Memory Alpha

Bread and Circuses (episode)

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 2 Log entries
  • 3 Memorable quotes
  • 4.1 Production timeline
  • 4.3 Story and script
  • 4.4 Production
  • 4.5 Syndication cuts
  • 4.7 Sets and props
  • 4.8 Continuity
  • 4.9 Reception
  • 4.10 Video and DVD releases
  • 5.1 Starring
  • 5.2 Also starring
  • 5.3 Guest star
  • 5.4 Co-starring
  • 5.5 Featuring
  • 5.6 Uncredited co-stars
  • 5.7 Stunt doubles
  • 5.8 References
  • 5.9 The Gallian references
  • 5.10 External links

Summary [ ]

William Harrison battles Claudius Marcus

Flight Officer William B. Harrison (left) battles Claudius Marcus in black-and-white news footage.

Near the planet 892-IV , the USS Enterprise discovers the wreckage of the SS Beagle , a merchant ship missing for the last six years , and whose commanding officer is R.M. Merik , an old friend of Captain Kirk from the Academy . When the Enterprise enters orbit to look for survivors, it intercepts a 20th century -style television news broadcast, shown on the viewscreen in black-and-white, in which a Roman gladiator defeats and kills a " barbarian ." The casualty is named William B. Harrison , whom Spock identifies as the Beagle 's flight officer . Kirk assembles a landing party to the surface of the planet to investigate.

Act One [ ]

Kirk, Spock , and McCoy beam down, outside the city where the broadcast originated, mindful of their duty under the Prime Directive not to interfere with the society's natural development. Almost immediately after their materialization they are captured by the " Children of the Sun " – runaway slaves who are hiding in caves to avoid recapture. Flavius Maximus , a former gladiator, regards the officers as Romans who should be killed to avoid disclosing the hiding places. But the rebels' leader, Septimus , abhors violence, and Kirk's use of his communicator convinces him they are not with the authorities but are from an "offshore ship." Septimus says the Children of the Sun teach peace and brotherhood but are persecuted for their beliefs.

In a cave, the crew looks at magazines that show astonishing parallels with Earth 's ancient Rome , though with 20th century technology. However, when Kirk mentions the loss of Captain Merik six years earlier, they conclude that he is now Merikus , the First Citizen. Kirk explains to the Children of the Sun that such interference would violate an "important law," for which he needs to be removed for punishment. Septimus orders Flavius to lead them into the city.

However, the group is quickly spotted and captured by the police.

Act Two [ ]

RM Merik

Captain R.M. Merik, now First Citizen Merikus

The captives are taken into the city. Kirk uses their captors' fear of reprisal to angle for a meeting with "Merikus". He is indeed Merik, and he takes them to Proconsul Claudius Marcus , who knows all about their off-world origins. Merik explains that, after the shipwreck of the Beagle , he was forced to beam down all 47 of his crew. They were given two options: "adapt" to their new world or fight in televised gladiatorial competitions for the entertainment of its inhabitants. Kirk sees that Merik has violated his oath and has ordered his own crew to their deaths. Claudius hands Kirk his communicator and tells him to do the same. Kirk initially plans for Spock, McCoy, and himself to be beamed up, but Claudius' guards enter with machine guns pointed at Kirk. Abandoning the attempt, Kirk gives Montgomery Scott the code condition green , a signal that the landing party is in trouble, but forbidding a rescue attempt. Claudius elicits from Merik that Kirk has a starship commission that Merik sought but for which he could not qualify. The livid Claudius dispatches Spock and McCoy to "the games" to die.

Act Three [ ]

On the Enterprise , Scott notes in his log that Kirk ordered him to carry out condition green, which prohibits him from taking any action to save the troubled landing party. Scott orders Ensign Chekov to locate power sources down on the planet and to determine how much their beams will take to overload them. Scott announces that, although he is forced to not take any action on the planet below, there is nothing stopping him from frightening the planet's inhabitants about what a starship's power capabilities truly are.

On the planet, Kirk is forced to watch as Spock and McCoy are condemned to fight Flavius and another gladiator named Achilles in the arena, which is being broadcast ("in color," according to the event's announcer) by the television network Empire TV . Spock holds his own against his opponent, but McCoy is severely outmatched, only surviving because Flavius is reluctant to kill him. Claudius again tries to pressure Kirk into ordering his crew down, but Kirk calmly refuses. Flavius is threatened and whipped to encourage him to attack, whereupon he gives McCoy some tips to make it "look real." Spock overpowers both opponents and incapacitates one with a Vulcan nerve pinch . This violates the rules, and the lives of Spock and McCoy are left in the hands of Merik and Claudius. They spare the two to maximize their influence on Kirk.

Act Four [ ]

Kirk enters Claudius's quarters, and a blonde woman emerges, pouring wine . She tells Kirk that her name is Drusilla and she is the proconsul's slave . Tonight, though, she is Kirk's slave. Kirk yells out to Claudius that this will not work on him and he still refuses to cooperate. Drusilla assures Kirk that they are indeed alone together.

McCoy and Spock seek a way out of their cell – and McCoy seeks a way past Spock's determination to control his emotions, remarking that the Vulcan is not afraid of dying – he is more afraid of living for fear in that one day, his Human half might "peek out", as McCoy puts it. For a moment, Spock appears to admit it but then turns to McCoy and simply says " Really, Doctor? " McCoy then tells him, " I know. I'm worried about Jim too. "

Kirk is eating the food given to him by Drusilla. He finds the food good, and Drusilla informs Kirk that she is here to please him. Kirk tells her that he has been to many worlds with strange customs; perhaps what he is experiencing is torture on her planet. Drusilla does not understand, as she does not wish to see Kirk tortured and gives him a kiss . She asks Kirk to tell her when he feels the first sign of pain, and they continue to kiss. Much later, Kirk wakes up alone and Merik tells him that the crew of the Enterprise will eventually come down to the planet's surface, but Kirk still refuses to cooperate.

The Enterprise intercepts broadcasts announcing Kirk's execution in the arena. Scott, though forbidden to mount a rescue because of the Prime Directive, devises a way to disrupt the execution and warn the city through the power demonstrated by the Enterprise .

Claudius tells Kirk that his night with Drusilla was a favor to a condemned man rather than an attempt at interrogation, in the process dealing an insult to Merik. Kirk is taken to the arena for his execution, one that Marcus promises will be swift. On the way, Merik has a change of heart; he is too late to save Kirk, but tells him he will try to save the other two. The execution, however, is interrupted by Flavius, and by a power blackout induced by beams activated by Chekov from the Enterprise . Flavius is killed by the guards's machine guns during Kirk's execution, but the captain escapes and runs to free Spock and McCoy from their cell.

The Romans intercept Kirk's rescue attempt from both sides, and therefore draw swords rather than firearms to avoid crossfire. During the fighting, Merik signals to the Enterprise with a stolen communicator just before he is stabbed by Marcus. The dying Merik still manages to toss the communicator to the feet of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. Locking onto the signal, Scott beams them back aboard, just as the Roman guards open fire.

On the bridge , Spock muses about the remarkable parallels between Earth during the time of the Roman Empire and the planet 892-IV – except that Rome had no sun worshipers – at least none that well organized; Spock points out that sun-worshiping cults tend to be more primitive and superstition-oriented. But Lieutenant Uhura , who has been monitoring the planet's broadcasts, that what the Children Of The "Sun" are worshiping is not the planet's sun but the "Son Of God." Kirk is astonished. The planet 892-IV had had both a Caesar and a Christ , and its evolution will proceed, implying that Rome will fall, in due time.

Log entries [ ]

  • Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), 2268
  • Ship's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

Memorable quotes [ ]

" Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land someplace and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel!' " " I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor. " " Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mr. Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork… "

" What do you call those? " " I call them ears. " " Are you trying to be funny? " " Never. "

" May the blessings of the Son be upon you. "

" Medical men are trained in logic, Mr. Spock. " " Really, Doctor? I had no idea they were trained. Watching you, I assumed it was trial and error. "

" Are they enemies, Captain? " " I'm not sure they're sure. "

" I know you, Flavius. You're as peaceful as a bull. "

" My world, Proconsul, is my vessel, my oath, my crew. "

" You bring this network's ratings down, Flavius, and we'll do a special on you! "

" We believe men should fight their own battles. Only the weak will die. "

" The games have always strengthened us. Death becomes a familiar pattern. We don't fear it as you do. "

" Fight, you pointed-ear freak! " " You tell him, buster! Of all the completely… ridiculous… illogical questions… I ever heard in my life! "

" I'm trying to thank you! You pointed-eared hobgoblin! "

" Do you know why you're not afraid to die, Spock? You're more afraid of living! Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip and let your Human half peek out. "

" You're a Roman, Kirk, or you should have been. "

" You may not understand because you're centuries beyond anything as crude as television. "

" They threw me a few curves. "

" I pity you, Captain Merik. But at least watch and see how men die. "

" Caesar and Christ. They had them both. And the word is spreading only now. "

Background information [ ]

Production timeline [ ].

  • Treatment by John Kneubuhl , based on an idea by Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon : 5 March 1967
  • Revised treatment: 17 March 1967
  • First draft teleplay "The Last Martyr": 12 April 1967
  • Second draft teleplay: late- April 1967
  • Revised draft "Bread and Circuses": 2 May 1967
  • First draft teleplay by Coon: 21 July 1967
  • Final draft teleplay: 9 August 1967
  • Revised final draft: 15 August 1967
  • Additional page revisions: 24 August 1967 , 5 September 1967
  • Second revised final draft by Roddenberry: 11 September 1967
  • Third revised final draft: 12 September 1967
  • Additional page revisions: 13 September 1967 , 14 September 1967 , 20 September 1967
  • Filmed: 12 September 1967 – 20 September 1967
  • Original airdate: 15 March 1968
  • First UK airdate (on BBC1 ): 8 June 1970
  • First UK airdate (on ITV ): 20 February 1983
  • Remastered airdate: 2 June 2007
  • The title, " Bread and Circuses ", " panem et circenses " in Latin, comes from a line by the Roman satirist Juvenal , and refers to the practice in ancient Rome of providing a regular free bread (or grain) dole to the lower classes and free entertainment in the city's arenas and circuses, both of which had the effect of preventing civil unrest in the populace. Juvenal also provided the title of " Who Watches The Watchers ".

Story and script [ ]

  • Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon wrote this episode's teleplay from a story by playwright and television writer John Kneubuhl . However, Roddenberry and Coon received sole writing credit for the episode. Roddenberry's and Coon's bitter arguments over its tone, coupled with the fact that Coon was suffering from the throat cancer of which he died in 1973, is believed to have hastened Coon's departure as operating producer; he recommended John Meredyth Lucas to take over by suggesting the idea to him directly, noting Meredyth Lucas's work on Ben Casey, The Fugitive, and other series programs.
  • Roddenberry revised the shooting script as the episode was being filmed. Director Ralph Senensky remembers picking up the day's script pages when arriving to the set in the morning. [1]

Legionnaire and Master of Games

" You bring this network's ratings down and we'll do a special on you! "

  • The episode parodies the television industry in several ways. Fake applause and catcalls are used to simulate a studio audience, and the race for high television ratings is lampooned several times. The TV station manager (Master of the Games) threatens the now-pacifist runaway slave that he had better fight convincingly: " You bring this network's ratings down, Flavius, and we'll do a special on you! " Later, the proconsul sneers at Kirk about the captain's impending death, to be televised from the arena, by telling Kirk that " You're centuries beyond anything as crude as… television. " Kirk replies, " I've heard it was… similar, " an oblique reference to the series' own ratings difficulties. Comic relief is in the scene where McCoy and Spock heckle each other on the TV stage during the gladiatorial duels.

