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Math problems involving Calculus

Problem 673:VAB - An Improved Model for Van Allen Belt Radiation Dose Students use a detailed model of the path of a satellite and the radiation dose rate along the path to calculate the total radiation dose to the spacecraft. [Grade: 9-11 | Topics: Polynomial equations; trigonometric equations; composite finctions f(f(x)); estimating areas under curves] [Click here]

Problem 672:VAB - Modeling the Radiation Dose of the Van Allen Probes Students create a simple mathematical model of the radiation exposure to the VABP satellites as they travel through the Van Allen belts. [Grade: 11-12 | Topics: Parametric equations;composite functions f(g(x)); integral calculus ] [Click here]

Problem 668: Meteor Impacts - How Much Stuff? Students integrate a powerlaw function to estimate the number of tons of meteoritic debris that Earth collects every year. [Grade: 12 | Topics: Integral calculus] [Click here]

Problem 494: The Close Encounter to the Sun of Barnards Star Students use parametric equations and calculus to determine the linear equation for the path of Barnards Star, and then determine when the minimum distance to the sun occurs [Grade: 12 | Topics: Derivitives and minimization] [Click here] Problem 383: Estimating the mass of Comet Hartley 2 using calculus. Students use a recent image of the nucleus of Comet Hartley 2 taken by the Deep Impact/EPOXI camera and a shape function described by a fourth-order polynomial to calculate the volume of the comet's head using integral calculus. to estimate the volume of the comets nucleus, and its total mass, [Grade: 12 | Topics: Volume integral using disk method; scale model; scientific notation; unit conversion] [Click here]

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  • Author: Dr. Sten Odenwald
  • NASA Official : Dr. C.A. Young
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The Relationship Between Maths and Space Explored

The Relationship Between Maths and Space Explored

Perhaps you’ve looked up at the night sky and tried to count the stars or dreamt of being an astronaut. In 1961 humans first launched into space, eight years later in 1969, man first set foot on the moon. As we now explore the outer reaches of our solar system the concept of humans landing on Mars is now a genuine goal to achieve in our lifetime – critical to all of these monumental achievements has been the use of maths.

Understanding the size and mass of planets, their gravitational forces and how to use acceleration and deceleration for rockets to explore space are just some examples of maths being used by rocket engineers, astrophysicists and astronauts.

Every aspect of space travel uses maths. Inside spaceships, astronauts routinely measure their height to study the effects of zero gravity which extends and stretches their spine. This makes them taller when in outer space. How cool is that?

Space begins around 100 kilometres above the Earth, where the shell of our Earth’s atmosphere around our planet becomes so thin that nothing can fly. Above Earth’s atmosphere, astronauts enter an environment where there is infinite blackness, no air, zero gravity, incredibly cold temperatures (-270 degrees Celsius) and nothing but the quiet void of endless space.

Our planetary system is the only system that is officially called a “solar system”. However, astronomers have discovered more than 3,000 other stars with planets orbiting them in our galaxy (and that’s just what they have found so far). Our solar system consists of eight planets that all orbit around the sun. These planets are all of different temperatures and sizes.

Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system, with a minimum temperature of -224 degrees Celsius. Whereas Venus is the hottest, with a surface temperature of 475 degrees Celsius. Venus’ extreme heat means it is not safe to inhabit. Measuring and understanding planetary temperatures helps our understanding of our solar system and our expectation of where life may exist.

Understanding the size and mass of planets is another example of maths being brought into outer space!

Space travel involves enormous distances and a commonly used maths method called trigonometry is especially helpful to calculate the distances between planets, stars and galaxies that are measured in millions and millions of miles. In fact, these distances are so large that distance is often referred to in light years. Not a Buzz Lightyear! but the amount of distance travelled by light in a year, and light is the fastest thing known– so it’s incredibly fast, which means a light year is a really, really long way!

A key aspect of space travel is launching a rocket into orbit and a spaceship’s re-entry back into our Earth’s atmosphere to safely bring our brave astronauts home. In such circumstances, engineers use another common maths method called calculus to calculate how fast the rocket needs to accelerate to break free of Earth’s gravity and launch into space. Acceleration describes how rockets get faster and faster after take-off. The greatest acceleration happens at lift off. If a rocket is launched from the surface of the Earth, it needs to reach a speed fast enough to escape Earth’s gravity to reach space. This speed of 7.9 kilometres per second, or 28,000 kilometres per hour, is known as the orbital velocity; it corresponds to more than 20 times the speed of sound. Once in orbit the force of the rocket’s acceleration away from the Earth is balanced by the Earth’s gravity pull so that it stays at a constant distance from Earth.

