Calculateur de tours par minute

Table of contents

Ce calculateur de tours par minute vous aide à comprendre ce qu'est la vitesse de rotation d'un moteur et vous montre comment calculer la relation entre la vitesse d'un véhicule et le régime de son moteur . Vous pouvez également l'utiliser pour convertir le nombre de tours par minute en km⋅h -1 , aussi noté km/h . Le nombre de tours par minute peut se noter tr/min ou tr·min −1 .

Dans la première partie, nous définirons le régime moteur et expliquerons son importance dans l'industrie automobile. Dans la deuxième partie, nous examinerons la relation entre le régime moteur et la vitesse du véhicule, en prenant en compte les effets de la transmission et de la taille des pneus. Enfin, nous vous montrerons comment utiliser notre calculateur de tours par minute à l'aide d'un exemple.

Qu'est-ce que le régime moteur exprimé en tours par minute ?

Nous avons tous entendu le terme « régime moteur » et vu un indicateur de régime (tachymètre) sur le tableau de bord d'une voiture. Nous avons probablement aussi remarqué que le bruit du moteur augmente avec le régime. Mais qu'est-ce que le régime moteur exactement ? Pourquoi ce terme est-il si souvent utilisé lorsque nous parlons de voitures ?

En anglais, on utilise l'abréviation RPM pour tout objet en rotation . Elle signifie revolutions per minute ou rotations par minute . En français, on parle de tours par minute . Calculer le nombre de tours par minute, c'est donc calculer une vitesse de rotation 🇺🇸 .

Vous vous demandez peut-être ce que l'on entend par « vitesse de rotation du moteur » ? Qu'est-ce qui tourne concrètement dans le moteur ? Eh bien, pas grand-chose, en réalité !

Pour simplifier, dans un moteur à combustion interne, le carburant et l'air brûlent dans les cylindres et poussent les pistons. Ces pistons sont reliés à ce que l'on appelle un vérin moteur par l'intermédiaire de bielles. Ce mécanisme transforme le mouvement linéaire des pistons en rotation du vilebrequin. C'est à cette rotation du vilebrequin que l'on se réfère lorsque l'on parle de régime moteur .

Dans un moteur électrique, les courants électriques et les aimants génèrent des champs magnétiques qui interagissent avec les enroulements de ce que l'on appelle le rotor . Un couple mécanique est créé : il agit sur le rotor et génère sa rotation. La vitesse de rotation du rotor est le régime du moteur électrique . Consultez le calculateur de couple pour en apprendre davantage.

Maintenant, vous comprenez la définition du régime et la façon dont la rotation du vilebrequin (ou la rotation du rotor) est créée. Continuez à lire pour savoir comment calculer le régime moteur , pour découvrir ce qu'est un rapport de transmission , et pour voir la relation entre la vitesse des roues et le régime moteur utilisée dans ce calculateur de régime moteur.

N'oubliez pas de consulter également notre calculateur de coût du carburant .

Comment calculer le nombre de tours par minute ?

Avant de calculer le nombre de tours par minute, nous allons d'abord examiner les facteurs qui l'influencent et les pièces mobiles qui y sont liés.

Continuons notre route et explorons les pièces du groupe motopropulseur d'un véhicule. Le mouvement de rotation commence dans les cylindres du moteur et se poursuit dans la chaîne cinématique de la voiture. Cette chaîne est composée de liens mécaniques et d'engrenages. Les engrenages de la boîte de vitesses et de la transmission finale modifient la vitesse du mouvement de rotation en fonction des besoins. La vitesse des roues est la vitesse de sortie de la transmission. Le rapport entre la vitesse de rotation des roues et le régime du moteur est appelé « rapport de transmission » .

Cette relation entre le tour par minute et la vitesse de rotation des roues peut être exprimée par l'équation suivante :

régime moteur = vitesse de rotation des roues × rapport de transmission

La boîte de vitesses permet de modifier le rapport de transmission en fonction des besoins. Cela est essentiel au bon fonctionnement du groupe motopropulseur d'un véhicule. Nous verrons plus en détail comment la boîte de vitesses fonctionne dans un autre article.

Le mouvement de rotation du moteur est transmis aux roues motrices, qui le transforment en mouvement linéaire du véhicule grâce au contact avec la route. Le rapport de cette transformation finale est déterminé par la taille des pneus, en particulier par leur diamètre. Les dimensions des pneus sont facilement disponibles dans des tableaux prévus à cet effet.

Cette relation entre la vitesse de rotation des roues et la vitesse du véhicule peut être exprimée dans cette deuxième équation :

vitesse du véhicule = vitesse de rotation des roues × diamètre des pneus × π × 60 / 10 000 000

  • π – la constante du cercle

Elle représente le rapport entre la circonférence du pneu et son diamètre.

60 – le nombre de minutes dans une heure

10 000 000 – le nombre de millimètres ( diamètre des pneus ) dans un kilomètre («  kilomètre par heure »)

Après avoir examiné le trajet du carburant en combustion jusqu'à la voiture en mouvement, nous pouvons conclure qu'il existe une relation directe entre le régime moteur et la vitesse d'un véhicule. Cette relation est déterminée par deux facteurs seulement : le rapport de transmission et le diamètre des pneus .

Dans la section suivante, nous verrons comment nous pouvons utiliser notre calculateur de régime moteur pour convertir rapidement et simplement les tours par minute en km⋅h -1 et vice versa.

Comment utiliser le calculateur de tours par minute ?

En bref, avec ce calculateur de tours par minute, vous pouvez aussi bien calculer le régime moteur et la vitesse du véhicule , que le rapport de transmission , ou même le diamètre des pneus . Il vous suffit d'entrer trois paramètres et le calculateur trouvera le quatrième.

Par exemple, disons que vous conduisez une voiture à 90 km⋅h -1 , que vous êtes en 3 e et que votre tachymètre indique 3 500 tours par minute (tr/min) . Vous savez que le code de votre pneu est : 185/55R15 .

  • Vous pouvez tout d'abord consulter un tableau des dimensions des pneus ou utiliser notre calculateur de dimensions de pneus pour obtenir le diamètre de vos pneus. Dans ce cas, vous obtenez : diamètre des pneus = 584 mm .
  • Saisissez le diamètre de votre pneu dans le champ « Diamètre des pneus » .
  • Indiquez votre régime dans le champ « Régime moteur »
  • Entrez votre vitesse dans le champ « Vitesse du véhicule » .

Le calculateur de régime vous donnera le rapport de transmission de 3 e vitesse dans le champ « Rapport de transmission » (= 4,28). Notez qu'il s'agit d'un rapport entre deux vitesses de rotation : il n'y a donc pas d'unité. Le calculateur vous donne également la vitesse de rotation des roues dans le champ « Vitesse de rotation des roues » (= 817 tr·min −1 ou 817 tr/min).

