ogo tours madrid


Visitas guiadas en madrid con guías locales.





Free tours en madrid.

¡La experiencia es importante! Ofrecemos Free Tours en Madrid desde 2013 . Lo que nos convierte en una de las compañías de visitas guiadas con más experiencia y mejor valoradas en Madrid.

Grupos Pequeños

Olvidate de grupos enormes donde no es posible escuchar al guía. En OgoTours ofrecemos grupos pequeños en todos nuestros Free Tours y visitas guiadas en Madrid . ¡Reserva tus plazas con antelación!

Guías Profesionales

Guías turísticos en Madrid con formación especializada en historia, turismo e historia del arte. Más de 1.000 opiniones en Tripadvisor, Facebook y Google avalan el trabajo de nuestro equipo.

Una Visita Amena

Descubre Madrid de una manera amena y entretenida. Nuestros guías combinan el rigor de la historia con anécdotas, datos interesantes y curiosidades de la ciudad.

Contact Us For any Questions !

Free tour en madrid y visitas guiadas.

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Free Tour - Madrid de los Austrias

  • Puerta del Sol, Estatua Ecuestre de Carlos III
  • Precio Libre (al final de la visita tu decides el precio)

Visita Guiada Barrio de las Letras en Madrid

Tour Barrio de las Letras & Paseo del Prado

ogo tours madrid

Visita Guiada - Madrid en 1 día

ogo tours madrid

Madrid en coche- Tour Privado

  • tu hotel en Madrid

ogo tours madrid

Visita Guiada al Museo del Prado

  • Estatua de Velazquez (fachada principal Museo del Prado)

Opiniones de nuestras visitas guiadas

  • Más de 1,000 opinones (95% de ellas con la puntuación máxima) en Tripadvisor, Google y Facebook
  • Nuestras visitas guiadas en Madrid son recomendadas por publicaciones de viajes y blogs especializados como Viaje y Descubra (Argentina), Un Buen Día en Madrid (España) o Nutritraveler (Chile)

Marypeich (Gran Canaria, España)

Expertos en Madrid

¡Hola desde Madrid! Somos Javier y Tatiana, una pareja enamorada de Madrid. Tras años de experiencia en el sector turístico, en 2013 decidimos comenzar nuestro propio proyecto, OgoTours, una compañía de visitas guiadas especializada exclusivamente en Madrid .

Ser una empresa especializada en Madrid es nuestra principal diferencia con otras grandes compañías multinacionales del sector. Esto nos permite ofrecer siempre las mejores opciones y asesoramiento a nuestros clientes, al igual que mantener una relación muy especial con nuestra ciudad. Sentimos Madrid por los 4 costados. 😊

A pesar del tiempo transcurrido seguimos siendo una pequeña empresa familiar. En la actualidad, nuestro pequeño equipo se compone de guías profesionales con amplia experiencia que disfrutan compartiendo sus rincones favoritos de Madrid y manteniendo la esencia y tradición de la ciudad. Después de nuestras visitas guiadas y free tours en Madrid te sentirás un poco más Madrileño.



Free tour madrid en español.

Entre todas nuestras visitas guiadas en Madrid, tenemos el placer de ofrecer un Free Tour en el Madrid de los Austrias (centro histórico de la ciudad). Tanto si es la primera vez que visitas la ciudad como si ya la conoces, este tour gratis en Madrid es un ruta guiada perfecta para profundizar sobre la historia de Madrid y descubrir rincones desconocidos.

A través de la historia, curiosidades, leyendas y datos interesantes este Free Tour en Madrid te hara descubrir la ciudad de una manera amena y entretenida. No esperes interminables listas de fechas, estilos arquitectonicos y nombres de batallas. Nuestro tour gratis en Madrid es todo lo contrario. ¡No olvides reservar nuestro Free Tour en Madrid en español con antelación ! (plazas limitadas).


Si prefieres una visita guiada en Madrid más personalizada y adaptada a tus necesidades, reserva uno de nuestros tours privados en Madrid en español . Puedes elegir entre los tours privados en Madrid que ya ofrecemos o si prefieres, podemos diseñar una visita guiada por Madrid completamente desde cero. Solo tienes que decidir los detalles (hora de comienzo, lugar de encuentro, duración, etc.) y nos pondremos manos a la obra para diseñar tu visita guiada privada en Madrid.

