Star Trek Ranks, Explained


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Starting with the original series, Star Trek has adopted a quasi-military series of ranks and protocols for its characters. Starfleet is ostensibly a peaceful organization dedicated to exploration and diplomacy, but things can get dangerous on the final frontier. A functioning chain of command is necessary in the event of trouble to ensure that everyone operates at peak efficiency.

It's a bit of a paradox, since Starfleet officers also tend to be rugged individualists, but it makes a good deal of sense and over time has become an indispensable part of the franchise. A given character's rank speaks volumes about their comparative age, their position onboard, and their relationship with the other members of the crew. As with most things Star Trek, rank insignia has evolved over time. Here's a breakdown of Starfleet's ranking system in descending order from the lowliest cadets to the most powerful admirals.

Updated January 18, 2024 by Robert Vaux: Star Trek's ranking system is very stable at this point, and very little tends to change. The article has been updated to include a brief list of prominent members of each rank, along with the series and seasons they held it. It has also been updated to conform to current CBR guidelines.

9 Cadets Are Officers in Training at Starfleet Academy

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Cadets are typically students at Starfleet Academy , spending time onboard a starship as part of their training. They hold no rank and must obey the orders of any crewmen. They're often issued temporary badges or communicators and usually have a supervisory officer to watch over them. Cadets in the 23rd century wear badges with a distinctive black backing. Cadets in the 24th century wear distinctive uniforms denoting their status.

In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the Enterprise is used as a training vessel, with the crew consisting almost entirely of cadets. Wesley Crusher formally joins Starfleet Academy starting in Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 4, Episode 9, "Final Mission," and spends most of his subsequent appearances at that rank. Similarly, Nyota Uhura joins the Enterprise as a cadet in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, as does Sylvia Tilly in Star Trek: Discovery.

8 Enlisted Personnel/NCO Are Starfleet's Worker Bees

While officers attend Starfleet Academy, the rank-and-file personnel attend the 24th-century equivalent of boot camp. They become the anonymous crew working in the background, performing the countless tiny tasks required to keep a starship running. Their ranks include both enlisted crewmen and petty officers (the equivalent of sergeants) who often play supervisory roles. They typically lack any insignia on their uniforms, though chief petty officers in the Next Generation era sometimes have a black pip or similar marking.

Enlisted personnel often serve as The Original Series ' infamous red shirts : doomed to die in the name of plot exposition. The Next Generation introduces perhaps Starfleet's best-known enlisted man. Miles O'Brien runs the transporters on the Enterprise-D, and later becomes Chief of Operations on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .

7 Ensigns Hold The Lowest Rank

Every star trek series, ranked.

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Ensigns are the lowest-ranking officers on Starfleet vessels. Cadets typically receive the rank of ensign immediately upon graduation from Starfleet Academy. While they technically have command authority, they're usually assigned menial tasks beneath the attention of the senior officers. Like NCOs, they lack insignia on their uniforms in The Original Series era. With The Next Generation and later series, ensigns receive a single gold pip on their collar. They're often lumped into the red shirt category.

Harry Kim is probably the franchise's most famous (or infamous) ensign, failing to receive a single promotion through Star Trek: Voyager's seven seasons , despite serving with distinction on the bridge. The Original Series' Pavel Chekov also begins his Starfleet career as an ensign, though he advances at a faster rate. Of course, the four main characters in Star Trek: Lower Decks are ensigns, though they all receive a promotion to lieutenant, junior grade at the beginning of Season 4.

6 Lieutenant, Junior Grade Have More Responsibility Than Ensigns

The next step up the ladder is lieutenant, junior grade. These are officers with more authority and responsibility than ensigns, but who still require seasoning before taking higher command positions. Medical personnel typically receive the lieutenant, junior grade rank after graduating, which reflects their extended training time. The Original Series uses a single dashed bar on the uniform sleeves to denote them, though Strange New Worlds has retconned that with a connected colored bar. T he Next Generation and later series note the rank with a second black pip in addition to the ensign's colored pip.

Both Julian Bashir and Ezri Dax hold the rank of lieutenant, junior grade when they begin their duties on Deep Space 9, though Ezri receives hers as a field promotion in Season 7, Episode 3, "Afterimage." Geordi La Forge starts as a lieutenant, junior grade too, as does Mr. Worf. B'Elanna Torres receives the rank on a provisional basis when she joins the crew of the Voyager, and the Lower Decks crew are all promoted to lieutenant, junior grade in Season 4, Episode 1, "Twovix."

5 Lieutenants Lead the Away Teams and More

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Lieutenants have advanced to the point where they can take on considerable responsibilities. They may lead away teams or control key systems, and they often appear among the bridge crew or even as department heads. The Original Series notes them with a single bar on the uniform sleeve, while Strange New Worlds adds a second thinner bar above the lieutenant, junior grade's insignia. The Next Generation uses two colored pips on the collar — a method emulated by subsequent series.

Worf spends most of The Next Generation's later seasons as a lieutenant (he's promoted to lieutenant commander during the events of Star Trek Generations ) while Ro Laren is promoted to lieutenant shortly before her defection to the Maquis in The Next Generation Season 7, Episode 24, "Preemptive Strike." Lieutenants often occupy the helm position, including Hikaru Sulu in The Original Series, Keyla Detmer in Star Trek: Discovery , and Erica Ortegas in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds .

4 Lieutenant Commanders Head up Departments

Lieutenant commanders hold positions of senior responsibility onboard a starship, even serving as executive officers or de facto captains on small ships. One larger ships, they often serve as the head of specific departments such as science and engineering. In The Original Series , the rank is designated with two stripes on the sleeve — one thick, one dashed — which Strange New Worlds adjusts to two thick colored bands. The Next Generation and subsequent shows note lieutenant commanders with two colored pips and one black one.

Montgomery Scott holds the rank of lieutenant commander in The Original Series , acting as Chief Engineer and even commanding the Enterprise when Kirk and Spock are away on missions. Similarly, Geordi La Forge rises to the rank of lieutenant commander in The Next Generation , joining Data and Deanna Troi at the position, though the latter eventually advances to commander. Worf and Jadzia Dax are both lieutenant commanders when they begin their romance on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . Lastly, the original Number One — Una Chin-Riley on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds — is a lieutenant commander.

3 Commanders Aid and Can Take Over the Captain's Dutires

After star trek: discovery, the 32nd century should be the franchise's new frontier.

Star Trek Discovery avoided a host of potential continuity issues by leaping 900 years into the future. The franchise as a whole should follow suit.

Commanders are usually the ship's executive officers, "Number Ones," who assist the captain in their duties and step up in the event the captain is incapacitated. Commanders are often viewed as captains in training, and ultimately destined for a ship of their own in the future. In some cases, commanders are the head authority on smaller ships or space stations. Chief medical officers often hold this position as well. They're delineated by two thick bands on their sleeves in The Original Series era and three colored pips on the collar in The Next Generation and later.

Mr. Spock holds the rank of commander during the events of The Original Series , serving double duty as chief science officer as well. He's been followed by the likes of William Riker on The Next Generation and Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Picard . In addition, Beverly Crusher and Leonard McCoy both hold the rank of commander, while Deanna Tori is promoted to commander in Season 7, Episode 16, "Thine Own Self." Ben Sisko also begins his tenure on Deep Space 9 as a commander before being promoted to full captain at the end of Season 3.

2 Captains Command Starfleet's Various Starships

The captain serves as the commander of a starship, with the entire crew ranked beneath them. This affords them a great deal of autonomy, but also equal amounts of responsibility. Starships must often face dangers alone in the far depths of space. It falls to the captain to make the final call when lives are at stake. Occasionally, captains can be found in other duties, such as commanding a star base or holds an administrative position on Earth. Captains are delineated by three stripes on their sleeves in the Original Series era — two thick, one dashed — which Strange New Worlds slightly alters to a single thin band sandwiched between two thicker ones. The Next Generation era uses four full pips on the collar.

Most Star Trek series use a captain as the main character, starting with James T. Kirk in The Original Series . Their ranks include Jean-Luc Picard, Kathryn Janeway, Christopher Pike, and Carol Freeman. In addition, many lower-ranking characters eventually attain the captain's chair, such as Will Riker, Tuvok, and Mr. Spock. Both Ben Sisko and Michael Burnham become captain after several seasons of climbing the ranks, a change from most Star Trek series which tend to begin with their captains in place.

1 Admirals Possess The Greatest Rank and Come to Represent Starfleet Itself

Gene roddenberry created star trek, but who is the woman behind the franchise.

Fans laud Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, but he didn't do it alone, with Dorothy D.C. Fontana being a very important woman in franchise history.

Admirals are Starfleet's major movers and shakers, placed in charge of entire fleets or overseeing vital operations. As flag officers, they no longer serve onboard starships, though they can claim command of one if circumstances dictate. James T. Kirk takes control of the Enterprise as an Admiral in both Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , while both Kathryn Janeway in Star Trek: Prodigy and Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Picard are the authority on their respective vessels.

In addition to giving successful captains a cushy desk job, Star Trek often uses admirals as stand-ins for Starfleet itself: either aiding the crew in their endeavors or standing in their way when they go against protocol. They're delineated by a wide variety of methods, and hold varying ranks within the admiralty, such as Vice Admiral and Commodore, that shift from project to project.

The Star Trek universe encompasses multiple series, each offering a unique lens through which to experience the wonders and perils of space travel. Join Captain Kirk and his crew on the Original Series' voyages of discovery, encounter the utopian vision of the Federation in The Next Generation, or delve into the darker corners of galactic politics in Deep Space Nine. No matter your preference, there's a Star Trek adventure waiting to ignite your imagination.

Star Trek

rank and insignia

Non-Commissioned Officer ranks:

Archivist's note: All ranks award to Maquis and Equinox crew are field ranks. While the captain can award a field rank or promotion, such as Jean-Luc Picard did with acting Ensign W. Crusher, such ranks are subject to review by Starfleet Command and may not stand once Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant.

