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Travel Extra Pack Last Minute C’est Quoi: Tout ce que vous devez savoir

Travel Extra Pack Last Minute C'est Quoi

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Trouvez les meilleures offres de voyage de dernière minute avec le pack de voyage extra ! 📱💻 #voyage #offres

Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de “travel extra pack last minute”? Si vous êtes un voyageur averti, vous avez probablement déjà rencontré cette expression. Mais si ce n’est pas le cas, ne vous inquiétez pas, je suis là pour vous aider à comprendre ce que c’est.

Dans cet article, je vais vous expliquer en détail ce qu’est le “travel extra pack last minute” et pourquoi vous devriez le connaître. Vous découvrirez les avantages de ce type de voyage et comment trouver les meilleures offres. Alors, êtes-vous prêt à en savoir plus sur le “travel extra pack last minute”?

Pourquoi est-il important de comprendre le travel extra pack last minute?

Le “travel extra pack last minute” est une option de voyage intéressante pour les voyageurs qui cherchent à économiser de l’argent tout en profitant d’un voyage de qualité. Cette option est particulièrement avantageuse pour les voyageurs qui ont une certaine flexibilité dans leurs dates de voyage et qui n’ont pas besoin de planifier leur voyage longtemps à l’avance.

Comme pour tout type de voyage, il est important de comprendre les avantages et les inconvénients du “travel extra pack last minute” avant de prendre une décision. C’est pourquoi cet article est si important. Vous pourrez prendre une décision éclairée et savoir si le “travel extra pack last minute” est la meilleure option pour vous.

Objectif de l’article

L’objectif de cet article est d’expliquer en détail ce qu’est le “travel extra pack last minute” et de vous aider à comprendre les avantages de cette option de voyage. Vous découvrirez également comment trouver les meilleures offres et les astuces pour réserver votre voyage de manière efficace. À la fin de cet article, vous serez en mesure de décider si le “travel extra pack last minute” est la meilleure option pour vous.

Definition du Travel Extra Pack Last Minute

Qu’est-ce que le travel extra pack last minute.

Le “travel extra pack last minute” est une option de voyage qui offre des offres de dernière minute à des prix réduits. Cette option de voyage est particulièrement populaire auprès des voyageurs qui ont une certaine flexibilité dans leurs dates de voyage et qui ne sont pas trop pointilleux sur les détails de leur voyage.

Le “travel extra pack last minute” peut inclure des vols, des hébergements, des activités, des repas et d’autres extras, selon l’offre. Les voyageurs peuvent choisir leur destination et leur type de voyage, mais ils ne peuvent pas choisir les détails spécifiques de leur voyage.

Importance du travel extra pack last minute

Le “travel extra pack last minute” est important car il offre aux voyageurs une option de voyage abordable et flexible. Les voyageurs peuvent économiser de l’argent sur leur voyage et profiter d’une expérience de voyage de qualité sans avoir à planifier à l’avance ou à dépenser beaucoup d’argent.

Avantages du travel extra pack last minute

Les avantages du “travel extra pack last minute” sont nombreuVoici quelques-uns des avantages les plus importants:

  • Coût-efficacité: Les offres de dernière minute sont souvent moins chères que les offres régulières, ce qui permet aux voyageurs d’économiser de l’argent sur leur voyage.
  • Flexibilité: Les voyageurs peuvent être flexibles sur leurs dates de voyage et leur destination pour obtenir les meilleures offres.
  • Commodité: Les voyageurs n’ont pas besoin de planifier leur voyage longtemps à l’avance et peuvent réserver leur voyage en quelques clics seulement.
  • Variété d’options: Les offres de dernière minute peuvent inclure une variété d’options de voyage, telles que les vols, les hébergements, les activités, les repas et d’autres extras.

Les avantages du travel extra pack last minute

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un voyage abordable et de qualité, le “travel extra pack last minute” peut être la meilleure option pour vous. Voici quelques-uns des avantages de cette option de voyage :

L’un des principaux avantages du “travel extra pack last minute” est le coût abordable. Les compagnies aériennes, les hôtels et les agences de voyages proposent souvent des offres spéciales pour les voyages de dernière minute. En réservant votre voyage peu de temps avant la date de départ, vous pouvez économiser de l’argent tout en profitant d’un voyage de qualité.


Le “travel extra pack last minute” offre une grande flexibilité en termes de dates de voyage. Si vous avez une certaine flexibilité dans votre emploi du temps, vous pouvez profiter des meilleures offres de voyage. Vous pouvez également choisir votre destination en fonction des offres disponibles à la dernière minute.

Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, le “travel extra pack last minute” est une option de voyage confortable. Les compagnies aériennes, les hôtels et les agences de voyages proposent des offres de dernière minute pour remplir les places vides. Vous pouvez donc profiter des mêmes services de qualité que les autres voyageurs.

Variété d’options

Le “travel extra pack last minute” offre une grande variété d’options de voyage. Vous pouvez choisir parmi une sélection de destinations et de types de voyage, comme des forfaits vacances tout compris, des croisières, des escapades d’un week-end et plus encore. Il y a une option de voyage pour tous les goûts et tous les budgets.

En résumé, le “travel extra pack last minute” est une option de voyage abordable, flexible, confortable et offrant une grande variété d’options. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un voyage de qualité à un prix abordable, le “travel extra pack last minute” peut être la meilleure option pour vous.

Comment trouver des offres de “travel extra pack last minute”?

Si vous êtes intéressé par le “travel extra pack last minute”, vous devez savoir comment trouver les meilleures offres. Voici quelques astuces pour vous aider à trouver des offres intéressantes :

1. Faire des recherches en ligne

Internet est un endroit idéal pour trouver des offres de “travel extra pack last minute”. Vous pouvez visiter des sites Web spécialisés dans les voyages de dernière minute ou utiliser des moteurs de recherche pour trouver des offres intéressantes. N’oubliez pas de comparer les prix et de lire les avis des voyageurs pour être sûr de trouver la meilleure offre.

2. Contacter des agences de voyage

Les agences de voyage peuvent vous aider à trouver des offres de “travel extra pack last minute”. Elles ont souvent des accords avec des compagnies aériennes et des hôtels pour proposer des offres spéciales à leurs clients. N’hésitez pas à les contacter pour savoir ce qu’elles ont à vous offrir.

3. S’inscrire aux newsletters de voyage

De nombreuses entreprises de voyage envoient des newsletters régulièrement pour informer leurs clients des offres spéciales. En vous inscrivant à ces newsletters, vous pouvez être sûr de ne pas manquer les meilleures offres de “travel extra pack last minute”. N’oubliez pas de vérifier régulièrement votre boîte de réception pour être sûr de ne rien manquer.

4. Suivre les entreprises de voyage sur les réseaux sociaux

Les entreprises de voyage utilisent souvent les réseaux sociaux pour annoncer des offres spéciales. N’hésitez pas à les suivre sur Facebook, Twitter ou Instagram pour être sûr de ne pas manquer les meilleures offres de “travel extra pack last minute”. Vous pouvez également interagir avec d’autres voyageurs pour partager des astuces et des conseils de voyage.

Tips pour réserver un “travel extra pack last minute”

Si vous êtes prêt à réserver un “travel extra pack last minute”, voici quelques astuces pour vous aider à trouver les meilleures offres et à réserver votre voyage de manière efficace.

Soyez flexible avec les dates de voyage

L’un des avantages du “travel extra pack last minute” est que vous pouvez trouver des offres incroyables sur les voyages à court terme. Cependant, cela signifie que vous devez être flexible avec vos dates de voyage. Si vous êtes prêt à partir à tout moment, vous aurez plus de chances de trouver des offres intéressantes.

Comparez les prix des différents fournisseurs

Il est important de faire des recherches et de comparer les prix des différents fournisseurs de “travel extra pack last minute”. Les prix peuvent varier considérablement d’un fournisseur à l’autre, il est donc important de prendre le temps de trouver la meilleure offre possible.

Lisez les petits caractères

Avant de réserver votre voyage, assurez-vous de lire les petits caractères. Il est important de comprendre les conditions et les restrictions associées à votre “travel extra pack last minute”. Certaines offres peuvent avoir des restrictions sur les bagages, les changements de réservation ou les annulations. Assurez-vous de comprendre les conditions avant de réserver votre voyage.

Réservez tôt

Bien que le “travel extra pack last minute” soit une option de voyage à court terme, il est toujours important de réserver votre voyage dès que possible. Les offres peuvent se vendre rapidement, il est donc important d’agir rapidement pour obtenir la meilleure offre possible.

En suivant ces astuces simples, vous pouvez trouver les meilleures offres de “travel extra pack last minute” et réserver votre voyage de manière efficace. Profitez des avantages de cette option de voyage économique et flexible pour découvrir le monde à un prix abordable.

En conclusion, le “travel extra pack last minute” est une option de voyage intéressante pour ceux qui cherchent à économiser de l’argent et qui ont une certaine flexibilité dans leurs dates de voyage. Les avantages de ce type de voyage incluent la possibilité de trouver des offres à des prix avantageux, de planifier votre voyage à la dernière minute et de profiter de la flexibilité.

Pour trouver les meilleures offres, il est important de faire des recherches en ligne, de contacter des agences de voyage et de suivre les compagnies de voyage sur les réseaux sociauEn réservant votre voyage à la dernière minute, vous pouvez économiser de l’argent et profiter d’un voyage de qualité.

N’oubliez pas de lire les termes et conditions avant de réserver votre voyage et de comparer les prix de différents fournisseurs pour obtenir la meilleure offre possible. Avec ces astuces, vous pouvez réserver votre voyage “travel extra pack last minute” en toute confiance.

En fin de compte, le “travel extra pack last minute” est un excellent moyen de voyager pour les voyageurs avertis qui cherchent à économiser de l’argent et à profiter de la flexibilité. J’espère que cet article vous a aidé à comprendre les avantages de cette option de voyage et que vous pourrez l’utiliser pour planifier votre prochain voyage. Bon voyage!

