Describe a (long) car journey you went on IELTS Cue Card

Describe a (long) car journey you went on IELTS Cue Card

Table of Contents


Describe a (long) car journey you went on

You should say: Where you went? What you did at that place? Who you went there with? Explain why you went on that journey by car?And explain how you felt about that journey?

Sample Response   1


In the modern era, we have many options to visit our favourite places. As far as long journeys are concerned, I prefer to have them by public transport. However, there was one occasion when I had a long journey by car.

Where you went?

I went to Manali Hill station in my car. It was a fourteen hours journey on one side.

What did you do at that place?

Being a nature enthusiast, I spent most of my time under the arms of nature. So firstly I went skiing. The experience was challenging initially, but I worked hard with determination, dedication and discipline and managed to learn it.

Apart from this, Manali is famous for its orchard farms. I visited numerous apple orchards and enjoyed fresh juicy apples over there. Moreover, the weather was cold so I enjoyed a cup of joe umpteen times.

Who you went there with?

I went there with my bosom friend Andrew.

Explain why you went on that journey by car.

The reason for having such a long journey by car was to experience the places on the way. For example, the hills of Himachal Pradesh are alluring, and on public transport, it is challenging to take so many halts.

That’s why I prefer a car. However, me and Andrew are fond of driving. That’s why we went in our vehicle rather than hiring a taxi.

And share the emotions experienced in this memorable journey.

I felt good about that journey because I had a gala with Andrew. Moreover, I tested my driving skills for the first time on hills, initially, I was apprehensive but later I got on swimmingly with it. Despite driving for such a long time, I wasn’t tired and always full of beans . The beautiful moments I had during that trip will remain etched in my memories . The trip was an exhilarating experience which invigorated me and rendered unforgettable memories that will be cherished forever.

Being a travel fanatic, I have had numerous long car journeys. However, one of them is exceptional and hence worth mentioning .

I went from Mumbai to Goa.

  What did you do at that place? And Who you went there with?

I went on the trip with my family, and the main reason was that my brother had permanent residency in Canada. And we had to shift there, and we wanted to spend some quality time together.

We did many activities in Goa and on the way. We tried our hand at adventure sports like river rafting, bungee jumping, snorkelling, and many more. We also enjoyed the mouth-watering delicacies of all the major cities on the way. Apart from this we did a lot of shopping and visited numerous religious places.

 Explain why you went on that journey by car.

The main reason for travelling by car is to enjoy the journey to the full extent because when we travel by public transport or by air, we miss many locations on the way. Moreover, travelling by car is comfortable because you can take halts.

The whole journey was incredible . It helped us to meet and interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Moreover, it helped to enhance my knowledge exponentially because, on the way, I visited numerous museums and sites of historical importance.

Lastly, it allowed me to spend quality time with my family members. In this era, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, so we interact less with our family members. Therefore, a long journey by car is the best way to have a gala time with your family.

Although I have been a part of numerous long drive-through cars, one is etched in my memories and worth mentioning .

I went to Mumbai by road in my car.

After reaching Mumbai, I did many activities. I saw the villas of Bollywood superstars Amitabh Bachan and Shahrukh Khan. After that, I enjoyed the local cuisine and visited numerous worth-seeing places.

Since it was a long journey, I went with my friend so that we could drive alternatively to avoid fatigue.

Last year my brother got a job in Mumbai, and a few days after joining, he realized he needed a car. The reason was the maturity of his career, in which he had to travel places at a distance of about 100 km from Mumbai thrice a week.

He tried to go via public transport, but it consumed a lot of time, so his work output could have been better. He immediately told me to send him the car we had in our hometown via train. Since sending the vehicle through the goods train was a lengthy process of one week, I decided to drive the car from my home to Mumbai, which was a distance of around 2,000 km.

And explain how you felt about that journey.

The journey was remarkable because most of our distance travelled on highways. We maintained an average speed of 100 and reached Mumbai in 48 hours. It was tiring, but with one day’s rest, my laziness went from a toss and roamed here and there in Mumbai.

Recently I had a long journey in the car, which is worth mentioning .

 Where you went?

I went to my hometown to meet my family to celebrate the Diwali festival. The journey was a total of 1500 km.

I did many things. Firstly I met my family and my relatives. We organized a party where we had a gala time together.

After that, I met my school friends, and we had a reunion where I was as happy as a clam.

As I got tired after the long car journey, I took a rest for one week, during which I ate various mouth-watering delicacies cooked by my mother. Moreover, I spent a lot of time in my garden, where I felt like I was in the lap of nature.

I had two of my friends from my hometown with me. They also did not get the tickets, so they decided to go with me.

The reason for travelling by car was that I could not get a train and air ticket due to heavy demand. So going by the car was the only option for me. The journey was 1,500 km, but it went nicely.

The journey was incredible because, in our car, we had the freedom to halt at the place of our choice. So we had immense fun on the way. We visited numerous sites and met many friends on the way.

Moreover, we enjoyed the local cuisines of many Indian states. So, overall it was an enthralling experience, and the quality time spent on the journey will always remain etched in my memories.

 I have had numerous short journeys; I had a long drive once, which is worth mentioning.

I went to Goa to purchase a car by train, but on the way back, I travelled by car for a journey of 2000 kilometres.

After reaching home, I showed my car to my near and dear ones, and we had a gala together.

I went there with one of my friends named Vivek Goyal.

Explain why you went on that journey by car. 

I went to Goa to purchase the car because I got an excellent deal. After reaching there, I tried to send the vehicle by railway; however, due to the long waiting list, there were more viable options. After that, I decided to send I through Packers and Movers, but the price quote I received was exorbitant. So, in the end, I decided to drive the car back to my residence.

I felt good about the journey because of many reasons. Firstly I developed the confidence to drive a car for long hours. Before this journey, I had never driven a car for more than 300 km at a stretch; however, the long drive from Goa to Chandigarh enhanced my confidence considerably.

Apart from this, the journey helped me to see various states of India. I halted at many places to relax and had beyond the conventional domain experience at all those places. Moreover, I spent quality time with my bosom friend Vivek and the beautiful moments I had during the trip will remain etched in my memories.

Three years back I had a long car journey which is worth mentioning.

I went to Mumbai to pick up my brother.

I went there during the peak of the Covid first wave. Due to the stringent lockdown, I could not do anything because all the picnic spots were not in operation. All I did was I picked my brother and went back to my hometown.

I went there with my bosom friend Vivek. The main reason for taking him along was to have company in the drive to Mumbai, which was 1,500 km.

I went by car because public transport was not in operation due to the lockdown, and hiring a taxi was imprudent because the chances of getting affected by the virus were high. My brother lost his job due to covid, so he had nothing to do in Mumbai. Moreover, it was challenging for him to meet both ends; I decided to bring him back to my hometown in my car.

The journey was different because, due to the lockdown, there was no hustle and bustle on the roads. I vividly remember I had the same journey during my childhood on a taxi; during that time, it took fifteen hours, but due to no traffic congestion, I reached Mumbai in 12 hours.

Moreover, no toll plaza was operational, and we saved money.

Lastly, the trip made me feel close to nature because I saw many wild animals on the road as they could roam easily due to the lack of movement of people and automobiles on the road.

Indeed, the perks of having your vehicle must be addressed. And today, I would like to describe a long car journey that I went on with my family since we were commuting.

After a long time, we planned to go to an eminent hill station named Shimla, known as the queen of hills. It is renowned worldwide due to its culture and heritage. Between the roads, we stopped in a restaurant, ate the local cuisine, and learned about the local language and culture. Since we were commuting after a long time, we were enthusiastic.

We went on the car journey because my mother had sickness and felt dizzy whenever she went on public transport, so to prevent chaos or a sense of apprehension, we decided to go in a car. At that time, my mother was feeling over the moon.

Sometime after that, we went to the temple on Mall Road. The perk of having our car was that we carried our luggage on the journey, which was impossible if we went on public transport because they did not allow us to stop in between any roads and we could not enjoy wherever we wanted.

So we stopped the car between the mountains and clicked the pictures. And I will forever cherish those moments of my entire life. It was an overwhelming experience for me to go on a long car journey and spend all my time with my family.

Well, journey plays a stressbuster role in our life. And here I would like to talk about a time when I went on a journey. I remember it was during my summer vacation when my father planned to go to Manali.

And that time, my whole family packed luggage because it was our first long journey together. We stopped our car at a famous restaurant, and while having breakfast, we discussed the famous tourist attractions in Manali.

And when we reached, we booked a hotel, and at that time, we took a siesta to keep ourselves fit and fine. After that, my sister and I went shopping. First of all, we visited the wooden market, and on that place on that place there was a lot of hustle and bustle, and I purchased some products for my friends and siblings.

After that, I went to Mall Road, which is a well-known, and it is a famous place in Manali. There was a lot of hustle and bustle, and I clicked some pictures. In addition, I also shared the pictures with my friends on various social media platforms, and after that, my whole family member went to the Hidimba temple.

In totality, the whole journey was a mesmerizing experience for me.

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “ Describe a (long) car journey you went on the IELTS Cue Card ”.

1. What will cars be like in the future?

In the future, the car industry will undergo a paradigm shift . Right now most car manufacturers are focussing on petrol and diesel run cars. However, this scenario will change soon because it is a well-known fact that such cars cause a lot of pollution. Due to this reason, most of the cars in the future will run on alternate energy sources like electric and solar.

2. What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference for cars?

In the modern era, the gender difference is fading, so there is no discrepancy in men’s and women’s preferences for the car. Some people prefer big cars while some choose small cars. Both males and females incline towards cars that provide comfort while driving, and it the size of the car does not matter to them.

3. What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

There are many differences between bicycles and private cars. Firstly, as far as speed is concerned, there is no denying this conviction that cars are far ahead of cycles in terms of speed because they run on mechanical power, whereas cycles run on manual effort.

The other difference is that cars lead to traffic congestion because of their size, whereas cycles require minimal space.

4. Why do people like to have private cars?

People like to have private cars for two reasons. The first reason is comfort because traveling by car is more comfortable compared to public transport and cycles. Because in your vehicle you can install facilities as per your taste.

Apart from this having a private car saves time because you can decide the route as per your choice.

5. Is it good that everyone has a car?

Everyone having their cars is an imprudent approach because it would lead to two problems. Firstly, there will be a lot of congestion on the roads, and secondly, air pollution will incline considerably.

6. How to buy private cars in India?

Purchasing a car is an easy task in India. Every city has a plethora of dealers who sell cars. You can visit any dealer and take a test ride. After that, you can buy the car by paying and completing the paperwork. And in case you are short of funds, you can avail a loan.

