Memory Alpha

Eye of the Needle (episode)

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 2 Log entries
  • 3 Memorable quotes
  • 4.1 Story and script
  • 4.2 Deleted scenes
  • 4.3 Sets, props, and wardrobe
  • 4.4 Cast and characters
  • 4.5 Production
  • 4.6 Effects
  • 4.8 Continuity
  • 4.9 Reception
  • 4.10 Video and DVD releases
  • 5.1 Starring
  • 5.2 Also starring
  • 5.3 Guest stars
  • 5.4 Uncredited co-stars
  • 5.5 Stand-ins
  • 5.6 References
  • 5.7 External links

Summary [ ]

Harry Kim Wormhole

The "Harry Kim Wormhole" magnified on main viewer

Aboard the USS Voyager , Captain Kathryn Janeway notes in her log that Ensign Harry Kim has discovered subspace emissions indicative of a wormhole and Voyager 's crew are elated by the possibility of a way home. Kim reports that Voyager is too far away from the wormhole to get a detailed analysis of where it leads. The ship will have to get within a thousand kilometers and Kim notes that diverting the ship to the wormhole will mean a significant course change. Janeway decides to head for it anyway and she orders Lieutenant Tom Paris to set a course. The helmsman suggests to Janeway that if the wormhole is successful in bringing Voyager back home, they petition the Federation Astronomical Committee to officially designate the distortion as the " Harry Kim wormhole ."

Act One [ ]

Upon Voyager 's arrival, it is found that, unfortunately, the wormhole is only thirty centimeters in diameter: much too small for Voyager to pass through. Captain Janeway speculates that the wormhole is in an advanced state of decay and has likely been collapsing for centuries. The crew attempts to send a microprobe through the wormhole, but it gets stuck in a gravitational eddy inside the wormhole. Initially dismayed, the crew soon realizes that someone on the other side of the wormhole is scanning the probe.

Baxter disrespects The Doctor

Baxter directs all his questions to Kes

In sickbay , The Doctor is examining Lieutenant Walter Baxter as he quizzes Kes about his possible injuries. Baxter rudely directs all of his comments to Kes, and openly questions The Doctor's abilities. When Baxter's injuries are healed by The Doctor, he thanks only Kes and leaves. Kes asks The Doctor if he noticed how rude Baxter was to him, but he tells her that he is used to being treated like a hypospray . Kes asks The Doctor for more of a learning challenge: she wants to learn more about Human anatomy .

In a senior staff meeting, B'Elanna Torres says that the microprobe will be destroyed in 72 hours. As they brainstorm, Harry Kim has an idea to send a subspace carrier wave using the microprobe as a relay. While reconfiguring the signal generator, Kim talks to Torres about the family he misses at home. He asks her if there's anyone who would miss her, and she tells him that the Maquis are the closest thing to family she has. Her father left her and her mother when she was five-years old . When Kim inquires about her mother, Torres says she " thinks " she returned home to Qo'noS . Kim expresses surprise that she only thinks her mother is there, but Torres tells him that she and her mother did not get along and informs him that no one back in the Alpha Quadrant cares one way or another whether she is alive.

After reconfiguring the signal generator, they send a series of sub-harmonic pulses. After a few minutes of intense waiting, Tuvok and Tom Paris report that Voyager is receiving a signal coming from the wormhole. It is on the same carrier wave and amplitude, originating in the Alpha Quadrant , which shocks the crew.

Act Two [ ]

Kes enters the captain's ready room as she's working, but the captain drops what she's doing, pleased to see her. She tells the captain that she is unhappy about the way the crew treats The Doctor. Janeway tells Kes that she has actually heard reports of him being brusque, rude, and lacking bedside manner; they are thinking about reprogramming him. Kes argues that he is alive, an argument that Janeway refutes – he is just a hologram, nothing more. Kes points out that he's self-aware and communicative with the ability to learn. When Janeway reminds Kes that he's only like that because he's been programmed to be that way, Kes asks if the fact The Doctor is a hologram doesn't mean he should be treated with simple respect. Janeway hesitates, caught short by Kes's words, and promises to look into it.

Encouraged by the success of his test signal, Kim investigates the possibility of voice communication . Janeway sends a basic hail requesting a response. After clearing up the reply, the crew hears a message from a Romulan cargo vessel in the Alpha Quadrant sector 1385 . Janeway tells the Romulan that they are a Federation vessel in the Delta Quadrant . The Romulan thinks she is lying because the Delta Quadrant is too far way, insisting them to be a Federation spy vessel in the Alpha Quadrant.

The Romulan cuts off communication abruptly. Tuvok tells Janeway that there are no shipping lanes in that sector and the Romulan ship is more likely to be a science vessel engaged on a secret mission. Janeway tells Kim to hail him continuously.

Janeway talks to The Doctor

Janeway talks to The Doctor about what he wants

Janeway enters sickbay and activates The Doctor. He explains that he was deactivated by Ensign Kyoto in the middle of preparing a culture. Janeway tells The Doctor that he has become a full-fledged member of the crew, and he doesn't have the luxury of being an emergency supplement anymore. The Doctor asks if he is to be reprogrammed, but Janeway reverses her earlier stance and tells him no, but wants to know if there's anything she can do to help him. He tells her that he would like to be turned off, as he is frequently left for hours with nothing to do, and when he does get turned off he isn't asked if it is convenient. Janeway suggests giving him control over his deactivation sequence; allowing him to turn himself off or to prevent anyone else doing so. The Doctor is surprised and humbled at the fact that someone is attempting to be considerate towards him as Janeway promises to get someone to look into it, and asks him if there's anything else. Taken aback by this turn of events and unprepared to respond fully just yet, The Doctor tells the captain he'll get back to her.

Kim establishes two-way communication with the Romulan and wakes Captain Janeway. The Romulan is highly suspicious of a Federation starship claiming to be in the Delta Quadrant. The Romulan identifies his ship as the cargo vessel Talvath , but refuses to give his name. He has analyzed their hailing frequency and found that it originates in the Delta Quadrant, but he doesn't see how that is possible. He asks what Voyager 's mission is in the Delta Quadrant. Janeway explains that their mission was in the Alpha Quadrant and that they were pulled against their will by a powerful entity to their present location, and are now trying to get home. He still thinks they are Starfleet spies on a surveillance mission. Janeway assures him they are no threat, and requests simply that the Romulan pass on messages from the crew to their families and friends. He replies that it would ease his apprehension if he could see that she is who she says she is, and tells her that he believes he can use a signal amplifier on his ship to establish a video link.

Act Three [ ]

Telek R'Mor onscreen

Romulan captain communicating with Voyager

Kim and Paris get the communications frequency locked in, but they still have a problem with the phase variance in the subspace signal. Kim compensates and the Romulan appears on screen.

He remarks he's never seen a ship like Voyager before. Janeway, surprised by this, tells him that it's new but not classified. He replies that he has been on a mission for over a year and hasn't gotten the latest intelligence. He tells Janeway that his government is debating whether to relay Voyager 's messages. She points out that the wormhole will soon collapse, but he tells her that it is not his place to tell the Senate what to do. Janeway asks the Romulan about his family and he reveals that he has a newborn daughter that he has never seen. She appeals to his feelings of missing his family and convinces him to urge his government to grant Voyager 's request to relay their messages to their family and friends back home. Janeway tells Chakotay to have the crew prepare their messages within the hour in case he is successful. Suddenly, Torres excitedly runs onto the bridge and asks to talk to the captain in private. In Janeway's ready room, she tells the captain the phase amplitude of the visual link is just within a few megahertz of meeting transporter protocols. It might be possible to use the probe as a transmitter to transport the entire crew back to the Alpha Quadrant. Janeway gives Torres her permission to use any Voyager personnel to assist, and for Torres to not keep the modifications a secret as it will not be for very long anyways. After Torres leaves, Janeway walks over and emotionally looks at a photograph of her fiancé Mark and their Irish Setter Mollie .

Kes enters sickbay with her Human anatomy work complete. The Doctor quizzes her on the material and finds that she has memorized it well. She tells him that she would like to go to medical school if the crew gets home. The Doctor replies that she could already have the equivalent of a medical degree if she continues at the pace she is at. She realizes that he hasn't heard about Torres' plan, and tells him about it. He responds that he will not be joining the crew because he is integrated into the sickbay systems. Saddened, she kisses him on the cheek and thanks him. Before she leaves, he asks her to do him a favor and make sure he is turned off before they leave.

