travel challenges couples

Going away with your partner for the very first time can be quite the adventure. Regardless of whether you're newly dating or have been together for quite some time, you can never really guess how your first trip together as a couple will actually turn out. With all the fun, you can expect there to be challenges. Luckily, many of those challenges are fairly common and can be overcome.

"Traveling together can be extremely revealing," Dating Coach and Resident Sex Expert for My First Blush , Laurel House, tells Bustle. Deciding when you should travel together for the first time really depends on you and how comfortable you are with the idea. Some people like getting it out of the way early on in what House calls a "Make-or-Break Vacation Date."

Basically that's what happens when you've just started dating someone and are in a place where you're ready to find that one you want to be with forever. "You aren’t interested in playing games or wasting time," she says. "You found someone who you think has real potential, and you’re ready to see the reality of who they are."

When you go away with someone you will definitely learn a lot about them like their habits, how they treat people, how they are in the mornings, etc. Traveling has a way of expediting the getting-to-know-you process.

"Traveling together creates an environment that encourages transparency," House says. "Unlike Friday night dates, it isn't about being 'on' all the time. Instead, it's about being real."

Ideally, your first trip as a couple will be memorable for all the right reasons. However, there will be challenges along the way. So here are some common challenges couples tend to face on their first getaway together and ways to overcome it.

1 Getting Overwhelmed By Travel Stress

travel challenges couples

Traveling is fun, but the logistics can make it stressful. "Some people simply do not travel well," Caleb Backe, Health and Wellness Expert for Maple Holistics , tells Bustle. It's not hard to see why. Between flights, long car rides, forgetting to pack things and other factors, there's a lot of things that can go wrong on a trip and a lot of opportunity for stress.

To overcome travel stress, Backe suggests keeping things in perspective. "You're on vacation with your partner," he says. "Even if something goes wrong, appreciate the bigger picture and take solace in it. Remain calm and your partner will feed off of your positive vibes as strongly as they will if you project stress."

2 Finding That You May Not Like All Of The Same Activities

travel challenges couples

"On one of our first trips, Tim expected we'd visit a theme park," Jennifer Dombrowski, one half of the couple behind the award-winning travel blog Luxe Adventure Traveler , tells Bustle. "But I get motion sickness on roller coasters and I was really nervous about getting sick in front of my new boyfriend." In the end, he was disappointed they didn't go to the theme park and she felt horrible that he was disappointed.

The reality is, you're not going to like every single thing your partner wants to do. They're not either. You just can't expect that from each other. That's why Dombrowski says planning together is essential. "Setting expectations of what you'd both like to see and do on the trip will avoid those little arguments that can ruin your trip," she says.

Once you're on the trip, compromise is key. Sometimes you'll get to your destination and find out they have this really cool new attraction that you want to try. If your partner doesn't, that can have a way of bumming you out. But don't let it. According to Backe, you can find ways to compromise. For instance, you tell your partner that you'll go with them to something they want to do that didn't make your original itinerary if they do that new activity with you.

3 Finding Out You're Really Not That Compatible At All

travel challenges couples

One of the best ways to see just how compatible you and your partner are is to take a trip together. The more time you spend with someone, the better of a chance you get to see how you two really mesh. When you're a pretty new couple, the amount of time you probably spent together isn't a lot. To limit the disappointment you may have after going on a trip with someone and finding out that you're really not that compatible, Dombrowski suggests planning for a first trip that's local.

"You don't want to jet off somewhere halfway around the world and find out that you really aren't compatible after all," she says. "Travel, especially foreign travel, can test a lot in a relationship." For instance, you may encounter challenges you won't face at home in your own familiar environment like language barriers, getting lost and a bunch of other things. If you haven't spent a ton of time together, these challenges can bring out a side of your partner you may never have seen before. Sometimes, you won't like it. So it's better to test it out a bit and do a short weekend getaway before committing to anything too big.

4 Expecting Too Much From Yourself

travel challenges couples

"In the beginning of a new relationship it's easy to want to step up and go above and beyond," Bethany Ricciardi, sex educator and relationship expert with Too Timid “The Romance Company” tells Bustle. But if you're going on a long road trip and you offer to drive the entire trip, you can "bury yourself really quick on your vacation." So make sure to split the driving if you're on a road trip and make sure to split responsibilities in general. According to Ricciardi, by sharing the responsibilities of getting there safely, it will show how well you can work together as a team. "Splitting responsibilities throughout your trip will ensure you both enjoy your time away," she says. "It should never just be one of you doing everything."

5 Running Out Of Things To Talk About

travel challenges couples

If you're newly dating you shouldn't have to worry about this since there's still so much to learn about each other. But if you do, House suggests having the “36 Questions” to fall in love handy. You can print them out, have it on your phone, or buy the card deck from Amazon . "The questions are designed to get couples talking about real topics beyond daily life or surface subjects," she says. "If you let your partner know that you thought it would be fun to get to know each other by asking some thought-provoking questions, then you both will be on the same page and feel comfortable pulling out the questions during moments of momentary silence."

If you're on a road trip and you're just done talking for some time, dating and relationship coach, Carla Romo , tells Bustle, creating a fun playlist that you can enjoy together can be helpful. As she says, "The songs will always remind you of your trip."

6 Finding Out You Have Different Motives For Wanting To Go Away

travel challenges couples

Why did you decide to go on the trip? Are you both escaping from work stress? Is it for a holiday or celebration? As Jeannie Assimos, eharmony's Chief of Advice tells Bustle, "It's important to make sure you are both on the same page." For instance, if your partner thinks your trip will be filled with skydiving and hiking, but you thought you would be taking cooking classes and going to museums, this can cause some disconnect and frustration. That's why she says it's important to discuss what the trip is for and what you both want to accomplish on it, so you can have the same expectations.

7 Running Over Budget

travel challenges couples

Both you and your significant other will likely open your wallets on vacation but talking about money in the moment can be super awkward. "Have the money talk well in advance, before you even choose a destination," Heather Ebert, relationship expert at dating site, , tells Bustle. That means determine whether you are embarking on a luxurious trip, a frugal getaway, or something in between. "Another consideration to make is who will pay for what," she says. Will it be 50/50 or is one person footing the bill? "Discussing a budget early on will help set expectations and leave less room for disappointment or confusion later," Ebert says.

8 Wanting To Document Every Single Moment Of Your Trip

travel challenges couples

If you're going on vacation with your partner, it's very well expeced that you're going to want to document it. But you shouldn't be spending your entire trip doing things for the 'Gram. "Cell phones put the world at our fingertips and because of that it’s almost essential to use on vacation, whether you need access to online banking, GPS or of course, a camera," Ebert says. "But for your first trip with your partner, you have to unplug, even if it’s just at dinner. Engage with your surroundings." Furthermore, don’t let text messages, social media or news updates interrupt your together time.

9 Failing To Plan Ahead And Having A Huge Argument Because Of It

travel challenges couples

Planning a trip can be fun, but it's also important to get the logistics out of the way. It's especially essential if you're doing a road trip. "Having a car breakdown is a drag and will shift the mood of the entire trip," Larry Mihalko, Global Vehicle Performance Manager for Buick tells Bustle. So know your car and its condition. If it's new, you're probably OK to just get in and go after checking fluid levels. "Anything with higher miles (80,000-plus), I would make sure the scheduled maintenance is done," he says. "It’s also important to check your tires, too."

When you run into issues during your trip, the tendency is to stay quiet and keep it all in. After all, you don't want to kill the mood with an argument. But that's actually the wrong way to go about it. As Irina Baechle, LCSW, Relationship Therapist and Dating Coach, tells Bustle, "Make sure you communicate your thoughts and concerns right away — do not wait until the end of the trip. Otherwise, it will bottle up really fast and might manifest itself in a much bigger and unnecessary argument later on."

10 Needing Some Alone Time

travel challenges couples

Another common challenge you might face is the expectation that you're supposed to spend every waking, breathing, moving, moment with your partner on this vacation, Ricciardi says. But that's not necessarily true. You don't have to be together 24/7. At different times you might be on different levels and one of you might want to stay on the beach while the other wants to explore the area. "Stay and enjoy your moment and let them go enjoy theirs," she says. "Don't separate for hours, but check back in after 30 minutes and see what mood you're both in." In short, alone time is OK even when you're on a trip together.

11 Letting Those Not-So-Great Moment Ruin Your Entire Trip

travel challenges couples

Embarrassing things can happen, you might argue, or just about anything and everything that you hope will go smoothly might end up going wrong. That can have a way or ruining your first trip together. But as Kelly Hayes-Raitt , travel expert and author, tells Bustle, you shouldn't let it. "Focus on creating shared memories," she says. "Even the 'bad' stuff can be something to laugh about when you get home." There's always a positive hidden in every negative situation.

12 Having Really High Expectations For How It's Going To Go

travel challenges couples

"The best travel tip I have would be to lower your expectations," Ricciardi says. "You dream of what this vacation might look like, but traveling can be as stressful as it can be fun, so don't let yourself down by imagining a picture perfect trip." After all, it's less about the trip itself and more about building a strong connection in your relationship.

A recent survey of over 3,000 18 to 35-year-olds conducted by millennial travel company, Contiki , found that 63 percent of people who travel with their partners say traveling has actually helped their ability to problem solve, overcome obstacles, and push through any relationship ruts . So don't let any potential issues that may come up on a trip prevent you from actually going on one. You may find your relationship is much stronger because of it.

travel challenges couples

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10 lovely couple challenges for travelling in Italy

Couple Challenges for travellers, that is fun! Ready for a new series on our blog? This time we will share 10 fun challenges for couples to do when travelling in Italy. A country full of romantic places can bring the two of you closer than ever before. Feeling like some fun on the way? Try these couple challenge ideas and do not forget to capture them on camera for the memory box!

Looking for Italy travel inspiration? Check out Travel in Puglia – the must do 7 day itinerar y or visit the Northern area France to Italy, an epic South European roadtrip

1. Love challenges for couples: have the Spaghetti-kiss scene

Number one needs to be our favourite one of the couple challenges straightaway! Don’t we all know how to share Spaghetti in a romantic way? Especially seeing that scene from the Disney movie “Lady and the Tramp’, where the two dogs end up eating the same Spaghetti noodle on each end coming closer and closer for the ultimate kiss? Go for it! Ignore the eyes from those around you…

Pasta in Italy

2. Sweet couple challenge: Italian nickname

Italian is one of the most romantic languages in the world. Of course, you need to make wise use of this! For instance, find each other a sweet Italian nickname and that’s the only name allowed during this whole trip. Need some help starting?

  • Tesoro mio: my treasure
  • Principino: Little Prince
  • Dolcezza: sweetest girl
  • Scimmietta: little monkey (her)

3. Adventurous couples, hike Cinque Terre holding hands

Cinque Terre is a real hotspot in Italy where many couples go to find some romance. That is also due to the scenery which makes it a great destination for wedding photoshoots as well. You can make this visit more active by doing, for example, the Cinque Terre hike in between several villages with the most wonderful views. Want to make it extra special? Hold each other’s hands while hiking and do not let go under any circumstances. That’s surely a really fun challenge!