Al tratarse de un tour privado en Madrid, disfrutarás de un guía turístico a tu completa disposición durante todo el recorrido. De esta forma, nuestro guía podrá tomarse el tiempo de responder a todas tus preguntas y tu tendrás tiempo para tomar fotos y apreciar con detalle los lugares que visitamos en el tour privado. Enlace a Tour Privado en Madrid


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Copyright © OgoTours Madrid 2013-2023 OgoTours es una empresa 100% madrileña. Como tal, estamos encantados de colaborar con otros negocios locales que ayudan a mantener el espíritu y las tradiciones de la ciudad. Número de Identificación Fiscal: 46890705F

  • Sobre Nosotros
  • Términos y condiciones

¿Alguna duda?

  • (+34) 618 96 83 57 / (+34) 660 59 49 52

Si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en contactarnos. Estaremos encantados de ayudarte. 

Visitas guiadas

Free Tour en Madrid 

Visita Bariro de las Letras y Paseo del Prado

Tour Privados en Madrid 

Visitas Escolares en Madrid

Enlaces útiles

¿Planificando un viaje por Europa? Visita nuestra sección de compañías locales con las cuales colaboramos. Se trata de pequeñas empresas con las que compartimos una misma filosofía de entender el turismo responsable.

Visita nuestros posts más populares:

-Visitar el Palacio de El Pardo  -Como ir a Toledo -Museos Gratis Madrid

  • Hecho en Madrid con amor
  • Copyright OgoTours 2013-2023

Nuestras medidas anti Covid-19

Grupos más pequeños (10 personas max).

Para garantizar la seguridad, ahora nuestros grupos son aún más reducidos. Por lo que la reserva es obligatoria!


Tanto el guía como nuestros clientes están obligados a llevar puesta la mascarilla que cubra la boca y la nariz.


Dentro de lo posible, encarecidamente recomendamos mantener una distancia de seguridad de 2 metros con el resto de participantes de la visita.


Durante el recorrido habrá gel higienizante a tu disposición . Pídeselo a tu guía!


Para que no pierdas ningún detalle de la explicación, el guía llevará un altavoz ! A ti sólo te toca relajarte y disfrutar!

No hace falta que imprimas tu confirmacion de la visita . Con tenerla en el movil, es más que suficiente. El guía comprobara tu nombre en el sistema para completar el proceso.

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The Best Day Trips from Madrid

Generally speaking, you can see Madrid in 3 or 4 days, including the main museums and palaces in the city. However, there are other nearby cities and towns that you won’t want to miss if you’re in Madrid.

If we had to start with just one city, it would be Toledo without a doubt. This beautiful city, just 75km (46,5 miles) from Madrid, was Spain’s capital until 1561. Despite being a small city, Toledo has countless interesting places to visit, which is why re recommend arriving early and spending a whole day in Toledo.

day trips from madrid

Don’t miss the incredible Toledo Cathedral or the gorgeous original synagogues that date back to the era before the Jews were expulsed from Spain. These buildings are the perfect example of why this city is known as “ The City of Three Cultures ”.

How do you get from Toledo to Madrid?

To get to Toledo, you have two options:

  • Train: Trains to Toledo leave from the Atocha Station and the trip takes approximately 25 minutes. Price: €25 (round trip).
  • Bus: The only downside to the bus is that they leave from the Plaza Elíptica, which is a bit far from the city center. The trip takes 1 hour. Price: €10 approximately (round trip).

ogo tours madrid

Segovia is one of our favorite destinations when we want to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Its cobblestone streets and stone houses will transport you to another era. Among its many sights, the symbol of the city is the Aqueduct , built by the Romans nearly 2000 years ago. A fascinating local legend says that the aqueduct was built by the devil himself in exchange for the soul of a young woman.

Besides the awe-inspiring Roman aqueduct and the King’s Fortress (Alcázar), Segovia is widely known for its roast pig, the star dish of the city. We recommend trying it at Jose María Restaurant (www.restaurantejosemaria.com).