Production [ ]

  • The caves where the Children of the Son hide out are one of the most-used locations in television and movies. In addition to being the entrance to the Batcave , they are also seen in Invasion of the Body Snatchers , Kung Fu , and various police and western shows. They are located right below the famous Hollywood sign.
  • During the location shooting for this episode, the new producer John Meredyth Lucas visited the set, accompanied by Gene Roddenberry . Lucas was struck by the tension and bad atmosphere among the cast. " Shatner came around the corner, and when he saw Gene, he turned around and went the other way. And the cast was fighting too. All the actors complained to me about all the other actors. " ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , p. 354)
  • The newsreel scene of the arrest was filmed in front of an office building at Paramount Studios. [2] Paramount production buildings were also utilized for location filming in " Patterns of Force " and " Assignment: Earth ".
  • One of the shots of the planetary capital (in the opening of Act II), the last one, is of the Great Dome at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, whose words can be read (somewhat) above the pillars. The first shot shows the Legion of Honor on the Left Bank in Paris; its motto honneur et patrie is not Latin but French. The middle shot shows a drive-by view of the Joseph Stalin Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland.
  • This is one of only two TOS episodes featuring dialogue in act one before the title of the episode appears on-screen. The other episode is " A Private Little War ".
  • Jack Perkins had a line which was supposed to read, " If they refuse to move out on cue, skewer them " but instead said, " Screw them! ". After viewing that take in the dailies, Gene Roddenberry wrote a memo to director Ralph Senensky , suggesting that all dialogue should be "carefully enunciated in the future". ( Inside Star Trek: The Real Story , p. 370)
  • Ted Cassidy appeared out of nowhere dressed as Injun Joe from his work on The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and carried Shatner off just before he was going to shoot the lock off of Spock and McCoy's cell. While he was being carried, Shatner yelled out " Hey, I don't know about you, but this is not the way it should work! I want you to know! " This was the first scene to be filmed that day, and when Cassidy visited the set, the cast and crew came up with this small prank to start the day's work in a happy mood. Everyone on the set knew about it, except Shatner. [3]
  • As the police closed in on the landing party after they escape their cell, one of the extras slipped and fell; this is the reason there is a quick cut before the policemen reach the main corridor.

Syndication cuts [ ]

Bread and Circuses VHS box back

The VHS box for the episode, referencing the cut McCoy-Spock dialogue

Although this episode officially received no syndication cuts, many local television stations were known to cut the " You're more afraid of living " speech which McCoy gives to Spock when the two are alone together in the Roman jail. The reason for this was that the dialogue was not considered essential to the plot, and local stations often used the extra time to insert extra commercials to boost advertisements. This practice was so widespread that the VHS box for the episode stated, " Contains one of the finest McCoy/Spock dialogues ever, usually cut in syndication! " (Viacom-CBS) In addition, the opening log entry of Kirk, where he laments on the Roman buildings (including an obvious stock footage shot of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ), was likewise frequently cut by local television stations to add more advertising time.

  • George Takei ( Sulu ) does not appear in this episode. He was shooting The Green Berets at the time.
  • Voice-over artist Bart LaRue makes one of his two on-camera appearances in the series in this episode. The other is in " Patterns of Force ".

Sets and props [ ]

Claudius Marcus - coat of arms

Claudius Marcus' insignia

  • Proconsul Marcus' insignia is not a Roman symbol (a legionary eagle or a fasces), but rather the coat of arms of the English playwright William Shakespeare .
  • The automatic weapons that the Roman guards wield are Danish Madsen M-50 sub-machine guns.
  • A number of costumes and props were recycled from Paramount 's storage vaults, including the Roman guards' outfits. Many of these items were originally made for Cecil B. DeMille 's epics such as The Sign of the Cross , Cleopatra , and The Crusades . ( Star Trek: The Original Series 365 [ page number? • edit ] )

Continuity [ ]

  • This is the only TOS episode in which it is explicitly stated that the planetary natives are speaking in English . (This was perhaps done to make the characters' misinterpretation of "Son Worshipers" as "Sun Worshipers" more plausible, as "Son" and "Sun" would likely not be homophones in another language; they are not in either Latin or Greek , the two main languages spoken in the Roman Empire.)
  • Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development was used to explain the close similarities to Earth but the writers were very inconstant with it; the most blatant is " Patterns of Force ", which at episode number 52 was after this, which was number 43, and so it makes even less sense if the episodes are watched in production order.
  • The names of the Roman gods mentioned in the episode all mirror Earth counterparts which were based on earlier Greek counterparts. Kirk and crew had actually encountered the god Apollo prior to this point, although Captain Kirk shows little reaction to the Roman gods when he learns of them. ( TOS : " Who Mourns for Adonais? ")
  • McCoy remarks that "Rome had no sun worshipers," but this is inaccurate; the cult of Sol Invictus ("the Unconquerable Sun") was prevalent in ancient Rome around the same time as the emergence of Christianity.
  • Two different characters have the same name in this one episode: the primary Claudius Marcus is the proconsul, while his namesake is mentioned as the gladiator who slew William B. Harrison , the last of the barbarians.
  • This episode marks the final appearance of Kirk's second season light green wrap-around tunic. Beginning with " Assignment: Earth ", the next episode that followed in airdate order and when the series returned for its third and final season, Kirk resumes wearing his standard gold and black V-neck tunic full time.
  • Spock states that six million died in Earth's first world war , eleven million died in the second , and thirty seven million died in the third . The actual real-world numbers are much higher for World War I and World War II: fifteen to nineteen million and fifty to more than eighty million, respectively.

Reception [ ]

  • Most reviewers cite the satire of network television and the race for ratings (the main adversary of Star Trek during its original three-year run) as the high point of this episode. Allan Asherman notes in The Star Trek Compendium : " In the hands of Star Trek 's dominant Genes [Roddenberry and Coon] this episode also becomes a marvelous satire of the television industry. " (p. 87)
  • Director Ralph Senensky claims that the tight schedule resulted in the episode turning out to be of lower quality than it could have been under better circumstances, especially regarding the arena scenes. " The scenes in the arena are the part of "Bread and Circuses" most harmed by the time restrictions imposed by the new management. The sequences were literally shot on the run. The satiric look at live television was there, but the spectacle of the Roman arena was far less than it should have been. (…) There was so much more that could have been done that would have been exciting and entertaining, but it required the time to stage and rehearse, with necessary care taken to avoid injury to the actors involved. That set piece should have been the highlight of the production; but those bloodhounds in black suits were nipping at our heels. " [4]
  • When first screened in the United Kingdom in 1970, the BBC edited much of the televised fight and Drusilla's encounter with Kirk. The episode was first screened uncut in 1993. [5]
  • The advertisement for the Jupiter 8 automobile depicted in the magazine The Gallian states that it comes equipped with, among other things, "super-grip white sidewall tires". The photograph, however, clearly shows black tires.
  • McCoy's claim that " Rome had no sun worshipers " is incorrect. Rome, in fact, had several cults that revered sun gods including Helios Apollo and Sol from the Greeks, Mithras from the Persians, and Elagabalus from the Syrians. In addition, from the 3rd century on there was Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun"), which may have been a new sect or a revival of an old one. Therefore at least two of these gods would have been called "Sun" in English.
  • According to The Autobiography of James T. Kirk , the slave woman Drusilla gave birth to James Kirk's natural son Eugenio. The Enterprise -A later returns to the planet to find that Eugenio has become a movie director, and they watch his film The Final Frontier .
  • The Roman planet, known as Magna Roma to its inhabitants according to some published Star Trek reference material, is revisited in the novel The Captains' Honor set a hundred years after the encounter by the original Enterprise crew. The novel details how the alternate Rome conquered their world and explains that one hundred years after the events of "Bread and Circuses" the Romans are now Federation members and are participating in galactic affairs utilizing at least one Constitution -class starship, the former USS Farragut , renamed the USS Centurion ( β ), and run according to their own methods and principles rather than those of Starfleet .
  • According to the novel The Poisoned Chalice , the people of Magna Roma were descended from Humans transplanted from Earth by the Preservers . By 2385, a Magna Romanii named Atia served as first officer of the USS Lionheart .

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • Original US Betamax release: 1986
  • UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 23 , catalog number VHR 2358, 2 April 1990
  • US VHS release: 15 April 1994
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, CIC Video): Volume 2.5, 5 May 1997
  • Original US DVD release (single-disc): Volume 22, 24 April 2001
  • As part of the TOS Season 2 DVD collection
  • As part of the TOS-R Season 2 DVD collection

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • William Shatner as Capt. Kirk

Also starring [ ]

  • Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock
  • DeForest Kelley as Dr. McCoy

Guest star [ ]

  • William Smithers as Merik

Co-starring [ ]

  • Logan Ramsey as Claudius
  • Ian Wolfe as Septimus
  • William Bramley as Policeman
  • Rhodes Reason as Flavius

Featuring [ ]

  • James Doohan as Scott
  • Nichelle Nichols as Uhura
  • Walter Koenig as Chekov
  • Bart LaRue as Announcer
  • Jack Perkins as Master of Games
  • Max Kleven as Maximus
  • Lois Jewell as Drusilla

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Paul Baxley as Policeman 2
  • William Blackburn as Hadley
  • Tony Dante as Legionnaire
  • Frank da Vinci as Brent
  • Chester Hayes as Empire TV sound man
  • Roger Holloway as Roger Lemli
  • Shep Houghton as Empire TV cameraman
  • Slave woman
  • Bob Orrison as Policeman 3
  • Eddie Paskey as Leslie
  • Gil Perkins as Slave 3
  • Paul Stader as Claudius Marcus
  • Tom Steele as Slave 2
  • Joe Walls as Slave 1
  • William B. Harrison
  • Empire TV cameramen 2 and 3
  • Passersby 1 and 2
  • Policeman 4

Stunt doubles [ ]

  • Allen Pinson as stunt double for Leonard Nimoy
  • Unknown performer as stunt double for DeForest Kelley

References [ ]