Cinque Terre Vernazza

4. A travel couples love song playlist for each other

Doing a road trip in Italy? A playlist with great music is without a doubt a must! Prepare a playlist for each other with love songs or songs you know your partner will like. To point out that this is also a real test to see how well you actually know each other. Want to have romance on full volume with some deeper connection? Add the ones with real, honest and relatable lyrics.

5. Have a picnic on top of a cliff in Puglia

Puglia has some beautiful ocean viewpoints. There are some beaches around but also many cliffs. Find that romantic spot and take the picnic basket out for some great couple time. Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Sure, whatever you feel like! Would you like to read more about a trip to Puglia, check our post PUGLIA, ITALY TRAVEL GUIDE – THE MUST DO 7 DAY ITINERARY.

Adventurous couples, couple challenges in Italy, couple challenges

6. Fun challenges for couples sing a serenade under a typical Italian balcony

If you know the story of Romeo and Juliet you understand this challenge. As considered by many, one of the most famous movies scenes ever shot in Verona. Therefore it is a must on this list! Juliet stands on a balcony and Romeo below in the garden. Romeo and Juliet declare their love and their bond for a lifetime. Thus, time to find that balcony for your romantic serenade!

7. Learn Italian love words from a local

Don’t we all like to learn some new language skills along the trip? The first thing to remember here is to be sure of what you are learning! In this situation learn some Italian words to express your love. For example for waking up, before going to sleep, to compliment or to tease a bit. Lastly, locals will be most likely happy to help you with this!

Romantic-place-in-Italy, couple challenges, Monopoli in Italy

8. Take a typical leaning tower of Pisa photo

Oh we love these, another fun challenge for couples! The very touristic photos of holding the leaning tower of Pisa. Yes we have to be honest, we did some of those too and it was fun! Generally, it requires real coordination and communication between the two of you to get that shot perfect. Fun and good memories guaranteed!

9. Couple challenges on a Vespa

Vroom vroom! Undoubtedly you will see them all around in every Italian city, of course the Vespa! You also have opportunities to explore the countryside like romantic Tuscany with just the two of you rolling around. Did you know that there are even options to book trips for multiple days? Check “ The Vespa trip ” for more information. Jump on the Vespa, sit and hold tight!

Fun challenges for couples

10. Pick your partners Italian ice cream flavour

Italy is one of the countries where you MUST try the ice cream. They have so many flavours you never heard of before like Tiramisu. Time to do some tasting! Pick your partners ice cream flavour without telling what it will be. Let’s see if you know what your partner loves and if your partner can guess what it is! But also a great opportunity to try something new instead of sticking to those flavours we already love and always pick.

So what travel couple challenges will you certainly add to the to do list? Please let us know which you enjoyed the most!

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43 Awesome Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

It’s always fun gifting something to your favorite traveling couple, but sometimes it’s hard to know what would be helpful or fun for them! So if you’re stuck for ideas, check out this list of 43 awesome travel gift ideas for couples!

From fun and practical items to romantic gestures, I’ve got you covered. So read on and get inspired!

Top Picks in Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

USA Map Stickers

1. Map of the USA for Pictures

Snag this awesome map to create a one-of-a-kind photo for a travel gift idea for couples! The purchase comes with a link to a photo maker so they can print their pictures right at home. Then cut it out and stick it on the USA map to save all the memories!

Picnic backpac

2. Picnic Backpack

Whether it’s planning for a romantic beach picnic or a trip up to the mountains, the picnic backpack has everything needed to set up! With cutlery to dishes, your favorite couple will be covered for their next date. This is the perfect travel gift idea for couples looking for a romantic date!

adventure challenge

3. The Adventure Challenge Couples Edition

For out-of-the-box fun, grab this adventure challenge scratch-off book and do all the things! Choose an adventure to do outdoors or away from home – either way, this travel gift idea for couples will add spontaneity to their relationship!

3 days capital

4. 3 Days in 100 Capitals Gift Card

This gift card is available for 2000+ hotels in 100 cities across the United States. Couples will be able to choose their location and use this gift to book their stay. Purchase this travel gift idea for couples and give them an amazing experience!

personalized map

5. Our Adventure Map Art

Commemorate travels together with this customized map art . Couples can choose which maps to add to create a beautiful piece of artwork! Look how cute those mountains are! Grab this personalized travel gift for your favorite adventurous couple!

Essential Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

luggage set

6. 2-Piece Set Hardside Spinner

New luggage always makes a great travel gift idea for couples! This is a hard case set and the wheels are 360° spinners, which is perfect for getting around airports and finding their way through new destinations.


7. Digital Luggage Scale

In addition to the perfect set of luggage, another travel gift idea for couples is this digital luggage scale to get through baggage check quicker. They will never stress again about the weight of their luggage with this portable scale!

Couple Passports

8. His & Hers Passport Holder

Passport holders make an essential travel gift idea for couples! These holders can accommodate other forms of ID, has RFID blocking, snap close, and can hold up to 4 cards. Make sure your favorite traveling couple doesn’t miss out!


9. Fidus Large 64OZ Motivational Water Bottle

Get a matching set of water bottles to keep your favorite couple hydrated. This set of water bottles has motivational sayings and labeled times on the side so you both are drinking your best! What a great travel gift idea for couples!

Welly remedies

10. Welly Remedies – Travel Medicine Kit

Stay well on the road with this medical kit . It has everything from motion sickness medicine to anti-diarrheal. This travel gift idea for couples is also compact so they can take it with them anywhere!

11. Audible Subscription

Gift a subscription or credits to Audible as a travel gift idea for couples who love adventures! They’ll thank you for endless entertainment with books and podcasts!

Adventure Fund Couples

12. 6×6 Inch Adventure Fund Box

Travel is the only thing that makes us richer. This adventure fund box makes an ideal travel gift idea for couples who are looking to save money for the riches of adventure! Made with wood, couples can remove the backing once they’ve saved enough for their next trip.

Technology Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

Power bank couples

13. Portable Charger Power Bank – 2 Pack

On long adventures, portable power banks make an ideal travel gift idea for couples. As they continue wandering throughout their day, couples can keep their phones fully charged for exploring! These power banks come in a set of 2, ready for couples to use!


14. Mini Projector

A mini projector makes a great travel gift idea for couples when they go on a trip. They can hook it up to a computer for easy screen time and watch a movie together or play some games. It’s small and can fit into any luggage.


15. Nintendo Switch

One of the best portable gaming systems, buy a Nintendo Switch as a travel gift idea for couples. They can play on the road or overnight with each other. It comes ready with 2 joy-cons so they can compete against one another!

mario party

16. Super Mario Party

Super Mario Party is quite the party! This was the most fun N and I had together on the switch. With fun and competitive games, couples will be sure to have a great time! This is the perfect complement to the Nintendo Switch!


17. Extendable Selfie Stick + Tripod

This useful tool is a helpful travel gift idea for couples who travel! They can use it as a selfie stick to get a picture of themselves together or set it up for remote access on the tripod and snap a picture from feet away.

go pro

18. GoPro HERO9

As a way to document all their adventures together, a wonderful travel gift idea for couples is a GoPro . They can capture beautiful destinations and amazing experiences then come back to watch them all again or create an epic travel video!

Outdoor Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

personalized camp mugs

19. Personalized Camp Mugs

For even more personalized travel gift ideas for couples, get their names engraved on these adorable camp mugs . While hanging out at a campfire or on a picnic together, couples can reminisce about all their adventures together over a cup of their favorite drink!

portable corn hole

20. Collapsible Portable Corn Hole

To have some fun outdoors, this portable Corn Hole game works wonders as a travel gift idea for couples. They can play anywhere on the go – camping, taking a break at a stop, or at the beach.

tent 1

21. Sundome Tent

For all their camping comfort, this Sundome tent is the perfect travel gift idea for couples as it fits 2! It’s compact for easy packing but will keep them out of the elements when on camping grounds.

Hammock for Couples

22. Wise Owl Outfitters Camping Hammock

This double hammock makes for an amazing travel gift idea for couples who love to snuggle in the great outdoors! Holding up to 500 pounds (large), couples can easily enjoy stargazing in this comfortable hammock!

camping table

23. Collapsible Folding Camping Beach Table

Fun in a table , this has it all and makes a useful travel gift idea for couples! Keep drinks cool with the ice tub and snack easily with the bowl above. Sit around with your couple of friends and have some fun together, either camping or chilling on the beach!

double seats

24. LoveSeat Heavy Duty Double Camp Chair

For the lovey-dovey couple, this travel gift idea will allow them to sit together in a loveseat camp chair ! They won’t have to do awkward maneuvering again so they can enjoy a nice campfire or watch the sunset over the water!

Travel Gift Ideas for Couples Who Love Organization

luggage tags

25. Personalized Leather Luggage Tags

Never lose their luggage in the mass bags at the baggage claim with these personalized luggage tags ! This travel gift idea for couples will set their bags apart – they even match!

electronics organizer

26. Electronics Travel Organizer

This is the ultimate travel organizer for all electronic needs! With 2 layers, couples can pack all their cords and devices into this one little pack. There is definitely enough space for two making it the perfect travel gift idea for couples!

stow and go

27. Stow-N-Go Small Travel Luggage Organizer

One of my new favorites, this Stow-N-Go organizer makes packing (and unpacking) so much easier! Just take it out of the luggage and hang it up in the closet and it’s ready to go! Snag this travel gift idea for your favorite couple!

vacuum storage

28. Travel Vacuum Storage Bags with USB Electric Pump

If it’s planning a long trip (like a honeymoon or anniversary) and couples want to pack lots of cute clothes, this is the storage for them! With a travel-sized pump, they can vacuum seal bags to pack everything they need! This is a great travel gift idea for couples who are traveling long-term!

toiletry travel bag

29. Hanging Toiletry Bag for Travel

To consolidate all their toiletries, this travel gift idea for couples will help them pack everything into this hanging toiletry bag so they have easy access to your shampoo and body wash.

Packing Cubes for Couples

30. Packing Cubes for Travel in 4 Sizes

Packing cubes are so helpful for organization. This travel gift idea for couples will help them keep their clothes organized, folded nicely, and compact for long trips! These packing cubes are durable, breathable, water-resistant, and sturdy!

Books that Make Sense as Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

travel planner

31. Custom Travel Journal for Couples

This colorable travel journal is handmade and customized, making it an ideal travel gift idea for couples! I would recommend getting the pages with prompts so they can jot down all the cool memories and places they have visited together.

Our Adventures journal for couples

32. Our Adventures: A Bucket List Journal For Couples

For fans of the Pixar film Up, this Bucket List Journal makes the perfect travel gift idea for couples! There are 101 ideas along with ways to document how couples completed that adventure! What a great way to plan dates together!


33. 1,000 Places to See Before You Die

Generate ideas of all the places couples can see together throughout their lifetime! This book is a great travel gift idea for couples who are wanting to see beautiful places together over their lifetime!

Journey for 2

34. Ultimate Journeys for Two

Mike and Anne write about their travels together in their last 5 years of traveling. Give inspiration from these 2 seasoned travelers by gifting this travel gift idea to your favorite adventurous couple!


