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Best Time to Visit Spiti Valley – A Month by Month Guide

Dheeraj Sharma

The popularity of traveling to Spiti Valley is increasing day by day. Now more and more travelers want to know about the best time to visit Spiti Valley or travel on the road to Spiti Valley either via Shimla – Kinnaur or Spiti Valley.

The road to Spiti Valley remains open all around the year through Shimla – Kinnaur while the road from Manali side closes in winter as soon as Rohtang Pass and Kunzum Pass close. So, tourists must know about the right time to travel to Spiti Valley.

In this article of the series, “ Comprehensive Travel Guide for Spiti Valley ”, I will try to share my inputs on the best time or season to travel the road to Spiti Valley or in other words what is the best time to visit Spiti Valley.

Let's quickly dive into the details:

When is the best time for Spiti Valley road trip?

We all know that you can travel to Spiti Valley by two routes. One traverses the roads from Delhi via Manali to Kaza, Spiti Valley as Manali – Rohtang Pass – Gramphu – Chattru – Kunzum Pass – Kaza (Spiti Valley). And, then the other one goes from Delhi to Kaza via Shimla – Kinnaur Valley as Shimla – Kinnaur – Nako – Sumdo (Spiti Valley) – Tabo – Kaza.

What is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?

Shimla to Kaza Route

The route via Shimla – Kinnaur is also commonly known as Hindustan – Tibet Highway or NH-05 . The Hindustan Tibet Road remains open throughout the year via Kinnaur Valley, and you can make a journey to Kaza or Spiti via Shimla – Kinnaur all around the year because there is no high mountain pass that comes on this route which gets heavy snowfall.

It is said to be motorable all around the year; however, traveling to Spiti Valley, especially in the winter months, is not that easy as it reads. The road conditions in winters on the Hindustan – Tibet highway are quite challenging and tough .

Hence, you should avoid traveling to Spiti Valley in winter in case you do not want to try extreme winter cold conditions and live the extreme adventure.

Views between Kaza and Pin Valley

Manali to Kaza Route

Traveling to Spiti Valley via Manali side , by and large, depends first upon the opening of Rohtang Pass and then opening of the route from Gramphu to Kunzum Pass and Kunzum Pass in itself. The snow clearance operations begin in March and continue till May end or June the first half when the road from Manali to Kaza gets open.

This generally takes time and hence, Manali to Kaza route remains closed for almost six-seven months in a year. Rohtang Pass generally opens after April and further, the route to Kaza over Kunzum Pass opens by the second week of June.

So, you have very little time in a year (mid-June to October), in case you are interested in the entire Spiti Valley circuit that is Delhi – Shimla – Kinnaur – Kaza (Spiti Valley) – Kunzum Pass – Rohtang Pass – Manali – Delhi.

But, still, the question is :

When is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?

In the following part of the article, let’s check in detail, how the whole year month-by-month looks like in terms of traveling on the road to Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh . After understanding the Spiti Valley weather for these months, you can evaluate which month or season shall work out best for you to plan a Spiti Valley road trip.

Spiti Valley in January – February – March

January, February, and March are called the extreme winter months in Spiti Valley when there is a dense blanket of white snow all around you in Spiti . The road from Manali to Kaza is closed, and most hotels are shut off. You need to rely on limited homestay options in Spiti Valley. Hence, you need to prepare very well for your trip to Spiti in these winter months.

You should not expect much from facilities in Spiti valley in these months. The Spiti Valley temperature in winter can go well below -20 deg C, so you must go well prepared with proper woolen clothing. As snowfall can happen anytime in this period, you should keep buffer days for road closures.

Dheeraj Sharma

Dheeraj Sharma

There aren’t any toilets with running water or water available in Spiti Valley in the months from January to March. Hence, you need to use dry pit toilets. You should carry a hand sanitizer with you to best maintain sanitization wherever possible. The food will be pretty basic as available in the homestay. Carry a good temperature rating sleeping bag with you as well to beat the cold in homestays.

Roads within Spiti Valley are open only to an extent. Kaza to Losar is closed, and hence it is not the best time to visit Kunzum Pass because the road is closed. Kaza – Langza – Komic – Hikkim – Kaza road remains also closed during peak these winter months.

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January has the least snow while February and March have snow in abundance in comparison to all other months. In my honest opinion, March is one of the best time to enjoy winter Spiti trip .

Do you think this is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?

Spiti Valley in April to May

When the months of April – May come, the snow starts to melt, and some link roads within Spiti Valley start to open up. These roads including the road to Losar from Kaza and the road to Pin Valley towards Mud, the road to Lhalung – Demul, or the roads to Langza – Hikkim – Komic circuits.

The opening of Kunzum Pass and the further road towards Manali from Kunzum Pass takes more time. Generally, Manali to Kaza via Kunzum Pass gets open in June only.

However, overall, as the temperature in Spiti Valley comes into a positive scale in April – May, the conditions in Spiti Valley become bearable. The road journey to Spiti Valley is not that hard this period of April – May. The season for Spiti starts to open in these two months only when adventurists from various parts of the country start planning their trips to Spiti Valley .

Hotels start to come out of hibernation, and things, including fruits/vegetables, start to arrive in Spiti Valley frequently. If you are interested in watching snow-studded peaks or want to play in the snow at Kunzum Pass, then this is the ideal time to be in Spiti Valley.

If you are one of those who wants to feel the deserted roads, low tourist count, OK with basic facilities and OK to take a chance on giving up a place or two as that link road might not have opened then it is OK for you to travel in this window. But, keep in mind that you will not be able to do the complete circuit from Shimla to Kinnaur to Kaza to Manali as the road from Kaza to Rohtang Pass to Manali does not get open.

Heavenly View of Losar Village in May

Spiti Valley in June to July

June – July is the beginning of the actual main season to travel to Spiti Valley when a large number of tourists make their journey over these. The season eventually takes the rapid move as the road to Kaza from Manali over Kunzum Pass also opens by the second week of June. This time would mean that the road to Chandratal from Manali will also open up in June and Chandratal is one of the most popular places to visit in Spiti Valley.

In June – July, mostly all the link roads to various sightseeing places in Spiti or remote villages in Spiti Valley also get open in this period. So, you can plan your visit to Langza, Hikkim, Komic, Demul, Lhalung, Pin Valley – Mudh Village , Gete, and Tashigang villages.

Hotels in Spiti Valley are all also open with full facilities, and there is quite a lot of hustle-bustle of tourists all around in Spiti Valley, especially Kaza town. Even Chandratal lake becomes accessible in June soon after the Kunzum Pass opens.

Well, it is one of the good times to make a road trip to Spiti Valley and a desperate retreat from the HEAT of northern cities of India. There are many water crossings active during this period as the snow melts, so it is always better to reach the destination well in the afternoon to avoid getting stuck either in one of those water crossings or behind it.

Hence, follow my “ Leave Early, Sleep Early ” principle very strictly. In the recent past, June appears to have good pre-monsoon showers on the way to Spiti Valley, especially in Kinnaur, and even Spiti experiences one or two spells of snow in June as well, not to forget the (June 2013) tragic flash floods in Kinnaur district. So, even the Spiti Valley weather is somehow becoming unpredictable nowadays. However, this is considered one of the better times to travel over the road to Spiti Valley that is Hindustan Tibet Highway.

Glaciers of Spiti as seen on Chandratal Trek

Spiti in August

This is the time when the monsoon is in a full flurry in Kinnaur Valley and other parts of Northern India. You MUST understand that Kinnaur is not a place to be in rains with its history of massive landslides and the live landslide zone of Malling Nalla ahead of Nako.

In this period, the roads leading to Spiti Valley are almost in a horrible state as compared to the rest of the year, especially in Kinnaur Valley. In recent years, even the roads from Delhi to Manali have also caused major concerns.

Having said all that, it does not mean that it is not a season to travel to Spiti Valley. The Spiti Valley region falls under the Trans Himalayan region which is generally rain shadowed but in recent past rains have started to reach even Spiti though not that much just frequent drizzles and overcast skies. So, generally, this time shall be avoided, if possible. You may only think about it when you have enough buffer days in hand to face intermittent delays or even cancellation of the trip.

What is the best bike or best motorcycle for Leh Ladakh bike trip? [4 Things to Consider]

Once you reach Spiti Valley, things remain mostly OK. But do not forget that you have to return via either Manali – Kaza or Kaza – Kinnaur again, which DO experience good monsoon rains, especially Rohtang Pass will be in a big mess, and roads to Mandi may be submerged.

Also, keep in mind that August is also the peak time of apple season and crop transportation, which creates a good amount of traffic jams owing to a high number of trucks that ply on the Kinnaur Valley route. If you happen to be there, then do take one or two cartons of golden apples or red apples from Kinnaur 🙂

You should read my tips on traveling to Kinnaur and Spiti Valley in monsoon time .

Slush on roads to Rohtang Pass from Manali

Spiti in September to mid-October

This is the time which is my favorite when autumn colors of Spiti are blooming with oranges leaves on the trees enhancing the beauty of magnificent backdrops by many levels. The aqua colors of water in the river add jewels to the pristine beauty all around Spiti Valley.

The Spiti Valley temperature at night and morning is quite cold, in some parts, almost close to 2-3 degrees Celsius. Hence, do carry heavy woolens or thermals at this time of the year with you. You can also get your hands on super delicious Spiti Apples around Tabo or Hurling and even in Kaza at a house of locals. Spiti Valley is famous for its apple. DO NOT miss to taste them or buy them if possible; I am sure you would not have tasted such an apple before 😉 …

If you are a snow lover then you will not like this month as almost all the peaks around you would be naked without any snow on them.

Regarding making the complete circuit, especially after mid of October, yes you can come from the Kinnaur side and go via the Manali side BUT do check the weather updates for few days before making the trip across Kunzum Pass in late October or November when you are at Kaza or Losar.

Kunzum Pass starts getting snowfall by September end and it can be very tricky and risky crossing over it in no man’s land in late October or November. Hence, you need to be very, very sure of the weather, especially in October, when making a move from Kaza to Manali beyond Kunzum Pass. My frank and modest advice will always be to avoid traveling from Manali to Kaza in later October and November .

On the way to Kunzum Pass in Winter months

Spiti Valley in November to December

November – December is generally the winter months in Spiti Valley or at least the beginning of winters. Spiti Valley weather is quite cold during this time, and water starts to freeze in the water pipes. Hence, running water is a luxury at this time of the year.

While traveling to Spiti Valley in November you go through some hardships of ice on the roads, lack of electricity, winter cold conditions with sub-zero temperatures topped with basic facilities as most of the guesthouses get closed.

Kunzum Pass gets closed by November for the next 6-7 months, so one cannot complete the circuit from Shimla – Kinnaur to Manali during this period. You should note that in this winter period, the water in the taps freeze, and people depend on hand pump water at certain places or boiled water in buckets. Kaza especially suffers from a shortage of water in these months and washrooms are big nightmares without tap water.

Do not forget to check what things and clothes to pack for Spiti trip ?

Views in Spiti Valley in March Near Kaza

So, in all this period, life is not that easy. In December, the link roads to various places like Gyu Mummy, Pin Valley – Mudh, Gete, Komik, Langza, Losar ahead of Kaza, etc. in Spiti Valley start getting closed one by one after snowfall starts.

Hence, you can only make a trip up to Kaza on this route, and there is always a chance of closure of roads for a few days if it continues to snow for some time during winters. So, if you are making a road trip to Spiti Valley in winters, be ready for extreme adventure and delays too!! Go very well prepared at this time of the year concerning mental levels, physical levels, and food to carry along with having some buffer days.

You should also check my article on the best time to visit Ladakh if you are planning a trip to Leh Ladakh and Spiti Valley together.

Still confused??

When to visit Spiti Valley?

Autumn colours of Spiti Valley in October

I hope this article will help you decide when to travel to Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley. Feel free to ask any queries or share your valuable inputs on the season to travel on the road to Spiti Valley in the comments section below.

I hope you are not looking for any Spiti Valley tour packages. If yes, before committing do check the guides and article on this website before you shell out that money.

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Have a travel question?? You can subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment to ask your travel questions about traveling to the Himalayas.

If you know your friends or family are planning a trip to Spiti, do share this article with them to help them make a memorable trip.

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I am Dheeraj Sharma - a traveler, techie, and Himalayan lover. Since 2009, I have been helping thousands of travelers every year plan memorable & budget-friendly trips to the Himalayas - Smartly, Safely, and responsibly.

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Hi Dheeraj , I have gone through your posts and it seems that you have traveled a lot in the spiti and himachal area. i m planning a trip to himachal . i m planning to leave delhi on 6th oct evening and need to come back on 16 oct night or 17th oct early morning. In this whole trip i have to spent 10th of october morning to noon at dalhousie for urgent work .I have seen dalhousie , khajiyar , shimla, dharamshala and chamba a few times , so i m not interested in those places but i need to be in dalhousie on 10th. Now can u plan me a trip which covers spiti / kinnaur/ lahual/ chandratal in between these days. I have gone through many posts but not able to decide how to plan it .As dalhousie is exactly opposite to spiti and i need to be there in middle of my trip that is on 4th day . Is it possible to plan out anything which can solve my purpose? It would be great if u can help me out. Thanks Regards Dr Pritesh

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Hi Dheeraj, very well explained n so much information collected from your post.But i need your final verdict on my spiti valley trip.We ppl will be traveling in the last week of feb 19 so what will be your opinion. Thank you in advance.

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Hello… I am planning to visit spiti in next week(14-19august) Is it ok..??means in terms of safety..coming from delhi

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Nishu, the roads have just opened from Manali side, Kinnaur side the road is still closed. Please keep an eye on weather before planning to travel to Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley in monsoon.

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Hi Dheeraj I along with my 4 friends are planning to visit Spiti from September 15 to 24 doing circuit from shimla side.. my query is:- 1. shall we be able to see the colors of autumn? 2. Chances of overcast skies all through the journey?

1. some colours will be there, however October, colours are more prominent. 2. Less chances of overcast skies

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Hey. Great post this. Thanks for the detailed information.

Just one question. I am planning to cross the Kunzum pass on the 22nd of September on the way from chandratal to Manali. Is there any possibility of the kunzum pass being closed during that time? Has it even happened in the recent years?

Akshay, very unlikely unless it snows heavily during that time which is rare in recent years. Last year the road was opened all the way up to December 😉

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i am planning to visit spiti by the end of july around 22nd july.(9 days trip ) is it safe to travel during monsoon time.Also tell me an alternative plan instead of Kinnaur since you wrote that there are more chances of landslides at that region . (we are interested in doing a full circuit trip from delhi to spiti) thank you 😉

Well, you should read about 10 Tips for a Trip to Spiti Valley in Monsoons

You can do below for Manali plan

Day 01 : Reach Manali and stay overnight at Solang Valley as preferred for acclimatization Day 02 : Manali / Solang – Kaza Day 03 : Kaza – Pin Valley – Tabo Day 04 : Tabo – Dhangkar – Dhangkar Lake trek – Kaza Day 05 : Kaza – Ki – Kibber/Kaza Day 06 : Kibber/Kaza – Langza – Komic – Hikkim – Kaza Day 07 : Kaza – Chandratal Day 08 : Chandratal – Manali Day 09 : Manali – Delhi

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You can read: Spiti in Winters – Most Common Itinerary and How to plan a trip to Spiti Valley in Winters

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Hi Dheeraj I am planning to travel spiti in the month of August. Please suggest me any precautions due to rains and landslides and which week should i prefer?

It will be monsoon season, you should read: 10 Tips for a Trip to Spiti Valley in Monsoons

we r plaining to visit spiti in mid dec 2018 can we see snow???

Snow starts around that time, but white Spiti or tons of snow can be seen in February – March period

so in mid december which places of himachal Pradesh can we find thick snow???

There are very less places in mid December to find snow in Himachal Pradesh, Rohtang Pass is the best bet but December last year was almost dry and it started snowing in late December only

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Hi we are planning to Spiti Valley in 9th June – 16th June or 7th July – 15th July this year. please which time will be best this year for bike trip. if we are going in june will there be snow view? or in july will there be chances of rain/land slide conditions.

I’m planning to complete the spiti circuit from shimla to manali with my Bike Honda Hornet CBS 160cc. should it be good bike option or should i go for some other bike?

Both time windows shall be fine, July will be better as crowd in lower towns will be less because vacation finishes. If you need some snow then June is better. Bike of 160cc should be fine.

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I am planning to do the Spiti circuit, in mid October. I will get festival holidays during mid October till first week of November. I have read your blog and your advise on the best season to travel to Spiti.

As I wouldn’t get my leave (for 14-15 days at a stretch), I have no other alternative than mid October. Taking into consideration of my situation, what should be my itinerary? Enetering from Shimla or from Manali?

Kindly suggest me an intinerary.

Thanks in advance

I will suggest that you enter from Manali side so that risk is minimum towards the end of October and do not have to deal with situation of Kunzum Pass getting closed.

Thanks for your prompt response.

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Thank you Dheeraj. That answers my question too. Even i am planning Spiti valley tour in mid October from Delhi…

Best wishes for your Spiti Valley trips, have fun and if possible do share the experience on DoW 🙂

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Hello Dheeraj , 

Your post is very helpful and thank you for guiding us all through. 

I with 2 of my friends planning to start my trip on 23rd June from Shimla and end on 30th June at Manali on bike .

Could you please recommend if the dates are fine , our main concern is the rains . If it would be heavy rainfall during this time then it would be difficult as there could be land slides . 

Request your suggestion on our trip and dates. 

Dates seem to be OK, if you extend the trip by a couple of days, You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Spiti Valley followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 10-11 days: Most Common Itinerary for Spiti Valley .

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Hey sir, i am planning spiti on a solo trip on 1st june right after my exams ends. Planning to complete the entire circuit. This would be my first solo trip of life and anticipatedly i am expecting it to completely chnge my life , free me out of tensions and motivate me to work for myself ahead in life. Can you tell me what kind of things i can expect during this 1june to 10th june? I mean i love little snow but the greenery medows in between the route is also so wonderful, would i be see both during the route? And where? Also, how much time do i need 9 days enough? And how much should i keep in my pocket, are homestays become costly during this time. It would be an extremely budget travel. Plz guide me sir you have a wonderful guide.thanks

Pranay, I will suggest that you start from reading the article: How to make a budget trip to Spiti Valley by public transport

This will help you go through the commute, plan in detail and overall budget expectation.

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hii dhiraj,

we are 4 friends planning for spiti vally around 15th june, 2018. is it right seascon ? can you share your valuable thoughts on this…

Yes, mid June to July end is good time to visit Spiti Valley

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Hi Dheeraj,

Cheers for such a wonderful post. We are four friends looking to travel spiti valley in July 1st week. Can you please tell the how can we get the rohtang pass permit or is DL very necessary in those areas? FYI we will be travelling on rented bikes.

Help Appreciated!

Varun you can get the permits for Rohtang Pass by following the details mentioned in the article: Permit for Rohtang Pass – Updates 2017

Thanks for your help Dheeraj.

Is Driving License necessary for the trip or it could be adjusted with any personal ID?

Driving license is necessary to drive/ride

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Firstly thanks for your valuable information, I need your help Me and 3 friends are planning to go SPITI VALLEY in second week of may 18″,we can’t take other dates because of some personal reasons,so how can we reach SPITI in above mentioned dates We are from Kerala, we are planning a bike ride. How, where ll’ get bike

You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Spiti Valley followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 10-11 days: Most Common Itinerary for Spiti Valley .

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Hey Dheeraj, This was indeed useful! Just had a question. How risky is the drive here on an SUV and what should we keep in mind while driving ?

I will strongly suggest that you go through and read my series on Ladakh/Spiti Self Drive tips at the links below:

7 Useful Tips for a Self Drive to Leh – Ladakh/Spiti

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hi, i am planning to go spiti this season. I have some queries please ans this.

I am travelling to Spiti on 1 week of August(is it open via manali?)

Vikas, the roads are open but you should read: 10 Tips for a Trip to Spiti Valley in Monsoons

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Firstly, thanks a tonne for all the information you continue to provide. This is like an encyclopedia into Spiti. My question was, any info on the possible rumour that due to less snowfall this year around Kunzum, the Manali-Kaza road will be thrown open by April end possibly ? Even the HRTC FB page posted about this and so did the Spiti Valley travels on their FB page. Planning to go via Kinnaur into Spiti and back via Rohtang.

Keep up the awesome work ! Regards.

Thank you Tristan, Manali – Kaza is surely expected to open early this season but personally, I have a feeling it will not open by mid-May to third week of May especially after the two spells of heavy snowfall recently. HRTC FB page is privately run and not govt. run, so I will not 100% rely on the authenticity as if it is coming from GOVT. order. I have talked to locals and they echo my feelings as well. But, BRO definitely is pretty close to Chatru

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I am travelling to Spiti on 1 week of may( is it open via manali?) Is it possible to go spiti form manali in 1 day Is it good itinerary for spiti from delhi via manali Day 1 Thursday 

Board the volvo from delhi

Day 2 Friday

Reach manali and stay

head to spiti from manali on bike reach spiti and rest

back to manali and rest

board the volvo to delhi

Spiti valley will not be open by first week of May from Manali – Kaza side. Also, in order to enjoy Spiti valley, you need about 78- days from Manali side and 10-11 days from Kinnaur – Shimla side.

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Hi Dheeraj.

I found your blog lately. Appreciate your efforts for helping fellow travelers on their journey.

I need a help planning whole Spiti and Leh-Ladakh itinerary. Have read your post on separate itinerary. I’m kinda clueless on how to plan both places with single itinerary. Since I’m planning to take hiatus from work after April so number of days and dates won’t be issue. But I want to explore whole beauty of Himachal and Leh-Ladakh. So can you please suggest me when will be good time and what is best mode of transport for whole journey. I will be traveling with my partner so I’m ok with self drive SUV or if it is good to hire bike in respect to road condition. Sorry for selfish request. I don’t want to get disappointed coming from South, this will my first trip to north. I have backpacked here and there but this is due for very long on bucket list. Thanks.

Hey Nagendran,

The roads of Manali – Leh and Srinagar – Leh and Manali – Kaza will not be open in April. If you want the whole circuit with Spiti and Ladakh, the roads open in June only. In April you can make individual trips to these places like flying into Leh for Ladakh trip and going – coming back form Shimla – Kinnaur side for Spiti Valley trip.

Thanks for your comment. Sorry I didn’t mentioned I’ll be completely free for a year precisely. So when will best time of year to travel both together. I was thinking to land Chandigarh and start trip from there.

Cool, in that case best month to travel will be September but if you need adventurous trip then mid June to mid July will be ideal. You can start from: Spiti Valley to Ladakh from Manali – Most Common Itinerary

How many days are you planning?

Really not concerned of number of days. But thinking 25-30 days as of now. If I’m flexible with days what are the places I can add along with your 16 days itinerary considering 30days max. Also can you suggest me best mode of transport for whole journey. I will be traveling with my partner so I’m thinking of taking rented self drive SUV or do you suggest to hire bike in respect to road condition.

Awesome, then, in that case, look no further and plan the trip as defined below to include Zanskar Valley too in the plan. You can take the rented self drive car but once you will reach Leh, you need to park it and cover Ladakh sightseeing places by local LAdakhi taxi or some places like Sham Valley and all can be covered by rented bike from Leh. You can even go to Nubra Valley on rented bike if you have experience with riding. Here is the one dream trip you can take 😀

Day 1 | Delhi – Jammu / Patnitop — Overnight at Jammu or Patnitop

Day 2 | Jammu / Patnitop – Srinagar — Enjoy walk around Dal lake and may be Shikara ride as well — If you have time then check out, floating market, Shalimar Garden. — Overnight at Srinagar

Day 3 | Srinagar – Zozi La – Drass – Kargil — Enjoy the vistas enroute — Have late drunch meal at Drass is you are a vegetarian as sometimes it gets difficult to find veg. food at Kargil — Overnight at Kargil

Day 4 | Kargil – Padum (Zanskar Valley) — Head straight to Padum

Day 5 | Padum Local Sightseeing — Enjoy Zangla, Stongde, Karsha

Day 6 | Padum – Zongkhul Monastery – Penzi La Pass – Rangdum — Start back and stay at Rangdum

Day 7 | Rangdum – Panikhar – Sankoo – Kargil — Checkout rock carved statue at Khartse Khar

Day 8 | Kargil – Lamayuru – Leh — Cover Mulbekh Maitrey, Lamayuru Moanstery, Lunar Landscapes — On the way you can also see Gurudwara Pather Sahib, Magnetic Hills, Confluence at Nimmu — Overnight at Leh

Day 9 | Leh Local Sightseeing + Inner Line Permits — To know the about the places to visit check the link: Travel Guide for Local Sightseeing of Leh Town in Ladakh — For more details on inner line permits process and to download application form read the link  here — Overnight at Leh

Day 10 | Leh – Khardung La – Diskit – Hunder – Turtuk — Head for Nubra Valley and stay overnight at Turtuk — On the way enjoy a cup of soup at Highest Motorable Pass (as claimed) Khardung La — enjoy the culture in the Turtuk Village — do mention Turtuk on the permits

Day 11 | Turtuk – Hunder — Spend whole day at Turtuk and reach Hunder by evening — Overnight at Hunder

Day 12 | Hunder – Deskit – Sumur – Panamik – Sumur — Diskit has monasteries with tallest lord Buddha statue and Hunder has sand dunes and bacterian camel safari — Enjoy drive upto Panamik, visit Yarab Tso Lake and back to overnight stay at Kyagar or Tiger or Sumur — Enjoy walks in Hunder, Deskit, Sumur villages for the last 3 days

Day 13 | Sumur/Kyagar – Panamik – Sumur – Khardung La – Leh — Sumur has a famous monastery to check out and Panamik has hot water springs — Overnight at Leh

Day 14 | Rest day at Leh to enjoy local culture and some shopping OR Monastery tour — Monastery tour may include Hemis, Thicksey, Stakna and Shey monasteries. They come on the route of Pangong Tso but as you will be doing day trip, it will be a bit hectic to include them on that day only. — Overnight at Leh

Day 15 | Leh – Sham Valley – Leh — Sham Valley include Alchi, Likir, Basgo Palace, Magnetic Hills, Confluence at Nimmu, Gurudwara Pather Sahib — Overnight at Leh

Day 16 | Leh – Hemis Monastery – Pangong Tso Lake — Cover either of Hemis, Thicksey and Shey on the go towards Pangong Tso — Overnight at Pangong Tso (Spangmik)

Day 17 | Pangong Tso Lake – Shey – Thicksey – Leh — Mention all the places of this route as mentioned above on the permits and Nyoma as well — Overnight at Hanle

Day 18 | Leh – Chumathang – Mahe – Nyoma – Loma – Hanle — Overnight at Hanle

Day 19 | Hanle – Loma – Nyoma – Mahe – Korzok / Tso Moriri Lake OR Hanle – Salsal La – Tso Moriri Lake — Overnight at Tso Moriri lake

Day 20 | Tso Moriri – Tso Kar – Debring (Manali – Leh Highway starts) – Moore Plains – Pang / Sarchu — Try to start early in the day so that you reach Sarchu where the accommodation options are better than Pang — Overnight at Sarchu or Pang

Day 21 | Pang / Sarchu – Baralacha La – Jispa — On the way cover Suraj Tal, Deepak Tal which are on the road sides only — Overnight at Jispa

Day 22 | Jispa – Chandratal Day 23 | Chandratal – Kaza Day 24 | Kaza (Ki, Kibber, Gette) Day 25 | Kaza/Langza Homestay (Hikkim, Koumik, Langza) Day 26 | Kaza – Dhankar – Pin Valley Day 27 | Pin Valley – Tabo – Nako Day 28 | Nako – Kalpa Day 29 | Kalpa – Sangla/Chitkul (if you cannot extend, skip) Day 30 | Sangla/Chitkul (if you cannot extend, skip) Day 31 | Sangla/Chitkul – Narkanda Day 32 | Narkanda – Chail / Shimla – Delhi

I’m finding short of words to thank you on helping me with the detailed itinerary. Having read multiple detailed post of you and your selfless comment on repeated questions, initially I bit hesitated to post a question regarding itinerary. But yet whole heartedly you replied with lengthy detailed information. Thanks once again for your generosity. If you plan to come down to South (Tamilnadu), please do call me I’ll be happy to host you. 🙂

My pleasure buddy !! Happy to help with the Himalayas. Thank you for sharing the contact details, will surely let you know whenever in future I will plan a trip. Much appreciated…

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Hi Dhiraj, Last year we completed a superb trip to Ladakh,doing the entire circuit from Srinagar to Manali starting in early June and finishing by mid June. This year we were planning a trip to Spiti valley…Also a full circuit going in via shimla and exiting via Manali….In early June. I am setting aside 15 days for the same. Would it be feasible if we start somewhere around 25thmay from Chandigarh thru kinnaur and exit via kunzum pass somewhere around 8th to 10th june. Also, is it true that the weather is cloudy in Spiti in early June?

Mayoor, it is wonderful to see you back here !! If possible postpone the trip by a week so that there is even higher chance of having the Manali – Kaza road open. Otherwise, it becomes difficult sometimes and the road from Manali – Kaza opens around mid June. Weather wise it shall be fine and like Ladakh Spiti Valley is also a rain shadow region, so it does not rain much there.

Actually due to early school reopening in Mumbai, the latest that i can postpone is by 3-4 days, maybe we can do the Kunzum crossing by 12th june…..should that be ok? I was just going thru the historical data regarding opening of Kunzum Pass. Since last 2 years, it has opened by 2nd June. I am not sure about the state of the road though. I will mostly try to keep a buffer day so that if by chance the pass is closed, I will have to return via Shimla. Is Chandrataal lake journey possible at that time?

The max you can delay, the better. Go ahead with whatever maximum delay you can extend. The state of the road remains bad and it is not just the Kunzum Pass that matters, actually the main problem lies beyond Kunzum Pass between Chatru and Batal where they BRO has to cut off the big giant walls of glaciers. Chandratal lake will most certainly be possible towards mid of June unless there is heavy snowfall this year and the diversion road is still blocked and PWD hasn’t cleaned it yet.

Thanks Dhiraj for your suggestion. I will try to rework & delay as much as possible. Also, wanted to know if there is any Gallery section where we can post some really awesome Photographs along with Captions.

Hello Mayoor,

Sure, feel free to ask any further questions too. Well, you can join our DoW COmmunity Facebook group and shares wonderful photos with us which also gets you a chance to win some cool DoW Goodies:

Hi Dhiraj. Sorry for the extremely long Post. I have prepared a tentative Itinerary for Spiti. Pl let me know if any changes or improvement is required

Day 1 : 5th June : Mumbai to Chandigarh via Air. Leave Chandigarh at 12 noon and go to Narkanda via Chail (Is a short visit to Chail Palace possible?). O/n Narkanda.

Day 2 : 6th June : Late sleep-in. Narkanda sightseeing…Hatu Peak, Thanedar, Tanijubbar lake, Ski ground. O/n Narkanda

Day 3 : 7th June : Leave Narkanda early by 8:00 am. Reach Chitkul in evening (Want to avoid staying in Sangla or Kalpa as have already visited both previously) O/n Chitkul. Is this journey possible in a day or is it too long?

Day 4 : 8th June : Relax & then local sightseeing like Batesari village, ITBP camp, walk along Baspa river. O/n Chitkul. How is Samaa Resorts for stay?

Day 5 : 9th June : Leave early…Chitkul to Khab, Nako, Sumdo, Geu, Tabo. O/n Tabo

Day 6 : 10th June : Tabo monastery in morning. Then leave for Pin valley..Kungri, Sangnam, Tailing, Mud village. O/n Mud village. How is Tara Guest house? Does it have an attached toilet?

Day 7 : 11th June : Mud to Laalung to Dhankar to Dhankar lake to Kaza. O/n Kaza

Day 8 : 12th June : Kaza day trip to Langza, Hikkim, Komic & back. O/n Kaza

Day 9 : 13th June : Kaza to Ki, Gette, Tashigong, Kibber & then to Losar. Is it advisable to return back to Kaza or can we stay overnight at Losar to save time the following day.

Day 10 : 14th June : Losar to Chandrataal lake via Kunzum Pass (if Kunzum is open). Can we return to Losar for the night (Is it possible?) or should we stay in the camps there. I have heard that the camps are very basic there.

Day 11 : 15th June : Chandrataal to Manali. O/n Manali

Day 12 : 16th June : Manali local sightseeing

Day 13 : 17th June : Manali to Chandigarh for evening flight to Mumbai

Hey Mayoor, replied you in Q&A section

Sorry Dhiraj, but I couldn’t locate your answer. Should I post the question again in the Q & A section

The only problem sleeping at Chitkul will be AMS as your body may not be acclimatized to sleep at high altitude that early in the trip. I will recommend to sleep at Sangla only.

Try to get a room at Sagnam PWD Rest House, if he does not provide you then go to Tara Guest House for stay. The guest house is more like a home stay with basic amenities. As you plan to stay at Chandratal, I will suggest keeping it simple and stay either at Langza or Kibber. If you stay at Kibber then you can travel to Chichcham and further to Chandratal directly and explore a new route too.

Rest looks good to me.

PS: Sorry I guess I mistook your query with someone else.

Thanks Dhiraj for your reply. Actually I have read rave reviews from people who have stayed at Samaa resorts, Chitkul about the resort and the verdant surroundings. But, I guess you are right about AMS as day 3 would be too early to spend at Chitkul. I can stay at Sangla on Day 3. Can I spend Day 4 night at Chitkul or would you recommend a day trip only to Chitkul and go over to Kalpa to spend the night

Yes Mayoor, I will go with Chitkul on Day 4 but then again it depends if you are really interested to ease out, go for it and skip Kalpa altogether and move on further towards upper Kinnaur and Spiti. Nako will be better than spending night at Kalpa if you are already spending two nights in Sangla and Chitkul.

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Hello sir, is it possible to take lancer cedia for the trip. We are planning for September 2018. Group of 3 people. Consider the fact that that cedia gives a mileage of 10kmpl, are there enough fuel stations to complete the circuit. Your help will be highly appreciated.