7. Do many families own private cars in India?

Yes, numerous families hold private cars in my nation. The primary reason is that it is private and reasonably priced. These days, many cars are available in the market, and people purchase them after considering their budget. 

8. What is the biggest benefit of a long journey?

A long car journey presents countless benefits beyond reaching a destination. Firstly, it empowers us to cherish quality bonding time with our near and dear ones, encouraging more profound associations and forming lasting memories. It delivers a chance to examine new places, uncover secret gems, and relish the beauty of the travel itself. It offers an opportunity to detach from the rush of daily life, delivering relaxation and a respite from routine. Long car journeys can also be a time for contemplation and self-reflection, letting one achieve clarity and standpoint. Eventually, the best advantage lies in the journey’s power to rejuvenate the senses, body, and soul through experience and emotional development.

9. What things we should carry for a long hour’s journey?

For a long car journey, it’s essential to pack a few necessities to guarantee convenience and preparedness. Firstly, carry travel papers like a car registration certificate, insurance, driving license, and pollution clearance. Take a water bottle to remain hydrated and some eatables for nutrition. Pack personal items such as phones, chargers, earphones, and essential medication. Convenience items such as a travel pillow, blanket, or eye mask can ensure you a relaxing journey. Moreover, having some entertainment options in the car, like music and organizing to read, is a prudent approach. Lastly, carry a small toiletry bag with necessities like hand sanitiser, napkins, and wet wipes for a comfortable journey.

10. What are some recommended strategies for entertainment and keeping passengers engaged during extended car rides?

There is no denying this conviction that we thrive primarily on music for entertainment during car journeys. Hence, it is worthwhile to prepare a playlist of favourite songs or tunes in advance. Apart from this playing interactive car games like “I Spy” or trivia is a prudent approach. Moreover, those who like gaming can carry portable gaming devices.

Furthermore, engaging in talks and storytelling with fellow travellers makes the journey relaxing. Lastly, taking occasional halts for sightseeing and photo -clicking is a sapient approach.

11. What are some budget-friendly tips for saving money on a car journey?

To have a car journey at a reasonable cost, pay attention to fuel-efficient driving procedures like keeping a constant speed and reducing excessive idling. Have a proper plan of your route in advance to stay away from toll roads and crowded spots. Packaging snacks and meals rather than spending money at roadside eateries is worthwhile. Leave no stone unturned to have deals on accommodations and attractions along your way to reduce the cost drastically.

1. Be etched on/in someone’s memory

Meaning:  Memory which will not fade away with time

Sentence : The six sixers in an Over by Yuvraj Singh are etched in my memories.

2. Worth mentioning

Meaning:  Important enough to require a comment.

Sentence:  The role of meditation in anger management is worth mentioning.

3. Integral

Meaning : Essential

Sentence : Social media has become an integral part of our lives because it helps us connect freely and easily with no geographical barriers.

4 . Get on swimmingly

Meaning : To get on well

Sentence:  Many people get on swimmingly with driving after driving for 1000 km.

5. Cup of Joe

Meaning : Coffee

Sentence:  During my college days I burned the midnight oil and whenever I would feel sleepy I would take a cup of joe.

6. Full of beans

Meaning : Happy One

Sentence:  I was full of beans during my college reunion.

7. Incredible

Meaning:  Extremely good or big

Sentence:  Taj Mahal is an incredible wonder.

8. Happy as a clam

Sentence:  Due to my optimistic attitude I remain as happy as a clam .

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a long car journey ielts speaking

Describe a long car journey you went on - IELTS speaking cue card


Table of Contents

Describe a long car journey you went on - sample 1, describe a long car journey you went on - sample 2, ielts speaking part 3 - follow up questions, tips to score well in the ielts speaking cue card section.

The cue card section of the IELTS speaking test gives you the opportunity to showcase your language proficiency and freely express yourself. The cue card section requires you to speak fluently for two minutes, where the cue card topic can vary from your interest areas and personal experiences to future goals. Don't worry if the thought of speaking for two minutes straight makes you anxious! 

The goal of this blog is to help readers understand the intricacies of responding to the following typical IELTS speaking cue card question: "Describe a long car journey you went on." This topic's selection highlights the value of individual ideas and perspectives while enabling test-takers to showcase their language skills.  


Well, travelling is my passion. Though I like taking trains for long-distance trips as it is convenient and safe. However, I will recount the longest but most exciting vehicle drive in this section.  

Where did you go

My college friends and I planned a trip as we needed a break after a very long exam schedule. My friends and I decided to take a tour of Jaipur, which is popularly known as the Pink City of India. We were very excited to visit this fantastic location, which was full of historical monuments and aesthetic forts, for the first time. For this trip, we opted to take a car journey. We decided to take this journey in the morning.  It was easy for me to wake up early because I am an early bird. We started the journey before 5 a.m. We arrived in Jaipur late at night and directly checked into a hotel.  

What did you do at that place?

As Jaipur is known for its historical architectural marvel, we visited various famous heritage places there, such as the Hawa Mahal, Govind Dev Ji temple, Jal Mahal, City Palace, Amer Fort, Jaigarh Fort, Albert Hall Museum, and Jantar Mantar, among other breathtakingly gorgeous architectural structures. I could not believe how magnificent these places were. Apart from that, we went handicraft shopping and found some tempting items. We also went to some local eateries to try Rajasthan's authentic food, churma dal bati. More specifically, we travelled by car because it was the quickest and most comfortable way to get to our location.

Overall, the journey to Jaipur with friends was incredible. Also, we were less exhausted because we went in our car, which made it much more comfortable. 

Also, Read: IELTS Cue Card: Describe a festival that is important in your country


Well, I like to travel and explore new places when I have free time. I usually want to go on at least one family vacation every year because it allows me to spend time with my loved ones. I have been part of several long drive-through automobiles, but one journey stands out in my memory and deserves to be mentioned. 

Where did you go?

Just after the pandemic, when the lockdown was over, my family decided to take a trip to Rishikesh. We decided on this destination because it was perfect for youngsters like me, my cousins, and the older members of the family. There were many adventurous activities for youngsters, while for elders, there were many temples and ashrams. 

Who do you go there with?

So, in total, there were 7 people in the family who went on a trip with one driver. We booked an 8-seater car via a travel agency. As it was almost a 10-hour journey, we went there by car. We began our journey at 5 a.m. because we had a big way to travel. We also wanted to enjoy the lovely weather in the morning and the less traffic on the highways when you start your travel early.  

Rishikesh is also known for its adventurous activities and tranquil vibe. So, we enjoyed myriad interesting adventure sports such as river rafting, camping, trekking, and paragliding. It is also the first city to introduce bungee jumping in India, so we also enjoyed it. In addition, Rishikesh is home to a large number of ashrams, some of which are renowned globally as hubs for yoga, philosophy studies, and other age-old Indian healing practices. In order to strengthen our ties to the religion, we also went to those ashrams. Finally, but just as importantly, we witnessed the captivating aarti at Triveni Ghat. 


Overall, this car journey was a lot of fun, and the memories we made were invaluable and long-lasting.

Also, Read:  IELTS Cue Card: Describe a person you follow on social media

Question: What will cars be like in the future?

Answer: Since the future cannot be foretold, scientific breakthroughs suggest that cars will drastically change in the future. Automobiles may run only on CNG or solar energy. In addition, all cars will be electronic.

Question: What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference on cars?

Answer: There is no difference between men's and women's preferences for cars in the present period because gender differences are diminishing. While some people choose tiny cars, others favour large ones. It doesn't matter what big the automobile is—both men and women choose cars that make driving more comfortable and fall under their budget.

Question: What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

Answer: There are numerous differences between personal vehicles and bicycles. When it comes to transportation, bicycles are not only more affordable but also environmentally good because they run on fuel and promote human health. However, compared to bicycles, private automobiles are able to transport a larger number of passengers at once, making them particularly useful for those with disabilities and in emergencies. 

Question: Why do people like to have private cars?

Answer: In all honesty, there are a number of reasons why people prefer owning their own cars. For example, they can go to their destination in inclement weather, they feel more at ease in their own vehicle, and they prefer private transportation when they are travelling in a group, with family, or with friends. 

Question: Is it a good thing that everyone has his/her own cars?

Answer: No, it is not at all good for everyone to drive their cars as this leads to traffic jams, air pollution, and accidents. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone should take public transit as much as possible in order to help reduce air pollution.

Question: How to buy private cars in India?

Answer: Enquiring in an automobile showroom is really easy. They will contact you, help you choose a certain model, and be fully knowledgeable about the brand and model. Secondly, you can apply for a loan at any bank by making a small down payment. In India, people purchase cars in this manner. 

Question: Do many families own private cars in India?

Answer: When people need to buy a car or other vehicle, they can do so easily and quickly at the dealership. Additionally, there are two ways to pay for an item: if the full price is paid, the person can purchase the car; if not, they must pay a certain amount and have the option to pay the remaining balance through EMI. 

Also, Read:   IELTS Cue Card: Describe a Birthday Party

Below are some tips that one should remember while appearing for an IELTS speaking test. 

It is very important to read and properly understand the cue card topic. 

While preparing your answer, write down the keywords or hints in short form that you want to include. 

Answer the topic in a systematic way with proper order, as exemplified in samples 1, 2 and 3. 

Try to create a simple yet interesting story as mentioned in sample 1; what did you do? 

Speaking with confidence and fluency, no matter what you are trying to speak. 

Start by introducing the topic and then focus on the main idea. In the last summary, your answer is given in the above samples.

To sum up, the IELTS speaking cue card task "Describe a long car journey you went on" gives applicants a chance to show off their language proficiency while narrating personal experiences. Candidates can demonstrate their ability to describe prior events, use language appropriately, and speak coherently and fluently by thoroughly reviewing the travel and including pertinent facts. All things considered, applicants can strengthen their narrative skills and confidently take on this cue card problem in the IELTS Speaking exam with practice.

We hope this blog has helped you understand how to answer the IELTS speaking cue card questions. Still, if you want to get further details or would like to prepare for IELTS , you can contact the Prepare IELTS Exam  (PI) expert counsellors for further guidance. Our team of education experts is dedicated to providing you with the best test material and guidance to ace the IELTS exam . You can get a one-on-one counselling session and an IELTS online practice test via our platform. Contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 9773398388 for further queries.

To effectively describe a long car journey, you should provide specific details about the duration, distance, purpose, destination, route, challenges, and activities during the journey. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the examiner.

Some common vocabulary words and phrases to describe a long car journey include "duration," "distance," "destination," "route," "scenic views," "traffic congestion," "inclement weather," "entertainment options," "conversations with travel companions," and "breaks for rest and refreshment."