35. The World’s Most Romantic Destinations

Plan a trip to some of the World’s most romantic destinations . This book makes a great travel gift idea for couples looking for romance. With something for every season, the photos in this book will get them jumping up and down for their next trip together!

destinations of a lifetime

36. Destinations of a Lifetime

This book will inspire couples to make plans to travel together to see some of the most beautiful places around the globe! They can spend a lifetime looking at destinations of amazing places from this travel gift idea for couples!

Food Journeys for Coupels

37. National Geographic’s Food Journeys of a Lifetime

From markets to restaurants and dishes to drinks, National Geographic has collected 500 amazing experiences! This would be the perfect travel gift idea for couples who love food!

Fun Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

Travel Challenges

38. Travel Challenges Game

Help your favorite couple make memories with this travel gift idea for couples–a travel challenges game ! From a no-tech day to finding a fun activity, there are so many fun challenges they can enjoy together!

bucketlist journal

39. Personalised Couple Bucket List Journal

This travel gift idea for couples helps them keep a bucket list of all the things they want to do! Once they plan a date, they can track it all in one place here and even make comments to remember that special trip!

game for couples

40. The Ultimate Game for Couples

While on a long road trip together or hanging out in the hotel room after a day of adventure, couples can take out this ultimate conversation game and quiz each other. This travel gift idea for couples will help them learn new things and discover how much they actually know about each other!

travel puzzle

41. Vintage Travel Poster Jigsaw Puzzle

While spending downtime at home, couples can dream about places around the world with this vintage puzzle . This travel gift idea for couples helps them see all the places they could visit with each other as they put this puzzle together!

map pinners scratch off

42. The National Parks Scratch Off Travel Print

Check off the national parks bucket list with this scratch-off travel print ! This travel gift idea for couples gives ideas for them to plan trips together and scratch them off when completed – what a great checklist!

Bedsheets for couples

43. Watercolor Duvet Cover Set

Every adventurous couple needs bedding that represents their passion. This travel gift idea for couples is perfect for everyone who is always dreaming of their next adventure! Grab this beautiful watercolor duvet for your next gift!

FINAL THOUGHTS: Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

One of the best things about being in a relationship is getting to experience different cultures and places together.

Whether it be a weekend getaway, honeymoon, or just a vacation to explore the world together, there are some great gifts on this list that will surely make couples feel loved and appreciated.

Need more travel product inspiration? Check out these product posts!

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Pinnable image for 35 Awesome Travel Gift Ideas for Couples

My Favorite Travel Tips + Resources

Here is a quick glance at all my go-to travel tips and resources that I use to plan every trip! For more information, check out my travel resources page .

  • Booking flights: I use Google Flights to check all routes and find the best flights. Then I compare Skyscanner (for the lowest prices) before I book.
  • For hotels, I go through or book directly with Marriott (for points + rewards).
  • When I travel internationally, I’ll book through Hostelworld for very budget-friendly stays.
  • For vacation rentals, use Vrbo or Marriott Homes & Villas .
  • Expedia also has some great bundles for hotels, flights, and car rentals altogether.
  • Car Rentals: I love renting cars through Discover Cars . They have been consistent and provide the best customer service.
  • Trains in Asia: has the best options!
  • Trains in Europe: Trainline or Omio .
  • Visa Application: For a hassle-free process, apply for your visa from iVisa .
  • Travel Credit Card: I book all my travel (flights, hotels, car rentals) through Chase Sapphire .
  • Vaccines and Medications: Check the CDC website for updates on necessary vaccines to enter a country, including updates on Covid-19 and recommended places to visit. I recommend getting all the vaccines you need before you go!
  • Tours + Experiences: I absolutely love my tours! Everything from eerie walking ghost tours to food tours, I’ll usually book something every trip either through Viator or GetYourGuide .
  • Entertainment: Looking for entertainment like sporting events, theater shows, or concerts? Book with Ticket Squeeze !
  • Tech : Keep your internet browsing safe, secure, and fast with ExpressVPN
  • Language Learning: The best place to learn a new language is through Babbel as you travel to countries you don’t know the language.
  • What to Pack: I almost always travel by backpack . For products I like, check out my packing guide page for all the things I take with me on different trips.

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Pafoua is the author and creator of Her Wanderful World. Pafoua writes from her numerous excursions about all things travel, from fun itineraries to creating memorable experiences on the road. When she’s not traveling, Pafoua loves a fun board game night with her friends or is snuggled up reading a good book. You can find her on Instagram @herwanderfulworld.

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9 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Romantic Couples' Trip

These mistakes can seriously kill the mood on your next couples’ vacation.

travel challenges couples

Whether you’ve been together for a few months or several decades, traveling as a couple creates a unique set of challenges. Even the most connected, communicative pair can run into hiccups. To help you tackle any issues before they arise and calmly handle problems while on a trip, we spoke to a few relationship experts and put together a list of nine common mistakes couples make on vacation (and ways to avoid them).

1. Not Defining a Purpose for the Trip

You’ve probably established the where (destination), but the why should be discussed before any plans are made. “Not every trip necessarily needs to have a purpose, but establishing one prior will help stave off conflict during the trip,” said Merlelynn Harris, clinical director emeritus for Bridge Counseling Associates , a nonprofit providing individual and family counseling. The purpose can be a way to reconnect, enjoy family time, relax, or have a purely adrenaline-filled adventure. Reverend Roxanne Birchfield (a.k.a. Rev. Roxy) , a wedding officiant and marriage counselor who has appeared on Netflix’s Love is Blind , says doing this in advance will ensure there are similar expectations and fewer surprises.

2. Not Creating a Budget

Birchfield makes it clear: “If you fight over money constantly, it’s not a good idea to travel together. The finance issue will carry over into traveling.” Arguing about money is a pretty common issue, but when you combine finances and travel, it becomes a double whammy and a source of conflict. New York City-based lifestyle blogger Lindsay Silberman says she and her husband rarely fight while traveling, “but we’ve definitely had disagreements in the trip-planning process — mostly things related to budget.” Before finalizing plans, Silberman and her husband, Matthew, find a happy middle ground and always travel within their means. Most couples discuss a budget for big-ticket items, like flights and hotels, but the same should go for meals and any other daily spending.

3. Letting One Person Do All the Planning

In many relationships, there’s one person who loves to plan and one who can’t be bothered with details. However, Harris, who’s counseled thousands of couples, suggests, “Even if you’re the one doing all of the research and clicking the button to book, you still need to include your partner.” This ensures there are no surprises and that everyone’s on the same page. Additionally, both partners can use their individual strengths and character traits to contribute to planning, according to Tammy Shaklee, relationship expert and founder of H4M matchmaking service . “Often, an introvert will do all the research, and find the grandest location for the best deal and timing, while the extrovert will find the hottest nightlife spot or excursion. That makes for a great combo,” she said.

4. Diving Into Long or Group Trips Too Soon

“It’s best to start small with a weekend destination you can drive to or one that’s just a quick flight away. Whisking off to Japan for a 16-hour plane ride and a month-long stay is probably not the best idea,” says Rachel Federoff of Love and Matchmaking . Testing the waters with a shorter trip allows couples to determine how well they travel together. Federoff’s matchmaking and real-life partner (they’ve been married since 2011), Destin Pfaff, says the same goes for taking a group or family trip too soon. Sticking to short trips with just the two of you is the way to go early on.

5. Not Limiting Work and Screen Time

Whether you've just started dating or you've been married for years, Pfaff says “technology can be the ruiner of any trip.” One way to prevent this is to set limits on social media use or have a rule that there are no phones out during meals or excursions. Discussing this ahead of time can curb any resentment. For those who can’t fully unplug due to work commitments, there should still be a clear plan in place, like only responding to emails in the morning or while your partner is off exploring on their own.

6. Having a Jam-packed Schedule

Silberman says her biggest "don’t" for couples is packing too many activities into one itinerary. “Don't overschedule yourself. I've learned that lesson the hard way,” she said. There can be a natural desire to want to do everything, especially if it’s your first time in a destination, but this can quickly backfire. The combination of overextending yourself, stimulation overload, and jet lag can create stress and conflict between partners. Being flexible with plans or alternating a busy day with a relaxing day can create more balance.

7. Forgetting to Check in With One Another

“Once you’re actually on the trip, check in with each other and ask what they’re enjoying, or not so much,” said Pfaff. The conversation can sound like, “I’m having fun. I really want to try and squeeze in X, if we can. How about you?” Federoff describes this “daily download” as a way to have a clear idea of what the highlight of the day may have been and how to possibly address any issues.

8. Spending Too Much Time Together

Of course, you absolutely adore each other, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend every moment together. It’s acceptable, and even necessary, to take some time apart while on a trip. This is especially great if you and your partner have varying interests. “A day to sleep in may allow the other partner a city stroll and espresso. Then, meeting for a light lunch or an afternoon museum tour may provide a moment to reconnect, engage, and enjoy,” said Shaklee.

9. Not Discussing Challenges in the Moment

Though no one wants to argue, especially on a trip you’ve likely been looking forward to, it can happen. It’s all about how and when these issues are addressed. Travel blogger Alicia T. Chew recalls a trip early on in her relationship. The couple kept arguing and didn’t address the matter until they returned home. She says this was a mistake. Now, Alicia and her partner take an entirely different approach. “If I feel myself getting heated, I might leave the hotel room, or take a quick walk around the block, and once I've calmed down, [we] talk it out. We don't want major issues to linger any longer than needed.”

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Couples Edition

How to have fun in a relationship: The Adventure Challenge All New Couples Edition.

14 Pros and Cons of Traveling as a Couple

Find out all the pros and cons of traveling as a couple before embarking on the great adventure of exploring the world with your significant other.

Traveling as a couple and exploring new places together, whether it’s for a few days, weeks, or months, often deepens the bond you and your partner share…so studies say. But what they don’t let out is that it can be challenging too. 

We’ve traveled the world together for the past 10+ years. From exploring remote places in Asia to camel rides in Morocco and wasting away our days on Caribbean beaches, Jesse and I have explored a lot of the world side-by-side, and it’s been amazing, but to say there haven’t been overwhelming moments along the way, well, would be a lie.

While couples travel can be a great experience, it’s what you do in the “hiccup moments” that really strengthens your relationship. In the moments that don’t go according to plan, you can grow closer together or further apart. We’re here to tell you the pros and cons of traveling as a couple. 

The Pros of Traveling as A Couple

1. you get to experience something amazing together.

travel challenges couples

Traveling as a couple allows you and your partner to create new memories together and who doesn’t love creating new memories?! You expand upon the already written chapters of your relationship by adding something new and fun into the book. You get to look back and laugh at those funny moments, remember those daring moments, or reminisce on that romantic moment in someplace new and are filled with the feelings of that day. 

Really if you think about it, creating new memories is like investing in the future of your relationship. It gives you bits and moments to remember and talk about for years to come! 

2. You Learn More About Each Other, Quirks and All

travel challenges couples

Let’s face it, when you travel together as a couple, you are with each other a lot…basically all the time. So, you become VERY acquainted with each other. We’re talking bathroom habits, how clean or messy they are, and how they handle a buffet or their alcohol at that all-inclusive resort. 