What goes up must come down! So, when it’s time for our intrepid astronauts to come home they must decelerate their spaceship – which is the reverse of launching. They need to slow down so that Earth’s gravity can overcome the spaceships speed and pull it safely back to Earth. So, the spaceship will slow from an orbital speed of around 28,000 km per hour to 20,000 km per hour (still pretty fast!)

Maths is everywhere! It can be used anywhere from Earth to the outer most galaxies. Astronauts use it every day, and so do you!

If astronomy and space intrigues you, look deeper within STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects.

ORIGO Education is set on making learning fun, meaningful and accessible for everyone. Read more about our approach HERE .

Space has only started to be explored. There are endless possibilities, and mathematics is there to help. It’s to infinity and beyond!

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Space Travel Calculator

Prepare for launch and fasten your seatbelts because we’re about to take a galactic joyride into the cosmos! 🚀✨

Formula for Space Travel:

Now, let’s boldly go where no calculator has gone before!

Table of Contents

Categories of Space Travel

From short interplanetary jaunts to epic journeys across the universe, space travel can be categorized into mind-boggling types:

Examples of Space Travel Calculations

Hold onto your space helmets as we calculate some whimsical space journeys:

Different Methods of Calculation

Space travel calculations can be as diverse as the cosmos itself, each with its quirks and peculiarities:

Evolution of Space Travel Calculation

The history of space travel calculations is a journey in itself:

Limitations of Accuracy

Even in the vastness of space, accuracy has its limits:

  • Complexity: Space travel equations can involve complex math and relativistic principles.
  • Specific Scenarios: Some methods are limited to specific scenarios, like near-light-speed travel.
  • Theoretical Speculation: Hyperspace theory remains speculative and unproven.

Alternative Methods for Measurement

When it comes to space travel, alternative methods are often found in the realm of science fiction:

FAQs on Space Travel Calculator

  • Can space travel be faster than the speed of light? According to current physics, traveling at or faster than the speed of light is impossible.
  • What is time dilation in space travel? Time dilation is the effect where time passes differently for travelers moving at high speeds or in strong gravitational fields.
  • Are wormholes real and can we use them for space travel? Wormholes are theoretical, and their existence is unproven. They remain a concept in the realm of science fiction.
  • How does space travel affect time? Traveling at high speeds, as described by special relativity, can cause time dilation, where time passes more slowly for the traveler than for those at rest.
  • What is the concept of hyperspace travel? Hyperspace is a theoretical concept where ships can travel faster than light by entering another dimension or space.
  • Is it possible to travel back in time through space travel? Current scientific understanding suggests that traveling backward in time is highly unlikely and remains a subject of science fiction.
  • How far can humans travel in space today? Human space travel is primarily limited to our solar system, with missions to Mars and beyond in planning stages.
  • What is the closest star to Earth? The closest star to Earth is the Sun, which is part of our solar system. The closest star system is Alpha Centauri.
  • How do scientists calculate travel time to other planets? Scientists use the principles of physics, including special relativity and rocket science, to calculate travel time to other planets.
  • What is the ultimate goal of space travel? The ultimate goal of space travel is to explore, understand, and potentially colonize other planets, and to expand humanity’s presence in the universe.

Resources for Further Research

Explore more about space travel through these reputable government and educational resources:

  • NASA’s Official Space Travel Page : Discover NASA’s missions, research, and the latest in space travel.
  • – Space News : Stay updated with the latest news, articles, and information on space exploration.
  • ESA – European Space Agency : Explore Europe’s contribution to space science, technology, and exploration.
  • Caltech – Jet Propulsion Laboratory : Learn about space missions, robotics, and planetary exploration.

Space Travel Calculator

Traveling in space: an introduction, before einstein: non-relativistic space travel, how to calculate the travel time: speed of light as ultimate speed limit, travel in a relativistic spaceship: calculations for time and speed, fuel calculator for space travel: astronomical pit-stop.

Humans are barely a spacefaring civilization, as we only entered our spatial neighborhood: our space travel calculator will answer the question "what if..."

  • What if I board a ship that travels in space at constant acceleration?
  • What if I can ignore the speed of light in calculating the travel time in space?
  • What if Einstein was right (he is) and space travel is relativistic?

And much more.

Traveling in space is a whole different kettle of fish. No air means no friction, the ideal rocket equation rules undisputed, and usually, your destination is not exactly behind the corner.