Telek R'Mor holds test cylinder

With a successful transport, R'Mor holds the test cylinder

Janeway tells the Romulan captain about their transporter theory and he is impressed by their advanced technology . He agrees to let them transport a test cylinder to his ship. Kim and Torres begin the transport , but still encounter a problem with the phase variance . They are able to compensate, and the transport is successful. Janeway next suggests sending one of her crew to the Romulan ship to test a Human transport. The Romulan declines, stating that the Romulan government would never allow it. He instead offers to transport himself to Voyager and back, promising to arrange for a troop ship for Voyager 's crew if transport is successful.

Janeway, Tuvok, and Chakotay join Kim and Torres in the transporter room to greet the Romulan. Though it is a difficult transport, he successfully materializes on Voyager . " Welcome to the Delta Quadrant… captain, " Janeway says.

Act Four [ ]

As Janeway suggests that the crew start preparations to leave Voyager , Tuvok stops her and, while scanning the Romulan with his tricorder , asks the Romulan for the year. The Romulan seems skeptical, but answers that by Federation calendars, the year is 2351 . Everyone is taken aback at this new discovery as Tuvok finally concludes that the phase variance they have been experiencing is due to the wormhole being a rift not only in space, but also in time : they have beamed the Romulan from 2351 to 2371 .

Janeway consoles Kim

" I know you're disappointed, Harry. We all are. It seemed we were so close… "

In the briefing room , it is made clear by Torres that if Voyager 's crew transports through the wormhole, they will indeed travel twenty years into the past. Kim suggests they do it, rather than spending seventy years traveling home, but Janeway knows that it would devastatingly affect the timeline. The Romulan suggests that in twenty years, he could tell Starfleet not to launch the mission which sent them there. Chakotay responds that they have already made a huge impact on the Delta Quadrant, that people and events would be drastically affected. With no other options, Captain Janeway is left with her original request: she asks the Romulan to transmit their personal messages to Starfleet – in twenty years. He agrees and suggests that, when they get back to the Alpha Quadrant, he would welcome a visit from them. He introduces himself as Telek R'Mor of the Romulan Astrophysical Academy. Janeway assures him that he will hear from them.

Janeway heartbroken

Janeway's reaction just after she is told by Tuvok that the crew's messages may not have reached home

Later, R'Mor prepares to return to his ship, Tuvok gives him the chip with the crew's messages, and Janeway thanks him for his help. Torres transports him back to his ship and a relieved Janeway prepares to inform the crew that their messages will be delivered. Before she can, Tuvok stops her to deliver the bad news: he looked R'Mor up in the database and discovered that the Romulan scientist died in 2367 , four years before Voyager left the Alpha Quadrant. Janeway is deeply disappointed but Torres speculates that perhaps he left a will telling someone else to deliver the messages, or that maybe he handed the chip over to the Romulan government. Unfortunately, there's no way to know. Captain Janeway sadly tells the crew that the only thing they can do now is to move on, as the Alpha Quadrant is still a long way away.

Once again, Lieutenant Baxter is in sickbay. He has pulled his hamstring while working out. He still directs all of his comments to Kes. With newfound confidence, The Doctor tells Baxter that if he has something to say, then he should direct it to him. In addition, if he has another workout-related injury, The Doctor will notify his superior officer. Baxter is surprised and replies " yes sir. " Before leaving, he thanks The Doctor. The Doctor gives Kes a list of things he wants added to sickbay to be delivered to Janeway. In addition, The Doctor makes his first personal request: a name.

Log entries [ ]

  • " Captain's log , stardate 48579.4. The crew has been scanning constantly for anomalies that might help us shorten our journey home. Ensign Kim has reported an exciting discovery – a subspace disturbance which may be a wormhole. "
  • " Captain's log, supplemental . Encouraged by his success in transmitting a signal to the Alpha Quadrant, Mr. Kim is investigating the possibility of establishing a voice link with whoever is at the other end of the wormhole. "

Memorable quotes [ ]

" There is of course a 75% chance the wormhole will not lead to the Alpha Quadrant. " " Very true. But you could also say there's a one in four chance it will. Those aren't bad odds. "

" If I had to get treatment for something serious, if I needed surgery for instance, would he be performing it? " " Of course and quite expertly, too. " " I don't know. I'd have to think twice about that. " " Fine, and if you're lucky, you wouldn't die on the table while you were making up your mind. "

" May I suggest, if this works, we petition the Federation Astronomical Committee to officially designate this 'the Harry Kim wormhole.' "

" Let's just say I've become accustomed to being treated like a hypospray. "

" I guess it's a little too small for us to fly through. "

" Just our luck. We raise one ship from the Alpha Quadrant and it has to be Romulan. "

" I would like… a name. "

" You don't have the luxury of thinking of yourself as an Emergency Medical Program anymore. You've become a full-fledged member of the crew. "

" Tried a new hamstring exercise, maybe I overdid it. But my workouts are all that stand between me and a severe case of cabin fever! "

" I've gone over and over the transporter logs. There's no question that if we try to transport ourselves through that wormhole we'll end up twenty years in the past. " " Then let's do it. It's better than trying to spend the next seventy years trying to get back. " " How can we do that? You'd be going back to a time when you were only two years old. "

" If there's one thing you can count on, it's that I am the last to be told about anything that happens on this ship. "

Background information [ ]

Story and script [ ].

  • The plot concept of this episode was originally pitched by Hilary J. Bader , a former intern on Star Trek: The Next Generation . The writing staff of Star Trek: Voyager immediately wanted to buy the pitch. ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139) Executive Producer Jeri Taylor commented, " Hilary Bader has given us a lot of wonderful stories. That story was one of the early ones we bought. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 4/5, p. 40) This episode was ultimately the only one of Voyager in which Bader was involved.
  • Although Jeri Taylor had written " Caretaker " ( Voyager 's pilot episode) with fellow series creators and Executive Producers Michael Piller and Rick Berman , this was the first Voyager teleplay that Taylor wrote without either of her fellow producers being credited as a co-writer. (One of Bill Dial 's job descriptions was as a producer, but he did not serve in that capacity on Voyager .) Michael Piller noted about this episode, " It was Jeri's first script. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • During the months of September , October , and November 1994 , Jeri Taylor was deeply engrossed in developing this episode's screenplay. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 323) Taylor said of her work on this episode, " I ended up doing a rewrite on [Hilary Bader's story]. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 4/5, p. 40)
  • Despite the producers having decided not to feature any Alpha Quadrant species or characters too often on Voyager , Jeri Taylor made an exception with this episode. ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • One decision that was made by committee was not to show crew members composing the messages that the Romulan had promised to convey to their families. Jeri Taylor recalled, " It was certainly something we talked about. But we decided that to leave it unspoken might be more powerful. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • The episode's final draft script was submitted on 23 November 1994 . The script was further revised, up to and including 15 December 1994 .
  • The episode was originally formatted as a teaser and five acts. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 23) However, Jeri Taylor had known – by the time she arrived at her office on the Paramount Pictures lot at 7:00 am, Monday, 5 December 1994 – that the series would be changing to a new four-act format and she was under the impression that this alteration would affect all regular episodes of the series, which had not yet debuted. Taylor consequently spent the rest of the morning reformatting this episode's script, rewriting the endings of the episode's first three acts. Just prior to attending an afternoon production meeting pertaining to this episode, Taylor handed her changes to preproduction script supervisor Lolita Fatjo ; it was the responsibility of both her and assistant script supervisor Janet Nemecek to ensure that the script was thereafter formatted, printed and distributed to the entire shooting company (the episode's cast and crew). Due to the many hours it necessarily took to finish preparing the new script pages and deliver them, however, the members of the shooting company received them only after going home at the end of that day. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 26)
  • The first act of the final draft script begins with: (1) the bridge scene wherein Kim reports the wormhole's existence to Janeway, (2) the first of the sickbay scenes (with Baxter talking indirectly about The Doctor to Kes) and (3) the scene wherein a probe from Voyager becomes lodged in the wormhole and the ship starts to detect the presence of someone on the other side. As a workable teaser was needed, however, the eventually-used teaser of this episode is the same scene that starts the final draft script's first act. The third scripted scene of that act was moved to the start of the act, followed by the sickbay scene.
  • Evidently, it was also decided that a log entry would start the new teaser; the log entry that begins the episode's final version does not appear at all in the final draft script. However, the stardate of this log entry was taken from the scripted version of the log entry that begins the episode's second act, which became a supplemental entry instead.
  • The episode's shooting script likens the wormhole in this episode to the Bajoran wormhole in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . The scene description of this episode's wormhole, when its interior is first shown on Voyager 's viewscreen, reads, " The screen swirls with gaseous energy – but a watered-down kind of energy. It lacks the dynamism and majesty of the DS9 wormhole… instead of brilliant, electric colors, it's a sickly yellow-brown… as though it's withered, slowed, and dying. "
  • The final draft script also refers to the setting of Telek R'Mor's ship as "the cockpit of a shuttle-sized craft."
  • The year from which Telek R'Mor comes from was originally going to be 2352 , a date that even appears in the shooting script, before being changed to 2351.
  • At the end of the episode, reaction shots of Kes were scripted to be shown in response to both The Doctor asking for a personal request and him clarifying that it's a request for a name. In the final version of this scene, however, the shot remains with The Doctor before cutting to a view of Voyager slowly continuing on its journey. The latter shot was not scripted.
  • Speaking about her experience of writing this episode, Jeri Taylor noted, " I love writing people shows and the building of this arc between Janeway and this Romulan commander – which began with his complete doubt, skepticism and weariness, all those Romulan things – in a sense, by long distance, that built into a relationship and closeness and almost a friendship. The idea that by the end he was almost our champion was a lot of fun. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139) Of how the episode ended up, Taylor opined, " The show was fully realized, one of those shows that had a little of everything. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 4/5, p. 40)

