
Queen Elizabeth II’s First tour of New Zealand

December 23, 1953 - january 31, 1954.

queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

In 1953, the newly-crowned Queen Elizabeth II made her first visit here, taking in 46 towns and cities over six weeks. Kiwis lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the young royal, and her trip highlights were of the most iconic Kiwi order — a Watties factory, butter churning, bridge jumping, and an ice cream cake with a map of the South Island.

Images courtesy of Alexander Turnbull Library

queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

New Zealand was centre-stage on 25 December, 1953, when Queen Elizabeth broadcast her Christmas message to the Empire-Commonwealth from Government House, Auckland.

December 23, 1953

Royal limousine on queen street, auckland.

It was a drizzly day in Auckland as the royal yacht, SS Gothic, docked just six months after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Graham Stewart, a young photographer covering the “second coming”, remembers her walking down in a “cool lime green summer frock and hat”.

The skies cleared as she touched New Zealand, when the royal salute shot from cannons and church bells rang out around town.

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The royal limousine drives up Queen Street, Auckland, to the civic reception on the morning of the Queen’s arrival.

In an open-topped car, the Queen and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, travelled up Queen St, where it seemed the whole city had turned out in their finery to watch and cheer.

That first day, the couple shook an estimated 300 hands.

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Children wait in well-regimented rows during the youth gathering on the Domain, Auckland.

December 24, 1953

Auckland domain.

Christmas Eve kicked off with a visit to Auckland Hospital followed by a youth gathering at Auckland Domain.

Caroline Woon was there with her marching band and shared her memories with “While we were waiting, my Scots friend, also about 18, sat and explained to me why she as a Scot would not, could not, feel excited about Elizabeth as she was not, in reality, her Queen let alone Queen Elizabeth II as true Scots had never even recognised the first Elizabeth.

“Finally, Elizabeth arrived and I saw her look back at us as Philip said – and you could see what he was saying – “Who are they?” – and her reply that we were “marching teams”. Unheard of in Britain and at that time unique to New Zealand.

“I can only think that that conversation between them had the effect of unleashing some sort of latent emotion because my Scots chum emitted what can only be described as a throaty roar of patriotism, wonderful in its intensity and then charged like a wounded bull out of our designated area, trying to barge like an All Black through another block of people in front to get even closer.”

10:21pm Tangiwai railway disaster

At 10:21pm the day would take a dark twist when the Wellington to Auckland night express plunged into the Whangaehu River at Tangiwai, killing 151 of the 285 on board.

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The wreckage of the Wellington-Auckland night express which plunged into the flooded Whangaehu River on Christmas Eve, 1953.

December 25, 1953

New Zealand awoke to news of the Tangiwai disaster.

At Himatangi, a small settlement by the Manawatū coast, half-a-dozen young radio technicians cancelled their Christmas plans for a very special job. It was their job to transmit the Queen’s Christmas message, from Government House in Auckland, to the world.

The anxious wait - had it been received out there? - lasted more than 100 minutes. No cups of tea, no cigarettes, as they waited to hear back from Australia, North America, United Kingdom. Success, and the young technicians gathered in Himatangi Hall that Christmas Day could finally relax.

The Queen’s Christmas broadcast began: “Last Christmas I spoke to you from England. This year I am doing so from New Zealand. Auckland, which I reached only two days ago, is, I suppose as far as any city in the world from London and I have travelled some thousands of miles through many changing scenes and climates on my voyage here.”

The Queen would finish with a message of sympathy “to my people in New Zealand”, directly addressing the Tangiwai disaster, for which she would later attend a state funeral in Wellington.

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Racegoers prefer to watch the royal couple rather than the horses during the Auckland Racing Club’s meeting at Ellerslie.

December 26, 1953

At the races.

Outside Auckland’s St James Theatre where the Queen and Duke were due for a Royal premiere, wheelchair-user Anne Ballin was spotted by a police officer among the pressing crowds. Concerned that she would get hurt, the officer wheeled Anne into the foyer where she waited four hours but was not disappointed.

“It was my first glimpse of the Queen but I saw her at her best.”

Earlier in the day, the royal couple had been to the races at Ellerslie.

December 27, 1953

Sunday, a day of church and relaxation.

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The Queen, escorted by E.B. Corbett, the Minister for Maori Affairs, is welcomed to Waitangi by Māori kuia.

December 28, 1953

Queen’s visit to waitangi.

The area around Waitangi, in the Bay of Islands, had previously been the scene of tension between Māori and Pākehā. And it certainly would be again.

But on this summer’s day as 1953 neared its end, nearly 114 years after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, the sun shone and newspaper reports detailed the happy mixed-race crowd gathered in adulation.

“Symbolic of the amity between the races were New Zealand and English trees planted alongside the marae. Their branches mingled and provided on the ground below sufficient shade to protect several thousand people from the sun’s rays.”

While the unnamed author may have had sun protection knowledge ahead of his time, his racial diplomacy was somewhat lacking: “The Māori [performer] was not at his best and it was a disappointing round off to an otherwise glorious day.”

December 29, 1953

Jessie McKenzie, 100, was one of New Zealand’s few surviving original settlers and so it seemed somewhat appropriate she would meet Her Royal Highness. The Whangarei local - who had been born aboard a ship from Nova Scotia to New Zealand - was meant to meet the Queen at a Civic Reception in Waiwera. But after breaking her leg, she instead met the royals at their hotel. Local papers called the visit “the most glorious 15 minutes” in a century.

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King Korokī greets Queen Elizabeth II at Tūrangawaewae.

December 30, 1953

Queen at tūrangawaewae.

History was made at Ngāruawāhia as the Queen was given the protection and goodwill of the local iwi’s gods, with the chant from the chief:

Foreboding and dreadfully envisaged was the far flung sky above! In anger it raged; In embattled array did it strive; The earth quaked; The heavens quivered! Nought stood upright beneath the shattering blast; The piercing south wind did blow! We grasped the big axe; the renowned axe; the long-handled axe; The axe that did rend asunder the great tree of the forest. We stroke forth boldly and struck the base of the sky that stands above! And it fell! It expired! Cease now, O thou east wind! Cease now, O thou south wind! The murmuring breeze will sigh o’r the land; The stormy and boisterous sea will subside; And the crimson morn will come with a sharpened air… A touch of frost… Ah, this the promise of a glorious day! The rising up. Who wielded the sacred axe? Then the gathered crowd: The tribes united! Chief: Remain united! All: Aye, forever! Aye, forever! Chief: Sneeze lustily! ‘Tis the eternal life principle! ‘Tis the world of life; ‘Tis the world of light! Let the calm be widespread! Let the sea glisten like the pounamu! And let the shimmer of summer dance across your pathway. It is ended!

It is not clear what the young Queen made of it all.

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The Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) attends the funeral at Karori Cemetery, Wellington, on 31 December 1953 for 21 victims of the Tangiwai tragedy.

December 31, 1953

1953 had been a big year for the Queen, losing her father and taking the throne. It ended with a bit of a whimper as the Queen and Duke spent a quiet night at the Waitomo Hotel. Members of the Royal entourage gathered in the main lounge and quietly sang Auld Lang Syne .

January 1, 1954

The first day of 1954 was spent on the road travelling from Hamilton to the quiet shores of Lake Rotoiti.

Virtually every farm gate, every road junction, and every village and town was decorated and an estimated 100,000 people turned out to catch a glimpse. “There was scarcely a moment during the long journey when the royal party was out of sight of cheering and waving people,” The Dominion reported.

“They brought babies in arms and sometimes their dogs, cats, and pet lambs as well. Even the lambs were decked out in red, white, and blue.”