Spaceflight is hard: humanity ventured as far as the Moon (slightly beyond if you consider the orbits around it) and did so only six times between 1969 and 1972. Since then, we have only ventured into Earth's orbit. However, the push for exploration didn't make vane; we are limited by technology and physics!

In this tool, we will consider what would happen to a spaceship that travels in space at constant acceleration . The good news is that since there is no friction up there, we don't have to burn fuel to maintain a constant speed. If our engine is on, we are accelerating (in fact, most of the time spent in space by a craft consists of coasting , engines off, and patiently waiting to reach the time for a correction in the trajectory).

Input the spacecraft mass, your destination (trust us on the directions), and what you want to do precisely: a fly-by or a full stop (in this case, we will calculate your space travel in two parts, the latter at a constant deceleration that would bring you at destination with zero speed, à la Expanse ).

🙋 Feel free to input a destination of your choice by inserting any distance in the proper variable's field.

The last choice before the departure: is your universe following the rules of Newton or Einstein? We'll see the differences in a second. Board the spaceship Calculator , buckle up and wait for the countdown.

🔎 To explain our space travel calculator, we will assume a constant 1 g 1g 1 g acceleration (the most comfortable for a human) and an empty spacecraft mass of 1.000  t 1.000\ \text{t} 1.000   t . The destination we chose for our spaceship calculator is the center of our galaxy , a supermassive black hole 27 , 900 27,900 27 , 900 light years away.

Gravity rules Newton's universe alone. There is no speed limit and no one of the weird relativistic effects we will meet shortly. We calculate your space travel using the equation for motion in a purely classic framework.

If you choose to arrive at your destination at the maximum speed possible, then we input your acceleration in space in the formula:

  • a a a — The acceleration ;
  • t t t — The time of flight ; and
  • v f v_{\text{f}} v f ​ — The final speed .

To calculate the time, we use the distance d d d :

If you plan on visiting Sagittarius A, then you need to decelerate. In this case, the final speed is $$v_{\text{ f}} = 0$$, obviously, and the time of flight changes accordingly:

The time required to travel such a distance is... astronomical . As you can see in our constant acceleration space travel calculator:

  • For a maximum speed flyby, the time is 232.5  y 232.5\ \text{y} 232.5   y ; and
  • To stop at destination, 328.8  y 328.8\ \text{y} 328.8   y .

The maximum velocity in the first case is 240 240 240 times the speed of light. If Einstein could hear this, he would be utterly disappointed. To right this wrong, we will calculate the travel time if the speed of light genuinely represent an impenetrable barrier.

We enter the territory of relativistic effects . Relativistic space travel calculations are a bit more complicated. In layman's terms, the faster you go, the slower time passes for you, and the perceived length for you, the traveler, also reduces. These two effects, described by the theory of special relativity, are coded in two equations:

γ \gamma γ is the Lorentz factor :

Where β \beta β is the ratio, always smaller than 1 1 1 , between the spacecraft's speed and the light's speed.

To find the time required to reach a given destination in a universe ruled by Einstein's relativity theory, with constant acceleration in space, the formula we've seen before must be changed and split: time is relative, and because of this, the trip will have two durations.

For a maximum speed fly-by from the perspective of a stationary observer:

The duration of the journey as experienced by our astronauts is:

In these equations, d d d is the distance. In this relativistic framework, we calculate it with the formula:

Lastly, we can calculate the maximum velocity in relativistic space travel without deceleration:

In these formulas, we used the hyperbolic functions : visit our hyperbolic functions calculator to learn more about them.

For a visit to Sagittarius A*, the times required for relativistic travel at constant 1 g 1g 1 g acceleration would be:

The difference is noticeable , to say the least. The maximum speed would be 0.4 0.4 0.4 parts per billion smaller than the speed of light: the dilation effects would be extreme.

The formulas would change slightly if we wanted to stop at our destination. From the observer's point of view, the time passed is:

In our example, t = 27 , 902  y t=27,902\ \text{y} t = 27 , 902   y . From the perspective of the travelers, the time is:

Corresponding to 20  y 20\ \text{y} 20   y . The perceived time is much longer than before: almost two times. This is because the astronauts would not "enjoy" a noticeable time dilation during the initial and final parts of the journey.

For distance and maximum velocity, we apply the following formulas:

You can use our space travel calculator also to find the kinetic energy of an object moving at such speeds. You won't be surprised to learn that the kinetic energy of an object moving almost at the speed of light is astronomical .