Supposons maintenant que vous souhaitiez acheter de nouvelles jantes plus sportives pour votre voiture. Vous pensez à des jantes de 17 pouces en 205/45R17 , et vous voulez savoir quel serait votre régime lorsque vous roulez à 90 km⋅h -1 en 3 e  ?

Pas de problème !

  • Calculez le nouveau diamètre de votre pneu à l'aide de notre calculateur de taille de pneu (dans ce cas, diamètre des pneus = 616 mm ) et saisissez cette nouvelle valeur dans le champ « Diamètre des pneus » du calculateur de tours par minute.
  • Indiquez la vitesse de votre véhicule (= 90 km⋅h -1 ) dans le champ « Vitesse du véhicule » .
  • Saisissez votre rapport de transmission (précédemment calculé) ( = 4,28 ) dans le champ « Rapport de transmission » .

Le calculateur vous donnera votre nouveau régime à 90 km⋅h -1 en 3 e vitesse ( = 3 316 tr·min −1 ) dans le champ « Régime moteur » . Remarquez que la nouvelle vitesse de rotation des roues est également plus basse (= 775 tr·min −1 ) que l'ancienne (= 817 tr·min −1 ). C'est normal, car les nouvelles roues sont plus grandes que les anciennes, de sorte que le moteur et les roues n'ont pas besoin de tourner aussi vite pour produire la même vitesse (90 km⋅h -1 ).

Que signifie RPM ?

Le terme RPM signifie revolutions per minute  en anglais. En français, on parlera plutôt de tours par minute (régime moteur). On le définit comme le nombre de tours effectués par un objet en rotation.

Pour calculer le nombre de tours par minute, multipliez la vitesse de rotation des roues par le rapport de transmission.

Comment convertir la vitesse d'un véhicule en vitesse de rotation des roues ?

Pour convertir la vitesse du véhicule en vitesse de rotation des roues (en tours par minute) :

  • Multipliez la vitesse de rotation des roues par le diamètre des pneus.
  • Multipliez le produit par 60 et π.
  • Divisez le résultat par 10 000 000.

Quelles sont les unités de mesure du régime moteur ?

Le régime moteur est mesuré en tours par minute (tr/min ou tr·min −1 ).

Régime moteur

Rapport de transmission

Vitesse de rotation des roues

Diamètre des pneus

Vitesse du véhicule

Speed, Distance & Time Calculator

Use this speed calculator to easily calculate the average speed, distance travelled and the trip duration of a vehicle: car, bus, train, bike, motorcycle, plane etc. Works with miles, feet, kilometers, meters, etc..

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  • Average Speed formula
  • Distance formula
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    Speed, Distance & Time Calculation

In order to use the above speed, distance & time calculator, or do such math on your own, you will need to know two out of three metrics: speed, distance, time. You will need to convert the metrics to the same time and distance units, e.g. miles, kilometers, meters, yards, feet, and hours, minutes or seconds. For example, if you have speed in mph (miles per hour), time should also be in hours. If you have distance in kilometers, then speed should also be in km/h (kilometers per hour).

The unit of the result will depend on the units you input, but our speed calculator will conveniently display additional units where appropriate.

    Average Speed formula

The formula for average speed, also called average velocity in physics and engineering, is:

where v is the velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time, so you can read it as Speed = Distance / Time . As noted above, make sure you convert the units appropriately first, or use our speed calculator which does that automatically. The resulting unit will depend on the units for both time and distance, so if your input was in miles and hours, the speed will be in mph. If it was in meters and seconds, it will be in m/s (meters per second).

Example: If you took a plane from New York to Los Angeles and the flight was 5 hours of air time, what was the speed of the plane, given that the flight path was 2450 miles? The answer is 2450 / 5 = 490 mph (miles per hour) average speed. If you want the result in km/h, you can convert from miles to km to get 788.58 km/h.

    Distance formula

The formula for distance, if you know time (duration) and the average speed, is:

Example: If a truck travelled at an average speed of 80 km per hour for 4 hours, how many miles did it cover in that time? To find the miles covered, first, calculate 80 * 4 = 320 km, then convert km to miles by dividing by 1.6093 or by using our km to miles converter to get the answer: 198.84 miles.

    Duration (Time) formula

The time, or more precisely, the duration of the trip, can be calculated knowing the distance and the average speed using the formula:

where d is the distance travelled, v is the speed (velocity) and t is the time, so you can read it as Time = Distance / Speed . Make sure you convert the units so both their distance and time components match, or use our trip duration calculator above which will handle conversions automatically. For example, if you have distance in miles and speed in km/h, you will need to convert speed to mph or distance to kilometers. The time unit of the result will match the time unit of the speed measure, so if it is measured in something per hour, the result will be in hours. If it is measured in some unit per second, the result will be in seconds.

Example: If a train can travel 500 miles with an average speed of 50 miles per hour, how long it would take it to complete a 500-mile route? To find the answer, use the formula and substitute the values, resulting in 500 / 50 = 10 hours.

    How to calculate the average speed of a car?

Say you travelled a certain distance with a car or another vehicle and you want to calculate what its average speed was. The easiest way to do that would be by using the calculator above, but if you prefer, you can also do the math yourself. Either way, you need to know the distance to a satisfactory approximation, for which you can use a map (e.g. Google Maps) to measure the distance from point to point. Make sure you measure closely to the path you took, and not via a straight line, unless you travelled by air in which case that would be a good approximation. Of course, having a GPS reading of the distance would be more precise. Then you need to know the travel time. Make sure you subtract any rests or stops you made from the total trip duration.

If the total distance travelled was 500 miles and the time it took you was 5 hours, then your average speed was 500 / 5 = 100 miles per hour (mph). If the distance was 300 kilometers and it took you 5 hours to cover it, your speed was 300 / 5 = 60 km/h (kilometers per hour).

Cite this calculator & page

If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Speed Distance Time Calculator" , [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 25 Apr, 2024].

     Transportation calculators

Convert 2,500 Minutes to Hours

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ST 2500 Metal construction screwdriver Screwdriver with adjustable torque for steel and metal applications

ST 2500 Metal construction screwdriver

Item # r2992

Screwdriver with adjustable torque for steel and metal applications

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What is 2500 minutes in hours

Answer : 2500 minutes is equals to 41 hours and 40 minutes.

2500 Min = 41 Hours And 40 Minutes

How to calculate how many hours inside of 2500 minutes :

To find how many hours in 2500 minutes , we first need to know the formula.

Formula : 1 Hour = 60 Minutes

So, 2500 minutes is equal to how many minutes ? We should divide 2500 minutes to 60 number.

2500 / 60 = 41.666666666667 ( There are 41 hours and 40 minutes )

Minutes In Hours / Hours In Minutes Time Calculations

How many minutes in hours calculations :.