You can organise your answer by following a chronological order. Start by introducing the duration and distance of the journey, then move on to the purpose or destination. Describe the route you took, highlighting any notable landmarks or scenic views. Discuss any challenges or obstacles encountered along the way, and conclude by mentioning how you passed the time during the journey.

Yes, you can include personal opinions or experiences to add depth and authenticity to your description. However, it is important to strike a balance and not overly focus on personal anecdotes. Remember to maintain a clear structure and prioritise providing relevant details.

To improve fluency and coherence, practice speaking about different long car journeys using a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures. Work on connecting your ideas smoothly, using transition words and phrases. Additionally, practice maintaining a steady pace and natural intonation while speaking. Recording yourself and listening to the recordings can also help identify areas for improvement.

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Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On - IELTS Cue Card


Preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test requires effort, particularly in Part 2 - the Cue Card segment, when articulation and coherence are critical. Among the many subjects you may discuss, recounting a long car journey cue card question jumps out. In this attempt, Yocket emerges as a light of support, providing various resources and individual assistance targeted to your specific requirements. Yocket gives you the resources you need to succeed on the Speaking Test, including insightful suggestions and professional coaching. Join us as we explore example responses and reveal Yocket's transforming impact on your IELTS journey.

What are Cue Cards?

In the second section of the IELTS Speaking Test, test takers are provided cue cards, also known as candidate task cards. The examiner hands each applicant a card with a subject inscribed on it. For two minutes, the candidate must talk nonstop on this topic.Important information about IELTS cue cards :

  • Usually, three cue cards or subjects are provided to the applicant to talk on for 2 minutes each.
  • The themes are generic, covering people, eve,nts, locations, etc.
  • Candidates have 1 minute to prepare when they get the card before speaking.
  • Cue card subjects vary constantly, yet some typical ones come up.
  • It evaluates the candidate's English speaking fluency and coherence.
  • Speaking for two minutes non-prevent on a specific subject assesses the kind of vocabulary and grammatical systems a candidate can hire.
  • Examiners examine candidates on four characteristics - Fluency, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation.

Why Are Cue Cards Important?

The cue card segment evaluates your spontaneous speaking abilities without any preparation. So it is extremely tough. However, it is a crucial component that prepares you for real-life scenarios. Here are some advantages of cue cards in IELTS Exam:

  • Improves speaking fluency - you learn to speak spontaneously on a subject for 2 minutes.
  • Develops vocabulary - You need a solid vocabulary to talk exhaustively about any subject for 2 minutes. Cue cards assist in increasing vocabulary.
  • Grammatical structures: You must use accurate grammar to communicate coherently for 2 minutes. This enhances your grammatical range.
  • Thinking on your feet: You have only 1 minute to collect thoughts before speaking; this promotes your rapid thinking.
  • Real-world skills: In everyday life and professional situations, you frequently need to talk spontaneously on a specific subject. Cue cards prepare you for such circumstances.

So, to acquire a high band score, the preparation of cue cards is quite crucial. Even though the specific themes may differ, studying concepts and vocabulary on common topics can aid you enormously in the IELTS exam.

Describe a Time You Were Very Busy - IELTS Cue Card

Sample Answer 1: Describe a Long Journey By Car You Went On

Setting the scene.

The journey's objective was to take a much-needed vacation away from our everyday routines with my closest friends. From Boston, Massachusetts, our hometown, we started on our expedition to discover the breathtaking scenery of Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains. This voyage of almost 1,000 miles promises to be an extraordinary experience full of companionship and adventure.

Preparation and Departure

We diligently planned and prepared for the trip in the days preceding our departure, ensuring we had everything we needed for the journey. The morning of our trip was complete with anticipation and excitement as we packed our items into our SUV's spacious interior. With our luggage packed and spirits up, we started our journey, excited to go on this experience together.

The Journey Itself

Our journey brought us through a rich landscape tapestry, from the busy cityscapes of Boston to the tranquil pastoral panoramas of rural America. We saw notable locations along the road, like New York City's stunning skyline and the rustic beauty of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Our voyage was interrupted by visits to small roadside eateries, where we ate regional specialities and bonded over shared experiences.

Challenges and Solutions

While the voyage was full of surprise and excitement, it was not without difficulties. Navigating unknown routes and dealing with traffic congestion tried our patience at times. However, we overcome these challenges by using GPS navigation and keeping a cheerful attitude throughout the tour. While scary at the time, these hurdles contributed to our feeling of adventure and made our voyage even more unforgettable.

Arrival and Conclusion

As twilight fell, we eventually reached our destination, a little cottage tucked away in the Smoky Mountains. As we reminisced on our trip together, we felt a genuine feeling of success and togetherness. This long vehicle drive not only allowed us to explore new vistas but also deepened the connections of friendship that we hold dear. It serves as a monument to the strength of friendship and adventure, a constant reminder of the happiness that can be found when we travel outside our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.

Sample Answer 2: Describe a Long Journey By Car You Went On

I went on a fantastic long-distance vehicle trip a few years ago that will never be forgotten. This excursion was more than just a means of transportation; it was a transforming event that provided opportunities for contemplation and adventure. It was a spontaneous choice to explore the harsh beauty of the Pacific Coast Highway, a magnificent road known for its spectacular coastline views and cliffs.

I embarked on my journey alone, armed with wanderlust and a thirst for exploration, searching for serenity and ideas on the open road. I made minimal preparations: a small selection of my favourite tunes to listen to as my adventure soundtrack, a clothing trade, and a digital camera to record beautiful moments. A wave of anticipation and exhilaration swept over me as I flicked the ignition key and felt the engine hum below me, heralding the start of a beautiful journey.

The Pacific Coast Highway stretched before me like a ribbon of asphalt, descending the craggy coastline, every twist and curve unveiling a sparkling, imaginative and prescient natural beauty. From the sheer cliffs of Big Sur to the appropriate beaches of Malibu, each mile provided an experience of wonder and amazement. I discovered myself pausing frequently alongside the journey, entranced with the scenery's grand majesty and the sea's peace stretched out in front of me.

Even while there were many peaceful and beautiful moments along the way, there were also difficulties. Navigating the twisting roads and high cliffs took a steady hand and steely nerves, especially when I met stretches of road cloaked in mist and fog. I was pushing myself beyond my comfort zone and enjoying the unknown, so with every challenge I overcame, I felt a feeling of success and thrill.

When the sun ultimately set, and the ocean turned bathed in golden light, I knew I had reached my vacation spot: a remote seashore wherein I could gaze upon the starry sky and listen to the waves crashing at the sand with a consistent beat. This enormous automobile ride has proven the reworking capacity of the journey since it became more significant than simply a physical journey from point A to point B. It also changed into a voyage of self-discovery and exploration. I couldn't assist; however, I appreciated the occasions that had led me to this point and was keen for the adventures beforehand as I sat via the fire and watched the flames dance inside the night.

Sample Answer 3: Describe a Long Journey By Car You Went On

My family and I took an extraordinarily lengthy vehicle experience one summer that I still remember vividly. Our ride was to visit family in Sedona, Arizona, a picturesque city famed for its crimson rock formations and bustling arts scene.

Before our departure, my parents methodically prepared every minute of the journey, from sketching out our itinerary to packing food and amusement. As we climbed into the car on the morning of our departure, we were filled with exhilaration and anticipation as we prepared to start this journey collectively.

The voyage unfurled before us like a fairytale, each mile revealing new sights and sensations. The Midwest's undulating hills and the Southwest's vast deserts were among the beautiful scenes we passed through. Along the journey, we stopped at roadside diversions and beautiful overlooks to take in the majesty of the American environment and make lasting memories as a family.

While the voyage was full of excitement and amazement, it was not without its difficulties. We ran into unforeseen delays and road closures, which tried our patience and had us modify our plans at the last minute. But as we went through each difficulty, we were more bonded as a family, encouraging one another and coming up with inventive ways to get beyond the problems we encountered.

We travelled for plenty of days before arriving at Sedona, where we were welcomed by our family with open fingers and the breathtaking sight of the crimson rock formations all around. As we settled into our rooms and started out travelling the town, I could not help but be happy for the journey that had gotten us right here and the recollections we had made along the way. More than a car to get to where we were going, this prolonged automobile journey reinforced our bonds as a family and improved our lives in methods we might never have considered viable.

Describe a Game You Played in Your Childhood - IELTS Cue Card

Long Car Journey Cue Card: Follow-up Questions

Q. can you tell me about the reason for your long vehicle journey.

We wanted to experience the beautiful magnificence of the Pacific Coast Highway, known for its spectacular coastal landscapes and cliffs. We tried to make enduring recollections with our loved ones and pursue an immersion inside the splendid exterior, far from the rush of city lifestyles.

Q. Did you have any unexpected difficulties or roadblocks even as touring, and in that case, how did you get past them?

Despite careful preparation, we encountered unexpected road closures and detours due to construction and poor weather. However, with flexibility and resourcefulness, we found alternate ways, asking advice from locals and using GPS technology to locate our way. These hurdles contributed spontaneity to our voyage and developed a sense of community among travellers.

Q. What considerations affected your choice to go on this specific vehicle trip?

We have been captured through the appeal of the Pacific Coast Highway, which appears to be one of the most picturesque drives. The possibility of seeing magnificent ocean views, beautiful redwood forests, and lovely coastal communities prompted us to go on this voyage, driving our restlessness and curiosity.

Q. Can you explain the route you followed on your long vehicle drive and any important sites or places you saw along the way?

Our adventure began in the bustling metropolis of San Francisco and wound south along the Pacific Coast Highway. Along the way, we noticed famous points of interest like the Golden Gate Bridge and visited old-fashioned coastal cities like Monterey and Santa Barbara. The lovely panoramas of Big Sur and Malibu's tranquil seashores have been the highlights of our adventure.

Q. What necessities did you pack for this lengthy automobile ride? How did you prepare?

To put together for our journey, we methodically deliberate our route, studying areas of hobby and lodging along the way. We packed primary elements: water, meals, a first-useful resource package, and an emergency system. We also ensured that our car was in an inappropriate running order by doing month-to-month maintenance exams and keeping it full of petrol.

In conclusion, retelling a lengthy vehicle ride provides more than a narrative of events; it captures moments of discovery, friendship, and personal development. We relive the event via vivid descriptions and personal tales and learn about perseverance, flexibility, and the beauty of accepting the unexpected. Upon contemplation of the thrilling curves and turns of the path, it is clear that these kinds of travel are not just about getting somewhere but also about finding oneself on the route. Platforms such as Yocket offer personalised coaching and priceless resources to those preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test. These tools help candidates improve their language proficiency and sharpen their storytelling abilities, making every narrative they tell seem like an exciting voyage full of exploration and adventure.

