Cygnus-X1.Net: A Tribute to Star Trek

U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656

The USS Voyager NCC-74656 was one of the four of its kind made with newly advanced technology that makes it so advanced from the other previous Starships. Its length measures 344 metres and its width is 130 metres wide. The Voyager is an Intrepid-class Starship. This ship can hold two hundred crew members�though only one hundred and fifty four crew members were recruited when it was first sent into the Badlands to find the Maquis. The crew complement however, was somewhat reduced throughout its journey in the Delta Quadrant due to frequent encounters with hostile aliens or anomalies. To compensate, new recruits were added to the positions needing fulfilling.

There are fifteen decks on the Voyager�Deck One being the top of the saucer and Deck Fifteen being the lowest deck. The Bridge, the center of all operations, is on Deck One. The main source of power to the ship's systems is located on Decks Ten and Eleven being Main Engineering.

Intrepid-class ships are new classes of Starships with advanced technology. It costs relatively less than a Galaxy-class ship. It was built to defend against the Cardassians, Maquis, and the Borg, where the starship is highly maneuverable and was designed for tactical missions.

Some of its features are its bioneural gel packs, systems to increase isolinear processors, variable geometry warp nacelles which allows high-warp flight, and an Emergency Medical Hologram which is also installed into this class to handle health of the crew in emergency situations when the resident Doctor is not available. The EMH has become the ship's main medical personnel when the Voyager's original doctor was killed in action during their encounter with the Caretaker when they first entered the Delta Quadrant.

One feature that other Intrepid-class ships do not have is the (ten times more accurate) advanced Astrometrics Laboratory. The technological advancement to the ship with Borg technology was added during the alliance between the Borg and the crew of Voyager in 2374, stardate 51003.7.

As advanced as the intrepid-class is there are two minor offsets with the ships: they are not designed for families and the replicators are not the most reliable.

But like all Starships, the Voyager includes a set of structural and operation systems�Self-destruct and warp-core ejection, escape pods, jefferies tube network, bussard ramscoops, reaction control systems, docking bays, and fluid handling systems.

The U.S.S Voyager NCC-74656 is an Intrepid-class starship. As is the case with all Starfleet ships, the bridge is on Deck 1, at the top of the command saucer. On the bridge, the captain and her senior officers acquire instrument and sensor data, control command functions, access the main computer, analyze situations, and take any action that seems proper. The bridge is the brain of the ship.

The bridge area is decorated in tones of silver, gray, and chrome. Control surfaces are black, with the usual array of colored pads arranged into a keyboard. Because the sophisticated onboard computer is capable of determining and executing all routine operations, trained crew members are able to control the ship with a minimum of keystrokes. When it is necessary to enter directional information, one may use the circular 'joystick' pad.

- Navigatie Control-Section B-7 - Antimaterie Tanks - Warp Engine Core - Reserve Warp Engine Core - Escape Pod Access

Forgotten Trek

Designing the Starship Voyager

Development of the fourth Star Trek series started in the middle of 1993, during the last season of The Next Generation and the second season of Deep Space Nine . Executive Producer Jeri Taylor decided as early as August that the new ship should be sleeker and smaller than the Enterprise -D.

Rick Sternbach, who was then working as an illustrator and tech consultant on The Next Generation , was brought on board the following month. He wasted no time getting the design process started.

It was the first lead ship Sternbach designed. He had been responsible for various alien ships and shuttlecraft on The Next Generation , including the runabout, but his predecessor, Andrew Probert, had created the Enterprise -D.

Sternbach’s early sketches of Voyager show a streamlined vessel with a dart-like primary hull and a flattened, elongated engineering section, sporting swept-back runabout-like warp pylons.

Voyager concept art

Pieces were added and subtracted and hull contours, both gently curved and angular, were explored in perspective over the course of weeks and months. Hull cross sections were drawn in blue pencil to check internal deck heights, total number of decks and overall ship length. Sternbach prepared comparisons with familiar Starfleet vessels to help the producers decide.

They added to his challenge by deciding Voyager should be able to land on a planetary surface. That meant the ship needed deployable landing gear.

By the spring of 1994, something resembling the Voyager we know had emerged. The slightly angular dart front had been smoothed off and nestled into the engineering section — still assuming a separation capability — and sweeping pylons ended in a set of long nacelles. The nacelles had doors to open up the warp coils for some kind of new energy jump. Impulse thrusters were buried underneath, similar to the runabout, and a large triangular wedge sat atop the ship, possibly acting as a scout craft or long-range sensor array.

Voyager concept art

Notable details included a large forward sensor cutout and a stepped engineering hull that supported a ring of large cargo bays and impulse engines. The former would stay, the latter was eliminated.