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Jocelyn Killian

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Sebastian Travel Size Shaper Plus Extra Hold Hairspray #1

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Sebastian Travel Size Shaper Plus Extra Hold Hairspray

Item 2239072

Sebastian Shaper Plus Extra Hold Hairspray provides 24-hour control that's never stiff or sticky and holds up in high humidity.

  • 24H control
  • Touchable strong hold

Hold can 10-12" from hair and spray. Use before or after blow dry for body; after blow drying for strong hold.


Alcohol Dena., Hydroflourocarbon 152A, Butyl Ester Of PVM/MA Copolymer, Glycerin, Tetrahdroxypropyl Ethylenediamine, Octylacrylamide/Acrylates/Butylaminoethyl Methacrylate Copolymer, PEG-75 Lanolin, Aminomethyl Propanol, Fragrance, Panthenol, Cyclomethicone, Linoleamidopropyl Ethyldimonium Ethosulfate. Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Sodium PCA, Dimethyl Lauramine Isostearate.

Shipping & Coupon Restrictions

Shipping Restrictions : This item cannot be shipped via air.

Intrepid Travel Blog

Comfy and confident: 6 easy hacks for plus-size travel

Plus-size travel hacks - Chantel Loura

Plus-size travel blogger Chantel Loura (also known as Voyaging Vagabond ) has been exploring the world for the last seven years, backpacking her way through Europe, South America and Australia. Here are her top travel hacks for plus-size travellers. Everything you need to know to stay comfy and confident on your adventures.

Okay, so you’ve finally bought that plane ticket, scooped up your passport, and you’re ready to take off on your next adventure. First off, KUDOS to you! My name is Chantel Loura, your new travel bestie, and the loudly laughing, snack-loving creator behind the plus-size travel blog, Voyaging Vagabond .

For the past seven years, I’ve been hopping all over the globe with my trusty backpack, and I’m here to offer you some practiced and proven travel hacks to help make long-term, plus-size travel a breeze.

1.     Bring comfortable shoes

One thing is guaranteed when you’re traveling long term: there’s a lot of walking. Whether you’re strolling around a sunny park, touring local markets or getting yourself to the bus station, hitting your step goal will be no problem. This means that comfortable, well-supported shoes are a must.

extra plus travel

The best shoes for plus-size travel combine functionality, fashion and comfort. I’ve found tennis sneakers work best in almost any travel situation. Consider wider styles like Superstars, or Nizzas from Adidas. Perfect for a wander around a new city, or a night out.

My go-to sandals are Birkenstocks and Tevas . Birkenstocks come in an array of styles, with softer footbeds, adjustable straps and different models. Tevas are also a trendy option, and they have adjustable straps, which make them easier on wider feet.

2.     Find the right bag

Finding luggage that works for you is one of the make-or-break points when travelling.

If you prefer a suitcase, do your best to keep it light. This is always a bold statement for me when it comes to plus-size travel. Due to the size of our garments, it might not always be easy. But you’ll be thankful for the light suitcase when you get lost looking for your hostel, or trying to lift your bag onto a train luggage rack. Also look for durable options, since you might be passing along cobblestones, dirt roads, and uneven streets.

For my backpack people, we can all agree on the perks, like having free hands in the airport, or not having to lift a bag up metro stairs. But with these perks it’s also important to find a bag that fits your body shape. In the past, I went to a local outdoor supplies retailer and received a proper fitting. During this, an associate took my measurements and presented me with options that work best for me. I’ve been using my trusty Kelty Redwing 44L bag since then. Seven years later, I still swear by it.

If you’re concerned about the hip belt or chest strap fitting, there are solutions for that too. Companies like Osprey , Kelty and Gregory offer accessories that fit onto most of their packs. Accessories like hip belt strap extenders and chest strap extenders can also be found quite cheap on Amazon.

3.     Avoid Overpacking

Let me say, you do not want to be that person struggling to wrangle four bags onto a tight van, and you certainly don’t want to be that person buckling under the weight of an uncomfortable backpack. I’ve found myself moving between busy train stations, chaotic airports, tight metro stations, ferry ramps, tight bus aisles, small tuk-tuks, and even the occasional pick-up truck bed. Having one bag that I can easily grab has been a lifesaver when navigating these places.

extra plus travel

Pack articles of clothing that mix and match and can be styled in multiple ways. Yes, I know you want to pack your Insta-perfect outfit, but consider a few colourful staple pieces instead. Coordinated sets are a stellar option, as well as a vibrant dress that also works as a tank top.

Another tip: get the most out of your space! Use packing cubes and roll all your clothes. Between one large packing cube and one medium packing cube, as a US size 18 traveller, I typically can fit my undergarments, two bathing suits, 10 tops, one skirt, three pairs of shorts, and two pairs of pants. When everything is mix-and-match, that equals about 60 different outfit combinations, and that’s not even including my accessories.

4.     Advocate for yourself

Many plus-size people carry certain defence responses that we’ve learned to avoid persecution for our size. Rather than use our voice to say we’re uncomfortable, we stay silent, we try to make ourselves smaller and do whatever we can to avoid attention to our weight. Because (frankly) we don’t want to be judged.

But I’m here to say, that time is over . Speak up for yourself when travelling! If you need a moment to catch your breath, take it. If you need a seat belt extender on a flight, you deserve that safety. If you want to skip an activity because you have different mobility capabilities, there’s nothing wrong with that. If you need to take up space, you are worthy of that, without feeling bad. If you need a bottom bunk to sleep comfortably, ask for it. You’ll find that people are kinder than you might expect, and most will be happy to accommodate you where they can.

Stop suffering in silence and say what you need. This is your trip too and there’s nothing wrong with going at a pace that works for you.

5.     Avoid ChubRub

Ohhhh ChubRub, the fiery prison sentence that we know all too well as plus-size travellers! It’s the terrible after effect of thighs rubbing together for an extended period of time, resulting in a tender, sensitive rash that makes walking extremely uncomfortable and painful. However, here’s the good news: there are countless options to avoid this.

One of the most popular is wearing bike shorts underneath your skirt or dress. However, if you’re travelling to a warm destination and want to avoid the extra layer, consider one of the many anti-chafing creams available. One of my personal favourites is Thigh Rescue from Megababe. This small deodorant stick easily fits in my bag, making it super easy to touch up during the day.

extra plus travel

6.     Do your research

If you’re worried about weight limits or whether certain activities will be available to you, do your research first. Send emails with your questions, or better yet, give the business a quick call. If you are unable to find the research you’re looking for, try posting in plus-size-friendly travel groups on Facebook – Fat Girls Traveling and Curvy (Girls LOVE Travel®) are good places to start – or check plus-size travel websites like Chubby Diaries and Plus Size Travel Too .

Even looking up the hashtag #plussizetravelbloggers on IG and TikTok will expose you to so many great plus-size creators. They offer valuable insight and deliver a whole lot of travel inspo.

If you want to follow Chantel’s adventures, you can check out her websi t e or follow her on Instagram .

Feeling inspired?

extra plus travel

Chantel Loura

Chantel Loura is a plus-size, snack-loving digital storyteller for the travel blog, Voyaging Vagabond. When she’s not eating pizza, she’s off fabulously hopping the globe. Her goal is to inspire others to go after their dreams by sharing her own wild journey. Spreading self-love, body confidence, and female empowerment along the way like confetti!

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Thailand SHA Plus & SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) Hotels

Incoming travelers from abroad, who are vaccinated against COVID-19 and willing to entering Thailand without quarantine, are required to first stay at hotels holding a SHA++ (SHA Extra Plus) certificate. Here is the list of  Thailand SHA Extra Plus hotels  including certified SHA++ hotels in each province.

What is Thailand SHA, SHA+ & SHA++?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the  SHA  or Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration is a project by Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to control the Thai tourism industry for safety standards to match the new normal way and show tourists that hotels and other services are taking measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

While, the “ SHA Plus (SHA+) ” Certificate was just introduced when talking about reopening Thailand and means that the certified business not only meets the usual SHA certification criteria but also at least 70% of hotel or business staffs have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

After the latest update, it is now required to book a Test & Go package or Sandbox stay with SHA Extra Plus hotel.  SHA Extra Plus (SHA++) hotels are those that not only meet the Amazing Thailand SHA Plus standard but also provide an accommodation service in  partnership with certified hospitals  for the RT-PCR test.

NOTE!  The minimum cover of insurance policy has been  lowered to 20,000 USD  for arrivals from 1 March 2022. You can easily buy online  Insurance for Thailand Pass .

How long to stay at Thailand SHA Extra Plus Hotel?

Under the quarantine free travel arrangement  Test & Go  that is available for fully vaccinated travelers arriving in Thailand by air, a stay at SHA Extra Plus Hotel for  1 night  is required on the day of arrival. After getting a negative COVID-19 test result travelers are allowed to travel anywhere in the country.

Fully vaccinated travelers arriving via one of Sandbox programs from 1 April 2022 need to stay at SHA Extra Plus hotels for  5 nights .

Booking Thailand SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The most convenient way to  book SHA Extra Plus   hotels  is by using a reliable online travel agent such as  or . 

If you will be booking not an all inclusive package with airport transfer and mandatory tests, you will additionally need to arrange booking and prepayment of  COVID-19 tests with the hotel . Prepaid hotel booking confirmation will be needed to register when applying for  Thailand Pass  for entering Thailand.

List of Thailand SHA Extra Plus Hotels

Thailand SHA Extra Plus Hotels need to be used for a short stay when entering the country without quarantine under Test & Go  or Blue Zone / Sandbox scheme.