The Best Day trips from Madrid: Segovia

How do you get from Madrid to Segovia?

To get to Segovia, we definitely recommend taking the bus, which takes approximately 50 minutes. The buses to Segovia leave from the Moncloa Station. Price: €20 approx.

Ávila is a great unknown for many tourists who visit Madrid. But this small city, 107 km (about 66 miles) from Madrid, is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. In fact, Ávila is a member of the exclusive club of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Spain .

Without a doubt, what gets the most attention from tourists is that the old part of the city is completely surrounded by a wall that dates back to the Middle Ages and has remained intact ever since.

Day trips from Madrid

How do you get from Madrid to Avila?

Trains to Ávila leave from the Chamartín Station, located in the northern part of the city. The trip takes approximately 2 hours and the price is around €20.

ogo tours madrid

El Valle de los Caídos

Despite popular belief, this monument (literally, “The Valley of the Fallen”) was not built with the intention of becoming the mausoleum of the dictator Francisco Franco.

This incredible monument was conceived as a monument representing reconciliation from the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). In fact, the remains of both sides who participated in the war are buried here. With Franco’s death in 1975, the authorities of the time decided to bury him in this place.

Day trip Valle de los Caidos

The cross that crowns the site is considered the largest in the world (150 meters tall and 260 meters long).

How do you get from Madrid to Valle de los Caídos?

Unfortunately, public transportation connecting the city center with the “ Valle de los Caídos” is essentially nonexistent. Your best bet is to rent a car.

San Lorenzo del Escorial Monastery

In the 16 th century, King Phillip II decided to build a great monastery which would be the final resting place of the remains of Spain’s kings . The project was King Phillip’s obsession for years until it was completed. Today, the massive complex (35,000 square meters or almost 377,000 square feet) in the shape of a gridiron (San Lorenzo, known in English as Saint Lawrence, was martyred on a gridiron in the year 258) is one of the most incredible buildings in Spain.

Day trip from Madrid to El Escorial

Don’t miss the Royal Pantheon, where all the kings and queens in the history of Spain are buried, with the exception of two: Phillip V and Ferdinand VI.

How do you get from Madrid to El Escorial?

You’ll need to take the train line Cercanías C-3, which passes by the Puerta del Sol and the Atocha Station. The trip takes approximately 1 hour because it makes a lot of stops. Once you arrive to the town, you will walk about 10 minutes to get to the monastery. Price: approx.. €10 (round trip).

This small town, located 40 km (25 miles) from downtown Madrid, became one of the preferred destinations for Spanish kings in the 16 th century. This is where the kings would come when they wanted a break from the hustle and bustle of Madrid.

ogo tours madrid

Construction of the magnificent palace began in the 16 th century, but after being abandoned for a long period of time, it wasn’t finished until the 18 th century. The lovely gardens that surround the palace were used by the kings for recreation and to organize sumptuous parties that were attended by society’s elite.

How do you get from Madrid to Aranjuez?

The fastest way to get to Aranjuez is taking the train line Cercanías C-3. This line stops at the Puerta del Sol and the Atocha Station. The trip takes approximately 1 hour and the price is around €10 (round trip).

Alcalá de Henares

If you are a lover of literature, you must visit Alcalá de Henares, the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes . For those who haven’t heard of him, Miguel de Cervantes is considered one of the most influential writers in the history of the world, and is considered the creator of the modern novel with his work, Don Quixote de la Mancha .

ogo tours madrid

In this small town, you can see the church where he was baptized and even visit the house where he was born and lived as a young boy. And as if that weren’t enough, the town also has a rich heritage that by itself makes it worth a visit.

How do you get from Madrid to Alcalá de Henares?

