radio tour kop

Radio Tour er programmet for Danmarks cykelnørder.

Aldersgrænsen for dette indhold er 14

  • Om programmet


Episode 1: omloop het nieuwsblad og kuurne-brussels-….

Jacob Staehelin, Thomas Bay og Brian Holm er hovedaktørerne i Eurosports nye cykelformat Holm & Bays Radio Tour, hvor vi går tæt på de detaljer, som andre har misset, nørder cykling og taler med aktuelle ryttere, sportsdirektører eller mekanikere.

Episode 2: Fuglsang-tema og Tirreno-Adriatico-optakt

I afsnit to af Holm & Bays Radio Tour går vi tæt på Jakob Fuglsang efter det flotte Strade Bianche-resultat og det kommende Tirreno-Adriatico-løb. Derudover har vi Lars Michaelsen med over en telefon, som i den grad har en mening om Fabio Aru, inden vi slutter programmet af med spørgsmålet: Hvor stor skal en rytter være, før han selv bestemmer sit løbsprogram?

Episode 3: Interview med Cort, Fuglsang-sejr og opta…

I tredje afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi højaktuelle Magnus Cort med på en telefon oven på hans flotte Paris-Nice-sejr. Derudover vender vi Jakob Fuglsangs spektakulære finale i Tirreno-Adriatico og ikke mindst hans sejr på 5. etape. Ugens tema er motorcykler i feltet – snyd og uheld, inden vi slutter af med en større optakt til Milano-Sanremo.

Episode 4, Special: Mørkøv som gæst i studiet, Alaph…

I denne Holm & Bays Radio Tour special har vi Michael Mørkøv med som gæst. Han fortæller om sin rolle på Quick Step-holdet og tankerne om fremtiden. Derudover har vi fokus på Milano-Sanremo fra weekenden, hvor Julian Alaphilippe løb med sejren. Til slut ser vi frem mod de belgiske løb E3 BinckBank Classic og Gent-Wevelgem.

Episode 5: Interview med Mads Pedersen og stort foku…

I femte udgave af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi Trek-Segafredo-rytteren Mads Pedersen med over telefonen, hvor snakken falder på både Gent-Wevelgem, forventninger og søndagens Flandern Rundt, som har fået en stor plads i programmet. Derudover retter vi fokus mod Team Sky og deres nye sponsor, Ineos, og diskuterer, hvorvidt om det er godt eller dårligt for cykelsporten.

Episode 6: Kasper Asgreen-interview, Paris-Roubaix o…

Endnu en ny udgave af Holm & Bays Radio Tour er klar, og denne gang har vi Kasper Asgreen med på en telefon, der overraskede og kørte sig til en flot andenplads i Flandern Rundt. Derudover vender vi søndagens Paris-Roubaix og kommer ind på, hvad det kan betyde at køre med skivebremser i et netop så kaotisk løb.

Episode 7, Special: Anders Lund i studiet, danskerte…

I syvende afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi byttet Brian Holm ud med landstræner Anders Lund, der sammen med Thomas Bay guider os igennem søndagens Paris-Roubaix. Derudover har vi Matti Breschel med på en telefon, inden snakken falder på, hvordan danskernes forår har været. Til sidst kigger vi frem mod årets første ardennerklassiker, nemlig Amstel Gold Race.

Episode 8: 2x rytterinterviews, Mathieu van der Poel…

I ottende afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi hele to rytterinterviews, nemlig danskeren og Amstel Gold Race-debutanten Mikkel Frølich Honoré og den italienske europamester Metteo Trentin, der fortæller om sin sæson. Derudover vender vi Mathieu van der Poels fænomenale sejr og ser frem mod ’Den Gamle Dame’, Liège-Bastogne-Liège.

Episode 9: Interview med Alaphilippe, klassikerbedøm…

I niende udgave af Holm & Bays Radio Tour runder vi naturligvis Liège-Bastogne-Liège og Jakob Fuglsangs flotte sejr, inden vi bedømmer forårets klassikere. Derudover har vi den franske stjerner, Julian Alaphilippe, med på en telefon, der fortæller om sit forår, og hvad han ellers ville have lavet, hvis han ikke var blevet cykelrytter.

Episode 10: Interview med Cavendish, roser til Kamp …

I tiende jubilæumsafsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi Mark Cavendish med på en telefon, der kommer med røverhistorier og snakker om Tour de Yorkshire og Giro d’Italia. Derudover vender vi Alexander kamp og hans flotte sæson, inden snakken falder på årets første Grand Tour.

Episode 11, Special: Matti Breschel i studiet, Giro …

I det 11. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi byttet Brian Holm ud med Matti Breschel, der sammen med Thomas Bay og Jacob Staehelin udgør panelet i denne udgave af Holm & Bays Radio Tour, hvor vi kommer ind på det overståede Giro d’Italia, transferrygter og naturligvis Jakob Fuglsang.

Episode 12: Interview med Jesper Hansen, Astana-snak…

I det 12. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi Jesper Hansen med på en telefon efter et flot Critérium du Dauphiné. Derudover dykker vi ned i Astana og Jakob Fuglsangs sejr, inden snakken falder på årets Tour de France.

Episode 13: Stor Tour-afrunding, Worre og Bays favor…

I det 13. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi Kasper Asgreen med på telefon efter Tour de France. Derudover ser vi nærmere på Worre og Bays bedste Tour-momenter og kontrakter i forbindelse med transfervinduets åbning.

Episode 14: Jonas Vingegaard med på telefon, Polen r…

I det 14. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour taler vi med Jonas Vingegaard om hans etapesejr i Polen Rundt, selvsamme løb samt det netop overståede EM i landevejscykling.

Episode 15: Optakt til Vueltaen, Dumoulin-snak og Va…

I det 15. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour taler vi med Michael Valgren direkte fra træningen og så tager vi optakten til sæsonens sidste Grand Tour.

Episode 16: Vuelta-snak og Asgreen med på telefon

I det 16. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour taler vi med Kasper Asgreen om hans etapesejr i Deutschland Tour. Derudover vener vi Vueltaen. Se det og meget mere lige her.

Episode 17: Riis som stand-in, Vuelta-fokus og Rogli…

I dette 17. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi Bjarne Riis med som stand-in for Brian Holm. Sammen med den sædvanlige Thomas Bay taler de Vuelta a España og favoritten Primož Roglič.

Episode 18: Landstræner Lund med på telefon og Vuelt…

Vi er nået til 18. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour, hvor Brian Holm og Thomas Bay lukker ned for Vueltaen og taler med landstræner Anders Lund om det kommende VM samt udtagelsen af de otte ryttere.

Episode 19: Matti Breschel med som gæst, snak om VM-…

Vi er nu kommet til det 19. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour. Matti Breschel er gæst, og sammen med Thomas Bay taler de om Mattis kommende rolle som sportsdirektør hos EF Education First, VM-favoritter samt de mange danskere, som skyder op overalt i cykelsporten.

Episode 20: VM-special, Verdensmesteren med på telef…

I det tyvende afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour er Brian Holm tilbage, hvor VM dissekeres af Holm & Bay, som eksklusivt har den nykårede verdensmester Mads Pedersen, landstræner Anders Lund og sportsdirektør Kim Andersen med på telefon.