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The Duke of Edinburgh receives a gift during the Māori reception at Rotorua while Minister of Maori Affairs E.B. Corbett looks on.

January 2, 1954

Reception at rotorua.

A day in Rotorua for civic duties which were followed by a Māori reception at Arawa Park.

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The royal couple watch children dive for coins at Whakarewarewa, Rotorua.

January 3, 1954

Royal couple at whakarewarewa.

The Queen’s mother and and father, then as Duke and Duchess of York, had visited the Te Arawa Marae in Rotorua in 1927. In fact, every royal family member to visit New Zealand had been there. But this day in 1954, Her Royal Highness broke new ground as she became the first woman ever to speak on the marae.

January 4 & 5, 1954

Two days free from official engagements as the royals relaxed at Moose Lodge, Lake Rotoiti.

January 6, 1954

The show got back on the road, passing through Gisborne - where crowds lined the streets everywhere - and on to Napier.

There, Pani Waipu, 5, was allowed out of hospital for the first time in three years for the royal visit. The boy had a critical spine condition and had spent years suspended upside down in an iron frame. He had one wish: to meet the Queen. He was among the crowd in the front row as the Queen got to Napier’s McLean Park. His eyes never left the stage and his face lit up as he waved and waved.

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James Wattie explains the production line at his cannery in Hastings.

January 7, 1954

Watties factory visit.

The day started with a trip to the J Wattie Canneries in Hastings, where Mr Wattie showed the confounded-looking Queen the workings of his cannery.

Fresh from all the excitement Hastings could offer, the Queen boarded a train for a trip through to Palmerston North, stopping along the way.

Rona Gleeson, 6, stood in her best smocked dress with a bow in her hair among a group of children at Woodville's Railway Station, waiting to see the Queen.

“We were lined up alongside the railway platform with a little Union Jack flag in hand. Every child was given one and instructed to wave it when the train arrived.

“I was with the little ones at the edge of the platform. The train was a red one as I recall, it huffed and puffed into the station and a long line of folk walked the length of the platform … then it puffed and huffed off to Palmerston North.”

Little Rona didn't realise that the woman at the centre of the long line of folk, without her crown and ermine robes, was the Queen.

“Along with most children of that time, we had seen many pictures of the coronation … the coaches, the processions, the pageantry and glitter - and that I expected, in Woodville.”

At Palmerston North, Robyn Tremaine walked to the edge of the rotunda to present a bouquet. The Queen was at the top, the young girl at the bottom. Images of Muhammad and the mountain, leapt to one scribe’s mind. The Queen looked at Robyn and Robyn looked at the Queen. Then, with a quick smile, the Queen walked down and an awkward situation was saved.

January 8, 1954

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The Queen is greeted by local dignitaries in Marton.

New Zealand spread out before HRH this midsummer day as the Queen travelled from Palmerston North, to Feilding, to Marton, to Whanganui, Patea, Hāwera, Stratford, and finally New Plymouth.

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Queen Elizabeth II meeting the Stratford stationmaster, Jack Scott.

Judith Foy, a young teacher, and cub leader in Hāwera, told “The streets chosen [for the visit] had some very unsightly buildings and the powers that be who arrange these things decided something had to be done to cover these sights from royal eyes. Every school child set about making paper flowers in red, white and blue crepe paper. These were gathered and hung on these.”

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The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh watch butter being taken from a churn in the Bell Block Co-operative Dairy Factory, New Plymouth.

January 9, 1954

New plymouth butter.

The day began with more rural New Zealand - a visit to the Bell Block Dairy Factory - before the Queen and Duke flew to Paraparaumu Airport.

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Crowds of children welcome the royal couple at the civic reception in Pukekura Park, New Plymouth.

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Cabbage tree leaves, kiwi, a farewell in te reo and the New Zealand and Union Jack flags decorate the royal route out of New Plymouth.

Crowds lined the roads to Wellington and holiday-makers in Raumati and Paraparaumu turned out in bathing trunks. A crowd of 2000 mobbed the Royal Daimler on Hutt Rd. In Wellington, Lambton Quay was decked with flowers and bunting and a crowd singing Tipperary and A Bicycle Built for Two .

As the procession made its way to the Town Hall - “too swiftly, many thought”, the Evening Post noted - the crowds followed for a second, or even third glimpse.

January 10, 1954

The official programme said the Queen and Duke would attend a service at the Cathedral Church of St Paul then head straight to Government House, but there was a secret engagement. They were spotted going into the grounds of Parliament, where they were rehearsing for the upcoming opening. A large crowd gathered outside in the pouring rain for 40 minutes before the Queen came hurrying down the stairs to the waiting royal Daimler. All they got was a wave through the window as the car sped away.

January 11, 1954

A red carpet stretched from Wellington’s Opera House doors and across the footpath for a civic reception. Crowds eagerly awaited in the driving rain opposite and a tall, smiling policeman walked up and down edging them back before Her Majesty’s arrival.

Earlier, the Queen and Duke visited the Ford factory in Lower Hutt and the Duke was particularly interested in the engine assembly.

“What do you take away when you are finished,” he asked one worker, smiling.

“Nothing, Your Royal Highness,” the worker replied, “they won’t let us.

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Prime Minister Sidney Holland hands the Queen the vellum copy of her Speech from the Throne at Parliament, Wellington, 12 January 1954.

January 12, 1954

Opening parliament.

About 36,000 children and their parents packed Athletic Park in Newtown, Wellington to see the Queen. Gwen Parsons was an 8-year-old pupil at St Patrick's in Kilbirnie. The whole school turned out for the visit.

“They drove in, in the back of an open jeep, and waved. We were all very excited and thought it was great. I wouldn't turn out to see her now for all the tea in China,” she said years later.

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The Queen, wearing her coronation robes, enters Parliament Buildings, Wellington, to open the special session of Parliament.

Later in the day the Queen, in her Coronation dress, an ermine stole, the Order of the Garter and a tiara, opened a session in Parliament. Lasting just seven minutes, it would go down in history as the shortest session of Parliament ever held in New Zealand.

January 13, 1954

The Queen laid the foundation stone for what would become Wellington’s Anglican cathedral. The Dominion opined: “This is indeed an occasion for rejoicing. The spiritual import of it reaches far beyond the reaches of Wellington itself to the Church throughout the country, and to all the people.” It was also noted money still needed to be found to build the rest of the Cathedral.

January 14, 1954

Upper hutt welcome.

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The royal car is greeted by crowds in Upper Hutt.

The Queen, a well-known lover of horse-racing, headed out to Trentham, Upper Hutt for the Royal Wellington Cup.

Jockey Jack Garth rode five-year-old Golden Tan to the front at the post to take the win. In the birdcage, the Queen picked up the cup and turned it around in her hands for a few admiring moments before, smiling, presenting the trophy, to the horse’s owner.

“Three cheers for her Royal Highness and the Duke of Edinburgh,” the club president called, and the vast crowd responded. Garth was later asked what the Queen had said to him. “I can hardly remember what she said,” he admitted. “It was all so wonderful.”

January 15, 1954

After days in the relatively-cosmopolitan capital, the royal couple headed to Wairarapa. Helen Turner remembered the couple arriving in Masterton: “As a pupil at Wairarapa College at the time, and although it was the school holidays and summer, we were asked to don our winter uniforms, which were obviously considered tidier than our summer uniforms.”

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A Blenheim family with a good ‘possie’ in the main square whiles away the time until the Queen’s arrival with a game of cards.