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How To Tell A Star Trek Character's Rank At A Glance: Rank Pips Explained

Star Trek: The Next Generation Ian McKellen

This post contains  spoilers for the premiere of "Star Trek: Lower Decks" season 4.

At the beginning of the fourth season of "Star Trek: Lower Decks," the four main characters Boimler (Jack Quaid), Mariner (Tawny Newsome), Tendi (Noël Wells), and Rutherford (Eugene Cordero) are each promoted from the lowly rank of ensign to the only slightly-less-lowly rank of lieutenant junior grade. They still don't have much clout on the U.S.S. Cerritos, but at least now they no longer have to sleep in a hallway. One can see their promotions right away as, on their collars, they wear one solid pip and one empty pip. That, any Trekkie will instantly tell you, is the configuration for a lieutenant junior grade.

It should be noted that "Star Trek" has, since its inception, used extant naval ranks to designate Starfleet officers. Just like in the real United States Navy, officers start at the rank of ensign, then work their way up through lieutenant junior grade, then lieutenant, then lieutenant commander, then commander, then captain, before moving into the various ranks of admiral. "Star Trek" often makes reference to admirals and sometimes vice-admirals. There is also an occasional fleet admiral, the highest rank in both the Navy and in Starfleet. "Star Trek," to my recollection, has never referred to a real admiral, either lower half or upper half. Perhaps by the 22nd century, those ranks will be abandoned. 

To command a starship, one typically has to bear the rank of captain, as we know from Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, Freeman, Pike, etc. Although it is not a requirement, a starship's first officer traditionally holds the rank of commander (Riker, Chakotay, Ransom, etc.). 

We're going to do a deep dive into Starfleet ranking, so strap in for some extremely nerdy deep cuts. 

Star Trek: The Next Generation Wil Wheaton

The pips ranking system on "Star Trek" wasn't adopted until the days of "Next Generation," but they are the clearest, so it's a good place to start when educating one's self on Starfleet's chain of command. 

Petty officers wear one empty pip on a starship. These are the enlisted members who didn't attend Starfleet Academy. Engineers, security personnel, yeomen, and the like are petty officers and take orders from the lowest-ranking Academy graduate officers on the ship. If one looks into expanded universe lore, one can find a hierarchy of Starfleet petty officers. There are master petty officers at the top, chief petty officers directly underneath, and several ranks below them. Those ranks, however, are rarely discussed on "Star Trek."

As mentioned above, ensigns wear one full pip, as seen on Wesley Crusher's collar above. Lieutenants junior grade wear one full pip and one empty pip. Lieutenants wear two full pips, and lieutenant commanders wear two full pips and one empty pip. 

Commanders wear three pips, because it is a difficult rank to achieve. 

Captains wear four pips, and are typically given the promotion when they are put in command of a starship. It's understood that only one captain lives on a starship at any given time. 

Admirals have their own ranking system, with solid pips surrounded by boxes.

Commodores (an honorary title) have one boxed pip, rear admirals have two, vice admirals have three, regular admirals have four, and fleet admirals have five. "Star Trek" only deals with admirals from time to time, however, and characters who achieve that rank are often presented as villainous or unduly ambitious; Trekkies have been trained to be suspicious of admirals . 

Other rank insignias

Star Trek: Voyager Robert Beltran

The premise of "Star Trek: Voyager" took a single Federation starship and slung it clear across the galaxy with a group of rebel Maquis members on board. Rather than keep the Maquis in the brig for the 70 years it would take the U.S.S. Voyager to return to Earth, Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) assigned them ranks and made them part of the crew. Because these characters had not been to Starfleet Academy, however, they were given only provisional field ranks, a status reflected in their rank pips. 

One can see the rank of Chakotay (Robert Beltran) in the photo above. He wears an elongated, rounded-edged bar with diagonal stripes. The coloration on the stripes corresponds to the open and closed pips of more traditional ranks. One can be a provisional ensign all the way up to a provisional captain. It's understood that these ranks are temporary. On the latest season of "Star Trek: Lower Decks," the character of T'Lyn (Gabrielle Ruiz) bears a provisional rank as she is an exchange officer from a Vulcan ship. 

In some alternate future timelines (and this is "Star Trek," so there are plenty of those), the franchise's costume designers moved the rank pips from uniform collars to the communicator badges on their chests. Rather than little circular pips, their badges bore one to four elongated stripes behind the familiar Starfleet delta symbol. 

Trekkies caught onto the pip ranking system pretty quickly, and many of us learned all about naval ranks through "Star Trek." The original series, however, was a little more oblique about visual ranking systems. It used to be a code stitched onto officer's sleeves. 

The history of rank insignias

Star Trek Leonard Nimoy William Shatner

In the picture above, one can see the way ranks used to work on the original "Star Trek." Captain Kirk (William Shatner) had no rank on his collar, but wavy golden stripes around his wrist. Looking around at the crew, one found the following system: ensigns had no stripes on their wrists, while lieutenants junior grade had single "dashed" stripes. Lieutenants had a single solid stripe, and lieutenant commanders had a solid stripe and a dashed stripe (as seen on Scotty above). 

Commanders (see Spock) had two solid stripes and captains (see Kirk) had two solid stripes with a dashed stripe in between them. The stripes were gold, giving the uniforms a pleasingly garish touch. 

The "Star Trek" movies made the ranking code even more oblique. Rather than deal with a series of easily readable pips or stripes, the uniforms seen in "Star Trek II" through " Star Trek VI " bore a formal over-the-shoulder strap that rested on the wearer's right shoulder. Whatever pin you saw affixed to that strap corresponded to the officer's rank. Sadly, there was no intuitive way to discern what that rank might be. Ensigns, for instance, wore a small v-shaped pin. Lieutenants junior grade wore two funnel-shaped pins. Lieutenants wore an hourglass-shaped pin, and lieutenant commanders wore an elongated pennant-like shape with a single stripe through it. Commanders wore the same shape but with two stripes. The captain got to be fancy and wore a pin with three stripes, but also a pair of pointy arrowhead-like symbols affixed to it. 

Only deep-cut Trekkies can suss out the differences. 

That ranking system is an aberration, though. In the early days of "Star Trek: Enterprise" and the latter days of "Star Trek: Picard," the pip system is solidly in place. 

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Watch 1st look clip from 'Star Trek: Lower Decks' Season 5 (video)

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Come autumn, crimson and gold leaves won't be the only thing we'll be saying goodbye to as Paramount+'s  " Star Trek: Lower Decks " takes one final flight when it rolls out its fifth and last 10-chapter season on Oct. 24 with a double-episode debut.

To crank up the anticipation on Star Trek Day this past Sunday, Paramount and CBS Studios took the wrapper off a vibrant new poster by ace artist Matt Ferguson and an exclusive clip from their amusing animated sci-fi series, "Star Trek: Lower Decks."

Here's the official final season synopsis:

"In Season 5 of 'Star Trek: Lower Decks,' the crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos is tasked with closing 'space potholes' — subspace rifts that are causing chaos in the Alpha Quadrant. Pothole duty would be easy for Junior Officers Mariner, Boimler, Tendi, and Rutherford... if they didn't also have to deal with an Orion war, furious Klingons, diplomatic catastrophes, murder mysteries, and scariest of all — their own career aspirations."

Boldly branded as "an adventure five seasons in the making," this farewell voyage is a joyous salute to these unsung Cerritos heroes who are precariously close to being awarded promotions that would take them from the support ranks to bigger, brighter roles within the Starfleet organization.

"Star Trek: Lower Decks" Season 5's vocal cast includes Tawny Newsome (Ensign Beckett Mariner), Jack Quaid (Ensign Brad Boimler), Noël Wells (Ensign Tendi), Eugene Cordero (Ensign Rutherford), Dawnn Lewis (Captain Carol Freeman), Jerry O’Connell (Commander Jack Ransom), Fred Tatasciore (Lieutenant Shaxs), and Gillian Vigman (Doctor T’Ana).

If you're in need of a refresher, visit our guide to last April's " Star Trek: Lower Decks " Season 4 Blu-ray release. Our full " Star Trek " streaming guide will help you catch up on all the other "Trek" shows to prime you for "Lower Decks'" final season this fall.

Animated by the talented Emmy Award-winning folks at Titmouse, "Lower Decks" streams exclusively on Paramount+. It's produced by CBS' Eye Animation Productions, Secret Hideout, and Roddenberry Entertainment. Executive producers engaged for this last galactic lap are Alex Kurtzman, Mike McMahan, Aaron Baiers, Rod Roddenberry, and Trevor Roth.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Clip Shows Tendi In Pirate Mode, And It's Exactly What I Expected

Isn't she the best?

Tendi and her sister at the helm of an Orion ship

It's been a long summer for Star Trek fans, to say the least. While it was great to receive the Section 31 trailer and learn about the big legacy castings in Starfleet Academy , I'm excited to get back to watching actual shows soon. On that note, Lower Decks' final season is just around the corner and, in honor of Star Trek Day , Paramount+ shared a new clip of D'Vana Tendi with the Orion pirates. Needless to say, the situation plays out exactly as I expected.

Amid fans' wait for upcoming Trek series to return, I definitely appreciate the folks at Paramount+ dropping a snippet of Tendi running a pirate raid with the rest of the Orions. I wondered how she'd adjust to the notably more violent methods of her people after spending so long in Starfleet. I'm not surprised to see she's managed to mellow out her team and prevent them from "only leaving one alive" to instill fear, and how she diplomatically allowed someone to rip out the decorative face jewelry. Sure, it's not perfect, but she's making it work! See the clip for yourself:

I'm thrilled to see Tendi with the Orions but, with Lower Decks ending with Season 5, I'm a little nervous that this isn't a scene confirming she'll have plenty of time with her friends back in Starfleet. That said, showrunner and creator Mike McMahan previously said this LD season will have a conclusive ending . So I'll remain hopeful that he knew what he was doing, and fans won't be on the other side of this season feeling disappointed.