Omar, fuel should not be a problem. For taking Lancer Cedia to Spiti Valley, Possible = Yes, Difficult = Yes, at quite a few place. For hatchback/sedan taking on Manali – Leh Highway Or Spiti Valley via Manali Or Ladakh, please refer the link: FAQ | Can I do Leh – Ladakh / Spiti / Manali – Leh trip in Hatchback or Sedan? for more details.

Thank you for the information. I appreciate it.

Moreover the car currently has a GC of 175mm. We might increase a bit further to avoid the bad patches and protecting her more. Currently the car has done 1lac kms mostly on highways.

Cool, as long as you are confident of its working, you should be fine.

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Hello Dheeraj, We 5 persons all boys are planning a trip to spiti in 2nd week of December with Fortuner 4*4… Is this possible & also plz suggest where to visit in December..we have been to Leh this June but via Srinagar.

Sourav, it is possible to make Spiti Valley trip in winters but only from Shimla – Kinnaur side. I will recommend that you read: Spiti in Winters – Most Common Itinerary and How to plan a trip to Spiti Valley in Winters

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Hi Brother,

When should we travel if we want to avoid more water crossings or bad roads on India-Tibet highway? Especially Malling Nala 😀 Thanks.

In that case you should travel in the month of late September.

Thanks Bro 🙂

By the way, can we do it with a pillion? They say the Roads to spiti are worse than those to Leh

Yes, the roads especially Manali – Kaza is worse than Ladakh roads. Rest mostly similar to Manali – Leh Highway and at places good to average. Regarding riding with pillion, lots of people do it. I do not think there should be any issue besides walking few times specially around Kunzum Pass and Manali – Kaza road.

Thanks a lot Bro.. I appreciate your response 🙂

Hey Brother.. A last question… I’ve seen a news that due to frequent landslides at malling nala, a new road has been built which connects Nako and Chango other than NH5.. Is that true? Or it’s the same road which I see in those youtube vidoes 😀

AFAIK Yuvraj, there is no new road. What they do is they cut the mountain further deeper and make road from it. The road is same but I can confirm from the locals and update. There was a major landslide this year which washed away the road so they had to cut the mountain more to to make the road again.

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Oh.. Thanks a lot bro 🙂

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Sir , i am planning to travel spiti this october from 10 to 17 .which route should be taken by us ? Manali to shimla ,? And can u tell me kunzum pass will be open or not ?

Hi Himanshu,

You can enter from Manali side and come back from Shimla side. Route will be open through Kunzum Pass now adays up to mid of October. But, a snowfall can block it for a day or two.

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Me and and my friends planning for a bike trip to Spiti on 16 oct ,I want to know it will be at that time?

Well PRashad, please read: 5 Reasons to Avoid Manali Kaza Road in October

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I wanted to know if I had 4 days to visit spiti, will it be better if I visit only the Shimla side or only the Manali side? 30th September to 3rd October!

In such a case, it will be better to visit from Manali side only. 4 days from Shimla or Manali? Or you want to have travel to Shimla and Manali also included in these 4 days?

Just one side would do… Can I have an itinerary..

Day 1 : Reach Manali and stay overnight at Solang Valley as preferred for acclimatization Day 2 : Manali / Solang – Kaza Day 3 : Kaza – Dhangkar – Tabo – Kaza OR Kaza – Langza – Komik – Hikkim – Kaza Day 4 : Kaza – Ki – Kibber – Gette – Chandratal Day 5 : Losar – Chandratal – Manali Day 6 : Manali – Delhi

Assuming 4 days does not include travel to Manali

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Hi Dheeraj, I have been following DoW for a few years now. You are doing a wonderful job! I consulted your blogs in detail for my maiden Ladakh trip last year. Though Ladakh was done in end of August, this year I want to do Spiti but I can make it only in September end. Can you please help me with my planning. We are two people who will be travelling in a Scorpio, but only one of us can drive. Can you please let me know if a full circuit (i.e.Chandigarh-Shimla-Kinnaur-Spiti-Manali-Chandigarh route) can be done realistically in this time of the year. And we want to mix home stays and camping along the way. Can you suggest places which will be ideal for homestays and which places to pitch our own tent? Dates: 28th September to 7th October (+1 Day buffer) i.e. 9 days+1 day buffer.

For stay options in Kinnaur and Spiti, check the link: Some Good Options of Stays in Spiti Valley / Kinnaur Valley .

You can keep an average of 900-1200 per person per day for food and stay on the tour to Spiti Valley.

I will request that you please refer the following articles for planning a trip to Spiti Valley: Spiti Valley via Manali | How to Plan Your Journey AND Spiti Valley via Kinnaur | How to Plan Your Journey

They have all the details. Feel free to let me know in case of any doubts

You can also read: Top 10 Tips for Camping in Ladakh & Spiti Valley

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I am planning to go to spiti from 30th sep-7th Oct in i20 car. Is it a good time to go ? Will i 20 be suitable for the trip ? I want to do the complete circuit…Can you please suggest the itinerary

Mohak, time is OK to travel to Spiti Valley. It will be cold a bit and windy. Regarding i20, it will struggle on Manali – Kaza road but water will be very less in water crossings by October first week, so one less hurdle. But, the struggle will be there due to low GC and car will surely take a beating.

Thanks for the suggestion…will look out for an alternative car…can you please suggest the itinerary

Opt to go via Manali – Leh Highway and I will suggest that you refer the thread for more details on the route and night halts though it is of 9 days: Manali – Leh – Ladakh – Manali | Itinerary for 9 Days .

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Hello and thanks for a wonderful article!

I am planning on a bike trip going from manali to Key gompa and back during end of september – beginning of october. From Google Maps it says it is about 5 hours each way so I guess this whole trip could take around 4 days including some visits in Spiti valley.

Is the Kunzum pass usually open at these times? Is it usually passable without too many problems?

Thanks in advance!

I should also add that I can start this trip earlier, around 20 September, if it makes conitions more favorable.

Definitely, 20th September, you will be able to enjoy more.

DEan, Google maps and the roads in the Himalayas do not go hand in hand. It will take about 10-11 Hrs to reach Kaza, Key monastery from Manali. Kunzum Pass will be open during that time. With just 4 days, it is possible but like

Manali – Kaza Kaza/Key Kaza and around, Langza, Hikkim, Komic Kaza – Manali

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We, five couple with children, wants to visit spiti valley during next May, 2018. We want to start our journey via shimla route and return via manali route. We have spared 8 days for same from chandigarh. So please kindly provide us itinerary for same. We have not visited Leh-Ladakh yet, instead we are visiting spiti valley first. Is it good thing ? We want to book tempo-traveller for our journey. Is the road of rohtang pass remain open during end of May. Please kindly provide me your opinion.

It should be OK to travel in May but the problem is that you cannot do a full circuit of Spiti Valley in May because the road from Manali to Kaza opens in mid-June types.

Regards Dheeraj

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Hi Dheeraj We are 4 friends from chandigarh planning to go spiti around 22nd of august via shimla by vw polo so what do suggest is safe to go at this time of year and is polo compatible according to the route? Please reply asap becouse its urgent

The road at Nako is closed due to a massive landslide at Malling Nala. It is expected to open in weeks time but nothing certain.

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Me and my husband are planning to visit spiti in 3rd week of september via manali. Could you please suggest whether it is good time to visit spiti

Yes September is a good time to travel to Spiti Valley.

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Hi Dheeraj We me and my wife 50 and 47 years of age are planning to go Jalandhar-Simla-kaza-kunjum-Rohtang -Manali -jalandhar from 6 October to 13 oct. 2017 by Pajero sports. Is it fine as these are earliest dates we have. We are only couple. Never been to this route however covered Srinagar Leh Manali thrice by this car. Pl suggest with regard to climate and weather on those days. Regards

Harish sir, It starts to get cold during that time of the year in Spiti valley and there can be occasional snowfall as well. Since you are versed with terrains, it should not be an issue but just don’t any unnecessary risks. Once you reach Kaza, check the weather and then make a call to drive from Kaza to Manali because getting stuck in between Kaza and Manali due to weather will not be pleasant

Thanks for your suggestions. Best as always

Best wishes for the trip sir, if possible keep sharing the updates as it may help others too.

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Hello Sir! I am planning to leave for Spiti on 11th of August 2017. Would it be a right time to visit Spiti. Also, considering the recent rainfall in Spiti would you suggest us to go in this month?

I will suggest to check weather and then only venture out. Please do read: 10 Tips for a Trip to Spiti Valley in Monsoons

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Also please suggest good places to stay in Kalpa, Tabo & Kaza

I am travelling to Spiti in September, is it fine if we go without booking hotels ?

Yes, Amit, september is a very good time to travel to Spiti valley. You should not worry about stay options and will get on the spot.

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We are traveling from 26th of aug to 3rd of sept on motorcycles. Any advise? We are looking to explore more at pin valley,Pls suggest.

Do you need itinerary advice? What is your plan, going from Manali side or Shimla or doing circuit?

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Is it advisable to go to Spiti in Novemeber??.

When do the hotels close and what are the chances of finding snow in November??

Also, can you let me know the places where we could find snow starting November last week to December 2nd or 3rd week??

I think I replied to your other comment, please let me know in case there is still any doubt.

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We want to visit Spiti in Mid Aug; self drive in a rental jeep. Would any one know of any groups which are planned around that time that we can join?

No Pradipta, please check the DoW Travel Calendar from the main menu.

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Hi Pradipta,

If you wish, you can contact me at 9888000543 or [email protected]

Thanks and regards Harry

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Hi Dheeraj, Need one advise – we are doing a bike trip from Delhi to Spiti and back via Manali on 23Sep to 30Sep. Our trip is 23 – Gurgaon-Narkanda 24 – Narkanda-Kalpa 25 – Kalpa-Kaza 26-27 – travel in and around Kaza 28 – Kaza-Manali 29 – Manali-Chandigarh 30 – Chd-Gurgaon

We have done this circuit many times; however, not in Sep-end. Any guidance on weather and route planning?

Thanks, Rishi Raj

September end is still a good time to travel Spiti valley and Kinnaur with beautiful colors of fall and of course, apples 😉

Thanks. Also request you to please advise on the two days that we have at Kaza – to help us plan an itinerary. We have seen Tabo and Dhankar and don’t want to stress ourselves too much on these two days by riding a lot.

Day 1 : Kaza – Langza – Komik – Hikkim – Kaza Day 2 : Kaza – Key – Kibber – Gette – Tashigang – Kaza – Rangrik – Chandratal

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Hello sir! We r planning for spiti from 24 july to 2 august bt we r confused as its not a right time as many travellers say… we r travelling by our suv .last year we travelled to leh via srinagr in same dates bt not any kind prblm was there ….. jst tell us should we go or not ???? Now it totally depends on your suggestion ….

Happy, you can travel but just keep in mind the tips mentioned in the article: 10 Tips for a Trip to Spiti Valley in Monsoons

Sir! i hv gone through them …. So, we should go ahead without any fear as its not as difficult as peopl says ….

Manali – Kaza is a bit struggle with water crossings and all but rest is fine.

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Hi Dheeraj, We are planning to visit SPITI VALLEY or leh ladakh from 25-01 Nov. what would be the best place to visit @ this time?. Planning to cover complete Circuit. Need your suggestions on following: 1. Route/ itinerary? 2. Places to visit? 3. Where to stay?

Kulbhushan, it is winters in trans Himalayas and rough/dry time to travel to these places with minimum facilities open. Are you sure you want to go at such harsh time?

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Hi Dheeraj, We are planning to visit SPITI VALLEY from 9-17 sept. Is it good time to visit? Planning to cover complete Circuit. Need your suggestions on following: 1. Route/ itinerary? 2. Places to visit? 3. Where to stay?


September is a good time to travel Spiti Valley. With 9 days at hand, you can follow below plan:

Day 1 | Delhi – Narkanda Day 2 | Narkanda – Kalpa Day 3 | Kalpa – Nako – Nako Lake – Geyu Mummy – Tabo Day 4 | Tabo – Dhankar – Dhankar Lake – Pin Valley (Mudh Village) – Kaza Day 5 | Kaza Local Sightseeing  — Ki, Kibber, Gette, Tashigang in the second half of the day Day 6 | Kaza Local Sightseeing (Hikkim, Komik)  — Hikkim, Komik, Langza circuit  Day 7 | Kaza – Kunzum Pass – Chandratal Day 8 | Chandratal – Manali Day 9 | Manali – Delhi

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Hi,we planing a trip to spiti valley on 8th of July via shimla- kinnaur side and end up throw rotang pass-manali.please update weather condition

Kaif, weather updates can be checked for Kinnaur and Kaza at weather websites. However, regarding road updates now the roads are open.

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Hi, i wanted to visit spiti-kaza -nako-chandratal lake and near by places for my pre wedding shoot on 24th july to 30th july. Is it fine?? Will i get good view and no problems of rain and landslides?? Is it safe???

Sejal, the lower hills starts to get rains during that time while Spiti is rain shadow, you might face issues in lower hills. You can read: 10 Tips for a Trip to Spiti Valley in Monsoons

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Hello Sir, I am Shaurya and I would like to know the feasibility of going to Spiti Valley in mid August (11th-15th/16th August). We are a group of 7-8 guys eager to explore the best of Spiti in the limited time we have. I’ve heard the current situation of roads is pathetic, also keeping in mind that we are planning to go in mid August i.e after monsoon , will you advise us to continue with the plan.

Most of us will travel from Delhi/Gurgaon and few are coming from Bangalore and Mumbai via flight. All of us will be leaving on 11th (Friday) night from our respective places and hope to come back by 15th (Tuesday) or 16th (Wednesday) night at the max. Hence kindly suggest a suitable itinerary through which we can make the most of these 4-5 days that we have. Also suggest the most feasible mode of transport keeping in mind the condition of the roads at that time of the year (Private cabs will be preferred).

PS- I understand that we have a time constraint hence we would like to cover the major/best parts in and around Spiti Valley.

Hey Shaurya,

With limited time on hand, you can check: How to make a trip to Spiti Valley in 6 days?

Regarding now traveling in August, well you will face the challenge up to Manali. Once you reach Spiti Valley from Manali, it is a rain shadow region meaning it does not rain much but you have to go through the monsoon hassles for sure in lower hills.

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Hi I am planning for a trip to lahaul spiti around 17th or 18th of June 2017. I am from Chandigarh. 1. Which road route will be best for me? 2. Are LMVs like swift, polo fine to travel on? 3. Important points to be noted and taken care of ?

You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Spiti Valley followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 10-11 days: Most Common Itinerary for Spiti Valley . For hatchback/sedan taking on Manali – Leh Highway Or Spiti Valley via Manali Or Ladakh, please refer the link: FAQ | Can I do Leh – Ladakh / Spiti / Manali – Leh trip in Hatchback or Sedan? for more details.

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Hello Sir, We are a group of 10 people planning to visit Spiti from 13-23 july. I understand from your article that it is not the right season to travel. But we really want to as no other time in the year is convenient for us. So if we had to try our luck, can you please chalk up an itinerary for us? Will be very grateful.

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Hi Dhreeraj,

How are you?

Need you help to plan the trip of 6-8 people of Spite Valley this August 15, 2017. We will be travelling from Delhi/Gurgaon. Will planning to leave by Friday (11th ) night and return by 15th Tuesday. As we don’t have that much of time so need to take the shortest route. Also we will be travelling via public transport.

Thanks in advanced..

Soumyadeep, you should plan the trip in such a case from Manali side. There is a direct bus that runs from Manali and Kaza.

Day 1 : Reach Manali by overnight volvo of and stay overnight at Solang Valley as preferred for acclimatization Day 2 : Manali / Solang – Kaza Day 3 : Kaza – Dhangkar – Tabo Day 4 : Tabo – Pin Valley Day 5 : Pin Valley – Kaza. Do Ki, Kibber in the evening. Day 6 : Kaza – Langza – Komik – Hikkim – Kaza Day 7 : Kaza – Chandratal Day 8 : Reach Manali and take overnight Volvo from Manali to Delhi

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Hey Dheeraj,

Is it advisable to travel alone on a self driven trip? I know it depends on individual to individual but thought to ask you.

Also I am in a dilemma whether to explore it in June or in september. The thing is i love the view of snow capped mountains (though I have seen enough of snow in last few years) but at the same time I dont like crowded places. I am more inclined towards the month of September, but open to your suggestions and feedback.

Hey Siddharth,

Lots of people do it every year. You can read: Top 10 Tips for a Solo Trip to Ladakh or Spiti Valley

If you love snow then June is the best time and if you love colors/less crowd then September is the best time.

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I have 4 points pls. clear my doubt. We are planning to visit Spiti Vally in 2nd week of Oct-17. We have 2 plane. pls advice which one is good to go ?? We are group of 3 couple (6 people)

From To Day1 Delhi Manali Day2 Manali KAZA Day3 Kaza Local Day4 Kaza Local Day5 Kaza Keylong Day6 Keylong BARLACHA LA & BACK Day7 Keylong Manali Day8 Manali KALKA TO HOWRAH

From To Day1 Chandigarh Kalpa Day2 Kalpa Tabo Day3 Tabo Kaza Day4 Kaza Kaza Day5 Kaza Keylong Day6 Keylong BARLACHA LA & BACK Day7 Keylong Manali Day8 Manali Chandigarh

We tried to conact car driver for the trip but we are informed that no car driver is ready to go from Manali to Kaza through Rotong pass. Is thre any restriction ?? Is snow available at BARALACHA LA in Oct. ?? Hotel or home stay will be available Rs.700/800 p.d at KAZA,TABO or KEYLONG ??

Watting for your valuable reply .

Regards, Soumen(kolkata) M-8697141703

I do not like any of the plans as it does not let you enjoy the beauty of Spiti Valley to fullest and ease. I will recommend focusing just on Spiti Valley and keep Lahaul Valley for some other time.

Yes, you need to get Rohtang Pass permit to cross Rohtang Pass to get to Kaza, Keylong or Leh. Snow will not be present anywhere unless it snows a day or two before your trip or on the trip itself.

You can get connected directly to some drivers in Himachal or Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley at the link: List of Taxi Drivers for Spiti Valley & Kinnaur Valley . These drivers can come and pick you up from Manali / Shimla / Delhi / Chandigarh too, of course with a price of the pickup as well.

The rates of the taxis are about Rs 3200-3500 per day depending on the number of days you plan to travel, more the days, less the price. If you are 2-3 in the group, you can opt for sedan taxi cars as well which charges around Rs 2200 per day.

Otherwise, taxis, in general, are also available on the spot from Shimla or Manali from respective taxi stands. These drivers can help you with finding local stay options too.

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Hii Dheeraj, I love to travel basically m solo traveller so i wanted to know that is it posible to travel solo in spiti valley ??. Even i have done solo travelling in ladakh also. Or is there any chances to attach to other group from manali or chances to get sharing taxi from manali for whole spiti valley in this september??

You should read: How to make a budget trip to Spiti Valley by public transport and Top 10 Tips for a Solo Trip to Ladakh or Spiti Valley

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Hi Dheeraj, I shall be visiting Spiti valley for the first time this August. Reading about the weather and road conditions in this post made me feel a bit disheartened, given the fact that after much anticipation and wait, I have finally planned a trip to Spiti. August is the only free month that I have. I won’t be bugged down by some rain, but are road blockages frequent? How’s the temperature during that time? Any suggestions on winter/rain clothing that need to packed?

Yes Amrita, especially in Kinnaur, road blocks are common as the mountains are fragile in Kinnaur. You may try your luck from Manali side. Temparatures will be pleasant, light woolens will do for you.

Hey, Thank you for your prompt reply. I am not doing the entire circuit anyway, will stick to manali-spiti-manali route. Keeping my fingers crossed regarding this one. Once in spiti, would I need poncho/rain jackets? What are the chances of visiting and camping near Chandratal during August? Warm regards, Amrita.

I will suggest carrying one, however, Spiti is rain shadow region and we get very little rain up there in Spiti. The road to chandratal will be open, it may be overcast on a rainy day but people do make a visit to Chandratal.

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is a sedan-maruti swift or tata indigo fine along shimla-kaza in end-may to earlyjune?

Vinay, Shimla to Kaza is fine but main challenge will be faced on Manali – Kaza route. You have to be very very careful and car will surely struggle and suffer.

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Great Information..

I am planning a visit to Spiti Valley in September 17 with my family and complete the circuit as follows:

1. Chandigarh- Narkanda 2. Narkand-Sarahan- Sangla 3. Sangla- Chitkul- Sangla- Kalpa 4. Kalpa-Nako-Kaza 5. Kaza 6. Kaza-Chandratal (can be skipped also) 7. Chandratal- Solang-Manali 8. Manali- Back

Is it possible to do the trek with Hundai I20/ Ford Figo?? I have done Manali-Leh-Jammu with the same type of car.

Any suggested change in itinerary?

Hey Pradeep,

The car will struggle on Manali – Kaza road, so you need to be cautious over the nallas and stones. Also above itinerary is doable but you are not resting much. It will be better to add one day to the plan and halt at Tabo from Kalpa instead of going directly with Kaza. This will give you opportunity to visit Dhangkar and Pin Valley while going from Tabo to Kaza next day.

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Hello Dheeraj,

I’m sure your article is going to be very helpful for folks out there. I do appreciate your inputs.

It may sound over-adventurous. Nevertheless, I need to get this done. I’m planning to do this circuit during the winter. May be during the month of Jan/Feb. I will have enough buffer days to cover this trip. So, a mitigation can be achieved in case of an emergency . Just want to know whether I can reach the Spiti Valley from Uttarkhand or I need to depend on the Shimla route alone? I’ve taken all the cons into consideration but apart from that what are the other challenges I might face? I can anytime toggle back and forth to change my plan. So, that shouldn’t affect me much. Since I’ll be on a two-wheeler all alone during the entire trip, I just want to know whether I can get hold of a mechanic if there’s a major issue with the machine. I can take care of small concerns though. Will I get an accommodation during this period? Since I’m in no hurry, it will mostly be a leisure ride. Could you please pour your views?

Vivek, please let me know what route are you planning from Uttarakhand, then I can comment on it if it is feasible or not. Spiti via Kinnaur if road is open can be done in winters too.

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Hey, Myself and my friend have decided to take the journey to Spitti, we’re from Chennai,Tamil Nadu and so are not used to high altitudes, So is acclamitisation going to be a major problem and what can we do to face it. And are there any suggestions about insulation clothing that we have to know beforehand ? We’re going on June 22 for a period of 5 days returning on 27. Taking the Shimla Route hoping that it will help us acclimatise at least a little. Thank you very much in advance…

You just have 5 days in hand, so that means you will be just on road and AMS is bound to happen with tired body. Best you will be doing is below in just 5 days in hand:

Shimla – Kalpa Kalpa – Tabo Tabo – Kaza Kaza – Manali Manali – Delhi

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Hi Dheeraj We are a group of 7 Adults planning for Manali-Spiti route on 6th jul to 14th July. We have planned to Hire Bikes in Manali. Any Suggestions ?

Bhargav, do you need suggestion on planning the trip like a trip plan or any other question?

Hi Dheeraj We need suggestions on the Flowing questions : 1. Since our plan is Manali-Spiti-Chandratal-Manali , Will stay at Kaza be a central point wherein we can do daily trips around the valey. 2. While returing to Manali we are planning to stay over night at Chandratal, Can you throw some light Camping facility at Chandratal. 3. Any Bike renting agency is Manali which has reasonable costing? 4. Will Rotang be open during Jul-6 to Jul 14th ? 5. Lastly, Wil the Mnson play a spoil sport during these dates?

Your Inputs will be highly appriciated

Please find my replies below:

1. Yes, Kaza should be the place from where you can traverse on day trips. 2. Please accommodation or stay section in the article: Delhi to Chandratal Lake Spiti Valley – Travel Guide 3. Sorry on that front 4. Yes, Rohtang Pass will be open 5. Most likely now a days we are having delayed monsoons, so before mid of July it should be fine to travel

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I m planning spiti in last week of May .please suggest wats the weather like ?

Astha, weather is pleasant in Spiti with cool nights/mornings in May. The road from Manali – Kaza will not be open though

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Thank you for the valuable information and responses. Last year we went to Ladhak and your inputs were very helpful. This year in the 1st week of October we (a group of 9 including 3 couples) want to visit Spiti. 1) Is it the good time for Spiti? 2) We don’t want to do the full circuit, want to know the best and safe route in October (will it be best and scenic beauty?

Kindly advise

October is a bit cold in night and morning but colors are pretty nice. If you plan to do Spiti in first half of October, it should be even fine to make the circuit but as an exception to the normal route, go from Manali side and exit from Shimla side in such a case.

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Hi Dheeraj,. I have never been to the hills on bike and i want to have a bike ride trip from delhi to spiti. Please suggest is it safe cz i m planning to go in june. And want to go from shimla route and what arethe conditions of road and how much days i need for this.

Vaibhav, if you have never been on hills with bike, I will not recommend you to take the bike directly to Spiti on your first trip to hills.

Are the roads are that bad and dangerous ?

Yes, the roads are bad as well as dangerous especially in case there is some rain.

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Hihihi, we are planning a trip in 26th September shimla-sarhan-kalpa-chitkul-tabo-kaza-keylong-manali..ends up by 10 the of October. Is it a good time for the trip?how will be doing road conditions?will it be safe to visit each places? We have a 6+yrs kid too

Puja, it is fine to travel on this time window, it will be a bit cold though. Road conditions will be best in comparison to the whole season. Since you have a good amount of days in hand, it should be OK.

Thank u for your suggestions. …

Hi,I want to another thing that is what will be the condition of khunzum pass,could we able to pass through it?and is there any chance of getting show throughout the trip?if yes how much and where?

For the last couple of years, even if during that time it snows at Kunzum Pass, it is not too much. May be just a day’s delay. There will be no snow in september – October up there in Spiti.

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Hi, I am going to travel Lahaul Spiti at the end of this September by exactly following your itinerary which you have posted under “Spiti valley:most common itinerary”. Just need your suggestion in following points 1. Where to stay in Tabo? 2. I am planning to stay at Kaza for 3 nights instead of 1 night at Mud villege and 2 nights at Kaza. How far is Kaza from Pin valley? 3. Is it possible to cover both Dhankar lake and Pin valley in a single day? 4. Can you suggest any reliable car rental for 10 days Chandigarh to Chandigarh?

Hello Nandini,

1. There are few options in Tabo. TowDhey Guest House, Kunzum Guest House, Siddharth Guest House. 2. Kaza – Pin Valley first village is about 32 KMs apart and but then up to Mud Village, it is about 49 KMs. 3. Yes, you can easily do Tabo – Dhangkar – Pin Valley – Kaza 4. You can get connected directly to some drivers in Himachal or Spiti Valley or Kinnaur Valley at the link: List of Taxi Drivers for Spiti Valley & Kinnaur Valley . These drivers can come and pick you up from Manali / Shimla / Delhi / Chandigarh too, of course with a price of the pickup as well.

Thanks Dheeraj. One more thing, if I stay in Kalpa and plan to do Kalpa-Sangla-Chitkul-Kalpa in a day, is it feasible?

How is the weather during end of September and beginning of October?

You will be coming from Shimla side, right? If yes, then do it first stay at Sangla. Next day do Sangla – Chitkul – Sangla – Kalpa by evening.

It is a fabulous time to travel with lovely fall colors and tons of apples around 🙂

Hi Dheeraj We are planning for one night camping at chandratal. Can you suggest anyone who can arrange that and what are the possible charges?

Hi Nandini,

Please read the accommodation/stay section of article: Delhi to Chandratal Lake Spiti Valley – Travel Guide

Hello Dheeraj, can you suggest some accomodation at Sangla and Chitkul?

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Hi Dheeraj, I am travelling to spiti valley in first week of July and completing the whole circuit from manali to shimla. Will it be the best time? Or monsoon will be there?

First week of July should be good to visit Spiti Valley and come back from Manali route.

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Hi Dheeraj, we plan to travel to Spiti valley or Leh Ladakh this year after 16th June.. need some help: 1. How many days are required minimum? I can spare 6 days max. Is this trip doable? 2. What’s the best route and best time? 3. I plan to travel with my two young kids- 8 yrs and 5 years. Any precautions?? 4. What do you suggest for that part of year- spiti or Leh- Ladakh?

Looking to hear from you soon.

1. 6 days are not sufficient for a Ladakh trip unless you plan to fly in and out of Leh. 2. Best time for beautiful colors, better roads in comparison is September. 3. In general, it is fine to take the children of such age group because AMS do not matter with respect to age or sex or any fitness level. It can happen to anyone of any age or sex or fitness I shall say :D.. The issue with children is that they tend to exert the body considering it the same kind of place they belong to and this elevates the chances of getting struck with AMS. Secondly, they are not much expressive about their uneasy feelings, so it is parents who need to watch out and take care that the child is not suffering from uneasy feelings, headache or nausea and is behaving properly. With 5+ year child, I think he/she would be able to convey the uneasiness with little efforts. If you notice any such feeling or he/she tells you about such a feeling then please do not ascend anywhere, either descend to lower altitude or stay at the same place to watch things overnight and if symptom increase then start descending immediately. Same is applicable for any adult as well. And yes, do keep the body adequately hydrated!! Also, PLEASE read the article: Traveling to Ladakh with Kids or Babies . This article covers this topic in complete detail. 4. 6 days for both Spiti and Ladakh are too less. For spiti, you can refer: How to make a trip to Spiti Valley in 6 days?

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Hey Dheeraj

Thanks for all the updates for Ladhak, last year we planned a trip there. Your blog was of great help 🙂 : )

Now planning for a trip to Spiti. Start date 23rd September and coming back on 3rd October. Want to cover the full circuit. Shimla – Spiti – Manali. Can you suggest is it a good time. Will the manali route be risky to take on those dates.

Regards Rashmi

Yes, Rashmi, that is good time window to travel and you will get a chance to see some vivid colors of Spiti as well as apple loaded trees. Spiti apples are one of the best apples you can ever get a hand on in India 🙂 … You can check a very balanced and most common itinerary for Spiti Valley followed by many travellers including me at the link here for 10-11 days: Most Common Itinerary for Spiti Valley .

Thanks for the prompt response Dheeraj. I read in your article “Kunzum Pass starts getting snowfall by September end and it can be very tricky and risky crossing over it in no mans land.” our return will be somewhere around that time. We are planning this during Durga Puja holiday so will be difficult to shift the dates. Let me know if there is any other way out here. Else will plan for somewhere else and park Spiti for June next year.

Weather conditions have changed now, Kunzum Pass remains open almost in November too now. So, those dates should be OK to travel almost up to mid of October. After that it becomes windy, desolate and cold.

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Thanks dheeraj, That was helpfull and one more advice,if we plan to take our tent -do we need to take permission to install it as we want to make this a complete fun trip and something like a survival by our own.please let me know few other places which can be totally extreme and can we do any trekking on the way as we have a lot many days in hand

You can do the village treks (Kibber – Langza – Komic – Hikkim – Demul – Lhalung) once reach Kaza depending on the days in hand. All these are half day treks. Or for a 2-3 hrs, do the trek to Dhangkar Lake from Dhangkar Monastery. Regarding camps, please read Top 10 Tips for Camping in Ladakh & Spiti Valley

Hi dheeraj,we are conform to travel on 11th from delhi,please suggest how could we do both places,we have 10days in total,we can take any route,please suggest.

So Ankit, you can only make a plan for Spiti Valley and Kinnaur Valley in such a case as roads to Ladakh will not be open. You can plan as below:

Day 1 | Delhi – Narkanda Day 2 | Narkanda – Rakcham/Sangla Day 3 | Rest day in Sangla, visit Chitkul in day time. Day 4 | Rakcham/Sangla- Nako – Geyu Mummy – Tabo Day 5 | Tabo – Dhangkar – Dhangkar Lake – Pin Valley – Kaza — For stay check Sakya Abode or snow lion are two good options at Kaza apart from PWD Guest houses. Get in touch with Tsering, the guy who runs it. He is a very good friend of mine and you can refer my name or DoW to him. Read more about Sakya Abode at: Sakya Abode Kaza – An Enriching Experience in Spiti Valley Day 6 | Kaza Rest and Local Sightseeing — Ki, Kibber, Gette, Tashigang Day 7 | Kaza – Hikkim, Komik, Langza circuit – Kaza, may be in the second half go towards Kunzum Pass or till where the road is open towards it. Day 8 | Kaza – Tabo – Nako – Kalpa Day 9 | Kalpa – Narkanda Day 10 | Narkanda – Delhi

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Sir when manali kaza roads gets open

It is expected to open by first week of June. However, it snowed again today, so expect some delay.

Hi please advise as we are planning a trip to kaza on 11th may from delhi and further to leh from shimla route on bike would it be possible at this time of month

No Ankit, the roads from Kaza – Manali and Manali – Leh will not be open by 11th May. So, you cannot make this trip by road.

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Hello sir, I am planning to visit Spiti valley in second week of may. Can I find snow along the road?

Rochit, if you travel beyond Kaza towards Kunzum Pass, you will surely find snow around roads in May. This could be a day trip from KAza towards Kunzum Pass to get a feel of tons of snow.

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I would like to ask about the route to Kaza. I’m planning to go Spiti on 9th May Night and will come to Delhi on 14th May (NIght). Could you Please let me know about the Route, what should I take to reach there and come back, Is Rohtang route is open? I’m planning to hire a Car “Polo”, would it be fine? Please suggest.

Aanchal, Manali – KAza route is not open and to travel from Shimla – Kinnaur route, it takes 3 days just to reach Spiti and three days to come back. You only have 6 days in hand, so you may not be seeing anything in Spiti but just be on road. Are you sure you want to do it?

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Hi dheeraj.

Which is the best travel route for August? And how many days would we require to complete a trip?

Thank you for a great blog.

Blaire, no route is best for August as it is monsoon time and hence, both Kinnaur route and Manali route will offer hassles of monsoons and rains. However, in comparison, route from Manali to Kaza is better as Kinnaur is quite bad & fragile in rains.

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Its a awesome post and its great to see how you are replying to all the comments/queries. Thanks !

I am planing a solo bike ride from 16-26 May 2017 for Chandigarh-manali-chandratal-Kaza-shimla-chandigarh. My dates are not flexible.

