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e bike tour 3 tage

E-Bike-Touren: Deutschlands 55 schönste

Die schönsten e-bike-touren deutschlands.

Radtourenfahrer haben ganz eigene Ansprüche an ihre Routen und ans Navigieren. Nicht die schnellste sondern die reizvollste Verbindung zwischen A und B zählt! Radwanderkarten bieten entsprechenden Mehrwert im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Straßenkarten: Radwege, Verkehrsdichte, Routenvorschläge und nicht zuletzt Hinweise auf Sehenswürdigkeiten, Werkstätten und Einkehrmöglichkeiten. Pedelec-Fahrer haben darüber hinaus weitere Wünsche, wenn sie auf Reisen sind. Sie wollen ihre Räder sicher abstellen, benötigen Lademöglichkeiten und manchmal auch einen Gepäcktransport. All diese Wünsche bündelt das Buch „Die 55 schönsten E-Bike-Touren in Deutschland“. Das 2019 in erster Auflage erschienene Buch bietet gemütliche bis sportliche Touren in allen Bundesländern.

Lust auf Radfahren in Dänemark? Hier gibt’s mehr!

E-Bike-Touren im Bergischen Land: Radlertreff in Wipperfürth

E-Bike-Touren von Nord nach Süd

Nach einer kurzen Einleitung, welche rechtlichen Voraussetzungen ein Pedelec erfüllen muss und wie sich die einzelnen Elektrorad-Klassen – Pedelec 25, S-Pedelec und E-Bike – unterscheiden, arbeitet sich Autor Oliver Kockskämper von Nord nach Süd durch die gesamte Republik. Der erfahrene Radreise-Autor hat Streckentouren mit unterschiedlichen Start- und Zielpunkten ebenso ausgewählt wie Rundfahrten. Alle Touren starten direkt an oder in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Bahnhöfen oder S-Bahnhalten.

„Die 55 schönsten E-Bike-Touren in Deutschland, 14,95, erschienen im Verlag BVA BikeMedia

Beschreibung, Karte, Streckenprofil

Zu Beginn jeder Tourenbeschreibung gibt er einen kurzen Überblick über die Routenlänge, den Startpunkt, die Beschilderung unterwegs und das zu erwartende Wegenetz. Eine kleine Karte zeigt die gesamte Tour. Zum Navigieren eignen sich diese Kartenausschnitte allerdings nicht. Dafür gibt es am Ende jeder Tour einen Hinweis zur passenden ADFC-Regionalkarte. Diese zeichnen sich durch eine speziell auf Radtouristen zugeschnittene Legende und Kartographie aus.

Glasklar, aber kalt: Der Lautersee

E-Bike-Touren von 25 bis 150 Kilometern Länge

Kockskämper beschreibt die einzelnen Touren lebendig und mit viel Liebe zum Detail. Er gibt Hintergrundinformationen in kurzen Infokästen und versieht die Wegbeschreibungen mit viel Insiderwissen. Die Touren sind zwischen 25 Kilometern („Keine Angst vor Hexen!“, Streckentour Wernigerode – Brocken) und 150 Kilometern („Genießerrunde an Kocher und Jagst“, Rundtour ab Schwäbisch Hall) lang. Bei Touren ab etwa 100 Kilometern gibt der Autor Tipps zu möglichen Zwischenübernachtungen.

Radreiseanalyse: Das sind die beliebtesten Ziele!

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Bewusst kein Hinweis auf Lade-Stationen

Auf Hinweise zu Ladestationen indes verzichtet Kockskämper. Nicht ohne Grund, denn solche Ladestationen kommen und gehen. Eine Steckdose zum Akkuladen gibt aber erfahrungsgemäß fast jeder Wirt oder Hotelier auf freundliche Nachfrage gerne frei.