  • 67800 Minutes In Hours
  • 47800 Minutes In Hours
  • 750000 Minutes In Hours
  • 83800 Minutes In Hours
  • 46700 Minutes In Hours
  • 51800 Minutes In Hours
  • 3900 Minutes In Hours
  • 7300 Minutes In Hours
  • 600 Minutes In Hours
  • 2000 Minutes In Hours
  • 8200 Minutes In Hours
  • 9300 Minutes In Hours

Understanding Minutes And Hours Time Units

Before we dive into the specifics of time calculations, it's important to understand the basic units of time. There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year (or 366 in a leap year).

When we talk about time, we usually use a 12-hour clock or a 24-hour clock. The 12-hour clock is divided into two 12-hour periods (AM and PM), while the 24-hour clock is a continuous count of the hours in a day.

Converting Minutes to Hours

To convert minutes to hours, you simply need to divide the number of minutes by 60. For example, if you have 120 minutes, you would divide 120 by 60 to get 2 hours. Here's a table that shows some common conversions:

It's worth noting that when converting minutes to hours, it's common practice to express the result as a decimal rather than as a mixed number (e.g., 1 hour and 30 minutes).

Converting Hours to Minutes

Converting hours to minutes is even easier than converting minutes to hours. To do so, simply multiply the number of hours by 60. For example, if you have 2.5 hours, you would multiply 2.5 by 60 to get 150 minutes. Here's a table that shows some common conversions:

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you make quick work of time calculations:

  • Use a calculator. While it's certainly possible to do time calculations by hand, it's much faster and more accurate to use a calculator, especially if you're dealing with large numbers.
  • Round to the nearest minute or hour. Depending on the situation, it may be appropriate to round your result to the nearest minute or hour. This can help simplify your calculations and make your answer more precise.
  • Be mindful of time zones. When working with time, it's important to be aware of time zones and how they can affect your calculations. If you're working with people or events in different time zones, you may need to adjust your calculations accordingly.
  • Double-check your work. Time calculations can be tricky, so it's always a good idea to double-check your work to make sure you haven't made any mistakes. This is especially important if you're dealing with time-sensitive information, such as deadlines or schedules.

Applications of Time Calculations

Time calculations are an important part of many fields, including:

  • Finance: calculating interest rates, loan terms, and investment returns often involves working with time calculations.
  • Project management: scheduling tasks, estimating project timelines, and tracking progress all require a solid understanding of time calculations.
  • Science: measuring and tracking time is crucial in many scientific fields, from physics to biology.
  • Sports: timing events and tracking performance often involves working with time calculations.

Minutes To Hours time calculations are an important part of many aspects of daily life. Understanding how to convert between minutes and hours is a valuable skill that can save you time and prevent errors. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can become more confident and accurate in your time calculations.

Our minutes to hours and hours to minutes conversion tool makes it easy to convert time quickly and accurately. Simply enter the amount of time in minutes or hours, and our tool will do the rest. With fast results and a user-friendly interface, you'll never have to worry about time conversions again. Try our minutes to hours and hours to minutes conversion tool today and see how it can simplify your life.

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Nicki Minaj is heading to the Barclays Center next week. Here’s how to get last-minute tickets to her New York show

  • Published: Apr. 24, 2024, 7:05 p.m.

Opening Night of Nicki Minaj Presents: Pink Friday 2 World Tour - Oakland, California

Nicki Minaj will perform in Brooklyn, N.Y. at the Barclays Center on May 1. WireImage for Live Nation

  • Nicole Iuzzolino | NJ Advance Media for

Calling all Barbz: Nicki Minaj is performing in New York next week.

The rap legend will perform at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn on May 1 , making it her last show in the tristate area.

The “Pink Friday 2 World Tour” is Minaj’s largest tour to date, which means you need to get your hands on a ticket to this show as soon as possible.

For Minaj’s Brooklyn, N.Y. concert, the cheapest ticket available, before fees at the time of publication, is $165 on Vivid Seats .

Tickets for Minaj’s tour are available on secondary market websites, such as StubHub , Vivid Seats , TicketCity and SeatGeek .

First-time Vivid Seats users can save $20 on ticket orders over $200 by entering promo code NJ20 at checkout.

TicketCity users can save $15 on orders over $400 using promo code TCITYSAVE15 at checkout.

A complete list of Nicki Minaj’s tour dates is available here .

Upcoming 2024 tours heading to Barclays Center

Nicki Minaj is not the only artist heading out on tour this year.

Here are a few more tours you don’t want to miss out on: Usher , Justin Timberlake , Twenty One Pilots and Missy Elliott .

The Best Upcoming 2024 Tours

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  • Tate McRae announced a N.J. concert at PNC Bank Arts Center. Here’s how to get tickets

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2500 minutes to hours converter

Converting 2500 minutes to hours.

Glad you to the mins to hours page. To show how to calculate minutes into hours, there is about 2500 minutes in hours.

minutes to hours

How Much is 1 Min to Hour?

A basic common sense in the world is that there are 60 minutes in an hour. But how many hours in a minute?

1 hour = 60 minutes

1 minute = 1/60 hours

1 minute = 0.0167 hours

So we can get answers to the following questions.

  • How to convert from minutes to hours?
  • What is minute to hour calculator?
  • How many hours are in a minute?

How Much Are 2500 Minutes in Hours?

There are two ways to convert 2500 minutes to hours.

Multiply the minutes by 1/60 or 0.0167.


2500 minutes to hours = 2500 minutes × 0.0167 = 41.75 hours

2500 minutes = 41.75 hours

Divide the minutes by 60.

2500 minutes to hours = 2500 minutes ➗ 60 = 41.75 hours

Minutes to Hours Video

Meaning of Hour

An hour is a measurement of time. The symbol for an hour is h, or hr. There are 24 hours in a day. And an hour = 60 minutes.

What is Minute?

Minutes represent the amount of time, which is also depicted by the min. Minute, meaning in the original is “small”. There are 1440 minutes in a day and an hour has 60 minutes.

About Minutes to Hours Converter

The time is usually used to plan what we need to accomplish. The year is the longest measurement unit of time. In addition, there are also months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. To convert time units, use the time unit calculater to calculate easily. cminchesconverter is a tool focused on providing conversion services. It is created to provide convenience and reduce time for those who use it. You can also check out the time unit conversion table below to find out more. Or return to the years to months converter top for results.

About Time Conversion

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All things table tennis

JOOLA Tour 2500 Review

Last Updated on November 17, 2023 by tabletennisteachercontact

The JOOLA Tour 2500 is one of the best-selling table tennis tables and quite frankly, I’m hardly surprised. JOOLA has really outdone themselves with this model. It’s perfect for home and club use alike.