Rocketry is another word for mastery in fuel economy : you can learn everything about it with our rocket thrust calculator . Imagining an interstellar journey using chemical, ionic, or nuclear rockets is wishful thinking. To even have a shot to the stars, we need to learn how to control the mass to energy conversion . The annihilation reaction between matter and antimatter would have a perfect yield, converting all the mass involved into energy .

Assuming this 100 % 100\% 100% efficiency, we can compute the required mass for our journey both in the classic and relativistic case:

The results of these equations are disheartening: to send our ship to the center of our galaxy and stop there, the required fuel in the relativistic case is almost 830 830 830 billion tons.

Will humans ever reach the star? Will Enterprises and Millenium Falcons cross the darkness between other Suns? With the technology of today, it's unlikely. But things change quickly, and what looks impossible today may be tomorrow's science. Be hopeful and keep dreaming about touching the sky.

Schwarzschild radius

Time dilation.

  • Astrophysics ( 17 )
  • Atmospheric thermodynamics ( 11 )
  • Continuum mechanics ( 21 )
  • Conversion ( 15 )
  • Dynamics ( 20 )
  • Electrical energy ( 12 )
  • Electromagnetism ( 18 )
  • Electronics ( 34 )
  • Fluid mechanics ( 29 )
  • Kinematics ( 21 )
  • Machines and mechanisms ( 20 )
  • Math and statistics ( 34 )
  • Optics ( 15 )
  • Physical chemistry ( 15 )
  • Quantum mechanics ( 14 )
  • Relativity ( 9 )
  • Rotational and periodic motion ( 17 )
  • Thermodynamics ( 31 )
  • Waves ( 14 )
  • Other ( 33 )


INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the following:

  • ( SV ) Space Velocity (choose from list of space travel velocities. See Below)
  • ( D ) Space Distance

Space Travel Time (STT): The calculator returns the time it will take to travel the distance at the chosen velocity.  

 The velocity choices are:

  • 10,9600 mph
  • 28000 km/h (Space Shuttle speed)
  • Full Impulse  (Star Trek: .25⋅ c = 269813212.2 km/h)
  • WARP 1 =  light speed (299792458 m/s)
  • WARP 2  (Star Trek: 8,634,022,790 km/h)
  • WARP 3  (Star Trek:  29,139,826,918 km/h)
  • WARP 4   (Star Trek:  69,072,182,323 km/h)
  • WARP 5  (Star Trek: 134,906,606,100 km/h)
  • WARP 6   (Star Trek: 233,118,615,341 km/h)
  • WARP 7   (Star Trek: 370,183,727,138 km/h)
  • WARP 8  (Star Trek: 552,577,458,586 km/h)
  • WARP 9   (Star Trek: 786,775,326,775 km/h)
  • WARP 9.9   (Star Trek: 1,047,197,959,938 km/h)

See  warp speed (Star Trek). The distances between the Earth and the objects within the solar system assume the shortest distances possible between the objects when their orbits are aligned on the same side of the sun.

Related Astro Calculators:

  • Kepler's 3 rd Law Calc has Kepler's 3 rd law solved for each parameter.
  • Astronomy Calculator contains basic formulas for a college level Introduction to Astronomy
  • Exoplanet Calculator contains formulas for studying planets outside of our Solar System.
  • Astronomical Distance Calculator provides the distance from the Earth to numerous astronomical bodies (e.g. Sun, Moon, planets, stars, Milky Way's Center and Edge, Andromeda Galaxy)
  • Astronomical Distance Travel Time Calculator computes the time to travel to distant parts of space at different velocities.
  • Drake Equation Calculator
  • Seager Equation Calculator
  • Friedman Equation Calculator


  • w is WARP Speed .

Therefore, WARP 1 is the speed of light, WARP 2 is eight (2³) the speed of light, WARP 3 is twenty seven (3³) times the speed of light, and so on, according to some STAR TREK blogs.

  • Physics 100  - Motion and Force equations
  • Physics Circular Motion  - Circular motion equations


Images of the Milky Way galaxy and the Solar System are from Wikipedia and shared under the Creative Commons Licensing Agreement

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Challenges of Space Travel

Explore the challenges related to space travel in this interactive tutorial.

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"Bistro Math ... Because in space travel all the numbers are awful." *

In your travels they don't have to be.  Remember, travel light, bring a towel and always stop to smell the flowers.

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Hyperspace travel times calculator (new and improved).

