buena vibra college tour 2022

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P. rico-vuelve el buena vibra college tour, entretenimiento musical para la población estudiantil.

San Juan, 16 sep (INS).- El Buena Vibra College Tour, entretenimiento para estudiantes universitarios alrededor de la Isla, volverá a partir de mañana, martes, y se extenderá hasta octubre.

Emil Medina y Max Pérez, cofundadores de la agencia de experiencias Buena Vibra Group, dijeron que el Buena Vibra College Tour tiene un significado especial.

“Se trata del proyecto que convirtió una amistad en una relación de socios de negocios, y un sueño en una realidad que aún continuamos construyendo con el mismo entusiasmo que el primer día”, expresó Medina.

Pérez agregó que “lo que comenzó en UPR Bayamón como una idea de llevar experiencias y entretenimiento a la comunidad universitaria, dio pie a lo que hoy somos y hacemos como empresa. Y nada nos llena de más satisfacción que regresar a nuestras raíces”.

En esta edición del College Tour, que se extiende hasta el mes de octubre, la oferta musical incluye la presentación de Lyanno, La Parcha, Three Two Roots, Los Rivera Destino, Black Guayaba, Rafa Pabón y Yíbaro, entre otros.

Mañana, martes, en la Inter Metro, estará DJ y Batucada, de 11:00 de la mañana a 1:00 de la tarde.INS

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Celebran octava edición del Buena Vibra College Tour

Las presentaciones musicales fomentan la confraternización y sano entretenimiento en la comunidad universitaria..

buena vibra college tour 2022

Nota de archivo: esta historia fue publicada hace más de 12 años .

Buena Vibra celebra la octava edición del Colleg Tour, llevando lo mejor de la música a los campus universitarios.

La reconocida gira cuenta este año con la participacion da Black Guayaba,Cultura Profética, Andy Montañez, Departamento del Ritmo, Plena Libre, Piza, DVJ King Arthur,DJ Kapi, y DJ Gandhi, entre otros.

Según se indicó en un comunicado de prensa, estas presentaciones musicales brindan a los estudiantes la oportunidad de disfrutar de sus exponentes favoritos sin salir de su ambiente, fomentando así la confraternización y sano entretenimiento en la comunidad universitaria.

Próximas presentaciones:

25 de septiembre - Andy Montañez en la Universidad Interamericana, Recinto Metro

27 de septiembre - Cultura Profética en la UPR, Recinto de Humacao

4 de octubre - Cultura Profética en la UPR, Recinto de Cayey

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El evento “Buena Vibra Tour” ya tiene una nueva fecha en Bogotá

Tras la reprogramación en noviembre, “buena vibra tour” anuncia su regreso con la presentación de diego torres, alejandro lerner y herencia de timbiquí..

Imagen del Buena Vibra Tour. Foto: Instagram Cortesia

El “Buena Vibra Tour” es más que un concierto, es un espacio construido con un concepto lleno de música, grandes artistas y experiencias positivas que rememoran los recuerdos de toda una generación, esta vez quienes participaran son Diego Torres, Alejandro Lerner y Herencia de Timbiquí.

Tras el auge que tuvo la gira en 2022 tanto en la capital del país como en la capital antioqueña, los artistas regresan al país cafetero recargados, para complacer a sus fieles fanáticos que sueñan con repetir un show de gran altura y para satisfacer sobre todo, a quienes no lograron sus tickets para las fechas anteriores.

Recordemos que la temporada anterior, contó con la participación de los argentinos Diego Torres, Alejandro Lerner y los colombianos Bacilos, que en el Movistar Arena, cantaron las canciones más amadas y proclamadas por sus fans y seguidores, canciones que han sido la compañía de los asistentes por varias décadas y los han hecho cantar a todo pulmón al público.

El evento que reúne a los grandes de la balada pop y a los destacados exponentes de folk colombiano se llevará a cabo el 18 de mayo de 2023 en el Movistar Arena-Bogotá, donde los asistentes podrán disfrutar canciones como: “Penélope”, “Color Esperanza” de Diego Torres; “Volver a Empezar”, “Después de ti”de Alejandro Lerner y “Sabrás”, “Te Invito”, “Vive a tu Manera” de Herencia de Timbiquí.