List of Thailand SHA Extra Plus Hotels grouped by province can be found below:

1. Bangkok SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Bangkok SHA Extra Plus  hotels  certificate can be found here:  SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Bangkok

The list of Bangkok SHA Extra Plus Hotels grouped by tourist areas is provided below:

  • Asoke SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Phrom Phong SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Nana SHA Extra Plus Hotels 
  • Thonglor SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Phra Khanong SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Ploenchit / Chidlom SHA Extra Plus Hotels 
  • Siam Square SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Sathorn SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Silom SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Bangkok Riverside SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Khao San Road SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Ratchada SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Pratunam SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Phayathai SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Chatuchak SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Chinatown SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Bangkok Old Town SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Don Muang Airport (DMK) SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Bangkok SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Other Areas

2. Chonburi SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The list of Chonburi SHA Extra Plus Hotels  grouped by tourist areas is provided below:

  • Pattaya SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Jomtien Beach SHA Extra Plus Hotels 
  • Si Racha SHA Extra Plus Hotels

3. Phuket SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Phuket SHA Extra Plus  hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Phuket

The list of certified SHA Extra Plus hotels in Phuket grouped by tourist areas is provided below:

  • Patong Beach
  • Karon Beach
  • Bang Tao Beach
  • Kamala Beach
  • Phuket Town
  • Mai Khao Beach
  • Panwa Beach
  • Nai Yang Beach
  • Rawai Beach
  • Nai Harn Beach
  • Surin Beach  
  • Nai Thon Beach  

4. Prachuap Khiri Khan SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The list of Prachuap Khiri Khan SHA Extra Plus Hotels is provided below:

  • Hua Hin SHA Extra Plus Hotels 
  • Khao Takiab SHA Extra Plus Hotels

5. Phetchaburi SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The list of Phetchaburi SHA Extra Plus Hotels is provided below:

  • Cha-Am SHA Extra Plus Hotels

6. Surat Thani SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The list of certified Surat Thani SHA Extra Plus hotels grouped by tourist areas is provided below:

  • Chaweng Beach Hotels
  • Chaweng Noi Beach Hotels
  • Lamai Beach Hotels
  • Mae Nam Beach Hotels
  • Choeng Mon Beach Hotels
  • Bophut Beach Hotels
  • Hotels in Other Areas
  • Koh Phangan SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Koh Tao SHA Extra Plus Hotels

7. Krabi SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Krabi SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:   SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Krabi

The list of certified SHA Extra Plus hotels grouped by Krabi tourist areas is provided below:

  • Ao Nang SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Koh Phi Phi SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Railay Beach SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Koh Lanta SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Krabi Town SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Koh Ngai SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Other Areas

8. Phang Nga SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of Phang Nga SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:   SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Phang Nga

The list of certified SHA Extra Plus hotels grouped by Phang Nga tourist areas is provided below.

  • Khao Lak SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Koh Yao Yai SHA Extra Plus Hotels
  • Koh Yao Noi SHA Extra Plus Hotels

9. Chiang Mai SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of Chiang Mai SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:   SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Chiang Mai

10. Chiang Rai SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Chiang Rai SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:   SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Chiang Rai 

11. Khon Kaen SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of Khon Kaen SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Khon Kaen

12. Nakhon Ratchasima SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of Nakhon Ratchasima   SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Nakhon Ratchasima

The list of certified SHA Extra Plus hotels grouped by Nakhon Ratchasima tourist areas is provided below.

  • Khao Yai SHA Extra Plus Hotels 

13. Kanchanaburi SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of Kanchanaburi SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Kanchanaburi

14. Ayutthaya SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of Ayutthaya SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Ayutthaya

15. Songkhla SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Songkhla SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Songkhla

16. Rayong SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of Rayong SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Rayong

The list of certified SHA Extra Plus hotels grouped by Rayong tourist areas is provided below.

  • Koh Samed SHA Extra Plus Hotels

17. Trat SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Trat SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here: SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Trat

The list of certified SHA Extra Plus hotels grouped by Trat tourist areas is provided below.

  • Koh Chang SHA Extra Plus Hotels 
  • Koh Kood SHA Extra Plus Hotels

18. Udon Thani SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Udon Thani SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:  SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Udon Thani

19. Nong Khai SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Nong Khai SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:  SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Nong Khai

20. Sisaket SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Sisaket SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:  SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Sisaket

21. Surin SHA Extra Plus Hotels

The full list of  Surin SHA Extra Plus hotels  with SHA++ certificate can be found here:  SHA Extra Plus Hotels in Surin

Further Updates on Thailand Reopening

Regarding further reopening of Thailand, we would recommend  contacting your local Thai embassy  before making any plans or reservations.

In the meantime,  follow our Facebook page  for the newest updates on traveling to Thailand.

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Delta Comfort Plus: What to Know Before You Book

Elina Geller

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Table of Contents

What is Delta Comfort Plus?

How to book delta comfort plus, change and cancellation policy for delta comfort plus, delta comfort plus vs. economy (main cabin), delta premium select vs. comfort plus, is delta comfort plus worth it.

The biggest advantage of Delta Comfort Plus seats is more legroom.

Passengers also get a premium snack and drink in Comfort Plus.

Checked bags are not free on domestic flights, similar to main cabin tickets.

Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines is the second-largest airline in the world by number of flights. From basic economy to domestic first class and international business class (called Delta One ), the airline offers many flying experiences to suit all kinds of travelers.

Whether flying domestically or across the ocean to a farther destination, you might want to do it in comfort. You may prefer something a little better than economy but less fancy than business class, especially on long-haul flights. Delta’s Comfort Plus, which is the airline’s economy class with some extra perks (not to be confused with its premium economy cabin called Premium Select) might be just what you're looking for.

Here’s an overview of what you get when flying domestically and internationally in Delta Comfort Plus, including baggage allowance, seat pitch and in-flight service.

Delta Comfort Plus is a step above main cabin, the airline’s name for economy class. When you fly Delta Comfort Plus, expect to see the following benefits on your flight.

Delta Comfort Plus perks

Bag allowance: Unless you have Medallion status , a Delta co-branded credit card or active military status, there’s no free checked bag allowance on domestic Delta Comfort Plus. You have to pay $35 for the first checked piece of luggage. But passengers flying on international flights can check one piece of luggage weighing up to 50 pounds (23 kilograms) at no cost.

Boarding: Delta Comfort Plus passengers receive an early boarding call before SkyPriority members and have dedicated overhead bin space, which can sometimes be tough to come by in economy.

Premium food: Starbucks coffee, beer and wine (offered to flyers over 21) are provided on flights of at least 251 miles, and complimentary liquor is available on flights of at least 500 miles. Premium snacks are served on flights of 900 miles or longer when there is no meal service.

Seats: Delta Comfort Plus seats offer about 34 inches of seat pitch. That means if you measure the distance between any point on one seat and the same point on a seat directly in front of or behind it, there will be 34 inches in between. That's several inches more than a standard economy seat.

Onboard amenities: You will receive a pillow, a blanket, earbuds and an amenity kit if you fly on a long-distance international flight.

It's important to understand that Comfort Plus seats are in the economy cabin. Although you receive more legroom and extra perks, it's in a different cabin than premium economy. Premium Select is the name of Delta’s premium economy, which is its own cabin in front of the economy cabin. It offers larger seats with a footrest, accelerated check-in, security and baggage handling, enhanced onboard amenities and meal service.

» Learn more: Delta Comfort Plus vs. Premium Select

extra plus travel

Whether you’re redeeming Delta SkyMiles or paying cash, you can book Delta Comfort Plus tickets directly on the airline’s website.

On Delta’s homepage , select your departure and destination cities, dates of travel and the number of passengers. When the search results pop up on the next page, each class of service is clearly marked: basic, main, Comfort Plus and first.

extra plus travel

On select international routes, you’ll see the Premium Select cabin in addition to Comfort Plus, which is an even more expensive fare type with additional perks.

extra plus travel

» Learn more: Basic economy vs. main cabin

The Delta Comfort Plus change fee and cancellation policy depends on your origin. Tickets for domestic and international travel originating in the U.S., Canada, Europe, India, Africa and the Caribbean are eligible for free changes and cancellations.

Although you won’t receive a direct refund, you will receive an eCredit in the original amount valid toward any Delta flight purchased by Dec. 31, 2023, for travel through the end of 2024.

So is Delta Comfort Plus that much better than a standard economy ticket? Take a look at some of the differences.

When comparing Comfort Plus seats with main cabin, you typically get an extra 2 to 3 inches of room in Delta Comfort Plus. Delta’s economy class seats have 31 to 32 inches of pitch (varies by aircraft), and Comfort Plus seats measure at about 34 inches.

As mentioned above, Comfort Plus passengers receive a premium snack selection and complimentary alcoholic beverages on select domestic flights. Main cabin passengers get a smaller snack selection and have to pay for premium drinks.

As for checked luggage, travelers in both classes of service will have to pay for bags, with exceptions for elite status, certain credit card holders and military.

Delta SkyMiles® Gold American Express Card

on American Express' website

Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card

$0 intro for the first year, then $150 .

• First checked bag free.

• Priority boarding.

Terms apply.

• Companion certificate (main cabin).

• Airport lounge access.

• Companion certificate ((first class, Delta Comfort+ or main cabin).

• Credit for application fee for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry

» Learn more: Delta Comfort Plus vs. main cabin

To truly experience premium economy on Delta, consider Premium Select. Depending on the aircraft, Delta Premium Select seats feature a pitch length of 37 to 38 inches, a width of 18.5 to 21 inches and an adjustable footrest, leg rest and headrest.

Compared to 34 inches in Comfort Plus, it’s an upgrade. Additionally, Premium Select seats can feature a recline of up to 7 inches. Some aircraft, such as Airbus A350 and Boeing 757-200 (75H), have been decked out with Delta Premium Select seats on select international routes.