A while ago, I made a bare-bones hyperspace travel times calculator with Google Sheets. It did the basics of what needed to be done, but it wasn’t all that impressive and could be difficult to use. As I’ve learned more how to use spreadsheets (specifically Excel), I’ve made a new and improved version here: Hyperspace Calculator (.xlsx)

Every number is completely malleable. There are NO numbers hard-coded into formulas, making personalization and modification much easier. NO Excel knowledge required! Just change the numbers in the tables, you won’t have to touch any formulas.

If you just want to use this tool at its most basic, read the quick start guides. If you want to know how to get the most out of this tool, read the advanced guides, although it may be worth skimming the quick start guides first.

In the “Ships (table)” sheet, enter the appropriate stats for the ship you want to use (Hyperdrive class, fuel consumption modifier [I use 1, +1 for each point of silhouette past 4], and campaign name) and delete the other rows (Ctrl&-).

In the “Games (table)” sheet, enter your campaign name, the desired number of inches per hour (default is one), and the desired number of fuel cells consumed per hour (default is 0.5). Note: Hour:Inch is based on a 500 parsecs (1/3 grid square) per inch measurement. If you are working off a different measurement, see “Advanced setup>Games (table)>Hour:Inch.”

You’re good to go! Move on to “Calculation quick start” to see how to get your results.

Once you’ve entered the necessary data (see “Setup quick start”), you’re ready to get your results!

  • Choose your ship.
  • Add a new row (see “Expanding tables (tutorial)”).
  • Name your route.
  • Measure your route and enter the number (decimal please!) in the “Distance (Inches)” column.
  • Select a class of hyperlane (not sure what class? Enter something not on the list and read the error message).
  • Select region. (Note. If a trip crosses regions or travels over different classes of hyperlane, you will need to list separate “legs” of the journey. Alternatively, choose “Minor” and “Outer Rim” to multiply by 1 and ignore the variance in modifiers.)
  • Enter any additional modifiers (such as from Advantage or Threat) in the “Additional Modifiers” cell. Positive numbers increase the time, negative numbers decrease the time.
  • Filter out any unwanted entries and look at the “Total” row. Ta-da! (If you don’t know how to filter, it’s the little drop-down arrow beside the column’s header.)

For more on fuel, see “Advanced calculation.”

Before you can use the “Calculator” sheet, you need to input some basic data.

You need to do this first, as it is the source of another table’s Data Validation drop-down list.

Under “Campaign,” put the name of each campaign.

Under “Hour:Inch” put the base number of inches travelled in an hour. I’m basing my measurements off a galaxy grid of 3 inches per square, so 500 parsecs per inch. If you’re using a different measurement, you’ll need to adapt this number to fit your grid’s size. Here are some common alternatives to get you started:

  • 500 parsecs on the galaxy map in any given CRB is 3/16s of an inch, so you’d need 5.33 to get the (approximately) same result as 1 if you were using that map.
  • For my anywhere-else-in-the-world friends, you’ll be using centimeters. If 500 parsecs=1 inch, it equals 2.54 centimeters (so 2.54). If 500 parsecs=3/16 of an inch, it equals 0.476cm (so 13.54). I know it’s a bit complicated, but that’s what happens when you convert Imperial to Metric (hence a nice, neat number like “.50” becoming “12.7mm”).

From there, just adjust it however you want to get the number you’ll personally use. Heck, just round it off and make it easier on yourself. I’m just telling you how to match the default of 1 hour=1 inch.

Under “Hour:Fuel” put how much fuel is consumed in an hour of hyperspace travel. If you want a fuel-intensive, more expensive campaign, increase the number. If you want a less expensive campaign, tone it down. Default is 0.5, or one fuel cell every two hours. (I run it that sil 3-4 ships have a capacity of 50, while sil 5 ships have a capacity of 100 and sil 6+ ships increase by additional 100 cells each.)

Under “Ships” put the names of your ships. Under drive class, put the ships’ hyperdrive classes. Under fuel cost (“consumption” was too long), put an appropriate number. This basically multiplies fuel consumption. I use 1, +1 for each point of silhouette past 4. If you don’t want to bother with fuel costs, set it to 0. Under “Game,” put the name of your game or campaign. This is so you can easily use the sheet for multiple campaigns that may have different settings for some of the variables (such as how fast hyperspace travel is).

You shouldn’t have to do any adjustment here, but this shows the modifiers added to your time based on what region of space you are navigating. The Deep Core is very clustered and slow to navigate, while the Outer Rim is far less dense. Here, you can add regions (“Hapes Cluster”), manipulate the modifiers, or even flatten them out. To see how to add to tables, see “Expanding Tables (tutorial).”

