Travel Journalists

We’re often asked “what’s the difference between travel writing and travel journalism ”.

The answer is …..not a lot. But it IS more than just semantics!

While they are similar in many ways, often overlap, and both sometimes share the narrative essay format, there are key differences .

So what IS travel journalism? The difference between Travel Writing and Travel Journalism

  • …a travel writer generally writes about a place , and does so in a way that allows the reader to visualize the experience. Travel Writing can — and frequently does — serve as a ‘review’ of sorts (aka “service pieces”) intended to encourage travel and tourism, to make readers want to go visit that place , whereas…
  • … a travel journalist generally tells a story involving people that is unique to that place , and does so in a way that relays the facts. The intent of most Travel Journalism is to encourage a broader view and wider understanding of the world we live in, to make readers want to meet those people .

When a story takes on elements of creativity that have no basis in fact , then it’s still Travel Writing , but definitely NOT Travel Journalism!

How to Become a Travel Journalist

Before Diving In – Key Factors to Consider:

  • If you want to become a travel journalist, first and foremost you must love to write . You must be articulate and skilled at communicating. And — obviously — you must enjoy traveling, meeting people, researching facts, and crafting a compelling story from what you learn.
  • It’s also important to know that most media outlets have dramatically scaled back their ‘staff’ writer positions, and instead rely on freelance submissions for content. This means there are very few ‘jobs’ available and a large pool of highly qualified travel writers and travel journalists competing for them.

But don’t get discouraged! A writer who works hard can make a good living as a freelance travel journalist, as the vast number of online travel media outlets coupled with a ceaseless demand for content means that there are more opportunities than ever before for getting published, and there are still outlets that will pay for good quality articles and stories – and for those concerned about the new AI writing tools, it’s my personal opinion that it will still be a few years before those tools are good enough to not require editing and ( most importantly ) fact-checking, as they still produce some error-ridden content. Use the tools to help you, but be sure to humanize whatever content you get from using them to avoid problems.

( Be sure to check out our page “ Top 10 Travel Writing Courses “, which lists several that – in addition to writing skills – will teach you how to take your earnings from writing to the highest level .)

Tips on How to become a Travel Journalist

  • Choose the right course of study . You can go for a four-year general journalism degree at a top journalism school , which will certainly open doors, OR ( to save a boatload of money ) consider an online writing course specifically for travel journalism ( as well as travel photography ) such as Roy Stevenson’s Online Travel Writing & Marketing Master Class , which can help open the RIGHT doors.   WHILE a degree is NOT necessary if you plan to remain a freelancer , if you’re looking for a steady-paycheck type of job, it can make a difference, as typically when a job opening for a travel journalist is announced, often the majority of applicants are those with journalism degrees and many years of experience that qualifies them.
  • Consider a mentoring relationship like the one offered by (the aforementioned) Roy Stevenson, who offers both group and one-on-one coaching – although you must already have good writing skills and some byline history, Roy is a very successful professional who can teach you how to take your career to a higher level of publication and earning. ( Be sure to scroll down to view his requirements – this is NOT a writing course, it’s a coaching class for working writers and journalists ).
  • Consider an internship . Sometimes the best way into a staff job at a media outlet is to start as an intern , and although interns are often selected from an applicant pool filled with journalism or communications students, it’s not always the case – sometimes those with good writing skills, a passion for the job, and a positive and enthusiastic mindset will get the internship . It’s a great way to learn the ropes and build a network (see below) of industry contacts, that you can then use to learn about upcoming-but-unposted job opportunities.   Sometimes you have to create your own internships ….if a travel writing internship isn’t advertised, call an Editor at a publication (online or offline) that you’d like to work for and offer to be an intern.
  • Decide the type of travel journalism you would like to pursue — such as newspapers, magazines, television, or online — each has a different style and requires different skills.
  • Develop a network of other travel writers, editors, and publishers. The best way to do this is to attend writing workshops and writers conferences where you can continue your education, learn to improve your writing, and make new professional contacts.
  • Start small, with your local paper or a local magazine – read enough back issues to see what types of stories and articles they generally publish, and what they’ve not published lately – if you can provide them with something that fits, contact the editor and pitch your idea.
  • Visit job boards . For example, check out .

High Quality Resources for Travel Writers & Travel Journalists:

In our opinion, before you ever put pen to paper, you should check out these very affordable ebooks to learn how to get started:

  • 125 Websites That Want to Publish Your Travel Stories
  • 100 Print Magazines That Want to Publish YOUR Travel Articles
  • How to land Press Trips and Fam Tours (special report)
  • How to Break into the Luxury Travel Writing Market
  • The Complete Guide to Marketing and Selling Your Travel Articles
  • The Complete Guide to Query Letters for Travel Writers

How to become a Travel Journalist — Additional Resources:

Consider joining a writer’s organization such as the Society of Professional Journalists . A one-year membership will cost you $72, but a journalism organization is a great way to find opportunities to learn and improve your skills, develop a network, build relationships with publishers and editors, and find market leads.

Don’t forget to read Top 10 Travel Writing Courses – our curated list of editor-approved online courses that are very affordably priced and will teach you everything you need to know about building a career as a travel writer or a travel journalist.     Disclaimer: SOME of the above links are ‘affiliate’ links and TWE earns a small amount from your purchase – this helps us to maintain this website and continue to provide valuable information. HOWEVER, we only promote products and services that we believe will be of greatest benefit you in the pursuit of a career in travel writing and/or travel journalism.

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How to become a travel writer

Is becoming a travel writer right for me.

The first step to choosing a career is to make sure you are actually willing to commit to pursuing the career. You don’t want to waste your time doing something you don’t want to do. If you’re new here, you should read about:

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How to become a Travel Writer

Becoming a travel writer requires a passion for travel, strong writing skills, and the ability to conduct thorough research. Here are the steps to becoming a travel writer:

  • Develop strong writing skills: Strong writing skills are essential for becoming a travel writer. Take writing courses or workshops, read widely, and practice writing regularly. You can start a blog or contribute to online publications to gain experience and build a portfolio.
  • Travel extensively: Traveling is the foundation of becoming a travel writer. You need to explore new places, immerse yourself in different cultures, and experience the world firsthand. Start by exploring your own region, and then expand your travels to more distant destinations.
  • Read extensively: Read extensively to gain inspiration and to learn from other travel writers. Read travel books, travel magazines, and online publications to learn about different writing styles and to gain an understanding of the industry.
  • Choose a niche: Decide on a niche or specialty that sets you apart from other travel writers. Consider focusing on adventure travel, budget travel, luxury travel, family travel, or cultural travel, for example. This will help you develop a unique voice and make it easier to pitch stories to editors.
  • Build a portfolio: Build a portfolio of your travel writing. This can include blog posts, articles, and other published work. Consider submitting your writing to online publications or local newspapers to gain experience and exposure.
  • Network with other writers and industry professionals: Attend travel writing conferences, join travel writing organizations, and network with other writers and industry professionals. This will help you learn about the industry and gain insights into the latest trends and opportunities.
  • Pitch stories to editors: Once you have a portfolio of writing, start pitching story ideas to editors of travel magazines, newspapers, and websites. Research the publication and understand its editorial style, and tailor your pitch accordingly. Be persistent and follow up on your pitches.
  • Be prepared for rejection: Rejection is a common experience for travel writers, and it's important to be prepared for it. Keep refining your writing skills and your portfolio, and don't be discouraged by rejection.
  • Consider freelancing: Many travel writers work as freelancers, writing for multiple publications or clients. Consider building a freelance career and working with a variety of clients to gain experience and exposure.

Formal Education There is no specific formal education required to become a travel writer, but a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism , Writing , Creative Writing , English , or Communications can provide a solid foundation in writing and research skills that are essential for a career in travel writing. Some colleges and universities offer travel writing courses or workshops as part of their English or creative writing programs.

Additionally, courses in photography , videography, and social media can be helpful in developing the skills needed to produce compelling content for a travel writing career. Knowledge of website design and development, search engine optimization, and digital marketing can also be beneficial for building an online presence as a travel writer.

Certifications There are a few certifications that can be helpful in developing the skills and knowledge needed for a career in travel writing.

  • The International Travel Writing and Photography Academy offers courses and certifications in travel writing, photography, and videography. These courses cover topics such as researching and pitching stories, travel photography and videography, and digital marketing for travel writers.
  • The Society of American Travel Writers (SATW) offers a Travel Journalism and Photography Internship Program, which provides hands-on experience in travel writing, photography, and videography. This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in travel journalism.
  • The Professional Association of Travel Writers (PATW) offers a certification program for travel writers. The program requires completion of a series of courses and the submission of a portfolio of published work. The certification is designed to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in travel writing and to provide credibility to potential clients.
  • The American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI) offers a travel writing program that covers topics such as finding story ideas, conducting research, and pitching stories to editors. The program includes a series of courses and provides access to a community of travel writers and industry professionals.

Online Resources There are many online resources available for travel writers that can provide inspiration, guidance, and opportunities for networking and professional development. Here are some examples:

  • Travel Writing World: This podcast features interviews with travel writers and industry professionals, covering topics such as finding your niche, pitching stories to editors, and building a freelance career.
  • Matador Network: This website features articles, photography, and video content from a global network of travel writers and photographers. Matador Network also offers courses and resources for travel writers.
  • Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a well-known travel guidebook publisher that also features travel articles and destination guides on its website. Lonely Planet also offers a travel writing competition and resources for aspiring travel writers.
  • Writers in the Sky: This website features a directory of travel writing courses and workshops, as well as resources for finding jobs and opportunities in travel writing.
  • Society of American Travel Writers: The Society of American Travel Writers is a professional organization for travel writers, photographers, and industry professionals. SATW offers networking opportunities, a mentorship program, and an annual conference.
  • Travel Massive: Travel Massive is a global network of travel industry professionals, including travel writers, bloggers, and photographers. The organization offers networking events, workshops, and online resources.
  • Travel Blog Success: This website offers courses and resources for travel bloggers, including tips for building a successful blog and strategies for monetizing your content.
  • National Geographic: National Geographic is a well-respected publisher of travel articles and photography, and offers resources for aspiring travel writers and photographers on its website.

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  • Travel and Tourism /

Travel Journalism

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  • Updated on  
  • Feb 7, 2023

Travel Journalism

What if there is a job where you get to travel to new places, meet new people and taste different cuisines while getting paid for it? Who wouldn’t like a job like that? Well, there is something called Travel Journalism. It is a subset of Journalism where you get to work with travel magazines and write travelogues for them. An emerging profession for those who are confused about what to study after 12th but also want a dynamic work profile and a luxurious lifestyle, here’s a blog that explains all the things important to kickstarting a career in this field. 

This Blog Includes:

What is travel journalism, travel journalism: what to study, travel journalism: eligibility criteria, top universities for journalism, salary of a travel journalist, travel journalism skills.

A subset of Journalism, this profession has a rich history and an important place in the field.  Emerging from the writings of travellers who wrote engrossing accounts of the places they visited and the routes they passed, travelogues have remained widely popular owing to the personal experiences and vivid details of the places that it includes. Travel Journalism, which is based on the same principles of writing about journeys, cultures, and people, is an adventurous and luxurious career option. In the modern age of the Internet, technology has made it possible not only to write and publish in realtime but also use Digital Media tools to make it more engaging and interactive. Earlier, Print Media was the only platform for travel journalists to share their stories on but now they can pitch their experiences to any organization in the world or can even start their own blog!

Also Read: Career in Broadcast Media

As such, a journalism degree is enough to start a Journalism career . If you are passionate about telling stories and fond of interacting with people while exploring different cultures, that would suffice to get started with it. But to learn the craft of writing for this particular genre and knowing how to tackle ethical dilemmas besides broadening your horizons, you need to take up a journalism course. A Bachelor of Journalism would suffice but if you already have completed your undergraduate degree in some other stream, then you can take up Masters in Journalism from a reputed university to start your career in Travel Journalism. The best part about Journalism courses is that you don’t need to have prior education in the same field! Whether pursued at the undergraduate or graduate level, the course will equip you with a basic understanding of the field and expose you to various forms of story writing for different platforms. To polish your writing skills and make your storytelling more literary and refined, Creative Writing courses are a good way to go about it. 

Also Read: MA in Journalism

The eligibility criteria vary for different countries and it can be university-specific also. It is advisable to go through the university website for the detailed eligibility criteria. If you are planning to pursue your passion for Travel Journalism abroad by taking up a master’s level course in Journalism, the standard prerequisites you need to have are as follows: 

  • A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from the recognized university.
  • A valid GRE score for postgraduation courses. 
  • For both undergraduate and graduate programs, a valid score in the English language proficiency test such as IELTS , TOEFL , and PTE is needed. 
  • A strong portfolio (In some cases).
  • University transcripts, updated CV, Statement of Purpose ( SOP ), and LOR s are other important documents. 

Also Read: Career in Sports Journalism

Being a highly competitive and demanding field, the job of a Travel Journalist is not an easy one. Getting stories from new places and meeting new people is fun but writing the way it so as to covey the story the way it should be and finding a place to publish it makes it a challenging task. The universities around the world teach students the craft of writing in Travel Journalism and making their work sell through their courses. Stretching the set boundaries and experimenting with things has been a core motive of the top journalism schools in the world. Here are some of the best Journalism schools that you should know about:

Related Article: Career in Photojournalism

Travel Journalism: Career Prospects

The field of Travel and Tourism is expected to grow tremendously in the coming years which is a great opportunity for aspiring Travel Journalists to bank upon. In India, the concept of Travel Journalism is new which means that you can have a successful career in the field within the country also. Besides, getting to travel to new locations and be a part of different cultures, the job as a Travel Journalist can get you lucrative salaries and the prospect of working at your own convenience.

The salary of a travel journalist in India and abroad are shared below.

You can choose to work with Magazines like Conde Nast Traveller , Nat Geo, and other online portals also. And guess what? You can start your own blog or kickstart your career as a Youtuber !

Some of the skills required for a travel journalist are

  • Communication Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Research Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Proofreading and Verification skills

Yes, travel journalism is a defined career for students to pursue.

One of the core purposes of travel journalism is to share stories of different demographics and different people of different culture while sharing insights of the same.

In India, the salary of a travel journalist usually range from INR 2.5 lakh to INR 6 lakh.

A career in Travel Journalism is a gateway to realizing your dream of travelling to the world and earning a handsome salary. If you are planning to take up a course in the best Journalism schools abroad but are confused about where to start from. Don’t worry, let Leverage Edu do it for you. Right from finding a university to help you get in, our experts will guide you throughout the admission process!

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Scholarship process

Hey Jahanvi!

Here is a blog that will help you with the scholarship process- If you have more doubts, please reach out to our experts at 1800572000!

It was a helpful information. I did mass communication but i am confused if i have to go for masters in journalism as well to pursue travel journalism as my career and scholarship process i want to know.

Thank you for reaching out to us, Harram. Please feel free to connect with our experts at 1800572000 to know the best career path for yourself!

Hi, after 12 the what should i take up if i wanna become a good travel presenter or good at travel journalist .which university is best .is this career safe for me as a girl?plzz help me with ideas

Please connect with our experts at 1800572000 and get all the guidance you need! Thank you

Are there any universities in India that offer travel journalism course?

Hi, Anushka! You can read: Best Journalism Colleges in India Reach us at 1800 57 2000 for more information and expert help.

I’m currently in grade 11 and will be completing it this month. I wanna be a successful travel journalist and have no idea how to go on about it. A little career guidance would really be appreciated. What are the things I’m supposed to do to get into the top colleges mentioned above after 12th?

You need to complete a bachelor’s in journalism as this course would prove to be sufficient. You can also pursue master’s which will strengthen your academic background.

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Travel Journalist

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How to Become a Travel Journalist

  • Career Types
  • Work Environment
  • How to become
  • Skills and Traits
  • Certifications/Internship
  • Career Progression

Who is a Travel Journalist?

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness ~ Mark Twain

Many of you think of travelling the world, roam around on the unknown streets, meet new people, but have you ever wondered if you will get paid for this? Sounds amazing right? This could be your dream job, is not it? A travel journalist is one who travels to different locations, explores them, researches their cultural heritage, and then writes about everything. 

Journalism  does have its own challenges. If you have a passion for research and travel and are willing to compromise on financial security, you could really start your career as a Travel Journalist. The job of a Travel Journalist involves researching and writing about the places, their heritage, culture, food and people. Here, in this article, we will be discussing what does a travel journalist do, travel journalist salary, how to become a travel journalist, travel journalist in India, travel journalist job description, what is travel journalism.

