
Lo mejor en fiestas para cada ocasión: decoraciones, manualidades, inspiración y mucho más

Fiesta safari 1 año

Fiesta de Safari | 35 Ideas para decorar el cumpleaños

Descubre como decorar una fiesta de Safari para niño, inspirate con las mejores ideas para diseñar, centros de mesa de safari, una torta de Safari o animalitos de la selva, ideas para elaborar bolsitas de safari para dulceros, un montón de ideas bonitas para crear la mejor decoración de safari con globos y mucho más. 

Swahili , idioma de África, y esta a su vez deriva del árabe “safar”,   que puede traducirse como “viaje” … Adentremonos a la aventura de una nueva temática en donde los animales de la Selva y el follaje natural propio de este ecosistema llega a formar parte de los elementos más bonitos que deberás usar para montar una increíble decoración en la  Fiesta de Safari para niños. 

Ponle fecha a la excurisión y nosotros te damos la insipiración para que logres la mejor  decoración Safari para fiesta infantil utilizando detalles de la naturaleza e imágenes de Jirafas, cebras, antílopes, búfalos, leones, jaguares y tigres para representar en su totalidad el paisaje propio de un Safari, así que comencemos que este libro de ideas te encantará pues son muchas ideas bonitas que hemos recopilado para ayudarte a organizar tu  fiesta animales de la selva. 

Fiesta de safari

 Ideas para decorar una Fiesta de Safari

Adentremonos al mundo mágico de la Selva montando una hermosa decoración en la Fiesta de Safari que seguramente estás organizando, no pierdas detalles de cada una de las propuestas que hoy llegan a formar parte de este artículo en donde la inspiración estará a la orden del día, demostrando que hoy hay un montón de ideas bonitas para lograr una hermosa  decoración safari para fiesta infantil. 

Decoración safari para fiesta infantil con arcos orgánicos 

Este apartado no podría comenzar de otra forma, monta en tu próximo evento una hermosa decoración inspirada en la Selva y el Safari utilizando arcos orgánicos para desarrollar el diseño de la mesa principal, y es que, un arco irregular es hoy la tendencia más creativa para darle un estilo único y extremadamente visual a la famosa mesa del pastel. 

Fiesta de safari

La  decoración de selva para cumpleaños  puede utilizar diversidad de colores, desde los tonos marrones y anaranjadosos, hasta diversas tonalidades en color verde, aquí la magia propone armar una especie de racimos de globos e ir uniendolos de cuatro en cuatro para que tu estructura de globos tome una forma irregular y se monte justo en el fondo con animales de la selva que seguramente ya tienes contemplado. 

Decoración safari para fiesta infantil

Mesa decorada con letrero luminoso en un cumpleaños Safari

Buscando más ideas para inspirarte me e topado con unas que estoy segura te encantarán, estas proponen utilizar animales de Selva con un poco de follaje verde, arcos orgánicos montados sobre fondos de Mickey Safari y letreros luminos para representar la edad del cumpleañero. Aquí los peluches de Safari en un tamaño irreal no pueden faltar, pues es parte de los detalles que crea la magia. 

Fiesta safari 1 año

Si queires algo más sencillo y perfecto para montar una decoración para la  fiesta safari 1 año  en donde la ternura de los detalles sea algo que destaque, entonces esta idea es para ti: Utiliza tres fondos o mamparas tapizados con colores cálidos y algunso otros con estampado animal print, agrega globos en color verde y algunas imágenes de animales impresos en coroplast. 

Fiesta safari 1 año

Misma temática pero con otra decoración que la anterior, esta vez el decorador a montado una mampara de tela cuadriculada y sobre esta añadio una hermosa mapara con estapado de Jirafa, dentro de la misma estrctura añadió un hermoso medio arco orgánico e irregular con globos en tonos cálidos, al frente una mesa de madera es decorado con un lindo Pastel de Mickey Safari. 

Fiesta de safari

Decoración de safari con globos ¡En Casa!

Para aquellas decoradoras que buscan montar un Cumpleaños de Safari en casa estás ideas servirián de mucha ayuda. Para la primera propuesta traemos una hermosa decoración con globos “Safari” montados sobre una pared y utilizando follaje artificial de palmeras y helechos, una idea totalmente ad hoc a la temática, al frente para complementar la decoración se monta un arreglos con globos de animales safari super lindo.

Fiesta safari 1 año

Otra idea super bonita que puedes replicar para montar una  decoración sencilla de animales de la selva  es agregando globos con estampado de animales sobre una pared, simples globos, sin buscar destacar la zona con un arco irregular que suele ser una de las manualidades más llamativas de las fiestas y al frente montando un bonito pastel con animales de la selva y algunos postres para rellenar el espacio. 

Decoración de safari sencilla

Y esta lluvia de creatividad no para y esta vez es el momento de darle una mención especial a la sigueinte decoración que se convierte en una propusta perfecta para montar una  fiesta de animales de la selva animados  muy original, llena de colores y alegría, utilizando mesas cilindricas con detalles orginales que le dan un toque visual único al área del pastel. 

Cumpleaños de safari

Safari decoración Mickey animales de la Selva

La magia de Disney llega a formar parte de este artículo, que a lo largo de sus apartados te mostrará un montón de ideas bonitas para darle estilo a tu evento, así que no queríamos dejar de destacar un apartado especial en donde la decoración de Safari de Mickey se hiciera presente, detallando de forma visual una forma muy bonita para decorar tu evento. 

Cumpleaños safari 2 años

Centro de mesa de animales de la selva

Después de la decoración de la mesa del pastel toca el turno de integrar a este artículo un montón de propuestas bonitas para diseñar tus Centros de mesa de animales de la selva utilizando desde globos, hasta figuras de animales de plástico y otros de peluche, haciendo que el diseño sea totalmente moderno y super bonito. 

Adorno de mesa de Safari con globos

Con globos y un poco de creatividad puedes elaborar unos hermosos arreglos de mesa para una Fiesta de Safari añadiendo sobre un mantel en color verde una base de racimos de cuatro globos rellenos con agua para que tu base quede de pie, una vez que tienes todo armado es momento de montar un globo con una figura de animal del Safari.  

Centros de mesa de safari con globos

Si has elegido la temática de Safari Mickey Mouse nada mejor que diseñar estos arreglos para decorar el centro de la mesa de los invitados, utilizando globos en tonos neutrosm, algunos mas con estampado animal print y añadir una especie de enrredadera para hacer mas ad hoc el diseño de estos lindos arreglos, además si o si deberas montar un bello Mickey con traje de excursionista. 

Centro de mesa safari Mickey

Centros de mesa con peluches animales de la selva

Hablemos de un diseño muy viral de centro de mesa con peluches, uno de los arreglos más bonitos y buscados hoy en día para darle estilo a la decoración de las fiestas modernas, justo para esta temática puedes encontrar todos los animales del Safari y motnarlos sobre una base decorada con globos en tonos neutro, algunos con ese efecto mate que luce increíble y otros más en tono metálico para darle un plus visual único al arreglo. 

Decoración de jungla para fiesta infantil

Arreglos de safari fácil y bonito

Ponte creativa y utiliza unas macetas con helechos pequeños, una forma muy bonita de adentrarse a la vegetación del Safari y darle un toque único a este cumpleaños de animales de la selva, lo mejor de todo es que, este tipo de plantas son realmente económicas y no necesitas demasiado para hacer que el arrglo luzca genial, básicamente solo tendrás que colocar una imagen impresa al frente y listo. 

Centros de mesa safari

Otra idea genial que involucra vegetación es la siguiente: Utiliza un jarrón mediano y rellena su interior con arena, introduce unas hojas de palmera y helechos gigantes buscando que queden bien firmes para que luzcan mejor y hacer que una  decoración de safari sencilla  sobresalga por los detalles simples pero bien ordenados que integras en ella. 

Centros de mesa safari

Inspiremonos con un diseño más para armar el centro de mesa que podrás usar en una  Fiesta safari 1 año, pues su delicadeza en el diseño y la representación de estos animales de la selva en una versión muy cute lo hace perfecto para este tipo de cumpleaños; ¿Cómo hacer un centro de mesa de safarí fácil y bonito?, es muy sencillo, solo sigue los siguientes pasos: 

  • Rellena un jarrón de cristal con papel cortado en color café. 
  • Utiliza follaje verde echo con fomi. 
  • Monta imágenes de animales de la selva. 