On the Airbus A350, Premium Select is located between Delta One and the main cabin. On the Boeing 757-200, it’s the best seat on the plane at the front of the cabin. Some international flights, such as those operated by Airbus A330-900neo, feature both Delta Premium Select and Delta Comfort Plus seats.

extra plus travel

On Premium Select seats, passengers can watch movies on a seatback screen up to 13.3 inches and charge their devices using an in-seat power outlet.

On the ground, Premium Select passengers experience SkyPriority benefits, such as a priority check-in lane, expedited baggage delivery and premium boarding. Two free checked bags are also included on international flights, one more than those flying Comfort Plus.

» Learn more: How to get free upgrades on flights

Comfort Plus is more expensive than a standard economy ticket, so you have to decide whether the upcharge is worth having more legroom, access to complimentary premium beverages and a designated overhead compartment. Especially if you're flying domestically, the extra cost for a short flight may not be worth it.

If you’d like a true premium economy experience, you’ll want to upgrade from Comfort Plus to Premium Select. This cabin can be found on select international routes to Europe or Asia, and it offers even more comforts such as a reclining seat with a footrest, a large entertainment screen and an amenity kit.

(Top photo courtesy of Delta Air Lines)

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are our picks for the best travel credit cards of 2024 , including those best for:

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

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on Capital One's website

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75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

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Flying is the hardest part of travel for plus-size passengers: Here's how to make it easier

A lot of planning goes into a trip that requires air travel. Planning a trip while being fat is a different thing altogether. Plus-size folks have a whole extra list of things to consider, including  seat width and lavatory sizes, both of which especially come into play on longer international trips or flights with multiple legs. 

“There have been situations leaving a flight where I had bruises on my thighs from armrests,” says Emily Ho, plus-size content creator at Authentically Emmie in Louisville, Kentucky. “Or felt a lot of muscle pain because I had been constricting my arms and legs together the entire ride to make myself as small as possible.”

According to plus-size travel blogger Jae’lynn Chaney , “traveling as a plus-size individual can come with many obstacles, but it's so worth it.”

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Ho, Chaney and Sami Schalk, associate professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, helped me, a plus-size international travel writer, compile a series of tips that can help anyone, regardless of their size, feel a little more comfortable and confident about their next flight. 

Traveling while fat: 'It's a pretty common experience for me to be treated rudely by strangers'

'It's like you're climbing the gallows': The 'walk of shame' some theme park visitors dread

1. Look up your plane seating on Seatguru

All airplanes are not created equal. Discovering that you’re seated in a bulkhead seat or one that's smaller than usual can make your flight that much more complicated. Before booking your flight, take a look at Seatguru’s website . Seatguru has detailed information on the seat sizes of most planes and can advise you about bulkhead seats and more. That way, if the route is flown by two different planes, you can choose the one that will work best for you. 

“I choose window seats, so I can lean against the wall more,” Schalk said. If you’re debating between premium economy, business class or a standard seat, the different measurements can help you make an informed decision. 

Deciding which seat to select, remember that FAA regulations do not allow you to sit in an exit row if you require a seat belt extender. 

Are airplane seats too small?  FAA solicits public comments on minimum dimensions

2. Buy two seats and check the customer of size policy

Depending on your size and weight distribution, you may require more room than the standard seat for comfort or fit. 

“If you know you'll need a larger seat than those in standard coach, but business or first-class fare isn't in your budget, most airlines will allow you to buy two coach seats, which may be a more affordable comfort option – and even wider than first-class provides,” Ho said.

Airlines have written guidelines, called “Customer of Size” policies, on how they will treat plus-size travelers. 

“I look to see if they have a Customer of Size policy or if they offer any special accommodations for plus-size passengers,” Chaney said. 

Southwest refunds the cost of a second seat if plus-size travelers need it. Other airlines, including United, penalize us by setting narrow guidelines requiring the purchase of a second seat if the armrest can’t stay down, even when seated next to a family member. Be sure to read the policies to see whether you can get a refund or prevent being forced to buy another seat when boarding.

Obesity was long considered a personal failing: Science shows it's not

Extra weight increases health risk in the long run: Fat shaming hurts

3. Get TSA Precheck

Maybe it’s our luscious thighs or ample love handles, but those damn full body scanners really don’t like plus-size people. 

“If I have to go through a standard scanner, I'll get an extra pat-down on one side of my body near my chest and also down the back of my inner thighs,” Ho said. That’s where TSA Precheck comes in. Not only do you get to keep your shoes on, skip the regular line and leave your liquids inside your carry-on, but you also get to skip that scanner. Instead, you’ll be guided through a standard metal detector, allowing you to avoid what can be an uncomfortable and sometimes humiliating pat-down. 

Global Entry includes TSA Precheck if you travel internationally, so it might be worth springing for that. 

4. Ask for a seat belt extender when you get on the plane

Like most things related to air travel, seat belts aren’t made for bigger bodies. The seat belts on a plane tend to be smaller, sometimes much smaller, than a car seat belt. 

The Federal Aviation Administration requires airlines to inspect seat belt extenders , so they prohibit personal extenders and can confiscate them. “I always ask for a seat belt extender as soon as I get on board,” Schalk said. This allows the flight attendant to provide one discreetly. If there isn't an extender on hand, the attendant will ask for your seat number and bring it before taking off.

Is summer travel causing long TSA lines at airports?  Sort of. Here's how to prepare

What happens if your checked bag is lost?  What if it's delayed? Here's what you're owed, what to do.

5. Use the bathroom in business class on long-haul lights

Going to the bathroom on an airplane is impossible for a lot of plus-size people, so folks go out of their way to avoid it by limiting fluid intake before a flight and skipping the beverage service. But what about long-haul international flights?

I had to use the bathroom on a flight from Vienna to Chicago. It couldn’t be put off or avoided. Popping into the business-class facilities, I was stunned to discover a bathroom I could call spacious! It was easily double the size of a regular airplane bathroom. If you need to go on a long-haul flight, ask the flight attendant to let you do your business in the business-class lavatory. 

6. Bring a blanket

If you utilize a Customer of Size policy to get a second seat or pay out of pocket for one, “sitting in between two seats can be very uncomfortable, so I recommend bringing a thick blanket to lay down between the two seats,” Chaney said. 

7. Secure your purse or carry-on

As luggage gets lost all over the world , more travelers bring carry-ons and fill the overhead bins. If you have a smaller bag or purse, it’s probably going under the seat in front of you. Getting it out from there midflight is a lot harder than getting it down there , leaving you in a predicament . What I do is stuff the strap from my bag into the seatback pocket, then tuck the bag under the seat. That way, when I need it, I can untuck the strap and pull the bag up without having to contort my body to retrieve it. 

Story continues below.

8. Take care of your feet

Travelers of all sizes are encouraged to think about how their blood circulation will be affected on lengthy flights, especially those with health conditions that leave them more susceptible to deep vein thrombosis and blood clots.

“It's super important to stretch and move around during flights, especially long ones,” Chaney said. “Wearing compression socks can also help improve blood flow, prevent blood clots and reduce swelling. I also highly recommend that plus-size travelers do heel pumps, flex their ankles and stretch their legs as much as possible during flights.”

9. Carry a change of clothing

It’s no secret that airlines have trouble getting folks' baggage to their destination. This problem is more critical for plus-size people – especially those who wear a size 4x and larger. 

Prepare for this problem by packing a change of clothing and undergarments in your carry-on. It doesn't have to be much, but a pair of leggings, a T-shirt, underwear and socks really improve a bad situation if there's nowhere to buy clothing.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Flying is the hardest part of travel for plus-size passengers: Here's how to make it easier

Delta Air Lines' A220-100 planes have 109 seats. The main cabin seats measure 18.6 inches in width and have a 4-inch recline.

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It's More Than Just A Flight

Find the upgraded experience you’re looking for in Delta Comfort+®. In addition to the benefits of a Main Cabin ticket, you will also have extra legroom, earlier boarding and deplaning, and dedicated overhead bin space just for your items. With Delta Comfort+, you can stretch out, settle in and enjoy the ride.

Fly in comfort with an upgraded experience.

Details That Make a Difference

Board early, deplane quickly, more legroom, dedicated overhead bin space, little extras.

In addition to standard onboard fare, you can snack better with Delta Comfort+. Enjoy premium snacks on many routes over 900 miles when meal service is not available. Plus, on flights over 251 miles, Starbucks® coffee, beer, wine for 21+ and spirits for 21+ on flights over 500+ miles .

With Delta Studio®, enjoy 1,000+ hours of free entertainment with your complimentary earbuds so you can watch the latest movies, premium TV series from HBO®, Hulu® and Showtime®, listen to podcasts and Spotify curated playlists, and enjoy playing a wide variety of games.

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How the Wells Fargo Active Cash can help with summer travel costs

How to earn the wells fargo active cash welcome bonus, how to apply for the wells fargo active cash, what to do with your welcome bonus, alternatives to the wells fargo active cash, the bottom line, want extra money for summer travel this card has a fast pay out.

The Wells Fargo Active Cash isn't a travel rewards card, but it could still help boost your vacation budget.

Holly Johnson

Holly Johnson


Holly Johnson is a credit card expert and writer who covers rewards and loyalty programs, budgeting, and all things personal finance. In addition to writing for publications like Bankrate,, Forbes Advisor and Investopedia, Johnson owns Club Thrifty and is the co-author of "Zero Down Your Debt: Reclaim Your Income and Build a Life You'll Love."

Tiffany Connors

Tiffany Wendeln Connors is a senior editor for CNET Money with a focus on credit cards. Previously, she covered personal finance topics as a writer and editor at The Penny Hoarder. She is passionate about helping people make the best money decisions for themselves and their families. She graduated from Bowling Green State University with a bachelor's degree in journalism and has been a writer and editor for publications including the New York Post, Women's Running magazine and Soap Opera Digest. When she isn't working, you can find her enjoying life in St. Petersburg, Florida, with her husband, daughter and a very needy dog.