Basically, when you travel as a couple, you get to see them for who they really are. New traits and habits could unfold themselves to you as you go about your travels and you may realize you have much more in common than you originally thought. Your weird quirks or habits could sync up (or not) and you realize “how meant for each other” you really are. 

3. Traveling as A Couple Improves Your Communication

travel challenges couples

For any good relationship, communication is key. And when traveling as a couple, communication is definitely important. If you are just new into a relationship, you may be in the “oh I don’t care, whatever you want to do” phase. While compromise is great, you need to speak up and really communicate with your partner if something is bothering you!

Basically, don’t brush things under the rug. And when traveling as a couple, you really can’t hide feelings for too long. You’re with each other day-in-and-day-out, forcing you to address the issues and concerns you are having with each other or the trip in general. By having these discussions, you learn how to communicate with one another in a way that works for your relationship. 

4. Your Appreciation For One Another Grows

travel challenges couples

When traveling as a couple, you see each other at your worst and at your best. You overcome things together, you learn things together, and you adapt together. You become a real team and divide and conquer to solve problems when things go wrong. Whether it’s tummy troubles from that questions thing you ate earlier, finding a missing passport, or figuring out where you are going next when your bus leaves you, you overcome the unforeseeable together. 

At the end of the day, you are there for each other and support each other fully. All adding up to gratitude and appreciation for your partner. The whole feeling of “I couldn’t have done this without you” is very real and provides a sense of appreciation when traveling with a loved one. 

5. Traveling as A Couple Provides Comfort

travel challenges couples

When you’re far away from home and in a foreign place, having your partner with you provides a sense of safety and familiarity. The place you’re in may not seem so scary when you walk hand-in-hand with your partner or knowing that you have an extra set of eyes on your belongings never hurts. 

It also helps with being homesick . Having someone you love with you can help chase those blues away when homesickness starts to settle in. Your partner is a nice little comfort blanket. Someone who is with you that you trust and can rely on is such a powerful thing to have with you when you travel. 

6. You Have a Personal Photographer 

travel challenges couples

It’s true! Traveling as a couple means you always have a personal photographer. Want a solo shot in front of Monument Valley or a waterfall in Bali? No problem! Just hand over your camera (or phone) to your partner and let them click away. We will say, it’s a really nice luxury to have someone always available for photo opportunities.

Related read: A year in the life of a travel blogging couple

7. You Have Someone Who Can Relate

travel challenges couples

Sometimes travel can be hard. Especially if you are traveling for many months or even years. You’ll see things that will break your heart and learn things that will make you question everything. Travel changes you. It leaves a mark and that can be a REALLY hard thing to express to friends or family who have not traveled or have not experienced the things you did. 

Having your person, your partner, being able to share in these experiences, is our number one reason why we think traveling as a couple is so important . It makes you feel heard and that someone actually understands and furthermore, can relate to what you experience during your time away from home.

8. Traveling as A Couple Provides a Break from Routine 

travel challenges couples

When you’ve been in a relationship for a bit, it’s easy to fall into a routine. And hey, a routine is not a bad thing, but it can definitely get a little, well…boring. When you travel, any sort of routine you have breaks and that can be a really fun way to spice up life again!

Instead of watching your favorite Netflix binger on a Monday night, you’re hiking and camping your way through the Southwest of the United States. Sounds pretty great, right? 

Find out many other fun travel-related date ideas here .

9. Cost of Things Tends to Be Less

travel challenges couples

While this is not true in all cases, it is true when you’re able to split things. Instead of paying full price for an item, split the cost where you can, and traveling as a couple will definitely pay off (literally)!

Where traveling as a couple can save you money is splitting a ride-share or tuk-tuk, splitting a nicer room vs staying in a crammed hostel dorm, and even splitting food! And not to mention, you have two people putting money into the trip versus having just one set of income. So, if you play it smart, traveling as a couple can be really cost-effective. 

The Cons of Traveling as A Couple

Ok, so now for the cons of couple travel. Sure, traveling with a partner is amazing, but it’s not amazing 100% of the time. We’ll talk about some of the realities of the not-so glamour side of traveling as a couple. 

1. You’re Always Together

travel challenges couples

While you may love your travel companion, everyone needs some alone time and that can be hard to come by when traveling as a couple. Personal space and just laying low and having me-time is a real challenge for us when we travel as a couple. 

It’s important you have time for yourself. So, take the time to do so. Instead of taking a walk together, take a walk by yourself. Instead of having a meal together, have a meal by yourself. Make a plan to have set time away from each other. Everyone needs a little “me-time” to reset and decompress. It’s not a bad thing at all. 

2. You May Not Meet Many New People

travel challenges couples

One of the best parts of traveling solo is all the people you meet along the way . When you travel as a couple, you already have a person to hang out with and to explore with, so you may not be too motivated to meet new people. However, we can’t say what a mistake this would be! 

Meeting fellow travelers is one of the BEST parts of travel. You get to meet new people from different cultures and places around the world and form lasting friendships with them. Cutting yourself off from this experience would be an absolute shame. 

A great way to get around this is staying at a hostel, booking tours through your accommodation, or just flat out talking to folks at a bar. If you have no desire to stay in a shared dorm room in a hostel, book a private room in the hostel instead. That way, you can have your personal space but still get the social interactions staying at a hostel provides. 

Related read: Best hostels for couples in Europe

3. You Become Dependent on Your Person

travel challenges couples

In relationships, you tend to settle into roles and responsibilities of who does what. When traveling solo, you are responsible for everything, and you only have yourself to rely on. In your solo travels , you discover so much about yourself and what you are capable of. 

When traveling as a couple, you tend to rely on your person for help, which provides a sense of comfort. You may not feel compelled to jump out of your comfort zone therefore not stretching yourself to grow and be challenged. 

4. You May Not Have Much of a Flexible Schedule 

travel challenges couples

You may not be able to do what you want when you want. After all, you have another person to consider. For instance, if you are a morning person, and your partner is not, you may not be doing too many early morning activities. Your day starts when your sleepy-head partner wakes up, and that can become annoying to some. 

It’s helpful to make plans ahead of time and also compromise along the way. Also, understand you don’t need to do everything together so if there is an early morning sunrise you want to catch and your partner doesn’t, talk about it and make a plan. Open communication is key to having a flexible schedule when traveling as a couple. 

5. Your Relationship Comes to An End

travel challenges couples

Travel challenges you and things go wrong and it’s when things go wrong it really shows you the person you are traveling with . Sometimes these instances don’t strengthen your relationship but break them. You may come to realize how different you are and that your future paths don’t align. Whatever the circumstances may be, a relationship coming to end during or after a trip is never ideal, but it is something that happens. 

Now, we may be biased but coming from a pair of adventure travelers who always travel together, traveling has done more for our relationship and ourselves than we ever imagined it would. It’s strengthened our bond, made us better communicators and has given us a shared passion for hiking and exploring new places. It’s broadened our perspectives and understanding of the world, and we are so happy we have each other to share in all of that with. 

Sure, there are cons when traveling as a couple, but for us, the pros far outweigh the cons. 


travel challenges couples

Lauren & Jesse from the  Wandering Stus are a free-spirited travel couple whose appetite for adventure and faraway places fuel their wanderlusting souls. They give you travel tips, epic itineraries & overall travel inspiration to help you plan your next adventure! Follow along on @Wanderingstus  on Instagram as they tell their stories of the  places they’ve been  and furthermore, where they are going next.

travel challenges couples

Honest Travel Stories

Do you wish you could offer the best gift to your travel-obsessed friend?

travel challenges couples

Do you ever struggle to find good gift ideas, even if you love offering gifts in general?

Would you like to offer a personal gift, but your DIY skills are not at a level that would allow you to?

Imagine if you could offer your loved ones something truly unique.

Imagine offering them the starting point for their new experiences.

Imagine being able to offer an easy-to-get gift with a personal touch.

Doesn’t it sound appealing? If it does, then look no more. Allow me to introduce…

Couples wanderlust travel bucketlist challenges and experiences printable, the perfect adventure travel gift.

travel challenges couples

This gift is perfect for solo travelers, travel couples, and those who travel with friends.

With this easy-to-use, digital file, your gift is easy to set up. just edit, print, cut, and share it with your loved ones., this travel bucketlist bundle contains:.

  • 100 travel bucket list challenges – print these on high-quality carton paper.
  • bucket list challenges as a checklist – print or use digitally
  • bucket list Experiences checklist – editable and printable

travel challenges couples

Features & benefits:

  • includes links to activities so you can even plan them
  • can be adjusted in size
  • very easy to print and use
  • will transform any idea into the perfect gift
  • budget-friendly as most of the work will be done by you
  • can be used multiple times (how many travel passionate friends do you have?)
  • can be used in multiple ways, both digitally and in printed version
  • can be edited with your own bucketlist ideas
  • no waiting time for delivery – INSTANT download

What are you waiting for?

Just print this travel bucketlist challenges and make your perfect gift for travelers stand out.

Couple Travel The World

Couples Adventure Book: 5 Best Adventure Books for Couples

By: Author coupletraveltheworld

Posted on Last updated: December 11, 2022

Categories Couple Activities

Looking for a great couples adventure book to document your adventures as a couple together or complete a couples challenge? No worries, we have you covered.     

If you are wondering, an adventure book for couples is always a good idea, whether you want to use it for date ideas, planning a trip or just having more fun together as a couple, it is a great way to continually work on making your relationship as good as it can be.  A great new hobby for couples for sure. 

Here are our 5 best adventure books for couples you should check out:

Our Adventure Book

Our Adventure Book is a cool adventure scrapbook that couples can use to document their adventures together. The package included with the book comes with 8 coloured pens, 3 self adhesive photos and 6 stickers along with a few other bits and pieces to help document your adventures.

  • A lot of ability to take the adventure book in your direction as it is essentially a blank canvas. This means that you can use it for documenting vacations or alternatively planning date ideas.
  • Reasonable price at $18.99
  • Front cover of the book could be more attractive
  • The pens that come with the book are more geared towards children
  • If you are looking for a book that babys you through date ideas, it probably isn’t a good choice.

travel challenges couples

Our Adventure: A bucket list journal for couples

If you are making your own ultimate couples bucket list and want a little bit more direction, this is a great book to purchase.

This book is designed to help couples continue the adventure after the honeymoon is over. Inside includes 101 Romantic, Unique and Fun Ideas to consider adding to your own bucket list. There are also really fun activities inside the book to do together such as say “I love you” in different languages and challenges (some harder like kissing in front of the Eiffel tower in Paris and some easier at home date ideas to try).  

Theres also room for you to think of your own activities and tick them off when you are done. A great wedding gift for friends if you are looking for a super fun gift.

Review:  Amanda S. 5.0 out of 5 stars I bought this for a 1 year anniversary gift. I’m almost 40, and been friends with him 10+ years. That being said I feel like this was a good purchase. I’m pleased with the 101 ideas list to get you started, and you can add to it with your own ideas. 102 pg. book in all. If you write big you will probably need more Space to sum up your memory of whatever it is you did or experienced, but you can slip in an added page or continue writing onto the next page. All together I’m super happy and excited with this book and would def buy it again. I looked at tons of different ones online and read reviews before I purchased one. No of them seem to have quite what I was looking for. This one really hit most qualities. If I could fix anything it would be more writing space, and picture or momentum pockets. I like to keep tickets and stuff like so many people, and it would be cool to have that displayed with my memory writing.
  • If you prefer to have a little more direction in the book, this is the book for you
  • Reasonable price at $14.99 for a hard cover.
  • Front cover of the book could be more attractive in my opinion, it looks a little dated.

travel challenges couples

Couples Adventure Challenge

This book is all about couples having more fun in their relationship through adding spontaneity and romance. Through exciting challenges that can be used as fun date ideas for couples, it is designed to help your relationship grow.