Centro de mesa de animalitos de la selva

Ahora mismo te muestro la última idea que forma parte de este apartado tan especial, con una propuesta muy linda y sencilla que resulta perfecta para representar un lindo  centro de mesa de animalitos de la selva  en donde una bella palmera se hace presente sobre una maceta personalizado y el elemento sorpresa es justamente este tierno león echo cartón para darle un toque ad hoc a la temática del cumpleaños. 

Centro de mesa de animalitos de la selva

Pastel de Safari – Cumpleaños de la Selva

Pasemos a un apartado más de este libro de ideas y prepara para la Fiesta de Safari el mejor pastel de cumpleaños, perfecto no solo para formar parte de la canción del feliz cumpleaños, sino además de la decoración de la mesa principal. Tenemos un montón de ideas bonitas para ti, desde una torta de animales decorada con toppers, hasta hermosos pasteles de dos pisos inspirados en un Safari muy mágico. 

Torta de animales de la selva con Toppers Cake

Comencemos con esta lluvia de inspiración: Te presentó un lindo pastel de Safari con toppers Cake de animales de la selva y letreros personalizados con la edad y el nombre del cumpleañero, el interior de este bizcocho guarda un delicioso  sabor chocolate relleno con crema dulce y cajeta, por su parte la cubierta es de lo mas colorida y llamativa, lo que lo hace un pastel muy especial. 

Torta de safari con topper

El safari de este cumpleañero debe integrar su magia a un pastel de cumpleaños en donde la crema hace una especie de diseño de tronco lo cual va perfecto con esta temática, además la idea de montar toppers cake sobre los pasteles es tendencia y luce genial, sustituyendo de alguna manera los diseños echos con fondant. 

Torta de safari con topper

Bizcocho Safari bebe en crema

Si quieres una tarta de Safari que sobresalga por si sola sobre la mesa del pastel y omitir montar la tarta sobre una base, estos pasteles son perfectos para ti. El primer diseño me ha robado el corazón y lo considero perfecto para representar la decoración de un  baby shower safari ideas  o  fiesta safari 1 año  por su aspecto tierno y muy delicado. 

Pastel de safari

Pastel Safari 2 pisos

Complementa la  decoración de safari con globos  con un hermoso Pastel Safari 2 pisos llenos de magia y detalles bonitos, que en comparación con la propuesta anterior esta tarta añade topper cake o imágenes impresas de animales de la selva haciendo que la perfección de estos personajes sobresalga en el diseño del bizcocho. 

Torta safari 2 pisos

Dulceros de Safari para fiesta infantil

Hablemos esta vez de un elemento sorpresa que todos los pequeños invitados esperan con muchas ansias: Los dulceros para la fiesta infantil, que si bien no son mas que golosinas que se obsequian a los pequeñines la realidad es que hoy se ha vuelto moda empacarlos en una forma muy bonita y original, hoy en este artículo de Fiesta de Safari traemos un montón de ideas bonitas para ti. 

Latas decoradas temática Safari

Con latas de leche completamente limpias puedes armar unos lindos dulceros personalizados; en canva puedes diseñar las etiquetas e imprimirla en papel de stickers para que sea mucho más fácil pegarlas en las latas. Recordemos que cada detalle cuenta, así que forra la tapa con un poco de peyon verde y un listón bonito. 

Complementa estas ideas con el siguiente artículo: Más de 20 Ideas para crear Dulceros para fiestas infantiles con latas

Dulceros de animales de la selva

La idea anterior propone diseñar una etiqueta para recubrir las latas, esta vez si te es mas sencillo puedes forrarlas con papel kraft y colocar una imagen de Safari echa con fomi al frente, al igual que en la propuesta anterior deberás forrar la tapa buscando que haya una combinación de colores bonitos para que la manualidad luzca genial. 

Dulceros de safari

Bolsas de regalo decoradas con animales de la Selva 

No solo las latas son fantásticas para diseñar dulceros con temática de Safari, las bolsas de papel kraft también lo son: Rellena el interior de estas bolsas con golosinas, las que consideres necesarias para que tus bolos se vean geniales, arma una decoración al frente utilizando imagenes de la temática y unos listones para que tus bolsitas se vean muy bonitas. 

Dulceros de safari

Dulcero Fiesta Safari paso a paso

Ideas de decoración candy bar tematica safari.

Después de los centros de mesa, el pastel y los dulceros pasemos al buffet mas delicioso de este cumpleaños, en el cual deberás integrar postres, golosinas, frituras y todo tipo de detalles comestibles que consideres perfectos para montar el famoso Candy bar con la temática de Safari, apuesto que todas y cada una de las propuestas que traemos para ti, te encantarán. 

Postres para el candy bar Safari

Lo más importante del candy es montar una gran variedad de dulces, algunos con sabor caramelo, otros chocolate y otros más picosos, pues lo que se busca es que todos los invitados encuentren sus sabores preferidos, además por regla debes etiquetar todo lo que montes ahí, utilizando etiquetas personalizados o imágenes impresas que vayan acorde con la temática de la fiesta. 

Mesa de dulces safari

Dulces para candy bar animales de la Selva 

Al frente, en los laterales y espacios vacíos lo ideal es colocar dulces personalizados para rellenar los espacios, por ejemplo, para una Fiesta de Safari puedes colocar malvaviscos dentro de cajitas de acrílico o acetato y decorar con imágenes que asemejen césped, encima de la tapa nada más original que montar diferentes animales de la selva para que tu buffet luzca genial. 

Dulceros de safari

Niños y adultos aman las palomitas de maíz, así que en el candy buffet o mesa de dulces Safari este detalles no puede quedar fuera, lo mejor es que este tipo de golosinas son muy fáciles de montar en el buffet, básicamente deberás elegir la caja que mejor vaya con la temática del cumpleaños, decorar un poco, agregar una etiqueta para que luzcan mas bonitas y definir el lugar en donde las vas a colocar. 

Dulceros de safari

Para finalizar con esta lluvia de ideas traigo para ti una propuesta muy original: Empaques o bolsitas de galletas de animalitos personalizadas con el nombre y una frase de agradecimiento, lo mejor de todo es que las formas de estas galletas las hacen super especiales y perfectas para formar parte del buffet, así que a replicar la idea. 

Mesa dulce selva

Invitaciones para la Fiesta de Safari

Es momento de elegir el diseño de las invitaciones con las que notificarás la fecha del  cumpleaños Safari para niños  que estás organizando; la primera propuesta propone una caja con sorpresa dentro, en una de las tapas se coloca la invitación con un diseño y fondo muy ad hoc a la temática de esta fiesta, al otro, se propone montar una paleta de caramelo gigante como elemento sorpresa. 

Invitación fiesta safari

Ideas para una Fiesta con temática Safari

Preparemos algunos detalles para regalar a los niños que asistan a este Cumpleaños de animales de la Selva, la primera idea gira en torno a unos lindos sombreros de excursionistas muy fáciles de elaborar; en un plato desechable ondo solo tienes que montar una pedazo de tela con algun estampado Safari y hacer dos pequeños orificios para colocar un poco de cuerda de ellos. 

Ideas para fiesta Safari

Los binoculares se convierten un elemento importante en el Kit de un buen excursionista, así que prepara unos cuantos para regalar a todos los pequeños que se adentrarán a esta Fiesta de Safari , lo mejor de todo es que, solo necesitarás dos tubos de cartón reciclados, un poco de tela naranja o blanca y con un plumón permanente añadir una franjas negras. 

Ideas para fiesta Safari

Por último pero no menos especial, te propongo armar unas lindas diademas de animales de la selva con paño lenci o fieltro creando una variedad de diseños para que absolutamente todos los animales del Safari hagan acto de presencia en esta mágica fiesta de cumpleaños… Después de tantas ideas ¡Manos a la obra! que es momento de sorprender a tus invitados. 

Ideas fiesta selva

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Fiesta de dinosaurio para niño

Fiesta de dinosaurio para niño | 30 Ideas para decorar el ¡cumpleaños! Aprende un montón de ideas bonitas para decorar una Fiesta de dinosaurio para niño utilizando la inspiración para diseñar una increíble decoración de dinosaurios con globos, centros de mesa de dinosaurios para fiestas infantiles super lindos, invitaciones en Canva, pasteles y mucho más.

fiesta de mickey

Las mejores ideas para una Fiesta de Mickey Aprende a decorar la mejor Fiesta de Mickey Mouse incluyendo todo tipo de manualidades para destacar una hermosa mesa del pastel, pero además conoce como diseñar centros de mesa de Mickey Mouse, Piñata de mickey mouse y muchas ideas para cumpleaños de este ratoncito.