Mit dem E-Bike am Main entlang: Die Skyline der Weltmetropole Frankfurt

E-Bike-Touren in bekannten und weniger bekannten Radwandergebieten

Das Buch spart keine der bekannten Radwandergebiete aus, entführt gleichzeitig in einige bisher auf zwei Reifen unentdeckte Regionen. Oliver Kockskämper liefert mit seinem ersten Buch explizit für E-Biker ein lesenswertes Werk mit abwechslungsreichen Tourentipps. Ergänzt um die entsprechenden ADFC-Regionalkarten ergibt sich so ein spannender Reisebegleiter für ausgiebige E-Bike-Touren. Einzig die Höhenprofile für die Strecken fehlen etwas. Da sich das Buch aber an E-Biker mit elektrischer Unterstützung richtet, ist dieses kleine Manko zu verschmerzen.

Interesse? „Die 55 schönsten E-Bike-Touren in Deutschland erscheint im Verlag BVA BikeMedia in Bielefeld. Das Buch kostet 14,95 Euro. ISBN: 978-3-87073-893-8.

E-Bike-Touren wecken Sehnsucht

Dieser Artikel erschien erstmals im Öko-Test-Magazin, Ausgabe 4/2019 , in Kooperation mit ElektroRad.

E-Bike-Touren zum Schloss Schwerin

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• three nights’ accommodation, including breakfast • daily luggage transport • costs for luggage pick-up at the station • subsidy for travelling by train • well-thought-out itinerary • travel documents (one per room) • service hotline

Note: tourist tax, if due, is not included in the price. A reservation fee of CHF 15 per adult (including legally required customer money protection).

The region of Bern is full of exciting contrasts

The fact that Bern’s clocks run a bit slower is a well-known fact far beyond the region’s borders. Taking a stroll through the charming, narrow streets of Bern’s UNESCO-listed old town is almost like being on holidays.

This becomes apparent when you cycle along the Green Belt, a cycling route that leads through the villages and municipalities around Bern. On the Friensiberg Scenic Route you’re far away from the chaos of everyday life. People from Bern like to say: “Nume nid gsprängt” (“no need to rush”). But why would you rush when everything is so wonderfully relaxed? The castle and the charming timber-framed houses in Laupen are witnesses to times past, inviting you to take a break. The “Tales of the Gantrisch” route in the Nature Park Gantrisch is when things get really idyllic. You can listen to the local legends along the way, forget about your everyday life and dream of histories from days gone by.

Day 1 Journey to Bern | Bern – Wattenwil

Luggage drop-off in Bern. After a few pedal strokes, you’ll leave the bustling city centre behind you to circumnavigate the suburbs on the quiet side roads of cycling route 888 (the Green Belt).

A magnificent panoramic view of the snow-covered peaks of the Bernese Oberland will open up before you. From Münsingen, you’ll follow the route Bern South and cross the Gürbe valley before driving up to a sunny farm above Wattenwil.

Day 2 Wattenwil – Rüeggisberg

Today, while following the “Tales of the Gantrisch” route, you will discover the Nature Park Gantrisch.  On the way, tales about memorable places, adventurous experiences, and historical events will teach you about regional legends.

All of the information is in Swiss German or French, and harmoniously presented at six interactive exploration sites. This exciting day ends in Rüeggisberg.

Day 3 Rüeggisberg – Laupen

Cycle along the foothills of the Längen mountain to reach Niederwangen. This is where the Laupen Historical Loop starts. Keep in mind that the clocks run differently along this route. What’s most important here is taking your time, taking breaks, and slowing down. Laupen, where you’ll be spending the night, wholeheartedly embodies this motto.

Day 4 Laupen – Bern

Past Lake Wohlen and up to the Friensiberg recreation area. The scenic route hits you with another panoramic view of the Alps before you’ll leisurely follow the Green Belt back to the federal city of Bern. After arriving in Bern, it’s time to collect your luggage and get on your way home.

Cycling Tours Bern

Experience moments of pure bliss on our ten highlight tours around Bern, the Swiss federal city and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Along Lake Wohlen, through the Nature Park Gantrisch, in Laupen, on the high plateau Friensiberg or in the Emmental, each of our circular routes comes with breathtaking views of the Bernese Alps as well as the opportunity to explore the unique qualities of the region with all your senses. An e-bike makes your excursion more leisurely, a conventional bicycle a bit more athletic – the choice is yours.