The book prides itself on creating unique and not boring dates. An example of a date is baking an apple pie blindfolded. The interesting part of this book is you can’t pick and choose what you feel like doing. You scratch off a date – you do it. The only clue you get is that each “challenge” has a time limit and a budget so you can avoid certain dates if you are low on time or money.

One of the best adventure challenge books for couples.

  • Doesn’t leave much room for coming up with your own adventures.
  • Quite expensive at $52,
A.J 5.0 out of 5 stars Remember the camera! I’m in love with this! My husband has enjoyed a couple of them already and is always down to do another. Only let down was that it didn’t come with the camera. You have to buy them separately. Which is ridiculous when it’s included in the video and all of their adds.

Fun Book for Couples

The fun book for couples is pretty much exactly what it says – a book of fun for couples to do together including a range of quizzes, games to do together and challenges to complete.

In the games and challenges you have the ability to score points and win rewards, so this is a great book for a competitive couple.  The quiz are carefully drafted to see how well you know each other with a range of fun and flirty questions to ask , designed to build a stronger connection.

This book is based on getting couples to spend time together, do activities together and build a stronger bond and connection.

  • Cheap at $17
  • Doesn’t leave much room for coming up with your own ideas.
Review: Amazon Customer 5.0 out of 5 stars Fun, engaging, and brings GENUINE conversations! I got this on a whim as one of those “let’s get anything to get us through this Pandemic” and holy guac, this has over delivered! On the one hand, yes, it’s fun, engaging, and definitely something new. On the best hand? It prompts really good conversations! My partner and I would just keep talking and talking (about things OTHER than our toddler….) and with each new page it just prompted genuine, interesting conversations between us that may not have come up otherwise. This book has gone from a “what the hell, let’s try it” to “Which page are we on? Let’s do another!” I deeply appreciate the positive change of pace and the comic relief it’s brought as we’ve gone through the quizzes and challenges. It’s something we both look forward to doing a little bit of after bedtime when we finally have our time to connect. Watching TV can only go so far in decompressing – this has been entertaining AND brought us closer together from all the conversation.

travel challenges couples

Here we Go: Couples Adventure Journal

If you are looking for a really pretty adventure journal, that is pretty much a blank canvas for you. Great if you are a couple who wants to document their travels together.

  • If you want a blank canvas, this is a good book. Perfect for documenting your honeymoon or a romantic getaway together
  • A pretty book.
  • Cheap at $26
  • No direction in the book – a blank canvas which could be a con for some.

travel challenges couples

  • Marriage advice for newlyweds


Click here to learn more about Couple Travel the World.

14 Reasons Traveling as a Couple is the Best Thing for the Relationship

February 20, 2023

Paula Martinelli

Traveling as a couple can help a couple to stay together, but most importantly, STAY HAPPY TOGETHER. You are about to find out from these 14 reasons couples should travel together, and how traveling as a couple helps to bring us together in a better and healthier way.

I have been practicing the best couple therapy out there for 16 years now: Couple’s Travel Therapy! 15 years ago I met my American husband in Brazil while he was living and working there. I was just back in Brazil from living in England and was finishing my MBA.

It was a very good sign for both of us. He took the challenge to work abroad and I was just back from studying abroad and ready for the next adventure anywhere in the world. After a year, of exploring Brazil together, we moved to the USA.

16 years and 40+ countries later traveling as a couple, we continue our journey to visit the Top Dream Destinations in the world , with no plans to slow down. So without any further ado, let’s dive into the joy and lessons learned about traveling as a couple

You may also be interested in:

  • 30 Dream Destinations for your bucket list
  • 30 Awesome Gifts for Travel Lovers
  • The Most Romantic Cabins in Vermont for a fantastic honeymoon
  • Magical Places to Stay in Tuscany: from Villas to Castle

14. Make new friends when you travel together

Thailand is a great destionation for couples

The Truth Behind Traveling as a Couple

If I said my marriage is perfect, I’d be lying. Of course, we have our ups and downs just like any couple, but I consider that we have many more ups. And I attribute it to doing things together that we both enjoy and our passion for traveling as a couple and Pin the Planet  together.

Because of this shared passion, we built a solid and happy relationship, based on  love ,  trust,  and  excitement  to discover the next adventure. We love to explore the world together, meet people and make new friends, and build memories in this journey called “life”.

The excitement renews, as the cycle continues:

  • Dream about the next destination ,
  • Plan our trip,
  • Agree and disagree on the itinerary,
  • Talk about our experiences when we are back
  • Start to dream about the next destination…

Traveling as a couple

14 Reasons you should be Traveling as a Couple

1. have a common purpose.

Couples who travel together, stay together because they are doing what you love. For me, traveling equates to exploration, learning, and discovering new cultures, places, and ideas.

Even traveling to a place close to home for a weekend getaway is a break from the routine and a reminder that life is more than what we see on a daily basis.

Couples should travel together, as any new adventure renews the relationship. It is so refreshing to go somewhere new, and at the same time have the anchor of your spouse/best friend by your side.

PRO TIP:  Dreaming together about discovering and exploring your next destination and planning endless adventures with your partner helps to fire up the relationship.  Get inspired with some of the top vacation destinations for couples. Check these 150+ quotes for couples who travel together to add to your next social media post 😉

New Zeland is a great destionation to travel as a couple

2. Finding balance together

A secret to happiness and success in any area of our lives is to find balance. Traveling as a couple is a perfect way to practice balance, as you will have to learn and adapt to the weaknesses and strengths of your partner and vice versa.

If you don’t like to bungee jump, you can take pictures of your partner in action – but the important thing is to respect each other’s style and individual preferences, and find a way to participate in the experiences together.

PRO TIP: We find different ways to balance that make our trips even better. When we order food at a restaurant, we try each other’s food and drinks. We take turns driving or taking pictures. We make plans on the go and adapt to the unexpected together. Check out a self-drive safari adventure in Botswana .

Couples travel together

3. Traveling as a couple helps to get out of the routine

I believe everyone would agree that the best way to kill any relationship, is to have a routine, without anything to look forward to. Imagine a relationship where you work and pay bills while you save for your retirement. Does it sound familiar?

PRO TIP: Get out of the routine now! Book a trip and get excited about it. It doesn’t have to be any crazy exotic place or take a plane across the world – what about a romantic Staycation like the one we did here in Florida ? Or rent a romantic cabin in Vermon t? Or you can simply take a weekend off and just drive somewhere different once in a while. The important thing is, to get out of your routine! Now!

travel challenges couples

4. Experience the new together

Build excitement by discovering a new place, meeting new people, tasting a new dish, trying that local wine….Or maybe renting a castle or a villa in Tuscany for a romantic retreat!? Or rent an RV and go on a road trip , it is one of the best ways to share everything for a few days.

There are countless opportunities to experience the new together. I love trying new things, having new experiences, and making the most of life…, especially with my husband. TRAVELING AS A COUPLE!

PRO TIP: After you book a trip, you have plans to make together. On the trip, you will have so many experiences to share and memories to build.  Live in the moment , treasure the present and all of the new discoveries. We frequently talk about our past trips and relive the memories and experiences, and talk about possible future destinations.

travel challenges couples

5. Practice detachment when you travel as a couple

It is so easy to get caught up in material things, and to develop the habit of “having things”.

If both are in sync and decide to save money for traveling, it is another positive thing for the relationship. There are additional benefits. Your house won’t be cluttered with things that you don’t need for example.

PRO TIP: When you are on the road and traveling together you’ll face all sorts of situations, such as not having A/C, the most comfortable bed, a Western bathroom, or a hot shower – such as his experience we had to live with a hill tribe in Vietnam …. Detachment is a great exercise to practice while you travel, and even better when you have a partner in crime and practice it together, as a couple.

Couples should travel together

6. Build memories when traveling as a couple

What can be better than building memories? Build memories with your best friend…together as a couple!

Memories are the only really valuable thing we can build in this life that we will hold forever. Making memories together is a sure way to stay in love. Capture some of those moments in pictures and relive the memories…it is almost as good as being there again.

PRO TIP: Plan that honeymoon you never took or book a trip for your anniversary. Or if you have kids, yes, go on a family vacation. Create memories for your family as well. Consider going to Anna Maria Island in Florida for example, is a great couple (or family) vacation.

Traveling as a couple in Namibia

7. Have a great communication

My husband and I ALWAYS have something to talk about!

How many times have you been in a restaurant, looked around, and seen a couple sitting at a table not talking? Instead, one or both are just playing with their phones?  Couples that travel together, always have something to talk about. Our last trip was an amazing Road Trip in Alaska on an RV – and months after our trip, we are still talking about it.

PRO TIP: We often find ourselves talking about past trips and experiences or future options for trips. When you are with family and friends, you will be the  cool couple  who will have something interesting to share, and hopefully, inspire your friends to go on an adventure too. Or, inspire your kids to explore the world.

couples trip

8. Become the best friends

What is your definition of a Best Friend? If it’s someone who stands by your side, no matter what and someone who accepts you just as you are, we would agree.

PRO TIP: You don’t always have to agree, for example when choosing the next Deam Destination to visit, but as long as you have someone to share the amazing moments, and also the hurdles of traveling (or life). It doesn’t matter the challenges you go through or the differences, you have each other and that is all you need.

couples travel together in Paris

9. Traveling as a couple helps to get to know each other

Most couples come from different backgrounds. In my case, we REALLY come from different backgrounds – Brazilian vs. American.

It is the beauty of our relationship. We add, accept, and appreciate, without trying to change each other. We are constantly learning from each other and also together as a couple – and I considered our trip to Namibia in Africa , one of the best opportunities we had to find out more about each other. My husband was a hero driving so many hours and still, cooking dinner while we camped in remote areas.

PRO TIP: Couples should travel together since we learn something new and see things differently. Each person has a unique experience and perspective – even though they are doing the same thing. The chance to exchange our perceptions amplifies and enriches the experience. Whether you are from different cultures or not, sharing your thoughts on your adventure makes it so much better.

travel challenges couples

10. Helps to control finances when traveling together

OK…another point that can be very critical and a sensitive topic in any relationship. MONEY! My husband and I share our expenses for our trips. It works great for us, but maybe it is not the case for every couple.

Whatever works for you, the important thing is to have financial control, and this is another great excuse why couples should travel together, as it is a great exercise to control the financials for a great purpose.

PRO TIP: Make a budget together, and travel within your budget. Not changing the car this year, because you have decided to travel instead? As long as both agree, you will be happy to feel that as a couple, adventure makes it so much better. Try to budget for a cheaper destination, such as Backpacking in South America or a Trip to Vietnam are great options.