3rd century ; 19th century ; 20th century ; 2262 ; 892-IV ; 892-IV cities ; 892-IV large city ; 892-IV native ; advice ; afternoon ; " all right "; amateur ; Amity Commander wallet; amount ; amplitude modulation ; amusement ; angel ; anger ; annoyance ; antimatter nacelle ; archangel ; arena ; arena bait ; arena games (aka gladiator contest or gladiatorial game ); army ; atmosphere ; atomic power ; audience ; authority ; automobile ; automatic transmission ; barbarian ; battle ; Beagle , SS ; blackout ; boasting ; body ; broil ; Brother of the Son ; brotherhood ; bull ; bullet-ridden ; buster ; butcher ; Caesar, Augustus ; Caesar, Julius ; cage ; car ( unnamed ); carbon monoxide ; carbon steel ; cave ; cave dweller ; century ; chance ; " checks and balances "; chief engineer ; Children of the Son ; Christ, Jesus ; City Arena ; City Prison ; civilization ; class 4 stardrive vessel ; class M ; clothing ; coast ; coat of arms ; colloquial term ( colloquial ); color ; commendation ; commercial ; communicator ; condition green ; confidence ; contamination ; corpse ; creature ; crowd ; custom ; day ; dealer ; death ; debris ; demonstration ; density ; despotism ; device ; diameter ; disobedience ; dissident ; distance ; door ; ear ; Earth ; Earth history ; efficiency ; emperor ; emotion ; emotional need ; Empire TV ; enemy ; Engineering Officer ; English language ; engineering officer ; entertainment ; equator ; era ; evening ; evidence ; evil ; execution ; existence ; explanation ; fact ; false god ; Federation law ; feeling ; First Citizen ; First World War ; fish ; flight officer ; folk dance ; fool ; " for your sake "; foul ; freak ; friend ; freedom ; French language ; frequency modulation ; frustration ; Gabriel ; Gallian, The ; garum ; gladiator ; gladius ; gram per cubic centimeter ; gratitude ; hand ; heat ; heaven ; hiding place ; historian ; hobgoblin ; Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development ; hospital ; hour ; Human ; humor ; hydrocarbon ; idea ; identification ; infatuation ; " in full force "; " in just a moment "; insecurity ; internal combustion engine ; iridium ; joke ; Jupiter ; Jupiter 8 ; land ; landing party ; land mass ; language ; law ; leader ; lecture ; liar ; life ; light ; line of fire ; load factor ; location ; logic ; Lord of the Games ; love ; Mars ; Mars Toothpaste ; medical men ; medicine ; Merchant Service ; Merikus ; message ; meteor ; Milky Way Galaxy ; million ; mind ; mission ; moons ; murderer ; name ; Name the Winner ; navigator ; Neptune ; Neptune Bath Salts ; news broadcast ; night ; nitrogen ; oath ; ocean ; " of course "; old age ; opinion ; orbital bombardment ; order ; ore ; outbreak ; " out of your head "; overload ; oxygen ; pain ; parsec ; peace ; pension ; percent ; petty thief ; phaser ; phaser bank ; philosophy ; pitchfork ; place ; planet ; pointed-ear ; political strongman ; pollution ; Praetorian Guard ; Prime Directive ; proconsul ; professional ; province ; psychosimulator test ; quarters ; question ; radio communications ; radio wave ; rags ; ratings ; rebellion ; recon party ; reference ; religion ; report ; rescue party ; result ; reunion ; right ; risk ; road system ; roast kid ; Roman ; Roman Empire ; Rome ; rule ; rumor ; running ; screen ; Scots language ; sea ; second ; Second World War ; senator ; shape ; ship ; ship's surgeon ; sky ; slave ; slavery ; smog ; social development ; society ; Son ; sound effects ; space ; Space Academy ; spaceship ; sparrow ; special ; speed ; spokesman ; sports ; standard orbit ; " stand by "; star ; Starfleet regulations ; starship ; story ; stranger ; subject ; sun worship ; superstition ; surface ; survey vessel ; survivor ; sword ; System 892 ; System 892 sector ; System 892 sun ; television ; television channel ; television network ; television program ; term ; thing ; Third World War ; thought ; toothpaste ; torture ; " to that effect "; training test ; transmission ; transmission beam ; transporter room ; treason ; trial and error ; trick ; tricorder ; truth ; uniform ; victory ; video ; Vulcan ; Vulcan neck pinch ; war ; water ; weapon ; wine ; word ; worry ; worship ; year

The Gallian references [ ]

American Fork ; California ; Camillo (aka George Kirgis ); general ; gold ; London ; Miss Snider ; New Helvetia ; Sutter ; " Tigers Are For Jungles "; United States

External links [ ]

  • " Bread and Circuses " at the Internet Movie Database
  • " Bread and Circuses " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " Bread and Circuses " at Wikipedia
  • " Bread and Circuses " at
  • 1 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Star Trek: Prodigy

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Published Mar 20, 2018

"Bread and Circuses" at 50

star trek bread and circuses

Q: What is the major linkage between the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “ Bread and Circuses ” and Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games book trilogy?

A: Both of them drew inspiration from this section of Juvenal’s Satire 10 :

“…iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses. ‘perituros audio multos.’”

OK, for all of you (including us) who are unable to read transliterated Latin, running the above through the universal translator yields this approximate conversion to Earth English:

“Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things, Bread and Circuses/Games!  'I hear that many are to perish.'”

More simply, this portion of Juvenal’s work refers ominously to an elite “government” appeasing an uncaring population by appealing to its basic needs for food and morbid entertainment.

Sound familiar? It should, because it’s a major plot element of both The Hunger Games trilogy and “Bread and Circuses,” both of which essentially concern affluent citizenry selecting not-so-affluent people to fight mortally in an arena for their amusement. (Note that the name of the TOS episode, “Bread and Circuses,” comes from one popular translation of panem et circenses while the name of the nation in The Hunger Games trilogy, Panem, comes from the Latin word for bread that’s in it.)

“Bread and Circuses,” TOS ’s 54th broadcast episode, was written by Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon from a story by John Kneubuhl. In addition to its “what-if” plot focusing on a modern Roman culture replete with slaves, the episode also presents satirical commentary on organized religion and the television industry of the 1960’s. Since last week was the 50th anniversary of the first broadcast of this episode, we thought we’d celebrate it by doing something a little different. For this article, we thought we’d go behind the scenes and… volunteer to give tribute… to the arena and some of the places where the episode was shot.

star trek bread and circuses

Above: The March 9-15, 1968 TV Guide showing the listing for the premiere of “Bread and Circuses.”

Exterior Shooting at Paramount Studios

In the teaser for “Bread and Circuses,” the Enterprise learns about the fate of one of the S.S. Beagle ’s crew by intercepting and watching a crude television broadcast (if we can use the colloquial term) from planet IV of system 892. When that video starts, it shows the Roman police recovering dissident, well-treated slaves.

star trek bread and circuses

Above: (Top left and right) The footage of the Roman police capturing the slaves was originally shot in color and then printed to black and white for insertion into the bridge’s main viewing screen. Note the car in the foreground in these shots—referred to as the Jupiter 8 in the episode—which, in real-life, was built by Gene Winfield and called the Reactor. (Bottom left) This entire sequence was filmed in front of an area known as the Dressing Room (highlighted in the white box in this modern photo) that’s located on Avenue M of the Paramount Studios lot. Incidentally, the building behind the Dressing Room, with trees around it, is the Schulberg building that doubled as the Ekosian chancellery in “Patterns of Force.”

Location Shooting at Bronson Canyon

The rocky terrain of planet 892-IV that Kirk, Spock, and McCoy beamed onto at the beginning of Act I was located in the Bronson Canyon area of Los Angeles.

star trek bread and circuses

Above:  Exterior filming at Bronson Canyon occurred on August 12 and 13, 1967. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the high temperatures for those days were 97-F and 100-F, respectively.

Sound Stage Shooting at Paramount Studios

The gladiatorial games in “Bread and Circuses,” televised to the inhabitants of 892-IV, were fought in a studio fabricated on Paramount’s stage 32.

star trek bread and circuses

Above: The set was decorated with assorted paraphernalia including studio television cameras (not shown here), Greek/Roman architectural elements, and Paramount/Desilu lights.

Above: (Left) The background for the arena games, shown in this bridge main viewing screen shot that used black and white footage for the optical, was a backdrop painting. (Right) The backdrop was a Paramount property that was also used in some of their other productions, including Bonanza .

And with that, we come to the end of this article and bid… valete. As one of Mr. Spock’s ancestors used to say: May the odds be ever in your favor!

Biographical Information

David Tilotta is a professor at North Carolina State University and can be contacted at [email protected]. Curt McAloney—an accomplished graphic artist—resides in Minnesota and can be reached at [email protected]. Together, Curt and David work on . Their upcoming book, Star Trek: Lost Scenes (due out in August 2018 from Titan Books), will be filled with hundreds of carefully curated, never-before-seen color photos that they use to chronicle the making of the original series, reassemble deleted scenes left on the cutting-room floor, and showcase bloopers from the first pilot through the last episode.

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Star Trek: Bread and Circuses

star trek bread and circuses


star trek bread and circuses

I *love* this episode! (Except for the part with Kirk and the slave girl, which I find deeply disturbing. Hasn't he seen Spartacus?!). If the Romans had had television, this is exactly what they would have been doing, I'm sure. (Plus it got me loads of hits on my blog a while back, which makes me love it even more ;) )

star trek bread and circuses

Since Juliette is too classy to post a link to her review, I'll post it for her. :) Great review, Juliette.

Thanks Billie :) I was feeling guilty about mentioning it, but I know my fondness for this ep is partly because I got my 100th post out of it! :)

Yes TV Tropes. I think it's the 1st review with a link to the site. About time hehe. Especially when many of Billie's Ten Rules of Television are actually tropes. Like for example number 2a is Narrowed It Down To The Guy I Recognize and number 10 is Never Found the Body

Patryk, until Ben sent me his part of the review, I'd never heard of TV Tropes. And I still haven't visited the site. Guess I reinvented the wheel.

"Great minds think alike" comes to mind. So no problem. But it's good to know that there is a repisitory of knowledge gathered from works of fiction. :D

Billie, don't look at the TV Tropes site unless you have a spare month to kill. It's extremely addictive and has lots and lots of material, links, and snark. See for an example of this happening, though I would sprinkle the reaction very liberally with laughter.

star trek bread and circuses

TV Tropes is a bottomless rabbit hole, so I usually avoid it, despite how amusing and interesting it can be! This is certainly one of the better 'past Earth planet' episodes and I love the twist of the Roman empire lasting to the 20th century but keeping so many of the trappings of the past. Really neat idea, and executed so very well here. I do hope all the slaves have the unions as well as you do, Billie! The idea of being forced to 'perform' in such a fashion is not a pleasant thought. The McCoy/Spock double act is at a peak here! They're generally so good as it is, but when they let them interact like they do here, it's just amazing!

I’ve enjoyed TV Tropes, especially in regard to the Buffy-verse. :). Been wanting to check out Ahsoka when time allows.

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Star Trek Re-Watch: “Bread and Circuses”

Season 2, Episode 25 Production episode: 2×14 Original air date: March 15, 1968 Star date: 4040.7

Mission Summary:

Enterprise finds the debris of the S.S. Beagle , a merchant ship, but no human remains. A nearby planet might have survivors, and the Enterprise intercepts a broadcast “once called video” (even though they’ve seen video before as recently as in “Patterns of Force,” but nevermind…). It’s a news program:

VOICEOVER: Today police rounded up still another group of dissidents. Authorities are as yet unable to explain these fresh outbreaks of treasonable disobedience by well-treated, well-protected, intelligent slaves. Now turning to the world of sports and bringing you the taped results of the arena games last night.