Estas canciones son algunos de los éxitos que serán interpretados por los artistas y que sin duda serán coreados por el público que vivirá una noche llena de magia . El evento tendrá habilitadas las localidades: TRIBUNA FAN + PLATEA + PISO 2 Y PISO 3 con una disposición para un aforo total de 11.000 personas y las boletas las puede conseguir dando click aquí . 

Costos de la boletería. Foto: Cortesia

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Buena Vista Social Club Heading to Broadway in 2025

The musical about the Cuban artists who brought the acclaimed Grammy-winning album to life will premiere March 19 at the Schoenfeld Theater.

By Sigal Ratner-Arias

Sigal Ratner-Arias

Deputy Editor, Billboard Español

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The story of Buena Vista Social Club , the musical ensemble primarily comprised of Cuban musicians (many of them elderly), whose acclaimed debut album from 1997 became a global sensation, will arrive on Broadway early next year, producers Orin Wolf , John Styles and Barbara Broccoli announced on Monday (Sep. 16).

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The Broadway company features Natalie Venetia Belcon as Omara Portuondo , Julio Monge as Compay Segundo , Mel Semé as Ibrahim Ferrer and Jainardo Batista Sterling as Rubén González — with Isa Antonetti, Da’von Moody, Wesley Wray and Leonardo Reyna as their younger versions, respectively. Renesito Avich will play Eliades Ochoa, and Ashley De La Rosa a young Haydee. Also performing are Angelica Beliard, Carlos Falú, Hector Juan Maisonet, Ilda Mason, Marielys Molina, and Sophia Ramos, among others.

The musical band will consist of Marco Paguia (piano, musical direction, composition, and arrangements), David Oquendo (guitar, additional arrangements), Gustavo Schartz (bass), Hery Paz (wind instruments), Eddie Venegas (trombone), Jesús Ricardo (trumpet), Javier Díaz (percussion, additional arrangements), Mauricio Herrera (percussion) and Román Díaz (percussion).

The group’s eponymous debut album was released in September 1997 and quickly became an international sensation. On the Billboard charts, it reached No. 1 on Tropical Albums , where it stayed at the top for 24 weeks and spent a total of 266 weeks on the chart. It also reached No. 1 on Top Latin Albums and World Albums , and spent 19 weeks on the Billboard 200 . In 1988, it won the Grammy for Best Tropical Latin Album, and the Billboard Latin Music Award for Tropical/Salsa Album of the Year by a Group.

The  Buena Vista Social Club  album was also voted into the National Recording Registry in 2022 and the Grammy Hall of Fame earlier this year.

“It’s been my honor to help develop Buena Vista Social Club into a new musical alongside Marco Ramirez, Saheem Ali, Patricia Delgado, Justin Peck and David Yazbek — all artists at the very top of their game,” producer Orin Wolf says in a press release. “From our trips to Cuba getting to meet the incredible artists who created the album to our Off-Broadway premiere, the artistic process has been as invigorating as the energy and music that will begin pouring out of the Schoenfeld Theatre next year.”

“I first heard the Buena Vista Social Club as a precocious youngster growing up in Nairobi, wearing out the original album from my father’s eclectic CD collection,” adds director Saheem Ali. “Though we spoke Swahili and not Spanish, I memorized the lyrics in my broken accent. I felt connected to the beautiful songs embodying the spirit of a distant culture. Decades later, I’m thrilled to be joining Orin, Marco and the entire creative team on the journey to bringing this extraordinary, singular musical to Broadway.”

BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB is produced on Broadway by Orin Wolf, John Styles, Barbara Broccoli, Atlantic Theater Company, Luis Miranda, LaChanze and John Leguizamo, with executive producer Allan Williams. The off-Broadway production was nominated for Best Musical by the Drama League and Outer Critics Circle organizations.

For tickets and more details, click here .