Traveling together in New Zealand

11. Build an expectation for the future

This is one of my favorite reasons why we should travel as a couple. Remember how great the future was at the beginning of the relationship. It should continue to be like that. The future just keeps getting better.

For a relationship to last, it is important to have positive feelings about the future. Making plans together (no matter how small), keeps your life paths intersecting. Planning and discussing the future is one big way to make sure you have a future together.

PRO TIP: Build excitement and create anticipation of something that you can do together. Share a dream and realize the dream together. Check these 12 Tips to be in shape for your next vacation , and workout with your partner is also a great reason to do things together.

fit couple getting fit for the next vacation

12. Appreciate each other

You rely on each other. During moments of weakness, the other is strong. As I type this one, I am giggling behind my computer remembering things that I have made my husband do, such as hiking the Himalayas at a fast pace while I made him keep up with me just to record a video of me.

Or make him drive a safari in Africa for 12 hours with a pelvic bone broken after an accident, because I was so excited about photographing animals and I didn’t even realize we were driving for so long – OK…my husband is a rock star!

PRO TIP: Even on the little things, remember to appreciate your partner for their efforts. We all like to be appreciated, and what may seem small for you, can be a big challenge for the others. Come on, hiking the high altitudes of the Himalayas during winter is not that hard.

Traveling as a couple to Nepal

13. Continue to discover more things in common

It’s amazing how traveling together helps the couple find LOTS of things in common. You will be in different situations and you will learn so much more about each other. Not only will you learn about your partner, but you will also learn a lot about yourself.

Traveling has a tendency to do that to people. Couples should travel together because we broaden our viewpoints and grow in amazing ways. Traveling with your partner allows you to grow individually and together.

PRO TIP: Every year I include a different hike during our trip, and we train together for our vacation, besides bringing us together we also encourage each other to be healthy and fit. Check the Best Hikes in Italy or the Best Hikes in South America for inspiration.

couple trip to Tibet

Last, but not least – Couples that travel together make new friends. And who doesn’t like to make new and great friends? Traveling has the power to bring amazing friends from all over the Planet, and from different cultures.

Instead of having only “his friends” and “her friends” we enjoy making and sharing the same friends together. My husband is introverted while I am not at all, and I just love watching him make the effort and interact with our new friends, and it helps me to see him with new and fresh eyes every time when we travel together.

PRO TIP: As important as making new friends, is to keep your friends. I am a natural communicator and I just love to be close to my friends. Once in a while, we have calls together with our friends we make from all over the world, we change messages, pictures and follow up on each other. Bonding with these new friends helps us to bond with each other.

In Namibia when we traveled on a road trip

Trip Ideas to Travel as a Couple

But before we jump into the 14 reasons you should be traveling as a couple, let me recommend these 10 amazing trip ideas for your Couple Trip Bucket list that I think you will love:

  • Check the top 30 Dream Destinations with your love!
  • One of the most romantic getaways with your love is to go On a trip to visit Tuscany, Italy
  • If you and your partner in crime love the outdoors and nature, I recommend going on a Road trip to Alaska, USA
  • Take your next trip to another level and go on an adventure Road Trip in Namibia, Africa
  • If you love wildlife and outdoor adventures you can plan and go on a Safari in Botswana
  • One of the best destinations on the planet for couples is to take a Road Trip to Iceland
  • Looking to surprise your love? Go on an RV Road trip together
  • A very romantic destination is to Spend Christmas in Austria
  • If you are looking to get married or even renew your vows, the best place is Honeymoon Island in Florida
  • An awesome romantic retreat that you may love is the paradise island of Anna Maria Island in Florida

Traveling as a couple is pure joy

Traveling as a Couple Conclusion

Traveling as a couple is fun! As you can see from this list of 14 reasons couples should travel together, it helps to bring us together as a couple. 

Stress will arise and challenges will present themselves. Still, if you are not having fun together, and building memories, you should reset your relationship and find reasons to have fun together. 

Life is tough at times, and I am just glad that my husband and I get to go through it together and we enjoy things in common, such as traveling as a couple. 

If you have any comments or experiences to share, I would love to hear from you, just leave me a comment below.

You may also enjoy reading:

  • 150+ Travel Quotes for Couples + Sharable Images
  • The Perfect Alaska road trip for couples
  • 12 Tips to be in shape for your next vacation

Travling as a couple

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33 thoughts on “14 Reasons Traveling as a Couple is the Best Thing for the Relationship”

Very beautiful couple,beautiful photo and place you travel . Happy valentine day .

Super points Paula! Kelli and I circled the globe for 8 years so far. Being out of routines as we travel bonds us, helping us get closer as we go with the flow in non comfy conditions. Excellent post.

Thank you Ryan, you guys encourage me to continue to travel as a couple also. You guys rock!

Thank you so much! I cannot wait to go back to Nepal in 2020

These are great reasons! I love traveling with my husband because it creates so many amazing memories for us. I also think it helps with communication and being able to get out of stressful situations.

Hi Francesca, I agree 100% with you. Traveling together improves so much the relationship and communication skills. It seems that every trip we go, things in regular life becomes much easier to handle, because we have been through so much together that the every day stuff becomes easier to deal with.

Nossa realmente fantástico, mas do que um casal, parceiros de viagens, cumplices de sonhos, jornadas e acontecimentos únicos. As fotos são de tirar o folego e muito criativas por sinal. Difícil achar mais alguém no mundo que se conheçam tão intensamente e consigam viver juntos tantas aventuras. O baú de memórias deve estar repleto de experiências e felicidades … conhecer este mundão todo não tem preço. Mais que tudo PARCECEIROS DE VIDA. Parabéns o blog está maravilhoso e super informativo, mas não podia deixar passar tanta intensidade.

Muito obrigada Patricia – isso mesmo, viajar, explorar o novo e nos aventurar juntos ajuda muito a fortalecer o relacionamento. Fico muito feliz que gostou do blog 😉

We have so many things in common, and so many differences. I think we share some key interests and passions that bind us together. Sharing a love for travel, animals, fitness, adventure and exploration strengthen our love for each other. Respecting our differences and savoring our mutual enjoyment of all this life has to offer is the juice that keeps us going! Te amo para sempre!

Such great post and great reasons! I loved each one of it. My husband did not like to get out of home before but I used to drag him and now he loves to travel too!

Some really great thoughts! And I completely agree with everything, especially those not so sexy things like learning to manage money together etc. I feel like my partner and I are always bonded on a new level after a trip 🙂

I’d be lost without my husband on some of my travels, quite literally…he’s the navigator. Great post!

I love this! Thank for sharing and being honest, I love your takeaways. I smiled and giggled as some rang true for us too. You’re so lucky to have a travel life partner!

I absolutely love this post. My husband and I travel together all of the time. I love how it gives us special memories and experiences that we can share in together. I wouldn’t trade my time with him for anything!

I love your post, you made excellent points. Definitely spending time with my husband, while we are traveling, helps a lot in our relationship. He is my favorite travel companion.

HI Cathia – it is awesome that you and your husband are great travel companions, it is so healthy for any relationship. Keep on traveling with the hubby 😉

I am so glad to see when couples are building memories together through travels Michelle. It is for sure one of the best things for a happy and healthy relationship, right?

Thanks Shannon, it is just so fun to explore the world together and to share moments that will last a lifetime. We don’t always travel together – I would say I travel more than he does – but traveling with my husband has been always so amazing and fun!

I love it Agnes – the same here! My husband is the navigator most of the time too. All we need to do is to use our “super powers” to complement each other, and make the traveling an amazing experience 😉

Hi Casey, you are right – I always thought that money is a sensitive topic, as we all have our different backgrounds and different ways to make and spend it. But my husband and I, besides the differences, we do pretty well saving for our travels and sharing bills….and yes, the bond after each trip is so real, isn’t it!?

I am so glad to hear that your husband loves traveling now, and that you guys are building amazing memories together. My husband and I have always loved to travel, even before we met. We combined our our desire to continue to explore the world together, and it works so great for us.

Yes we do! Where is the next destination? 🙂

I really appreciate this post! My significant other and I don’t get to travel together, really, and this is a nice list of things to think about of how to travel together/what to do together.

Tabitha, what about if you go over this list with your significant other and give it a try for at least a short trip and see how it goes? It may end up being a magical experience 😉

Great post, I couldn´t agree more about everything you wrote. For me the best besides spending time together and making unforgettable memories is also the fact we sometimes face difficult and unpleasant moments while travelling and we have to solve those problems together. This certainly bonds us as well and I´m happy we´re able to do deal with the good & the bad. Fingers crossed we can all travel properly soon again 🙂

This is such a great article! I definitely believe that couples who travel together stay together. I hope to one day meet someone who loves adventuring around the world as much as I do. 🙂

My husband and I miss traveling together so much! What beautiful locations youv’e seen together. True travelers. Pinned as inspiration after COVID is over and we can all get back to traveling!

Great reasons you’ve listed! I always travel with my partner now and love it!

I cannot wait to travel safely again and continue to explore our Planet together

Hi Taylor, I am sure you will find an adventure partner – it is so awesome to just share moments with someone who thinks like you.

That is so true Katja – we grow together and each trip we go together I just a few that we have more things in common and it brings us closer together. Thanks for your comment

So true and so wonderfully you have explained. Though I’m more of a solo traveler. But I’m sure traveling with a like-minded partner also must be a real fun.

Thank you so much – I am also a solo traveler, and when I can, I travel with my husband, and you are right, it is so great when we find a like-minded partner to travel with. It is not easy to find one, but when we do, it makes the trip even better to have someone else to share the new adventures.

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The Traveling Moore

13 Best Couple Travel Vloggers to Watch on YouTube (2024)

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Searching for more amazing travel couple youtubers like Kara and Nate? This list of the 13 best couple travel vloggers is for you!

As a travel blogger and travel lover in general, 2020 and 2021 were hard years to be stuck (mostly) at home. To compensate, I searched for other opportunities to be engrossed in travel from the safety of my couch.

One day I discovered was by watching travel vlogs on YouTube. I put together this list of the best travel vloggers I have found so you too can enjoy their videos.

Whether you are stuck at home missing travel, planning your next trip, or hoping to be inspired to book a trip, these travel YouTube channels are sure to meet your needs.

Some links on this blog are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through them. All opinions are my own, and I only recommend products and services I personally use and believe in. Thanks for your support!

The Best Couple Travel Vloggers

1. kara & nate.

Kara and Nate Travel Youtube

Expertise : Full Time Travel & Van Life

Video to Watch First : Antarctica Series- Specifically the Polar Plunge

Of all the fantastic travel Youtubers on this list, Kara and Nate are my absolute favorite. If you take away one thing from this article, its to go watch Kara and Nate’s channel immediately.

What began as one year of travel quickly became 5 years of full-time travel and over 2 million subscribers on YouTube.

In 2016, they began as budget travelers backpacking southeast Asia and eating tons of street food. Now, they are living van life in the United States.

In the past 5 years, they have visited 100 countries, made hundreds of vlogs, and visited all 7 continents.

I love the casual nature of Kara and Nate’s vlogs. They give you a glimpse into their relationship, the amazing destinations they visit, and the trickier parts of travel as well.