Hop on, get set, go!

e bike tour 3 tage

Cycling tips for non-motorised two-wheelers

Discover bern by bike.

e bike tour 3 tage

10 of the Best Ebikes for Touring

After long hours in the saddle, we’ve selected ten of our favorite touring ebikes. We’ll go through the details of these in a moment, including the Pros, the Cons, and the typical price you can expect to pay for each. Before that, we’ll look at the key features that you should consider when choosing an electric bike for touring.

e bike tour 3 tage

There’s no denying that cycle touring is quite hard work. Pedaling yourself and your bike along (even on the flat) for 10 miles, 20 miles, or more is a challenge. Once you’ve loaded up your bike with all the essentials for touring (including your toothbrush and clean underwear) you might even have difficulty going once around the block. Luckily, there’s an easy answer to this and it comes in the form of electric bikes (AKA ebikes). These are bikes that have an electric motor fitted to give you assistance as you pedal and they’re exploding in popularity.

How to choose an ebike for touring

At its most basic, an ebike is a pushbike with a battery and an electric motor fitted. Start hunting around, though, and you’ll soon discover there’s a wide array of brands, models and specs available. So, how do you choose the right one for your budget, tastes and needs? Well, there are a few key factors to consider and we’ll take a look at them now.

Comfort First up, you’ll want a bike that is comfortable to ride as you’re likely to be on it for long periods of time. Road bikes are built for speed and great for touring and will get you to your destination fastest. But, if you’re not used to cycling on one, then choose a bike that has a more upright riding position – our goal here is to see the sights, not set a PB time. Similarly, bikes that have wider tires and a more padded saddle are useful as these will help soak up the lumps and bumps of the road or trail surface and be more enjoyable to ride.

Battery range In recent years battery technology has come on in leaps and bounds, with some ebikes now able to take you up to 230 miles on a single charge. Choose an ebike that has a lithium-ion battery from a well-known manufacturer (such as Panasonic or Samsung).

Cargo-carrying capacity The best place to store your gear when you’re bike touring is on the bike. Loading up a heavy backpack will get uncomfortable and sweaty very quickly. It will also make you top-heavy and more likely to topple over. Look for ebikes that either have pannier racks pre-fitted or have the fixings so that you can add your own.

It’s also worth considering a step-through or low-step bike if you plan on carrying lots of cargo with you on your tour. This can make it easier to get on and off a fully-laden bike without tilting it dangerously over to one side.

Best ebikes for touring

Let’s take a look at our ten favorite electric bikes for touring. These cover a wide range of different styles and price ranges. Some have loads of added extras and some are a simpler design.

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: Bosch battery and motor combo, fitted rear rack and fenders, sloping downtube, front suspension Cons: What’s not to like about this Haibike! Rating: 9/10 Typical price: $2600 / Purchase at Backcountry.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: Integrated rear rack, low-step through frame, budget price Cons: No suspension, small wheels Rating: 7/10 Typical price: $1299 / Purchase at Radpowerbikes.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: Great Shimano electronics paired with a light and strong aluminum frame Cons: Limited space to install water bottle cage Rating: 8/10 Typical price: $2399 / Purchase at Rei.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: Folds for easy transport, pre-fitted fenders and rear rack, suits wide range of rider heights Cons: No suspension, small wheels Rating: 7/10 Typical price: $2799 / Purchase at Rei.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: Bosch motor, 28mph top speed, light aluminum frame Cons: no integrated rear cargo rack Rating: 8/10 Typical price: $4100 / Purchase at Backcountry.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: excellent bike package for trail touring and bikepacking Cons: non-locking front fork Rating: 8/10 Typical price: $4100 / Purchase at Rei.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: Massive cargo-carrying capacity, ideal for wide range of rider heights (4’8” to 6’4”) Cons: at 71 lbs, it’s a heavy bike Rating: 7/10 Typical price: $4999 / Purchase at Rei.com

Wilier Cento1HY Ultegra E-Bike

e bike tour 3 tage

(Photo: wilier.com)

Amongst die-hard bike tourers, there’s an obsession with trying to cut out weight before a tour commences. Eating salads and sawing toothbrushes in half are all common practice. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Wilier does away with the need for all of that scary green stuff and suspect dental hygiene by giving us the Cento1HY. An ebike that is one of the lightest around (at only 26 lbs) and has oodles of power available (a 250W motor delivering speeds up to 20mph).