If you’re serious about improving, it’s a great table to purchase. Let me break down why I hold this table in such high esteem.

joola tour 2500

JOOLA Tour 2500 Specifications

Dimensions : Full-size Table top : 25mm Indoor/outdoor : Indoor Type : Two-piece Leg levelers : Yes Weight : 238lbs Warranty : 1 year

JOOLA Tour 2500 Features

Thick tournament-grade play surface.

We begin with the playing surface — the most important element of any table tennis table. The thicker the top, the higher the quality of the bounce. I’m pleased to report that the JOOLA Tour 2500 table tennis table has an exceptional 25mm play surface , making it one of the best indoor ping pong tables on the market.

This is the same thickness used for professional play so you really can’t critique it in any way. The dark blue tabletop utilizes silk-screened white striping which is cured via ultra-violet light.

If you wanted to be picky I guess you could complain that it is only available in blue. But let’s be honest, we all prefer blue tables to green. We are not crazy.

Solid Frame

Weighing in at a whopping 238lbs , the JOOLA Tour 2500 ping pong table is a bit of a unit, but with this beefy weight comes strength. The play surface is supported by 2-inch steel aprons . These prevent warping which is pretty damn essential if you don’t want a lop-sided table! What’s more, most aprons max out at around 2 inches so you can’t ask for much more here.

The undercarriage is also just as strong. It measures 50x50mm so it really can take a great deal of punishment . It’s the sort of table that you can sit on with little worry of it collapsing. But for the love of all that is holy don’t temp fate!

Compact 2-Piece Design

The JOOLA Tour 2500 features two table halves that connect together during play. This has many advantages over single-piece tables.

For starters, this means you can store the table ultra compactly as the halves nest together when put in storage. Its storage dimensions measure just 24 ½” x 62 ¼” x 64” . Furthermore, you can also erect just one side of the table to play by yourself . This is a great feature as it helps you to practice when you have nobody to play with.

For transparencies sake, I want to make it clear that 2-piece designs and solo playback mode are by no means rare. In fact, they are super common. Most tables these days tick both of these boxes. This is simply because they are convenient features to have.

joola tour 2500 review

4-Inch Locking Casters

As mentioned before, the JOOLA 2500 ping pong table is a pretty heavy table which means it needs decent wheels to go with it. And it does. The wheels measure 4” in diameter and are new and improved . Previously they were 3” which in all honesty was still perfectly fine. The wheels conveniently lock into place which is helpful both when the table is in use and when it is in storage.

You can also easily level the table when you’re ready to play. The levelers are located at the bottom of each of the legs, and you simply twist them to shorten or lengthen them.

joola tour 2500

Quick Assembly

Many inexpensive table tennis tables advertise quick assembly as a way of pulling potential customers in, and the JOOLA Tour 2500 is no different.

It comes 95% preassembled which means there is little effort needed on your end. We are talking around 10-20 minutes here. All you need to do is attach the legs to the frame and that’s it. It’s simply a matter of installing 8 bolts — I’m sure you can manage that!

Another quality I’d like to note are the 2 locking latches for safety. Many other models come with a single latch which increases the chance of a mishap.

joola tour 2500

High-Quality Net Included

Most tables you purchase come with a net, but let me tell you that the quality isn’t always there. It just seems straight wasteful to receive a poor net and feel the need to replace it by buying one separately.

Fortunately, this isn’t the case with the JOOLA 2500. They throw in a competition-grade net that features both tension and height adjustment. I can’t find the exact model they use — I think it was specifically made to accompany the table.

However, it is very similar to the JOOLA WM net which costs $60. So JOOLA has by no means scrimped here. They want to give you the full professional-level table tennis experience.

joola tour 2500

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If the table didn’t impress you enough in its own right, which frankly, would surprise me. The 100% satisfaction guarantee really drives this table home.

This should give you peace of mind that if any issues were to arise, JOOLA’s customer service team would put things right.

JOOLA Tour 2500 Pros and Cons

  • Tournament-grade play surface
  • Inexpensive
  • Sturdy frame
  • Solo playback mode
  • Compact storage
  • Net included
  • Leg levelers
  • Quick assembly
  • Satisfaction guarantee
  • Only available in blue

JOOLA Tour Bundles

Now that we’ve established that the JOOLA Tour 2500 is an excellent table, I thought I’d cover some of the bundles that are available.

JOOLA Tour 2500 With IPONG Trainer Motion Robot & Catch Net

JOOLA tour 2500 bundle

For those of you who are in the market for both a table and a robot, this bundle should be to your liking. The IPONG Trainer Motion is a basic table tennis robot that can fire 30-70 balls per minute with either no spin, backspin, or topspin .

It’s a good robot for both beginners and intermediate players, and this bundle is the perfect way to pick it up for cheap. Also included is a catch net which helps prevent your balls from going all over the floor.

JOOLA Tour 2500 With 4x Infinity Overdrive Rackets

joola tour 2500 bundle

This bundle also represents incredible value for money. Not only do you get the well-priced JOOLA Tour 2500, but also 4x JOOLA Infinity Overdrive rackets. These total a cost of $279.80. This means with this bundle you bring the prices of these 4 rackets down to just $79.05 .

As such, if you have at least 4 players that need bats then this bundle is a great option. Just please note, the Infinity Overdrive is an advanced paddle with carbon layers. I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners as it’s pretty quick!

JOOLA Tour 2500 — Set of 3


The final bundle I’d like to draw your attention to is the set of 3 Tour 2500 table tennis tables.

For most of you, this won’t be very appealing. However, I think it makes a great choice for schools or even better, table tennis clubs. By buying as a set you save around $200 , not bad considering the Tour 2500 on its own is already remarkably cheap.

Alternative Tables

Joola tour 1800 — cheaper alternative.

2500 tours minute

If you want to save a little money by purchasing a cheaper table, the JOOLA Tour 1800 could be a good option. It does have a significantly thinner play surface at 18mm, however, this should be good enough for most intermediate players.

It also has most of the other benefits of the 2500 model such as a 10-20 minute setup time, a high-quality net, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee . I wouldn’t however recommend the most basic model — the JOOLA Tour 1500. Its play surface is just 15mm thick which is exceedingly thin.

JOOLA Inside 25 vs Tour 250

2500 tours minute

Another quality option is the JOOLA Inside 25mm. It is essentially the same as the JOOLA Tour 2500 but is a little cheaper which is tough to imagine! In fact, it’s the cheapest 25mm thick table I have ever seen , so it’s unbeatable when it comes to value.

The only clear differences between the two tables relate to the color. The Inside 25mm has a lighter blue tabletop and a black frame.

Closing Thoughts

The JOOLA Tour 2500 is one of the best ping pong tables that you can buy if you want a tournament-grade table on a budget . I for one would rather purchase the Tour 2500 than a more premium model because while the top models are slightly superior in terms of quality, they just don’t offer very good value for money.

If you’re a beginner, advanced, or hell even an aspiring pro player, the Tour 2500 is a great table that won’t disappoint.