Not that I'm too worried about that, as the clip above is loaded with the TNG-era references from Star Trek that so many franchise devotees love. I'm also hyped that the latest poster for this season clearly takes inspiration from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier :

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 poster

As cool as it is to have new Star Trek to streaming soon, it's also an incredibly bittersweet moment. LD 's conclusion means the end of the set of shows set in the TNG era, at least for now. Many are still crossing their fingers for more announcements about shows on the way, and Alex Kurtzman teased surprises are on the way as more projects see the light of day.

It's known that Lower Decks star Tawny Newsome will remain part of the franchise via a new live-action comedy series she's developing with Justin Simien, but it remains to be seen how involved the rest of the cast and showrunner Mike McMahan may be. I would love to see the Cerritos crew continue to work in the universe and make random appearances but, as mentioned, there apparently isn't a TNG-era series in active development at the moment. (Perhaps if we can get Netflix to pick up Prodigy for Season 3 , that will change!)

But, all that aside, I'm still hyped that we still have one more set of episodes to look forward to before the animated series takes its final bow. With that, the clip of Tendi's pirating makes me excited for what's to come. Here's hoping that the series ends on a high note for her and her allies.


Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News

The two-episode premiere of Star Trek: Lower Decks drops on Thursday, October 24th and will be streamable for Paramount+ subscription holders. Be sure to also check out other upcoming titles that are on the 2024 TV schedule .

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.

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star trek lower decks insignia

STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Reveals a Wonderfully Wacky Season Five Clip

Star Trek: Lower Decks is gearing up for its fifth and final season . While many fans are sad to say goodbye to the beloved Paramount+ animated series and its wacky band of characters aboard the U.S.S. Cerritos. In honor of Star Trek Day, the series gave fans a quick clip to see what will go down on those lower decks soon. 

Youtube Video

Here’s a quick synopsis of season five: 

In season five of Star Trek: Lower Decks , the crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos is tasked with closing “space potholes”—subspace rifts that are causing chaos in the Alpha Quadrant. Pothole duty would be easy for Junior Officers Mariner, Boimler, Tendi and Rutherford…if they didn’t also have to deal with an Orion war, furious Klingons, diplomatic catastrophes, murder mysteries and scariest of all: their own career aspirations. This upcoming season on Paramount+ is a celebration of this underdog crew who are dangerously close to being promoted out of the lower decks and into strange new Starfleet roles.

Image from clip of Star Trek Lower Deck season five

Star Trek: Lower Decks ’ new clip makes us ready for the upcoming season. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait too long. The series will return on October 24 with two episodes. The remainder of the 10-episode season will have a weekly release format on Thursday. The series finale drops on December 19 to wrap up this journey for good.


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One Underrated Star Trek Character Is Getting Celebrated In a Surprising Way

The greatest Starfleet officer... ever?

Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation.'

Almost four decades after the debut of Star Trek: The Next Generation , and 25 years after the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , the one character who spans both shows is getting some interesting recognition from his future birthplace. In the Star Trek timeline, in 2328, Miles Edward O’Brien was born in the Irish town of Killarney. And now, this working-class hero of Starfleet might end up as a statue. Which, strangely enough, would fulfill a prediction that Trek canon actually made in 2020.

According to Radio Kerry in Ireland , a petition now has about 600 signatures to get a statue of Trek character Miles Edward O’Brien erected in Killarney. As reported by the Killarney Advertiser , the petition strongly emphasizes Star Trek's “hopeful vision of the future,” and suggests that the “statue would shine as a beacon of hope for our world standing at the centre of one of the most beautiful regions of Ireland, if not the galaxy.”

Interestingly, this petition comes the same month that the dream pop band Mister Data just released their latest single, “Transporter Room 3,” with lyrics that are specifically about O’Brien’s biography and his family’s history of being pro-union and in favor of fair working conditions. Weird, right?

O’Brien as Star Trek’s everyman

O'Brien and Bashir in 'Deep Space Nine.'

O’Brien and Bashir share some beers in Deep Space Nine .

Notably, Irish actor Colm Meaney — who played O’Brien in Trek — was born in Dublin, not Killarney. However, fictional birthplaces of Star Trek characters have been immortalized in local landmarks before. There is a statue of Captain Janeway in Bloomington, Indiana, and several murals and one statue of Captain Kirk in Riverside, Iowa.

But those characters are captains, while, of course, O’Brien is a former transporter operator, former flight controller, and eventually, the maintenance guy who kept both the space station Deep Space 9 running, and the USS Defiant from flying apart.

O’Brien’s working-class values are perhaps, part of the aspirational nature of the character. Although many Trek characters are “officers,” O’Brien makes a point in several episodes (including “Past Tense”) of reminding people that he is an “enlisted man,” meaning, he’s not an academy graduate, nor was his career path one where he wanted to get all the glory.

Instead, O’Brien is Star Trek’s best example of how some forms of classism do exist in the egalitarian 24th century. But O’Brien’s story also reveals that people need not be trapped by their class in the Trek future. In fact, O’Brien uses his decision not to attend the academy to his advantage.

Star Trek Canon’s O’Brien statue

The statue of O'Brien in 'Star Trek: Lower Decks'

Star Trek: Lower Decks predicted an O’Brien statue already.

Interestingly, Trek canon already predicted there would be a statue of Miles O’Brien at some point. Back in 2020, in the Lower Decks Season 1 episode “Temporal Edict ,” a distant future flash forward indicated that O’Brien would be considered the most important person in Starfleet history ever .

So, if the Killarney O’Brien statue becomes a reality, it will exist several hundred years before even Trek canon predicted. Hopefully, that means O’Brien’s warm down-to-earth worldview and basic kindness will pervade Earth earlier than the 24th century, too.

Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine stream on Paramount+.

Phasers on Stun!: How the Making — and Remaking — of Star Trek Changed the World

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Star trek: every starfleet uniform & history explained.


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Star Trek Explains Why It Uses 'Quadrants' Despite the Universe Being Infinite

Is star trek’s scotty really a miracle worker how uss enterprise’s engineer got his famous nickname, 2 modern star trek shows faced exactly the same criticism (but had opposite solutions).

Star Trek's utopian idealism may be eternal, but Starfleet's fashion sense is in seemingly constant flux. Virtually every iteration of the franchise has featured a new uniform for its Starfleet heroes. Sometimes they come off more like superhero costumes, sometimes they seem like strict military wear, and many other times they're somewhere in between. From Captain Kirk's gold tunic to the sleek blue body suits of Star Trek: Discovery , there's no shortage of iconic Starfleet uniforms.

There's rarely an in-universe reason given for the constant costume changes in Star Trek , though the real world reason has always been to keep the franchise looking fresh and sleek, and often to echo real world fashion sense, as well as trends in sci-fi costuming.  Gene Roddenberry's original vision for  Star Trek  has gradually evolved as the series has grown and developed — it's only natural that the look of the franchise, including the iconic Starfleet uniforms, would change as well.

Related: How New Star Trek Shows Avoid A Classic Voyager Trope

The following discussion is a rundown of the primary Starfleet uniforms only; there are scores of variations, like dress uniforms, admiral uniforms, and away team gear. Bearing that in mind, these are all the iconic looks of the Starfleet uniform through the years.

Star Trek: Enterprise

As was appropriate for the prequel series about humanity's first forays into deep space, Star Trek: Enterprise featured economical, functional blue jumpsuits. Colored piping on the shoulders indicated which division each crew member was a part of - gold for command, red for operations, and blue for sciences. Rank insignia were displayed on the right shoulder, with an assignment badge on the left sleeve. Unusually for Star Trek uniforms, these featured plenty of 21st century details like zippers and pockets, sometimes making Captain Archer and crew look like the galaxy's most sophisticated janitors.

Star Trek (2009)

Featured briefly in the opening scene of J.J. Abrams first Star Trek film - with Thor's Chris Hemsworth as George Kirk - these uniforms were something of a middle ground between the look of Enterprise and Star Trek: The Original Series . The jumpsuits were now replaced by tight fitting spandex, but still in fairly muted colors, with blue for command, gold for operations, and grey for sciences. Rank insignia was displayed on the cuffs of the sleeves.

Related: Discovery Officially Makes J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Movies Canon

Star Trek: Discovery

A massive departure from what came before and what would follow, Discovery's all-blue uniforms featured a jacket and pants with striping down the sides, as well as chunky black boots. The striping on the shoulders indicated divisions - gold for command, silver for sciences, copper for operations - and the Starfleet badge worn on the right breast featured both a division symbol and rank pips. This uniform was in service at the same time as a slightly modified version of the classic TOS uniform.

Star Trek: The Original Series

Perhaps the most iconic uniforms in all of Star Trek , The Original Series' uniforms were also perhaps the simplest. These uniforms consisted of a colorful tunic, black undershirt and black pants with black boots. Command classes wore either gold or green tunics, operations wore bright red, and sciences utilized a baby blue. Rank was displayed on the cuffs of the sleeves. This uniform also offered numerous slight variations, like Dr. McCoy's short sleeves and Captain Kirks' wraparound tunic, while most female crew members wore a skirt variation.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

A completely new look was introduced in Star Trek: The Motion Picture . Gone were the colorful tunics of TOS , replaced by muted jumpsuits in Star Trek: The Motion Picture 's   polarizing big screen debut . The variations are almost too numerous to list, but the basic look was a jumpsuit that was either blue, white, or beige, with division patch attached to the chest. The uniform also featured a life support belt, and shoes that were integrated into the trousers, creating some unfortunate footie pajama comparisons. The Motion Picture would be the only Star Trek project to utilize this style of uniform.

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan would introduce one of the longest-lived uniforms in Starfleet history. These uniforms consisted of a red jacket, white long sleeved turtleneck and black pants with red piping. It also featured the now-iconic Starfleet insignia on the left breast, as well as new rank insignia on the right shoulder. Minor variations of this uniform would be used for all of the remaining TOS cast films, and even featured in some Star Trek: The Next Generation flashbacks and time travel stories.