January 16, 1954

The South Island beckoned, first by plane to the Air Force base in Woodbourne and then car to Blenheim and Nelson.

Some 5000 children from far and wide gathered in Nelson’s Trafalgar Park. The royal car made a sudden stop when a little girl in blue - Rosalie Marritt of Hampden St School - stepped forward with a bouquet of pink carnations. Her Majesty took the bouquet and said, “Thank you, my dear”, and the procession moved on.

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A huge crown dwarfs the royal couple as they walk down the steps in front of Nelson Cathedral.

On the Cathedral steps, as the mayor spoke, a shaggy black and white sheep dog jumped onto the balcony, causing hilarity among the crowd. Then as the mayor called for applause for the Queen, the shaggy dog sprang into view as it leaped onto the Duke’s chair. The dog was awarded with a pat on the head from the Duke as he left.

January 17, 1954

The South Island’s West Coast was fizzing with excitement to such an extent that, in preparation, one side of the road from Hokitika to Greymouth was resealed, says. That side of the road was for years after known as “Lizzie’s Side”.

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The Queen speaking at an open-air function in Greymouth.

Pat Jamieson: “I was 11 years old and the Queen and Duke were driving down High Street in Greymouth. The crowds were very thick and I wiggled to the front just as their car was passing, the Queen smiled at me and I was hooked. An instant avid royalist. I then ran alongside the car for about half a mile at which time the Duke of Edinburgh looked across and said, ‘If you run much further, you will burst’. Well I was just totally blown away. That evening practically the entire population was gathered outside Revington’s Hotel where the royal couple were staying, calling ‘We want the Queen’. Then as soon as everything went quiet this little 11-year-old stood and yelled at the top of her voice. ‘I want the Duke’. The Royal Couple came out onto the balcony and waved and the crowd went wild, especially me - I was totally convinced the Duke only came out because I called for him to do so.”

January 18, 1954

The South Island got eaten, initially by the Queen but finished off by the local children. Granted, it was not the actual South Island, but it was near enough. A Christchurch firm had supplied an ice cream cake crowned with a map of the South Island, complete with miniature lakes and mountains, the railway system, and each stop on the tour marked out. The pair were so delighted that, after their luncheon, the cake - map unimpaired - was sent to the train station where the crowd of about 200, half of them children, got to finish it off.

January 19, 1954

Finally, came Christchurch’s time to shine. At the Cathedral, 1200 made it inside while another 5000 listened to the service through a public address service outside.

The Queen said: “It is abundantly clear that the people of Christchurch lack none of the enterprise and industry of their stout-hearted forebears who founded this beautiful city and who played their part in developing the country in which it stands.”

It was unclear if the “enterprise” she was talking of was the display that day at the Disabled Servicemen’s Vocational Training Centre of an armless man who, for 15 minutes, showed the royal couple how he could shave, eat a meal of meat and vegetables, drink from a cup, and type a letter.

January 20, 1954

Anne Roberts, 10, in a cool blue dress, stood with 7-year-old Michael Hard on Brougham St, Christchurch, as the royal procession moved towards them. As she clutched a bouquet of carnations and roses, it looked for a moment as if the car wasn’t going to stop. Anne stretched out one hand and asked the queen, “wait a minute”. Her Royal Highness obliged.

January 21, 1954

It was on this day that complaints emerged that then-Prime Minister Sidney Holland confirmed he had received complaints about the speed the cars carrying the Queen and Duke through crowds. People were miffed they didn’t have enough time to lay eyes on the Royals.

Holland responded: “I have given instructions that for the remainder of the tour every effort should be made to slow down as much as possible to give people every opportunity of seeing our Royal guests.”

That day the Queen - in a fitted coat of soft pervenche blue grosgrain over a frock of matching blue and white spotted silk, with a pleated panel on the front of her skirt - went with the Duke, in a dark brown lounge suit, to the trots at Addington.

January 22, 1954

Crowds turned out early to catch the Royal couple all the way along the drive to Burnham Military Camp. Every lamppost along Riccarton Rd displayed some sort of show of loyalty as the Queen and Duke headed towards the deep south. But first was a weekend of rest at Longbeach.

January 23, 1954

As the royal cars passed through Rakaia, Her Royal Highness spotted little Heather Ashford, 5, clutching a bunch of gladioli. The car stopped, the window came down, and the Queen lent out to get the flowers from the young girl, who was held aloft by the local vicar’s wife.

January 24, 1954

A Sunday, the day of our Lord, and the 30 worshippers at the tiny historic chapel at Longbeach had a very special guest. For the Queen and Duke, there was a reason to take special note. The chapel was then almost a century old. It had been the first church on the Canterbury Plains when it was built in 1855.

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The most famous and fêted railway station visitors were touring members of the British royal family. Here, the young Queen Elizabeth II poses on the observation platform of her royal car at Timaru.

January 25, 1954

There was no award given for the newspaper headline of the tour but, if there had been, it surely would have gone to that day’s Dominion . “The Queen Wears Coat,” it proclaimed. Evidently, as the Queen’s train neared Dunedin, onlookers were decked out in scarves and overcoats despite being amid a summer’s month. “When the Queen alighted in the city she wore a light coat over her summer suit.” You read it here first, unless, of course, you read it then.

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The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are welcomed by local children at Palmerston.

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Yvette Williams in mid-air during a long jump at Carisbrook Park, Dunedin, in front of Queen Elizabeth II and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

January 26, 1954

The collective sigh reached around the 33,000 spectators at Carisbrook. A royal “oh” was even uttered from the Royal lips. This was when New Zealand long-jumper Yvette Williams jumped a record-equalling 20 feet, six inches but got a “no jump”.

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12,000 children greet the Queen at Forbury Park, Dunedin.

January 27, 1954

Sir Edmund Hillary had, the year before, already climbed Mt Everest but a New Zealand Himalayan expedition was heading out again and two of its members - Colin Todd and Brian Wilkins - were at a Royal reception of sports people at Dunedin.

Some sportsmen at the reception gave the Duke a copy of New Zealand from N to Z, which was described as a “popular and pleasant piece of frivolity” about inter-island rivalry written by Carl Smith of Dunedin.

“This will put New Zealand into true perspective,” the Duke was told then, as an afterthought: “Perhaps it would be better if his Royal Highness reads it after he leaves us.”

January 28, 1954

The Queen’s yacht, the Gothic, was already tied up in Bluff, ready to take Her Royal Highness towards home this day in 1953. Dunedin’s goodbye line-up of people had stretched 11km from the city earlier in the day and 223km on in Invercargill the southern province was ready to embrace them.At each town they passed through, the entire population seemingly turned out and the crowds thickened as the cars neared Invercargill.

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A huge crowd in the main street of Invercargill as the royal entourage arrives at the Grand Hotel.

At the Grand Hotel, as the royal couple got out of the car, the crowd surged but the couple got in safely. The other cars in the procession had to wait to get through till the Duke and Queen appeared on the balcony to rapturous applause. They came out again and waved at 8pm then, to a still-large crowd, as dusk turned towards night at 9.45pm.

January 29, 1954

A bumble bee met an unruffled Queen in Invercargill as she addressed the large crowd at a civic reception at Queen’s Park.

As it hovered within inches of her face, Invercargill Mayor Adam Adamson flew into action, newspapers reported. “[He] made a wild sweep with his hand while the crowd held its breath. The motion of the mayor’s hand was sufficient to frighten the bee away and there was a gasp of relief from the crowd. At no sign during the incident did the Queen show that there was anything amiss.”

Also that night, the Queen transmitted a national broadcast to New Zealand in which she said her and her husband had enjoyed “every minute” of their stay.