Deleted scenes [ ]

Janeway Lambda one

A scene from Janeway's Gothic holonovel

  • Star Trek: Voyager 's writing staff initially planned for this episode to introduce viewers of the series to the concept of a holonovel (which was new to Star Trek: Voyager ) and for the series to thereafter frequently revisit the concept. To this end, Jeri Taylor devised a Wild West holoprogram for Janeway, intended to be part of the episode's teaser . The Western scenario was subsequently discarded but the concept of having the teaser scene serve as an introduction to Janeway's holonovel remained. During the writing of the episode's shooting script, the holographic scenario was changed to being a Gothic mystery, with the teaser scene set in a drawing room of the mid- 19th century . This scene was filmed but, in the long run, virtually everyone wanted to abandon the idea. One reason why the teaser was changed to a shipboard scene was due to Rick Berman finding it more exciting than the originally-planned holonovel one. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 10-12, 18 & 20) The Gothic scene later became the majority of the teaser of the later first season episode " Cathexis ", with slight changes from the version in this episode's shooting script.
  • The first briefing room scene of this episode is immediately followed, in the installment's shooting script, by a scene that involves Kes and Neelix in the latter's kitchen. The scene features Neelix and Kes preparing alien vegetables while Neelix eagerly talks about a discussion he recently had with Janeway, about the possibility of her giving him a field commission and uniform . Neelix is excited that the conversation went well and that Janeway even likened him to Sacajawea . After Kes starts asking Neelix to talk to Janeway about The Doctor's ill-treatment, Neelix tries to dissuade Kes from this idea but his efforts only result in her making the decision to visit the captain herself, an outcome to which Neelix resignedly sighs. Considerable thought went into deciding the fruit for this eventually-cut scene. Originally, a variety of exotic fruit and vegetables was actually planned to be used, including teardrop tomatoes , yucca root , Asian pears, habaneros, jicama, daikon, ginseng, feijoas, bananas , starfruit, prickly pear, and kiwanos. On a suggestion from producer Merri Howard , Rick Berman decided, on 5 December, that the bananas would not be used. He added, " They look too Earthlike. " ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 27)

Sets, props, and wardrobe [ ]

Eye of the Needle bridge

A diagram of Voyager 's bridge, showing what each monitor on the set would display during one scene of this episode

  • This episode did not involve any new or special makeup requirements. As a result, makeup supervisor Michael Westmore did not attend the episode's production meeting. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 15)
  • The episode's script called for only two sets to be used, besides those of Voyager ; these two sets were the environment of Janeway's holonovel and the Romulan bridge (the latter of which evidently utilized modified design elements, such as R'Mor's chair and a graphic to one side of it, that had previously been used for past Romulan episodes, such as TNG : " Face Of The Enemy "). As so few sets were needed, the episode was, in effect, a " bottle show ." The shooting company, including Production Designer Richard James , consequently expected that this episode would be fairly easy to produce. They did not account, however, for stress caused by the pronouncement of the change in act formatting for this episode, as well as ongoing work on "Caretaker". ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 33 & 65) Thankfully, the stress was generally short-lived, lasting (for most people) from the afternoon of Monday, 5 December, to early on Tuesday, 6 December 1994 . ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 331-332)
  • By 5 December, the construction of the set for Janeway's holonovel had sent this episode over its budget, as calculated by construction coordinator Al Smutko , but this was typical of the new series; each of the four preceding episodes had also gone over budget. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 25) Furthermore, the expensive Gothic set was planned to be repeatedly reused, so its cost could be amortized over numerous episodes during the series' run. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 12) Nevertheless, following the pronouncement of the act formatting change on 5 December, Smutko visited Richard James' office to deliver a revised budget estimate, based on the possible need to work some, if not all, of the construction crew additional overtime beyond what had already been expected. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 70) Both James and Smutko were relieved when they separately learned, early the next day, that there would be no need for this, as all sets would work on the days originally scheduled. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 332)
  • Before the production meeting on 5 December, Set Decorator Jim Mees entirely planned out the set decorating for each of the seven days on which this episode would be filming, with set dressings scheduled to be delivered to the sets according to announced shooting days. The announcement of the act format change immediately ruined some of these plans, however. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 26)
  • On 5 December, construction work was developing on the sets for this episode (at least the Gothic mansion required for Janeway's holonovel, if not also the Romulan bridge). ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 19)
  • The production crew considered whether the photograph of Mark with his dog could be changed to a picture of only Mark, despite the facts that the picture had already been shot and that no photographs of Mark without the dog had been taken. Suggestions made were cropping the dog out of the shot and rehiring Mark actor Stan Ivar . On 5 December, Berman agreed on the solution of cropping and enlarging the shot. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 28-29) Evidently, however, this plan did not come to fruition.
  • Considerable thought also went into the design of the metallic test cylinder that is beamed from Voyager onto R'Mor's ship. This prop went through three incarnations during the week prior to 5 December 1994, with each version being shown to Rick Berman. Concerned that the prop look visually interesting and convincingly high-tech, Berman requested additional modifications each time. At the episode's production meeting, he expressed an interest in seeing the cylinder again and, when props master Alan Sims held it up, Berman was still unsatisfied with the design; he wanted it to seem more futuristic, have more blinking lights and look more active than it did. Although Alan Sims attested that he had already spent money on it and that it was practically finished, Berman answered that it looked hardly finished at all. Before their discussion ended, Berman made more suggestions about how the prop could be added to, to make it seem more complex. Shortly after the meeting finished, Alan Sims – just about to leave the half-empty meeting room – made a cell phone call to the model maker and instructed that the cylinder be modified by adding "blinkies" (small, blinking lights) to the prop. Even though such lights required batteries and the prop did not include anywhere for the batteries to be hidden, Sims directed the model maker to hollow out the cylinder and hide the batteries inside. Sims also mentioned to the model maker that he would need the new version of the prop by Thursday, 8 December 1994 . The following day (6 December), however, Sims was elated to learn that the prop had more time to undergo development, as it was not scheduled for use until the end of the subsequent week. He immediately relayed this news to the model maker. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 29, 30, 43 & 332)

Cast and characters [ ]

  • This episode marks the first appearance of veteran Star Trek actor Vaughn Armstrong on Voyager . Of his role in this episode, Armstrong remembered, " I played a pretty popular character, Telek R'Mor […] That was a very nice character to portray because of the conflicts he had within himself […] I love that character. " ( VOY Season 1 DVD special features) Armstrong also cited his role here as one of the richest of all his Star Trek roles. The actor further commented, " [R'Mor] holds a soft spot in my heart because he was from a kind of mean race that still had great family values. He loved his children […] That was a binding factor that I enjoyed about the character. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 9 , p. 44)
  • Metaphorically referring to the function that Telek R'Mor serves in the story, Michael Piller opined, " The mysterious voice on the other end of the telephone line is always a great hook. " Piller was pleased with the way this episode depicts the Romulans, in contrast with how they had been used on TNG. He explained, " It worked very well for this show. We've always sort of used Romulans as stock villains in a World War II way. I always felt the Romulans were the Germans and the Klingons , the Japanese . This was much more multidimensional. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • Director Winrich Kolbe thought this episode involved good character development for Harry Kim. Kolbe stated, " As far as characters are concerned, that was a good showcase for Harry Kim, because he was ready to go home. I thought it was a good challenge for [actor] Garrett Wang and he rose to the occasion. " ( The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine  issue 15 , p. 12) Wang himself reflected, " I had a good time on that, and it was a good story. I thought there were some good levels in that one that I hit. " ( Starlog #222)
  • Janeway actress Kate Mulgrew implied that this was one of numerous episodes she enjoyed because it featured heightened tension and emotions among the regular characters due to an alien confrontation, thereby exhibiting unusual elements of Voyager 's senior staff. " In this case, " Mulgrew continued, " there was a marvelous revealing of The Doctor. He needed to feel he was a part of the crew, and I loved my moments with him in that show. " ( The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine  issue 5 , p. 23)
  • Ethan Phillips ( Neelix ) does not appear in this episode, though Neelix is mentioned.