They watch a gladiator fight before the transmission cuts out. Spock identifies one of the gladiators as a flight officer aboard the Beagle .

KIRK: Slaves and gladiators. What are we seeing, a twentieth-century Rome?

Kirk, Spock, and McCoy beam down to the surface and and are immediately taken prisoner by a bunch of scruffy-looking guys wearing sweatshirts and sandals, like some kind of post-apocalyptic runners’ club. They are escaped slaves who identify themselves as Sun-Worshipers (which Spock thinks is weird, based on his knowledge that the Romans did not have sun-worshipers 1 ). One of them, Septimus, fills our heroes in on the fate of Captain Merik of the SS Beagle . His post-merchant ship career seems to have taken off, and now he’s First Citizen, or Grand Douchenozzle in charge of the arena games that have been killing off the other crew members of his old ship (not to mention countless petty criminals and slaves). Septimus warns Kirk not to go into the city, but you know he’s going to be all noble and stuff so he does anyway. Septimus sends his buddy Flavius, a former gladiator, as tour guide.

They are again immediately captured, this time by the Romans, and thrown into some jail cells. Kirk demands to speak to “Merikus” (everclay, ightray?) and while the guards are gone, Flavius explains that the “word of the Sun” was kept from his people, and that’s why they’ve become subservient and acquiescing to the centuries-long loss of their rights and freedoms. GET IT? If you don’t, that’s okay, they’ll spell it out a few more times.

When the guard returns, Kirk and the others overcome their captors—only to be caught again by a huge group of soldiers, Merik among them. His Grand Douchiness introduces the Proconsul, Claudius Marcus 2 , and leads them away to a private conference room for a reunion. He says that Claudius Marcus knows who and what they are, which is never good news for the Prime Directive.

They are taken to a nice meal of sparrow broiled in garum 3 and roast kid, presented by a blonde slavegirl. Merik explains that his ship was hit by meteors and he and a landing party beamed down to search for iridium ore. That’s how he met Claudius Marcus:

MERIK: He convinced me it would be unfair to this world to carry word of their existence elsewhere. CLAUDIUS: Contamination. Can’t risk that. Oh, you’ll understand as you learn more about us. MERIK: So I made the decision to stay. KIRK: What happened to your crew? Did they voluntarily beam, come ashore? MERIK: This is an ordered world, Jim, a conservative world based on time-honored Roman strengths and virtues. KIRK: What happened to your crew? MERIK: There’s been no war here for over four hundred years, Jim. Could let’s say, your land of that same era make that same boast? I think you can see why they don’t want to have their stability contaminated by dangerous ideas of other ways and other places.

Uh-oh! Sounds like John Gill all over again… Claudius Marcus, however, is not interested in exposition: he demands that Kirk beam his crew down a few at a time. He knows Kirk’s ship could kill them all, but he also knows the Prime Directive prohibits them from interfering. (Clearly he hasn’t been watching the show enough to know how, erm, flexible, that Prime Directive can be.) Kirk reluctantly hails Scotty… but only tells him that it’s “Condition Green.” Furious, Claudius orders the three of them to be taken to the arena to fight for their lives.

Back on Enterprise , Scotty reveals that “Condition Green” is code for “Totally Boned,” but that it also prohibits him from interfering at all. Well, maybe he can interfere just a teeny weeny bit…

Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are taken to the arena—a painted TV studio! Let the thinly-veiled indictment of TV begin! Kirk is forced to watch as Spock and McCoy battle an unwilling Flavius and some guy named Achilles for the show Name the Winner (guess how it works?). As they fight, an engineer uses dials labeled “Applause,” “Cheers,” “Boos,” and “Cat-calls” to choreograph the fight.

MASTER: Fight, you two. You bring this network’s ratings down, Flavius, and we’ll do a special on you!

Claudius Marcus and Merik both try to convince Kirk to give in and order his crew to beam down, but he seems pretty confident in Spock and McCoy’s ability to fend off the enemy. (Well, okay. Maybe just Spock’s.) Our brave gladiators are, in fact, made of complete awesome—this fight is amazing and I highly recommend watching it even if you don’t get a chance to watch much more of the episode. Their verbal sparring is top-notch. Anyway, Spock manages to punch Achilles and then nerve-pinch Flavius. Kirk refuses to give in so the victorious Spock and McCoy are dragged back to their cells.

Kirk is taken to his room. The curtain is pulled back by the slavegirl from the earlier scene! Her name is Drusilla and she likes serving food and satisfying powerful men with some hanky-panky.

Back at the ranch jail cell, McCoy is trying his best to thank Spock for saving his life, but Spock callously disregards his gratitude as yet another pitiful human emotion. In one of the most insightful bits of character revelation so far, McCoy snaps back:

MCCOY: Do you know why you’re not afraid to die, Spock? You’re more afraid of living. Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip and let your human half peek out. That’s it, isn’t it? Insecurity. Why, you wouldn’t know what to do with a genuine, warm, decent feeling. SPOCK: Really, Doctor?

McCoy looks at him with understanding.

MCCOY: I know. I’m worried about Jim, too.

Wow. That nearly brought a tear to my eye. Turns out Kirk is doing JUST FINE with hanky-panky slavegirl, but it’s the thought that counts. In possibly the most ridiculous bit of the whole episode, Kirk in his room kisses Drusilla and the camera literally pans to the fire .

Later, Claudius Marcus returns and explains that he wanted to give Kirk the decency of feeling like a man one last time before he goes to die. Kirk is appreciative, and allows himself to be escorted to the TV studio. He’s thrown into the arena with a Roman, who offers a “quick, single thrust” (didn’t he get something like that just a few hours ago?) and an easy death. Kirk stands still, but Flavius rushes into the arena to take out the Roman! Unfortunately, both he and the random executioner are then taken out by machine guns .

Kind of ups the ante on Survivor , eh?

At that moment, Scotty cues Chekov to activate a radio interruption beam, cutting off TV broadcasting. Kirk uses that chance to escape, and runs to McCoy and Spock’s cell, shooting out the lock because guns solve everything. They are then caught again at the last minute, with guards on either side. Since the guards would only crossfire each other, Claudius Marcus orders swords only.

Kirk, Spock, and McCoy quickly dispatch the men, but Merik has a change of heart: he opens Kirk’s communicator and hails Enterprise , telling them to lock on his position and prepare for three to beam up. Claudius Marcus stabs him in the back. Merik falls to the ground, but tosses the communicator to Kirk just in time for the three of them to beam up in a hail of gunfire.

Safely ensconced back on the bridge, Spock laments never learning more about the sun-worshipers. And for once, Uhura jumps in and is a real communications officer:

UHURA: I’ve been monitoring some of their old-style radio waves, the Empire spokesman trying to ridicule their religion. But he couldn’t. Don’t you understand? It’s not the sun up in the sky. It’s the Son of God. KIRK: Caesar and Christ. They had them both. And the word is spreading only now. MCCOY: A philosophy of total love and total brotherhood. SPOCK: It will replace their imperial Rome, but it will happen in their twentieth century. KIRK: Wouldn’t it be something to watch, to be a part of? To see it happen all over again?

Um… no. And thank god the network agrees, because that’s curtain on this episode.

1 This is untrue. Many Romans worshiped the Greek god Helios (or Apollo), and there was an entire religious festival ( dies natalis solis invicti , or just sol invicti , “Unconquered Sun”) around sun-worship on either the solstice or equinox, we’re not sure. Emperor Aurelius in particular was heavily invested in the cult. Spock needs to read up on his history!

2 Upper-class Romans had at least three names: the praenomen (given name), nomen (family clan), and at least one or sometimes more cognomen (family name). Our friend Caesar was actually Gaius Julius Caesar (until he was deified, but let’s not worry about that right now…). Claudius Marcus is probably his praenomen and nomen. Slaves only had one name. Good job, ST.

3 Garum is real. It’s fermented fish guts, left to rot with some salt in the sun. Think of it as the ketchup of Ancient Rome. You can still buy it in some places! Yum.Good job again, ST. Points off for them not reclining while they eat, though. And where the hell are the tunics??

I knew from the title that this was “the Roman one,” but the lack of tunics, togas, reclining benches, and underutilization of recycled Paramount uniforms kind of threw me for a loop. The weird potato sack costumes never would have tipped me off that this was supposed to be Roman. Guess I’ll have to wait for “Plato’s Stepchildren.”

The plot is nonsensical (another mysteriously totally parallel world? Really?), the moral is, well, moralizing, and the history is terrible, but there are some really great moments in this episode. For one, we get the first complete statement of the Prime Directive: “No identification of self or mission. No interference with the social development of said planet. No references to space, or the fact that there are other worlds, or more advanced civilizations.” That’s pretty damn cool, and long overdue. We also hear about Hodgkin’s Law of Parallel Planet Development, which is almost as stupidly convenient a way to explain all these parallel worlds as TNG’s stab at it in “The Chase” (in which we get the theory that all sentient life is from seeds planted by some ancient humanoid race, and we’re all related to the same ancestor). So as far as Star Trek canon information goes, “Bread and Circuses” is amazing.

Then there are the McCoy and Spock scenes, obviously Gene Roddenberry bits, that make this episode shine. Spock and McCoy arguing while they fight the Romans in the arena actually had me laughing out loud. I generally don’t like it when characters say exactly what they’re thinking, but the jail scene between the two of them is sincerely touching. They finally confront the issue central to their little love triangle: Kirk. No matter their differences, they respect one another, and they both love and respect their friend, and that will always unite them. It is really sweet.

I’m not going to nitpick the history, mostly because if this episode was interested in any history it was interested in movie history. “Bread and Circuses” is a classic example of the Christian-themed Roman movies so popular in the first half of the century, from The Last Days of Pompeii to Ben-Hur (with my personal favorite, Quo Vadis? , in between). It argues that Rome fell because the empire was incompatible with the notions of peace and brotherhood espoused by Jesus’ followers, and that with more effective religious suppression Rome could have remained an empire for centuries more. This is, to put it gently, incomplete, but it’s the film narrative that I assume audiences at the time would have been familiar with and I don’t fault the episode for adopting it here (even if I do resent it a little in 2010). That said, it’s more moralizing than any of the movies I mentioned. Where does all this religiosity come from? The network?

Irritating lingering thought: what the hell happened to the slavegirl? So Kirk sleeps with her and… that’s the end of that plotline?

I would’ve given it a 4.5, if not for half-warps being illegal. It’s a solid episode, but I suspect that in the long run it’ll be relatively unmemorable.

