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travel plan email

  • This letter should confirm your travel plans. The travel arrangements could be for yourself or for your reader. The letter should be brief and professional. It should describe the plan specifically.
  • Confirm your travel with details of your plan.
  • Include any instructions that may be required.
  • Mention any specific details that would be necessary.
  • End on a positive note.


[Letter Date]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I would like to send you the details of my travel plans for my visit to Denver to meet with the Board of Directors and present my business proposal. I appreciate the offer to have Ms. Jasmine Trent, your assistant, meet me when I arrive to take me to the office. My flight is set to land at the Denver International Airport on November 3, at 9:15 am. My flight number is 436. I hope that you can ask Ms. Jasmine to rendezvous with me at the entrance. I expect that we will be out of the airport and in your office an hour after touchdown. I am excited about the prospects and possible outcome of my visit. I am looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Letter example to confirm the travel arrangements made.

Further things to consider when writing confirmation letters to colleagues

Further things to consider when writing confirmation letters to colleagues

Confirmation Letters

Confirmation letters are letters sent by individuals, businesses, or companies to summarize details such as verbal agreements between two parties, job interviews, or appointments. Broadly speaking, they are written to verify certain details upon request or recognize previous agreements. A confirmation letter can serve as a formal document to confirm the receipt of orders, schedule of an important appointment, or recruitment of new employees. It can also be used to confirm travel arrangements and reservations and in instances such as immigration to confirm marital status. Confirmation letters are mostly used by businesses to keep formal records and to avoid conflicts regarding transactions or agreements. Confirmation letters are brief and contain only the necessary information. State what is being confirmed clearly and accurately. If you are verifying an employee's position in the company, for example, take note of his/her official title. Be cautious about times, dates, and places. Include all relevant details and anything else that needs to be confirmed. If necessary, restate the previously agreed terms and conditions to ensure that there are no conflicts or misunderstandings in the future. Close the letter with a positive remark and your signature. This letter should be printed on the company's letterhead.

Letters to Colleagues

Letters to colleagues are, simply, letters written to coworkers. These letters are written in a business or professional setting for different purposes. Maybe you want to thank a coworker for doing you a favor - write a thank-you letter. You want to congratulate him/her for a promotion - write a congratulation letter. Perhaps you want to apologize for doing something wrong - write an apology letter, or may be you have found a new job, and it's time to say goodbye - write a farewell letter. Although some colleagues may find writing letters a tedious process, it is a great way to maintain a strong working relationship. Most letters to colleagues are informal. You really don't need to use all that formal jargon to people you know pretty well ? do you? Begin your letter with a warm and friendly salutation and the proper name of the recipient. Clearly state the purpose of your letter. Be specific and know exactly what you are talking about. Use clear language which the recipient can easily understand. Maintain a friendly and pleasant tone. Close the letter positively and with a note of anticipation that the recipient will take the necessary action.

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These articles may interest you

  • confirmation letters
  • confirm arrangements


11 Emails You Should Be Sending To Your Travel Clients

Being an online-based travel business means that email is a crucial communication channel that connects you to your clients. When used correctly, email outreach is a tool to build business relationships, connect with clients, and market your tours and travel products. To simplify things for you, we have put together 11 important business email templates that you should be using in your travel business.

Depending on the milestone your clients are at, there are specific communications you should be sending out each step of the way. From when they book to beyond when the experience is over, sending a few strategic emails can add to a seamless booking journey and keep clients engaged with your travel business.

Download 11 free business email templates

11 Business Email Templates To Engage Your Travel Clients

1) a welcome note.

This is an important one for setting the tone of new relationships and welcoming travelers to the family. It follows after a person sets up an account profile on your website, or subscribes to your newsletter or travel offer.

Business email templates used for welcome notes are friendly, conversational, and often automated. Include an introduction to your travel company, as well as guidance on what is going to happen next. That could be a booking confirmation once a deposit has been paid, or regular newsletters to keep everyone updated on what is happening in your company.

It should also highlight how the person can contact your team should they have any questions. Another good idea is to provide links and pointers to specific sections on your website, such as your latest tour offerings or blog post.

A happy reader checking a welcome email on a computer

2) The Booking Confirmation

With any luck, this will be one of the business email templates that you use most frequently.

Once a client has booked your tour or activity and paid their deposit, this email confirms their reservation.

First off, you want to thank them for their business.

After that, confirm what it is that they have just signed up for. Highlight all the important details such as the dates, times, location, number of guests, the amount paid, cancellation policies, possible add-ons, etc.

Finally, include a welcome pack that prepares them for what is ahead. If there is any information that they need in advance to help them get organized ahead of the trip, now is the time to include it. This could be an outline of visa processing times and regulations if you are traveling internationally, or details of the required fitness level if your tour is an active one.

The purpose of this is to give your clients plenty of time to plan their lives and avoid a last-minute rush.

3) Personalized Upsell Email

Every sale you make is an opportunity to upsell or cross-sell your travel products. Even if your client did not opt for any extras at the time of booking, this might become more relevant to them a little further down the line with the deposit out of the way.

Take a look at their reservation to see how you can enhance their travel experience. From there, send a personalized email with offers that you think they would find useful or relevant for their trip.

As an example, your international clients may decide they now wish to purchase travel insurance from you after all. Alternatively, they could decide that the extra cooking and tasting class is something that they feel like doing.

4) Travel Dossier and Itinerary

As soon as your clients pay the full balance due for their tour or activity, it is time to send a dossier and itinerary.

This is a detailed document that provides them with all the necessary information before the experience takes place. It is usually most useful just before they leave on the journey as it includes things like packing tips, meeting and departure points, emergency contacts, weather forecasts, etc.

Woman checking a travel business newsletter email on her computer

5) Newsletters

Newsletters are business email templates used to engage potential, current, and repeat clients . Use this newsy email to curate and share some of the latest industry news, your amazing promotions, or recently published blog posts among other things.

The idea is to keep the people who have signed up, engaged and aware of what is happening with your business and the industry that they are interested in. While they may not be ready to make a purchase, regularly providing them with useful information and sending them back to your website will keep your travel business fresh in their minds.

  • Encourage people to share your email newsletter or send it to a friend if they have found it useful
  • Be consistent – decide whether you want to send this weekly, fortnightly, or even monthly
  • Include an unsubscribe or manage preferences link to your newsletter. Not everyone will be a repeat client and the last thing you want to do is unintentionally spam them

6) Latest Travel Offers

While this can go out in your newsletter, initially, it is more beneficial to send a separate email containing the details of your newest travel offers, tours, activities, or retreats.

With just the information related to new products included, you can place a greater focus on the fabulous new experiences you have on offer. It is a means to update your clients and potentially get new sales.

Your latest offers can always be marketed as:

  • Seasonal: Summer Sale, Early Bird Deals, Spring Break Offer, etc.
  • Date-specific: Valentine’s Getaway Sale, Cyber Monday, Black Friday Deals, etc.
  • Limited-time: Flash Sale, Last available spaces, End-of-summer Sale, etc.

And so much more! Put your creativity to the test and make sure to put out offers that resonate with your customers. Also, if you’re adding conditions like a “ valid through” disclaimer, make sure you send these emails out with enough time for your clients to make a decision and plan ahead.

7) Personalized Emails

Personalized emails let your clients know that you value them. It can be as simple as offering them a free activity or discount code on their birthday, or reminding them of the great time they had on the anniversary of the first tour booked with you.

Going the extra mile to create a one-on-one connection can prove to be a valuable reminder of your travel business.

You can also tie these personalized emails to referral programs. Make your clients feel special and offer them a personalized promo code for them to share with friends and family.

Woman browsing through her emails on her phone during lunch

8) Post-Trip Thank You

Sending an email to your clients post-trip to say thank you does two things.

First, it means you end off on a good note, which can help to keep communication lines open in the future. The post-trip email speaks volumes about how much you care for your customers and establish a long-term relationship with them that will result in more business for you. Even if they may not be the ones traveling next time, maybe a referral they made based on their good impression is. 

Second, it gives you a chance to ask them to leave a review of the experience they just had. Building a strong review profile is a great marketing tool for your travel business, and happy clients fresh off your tour will be eager to share their thoughts on it with their peers if asked to do so.

9) PR Pitch Email

If your travel company is doing something cool, embarking on a sustainability campaign, launching an internship program, etc. spread the word! Whether you have a PR professional within your team or you are a great communicator, public relations are very important for your brand.

PR pitch emails are outreach efforts directed toward news outlets, bloggers, journalists, or public figures to showcase the value of a story/initiative and why it should be addressed. To define who to write to, you need to deeply understand your target audience and customer profiles: what information they consume, where they get it from, and what will resonate with them and enhance your brand’s core values. 

These emails need to be short and sweet, unambiguous and concise. Nevertheless, the most crucial part of the email is definitely the subject line. Many journalists, media outlets, and public figures receive hundreds of emails per day, so it’s not uncommon for them to just skim through their inboxes and click on the most relevant subject lines they encounter. A great tip for this can be adding “PR Pitch” to the beginning of the email and then typing in the specifics. 

10) New Product Launch Email

Emails will always be an excellent way to spread the news with your existing client base whenever you want to promote a new tour, retreat, or trip planned. Showcasing new offers and experiences to people that have already traveled with you and know the quality of your products is an effective way to re-engage and drive more repeat business.

A new product launch email should always showcase the value of the experience and what makes it different from your competitors and your existing tour catalog. If you have the chance to make it more visual and inspirational than informative, that will add a lot to the email and the engagement it’ll generate with your customers. 

Remember that the email should serve as a quick and attractive overview of your product rather than a complete description. The goal of these emails is to get your contacts to click on links to your website that contain more information about the tour or have them reply with inquiries. 

Man reading a travel business email on his phone

11) Re-engagement Email

Re-engagement or re-marketing emails are the best way to “wake up” contacts that haven’t interacted with your business in a while. Engaging with these contact lists is vital for your business because the more active and engaged users your have (translated into email open rates, click rates, and overall interaction) the more positive signals will internet service providers receive, keeping your emails out of the much-dreaded spam lists.

Re-engagement emails need to offer an incentive or great information to gain your recipient’s interest again. You can tailor your email’s content based on what list of contacts you’re targeting. Here are some of the options you can use:

  • Contacts that requested information and never replied to your message
  • Contacts that couldn’t travel with you because of budget reasons
  • Contacts who couldn’t travel with you because of availability
  • Contacts that traveled with you in the past and didn’t book again

The key here is to understand why they became disengaged in the first place and try to target that pain point in your email. If the reason was budget, you could try offering a discount for their next trip. If the issue was the lack of availability, you can offer early booking access. For contacts that you never heard of again, there are a thousand possibilities! You can try showcasing what makes your travel company unique or share different options for the tour they originally requested.