Pros: super-light ebike Cons: limited cargo-carrying potential Rating: 8/10 Typical price: $6000 / Purchase at CompetitiveCyclist.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: 26 lbs bike weight, hidden power, Shimano drivetrain Cons: limited cargo capacity Rating: 9/10 Typical price: $7200 / Purchase at CompetitiveCyclist.com

e bike tour 3 tage

Pros: Shimano GRX Di2 electronic shifting, go-anywhere touring bike Cons: $$$ Rating: 9.5/10 Typical price: $9999 / Purchase at CompetitiveCyclist.com


Ben Jones is a lover not a fighter, a cyclist not a DIY-er, and the founder of BicycleVolt a handy resource for cyclists from Tour-de-France wannabees to those just starting out on their bicycling journey.

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Best electric touring bikes 2023 – e-bikes for longer rides and multi-day trips.

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Go the distance with the best electric touring bikes

Whether you want to ride a multi-day epic off-road adventure, or complete something like LEJOG, an electric touring bike may well fit the bill. To be classed as a touring bike, we look for reasonable battery range, a comfortable geometry, and adaptability. This means mounting points for racks and/or frame bags, the ability to fit mudguards, and in some cases, a kick stand.

There are tourers for both on and off-road, with off-road e-bikes tending to have front suspension as a minimum, wide, chunky tyres and a mid-drive motor. For on-road tourers, lighter frames with wide gears and comfortable geometries rule.

Some electric touring bikes even have the option to mount two batteries, which can be very helpful for multi-day rides - although this will significantly add to the cost. You can however get a decent e-touring bike for a couple of grand, so don’t feel you need to break the bank to go on an adventure.

If you’re not sure an electric touring bike is for you, have a read of our guide to the best electric bikes for more of an overall taste of what’s out there.  

B est electric touring bikes

  • Riese & Muller Superdelite Mountain Rohloff - best full-suspension e-tourer  | Buy for £7,004 from Electric Bike Sales
  • Dallingridge Malvern - best under £1,500  | Buy for £1,149 from E-Bikes Direct
  • Riese & Muller UBN 5 Touring - best lightweight e-tourer  | Buy for £4,909 from Riese & Muller
  • Specialized Turbo Vado 4.0 - best under £3,500  | Buy for £3,250 from Specialized Concept Store
  • Canyon Pathlite:ON 9 LTD SUV - best e-SUV tourer  | Buy for £5,249 from Canyon
  • Neomouv Adonis 2 - best mid-drive under £2,500  | Buy for £2,349 from Generation Electric
  • Moustache Samedi 27 Xroad 3 Open - best step-through e-tourer  | Buy for £3,550 from Fully Charged
  • Kalkhoff Entice 5B Move - best mid-range tourer  | Buy for £4,099 from The Cycle Co.
  • Merida e.BIG Tour 400 EQ - best Shimano powered e-tourer  | Buy for £2,500 from Surge Bikes
  • BMC 257 AMP AL TWO - best looking e-tourer  | Buy for £3,789 from Leisure Wheels  

1. Riese & Muller Superdelite Mountain Rohloff - £9,339 (best full-suspension e-tourer)

Riese & Muller Superdelite Mountain riding 4.JPG

One for those with very deep pockets, the Riese & Muller Superdelite Moutain Rohloff is nevertheless pretty much ideal for off-road adventures. Given the Superdelite name because it runs dual batteries (giving it a total of 1,125Wh capacity), there’s plenty of mileage to be had on this machine.

It weighs 28.7kg so it’s not the lightest of bikes, but it does have the option of a rear rack for carrying extra loads. However, at over £9k this is obviously a big investment. But, if you’re serious about adventuring off-road, this is one of if not the best you’ll get from a very reputable brand.

