You're going to be a natural." 
  • "Many Congratulations! May these tiny little feet tiptoe into your heart and stay there forever" 
  • "All our best wishes on your new arrival. It is such wonderful news and we pray for much happiness and health for your family." 
  • "Welcome little one and congrats to Mum and Dad! Wishing you all a lifetime of love, health, laughter and happiness together." 
  • "May your baby be blessed with good health, love and laughter. Congratulations to you both."

What to write on a new baby card

New Baby Boy Wishes

Celebrating a new baby boy is so special. A little boy can bring so much laughter and happiness throughout baby's life, and is a life changing occasion. 

Found the best little  baby boy gift and need a message for the card? Here are some of our favourite baby messages for a new baby boy to inspire you:

  • "Best wishes on your new baby boy! This little guy is going to change your world in the best possible way. We can't wait to meet him." 
  • "Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy. Heard he is the cutest baby in the hospital. Cannot wait to meet him.” 
  • "How wonderful it is to hear about your new baby boy. Congratulations to you and the lucky little one!"
  • "Congratulations on your gorgeous baby boy! We wish you every happiness. May he be blessed with a lifetime full of love and laughter" 
  • "May your child be blessed and cradled with love and joy. All the best on the newest addition to your family."

New Baby Girl Wishes

The arrival of a beautiful baby girl is such a blessing for the family. She will bring so much joy and love with her. It is always lovely to include baby girl wishes for both the baby and the parents to celebrate their new arrival. Once you find the perfect  New Baby Girl Gift you need the perfect message to go with it!

We love these new baby messages:

  • "Congratulations on your sweet baby girl. We wish you so much joy and happiness now and forever. May she be blessed with a lifetime full of love" 
  • "Warm wishes on your new baby girl. I am so happy for you! If you ever need a helping hand I am just a phone call away!" 
  • "A little baby girl! Get ready for lots of laughter and noise, big hugs and so many joys. All the best!" 
  • "Get ready for the journey of a lifetime. Becoming parents for a baby girl is the most blessed experience. Congratulations to you all.” 
  • "Oh my goodness, we are sooo excited for you both! Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby girl."

Baby Girl Gift Hamper

Funny New Baby Wishes

When the new parents love to joke around and have a laugh it can be fun to send them a funny message! A funny new baby message is a little bit trickier because you also want it to be supportive and uplifting, so take care, and perhaps even ask a mutual friend to check your message before you send it! 

These funny new baby wishes made us laugh:

  • "Sleep is overrated. You've totally got this" 
  • "Goodbye tummy bump. Hello sleepless nights and pooey nappies. Jokes aside, you have so much to look forward to. Congrats on your beautiful new baby!" 
  • "Congratulations on your new alarm clock and let the noise begin! Don't worry, you're going to be great. We can't wait to meet your newest family member!" 
  • "So glad to hear your mini human arrived happy and ready to party! Sleepness nights have never been for such a great reason. Congratulations!" 
  • "Amazing people make amazing babies. Your baby already has a head start on life with you guys as her parents! Best wishes to you all." 
  • "S/he's a very lucky baby to have such amazing parents. You've totally got this"

Funny New Baby Wishes Congratulations

How to Congratulate Someone On Their Second Child or more

Even if this isn't their first child, it is important to remember that every new baby is a blessing, and a completely new journey to experience. Every child is unique and precious. It is also nice to include a message about the older child because they are also welcoming a new sibling. 

We love these baby message ideas to put on your new baby card for experienced parents:

  • "Many congratulations on your new family member! What a joy for you all. I bet Sophie is going to be a wonderful big sister!" 
  • "Wow! Congratulations on your new baby, and high five to Jasper on becoming a new Big Brother. I'm sure he is going to be the best big brother! Best wishes to you all, and please let us know if we can help out at all." 
  • "You are such amazing parents and we wish you all the joy possible for you and your family as you welcome baby number 2!" 
  • "God bless you all on your new baby girl. Your children are the most precious jewels to be blessed with."
  • "Wishing all of you good health and fond memories on the arrival of the newest member of your family."

Congratulations Wishes on Second Baby

Adoptive Parents New Baby Wishes

An adoptive family has often been a long time in coming, with lots of stress and worry leading up to the adoption. You can welcome the new baby girl or baby boy and celebrate the start of their new family in your baby card. 

It is nice to offer support as well.

  • "Congratulations on your beautiful baby. We are so glad to hear your baby arrived safely home. You're going to make such great parents - a tiny baby surrounded by love." 
  • "Best wishes on your new child! When a baby arrives in your family there is so much wonder and joy and magical moments to look forward to. We are so happy for you. Congratulations!" 
  • "You must be over the moon to finally hold your mini human being in your arms! We are sooooo excited for you and are here for you if there is anything we can do to help and support you during this momentous time."

Congratulations on new baby what to write in card

What do you write in a Coworker's Baby Card?

When you're writing in a group card it is nice to offer a message of support as well as congratulations to your co-worker. Consider some of these ideas for inspiration:

  • "I am so happy to hear the wonderful news about your new baby! I hope you enjoy your new addition, and I wish you and your family much joy and happiness. Let me know if you need me to help you with anything at work. We can't wait to see your baby pics!" 
  • "Warm wishes on your new bundle of joy. I hope you enjoy all of those precious moments with your new arrival!" 
  • "I can think of no greater joy than a new baby. Sending you lots of love for you and your family during this amazing time!" 
  • "All the best to you for a happy and restful maternity leave. Blessings to you and your family!" 
  • "Congratulations on your new arrival! I am so happy for your family and wish you all the best." 
  • "I'll miss you while you're on leave, but I'm so happy you'll have this time with your amazing new baby."

Quotes for New Parents and Words of Wisdom

We love these quotes for new parents for inspiring and uplifting them. They are great to write on your baby card along with your new baby wishes!

  • "Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God." - Larry Barretto 
  • "A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die" - Mary Mason 
  • "A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather." - Tanya Masse 
  • "A baby fills the places in your heart you never knew was empty" - Anon 
  • ‘Being parents just puts your whole world into perspective. Everything else just disappears.’ - Kate Winslet
  • "Making a decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide to forever have your heart go walking around outside of your body" - Elizabeth Stone 
  • "A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities" - Eva Leshan 
  • "Ten little fingers, ten perfect toes, fill our hearts with love until it overflows" - Anon 
  • "A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier." - Anon
  • "There is no such thing as a perfect parent, but a million ways to be a good one" - Jill Churchill 
  • "All parents are making it up as they go along. Expect to make mistakes, expect it to be messy, and expect to feel overwhelmed. But in the end, remember that you are exactly the right parents for your child, and that this too shall pass." 
  • "When you are parents, you will have moments when you feel overwhelmed and exhausted. You will disagree with each other, and you might cry. But remember throughout it all, you are a team and this stage will pass. Be gentle with each other and remember to hug each other every day. You are both learning, and this is one of the hardest transitions of your life. It won't be like this forever. When you reach the other side it will all be worth it."

New Baby Quotes and Wishes

Whew, that's it! Do you have some favourite new baby wishes you can share? Let us know in the comments below.

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60 sweet baby quotes that will definitely make you smile

When the nights are long and the tears are streaming, it can't hurt to get a gentle reminder that babies are the best. Luckily, there is no shortage of baby quotes to help with that task.

Given the sleep deprivation, roller-coaster hormones , and the fact they don't come with a user manual, babies can make even the most seasoned parents feel like they are losing their minds.

But this fleeting season of parenthood is also a reminder of the pure joy babies bring from newborn cuddles to sweet cooing to taking their first steps.

Whether you need to remember what makes parenthood so special — or, let's be honest, a cute caption to go along with your Instagram birth announcement — these baby quotes will definitely bring a smile to your face.

More baby love!

  • 60 father-daughter quotes about the sweet bond between dads and their girls
  • 50 boy mom quotes that celebrate the bond between mothers and sons
  • 40 powerful motherhood quotes that celebrate all moms

60 Baby Quotes To Make You Smile

Looking for a reason to smile or laugh? Here are 60 cute baby quotes that span decades, proving babies are simply the best:

  • “A child enters your home and, for the next 20 years, makes so much noise you can hardly stand it. The child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you are going mad.” —John Andrew Holmes
  • “In the garden of humanity, every baby is a fresh new flower.”   —Debasish Mridha
  • "Baby — A little bit of heaven sent down to earth." —Roland Leonhardt
  • “Ah, babies! They’re more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.” —Tina Fey
  • “Children make you want to start life over.” —Muhammad Ali

new journey with baby quotes

  • “And she loved a little boy very, very much, even more than she loved herself” —Shel Silverstein
  • “Newborn babies can’t do much on their own. They can’t eat or walk or talk on the phone. But every parent is sure their creation is without a doubt a tremendous sensation.” —Jennifer Davis
  • “A baby is a wishing well. Everyone puts their hopes, their fears, their pasts, their two cents in.” —Elizabeth Bard
  • "A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on." —Carl Sandburg
  • “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die.” —Mary Mason
  • “There are places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.” —Anne Lamott
  • “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.” —Victor Hugo
  • “A child is a curly, dimpled lunatic.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

new journey with baby quotes

  • “All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood — all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience.” —Penelope Cruz
  • "I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle." —Vincent Van Gogh
  • "A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic." —Sigrid Leo
  • "Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God." —Larry Barretto
  • “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” —Jared Padalecki
  • “A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather.” —Tanya Masse
  • “A tiny daughter gives parents a life in a climate of perpetual wonder.” —Pierre Doucet
  • “It’s hard to feel like much is wrong in the world when you’re looking into the eyes of a happy baby.” —Lisa Wingate
  • “I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me.” —Maria Jose Ovalle
  • “Like stars are to the sky, so are the children to our world. They deserve to shine!” —Chinonye J. Chidolue
  • “When he finally was placed into my arms, I looked into his precious eyes and felt an overwhelming, unconditional love….I never felt so complete and empowered in my life.” —Gisele Bündchen
  • "It is the nature of babies to be in bliss." —Deepak Chopra
  • “For me, this baby was the most precious thing I had ever had. He was my treasure, my joy, my world, my everything now.” —Preeti Shenoy
  • “It is a smile of a baby that makes life worth living.” —Debasish Mridha
  • “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” —Don Herold

new journey with baby quotes

  • “Children have neither past nor future. They enjoy the present, which very few of us do.” —Jean De La Bruyere
  • “Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.” —Winnie the Pooh
  • “I love you forever. I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” —Robert Munsch
  • “Every child begins the world again.” —Henry David Thoreau
  • “Babies are amazing. They begin each day all warm and sleepy, smelling of promise.” —Julia Roberts
  • "Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." —Elizabeth Stone
  • "You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket." —Lish McBride
  • "Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth." —Roland Leonhardt
  • "The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority." —Olivia Wilde
  • "A new baby is like the beginning of all things — wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” —Eda J. LeShan
  • “A baby is an inestimable blessing.” —Mark Twain
  • "Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop. The more you give the more you get and the more you get the more you feel like giving.” —Penelope Leach
  • “Flowers are words which even a baby can understand.” —Arthur C. Coxe
  • “What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.” —Benjamin Spock
  • “Children reinvent your world for you.” —Susan Sarandon
  • “When the baby is born, all that pain that was endured vanishes in an instant. Love for that tiny baby makes one forget the pain, the fear. And as I’ve said before, love between mother and child is the highest experience, the closest to divine love.” —Hope Bradford
  • “I know now why God gave us babies. They require constant attention, of course. They make messes and disturb the peace, but their cuteness and smiles are sometimes the only reminder of God we have in the house.” —Ann Rinaldi
  • “Perfection only exists in babies and pastries.” —Gayle Wray

new journey with baby quotes

  • "My fingers are tickled to delight by the soft ripple of a baby’s laugh." —Helen Keller
  • “There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings.” —Hodding Carter Jr.
  • “Make no mistake about why these babies are here — they are here to replace us.” —Jerry Seinfeld
  • “A baby is born with a need to be loved — and never outgrows it.” —Frank A. Clark
  • “Babies are always more trouble than you thought and more wonderful.” —Charles Osgood

new journey with baby quotes

  • “I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time.” —Nicholas Sparks
  • “It’s a good thing babies don’t give you a lot of time to think. You fall in love with them and when you realize how much they love you back, life is very simple.” —Anita Diamant
  • “There is nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place.” —Virginia Kelley
  • "Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky." — Fran Lebowitz
  • “A first child is your own best foot forward, and how you do cheer those little feet as they strike out.” —Barbara Kingsolver
  • “I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.” —Charles Dickens
  • "Children make your life important." —Erma Bombeck
  • "A baby is a blank check made payable to the human race." —Barbara Christine Seifert

new journey with baby quotes

Kait Hanson is a graduate of Penn State University who began her career in collegiate sports communications.

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150+ Cherished New Baby Wishes for a Joyful Celebration

Discover the most heartful new baby wishes to express your love.

Table of Contents

New baby wishes and baby congratulations are in order - there's nothing quite like the joy of welcoming a precious newborn into the world! Whether it's a baby boy or baby girl, sending new baby messages is the perfect way to celebrate this momentous occasion with the proud parents. 

From funny and witty newborn greetings to deeply meaningful baby arrival wishes, the right words can bring a smile to their faces and warmth to their hearts during those first bleary-eyed but blissful days and nights. Let's explore some wonderful ways to craft the perfect new baby wishes to make the new moms and dads feel showered with love and support.

Wishes For New Born Baby Boy

Welcoming a new baby boy into the world is a momentous occasion filled with joy and excitement. Here are some warm baby boy quotes  to celebrate the arrival of a precious baby boy.

Congratulations message for parents welcoming their newborn son into the world.

  • "May your baby boy bring you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations on your new addition!" — Unknown
  • "A baby boy is a bundle of joy. May your days be filled with love and laughter." — Unknown
  • "May your baby boy grow up to be strong, kind, and as wonderful as his parents." — Unknown
  • "Here's to sleepless nights and endless joy. Congratulations on your baby boy!" — Unknown
  • "May your baby boy bring you all the joy and happiness you deserve. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "Best wishes on your new baby boy! This little guy is going to change your world in the best possible way. We can't wait to meet him." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy. Heard he is the cutest baby in the hospital. Cannot wait to meet him.” — Unknown
  • "How wonderful it is to hear about your new baby boy. Congratulations to you and the lucky little one!" — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your gorgeous baby boy! We wish you every happiness. May he be blessed with a lifetime full of love and laughter" — Unknown
  • "May your child be blessed and cradled with love and joy. All the best to the newest addition to your family."— Unknown
  • "Welcome to your beautiful baby boy! May he bring endless joy and happiness to your home."— Unknown

Celebrating the birth of a baby boy is a moment filled with joy. Top baby boy names can inspire parents as they consider the perfect name for their little one, making your wishes for the newborn boy both thoughtful and special. These wishes celebrate his arrival and the bright future ahead.

Wishes For New Born Baby Girl

A new baby girl brings sweetness and light into the world. Celebrate her arrival with these baby girl quotes .

New baby girl wishes celebrating the arrival of a beautiful baby girl.

  • "Welcome to the world, little princess. You are loved more than words can say." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your sweet baby girl. May her life be as wonderful as yours." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, little angel. You are already so loved!" — Unknown
  • "May your baby girl's arrival bring joy and love into your hearts." — Unknown
  • "Here's to a lifetime of love, happiness, and cherished moments with your baby girl." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you and your baby girl a lifetime of happiness and beautiful memories." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your sweet little princess. Wishing you endless joy and happiness as she fills your life with love and laughter."— Unknown
  • "Warm wishes on your new baby girl. I'm over the moon for you! Remember, I'm always just a call away if you need anything."— Unknown
  • "A beautiful baby girl! Prepare for a house full of giggles and endless cuddles. All the best to your growing family!"— Unknown
  • "Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Becoming parents to a little queen is such a blessing. Congratulations to you all."— Unknown
  • "Oh my goodness, we are so thrilled for you both! Congratulations on the arrival of your gorgeous baby girl."— Unknown

Finding the perfect name for a baby girl is part of the excitement of her arrival. Middle names for girls can inspire thoughtful and unique baby names, making your wishes for the newborn girl even more special. These wishes honor the joy of welcoming a new daughter and the beautiful name she will carry.

Grandparents Wishes For New Baby Boy

Grandparents have a special bond with their grandchildren. Here are some loving wishes from grandparents to a new baby boy.

Grandparents expressing joy and blessings for their grandson's birth.

  • "Welcome to the world, dear grandson. You are a blessing to our family." — Unknown
  • "Wishing our grandson a life full of happiness and wonderful adventures." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your baby boy. We are overjoyed to be your grandparents." — Unknown
  • "May your journey be filled with love, dear grandson. We are always here for you." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the family, little man. You are so loved." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you all the best, dear grandson. You have made our lives complete." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, little prince. You are our greatest joy." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, little man! We're so excited to teach you the wonders of nature and watch you grow into a fine young boy."
  • "Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy! We're looking forward to reading bedtime stories and sharing family traditions with our sweet grandson."
  • "Dear grandson, we can't wait to spoil you with love and wisdom. May your days be filled with joy and your nights with sweet dreams."
  • "Our hearts are overflowing with joy for the arrival of our grandson. We look forward to baking cookies and taking you on grand adventures."
  • "Welcome, darling boy! We can't wait to show you the beauty of the stars and the comfort of a grandparent's embrace."
  • "Congratulations on your precious baby boy! We're eager to see the world through your curious eyes and share countless giggles."
  • "To our beloved grandson, may your life be filled with endless love and laughter. We can't wait to guide you and watch you flourish."

Baby quotes beautifully reflect the deep affection grandparents have for their new grandson, offering a touching tribute to the unique bond they share. These quotes help ensure your message is cherished and memorable.

The arrival of a new grandson fills grandparents with immense pride and joy. Grandparents quotes are perfect for expressing these emotions, capturing the love and excitement that come with welcoming a new generation into the family.

Grandparents Wishes For New Baby Girl

Grandparents are filled with joy when a new baby girl arrives. Here are a few welcome baby wishes for their precious granddaughter.

Grandparents sharing warm wishes and happiness for their granddaughter's arrival.