FAQ's on Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On - IELTS Cue Card

What if I can't recall particular specifics from the long vehicle drive for the IELTS Speaking Test?

It's acceptable if you need to remember every detail. Create a compelling story focusing on essential moments, feelings, and experiences.

What if I haven't had a big automobile trip recently?

You can still write an engaging answer even if your prior experiences aren't recent. Alternatively, you might build a hypothetical scenario based on how you see a long vehicle drive.

Is it essential to employ complicated terminology and grammar to describe the journey?

Although complex vocabulary might improve your response, consistency and clarity are more crucial. Instead of employing too complicated terminology, focus on efficiently communicating your thoughts.

Can I include a fake or hypothetical long-vehicle excursion in my response?

Yes, as long as you explicitly state that it is a fictitious or hypothetical circumstance. However, reflecting on personal experiences or real-life situations might help you respond more authentically and engagingly.

How can I distinguish my response from others while recounting a lengthy vehicle journey?

Include original tales, sensory information, and reflective thoughts to make your reaction memorable. Use descriptive language to make the examiner's vision of the trip as straightforward as possible.

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Part 2 & 3 – a car journey – (may ~ dec 2023).

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Part 2 –  

60 seconds to prepare 📝 2 minutes to answer 🗣️

  • Describe a car journey that you went on You can say: – where you went – what you did there – who you went on the journey with – and say how you felt about the journey 

Last year, I went on a car journey with my family to a nearby hill station. We started early in the morning and the journey took us around 5 hours. We had planned this trip for a long time, and we were all excited to finally go on it.

During the journey, we listened to music and played some car games to pass the time. We also made a few stops on the way to get some snacks and take in the scenic views.

When we finally reached the hill station, we were all amazed by the beautiful views and fresh air. We spent the next two days exploring the area, going on hikes, and relaxing in our hotel.

Overall, the car journey was a really enjoyable experience. It was great to spend some quality time with my family and to explore a new place together.

– Do you know how many IELTS Part 2 question types there are? Learn every type and the best ways to answer them here

Part 3 – Transport & Driving 

  • What is the most common mode of transport in your city, and why do people prefer it?
  • Do you think people should be encouraged to use public transport more? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever experienced a serious traffic jam? How did it affect your mood and daily routine?
  • What do you think are the pros and cons of driving a car instead of using public transport?
  • Would you consider buying an electric car in the future? Why or why not?
  • Are there any traffic laws in your country that you think should be changed or improved? If so, which ones and why?
  • Do you think that the government should invest more in public transport systems?

See the high-band answers to these Part 3 questions, plus all current IELTS Speaking Topics. Updated every 4 months with example answers to  every question!

ielts speaking topics 2023 full complete list download PDF may december


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IELTS Reading Answers Sample

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  • A Spark A Flint
  • Emigration To The Us
  • The History Of Salt
  • Zoo Conservation Programmes
  • The Robots Are Coming
  • The Development Of Plastic

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  • IELTS Opinion Essay
  • Agree or Disagree Essay
  • Problem Solution Essays
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Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On - IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers

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Updated on 07 February, 2024

Kanika Pruthi

Kanika Pruthi

Sr. content writer & study abroad expert.

Kanika Pruthi

A long car journey can be much more than a simple travel from point A to point B. It can be a voyage into self-discovery, a test of patience, an exploration of landscapes, and a treasure trove of memories. For those preparing for the IELTS Speaking test, describing such a journey offers a perfect opportunity to demonstrate their English proficiency by weaving a story that captivates and engages.

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Last summer, I embarked on a car journey that I had been dreaming of since childhood. My friends and I had planned this road trip meticulously to traverse the length of our beautiful country. It was not just a journey measured by the miles we covered but by the experiences we gathered.

We set off before dawn to avoid the city traffic, and as the first rays of the sun kissed the horizon, we were already on the open road. The city's imposing concrete structures gave way to vast expanses of green fields and the sky unfurled above us in an endless blue canvas. The car became our capsule, time seemed to slow down, and the hum of the engine mixed with our favorite tunes created a soundtrack to our adventure.

The journey, expected to last ten hours, stretched into sixteen as we took detours to explore hidden hamlets, stopped at roadside diners for a taste of local delicacies, and paused at breathtaking vistas for impromptu photo sessions. By the time we reached our destination, we were weary but elated. This trip cemented our friendships, enriched our souls, and left us with stories that we would recount for years to come.

Q1: What was the most memorable part of your car journey?

A1: The most memorable part was an unexpected detour we took through a small village, where we were greeted with warm smiles and invited to a local wedding. It was a heartwarming experience that showcased the unexpected joys of travel.

Q2: How did this journey change your perspective on traveling?

A2: This journey taught me that the soul of travel lies in the journey itself, not just the destination. It's about the experiences and the people you encounter along the way.

Q3: Would you go on a similar long car journey again?

A3: Absolutely! Despite the fatigue, the sense of freedom and the sheer joy of discovery I felt on the road are experiences I would love to relive.

Q4: What advice would you give to someone going on a long car journey?

A4: Be open to the unexpected, pack snacks and water, and make sure your playlist is as long as the road ahead. Most importantly, enjoy every moment and don't just drive, explore!

Tip 1: Practice speaking on a variety of topics to gain flexibility in your responses.

Tip 2: Record yourself to analyze your speech for fluency, pronunciation, and grammatical accuracy.

Tip 3: Stay relaxed and try to use a conversational tone during the test.

Tip 4: Expand your vocabulary to express your ideas more precisely and vividly.

Tip 5: Familiarize yourself with the format of the cue cards and practice structuring your answers.

Tip 6: Incorporate idiomatic language and phrasal verbs to showcase a natural use of English.

Tip 7: Engage with the topic deeply to provide insightful and thoughtful answers.

Tip 8: Use your personal experiences to enrich your narrative and make it more engaging.

Tip 9: Listen carefully to the examiner's questions and be sure to answer all parts fully.

Tip 10: Stay calm and composed, even if you need to correct yourself or ask for clarification.

Describing a long car journey for an IELTS speaking test is not just about flaunting language skills, it's about storytelling. It's about bringing the examiner on the journey with you through your words. By following the tips provided and practicing regularly, you can transform any topic, especially one as rich as a long car journey, into a compelling narrative that showcases your English proficiency and your unique experiences.


Kanika has 5+ years of experience as a writer and content developer. She has written for a wide range of industry verticals, including hospitality, restaurants, non-profits, finance, IT, HR, technology, payroll, and education. She has worked as a creator for a few leading companies and has also helped brands grow through her creative writing.

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Describe a Long Car Journey You went On

Describe a Long Car Journey You went On: Cue Card for IELTS Exam

A speaking section in the IELTS exam is the easiest one if you have understood the whole structure of it. But for this section, make sure you understand and practice to get used to how to frame the answer to score good marks in this section.

For this section in the IELTS exam, you only get 15 mins and in this, you need to express yourself on the topic given to you and answer the follow-up questions. Along with the topic given to you, you will be getting follow-up questions to answer, once you have finished talking.

Here, in this section, you will be made understood about how to prepare the answer in practice sessions and in the main exam through providing you how to answer the cue card topics.

So, let’s look at the sample IELTS cue card topic “Describe a long Car Journey you went on’ and how you can answer it.

Points to Remember for the IELTS Exam Speaking Section Cue Card Topics

If you think that the speaking section only evaluates your English Fluency, then we would like to clarify that it is only one aspect of it. Along with this, you are evaluated in other aspects as well. The other components that you are assessed are:-

  • Use of a wide range of grammatical range
  • Use of vocabulary
  • Use of idioms
  • Focus on  pronunciation
  • Voice modulation

And the things you should avoid while you are answering the questions are:-

  • Don’t Memorize
  • Avoid Using high Vocabulary
  • Don’t speak in one monotone, use voice modulation
  • Don’t use fillers like, Umm, Ahh, take pauses instead.

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How to Answer Cue Card Topics in the IELTS Exam?

To express yourself on the given cue card topic you should prepare the answer by dividing it into 3 parts:- Introduction, Main Body and Closure. While practising you should keep these points in mind and try making improvements with each of the practice sessions you take. If you miss out on these points, you should repeat it again and include these points in your description as these are of utmost importance.

Introduction – Describe a Long Car Journey You went On

When you are collecting all the points to speak in an introduction you should start with how you feel about travelling. Then talk about where you went, was the destination your favourite or what was good about that place.

IELTS Exam Cue Card Topic Answer Module

“I am a traveller and an explorer. I am very fond of travelling and travelling is like a stress buster for me. Travelling for me is a way of venting out all the gloomy feeling, I am not able to express. This is a technique of catharsis for me. I like solo trips but trips with my friends have been the best till now.  I enjoy it a lot when I go out with my friends. So, here I will quote an incident where I went on a long drive with my friends in the car. Not only am I fond of Traveling, but I am also fond of driving and I consider myself to be a good driver. This was a sudden plan for a long drive, that we all friends decided in a time span of 15 minutes.”

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Main Body of IELTS Exam Cue Card Topic Answer Module

For the main part of the cue card answer,  you have to describe the scenario. Why can you keep your answer around the questions ” What you did at this place”, “ Who you went there with”.

Main Body- Describe a Long Car Journey You went On

“It was a sudden plan but we ended up visiting Jaipur. As we haven’t been to Jaipur earlier, this long drive came out to be a good adventurous journey. We all took snacks in between to eat and after we reached the place we were of the thought “What to do now”. But as we were all friends, we came it through and decided on a plan. We went roaming here and there. In Jaipur, We spent all day roaming and enjoying most of it and creating memories.”

Closure – Describe a Long Car Journey You went On

To close your description, you can explain why you went on that journey by car.

“ There was no particular reason why we went to Jaipur, I was with my friends so I didn’t care where we were heading to. As long as I was creating memories with them, it was fun. We didn’t decide the destination, and we were going with the flow. This was not the first time that we went on a long drive without any destination. We all prefer these kinds of drives and when we plan our journey, we end up fighting on various topics like” Where to Go”, “How to go” and  “ What all things to pack”. So We prefer not to plan and just sit in the car and start our new journey and decide while we are on the road.”

Follow Up Questions for Cue Card Topics

As briefed earlier in this section, You will get follow up questions after you end your answer. In follow-up questions, nothing is guaranteed, but usually, you get generic questions and sometimes you get specific questions related to what you said in the description.

So, here are a few follow-up questions that you can get to answer. And keep in mind that if you have memorized another person’s answer then it will be difficult for you to answer these questions, so it is advised to give your individual answer without memorizing other persons.

Follow up questions:-

  • Why do you like Solo Trips?
  • What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference for cars?
  •  What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?
  • Will you prefer a booked car or you borrow from your friends and why?
  • When you plan such a trip what factors do you keep in mind?