For these emails, as well as in the newsletter, it’s important to offer your contact the option to unsubscribe to maintain a healthy contact list.

Final Thoughts

Some parting advice – put yourself on the receiving end. Are your emails adding value, or are they overly promotional, too frequent, not relevant? Use these business email templates wisely to maximize your connection with travelers, and optimize their experience with your company.

Email is not going away, every year it grows stronger! So you need to step up your game in order to win the engagement race in a sea of crowded inboxes. Always make sure you understand your audience, their interests, needs, and formats, to keep a healthy and engaged contact list that’s ready to convert or become your brand’s top ambassador.

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About the author

Zaky Prabowo (he/him)

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Sample letter to confirm travel arrangements - as a traveller

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How To Write An Email To A Travel Agent

Are you planning a trip and need some assistance from a travel agent? Writing an email to a travel agent can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure what information to include. However, with a few simple tips, you can write an effective email that will help your travel agent understand your needs and preferences. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of writing an email to a travel agent, so you can get the most out of your travel experience.

Table of Contents

What to Do Before Writing the Email

Before you start writing an email to a travel agent, it’s important to do some research and preparation. This will help you to provide the travel agent with all the necessary information they need to plan your trip effectively. Here are some things to consider before writing your email:

1. Determine your travel dates: Before you contact a travel agent, it’s important to have a rough idea of when you want to travel. This will help the agent to provide you with accurate information about availability and pricing.

2. Decide on your destination: Do you have a specific destination in mind, or are you open to suggestions? If you’re not sure where you want to go, do some research online or speak to friends and family who have traveled to places that interest you.

3. Set a budget: It’s important to have a budget in mind before you contact a travel agent. This will help them to recommend options that fit within your price range.

4. Make a list of your preferences: Do you prefer a certain type of accommodation, such as a hotel or a vacation rental? Are there any activities or experiences that you’re particularly interested in? Make a list of your preferences so that the travel agent can tailor their recommendations to your needs.

By taking the time to prepare before writing your email, you’ll be able to provide the travel agent with all the necessary information they need to plan your trip. This will help to ensure that you get the most out of your travel experience.

What to Include in The Email

When writing an email to a travel agent, it’s important to include all the necessary information to help them understand your needs and preferences. Here are some things to include in your email:

1. Introduction: Start your email by introducing yourself and explaining that you’re interested in planning a trip. Be sure to mention any specific details, such as your travel dates and destination.

2. Travel details: Provide the travel agent with as much information as possible about your trip. This includes your travel dates, destination, and any specific requirements you may have, such as accommodation preferences or dietary restrictions.

3. Budget: Let the travel agent know your budget so that they can recommend options that fit within your price range. This will help to avoid any surprises or unexpected expenses later on.

4. Preferences: Be sure to include any preferences you have, such as the type of accommodation you prefer or any activities or experiences you’re interested in. This will help the travel agent to tailor their recommendations to your needs.

5. Questions: If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to include them in your email. This will help the travel agent to address any issues or provide you with additional information.

By including all the necessary information in your email, you’ll help the travel agent to plan your trip effectively and ensure that you get the most out of your travel experience.

Email Template – How To Write An Email To A Travel Agent

Email Template:

Subject: Planning a Trip

Dear [Travel Agent’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am interested in planning a trip and would like your assistance in making it happen. I have done some research and have a rough idea of what I am looking for, but I would appreciate your expertise in helping me plan the perfect trip.

Here are some details about my trip:

Travel Dates: [Insert Travel Dates]

Destination: [Insert Destination]

Budget: [Insert Budget]

Preferences: [Insert Accommodation Preferences, Activities, and Experiences]

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some options that fit within my budget and preferences. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Tips for Writing the Email

In conclusion, writing an email to a travel agent can be a simple process if you take the time to prepare and include all the necessary information. By determining your travel dates, destination, budget, and preferences before writing your email, you’ll be able to provide the travel agent with all the information they need to plan your trip effectively. Remember to include an introduction, travel details, budget, preferences, and any questions or concerns you may have in your email. With these tips and a well-crafted email, you’ll be on your way to planning the perfect trip with the help of a travel agent.

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Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

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Travel guide:

Travel Approval Email Templates

First time setup completed

Book travel current

Travel not completed

Get reimbursed not completed

Step 2 of 4 Book travel

Jump to Step 2: Booking Travel >

Note about travel to a training, conference, speaking event, large team IRL, or international

Authorizing official approval is secured via the event request process , so you are all set as long as your travel is booked in Concur and is in SUBMIT TO APPROVER status. However, an email of approval is still required if you will be extending your trip at your own expense , flying to or from points that are not either your duty station or location of the event , or combining your event travel with travel for some other reason.

Email Template for Individual Travel:

Subject: Approval for travel between [dates] for , external, TTS-only, Budget name or Tock project name and ID #

I request approval to travel from [ home_location ] to [ work_location ]. I will depart the [ departure_date ], to arrive in time for [ work_to_be_done ] in service of [ TTS budget name ] (options available , external, TTS-only, here ) or [ Tock project + ID number ] scheduled for [ first_day_of_travel_work_date ]. I will return to [ home_location ] on [ return_date ]. The total should not exceed $[x,xxx.yy].

Please reply with your approval, or with any subsequent questions or clarifications you may have.

Many thanks,

[ requestor_name ]

Email Template for Group Travel:

Below is the travel cost break out for [ work to be performed ] for [ Budget name or Tock project name and ID# ]. The estimated total cost is [ total cost ], with the cost for each team member broken out below. Please reply with your approval, or with any subsequent questions or clarifications you may have.

[ Include the , external, TTS-only, completed travel expenses estimator pasted here, or another format of your choice, as long as origins, destinations, dates of travel, and estimated cost are clearly identified for each person traveling ]

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Sep 7, 2022

Vacation request email — 15 samples and template

Time to book a holiday? Here’s how to write a vacation request email to make sure you’re good to go (with 15 examples).

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Booking a holiday? Then don’t forget to ask your boss!

Your vacation request email is a part of your holiday planning, ensuring that when you click the button to book, you’ve got your boss on your side and permission to take flight.

It all sounds easy, but why is writing a request for vacation email so tough? It’s because you’re emotionally involved in the process. Our guide breaks down how to write an email to request vacation, providing the basics and illustrating best practices with 15 examples.

Going on holiday isn’t the only reason you might need to book a leave. You could be requesting vacation for a day off to attend an interview, visit a friend or attend a wedding or funeral.

Don’t worry; we’ve got a template for (almost) every leave request email. If you can't find what you are looking for, you can try Flowrite's smart leave request email template to write any kind of leave request like this:

How to request vacation time

Requesting vacation time is a crucial part of the process and one you can’t skip. You need written approval for your leave request. Otherwise, you could be breaking company policy and risking your job.

OK, so it’s unlikely ever to come to that (as you follow the rules, right?), so why learn how to write vacation email requests? It’s because a well-written leave request email stands more chance of getting accepted than a poorly written one. This is especially important if you’re requesting leave during busy periods or where there’s high competition for time off (such as at Christmas).

Should you request vacation via email?

It’s a great question and one that lots of people are asking. Indeed, asking in person is often quicker, easier, and more effective (34 times, say the Harvard Business Review ), but that doesn’t mean it’s always best. In fact, vacation requests should always be sent by email.

Why? Because it creates an audit trail, that means you, your boss, and the HR team have a written record that your leave has been officially agreed upon, and you have written evidence to prove it.

When to request leave via email?

A good rule of thumb is to ask for leave at least twice as long before you intend to take it. So, if you want to take a week off, you should give at least two weeks’ notice. 

If you’re planning a last-minute break, be aware that your employer can decide not to grant your leave requests. Your boss is focused on getting the job done, so they may choose to deny your leave request if they feel it could affect how the business operates. This is a particular issue during a busy period.

The solution to all these problems is getting your vacation request emails in as early as possible.

How to write an email requesting vacation time

So, let’s get started with some tips on how to request vacation time with an email. The great thing about vacation request emails is that they’re short, sweet, and to the point, making them super easy to create.

Don’t believe us? There are only three things you need to know about how to write an email to request vacation.

Vacation request email format

The vacation request email format is simple and consists of five essential parts:

  • Subject line
  • Vacation time request
  • Closing lines

We’ve already covered formal email greetings and signatures in previous posts, so if you’re unsure what to write, start there.

Let’s look more closely at suitable subject lines, leave requests and how to end a request for vacation email.

1. Vacation request email subject

Writing a vacation request email subject line is simple. There are only a few ways to ask for leave, after all. You’ll want to ensure your boss (or the person you’re asking to agree to your leave request) spots your email, so be straight with what you’re asking for.

  • Annual Leave Request – (Dates)
  • Request For Annual Leave – (Dates)
  • Vacation Request – (Dates) 

2. How to start an email requesting vacation time

Let’s get straight to it and ask for the time off! 

OK, so it’s only polite to ask nicely but get to the point. Simply saying:

“I would like to book leave for my vacation. The dates are XXX to YYY. Please confirm this is OK, and I’ll book my holiday.”

It’s not the most poetic email ever, but it’s easy to read, impossible to understand, and won’t get ignored. 

You have no obligation to explain why you’re asking for time off (and your boss has no right to ask you). However, if you’re asking for time off during a busy period, or your leave request is only a few days away, you may want to explain why, as this is only polite. You can see how we approach this in the examples below.

3. How to end an email when requesting a vacation leave

When ending your leave request email, make sure to ask for a response. Something like: “It would be great if you could confirm my leave request as soon as possible.” Leave requests come near the bottom of the pile for some bosses, so a polite reminder at the end of your emails can spit them into action. 

Your choice of sign-off (thanks, kind regards, cheers, etc.) will depend on your relationship with your boss. We believe you can never go wrong with a polite and pleasant “Many thanks.”

Click send, and now all you need is to sit back and wait for the reply.

5 tips for requesting vacation

Before we get into the examples, here are 5 pro tips for requesting a vacation. Use these to craft your own messages, and you’ll not go wrong.

1. Check your company's vacation policy first

Before asking for leave, be sure it’s likely to be granted. Your vacation policy will spell out how much holiday you are entitled to, how to request it and, importantly, what sort of notice you must give. 

Understanding and following the rules is the best way to ensure your leave request is granted.

2. Be clear and concise

We’ve repeated it regularly throughout this post, but we’ll repeat it: Don’t beat around the bush, make your vacation request and leave it.

3. Don't assume your vacation request will be granted

Annual leave is a legal right, and your employer must allow you to take it. However, your employer can refuse if your leave will affect the business. They can also refuse if you don’t provide enough notice. 

Don’t try to pressure your boss by telling them you’ve already booked a holiday, for example. Avoid phrases like “Thanks in advance,” as these can seem presumptuous. Check out our templates for some practical example emails to request vacation.