My queries are: 1. Can i hope rohtang and kunzum to be open enough for a bike… ? 2. I would also like to go to chandratal ….. will it be possible to manage some accomodation in batal and ride upto chandratal and trek the last few kms…. ?? 3. If this trip is totally impossible according to your experience, can you please suggest some other route in remote himalayas for the dates….

Thanks a lot !

Thanks Vikas, glad it is helpful.

It is unlikely that Manali – Kaza road will open by that time of the year. Chandratal road will not be open for sure. Best is to take the trip from Shimla – Kinnaur – Kaza side and hope for Manali – Kaza opens by the time you finish the tour of Spiti else come back the same way exploring Kinnaur.

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I was planning to do Spiti trip end April through bus Shimla side. All tickets are already in order. But then just had a crazy idea today. How bout travelling in Chevrolet spark all the way to Kaza and it’s surrounds. Would you recommend it ? We have 9 days in hand ex- Delhi. Thanks.

Well, I have been to Spiti in all sought of vehicles including my sedan as well. So, it is surely possible. Please get in touch with some hotel in Kaza or Tabo to confirm if the road has been opened or not. It will surely take a beating in Kinnaur but it is manageable unless you love your car very much.

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Hiiii sir…..well I am planning to visit spiti n doing a solo trip in the month of November will it be a good time to visit? N also I know to drive car but I don’t want to take risk by driving alone. N next thing is that I don’t know how to ride a bike.can you help me in travelling ?

Rutik, by November it gets pretty cold in Spiti Valley. It is possible to travel but I am not sure how much cold sensitive you are. It will be dry and cold in November in Spiti.

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Dear Dhiraj,

I am planning to travel to Spiti via Shimla starting 8th May with 2 young children (5 and 9). Would we find good hotels on the way? Please share names of the best hotels at various locations.

Prashant, For stay options in Kinnaur and Spiti, check the link: Some Good Options of Stays in Spiti Valley / Kinnaur Valley .

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We are planning to visit Spiti valley in the month of June. From 13th to 18th and places we would like to stay in order are Raksham, Tabo, Kaza, Rohtang. I just want to know is this route possible for us in June and we will be driving Tata Zest and Swift..? Please guide us… Thanks

You are planning a very hectic trip in just 6 days. Also, the road from Manali – Rohtang Pass – Kaza will not be open by that time of the year or would have just opened. Better plan it towards the end of the June. Also, hatches and sedans very much struggle on Manali – Rohtang Pass – Kaza road.

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Hi Dheeraj. Great to see that you are replying to all the queries very promptly. Really appreciate. I am Lalit from Bhopal. We are a family of 3 adults. Keeping in view the dates of opening of Kunzum pass I have booked my flights from 15th July to 26th July for a full circuit trip to Spiti valley from Shimla to Manali.

But now I am very anxious as lot of websites are saying this time time would be a rainy season.

I need your advise should I change my dates from 24th June to 5th July or should I stick to the original plan.

Mostly the monsoons are delayed nowadays and July is still a good time to travel to Spiti Valley, IMO. Rather if you look at last few years, June end there are some rains always. Also, once you are in Spiti, you are in rain shadow region and it does not rain much up there.

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Sir please tell me if i can complete the whole circuit from shimla side to manali by my swift car or not in the mid i require any permit.

No permit is required if you traveling from Shimla side. Chandratal road may not be open by 15th June, so better that you plan the trip up to Kaza in your car and then take a taxi beyond Kunzum Pass and trek to Chandratal and be back in that taxi.

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I’m very much confused to travel spiti in this month…. They are many questions in my mind ! How ? , Which way ?, Where to stay ? , How can I get busses to cover this entire valley ? And much more …. Plz help me with this deeraj sir ! We are not able to plan this area …

Nithin, you mean traveling in the month of April? You cannot do the entire circuit in this month. You have to go from Shimla side and come back the same road.

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Vargis Khan

How to Plan a Visit to Spiti Valley in December?

When one talks about planning a trip to Spiti valley in December, several questions come to mind. The first and the foremost is whether is it doable or not? And if yes then what is the best way to plan the journey? How will the weather be and how should your packing be for the journey ahead? In this article; I will details some necessary information that you should keep in mind while visiting Spiti in December. I will first add a few tips to plan the journey better, followed by a few advantages and disadvantages of going to Lahaul Spiti in December. If you have any doubts after reading the article, you are welcome to comment and ask.

spiti valley in december

Can we visit Spiti in December? Answer to this questions is a definite yes. By road, the valley remains accessible throughout the year. The only difference however is that that you can approach it via Shimla only. The stretch between Manali and Kaza which is the shortest gets declared closed after it starts to snow to Kunzum Pass; sometime in October.

The road from Shimla to Kaza however remains open all 12 months; except for occasional road blocks caused by heavy snowfall. Even if that happens, authorities clear the road just as soon as they are able to.

You must however keep in mind that life in Spiti valley during winters is tough. When I say tough, I mean extreme cold due to which even water in pipes freezes. So there will be no running water; you will have to work with warm water provided in buckets; and may even have to do your business in a dry pit every morning. If the weather turns extreme, you may be stuck in the valley for days altogether. Your phones will definitely not be working and there may not even be any electricity as well. People living in the region are accustomed to this life as they go through it each year. But for people like us; it may get a bit frustrating so please do consider this before you plan your travel to Spiti in December.

One of the most common questions I get asked by people traveling to Spiti is if they need to obtain a permit. There is actually a requirement of Inner Line Permit for Spiti valley but it is applicable to only foreign nationals. Indian citizens can freely visit the valley without needing any permit at all except for the one for Rohtang Pass; if you were approaching via Manali. But since it is the month of December we are talking here, you won’t be heading towards Rohtang Pass anyways so there is no need of that permit as well. For more information on ILP for Spiti valley, please read through the article at the link below.

How to Get an Inner Line Permit for Spiti Valley

With the above being said, if you are thinking to visit Spiti Valley in December, mentioned below is how you should plan your travel. It will definitely not be an easy or regular journey; not even a typical Spiti valley trip but if adventure is what you seek then you will get plenty of it.

Visiting Spiti In December

I will first list down a few important tips, followed by some advantages and disadvantages; and a then suggested Itinerary in the end.

Spiti valley weather in December

Cold and harsh are the two words that describe it the best. And it is not even the regular cold that we are discussing here. Temperature at nights will fall several degrees below zero. Days too will be no better. You may not see Sun in the sky for several days and even if you do, temperature will still be close to zero. You must prepare yourself for extreme cold, both physical and mentally. At an average, temperature in Spiti valley in December during day will fluctuate between -1 to -5 Degrees Celsius. By Night, it will drop down to between -20 and -25 degrees Celsius.

Clothes for Spiti Valley

This will relate to the point above. You need to pack woolens that can keep you warm in a freezing environment. Good thermals are a must followed by both light and heavy woolens. You also need to protect yourself from cold winds and a good quality heavy; windproof and waterproof jacket will be your best friend. Ensure that your jacket has a hood to cover your neck and head as well. Waterproof warm gloves, woolens socks, muffler, possibly waterproof shoes, sunglasses are some of the other accessories. You will also have to pack a good sunscreen lotion, cold creams, lip balms and some basic medicines for stomach ache, fever and cold.

Also read: Clothes for Spiti trip: what to Pack?

Do not Plan on the entire Circuit

As you probably would already have figured it out; you cannot plan on completing the entire Spiti circuit in December. Since Manali Kaza road will be closed, you will reach Kaza from Shimla and return via the same route.

For a complete list of places to visit in Spiti valley please read through the following article.

Also read: Tourist Attractions in Spiti Valley and its vicinity

Do not plan unless you are good at the wheel

Spiti is notorious for its bad roads and situations gets even worse during winter. While in summer it is just bad broken roads with a lot of potholes, dirt and water crossings; the risk increases in winter due to frost, black ice and snow. It doesn’t matter if you are going by a motorcycle or a car, you must be a good experience driver or rider who is capable of maneuvering the vehicle and navigate your way through. If you do not have much of experience then it is best to cancel the plan of visiting Spiti in winters.

Start a bit late in the day

Black ice is one of the biggest threats of traveling to Spiti valley in December. What is black ice? It is a thin coating of ice on surface of the road. It is formed on relatively dry roads because of moisture present in the road texture which when frozen; creates a honeycombed invisible sheet of ice. The ice itself is not black, but visually transparent, allowing the often black road below to be seen through it. There is, thus, a risk of skidding and subsequent accident due to the unexpected loss of traction.

In order to avoid any unfortunate incidents; it is best to wait for the sun to come up. A couple of hours of sunlight will ensure that the black ice has melted and the road is relatively safer to travel on.

Keep Buffer Days

It is always wise to not keep your itinerary strictly bound to a set timeline. Keep at least a couple of days as buffer so that if you do get stuck somewhere; your entire plan does not go for a toss. If the trip was event-less and you traveled as decided, this day can be used to relax at the last destination of your trip; or maybe to rest at home after coming back from the trip before you went back to work.

Plan in Early December

There are two aspects of visiting Spiti valley in winter. One is that you just want to go there for the first time and were not able to do it in summer. Second is that you have been there and this time you want to see how the valley looks when covered under a thick sheet of snow. If your reason of visiting Spiti valley in December is the second one, then December is not at all a good time. It starts to snow heavy sometime towards late December and what you want to see exactly will be available in January and February the best. There will not be that much snow in early to mid December.

If however you just want to visit Spiti and not too eager handling snowfall and heavy snow all around; then I recommend that you plan your trip early in the month. Weather I agree will be cold but not as much as it would get towards late December. Snow it may but not as heavy or frequent as it would towards end of December.

Get your Vehicle Ready

It is not just you who will be under stress while traveling through Spiti but also your vehicle. Availability of mechanic is anyways limited here but in winters it gets even rare. You must get your vehicle ready and reduce all risks of a possible breakdown anywhere. If your vehicle ditches you somewhere, you will be stuck in the middle of nowhere; either looking for a mechanic or to get it towed. Diesel run engines can sometimes give start up trouble in cold regions so you will have to speak to a mechanic and get that taken care of as well.

How to Prepare your motorcycle for Spiti Valley Trip?

How to Prepare your Car for Spiti Valley Trip

Is it wise to travel to Spiti in December?

Not really is my answer to the question above. It will be extremely cold, you will have to leave certain areas out and still will not be able to witness the white Spiti. Better plan for January, February or March if you want to see snow all around. If you are thinking of visiting with family or children, give up that idea completely and leave it for summer next year. There really is not much that Spiti offers in December but staying here will definitely get difficult.

For more details on an ideal time to plan a journey through Spiti circuit, please take a look at the article below.

Also read: When is the best time to visit Spiti valley?

Advantages of Traveling to Spiti Valley in December

I know I said that December is not really the ideal time to be visiting Spiti but nonetheless, this month too has a few advantages of its own. Since the tourist season in the valley has already ended and there aren’t many people around, you will actually get that feeling of being away from every inch of civilization that so many people come here seeking. The biggest charm will however be catching a live snowfall during the trip. If you did not catch it live; or if there was no snow at Kaza as well; then you can take a drive towards Kunzum Pass from Kaza; go as far as you can safely; and you will definitely get to see some snow there.

Disadvantages of Spiti Valley in December

Now let us take a look at some factors which make December a bad month to be visiting Spiti. Manali Kaza road will come at the top. This small stretch is one of the prime attractions of the Spiti circuit because it takes you across two high altitude passes and one of the most challenging and adventurous road that you have ever been on. Traveling in December will mean that you will have to keep this route out of your plan. Chandratal will come next in line. The lake gets closed for tourists by mid October so you will have to exclude it from your itinerary too.

Since you will be traveling from and to Shimla, you will need at least 1 week for the trip and cannot make it a short one. Cold will be a challenge at a whole another level. In winter, cost of living goes up in Spiti so it is possible that you may end up paying more for even some of the basic commodities. Black ice if you weren’t careful can cause serious damage. If the road ahead is not open due to recent snowfall, you will have no choice but to wait it out until the authorities to declare it safe to travel on. There is no running water here in winters and you will have limited warm water in buckets. If there is no warm water then even washing hands will become a herculean task. Morning business will happen in dry pits.

Suggested Itinerary for Spiti Valley in December

Your final travel plan will depend on how many days you have in hand but I will still make a few suggestions that can help you to lay out your itinerary. For the sake of this article, I will assume you are starting from Delhi. If you need help with setting up itinerary, please mention your details in comments and I can suggest any possible changes, if required.

  • It will take you a day to get to Shimla from Delhi. Kaza is at least about 2 days from Shimla. Then you will stay there for at least a day. Total minimum time of this trip then will be 7 days.
  • Do not however bound yourself to these timelines. Keep at least 2 days as buffer and plan with 9 days.
  • Shimla gets a bit crowded and I will not recommend staying there. A better choice would be to go straight to Narkanda and stay there for the night. This will also reduce your travel time on Day 2.
  • On Day 2, you can break the day at Reckong Peo and then go to Kaza on Day 3.
  • You can visiti Kibber, Kaumik and Langza on Day 4
  • If you have time, you can go to Pin Valley from Kaza on Day 5
  • From Pin Valley, you can come back to Nako and stay there for Day 6
  • On Day 7 you can head straight for Sarahan
  • You can break Day 8 at either Shimla or Narkanda and return to Delhi on Day 9.

Can we visit Spiti Valley In December?

Keeping the above mentioned points in mind, yes you definitely can. Just be careful, go slow and enjoy the white valleys of Spiti valley. I hope the information above was of help. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section below; or at our Community Forum and I will be glad to answer.

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Not much to write about me really except for that I love to travel around whenever I can and to wherever I can. This blog is just a small attempt to share my travel experiences with the world. Hope you like it !!!

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My friends and I have planned to visit Spiti valley in December 2022. Please reply here if any group of riders is going to the same spot.

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I am planning for December to spiti valley. Let’s connect – 9885220111

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I’m going to spiti on December first week. Get in touch on +917907388098 – sreerag

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We are going can connect at 8750732543

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Wonderful n very helpful information, sir. Kudos to your efforts in writing the article

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Hi. We are planning a trip to Lahaul through the Atal tunnel in Feb 2021 for a week. We will be driving from Delhi and have 1 week for the trip. But not looking to cover Manali as such; we are more interested in seeing smaller hamlets or towns nearby, hiking around and also spending 1-2 days in Lahaul or Sissu. What would be your suggestion for the itinerary?

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Hi Vargis, I am planning to visit Spitti in Dec 27 November to 2nd of December by my own vehicle. will Atal Tunnel help me to save my time. And I am not expecting snow at that time plus will I be able to visit Chandra tal and other places. Please suggest what would be I able to cover if i visit Spiti in December.

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Hey!!! can u suggest me which jacket of decathlon or some other brand which will be suitable for me during my trip to spiti valley in December

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Visit Decathalon, you can buy jacket for negative temperature from there. i bought -20 degree one.

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Hi Vargis, I am planning to visit Spiti valley by bike from Chandigarh this december. Can please suggest is any other group u know so that I can join them.. my tentative plan is like Nov 27th to December 07th.

Spiti is closed for tourism until March next year Sushanth. You will have to plan in 2021

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Hello, we are 2 friends from Jaipur planning spiti around third week of december through public transport , if anyone intrested can join, whatsapp me 8005571374.

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Hi Dewang. is your plan on

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Hi i wanna know the same if your plan is on?

Yes DINESH,RISHABH, we’re leaving from Delhi on 19th evening, what about you guyz?

yes Im too leaving on 18 and will be reaching on 20th. ping me on 9165666796.

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Create WhatsApp group 9887301494

Thats great, better we have a whatsapp group, my no. 8005571374

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Diwangi, rishav, sachin,, please add me in that group,, 8920982922

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Hello I am.planning from 21st December are you guys still planning the same ?

I will start on 19 from delhi via public transport then on 21st will reach kaza

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Hi Vargis, please advice if we can view the night sky late December. We are planning to go on 29th December

Hi Sumitra – Yes you definitely can.

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Hi Vargis, its a very informative article, god Job. Can you also please add some details on solo travelling and may be via Public transports in December. From shimla to Kaza and back.

Hi Mohana – The daily bused between Shimla – Reckong Peo and Kaza remain operational in December as well. So traveling by public transport will not be a problem.

Hi Mohana, when exactly are you planning for spiti? I too wanna do it in december via public transport.

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Hi Vargis sir please can you guide me that whether can i stay in key monastery ? I am planning to go by 20th Novemeber for a span of 10 days and if that is not possible to due to extreme weather if there is any other monastery you could recommend for stay. Thanks in advance

Hi Dhruf – Yes, night stay is allowed in Kye Monastery. Please see the post below for more information.

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Hi I read some articles about your spiti valley trip.i have some doubts. I hope you will solve them. We are 3 friends planning for spiti from Shimla on November 1st 2019. We have 5 days of time .we want to be back on November 5th to Shimla. What are the places we can cover?? Can we go for kaza-langza-hikkim-komic-kaza circuit?? Within this circuit we are planning to stay 1 night at langza……and can we go till kanzum pass??? Or while returning to Shimla can we cover pin valley??? I know this is some what idiotic questions…but we want to do some peaceful memories …’s like a small bachelor part trip…..I hope you will give some idea for this trip…..Thank you ..

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We are leaving on 30th of November from pune and planning to return by 8th December to pune

I will recommend visiting Dalhousie and Dharamshala. Plan Spiti sometime next year during summers.

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Hi Kushal, Can u share your experience and most importantly preparation to do for this trip. I am planning for the same trip towards end of December from Pune

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We are a group of 5-6 friends… planning to do Spiti from 20th December 2019 onwards.. can we drive ourself? Do you know any good self drive car rentals from Chandigarh?

we could also try 1st week of december

You should do it in December first week. Weather becomes very unpredictable towards the end of December. I do not know any car rentals in Chandigarh, sorry.

Chances of snow in first week december? And will Chitkul be open?

Chances of snow – very less Chitkul – Yes

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How are local buses schedule during winters.. specifically it possible and worth to travel Spiti through govt. Buses?

Yes, Buses remain operational in December but may get shut down towards the end of the month once it starts to snow.

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Im planing to visit on next year feb, first week. Is it possible to get there through public transportation on feb? Its my first time north and is it possible to see snow fall at that time? Like a white spiti?

Thanks&Regards Rom

Hi Rom – See this post please.

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hi vargis , i am planing to visit spiti on new year so need your advise this this okay month to visit there n also advise can we go 2/4 car,

Hi Alam – Yes you can visit but will have to go and return via Shimla only.

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I am planning spiti trip on 22-23Dec by public transport, if anyone interested pls call on 9971790035

does the public transportation available in December?

Depends on the weather

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Anyone going to Spiti Valley this month i would like to join, please contact me on 9916000235

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we are going to spiti valley from 26 to 31 st December we are two boys by public transport any body wants to join us then call me at my no 9212200487 .

regards rahul

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Hi Vargis. There are 3 of us who are planning to visit Kaza, Spiti around 22nd December 26th December from Delhi If we consider the route through Shimla, then can we cover the following places: 1. Chandratal lake 2. Lahaul Valley and Suraj tal lake 3. Chogskhor Monastery 4. Kye Gompa monastery 5. Gui/Gue/Ghuen Mummy village 6. Dhankar lake, fort 7. Kibber 8. Komik 9. Pin valley national park 10. Kinnaur valley

We plan to use public transport or local cabs for our visit. We have thought of 8-10k per person as our budget. Please let me know which of these places won’t be accessible during the given time frame and is the budget and mode of conveyance + time of travelling fair? This would be of great help, thank you.

5 days to and from Delhi is too less. You can’t cover Spiti in 5 days, specially by public transport. Plan it only when you have at least 9 to 10 days in hand.

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Planning to visit spiti in mid December by Ciaz car .please can you suggest ??

While I wouldn’t recommend a Ciaz for Spiti, it is however doable from Shimla to Kaza and same way back.

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Hi, we are planning a trip to kaza from 15th or 16 of december, is it safe going there for 1 week in mid December with kids?

It is going to be extremely kids so you will have to pack accordinngly.

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Hi Vargis Bhai, I will be starting my trip to kaza on 10th dec from Delhi, we are 6 of us with each 15k budget( enough?) Our main motive is to witness ice covered mountains, will there be proper snowfall at this time of the month. We are taking Mahindra Thar, any important upgrades for the car. Your important input of advice is needed bhai.

Hi Aman – Bhai the kind of snow you are expecting will only be there after Jan. Right now there is no snow at all. You can encounter a snowfall in Kaza but it will be a light one. Better delay the trip by a month.

Thanks Bhai ..can u suggest any other place near by under snow or can we drive on till Manali if possible cause we can’t delay as we are college students, dates and attendence are huge issue.

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This is Shariq we are 6 people in which girls are included planing to go spiti in decembr last days.. We have our own vehicle(Scorpio) There are few things i need to ask you.

1 is safe for girls to visiting spiti valley in dcember?

2 shoud we get our own vehicle or get a public vehicle in spiti?

3 is there any hotel or any resort where we can stay? becaus we will be having 3 its realy hard to stay in any monestry with them..

4 if we plan 10 days trip so should we stay in 10 diffrnt places? and if it is yes? are there any good hotels where we can stay..

5 how are the locals in spiti valley?

6 you mentioned everything above..but when you were telling about visiting place you did not mention spiti why? like reckong peo, kaza, kibber, kaumik,langza,pin valley etc… etc…are there places under spiti valley or not?

Please answer these question i will be happy about this

1. Yes 2. Go by your own car 3. There are plenty of hotels of hotels on the route and in Spiti. There is no need to stay at a monastery. 4. Yes for both your questions 5. Very friendly 6. Kaza, Kibber, Kaumik, Langza, Losar, Tabo, Dhankar … It is all Spiti valley. It is an entire district, not just one town.

Thank you so much brother..

You are welcome !!! 🙂

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Hello Vargis , I am planning a trip to spiti valley trip from 30 november – 5 december . 1) Can you tell me if the road is open from shimla side ( i heard that this year there was early snowfall ) 2) Its my first time in winter and i will be driving an alto car ( 1 year used car ) , is it safe to drive ( considering the snow and black ice on road )

If you can give any toher suggestions , then it will be helpful .

Thank you .

1. Yes it is open 2. There isn’t any snow on the road till Kaza yet but start a bit late in the day to avoid black ice / frost on the road in early morning hours.

Thanks for the information . 1)Can you tell if there is any special cloth My required for this winter season ? 2) One more thing , are there any chances of the petrol or water in radiator of car getting frozen ?

1. You will have to pack woolens and a windproof heavy jacket 2. Petrol doesn’t freeze, Diesel does.

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Hello vargis, we 2 friends are planning for a trip to kaza via Shimla – my travel dates are probably from 29th november 2018 onwards and i am planning to hire a vehicle from zoom car – starting from Chandigarh airport – should there be any specific behicle hired and also any extra care to be taken as this would be the self drive .Hope to get your email id in reply so that i can communicate further .

Hi Vishal – SUV with high GC will be the best for this trip, possibly a Scorpio. You will have to go via Shimla and come back the same way.

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Hi, I wanted to visit Spiti in the 1st week of December, because after that I’ll be moving to South for my job and it will be really difficult for me to find the time to cover spiti later.

It will be my first trip to Spiti and I really want to manage the trip according to my budget, also will be going solo or maybe if I can find a friend.

I don’t care about the manali route and will be heading from Delhi towards the kalpa route. The maximum I can plan the trip is for a week. Everything considered, I want to if it really worth going now and will I enjoy the adventure (am fine with adventures).

Places I’m planning to visit – Kalpa, Tabo, Pin, Kibber, Hikkim(optional), Kaza, Key, Komik…

Budget – 8 – 9k.

Also wanted to if it is possible to rent a scooty (since I don’t know how to ride a bike) somewhere after Reckong Peo or from there and will it be worth the risk driving on black ice.

Please let me reply if you get the time to read this to help me with this dilemma.

Regards, Harsohrab Singh

It will be tough to do it in 8-9k. Where are you traveling from? And no, you can’t rent a scooty as well in that budget.

Hi, thanks for replying. As I mentioned earlier, I’ll be travelling from delhi or chandigarh and and please specify the budget in which I’ll be able do it with or without the scooty and where will I get the scooty for rent as well.

Thanks, Harsohrab

For a week by public transport, I will say keep a budget of around 10-12k at least. If you are renting a scooty which you can get in Shimla, then keep about 13-15k to be on a safer side.

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Hello Vargis,

Many riders travells to Spiti in Jan-March not in december. is there any specfic reason for this ?? We are group of 4 people planning to visit Spiti in December this year on bikes. What you would suggest?

That is because there is no snow on the ground in December. A winter trip means to see snow which is rare in the lower areas.

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I want to visit in December with public transport. I have seen snow and trekked in knee deep snow but never got a chance to see live snow fall. Also planning to include Sangla Chitkul. How is the first half of December. Second half I belive travelling to Delhi/Chandigarh becomes difficult and costly. Which monasteries will let me stay with them? I have 2 weeks. I am from Mumbai.

There won’t be any snow in early December in Spiti, at least not in lower areas. Dhankar Monastery is the one where you can stay overnight.

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Will Jan first week will be a better time if I want to see lot of Snow in spiti?

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Is is okay to opt for public transport in December. And what should be the minimum budget for that trip.

Yes you can but will have to keep Manali Leh highway out of the plan. Budget will depend on how many days you are planning for and how many people.

Yeah i will opt for shimla route and we will be two or three friends for 7 days i guess.

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If we want only snow then we can go rohtang pass in mid december? 100% chances of snow in rohtang will be there right? If we dont get. Then will go till kunzum and back to manali

Isnt a good idea in mid dec??

Rohtang Pass remains closed in December so no, you cannot go either to Rohtang or Kunzum.

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Hello vargis we are group of girls would like to visit manali and nearby instead of usual solang and stuff would you like to suggest us some nice place in and around manali rather than usual sightseeing

Hi vargis We 2 friends are planning to visit himachal in first week of December but we are bit confused as to where we should go….we are planning from pune, Maharashtra…we are confused between where to go spitti or dharamshala nd dalhousie our budget 20k including flight from pune pu delhi…plz suggest us where should i go….

How many days do you have Kushal?

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Spiti Valley Itinerary (& Circuit Road Trip) from Shimla

Azure waters of Chandratal Lake

Spiti Valley is a cold mountain desert located in the rain shadow region of the Greater Himalayan ranges . It is snuggled in the north-eastern part of Himachal Pradesh.

Proceeding in counterclockwise fashion from Chandigarh, roadway (NH5) of Spiti valley circuit route passes through Solan, Shimla, Narkanda, Rampur Bushahr, Sarahan, Chitkul , Nako, Tabo and Kaza.

The closing line of Spiti circuit traverses along the Spiti river and meets Manali town after it passes through the Atal tunnel or Rohtang pass.

The valley is bounded by the districts of Kinnaur in the south-east, Kullu in the south, and the valleys of Zanskar and Union Territory of Ladakh in the north. In the east, Spiti shares its boundary with Tibet (China).

The name Spiti or Piti — as it is known among the locals— means ‘The Middle Land’ that is the land between India and Tibet.

⚡ Rundown of Spiti Valley Trip

Departures in 2024.

Our Spiti valley circuit tour departures are scheduled for the last week of May, third week of June, first week of August and between 1-20th September 2024. We are looking for a minimum group size of 6 people.

We also can run personalized trips — tailored to your interests and travel plans — for smaller groups (less than 6 people) and for people willing to incur an additional cost. The trip dates are subjected to notifications prevailing weather and road conditions.

🚘 Spiti Tour (via Chandigarh to Shimla-Kinnaur-Kaza-Manali)

Spiti valley circuit tour map & places

Why take Shimla-Kaza-Manali route for Spiti Valley Road Trip?

There are two road routes to reach Spiti valley, but we recommend the Shimla-Kaza route because:

  • Manali to Solang valley and Atal tunnel (north portal) road stretch gets busy during peak summer season (i.e. June-August). You may get stuck in a traffic jam.
  • Gramphu to Batal Road is riddled with waterfalls, glacial water melts streams, and water crossings. It is easier and more convenient to drive through this part of the road from Kaza side.
  • There is a gradual increase in altitude (barring Narkanda-Rampur Road segment) when driving on the Shimla-Kaza route. This gradual rise in altitude is good for acclimatization. Especially for people coming from the plains.

What Does It Cost?

All-inclusive price of Spiti valley tour starts from 25,500 INR. The final price will be determined by variables like:

  • Vehicle (4WD SUV or standard)
  • The level of comfort (during stays) you expect.
  • Group size.
  • Pick-up location (Delhi, Chandigarh, Shimla or Manali)
  • Departure date (pre-monsoon in June or post-monsoon in September or October)
  • Add-ons availed such as driver, camping gear and guide, and drop location (Shimla, Manali, Chandigarh, or Delhi) etc.

To get the Spiti valley circuit tour cost details, please let us know the following details:

  • The group size 
  • Arrival city (Chandigarh/ Shimla/Manali), and tour type (standard/premium) etc. 
  • Planned month and day of visit
  • Number of days in itinerary
  • Mode of transportation i.e. 4WD SUV / Sedan / Hatchback car.

Spiti valley and upper Kinnaur is a remote region with high-altitude rugged and difficult terrain. Expect stunning and spectacularly beautiful vales with dreamy vistas instead of fancy hotels or road tracks similar to F1 grand prix circuits.

Drop an email to avail group offers & early bird discounts.

⛗ Spiti Circuit Tour Itinerary From Shimla

Map of Spiti valley circuit road trip

Day 1 : Chandigarh to Shimla-Narkanda drive

Bucketlist experiences.

  • Timber trail.
  • Kasauli detour
  • Shimla colonial architecture heritage walk.
  • Experience 360° view from Hatu peak

Distance 175 km. 6–7 hours drivetime on NH5

On arrival at Chandigarh, drive to Shimla. Halt at Shimla for lunch and sightseeing. Resume the drive and drive to Narkanda(8,858 feet). Overnight stay at HPTDC hotel.

Day 2: Narkanda to Sarahan drive

  • Visit Padam palace of erstwhile Bushahr dynasty.
  • Explore Rampur Bushahr town.
  • Explore Sarahan town.

Sightseeing day trips

  • Detour to Tani Jubbar Lake
  • Hatu temple

Distance 100 km. 4 hours drivetime on NH 5 and Jeori-Sarahan connecting road

Drive from Narkanda to Sarahan (altittude 2800 meters). Visit Hatu temple en route and relish Dhauladhar and Kinnaur-Garhwal mountain ranges from there. Drive to Sarahan. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 3: Sarahan to Chitkul village of Kinnaur

  • Drone photography at Tranda Dhank (built by Governor General Dalhousie in 1850s.
  • Experience driving by steep Satluj river gorge and through Tranda Dhank (cliff) ― Old Hindustan–Tibet Road section that is carved into a rock face.
  • Angling in Baspa river.
  • See Western Tragopan (Jajurana) in Sarahan Pheasantry.
  • Visit Sarahan Palace (Shanti Kunj) of Bushahr dynasty.
  • Bhimakali temple visit.
  • Sarahan Western Tragopan Pheasantry visit.

Distance 106 km. 5 hours drivetime on Jeori-Sarahan connecting road, NH5 and Karcham-Sangla-Chitkul Road

Sarahan is a beautiful village famous for the architecturally and historically significant Bhimakali temple, which has a history of more than 1500 years. One can take in the stunning views of the Srikhand Mahadev peak (5150 meters) from there.

While not actually close enough as it seems, the spectacular Srikhand Mahadev mountain range appears as if it is just an arm’s length away. Visit the bird sanctuary of a near-extinct bird species.

Drive to Chitkul village and stay there in a hotel. Drive distance is about 106 Kms. Night stay at hotel in Chitkul.

Day 4: Chitkul to Kalpa drive

  • See temple architecture of Kamru Badri Vishal deity temple.
  • See Kamru fort.
  • Angling in Baspa River.
  • Tibetan wood carving center.
  • Sangla monastery.
  • Temple architecture of Sangla Bering Nag Temple.
  • Hike to Sangla Kanda Lake
  • Chitkul village walk.
  • Explore Sangla town and village.
  • Rakcham village.
  • Photography in Buckwheat fields of Rakcham village.
  • Chitkul Mata Devi temple and monastery visit.
  • Kamru temple and fort.
  • Ranikanda meadows visit.
  • Sangla village and Bering Nag temple visit.

Distance 62 km. 3 hours drivetime on Chitkul-Sangla-Karcham road, NH5 and Powari-Kalpa connecting road.

Chitkul (at 3400 meters above sea level), is the last village on the Indo-Tibet border. It is the most visited place in the Baspa Valley of Kinnaur.

We will visit Chitkul Mata temple and then drive back to Sangla . When we reach Sangla, we can visit the Bering Nag temple on our return trip. Visit the ancient fort at Kamru village.

As we continue on our journey, we will reach Kalpa, a well-known place – both among travellers and locals – for breathtaking sunrises over the Kinnaur Kailash mountain range.

Apple orchards of Kalpa village, overshadowed by Kinner Kailash peaks of Kinnaur

After breakfast, drive (65 km distance) to Kalpa that is located at 8800 feet. Visit Chini village monastery and temple, Roghi cliff point and Roghi village. Overnight stay at the HPTDC Kalpa hotel.

Day 5: Kalpa to Charang village

  • Explore Chini heritage village.
  • Explore Kalpa Market
  • Take in the stunning views of Kinner Kailash group of mountains (morning and evening views are unparalleled) from Kalpa.
  • Spend time with local people of Kalpa and Roghi village.
  • Visit 170+ year old Roghi Forest Rest House built by Governor General Dalhousie.
  • Rolla Dokhang (infamous suicide point), and Roghi village visit.
  • Roghi village and Narayan temple visit.
  • Kalpa Vishnu Narayan temple and monastery visit.

Distance 60 km. 3 hours drivetime on Kalpa-Powari connecting road, NH5 and Moorang-Thangi-Charang road.

Charang village

Kalpa (altitude 3000 meter). Kalpa offers a splendid view of Kinner Kailash mountain range. One can take in the visceral views of Kinner Kailash peak & Shivlingam, Raldang peak & Jorakanden peak.

Explore places around Kalpa like Chini market and village, monastery and Kalpa Narayanes & Vishnu temple. Drive to Charang village & camp there.