Travel Journalist

Travel Journalist in a Nutshell

The career of a travel journalist is full of passion, excitement and responsibility. Journalism as a career could be challenging at times, but if you're someone who has been genuinely enthusiastic about all this, then it is the best decision for you. Travel journalism jobs are all about insightful, artfully written, informative narratives designed to cover the travel industry. Travel Journalist is someone who explores, gathers and presents information as a news article.

Quick Facts for Travel Journalist

Tourism, Media

Male, Female, Others

Individuals can take up a career as Travel Journalists, it is not gender-specific. Males, women, and others can choose a career as Travel Journalists. In India, a male and female Travel Journalist enjoys equal benefits because gender is insignificant in this career.

As long as the individual's disability is not hampering the work, anyone, with any disability can become a travel journalist.

Table of Contents for Travel Journalist

What is the role of travel journalist.

A travel journalist usually narrates a tale about people who are unique to that place and conveys the factual information. The aim of travel journalism is to promote a wider understanding and knowledge of the world in which we live, to make the readers visit places in imagination with their blogs and articles. Travel journalists tell the stories and give more insight into locations which go beyond a review of a restaurant, festival, or museum. 

Individual in the travel journalism jobs is a storyteller. He or she writes and reviews stories about locations, culture and entertainment. The Travel Journalist provides detailed information so that people can develop their views and make more informed decisions.

Create ideas

As a travel journalist is regarded as a storyteller, the very first step towards becoming a storyteller is to have a story concept. A travel journalist needs to find the lead for the article he or she wants to cover. The concept of the plot is generally the area or the beat in which the travel journalist operates.

Taking interviews

Travel journalists take interviews of people regarding the current story they are covering, helping in gathering information and adding up to the research work. If travel journalists interview more people, more voices give them credibility to their story. It is extremely important for a journalist to do his or her research before going to an interview, particularly if the interviewee is a well-known person. Prior to actually conducting an interview, one should prepare a set of questions though in this profession one has to be very impromptu.

Once a Travel Journalist has completed his or her research work or interviews, certain information gathered must be checked for factual information. It helps the individual to avoid any kind of problems in the future. One has to be sure that the information provided by the interviewee is reliable, or one may also mention the source of the data while filling out the document.


Travel Journalists take photographs of people and different places, based on the current story which they are covering, helping in collecting information and adding up to the research work. They take pictures which depict the accrual scenario in a proper way.

Types of a Travel Journalist

Reporter : Reporters conduct interviews, find the source, and collect all the information needed to write a well-rounded news article. Reporters will also present data in writing or verbally in news stories, documentaries or feature stories. Reporters cover all sorts of news articles, and others may specialise in areas like sports, lifestyle or politics. A reporter should have the intellect to draw a distinction between story and objectivity.

Photojournalist :  Photojournalists may work as freelance photographers or may be appointed by photo agencies, publications or local newspapers. The areas of employment also include digital media, television and printing. A photojournalist is one who photographs, edits, and displays photographs to tell a visual story. The photojournalists interpret and interact with the event through photographs.

News Editor:  The news editor is the person responsible for all news reporters. Individuals make these decisions about what storylines to cover and who is going to do the work. In large media organisations, the news editor may well have a deputy, sometimes referred to as the Chief of Staff, whose job it is to allocate journalists to selected stories.

What is the workplace/work environment of Travel Journalist like?

Individuals in the career as travel journalist needs to go out on the field, gather information, and then compile a story. The journalist's job is both physically and mentally demanding. It is a job for people those who do not like boredom in their day to day life. They work on filed, travel the whole world, meet different people. Their work station also changes regularly.

Does Travel Journalist require travelling?

As travel journalists, you need to travel a lot locally if there is a storey that breaks. Travel journalists need to travel every now and then, depending on the requirement of a story, or in the case of any event to be covered. Individuals in the career as travel journalists travel not only when a particular story is needed, but they also travel on their own, when they actually want to visit a place.

Employment Shifts

Full time, part time.

The shift in the employment of a travel journalist is both full-time and part-time in nature. The duration is generally between 40-45 hours per week. It often stretches depending on the individual's workload. Many times there are incidents that can happen late at night, and a travel journalist is also required to cover them.

Employment Nature

Contractual, permanent.

Travel Journalists work full time, part-time and also work as a freelancer. Individuals in the career as travel journalists work whenever they want to. But while working for any media houses they need to work accordingly.

Home Office, On-Field, Office

The nature of the employment of travel journalists are permanent and also of a freelance nature. The firm hires him or her on a full-time or part-time basis. Individuals in the career as travel journalists may be required to work in almost all kinds of scenarios, as it is his or her job to provide information to the people. They travel a lot to gather information. Travel journalists do not really work in an office environment. Though while editing and writing the news article they need particular space for that.

Presence in Geographical Area

Semi-urban, urban.

Travel Journalists mostly work in urban or semi-urban locations. If any incidents happen then journalists from the nearest branch of the media house are sent. But it is not limited only to the country, but also to other countries.

Time Pressure

A Travel Journalist’s job is time-bound. He or she constantly works under time pressure. Deadlines are stapled in the field of journalism. They sometimes work under pressure when some news to be covered in a short notice.

Overtime Details

A travel journalist may have to work overtime in order to meet the desired target or deadline. However, due to travel inconveniences, they may be forced to work overtime.

Weekly Hours of Work

Min 45 hours.

A travel journalist does not have a minimum working hour condition, but one has a goal to complete. Every Travel Journalist needs to file the required number of stories set as a target. But travel reporters generally work around eight-nine hours a day on average.

How to become a Travel Journalist?

Steps to become a travel journalist.

Embarking to become a travel journalist in India involves a blend of passion, skills, and strategic steps. This guide unveils the key elements of "How to Become a Travel Journalist in India," offering insights into the educational path, essential skills, and practical tips to kickstart a rewarding career in capturing the world’s wonders through the lens of journalism.

Identify the Skills

Enrol in formal education, pursue specialisation/certification courses, build a portfolio, look for internship/job opportunities, begin a career.

Developing a successful career as a Travel Journalist in India demands a blend of precise hard and soft skills. From adept storytelling techniques to interpersonal finesse, mastering these essential Travel Journalist skills is key to navigating the diverse landscapes of journalism while capturing the essence of travel. Here are some of Travel Journalist skills:

Hard Skills

Proficient Writing and Editing Skills

Photography and Videography

Research and Fact-Checking Abilities

Digital Content Creation

Multimedia Storytelling

Social Media Management

Soft Skills

Curiosity and Open-Mindedness

Adaptability and Flexibility

Communication and Interviewing Skills

Creativity and Innovation

Time Management and Organization

For aspiring Travel Journalists in India, enrolling in formal education is a pivotal step. Pursuing a bachelor's degree in journalism, communication, or a related field like B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication  lays a strong foundation, while a master's degree like M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication can offer specialised knowledge. 

Many universities and institutes across India offer journalism programmes with varying eligibility criteria; aspiring journalists may need to undergo entrance exams like DU-JAT ,  JNU-EE to secure admission and embark on their journey to meet Travel Journalist qualifications.

To enhance Travel Journalist qualifications in India, consider pursuing specialized courses or certifications in travel writing, multimedia storytelling, or journalism. These focused programs cater to the evolving demands of the industry and can provide valuable insights. Eligibility criteria may vary, but such courses often welcome individuals with a passion for travel and storytelling, offering a targeted approach to building essential skills for a successful career as a Travel Journalist.

Building a compelling portfolio is indispensable for aspiring Travel Journalists in India. Curate a diverse collection showcasing your writing, photography, and multimedia skills to reflect the depth of your storytelling abilities. This portfolio not only highlights your versatility but also serves as a key tool for potential employers or clients when considering you for various Travel Journalist roles and responsibilities in the dynamic field of travel journalism.

Securing internships or job opportunities is crucial for aspiring Travel Journalists in India to gain hands-on experience. Seek a job profile that aligns with Travel Journalist roles and responsibilities, offering exposure to writing, photography, and content creation in the travel domain. These experiences not only hone skills but also provide insights into the dynamic world of travel journalism, preparing individuals for the multifaceted demands of the profession.

The final step in becoming a Travel Journalist in India is to embark on your career journey. Leverage your education, skills, and experiences gained through internships to secure opportunities with reputable publications, travel agencies, or freelance projects. Establish a strong online presence, network within the industry, and consistently showcase your travel journalism portfolio to carve a successful path in this dynamic and rewarding field.

What are the skills and qualities required to become a/an Travel Journalist?

  • Communication skills
  • Research skills
  • Writing skills

In, in this article, we will discuss how to become a travel journalist and skills are required by travel journalist.

Communication skill : A Travel Journalist must have good communication skills. Workplace contact is important for Travel Journalist because it allows them to be successful and operate properly. They need to communicate with people for their resources and to take people's reaction. They even take interviews with well-known people, for these communications skills are very important.

Writing skills : Travel Journalist needs to be skilled at communicating clear ideas and thoughts. Most journalists will start writing before the start of their work. It is not just about good writing, but also about building knowledge of various writing styles. Travel Journalist writes about the information which they have collected from various places. 

Research skills : Research skills for journalists is a comprehensive, approachable and highly functional guide to the development of a diverse set of skills necessary to make well-researched, journalistic integrity across a wide variety of platforms. Travel Journalists are expected to be highly dedicated to any article. To know the news, to look in the right places, to find the story, to analyse the narrative and, finally, to tell the full story in an impartial, uncompromised and accurate way. 

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Which certifications and internships can be helpful in becoming Travel Journalist?

We have mentioned below certifications that individuals may opt who want to establish a career as a Travel Journalist.

Certified News Editor

Certified Online Journalist

Certified Technical Writer

Internship Availability

Internships are proven to be the ideal way to gain experience in a travel journalist career path. Internships allow the candidate to build relationships in the field for future use. If he or she performs well throughout the internship, a lot of companies or organisations also might recruit a candidate on a full-time basis. This is such a field, where internship really adds a value to the candidate’s career. Candidates can find internship opportunities in media houses for two or three months. Mostly travel journalism internships are unpaid, but eventually, those companies hire those interns after the

Career Path Progression for Travel Journalist

Staff Travel Journalist:  As a Staff Travel Journalist, you will immerse yourself in researching, writing, and crafting engaging narratives about diverse travel destinations. Your role involves capturing the essence of places, sharing unique experiences, and contributing compelling content to a media outlet or travel publication.

Travel Editor: As a Travel Editor, you will lead and manage the travel content for a publication or website. This role requires a keen editorial eye, overseeing the curation, editing, and publication of articles. Your responsibility is to maintain the publication's quality standards and ensure that each piece resonates with the target audience.

Travel Journalist Jobs and Salaries

Staff travel journalist.


  • Average Salary 25000

Job Description

Staff Travel Journalist work is very basic in the field of journalism. They will be responsible for researching, writing, and producing engaging content on various travel destinations. Collaborate with editors and photographers to create compelling narratives that captivate readers and convey the essence of each location.

Salary Description

Salaries in this career largely depend on the company and the role that an individual occupies. At the beginning of their career, they get get basic pay. And eventually, they earn more than Rs. 25000 per month.

Travel Editor

  • Average Salary 50000

As a Travel Editor, your role involves overseeing and managing travel content for a publication. You will be responsible for editing and curating articles, collaborating with writers, and shaping the overall travel narrative to ensure it aligns with the publication's voice and editorial guidelines. This position requires a keen eye for detail, strong editing skills, and a passion for creating compelling travel stories.

The salaries of Travel editor depend on career growth or rely entirely on the experience of the particular field. The salary of Travel editor depends mainly on experience. The Travel Editor receive on average up to Rs. six lakhs a year.  Source - (GLASSDOOR)

What is the job outlook for Travel Journalist?

A candidate who wants to become a travel journalist is experiencing major job growth. When an individual gains experience and understanding, he or she gets higher ranks in the field of journalism. Because the field is massive and continues to expand, there are plenty of possibilities for employment growth. The life of a travel journalist could be exhausting and somewhat expensive, but somebody who wants to explore the whole world will consider it a most satisfying adventure. 

Travel Journalism does not assure a huge amount of money, especially in the early stages of the career, and people can not expect a lot of salaries as there will be thousands of people out there who can do the unpaid work. There is also no stability both in the income and the job. But definitely, it can be said that this job is for those who do not want monotony in their career.

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Frequently Asked Questions for Travel Journalist

Que. is travel journalism a good career.

Travel Journalism does not ensure a great deal of money, especially in the early stages of your career, and you can not just expect a huge amount of money as there will be millions of people out there who can do your work for free.

Que. Is journalism a dying field?

Journalism is certainly not dying, but it is changing and competitive. You need to be excellent at editing your multimedia content. We might think that print media is dying because of the digital era, but no media is actually dying.

Que. Is journalism a stressful job?

Journalists have to deal with time constraints, stressful working environments, insane deadlines, travel, demanding editorial staff, a much more demanding public, and anxiety of being laid off. By all of these, you can surely understand it is a stressful job, but if you have the passion of being a journalist nothing can stop you.

Que. Is it difficult to become a journalist?

Working as a reporter could be an exciting and challenging job. However, it can also be difficult work that often leads to unpleasant stories and constructive criticism, and not pays well compared to other professions.

Que. What do travel journalists write about?

Travel journalists have their own individual knowledge and expertise to define tourist attractions for different kinds of publications. Such writings may be in the type of blurbs, articles, documentaries or travel guides. They usually accompany their writings with photos of the destinations they visit.

Que. What degree do you need to be a travel journalist?

To become a travel journalist, a degree in journalism, communication, or a related field is beneficial, providing a solid foundation in writing and storytelling.

Que. Which course is best for travel journalism?

The best courses for travel journalism often include elements of journalism, multimedia storytelling, and travel writing to equip aspiring journalists with the necessary skills for the field.

Que. What skills do you need for travel journalism?

Essential skills for travel journalism include strong writing abilities, photography skills, cultural sensitivity, and a passion for exploration, enabling journalists to capture and convey compelling stories about diverse destinations.

Que. How to become a travel journalist for the National Geographic?

To become a travel journalist for National Geographic, consider gaining relevant experience through internships or freelance work, build a diverse portfolio showcasing your writing and photography skills, and network within the industry to increase visibility and opportunities with the renowned publication.

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Average Computer Science Salary in India - Job Role,...

Find the Average Computer Science Salary in India. Know the job role, skills, education...

Top 6 Interesting Career Options in Psychology in India

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Javascript Developer Salary in India for Fresher & E...

Check out the Javascript Developer Salary in India for Fresher and Experienced. Read co...

AI Engineer Salary In US, India, Canada - Jobs, Resp...

Check out the AI Engineer Salary In US India Canada. Find roles and responsibilities, j...

DBA Salary in India - Skills, Qualification, Careers...

Find out the DBA Salary in India. Check what are the skills, qualification, careers pro...

AWS Salary in India [For Freshers & Experienced]

Learn all about AWS Salary in India For Freshers & Experienced. The article also gives ...

Cloud Engineer Salary in India - Skills, Qualificati...

Learn all about Cloud Engineer Salary in India. Check what are the skills, educational ...

Journalism and Mass Communication Salary in India

Check out Journalism and Mass Communication Salary in India. Find what are the skills, ...

Best IT Courses After 12th

Check out the Best IT Courses After 12th. Know the IT jobs, skills, education qualifica...

Top 5 Factors for Career Options in India

Carefully considering the following factors when weighing your career path options can ...

Full Stack Developer Salary in India : Skills, Caree...

Learn all about the Full Stack Developer Salary in India. The article also gives inform...

Salary for M.Sc IT Graduates: Highest Paying Job Rol...

Check out the Salary for M.Sc IT Graduates: Highest Paying Job Roles for M.Sc IT. Know ...

Software Architect Salary in India for Fresher & Exp...

Check out the Software Architect Salary in India. Know what are the skills required, qu...

Fun and Interesting Career Options in India

Check out the Fun and Interesting Career Options in India. Check out the diploma and qu...

How to Become a Marine Engineer After 12th

Check How to become a Marine Engineer after 12th. What are the skills, educational qual...

Career in Digital Marketing: Skills, Advantages & Di...

Check out the Career in Digital Marketing, Find What are the skills, advantages and dis...

Bank Jobs After 12th - Check Eligibility & Expected ...

Learn all about Bank Jobs after 12th. The article also gives information on some of the...

Best Government Jobs For Commerce Students - Salary,...

Learn all about some of the top Government Jobs that students who are from commerce bac...

SSC Jobs After 12th - Check Eligibility, Exams, Exp...

The following article will give you important information on SSC jobs after 12th

Top Govt Jobs After 12th - Check Post Name, Exam, El...

Top Govt Jobs After 12th - Check out the various government jobs available to students ...

Railway Jobs After 12th - Check Eligibility, Top Exa...

The following article will give you information about the Indian railway jobs after 12th.