Production [ ]

Winrich Kolbe and Kate Mulgrew

Director Winrich Kolbe with Kate Mulgrew in Janeway's holonovel costume

  • Before directing this episode, Winrich Kolbe directed most of Voyager 's pilot episode, " Caretaker ", as well as VOY : " Phage ". Prior to 5 December, he had spent days walking around the sets while planning each scene, shot and camera move for this episode. The announcement that the act format would be changing meant he later had to rethink his ideas for certain shots and also had to plan for the new scenes that Jeri Taylor had written for the ends of each act, although the additional planning required was only minimal. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 10, 26 & 332)
  • This episode's bustling production meeting was between 2:16 pm and 2:45 pm on Monday, 5 December (held a typical two days before filming was to commence on the episode). ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 4, 5, 16 & 30) During the meeting, unit production manager Brad Yacobian (who had been the first to arrive, at about 2:00 pm) read aloud the scene descriptions from the entirety of the episode's script, pausing whenever another production staffer (each of whom followed along with their own script copy) spoke up about a scene. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 3-4 & 17) Following discussion about the Gothic teaser scene that would later be removed, a visual effect involving Voyager 's viewscreen was discussed, before Rick Berman made his pronouncement – at the start of the second act – that the act format would be changing. Further decisions made at the production meeting were about the fruits in the eventually-cut scene with Neelix and Kes, The Doctor's materializations in the series in general, the photograph featuring Mark and his dog, and the metallic cylinder prop. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 23-24 & 27-30)
  • As the episode's designated first assistant director, Adele Simmons was tasked – once she received the script later that evening – with preparing revised production boards for this episode, due to the altered endings of the episode's first three acts. The call sheets (basically, master plans for each day's filming) were then based on these revised production boards and, on 6 December, they were distributed to the production staff. It was these call sheets that allayed the shooting company's stresses, as Jeri Taylor had rewritten the act endings in such a way that minimal changes had been needed in the production boards. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 38 & 332)
  • This episode was originally scheduled to start filming at 7:30 am on the morning of Wednesday, 7 December 1994 . ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 7) However, the start of filming on this episode was delayed, due to the previous day's shooting on VOY : " The Cloud " finishing late (specifically, at 12 am, early Wednesday morning). ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 9) The need for prep time and the fact that "Caretaker" reshoots were scheduled for the forthcoming Monday and Tuesday – 12 and 13 December , respectively – meant that filming of this episode had to stop after the first three days. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 329) At 9:15 pm on the evening of Friday, 9 December (the last of this block of days), the shooting company took a break from working on Paramount Stage 8 and Winrich Kolbe walked over to Paramount Stage 18 to examine a reconstructed set for "Caretaker", where he would soon be working. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 333)
  • Work on this episode continued straight after the "Caretaker" reshoots, resuming on Wednesday, 14 December . ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 329) Although the previous day's filming ran late (ending near 11:00 pm), the return to working on this episode was still – as had been scheduled – at 7:30 am, resulting in little sleep for the cast and crew. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 335 & 336). That evening's filming wrapped late enough to delay the following morning's shooting call to 8:30 am. In addition to this one-hour delay in starting, Kolbe filmed even later into Thursday evening. As a result, the first shot on Friday morning was as late as 11:00 am, three-and-a-half-hours later than normal. About mid-afternoon on Friday, filming in the engineering set (on Paramount Stage 9) was distracted by a welcome visit from a ten-year-old Scottish boy who had terminal brain cancer and was shown the bridge set on Stage 8. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 336) At 6:30 pm, the shooting company was filming, on Stage 8, the scene involving Telek in one of Voyager 's transporter rooms. The shooting company had become tired and casually playful. Regular calls for quietness on the stage were ignored but Kolbe (like the other members of the shooting company) was not at all upset that the pleas for quiet had gone unheeded, as he knew that the others on the set were fatigued and needed a break from the tension. Rick Berman paid an unexpected, rare visit to the set, although Kolbe was busy with the filming. Moments later – during shooting of the reactions to Tuvok's revelation that Telek R'Mor was transported from twenty years in the past – Chakotay actor Robert Beltran turned to Tuvok actor Tim Russ and, in a loud manner, innocently asked, " Does that mean we're fucked? " Following a split second of silence, everyone on the set burst out laughing, including Berman. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 336-339) Work was due to proceed late into Friday night and conclude on the following filming day: Monday, 19 December . ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 332)
  • Of the episode's execution, Jeri Taylor remarked, " It was wonderfully directed. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)

Effects [ ]

  • Although visual effects supervisor David Stipes was suffering from a bad cold and was already – as part of his job – generally present at Image G to supervise the filming of motion-control ship models for " Caretaker ", it was his turn (rather than that of fellow visual effects supervisors Ronald B. Moore and Robert D. Bailey ) to serve as the designated visual effects supervisor on this episode. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , pp. 23 & 33-34)
  • During the episode's production meeting, David Stipes asked Jeri Taylor about the magnification of the viewscreen, wondering, " Is this a magnification of the image that's on there, or is it a switching to higher magnification, as in when you switch lenses? " Rick Berman finally settled this issue, deciding to name the effect a "zoom effect," as in "zoom lens." This gave Stipes enough information to design the effect. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 23)
  • His role as the episode's designated visual effects supervisor meant that David Stipes was on the set during the shooting of any scene for which visual effects were planned. ( A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager , p. 33)
  • The music for this episode was composed by long-time Star Trek composer Dennis McCarthy . He commented, " I […] felt it was important to interpret the grief that the Voyager crew felt in 'Eye of the Needle,' when their hopes were dashed after finding that tiny wormhole. I really played that one much stronger than I would have played a show three years ago. In the end, everybody agreed the score really helped the show. " ( The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine  issue 4 , p. 59)

Continuity [ ]