Related: Star Trek: Every Mirror Universe Episode

Star Trek: The Next Generation (Version 1)

The debut of Star Trek: The Next Generation saw the next radical reinvention of the Starfleet uniform. The uniform featured a streamlined jumpsuit design, with the pants and shoulders in black, and the torso either red for command, gold for operations, or blue for sciences. The rank insignia were displayed on the collarbone. The Starfleet combadge made its debut with this uniform - the Starfleet insignia doubled as a communication device. The TNG cast infamously hated the spandex costumes, as the way they were designed caused several cast members to have back problems, and they'd be redesigned for the show's third season.

Star Trek: The Next Generation (Version 2)

Featured during seasons 3-7 of Star Trek: The Next Generation , this is perhaps the second most iconic Starfleet uniform after the colorful tunics of The Original Series . The tight bodysuit look was left behind for a gaberdine material, with raised collars and solid black belts added to the look. The rank insignia were moved up to the collar, and the shoulder piping removed. Captain Picard would wear a variation of this uniform in later seasons that featured a grey sweatshirt and a jacket with the two-toned pattern.

Related: Star Trek Reveals The Federation Knows What Happened To TOS' Spock

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Deep Space Nine ditched the formality of the TNG uniforms for something darker and more utilitarian. These uniforms were largely black jumpsuits, with only the shoulders in red for command, gold for operations, and blue for sciences. The Starfleet delta symbol was slightly updated, changing the back piece from an oval to a buckle shape. A grey undershirt was utilized, and it wasn't uncommon to see officers with their sleeves rolled up, something of a visual cue to the grittier, grimier stories DS9 intended to tell. And while tonally different, Star Trek: Voyager would use this uniform for its entire seven year run.

Star Trek: First Contact

The next major evolution of the Starfleet uniform, this version kept the basic shape of the TNG -era uniforms, though with new color variations. The uniform consisted of black pants and a black and grey jacket, with a colored shirt underneath to signify divisions, once again going with red for command, gold for operations, and blue for sciences. The rank insignia remained on the collar, though they were also added to the cuffs.

Related: Star Trek: The Kelvin Borg Ruined Picard's Most Iconic Moment

Star Trek: Lower Decks

Utilized concurrently with the uniforms introduced in First Contact -  as seen during the first season finale's heroic USS Titan moment - the Lower Decks uniforms are something of a middle ground between the look of the TNG movies and TNG the series. The division colors from TNG were maintained, though a new delta symbol with no backing was used. The uniform consisted of an angular dress shirt with black pants and boots.

Star Trek: Picard (Version 1)

The Starfleet uniforms featured in Star Trek: Picard's flashbacks were predominantly black with colored shoulders to indicate division, still utilizing the division colors established in TNG , and with the rank insignia still on the collar. The delta insignia first seen in Deep Space Nine and First Contact was still in use as a combadge.

Related: Star Trek Theory: Worf Replaces Data In Picard Season 2's Story

Star Trek: Picard (Version 2)

Extremely close to the look of the original DS9 uniforms, the Starfleet uniforms of Star Trek: Picard's relative present were, again, mostly black, with standard TNG division colors on the shoulders and collar. The delta symbol was updated to the version glimpsed in the possible future seen in the TNG series finale "All Good Things," and the rank insignia was moved to the chest.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3

Star Trek: Discovery 's relocation to the 32nd century brought with it yet another new Starfleet uniform. This time the uniform is largely grey, with a stripe down the left side of the uniform signifying division - red for command, gold for operations, and blue for sciences, and white for medical. The combadge is now an oval shape, and is not only a communication device, but a holographic tricorder and personal transporter as well. The rank insignia are displayed on the combadge, while captains wore additional rank insignia on their shoulders.

Next: Star Trek: Every Major Character Who Died & Was Better For It

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From @enterprisenxtra.

Veritas (LDS)

Lower Decks 

Episode  ranks.

Lower Decks (Spacedock)

Briliant in concept, design and execution, Star Trek: Lower Decks is arguably the smartest Star Trek series ever produced. Yep. You read that right. 

Each episode is so jampacked with heart, humor, story, emotion and references, it's almost impossible to believe. The smarts come from expertly weaving it all together in 24-minute packages, that if they were any longer, would almost be too much too handle!

Add to that the expert animation, production design and voice acting from a stellar cast, and Star Trek: Lower Decks is a staggering success.  TrekRanks  breaks it all down below with our overall ranks of the first and second seasons, complete with five words and a hashtag summaries. (As always, don't forget, our lists below are completely searchable and sortable.)

Check out the current rankings below.

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Star Trek: Discovery DISCO T-Shirt

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Star Trek: The Original Series Spock Pin Set

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Pike Uniform Crewneck

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Star Trek: The Original Series Chibi Can Glass

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Star Trek: The Original Series Live Long and Prosper Badges T-Shirt


Uniforms Uniforms | Star Trek Shop

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Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform T-Shirt

Save Liquid error (snippets/product-template line 135): Computation results in '-Infinity'%

Are you ready to join the Command Division of Starfleet? Then you will love adding this official Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform T-Shirt to your wardrobe. Perfect for the brave individuals that specialize in command and control functions on starships and starbases, this comfy t-shirt lets everyone know your rank!

  • CUSTOM STAR TREK APPAREL : This official Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform T-Shirt is made of 100% cotton for ultimate comfort during space travel.
  • OFFICIALLY LICENSED : Wear these officially licensed Star Trek: The Next Generatio n Command Uniform T-Shirt everywhere you go to show your love for your favorite franchise
  • PERFECT FOR GIFTING : These official Star Trek Uniform T-Shirts make an out-of-this-world birthday, holiday, or graduation gift to any Star Trek fan!
  • From Star Trek marathons to exploring new areas of the galaxy aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, this Star Trek: The Next Generatio n Command Uniform T-Shirt is a must-have look for any fan.
  • Wear this classic Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform T-Shirt over and over again by machine washing cold on a gentle cycle with like colors. Tumble dry low.

Ordering Information

  • Return Policy: We will gladly accept returns for any reason within 30 days of receipt of delivery.
  • Shipping: Ship times are estimates of time in transit after your product leaves the fulfillment center. Some items in your order may ship separately to arrive faster.
  • Availability: Ships internationally to most countries around the world.
  • Shipping Policy: For more information, see our Shipping Policy here .


Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt

If you have a passion for security or engineering, then you will excel in the operations division of Starfleet. Show off how proud you are of your division by wearing this comfortable Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt everywhere you go. Featuring the official operations colors and delta, this tee is a must-have for any fan. PRODUCT DETAILS:

  • CUSTOM STAR TREK APPAREL: This official Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt is made of 100% cotton for ultimate comfort during space travel.
  • OFFICIALLY LICENSED: Wear these officially licensed Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt everywhere you go to show your love for your favorite franchise
  • PERFECT FOR GIFTING: These official Star Trek Uniform T-Shirts make an out-of-this-world birthday, holiday, or graduation gift to any Star Trek fan!
  • No matter where you are traveling in the galaxy, you will arrive in ultimate style when you add this Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt to your daily look.
  • Wear this classic Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt over and over again by machine washing cold on a gentle cycle with like colors. Tumble dry low.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Next Generation Medical Uniform T-Shirt

If you have a passion for security or engineering, then you will excel in the operations division of Starfleet. Show off how proud you are of your division by wearing this comfortable Star Trek: The Next Generation Operations Uniform T-Shirt everywhere you go. Featuring the official operations colors and delta, this tee is a must-have for any fan.


  • CUSTOM STAR TREK APPAREL: This official Star Trek: The Next Generation Science Uniform T-Shirt is made of 100% cotton for ultimate comfort during space travel.
  • OFFICIALLY LICENSED: Wear these officially licensed Star Trek: The Next Generation Science Uniform T-Shirt everywhere you go to show your love for your favorite franchise
  • No matter where you are traveling in the galaxy, you will arrive in ultimate style when you add this Star Trek: The Next Generation Science Uniform T-Shirt to your daily look.
  • Wear this classic Star Trek: The Next Generation Science Uniform T-Shirt over and over again by machine washing cold on a gentle cycle with like colors. Tumble dry low.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Medical Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform T-Shirt

Introducing our Star Trek Uniform T-Shirt, where style meets intergalactic adventure! Inspired by the iconic uniforms worn by the crew of the Starship Enterprise, this shirt is a must-have for any Star Trek enthusiast.

  • Your new favorite tee is made from super smooth and comfortable cotton touch polyester jersey that won't fade after washing.
  • Fit: Regular fit; item generally runs small.
  • Made Of: 95% polyester, 5% elastane.
  • Care: Machine wash cold inside out with like colors and tumble dry low.
  • Shipping Policy: For more information, see our Shipping Policy .


Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform T-Shirt


Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform T-Shirt


Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform T-Shirt

Star Trek: The Next Generation ComBadge

Since its debut in 1987 the TNG Communicator Badge has been a sought-after future tech we all wish we had. The Fametek Chirping ComBadge plays the classic "Chirp" sound effect that activates on demand with a touch. The perfect addition to your uniform for your cosplay Star Trek experience.

Product Details:

  • Instant "Chirp" response when tapped
  • Dual Pin Flat Back Clutch for a Strong Clasp
  • Officially-licensed Star Trek Product
  • On-screen matte gold/silver finish
  • Plays classic communicator chirp sound effect when you press it
  • Replaceable button batteries (included)


Star Trek: The Next Generation ComBadge

Star Trek: Picard Magnetic Delta Badge

This magnetic pin comes to you directly from the   Star Trek: Picard . It is a full-size delta. While manufactured with FanSets normal attention to detail this pin is not meant to be an exact prop replica. With a bright silver delta over a matte finish black nickel it measures 2 ¾" tall. Revised for screen accuracy this new version of the Picard Delta features a groove in the silver overlay. This magnet lets everyone know how much you enjoy Star Trek: Picard.