Torie ’s Rating: Warp 4 (on a scale of 1-6)

Eugene Myers: I remembered “Bread and Circuses” far more kindly than it deserves. I’ve always been interested in Roman culture, and it was actually my Latin teacher in junior high who introduced me to Star Trek (via The Undiscovered Country ). He loved this one for some reason, and at the time so did I. But the moment the words “Children of the Son” were uttered, I suddenly recalled the “twist” ending and knew the episode wasn’t going to hold up. Since I knew the reveal, the Christian references seemed obvious to me, from calling the slaves “fishes” to the constant talk of brotherhood and peace. Uhura’s explanation and Kirk’s excitement at the delayed emergence of Christianity in this new world simply made me groan, though I was glad the communications officer managed to show up her superior officers for once. I’m also confused as to why they all think this is such a positive development in the planet’s history, considering how much strife resulted in Earth’s past.

I had somehow forgotten all about the twentieth century setting, which is kind of the whole point of the thing, such as it is. Back when I first saw this episode, reality television was mostly defined by game shows like American Gladiators , but this time I found the televised fights on Empire TV—complete with audience participation and concerns over ratings—eerily prescient when compared to the current broadcast landscape. The idea was certainly ahead of its time, and may even have been a shocking notion for 1960s audiences.

The plot barely hangs together, particularly Claudius giving the captain the use of a slave woman (so he might spend his last hours “as a man”) to Merik’s last minute, unjustified change of heart. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are imprisoned, enslaved, and forced to fight (as usual), and don’t actually manage to accomplish anything useful on the planet at all except their capture and eventual escape. It’s as though someone said, “Hey, what if Rome never fell?” and that’s as far as they took it; this might as well be an episode of Sliders . Scotty’s distraction is clever at least, but I wondered why they weren’t monitoring video feeds on the planet the way Uhura listened to radio broadcasts. It would have saved them all a lot of trouble when they saw Spock and McCoy in the arena!

Ultimately, I was just disappointed and mildly bored throughout the episode. Hodgkin’s Law of Parallel Planet Development still comes off as a lazy conceit (They speak English? Really? Not even Latin?), and the concerns over cultural contamination and the Prime Directive were muddled—in order to prevent outside interference, Merik decided to stay there? I didn’t see how Merik could command so much as a garbage scow after washing out of the Academy. They mention the S.S. Beagle is a merchant ship, but it was performing a survey of the system and the crew wore Starfleet uniforms? Are they supposed to follow the Prime Directive too?

What a shame that no one ever uses Kirk’s middle name Tiberius, especially in light of Claudius’s comment, “You’re a Roman, Kirk, or you should have been.” Though that doesn’t make any sense either.

Eugene’s Rating: Warp 3

Best Line: MCCOY: “Once, just once, I’d like to be able to land someplace and say, ‘Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel!’”

Syndication Edits: None officially, as this episode was kind of forgotten under a pile of tapes and never officially cut. However, the exchange between McCoy and Spock in the jail cell (you know the one) was often frequently cut out by the stations themselves.

Trivia: First, location trivia: the Children of the Sun/Son live in the Batcave! Those caves are beneath the HOLLYWOOD sign, and were one of the most-used locations in ’60s television. The Roman capital is actually the Great Dome at MIT (just like…Rome?). And finally, when Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Flavius are thrown in jail the first time around, the outside of the building is a classical-looking colonnade with “HONNEUR ET PATRIE” emblazoned on the top. This is French, not Latin, and it’s the Legion of Honor on the Left Bank in Paris.

The Proconsul’s insignia isn’t Roman, it’s actually the coat of arms of Shakespeare. Not sure what to make of that…

Ian Wolfe, who played Septimus, was Mr. Atoz in “All Our Yesterdays.”

Other Notes: The script was adapted from a version by John Kneubuhl, a playwright and television writer for shows like Thriller , The Wild Wild West and Hawaii Five-O . One draft had Spock suffer from Vulcan appendicitis; another had Kirk reveal his mission to Septimus, thus violating the Prime Directive; and in one draft, the arena doctors (morticians?) were eager to study Spock’s alien physiology.

Previous Episode: Season 2, Episode 25 – “ The Ultimate Computer ”

Next Episode: Season 2, Episode 26 – “ Assignment: Earth .” US residents can watch it for free at the CBS website .

This post originally appeared on .

About Torie Atkinson & Eugene Myers

The language thing was ridiculous; They made a big deal of them speaking English, which is impossible. If Rome never fell, then English as a language never existed.

Of course they *had* to speak English for the incredibly stupid son/sun pun to work.

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Star Trek – Bread and Circuses (Review)

The first Star Trek pilot, The Cage , was produced in 1964. To celebrate its fiftieth anniversary, this December we are reviewing the second season of the original Star Trek show. You can check out our first season reviews here . Check back daily for the latest review.

Bread and Circuses is not subtle. Then again, that is the point.

There’s a lot of interesting stuff happening in Bread and Circuses , the fourteenth episode produced for the second season, but the last to air. There’s the idea of a world dominated by “a twentieth century Rome” , a rogue captain, a Prime Directive dilemma and a scathing indictment of modern television. Not only is it one of the last episodes with a “produced by Gene L. Coon” credit, it is also an episode co-written by Roddenberry and Coon. It is also the episode of Star Trek that endorses Christianity most explicitly and heavily.

"Wait, we're only getting it in black and white?"

“Wait, we’re only getting it in black and white?”

Bread and Circuses is a bold and audacious piece of television, full of venom and righteous anger, rich in satire and cynicism. It’s a plot so ridiculously over-stuffed with good ideas that viewers are liable to forgive the show’s somewhat cop-out ending where Kirk and his away team beam back to the Enterprise and continue on their merry way as though little has actually happened. Bread and Circuses feels like it uses every minute of its fifty-minute runtime wisely, balancing character with world-building.

It is probably a little bit too messy and disjointed to be labelled a dyed-in-the-wool classic, particularly when compared to the shows produced around it. Nevertheless, it is a decidedly ambitious piece of work, and one that demonstrates what Star Trek could do when it sets its mind to something.

When in Rome...

When in Rome…

There is a lot of stuff to chew over here. Perhaps the most obvious is the fact that Bread and Circuses is an episode of Star Trek explicitly about television. “I think I can pick up something visual,” Uhura reports as the ship arrives in orbit. “It’s a news broadcast using a system I think they once called video.” Spock clarifies, “Television was the colloquial term.” The episode teaser features Kirk and the crew watching a television broadcast, ending with a twist in the broadcast – the revelation that one of the “barbarians” is a member of the crew for which they are looking.

Quite a lot of Bread and Circuses feels uncomfortably autobiographical for the show. On the sadistic game show “Name the Winner” , performers are forced to compete against each other for survival. Given the behind-the-scenes conflict between between Shatner and Nimoy, a fight to the death was perhaps only a slight exaggeration. After all, there is a wonderful story about both Nimoy and Shatner visiting incoming third season producer Fred Frieberger to claim that they were the star, and asking him to choose. Roddenberry gave Shatner the thumbs up .

The crew are just Roman around...

The crew are just Roman around…

After all, although Shatner was not literally fighting for his life, he was fighting for his career. The actor had signed on as the star of the show, tying himself to the series and sacrificing any number of opportunities in order to play the lead. If he were overshadowed by his co-stars, if he did not make an impression, then he knew that his career was in jeopardy. With Nimoy earning Emmy nominations for his work as Spock, it made sense that Shatner had to be aggressive – claiming lines from co-stars and turning up the volume on his performance.

Even this wasn’t enough. Shatner had a terrible time of it into the seventies, starring in a whole heap of schlock. His career went into sharp decline, proof of the difficulties facing a genre actor. It wasn’t until T.J. Hooker and the big-screen Star Trek films that Shatner began to claw his way back towards the limelight. Several other members of the ensemble cast had an even tougher career after Star Trek . In hindsight, Shatner’s somewhat aggressive competition with his co-stars makes a great deal of sense.

"Okay, I want a good clean decapitation!"

“Okay, I want a good clean decapitation!”

The idea of televised death matches to appease a hungry audience – stage-managed and weighted, despite appeals towards reality – seems particularly striking in this era of public humiliation and reality television. However, as Su Holmes points out in The Quiz Show , many of the traits of modern reality television can be traced back to fifties and sixties game shows:

Reality game formats are structured by rules, and pivot on the competitive philosophy of a winner-takes-all gamesmanship. They also use the framework of competition to capitalise on the spectacle of ‘ordinary’ people under extreme (television) pressure – a staple element of the quiz and game show from its earliest days. Many of the more contemporary reality formats draw upon the legacy of humiliation and extreme behaviour witnessed in the earlier ‘stunt’ gameshows (such as People are Funny), while the spectacle of emotional/confessional performances can be traced by to 1950s American ‘sob’ or ‘misery’ shows (for example, Strike It Rich or Queen for a Day) in which participants – often women – told personal hardship stories in exchange for money or prizes.

Still, the fact that Bread and Circuses ‘ portrayal of American television feels more relevant today than it did when it is broadcast is terrifying. Although Bread and Circuses ‘ lets the audience off the hook a little bit, by demonstrating that the audience reactions are all “canned” , it is a scathing indictment of lowest common denominator programming by the network.

This show is about to be number one with a bullet...

This show is about to be number one with a bullet…

There is also a sense that Bread and Circuses is leaning on the fourth wall a bit, as if trying to draw the viewer’s attention to the elements that have been forced into the plot by the network. The climactic fight sequence of Bread and Circuses invites us to watch Spock and McCoy in a televised fight to the death at the behest of the network, set to the action theme from Amok Time , as if teasing viewers about the show’s occasionally contrived action sequences.

Similarly, the villain who runs the network also sends a beautiful woman to seduce Kirk for reasons that have little to do with his own plot or the plot of the show – it’s a gratuitous “Kirk makes out with a beautiful woman” sequence that emphasises its gratuity. Sure, Claudius makes a nod towards respecting Kirk as a man or some such nonsense, but the entire sequence could be trimmed for time and little would be lost. It’s a scene that exists because Bread and Circuses needed some gratuitous shots of Kirk making out.

A caged Vulcan doesn't sing...

A caged Vulcan doesn’t sing…

There’s a sense that Roddenberry and Coon are having just a little bit of a go at the network with Bread and Circuses . “You bring this network’s ratings down, Flavius, and we’ll do a special on you,” a Roman guard threatens as he cracks the whip. Taste and decency are expendable when it comes to getting those numbers up. It seems unlikely that the show was moved to the end of the season by coincidence – one gets the sense that Roddenberry and the production team emphasised with Spock and McCoy after their bout in the arena.

The middle of the second season had been rocked with rumours of pending cancellation. In early January 1968, The Hartford Courant published a rumour that the network was considering dropping the show due to disappointing ratings. This prompted a high-profile fan campaign to save the show, including a march on NBC headquarters by fans carrying placards . In early March 1968, NBC confirmed their intent to renew the series, including an announcement at the end of The Omega Glory .

It's a nice touch that Merik is still wearing an old-style Starfleet jumpsuit from The Cage...

It’s a nice touch that Merik is still wearing an old-style Starfleet jumpsuit from The Cage…

Of course, these cancellation rumours are still subject of debate today. It has been argued that the show never seriously faced cancellation in its second season :

Although fans wrote in multitudes to save Star Trek, the “save our show” campaign may have been entirely unnecessary. The show had reasonable ratings in its time slot, and TV critics at the time wrote that NBC had other shows that were more at risk of cancellation. Moreover, NBC needed no persuasion to believe that the audience was desirable; they already knew that the show attracted an appropriate demographic: young, well educated, and passionate. Show creator Gene Roddenberry also continued to promote the desirability of the viewers by positioning them as a quality audience, suggesting that despite its small size, the demographics were more appealing than those of other, larger shows.