  • This is the first of four Voyager episodes in which at least one flesh-and-blood Romulan makes an appearance. The Season 3 episode " Unity " features a Romulan former- Borg named Orum , Season 4 's " Message in a Bottle " involves a group of Romulan hijackers (led by Rekar and Nevala ) attempting to seize the advanced Starfleet prototype ship USS Prometheus , and the fifth season episode " Infinite Regress " includes an assimilated unnamed Romulan . Furthermore, the Season 7 two-parter " Flesh and Blood " includes three sentient holographic Romulans while the episode " Q2 " (also from the seventh season) includes an unnamed, holographic Romulan diplomat .
  • This is the first of several times the crew of Voyager discover a direct connection between the Alpha Quadrant and Delta Quadrant.
  • Until Star Trek: Enterprise , this episode marked one of the few instances in any Star Trek series where the Gregorian year is explicitly identified – in this case, 2371. Additionally, it marks the second time a character has been asked for the Gregorian year, and given the "wrong" answer; the first was when Captain Jean-Luc Picard asked the question of Captain Morgan Bateson at the end of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode " Cause And Effect ".
  • This episode establishes that Harry Kim is 22 years old at this point in time.
  • R'Mor's native time, 2351, places him in a time before the TNG episode " The Neutral Zone ", which is set in 2364 . In that episode, it is claimed that the Federation had not had contact with the Romulans in almost 54 years (though this has occasionally been overlooked in other, subsequent plots). This would put R'Mor about forty years into a period of non-communication with the Federation, which might explain the Romulans' reluctance to grant Voyager 's request or, alternatively, might make R'Mor's willingness to transmit the crew's messages and arrange a transport an oversight of that TNG plot point.
  • Winrich Kolbe felt that this episode, or at least the plot point about Telek R'Mor visiting the Delta Quadrant via the micro-wormhole, was reminiscent of Star Trek: The Original Series . He noted, " That was interesting in a way that reflected the original Star Trek . " ( The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine  issue 15 , p. 12)
  • In this episode, the Voyager crew gives letters to a Romulan that cannot be given to their intended recipients. In TNG : " The Defector ", a Romulan gives the USS Enterprise -D crew a letter that also cannot be given to its intended recipient.
  • As Starfleet doesn't learn of Voyager 's circumstances until Season 4 's " Message in a Bottle ", it is clear that Starfleet never did receive the crew's letters. Torres surmises at the end of this episode that, in spite of R'Mor's death prior to 2371, he may have passed Voyager 's chip onto the Romulan government. In the Season 7 episode " Inside Man ", Reginald Barclay comments that the Romulans "have always been interested in Voyager ," which may or may not be as a result of having studied the chip after R'Mor's passing.
  • The events of this episode represent the first time (aside from the series premiere " Caretaker ") that the Voyager crew is presented with the possibility of returning home much faster than by conventional warp travel. Jeri Taylor referred to the episode as "the first of our 'we might have a way to get home' stories." She added, " It seemed to resonate with the poignancy and longing of these people to get home. " ( Star Trek - Where No One Has Gone Before , p. 215) Taylor elaborated, " I think it's the first time we felt the loneliness of those people stuck way out there and how important it is to them to find a way home. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 4/5, p. 40) She also noted, " I think it was one of the first shows that genuinely dealt in a complete way with the plight of being in outer space […] This spoke right to the franchise of the show. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • This is also the first episode that implies that B'Elanna Torres' father was Human and that her mother was Klingon. Torres actress Roxann Dawson recalled, " I had initially envisioned her father as a Klingon and her mother as a Human, but, in fact, it wasn't until the second or third episode when I learned that her mother was a Klingon and her father a Human. " ( Star Trek: Communicator  issue 104 , p. 57)
  • The Doctor's search for a name eventually became an arc that spanned the entire series, although he ultimately never did settle on a name in the series' usual timeline. Regarding this arc and its beginnings here, actor Robert Picardo recalled, " At the end of the episode 'Eye of the Needle,' I say I would like to have a name, which I think is one of the sweetest character arcs we've done for me as far as tracking The Doctor's growing sense of personal entitlement. And then, of course, he's gone through a series of names and he's never decided on one. Which I think is one of the nicest jokes the writers have ever come up with–a computer program that is indecisive. " ( Star Trek: Voyager Companion , p. 450)
  • Tuvok continues wearing lieutenant commander insignia.

Reception [ ]

  • Michael Piller was impressed by Jeri Taylor's work on this installment. " I think she did a wonderful job, " Piller enthused. " It turned out to be a great show with a very original premise that you could not do on any other show, where you are on the other side of the universe communicating with somebody through a wormhole […] I think it's very neat […] It's a neat story that's a surprise all the way to the end. A very claustrophobic, interior show […] A real good story with personal stakes. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • Executive Story Editor Kenneth Biller was also pleased with this episode's story. Regarding the narrative device of making the journey home seem more foreseeable but then taking that opportunity away, Biller metaphorically remarked, " The feeling of having the brass ring in your hand and then losing it is really moving. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • This episode achieved a Nielsen rating of 7.7 million homes, and a 12% share. [1] (X)
  • Cinefantastique gave this installment 3 and a half out of 4 stars. ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 4/5, p. 40)
  • In their unofficial reference book Trek Navigator: The Ultimate Guide to the Entire Trek Saga (p. 81), co-writer Mark A. Altman rates this episode 3 out of 4 stars (defined as "good") while fellow co-writer Edward Gross ranks the installment 3 and a half out of 4 stars (defined as "great").
  • The unauthorized reference book Delta Quadrant (p. 27) gives the episode a rating of 9 out of 10.
  • In the lead-up to this episode's VHS release, Star Trek Magazine reviewer Stuart Clark (despite accidentally referring to the episode as "Eye of the Beholder") described this installment as "probably the finest episode of the new series to date," with "a moving story" and "a surprise appearance" by the Romulans. In Star Trek Magazine 's retrospective "Ultimate Guide", the magazine gave this episode 4 out of 5 Starfleet-style arrowhead insignia, also naming it the "3rd" best episode of Voyager 's first season. ( Star Trek Magazine  issue 164 , p. 29)
  • Jeri Taylor believed this episode was a turning point, regarding viewer perception of both Star Trek: Voyager 's main characters and their plight. Taylor explained, " I think it was when the audience began to identify with the characters and realized they are up there [in outer space] and having a hard time. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139)
  • Jeri Taylor was also pleased by the degree to which this episode surprised its audience. She believed that the plot line about the wormhole and the notion of making contact with somebody on the other side of it, with the prospect of getting home, likely would have been enough to sustain the episode. " But the wrinkle that the Romulan was from fifty [sic] years in the past, " she said, " was wholly unexpected. I don't think people saw that coming, and that made it very special. " ( Captains' Logs Supplemental - The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages , p. 139) In fact, Jeri Taylor believed that the episode not only gave Voyager 's writers an opportunity to see "how cruel that is to snatch […] away" a potential route back to the Alpha Quadrant, but also showed them that they were "able to do it in a way that people didn't see coming." Taylor added, " I think there were wrinkles in it that were unexpected. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 27, No. 4/5, p. 40)
  • In a poll conducted by Star Trek Magazine after Season 1 finished its initial broadcast in the UK, this episode came third in the category of favorite VOY episode, the first being a selection for "don't know/haven't seen yet" and the second most popular choice being " Caretaker ". ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 13 , p. 57)
  • Years after having worked as science consultant on Star Trek: Voyager , André Bormanis cited this episode as one of his favorites from the series, stating that it "was a lot of fun." [2]

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 1.4, catalog number VHR 4004, 29 August 1995
  • As part of the VOY Season 1 DVD collection

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway

Also starring [ ]

  • Robert Beltran as Commander Chakotay
  • Roxann Biggs-Dawson as Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
  • Jennifer Lien as Kes
  • Robert Duncan McNeill as Lieutenant Tom Paris
  • Ethan Phillips as Neelix
  • Robert Picardo as The Doctor
  • Tim Russ as Lieutenant Tuvok
  • Garrett Wang as Ensign Harry Kim

Guest stars [ ]

  • Vaughn Armstrong as Telek R'Mor
  • Tom Virtue as Walter Baxter

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Derek Anthony as operations ensign
  • Tarik Ergin as Ayala
  • Heather Ferguson as command officer
  • Norman Gibbs as operations officer
  • Stan Ivar as Mark Johnson (picture)
  • Eva Larson as operations officer
  • Coleman McClary as operations officer
  • Jordan Monheim as sciences officer
  • Louis Ortiz as Culhane
  • John Parsons as Michael Parsons
  • Beth Rogers as Jarvis
  • Lydia Shiferaw as command officer
  • Steph Silvestri as operations officer
  • Simon Stotler as operations ensign
  • Rod Wallace as operations officer

Stand-ins [ ]

  • Mike Fujimoto – stand-in for Garrett Wang
  • Ken Gruz – stand-in for Tom Virtue
  • Sue Henley – stand-in for Kate Mulgrew
  • Cy Kennedy – stand-in for Robert Beltran
  • Nora Leonhardt – stand-in for Roxann Biggs-Dawson
  • Zack Milan – stand-in for Robert Picardo
  • Lemuel Perry – stand-in for Tim Russ
  • Jerry Quinn – stand-in for Robert Duncan McNeill
  • Richard Sarstedt – stand-in for Vaughn Armstrong and Robert Picardo
  • Jennifer Somers – stand-in for Jennifer Lien
  • Simon Stotler – stand-in for Ethan Phillips (deleted scene only)
  • John Tampoya – stand-in for Garrett Wang

References [ ]