4. Convey why you are asking for the specific dates

You have no responsibility to explain why you’re requesting leave. They may be your boss, but it’s their business. If your request is urgent or over a busy period for the company, you may want to explain or support your request. Don’t go into too much detail.

5. Make the request as easy as possible for your manager

Putting a plan in place for your absence is a great way to increase your chances of a positive response to your leave request. You can chat with colleagues and line up support, or even offer to work extra time before you go to ensure you have plans to manage. 

You don’t need to do your boss's job for them, but this can provide reassurance that your job will be covered while breaking out the cocktails on the beach. 

15 vacation request email samples

In this section, we provide 15 request vacation email samples suitable to use in any circumstances. These vacation request email examples follow the standard format above and use all the tips and strategies we’ve described. Feel to cut and paste these, but we recommend you personalize them before pushing send. 

1. Vacation request email to boss sample

Here’s a short and sweet vacation request sample. Blink, and you’ll miss it, but your boss will 100% understand what you’re asking.

2. Vacation leave request email sample

This vacation leave request sample is a little less formal and friendlier than the sample above. This is suitable for a boss you’ve worked with for a while and consider a friend. 

3. Request a vacation day off email sample

Sometimes you may only need to take a single day off. However, you’ll still need to request a vacation day off via email, and here’s how. 

4. Simple vacation request email sample

Sometimes, keeping vacation requests simple is the most successful strategy; it means your under-pressure boss will find it easy to understand – and hopefully approve – your leave request.

5. Cancel vacation request email sample

Plans change, and you’ll sometimes need to cancel your vacation requests. Use our vacation cancellation template, and you’ll experience no issues. It’s essential to send this as soon as you decide to cancel, to give your boss as much advance notice as possible. 

6. Request to carryover vacation days email sample

If you find yourself with a holiday left at the end of the year, you may want to ask to carry it over to the following year. Your boss doesn’t have to allow you to roll your holiday on, so writing a request to carry leave over email can be tricky. Check out our sample below, and adapt it to your situation. (And next year, take a holiday – you deserve it!).

7. Holiday vacation request email sample

It’s almost impossible to think about holidays and not have the Madonna track humming around your brain. So try to avoid that while writing your vacation request (or just copy and paste our holiday vacation request email sample below!).

8. Formal vacation request email sample

If you don’t know your boss well, or they’re the old-school type who loves a formal response, this is for you. This standard vacation request email sample may seem a little stuffy, but it’s simple to follow and will get the job done. 

9. Follow-up email for vacation request sample

Sometimes your leave request may get buried under a mountain of other messages. The solution? Sending a reminder. Here’s a gentle follow-up email for vacation request sample.

10. Vacation extension request email sample

Is there anything better than a holiday? An extended holiday! Here’s a vacation extension request sample you can use to ask for your boss for some extra days. 

11. Emergency vacation request email sample

A family crisis, a funeral (or maybe a job interview you don’t want to tell your boss about) are all considered emergencies and demand a slightly different approach. Your request is likely to cause disruption, but acknowledging this and apologizing for it can go a long way to getting your leave request granted.

12. Informal vacation request email sample

We’ve provided a lot of quite serious vacation request samples, so here’s one that’s a little friendlier and more fun. 

13. Long vacation request email sample

How do you approach a request for a longer leave period? Our long vacation request email sample provides some information to support your request. You'll need to explain if you want more than a couple of weeks off work. Check out our long request vacation email sample to see how we would approach it.

14. Wedding vacation request email sample

The sound of wedding bells is wonderful, and with this leave request email sample, you’ll be there to hear them. 

15. Annual vacation request email sample

Some of us take regular trips at the same time to the same places. In this annual vacation request sample, we’re asking for leave for our traditional yearly trip. 

Flow through your inbox after holidays

The only downside to taking a vacation is coming back to work to a flood of unread emails. Luckily, Flowrite can help pick up the slack.

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Flowrite is your new personal email assistant, that turns words into ready-to-send emails using AI. It's the fastest way to get to inbox zero after a relaxing time-off.

Here's Flowrite in action, fighting off sales pitches that pile up during a leave:

Final words

There’s nothing scary about writing a vacation request email once you know how the format works. You should be ready to write an email to request a vacation at this stage. (If you aren’t, just copy and paste one of our sample emails to request vacation!)

Don’t delay sending a leave request because you’re worried or embarrassed. Holidays are essential for us all, and you’re entitled to them, so use them! Strip everything back and send a simple vacation request email, and you’ll be booking that dream trip in no time.

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travel plan email

Leave request

Reply to: "

Received message

booking holiday can i take last two weeks of july off iris will cover for my clients but most of them are on holiday too hope to hear from you soon!

Generate a reply

Generate an outreach

travel plan email

Reject offer

Hi Jason, My name is Micaela and I head up business development efforts at Foorecast. We recently launched a new platform that helps finance departments of publicly trated companies to manage financial reporting. I am taking an educated stab in the dark here, however based on your LinkedIn profile, you appear to be an appropriate person to connect regarding these needs at Prativo. Are you open to a fifteen minute call on May 15 at 11 am PST to discuss ways our platform can specifically help Prativo? Please find a one pager of our platform as an attachment. Best regards, Micaela

happy with our current solution

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  • Planning Travel

How to Make Successful Traveling Plans

Last Updated: August 6, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Amy Tan . Amy Tan is a Travel Planner and the Founder of Planet Hoppers, a boutique travel design team founded in 2002. Planet Hoppers specializes in brainstorming and creating itineraries for dream vacations, honeymoons, exotic adventures, family reunions, and group trips. Planet Hoppers is a TRUE accredited travel agency and a member of the Signature Travel Network, the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), and Travel Leaders. Amy earned a BA in Communications and a BS in Physics from the University of California, Davis in 2000. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 93,340 times.

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, every trip needs a little planning. Things like flights and hotels have to be booked in advance to make sure you get the itinerary you need. Travel planning doesn’t have to be stressful, though. As long as you allow yourself plenty of time to look around, compare prices, and make sure you have everything you need before you leave, you can plan a great travel experience.

Getting Started

Step 1 Start planning 3-6 months in advance.

  • As a general rule, give yourself 6 months to plan an international trip, 3 months to plan a domestic vacation, and at least 4-6 weeks for a trip like a long weekend.
  • Some major destinations such as resorts may require a deposit well in advance. As soon as you decide on a destination, contact them to figure out if they require a deposit, and how far in advance you need to pay it.
  • If you are planning a last-minute trip, be mindful that you will need to be flexible in where you go and exactly what your vacation will look like. You can certainly plan a successful last-minute vacation, but it often takes more maneuvering.

Step 2 Set a travel...

  • Your budget breakdown will vary significantly depending on your trip. If you're going abroad, for example, a lot of your budget may be dedicated to transportation. If you're planning a food tour, you may be spending a lot on meals but relatively little on attractions.
  • Remember to plan for little things like taxis or ride shares around town, the cost of boarding your pets, foreign transaction fees, baggage fees, and different sales tax rates in different regions.
  • It’s wise to set aside about 10% of your overall vacation fund as an emergency fund for unforeseen circumstances. Forgetting your sunscreen at home, having to take a taxi because you missed the last bus, and ordering an extra drink at dinner all add up. Have an emergency credit card in case you need it, but try to avoid relying on credit cards to curb the potential for overspending.

Step 3 Choose a destination that fits your available resources.

  • If, for example, you want to take an international trip to Paris but you only have 2 vacation days, Paris probably isn’t the right destination at this time. You can always choose to wait until you have more vacation saved up or choose a destination that doesn’t require such a large time commitment for both transit and tourism.
  • Likewise, if you are meeting a client with offices downtown, don’t stay in a far-off suburb to avoid the city noise. It can often take a lot of valuable time to commute in the morning -- and that's time you could be using to prepare for your meeting.

Step 4 Pick a vacation destination that you will enjoy.

  • Consider the age groups traveling with you. If you're bringing kids, look for a destination that has kid-friendly activities. If, for example, your child loves dinosaurs, check a destination's natural history museum to see if it has an interactive exhibit on the subject.
  • If you and your travel companions like outdoor activities, check the predicted forecast for your destination well in advance to make sure you can participate in the activities you enjoy. Most weather websites and almanacs provide seasonal weather trend information.
  • Consider the physical abilities of yourself and your travel companions, too. Your aging parent may want to see the history in Philadelphia, for example, but if they have limited mobility, the relative lack of things like elevators and escalators might make it difficult to visit popular destinations.

Step 5 Obtain a visa for international destinations if necessary.

  • Different countries may have different entry requirements. That’s why it’s important to look for your destination country’s embassy for your home country. This will give you information relevant to you.
  • Even if no immunizations are required for entry, it may be advisable to get them if you are traveling to a high-risk area. Check with your country’s department of public health or disease control to see what immunizations they recommend for your intended destination.

Step 6 Book babysitters, house sitters, and pet sitters, if applicable.

  • Even if you don't need full-time care for kids or pets, it may be worthwhile to book a house sitter. This person can check your mail, water your plants, and generally just make sure that your home is in order while you're away.
  • For small pets like rodents and fish, you may be able to ask your house sitter to feed them and clean their bowl or cage while you're gone. These pets don't necessarily need to stay with someone full-time while you're away.

Making Reservations and an Itinerary

Step 1 Shop around for deals on transportation.

  • When traveling to a different country, local aggregate booking sites may offer better deals than the ones you find in your home country. Check local listings to see if you can grab a better deal.
  • To get the best idea of how pricing varies, compare itineraries that are the same. Check the same dates and destinations on different sites to see where you can really find the best deals.
  • If you’re traveling as a representative of a particular company or organization, they may have an in-house travel site or travel booker that you are required to use. Check with your company’s administrative department to see if that’s the case.

Step 2 Check the availability for different accommodations.

  • Likewise, if you're planning on staying in a hostel, hostel-booking sites usually have better offers than hotel booking sites. HostelWorld.com and HostelBookers.com are two options with extensive listings.
  • If you're going camping, check your site well in advance. Popular campsites like Big Bend National Park in Texas can run out of permits months in advance. Don't assume you can just show up at a campsite and set up your tent. You often need to reserve a spot on site.
  • Think about different routes you can take to get to your destination. Flights directly into Washington DC are often expensive, for example, because the DC airports are close to public transportation, hotels, and attractions. Flying into Baltimore is often more affordable, and still puts you a 20-minute train ride away from DC.

Step 3 Book transportation and accommodations 2-5 months in advance.

  • For international trips, you may need to book further in advance, especially if you are flying or taking a cruise. Try to book at least 4 months out from your intended departure date in these cases.
  • Trips taken during popular travel times should also be booked further in advance. If you plan to go to Boston for St. Patrick’s Day, for example, expect hotels to fill up months in advance.
  • Some modes of transportation don’t require you to book as far in advance as others. A train, for example, may only require a reservation the week before your departure. Check your carrier to see their suggested booking time frame.