January 30, 1954

The Queen, along with the Duke, sailed out of Bluff. It was said 75 percent of New Zealand had seen the couple during their 40-day visit. They had travelled more than 2000 kilometres by car, 1200km by plane and 960km by train.

January 31, 1954

Leaving new zealand.

The SS Gothic made an unscheduled visit to Milford Sound.

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The royal visitors’ last sojourn in New Zealand waters was spent in Milford Sound.

Queen Elizabeth II would visit New Zealand another nine times during her long reign over the Commonwealth - in 1963, 1970, 1974, 1977, 1981, 1986, 1990, 1995 and 2002.

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Queen Elizabeth II – Her coronation and first visit to New Zealand in 1953

New Zealanders celebrated two royal events in 1953. In the middle of the year, their new monarch Elizabeth II was crowned; six months later she came to Aotearoa New Zealand in person.

A royal year

Many souvenirs were made to mark these happy occasions, some were unique and hand-made, others were mass-produced, but all were mementos of the beginning of what was called ‘the new Elizabethan age’.

In June, Elizabeth II was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Pakistan, and became the Head of the Commonwealth.

The coronation on 2 June was especially memorable for New Zealanders, as it coincided with news of Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenza Norgay reaching the summit of Mt Everest. The Acting Prime Minster of New Zealand described the conquest as ‘a most fitting gift for her Majesty’s Coronation’.

Touring New Zealand

At the end of December 1953, Queen Elizabeth arrived in New Zealand. She and her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, stayed for almost six weeks, travelling through Aotearoa New Zealand as part of a six-month tour of the Commonwealth.

Their itinerary took the couple to 46 towns and cities. This was the first time a reigning monarch of New Zealand had visited – the previous five royal visits had been made by brothers or sons of monarchs.

Crowds flocked to see them. It is estimated that almost three out of every four New Zealanders turned out to catch a glimpse of their new Queen.

A lot of people in a stadium field waving as a motorcade passes by

This photograph shows spectators watching Queen Elizabeth II’s cavalcade driving through the Basin Reserve in Wellington. It was taken on the last day of the Queen’s stay in the capital, before she and the Duke of Edinburgh flew to the South Island.  Queen's visit, December 1953-January 1954 ... , 16 January 1954, by Leslie Adkin. Te Papa (A.008487)

Metal badge with ribbon with a picture of Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh on it with the text Souvenir visit 1953

Royal visit badge , maker unknown, about 1953. Gift of the Guard family, 1993. Te Papa (GH004728)

a blue and silver bottle top with the words Coronation Royal Visit and ER in the centre

This bottle top is from a collection of about 250 bottle tops collated by Toby Stevenson when he was aged 7–11 years old, between 1965–1969. Toby recalls his interest was sparked by two Queen Elizabeth II coronation bottle tops that had been kept by his grandmother. She gave them to him and he proceeded to collect bottle tops wherever he could.  Bottle top , about 1954, maker unknown. Gift of Toby Stevenson, 2011. Te Papa (GH021674/1)

A softcovered book with a picture of a couple with two children

This scrapbook was compiled by 10-year-old Cathryn Riley for the Royal Tour of Queen Elizabeth II to New Zealand in 1953-54. Cathryn was invited to see the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh at a special Children's Function at Athletic Park on 12 January 1954. She kept this detailed scrapbook with tickets, newspaper cuttings and other ephemera from the Royal Visit.

Scrapbook, 'The Coronation Royal Visit' , Cathryn Riley; compiler; 1953-1954; New Zealand. Gift of Cathryn Riley, 2014. Te Papa (GH024283)

A red and cream badge of profile photos of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh

This badge was created to commemorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to New Zealand in 1953-54, and was worn by a young boy who saw her on tour in Devonport, Auckland. Royal Tour badge , 1953, New Zealand, maker unknown. Gift of Tony Mackle, 2011. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Te Papa (GH021362)

Imperial links

At the time, the tour celebrated and confirmed the ongoing importance of British culture and tradition to New Zealanders. People waved Union Jacks, not the New Zealand flag. Red, white, and blue floral displays were the order of the day.

The debating chamber during question time.

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Queen Elizabeth II's connection to New Zealand

Queen Elizabeth II passed away on 8 September 2022. Read on to learn more about the connections she shared with New Zealand during her reign.

Queen Elizabeth II stands beside the Māori Queen, Dame Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu. Both wear korowai. On either side of them are two men wearing suits, Prime Minister Jim Bolger  and Minister In Charge Of Treaty Negotiations Sir Douglas Graham

The Queen Meets The Māori Queen, Dame Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu in 1995, Accompanied By Prime Minister Jim Bolger (left) and Minister In Charge Of Treaty Negotiations Sir Douglas Graham.

Source: Alexander Turnbull Library. Reference: EP/1995/4375B/33A-F

At the same time I want to show that the Crown is not merely an abstract symbol of our unity but a personal and living bond between you and me. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, December 25 1953

The Sovereign is the source of all executive legal authority in New Zealand, and acts on the advice of the Government in all but the most exceptional circumstances. The Sovereign is represented in New Zealand by the Governor-General. During Queen Elizabeth’s reign, 16 people held this role including the current Governor-General, Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro. 

Visits to New Zealand

Queen Elizabeth II visited New Zealand 10 times during her reign.

23 Dec 1953 to 31 Jan 1954 :

Black and white photograph of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Queen Elizabeth II opening Parliament during her visit to New Zealand, photographed at the top of Parliament steps on 13 February 1963 by an Evening Post Staff photographer.

Source: Queen Elizabeth II opening Parliament, Wellington. Dominion Post (Newspaper): Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post and Dominion newspapers. Ref: EP/1963/0554-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22335510

Following her coronation in June 1953, the Queen visited New Zealand for over a month, during which she opened a special session of Parliament, laid the foundation stone of the Anglican Cathedral, and visited numerous towns and cities.

King Korokī Greets Queen Elizabeth II At Tūrangawaewae On 30 December 1953.

King Korokī Greets Queen Elizabeth II At Tūrangawaewae On 30 December 1953.

Source: Alexander Turnbull Library Reference: F 135752 1/2

6 to18 February 1963

During this tour the Queen attended celebrations at Waitangi and the Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council was established as New Zealand's gift to the Queen.

12 to 30 March 1970

The Queen participated in the James Cook bicentenary celebrations and introduced Prince Charles and Princess Anne to New Zealand. This tour marked the first 'walk-about' in a Royal visit, where the Queen did a walk-about of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM) venue and met with ordinary people.

30 January to 8 February 1974

Accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, Princess Anne, Captain Mark Phillips, and the Prince of Wales, the Queen attended the Commonwealth Games in Christchurch and New Zealand Day events at Waitangi.

Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, The Duke Of Edinburgh, And Prime Minister Norman Kirk sit in the front row amongst a group of people.

Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, The Duke Of Edinburgh, And Prime Minister Norman Kirk At Waitangi On 6 February 1974.

Source: Alexander Turnbull Library Reference: EP/1974/0611/23A-F

22 February to 7 March 1977

People in a large hall with stairs during a ceremony

Beehive interior, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, with tapestries by Guy Ngan, during the opening of Parliament by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Dominion post (Newspaper): Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post and Dominion newspapers. Ref: EP/1977/0782/13a. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

Source: Alexander Turnbull Library

Part of a Commonwealth tour designed to mark the Queen's Silver Jubilee, the Queen opened the Beehive while here.

12 to 20 October 1981

The Queen paid a short visit to New Zealand following her visit to Melbourne for a CHOGM.