47 ; 2349 ; 2350 ; 2351 ; 2353 ; 2367 ; ability ; Alpha Quadrant ; analysis ; anatomy ; Arethian flu ; bearing ; bedside manner ; booster ; burn ; cabin fever ; communications frequency ; cargo vessel ; communicative ; connective tissue ; course ; covariant isolator ; cup ; Delta Quadrant ; Earth ; edema ; eidetic memory ; Emergency Medical program ; epidermal ; epicondylitis ; Federation ; Federation Astronomical Committee ; Federation space ; first aid ; gravitational eddy ; gravitational interference ; gym ; hailing frequency ; hairline fracture ; hamstring ; Hargrove ; Harry Kim wormhole ; head of security ; hypospray ; illusion ; incus ; interspatial eddy ; kilometer ; Kim, John ; Kim, Mary ; Kyoto ; ligament ; low-ranking ; malleus ; Maquis ; matter transmission rate ; medical degree ; medical school ; medical service ; megahertz ; megajoule ; microprobe ; microscope ; micro-wormhole ; middle ear ; minor functionary ; Miral ; Mollie ; muscle ; narrow band filter ; odds ; operations officer ; pajamas ; pear ; phase amplitude ; phase shift ; phase transition coil ; physiology ; piggyback ; Qo'noS ; R'Mor's family ; Romulans ; Romulan Astrophysical Academy ; Romulan Empire ; Romulan Senate ; Romulan space ; Romulan troop ship ; scan analysis ; science vessel ; Sector 1385 ; self-aware ; separation ; shipping lane ; sickbay system ; signal amplifier ; signal generator ; soup ; spinach juice ; stapes ; Starfleet ; Starfleet Medical Academy ; statue ; subspace emission ; sub-space emission scan ; subspace field mechanics ; Talvath ; temporal displacement ; temporal shift ; test cylinder ; theodolite ; torn muscle ; Torres, John ; touch ; transporter ; transporter beam ; transporter coordinates ; transporter log ; transporter protocol ; Transporter Room 1 ; transporter signal ; tympanic membrane ; ulnar bone ; vegetable bouillon ; verteron ; visual link ; Voyager , USS ; will ; wormhole

External links [ ]

  • " Eye of the Needle " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " Eye of the Needle " at Wikipedia
  • " Eye of the Needle " at
  • " Eye of the Needle " at the Internet Movie Database
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Bell Riots


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Eye of the Needle

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The discovery of a wormhole in deep space raises the crew's hopes of finding a shortcut home.

star trek voyager eye of the needle

Michael Cumpsty

Vaughn Armstrong

Vaughn Armstrong

No image (yet).

Tarik Ergin

Cast appearances.

Captain Kathryn Janeway

Kate Mulgrew

Commander Chakotay

Robert Beltran

Lt. B'Elanna Torres

Roxann Dawson


Jennifer Lien

Lt. Thomas Eugene "Tom" Paris

Robert Duncan McNeill

The Doctor

Robert Picardo

Lt. Commander Tuvok

Garrett Wang

Episode discussion.

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star trek voyager eye of the needle

Eye of the Needle Stardate: 48579.4 Original Airdate: February 20 1995

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Star Trek: Voyager S1 E6: "Eye of the Needle" » Recap

Star Trek: Voyager S1 E6: "Eye of the Needle" Recap

The crew figure out a way to use the probe as a communication device and manage to contact the people on the other side, who claim to be a Romulan cargo vessel in the Alpha Quadrant. They don't buy Janeway's story and cut off communications. Janeway suspects that they're actually a science vessel on a secret mission, which is why they're even more paranoid than normal.

Meanwhile, the Doctor is tutoring Kes as his new nurse, and she's a quick study. However, she grows increasingly irritated by the way their patients disrespect him because he's a hologram . She complains to Janeway, who doesn't believe that the Doctor is sentient, but Kes insists that he is and urges her to act. Janeway visits the Doctor and asks if there's anything he needs. He complains about patients shutting him on and off on a whim, so Janeway offers to look into giving him control over when he's on and off. The Doctor is surprised and uncharacteristically appreciative.

The Romulans call back, having confirmed that Janeway's signal indeed originates in the Delta Quadrant. Janeway urges the Romulan captain to relay messages back to the crew's families. He agrees to send her request along to the authorities. To foster more trust between the two ships, they use a signal amplifier to add a visual feed to their communcations, and the two ships are able to see each other. The Romulan captain notes that Voyager looks different than from Federation ships he's seen. Janeway plays on his feelings of homesickness to convince him to ask his government to make a decision on the matter of the crew's messages before the probe is destroyed.

Torres hatches an idea to use the probe as a relay to transport objects between the two ships. If they can make it work, they could beam the whole crew through and go home. Kes delivers the good news to the Doctor, but he reveals that his program is too integrated into the ship's computers to ever leave. Facing eternal solitude on an empty ship, he asks that someone turn his program off before they all go. The crew try beaming a test cylinder onto the Romulan ship, which works. The Romulans are impressed by Starfleet's advanced technology.

Now it's time for people. Unwilling to allow any Starfleet crew aboard his ship, the Romulan captain volunteers to beam aboard Voyager , which also works. After stiff greetings, Tuvok suddenly asks the Romulan what year he thinks it is. Puzzled, the Romulan answers 2351, twenty years earlier than it actually is. The wormhole is not only a portal through space, but time. Janeway decides that it would cause too many problems with the timeline if they went back to the Alpha Quadrant 20 years in the past. The Romulan captain gives his name as Telek R'Mor and promises to give the crew's messages to the Federation in 20 years' time. But after Telek leaves, Tuvok reveals that Starfleet records show that he died several years before the ship vanished, so they can only hope that he gave their messages to someone else beforehand.

Meanwhile, the Doctor asserts himself to a rude patient and earns his respect. After the patient leaves, the Doctor gives Kes a list of things he needs. At the top of the list is a name.

This episode contains the following tropes:

  • Armor-Piercing Question : From Kes to Janeway, after the former sees a patient treat the Doctor (her new mentor) like a non-entity. Kes: So because he's a hologram...he doesn't have to treated with respect, or any consideration at all?
  • Book Ends : The Doctor's examination of Baxter. At first he treats his rudeness as normal. The second examination has the Doctor finally asserting his authority.
  • The Doctor is in typical form:
  • Telek R'Mor doesn't recognise Voyager's design. Janeway points out that it's not classified, and surely the famous Romulan intelligence service already has all the details.
  • Defrosting Ice King : Telek R'Mor starts off as a typically paranoid Romulan Jerkass but warms up to Janeway as the episode progresses.
  • Downer Ending : Tuvok reveals Telek R'Mor died four years before he could have sent their messages to Starfleet, and they've no way of knowing if he made other arrangements.
  • Dr. Jerk : When Kes complains about the way the crew treat the Doctor, Janeway notes that crew has made numerous complaints about they way he treats them.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" : The episode ends with the Doctor asking Kes to help him choose a name.
  • Failure Is the Only Option : It's really no secret that the show isn't going to resolve its series-defining goal after only six episodes.
  • Fanservice : Kate Mulgrew with her hair down, wearing a pink nightie.
  • The phase variance in the wormhole that keeps getting mentioned.
  • The Romulan scientist doesn't recognise Voyager's design, and is surprised at their level of technology.
  • Hope Spot : It's just one after another for Voyager today. They've discovered a wormhole! But it's too small to fly through. But they establish contact with someone! In the Alpha Quadrant! But it's a Romulan, and he doesn't believe Janeway telling him that Voyager is in the Delta Quadrant. But she does convince him that she's telling the truth, and then they discover that they can beam through the wormhole back to the AQ! Except that the wormhole leads back through time, and they won't mess up the timeline. Well, at least the Romulan can tell Starfleet about Voyager after they get stuck in the DQ, so that The Federation will at least know. Except...he died four years before Voyager 's launch. Well, maybe he made some arrangements for that possibility...
  • I'm Standing Right Here : Baxter talks to Kes about the Doctor as if he's not standing right next to him . Unhappy about it, Kes does not respond and lets the Doctor speak for himself.
  • Last Kiss : The Doctor is told that Voyager's crew may be leaving through the wormhole, leaving him behind. Kes spontaneously kisses him on the cheek, to his surprise.
  • Last Request : The Doctor's request to Kes is that if everyone is transported off Voyager, could she please ensure he's been turned off.
  • Message in a Bottle : The crew leave their messages to Telek R'Mor, who promises to forward them to Starfleet twenty years on.
  • The Milky Way Is the Only Way : Janeway says that the wormhole has a one in four chance of getting them to the Alpha Quadrant, implying it can only lead to a point within their galaxy.
  • Namesake Gag : Tom suggests they petition Starfleet to name it the Harry Kim wormhole, as he's the one who found it. Harry looks suitably abashed .
  • Our Wormholes Are Different : The wormhole is too small for Voyager to pass through. They send a probe but it's caught in a tangle of subspace eddies; it turns out the wormhole is very old and is collapsing. Then they find out the wormhole travels not only through space, but time.
  • Photographic Memory : The Doctor believes Kes has an eidetic memory when she remembers details about her medical studies easily. This must be how the Ocampa survive with such a short life span.
  • Recycled Premise : This episode shares a lot with the Deep Space Nine episode " The Sound of Her Voice ," in which the crew spend most of the episode talking to someone far away who turns out to be from the past and already dead.
  • A Shared Suffering : Janeway gets the Romulan scientist to help by getting him to talk about his family, whom he won't see until his three-year mission is over.
  • Stiff Upper Lip : Janeway visibly struggles with her emotions on being told everything they did may have been futile. "Then let's move on. We've got a long way to go."
  • Subspace Ansible : Voyager finds a means to contact the Alpha Quadrant.
  • Team Mum : Although Janeway has trouble thinking of the Doctor as a member of her crew, she does go to Sickbay to listen to his concerns. It's this visit that inspires the Doctor to stand up for himself with Baxter.
  • Temporal Mutability : The crew can't go through the wormhole because it will alter the timeline. The Romulan captain offers to warn Starfleet in twenty years not to send Voyager on its mission. Chakotay shoots down the idea as they've already had an effect on the Delta Quadrant.
  • Time Travel : Turns out the Romulan is from twenty years in the past.
  • The Time Traveller's Dilemma
  • What Is This Feeling? : The Doctor underplays the scene where Janeway offers him autonomous control of his on/off switch. This is a man whose needs have never been up for discussion, and he doesn’t quite know how to respond to the offer .
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human? : The start of the Doctor's stand on his rights, an ongoing theme with his Character Development . At this stage, he doesn't even realise that he has them, and it takes Kes to point out that his opinion matters as well.
  • What Year Is This? : The Wham Line is when Tuvok asks this question of Telek R'Mor after scanning him. He replies that it's 2351 of course. But to Voyager's crew, it's 2371.
  • Write Back to the Future : The Voyager crew give Telek messages to keep for their families. Sadly, historical records show that he dies before he has a chance to pass them on.
  • You Can't Go Home Again : B'Elanna has a Disappeared Dad , is estranged from her Klingon mother, and most of her friends are on Voyager .
  • You Have to Believe Me! : Voyager is able to make contact with the commander of a Romulan vessel on a classified scientific mission, who doesn't believe their story about being on the other side of the galaxy and cuts off transmission. After some persistence, Janeway is able to make contact again and convince him they are telling the truth.
  • Star Trek Voyager S 1 E 5 "The Cloud"
  • Recap/Star Trek: Voyager
  • Star Trek Voyager S 1 E 7 "Ex Post Facto"

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star trek voyager eye of the needle

Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series)

Eye of the needle (1995).

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Eye of The Needle

Harry's sensor sweeps for space anomalies detect a wormhole which Janeway diverts Voyager off course to investigate. Though a probe is able to determine that the wormhole leads homeward to the Alpha Quadrant, the wormhole is too small to travel through. When the probe is scanned by a ship on the other side, the crew begin using it as a relay satellite and make contact with a Romulan ship. Though the Romulan captain is skeptical of Janeway's claim that Voyager is in the Delta Quadrant, he eventually realizes the truth and offers to help transmit messages home. Later, B'elanna discovers a possible way to beam through the wormhole to the Romulan ship, but this method of returning to the Alpha Quadrant is halted by an unforseeable problem.

Voyager, seizoen 1

star trek voyager eye of the needle

star trek voyager eye of the needle

This Star Trek: Voyager Episode Subtly Confirmed Captain Kirk Broke A TOS Promise

  • The Star Trek: Voyager episode "Concerning Flight" referenced TOS's "Requiem For Methuselah," proving Kirk broke a promise.
  • Janeway referencing Kirk supposedly meeting da Vinci reveals the interconnectedness of the Star Trek franchise.
  • Kirk breaking his promise to not reveal da Vinci's identity underscored his more wildcard personality traits.

Star Trek: Voyager 's Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) revealed that Captain Kirk (William Shatner) broke a promise he made during a season 3 episode of Star Trek: The Original Series . Although Voyager and The Original Series didn't tend to have much in common, TOS was a source of inspiration for every Star Trek movie and TV show that came after it, being the father of the franchise and the originator of the Star Trek timeline. As such, Voyager had the occasional obscure reference to TOS throughout its run , including in the season 4 episode, "Concerning Flight."

"Concerning Flight" had an interesting premise that focused on the holographic Leonardo da Vinci (John Rhys-Davies) who had been introduced in the previous two-part episode "Scorpion." Due to an attack by alien pirates, the da Vinci hologram was stolen from the USS Voyager's databanks, and with the help of the Doctor's (Robert Picardo) mobile emitter, had an adventure on an alien planet along with Captain Janeway and Tuvok (Tim Russ) . While Janeway and Tuvok were working on reacquiring da Vinci from the aliens, they had a discussion about the real da Vinci that revealed a surprising TOS Easter egg.

Star Trek: Voyager Cast & Character Guide

In its seven seasons, Star Trek: Voyager introduced many new faces to the Trek universe. Here is a breakdown of the show's main cast and characters.

Star Trek: Voyagers Concerning Flight References TOSs Requiem For Methuselah

"concerning flight" references tos in the context of leonardo da vinci.

While talking about da Vinci with Tuvok in "Concerning Flight," Janeway referenced the fact that Captain Kirk claimed to have met the real da Vinci, although the evidence for the claim was inconclusive. Janeway's comment was a reference to the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Requiem for Methuselah," during which Kirk, Spock (Leonard Nimoy), and Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley) encountered an immortal being going by the name Flint (James Daly) on an alien planet. During the episode, Flint revealed that he had been many famous historical figures from Earth's past, including da Vinci .

Voyager' s creative team clearly did their homework for "Concerning Flight," making sure that the continuity between Voyager and TOS remained solid with a reference like Janeway's comment about Kirk.

Janeway referencing Kirk meeting da Vinci in Voyager is certainly an obscure callback, but also underscores just how interconnected the Star Trek franchise is. Voyager' s creative team clearly did their homework for "Concerning Flight," making sure that the continuity between Voyager and TOS remained solid with a reference like Janeway's comment about Kirk. This would almost certainly have pleased audiences who were aficionados of TOS and Voyager at the time. However, it also reveals that Kirk may have been in the wrong by telling people about meeting Flint .

Star Trek: Voyager Confirms Captain Kirk Broke His TOS "Requiem For Methuselah" Promise

Janeway knowing about kirk meeting da vinci shows that he broke a promise.

Janeway being aware that Kirk met Flint at all shows that Kirk broke a promise he made to Flint towards the end of "Requiem For Methuselah" not to reveal the man's identity. As a trade-off for leaving Flint and his android love interest Rayna (Louise Sorel) alone, despite Kirk being in love with Rayna, Kirk promised that Flint's secret about being da Vinci and several other important historical figures was safe with him. However, Kirk must have documented his encounter with Flint somewhere for Starfleet, or else Janeway would never have mentioned it .

Star Trek: Voyager 's other big connection to The Original Series was revealed in the season 3 episode, "Flashback," which established that Tuvok had served on the USS Excelsior under Captain Hikaru Sulu (George Takei).

Given that Captain Kirk is known for being a wild card character, and the fact that he was at odds with Flint over their mutual feelings for Rayna, it's not completely surprising that he broke his promise about revealing Flint's identity . While it isn't clear when or why Kirk discussed Flint, in Star Trek: Voyager , the matter had apparently become part of the historical record. Ultimately, Kirk breaking his promise to Flint likely mattered little, since Flint's immortality was failing, but it does underscore some of Kirk's less desirable personality traits.