For more detail, read our review of the Riese & Muller Superdelite Mountain Rohloff .  

2. Dallingridge Malvern - £1,349 (best under £1,500)

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A great value option for those who don’t want to splash too much cash, the Dallingridge Malvern is the firm’s take on a trekking e-bike. It was described as a “good all round e-bike that won’t break the bank” by our reviewer, thanks to the mid-level componentry and adaptable frame.

The frame design suits riders who prefer a slightly sportier riding position, but is only available in one size (18”), albeit with some adjustment for a range of rider heights. It comes equipped with a rear pannier rack and mudguards so you can carry plenty of bags, the only obvious omission is hardwired lights – although many riders have favoured removable lights anyway.

For more detail, read our review of the Dallingridge Malvern .  

3. Riese and Muller UBN 5 Touring - £4,909 (best lightweight e-tourer)

Riese and Muller UBN Five Touring.jpg

A powerful and lightweight e-bike, at first glance it looks more like a commuter than anything you’d want to ride for mile after mile. However, its sub-20kg weight and Fazua Ride 60 motor system mean it’s adaptable enough for both. It’s not quite as powerful as heavier mid-drives from Bosch and Shimano, but if you don’t want to carry too much luggage, it will work nicely.

Ordering directly from Riese & Muller gives you options a plenty to spec it with your choice of handlebars, gearing and racks, depending what you need for your riding. It’s not cheap, but it's certainly a decent option if the overall weight of the bike is important to you.

For more detail, read our review of the Riese & Muller UBN 5 Touring .  

4. Specialized Turbo Vado 4.0 - £3,250 (best under £3,500)

2023 Specialized Turbo Vado 4.0.jpg

If you’re after a comfortable yet powerful option for touring, then the Turbo Vado 4.0 is a workhorse that’s still fun to ride. It uses a Specialized 2.0 mid-drive motor, which produces up to 70Nm of torque. Our reviewer managed 70 miles in turbo mode, albeit with some pedalling of his own when on the flats.

He described it as a bike that, “could easily be used for local bikepacking adventures just as well as the commute or jobs around town.” It’s able to carry up to 27kg on the rear rack, and the front suspension provides comfort if you take it off-road. We wouldn’t recommend proper trail riding, but the canal towpath and that sort of level is more than doable.

For more detail, read our review of the Specialized Turbo Vado 4.0 .  

5. Canyon Pathlite:ON 9 LTD SUV - £5,249 (best e-SUV tourer)

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SUV style e-bikes are becoming more popular, taking inspiration from their four-wheeled counterparts. The idea is that this type of bike, although hefty, is the only bike you’ll need. An SUV style e-bike can carry loads, weave through traffic, and also head off-road. The Canyon Pathlite:ON 9 LTD SUV is one of the best examples we’ve seen.

It features a powerful Bosch mid-drive motor, ABS and electronic shifting. This is the most expensive in the Pathlite:ON range, so if you’re not that bothered about having the best of the best, there are also cheaper options available which will prove just as capable for the most part.

For more detail, read our review of the Canyon Pathlite:ON 9 LTD SUV .  

6. Neomouv Adonis 2 - £2,349 (best mid-drive under £2,500)

Neomouv Adonis 2.JPG

With a decent spec and a proprietary mid-drive motor for under £2,500, the Neomouv Adonis 2 is strikingly good value. You can choose between a 522Wh battery, which our reviewer managed around 40 hilly miles on, or a larger 630Wh option for the price we’ve listed above.

It’s a newer motor - as in, not as well-known a brand - but we found it to perform brilliantly. The bike also comes with a 27kg rated rear rack - and in touring every kilogram counts, so the more carrying capacity the better.

For more detail, read our review of the Neomouv Adonis 2 .  

7. Moustache Samedi 27 Xroad 3 Open - £3,699 (best step-through tourer)

Moustache Samedi X-Road 27 - full bike.jpg

With a 625Wh battery and Bosch Performance Line mid-drive motor, there’s not a lot stopping this bike from being a full touring machine. The low step-through frame design means it’s highly accessible for a wider variety of riders, while balancing urban practicality with more rugged capabilities.