You will soon feel like friends with this adventure-loving, coffee-addicted, foodie couple.  I binged all their videos in early 2021, and I recommend you do the same!

Otherwise, be sure to check out their Antarctica series first, it is sure to blow you away.

Now, if you are already aware of Kara and Nate (or one of their 3+ million followers), keep reading for other great YouTube Travel Couples.

2. Tim & Fin

travel challenges couples

Expertise : Bucket List Travel

Video to Watch First : Crossing it Off Series

Tim & Fin are self-proclaimed “not influencers.” They use their successful Amazon business and location independence to travel the world and share their unfiltered experiences.

Unlike other vloggers that rely on sponsorships, Tim and Fin are able to share their honest opinions about the destinations they visit.

They create a variety of content ranging from traditional travel vlogs to long-form videos to series about adventure travel or RV travel.

Their most recent series is about crossing 50 items off their bucket list because “the world is big and life is short”.

This series got me hooked on the channel and captures activities such as skiing in the alps or wine tasting in Tuscany.

3. Dan & Chelle

travel challenges couples

Expertise : Full Time Travel

Video to Watch First : Croatia Series

Dan and Chelle have been one of my long-time favorite travel couples. Until recently, they only traveled a few times per year, but I always looked forward to their videos.

Starting in spring of 2022, they set out on full time travel, and to produce daily travel vlogs. They’re now back stateside but still travel often and share it on YouTube.

Their full time travel started with the adventure of hiking Kilimanjaro, then headed to European destinations such as Iceland, Portugal, and Romania.

Their vlogs are super laid-back, and their personalities are infectious. Plus, with their daily videos, you’re never short on content to catch up on.

4. The Awkward Tourists

Photo of the awkward tourists travel vlog couple

Expertise : World Travel

Video to Watch First : Anything from Europe

The Awkward Tourists YouTube channel is dedicated to helping people explore the world in a fun and unconventional way. From road trips and adventure stories to unique cultural experiences, the Awkward Tourists capture it all on video for their followers.

Each video offers viewers a glimpse into travel life abroad as well as practical tips for travelers.

Whether you’re looking for an entertaining way to learn about new places or just need a good laugh, the Awkward Tourists have something for everyone!

5. Adventures of Matt and Nat

Matt and Nat youtubers travel couple

Expertise : Travel with a Full Time (non-remote) Career

Video to Watch First : Ireland series

Matt and Nat are my newest favorite travel couple on YouTube. The way they capture their travels is very authentic and genuine.

I first started watching their 50 states series, where they visited every US state in one year.

Now, they are checking bucket-list activities off from a book of 1000 things to do before you die. I love how they always have a travel “goal” but also soak in the culture of each and every place they visit.

Cruise Couple Travel Vloggers

6. trev & chels.

trev and chels travel couple on a boat  in italy

Video to Watch First : Freedom of the Seas from Puerto Rico Series

In the travel community, there are cruise lovers and haters. Some feel cruising is too fast to truly see a destination and others love the fast pace.

I fall into the latter category as a cruise lover. Trev & Chels are the same! While they aren’t full-time travel bloggers, they create amazing videos from cruises and a few other destinations.

I fell in love with Trev & Chels videos after my Royal Caribbean cruise was cancelled in 2021. They have multiple cruising series to the Caribbean and Alaska .

They also work for Royal Caribbean to create content, so it’s super interesting to see the behind the scenes of the commercial side of the business.

If you are considering cruise travel, plan to take a cruise, or are a fellow cruise enthusiast, be sure to check this amazing couple out!

7. Griff & Alyssa

Griff and Alyssa Cruise Vloggers

Video to Watch First : Harmony of the Seas Series

Griff & Alyssa are another pair of fantastic cruise vloggers. Their vlog showcases cruises on many different cruise lines including Disney, Carnival, Royal Caribbean , and Virgin.

They do a great job showcasing life on the boat and at port. As Florida residents, they also share great Disney content.

Griff and Alyssa recently had a daughter, Noa. Now they’re a great resource for traveling with a baby in addition to couple’s cruise travel.

Since Griff and Alyssa travel frequently, they never have a shortage of new and exciting vlogs. Be sure to check out their YouTube channel and become a part of their “Paradise Crew”.

8. Views and Queues

travel challenges couples

Video to Watch First : Norway Series

Views and Queues is a great YouTube channel for cruise lovers. They frequent both Royal Caribbean and Disney cruise line.

Their videos are typically long-form, showing their vacation day-by-day. They often stay in unique suites and offer super detailed room tours.

Both of them have full time jobs and content creation is now their main source of income. Because of this, their videos are very casual and focused on quality, relatable content, which I love!

Van Life / RV YouTube Travel Couples

9. the endless adventure.

travel challenges couples

Video to Watch First : Any of their “what to eat” vlogs

The Endless Adventure is a long-time full-time travel couple. They have videos traveling all around the world. Most recently, they began visiting all 50 states from their renovated RV.

It’s super fun to see them visit some of the less popular states and show off the hidden gems. These two are always joking around and feel like friends just from watching their videos.

10. Eamon & Bec

eamon and bec youtube channel logo

Video to Watch First : Their Baja Mexico series

Eamon & Bec are a vegan, Canadian couple that have been doing van life for the better part of the past decade.

On their channel, you can watch their van life series from Morocco, Mexico, the United States, and Canada. They are super fun and goofy, and infectious to watch.

Their lifestyle has changed recently, following Bec’s battle with breast cancer and their baby due in 2023. However, I still highly recommend watching their channel!

11. Ian and Ana

headshot of ian and ana

Video to watch first : Any recent upload from Europe van life

Ian and Ana are couple travel bloggers that have become known for their van life in the US and in Europe. They share destination vlogs and great couple travel tips.

They’ve also recently adopted the three cutest kittens that travel in the van with them!

I recommend watching Ian and Ana to learn about full-time van life and to see amazing bucket-list destinations around the world.

12. Kinging It

kinging it youtube profile photo

Video to Watch First : Their collab with Kara and Nate in Norway

Craig and Aimee of Kinging It are one of the most entertaining travel couples. Their content is primarily based in Europe, in their unique van and bus builds.

I recommend watching Craig and Aimee if you want a good laugh!

Disney Travel Couples

13. ordinary adventures.

ordinary adventures logo

Video to Watch First : Disney Aulani series

My favorite Disney travel creators are Ordinary Adventures. They are based in California and frequent Disneyland, but also visit other Disney parks such as Disney World or Tokyo Disney.

They also produce great cruise content on Royal Caribbean and Disney cruises.

Ordinary Adventures have created a great travel community, with inside jokes, and super relatable content. If you are planning a Disney vacation , be sure to check them out!

Summary of this Guide to the Best YouTube Travel Couples

This list of the 13 best couple travel vloggers is sure to provide you hundreds of hours of content. Whether you are looking for general travel, van life, cruising, or Disney, there’s a travel couple channel for you to follow.

Is there another channel I should check out? Comment below and let me know!

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Lauren is the creator of The Traveling Moore blog. She's travel obsessed, having been to nearly 50 countries and all 7 continents. She has a full time corporate job, and loves showing others that it's still possible to travel the world with limited PTO hours. Lauren is also travel hacking obsessed, finding every way to travel more often and more luxuriously.

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The Adventure Challenge Couples Edition: My Experience!

The Adventure Challenge Couples Edition: My Experience!

Want to spice up the romance in your relationship? Take on The Adventure Challenge Couples Edition! I go through the pros and cons of the challenge book so you know what you're getting before dropping the cash.

travel challenges couples

Date nights get a tad boring after doing the same few things a couple of times. But coming up with new exciting date ideas takes a lot of planning that not everyone has time for.

That's why an adventure book for couples is perfect for those who want to spice up their date nights without the headache of planning. The Adventure Challenge Couples Edition has hidden scratch-off challenges that couples can pick from based on activity requirements.

But is the couples adventure book worth it? While I won't be spoiling any of the activities in the book, I will broadly go over what I think of the book and what others have said online.

Find out if this couples adventure book is right for you and your partner in this review!

Exciting Concept: A Scratch-Off Surprise Experience!

The most unique aspect of The Adventure Challenge series is the scratch-off activities! The extra hint of mystery makes it exciting, and I'm more likely to complete each challenge and finish the book. Wouldn't want to add another half-finished journal to the shelf.

You choose mystery activities based on the "helpful hints" provided on each scratch-off. Some need to be done during the day and others in the evening. Each activity also has a price range, so you can choose based on your budget.

An uncovered hidden scratch-off

What are The Adventure Challenge Books?

The Adventure Challenge books are journals for those looking to spice up their life. From solo adventures to adventures in bed, these journals are perfect for creating meaningful memories.

How Does It Work?

Each book contains scratch-off adventures for couples, families, friends, or solo adventure seekers. The steps are simple:

1. Explore the journal and find a challenge that suits your budget and current interests.

2. Scratch off your mystery challenge and complete the challenge underneath. Don't forget to snap a photo!

3. Note your experiences and add a photo of you completing the challenge.

Now rinse and repeat.

An inside page of the adventure book couples edition

My Experience: The Couples Edition

The Adventure Challenge Couples Edition book is a fun way to spend quality time with your partner while exploring new experiences. I like the mystery of not knowing the next activity and the ability to document the date in the planner and save it as a keepsake.

Add Spontaneity to Your Date Nights

Date nights require a lot of planning. On top of making the time, couples also need to choose activities they both enjoy. That can be hard for couples looking for fun date ideas beyond watching a movie.

This couples adventure book prepares ideas for you so you have one less thing to stress about. The vast range of activity options means you can keep the spontaneity of a mysterious activity while still controlling factors like budget, duration, and location.

It was fun guessing what the activities may be from the helpful hints. My boyfriend and I would sit down and decide which activity to scratch together. Choosing an activity together ensures both partners are willing to commit to the challenge.

Go on fun adventures with your partner without the extra effort of researching and planning.

Items provided with the couples adventure book

Save Your Special Memories in a Keepsake

One of the primary uses of the journal is to document your experiences and memories. There's a space below each activity to note any highlights of the date you want to remember. You're also expected to take a picture during each activity and save it in the journal later.

Don't have an instant camera? Snap a photo on your phone and save it on photo album apps like Journi . While instant photos are romantic and fun, digitalizing is the best way to ensure your memories stay forever.

I do have to admit that one partner will probably be filling out the journal more than the other. But if you're the type of couple that enjoys journaling and documenting memories together, you'll enjoy this part of the experience. Add stickers and other decorations to personalize the journal even more.

Customer Reviews

Most customers online are happy with the product and enjoy the creative way to go on new adventures together. But there are a few complaints to consider before purchasing the book for yourself or loved ones:

  • The date ideas aren't for every couple: Most activities in the book aren't suitable for those who prefer more outdoorsy or high-energy dates. Some even found the dates "boring and corny."
  • Not every couple can plan double dates: Double dates aren't for everyone, making these challenges a bit difficult for some.
  • The scratch-off didn't work well for some buyers: The creators recommend using the provided plastic scratchers or other hard plastic items like credit cards instead of metal items like coins and keys, as they often ruin the page. I personally didn't have an issue with this one. Use the right tools, and don't put too much pressure.
  • The price tag is a tad steep: While the book is made of quality material and includes fun date ideas, the price point is still high for a book where you write most of the text.