Ver más ideas: 

  • Fiesta Barbie para niña | La mejor guía para decorar el Cumpleaños
  • Fiesta de Spiderman | Más de 30 Ideas para decorar
  • Fiesta de Capitán América | Más de 50 Ideas para su decoración

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Decoraciones de safari para fiestas infantiles

Decoraciones de safari para fiestas infantiles

Embárcate en una Aventura Inolvidable con Nuestra Decoración de Safari para Fiestas Infantiles!

¿Tu pequeño aventurero sueña con explorar la selva y descubrir emocionantes animales exóticos? Con nuestra decoración de safari para fiestas infantiles, puedes convertir su imaginación en realidad y crear una experiencia única que los niños recordarán por siempre. Sumérgete en un mundo de colores vibrantes, criaturas asombrosas y aventuras emocionantes mientras transformamos tu espacio en un auténtico safari.

Indice de contenido

Decoraciones de safari para cumpleaños.

¡Aventura y Diversión sin Límites con Nuestras Decoraciones de Safari para Cumpleaños!

¿Estás buscando darle a tu celebración de cumpleaños un giro emocionante y único? Nuestras decoraciones de safari son la elección perfecta para transportarte a un mundo salvaje lleno de diversión y asombro. Desde los majestuosos leones hasta las escurridizas cebras, te invitamos a sumergirte en la magia de África mientras celebras en grande.

tematica de safari

¡Embárcate en una Aventura Inolvidable con Nuestra Temática de Safari!

¿Buscas añadir emoción y fascinación a tu próximo evento? Nuestra temática de safari te llevará a un viaje a través de la belleza y la maravilla de la naturaleza salvaje. Desde la majestuosidad de los leones hasta la elegancia de las jirafas, te sumergirás en un mundo lleno de vida y aventura que cautivará a tus invitados.

Cumpleaños de safari

Nuestra misión es brindarte una experiencia temática de safari que te permita explorar la naturaleza de manera única. Ya sea una fiesta de cumpleaños, un evento corporativo o cualquier celebración especial, esta temática agregará un toque de maravilla y emoción que cautivará a todos.

Prepárate para un evento excepcional que despertará la curiosidad y la alegría de tus invitados con nuestra espectacular temática de safari. ¡Únete a nosotros en esta emocionante travesía y crea recuerdos que durarán para siempre!


Decoraciones de cumpleaños para navidad

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Decoraciones de cumpleaños spiderman

Decoraciones de cumpleaños tik tok

Decoraciones de cumpleaños tik tok

decoraciones de cumpleaños

Decoraciones de cumpleaños para adolecentes

Decoraciones de cumpleaños sencillas

Decoraciones de cumpleaños sencillas

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Blog Papelpop Ideas de Fiesta

Blog Papelpop Ideas de Fiesta

Nuestras mejores ideas para fiestas de cumpleaños y todas tus celebraciones

adornos fiesta infantil safari

Fiesta animalitos safari: ideas de decoración y actividades para celebrar en la selva

Si tu pequeño o pequeña ya ruge como toda una fiera, quizá es la señal indicada para decidir celebrar su cumpleaños con una fiesta temática safari. Déjate llevar por el llamado de la selva y ofrece a tus pequeños invitados una tarde de aventura salvaje en la jungla.

En este artículo reunimos algunas ideas que puedes utilizar para crear una divertida fiesta safari. En la primera parte (gracias a @fiestaydecor por compartirnos las hermosas fotografías de su trabajo ) Encontrarás detalles para adaptar, según tu presupuesto, a la decoración de las mesas. Y más adelante en este artículo algunas actividades para divertir a tus pequeños invitados.

Centro de mesa elaborado con siluetas en papel

Los tonos naranja y café, el follaje verde y los animales salvajes no pueden faltar para crear una atractiva decoración de la selva. Sin embargo, este tema es fácilmente adaptable a la edad y sexo del homenajeado. Por ejemplo, usa el celeste o rosa en los elementos que utilices para destacar el nombre y edad del cumpleañero.

Si quieres crear un ambiente más sobrio puedes combinarlo con dorado y utilizar ilustraciones en técnicas de acuarela o realistas.

adornos fiesta infantil safari

Crea un bonito centro de mesa con figuras recortadas. Para la base también puedes utilizar cajitas de crispetas, siempre que pongas algún elemento con peso adentro. Utiliza papel seda picado para rellenar el resto del recipiente.

adornos fiesta infantil safari

Personaliza tus bebidas con etiquetas, recuerda que cada detalle le dará un toque especial a tu celebración. Tus invitados quedarán encantados.

Un lindo detalle son los individuales para colorear. Tus pequeños invitados se entretienen antes de disfrutar su torta de cumpleaños , y por qué no, sus papás liberan un poco de estrés coloreando las divertidas imágenes.

adornos fiesta infantil safari

¡Una barra de palomitas de maíz siempre es una buena idea! es muy fácil de realizar y agradable para tus invitados. Si quieres sorprenderlos aún más ofrécelas con colores y sabores diferentes, las consigues en tiendas especializadas o puedes prepararlas tu misma:

Actividades y juegos en el cumpleaños de la jungla

Una de las razones por las que nos encantan las fiestas temáticas es la oportunidad que ofrecen para incluir actividades lúdicas donde los niños aprendan a socializar fuera del aula de clase, estimulen su imaginación y, hoy tan necesario, se puedan mantener un ratico alejados de las pantallas.

Para esta temática te proponemos:

Construye tus binoculares y descubre los animales

adornos fiesta infantil safari

Suministra a los niños cilindros de cartón (son ideales los que traen los rollos de papel higiénico), pinturas, cinta y cordón de colores. Con ayuda de sus padres, o si haz contratado animadores del evento, comparte las instrucciones:

  • Unir ambos cilindro con pegante, pintarlos o decorarlos a su gusto.
  • Pegar una tira de papel en la parte superior e inferior alrededor de ambos rollos.
  • Abrir agujeros y colocar un cordón como correa para colgar.

Con estos binoculares comienza la expedición: los niños deben descubrir animales que previamente se han ocultado en el lugar del evento, puedes utilizar figuras de goma pequeñas o ilustraciones impresas. Si quieres hacerlo en forma de concurso, anota el número de animales que descubre cada niño.

Adivina ¿Cuál animal es?

En una caja sellada oculta todos los animales de plástico o felpa que tengas. Con los ojos vendados, los niños buscan una figura y tratan de adivinar qué animal tienen en la mano. Si quieres hacerlo en forma de concurso, gana el participante que más figuras adivine.

Otras buenas ideas:

  • Estación de pintacaritas: A los niños les encantará maquillarse como su animal preferido de la selva.
  • Disfraza a tu cumpleañero: Tus fotos quedarán encantadoras con tu pequeño disfrazado de explorador o de su animal favorito.

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Dicoro » Decoración Tropical » Decoración safari. Ríndete a la fiebre de las fiestas temáticas

Decoración safari. Ríndete a la fiebre de las fiestas temáticas

Decoración safari para baby shower: ¡empieza por las invitaciones, añade un plus de fantasía a la decoración de fiestas infantiles estilo safari, decoración safari para cumpleaños con ricos manjares recién salidos de la jungla, ¡que la diversión no pare en tu fiesta safari.

¿Que idea os ha gustado más?

¿Habéis preparado alguna vez una fiesta temática?

¿Os animáis con la decoración safari?

Contadme, ¡me encantará leeros! :)

Gracias por compartir Decoración safari 2024

Gracias por leer este artículo de Decoración safari 2024/2025, Me gustaria poder llegar a más personas y por eso estaria genial si me ayudaras a compartir estas ideas en tus redes sociales para que nos pueda ver más gente que necesite ver más ideas de manualidades. Solo es necesario que hagas click en uno de los botones que verás aquí abajo. ¡Mil gracias por compartir!

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Alquimia Deco says:

Me encantan!!! Además es un tipo de decoración que da muchísimo juego a la hora de decorar una fiesta!, imprimibles, disfraces, deco… Sin duda una opción a elegir sin dudarlo. Feliz martes!!!

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María Velazquez says:

¡Muchas gracias guapa! La verdad es que es una opción muy divertida para peques aventureros y además ofrece muchas posibilidades 😉 ¡Feliz martes a ti también!BSS

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retroyconencanto says:

¡¡Esa tarta de camuflaje nos ha dejado con la boca abierta, María, vaya chulería!! En general todas las ideas que incluyan animal print nos encantan… (bueno, a una de las dos más que a la otra, jajajaja) Así que esta nos parece la temática perfecta para cualquier evento.