Evan Zimmer

Staff Writer

Evan Zimmer has been writing about finance for years. After graduating with a journalism degree from SUNY Oswego, he wrote credit card content for Credit Card Insider (now Money Tips) before moving to ZDNET Finance to cover credit card, banking and blockchain news. He currently works with CNET Money to bring readers the most accurate and up-to-date financial information. Otherwise, you can find him reading, rock climbing, snowboarding and enjoying the outdoors.

The editorial content on this page is based solely on objective, independent assessments by our writers and is not influenced by advertising or partnerships. It has not been provided or commissioned by any third party. However, we may receive compensation when you click on links to products or services offered by our partners.

Key takeaways

  • The Wells Fargo Active Cash has a welcome bonus that’s relatively easy to earn in a short period of time.
  • An introductory APR period also allows you time to pay for summer travel purchases.
  • Travel-specific credit cards may offer more benefits and perks for long-term credit use.

With this year’s summer travel season only months away, there’s not a lot of time left to save for your trips. Luckily, you can still increase your vacation fund by applying for the Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card . It lets you earn a $200 cash rewards welcome bonus after you spend just $500 in purchases within three months of account opening.

So long as you can pay off your balance on time and in full every month, the Active Cash card is among the best credit cards to help you cover the last-minute costs of summer travel. Here’s what to consider before applying.

The Wells Fargo Active Cash is among easier-to-earn credit card welcome bonuses. A welcome bonus pays out extra rewards beyond what you earn with the card for normal spending once you reach a specified spending threshold set by the credit card issuer.

With its low $500 spending requirement in the first three months of account opening, you could likely earn that by putting a month of your grocery and gas spending on the card. Once you’ve met that requirement, you’ll have an extra $200 in cash rewards to put toward any upcoming trips. 

And the welcome bonus isn’t the only way the Active Cash card can help you save on summer travel. It’s also one of the best flat-rate rewards cards , letting you earn 2% cash rewards on purchases -- including your hotel, airfare, rental car or any other travel expense. Plus, there’s no annual fee.

New cardholders can also benefit from the card’s introductory APR offer for purchases and balance transfers, which is ideal for debt consolidation or paying down large purchases, like plane tickets.

The intro 0% APR on purchases and qualifying balance transfers lasts for 15 months from account opening (then 20.24%, 25.24% or 29.99% variable). If you’re making a big purchase, plan out your payment schedule ahead of time so you can avoid incurring interest charges when the intro APR period ends.

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Making a plan before you apply for a card can help ensure you earn the welcome bonus without falling into credit card debt:

  • Plan your spending based on your budget . Knowing which purchases you can put on your card ahead of time can help you avoid overspending to reach the bonus. 
  • Use your card for regular spending and bills . Charge all your regular expenses to your card to earn the bonus faster. Consider using plastic to pay for subscriptions and insurance premiums in addition to everyday expenses like groceries and gas. But watch out for credit card convenience fees that can add to your bill.
  • Closely track your spending on the card . Missing the spending requirement by even $1 would cause you to miss out on the bonus offer.
  • Wait for the bonus points to show up in your account . Most credit card welcome offers show up in your account after your next statement closing date. However, some bonuses can take six to eight weeks to show up in your account.

Before applying, it’s a smart idea to make sure the Wells Fargo Active Cash is a good fit for you. 

  • Check for prequalification. Finding out if you prequalify can give you an idea of your approval chances without damaging your credit score.
  • Calculate if you can earn the bonus with regular spending. To earn the bonus, you’ll need to spend $500 within three months of account opening. That works out to $167 in purchases every month for three consecutive months. Although it’s a relatively low threshold, avoid overspending to reach it.
  • Make sure the card is a good fit for the long term. While the Active Cash’s welcome bonus may be attractive, you shouldn’t get a credit card simply for its welcome bonus. Applying for a credit card requires a hard inquiry that may temporarily hurt your score , so it’s important that you can get long-term value from the card’s other features, too. 
  • Read the fine print. It helps to know exactly how much time you have to meet the spending requirement. Typically, the timeline to earn a bonus starts on the day you get approved for a card instead of the day it arrives in the mail. 
  • Submit your application. If you think the card offers the right benefits for you, you can apply for the new credit card and wait for it to arrive in the mail. Some credit cards also offer virtual card numbers that let you use them before the physical credit card arrives at your home.

How to spend your welcome bonus is a personal decision. Because the Active Cash is a cash-rewards credit card, you can redeem rewards for statement credits, gift cards or cash redemption at an ATM (available in $20 increments when you use your Wells Fargo ATM or debit card). 

The Active Cash isn’t a travel card. While it earns rewards for your travel purchases, it’s missing a lot of things that come standard with travel cards, including point transfers and travel-centric perks and protections. 

If you want to earn travel-specific rewards like points or miles, the best travel credit cards typically offer additional perks and travel protections, although some charge an annual fee. However, unlike the Active Cash, many don’t charge foreign transaction fees , which could make them better options if you’re planning to travel internationally.

Some of the best credit cards with welcome bonuses offer larger payouts (and taller spending requirements) than what’s offered by the Active Cash.

Pursuing a credit card welcome bonus makes sense any time of the year, but it can be especially helpful when you have big expenses like summer travel plans coming up. 

Not only can upcoming expenses help you reach the bonus’s spending threshold, but you can also use rewards to cover part or all of your purchases in order to reduce your credit card bill.

Just remember to only charge purchases you can afford to pay off when the statement balance is due each month. If you wind up carrying debt in pursuit of a credit card welcome bonus, the interest charges you’re responsible for will likely wipe out the value of the bonus you earn.

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CNET editors independently choose every product and service we cover. Though we can’t review every available financial company or offer, we strive to make comprehensive, rigorous comparisons in order to highlight the best of them. For many of these products and services, we earn a commission. The compensation we receive may impact how products and links appear on our site.

What cruises are like for plus-size travelers: 'The worst part ... is getting on the flight'

extra plus travel

  • A number of plus-size travelers who have found cruising to be a largely inclusive way to travel.
  • Some aspects of the sailings could be improved, such as tight theater seating.
  • Guests can take steps to ensure they have a comfortable trip, like booking a balcony room with more space.

"How to travel better" is a five-part series focusing on uncomfortable or inefficient travel experiences and how the industry can do better. If you'd like to contribute to our future reporting and share your experience as a source, you can fill out this quick form .

It took a divorce to get Brittany Bloomfield on a cruise.

When her best friend found herself without a plus-one after splitting from her husband, Bloomfield decided to face her fears and step aboard. The 31-year-old administrative assistant and model was scared of both being in the middle of the ocean and that, as a plus-size traveler, she would not be welcome.

But sailing on Disney Cruise Line's Fantasy ship for a seven-day Eastern Caribbean cruise last November, she got a series of pleasant surprises. Unlike elsewhere, the metal deck chairs supported her well, there was ample armless seating in the dining rooms, and the bathrooms in her cabin were comfortable.

"I felt like I had just wanted to travel my whole life and I finally was able to and it was everything that I wanted it to be," Bloomfield, who lives in New Jersey, told USA TODAY. She is among a number of plus-size travelers who have found cruising to be a largely inclusive way to travel, from the design of the ships to the service on board.

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'Pretty much the best way to travel'

Matt Waitt, a sales assistant based in Michigan, has found cruising to be "pretty much the best way to travel," as compared with other modes like trains or airplanes . On flights, the 38-year-old said, he has had to purchase an extra seat or preboard with other people "looking at me kind of funny that I got to go on first when I don't have a physical impairment."

Waitt, who has been on five cruises with Carnival Cruise Line and Princess Cruises and has another coming up in October, has never felt that sort of discomfort on a cruise or that he was the subject of unwanted attention.

For Libby Sergey-Kalen, a mental health therapist from Massachusetts, who has also been on five cruises "the worst part of trying to do a cruise is getting on the flight."

On cruises with Princess and Royal Caribbean International, she was impressed by the customer service and she has not felt "particularly cramped or like things aren't made for people my size," she said, even if the cabins can be on the small side.

Some travelers take particular pains to avoid other kinds of travel. Bloomfield, who has not flown since she was 7 years old in part due to concerns about how others on board might treat her, drove about 20 hours to Florida for her cruise.

There is room for improvement

However, some travelers have found that ships are still not as inclusive as they could be. Amanda Ervin and Jimmy Lierow, who make YouTube videos about their travels under the name Chubby and Away and run a travel agency, said how well a cruise accommodates plus-size travelers varies by ship – or within the same vessel.

"It's always: one thing's really great, one thing really sucks," said Ervin.

In addition to tight theater seating, which Ervin called "one point of absolute misery and pain," the Texas-based couple said bathrooms are hit or miss. Some showers, for instance, have curtains, making it easier to maneuver, while others have a hard door that can limit movement.

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First-time cruisers: 3 to know before stepping foot on the ship

On Bloomfield's cruise, she was disappointed that the pools did not have stairs and only had ladders, which she could not use. A Disney Cruise Line spokesperson told USA TODAY that the line's pools have "a variety of entry points for guests," and that some hot tubs and shallow pools have steps while others have ladders. "Each of our ships offers pools and hot tubs with pool lifts that guests may request in advance," they said in an email.

Sergey-Kalen, 26, added that she wished cruise lines have more excursion options for plus-size travelers, as some activities, such as zip-lining, have weight limits.

Story continues below.

What accommodations do major cruise lines offer plus-size passengers?

► Carnival offers a number of accommodations for plus-size travelers, including life vest extenders, chairs without arms in main dining rooms and cabins, and tables rather than booths in main dining rooms, spokesperson Matt Lupoli told USA TODAY in an email.

► Celebrity Cruises makes "great efforts to consider all body types and abilities" in designing its ships, spokesperson Susan Lomax said in an email, including trying out chair prototypes with "trial guests" of different sizes. The line also works to make sure guests with mobility challenges can safely access onboard amenities and experiences.