Fast-looking ship

This was a fast-looking ship, with a hint of solid engine hardware showing on the outside.

When the producers signed off, Sternbach proceeded to the initial blueprint and study-model stages. He scaled up a top plan view of the ship to a length of 48 inches, the presumed size of the motion-control model. From this, he derived bottom, side, fore and aft views. The side elevation and resulting cutaway suggested that the ship would be about 1,000 feet long, the same size as Kirk’s Enterprise .

Voyager cutaway

Following the Starfleet tradition, Sternbach reserved space for the bridge on Deck 1 and a variety of placeholder windows on the hull, which would be built into standing sets.

Windows are an important design factor, because of the coordination needed between the studio and outside model makers for continuity between the exterior and interior of the ship. Since Voyager would be smaller than the Enterprise -D, the windows would be proportionately larger and more visible on the television screen. That made it even more important that they matched the sets.

Just as Sternbach was about to produce a final set of blueprints for the model makers (he had even produced a small mock-up model himself), Taylor came back and asked if he could not make Voyager a little curvier after all.

Saucer separation was no longer necessary. This allowed Sternbach to integrate the primary and secondary hulls more smoothly.

Voyager concept art

Sternbach continued to play with the nacelle placement. Should they be on pylons, like on the Enterprise -D? Or downturned, like a runabout? Early in July, the final nacelle movements were completed with the 45-degree wing-up angle being approved by the producers.

Building the miniature

Sternbach drew up five orthographic projections of the final version: top, bottom, starboard, forward and aft elevations. These went to the model builders in August: Tony Meininger’s Brazil Fabrication. They also received detailed sketches from Sternbach as to intended function, color or whether a lighting effect was required.

Voyager thruster concept art

Two months later, Meininger delivered the model to Image G for shooting, although some modifications and detailing continued until December.

Voyager came on the air at a time when huge advancements were being made in computer-generated imagery (CGI). Over the course of the first few seasons, models were phased out and digitally-created starships entered service. By Season 4, in 1997, Meininger’s studio model had become obsolete. It was sold off at auction in 2006 to an Englishman for $110,000.

Stock footage of the model continued to be used. You can tell the two versions apart from the windows underneath the shuttlebay. The windows are lighted in the CGI model. There was no room to install electrical wiring in the physical miniature, who whenever those windows are dark, you know you’re looking at the real thing.

Voyager model

Thank you for this cool online resource! The Eaglemoss Designing Starships volumes 1 and 2 have 50-75 percent of the drawings featured on the site, when the topics align, but it’s that last 25-50 percent that’s really special. Seeing rough versions, or extra angles, or so forth, is very rewarding for me. I understand that there’s only so much space in a paper book, but that’s what makes the digital delivery medium interesting! Plus, you have lots of concept art for sets, while the hardback collections I have focus almost entirely on the ship models. Any set details are incidental, when they were referenced in the ship blueprints (like some of the deck detailing on the Voyager cutaways here).

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Published Dec 15, 2014

Celebrating the Ships of the Line: USS Voyager NCC-74656

star trek voyager ship layout

The USS Voyager NCC-74656 was an Intrepid-class starship launched in 2371 by Starfleet. Under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, the ship was relatively small, with a length of 343 meters, a crew complement of 160 and just 15 decks, but she boasted several innovations that set her apart from other ships in the fleet, including variable geometry warp nacelles, an Emergency Medical Holographic program, bio-neural circuitry, quantum torpedoes, tricobalt devices and spatial charges. The Voyager needed all of that and more -- not to mention her sustainable cruise velocity of warp factor 9.975 -- when she wound up trapped for seven years (2371-2378) in the Delta Quadrant.

star trek voyager ship layout

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Many illustrations originally created for the Star Trek Fact Files and Star Trek: The Magazine . All images cleaned up for publication on this site. Some modified to represent different canon bridges. Special thanks to Tadeo D'Oria , Donny Versiga , BobyE, Andy Kinnear , Erwin , Gilso and A Call to Duty .

star trek voyager ship layout

Last modified: 24 Aug 2023

star trek voyager ship layout

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What's your "Ideal" Bridge Layout/Design for "Your StarShip"?

  • Thread starter KamenRiderBlade
  • Start date Sep 27, 2020



Rear admiral.

  • Sep 27, 2020

I'm sure many of us have at least one StarShip in our mind that we would like to design, some of us have more than one. But what would your "Ideal" Bridge Layout/Design be for each StarShip that you care about. Feel free to use whatever is easiest to show a simple diagram if that's what is necessary to convey your design / layout.  


TNG for me. It's almost perfect, other than the fact that the Tactical station really, really needs a seat.  


Love the TMP bridge but my fave is the Ent D from Generations.  