Still, regardless of whether the show was ever actually cancelled, the anxiety very clearly existed and the threat loomed large.

Arrested development...

Arrested development…

Bread and Circuses had been written and filmed towards the end of 1967, before the entire cancellation controversy had erupted. However, airing it after that very public controversy gives the episode a bit more weight than it might otherwise have. Bread and Circuses aired as the penultimate episode of the show’s second season, right before Assignment: Earth . Given that Assignment: Earth was a thinly-disguised pilot for a spin-off show, that would make Bread and Circuses the de facto season finalé. Which would suggest this was considered a “big” episode.

However, Bread and Circuses works just as a well if watched in production order. At this point in its production life cycle,  Star Trek was going through a number of management changes. Gene L. Coon was handing the reins to John Meredyth Lucas, as producer. Lucas visited the set during the production of Bread and Circuses . However, there were other significant changes happening; in July 1967, Desilu had been bought by Gulf and Western and rebranded “Paramount television.” This had a substantial impact on the way that Star Trek was produced.

Oh my gods!

Oh my gods!

As director Ralph Senensky noted in an interview with Starlog , the Star Trek production team found themselves operating under much tighter constraints than they had been previously:

“Paramount had a lot to do with the series’ demise,” he says matter-of-factly.  “Gene Coon had told me that the episodes  had been scheduled for six days of production and that they averaged six-and-a-half,  although there were some that went  seven — pretty remarkable for the kind of  quality they were delivering. When  Paramount bought Desilu, a kind of corporate mentality took over. Suddenly, we had  a six-day schedule… period! They wouldn’t  allow any overruns at all. Before that, we had a 7:30 crew call and started shooting at  8 a.m. Sometimes you would go to 7:00 or  7:30. You would finish so that the episode  would work out. But now you had a six-day  schedule, and you had to absolutely pull  the plug at 12:00 on the sixth day. In  terms of actual hours, it pulled us down to a  five-and-a-half day schedule. The other  schedule hadn’t given you that much grace,  but suddenly, you really felt that you were  shooting schlock because of the production’s speed.   ‘ “This is one of the reasons why. in a  way. I resent Paramount having such a hit  in Star Trek, because if they had their way, they would have killed it off. It survived in  spite of them and now they have this bonanza making all this money. It has nothing to do with them.”

Bread and Circuses seems perfectly positioned as a commentary on television production. It was produced as the changes in management style between Desilu and Paramount television were becoming apparent, and broadcast in the wake of a high-profile cancellation scale.

The Roman way...

The Roman way…

There is a sense that Bread and Circuses plays into Gene Roddenberry’s mythmaking. The traditional account of Star Trek , one that has been repeated and restated so many times that it is widely accepted, is that the show was produced by Gene Roddenberry in direct conflict with the network. After the show was cancelled, and in the lead up to the production of Star Trek: The Next Generation , Roddenberry stressed that the original Star Trek had been the product of much compromise, with Roddenberry facing down the network on a variety of issues.

According to Roddenberry, it was sexism that forced him to drop the female first officer from The Cage . “The network brass of the time could not handle a woman being second-in-command of a spaceship,” Roddenberry insisted . “In those days, it was such a monstrous thought to so many people, I realized that I had to get rid of her character or else I wouldn’t get my series on the air.” However, this was not the case. The network was not displeased with Number One the character; they were unhappy with Majel Barrett, the actress and Roddenberry’s mistress .

Oh, hey, they have Friends on this planet!

Oh, hey, they have Friends on this planet!

Similarly, Roddenberry liked to claim that the decision to feature a diverse and international supporting cast was a risk move. Conceding there was “some pressure” to make the cast “white people in space” , Roddenberry again painted the image of himself as a valiant progressive fighting a stubborn network . “I said that if we don’t have blacks and whites working together by the time our civilization catches up to the time frame the series were set in, there won’t be any people. I guess my argument was so sensible it stopped even the zealots.”

This is, of course, something of an overstatement. It was actually the network that insisted on the diverse cast . The supporting cast from The Cage is much less diverse than the one eventually featured on Star Trek . While characters like Uhura and Sulu were important for the recognition and acknowledgement of minorities in television, there were already shows that had featured non-white characters in far more prominent roles.

They also have Jerry Springer!

They also have Jerry Springer!

There is a very clear sense that Bread and Circuses is playing into Roddenberry’s vision of his relationship with the network. The Romans working the stage lights and giving direction don’t seem too different from the network executives who feature in his tales of a valiant storyteller trying to communicate his vision despite the best efforts of a stubborn and conservative network to stop him. It is an endearing and engaging narrative, which perhaps explains why it has endured so well.

There is an irony here. Bread and Circuses was the last episode of Star Trek broadcast during the second the season, except for Assignment: Earth . However, A ssignment: Earth was a very cynical piece of programming, and not due to any meddling by the network. It was an attempt by Roddenberry use Star Trek to launch another show. Roddenberry would remain a producer on the third season of Star Trek , but spent most of the season trying to develop ideas at MGM. It makes Assignment: Earth look particularly suspicious, as if Roddenberry were loading a parachute for himself.

Engineering an escape attempt...

Engineering an escape attempt…

The joys of being cynical about cynicism. Watching the games with Claudius, Kirk confesses, “Proconsul, in some parts of the galaxy I have seen forms of entertainment that makes this look like a folk dance.” It seems like he could just as easily be talking about twentieth-century television production. Still, even with all these caveats in place, Bread and Circuses makes for a delightful indictment of network television, all the more powerful because it seems to mirror a lot of what was happening at various levels of the production at the same time.

It is also worth noting the episode’s setting. It is a version of Earth where Rome never fell. “A world ruled by emperors who can trace their line back two thousand years to their own Julius and Augustus Caesars,” Kirk offers in his log. It is a world stunning close to Earth. The chemical composition of the air even matches twentieth-century Earth, and the dialogue from the natives does not need to be filtered through a universal translator. “Complete Earth parallel,” Spock reflects. “The language here is English.”

Captain of his own destiny...

Captain of his own destiny…

Of course, the language has to be English for the “son” / “sun” homophone reveal to work properly. The odds of the two words sounding exactly alike in any other language would be astronomical. Then again, the odds of anything resembling Earth as much as this planet would also be astronomical – “Hodgkins’s law of Parallel Planet Development” be damned. The idea of finding a world that is functionally identical to twentieth-century Earth, but with only one significant difference, is completely and utterly absurd.

There is a reason that this plot hook has become an easy source of parody for fans keen to revel in the ridiculousness of classic Star Trek . It is an absolutely crazy idea. While there are understandable production reasons why the crew keep stumbling across alternate worlds that happen to look like Earth cultures for which the studio has ready-made costumes and props, it is very hard to rationalise from a plot perspective.

A slave to his temper...

A slave to his temper…

Unless, of course, we accept that the Enterprise isn’t exploring strange new worlds so much as it explores reflections of our own. After all, there is an argument that Star Trek works best as allegory. Kirk and Spock meet alien races who can be defined by their relationship to certain aspects of mankind. The show can use these trappings to offer commentary of contemporary concerns that might be too difficult to address directly. The Enterprise might be seeking out new life-forms, but ultimately so that its crew might better understand themselves.

It is worth noting that Bread and Circuses is the third time that Star Trek has told a story based around a Roman Empire that never died. The Romulans were very much space! Romans in Balance of Terror , right down to the name of their home planets and the salutes that they make. In Mirror, Mirror , the Empire was very clearly modeled on the Roman Empire – with references to Caesar, that same salute, and the changes in decorum suggesting as much.

"Well, these reviews aren't that great at all..."

“Well, these reviews aren’t that great at all…”

Bread and Circuses just comes right out and labels the alien civilisation as Roman. However, as with Mirror, Mirror , there’s a sense that the story is more interested in a twisted reflection of contemporary America than an ever-lasting Roman Empire. Once again, Star Trek is playing with the idea of the United States as the spiritual successor to the Roman Empire – dealing with the issues raised by the country’s emergence as the dominant global power in the wake of the Second World War.

The Cold War and the responsibilities of being the most powerful nation on the planet brought all manner of uncomfortable choices. While there is a debate to be had over whether comparisons between the United States and Rome are valid in any meaningful sense, it does make for a catchy comparison – and a nice umbrella under which these issues might be discussed. After all, the Roman Empire in Bread and Circuses doesn’t actually feel that much like the Roman Empire. It feels more like a totalitarian mirror to sixties America.

Blessed by the sun... er, I mean, son...

Blessed by the sun… er, I mean, son…

Sure, the costumes, names and titles might evoke Rome. However, the characters speak English rather than Latin. The television is produced on an American rather than a European model. The buildings look like contemporary America. Although references are made to the religious beliefs and cultural of ancient Rome, society does not seem to function in a way that is alien to contemporary viewers. The world in Bread and Circuses is sixties America with a Roman theme. (Arguably in the same way that fascism coopted Roman themes and iconography.)

Kirk and McCoy are horrified by this perversion of American society. However, Spock spends most of the episode drawing attention to the similarities that exist between this culture and that of twentieth-century Earth. Although the episode never explicitly states it, Spock’s status as an outsider seems to play into this. As the member of the landing party with the least attachment to Earth, Spock seems to have a more objective stance on it.

Kirk is beginning to feel a little caged in...

Kirk is beginning to feel a little caged in…

“Must you always be so blasted honest?” McCoy asks Spock at one point. Although not referring specifically to his observations about this culture, it would seem to fit thematically. When McCoy objects to the “slavery, gladiatorial games, despotism” that exist on this world, Spock is not convinced that the difference is material. “Situations quite familiar to the six million who died in your first world war, the eleven million who died in your second, the thirty seven million who died in your third.”

There are points where Bread and Circuses seems to play as a criticism of capitalism. Spock is intrigued by the idea of “slavery evolving into an institution with guaranteed medical payments, old-age pensions” , which seems like a status quo that would justify use of the term “wage slavery” – implying that even people with basic protections can still be exploited by a predatory system. This Roman Empire exists in world where the strong dominate the weak.

Well, he had a stab at being a ruler...

Well, he had a stab at being a ruler…

It is explicitly a dog-eat-dog world. Merik justifies the slaughter of his own crew with the same rhetoric used to dismiss those who cannot prosper in a capitalist economy – his crew were simply not strong enough to thrive. “Those that were able to adapt to this world are still alive,” he tells Kirk. “Those who couldn’t adapt are dead. That’s the way it is with life everywhere, isn’t it?” Merik seems to suggest that he has been convinced by a philosophy quite similar to pure and untempered capitalism, one that excuses indifference to the plight of the disadvantaged .