Magic Carpet

► Princess Cruises spokesperson Briana Latter said the line "strives to accommodate all guests’ individual needs to ensure they are comfortable" during their sailing. "If there is something a guest requires pre-cruise, our Customer Support team is available to assist," she said in an email.

Latter said aisle seats in the Princess Theater do not have armrests "to allow for more space," and passengers can ask for a chair without armrests while dining.

► Royal Caribbean also offers armless chairs, mobility assistance getting on and off the ship, and more. "Royal Caribbean International’s fleet of ships and private destinations provide access and accommodations so all guests can make the most of their time and have memorable vacations," spokesperson Khiavett Diaz said in an email.

Diaz continued, "Guests that need these services have a dedicated team (Access Department) that can help plan every aspect of their vacation with their needs top of mind."

Tips for plus-size cruise passengers

Travelers can take steps to ensure a comfortable trip. Waitt frequently uses the website Cruise Critic to research cruise lines and ships and looks at the floor plan of cabins he might stay in. He has also searched YouTube for video tours of those rooms.

Ervin recommended booking a cabin with a balcony, which gives passengers a bit more room.

"It does cost a bit more, but in our opinion, it's worth it just for the ease and the space," she said.

Travelers can also call the cruise line, as Bloomfield's friend did, to get their recommendations. In her case, the Disney representative recommended they switch to a different type of cabin where they'd be more comfortable.

Given that passengers "vary in size and mobility," Ervin said, they can always pick a room near an elevator or book an accessible cabin. She also urged guests "to not ever feel embarrassed to advocate for yourself" or to ask for what they need.

Bloomfield already has another cruise booked to Bermuda and feels it has opened a new world of travel options. "I wanted to see all these tropical places and I just felt like getting on a plane and crossing the ocean on these long plane rides was never something I was going be able to do," she said. "... I feel like (going on a cruise) changed my life."

How cruising is improving for all

Cruise lines have also taken steps to enhance the guest experience for all passengers. 

On Celebrity's new Edge Series ships, for example, there are bigger bathrooms with more cabinet and counter space, and king beds "in virtually all rooms," Lomax said. The line has also simplified booking, offering three types of room rates, and guests can now complete their safety drill from the brand's app on their phone or via their cabin's TV.

Disney Cruise Line's spokesperson also pointed to the line's staterooms, the majority of which feature a "signature bath-and-a-half design." One bathroom has a sink and toilet, and another has a shower and an additional sink. Bed frames on board are elevated, giving families room to store suitcases and items like strollers, and many rooms have bathtubs and connecting doors.

"Disney Cruise Line staterooms are catered to the unique vacation needs of families, combining comfort and luxury with spaciousness and functionality," the spokesperson said by email.

Royal Caribbean has used its mobile app to streamline processes throughout its cruises. Guests can scan their passports and provide a selfie to generate a boarding pass on most sailings, and can also complete their mandatory safety briefing using a feature called Muster 2.0.

On multiple ships, the app can serve as a digital stateroom key. Passengers can also use it to control the TV and, in some rooms, the lights, curtains and temperature. "We continuously find ways to innovate (and) improve the cruising experience for our guests," spokesperson Diaz said.

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Travel Agents Guide to Fare Options

Travel flexibility..

There are no change or cancellation fees on our Blue, Blue Plus, Blue Extra and Mint fares. Fare difference applies. Blue Basic fares cannot be changed but can be cancelled for a fee, then rebooked at the new fare. Fare difference and fare rules on date of change apply.  Please refer to our cancellation policy page for specific instructions for ARC and BSP agencies .

Fare options

Gds fare options 2 chart, what are the differences between the fare options.

Blue Basic  - Fee for seat selection, fee to cancel, no changes allowed, no carry-on bag, last boarding group.

  • Mosaic members, travelers to/from UK/Europe (including connecting flights), travelers combining a Blue Basic fare with an Even More® Space seat (on all legs, if connecting), active U.S. military and unaccompanied minors may still bring a carry-on bag.

Blue - Free advance seat selection, general boarding, free carry-on (space permitting), No fee to change/cancel (difference in fare applies). Fare includes 1 checked bag for travelers going to/from UK/Europe.

Blue Ref - Free advance seat selection, general boarding, free carry-on (space permitting). No change fees and fully refundable. Fare includes 1 checked bag for travelers going to/from UK/Europe.

Blue Plus - Free advance seat selection, general boarding, free checked bag, free carry-on (space permitting). No fee to change/cancel (difference in fare applies).  

Blue Plus Ref - Free checked bag, general boarding, free checked bag, free carry-on (space permitting). No change fees and fully refundable.  

Blue Extra - No change or cancel fee, early boarding, priority security, free carry-on (space permitting). No fee to change or cancel (difference in fare applies). Fare includes 1 checked bag for travelers going to/from UK/Europe.

Blue Extra Ref - Early boarding, priority security, free carry-on (space permitting). No change fees and fully refundable. Fare includes 1 checked bag for travelers going to/from UK/Europe.

Mint - Award-winning Mint (Business Class) service includes lie-flat seat, 2 free bags & more! No fees to change/cancel (difference in fare applies).

Mint Ref -  Award-winning Mint (Business Class) service includes lie-flat seat, 2 free bags & more! No change fees and fully refundable.

More travel flexibility.

  • No change or cancellation fees for Blue, Blue Plus and Mint fares on all routes. Difference in fare applies. Same-day switches⁷ can be made for $75 (or free for Mosaic members), without paying a fare difference.
  • No change or cancellation fees (difference in fare applies), and free same-day switches⁷, for Blue Extra fares.
  • Blue Basic fares cannot be changed but can be cancelled for a fee and rebooked.

How do I recognize fare options in the GDS?

Fbc ending in, pricing entry.

Note : If ticketing with FOP cash, please use the following command: W‡FCA‡BR[Brand ID]

Note: If ticketing with FOP credit card, please use the following command: W‡F*[credit card]/[expiration]*Z[auth code]‡[KP0]‡BR[Brand ID]

Amadeus GDS

Travelport gds.

Travelport agencies can use the optional “FXD” modifier from specified User-Supplied Itinerary Pricing tool inputs ($A) to exclude Blue Basic Fares as they have a Fare Type of “EOU”.  

What is the GDS format if I want to purchase the lowest Refundable fare for a Corporate Customer?

Note: Sabre recommends against using ‡XP since it searches for fares without a penalty fee filed but that doesn’t necessarily mean the fare is going to be refundable.  Sabre recommends: WPMPR-ANY‡AC* CORPID ‡NC

If you make an involuntary or voluntary itinerary change then all associated EMDs and AE must be refunded, as EMDs are not exchangeable. If the customer still wishes to purchase the ancillary on the new itinerary then a new EMD should be issued. If the itinerary does not change then all paid EMDs are non-refundable and the travel agent will be issued a debit memo for improperly refunded EMDs. If the customer purchased the ancillary at and an involuntary or voluntary itinerary change is made then they must contact JetBlue by chat or phone to process the EMD refund and issue a new one.

Will contracted Corporate Discounts still apply to the new fares?

Yes, any corporate traveler receiving a contracted JetBlue discount will continue receiving their discount across all Fare Options.

Can Nonrefundable fare options be refunded back to the original form of payment?

Do these options apply to the original ticket only, or do they carry over to any exchanged subsequent ticket.

SSR will carry over to your new and exchanged ticket since our exchange rules (CAT31) require the same fare type as on the original ticket. For example, if you purchased Blue Plus, all subsequent changes will be to another Blue Plus fare even if you've cancelled your trip and left your ticket in OPEN status. A Blue Plus ticket can only be exchanged/reissued for another Blue Plus ticket in the GDS.

Can I combine these fare options on a roundtrip or end-on-end basis?

Our combination rules allow travel agencies to combine some different fare options on the outbound and inbound portion of an itinerary.  In order to combine fares, the change and cancellations rule must be the same. So, for instance, Blue Basic is not combinable with other fare options due to its differing change/cancel policy.

In addition, end-on-end combinations, although technically possible if the travel agent is pricing each segment individually, are not permitted. The same fare option must apply to the entire direction.

Does this generate an EMD?

Each option is tied to a unique Brand ID with features built into the fare rule filings. A separate document is not generated, but specific SSR codes are added to your E-Ticket.

Are Even More Space seats included in one of these options?

No, Even More Space remains a standalone product available for purchase via or the GDS.


Example command.

  • Based on avg. fleet-wide seat pitch of U.S. airlines.
  • Carry-on bags may not exceed 22" L (55.88 cm) x 14" W (35.56 cm) x 9" H (22.86 cm).
  • For Blue Basic customers, any carry-on bag brought to the gate (aside from a personal item that fits under the seat in front of you) will incur a fee and need to be checked. The fee is $65 (if it would be your 1st or 2nd checked bag) or $180 (if it’s your 3rd). Mosaic members, travelers to/from UK/Europe, travelers combining a Blue Basic fare with an Even More® Space seat (on all legs, if connecting), active U.S. military and unaccompanied minors may still bring a carry-on bag.
  • Personal items (like a purse, daypack or laptop bag) must fit under the seat in front of you and may not exceed 17" L (43.2 cm) x 13" W (33 cm) x 8" H (20.32 cm). An approved pet carrier counts toward your personal item allowance, however travelers who have added a pet to their Blue Basic booking may bring a personal item in addition to their pet carrier on board. 
  • Does not apply to same-day switches. Subject to fare difference and fare rules applicable on date of change. Funds will be in the form of a JetBlue travel credit, valid for 12 months from original ticketing date. Booked before Mar 8, 2023? See details on expiration date here. Same-day switches cannot be completed by agency.
  • Same-day switches cannot be completed by agency. Same-day switches can only be completed directly by JetBlue. Same-day switches can be made after midnight on day of travel. No fare difference applies. Mosaic members may make free same-day switches on all fares starting 24 hours prior to departure and the $75 fee is waived. Please note that same-day switches are not allowed on Blue Basic fares booked on or after Mar 18, 2024. 
  • No fee for Mosaic customers.