  • "Welcome to the world, dear granddaughter. You are a blessing to our family." — Unknown
  • "Wishing our granddaughter a life full of happiness and wonderful adventures." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your baby girl. We are overjoyed to be your grandparents." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the family, little angel. You are so loved." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you all the best, dear granddaughter. You have made our lives complete." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your baby girl. We are so blessed to have you in our lives." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, little princess. You are our greatest joy." — Unknown
  • "Dear granddaughter, we can't wait to shower you with love and wisdom. May your life be filled with joy and your dreams be magical."
  • "Our hearts are filled with happiness for the arrival of our granddaughter. We look forward to baking treats and exploring the world together."
  • "Welcome, darling girl! We can't wait to show you the beauty of the flowers and the warmth of a grandparent's hug."

New Baby Wishes For First Baby

Welcoming the first baby into the family is a huge milestone. Share in the joy with these sincere wishes for a new baby.

Sending love and congratulations to parents on their first child's birth.

  • "Welcome to the family, little one. You are so loved already." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your first baby. May your home be filled with love and laughter." — Unknown
  • "May your first baby bring you all the love and happiness you deserve. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "May your new baby bring endless joy and love into your life. Cherish every moment." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you and your precious little one a lifetime of happiness and health. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "Your journey into motherhood has just begun. May it be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your beautiful new arrival! May your days be filled with wonder and your nights with peace." — Unknown
  • "Sending you all the love and best wishes as you welcome your little miracle into the world." — Unknown
  • "May your baby’s first smile bring you boundless joy. Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on becoming a mom! Your baby is lucky to have such a wonderful mother." — Unknown
  • "May your heart overflow with love and your days be filled with joy as you embrace motherhood." — Unknown
  • "Here's to the start of a beautiful journey. Wishing you and your baby all the best." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world of parenthood! May your new baby bring you countless blessings and unending love." — Unknown

The first child holds a unique place in every family’s heart.   First born quotes   reflect the extraordinary joy and excitement that come with this milestone. These quotes help communicate the unparalleled happiness of becoming parents for the first time, making your wishes even more special. By using these quotes, you celebrate the new parents' journey and honor this significant life event.

New Baby Wishes For Second Baby

The arrival of a second baby brings even more love into a family. Here are some warm wishes for a new baby for the new addition.

Celebrating the addition of another precious little one to the family.

  • "Congratulations on the birth of your second baby. Your family is now twice as blessed." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you all the best as you welcome your second baby into the world." — Unknown
  • "May your second baby bring you even more joy and happiness. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your second baby. May your home be filled with even more love and laughter." — Unknown 
  • "Another beautiful baby to love and cherish. Congratulations on your growing family." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you twice the smiles, twice the love, and twice the blessings with your new baby." — Unknown
  • "May your new baby bring even more joy and fulfillment into your lives." — Unknown
  • "Sending warmest wishes as you welcome your second little miracle." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your growing family! Your new baby is so lucky to have you." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you all the best as you embrace the joy of having another precious baby." — Unknown
  • "May your second baby fill your home with even more love and happiness." — Unknown
  • "Sending you love and best wishes as you welcome your new little one." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your second baby! Your family's love just doubled." — Unknown
  • "May your new baby bring double the joy and love into your hearts." — Unknown
  • "Here's to the joy of welcoming another beautiful baby into your family. Best wishes to all of you." — Unknown

Welcoming a second baby is a time of joy and growth for a family. Sibling quotes perfectly express the excitement of expanding the family, celebrating the new relationships that will develop between siblings. These quotes add a loving touch to your new baby wishes, highlighting the special bond that will form.

New Baby Wishes For Twins

The arrival of twins is double the joy and double the love. Celebrate this special occasion with these new baby wishes.

Joyous wishes for parents blessed with the double bundle of joy.

  • "Congratulations on the birth of your twins. Double the joy, double the love!" — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, little ones. You have brought twice the happiness to your family." — Unknown
  • "May your twins bring you twice the love and joy. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the family, little ones. You are so loved already." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your twins. May your home be filled with twice the love and laughter." — Unknown
  • "Wishing you and your twins a lifetime of joy and cherished moments." — Unknown
  • "May your twins bring you all the love and happiness you deserve. Congratulations!" — Unknown

Welcoming twins is a double blessing filled with joy and excitement. Twin quotes perfectly capture the unique experience of expecting two little ones, making your new baby wishes even more special. These quotes celebrate the love and adventure that come with raising twins.

New Baby Wishes For Your Friends

Welcoming a new baby into the world is a joyous occasion. Here are some wishes for a new baby and quotes to celebrate this special moment with your friends.

Heartfelt message congratulating close friends on the birth of their baby.

  • "Welcome to the world, little one! Your parents are going to shower you with all the love in their hearts." — Unknown
  • "May your little one bring you a world of joy and happiness. Best wishes on this exciting journey!" — Unknown
  • "Welcome to parenthood! Your lives are about to be filled with unimaginable joy and wonder." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your little miracle! Wishing you all a lifetime of love and laughter together." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, sweet baby! Your parents are going to give you all the love they have." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! May your home be filled with love, laughter, and lots of baby cuddles." — Unknown

The arrival of a friend’s baby is a time for celebration. Baby shower wishes fit seamlessly with new baby wishes for your friends, capturing the excitement and love that come with this special occasion. These wishes celebrate the joy of welcoming a new baby into their lives.

New Baby Wishes For Your Family

Welcoming a new baby into the family is a moment filled with joy, affection, and anticipation. Here are some sincere best wishes for new baby to celebrate this valuable addition to your family.

Expressing love and happiness for family members on their newborn's arrival.

  • "Congratulations on the newest member of your family! May every moment be a special one." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to parenthood! May your journey be filled with love and cherished memories." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, little one! Your arrival has brought an abundance of love and joy into our hearts." — Unknown
  • "Dear baby, you have made our family complete and filled our lives with happiness. We can't wait to share countless memories with you." — Unknown
  • "Our hearts overflow with love and happiness as we welcome you, our precious baby, into the family." — Unknown
  • "May your life be filled with love, laughter, and endless wonder. We are so blessed to have you in our family." — Unknown
  • "Sweet baby, your presence has brought an immeasurable amount of joy to our lives. We love you more than words can express." — Unknown
  • "To our newest little family member, we promise to cherish and adore you forever. Welcome to a lifetime of love." — Unknown
  • "Your tiny hands and feet have already made the biggest footprints in our hearts. We love you endlessly." — Unknown

The birth of a new baby is a significant event for the entire family. Quotes about growing up beautifully capture the journey ahead, adding depth to your new baby wishes. These quotes celebrate the shared experiences and love that will shape the new baby’s life within the family.

New Baby Wishes For Your Colleague

Welcoming a new baby is a joyous occasion filled with love and happiness. Here are some baby arrival wishes to celebrate this special moment with your colleague.

Warm wishes for a colleague welcoming their newest addition to the family.

  • "Your family just got a little cuter! Wishing you all the best on this wonderful journey." — Unknown
  • "May your baby bring you happiness beyond measure. Congratulations on your new arrival!" — Unknown
  • "Sending you love and warm wishes on the birth of your baby. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "Wishing your family many wonderful moments with your new baby. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Wishing you endless moments of happiness and love with your little one." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to parenthood! May your days be filled with laughter and your nights with peaceful slumber." — Unknown
  • "So excited for you and your growing family! Here's to sleepless nights and endless love." — Unknown
  • "Best wishes on your new adventure as parents. Your baby is lucky to have such wonderful people to call mom and dad." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby! Wishing your family all the love and joy in the world." — Unknown
  • "May your baby bring you as much happiness as you bring to our team. Congrats!" — Unknown
  • "Sending lots of love to you and your little one. Can't wait to see all the baby photos!" — Unknown

As your colleague welcomes their new baby, offering new parents quotes in your wishes can provide both inspiration and comfort. These quotes capture the essence of becoming a parent, acknowledging the joys and learning moments that lie ahead. Your message will not only congratulate them but also offer words of wisdom that they can carry with them on this beautiful journey.

Funny New Baby Wishes

Welcoming a new baby with humor can bring smiles to the proud parents. Here are some funny new baby wishes to lighten their spirits and celebrate the joyous occasion.

Humorous and lighthearted wishes for a new baby celebrating the birth of a baby.

  • "Welcome to the world, little one! Sorry about the lack of sleep you're about to endure, but it'll be worth it!" — Unknown
  • "Congrats on your new baby! May your coffee be stronger than your baby's tantrums!" — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your tiny human! Get ready for years of hearing, 'Are we there yet?'" — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the sleepless club! Don't worry, the fun has just begun!" — Unknown
  • "Babies are like tiny dictators. They can make you do anything with just a cry!" — Unknown
  • "Congrats on the new baby! Let the noise, mess, and joy begin!" — Unknown
  • "May your new bundle of joy bring you more sleepless nights and endless laughter!" — Unknown
  • "Goodbye, sleep. Hello, new adventure!" — Unknown
  • "Just when you thought you were running out of things to talk about, your baby arrived!" — Unknown
  • "Congrats on the new baby! Remember, they’re only young once. Thank goodness!" — Unknown
  • "Your house just got a lot louder and a lot happier. Congrats!" — Unknown
  • "New baby: because every great adventure starts with sleepless nights!" — Unknown
  • "Congratulations! Your baby is cuter than your dog. Just don't tell your dog!" — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world of parenthood! Where 'sleeping in' means 7 AM." — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the wonderful world of diapers and sleepless nights!" — Unknown
  • "Your baby is here! Get ready for a lifetime of unsolicited advice!" — Unknown
  • "Congrats on your new arrival! Here's to hoping your baby sleeps as much as you dream they will!" — Unknown

Laughter is a wonderful way to celebrate the arrival of a new baby. Funny pregnancy quotes bring humor and joy to your new baby wishes, ensuring the parents start their journey with plenty of smiles and good cheer. These wishes add a playful touch to the celebration, making the moment even more enjoyable.

Congratulation Wishes For New Baby

Celebrating the arrival of a new baby is such a joyous occasion. Here are some quotes to extend your congratulations and best baby arrival wishes for this wonderful milestone.

Congratulatory wishes for parents on the joyous occasion of their baby's birth.

  • "May your new baby bring you a world of joy and endless cuddles. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "Here's to a new life, new adventures, and new hopes. Congratulations on your baby!" — Unknown
  • "Sending you warm wishes and congratulations on the birth of your little one." — Unknown
  • "Sending love and hugs on the arrival of your precious baby. May they bring you endless joy." — Unknown
  • "May your little one grow up happy, healthy, and loved. Congratulations on your new baby!" — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. Wishing you endless joy and unforgettable moments." — Unknown

When celebrating the birth of a new baby, it’s wonderful to reflect on the journey that began with the exciting news. Pregnancy announcement quotes bring back the joy and anticipation of that first moment, making your congratulation wishes even more meaningful. These quotes remind the parents of the happiness that filled their hearts from the very start, making the arrival of their little one all the more special.

Read More:  150+ Heartwarming And Inspirational Adoption Quotes

New Baby Shower Wishes

Welcoming a new baby is a joyous occasion filled with love and excitement. Here are some simple new baby shower wishes to celebrate the arrival of the little one.

Well-wishes and blessings for the expectant parents during their baby shower.

  • "Wishing you endless joy and laughter as you welcome your precious bundle of joy." — Unknown
  • "Here's to new beginnings and the sweet adventures of parenthood. Congratulations!" — Unknown
  • "May your baby grow up surrounded by love, health, and happiness." — Unknown
  • "May your baby bring a world of joy and love into your lives. Best wishes!" — Unknown
  • "Wishing you a lifetime of joy, love, and laughter with your new baby." — Unknown
  • "Sending warmest wishes for your growing family. Your little one is already so loved!" — Unknown
  • "Welcome to the world, little one! Your family is about to experience the greatest adventure yet." — Unknown
  • "May your baby be blessed with a future as bright as their smile will be." — Unknown
  • "Here’s to a beautiful journey ahead with your little one. Best wishes to your family!" — Unknown
  • "May the joy of parenthood bring you endless happiness and unforgettable memories. Congratulations!" — Unknown

Celebrating the upcoming arrival of a baby is a time of anticipation and joy. Pregnancy quotes perfectly complement baby shower wishes, capturing the beauty and excitement of the journey to parenthood. These wishes resonate with the emotions of expecting a baby, adding a warm and heartfelt touch to the celebration.

Christian New Baby Wishes

Welcoming a new baby is a beautiful occasion, filled with joy and gratitude. Here are some Christian new born baby wishes to share the love and blessings for the newest addition to the family.

Spiritual and religious wishes for a newborn baby's life and future.

  • "May God bless your little one with health, joy, and a lifetime of love." — Unknown
  • "Rejoicing with you as you welcome your precious gift from God. May His grace shine upon your family." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations on your beautiful blessing. May your baby grow in the light of God's love." — Unknown
  • "May the Lord's peace and joy be with you and your newborn, now and always." — Unknown
  • "God has blessed you with a beautiful baby. May He guide your child's journey every step of the way." — Unknown
  • "Sending prayers of love and joy for your new bundle of joy. God bless your family abundantly." — Unknown
  • "Children are a gift from the Lord. Wishing you all the best as you cherish this blessing." — Unknown
  • "May your little one grow in faith and grace, surrounded by God's love." — Unknown
  • "Blessings to you and your baby. May God’s love and peace fill your home." — Unknown
  • "Praise God for the miracle of new life! Wishing you joy and God's blessings." — Unknown
  • "Rejoicing with you for the wonderful blessing of your newborn. God is good." — Unknown
  • "May God's light shine on your baby’s path and guide them throughout their life." — Unknown
  • "Congratulations! May your child be filled with the Holy Spirit and God's love." — Unknown
  • "Welcoming your baby with prayers of health, happiness, and God’s guidance." — Unknown
  • "God's blessings on your new arrival. May His love surround you always." — Unknown
  • "May your family feel God's presence and peace with the arrival of your little one." — Unknown
  • "Rejoicing with you as you welcome this beautiful blessing into your family." — Unknown
  • "May your baby be a constant reminder of God's love and grace in your life." — Unknown

Welcoming a new baby into a Christian family is a moment of deep spiritual significance. Quotes to godparents add a meaningful touch to Christian new baby wishes, emphasizing the love, guidance, and blessings that will shape the child’s life. These quotes offer a heartfelt message filled with faith and joy.

More:  140+ Baby Loss Quotes To Help Bring You Comfort

It is a heartwarming gesture to extend congratulations to new parents on the arrival of their bundle of joy, as it marks the commencement of a new chapter in their lives. Whether it's a baby boy or a baby girl, expressing your well-wishes with thoughtful new baby messages and newborn greetings can make the occasion even more special. 

At Sandjest, we understand the importance of creating meaningful and memorable experiences, which is why we offer a wide range of personalized gifts to welcome the little one. Our unique baby congratulations gifts are the perfect way to share your joy and warmth with the new parents. Visit Sandjest today to explore our collection and find the perfect baby arrival wishes gift that will make their hearts melt.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you congratulate someone on a new baby.

"Wishing you a lifetime of joy with your precious new arrival. Congratulations on your little bundle of love!" — Unknown "May your life be filled with love, laughter, and beautiful memories with your newborn. Congratulations to the new parents!" — Unknown "A new baby is like the beginning of all things – hope, a dream of possibilities. Congratulations on your little miracle!" — Unknown

What To Write On A New Baby Card?

"Welcome to the world, little one! May your life be filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures." — Unknown "Wishing you and your family all the best as you embark on this incredible journey with your newborn." — Unknown "Congratulations on your sweet baby girl! May she bring you immeasurable joy and happiness."— Unknown

What Is The Best Message For A Newborn Baby?

"A new baby is like a rainbow – colorful, bright, and a beautiful gift from above. Congratulations on your little ray of sunshine!"— Unknown "Your little one is the start of a beautiful story. Wishing you all the love and joy as you write the next chapter." — Unknown "Welcoming a precious new life is a true blessing. May your baby boy bring you endless happiness and love."— Unknown

150+ Cherished New Baby Wishes for a Joyful Celebration

Thomas Turner | View all blog posts

Thomas Turner is an SEO Content Writer at Sandjest where he develops and implements content strategies to enhance online visibility and drive organic traffic. With a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Northwestern University and five years of experience in the marketing and content writing field. In his spare time, Thomas enjoys playing badminton and chess, activities that help him stay active and sharpen his strategic thinking skills.

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Parent Intel

200 Best New Baby Wishes: Ideas To Write In The Card

new baby wishes

Welcoming a new baby into the world is a moment brimming with joy and excitement. It’s a time when emotions run high, and hearts are full of love and anticipation. Across cultures, one of the most cherished ways to celebrate this milestone is through the age-old tradition of sending cards. These cards are not just mere pieces of paper; they’re tangible expressions of our affection and joy for the new parents and their little bundle of joy.

The tradition of sending new baby cards is steeped in significance. It’s a way of connecting, of sharing in the delight of the family’s newest member. But what truly makes these cards special is the message they carry. A heartfelt message in a new baby card is more than just words; it’s a keepsake, a memento that parents often treasure for years to come. It’s a reflection of your personal connection to the family and your shared excitement for their new chapter.

In the journey of parenthood, every word of encouragement, every expression of joy matters. Your message in the new baby card plays a pivotal role—it’s your personal touch, your way of saying, “I’m with you on this beautiful journey.” Therefore, crafting the right message is crucial. It’s about finding the perfect balance between warmth, affection, and sincerity, ensuring that your words genuinely resonate with the new parents.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the nuances of creating the perfect new baby wish . Whether you’re a close family member, a friend, or a colleague, you’ll find tips and ideas to help you compose a message that not only congratulates but also deeply touches the hearts of the new parents. Let’s dive into the world of new baby wishes and discover how to make your card a memorable part of this joyous occasion.

Understanding the Audience

When it comes to sending new baby cards, the circle of well-wishers often extends far and wide. Typically, these cards come from a diverse group of people, each playing a unique role in the lives of the new parents and their baby. Understanding who sends these cards is essential in crafting a message that resonates and feels personal.

