1. PPT

    tourism policy eu

  2. 6. c.pesce an explanatory analysis into european union law overview o…

    tourism policy eu

  3. For a new EU integrated tourism policy

    tourism policy eu

  4. OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2022

    tourism policy eu

  5. PPT

    tourism policy eu

  6. EU Launches Tourism Dashboard to Support Destinations, Public

    tourism policy eu


  1. Policy overview

    The European Union supports, coordinates and complements the actions of EU countries related to tourism. EU tourism policy aims to maintain Europe's position as a leading global destination and to turn Europe into a sustainable destination, bearing also its social and environmental aspects. Some objectives are, notably, to maximise the ...

  2. New European agenda for tourism

    The Council has adopted conclusions setting out a European Agenda for Tourism 2030, which includes a multi-annual EU work plan to help member states, public authorities, the Commission and stakeholders make the tourism sector greener and more sustainable, resilient and digitalised. Since the age of Marco Polo, travelling and discovering new ...

  3. Tourism

    The European Commission is running a campaign to promote opportunities for students, job seekers and employers in tourism. Overview of EU tourism policy EU policy aims to maintain Europe's standing as a leading destination while maximising the industry's contribution to growth and employment and promoting cooperation between EU countries ...

  4. Guide on EU funding for tourism

    13 JULY 2023. Guide on EU funding for tourism. English. (HTML) Download. This online guide highlights the wide range of funding programmes financed by the new budget, multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, and Next Generation EU. With these resources and this guide, we're supporting the move towards a more digital, sustainable and ...

  5. Tourism

    Tourism is a major economic activity in the European Union, accounting for 10% of its GDP, with wide-ranging impact on economic growth, employment and social development. It can be a powerful tool in fighting economic decline and unemployment. EU policy aims to maintain Europe's standing as a leading destination, while maximising the industry ...

  6. PDF Re-starting tourism in the EU amid the pandemic

    The coronavirus pandemic has hit the tourism sector hard. The impact on various tourist destinations in the EU has been asymmetrical and highly localised, reflecting differences in types of tourism on offer, varying travel restrictions, the size of domestic tourism markets, level of exposure to international tourism, and the importance of ...

  7. European tourism policy: Its evolution and structure

    This article reviews the procedural complexity of tourism policy-making by the European Commission leading up to the 2010 Communication. Initially, the European Commission had to present interventions affecting tourism as a community action or measure; intended to assist in the implementation of the Internal Market.

  8. PDF European Union and Tourism Policy

    Europe, the world's top tourism destination, Covid-19 crisis has been especially tough. 23 million EU jobs (around 12%) of the region's workforce depend on tourism in one way or another. Estimates of the drop in revenue for 2020 are: 60% for hotels and restaurants; 60% for airlines and airports;

  9. European tourism legislation

    How does EU legislation impact tourism? A legislative act brings EU policy into law. Everything the EU does is reflective of the over-arching treaties, which are democratically approved by all EU countries. The objectives of the EU treaties are achieved through various types of legislation. Regulations. A regulation is a binding legislative act.

  10. New European agenda for tourism

    New European agenda for tourism. The Council has adopted conclusions setting out a European Agenda for Tourism 2030, which includes a multi-annual EU work plan to help member states, public authorities, the Commission and stakeholders make the tourism sector greener and more sustainable, resilient and digitalised. interaction and broadening our ...

  11. Transition pathway for tourism

    Transition pathway for tourism. On 10 March 2020, the Commission adopted a new industrial strategy. The aim was to help EU industry lead the green and digital transformations and to boost the EU's global competitiveness and open strategic autonomy. In light of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, the update of the EU industrial strategy ...

  12. Sustainable EU Tourism

    The "Sustainable EU Tourism - Shaping the Tourism of Tomorrow" project provides support to EU tourism destinations as they navigate towards greater sustainability and resilience, in line with the Transition Pathway for Tourism.. Throughout the project's duration (December 2023 to December 2025), emphasis will be placed on ensuring the economic, social, and cultural well-being of local ...