Interested in a quality JOOLA outdoor table? Check out my JOOLA NOVA Pro Plus review

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Alex Horscroft

I've been playing table tennis since the age of 14 and have competed against some of the top players in England. While I love playing, I also really enjoy coaching too!

‎ Blade: Butterfly Timo Boll ALC | Rubbers: Nittaku Fastarc G-1

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Paris 2024 Olympics: How to plan a last-minute trip, from Games tickets to accommodation

If you are kicking yourself for not bagging tickets to the Paris 2024 Olympics when they first went on sale, all is not lost. A travel expert tells Sky News how sports fans can plan a last-minute trip this summer.

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News reporter @jos_franks

Monday 22 April 2024 14:08, UK

FILE PHOTO: Olympic rings to celebrate the IOC official announcement that Paris won the 2024 Olympic bid are seen in front of the Eiffel Tower at the Trocadero square in Paris, France, September 14, 2017. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann/File Photo

As the Paris Olympics draw closer, the hype is increasing - and it's only going to build from here. 

If you are kicking yourself for not bagging tickets when they first went on sale, all is not lost.

There are still ways you can get to Paris to see the Games.

Sky News talks to a travel expert to bring you all you need to know about securing your last-minute trip.

Can I still get tickets for the Olympics?

Yes, it is still possible to get tickets for the Games.

More than 250,000 tickets went on sale on 17 April to mark 100 days until the opening of the Games.

This is the last ticket sale, but tickets are still available for dozens of events.

The first sale involved a lottery and timeslots to buy packs of tickets for events.

In the final stretch of ticket sales, things are a lot simpler.

Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis and you can see the availability for different events in real time on the website.

While a lot of the final tickets on sale are pretty pricey, there is still the chance to bag a bargain.

Almost 20,000 tickets were put on sale for €24 and it is still possible to get tickets to see football for this price.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are ticket and hospitality packages available that will set you back hundreds of Euros.

What about the Paralympics?

The Paralympic Games will take place from 28 August to 8 September and there are still tickets available from €15.

The booking works the same as for the Olympics - first-come, first-served, with the remaining tickets now available on the website.

Avoid the scammers

Don't get caught out by scammers - make sure you only buy tickets through the official Paris 2024 ticketing website.

It's not too late to book - but don't wait

While the start of the Games is fast approaching, it's not too late to plan a trip - but you should "get booking ASAP", Jessica Dante, travel expert at Love and London, tells Sky News.

The Eurostar is not as "wildly priced" as you might expect, she says, with return fares available for the first week of the Games for under £200 - and the same is true of budget airlines.

But, Ms Dante cautions, "that will invariably only continue to go up" - so book soon rather than hold out for a last-minute deal.

FILE PHOTO: A general view from the Pont Alexandre III bridge shows an athletics track that floats on the River Seine, with the Eiffel tower in the background, in Paris, France, June 23, 2017 as Paris is transformed into a giant Olympic park to celebrate International Olympic Days with a variety of sporting events for the public across the city during two days as the city bids to host the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. REUTERS/Charles Platiau/File Photo

Could there be last-minute deals on accommodation?

Don't bank on it, Ms Dante says.

"I'm always in the camp of just book something so you have it. If something else pops up closer to the time then fine, you can try to make a switch if you've got something that you can cancel.

"But there's also the chance that something might not pop up that's going to be in your price range as well."

While there could be a small wave of accommodation deals open up as people cancel, a lot of accommodation will be non-refundable at least a couple of weeks before the Games, so any cancellations are likely to still be fairly far in advance, she says.

Tips for booking accommodation

There is still "decent availability" for hotels, she says, although some popular spots are already booked up.

Unsurprisingly, cost has a lot to do with location - so look away from central areas and places close to Olympic locations if you are looking to save money.

"The flip side of that is it then means that you're probably going to have to deal with taking the metro and you'll have to pay for the inflated cost of the rides."

The price of metro tickets will almost double during the Games, from €2.10 (£1.80) to €4 (£3.40).

But the surcharge on public transport is unlikely to match the price difference on a more central hotel. Ms Dante advises looking at suburban areas or the outskirts of the city.

What about staying in another town?

Staying in another town entirely and travelling to Paris for events is one option.

But you should consider the pros and cons carefully, Ms Dante says.

There is a looming threat of train strikes. The CGT public servants union has announced plans to strike during the Olympics, which could mean many transport workers walking out.

If you are staying outside Paris, that could scupper your plans to easily travel into the city.

Even if there are not strikes, trains into Paris are likely to be crowded, Ms Dante says.

"You do have to kind of balance that and just be prepared that you might have some difficulty."

Passengers walk in the Part-Dieu train station during a railway strike, in Lyon, central France, Wednesday, July 6, 2022. A strike by railway workers demanding higher pay amid cost of living increases is interrupting train service in France. National railway company SNCF said about one in four high-speed trains was canceled on Wednesday. It says regional service such as suburban trains in the Paris region is experiencing disruptions. (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani)

Read more: Paris 2024 Olympics: Everything you need to know The Team GB athletes to watch at the Olympics

Can you go to the Olympics and avoid Paris entirely?

The Games may be headlined as Paris 2024, but there are events taking place across the country - and the surfing is even in Tahiti.

The cities of Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Nice, Bordeaux, Nantes and Marseille will host events.

The Olympic ticketing site allows you to filter available events by location, so if you are keen to give Paris a miss you can seek out what is happening in other places.

"They're going to be a little bit less popular than stuff that's right in the centre of Paris, so I think that's a really good option," Ms Dante says.

Consider the Paralympics

The Paralympics often gets overshadowed by the Olympics, but it's a great option if you want to experience the Games, Ms Dante says.

"It's going to be a little bit less crowded, the pricing will be better, probably a little bit more of a relaxed experience."

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Is it worth going to Paris if you don't have tickets to the Games?

Maybe there are no tickets left in your price range, or your favourite event is sold out - is it worth planning a trip to Paris anyway?

"Definitely," according to Ms Dante. "This whole summer it's going to be really buzzy there."

A lot of locals will leave the city, she says. It's French tradition in the summer, but the exodus is likely to be even bigger this year as Parisians flee the crowds - meaning some areas could end up being quieter than normal.

Attractions away from the main Olympic sites could also be quieter than normal, she says.

How to make the most of your trip

If you are keen to combine cultural activities with sporting ones, consider booking a guided tour to big attractions, Ms Dante advises.

That way, you have got your ticket secured and the tour guides will be up to speed on any road closures or access changes that could make your visit more tricky.

Also keep in mind that there will be a lot of security measures in place and getting around the city will take longer than normal.

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What to Know Before Booking a National Park Trip This Summer

Additional routes in popular parks now require reservations, the annual pass gets a big change, Juneteenth is now a new free entrance day and more changes for 2024.