Episode 21: Eddy Merckx-hilsen til Mads P & Gilbert …

Peter Piil er vikarierende vært på 21. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour, hvor der ringes til Michael Kwiatkowski og Philippe Gilbert. Samtidig har legenden Eddy Merckx sendt en video-hilsen til den nybagte VM-vinder, Mads Pedersen.

Episode 22: Lars Bak takker af og et kig på Lombardi…

I Holm & Bays Radio Tour 22. episode havde vi Lars Bak med på telefon, hvor vi talte med ham om hans sidste cykelløb, tiden efter cyklingen og meget mere.

Episode 23: Tilbageblik på cykelsæsonens største øje…

I dette afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour ser vi tilbage på sæsonen, der er gået. Blandt andet med et kig på danskernes præstationer samt de allerstørste øjeblikke fra Grand Tours’ne og klassikerne.

Episode 24: Michael Mørkøv som gæst, snak om sæsonen…

I dette 24. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi Michael Mørkøv med som gæst, hvor han både taler om et fantasitsk cykelår og samtidig også kigger frem mod den nye 2020-sæson.

Episode 25: Sportspsykolog er gæst til en snak cykli…

I dette 25. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi sportspsykolog Jens Hansen med som gæst. Temaet er styrt i cykelverdenen, og Jens Hansen gør os kloger på, hvad der går igennem rytternes hoveder både før og efter et styrt.

Episode 26: Cykelcross-special, Henrik Djernis som g…

I dette 26. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour gæster tidligere verdensmester i cykelcross, Henrik Djernis, studiet for at diskutere EM i cykelcross og forskellen på cykelcross og landevej. Samtidig er Zdenek Stybar med på telefon.

Episode 27: Vintertrænings-special med Mikkel Honoré…

I dette 27. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour taler vi vintertræning, og Mikkel Honoré er med på telefon for at fortælle lidt om sin egen vintertræning.

Episode 28: Cykeludstyrs-special

I dette 28. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour bliver der nørdet cykeludstyr, hvor alt fra styr til saddel detaljeret bliver gennemgået.

Episode 29: Mads P. ser tilbage på et fantastisk år …

I dette 29. afsnit af Holm & Bays Radio Tour har vi Mads Pedersen med på telefon, og han sætter ord på året, der er gået, og kigger samtidig frem i mod 2020.

Episode 30: En special om sportsdirektørens rolle i …

Holm & Bays Radio Tour ser i årets sidste afsnit nærmere på cykelsportens sportsdirektører, hvor både Quick Steps mångeårige sportsdirektør Patrick Lefevere og Lars Bak, kommende assisterende sportsdirektør hos Team NTT, er med på en telefon.

Episode 31: Riis gæster D’Angleterre-studiet i særud…

En stor nyhed for dansk og international cykelsport, betød at vi rykkede studiet til D’Angleterre, hvor Bjarne Riis og Lars Michaelsen gav deres tanker om projektet med på vejen.

Radio Tour er programmet for Danmarks cykelnørder. Hver uge vender Peter Piil, Brian Holm og Thomas Bay ugens højdepunkter, giver dig de bedste røverhistorier fra landevejene og inviterer gæster fra cykelverdenen ind i sofaen.


radio tour kop

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Vi og vores partnere behandler data for at levere:.

Opbevare og/eller tilgå oplysninger på en enhed. Oprette profiler for at tilpasse indhold. Oprette profiler til tilpasset annoncering. Bruge profiler til at vælge tilpasset annoncering. Bruge profiler til at vælge tilpasset indhold. Måle indholdseffektivitet. Måle annonceringseffektivitet. Forstå målgrupper gennem statistikker eller kombinationer af oplysninger fra forskellige kilder. Udvikle og forbedre tjenester. Bruge begrænsede oplysninger til at vælge annoncering. Liste over partnere (leverandører)

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Om dit privatliv

Administrer indstillinger for samtykke, opbevare og/eller tilgå oplysninger på en enhed 10 partnere kan bruge dette formål.

Cookies, enheder eller lignende onlineidentifikatorer (f.eks. login-baserede identifikatorer, tilfældigt tildelte identifikatorer, netværksbaserede identifikatorer) sammen med andre oplysninger (f.eks. browsertype og -oplysninger, sprog, skærmstørrelse, understøttede teknologier, osv.) kan opbevares eller læses på din enhed for at genkende den, hver gang den opretter forbindelse til en app eller til et websted, til et eller flere af de formål, der angives her.


Analysecookies (og lignende teknologier) giver os mulighed for at måle, hvor mange brugere, der har besøgt vores tjenester, og hvilke sider og videoer, der besøges mest. Disse cookies giver os også mulighed for at forstå, hvordan brugere bruger vores tjeneste, så vi kan fortsætte med at forbedre tjenesten og sikre, at vi leverer den bedste oplevelse til vores brugere. Du kan vælge, hvorvidt du vil tillade indstillingen af disse cookies via knappen "Måle- og analysecookies" herover.


Annonceringscookies og -trackere:.

Annonceringscookies (og lignende teknologier) bruges til at oprette en profil af dine interesser, levere annoncering, der er relevant for de pågældende interesser, måle effektiviteten af annonceringskampagner og de øvrige formål, der er angivet herunder. Disse cookies indstilles af os og af vores annonceringspartnere. Hvis du ikke tillader disse cookies, vil du stadig se annoncer, men de kan være mindre relevante for dig. Du kan vælge, hvorvidt du ønsker at tillade indstilling af disse cookies via knappen "Annoncering" herover. For at vælge hvordan deltagerne IAB-ordningen må indsamle eller bruge dine personoplysninger til annonceringsformål, skal du bruge nedenstående knapper. IAB TCF-valg: Herunder kan du tilpasse, hvad deltagerne i IAB-ordningen må bruge dine personoplysninger til.

Oprette profiler til tilpasset annoncering 8 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Oplysninger om din aktivitet på denne tjeneste (såsom formularer, du indsender, indhold, du ser) kan opbevares og kombineres med andre oplysninger om dig (f.eks. oplysninger fra din tidligere aktivitet på denne tjeneste og andre websteder eller apps) eller lignende brugere. Dette bruges derefter til at opbygge eller forbedre en profil om dig (som kan omfatte mulige interesser og personlige aspekter). Din profil kan bruges (også senere) til at vise annoncering, der ser mere relevant ud baseret på dine mulige interesser af denne og andre enheder.

Bruge profiler til at vælge tilpasset annoncering 9 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Annoncering, der vises for dig på denne tjeneste, kan være baseret på dine annonceringsprofiler, som kan afspejle din aktivitet på denne tjeneste eller andre websteder eller apps (såsom de formularer, du indsender, indhold, du ser), mulige interesser og personlige aspekter.

Måle annonceringseffektivitet 11 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Oplysninger om, hvilken annoncering der vises for dig, og hvordan du interagerer med den, kan bruges til at vurdere, hvor godt en annonce har fungeret for dig eller andre brugere, og hvorvidt målene med annonceringen blev nået. For eksempel, hvorvidt du så en annonce, hvorvidt du klikkede på den, hvorvidt den førte dig til at købe et produkt eller besøge et websted, osv. Dette er meget nyttigt for at forstå relevansen af annonceringskampagner.