Salesforce Developer Salary in India For Fresher & E...

Check out the Salesforce Developer Salary in India for Fresher and Experienced. Read co...

Salary of Pharmacist: Region Wise, Specialization Wi...

Check out the Salary of Pharmacist. Know what is the qualification, skills required and...

How to Become UI/UX Designer - Skills, Career Prospe...

Check how to become UI/UX Designer including skills, career prospects, average salary a...

Ethical Hacker Salary for Fresher & Experienced : In...

Check out the Ethical Hacker Salary in India, USA, Canada, UAE, Singapore, Australia. C...

Average Corporate Lawyer Salary in India

Learn about the average Corporate Lawyer Salary in India. The article also gives inform...

MBA Salary in USA (By Industry): Types of MBA, Fact...

Find out MBA Salary in USA by their industry. Check out the factors, types of MBA, qual...

Software Engineering Salary in India [Average & High...

Check out the average salary of software engineer in India. Check what are the educatio...

Cyber Security Salary in India For Freshers & Experi...

Learn all about Cyber Security Salary in India for fresher and experienced. Check what ...

What to do After MCA - Careers & Scope, Average Salary

Learn about the best careers option after MCA. See scope, job profile, average salary a...

Web Developer Salary in India [For Freshers & Experi...

Learn all about the Web Developer Salary in India For Freshers and Experienced. Know wh...

Salary of MCA Graduates: Based on Various Specialisa...

Check out the salary of MCA graduates based on the specialisation and job roles. know m...

Digital Marketing Salary in India – Average to Highest

Find out the Digital Marketing Salary in India. Check job profiles, skills, educational...

Java Developer Salary in India [For Freshers & Exper...

Check out the Java Developer Salary in India in 2022 For Freshers & Experienced. Read c...

What does an Engineer do? - Job Roles, Salary

Find out the What does an Engineer do. Check out the job roles and their average salary...

How do I get a job in the Pharmaceutical Industry?

Know How do I get a job in Pharmaceutical Industry. Read more details here.

Machine Learning Salary in India (Fresher & Experien...

Find out the Machine Learning Salary in India. Check what are the skills, education qua...

6 Top Career Options After BBA: What to do After BBA?

Learn about the best career option or job opportunities after BBA Course. The article a...

Service Delivery Manager: Job Description, Skills Re...

Learn all about Service Delivery Manager jobs in India. The article gives information o...

Career Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

Find out the various Career Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence. Check out the ski...

DevOps Engineer Salary in India [For Fresher & Exper...

Learn all about the DevOps Engineer Salary in India for Freshers & Experienced. Find wh...

Which is the Best Career Option to Choose in Today T...

There are multiple factors that you need to consider while choosing your career options...

What to do After BMM - Best Careers Option After BMM

What to do After BMM? Here is the list of best career options available in BMM includin...

Career Options After MA: What To Do After MA

Check out the list of Career Options After MA. Here you can find what to do, how you ca...

Career after Polytechnic, Courses, Job Opportunities...

Get information on some of the Careers after Polytechnic. The articles gives informatio...

Which Are The Best Career Options In India

This article will give students an insight into the best career options for a future in...

Career Options After BMS: What to do After BMS

Learn all about Career Options After BMS. Check job opportunities, salary, educational ...

How to Become a Management Consultant - Jobs, Skills...

Learn How to Become a Management Consultant, Check what are the skills, educational qua...

Career Options in Commerce with Mathematics After 12...

Learn all about some of the best career options in Commerce with Maths after 12. The ar...

How to Become a Dentist After 12th

Learn how to become a dentist after 12th. The article also gives information on the ski...

Astronomy Courses After 12th - Check Eligibility, D...

The article talks about different astronomy courses after class 12th, eligibility, dura...

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Psychology in India

Looking for Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Psychology in India? Find out the list of bes...

Types of Marketing Jobs and Salary

Find out types of Marketing Jobs and their average salary in India for fresher and expe...

Career Options After M.Sc: What To Do After M.Sc

Check out the best Career Options After MSc. Find the job role, responsibilities, salar...

Average Nursing Salary in India - Job Profile, Scope...

Check out the average Nursing salary in India. Here you can find what are the education...

How to become a Successful Vlogger

Learn how to become a successful Vlogger. The article also gives information on types ...

Investment Banker Salary in India {Beginners & Exper...

Learn all about Investment banker salary in India for beginners and experienced. See wh...

Scope Of DPharma In India and abroad

Check out the Scope Of Pharm. D In India and abroad including eligibility criteria, ski...

Career Path of IAS Officer - Training, Responsibilit...

Check out the career path of an IAS officer. Find what are the responsibilities, salary...

Jobs After 10th - Eligibility, Exam Names, Job Sector

Learn all about various jobs that students can pursue after completing their class 10th...

Top IT Jobs in Demand for Future

Learn all about the top IT Jobs in Demand for future. The article also gives informatio...

Is Marketing a Most Stressful Career?

Learn all about how to deal with stress, especially if you are working in the field of ...

Which Engineering Branch is Best For Future - Job Ro...

Learn all about which Engineering branch is best for future. The article also gives inf...

7 Best Career Options after BA: What to do After BA?

Check out the 7 Best Career Options after BA that you can opt for and pursue after your...

Artificial Intelligence Salary in India {Beginners &...

Find out the Artificial Intelligence Salary in India. What are the skills, education qu...

5 Career Options in Pharmaceutical Industry

Know the 5 Career Options in Pharmaceutical Industry including roles and responsibiliti...

How to Become a Salesforce Developer: Skills, Job Ro...

Learn about how to Become a Salesforce Developer? Also Find out the steps to become sal...

Unique Career Options After 12th - Check Eligibility...

Learn all about some unique career options after 12th. The article gives information on...

12 Best Career Options after M.Com in 2024 - What to...

Learn about 12 Best Career Options after MCom. Find what to do, education qualification...

Career after ITI, Courses, Job Opportunities

Career after ITI - Check out career options after engineering and non engineering ITI c...

Best Professions In The World

The following article gives an insight into the best professions in the world.

Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs in Finance in India

Find out the list of Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs in Finance in India. Check various job ...

BCA Salary In India: Top Job Roles & Career Opportun...

Check out the Salary of BCA Graduate. Find various job roles and careers opportunities,...

Career Options In Physical Education - Scope, Salary...

This article gives an insight into what physical education is and what are various care...

How to join Indian Navy after 12th - Check Eligibili...

How to join Indian Navy after 12th - Check out the intends to give you information on h...

10 Best Career Option for Science Students After 12th

Find out the 10 Best Career Option for Science Students After 12th. Check out the job r...

Most In Demand jobs for the Future : Best Future Car...

Find out the Most In Demand jobs for the Future. Here is list of best careers options i...

Commerce Scope After 12th - Check Career Options, Co...

The following article gives a perspective about the vast scope after studying Commerce ...

How To Live Alone: 9 Ways To Live Alone Happily

How To Live Alone - The article gives information on different ways one can learn how t...

How to Become a Judge in India After LLB

Find out How to become a Judge in India after LLB. what is procedure, skills required t...

Careers In Art And Design - Check Career Options, Sa...

Careers options in art and design - this article gives information on best and top care...

Career Planning - Check Effective Tips For Career Pl...

The following article gives an insight about what is career planning and how it differs...

Career Guidance After 12th: Check Popular Colleges, ...

Career Guidance After 12th - The following article gives an insight into career guidan...

Highest Paying Jobs In The World - Check Eligibility...

This article gives an overview of some of the highest paying jobs in the world.

Career Options After 12th Commerce - Eligibility & E...

Career Options After 12th Commerce - The following article gives a detailed analysis of...

Career Option After 10th - Eligibility, Salary, Govt...

Jobs after 10th - this article provides an insight into the best career options after 1...

Career Options After 12th Science - Eligibility & Ex...

Career Options After 12th Science- This article speaks about different career options a...

Career Options After 12th Science PCM - Check Educat...

This article will give you insights into the career options for class 12th PCM, eligibi...

Part Time Jobs After 10th - Data Entry, Content Writ...

Find here the list of top part time jobs after 10th pass that students can pursue and m...

Commerce with Maths Scope - Check List of Top Career...

Commerce with Maths Scope - The following article gives a perspective about the vast sc...

What Is A Career? - A Complete Guide

This article will give readers a detailed insight into what is a career and some of its...

How to Become a Pilot After 12th Commerce - Step By ...

The article explores ways on how those who are from commerce background can become pilo...

Career Options After 12th Commerce Without Maths

This article gives information on various career options after 12th Commerce without Ma...

PCMC Career Options - Expected Salary, Eligibility

This article gives an insight into the courses after 12th science pcmc that are offered...

Career Options After 12th Science PCB - Check Top Re...

This article gives information on career options after 12th Science PCB, for giving a b...

Career Options After 12th Science PCMB - Eligibility...

Career Options After 12th Science PCMB - The following article gives an insight into th...

How to Join ISRO after 12th - A Complete Guide

How to Join ISRO after 12th - This article presents you with a step-by-step guide on ho...

How To Join Indian Navy After 10th - Check Post, Eli...

Learn about how to join the Indian Navy after class 10th. The article gives information...

How to join Indian air force after 12th - Check Sele...

How to join Indian air force after 12th - The following article gives an insight into t...

Career Options After 12th Arts/Humanities - Check Ed...

Learn all about career options after class 12th. The article also gives information abo...

Highest Salary Jobs In India Per Month

Discover some of the highest paid jobs in India. The article has given average monthly ...

Career Opportunity After MBA - Scope, Specialisation...

Check out the list of Career Opportunity After MBA including job roles, skills required...

Diverse Career Paths You Can Pursue At The Indian Pa...

In this article, Careers360 discusses various job profiles available in the Indian Parl...

Why Are Soft Skills Important For Career Development?

Know what are soft skills and why they are important for career development.

NIRF Placement Report: Pharma Grads Prefer Higher Ed...

Do all pharma graduates take up placements? Or is there an equal percentage that pursue...

Search Engine Optimisation: Pursue These Internships...

Here is the list of top paid in-office and work-from-home SEO internships offered by va...

Navigating Career Options and Salaries For Artists W...

Know the best career options with salary for an artist who loves to paint and has a pas...

8 Non-Athletic Careers For Those Who Love Sports

Explores the top 8 lucrative career opportunities who love sports but not a sports person.

Top Careers That Have Withstood Complete Automation

Here, we explore a compilation of careers in various sectors that not only resist the a...

These 6 Careers In Law Can Never Be Automated

Despite being heavily reliant on artificial intelligence, these are the 6 law careers t...

Real Estate: These Are The Top 10 Diverse And Lucrat...

Here are some of the top 10 most diverse and lucrative careers available to people in r...

Careers In The Entertainment That Are Not Acting Yet...

Apart from acting, know what are the other promising career options that are available ...

Dos And Don’ts: How Can Fresh Recruits Make The Most...

Here are some important dos and don’ts that you should keep in mind in your first job.

Career Avenues For Those Who Have Good Conversationa...

Know what are the Careers options available for those who have good speaking skills.

Do’s And Don’ts To Follow During An Internship

Know what are the certain Do's and Don'ts that you should follow during an internship.

Careers Opportunities In Wildlife And Environment Co...

Know the scope and career opportunities and scope in wildlife and environment conservat...

Office Appraisals: Are 360 Degree Performance Assess...

In this article we discuss the 360-degree performance assessment. Read to know the adva...

What Are The Career Opportunities For Maths Enthusia...

In this article discussed career opportunities where you can leverage your mathematical...

Public and Private Sector Employment: Things You Sho...

Here are some things you should know about public and private sector employment.

Freelancing: Why Is It Popular In Certain Industries?

Know the reasons why people prefer freelancing over working for someone else.

Japanese Work Culture: Lessons You Must Adopt For Ca...

Japan, known for its unique approach to work and life, has a well-kept secret for profe...

Ghostwriting: A Good Career Option For Writers

Ghostwriting Jobs - this article explores valuable insights into ghostwriting and expla...

Psychologist vs Psychiatrist: What Is The Difference...

Know the differences in Psychologists and Psychiatrists and their roles, qualifications...

Discover The Scope And Career Opportunities In Radio...

Know the vast scope and career opportunities available in the field of radiology.

Career Transitions: How To Crossover From Being An E...

Know how you can transition from an employee to an entrepreneur using these essential t...

13 Highest Paying Jobs in Pharmaceutical Industry

Check out the list of Highest paying jobs in Pharmaceutical Industry. know the jobs and...

Sports Engineering: Where Technology Meets Passion F...

Know what Is the career path for a Sports Engineer? And what does it take to become one?

The Art Of Networking: How To Build A Professional N...

This article about the art of building professional relationships shortly after graduat...

Personality Assessments: Why Is It Crucial During Ca...

Why Personality Assessments Is Crucial During Career Counseling? - this article about t...

Here’s Why Careers In Anthropology Can Never Be Auto...

This article explains why careers in anthropology can never be automated, highlighting ...

What Do Students Learn In Industrial Visits?

Know why industrial visits are so important for students and how they can benefit from ...

How Networking Portals Can Land You Better Job Oppor...

In this article, we will discuss how online platforms like LinkedIn can prove to be hel...

Career Opportunities In Sustainable Agriculture

Check out the some of the promising career opportunities available in sustainable agric...

Career Opportunities For Those Pursuing MSc Statistics

Check out the lucrative and promising career opportunities available to those who are p...

Extroverts, Thrive In Your Element And Explore These...

In this article, we have discussed top seven careers perfectly suited for extroverts. F...

What Can A Senior Colleague Teach You At Your First ...

What Can a Senior Colleague Teach You at Your First Job? - In this article, Careers360 ...

Explore These Diverse Careers In Food Technology

Explore the opportunities that await aspiring professionals in the field of food techno...

Careers After Pursuing A Bachelor’s In Physical And ...

Check the various career options after pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physical and hea...

Here’s Why Careers In Psychology Can Never Be Fully ...

In this article, let’s understand why therapeutic relationships and empathy are irrepla...

Work Opportunities in Canada for International Students

Work opportunities in Canada for international students – Careers360 brings all detail ...

Entrepreneurship: This Is How You Start Your Own Bus...

Know how to succeed as an entrepreneur by navigating the complexities of starting your ...

5 Ted Talks To Watch Before Your Final Job Interview

Top 5 Ted Talks To Watch Before Your Final Job Interview - here are five TED talks to f...

Ethical Hacker: A Lucrative Career That Doesn’t Requ...

Read this article to find lucrative, unconventional career opportunities in freelance e...

Career Growth Of DRDO Scientists And Technical Staff

Know the career growth of DRDO scientists and technical staff in India's leading defenc...

Work opportunities in New Zealand for International ...

Work opportunities in New Zealand for International Students – Careers360 bring detail ...

Architecture And Automation: Why The Industry Can Ne...

Why the Field of Architecture Industry Never Be Automated? In this article, we will exp...

Why Is Automation Not A Threat To The Defence Sector?

AI in Defence: This article explores why the defence sector can never be fully automate...

Public and Private Sector Employment Opportunities f...

Explore the social work career opportunities in the public and private sectors for thos...

Why Complete Automation Won’t Work In Police Services

In this article, we will explore why the field of police service can’t be fully automat...

Essential Skills For Successful Entrepreneurs and Im...

Entrepreneurship Skills - in this article, careers360 listed essential skills for succe...

Non Technical Jobs You Can Look Forward To

Let's take a closer look at some of the top non-technical jobs in creative arts, design...

What Does A Career In Deep-Sea Exploration And Ocean...

Explore a career in Deep-Sea exploration and oceanography. Know various career options ...

Career Trends In The Field Of Social Anthropology In...

Anthropology Jobs - in this article, we have discussed how one can choose a career as s...

Choose Psychology-Sociology-Philosophy In Your BA Fo...

Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy are three subjects that study humans and human behavi...

Why Automation Is Not A Threat To Careers In Perform...

Will AI replace artists - in this article, Careers360 has listed six performing arts th...

Navigate A Career In Teaching While Embracing AI

Artificial Intelligence is almost all spheres of our life, and its implementation in th...

An Insight Into The Profession Of Child Psychology

Know the significance of child psychology in today's world, its industry trends, variou...

Why Must You Master Your Communication and Persuasio...

Know the importance of communication and persuasion skills for post-graduate students. ...

How To Make A Career In Corporate Banking: Skills, O...

Corporate Banking Careers Guide - Know the skills, opportunities, and challenges in th...

Explore Lucrative Careers In Disaster Management

Jobs in disaster management - read this article to know the scope of careers in disaste...

New Insights Into A Career In Product Management

Check the an insight of product management new insights and trends and see how it is on...

New And Traditional Career Opportunities In Aviation...