  • Official Size and Scale!
  • Double Clutch Magnetic Back
  • Measures 2 ¾” tall


Star Trek: Picard Magnetic Delta Badge

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Command Delta Badge

This magnetic delta comes to you directly from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds . It is full-size and true to the show's scale in size and finish. The delta features a brushed metal finish. The delta has two vertical magnetic clutches and a back plate to hold it securely in place. While manufactured with FanSets normal attention to detail, this delta is not manufactured as a prop replica.

  • True to the show's scale in size and finish
  • Ships on May 15, 2024


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Command Delta Badge

Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge

Forged from resilient materials, the Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge proudly showcases the iconic Delta Shield insignia, adorned with the unique colors and design motifs of the U.S.S. Cerritos crew. Whether you stand among the esteemed senior officers or serve as a humble ensign, this badge serves as a beacon of your dedication to Starfleet and the Lower Decks team.

  • This magnetic delta comes to you directly from Star Trek: Lower Decks .
  • Measures at 2.25" tall
  • The delta features a brushed metal finish.
  • The magnet has two vertical magnetic clutches to hold it securely in place.
  • While manufactured with FanSets normal attention to detail, this delta is not manufactured as a prop replica.


Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge

Star Trek: The Next Generation Badge

Star Trek: The Next Generation Delta This delta comes to you directly from Star Trek: The Next Generation.  It is a full-size delta that features a matte brushed metal finish.  The magnetic version has two horizontal magnets or clutches to hold it securely in place. While manufactured with FanSets normal attention to detail, this delta is not manufactured as a prop replica.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Badge

Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Men's Jacket

Outfit yourself for missions through space and time with the Starfleet 2364. Constructed of heavy denim with rugged topstitching, the jacket is strong enough to last a Vulcan's lifetime. The signature angular style of the Star Trek: The Next Generation uniforms is transformed into streetwear, recognizable as TNG-inspired, practical, and wearable. It's perfect for all your voyages, great and small. Whether you don Command Red, Operations Gold, or Sciences Blue, you'll be ready to tackle journeys in Enterprise D or just around your neighborhood in this sleek jacket. Live long and prosper!

  • Heavy duty water and stain repellent denim
  • Reinforced topstitching
  • Asymmetrical zipper
  • Two snap closure external pockets
  • Internal pocket
  • Comes with a certificate of authenticity.
  • Made in the USA
  • Care:Dry clean
  • Command Red - Red with black accents and red thread
  • Operations Gold - Gold with black accents and gold thread
  • Sciences Blue - Blue with black accents and blue thread
  • Availability: Ships to the United States and Puerto Rico.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Men's Jacket

Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Beach Towel

Make your next beach vacation the best one yet with this Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Beach Towel. Perfect for crew members in the command division, this soft Star Trek: The Next Generation beach towel keeps you dry while showing off your love for your team.

  • Whether at the beach or pool you will use this beach towel as your favorite accessory all summer!
  • Measures: 30"x60".
  • Made Of: 100% Velour Terry Cotton.
  • Care: Please wash before using towel. Pile and softness will return.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Beach Towel

Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform Athletic Shorts

Planning a trip to Risa, Casperia Prime, or maybe Freecloud is more your vibe? Don't forget to pack these Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform Adult Shorts in your suitcase! Channel your inner Paul Stamets, Montgomery Scott or Georgi LaForge in these amazing red uniform shorts featuring the Engineering Badge! With mesh side pockets, water-repellant fabric, and elastic waistband, you can't go wrong rocking these amazing shorts on your next adventure.

  • Made of: 91% recycled polyester, 9% spandex (fabric composition may vary by 3%)
  • Four-way stretch moisture-wicking microfiber fabric
  • Elastic waistband with a flat white drawstring
  • Mesh side pockets


Star Trek: The Original Series Engineering Uniform Athletic Shorts

Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Throw Pillow

Give your starship quarters a noticeable upgrade with this Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Pillow. Inspired by the iconic command uniform from Star Trek: The Original Series , this Star Trek accent pillow makes a great finishing touch to your home decor.

  • Show off your favorite shows or characters with this vibrant throw pillow. You'll want to be able to display one of these in each comfortable spot in your house!
  • Measures: 16” Wide x 16” Tall.
  • Made Of: spun poly material with down alternative; blown and closed.
  • Care: Spot Clean or Dry Clean Only.


Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Throw Pillow

Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Tote Bag

You can let everyone know your status in the command division by throwing this spacious Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Tote Bag over your shoulder. Featuring a design inspired by the iconic red command uniform, this Star Trek: The Next Generation tote bag will become any fan’s favorite accessory.

  • Dimensions: Bag 15" x 15"
  • Maximum weight limit: 44lb
  • Handle length: 11.8".
  • Made Of: 100% spun polyester fabric, Dual handles 100% natural cotton bull denim.
  • Care: Handwash.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Tote Bag

Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Men's Jacket

Suit up for battle and prepare yourself to discover new dimensions in the Starfleet 2256 jacket. Heavy denim secured with sturdy topstitching enables this durable jacket to withstand conflicts with Klingons or tiffs with a Tardigrade. The signature angular style of the Starfleet uniforms returns with the stylish Star Trek: Discovery additions of long, geometric lines and shoulder line details. It's perfect for all your missions, whether it's a Black Alert aboard the Discovery or a routine landing party to the store. The sleek, blue color and the subtle details of stitching color and zipper allow you to flaunt your specialty under the radar. Pick gold for Command, silver for Sciences, copper for Operations, or stealthy black if you work in Section 31. See you on board!


  • Badge backing pocket to hold magnet makes putting on and taking off the badge quick and stealthy
  • Durable metal zipper matches the topstitching
  • Heavy denim with a small amount of stretch
  • Snap tab collar can be worn closed or open
  • Magnetic external pocket closure for maximum futuristic tech
  • Command Gold - Sailor with navy accents and gold thread, gold zipper
  • Sciences Silver - Sailor with navy accents and silver thread, silver zipper
  • Operations Copper - Sailor with navy accents and copper thread, copper zipper
  • Section 31 - Black with black accents and black thread, charcoal zipper


Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Men's Jacket

Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts

Planning a trip to Risa, Casperia Prime, or maybe Freecloud is more your vibe? Don't forget to pack these Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts in your suitcase! Get ready to do some high tech science experiments aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in these blue Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts featuring the Science Badge! With mesh side pockets, water-repellant fabric, and elastic waistband, you can't go wrong rocking these amazing shorts on your next adventure.


Star Trek: The Original Series Science Uniform Adult Shorts

Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Beach Towel

From pool days to beach vacation, this Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Beach Towel is a must-have accessory for DISCO fans. Inspired by the command uniforms within the DISCO series, this soft towel lets you lounge or dry off while showing your pride for the command division aboard the U.S.S. Discovery.


Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Beach Towel

Star Trek: Voyager Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

Even those in the command division need some R&R! With a soft mink front inspired by the command uniforms of the U.S.S. Voyager crew members, this comfy Star Trek: Voyager Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket is perfect to throw over your shoulders after a busy day. With a soft mink front and cozy sherpa back, this Star Trek: Voyager blanket is a must-have addition to your personal quarters.

  • You'll never need another blanket! This blanket is the perfect addition to your home, it looks good and is a nice companion on cool nights.
  • Made Of: 100% polyester.
  • Care: Machine wash cold on gentle cycle with mild detergent and similar colors. Tumble dry low or lay flat to dry for longest life.


Star Trek: Voyager Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Beach Towel

Just because you take a vacation from commanding the U.S.S. Enterprise doesn't mean you can't represent your division! Inspired by the command uniform of crew members aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, this Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Beach Towel will make your next beach vacation out of this world.


Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Beach Towel

Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Women's Jacket

  • Comes with a certificate of authenticity


Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet 2256 Women's Jacket

Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Women's Jacket

Outfit yourself for missions through space and time with the Starfleet 2364. Constructed of heavy denim with rugged topstitching, the jacket is strong enough to last a Vulcan's lifetime. The signature angular style of the Star Trek: The Next Generation uniforms are transformed into streetwear: recognizable as TNG-inspired, practical, and wearable. It's perfect for all your voyages, great and small. Whether you don Command Red, Operations Gold, or Sciences Blue, you'll be ready to tackle journeys in the Enterprise D—or just around your neighborhood—in this sleek jacket. Live long and prosper! 🖖


Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Women's Jacket

Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

Whether you are unwinding after a long day aboard the U.S.S. Discovery or settling in for a Star Trek marathon, you will love snuggling up in this Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket. With a soft mink front inspired by the DISCO command uniforms and a cozy sherpa back, this Star Trek: Discovery blanket will become your favorite household accessory.


Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Throw Pillow

Give your decor an out-of-this-world upgrade with this Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Pillow. Inspired by the command uniforms within the DISCO series, this Star Trek: Discovery pillow is perfect for command division members and Star Trek: Discovery fans alike.


Star Trek: Discovery Command Uniform Throw Pillow

Star Trek: Voyager Command Uniform Throw Pillow

The perfect accent pillow for Star Trek: Voyager fans and command division members alike, this Star Trek: Voyager Command Uniform Pillow instantly elevates your home decor. Featuring a design inspired by the command uniform of Voyager crew members, this Star Trek: Voyager pillow is a fun addition to your room, media room, dorm, and more.


Star Trek: Voyager Command Uniform Throw Pillow

Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

This Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket lets you relax in ultimate comfort after a long day of commanding the U.S.S. Enterprise. Featuring the iconic colors of the Star Trek: The Next Generation command uniform on the soft mink front and a cozy sherpa back, this Star Trek blanket is perfect to snuggle up in as you unwind during the evening.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Throw Pillow

If you are in the command division on your starship, then you deserve some R&R every now and then! Inspired by the command uniform of crew members aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Pillow lets you relax in comfort while showing some pride for your division.