Forstå målgrupper gennem statistikker eller kombinationer af oplysninger fra forskellige kilder 4 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Rapporter kan genereres baseret på kombinationen af datasæt (såsom brugerprofiler, statistikker, markedsundersøgelser, analysedata) vedrørende dine interaktioner og andre brugeres interaktioner med annoncerings- eller (ikke-annoncerings-)indhold for at identificere fælles karakteristika (for eksempel, for at fastslå, hvilke målgrupper der er mere modtagelige for en annoncekampagne eller for bestemt indhold).

Udvikle og forbedre tjenester 9 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Oplysninger om din aktivitet på denne tjeneste, såsom din interaktion med annoncer eller indhold, kan være meget nyttige til at forbedre produkter og tjenester og til at opbygge nye produkter og tjenester baseret på brugerinteraktioner, typen af målgruppe, osv. Dette specifikke formål omfatter ikke udvikling eller forbedring af brugerprofiler og identifikatorer.

Matche og kombinere data fra andre datakilder 4 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Oplysninger om din aktivitet på denne tjeneste kan matches og kombineres med andre oplysninger vedrørende dig, som stammer fra forskellige kilder (f.eks. din aktivitet på en separat onlinetjeneste, din brug af et loyalitetskort i butikken eller dine svar på en spørgeundersøgelse), for at understøtte de formål, der er forklaret i denne erklæring.

Linke forskellige enheder 6 partnere kan bruge dette formål

For at understøtte de formål, der er forklaret i denne erklæring, kan din enhed anses for sandsynligvis at være forbundet med andre enheder, der tilhører dig eller din husstand (for eksempel, fordi du er logget ind på den samme tjeneste på både din telefon og din computer, eller fordi du kan bruge den samme internetforbindelse på begge enheder).

Identificere enheder baseret på oplysninger, der sendes automatisk 8 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Din enhed kan skelnes fra andre enheder baseret på oplysninger, som den automatisk sender, når du tilgår internettet (f.eks. IP-adressen på din internetforbindelse eller den type browser, du bruger) for at understøtte de formål, der er forklaret i denne erklæring.

Personalisering af indhold

Oprette profiler for at tilpasse indhold 0 partnere kan bruge dette formål.

Oplysninger om din aktivitet på denne tjeneste (f.eks. formularer, som du indsender, indhold, som ikke er annoncering, som du ser) kan opbevares og kombineres med andre oplysninger om dig (såsom din tidligere aktivitet på denne tjeneste eller andre websteder eller apps) eller lignende brugere. Dette bruges derefter til at opbygge eller forbedre en profil om dig (som for eksempel kan omfatte mulige interesser og personlige aspekter). Din profil kan bruges (også senere) til at vise indhold, der virker mere relevant baseret på dine mulige interesser, såsom ved at tilpasse den rækkefølge, hvori indhold vises for dig, så det er endnu nemmere for dig at finde indhold, der matcher dine interesser.

Bruge profiler til at vælge tilpasset indhold 0 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Indhold, der vises for dig på denne tjeneste, kan være baseret på dine indholdstilpasningsprofiler, som kan afspejle din aktivitet på denne eller andre tjenester (f.eks. de formularer, du indsender, indhold, du ser), mulige interesser og personlige aspekter, såsom ved at tilpasse den rækkefølge, hvori indhold vises for dig, så det er endnu nemmere for dig at finde indhold (der ikke er annoncering) og som matcher dine interesser.

Måle indholdseffektivitet 0 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Oplysninger om, hvilket indhold der vises for dig, og hvordan du interagerer med det, kan f.eks. bruges til at vurdere, hvorvidt indholdet (der ikke er annoncering) nåede sin tilsigtede målgruppe og matchede dine interesser. For eksempel, hvorvidt du læser en artikel, ser en video, lytter til en podcast eller ser på en produktbeskrivelse, hvor lang tid du har brugt på denne tjeneste og de websider, du besøger, osv. Dette er meget nyttigt for at forstå relevansen af indhold (der ikke er annoncering), der vises for dig.

Bruge begrænsede oplysninger til at vælge annoncering 9 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Annoncering, der vises for dig på denne tjeneste, kan være baseret på begrænsede oplysninger, såsom det websted eller den app, du bruger, din ikke-præcise placering, din enhedstype eller hvilket indhold, du interagerer (eller har interageret) med (for eksempel for at begrænse antallet af gange en annonce vises for dig).

Sikre sikkerhed, forebygge og påvise svig, samt rette fejl 9 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Dine oplysninger kan bruges til at overvåge og forebygge usædvanlig og muligvis svigagtig aktivitet (f.eks. vedrørende annoncering, annonceklik fra bots), og sikre, at systemer og processer fungerer korrekt og sikkert. De kan også bruges til at rette eventuelle problemer, som du, udgiveren eller annoncøren måtte støde på under leveringen af indhold og annoncer og i din interaktion med dem.

Levere og præsentere annoncering og indhold 9 partnere kan bruge dette formål

Visse oplysninger (f.eks. en IP-adresse eller enhedsfunktioner) bruges til at sikre indholdet eller annonceringens tekniske kompatibilitet og til at formidle overførslen af indholdet eller annoncen til din enhed.

Nødvendige cookies og trackere:

Nødvendige cookies (og lignende teknologier) er nødvendige for, at vores digitale tjenester kan fungere korrekt og forblive sikre. Vi kan for eksempel bruge nødvendige cookies til at logge ind, udfylde formularer eller til at muliggøre andre funktioner i vores tjenester. Nødvendige cookies bruges også til at overvåge tjenesternes tekniske ydeevne for at sikre, at vores tjenester fungerer korrekt. Vi bruger også nødvendige cookies til at opretholde sikkerheden og stabiliteten af vores tjenester. Da disse cookies er nødvendige for sikkerheden og funktionaliteten af vores tjenester, kan de ikke deaktiveres. IAB TCF-formål: Herunder kan du læse, hvordan deltagerne i IAB-ordningen kan bruge dine personoplysninger.


radio tour kop

Concerts Under the Stars

radio tour kop

Co-Presented by Upper Merion Township & Produced by Rising Sun Presents

See you in 2024!

upcoming SHOWS

Sug Daniels

Kendall Street Company

Goodnight, Texas

The Free Label

BB Wisely (ft. members of Lake Street Dive & Okkervil River)

The Peace Creeps

Red Desert Motel

radio tour kop

general information

  • Food Trucks to enjoy along with panoramic views of the stage and surrounding park Beer Garden with local craft brews & cocktails (*No outside alcoholic beverages will be permitted)
  • The concert field is general admission
  • Blankets and chairs are allowed in designated “seated” areas. Low beach chairs in the front, tall camping chairs in the back
  • All shows in this series are all-ages (21+ to drink)
  • Attendees 13 and older must purchase a ticket for entry for all ticketed shows
  • Kids 12 and younger may attend for free!

ticket information

  • Call or email the Ardmore Music Hall Box Office: 610-649-8389 |   [email protected]
  • Tickets can be purchased at the AMH Box Office with NO SERVICE FEES! Hours: M-W-F from 12PM – 5PM + before & during shows


  • The Upper Merion Township Park is accessible with ramps from the upper parking lot down to the lower concert grounds.
  • Accessible parking and bathrooms available on site.

group package information

Have a party of 10 or more looking for a little something extra for your concert-going experience?