22 February to 2 March 1986

The Queen visited six centres in New Zealand. When in Nelson, she officially opened the road named in her honour, Queen Elizabeth II Drive.

1 to 16 February 1990

A silver relay baton with a green emblem on the end of the 1990 Commonwealth Games crest.

The Queen’s silver relay baton from the 1990 Commonwealth Games held in Auckland.

Source: Parliamentary Service

The Queen closed the Commonwealth Games in Auckland and took part in the events marking the sesquicentennial of the Treaty of Waitangi. The Queen’s silver relay baton from the Commonwealth Games is held in the Parliamentary collection.

1 to 10 November 1995

Queen arrives at Parliament

Source: Woolf Photography

The Queen attended the CHOGM in Auckland. During this visit the Queen personally delivered an apology from the British Crown to the Tainui people, as part of the Waikato–Tainui treaty settlement ( click here to read an article on Māori and the Monarchy to learn more ).

22 to 27 February 2002

The Queen visited New Zealand as part of the commemoration of her 50th Jubilee. While here, the Queen unveiled the consecration stone at St Paul's Cathedral, and visited Burnham military camp and Team New Zealand at their America’s Cup base.

Queen Elizabeth II and NZ Parliament

The Queen opened a special session of Parliament in 1954 (Parliament’s centennial year). This was the first time a reigning monarch had opened New Zealand’s Parliament. She would open Parliament another six times during visits to the country, with the last time being in February 1990.

In February 1977, the Queen formally opened the Beehive.

Black and white photograph of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at opening of Parliament.

Queen Elizabeth opening Parliament in 1970.

Source: Visit of Queen Elizabeth II, opening of Parliament and visit to Wellington Hospital. Westra, Ans, 1936-: Photographs. Ref: AW-0004. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/36407503

Messages for New Zealand

Queen Elizabeth wears a formal gown and sits at a desk. In front of her are two microphones that she speaks into as she reads from a speech on the desk before her.

New Zealand Was Centre Stage On 25 December 1953 when Queen Elizabeth Broadcast Her Christmas Message To The Empire Commonwealth From Government House, Auckland.

Source: Alexander Turnbull Library Reference: F 42173 1/2

Queen Elizabeth made her 1953 Christmas broadcast from Government House in Auckland . In it she said:

“But what is really important to me is that I set out on this journey in order to see as much as possible of the people and countries of the Commonwealth and Empire, to learn at first hand something of their triumphs and difficulties and something of their hopes and fears.

“At the same time I want to show that the Crown is not merely an abstract symbol of our unity but a personal and living bond between you and me.”

Queen Elizabeth II stands in her royal regalia, including a Silver Fern brooch

Queen Elizabeth II wearing her New Zealand honours, including a Diamond Fern brooch presented to her by the women of Auckland in 1953

Source: Government House

The Tangiwai disaster had occurred the day before, and the Queen specifically directed a message of sympathy to the people of New Zealand towards the end of her broadcast:

“And now I want to say something to my people in New Zealand. Last night a most grievous railway accident took place at Tangiwai which will have brought tragedy into many homes and sorrow into all upon this Christmas day.

“I know there is no one in New Zealand, and indeed throughout the Commonwealth, who will not join with my husband and me in sending to those who mourn a message of sympathy in their loss. I pray that they and all who have been injured may be comforted and strengthened.”

Instead of radio broadcasts, in recent years the Royal family have issued statements to commemorate significant anniversaries, tragic events, or even to celebrate achievements for our country, such as the All Blacks' 2015 Rugby World Cup victory.

You can read some of these statements by clicking the following links:  the Pike River Mine tragedy ,   the 2011 Canterbury Earthquakes ,   or  the 2019 Christchurch Mosque Attacks.

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The Royal Visit 1970

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Radio coverage of the 1970 royal tour of New Zealand by Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Princess Anne. Commentary of the Britannia arriving at the Wellington overseas terminal by Marama Martin and Dougal Stevenson. Description of the scene as the royal family disembark and begin their informal tour of New Zealand. A series of news reports and commentaries of the 1970 royal tour. Extracts of a speech given by the Prime Minister, Keith Holyoake to which the Queen replies at the overseas terminal.

Edited extracts from Sound Archives ID 200131

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queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

Queen Elizabeth's 1970 Visit To New Zealand And Australia Forever Changed Royal Customs

Queen Elizabeth II in hat

The history of the British monarchy dates back over a thousand years. During that millenia the kingdom's monarchs fought many wars, restructured their government, and developed their own traditions. It is arguably those traditions that have made the British royal family one of the most recognizable figureheads in the world. But, it was not until the 20th century that some of these customs began to change.

Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952 and became the first woman to rule the United Kingdom since her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria over a century earlier, (per  All That's Interesting ). Over her decades-long reign, Queen Elizabeth II became a beloved figure amongst her subjects and many others from all over the world. Part of the reason for this was her willingness to occasionally break with royal tradition and attempt to modernize the monarchy. One day in 1970, her ability to do this would change the face of British royal customs forever.

Queen Elizabeth II Started The Royal Walkabout

Queen Elizabeth II walkabout flowers

As a royal figure, the queen and the royal family did not really intermingle with their subjects, with the exception of their public appearances. Until the latter part of the 1990s, the general population would only see the royals above them on a balcony or maybe through a car window if they were lucky, according to Insider . However, a couple of decades before, Queen Elizabeth II laid the foundation for what would become a new tradition.

In 1970, the queen took a tour of Australia and New Zealand, and while on this trip she decided to break protocol. Instead of keeping her distance from the people that had come to catch a glimpse of her, she decided to meet them on foot instead. This practice was reportedly initiated to help the royals connect with more of the ordinary folks instead of the other politicians or other officials they normally interact with. According to Harper's Bazaar, since the first royal walkabout more than 50 years ago, this custom has been practiced by others in the royal family, including Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, and the iconic Princess Diana .

queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

Queen Elizabeth II: A Look Back At Her Majesty’s Visits To New Zealand 1954-2002

Britian's longest-serving monarch and New Zealand's Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II, died aged 96.

Megan Zara Walsh

Queen Elizabeth II was New Zealand’s sovereign since she took the throne in 1954, making her Britian’s longest-serving monarch and the world’s second-longest serving monarch after King Louis XIV of France (72 years), until her reign ended upon her death on September 8, 2022 .

Queen Elizabeth II made 10 trips to New Zealand during her 70-year reign. Firstly, in 1954, a newly crowned Queen headed on a Royal Tour of New Zealand and Australia, becoming the first reigning monarch to set foot in both countries, where thousands lined the streets with polished shoes to get a glimpse of their head of state.

In pictures, we look back at Queen Elizabeth II’s 10 trips to New Zealand that begun in 1954 and ended in 2002 shortly after her Golden Jubilee. Although, her children and grandchildren have represented her in New Zealand since.

SEE ALSO: Queen Elizabeth II: New Zealand Mourns And Where To Pay Tribute

1. The Queen tours New Zealand during Christmas and New Years (1953 to 1954)

Queen Elizabeth New Zealand 1954

From December 23, 1954 to January 31, 1954, Queen Elizabeth II became the first reigning monarch to set foot in New Zealand. Shortly after her coronation, the Queen aged just 27, toured 46 towns across New Zealand, for 39 days, with her late husband Prince Phillip. The Queen even opened parliament on January 12, 1954 as the first reigning monarch to do so.