Like “Region Modifier,” you shouldn’t have to do any adjustment here. But this shows the modifiers added to your time based on the hyperlane you are navigating. The Corellian Run is much faster than the Bakura Trace (like an interstate highway compared to a back road). Here, you can add hyperlane types, add specific hyperlanes, manipulate the modifiers, or even flatten them out. To see how to add to tables, see “Expanding Tables (tutorial).”

This shows the cost to purchase fuel at a given class of port. Higher-class ports have higher docking fees, but provide better service (including security, which may or may not be a good thing) at a better price. I only list the cost for fuel here, however. This is straightforward enough, manipulate it however you want.

Once you’ve entered the necessary data (see “Advanced setup”), you’re ready to get your results!

  • From the drop-down menu, select the name of the ship you want to use. This will automatically fill the Hour:Inch and Hour:Fuel cells, besides telling the formulas what your hyperdrive class is.
  • Add more rows. The “IFERROR” part of the formula keeps the new rows from giving you a bunch of annoying #N /A errors.
  • Name your route. I recommend “Start-Destination.” If your trip will cross various regions and hyperlane speeds, you’ll need several entries, adding an entry in the “Leg” column to order and group each piece of the single route.
  • Measure your route and list it under “Distance (Inches).” Remember region boundaries and hyperlane speeds! For more information on the Hour:Inch ratio, see “Advanced setup>Games (table)>Hour:Inch.”
  • Select hyperlane from the drop-down menu. A major hyperroute would be like the Perlemian, while a minor route would be something like the Bakura Trace. Indeterminate just means it’s probably there, but not listed on your map, and uncharted means you aren’t following a mapped hyperlane.
  • Select region from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter any additional modifiers in the “Additional Modifiers” cell, such as effects from Advantage or Threat, or just variables you as the GM want to throw in there. My method for Advantage/Threat is 5% per, or 15% for a Triumph/Despair, to a max of 25% +/-. Positive numbers increase the time by X%, negative numbers decrease the time by X%.
  • Filter your “Route” column so you only see the routes you’re actually taking and look at the “Total” row.
  • Enter the class of starport you’ll patronize upon reaching your destination in the “Starport Class” cell.
  • Look at your totals.
  • “Fuel”: How many fuel cells you consumed on each leg, and across the whole trip.
  • “Trip Cost”: The cost to replace the fuel cells expended on each individual leg . It rounds down to a whole fuel cell!! The “Trip Cost” “Total” row calculates NOT based on adding up the rows above it, but based on the TOTAL number of fuel cells consumed, again rounded down to a whole fuel cell. This is because you don’t buy partial fuel cells.
  • “Real Cost”: The exact cost for the exact amount of fuel consumed. Straightforward, but not the most helpful when you’re at the pump and need to buy a whole number of fuel cells.
  • “Proportional Cost”: The proportional cost of each leg of the trip based on the TOTAL COST TO REFUEL, rounded down to a whole fuel cell. This is not a particularly useful feature, but adding it provides a complete economic review of the refueling costs. If I only left the previous two columns, it would be somewhat incomplete.

To expand a table, simply type on a subsequent row. Alternatively, click on the tiny gray triangle in the bottom right-hand corner and drag. Then enter your data in the new rows.

Don’t worry! This won’t mess up any of the formulas, and you won’t have to change any named ranges or Data Validation lists. Because of how I’ve set it up, they’ll expand automatically with your table.

I include examples of all of this in the calculator, hopefully that makes it easy to figure out how to use this. I know it may seem intimidating, but it’s a pretty easy learning curve. The basics are simple, and once you’re more acquainted with how it works modifying it should be a cakewalk. But if it isn’t, I’ll be happy to help you.

Warning: For whatever reason, VLOOKUPs don’t like words that start with “Alt” or entries that start with “Clone” or “Clown” (why clown, I have no earthly idea). Please do not attempt to use such words in the names of ships, campaigns, hyperlanes, or regions. You will get an error.

Space tourism: What are the pros and cons?

Space tourism has its fans — and its critics.

A rocket flies into space.

Private companies are offering many opportunities to make the leap off Earth , ranging from a quick suborbital hop to a multi month stay on the International Space Station (ISS). But the advent of the space tourism industry has spurred a vigorous debate: Is it helping to propel humanity to the stars , or is it just letting rich people have a little fun while providing no real value?

Here's a look at the pros and cons of space tourism.