Job opportunities in aviation - in this article, Careers360 has listed some of the trad...

Explore The Dynamic Careers In The Booming Gaming In...

Explore dynamic gaming careers in the booming industry. Know the lifecycle of designing...

What Must You Know About Switching Career Paths?

All You Must Know About Switching Career Path - In this article, we discussed the key i...

Social Media Influencer - Is It A Viable Career Option?

In this article, Let’s find out how creating content and maintaining an audience is the...

Courses That Will Unlock Exciting Careers In Geophys...

Check the careers in geophysics and geology with specialized courses. Know in detail wh...

Scope, Current Trends And Challenges In Pursuing Der...

Exploring Scope, Trends, and Challenges in Dermatology As a Career. Find out how it has...

Naturopathy: A Career In Alternative Medical Science

In this article, naturopathy practitioner Dr. Kayelarasi shared some insightful informa...

Over 55% Graduates From Kerala’s Top Colleges Chose ...

Know how many graduates From Kerala’s top Colleges were placed? Check in details here.

How Does Networking Help Improve Your Career?

Know the importance of networking in career development and delve into the benefits it ...

5 Medical Jobs That Can Never Be Automated

Check the 5 medical professions that can not be replaced by the artificial intelligence.

Footwear Design: A Creative And Technical Career Choice

Explore the world of footwear design and know the creative processes, technical aspects...

Part Time Jobs After 12th

The following article is meant to give students an insight into the part time jobs afte...

Jobs After 12th Commerce - Know How to Get In, Roles...

Jobs After 12th Commerce - This following article will inform you about the various jo...

Jobs After 12th - Check Eligibility, Job Options

Jobs After 12th - Check out the overview of job options you can pursue directly after c...

Most Respected Jobs In India: Check Eligibility, Exa...

Most Respected Jobs In India - The following article will take you through the list of ...

What Can A Degree In Hotel Management Offer?

This article explores hotel management, scope, industry trends, and the jobs available ...

Anthropology - A Holistic Subject That Opens A Numbe...

Careers in Anthropology - Know the scope of anthropology as a career check more about t...

Cultivating A Green Career: Explore Careers In Envir...

Know the top 10 career opportunities that are there in the field of environmental scien...

How Can Pinterest Help You Plan Your Career Goals?

Know how Pinterest can help you to plan your career goals. Get ideas that can be your i...

A Career In Medicine: Who Should Consider Becoming A...

Career in Medicine - Know if it is right for you? Check who should consider becoming a ...

Questions related to Travel Journalist

I want to study travel journalism in particular and this year i was supposed to appear for my 12th boards, which got cancelled. i want to know which courses of journalism shall i take to become a travel journalist, which subjects shall i study and which colleges would be the best to study..

Hello Aspirant,

Courses to opt to become a travel journalist are as follows:

  • B.J. (Bachelor of Journalism)
  • B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) Journalism
  • B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media)
  • B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication
  • B.A. in Journalism and Mass Media
  • B.A. in Journalism and Communication Studies to be a journalist

Best Colleges you can go for:

  • Asian College of Journalism
  • Indian Institute of Mass Communication
  • Xavier's Institute of Communication
  • Symbiosis International University
  • Delhi University
  • GGS IP University
  • Amity University
  • Jamia Millia Islamia.

For more information about the course, check this link mentioned below:

Hope this information helps you!

All the best!

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travel journalism degree

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travel journalism degree

Travel Journalist Education Requirements

The educational requirements for a travel journalist typically include a bachelor's degree, with about 82% of travel journalists holding this level of education. Majors such as Journalism, Communication, Zoology, English, and History are common. According to Scoobie Ryan , Associate Director at the University of Kentucky's School of Journalism and Media, "Knowledge of social media is essential-not just how to use it, but its rhythms and pace. Students must understand how to promote a story on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, livestream it on Facebook, and post to YouTube." This highlights the importance of digital skills and understanding of various platforms in the field of travel journalism. Additionally, top schools for this field include Stanford University, the University of Texas at Austin, Northwestern University, the University of Southern California, and the University of Pennsylvania.

What education do you need to become a travel journalist?

What degree do you need to be a travel journalist.

  • Bachelor's , 95%
  • Associate , 5%

What should I major in to become a travel journalist?

According to Dr. Tara Welch , Professor at the University of Kansas, "Classics majors read carefully and work carefully - and they don't shy from complex situations." Therefore, majors such as journalism, communication, English, and history are among the best for a travel journalist.

  • Journalism , 28%
  • Communication , 12%
  • Zoology , 8%
  • English , 8%
  • Other Majors , 44%

Most common colleges for travel journalists

Travel journalists often get their degrees at Arizona State University, Western Washington University, and Southern Methodist University. Here are the most common colleges for travel journalists in the US based on their resumes.

Best majors for travel journalists

Best colleges for travel journalists.

To become a successful travel journalist, education plays a significant role. The best colleges for travel journalists include Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin, Northwestern University, University of Southern California, and University of Pennsylvania. These institutions matter for travel journalists as they offer strong programs and resources that equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful career in travel journalism.

Stanford University

1. Stanford University

Stanford, CA • Private

In-State Tuition

University of Texas at Austin

2. University of Texas at Austin

Austin, TX • Private

Northwestern University

3. Northwestern University

Evanston, IL • Private

University of Southern California

4. University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA • Private

University of Pennsylvania

5. University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA • Private

Harvard University

6. Harvard University

Cambridge, MA • Private

University of California, Berkeley

7. University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA • Private

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

8. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC • Private

Washington University in St Louis

9. Washington University in St Louis

Saint Louis, MO • Private

Boston University

10. Boston University

Boston, MA • Private

20 best online courses for travel journalists

1. Become a Journalist: Report the News!

This Specialization will develop and enhance your understanding of the global field of journalism. You'll learn best practices and ethical standards for newsgathering processes and compiling a news report through hands-on projects, peer-to-peer feedback, and issue exploration. You will also study journalism's impact on societal issues and trends, plus explore career opportunities in newspapers, magazine, social media, Internet multimedia, television, radio, corporate and community journalism...

2. International Travel Preparation, Safety, & Wellness

Whether you've traveled before or not, living and working overseas can be challenging. Learn how best to prepare and make the most of your time internationally. This course will prepare you to work and live overseas. It explores the epidemiology of common morbidity and mortality among travelers and examines key prevention, safety, and travel medicine principles and services to contextualize risks and maintain wellness. The course reviews applicable interventions, appropriate vaccines, and...

3. Travel Writing: Explore the World & Publish Your Stories!

Highest Rated Travel Writing Course ~ Ranked #4 on Buzzfeeds List of 23 of the Coolest Online Classes on this website...

4. How to be a Journalist - The Complete Guide to Journalism

All you need to know to become a freelance journalist or staffer and get paid for what you write...

5. Travel Management Course (Skill-Based)

#1 Travel Management Course in the Industry .All you need to know to step into the Travel & Tourism Sector...

6. TRAVEL Hacking for Beginners: Cheap, Smart & Safe Travel

60+ World Travel Tips: Cheap Travel. Fear of Flying. Travel Motivation & Safety. Negotiation. Social Success Abroad...

7. How to get Paid to Travel The World

Build an online brand from scratch and get paid to travel the world Full Time...

8. Travel Journaling: How to Write Extraordinary Travel Diaries

From the author of Globejotting: How to Write Extraordinary Travel Journals (and still have time to enjoy your trip!)...

9. Executive Travel Planning for Virtual Assistants

Manage flights, hotels, and car services for corporate travel like a pro! PLUS travel changes during a global crisis...

10. Travel Photography: Take Beautiful Photos on Your Adventures

Capture amazing photos with our complete A-Z guide to travel photography: Equipment, Shooting, Editing, Sharing...

11. Travel! The Ultimate Crash Course to Living on the Road

How You Can Afford a Life of Travel and Adventure!...

12. DIGITAL NOMAD MASTERY - How to Travel The World for Free

How You Can Explore the World in Luxury or On a Shoestring as a Digital Nomad...

13. Digital Marketing Course 2023: Be a Digital Marketing Nomad

Learn Digital Marketing, Copywriting, Ads, SEO, Video Creation. Become a Digital Marketing Nomad. Freelance and Travel...

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Top 10 most affordable universities for travel journalists

The most affordable schools for travel journalists are University of Florida, california state university - long beach, and baruch college of the city university of new york.

If the best universities for travel journalists are out of your price range, check out these affordable schools. After factoring in in-state tuition and fees, the average cost of attendance, admissions rate, average net price, and mean earnings after six years, we found that these are the most affordable schools for travel journalists.

University of Florida

1. University of Florida

Gainesville, FL • Private

Cost of Attendance

California State University - Long Beach

2. California State University - Long Beach

Long Beach, CA • Private

Baruch College of the City University of New York

3. Baruch College of the City University of New York

New York, NY • Private

Hunter College of the City University of New York

4. Hunter College of the City University of New York

Brooklyn College of the City University of New York

5. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York

Brooklyn, NY • Private

California State University - Bakersfield

6. California State University - Bakersfield

Bakersfield, CA • Private

Brigham Young University

7. Brigham Young University

Provo, UT • Private

Florida State University

8. Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL • Private

California State University - Los Angeles

9. California State University - Los Angeles

University of Central Florida

10. University of Central Florida

Orlando, FL • Private

Top 10 hardest universities to get into for travel journalists

The hardest universities for travel journalists to get into are Northwestern University, Stanford University, and Washington University in St Louis.

Some great schools for travel journalists are hard to get into, but they also set your career up for greater success. The list below shows the most challenging universities to get into for travel journalists based on an institution's admissions rates, average SAT scores accepted, median ACT scores accepted, and mean earnings of students six years after admission.

1. Northwestern University

Admissions Rate

SAT Average

2. Stanford University

3. washington university in st louis, 4. university of pennsylvania.

Columbia University in the City of New York

5. Columbia University in the City of New York

6. university of southern california.

Northeastern University

7. Northeastern University

8. harvard university, 9. boston university.

New York University

10. New York University

Top 10 easy-to-apply-to universities for travel journalists.

The easiest schools for travel journalists to get into are Barry University, mount saint mary's university, and kean university.

Some schools are much easier to get into. If you want to start your career as a travel journalist without much hassle, check out the list of schools where you will be accepted in no time. We compiled admissions rates, average SAT scores, average ACT scores, and average salary of students six years after graduation to uncover which were the easiest schools to get into for travel journalists.

Barry University

1. Barry University

Miami, FL • Private

Mount Saint Mary's University

2. Mount Saint Mary's University

Kean University

3. Kean University

Union, NJ • Private

Notre Dame de Namur University

4. Notre Dame de Namur University

Belmont, CA • Private

Linfield College

5. Linfield College

McMinnville, OR • Private

Wayland Baptist University

6. Wayland Baptist University

Plainview, TX • Private

Grand View University

7. Grand View University

Des Moines, IA • Private

San Francisco State University

8. San Francisco State University

San Francisco, CA • Private

Thomas More University

9. Thomas More University

Crestview Hills, KY • Private

Cardinal Stritch University

10. Cardinal Stritch University

Milwaukee, WI • Private

Average travel journalist salary by education level

According to our data, travel journalists with a Master's degree earn the highest average salary, at $104,913 annually. Travel journalists with a Bachelor's degree earn an average annual salary of $99,644.

Travel Journalist Education FAQs

What is the best college for travel journalists, search for travel journalist jobs.

Updated April 5, 2024

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What Does a Travel Journalist Do?

Find out what a Travel Journalist does, how to get this job, salary information, and what it takes to succeed as a Travel Journalist.

travel journalism degree

Embarking on a journey as a Travel Journalist involves weaving narratives that transport readers to destinations far and wide, offering them a glimpse into the heart and soul of places they may never visit. This role is dedicated to exploring the world, uncovering hidden gems, and sharing insights about cultures, cuisines, and customs through compelling storytelling and photography. By doing so, Travel Journalists not only inform and entertain but also bridge gaps between diverse cultures, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of the world’s vast tapestry. Their work serves as a guide, inspiration, and resource for avid travelers and dreamers alike, enriching their audience’s knowledge and igniting wanderlust with every story told.

Travel Journalist Job Duties

  • Research and identify unique travel destinations, experiences, and trends to feature in articles or reports.
  • Write engaging and informative content, including articles, blog posts, and social media updates, that captures the essence of travel experiences.
  • Photograph or source images to accompany written content, ensuring high-quality visuals that enhance the storytelling.
  • Interview locals, tourists, and industry experts to gather diverse perspectives and insights on travel destinations.
  • Review accommodations, restaurants, and attractions, providing honest and useful recommendations to readers.
  • Navigate travel logistics independently, including arranging transportation, accommodations, and access to events or locations.
  • Attend travel industry events, press trips, and conferences to network with tourism professionals and gather information on emerging trends.
  • Analyze and report on the environmental and cultural impact of tourism in various destinations, promoting responsible travel practices.

Travel Journalist Salary & Outlook

Factors affecting a Travel Journalist’s salary include experience, publication prestige, niche expertise (e.g., luxury, adventure travel), audience size, multimedia skills (photography, videography), and the ability to secure exclusive stories or interviews. Freelancers’ income varies with their negotiation skills and the quantity of published pieces.

  • Median Annual Salary: $49,350 ($23.73/hour)
  • Top 10% Annual Salary: $70,500 ($33.89/hour)

The employment of travel journalists is expected to grow at an average rate over the next decade.

This growth is driven by increasing global tourism and a growing appetite for unique travel content across digital platforms. Travel journalists are essential for creating engaging content that inspires and informs audiences about new destinations, cultures, and experiences, fueling the demand for their expertise.

Travel Journalist Job Requirements

Education: A Travel Journalist typically holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, Communications, or English, with coursework in creative writing, media ethics, and digital media. Some may have an Associate’s Degree or have taken college courses relevant to writing, photography, and cultural studies. Majors in journalism or communications are common, supplemented by electives in travel, international relations, or language studies to enhance global understanding and reporting skills.

Experience: Travel journalists typically have a background in journalism, writing, or media, with a significant portion having spent time honing their craft through practical experience. This includes on-the-job training at media outlets, participation in writing workshops, and involvement in travel-related reporting projects. Their experience often encompasses developing storytelling skills, researching destinations, and mastering the art of engaging and informative writing. Many have also undergone training programs that focus on digital media, photography, and videography to enhance their travel narratives. This blend of training and hands-on experience equips them to capture and share the essence of their journeys compellingly.

Certifications & Licenses: No specific certifications or licenses are typically required for the job of a Travel Journalist.

Travel Journalist Skills

Cultural Sensitivity: Travel journalists adeptly navigate diverse cultural landscapes, crafting stories that authentically resonate with both local and global audiences. By fostering a deeper connection and understanding, they ensure respectful and accurate representation of communities, their traditions, and values, which is paramount in producing insightful and engaging content.

Multimedia Storytelling: Engaging narratives in travel journalism are crafted by weaving together text, images, and video. Journalists transport their audience to distant locales, offering immersive experiences that evoke the sights, sounds, and emotions of their destinations. A keen eye for detail and selecting the right multimedia elements complement and enhance the storytelling, ensuring each piece deeply resonates with readers and viewers.

Travel Logistics Planning: Coordinating transportation, accommodations, and schedules efficiently, travel journalists immerse themselves in diverse cultures and stories without logistical mishaps. Timely content delivery and maximized richness of experiences captured are indispensable for compelling and authentic travel narratives.

Language Proficiency: Seamless communication in the native tongue of a destination enriches storytelling, providing access to firsthand experiences and insights. It fosters deeper connections with locals, enabling journalists to uncover stories often missed by others. Linguistic dexterity allows for more accurate and culturally sensitive reporting.

SEO and Digital Analytics: High-ranking content on search engine results pages ensures captivating travel stories reach a wider audience. Analyzing digital metrics helps journalists understand reader behaviors and preferences, tailoring future articles for maximum engagement and visibility.

Ethical Reporting: Travel journalists balance accurately representing cultures, locations, and experiences without exploiting or misrepresenting them. Their reporting respects the dignity and diversity of the communities they cover, requiring a commitment to fairness, accuracy, and thoughtful consideration of the impact their stories may have.

Travel Journalist Work Environment

A travel journalist’s work environment is as varied as the destinations they cover. Their office can range from a bustling city café to a tranquil beach, with the constant companion of a laptop or camera. The tools of their trade are digital and portable, emphasizing the need for reliable technology and internet connectivity wherever they go.

Work hours are unconventional, often dictated by the story they are chasing rather than a 9-to-5 schedule, offering a high degree of flexibility but also demanding adaptability to time zones and local customs. Dress codes are equally fluid, adapting to the cultural norms of their current location.