Step 4 Make meal plans before you go.

  • Think about what meals may be included with your accommodations. Does your hotel offer free breakfast? If not, you may need to adjust your budget to include breakfasts.
  • If you're staying at an all-inclusive resort or on a cruise, check with the resort to see if you need to book meals in advance. At some resorts and on some cruises, you have to make reservations for a certain seating time, even if the meal is included in your price.
  • Consider your flight, too. If you have a long-haul flight where a meal is included, let the airline know about any dietary restrictions you may have at least 1 week before you depart. This way, you can ensure you get the right in-flight meal for your diet.

Step 5 Set a daily itinerary before you leave.

  • Your daily itinerary doesn’t have to be elaborate. It may be as simple as “Breakfast: 9-10, Acropolis tour: 10:30-12:30, explore the city after the tour ends.” Just make sure you include those things that are really important for you to see and do.
  • If you’re traveling for business, your itinerary may have to be more formal. Check with your company or client to see if you need to submit a formal itinerary for your meetings and activities.
  • Leave some room in between activities in case things run long or you have any unexpected delays. You don't need to plan every minute of every day, just make sure you have time to fit in those things that are really important for you to see or do.

Getting Ready to Go

Step 1 Pack appropriate clothing...

  • The duration of your trip will also influence how much you pack. You likely won’t need 12 pairs of underwear for a weekend getaway.
  • Try to pack light , sheddable layers such as shirts, light sweaters or cardigans, jackets, etc. This way, you can add on or remove a piece to suit the weather without having to pack entirely different outfits for different temperatures.

Step 2 Check to ensure you've packed your essentials.

  • Mobile phone charges
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Deodorant or antiperspirant
  • An umbrella

Step 3 Make sure your electronics are compatible for international trips.

  • For example, in the US, appliances are 110 volts. In the EU, they're 220 volts. If your electronic has a plug or printing somewhere on it that says "110-220," this means the item is safe to use for both voltages.
  • If you use an electronic item with incompatible voltage, it could short circuit your item and permanently damage or destroy it. It is also a fire hazard.
  • Even if your item is safe for both voltages, it probably doesn't have a plug for both. You need an adapter or converter to plug into the wall outlets at your destination. Different countries have different outlets, so check online and buy your adapter before you depart.

Step 4 See your doctor for health concerns and prescription refills.

  • Ask them about any vaccinations they may advise for your destination, and talk to them about any preventative medications you may need to take while traveling. If, for example, you're going to a place where malaria is common, you may be given a preventative pill.

Step 5 Make an emergency kit.

  • 2-3 color copies of your government-issued ID or the information page of your passport
  • A copy of your visa, if applicable
  • Copies of your transportation and accommodations bookings
  • A list of numbers for anyone important back home
  • Enough cash to get you to your local embassy or emergency services (enough for a taxi ride from one end of your destination city to the other should be enough)
  • An extra dose of any regular medication you take, as well as a few over-the-counter medications like pain relievers, antacids, and antihistamines.

Expert Q&A

Amy Tan

  • Pass your itinerary along to a friend or family member so that someone else has your information in the case of an emergency. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember to take some time to relax and enjoy yourself. Travel planning can be stressful, but the travel, itself, can be an amazing experience. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/travel/when-is-the-best-time-to-book-your-vacation/2017/10/26/6bcb052e-b5ab-11e7-be94-fabb0f1e9ffb_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.da59e7b03972
  • ↑ Amy Tan. Travel Planner. Expert Interview. 12 March 2020.
  • ↑ https://www.theglobetrottingteacher.com/how-to-successfully-choose-your-travel-destination/
  • ↑ https://travel.usnews.com/features/tips-for-getting-an-international-visa
  • ↑ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/14/realestate/how-to-protect-your-house-when-youre-on-vacation.html
  • ↑ https://www.smartertravel.com/2017/06/19/10-tips-finding-cheap-airfare/
  • ↑ https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/finance/cheap-hotel-booking/
  • ↑ https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/credit-cards/how-to-save-on-food-and-drink-costs-while-traveling/
  • ↑ https://www.smartertravel.com/2017/06/19/create-perfect-travel-itinerary/
  • ↑ https://thesavvybackpacker.com/how-to-dress-for-winter-in-europe-learn-to-layer/
  • ↑ https://www.ricksteves.com/travel-tips/phones-tech/electric-adapters-converters
  • ↑ https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/see-doctor
  • ↑ https://www.corporatetravelsafety.com/safety-tips/create-an-emergency-passport-kit/

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How Trip Planner works

Sign into your Expedia account to save and compare your favorites to a new trip, work together with your friends and family on your group vacation, and keep all of your bookings in one itinerary planner. It just takes a few clicks to get the ball rolling.

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Create a trip and save your favorites to plan your itinerary

Go to the Trips tab on the homepage, click on "Create a trip", and type in a new trip name. Start trip planning by searching for stays or things to do at your destination. Tap the heart icon to save your favorites to the right trip.

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Invite friends and family to create a group trip

Open your trip and invite your fellow travelers to collaborate in the Trip Planner. Once they accept the invitation sent to their email, they’ll be able to view, save more items, comment, and like their favorite options to help decide on the best ones to book.

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Book and manage your trip itinerary in the same place

Make all the bookings you need by tapping the three dots on your saved options. You can also change and cancel bookings in the same place.

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FAQ: Learn more about Trip Planner

What should I do to plan my trip?

Get started with our Trip Planner in one of two easy ways:

1. Sign into your account, search for places to stay or things to do, and tap the heart icon on the image of a listing that you want to save. You'll be asked to create a new trip by giving it a name and saving it to your trip planner.

2. Head to the Expedia homepage, click on Trips in the top right corner (on desktop) or in the bottom menu bar (in the app), and then select "Create a trip".

How do I create a trip plan?

Once you've signed into your account and created your trip, you can save accommodations and activities to your trip. Soon you will also be able to save your preferred flights in our Trip Planner.

Why is trip planning important?

Saving items in a travel planner online helps you stay organized by keeping all your favorite stays and activities saved in one place. Instead of switching between multiple browser tabs, just open our Trip Planner.

When you're ready to book, it's easy to compare options , see all your locations on a map, and book directly from your saved items.

When should you start planning a trip?

Any time is a good time to start planning travels, and our Trip Planner can be used for everything from last-minute weekend getaways to a summer vacation planned over the winter. Just click on Trips on our homepage to get started.

How to plan a successful trip?

Saving your stay and activities to a trip helps Expedia better understand your preferences, so we can recommend more places to go and things to do to fill out your travel plans and make your trip unforgettable. Take advantage of our vast inventory and useful filters to make sure you get the accommodations and activities for your ideal trip.

Where can I find the items that I saved to a trip?

Head to the Expedia homepage and click on Trips in the top right (on desktop) or in the bottom menu bar (in the app). Select the trip that you want to view and look for "Saved items" to see all the items you've selected for that trip that haven't been booked yet.

With our trip planner, your booked and saved items are all in one place, which makes it easier to book your trip piece by piece.

Where can I find my booked items?

On the Expedia homepage, click on Trips in the top right (on desktop) or in the bottom menu bar (in the app). Select the trip that you want to view and head to "Bookings" to see all the items booked for that trip.

When you plan a trip online with us, you can keep your booked and saved items all in one place, making it easier to manage and build your trip.

Can I move a booked or saved item to a different trip?

Yes, we've made it easy to move items, because we know that planning your trip can mean adding more places to see or splitting favorite destinations up into multiple trips.

First, select the trip that already has the items you want to move. For booked items, tap the three dots on the top right corner of the item and select "move to another trip". For saved items, follow the same process and select "save to another trip" instead.

How can my friends and family help me plan a trip online?

Friends and family invited to collaborate on a trip with you will be able to view, save, and book items in your trip planner itinerary. All they need to do to start collaborating is accept the trip invite sent to their email.

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How it works

Gather your ideas.

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Chart your course

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Fill in the details

Add your stays, activities, travel documents, and notes.

See your plan come together!

Can i plan trips for free.

Yes! Our free plan offers you everything you need to plan a trip. Trips with itinerary, calendar, and map views are saved for a year. You can also track expenses and attach notes. However, there are no sharing or collaboration tools with the free plan.

Can I share my trip plan?

Absolutely! Plan That Trip allows you to invite friends, family, or colleagues to collaborate on your travel plans. They can view, edit, and add to the itinerary in real-time, ensuring everyone involved has the latest information. Collaboration and sharing require a Premium plan.

How do I add flights?

Plan That Trip lets you add flights in lots of ways. You can specify the destination and arrival location, or flight number and date. With the Premium plan, you can automatically load flights from any document.

Can I track my spending and budget?

You can assign a cost to any part of your itinerary, and we'll tracks all expenses across the entire trip. Cost splitting lets you determine who owes what for various activities and is a good way of keeping tabs on individual expenses.

Is my data secure with Plan That Trip?

We take your data security very seriously. All your information, including personal details and travel documents, is stored securely and is only accessible to you and those you choose to share your itinerary with. We also give you the ability to download your data or delete your account, so you are always in charge.

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18 Best Email Templates To Use If You Have A Travel Agency [2024]

If you run a travel agency, you probably rely on email quite a bit to communicate with your clients.

As a travel agent, your day-to-day is filled with quote requests, itineraries, planning, customer service, and much more. Having email templates on hand is a great way to maximize your productivity while still ensuring you are taking care of your customers.

Here are 18 free templates you can use for your travel agency.

The Early-Bird Email Template (Off-Season Business)

title=Special Early-Bird Pricing for [[Month or Year]] Hi [[Contact Name]],

It’s not too early to sign up for your [[Year]] [[service offered]]!

Get discounted early-bird pricing by calling us today at [[Contact number]]. Early-bird pricing applies to services booked through [[date]].

Terms and conditions apply [[link to details page on website]].

We look forward to being of service to you in [[Year]]!

[[Agency Name]]

Received Inquiry Confirmation Email Template

title=We received your inquiry! Hello [[Name]],

Thank you for reaching us. We are already working on your inquiry. And will get back to you within [[days/hours]].

In the meantime, feel free to check our FAQ section [[put the link]].

Thank you for your patience,

Learn more about starting a travel agent :

Where to start?

-> How much does it cost to start a travel agent? -> Pros and cons of a travel agent

Need inspiration?

-> Other travel agent success stories

Other resources

-> Profitability of a travel agent

Promotional for a Free Travel Package Email Template

title=All-Expense paid trip to [[Location]], Why Not? Dear [[Recipient's Name]],

Wouldn't you love to go on an all-expense-paid trip to [[Location]] where you could soak in all the beautiful beaches and quaint medieval towns?