Related: How SpaceShipOne's historic launch 20 years ago paved the way for a new space tourism era

The pros of space tourism

A handful of private individuals, colloquially known as space tourists,  managed to purchase tickets to the ISS or Russia's Mir station. However, with the end of the space shuttle program in 2011, NASA canceled any further opportunities. That picture changed with the emergence of private spaceflight companies headed by various billionaires, including Elon Musk's SpaceX , Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic .

Of the three, only Virgin Galactic has a stated long-term goal of promoting space tourism, offering quick suborbital flights just above the Kármán line — the arbitrary but internationally recognized edge of space. Paying customers can get a similar experience with Blue Origin, but that company hopes to pivot to orbital industries. With SpaceX, you can get a multiday stay in orbit, but you'll have to bid against numerous government contracts for the opportunity.

Two seats are seen with circular windows. Outside, the Earth.

Promoters of space tourism have suggested various benefits of the industry. For example, many space tourists are actively running and participating in experiments, such as examining the effects of microgravity on human health , plant growth and material properties. This is real science that needs to be done to propel humanity to the stars.

There's also financial propulsion, with hundreds of millions of dollars of investment going into the newfound industry. Companies are developing new equipment, techniques, technologies and more so they can offer tickets to space. And the more we invest in space in general, the better off our shared ventures will be.

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The frequent launches of space tourists, including celebrities such as William Shatner , have caught the media by storm. This, in turn, fuels more public interest, which can lead to more discussion, more awareness and more funding.

The cons of space tourism

On the other hand, critics of space tourism point out that the industry is catering solely to exceptionally wealthy individuals. Ironically, this can lead to a sense of public disillusionment with space: Instead of opening it up to everyone, it might cause people to roll their eyes at the inaccessibility. Basically, it's just rich people doing rich-people things.

Because of the enormous cost of a ticket — anywhere from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of dollars — it's hard for most people to see the value in space tourism as an industry. They simply don't get to participate in it. 

And while some space tourists have conducted experiments during their expeditions, those experiments haven't exactly been revolutionary or consisted of anything that couldn't be done by astronauts on the ISS. So space tourism isn't really advancing human spaceflight in any significant way.

Lastly, space tourism is a niche business. While some companies have developed technologies that are specific to this industry, those technologies will not necessarily transfer to other space-related activities, like industrial or scientific applications. We could be spending all this time, money and resources on a business venture that never grows significantly and never leads to anything else.

Three people in a space plane. One is holding an Italian flag.

The bottom line

The bottom line is that space is hard — it's difficult to get to space, and it's difficult for humans to remain in space for any length of time. Most space tourism companies have folded well before their first attempted launch, and it's not clear that this business niche will grow all that much. Only roughly 60 people have been to space as tourists, and the vast majority of them have gone only on quick suborbital joyrides with a few minutes of weightlessness. 

There are only a few launches, at most, every year dedicated to space tourism, and a peek at planned launch schedules reveals that this number will not change much over the coming years.

— Do space tourists really understand the risk they're taking?

— The rise of space tourism could affect Earth's climate in unforeseen ways, scientists worry

— Most Americans expect routine space tourism by 2073, but few would actually try it  

Most people will never get the opportunity to become a space tourist; it will likely remain a niche industry serving a select set of very wealthy individuals. It's not a game changer in any direction. It will continue to be a component of the overall human interest in space but not a major driver of innovation or expansion.

But hey, if you're ever given the chance, go for it!

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Paul M. Sutter is an astrophysicist at SUNY Stony Brook and the Flatiron Institute in New York City. Paul received his PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2011, and spent three years at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, followed by a research fellowship in Trieste, Italy, His research focuses on many diverse topics, from the emptiest regions of the universe to the earliest moments of the Big Bang to the hunt for the first stars. As an "Agent to the Stars," Paul has passionately engaged the public in science outreach for several years. He is the host of the popular "Ask a Spaceman!" podcast, author of "Your Place in the Universe" and "How to Die in Space" and he frequently appears on TV — including on The Weather Channel, for which he serves as Official Space Specialist.

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  • GregB03 In its early days aviation was something that only the rich could afford to do. It took a while for it to reach prices that were affordable to the general population . It's early days for commercial space travel. Reply
GregB03 said: In its early days aviation was something that only the rich could afford to do. It took a while for it to reach prices that were affordable to the general population . It's early days for commercial space travel.
Osbert said: If these people were going someplace, I might agree with you but UP and then free-falling, is not a "destination". It's not a destination if you arrive, basically where you started from. Let's start launching people UP and over/out too actually land some place >> because they wanted to get to that/some place. Also, UP and freefall is not space travel. Far from it, lol. It's a fair/carnival ride - period. Nothing but an uncontrollable joy-ride in a tin-can - WEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
ChrisA said: The Writght brothers were not rich. Their dad was a preacher and they owned a bicycle shop. In the early days, the people in the field were skilled tradesmen. The first passenger to die was a young army officer. But later when aviation was commercialized, yes ticket prices were high
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Space Shuttle Discovery

The Space Shuttle Discovery flew every kind of mission an orbiter was meant to fly. As a historical object in the Museum's collection, it embodies the 30-year history of U.S. human spaceflight from 1981 to 2011, the era of the Space Shuttle program. 