Many of the criticisms made by Bread and Circuses are just as applicable to a certain strand of American political thought as they are to a parallel Roman Empire. One can be a slave without wearing irons. One can be trapped and exploited without wearing a shirt that labels you as a slave. Bread and Circuses suggests that Merik is just as much of a slave of the system as Flavius was. “Would you leave us, Merik?” Claudius asks him. “The thoughts of one man to another cannot possibly interest you.” The obvious inference is that Claudius does not see him as a man.

The pencil-pushers sadly don't get any fancy helmets...

The pencil-pushers sadly don’t get any fancy helmets…

This all pretty heady, pretty political, and pretty loaded stuff. It is amazing that these elements of the script tend to get glossed over when discussing Bread and Circuses . Then again, there is so much else going on within the episode’s fifty-minute runtime that it’s understandable these elements of social criticism might get lost between the critique of network television and the heavily (and explicitly) religious conclusion.

Bread and Circuses is notable for having an ending that explicitly endorses Christianity. While there have been nods towards the religious beliefs of the crew in earlier episodes like Balance of Terror and Who Mourns for Adonais? , Star Trek generally portrayed itself as secular – occasionally aggressively so. Kirk was quite happy to kill or depose beings claiming to be gods, “liberating” alien cultures from their religious beliefs.

If you go down to the woods today...

If you go down to the woods today…

Here, the crew of the Enterprise celebrate the emergence of Christianity among the planet’s population. “I’ve been monitoring some of their old-style radio waves, the empire spokesman trying to ridicule their religion,” Uhura offers during the epilogue. “But he couldn’t. Don’t you understand? It’s not the sun up in the sky. It’s the Son of God.” It’s a weird scene, not only because the crew seem so happy at the prospect, but also because it suggests it is impossible to mock Christianity.

It’s no wonder that The American Catholic considers Bread and Circuses to be one of the best episodes of Star Trek ever produced . It seems to explicitly confirm that Kirk and his crew respect Christianity as a special sort of religion. There’s no nod made towards religious diversity. Even Mr. Spock seems to welcome the news that Christianity is spreading. (It seems like a truism that nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.) While it’s certainly better than knee-jerk rejection of religion and spirituality, it adds some uncomfortable subtext to the earlier stories in the season.


All of a sudden, the destruction of Vaal in The Apple and Apollo in Who Mourns for Adonais? are no longer a rejection of religion itself. They are rejections of particular types of religion – religion that Kirk and crew deem to be “wrong.” It makes it seem like Kirk is simply destroying religions that don’t conform to his own beliefs. Apollo and Vaal die to make room for Christ, just as the spread of Christianity destroyed many foreign belief systems. This has decidedly uncomfortable implications – another example of Star Trek struggling with its own imperialist tendencies.

To be fair, the episode does suggest that Kirk and his crew have moved beyond Christianity itself, even if it seems like various cultural signifiers are still in use. “Once, just once, I’d like to be able to land someplace and say, ‘Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel!'” McCoy jokes at one point. When Spock fails to see the humour, McCoy replies, “Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork…”

A fun shoot...

A fun shoot…

There is no cultural relativism to be found in Bread and Circuses . When Kirk and Spock believe the friend slaves are worshipping the sun, they are patronising and condescending. “It seems illogical for a sun worshiper to develop a philosophy of total brotherhood,” Spock suggests. “Sun worship is usually a primitive superstition religion.” However, they take the beliefs more seriously when they turn out to be Christian. There is nothing wrong with religious belief, but there is something uncomfortable about treating one particular belief as unquestionably “right.”

To be fair, it is possible that Bread and Circuses isn’t endorsing Christianity completely and unequivocally. Christianity is just being used as a way to signal the decline of this Rome. Of course, this opens all sorts of other issues, as if to suggest that there is only one logical way for a culture to evolve – that Christianity must follow the Roman Empire, as part of the cycle of civilisation. This is a very Western-centric way of looking at the universe, coming with more than a few problems.

Kirk is a breakout star...

Kirk is a breakout star…

Even leaving aside the obvious imperialist undertones to this argument, this connection between the decline of the Empire and the rise of Christianity – most famously proposed in Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire – is not uncontested. As Nancy Reagin suggests in Star Trek and History :

Unfortunately for Gibbon (and Star Trek’s writers), this thesis is not supported by historical fact, as the eastern Roman Empire, which was resolutely Christian, did not fall until 1453, nearly a thousand years after the western Roman Empire slowly imploded. If Christianity was inherently anti-Roman or anti-Imperial, then it should have been the eastern empire that fell.

Even if one accepts Gibbons’ argument, the collapse of the Roman Empire in Europe was followed by the Dark Ages – as Crossover points out in its deconstruction of the ending of  Mirror, Mirror . That was an incredibly brutal time period. Should Kirk and Spock be celebrating?

"Sir, it's the ratings... they are not good..."

“Sir, it’s the ratings… they are not good…”

This conclusion seems rather at odds with Roddenberry’s humanist atheism, particularly on a script that carries his own name. In Star Trek FAQ , Mark Clark theorises that Roddenberry’s own beliefs might be playing out here:

Perhaps the pro-Christian stance of Bread and Circuses can be chalked up as an expression of Roddenberry’s own conflicted beliefs. Despite his apparent atheism, Roddenberry sometimes (albeit rarely) spoke of a nebulous higher power he referred to as “the All.” This was pointedly not the Judeo-Christian God. He never explained this idea fully, and may have never complete worked out the concept himself.

Long-time Roddenberry associate Susan Sackett has talked a bit about Roddenberry’s beliefs in My Secret Life in Gene Roddenberry , suggesting that Roddenberry’s belief in “the All” did inform a lot of his writing.

"... and scans indicate that suspension of disbelief is barely holding..."

“… and scans indicate that suspension of disbelief is barely holding…”

Whatever the reasons for the ending, the concluding scene of Bread and Circuses does demonstrate how difficult it is to try and construct a single unifying theory of the original Star Trek . As much fun as it is to try to piece together a single thematic throughline, the original Star Trek changed position on key issues from week to week, depending on who was writing. The series was prone to contradict itself, adopting different stances on various issues depending on the draft of the script that made it to screen.

It is very hard to reconcile the cynicism about the Cold War and Vietnam in Errand of Mercy or A Taste of Armageddon with the chest-thumping of A Private Little War or The Omega Glory . Similarly, the theme of Mirror, Mirror dramatically reversed itself between the original pitch and the final draft – originally Kirk was supposed to teach a weak Federation how to best make war, rather than recoiling in horror from a militaristic reflection of Starfleet.

Kirk and his crew a little too far afield...

Kirk and his crew a little too far afield…

Bread and Circuses is also notable for marking the departure of producer Gene L. Coon. To be fair, Coon’s departure is somewhat convoluted. He was credited as “producer” on every episode between Miri and Bread and Circuses , with the exception of The Menagerie, Part II . According to These Are the Voyages , Coon actually produced Journey to Babel , even if the post-production team assigned the credit to John Meredyth Lucas. Coon would then receive his final “produced by” credit on A Private Little War .

Although this is somewhat convoluted, it is understandable. Scripts enter and leave production at different times. There is inevitably overlap during the writing phase and in post-production. Coon’s departure during the middle of the second season was by all accounts rather sudden. It wasn’t necessarily clean. John Meredyth Lucas had only written The Changeling when Coon proposed him to take the reins. Though a veteran director, Lucas would not direct the show until a brief fill-in on Obsession and then a credited job on The Ultimate Computer .

Playing to crowded halls...

Playing to crowded halls…

Still, the transfer of power was in process. Director Ralph Senensky has argued that the change in producers in the middle of the second season had a profound effect on the show :

I cannot speak for the other directors and the other productions, but I can definitely say that there was a drop in quality from This Side of Paradise, Metamorphosis and Bread and Circuses to the other two episodes I directed the second season. And I ascribe the reason for this drop to be partly caused by the lack of Gene Coon’s stewardship of the scripts and the rest to the impossible expectation that the episodes in this series could be filmed in five and a half days. … As I bemoan the loss of Gene Coon, I don’t mean to dismiss John Meredyth Lucas. His was a formidable task. In one of my early postings I described what it felt like as a director coming to direct a long running series for the first time. It was like a Captain taking new command of a ship in battle. For John, taking over as producer of Star Trek, I felt, it was like an Admiral being reassigned to command of an entire fleet. And to do it midseason — a monstrous assignment. Filling Gene Coon’s shoes … use your imagination.

It is very hard not to pity John Meredyth Lucas as he stepped into the role of producer on the series. Although Lucas departed at the end of the second season, he remained a part of the franchise, contributing the script Kitumba to the aborted Star Trek: Phase II .

"I'll wager 400 quatloos on the newcomer."

“I’ll wager 400 quatloos on the newcomer.”

In Trek Classic , David Gerrold argues that Gene L. Coon’s stewardship Star Trek its unique identity:

“I’ll say it and I won’t even threaten you if you attribute it to me,” adds David Gerrold. “Gene L. Coon came in early in the first season and pulled it together, and he stayed there until more than halfway through the second season. If you look at the episodes in sequence, you can see that the best episodes are the ones where Gene Coon’s hands were at the tiller. Gene Coon made the show work, very, very strongly.”

It is hard to disagree with Gerrold’s assessment.

With friends like these...

With friends like these…

The departure of Coon was a massive blow to the series. Coupled with the broadcast of Bread and Circuses late in the second season, it lends the episode a decidedly funereal air. The script itself seems to acknowledge this, giving us an extended sequence that could easily work as the last conversation between Spock and McCoy ever. Trapped in a Roman jail, facing death, the two characters seem to finally reconcile to one another. It feels almost like the show is resolving one of its most iconic conflicts.

“Spock,” McCoy awkwardly offers at one point, as if searching for the right words, “I know we’ve had our disagreements. Maybe they’re jokes. I don’t know. As Jim says, we’re not often sure ourselves sometimes, but what I’m trying to say is…” Spock will hear nothing of it, but McCoy keeps on going. “Well, what I’m trying to say is you saved my life in the arena.” It’s a delightful moment, one that demonstrates the wonderful chemistry between Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley.

"I'm a Doctor, not a gladiator!"

“I’m a Doctor, not a gladiator!”

However, it isn’t just that honest admission of gratitude that lends the episode a sense of gravitas and weight. Here, finally, it seems like McCoy manages to figure Spock out. As Spock works hard to mount an escape, McCoy keeps pushing – as if working through his own realisations about the Vulcan. “Do you know why you’re not afraid to die, Spock?” he asks. “You’re more afraid of living. Each day you stay alive is just one more day you might slip and let your human half peek out. That’s it, isn’t it? Insecurity.”

That is something that the audience have known since at least The Naked Time , but which is a revelation to McCoy. It’s a big moment for the character – the point where he seems to really figure out why Spock acts the way that he does. It’s not too difficult to imagine the conversation in the jail as the final conversation between Spock and McCoy, drawing a line underneath their relationship and demonstrating that the two have found a balance.

"You will go on my first whistle..."

“You will go on my first whistle…”

Sure, the duo shrug that deeply personal conversation off in the way that tough guys on sixties television do to avoid acknowledging their feelings. “Really, Doctor?” Spock asks. Without answering Spock’s question, McCoy replies. “I know. I’m worried about Jim, too.” As such, the conversation isn’t allowed to hang over them. Still, what is said cannot be unsaid. Although the episode leaves it open for the pair to fall back into their familiar bickering routine, it does suggest that there has been some breakthrough here.