Star Trek: The Next Generation Command Uniform Throw Pillow

Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

Being in the command division takes a lot of skill, energy, and focus. That is why you will love relaxing in your quarters with this Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket draped around your shoulders. With the colors of the Star Trek: The Original Series command uniform on the soft mink front and a cozy sherpa back, this Star Trek blanket is a must-have for all crewmembers aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.


Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Sherpa Blanket

Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Premium Tote Bag

Whether you are commanding a starship or heading to class, this Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Tote Bag lets you store everything you need for the day in one secure place while showing off your command division status. Featuring the iconic yellow uniform and command division badge, this Star Trek: The Original Series tote bag is a must-have addition to your style.


Star Trek: The Original Series Command Uniform Premium Tote Bag

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Get A Closer Look At The ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Starfleet Uniforms

star trek lower decks insignia

| February 28, 2022 | By: TrekMovie Editors 84 comments so far

This week may have two brand-new Star Trek episodes, one of which is season 2 premiere of Star Trek: Picard , but there is still much more to come in 2022, including the series debut of Strange New Worlds  in May. And now we can get a nice, close look at the new Starfleet uniforms for the highly anticipated series set on Captain Pike’s Enterprise.

Strange New Uniforms

We got our first glimpse at the new design of the Strange New Worlds USS Enterprise uniforms last fall, and there hasn’t been much since then. However, thanks to a nice display on Star Trek: The Cruise—which set sail over the weekend and is still ongoing—we can now see the uniforms in detail. On display were uniforms for Captain Pike, Number One. Spock, and Cadet Uhura.

star trek lower decks insignia

There were also information cards with more details (noted under each uniform below). Uniforms are designed by Bernadette Cross and Gersha Phillips. All the photos were provided by friend of the site Marina Kravchuk .

Captain Pike (Anson Mount)

star trek lower decks insignia

Captain Pike uniform

Uniform details (from display card):

Starfleet Duty Uniform, Command Division, circa 2259 Authorized for wear by those personnel specializing in the command and control tasks aboard starships as well as ground and space-based installations, along with Starfleet Command’s upper leadership hierarchy. The assigned division is represented by the uniform tunic’s gold color, with the officer’s rank denoted by stripes on the tunic’s sleeves.

Lt. Commander Una Chin-Riley “Number One” (Rebecca Romijn)

star trek lower decks insignia

Number One’s uniform

Uniform details (same as Pike)

Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck)

star trek lower decks insignia

Spock’s uniform

Starfleet Duty Uniform, Science Division, circa 2259 Authorized for wear by personnel assigned to any of the numerous science-based disciplines typical of a starship’s crew, along with similar tasks performed by officers detailed to starbases and other permanent facilities. Examples of typical specializations include biological studies, technicians including sensor and other computer-based information collection and analysis, medics, nurses, and surgeons. The assigned division is represented by the uniform tunic’s prevailing blue color, with the officer’s rank denoted by stripes on the tunic’s sleeves.

Cadet Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding)

star trek lower decks insignia

Uhura’s uniform

Starfleet Duty Uniform, Operations  Division, circa 2259 Authorized for wear by those personnel specializing in the communications, engineering, security, and tactical functions aboard starships as well as starbases and planet-based installations. The uniform tunic’s predominant maroon color indicates the assigned division, with the officer’s rank denoted by stripes on the tunic’s sleeves.

A closer look

Looking closer at the uniforms reveal some fine details, including how division insignia are woven into the shoulders and arms.

star trek lower decks insignia

Detail on Captain Pike’s tunic

star trek lower decks insignia

Detail on Uhura’s tunic

star trek lower decks insignia

Detail on Spock’s tunic

The men’s trousers also have subtle stripes.

star trek lower decks insignia

Detail on Pike’s trousers

The female tunic extends longer to form a skirt, worn with leggings that do not have the same stripe as the men’s trousers.

star trek lower decks insignia

Detail on Number One’s tunic and leggings

The unisex boots have an angled toe, fabric back, and zipper on the inside seam. They also include a Starfleet insignia on the heel.

star trek lower decks insignia

Captain Pike’s boots

star trek lower decks insignia

Number One’s boots

See the uniforms in new Paramount promo

A brand new Paramount+ promo features both Rebecca Romijn and Ethan Peck in their Strange New Worlds uniforms.

Find more Strange New Worlds at .

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Love these uniforms as much as I love the ones from season 2 of discovery and the short trek episodes and as much as I love the normal season 1 and two dsc uniforms and the season 4 dsc uniforms and the lower deck and prodigy and picard uniforms they are all so very cool looking

I can’t say I like them as much as the ones from S2 of Discovery. They just look so obscenely casual.

Much like other Star Trek uniform of the mid 23rd century not to mention Starfleet is not a full time space military branch for the federation most of the time they are the space exploration and scientific research and diplomatic branch of the federation

Interesting season 1 looks to be set in 2259 a year after the events of the season2 dsc finale epilogue wonder if I am correct in thinking each season will be in a different year aka season 2 being in 2260 season 3 2261 season 4 2262 season 5 2263 season 6 2264 and season 7 2265 which would bring us to the year Kirk took command

I don’t think you can make the assumption though of a one-for-one year to season relationship given there are only 10 eps per season.

They are doing it with lower decks season 1 was 2380 season 2 2381 and season two of picard starts in 2400 with season 1 was mainly in 2399 and season 3 of discovery was 3180 and season 4 3181

Yeah they have done it with LDS, PIC and DIS so far but it’s probably not etched in stone either. It can probably change if they are telling a particular story. The old shows were basically set in a different year every season as well, but sometimes it got tricky with all the season finale cliffhangers that started the story right up again the next season and not a year later but no one thinks about it too much ;).

Not really. Lower Decks started to compress its stardates in season 2, and Mike McMahan said the series won’t get to the flashback scenes in Picard, no matter how many seasons they end up doing…. And Picard is jumping 1.5 years in season 2.

Spare me with uniforms. The show starts in less than 9 weeks and we haven´t even got a teaser trailer. It is really getting ridicilous…..

Jesus, dude. That is one of the most entitled things I’ve seen anyone post here.

Why do you so frequently attack people that you disagree with? It’s getting old.

And “where is the trailer” is kind of an obvious comment to make given we are getting so close now. Totally weird how anyone would take offense to that opinion?

I don’t, so your point is moot. I don’t care if people disagree with me, nor did I indicate I agree or disagree with anything so I have no idea where you’re coming from on that. The comment I posted is a valid one–there are a lot of entitled fans here–and getting worked up because a trailer isn’t available on one’s timetable IS entitlement.

I thought personal attacks were against the rules here?

Season 2 of Picard hasn’t even started yet. Did you really expect a SNW trailer before then?

Personally, I was half expecting a Super Bowl commercial for it.

The insatiable need (and unreasonable expectation) to have all content immediately! We have had a teaser. And who really cares? We’re getting at least 2 seasons of the show, so chill.

The dude’s excited and wants a trailer given we are only 2 months out? Perhaps you need to chill…just saying? :-) IDIC

You’re right… My bad. We’re all chomping at the bit for the trailer! It was just the “spare me with the uniforms” comment; the good people at this site work hard to bring us all sorts of interesting news!

And you are right on that part of it. No worries! We’re all excited, obviously!

I have not been this excited about TV Trek since the DS9 premiere.

LOL. Come on, man. After your comment to me above?

I don’t think you’re alone with that frustration but it hit me for the first time a week ago they are probably doing it this way to give Picard the limelight in the marketing since it’s coming so soon. I think the strategy is to just market whatever show is on now of course and rev up for the next one. They don’t want people too focus on SNW until the next show is released.

When you look at it that way, you become more calm lol. And now that Picard will start so soon then we will probably get our first trailer a few weeks later now. And once the marketing starts it will probably go into overdrive like they do Discovery and now Picard.

So its coming! For now, let’s focus on Discovery giving us (hopefully) a solid fourth season finale and Picard coming out of the gate strong this week! I have a feeling there is going to be tons to talk about in March with these three shows. :)

Wait seriously TM?? You removed my link to the video footage? Um, why??

I wish you guys will just TELL US what is ok to post and not to post since nothing I posted was out of bounds and was posted publicly on Paramount’s site weeks ago. So what was the problem? No one is going to get into trouble for that.

It’s just frustrating when you’re just trying to share things with other fans here. Or just post it yourselves. I’m sure they would appreciate it since not many have seen it.

And not a single response. It would at least be nice to be told why?

Did you post SNW footage from the Paramount investors meeting? Paramount has been very clear that they do not want that available online.

The investors meeting is posted online on the official Paramount site . They posted it a few days after the event for anyone to stream it. It’s 2 hours and 19 minutes long. Type in Paramount and investorsevent you will see it. The footage is there for all to see. The part I posted is around the the 53rd minute of the video. It’s barely a minute long.

What you’re talking about is they didn’t want the TRAILER available online which is redacted from the video I’m talking about. The stuff I posted is up on their site and all over Youtube now. If hey didn’t want that shown, they would’ve just redacted that like they did the trailer as well.

Again if they don’t want us to post certain things, FINE, but at least explain what they are. It’s frustrating because this is the third time this has happened and like the other two times no one just tells me why it was pulled and they clearly read the boards.

I got shut down once for daring to gripe about Orville posts on a Star Trek site ;) lol

Copying any footage from ANY part of the investor meeting including screenshots is disallowed, anything online is considered pirated. There was a warning at top of the meeting making that clear. Obviously, if it was allowed we would have reported on it long ago. Please give us some credit.

I don’t think you’re alone with that frustration but it hit me for the first time a week ago they are probably doing it this way to give Picard the limelight in the marketing since it’s coming so soon.

It’s not like there are too many Trek shows playing at once, and that one might cannibalize from another. Surely Paramount would be too wise to get into *that* situation.

I know how you feel but I rather the problem is too much Trek being made then no Trek at all; which would’ve been the case for the last 5 years if we still only had the movies to wait for….and still waiting.

No one wants that void again I think.