It’s suitable for on or off-road excursions, although we wouldn’t recommend any serious trail riding – it's more for leisurely towpaths or fire roads. For extra comfort, Moustache has equipped the Samedi 27 Xroad 3 Open with a suspension seatpost and 80mm of travel in the forks. We last reviewed it in 2021, but although it’s had updates since then, it’s kept its distinct shape.

For more detail, read our review of the Moustache Samedi 27 Xroad 3 Open .  

8. Kalkhoff Entice 5B Move - £4,099 (best mid-range tourer)

Kalkhoff Entice 5B Move-36.jpg

The Kalkhoff Entice is one of the more off-road oriented electric touring bikes in this list. Its built around the Bosch Performance Line mid-drive motor with a 625Wh Powertube battery for plenty of mileage on or off-road.

This is quite an adaptable touring e-bike, with plenty of thoughtful features like the integrated battery design and sleek cable integration on the handlebars. There’s even a choice of frame designs - diamond or step-through - alongside an array of frame sizes. In terms of touring capabilities, wide tyres and suspension forks make off-road adventuring more enticing.

For more detail, read our review of the Kalkhoff Entice 5B Move .  

9. Merida e.BIG Tour 400 EQ - £3,500 (best Shimano powered e-tourer)

Merida eBIG Tour 400-1.jpg

We last reviewed the e.BIG Tour 400 EQ back in 2019, but the price hasn’t moved much since then. What has, however, is the spec. It now comes with a Shimano EP8 motor with 85Nm of torque compared to the E7000 and 60Nm previously on offer, plus a 630Wh battery compared to the old 500Wh one.

Our reviewer, Dave, found the charge port to be a little niggly, but otherwise felt that, “it doesn’t have any major foibles and it’s equally at home cruising through the city or tackling some reasonably tough terrain.”

For more detail, read our review of the Merida e.BIG Tour 400 EQ .  

10. BMC 257 AMP AL TWO - £4,750 (best looking e-tourer)

BMC 257 AMP AL TWO review (37).JPG

A really nice example of an e-bike that’s ideal for both urban and touring applications is the BMC 257 AMP AL TWO.

Beyond looking sleek and aesthetically pleasing, its a thoughtfully put together e-bike that masks much of its utility. The rear rack is part of the mudguard and rated to carry 20kg. It’s powered by a Bosch mid-drive which you can barely tell is there from far enough away, and the range is rather good – our reviewer believes there is potential for 100 miles from one charge.

For more detail, read our review of the BMC 257 AMP AL TWO .  

How to choose the best electric touring bike  

Which electric bike is best for touring.

The best electric bike for touring depends on your needs and budget. If you want to ride off-road, then look for something with a mid-drive motor and wide tyres as well as some suspension for comfort. The more torque the better if you’re planning on riding steep stuff, but if you’re happy riding along country lanes and on the road, then you may prioritise other things like mudguards and lights.

You can get quite a bit of e-bike for your money these days, so there’s nothing to say that you can’t get a suitable touring companion for under £3,000. However, as with most things, the more you spend the better the quality of the bike.  

What kind of motors are on electric touring bikes?

As you’ll see from our list above, mid-drive motors are more common than hub-driven ones on electric touring bikes. The more luggage and weight you’re carrying, the better it is to have a motor in the centre of the bike, directly linked to the pedals. That’s not to say that hub-drive motors don’t have their place, if you pack light and stay away from steep hills then you should be fine.  

How much luggage can electric touring bikes carry?

This depends on a couple of things. Firstly, the weight rating of the pannier rack (if the bike has one). The usual limit you’ll see is about 25kg, and you can balance that between two pannier bags and a potential rack bag.

The other alternative is a through-frame bag. Many tourers come with mounting points on various parts of the frame like the forks so you can mount luggage using bolts, but there is always the option of ‘bikepacking bags’ which are often attached using velcro or other non-permanent fasteners.  

What battery range can I get on an electric touring bike?