Day 6: Charang to Tabo monastery drive

  • Visit one of the oldest Buddhist monasteries in Kinnaur, Charang Rangrik Tsungma monastery.
  • Visit Moorang village fort and Buddhist monastery.
  • Visit Rapuk Shankras Temple of Thangi village.
  • Explore Nako village and Nako Lake.
  • Gue village detour to see 500+ years old mummy and Gue Mummy Stupa.
  • Leo-Chango-Hango village (Hangrang valley) detour.
  • Charang village walk.
  • Rangrik Tsungma Monastery visit.
  • Visit last ITBP check post on Indian border.

Distance 160 km. 5 hours drivetime on Charang-Thangi-Moorang road, NH5 and NH505 (Khab – Sumdo Checkpost – Tabo)

Village walk in Charang (altitude 3400 mtr) and visit Rangrik monastery which is more than thousands of years old. Charang has Zanskar kind of landscape and houses and similar to houses built by the people of Zanskar region.

Drive to Thangi and visit to Lochwa monastery located in the middle of Thangi village. Visit Moorang fort and Moorang village.

After lunch, head toward Nako. Nako is located at an altitude of 10496 feet in the barren Hangrang valley of Kinnaur. Visit Nako Lake and monastery and drive to Sumdo check post and the oldest monastery of Himachal, Tabo. Overnight at a hotel/homestay.

Sumdo Check Post

Due to ever-increasing footfall of the tourists — and the resultant increase in their carbon footprint — in Lahaul and Spiti district, the district administration has started levying SADA (Special Area Development Authority) fee/toll at Sumdo Indian Army Check Post from 1 January 2024.

It was discussed (at a meeting of the Special Area Development Authority) that the tourist traffic is increasing day by day in the Spiti valley. Due to this, there is a financial shortage for solid waste management and sewage management in the Kaza and Tabo areas of Spiti block.  — Harsh Negi, SDM, Kaza 

Here are the details of the SADA fee charged for different type of vehicles entering in Lahual & Spiti district. 

Day 7: Tabo – Pin Valley drive

  • See Thangka scroll paintings, frescos and mural paintings inside Tabo monastery.
  • See mud stupas built around the monastery.
  • Hike to Tabo caves (that were used by Buddhist monk of Tabo monastery for meditation).
  • Visit Stupas and chortens, monastery museum and library.
  • See the rock carvings near Tabo village government school.
  • Visit over 1000-year-old Dhankar monastery and fort – A cliff fort and erstwhile capital of Spiti Nono Kings. Dhankar monastery was listed as 100 most endangered sites in the world by World Monuments Fund (WMF) in 2006. WMF is a New York based non-government and non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic architecture and cultural heritage sites around the world. 
  • See the confluence of Spiti and Pin River and panoramic view of Spiti and Pin valley from Dhankar fort roof.
  • Dhankar lake hike.
  • See gold-leaf Buddhist sculptures at Serkhang Monastery of Lhalung village.
  • Tabo monastery visit.
  • Hike to caves above the village.

Distance 65 km. 3 hours drivetime on NH505 (Tabo-Attargo bridge) and Attargo-Mud village road.

On day 7 of Spiti circuit itinerary, we leave Tabo after breakfast and drive to Mudh village, the last village in Pin valley. Pin Valley is the least explored valley in Himachal Pradesh’s Spiti region.

Sagnam village located across the river of Pin valley

Explore Mikkim and the village of Sangnam . Visit the Kungri Monastery and then the charming hamlet of Mudh — the Pin Valley’s last motorable village.

Middle course of Pin river of Pin valley

Stay at Mud for the night (12000 feet above sea level).

Day 8: Mud – Dhankar monastery – Kaza

  • Watch stone breaking ceremony, ritual and drama performance by Buchen (shaman of Spiti Himalaya) in Mud village of Pin Valley.
  • Sight rare Himalayan wildlife in Pin Valley National Park
  • Photography on the beautiful banks of Pin River (right side tributary of Spiti river).
  • Experience hospitality of people in Homestay.
  • Taste local dishes and beverages in Homestay.
  • See sangam (confluence) of a stream coming from Parvati Pass and Pin River and Sagnam village.
  • Walk on Tailing village bridge. A wooden suspension bridge built over Pin river.
  • Mud village walk.

Distance 50 km. 3 hours drivetime on Mud-Attargo bridge and NH505 (Attargo-Kaza road)

Drive to the eye-catching and imposing monastery of Dhankar . Perched on a riverfront cliff, Dhankar was the former capital of the Spiti Valley (when the valley was ruled by Nono kings).

Photo taken from Dhankar monastery overlooking the valley

Overlooking the Spiti river, it offers panoramic views of the river valley. Visit one of the oldest Gompa in the Spiti Valley. Overnight at a hotel in Kaza.

Erosional Landforms Formed By Spiti River

Day 9: Kaza-Hikkim-Lalung-Langza-Key-Kibber (5 – 6 hours drivetime)

  • Visit Komic (or Komik) village – the highest altitude village of Asia accessible by road.
  • Send postcards to your friends and family from highest altitude post office in the world from Hikkim post office by India Post.
  • Tangyud monastery of Komic.
  • See Snow leopard mannequin made with snow leopard skin.
  • Take drone shots of Buddha statue at Langza hill.
  • Kibber village drive.
  • Key (or Ki) monastery visit.
  • See Cham dance of buddhist monks at Key monastery during the Guitor festival.
  • See murals and Thangka paintings inside the Ki monastery complex.
  • Take drone shot from Chicham suspension bridge.
  • Kaza market visit.
  • Kaza monastery visit.
  • Key-Kibber-Langza drive.
  • Komic and Hikkim village visit.
  • Chicham village visit.

The highest village in Asia, Komik, which literally translates to ‘eye of a snowcock’, is situated at a height of 4513 meters. Later, we drive to Hikkim where we visit the world’s highest post office in the world. After sending out a postcard, we drive to Langza.

Front view of Kibber village

Once you are here, you can walk around the village and visit the ancient Lang (Temple) which is estimated to be around 1000 years old. Visit to Key monastery . Overnight stay at Cherring’s homestay, Kibber .

Kibber is one of the two (other is Korzok) villages from where the trekkers start their quest for Parang La pass . Raacho Trekkers

Day 10: Drive from Kaza to Kunzum top (4551 meter) & camp at Chandertal Lake (4270 meter)

  • Camping experience near Chandratal Lake.
  • Explore small glacier lakes above Chandratal.
  • Experience view of Spiti and Lahaul valley from 4551 meters high Kunzum-La pass.

Distance 102 km. 4 hours drivetime on Kaza-Kuzum-Batal road (NH505) and Batal-Chandratal lake connecting road.

Drive to one of the most photogenic places in Spiti Valley – the Chandra Tal Lake. Before that, we pass through the high altitude pass of Kunzum La. Stop by at the stupa and pay tribute to the local goddess, “Kuzum Mata” as she’s known.

At 15,000 feet above sea-level, the Kunzum Pass connects Kullu and Lahaul to the Spiti Valley. Live your dream of camping comfortably in the Himalayas as you spend your evening gazing at the Milky Way and the millions of stars on a clear night. Overnight at a camp 2 km away from Chandratal Lake.

Day 11 : Chandratal lake to Manali drive via Atal tunnel

  • Experience savoury food at Chacha-Chachi dhaba at Batal.
  • Crossing numerous streams and nallahs en route.
  • Drive through Atal Tunnel – the engineering marvel by BRO (Border Road Organisation.

Distance 110 km. 3 hours drivetime on Batal-Atal Tunnel (NH505) and Atal tunnel-Manali road.

On the 10th day of this Spiti Valley tour, drive from Chandratal Lake towards Manali. Drive through the engineering marvel i.e. Atal tunnel and drive to Manali to end our breath-taking Spiti Valley sojourn. Overnight at a hotel in Manali.

Day 12 . Manali to Chandigarh.

After breakfast, enjoy some brilliant views of the Himalayas from your hotel in Manali. Proceed to Chandigarh after breakfast. Drop off at Chandigarh airport in the afternoon. The Spiti circuit tour ends here.

₹ Cost Inclusions in Spiti Circuit Trip

  • All arrangements for overnight stays during the trip.
  • All food expenses.
  • Driver, fuel and toll charges.
  • Food will usually consist of morning breakfast, lunch, evening high tea and dinner.
  • Special trained certified guides trained for emergency situations.
  • Local guides and workers with in-depth knowledge about the local area.
  • It will be a cultural and traditional experience as all stays will be mostly in villages.
  • Inner line permits and arrangements en route will be arranged by the operator.
  • All stays and lodging on a twin sharing basis shall be provided.
  • Any kind of personal expenses.
  • Camera fees or any other costs arising out of unforeseen circumstances and situation beyond our control.
  • Anything not mentioned in the inclusion section.

🧭 Places to visit en route Spiti valley

View of Garhwal Himalayas from Narkanda

Narkanda is a small town in the Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh. It is located at an altitude of 2750 meters on the Hindustan-Tibet Road (NH 05). Surrounded by the forest Kinnaur – Garhwal Himalayan Range. The experience of a panormic view from the Hatu top is not to be missed.

Padam Palace, Rampur Bushahr

Garden abutting Padam Palace, Rampur Bushahr

The palace of erstwhile Bushahr princely state is built in neo-gothic architecture. Built between 1919 and 1925 for the Raja of Bushehr, the main building is still private, but one section is now the Nau Nabh Hotel, and the garden is open to visitors. From here you can admire the facade’s stone arches, carved-wood upper storey, peaked gables, and turreted towers. In front is a remarkable multi-gabled bandstand carved with peacock figures.

Sarahan temple landscape view

Sarahan is a small village near Jeori town. It is the site of the Bhimakali Temple, dedicated to the goddess Bhimakali, the presiding deity of the rulers of the former Bushahr State. The temple is situated about 170 kilometers from Shimla and 12 kilometers from Jeori town.

Sarahan Pheasantry

Also known as Jajurana Bird Sanctuary, this park is worth a visit. It hosts Jajurana, the state bird of Himachal Pradesh and a few other rare birds. Please note that the sanctuary remains closed from July to September for bird mating season. If you are traveling in any month apart from these three, a visit is highly recommended.

Baspa valley of Kinnaur

Chitkul landscape! The baspa valley, Kinnaur

Bordering along western Himalaya with Tibet and Garhwal, the Baspa valley of Kinnaur has been open to visitors since the early nineties. The valley got its name from the Baspa river which originates from Chung Sakhago pass and meanders for around 30 km before meeting Satluj on its left bank near Karcham. Unlike the Spiti valley and Hangrang region of Kinnaur, the Baspa valley is a green paradise in largely barren mountains.

Kamru fort, Baspa valley - Kinnaur

Baspa valley or Sangla valley is known for fruit-laden orchards, cedar-covered slopes and flower crusted meadows. Bhojpatra tree is abundantly found in the Chitkul region. A land of blue skies, buzzing Baspa river, soaring peaks, deep valleys, apple orchards, and syncretic culture — Baspa valley a place for people who are seeking genuine peace and soul-calming solitude far, far from the madding crowd. The fort of Kamru is another landmark in Baspa valley.

Strolling by the Baspa river

Chitkul, Rackcham, Sangla, Kamru and Chansu villages should be on your bucket list if you are visiting Kinnaur for the first time.

Kalpa Village

Kalpa village Kinnaur

A small village about 10 kilometers from district headquarters Reckong Peo, known for the magnificent view of Kinner Kailash peaks . The focal point is Chini village and surrounding places like Kalpa Narayanas temple and Buddhist monastery.

Kalpa from above | Kinnaur

Kalpa will probably be the last town where your phone will work flawlessly, no matter which network you are on. As you cross Kalpa and continue towards Pooh, your phone services will be a come and go before it completely dies. Only the BSNL network works in the Spiti & Lahaul valley.

Reo Purgyil peak view

spiti valley tour in december

At an altitude of 6816m, it is the highest peak of the state of Himachal Pradesh . You can get a good view of the peak from Khab Bridge if the weather is clear. If not from Khab Bridge, you will have to go up to Namgia or Tashigang village to get a clear view. Nako Village is located on the slopes of this mountain.

Nako Lake And Monastery

Nako Lake, Kinnaur

A small man-made lake in the village of Nako. It is not much to look at during the daytime but try some photography around the lake at either dusk or dawn and you will be able to get some good shots. Nako Monastery is an 11th-century ancient monastery located in the village of Nako . It was built by Buddhist Mahaguru Rinchen Zangpo who translated many Sanskrit Buddhist texts into Tibetan. He founded around 100 monasteries in western Tibet including Tabo monastery.

Tabo Monastery

Tabo monastery gate

Tabo Monastery: An ancient monastery believed to be over a thousand years old and one of the holiest. Founded in 996 AD it is also known as Ajanta of the Himalayas . Many priceless collections of scroll paintings, manuscripts, well-preserved statues, frescoes, and extensive murals can be found here.

Dhankar Monastery

Dhankar Monastery

Also known as Dhangkar Gompa, it is an ancient monastery built on a 1000 foot high cliff overlooking the confluence of Spiti and Pin Rivers. Apart from its heritage, this monastery is also famous for its spectacular setting. “Dhang” means cliff and “Kar” means fort, hence the literal name of the place is “Fort on a cliff”.

Key Monastery

Spiti river meandering through the Spiti valley. The Key monastery.

Also known as Kye or Ki Gompa, it is one of the largest monasteries in Spiti valley that also serves as a training center for Lamas. It is believed to be over a thousand years old and has a vast collection of ancient murals and books.

Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary

It was established in 1992, Kibber is India’s only wildlife sanctuary in cold desert and is home to several rare animals like Ibex, Blue Sheep, Red Fox, Tibetan woolly hare, Himalayan wolf, lynx, pika, Tibetan wild ass.

Kunzum Pass

Your first high altitude pass of the journey, unless you have somehow managed to climb up to Shipki La in which case Kunzum will be your second. Connecting the valleys of Lahaul and Spiti, this pass is at an elevation of 4,590 meters, higher than Rohtang La. It remains closed from late October until early June.

Chandratal Lake

A beautiful lake is also the source of the river Chandrabhaga . If you can manage to be around here after sunset, it is a perfect place for capturing some magnificent sky and milky way pictures.

Azure waters of Chandratal Lake

This small lake is one of the key highlights of the journey to Spiti valley and a perfect camping spot. There is also a legend associated with this lake. The confluence of the “moon-born” Chandra and the “sun-born” Bhaga takes place at Tandi, where the fabled Chandrabhaga or Chenab River comes into being.

Interestingly enough, Wikipedia article refer this lake as Tso Chigma . Tso is a Tibetan / Bhoti word which translates to lake, but there is no reference of Chigma either in Tibetan or Bhoti language. A lake is referred to as Dhar in Spiti vernacular language.

The mighty Rohtang pass, the spot where you will cross over to Manali and finish your Spiti journey. The name of this pass literally means “a pile of corpses” which I believe attributes to the fact that a lot of people died while crossing it in ancient times. Expect to find snow at the top no matter which month you are traveling in. The vistas around from the top of the pass and even on the ascent/descent are quite breathtaking.

Palari (or Balari top) is one and hour hour hike away from Demul village. From this vantage point, one can see about 15 (including Demul) villages of Spiti valley.

View from Palari (otherwise called Barali) Top Vantage point in Spiti valley

Spiti Road Trip In Summers

Hit the road on our epic overland journey spanning over ~1200 km, as you traverse seven picturesque districts and explore some of the most sought-after hill stations in Himachal Pradesh. Before venturing into the hidden gems of Spiti valley and Kinnaur, this adventure will take you through breathtaking hill towns like Narkanda, Sarahan, Kalpa. Discover the untamed wilderness of vales like Pin, Hangrang, and Tidong, and marvel at the incredible engineering feat that is the Atal Tunnel. This is an experience of a lifetime, offering a perfect mix of Himalayan beauty, tribal cultural experiences, and adrenaline-pumping road adventure on the old Hindustan-Tibet highway.

BSNL works in all regions of Spiti valley and Kinnaur. Reliance Jio has started expanding its network in Spiti valley. It is expected to get functional by the summer of 2021.

In summers, the maximum temperature crosses the 20 degrees Celsius mark in Spiti valley. During sunny daytime, you’ll feel comfortable just by wearing a t-shirt and trousers. It is always good to get wrapped in layers of clothes, as the weather can change anytime in the Himalayas. Even if the sun starts shining again, you can always get rid of the outer layers of clothing.  Here is the packing list (summers) for Spiti valley:  T-shirts.  A windcheater/ rain jacket. Jeans/trousers.  Light woolen.  A cap/hat.  Sunglasses.  A pair of hiking shoes.  3/4 pairs of regular socks.  A water purifier and filtration bottle (avoid plastic bottle).  Personal hygiene essentials.  Sunscreen sunblock cream. Spiti valley packing list (for winters):  A pair of good quality waterproof trekking boots. Three pairs of cotton socks. Two pairs of waterproof hiking pants. One pair of shorts Two pairs of fleece jumpers.  Two pairs of thermal tops and bottoms One down jacket. Headgear (1 beanie/skull cap, 1 buff, and 1 trekking cap).  A pair of thick gloves Personal hygiene essentials(alcohol-based gel hand sanitizer, soap, towels, toilet papers, baby wipes, etc.).  UV-block sunglasses. First aid kit. A water purifier and filtration bottle.

Spiti valley is acclaimed for its distinctive Moon-esque landscapes and interesting landforms. 5 entities that define the Spiti valley are:  Chandratal — .the lake of moon.   Buddhist monasteries of Ki, Kaza, Kungri, and Tabo.  Snow leopards of Kibber — the grey ghost of the Himalayas. Fascinating Tibetan culture and customs.  Fossils — dating back to the Triassic period (252-201 million years ago) — of  Langza village.  

Shimla to Narkanda-Rampur Bushahr-Powari-Pooh-Dubling village drive is on National Highway 5 (NH5). The Dubling village to Nako-Tabo-Kaza drive is on NH505. Kaza is the headquarters of Spiti valley. During winters, Shimla-Narkanda-Rampur road gets closed for a day or two whenever there is a long spell of snowfall. During such events, take the Shimla-Suni-Rampur Bushahr route along the Satluj river. This route stays open for all 365 days of the year. It takes longer — when compared from Manali to Spiti valley (Via Atal tunnel) route — to reach Kaza from Shimla. Shimla is one of the two places (second is Manali town) to start the Spiti valley circuit tour .

The road from Manali follows the Solang Valley-Atal tunnel-Gramphu-Batal-Kunzum Pass-Losar-Kaza route. The distance from Manali to Kaza is 183 km, and it takes about 6-7 hours (at one go) to reach Kaza. Manali-Kaza is a shorter route than the Shimla-Kaza route.  Though the Atal Tunnel has hardly reduced the road distance between Manali and Spiti valley by nearly 20 km, the drive time between the two places has now been reduced by over 2 hours. Manali town is one of the two — the second is Shimla — places to start the Spiti valley circuit tour .

You need to follow Ambala-Zirakpur Expressway on National Highway(NH) 44 and Zirakpur to Shimla (111 km) on NH5 in Himachal Pradesh. Shimla to Narkanda-Rampur Bushahr-Powari-Pooh-Dubling village drive is on NH5. Dubling village to Nako-Tabo-Kaza drive is on NH505. Kaza is the headquarter of Spiti valley.

Yes. The circuit is doable in October, though, the weather gets highly erratic — after September — in high altitude regions of Kinnaur, Spiti valley and Lahaul valley.

No. The Manali-Spiti route gets closed when thick layers of snow blankets the Kunzum pass in November/December. The traffic movement resumes only after March month. 

Though the Manali to Spiti valley route gets closed — most often after November/early December till March — during winters, the Shimla-Narkanda-Rampur-Nako-Kaza road stays open even during wintertime. During long spells of snowfall, Shimla-Kaza road may get closed for a day or two. BRO team from Project Deepak and local administration employs dozers, snow cutters, and excavators to clear the snow and reopen the route after a spell of snow in the route. Ping us to get the latest road and connectivity updates.

spiti valley tour in december

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spiti valley tour in december

Spiti Tourism

Best place to visit, best time to visit, things to do, how to reach, a detailed travel guide for spiti valley in december.

Spiti Valley in December is the completely different Spiti that you saw in the summer. The huge mountains, deep valleys, stretches of empty landscape, and pockets of greenery are all completely hidden by an even layer of snow. As far as the eye can see, it is a sea of white. Due to the amazing spectacle, you will run out of battery life and memory card space on your camera but not of motivation to take images.

It is wonderful to have little to do in Spiti Valley in December months so you may interact with the locals, sample lovely local cuisine, and pick up some of their more rough ways of life.

Book Here  Spiti Valley Tour Packages. 

Spiti in December: A Beautiful White Canvas

Visit Spiti valley in Winter Season

Weather conditions of Spiti in December

Let’s begin with the appearance! The frozen world has a charming appearance. The stillness makes the waterfalls, rivers, and rivulets even more stunning. The beautiful surroundings give the soul a soft, warm hug as the bones grow cold and numb.The breathtaking Himachal valley, which is surrounded by Ladakh and China, and the Ki and Dhankar monastery look like they belong in a picture frame.

It is difficult to live comfortably in the valley due to a lot of snowfall and little temperature drop. Driving without a local’s help is very difficult due to the rough conditions on the roadways.

Snow blankets the serene landscape of Spiti Valley.

Best time to visit Spiti valley

The best time to visit Spiti Valley is during the summer months from May to June and September to October. During these months, the weather is pleasant and the temperature ranges from 0°C to 15°C, making it perfect for outdoor activities like trekking, camping, and sightseeing. The roads are accessible and the landscapes are breathtakingly beautiful during this time. However, it’s important to note that Spiti Valley is a high-altitude region, so altitude sickness can be a concern for some travelers. It’s recommended to consult a doctor and acclimatize properly before embarking on your trip.

What to Expect in the December in Spiti Valley?

Spiti valley

December in Himachal Pradesh is typically very cold. The temperature fluctuates depending on the location’s altitude. Some locations even see significant snowfall and low temperatures. As a result, you might see snowfall in the Spiti Valley close to places like Kaza.

You must dress in at least two layers because the weather will be cool. Lower temperatures will be experienced as you ascend in elevation. The temperature may occasionally drop below zero.

If you don’t have your car, it could be challenging to get around the region. You can have trouble using public transport because it runs less often and at various times in December. Finally, the days would quickly give way to the nights. As a result, you would have less time to explore the area.

How to Reach the Spiti Valley in December?

Spiti Valley in Winter

The Spiti Valley is located in Himachal Pradesh’s northern region, nestled in the northern part of the Himalayan mountains. Therefore, there aren’t lots of ways to get to Spiti in December because of the mountains and elevation. Road travel is likely the most common method of reaching the Spiti Valley .

We will discuss these methods especially because of how much the scenery and connectivity change during December. We’ll explore the typical routes to Spiti Valley to find out whether they remain accessible during December:

The road is likely the most popular route for visiting hilly regions, such as the Spiti Valley. The main road to Spiti, which is also open throughout the year, is Shimla-Kaza. You must start your journey from one of the stations listed below:

 Delhi, Chandigarh, Kalka, Shimla, Rohtang Pass, Narkanda, Kaza, or Spiti Valley.

However, be aware that these routes could occasionally be dangerous, blocked and slippery. Therefore, it is suggested to use a taxi or driving service. They have greater ability to handle driving on such roads because they have more experience. 

Also, keep an eye on the route updates to find out as soon as any delays appear. You might be able to escape being caught in the traffic delays if the road is closed or inaccessible for any other reason.

2. By Train

As Shimla is the closest railway station, you cannot make the entire trip by train. You can get to Shimla by train instead of driving since the roads in the Kullu-Manali region might not be the greatest option. However, you would need to travel the rest of your journey on a road.

The cities of Kullu and Shimla both have airports, just like trains. Considering the fact that the Kullu airport is closer, the road may be closed. Therefore, it is best to fly into Shimla Airport before continuing on the road to the Spiti in December.

Things To Do In Spiti Valley In December

Actually, there isn’t much to do. It’s a journey in and of itself to get to Spiti Valley in December . This is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure if you are up for the below-freezing conditions. Even though there aren’t many options to choose from, you may always plan an expedition and trek. Camping in harsh conditions would only teach you a few things about surviving in less traveled areas. Here are a few ideas to consider while making plans to get to Spiti Valley in December .

  • Camping, Trekking
  • Climbing a frozen waterfall
  • tracking down a snow leopard

What to think before Visiting Spiti Valley in December?

No matter what time of year it is, visiting the Spiti Valley in December is a thrill. But getting to a big city is easier than getting to a hilly area. Because there aren’t many resources here, it’s important to be aware of the area.

Here are some tips to make the best possible use of your time in the Spiti during the December month

If you’re traveling by car or public transportation, bring more clothing than you need. In hilly locations, the weather is often unpredictable, therefore it is sensible to carry more than you might need.

Expect no mobile service or internet access in the valley. The valley experiences connectivity challenges with various networks even in the summer. However, the network has practically little coverage throughout the December. Your best option is a BSNL sim, however even that won’t allow you to access the internet. Similar to this, Wi-Fi connections are not available because December time maintenance is very difficult.

To stay healthy, bring instant meals and look for nearby restaurants. You can have trouble finding a restaurant if you’re outside of the valley. As a result, you need to bring a lot of food and start searching for restaurants as soon as you get there.

Always have medical supplies on hand, such as paracetamol tablets, bandages, creams and lotions and more. You may not be able to access medical care immediately because the roads and routes could become closed at any time. Therefore, you must be ready in advance for little difficulties. 

A suggestion is to read news articles about the entire route to be informed of any problems. Landslides and other problems might lead certain places to become closed in the December. So before you leave, be sure to read it over carefully.

In the December, you have to give up the conveniences of electricity and hot water in the Spiti Valley . Although the wires might sustain damage, it is impossible to repair them because of the terrible weather and thick snowfall. You must therefore get ready to get by on the absolute minimum requirements during your stay.

Things you need while Visiting Spiti In December

  • Warm clothing
  • Sunglasses and a sunscreen
  • Woolen cap and mufflers
  • Candies and digestives for road journey
  • Essential medicines and small first-aid kit
  • A pair of extra shoes and socks
  • Water bottle

Important Safety Measures you should take before planning your trip to Spiti Valley in December

  • If you’re taking a public or private vehicle to Spiti in the December, be careful to stop at specific locations for a few hours or even an overnight stay to acclimatize.
  • Drink lots of water and eat often to keep your body warm.
  • Make sure you have sufficiently covered your body with several layers.
  • Since Kaza’s ATMs might not be functional, bring enough cash with you.
  • Before you start your trip to Spiti , schedule a simple checkup with your doctor.
  • Plan your day outings based on the weather, therefore pay great attention to it.

December is not the best time to visit Spiti Valley as the region experiences heavy snowfall and extreme cold temperatures during this time. The roads leading to Spiti Valley also remain closed due to heavy snowfall, making it difficult to access the region. The local population also migrates to lower altitudes during this time, leaving the region mostly deserted. However, if you are an adventure seeker and love to experience extreme cold, then you can plan your visit to Spiti Valley in December. Just make sure to carry enough warm clothes and necessary equipment to tackle the harsh weather conditions.

Here you can check our  Spiti Valley Packages 

People Also Ask about Spiti Valley In December

Winter Spiti refers to the Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India, during the winter months. It’s a region known for its extreme cold and stunning landscapes.

The best time to visit December Spiti is from late December to early March when the valley is covered in snow and offers a unique, pristine beauty.

While it can be challenging due to extreme cold and snowfall, it is generally safe for experienced travelers. Ensure you have the right equipment and prepare for harsh conditions.

You can reach December Spiti by road from Manali via the Manali-Kaza route. However, this route might be closed during heavy snowfall, so check road conditions before planning your trip.

You should pack warm clothing, insulated boots, thermal wear, gloves, and essential winter gear. It’s also advisable to carry snow chains for your vehicle.

Yes, some guesthouses and hotels remain open during the December months, but the options may be limited. Booking in advance is recommended.

Popular attractions include Key Monastery, Kibber, Langza, and Hikkim villages, Chandratal Lake (if accessible), and the breathtaking snow-covered landscapes.

Kaza, the main town in Spiti, has basic medical facilities. However, it’s crucial to carry a basic medical kit with you, as reaching medical help can be difficult in winter.

Yes, you may have the chance to witness some unique winter festivals, including Losar, if your trip coincides with these events. It’s a great opportunity to experience local culture.

Some challenges include harsh weather, road closures, and limited facilities. It’s essential to be well-prepared and aware of these challenges before planning your trip.

Photography is generally allowed, but it’s respectful to ask for permission from locals, especially in the monasteries and around sensitive cultural sites

December is a great time for wildlife enthusiasts to spot the elusive Snow Leopard, Himalayan Ibex, and other unique Himalayan species. Make sure to bring appropriate gear for wildlife photography.

Remember to stay updated on weather conditions and road closures, and always prioritize safety when visiting December Spiti during the December months.

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Confused about how to travel to spiti in winter with this itinerary in hand, you’re ready to go.

  • By Insta Himachal

Spiti Winter Trip Himachal Pradesh - Insta Himachal

Dear Spiti, It wasn’t long before we arrived within your borders and we began waxing poetic about your mountains, forests, rivers, and lakes. Your beauty will awe anyone visiting you. In winters, the pure white of snow-covered mountains and the deep blue of lakes are like nothing else on this earth. However, we didn’t anticipate that your people would truly overwhelm us with their hospitality. They’re really nice! With love from InstaHimachal, It was just a quick letter from us to Spiti! Come let’s start the blog. The rains are finally over, and winter is right around the corner! Is Himachal on your travel list? If yes, then plan a Spiti Valley tour in winters.

If you’ve never been to Spiti before, you must have decorated many pictures in your head. Have you? There are some who imagine lush green hills, mountains, rivers, and waterfalls, while others envision a barren wasteland, similar to Ladakh. There are thousands of tourists every year who visit this place regardless of what the picture looks like. And the best time to visit Spiti you ask? It’s throughout the year. However, Spiti in winters is sheer magic! It’s a lifetime experience that will remain with you forever. 

If the idea of travelling to Spiti Valley in winter comes to mind, it is sure to bring along questions and apprehensions as well. There are a lot of things to think about, such as whether the roads will be open or not, whether accommodation options will be available, how the temperature will be, whether I’ll be able to buy food or water during that time, etc. 

You have to be flexible with your itinerary, and therefore, you know where you can stop overnight if your plan changes. Similarly, you should know what places to avoid overnight if you are vulnerable to cold, acute mountain sickness, or being trapped on both sides of a roadblock.

Spiti in winters is harsh. It is not so good to be stuck in such a remote region in the cold months with limited facilities. If you fantasize Spiti about being seated on your sofa with air conditioning, it may seem fun. In reality, things aren’t so rosy. Therefore, it is recommended to plan your Spiti trip wisely.

Itinerary to Spiti

There are two road routes to reach the Spiti valley . One is the Shimla-Kaza route and the other is via Manali . Spiti in winters is not possible via Manali . Now you’ll be like what’s the role of the Atal tunnel then? See, there are two passes that you need to cross to reach Spiti . One is Rohtang Pass and the other is Kunzum Pass . As for blocked Rohtang we’ve got an alternative, the Atal Tunnel , however for Kunzum Pass there’s no such solution yet, not until BRO does some digging under the pass. So, one cannot start the journey from Shimla and complete it in Manali. The road from Manali to Kaza remains closed in winters from November to May. So, the only option to visit Spiti in Winters is from Shimla to Kaza. You can start your journey from Shimla and reach Kaza and return back from the same route.

Without any further ado, let’s dive into the itinerary :

1. Spiti Via Kinnaur 2. How to Reach Spiti Valley?  3. Where to Stay in Spiti? 4. What to Eat in Spiti? 5. Packing List 6. What to do in Spiti Valley?

1. Spiti Via Kinnaur

It is a pretty long journey from Shimla to Kinnaur Valley and Upper Kinnaur and Spiti. Indian Tibet Highway , which leads to Spiti Valley from Kinnaur , is itself a destination. It is one of the world’s most treacherous roads. Today, however, most of the road is in good condition. No need to get worried. You reach Spiti in 3 days if you take this route. Here’s how:

Day 1: Delhi – Narkanda Day 2: Narkanda – Kinnaur (Mostly Reckong Peo) Day 3: Peo- Nako- Tabo (Spiti Valley) Day3: Tabo- Dhankar-Kaza Day4: Kaza- Kibber- Kaza (if the road is open) Day5: Kaza- Langza- Komik- Hikkim-Kaza (if road open) Day6: Kaza- Tabo- Nako- Peo Day7: Peo- Sarahan- Narkanda Day 8: Narkanda- Shimla Day 9: Shimla- Delhi Please keep in mind that this whole journey can be extremely tiring, so be prepared for the fatigue. 

2. How to Reach Spiti Valley?

Spiti Valley in Winters - Himachal Pradesh

Spiti By Road

Remember when you had to board the local buses for a long journey and the music wasn’t so fancy, what were those songs again? Yep, we enjoyed Bollywood or regional songs equally, didn’t we? Travelling to Spiti by bus can be similar. While the wind brushes your face and some romantic song plays in the background, you feel no less than the heroine or hero of your own movie. Cut Cut!  

If your budget is limited, and you want to experience Spiti valley in its rawest form, then buses are your most practical option. Since most of the roads in Spiti are closed in winter , travelling in your own four-wheeler is not recommended. The roads are sealed with snow all over, making driving difficult. There will be irregularities in the public transport system too. So be prepared for that too.

Bike Trip to Spiti

Take a moment to visualize yourself riding a bike along a long, rugged highway with the most picturesque view of jagged terrain cut by the pristine and fast-flowing glittering water of the Spiti River . The rhythm of the song “ Ghume ghume banjare ghume duniya ye behare ab aage hoga kya ” resonates in the background, isn’t it almost like something straight out of a movie? It sure is! 

A majority of tourists arrive here by riding heavy motorcycles in winter . Just take care of speed, fuel, brakes, and sharp turning points. In winter roads are snow-filled. So unless you’re sure that you can ride on snow. Don’t take risks just because you wanna do adventure. Also, most of the mechanic shops will be closed. 