The pace can be fast, with tight deadlines and quick turnarounds, but it’s balanced by periods of travel and exploration. Interaction with others is a core part of the job, requiring strong communication skills and a genuine interest in different cultures. This role offers unique opportunities for professional development through immersive experiences and continuous learning about the world.

Advancement Prospects

Travel journalists can elevate their careers by diversifying their storytelling mediums, venturing into video reporting, and podcasting to capture a wider audience. Specializing in niche markets such as eco-tourism, luxury travel, or culinary explorations can set them apart and open doors to exclusive stories and destinations.

Building a strong personal brand through social media and a personal blog can attract freelance opportunities with prestigious travel magazines and websites. Experienced travel journalists often transition into authoring travel guides or books, leveraging their extensive knowledge and unique perspectives on travel.

Securing a role as a travel editor or content director for a major publication is a pinnacle achievement, requiring a deep portfolio of work and industry recognition. This position allows for influencing the travel narrative and mentoring upcoming travel writers.

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travel journalism degree

10 Tips for Successful Travel Journalism

  • Published: November 30, 2023
  • By: Yellowbrick

Travel Journalism: A Comprehensive Guide to a Thriving Career

Travel journalism is a captivating field that allows individuals to explore the world while sharing their experiences through the written word. It combines the thrill of traveling with the art of storytelling, making it a dream career for many. If you have a passion for both travel and writing, then travel journalism might be the perfect path for you. In this article, we will delve into the world of travel journalism, exploring what it entails, the skills required, and the various career opportunities available.

1. Develop Strong Writing Skills

One of the most crucial aspects of travel journalism is the ability to convey your experiences and observations effectively through writing. As a travel journalist, your words should transport readers to the destinations you visit, allowing them to experience the sights, sounds, and emotions alongside you. To excel in this field, hone your writing skills by practicing regularly, reading extensively, and seeking feedback from experienced writers.

2. Cultivate a Keen Eye for Detail

Attention to detail is paramount in travel journalism. Your ability to observe and capture the essence of a place will set your work apart. Notice the intricate details, the unique aspects of each location, and the stories that lie beneath the surface. Take note of the local customs, the architecture, the cuisine, and the people. These small details will enrich your writing and provide a more immersive experience for your readers.

3. Embrace the Art of Storytelling

Travel journalism is more than just reporting facts; it’s about telling compelling stories. Weave narratives that engage your readers, taking them on a journey alongside you. Use storytelling techniques such as descriptive language, dialogue, and personal anecdotes to create a captivating narrative that resonates with your audience.

4. Develop Your Research Skills

Thorough research is essential for travel journalists. Before embarking on a trip, familiarize yourself with the destination’s history, culture, and current events. Research local attractions, hidden gems, and off-the-beaten-path locations that will add depth to your articles. By arming yourself with knowledge, you can provide valuable insights and recommendations to your readers.

5. Build a Strong Network

Networking is crucial in any industry, and travel journalism is no exception. Connect with fellow travel journalists, editors, and industry professionals to expand your opportunities and gain valuable insights. Attend industry events, join online forums, and engage with travel communities to build relationships that can lead to collaborations and career advancements.

6. Embrace New Technologies

In today’s digital age, travel journalists must adapt to new technologies and platforms. Embrace social media, create an online presence, and leverage technology to enhance your storytelling. Consider starting a travel blog or vlogging channel to share your experiences visually. Stay up-to-date with the latest digital tools and trends to remain relevant in the ever-evolving world of travel journalism.

7. Develop Photography and Videography Skills

Visual content is becoming increasingly important in travel journalism. Enhance your storytelling by developing photography and videography skills. Capture captivating images and videos that complement your written articles. Learn the basics of composition, lighting, and editing to create visually stunning content that engages your audience.

8. Be an Expert in a Niche

Travel journalism encompasses a wide range of topics, from adventure travel to culinary tourism. Consider specializing in a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise. By focusing on a specific area, you can establish yourself as an authority and attract a dedicated audience.

9. Pursue Formal Education or Online Courses

While a formal education is not a prerequisite for a career in travel journalism, it can provide valuable skills and knowledge. Consider pursuing a degree in journalism, communications, or a related field. Alternatively, there are online courses, such as those offered by Yellowbrick , that specialize in travel journalism and can provide you with industry-specific training and insights.

10. Seize Opportunities for Internships and Freelance Work

Internships and freelance opportunities are invaluable for gaining real-world experience and building your portfolio. Seek out internships at travel publications, newspapers, or online platforms. Alternatively, pitch your ideas to editors and publications as a freelance writer. These experiences will not only enhance your skills but also open doors to future career opportunities.

Travel journalism offers an exciting and fulfilling career path for those with a passion for travel and storytelling. By honing your writing skills, embracing new technologies, and developing a strong network, you can carve your own path in this dynamic industry. Whether you choose to work for established publications or embark on a freelance career, the world of travel journalism is yours to explore and share with the world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Travel journalism combines the thrill of travel with the art of storytelling, making it an exciting career choice for those passionate about both.
  • Developing strong writing skills and attention to detail are crucial for success in travel journalism.
  • Embracing the art of storytelling and using descriptive language and personal anecdotes helps engage readers.
  • Researching destinations thoroughly and building a strong network are essential for providing valuable insights and opportunities.
  • Keeping up with new technologies, developing photography and videography skills, and specializing in a niche can set you apart in the field.
  • Pursuing formal education or online courses, such as those offered by Yellowbrick, can provide industry-specific training and knowledge.
  • Internships and freelance work are invaluable for gaining experience and building a portfolio in travel journalism.

To further enhance your skills and knowledge in travel journalism, consider taking the “NYU | Modern Journalism” online course and certificate program. This comprehensive program offered by New York University provides valuable insights and training to help you succeed in the dynamic world of travel journalism. So, start this exciting journey, armed with the right skills and knowledge, and share your travel experiences with the world!

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How To Become A Travel Journalist

- This post may contain affiliate links. Read our disclosure.

I became a travel journalist as a second career back in 2004. It was a lifestyle change from a corporate career in telecommunications to a more carefree existence that allowed me to travel the world (I’ve been to all seven continents and 66 countries). Little did I know how fast the journalist and travel landscapes would change. I can relate to this quote about travel writing by Paul Theroux “He regarded himself as an accomplished writer — a clear sign of madness in anyone.”

When I first started, it was difficult to break into travel writing but these days, anyone with the tenacity and the will to succeed can learn how to start a travel blog , however, it does take time and dedication. If you’re looking for tips on how to start a blog , there’s a bewildering array of ideas online and there’s a difference between travel journalist and travel blogging. 

What’s the best thing about the life of a travel journalist? 

What do you look for when you travel, what’s your favourite destination, what do you collect when you travel, how did i break into travel journalism, the life of a travel journalist, 1- you must have a journalism degree, 2- you need to be a good photographer to be a travel journalist, 3- you can’t make a living as a travel journalist, 4- a ‘no’ from an editor means it’s not good enough, 5- you need to read lots of “how to be a travel writer” books, 1- don’t pitch ideas, just write the story and send it in, 2- no attachments, 3- start small and work up, 4- get to know the publication, 5- persevere, how to write a great travel story, travel journalists  , a peek into the life of a travel journalist .

travel journalists

To give you some insights on how travel journalists see the world, here are some perspectives from some successful travel writers.

Although the life of a travel journalist can often be lonely, as the joys of travelling with friends is something that many travel writers have to give up, there are many benefits of being a travel journalist.

All those interviewed below have worked as professional travel journalists for at least 10 years and some have been writing and travelling professionally for more than 20 years.

Kerry Heaney: I like to explore new places and find great food.

Kate Armstrong: For me, the best thing about travel is the delight of new sensations when you step off a bus or an aeroplane.

Maria Visconti: I like places that are unknown where I don’t know the culture or the language and I’m totally out of my comfort zone.

Lee Mylne: It’s about learning about other people, other places…every place is different but we’re all the same.

Kara Murphy: Lately, I like travelling to explore new underwater landscapes . The last year I’ve been doing underwater photography.

Danielle Lancaster: Everything is good for a different reason.

Kate Armstrong

Kate Armstrong: It’s everything from aromas of spices to the sounds of church bells.

Lee Mylne: It’s not about ticking the boxes. It’s about learning things. It’s about meeting people, hearing their stories.

Sue Gough Henly: I think when you’re in a fresh new place you’re so alert and you’re so observant about the everyday things that it makes it special.

Kate Armstrong: For me, it’s about the cuisine, it’s about the connections and the friendships that I make along the way.

Maria Visconti

Kate Armstrong: My favourite destination at the moment would be Portugal.

Sue Gough Henly: My favourite destination has to be France . I’m a complete Francophile.

Maria Visconti: A favourite area of mine is Asia as my heart is in Asia.

Kara Murphy: Lady Elliot Island on the Southern Great Barrier Reef because you can swim with turtles every time you get into the water. 

Lee Mylne: New Zealand because it’s so diverse and beautiful. 

Kerry Heaney: I spent a month in Europe and I have to say that was wonderful, really enjoyed that.

Christine Retschlag: I have to say Queensland. I’ve actually thought a little bit about this and I love it. I’m born and bred here. It’s beautiful. It’s got everything – the world’s oldest rainforest, the world’s largest Reef . It’s got the Outback. It’s got the best beaches. It’s got fantastic people, a fantastic climate, and fantastic food. What’s not to love?

Kerry Heaney: Earrings because they are small. Tea towels because I’m a food writer and memories.

Danielle Lancaster: No, no I’m not a collector. I will occasionally buy something that’s a little bit unusual as a small piece of pottery. No, I’m not a collector. I’m just a collector of photography gear.

Christine Retschlag: I just think that one day I’ll be an old lady and I’ll be sitting there looking through all my stories and thinking about my memories. I’ll be thinking about all the characters that someone a little piece of them comes home with you and changes you.

By Rob McFarland

travel journalism

Travel journalism is one of the most coveted careers on the planet.

Who wouldn’t want to be paid to travel the world visiting luxury escapes , drinking cocktails by the pool of a five-star resort and eating in Michelin-starred restaurants?

Of course, the reality is often very different.

For every five-star resort, there’s a dodgy motel and for every Michelin-starred restaurant , there’s a questionable roadside stall.

But if you love to travel and you love to write, it’s a dream job, so, here are some tips on how to get paid to travel the world.

Let me take you back to 1994…

I finished a degree in Computing and IT and embarked on a career as an IT consultant.

For a while, I enjoyed it.

It was social, it paid well and consultancies can make you feel good about working 80-hour weeks.

But after eight years I realised this wasn’t what I wanted to do – or how I wanted to dress – for the next 30 years.

I had no idea what I wanted to do instead so I took some time off, travelled and read a bunch of career self-help books I swore I’d never go near.

They turned out to be surprisingly helpful and they made me realise two things:

1) I loved travelling 2) I loved writing

While visiting my parents in the UK, I strolled into the lounge room and casually announced that after months of deliberation that I’d finally figured out what I wanted to be: a travel journalist.

Imagine their reaction.

They were – to put it mildly – concerned.

I had no experience.

I’d never studied journalism.

I didn’t even like English at school.

And I was giving up a secure, well-paid career with good prospects.

Undeterred, I returned to Australia and gave myself six months – if I didn’t get something published in that time, at least I’d tried and could always go back to IT.

So I started writing and to my surprise, I started getting published.

Little things at first, in backpacker magazines and airline in flights, then larger features in newspapers.

Soon publications started commissioning me and – to cut a long story short – now I’m a full-time travel journalist.

Why is this important?

Because I want to provide an insight into my background, which as you can see is not in the least bit literary or creative.

travel writer view from summit of mt kinabalu

So what does my life look like now?

It’s difficult to describe it without sounding smug but the reality is that companies pay for me to travel and publications pay me to write about it.

Highlights over the last few years include scaling Wayna Picchu in Peru, a six-day white-water rafting adventure in Patagonia, on the Futaleufu River, and climbing Mount Kinabalu, south-east Asia’s highest mountain, in Borneo.

One of the biggest benefits of being a travel writer is that I can work from anywhere, so each year I divide my time between Sydney, New York and Europe.

In summary, I feel like I’ve got my dream job…I get paid to travel.

And I genuinely believe that providing you have an aptitude for writing, anyone can do this. 

how to be a travel writer rafting the futaleufu

Because of this:

“The great thing about travel writing, particularly at the newspaper level, is that it’s pretty much a meritocracy. If your stuff is good, you’ll get published and recognised. As an editor, I don’t care where (or whether) you went to college, what your resume looks like or whether you’ve previously had a dozen cover stories in National Geographic. All I care about is the manuscript you’ve sent me. If it’s good, I’ll publish it. If it’s not, I won’t.” -John Flinn, former travel editor of the San Francisco Chronicle (Lonely Planet’s Guide to Travel Writing.)

How encouraging is that?

John doesn’t care what you studied or whether you’ve even been published before – he’ll judge you on the story you submit. I can’t think of many careers where that’s the case.

You can’t become a doctor or lawyer next week, but you can become a travel writer.

But how do you break in?

Surely you need to have worked on a publication?

And don’t you need to be a good photographer?

Let’s tackle some travel writing myths – five common misconceptions that exist about the travel writing industry.

Travel Journalism Myths

how to be a travel writer machu picchu

Many of Australia’s most respected and awarded travel writers didn’t study journalism.

They’re just good writers.

In my opinion, you either have an aptitude for writing or you don’t.

Sure, if you want to work on a publication, you’ll need a relevant qualification, but as a travel freelancer, it’s pretty much a level playing field.

An editor will judge you on the story you submit.

I didn’t take photos when I started and it didn’t hold me back.

If you look at the newspaper travel sections you’ll see a lot of the pictures come from image libraries such as Getty and Lonely Planet.

They have thousands of incredible pictures taken by professional photographers all over the world.

It’s unlikely you’ll have been somewhere they haven’t.

I know lots of full-time writers who manage to pay their rent and feed and clothe themselves.

It’s certainly not easy – you need to write a lot – but it’s not impossible.

One warning: the pay is terrible.

I’m a lot poorer now than when I was working in IT, but I’m a hell of a lot happier.

Do not for one second go into this for the money.

You submit a story to a publication and the editor replies “No thanks”.

At this point, it’s all too easy to think:

“It wasn’t good enough. Why am I doing this? I can’t write. I’m going back to being an IT consultant/accountant/ landscape gardener….”

But just think for a second why they might have said no.

It might be because it’s not good enough, but it also might be because they published a similar piece two months ago, or have a similar piece waiting to run.

Editors rarely tell you the reason they’re declining something so it’s all too easy to jump to the “I’m not good enough” conclusion.

I’ve sold dozens of stories that were rejected by one outlet only to be published elsewhere without a single change.

Resist the temptation to put off writing until you’ve read every “How to be a travel writer” book in the local bookshop.

Now, this may seem like an odd thing for someone who runs workshops for aspiring travel writers to say.

The reality is that the people who go on to be successful after taking my course already have an aptitude for writing.

What they get from the course is detailed feedback on their writing (something I would have given my left arm for when I was starting out), ten years’ worth of hard-learnt tips and tricks, and the confidence to actually do it.

“The only training for writing is writing – and reading and reading and writing some more.” Pico Iyer, British novelist.

Travel Writing Tips

Here are five tips to help you get published:

Until you’re established, an editor is never going to commission you to write a story if they haven’t used you before.

Why would they?

You’re an unknown quantity.

So, rather than emailing, “I’m thinking about writing a story on X”, just write it and send it in.

If they like it, they’ll use it. If they don’t, they won’t.

Once you’ve done this a couple of times, and the editor starts to trust you, then you can start pitching ideas.

Don’t send your story as an attachment.

Instead, include it in the body of the email.

To open an attachment, the editor has to double-click on it, wait while it’s virus-scanned and then download it to their computer – all time they could be spent doing something else.

Make it as easy as possible for an editor to read your story.

If the story is right there in the body of the email, literally staring them in the face, it’s almost impossible for them not to read the first line.

Tempting as it might be, don’t send your first story to the New York Times – it is highly unlikely they will publish it.

Choose an outlet that suits your style and runs similar types of stories.

The newspaper travel sections are a good starting point because they need a lot of content each week and will publish a wide variety of styles.

Most of the people who have been published after taking my course had their first story in a newspaper.

Get familiar with the outlet you’re pitching to.

Buy a copy of the magazine or newspaper and figure out the types of stories they publish, the style of writing they prefer (serious/humorous/first-person/third person?) and whether they’ve already run something on that subject.

No matter how well-written your story is, an outlet is never going to publish it if it ran a similar one last week. Or if it’s on a subject it doesn’t cover (the magazine Australian Traveller – which surprise, surprise is about travel within Australia – gets sent international stories all the time).