This depends on the battery capacity, the type of riding you’re doing and the weight you’re carrying. The easier the terrain, and the less power assistance you use, the longer your battery will last. Similarly, if you carry a heavy load and ride up a lot of hills, you’ll see your battery range disappear much more quickly. For touring, we would recommend a bike that can hold dual batteries ideally, or to at least carry a spare so you can swap them out without needing to recharge mid-ride.  

Explore the complete archive of electric bike reviews on ebiketips.

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Rebecca Bland

Rebecca has been writing about e-bikes for four years, after a typically ill-timed career change pre-pandemic. She's been riding bikes since she can remember, and fell back in love with them after realising it was faster, cheaper, and more fun than getting the bus to work. Nowadays she enjoys all kinds of bikes, from road to eMTB and is training her border collie pup to become a trail dog. 

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    Surselva 3 Tages-Rundtour (E-Mountainbike) E-Bike. letzte Änderung: 09/17/2023, 05:03 AM. Schöner als auf dieser E-Mountainbike-Tour lässt sich die Vielfältigkeit der Surselva wohl kaum erleben. Entdecken Sie in drei Tagen die Regionen Lumnezia, Obersaxen, Brigels, Trun und Ilanz. Bilder.

  5. Electric Bike Tours

    We call our e-bike "the Equalizer," because our e-bike tours use technology to eliminate the challenge of mismatched fitness levels. There's more than the equalizing factor. Sometimes the joy of discovering a new place gets lost along a challenging bike route. On e-bikes, casual riders can focus on the sights around them.

  6. Emmental castles tour 3 days by e-bike

    3 days, 7 castles, 1 HüguHimu! The Emmental, pulls out the aristocratic map and boasts seven castles that can be experienced on an e-bike tour.

  7. Everything To Know About Bicycle Touring With E-Bikes (Electric

    Power and Speed. In many parts of the world, electric motors are legally restricted. In Europe and Australia, e-bikes are limited to 250w, while Canada allows 500w and the USA 750w motors. Electric bikes are also speed limited to somewhere between 25-32km/h (15-20mp/h), depending on the country.

  8. THE TOP 10 Mallorca E-Bike Tours (UPDATED 2024)

    A: The best E-Bike Tours in Mallorca according to Viator travelers are: City Sightseeing Palma de Mallorca Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour. 3 Hours Historical E-Bike Tour in Palma de Mallorca. Caves of Drach Half-Day Tour with Boat Trip and Music Concert. Palma de Mallorca Easy Bike Tour.

  9. 8 Best Electric Touring Bikes for Long-Distance Riding in 2024

    A class 3 e-bike for gravel riding and touring. Price: $6,300. The Santa Cruz Skitch is a mid-drive electric bike that saddles the gap between gravel and touring. The combination of 45 mm tires, stable geometry, and common touring features like fender and bottle mounts give this bike its versatile capability.

  10. 11 Best Barcelona E-Bike Tours for a Fun Adventure in 2024

    Best Barcelona E-Bike Tours. 3. Barcelona: Sagrada Familia & City Sights Bike or E-Bike Tour. Rating 4.8/5 stars | Length 3 hours | Book now! Barcelona is one of my favorite spots for adventure, and what I love the most about it is how convenient it is to explore the city while being active.

  11. E-Bike Alpenüberquerungen und E-MTB Transalp Touren, Events und

    TRAIL & Technik Camp Nauders Naturtrails am Reschenpass. Level 2-3 - 3 - 4 5 Tage 935 €. Reiseveranstalter für exklusive E-Mountainbike (E-MTB) Alpenüberquerungen und E-Bike Transalp Touren, Bike Events, TRAILCamps und Gourmet Touren, immer mit schönen Hotels und Gepäcktransport, oft mit Wellness und bestens ausgebildeten Guides.

  12. Bryce Canyon E-Bike Tour (Bryce Canyon, UT)

    E-Bike Driver · Ages 12+. $101.98. E-Bike Passenger · Ages 3-12 WEIGHT capacity (driver+passenger) 300 lb • Passenger cannot be booked until a driver is selected. $26.84. Minimum of 2 participants required to start this tour. Highlights. Bryce Canyon. What's included. E-bike and helmet rental.