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World Traveller Plus

Welcome to World Traveller Plus, our premium economy cabin. With fewer rows, the cabin is quieter, more spacious, and more exclusive than World Traveller.

A premium experience

  • A separate, smaller cabin with wider seats and more legroom
  • Two delicious meals and complimentary bar service
  • A personal entertainment system with noise-cancelling headphones
  • A stylish amenity kit made from recycled plastic bottles
  • Access to in-seat power
  • More free baggage allowance
  • Priority boarding

Upgraded seat and amenities

The seats on our premium economy flights are wider, with greater recline, lumbar support, a head and foot rest, plus extra leg room to stretch out. Each seat also has its own power supply, so you can use your devices on board. A few of our aircraft might need you to bring your own adaptor if they aren’t sold on board.

Our stylish quilt and cushion adds an extra layer of comfort when it’s time to rest, and we’ll give you a special amenity kit designed with sustainability in mind. The bag is made using material from recycled plastic bottles and includes all the essentials. Relax with lip balm, an eye mask, a pen, socks, toothbrush and toothpaste, with earplugs also available on request.

Delightful dining experience

In World Traveller Plus you can enjoy a glass of sparkling wine after take-off and a starter, main and dessert with our dining service. During your flight we'll deliver snacks, hot, cold and alcoholic drinks to your seat.

In-flight entertainment

Stay connected to the world below or relax and leave it all behind in our World Traveller Plus cabin. You can lose yourself for hours in a blockbuster film or gripping series thanks to our huge on-demand entertainment library.

  • A personal flat screen and noise-cancelling headphones
  • High-speed Wi-Fi on most aircraft with free messaging on your personal device for Executive Club Members
  • Access to Paramount+ with hundreds of the latest films and shows, as well as music, audio books and games

Treat yourself to the airport lounge

Sit back and relax before your flight with Lounge Pass, your key to non-British Airways airport lounges across the globe, no matter what airline you are flying with or cabin you are travelling in. Enjoy light refreshments such as alcohol and food, Wi-Fi and a selection of newspapers and magazines while you wait to board, plus Executive Club Members can collect 5 Avios per £1/€1/$1 spent.

Double baggage allowance

Baggage allowances.

World Traveller Plus’ generous baggage allowance means you can pack more for your trip. Bring both a cabin bag and laptop or handbag on board, as well as up to two bags in the hold.

Some routes and tickets come with an even greater allowance, and extra bags can be added for a fee.

Doorstep baggage pick-up & check-in

AirPortr can collect your baggage from your doorstep, securely transport it to the airport, and check it in for your flight for you. This means that you can travel to the airport luggage-free and head straight to security when you arrive. This service is only available for flights departing from Heathrow, Gatwick, Geneva, Zurich and Vienna.

Aircraft variations

Wherever and whenever you fly World Traveller Plus you can expect the same top quality food, drink and premium service by our attentive crew. A few of the cabin design elements may vary by aircraft.

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Choose from 150+ resorts in over 100 top destinations across the world. Picture yourself snorkeling in the bright blue waters of the Caribbean, golfing with a view of Camelback Mountain or going on an adventure to an exciting new city! No matter where you travel, there is room for the whole family because most suite accommodations offered by Extra Holidays feature separate bedrooms, spacious living/dining areas, partial or fully-equipped kitchens and conveniences like a washer/dryer, as well as extraordinary amenities like lazy rivers, on-site sporting facilities and resort activity programs.

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Extra Holidays

Money blog: How much it costs to send your children to private school - as figures reveal major change

UK bank closures hit a milestone today, marking a "seismic shift" in the industry. Is more expensive steak really better for you? Read about this and all the latest consumer and personal finance news in the Money blog - and leave a comment or your money problem in the box below.

Friday 17 May 2024 13:29, UK

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  • How much it costs to send your children to private school - as figures reveal major change
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  • Drivers hit by 'unfairly high margins' on fuel

Essential reads

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  • Is more expensive steak better for you?
  • The rise of Michelin starred 'fast food'
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  • How to make sure your car passes its MOT
  • Cheap Eats:  Michelin-star chef reveals his top steals in London - including an unbeatable sub sandwich
  • Money Problem: My workplace wants to pay us by the minute - what can I do?
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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The energy price cap is set to fall by about 7% in July, a leading thinktank has said. 

Cornwall Insights said: "For a typical dual fuel household, we predict the July price cap to be £1,574 per annum" - a drop from £1,690.

Looking further ahead, it forecasted the cap to rise again slightly in October, before falling again in January next year. 

Reacting to the news, Uswitch said the predicted drop was "clearly good news". 

"The future still remains uncertain, and with the price cap changing every three months – currently expected to rise in October before falling slightly in January –  it's crucial not to be complacent," Richard Neudegg, director of regulation, said. 

However, "a predicted 7% drop in energy prices in July is clearly good news, with the price cap looking likely to hit its lowest level in over two years", he said. 

He also urged  households who want to lock in rates for price certainty to run a comparison to see what energy tariffs are available to them.

"There are many 12-month fixed tariffs available at rates cheaper than the current price cap, and even some that are 2% below these new predicted July rates," he said. 

Cristiano Ronaldo has topped Forbes' list of highest-paid athletes for the fourth time in his career.

Ronaldo became the world's highest-paid athlete after his move to Saudi Arabian side Al Nassr and Forbes said the 39-year-old's estimated total earnings were around $260m (£205m) - an all-time high for a football player.

His on-field earnings amounted to $200m (£158m) while off-field he earned $60m (£47m) thanks to sponsorship deals where brands make use of his 629 million Instagram followers.

Spanish golfer Jon Rahm took second place following his switch to Saudi-backed LIV Golf.

Rahm earned $218m (£172m) and joins Ronaldo as the only two athletes to earn over $200m.

Third on the list is record eight-time Ballon d'Or winner Lionel Messi, who switched to Major League Soccer team Inter Miami, which helped the Argentine World Cup winner earn $135m (£107m).

The 36-year-old earned $65m (£51m) in on-field earnings but $70m (£55m) off it from deals with major sponsors such as Adidas and Apple.

Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James came in fourth at $128m (£101m), while fellow NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks made fifth with $111m (£88m).

France football captain Kylian Mbappe dropped down to sixth with $110m (£87m).

French striker Karim Benzema, who also moved to Saudi Arabia, is eighth on the list with $106m (£84m), followed by Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry with $102m (£80m).

Lamar Jackson is the only NFL player on the list, in 10th place with $101m (£80m), thanks to the signing bonus negotiated into his new Baltimore Ravens contract last year.

The number of new pupils joining private schools has fallen by  2.7% since last year, according to the latest figures.

Data from the Independent Schools Council (ISC) shows families are now paying more than £18,000 a year on average to send their children to private school.

This is an 8% rise in school fees for the 2023-2024 academic year compared with the year before.

But as fees soar, figures show a 2.7% drop in the number of new pupil applications - this is the biggest fall since the ISC started collecting data in 2011.

Every Friday we get an overview of the mortgage market with independent experts from . Today, finance expert Rachel Springall outlines what's been happening within the buy-to-let market…

A handful of lenders moved to tweak the fixed rates they charge on buy-to-let mortgages over the past week. 

Paragon Bank launched some new "portfolio" and "green" fixed mortgages, and Aldermore pulled its limited edition five-year fixed rates, max 65% loan-to-value. 

Buckinghamshire Building Society also launched new deals onto the market, and Claire Askham, head of mortgage sales said: "The decision to increase our BTL lending to 80% represents a positive move for the sector as we continue to see landlords appraising their portfolios through divesting, refinancing and taking advantage of a variety of property-related opportunities as they arise."

Week on week, there has been minor moves to the overall average fixed buy-to-let rates, with the two-year remaining unchanged at 5.62% and the five-year falling by 0.02% to 5.59%.

This week the lowest two-year fix for buy-to-let customers at 75% loan-to-value comes from Metro Bank, priced at 4.19%, which charges a percentage booking fee of 5.00% of the mortgage advance and is available to second-time buyers and remortgage customers borrowing a maximum of £2m. 

There is another option from the same lender which carries an incentive package just for remortgage customers, but it has a lower maximum advance of £1.5m.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Suffolk Building Society has the lowest two-year fix for buy-to-let customers at 80% loan-to-value priced at 4.79% for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. 

The deal charges a percentage completion fee of 3.00% of the mortgage advance as well as a flat £199 booking fee.

Remortgage customers will receive a free valuation and free legal fees incentive.

A five-year fixed buy-to-let mortgage may be more appealing for you to guarantee your monthly repayments for longer. 

If you looking to borrow at 75% loan-to-value, HSBC has a deal for remortgage customers priced at 4.33%, which carries a free valuation and free legal fees incentive package but charges a flat £3,999 product fee.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Furness Building Society has the lowest five-year fixed buy-to-let deal at 80% loan-to-value priced at 5.39% for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. It charges a booking fee of £995 and includes an £250 cashback incentive. 

Remortgage customers will also receive a free valuation. This deal also happens to be a Best Buy for a five-year fixed deal at 80% loan-to-value.

Best Buy alternatives

The lowest buy-to-let rates may carry both a flat product fee and an arrangement fee which is based on a percentage of the mortgage advance, so a Best Buy package may be more suitable if you are looking to save on the upfront cost of any deal. 

You might also want a deal to cover a valuation or legal fees. A Best Buy buy-to-let mortgage could be the most cost-effective choice in this instance, but it's worth seeking advice before entering any arrangement.

This week the top packages on a two-year fixed buy-to-let deal at 75% loan-to-value comes from HSBC, priced at 4.69%, which comes with a free valuation and charges a £3,999 product fee and is available to second-time buyers. 