Friends, whether close confidantes or casual acquaintances, often send new baby cards to express their excitement and support. The messages from friends can range from humorous and light-hearted to deeply emotional, depending on the closeness of the friendship. Friends might share inside jokes, personal anecdotes, or express eagerness to meet the new baby.

Family members, from grandparents to cousins, are among the most common senders of new baby cards. Their messages are often filled with pride and a deep sense of family connection. For family, it’s an opportunity to welcome a new member into the clan, often reflecting on family bonds and the joy of seeing the family grow.

Colleagues and Acquaintances

Colleagues and professional acquaintances also join in this celebration by sending cards. Their messages tend to be more formal and polite, focusing on well-wishing and expressions of happiness for the new parents. It’s a way for coworkers to show kindness and support outside the professional realm.

Emphasizing the Relationship

The key to crafting the perfect message in a new baby card lies in understanding your relationship with the parents. Each sender’s connection to the family is unique and this should be reflected in the tone and content of the message. A message from a grandparent, for example, will have a different emotional depth compared to one from a colleague.

For close family and friends, the message can be more intimate and personal. It’s an opportunity to express genuine emotions and perhaps share a personal memory or a hopeful wish for the future. On the other hand, messages from colleagues or acquaintances might lean towards being heartwarming yet respectful, celebrating the occasion without overstepping personal boundaries.

In essence, recognizing your role in the parents’ lives is crucial. It helps in tailoring your message to ensure it’s appropriate, heartfelt, and most importantly, adds to the joy of this remarkable life event. Whether you’re a lifelong friend, a beloved family member, or a supportive colleague, your message in a new baby card is a reflection of your unique relationship with the new parents and their growing family.

Cartoon illustration of a happy family, showcasing parents holding their newborn baby with a new baby card, depicting the essential elements of a new baby card, in a warm and loving home setting.

Essential Elements of a New Baby Card

Crafting the perfect new baby card involves more than just penning down a standard congratulatory message. It’s about striking the right chord, blending simplicity with emotion, to create a memorable and meaningful message. Here are the key components to consider when writing your new baby card:

Congratulatory Note

The heart of any new baby card is the congratulatory note. This is where you express your joy and happiness for the new addition to the family. A simple “Congratulations on your new bundle of joy !” is often enough, but feel free to add a touch of creativity or personal flair. The key is to be genuine in your congratulations, showing that you share in the parents’ excitement and happiness.

Personal Touch

Adding a personal touch to your message can make your card stand out. This could be a reference to a shared experience, a personal wish, or a thoughtful remark. For instance, if you have a fond memory with the parents that relates to parenthood or family, mention it. Or, if you know the baby’s name, include it in your message. This personalization shows that you’ve put thought into your words, making the message more special and impactful.

Warm Wishes

End your card with warm wishes for the baby and the family. This could be a wish for health and happiness, a hopeful thought for the future, or a simple expression of love and support. Wishes like “Wishing you endless joy and laughter with your new little one” or “May your home be filled with love and giggles” are heartwarming and apt for the occasion.

Balancing Simplicity and Emotion

The art of writing a new baby card lies in finding the balance between simplicity and emotion. Your message doesn’t have to be long or overly elaborate to be effective. In fact, sometimes the most touching messages are those that are straightforward and sincere. The goal is to convey your feelings in a way that’s easy to understand and resonates emotionally with the new parents. Remember, it’s not about the length of the message, but the warmth and sincerity behind it.

A well-crafted new baby card is a small but significant gesture. It’s a way of sharing in the joy of a new life, of showing the parents that you care and are excited for their new journey. By incorporating these essential elements into your card, you’ll not only be congratulating the parents but also giving them a precious memory to cherish as they embark on the adventure of parenthood.

Delightful cartoon scene of parents adoring their baby girl, with heartfelt wishes expressed through colorful cards and balloons, capturing the essence of 'Wishes for a Newborn Baby Girl' in a vibrant home setting.

Wishes for a Newborn Baby Girl

From close family.

  • “Welcome to our beautiful baby girl! Your arrival has filled our hearts with immense joy and love. We can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you’ll do.”
  • “Our family has been blessed with a little angel. May your life be filled with happiness, love, and endless dreams.”
  • “To our precious little girl, you are the light of our lives and the star of our hearts. We love you more than words can express.”
  • “A new chapter begins with your arrival, dear niece. We promise to be there for every giggle, every step, and every milestone.”
  • “The newest flower in our family garden has bloomed. May your life, little one, be as unique and beautiful as you are.”
  • “To our granddaughter, your birth marks a new legacy. May your journey be as splendid and extraordinary as you.”
  • “With love and excitement, we welcome our baby girl. Here’s to a lifetime of adventures and joy with you.”
  • “A bundle of joy, a sprinkle of magic, and a whole lot of love—that’s what you are to us. Welcome to the world, sweet girl.”
  • “Every star in the sky is shining brighter with you in our lives, little one. You are our greatest gift.”
  • “Embracing you in our arms for the first time was a dream come true. May your life be as wonderful as you’ve made ours.”

From Distant Relatives

  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby girl! May her life be filled with joy, health, and happiness.”
  • “Welcoming your little girl into the world and into the family. Wishing you all the love and cuddles in the coming years!”
  • “A precious girl to love and adore—our family just got even sweeter. Best wishes to you all.”
  • “May your little one bring a lifetime of blessings, laughter, and wonderful memories. Congratulations on your new arrival!”
  • “So thrilled to hear about your bundle of joy! Here’s to the new adventures and joys she will bring into your lives.”
  • “Wishing your little girl a world filled with fairy tales, dreams, and endless love. Congratulations from afar!”
  • “A new little princess has joined the family! May her journey be as enchanting as a fairy tale.”
  • “Heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. May she grow up with grace, strength, and wisdom.”
  • “Your daughter is a beautiful addition to the family tree. Wishing her a life of happiness and success.”
  • “Celebrating the arrival of your sweet girl. May her life be as lovely and bright as she is.”

From Friends and Co-workers

  • “Here’s to sleepless nights and endless love! Congrats on your beautiful baby girl.”
  • “A baby girl is a treasure, and a cause for celebration! Your life is going to be filled with dollhouses, fairy tales, and love.”
  • “Congratulations on your little diva! We can’t wait to meet the new boss lady.”
  • “Get ready for bows, ribbons, and a world painted pink! Wishing you joy with your new girl.”
  • “Your little girl is going to be a heartbreaker! Congrats on the new addition to your family.”
  • “Here’s to laughter, fun, and a world of pink! Congratulations on your baby girl!”
  • “Welcome to the world of princesses and magical adventures. Your baby girl is going to make it even more special.”
  • “A little girl is a bundle of firsts—first steps, first words, first giggles. Enjoy the journey!”
  • “To the newest little fashionista in town, welcome! Can’t wait to meet her!”
  • “May your baby girl fill your life with sparkle and love. Congratulations from all of us!”

Each of these wishes is tailored to reflect the unique relationship and sentiment of the sender, making them perfect for including in a card to celebrate the arrival of a new baby girl.

Warm and inviting cartoon scene of parents lovingly gazing at their baby boy, enhanced by festive cards and balloons, embodying the joyous spirit of 'Wishes for a Newborn Baby Boy' in a family setting.

Wishes for a Newborn Baby Boy

  • “Welcome to the world, little champion! We can already see the amazing things you’ll do in life. Our hearts are full of love for you.”
  • “To our newest family member, a brave and beautiful boy, may your life be filled with adventure, happiness, and endless opportunities.”
  • “A little boy to hold and cherish. We are blessed to welcome you into our family and excited to watch you grow.”
  • “Our dear grandson, your arrival has brought joy and pride to our family. We can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you will accomplish.”
  • “With love and excitement, we welcome our baby boy. Here’s to a life filled with discovery, laughter, and boundless love.”
  • “To our nephew, a bundle of joy and promise. May your journey in life be as special as you are to us.”
  • “A tiny hand to hold, a little smile to cherish. Welcome to the family, precious boy. You are our little miracle.”
  • “Seeing you for the first time was a dream come true. We promise to love, guide, and support you every step of the way.”
  • “In your eyes, we see the future. Welcome to the world, our wonderful boy. You are destined for greatness.”
  • “Embracing our baby boy for the first time was a moment of pure love. We are overjoyed at your arrival and the adventures to come.”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your handsome little man! Wishing him a life of happiness, health, and success.”
  • “Welcoming your little boy into the family is a joyous occasion. We are so excited to watch him grow and thrive.”
  • “A baby boy is a delightful addition to our family tree. May his life be as strong and vibrant as his spirit.”
  • “So thrilled to hear about your bundle of joy! Here’s to the new adventures and discoveries he will bring into your lives.”
  • “Wishing your little man a world filled with adventures, dreams, and everlasting joy. Congratulations from afar!”
  • “A new little prince has joined the family! May his journey be filled with joy and wonder.”
  • “Heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your baby boy. May he grow with courage, strength, and wisdom.”
  • “Your son is a beautiful addition to our family. Wishing him a life full of happiness and achievements.”
  • “Celebrating the arrival of your wonderful boy. May his life be as joyful and bright as he is.”
  • “To the newest little hero in our family, welcome! We can’t wait to see the great things you will do.”
  • “Get ready for trucks, dirt, and lots of adventure! Congrats on your awesome baby boy.”
  • “A baby boy means action, excitement, and joy! Your life is going to be filled with wonderful chaos.”
  • “Congratulations on your little dude! We can’t wait to meet the newest member of the team.”
  • “Here’s to superheroes, sports, and fun! Welcome to the exciting world of boys. Congratulations!”
  • “Your little man is sure to be a heart-stealer! Congrats on the charming addition to your family.”
  • “Welcome to the club of parenthood! Your little boy is going to bring so much joy and excitement.”
  • “Cheers to the new little boss in your life! Can’t wait for all the fun and adventures he brings.”
  • “A little boy is a joy and a challenge all rolled into one. Enjoy every moment!”
  • “To the newest future sports star, welcome to the team! Looking forward to cheering him on in all his endeavors.”
  • “May your baby boy fill your life with excitement, happiness, and endless love. Congratulations from all of us!”

Each wish is thoughtfully crafted to celebrate the arrival of a baby boy, reflecting the warmth, joy, and excitement that this new life brings.

Cheerful cartoon depiction of joyful new parents cradling their newborn baby while holding a greeting card, encapsulating the theme of 'New Baby Wishes to the Parents' in a cozy family setting.

New Baby Wishes to Parents

Congratulatory notes.

  • “Congratulations on this new journey into parenthood! Your little one is lucky to have you.”
  • “Welcome to the world of diapers, cuddles, and immeasurable joy! Congrats on becoming parents!”
  • “Parenthood is one of the best journeys in life. Enjoy the ride and congratulations!”
  • “Your new role as parents will be the most rewarding experience. Congratulations on this beautiful new chapter!”
  • “Seeing you as new parents fills our hearts with joy. Congratulations on the birth of your little one!”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your bundle of joy. Cherish these precious moments!”
  • “Becoming parents is a unique adventure. Congratulations on starting this beautiful journey together!”
  • “The joy of parenthood is unparalleled. Congratulations on this new and exciting chapter in your lives!”
  • “Congratulations on your new role as guardians of a little angel. Wishing you all the joy in the world!”
  • “Welcome to parenthood! May your days be filled with love, laughter, and baby cuddles. Congratulations!”

Encouragement and Support

  • “Embrace the journey of parenthood with all its ups and downs. You’re going to be amazing parents!”
  • “In this new chapter as parents, know that you have all the strength and love needed to provide for your little one.”
  • “Remember, parenting is a learning curve – full of highs and lows. But you both are more than capable. Best wishes!”
  • “The journey of parenthood is challenging yet rewarding. You both are up for it! Sending you loads of support and love.”
  • “In those sleepless nights and joyful days, remember, you’re doing an incredible job. Keep going strong!”
  • “As you embark on this journey of parenthood, may you find strength in each other and joy in every little moment.”
  • “Parenthood: the hardest job you’ll ever love. You two are going to be wonderful at it. Here for you every step of the way!”
  • “To the new parents: take each day at a time, cherish each moment, and lean on each other. You’re an amazing team!”
  • “Seeing you as parents is a joy. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. You’re not alone in this beautiful journey.”
  • “You have everything it takes to be wonderful parents. May your journey be as unique and special as you both are.”

Each message is crafted to convey heartfelt congratulations, encouragement, and support to the new parents, acknowledging the profound joy and responsibility that comes with welcoming a new life into their world.

Realistic image of a loving new mother cradling her infant, with a congratulatory card in hand, embodying the heartfelt sentiment of 'New Baby Wishes to Mother' in a warm, nurturing environment.

New Baby Wishes to Mother

Acknowledging her strength.

  • “To a remarkable mother, your strength and love are inspiring. Wishing you and your little one all the happiness.”
  • “Congratulations on the new arrival! Your courage and grace through this journey are commendable.”
  • “The love and dedication you show as a mother is nothing short of amazing. Wishing you joy with your precious baby.”
  • “Your journey into motherhood is awe-inspiring. Congratulations on this beautiful new chapter.”
  • “Welcoming your little one with admiration for your strength and resilience. You’re an incredible mother!”
  • “To the new mom, your strength is the foundation of your family. May you find joy and love in every moment with your baby.”
  • “Seeing you embrace motherhood with such grace is inspiring. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy!”
  • “Your journey has been remarkable, and your strength as a mother is admirable. Wishing you all the happiness in the world.”
  • “Congratulations on your new arrival! Your unwavering strength and love are the greatest gifts to your child.”
  • “Welcoming your baby into the world with awe of your resilience and warmth. You are an amazing mother.”

Personal Connection

  • “As a close friend, seeing you become a mother is a joy. Your little one is lucky to have you.”
  • “Congratulations, dear colleague! Your balance of professionalism and motherhood is truly inspiring.”
  • “To my dear sister, watching you step into motherhood is a privilege. Your baby is blessed with the best mom.”
  • “As your friend, I’ve seen your strength and kindness. These qualities will make you an incredible mother.”
  • “To an amazing coworker, congratulations on your new role as a mom! You’re going to excel in this as you do in everything.”
  • “Seeing you, my dear friend, embrace motherhood fills me with joy. You’re going to be a fantastic mom.”
  • “To my cousin, now a beautiful mother. Your little one has the best role model in you.”
  • “As a colleague, I’ve always admired your dedication. I know you’ll bring the same commitment to motherhood.”
  • “To my cherished friend, your compassion and love are now beautifully embodied in your role as a mother.”
  • “Dear sister-in-law, stepping into motherhood suits you wonderfully. Your child is lucky to have you as a mom.”

Each of these wishes is thoughtfully crafted to celebrate the mother’s new journey, acknowledging her strength, love, and dedication, while also reflecting the personal connection shared with her.

A proud new father cradling his infant and holding a congratulatory card, capturing the heartfelt emotion of 'New Baby Wishes to Father' in a nurturing and tender moment.

New Baby Wishes to Father

Recognizing his role.

  • “Congratulations on becoming a father! Your commitment and love will shape a beautiful future for your little one.”
  • “To the new dad: Your role in your child’s life is priceless. Wishing you a journey filled with joy and bonding.”
  • “Embracing fatherhood is a noble journey. Congratulations on stepping into this new role with such enthusiasm and love.”
  • “Your new title as ‘Dad’ suits you perfectly. May you find strength and joy in every moment with your baby.”
  • “Cheers to the man who’s now a father! Your child is lucky to have such a dedicated and loving dad.”
  • “Becoming a father is a profound responsibility, and you’re going to be amazing. Congratulations on this new adventure!”
  • “To the newest dad on the block: Your journey into fatherhood will be one of the most rewarding. Enjoy every moment!”
  • “Seeing you with your child is a reminder of the strength and love a father holds. Congratulations on this beautiful new chapter.”
  • “Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! Your role as a father is just beginning, and it’s going to be incredible.”
  • “Welcome to the world of fatherhood! Your child will look up to you, learn from you, and love you unconditionally.”

Personalized Messages

  • “As a close friend, I’ve seen the qualities that will make you an incredible dad. Congratulations!”
  • “To my brother, now a loving father. Your child is going to have the best life with you guiding them.”
  • “Watching you become a father fills me with pride. Your little one is in the best hands.”
  • “To my dear coworker, balancing work and fatherhood is no small feat, but you’re up for the challenge. Congratulations!”
  • “Seeing you step into the role of a father is inspiring. Your child is going to cherish your guidance and love.”
  • “To my lifelong friend, now a dad. I can’t wait to see the adventures you and your little one will share.”
  • “Your sense of humor, kindness, and strength are gifts to your child. Congratulations on becoming a father!”
  • “To my cousin, now a dedicated dad. Your journey into fatherhood will be as special as you are.”
  • “As a colleague, I’ve always respected you. As a father, I admire you even more. Congratulations on your new arrival!”
  • “Dear brother-in-law, watching you embrace fatherhood is a joy. Your child is blessed to have you as their dad.”

Each of these wishes is thoughtfully designed to honor the father ‘s new role and the profound impact he will have on his child’s life, while also reflecting the personal relationship and bond shared with him.

Cheerful cartoon illustration of friends presenting a card to new parents holding their baby, epitomizing 'New Baby Wishes to Friends' in a vibrant, joyous setting.

New Baby Wishes to Friends

Close friends.

  • “To my dear friends, witnessing you become parents is a joy beyond words. Your little one is lucky to have you.”
  • “Congratulations, my dear friends! I can’t wait to share in the laughter, love, and sleepless nights with you and your new bundle of joy.”
  • “Seeing two of my closest friends embark on the journey of parenthood fills me with so much happiness. Cheers to this new adventure!”
  • “To my besties, now amazing parents: Your baby has entered a world filled with love, laughter, and the best friends as parents.”
  • “Remember all those times we talked about the future? It’s here, and it’s better than we ever imagined. Congrats on your new baby!”
  • “Your journey into parenthood is going to be as wonderful as our friendship. Congratulations, I’m so excited for you both!”
  • “From our wild adventures to now diaper-changing escapades, we’ve come a long way. Congratulations on your new baby!”
  • “Seeing my closest friends become parents is a dream come true. I’m here for you, just like I’ve always been, in this new chapter of life.”
  • “Your new little one is entering a world filled with love and incredible friends. Congratulations, and I can’t wait to meet the baby!”
  • “Cheers to new beginnings and tiny giggles. Your baby is going to have the best time growing up with you. Congrats, my dear friends!”