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You’ve heard this advice before — don’t just look at buildings. Instead, keep the following in mind whether you’re attending an event, campus tour or a virtual session:

  • When to schedule your visit: Check out our Moscow campus as students attend class, engage in research and go about their day-to-day lives as Vandals. Ideally, attend a tour before submitting your application, preferably in the spring of your junior year or early fall of your senior year.
  • Be ready to ask questions: Make a list ahead of time to ask your tour guide, admissions counselor and students you see around campus.
  • Consider multiple campus visits: Start virtually to get a feel for our campus. Then, to get a more personal perspective, consider attending an on-campus visit. Here, opt for a student-guided campus tour, and schedule in visits with schools or departments for programs you’re curious about.
  • Take notes: What makes U of I unique? How does being a Vandal resonate with you? Document your visit with notes and photos to reference later.
  • Prepare ahead of time: Avoid attending a campus visit on a whim. Instead, schedule your visit in advance, make plans for a college or program visit, explore our virtual resources, review a map to understand the layout of our campus and make travel arrangements. Additionally, continue your research to ask questions during your visit.

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Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Bruce M. Pitman Center 709 Deakin Street Rm 117  Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address: University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264 Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6326

Fax: 208-885-9119

Email: [email protected]

Web: Office of Admissions

Physical Address: University of Idaho Boise 322 E. Front St Boise, ID 83702

Email: [email protected]

Web: Boise Center

Coeur d'Alene

Physical Address: University of Idaho Coeur d'Alene 1031 N Academic Way Suite 242 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Web: Coeur d'Alene Center

Idaho Falls

Physical Address: University of Idaho Idaho Fall 1776 Science Center Dr. Suite 306 Idaho Falls, ID 83840

Web: Idaho Falls Center

  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Best of Moscow by high speed train

By shuguley , February 15, 2014 in Regent Seven Seas Cruises

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250+ Club

Sure would appreciate someone who has taken "Best of Moscow by high speed train" from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day.

Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also what time did you leave the ship and what time at night did you return? Were both legs of the trip on the high speed rail (I read that slower trains also travel the same tracks)?

My wife and I are considering this excursion. We thought that if we are making all the effort to go to Russia then how could we pass up going to Moscow, walking in Red Square, seeing St. Basil, etc.

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1,000+ Club

If you are considering this on the 2015 June Baltic cruise on Voyager; my suggestion is don't. There is so much to do in St. Petersburg and although a train is one of my favorite ways to travel the time would be far better spent in St. P.

Thanks for the advice. Yes, this would be on the Voyager during the 2015 season but not yet sure exactly which cruise.

5,000+ Club

We did the Moscow excursion "on a different luxury line", but from your brief description it sounds very much like the same trip, so I will operate on that assumption. It is a VERY long day! We left the ship at 5:30 AM and returned at 12:30 AM. The highspeed train trip is comfortable, and while they call it "Business Class" it does not compare well to the equivalent class on say Rail Europe. When we did it in 2011, we did have highspeed both ways, and the trip back seemed much longer as the adrenaline and excitement had worn off!:D

Moscow itself is not that terribly different from any other big city in the world, but this Cold War kid never thought he would ever stand in Red Square, never mind walk the grounds of The Kremlin, or tour The Kremlin Palace, or see (but not visit) Lenin's Tomb, or visit The Armoury. But he did, and he loved every minute of it! Yes, it is a long day, and you barely scratch a scratch on the surface, but it is worth it. There is a tremendous amount to see in St. Petersburg, but every Baltic cruise goes to St. Petersburg, so you can go back if you choose to. Not every cruiseline offers you the chance to see Moscow.


I have not personally done this tour, but our last time in St Petersburg, the private guide that we hired for a day was leading the regent tour to Moscow on the high speed train the next day. He said it was way better than the previous alternative, which was flying to Moscow and back. He said that you actually got to Moscow faster because you didn't have to deal with airline checkin etc. it did seem like a very long day to me, and there is so much to see and do in st. Petersburg that I didn't consider doing it.