Muchos besos de las dos

¿Es una pasada verdad? Se pueden hacer cosas realmente originales para dar un toque diferente a nuestras fiestas, así seguro que no se olvidan 😉 Gracias por comentar chicas!! BSS

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Forja Hispalense says:

Soy una fan de las invitaciones especiales y la de los plátanos me ha parecido realmente original. Una fiesta safari tiene que ser ungustazo de preparar y de disfrutar! Un post genial!

¡¡Muchas gracias guapa!! Que mejor manera de empezar la fiesta que con una invitación así de original ¿verdad? Me alegra que te haya gustado 🙂

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ana pperez says:

me ha encantado todo!! feliz safari 🙂

¡¡Muchas gracias Ana!! ¡Igualmente! 😀

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Silvia Cecilia Rodriguez Chavez says:

Todo es fantástico!!! me ha encantado, felicidades tienes un gran talento y se puede ver el amor y dedicación, saludos.

Gracias, me alegra que te gusten las propuestas. ¡Un abrazo!

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dora vilchez guerra says:

excelentes ideas. gracias….. ahora a disfrutar la fiesta!!!!!!

Que bien que te gusten!! Gracias por tu comentario 🙂

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me gustaria recibir una cotizacion para la fiesta de mi hijo, me pueden regalar un numero de contato o un correo

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Alicia Pineda says:

Hola Fabian, no preparamos fiestas, para ello tendrá que buscar una empresa especializada de tu zona. Nosotros solo sugerimos ideas para decorar. Saludos

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Confeti Personalizado says:

Me encantan todas las ideas! Son geniales las máscaras y las tartas!

Gracias nos alegramos que os guste. Saludos

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maria Berrios says:

excelentes ideas para celebrar el primer cumpleaños de mi nieto isaac Valentin,gracias

  • Pagos y Facturación
  • Envíos y gastos de envío
  • Incidencias y Devoluciones

Fiesta de safari, perfecta para los más pequeños

Piccola Festa



adornos fiesta infantil safari

Benise: FIESTA!

Friday, September 27 at 7:30pm

Tickets go on sale Fri, 12/22 at 10am

Member Presale begins Wed, 12/20 at 10am

Tickets available on Ticketmaster

Or call (727) 300-2000

VIP Packages available

Tickets for this performance go on sale to the public on Friday, December 22 at 10am. Interested in reserving your seats before the public? Members of Bill Edwards Foundation for the Arts have access to an exclusive presale starting Wednesday, December 20 at 10am. Call (727) 300-2000 to reserve your seats and to learn more about the perks of membership!

It’s one hot night as Benise, “The Prince of Spanish Guitar,” and his Emmy Award winning production come to town as part of his global tour. Armed with his Spanish guitar, Benise will take the audience on an unprecedented and epic adventure through Spanish Flamenco, Cuban Salsa, Brazilian Samba, Parisian Waltz, exotic drumming, and more!

FIESTA! showcases songs from Benise’s 7 th PBS Special. Performing classic Rock anthems from Led Zeppelin and AC/DC and fusing them with Spanish guitar and dance to bring a fierce intensity to these new interpretations. In addition, Benise adds his signature touch to classics such as “Ave Maria, “Moonlight Sonata,” and Vivaldi’s “Summer” from The Four Seasons .

For Benise, music has always been a journey. From his humble beginnings as a street performer, to being featured on the #1 rated show in the USA – Dancing With The Stars, and performing around the world. “ I wanted to push the boundaries of Nuevo Flamenco/Spanish guitar while combining the elements of dance and theater. This show is a celebration of all the shows we’ve done over the last 20 years,” comments composer, virtuoso guitarist and creative force behind the event, Benise.

The Emmy Award-winning composer along with an international cast of musicians and dancers will entertain audiences with a two-hour show that “is an escape from all their problems,” Benise says. “Much like the recent PBS special, with this show I want to take the audience on an escape to Spain…to a beautiful Spanish courtyard filled with Flamenco dancers, stunning costumes, and fiery Spanish guitars. BENISE adds, “This is a great show for the whole family; I really think we have something for everyone.  I hope people will be inspired by our story, by the music, by the production–and have the passion to follow their own dreams. I have always loved to travel, my heritage is Bohemian (from Prague), so I think it’s in my blood. I can’t wait to go to new cities, meet new people, and play every night–it’s what I live for.”


Go behind the scenes, meet Benise and cast, and get your own photo moment when you attend a working sound check!


* Exclusive Meet & Greet with Benise

* Private Sound Check Experience

* Premier Seats

* Private Entrance Benise Merchandise and Art Gallery

* Personal Photographs with Benise

* Souvenir Official Meet and Greet Laminate

* Personally Autographed Benise CD

Please Note: This VIP Experience takes place before the show. Soundcheck Experience begins at 5pm.

Erin's Travel Tips

61 Best Things to Do in St Petersburg FL [Local’s Guide]

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best things to do in st petersburg fl is to see these views of downtown. Located next to Alfred Whitted Park you'll see sailboats and park views of the water.

Table of Contents

Looking for the best things to do in St Petersburg FL? As a local expert, this ultimate guide shares top attractions as well as some hidden gems.

Located on Florida’s Gulf Coast, St Petersburg is a vibrant city that boasts plenty of activities and attractions for people of all ages.

From white sandy beaches to a colorful artsy atmosphere, you’ll find lots of little details that make it special.

biking in st petersburg - rows of bikes you can rent

With year-round sunshine and warm temperatures, it’s no wonder why it was nicknamed years ago, The Sunshine City. Whether you’re looking for an action-packed weekend or a relaxing getaway, you’ll no doubt fall in love with this city. It is also a great city to bike to either downtown or on the Pinellas Trail .

For those new to the area, here are some fun facts about St Pete FL:

  • The city of St Petersburg was named after St Petersburg, Russia
  • The first commercial flight occurred in St Petersburg on New Year’s Day in 1914
  • St Petersburg has the largest collection of Salvador Dali’s artwork.
  • St Petersburg has the world’s largest shuffleboard club
  • The St Petersburg Museum of History has the world’s largest collection of autographed baseballs.

Even as a local, I am constantly finding new adventures and fun places to check out. So, here are the current top things to do in St Petersburg FL in 2023!

ett divider

Where to Stay in St Petersburg, Florida

Photo of Hampton Inn on Beach Drive in St Petersburg, Florida

🏆 Affordable Downtown St Pete Hotel: Hampton Inn & Suites

My favorite hotel in mid-priced hotel in downtown St Petersburg is the Hampton Inn & Suites . It has excellent water views, and it’s in an ideal location on Beach Drive. You can walk to most places when staying here, such as the St Pete Pier, The Dali, and more!

If you’re looking for a luxury or budget-friendly hotel, check out my list of the best hotels in downtown St Pete . The splurge-worthy hotel is definitely The Vinoy ! But, if you don’t mind a little drive then you should consider either The DonCesar or The Sand Pearl Resort .

VRBO rentals in St Petersburg are another popular option, especially with larger family gatherings. For some rentals, you can literally walk out your door into the action. This top-rated 2-bedroom VRBO rental is a favorite in the area for its walkability to all the St Pete shops and restaurants.

🏝 Pro Tip: If you can’t afford a splurge-worthy hotel but want a relaxing 5-star experience, I highly recommend booking a spa day at The DonCesar or The Sand Pearl! You’ll get to use some of the amenities without staying the night.

Visit the Best Beaches in Florida

St Pete Beach with turquoise waters and white sandy beaches

No trip to St. Petersburg would be complete without a visit to its pristine beaches! If you want to read about two of my favorite beaches you’ll want to check out my St Pete Beach or Clearwater Beach article.

If you like hidden gems, you’ll need to read about Pass-a-Grille Beach , Upham Beach , and Gulfport Beach .

Don’t forget your sunscreen—the Sunshine City lives up to its nickname!

Downtown St Pete Pier

View from the St Pete Pier of downtown showing some of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg - strolling by the water.

A visit to St Petersburg is only complete with spending some time at the iconic St Pete Pier. Close to the water’s edge of Tampa Bay, St Pete Pier is a bustling place thanks to its abundance of shops, restaurants, parks, and museums.

If you have the time and opportunity, you should visit the stunning waterfront because there are lots of events and activities to do there.