A deep-blue mountain creek with evergreen trees and brown grasses along its shores is in front of a towering gray mountain peak scattered with snow.

By Lauren Matison

In 2023, the seashores, lakeshores, battlefields, historic sites, monuments and more that make up the National Park Service had 325.5 million visits , an increase of 4 percent from the year before.

The National Park Service director, Charles F. Sams III, praised the surge of interest in “learning our shared American story throughout the hidden gems of the National Parks System.”

Expecting an even greater turnout in 2024, the Park Service and , the booking platform for federal land reservations, have implemented new measures to streamline the park experience, manage overcrowding and safeguard the environment.

More parks are requiring reservations

To better avoid congested trails, packed parking lots and overflowing trash cans, additional parks are joining Rocky Mountain , Arches and Glacier National Parks this year in requiring day-use permits, timed entries and other reservations for travelers who wish to visit, particularly during peak hours, holidays and the parks’ high seasons. Yosemite National Park is reinstating a timed-entry system it instituted in 2020, but paused in 2022.

Many park enthusiasts expressed mixed feelings about the reservation policies, with some lamenting a lack of first-come, first-served campsites while others find comfort in knowing they have a confirmed booking. As nearly 75 percent of visitors each year descend on national parks from May to October (and often on weekends), park officials stand by the system.

“In some parks, the level of demand is exceeding the capacity for which infrastructure was designed or is outpacing the National Park Service’s ability to sustainably support visitation,” said Kathy Kupper, a public affairs specialist for the service. “This trend is resulting in the need to explore new strategies to protect natural and cultural resources and provide opportunities for safe and meaningful visitor experiences.”

It can be confusing.

New to implementing timed-entry reservations for vehicles is Mount Rainier National Park , in Washington, for its popular Paradise and Sunrise Corridors during certain times in the summer season. Reservations cost $2, are valid for one day and must be purchased along with the park ticket, but do not apply for visitors with wilderness permits or camping or lodge reservations. Similar vehicle reservations are now required for certain periods for viewing the sunrise at Haleakalā National Park in Maui, Hawaii , and driving the Cadillac Summit Road in Maine’s Acadia National Park .

Visitors wishing to hike Old Rag Mountain in Virginia’s Shenandoah National Park must obtain a day-use ticket between March 1 and Nov. 30, and in Zion National Park, in Utah, hikers wishing to visit Angels Landing , the dramatic 1,488-foot-tall rock formation, also need to purchase a permit. Fees range from $1 to $6, in addition to the parks’ entrance fees.

As each destination is managed differently, check the park’s webpage for the type of reservation required. Although most bookings can be made through, some sites, such as Muir Woods National Monument, use a different system.

New features on

In 2023, reported that more than 4 million camping reservations and 2 million timed-entry reservations were booked online, and 1.5 million permits were issued. Some 2.9 million new users signed up for the site. With its expanding user base, the booking platform has added 58 reservable national park locations — including 17 campgrounds — such as Central Avenue Walk-in Sites at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Bluff Hike In Camping in South Carolina’s Congaree National Park. has also improved an alerts feature, piloted in July 2023, that can notify users through email or mobile push notifications when a sold-out campsite becomes available. After notifies you of availability, you must book the campsite yourself online — and quickly, as you’ll be shown how many other people (possibly hundreds) have received the same alert.

While its customer support center and mobile app are still only available in English, recently introduced a Spanish language translation option. The Park Service partners with Latino Conservation Week , which hosts nationwide hikes and events on environmental education and in-park stewardship, and will celebrate its 10th year in September.

A limit to the annual America the Beautiful pass

The 2024 America the Beautiful pass no longer allows two owners. The annual interagency pass, which costs $80 and covers the entrance fees for more than 2,000 federal recreation sites (of which roughly 100 do not charge for admission year-round), is now marked by a single signature line on the back of the card. The pass owner must show I.D. and be present with any accompanying travelers wishing to access the park with the pass. (Annual passes issued in 2023 will still be valid until their expiration date.) The pass covers all passengers in a vehicle — up to four adults, and children under 16 are admitted free — or up to four cyclists riding together. Active military or veterans and people with permanent disabilities are eligible for a free lifetime pass; 4th grade students may receive a free annual pass; and senior citizens may purchase a $20 annual pass or pay $80 for a lifetime pass.

At the parks, more accessible features, E.V. chargers and new lodging

To better protect against global warming, the Park Service is putting more than $65 million from the Inflation Reduction Act and Great American Outdoors Act into climate mitigation and ecosystem restoration.

Using $15.9 million budgeted for zero-emission vehicle deployment, charging capacity and infrastructure, the Park Service is prioritizing a reduction in carbon emissions, said Mr. Sams, by installing new electric-vehicle charging stations and running electric buses.

An interactive online locator tool created in 2023 shows E.V. charging stations throughout 27 national parks and the type of chargers available. In addition to the tool, every national park page displays alerts on road closures, parking lot capacities, construction work and other incidents.

Mr. Sams also said the Park Service is investing $1.3 billion from the Great American Outdoors Act to improve accessibility features, ranging from a new A.D.A.-compliant visitor center at Morristown National Historic Park in New Jersey to new beach wheelchairs at Sleeping Bear Dunes , Channel Islands and Virgin Islands National Parks . Each destination’s website has an accessibility tab to help visitors plan their trip, and now has a search filter on its homepage to make it easier to locate accessible accommodations.

New lodging options now available across the country include the Flamingo Lodge , which opened inside Everglades National Park last fall with 24 guest rooms built from repurposed shipping containers. In March, along the southeastern border of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Cataloochee Ranch reopened with 11 renovated cabins and a new restaurant. This spring, the Clubhouse Hotel & Suites will welcome its first guests in Rapid City, S.D., the closest major town to Badlands National Park , and opening in May in Idaho is the Yellowstone Peaks Hotel , a 30-minute-drive from Yellowstone National Park. This fall, California-bound travelers planning a visit to General Sherman, the largest known tree on Earth, might book at AutoCamp Sequoia , just outside Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park .

Also in California: Those who don’t score a highly coveted (and contentious) spot at the newly reopened High Sierra Camps in Yosemite could book Wildhaven Yosemite in Mariposa, which offers more affordable rates, hiking trails and views of the Sierra Nevadas. Reservations for its first season are available beginning May 1.

Celebrating milestones and a new free entrance day

On the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, visitors can pay tribute to African American heritage at over 100 parks , including the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site in Washington, D.C., Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument , and the Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail . This year also marks 100 years since Indigenous people were recognized as United States citizens. Although many parks have Indigenous programming , Mr. Sams, who is the first Native American to serve as N.P.S. director , suggested visiting Hopewell Cultural Historical Park in Ohio and Whitman Mission Historic National Historic Site in Washington, where he recently brought his daughter.