Speaking test in IELTS is an easy section once you learn how to structure your answer and what things to avoid. Examiners do not assess you only on the basis of one component but there are other components as well, that are explained above. Try the structure of the cue card topic:- Describe a long car journey you went on, as described above.

Also Read: Describe a Change that can Improve Your Local Area: IELTS Exam Cue Cards

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IELTS Speaking Cue Card

a long car journey ielts speaking

Describe a long car journey you went on

Where you went?

Who you went there with?

What you did at that place?

Explain why you went on that journey by car?

Travelling is my favourite avocation and I often explore many locations with my friends. I usually travel by train or a flight, but I like going on a long car journey with friends which I enjoy to the fullest. Last month, we had a few holidays lined up and decided to go on a vacation with my college friends. I travelled from Mysore to Chikamagalur with my friends Mary and Bobby. 

Chikamagalur is a hill station in Karnataka, located about 200 kilometres away from Mysore. Since we wanted to catch a glimpse of sunrise, we started our journey at the early hours of the day. We packed all necessary luggage an evening prior and loaded it into the car. We began our journey excitedly as the weather seemed pleasant and there was little traffic on the roads and had a few rest stops in between for refreshments.

We visited a lake and a monastery where we meditated for some time and felt rejuvenated . Later, we hiked the famous mountain Mullayanagiri. We had local food at a restaurant called Ashoka specials which had amazing service and delicious food. We stayed in a resort for the night which had comfortable room facilities and bonfire space for us to sit around and have fun. 

We rented a car for two days as the area has a lot of places with eye pleasing sceneries, worth visiting and travelling by local transport is quite difficult. In addition, car journey is comfortable while travelling long distances and is a lot of fun with friends which enables us to sing and laugh without causing disturbance to any others. It was the first time I travelled so far by car that left me with a memorable odyssey .


  • Avocation – a hobby
  • Glimpse – a momentary view
  • Rejuvenated – revitalized 
  • Odyssey – an eventful journey

Part 3 Follow Up - Questions & Answers

1. what will cars be like in the future.

We would probably have flying cars in the future. With the speed at which technology is developing, it is only a matter of time until we see an unbelievable innovation in car manufacturing. However, this could all be just a dream as we do not know what future has in store. We can only wait and watch or try to contribute to such development if possible.

2. What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference on cars?

Preferences based on gender is gradually disappearing in recent times. We see both men and women driving supercars which need superior driving skills. Some prefer small cars that give better mileage and comfort than fancy cars. This is more of a choice and a preference of an individual.

3. What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

The basic difference is bicycle runs mechanically and cars need fuel to be driven. Bicycles are cheaper, economical and environment friendly which also act as a form of exercise making people do physical activity. Although cars are expensive, they provide more comfort and a group of four or five can travel using the same vehicle.

4. Why do people like to have private cars?

Personal cars enable people to have their means of transportation which they can use at any given day and time as they please. Besides, it also acts a symbol of high social status. They also give a comfortable experience even when travelling for long hours while carrying more than two people.

5. Is it a good thing that everyone has his/her own cars?

While cars are convenient to have, they possess an inherent risk to the environment as they are fuel powered and emit dangerous gases into the atmosphere contributing to air pollution. Having more cars also increases traffic problems and demand for fuel. So, it is better to limit owning cars to one or two per family to control the adverse effects of having them.

IELTS Speaking Cue Card - Questions

Describe a long car journey you went on

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Describe a long car journey you went on - cue card # 594, describe a long car journey you went on..

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Describe a long car journey you went on IELTS Cue Card

Describe a long car journey you went on IELTS cue card

126. IELTS Cue Card - Describe a long car journey you went on

In this article, IELTS Game will add number 126 IELTS cue card sample on the series of 2020 cue cards with band 9.0 model answers and part 3 follow up questions that will help you in your IELTS test preparation.

This cue card is related to “Car journey description” topic and asking you to “Describe a long car journey you went on “ and asking IELTS speaking part 3 follow up questions.

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IELTS Cue Card 2020 Sample 126

Describe a long car journey you went on ..

You should say:

  • – Where you went?
  • – What you did at that place?
  • – Who you went there with?
  • – Explain why you went on that journey by car?

Band 9.0 Sample Answer Ideas .

• I have not been on many long journeys by car • Whenever we have to go on a long journey we generally go by bus or train or by air. • Here I am going to talk about a long journey, which I had by car. • Last year my cousin came from Canada and he wanted to see Rajasthan. • My maternal aunt and uncle live in Jaipur • So we decided to visit Jaipur in Rajasthan. • It was too late for train reservation, as my cousin had come for two weeks only. • My uncle has a Toyota Innova, which is a seven-seater car and so my father borrowed it from him for a week. • We were six members – my father my mother my brother my cousin my uncle and I • We started at 6 AM • During our journey we halted at many places • We first stopped at Murthal, where there is a famous Motel, Jhilmil Dhaba, where we had our lunch • Then we stopped at Delhi for tea. • We had minor halts at one or two more places. • Finally we reached my aunt’s house by 7 PM. • She had prepared sumptuous dinner for us. • The next morning we went for sightseeing. • We saw many places such as the Hawa Mahal, City Palace, Amer fort, Maharani Palace and so on. • The next day we went to Chokhi Dhani. • This place has been the mirror of Rajasthani culture since 1989. • We learned a lot about Rajasthani culture over there. • Live dances and music performances went on throughout the evening. • Dinner was included in the entry ticket, and so we had dinner over there only. • The next day we did some shopping. • We enjoyed the hospitality of my aunt and uncle. • We returned home after one week. • This road trip to Rajasthan will always hold pleasant memories for me.

IELTS Speaking part 3 Follow Up Questions .

Here are some follow up questions you may be asked during part 3 IELTS Speaking exam by the IELTS examiner related to 1st cue card:

“Describe a long car journey you went on”

1. What will cars be like in the future?

What the future has in store no one can tell, but as far as I can see there will be cars running on alternative sources of energy.

Already we have cars which do not use petrol or diesel and run on electricity.

However in future we may see cars running on solar power, biodiesel or other alternative sources. We may even see flying cars.

2. What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference on cars?

Gender differences are disappearing nowadays, and there is hardly any difference in men’s and women’s preference on cars.

It is an individual preference. Some people like bigger cars and some like smaller cars. Some people like sports cars and some like luxury cars.

For within the city use, people prefer small cars and for long drives people prefer big cars.

Both men and women like all types of cars.

3. What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

There are a lot of differences between bicycles and private cars.

Bicycles are cheaper, in fact much cheaper than private cars. Bicycles do not require any fuel to operate.

Bicycles help people to remain healthy as riding a bicycle involves some form of exercise.

Riding a bicycle also does not require any license. Cars, on the other hand are helpful when the whole family has to go out together.

Cars are especially helpful when there are elderly or disabled people at home.

Cars are also useful in adverse weather conditions. Cars are safer than bicycles especially where there are no separate lanes for bicycles.

4. Why do people like to have private cars?

People like to have private cars because they are very comfortable to go from one place to the other.

They are very helpful when there are elderly or disabled people at home.

They are very helpful when the whole family has to go out together. They are also helpful in adverse weather conditions.

Finally having a private car is a status symbol.

5. What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

Bicycles are eco-friendly vehicles. These are cheaper and also good for our health.

But cars are better when we have to travel long distances.

Cars are also better when weather conditions are harsh outside, such as rain or storm. Cars are safer than bicycles.

Bicycles are safe only if there are separate lanes for bicycles.

6. Is it a good thing that everyone has his/her own cars?

It is definitely not good if everyone has his/her own car. Already there is too much congestion on the roads.

If every person will have own car then there will be parking problems and traffic jams and too much pollution.

7. How to buy private cars in India?

It is easy to buy a car in India. You have to go to a showroom and pay the money and buy a car of your choice.

Easy monthly instalments are also available. Some people also go for bank loans to buy a car.

8. Do many families own private cars in India?

Yes, many families own private cars in India. Now, the car has become very affordable.

There is a car to suit every pocket. For example, Tata Nano is called the poor man’s car.

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IELTS Speaking topic: A long car journey you went on

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Describe a long car journey you went on. You should say: where you went what you did at this place who you went there with and explain why you went on that journey by car.

The long car journey I’ve ever had was in last Spring Festival when we had 14-day vacation, so my family decided to have a trip to Shanghai by car. There were three people of us, so we thought that driving was a more economical and convenient way. We left Beijing about 7 o’clock in the morning and drove southward.

We didn’t constantly drive along but visited several other cities as well during our trip. For example, we stayed in the city of Xuzhou in the Jiangsu Province for two days because it was a historical city and there were many famous cultural heritage. After about four-day driving, we finally reached our destination. We visited many renowned places, like the bustling City God Temple, and peaceful Century Park, the gorgeous Yu Garden, and the breath-taking Pudong skyline, and tasted lots of indigenous food.

Travelling by our own car enables us to plan our itinerary freely, so that we can go somewhere very conveniently and don’t have to waste our time in the train station and airport. Besides, we can take and buy lots of things on the way and then put them in our car, which always makes our travelling fruitful.


This post has 12 comments.

Hi, please keep on writing especially for the new IELTS Speaking topics. Thank you so much!

Hi, can you also give a speaking topic sample? Describe a person who has apologized to you

Than you in advance

Please share 2016 ielts topic for exam preparation who already gave ielts speaking exam in January.

Hi … maybe there is an error… heritage is an uncountable noun…

Yes, you are right. Corrected, thank you.

if there is additional audio file updated, which would be much better. : )

Yes, thanks for your advise. But I have no more time to do that work currently.

thanku so much for new topics.i hope that you will give more recent topic.

Yes, thanku so much for new topic.

Today is my speaking test…..please tell me the latest topics …..

hi merily…… merily…… thank you

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IELTS Speaking topic: A dream you have had

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Janice Thompson

Updated On Dec 11, 2023


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Describe a journey that you remember well – IELTS Cue Card

Guide to Achieving Band 8+ on IELTS Speaking Cue Cards

In IELTS Speaking, you should focus on one idea only and then expand that idea into a long meaningful sentence using grammar patterns and vocabulary. So, try practising this topic for Part 2 of the cue card for your IELTS Speaking and achieve a good score!

Describe a journey that you remember well.

You should say:

  • Where did you go?
  • How did you travel?
  • Why did you go on the journey?

Sample Answer 1

Last year, I had the pleasure of embarking on the most memorable trip of my life. It was a trip from Patiala to Shimla, which is a distance of around 160 miles by automobile. It was my first self-driving travel experience.