This glittering new facility on the city’s waterfront promises endless entertainment from frequent travelers to locals. The 26 gorgeous acres effortlessly blend Tampa Bay’s calm waters with the vivid greenery of the city’s parks to create the ideal location for strolling, biking, dining, jungle gyms, shopping, swimming, attending concerts, and more.

While the St Pete Pier has free admission, there is a fee to see the museums, as well as metered parking.

Visit the World Class Museums

I love museums and have spent countless hours in them. If you’re a museum fan, you definitely need to make this a priority on your St Pete vacation.

You’ll also want to check out my article about the  best museums in St Petersburg , which offers information on how to get free tickets.

Here is a short guide to some of my top favorite museums in the area.

Great Explorations Children’s Museum

Great explorations childrens museum photo of inside jungle gym

The Great Explorations Children’s Museum is an excellent place for kids to explore, learn and have fun. With its interactive exhibits, exciting activities, and engaging educational programs, it’s the perfect spot for younger visitors to get curious and engaged with the world around them.

The museum offers a broad range of topics that can be explored through hands-on learning. This is one of our favorite places to take to my toddler. Great Explorations Children’s Museum also has a separate area for babies and toddlers to play safely. Check out my article below on how locals can get free admission .

Read Next: Ultimate Guide to Great Explorations Children’s Museum

The Salvador Dali Museum

The Salvador Dali Museum in St Petersburg

The Salvador Dali Museum is a must-see when visiting St Petersburg. Not only does it boast an impressive permanent collection of Salvador Dali’s works, but it also offers visitors the chance to experience the surreal world of the artist. It features masterpieces from every stage of Dali’s career, allowing guests to gain a comprehensive understanding of his unique talent.

The Salvador Dali Museum itself is a work of art. Drive around back along the waterfront, and you’ll see what I mean. There is a beautiful garden and sitting area you can enjoy. Don’t miss the gift shop, where you can find unique gifts to take home. The Mahaffey Theater is located next door if you decide to stay for a show.

Plus, you are traveling with young children, one of the hidden gems in St Petersburg is Albe rt W hitted Park , directly behind the Dali Museum. It has beautiful views of the waterfront and it overlooks the airport. Kids can climb on the playground equipment designed to look like airplanes, while you enjoy watching the sailboats. There are also shaded gazebos for a picnic.

🤑 Pro Tip: There is metered parking along the water and sometimes easier to find rather than Central Avenue or Beach Drive.

James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art

The James Museum in St Petersburg

The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art is perhaps one of the most beautiful western art museums I’ve ever been to. From the time you enter the museum, you’ll be awed by the flawless layout with massive bronze sculptures of Native Americans and depictions of the old west.

Visitors can take part in many educational programs or even arrange guided excursions. I was surprised at how kid-friendly this museum was, offering classes and other things to do.

I also found some unique items in their gift shop, such as beautiful jewelry and kid’s trains, etc. It’s definitely well worth a visit to see this permanent collection of the old west.

Museum of the Arts & Crafts Movement

Museum of the Arts & Crafts Movement exterior

One of the newer museums in St Petersburg is the Museum of the Arts & Crafts Moment. This massive 40,000 square feet of gallery space has a retail store, an upscale café and restaurant, a children’s gallery, a theater, a graphic studio, and more!

Here you will see fine arts examples by Gustav Stickley, Frank Lloyd Wright, William Grueby, Newcomb Pottery, Charles Rohlfs, Margaret Patterson, Louis Sullivan, plus many other gifted women and craftsmen.

Beyond the artists, you will see a variety of original pieces from handmade furniture, pottery, tiles, lighting, photography, fine arts, textiles, metalwork, room installations, and other artwork.

Chihuly Collection at Morean Arts Center

Chihuly Collection at Morean Arts Center

The Chihuly Collection is a unique exhibition at the Morean Arts Center that houses a long-term collection of the unique glass works of Dale Chihuly, an internationally renowned artist.

Dale Chihuly’s artwork has been seen throughout Paris and London, along with Seattle’s spectacular Chihuly Garden. Here you can see his sculptures, plus glass-blowing demonstrations.

One of his most famous pieces is the ruby red icicle chandelier at the Morean Arts Center. The Ruby Red Icicle Chandelier is a spectacular studio glass piece that truly stands out with its pointy red droplets.

The Florida Holocaust Museum

The Florida Holocaust Museum with photos, of many of the families affected

Located in downtown St Pete, The Florida Holocaust Museum has been providing education for over 30+ years on the travesty that occurred during World War II.

Here you will find one of the best museums on the Holocaust, with many authentic artifacts such as clothing, photography, eating utensils, handwritten notes, etc. This permanent collection really leaves you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for our freedom today.

The Florida Holocaust Museum also has a small, but reasonably priced gift shop with donations that support the museum.

The Museum of Fine Arts

The Museum of Fine Arts

For art lovers, you’ll want to make a stop at the Museum of Fine Arts in the heart downtown on Beach Drive.

The museum features an extensive permanent collection of decorative arts along with folk arts artwork from African Art, American photography, and European paintings.

Imagine Museum

While I could keep going with the amazing art museums, The Imagine Museum is my last one for this article. If you are into contemporary glass art you’ll have to visit the Imagine Museum.

Just a few years ago, the Imagine Museum was not yet opened, but within a short time has gained popularity. It is the first museum in the US to focus solely on contemporary glass art and shares vital details about the movement and studio glass artists.

You’ll be blown away by what magnificent glass masterpieces. Plus, if you’re needing a little motivation, there are inspirational quotes throughout the 2-story building. The Imagine Museum has a little scavenger hunt that makes it a lot of fun for the whole family.

St Pete Boat Tours: Make Time on the Water!

boats in downtown St pete

There are many different tour types available, depending on what type of adventure you are looking for. If you really want to see dolphins, you can sign up for one of the dolphin boat tours . These tours are very reasonably priced for a day out on the water.

In Tampa Bay there are beautiful sunset cruises , tiki tours , night kayak tours , which are great activities for couples. They also have family snorkeling tours to Egmont Key or Shell Key, which are ideal for families with children.

⛵️ Read Next: The 11 Best Boat Tours in St Petersburg

Take the Cross Bay Ferry to Tampa

Cross Bay Ferry

Taking the downtown ferry to Tampa is a fun way to explore Tampa especially if you’re staying at downtown St Pete hotel. You can easily walk from Straub Park and jump aboard. Avoid the traffic and enjoy some time on the water!

Tampa has so much to offer! From fun things to do for couples or families , you won’t run out of interesting sights. If you only have a day to explore, I highly recommend the ferry. Otherwise, Tampa really deserves more time and stay the night in downtown Tampa hotel .

🌴 Read Next: Tampa vs Orlando: Which is Best For You?

Explore Historic Landmarks in St Pete

Bike rentals or scooter rentals are available.  Photo at Straub Park of bikes to rent.

St. Petersburg is home to several historic landmarks and buildings that are worth exploring. Downtown St Pete is super easy to navigate whether you go for a bike ride or stroll. From the breathtaking Vinoy Renaissance Resort & Golf Club located right by the waterfront (which was built in 1925). In recent years, they have been doing a lot of construction to bring it back to its glory.

Whether you book a hotel night stay here or visit for a drink, it’s one of the most iconic hotels similar to the glorious pink palace in St Pete Beach, The Don CeSar .

St Petersburg offers self-guided audio tours if you have interest in seeing the Historic Outdoor Museum of Roser Park, African American Heritage Trails, and Downtown Waterfront Walking Tours.

Eat at the Best Restaurants in Downtown St Petersburg

Try out some of the numerous cafés, restaurants, and bistros while in St. Petersburg. You will surely get hungry in downtown St Petersburg whether your favorite meal is an American sandwich or a Swiss dessert.

Parkshore Grill

Outdoor seating area at Parkshore Grill St Petersburg

The Parkshore Grill is one of my long-time favorite restaurants for consistent quality meals with a gorgeous setting. I recommend booking in advance on OpenTable.

It’s also no surprise that this restaurant is always busy, given the wonderful scenery just outside the restaurant. You can choose to eat al fresco while overlooking the city’s waterfront.

It also has a great weekend brunch menu in addition to lunch and dinner.

Steaks, fresh fish, burgers, sandwiches, salads, and paninis are just some of the options. Some of my favorites: the scallops, salmon, parkshore salad, and the decadent mac and cheese.

The Ceviche St Petersburg has a luxurious and grand feel to it, and it’s a great place to relax and spend time with friends and family. Brussels, fresh salmon, oxtail, and churros are just a few delicious things you can order from its menu. Don’t pass on their red sangria (I prefer it the standard way).