We toured to Moscow from St. Petersburg via the hi-speed SAPSAN train last September, from a Baltic cruise on the Oceania Marina. You need to have a two-night, three day port call in St. Petersburg to take this tour because the tour typically leaves the ship around 5:00 - 5:30 AM and doesn't return until after midnight the next day. We didn't take the ship's tour; we made private arrangements with TravelAllRussia for three days of touring, the first and third days in St. Petersburg and the second day the tour to Moscow by train. Our cost for the private tour for three days was about the same as what the ship charged for the excursion to Moscow alone. There are a number of private tour agencies that operate in St. Petersburg and offer the Moscow train tours; we would strongly recommend them over the ship's tours.

All three days had private guides with car and driver. The second day, the driver picked us up at the ship and took us to the train, but we were alone on the train, and met in Moscow by the guide on the station platform. After our tour and dinner, we were brought back to the train and after the return train trip met by the driver and taken back to the ship. Because you are alone on the train you must have your own Russian visas.

If this is your first visit to St. Petersburg, I would agree there is much more to see there. We found Moscow somewhat a disappointment, particularly Red Square. The Kremlin and the cathedral in Red Square were also worth seeing. But the best thing we saw was the Moscow subway! I worked for the Washington Metro system back in the 1980s as it grew from 40 to 80 miles and although I was in the computer area, I learned a lot about the challenges of running a subway system. We used the Moscow system to get across the city from where we had dinner to the train station, and I was amazed at the cleanliness', speed of operation, the short headways maintained, and the courtesy of everyone involved. A very impressive experience!

We had been to St. Petersburg before, and so had the time to take a day and go to Moscow. Also, I really like trains, and the SAPSAN is a German train set running on Russian rails. Seats are like first class domestic air, spacious but not too plush or comfortable, but with enough room. Not too much recline, and almost 8 hours on the train in two shots is a lot for an old man. They come through and sell drinks, candy, etc. but the sellers don't speak English and no one around us helped, so we had just poor coffee once coming, and brought stuff with us for the trip back. Not too much to see from the train either, particularly on the return when it is night the whole way.

If you decide to go, take a private tour and avoid the overly expensive ship's tour. I'm glad we did it, but wouldn't bother to repeat the tour; we've seen Moscow.

Thanks so much to all of you for the thorough and thought insight. Yhe information you have provided is most helpful.

countflorida: Your detailed post is very helpful. We are not quite ready for a Baltic cruise but should do so within a year. Time enough to do our pre travel research, bookings and visa gathering.:) Thank you!

Emperor Norton

Emperor Norton

Sure would appreciate someone who has taken "Best of Moscow by high speed train" from St. Petersburg could please share their impressions of this shore excursion. From the description this sounds like a very long day.   Wondering how the 4 hour train trip was in terms of accommodations, etc. Also what time did you leave the ship and what time at night did you return? Were both legs of the trip on the high speed rail (I read that slower trains also travel the same tracks)?   My wife and I are considering this excursion. We thought that if we are making all the effort to go to Russia then how could we pass up going to Moscow, walking in Red Square, seeing St. Basil, etc.

I did this on Seabourn. IMO DONT. Take Aeroflop (er Aeroflot). The train has non folding seats where you are literally knee to knee with your fellow passenger (facing each other). Further they don't believe in air conditioning. It's also the worlds slowed bullet train. I think I would have found more enjoyment wandering around the St. Petersburg and Moscow airports.


This is a little off topic,, however we had planned a river cruise in Russia but decided we would rather stay on land and have booked about two weeks with Travel-All-Russia using the private guide and driver. I'm curious as to how you found them as a tour company.

The guides they provided were fine. We had a different guide each of the days in St. Petersburg, but both were flexible, pleasant, knowledgeable and spoke English very well, as did the guide in Moscow, incidentally. She was a bit aloof, distant, not too friendly, but otherwise fine. In fact, she was the one who suggested taking the Metro, which unexpectedly became one of the highlights of the Moscow excursion. If I have a complaint with AllTravelRussia, it is with their plan and its execution (more later).