Or what about an all-expense-paid trip to [[Location]] where you could take walks in world-famous galleries and take pictures in one of their treasure-filled churches?

Now is your chance!

[[your agency name]] is awarding one of these two trips to a lucky customer. All you need to do is fill out the survey we have enclosed and send it back to us before the 25th of November. We will then add your name to an electronic database that will be used to draw the lucky winner on the [[date]]!

The winner will be receiving a free vacation package for one of the two destinations mentioned above. This prize will cover airfare, accommodations, and will also include a check for $10,000 as pocket money!

So, fill out the survey now! It will only take about ten minutes of your time but will give you a chance to go on a 3-day long vacation! Thank you and good luck!

[Agency Name]]

Travel and Services Sales Email Template

title=We've got something to offer! Dear [[Prospect's Name]],

Planning the perfect vacation means having all the right information. [[Name of your Agency]] is here to help you out with that.

We can give you everything you need to know to plan your trip, including lists of hotels, tour guides, tour packages, and so much more. We can even arrange the details according to the specifics you need.

All you have to do is get in touch with one of our travel agents, either by email or telephone. Call us at [[your agency number]] or send an email inquiry to [[agency email]].

Let us help you plan for an ultimate getaway. Get in touch with us today!

[[Sender's Name]]

Referral Request Email Template

title=Request for a potential referral Hi [[Contact Name]],

I first want to thank you again for choosing us for your [[service type]] needs. We’re so glad that we’ve been able to exceed your expectations.

And, in fact, I’m reaching out because I was wondering if you would be willing to vouch for us to a potential prospect we’ve been in contact with. All we need from you is to complete the [[form, survey, attached document, etc.]] and return it to us.

We would really appreciate the help if you have the time, but totally understand if not. Either way, we look forward to doing more travel and vacation plans work for you.

[[Agency name]]

Survey Feedback Request Email Template

title=Tell us how we’re doing in a brief survey Dear [[Contact Name]],

As one of our preferred customers, your feedback is of the utmost importance to [[your agency name]]. We are constantly striving to provide the ideal experience for our customers, and your input helps us to define that experience. That being said, if you could take a minute to post a review on [[review platform]], we would so appreciate it.

We hope to see you again soon!

Best regards,

Thank You Email Template

title=Hi [[Client Name]], thank you for booking your tour activity with us! Hello [[Client Name]],

We are so happy you were a part of our [[experience]] in [[location]].

We hope you enjoyed learning about the history of the city and got some great snaps of our unique architecture.

You’ll find a photo of you and the entire tour group enclosed in this message. If you want to see more pictures of you and the group, you can find them on our Facebook page. We would love it if you share or tag us in some of your photos, too!

Thanks again for booking with us and we hope you’ll visit us again!

[[Your name]]

Travel Agency Introduction to Client Email Template

title=Planning a summer holiday? Hi [[Contact Name]],

We are very enthusiastic to present our travel agency, [[agency name]]. Our well-established travel agency has been in the industry for more than twelve years. We are experts in every minor detail of this business and have been recognized by many people within these years. Our firm has familiarized the difficulty and aggravations of attaining visas and passports. So here we are, to deliver you the tension-free foldaway.

No matter whether you want to travel national or international, we offer the best class service for you. We provide our clients with the best sightseer & recreational spots and finest guesthouses at economic prices. Our services are prompt and way more competent.

People having traveling experience with us, are evidence of our exceedingly efficient and advanced services. They have submitted their high-quality experience of traveling with our company on our website. If you are fascinated with it and want to have you share, kindly let us know & we will shortly reach you.

We label ourselves as leading, innovative, and highly efficient and look forward to demonstrating these qualities at the earliest possible chance.

Thank you for your consideration.

[[Agency Contact No]]

[[Agency Email Address]]

[[Agency Website]]

Letter for Change of Address Email Template

title=Change of Address Dear Clients,

Hope this letter finds you in the best of your spirits. This letter is to inform you about the change in our address.

We have shifted our business location from [[old address] to [new address].

Kindly make sure to communicate at this new address for a proper response, and customer care.

Thanks, and Best Regards,

[[Company Name]]

[[Company Contact No]]

[[Company Email]]

[[Company Website]]

Travel Agent Introduction Email Template

title= Are you ready to getaway? Hi [[Contact Name]],

I, [[Agent Name]] will be serving you as your travel agent. I would like to thank you for choosing my travel agency, [[Agency Name]] for planning your vacation. I will make sure that you have the best value for your money through my services.

I have been working in this field for 10 years. Therefore, you can completely rely on me when it comes to experience and knowledge. I shall consider your requirements and budget to plan a very well-organized, comfortable, and fun trip for you and your family.

Kindly give me a call this week in your spare time and let me know when we can arrange a meeting. I would like to discuss your requirements and my recommendations so that I can plan a customized trip.

Looking forward to your call.

[[Agent Name]]

Travel Follow Up Marketing Letter to Loyal Customers

title=A good deal is always good news Dear [[Recipients Name]],

We appreciate that you have been such a loyal patron of [[Agency Name]].

For this upcoming summer, we would like to ask for your help. We have just finished the creation of several summer tour packages and would like you to refer some of your colleagues, members of your family, or friends who may be interested. We'd like to send them some brochures and put them on our mailing list so that we can give them the necessary updates.

We would be more than happy to provide you with compensation for your assistance. Thus, we guarantee you that for every referral that you give us, we'll be taking off 10% on your next tour or booking with us! Imagine how few names it would take for you to avail of a free trip from [[Agency Name]]!

You can send us your referrals by filling out the form we have enclosed.

We are very excited to hear back from you. If you have any further questions about our Referral Program, please don't hesitate to give us a call at [[agency number]].

Thank you very much!

[[Senders Name]]

Reservation Receipt Email Template

title=Reservation Receipt Email From [[your agency name]] Hi [[Client Name]],

Your reservation request for [[Hotel Destination]] has been submitted. We want to be clear that this is not a confirmed reservation. Not yet, at least.

Your potential host, [[Hotel Name]], has 24 hours to respond to your request, but most of our hosts reply more quickly than that! Once [[Hotel Name]] accepts or declines your reservation, we'll let you know.

We have authorized your payment method for [[Amount]], the full amount of the reservation. If your request is declined or expires, you will not be charged.

[[photo of the booking information]]

Reservation Confirmation Email Template

title=Confirmation of Reservation for [[Client Name]] Hi [[Client Name]],

This is the confirmation mail of the reservation of the [[Hotel Name]] in [[Location]]. Please go through the flight and accommodation details so that if there is any mistake it can be rectified at the right time.

As per your request, we have booked [[how many]] air tickets in the business class with [[Airline]]. The booking is made in the name of [[Bookers' Names]] with the age [[their ages]] years respectively. The tickets are for date [[Date]] from [[Location]] to [[Destination]]. Your accommodation reservation is done at the [[Hotel]] located at a [[exact location from the airport]]. You are confirmed for a stay of [[number]] days and [[number]] nights, from [[Date]] to [[Date and Year]]. The hotel rooms have spacious balconies with beach views.

I want to make clear that if you want any kind of change in the reservation then please inform within 24 hours of this confirmation letter after which any request won’t be entertained. Rest we assure you that you won’t face any problems with the proposed trip.

Thanks and Have a Good Day!

Follow Up Sales After Promo Introduction Email Template

title=Special promo just for you! Dear [[Recipients Name]],

During the last week of [[Month]], we sent you a brochure of our new products. Since we have already established a good long-time working relationship, we gave you a special promo for the month of [[Month]] to order them at discounted rates. [[Month]] is about to end soon and so is the promo yet we still did not hear anything from you. You are probably busy and might have overlooked our special offer for you.

From our years of working with each other, we have known you to be a man who greatly values customer satisfaction. You have always wanted to provide your customers with great products. If you would just take the time to peruse the brochure, you might find some things that would interest you.

If you decide to order now, we can give you a 15% off on the total amount of your purchase on top of the 10% on the individual product rates. So hurry and make your order before the promo period ends!

Travel Agency Business Proposal Letter

title=Collaboration request from [[Agency Name]] Dear [[newspaper owner]],

This is the very first collaboration I am making with you. I would like straightly to come to the point; we are a fresh travel organization firm positioned in the city. We are offering some prodigious travel packages for the new year. The strategies and packages are for both coast-to-coast and global visits. We are proposing incredible concession plans for populate in the city.

Your newspaper is widespread in the realm and masses read it regularly. It would be an honor to work with your organization to make known my concern to the people. Our commercial policy spins around the requirement to deliver class service to our customers.

We are completely focusing on the process of entirely nourishing their desires. This is going to get started through the enrolment of a specialized squad. We are also working hard on the delivery of better quality conventional plan travel packages, meeting & fulfilling the customer’s essential wants.

The company as well anticipates having brochures in unique designs. We also intend to have other marketing material that will empower regulars to know about the benefits of availing these services & to understand the categories of facilities we propose.

I have hemmed in the rate graph along with the letter to make it easy for you to create an eye-catching ad for us.

For additional figures or interrogations, you are welcome to communicate with me by phone [[ agency contact number]] or email [[agency email]].

Vacation Package Offering Email Template

title=Vacation made possible with [[Agency Name]] Dear [[Recipient's Name]],

How would you like to visit the beautiful country of [[Location]] to experience their fantastic food, inspiring culture, and incredible scenery for [[how many days and nights]]?

How would you like to stay at one of the top hotels in [[Location]] while you're there?

How would you like to pay just [[amount]] for all of that?

This vacation is all now a possibility with [[your agency name]]! We'll provide you with flight transfers, and accommodations for just [[amount]]! Just think about what that means regarding your potential savings!

This proposal is no joke. We are dead serious about the offer that we're making. All you need to do is give our customer hotline a call at [[contact number]] before the [[date]]. You do have to be of legal age, however, to avail of this offer.

Don't delay any further. Call us today so we can start planning your fabulous vacation. We hope to talk to you soon!

Trip Sales Email Template Sample

title=Don't miss this out! Dear [[Contact Name]],

I am pleased you selected [[Agency Name]] for your upcoming vacation in Italy. Our company offers the best packages for hassle-free vacations at the most reasonable prices. Italy is a place brimming with glorious places and splendid scenes. Cities like Venice and Florence are an exquisite blend of nature as well as classical craftsmanship. Our ten-day tour to Italy is devised to give our customers the finest taste of the picturesque cities and their rich cultural heritage. In this one-of-a-kind trip to Italy, you will experience a myriad of wonders; splendid countrysides and wines of Tuscany, the eternal city of Rome, private gondola ride in Italy’s famed Venice, boat ride to the surrounding islands, and Micheanglo’s legendary David, a masterpiece from the Renaissance Era.