For a fun date night, order a variety of tapas for your table to share. If you like the outdoors or people-watching, ask for a table outside. This is a prime location on Beach Drive just to enjoy the scenery.

On less than desirable weather conditions, they have a gorgeous interior with bright colors and beautiful tiles that make you want to stay longer.

Urban Stillhouse

The Urban Stillhouse is a great place to eat an expensive steak and drink whiskey (sounds like Yellowstone!).  This 2-story restaurant has a dark interior with a high-end industrial vibe.

The Urban Stillhouse offers novel and traditional American foods that are grilled to order. It’s best to book a table in advance on OpenTable.

The Library Restaurant

The Library Restaurant is one of my favorite brunch locations. While it’s not near the heart of downtown, it’s just a short drive away.

The Library provides an escape from daily stresses with a unique atmosphere and delicious entrees.

Casita Taqueria

Casita is orange building on Central Avenue with bikes out front.

Casita Taqueria on Central Avenue is a go-to casual spot for locals who like a wide range of tasty tacos! If you’re craving Shrimp, Carnitas, or Slow Roasted Pork, you’ll be delighted by their savory options.

All of their corn tortillas are prepared in-house, and they only use the freshest available local produce. They also have delicious chips and queso, and a cute patio outback for guests to utilize.

Pub Trolley Tour

You need the trolley pub tour when you want to go from bar to bar in a city. Why not get a tour and drinks while on vacation? It’s truly a win-win.

With this tour, you can go to different breweries and drink their incredible, one-of-a-kind drinks without a care in the world. Along the way, you can also meet new people who like the same things you do and take pictures going to and from each checkpoint.

Read Next: The Best Tours in St Petersburg Florida

Grand Central District

Salty Nun is a good place for brunch

As a local, I’ve seen the Grand Central District really take off in the last 10 years. It’s gone from bland to fabulous as more local restaurants, coffee shops, breweries, and artsy boutiques continue to flock here.

Take time for a stroll, and enjoy the scene! Anyone that travels with dogs, must make time at one of my favorites, The Dog Bar . Plus, you have the Hatchet Hangout Axe Throwing , antique shops , and more. Three Daughters Brewing is located in this district.

Visit Local St Pete Breweries & Distilleries

Green Bench brewing, best breweries in St Petersburg FL

If you enjoy drinking, St. Petersburg won’t let you down. Here are a few in the downtown area that are excellent choices.

3 Daughters Brewing

A couple of my personal favorite breweries are the 3 Daughters Brewing and Green Bench Brewing. Both have a lot to offer and are good for the entire family.

At the 3 Daughters Brewing, you could stay most of the day since they have other things to do, such as live music events, food, games, and local vendors selling their handmade items.

Green Bench Brewing Company

Green Bench Brewing Company specializes in a family-friendly beer garden serving IPAs, ales, and ciders. From dogs to children, everyone is welcome! It has a spacious interior and friendly staff. If you like good beer, this is one of the best breweries in St Petersburg.

Kozuba and Sons Distillery

As far as distilleries, Kozuba and Sons Distillery is a fun place to stop and sample (try the lemon vodka). The distillery has a great atmosphere, like a speakeasy during the prohibition era.

St Pete Distillery

St Pete Distillery has a delicious coconut rum, and the orange liqueur is particularly good. While it’s at the end of town, it’s a good take-home gift idea to remember your time in the area.

Stopping at these places for a while will give you and your friends new things to do. Visiting these places will not only allow you to have unique and fine wine but also find out how they brew their alcohol. Who knows, you might even start your brewery one day.

Beautiful Outdoor Parks & Gardens in Downtown St Pete

Beautiful parks and gardens in the center of St. Pete St. Petersburg, Florida, are surrounded by trees and plants that are very healthy and full of life. This means that people can enjoy the peace and greenery that the area.

You can unwind as you spend hours touring the many parks in the city. So, here are my top favorite parks in downtown St Petersburg.

Sunken Gardens

Sunken Gardens one of the older attractions and things to do in St. Petersburg FL

The Sunken Gardens are home to the region’s oldest tropical plants, some of which are over a century old. Here, you can enjoy the beautiful display gardens, horticultural programs, flowing waterfalls, flamingos, and a live collection of more than 6,000 plant species.

The gardens are attached to the Great Explorations Children’s Museum , which makes it an ideal stop for families. You can easily see both on the same day. While I like Sunken Gardens, I seem to spend more time in the local parks.

Since it is one of Florida’s last remaining roadside attractions, Sunken Gardens visitors should be prepared to stay on the paved trails and avoid touching the plants. There is also an admission fee to tour Sunken Gardens.

Glazer Family Playground at St Pete Pier

St Pete Pier Playground

At St Pete Pier, you’ll find a large playground for the kids (toddlers to older children), concessions, and a splash pad. They also have Spa Beach, which is a nice place to cool off on a hot day. This is a popular spot, and best to come early if you want to avoid crowds.

Vinoy Park has gorgeous views of the waterfront in st pete.  Showing boats and tall buildings.

Looking for that perfect photo to take of downtown St Petersburg? Make a quick stop in Vinoy Park.

Vinoy Park, a two-mile stretch of shoreline in the heart of St. Petersburg, provides picturesque views of the city, the breathtaking waterfront, and the nearby historic Vinoy Renaissance Resort . The park is a nice spot to unwind in the shade while reading a book or to spend time with friends and family in the open green areas. Many of the top events held in the city each year take place there as well, like Florida’s Largest Pride Parade .

It’s one of the hidden gems in St Petersburg since it’s not something most still know about.

North Shore Park & Aquatic Complex

North Shore Aquatic Complex with lots of swimmers in the pool.

North Shore Park is a 30-acre waterfront park with a North Shore Aquatic Complex , a kid’s playground, a dog park, beach volleyball courts, softball fields, and more!

It is located next to Vinoy Park and offers an array of activities, low-cost or free things to do. While in North Shore Park, visit the free gardens and enjoy a walk along the waterfront.

Dell Holmes Park

Dell Holmes Park

Dell Holmes Park is one of my new favorite parks in St. Petersburg, Florida. If I’m honest – finding a park that checks all my family’s boxes is challenging, especially if you want to avoid crowds like at the St Pete Pier. In fact, I would drive all the way up to Tarpon Springs Waterpark to find something similiar.

Dell Holmes Park is just south of downtown St. Petersburg and is free to use. The park is situated on Lake Maggiore which is ideal for boating, fishing, and walking trails. My husband especially appreciates the driving range and putting green. At the same time, my son loves the massive playground area and waterpark. You’ll find plenty of picnic areas and covered space so you can enjoy the park year round.

Crescent Lake Park

Crescent Lake Park

Crescent Lake Park stands out from the rest of St. Petersburg’s parks because of its stunning scenery. People are calmed by the trees, plants, and water as they walk around the perimeter of the pond.

Crescent Lake Park is surrounded by lovely banyan trees and is a popular spot for a range of activities. Bring a blanket or sit on the grass and participate in Healthy St. Pete’s Free Yoga in the Park program.

Additionally, The Huggins-Stengel Sports Complex, TASCO’s Center for Teen Technology, a playground, a dog park, and recreation paths are all located in this park. 

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Pro Tip:   If you have young children, Crescent Lake has a nice shaded playground that’s close to downtown and less busy than the St Pete Pier (with free parking).

Check Out the Adorable Boutiques & Bookstores

Sundial Shopping

Unique souvenirs are simple to find in downtown St. Petersburg, thanks to the abundance of boutiques and unique bookstores downtown.

Check out Jackie Z Style Co. in the Sundial Mall for unique high-end clothing. Afterwards, you can grab dinner or a movie, since AMC Movie Theater entrance is steps away.

Tombolo Books, off 1st Avenue S, is a cute shop full of delightful reads. Or if you like a book with your wine (or a coffee), you must stop in at Book + Bottle .

Best Coffee Shops in Downtown St Pete

A cup of steaming coffee is ideal for waking up and preparing for the day ahead. There are numerous cafés in downtown St Petersburg where you may purchase their best coffee. The best coffee businesses have inviting décor and delectable beverages, like Bandit Coffee Co. and Black Crow Coffee Shop. My personal favoirte is Bandit Coffee Company, and it’s next to Wild Child (another one of my secret hidden gems for Sunday brunch)!