We recommend taking the Cercanías C-2 or C-7 train. This line stops at the Atocha Station and takes about 45 minutes to arrive. Price: approximately €10 (round trip).,

We hope this post helps you plan your trip to Madrid. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

BOOK NOW our Free Tour in Madrid and discover the Spanish capital from a local point of view. Every day at 10:45 at Puerta del Sol

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What to do in Madrid in 2 days Visiting Madrid in two days is a truly complicated task considering the city’s numerous attractions: incredible buildings,

ogo tours madrid

Best Panoramic Views and Rooftops in Madrid There is a popular saying in Spain that goes “De Madrid al Cielo” which literally means “From Madrid


Atocha Station in Madrid Atocha Station, located just 10 minutes away from Prado Museum, is the main railroad station in Spain. However, unfortunately, the station

ogo tours madrid

Hola! My name is Javier Redondo, tour guide in Madrid for more than 8 years. As a good "Madrileño", I love football (I support Atlético de Madrid), eating tapas and walk the cobblestone streets of old Madrid 🙂 This Madrid blog is where I share tips on popular attractions, local food and off-beat spots.

ogo tours madrid

Based on 1000+ reviews

  • Puerta del Sol, equestrian statue of King Carlos III

Madrid Private Tour

  • upon request
  • Pick up at your hotel / apartment

ogo tours madrid

Copyright © OgoTours Madrid 2013-2023 OgoTours is a 100% local company. And as such, we are proud to do our bit to preserve the traditions and spirit of the city. Our goal is to help you experience Madrid like a local. Tax Identification Number: 46890705F

  • Terms & Conditions

Got questions?

  • (+34) 660 59 49 52

If you need any additional information about our services, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

Walking Tours

Free Walking Tour in Madrid

Madrid Private Tours

Useful Links

Are you travelling around Spain? We are a proud member of Discover Our Cities . This network is made up of local tour opertators that share the same philosophy about tourism. All companies involved in this proyect have something in common;  we are focused on offering 100% local and genuine experiences. 

Our most popular posts: The best panoramic views in Madrid 

How to get to Segovia from Madrid

What to do in Madrid in two days

  • With love from Madrid , Spain
  • Copyright OgoTours 2013 - 2023

New measures to face COVID-19 and enjoy our tours with safety

Smaller groups (max. 10 people).

Our groups are now limited to 10 people, therefore it is required to book your spot in advance.


Mandatory use of face masks for guides and customers . Following the Spanish legislation, the wearing of face masks in all public spaces is obligatory.


When available, we highly recommend to maintain 2-meters social distancing between all the participants of the tour.


All our guides will be carrying hand sanitizer during the tour and it will be available during the whole route for you.


You will hear the explanations perfectly , as your guide will be carrying a voice amplifier.

You don´t need to print out your tour confirmation (just in case keep the email confirmation on your phone). Your name and last name will be enough for the guide to complete the check-in process.


  1. OgoTours

    We are Javier and Tatiana, a couple passionate about Madrid and its fascinating history. In 2013 we decided to start OgoTours, a walking tour company specialized in Madrid. This project would change our lives forever. Time has flown by since OgoTours started but we are proud to continue being a 100% local business.

  2. Madrid Private Tours with Local Guides

    Old Town Madrid Private Walking Tour with local guide. upon request. 2,5 hours. Puerta del Sol, Equestrian Statue of Carlos III. Private Tour. from 175€ per group. BOOK NOW.

  3. OgoTours

    Sep 2020. This Madrid free walking tour is the perfect beginning to any trip to Madrid. It highlights the cultural landmarks of the central part of the city, while providing a concise and very useful overview of the history of Madrid in the larger story of Spain and Europe. It is also important to note that this tour company, OgoTours, was ...

  4. Free Walking Tour Madrid

    OgoTours offers free walking tours in Madrid since 2013 which makes us one of the most experienced walking tour operators in Madrid. 1000+ real reviews (95% of them 5/5) on Tripadvisor, Google and Facebook speak for themselves;

  5. OgoTours

    Además de historia de Madrid, Javier amenizó el tour con diferentes anecdotas y curiosidades que hacían la visita muy entretenida. Eramos 10 personas en el grupo y el guía respondía todas las preguntas y dudas. Sin duda, un tour excelente. La próxima vez que vayamos a Madrid, repetiremos otro tour con OgoTours.