Fill out THIS FORM and we will get in touch to discuss some options.

vip tickets include:

  • Priority Entry
  • 4 Drink Tickets
  • 2 CUTS Koozies

concert parking

The Concert Venue & Preferred Parking Area Is Located At:

Township Building Park 175 West Valley Forge Road King of Prussia, PA

Additional Free Concert Parking is located at: Corner of Ross Road and N. Henderson Road

This lot is a grass field a short walk from the venue. Please carefully cross the street at the designated crosswalk, and follow the path through the playground and to the concert field. There will be a box office table to greet you and scan or sell you your tickets.

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About am radio tribute band.

PGA TOUR winner, broadcaster Mark Carnevale dies at 64

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PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — Prior to the start of the 1992 PGA TOUR season, Mark Carnevale had played 10 career PGA TOUR tournaments, basically an event here, an event there, after turning pro in 1983.

Then, after toiling on the mini-tour and state-open circuits and seven consecutive unsuccessful trips to Q-School, Carnevale secured his PGA TOUR playing privileges at the 1991 Qualifying Tournament, tying for 18 th . At age 32, Carnevale was a rookie all over again.

But after finally arriving to the PGA TOUR stage, his perseverance was put to the test again. In his first 10 PGA TOUR starts as a full-fledged member, Carnevale only made five cuts, his best finish a tie for 39th at the Deposit Guaranty Golf Classic (now the Sanderson Farms Championship), played opposite to the Masters, where he cashed a check for $1,081. More missed cuts followed, but a tie for 13th at the BellSouth Classic and a tie for 19th at the Centel Western Open showed glimpses of his game coming around.

It was then, in Tennessee (and Georgia), that his talent met the timing. Carnevale won the Chattanooga Classic at Council Fire Golf Club, shooting a final-round 64 to defeat Ed Dougherty and Dan Forsman by two strokes on a course that is partially in the Volunteer State and partially in Georgia. Although it was the lone TOUR victory for Carnevale – earning him PGA TOUR Rookie of the Year honors – it set him forward on a path to make golf his forever career, either as a player, an administrator or, most recently, a broadcaster.

Mark Carnevale after winning the 1992 Chattanooga Classic. (Sam Greenwood/PGA TOUR Archive)

Mark Carnevale after winning the 1992 Chattanooga Classic. (Sam Greenwood/PGA TOUR Archive)

Mark Carnevale won the 1992 Chattanooga Classic and was a commentator for PGA TOUR radio. (Stan Badz/PGA TOUR Archive)

Mark Carnevale won the 1992 Chattanooga Classic and was a commentator for PGA TOUR radio. (Stan Badz/PGA TOUR Archive)

Carnevale died unexpectedly on Monday, July 22, 2024. He was 64.

“Mark was a beloved part of the TOUR family for a long time," said PGA TOUR Commissioner Jay Monahan. "He was a member of that elite club, a PGA TOUR winner, and then he held numerous roles within the industry, most recently as a significant voice in PGA TOUR Radio’s coverage. Mark knew the game and did a terrific job of conveying insights from his unique point of view – and with an engaging wit and sense of humor – to fans from countless TOUR events through the years. We will miss Mark and send our condolences to his loved ones.”

Carnevale grew up in a family with sports at the center. His father, Ben, was the head basketball coach at North Carolina, leading the Tar Heels to their first NCAA tournament appearance in only his second season in Chapel Hill, in 1946. That year, the team finished with a 30-5 record, losing to Oklahoma A&M, 43-40, in the title game. The elder Carnevale eventually left UNC and landed as the head coach at Navy, a job he held for 20 years, until 1966. Once Ben retired from coaching, the family moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, when Mark was 12 when his dad became the William & Mary athletic director.

Carnevale’s sport, however, was golf, and he considered playing for William & Mary while weighing golf scholarship offers following high school. However, he eventually signed to play for James Madison.

Despite a sterling collegiate record even while missing his entire sophomore season due to injury, Carnevale originally didn’t have professional golf aspirations, telling the Harrisonburg (Virginia) Daily News-Record, “The competition is unbelievable on the TOUR. I enjoy the game too much for that.”

Carnevale then had a change of heart about professional golf after working, briefly, for a brokerage firm post-graduation.

Upon his return to competitive golf, Carnevale played the occasional PGA TOUR tournament, competed on various mini-tours and went on to win the 1990 Utah Open, coming from eight strokes back on the final day to force a playoff. Less than two years later, Carnevale had made it to the PGA TOUR, walking away with Rookie of the Year honors following his Chattanooga victory that placed him 70th on the year’s final money list.

In 1994, his last, best shot at winning came when he was part of the six-man playoff at the rain-shortened Byron Nelson in Irving, Texas, a tournament Neal Lancaster won. Carnevale saw his fortunes fall after that, dropping to 185th on the money list in 1996. While splitting his time between the PGA TOUR and the Korn Ferry Tour in 1997, he again found success.

Carnevale opened the 1997 Korn Ferry Tour season by finishing second at the Lakeland (Florida) Classic. He then traveled cross-country and won the Inland Empire Open in California in his next start. He tied for second in start No. 3 then was third in his fourth appearance that season, in Louisiana. On the strength of that early success, Carnevale held the No. 1 spot on the money list for 11 weeks and eventually finished second, behind Chris Smith, giving him another year of PGA TOUR membership, in 1998.

Mark Carnevale’s best moments on PGA TOUR LIVE over the years

Carnevale eventually walked away from the touring professional life, becoming tournament director of the Korn Ferry Tour’s Virginia Beach Open in 2003, while still making occasional TOUR appearances playing out of the past-champion category. In his playing career, Carnevale competed in 212 PGA TOUR tournaments and made 66 Korn Ferry Tour starts.

In 2005, Carnevale made another pivot. With a big smile and a booming voice, Mark began a broadcasting career as a reporter working at PGA TOUR tournaments for SiriusXM Radio. He also covered some tournaments for PGA TOUR LIVE on ESPN+. The final tournament Carnevale worked as a broadcaster came at the Genesis Scottish Open just two weeks ago, where he was a walking reporter for PGA TOUR Radio, describing the action from The Renaissance Club. Carnevale was slated to work this week’s 3M Open from Blaine, Minnesota.

PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL - MAY 12: Mark Carnevale reports from the course during the second round of THE PLAYERS Championship on THE PLAYERS Stadium Course at TPC Sawgrass on May 12, 2017, in Ponte Vedra Beach . (Photo by Chris Condon/PGA TOUR)

PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL - MAY 12: Mark Carnevale reports from the course during the second round of THE PLAYERS Championship on THE PLAYERS Stadium Course at TPC Sawgrass on May 12, 2017, in Ponte Vedra Beach . (Photo by Chris Condon/PGA TOUR)

Mark Carnevale interviews Tiger Woods after the third round of the 2007 TOUR Championship at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta, Georgia. (Caryn Levy/PGA TOUR)

Mark Carnevale interviews Tiger Woods after the third round of the 2007 TOUR Championship at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta, Georgia. (Caryn Levy/PGA TOUR)

Host Mark Carnevale on air during SiriusXM broadcast from the 2016 Masters in Augusta, Georgia. (Marcus Ingram/Getty Images)

Host Mark Carnevale on air during SiriusXM broadcast from the 2016 Masters in Augusta, Georgia. (Marcus Ingram/Getty Images)

“Mark Carnevale was an integral part of live coverage on our streaming platforms and PGA TOUR Radio coverage. He was a consummate professional, who was respected by the PGA TOUR players he covered, and his insightful analysis and humor will be greatly missed,” said Greg Hopfe, PGA TOUR Entertainment senior vice president and executive producer.

Carnevale is survived by four siblings: sister Jeanne (Skip Hansford); brothers Robert (Karen), Dave (Nancy) and Dan (Lana); and the love of his life Liz Boudreaux. Funeral services are pending.

The Boyz' tour diary on second US tour, performing: 'It feels like a dream'

Portrait of Olivia Munson

It's been two years since 11-member K-pop group The Boyz have toured the U.S., and their energy to be back is palpable.

"We're feeling very good," Kevin, 26, tells USA TODAY backstage at Radio City Music Hall on July 19. "Last year, we weren't able to tour North America, but we're so glad that we're able to do it this year."

This tour is extra special for one member: Eric, who hails from Los Angeles and didn't participate in The Boyz ' 2022 U.S. tour due to a health hiatus. So "ZENERATION II" marks his first time touring the States.

"It kind of feels weird that I'm on it right now, it feels like a dream," the 23-year-old says.

Members Sangyeon, Jacob and Juyeon are sat alongside the two. Younghoon, Hyunjae, New, Q, Juhaknyeon and Sunwoo were absent, getting final touches for hair and makeup before the concert.

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"I'm really happy to be back in New York, looking forward to tonight's show," Juyeon, 26, says with a smile.

On the day of our interview, it's the tour kickoff and it's been busy. The Boyz touched down in New York City the day prior, so jet lag hasn't kicked in quite yet. Their latest Japanese album " Gibberish " also dropped that morning.

"I feel like 'Gibberish' is a very new concept to us. We haven't really done (something) like that hardcore," Jacob, 27, says of the new release.

One thing does ring true for everyone in the venue – The Boyz are eager to hit the stage and see their fans, who they loving call The B.

Reflecting on 'ZENERATION II' tour

The Boyz are set for five stops on the "ZENERATION II" U.S. tour, which wraps in San Jose, California on July 28.

Since their first tour, the group has leveled up. Not only have the venues grown in size, but the members have upgraded their skills.

"From my perspective, especially, I think all of the members have improved a lot in live vocals and rapping. I think a lot of fans have noticed that too," says Eric. In turn, this has amped up the excitement and passion for both The Boyz and the fans.

Another notable change is the setlist, which Juyeon calls "unique."

"We have a lot of songs that might be unpredicted by the fans, as well as songs that are throwbacks," he says.

"We went way back in our catalog and dug up our repertoire, and we hope the OG fans will like it, as well as the new fans," adds Kevin.

The concert opens with " Diamond Life " off the " BE AWAKE " album, and it sets the tone for the high-energy performances to follow.

"Ever since that album came out, we always thought this is concert-opening material, and so we were hoping that one day it would become (that), and it finally happened," Kevin says.

The guys also perform "Bite Back," an unreleased track from The Boyz' upcoming album.

"It's our first time showing an unreleased song that has a dance to it. We worked really hard on that, and I feel like a lot of the fans have enjoyed it," Jacob says.

Some of the members have been practicing their English for tour as well. Namely, Sangyeon (the Boyz' leader) and Juyeon have been taking English classes.

The "tour makes me happy" says Juyeon. "Touring and performing, in general, is the epicenter of what our career is, and seeing the fans around the world, that gives me a lot of motivation."

Exclusive Interview: The Boyz talk 'Sixth Sense', album trilogy and love for The B

The Boyz' tour diary

The Boyz were off to an early start on the first day of tour. Eric says he got a coffee and sandwich that morning and went for a walk before the work began.

"We booked a space, just to go over final details, and then came here (to the venue), started hair and makeup, did our rehearsals," adds Kevin.

Touring is busy for The Boyz, but they do try to find free time. "I like to make most of my time by shopping, going around, taking in the scenes and just enjoying whatever city I'm in, even on the day of the show," says Juyeon.

When they arrived in New York, the members did some exploring. Sangeyon says he went to Little Island in Hudson River Park . As a group, they went shopping in SoHo , says Eric.

"After that, we came back to Times Square, and then we went out for a nice dinner," he adds.

Working out is key on tour, so "we could get pumped up," says Eric. Some of The Boyz even like to workout after a show.

Winding down looks different depending on the member.

"I like to take warm- to- hot baths and then rinse it off with a cold shower," Kevins says. "It's good for the muscles; it's good for your body. It makes the blood flow."

A post-concert meal is also a must-have for The Boyz.

"When I get back to my room in hotel, I always ask my manager for hot, spicy ramen," says Eric. Juyeon usually grabs a hamburger or pizza and sometimes, Korean food, like kimchi jjigae or bibimbap.

The members try to immerse themselves in the local cuisine, but they often get homesick for Korean food after a couple days, says Eric.

"Because our bodies are used to it and our tastebuds are used to it." Kevin adds.

And on Kevin's pre-show playlist is, of course, Beyoncé .

"For 'ZENERATION,' we did three days in Seoul. I set a timer so I could listen to the entirety of ' Renaissance ' before hitting the stage" he says. "Because it's a work of art. I can't just listen to one song."

What performing means to The Boyz

Performing is integral to The Boyz, and all the members agree.

"I personally started this career seeing live performances, and so this is when I feel like I'm fulfilling my dream the most," says Kevin.

"It gives me motivation because that's when you realize that there are so many fans all over the world that are rooting for me, that are very supportive and give continuous love from so far away," says Eric. "When we go on tour, that's when I'm get more motivated to work harder as an artist."

"Just seeing our fans and to see how precious that moment is to them, and to us, makes me happy," Jacob adds. "I tell the fans we want to be this safe place, just like they are to us, and I can really feel that during the concerts."

The Boyz feel that the time is precious when they are touring and they want to bring "energy (and) powerful performances," says Sangyeon, 27.

"I want to let them feel our powerful performances and have that kind of energy left over, even after they leave the show," he says.

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Mark Carnevale, former PGA Tour winner and golf broadcaster, dies a week after working his last tournament

Updated on: July 23, 2024 / 7:59 AM EDT / CBS/AP

Mark Carnevale, a former PGA Tour winner who had been calling tournaments for Sirius XM Radio, died Monday, a week after working his last tournament, the PGA Tour said . He was 64.

The tour did not disclose a cause, only saying that he died suddenly.

"His humor, knowledge, and enthusiasm for the game and life will be greatly missed," the tour said in a social media post .

