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Tourism and visitor management in protected areas


Protected areas are a key component of any global conservation strategy. Tourism provides a crucial and unique way of fostering visitors’ connection with protected area values, making it a potentially positive force for  conservation. Protected area tourism’s economic benefits—which depend on beautiful natural areas, healthy wildlife and nature, and authentic cultures—can also be a powerful argument for conservation. Tourism in protected areas  is a major part of the global tourism industry—an industry whose scale and impacts are enormous. Such a high volume of visitors implies certain needs for fundamental infrastructure and requirements for employment and human services, all of which have ramifications for the economy, society, culture and the environment. These Guidelines provide guidance on key issues to help managers achieve sustainable tourism in protected areas.

protected area tourism planning

This second edition of The state of protected and conserved areas in Eastern and Southern Africa…

protected area tourism planning

West Africa is characterized by rapid population growth, endemic poverty and poor governance and…

protected area tourism planning

The global community has developed a wide array of frameworks, tools, reporting systems, and…

UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer



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Ecotourism and Protected areas

According to the UN Tourism's definition, ecotourism refers to forms of tourism which have the following characteristics:

  • All nature-based forms of tourism in which the main motivation of the tourists is the observation and appreciation of nature as well as the traditional cultures prevailing in natural areas.
  • It contains educational and interpretation features.
  • It is generally, but not exclusively organised by specialised tour operators for small groups. Service provider partners at the destinations tend to be small, locally owned businesses.
  • It minimises negative impacts upon the natural and socio-cultural environment.
  • Generating economic benefits for host communities, organisations and authorities managing natural areas with conservation purposes;
  • Providing alternative employment and income opportunities for local communities;
  • Increasing awareness towards the conservation of natural and cultural assets, both among locals and tourists.

Source: The British Ecotourism Market, UNWTO 2002

UN Tourism has been involved in the field of ecotourism since the early 1990s and developed a set of guidelines focusing on the strong link between protected area and tourism, with the aim of ensuring that tourism contributes to the purposes of protected areas and does not undermine them.

In the framework of the UN-declared International Year of Ecotourism (IYE) 2002, UN Tourism undertook a wide range of activities, including the organization of regional conferences and the World Ecotourism Summit , and published guidelines and methodologies for ecotourism development and market studies, as well as supported regional and national activities.

At the request of the United Nations General Assembly, the UN Tourism prepared a report on the activities undertaken by States and major international organizations in the framework of the International Year of Ecotourism . Also UN Tourism prepared a series of market reports to increase the knowledge of seven important countries considered “Ecotourism generating markets”.


  1. (PDF) Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas Guidelines for Planning

    protected area tourism planning

  2. How do protected areas and national parks promote sustainable tourism

    protected area tourism planning

  3. PPT

    protected area tourism planning

  4. Case Study 1: Tourism planning solutions for protected areas

    protected area tourism planning

  5. 3. Tourism in protected areas

    protected area tourism planning

  6. Capacity-building for ecotourism: training programmes for managers of

    protected area tourism planning




  3. uas tourism planning and guilding

  4. Tourism Planning

  5. Expanding European Protected Areas Through Rewilding

  6. Tourism Planning and Historical Preservation A71


  1. Sustainable tourism in protected areas : guidelines for ...

    These guidelines aim to build an understanding of protected area tourism, and its management. They provide both a theoretical structure and practical guidelines for managers. The underlying aim is to ensure that tourism contributes to the purposes of protected areas and does not undermine them.

  2. Tourism and visitor management in protected areas - IUCN

    Protected areas are a key component of any global conservation strategy. Tourism provides a crucial and unique way of fostering visitors’ connection with protected area values, making it a potentially positive force for conservation.

  3. Tourism and visitor management in protected areas

    The IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist (TAPAS) Group is a voluntary network of over 500 people. The mission of the TAPAS Group is to provide a platform for protected area practitioners and others, where expertise and knowledge is shared, sustainability awareness is enhanced,

  4. Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas

    the protected areas that harbour so much of our biodiversity are exposed to the pressures of unsustainable development. The precautionary approach urges us to be especially concerned about tourism in protected areas, given the risk of damage and destruction to this unique natural resource.

  5. Sustainable tourism in protected areas: guidelines for ... - UNEP

    The publication aims to assist protected area managers and other stakeholders in the planning and management of protected areas based on a wealth of practical case studies and experience.

  6. Guide to sustainable tourism in protected areas

    social benefits that a sustainable tourism can generate for protected areas and the regional economy. This brochure will show you how it can work. You will find: + Research results on how much tourism protected areas can cope with + Visitor monitoring and management tools, that worked well for our partners + Ways to involve regional stakeholders

  7. Protected area tourism: Progress, innovation and sustainability

    The application of these lessons, through the planning and management of protected area tourism; through private sector investment decisions and through enhancing the roles, responsibilities and benefits to local communities, will surely drive progress in sustainable tourism through the next decade.

  8. Tourism in protected areas: Developing meaningful standards

    While not focused specifically on tourism, visitation and visitor management practices where relevant to the overall management of a park are important components. For many protected areas, tourism is integral, relying on visitors and tourism for financial support.

  9. Ecotourism and Protected areas | UN Tourism - UNWTO

    UN Tourism has been involved in the field of ecotourism since the early 1990s and developed a set of guidelines focusing on the strong link between protected area and tourism, with the aim of ensuring that tourism contributes to the purposes of protected areas and does not undermine them.

  10. Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas Guidelines for ...

    Topics addressed include: ecological and cultural goals of national parks and protected areas; social roles of park-based tourism; tourism services and infrastructure; tourism in marine...