Revisit her historic New Zealand moments through pictures in 1954:

Queen Elizabeth II visits a Māori Village in 1954

Queen Elizabeth tours villages in New Zealand 1954

Queen Elizabeth II with PM Sid Holland, her husband Duke of Edinburgh and Sir Eruera Tirakatene in 1954

Queen Elizabeth II Death

2. Queen Elizabeth II welcomed by Māori Queen in 1974

Queen Elizabeth II meets with maori queen in 1974

The Queen returned again in February 1963 for 12 days. Followed by a trip in March 1970 with her young family Princess Anne and the now-King Charles. Additionally, she and Prince Phillip travelled to the Commonwealth Games in Christchurch in January and February 1974 and she met with Māori Queen, Dame Te Atairangikaahu (1931 -2006) and her husband, Whatumoana Paki. While in 1977, she returned to mark her 25th Jubilee and one highlight was that she opened the Beehive on February 28 that year.

Photo taken from NZ History , from Alexander Turnbull Library.

3. The Queen wears traditional Māori Cloak, made of Kiwi feathers, on a visit in 1995

1995 Queen in New Zealand

Queen Elizabeth II visited New Zealand on four more occasions in 1981, 1986, 1990 and 1995. She came on business in 1981 and 1986, followed by a trip to Auckland Commonwealth Games to close the event in February 1990. During her visit in 1995, she attended the Summit Meeting in Auckland and even wore traditional garments at Waitangi National Marae and personally delivered an apology from the Crown to the Tainui people.

4. The Queen visited New Zealand for the final time in 2002

Queen Elizabeth II Visits To New Zealand 2002

In 2002, Queen Elizabeth II visited New Zealand from February 22 to 27 for her Golden Jubilee Tour. She met with then-Prime Minister Helen Clark, alongside meeting Team New Zealand members and governor-general Dame Sylvia Cartwright. Despite this being her last visit to New Zealand, she hosted numerous New Zealand events in the United Kingdom, in the years following. Such as, the All Blacks and other occassions at Buckingham Palace.

Here’s more highlights from her 2002 visit:

Queen Elizabeth II receives flowers from children outside Wellington Cathedral on February 24, 2002

Queen Elizabeth In New Zealand

Queen Elizabeth II stands for British National Anthem at the Beehive in Wellington on February 25, 2002

Queen Elizabeth Wellington 2002

5. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern meets the Queen in 2018

Jacinda Ardern Meets Queen Elizabeth in 2018

In 2018, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her partner Clarke Grayford were hosted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace. While the Queen has not visited New Zealand since 2002, her children and grandchildren represented her here. For instance, Prince William visiting Christchurch in 2011 after the earthquake and Prince Harry with his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Cambridge, in 2018.

SEE MORE: 17 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Queen Elizabeth II

queen elizabeth tour of new zealand


A Look Back at Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, and Other Royals on Their Tours of New Zealand

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex touch down in the land of the Kiwis today.

Anwar Hussein Collection

It is the first time the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be in the land of the Kiwis together, but the Commonwealth country has a long history with other members of the British royal family. Here is a look back at Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Charles, and even Princess Diana's royal visits.

December 28, 1953.

The Queen inspects a Naval guard of honour at Auckland , New Zealand. 28th December 1953.

Queen Elizabeth II became the Head of the Commonwealth in 1952. Nearly two years later, from December 1953 to January 1954, Governor-General Norrie hosted her visit to New Zealand. Here she is seen inspecting the Naval guards.

January 12, 1954

Queen OPens New Zealand Parliament

Also on her first trip to New Zealand after becoming Head of the Commonwealth, Her Majesty and Prince Philip visit the Parliament House in Wellington.

January 1, 1974

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip enjoy their fourth visit to New Zealand together. Pictured behind them is Princess Anne and her husband, Mark Phillips, who joined the couple on their trip.

January 1, 1977

Queen Elizabeth II bestows a knighthood in Wellington during her fifth royal tour of New Zealand. This time, Governor-General Blundell was her host.

February 28, 1977

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, attend the State Opening of Parliament during the Queen's Silver Jubilee Tour in Wellington.

April 01, 1983

Prince Charles and Princess Diana bring Prince William on their first royal visit to New Zealand. This was the only time the couple visited the country together.

April 18, 1983

Princess Diana greets a Maori woman with hongi nose rub at the Eden Park Stadium in Auckland. It is the traditional greeting of the indigenous group.

Prince Charles also participates in a traditional hongi nose rub at Eden Park in Auckland.

April 29, 1983

Princess Diana takes a boat ride with an indigenous group on the Bay of Islands.

November 15, 2012

Prince Charles's second wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, joined him for a trip to New Zealand in 2012. Here, she greets members of air force staff.

November 04, 2015

Three years later, Prince Charles returned to New Zealand as part of a 12-day tour. He is welcomed with a hongi rub from New Zealand Defence Force Flight Sergeant Wai Paenga.

June 30, 2005

During his 2005 trip to New Zealand, Prince William takes a photo with members of the British & Irish Lions rugby team in Wellington.

July 3, 2005

Prince William lays a poppy on the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior at the National War Memorial in Wellington.

February 25, 2011

Prince Harry, Kate Middleton, and Prince William meet at the New Zealand High Commission to sign the book of condolence in memory of those who lost their lives in the Christchurch earthquake.

April 25, 2014

Prince William and Kate Middleton at New Zealand's Wellington Airport with Prince George, who was only eight months old at the time.

October 31, 2015

Prince Harry congratulates New Zealand Captain Richie McCaw as he hands him the William Webb Ellis Cup after his team beat Australia at the 2015 Rugby World Cup Final.

Headshot of Eileen Reslen

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Category : 1953-1954 royal tour of New Zealand by Queen Elizabeth II

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  • Royal visits by the Monarchy of the Commonwealth to New Zealand
  • Royal visits by the Monarchy of the Commonwealth in 1953
  • Royal visits by the Monarchy of the Commonwealth in 1954
  • Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in 1953
  • Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom in 1954
  • December 1953 in New Zealand
  • 1954 in New Zealand
  • Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in 1953
  • Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in 1954

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"So the Queen comes to New Zealand. 12,000 miles from the motherland she is not among strangers. She has come to her New Zealand home." When the Queen and Prince Philip began the first tour of NZ by a reigning monarch (soon after her coronation), a National Film Unit crew followed the journey, before condensing 40 days and 46 stops into a mere 25 minutes. Along the way the newly crowned Queen wears her coronation gown to open Parliament, and witnesses geysers, long-jumpers, Māori canoes, plus masses of enthused Dunedinites refusing to keep behind the barrier.

It’s the final lap in the royal journey, and at every vantage point they wait to see her. Even the cot-cases are brought from the hospitals. No better medicine. – Narrator

Produced by

The National Film Unit

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More Information

Radio New Zealand Royal Tours Audio Collection entry on the 1953-54 Royal Tour

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Queen Elizabeth death: She was the first reigning monarch of New Zealand to visit the country

When beautiful young Queen Elizabeth II made the first trip to New Zealand by a reigning monarch, Kiwis polished their shoes and practised their bows and curtsies and yes ma'ams.

Countless thousands lined streets and crowded into civic spaces for a glimpse of the queen and her husband Prince Philip on their 39-day tour of the country from late December 1953, when she was 27.

It was the height of our royal fervour. By 2002, during the last of the Queen's 10 visits to New Zealand , no more than several thousand people, and at some events just a few hundred, turned up at the 75-year-old sovereign's public outings.

Coralie Fenton, 14, shows Queen Elizabeth her Royal Visit medal during the 1953 Royal Tour of New Zealand. Photo / File

In 1953 New Zealand was mostly very British and the weakening of our economic, political and cultural ties to European Britain was still decades away.