Spiti By Flight

It is not possible to fly directly to Spiti Valley. There are two airports in the area: Bhuntar, Kullu, and Jubbarhatti, Shimla. Both airports, however, have limited operations. The nearest international airport is Chandigarh Airport, located 522 km away. 

3. Where to Stay in Spiti? 

Where to Stay in Spiti - Winters in Spiti - Insta Himachal

There are plenty of hotels and homestays in Spiti Valley , but it is always good to know which hotels or guesthouses are popular and which should be avoided. It is always a big hassle-saver, especially if you are traveling with family. Since Spiti Valley is a remote area, accommodation options are good in number, but facilities are limited especially homestays. 

The first thing to keep in mind is that, no matter what day it is, if you have the chance to access a PWD Rest House in Himachal , do not miss it! We repeat don’t. It is the most economical option to stay in Himachal Pradesh at HPPWD Rest House . Both routes to Spiti are lined with PWD Rest houses . Nonetheless, you can always live at a homestay if you want to. Even though you pay a good amount per night, you cannot expect all the luxury in a place like Spiti. Trust us, buddy, a place to stay in Spiti Valley with an attached toilet is a luxury in itself.

4. What to Eat in Spiti?

What to Eat in Spiti - Spiti in Winters

Wherever you travel, do you crash on the local cuisine OR are you normal??? Though ingredients are limited, Spiti cuisine is flourishing due to its distinctive culture and lifestyle , which is influenced by Tibetan cultures. This remote region’s traditional foods are mostly made from boiled, steamed, or fermented ingredients, which are easy to prepare. Not to mention but a kitchen in Spiti, regardless of the snow-covered landscape outside, has everything it needs on the inside. 

The local cuisine includes thukpa , a soupy dish made from hand-torn noodles , vegetables, and meat; dried meat ; Momos , savory butter tea , the local alcoholic drink chhang . Proteins, fibres, carbohydrates, and minerals are all well balanced in the meal. 

The majority of what they eat is staple food. Do try their authentic Spiti cuisine that includes daal and rice, along with vegetables. There are many Cafes in Spiti that will s erve you the best . Sit in one, have food and overlook the jagged mountains , experience a cool breeze. Bon appetite!

5. What to Pack?

What to Pack in Spiti Trip - Himachal Pradesh - Insta Himachal

If you plan a Spiti trip in winter , it can be labelled as “crazy”. In winter, Spiti requires a lot of preparation and a lot of things. Keep yourself prepared for worst-case scenarios at all times. 

The most pertinent thing to keep in mind when planning your trip to the Spiti Valley is that, at any cost, you must KEEP YOURSELF WARM AND COMFORTABLE . To do this, you must wear appropriate woollen clothing and keep your shoes on at all times with socks. Here’s what you should pack:

1. Warm Sweaters and a Heavy Woolen Jacket (Windproof), 2. Warm Hand Gloves 3. Fleece Jacket, a Must Have 4. Heavy Woolen Clothing, Be Prepared for the Worst 5. Woollen Socks, 2-3 Pairs 6. Inner Thermals, (2-3 Pairs) 7. A Monkey Cap, 8. Warm Insulated Shoes or Hiking Boots, 9. Sunglasses and a Torch 10. Essential Medicines or a First Aid Kit 11. Important Documents like License and Aadhar Card

What to do in Spiti Valley?

Interact with the locals.

Interacting with the locals is a must-do thing everywhere you go . Apart from the beauty of the Spiti valley , you’ll fall in love with the locals here. They’re so genuine and polite. The same is expected from you, talk to them politely and you’ll never, NEVER forget your Spiti trip .

Capturing the Milky May

In the Spiti villages , you can easily spot the milky way because they are above 1 0,000 feet in altitude . One can capture the milky way at its finest while stargazing here.

Spot a Snow Leopard

If roads are clear visit Kibber village and spot a snow leopard.

Chicham Bridge

Chicham, Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India - Insta Himachal

If roads are open do visit the world’s highest suspension bridge . The bridge is at a staggering height of 13596 ft . This bridge connects two Spiti villages Kibber and Chicham . Don’t forget to take pictures!

Village Walks

Hire a local guide and make it to Hikkim , a hamlet at an elevation of 14,567m having the world’s highest post office; Komic Village which is at an elevation of 4,587m and is the highest village of the world accessible by road, and Langza , a small village rich in fossils . Scientists believe that these incredible fossils are much older than the Himalayas . 

Langza - Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh

A trip to Spiti in winter is never enough, and one can never say that they will not return to this heaven again. In winter, there’s nothing but white as far as the eye can see. Your battery might die but your urge to take pictures or shoot reels won’t. IG is ruling anyways! Isn’t it? 

There is no doubt that Spiti is a truly deceptive beauty that would entice you into a visit but then test your patience, grit, and adaptability. If you wanna explore it raw, enjoy a Spiti trip with Insta Himachal this winter! Also if you’ve got some beautiful reels of this valley do share them on our Instagram account Insta Himachal . Don’t forget to follow us there. If you liked the blog, do share it with your friends and family who’re planning a fun trip to Spiti this winter . 

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Winter Spiti Valley - 8 Days Trip

Do you think you can enjoy the fun and adventures of a Winter Wonderland without spending a fortune on an expensive trip abroad? Absolutely not! Discover the jaw-dropping scenery, and pristine half-frozen blue lakes set across picturesque desert mountains, immerse yourself in the warmth of the unique local Indo-Tibetan culture, enjoy the lip-smacking Thukpa in the freezing mountain air, and go on wild, thrilling escapades in the adventure lands of  Spiti in winter  as you create memories of a lifetime by booking a  Winter Spiti Valley  Tour by Capture A Trip to explore the fascinating  Spiti valley tour . 

About Spiti Valley

An offbeat location situated in the high-altitude region of the Himalayas, Spiti Valley is not just a gorgeous picturesque destination but is draped in a lot of exciting adventures, unique experiences, importance in history and culture, friendly, kind natives, and a peculiar Indo-Tibetan influence.

The region of Spiti, which is located in northeastern Himachal Pradesh, is known as the "Middle Land" since it is the land that separates Tibet and India, an interesting cultural congruence.

Legend has it that Piti is a contraction of Ashwapati, a legendary ruler of Pin Valley in the time of the Mahabharata. Ashwapati, translating to "lord of horses," indicates the significance of the Pin Valley, renowned for its exceptional horse breeds.Some also believe the name is derived from a Tibetan dacoit named Spiti Thakur of the Thakur gangs, that raided the upper parts of Kullu before the Sen kings established their rule.

Whether you go summer-trekking or decide to take an exciting  spiti winter road trip , there is so much to explore and embrace in the majestic Cold Dessert mountains surrounded by glimmering blue lakes that so close resemble the Ladakh landscapes, that you will regret not visiting this place at least once in a lifetime!

Thanks to its refreshing, rejuvenating vibrant colors and attributes, Spiti makes for a marvelous destination to visit because of its limitless beauty that stretches to broad blue skies, the depths of its fascinating civilization, the vibrancy of its unique experiences, and an India vacation spot that is not to be missed.  

Choose Capture A Trip: The Spiti Valley Experts!

The reason to choose Capture A Trip for your  Winter Spiti Valley  endeavors is simple:  Capture A Trip  started its travel journey with, wait for it, the stupendous, mighty Spiti Valley, and hence, no one knows Spiti Valley better than Capture A Trip, other than the locals of course! CaptureATrip has ventured into the soul and spirit of the Spiti Valley all through these years, to create the most amazing  Winter Spiti packages  and it has been a long, successful run, with CaptureATrip coming this far in their journey with 287K+ Instagram community, 400 Itineraries, and 3400+ amazing reviews, only to become the Spiti Valley Experts for tours to Spiti Valley during any given time of the year. So, when it comes to Winter, which is one of the harsh and brutal seasons of Spiti Valley, given the weather and road conditions due to the climate, you can trust no other than the experts themselves to show you why the  Spiti Valley Winter Expedition  Spiti is one of the most sought after travel affairs to experience one of the Winter wonderlands of the world for a rewarding, fulfilling and soul-enriching journey despite the expected seasonal challenges. 

Spiti Valley in Winter

An off-beat paradise, CaptureATrip takes you on a captivating journey to  Winter Spiti   Valley  as you witness how the  Spiti Valley  turns into that enchanting winter wonderland that you have always encountered in awe-striking movie scenes, imagining of always going to a place like this someday. Experience in person, how the deep mud-brown desert mountains flirt with the clear blue morning skies, as they drape themselves in a robe of snow to welcome you to feel the mesmerizing vibes of this magical fairytale world called the Winter Spiti Valley whether you decide to take an adventurous  Spiti valley trek  or ponder by the pebble banks of the Semi-frozen pearl-like lakes, and spot the quaint worldly settlements and ancient monasteries adorned with jewels of snow, that harmonize eccentrically with Spiti’s natural beauty to create a picturesque landscape straight out of a holiday postcard!  Spiti Valley’s Winter  glow is further enhanced with the fun snow adventures, winter traditions and festivals, intriguing tourist spots, Indo-Tibetan cultural flavor, and warm, friendly locals.

Explore our  backpacking trips in india

Winter Climate in Spiti Valley

The winter climate in Spiti Valley can be harsh and brutal as compared to the relatively milder and favorable conditions of the Summers of Spiti Valley. While winter travel in the Spiti Valley can be difficult due to extremely low temperatures and significant snowfall, summer travel is easier and more comfortable due to the beautiful weather. Due to the heavy snowfall, many of the highways, high mountain passes, and isolated areas may be blocked or restricted, rendering them impassable. Winter Spiti Valley will put your survival instincts to test, as you cruise through the thrilling escapades of this winter paradise. Regardless,  Winter in Spiti Valley  is a must despite its challenges, given the unforgettable and unique experiences that you have in this Winter Wonderland, which is an adventurous extravaganza of its own. Embark on the ultimate adventure through the winter wonderland of Spiti Valley with the exhilarating  Spiti Valley Bike Trip . 

Spiti Valley in December:

Spiti Valley in December  can come with its challenges, as December in Spiti is one of the Peak winter months. The temperatures can stoop extremely low which can cause heavy snowfall in the Spiti region. Only a few parts of the valley like Lhalung, Hikkim, and Dhankar are accessible due to the drastic  weather  conditions. However, if you prefer a vacation of peace and solitude, and don’t like touristy places, you can experience the serenity of  December in Spiti Valley  as this is not a peak season and you will encounter less crowd at popular tourist spots.

The  Temperature in Spiti Valley  in December can range from -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F) during daytime, and Nighttime temperatures drop significantly, frequently dropping to between -15°C and -20°C (5°F and -4°F).  

Spiti Valley temperature in November:

November is the transition phase or  Spiti weather , when the  weather  changes from Autumn to Winter. While the Spiti Valley temperature in November is low and the weather can get cold, it is not as cold and extreme compared to the peak winter months like December and early January. The onset of winter does cause snowfall, but the snowfall is not as heavy as the other colder months in winter.

Daytime temperatures in Spiti Valley during November can range from 0°C to 10°C (32°F to 50°F). Nighttime temperatures can go extremely low and often reach below freezing point. 

Spiti Valley in January:

January is an off-season in Spiti Valley, as it is one of the coldest months in Spiti which causes a very heavy snowfall in the entire region. Many of the roads and mountain passes including Rohtang Pass and Kunzum Pass are closed due to the weather and treacherous road conditions. Those seeking solitude with a peaceful  winter trip in Spiti,  or those seeking a cheaper  budget winter trip in Spiti  will find  January in Spiti  a win-win as there are fewer tourists due to it being off-season. Access to accommodation can be limited, hence it is always advised to plan and travel with a trusted Travel expert like CaptureATrip.

January Daytime temperatures often range from -10°C to 0°C (14°F to 32°F), whereas nighttime temperatures can plummet to -20°C to -30°C (-4°F to -22°F) or even lower. 

Spiti in February

February in Spiti  is very similar to January, with it being one of the coldest months of  Winter in Spiti Valley  and an off-season where temperatures are extremely frigid. It snows quite heavily in February as well and causes roads and high mountain passes to close down due to the climatic conditions.

Daytime temperatures can range from -10°C to 0°C (14°F to 32°F), whereas nighttime temperatures can plummet to -20°C to -30°C (-4°F to -22°F) or even lower. 

Spiti Valley in March

March in Spiti  is an intriguing season, as it is the transition phase of Spiti’s winter into early Spring. So, while it is still winter, you can begin to see traces of Spring starting to emerge. March is also an off-season where you will see few tourists and is a preferable time to visit if you prefer to vacation in peaceful places with a tranquil atmosphere. Some roads and mountain passes can still be inaccessible due to the Snow. While the  March weather in Spiti  is cold, it is not as cold compared to the other colder winter months, as early spring begins to set in. You can see the unique culmination of beautiful Spring and Winter landscapes in  Spiti during March.

Daytime temperatures can vary, usually ranging from -5°C to 10°C (23°F to 50°F), depending on the location and altitude. As March progresses, temperatures begin to rise gradually.

Get ready for an exciting adventure! Join us on our  upcoming trips all over India . 

How to Reach Spiti valley in winter

CaptureATrip usually picks up on the ideal weather conditions, and road conditions in real-time during the travel duration, to traverse on the best available paths for a convenient, hassle-free trip for our travelers with no undue and unforeseen interruptions that usual travelers face while traveling to  Spiti Valley in winter : 

From Manali:

The Manali route is generally open only during the summer months, typically from late May to early October, and involves high-altitude mountain passes like Rohtang Pass and Kunzum Pass. The journey to Kaza takes around 8-10 hours.

From Shimla:

The most common and reliable route is from Shimla. Through this route, reach Reckong Peo or Kaza, the main towns in Spiti Valley. The journey to Reckong Peo takes approximately 10-12 hours.

By Bus or private vehicle:

Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) operates regular bus services from Shimla and Manali to Reckong Peo and Kaza. These buses are cost-effective but can be time-consuming. You can also hire a private vehicle or taxi from Shimla or Manali, which offers more flexibility in terms of timing and stops along the way. Ensure the vehicle is well-maintained and suited for the challenging mountain roads. 

The nearest airport to Spiti Valley is Bhuntar Airport, near Kullu and Manali. After landing at Bhuntar Airport, you can travel to Manali and then continue your journey to Spiti Valley by road. Several major Indian cities offer flights to Bhuntar Airport.CaptureATrip covers some of the best places on its  Winter Spiti expeditions  that should make it your itinerary when you visit  Spiti Valley in winter :

Key Monastery:

During your CaptureATrip itinerary, make your way to Kaza’s Key Monastery, or the famous Kee Gompa, the largest monastery of Spiti Valley, which provides a breath-taking sight as it is adorned with laces of Ivory white snow, with the glorious sun rays reflecting on it, while it overlooks the ever-pristine Spiti river. Stand on the stories of this majestic monastery to witness the Winter Spiti in all its magnificence. The Key Monastery is an exquisite peak into the rich Buddhist-Tibetan Heritage and culture with its collection of ancient murals, scriptures, beautiful paintings, and elegant wall art.

Dhankar Lake:

Sit by the Dhankar lake for a while, and gasp in awe as the snow-like clouds float above you, as you walk past pebbled banks, and barren cold lands to lose yourself in the spell-binding backdrop of snow-clad mountains hiding away from the rugged desert terrains of the Lahaul region. Get a taste of  Spiti Valley trekking  as you go on the famous Dhankar trek by the Dhankar Lake. If you are not so keen on trekking, visit the famous Dhankar Monastery which is situated right above the Dhankar Lake, as a part of your Winter Spiti trip. The Dhankar emerald water bowl has a lot of significance in Hindu Mythology as it is believed that Lord Shiva visited this lake, and stayed there during his quest for Lord Vishnu. As Lord Shiva was busy with his search, his beloved attendant Nandi drank water from the Dhankar Lake, and the Lord, in reward for quenching Nandi’s thirst, blessed this lake to always be filled with water. How fascinating!

Join CaptureATrip with its exciting  spiti winter package  to explore the world’s highest motorable village which is located 18,000 feet above sea level. Enjoy the unique chance to eat in style at the highest café in the world while marveling at the breathtaking views of Spiti's snow-capped mountains from an extremely high vantage point. Nothing too fancy.

Send your loved ones the most fascinating postcard they’ll ever receive, from the highest post office in the world in Hikkim, a quaint and remote village in the Lahaul region, during your exhilarating  Spiti winter expedition . Hikkim also provides an enthralling sightseeing treat that gives you a glimpse into the stunning winter landscapes of Spiti as the cold winds blow your hair, thanks to its 4,400 metres above sea level altitude. You can also do the famous Fossil picking here and take souvenirs back home as memoirs of the most amazing  Winter Spiti Valley trip.

Enjoy the most of your  winter expedition in Spiti Valley  as you travel through Langza, also referred to as the Fossil Village of Spiti Valley, another stunning gem in the valley's scenic crown. Langza is home to an impressive variety of fossilized plant and marine animal fossils. The largest attraction in Langza, which is in the Spiti Tehsil of Lahaul and the Spiti district, is the enormous holy statue of Lord Buddha, which commands a view of the entire Spiti Valley.  A jaw-dropping sight in itself, stand beside this majestic, gorgeous embodiment of Buddhist Artwork, and experience what it's like to look at the awe-striking sights of the Winter Spiti Valley from the Lord’s point of view! 

Chicham Bridge:

Walk across the highest bridge in Asia, another one of the  Spiti wonders  that is built at a staggering height of 13,596 ft, and connects two fascinating  villages of Spiti – Chicham and Kibber. Immerse yourself Enjoy the astonishing scenes of the snow-covered  Winter Spiti  as you witness them from the best seats in the house! 

Chandratal Lake:

Awaken the Nature photographer in you as you bask in the beauty of the pearl-blue waters of ChandraTal, serenaded by a chain of snow-kissed desert mountains that stand mighty tall against the Ivory skies of Winter Spiti Valley. Getting its name due to its crescent moon-like shape, the Chandratal is true to its name and incomparable in beauty that will leave poets running short of words. Go Camping against this picturesque backdrop, as you light a bonfire with your squad, and spot your reflection in the transparent waters of this bewitching lake that holds the shadows of the  Winter Spiti valley  mountains on its mirror-like surface.

Things To Do In Spiti in Winter

The exotic  winter spiti valley  is a gigantic chariot of unique experiences that you can explore during your CaptureATrip tour to create the memories of a lifetime:

Visit Pin Valley National Park during your  winter trip to Spiti  to witness the unique Himalayan Biosphere's flora and fauna.

Explore the rustic, cold desert villages of  Kibber and Tashigang  that boast of unique architecture and only a handful of homes and families.

Visit the intriguing mummified monk's tomb at Gue, the mummy village, which is 600 years old.

Gorge the local food  as you enjoy the delectable Chhang Butter tea, Hot Momos ,   Thukpa, Tingmo, Skyu, Tsampa, and Spiti’s dried Apricots.

Visit the incredibly beautiful and intriguing  Buddhist Monasteries  at this cultural and religious melting pot called Spiti Valley.

Go Local shopping  at the Keylong and Kaza Market  to  get your hands on locally made Woolen clothes, ceramic items, traditional art and jewelry, etc.

Tune into a spiritual call at the gorgeously scenic  Trilokinath Temple .

On an exciting safari through Spiti's mountainous terrain, sight a snow leopard.

Camping and admiring the countless stars in the night sky against the picturesque backdrop of the Spiti lakes.

Take the unique and exciting  Yak Safari  on the mighty, cute, and white-as-snow Spiti Yaks.

Marvel at the famous Buddhist  Thangka Paintings  at local monasteries or cultural workshops.

Attend Winter Festivals and Events in the Area: Depending on when you visit, check out Losar, Gutor, Fagli, or Phulaich.

Snow adventures  like Skiing, Ice-skating, Snow-trekking, Sledding, Snowboarding, and Ice-climbing across the Spiti Valley.

Tabo Monastery:

Experience Tranquility and Spirituality in its purest form as it harmonizes with the cultural elegance and historic significance of Spiti Valley as you make your way to this part of the trip,The Dalai Lama has declared his intention to live in retirement at the Tabo Monastery. Believed to be more than 1000 years old, the Tabo monastery is one of the holiest places in India and known as the 'Ajanta of the Himalayas', because of its elaborate murals and historical paintings that resemble those found in Maharashtra's Ajanta Caves. The 9 temples of Tara and Buddha Maitreya, Bodhisattva Sculptures, marveling Stupas, intricate wall paintings, and artwork based on Lord Buddha are the highlights of the Tabo Monastery.

Things to carry while traveling winter Spiti Valley

When traveling with Travel experts like CaptureATrip, your trip will rest assured be a convenient, comfortable experience with CaptureATrip taking care of most of the planning and the tour course To get the most from your spitting experience. However, we also advise you to pack as per your personal preferences and experiences, and follow our guidebook below, to help you  pack well for the challenging weather conditions of the  Winter Spiti Valley trip : 

A lightweight, big & sturdy water-proof  Backpack.  

Easy-to-clean  and fast-drying apparel that is cozy, such as T-shirts, pants, hiking pants, etc.

Hygiene essentials  like Soap, Facewash, Toilet soap, Liquid detergent, Hand Sanitizer, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Towels, Toilet Paper, Tissues, Wet wipes, etc.      

Warm clothing items  include thermal undergarments, woolen coats, sweaters, shawls, and scarves.

Food and water supplies , such as energy bars, energy drinks, dry snacks, portable water purifiers, or tablets that purify water, are examples of sustainable living.

Carry  Debit/Credit cards and Cash , but carry more cash as ATMs may not be easily accessible in the remote areas of Spiti.

A  medical kit  that includes personal prescription medications, bandages, pain relievers and balms, allergy medications, emergency medications, and a first aid kit, among other items.

Electronics  such as a travel adaptor, extra batteries, memory cards, portable chargers or power banks, cameras, cameras, and cameras, among others.

footwear,  such as winter boots or hiking boots that are waterproof and warm.

Water and wind-proof jackets  and trousers, and waterproof cover for a rainy day.                                                                  

items for sleeping , such as liners for sleeping bags, inflatable pillows, and sleeping bags.

Trekking Gear  like  a  Sleeping tent, Torchlights, Trekking equipment, Matchsticks or lighters, Multi-tools and knives, and Navigation devices like GPS, compass, or a satellite device for remote areas.

Personal Identity and Travel documents  like Aadhar Card, Driver’s license, etc., and required  Permits  for visiting restricted areas of Spiti Valley.

Travel insurance  to cover medical emergencies, lost luggage, delays in travel, medical mishaps, etc.

FAQS for winter spiti valley

  • How to reach Spiti Valley in winter?

In the winter, there are several methods to get to Spiti Valley: by road, by air, by vehicle rental, by bus, or by trekking.

By Road, The most common and reliable road route in winter is from Shimla and takes around 10-12 hours.

The Himachal Road Transport Corporation offers regular bus services from Shimla and Manali to Reckong Peo and Kaza (HRTC). The closest airport to Spiti Valley for air travel is Bhuntar Airport, which is situated close to Kullu and Manali. Following your arrival at Bhuntar Airport, you can drive to Manali and then on to Spiti Valley.

  • Is Solo Travel to Spiti in Winter a Good Idea?

Solo travel to Spiti Valley can be an excellent idea for certain travelers, however, it comes with its limitations and challenges. Due to the drastic weather conditions, remote locations, road accessibility, and language barriers, it is safe to plan well in advance and be realistic with your preferences & experience, if you choose to go on a Solo trip.

  • Are the Roads to Spiti Open During Winter?

Many a time, due to drastic weather conditions and heavy    snowfall, many of the roads and mountain passes can be closed or restricted. The most common routes to Spiti Valley, like the Manali-Kaza road, Kunzum Pass, and Rohtang Pass, are typically closed from late October or early November until late spring or early summer.

  • What Exciting Activities Can You Enjoy in Spiti During Winter?

Skiing, Snowboarding, Ice-skating, Stargazing, Camping, Photography, attending local winter festivals, and winter trekking are some of the activities you can partake in on your  Winter Spiti Valley  tour.

  • Can we go to Spiti Valley in winter?

Yes, visiting  Spiti Valley in Winter  offers a unique experience itself. However, it is important to know that weather conditions can make  Spiti Winter trips  challenging, as it can affect Road conditions, Food and accommodation availability, cause dipping temperatures, and restrict activities. 

  • Is Spiti closed in December?

Spiti Valley experiences a brutally harsh winter in December, due to which many roads and mountain passes can be closed due to heavy snowfall. 

While the Kinnaur route ensures year-round accessibility to Spiti, the frequently utilized pathways to Spiti Valley, including the Manali-Kaza road and routes through Rohtang Pass and Kunzum Pass, are commonly employed. and Kunzum Pass, are usually closed during this period due to the perilous conditions caused by road blockages. 

  • ·Where is Winter Spiti located?

Winter Spiti denotes the Spiti Valley during the winter season, an elevated desert region situated in the northeastern part of Himachal Pradesh, India. Explore this mesmerizing destination with a customized  Himachal tour package ..

  • When does it snow in Spiti Valley?

Snowfall in Spiti Valley typically begins in late October to early November and continues through the winter months, lasting until March or even early April. The heaviest snowfall in Spiti Valley occurs during December, January, and February, which can often lead to the closure of some of the high mountain passes and roads.

  • What are the essential items to include in your packing list for a winter trip to Spiti Valley?

Warm clothing, Winter-wear, medical kit, Backpacks, Permits, food supplies, Trekking gear, Communication devices, Cash and cards, and Basic hygiene essentials are some of the things to pack for the  Winter Spiti Valley  trip.

  • How cold is it in Kaza during winter?

It is extremely cold in Kaza during winter, and the temperatures can drop extremely low, with the town witnessing heavy snowfall. Daytime temperatures in Kaza during the winter can vary but typically range from -5°C to 5°C. Nighttime temperatures can fall to -15°C to -20°C. Winter temperatures in Kaza can often remain below freezing even during the day, especially in the coldest months of December and January.

  • Which is the coldest month in Spiti?

The coldest month is usually January. Winters can be harsh in Spiti during January. Daytime temperatures often remain below freezing, and nighttime temperatures drop even further, sometimes reaching as low as -20°C (-4°F) or even colder. Severe winter conditions result in substantial snowfall, causing lakes to partially freeze and rendering numerous roads, remote areas, and high mountain passes impassable. the weather impact.

  • Which month is best for Spiti Valley?

The optimal time to explore Spiti hinges on your preferences and desired experiences. If you crave the enchanting winter vistas and are prepared for the exhilarating challenges of the cold, winter is ideal. However, if you lean towards a milder climate and an outdoor adventure, early autumn and summer are the recommended seasons to visit Spiti.

  • Why is Spiti Valley so famous?

Spiti is famous for a wide variety of reasons including its beautiful landscapes, pristine rivers, picturesque desert mountains, a unique mix of local culture, delectable local food, warm inviting locals, Tibetan Buddhist cultural influence, ancient monasteries, rich heritage, unique wildlife, for adventurous activities, and also for being a winter wonderland.

  • Which is the coldest village in Spiti?

Due to its elevated position, the Komic village, situated among the highest villages globally, experiences the most frigid temperatures in Spiti.


We depart from Delhi around 9:30 PM in an AC Vehicle. (Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it.)

Pit stop for dinner at any decent roadside restaurant.

Note: The pickup point will be Majnu Ka Tila (Near Vidhan Sabha Metro Station)


Morning departure to Kalpa around 7 AM via Tempo Traveller.

It’s a 10-11 hours drive traversing through the mountains.

Overnight stay in Kalpa.


Post breakfast, drive to  Kaza  via  Nako  a part of the Spiti Valley.

Visit Nako lake & enjoy the beautiful view.

Reach Tabo by evening, Check-in and overnight stay.


Post breakfast, head out to experience the true beauty of Spiti valley -  Tabo Monastery & Dhankar Monastery .

Further we drive towards Kaza.

Reach kaza by evening, Check-in and overnight stay in kaza.


Post breakfast, head out to Visit  Hikkim  (home to the highest post office in the world, send postcards to your loved ones),  Komik  and eat at the highest cafe in the world.  Langza  (the site for the holy Buddha Statue).

Return to Kaza, Dinner & Overnight stay in Kaza.


Post breakfast, check-out of the hotel.

Visit Key Monastery & Ride to the highest suspension bridge of Asia- the one and only Chicham Bridge.

Reach Kalpa by Night.

Dinner & Overnight stay in Kalpa.


After an amazing experience of the Spiti Valley, the end might seem a bit lazy but there is one more amazing place right around the bend.

Chitkul  - is another enchanted place of this beautiful land. Has a high altitude river flowing right beside it. Offers grand views of the nearby mountain peaks.

It is also a starting and end point for multiple high altitude treks.

Dinner & Overnight stay in Chitkul.


This is the last day of the trip and is filled with tons of emotions.

Post breakfast, we check-out from the hotel and start our return journey to Delhi.

We drive to Shimla first which is again a 10-11 hours journey and then an overnight journey by Volvo to Delhi.

Back home with memories of the land far away but forever etched in us.


  • Reach delhi by morning.

Volvo transfers available for round trips between Delhi and Shimla.

Entire expedition from Shimla via Tempo Traveler

Accommodation for 6 nights – 1 Night at Chitkul ,1 Night at Tabo, 2 Nights at Kalpa, 2 Nights at Kaza.

Meals (12 Meals Including Breakfasts and Dinners)

Team Leader throughout the trip.

Availability of oxygen 24x7 in case of any emergency.

All applicable toll, parking and driver charges.

All inner line permits.

Access to high altitude regions of Spiti Valley, especially Hikkim, Komik, Langza Village and Pin Valley etc, may be congested during winter months due to extreme snowfall. Hence, the stopover to these locations is weather-dependent. In such a case, we will look for the best possible alternatives, as achievable.

Kindly take note that in the event of any act of God, such as heavy snowfall leading to road closures for heavy vehicles, it will be the responsibility of the travelers to arrange for a 4x4 vehicle, and the associated expenses will be borne by the travelers themselves. Capture A Trip bears no responsibility for any such acts of God or the associated expenses.

Travellers residing outside Delhi are recommended to book trains/flights reaching Delhi not delay than 4 PM on the trip start date. Similarly, on the trip end date, book the returning flight/ train departure post 2 PM respectively.

Numerous factors such as weather, road conditions, the physical ability of participants etc. may cause itinerary change. We reserve the right to change any schedule in the interest of safety, comfort and general wellbeing.

The age limit of our group departures is 16 to 42 years due to the power-packed itineraries that we provide for our travellers. We can customise trips for travellers beyond the mentioned age bracket.

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Chopta Chandrashila in Winters | Capture a Trip


Winter Spiti Valley | Capture a Trip

The White Wonder - Spiti Valley in Winters

spiti valley tour in december

Experience the White Wonders and unexpected beauty at it’s Best at the Spiti Valley on a Road trip in the winters . The entire Spiti valley turns into a magical fairy land with frozen Spiti river, waterwalls and lakes with white spread of snow till miles and miles in the winters. Crisp cold air, glistening snow under your feet, the world's finest mountain sceneries, pictures of white snowy mountains, sighting of rare and exotic wildlife, are the rewards of the Spiti Valley Winter Tour Package 2023-2024 customised to your needs by Summit Safari India. Specialise in helping to create a Spiti Valley Winter Expedition Trip full of memories to share with family & friends - Summit Safari India , the local travel Expert for Spiti Valley tour and Holidays in Winter contact no +9198050501102 and Email [email protected]

Ultimate Guide to Visit Spiti Winter Travel – Are roads to Spiti Open in Winters

spiti valley tour in december

In the below article get the full details how to plan a trip to Spiti in Winters , which is better route for Spiti valley in winters, how many days are sufficient to Spiti valley, Spiti in winters most common itinerary, get great deals make the best travel plans and book the Winter Spiti valley Tour as per the suggestions of the local travel experts .

spiti valley tour in december

Our Best Customised and well-designed Winter Spiti Valley Tour Package Itineraries take you to venture out on this extraordinary road trip. Enjoy the beauty of the Winter Road Trip through wilderness landscapes to the snow- covered White Spiti Valley in a car driven by experienced local driver. For the adventure and snow lovers Spiti is among the best places to visit in Himachal Pradesh in winter , which will convince your heart completely. Winter holidays tour to Spiti from Shimla we drive over the mountains and explore Spiti valley in Winters - A trip of the Lifetime.

Spiti Valley Snowfall Time - Can We Go to Spiti In December January

spiti valley tour in december

Spiti see early snowfall in Mid October blocking the road and the circular Spiti tour over the Kunzum pass towards Manali for the next 7 months. Regularly Spiti valley Snowfall time is from November to March and the snow in the higher reaches of Spiti valley remains till early June. Snow can cover the ground for almost six months in the year at Spiti crowing the valley as the Cold Desert. With a slightly change in travel itinerary, you can go to visit Spiti and travel through the valley on a tour in November- December- January- February-and March too . January, February, and March are called the extreme winter months with snowfall time in Spiti Valley when the thick blanket of white snow turns the entire valley into the white wonder land. Winters from November to March are usually quiet cold, freezing so you need to pre plan your Spiti Valley Road Trip In Winter and book this through a local reliable travel agent in Shimla which Summit Safari India proves to be always contact no +9198050501102 , and provides you complete information on Spiti Valley Winter Trip which can be customised, as per your travel needs.

The Best Spiti Valley Winter Route – Spiti By Road

spiti valley tour in december

Travel to Spiti in the winter months is an exciting thought but you should be well planned and pre- organise book your tour well in advance. The Only access road in Winters from Shimla to Spiti via Rampur-Tapri-Nako -Tabo - Kaza remains opens almost throughout the winters expect for a couple of days when it really snows heavily. Spiti Valley Tour in Winter Months need to be started from Shimla to Spiti and come back the same way out back towards Shimla- there is no other alternative route to travel to Spiti in Winters . In winters the road at Kunzum Pass remains close due to heavy snowfall, blocking the route access from Spiti to Lahaul and Kullu Manali. So Spiti in winters is not possible to visit via Manali in the months from mid October to May end.

spiti valley tour in december

The Side valleys of Spiti like Pin Valley, the road to Muumy Of Gue, Dhankar, route to Kibber, Hikkim-Komic- Langza might also be closed in extreme winters due to heavy snowfall making driving difficult. Even if you don’t notice the snow on roads, Spiti roads in winters and covered with frozen black icy which is impossible to see with eyes so travelling in your own four-wheeler, 4 X 4 Self Drive Spiti Winter Expedition, Spiti Winter Bike Ride is not recommended. You need an experienced local driver to drive you on these icy frozen roads. Freezing temperatures, fresh Snowfall, Snow avalanches, rolling stones in Spiti are some of the unexpected winter challenges that you need to face while Travelling to Spiti in Winters.

spiti valley tour in december

Be flexible and be prepared for sudden changes in your Spiti winter tour plans , as it will not be good to stuck in such a remote Himalayan cold desert in the winter months with very limited resources and facilities. The nearest major airport and railway station is Chandigarh 520 kms to Spiti , while Shimla 420 kms to Spiti has seasonal flights with a Toy Train link with Kalka in the plains. Spiti by road is only the way to explore the White Wonder- Spiti in Winters.