Those of us in international markets in which there’s no P+ don’t even know whether the show will be available here. I can only assume the worst, which is that it will join DSC S4 in the limbo universe of dumb Paramount executive decisions

Uniforms are looking great.

Boy, they’ve really captured the flavour of TOS with these uniforms! Nice.

I’m just happy the Enterprise will be flying again.

Uniforms are amazing!

The hockey fan in me likes them a lot.

What’s hockey got to do with it? Seriously, just asking. Are these like hockey uniforms or something?

Love those details!! I hope we get some female characters in proper pants, I’m not in love with these being plain leggings, but it’s fine. The cut and color blocks and the whole design otherwise makes up for it a lot, as does the footwear. I have some jackets with the same kind of, um, side panels?? I guess they’re called, like that and I really like them..

You aren’t seeing it. They’re wearing the exact same sin tight “leggings” as the men. The only difference is they provided a longer top to avoid sexualizing the women. It pays homage to the original uniforms while being progressive in design.

The sensible thing to do would’ve been to give the women pants… like they wear in The Cage. They could’ve had a canon rationale not to have goofily gendered uniforms in the year 2022. These female uniforms are probably at the insistence of Akiva Goldsman, you know, the guy who was pushing for incest in Picard and who always has sound judgement.

What are you talking about in the last bit sounds like something made up by a certain group of YouTubers if you remember season2 of discovery commander Nhan wore black leggings under her uniform also if you take a look at other images shown these are optional female uniforms number one and LT Erica ortegas are wearing the other uniform with the v neck top and pants

I am glad they appear to have the optional pants for practical reasons. Exploring planets, fight scenes etc. in dresses might make things a bit difficult. I still want to see M’Benga’s medical tunic and Chapel’s medical outfit. Hopefully their close-ups are forthcoming.

Her outfit looks to be a white version of the dress seen here

A little too bland for my taste. They probably were so afraid to deviate from the original show–thanks to the screeching reaction of vocal fans to Discovery, that they held their creative energies in check. Sad.

I like them! Yeah, a bit casual but who are we kidding so was the original uniforms. And sorry to say this but if Discovery had these uniforms in season one, it probably would’ve been easier to keep it in the 23rd century. But same time, I can’t really imagine these uniforms on that ship either. They come off so bubbly, cloying…and happy. Nothing about Discovery felt that way first season. ;)

“ first season.”

First season?????

They’re gorgeous. I want to wear the commamd uniform so bad.

It seems the uniforms in the Paramount+ promo don’t have the tiny insignias on the shoulders. Perhaps an earlier variant before they shot the season? Even in HD they’re not visible in the promo.

yes they were there

Just awesome!!!!!

They look good on mannequins but let’s see how they function on living, moving people. The short clips I’ve seen make them look…well, frankly, not good. TOS uniforms look better to my eye. The black around the collar is important, it can’t be too thick a la STID, can’t be too thin like these sometimes are, particularly in the Pike promo shot.

Also I made this comment yesterday on the Picard post, but Starfleet has a real uniform problem in general. The issue with making a zillion different Starfleet uniforms is…well, how are we supposed to feel attached to any single one? It’s like, TOS had one uniform. TNG had two. DS9 had two, and VOY had one. ENT had one. Discovery has now at least two, three if you include the TOS variant. Picard has half a dozen. Lower Decks has a couple. It’s like they’re cosplaying Starfleet, everyone gets their own take. The result is that it cheapens any single design, because there are 50 of them to choose from. How are you supposed to feel like a fleet when everyone’s got their own uni?

And to drive it all home, Gizmodo made this very same point today:

I tend to agree. It helps when uniforms are a little more… well, uniform.

24th century had several changes tmp maroon monsters without the turtleneck undershirts which were used from 2300-2359 and the season 1 and 2 jumpsuits which were used from 2360-2365 the season 3-4 they had a two piece that had a seam down the center were used from 2365-2367and then seasons 5-7 had a solid version of the uniform top minus the seam down the center which were used from 2367-2370 then they were changed and there was two versions of the 2370-2372 a jump suit version and two piece version and then they changed again in 2373-2379 and a new set of uniforms came in in 2380-2383 and another two variant uniform were in service till 2385 when another new uniform design came around in 2385-2390 and then another uniform came in 2391-2399

The 23rd century had several uniforms from 2239-2293 those blue uniforms from discovery were the main Starfleet uniforms In use since 2239-2257 with only only certain ships having the normal 3 color uniform turtleneck tops in gold,grey,tan which would be out of main use and replaced with gold blue and red with black pants version of the standard blue Starfleet uniform in 2257 and they were replaced with gold blue and red v neck tops with black crew neck undershirts with optional dress and black leggings for the main Starfleet uniforms from 2259-2270 and then Starfleet changed the uniforms again and were used from 2271-2280 and then from 2281-2293 they used the monster maroons with turtleneck undershirts

I agree. Especially the late 24th century is a mess now with Lower Decks, Picard and Protostar all doing their own thing.

Heels on the boots? They killed Kenny. Okay, I laughed at that.

I do not like these. You do not need the Starfleet logo embedded in texture in uniforms. It makes them look gaudy (and unnecessarily expensive to produce). I also do not see why the women’s uniforms should be so different from the men’s.

Expensive to produce? They are all replicated!

I don’t know what you mean by the women’s uniforms being different from the men’s? Are you just referring to the skirt uniforms or something else?

They do not have the Starfleet logo in the texture of the uniforms but department logos for which each uniform belongs to and the dress version is a optional uniform for anyone to were if they choose to they also have the top and pants version for anyone who wants to wear that uniform

They do not have the Starfleet logo in the texture of the uniforms but department logos

Way to miss the forest for the trees.

At any rate, the season 1-3 Discovery uniforms have the Starfleet logo printed on the side panels. The boots also appear to have it. Militaries do not go out of their way to put insignia everywhere, a point that Kirk made clear in TVH, incidentally.

The Kelvin uniforms were *covered* with the delta insignia.

What is it with new Trek and uniforms? Why do we get new ones for every season?

They should’ve used silver for Spock’s rank stripes as well. This is too subtle to tell the rank from a distance.

So Una and Spock were promoted.

Love the uniforms. Boots…..hmm…hope they are comfy. If they have to be on set 12+ hrs each day, they look very painful. Hope they build them with shoe experts. :D

Those 12+ hour days involve a lot of sitting around and waiting for the actors. Still, you would hope that the shoes are as comfortable as possible. If anybody can complain about uncomfortable boots it’s Doug Jones ;-)

Doug is amazing. All the makeup, his unique Kelpien legs and walk. He should get a special award every year, just for his outstanding presence/performance on the show.

Saru has been so well created right from the beginning, that you forget There is a “hyoo-män” inside this amazing Kelpien.

Hope we can see him again yelling, fighting, and running at super speeds. :P

Yeah, I might be unique here but I don’t give one iota about how the uniforms look. Never been too bothered about that aspect of the franchise. The plotting and characterization on the other hand is key to the success of the show for me. I also don’t care how the new Enterprise looks either.

The visually retconed enterprise looks beautiful inside and out and fits perfectly between the nx-01 and the tmp refit 1701 way more then the 60’s tos e version ever did and way more believable then the 60’s tos version ever did inside and out

Well, it’s pretty clear from the promo the gold women’s uniform shown here isn’t Number One’s–she’s wearing the same tunic and pants as Pike. Personally, I think they should have stuck with same Enterprise uniforms from Discovery. Why do the women get a comfortable open collar while the men’s tunics are more restrictive? Heck, why aren’t these unisex?

It’s pretty clear form the publicity shot that it is Number One’s. So apparentyl women can choose between styles.

I think both the men and women have black undershirts, with a bit more showing for the women.

I’m all in favor of “visual reboots,” and have long thought the TOS uniform could use one, but I’m not entirely on board here considering, for example, that the pilot uniforms (and those we saw in Discovery and Short Treks) were a lot more unisex-looking. The rank stripes come more from the Kelvin uniforms, but those were themselves a little more similar to the pilot versions. Still, not a big deal, I guess.

I think the Beyond uniforms are still my favourite. The first time I saw Pike in the uniform, I thought the collar just looked like a cheap v-neck, but they’re growing on me. The fabric just looks very stiff.

Why does each of these streaming shows each get randonly new uniforms? If none of thrm actually take place in the same universe, it wwould finally explain a lot.

Because DS9 didn’t get a new uniform after TNG? Lower Decks has shown Dominion War uniforms, indicating a transition from that uniform to the LD one. I don’t have an issue with uniform changes as in universe they change frequently. You can see they’re trying to bring it in line with TOS, but they’re obviously not going to go with the 60s uniforms. They used them in the DS9 and ENT episodes but it was more of a novelty then. Sustaining it over a whole series would be pastiche on the level of fan productions. That being said, as I mention in another comment, I don’t love these uniforms and would have preferred something like we saw in Beyond which came very close to TOS while still being modern.

But the old shows didn’t switch uniforms every season.

Not ken on the patterned shoulders and arms. Maybe a slightly different shade of the main colour would’ve been nicer, but the division texture just seems odd. Maybe a slightly taller collar as well… Other than that, I really like these. A fantastic update of the original uniforms!

I like these new costumes; they look less restrictive than the previous versions in DSC (I don’t know if that was due to how the fabric looked on-screen or if it was the tailoring). But I’m curious as to why the men’s black collar is arranged higher here than what was seen in the character reveal trailer several months back.

I really like these costumes. A nice update on TOS era uniforms but with movie-quality materials and finishing. Kudos to everyone involved. From what I can see SNW is looking very good indeed.