Tampa Bay Rays Game

The Tampa Bay Rays, a major league baseball team from St. Petersburg, are worth checking out if you enjoy a ball game. Check out the schedule for the Tropicana Field prior to your visit.

During the off-season or away games, they have other events at Tropicana Field, such as Enchant ( Christmas Lights ), Boat Shows, and more! For years, Tampa Bay Rays talked about moving their stadium to Tampa or even out of state! Locals like myself are glad to see they are staying put while they build a brand new stadium on the property!

Helicopter Tours of Downtown St Pete

Helicopter flying over sunset with waterfront

Is there anything more exciting than helicopter travel? Enjoy an invigorating thrill in high-over the city.

This helicopter tour experience will give you the most amazing views of downtown St Petersburg. You will soar above some of the most beautiful sights in the area, including the award-winning beaches.

🌴 Read Next: 9 Highest Rated Tours in St Pete

Spend Time at Unique & Local Markets in St Petersburg

Florida’s St. Petersburg is home to numerous unique and local markets. Flea markets, farmer’s markets, and Saturday morning markets are important locations where you can easily buy household goods, food, and souvenirs.

Mazzaro’s Italian Market

IMG 1694

Customers and tourists can purchase a variety of delectable items at Mazzaro’s Italian Market. For those that love fresh coffee beans, cheese, homemade pasta, meat, and wine, you’ll have to make a stopover on 22nd Avenue North.

My personal favorite is getting their fresh homemade to-go lasagne and caesar salad. The portion is large enough for sharing, and it’s delicious! Plus, don’t miss the dessert area – I have had so many amazing things here.

Saturday Morning Market: Downtown St Pete Farmer’s Market

Downtown St Pete Farmer's Market showing green beans and fresh produce.

Travel is sometimes exhausting and enjoyable. A great chance to breathe in the air while preserving the local culture is to visit the Saturday morning market.

With more than 100 vendors that sell everything from fresh food to artisan desserts made at local farms. They also sell outstanding handmade crafts, goods, and other products.

The Saturday morning market is the best place to go when planning a picnic – pick up a few things and then stroll over to Vinoy Park or the St Pete Pier.

Corey Avenue Sunday Market on St. Pete Beach

Corey Avenue Sunday Market on St. Pete Beach

St. Petersburg has a boatload of fantastic markets, but another one of my top things to do in St. Petersburg is visit the Corey Avenue Sunday Market. The whole street is shut down as live music, fresh produce, locally made crafts, and 75+ unique vendors come together every Sunday. We usually like to walk around and then pop over to Upham Beach and grab a pasterie and coffee at CocoAddiction .

Enjoy the Performing Arts & Live Music in St Petersburg

Elle King on stage in St Pete at Jannus Live.  Jannus has a beautiful outdoor patio, and it's one of my favorite things to do in St. Petersburg at night.

You’ll be amazed as to why music is such a significant component of the events planned in St. Petersburg, Florida. Well, it’s because the locals love music, and they enjoy listening to rock, jazz, and other genres of music, resulting in numerous live music performances.

Mahaffey Theater

The Mahaffey Theater (Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts) is a sophisticated performing arts and concert hall located in the same complex as The Dali. It has over 2,000 seats with beautiful views of Tampa Bay.

The Mahaffey Theater is where you will see headliners or see a ballet or other large-scale event. I’ve seen a variety of performances over the years, from Lorretta Lynn to performing arts shows. The Mahaffey Theater often has shows for the whole family – such as the popular, Big Red Dog Musical.

See a Show at Jannus Live

Located in downtown St Pete, Jannus Live is one of the premier outdoor music venues in St. Petersburg. With a variety of genres spanning rock, pop, hip-hop, and jazz, there’s an eclectic offering of musical talents. Get ready for an unforgettable night of live music!

Floridian Social Club

Because of its well-known, distinctive exteriors and interiors, this area stands out from other places. It hosts public concerts, private events, and open-to-the-public social gatherings. Additionally, there is an open lounge where food and drinks will be served to attendees of a certain event. Check out their upcoming events page to hopefully catch their performing arts while you’re in town.

Unique Bars in Downtown St Pete

Stillwaters Tavern is a nice option for a beer with lighter fare. Showing outdoor seating and beautiful views of highrises.

There are numerous bars in St. Petersburg’s downtown where visitors may have a good time. Going to the local taverns is a great opportunity to learn about the history of the community and how hospitable the people are. Additionally, you have a variety of options to select from, allowing you to try something new.

Canopy Rooftop Lounge

Located far above the streets, The Canopy is a rooftop bar where you can have a drink and take in the amazing view. The stylish lounge is situated on the roof of the Birchwood Hotel and offers private cabanas, cozy fire pits, and comfortable lounge seats with unobstructed views of the downtown St Petersburg waterfront.

The Full-Service Bar offers patrons a choice of handcrafted cocktails, fine wines, and an assortment of spirits, while birchwood’s upper-level cuisine serves a seasonal menu for casual dishes, including sandwiches, flatbreads, and appetizers all prepared in-house.

This is my favorite rooftop bar in downtown St Petersburg. Come at happy hour, which runs from 4-7 pm, and take in the sunset. Enjoy the drink specials(such as red or white sangria for 5 bucks). They have a very nice charcuterie board with a great mix of meats, cheese, fruits, and nuts. Late night hours, this becomes more like a nightclub with a DJ or live music.

If you are looking for a unique atmosphere and fun cocktails, check out The Saint. This speakeasy requires a password to get in (it’s on their website and Instagram), so you’re bound to have a great time. It is located in St. Petersburg’s Grand Central neighborhood. Keep in mind, the drinks are expensive.

Bacchus Wine Bistro

Bacchus Wine Bistro

If you like charcuterie and small plates with wine, check out Bacchus Wine Bistro . While it’s not as unique as some of the other bars, its quaint atmosphere is nice for conversational seating with friends or couples.

For those that enjoy wine, they have an extensive list. I prefer their outdoor seating when it’s available for a carefree hour or two!

🥂 Read Next: A Local’s Guide: The 16 Best St Pete Beach Bars & Nightlife!

See the Historic Neighborhoods of St Petersburg

The Vinoy Golf Club on Snell Isle

I’ve often seen Historic Kenwood listed as the most charming neighborhood because of its bungalows designed in the 1920s.

While I enjoy seeing Historic Kenwood, my preferred historic sites include the Historic Old Northeast, Coffee Pot Boulevard NE and Snell Isle.

If you want to see some of the finest houses where local politicians such as Charlie Christ live. Then you’ll want to drive along N. Shore Drive NE to Coffee Pot Boulevard to Snell Isle. This short drive from downtown won’t take you more than an hour roundtrip, so you could possibly fit in Historic Kenwood too!

Watch the Tampa Bay Rowdies Play

If you enjoy soccer, you should watch the St Petersburg squad, the Tampa Bay Rowdies.

This professional soccer team goes under the radar for most people on vacation, but it’s definitely a lot of fun to watch. Check out their schedule for a full list of upcoming games.

Check Out the Beautiful Murals

St Pete Mural with hand reaching out

St. Petersburg, Florida, is also known for the murals you can see all over the city, especially on walls in public places. There is also the Grand Central Arts District, which is filled with murals.

In St. Petersburg, there probably is a daring and magnificent piece of art covering any outdoor surface. The murals that decorate the city’s walls are renowned (in fact, there are more than 150). There is even an annual mural festival called SHINE that takes place in St Petersburg in October and invites artists from all over the world.

Beyond Downtown | Other Amazing Things to Do in St Petersburg FL

Bellwether Beach Resort has amazing views of the gulf of Mexico being directly on the beach, St Pete Beach.

While I listed a lot of amazing places in downtown St Petersburg. St Petersburg is more than just a city of fascinating exhibits.

There are many things to see, especially outdoors in Pinellas County in St Pete Beach , Madeira Beach , Treasure Island, Indian Rocks Beach , Gulfport , and more!

🏝 Read Next: 13+ Best Things to Do in Madeira Beach

Fort De Soto Park

Fort De Soto Park showing an old cannon

If you’re looking for one of the best things to do in St Petersburg FL, for nature lovers, you have found it.

Fort De Soto Park was built on Mullet Key under the direction of Robert E. Lee. It is now largely known for having some of the best award-winning beaches, boating, fishing, and wildlife, with over 1,100 acres to explore. Make sure to spend some at the picturesque white sand beaches (I especially like North Beach).

There are miles of paved nature trails, camping and picnic spots, two fishing piers, bird watching, ferry rides to Egmont and Shell Keys, and a dog area. Of course, you can’t leave without seeing the historic fort and museum.