The destinations included in the trip are Rome, Florence, Tuscany, and Venice; also known as the Jewels of Italy. The transportation for moving within the cities will also be included in the package. In addition, we will also provide you with an English-speaking tour guide to help you explore Italy and make the most of your trip.

Our standard prices start off from $5,500 per person for our Economy Package; the accommodation for this package is in a three-star hotel, such as the Hotel Al Paive. The Star Package costs $8000 per person, with accommodation in a four-star hotel such as the Hotel Berchielli. Our Deluxe Package costs $11,000 per person with accommodation in a five-star hotel, such as the Ritz-Carlton. These prices are exclusive of airfare. The prices may also vary depending on the type of transportation you want to choose; for instance, public bus, subway, taxi, or a private car. The current price is quoted for a private car.

Also, as the summers are approaching, the prices in the travel market is peaking due to the rush-season; yet, we are offering a special discount up to 10% until the first week of June. I would highly advise you to make your bookings with us as soon as possible, as the current prices are likely to go up several thousands of dollars in the coming weeks.

Your inclination to choose our company for your trip reflects astuteness; since Gleaming Horizons Travel Agency is a well-reputed company working relentlessly to provide luxurious vacations for couples and families for over a decade. We will ensure that you have a smooth trip without any complications and that you bring back many perfect memories.

Please do not hesitate to place your order right away. As mentioned earlier, the discounted prices are only available for six more days; i.e. the first week of June. You may inquire with other travel agencies if you wish. I guarantee you will find our company’s prices are the lowest for the caliber of quality we are providing for all our services.

To book your trip, please email us at [email protected] with detailed information about the number of people traveling, names of the individuals as mentioned in the passports, and your selected package; i.e Economy Package, Star Package, or Deluxe Package. Or call at our booking office – UAN: 800-111-22-33.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely, [[Name]] [[Ageny Name]]

Needy Customers Response Email Template

title=Regarding your queries, [[Mr./Ms. Name]], Hi [[customer name]],

Thanks for reaching out to us with your queries. We would love to solve your issue and we think phone calls are the best way to go about it.

Would you love to get on a call with us to discuss this? Please do get back to us with your available timings and kindly leave a number so that we can call.

We look forward to taking care of your issues. Thanks for choosing us.

[[Agency Contact No.]]

25 Travel Agency Email Subject Lines You Can Use

Here's a list of 25 popular email subject lines you can use for your Travel Agency

  • Sure, it's possible to land a cheap flight. Let us help you
  • Hey! Look at this! It's a vacation deal!
  • You deserve the trip of a lifetime.
  • Planning Your Mini-Vacay?
  • Need a last-minute flight?
  • Are you curious about our personalized service?
  • You're going to love this… Now you can escape to over 500 destinations
  • Are you getting enough sunshine this summer?
  • Check out 50% Off Call of the Wild at Super Summer Sale
  • What location is perfect for your next escape?
  • Let me help you find a vacation you'll never forget!
  • The Perfect Destination For Birthday Getaway
  • Need help planning your next vacation?
  • Are you a travel addict?
  • Hello traveler, you have found a treasure! Let us show you
  • Book your flight now and get thousands of miles bonus!
  • Your dream vacation is only a click away
  • Your summer vacation is about to get interesting
  • Forget the stress of travel.
  • Your destination is waiting
  • You don't want to miss out on these deals
  • You've got the plan. We've got the room. It's all
  • Where would you like to go?
  • Travel hasn't been the same without you!
  • How you can win the ultimate travel experience

Below we detail the most common questions as it relates to Travel Agency for email.

How to market a travel agency?

  • Add variety to your social media posts.
  • Send direct mail to your clients.
  • Practice your 30-second commercial.

How to become a travel agent?

  • Focus on a specialty.
  • Develop and market your brand.
  • Create a business plan.

How is email marketing used in the travel industry?

  • Attract and retain new customers.
  • Convince people to take a trip even if they weren’t planning to.
  • Give customers a way to connect with your travel business on social media and develop a better relationship.

There we have it: some smashing email templates for your viewing pleasure. Emails are a way of strengthening your connection with your customers. The templates and emails above can guide you through the process of building trust and rapport with your customers and prospects.

We hope you have found them helpful and get plenty of inspiration for your email marketing campaigns.

  • 39 Pros & Cons Of Starting A Travel Agent (2024) 1 of 4
  • How Profitable Is A Travel Agent? (Updated for 2024) 2 of 4
  • 4 Travel Agency Success Stories [2024] 3 of 4
  • How Much Does It Cost To Become A Travel Agent? (In 2024) 4 of 4

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5 Easy Ways to Share Your Travel Plans with TripIt

April 29, 2020

News & Culture

Share Travel Plans

The TripIt team is always looking for ways to make travel less stressful. We know the importance of staying connected to friends, family, and colleagues while you’re traveling, so we’ve created several ways to help you share travel plans using TripIt.

Sharing your TripIt itinerary via iOS is just one of five ways to let your friends, family, or colleagues know your travel plans.

Share travel plans from the TripIt app

Just click the share icon on your itinerary to share your travel plans via text or email . No more copying and pasting the details about when you’re arriving or where you’re staying.

You can also select individual (or multiple) trip plans within a TripIt itinerary and send them via text, Slack, WhatsApp, or your favorite messaging app, as shown above. 

When you share, you can choose from three different levels of access:

  • Traveler: Someone who is going on the trip and can collaborate on the trip details.
  • Planner: Someone who is not going on the trip but can help to organize the trip details.
  • Viewer: Someone who can see the details of your trip but can’t change or add to them.

Share your travel plans from TripIt.com

You can share your trip from the TripIt website in two ways:

  • Private invitation: On the itinerary page of your trip, click “add” and enter the email addresses of the people you’d like to share your trip with. Next, choose if you’d like them to be a traveler, viewer, or planner of the trip.
  • Public link: You can generate a unique link/URL that will let anyone with access to the link view your trip. This method is helpful if you want to post your trip on your blog or in some other forum, where any member of the public could view your itinerary. Because trips contain travel dates and flight numbers, use public URL sharing cautiously.  

Share itineraries with your Inner Circle

As a TripIt Pro member, you can select the people in your Inner Circle , and we’ll do the sharing for you. No more forwarding, texting, or calling required. 

  • You can add and remove contacts, as well as edit permissions, all from the TripIt app.
  • New trips are shared to your Inner Circle as soon as they’re posted in your account.
  • When you’d prefer not to share travel plans, simply select “Do not share with Inner Circle” when creating the trip.  

Share travel plans directly from Messages in iOS 

TripIt for iMessage makes sharing travel plans as easy as sending a text. You can send all or part of your travel plans through iMessage to other users.

  • If plans change or if an element is added, TripIt refreshes those plans—ensuring everyone in the conversation has the latest information.
  • When TripIt Pro users share flight information, anyone receiving that information will be able to check the status of the flight without leaving Messages.

Share your travel plans on social media

Sharing trips to your social network is the easiest way to get travel advice, like where to eat, what to see, and what to do. And sharing can help you coordinate with friends in the same city as you.

Create a shareable link for social media by simply clicking the Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn icon on the itinerary page of your trip.

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About the Author

travel plan email

Stay one step ahead from planning to landing with the world's highest rated travel organizing app. Unlike other travel apps, TripIt can organize your travel plans no matter where you book. Simply forward your confirmation emails to [email protected] and in a matter of seconds, TripIt will create a master itinerary for every trip.

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Itinerary not displaying in account

Modified on Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 6:15 AM

There are several possible reasons why your itinerary isn't displaying:

1. You forwarded your vendor confirmation email to an address other than [email protected] .  If you forwarded your vendor confirmation email to [email protected] or any @tripit.com email other than [email protected] it will not process and post to your account.

Solution:  Resend your confirmation email to [email protected] .

2. You have more than one account.  If you manually forward or import a travel confirmation email to [email protected] from an email address that is not associated with your main TripIt account, we'll automatically create a new account for that address. 

Solution: Merge your multiple accounts into one (while maintaining all data). Please see our Merge Accounts help page for instructions.

3. Your confirmation has been imported into an existing trip.  If the travel dates in your itinerary overlap with the dates of an existing trip, your itinerary will be added to your existing trip.

  • Look at the details of your upcoming trips to determine if your itinerary was added to an existing trip.
  • Access your email from TripIt that reads 'Your TripIt itinerary is ready ' and click on the link to your itinerary within that email. This link will take you directly to your trip details within your TripIt account.

Solution:  Move your plan into a new trip, please view our help page for instructions.

4. Your confirmation email is in your Unfiled Items.   We support most travel confirmation emails, however there are a few situations that could cause a failure. See our help page Problem with your TripIt submission   for more information. 

Solution:  If your travel plan went into your Unfiled Items folder and you'd like to move it into a trip, please view our  help page for instructions.

Note: Unfiled Items is not yet available in our new web experience. You can view your Unfiled Items by switching back to the legacy site, just click the 'New website' toggle in the upper right-hand corner of any page.

5. Your confirmation email was sent directly from the airline or booking website.  If you are trying to send us a confirmation email directly from the airline's website or booking site, we won't be able to link the email to your TripIt account since we rely on the sender's email address to do so.  Here's what you can do:

Solution: Resend your confirmation email to [email protected] from your own email inbox.

6. SAP Concur trips not automatically added to TripIt.  If you are an SAP Customer, you will need to link your TripIt and SAP Concur accounts before trips added in SAP Concur are automatically added to your TripIt account.

Solution:  Connect your SAP Concur and TripIt accounts here.

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I've visited Cabo many times. One change to my travel plans made my last trip the best yet.

  • I've traveled to Cabo many times, but this was the first time I rented a car there.
  • It was one of the best decisions I've ever made because I got to experience more local life.
  • If you're planning a trip to Cabo , I highly recommend getting a car to explore more of the region.

Insider Today

I've traveled to Cabo — both San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas — more times than I can count to attend weddings, bachelorette parties , birthdays, and personal trips.

I know the best hotels (Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal and Drift San Jose del Cabo) and dining experiences (El Farallon and Flora Farms). I can tell you exactly where to swim (Medano Beach) and who to book your whale-watching tour with ( In Cabo ).

Even though I'm a self-declared expert, I've largely done the same rotation of things on each visit. But on my last trip, I changed things up by renting a car to make my vacation more of an adventure.

I researched, learned the rules of the road (nothing too out of the ordinary), and booked a vehicle that I picked up at the airport.

Looking back, that one travel-planning tweak made such a big impact on my Cabo trip.

With a car, I could easily venture outside Cabo and explore more of Baja

Instead of spending most of my time in central Cabo, I used my rental car as an excuse to explore more of the Baja California state.

I drove a little over an hour northwest along the coast to Todos Santos. Along the way, I stopped at an organic market on the side of the road called Agricole Cooperative that I never would've visited otherwise.