If you want a loan with a lower upfront fee, then HSBC also has a Best Buy deal priced at 4.94% at 75% loan-to-value, which carries a free valuation and charges a £1,999 product fee and is available to second-time buyers.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Furness Building Society has a Best Buy two-year fixed buy-to-let deal priced at 5.73% at 80% loan-to-value for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. It charges a fee of £995 and includes a £250 cashback incentive. Remortgage customers will also receive a free valuation.

A five-year fixed buy-to-let mortgage may be more appealing for you to guarantee your monthly repayments for longer. If you looking to borrow at 75% loan-to-value, HSBC has a Best Buy deal priced at 4.39%, which carries a free valuation and charges a £3,999 product fee. 

If you want a loan with a lower upfront fee, then HSBC also has a Best Buy deal priced at 4.64% at 75% loan-to-value, which carries a free valuation and charges a £1,999 product fee.

If you are looking to borrow more, then Furness Building Society has a Best Buy five-year fixed buy-to-let deal priced at 5.39% at 80% loan-to-value for second-time buyers and remortgage customers. 

It charges a booking fee of £995 and includes an £250 cashback incentive. Remortgage customers will also receive a free valuation. This deal also happens to be the lowest rate on a five-year fixed deal at 80% loan-to-value.

By James Sillars , business reporter

A lack of strong corporate updates did for the FTSE 100 on Thursday.

A flat end to the day has been followed by a flat end to the week, with the index falling almost 0.1% to 8,433 in early deals on Friday.

Very little around for investors to ponder.

Developments this morning included pharmaceutical firm GSK saying it had raised £1.25bn from selling its entire remaining stake in Haleon.

The consumer healthcare firm was spun out of GSK almost two years ago.

One other announcement of note came from Sainsbury's.

It revealed a five-year strategic partnership with Microsoft that will see generative AI used to boost personalised shopping experiences for consumers, improve search functions and make staff working practices more efficient.

The financial terms were not disclosed. Its shares were 0.4% higher.

Away from the equity markets, it's worth taking a quick look at how oil is finishing the week.

Brent crude is trading above $83 a barrel on evidence of rising demand.

Prices at these levels should not have an impact at the fuel pumps but small recent declines in average costs could be reversed if the upwards oil price trend continues.

Greggs will open eight stores in the next few weeks, as the company continues its expansion plans 

The bakery said it would open a total of 180 new branches before the end of this year. 

We were told earlier this year that the famous sausage roll-seller would open new stores in London, Cambridge and Sale, but Greggs has now revealed where its next eight new branches will be. 

Here are the locations of the eight new sights, revealed by the bakery to The Sun:

  • Saffron Walden, Market Place, England
  • Bangor, Carnarfon Road, Wales
  • Birmingham Prime Park, England
  • Brierley Hill, Merryhill, England
  • Consett Delves Lane Drive Thru, County Durham, England
  • Edinburgh, 60-61 Seafield Road, Scotland
  • Glasgow, Argyle St, Scotland
  • Porth, U3C Geilligron IE, Wales

Drivers are suffering from "unfairly high margins" on fuel sales, Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho has been warned.

In a letter to the cabinet minister, the RAC said the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) must be given the power to take "meaningful action" against companies charging too much for petrol and diesel.

The average retailer margin - the difference between the amount they pay for fuel and the pump price - has been above 18p per litre for diesel since 7 May and is nearly 12p per litre for petrol, RAC head of policy Simon Williams wrote.

The long-term average for both fuels is 8p.

The RAC believes if retailers charged "fairer" margins, the average price of a litre of petrol and diesel would be around 145p, down from the current prices of 150p per litre for petrol and 157p per litre for diesel.

Mr Williams said the current margins being charged by larger retailers in particular were "extremely unfair on drivers struggling to get by in the cost of living crisis". 

"It's very concerning to see fuel margins at such high levels, particularly as this is happening under the close eye of the CMA and while retailers are voluntarily sharing their forecourt prices with the intention of increasing competition," he said.

The RAC spokesman added that the situation would only be improved in the long-term if the CMA took "meaningful action against retailers whose margins are deemed not to be mirroring significant reductions in the cost of wholesale fuel".

It can be hard to balance the demands of eating well without spending a lot.

In this series, we try to find the healthiest options in the supermarket for the best value - and have enlisted the help of  Sunna Van Kampen , founder of Tonic Health, who went viral on social media for reviewing food in the search of healthier choices.

In this series we don't try to find the outright healthiest option, but help you get better nutritional value for as little money as possible.

This time we're looking at meat. 

"When it comes to which type of meat you buy, there's a common misconception the more expensive the cut the healthier it is," Sunna says.

"But fatty meat stores more nutrients than their lean counterparts - vitamins like A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble and stored in animal fat - so, a fillet steak may contain less nutrients than its fatty cousin," he adds. 

The science

We typically turn towards leaner cuts of meat due to the common belief that saturated fat from animals is something to be avoided. 

"Yet, the latest science suggests that saturated fat and cholesterol may not be as harmful as researchers once thought they were," Sunna says.

He points to a  2020 review  in the National Library of Medicine that looked at several studies on saturated fat and heart disease - and found that the association between the two appeared to be weak.

That being said, a large amount of fat in your diet is in no way advisable - but don't be afraid to introduce fattier cuts. 

Sunna swears by mincemeat - preferring it to steak if choosing the fattier kind. 

Most supermarkets sell somewhere between 5-20% versions - and Sunna urges shoppers to put the higher percentages in their baskets. 

"Mince beef with higher fat content isn’t just about the added fat-soluble vitamins; it's also about what comes with it," he says.

"The added tendons, ligaments and connective tissue in mince beef provides collagen."

Collagen is a protein - full of amino acids that supports the structure of your skin, hair, and nails. 

It also plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of your joints and connective tissues. 

"By choosing mince beef with 20% fat, you're getting a broader nutritional profile, including those collagen benefits," he says. 

Using prices from major supermarkets, Sunna compares his the money and the health for major beef products... 

  • Fillet steak: Around £35/kg, it's the most expensive cut and doesn't provide as many health upsides as other, cheaper options
  • Ribeye steak : Around £24/kg, with added fat that offers more fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Rump steak: Around £15/kg, it’s one of the most economical ways to steak and that nice rind of fat will give you the added nutrition.
  • Steak mince beef 5% fat: Around £7/ kg, it's premium mince but at over half the price of steak, making a great affordable option, but the lower fat content is only really good for reducing the calories.
  • Mince beef 20% fat: Priced at about £5/kg, it's one of the most affordable options that gives you the most health upside - with all the added fat-soluble vitamins, omega 3s and collagen. 

"Swapping a fillet steak a week to 20% mince could save you £182.52 a year and you'd be increasing your nutrition intake considerably," Sunna says.

"Not only does mince beef save you money, but it also provides a versatile base for countless dishes - burgers, meatballs, bolognese, tacos -the possibilities are endless."

Organics and grass-feds

"Whilst all unprocessed meat is healthy, there are benefits to the quality of your meat," Sunna continues. 

"Typically, a local grass-fed cut of meat has higher omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial for heart and brain health - up to 6x more  in fact than feed-lot cattle," he adds. 

These can often be far more expensive, however. 

"Choosing between fillet steak and mince beef doesn't have to be a battle of indulgence versus health - both have their unique nutritional benefits, but when it comes to a cost-effective, nutritious option, mince beef with 20% fat takes the win," he says.

The nutritionist's view, from Dr Claire Shortt, lead scientist at  FoodMarble ...

While it's fine to consider cheaper cuts of beef over say filet mignon, it's best to moderate red meat intake given potential links to certain cancers. 

Processed meats are more problematic again, especially from a bowel or stomach cancer perspective. In fact, the World Health Organisation classifies them as a Class I carcinogen (i.e. "known to cause cancer"). 

Read more from this series... 

The number of UK bank branches that have closed forever passes 6,000 today, according to the consumer group Which?

Which? said eight Barclays branches were shutting their doors today, taking the total by the end of the day to 6,005.

This equates to more 60% of the bank branch network since Which? began tracking closures in 2015.

The eight Barclays closures relate to branches in Alperton in Wembley, Andover in Hampshire, Bangor in County Down, Bracknell in Berkshire, Hornchurch in Essex, Inverness in the Highlands in Scotland, Liverpool and Streatham in London.

Barclays has closed 1,216 branches, according to Which?

NatWest Group, which comprises NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank, has closed 1,360 branches and Lloyds Banking Group, made up of Lloyds Bank, Halifax and Bank of Scotland, has shut 1,146 sites, the consumer group said.

Which? said 200 closures by various banks were already scheduled for the rest of 2024.

Currently, 24 more bank branch closures have been scheduled for 2025, although more are expected to be announced later this year and next, it added.

While millions of consumers have made the switch to banking digitally, there remains a significant number of people who are not yet ready or willing to make that jump, underscoring the need for accessible alternatives, Which? said.

Sam Richardson, deputy editor of Which? Money, said the closures showed a "seismic shift" had taken place in terms of our banking habits and the character of the British high street.

"While some may hardly notice the closure of their local branch as they seamlessly switch to online banking, for others reliant on face-to-face services, the impact can be disastrous," he said.

Landlords selling properties "represent the single biggest threat to renters", according to the UK's landlord association.

Government data shows 5,790 households were threatened with homelessness between October to December last year due to receiving a notice to end an assured shorthold tenancy (this ends a person's tenancy).

And the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has said 45% have been left needing help because their landlord planned to sell the property in the second half of 2023.

Separately, data from Rightmove found that 50,000 rental properties were needed to bring the supply of rental homes back to pre-pandemic levels.

Ben Beadle, chief executive of the NRLA, said the only answer was to "ensure responsible landlords have the confidence to stay in the market and sustain tenancies".

He said it was "vital" the Renters Reform Bill, which is currently being debated in the House of Lords, "worked for landlords as well as tenants".

"Landlords selling up is the single biggest challenge renters face," Mr Beadle said.

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