  • “Congratulations on your new arrival! Wishing your family all the best in this exciting new chapter.”
  • “Welcoming your little one to the world with joy and excitement. Best wishes to your growing family!”
  • “A new baby is a wonderful addition to any family. Congrats and all the best as you adjust to life as new parents.”
  • “Wishing you and your new little one all the happiness in the world. Congratulations from an excited acquaintance!”
  • “It’s always wonderful to hear such happy news. Congratulations on your bundle of joy!”
  • “May your new baby bring even more joy and blessings to your family. Congrats from a friendly well-wisher!”
  • “A heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your baby. Wishing your family all the best during this joyful time.”
  • “Your new little one is lucky to be welcomed into such a wonderful family. Best wishes from an admirer of your beautiful journey.”
  • “Congratulations on this new and exciting journey into parenthood. Wishing you all the love and joy that comes with it.”
  • “From one parent to another, welcome to the most rewarding journey of your life. Congrats on your new baby!”

These wishes are designed to reflect the depth and nature of your relationship, whether as a close friend sharing in their personal joy or as an acquaintance offering polite and warm congratulations on their new phase of life.

Charming Instagram post in cartoon style showcasing a delightful newborn baby, with a loving message and emojis, perfectly suited for 'Short and Sweet Baby Wishes for Instagram.

Short and Sweet Baby Wishes for Instagram

Concise and heartfelt.

  • “Welcome to the world, little one! 🌟”
  • “Baby cuddles and sweet smiles ahead! Congratulations! 👶💕”
  • “A tiny bundle of joy, a big bundle of love! 💖”
  • “New baby, new adventures! Congrats! 🍼🎉”
  • “Hello, little one! You’re so loved already. 💗”
  • “A new star is born! Shine bright, baby! ⭐”
  • “Welcoming your precious one with open hearts! 💞”
  • “Love just got real. Congratulations! ❤️”
  • “So tiny, so perfect! Congrats on your bundle of joy! 🌷”
  • “Dream big, little one. Welcome to the family! 🌈”

Universal Appeal

  • “A new baby, a new journey. Congrats! 🚼🛤️”
  • “Love has arrived in the cutest package! 💌💓”
  • “Cherish these moments. They grow up so fast! 👣”
  • “The sweetest addition to your family! Congratulations! 🎊”
  • “Here’s to sleepless nights and endless love. 💤❤️”
  • “A new adventure begins. Congrats on your little one! 🐣🗺️”
  • “Welcome to parenthood! The best ride of your life. 🎢💙”
  • “Tiny hands, big impact. Congratulations! 👐💖”
  • “Celebrating the arrival of your little miracle! 🌟👶”
  • “Joy comes in small packages – like your new baby! 🎁😊”

These short and sweet wishes are perfect for Instagram captions, offering a quick but heartfelt way to share joy and congratulations on the arrival of a new baby. They are universally appealing, making them suitable for friends , family, and acquaintances alike.

HubSpot also has a great guide to creating quote posts for Instagram here.

Charming cartoon depiction of a couple holding their twin babies with tenderness and love, perfectly embodying the theme of 'New Baby Wishes for Twins and Triplets' in a delightful family scene.

Wishes for Twins or Multiples

Celebrating multiplicity.

  • “Double the giggles, double the grins, double the trouble, you’re blessed with twins! Congratulations!”
  • “Twice the joy, twice the love, twice the blessings from above. Congrats on your adorable twins!”
  • “One miracle is amazing, but two (or more) are astonishingly wonderful. Congratulations on your multiples!”
  • “Looks like you hit the jackpot! Congratulations on your delightful set of twins/multiples.”
  • “Two peas in a pod, and twice the love to go around. Congratulations on your twins!”
  • “Your family has grown by four little feet! Congratulations on the arrival of your twins/multiples.”
  • “A double dose of love! Wishing you endless joy with your new twins.”
  • “Life with twins/multiples: twice the adventure, twice the fun! Congratulations!”
  • “Some things are just better in pairs. Congratulations on your new twins!”
  • “Welcome to the world, little ones. Your journey with twins/multiples will be twice as amazing!”

Wishes for Triplets

  • “Three times the giggles, three times the grins, three times the love! Congratulations on your adorable triplets!”
  • “Triple the joy, triple the laughter, and triple the love. Wishing you all the best with your beautiful trio.”
  • “A trio of blessings, a bundle of joy times three. Congratulations on the arrival of your precious triplets!”
  • “Three little miracles, each unique and special. May your journey with your triplets be filled with endless joy.”
  • “Your family has grown by six little feet! Congratulations on the birth of your wonderful triplets.”
  • “Life with triplets: thrice the love, laughter, and happiness. Wishing you all the best on this amazing journey.”
  • “Three new additions to love and cherish. Congratulations on your beautiful triplets!”
  • “A house full of laughter, love, and little feet. Congrats on your perfect set of triplets!”
  • “Triple the fun, triple the mess, and triple the happiness. Enjoy every moment with your adorable triplets!”
  • “To the proud parents of triplets: may your lives be filled with triple the blessings and love. Congratulations!”

Cartoon illustration of loving parents embracing their adopted baby, filled with warmth and joy, symbolizing 'Adoption Baby Wishes' in a heartwarming family setting.

Adoption Congratulatory Messages

Heartfelt welcome.

  • “Born not from our flesh, but born in our hearts, you were longed for and wanted and loved from the start. Congrats on your adoption!”
  • “Family isn’t made from blood, it’s made from love. Congratulations on your beautiful choice to adopt.”
  • “Your journey to each other was worth every step. Congratulations on your adoption!”
  • “Love brought you together as a family. Congratulations on your adoption!”
  • “In adopting, you’ve given a gift of love and received a miracle in return. Congratulations!”
  • “Adoption is when a child grew in its mommy’s heart instead of her tummy. Congrats on this special moment.”
  • “A family is not defined by genes, but by love. Congratulations on your beautiful new addition!”
  • “The love that made you a family will grow forever. Congratulations on your adoption!”
  • “Every child deserves a loving home and every parent deserves a loving child. Congratulations on finding each other.”
  • “Your story of adoption is a beautiful tale of love and family. Congratulations on this new chapter.”

Wishes for Adoption

  • “Family is not defined by genes but by love. Congratulations on your beautiful journey of adoption!”
  • “Adopting a child is a profound act of love and bravery. Congratulations on welcoming your new child into your heart and home.”
  • “Your choice to adopt is a testament to your love and strength. Wishing your family every happiness on this special journey.”
  • “In adopting, you’ve turned a dream into reality. Congratulations on your new family member!”
  • “Your journey to find each other was worth every step. Congratulations on creating a family through adoption.”
  • “Love makes a family, and your adoption is a beautiful expression of that love. Congratulations!”
  • “Welcoming a child into your home through adoption is a blessed event. Congratulations on this heartwarming decision.”
  • “Your decision to adopt has given a child the gift of a forever family. Wishing you all the joy in the world.”
  • “Adoption is a journey of faith and love. Congratulations on finding your way to each other.”
  • “A family is built from the heart, and your adoption is a beautiful testament to that. Congratulations on your new addition!”

These messages for twins or multiples, and adoption, are designed to celebrate the unique joy and love that come with these special family additions. They acknowledge the wonderful experiences and heartfelt connections that make these moments truly special.

Do’s and Don’ts in New Baby Wishes

Crafting a new baby wish requires a blend of warmth, respect, and sincerity. Here are some key do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when writing your message.

  • Be Positive: Always focus on the joy and positivity that the arrival of a new baby brings.
  • Keep It Personal: Tailor your message to reflect your relationship with the parents or the baby.
  • Express Genuine Emotions: Let your true feelings show in your words. Authenticity makes your message more heartfelt.
  • Use Inclusive Language: Be mindful of diverse family structures and backgrounds.
  • Congratulate the Parents: Acknowledge the parents’ happiness and the new journey they have embarked on.
  • Offer Support and Encouragement: Show your willingness to be there for the parents and the new baby.
  • Be Mindful of Cultural Sensitivities: Respect different cultural or religious practices related to childbirth and parenting.
  • Keep It Brief and Sweet: Long messages aren’t necessary; sometimes, a few well-chosen words can say a lot.
  • Wish for the Future: Include a positive wish or hope for the baby’s future.
  • Celebrate the Addition to the Family: Acknowledge the joy of the growing family.


  • Avoid Negative or Insensitive Comments: Steer clear of remarks that could be seen as negative or insensitive about the baby or parenting.
  • Don’t Make It About Yourself: Keep the focus on the baby and the parents, not your own experiences or stories.
  • Refrain from Overly Personal or Intimate Topics: Avoid bringing up personal struggles or challenges unless you are very close to the family.
  • Don’t Assume Family Dynamics: Be cautious not to make assumptions about the family’s structure or parenting roles.
  • Avoid Clichés: Try to be original in your message instead of relying on overused phrases.
  • Don’t Forget About Privacy: Remember that this is a personal and intimate time for the family.
  • Avoid Controversial Topics: Stay away from topics that could be controversial or sensitive.
  • Don’t Pressure for Responses: Understand that new parents are busy and may not respond immediately.
  • Don’t Use Humor Inappropriately: Be cautious with humor; what’s funny to you might not be to someone else, especially in a sensitive time like this.
  • Avoid Overly Religious References: Unless you are certain of the parents’ beliefs, it’s safer to keep the message secular.

Remember, the goal of a new baby wish is to add to the joy and celebration of this special occasion. Keeping these do’s and don’ts in mind will help you craft a message that is respectful, thoughtful, and warmly received.

Personalization Tips for New Baby Wishes

Creating a personalized new baby wish can significantly enhance its impact and meaning. Here are some tips on how to tailor your messages to fit the family’s unique situation, whether they’re welcoming their first child, twins, multiples, or embracing a child through adoption.

Personalizing for the First Child

  • Acknowledge the Major Milestone: Recognize the significance of their first journey into parenthood, mentioning the joy and transformation it brings.
  • Offer Support and Encouragement: First-time parents might appreciate messages that offer reassurance and support.
  • Celebrate the New Family Dynamic: Highlight the creation of a new family unit and the deepening bond between the parents.

Personalizing for Twins or Multiples

  • Celebrate the Double (or More) Joy: Acknowledge the unique joy and excitement of welcoming twins or multiples.
  • Mention Individuality: If the names are known, refer to each baby individually to celebrate their unique presence.
  • Offer Humor and Encouragement: Light-hearted humor about the busyness and fun of raising multiples can be appreciated, along with messages of strength and support.

Personalizing for Adoption

  • Honour the Journey: Recognize the special journey the parents have taken to adopt, celebrating their love and commitment.
  • Focus on Love and Family: Highlight that family is built on love, not just biology.
  • Respect the Child’s Background: Be sensitive to the fact that the child may have a complex history, and focus on the positive aspect of finding a loving home.

Including References to the Baby’s Name

  • Use the Name if Known: If you know the baby’s name, include it in your message to add a personal touch.
  • Celebrate the Meaning: If the name has a special meaning or significance to the family, mention this in your message.
  • Avoid Nicknames: Unless you’re very close to the family and sure it’s appropriate, stick to the baby’s full name rather than a nickname.

General Personalization Tips

  • Reflect on Your Relationship: Your relationship with the family should guide the tone and content of your message.
  • Be Mindful of Cultural and Religious Contexts: Tailor your message to be respectful of the family’s cultural and religious beliefs.
  • Include Personal Experiences or Shared Memories: If appropriate, mention shared experiences or memories that connect you with the family.
  • Keep It Positive and Hopeful: Above all, your message should convey positivity, hope, and joy.

Personalizing your new baby wishes makes them more meaningful and special to the family. It shows that you have put thought and care into your message, making it a cherished part of their celebration.

Closing Thoughts On New Baby Wishes

As we wrap up our guide on crafting the perfect new baby wishes, the most important takeaway is to speak from the heart. Authenticity and sincerity are the core elements of a message that truly resonates. Remember, your words have the power to touch hearts and leave a lasting impression on the family.

Speak From the Heart

  • Be Genuine: Let your true feelings and affection for the family and the new baby shine through in your message.
  • Personal Touch: Your unique connection to the family should guide your words, making your message one-of-a-kind.

The Lasting Impact of Your Words

  • More Than Just Words: A well-crafted new baby wish can become a treasured keepsake for the family, something they look back on fondly as the child grows.
  • Support and Joy: In the whirlwind of new parenthood, your message can be a source of comfort, encouragement, and joy. It’s a reminder that they’re supported and loved by those around them.

A Part of Their Journey

  • Shared Celebrations: Your message is a part of the family’s celebration and journey into parenthood. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your bond with them during this significant life event.
  • Meaningful Connection: By taking the time to personalize your wishes, you’re showing the family how much you care and value your relationship with them.

In conclusion, whether you are a close relative, a friend, or an acquaintance, your new baby wishes hold the potential to add a special touch to this joyous occasion. Let your message be a reflection of your warmth and genuine happiness for the family’s newest addition. Remember, it’s not just about congratulating them on the arrival of their baby; it’s about being a part of their happiness and creating a memory that will be cherished for years to come.

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  • Relationships

Thoughtful Ways to Say ‘Congrats on the New Baby’: 70+ Examples

Updated 12/26/2023

Published 03/18/2020

Amy Wolkenhauer, BA in English/Creative Writing

Amy Wolkenhauer, BA in English/Creative Writing

Contributing writer

Sherrie Johnson, BA in Liberal Studies

Sherrie Johnson, BA in Liberal Studies

Discover how to wish new parents luck with these new baby wish messages or cards, texts, DMs, and more.

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Every time a new baby enters the world, parents, grandparents, friends, and family all celebrate the new bundle of joy. Express your excitement and cheer for the new parents and grandparents by sending a card filled with new baby wishes.

Jump ahead to these sections:

Why should you send new baby wishes, how to address new baby wishes, new baby wishes for a baby boy, new baby wishes for a baby girl, new baby wishes for a family member, new baby wishes for a friend, new baby wishes for a coworker, new baby wishes for the grandparents, new baby wishes for a baby shower, new baby wishes for a first baby, new baby wishes for a second baby, new baby wishes for twins, new baby wishes for adoption, new baby wishes quotes.

The excitement is already there, but support and hope offer encouragement and inspiration for their future. Here are a few ideas for what you might say to some lucky new parents or parents-to-be.

Welcoming a new baby is an event that is celebrated by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and extended family members in cultures all around the world . Sending a note, email, or text with new baby wishes is the perfect way to celebrate their joy.

For new parents, bringing a baby home can be a daunting task! Send a card or message to let them know that you're cheering them on. It can help to know that they're not alone in the coming days and months of learning how to care for their newborn while they juggle life.

Parents who are bringing home a second or third child need just as much encouragement as new parents. They might have just gotten past their first child's baby-to-toddler stage of broken sleep, and now they're going to do it all over again. Let them know that you're part of their support system.

You can address new baby wishes to the parents or to the baby. Both are fun ways to share a message of excitement and congratulations. Here are a few examples to get you started.

Addressed to the Parents

Address a card to the new parents with headings like these.

Congrats, Mom and Dad!

Place this at the top of your message for a fun way to address a card to the new parents.

You're parents!

This is a perfect way to address new parents in a card or message celebrating their new baby.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Put this at the top of a card along with a message telling them what great parents they'll be.

Addressed to the Baby

Your message to the baby might be one of the first things a new mom or dad will read to their child.

Welcome, little one!

This sweet message will put a smile on the face of every new parent when they read a card addressed to their new baby.

Hello, Baby!

Put this at the top of a card, along with a message telling the newborn how excited you are that they've arrived.

Well, hello there!

Share some happy wishes from you to the baby and start your message with this greeting.

"It's a boy! What a bundle of joy!" new baby wish for a baby boy with blue baby clothes

Ready to send new baby wishes to a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbor and celebrate their baby boy? Use these messages to bring a smile to their face and say "Congrats on the new baby!"

1. Oh, boy!

2. we're so happy to hear the news of your newest baby boy [name] will make such a wonderful big brother/sister., 3. it's a boy what a bundle of joy, 4. you're officially a boy mom welcome to the club., 5. get ready for grubby hands, messy bedrooms, and endless bear hugs.

"Get ready! She's going to take you on the journey of a lifetime" message with pink baby clothes

Send one of these new messages to the parent of a new baby girl and let them know you're thinking of them.

6. Get ready! She is going to take you on the journey of a lifetime, and it’s all going to be absolutely amazing. Happiest of congratulations to you all.

7. we're so happy to hear the news of your newest baby girl [name] will make such a wonderful big brother/sister., 8. she’s finally here such happy congratulations to you and your growing family., 9. bring on the sparkles and tiaras, tea parties and dresses, and so many wonderful experiences, 10. it's a girl congratulations on the sweet new addition to your family..

"Congratulations on the new little addition to your family!" message with a rainbow and clouds

Send congratulations to an aunt, uncle, cousin, or extended family member with heartfelt messages like these.

11. Congratulations on the new little addition to your family!

12.  best wishes on the new addition to your family. we know this new baby will bring nothing but happiness to us all, 13.  we’re all so excited for you our family sends yours all the love and congratulations in the world, 14. congratulations on the new little [last name] way to expand our family, 15. i'm so happy for you and cannot wait to say hello to my new little niece/nephew.

"You're already an incredible person and you'll make an amazing mom" message with colorful baby toys

Give your friend some love with a message congratulating them on their new little one.

16. We can’t wait to meet your new little one!

17. we are so happy for you, 18. sending wishes for health and happiness. congratulations on your new little one., 19. wishing you a healthy baby and a quick delivery, 20.  you’re already an incredible person, and you'll make an amazing mom. congratulations i’m so happy for you both..

"Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! You and your parnter will make wonderful parents" with plush toy

Take part in congratulating your coworker on their new bundle of joy with messages like these. 

21. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! You and your partner will make wonderful parents!

22. i just heard the news wishing you and your little one nothing but health and happiness. congratulations, 23. a heartfelt congratulations to your growing family. we wish you all the very best during this special time., 24. congratulations i can’t wait to see pictures of the newest member of your family, 25. sending your whole family lots of love. i hope you get at least some rest on maternity leave.

"You're going to be such wonderful grandparents! Sending heartfelt congratulations to you both" with colorful baby toys

For many grandparents, a new baby is the greatest joy of their lives. Instead of focusing their attention on the raising of children, they can spend all of their time loving them. Here are a couple of ways to send the m your best wishes .

26. Congratulations on the newest member of the family!

27. we wish you heartfelt congratulations on the wonderful new addition to your family., 28. little feet make the biggest imprints on our hearts, 29. i bet you can’t wait to spoil them, 30. we can only imagine the new a dventures that lay ahead congratulations to you both, 31. grandchildren are a blessing. congratulations, 32. you’re going to be such wonderful grandparents sending heartfelt congratulations to you both .

"May you experience a lifetime of happiness with your new bundle of joy!" message with blue baby sneakers

The baby may not be here yet, but the planning is well underway. Whether the gender has been revealed or not, you can use these fun messages to say "Congrats on the new baby!"

33. Congratulations on your buns in the oven!

34. may you experience a lifetime of happiness with your new bundle of joy, 35. we couldn’t be happier for you, 36. if our kids are anything like we were, then we’re in trouble, 37. may your new baby bring you blessings and happiness. god bless and congratulations.

"The adventure has begun! Congrats on your new little adventurer" with baby toys and supplies

When it comes to first babies—it’s a huge deal, so don’t forget to wish both parents and the baby well.

38. The adventure has begun! Congratulations on your new little adventurer.

39. congratulations to the two most deserving parents on the planet. we hope you are all doing well, and we can’t wait to meet your little one soon, 40. wishing you both so much happiness with your little bundle of joy congratulations and give them a kiss from me., 41. congratulations to you both on your firstborn may his/her life be blessed with health, happiness, and prosperity., 42. to the brand new mom and dad, may the little bundle of joy bring you endless happiness, lots of laughter, and abundant joy., 43. you’re going to be a great mom congratulations., 44. we wish your little one a lifetime of health and happiness , 45. congratulations to the new parents                                                                                       .

"Congratulations on the birth of your second baby! We're sending many happy wishes your way" message with baby clothes and supplies

Looking for great ways to support friends and families having their second child? Take a few ideas from below to write on a card or post online.

46. Another beautiful addition to a lovely family—you all must be so happy and proud.

47. more babies equals more love, joy, sunshine, and laughter. (just not more sleep) our most heartfelt congratulations to you all., 48. congratulations on the birth of your second baby we’re sending many happy wishes your way., 49. your family is growing, and so are your hearts happy new baby wishes to you both., 50. yet another beautiful addition to your family such excellent news - congratulations from our family to yours., 51. another baby to love happy wishes to your growing family for your newest bundle of joy.

"Why have one when you can have two! Congratulations on your precious bundles of joy" message with baby supplies

Whether they're expected or a complete surprise, twins are double the fun and are cause for extra celebration.

52 Why have one when you can have two! Congratulations on your bundles of love and joy.

53. oh, boy oh, girl there are going to be some extra kisses and snuggles in your home now sending love from our family to yours., 54. how lovely that your family has grown by two congratulations to you both on such excellent news., 55. we heard the news that you have not one but two congratulations on your twin girls/boys, 56. happiness and blessings have been delivered twice, so twice the congratulations on your two tiny bundles, 57. we're sending double the happy wishes to you and your family as you welcome two beautiful babies into your lives., 58. not one, but two double congratulations on your twins, 59. god sent two blessings in one congratulations on your twin boys/twin girls/twin babies..

"May God bless your beautiful new baby and sweet, growing family" message with baby toys

The journey to adoption can be a long and difficult one, filled with waiting, disappointments, and discouragement. When new adoptive parents finally hold their new baby, it's a cause for celebration and excitement.

60. You’re going to be the best mom/dad/parents. Congratulations!

61. may god bless your beautiful new baby and sweet, growing family. we hope you are all happy and healthy., 62. your family is growing with another blessing from above congratulations to you both, 63. what darling little angels congratulations on the newest members of your growing family, 64. good things come in twos congratulations on your two little angels.

"A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it" message with baby clothes and toys

Still looking for something to say? Use one of these quotes to inspire or bring a smile to a new parent's face.

65. “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” by Carl Sandburg

66. “a new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” by eda j. le shan, 67. “before i got married i had six theories about raising children. now, i have six children and no theories.” by john wilmot, 68. “you can learn many things from children. how much patience you have, for instance.” by franklin p. jones, 69. “make no mistake about why these babies are here—they are here to replace us.” by jerry seinfeld, 70. “there are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” by jared padalecki, 71. “if i have a monument in this world, it is my son.” by maya angelou, 72. “a daughter is one of the best gifts this world has to give.” by laurel atherton, 73. “a baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.” by frank a. clark, it’s a baby.

A new baby is an exciting time for the whole community. But knowing what to say or write in a card or text doesn’t come easily for everyone. Hopefully one or two of the suggestions from above have offered some positive guidance.  

If you're looking for more ideas, read our guide on baby quotes to share .

Post-planning tip: Not every big event in life is pleasant. If you are the executor for a deceased loved one, handling their unfinished business can be overwhelming without a way to organize your process. We have a post-loss checklist  that will help you ensure that your loved one's family, estate, and other affairs are taken care of.

  • Hanson, Lisa. “Birth Traditions Around the World.” AWHONN Connections. September 16, 2015. https://awhonnconnections.org/2015/09/16/birth-traditions-around-the-world/ .


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New Baby Wishes, Messages & Quotes to Write in a Card

Last updated: February 19, 2024

When friends and family send their thoughtful new baby wishes, it can mean the world to new parents. Bringing home a newborn is one of life's most beautiful milestones, and it deserves the warmest and brightest celebrations.

A congratulations card for a new baby lets parents know they are loved and supported, as they bring this new life into the world. Furthermore, it reminds them of the community that's there for their family, during those uncertain times when having a newborn isn't all tiny shoes and stuffed animals.

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Unsure what to write in a new baby card for friends, colleagues, new grandparents, or even adoptive parents? On this page, you'll find a sweet or funny baby message to suit every relationship and situation, including baby congratulations messages to welcome a baby boy or girl.

Scroll down the page to see all our new baby wishes, or use these links below to jump to a particular category: Short Baby Congratulations | Funny | Baby Girl | Baby Boy | Twins, Triplets & More | For Grandparents | For Coworker | Difficult Circumstances | Adoption | New Baby Quotes | Baby Shower Wishes | Printable Cards

new baby wishes one tiny baby surrounded by happy hearts

Short New Baby Wishes to Write in a Card

Even experienced parents could use the reminder that life's adventures don't suddenly end when a new baby arrives; they're only the beginning! These short new baby wishes offer a starting point for a baby congratulations SMS or card message.

Congratulations on the safe arrival of your precious baby!

Welcome, little one!

So happy for your little family!

Sending love and blessings to the new baby!

Congratulations! Can't wait to meet the newest member of the family!

One tiny baby surrounded by so many happy hearts. Congratulations and much love to you all.

Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby. Let us know if you need anything - we're here to help!

Welcome to the World of Wonder and Onesies! All the best to your growing family. We're so happy for you!

Welcome cutie pie! We've been so looking forward to meeting you!

There'll be lots of worries and much to do, but just remember, we're so proud of you! Congratulations on your new baby!

You've been truly blessed. Here's to the beautiful memories that brought [him/her] here, and the many more to come.

Welcome to the world, little baby! And many congratulations to the proud parents!

We want to say 'Welcome' to your new baby! May these early days be as loving as they are sleepless.

What a cute little miracle you've brought about. Congratulations on your new baby!

Congratulations to the proud parents of such a sweet baby!

We heard that you've just had the cutest kid in the whole hospital! A real charmer, just like [his/her] parents. Congrats!

Congratulations on your new addition to the family. We can't wait to spoil [him/her] and give [him/her] all our love!

Sometimes 1 + 1 = 3. Congratulations on your new baby!

Many congratulations to you both! Enjoy getting to know your sweet baby.

Congratulations on [name of baby]'s arrival! We are so very happy for you both, and we just can't wait to meet your gorgeous little one!

Wishing you both our heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of your new baby! Well done, everyone! We cannot wait to meet [him/her] soon!

new baby wishes congrats on your new alarm

Funny New Baby Wishes

Every newborn has its funny and embarrassing moments. (These are best remembered so that you can unleash them on their 18th birthday!) Of course, life with a newborn is stressful, so these humorous and funny baby wishes keep the occasion light and cheery.

Congrats on your new alarm clock... let the noise begin! Sleep is overrated. Babies are not.

Welcome to the world of parenthood. Eat, sleep, poo, repeat.

Heard you had a new roomie! We'll celebrate when you have free time again… in 18 years or so? Enjoy every second!

Congrats on the arrival of your beautiful baby, and sympathies for your lady bits right now.

Babies are magic. They make love stronger, homes happier, the days shorter, the nights longer, and bank accounts emptier. Congrats and have fun!

Congrats to the new parents of a true spitbubble champion. Even [his/her] drool is cute!

Who knew the two of you could make a kid so cute and sweet? I guess there really are miracles.

new baby wishes you've brought a precious life into the world

New Baby Girl Wishes and Messages

When you know that it's a baby girl, there are so many warm ways to express your love for this sweet new family member. Here are some precious new baby wishes for girls to get you started.

I'm so glad to hear that your new baby girl has made it home safe and sound.

May your new baby girl bring you many cuddles, fun adventures, and a lifetime of sweet memories.

Your new daughter makes an adorable addition to an already wonderful family. May her beautiful smile brighten your world each day.

She has ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, with rosy pink cheeks and a cute button nose. Congratulations on the new beautiful love of your life!

As you look into her eyes, you see the sparkle of promise. As you listen to the tiny whisper of her breathing and feel the rhythm of her heart, know that you are holding, in your arms, a precious miracle.

Congratulations! You've brought a precious life into the world. I wish you joy, smiles, and love. You and your sweet daughter deserve them all.

After nine whole months of preparing, I know you're ready for a whole lifetime of love with your sweet baby girl.

new baby wishes I can't wait to spoil your baby boy

New Baby Boy Wishes and Messages

They've had a baby boy? How exciting! These thoughtful newborn messages for baby boys are a wonderful start for crafting a congratulatory message to the new parents on the arrival of their little guy.

Congratulations on the safe arrival of your gorgeous baby boy!

Welcome, little dude! You don't know this yet, but you have some of the coolest parents I've ever met, and I couldn't be prouder of them for bringing you into the world.

And so the adventure begins... I can't think of two people better suited to bring up this amazing baby boy. Congratulations and warmest wishes for the future!

Months ago, you just couldn't wait to meet your baby boy. At last, he has arrived! Congratulations on becoming a mom and dad to such a cute little boy!

What? He's here? This is the best news! I can't wait to spoil your baby boy and treat him like a prince!

First, he was a dream in your hearts. Now he's a miracle that you hold in your arms. Many congratulations on your sweet baby boy. May he forever be the love of your lives.

To the new parents: Welcome to sleepless nights and restless days as you care for your new baby boy. Just remember, it's all worth it, every last moment.

new baby wishes may your children bring curiosity, learning, adventure, and wonder

Baby Congratulations for Twins, Triplets, and More!

Having twins brings chaos and adventure for parents and loved ones alike. Not only is the family getting bigger, but it's gaining by two, three, or more new members. An optimistic baby congratulations message will let the couple know you're happy for them and that they're not alone.

Two times the babies means two times the love and joy. Congratulations on your miraculous twins!

Sometimes 1 + 1 = 4! Beyond glad for you both that your sweet babies have arrived safely!

May the birth of your children bring a whole new world of curiosity, learning, adventure and wonder. Many congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful babies.

Congratulations on your [triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets]! Wishing you all the love and joy in this new stage of your life. The more the merrier!

Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful twins! Sending all our love and joy!

new baby wishes congrats on the arrival of your first grandchild

New Baby Wishes for Grandparents

If there's someone looking forward to a new baby more than the parents, it's the grandparents. Many grandparents have been looking forward to this milestone for a long time. Here are a few grandpa and grandma quotes to congratulate them on this exciting addition to their family.

Congratulations on the arrival of your first grandchild! You have been truly blessed. Sending you our best wishes and many congratulations on this happy occasion.

Your family keeps growing bigger! Congrats on your new baby [Grandson / Granddaughter]! May they bring you and your children much joy.

You two will make amazing grandparents. I have zero doubt in your ability to spoil this new family member rotten. Enjoy it!

Grandchildren are the reward you get for keeping their parent alive. ~ Unknown Congratulations! A new Grandma is born. Warm welcomes for your new grandbaby.

Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation. ~ Lois Wyse A child's birth renews hope in the future. May you and your family enjoy this new life and the brightness it shines!

I heard you have a new bundle of joy in your life! I hope you get to overwhelm [him/her] with all the love in the world, spoil [him/her] with gifts, and cherish every moment.

We're thrilled to hear that your new grandchild has arrived safely! Many blessings to you and the family.

new baby wishes congratulations to you and your family

New Baby Messages for Coworkers

Congratulating a coworker or colleague on a new baby can be a different story. Even though you're excited for the couple, you may not be close enough to know all the details. Nonetheless, they'll be touched that you reached out, and these simple sentiments can let them know that you're thinking of them.

I'm so happy to hear about your new baby! Enjoy these precious early days, and don't worry about work - everything is under control!

Sending our best wishes to you and your family on the arrival of your little bundle of joy!

Best wishes and congratulations to you and your family on this happy occasion.

Congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of your gorgeous baby!

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby. We're sending you our warmest and best wishes for the future!

I just know you're going to be a great parent! Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby.

new baby wishes all of our love and healing thoughts for mom

New Baby Wishes for Difficult Circumstances

Sometimes we need to express the joy of welcoming a newborn baby while acknowledging a health issue or other difficult circumstance. Even as congratulations are in order, it can also be appropriate to address the difficulty that the parents face with warmth, compassion, and optimism. Here are some thoughtful new baby wishes for challenging circumstances.

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby. We're sorry that these early days have been so challenging, and we're keeping your family in our prayers. We're always here for you with love and support.

It's been tough, but you've made a beautiful baby. Your little family has been through a lot, and we're all hoping for easier days ahead. Wishing you all the love in the world!

We're sending a warm welcome to your new baby, along with all of our love and healing thoughts for mom.

As you take each day at a time, we're keeping the whole family in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help as you rest and recover.

Congratulations on the arrival of a sweet little one. We're very sorry to hear [he/she] is unwell, and we are keeping you all in our thoughts.

new baby wishes it's all worth it as your home grows happier

Adoption Congratulations Wishes

Congratulations to you and your family on this happy occasion. Sending all our love and best wishes.

When can we meet the new addition to your family? We're so happy that you have been blessed with a [boy/girl] who you will always cherish. May you remember this day with fond memories!

Your new child is here to make your love feel stronger, your days feel shorter, the nights seem longer, your savings a little smaller. But each day, you'll find that it's all worth it, as your home grows happier.

Congratulations on your new arrival! I know you'll give them the brightest and warmest household. May they bring you many cuddles, joyful adventures, and a lifetime of beautiful memories.

Welcome to the family! We may not have always known you, but you're one of ours now. Looking forward to sharing the journey and happy memories.

new baby wishes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart

New Baby Quotes

Everyone who has experienced the glorious love of a new baby has something to say about it, from the insightful to the humorous. We've collected a variety of quotations that make perfect messages along with your personalized new baby wishes.

'If I am thinking correctly,' said Pooh, 'a new baby is probably undoubtedly the grandest gift that could ever be.' ~ A.A. Milne

Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be. ~ Carrie Fisher

Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart. - Winnie the Pooh ~ A.A. Milne

Just like a plant needs light and space to grow, a child needs love and freedom to unfold. ~ Sigrid Leo

When your first baby drops her pacifier, you sterilize it. When your second baby drops her pacifier, you tell the dog: 'Fetch!'. ~ Bruce Lansky

You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket. ~ Lish McBride

A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather. ~ Tanya Masse

When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. And now when every new baby is born it's first laugh becomes a fairy. ~ J.M. Barrie, from Peter Pan

A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. ~ Edna J. Le Shan

Life doesn't get more real than having a newborn at home. ~ Eric Church

Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop. The more you give the more you get and the more you get the more you feel like giving. ~ Penelope Leach

I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day. ~ Taylor Hanson

Children see magic because they look for it. ~ Christopher Moore

There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles. ~ Jared Padalecki

A baby makes love stronger, the days shorter, the nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier. ~ Unknown

There is nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place. ~ Virginia Kelley

Children have neither past nor future. They enjoy the present, which very few of us do. ~ Jean de la Bruyere

Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone

Join them in their world when they're little so you'll be welcome in their world when they get big. ~ L.R. Knost

The most precious jewels, you'll ever have around your neck, are the arms of your children. ~ Unknown

new baby wishes new tiny laundry to fold

Baby Shower Wishes & Card Messages

The baby shower is your chance to share your excitement with the new mom, while letting her know that she has a whole community of support for raising the child. Make your baby shower card a personal message between yourself and the new mom about this wonderful time in her life.

Congratulations on your little one. I can't wait to welcome [him/her] into the world. For now, just enjoy the peace and quiet!

I can't think of anything more exciting than looking forward to the arrival of the new little love of your life! Many congratulations, and know that we're here for whatever you need as you prepare!

We're so happy that it's almost time for you to meet your new baby. Here's to a future full of playdates and birthdays and fun!

I can't think of two people better suited to becoming parents! Best of luck for these last few weeks of pregnancy and baby's arrival, we can't wait to meet your little bundle of joy!

Your new bundle of joy is on the way with new tiny laundry to fold. I hope the adorable little outfits help you feel inspired and ready for the joys of parenthood.