“In order to celebrate the diversity that makes our country great, we must share the complete story of America, which includes both the successes and challenges encountered on the way to form a more perfect union,” Mr. Sams said.

Juneteenth National Independence Day is the National Park Service’s newest free entrance day . Visitors can also take advantage of free admission on April 20, the first day of National Park Week; Aug. 4, the four-year anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act ; Sept. 28 on National Public Lands Day ; and Nov. 11 for Veterans Day .

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

An earlier version of this article misstated the location of the Flamingo Lodge. It is inside Everglades National Park, not outside the park.

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Jon bon jovi reveals inner circle was really ‘shocked’ and ‘furious’ when he married wife dorothea.

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Does he give love a bad name?

Singer and songwriter Jon Bon Jovi said his inner circle was quite surprised when he eloped with his wife, Dorothea Hurley, three decades ago.

“It shocked a lot of people — shocked about everybody: the band, management, agents, lawyers, parents, you name it,’” he recently recalled to People magazine . “It’s a shame because it should have been a beautiful moment, but after we did it, people were trying to take it away, until I stood up and went, ‘Wait a minute, why are we living our life for anyone else?’ And 35 years later, we’re still married.”

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The 62-year-old, born John Francis Bongiovi Jr., made the last-minute decision to marry his then-fiancée while he was on tour at the time.

“We were in Los Angeles, California, the band was on the road on the ‘New Jersey’ tour, and if you opened up the curtains of my hotel room, there’s a big billboard of the five of us [Bon Jovi band members] staring into my window,” Bon Jovi went on. “My girlfriend, who was my fiancée at the time, we had a night off, and I said, ‘I need a higher high — I got an idea. Let’s go to Vegas now.’ And she said, ‘Now?’ I said, ‘Now.’”

The “Living on a Prayer” singer first met his wife while they were students at Sayreville War Memorial High School in New Jersey. The pair dated until 1985 when they broke up for five months before getting back together.

The pair got married at the Graceland Chapel in Las Vegas in 1989 and have four children together: daughter Stephanie, 30, and sons Jesse, 29, Jake, 21, and Romeo, 20.

Jon Bon Jovi and Dorothea Hurley during Premiere of "Moonstruck" at Museum of Modern Art in New York City, New York, United States.

While speaking with the Mirror , the rock star said, “It was like Harry Styles or Justin Timberlake getting married.

“I was that to the young girls in my time. When I came back from Vegas my manager was furious. He was like, ‘America’s boy is now married … that’s not a good career move.’ The record company was also despondent.”

In a recent interview, Bon Jovi told the Independent that he “ hasn’t been a saint ” during their 35-year marriage.

“These are all the wonderful clichés of rock stardom. It’s about never lying about having been a saint, but not being a fool enough to f–k up the home life, either,” he said.

American singer, songwriter and guitarist Jon Bon Jovi.

Rumors and allegations about the rock star having an affair started circulating in 1993. Bon Jovi addressed those rumors in the hit single “Bed of Roses.”

In the song, he sings: “Now as you close your eyes/ Know I’ll be thinking about you/ While my mistress she calls me/ To stand in her spotlight again/ Tonight I won’t be alone / But you know that don’t mean I’m not lonely/ I’ve got nothing to prove/ For it’s you that I’d die to defend.”

The musician told the Independent that his marriage has lasted so long thanks to “a mutual admiration society, and being lucky enough to have grown up together.” He also credited his wife’s tolerance.

Jon Bon Jovi and Dorothea Hurley attend the Hampton Water Rosé.

“Somehow it works. I think because we grow at the same rate. We grew equally and not in opposite directions,” Dorothea told People in November 2016.

The Grammy winner said that he and his wife “got it right the first time” while reminiscing on their love story.

The duo launched JBJ Soul Foundation in 2006, a nonprofit that specializes in creating affordable housing and provides meals to those in need.

Bon Jovi of the band Bon Jovi performs on stage during Rock In Rio day 3 at Cidade do Rock on September 29, 2019.

Dorothea has been by his side through the ups and downs over the years. In 2022, Bon Jovi underwent vocal cord surgery after suffering from an atrophied vocal .

“The thing that gave me so much pleasure had been taken away,” he told People. “Joy is something you got to work at, right? Happiness is what you make it. It’s not about seizing the day anymore. I think it’s about embracing the day. I don’t have to punch it in the face anymore, now I just give it a hug, and that’s a good place to be.”

In early February, the singer went onstage for the first time since the surgery after being named the MusiCares Person of the Year.

Dorothea Bongiovi and Jon Bon Jovi attend the UK Premiere of "Thank You and Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story" on April 17, 2024.

“Although I’m well on the road to recovery and was able to take my time and do a song a day when I made the record,” the “Wanted Dead or Alive” crooner told  Mix 104.1 Boston  in March, “my need, want, desire is to be able to do two-and-a-half hours a night, four nights a week for months on end.”

Bon Jovi’s latest work, a docuseries called “Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story,” will be released on Hulu on Friday, April 26 .

The four-part series will highlight “the epic past and uncertain future of one of the most recognizable bands in the world and it’s front-man Jon Bon Jovi.”

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Singer and songwriter Jon Bon Jovi recalls said his inner circle was "shocked" when he eloped with his wife, Dorothea Bongiovi.


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6 Days / 5 Nights Moscow Tour, Russia


About the Destinations: The Moscow tour in Russia will take travellers on a wonderful journey through some of Moscow’s most well-known streets and areas. Along the way, one will also be able to visit landmarks and places of interest like Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow State University, the Sparrow Hills as well as Theatre and Pushkin squares, Boulevard Ring, The Armoury and the Tsar Bell. These iconic landmarks speak volumes of the rich and varied history of the city and the country of Russia. The well-informed guide will articulately guide you through each stop with informed snippets and anecdotes. The city of Moscow will come alive on this tour, giving you a ton of memories to take home. Duration of the Tour: 5N/6D Meal Types: Breakfast only throughout the tour Activities: Sightseeing and leisure activities Maximum Altitude: Most activities are centred in and the city limits with little exposure to high altitude areas or mountain ranges. Temperature Range: -10 to 23 degrees Celsius

Day 1 - Arrival in Moscow

Arrive in Moscow; start of the tour

Today is the first day of your Great Moscow Tour, so upon arriving in Moscow, get a transfer to the hotel. Checking-in into the hotel, spend the day relaxing and visiting local places in and around the hotel.

Day 2 - Moscow City Tour

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow State University, Several other Landmarks

Today, after breakfast, visit some of the iconic landmarks of Moscow. The list includes Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, monument to Peter I, Moscow State University, Hill of Respectful Salutation, Sparrow Hills, New Arbat, Tverskaja Streets, Theatre, Pushkin Squares and  Boulevard Ring.