  13. 5 European E-Bike Trips For 2023

    Here's what some major travel companies are offering in 2023. Champagne & Alsace Easygoing E-bike Tour. The Loire Valley Champagne & Alsace Easygoing E-bike Tour is a dedicated e-bike trip from ...

  14. 3 Hours Historical E-Bike Tour in Palma de Mallorca

    Discover the Old Town of Palma de Mallorca and beyond with a half-day e-bike tour. Set out on a tour covering 27 kilometers to see several top attractions including the Bellver Castle and the Basilica de Sant Francesc. Cruise along the bikeway facing the sea with ease on an e-bike and see architectural landmarks including the Convento de Santa Clara and the Catedral de Mallorca.

  15. THE TOP 10 Terceira E-Bike Tours (UPDATED 2023)

    A: The best E-Bike Tours in Terceira according to Viator travelers are: Whale Watching in the Azores, Terceira Island | OceanEmotion. E-bike Tour Monte Brasil. E-Bike Tour West Side | Third Island. Praia da Vitória E-bike Guided Tour with pick-up and drop-off. E-bike Tour Vitória Beach.

  16. Bodensee-Radtour in 3 Tagen

    3. Ø km pro Tag. 45. ab. 279 €. Jetzt Reise buchen. Ankommen und losradeln - das ist bei der Bodensee-Radtour in 3 Tagen das Motto. Ohne Hektik und Stress radeln Sie entspannt einmal um den Obersee, den größten Teil des Bodensees. Fahren Sie gemütlich mit dem Rad durch drei Länder in drei Tagen und tauchen Sie in das mediterrane Flair ...

  17. Tour

    This step- through fat tire bike is crafted for riders seeking an all-encompassing experience on two wheels. Enjoy the ride with adjustable handlebars, providing a customized fit for comfortable cruising and an upright body position. The Tour is thoughtfully designed with drilled rims, not just for aesthetics but also to reduce weight, ensuring ...

  18. Barcelona eBike Tours

    Top Rated Tours Company. " Our guide Gerard was informative and fun. Very professional business. We learnt so much about Barcelona including identifying the best areas for taps and pinxos bars. We are a family of four and we all enjoyed the tour. " Montjuic ebike tour - AMAZING!!! Wonderful experience with an amazing guide Olga!!! A Must for ...

  19. DailyTour E+ 3 GTS (2022)

    0% Finance Available. This versatile and practical E-bike is ideal for daily commuting and other adventures. It has automatic pedaling support and all the built-in features you can think of, including a kickstand, lights, fenders and racks.

  20. Lyon: 3-Hour Guided E-Bike Tour with a Tasting Break

    Full description. Enjoy a culinary tasting break in at the bottom of the Croix Rousse hill and discover Lyon on this unique e-biking adventure. Follow your guide to uncover hidden gems, learn about the city, and try some local delicacies. Meet your guide near the Palais de Justice in central Lyon to begin your morning or afternoon tour.

  21. 4-Day E-bike Tour

    You leave the bustling city centre behind with just a few pedal strokes and circle its agglomeration on quiet back roads along e-bike route 888 Grünes Band Bern (Bern's Green Belt). A magnificent panoramic view of the snow-covered peaks of the Bernese Oberland awaits. From Münsingen, you follow the Bern-Süd route through the Gürbetal valley.

  22. 10 of the Best Ebikes for Touring

    Pros: excellent bike package for trail touring and bikepacking. Cons: non-locking front fork. Rating: 8/10. Typical price: $4100 / Purchase at Rei.com. Tern GSD S00 Electric Bike The Tern GSD is an ebike that's perfect for those tours where you have no interest in either traveling light or traveling solo.

  23. Best electric touring bikes 2023

    Whether you want to ride a multi-day epic off-road adventure, or complete something like LEJOG, an electric touring bike may well fit the bill. To be classed as a touring bike, we look for reasonable battery range, a comfortable geometry, and adaptability. This means mounting points for racks and/or frame bags, the ability to fit mudguards, and in some cases, a kick stand. There are tourers ...