We're so excited that your baby will be here soon! Wishing you all the best for the last few weeks of your pregnancy and the early days of parenthood. You've got this!

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Tips for How to Write Newborn Baby Wishes

How exciting - a new baby has arrived! The more you personalize your congratulations wishes, drawing on your relationship with the parents, the sweeter they will be to receive. Here are some tips for what to write in a new baby card.

  • Personalize the address:
  • To the proud new parents
  • Dear Mom, Dad, and Baby [name]
  • To the [surname] family
  • Congrats to the new mommy and daddy
  • [Parents' names], warm congratulations on the birth of [baby's name]
  • Offer support for the hazy days and sleepless nights ahead, such as covering chores and errands, or bringing a home-cooked meal.
  • Send a gift. While flowers offer a great default, you might also consider sending a children's book, stuffed animal, or even self-care items for mom & dad.
  • What to avoid in your new baby message:
  • Be mindful of the parenting situation, e.g. single parenting, adoption, surrogacy, or step-parenting.
  • Avoid asking details on the birthing experience. If the new arrival has health challenges, keep messages optimistic and hopeful.
  • Don't rush in with lots of advice! (I know it's tempting.)

Free Printable Baby Cards

Beautiful printable baby cards for you to download for free! Say congratulations to a friend, colleague, or family member who has just had a new baby girl or boy with one of our gorgeous free baby cards. They're a lovely way to let the new parents know you're thinking of them!

Free Printable Baby Cards

More New Baby Wishes & Card Ideas

If you're looking for more new baby wishes and messages, do take a look at our Newborn Baby Poems . A poem can add a sweet touch to a baby congratulations message for new parents.

And for a super cute card idea, download this free diaper card template and fold your own handmade baby card! For a friend or relative with a newborn, this card is the perfect way to say congratulations.

For Different Life Moments

Life is full of diverse moments, from joyful celebrations to quieter reflections. While you're here looking for the right words to welcome a new baby, we understand that there are other occasions that might need your attention. Whether it's marking a birthday, expressing gratitude, or extending comfort during challenging times, we have a collection tailored for each sentiment:

  • Birthday Wishes : Celebrate another year of memories.
  • Thank You Messages : Showing appreciation, one message at a time.
  • Condolence Messages : Offering warmth and support when it's needed most.
  • New Baby Wishes

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50 Cute Quotes About Babies to Go With All of Your Sweet Photos

New parents in particular will find these sayings inspirational.

preview for Popular Baby Names and Their Meanings

From the time they open their eyes and take their first breaths, newborns steal the hearts of their parents and nearly everyone who comes in contact with them. They have the ability to bring a smile to anyone's face with just a small giggle. But any new parent will tell you that behind the scenes – filled with late nights, explosive diapers and crying tantrums – it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. So for the days when the unique experience of becoming a new parent feels hard to put into words, or you need some inspiration to remember you got this , let these funny, sweet and cute baby quotes do it for you.

Whether you’re a new mom , expanding your family for the second time or are planning to impart some words of wisdom to young parents in your life, you’re sure to find something here to make you say, "yep." A lot of these quotes will also double as adorable captions for the very first snaps of your new bundle of joy that make it onto Instagram or will pair well with photos from the baby shower. Many could even work in a card expressing your excitement for the arrival of your newest family member.

Regardless of how you use them, you'll see all of the quotes about babies below speak to just how special your bond with one another really is.

Lish McBride

baby quotes

You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket.

Julia Roberts

baby quotes

Babies are amazing. They begin each day all warm and sleepy and smelling of promise.

Jared Padalecki

baby quotes

There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.

Idina Menzel

baby quotes

You get to relive your childhood when you have a baby and you see these toys and these books you read when you were little - the innocence that you are able to maintain because you have to find that again in order to connect with your child keeps you in a special state of mind.

Hermann Hesse

baby quotes

Words can not express the joy of new life.

baby quotes

Perfection only exists in babies and pastries.

Frank A. Clark

baby quotes

A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it.

Eda J. Lashan

baby quotes

A new baby is like the beginning of all things: wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.

Elizabeth Stone

baby quotes

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

Debasish Mridha

baby quotes

A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower.

Brenda Kosciuk

baby quotes

You hear that having a baby is hard. You hear the horror stories. Yes, having a baby is hard. Nothing so beautiful could come from something that's easy.

Mother Theresa

baby quotes

The unborn baby is created in the image of God for greater things, to love and be loved.

Curtis Tyrone Jones

baby quotes

Nothing compares to becoming aware of the massive face of the universe hidden in a newborn's stare.

Carl Sandburg

cute inspiring baby quotes

A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.

cute inspiring baby quotes

Having children is like living in a frat house — nobody sleeps, everything's broken and there's a lot of throwing up.

Vincent Van Gogh

cute inspiring baby quotes

I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.

Deepak Chopra

cute inspiring baby quotes

It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.

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Charles Dickens

cute inspiring baby quotes

I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.

Erma Bombeck

cute inspiring baby quotes

Children make your life important.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

cute inspiring baby quotes

A child is a curly, dimpled lunatic.

Headshot of Marisa LaScala

Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother . She lives with her husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found dominating the audio round at her local bar trivia night or tweeting about movies.

Headshot of Cameron Jenkins

Cameron (she/her) is a staff writer for Good Housekeeping , where she covers everything from holidays to food. She is a graduate of Syracuse University, where she received a B.A. in magazine journalism. In her spare-time she can be found scrolling TikTok for the latest cleaning hacks and restaurant openings, binge-watching seasons of Project Runway or online shopping.

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103 Sweet New Baby Quotes to Welcome Them Home

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

All > New Baby > 103 Sweet New Baby Quotes to Welcome Them Home

Congratulations on the arrival of a new baby in your life! Whether they belong to a friend, family member, or to you, new babies should be celebrated and showered with love and warmth! Be sure to offer your best wishes to new parents and send along a note or gift to show how happy you are for them.  

The arrival of a new baby is a moment of pure joy – newborns represent the purest form of life, hope, and the boundless promise of love. If you know someone who has recently embraced the joy of parenthood, now’s the time to extend your heartfelt congratulations and warm wishes. Show your love for this tiny new addition by gifting the proud parents a heartwarming card or a practical present, such as a cozy baby blanket or essential baby gear .  

Raising a baby demands an abundance of effort and devotion, so your sweet wishes and pearls of wisdom carry immense value, especially for first-time parents navigating this new adventure! To assist you in creating the perfect “welcome home” message for the family and their precious bundle of joy, we’ve curated a selection of quotes from various sources. Adding one of these special quotes to your card or note will infuse it with that extra touch of warmth and sentiment.  

New Baby Quotes

new journey with baby quotes

These sweet sayings are the perfect way to describe the joy of a new baby. Use one to welcome the young new life and congratulate the parents!

  • “I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.” – Vincent Van Gogh
  • “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” – Jared Padalecki
  • “A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic.”  – Sigrid Leo
  • “Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth.” – Roland Leonhardt
  • “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone
  • “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.” – Victor Hugo
  • “A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.” – Carl Sandburg
  • “The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.” – Olivia Wilde
  • “Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me.” – Maria Jose Ovalle
  • “Like stars are to the sky, so are the children to our world. They deserve to shine!” – Chinonye J. Chidolue
  • “There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written.” – Toba Beta
  • “Those eyes so ecstatic with the gleam of new life, the wide laugh that no doubt uses up so much of the breath contained in those tiny lungs.” –  Saim Cheeda
  • “Nothing compares to becoming aware of the massive face of the universe hidden in a newborn’s stare.” – Curtis Tyrone Jones
  • “When we encourage new parents to ‘treasure these moments because they don’t last forever,’ we need to remember to also reassure them that they will survive these moments because they don’t last forever.” – L.R. Knost
  • “A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower.” – Debasish Mridha
  • “I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.” – Charles Dickens

Baby Boy Quotes

new journey with baby quotes

Express your excitement for the arrival of a new baby boy with one of these quotes.

  • “A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather.” – Tanya Masse
  • “And she loved a little boy very, very much, even more than she loved herself.” – Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree
  • “If I have a monument in this world, it is my son.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Have a little faith in your sons. This journey will be the making of them.” – C.J. Milbrandt
  • “Because I loved him so and am in the habit of loving him and that love must take the form of fussing and worry and doing.” – George Saunders
  • “Sons are born to make their fathers better men.” – Mekael Shane
  • “To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to be kind.” – Shannon L. Alder
  • “Men are what their mothers made them.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The most important mark I will leave on this world is my son.” – Sarah Shahi
  • “There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart.” – Washington Irving
  • “Sons are the anchors of a mother’s life.” – Sophocles
  • “No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.” – Harold MacMillan
  • “If a man has been his mother’s undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.” – Sigmund Freud
  • “A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.” – Irish proverb
  • “Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I’d be fine.” – Jenny McCarthy
  • ”Mother is her son’s first god. She must teach him the most important lesson of all – how to love.” – T. F. Hodge

Baby Girl Quotes

new journey with baby quotes

Welcome home a new little girl with one of these quotes to express how perfectly wonderful a baby girl is!

  • “A daughter is one of the best gifts this world has to give.” – Laurel Atherton
  • “Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of.” – Bethany Hamilton
  • “There’s no better feeling than making your little girls laugh.” – Jerry O’Connell
  • “Mothers of daughters are daughters of mothers and have remained so, in circles joined to circles, since time began.” – Signe Hammer
  • “Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter.” – Caitlin Houston
  • “A mother’s and daughter’s love is never separated.” – Viola Shipman
  • “She stands firmly on her own two feet and I just behind her; should she ever need me.” – J. Iron Word
  • “A tiny daughter gives parents a life in a climate of perpetual wonder.” – Pierre Doucet
  • “Mothers and daughters together are a powerful force to be reckoned with.” – Melia Keeton-Digby
  • “A daughter is a mother’s gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of herself. And mothers are their daughters’ role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships.” – Victoria Secunda
  • “As the mother, so is her daughter.” – Ezekiel 16:44
  • “No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them.” – Christie Watson
  • “A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem.” – Naomi Wolf
  • “A mother teaches her daughter how to feel about herself, about handling pressure, about relishing life’s joys and conquering fears.” – Melissa Harrison
  • “No matter how old she may be, sometimes a girl just needs her mom.” – Cardinal Mermillod
  • “My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her.” – Jodi Picoult

Newborn Quotes

new journey with baby quotes

Newborns are miracles of life. Congratulate the parents and offer your best wishes with one of these sweet quotes for new babies.

  • “I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown
  • “Babies cry at birth because it is the first time they experience separation from love.” – Kamand Kojouri
  • ​” Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart.” – Mandy Harrison
  • “The children we bring into the world are small replicas of ourselves and our husbands; the pride and joy of grandfathers and grandmothers. We dream of being mothers, and for most of us that dreams are realized naturally. For this is the Miracle of Life.” – Azelene Williams
  • “You may hate being pregnant, but the minute the baby is born, she is God’s precious child, given to you as a gift.” – Sandra Dallas
  • “Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman’s crowning creative experience of a lifetime.” – John Stevenson
  • “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.” – Rabindranath Tagore
  • “We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves.” – Henry Ward Beecher
  • “With every newborn baby a little sun rises.” – Irmgard Erath
  • “Words can not express the joy of new life.” – Hermann Hesse
  • “​ A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside…when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.” – Unknown
  • “As babies we’re born blank sheets of paper. Not a single mark. As we grow older, lines form, then colors and patterns. Before long that paper is all sorts of brilliant. Like a kaleidoscope, no two exactly alike.” – Shannon Wiersbitzky
  • “A grand adventure is about to begin.” – Winnie the Pooh
  • “There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.” – Pamela S. Nadav
  • “When the baby is born, all that pain (that was endured) vanishes in an instant. Love for that tiny baby makes one forget the pain, the fear.” – Hope Bradford
  • “Still the most magical day of my life was the day I became a mom.” – Linda Becker
  • “Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom.” – Harriette Hartigan

Cute Baby Quotes

new journey with baby quotes

Use one of these cute quotes to show the joy you feel about a new baby!

  • “Perfection only exists in babies and pastries.” – Gayle Wray
  • “A baby is a wishing well. Everyone puts their hopes, their fears, their pasts, their two cents in.” – Elizabeth Bard
  • “I love you forever. I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” – Robert Munsch
  • “A man is not complete until he has seen the baby he has made.” – Sammy Davis Jr.
  • “Life’s only worth living if you’re being loved by a kid.” – Buzz Lightyear
  • “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold
  • “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” – Peggy O’Mara
  • “All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and somebody who believes in them.” – Magic Johnson
  • “Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.” – Larry Barretto
  • “Always kiss your children goodnight –– even if they’re already asleep.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.
  • “Children reinvent your world for you.” – Susan Sarandon
  • “Every child begins the world again.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.” – Kate Douglas Wiggin
  • “Carrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy.” – Jayne Mansfield
  • “I have no name: I am but two days old. What shall I call thee? I happy am, Joy is my name. Sweet joy befall thee!” – William Blake
  • “Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last.” – Charles Dickens
  • “A new baby is like the beginning of all things –– wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. Le Shan
  • “A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before.” – Unknown
  • “It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.” – Deepak Chopra
  • “When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.” – James Matthew Barrie
  • “All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood –– all of them are true.” – Penelope Cruz
  • “Babies are amazing. They begin each day all warm and sleepy, smelling of promise.” – Julia Roberts

Funny Baby Quotes

new journey with baby quotes

It’s no secret that new babies take hard work! Use one of these quotes to make the new parents smile and laugh.

  • “You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Jones
  • “Babies used to make me nervous, but these squirmy things are awesome once you’ve read the manual.” – David Z. Hirsch
  • “Make no mistake about why these babies are here—they are here to replace us.” – Jerry Seinfeld
  • “A baby is a loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.” – Ronald Knox
  • “ Before I got married I had six theories about raising children. Now, I have six children and no theories.” – John Wilmot
  • “The best baby-sitters, of course, are the baby’s grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida.” – Dave Barry
  • “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” – Milton Berle
  • “When your first baby drops her pacifier, you sterilize it. When your second baby drops her pacifier, you tell the dog: ‘Fetch!’” – Bruce Lansky
  • “A child enters your home and for the next twenty years makes so much noise you can hardly stand it. The child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you are going mad.” – John Andrew Holmes
  • “Life doesn’t get more real than having a newborn at home.” – Eric Church
  • “Babies are always more trouble than you thought –– and more wonderful.” – Charles Osgood
  • “Ah, babies! They’re more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.” – Tina Fey
  • “The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.” – Johnny Depp
  • “Families with babies and families without babies are sorry for each other.” – Ed Howe

How to Congratulate Someone On Their New Baby

new journey with baby quotes

Babies deserve all the love in the world. Congratulate your friend or loved one on their new baby with one of these sweet gift ideas.

Homemade card : A DIY card made by you is the perfect way to congratulate parents on the arrival of a new baby! Be sure to include one of the quotes above in your message.

Personalized gift : Babies are so much fun to shop for! A personalized baby gift is a great way to welcome home a new bundle of joy.

Practical gear : Babies go through a lot of diapers. Congratulate new parents and make their lives easier by gifting a basket filled with necessities like diapers, washcloths, pacifiers and onesies!

Time and support : Sometimes the best gift is the promise of support! Offer to help shop for groceries, pick up older children from school or babysit to give new parents a rest.

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100+ New Born Baby Wishes: Best Messages To Write In A New Baby Card [2024]

Best New Baby congratulations wishes and messages for parents

Best New Baby Wishes to Write in A Card for New Parents

Babies are such a bundle of joy! The newly minted parents are not only celebrating the addition to their family, but also adjusting the new changes that the tiny human will bring to their lives. It is important to show your love and support for the parents, and to be a part of this milestone celebration in their life. A simple way to convey your best wishes for the happy family is to send a cute new baby card and customize it with some heartfelt and memorable new baby congratulations wishes and messages.

Table of Contents

Depending upon your relationship with the new parents, the gender of the newborn baby, or the general situations around the occasion, you should choose the right words for new baby wishes to show your thoughtfulness and leave a lasting impression.

Whatever the situation might be, if you are looking for some meaningful congratulations message to wish new parents and the baby well, we’ve got you covered. This guide covers most of the common scenarios and provides sample messages for those situations. You will certainly find your next inspiration here!

New baby wishes from multiple people together

How to Congratulate Newborn Baby Parents

Congratulating new parents offers a chance to show genuine happiness and support. Here are some heartfelt ways to convey your congratulations, ensuring your message resonates deeply:

Send a heartfelt congratulatory message –  A congratulatory message for new parents not only shows your support and love, but it also lets them know that you are there for them during this special time. Whether you choose to send a handwritten note, a thoughtful gift, or a heartfelt message through social media, taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate this wonderful milestone in their lives is a gesture that will be greatly appreciated.

Thoughtful Gifts and Gestures: Consider sending a personalized baby gift, like a custom onesie or a handcrafted baby blanket, with a heartfelt congratulatory note. Thoughtful gestures, such as preparing a home-cooked meal or organizing a surprise doorstep delivery, show your support and care in tangible ways.

Virtual Celebrations and Video Messages: Incorporate technology by organizing a virtual celebration with friends and family. Host a video call where loved ones can share their congratulations, stories, and advice. Creating a compilation of video messages from well-wishers can be a touching surprise for the new parents, showcasing the extent of the love and support they have.

GreetPool Group Greeting Card: Harness the power of collaborative wishes through GreetPool’s new baby group ecard service. Invite friends, family, and colleagues to contribute their messages, photos, and well-wishes for the new parents. GreetPool compiles these heartfelt contributions into a beautifully designed greeting card, delivering a collective expression of love and joy. This collaborative effort not only makes the message more impactful but also creates a cherished keepsake for the growing family.

How To Address A New Baby Card

This will largely depend on how close you are to the family and the bonding that you guys share. Also, considering the family setup, it can be addressed to the baby, or both parents, or if it’s a single-parent family then just to the one parent.