I love the Excelsior design in III. It feels spacious, technologically advanced, and doesn't have awkward railings in the way of everything. And unlike the TNG bridge, it doesn't have a lot of empty space. Sure there might be need for a few more access points but overall this feels like a good bridge. Excelsior bridge [Image converted to link]  

star trek voyager ship layout

Additional Pylon


Unicron said: I edited several images into links, because they were hotlinked from Ex Astris Scientia and that's not the way to to go. EAS in particular hates that. For future reference, use an image host like Imgur and upload that way. Click to expand...

C.E. Evans

My ideal bridge concept was one that was rejected for the USS Voyager . I love this bridge design, especially for a smaller science or scout starship.  


The King of Kings

TOS 1701 works for me.  

going in the opposite direction my least favorite bridge is the original Excelsior bridge. It's too large and too busy. I said NX-01, but if I am going to include all star trek ships, the Ktinga class ship from TMP has a very well thought out bridge, with the floor suspended on shock-absorbers for stability. I just wouldn't want to spend a lot of time there. But it's an excellent design.  

star trek voyager ship layout

  • Sep 28, 2020
RichT said: Hard to argue with this bridge by Tadeo D'Oria – basic layout of the Enterprise -D bridge but with improved side and aft stations, avoiding the cramped feel it had in Generations , and with a rather splendid wooden floor. Failing that, I was always a fan of the Excelsior bridge from The Undiscovered Country and the Enterprise-B bridge from Generations . Click to expand...
BillJ said: Pretty slick. Though I don’t like the changing of the various chairs. Looks like it the bridge is supposed to be for the Nebula class going by the MSD on the rear console. Click to expand...

You know, the one thing I do appreciate from "The Orville" is the Cup Holders on the bridge at each station. It's pretty practical to at least have one of those at each station. But I would prefer a standardized "Tumbler-Style" Closed Drink Cannister that every officer can bring along and put in a deep Cup-Holder designed for the standardized "Tumber" After visiting Tadeo D Oria's ArtStation page, I do like the concept of having some of the major stations have giant labels on them so that we can know their functions.  

Fleet Admiral

I'd settle for a bridge where not everybody faces away from the Captain and has to mangle his or her spine when delivering the crucial report. Timo Saloniemi  

Timo said: I'd settle for a bridge where not everybody faces away from the Captain and has to mangle his or her spine when delivering the crucial report. Click to expand...

...And then lock them in the Captain-facing position, install the consoles accordingly, and everybody is happy. Timo Saloniemi  

Timo said: ...And then lock them in the Captain-facing position, install the consoles accordingly, and everybody is happy. Timo Saloniemi Click to expand...



star trek voyager ship layout

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Memory Alpha

Maquis raider

The Maquis raider was a type of raider that was frequently utilized by the Maquis in their fight against the Cardassians during the early 2370s . Their small, maneuverable design made them ideal for operating in the Badlands . ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

  • 2.1 Propulsion systems
  • 2.2 Defensive systems
  • 2.3 Interior design
  • 3 Ships of the class
  • 4.1 Appearances
  • 4.2 Background information
  • 4.3 Apocrypha
  • 4.4 Further reading
  • 4.5 External link

History [ ]

In 2371 , Chakotay 's Maquis cell operated the raider Val Jean , when they were pursued by the Cardassian Galor -class warship Vetar under the command of Gul Evek . The raider was an old craft; still using its rebuilt engine, it was no match for the much larger vessel and took refuge in the Badlands . While there, it was scanned by a tetryon beam and catapulted to the Delta Quadrant by an entity known as the Caretaker . The ship was later destroyed when, in order to protect the likewise marooned USS Voyager , it rammed and crippled a Kazon vessel operated by the Kazon-Ogla . The Maquis were transported aboard Voyager and forced to join the Starfleet crew for the trip home. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

In 2372 , Kasidy Yates ' freighter , the SS Xhosa , rendezvoused with a Maquis raider inside the Badlands . ( DS9 : " For the Cause ") And in 2373 , several ships of this type participated in Maquis offensives against the USS Malinche , the USS Defiant , and Quatal Prime . ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

Long after the demise of the Maquis, at least one vessel of this class remained in service and was docked at Starbase 25 in 2381 . ( LD : " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers ")

Technical data [ ]

Propulsion systems [ ].

Some of these raiders operated with impulse engines originally built around 2332 . ( VOY : " Caretaker ") Their maximum warp was around warp 9 , or comparable to that of a Defiant -class starship. ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

The ship's maximum warp was based on the fact that both Eddington's raider and the Defiant departed the same planet on course for the same destination within minutes of each other; however, it was stated that it would take the Defiant twenty-two minutes to catch Eddington, indicating whatever advantage in speed the Defiant had, it was minimal. Later Eddington told Sisko that, with regards of his ship, he couldn't outrun the Defiant , suggesting otherwise.