What is the deal with the inconsistent sleeves? Seems like such a simple thing to get right. In the TOS, Chekov was the rank of an ensign, which is the lowest officer, but he lacked a dashed-line stripe. Imagine a navy where an enlisted crew member and the lowest ranking officer have no sleeve cuff difference. It’s abusrd. It would have made sense for him to have a dashed stripe because a lieutenant was a single full stripe. Therefore, an ensign should be a dotted line stripe, but he didn’t have anything. Always bothered me. Now Pike has the full stripe, thin stripe, and full stripe, and his position is captain. The “number one” first officer has two full stripes. Her rank is lieutenant commander yet her sleeve has two full stripes. So, Pike is a rank higher and he has two stripes and a half stripe. Does that make his rank commander, since the first officer has two full stripes and is a lieutenant commander. If that’s the case, In TOS, two full stripes was a full commander (Spock in the TOS) and a full stripe with a dashed stripe was a lieutenant commander (Scotty in the TOS and McCoy in the TOS). Here we have a lieutenant commander with two full stripes (“number one”). And, here Spock has a full stripe and a thin stripe, but he is a Lieutenant. It’s absurd. What I don’t understand is why an ensign isn’t a thin stripe, a lieutenant a single thick stripe, a lieutenant commander a thick stripe and a thin stripe, a full commander two thick stripes, and a captain (as in the rank of captain) two full stripes with a thin stripe between them.


  1. Star Trek Lower Decks Com Badge With Magnets

    star trek lower decks insignia

  2. Ranking the Star Trek uniforms from the new generation of shows

    star trek lower decks insignia

  3. Star Trek Lower Decks badge and rank pips set 3d Printed Kit

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  4. Star Trek Online Releases Collaboration With Star Trek: Lower Decks

    star trek lower decks insignia

  5. Star Trek

    star trek lower decks insignia

  6. Star Trek: Lower Decks

    star trek lower decks insignia


  1. Collect Official Star Trek Badges

    Forged from resilient materials, the Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge proudly showcases the iconic Delta Shield insignia, adorned with the unique colors and design motifs of the U.S.S. Cerritos crew. Whether you stand among the esteemed senior officers or serve as a humble ensign, this badge serves as a beacon of your dedication to Starfleet and ...

  2. Star Trek: Lower Decks Official Merchandise & Gifts

    Forged from resilient materials, the Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge proudly showcases the iconic Delta Shield insignia, adorned with the unique colors and design motifs of the U.S.S. Cerritos crew. Whether you stand among the esteemed senior officers or serve as a humble ensign, this badge serves as a beacon of your dedication to Starfleet and the Lower Decks team.

  3. Star Trek: Lower Decks Official Merchandise & Gifts

    Star Trek: Lower Decks New Friends Recruiting Premium Satin Poster. from $24.95. Fast Ship Item. 1 2 3. Join Ensigns Mariner, Boimler, Rutherford and Tendi aboard the U.S.S. Cerritos in style by exploring the official Star Trek: Lower Decks Collection! Featuring out-of-this-world gear like the Star Trek: Lower Decks Adult Short Sleeve T-Shirt ...

  4. Emblem-atic

    Midyear 2020 brought it to the forefront when the official U.S. Space Force emblem was unveiled to historically naïve cries that it "rips off" the Star Trek emblem. Over the years, many assumptions have been made about the various Starfleet insignia worn on the original Star Trek and through Lower Decks and the upcoming Strange New Worlds.

  5. Every Starfleet Rank In Star Trek, Explained

    As with most things Star Trek, rank insignia has evolved over time. Here's a breakdown of Starfleet's ranking system in descending order from the lowliest cadets to the most powerful admirals. ... Of course, the four main characters in Star Trek: Lower Decks are ensigns, though they all receive a promotion to lieutenant, junior grade at the ...

  6. Star Trek Voyager: Lower Decks

    Fleet Captain is a designation from the Star Trek Encyclopedia (Second edition). Commissioned Officer ranks and standard duration at that rank: Ensign - Commissioned cadet rank - duration 1 - 4 years. Lieutenant Junior Grade (j.g.) - duration 2 - 4 years. usually referred to as "Lieutenant". Lieutenant Senior Grade - duration 3 - 6 years.

  7. Check out the New STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Season 5 Key Art and Watch a

    We're only a month and a half away from the fifth and final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks, and today Paramount+ has released the first key art for the last adventures of the USS Cerritos — this new poster from Vice Press artist Matt Ferguson. (Paramount+) In season five of STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS, the crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos is tasked with closing "space potholes" - subspace ...

  8. New Star Trek: Lower Decks Clip Shows Tendi's Return to Piracy

    As for Star Trek: Lower Decks, it returns to Paramount+ with two episodes on October 24. Peep the poster below, which continues the show's tradition of homaging posters from the original movies.

  9. Star Trek Lower Decks Insignia

    Check out our star trek lower decks insignia selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our memorabilia shops. ... Star Trek Insignia Coasters, Set of 4 - Starfleet, Romulans, Borg, Klingons - Hand carved and painted or 3d printed (141) $ 12.23 ...

  10. How To Tell A Star Trek Character's Rank At A Glance: Rank Pips

    On the latest season of "Star Trek: Lower Decks," the character of T'Lyn (Gabrielle Ruiz) bears a provisional rank as she is an exchange officer from a Vulcan ship.

  11. List of Star Trek: Lower Decks characters

    Star Trek: Lower Decks is an American adult animated television series created by Mike McMahan for the streaming service Paramount+.It is the ninth series in the Star Trek franchise, and was launched in 2020 as part of executive producer Alex Kurtzman's expansion of the franchise. Lower Decks is the first animated series created for All Access, and the first animated Star Trek series since the ...

  12. Watch 1st look clip from 'Star Trek: Lower Decks' Season 5 (video)

    Watch new exclusive clip for Season 5 of "Star Trek: Lower Decks," the final season of Paramount+'s sci-fi comedy animated series that premieres Oct. 24.

  13. Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge

    Forged from resilient materials, the Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge proudly showcases the iconic Delta Shield insignia, adorned with the unique colors and design motifs of the U.S.S. Cerritos crew. Whether you stand among the esteemed senior officers or serve as a humble ensign, this badge serves as a beacon of your dedication to Starfleet and the Lower Decks team.

  14. Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Clip Shows Tendi In ...

    On that note, Lower Decks' final season is just around the corner and, in honor of Star Trek Day, Paramount+ shared a new clip of D'Vana Tendi with the Orion pirates. Needless to say, the ...

  15. Lower Decks: Different uniforms on different ships? : r/startrek

    While the majority of the uniform was the same, the insignia on their uniform varied from command to command. Like on the Enterprise it was the iconic delta insignia, but other ships, like the Exeter had more of a rectangle shaped insignia. 2. Award. My wife and I are watching Lower Decks and we watched the episode where Riker and the crew of ...

  16. STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Reveals a Wonderfully Wacky Season ...

    Star Trek: Lower Decks is gearing up for its fifth and final season. While many fans are sad to say goodbye to the beloved Paramount+ animated series and its wacky band of characters aboard the U ...

  17. One Underrated Star Trek Character Is Getting Celebrated In a

    Star Trek: Lower Decks predicted an O'Brien statue already. Paramount+. Interestingly, Trek canon already predicted there would be a statue of Miles O'Brien at some point.

  18. Star Trek uniforms

    Star Trek uniforms are costumes worn by actors portraying personnel of a fictitious Starfleet in various television series and films in the Star Trek science fiction franchise. During the various series, the costume design has often changed to represent different time periods and for reasons of appearance and comfort. Sometimes different styles were deliberately mixed to enhance the sense of ...

  19. Star Trek: Every Starfleet Uniform & History Explained

    Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan would introduce one of the longest-lived uniforms in Starfleet history. These uniforms consisted of a red jacket, white long sleeved turtleneck and black pants with red piping. It also featured the now-iconic Starfleet insignia on the left breast, as well as new rank insignia on the right shoulder.

  20. The RITOS shirt is here! : r/LowerDecks

    An unofficial fan community dedicated to discussion and news about Star Trek: Lower Decks. Members Online • trek-fan47 ... Also they did change it a bit from the disco shirt, they removed the Starfleet insignia from the sleeves. Reply reply unidentified_yama ...

  21. Star Trek: Lower Decks season 5

    The fifth and final season of the American adult animated television series Star Trek: Lower Decks is set in the 24th century and follows the adventures of the low-ranking officers with menial jobs on the starship Cerritos, one of Starfleet's least important starships. The season is produced by CBS Eye Animation Productions in association with Secret Hideout, Important Science, Roddenberry ...

  22. Lower Decks Ranks

    Episode Ranks. Briliant in concept, design and execution, Star Trek: Lower Decks is arguably the smartest Star Trek series ever produced. Yep. You read that right. Each episode is so jampacked with heart, humor, story, emotion and references, it's almost impossible to believe. The smarts come from expertly weaving it all together in 24-minute ...

  23. Uniforms

    Forged from resilient materials, the Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge proudly showcases the iconic Delta Shield insignia, adorned with the unique colors and design motifs of the U.S.S. Cerritos crew. Whether you stand among the esteemed senior officers or serve as a humble ensign, this badge serves as a beacon of your dedication to Starfleet and the Lower Decks team.

  24. Uniforms

    Star Trek: Lower Decks Badge. $29.95 As Seen On Quick view. Star Trek: The Next Generation Badge. $29.95 Fast Ship Item. Quick view. Star Trek: The Next Generation Starfleet 2364 Men's Jacket. $345.00 ... Lower Decks Badge proudly showcases the iconic Delta Shield insignia, adorned with the unique colors and design motifs of the U.S.S. Cerritos ...

  25. Get A Closer Look At The 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Starfleet

    September 8, 2024 | Watch Tendi's Action-Packed Return In 'Star Trek: Lower Decks' Season 5 Clip September 6, 2024 | First Wave From New Star Trek Starships Die Cast Collection Revealed; Pre ...

  26. Star Trek Into Darkness

    Star Trek Into Darkness is a 2013 American science fiction action film directed by J. J. Abrams and written by Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and Damon Lindelof. [4] It is the 12th installment in the Star Trek franchise and the sequel to the 2009 film Star Trek, as the second in a rebooted film series. It features Chris Pine reprising his role as Captain James T. Kirk, with Zachary Quinto, Simon ...