Here are a few examples of how to address the card:

  • Dear <mom name>, <dad name>, & Baby <baby name>,
  • Hey/Hi/Hello/Dear <parent name>,
  • To the <lastname> Family,
  • Welcome Baby <name>,
  • To Baby <name>’s Parents,

baby girl congratulations

New Baby Girl Wishes And Messages

Show your affection for the adorable new family member if you know it’s a baby girl. To get you started, check out this list of sweet new baby wishes :

  • Oh my god! She’s the cutest little thing. I wish you, her and the family a wonderful time full of happiness and fond memories.
  • Welcome to our new little princess! She is blessed to be born with you both as parents (and me as aunt of course). She will be loved, cared for, and cherished from the bottom of our hearts.
  • Such an adorable little angel with the a beautiful smile and the cutest little dimples. Many congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!
  • So happy to hear the arrival of your baby girl! Exciting times ahead for you and your family! We are all rooting for you, and wish you and the family the best to sail through the parenting chapter.
  • A baby girl is every parent’s dearest friend and their little princess; everyone will love and take care of her. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.
  • Daughters are special – she is going to always be mommy’s best friend and daddy’s little girl. Congratulations on having such an angel in your life.
  • Congratulations and best wishes on the birth of your beautiful baby girl!
  • I hope your sweet baby girl brings you lots of joy, new adventures, and a lifetime of memories. Congratulations!
  • You are among the luckiest people to be holding an angel from heaven, and I have no doubt that she will transform your house into a paradise. Greetings and congratulations!
  • Such a wonderful news! Baby <name> has a wonderful smile and I’m glad to hear the she and the mom are both doing well. All the best to you both amazing parents as she makes your way days shorter and nights sleepless lol.
  • All hail the prophesied princess! The sparkle in her eyes, the touch of her fingers, the whispers of her breath and the tiniest gestures will fill your hearts with warmth and love. God bless her and your family. May her life be full of love, laughter and happiness.
  • Such a cute addition to the beautiful family. May god bless you all and shower with all the happiness in the world.
  • Well done! You guys made a tiny human. She’s the cutest baby ever! When can we come see her and play with her?
  • Congratulations on the arrival of dear <name>! She is such a happy baby, and looks just like her mom. Wish her and the family all the love and joy in the world.
  • Congrats my friend, you entered a new chapter and start a new adventure. Baby girls are a heaven sent gift and I am so happy for the amazing parents. Best wishes for the upcoming journey – enjoy your time and make wonderful memories.

New baby boy wishes

New Baby Boy Wishes And Messages

A newborn son is an extremely joyful occasion for the parents. You can send one of these lovely congratulations messages for a baby boy.

  • Warm welcome to the baby boy! I hope your little champ continues to bring you loads of joy.
  • Congratulations on your new baby. He appears to be the best of you and your partner and I wish him the best
  • Fill your heart with new hopes and dreams because one day, this little prince will grow up making it all come true for you! Congratulations for new baby boy!
  • Congratulations to you both for bringing into the world such an adorable newborn boy. May you experience great delight and enjoyment in his company!
  • Many congratulations on being parents to a lovely boy! May you always be filled with love, laughter, and happiness by this amazing presence.
  • Greetings and congrats as you both rejoice in the arrival of a prince charming to your family. I hope you all have a happy and healthy life!
  • Your newborn son is already more attractive than a Hollywood star. May he become a dazzling star as he grows. Congratulations!
  • Thrilled to hear the arrival of your baby boy! We are all excited to meet him and we wish you and the family the best to sail through the parenting chapter.
  • Your new bundle of joy will bring you tons of joy, exciting times, lots of fond memories! Congratulations and we wish you the best.
  • Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby ; he is indeed a cute and healthy boy.
  • Congrats on the safe arrival of the mischief packet! Parenthood is such a rewarding experience 🙂
  • Such a handsome newborn baby boy! My compliments to the chef 🙂
  • Congrats on your new baby boy. Enjoy the sleepless nights in the first few years, and then a lifetime of mischief after that.
  • Smallest feet leave the biggest footprints.

Congratulations for new baby - Wishes For Female Coworker or a New Mom

Baby Wishes For Female Coworker or a New Mom

Words cannot adequately express a mother’s unwavering devotion to her baby. Here are some wonderful, heartfelt, and considerate new born baby wishes for female colleagues or new moms:

  • I’m incredibly proud of the mother you will become. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any help. Many Congratulations!
  • Knowing your professional achievements and the organizational skills, I know you will be an amazing parent.
  • A new baby brings so much happiness to the family and brightens the home. You are one lucky new mother, congratulations.
  • Congratulations, but I hope you’re prepared to sacrifice some sleep. Any mother would not trade this wonderful yet exhausting period for anything in the world. Embrace this journey!
  • Although I am aware that you love your job, having a baby will soon overtake it as your entire universe. You are the only one who can successfully juggle life, family, and career! Love to the newborn!
  • Dear (Name), I just wanted to say congrats on the arrival of your first child. This is a magical time, and I hope you enjoy every minute of it.
  • Greetings on the arrival of your baby. Before having a child, you always hear about the club of mothers. But until you become a parent, you really can’t appreciate the delight. Welcome to the club!
  • Heard the amazing news about your new baby! My warmest hugs and lots of love to the recovering mom and the kicking champion 🙂
  • Congratulations on becoming a mom! A new baby is like a blessing from God and I’m sure this baby will make all your wishes come true.
  • My warm welcome to the new boss in town 🙂 May your journey into motherhood be a memorable and joyful one!

If you are looking to create group ecards, here are some additional Tips for ultimate group cards

Baby Wishes For Male Coworker or a New Dad

Baby Wishes For Male Coworker or a New Dad

A new father holding his newborn child for the first time may understand for the first time exactly how much his life is about to change. Becoming a parent is an incredible feeling. Here are a few suggestions for congratulating a new father:

  • Enjoy every hectic moment that parenting offers you. You will embark on a journey of a lifetime when you become a first-time father. Embrace your baby and the challenging early years of their existence since they grow up far too soon.
  • Hearty wishes to the new father. I pray for you and your unborn child to live long, healthy lives full of joy and happiness.
  • Parenting Advice – The wife is always right 😉 Welcome to fatherhood
  • The journey of Fatherhood begins! I wish you and your wife all the happiness in the world.
  • The sweet touch of your newborn will change you forever. All the best as you make your way through fatherhood!
  • Congrats on the safe arrival of your bundle of joy! We wish you, the baby, and the mom the best of health and happiness (and lots of sleep)
  • There are a lot of responsibilities that come with becoming a new father. Without a doubt, it won’t take you long to become an expert while experiencing love and delight you never imagined were attainable.
  • It’s finally here—the moment you’ve been waiting for. You are now the father of a brand-new, adorable child. Be careful and treasure your little one. Enjoy and welcome your new role as parents.
  • Knowing that you are now a father makes me incredibly happy. Take excellent care of your new child and raise him to be just like his parents—respectful, accountable, and loving.
  • You have a lovely, healthy baby in your arms today. Enjoy all of your privileges as a father. Always keep in mind how quickly time passes, and make the most of your time with your kid.
  • We cant wait to see your baby and drown her in hugs, love, and warm wishes 🙂 May all your wishes come true.

New Baby Congratulations Group Card To Send Best Wishes Together

Funny New Baby Wishes

The attempt at comedy will be greatly appreciated by the new parents, who might be exhausted and on a nonstop diaper-changing schedule, even if they lack the strength to truly laugh out. Here are some funny new baby messages

  • “Welcome to parenthood. Raising kids is a walk in the park. Jurassic Park that is!”
  • Congratulations on growing up and becoming a responsible adult 😉
  • Congrats on b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶9̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶t̶h̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶b̶e̶r̶ your new baby!
  • Time to master the art of changing dirty nappies 😉 Best wishes to you and the little one!
  • Oh the joy of parenting! Welcome to this side of life 😉
  • Parenting Advice – The mother is always right 😉 Welcome to fatherhood
  • I congratulate the new parents on the arrival of this new tiny replica of their genes put together.
  • “Congratulations on the safe arrival of your very own little angel. They’re more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.”
  • “If your friend wakes up your sleeping baby, they aren’t really your friend. Things new parents should know. Congratulations!”
  • “Many congratulations lovelies on your baby. It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn’t. You will realize soon.”
  • “You will learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. Best wishes for your parenthood!”
  • “Congratulations to the new parents! It is time to realize people who say they sleep like a baby probably never had a baby themselves.”
  • Wow! that is one tiny baby. Congratulations and wishes for the new journey ahead to grow up into human sizes 😉

New born baby wish for first baby

Congrats messages for the First Baby

Firstborns hold a special place in the heart of a parent. Welcome first baby boy or girl with meaningful words of congratulations. Here are some new baby wishes examples:

  • Parenthood is a blessed experience. Congrats on this new ‘promotion’ in life 🙂
  • Congratulations on the safe arrival of your lovely new baby. They are so beautiful, and I have no doubt that you will be fantastic parents.
  • There are no words to describe the euphoria on the birth of the first baby! I’m glad you and your partner got to experience a safe and healthy delivery and wish the three of you a happy and joyful time ahead.
  • Welcome little one! You were long awaited and I cant wait to see you and hug you in a warm embrace.
  • Wishing you and your new baby health, happiness, and lots of sleep.
  • Greetings to your new family. As a parent, you will experience love and pride unlike any other. Embrace this new journey!
  • I’m so delighted for you three. What a lucky baby that will be!
  • Congratulations on creating your first mini human being. Let the noise begin!
  • I’m really happy for you two. Bring on the dirty diapers and insomnia!
  • Congrats on the beautiful bundle of joy! Wish you a successful transition to parenthood and a wonderful time.
  • The birth of a baby is a transformational experience. We welcome the new member of the family and send our warmest hugs and hearty wishes to this bundle of joy.
  • We welcome this new addition to the family with open arms and wide hearts.
  • A new baby is like the beginning of a new phase in life. May you and your partner find the strength, courage and wisdom to navigate this new phase of life.

Newborn baby wish for second baby

Congrats Wishes And Messages For Second Baby

The arrival of second (or later) baby holds just as much significance for the parents as the first one. The fact that the older child is no longer the only infant in the house is a fantastic opportunity to include a message for them. Here are some newborn baby wishes for the second child:

  • Congratulations on another beautiful blessing! I hope your expanding family is blessed with wonderful experiences and delightful memories.
  • Welcome <first kid name> to the big sister/brother club.
  • Well, you’ve been there, done that already. Welcome to the second bundle of joy.
  • You have a beautiful new baby once again. Congratulations on expanding your family, and welcoming even more love into your life.
  • God’s blessings be showered upon your newest family member. Heartiest Congratulations!
  • I’m so happy you get to raise a baby once more. Many congratulations to the xx Family!
  • As you greet your new, darling sunshine, may your blessings grow. Congratulations on the new family member.
  • This tiny baby is a wholesome edition to the family. Enjoy this new role of being parents to a little baby girl this time 🙂
  • A new miracle arrives with this precious baby! My heartiest wishes and warm hugs to the two times champions 🙂

Newborn baby wish for twins

New Born baby Wishes for Twins

What is more awesome than one baby? Having two. Here are some ideas to send twice as much love and luck to them.

  • Double congratulations on the arrival of your twins!
  • Double the laughs, double the joys, double the trouble, with two new boys! Heartiest Congratulations
  • You have received twice as much joy, love, laughing, and dirty diapers as a blessing! Savor each moment. Congratulations!
  • Two tiny blessings from heaven. Twice the love, twice the smiles. Congratulations guys!
  • Consider the positive – you just need to host one birthday celebration, at least! Congratulations to the new parents.
  • Greetings on the arrival of your twins. Prepare yourself for a riot of noise, laughter, hugs, and fun.
  • Heartiest wishes on the arrival of your twins! It’s double the fun, double the laughs, and double the trouble. Double Congratulations!
  • Congratulations on becoming double busy 🙂 May God give you and the family all the happiness and joy
  • My best wishes and congratulations on this double bumper gift hamper 🙂 May your enjoy lots of laughter and joy together.

Adoption congratulations wishes for new parents

The road to parenthood might not have been so easy for some parents. You can acknowledge this in the card and appreciate the journey and the struggle of the new parents and send wishes and quotes to welcome the new member of their family

  • You are blessed to have this adorable child, and they are blessed to have you. I’m very happy for your amazing family.
  • All your dreams of parenthood have finally come true. I’m sending my love to you two and your new baby. Congratulations!
  • Adoption is a selfless and sincere gesture of love. You’re a special couple and your family deserves a lifetime of happiness.
  • The gift of the warmth and love of a family is more than what baby (name) could have ever hoped for. It is amazing you extended your and your family’s love to a new member. Greetings and heartfelt congrats.
  • We are eager to get to know your family because we are aware that love is what truly defines it. Congratulations!
  • I still am unable to determine who is more fortunate. Your kid for having such wonderful parents, or your own baby for being so adorable. You two will continue to be a blessing to one another.
  • A new baby is an exciting time and I extend a warm welcome to this newest member of your family.
  • A new baby makes love stronger. My best wishes to the new family and lots of love to the little one.
  • A new baby is an epitome of joy. I congratulate you guys on the arrival of baby (name) and wish for a wonderful time for the family together.

baby shower card messages and wishes

Baby Shower Card Messages

If the baby is still in the bun and you are getting together, in person or virtually, to celebrate with the new mom, its a great chance to put some thoughts to welcome the arrival of their new family member. A baby shower card is a great way to collect everyone’s wishes and messages into one place and gift that as a memorable memento to the expecting parents.

  • To a first-time mom: “Becoming a mother is the adventure of a lifetime. Congratulations and best wishes for all the happiness ahead.”
  • To a first-time dad: “The birth of a child is one of life’s most amazing events. Congratulations and good luck for the journey ahead.”
  • I congratulate the new parents and wish for the safe and healthy arrival of this new bundle of joy.
  • We are so excited to meet your little baby ! Congratulations on your new arrival and the upcoming special times.
  • So thrilled for you both as become parents to a beautiful baby boy! Wishing you loads of love and happiness in this next chapter of your lives.
  • We can’t wait to meet the newest upcoming member of your family! Congratulations!
  • A new baby is such a special gift from above. Congratulations on the upcoming new addition to your family.
  • Parenthood is such a magical journey – enjoy every bit of it. Warm Wishes!
  • Welcoming a new baby is challenging job. Kudos for pulling it through.
  • You are bringing a new life to the world! May you enjoy this new phase a lot and I cant wait to meet your new baby.

Closing words

When expressing your congratulations to your coworker, keep in mind the type of relationship you two have. There are so many fantastic ways to send your best wishes, no matter how close (or far) you are! Although the birth of a child is an important event, any congratulations will be greatly appreciated by the new parents.

A new baby card is the perfect way to send your messages in a memorable and meaningful way. Instead of wishing alone, try wishing together with your team with a group greeting card. Send collective wishes for the future of the newborn baby and the parents.

We hope this comprehensive list helps you create the perfect message you wanted.


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100 Newborn Quotes to Make You Smile

Newborn quotes that will warm your heart!

by Emily Cline

What is better than a newborn baby? I’ve got two of my own little ones, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have some major baby fever right now! Whether you want a quote perfect for hanging in the nursery, writing in a baby card, or sharing with a friend who is expecting, newborn quotes are sure to be heartwarming and remind you of that special time in your baby’s life.

100 Newborn Quotes That Will Warm Your Heart

These quotes celebrate the new life, joy, and utter bliss that a baby brings to all of us.

16 Newborn Quotes About Love at First Sight

These newborn quotes attempt to explain how it’s possible to completely love someone you’ve just met for the first time. Read on for quotes about how you fall in love with your newborn baby the minute you lay eyes on them:

1. “There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.” – Jared Padalecki

2. “It’s all kinds of these profound things crashing on you when your child arrives into the world. It’s like you’ve met your reason to live.” – Johnny Depp

3. “When he finally was placed into my arms, I looked into his precious eyes and felt an overwhelming, unconditional love; I never felt so complete and empowered in my life.” – Gisele Bündchen

4. “I love you forever. I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” – Robert Munsch

5. “When the baby is born, all that pain that was endured vanishes in an instant. Love for that tiny baby makes one forget the pain, the fear. And as I’ve said before, love between mother and child is the highest experience, the closest to divine love.” – Hope Bradford

6. “It’s a good thing babies don’t give you a lot of time to think. You fall in love with them, and when you realize how much they love you back, life is very simple.” – Anita Diamant

7. “When they finally place the baby in your arms, and you notice that smile, you suddenly feel a surge of overwhelming, unconditional love that you never felt before.” – Unknown

8. “Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown

9. “She took the baby in her arms, holding it with such care and delicacy. The minute she laid eyes on the tiny, beautiful creature, she fell in love. Her heart swelled up. In that moment she knew what a mother’s unconditional love meant.” – Patrick Macfarland

10. “We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves.” – Henry Ward Beecher

11. “Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of mother’s love.” – Maureen Hawkins

12. “There are places in the heart you don’t even know exist until you love a child.” – Unknown

13. “Sometimes, when you pick up your child, you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of his neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood—finding a piece of yourself separate and apart, that all the same, you could not live without.” – Jodi Picoult

14. “Just as there is no warning for childbirth , there is no preparation for the sight of a first child. There should be a song for women to sing at this moment or a prayer to recite. But perhaps there is none because there are no words strong enough to name the moment.” – Anita Diamant

15. “No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.” – Unknown

16. “A baby arrives, and just like that, everything changes. The world gets bigger, heart grows fuller, and life means more.” – Unknown

19 Newborn Quotes About Hope for the Future

Newborns are new and fresh and can bring us so much hope—for ourselves and the new life that is just starting.