My friends called me a week before my 24th birthday to inquire about my plans. We decided to go to Shimla and celebrate my birthday there on the spur of the moment. After completing my driving lessons and acquiring my driver’s license, I advised doing the road trip in our car. So, I requested my father lend me his car.

I was accompanied by four of my closest friends. They were concerned since I had never driven in a steep area before. However, I assured them that the ride would be pleasant. We had no clue about the road conditions while planning the route, and it was made worse by leaving the highway for a time; anyhow, the following 10 kilometers or so were on some of the worst, never-ending roads. As a result, it took us around 4 hours to get to the Shimla hotel we had reserved. Regardless, contrary to my worries, driving on hills was not difficult, and this was the first lesson that gave me the confidence to drive on hills.

Overall, the journey was delightful. We all had a good time on vacation. Fortunately, because it was a holiday, the roads were mostly empty. However, it took a long time to get there since we stopped at numerous places for food and beverages. There was a lot of merriment there, and we weren’t in the mood to leave sooner.

Sample Answer 2

Journeys have always been an enjoyable part of my life. Every trip has taught me something fruitful, and I have become a better person at the end of every trip. Also, by planning and executing random trips, I have enhanced my observation skills to a great extent. The knowledge I have gathered through these trips is tough to accumulate through other means.

So, to tell you about a journey that is still immaculate in my conscious, it is the last travel that I arranged. So, all this while, I wanted to visit secluded and quaint places. However, my previous trip was to Ladakh – one of the dream places of almost every adventure lover.

Initially, I had decided to travel by cab as Ladakh is approximately 800 km from my place. But I changed this decision all because of one video on Instagram. While scrolling through this social media platform, I stumbled upon a video that showcased snow-laden mountains captured from an airplane’s window on the way to Ladakh. The mesmerizing beauty of those mountains compelled me to drop the idea of traveling by cab, and I booked plane tickets.

I am an adventure lover, and Ladakh is one of the prettiest places on the earth. I visited there for its scenic beauty, to try delectable cuisines, relish colorful local festivals, explore gompas and monasteries, and rejuvenate and relax.

Sample Answer 3

Journeys, after all, are always unforgettable. It exposes us to new experiences and allows us to unwind ourselves. I like traveling because it allows me to explore new places and experience new things around the world. However, there are certain travels on which I have had less than good encounters. I would like to discuss one such journey. 

I went on a road trip with my friends around three months ago. It was my first extended road trip with my friends, and it was the most unforgettable event of my life. Because my friends and I don’t get to see each other very frequently due to our busy job schedules, we decided to take a long road journey from Punjab to Rajasthan. Ten of our friends decided to come along, so we managed two cars accordingly. 

Everyone was requested to arrive at a mutually agreed-upon location on the scheduled day of the voyage. However, due to tremendous traffic congestion that none of us had expected, everyone was an hour late. Thus, our adventure began after considerable hardship. Nevertheless, because of the nature of the trip, it was a joyful and exhilarating experience for me. For a few hours, everything was working well, and everyone was having a great time. We were enjoying our little giggles, and the sight of the road flanked by trees. There was relaxing music playing in the background, and we were enjoying our fullest. 

 Suddenly, our journey was interrupted by accident. The first car in the lineup came to a complete stop because a youngster was crossing the road in a hurry, and the rest of the cars crashed because they couldn’t control their speed. Everyone was upset and anxious for a few hours. After that, everyone felt sad and worried. After that, the thrill of the trip vanished, and towards the end of the journey, we just hoped to reach our destination safely.

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  • Unwind (verb) – relax after a period of work or tension. Eg : Music is a good way to unwind. 
  • Encounter (verb) – unexpectedly be faced with or experience (something hostile or difficult). Eg : I have had a brief encounter with a wild dog. 
  • Tremendous (adj) – very great in amount, scale, or intensity. Eg : We witnessed tremendous change in our country.
  • Exhilarating (adj) – making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling. Eg : An exhilarating workout is a great way to start the day. 
  • Interrupted (adj) – changing direction abruptly Eg : The meeting was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

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30 + Difficult IELTS Cue Card Topics with Answer pdf

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Describe a long Car Journey you went on - IELTS speaking cue card


Meridean Overseas

Updated On 10 January 2024 & Read Time 8 minutes

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Speaking is an art that demands adequate attention and goes beyond simply showcasing one's extensive vocabulary. The cue card section of the IELTS speaking test gives you the opportunity to showcase your language proficiency and freely express yourself. Don't worry if the thought of speaking for two minutes straight makes you anxious!

The goal of this blog is to help readers understand the intricacies of responding to the following typical IELTS speaking cue card question: "Describe a long Car Journey you went on." This topic's selection highlights the value of individual ideas and perspectives while enabling test-takers to showcase their language skills.

Table of Contents

Describe a long Car Journey you went on - Sample 1

Describe a long car journey you went on - sample 2, ielts speaking part 3 - follow up questions.

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Well, travelling is my passion. Though I like taking trains for long-distance trips as it is convenient and safe. However, in this section, I will recount the longest but most exciting vehicle drive.

Where did you go

My college friends and I planned a trip as we needed a break after a very long exam schedule. My friends and I decided to take a tour of Jaipur, which is popularly known as the Pink City of India. We were very excited to visit this fantastic location, which was full of historical monuments and aesthetic forts, for the first time. For this trip, we opted to take a car journey. We decided to take this journey in the morning.  It was easy for me to wake up early because I am an early bird. We started the journey before 5 a.m. We arrived in Jaipur late at night and directly checked into a hotel.

What did you do at that place?

As Jaipur is known for its historical architectural marvel, we visited various famous heritage places there, such as the Hawa Mahal, Govind Dev Ji temple, Jal Mahal, City Palace, Amer Fort, J aigarh Fort, Albert Hall Museum, and Jantar Mantar, among other breathtakingly gorgeous architectural structure s. I could not believe how magnificent these places were. Apart from that, we went handicraft shopping and found some tempting items. We also went to some local eateries to try some of the authentic food of Rajasthan, which was churma dal bati. More specifically, we travelled by car because it was the quickest and most comfortable way to get to our location.

Also, Read: IELTS Cue Card: Describe an Interesting Conversation that you had

Well, I like to travel and explore new places when I have free time. I usually want to go on at least one family vacation every year because it gives me the chance to spend time with my loved ones. I have been part of several long drive-through automobiles, but one journey stands out in my memory and deserves to be mentioned.

Where did you go?

Just after the pandemic, when lockdown was over. I and my family decided to take a trip to Rishikesh. We decided on this destination, as it was perfect for youngsters like me and my cousins as well as for the older members of the family. For youngsters, there were a lot of adventurous activities, while for elders, there were a lot of temples and ashrams.

Who do you go there with?

So, in total, there were 7 people in the family who went for a trip along with one driver. We booked an 8-seater car via a travel agency. As it was almost a 10-hour journey, we went there by car. We began our journey at 5 a.m. because we had a big way to travel. We also wanted to enjoy the lovely weather in the morning, and there is less traffic on the highways when you start your travel early.

Rishikesh is also known for its adventurous activities and tranquil vibe. So, we enjoyed myriad interesting adventure sports such as river rafting, camping, trekking, and paragliding. It is also the first city to introduce bungee jumping in India, so we enjoyed that as well . In addition, Rishikesh is home to a large number of ashrams, some of which are renowned globally as hubs for yoga, philosophy studies, and other age-old Indian healing practices. In order to strengthen our ties to the religion, we also went to those ashrams. Finally, but just as importantly, we witnessed the captivating aarti at Triveni Ghat.

Also, Read:  IELTS Cue Card: Describe a Person who Impressed you in Primary School

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Question: What will cars be like in the future?

Answer : Since the future cannot be foretold, it can be inferred from scientific breakthroughs that the state of cars will drastically change in the future. It's possible that the automobiles will run only on CNG or on solar energy. In addition, it's possible that in the future, all cars will be electronic.

Question: What’s the difference between men’s and women’s preference on cars?

Answer : There is no difference between men's and women's preferences for cars in the present period because gender differences are diminishing. While some people choose tiny cars, others favour large ones. It doesn't matter what big the automobile is—both men and women choose cars that make driving more comfortable and fall under their budget.

Question: What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

Answer : There are numerous differences between personal vehicles and bicycles. When it comes to transportation, bicycles are not only more affordable but also environmentally good because they run on fuel and promote human health. However, compared to bicycles, private automobiles are able to transport a larger number of passengers at once, making them particularly useful for those with disabilities and in emergency situations. 

Question: Why do people like to have private cars?

Answer : In all honesty, there are a number of reasons why people prefer owning their own cars. For example, they can go to their destination in inclement weather, they feel more at ease in their own vehicle, and they prefer private transportation when they are travelling in a group, with family, or with friends. 

Question: Is it a good thing that everyone has his/her own cars?

Answer : No, it is not at all good for everyone to drive their own cars as this leads to traffic jams, air pollution, and accidents. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone should take public transit as much as possible in order to help reduce air pollution.

Question: How to buy private cars in India?

Answer : In an automobile showroom, enquiring is really easy. They will get in touch with you, choose a certain model, and be fully knowledgeable about the brand and model. Secondly, you can apply for a loan at any bank by making a small down payment. In India, people purchase cars in this manner. 

Question: Do many families own private cars in India?

Answer : When people need to buy a car or other vehicle, they can do so easily and quickly at the dealership. Additionally, there are two ways to pay for an item: if the full price is paid, the person can purchase the car; if not, they must pay a certain amount and have the option to pay the remaining balance through EMI. 

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To sum up, the IELTS Speaking Cue Card task "Describe a long Car Journey you went on" gives applicants a chance to show off their language proficiency while narrating personal experiences. Candidates can demonstrate their ability to describe prior events, use language appropriately, and speak coherently and fluently by giving a thorough review of the travel and including pertinent facts. All things considered, applicants can strengthen their narrative skills and confidently take on this cue card problem in the IELTS Speaking exam with practice.

We hope this blog has helped you understand how to answer the IELTS speaking cue card questions. However, if you have doubts, contact our expert counsellors at M eridean Overseas Education Consultants (MOEC) . You can also take free online counselling through our website. Our expert counsellors will provide you with the best support and guidance you need for admission and visa. In addition, they will help you shortlist the universities according to your profile. For more information or any queries, contact [email protected] or 1800-1230-00011 .

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Describe a long car journey you went on | IELTS speaking Cue card |

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In the IELTS speaking test, the candidate is required to speak on a topic for about 1 to 2 minutes. The pattern of IELTS exam is designed to check the understanding level of English. The important thing to keep in mind that the topic given in IELTS speaking test cannot be changed. With the speaking topic, 3 to 4 cues are provided which helps candidates to answer the question to the point.