Detailed Road Trip in Snow -Winter Itinerary and Best Travel Detailed Plan

spiti valley tour in december

Below mentioned is the Most Popular Spiti Winter Road Trip Itinerary: 7 Nights / 8 Days

  • Day 1: Arrival Delhi / Chandigarh and drive to Shimla
  • Day 2: Drive Shimla To Sangla
  • Day 3: Drive Sangla To Tabo
  • Day 4: Drive Tabo to Kaza
  • Day 5: Kaza Local sightseeing visiting-Hikkim-Komic- Langza-Key-Kibber-Chicham-kaza
  • Day 6: Drive Kaza to Kalpa
  • Day 7: Drive Kalpa to Shimla Back
  • Day 8: Drive Shimla to Chandigarh / Delhi back

Important Itinerary Discussion

The above Spiti valley Tour is suggested in the Winter Months of Mid October to Mid May when travel via Manali is not possible. Slight changes like skipping Kalpa, Sangla, Chitkul, Gue and Pin Valley are recommended if you are planning to travel to Spiti in the Extreme winter months of January and February . As all these places are inside valleys or at a more height than the main highway and the town of Kaza, so these places receives more snowfall in January and February making driving impossible or difficult to drive on icy roads through heavy snowfall. Depending on the amount of Snowfall at these areas Summit Safari India , the local travel experts will suggest you the best travel plans Contact No +9198050501102 , for January and February Winter Spiti Valley Tour . During the months of January and February you can skip Kalpa, Sangla and Chitkul as the roads would be closed due to heavy snowfall—staying at Rampur and Sarahan would be a far better option during the Spiti Valley Winter Tour.

Winter Accommodations in Spiti Using Home Stays and Hotels

spiti valley tour in december

With the fall of temperature to minus the natural sources of water start freezing in October and there is no running tap water available by November, so most of the budget and luxury hotels get closed for Winters In Spiti Valley and only reopen again from mid-April. Winter accommodation to stay in Spiti is provided using, a few comfortable, warm and cosy Spiti Mud houses and home stays in Spiti valley during the trip in white winter snow months , those are operated by some local families. Bathing or shower may not be possible for couple of days and traditional dry compost toilets are the only choice at your home stay during the Spiti Valley Winter Trip

spiti valley tour in december

Good warm meals are served in traditional kitchen which have Bukaris (Wood Stoves/ Tandoor) in the centre, to keep one warm. Authentic Spiti food and cuisine includes Momos (dumplings stuffed with mashed potatoes or vegetable), Thukpa, Churpe, Tsampa (barley Floor), Tingmo (Steamed Bread), Daal, Rice, along with Vegetables . All local cafes are closed during the winter months in Spiti. Some home stays do provide the facilities of electric blankets, but be prepared for long electric cuts, low voltage or power interruptions due to heavy snowfall as well as mobile signals and Wi-Fi will also disappear. Use of electric room heaters are charged extra on per night basis.

How To Plan Spiti Valley In Winters - Be Prepared And Things To Keep in Mind

spiti valley tour in december

While travelling to Spiti always remember and don’t forget , you are on a Spiti valley Rod Trip in Winters, through one of the remotest part of Trans Himalayas . Don't Expect to much or any kind of Luxury- Only neat and clean accommodation and basic Warm food is available—that’s all. Your driver and host is trying to provide his best to you with limited resources available in Spiti valley during winters . You have to be flexible and be ready for sudden changes to your travel plan depending on weather and unexpected changes in road conditions. You need to understand fully that your travel itinerary is subject to favourable weather and road conditions and your driver will show you the best possible weather permitting..!

spiti valley tour in december

Spiti Valley Winter Trip in Snow provides an extreme adventure challenge both for men and machine. As you are travelling to high altitude the oxygen level is below normal and one can feel some heavy breathing . You need to be mentally and physically fit to take this extreme adventurous Spiti tour during the snow time . Most important keep yourself warm, carry your medicines with basic medical kit, wear warm woollen clothes with jackets, caps, drink hot water as much as you can and above all avoid consumption of Alcohol. The nearest Basic hospital would be at Reckong-Peo / Rampur or at Shimla which are around 200/450 kms far behind in the valleys. Don’t panic and stay cool enjoy the mountain beauty in the Winter Snowfall Season in Spiti.

Month Wise Tentative Winter Temperature in Spiti Valley

spiti valley tour in december

January and February are the coldest months of the years making your Spiti Winter Travel tough, and challenging- but absolutely rewarding during the Spiti Snowfall Season . With the White Winter Tour to Spiti enjoy spectacular snow-covered mountain scenery during the Spiti Valley Winter Tour package

Spiti Things and activities to do in Winters

spiti valley tour in december

The trip to Spiti in Winters is a memorable, once in a life time snow experience for you. Spiti’s beauty gets even better during the winter months, turning it to a winter wonderland. ice skating, snow treks, home stays with locals, cooking and culinary Spiti tour, spotting wildlife, cultural experiences and village walks through some of the World’s highest villages provides authentic travel escapade for travellers on the Spiti Valley Winter Trip

spiti valley tour in december

For a hassle free well planned customised Winter tour to Spiti contact the most reliable and professional local travel agent Summit Safari India at +9198050501102 , Email : [email protected]

Do Read Related Blogs for more Information

A complete travel guide to spiti valley tour, the top 10 best places to visit in spiti valley, plan a tour to spiti valley india – explore the unexplored, our related vlogs -spiti snow drive winter tour expeditions.

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Spiti Winter - Exclusive Escape

Pickup & drop, overview & highlights.

spiti valley tour in december

Leave from Delhi by night and reach Shimla the next morning.

Breakfast and freshen up at Narkanda.

Drive through Narkanda , Rampur along the Indo-Tibetan highway on the way to Kalpa.

Enter the Kinnaur valley by crossing Kinnaur Gate ( The rock tunnel is famously called as the Gateway of Kinnaur, situated around 170 kms from Shimla on the Shimla - Kaza road, also known as the Hindustan - Tibet road. )

Reach Kalpa by evening. Dinner and Overnight sleep.

Wake up early morning & after breakfast start your journey to Spiti Valley.

Cross the Ka loops to reach Nako. Visit Nako lake & have your lunch in Nako.

Enter Spiti valley through Sumdo Border.

Reach Tabo by evening & Visit the Oldest Monastery in Spiti Valley i.e. Tabo Monastery.

Check-in to the homestay.: Dinner & sleep overnight.

Wake up early morning and after having the breakfast, head for Dhankar Village.

Visit Dhankar Monstery which offers a spectacular view of confluence of Spiti and Pin river.

Visit the most scenic monastery of Spiti Valley - The Key Monastery.

Further, drive to the highest suspension bridge in Asia - The Chicham Bridge.

Come back to Kaza by evening.

Dinner and sleep overnight.

Wake up early morning and after having the breakfast, head for Spiti valley sightseeing.

Visit the iconic villages of Spiti - Hikkim(location of the World's Highest Post Office)

Further Komik (the highest village in the world connected through a motorable road) & Langza(the site for the holy Buddha Statue)

Come back to Kaza by evening. Dinner and sleep overnight.

Wake up early morning and after breakfast check-out of the hotel.

Take a pit stop at Lingti waterfall and click some pictures here.

Reach Kalpa by night.

Check-in to the hotel. Dinner and Overnight rest.

After having breakfast and some leisure, check-out of the hotel.

Make a visit to the famous Cliff Point of Kalpa at Roghi village

Depart for Chitkul, the last Indian village towards China border and experience another white wonderland.

Dinner & overnight in a hotel at Raksham/Sangla

Wake up early morning and after breakfast depart for Shimla.

Reach Shimla by evening.

Depart for Delhi.

Reach Delhi by morning.

spiti valley tour in december

Volvo transfer from Delhi to Shimla & back.

Entire sightseeing by tempo traveler.Accommodation for 6 nights – 1 Night at Chitkul, 2 Nights at Kalpa, 2 Nights at Kaza & 1 Night at Tabo.

A total 12 meals – 1 Meal on Day 1 (Dinner) + 2 Meals on Day 2 (Breakfast + Dinner) + 2 Meals on Day 3 (Breakfast + Dinner) + 2 Meals on Day 4 (Breakfast + Dinner) + 2 Meals on Day 5 (Breakfast + Dinner) + 2 Meal on Day 6 (Breakfast + Dinner), 1 Meal on Day 7 (Breakfast)

All inner line permits for the trip.

Driver Night Charges, Toll Tax, Parking Charges, etc.

Team Captain throughout the trip.

An Oxygen Cylinder 24X7 in the car in case of emergency

spiti valley tour in december

GST (5%) is applicable extra.

Any kind of food or beverage that is not included in the package like alcoholic drinks, mineral water, meals/refreshments/lunches on the highway.

Any personal expenses like a tip to the drivers, entry to monuments/monasteries, camera/video camera charges, laundry, telephone bills, tips, etc

Any cost arising due to natural calamities like landslides, roadblocks etc. (to be borne directly by the customer on the spot)

Anything not mentioned in the inclusions.

  • Authentic Government ID Card
  • Comfortable warm clothing like woolen socks, cap, fleece jackets or warmers, down jacket, toiletries.
  • Sunscreen & lip balm, Good U/V protection sunglasses
  • Personal Medicines (if any) & few medicines for altitude sickness (a must)
  • a rucksack bag and a day pack
  • 3-litre water bladder or water bottle
  • a sun cap and a woolen cap
  • UV protected sunglasses
  • One cotton long sleeves and 2 short sleeve t-shirt
  • 1 fleece jacket
  • 1 heavy Thick jacket/down jacket
  • 1 pair of gloves
  • At least 2 long pants (trek pants and cargo pants are favourable)
  • 4 sets of undergarments
  • 2 pair of socks
  • a small towel
  • A rain jacket or a poncho
  • Above-the-ankle waterproof and breathable hiking boots with good grip
  • Flip flops/sandals
  • One strip of Diamox
  • Glucose powder
  • Medicines for headaches, diarrhoea, motion and altitude sickness
  • toothpaste, toothbrush
  • Paper soap, or sanitizer
  • Sunscreen minimum of spf40 , lip balm, cold creams
  • LED torch light

Starting from

₹24,999/- per person

Wanderlust calling allow us to call you back.

13 Jul, 2019

“ WanderOn is one of the best travel communities I have traveled with. Awesome folks, interesting fun activities across the trip. They provide comfortable transport, wonderful places for stay and delicious food(especially the food at their kaza camps). Their group leaders take care of everything including your health across the trip. Aayush, Ronit and Sandy - Great job guys! Keep up the good work and help everyone fulfilling their travel dreams! 😊

20 Jul, 2019

“ It was fun travelling with wander on all the arrangements were perfect , Manish was our tour guide he was very careful n cooperative through out the trip n without Champa bhai trip would have been incomplete thank you ♥️

Sunita Ahuja

15 Jun, 2019

“ I am extremely happy with my Spiti tour of 5 days. Team captains(Maneesh,Gaurav and Ojas) have proven to be very friendly and helpful from the very beginning, they gave us information of each sight visiting locations, made our spirits high till the last day of our trip. Drivers were very professional, drove very smoothly on the deadliest roads and wanderOn accomodations was simply superb by somewhere providing camping with bonfire.Last but not least the food was delicious , provided us best facility.I highly recommend it, it will turn your trip into an unforgettable experience. 😊

Sumit Bhutada

27 Jul, 2019

“ Wanderon Is the coolest travel community to travel with. Booked Spiti and Ladakh trip with my friends and we created memories for lifetime. Thanks to wanderon. Best part about wanderon is they got pretty good campsites specially "KAZA" and skilled team captains to take care of all your travel needs and to keep you entertained.


Pictures Perfect Moments

We at WanderOn are a modern travel community that provides end to end travel packages in India and abroad. We design the best travel itineraries that encourage group traveling for like-minded people. Our services include road trips, trekking expeditions, corporate trips, and customized tour packages. On our trips, we ensure hassle-free traveling, top-notch accommodation and guided sightseeing that too in a budget that won't burn a hole in your pocket. Just give us your dates and be ready to experience traveling like never before.

  • Bir Billing
  • Chopta Tungnath
  • Kasol Kheerganga
  • Tirthan Valley
  • Manali Solang

Himalayan Escapades

  • Kasol Manali
  • Parvati Valley
  • Mcleod Bir Tirthan
  • Mcleod Bir Barot

Backpacking Trips

  • Himachal Backpacking
  • Ladakh Trips
  • Meghalaya Backpacking
  • Kashmir Backpacking
  • Beautiful Places to Visit in Spring in India
  • Workcations: The New Trend of Travel
  • Breathtaking Monasteries of Ladakh
  • Soul-Satisfying things to do in Spiti Valley
  • Mesmerising Waterfalls of Meghalaya to Visit

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3rd Floor, Building No-436, Phase IV, Udyog Vihar, Sector-18, Gurugram, Haryana-122001

© WANDERON EXPERIENCES PVT LTD, All rights reserved.

Where do you want to go next.

Enjoy the Best of Nature

Spiti valley snow crowned mountains terrains outlined by restless rivers, outstanding tour services, we take care all of your travel requirements, with travel, accomodation & food with comfort, transporation the best from others, we know the terrain well so we choose the best & experiences pilots, welcome to spiti trips.

Quisque eget nisl id nulla sagittis auctor quis id. Aliquam quis vehicula enim, non aliquam risus. Sed a tellus quis mi rhoncus dignissim.

Spiti Trips is one of the well know, experienced, reliable local travel agency and tour operator to travel to Spiti valley. We listen to you and help you get your unique, outstanding Lahaul Spiti tour package planned. Being local our trip advisors to Spiti Valley are experts in crafting the best Spiti valley road trips, providing you an enriching lifetime travel experience. Spiti trips is a local run travel agency, facilitating the travel arrangements for individuals and Spiti valley group tours. Our best Spiti valley travel itineraries can be personalised according to your needs.

spiti valley tour in december

We Are Spiti Tours

Explore the unspoiled beauty of the Spiti valley by car, driven by our local drivers taking care of your comfort and safety. We provide you the best tours and accommodation in Spiti using hotels, camps and home stays.

See something you've never seen or experienced before, with the Spiti Trips "Tours By Locals". From our best crafted tours for Spiti Valley, you can select the best of Spiti valley tour package for yourself. We ensure it's going to be a memorable Spiti holiday adventure tour experience for you and your loved ones.

Tours Completed

Happy clients, client reviews, answered questions, our spiti tours.

Pack your bags and be ready to go to Spiti valley where you venture through scenic mountain vistas, and rugged rock formations.

Spiti Valley with Leh Ladakh Tour

Spiti Valley with Leh Ladakh Tour

12 nights / 13 days, june end to mid september, 1n shimla 1n sarahan 1n sangla > 1n kalpa 1n nako 1n tabo 2n kaza 1n jispa 1n sarchu 2n leh.

Spiti with Chandrataal Lake Tour

Spiti with Chandrataal Lake Tour

10 nights / 11 days, june end to september, 1n shimla 1n sarahan 1n sangla 1n kalpa 1n tabo 1n kaza 1n kibber 2n keylang 1n manali.

Kinnaur Kalpa with Sangla Valley and Chitkul Tour

Kinnaur Kalpa with Sangla Valley and Chitkul Tour

6 nights / 7 days, march to november, 1n narkanda 1n sarahan 2n sangla-rakcham 1n kalpa 1n shimla.

Spiti Valley Circular Tour from Shimla

Spiti Valley Circular Tour from Shimla

8 nights / 9 days, may end to early october, 1n shimla 1n sangla / chitkul 1n kalpa 1n tabo 1n kaza 1n kaza/chicham 1n chandrataal lake 1n manali.

Spiti Valley Tour From Manali

Spiti Valley Tour From Manali

4 nights / 5 days, early june to early october, 2n kaza 1n dhankar 1n chandertaal lake.

Spiti Valley Holiday Group Tour  2024-25

Spiti Valley Holiday Group Tour  2024-25

Mid june to mid september, 1n shimla 1n sangla 1n kalpa 1n tabo 2n kaza 1n chandrataal lake camping 1n manali.

Spiti Valley Winter Tour

Spiti Valley Winter Tour

November to march, 1n kalpa 1n tabo 3n kaza 1n rampur.

Kinnaur and Spiti Valley Tour From Shimla

Kinnaur and Spiti Valley Tour From Shimla

7 nights / 8 days, april, may and october, november, 1n narkanda 1n sangla / chitkul 1n tabo 2n kaza 1n kalpa 1n shimla.

Spiti Valley Budget Road Trip

Spiti Valley Budget Road Trip

1n shimla 1n sangla / chitkul 1n kalpa 1n dhankar 1n kaza 1n chicham 1n manali.

Kinnaur and Spiti Valley Fixed Departure Group Tour from Shimla

Kinnaur and Spiti Valley Fixed Departure Group Tour from Shimla

Mid march, april, may and october, november, 1n narkanda 1n chitkul 1n tabo 2n kaza 1n kalpa, our himachal tour packages.

Complete Himachal with Amritsar Tour Package

Complete Himachal with Amritsar Tour Package

9 nights / 10 days, throughout year, 2n shimla 3n manali 1n dharamshala 2n dalhousie 1n amritsar.

Shimla Kullu Manali Tour Package

Shimla Kullu Manali Tour Package

5 nights / 6 days, throughout the year, 2n shimla 3n manali.

Shimla Manali Volvo Tour Package

Shimla Manali Volvo Tour Package

Throughout the year, 1n overnight on volvo to shimla 1n shimla 2n manali 1n overnight on volvo to new delhi.

Shimla Naldehra Tattapani Family Luxury Holiday Tour Package

Shimla Naldehra Tattapani Family Luxury Holiday Tour Package

March to december, 3n shimla 1n tattapani.

Shoja Jalori Pass Jibhi and Tirthan Valley Tour Package

Shoja Jalori Pass Jibhi and Tirthan Valley Tour Package

1n shimla 1n narkanda 1n shoja 1n jibhi 2n tirthan valley, get away from the ordinary choose the best.

We tailor your holiday to suit your interests and travel schedules

  • Expert Guidance by Shubham Bhardwaj
  • Safety, Our No. 1 Priority
  • More Personalized and Enriching Trip
  • Trusted Local Experts
  • Flexible & Personalized Services
  • Responsible Tourism

spiti valley tour in december

Best reasons to why travel with us

We are having good faith in our quality services providing to the guests. Experience the same by traveling with us.

24 x 7 around-the-clock-support

With you every step of the tour. Prompt answers of queries or handle any emergency

Local Tour Agency

Trusted local tour agency and experts with first-hand knowledge of the area

Experienced Consultants

Our travel consultants have over 15 years long experience in tour travel

Flexible Cancellation Policy

We refund your deposit when you cancel the booking in case of unforeseen emergencies

Reasonable Pricing

Trips are reasonable priced with great value for money you spend

spiti valley tour in december

No Hidden Costs

Pay the net price at the time of booking, as per the package chosen

Comfortable, Safe Transport

Expertly maintained vehicles with experienced drivers for your comfort & safety

Quality Services

Commitment to quality services, highest satisfaction guaranteed

Best Accomodations

Carefully picked locally owned hotels & homestays from luxury to budget

Customisable Tours

Customised and flexible tours for client's specific requirements

We thanks for all our awesome reviews! There are hundreds of our happy customers! Let's see what others say about Spiti Trips!

spiti valley tour in december

Great & Talented Team!

Thanks to SPITI TRIPS for making my journey rememberable and enjoyable full Your service was the best to the commitment. The car was neat and clean and the driver was also very cooperative. If you maintain this service level, I will always recommend my friends for sure!

spiti valley tour in december

Dolly Mehta  

One of the best service. Starting from the unconventional all-inclusive itinerary to the selection of hotels with amazing views and service to the choice of the best-in-service transportation with highly experienced driver.

Dipu Pinday  

An amazing and unforgettable trip we had during our Spiti Valley tour... The location, the weather, the facilities, the hotels and the food all were par excellence I can say...

Jai Krishna Swami  

I would highly recommend Spiti Trips for Himachal trip. It was a memorable trip for all my friends. The support provided by manager from the start to the entire trip was fabulous. Especially our trip driver, good person with safe & excellent driving skills. So, if someone is planning for Himachal trip, without a thought I would prefer Spiti Trips.

Sanjay Bhiwapurkar  

The valley is unique in it's own way... If USA has the grand canyons we have Spiti Valley. The deep gorges the eroded mountains, the stoney roads make this valley more beautiful than ever. If you like to see mountains in a different way Spiti Valley is the place, go with Spiti Trips.

Kalpona Das  

You'll definitely fall in love with this place. This place shows us the beauty hold by the nature, the desert mountains, world highest restaurant, Asia's highest bridge, the wonderful Chandra Taal lake and many more places to explore great time.

Nashrin Nadiya  

Good experience with Spiti Trips. Driver was very professional and patience. He pulled over whenever we requested as kids were suffering from motion sickness. Innova was good and clean. Memorable trip.

Omveer Bhardwaj  

I have travelled a lot in my life and explored lots of places but the scenery and landscape in Spiti valley was clearly way beyond anything that I have seen before. I am struggling to find the right words but the closest I can think of is majestic and mesmerising. It is an absolutely gorgeous place for someone who likes mountains and adventure.We were lucky to have discovered Spiti.... spiti trips to help us organise our trip

Roma Sharma  

Best travel experience with The Spiti Trips, Special Thanks to manager, they helped us throughout our trip, the hotel they booked is best and the cab driver thanks for your patience he is very sweet, You guys are the best?

Dilip Ghosh  

It's highly recommended to individuals who wish to do solo or in a group. One just needs to get started and the rest will be taken care of by Spiti Trips team. One of the lifetime trips with the warmest hospitality experience

Anil Kumar Mouria  

The Spiti Trips was simply Excellent. Special thanks to manager by far one of the most co-operative tour and customer handler very supportive and helpful person she took the update on daily basis which was very nice of her. The itinerary was carefully thought through and well balanced. The trip represented great travel for the cost.

Harshil Kapadia  

A fantastic experience with Spiti Trips. They provided us an Innova car in very good condition and our driver was very nice person. He was very friendly, supportive, polite with best driving skills at mountains I really appreciate him, He made our trip very pleasant with his behavior.

Eknath Dialani  

The car was comfortable and driver was reliable. The most important thing was the driving skill; it was a safe and enjoyable ride. The driver had been on the route multiple times, he knew all the roads and provided interesting information at various places we visited and passed by.

Sumit Kumar  

One just needs to get started and the rest will be taken care of by the Spiti Trips Tours team. One of the lifetime trips with the warmest hospitality experience

Ram Prasad  

Spiti Trips provide excellent service, value for money, good car service, and cooperative staff. The trip was well planned we were confident and we were good hand. In future also I will prefer this travel agency, recommended for everyone.

Shiv Kumar Soni  

Thank you so much Spiti Spiti Trips- for arranging the absolute best trip for us. We loved everything about it. Me and my friends cannot stop appreciating the efforts you guys take to arrange the trip. We felt extremely safe with Spiti Trips

Shubh Kumar  

Baljit rastogi  .

We went to Spiti Trips- with spiti adventure. The overall service was really good. The trip was well planned. We covered all the spot's mentioned in itinerary. The team member were helpful and always there to support us. The choice of places to stay and food was perfect. We really enjoyed a lot. I will recommend this trip planner to have fun, food, safe travel to visit Spiti Valley


Himanshu pathak  .

It is one of the best trips that we have taken so far as a couple as it offered a mix of adrenaline rushes and mesmerizing views each day. Taking this trip on a bike gives you the freedom to explore Spiti valley closely and experience one of the most challenging roads in India. We were accompanied by a very supportive Spiti Trips- Tours By Locals that ensured our safety and comfort throughout the trip.

Jenelia Desuja  

The spiti trip is a customised package from Spiti Trips. Thanks for a hassle free, well organised travel and stay arrangements. Hotel rooms and food were really good.

Ananda Roy  

Spiti Trips is by far the most authentic way to see and feel Spiti. If your aim is to travel mindfully while also giving back to this precious Himalayan region and its wonderful people, choose Spiti Trips experiences

Lokesh Malhotra  

If you are looking for a safe and reliable way to explore Spiti with people who know the valley really well, choose Spiti trip Tours and you will not be disappointed.

Satyam Kumar Jha  

Was a truly memorable experience .. A 10-day road trip with my mother. Was entirely planned by Spiti Trips- itinerary was very comprehensive and covered more than I had thought I could see. Days were very well planned, challenging but not overly exhausting.

Annuniti Kumari  

It was a wonderful experience for us with SPITI TRIPS. All our arrangements were up to the mark.. that is much satisfactory. All hotels and transportation arrangements were excellent. Thanks for the best tour.

Shikha Tiwari  

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spiti valley tour in december

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Let us show you Spiti Valley

Customisable road trips and treks from ₹12,750.

30 years of experience

35 years of experience in organising tours within the Himalayas

Lonely Planet

The oldest local Spiti travel company to be Recommended by Lonely Planet

Best Local prices

The best local prices minus any middle man or commissions.

Spiti Valley is a Himalayan desert mountain valley situated at an average height of 13,000 feet in the north-eastern part of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Often regarded as a chunk of Tibet marooned in India, Spiti Valley is enigmatic and is interspersed with tiny hamlets and serene monasteries sitting precariously on mountain crags spread across its notched moonscape. The scattered villages comprise of whitewashed mud-brick homes amid rugged mountains and barley fields.

Spiti Holiday Adventure, a local travel company based in Kaza (district capital of Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh) organises Innova road trips, high altitude treks and a plethora of activities in Spiti Valley and the rest of India’s Himalayan mountains.

Himalayan Road Trips and Treks

spiti valley tour in december

  • Travel with locals and experience the culture of Zanskar
  • Drive by Shinku La and Pensi La along with witnessing the magnificent Drang Drung Glacier
  • Trek to the glorious Phugtal Monastery and camp at Gonbo Rangjon

Zanskar Valley - 8 Days - Fixed Departure Tour with Abhinav Chandel - 15-22 Sep - 2024

Available from JUNE to OCTOBER


Starting from manali.

spiti valley tour in december

  • Small exclusive group of 10-12 people led by NomadGao trip leader
  • Visit famous places of Spiti Valley along with offbeat places like Lhalung and Mudh
  • Stay overnight in authentic homestays and camp near Chandratal Lake, famous for its night sky 
  • Take part in authentic local activities like cooking, sessions with an amchi and chowwa and more.

NomadGao X Spiti Valley - 9 Days Road Trip with local activities - 14 Sep - 2024



Starting from shimla.

spiti valley tour in december

  • Guided Road Trip with activities for an exclusive group of ten people
  • Day Hikes, Monastery tour with a monk and local cooking session included
  • Camp overnight at Chandratal Lake

Spiti Valley - Summer 6 Days - Fixed Group Departure - 2024


spiti valley tour in december

  • Small exclusive groups of 10-12 people with local experiences
  • Visit famous places of Kinnaur and Spiti Valley like Chitkul and Ki Monastery
  • Stay overnight near Chandratal Lake, famous for its night sky 

Spiti Valley and Kinnaur via Chitkul - 8 Days Summer - Fixed Departure - 2024


spiti valley tour in december

  • Enter Spiti Valley from Kinnaur and exit via Manali
  • Camp beside the stunning Chandratal Lake
  • Comfortable Toyota Innova transfers

Spiti Valley and Kinnaur - 10 Days Summer - Private Innova Circuit Trip - 2024

Available from MAY to OCTOBER


Starting from chandigarh.

spiti valley tour in december

  • Camp near the beautiful Chandratal lake
  • Visit Pin Valley National Sanctuary
  • Comfortable Toyota Innova Transfers

Spiti Valley - Summer (June - Oct) - Customizable Private Innova Tour - 2024


spiti valley tour in december

  • 4X4 Expedition with experienced local drivers
  • Offbeat itinerary, Day Snow Hikes, Monastery visits & food, culture sharing with locals 
  • An adventure of a lifetime - stay at homestays with local families and experience the warm Spitian hospitaity.

4X4 SUV - Winter Spiti Expedition 8-Day Trip - 2024

Available from JANUARY to MARCH


spiti valley tour in december

  • Witness the mesmerizing Kinner Kailash mountain range
  • Visit the last village, Chitkul on the Indo-Tibet border
  • Camp besides the beautiful Baspa River
  • Comfortable Toyota Innova for all transfers

Kinnaur Valley Road Trip - 2024

Available from MAY to DECEMBER


spiti valley tour in december

  • Guided road trip to a snow-clad white Spiti Valley in a car  driven by experienced local drivers.
  • Day Snow Hike, Ki Monastery tour with a monk and local food cooking session included
  • An adventure of a lifetime - stay at homestays with local families and experience the warm Spitian hospitality.

White Spiti - 7 Day Winter Road Trip - 2024

Available from DECEMBER to APRIL

spiti valley tour in december

  • Easy / Moderate 5 Day Trek
  • Stay in Homestays with local families
  • A peek into Spitian lifestyle

Spiti Valley Homestay Trek - 2024


Starting from kaza.

spiti valley tour in december

  • Hike in the snow at a height of 14000+ feet to get a glimpse of Snow Leopards
  • Experience living with the locals in remote Himalayan Villages
  • Experienced local spotting guides to lead you
  • 1 porter for each person on sighting days for carrying equipment and guidance

Snow Leopard Expedition - Winter Spiti - 2024


spiti valley tour in december

  • Experience the serenity of Kashmir valley with the locals, like a local.
  • A mix of leisure days, road trip and day hikes to explore offbeat snow-trails.
  • Visit local saffron farms, stay in a houseboat and get authentic original goods for home
  • Pick-up and drop from Srinagar Airport.

Winter Road Trip to Kashmir - 7 Days - 2024

Available from DECEMBER to JANUARY


Starting from srinagar.

spiti valley tour in december

  • Visit the newly accessible winter wonderland, Lahaul, via Atal Tunnel.
  • Guided road trip to different snow-clad destinations with experienced staff.
  • A mix of leisure days, road trip and day hikes to explore hidden snow-trails.

Winter Road Trip to Lahaul Valley - 4 Days - 2024

Available from OCTOBER to DECEMBER


spiti valley tour in december

  • Scale up to a height of 19,700 feet.
  • Trek does not require prior experience
  • Indigenous fauna can be found

Kanamo Peak Trek - 2024


Starting from kibber.

spiti valley tour in december

  • Scale up to a height of 15,906 feet.
  • Stark contrast between barren Pin Valley and lush Bhabha Valley
  • Stay amid nature in camps

Bhabha Pass Trek - 2024

spiti valley tour in december

  • Trek to some of the most picteresque lakes of Kashmir Valley
  • Trek lead by Ibrahim Raina - One of Kashmir's most experienced trek guides 
  • Authentic Kashmiri cuisine on all days of the trek

Kashmir - Tarsar Marsar Trek - 2024

Available from JULY to AUGUST

Starting from Pahalgam

spiti valley tour in december

Great Lakes Kashmir Trek - 2024


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Tale of 2 Backpackers

Spiti valley Road Trip – The Complete & Ultimate Travel Guide

Himachal Pradesh

Spiti valley Road Trip – The Complete & Ultimate Travel Guide

Last Updated on: Jun 5, 2024  

About the Blog: Spiti Valley needs no introduction in the Indian traveling circuit. With its mountains, monasteries and eccentric landscape, Spiti Valley is simply stunning. And it is a perfect place for adventurous souls. With this Spiti Valley travel guide and blog, we have tried to give you as much information about the place we could. Read it to know about the places to visit in Spiti valley and other important information that will help you plan your Spiti valley Road Trip. 

A Spiti Valley road trip or bike trip is actually a dream. The landscape changes as you travel from one region to the other, the monasteries loom in the horizon, there are rivers to cross and the stark barrenness of the land will leave you with nothing but wonder.

We had been planning our Spiti Valley road trip for a long time. The first time we visited Ladakh , I knew that I had to visit Spiti. Well, the trip happened only a few days back, but it was worth the wait.

Key Monastery Spiti Valley

So, if you are planning for a Spiti Valley road trip and are a bit clueless about what to do, you are in the right place. This travel guide will try to answer your most common queries about Spiti Valley and some more. Hope this helps you plan a perfect trip to Spiti Valley.

Table of Contents

Spiti Valley You Tube Video

Oh! We have an entire series on Spiti Valley on our YouTube channel . Please have a look at that!

Spiti Valley – The Middle Land

Spiti Valley is located in the northeastern corner of Himachal Pradesh in the district of Lahaul and Spiti. The region borders Tibet in the east, Ladakh in the north, Chamba and Kullu in the west and Kinnaur Valley in the south.

For the uninitiated, Spiti and Lahaul are two distinct regions (though they are part of the Lahaul and Spiti district). Lahaul is another region centered around the town of Keylong located to the west of Spiti. As for Spiti, Kaza is the most important town of the region.

Chandratal Lake, Spiti Valley Road Trip

Spiti is a cold desert. Located at an altitude of between 3000 to 4600 meters, Spiti Valley is cold and barren with a beautiful and unique landscape.

Spiti Valley is also known as the Middle land. In essence, the valley of Spiti is actually a continuation of the Tibetan Plateau. Spiti is topographically and culturally similar to Ladakh in India and the Tibetan Autonomous region. Historically, the area had been a border area. The name, in Tibetan, also means “the middle land” – a place between India and Tibet.

How to Reach Spiti Valley?