Camping at Fort De Soto Park is truly the best way to experience all that this park has to offer. There are a total of 236 campsites with facilities that also include access to electricity, washers and dryers, restrooms, playgrounds, and campsite stores.

You can also bring your dog. Fort De Soto Park has one of the best dog beaches in Florida.

Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge

Egmont Key State Park

Egmont Key State Park is a secluded private island only accessible by boat. Since there’s no admission fee (only transportation cost).

Island Ferry of St Pete Beach is one ferry option, or you can visit through For De Soto Park. Keep in mind, you’ll need to bring your own beach or snorkel equipment.

One of the best ways to see Egmont Key State Park is on a boat tour. They provide the equipment and you can relax and enjoy the island! This 4-Hour Egmont Key Boat Tour provides snorkel equipment, bottled waters, and an indoor cabin with air-conditioning when it gets hot. Plus, they take you by the Sunshine Skyway Bridge for gorgeous photo opportunities.

You can spend time at the white sand beach, go snorkeling or swimming in crystal clear waters, or enjoy the nature trails. The blue-green water is shallow and clear at Egmont Key, so it’s easy to see the beautiful shells and fish swimming around you.

Keep your eyes open for old structures that have since been submerged in the Gulf of Mexico. You can also see (and we often do) manatees, dolphins, and other marine life while snorkeling around this island.

Take a break from snorkeling and see some of Egmont Key by walking the nature trail. The brick paths will lead you to several structures and a lighthouse that are historic ruins of Fort Dade that date back to 1858.

Before you visit, make sure you have good weather. Egmont Key State Park is a distance by boat and you don’t want to be out there in a storm.

Enjoy a Round of Golf in Pinellas County

Isla Del Sol Yacht & Country Club in St Petersburg

With gulf coast breezes and sunny weather, a day on the golf course is another one of the fun things to do in St Petersburg FL. Check out our article on the best golf courses in Pinellas County .

If you prefer a miniature golf course, Smugglers Cove has a couple of locations in Tampa Bay. Some even have live alligators and pirate ships!

Weedon Island Preserve

If you’re not yet oversaturated by beaches and parks, Weedon Island Preserve is another beautiful spot in Tampa Bay. With 3,1900 acres of nature trails and green spaces, you have plenty of bird watching opportunities. Plus, you can enjoy a paddling trail with canoe or kayak rentals available to rent.

Weedon Island Preserve offers guided tours which are great for the whole family. One of the most interesting nature hikes is an active archaeological dig site on Weeden Island Preserve. Here you can learn about the early inhabitants of Weedon Island thousands of years ago.

Observation towers are another great way to see wildlife. At Wheedon Island Preserve, their observation tower provides visitors with an excellent view of Tampa Bay and the cities of St Petersburg and Tampa .

Make Time for Day Trips in St Petersburg Area

Sunset photo was taken on the water of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Tampa Bay really has a boatload of places to see! You’ll definitely want to make time for some day trips. I have an extensive list of favorite places, but here are a few to mention:

Bradenton Florida Marina showing boats

Head over the beautiful Sunshine Skyway Bridge to the city of Bradenton, Florida. Before you get there, some people like to stop at the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park for beautiful views of the Gulf of Mexico. The fishing piers are the location of the old bridge which has great fishing, such as Spanish mackerel, tarpon, and sea trout.

In Bradenton, you’ll find a nice laid-back waterfront town with a beautiful riverwalk. One of my favorite science museums, The Bishop Museum of Science & Nature , is located downtown with manatees in their aquarium. Check out my full list of fun things to do in Bradenton .

Clearwater & Clearwater Beach

Clearwater church of scientology

Beyond the Church of Scientology, Clearwater is famous for the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of suffering marine animals. They provide public education, including dolphin boat tours and conservation efforts in a hands-on experience.

The aquarium gained worldwide recognition for being where the Bottlenose Dolphin, “Winter” lived. Winter was the main character in the 2009 book Winter’s Tale and, more notably, became the 2011 film, Dolphin Tale .

Downtown Clearwater Beach is also worth visiting, and one of my favorite staycations! Read more about deciding between St Pete Beach and Clearwater Beach for vacation here !

💰 Local Tip: If you are here on vacation get a Tampa Bay CityPass to save 53% off! The CityPass includes Busch Gardens, The Florida Aquarium, Zoo Tampa at Lowry Park, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, The Tropic Boats Tour, and the Museum of Science & Industry (MOSI).

Dunedin Museum

If you love quaint towns on the waterfront, Dun edin has a lot to offer! Some of the best local breweries in Pinellas County are in the charming city. You’ll be impressed by the many restaurants , shops, and the parking is usually free. However, it is a drive from downtown St Petersburg, so you’ll definitely want to plan for being there all day.

Madeira Beach

Madeira Beach

Come to the land of the pirates! As legend has it, Madeira Beach’s first resident was a pirate which helped shape its unique history.

It is widely known for its 2.5 mile long white sandy beaches and the historical John’s Pass Village. This beautiful shopping district has over 100 unique shops and many restaurants, bars, and watersports equipment available to rent.

John’s Pass Village & Boardwalk has been ranked the #1 attraction in Pinellas County.

Tampa Florida Waterfront view

If you’re looking for world-class thrill rides, zoos, concerts, and a big-city feel, you can’t miss Tampa . As I mentioned earlier, you’ll definitely want to make time for this fantastic city on your trip itinerary.

Read Next: The 25+ Fun Date Things to Do in Tampa for Couples

Tarpon Springs

Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks, photo of boat with sponges

Tarpon Springs is a city located on the Gulf of Mexico. Known for its Greek eateries that line the waterfront of Dodecanese Boulevard, it has a rich Greek heritage. In the early 1900s, Greek sponge divers settled here and the town was famous for selling sponges.

Enjoy a leisurely walk to see the Historic Sponge Docks are a reminder of the once booming industry. If you get time for a meal, try Hellas Restaurant (they also have a delicious bakery on the property).

Safety Harbor

Safety Harbor downtown

Safety Harbor wasn’t one of the first cities in St. Petersburg to attract my attention. However, it’s been one of my more frequent places to visit in the last year. This quaint town is also located on the water with a super laid-back vibe, with local breweries, antique shops, and golf carts replacing cars for locals. While the city is most known for it’s famous healing springs, there’s plenty to do here on a day trip from St Pete.

Final Thoughts on Things to Do in St Petersburg FL

I hope my favorite things to do in St. Petersburg list are helpful to you! Whatever you do, make sure to spend some time on a boat or near the water. Our gorgeous white sand beaches and crystal clear water are one of a kind. I always feel rejuvenated after spending a couple of hours walking the beach or on a boat.

As I mentioned, I continue to find new things I adore about the Sunshine City. Please feel free to message me anytime if you see new things I need to add to my list!

Before You Go…

Make sure you take full advantage of everything this incredible city has to offer. You’ll definitely want to book a hotel and check out the related articles below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i spend a day in st. petersburg.

Explore Downtown St Petersburg with world-class museums, art galleries, restaurants, and amazing views from St Pete Pier. You are a stone’s throw from some of the best beaches in Florida, including Spa Beach, St Pete Beach, and Fort Desoto Beach.

Is St. Petersburg, Florida worth visiting?

In addition to its gorgeous white sandy beaches, Saint Petersburg also offers the world-renowned Salvador Dali Museum, top-rated restaurants, and beautiful Fort DeSoto Park. This city is ideal for those that want a beautiful beach location with interesting places to explore!

Did You Find This Post Helpful? Share It!

If so, I would love to hear about your favorite things to do in St Petersburg FL. You can follow me on Instagram , and tag your images to @erinstraveltips and hashtag #erinstraveltips. I look forward to seeing you there!

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9 Highest Rated Tours in St Petersburg, FL in 2023
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4 thoughts on “61 Best Things to Do in St Petersburg FL [Local’s Guide]”

So much to do and see. I had no idea there was a holocaust museum there. I would definitely want to visit it.

Oooh nice! I had no idea there was so much art in St Petersburg! The Salvador Dali Museum (and the others) sound really fun to explore.

It may be named after the city in Russia, but this couldn’t look much more different!! So much sunshine!

The Dali Museum is awesome. Next time I need to do a boat tour and also visit some breweries.

Wow, Erin! This is an awesome list of things to do in St. Petersburg. I can’t believe that we have yet to visit. I would love to check out some of the restaurants you mentioned. I mean, you had me at tacos!!

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