Describe a long car journey you went on

  • Where you went
  • What you did at this place
  • Who you went there with
  • Explain why you went on that journey by car

Well, I love to go by car on a long journey. In fact, it gives freedom to stop anywhere and enjoy the locations which are not feasible while travelling in public transport. Besides, exotic places can be seen which are not approachable by buses. A couple of years back, I went with my friends to ______ which is a small town in the north part of my country. It is a remote region and it’s about 400KM away from my home. We were four people and left the city in the evening so that maximum distance can be covered in the night. There is another tourist destination on the way, where we already planned to stay for one day and we reached that place by morning. There we enjoyed the place and went to the market to purchase some souvenir. On the very next day, early in the morning, we left toward our final destination. On the way, I was mesmerised by the looking at the natural beauty and when the car passed through the snow-clad mountains. I really enjoyed that breathtaking views of lush green landscapes sideways and mountain peaks. We also enjoyed bathing in a waterfall which had ice-cold water.  There we visited a number of tourist places. All the local people were very welcoming. Well, this was a long tour that I went on my car.

Here is the list of the latest cue cards which are released every four months.

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IELTS exam is conducted all around the world and there are two types of exam Academic and General exam. Many people join IELTS preparation classes or coaching centres to improve their English skills. This helps many candidates to increase their band scores. On labotrees, you can IELTS preparation material for free.

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  • IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Topic : Smile
  • Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did | IELTS Speaking Cue Card
  • Describe a skill that you learned from older people | Cue Card
  • Describe a school you went to in your childhood | IELTS speaking Cue card |
  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Talk about an equipment that was broken and you got repaired (or which had a problem)

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Describe a place where you read and write, apart from your home | IELTS speaking Cue card |

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  • Use an opener.
  • Answer the question by paraphrasing.
  • Use different tenses/structures.
  • Include fluency markers and linking words. 
  • Use some less common vocabulary (as seen below) 

a long car journey ielts speaking

02 Useful Vocabulary 

Read the below definitions. Then complete the quiz that follows.

  • To push on (v)  - to continue on a journey. 
  • To come up with (v)  - to think of an idea, plan or solution. 
  • Safe and sound (adj) - usually used when we talk about the end of a trip. It means not hurt or damaged. 
  • To commute (v)  - to make the same journey regularly between work and home. 
  • To set off (v)   -  to begin a journey. 
  • Arduous (adj)  - involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

Now, take the quiz. More than one answer may be possible. Choose the most appropriate answer.

03 Listen and fill in the blanks

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Describe an interesting conversation that you had: IELTS cue card

  • Updated On March 5, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

“Describe an interesting conversation that you had” is one of the popular cue card topics asked in the speaking section. You can briefly describe your well-known idol or public figure in the country.

Table of Contents

The IELTS Test is trusted by 12,000 organisations globally. The test is divided into four parts-

  • Reading Section
  • Writing Section
  • Speaking Section 
  • Listening section.

The IELTS speaking part 2 is usually the Individual long run or cue card sections. In this section, the examiner will give you a topic to speak about.

In this cue card section, you will describe the incident where you had an interesting conversation with someone. You can describe your personal experiences in your answer.

This blog will discuss the IELTS cue card “Describe an interesting conversation that you had”. You will understand how to answer this Cue Card section with sample answers which are impressive and effective.

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How to Answer the Cue Card: Describe an interesting conversation that you had

Once you are assigned the topic and your preparation time starts- you should start preparing your answer.

To answer the question, you must start with the introduction, give details about the topic, and provide concluding remarks to conclude your topic. For the same, you can address all the aspects (usually 3-4) related to the topic, such as:

Describe the person with whom you had the conversation

Mention the location where it happened with the person

  • Explain the conversation you had with the person

Describe an Interesting Conversation that You Had: Sample Answer 1

Sometimes, talking to people helps us learn from each other. I had one such conversation where I learned some life lessons.

I talked with my mother when I was not feeling well and wanted to take some personal space to analyse myself.

Last month, when I was feeling mentally drained, my mother took some time for me and gave me advice on how to manage time as I was not able to do time. She gave other advice, too, to help me out.

I will always cherish and abide by the life lessons my mother gave me, as they will help me grow. Conversations like these helped build a bond with my mother.

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Describe an interesting conversation that you had: IELTS cue card

Describe an Interesting Conversation that You Had: Sample Answer 2

I prefer having profound conversations with the elders, my grandfather being one of them.  

During the partition, my grandfather was ten years old. And it is mesmerising to see how vividly he remembers his journey from the newly found Pakistan to India. I asked him further questions as his parents must have experienced the situation.

So, I visited Kolkata – my maternal grandparents’ house- last week. While everybody else had their hands complete with chores, I stole some time from my grandfather to speak with him.

And then, when he talked about the struggles and the milestones he achieved. I genuinely believed my grandfather’s life was nothing less than an inspiring story.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Discussion

After completing the speaking part 2 test, the examiner might ask follow-up questions related to the cue card topic in speaking part 3 or the discussion round. 

We have curated some follow-up questions with answers for your better understanding.

Q. According to you, what is better, face-to-face or phone conversation?

Answer. In my opinion, any important or serious talk should be done face-to-face, and smaller conversations can be over the phone. I prefer talking face-to-face for a better understanding of the conversation and the personal essence of talking face-to-face.

Q. Why do you think the younger generation face problems conversing with people?

Answer. Today, the younger generation is active mainly on the phone. The youngsters usually avoid outdoor activities and social gatherings. Digitalisation has increased the discomfort among the younger generation in getting along with people.

Q. What do you think is an excellent way to start a conversation?

Answer. The best ways to start a conversation are to begin by breaking the ice with the person and then start with general questions like dislikes and likes. Slowly, you can ask personal questions once the person is comfortable.

Q. What are the disadvantages of being famous?

Answer. The disadvantages of being famous are that their life is difficult being private, they can’t live like an ordinary man in society, and sometimes people try to blame everything on the person who is famous about whatever is going wrong around in the world.

Q. How to disagree with an opinion in a conversation?

Answer. Politely, you can disagree with an opinion in a conversation. You don’t need to always agree with the 2nd person in the conversation. Humbly and with respect, you should disagree with the statement.

The IELTS speaking test is of a relatively smaller duration than other IELTS test parts. However, the weightage of the score band is equally divided among all the test sections, that is, writing, reading, listening and speaking. To ace the cue card section, you should practice similar topics every day to understand the section better.

Contact Leap Scholar today to learn more and get in-depth guidance in your IELTS test preparation!

Here are some similar Cue Card topics to practice:

  • IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a  person who you believe dresses well 
  • IELTS CUE CARD: Describe an invention changed the peoples life 
  • IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a cafe you like to visit 
  • IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a Time When You Observed the Stars 
  • IELTS CUE CARD: Describe a long car journey you went on

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what is the marking scheme for the ielts speaking test.

A. The marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test is based on the following criteria: -Fluency in the language -Grammar accuracy -Punctuation.

 Q. What is the duration of the IELTS speaking part 2?

A. The duration of the IELTS speaking part 2 or cue card section is as follows: The section is for 3-4 minutes. The whole section is further divided into two parts: -Preparation time: 1 minute. -Speaking time: 2-3 minutes.

Q. What is the duration of the speaking test?

A. The total duration of the speaking test is 11 to 14 minutes. The speaking test is divided into three parts. -Part 1: the introduction round (4-5 minutes)  -Part 2: the cue card section (3-4 minutes)  -Part 3: the discussion round (4-5 minutes).

Q. How do you prepare your answer for 2 minutes in IELTS speaking?

A. When the examiner gives you the cue card, it also contains hints related to the topic. So, during the preparation of 1 min, you should strategise your answer and write any phrases or keywords that come to your mind. You should use the time to structure and frame the answer. Once your speaking time starts, start with the answer directly and complete it within the time allotted in the right tone.

Q. What are the other commonly asked cue card topics?

A. The other commonly asked cue card topics are: -Describe an activity that you do after school/work cue card -Describe a long car journey you went on cue card -Describe a person who you believe dresses well -Describe A Cafe You Like To Visit IELTS Cue Card -Describe an invention changed the people’s life IELTS cue card -Describe a person who impressed you in primary school cue card.

Q. Is the speaking test for Academic and General the same?

A. Yes, there is no difference between the academic and general speaking tests. The duration of the speaking test is 11-14 mins in total. The speaking test is usually based on a one-to-one interview with the examiner. The speaking test is done in 3 rounds: -The introduction round -The cue card section or long run individual round -The discussion round.

Q. How do you frame your answer in 1 minute?

A. You can frame your answer during the preparation time of 1 minute. You should divide your topic into sub-parts and try to frame your answer accordingly.

Q. What are the fees for the IELTS test?

A. The fee for the IELTS test is 16,250 INR. The computer test fee for the IELTS test has been revised to 16,500 INR. Please note that the test fees are subject to change, and you should keep checking the official website for further information.

Q. Can I disagree with the examiner’s opinion?

A. Yes, you can disagree with the examiner’s opinion. You should know that your views are not considered in the evaluation. The examiner evaluates the factors such as: – Fluency  – Pronunciation – Accuracy of grammar.

Q. Can I exceed the time limit during the speaking test?

A. You cannot exceed the time limit during the speaking test. If your answer is too long, the examiner can stop you from answering and move on to the next question. It is the natural process of the exam, and your marks won’t be deducted. 

Q. How do you find resources for practising cue-card topics?

A. The various resources that are available for practising cue-card topics are: – Online Platform – Books – IELTS prep by leap Scholar website.

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  • Describe a Skill That you can teach other people
  • Describe a Place you Visited Where the Air was Polluted
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  • Describe a Toy you Liked in Childhood
  • Describe an Interesting Neighbour
  • Describe a Competition You Would Like to Take Part In
  • Describe an interesting activity that you remember enjoying most in your Primary School
  • Describe Your Childhood Friend
  • Describe an Object You Find Particularly Beautiful
  • Describe a Place Where you are Able to Relax
  • Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot
  • Describe a place where you would like to go to relax
  • Describe a period when you were busy
  • Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve
  • Describe a situation when you helped someone
  • Describe a job you would not like to do in the future
  • Describe a time when you used a map
  • Describe a skill that you learned in your childhood
  • Describe an unusual holiday you had
  • Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else
  • Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home
  • Describe A Time You Successfully Did Something Difficult
  • Describe Something in Your Country That You Are Interested In
  • Describe a Beautiful City
  • Describe something you do regularly that helps you work and study better
  • Describe a photo that you took and are proud of
  • Describe a party that you enjoyed
  • Describe a useful object in your home that you can’t live without
  • Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
  • Describe an occasion when someone or something made noise
  • Describe a sportsperson that you admire
  • Describe something that you picked up that was thrown by someone else
  • Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways
  • Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with

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A Female test taker talks to an IELTS examiner during the IELTS Speaking test

IELTS Speaking band scores

Find out what English-language skills IELTS examiners look for in your Speaking test, how your Speaking band scores are calculated and more.