Star Trek: Voyager

Cast Jennifer Lien, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, Robert Duncan McNeill, Roxann Dawson, Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, Jeri Ryan, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo

Release Date May 23, 1995

Writers Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Showrunner Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: The Original Series

Cast Nichelle Nichols, Walter Koenig, William Shatner, George Takei, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelley, James Doohan

Release Date September 8, 1966

Writers Gene Roddenberry

Showrunner Gene Roddenberry

This Star Trek: Voyager Episode Subtly Confirmed Captain Kirk Broke A TOS Promise


  1. Eye of the Needle (1995)

    star trek voyager eye of the needle

  2. STAR TREK: VOYAGER, Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, Tim Russ, 'Eye of the

    star trek voyager eye of the needle

  3. "Star Trek: Voyager" Eye of the Needle (TV Episode 1995)

    star trek voyager eye of the needle

  4. Eye of the Needle (1995)

    star trek voyager eye of the needle

  5. "Star Trek: Voyager" Eye of the Needle (TV Episode 1995)

    star trek voyager eye of the needle

  6. Star Trek: Voyager S1 E6: "Eye of the Needle" Recap

    star trek voyager eye of the needle


  1. Eye of the Needle (episode)

    (A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager, p. 329) Although the previous day's filming ran late (ending near 11:00 pm), the return to working on this episode was still - as had been scheduled - at 7:30 am, resulting in little sleep for the cast and crew. (A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager, pp. 335 & 336). That evening's filming ...

  2. Eye of the Needle (Star Trek: Voyager)

    "Eye of the Needle" is the seventh episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. The screenplay was written by Bill Dial and Jeri Taylor based on a story by Hilary Bader, and it was directed by Winrich Kolbe.It premiered on UPN on February 20, 1995.. In this episode Voyager discovers and explores the nature of a wormhole. [1]

  3. "Star Trek: Voyager" Eye of the Needle (TV Episode 1995)

    Eye of the Needle: Directed by Winrich Kolbe. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Jennifer Lien. When the Voyager crew encounters a wormhole and makes contact with a Romulan ship on the other side, it raises the crew's hopes of getting back to Earth.

  4. "Eye of the Needle"

    Voyager, has managed to achieve excellence in the 6th episode of the series, which is promising. There's still too much technobabble, but finally, the plot of the week is engaging and thoughtful, instead of perfunctory, while the characterisation is as good as ever, adding up to a very satisfying episode.

  5. Watch Star Trek: Voyager Season 1 Episode 7: Star Trek: Voyager

    Eye Of The Needle . SUBSCRIBE . S1 E8 Feb 27, 1995 . Ex Post Facto . SUBSCRIBE . S1 ... Star Trek: Voyager . Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home. On its way, the crew encounters different species they must deal with, but find that ...

  6. Eye of the Needle (Star Trek: Voyager)

    "Eye of the Needle" is the seventh episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. The screenplay was written by Bill Dial and Jeri Taylor based on a story by Hilary Bader, and it was directed by Winrich Kolbe. It premiered on UPN on February 20, 1995.

  7. "Star Trek: Voyager" Eye of the Needle (TV Episode 1995)

    When the Voyager crew encounters a wormhole and makes contact with a Romulan ship on the other side, it raises the crew's hopes of getting back to Earth. The Voyager crew detects a wormhole in the Delta Quadrant, and immediately changes course with hopes it will provide passage home. Upon reaching the opening, the find it to be too small for ...

  8. Eye of the Needle

    Episode Guide for Star Trek: Voyager 1x07: Eye of the Needle. Episode summary, trailer and screencaps; guest stars and main cast list; and more.

  9. Eye of the Needle

    S1 E7: The crew is overjoyed to find a wormhole leading to the Alpha Quadrant, only to find that it is micro-sized and terminates in the Romulan Empire. The lone Romulan they contact, however, eventually seems won over to helping them.

  10. Watch Star Trek: Voyager

    Watch Star Trek: Voyager - S1:E6 Eye of the Needle (1995) Online | Free ...

  11. "Star Trek: Voyager" Eye of the Needle (TV Episode 1995)

    A TV episode of the sci-fi series Star Trek: Voyager, directed by Winrich Kolbe and written by Bill Dial and Jeri Taylor. See the full cast and crew list, including Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, and more.

  12. The Voyager Transcripts

    The Voyager Transcripts - Eye of the Needle. Eye of the Needle Stardate: 48579.4 Original Airdate: February 20 1995. Captain's log, stardate 48579.4. The crew has been scanning constantly for anomalies that might help us shorten our journey home. Ensign Kim has reported an exciting discovery. A subspace disturbance which may be a wormhole.

  13. Star Trek: Voyager S1 E6: "Eye of the Needle"

    Subspace Ansible: Voyager finds a means to contact the Alpha Quadrant.; Team Mum: Although Janeway has trouble thinking of the Doctor as a member of her crew, she does go to Sickbay to listen to his concerns.It's this visit that inspires the Doctor to stand up for himself with Baxter. Temporal Mutability: The crew can't go through the wormhole because it will alter the timeline.

  14. Why Voyager

    Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager, this is one of 50 episode reviews of the 4th live-action series in the Star Trek franchise.Tweet us @...

  15. Star Trek: Voyager: Season 1

    Eye of the Needle (1995) ← Back to episode. The Cloud (1x5) Ex Post Facto (1x7) Season Regulars 9. Kate Mulgrew. Kathryn Janeway Robert Picardo. The Doctor Roxann Dawson. B'Elanna Torres Jennifer Lien. Kes Tim Russ. Tuvok Garrett Wang. Harry Kim Robert Duncan McNeill ...

  16. [Discussion Thread] S01E07

    Harry Kim's dreams dashed count: 1. Really, imagine being Kim after seven years of this shit, he will still look up and smile at every chance of getting home. Starfleet's an admirable eternal optimist. Good job on Janeway reminding us and the Romulan that we are all people and appealing to spacefarer comradeship over politics.

  17. Star Trek: Voyager season 1 Eye of the Needle

    Star Trek: Voyager follows the adventures of the Federation starship Voyager, which is under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway.Voyager is in pursuit of a rebel Maquis ship in a dangerous part of the Alpha Quadrant when it is suddenly thrown 70,000 light years away to the Delta Quadrant. With much of her crew dead, Captain Janeway is forced to join forces with the Maquis to find a way back ...

  18. "Star Trek: Voyager" Eye of the Needle (TV Episode 1995)

    The point of Voyager is for the crew to be stuck in the delta quadrant, so we know the premise of this story is a false dawn. However, the desperation and hope portrayed in the characters makes the situation feel real. There is a nice little twist in the tale which gives Janeway a dilemma, to which she responds in a quintessentially Star Trek way.

  19. Question about Voyager S01E06

    Question about Voyager S01E06 - "Eye of the Needle". Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Federation's diplomatic relationship with the Romulans significantly improves between when those things occur and when Voyager is lost. While the Romulans and Federation aren't friendly, they share some level of mutual ...

  20. Voyager: Eye of the Needle : r/startrek

    2. Jaffa2. • 1 yr. ago. the wormhole in "Eye of the Needle" that leads to Romulan space twenty years prior has, presumably, been there for a very long time. I'm not sure you can make that conclusion, as that'd imply it was the second stable wormhole in the galaxy (the other being at Bajor), without the assistance of the Prophets to ...

  21. Eye of The Needle

    Harry's sensor sweeps for space anomalies detect a wormhole which Janeway diverts Voyager off course to investigate. Though a probe is able to determine that the wormhole leads homeward to the Alpha Quadrant, the wormhole is too small to travel through. When the probe is scanned by a ship on the other side, the crew begin using it as a relay satellite and make contact with a Romulan ship.

  22. Eye of the Needle

    Eye of the Needle - Voyager S1 E7. So I finished DS9 for the first time a couple of days ago, and I was sad it was over. After reading mixed reviews of Voyager, I was wondering how I would like it. As of right now, I'm loving how this series is going, and I've enjoyed every episode. The last episode I watched was Eye of the Needle.

  23. Star Trek's Ronald D. Moore Told Us The Voyager Storylines He Pitched

    The idea of Voyager leading a fleet of ships through the Delta Quadrant is intriguing and something I would've loved to see. Unfortunately, I feel some of the most advanced civilizations the crew ...

  24. This Star Trek: Voyager Episode Subtly Confirmed Captain Kirk ...

    Star Trek: Voyager's Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) revealed that Captain Kirk (William Shatner) broke a promise he made during a season 3 episode of Star Trek: The Original Series.Although ...

  25. Voyager

    I recently started re-watching Voyager, and the last episode I watched was Eye of the Needle (season 1 episode 7). In this episode, Voyager discovered a wormhole that allowed them to talk to a Romulan who was in the alpha quadrant. They also found that they could beam people through the wormhole.