I did some research ahead of time and found out it's known for its strawberries and cream dessert. After ordering it, I completely understand the hype.

Todos Santos was such a charming town that I decided to make a whole day of exploring it.

I had a delicious seafood lunch at Oystera, a chic oyster restaurant and bar, before hitting local shops like Nomad Chic and Zocalo on Todos Santos Road.

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I got ice cream at Baja Tasty then drove 10 minutes to check into Paradero Hotel for the night. It features stunning architecture that blends nearly seamlessly into the beautiful natural setting around it.

My room was on the second floor, so I was able to gaze at the beautiful scenery from an outdoor flat-net hammock that hung over the desert garden.

By the first evening, I was already getting a better sense of the region and the local culture, and I wasn't surrounded by tourists like I typically am when in Cabo.

The flexibility and freedom allowed me to do more than I ever have before

The following day, I headed to La Paz, the capital of Baja California Sur.

Since I had my own car, I could make roadside stops at popular spots along the way, like La Garita del Chilpa restaurant. I grabbed coffee and a bag of "snoring" cookies that soften and crackle when dunked in hot liquid.

After my pit stop, I continued driving north for a little over an hour to reach La Paz, which is known for its fantastic marine life .

The city, located on the Gulf of California, is famous for whale-shark diving and snorkeling — there's even a statue of a whale shark on the waterfront promenade. Unfortunately, I missed the opening of the season by a few days.

Instead, I quickly checked into the retro Baja Club Hotel, grabbed an ice cream from La Michoacana, and immediately drove to Balandra Beach.

The beach only allows visitors to enter twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I recommend asking a tour agency when the opening times are for the day you're visiting.

After lounging in the sun, I dined at the trendy Quemadero restaurant. It had views of the sea, indoor and outdoor seating under string lights, and a hidden nightclub.

My adventures didn't stop there, though. The next day, I took a 45-minute boat ride to Isla Espiritu Santo and spent the day diving with sea lions and other underwater life.

I ended the night with an intimate dinner at Nemi, followed by drinks on the roof of República Pagana.

I can't imagine visiting Cabo without a car ever again

Even with the extra travel time — a little over an hour each to Todos Santo and La Pez and about two and a half hours back to Cabo — renting a car was one of the best decisions I made on my trip.

I still got to do all of the things I typically do in Cabo, but I also had the flexibility and freedom to venture out and get to know the Baja culture, foods, and locals.

It was such a great way to get out of the touristy areas and learn more about the region's beauty. As a woman traveling alone , I also felt completely safe throughout the entire journey.

Renting a car on vacation — especially in another country — can seem over-complicated and daunting. But if you're planning a trip to Cabo, I highly recommend taking the leap.

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21 Vacation Request Email Samples

It’s crucial to take vacations to maintain a healthy work-life balance, but asking for time off from your employer can be challenging. It’s crucial to be precise, succinct, and formal when writing a holiday request email. We’ll give you a sample holiday request email in this blog post that you may modify to meet your unique requirements. This list of Vacation request email sample templates will assist you in getting started, whether you’re asking for time off for a family event, a personal concern, or simply to take a break.

6 Holiday Request Email Templates 

Template 1: Vacation Request Email Template Subject: Request for Vacation Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I would like to request vacation leave from [start date] to [end date]. During my absence, I will ensure that all my work is completed before I leave and that my colleagues have access to any necessary files or information.

I would be happy to discuss my workload and ensure that it is covered while I am away. Please let me know if there are any concerns or questions you may have.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Sick Leave Request Email Template Subject: Request for Sick Leave

I am writing to request sick leave from [start date] to [end date]. I have been experiencing [symptoms] and need time to recover.

I will make sure that my work is adequately managed while I am away and that my colleagues have access to any pertinent files or information. Furthermore, I will keep you updated on my status and any changes about my return.

Thank you for your understanding.

Template 3: Emergency Leave Request Email Template Subject: Request for Emergency Leave

I am writing to request emergency leave due to [reason]. I need to take time off from work starting from [start date] to [end date].

I  would be more than happy to discuss my workload and ensure that it is properly handled. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you.

Template 4: Personal Leave Request Email Template Subject: Request for Personal Leave

I am writing to request personal leave from work starting from [start date] to [end date]. During my absence, I will make sure that all my work is completed before I leave and that my colleagues have access to any necessary files or information.

I am open to discussing my responsibilities and ensuring that they are addressed while I am absent. Please feel free to reach out if you have any concerns or inquiries.

Template 5: Bereavement Leave Request Email Template Subject: Request for Bereavement Leave

I am writing to request bereavement leave due to the loss of [relative’s name]. I need to take time off from work starting from [start date] to [end date].

During my absence, I will take measures to guarantee that my work is handled appropriately and that my coworkers can retrieve any crucial information they require. Moreover, I will keep you informed about my progress and any new developments regarding my return.

Template 6: Vacation to Travel Request Email Template

Subject: Request for Vacation Time

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request vacation time from [start date] to [end date] for travel.  Since [period] I’ve worked for the company, as you are aware, and I haven’t taken any holiday time this year.

I’ve taken all the required steps to ensure that my work will be done while I’m away. All open projects will be finished by myself, and as needed, I will assign tasks to my coworkers. I’ve also let my staff know I’ll be gone and given them the documents and material they need for a seamless transition.

I intend to visit [location] over my holiday to learn more about the people and things to do there. I am confident that this trip will enhance my personal development and general well-being, which will ultimately enhance my professional performance when I return.

Best regards,

15 Vacation request email samples

  • I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a vacation day on [Date]. I have been working hard and I think a day off will help me recharge and come back more productive. Thank you for your consideration.
  • I hope this email finds you in good health. I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend a family event . I will make sure to complete all of my work before I leave and will be available by phone or email in case of any emergencies. Thank you for understanding.
  • I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to celebrate my anniversary with my spouse. I have completed all my work and have made arrangements with my colleagues to cover any necessary tasks during my absence. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I am writing to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend a friend’s wedding out of town. I have already discussed this with my team and made arrangements to ensure that my work will not be interrupted during my absence. Thank you for your consideration.
  • I hope this email finds you well. I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend an important parent meeting at my son’s school. I will make sure to complete all my work before I leave and will be available by phone or email in case of any emergencies. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I am writing to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend a doctor’s appointment . I have already scheduled this appointment outside of work hours, but I would appreciate the day off to ensure that I can attend to my health needs. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I hope this email finds you well. I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to celebrate a religious holiday with my family. I have already discussed this with my team and made arrangements to ensure that my work will not be interrupted during my absence. Thank you for your consideration.
  • I am writing to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend a concert that I have been looking forward to. I will make sure to complete all my work beforehand and will be available by phone or email in case of any emergencies. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to take a much-needed break and spend time with my family. I have already arranged for my colleagues to cover any necessary tasks during my absence. Thank you for your consideration.
  • I hope this email finds you well. I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend a symposium I am interested in. I promise to make up for the lost time and complete all my work before I leave. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I am writing to request a vacation day on [Date] to c elebrate an important event with my family. I will make sure to complete all my work beforehand and will be available by phone or email in case of any emergencies. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend a professional development conference. I believe this will help me become a better employee and contribute more to the company in the long run. Thank you for your consideration.
  • hope this email finds you well. I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to t ake care of some personal matters. I will make sure to complete all my work beforehand and will be available by phone or email in case of any emergencies. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I am writing to request a vacation day on [Date]. I plan to take a short trip . I will make sure to complete all my work beforehand and will be available by phone or email in case of any emergencies. Thank you for your understanding.
  • I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] t o volunteer at a local charity event . I believe this will help me give back to the community and make a positive impact. Thanks.

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  • Trip Planner

Trip Planner | Travel Itinerary Planner | Plan a Trip

Are you looking for an itinerary planner to plan your next trip? We know creating a customized travel itinerary manually is an overwhelming task. You have to put a lot of time into selecting destinations, booking hotels, flights, and comparing prices. On top of that calculating budgets & booking hotels and flights is another challenge that makes itinerary planning tough.

But what if all of this is done within a few minutes for you? Yes with TripHobo trip planner you can do this smartly. We have observed that many travelers end up spending more time in researching information than enjoying the actual trip. Not only first-time travelers but also experienced travelers struggle in creating perfect travel plans.

Even though it is a tedious task to create a customized itinerary, everyone agrees on the importance of itinerary for an enjoyable holiday. So Triphobo came up with this easy to use automatic itinerary planner.

How Trip Planner Works / Steps to Plan a Trip

Do you want to create your travel itinerary quickly & easily? Are you ready to use this tool now? TripHobo's trip planner plays a major role to ease the itinerary creation process and helps you overcome the pain in the trip planning .  Follow these 4 simple steps to plan a trip & let us know your experience.

1) Choose Your Destination & Dates when you want to travel

Visual algorithmic trip planner lets you choose destinations you want to travel to. You have the freedom to choose the real dates from the calendar. After selecting travel dates, planner runs algorithms to optimize a trip. It starts suggesting activities, sightseeing spots, tours and transport options with the details. For every attraction, it suggests open/close timings, time to spend, and nearby restaurants.

You can drag & drop activities and complete your itinerary within a matter of minutes. You can book yourself a nice vacation once you are sure of all the details, making you plan your trip very easily.

2) Refer to User Created Itineraries

If you have a lot of travel ideas but confused about where to start? Don't worry. Thousands of other people have visited the same destination before and created itineraries with us. Choose from a pool of more than 1 million user-generated itineraries around the globe. You can view other travelers’ itineraries for any location and duration to inspire yourself and then customize them to suit your own preferences.

3) Book Hotels and Flights

TripHobo always tries to offer the best from the travel industry to our valued planners. It has formed alliances with Expedia , Skyscanner, Zomato and Booking.com. Its ratings and reviews come courtesy of TripAdvisor whereas Google (as well as other partners) powers its location data.

TripHobo aims to cater to travelers at every stage of the travel planning process. It provides one platform to create personalized itineraries and hassle-free bookings .

4) Get Ready with a Perfect Itinerary

Once you’ve created your customized itinerary, you can print it. Save your plan for future reference or share it with your friends. When you’re ready, you can finalize and have a perfect travel itinerary ready.

Why Is TripHobo a Smart Trip planner?

There are few things included in the Triphobo planner algorithm & app which builds itinerary within minutes.