Providing you can write, there is one quality which will determine whether you make it as a freelance travel journalist: perseverance.

I know so many good writers that aren’t published simply because they haven’t persevered.

And I know a lot of editors who’ve told me they eventually published someone because week after week they kept popping up in their inbox.

You will get rejected.

Probably a lot when you’re starting out. And how you react to it is crucial.

If you let it get to you and give up, you’ll never be published.

If you shrug it off and carry on, you’re still in the game.

If you really want this life; if you want to be paid to travel the world perseverance is what’s going to get you there.

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” Richard Bach, American author

Safe travels and Good luck!

Rob McFarland runs workshops for aspiring travel writers and many of his students have gone on to be published. 

Tom Neal Tacker

Writing about travel for the last 15 years has taught me three important lessons:

  • To experience life fully, try walking in someone else’s shoes for at least a day. 
  • Travel is the great mind opener, your imagination will expand. 
  • Never judge a book by its cover; unknown worlds lie within those pages.

Travel writing has also taught me that clichés are rife.

It’s a useful tool when describing well-known destinations but clichéd nonetheless, hence the three important lessons listed above.

Trying to differentiate from what is the travel story norm:

Step One: bring the reader along for the ride with a first paragraph that captures their attention.

Step Two: cite the location and/or place to satisfy the accommodating host.

Step Tree: describe various experiences, preferably in gung-ho fashion to verify ‘travel writer’ credibility and step four, bring the message home with a ringing endorsement to keep the host and advertiser happy, I can honestly say that most travel writing is crushingly dull and formulaic.

I know as over the years I’ve contributed to the contemporary paradigm.

Why travel writing is contrarily ordinary considering the world’s wonders and extraordinary people means to me the writing shouldn’t be dull.

The voice of experience in mainstream media is whispering in my ear as I write this.

In an attempt to rectify the conundrum I launched my own online magazine so I can write about travel from a nakedly honest perspective.

But I always had a hankering to do more.

How could I offer readers something other than descriptive prose?

How could I deliver the goods I describe in my stories?

How could I take readers along for the journey… for real? 

Tom Neal Tacker is a freelance travel journalist and owner of Naked Hungry Traveller.

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Mihajlo Maricic | Getty Stock Images

Many programs require students to practice their skills at an actual journalistic organization.

A journalism major studies how to report, write and distribute news to a particular audience. Journalism majors learn how to research and interview and then communicate the information they uncover with clarity and accuracy.

Not long ago, most journalism programs gave students the choice between print or broadcast tracks. Today, many programs have adapted with the changing news industry and consolidated skills into a single track to teach writing and reporting for all mediums. Depending on the school and program, students are still able to specialize in areas like broadcast, data, investigative or political journalism. Students with a natural curiosity, a desire to communicate truth, and an interest in researching, interviewing and storytelling should consider a major in journalism.

What Is a Journalism Major?

A journalism major is a practical field of study that trains students to research, report and communicate objectively for print, web or broadcast. A journalism curriculum typically includes a mix of classroom learning and hands-on experience to equip students with the knowledge and skills to move directly into the workforce after graduation. For instance, students learn how to turn an idea into a packaged story, complete with images or other multimedia elements.

Along with learning the basics of reporting and interviewing, students work on incorporating ledes, nut graphs and quotes into a clear and compelling story. Students also develop editing skills and learn how to adhere to the Associated Press Stylebook, which is the style guide commonly used by journalists.

Those specializing in broadcast journalism have a slightly different experience, learning how to write, edit and report for TV. A traditional broadcast journalism track covers public speaking, live field and in-studio interviewing and reporting, and news production.

Journalism majors typically also complete an internship, which gives them practical, real-world experience and helps them grow their professional networks as they head into the workforce.

Common Coursework Journalism Majors Can Expect

A journalism major’s core curriculum introduces them to American media institutions, mass media, basic writing techniques , multimedia tools, news gathering and judgment, and more. Students may take a philosophy or principles of journalism course that offers a history of journalism, as well as the ways it’s evolved over the years. Journalism majors take classes in reporting and writing, which includes finding stories and sources, interviewing techniques, and the nuts-and-bolts of constructing and editing a story.

In addition to core requirements, journalism majors go deeper into topics of their choice, like data journalism, digital audio production, opinion writing, publication design and feature article writing.

Students also learn about journalism’s impact on society through courses like communications law, which provides an overview of the U.S. legal system in relation to media laws and regulations, and covers topics like copyright and libel. And journalism ethics gives students an understanding of journalists’ responsibility to society and allows them to explore the ethical dilemmas they’ll face in the field.

Many programs, like the Missouri School of Journalism and the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, require students to practice their skills at an actual magazine, newspaper, website, or TV or radio station. Some programs require students to pick a concentration or minor outside of the journalism or communication school, such as political science or history.

How to Know if This Major Is the Right Fit for You

Students who are considering studying journalism should ask themselves a few questions before declaring their major .

  • Do I have a curiosity about the world and people? Journalists find themselves asking questions about the world around them that become the basis of story ideas and pitches.
  • Does the prospect of interviewing people excite or terrify me? Reporting, which involves finding sources and talking to people who sometimes don’t want to talk to you, is a key part of the trade.
  • Do I like organizing information and communicating it in a clear and accurate way? The practice of putting pen to paper is something that should invigorate a prospective journalism major.

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travel journalism degree

What Can I Do with a Journalism Major?

Journalism majors can pursue a number of different career paths in magazines, newspapers, web outlets or broadcast television. They can choose to work as reporters, editors or content producers. A journalism major’s skills in communications also translate well to other fields, such as public relations and marketing.

Although the industry has taken a hit in recent years, there is still a great need for journalists. As Jim Lehrer, the late co-founder and anchor of the PBS NewsHour, once told the Columbia Journalism Review: “My own view, there is a need for and a demonstrated need for more journalism now than there ever has been.”

Schools Offering a Journalism Major

Check out some schools below that offer journalism majors and find the full list of schools here that you can filter and sort.

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The Ultimate Travel Journalism Course is your one-way ticket to travel writing success .

Study online, from anywhere in the world, guided by award winning travel writers with full flexibility and no assignment due dates., learn what’s required to become travel writer..

Learn how to seize your opportunity to explore the world and get paid to do it!

See Where The Ultimate Travel Journalism Course Can Take You

Make your dreams a reality with The Ultimate Travel Journalism Course.

Course Fees To Kick Start Your Travel Writing Journey

Flexible and affordable, the best way to pursue your travel writing career.

Your Travel Writing Award and Recognition

Graduates receive their award and recognition upon successful completion..

The Ultimate Travel Journalism Course

The Ultimate Travel Journalism Course is your ticket to travel writing success. Conducted entirely online and delivered to you over your choice of 12 or 24 weeks, you can study at your own pace and take up to a year to complete your course.

Covering the A-Z of all you need to know to become a successful travel writer, this freelance travel journalism course will provide you with the information you need to develop your skills to ensure your success by teaching you exactly how to go about it.

You will be working directly with an established and current professional in the travel writing industry, a travel journalist with a proven record of success. They will teach you all you need to know to start building your travel writing career.

Learn what it takes to be a freelance travel journalist, with no due dates and the support of your specially assigned tutor and a team of student services coordinators who are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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Course type.

Professional & Personal Development

Distance Learning - via email or student portal


12 Tutorials: Sent weekly or fortnightly (take up to a year)

The Diploma of Freelance Travel Journalism

Payment Options

Flexible payment plans available

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Complete the form below to receive your free course guide and course updates by email.

Why study with the Morris Journalism Academy?


Work directly with an established and current professional in the travel writing industry, a travel journalist with a proven record of success who will teach you all you need to know.

This course will give you the opportunity to learn the skills required to be a successful travel writer from the comfort of your own home, or from anywhere in the world. It provides you with the opportunity to generate an income from doing something you love: travelling!


The course is conducted by distance learning, so you can study from home or anywhere in the world. The course is delivered to you over your choice of 12 or 24 weeks. It is entirely self-paced, and you can take up to a year to complete the course.

Online interior design course student holding a swatch

What our graduates say

Online interior design course review by Kylie B

I have acquired the confidence to present my work to the world, and I am pleased to report I have published a number of articles to date in various media outlets, including Out and About with Kids and Traveltalk magazines.

Online interior design course review by Richard Villar

Richard Villar

I learned how to make myself heard in the huge global market, where so many good writers disappear in an instant.

Online interior design course review by Roxana F

I finally dare to consider myself a travel journalist, and this self-confidence is worth more than anything.

Online interior design course review by Ellie S

The idea of earning enough money writing while travelling at the same time was always a dream of mine, and I feel so lucky to be in this position.

Online interior design course review by Pia L

Since finishing the course, I have been asked to write marketing and promotional materials for a find-a-local-tour-guide phone app.

Online interior design course review by Suzannah A

The idea of a blog had been suggested to me before, but I hadn’t been ready until I completed this course … The idea of what sort of travel blog became obvious. I am not a 20-year-old American backpacker doing the world on $50 a day, I am a 50-year-old independent, adventure traveller.

Online interior design course review by Kaitlin J

I encourage anyone with a desire to travel and write to give this course a go, you’ll never know what you can achieve until you try.

Online interior design course review by Cindi B

Thanks to my tutor, I now have a new confidence to pitch stories to publications, something that wasn’t ever on my radar... I encourage anyone with a desire to travel and write to give this course a go, you’ll never know what you can achieve until you try.

Online interior design course review by Deanne S

I find that travel journalism is a speciality art form like no other and the course gave me an opportunity to look at my travel writing in an entirely different light.

Online interior design course review by Ian W

My course tutor delivered some great feedback to me on each of my assignments, which gave me some excellent structure for writing more formal pieces for publishing.

Online interior design course review by Danielle D

There is no way I would have had the confidence to approach these types of companies unless I felt well equipped and ready to compete with the big guns. The course has given me that confidence but also taught me the winning formula that is needed to get a foot in the door in this hard to crack industry.

Morris Journalism Academy

The Morris Journalism Academy is a division of Australian News And Features Service. Our directors and principals have been involved in all aspects of media work for some 30 years. The principles of freelance travel journalism are similar the world over. However this freelance travel journalism course has been individually revised and designed to suit the needs of students living and working in Australia and New Zealand.

We are part of an international training organisation – the International News Syndicate LTD., with students in more than 80 countries and territories.

Your Certificate of Completion and your International News Syndicate Media Pass are posted to you when you successfully complete your course.

The Ultimate Travel Journalism Course is a structured training program.

Online freelance journalism course student writing on top of a mountain


  • Degree Abroad

best degrees for travel

13 College Majors That Allow You to Travel

Elizabeth Gorga

Liz is a collector of grand adventures. She first discovered her passion for meaningful travel wh...

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How hard has the travel bug bitten you? Is travel a way for you to unwind for a week here and there in the midst of your busy life, or is travel your way of life?

wooden dock between lavender field leading to water with mountains behind

Psst, ready for a secret? The best degrees for travel can help you make views like this a way of life.

If you have a true passion for travel, you don’t need to wait until you’ve saved a week of vacation time to see the world. Travel can be your livelihood. And in fact, it’s no longer the norm to graduate from college and spend your days sitting behind a desk. The best degrees for travel can set you on the right path if your life’s mission is to see the world.

That’s right—your post-grad life can look any way you imagine, and it’s fully possible to land your dream career while becoming a citizen of the globe. It all starts with your studies. While your college degree doesn’t necessarily hold you to any particular job post-graduation and it’s common to shift gears every once in a while, it’s a good idea to consider your goals before choosing your major.

If you want to see the world, there are plenty of college degrees that allow you to travel. Some degrees offer study abroad opportunities, others open up doors to travel post-college, and many offer the best of both worlds.

13 best degrees for travel

When it comes to choosing majors that allow you to travel , there are a few important things to consider. Most college majors that allow you to travel will help you gain valuable skills and knowledge to adapt to new cultures, communicate internationally, and cope with language barriers, while others will open doors to life on the road.

Consider what your ideal path looks like—what are the non-negotiables of your dream career when it comes to salary, work-life balance, and opportunities for growth and advancement? Here you’ll find the best majors for travel that can open doors in any direction:

1. International Relations

If you want to see the world, international relations is one of the best college degrees that allow you to travel. Your studies will focus on teaching you how to understand and analyze different world issues. You’ll gain a solid background in social sciences, economics, political science, and environmental science while also learning about cultures around the world.

A degree in international relations can open doors to a wide range of jobs, from journalism and foreign relations to community development and human rights advocacy. You’ll also gain knowledge and skills to help you land a job in many international organizations all over the world.

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2. Education

person sitting on floor in front of child sitting at desk

Your love of teaching can turn into an international career.

Education is one of the best degrees for travel because teaching jobs are available all over the world. With a degree in education, you’ll combine a wide range of classes in child psychology, development, and curriculum development with real-world teaching experience, setting you up for success.

An undergrad degree in education lets you graduate with a solid foundation to transition into teaching English as a second language, and you’ll have much more experience and knowledge under your belt than you would by just taking a TEFL course. Teaching English abroad opens doors to an international career, and jobs usually include perks like complimentary accommodation and assistance with the nitty gritty travel details so you can travel the world without the stress.

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3. Business

One of the best majors for travel is a major in business. Business degrees will always be in high demand and are often one of the most employable degrees worldwide. If you want to keep your options open post-graduation, a degree in business will leave you well-rounded.

You’ll gain knowledge in everything from project management to administration, finance to human resources to international marketing. You’ll learn how to understand the ever-changing global market, allowing you to land almost any kind of job. Your degree will also equip you with skills to create your own business and live as an entrepreneur on the road.

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4. Journalism

Imagine traveling the world as a freelance journalist, being on the front line of breaking news, writing and broadcasting stories that intrigue you, all while visiting places around the world that are on your bucket list. The best thing about journalism is that it’s easy to work remotely, making it one of the best college majors that allow you to travel.

All you need is a laptop, a camera, and a solid internet connection. Journalism is often a go-to degree for those who are passionate and curious about the world and other cultures, and who are good at communicating and enjoy talking to people from different backgrounds. It’s one of the best majors for travel and can open doors to jobs in both writing and broadcasting.

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5. Marketing

person using laptop displaying charts

You can leverage your marketing skills into a job just about anywhere in the world.

Marketing is one of the fastest growing industries and is one of the best majors for travel if you want an employable degree that can be used anywhere. With a degree in marketing, you’ll learn diverse skills in communication, public speaking, technology, and most importantly, how to sell—and that’s valuable no matter where you are in the world.

Marketing degrees can be the gateway into the world of web design, copywriting, social media marketing, or even logo design, making it one of the best majors for creatives who want to communicate through their artistry. If you’re from the United States, you’ll have a leg up in an international career. Many companies actively seek American nationals to help them break into the American market.

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6. Web Design & Development

When choosing college majors that allow you to travel, consider those that open doors to remote work . Web design and development majors are one of the best degrees to do just that. Combine your creative skills with technical skills to land high paying jobs that you can do from anywhere in the world.

Working in web design and development often offers flexibility. Most of the work is on your own time, so you can live and work across time zones and create a schedule that allows you to travel and sightsee in between your working hours. All you need is clients to take on the road with you virtually.

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7. Linguistics

Language studies are obvious if you want to travel the world, but linguistics is about more than just language. A degree in linguistics helps you to understand the history and nuances of many different languages around the world, improving your overall communication skills and making it one of the best college majors that allow you to travel.

stack of books next to paper and pen

Translate your studies into a job that lets you travel and explore.

Whether you want to work in teaching, journalism, research, or break into the expanding market of translating and interpretation, a degree in linguistics is one of the best majors for travel. Your degree will even help you have a full grasp of communication across cultures.

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8. Human Resources

When many think of human resources, their minds go to the image of working behind a desk in a stuffy office, climbing the ladder of corporate America. However, a degree in human resources actually opens endless travel opportunities. Human resources is one of the best majors for travel because it’s well-rounded.

Your studies will include classes in business, marketing, and interpersonal communication, allowing you to pick up skills and knowledge that are relevant across industries. Your options will be endless with a degree in HR—whether you want to work for large international companies with regular travel opportunities, break into the hospitality industry and spend months at a time in dream holiday destinations, or use your knowledge to enter the entrepreneurial world.

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9. Hospitality

If you’re looking for the best college degrees that allow you to travel, you can’t go wrong with hospitality. Hospitality isn’t just about waiting tables. It’s an opportunity to work in some of the most lush environments in the world, make good money, connect with important people in high places, and travel the world.

A degree in hospitality will give you a well-rounded education in food safety, hotel management, business, laws, and ethics. You’ll graduate with the skills and knowledge to work in any hotel, resort, or restaurant in the world while integrating fully into some of your bucket list destinations.