As Elizabeth and Philip sailed into Auckland's Waitematā Harbour in the royal ship Gothic they were welcomed by the firing of a salute from the gun battery at North Head, although only later was it revealed that one of the guns didn't fire.

Wearing a lime-green summer frock as she stepped off the ship on a grey, drizzly day, the Queen looked, to the Herald 's wharf-side reporter: "... lovely and radiant and exceedingly young."

Herald report, December 24, 1953, of the Queen's arrival in New Zealand the day before. Source / Herald archives

The Queen later told a civic reception at the Auckland Town Hall that she and Philip had "both been deeply moved this morning".

"It has indeed been an inspiring experience for us to travel across two vast oceans, from one side of the world to the other, and to find ourselves not in a foreign land and amongst alien people but at home with our kinsmen."

At the Auckland Domain, 16,000 children gathered to acclaim her. At Tīrau in the Waikato, 10,000 people turned out, at Stratford in Taranaki another 10,000, and at Cambridge, "tens of thousands", the Herald wrote.

People waited hours for a glimpse and some brought a wooden box to stand on or a periscope for a better royal view.

Crowds wait to see Queen Elizabeth at St Mary's Cathedral, Auckland, December 27, 1953. Photo / File

Big crowds were everywhere and the royal car was sometimes mobbed by the throng. It was estimated that three-quarters of the population saw the Queen.

The royal tour visited more than 40 towns and cities, travelling by train, plane, car and ship as New Zealand showed off mainly its agricultural prowess, but also some of its scenic wonders, including the Waitomo Caves and Milford Sound, and above all its loyalty.

On December 24, the day after the royals' arrival, New Zealand experienced its worst train crash, at Tangiwai in the central North Island, with the death of 151 people. The Queen was briefed by Prime Minister Sid Holland and Prince Philip attended the burial service in Wellington for 21 unidentified victims.

Herald report of the Queen's visit to Hamilton and King Korokī at Tūrangawaewae. Source / Herald archives

The Queen's later trips to New Zealand were all much shorter and the population's royal enthusiasm gradually waned, while protests spread. She attended Treaty of Waitangi 150th anniversary events, the James Cook bicentenary, the Auckland and Christchurch Commonwealth Games, and the 1995 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Auckland.

Probably the closest anyone has come to assassinating the Queen was in New Zealand - in Dunedin in 1981 - when Christopher Lewis, who hadn't secured an ideal sniper's position nor sufficiently powerful rifle, fired a .22 bullet that went harmlessly over the crowd. He was charged only with possessing a rifle in public but official records released later said Lewis did intend to kill the Queen.

A non-lethal attack, however, reached its target when two Treaty of Waitangi protesters threw eggs towards the Queen and Philip, who were waving from an open-top vehicle to 40,000 schoolchildren assembled to greet them at Ellerslie Racecourse in Auckland. One egg smashed on the windscreen and spattered the Queen's handbag and pink woollen coat. Two young women were sentenced to six months in jail for assault.

"It was terrible," said Betty McPherson, who witnessed the egg-throwing. "I grabbed one of the girls and held her until the police arrived."

Four people were each fined $100 for baring their buttocks at the Queen in Christchurch. A man in Hawkes Bay was fined $150 for trying to do the same thing, a whakapohane, but he had mis-timed his trouser-drop and the Queen's car had already cruised past.

The egg story was front-page news as "an ugly incident" in London's Times newspaper and the tabloids had a field day with the protests during what was dubbed the Queen's "Bottoms Up Down Under" tour.

The Queen, however, made light of the Ellerslie attack, telling attendees at a Beehive banquet: "I should say that I prefer my New Zealand eggs for breakfast."

Queen Elizabeth receives lavender flowers from pupils of Tuahiwi School in North Canterbury.

Her final visit to New Zealand, in February 2002, to mark the 50th anniversary of her reign, was prefaced by the Prime Minister, Helen Clark, who was in London, describing the British monarchy as an absurdity for a South Pacific country.

"The idea of a nation such as New Zealand being ruled by a head of state some 20,000km away is absurd," Clark said, according to a Guardian report. "It is inevitable that New Zealand will become a republic. It is just a matter of when the New Zealand people are bothered enough to talk about it - it could be 10 years, or it could be 20 years, but it will happen."

After being greeted by Clark following the Prime Minister's return home, the Queen said during a banquet at Parliament that New Zealand was a very different country from the one she visited in 1953.

"I have admired your increasing energy and confidence. I know this process of evolution will continue as you, the people of New Zealand, map out your path for the future in your own time and in your own way."

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Rolls Royce Phantom used by Queen Elizabeth on New Zealand tours on sale after 30 years in storage

A fter 30 years in storage and a couple of stints as a wedding car, a Rolls Royce used by Queen Elizabeth II is up for auction in Auckland.

Webb’s auctioneers in Auckland are set to put the 1963 Rolls Royce Phantom V under the hammer on August 11.

The stately 6.2L black sedan was built and outfitted by Rolls replete with all the trimmings fit for a monarch before it was shipped to New Zealand and used in the late Queen’s 1963 and 1970 Royal Tours, according to an online listing posted by the auction house.

Its current owners have owned the regal vehicle for 40 years, Webb’s said.

They used it throughout the 1980s as a wedding car before it was placed into storage in the 1990s.

The long black four-door sedan remained in storage for 30 years before emerging again for another stint as a wedding car, lasting three years.

“Our vendor, an engineer by trade, removed it from storage and carried out some remedial work to make it roadworthy again,” Webb’s said.

“The car remains in a state similar to when it carried Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and Princess Anne while in the country and is an immensely well-documented piece of tangible royal and New Zealand history.”

The car is fitted with a body by British coachbuilders H.J Mulliner Park Ward befitting the needs of royal travel, Webb’s said.

“An excellent example of a post-war Rolls-Royce in its own right, this Phantom V lacks no elegance, engineering acumen, or history,” its listing said.

“It has lived an important professional life over its 83,167mi [133,844km] travelled and is now ready to be admired in its retirement by a marque enthusiast, history lover, or collector.”

The auction house said a “wealth of archival evidence” to support the stated origin of the car, including phototgraphs and newsreel footage showing the vehicle.

Webb’s posted a price estimate of $175,000 to $200,000 for the Rolls Royce, set to be auctioned on Sunday, August 11 at 33a Normanby Road, Mt Eden.

A 1963 Rolls-Royce Phantom V used by Queen Elizabeth II on her 1963 and 1970 New Zealand tours will be auctioned by Webb's on Sunday, August 11, 2024 in Mt Eden.


  1. Queen Elizabeth II’s first tour of New Zealand was filled with classic

    queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

  2. Queen Elizabeth II’s first tour of New Zealand was filled with classic

    queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

  3. Capturing the Queen

    queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

  4. Queen Elizabeth II’s first tour of New Zealand was filled with classic

    queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

  5. Queen Elizabeth II: Pictures Through Time Of Her Visits To New Zealand

    queen elizabeth tour of new zealand

  6. Queen Elizabeth II meets the crowds during her royal tour of New

    queen elizabeth tour of new zealand


  1. Royal visits to New Zealand

    23 December 1953 - 31 January 1954: Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh The Queen on the Royal Train at Timaru Railway Station during her 1953-54 tour of New Zealand 1956: Duke of Edinburgh; 1958: Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother 6-18 February 1963: Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at the State Opening of Parliament in Wellington during their ...

  2. Royal tours

    Later tours by the Queen. 6-18 February 1963: The Queen attended celebrations at Waitangi and the Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council was established as a gift to her. 12-30 March 1970: The Queen participated in the James Cook bicentenary celebrations and introduced Prince Charles and Princess Anne to New Zealand. 30 January - 8 February 1974: Accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, Princess ...