Spiti Valley can be reached in two ways. One is from Shimla along the Hindustan-Tibet Highway that passes through Kinnaur Valley. Kinnaur in itself is a gorgeous destination that needs more time to explore.

You can also reach Spiti from Manali via Rohtang Pass or Atal Tunnel and Kunzum Pass. During peak season during the summer, tourists usually do a circular route starting from Shimla and exiting through Manali or vice versa. If you are planning to do a circular trip, then we recommend you enter from Shimla and exit through Manali. This helps you to acclimatize better to the increasing altitude.

Atal Tunnel Himachal Pradesh

Nearest Airport

The nearest airport to Spiti Valley is Bhuntar Airport in Shimla. The closest international airport is Chandigarh. Kaza is about 250 km from Bhuntar and 500 km from Chandigarh. From here, you have to get a bus or hire a car to reach Spiti Valley.

Nearest Railway Station

The nearest major railway station is Kalka Station. You can also take the mountain railways from Kalka to Shimla. From there you can either hire a car or take a bus.

Spiti Valley by Road

Whether you arrive by flight or train, the majority of your journey needs to be done on the road. For your Spiti Valley road trip, you can either hire a car with a driver or drive in your own car. You can also explore Spiti Valley on your bike. This trip is a favourite among bikers and as adventurous as a bike trip in Ladakh.

Spiti Valley from Shimla

The route from Shimla to Spiti is the longer one and requires at least a night stop at Narkanda or Kalpa or Reckong Peo before entering Spiti Valley. This road is better and is open all through the year and you can visit Spiti during the winters through this road. Having said that, it is usual to have landslides and land blocks in this route also during the monsoon season.

The dangerous roads of Kinnaur Valley

The route to Spiti Valley from Shimla passes through the Hindustan-Tibet Highway. This route has its own beauty. The landscape changes as you travel from one region to the other. You will see the difference in vegetation as you cross Shimla Valley to Kinnaur Valley. The difference in landscape and culture will be quite stark as you enter Spiti Valley from Kinnaur. So if you have time in hand, this route is worthwhile to take.

Spiti Valley from Manali

This is the shorter route and you can reach from Manali to Kaza in one day. However, the roads are quite bad. After crossing Gramphu until you reach Losar, the roads are merely dirt tracks and you will be off-roading for the majority of your journey. You might have to cross streams on your way and there can be several roadblocks on the way.

However, these roads are beautiful in their own right. You will cross Kunzum Pass, one of the highest motorable passes in India. The landscape is stark and extremely gorgeous and this journey is going to be a rather impressive adventure.

Kunzum Pass - Spiti Valley road trip

As this route covers some high-altitude areas, the roads from Manali to Kaza remain open only during the summer, officially between May to September. However, the authorities allow vehicles beyond this time if they see that road conditions are conducive for travel. We took the route from Kaza to Manali in late April.

Spiti Valley on Public transport – the most affordable way to reach Spiti

The most affordable way to reach Spiti and explore the place is with HRTC buses. These buses are limited in number, but reliable and have a fixed timetable. Let me share the timings of a few buses to Kaza as I had gathered during our Spiti Valley road trip.

Shimla to Kaza Bus: 6.30 PM

This bus reached Reckong Peo in the morning. Usually Shimla to Kaza is a long journey and I would recommend to take a night halt at Reckong Peo or Kalpa , stay for a couple of days to enjoy the beauty and Kinnaur valley and then proceed to Kaza.

Reckong Peo to Kaza Bus: 7.00 AM

Kaza to Shimla: 7.30 AM (via Tabo, Nako and Reckong Peo)

Manali to Kaza: 5.00 AM

HRTC Buses

Shared Vehicles from Manali to Kaza

There are some local cabs and tempo travelers available from Manali to Kaza. Walk around new and old Manali and ask for these tempo travelers. Try to book a day ahead as seats tend to get full. The drivers stop for lunch and breakfast, but they hardly stop for toilet breaks, So be careful with your water intake. Roads are bad, but the drivers are experienced. The price for a seat will cost somewhere around INR 1000-1500.

Self-drive in Spiti Valley

We would recommend you take a car with high ground clearance. Also, if you are taking the Manali route, then try to avoid smaller cars. We had traveled in Innova, but it had got stuck at a stream crossing while reaching Chandratal Lake. We had to walk to the campsite and the car had to be towed out by a Bolero truck.

Also, do this trip only if you are confident in your driving and your car.

Self drive in Spiti Valley

Bike trip in Spiti Valley

A bike trip in Spiti is one of the most popular ways to explore the region. During the season, you’ll see many bikers on the road. You can bring in your own bike. Otherwise, bikes can be rented in Manali as well.

Do you need a Permit to Visit Spiti Valley?

There is no permit required for Indian citizens to visit Spiti valley. But foreign tourists require a special area permit to visit the area between Kaza and Reckong Peo.

If you are starting from Manali and want to cross the Rohtang Pass, then you will need a permit. But with the opening of the Atal Tunnel, you can skip the Rohtang Pass and travel via Atal Tunnel and continue your journey towards Kaza.

Protected Area Permit for Foreign Nationals

This is a bit complicated. If a foreign tourist starts from Shimla, they need no permit to visit till Reckong Peo. But beyond that, they would need a permit to visit Nako, Tabo, Gue, Dhankar and Kaza. Refer to the official site for details.

Local women at Spiti Valley

What is the Best time to visit Spiti Valley?

The best time to visit Spiti Valley is between May to September. This is the most popular and peak season for the tourists. However, you can visit Spiti at other times of the year as well. Here is a detailed breakdown of the seasons in Spiti Valley.

April & May

April and May is typically a shoulder season. If you want to visit Spiti valley during April, we recommend the second half of the month.

The roads are accessible and you can reach most of the tourist attractions and villages in Spiti Valley by road in April. It is also the beginning of tourist season and you will see very few tourists during this time. You will also find no problems in finding a place to stay as well. However, the road from Kaza to Manali will be closed during this time.

Historically, the roads to Kaza from Manali via Kunzum Pass open after May 15. But, sometimes BRO allows vehicles to travel through these roads if the weather is good and there is no snow on the roads.

Roads from Kaza to Manali

We visited Spiti Valley in the second half of April. We were warned by our driver (who happened to be a fabulous guy) that the roads from Kaza to Manali might be closed and we were prepared to return by Shimla again. Fortunately, on our last day, we came to know that the roads from Kaza to Manali were open and so was Chandratal Lake. We took the road and had one of the best road trip experiences of our life.

Usually HRTC buses between Manali and Kaza are not operational during April and May. You might get shared tempo travelers if the roads are open. Buses from Shimla to Kaza and other buses in that route are operational, though.

June to September (Peak Season)

As mentioned before, this is the best time to visit Spiti Valley in terms of weather and facilities and is also the peak season for tourists. It does not rain much in Spiti Valley and there is no distinct monsoon. It is like the summer season seamlessly merging into the early autumn – something that you will encounter in Ladakh as well.

Spiti River

However, it will be prudent to remember that while Spiti Valley gets less rain, monsoons (July and August) are heavy in other parts of Himachal Pradesh – places that you might have to cross before entering Spiti. There might be heavy rains in Kinnaur Valley and Kullu, often resulting in landslides.

During this time, all the hotels and homestays remain open. HRTC buses are also operational fully, also in Manali to Kaza route. Weather is pleasant in Spiti with bright and sunny mornings perfect for your day activities.

October is another shoulder season, similar to that of April. Cold starts setting in and in the second half of the month the number of tourists decreases considerably. It also starts snowing over the Kunzum Pass after mid-October. So if you are planning a Spiti Valley road trip in October, do so in early October, especially in the first 10 days of the month.

November to March (Winter Spiti)

Spiti is a winter wonderland covered in a blanket of white snow. This has made Spiti Valley a coveted destination in the winters and winter Spiti trips are quite common these days. Apart from the snow covered landscape, winter is also the time to spot snow leopards in the region.

However, you need to remember that Spiti Valley is remote and you are not going to get much facilities here in the winter.  Also, not all of the attractions in Spiti Valley will be accessible to travelers during this time.

Winters, especially December and January, are harsh and cold. Temperature at night falls several degrees below zero. Even days are not much better. You need to be prepared to brave the biting cold of the region.

Snowfall in Spiti

Quite obviously, you will not be able t o travel the entire circuit during this time. The roads from Kaza to Manali will be closed. Plan a trip in December only if you have a very good driver who can maneuver his way through the snow. If you are self-driving or riding, do so only if you are totally confident in your skills.

Spiti in winters is beautiful, but difficult. Do winter Spiti trips only if you are adventurous enough and are ready to face the challenges on the road.

Where to Stay in Spiti Valley?

Gone are the days when finding an accommodation in Spiti was tough. Now, there are many options of stay in Spiti Valley and around. Most of the expensive hotels and resorts can be found in Kaza, the headquarters of Spiti. Tabo also has a few hotels and guest houses.

Homestays at Spiti Valley

Homestay at Mud Village, Pin valley - Spiti Valley road trip

However, if you want to experience village life at Spiti, then stay at a homestay. There are many homestays in the region and you can find them in the villages. You might not have to book ahead for a stay at a homestay in Spiti Valley. In these homestays, you stay with the locals, eat local food and understand their way of life and get an insight into the culture. The costs are generally low and depend on the village and season.

We had stayed at homestays in Dhankar, Mud, Langza and Key village during our Spiti Valley road trip.

Backpackers Hostel

There are backpackers hostels at Kaza and Tabo.

Food at Spiti Valley

Worlds highest restaurant - Somewhere in Spiti Valley

Food in Spiti valley is a mix of Tibetan, Nepalese and Himachali cuisine. You will find thukpas , momos, thentuk , mokthuk , chowmein in most of the restaurants and eateries. At the homestays, you might get some authentic Tibetan food.

We found good rajma Chawal at Nako and Tabo. At Dhankar, we ate Tibetan bread and thentuk at our homestay. Kaza had several restaurants serving Tibetan food. There was also a North Indian restaurant at Kaza market that served North Indian thali, samosa and chaats with very good milk tea.

At Mud village, our homestay served us chapati and chicken for dinner and sandwiches and aloo parantha for breakfast. At our homestay in Key village, once again we had thentuk and momos.

Also try the sea buckthorn juice or tea at Spiti Valley. It is amazingly refreshing.

Sea buckthorn tea at Dhankar homestay

If you are a culinary connoisseur, you will have a gastronomy adventure here for sure.

What to Buy from Spiti Valley

You can buy local woolen items, dry fruits, roasted barley and Buddhist memorabilia like prayer flags and incense sticks. I did not find anything special in Spiti Valley to collect as souvenirs. The only thing that piqued my interest was sea buckthorn juice.

Places to Visit in Spiti Valley

Once we visited Spiti Valley, we were quick to realize that the entire Spiti is a tourist destination. There are so many things to see and explore here. Even the mountain ranges looming in the horizon as you drive through the roads will mesmerize you. At every turn of the road, you will see something new and you will never be tired of clicking pictures. But then you have to start planning your trip somewhere. So here is a list of the most popular places to visit in Spiti Valley.

Kaza Market Spiti Valley

Kaza is the headquarters of Spiti Valley and is the most important town of the region. The small town has most of the hotels and all the HRTC buses arrive at and leave from Kaza. While Kaza itself is a small town and hardly has much to offer in terms of attractions, it can serve as your base to explore the region. There are numerous hotels, guest houses and homestays available in Kaza. There are a couple of backpackers hostels as well. It is perhaps the only place in Spiti Valley where you will get good wifi in some of the hotels.

So you can stay at Kaza, get fuel for your car from the world’s highest fuel station and explore the rest of Spiti Valley.

Tabo Monastery, Spiti Valley Road trip

Tabo is a beautiful place. It is the first major village that you will come across in Spiti valley if you are coming from Shimla.

Tabo is also known as the “Ajanta of Himalayas” because of the ancient Tabo Monastery and the age-old murals that it houses. Tabo Monastery was built sometime in 996 CE. The monastery is located within the village and not on a hilltop. This was a distinguishing feature of the early period monasteries built before 1300 AD. Similar examples can be seen in Alchi Monastery and Mangyu Temple Complex in Ladakh.

Once you enter the Tabo Monastery Complex, you will be transported to a different era. And once you look at the ancient murals, you will understand why Tabo is known as the Ajanta of Himalaya. They are simply grand and magnificent.

Tabo village also has some ancient caves that you can explore.

Tabo is around 50km from Kaza. There are many hotels and homestays found in Tabo – many near the monastery complex and many in the villages. We highly recommend a night stay at Tabo. It is an enchanting place.

Dhankar Monastery - best places to visit in Spiti Valley

Dhankar is located about 36 km from Kaza, but you have to take a diversion from the main road to reach Dhankar Village. The place is known for Dhankar Monastery and Dhankar fort.

Words are not enough to describe the beauty and grandness of Dhankar Monastery and the village. The village looks as if it is hanging from a cliff and your photographer self would definitely want to click several pictures of the village and monastery.

View of the Dhankar village at dusk

Another attraction at Dhankar is the Dhankar Lake. It is a 5 km uphill trek from the village to reach Dhankar Lake. The trek is easy and can be done by moderately active people without prior preparation. Dhankar Lake is beautiful. But it is the serenity of the place that will take you in.

There are a few homestays at Dhankar village. We stayed at Dhankar for a night as we had planned to do the Dhankar Lake trek. A villager simply opened up his home and invited us to stay there. They only took INR 800 for the room and dinner.

Dhankar can be visited on your journey from Tabo to Kaza.

Key Monastery

Key Monastery Spiti Valley

Key village is located about 15 km from Kaza and the most famous attraction of the place is the Key Monastery, whose picture has become eponymous with Spiti Valley itself. The Gompa is grand and beautiful and houses several important artifacts, idols and murals. It is one of the largest and most important monasteries in the region. The Key Gompa has temples, prayer halls, meditation rooms, schools, monk’s quarters, and hostels for young monks inside the complex.

Young monk at Key Gompa

Once you are there, you will see several young monks  playing around. You can talk with them, visit the temples and meditation rooms and get a glimpse of the life of the monks.

Key village also has a few homestays and camps. We had stayed at a homestay in Key village as we wanted to stay away from Kaza and experience the village life at Spiti Valley.

Beautiful Kibber village, Spiti Valley

Kibber is one of the highest villages in Spiti Valley. It is located about 19 km from Kaza town on the same road as Key. Kibber is also the entry point of Kibber wildlife sanctuary where snow leopards can be seen.

Kibber is a beautiful village. The houses perched on the cliff look quaint and beautiful. Look at the picture if you do not believe me!

Kibber is also the starting point of Kanamo Peak Trek and Parang La Pass trek.

Buddha statue at Langza village Spiti Valley

If you have seen the picture of a gigantic Buddha statue lording over snow-capped peaks and valleys, then you have probably seen the Buddha statue of Langza. But that is not the only attraction of Langza. In Langza and a few surrounding villages, you can see marine fossils. It means that some 150 million years ago, Langza was under the sea.

Scientists observe that the Himalayas were not always there. Infact, the Himalayas happen to be one of the youngest mountain ranges on the earth. Earlier there used to be Tethys Ocean in its place. Due to tectonic collision, the mountains emerged and the ocean disappeared. This is the reason, one could find marine fossils at Langza and the surrounding villages. The villagers have preserved these fossils in their houses and you can see them once you visit there.

Langza village Spiti Valley

Langza too, is an extremely beautiful place. There are a few homestays available in Langza. These homestays provide basic amenities, but very warm hospitality. If you have time, spend a night at Langza.  

Komic - highest village connected by motorable road - Spiti Valley road trip

Komic is one of the highest motorable villages in the world. Located at an altitude of 4600 meters, there is a plaque at Komic saying that “You are at the highest motorable village in the world”. The village has very few houses and there is an ancient monastery at Komic.

We did see a small homestay at Komic. If you want to stay there, you have to ask around.

Hikkim - world's highest post office is located at Spiti Valley

Hikkim is quite famous because it has World’s highest post office in the village. Quite naturally, the place is quite a tourist attraction is Spiti Valley. The village itself is small and the few houses that are there are spread out.

You can visit the Hikkim post office, talk to the postmaster, buy several postcards and send them over to any address you like.

By the banks of Pin River at Mud village, Pin Valley

Pin Valley is one of the most beautiful places that you will visit on your Spiti Valley road trip. The location is in a bit of a different area and you will need an entire day to visit the place. Mud village is the major settlement in Pin Valley that also has a few homestays for tourists and travelers.

Pin valley is quite gorgeous. The landscape is a bit different from Spiti and you can see more greenery here. The Pin River flows by the village and the entire river valley opens up to a majestic view. If you have time, we recommend you stay a night at Mud village. The experience will be quite different from the others.

Pin River at Mud village

At Mud, there is not much to do than explore the village at your own lazy pace. You can visit the river bank and spend time there.

Pin Valley also borders the Parvati Valley and Mud village is the base camp for the famous Pin-Parvati Pass trek and the Pin-Bhaba Pass trek.

While you are driving towards Mud village, do not forget to stop and see the confluence of the Spiti and Pin River.

Offbeat Places to Visit in Spiti

Now that you have planned to visit the main attractions of Spiti Valley and yet have some time in your hand, you can check out the following offbeat places in Spiti Valley. Spiti in itself is remote and raw, but these places are not much visited by tourists and can definitely make it in your itinerary.

Gue Mummy Stupa

Gue Mummy Stupa - offbeat place to visit in Spiti Valley

Yes, there is a mummy in Spiti valley. Gue Mummy Stupa is a latest addition to the attractions in Spiti Valley. Gue village is located about 38 km from Nako. Just after crossing Sumdo, there is a diversion from the main road towards Gue village. The village is about 12 km from the main road and Tabo is another 26 km from the point.

Gue has a monastery, but its main attraction is the Mummy, believed to be almost 530 years old. The mummy you see here is that of the Buddhist monk Sangha Tenzing. It is believed that the monk had undergone the process of self-mummification to attain this state.

As of today, there are only 24 such mummies of monks who had undergone self-mummification. If you look carefully, you can see his teeth, small patches of hair on the head and nails on the body. And all these are not preserved in the way done in Egypt! This process is different.

This mummified body of Sangha Tenzing was found after an earthquake in 1975 opened an old tomb. It was excavated much later in 2004. The glass surrounding the mummy case was placed only a few years back.

You can visit Gue on your way from Nako to Tabo. There are a couple of homestays at Gue village if you want to stay there for the night.

Lingti Waterfall

Lingti Waterfall - offbeat Spiti Valley

Lingti is a small village on the way towards Pin valley. The place is famous for its waterfall, especially during the winter season. During summer, Lingti waterfall is just a simple waterfall on the way. But in winter, the waterfall gets frozen and looks quite imposing and beautiful. It’s brilliant, but scary!

Chicham Bridge

Chicham Bridge - highest bridge in Asia

Chicham Bridge is the latest addition in the attractions of Spiti Valley. Located at an altitude of 13596 feet, this bridge is said to be the highest motorable bridge in Asia connecting 2 villages – Chicham and Kibber. It took almost 15 years to build this bridge. You can cross Chicham Bridge and take the road forward towards Manali.

Mane is another small, beautiful and offbeat destination in Spiti valley. You can reach there by taking a short diversion near the road towards Pin Valley. Mane village has an ancient monastery which is its main attraction.

Gette and Tashigang

Gette and Tashigang are two villages located on the same route. Tashigang is one of the remotest villages to reach in Spiti Valley. And believe me when I say that we did not see a single person or vehicle on the road when we were driving from Gette to Trashigang!

Gette village Spiti Valley

Well, Gette is a small village with houses so spread out that you will feel there is nothing but emptiness there.

Tashigang is located at an altitude of 15256 feet and has the world’s highest polling station in the village. There are only 52 registered voters in Tashigang and there was 100% turnout during the November 2022 assembly election.

The village is small with a few houses and a gompa in the middle of the village. Due to the altitude, the wind is very strong here.

Tashigang Village in Spiti Valley has world's highest polling station

Well, Tashigang is also located very near to the China border, a mere 30 km away.

Demul & Lhalung

Spiti Valley landscape

Demul and Lhalunga are two nearby villages connected by motorable roads very recently. You can also trek from Demul to Lhalung if you want. In fact, we have seen many travelers trekking from one village to another in Spiti Valley. Perhaps one day, when we have enough time, we will do that.  Lhalung has an ancient beautiful monastery and the two villages are quite lovely themselves. If you have time at hand, visit these places.

Spiti Valley Itinerary

Here is a glimpse of a most-common itinerary for Spiti assuming you start at Shimla and end in Manali.

Day 1 : Shimla – Sarahan

Day 2: Sarahan – Kalpa

Day 3: Kalpa – Nako – Gue – Tabo

Day 4: Tabo – Dhankar – Pin valley (Mud Village)

Day 5: Mud village – Kaza – Key – Kibber – Kaza

Day 6: Kaza – Hikkim – Komic – Langza – Kaza

Day 7: Kaza – Kunzum Pass – Chandratal Lake

Day 8: Chandratal Lake – Manali

This is a very rushed itinerary for Spiti Valley.

I believe you need time for your Spiti Valley road trip. These days I have seen a 7 days itinerary for the entire Spiti Valley starting from Shimla and ending in Manali. I am not sure how they attain it. I think you will need at least 10 days to do justice to Spiti Valley. There is a separate post about it.

Spiti Valley road trip

Cost of Spiti Valley Road Trip

The cost of a trip majorly depends on your choice of transportation and accommodation. So here I will divide the cost into modes of transportation, accommodation, food and miscellaneous.

On a Spiti valley Road trip, the major cost comes out to be for that for transportation or fuel if you are self driving or riding. Using public transport is quite cheaper, but it is challenging and difficult if you have time constraints.

As such, in Spiti Valley, travelers mostly commute by hiring a taxi or they self-drive on their cars and bikes.

Here I am assuming that you start the trip at Shimla and end it at Manali.

Cost for Privately Hired Taxi

The rate for taxis from Shimla to Kinnaur Valley and  Spiti valley is usually around INR 3800-4500 per day.

Self-drive by Car or Bike

Spiti Valley on bike

On this Spiti Valley Road trip, you will probably be driving for around 1600 – 1700 kms in total. If your bike gives a mileage of 25-30 km per litre on an average, with the current cost of petrol (INR 105.00 approx), your fuel cost will be around INR 6,500.00 to INR 7,000.00.

If your SUV gives a mileage of 15 km per litre on an average and with the current cost of diesel (INR 92 approx), your fuel cost will be around INR 10,000.00 to INR 11,000.00.

If you are renting a bike or car, keep that cost in calculation as well.

Accommodation depends on what you choose. For basic homestays, guest houses and monastery stays, you can keep INR 800.00 to INR 1500.00 per night. For mid-budget hotels, it can be upto INR 4000.00.

Food will also depend on what you have and from where you have. If you have your meals at small eateries and dhabas, then it can cost you around INR 100.00 per meal. If you are visiting restaurants and cafes, the cost will be higher.

The trip cost will also increase if you decide to travel to remote places, spend on shopping and other activities.

What to Carry for your Spiti Valley Road Trip?

Spiti Valley on bike

In addition to your regular clothes and shoes, there are a few things that you should carry during your Spiti Valley road trip. The area is remote, though not inhospitable and the infrastructure is not yet at its best.

  • Let us first talk about clothes. During the summer months between June to September, carry cotton clothes, light woolen and a jacket. The mornings are usually quite sunny and warm. For April and October, carry woolen and proper jackets. Also carry socks, scarves and woolen socks.
  • If you are visiting Spiti Valley during the winter, you have to carry enough warm clothes, thermals, heavy jackets, socks, scarves, gloves and balaclava.
  • Good shoes are also important in any road trips. We usually wear these during our trips.
  • Whenever you are visiting Spiti valley, always carry a good sunscreen that offers SPF 50 protection.
  • Carry a skin lotion or cream. Also carry a lip-balm.
  • Carry Vaseline with you. Spiti is a dry region and Vaseline can be a lifesaver there.
  • Also, please do not forget a cap or hat. It will help protect you from the harsh sun rays during the day.
  • Carry a basic first-aid kit having general medicines for cold, cough, fever and stomach problems. You may also carry Diamox for altitude sickness. But it is always better to travel slow and acclimatize than taking Diamox.
  • Carry emergency kit for your car that includes a tyre inflator and puncture repair kit, battery jump start cable, towing rope, and empty 5 litre can for back-up fuel.

Petrol Pumps in Spiti Valley

On the Shimla to Kaza route, the last petrol pump is at Reckong Peo and Tapri. On the Manali to Kaza route, there are no petrol pumps once you leave the towns.

Worlds highest Petrol Pump at Kaza

Spiti valley Travel Guide (FAQs Answered)

You will need at least 8 days for your Spiti Valley road trip assuming you enter from Shimla and return to Manali. This time, you will probably visit the most famous attractions of Spiti Valley. You will need at least 3 days to enter Spiti from Shimla via Kinnaur Valley and at least 2 days to exit to Manali via Kunzum Pass. However, I recommend that you travel slowly and enjoy the vibes of Spiti.

It is always better to start your journey from Shimla, travel through Kinnaur Valley and then enter Spiti. End your journey at Manali after crossing the Kunzum pass. This will help you to acclimatize better.

The best time to visit Spiti Valley is between June to September when the weather is at the best. The mornings are bright and sunny and evenings are cool. It does not rain much in Spiti, so the months of July and August are great as well. However, monsoons are experienced at other parts of Himachal Pradesh like Kinnaur Valley and Kullu and Manali during July and August and there might be landslides and roadblocks because of the rains.

Yes, you can visit Spiti valley during the winter. Spiti is a winter wonderland with a snow covered landscape. Snow leopards can also be seen during this time. However, winters are very harsh and cold and facilities are very less for tourists during this time. Also, the Manali to Kaza road will be closed and you will hardly get any public transport during this time.

Yes, you can do a Spiti valley Road trip by car. Just make sure that your car is a SUV having high ground clearance. Also make sure the driver is confident when driving at treacherous mountain roads.

Yes, there are mobile signals at the towns and in some villages in Spiti valley. Mobile networks of Airtel and Jio are found in Kaza, Key, Dhankar and Tabo village. There was no mobile network in the remote villages like Mud village, Langza, Tashigang and Gue.

You will have wifi at the hotels in Kaza town. Mobile internet is poor and you will not get any internet once you leave Kaza.

Mud village Pin Valley

Hope this Spiti travel guide helps you plan your perfect Spiti Valley Road trip. If you wish to have an itinerary, we will be publishing a blog on that soon.

Do let us know whether you found this helpful. If yes, please share this blog with youyr family, friends and neighbours.

Keep travelling!

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Agni Amrita Travel Blogger

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We have been travelling together since the last 15 years and writing independent and personal travel content since 2014. Travel is one of the best teachers and through this blog, we aim to share our experiences and travel tips. We encourage you to travel more and see the world through your eyes and not through filtered templates.

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Key Monastery (Gompa) – The Most Breathtaking Monastery of Spiti Valley

Key Monastery (Gompa) – The Most Breathtaking Monastery of Spiti Valley

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Kibber, Gette & Tashigang – Exploring Remotest Corners of Spiti

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Hikkim & Komic (Spiti) – Visit to The Highest Post Office in The World

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Chandra Bdr Gurung

Stunning locations in the Spiti Valley; I want to see them one day.

Agni Amrita

You will surely see them! Thanks for the comment.

Prapti Sharma

Spiti Valley is indeed a gem in the Indian travel scene, and your blog beautifully captures its allure. The vivid descriptions and insights into the mountains, monasteries, and unique landscape create a compelling narrative. Your Spiti Valley travel guide is a treasure trove of information, offering a comprehensive look at the must-visit places and essential tips for a road trip. Reading this has sparked the adventurer in me, making Spiti Valley a top contender for my next journey. Thanks for sharing your passion and knowledge, making Spiti Valley even more irresistible!

Thank you so much!

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Best Time To Visit Spiti Valley

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spiti valley tour in december

What is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?

The best time to visit Spiti is from March to June. The ones who are into a relaxing vacation should visit Spiti during this season when the temperature ranges from 0 - 15-degree Celcius, which starts from March and lasts until June. Winters in Spiti are for the daring. The road connectivity is unreliable during the winters with Manali-Kaza highway being cut-off. The snow leopard expedition is one activity that takes the cake during this season. It is best to avoid planning a trip to Spiti during the monsoon months (July- September), since the continuous heavy rainfall, followed by landslides and slippery roads, may spoil your holiday mood to a great extent.

Weather in Spiti Valley

spiti valley tour in december

Upcoming Spiti Valley Weather

Monthly weather in spiti valley, spiti valley travel packages.

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Best Spiti Valley Tour Packages - Budget Friendly

Kinnaur spiti tour package: short trek to kamru fort.

Spiti Valley in Summers: 1 Week in Breathtaking Kinnaur & Spiti

Spiti Valley Tour from Manali

Spiti valley tour packages from chandigarh with tabo, adventurous manali, kaza & chandratal, more about best time to travel to spiti valley, spiti valley in summer (march - june), spiti valley in monsoon (july - september).

  • Witness the rare sight of greenery in the normally arid landscape.
  • Experience a quieter Spiti with fewer tourists.
  • Enjoy the unique charm of the Spitian monsoon, a departure from the typical Indian monsoon.
  • Road conditions may be challenging due to occasional landslides, so plan for delays.
  • The Spiti River may be in full flow, activities like rafting or rapelling will take a pause during monsoons. 
  • Check weather and road conditions regularly, and be prepared for unexpected delays.

Spiti Valley in Winter (October - February)

  • Experience the unique charm of Spiti covered in snow, creating a magical winter landscape.
  • Ideal for photography enthusiasts capturing the stark beauty of the region.
  • Limited tourist traffic offers a peaceful and authentic Spitian experience.
  • Winter festivals like the Halda Festival, celebrated in some villages, showcase local traditions.
  • Apart from its natural, magical beauty and the plethora of adrenaline-inducing quests, Spiti is also home to one of the most exciting events - the snow leopard expedition.
  • As the temperature reaches plummeting down till it drops beyond the freezing point, the herbivores residing in the Spiti Valley descend to look for something to eat and drink and closely following suit of its prey, so does their strikingly beautiful predator.
  • In addition to the sight of the majestic carnivore, be prepared to spot the Bharal (blue sheep), Ibex, and the Himalayan Wolf.
  • Many areas, including high-altitude passes, might be inaccessible due to heavy snowfall.
  • Limited accommodation options, so it's advisable to plan and book in advance.
  • Since most of the roads in Spiti are blocked and inhospitable during the winter months, and it is quite unsafe overall to visit Spiti from October to January, it is best to set out for this extraordinary experience in February. To be specific, the second week of this month is a great time to start on this adventure. 

Events in Spiti Valley

Activity: mountain biking.

July - September

21st August

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  • Mount Abu Things To Keep In Mind If Travelling For First Time

Mount Abu: 7 Things To Keep In Mind If Travelling For First Time

Unveiling rajasthan's hidden gem, mount abu - the solitary hill station tucked away amidst the undulating hills of the aravalli range. this unexpected oasis is a sight for the sore eyes, shattering the monotonous images of desertscapes that usually spring to mind when thinking about the region. if you're contemplating a first-time visit to this postcard-pretty setting, here's the lowdown to help carve memorable impressions..

spiti valley tour in december

Ishika Jain Updated: Aug 30, 2024 12:51 PM IST

The only hill station in Rajasthan, Mount Abu lies between the Aravalli Range and is a refreshing place to go for anyone tired of the desert landscape that has become synonymous with this region. Being your first visit to this picturesque destination here is what you need to know.

1. Getting There

spiti valley tour in december

Mount Abu is easily accessible by road from major cities like Udaipur which is 163 km away and Ahmedabad which is 221 km away. The nearest railway station is at Abu Road, about 28 km away; from here one can connect with big cities such as New Delhi and Mumbai. The closest airport to Mount Abu is Maharana Pratap Airport in Udaipur, which is approximately 185 km away.

2. Best Time to Visit

The most favorable time to visit Mt. Abu would be in February-June and September-December during which it offers good weather for people who want to explore the town or its surroundings.

3. Accommodation

spiti valley tour in december

4. Must-Visit Attractions

Dilwara Temples: These ancient Jain temples are renowned for their extraordinary marble architecture and intricate carvings. They are must-see places for those who love history and architecture.

Nakki Lake: This serene water body located amidst mountains provides an ideal spot for boating as well as other activities like sightseeing peaceful surroundings around the lake Don't miss Toad Rock nearby resembling a frog-shaped stone formation.

Guru Shikhar: The highest peak in the Aravali range providing panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and plains, it's famous for trekking & photography.

Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary: With a variety of flora and fauna including leopards, sloth bears and numerous bird species, it is a nature lover's paradise.

Sunset Point : This popular viewpoint offers amazing views of the sun setting over the hills. It is an ideal place for photography lovers to catch a shot in the tranquility.

5. Activities

Mount Abu provides many other activities apart from sightseeing that can keep tourists occupied.

Trekking: There are some beautiful trails around Mount Abu like trek to Guru Shikhar or Wildlife sanctuary.

spiti valley tour in december

Shopping: The main bazaar near Nakki Lake is a good starting point for exploring local markets with Rajasthani handicrafts and textiles, as well as souvenirs.

Food Exploration: In different parts of the town you will find several restaurants and eateries where you'll have a chance to enjoy Rajasthani cuisine along with local delights.

6. Local Culture and Festivals

Throughout the year several cultural events and festivals like Summer Festival in May showcasing Rajasthan folk arts, music and dances are held at Mt Abu.Winter Festival in December brings out originality of its people through traditional performances & handicraft displays.

7. Travel Tips

Climate: Carry light woolens even during summers as evenings can be cool.

spiti valley tour in december

Local Transportation: Taxis and auto-rickshaws are readily available for local travel. You might also hire bikes or bicycles if you want to tour at your own pace.

Respect Local Customs: Mount Abu has a significant Jain community; therefore dress modestly while going inside temples or religious sites in Mount Abu.

For the first time visitors, Mount Abu is a place of natural beauty, history and culture. Whatever you want, be it a nature retreat or an experience of Rajasthan's culture; this hill station has something for everyone. A well-planned trip to this gem in the Aravalli range will surely give you an unforgettable experience.