It's also important to note that not everyone is down to take on a random date idea. If you're purchasing this for yourself, be sure your partner is also interested in completing the challenges with you before dropping the money.

Interested in Getting One For Yourself (or Someone Else?)

While I wouldn't get it for a first date, The Adventure Challenge Couples Edition is the perfect gift for loved ones at Christmas and Valentine's Day. It also makes for a great wedding gift and a couple heading off on a romantic getaway !

Not getting it for a couple? Luckily, The Adventure Challenge offers other books like The Adventure Challenge Family Edition and Friends Edition . You can even take your travels to the next level with the Solo Edition .

If you or the gift receiver don't already have one, you can grab one of the bundles, including an instant Polaroid camera . Not only does it enhance the challenge experience, but it's also just a great gift on its own.

Items inside special The Adventure Challenge Lomo'instant polaroid camera package

Adventure Challenge: Couples Edition - Is it Worth It?

If you want to explore new levels of your relationship, this adventure challenge book will be worth it for you. It has loads of fun new activities to explore with your partner, and the extra bit of mystery it adds keeps things interesting. The large variety of activities means you'll likely be trying activities you've never tried before and getting to know your partner on a deeper level!

Couples who are more adventurous or not interested in cheesy, sappy dates might want to skip this one. I recommend grabbing one of the other challenge books instead and using it as a couple's journal. I imagine the solo and travel activities are less sappy and more adventurous.

The Adventure Challenge couples edition and travel edition

My Experience Rating: 4.1/5

  • Fun and unique activities
  • Made of durable materials
  • Adds mystery and spontaneity
  • Reason to spend time together
  • A tad expensive
  • Activities not for every couple

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Tourists taking part in ‘Temple Run challenge’ at historic Cambodian Unesco site receive backlash

Conservationists and academics have condemned the trend as a ‘disaster waiting to happen’, article bookmarked.

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Tourists have sparked debate after filming themselves sprinting around a Unesco World Heritage site in Cambodia as part of the ‘ Temple Run in real life’ trend.

Videos are gaining millions of views on social media of people running and jumping around the symbolic archaeological site of Angkor in Cambodia.

Angkor contains the remains of different capitals of the Khmer Empire spanning over hundreds of years and includes the famous temple complex of Angkor Wat , where tourists are visiting and filming videos recreating a popular mobile game.

Videos gaining millions of views are being filmed at the Unesco World Heritage site

The videos are an ode to Temple Run , a video game by Imangi Studios that has been a popular download since it was released in 2011, prompting many spin-offs. The main premise of the game is to guide an explorer around a temple while animals chase them as they run, duck, and jump through an obstacle course of ruins and ancient trees.

A series of TikTok videos have been created throughout this year, following tourists pretending to be in the game and running around the archaeological site, jumping off and sprinting up various parts of the remains.

While many people in the comments of these viral videos are praising the TikTokers for visiting Cambodia and sharing it on their platform, some conservationists and organisations have spoken out about the trend’s disruptive nature.

A Unesco spokesperson told The Independent that while social media trends can help out a destination’s tourism industry, it can also exacerbate issues of overtourism.

“Social media trends can threaten the sustainability of tourism by encouraging a high volume of visitors to congregate in specific areas,” the spokespersons said.

“Moreover, the obsession with capturing and posting the perfect video can detract from the authentic travel experience, reducing engagement with the cultural and historical significance of a place.”

“This loss of significance, essential to the existence of a cultural or natural site, is of concern for Unesco. It is the identity and history of the communities, who are the first custodians of the property, that can be impacted.

“Unesco urges visitors to approach these sites with respect and curiosity, encourages them to take the time to really experience the unique culture and heritage of destinations and to remember that their actions have an impact on the preservation of these sites and the wellbeing of communities surrounding the sites,” they added.

Conservation consultant Simon Warrack told Bloomberg : “It’s not just potential damage to the stones by people bumping into them and falling or knocking things over — which is real, but it’s also damage to the spiritual and cultural value of the temples.”

Others have also commented that the site is important to Cambodian heritage and is not just a tourist attraction.

Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia is the country's most popular tourist attraction

“Tourists have been doing silly things at Angkor for years,” Alison Carter, an archaeology professor at the University of Oregon specialising in Southeast Asia, told Business Insider .

“People often forget that Angkor Wat and other Angkorian temple sites are places of living cultural heritage for Cambodian people," she added. “If one wouldn’t do something in a church or a mosque, they shouldn’t do it in an Angkorian temple.”

Andy Brouwer, a film producer and research consultant in the region, also noted that running around the sites could put them at risk of an accident.

"Allowing people to run through the temple, jumping up and down, is a combined accident and disaster waiting to happen,” he told the outlet.

However, not everyone has interpreted the ‘ Temple Run in real life’ trend as a bad or disruptive phenomenon, as in the comments of those viral videos, some praised the creators for promoting the site and Cambodia’s tourism opportunities.

“Fantastic, I am coming in a few weeks to do more videos there to promote tourism in beautiful Cambodia,” a user wrote under one video.

Many are worried that the challenge may damage the historic remains

“Thank you so much for coming to Cambodia,” another wrote, while someone else said, “Wow, so amazing and thank you so much [for] sharing Cambodia.”

Other videos are also filled with users in the comments praising the creators for visiting and promoting Cambodia. The country is still recovering from the hit its tourism industry took from Covid-19, the Khmer Times reports.

In June, a parkour group visited the ancient Italian city of Matera, also a World Heritage site, when one free runner caused a segment of a historic building to fall off, sending him and the piece crashing to the floor.

Tourist damage and disruption happen all over the globe. In June, two people were also seen on social media smashing ancient and federally protected red rock formations in a national park in Nevada, while last year, there was widespread outrage w hen a tourist was caught carving his name into Rome’s Colosseum .

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Crossing state lines to get an abortion is a new legal minefield, with courts to decide if there’s a right to travel

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Professor of Law, University of Virginia

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Professor of Law, George Washington University

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Almost half of the states in the country have made it harder to get an abortion since the Supreme Court in 2022 overturned the federal right to get an abortion. Fourteen states ban abortions in almost all circumstances, and another eight in almost all cases after 6 to 18 weeks of pregnancy .

Nonetheless, the number of abortions provided in the U.S. has actually grown since the court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, rising 11% since 2020, to over 1 million abortions a year .

This increase can partially be explained by the fact that the number of people who crossed state lines to get abortions more than doubled from 81,000 in 2020 to 171,000 in 2023 .

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the 2022 Dobbs decision that states cannot legally prevent their residents from going to another state to get an abortion, because he believes there is a “constitutional right to interstate travel.”

The U.S. Constitution does not, however, explicitly recognize a “right to interstate travel.” But the Supreme Court has issued decisions as far back as 1867 that can be interpreted to protect this right – and some scholars are confident that such a right exists.

But that hasn’t stopped states such as Idaho and Tennessee from enacting laws that make it harder to travel for an abortion – and some people have even attempted to legally punish their own partners for traveling to end a pregnancy .

As law professors who teach about reproductive justice , we view attempts to restrict abortion travel as one of the frontiers in the anti-abortion rights movement, raising new legal questions for courts to unravel.

A yellow sign says 'Welcome East Texans to New Mexico' in front of two women wearing scrubs sitting at a desk and walking.

States push to stop abortion travel

Idaho bans abortion at all stages of pregnancy . In April 2023, it also became the first state to impose travel restrictions with what it called an “abortion trafficking” law.

This law prevents people from helping minors who are not their children get abortions – without parental consent – including in another state.

Idaho’s attorney general has interpreted the law to mean that health care providers cannot refer patients to abortion clinics in other states. And based on this interpretation, the new law also means that a grandparent or teacher, for example, could not provide advice to a pregnant teenager.

An abortion access fund and a few others have challenged this law, saying that it violates the First Amendment and infringes on pregnant patients’ constitutional right to travel.

A federal district court temporarily blocked the law from going into effect in November 2023, but the case is currently being appealed at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals .

More recently, in July 2024, Tennessee enacted copycat legislation , which is also being challenged .

Other states – Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma – have considered similar abortion trafficking laws but so far have not enacted any.

A spiraling effect

Idaho’s and Tennessee’s laws don’t directly prevent interstate travel, because they focus on people helping minors get an abortion. But some abortion rights activists still say these laws could lead to more explicit bans on interstate travel for abortion.

In the meantime, four Texas counties and a handful of Texas cities are imposing what they call “ abortion trafficking laws .”

Under these laws, people can sue anyone who travels through their cities or counties to get an abortion in another state. Supporters of these laws describe “abortion trafficking” in broad terms, because as one anti-abortion activist has said, “ the unborn child is always taken against their will ” by a pregnant person.

This understanding of “abortion trafficking” effectively treats the fetus as a person, in line with other fetal personhood efforts by anti-abortion rights groups. They are also carefully crafted to avoid constitutional challenges.

In some cases, it is individual people, not states, who are trying to block people from traveling to get an abortion.

In February 2024 , for example, a man named Collin Davis tried to prevent his ex-partner from traveling from Texas to Colorado to get an abortion .

While Davis failed to prevent the abortion, he later filed a lawsuit to investigate his ex-partner and people who assisted her in having the procedure . His goal is to “ pursue wrongful-death claims against anyone involved in the killing of his unborn child .”

A woman wearing blue scrubs sits at the edge of a medical examining bed in an empty room.

An uncertain future

As the courts consider whether it is legal to ban interstate travel for abortion, it is useful to consider the 1975 Supreme Court case, Bigelow v. Virginia .

This case materialized after a Virginia newspaper published an advertisement for an abortion clinic in New York. The state of Virginia convicted the managing editor for violating a Virginia law that made it a misdemeanor for any person “by publication, lecture, advertisement, or by the sale or circulation of any publication” to encourage getting an abortion.

The Supreme Court struck down the Virginia law as violating the First Amendment, and it also noted that Virginia could not “ prevent its residents from traveling to New York to obtain” an abortion or “prosecute them for going there .” This language about the right to travel was not, however, essential to the court’s final decision, so it can’t necessarily be relied upon.

The Bigelow case was also decided just a few years after Roe v. Wade established a constitutional right to abortion. Such a right no longer exists after Dobbs.

This legal situation raises uncertainty about whether and how the Supreme Court would protect the right to travel for abortion.

States trying to protect abortion rights

There are approximately 22 states that have responded to other states’ abortion bans and other restrictive measures on interstate travel by adopting statutes called “shield” laws. These laws seek to prevent states with abortion bans from investigating their residents’ efforts to get an abortion in the shield state.

Along these same lines, the Biden administration issued a rule in 2024 that protects the privacy of people’s personal health information with respect to abortion when such care is legal.

The Dobbs decision returned the question of abortion to the states. But it has not settled many other legal issues related to abortion, such as whether there is a right to travel to get an abortion.

  • Abortion law
  • US Supreme Court
  • Abortion rights
  • Abortion access
  • Abortion bans
  • US abortion law
  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization
  • Dobbs v. Jackson
  • Abortion travel
  • Dobbs decision
  • Abortion politics
  • Abortion policy
  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

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