  3. The Queen's visits to New Zealand

    22 February - 7 March 1977: As part of a Commonwealth tour to mark the Queen's Silver (25th) Jubilee, the Queen visited 11 centres in New Zealand. The Queen opened the Executive Wing building (the Beehive) at Parliament in Wellington. 12-20 October 1981: This visit followed a Commonwealth Heads of Government conference in Melbourne.

  4. Queen Elizabeth II's first tour of New Zealand was filled ...

    December 23, 1953 - January 31, 1954. In 1953, the newly-crowned Queen Elizabeth II made her first visit here, taking in 46 towns and cities over six weeks. Kiwis lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the young royal, and her trip highlights were of the most iconic Kiwi order — a Watties factory, butter churning, bridge jumping, and an ice ...

  5. Royal family shares throwback photo from 1970 New Zealand tour

    Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh at Ship Cove, during the royal tour of New Zealand, 18th March 1970. Photo / Getty Images. The family also took in a sea lion performance at the Marine ...

  6. The royal visit, 1953-54

    To see the Queen. For those New Zealanders who experienced it, the visit of the young Queen and her dashing husband, Prince Philip, to New Zealand in the summer of 1953-54 was a never-to-be forgotten event. Those who were children at the time recalled the Big Day, marked for months in the calendar, when they dressed in their best clothes ...

  7. Queen Elizabeth II

    Gift of Toby Stevenson, 2011. Te Papa (GH021674/1) This scrapbook was compiled by 10-year-old Cathryn Riley for the Royal Tour of Queen Elizabeth II to New Zealand in 1953-54. Cathryn was invited to see the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh at a special Children's Function at Athletic Park on 12 January 1954. She kept this detailed scrapbook with ...

  8. The Queen's visits to New Zealand

    The Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council (now Creative New Zealand) was renamed in her honour. 12-30 March 1970: The Queen participated in the commemorations marking 200 years since Captain James Cook and the crew of the Endeavour visited New Zealand. On this visit she introduced the Prince of Wales and Princess Anne to New Zealand and began the ...

  9. Queen Elizabeth II's connection to New Zealand

    Queen Elizabeth II visited New Zealand 10 times during her reign. 23 Dec 1953 to 31 Jan ... The Queen participated in the James Cook bicentenary celebrations and introduced Prince Charles and Princess Anne to New Zealand. This tour marked the first 'walk-about' in a Royal visit, where the Queen did a walk-about of the Commonwealth Heads of ...

  10. The Royal Visit 1970

    Radio coverage of the 1970 royal tour of New Zealand by Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Princess Anne. Commentary of the Britannia arriving at the Wellington overseas terminal by Marama Martin and Dougal Stevenson. Description of the scene as the royal family disembark and begin their informal tour of New Zealand. A series of news reports and commentaries of the ...

  11. The Royal Tour of New Zealand, 1953-54

    New Zealand National Film Unit presents The Royal Tour of New Zealand 1953- 54On 23 December 1953 Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip arrived in Au...

  12. Royal Tours

    Queen Elizabeth II became New Zealand's monarch on 6 February 1952, following the death of her father, King George VI Read the full article Page 3 - Royal tours About three out of every four New Zealanders saw the Queen as she visited 46 centres and attended 110 functions in

  13. List of Commonwealth visits made by Elizabeth II

    The Queen posing with the New Zealand Cabinet during her visit to New Zealand, 1981. The Queen surrounded by children in Queen Street Mall, Brisbane City, 1982. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at the Closing Ceremony of the XII Commonwealth Games, Brisbane, 1982. The Queen opening World Expo 88 at Brisbane, 30 April 1988.

  14. Queen Elizabeth's 1970 Visit To New Zealand And Australia ...

    In 1970, the queen took a tour of Australia and New Zealand, and while on this trip she decided to break protocol. Instead of keeping her distance from the people that had come to catch a glimpse of her, she decided to meet them on foot instead. This practice was reportedly initiated to help the royals connect with more of the ordinary folks ...

  15. Queen Elizabeth II: A Look Back At Her Majesty's Visits To New Zealand

    Queen Elizabeth II made 10 trips to New Zealand during her 70-year reign. Firstly, in 1954, a newly crowned Queen headed on a Royal Tour of New Zealand and Australia, becoming the first reigning monarch to set foot in both countries, where thousands lined the streets with polished shoes to get a glimpse of their head of state.

  16. Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, Prince William, And Other Royals Who

    A Look Back at Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton, and Other Royals on Their Tours of New Zealand The Duke and Duchess of Sussex touch down in the land of the Kiwis today. By Eileen Reslen Published ...

  17. File:Queen Elizabeth II Royal Tour of New Zealand (Image 1).jpg

    File:Queen Elizabeth II Royal Tour of New Zealand (Image 1).jpg. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. File. File history. File usage on Commons. File usage on other wikis. Size of this preview: 402 × 599 pixels. Other resolutions: 161 × 240 pixels | 322 × 480 pixels | 900 × 1,340 pixels. Original file ‎ (900 × 1,340 pixels ...

  18. The 1953-54 royal tour of NZ

    Part one of The royal tour of New Zealand 1953−54 starts with the royal couple's arrival in Auckland on the SS Gothic on 23 December 1953 and follows them to Northland, then down through the Volcanic Plateau, Hawke's Bay, Manawatū and on to Taranaki, where they visited Stratford on 8 January 1954.. See also Part 2: New Plymouth−Christchurch and Part 3: Canterbury−Bluff.

  19. 1953-1954 royal tour of New Zealand by Queen Elizabeth II

    Media in category "1953-1954 royal tour of New Zealand by Queen Elizabeth II". The following 67 files are in this category, out of 67 total. 1954-state-opening-credit-morris-hill.jpg 5,780 × 3,461; 4.38 MB. Clement Woodall and Queen Elizabeth II, Devonport NZ, 1953.jpg 1,522 × 2,000; 426 KB. Geoffrey Tremaine Mayor of Palmerston North ...

  20. The Royal Tour of New Zealand 1953

    The Royal Tour of New Zealand 1953 - 54 - "So the Queen comes to New Zealand. 12,000 miles from the motherland she is not among strangers. She has come to her New Zealand home." When the Queen and Prince Philip began the first tour of NZ by a reigning monarch (soon after her coronation), a National Film Unit crew followed the journey, before condensing 40 days and 46 stops into a ...

  21. Queen Elizabeth death: She was the first reigning monarch of New

    Coralie Fenton, 14, shows Queen Elizabeth her Royal Visit medal during the 1953 Royal Tour of New Zealand. Photo / File

  22. Itinerary

    Her Majesty and His Royal Highness set foot in New Zealand and were officially welcomed, Auckland Civic Reception, Town Hall. P.M. Presentation of official tour and press parties. ... British Admiralty that the delay of the Gothic and her sister ship Corinthic which had been chosen for the 1952 Royal Tour by King George and his Queen, Elizabeth ...

  23. Monarchy of New Zealand

    The monarchy of New Zealand is the constitutional system of government in which a hereditary monarch is the sovereign and head of state of New Zealand. The current monarch, King Charles III, acceded to the throne following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on 8 September 2022 in the United Kingdom. The King's elder son, William, Prince of Wales, is the heir apparent.

  24. Rolls Royce Phantom used by Queen Elizabeth on New Zealand tours ...

    The stately 6.2L black sedan was built and outfitted by Rolls replete with all the trimmings fit for a monarch before it was shipped to New Zealand and used in the late Queen's 1963 and 1970 ...