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  • 10 Places to Visit in Himachal in May

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Tourist Places to Visit in Himachal Pradesh in May

Here are some of the best places to visit in himachal in may:, quick navigation.

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Nestled in the mighty Himalayas, Manali has an abundance of spectacular valleys filled with forests of oak, fir, deodar and pine. It is a full package of nature, food, adventure sports and ancient heritages. Splashing river Beas flows proudly amidst the valley. A lot of gushing waterfalls like Jogni falls and Rahala fall flush out of haphazardly placed rocks. You can also catch sights of sprawling meadows, terraced farming and fruit orchards. All these sights adds up to making the town look breathtakingly beautiful.  Manali also shares a piece of history, giving it ancient heritages which has splendid architecture and stunning views. Religious devotees come here to pay their tribute to the temples like Hadimba, Manu and Shiv temple. Whereas history lovers go to old forts like Naggar and Kuthar. These places have remarkable architecture against the backdrop of mountains which is worth a visit.  Having said enough about the terrains of Manali, it is a hub for adventure sports. The location gives a wide range of adventurous activities like paragliding, camping, trekking and river rafting to feed the adrenaline hunger of the adventure seekers. It also has rustic villages and backcountries, which calls for the hippie experiences. Places like Solang Valley and Rohtang Pass are often visited by these junkies. Backpackers love to visit here to get the plateful meal of thrill, nature, wildlife and tranquillity.  All this grace makes up Manali for a romantic honeymoon with a subtle blend of adventure. Newly wedded couples choose this place to begin the new life of their love amidst the fresh meadows and white streams of water. Striding around the mall road at night is also a very pleasing option where they together can try on distinct local cuisines. However, the regional cuisines are majorly influenced by Punjabi and Tibetan tadka, but that ends up making it tastier. Mall road also leaves options for buying unique stuff like singing bowl, woollen clothing, Dorje, prayer wheels and other souvenirs. These lit roads at night and gleaming valleys in the morning give picture-perfect backdrops for their honeymoon photos. Even photography enthusiasts can capture these frames along with flora and fauna of the city. Manali is no less than a box full of an array of sweets. You can dig in it and collect as many gems as you want. And by gems, it means ‘memories’. Wait no longer and pack all that you need for a fun-filled trip. Grab your laptop to book your tickets and head off to this lovely place to have some experiences to cherish throughout your life.

Top Experiences To Do in Manali

Bike Adventure in Ladakh

If you are looking for a serene and calm location to harmonize your soul, then Dalhousie would be an ideal place. The galore of luscious meadows with a mesmerizing blend of fir and pine trees would enlighten your body and mind for a memorable experience. This stunning hill station is ideal for family vacations and romantic honeymoons, and even foreign tourists prefer to visit this impeccable location. There are many eminent places in Dalhousie, which should be a must-visit on your list. You would certainly feel like in fairyland by witnessing nature’s imperious form in many parts of this stunning hill station. Khajjiar is a popular spot in Dalhousie, and its astonishing beauty gives it the title of “ Switzerland of India.” This glorious place would certainly take your breath away with its lush greenery and alluring atmosphere. Along with the spell bounding meadows, Khajjiar is also renowned for its divine temples. For all the adventurous freaks, activities like Paragliding, Zorbing, and trekking are regularly organized in different locations of Dalhousie. You should also witness the astonishing site of Satdhara Falls for a rejuvenating experience. With incredible therapeutic properties, the waterfalls are quite efficient against several ailments. This place is also ideal for trekking, with a soul-stirring experience of witnessing nature’s imperious form. For an enthralling excursion trip with friends and family, Panch Pulla should be your ideal destination. Astonishing view of waterfalls, exuberating picnic spots and an adventurous trek awaits you at this spot! For people who are intrigued by the menacing wildlife, Kalatop wildlife sanctuary is home to incredible creatures like Leopard, Himalayan Black Marten, Bear, and jackal. Witnessing such beautiful creatures would certainly send chills through your spines! Thus Dalhousie is one place in Himachal which is ideal for every travel aficionado.

Top Experiences To Do in Dalhousie

Khajjiar Lake

Bir - Billing

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Nestled amongst the aesthetic natural bounties, Bir is a small village in Himachal Pradesh which is also known as the paragliding capital of India. A place so pristine, this village adds extra glitters and jitters to the beauty of Himachal. Bir is located at an elevation of 5,000 feet amidst the serene landscapes, snow-capped hills, and artistic temples. Home to a Tibetan colony, this place holds a rich culture featuring the Deer Park Institute, a centre for Indian tradition wisdom patronage by Dalai Lama, widening the horizons of your knowledge about traditions.  Not just a visual treat, Bir is famous for enthralling activities including trekking, paragliding, mountain biking, and hand gliding, giving you savour the adrenaline rush you’ve been looking for. For the ones looking for a thrill-filled vacation to challenge your inner adventurer, Bir won’t disappoint you at all. Bir has something for everyone; head to the Bir Road market to quench your shopping cravings, leisure walk along the lake, enjoy few hours at the Himalayan Film school, explore the cafes that serve divine local Tibetan dishes, and watch the tranquilising sight as the sun sets in the sky gleaming with different hues.  The summer season of Bir, starting from April to June, turns this beautiful land into heaven as the snow melts making the weather pleasant. This is considered the best time for paragliding bringing flocks of people from all over the globe. Magnifying the elegance of Bir, the monsoon showers flourish the flora and fauna of the place turning the place into heaven. The light to heavy showers make it an offseason for paragliding, therefore, if you want to explore Bir and indulge in activities other than paragliding then this season is perfectly fine. The temperature in winters, starting from December to March, drop down to sub-zero as it starts to snow in the upper regions covering it in 5-6 feet ice sheet. If you wish to winter trek then you can visit Bir in this season, but make sure you are well prepared.

Top Experiences To Do in Bir - Billing

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Located at a dizzying height of nearly 6,000 meters above sea level, Kinnaur is an adventurer’s paradise. Surrounded by the majestic ranges of the Himalayas, the Dhauladhar and the Zaskar ranges, this little village is the last Indian district on the Indo-Tibet border. Cascading across a varying degree of altitude, Kinnaur comprises a variety of flora and fauna. From the vibrant green valleys of Sangla with its picturesque apple and apricot orchards, to the pristine, clear lake of Nako, Kinnaur has it all. The little town is also home to the Kinnaur Kailash, a mountain sacred to Hindu mythology as the abode of Lord Shiva. The gushing rivers of Baspa, Sutlej, and Spiti have chiseled out a number of valleys here, forming one of the most picturesque mountain towns in the world. Kinnaur is known for its distinct architectural style with its characteristic blend of Buddhist and Hindu architectural designs. One of the best examples of Kinnauri architecture is the massive Narayan Nagini Temple, located only a short drive away from the main town. The splendid woodwork and craftsmanship of the Kinnauri style is also manifested in the Bering Nag temple of Sangla, which is a beautiful wooden temple dedicated to Lord Jagas. The Moorang fort in Kinnaur is one of its most popular attractions. The fort is believed to have been built by the Pandava brothers, and is dedicated to the local deity Umrig. The best way to enjoy the idyllic town is to visit the orchards of Kinnaur. The villages of Moorang and Kothi house some of the most beautiful orchards of apple, cherry and oranges, making Kinnaur one of the most picturesque places to visit in Himachal Pradesh. The vibrant culture of the town can also be experienced by immersing oneself in the chants of the Hu-Bun-Lan-Kar Temple in Kalpa, or by visiting the popular Phulaich Fair at the Bering Nag Temple. Owing to its high elevation, Kinnaur experiences long winters spanning between October to May, and remains cold and chilly through most of the year. The summers here are short, between June to September, and experience cool and pleasant weather. While the upper regions of Kinnaur lies in the rain-shadow area and remains arid throughout the year, the lower regions experience a fair amount of rainfall during the summer months.

Top Experiences To Do in Kinnaur

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Best of Manali

35 Things to Do in Manali - {{year}} (Starting from ₹499 Only)

With thousands of tea gardens and beautiful deodar forests encircling the town, Palampur is a popular town of Himachal Pradesh located in the Kangra district of Himachal. Palampur was a part of the local sikh kingdom which later caught the eyes of Englishmen and soon it turned into the ground for trade and commerce. Their presence can be seen with beautiful Victorian-style mansions and castles. The city has stunning greenery with beautiful landscapes which creates a mesmerizing experience. You will see vast tea gardens all over the palampur and driving along the scenic beauty of the Dhauladhar range and the slopes of the Kangra valley is unforgettable. Palampur is like a paradise for the people who are adventure enthusiasts. You can enjoy Rafting, paragliding, mountain trekking or skydiving which creates an immense memorable life experience. Palampur has unexplored destinations that offer a peaceful and serene environment to tourists. You can level up your adventurous hunger by going paragliding at Bir and explore lush green forests that look really amazing while trekking in triund. Tibetian culture can be felt with amazing artifacts available at Tashi Jong Monastery. Adding to it, you can make your visit to various famous temples such as Baijnath Temple, Chamunda Devi Temple, and many more. The weather condition in Palampur is moderate which makes it a year-round destination place for the visitors. You can either make your visit during Summers i.e between March and June, when weather conditions are mild and you can make your peaceful visit or early winters time i.e between November and February, when conditions are pleasant and not much cold is there in the region to disrupt your journey. As winters in palampur are freezing so avoid visiting during peak winter times.

Top Experiences To Do in Palampur

Rakkh Resort, Palampur

Best of Uttarakhand

 Places to Visit in Uttarakhand, Tourist Places & Attractions

Kasauli is a beautiful, picturesque town and cantonment, situated in the district of Solan, in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Even though there are a lot of unique attractions in Kasauli, it is primarily known for its scenic beauty and serenity. This town is accessible both from Chandigarh, which is 65km away and Shimla, which is 77km away from Kasauli. The most convenient way to travel to Kasauli is by train since it is a railway junction itself. The Kalka Mail, which is one of the most important trains in the country connecting cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Amritsar, is a great way to reach Kasauli, as the town is a mere 40 km away from the town of Kalka in Haryana. If one wants to reach by air, then Chandigarh Airport is the nearest airport from where you can easily hire cars or avail buses to take you to Kasauli. Buses are also frequently available from Delhi and Chandigarh, making trips to Kasauli easy and convenient. Despite Kasauli being a small town, it has many spectacular places to visit, which has made it a popular tourist destination. The main attractions of Kasauli are Manki Point (a Hanuman Temple), the Gilbert Trail on Kachcha Road, Sunset Point, the Gurkha Fort, Baba Balak Nath Temple Christ’s Church, Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, and the Central Research Library which is famous for its virological research and studies in the fields of immunology. Since the town is located in the foothills of the Himalayas, it experiences moderately cool to humid climate throughout the year. Therefore, the best time to visit this beautiful town is from March to June, and again during September, October and November. The town has several comfortable hotels and lodges that range from moderately priced to luxury accommodations, depending on the budget and requirement of the visitors.

Top Experiences To Do in Kasauli

Outside view of the Glenview Resort

Best of Shimla

50 Places to Visit in Shimla {{year}}, Tourist Places & Attractions

Among the most popular hill stations in India, Shimla holds a distinct place owing to its unique charm. Located at a distance of 342 km from the national capital, Delhi, Shimla is a great choice for a weekend getaway from Delhi and Chandigarh since there are so many places to visit in Shimla. Shimla is the capital city of Himachal Pradesh, and all it possesses and all it offers helps it easily justify its reputation and position as the capital city of a beautiful state, widely known for adventure activities and natural wonders. Laden with beautiful, dense forests of Pine, Oak, and Deodar, Shimla is refreshing in its very existence. 

The picturesqueness of this beautiful hill station makes it an apt destination for photographers looking for perfect frames and nature enthusiasts who want explore the nature in its pristine form. It is quite interesting that despite being home to a large population, the biosphere of Shimla is still in an excellent form. Shimla exhibits a very relaxing mood to those who visit it in search of tranquility.

Due to the plenty of activity options available here, Shimla is emerging as a popular destination for offbeat travel as well. People from all over India and beyond visit Shimla to experience an adventure which makes it a major hotspot for adventure activities in northern India. It is also home to some beautiful places with spectacular views, and some truly magnificent specimens of architecture can be found in Shimla.

Shimla houses some beautiful Hindu temples, located at apt locations, offering spectacular views of the beautiful hill station and the nearby hills with a thick covering of green forests. Some of the most revered temples in Shimla are Jakhoo Temple, Tara Devi Temple, Mansa Devi Temple, etc. These temples are located at short distances from the city center, so if you prefer, you can trek up to these temples through the woods. Shimla has a plethora of interesting places to visit and explore. As Shimla once served as the Summer Capital of British India, some captivating buildings with brilliant neo-Gothic architecture exist here.

Some of the most remarkable ones among those are the Institute of Advance Learning, Gorton Castle, Bantony Castle, and Christ Church. You can spend an evening shopping from the Mall Road and enjoying some interesting cultural activities on the Ridge. Splendid views of the city can be enjoyed and captured in your camera from the Ridge after sunset. Shimla also has also some interesting places in store for wildlife lovers. Himalayan Bird Park is a delight for wildlife lovers, exhibiting some exotic and native unique bird species. Another great option for nature lovers and photographers in Shimla is Shimla Reserve Forest Sanctuary.

Shimla is not the kind of place that would ever let you feel bored while you are there since there are many interesting things to do in Shimla. Small things feel extraordinary in its beautiful setting. Be it a lazy walk on the Mall Road or shopping low-cost wooden articles and woolen clothes from Lakkar Bazar; be it picking one of the many restaurants serving toothsome food or trying pastries at bakery shops on the Mall Road, everything has a ‘feel good’ factor about it here. Moreover, the popularity of Shimla as a travel destination for an offbeat experience is on the rise. Earlier, Shimla was more popular among people travelling with families as a summer getaway, but with the popularisation of adventure activities, it is earning a reputation among adventure lovers.

Due to its proximity from major cities like Delhi and Chandigarh, people from these cities prefer to travel to Shimla to indulge into adventure activities over travelling to destinations farther than it. Among the most popular activities in Shimla are camping, trekking, ice skating, paragliding, river rafting and heli skiing. If you want to experience light and easy activities in Shimla, there are some nice easy trek options here that take you to amazing spots through lush green Pine and Oak forests. And, if you crave thrill, Shimla is surrounded by some prominent Himalayan mountain ranges which is the reason why there are some breathtaking trails for trekking in and around Shimla. You can also experience the unique fun of ice skating here. Mountain biking can also be enjoyed in Shimla if you are up for something different.

Being the capital city of Himachal, there are abundant stay options in Shimla. You can find a good accommodation at a ridiculously low price and you can also find luxury hotels and resorts at scenic locations. Furthermore, there are some excellent campsites in Shimla where you can enjoy camping in the woods under a beautiful starlit sky. So, it does not matter whether you are a budget traveller or you prefer extravaganza; if you want to just relax in a comfortable accommodation laced with all modern amenities or you want an outdoor camping experience, Shimla has the most appropriate options to offer.

Shimla looks beautiful during all the seasons and can be visited during any time of the year. However, if you are interested in indulging in activities like camping, trekking and rafting in Shimla, the best time to visit is between March to June when the climate is pleasant. Most tourists visit Shimla during summer to find refuge in the cold hills of Shimla. But, visiting Shimla during winters is altogether a different experience. It is an ideal destination to spend a cold, lazy vacation at. If you get lucky, you may get to witness snowfall here between December to February, which is an experience, the memories of which you will always want to keep intact.

Top Experiences To Do in Shimla

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Best of Rishikesh

 Places to Visit in Rishikesh, Tourist Places & Attractions

When it comes to finding a destination that is beautiful, serene, adventurous and available through the year, in Kasol India has already found its favorite spot to travel to. Kasol shot to fame for a plethora of reasons, the prime being the kind of serene beauty that surrounds the city lying in the Parvati Valley as well as the activities you can do here . This quaint little town in Himachal Pradesh is situated on the banks of the Parvati River and has maintained a level of pristine beauty through the years, the kind that attracts people not just from India, but also from many different corners of the world.

Kasol, Himachal Pradesh, is very well known in the travel community for being a haven for backpackers and budget travelers. Replete with experiences that will take away the heart of a lot of travelers, Kasol is more than just a destination. It can easily be proclaimed to be a whole adventure in itself. with a wide number of places to visit in Kasol , it can be called as an ultimate destination. The reason for that is the many adventures that a traveler experiences, be it physical, visual, spiritual, and in some cases, life-changing. Really a small town in the Parvati Valley, Kasol is not just a hotspot for backpacking adventures or a destination set amidst green hills. It is a hub for people looking to just get away from their regular office lives and take to the Himalayas for an experience of a lifetime.

The reason why Kasol is famous amongst such a crowd of travelers is that it caters to everyone. Be it the ones arriving for trekking, camping, rafting, sightseeing, parties, or seeking spiritual awakening, Kasol never disappoints anyone. Starting from the beginning, Kasol is a heaven for the trekking enthusiasts and adventure buffs.

Starting from Kheerganga, Kasol has made this meadow high in the Himalayas their favorite destinations. A 12 km trek that leads through forests of Oak and Rhododendron, trekking on this trail in Parvati Valley is one of the best things to do in Kasol and is one of the favorites too. Beginning from Kasol, the trek passes from Barshaini and Rudra Nag waterfalls, it ends high up on Kheerganga which is a hotspot for campers. Kheerganga is also a location of one of the many hot springs in Kasol with water coming from the earth’s crust naturally warmed up. Popularly known as the Parvati Kund, it is a great spot to relax on top of Kheerganga after a long day of trekking in Kasol. From Kheerganga, the way can either take you back to Kasol or on a majestic detour to the village of Tosh. Nestled in a side valley to the Parvati Valley, and situated in the banks of a small rivulet of the same name, Tosh is an offbeat trekking adventure and a quiet small town. Lesser known and almost uncrowded, the scenes from Tosh of the Dhauladhar range of Himalayas are the best that you can get anywhere in Kasol. Also famous in Tosh are the many small cafes catering to the small tourist crowd that chooses to visit this offbeat green vista of a village.

Another trekking adventure that leads from Kasol is to the secretive village of Malana. The small village in the Himalayas is situated amidst the towering giants of Chanderkhani and Deo Tibba, and is famous for various reasons, the prime one being the self-isolation of the people of the village. This secretive nature, and the fact that Malana is the gateway to the famous Magic Valley is what brings a large crowd of people to take on the trek and pay this majestic little town a visit. The whole experience soothes the eyes and soul of the travelers who take on the Malana and Magic Valley trek and arrive in this green heaven.

And another day hike from Kasol, which is short yet highly adventurous is the trek to Chalal . Situated by the roaring Parvati River in Kasol, Himachal Pradesh, Chalal is also called the Little Amsterdam and for every reason. This place is well-known in the world for the crazy trance and PSYtrance parties that happen here from time to time. But one of the greater reasons for the fame of this tranquil small town is the presence of the River Parvati and the kind of beauty that it brings to the whole place.

And speaking of the River Parvati in Kasol, India, there is no denying the fact that the soothing stream is a landmark of this town in itself. It is the river that created the valley and hence, everything beautiful in Kasol is owed to the presence of Parvati in the region. The sometimes roaring sometimes gurgling river is a great place to just sit back, relax and marvel at the beauty of nature around. Parvati River also makes for a great spot to camp near, on the banks of it, to be precise.

And speaking of camping, Kasol, India has many great spots to enjoy staying out in the lap of nature and under the billions of stars in the night sky that you can see loads and loads of because of the fact that this place is untouched by the modern curses and is still in its pristine state. Some of the best spots for camping in Kasol include the name of Kheerganga. A chance to camp in the meadow seems to be a great option as you will be waking up to one of the best sunrises ever over Kheerganga. Apart from this, Tosh proves to be another great place to set up camp and get an exquisite hilltop view of the entire region as you sit near a bonfire. Malana, in its secluded and cut-off state, is also a gateway to one of the best camping sites in the Himalayas, known as the Magic Valley. And for an offbeat experience of camping amidst towering mountains of the Himalayas and a place where the inhabitants do not keep themselves reserved from talking to outsiders, Grahan will prove to be a great retreat. The trail to Grahan walks beside the river Parvati in Kasol, with the village lying in the midst of towering green hills and a view of the snow-capped peaks of the Dhauladhar range.

Apart from the adventurous face of Kasol, there is also a spiritual side to this town. And one of the greatest spots of religious importance here is Manikaran. The region built around a cluster of natural hot springs, Manikaran is of great religious significance to the Sikhs and Hindus. The Manikaran Sahib Gurudwara is said to belong to the era of the founder of the Belief, the first religious leader of the Sikhs, Guru Nanak. He is believed to have come here with a disciple, and to cook their food for a public kitchen called ‘Langar’, he asked the disciple to remove a stone. From under the stone came a hot spring, which still resides in Manikaran Sahib and is considered very sacred. People from all over come to cook the offerings to their God in these springs before consuming, and even take a dip in these waters to wash off their sins. The piety of this place is of the utmost level for the believers of Sikhs.

Another legend relates the place with the Hindu Gods, Vishnu, and Parvati. Parvati lost a gem or ‘Mani’ in the torrential waters below, and the story that followed gave this place its name, Manikaran. Also, it is believed that Lord Shiva’s legendary anger is what gave birth to the hot springs in the area. With many temples dotting the place all over, Manikaran is a must visit, especially because it falls on the way to Kullu and Manali.

Speaking of these regions in the valley, Kullu and Manali can be called as the cultural capital of the state. With such close proximity to Kasol, the name of the small town is many a time collectively called along with the other two. Their presence nearby has boosted tourism in the area even more. And that has given a speed boost to the emergence of a number of cafes, guesthouses, and homestays in the area, so the tourists arriving here will feel all in their comfort zone, meeting and greeting other like-minded backpackers arriving in this quaint destination from several corners of the country, sometimes even the world.

Kasol tourism has done everything to ensure that when someone arrives in this city, they feel safe and sound, alongside the conquering feeling of adventure and the serene feeling of calm taking over their self. And so a trip to Kasol will sure be the best budget tour with a fulfilling feeling that you will ever take. Read this guide for all the information you will need for motivating and planning a trip to Kasol.

Top Experiences To Do in Kasol

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Best of Kullu

15 Things to Do in Kullu That You Probably Haven't Tried Yet

Kangra, located in the state of Himachal Pradesh at the foothills of the Dhauladhar range, is an extremely popular tourist destination, and for great reasons! This ancient town was believed to have been established in the 4th-century and has changed hands between Mughal, Katoch, Sikh, and Gurkha dynasties, reaffirming its historical importance. These legends have made Kangra into a famous destination that not only has glorious natural attractions but also important man-made ones like ancient temples and forts along with a rich cultural fabric.

Due to its location, it offers the perfect mountainside escapade into the crisp & clear air and serene beauty that’s peaceful and calm, away from the bustle of city life. Travellers come back rejuvenated after soaking in the glorious views and spending time in amazing adventure activities like trekking here. Nature enthusiasts love to spend time in miles of densely forested meadows, thunderous waterfalls, and picturesque lakes that reflect the surrounding snowlines in their crystal clear waters.   

Kangra is one of the few mountain towns that are an important seat for ancient Indian art and paintings, which make the already beautiful landscape even richer. Visiting Kangra and seeing the museums and forts here is nothing short of a quick lesson in history. It houses preserved ancient artefacts and architecture in the form of forts and temples. 

The place is a haven for people who love to try rustic and native foods as well. It is the best place to indulge in delicious Pahari cuisine including foods like Madra, Bhey, Chha Gosht, Siddu, Babru, trout dishes, and Aktori.

Top Experiences To Do in Kangra

Heritage Homestay in Kangra Valley | Staycation

Best of Dharamshala

Self Drive Getaways Near Dharamshala

Reckoned among the most scenic places to see in Himachal Pradesh, Khajjiar village welcomes you with its vast expanses of meadows, dense deodar plantations, and heartwarming vistas of snow-clad Kailash Peak. From Kalatop wildlife sanctuary, Kailash villages, and Panch Pandav Tree to Khajjiar Lake and Dainkund Peak,- the never-ending list of its top attractions will pique your wanderlust in no time. Whether you are willing to take your Himalayan adventure to the next level or merely want to enjoy a peaceful getaway amidst the nature-this quaint village has got something for everyone. If you wish to embark on an exciting trekking expedition, hike your way towards the mighty Dhauladhar and reward yourself with an aerial view of Himalayan villages once you make it to the top. Looking to get your hands on some authentic souvenirs for your way back home? Hop to the Tibetan Handicrafts Center and get the best quality handicraft material at pocket-friendly rates. However, the fun doesn't end here. The handicraft shops in the village are surrounded by several street-food corners where you can treat your taste buds with spicy & flavoured Momos and what not! After satiating your taste buds, get yourself moving to the charismatic Dal Lake, where you can not only embark on a fun boat ride but also capture some amazing nature snapshots to be cherished for a lifetime. Highlight of the place: - Khajjiar Lake - Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary - Tibetan Handicrafts Centre - Dhauladhar Range - Dainkund Peak - Dal Lake Best time to visit: March to June.

Top Experiences To Do in Khajjiar

Hire a Guide in Chamba

Best of Himalayas

Trekking in The Himalayas: Upto 30% Off on Himalayan Treks

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Himachal Pradesh

Popularly known as the trekker's paradise, Chandratal Lake is reckoned as the most charismatic lake situated in the laps of Himalayas. This enticing lake is perched on the Samudra Tapu plateau which lies in close proximity to Chandra river. Situated at an altitude of 4300 meters, Chandratal offers the most splendid views of the Spiti region. If you're planning a trip to the Himalayas, don't miss out on including Chandratal Lake in your Spiti Valley Tour.The lake is crescent-shaped, and that is how it got its name. If you are looking for a perfect blend of adventure and laidback holidays, there could not be a better site to kickstart your journey than Chandratal. The road to Chandratal lake takes you through treacherous trails of Batal which will set your adrenaline pumping.Discover the beauty of Spiti on a trip from Delhi, where you'll find the stunning Chandratal Lake, offering a peaceful retreat amidst the mountains. With a Spiti tour package from Delhi, cherish unforgettable moments by the tranquil shores of Chandratal Lake.On your way, you will also get to climb the glaciers between Kunzum pass and Rohtang Pass. This mesmerizing site has much folklore attached to itself but what lures its visitors is its turquoise blue water, majestic mountains and serene surroundings which make it an apt place for camping. Sprawled over an area of 2.5 kilometers, Chandratal sees a massive influx of travelers during the summer months.In the winter months, this place majorly remains in the bucket list of adventure enthusiasts who want to push past their limits.

Rohtang Pass

If you are planning a trip to the picturesque valleys near Kullu and Manali, Rohtang Pass must be on your itinerary. The popular vistas point is well known for its unparalleled natural beauty and is one of the most essential attraction points in the region. The pass is located just 50 km away from the main town, and is easily accessible by road. One of the major attractions of Rohtang La is that it is one of the highest passes in the Himalayas. Located at a staggering height of 3978 meters above sea level, the pass offers some of the most pristine views of the Himalayas you will ever get to sea.As your car climbs on the Manali-Keylong road on your way to Rohtang La, you will see a dramatic change in the scenery around you, and the stunning landscape will leave you breathless. In fact, the mesmerizing beauty of the route and the pass is so spectacular that it has been featured in many Bollywood blockbusters ranging from Jab We Met to Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani. Explore this breathtaking destination with our exclusive Manali Tour Packages.For people who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and curl up with a cup of tea in the middle of unparalleled natural splendor, Rohtang La offers one of the best options. As your car climbs up the road, the weather will get colder and you won’t be able to help but admire the chilling and dramatic beauty of this place. Clear blue skies, fluffy snow-covered mountain peaks, and sprawling landscapes – who can resist such natural wonders? The otherworldly and spectacular Rohtang La pass needs to be seen to be believed.

Solang Valley

Besides admiring its unmissable picturesque landscapes, people also visit Solang Valley to enjoy various winter sports. Adventure enthusiasts love skiing in the pure, driven snow here, and when the winters ease off a little, you can also try zorbing and paragliding.The views of the place from the open sky as you paraglide through the valley are truly indescribable and need to be witnessed to be believed. If you really want to get a full dose of the pristine beauty of this valley, try camping here amidst its lush green meadows.You can also try other adventure sports like quad biking and snowmobiling in Solang Valley. For the true thrill chasers, there is Solang Ropeway – a state of the art cabin to enjoy the sweeping views of the valley. However, if you are traveling with family, there are several places you can check out too.The Great Himalayan National Park, Kothi, and Rohtang Pass make for very interesting sightseeing places. Whether you go to Solang Valley with friends or family, there is a lot to explore and enjoy here. Whether you're on a solo adventure or a family trip, Solang Valley, included in your Shimla Manali tour package, promises endless exploration and enjoyment amidst its natural splendor.

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    Winter is calling! Explore magical land of Spiti when its snowing through our carefully crafted tour. Ex-Shimla, Best local drivers, Heated Accommodation

  8. Spiti Valley in Winter: How to reach, Weather, Places to visit

    The Spiti Valley Winter temperature in December ranges from -5°C to 5°C during daytime, and it drops between -15°C and -20°C at night. Due to the extreme weather conditions, only a few regions like Dhankar, Lhalung, and Hikkim are accessible.By planning the Spiti Valley tour in December you can attend Dechang Festival.

  9. Spiti Valley Circuit Tour Itinerary (& Trip Cost)

    Our Spiti valley circuit tour itinerary includes the most must-see places & offers a chance to experience ultrawide vistas of Spiti.

  10. Spiti Valley Tour Packages

    Explore the best packages for a Spiti Valley tour at amazing prices, visit the highest landmarks of the country in Spiti Valley for an unmatched experience.

  11. Places to Visit in Spiti Valley in December

    Tourist Places to Visit in Spiti Valley in December Nestled in the beautiful state of Himachal Pradesh, Spiti Valley turns into a winter paradise in the month of December. Some of the most well-known places to visit in Spiti Valley in December are Key Monastery, Kaza, Dhankar Lake, Kibber Village, Chicham Bridge, Tabo Monastery and Chandratal Lake. You can also make your trip to Spiti more ...

  12. Spiti Valley in December: Weather, How To Reach and Things to Do

    The Spiti Valley is located in Himachal Pradesh's northern region, nestled in the northern part of the Himalayan mountains. Therefore, there aren't lots of ways to get to Spiti in December because of the mountains and elevation. Road travel is likely the most common method of reaching the Spiti Valley.

  13. Traveling to Spiti In Winters

    Spiti Valley Itinerary for winter for a spectacular trip to Spiti, Himachal. Find a detailed itinerary, sightseeing, cafes, homestays etc.

  14. Book Winter Spiti Valley Just @17999

    The Temperature in Spiti Valley in December can range from -5°C to 5°C (23°F to 41°F) during daytime, and Nighttime temperatures drop significantly, frequently dropping to between -15°C and -20°C (5°F and -4°F). Spiti Valley temperature in November: November is the transition phase or Spiti weather, when the weather changes from Autumn ...

  15. The White Wonder

    Spiti Valley Snowfall Time - Can We Go to Spiti In December January Spiti see early snowfall in Mid October blocking the road and the circular Spiti tour over the Kunzum pass towards Manali for the next 7 months. Regularly Spiti valley Snowfall time is from November to March and the snow in the higher reaches of Spiti valley remains till early June. Snow can cover the ground for almost six ...

  16. Spiti Valley

    Kee Monastery, Spiti A mountainous cold desert freckled with green patches over a dry weather-beaten face, fascinating valleys, windswept landscapes and quiet villages, Spiti, which loosely translates as 'the middle land'. The geographic placement passes a heavy influence of Buddhism and stark cultural similarities of the region into the valley.

  17. Spiti 2024 Snow Adventure

    Spiti - The White Wonder As unique as its name, a trip to Spiti Valley is an experience of the ultimate deserted beauty! Separated from fertile Lahaul by the soaring 4551m Kunzum La, the Himalayan region of Spiti is another chunk of Tibet marooned in India. Enjoy the snow-clad vistas of this gorgeous cold desert. That is exactly what our Winter Edition -Spiti Valley Tour Package for 2024 is ...

  18. Spiti Valley Tour Packages

    Spiti Valley Tour Packages - Book Spiti Valley Packages at Best Price with Thrillophilia. Get Best Offers on Spiti Valley Holiday Packages with Airfare, Hotel and Sightseeing.

  19. Spiti Valley Tours

    Spiti Trips is one of the well know, experienced, reliable local travel agency and tour operator to travel to Spiti valley. We listen to you and help you get your unique, outstanding Lahaul Spiti tour package planned.

  20. Spiti Holiday Adventure

    Spiti Holiday Adventure, a local travel company based in Kaza (district capital of Spiti Valley) organises Innova road trips, high altitude treks and a plethora of activities in Spiti Valley.

  21. Spiti valley Road Trip

    Spiti Valley is a stunning destination in the Indian Himalayas. Learn how to plan a perfect road trip with this ultimate travel guide by Tale of 2 Backpackers.

  22. Best Time To Visit Spiti Valley- Weather & Temperature

    What is the best time to visit Spiti Valley? The best time to visit Spiti is from March to June. The ones who are into a relaxing vacation should visit Spiti during this season when the temperature ranges from 0 - 15-degree Celcius, which starts from March and lasts until June. Winters in Spiti are for the daring. The road connectivity is unreliable during the winters with Manali-Kaza highway ...

  23. Places to Visit in Spiti Valley

    Places to Visit in Spiti Valley: Find best tourist places in Spiti Valley, attractions, sightseeing tours, & traveler reviews for a perfect holiday

  24. Mount Abu: 7 Things To Keep In Mind If Travelling For First Time

    4. Must-Visit Attractions. Dilwara Temples: These ancient Jain temples are renowned for their extraordinary marble architecture and intricate carvings. They are must-see places for those who love history and architecture. Nakki Lake: This serene water body located amidst mountains provides an ideal spot for boating as well as other activities like sightseeing peaceful surroundings around the ...

  25. Places to Visit in Himachal in May

    The temperature in winters, starting from December to March, drop down to sub-zero as it starts to snow in the upper regions covering it in 5-6 feet ice sheet. ... If you're planning a trip to the Himalayas, don't miss out on including Chandratal Lake in your Spiti Valley Tour.The lake is crescent-shaped, and that is how it got its name. If you ...