Carnevale won the 1992 Chattanooga Classic and was voted PGA Tour rookie of the year. He later won on what is now the Korn Ferry Tour.

Nationwide Tour - BMW Charity Pro-Am - Round One

He was best known recently for being one of the lead announcers for Sirius XM PGA Tour Radio since 2005, and he most recently called the action from the penultimate group at the Scottish Open. He was scheduled to work the 3M Open this week in Minnesota.

"He was a member of that elite club, a PGA Tour winner, and then he held numerous roles within the industry, most recently as a significant voice in PGA Tour Radio's coverage," Commissioner Jay Monahan said in a statement . "Mark knew the game and did a terrific job of conveying insights from his unique point of view - and with an engaging wit and sense of humor."

The son of a college basketball coach, Carnevale was born in Annapolis, Maryland, while Ben Carnevale was coaching at Navy. The family later moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, and Carnevale played college golf at James Madison.

According to the tour, Carnevale originally didn't want to play professional golf, telling the Harrisonburg (Virginia) Daily News-Record, "The competition is unbelievable on the tour. I enjoy the game too much for that."

But after briefly working at a brokerage firm after graduation, Carnevale changed his mind, the tour said, enjoying a successful career as a golfer before pivoting to broadcasting.

TOUR Championship - Day 3

"Mark Carnevale was an integral part of live coverage on our streaming platforms and PGA TOUR Radio coverage. He was a consummate professional, who was respected by the PGA TOUR players he covered, and his insightful analysis and humor will be greatly missed," Greg Hopfe, PGA TOUR Entertainment senior vice president and executive producer, said in a statement. 

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Mere Bastian Emil

Super program. Men vi vil have mere Bastian Emil - og lad manden tale uden at afbryde ham. Flere røverhistorier og man må for min skyld hjertens gerne klirre med teskeen (Brian Holm) og smaske, når Piil har shortbread eller andet med! Ekstra godt, når der er gæster med inde i studiet - så flere af dem også.

Super program

Super godt program, det er dog utroligt belastende at høre på Thomas Bays højtrystende stemme, som konstant afbryder eller taler indover de andre, særligt når Bastian Emil taler. Det havde været 5 stjerner uden ham, da han på ingen måde bedrager til programmet.

Bastian Emil

Bastian Emil er en gave til dækningen af cykelsporten! Så lad være med at afbryde ham når han taler!

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With the moose population on the decline, it's getting harder to spot them in NH

A wooden moose sculpture in front of a ;arge tour bus

Moose are iconic to New Hampshire’s landscape. To lovers of the large, cold-climate animals, they represent the wilderness of northern New England. But it’s not always easy to find them.

I have only seen a moose twice despite living in New Hampshire for 25 years. So I decided to go on a moose tour with my producer, Mary McIntyre, who’s never seen a moose before.

“It’s a dream of mine,” she says, standing near a moose sculpture in the Lincoln parking lot for our moose tour. We are determined to make the dream come true tonight.

Furry. Scaly. Slimy. Winged.

Moose are most active at dusk and dawn so we board the Pemi Valley Moose Tour bus at 8 p.m. Larry Hartle runs this operation, and he says he’s extended the length of the tour because now it’s harder to find moose in the area. This means, we'll likely be done between 11 p.m. and midnight.

"[If it's] 11 that means we struck it rich out there with the moose," Hartle says. "[If it's] midnight, it means the moose are making us work because every night's a little bit different.”

Tune in this summer for more stories about animals in New Hampshire in NHPR's series, Furry. Scaly. Slimy. Winged.

The moose population in New Hampshire has significantly declined over the years. According to New Hampshire Fish and Game , there were about 7,000 moose here in the year 2000. Now, the population is half of that.

So the tour guides have to get really familiar with the animal’s favorite haunts. One of those guides, Eric Pyra, warns us the moose can be unpredictable.

“ This is our 26th summer of doing it. And we know where they tend to be, but not always where they're going to be,” Pyra says. “It used to be like fishing in a barrel. ‘There's a moose, there's a moose.’ Now it's a little tougher, but we're pretty stubborn.”

Climate change holds some responsibility for their decline. Winter ticks and brainworm are two parasites that are devastating moose here. Those parasites would normally be staved off by deep snow and cold temperatures, but now they’re enabled by the warmer winters in New Hampshire.

On the tour bus, Pyra and Hartle are trying to bring moose sightings into being with positive thoughts, or as they call it, "moose mojo."

A man behind a wooden table gives another man a ticket.

“That's positive energy to bring the moose,” Hartle explains to the crowd on the bus. “Do you guys have it tonight?” The crowd cheers before being led into a moose cheerleading chant.

The tour guides work the crowd, playing educational videos on moose, moose-themed music, and colored dancing lights that turn this moose search into a disco.

But after nearly four hours of scanning the forests with spotlights, it looks like the mojo isn’t working tonight. We leave the bus around midnight without seeing a moose. The guides are heartbroken on our behalf.

“A little bit of a rough night. All right, a lot of a rough night,” Pyra says.

At the beginning of the tour, Hartle reminded the crowd that the moose are wild animals, not performers.

“The moose teach us a lesson every now and then,” says Pyra.

But there are plenty of times when the moose mojo is with the guides. Just a few nights later, three moose made an appearance on the Pemi Valley Moose Tour.

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Slovenia's Tadej Pogačar outraced his top rivals to win the Tour de France

Willem Marx

Ayana Archie

Tour de France winner Slovenia's Tadej Pogacar celebrates as he crosses the finish line to win the twenty-first stage of the Tour de France cycling race, an individual time trial over 33.7 kilometers (20.9 miles) with start in Monaco and finish in Nice, France, Sunday, July 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)

Slovenia's Tadej Pogacar celebrates Sunday as he crosses the finish line to win the twenty-first stage of the Tour de France cycling race, an individual time trial over 33.7 kilometers (20.9 miles) that started in Monaco and finished in Nice, France. Daniel Cole/AP hide caption

Tadej Pogačar of Slovenia has won this year’s Tour de France, making it his third championship title.

He beat Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard by 1 minute and 3 seconds during a 21-mile time trial that finished in Nice, France, on Sunday. Pogačar and Vingegaard have developed a rivalry over the years after Pogacar won the Tour de France back-to-back in 2020 and 2021, while Vingegaard won back-to-back in 2022 and 2023.

Belgium’s Remco Evenepoel, the reigning world champion in time trials and another of Pogačar’s rivals, finished third.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was once a major player in the Olympic movement, spending tens of billions of dollars to host the Sochi Winter Games in 2014.  Now his nation is barely participating in the Paris Summer Games.  (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

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“I must say how happy I am to win this Tour de France and how crazy the journey was, how crazy the battles we had with Jonas here and Remco,” Pogačar said during the podium ceremony. “It was one of the craziest tours, I think, in the history.

The championship is typically held in the Paris area, but was moved as the city prepares for the Olympics there, which begin Friday.

Pogačar's title was his sixth daily win in the three weeks of the Tour. He also won the sport’s other major race, the Giro D’Italia, earlier this year, making him the first man to win both in a season since the turn of the century.