  6. OGOTOURS (Madrid)

    Reservar tu Free Tour por Madrid es tan simple como entrar en nuestra pagina web y rellenar el formulario de reserva. Recibirás tu confirmación de forma inmediata. También puedes llamarnos o escribirnos un whatsapp en: (+34) 660 59 49 52. Te esperamos en Madrid en cualquiera de nuestros tours. :) Un saludo, Tatiana, OgoTours Madrid

  7. OgoTours

    Aug 26, 2024 - Discover the best of Madrid with local guides: history, legends, culture, gastronomy, tips, flamenco, etc.! Professional enthusiastic guides ...

  8. OGOTOURS (Madrid)

    Reservar tu Free Tour por Madrid es tan simple como entrar en nuestra pagina web y rellenar el formulario de reserva. Recibirás tu confirmación de forma inmediata. También puedes llamarnos o escribirnos un whatsapp en: (+34) 660 59 49 52. Te esperamos en Madrid en cualquiera de nuestros tours. :) Un saludo, Tatiana, OgoTours Madrid

  9. Madrid in One Day "Grand Tour"

    Our private walking tour " Madrid in 1 day- Grand Tour" is the best and the most complete way to enjoy the best of Madrid in just 1 day! Prices: (please, note that all tour pricing is per group) 1-5 persons: €260. 6-10 persons: €310. Groups of more than 10 persons, please send us an email to [email protected].

  10. OGOTOURS (Madrid)

    Skip to main content. Discover. Trips

  11. OgoTours: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    930 reviews. #23 of 227 Food & Drink in Madrid. Cultural Tours • Historical & Heritage Tours • Walking Tours • Private Tours • Food Tours. Closed now. 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. Discover the best of Madrid with local guides: history, legends, culture, gastronomy, tips, flamenco, etc.!

  12. Ogotours: Madrid City Tours

    Ogotours: Madrid City Tours, Madrid, Spain. 2,397 likes · 68 were here. Madrid Walking Tours: Free Walking Tour, Tapas Tour, Flamenco, and more! Visitas Guíadas por Madrid

  13. OGOTOURS: All You MUST Know Before You Go (2024)

    Skip to main content. Discover. Trips

  14. Old Town Madrid Private Walking Tour

    The price of our Old Town Madrid Private Walking Tour is (please, note that all tour pricing is per group): 1-5 persons: €175 (2,5 approx) 6-10 persons: €200 (2,5 approx) Groups larger than 10, please email us [email protected]. These prices include: Private walking tour with our local English-speaking guide.

  15. Madrid Private Car Tour

    Price & What's included in our Madrid Private Car Tour. Please, note that all tour pricing is per group. Prices between 1-3 pers. €412 (21% taxes included) Prices between 4-7 pers. €456 (21% taxes included) Groups larger than 7 persons, please send us an email to [email protected].

  16. Private Madrid Gastronomic Tapas Tour

    Each day, friends, couples, etc. get together and fill the bars of the Spanish Capital (Madrid has the incredible figure of 32.000 bars and restaurants) while they chat, discuss and enjoy some tapas. OgoTours gives you the chance to know more about this "ritual".

  17. The Story of a family Tour Operator in Madrid

    Thanks to this customer-centered philosophy, OgoTours has become one of the best rated walking tour companies in Madrid: 7 consecutive Certificates of Excellence on TripAdvisor since 2013 (based on more than 800 reviews. 95% of them 5-star).

  18. Why to Choose a Private Tour in Madrid

    Reasons to choose a Private Tour in Madrid. With our private tours in Madrid you will enjoy a local experience. All our guides will show you the Madrid you never knew: traditions, history, gastronomy and much more. After our tours you will feel like a genuine madrileño

  19. Getting Around in Madrid

    Getting around in Madrid couldn´t be easier. Every single day more than two million people use public transportation (metro, bus, tram, commuter trains and

  20. OUR BLOG

    How to get from Madrid to Valencia : Travel Options Planning a trip from Madrid to Valencia and unsure about the best way to get

  21. The Best Day Trips from Madrid

    Toledo. If we had to start with just one city, it would be Toledo without a doubt. This beautiful city, just 75km (46,5 miles) from Madrid, was Spain's capital until 1561. Despite being a small city, Toledo has countless interesting places to visit, which is why re recommend arriving early and spending a whole day in Toledo.