Defensive systems [ ]

These vessels were armed with wing-mounted phaser banks and the torpedo system consisted of four launchers , capable of firing either photon or stratospheric torpedoes . They were tactically inferior to larger Defiant - or Galor -class warships .

In one engagement against the Vetar , it was favorable to reroute weapon power to the Val Jean 's impulse generators to increase escape speed, with B'Elanna Torres addressing the situation by stating that " We're not making a dent in their shields anyway! " ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

In another engagement, Kira Nerys considered a Maquis raider to be "no match for the Defiant ," a fact later also admitted by Eddington, who stated, " I can't outrun or outfight the Defiant", despite managing to elude it for quite some time. ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

Outer wing phasers

Interior design [ ]

This type of ship had a cockpit which held four console stations , was not unlike that of a runabout in basic design.

The pilot sat in the forward port position, and the starboard forward position was the engineering station .

To the pilot's upper left was the ship's viewer , further back along the port side was the tactical station . A fourth station was located further back along the starboard bulkhead , opposite of tactical. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

This type of vessel could also be equipped with holo-communicators . ( DS9 : " For the Uniform ")

Pilot's position and starboard station aboard the cockpit

The cockpit of the Val Jean was a re-dress of the Danube -class runabout set from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , with older-style display graphics first used in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier .

This class also had transporters ; with a transporter pad adjacent to, or easily accessible from, the bridge . ( DS9 : " For the Uniform "; VOY : " Caretaker ")

Ships of the class [ ]

  • Eddington's raider

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " For the Cause "
  • " For the Uniform "
  • " Caretaker " (first appearance)
  • " Repression " (model, sketch, and display graphic)
  • " An Embarrassment Of Dooplers "
  • " A Few Badgeys More "

Background information [ ]

Val Jean - displacement wave graphic

Val Jean graphic appearing as a fighter

The name "Maquis raider" was mentioned in dialogue in the Deep Space Nine episodes "For the Cause" and "For the Uniform". It was also displayed on the computer graphic Teero Anaydis was looking at in Voyager episode "Repression". According to Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 4 (p. 112), a poster created for the set in "Repression" used the name " Ju'day -class", for Star Trek archivist Penny Juday .

A graphical error was made in the Voyager premiere "Caretaker", where an overhead view of the Val Jean was misrepresented by an overhead view of a Federation attack fighter .

Kazon fighters bearing down on the USS Voyager and Val Jean

Dorsal view of the Val Jean and the USS Voyager

According to the visual effects supervisor for the Voyager premiere "Caretaker", David Stipes explained that "the Maquis ship is one-fifth the size of Voyager , and that (model) is nearly two feet long. So I needed to be in North Hollywood to shoot it!" ( Star Trek: Communicator  issue 105 , p. 59) Stipes succeeded in his goal, as was demonstrated in the shot where the Val Jean pulls up alongside the USS Voyager towards the Caretaker's array . Given that ship's accepted length of 343 meters , and the visual and technical reference to their difference in sized, the size of the raider translates into about sixty-eight meters.

For further information on the studio model that served as both the fighter and the raider, please see: Maquis raider model .

Although they shared the same basic design, the raider was somewhat larger than the Maquis fighter , with an altered cockpit and different detailing, since the interior set was represented by a redress of Danube -class runabout cockpit rather than a redress of the Nenebek shuttle interior.

The Maquis raider was also used as the secondary hull of the Starfleet Yeager -type starship. That ship type also consisted of parts from the Intrepid -class , making the raider-segment of the ship much larger in scale than the ships used by the Maquis. [1] (X)

Star Trek Official Starships Collection Issue 28

According to Issue #28 of Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection , the Ju'day -class raider was approximately 68.5 meters in length (twice the size of its fighter progenitor), had a maximum speed of warp factor 9, and a crew complement of 30.

Apocrypha [ ]

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game named this ship type as the " Condor -class". It also gave the name Guingouin ( β ) to one of the Maquis raiders visible in the episode " For the Uniform ".

Further reading [ ]

  • Star Trek Fact Files issues 55 & 144

External link [ ]

  • Condor class at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Christopher Russell


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    Dorsal view of the Val Jean and the USS Voyager. According to the visual effects supervisor for the Voyager premiere "Caretaker", David Stipes explained that "the Maquis ship is one-fifth the size of Voyager, and that (model) is nearly two feet long.So I needed to be in North Hollywood to shoot it!" (Star Trek: Communicator issue 105, p. 59) Stipes succeeded in his goal, as was demonstrated in ...