Correction July 22, 2024

An earlier version of this story mistakenly said that Jonas Vingegaard achieved six daily wins at the Tour de France and also won this year's Giro D’Italia. Those victories were in fact accomplished by Slovenia's Tadej Pogačar.

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Mark Carnevale dies at age 64 a week after former PGA Tour winner worked radio at Scottish Open

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PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Mark Carnevale, a former PGA Tour winner who had been calling tournaments for Sirius XM Radio, died Monday, a week after working his last tournament, the PGA Tour said. He was 64.

The tour did not disclose a cause, only saying that he died suddenly.

Carnevale won the 1992 Chattanooga Classic and was voted PGA Tour rookie of the year. He later won on what is now the Korn Ferry Tour.

He was best known recently for being one of the lead announcers for Sirius XM PGA Tour Radio since 2005, and he most recently called the action from the penultimate group at the Scottish Open. He was scheduled to work the 3M Open this week in Minnesota.

“He was a member of that elite club, a PGA Tour winner, and then he held numerous roles within the industry, most recently as a significant voice in PGA Tour Radio’s coverage,” Commissioner Jay Monahan said. “Mark knew the game and did a terrific job of conveying insights from his unique point of view — and with an engaging wit and sense of humor.”

The son of a college basketball coach, Carnevale was born in Annapolis, Maryland, while Ben Carnevale was coaching at Navy. The family later moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, and Carnevale played college golf at James Madison.

AP golf:

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In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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vinyle tracy chapman 33 tours

Tracy chapman – tracy chapman 33 tours   €   40   $   43.

Tracy Chapman – Tracy Chapman 33 tours

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Tracy Chapman – Tracy Chapman 33 tours.

Tracy Chapman

Regarded as one of the greatest singer-songwriters amongst her 80’s contemporaries, Tracy Chapman helped re-define and reinvigorate the genre with her honest, yet powerful self-biographical inspired lyrics, and further challenge the wider spread young demographic of America who were inspired by her liberal lyrics and sentiment.

Chapman first emerged on the scene with her debut album in 1988 following her signing with Elektra the previous year. The self-titled album included hits such as ‘Fast Car’ and ‘Baby I Can Hold You’ , with the album winning Chapman three Grammy awards including best pop Vocal, best new artist and best Album. Over the following years, Tracy Chapman continued to release material including her singles ‘Give Me One Reason’ which became a top 10 single, peaking at number 3 on the Billboard top 100 in America and winning Chapman her fourth Grammy award for the best rock song in 1997. Following a four year hiatus, chapman remerged in 2000 with her fifth album ‘Telling Stories’ which was well received both in the states and Europe, the latter of which chapman’s presence was ever more in demand. Over the following decade, she released more albums including ‘Where It Is’ and ‘Let it Rain’ while touring both home and international territory.

vinyle tracy chapman 33 tours


vinyle tracy chapman 33 tours

Sold Date: May 8, 2021 Start Date: April 13, 2021 Final Price: €50.00 (EUR) Seller Feedback: 3703 Buyer Feedback: 0

Vinyle 30 cm 33 Tours  TRACY CHAPMAN Sous pochette plastique de protection - TALKIN BOUT A REVOLUTION - FAST CAR - ACROSS THE LINES - BEHIND THE WALL - BABY CAN I HOLD YOU - MOUNTAINSO THINGS - SHE'S GOTHER TICKET - WHY ? - FOR MY LOVER - IF NOT NOW - FOR YOU Expédition rapide et soignée sous cartonnage spécial Vinyles

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33 RPM Vinyl Records Tracy Chapman

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Chapman, Chapman Tracy L, Chapman, Tracy L, T. Chapman, T. W. Chapman, T.Chapman, TC, Tracey Chapman, Tracy, Tracy L Chapman, Tracy L. Chapman


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vinyle tracy chapman 33 tours

Get the best deals on 33 RPM Vinyl Records Tracy Chapman when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.

This release comes in a matte sleeve with a printed inner but without a lyrics sheet. It is very similar to the other UK & Europe version of Tracy Chapman 's album, but that other one comes in a glossy sleeve & with few lights differences on labels (places of characters). From back cover: Elektra/Asylum Records, a division of Warner ...

Comes with printed inner sleeve with original English lyrics. The sleeve on this version has a glossy finish, Tracy Chapman is similar but has a matte sleeve. This album is dedicated to Aneta. Liner notes feature Spanish, German, Italian and French translation of lyrics. WEA logo embossed on back cover.

Le vinyle est PROCHE DE L'ÉTAT NEUF Testé sur ma platine technics, disque non voilé, non gondolé et parfaite écoute, stocké verticalement. Regardez mes autres 33 tours je regroupe les frais de port

Vinyl Value; FAQ ; Login. Login Register ; Forgot password ; Upgrade/Extend ; Terms and cond. Favourite auctions ; Favourite searches ; Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 33 tours ... Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman 33 tours. TypeLP. Format30 cm. Vitesse33 tours. Sous-genreAnnées 80. GenrePop.

by Tracy Chapman. 1. Vinyl. $17900. FREE delivery Aug 12 - 30. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. More Buying Choices. $59.38 (5 used & new offers) Audio CD.

Chapman first emerged on the scene with her debut album in 1988 following her signing with Elektra the previous year. The self-titled album included hits such as 'Fast Car' and 'Baby I Can Hold You' , with the album winning Chapman three Grammy awards including best pop Vocal, best new artist and best Album. Over the following years ...

VINYLE 33 TOURS 30 cm - ELEKTRA - TRACY CHAPMAN . Sold Date: May 8, 2021 Start Date: April 13, 2021 Final Price: €50.00 (EUR) ... Gripsweat is a searchable archive of past rare vinyl record sales and auctions. We add results daily with a minimum price of roughly $15 USD.

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Tracy Chapman album vinyle 33 tours (original vinyl LP) Europe 1988 at the best online prices at eBay! Free delivery for many products!

View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the Vinyl release of "Tracy Chapman" on Discogs. Everything Releases Artists Labels. Advanced Search; Explore. Discover; Explore All; Trending Releases; List Explorer; Advanced Search; Contribute; ... Different cat# in comparison to Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman. Barcode and Other Identifiers. Barcode ...

Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman (Vinyle Usagé) Aux 33 Tours . You should look and perform at your best,Get huge savings on Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman (Vinyle Usagé) Aux 33 Tours . Shop the best products at amazing prices with excellent service Shop

TRACY CHAPMAN Vinyl Records and CDs : In an era when the political Singer-Songwriter looked like it was going the way of the dodo bird and Reaganomics was in full robber-baron swing, along came Tracy Chapman. With her sensitive, well-crafted narratives and a voice as rich as the Mississippi Delta, Chapman re-introduced nuanced social commentary ...

Buy 33 RPM Vinyl Records Tracy Chapman and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Tracy Chapman album vinyle 33 tours (original vinyl LP) Europe 1988 at the best online prices at eBay!