The IELTS Speaking test assesses your ability to communicate in English. The examiner awards band scores for your spoken English-language skills. The Speaking test will take place in a face-to-face interview with a qualified IELTS examiner in a quiet room.

IELTS Speaking tests are conducted by trained and certified IELTS examiners. They must hold a relevant teaching qualification and have extensive teaching experience to become an IELTS examiner. When assessing your performance, they work with clearly defined criteria to assess your Speaking test.

Examiners assess your performance against 4 criteria. Fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9. Each whole and half band score corresponds to a level of English-language competence.

To find out more about the assessment criteria used by IELTS examiners, search online for the IELTS Speaking public band descriptors.

Find out how speaking performances vary across bands 5 to 8 in the IELTS Speaking test.

Band scores

Speaking band scores, ircc releases new sds scores for english language tests.

IRCC announces that IELTS Academic test takers require lower overall band score than other tests.

Featured news and articles

IELTS Speaking: AI vs face-to-face speaking with an examiner

Is my accent hurting my IELTS Speaking score?

5 tips to practice your pronunciation in IELTS Speaking

Vocabulary to help prepare for common IELTS topics

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

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Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Distance

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Elektrostal Map

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Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal weather.

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Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Elektrostal Nearby

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There is no IELTS test center listed for Elektrostal' but you may be able to take your test in an alternative test center nearby. Please choose an appropriate test center that is closer to you or is most suitable for your test depending upon location or availability of test.

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Moscow, Russia

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An Overview of the IELTS

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is designed to measure English proficiency for educational, vocational and immigration purposes. The IELTS measures an individual's ability to communicate in English across four areas of language: listening , reading , writing and speaking . The IELTS is administered jointly by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment at over 1,100 test centres and 140 countries. These test centres supervise the local administration of the test and recruit, train and monitor IELTS examiners.

IELTS tests are available on 48 fixed dates each year, usually Saturdays and sometimes Thursdays, and may be offered up to four times a month at any test centre, including Elektrostal' depending on local needs. Go to IELTS test locations to find a test centre in or nearby Elektrostal' and to check for upcoming test dates at your test centre.

Test results are available online 13 days after your test date. You can either receive your Test Report Form by post or collect it from the Test Centre. You will normally only receive one copy of the Test Report Form, though you may ask for a second copy if you are applying to the UK or Canada for immigration purposes - be sure to specify this when you register for IELTS. You may ask for up to 5 copies of your Test Report Form to be sent directly to other organisations, such as universities.

There are no restrictions on re-sitting the IELTS. However, you would need to allow sufficient time to complete the registration procedures again and find a suitable test date.


The reading, writing and listening practice tests on this website have been designed to resemble the format of the IELTS test as closely as possible. They are not, however, real IELTS tests; they are designed to practise exam technique to help students to face the IELTS test with confidence and to perform to the best of their ability.

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Current time by city

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For example, Sydney

Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

City coordinates

Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


  1. IELTS Speaking topic: A long car journey you went on

    a long car journey ielts speaking

  2. Describe A Long Car Journey You Went On

    a long car journey ielts speaking

  3. My Memorable IELTS Speaking Experience: Recounting a Long Car Journey

    a long car journey ielts speaking


    a long car journey ielts speaking

  5. Describe a long car journey you went on

    a long car journey ielts speaking

  6. Describe a long car journey you went on

    a long car journey ielts speaking


  1. Describe a long car journey cue card with follow ups//cue card may to august//ieltswithAman


  3. Follow ups :- Describe a long car journey you went on follow ups MAY-AUGUST 2023 cue card|| Easy||

  4. Latest Cue card: Describe a long car journey you went on

  5. Describe A (Long) Car Journey You Went On

  6. IELTS Speaking part 2: describe a car journey that you remember well


  1. Describe A (long) Car Journey You Went On IELTS Cue Card

    21. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others IELTS Cue Card. 22. Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting IELTS Cue Card. Describe a (long) car journey you went on IELTS Cue Card.In the modern era, we have many options to visit our favourite places.

  2. Describe A Long Car Journey You Went On

    First is, people buy a vehicle to show their high status. Second, cars are very comfortable for long-distance because vehicles can cover the long-distance within a few minutes or hours.Moreover, it is beneficial old and disables people who can not use a bicycle and not able to walk correctly. 5.

  3. Describe a long car journey you went on

    Conclusion. To sum up, the IELTS speaking cue card task "Describe a long car journey you went on" gives applicants a chance to show off their language proficiency while narrating personal experiences. Candidates can demonstrate their ability to describe prior events, use language appropriately, and speak coherently and fluently by thoroughly ...

  4. Describe a (long) car journey you went on

    Sample Answer: A few months ago, I embarked on a long car journey to visit a picturesque coastal town called Portville. It was a much-anticipated trip that I had been looking forward to for quite some time. Accompanied by my family, we set off early in the morning with excitement and anticipation. The journey to Portville was approximately five ...

  5. Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On

    Preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test requires effort, particularly in Part 2 - the Cue Card segment, when articulation and coherence are critical. Among the many subjects you may discuss, recounting a long car journey cue card question jumps out. In this attempt, Yocket emerges as a light of support, providing various resources and individual assistance targeted to your specific requirements.

  6. A car journey

    Part 2 & 3 - A car journey - (May ~ Dec 2023) Part 2 -. Last year, I went on a car journey with my family to a nearby hill station. We started early in the morning and the journey took us around 5 hours. We had planned this trip for a long time, and we were all excited to finally go on it. During the journey, we listened to music and ...

  7. Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On

    Tips for Cracking the IELTS Speaking Test: Tip 1: Practice speaking on a variety of topics to gain flexibility in your responses. Tip 2: Record yourself to analyze your speech for fluency, pronunciation, and grammatical accuracy. Tip 3: Stay relaxed and try to use a conversational tone during the test. Tip 4: Expand your vocabulary to express ...

  8. Describe a Long Car Journey You went On: Cue Card for IELTS Exam

    Speaking test in IELTS is an easy section once you learn how to structure your answer and what things to avoid. Examiners do not assess you only on the basis of one component but there are other components as well, that are explained above. Try the structure of the cue card topic:- Describe a long car journey you went on, as described above.

  9. Describe a (long) car journey you went on

    Describe a car journey you went onYou should say:- Where you went- What you did at that place- Who you went there with- Explain why you went on that journey ...

  10. Describe a long car journey you went on

    In addition, car journey is comfortable while travelling long distances and is a lot of fun with friends which enables us to sing and laugh without causing disturbance to any others. It was the first time I travelled so far by car that left me with a memorable odyssey. Vocabulary: Avocation - a hobby. Glimpse - a momentary view.

  11. Describe a long car journey you went on

    Cue Card Topic: Describe a long car journey you went on. 1. My recent trip on the Columbia Scenic Highway was impressive. The road offered beautiful natural views, and the journey was fascinating. The landscape by the side of the road was breathtaking. 2. The journey on Northern Ireland's coastal route a few months ago was highly delightful.

  12. Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On- IELTS Cue Card

    Meaning: a long trip or period involving a lot of different and exciting activities. Eg.: Odyssey and explorations have always been my priorities. Random. Meaning: unplanned. Eg.: Everything was decided on a random basis and was not rehearsed well. Excogitate. Meaning: to think of a plan.

  13. Describe a long car journey you went on IELTS Cue Card

    126. IELTS Cue Card -. Describe a long car journey you went on. In this article, IELTS Game will add number 126 IELTS cue card sample on the series of 2020 cue cards with band 9.0 model answers and part 3 follow up questions that will help you in your IELTS test preparation. This cue card is related to "Car journey description" topic and ...

  14. IELTS Speaking topic: A long car journey you went on

    Describe a long car journey you went on. and explain why you went on that journey by car. The long car journey I've ever had was in last Spring Festival when we had 14-day vacation, so my family decided to have a trip to Shanghai by car. There were three people of us, so we thought that driving was a more economical and convenient way.

  15. Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On: IELTS Cue Card

    In the IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 is also known as the Cue Card section or the individual long turn. In this section, you are given a cue card with a topic to speak about. You have one minute to prepare your response and speak for up to two minutes on the topic . This test evaluates your ability to speak fluently, coherently, and accurately on ...

  16. Describe a journey that you remember well

    Describe a journey that you remember well - IELTS Cue Card. In IELTS Speaking, you should focus on one idea only and then expand that idea into a long meaningful sentence using grammar patterns and vocabulary. So, try practising this topic for Part 2 of the cue card for your IELTS Speaking and achieve a good score!

  17. Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

    The goal of this blog is to help readers understand the intricacies of responding to the following typical IELTS speaking cue card question: "Describe a long Car Journey you went on." This topic's selection highlights the value of individual ideas and perspectives while enabling test-takers to showcase their language skills.

  18. Describe a long car journey you went on

    The pattern of IELTS exam is designed to check the understanding level of English. The important thing to keep in mind that the topic given in IELTS speaking test cannot be changed. With the speaking topic, 3 to 4 cues are provided which helps candidates to answer the question to the point. Describe a long car journey you went on. Where you went.

  19. Ielts Speaking Part 2: Describe a Long Journey

    To come up with (v) - to think of an idea, plan or solution. Safe and sound (adj)- usually used when we talk about the end of a trip. It means not hurt or damaged. To commute (v) - to make the same journey regularly between work and home. To set off (v) - to begin a journey. Arduous (adj) - involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and ...

  20. Describe an interesting conversation that you had IELTS Cue Card

    2-3 minutes. Preparation Time. 1 minute. In this cue card section, you will describe the incident where you had an interesting conversation with someone. You can describe your personal experiences in your answer. This blog will discuss the IELTS cue card "Describe an interesting conversation that you had". You will understand how to answer ...

  21. How are your IELTS Speaking scores calculated?

    Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9. Each whole and half band score corresponds to a level of English-language competence. To find out more about the assessment criteria used by IELTS examiners, search online for the IELTS Speaking public band descriptors. Comparing speaking performances across ...

  22. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  23. IELTS test centers and test dates 2024 in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    The IELTS measures an individual's ability to communicate in English across four areas of language: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The IELTS is administered jointly by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment at over 1,100 test centres and 140 countries.

  24. Custom Fireplace Contractors & Installers in Elektrostal'

    Search 151 Elektrostal' custom fireplace contractors & installers to find the best fireplace contractor for your project. See the top reviewed local fireplace services and installers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  25. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.