I had requested emphasis on World War II (in Russia, the Great Patriotic War) sites and info. In scheduling us, they weren't careful about dates and a couple of the sites we wanted to see were scheduled on the third day, after we'd been to Moscow. But both sites were closed that day of the week, and that info was readily available, right on web sites describing them. Also, the included meals (lunches in St. Pete, dinner in Moscow) were not what we asked for: light meals with some choices, so we could avoid things we didn't like and choose things we did like. My request was ignored; we were given full Russian meals with a fixed menu, no choice. On the first day, a fish dish was the entre, but I am allergic to fish. Fortunately, I had the e-mail I'd sent with me and showed it to the guide, and she was able to change my entre to chicken, which was very good actually. But we didn't want a 3-4 course lunches or dinner (in Moscow). We had the guide drop the lunch the third day, although we never got any credit or refund. But, particularly in contrast to the ship's tours, the prices were so reasonable we didn't worry too much about it.

The people who were on the ship's tour to Moscow saw us boarding the same train for which they were forced to queue up and wait on the way back, and asked us what we had done. I was candid and open so they were not happy when I explained what we had arranged and particularly what it had cost. Also, when we returned to the ship, we found they had laid on a late supper for those who had gone to Moscow, so up we went and had something. Well, it turns out the late supper was supposed to be just for those on the ship's tour, but we and others on 'independent' tours, there were a dozen or more of us, crashed the party, actually got there first, and they didn't realize it until the larger group arrived and there weren't enough tables/places set. By that time, the 'independents' had all gotten served and were eating; what could they do?

A couple from the larger group sat down with us and asked us about our tour, and they were the ones I told about our arrangement and its cost. They turned to others who’d been with them and announced the details, loudly enough so the whole room heard, which started a lot of bitching and complaining. I gathered they weren't very happy with the ship's tour to begin with, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. We finished up and beat it out of there, but overheard later that one of the excursion staff came to check on something and ran into a real mess. I caught a cold on the trip, which forced me to bed the second day following in Tallinn, so by the time we reappeared we heard about the contretemps' but apparently no one recalled who started it, thankfully.

Because of what happened to us, I would probably not use AllTravelRussia if I were to go again, or if I did, I would be sure to get confirmation of every detail of the tour. They do have good reviews generally, and we were certainly helped by their visa department and liked the guides and drivers. Their weakness, I say now with full 20:20 hindsight, is that once the sales person who plans the tour, sells it to you and collects your money, he (or she) transfers the plan to their Russia office for implementation; there is no follow-up to make sure it gets done right. And that is where our problems arose; we paid for a custom tour but got a standard package with a few destinations switched, and no one checked them out, even to see when they were open the day we were scheduled to go. If you check every detail that’s important to you, it should be OK, but that’s a hell of a way to have to do business, in my opinion.

Thank you for the 20/20 hindsight observation on your Russian tour operator, and better priced than the ship's excursion cost.

Thanks very much for the feedback.

We had the same experience as you so far as price. We originally booked a Viking Cruise but, hearing some things about the river cruises that made us unhappy, looked into other options. T-A-R cost the same or less than a cruise and had us in hotels for 11 days. We opted for the private tour. They have three tour levels, based on hotels. We originally opted for the four star as it did not cost much more than the three star hotels. Finally we decided to throw it all in and upgraded to five star. In Moscow we will be at the newly opened Kempinsky which is two blocks from Red Square. In St. Petersburg it is the Grand Hotel Europe, one of the most vaunted luxury hotels in Russia. Location is important for us as the tours use up only part of the day so being in the center of everything for our independent touring is important. As with many other cities, the less you pay, the farther out of the center of town you are.

We have been working with our salesman in D.C. and he seems to get back to us with the changes we want. He recently returned from Russia so is up on everything. When I asked they said they paid the full TA commission if I wanted so I got my usual TA on board so he is watching our back and giving us that extra level of comfort. He also set up our air, which I know pays him little or nothing, and got us business class for much less than T-A-R wanted for economy, though it took working for a while with a consolidator. He's happy to get his 10 percent on this trip without having booked it. He also took care of the trip insurance. We've been doing a lot of research on the CC sister site Trip Advisor and will write a report there. We will, I guess, become a source of info for CC members after having spent 5 days in Moscow and 6 in SP.

  • 4 months later...



Anybody considering a day trip to Moscow from St. Petersburg on the Sapsan may want to look at our travelogue filled with pictures.



Very informative. Thanks dor sharing. Jeff

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