Découvrez tous les disques de l'artiste Tracy Chapman en vente sur CDandLP au format Vinyl 33 tours, CD, Maxi, 45 tours. Forum 1; Blog 1; Vendre; Vendre Mon compte Panier ... Vinyle et CD de TRACY CHAPMAN : 1518 résultats trouvés. Filtres : Articles en promo Vendeurs Mint

3:10. Favourite Album of Every Year since I was Born LJNLJN. Los Ochenta Gredos. Cigarettes At Night Gredos. Protest Song Gredos. LENCO MEET 2017 slaba. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the Vinyl release of "Tracy Chapman" on Discogs.

Achat Tracy Chapman 33 Tours pas cher Neuf et occasion Promos et prix réduits imbattables en ligne Cashback de 5% minimum sur votre commande. ... clay premier prix pga tour balle occasion ville folie gradlon vie jean gaume vinyle 33 tours oscar peterson recommandation vinyle 33 tours rhoda scott achat vinyle 45 tours oscar peterson ...

This is the perfect moment to place an order and receive a bonus,Visit our website to see the newest The Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman (Vinyle Usagé) Aux 33 Tours . Unique Designs that you won't see elsewhere Shop

Housed in a standard jewel case with a 28-page booklet inside. Booklet contains original English lyrics plus translations in French, Italian, Spanish and German. CATALOG NUMBERS. Tray, booklet: 960 774-2. Disc: 7559-60774-2.

View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1983 Vinyl release of "Verdi & Puccini" on Discogs. Everything Releases Artists Labels. ... Different from other Europe LP with "33 ⅓ RPM" printed in right side. Barcode and Other Identifiers. Label Code ... Tracy Chapman. Tracy Chapman. Released. 1988 — Europe. Vinyl — LP, Album, Stereo ...

Credits. Composed By - Johannes Brahms. Conductor - Herbert von Karajan. Liner Notes - Friedrich Herzfeld, Heinz Becker (3) Orchestra - Berliner Philharmoniker. Photography By - Siegfried Lauterwasser.

Shiny Shiny. Haysi Fantayzee. Released. 1983 — Australia. Vinyl —. 7", 45 RPM, Single. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1970 Vinyl release of "And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind" on Discogs.

View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1980 Vinyl release of "La Mer • Rapsodie Espagnole • Ma Mère L'Oye" on Discogs.

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    Mark Carnevale, a former PGA Tour Rookie of the Year who was a lead golf announcer for SiriusXM Satellite Radio for the past two decades, died Monday. He was 64. The PGA Tour announced his death ...

  14. Three Farms In The Hurricane Area Featured On Trigg County Farm Tour

    Conservation practices, a new farming operation, and a legacy farming operation will be on the agenda for the 2024 Trigg County Farm Tour Thursday, August 1st, in the Hurricane community of Trigg County. Trigg County Agriculture Extension Agent Graham Cofield says this year's Trigg County Farm ...

  15. NHPR's Rick Ganley scouts for moose on a North Country tour bus

    The moose population in New Hampshire is almost half of what it was in 2000. NHPR's Rick Ganley goes on a moose tour bus in the North Country to spot the iconic animal.

  16. Slovenia's Tadej Pogačar is the winner of this year's Tour de France

    Slovenia's Tadej Pogacar celebrates Sunday as he crosses the finish line to win the twenty-first stage of the Tour de France cycling race, an individual time trial over 33.7 kilometers (20.9 miles ...

  17. Elektrostal

    The 9th radio center in Elektrostal is home to a high power medium wave transmitter. The first S-400 Triumf missile defense system was deployed at Elektrostal, becoming fully operational on July 1, 2007. Transportation LiAZ-5256 bus

  18. - KULP 106.7fm

    KULP Radio. April 13, 2023. KULP History 1. KULP 50th Anniversary Special KULP Radio. April 15, 2023. Powered by: KULP News Break 0. NEWSBREAK - 7/19 Russell Hill. July 19, 2024. KULP News Break 0. NEWSBREAK - 7/18 Russell Hill. July 18, 2024. KULP News Break 0. NEWSBREAK - 7/17 ...

  19. Mark Carnevale dies at age 64 a week after former PGA Tour winner

    Carnevale won the 1992 Chattanooga Classic and was voted PGA Tour rookie of the year. He later won on what is now the Korn Ferry Tour. He was best known recently for being one of the lead announcers for Sirius XM PGA Tour Radio since 2005, and he most recently called the action from the penultimate group at the Scottish Open.

  20. KOOP Radio 91.7 FM

    The KOOP Radio: Nightbeat Film Series returns to the Eastside Cinema on Thursday, July 25 with a special screening of Almost Famous (2000) Learn More. Today's Featured Shows. Thursday, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Double Heads Variety Hour. with Matt Fox and Dillon Minacci.

  21. PGA Tour winner and broadcaster Mark Carnevale dies 'unexpectedly ...

    Carnevale, whose sole win on the PGA Tour was at the 1992 Chattanooga Classic, was best known for his broadcasting career, which began in 2005, when he covered the Tour on Sirius XM PGA Tour Radio.

  22. Live Music @ KOP Town Center

    10. Live Music @ KOP Town Center. Aug 10, 2023. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Join KOP Town Center outdoors every Thursday evening from April - October to enjoy local, live entertainment on the green! Find the performance schedule below. AUGUST. 8/3: ONE HOTMESS DUO.

  23. KONP Radio

    Access the free radio live stream and discover more online radio and radio fm stations at a glance. Top Stations. Top Stations. 1 MSNBC. 2 WFAN 66 AM - 101.9 FM. 3 94 WIP Sportsradio. 4 KIRO - 710 ESPN Seattle 710 AM. 5 WINS - 1010 WINS CBS New York. 6 FOX News. 7 CNN. 8 WCBS 880. 9 105.3 The Fan - CBS Dallas. 10 WABC - 77 WABC Radio.

  24. Live Music @ KOP Town Center

    King of Prussia Town Center 🎶 Please join KOP Town Center Thursdays from 6 - 8 PM at the Town Center (in front of Davio's) for your favorite local artists. This week, enjoy Sunshine Jones! Any questions please reach out to [email protected].

  25. KOOP 91.7 FM Listen Live

    Rating: 5.0 Reviews: 1. KOOP Radio 91.7 FM is a freeform, community-run radio station located in Austin, TX and is owned and operated by its members. KOOP provides a diverse array of programming, emphasizing programs that deal with local issues and/or serve communities which are under-served by the mainstream media. English.

  26. The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of

    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...

  27. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal (2024)

    Things to Do in Elektrostal. 1. Park of Culture and Leisure. 2. Electrostal History and Art Museum. 3. Statue of Lenin. 4. Museum and Exhibition Center.

  28. radio tour kop

    AM Radio Tribute Band Verified. Concerts and tour dates, live photos of am radio tribute band, bandsintown merch. Fan Reviews. Fans Also Follow. About am radio tribute band. twitt

  29. Live Music @ KOP Town Center

    Join KOP Town Center outdoors every Thursday evening from April - October to enjoy local, live entertainment on the green! Find the performance schedule below. OCTOBER: 10/5: CARMEN TOMASSETTI 10/12: ANTHEM ARCADE 10/19: GREG SNYDER DUO 10/26: TONY ALOSI In case of inclement weather, the performance will be canceled. For questions please reach out to […]

  30. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...