  • A free virtual map-based trip planner with a smart algorithm
  • International trip planner with about 1,50,000 popular destinations
  • The largest repository of user-generated itineraries
  • Hassle-free booking options for hotels, tours & flights
  • Provides local transit options like metro, rail, bus, and car
  • Calculates an estimated budget
  • Provides options to save, print and share itinerary
  • Strategic Partnerships with leading travel companies

TripHobo: Around the Web

  • Trip of Your Own
  • Traveling made easier with TripHobo
  • Making The Southeast Asian Travel Connection
  • Ex-HCL employee’s led ‘TripHobo’ is on a mission to become a global brand – a goto place for travel planning!
  • Interview: Praveen Kumar, Founder & CEO of TripHobo
  • TripHobo inks partnership with Zomato
  • How a trip planning startup can succeed
  • Karthik Ramachandram Co-Founder COO, TripHobo - Phocuswright Conference

Here's what travelers have to say about our travel planner

  • Excellent 238


Great and genuinely wonderful website that makes a proper vacation plan simple, like it should. All reviews are 5 stars. The only suggestion I have to enhance this fantastic website is to include a mobile application. Even paying for a version without ads wouldn't bother me.

Every traveller should use this!

So much easier & more helpful than a travel agency, given lots of fantastic ideas, and was extremely helpful for planning the trip. Would strongly advise my family and friends to use this!

Great tool for trip planning. Impportantly it's free and automatically tailors travel plans to your preferences and is completely customisable. The integration with skyscanner and booking.com, and other OTA like priceline and expedia makes it very easy to plan the whole trip along with the bookings in one place.

My bags were packed, then I got COVID. What should I do? Travel options to weigh.

I just tested positive for COVID-19. Should I travel anyway?

Variations of that question are spiking on Google Search ( as we experience a significant surge in both summer travel and new coronavirus cases.

If you travel for work or pleasure and haven’t yet dealt with the question of whether to fly with COVID-19, chances are at some point you will. 

President Joe Biden just tested positive while campaigning in Las Vegas. Several Tour de France riders are also dealing with the latest bout of COVID-19. And I picked it up earlier this month during a recent cross-country trip, testing positive just two days before I was supposed to fly to Alaska to help my parents − ages 79 and 85 − move out of their recently sold family home. 

Ethically, I didn’t feel right about getting on a plane knowing I had COVID-19 and certainly couldn’t show up to my parent's house with the virus. But the last-second scramble to rebook the trip, with our dog, my husband, and my parents still needing my help, was super-stressful. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

Should I fly if I just tested positive for COVID? 

Technically, you can fly sick − no one is going to stop you at the gate and swab your nose − but you shouldn’t. 

Just because the airlines no longer require you to show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test ahead of your international flight, as they sometimes did during the earlier years of the pandemic, doesn’t mean travel should be a germ free-for-all. 

“I suggest that you not fly,” Vicki Sowards, director of nursing resources at Passport Health, wrote via email. “You can expose the other travelers on your flight, and the process of traveling can contribute to fatigue and an increase in symptoms.”

If you know you have COVID-19, or think you might, you should not get on a plane, according to health experts, the CDC , and everyone who weighed in on my social media pages this past week. 

“Should you travel if you have COVID? Absolutely not. Other people are immunocompromised, so essentially, you could kill innocent people,” says 56-year-old Nick Longo from Corpus Christi, Texas. Longo travels outside America “at least once a year” and flies within the U.S. frequently. “Do I think a lot of people are flying with it right now? Yes. People who don't care about others are (flying).That's why it spread.” 

Mike Hensley, 54, of Northern California, agrees.

“It's a simple answer,'' he wrote. "No. You should not travel. That's how viruses spread quickly. But yes, I am sure people are traveling while positive because they think it's a seasonal allergy or cold, have convinced themselves they don't feel that bad, or are already on the upswing (and don't know/care about how viruses work) or are simply just selfish and don't care about the people they are exposing.”

I’ve been on a dozen planes over the past few months, and anecdotally, it’s true that a lot of people are sniffling, sneezing and coughing − with nary a mask in sight. 

Another traveler told me she knew three people who flew to Europe from California even though they had COVID-19. She and her parents, on the other hand, changed their travel plans last month when they came down with the virus, delaying their flight until they had tested negative for three days.

Should I wear a mask on the plane? 

The CDC , World Health Organization , Mayo Clinic and many other medical professionals agree masks help lower the risk of respiratory virus transmission, especially in tight quarters, like planes, trains, buses and automobiles.  Officials say N95 masks are the most effective. 

Anecdotally, there seems to be a lot of people choosing to fly unmasked − either knowing they have COVID-19 or not testing to find out when they have symptoms. There’s no doubt people are tired of masks and the pandemic, and many are likely treating COVID-19 like the seasonal flu or a cold − something they’ll just have to deal with when they get it. 

Some people even wrote on my social media pages that when it comes to travel, they are not concerned about passing the virus on to others because they feel it's a risk people knowingly take when they get on a plane these days. 

That last sentiment struck a nerve with me because I suspect that's how I contracted COVID-19 two Julys in a row, right after cross-country work trips that coincided with peak summer travel and virus spikes. 

What should you do if you are COVID-positive right before a planned trip? 

Even though I’m vaccinated and received my last booster in December 2023, I have some risk factors and got so sick from COVID-19 last summer that I couldn’t do much of anything for about two weeks.

I initially thought I was experiencing seasonal allergies and waited a few days before testing. By the time I did, I was already pretty sick. I had extreme headaches, head and chest congestion, muscle aches and fatigue, and I lost my sense of taste and smell for almost two months.

This summer was different. Even though I barely had a tickle in the back of my throat, I was tired and achy and knew something was off, so I took a test right away. When it came back positive, I started on Paxlovid immediately and pushed the trip to Alaska back. 

I didn’t fly until my test was negative, and I still wore a mask the entire time I was on the plane. (I didn’t eat or drink the entire flight.) I will continue to wear one indoors until every last symptom (I still have slight sniffles) goes away, even though I’ve now met the latest guidelines of having two negative tests 48 hours apart. It’s not worth the risk of getting my parents − or anyone else − sick. 

I admit, I’ve gotten much more lax about masking up on planes this past year. I often feel a little self-conscious being one of the only people wearing one, but getting sick isn’t worth it. I plan to wear one on all upcoming flights. 

What are the latest CDC guidelines? 

I have several friends who, as long as they are feeling well enough, are expected to put on a mask and go back into the office for work, even with COVID-19. What exactly are the rules now?

The latest CDC guidelines , updated in March, say you can go  back to your normal activities if you meet two requirements:

  • You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) .
  • Your symptoms are improving overall.

You might still be contagious, however, and the CDC recommends that for at least five days after resuming your routine, you:  

  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Practice physical distancing (especially from people with risk factors from respiratory illness).
  • Take additional steps for cleaner air .

In addition to the CDC guidelines,  the FDA recommends “2 negative antigen tests for individuals with symptoms or three antigen tests for those without symptoms, performed 48 hours apart” before you go back to being around people. 

Travel insurance: What are the most affordable options?

What if I can’t afford to quarantine or be sick away from home? 

The costs of flight changes, extended stays, and even additional time away from work add up. Does that mean you should stop traveling? No, but you should have a COVID-19 plan that protects others, Richard Martinello , medical director of infection prevention at Yale New Haven Health in Connecticut, told Outside Magazine recently. 

Martinello urges people to consider the moral and ethical ramifications of putting other people in harm’s way, “like not drunk driving,” he said. “Putting yourself in prolonged close contact with fellow travelers when you are knowingly sick, whether with COVID or any other contagious virus, is irresponsible. You never know who you’re sitting next to on a plane. If they’re immune-compromised, even a cold could push them over the edge to serious illness.”

Be sure to check your airline’s COVID-19 policies before you buy your ticket. Many still waive change fees for travelers who need to reschedule because they have the virus. For even more protection, book a ticket that can be changed or credited if you have to cancel your flight, and look into travel insurance . 

I almost always fly Alaska Airlines and usually pay a little extra to make my trip 100% refundable, no matter what. I didn’t do that for this latest flight (to save $280 for my husband and me) and ended up paying one $37 change fee for the difference in ticket prices between the day I was supposed to fly and the day I did. Many airlines will also give you full credit for a future flight if you have to cancel because of illness. 

Travel email templates

Browse our travel email templates , crafted by professional coders and email designers . They are totally free and suit every travel agency. Wrap your offers in beautiful and appealing emails. 

Europe Day email template "European heritage" for travel industry mobile view

Popular categories

Visual elements are the core here. Thus, you should pay close attention to the design of all travel email templates that you build.

1. Working with banners to create travel email templates

No text will help you win new customers. Only high-quality photos of breathtaking views can.

Once you have these photos, you may proceed to building a banner, as it is the heart of any travel email template .

Drag the banner block into your template, upload your photo — and apply filters that suit your banner image. And then write a short enchanting text that complements the photo per se and the entire email design . Wrap this text with any of Stripo’s 40+ decorative fonts. 

Refer to our post for more information on How to build banners with Stripo .

2. Utilizing AMP carousels for the travel industry

If one single banner can help you with winning new customers and appeal to their emotions, just imagine how powerful and effective a bunch of banners can really be. 

Instead of sharing one single photo of the place you are inviting people to, let them see 5, 10 or even 15 breathtaking photos of that lovely place.

This is a short manual on how to utilize an AMP image carousel for your free travel email templates with Stripo .

More details find here .

3. Editing photos for professionally designed email templates

Like we said above, imagery is the heart of all email templates . This means you might need to be able to edit one when building your email template for a travel agency just to make it complement the entire email design . 

Once you’ve uploaded your photo, you may enter the editing mode by clicking the “Edit” icon:

Editing Mode

4. Adding videos to make your travel email templates stand out

Here’s one more idea on how to promote available resorts — take a short video about them. Did you know that with Stripo editor you can either insert links to the videos stored on Youtube and Vimeo or embed your own videos right into the travel HTML email templates we offer? 

5. Building product cards for your travel email template in no time

Our smart-elements allow you to build multiple product cards for your templates in literally no time. You design product cards for your newsletters just once. Next time, when building a travel agent email template , you just paste a URL to the page with all the necessary data, and Stripo automatically retrieves all the necessary data and inserts it in proper fields.

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  1. Letter example to confirm the travel arrangements made

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  19. Itinerary not displaying in account : TripIt

    Solution: Resend your confirmation email to [email protected]. 2. You have more than one account. If you manually forward or import a travel confirmation email to [email protected] from an email address that is not associated with your main TripIt account, we'll automatically create a new account for that address.

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    Thank you for your consideration. I hope this email finds you in good health. I would like to request a vacation day on [Date] to attend a family event. I will make sure to complete all of my work before I leave and will be available by phone or email in case of any emergencies. Thank you for understanding.

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    TripHobo's trip planner plays a major role to ease the itinerary creation process and Follow these 4 simple steps to plan a trip & let us know your experience. 1) Choose Your Destination & Dates when you want to travel. lets you choose destinations you want to travel to. You have the freedom to choose the real dates from the calendar.

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  24. Can you fly with COVID? What to do if you test positive.

    "I suggest that you not fly," Vicki Sowards, director of nursing resources at Passport Health, wrote via email. "You can expose the other travelers on your flight, and the process of ...

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