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10. Nursing

back of person putting band-aid on the arm of another person wearing medical mask

You might not think of nursing as a travel-focused career, but it’s actually an awesome way to see—and help—the world.

If you want to get into the medical field, nursing is one of the best degrees for travel. While there are many nurses who choose to work in their local clinics, travel nursing is constantly growing and opening up opportunities for nurses to work and travel across destinations.

Travel nurses have the ability to work across a variety of fields—from cardiology to oncology, pediatrics to emergency care—while learning how to work with people from various cultural backgrounds. As a travel nurse, you can work your way across the USA, go international by working alongside the military, or give back to global communities through volunteering abroad.

  • Find Nursing degrees abroad
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11. Marine Biology

Marine biology is one of the best degrees for travel because it requires extensive exploration of the world’s oceans. You simply cannot make a name for yourself in this field without travel! If you love the sea and you’re passionate about protecting the world’s oceans, majoring in marine biology could be a dream come true.

With a degree in marine science and biology, you’ll spend hours at sea collecting data, analyzing it in the lab, and doing research. If you want to live in coastal destinations while studying one of the most diverse ecosystems that exists in the world, marine biology may be your answer to your dream career.

  • Find Marine Biology degrees abroad
  • Find Marine Biology study abroad programs

12. Engineering

While engineering isn’t usually the first degree you think of when considering world travel, it’s actually one of the best majors for travel if you want to see the world and make a high salary. Engineering is a global industry and is perfect for those who want to spend lots of time outside of an office.

Depending on your area of focus, an engineering degree can open up your world to work in both cities and rural areas. Through your studies, you’ll have opportunities to learn about developing infrastructure, climate trends, and long-term solutions to some of the world’s biggest issues. You’ll make a lasting impact while creating a lifestyle that requires exploration and travel to broaden your perspective.

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Get matched with 5 degree abroad programs for FREE

College majors that allow you to travel will open up the world.

person standing in field of sunflowers holding up world map

Go ahead, dream big. With one of these degrees under your belt, you’ll make travel your way of life in no time.

Who said you had to buckle down, stay in one place, and work from an office not far from where you grew up? Travel doesn’t have to be an escape from your daily life—it can be your whole life!

There are endless college degrees that allow you to travel the world while learning valuable skills and opening doors to international job opportunities. All you have to do is dream big.

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Travel journalism degree.

Travel Journalism Degree

Travel journalism is a unique and exciting field that combines two of the most exciting professions in the world. If you are passionate about travel and writing, then a degree in travel journalism might be the perfect fit for you. In this article, we will explore what a travel journalism degree is, what courses you can expect to take, and what careers you can pursue with this degree. So, let’s dive in!

What is a Travel Journalism Degree?

What Is A Travel Journalism Degree

A travel journalism degree is a program of study that is designed to prepare students for a career in travel journalism. This degree program typically covers topics such as travel writing, photography, videography, and social media marketing. Students who complete this degree will have the skills and knowledge needed to work as travel writers, photojournalists, travel bloggers, and social media influencers.

What Courses Can You Expect to Take?

Courses For Travel Journalism Degree

The courses that you can expect to take in a travel journalism degree program will vary depending on the school that you attend. However, some of the common courses that you are likely to encounter include:

  • Introduction to Travel Writing
  • Travel Photography
  • Video Production for Travel Journalism
  • Social Media Marketing for Travel Writers
  • Travel Journalism Ethics and Standards
  • Destination Research and Reporting

These courses will provide you with a strong foundation in the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful travel journalist.

What Careers Can You Pursue with a Travel Journalism Degree?

Careers In Travel Journalism Degree

The travel industry is vast and diverse, and there are many careers that you can pursue with a travel journalism degree. Some of the most popular careers in this field include:

  • Travel Writer
  • Travel Photographer
  • Travel Vlogger
  • Social Media Influencer
  • Travel Blogger
  • Travel Editor

These careers offer a high degree of flexibility and freedom, as they often allow you to work from anywhere in the world. Additionally, these careers can be very lucrative, especially if you are able to establish a strong following or work with reputable brands.

In conclusion, a travel journalism degree is a great way to turn your passion for travel and writing into a career. By completing a degree in travel journalism, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in this exciting and dynamic field.

Major Code BS1972*

Honors Tutorial College     35 Park Place Athens, OH 45701 Phone: 740.593.2723 [email protected]

Victoria LaPoe, director of studies/contact person [email protected]

Program Overview

The HTC program in Journalism offers exceptional students the opportunity to study the many aspects of journalism and mass communication in small groups and one-on-one relationships with our school’s faculty members. Maximum opportunities will be afforded for the student to progress well beyond the material found in conventional courses. The primary purpose of the tutorial program is to prepare students for a professional career while at the same time serving as preparation for graduate study. Students will receive a Bachelor of Science degree from the Honors Tutorial College. The HTC Journalism program satisfies the accreditation standards of the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. Students in the HTC Journalism program typically follow one of the two main tracks in journalism, the news and information track or the strategic communication track.

Eight tutorials in Journalism are required, including two thesis tutorials. To allow maximum flexibility, tutorials can vary between 1 and 15 hours per semester, though non-thesis tutorials are usually taken for a minimum of 3 hours and thesis tutorials for a minimum of 5 hours. Students must also complete regular journalism courses, liberal arts requirements, and a specialization. Honors Tutorial students are required to enroll in a minimum of 15 hours per semester.

Students in the HTC Journalism program will be prepared to 1. achieve a sophisticated understanding of their discipline and profession via conceptual and skills classes, labs, and tutorials, 2. pursue original, independent research and journalistic creative activity by completing pertinent assignments, participating in applicable projects, and working on the honors thesis, and 3. develop a professional work ethic and responsibility through ethics training, tutorials, group work, and the honors thesis. These goals are assessed continuously throughout the program.

*This program was previously BJ1923 which awarded the Bachelor of Science in Journalism degree. Pending Board of Trustees approval (anticipated June 2024), the new program code will be BS1972 and will award the Bachelor of Science effective the 2024-25 catalog year.

Honors Thesis

Students are required to complete an honors thesis, investigating a problem of concern to both scholars and practitioners. Due to the professional orientation of journalism, the thesis can either be a scholarly piece or a professional project. As a rule, the thesis should be somewhere between 50 and 80 pages long or an adequate, agreed-upon length for the professional project (including a 25-page-long scholarly essay). The thesis committee is usually composed of the thesis adviser and the director of studies, who will monitor the thesis work. Its acceptance, dependent upon an appropriate mixture of research and analysis, relies upon the judgment of the thesis adviser and the director of studies. Additionally, it must be approved by the dean of the Honors Tutorial College.

Admissions Information

Freshman/first-year admission.

Students are selected by the director of studies of the journalism tutorial program and the Honors Tutorial College on the basis of superior academic ability and the potential for self-motivated study and research. Applicants typically are required to submit additional essays, and an interview with the director of studies is required for admission. More information, including materials and deadlines, is available at . Recommendations from two high school teachers are optional but highly recommended. Portfolios with writing samples and/or broadcast or multimedia productions are strongly encouraged (showcasing students’ writing abilities and experience with journalism and mass media). 

Change of Program Policy

First-year students at Ohio University may apply to transfer in to the journalism tutorial program and the Honors Tutorial College. These students must meet the same entrance requirements as entering freshmen. 

External Transfer Admission

First-year students at another institution may also apply to transfer in to the journalism tutorial program and the Honors Tutorial College. These students must meet the same entrance requirements as entering freshmen. 

Opportunities Upon Graduation

Most students graduating from the program will work in the field of journalism, mass communication, PR, or advertising, and related fields. Journalism graduates are often hired into other jobs, as well, due to their general abilities (critical thinking, writing skills, analytical facilities, computer literacy, etc.). The Bachelor degree in journalism is also a great preparation for graduate school. Students may apply for graduate school in journalism or related fields, including law school, business school, and political science. HTC Journalism and the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism have an outstanding record of post-graduation job placement.


Major hours requirement.

Ohio University requires completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours for conferral of a bachelor’s degree. However, the Journalism major offered through the Honors Tutorial College requires a minimum of 126 semester hours. 

HTC Grade Requirements

Earn at least 120 semester hours and maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher overall.

University English Composition Requirement

Complete one Written Communication course ( ENG 1510   ) and one Advanced Writing course (FAW).

Quantitative Skills Requirement

Complete the University’s Quantitative Reasoning Requirement. More information can be found by viewing the OHIO BRICKS    page (see Quantitative Reasoning heading within “Foundations Requirements”).

HTC Seminar

First-year students must complete the following course:

  • HC 2500 - Honors Seminar Credit Hours: 3

Transfer students

Transfer students may substitute an HC special topics seminar for their HC 2500 requirement.

Journalism HTC Tutorials

Core tutorials.

Complete two core tutorials: One tutorial on communication law and one on media ethics.

  • JOUR 2970T - Journalism Tutorial (Core Tutorial) Credit Hours: 1 - 15
  • JOUR 2971T - Journalism Tutorial (Core Tutorial) Credit Hours: 1 - 15

Advanced Tutorials

Complete two advanced tutorials: One tutorial on skills/specialized journalism issues and one tutorial on topics, concepts, and theories in journalism.

  • JOUR 2980T - Journalism Tutorial (Core Tutorial) Credit Hours: 1 - 15
  • JOUR 2981T - Journalism Tutorial Credit Hours: 1 - 15

Research Tutorial

Complete two research tutorials to prepare for the thesis project: One tutorial on theories, methods, or history in journalism and one group tutorial to prepare your prospectus.

  • JOUR 3970T - Journalism Tutorial (Advanced Tutorial) Credit Hours: 1 - 15
  • JOUR 3980T - Journalism Tutorial (Research) Credit Hours: 1 - 15

Thesis Tutorials

Complete two thesis tutorials during the final year of study focused on the development and completion of an advisor- and director of studies-approved thesis or professional project:

  • JOUR 4970T - Journalism Tutorial (Thesis Tutorial) Credit Hours: 1 - 15
  • JOUR 4980T - Journalism Tutorial (Thesis Tutorial) Credit Hours: 1 - 15

HTC Journalism Thesis Requirement

Complete an advisor or director of studies approved thesis or professional project.

A scholarly thesis may focus on theoretical/conceptual research, investigate empirical issues, or combine the two; it may also include qualitative and/or quantitative research. It should be a product of sustained research on a specific subject and reflect the academic and professional expectations and standards of our discipline. It should also include some conceptual and ethical reflections on the process, showing how concepts and methods were applied and used in the work, and discussing the challenges, obstacles, and benefits of the process.

A professional project should be a substantial piece of journalistic work in the news and information track or in the strategic communication track, such as a series of in-depth magazine articles, a TV/radio documentary, a PR kit, an ad campaign, or marketing plan. It must include a scholarly essay of 25 pages minimum on theories, methods, concepts, developments, experiences and open questions etc., pertaining to the project. The essay must also addresses ethical questions and specific challenges of the project, such as conflict of interest, journalistic ethics, etc.

Journalism Core Courses

Complete one core course from each option:

  • JOUR 1010 - The Future of Media Credit Hours: 3
  • JOUR 1050 - Introduction to Mass Communication Credit Hours: 3

or, if approved by the director of studies, one of the following conceptual journalism courses:

  • JOUR 4130 - Gender, Race, and Class in Journalism and Mass Media Credit Hours: 3
  • JOUR 4230 - International and Cross-Cultural Advertising Credit Hours: 3
  • JOUR 4630 - Media and Conflicts Credit Hours: 3
  • JOUR 4660 - International Mass Media Credit Hours: 3
  • JOUR 2311 - Introduction to Multiplatform Reporting and Writing Credit Hours: 3

Journalism Professional and Conceptural Courses

You are also expected to take the independent study  JOUR 4930    (at least 1 hour) as introduction in the fall of your first year and an appropriate number of advisor-approved electives in journalism, at a minimum of three journalism courses, typically in your track (news and information track or strategic communication track).

General Education/Liberal Arts Requirement

Complete a total of 48 hours (16 courses) with at least four courses (12 hours) taken at the 3000-level or higher.

Complete one course in each of the following areas:

  • African-American Studies or Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; 3 hours)
  • Economics or business (ECON, MKT, BUSL, MGT, FIN, MIS; 3 hours)
  • Logic/argumentation (typically PHIL 1200   ; 3 hours)
  • Statistics ( COMS 3520   ,  ECON 3810   ,  MATH 2500   ,  PSY 1110   , or  SOC 3500   ; 3 hours)

Complete two courses in the following area:

  • Foreign or Sign Language (6 hours in same language; may be fulfilled if student demonstrates proficiency at the 3000-level or higher)

Complete ten elective courses in Liberal Arts:

  • Take ten courses (at least 30 hours) from at least three different departments (except JOUR, MDIA, and VICO) as advised by the DOS.

Area of Specialization

Students must declare a Minor or Certificate Program, or create an advisor approved, minimum 15-hour, group of related courses.

Complete an advisor-approved journalism internship (minimum of 200 hours).

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Travel Journalism: What it is and its Relevance

15 Jun 2020

As a child, when my father would insist that I make notes on how we spent time during a family trip, I would resist. Why? Aren't we on a break? But slowly it became more of a habit as I enjoyed putting my thoughts on paper; thoughts that soon turned into beautiful memories. The people we met, the food we enjoyed and the innumerable experiences that we shared together over the years- all were documented in the pages of hotel notepads or my fancy spiral notebooks, my handwriting legible for once.

Rummaging through my vacation notes, I'm reminded of the quaint yellow flower growing in the wilds of Patnitop and the hot Maggi we relished after a slide down through the snow in Manali. Memories of that amazing drive through the clouds en route Cherrapunji, or that feeling of almost holding the heart in my hands when the boat overturned in the chilling waters of the Ganges in Shivpuri during a rafting trip, are so stoutly etched. I can still feel that same ticklish feeling I got when fish nibbled at my feet in a Panchmarhi waterfall and recall the taste of the Shirmal served with kehwa that we had near the Dal Lake in Srinagar. These stories and more, all written as a teenager, still have the power to transport me into a world filled with wonder and nostalgia.

Travel Journalism vs Tavel Writing/Blogging

But travel journalism is not about travel writing or blogging. It is a genre of journalism all on its own. It means serious business and has assumed more significance especially in the era of globalisation. It is all about informative, skilfully written, insightful stories covering a billion dollar worth industrythe travel industry and all its various ramifications. On the economic side, the focus is on government policies, investments, new ventures, jobs, infrastructure, and the overall health of the industry in general. The social aspects cover stories related to the history, culture, social fabric of places, food etc. Then, another focus area of the travel beat could be events like tourism festivals, etc.

Specializations in Travel Journalism

In this age of specialisations, even within the field of travel journalism, there can be various segments like the museums, architecture, wildlife, sport, motoring etc that the journalists can specialise in. As per the basic tenets of journalism, travel journalists too must stick to facts, be non-biased, accurate and raise and discuss issues related to the beat. Travel journalism is not just about describing a place or an event (that the brochures anyway do) but goes much more beyond that. It involves in-depth reporting, with proper sources and good amount of background research.

Also Read :- Top Benefits of Pursuing Journalism and Mass Communication Degree

What it takes to be a Good Travel Journalist

Travel journalism can be fun to pursue but is pretty demanding too. To be a good travel journalist, one must have a passion to be on the go (obviously!). He or she must be keen to explore new places and willing to adapt to the challenges that the journeys may throw up. Most importantly, as a reporter, he/she must have a good news sense or nose for news' and the ability to sniff out good angles to write their stories. He/she must be observant and have an aptitude for research tooto understand the culture and importance of the places they visit, find the hidden gems or insider information. He/she must have the ability to write wellto produce engaging copy, filled with fascinating insights. At the end of the day, the travel journalist must be a good story teller.

Travel Journalism Course And Eligibility

Do you need any formal degree to be a travel journalist? Well, it definitely helps. A course in mass communication/journalism helps one learn how to process information and turn that into media products. It helps the students to pitch ideas, learn the reporting techniques and hone their skills in writing. They would also be well-versed with the ethics of reporting which is very important in their practice of journalismin whichever field. The journalism course will expose them to the nuances of working of the media industry and help them choose the medium in which they want to workprint, electronic and digital. If you are interested to become a travel journalist, as mentioned earlier, you must have a passion for exploring places and a keen interest in history and cultural studies. In addition, if you arm yourself with a degree in Journalismit will be like the icing on a cake.

Travel Journalism Scope

The field of travel journalism offers plenty of opportunities for upcoming travel reporters or writers. Apart from the newspapers or general news magazines, radio and television channels that regularly feature travel stories or issues related to the travel industry, there are many specialist magazines, television channels that only cover the travel beat. The OTT platforms like Amazon Prime and Netflix also have focussed on travel and culture programmes and documentaries.