1. “You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket.” – Lish McBride

2. “There is nothing like a newborn baby to renew your spirit and to buttress your resolve to make the world a better place.” – Virginia Kelley

3. “Every child begins the world again.” – Henry David Thoreau

4. “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” – Carl Sandburg

5. “A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. LeShan

6. “Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.” – Kate Douglas Wiggin

7. “Babies are amazing. They begin each day all warm and sleepy, smelling of promise.” – Julia Roberts

8. “There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written.” – Toba Beta

9. “Every newborn child brings with it new thoughts and new life paths.” – Ehsan Sehgal

10. “I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

11. “The children we bring into the world are small replicas of ourselves and our husbands, the pride and joy of grandfathers and grandmothers . We dream of being mothers, and for most of us, those dreams are realized naturally. For this is the miracle of life.” – Azelene Williams

12. “A baby is a wishing well. Everyone puts their hopes, their fears, their pasts, their two cents in.” – Elizabeth Bard

13. “A baby is a blank check made payable to the human race.” – Barbara Christine Seifert

14. “Nothing compares to becoming aware of the massive face of the universe hidden in a newborn’s stare.” – Curtis Tyrone Jones

15. “Children make you want to start life over.” – Muhammad Ali

16. “Like stars are to the sky, so are the children to our world. They deserve to shine!” – Chinonye J. Chidolue

17. “Children reinvent your world for you.” – Susan Sarandon

18. “Having kids—the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings is the biggest job anyone can embark on.” – Maria Shriver

19. “Children have neither past nor future. They enjoy the present, which very few of us do.” – Jean De La Bruyere

21 Quotes About Caring for a Baby

Having a baby is not all sunshine and rainbows. These newborn quotes remind us how something so small can also be a lot of work to care for. All that work is more than worth it, though!

1. “Newborn babies can’t do much on their own. They can’t eat or walk or talk on the phone. But every parent is sure their creation is without a doubt a tremendous sensation.” – Jennifer Davis

2. “Life doesn’t get more real than having a newborn at home.” – Eric Church

3. “Babies are always more trouble than you thought—and more wonderful.” – Charles Osgood

4. “Hold your newborn as much as you want to. Show affection to your newborn. Reassure your newborn. Do not listen to those who tell you not to.” – Mitta Xinindlu

5. “People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.” – Leo Burke

6. “A mother’s arms are made of tenderness, and children sleep soundly in them.” – Victor Hugo

7. “I know now why God gave us babies. They require constant attention, of course. They make messes and disturb the peace, but their cuteness and smiles are something of the only reminder of God we have in the house.” – Ann Rinaldi

8. “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” – Anonymous

9. “The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority.” – Olivia Wilde

10. “Sleep is like the unicorn—it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any.” – Unknown

11. “What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.” – Benjamin Spock

12. “There are hard days in motherhood. But looking at your sleeping baby reminds you why it’s all worth it.” – Kara Ferwerda

13. “All of a sudden, you have this newborn you have no training for. It’s frightening.” – Bridget Moynahan

14. “Please don’t wait until the doctors tell you that you are going to have a baby to begin to take care of it. It is already there. Whatever you are, whatever you do, your baby will get it. Anything you eat, any worries that are on your mind will be for him or her.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

15. “Everybody needs some time to rejuvenate, refresh, recharge and begin again. Seeing babies’ faces is the best way to relax, refresh, rejuvenate and recharge.” – Revathi Sankaran

16. “Whenever I held my newborn baby in my arms, I used to think that what I said and did to him could have an influence not only on him but on all whom he met, not only for a day or a month or a year but for all eternity.” – Rose Kennedy

17. “Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky.” – Fran Lebowitz

18. “A perfect example of minority rule is a baby in the house.” – Unknown

19. “Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy.” – Tina Fey

20. “You’ll learn to lower your expectations about what you can accomplish in a day. Some days, it will be all you can do to keep a baby safe, warm, and fed, and that will be enough.” – Unknown

21. “Of all the things my hands have held, the best, by far, is you.” – Unknown

44 Quotes About Newborn Baby Bliss

Don’t forget to sit and snuggle with that newborn and revel in how perfect they are. These quotes share the feelings of being in newborn baby bliss.

1. “It’s hard to feel like much is wrong in the world when you’re looking into the eyes of a happy baby.” – Lisa Wingate

2. “Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.” – Larry Barretto

3. “A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open-hearted into the world and spreads magic.” – Sigrid Leo

4. “I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.” – Charles Dickens

5. “Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me.” – Maria Jose Ovalle

6. “For me, this baby was the most precious thing I had ever had. He was my treasure, my joy, my world, my everything now.” – Preeti Shenoy

7. “Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh

8. “A baby is an inestimable blessing.” – Mark Twain

9. “In the eyes of a baby, there is joy, there is laughter, there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future.” – Unknown

10. “A baby is born with a need to be loved— and never outgrows it.” – Frank A. Clark

11. “Still, the most magical day of my life was the day I became a mom.” – Linda Becker

12. “Those eyes so ecstatic with the gleam of new life, the wide laugh that no doubt uses up so much of the breath contained in those tiny lungs.” – Saim Cheeda

13. “A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower.” – Debasish Mridha

14. “With every newborn baby, a little sun rises.” – Irmgard Erath

15. “Words cannot express the joy of new life.” – Hermann Hesse

16. “A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more, brightening your world as never before.” – Unknown

17. “When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.” – James Matthew Barrie

18. “A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Anonymous

19. “All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood—all of them are true.” – Penelope Cruz

20. “From the moment they placed you in our arms, you snuggled right into our hearts.” – Unknown

21. “In the sheltered simplicity of the first days after a baby is born, one sees again the magical closed circle, the miraculous sense of two people existing only for each other, the tranquil sky reflected on the face of the mother nursing her child.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

22. “Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives.” – Kartini Diapari-Oengider

23. “Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop. The more you give, the more you get, and the more you get, the more you feel like giving.” – Penelope Leach

24. “Of all the joys that lighten suffering earth, what joy is welcomed like a newborn child?” – Caroline Norton

25. “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason

26. “A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.” – Martin Farquhar Tupper

27. “Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day.” – Taylor Hanson

28. “It is a smile of a baby that makes life worth living.” – Debasish Mridha

29. “It’s way too early for him to be talking anyhow, but I see in his eyes something, and I see in his eyes a voice, and I see in his eyes a whole new set of words.” – Sherman Alexie

30. “A baby is a dancing joy of life.” – Debasish Mridha

31. “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” – Don Herold

32. “You may hate being pregnant , but the minute the baby is born, she is God’s precious child, given to you as a gift.” – Sandra Dallas

33. “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone

34. “I don’t know why they say, ‘you have a baby.’ The baby has you.” – Gallagher

35. “Babies are little angels.” – Lailah Akita

36. “Honey is sweet. A little baby is even sweeter.” – Asian Proverb

37. “First, we had each other. Then we had you. Now we have everything.” – Unknown

38. “I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.” – Vincent Van Gogh

39. “It is the nature of babies to be in bliss.” – Deepak Chopra

40. “My fingers are tickled to delight by the soft ripple of a baby’s laugh.” – Helen Keller

41. “A baby boy has a special way of bringing out the man in his father and the little boy in his grandfather.” – Tanya Masse

42. “A tiny daughter gives parents a life in a climate of perpetual wonder.” – Pierre Doucet

43. “The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.” – Johnny Depp

44. “Hold on to the tiny moments and cherish the little snuggles. They grow up so fast.” – Unknown

We hope our newborn quotes inspire you and describe your feelings and thoughts for your new little one.

A woman is holding two children. She holds a young boy in a navy-blue and white striped shirt on her left side and a baby girl in a pink dress with a headband on her right side. They are all looking in different directions and appear happy.

Hello! I'm Emily, a mother of two to a bouncing 1-year-old girl and a thoughtful 5-year-old boy who keep me on my toes! I'm a full-time working mom: a former K-6 teacher turned college education professor. Professionally, I specialize in elementary STEM education and curriculum design. I love to apply that knowledge as a mom by giving my kids creative learning experiences at home to keep them happy, busy, and learning! I'm passionate about finding the beauty and joy in motherhood as well.

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  • Quotes / Baby

Cuteness Overload: Adorable Newborn Baby Quotes

Last Updated January 26, 2024

Baby Quotes: I believe in love at first sight...because I'm a mom.

The Magic of New Life

A bundle of joy: celebrating new beginnings.

  • In the soft cries and gentle sighs of a newborn, we find the sweetest melodies of life’s new chapter.
  • A baby’s arrival isn’t just a moment; it’s a whole new world of love, laughter, and cherished firsts.
  • From the first breath to the first smile, a newborn is a bundle of joy wrapped in endless possibilities.
  • In the embrace of a newborn, we discover the purest form of love—the kind that knows no boundaries.
  • Every coo, every gurgle, is a symphony of hope, announcing the arrival of a new dawn in your life.
  • A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty. – By unknown
  • A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase. – By unknown
  • Children are the bridge to heaven. – By Persian saying
  • A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it. – By Frank A. Clark
  • A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on. – By Carl Sandbur

Tiny Toes and Big Dreams: The Beauty of Infancy

  • Those tiny toes may take small steps, but they’re destined for big adventures.
  • In the curious gaze of an infant, we see the world anew—a place of wonder, waiting to be explored.
  • The beauty of infancy lies in its simplicity, reminding us to cherish life’s little miracles.
  • A baby’s laughter is like a canvas, painting a world filled with joy, love, and endless dreams.
  • As we cradle a newborn, we hold the promise of the future, a reminder that every beginning is a chance to dream big.
  • A child’s love could simply be one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. – By unknown
  • A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give. – By Laurel Atherton
  • A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open hearted into the world and spreads magic. – By Sigrid Leo
  • A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.   – By Victor Hugo
  • A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. – By Eda J. Le Shan
  • Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness and light into our lives. – By Kartini Diapari-Oengider
  • Honey is sweet. A little baby is even sweeter. – By Asian saying
  • Children are like a book which we should write in and which we should read.

Adorable Newborn Baby Quote

Quotes for Newborn Baby Boys

Little gentlemen: quotes for baby boys.

  • A baby boy, a little gentleman in the making, brings with him a world of charm and endless love.
  • In the eyes of your baby boy, you’ll see the reflection of a little gentleman who’ll grow up to be a man of kindness and strength.
  • His tiny hands may be small, but they hold the power to touch your heart in the most profound ways.
  • With a baby boy, every day is an adventure, and every moment is a chance to discover the true meaning of love.
  • Welcome your baby boy with open arms, for in his laughter and curiosity, you’ll find the magic of boyhood.

Blue Skies and Baby Smiles: Welcoming Baby Boys

  • When a baby boy smiles, it’s as if the sky clears and all worries fade away.
  • The color blue takes on a new meaning with a baby boy—the hue of endless joy and boundless possibilities.
  • In the giggles and coos of your baby boy, you’ll find the melodies that turn life’s challenges into adventures.
  • Every day with a baby boy is a journey through blue skies, where love and laughter are the destinations.
  • As you welcome your baby boy, remember that he’s the bright spot in the canvas of your life, painting it with hues of happiness and wonder.

Baby Quotes: Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness and light into our lives.

Quotes for Newborn Baby Girls

Sugar, spice, and everything nice: quotes for baby girls.

  • A baby girl, a bundle of sugar and spice, graces your life with sweetness and a touch of magic.
  • In her laughter, you’ll find the melody of joy, and in her eyes, the sparkle of a thousand dreams.
  • With a baby girl, every day is an enchanting journey filled with giggles, cuddles, and endless love.
  • As you hold your baby girl, you’ll discover that she’s the living embodiment of all things beautiful and pure.
  • In the heart of your baby girl lies a world of wonder—a place where love blooms in every smile and hug.

Pretty in Pink: Celebrating Baby Girls

  • When you welcome a baby girl, you’re inviting a lifetime of pink-tinted dreams and heartwarming moments.
  • In her innocence and grace, a baby girl brings the elegance of a rose garden into your everyday life.
  • Her presence is a reminder that life is as delicate and beautiful as the petals of a flower, meant to be cherished.
  • Every day with a baby girl is like a fairytale—a story filled with love, magic, and moments that take your breath away.
  • As you celebrate your baby girl, remember that she’s the embodiment of all that is lovely, sweet, and truly wonderful in the world.

Inspirational Newborn Baby Quote

Heartwarming Quotes for Parents

Embracing parenthood: quotes for moms and dads.

  • Parenthood is a journey where every day is a new page in the book of endless love.
  • In the embrace of your baby, you’ll find the true meaning of ‘home,’ where love resides in every hug and kiss.
  • Becoming parents is like discovering a whole new world together, one filled with wonder, laughter, and countless memories.
  • In the eyes of your little one, you’ll see the reflection of your love, reminding you of the beauty of family.
  • As you embark on this incredible journey called parenthood, may each moment be a reminder of the extraordinary love you share.

From Two to Three: Quotes for New Parents

  • From ‘you and me’ to ‘us and we,’ the journey of becoming parents is a beautiful transformation of love.
  • The moment you hold your baby, you realize that love has a way of growing exponentially, filling your hearts to the brim.
  • New parenthood is like a grand adventure—a thrilling and heartwarming journey into the world of diapers, lullabies, and endless snuggles.
  • With your baby’s arrival, you’ve added a new chapter to your love story, one filled with the sweetest coos and sleepless nights.
  • As you navigate the path of new parenthood, remember that you’re writing a story of love, one that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Inspirational Quotes for the Journey Ahead

A lifetime of love: quotes for the parenting adventure.

  • Parenting is not about having all the answers; it’s about embracing the questions and growing together.
  • In the journey of parenthood, you’ll find that every day is a new opportunity to show your child the beauty of love.
  • The love you give as parents is the greatest gift you can bestow upon your child—a treasure they’ll carry throughout their life.
  • With each step in your parenting adventure, remember that love is the compass guiding your way through every challenge.
  • Becoming a parent means signing up for a lifetime of love, laughter, and the most incredible memories.
  • Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. – By Elizabeth Stone
  • I believe in love at first sight…because I’m a mom. – By unknown
  • A daughter is just a little baby – By girl who grows up to be your best friend. – By unknown
  • Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth. – By Roland Leonhardt
  • Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day. Taylor Hanson
  • God mark thee to His grace! Thou was the prettiest babe that e’er I nursed. And might I live to see thee married once, I have my wish. – By William Shakespeare

Dreaming Big: Inspiring Quotes for Little Ones

  • Dear child, you are the author of your own story, and we’ll be here cheering you on every step of the way.
  • In the eyes of a child, we see the limitless potential of the future, a reminder to dream big and reach for the stars.
  • As you grow, may your dreams soar higher than the clouds, and may your determination be the wind beneath your wings.
  • Children are the architects of tomorrow, and with every dream they chase, they build a brighter future.
  • Children have neither past nor future. They enjoy the present, which very few of us do. – By Jean De La Bruyere
  • How many angels do exist? It does not really matter – one that changes our lives is totally enough. – By unknown
  • Children refresh the life and rejoice the heart. – By unknown
  • Experiencing the growth of a baby, from an infant to a human being that can take care of its own is truly something magnificent. I truly hope you get that pleasure ten-fold, when your baby becomes the person of its dreams one day. Congratulations!
  • Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together make this world a beautiful garden. – By unknown
  • First, we had each other. Then we had you. Now we have everything!
  • Never forget, little one, that you have within you the power to turn dreams into reality, one beautiful step at a time.
  • Some people dream of angels, I dream of one and hold one in my arms. – By unknown
  • The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never again be your own first priority. – By Olivia Wilde
  • Babies are the reason why we are always prepared with a click-ready camera. They bless you with special moments that you will treasure forever. Congratulations to you and the newest star of your Facebook page.
  • Bear hugs and butterfly kisses for you and the lovely creature you brought into this world. Best wishes for your family.
  • Parenthood is a unique journey that not everyone has the good fortune of experiencing. Congratulations on your new baby. Enjoy the ride.
  • Wishing you the best that life has to offer as you enter this exciting new stage of your lives with a new baby in tow. If you need advice, a shoulder to lean on or someone to hold the little one as you take your weekly shower, please call me.
  • How wonderful to have a sweet new babe to love! Congratulations to you and your happy family.
  • Congratulations on your new baby, and take time to relish every moment because time flies when you’re watching them grow up.
  • I sensed the pride in your voice when you told us about your newest baby. You are right. Bringing new life to this world is a special accomplishment. Raising your child to become as human as wonderful as you are is even greater. We look forward to watching you flourish as new parents.

Adorable Images with Baby Quotes

baby-is-a-life-changer-quote. Adorable Newborn Baby Quote

 Touching Baby Quotes

  • Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.
  • With such beautiful and amazing parents, I can’t wait to see how this baby will turn out. Congratulations!
  • The jewel of the sky is the sun, the jewel of the house is the child. – By Chinese saying
  • The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.
  • The laugh of a child is like a star on the sky. – By Joseph Dirnbeck
  • I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle. – By Vincent Van Gogh
  • If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. – By A.A. Milne – Winnie the Pooh
  • I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be. – By Robert Munsch
  • Just like a plant needs light and space to grow, a child needs love and freedom to unfold. – By Sigrid Leo
  • Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby- awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess. – Lemony Snicket
  • The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts. – By unknown
  • The most precious jewels, you’ll ever have around your neck, are the arms of your children. – By unknown
  • There are two things’ children should get from their parents: roots and wings.
  • Three things remain with us from paradise: stars, flowers and children. – By Dante Alighieri
  • Upbringing baby is an art. We are all artists. – By Sigrid Leo
  • We can’t form our children on our own concepts; we must take them and love them as God gives them to us. – By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves. – By Henry Ward Beecher
  • When a star falls from the sky, a child sees the light of day! – By unknown
  • When in doubt, choose the kids. There will be plenty of time later to choose work. – By Anna Quindlen
  • While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. – By unknown
  • With every newborn baby a little sun rises. – By Irmgard Erath
  • Words cannot express the joy of new life. – By Hermann Hesse
  • You cannot buy happiness, happiness is born. – By unknown
  • Newborn Baby Congratulations Messages and Wishes
  • Baby Girl Wishes and Congratulation Messages
  • Baby Boy Wishes and Congratulation Messages
  • Congratulation Messages to New Parents
  • Congratulation Messages for the New Mom
  • Congratulation Messages for Your Sister’s Pregnancy
  • Congratulation Messages for the New Dad
  • Baby Shower Messages
  • Congratulation Messages to First Time Parents
  • Adoption Congratulations Messages
  • Next story  Heartfelt Adoption Congratulations Messages and Quotes
  • Previous story  Housewarming Happiness: Congrats Messages for a New Home


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