Other aspects of the production nod towards a sense of closure and finality. Bread and Circuses ends with Kirk retreating back to the Enterprise. They do not make a change to the society. They merely bear witness. They are passive in all this, exerting little influence on the events of the narrative. The biggest difference that Kirk makes is the redemption of Captain R.M. Merik. The episode does not end up with Kirk overthrowing a corrupt government or saving a stranded crew. It ends with a convenient escape.

Holding the line...

Holding the line…

Broadcast before Assignment: Earth , Bread and Circuses would have been the de facto series finalé had the show been cancelled in its second season. After all, Assignment: Earth was a thinly-veiled pilot. Perhaps it would have been an appropriate (if grim) finalé for a world where Star Trek ended two years into its run; it offers hints of resolution for McCoy and Spock, while forcing Kirk and his crew to confront their own ineffectiveness. They would depart a mirror of twentieth-century Earth having made no impact whatsoever.

It is worth conceding that Bread and Circuses is a mess of an episode. Kirk and his crew actually very little over the course of the hour beyond wandering into traps and getting captured so they can have philosophical conversations about the society of this world – building to a climax where the trio are captured and the episode throws in some gratuitous fight and make-out sequences. While Bread and Circuses is a script packed with ideas and concepts, it is not an episode that has been plotted particularly carefully.

Lights, cameras, action!

Lights, cameras, action!

In his interview with Starlog , director Ralph Senensky conceded that the production was a little rushed and under a great deal of pressure:

“Both Gene Roddenberry and Gene  Coon were writing on that show as we were  shooting,” Senensky states. “I do remember that my concern was that we not tip our  hand as to the fact we were doing a Christ  story from the word go. We devised the  idea’ of them thinking it’s ‘Sun’ worshippers. That took some doing, but they did  it. Originally, you knew it was the son of  God and the story had no place to go.”

This pressure accounts for a lot of the structural problems with Bread and Circuses that hold the episode back from the status of a true classic.

Another Earth...

Another Earth…

That said, there’s a lot to love here. The production design is fabulous. Rome is a lavish setting, and it’s always fun to see a television episode set inside a television studio – there’s a delicious self-awareness to it. Ralph Senensky’s direction is great, particularly during the fight sequences. The tight close-ups make the confrontations a lot more uncomfortable than they might otherwise be. The episode also benefits from two superb guest performances from William Smithers  and Logan Ramsey. Both are cast perfectly.

Bread and Circuses is too disjointed and uneven to be hailed as a masterpiece, but it is a fantastic piece of Star Trek . It is bold and ambitious and daring and provocative. It is brilliant, even as it is a little clumsy. It is a fitting tribute the work of both Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon, with even its flaws proving worthwhile and interesting.

You might be interested in our other reviews from the second season of the classic Star Trek :

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  • Supplemental: (Marvel Comics, 1980) #4-5 – The Haunting of Thallus!/The Haunting of the Enterprise!
  • Metamorphosis
  • Friday’s Child
  • Who Mourns for Adonais?
  • Supplemental: Spock’s World by Diane Duane
  • Supplemental: New Visions #3 – Cry Vengeance
  • Wolf in the Fold
  • The Changeling
  • Supplemental: (DC Comics, 1984) #43-45 – The Return of the Serpent!
  • Supplemental: (IDW, 2009) #13 – The Red Shirt’s Tale
  • Supplemental: Deep Space Nine – Crossover
  • Supplemental: New Visions #1 – The Mirror, Cracked
  • Supplemental: (DC Comics, 1984) #9-16 – New Frontiers (The Mirror Universe Saga)
  • Supplemental: Mirror Images
  • Supplemental: Mirror Universe – The Sorrows of Empire by David Mack
  • Supplemental: (IDW, 2009) #15-16 – Mirrored
  • The Deadly Years
  • Supplemental: (Gold Key) #61 – Operation Con Game
  • Supplemental: (DC Comics, 1984) #39-40 – The Return of Mudd
  • Supplemental: The Galactic Whirlpool by David Gerrold
  • Supplemental: Alien Spotlight – Tribbles
  • Bread and Circuses
  • Journey to Babel
  • A Private Little War
  • The Gamesters of Triskelion
  • The Immunity Syndrome
  • A Piece of the Action
  • By Any Other Name
  • Return to Tomorrow
  • Patterns of Force
  • The Ultimate Computer
  • The Omega Glory
  • Supplemental: Assignment: Eternity by Greg Cox
  • Supplemental: (DC Comics, 1989) #49-50 – The Peacekeepers
  • Supplemental: (IDW, 2008) Assignment: Earth

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Filed under: The Original Series | Tagged: behind the scenes , cancellation , capitalism , Christ , christianity , competition , culture , faith , fans , fourth wall , game shows , Gene L. Coon , gene roddenberry , kirk , McCoy , ralph senensky , reality television , religion , romans , romulans , science fiction , Shatner , social commentary , space!romans , spock , star trek , star trek: the original series , Television , the all , the original series , tos |

6 Responses

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Great review.

I always find something vaguely unsavoury in the way Spock says ‘your wars/mistakes/irrationalities, etc’ where ‘the ‘your’ in question is humanity. As if he himself wasn’t half human and those mistakes thus just as much part of his heritage. It might be why I never warmed to the character as much as most.

Having recently re-read Shatner’s autobiography I can definitely understand his desperation in Star Trek. His early career from the middle of the 50s to the early-mid 60s is absolutely fascinating and often impressive – how many other actors have starred in an all Esperanto film? – but I get the feeling For the People flopping was a huge personal setback and Nimoy seeming to usurp his role must have seemed a nightmare.

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Yep. Shatner was massively underrated for about forty years – he only won his first Emmy a few years back, and is still somewhat overshadowed by Nimoy within the Star Trek franchise, despite the sense that the balance might be slowly redressing itself.

I have a great deal of sympathy for Shatner. Nimoy went straight from Star Trek to another steady job on Mission: Impossible, while Shatner basically spent a lost decade wandering from flop movies to television guest spots. When they do manage to revive Star Trek for the big screen, Nimoy manages to grab most of the headlines by getting himself killed off and then deciding to come back and also directing the third and fourth films. When Shatner is allowed to interact with a later Star Trek cast, he is killed off as an afterthought. I can see why he’d be so slighted by the decision to bring Nimoy back for Star Trek (2009) and why he’d be so tetchy about accusations of stealing or bullying.

(That said, I still think that some of his statements can seem a bit callous and petty – even if they come from an understandable place.)

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I thought the pro-Christian stance of this episode was all the more strange, given that Shatner, Nimoy, Koenig, Justman, Solow, and Senensky were all Jewish. Forcing the actors to make admiring statements about Christianity feels extra wrong under the circumstances.

Yep. In that context, the emphasis on “the Son” feels particularly pointed in a “Judaism won’t cut it!” sort of way. It’s not even just monotheism or Abrahamic religion, it has to be the right Abrahamic religion, dammit!

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God the historical inaccuracies in this episode are terrible. 11 million dead in WW2? (It was 60 million causalities altogether in case anyone is wondering, talk about being way off!) No sun worship in Rome (what, they never heard of Sol Invictus)? Christianity being this uber-peaceful movement that causes the fall of the Roman Empire (tbf, as you point out, that was a widely held belief for a long time), despite the fact that the Roman state eventually became Christian, violently outlawed all other religions, and the Christian Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantines) violently reconquered Rome and much of the West, and were major enthusiasts for slavery and torture. This episode is beyond irritating…

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Darren – I’ve been reading your TOS reviews as I go through this series for the first time. Thank you for the thoughtfulness with which you approached these episodes! It’s magnificent, and edifying.

Regarding the prediction of reality TV – have you ever heard of Nigel Kneale’s masterpiece “The Year of the Sex Olympics”? This 1968 BBC movie is something I revisit every few years, and I think you’ll find it revelatory.

Happily, it’s now available to rent on Amazon Prime.

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Bread and Circuses

This article has a real-world perspective! Click here for more information.

"Bread and Circuses" was the 43rd episode of Star Trek: The Original Series , the 14th episode of the show's second season, first aired on 15 March 1968 . The episode story was written by John Kneubuhl MA , with teleplay by Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon , directed by Ralph Senensky MA and novelized in Star Trek 11 by James Blish .

  • 2.1.1 Episode characters
  • 2.1.2 Novelization characters
  • 2.2 Starships and vehicles
  • 2.3 Locations
  • 2.4 Races and cultures
  • 2.5 States and organizations
  • 2.6 Technology and weapons
  • 2.7 Materials and substances
  • 2.8 Ranks and titles
  • 2.9 Other references
  • 3.1.1 Adaptations
  • 3.2.1 Video releases
  • 3.3.1 Translations
  • 3.4 External links

Summary [ ]

James T. Kirk , Spock and Leonard McCoy find themselves on a 20th century Earth -like planet in which the Roman Empire has not fallen!

References [ ]

Characters [ ], episode characters [ ], novelization characters [ ], starships and vehicles [ ], locations [ ], races and cultures [ ], states and organizations [ ], technology and weapons [ ], materials and substances [ ], ranks and titles [ ], other references [ ], appendices [ ], related media [ ].

  • TNG novel : The Captains' Honor

Adaptations [ ]

Novelized in Star Trek 11.

Video releases [ ]

VHS release with "The Doomsday Machine".

Timeline [ ]

Translations [ ], external links [ ].

  • " Bread and Circuses " article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Bread and Circuses (Star Trek) article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • ↑ The character of Clifford Brent was not named in the episode but the same actor, wearing an officer 's Starfleet uniform , was addressed as Brent in TOS episode : " The Naked Time ". The same actor also played the character of Vinci .
  • 1 Lamarr class
  • 2 Wesley Crusher
  • 3 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

Star Trek TOS S02 E25: Bread and Circuses (Vietsub)

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  2. Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)

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  5. "Star Trek" Bread and Circuses (TV Episode 1968)

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  8. Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)

    "Bread and Circuses" is the twenty-fifth and penultimate episode of the second season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon and directed by Ralph Senensky, it was first broadcast on March 15, 1968.

  9. Bread and Circuses

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  10. Star Trek: Bread and Circuses

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  11. Bread and Circuses

    Bread and Circuses. Available on Paramount+, Prime Video. S2 E25: Spock and McCoy are forced to fight in Roman-like games. Sci-Fi Mar 15, 1968 48 min. TV-PG.

  12. Star Trek Re-Watch: "Bread and Circuses"

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  13. "Star Trek" Bread and Circuses (TV Episode 1968)

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  17. Watch Star Trek: S2E25

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  21. Bread and Circuses

    "Bread and Circuses" was the 43rd episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, the 14th episode of the show's second season, first aired on 15 March 1968. The episode story was written by , with teleplay by Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon, directed by and novelized in Star Trek 11 by James Blish. James T. Kirk, Spock and Leonard McCoy find themselves on a 20th century Earth-like planet in ...

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