Catch a scenic view of the Kremlin from the Sifiyskaya embankment and the New Maiden Nunnery. Spend some time at the Old Arbat Street, where one can find sidewalk artists, cafes and shops. Enjoy some free time to explore the historical Red Square. Proceed to St. Basil’s Cathedral which is an enduring symbol in Moscow. Also, a visit to Tretyakov Gallery will expose tourists to the best Russian art collection in the world.

Day 3 - Tour to Kremlin

The Armory and other historical places in the Kremlin

Waking up today morning, visit The Armoury, which is a treasury museum. Some parts of this museum houses artefacts and other historical pieces of interest like gowns and thrones, gold and silver items created by Russian and European jewellers as well as the armour worn by knights.

In addition to all these, you will also get the opportunity to visit Cathedral Square, Assumption, Archangel’s and Holy Annunciation Cathedrals in addition to the Tsar Cannon, the Tsar Bell, Alexander garden and take a ride on the Moscow metro train.

Day 4 - Cultural & Religious Tour in Moscow

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

Today, you will be visiting the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, which was destroyed in 1931, and was converted and used as a swimming pool for close to 35 years. Also visit Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts which is among the largest museums in the world and houses a large collection of famous antiques and Renaissance masterpieces. Spend the rest of the day exploring other places in the city.

Day 5 - Another Day of Moscow Tour

New Maiden Nunnery, New Maiden Cemetery

Today will be the last day of the great Moscow tour. On this day, you will be visiting the New Maiden Nunnery, a convent known for housing sacred relics while also serving as a safe house for exiled girls who come from noble households if they get pregnant out of wed lock. Also visit New Maiden Cemetery, the burial ground for a number of powerful Russian and Soviet politicians, World War II heroes, musicians, authors and actors. Spend the rest of the day indulging in some personal sightseeing.

Day 6 - Departure from Moscow

Tour Ends Here

After enjoying breakfast at the hotel, check-out and proceed towards availing an airport transfer to your respective destination.

Things To Carry

  • Do not carry valuables like jewellery or similar possessions
  • Consumption of alcohol or any other intoxicants during the tour
  • Usages of plastic bags are strictly prohibited
  • Avoid using earphones, as you may not be able to hear what the guide is saying during the course of the tour

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Matt Fitzpatrick and Alex Fitzpatrick.

© Andrew Wevers-USA TODAY Sports

Zurich Classic Betting Preview: Odds, Prediction, Long Shot Bet, Team to Fade and Outright Winner Pick

  • Author: Brian Giuffra

In this story:

The only PGA Tour team event of the season (think laidback Ryder Cup vibes) is here and it’s chock-full of powerhouse tandems to consider betting on. 

Rory McIlroy and Shane Lowry, Xander Schauffle and Patrick Cantlay, Will Zalatoris and Sahith Theegala headline the field this week, but we're not betting on them, choosing instead to focus on a team of brothers.

Before betting, it’s important to remember this is a unique format. There are two days of fourball, known as best-ball, played in Rounds 1 and 3 and two rounds of foursomes, known as alternate shots, in Rounds 2 and 4.

Last year’s winning team of Davis Riley and Nick Hardy shot 30 under for the week, so we must pick duos who can go low in each format.

Who are they? Let’s break it down starting with the Top 10 teams in odds, which come from DraftKings Sportsbook, followed by our longshot pick, the team to fade and outright winner. 

Zurich Classic Odds

Patrick Cantlay / Xander Schauffele +400

Rory McIlroy / Shane Lowry +700

Will Zalatoris / Sahith Theegala +800

Collin Morikawa / Kurt Kitayama +1200

Rasmus Højgaard / Nicolai Højgaard +2200

Tom Hoge / Maverick McNealy +2500

Matt Fitzpatrick / Alex Fitzpatrick +2500

Taylor Pendrith / Corey Conners +2800

Nick Taylor / Adam Hadwin +3000

Sepp Straka / Brice Garnett +4000

Keith Mitchell / Joel Dahmen +4000

Doug Ghim / Chan Kim +4000

​​Billy Horschel / Tyson Alexander +4000

Zurich Classic Long Shot Pick: ​​Billy Horschel / Tyson Alexander +4000

There’s no shortage of star power atop the leaderboard, but a team capable of competing this week that’s flying under the radar is Billy Horschel and Tyson Alexander at +4000 odds. 

Horschel just won the Puntacana Championship with a 23-under total highlighted by a 63 on Sunday. He’s always been a streaky player and I’m counting on his hot streak continuing at an event he’s had success at before. 

Horschel won this event when it was played as an individual tournament and won it another time as a team. He’s placed second twice and tied for fourth once here. Last year, he placed 11th with Sam Burns. 

Alexander is not as well known and doesn’t have as strong of a history at the Zurich, but he’s off to a good start this season (has made three straight cuts) and had his best start of the season three weeks ago at the Texas Open. He's also 49th on tour in shots-gained: putting, an important stat this week, especially in alternate shot.

Winning back-to-back events is tough, but Horschel’s hot and he wouldn’t have picked Alexander as his teammate in an event he has a history of success at if he didn’t think they could win. 

Zurich Classic Team to Fade: Rasmus Højgaard / Nicolai Højgaard +2200

Nicolai Højgaard was leading the Masters outright Saturday afternoon before a disastrous back nine 40 ended his chances of winning. He followed that up with a 4-over 76 on Sunday and just missed the cut at the Puntacana Championship.

Overall, he’s missed three cuts in his last five events and was T-75 in another with a +5 total score. His run at Augusta seems more an apparition when taking a macro view of his recent form.

Nicolai is playing with his twin brother, ​​Rasmus, who withdrew from the Indian Open after an opening-round 79. ​​Rasmus does have three Top 10s on the DP World Tour this season, but the most recent one came in February. 

Recent results suggest both brother’s forms are regressing heading into this one. While being together could lighten the mood and improve their play, the +2200 odds are not good enough to warrant a bet. 

Zurich Classic Pick to Win: Matt Fitzpatrick / Alex Fitzpatrick +2500

After fading one brother duo, why not back another, huh? 

Matt Fitzpatrick is ranked ninth in total driving on the PGA Tour, 26th in total putting, 15th in birdie average per round and 11th in birdie percentage on Par 5s. He finished fifth at the Players and 10th at the Texas Open, was in contention at the Masters early and just shot four rounds under par at the RBC Heritage. 

Alex finished T23 at the Corales last week with four rounds under par including a Sunday 67. He missed the cut at the Indian Open at the end of March, but has been steady on the DP World Tour this season, with six Top 20s in nine events. Like his brother, Alex is a solid driver and strong putter. 

Last year, the Fitzpatricks finished T-19 at the Zurich, with two rounds of 62 during fourball and rounds of 71 and 74 in alternate shot. If they can make up some strokes in the latter format, they’ll be in contention this week, because both make a ton of birdies off their own ball. 

Odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.

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