Jump to:      Learn the Basics      Meet the Astronauts      Tour Discovery Online      Discovery at the Museum      More Stories About Discovery

What was the Space Shuttle Program?

The Space Shuttle program ran from presidential approval in 1972 to its end in 2011. It was the fourth human spaceflight program carried out by the United States and NASA. The Space Shuttle, officially known as the Space Transportation System (STS), was the first reusable spacecraft to carry humans into orbit. 

Visit the Space Shuttle Program Topic Page

Discovery is an example of a Space Shuttle orbiter, a component of NASA’s Space Transportation System (STS). The STS consisted of a combination of a Space Shuttle orbiter, solid rocket boosters, and a fuel tank. Discovery was the third Space Shuttle orbiter vehicle to fly in space. It entered service in 1984 and retired from spaceflight in 2011 as the oldest and most accomplished orbiter. 

The longest serving orbiter, Discovery has some impressive statistics. Discovery flew every type of mission the orbiters were intended to carry out. Its crews made major contributions to history through these missions including:     

  • Deploying and servicing the Hubble Space Telescope
  • 2 flights to the Russian space station Mir , including the final docking in 1998
  • 13 flights to the International Space Station, including the first docking in 1999
  • 9 flights with science labs, instruments, and loads as the main payloads
  • 8 communications satellites deliveries
  • 4 Department of Defense flights 

The number of missions Discovery carried out, more than any other space shuttle orbiter.

The total number of days Discovery spent in space.

The total number of miles Discovery flew in space (240 million kilometers).

The total number of people that flew aboard Discovery . Many flew more than once, for a total crew count of 251.

Getting Started

The long road to the first launch.

It took four trips to the launch pad to launch Discovery for the first time.

Discovery's First Mission

On the first mission, the crew of the Discovery delivered three satellites while also demonstrating how the shuttle could serve as more than a delivery vehicle. 

Meet the Crew Members

Over 250 crew members flew aboard Discovery . Many were history-makers before coming aboard, others made history on Discovery , some did both. Meet some of the astronauts who flew aboard Discovery below.

Henry W. Hartsfield Jr.

Dale a. gardner, ellison onizuka, steven r. nagel, frederick gregory, charles bolden.

STS-31, STS-60

Bruce McCandless II

Kathryn sullivan, guy bluford.

STS-39, STS-58

Ellen Ochoa

STS-56, STS-96

Franklin Chang-Díaz

STS-60, STS-91

Eileen Collins

STS-63, STS-114

Pamela Melroy

STS-92, STS-120

Alan Poindexter

Discovery's final launch.

This NASA video captures Discovery's final launch on the STS-133 mission to the International Space Station in 2011.

Tour Discovery Online

Take a closer look at discovery's exterior.

Explore a 3D scan of the Space Shuttle Discovery . To begin a guided tour of the 3D scan, click the globe icon in the top left of the 3D scan interface, or explore on your own!

 Learn About the Process of 3D Scanning   Discovery

Take a Closer Look at Discovery's Interior

Curator Dr. Jennifer Levasseur takes us on a tour inside of Space Shuttle Discovery, on display at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia.

Discovery at the Museum

In 2012, Discovery took to the sky one final time—this time atop the modified NASA 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA). It's destination? The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia, where Discovery is now on permanent display. 

Discovery's Arrival at the Museum

Before its arrival at Washington Dulles International Airport, Discovery was flown over large crowds in Washington, DC. After being offloaded from the SCA, it was pulled to the Udvar-Hazy Center for a nose-to-nose meeting with Space Shuttle Enterprise . In this video, watch as Discovery flies over the National Mall on April 17, 2012. 

Flying Into Washington, D.C.

Nose to nose: when enterprise met discovery, caring for discovery, being discovery’s curator, overseeing the transition from spacecraft to museum artifact, more stories about discovery, celebrating 40 years of discovery, 5 unusual facts about space shuttle discovery, space shuttle: the end of an era, more ways to explore discovery.

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