Written By :- Ms. Mitali Mohanty, Assistant Professor, JMC, FMeH

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Journalism Degree

Don’t just skim the surface, dive deep into the world of data-driven storytelling with this bachelor’s degree in Journalism.

Discover the power of information and master the art of analyzation and interpretation, ultimately turning that information into stories that resonate.

Why earn a Journalism degree online or on-campus?

If you're an international student, refer to the international application process for deadlines.

If you’ve always found yourself wanting to ask the tough questions, dive into thrilling stories and be the voice everyone listens to then pursuing a degree in Journalism at UND is the first step toward turning your storytelling abilities into a powerful and impactful career. Established in 1924, the UND Department of Journalism is rich in history with a strong alumni base, with accomplished journalists who have made a lasting impact in the field.

At UND, you’ll be equipped with the essential tools needed to harness your creativity and fuel your interest in world events, storytelling and cutting-edge media technology. You’ll pave your own way for your journalism journey with unparalleled hands-on experiences and opportunities.

Gain valuable exposure and insight in UND’s Journalism program. You will:

  • Learn from media leaders and top-notch newspaper and broadcasting companies in the region and beyond.
  • Develop a toolkit that sets you apart in the world of reporting by exploring datasets and creating impactful visualizations.
  • Immerse yourself in courses that simulate real newsroom settings to prepare you to step into the role of a reporter.

Journalism Degree Online or On-Campus

Gain on-the-job experience through internship opportunities that extend beyond the classroom with journalism industry partners locally such as UND Marketing & Communications, the Grand Forks Herald, UND Athletics, Esports as well as across the state and beyond.

Strengthen your connections by joining the Communication Club – a student organization led by Communications majors and minors.

Easily double major in Communication , both degrees are housed in the Department of Communication.

Benefit from our Alumni Mentorship Program by connecting with experienced professionals, those who continue to work in the community, to help guide your journey.

Step into the newsroom without leaving the classroom – most, if not all, courses mimic actual newsroom settings.

All major required and elective courses will be regularly offered in person and asynchronous online.

What can you do with a Journalism degree?

Projected growth in public relation occupations

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Projected growth in social media occupations

A degree in Journalism will open up a world of opportunities, equipping you with valuable skills applicable across many industries:

  • Traditional media: Report on local, national and international events in newspapers, magazines and broadcast stations.
  • Digital media : Contribute to online platforms, create engaging social media campaigns or host a popular podcast.
  • Versatile skills for various roles: Leverage your strong communication, research and storytelling abilities for roles in public relations, content creation or corporate communications.
  • Analytical skills in demand: Put your skills to use in marketing research, data analysis or strategic communications across diverse industries.

Popular job titles for Journalism degree holders include:

  • Broadcasters
  • Content creators
  • Content providers
  • Meteorologists
  • News analysts
  • Newspaper publishers
  • Social media managers

Journalism Degree Courses

COMM 246. News Writing Fundamentals in the Online World. 3 Credits.

Professional techniques of news gathering, editing, source analysis, and information dissemination. Explores the potential for diverse and evolving technologies and platforms to deliver news content in a connected world. Prerequisite: COMM 200 or instructor consent. F.

COMM 350. Sports Journalism. 3 Credits.

Students will explore the full range of sports journalism, analyzing how sports reporters operate across the platforms of print, broadcast, online and social media. Students will learn sports/game-story writing, interview/press conference techniques, sports-business reportage, data-driven sports journalism, effective use of social media, and opinion/column writing. Students will examine and create a wide range of sports journalism, including but not limited to features, beat coverage, long-form storytelling, game coverage and in-depth sports packages using text, images, video, and interactivity. Students also will analyze the history, contemporary issues, and ethics of sports journalism. F.

COMM 363. Multimedia Reporting and Storytelling. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to teach the principles and practices of multimedia reporting and storytelling, including writing and editing for digital media, blogging, gathering and editing images, working with audio and video, using emerging communication technologies, and understanding legal and ethical issues facing multimedia journalists. Students will learn the skills to produce in-depth multimedia stories using photography, audio, video, text, and infographics. Prerequisite: COMM 305 or COMM 339 . S.

COMM 420. Interactive and Data Journalism. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to teach concepts, tools, and techniques for data-driven journalistic storytelling on digital platforms. Students will develop ways to find and display stories by acquiring, cleaning, and analyzing data as well as creating visualizations to illustrate trends and patterns data through emerging tools. Students will rely on open-source tools, but will also learn basic coding to customize those tools for more effective digital presentation. Students will also learn about other digital storytelling formats, user experience concepts and web analytics. Prerequisite: COMM 330 . S.

COMM 220. Introduction to Media Law. 3 Credits.

This course will provide students with a model by which to analyze, understand, and act upon the law and ethical considerations which journalists and communicators face. This course provides frameworks, values, principles, and real-life scenarios to help students understand and analyze these laws and guidelines, and then to make ethical decisions. In so doing, this course teaches and emphasizes critical and ethical thinking to guide students not only as a student, but a future professional journalist and communicator. S.

Online Journalism Degree

best online college in North Dakota


online programs

Earn your online Journalism degree while you continue to live and work in your own community.

You’ll receive the convenience of online learning with the personal contact and connection of being with classmates. Our online tools offer ways of communicating across distances, connecting to others and their ideas, and presenting information.

Accelerate your timeline for a graduate degree by counting 9 credits of your Journalism bachelor’s toward a master’s in Communication , all completely online!

Compare the cost of UND’s online Journalism degree . You’ll find it’s one of the most affordable accredited degree programs in the nation for journalism.

Flexible Online Journalism Degree Courses

With asynchronous classes, you do not attend class at a set time. If you need to balance work, family, and other commitments, this flexible format allows you to learn anywhere at any time.

Depending on your instructor, you’ll learn online through:

  • Lesson modules
  • Streaming video content
  • Virtual libraries
  • Posted lectures
  • Online simulations

There will be times when you interact with your instructor and classmates through online discussion boards, polls, and chat rooms.

Your learning revolves around materials that can be accessed on your own time within a set time frame. However, this is not a self-paced course. You’ll have structure and deadlines.

What to expect with UND's Journalism online degree?

Over a third of UND's student population is exclusively online; plus, more take a combination of online and on campus classes. You can feel reassured knowing you won't be alone in your online learning journey and you'll have resources and services tailored to your needs. No matter how you customize your online experience, you’ll get the same top-quality education as any other on campus student.

  • Same degree:  All online programs are fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) . Your transcript and diploma are exactly the same as our on-campus students.
  • Same classes: You’ll take courses from UND professors, start and end the semesters at the same time and take the same classes as a student on campus.
  • Real interaction:  You can ask questions, get feedback and regularly connect with your professors, peers and professionals in the field.
  • Your own academic advisor:  As an invaluable go-to, they’re focused on you, your personal success and your future career.
  • Free online tutoring:  We're here to help you one-on-one at no cost. Plus, get access to a variety of self-help online study resources.
  • Unlimited academic coaching:  Need support to achieve your academic goals or feeling stumped by a tough course? We'll help with everything from stress and time management to improving your memory to achieve higher test scores.
  • Full online access: Dig into virtual research at UND's libraries. Improve your writing skills with online help from the UND Writing Center. Get online access to career services, veteran and military services, financial services and more.
  • 24/7 technical support:  UND provides free computer, email and other technical support for all online students.
  • Networking opportunities: Our significant online student population means you’ll have a large pool of peers to connect with. UND has numerous online events and activities to keep you connected.

Best Online College

Our high alumni salaries and job placement rates, with affordable online tuition rates make UND a best-value university for online education. UND's breadth of online programs rivals all other nonprofit universities in the Upper Midwest making UND one of the best online schools in the region.

UND ranks among the best online colleges in the nation for:

  • Affordability
  • Student satisfaction (retention rate)
  • Academic quality (4-year graduate rate)
  • Student outcomes (20-year return on investment per

Leaders that Do

Students at UND take chances, seek challenges and become leaders in the community.

Looking to add a double major, pursue graduate work or connect with the department?

  • College of Arts & Sciences
  • Find Similar Majors
  • Pursue a Graduate Degree

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Journalism Career: A Career Path Guide For Success

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journalism career path

Introduction to Journalism Careers

A journalism career path is an exciting journey today with a breadth of topics to cover. The world is constantly in flux, making journalists more important than ever. 

Journalism is a broad field. It means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some use it as a means of self-sufficiency and self-connection with the outside world. For others, it can be a means of earning money doing what they love. 

Whatever the motivation for pursuing a journalism career, there are a wide range of positions that will suit one’s interests and skill levels. You have a lot of career options you can pursue as a skilled journalist. Widening your journalism career options will further help you discover your real passion and purpose. 

Featured Programs

What is journalism.

Journalism keeps us informed, but even more so, it serves as a critical watchdog and allows us to monitor and moderate the power sources shaping our lives. 

A journalist’s career is showcased in various media forms, including print, broadcast, and digital media. Each form has unique strengths and characteristics that cater to different audiences and consumption habits. 

  • Print media: This media serves as a more credible source of information. The rigorous editorial process ensures accuracy and fact-checking before publication.
  • Broadcast media: This includes television and radio. It has a broad reach and can convey breaking news and updates in real-time. Broadcast media is an essential form of journalism, especially during times of crisis or emergency. 
  • Digital media: This form offers instantaneous access to news and information. It includes websites, social media platforms, and mobile apps. 

The Diversity of Journalism Careers

So, what can you do with a journalism degree? Well, a lot! 

Your journalism skills allow you to pursue various positions within the field. The most popular field-relevant pathways include:

In addition to traditional roles, you can find other careers in more specialized areas of journalism. You can pursue community, investigative, sports, and even travel journalism. These opportunities offer unique challenges and rewards. 

Skills Needed for Journalism

As a journalist, you are a lot of things. You are a storyteller, a truth-seeker, and a catalyst for change. To succeed in the field, you must have technical and soft skills. 

Technical Skills

  • Interviewing
  • Fact-Checking
  • Multimedia 

Soft Skills:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication

Above all, you need to be adaptable and resilient. These skills are important to keep up with the rapidly evolving technology landscape. Constant learning and upskilling are necessary to embrace change, adapt to any situation, and bounce back from any setback.

Education and Training for Journalism Careers

So, you want to know how to get a degree in journalism. You might also ask, do you need a journalism degree to be a journalist, or is passion and dedication enough to tell compelling stories? 

A degree in journalism is not a required credential to tell a story. However, studying journalism in formal educational institutions is an important first step if you want to pursue professional roles in corporations.

Several degrees can lead to careers in journalism. Yet, the best degree for journalism careers is a bachelor’s degree in journalism or communication studies for entry-level jobs. 

In addition to formal education, you must also apply for internship opportunities. This process opens doors to real-world experience and networking opportunities. You’ll work alongside experienced journalists, who will give you insights into the industry’s practices and norms.

The combination of education and experience hones your research, interview, and writing skills.

The most common question of aspiring journalists is, “How long does it take to get a journalism degree?” A bachelor’s degree takes about four years to complete. Consider online accelerated journalism degrees to gain quicker entry into the job market.

Real-Life Insights: Interviews with Journalists

According to Katya Andresen, LinkedIn’s Chief Digital & Analytics Officer, aspiring journalists should: 

  • Maintain a sense of curiosity.
  • Remain skeptical of narratives.
  • Be accountable for errors.
  • Avoiding Preconceived Narratives.
  • Be flexible and responsive to new information.
  • Maintain an open mind to new ideas and perspectives.

Katya has a wealth of experience in digital media and analytics. Her insights align closely with the lessons shared by the practicing journalist. These lessons can be used in both traditional journalism and the digital realm. 

Navigating the Journalism Industry

The media industry is one of the most important but in critical condition today. The digital revolution offered new opportunities, but it also posed more challenges to media outlets.

You’ll be irrelevant if you lack the necessary skills, charm, and adaptability. Here are a few tips to become a competitive journalist in the future: 

  • Prioritize networking. Attend industry events,  join organizations, and connect with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn. 
  • Tailor your job search. Seek internships, freelance opportunities, or entry-level positions at reputable media outlets.
  • Engage in continuous professional development. This will hone your journalism skills.  
  • Stay up-to-date . Enroll in online courses, mentorship programs, or an advanced degree. 

Financing Your Education in Journalism

The average tuition for a bachelor’s degree in journalism is $20,885 per year. This is a hefty sum for many students. To have a more affordable learning experience, consider the following tips:

  • Research schools (online and on-campus) and compare costs. Factor in additional fees, living costs, and transportation. 
  • Look for universities with lower tuition rates or in-state tuition benefits.
  • Explore internships and co-op programs with tuition assistance or stipends. 
  • Research journalism-specific scholarships from private organizations and corporations. 
  • Schedule a meeting with the financial aid counselor at your university to discuss all available options.

Conclusion: Pursuing Your Passion in Journalism

A journalism career appeals to students who want to make a difference through messaging. This is a perfect fit for storytellers and truth seekers. Although a degree is not a required credential, it will provide you with invaluable skills and opportunities. 

You should not be restricted to one career option as a professional journalist. Journalism is a broad field with various avenues for exploration and specialization. Be adaptable, resilient, and open-minded to new paths!

Nevada Today

Journalism students will travel to paris to cover the 2024 summer olympics, sixteen students and five faculty members from the reynolds school will report on various olympic events.

A group of students and faculty standing out in front of the Reynolds School building wearing matching Paris t-shirts.

Sixteen journalism students are going for the gold this summer, as the Reynolds School of Journalism prepares to travel to the Olympic Games in Paris. Along with a group of faculty members, the students will be immersed in an experiential learning environment and get the chance to report at an international level.

The team will attend events like soccer, tennis, rugby, water polo, triathlon and more.

In addition to in-depth coverage of the games, students will further their global journalism skills like culture reporting in foreign locales, covering gender and inclusivity and the logistics and economics of major global events.

“This is a very special opportunity for our students. They will gain real-life experience as reporters in a foreign environment by immersing themselves in a city hosting an international event and discovering journalistic stories ,” said Reynolds School Dean Gi Yun.  

In preparation for the Paris Olympics program, students have been developing their professional storytelling skills through advanced reporting and writing courses during the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters. Their courses have been tailored to provide a global perspective in areas like sports reporting, media production, magazine writing and sports business.

“The students have been working very hard in sports and international reporting classes,” said Yun. “We’ve even collaborated with the French department and included introductory French lessons in our courses for the summer, before the group heads to Paris.”

This program will provide the foundation for the school’s new undergraduate emphasis in sports media and enhance existing international reporting curricula at the Reynolds School. “We hope to be able to replicate this program annually and at different athletic competitions or entertainment events,” said Yun.

The Reynolds School is thrilled to offer this program and cover a portion of the students’ expenses, thanks to the generosity of its alumni and community donors.

Media & Society

Reynolds School of Journalism looks back at the spring 2024 semester

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Dean Yun waving at a drone that is flying up above him in the middle of the Reynolds School atrium.

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Jayanti Sarkar accepting and award certificate from Todd Felts.

Journalism alumna shares how she turned her passion for sports into a career

When an injury took Gianna Hearn (‘13) off the field, she set her sights on sports journalism

Gianna Hearn holding a microphone up during an interview with a basketball coach.

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University of Maryland students travel to Africa for sports journalism program

COLLEGE PARK, Md. ( DC News Now ) — University of Maryland sent 10 students overseas to Africa for the summer Tuesday afternoon.

The Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism and those 10 students will be in Rwanda for the Basketball Africa League Championship and Senegal for the NBA Academy center located within the country.

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Alexa Wootten is a rising senior in the program. She said she was excited to be covering her favorite sport: basketball.

“I knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity,” she said.

Students will be reporting on the championship in Rwanda along with everything the NBA is doing for global expansion in Africa. Some are excited to be in a new area and the ability to create content outside of campus.

“The original reporting that we’re going to do. That’s not just going to make an impact on the University of Maryland. I think this has a chance to touch statewide, nationwide impact for people to learn,” sophmore, Sam Jane, said.

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Jane was supposed to go to the Africa trip last year, but that was canceled due to turmoil in one of the countries the students were supposed to visit. Students recall a last minute Zoom meeting telling them that they won’t be traveling that year.

The content created on the trip will be posted on the Shirley Povich Center’s website.

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  23. Journalism students will travel to Paris to cover the 2024 Summer

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  25. University of Maryland students travel to Africa for sports journalism

    COLLEGE PARK, Md. (DC News Now) — University of Maryland sent 10 students overseas to Africa for the summer Tuesday afternoon. The Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism and those 10 ...