  13. Texts adopted

    European Parliament resolution of 25 March 2021 on establishing an EU strategy for sustainable tourism ( 2020/2038 (INI)) The European Parliament, - having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), in particular Article 195 thereof, - having regard to Article 349 TFEU, which establishes a specific regime for the ...

  14. Policy Priorities

    Key Policy Priorities for the Tourism Sector. In order to formulate effective tourism policies, a holistic European approach is needed considering the multiple impacts of the sector as well as the wide spectrum of stakeholders involved or affected by tourism. This was recognised by the Treaty of Lisbon, which by article 195 of the TFEU gives to ...

  15. PDF Special Report 27/2021: EU Support to tourism

    The EU has a complementary role in tourism policy, supporting and coordinating the actions taken by the Member States. There was no dedicated EU budget for tourism in the 2014-2020 period. The financial support to tourism c ould be provided through multiple EU programmes. This continues to be the case for the 2021-2027 period. III

  16. PDF The EU tourism policy

    The EU tourism policy By: Misa Labarile European Commission, DG GROW. Strategy . Key developments in the EU Co-creationof the Transition Pathway for Tourism Publication of the Transition Pathway for Tourism Pledges & commitments from stakeholders MS endorseme nt through EU Agenda for Tourism 2030 T4T Expert Group to help

  17. PDF EU tourism policy priorities and actions2014-2019

    EU tourism policy General objective: enhance the competitiveness of EU tourism sector and complement actions of EU Member States Main priorities: Framework conditions: improve regulatory and business environment for EU tourism businesses and stimulate smart investment in tourism Smart tourism: innovation, digital transformation, including the ...

  18. EU tourism statistics and reports

    The EU tourism dashboard is an online knowledge tool aimed at monitoring the green and digital transitions of the tourism ecosystem to make tourism more resilient and sustainable. The dashboard visualises tourism-relevant data and indicators collected from available, trusted sources covering the tourism ecosystem. It offers snapshot views of ...

  19. Social Aspects of Tourism Policy in the European Union. The Example of

    The renewed Tourism Policy of Europe was introduced in 2007 with the publication of Action for more sustainable European tourism report by the Tourism Sustainability Group (TSG), which indicated three goals, including one assuming equality and social cohesion (Denman and Mihalič 2007, p. 3).

  20. Europe Has a New Economic Engine: American Tourists

    An unprecedented tourism boom in southern Europe is turbocharging growth in places that had become bywords for economic stagnation. But some economists think it could end badly.

  21. The regulation of tourism activity in Europe

    The EU has specific legislation to make sure tourists are not left defenceless when faced with problems. This regulation is of great interest if your company is a travel agency or any type of intermediary agency. The European policy in favour of consumers aims to safeguard the health, safety and interests of consumers, as set out in Article 169 ...

  22. French market contagion 'relatively limited' amid snap election

    French equity markets (^FCHI, ^SBF120) are seeing moves higher after the far-right National Rally party secured a first-round lead in France's snap election. Goldman Sachs Asset Management fixed ...

  23. Tourism transition pathway cocreation

    The updated EU Industrial Strategy highlights the need to accelerate the green and digital transition of EU industry and its ecosystems. To that end, it proposes working together with industry, public authorities, social partners and other stakeholders to design and implement transition pathways for each ecosystem.. Tourism, as the most heavily hit ecosystem by the COVID-19- crisis, will be ...

  24. Major challenges for EU tourism and policy responses

    Major challenges for EU tourism and policy responses. Briefing 16-05-2017. Constituting the third-largest economic activity in the EU, tourism is of considerable importance as a source of economic growth, regional development and employment. Although it has been badly affected by the economic crisis in the past years, tourism has proved ...

  25. PDF Tourism

    Tourism is a major economic activity in the European Union, accounting for 10% of its GDP, with wide-ranging impact on economic growth, employment and social development. It can be a powerful tool in fighting economic decline and unemployment. EU policy aims to maintain Europe's standing as a leading destination, while maximising the industry ...